Top 18 General Laborer Resume Objective Examples

Photo of Brenna Goyette

Updated July 6, 2023 13 min read

A resume objective is a statement that explains the type of job you are seeking and how your skills and experiences can be beneficial for the employer. When writing an objective for a general laborer position, it's important to keep it concise, highlighting your most relevant qualifications. For example, you may want to emphasize your physical abilities or prior experience working in a warehouse or construction setting. You may also want to note any safety certifications or special training you've completed. Additionally, you should make sure to include information about the specific company and how you would fit into their unique culture. Examples of resume objectives for a general laborer include: "Seeking a general laborer position at ABC Company utilizing my physical strength and ability to work with others," or "Experienced general laborer looking to bring my 5 years of warehouse experience and proven safety record to ABC Company."

General Laborer Resume Example

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Top 18 General Laborer Resume Objective Samples

  • To obtain a General Laborer position in a fast-paced environment where I can utilize my skills and knowledge to contribute to the growth of the organization.
  • To secure a challenging and rewarding role as a General Laborer, utilizing my strong work ethic, attention to detail, and dedication to excellence.
  • Seeking an opportunity as a General Laborer where I can use my experience in manual labor and physical labor to contribute to the success of the company.
  • Looking for an entry-level position as a General Laborer that will allow me to gain valuable experience in the field.
  • To obtain a position as a General Laborer with an established organization that values hard work, dedication, and commitment.
  • Seeking employment as a General Laborer, bringing strong organizational skills and attention to detail for efficient task completion.
  • To join an organization as a General Laborer where I can demonstrate my ability to perform manual labor tasks efficiently and effectively.
  • Looking for an opportunity as a General Laborer with an organization that offers growth potential and career advancement opportunities.
  • Seeking employment as a General Laborer with excellent problem-solving abilities, communication skills, and physical stamina.
  • To secure a position as a reliable and hardworking general laborer with the ability to work independently or collaboratively within teams.
  • To obtain employment as a general laborer utilizing my strong work ethic, physical strength, and ability to follow instructions accurately.
  • Seeking an entry-level position in general labor that will provide me with hands-on experience while allowing me to grow professionally.
  • Aiming for an opportunity as general laborer where I can apply my knowledge of safety protocols and best practices in order to ensure successful task completion.
  • Searching for an opportunity as general laborer where I can utilize my physical strength, flexibility, and willingness to learn new skills on the job.
  • Looking for employment in general labor that will allow me to develop my skill set while making positive contributions towards team goals.
  • Seeking employment in general labor that will allow me utilize both my manual dexterity and problem solving abilities on projects of varying complexity levels.
  • Applying for the role of general laborer with exceptional multitasking capabilities along with good interpersonal communication skills required for effective collaboration within teams

How to Write a General Laborer Resume Objective

Writing a resume objective for a general laborer position can be a tricky task. It is important to make sure that your objective communicates the value you can bring to the position and the company, while also highlighting your relevant skills and experiences. Here are some tips on how to write an effective resume objective for a general laborer role:

1. Highlight Your Relevant Skills and Experiences: Start by listing any relevant skills or experiences you have that will benefit the employer in this position. Make sure to include information about your ability to work collaboratively with others, handle physical labor, and operate machinery or tools. You should also mention any certifications or educational qualifications that are applicable.

2. Demonstrate Your Ability to Adapt: Employers value candidates who are able to adapt quickly in new environments and take initiative when needed. In your objective statement, emphasize any experiences you’ve had that demonstrate your ability to adjust quickly and successfully handle different tasks as they come up.

3. Showcase Your Commitment to Safety: As a general laborer, safety is of paramount importance – make sure this comes across in your statement by emphasizing any experience you have working safely in hazardous environments or with dangerous tools or equipment.

4. Outline Your Career Goals: Finally, use your resume objective as an opportunity to outline where you want your career as a general laborer to go next. Express enthusiasm for learning new skills and taking on additional responsibilities if given the chance – employers like employees who show ambition!

By following these tips, you can craft an effective resume objective for a general laborer role that communicates all of the value that you can bring as an employee while showcasing all of the relevant skills and experiences you possess for the job!

Related : What does a General Laborer do?

Key Skills to Highlight in Your General Laborer Resume Objective

Crafting a compelling resume objective is crucial for any job seeker, and it's no different for general laborers. This section of your resume offers potential employers a snapshot of your abilities and what you bring to the table. Highlighting key skills in your objective can set you apart from other candidates, giving you an edge in the competitive job market. In this section, we will discuss the essential skills that you should emphasize in your general laborer resume objective to grab attention and make a strong first impression.

1. Carpentry

A General Laborer may need carpentry skills to perform various tasks like constructing, installing, and repairing structures and fixtures made from wood and other materials. This skill is crucial for a resume objective as it showcases the applicant's ability to handle key responsibilities effectively. It also demonstrates their practical knowledge and hands-on experience, which can increase their chances of securing the job.

A General Laborer may need the skill of masonry in their resume objective because it shows they have specific technical skills that can be applied to a variety of tasks. Masonry involves working with materials such as brick, concrete, and stone, which are common in construction and repair jobs. This skill demonstrates the ability to perform detailed, high-quality work and could make a candidate more attractive to potential employers. It also indicates physical strength and endurance, attention to detail, ability to follow blueprints or design plans, and safety consciousness - all valuable qualities in a general laborer role.

Welding is a crucial skill for a General Laborer because it involves the ability to join metal parts together, which is often a fundamental part of many labor-intensive tasks. This skill demonstrates technical knowledge, precision, and an understanding of safety procedures. Including welding in a resume objective would highlight the candidate's ability to perform a wide range of tasks, making them more versatile and valuable in a general labor position.

4. Plumbing

A General Laborer often needs to perform a variety of tasks, including basic plumbing work. This skill is essential for a resume objective as it showcases the candidate's ability to handle multiple types of manual labor tasks, including repairing and maintaining plumbing systems. This can save the employer resources by not having to hire additional specialists for minor plumbing issues. It also demonstrates the candidate's versatility and willingness to learn different skills, making them a valuable asset to any team.

5. Electrical wiring

A General Laborer may need to have a skill in electrical wiring because it can involve tasks like installing, maintaining, or repairing electrical systems and equipment. This skill shows that the candidate has a basic understanding of construction and maintenance tasks, which could be beneficial in various labor-intensive roles. Additionally, having this skill can make a candidate more versatile and valuable to potential employers, potentially increasing their chances of securing employment. In a resume objective, mentioning this skill can help demonstrate the candidate's technical abilities and commitment to learning diverse aspects of general labor work.

6. Forklift operation

Operating a forklift is a specific, tangible skill that demonstrates an applicant's ability to handle heavy machinery and perform physical tasks. This can be crucial for a General Laborer position, which often involves moving, lifting, or transporting heavy items. Including this skill in a resume objective shows potential employers that the candidate has practical experience and training that will allow them to contribute immediately to the job without needing extensive training. It also indicates the candidate's compliance with safety procedures and regulations.

7. Excavation

A General Laborer often needs to perform a variety of tasks at construction sites, one of which can be excavation. This skill is important as it involves digging and removing earth, preparing the ground for construction, and ensuring safety measures are adhered to. Having this skill shows potential employers that the candidate is capable of performing essential physical tasks, understands construction processes, and can follow safety protocols.

8. Scaffolding setup

A General Laborer may need to include the skill of scaffolding setup in their resume objective because it demonstrates their ability to perform physically demanding tasks, adhere to safety protocols, and work at heights. This skill is crucial in many construction or maintenance projects where laborers need to work on structures that are above ground level. By highlighting this skill, potential employers can immediately identify that the candidate has experience in a key area of general labor work, increasing their chances of securing employment.

9. Concrete finishing

A General Laborer may need the skill of concrete finishing as it demonstrates their ability to perform a variety of tasks in construction and building projects. This skill shows they can work with different materials and tools, have attention to detail, and can contribute to the successful completion of a project. Including this skill in a resume objective would highlight their hands-on experience and technical abilities, making them an attractive candidate for jobs requiring physical labor and practical skills.

10. Drywall installation

A general laborer may be required to perform a variety of tasks, including drywall installation. This skill is crucial as it showcases the candidate's ability to handle construction and renovation projects. It indicates that the candidate is capable of performing essential tasks such as measuring, cutting, and installing drywall, and repairing any damages. Also, it shows their knowledge in adhering to safety procedures while working. Therefore, this skill can make the applicant more appealing to potential employers who are looking for versatile workers with specific construction skills.

Top 10 General Laborer Skills to Add to Your Resume Objective

In conclusion, crafting a compelling objective for your general laborer resume is crucial in capturing the attention of potential employers. Highlighting key skills in this section not only showcases your abilities but also sets the tone for the rest of your resume. Remember, it's not just about listing skills; it's about demonstrating how those skills make you an ideal candidate for the job. Tailoring this section to match the specific requirements of the position can significantly increase your chances of landing an interview and ultimately securing the job.

Related : General Laborer Skills: Definition and Examples

Common Mistakes When Writing a General Laborer Resume Objective

Writing a resume objective can be tricky, especially for a general laborer position. Many job seekers make mistakes when crafting their resume objectives that can cause them to miss out on the job opportunity. This essay will discuss some of the most common mistakes made when writing a general laborer resume objective and how to avoid them.

One of the most common mistakes is not customizing the objective statement to the specific job for which you are applying. While it may be tempting to use a generic statement such as “seeking a position as a general laborer”, it is important to tailor your statement to the specific position you are interested in. Make sure that your objective statement reflects your qualifications and experience related to the specific job you are applying for.

Another mistake made by many applicants is not including enough detail in their objective statement. A well-written resume objective should provide an employer with insight into why you think you would make an excellent fit for the role. Be sure to include any relevant skills or experience that you have acquired through previous jobs or education that would make you an ideal candidate for the position.

Finally, many applicants make the mistake of using too much jargon in their resume objectives. Although it is important to show off your knowledge of industry terminology, using too much could make your statement appear cluttered and unprofessional. Stick with language that employers understand and keep it simple and concise so that employers can easily understand what makes you qualified for the role.

By avoiding these common mistakes when writing a general laborer resume objective, you will have an easier time getting noticed by potential employers and landing interviews for positions that match your qualifications and experience. With a well-crafted resume objective, you will be one step closer to achieving your professional goals!

Related : General Laborer Resume Examples

General Laborer Resume Objective Example

The right resume objective for a general laborer would emphasize the applicant's experience, skills, and commitment to hard work, while the wrong objective would focus on the applicant's desires or personal goals.

Editorial staff

Photo of Brenna Goyette, Editor

Brenna Goyette

Brenna is a certified professional resume writer, career expert, and the content manager of the ResumeCat team. She has a background in corporate recruiting and human resources and has been writing resumes for over 10 years. Brenna has experience in recruiting for tech, finance, and marketing roles and has a passion for helping people find their dream jobs. She creates expert resources to help job seekers write the best resumes and cover letters, land the job, and succeed in the workplace.

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33 Best General Labor Resume Objective Statement Examples

The objective statement is the first thing a potential employer sees when they look at your resume. It is your chance to capture the employer’s attention so they look more closely at your experience. The objective statement is also crucial in convincing an employer that you understand what the job entails and have the skills they need. This post will help you write a strong objective statement for your resume that will set you apart from other applicants and land you the job.

Below are a variety of objective statements for general labor positions to help you as you write one for your own resume. Choose the category of experienced, entry-level, or career changer that is right for you:

Experienced General Labor Objective Statements

  • Reliable individual in great physical condition with two years of experience operating general site equipment and an OSHA 10 certification seeking employment as a laborer in an outdoor construction setting. I have steel toe boots, will pass a drug test and am able to provide references.
  • Dependable and hardworking individual with carpentry skills in woodcutting, trimming, and framing and one year of experience seeking a position as a carpentry laborer at Mills Construction and Remodeling, LLC, adaptable and willing to take on a range of tasks at all heights. I have my own transportation and toolbelt, can work in all weather conditions, and have a clean background.
  • Laborer with strong work ethic and three years of experience and an aptitude for operating machinery seeking employment at AgCorp as a Laborer, leveraging safety-conscious attitude and ability to work as part of a team. I will pass a drug screen and a background check.
  • Physically fit and organized individual looking for an outdoor concrete laborer role with JR Contractors, bringing over seven years of experience pouring concrete, using a variety of hand and power tools, keeping the worksite clean and performing maintenance on vehicles and equipment. I will pass any scheduled or random drug screen.
  • Punctual and reliable welder with five years of experience seeking a Welder position with Smith Playground, Inc., looking to contribute hard and soft skills to a team creating high-quality playground equipment.
  • Highly experienced individual with a strong safety focus seeking employment as an Environmental Field Laborer, coming with 10 years of experience in cleaning hazardous substances using pumps and vacuums.
  • Talented and dependable laborer with four years of experience in a variety of commercial construction trades seeking a Foreman role with John M. Stevens Construction, Inc., coming with experience, safety-minded work ethic, and location flexibility. I pass all background checks.
  • Punctual and reliable laborer with two years of experience seeking a job with General Contractors, able to work at heights, use hand tools, tie reinforcing steel and ensure a clean and safe working environment.
  • Individual with a positive attitude and a team spirit looking to utilize six months of experience in a Residential Plumbing General Laborer position with John Smith Plumbing. I have a valid driver’s license, am excited to learn and take pride in my work.
  • Task-oriented and organized laborer with a range of skills, bringing over seven years of experience operating large machinery, including forklifts and tractors, seeking Warehouse General Labor and Forklift Operator position with SunTrim Mechanical.
  • Responsible and dependable warehouse laborer with one year of experience and a high school diploma, looking to undertake a role as Warehouse Worker for HK Shipping Ltd. I am eager to learn and can stand/walk for 8+ hours per day.
  • Reliable healthy individual with two years of construction labor experience looking for construction laborer position, coming with ability to operate wide range of heavy equipment.
  • High-energy team player with a GED and an attention to detail, seeking a general laborer position, coming with four years of experience with a variety of hand tools and the ability to perform manual labor.
  • Organized and dependable self-starter with five years of experience seeking the Forklift Operator position at State’s Flooring, bringing excellent communication skills, the ability to work under pressure, and the ability to effectively handle several projects at one time. Warehouse and forklift certified.
  • Experienced customer-service oriented lawn maintenance candidate in good physical condition, seeking a landscape foreman position, contributing hardworking team-oriented attitude, excellent communication skills, weekend availability, and the ability to run a crew.

Entry-Level General Labor Objective Statements

  • Physically fit, dependable team-player seeking a job as a general laborer, able to operate large vehicles as well as tools, including chainsaws, and work overtime. Clean, drug-free background.
  • Safety-conscious and detail-oriented individual looking for role of an Overnight Production Worker with AeroSteel, coming with strong physical capabilities for repetitive lifting, an ability to work in a non-climate controlled environment, and an aptitude for maintaining a clean worksite which is free from hazards.
  • Self-starter in great physical condition with steel toe boots looking to undertake work as a packing laborer, leveraging positive attitude and excitement for learning.
  • Motivated and punctual general laborer in great physical shape seeking seasonal employment for the summer months (June to August), looking to contribute safety-conscious attitude and eagerness to learn.
  • Detail-oriented and physically fit individual with a strong work ethic and ability to work independently or as part of a team, seeking part-time work as a laborer with CorLand. I have a GED, a clean driving record, and a clean background.
  • Reliable and physically fit team player looking for a job as a Construction Installer with Foundation Group, ready to learn and perform work with excellence.
  • Dependable hardworking individual seeking a role as a Lawn Technician with JM Lawn Company, willing to undertake a range of roles as required. I bring a clean driving record, a valid driver’s license, and a clean drug screen.
  • Flexible, motivated and punctual individual who learns quickly looking to undertake work as a general laborer, bringing skills in woodworking and welding gained through vocational training courses and the ability to lift 75+ pounds.
  • Safety-minded and organized team player looking to join National Gas Company as a Gas Crew Laborer, excited to contribute to a fast-paced environment and be part of a team, coming with familiarity with hand tools and vehicle maintenance. Will pass all background and drug checks.
  • Reliable and flexible individual with strong work ethic and character references seeking to gain experience in a manufacturing environment as a General Laborer for CB Lighting Manufacturing.
  • Motivated and hardworking team player of integrity looking to gain experience with ShippingDirect LLC as Customer Counter Operator, bringing my outgoing personality, strength to lift packages, and cleaning abilities.
  • Energetic and motivated individual with GED, eager to start in role as a general laborer, coming with unbeatable work ethic, reliability, and ability to learn quickly.
  • Healthy recent high school graduate with ability to work independently, and on nights and weekends, looking for general laborer position, contributing experience with a variety of hand tools and the desire to perform manual labor.
  • Focused, healthy and dependable individual available for an immediate start, seeking a sheet metal labor position, leveraging attention to detail and exceptional work ethic. All background and drug checks will be clean.
  • Healthy recent high school graduate with strong math and customer-service skills, looking for a Driver/Laborer position with Three Men Movers, coming with excellent communication and hand-eye coordination skills, valid driver’s license and good driving record.

Career Change General Labor Objective Statements

  • Punctual and reliable individual looking to gain experience as a laborer, coming with two years of work experience and excellent customer service skills gained in the retail industry, looking to contribute my interpersonal and problem-solving skills to the team at PRC Timber Works.
  • Adaptable and detail-oriented theater set designer with three years of experience looking to apply my carpentry and craft skills as a General Laborer for John Silva Construction, bringing my lifting capabilities, willingness to work at heights and in all weather, and clean background.
  • Flexible and dependable self-starter with four years of experience as a school janitor and handyman looking to apply a wide range of manual skills as a general laborer, willing to work shifts including early/late shifts and weekends.

Your objective statement can be a powerful tool to grab the employer’s attention. After reviewing the above samples, make sure you have the job posting in front of you and write your own objective statement based on the most important parts of the job posting. You want the employer to know that you have what it takes and are the best fit for the job.


How to Write a General Labor Resume Objective

General Labor Resume Objective | How-to, Templates & Examples |

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When you work in general labor, create a strong resume objective that highlights your career goals, skills, and desired job title. Your objective should indicate your specializations and how you can help the company grow. A strong general labor resume objective displays your qualifications and emphasizes your passion for this industry.

This objective shares your career achievements and goals in the general labor industry. Be sure to list specializations such as electrical work, carpentry, or plumbing, and describe your desire for specialized training to advance your career.

To create an effective general labor resume objective, include the following elements.

Specific job title

Your resume objective should include the job you’re applying for. Start by stating your current position as a general laborer or a specialized general laborer.

Career objective

Include your overall career goals and goals you can reach within the company. Find ways to relate your career goals to the company’s objectives.

Key skills and abilities

List your key skills and qualifications for the role. Refer to the job posting to get an idea of the skills the recruiter is seeking.

Level of experience

Recruiters want to know your experience and the value you can add to their company. Specify why you’re the right fit for the job. List your years of experience in the general labor industry and provide examples of how you can improve the company based on previous successes.

Here are the steps to create a general labor resume objective.

1. First, state your traits, skills, and qualifications

State your strongest trait first, such as being driven or adaptable. Then, add a few of your strongest skills, particularly those listed in the job posting.

2. Second, state your career goals and objective

Describe your career goals and professional objective. Ensure your career goals are within reach at the company you’re applying to. If possible, describe how you can improve their productivity.

3. Third, mention the job you’re applying for

Clearly state the title of the position you’re applying for and the company name.

4. Fourth, proofread your resume objective

Read over your resume objective. Make sure it’s one to three sentences in length and free of grammatical and spelling errors. Your objective should clearly define your career goals and how they align with the job.

Here is a general labor resume objective template that you can customize to your needs.

[Strong trait] [current job title] seeking a [job title] position at [company name] to utilize my [experience level]. Looking to [career objective] and advance my [key skills and abilities].

Here are some examples of general labor resume objectives:

  • Reliable and hardworking general laborer with landscaping experience and multitasking capabilities. Seeking a landscaper position with Frontier Gardeners to build my power tool handling abilities and yard maintenance techniques.
  • Dedicated and reliable carpenter with a strong team spirit and work ethic. Experienced in commercial construction looking to apply carpentry skills and physical capabilities to a carpenter position with Woodpile Carpentry. Also bring strong skills in cutting and trimming wood.
  • Highly motivated general laborer with a background in concrete and related equipment looking to fill a position at AMT Concrete. Seeking to apply four years of experience and use skills to aid concrete labor and mechanical efforts.
  • Reliable and hardworking general laborer offering attention to detail in various environments and situations. Seeking to fill a landscaper position with Flora Landscaping to maintain a commitment to excellence.
  • Motivated general laborer with more than 10 years of experience in the residential construction industry. Aiming to use my carpentry skills and expertise to fill the laborer position with Solar Construction and expand my concrete and carpentry craft.
  • Energetic general laborer with five years of experience driving drilling improvements. Currently seeking a drilling labor position with Valley Drill and Shoring to use hand and power tools and advance my general laborer experience.

You can use these examples as a guide when you write your own. Your resume objective should be one to three sentences.

Here is a template for a general labor resume.

[First and last name] [City and state] [Phone number] [Email]

[Strong trait] [specific job title] seeking a [job title] position at [company name] to utilize my [experience level]. Looking to [career objective] and advance my [key skills and abilities].

[Job title] [Company name] [Years worked]

  • [Job responsibility 1]
  • [Job responsibility 2]
  • [Job responsibility 3]

[School name] [City and state] [Degree and major if applicable], [Graduation year]

Here is an example of a general labor resume with a strong resume objective.

Elena Miller Sacramento, CA 555-555-5555 [email protected]

Highly motivated and hardworking general laborer with more than four years of construction and landscaping experience. Currently seeking a general labor position with RFI Construction to improve my general labor and trimming abilities.

General Laborer Elwin Construction June 2018–Present

  • Load and unload equipment, tools, and supplies for each project and job site
  • Cut concrete and grout at various job sites
  • Perform general landscaping duties, including leaf blowing and lawn mowing
  • Plant new trees and flowers, pull weeds, and perform other landscaping needs
  • Train new hires in company standards and expectations

General Laborer Felton Construction January 2016–June 2018

  • Assisted manager with clerical duties
  • Maintained and cleaned equipment such as power and hand tools
  • Removed dirt and debris from project sites to ensure quality work
  • Completed landscaping projects in a timely manner
  • Performed general landscaping duties, including leaf blowing and new flora planting

California West University Petaluma, CA Bachelor of Science in Construction Management, 2016

  • Concrete work
  • Hand and power tools
  • Equipment maintenance and handling

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5 General Laborer Resume Examples Built to Work in 2024

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  • Write Your General Laborer Resume

You help uphold the foundation of countless building projects—and sometimes you lay the concrete down, too! Your skills with power tools, codes and regulations, and heavy machinery enable you to get the job done, and done well.

But how do you use all your job skills , work experiences , and relevant personal traits to create a cover letter and build a jaw-dropping resume that will get you the job you crave?

Don’t worry; we’ve done this before. After years of helping laborers like you, we’ve developed five general laborer resume examples to help you pave the way to your success!

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General laborer resume example with 9 years experience

Why this resume works

  • An effective general laborer resume should not only provide your expertise in using a variety of tools but also how your safety efforts helped minimize potential accidents.

Skilled Laborer Resume

Skilled laborer resume example with welding experience

  • When you pick the right skills to highlight for example achieving an impressive first-time-right installation rate, you can impress the recruiter despite having less direct experience.

Concrete Laborer Resume

Concrete laborer resume example with 11 years of experience

  • When you demonstrate your vigilant skills such as reducing unforeseen breakdowns, you give the recruiter an idea of your supervising abilities.

Farm Laborer Resume

Farm laborer resume example with 4 years of experience

  • Rogers leveraging weather data from AcuRite sensors to mitigate a risk that could have cost Sagura Farms $4,132 in yield losses makes for an excellent inspiration here. And as if that wasn’t enough, he also mentions using data from Decagon sensors to up water conservation by 11% at Shamrock Farms. Now, wouldn’t a side-column list of those agricultural software you’re well-versed in look peachy?

Asphalt Laborer Resume

Asphalt laborer resume example with 6 years of experience

  • The last thing you expect potential employers to look at when reviewing your asphalt laborer resume are typos, grammatical errors, and awkward phrases. And yet, they could be the key factors determining whether you receive that long-awaited email or call.
  • Double-check your piece for grammatical mistakes that could torpedo your chances. Take it as making your masterpiece as spotless as a freshly laid asphalt road. A second pair of eyes could be handy, so why not rope in a friend to identify errors you might have missed?

Related resume examples

  • Construction Worker

Adjust Your General Laborer Resume According to the Job Description

Job seeker stands with hands in air, questioning how to fill out job materials

No two laborer’s jobs are quite the same, so you’ll want to pay close attention to the job description . See what you’re actually applying for. Does the job emphasize the operation of heavy machinery? Or are you more likely to be working with power tools and chemical compounds?

Whatever the “heart” of the job is, make sure you reflect it in your resume! Don’t pitch the wrong skills to the wrong job ad. Instead, write down various job skills and work experiences that you can switch out for various jobs.

Need some ideas?

15 popular general laborer skills

  • Concrete Brushes
  • Concrete Saws
  • Claw Hammer
  • Cordless Drill
  • Welding Torch
  • Wire Stripper
  • Pipe Wrench
  • Concrete Vibrator
  • Code Compliance
  • Circular Saws
  • Accurate Measurements

objective for resume general labor

Your general laborer work experience bullet points

Now, as valuable as that job description is, you want to go beyond it instead of just repeating parts of it back to the recruiter. Leverage your experiences in the laborer setting, whether they involve working for a company or excelling at trade school.

Use metrics to substantiate your statements of how successful you’ve been, too! Tell the reader what you did, why, and how it made an impact (in numbers). Quantifiable data gives your credibility a huge boost.

Write your resume with active verbs and language, too. Show that you care about the job and that you show up to each concrete pour or stud installation with your best foot forward.

  • Budget savings in dollars indicate your finesse and efficiency with project materials
  • Positive employee scores show that you’ve worked well with teammates and supervisors
  • Improved customer return percentages show that your work is just plain good
  • Reduced turnover rates thanks to your strategic thinking show strong coordination skills

See what we’re talking about?

  • Supervised the regular maintenance of the concrete pump, resulting in a 37% decrease in unforeseen equipment breakdowns
  • Operated the walk-behind power trowels, contributing to the successful completion of 51+ large-scale projects with efficiency that reduced time-to-completion by an average of 3 days
  • Customized around 277+ fabrication projects, leveraging router skills to craft intricate designs which boosted client satisfaction rates by 58%
  • Adhered to safety regulations by making proper use of hard hats and other safety equipment, maintaining a zero-accident record
  • Carefully measured materials for renovation projects, facilitating accurate installations and reducing material waste by an average of 19%

9 active verbs to start your general laborer work experience bullet points

  • Facilitated
  • Streamlined

3 Tips for Writing a General Laborer Resume if You Don’t Have Much Experience

  • If your experience section feels a bit “thin,” you can always reference notable projects you worked on. These could be internships, school projects, or even volunteer labor. Experience doesn’t have to be paid to gain you some sweet skills!
  • A resume objective , or objective statement , provides a concise overview of why you want the job and how you’re qualified for it. Reference the job description here to drop super relevant qualifications like “concrete pouring” or “circular saws.” Choose thoughtfully so you don’t repeat these traits later in your resume!
  • If you earned some recognition in school for a really high GPA, or you were top of the class in a workshop that fits with your resume, add that in! You can place it next to your education unless you racked up a handful of achievements that warrant their own section.

3 Tips for Writing a General Laborer Resume if You Already Have Some Experience

  • Now that you already have some experience under that tool belt, make sure you’re showing recruiters your highest points. Stick with just three or four laborer jobs for your experience section, and pick only the most impressive points for each one.
  • Honestly, reverse-chronological formatting is always pretty great! Use this layout to put your best achievements at the top. This makes your greatness more eye-catching and reinforces a trend of learning and growth throughout your professional history.
  • You probably don’t need to list academic achievements on your resume anymore. They’ll just be taking up valuable space that would be better used to show off your experiences and complex skills!

Regurgitating the job requirements word-for-word is a big “Nope!” but you do want to use some of the exact skills they list to get past that ATS. Work them into your experiences and skills list organically so that they look good for recruiters after that!

If you lack experience, a resume objective can help outline your career goals and level of promise as a worker. If you’re already experienced, a resume summary could help you give a quick overview of the highlights. Sometimes, if you have enough other qualifying information, you’ll need neither!

While all three of our resume templates will work well for you, you’ll ultimately want to select the one that puts your most impressive creds front and center! If your skills or extra achievements really shine, you might want to use a side column. If your experiences are the most eye-catching, let them take center stage.

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  • Construction
  • Construction worker
  • General laborer objectives and summaries

General laborer

General laborer Objectives & summaries

5 General laborer objectives and summaries found

A well-written objective or summary on your resume can be the difference between getting rejected, or getting invited for an interview. Copy any of these General laborer objective or summary examples, and use it as inspiration for your own resume. All examples are written by certified resume experts, and free for personal use.

Learn more about: objective vs. summary

General laborer resume summaries

Dedicated and competent general laborer with great physical endurance and strength. Good hand-eye and brain coordination required to handle precise work. Results-oriented and friendly, with the capacity to collaborate with the client's objectives. Expert in the use of hand and power tools in a safe manner. Track record of performance enables the accomplishment of effectiveness and on-time productivity goals.

Skilled and enthusiastic general laborer always strives for excellence in every task. Efficient in clearing work areas, setting out project-specific tools, and lubricating equipment to aid workers. Supports several departments in completing various duties to reach production goals. Expert in concrete mixing, material management, and site maintenance. Ability to take and follow supervisory instructions while maintaining a high level of performance.

Young, flexible, dynamic, and energetic general laborer eager to broaden his experience with exceptional skills in setting up temporary employment zones, controlling traffic, and offering material support during building projects. Solid experience in the sectors of Customer Support, Industrial Labor, and Helpdesk activities. Responsible for evaluating manufactured products and verifying requirements, performing visual and quantitative inspections, and removing discarded goods for reworking.

General laborer resume objectives

A highly skilled and motivated general laborer with 6+ years of experience is seeking a position in a manufacturing or production environment to use expertise for productive purposes and demonstrate the willingness and abilities to become an asset to the company.

Competent and proactive general laborer with 5+ years of experience clearing yards, digging ditches, polishing equipment, and disposing of garbage looking for new opportunities in a growing company to utilize interpersonal skills with progression prospects.

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Resume examples

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  • Created by a CPRW certified resume expert
  • Optimized for applicant tracking system (ATS) screening

Choosing a correct resume format and template

Resume examples

Resume template

Download our American style resume template. Chronological resume format. Download a functional resume template .

resume chronological

Learn more about the differences between a resume and a CV .

CV template

Download our British/European style cv template. Similar to a resume but more commonly used in Europe, Asia and Africa.

cv template

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  1. General Laborer Resume Sample with Job Description

    objective for resume general labor

  2. General Laborer Resume Sample with Job Description

    objective for resume general labor

  3. General Laborer Resumes & Guide

    objective for resume general labor

  4. General Laborer Resume & Writing Guide

    objective for resume general labor

  5. Best General Labor Resume Example

    objective for resume general labor

  6. General Labor Resume Samples

    objective for resume general labor


  1. General Labour Resume Writing Tutorial

  2. HOW TO WRITE A RESUME! (5 Golden Tips for Writing a POWERFUL Resume or CV!)

  3. Resume Objectives: Resume Objective Statements Explained

  4. How to write Career Objective in Resume

  5. This Resume Objective Example Can SAVE Your Resume!

  6. Writing Career Objective Statement in Resume


  1. Top 18 General Laborer Resume Objective Examples

    Examples of resume objectives for a general laborer include: "Seeking a general laborer position at ABC Company utilizing my physical strength and ability to work with others," or "Experienced general laborer looking to bring my 5 years of warehouse experience and proven safety record to ABC Company." Use this template.

  2. 33 Best General Labor Resume Objective Statement Examples

    Choose the category of experienced, entry-level, or career changer that is right for you: Experienced General Labor Objective Statements Reliable individual in great physical condition with two years of experience operating general site equipment and an OSHA 10 certification seeking employment as a laborer in an outdoor construction setting.

  3. General Labor Resume Objective Examples

    Sample General Labor Resume Objectives. When writing your general laborer objective, be sure to explain how your skills and experience make you the perfect candidate for the position. Include the name of the organization you are applying for to show the employer you are genuinely interested in becoming a part of their team.

  4. How to Write a General Labor Resume Objective

    Here are the steps to create a general labor resume objective. 1. First, state your traits, skills, and qualifications. State your strongest trait first, such as being driven or adaptable. Then, add a few of your strongest skills, particularly those listed in the job posting. 2.

  5. How To Write a Laborer Resume Objective

    Laborer resume example Here is an example of a full general laborer resume: Contact Information Timothy Grain Address: 628 Main Street, Erie, PA 16501 Phone Number: (414) 555-0808 Email: [email protected] Objective Highly skilled general laborer with three years of experience. Trained in forklift operation and other construction machinery. Ability to work well with a team and thoroughly follow ...

  6. General Laborer Resume Sample with Job Description

    List what you have, and then astound them with the other general labor resume sections. 5. Highlight Your General Labor Skills on a Resume. General labor jobs are increasing rapidly. For example, in the US, construction laborers and helpers are set to increase in number by 12% between 2016 and 2026.

  7. 27 Examples of General Labor Resume Objectives

    Other than that, working as a general laborer can be a good way to earn a living. Examples of General Labor Resume Objectives. 1. Experienced construction worker seeking a position as a general laborer with High-Level Construction. I have experience in all aspects of construction, including demolition, framing, drywall, and flooring.

  8. 51 Examples of General Resume Objective Statements

    51 Examples of General Resume Objective Statements. An objective statement is a useful section on your resume that showcases your skills, experience and career goals. Hiring managers can review this statement to better understand your professional history. If you're creating a resume, reviewing examples of career objectives may be useful for you.

  9. General Labor Resume Objectives

    When writing your general labor resume objective, indicate specializations like welding, carpentry, electrical, automotive, etc. 1.With over 2 years of experience cleaning ventilation, chimneys and commercial air-conditioners, my goal is to find a part-time general labor job with a company in need of multi-tasking experienced workers.

  10. 5 General Laborer Resume Examples Built to Work in 2024

    Try out these five general laborer resume examples for 2024! Resumes. AI resume builder. Build a better resume in minutes. Resume examples. 2,000+ examples that work in 2024. Resume templates. 184 free templates for all levels. Cover letters. ... A resume objective, or objective statement, ...

  11. General Laborer Resume Examples & Templates [2024]

    Here is an example of a resume objective for a general laborer: "Motivated and hardworking general laborer with experience in construction and manufacturing industries. Dedicated to completing tasks efficiently and effectively while adhering to strict safety and quality standards. Committed to contributing to a team-oriented work environment ...

  12. General Laborer Resume Examples and Templates for 2024

    A results-driven general laborer with two years of experience specializing in landscaping, grounds maintenance, customer service, and residential construction. Adept at interfacing with clients, collaborating with contractors, and ensuring compliance with OSHA safety standards. 2. Create a powerful list of your general laborer experience.

  13. General laborer

    General laborer resume summaries. Dedicated and competent general laborer with great physical endurance and strength. Good hand-eye and brain coordination required to handle precise work. Results-oriented and friendly, with the capacity to collaborate with the client's objectives. Expert in the use of hand and power tools in a safe manner.

  14. General Labor Resume Examples & Job Description

    General laborer resume objective example: New to the construction industry, with a background in [previous field], eager to apply [transferable skills] to a dynamic construction team. Keen on contributing to project success through hard work, quick learning and commitment to safety. Step 3.

  15. 25 General Resume Objective Examples

    Award-winning sushi chef seeking the chance to lead her own kitchen. Excited to show my background in traditional sushi making as well as kitchen management. A resume objective gives employers a general overview of your professional goals and intentions for finding a new job. Here we share 25 general examples.

  16. Laborer Resume [Example for Free Download and Writing Tips]

    Here are some examples of impactful general laborer resume objectives: Hardworking general laborer with 5 years of experience in construction, landscaping, and warehouse settings. Skilled in using hand tools and operating various machinery safely and effectively. Seeking a general labor position to contribute physical abilities and strong work ...

  17. 100+ Resume Objective Statement Examples & Templates

    Culinary resume objective examples. Industrious line cook with over two years kitchen experience ready to move into a role of increased responsibility. Looking for work as a cook in a fast-paced establishment. Fully trained in food safety, sanitation and preparation techniques at restaurant serving 500 customers daily.

  18. 70+ Resume Objective Examples (With Tips and How-To Guide)

    10. General labor resume objective. "Adaptable and reliable general laborer with strong skills in woodworking, job site cleanup, lifting and carrying heavy objects, written and oral communications, basic math and physical stamina seeks position that provides steady employment and growth opportunities.".

  19. General Labor Resume: Guide, Example & Tips

    Step 1: Pick the best layout for your general labor resume. Step 2: Choose the right format for your general labor resume. Step 3: Start with contact information and basic personal details. Step 4: Create an intriguing general labor resume headline. Step 5: Craft a professional general labor resume summary.

  20. General Laborer Resume Examples and Template for 2024

    How to write a general laborer resume. Here are the steps for writing a general laborer resume: 1. Determine a format and layout. The format of your resume can accomplish two important tasks. First, it allows you to organize information about yourself in a way that helps you write your resume faster.

  21. General Laborer Resume Examples and Templates for 2024

    A results-driven general laborer with two years of experience specializing in landscaping, grounds maintenance, customer service, and residential construction. Adept at interfacing with clients, collaborating with contractors, and ensuring compliance with OSHA safety standards. 2. Create a powerful list of your general laborer experience.