Your studies

E-publication and printing.

Students standing in a glass building

There is still a lot you need to think about after you have finished your degree project. Here, you will find everything you need to know about rules for e-publication and how to order printing if needed.

Degree projects published electronically are freely available and searchable

Degree projects are registered and published in the Chalmers ODR Student Theses service. As an author, you can decline electronic publication, but registration (searchable post without full text) is mandatory. For electronic publication of the full text, all the authors must have approved the publication contract on the work card by means of their signatures.

Both registration and e-publication are carried out by staff at the department. The degree project must be presented in accordance with specified templates and delivered in PDF format. 

Chalmers’ libraries do not accept printed degree projects, with the exception of the Architecture and Civil Engineering Library, which does accept printed copies from the architecture programmes.

  Via the link below, you can search and read published student theses. Chalmers Open Digital Repository (ODR) Student Theses

Contact:  [email protected]

If your degree project will be printed, your department will order the printing. If you order printing, you must submit a request with the camera-ready copy (print-ready files). The request must be signed by the Head of Department or equivalent, including their email address, the name of your supervisor(s), the title of the report/degree project and the author(s) (including their extension number and email). The request must also state the paying department or equivalent, the cost centre, reference code, project number, and the activity number if applicable. Submit the request with the camera-ready copy (print-ready files).

Please note that images must have a resolution of at least 300 dpi. Black-and-white images must be in grey scale. RGB is for images displayed on screen, not for printing.

Deliver as a PDF

If your work will be printed, it must be presented according to specified templates (see the design of degree projects) and delivered as a PDF file.

[email protected] Visiting address: Betongvägen 9 Opening hours: 08.00-16.00

Contacts regarding printing:

Opening hours 08:00–16:00

Visiting address Betongvägen 9


masters thesis chalmers

Master’s Thesis Directions at Chalmers School of Architecture :

Examensarbeten för masterexamen

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  • 1 (current)

Your Master’s thesis project can be carried out either in our division or at your home university. The majority of projects in the division are carried out in co-operation with industry both in and outside Sweden. We often receive project requests and ideas from industry, which we try to coordinate with the wishes of our students. We recommend that you, at an early stage, discuss possible thesis topics with teachers in the division. They will be your supervisors and examiners. Please also feel free to contact potential industrial partners and suggest thesis topics of your own.

Since the thesis is an important opportunity for you to apply and extend the knowledge gained during your studies, it is essential that you, already in an early planning stage, involve one of the teachers at the division. The examiners at the division are responsible for the thesis having the required quality. This means that it is the examiner who has final say on whether the project will be approved as a Master’s thesis project or not. The reason for this is to ensure that the project has a well defined topic that can be investigated properly within the given time – usually 20 weeks – and will result in a engineering report of good quality. 

Your thesis topic has to be registered before you start your thesis work. The thesis registration form has to be signed by both your examiner and the master’s programme director. At registration there should be a clear description of the thesis topic, a work plan, a time schedule, as well as names and addresses of all those involved (you and the supervisors). The time schedule should also include dates for both the half time presentation (if applicable) and the final presentation of your thesis.

Resources and Administrative Procedure

From Chalmers’ viewpoint, your thesis is handled as a course, and you will find the syllabus for this course here:

  • Link to Master’s thesis syllabus

The course code for a 30-credit thesis is ACEX30, the code for a 60-credit thesis is ACEX60.

All information on the administrative procedure (and much more) is found here:

  • Master’s thesis | Chalmers
  • Chalmers regulations for master’s thesis
  • Guidelines for assessing the quality of degree projects
  • Master’s thesis registration form
  • Digital work card
  • Planning report and Public defence of a degree project | Chalmers
  • Design and publish Master’s thesis | Chalmers
  • Chalmers Writing Guide | writing@chalmers
  • Chalmers Writing Centre | writing@chalmers
  • Intellectual property, patents and confidentiality | Chalmers
  • Present an Oral Presentation – Student Portal (
  • E-publication and printing | Chalmers
  • Handling of personal data | Chalmers
  • Cheating and disciplinary matters | Chalmers
  • Copyright for students |Chalmers Library

Example Theses

Below are three examples for successful MSc theses. They are all very different, and all of them are great.

  • Maja Jansson, “ The sound environment at preschools and how it may affect children’s hearing ,” MSc thesis, Chalmers University of Technology, 2017
  • Arthur Aglat and Jannik Theyssen, “ Design of a Test Rig for Railway Curve Squealing Noise ,” MSc thesis, Chalmers University of Technology, 2017
  • Carl Andersson, “ Headphone Auralization of Acoustic Spaces Recorded with Spherical Microphone Arrays ,” MSc thesis, Chalmers University of Technology, 2017

Note that the aspect of ethics is becoming increasingly important with MSc thesis. See also the “Instructions for theses on the Master of Science in Engineering, Architecture and Master of Science Programmes” available here . Maja’s thesis contains a short discussion on this. This will be mandatory for future thesis.

List of Previous MSc Theses

Please refer here .

Thesis Templates

The thesis layout and bibliographic information should have the format given in the templates that you will find below. The actual content and structure of the thesis is up to you to decide.

Please follow the guidelines regarding fonts, line spacing, etc. to ensure that the text is nicely readable. The data to be entered on the first three pages is compulsory. Numbers, names, titles, abstract, and keywords in exactly this format makes it easy for us to have a homogeneous entry of the reports in the library database. You also expect others to provide such information, so that you can do proper literature searches. Please also note that you should optimise your figures to ensure that they are clearly readable.

If you use Microsoft Word, it is recommended that you use the built-in spell and grammar checking functionality. In order to make it behave the way you want you need to change the settings from “normal” document type to “technical” document type. This is generally done in the “Tools”->”Spelling and Grammar…” menu. One thing that is not included in this functionality is the tempus.

In order to make your report readable you need to keep track of what tempus to use yourself. The general rule is that everything you read in other reports should be written i past tense – “Cremer & Heckl [1] found that…”. All your own measurements should also be in past tense – “The sound level was measured in six positions and the average level was found to be 55dB, as was expected”. Your conclusions should be written in present tense – “Judging by the results there seems to be a tendency that increased loudness causes increased annoyance”.

  • The official Chalmers information can be found here .
  • The most popular template uses Latex and can be found here .

Below follow a few older templates that you may adapt.

The official Microsoft’s Word template for you to use in your report writing follows below. If you experience problems with fonts or anything else, contact us. The zipped archive contains a template for the complete report as well as for the report and cover separately. Use the latter if the complete template brings some problems.

  • Thesis template: Adapted Master Thesis ZIP

The following two templates are a bit simpler in structure than the ones above. They are also available for the Mac OSX and Microsoft Windows operating systems, although the platform issue should not be a problem. Use them if you run in trouble with the one above.

  • Mac Version: Master thesis
  • PC Version: Master thesis

The two templates above do not contain the cover page so this is added extra. It is best to enter the data on the cover page together with your thesis supervisor.

  • Cover page: Coverpage

The following LATEX version of the official template (by Joachim Schlechter) is also available:

  • LATEX version : Master thesis

Note that the thesis templates may cause some text on the cover and on the initial pages to appear in the Courier or other font. You must change the font so that it becomes Times New Roman.

Thesis Completion and Publishing

You should make your thesis available to your thesis advisor early, months before it is completed. Write your thesis as you work, do not save the writing to the end.

Once you have finished writing, there may be little time left for necessary corrections, which will delay your thesis from being accepted. The completeness and correctness of your thesis is determined by your advisor.

Your thesis will be published electronically here: . You take care of the printing process, but before that, please discuss the process with your advisor.

  • Master Sound and Vibration
  • Course Descriptions
  • Course Materials
  • Course Materials (archived)
  • Misc Educational Materials
  • Audio Technology Group
  • Vibroacoustics Group
  • LicEng theses
  • Papers and Articles

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Master Thesis CSE

You are here, presentation and opposition.

  • Posted on: 25 November 2015
  • By: almstroj
  • Updated on:

Notification: The page is not up to date any more. The new master´s thesis pages for CSE can be found in Canvas: LINK TO PAGE IN CANVAS.  

Oral presentation.

Your supervisor and examiner decides when you are ready to do your oral thesis presentation and then you and your examiner decides on a suitable presentation time for the work and book it here . The oral presentation of your master’s thesis should be done in English in front of your examiner, the students who have prepared an opposition to your presentation, and other interested students and staff.

The important prerequisite is that your thesis report is ready for examination one week before the presentation. The presentation should last for no more than 30 minutes. It should cover the full thesis work and be presented in a way that makes it easy for students with similar background as your own to follow the description although they have not read the written report.

The presentation should preferably be supported by the use of visual aids like computer presentations. In some cases demonstration of hardware and software might be appropriate.

After the presentation the student(s) should be prepared to answer questions and comment on statements both from the opposition and from the audience. The opponents need to have access to the written thesis report not less than one week before the oral presentation in order to do their job.

The oral presentation is followed by opposition from the opponent(s) who are in the process of doing their own master’s theses. The maximum number of students to be opponent for one thesis is two persons. That is, not two groups unless both groups contain only one person.

The opponents have 10-15 minutes to present their opinion on how the presentation was performed, to ask questions on the material and to discuss it with the presenter. The questions and discussion should not focus on details but be more general so the rest of the audience who have not read the written report can follow the discussion and maybe give their own input. The examiner, who is leading the session, shall approve (or reject) the presentation as well as the opposition. The opposition has to be both oral and written. The opposition report is to be handed over the group after the presentation.

Useful points to consider when performing the opposition are:

  • The planning and structure of the report.
  • Definition of the problem at hand.
  • Method and realization.
  • Deliminations.
  • Results and the handling of the result.
  • The shaping of the report and formal points like references.
  • The examiner for the student who does his or her oral presentation should also evaluate the opposition and approve or reject it.

You enroll as an opponent by e.g. finding a suitable presentation for opposition on the page where you book your own presentation. Contact the student(s) in question and make an agreement. You may also find a suitable presentation in other ways, e.g. when attending writing seminar II. It is not uncommon that two groups arrange so that they oppose on each other. Make sure that you get the report in time, not less than a week before the presentation, so you can do a proper job.

In the same way you make your presentation available for other opponents by booking a time for your oral presentation.

Chalmers University of Technology: Master Thesis Template 2021

This LaTeX template for Master's theses written at the Chalmers University of Technology is based on the guidelines as of 2020 and regulations for Master's theses. It includes the cover, title page, and imprint page, and illustrates how the report files can be structured in a perspicuous manner.

The template can easily be modified for a Bachelor's thesis where different logotypes (included in this template) are used on the cover and title pages. It can also be used for a Licentiate thesis (minor modifications might apply for the title page as well as the front and back cover). For more information about the template structure and settings, see the documentation file Readme.pdf.

Chalmers University of Technology: Master Thesis Template 2021

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    masters thesis chalmers


    masters thesis chalmers


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