Making Group Contracts

Working in groups can be both rewarding and challenging. When students write down and agree upon ground rules, expectations, roles, and responsibilities in the form of a contract or project charter, they can help keep one another on track and accountable. This teaching tip discusses four steps instructors can take to support students in creating group contracts. 

Explain what a group contract is and why you are asking groups to develop one

What is a group contract.

A group contract is a document that a group creates to formalize the expectations of group members. A group contract should contain the following:

  • Group members’ names and contact information
  • Expectations (ground rules) regarding preparation for and attendance at group meetings, frequency and duration of meetings, and communication. The contract should focus on behaviours that will be expected of all group members and should only include those behaviours that are crucial to the group's effectiveness.  Groups could aim for five-seven ground rules.
  • Assignment of specific tasks, roles, and responsibilities along with due dates. The group can itemize the tasks to be completed for the project and provide a space for each group member to sign up for that task.
  • Outline of the specific process for dealing with unmet expectations or other problems that might arise.
  • An agreed-upon method for peer feedback during the project so that problems can be addressed before the project ends.
  • A place for each group member to sign, indicating their agreement to the contract.
  • A place for group members to sign once the project is completed to indicate whether or not they agree that all group members contributed as expected and, therefore, earn the group grade. 

Why use a group contract?

Explicitly discussing the benefits of group contracts will help establish good faith in the process among your students. So what are the benefits?

The benefits of small-group learning are well known — group work is associated with deeper learning, strong information retention, and the acquisition of valuable communication and teamwork skills (Oakley, Felder, Brent, & Elhaji, 2004).

On top of this, because group contracts allow students to take an active role in setting the tone for group interaction, group contracts can help "motivate ownership of learning" (Hesterman, 2016, p. 5). Writing group contracts can also:

  • Help students identify expectations of one another, communicate those expectations, and practice articulating their expectations.
  • Facilitate student reflection on their past experiences and communications practices, important transferable skills for future work and personal relationships. 
  • Increase a sense of community in the class as students get to know and work with one another.

See  7 Reasons to Use Contracts in a PBL Classroom + Tips for Use  for more information.

Identify intended learning outcomes

Reflecting on the particular pedagogical benefits you would like to see your students reap through group work can help you establish guidelines for the creation of group contracts. For example, Oakley, Felder, Brent, and Elhaji (2004) advocate for group work where groups assign roles that rotate regularly among members in order to provide each student the opportunity to practice important teamwork skills. 

Some questions to consider before asking students to draft their contracts include:

  • What kind of skills do you imagine students practice within their groups? What roles might students take on to practice them?
  • How do you want students to divide the workload? If students choose to "divide and conquer" the work, will they achieve your intended learning outcomes?
  • Which guidelines, course expectations, or rules are firm and need to be in place before students draft their contracts, and which concepts, issues, and decisions would they benefit from working through as they discuss and create their contracts?

Provide resources to guide students through the process

Give students resources for creating a first draft of their group contract, or draw on existing resources and templates to create a guide for your students to follow. These can include:

Creating the contract

  • Working Effectively in Groups  [PDF] from the Waterloo Student Success Office

Group contract templates

  • Team Contract Template  from the Eberly Centre, Carnegie Mellon University
  • Team Charter  from the International Centre at Humber College (PDF)
  • Group Work Contract (Activity)  from Portland State University (DOC)

Group contracts samples

  • Sample Group Contract [PDF]  from the Teaching, Learning, and Technology Centre, UC Irvine
  • University of Waterloo Sample Group Contract [DOC]  (also available below as an  Appendix )

Conflict resolution resources

  • Resolving Conflict  from the UBC Learning Commons
  • 8 Steps for Conflict Resolution , for the Office of Talent Management, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Give students time in class to write the contract

By dedicating class time to the creation of a group contract, you let students know that it is an important activity that merits time and attention. First, give students time to individually reflect on and write down what they like and do not like about working in a group. Prompt students to consider their past experiences working in a group. What went well? What didn’t go well? What contributed to the group’s success or problems? What are their strengths when it comes to working collaboratively, and what is something they would like to improve? Next, ask students to sit with their group members and share what they’ve written as a springboard to their discussion of ground rules and roles. 

  • Hesterman, S. (2016). The digital handshake: A group contract for authentic elearning in higher education.  Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice, 13 (3), 1-24. 
  • Oakley, B., Felder, R. M., Brent, R., & Elhaji, I. (2004). Turning student groups into effective teams.  Journal of Student Centered Learning, 2 (1), 9-34. 

CTE teaching tips

  • Teamwork Skills: Being an Effective Group Member
  • Meeting Strategies for Group Work

Effective Communication: Barriers and Strategies

Appendix: University of Waterloo Sample Group Contract

Group behaviours expected of each member:.

  • All group members will be punctual. Meetings will start five minutes after the agreed start time and everyone should be there and ready by then.
  • We should attend all meetings unless there are unavoidable events such as illnesses.
  • All group members will remain in the meeting until (a) all tasks for that meeting are completed, or (b) there is unanimous adjournment.
  • Breaks will be decided by unanimous consent, and breaks will not exceed twenty minutes in length
  • All group members will come to the meetings prepared by (a) reading the assigned material (as much as possible), and (b) coming with ideas pertaining to the tasks and decisions to be made.
  • Tasks that group members agree to undertake should be completed to the agreed deadline. If it looks as though there will be a problem meeting a deadline, the person concerned should seek help from other members of the team in time to avoid a delay.
  • There will be an assimilation period at the end of the session to evaluate group mechanics and ensure that all tasks have been completed adequately.
  • Each group member has the right to point out whether any of these rules are being broken.


  • The group will actively seek a consensus of opinion based on the opinions of every member.
  • Each member will take turns listening as well as talking, and active listening will be a strategy for all group discussions.
  • Sexist and racist remarks are not acceptable.
  • Aggressive and dominating behaviour is not acceptable.
  • Roles will be assigned prior to a meeting or, if this is not possible, at the beginning of a meeting. Roles will rotate each meeting.
  • The leader will, at the beginning of a meeting, set sub-goals. These sub-goals will be presented to the group for a consensus of approval. The leader is also responsible for the presentation of the group material to the rest of the class.
  • The secretary is responsible for taking in-session notes and preparing presentation materials from these notes.
  • The timekeeper is responsible for keeping track of the time allotted to each discussion, and keeping the group aware of time remaining. The leader is responsible for deciding what to do when time is running out during a discussion.
  • The devil's advocate will keep his/her mind open to problems, possibilities, and divergent or opposing ideas.

Methods for resolving an impasse:

Step 1:  The group members will isolate areas of disagreement, and the group will come to a consensus. If no consensus is reached, proceed to Step 2.

Step 2:  The leader will decide the relevance or importance of the dispute and may postpone the conflict if its relevance or importance is deemed questionable or minimal.

Step 3:  The leader will decide the amount of time for discussion or arbitration before calling a vote.

Step 4:  The leader will call a vote. If the vote is a stalemate, the leader makes a final decision.

If you would like support applying these tips to your own teaching, CTE staff members are here to help.  View the  CTE Support  page to find the most relevant staff member to contact.

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Group Projects

Students should be engaged with each other on a regular basis. Group work is one way to ensure there is interaction among peers.

A host of technology tools makes collaborating much easier than one might think. Students may hold virtual meetings using tools such as Google Hangouts, WebEx, or Zoom. Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides allows shared access to documents.

As the instructor, make sure group activities are comprehensive enough that students see the benefit of working together. Consider incorporating a peer evaluation rubric to encourage equitable contributions by all group members.

Successful online group work depends on clear instructions, concrete deadlines, articulation of student roles, and thorough explanations of how activities will be graded. Use the template below to set up your group project. Fill-in-the blanks to help answer the questions you’ll need to know to create the prompt. Answering these questions ahead of time will help communicate to students what the expectations of the project are upfront and prevent confusion later. Replace the information in the right hand column with your own group project details.

Additional Resources

  • Groups in Canvas (Canvas Instructor Guides). Explains how to set up groups in Canvas
  • Making Group Contracts (University of Waterloo, Centre for Teaching Excellence). Contains an example of a group contract and multiple other resources for group work.
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Many students have had little experience working in groups in an academic setting. While there are many excellent books and articles describing group processes, this guide is intended to be short and simply written for students who are working in groups, but who may not be very interested in too much detail. It also provides teachers (and students) with tips on assigning group projects, ways to organize groups, and what to do when the process goes awry.

Some reasons to ask students to work in groups

Asking students to work in small groups allows students to learn interactively. Small groups are good for:

  • generating a broad array of possible alternative points of view or solutions to a problem
  • giving students a chance to work on a project that is too large or complex for an individual
  • allowing students with different backgrounds to bring their special knowledge, experience, or skills to a project, and to explain their orientation to others
  • giving students a chance to teach each other
  • giving students a structured experience so they can practice skills applicable to professional situations

Some benefits of working in groups (even for short periods of time in class)

  • Students who have difficulty talking in class may speak in a small group.
  • More students, overall, have a chance to participate in class.
  • Talking in groups can help overcome the anonymity and passivity of a large class or a class meeting in a poorly designed room.
  • Students who expect to participate actively prepare better for class.

Caveat: If you ask students to work in groups, be clear about your purpose, and communicate it to them. Students who fear that group work is a potential waste of valuable time may benefit from considering the reasons and benefits above.

Large projects over a period of time

Faculty asking students to work in groups over a long period of time can do a few things to make it easy for the students to work:

  • The biggest student complaint about group work is that it takes a lot of time and planning. Let students know about the project at the beginning of the term, so they can plan their time.
  • At the outset, provide group guidelines and your expectations.
  • Monitor the groups periodically to make sure they are functioning effectively.
  • If the project is to be completed outside of class, it can be difficult to find common times to meet and to find a room. Some faculty members provide in-class time for groups to meet. Others help students find rooms to meet in.

Forming the group

  • Forming the group. Should students form their own groups or should they be assigned? Most people prefer to choose whom they work with. However, many students say they welcome both kinds of group experiences, appreciating the value of hearing the perspective of another discipline, or another background.
  • Size. Appropriate group size depends on the nature of the project.  If the group is small and one person drops out, can the remaining people do the work? If the group is large, will more time be spent on organizing themselves and trying to make decisions than on productive work?
  • Resources for students. Provide a complete class list, with current email addresses. (Students like having this anyway so they can work together even if group projects are not assigned.)
  • Students that don't fit. You might anticipate your response to the one or two exceptions of a person who really has difficulty in the group. After trying various remedies, is there an out—can this person join another group? work on an independent project?

Organizing the work

Unless part of the goal is to give people experience in the process of goal-setting, assigning tasks, and so forth, the group will be able to work more efficiently if they are provided with some of the following:

  • Clear goals. Why are they working together? What are they expected to accomplish?
  • Ways to break down the task into smaller units
  • Ways to allocate responsibility for different aspects of the work
  • Ways to allocate organizational responsibility
  • A sample time line with suggested check points for stages of work to be completed

Caveat: Setting up effective small group assignments can take a lot of faculty time and organization.

Getting Started

  • Groups work best if people know each others' names and a bit of their background and experience, especially those parts that are related to the task at hand. Take time to introduce yourselves.
  • Be sure to include everyone when considering ideas about how to proceed as a group. Some may never have participated in a small group in an academic setting. Others may have ideas about what works well. Allow time for people to express their inexperience and hesitations as well as their experience with group projects.
  • Most groups select a leader early on, especially if the work is a long-term project. Other options for leadership in long-term projects include taking turns for different works or different phases of the work.
  • Everyone needs to discuss and clarify the goals of the group's work. Go around the group and hear everyone's ideas (before discussing them) or encourage divergent thinking by brainstorming. If you miss this step, trouble may develop part way through the project. Even though time is scarce and you may have a big project ahead of you, groups may take some time to settle in to work. If you anticipate this, you may not be too impatient with the time it takes to get started.

Organizing the Work

  • Break up big jobs into smaller pieces. Allocate responsibility for different parts of the group project to different individuals or teams. Do not forget to account for assembling pieces into final form.
  • Develop a timeline, including who will do what, in what format, by when. Include time at the end for assembling pieces into final form. (This may take longer than you anticipate.) At the end of each meeting, individuals should review what work they expect to complete by the following session.

Understanding and Managing Group Processes

  • Groups work best if everyone has a chance to make strong contributions to the discussion at meetings and to the work of the group project.
  • At the beginning of each meeting, decide what you expect to have accomplished by the end of the meeting.
  • Someone (probably not the leader) should write all ideas, as they are suggested, on the board, a collaborative document, or on large sheets of paper. Designate a recorder of the group's decisions. Allocate responsibility for group process (especially if you do not have a fixed leader) such as a time manager for meetings and someone who periodically says that it is time to see how things are going (see below).
  • What leadership structure does the group want? One designated leader? rotating leaders? separately assigned roles?
  • Are any more ground rules needed, such as starting meetings on time, kinds of interruptions allowed, and so forth?
  • Is everyone contributing to discussions? Can discussions be managed differently so all can participate? Are people listening to each other and allowing for different kinds of contributions?
  • Are all members accomplishing the work expected of them? Is there anything group members can do to help those experiencing difficulty?
  • Are there disagreements or difficulties within the group that need to be addressed? (Is someone dominating? Is someone left out?)
  • Is outside help needed to solve any problems?
  • Is everyone enjoying the work?

Including Everyone and Their Ideas

Groups work best if everyone is included and everyone has a chance to contribute ideas. The group's task may seem overwhelming to some people, and they may have no idea how to go about accomplishing it. To others, the direction the project should take may seem obvious. The job of the group is to break down the work into chunks, and to allow everyone to contribute. The direction that seems obvious to some may turn out not to be so obvious after all. In any event, it will surely be improved as a result of some creative modification.

Encouraging Ideas

The goal is to produce as many ideas as possible in a short time without evaluating them. All ideas are carefully listened to but not commented on and are usually written on the board or large sheets of paper so everyone can see them, and so they don't get forgotten or lost. Take turns by going around the group—hear from everyone, one by one.

One specific method is to generate ideas through brainstorming. People mention ideas in any order (without others' commenting, disagreeing or asking too many questions). The advantage of brainstorming is that ideas do not become closely associated with the individuals who suggested them. This process encourages creative thinking, if it is not rushed and if all ideas are written down (and therefore, for the time-being, accepted). A disadvantage: when ideas are suggested quickly, it is more difficult for shy participants or for those who are not speaking their native language. One approach is to begin by brainstorming and then go around the group in a more structured way asking each person to add to the list.

Examples of what to say:

  • Why don't we take a minute or two for each of us to present our views?
  • Let's get all our ideas out before evaluating them. We'll clarify them before we organize or evaluate them.
  • We'll discuss all these ideas after we hear what everyone thinks.
  • You don't have to agree with her, but let her finish.
  • Let's spend a few more minutes to see if there are any possibilities we haven't thought of, no matter how unlikely they seem.

Group Leadership

  • The leader is responsible for seeing that the work is organized so that it will get done. The leader is also responsible for understanding and managing group interactions so that the atmosphere is positive.
  • The leader must encourage everyone's contributions with an eye to accomplishing the work. To do this, the leader must observe how the group's process is working. (Is the group moving too quickly, leaving some people behind? Is it time to shift the focus to another aspect of the task?)
  • The leader must encourage group interactions and maintain a positive atmosphere. To do this the leader must observe the way people are participating as well as be aware of feelings communicated non-verbally. (Are individuals' contributions listened to and appreciated by others? Are people arguing with other people, rather than disagreeing with their ideas? Are some people withdrawn or annoyed?)
  • The leader must anticipate what information, materials or other resources the group needs as it works.
  • The leader is responsible for beginning and ending on time. The leader must also organize practical support, such as the room, chalk, markers, food, breaks.

(Note: In addition to all this, the leader must take part in thc discussion and participate otherwise as a group member. At these times, the leader must be careful to step aside from the role of leader and signal participation as an equal, not a dominant voice.)

Concerns of Individuals That May Affect Their Participation

  • How do I fit in? Will others listen to me? Am I the only one who doesn't know everyone else? How can I work with people with such different backgrounds and expericnce?
  • Who will make the decisions? How much influence can I have?
  • What do I have to offer to the group? Does everyone know more than I do? Does anyone know anything, or will I have to do most of the work myself?

Characteristics of a Group that is Performing Effectively

  • All members have a chance to express themselves and to influence the group's decisions. All contributions are listened to carefully, and strong points acknowledged. Everyone realizes that the job could not be done without the cooperation and contribution of everyone else.
  • Differences are dealt with directly with the person or people involved. The group identifies all disagreements, hears everyone's views and tries to come to an agreement that makes sense to everyone. Even when a group decision is not liked by someone, that person will follow through on it with the group.
  • The group encourages everyone to take responsibility, and hard work is recognized. When things are not going well, everyone makes an effort to help each other. There is a shared sense of pride and accomplishment.

Focusing on a Direction

After a large number of ideas have been generated and listed (e.g. on the board), the group can categorize and examine them. Then the group should agree on a process for choosing from among the ideas. Advantages and disadvantages of different plans can be listed and then voted on. Some possibilities can be eliminated through a straw vote (each group member could have 2 or 3 votes). Or all group members could vote for their first, second, and third choices. Alternatively, criteria for a successful plan can be listed, and different alternatives can be voted on based on the criteria, one by one.

Categorizing and evaluating ideas

  • We have about 20 ideas here. Can we sort them into a few general categories?
  • When we evaluate each others' ideas, can we mention some positive aspects before expressing concerns?
  • Could you give us an example of what you mean?
  • Who has dealt with this kind of problem before?
  • What are the pluses of that approach? The minuses?
  • We have two basic choices. Let's brainstorm. First let's look at the advantages of the first choice, then the disadvantages.
  • Let's try ranking these ideas in priority order. The group should try to come to an agreement that makes sense to everyone.

Making a decision

After everyone's views are heard and all points of agreement and disagreement are identified, the group should try to arrive at an agreement that makes sense to everyone.

  • There seems to be some agreement here. Is there anyone who couldn't live with solution #2?
  • Are there any objections to going that way?
  • You still seem to have worries about this solution. Is there anything that could be added or taken away to make it more acceptable? We're doing fine. We've agreed on a great deal. Let's stay with this and see if we can work this last issue through.
  • It looks as if there are still some major points of disagreement. Can we go back and define what those issues are and work on them rather than forcing a decision now.

How People Function in Groups

If a group is functioning well, work is getting done and constructive group processes are creating a positive atmosphere. In good groups the individuals may contribute differently at different times. They cooperate and human relationships are respected. This may happen automatically or individuals, at different times, can make it their job to maintain the atmospbere and human aspects of the group.

Roles That Contribute to the Work

Initiating —taking the initiative, at any time; for example, convening the group, suggesting procedures, changing direction, providing new energy and ideas. (How about if we.... What would happen if... ?)

Seeking information or opinions —requesting facts, preferences, suggestions and ideas. (Could you say a little more about... Would you say this is a more workable idea than that?)

Giving information or opinions —providing facts, data, information from research or experience. (ln my experience I have seen... May I tell you what I found out about...? )

Questioning —stepping back from what is happening and challenging the group or asking other specific questions about the task. (Are we assuming that... ? Would the consequence of this be... ?)

Clarifying —interpreting ideas or suggestions, clearing up confusions, defining terms or asking others to clarify. This role can relate different contributions from different people, and link up ideas that seem unconnected. (lt seems that you are saying... Doesn't this relate to what [name] was saying earlier?)

Summarizing —putting contributions into a pattern, while adding no new information. This role is important if a group gets stuck. Some groups officially appoint a summarizer for this potentially powerful and influential role. (If we take all these pieces and put them together... Here's what I think we have agreed upon so far... Here are our areas of disagreement...)

Roles That Contribute to the Atmosphere

Supporting —remembering others' remarks, being encouraging and responsive to others. Creating a warm, encouraging atmosphere, and making people feel they belong helps the group handle stresses and strains. People can gesture, smile, and make eye-contact without saying a word. Some silence can be supportive for people who are not native speakers of English by allowing them a chance to get into discussion. (I understand what you are getting at...As [name] was just saying...)

Observing —noticing the dynamics of the group and commenting. Asking if others agree or if they see things differently can be an effective way to identify problems as they arise. (We seem to be stuck... Maybe we are done for now, we are all worn out... As I see it, what happened just a minute ago.. Do you agree?)

Mediating —recognizing disagreements and figuring out what is behind the differences. When people focus on real differences, that may lead to striking a balance or devising ways to accommodate different values, views, and approaches. (I think the two of you are coming at this from completely different points of view... Wait a minute. This is how [name/ sees the problem. Can you see why she may see it differently?)

Reconciling —reconciling disagreements. Emphasizing shared views among members can reduce tension. (The goal of these two strategies is the same, only the means are different… Is there anything that these positions have in common?)

Compromising —yielding a position or modifying opinions. This can help move the group forward. (Everyone else seems to agree on this, so I'll go along with... I think if I give in on this, we could reach a decision.)

Making a personal comment —occasional personal comments, especially as they relate to the work. Statements about one's life are often discouraged in professional settings; this may be a mistake since personal comments can strengthen a group by making people feel human with a lot in common.

Humor —funny remarks or good-natured comments. Humor, if it is genuinely good-natured and not cutting, can be very effective in relieving tension or dealing with participants who dominate or put down others. Humor can be used constructively to make the work more acceptable by providing a welcome break from concentration. It may also bring people closer together, and make the work more fun.

All the positive roles turn the group into an energetic, productive enterprise. People who have not reflected on these roles may misunderstand the motives and actions of people working in a group. If someone other than the leader initiates ideas, some may view it as an attempt to take power from the leader. Asking questions may similarly be seen as defying authority or slowing down the work of the group. Personal anecdotes may be thought of as trivializing the discussion. Leaders who understand the importance of these many roles can allow and encourage them as positive contributions to group dynamics. Roles that contribute to the work give the group a sense of direction and achievement. Roles contributing to the human atmosphere give the group a sense of cooperation and goodwill.

Some Common Problems (and Some Solutions)

Floundering —While people are still figuring out the work and their role in the group, the group may experience false starts and circular discussions, and decisions may be postponed.

  • Here's my understanding of what we are trying to accomplish... Do we all agree?
  • What would help us move forward: data? resources?
  • Let's take a few minutes to hear everyone's suggestions about how this process might work better and what we should do next.

Dominating or reluctant participants —Some people might take more than their share of the discussion by talking too often, asserting superiority, telling lengthy stories, or not letting others finish. Sometimes humor can be used to discourage people from dominating. Others may rarely speak because they have difficulty getting in the conversation. Sometimes looking at people who don't speak can be a non-verbal way to include them. Asking quiet participants for their thoughts outside the group may lead to their participation within the group.

  • How would we state the general problem? Could we leave out the details for a moment? Could we structure this part of the discussion by taking turns and hearing what everyone has to say?
  • Let's check in with each other about how the process is working: Is everyone contributing to discussions? Can discussions be managed differently so we can all participate? Are we all listening to each other?

Digressions and tangents —Too many interesting side stories can be obstacles to group progress. It may be time to take another look at the agenda and assign time estimates to items. Try to summarize where the discussion was before the digression. Or, consider whether there is something making the topic easy to avoid.

  • Can we go back to where we were a few minutes ago and see what we were trying to do ?
  • Is there something about the topic itself that makes it difficult to stick to?

Getting Stuck —Too little progress can get a group down. It may be time for a short break or a change in focus. However, occasionally when a group feels that it is not making progress, a solution emerges if people simply stay with the issue.

  • What are the things that are helping us solve this problem? What's preventing us from solving this problem?
  • I understand that some of you doubt whether anything new will happen if we work on this problem. Are we willing to give it a try for the next fifteen minutes?

Rush to work —Usually one person in the group is less patient and more action-oriented than the others. This person may reach a decision more quickly than the others and then pressure the group to move on before others are ready.

  • Are we all ready-to make a decision on this?
  • What needs to be done before we can move ahead?
  • Let's go around and see where everyone stands on this.

Feuds —Occasionally a conflict (having nothing to do with the subject of the group) carries over into the group and impedes its work. It may be that feuding parties will not be able to focus until the viewpoint of each is heard. Then they must be encouraged to lay the issue aside.

  • So, what you are saying is... And what you are saying is... How is that related to the work here?
  • If we continue too long on this, we won't be able to get our work done. Can we agree on a time limit and then go on?

For more information...

James Lang, " Why Students Hate Group Projects (and How to Change That) ," The Chronicle of Higher Education (17 June 2022).

Hodges, Linda C. " Contemporary Issues in Group Learning in Undergraduate Science Classrooms: A Perspective from Student Engagement ,"  CBE—Life Sciences Education  17.2 (2018): es3.

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Planning for and Giving a Group Presentation

Students working on group projects are often asked to give an oral presentation summarizing the results of their research. Professors assign group presentations because they combine the cooperative learning benefits of working in groups with the active learning benefits of speaking in front of an audience. However, similar to participating in a group project , giving a group presentation requires making decisions together , negotiating shared responsibilities, and collaborating on developing a set of solutions to a research problem . Below are issues to consider when planning and while giving a group presentation.

Before the Presentation

When to Begin

Planning the logistics around giving a presentation should take place as the group project progresses and, most critically, coalesce immediately after results of your study are known and clear recommendations can be made. Keep in mind that completing the basic tasks of giving a presentation [e.g., designating a moderator, designing the slide templates, working on the introduction, etc.] can save you time and allow your group to focus just before giving the presentation on how to effectively highlight the most important aspects of the research study.

Sharing the Responsibility

Everyone in the group should have an equal role in preparing the presentation and covering a similar amount of information during the presentation. However, a moderator should be elected to lead the presentation. The group should then determine what each member will speak about. This can be based on either the member's interests or what they worked on during the group project. This means that each member should be responsible for developing an outline of what they will talk about and drafting the content of their section of the slides or other forms of visual aids.

NOTE: If , for whatever reason, a group member is  particularly anxious about speaking in front of an audience or perhaps they are uncomfortable because English is not their first language, consider giving them a role that can be easily articulated, such as, introducing the purpose of the study and its importance. Everyone must participate in speaking, but be cognizant of the need to support that person by discussing what would work best for them while still being an active contributor to the presentation.

Organizing the Content

The content of the presentation should parallel the organization of the research study. In general, it should include a brief introduction, a description of the study, along with its purpose and significance, a review of prior research and its relevance to your group's project, an analysis of the results, with an emphasis on significance findings or recommended courses of action, and a brief statement about any limitations and how the group managed them. The conclusion of the presentation should briefly summarize the study's key findings and implications and, if time has been allotted, ask for questions from the audience. The conclusion can also be used to highlight areas of study the require further investigation. Note that the group's time should be spent primarily discussing the results of the study and their implications in furthering knowledge about the research problem .

Developing the Content

The narrative around each section must flow together smoothly t o ensure that the audience remains engaged. An initial meeting to discuss each section of the presentation should include the following: 1) deciding on the sequence of speakers and which group member presents on which section; 2) determining who will oversee the use of any technology [and who steps up when it's that person's turn to speak]; 3) determining how much time should be allocated for each section in relation to the overall time limit; 4) discussing the use and content of slides or other visual aids; and, 5) developing a general outline of the presentation. Once everyone's roles and responsibilities have been negotiated, the group should establish a schedule of deadlines for when the work should to be completed.

Creating Transitions

Building the narrative of an oral presentation means more than imparting information; it also requires the group to work together developing moments of transition from one section to the next. Transitional statements ensures coordination among members about what is to be covered and helps your audience follow along and remain engaged. The transition from one section to the next should include both verbal cues [e.g., a recap what you just discussed and an introduction of the next speaker] and non-verbal gestures [e.g., stepping away from the podium or front of class to make room for the next speaker]. An example of this transition could be something like this:

Speaker 1: " to summarize, the literature suggested that allegations of election fraud often created the conditions for massive street protests in democratized societies. Next Mike will discuss how we analyzed recent events in Mexico and determined why this assumption may not apply under certain conditions. "

Speaker 2: " Thank you, Jordan. Next slide. In our study, we coded and analyzed the content of twitter accounts to explore the rise of dissension among.... "

NOTE:   Each member of the group should learn the entire presentation and not just their section. This ensures that members can help out if the speaker becomes nervous and loses track of what to say or if they forget something. If each member knows the entire presentation, then there is always someone who can step up and support the speaker by maintaining the narrative and not losing the audience's attention.

Practicing the Presentation

The most critical thing to do before giving a group presentation is to practice as a group. Rehearse what will be said and how it will be said so you know that the overall structure works, that the time is allotted correctly, and that any changes can be made, if needed. Also, rehearsing the presentation should include practicing use of the technology and choreographing where people will stand. An effective strategy is to rehearse the entire presentation at least twice. Practice with each member taking turns speaking in front of the other members pretending that they are the audience. This way the group members can take turns offering suggestions about improving the presentation and the speaker gets more comfortable speaking in front of people. Practice a second time presenting as a group. This way, everyone can rehearse where to stand and coordinate transitions. If possible, practice in the room where your presentation will take place; standing in the front of a classroom feels very different from sitting there as a student.

During the Presentation

Before the Presentations Begin

If groups are presenting from a shared computer, ask your professor if you could pre-load your slides or other visual aids before the class begins . This will ensure that you're not taking time away from your presentation downloading and setting everything up. In addition, if there is a problem, it can be resolved beforehand rather than it being a distraction when you start the presentation.


Begin by having the moderator introduce the group by giving each member's name and a brief description of what they will be presenting on. And, yes, this seems like a pointless formality because it's likely that everyone knows everyone else. However, this is expected because it reflects giving oral presentations in most professional and work settings. In addition, your group has a limited amount of time to present and introducing everyone before the presentation begins saves more time than having each individual introduce themselves before they speak.

When Not Speaking

Assuming your group has practiced at least twice [and preferably more], you have heard and seen the entire presentation multiple times. Keep in mind, however, that your audience has not and they can observe everyone in the group. Be engaged. Do not look bored or distracted while others are speaking. Pay attention to each other by watching what the presenter is doing. Respond positively to the presenter and use nonverbal cues [e.g., nodding your head] as a way to help emphasize keys points of the presentation; audiences notice when those not speaking react to something the speaker is saying.

Coordinate Moving from One Speaker to the Next

The person presenting should take a position in the foreground of where you are delivering the information. Group members not speaking should step back and take a spot behind or off to the side of the speaker. When the person speaking is done, the next person steps forward. This pre-planned choreography may seem trivial, but it emphasizes to your audience who the next speaker will be and demonstrates a smooth, coordinated delivery throughout the presentation.

Visual Aids

Plan ahead how to use slides or other visual aids. The person currently presenting should not be distracted by having to constantly move to the next slide, backup and show an earlier slide, or exit a slide to show a video or external web page . Coordinate who in the group is responsible for taking the cue to change slides or otherwise manipulate the technology. When it's time for that person to speak, have a plan in place for passing this responsibility to someone else in the group. Fumbling around with who does what when, distracts the audience. Note however that the role of moving from one slide to the next does not count as being a presenter!

The presentation should conclude with the moderator stepping forward and thanking the audience and asking if there are any questions. If a question relates to a specific part of the presentation, the group member who spoke during that part should answer the question; it should not be the moderator's responsibility to answer for everyone. If another group follows your presentation from a shared computer, be courteous and close out all of your slides or other visual aids before stepping away.

Aguilera, Anna, Jesse Schreier, and Cassandra Saitow. "Using Iterative Group Presentations in an Introductory Biology Course to Enhance Student Engagement and Critical Thinking." The American Biology Teacher 79 (August 2017): 450-454; Barnard, Sam. "Guide for Giving a Group Presentation." VirtualSpeech Ltd., 2019; Eisen, Arri. "Small-Group Presentations: Teaching Science Thinking and Context in a Large Biology Class." BioScience 48 (January 1998): 53-58; Group Presentations. Writing@CSU. Colorado State University ; Kågesten, Owe, and Johann Engelbrecht. "Student Group Presentations: A Learning Instrument in Undergraduate Mathematics for Engineering Students." European Journal of Engineering Education 32 (2007): 303-314; Lucas, Stephen. The Art of Public Speaking . [Chapter 19]. 12th edition. Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 2015; McArthur, John A. “10 Tips for Improving Group Presentations.” [blog]. Department of Communication Studies, Furman University, November 1, 2011; Melosevic, Sara. “Simple Group Presentation Tips for Maximum Teamwork Magic.” PresentBetter, November 13, 2018; St. John, Ron. Group Project Guidelines. Department of Speech, University of Hawai'i Maui Community College, January 16, 2002.

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Center for Teaching Innovation

Ideas for group & collaborative assignments, why collaborative learning.

Collaborative learning can help

  • students develop higher-level thinking, communication, self-management, and leadership skills
  • explore a broad range of perspectives and provide opportunities for student voices/expression
  • promote teamwork skills & ethics
  • prepare students for real life social and employment situations
  • increase student retention, self-esteem, and responsibility

Collaborative activities & tools

Group brainstorming & investigation in shared documents.

Have students work together to investigate or brainstorm a question in a shared document (e.g., structured Google doc, Google slide, or sheet) or an online whiteboard, and report their findings back to the class.

  • Immediate view of contributions
  • Synchronous & asynchronous group work
  • Students can come back to the shared document to revise, re-use, or add information
  • Google workspace (Google Docs, Sheets, Forms, & Slides)
  • Microsoft 365 (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Teams)
  • Cornell Box (document storage)
  • Whiteboarding tools ( Zoom , JamBoard , Miro , Mural , etc.)


  • Sharing settings
  • Global access
  • Accessibility

Group discussions with video conferencing and chat

Ask students to post an answer to a question or share their thoughts about class content in the Zoom chat window (best for smaller classes). For large classes, ask students in Zoom breakout rooms to choose a group notetaker to post group discussion notes in the chat window after returning to the main class session.

You can also use a discussion board for asynchronous group work.

  • Students can post their reflections in real time and read/share responses
  • If group work is organized asynchronously, students can come back to the discussion board at their own time

Synchronous group work:

  • Zoom Breakout rooms
  • Microsoft Teams
  • Canvas Conferences
  • Canvas Group Discussions
  • Ed Discussion
  • Stable access to WiFi and its bandwidth
  • Clear expectations about participation and pace for asynchronous discussion boards
  • Monitoring discussion boards

Group projects: creation

Students retrieve and synthesize information by collaborating with their peers to create something new: a written piece, an infographic, a piece of code, or students collectively respond to sample test questions.

  • Group projects may benefit from features offered by shared online space (ability to chat, do video conferencing, share files and links, post announcements and discussion threads, and build content)
  • Canvas groups with all available tools

Setting up groups and group projects for success may require the following steps:

  • Introduce group or peer work early in the semester
  • Establishing ground rules for participation
  • Plan for each step of group work
  • Explain how groups will function and the grading

Peer learning, critiquing, giving feedback

Students submit their first draft of an essay, research proposal, or a design, and the submitted work is distributed for peer review. If students work on a project in teams, they can check in with each other through a group member evaluation activity. Students can also build on each other’s knowledge and understanding of the topic in Zoom breakout room discussions or by sharing and responding in an online discussion board.

When providing feedback and critiquing, students have to apply their knowledge, problem-solving skills, and develop feedback literacy. Students also engage more deeply with the assignment requirements and/or the rubric.

  • FeedbackFruits Peer Review and Group Member Evaluation
  • Canvas Peer Review
  • Turnitin PeerMark
  • Zoom breakout rooms
  • Canvas discussions, and other discussion tools
  • Peer review is a multistep activity and may require careful design and consideration of requirements to help students achieve the learning outcomes. The assignment requirements will inform which platform is best to use and the best settings for the assignment
  • We advise making the first peer review activity a low-stakes assignment for the students to get used to the platform and the flow.
  • A carefully written rubric helps guide students through the process of giving feedback and yields more constructive feedback.
  • It helps when the timing for the activity is generous, so students have enough time to first submit their work and then give feedback.

Group reflection & social annotation activities

Students can annotate, highlight, discuss, and collaborate on text documents, images, video, audio, and websites. Instructors can post guiding questions for students to respond to, and allow students to post their own questions to be answered by peers. This is a great reading activity leading up to an inperson discussion.

  • Posing discussion topics and/or questions for students to answer as they read a paper
  • Students can collaboratively read and annotate synchronously and asynchronously
  • Collaborative annotation helps students to acknowledge some parts of reading that they could have neglected otherwise
  • Annotating in small groups
  • FeedbackFruits
  • Interactive Media (annotations on document, video, and audio)
  • Providing students with thorough instructions
  • These are all third-party tools, so the settings should be selected thoughtfully
  • Accessibility (Perusall)

Group learning with polling and team competitions

Instructors can poll students while they are in breakout rooms using Poll Everywhere. This activity is great for checking understanding and peer learning activities, as students will be able to discuss solutions.

  • Students can share screen in a breakout room and/or answer questions together
  • This activity can be facilitated as a competition among teams
  • Poll Everywhere competitions, surveys, and polls facilitated in breakout rooms
  • Careful construction of questions for students
  • Students may need to be taught how to answer online questions
  • It requires appropriate internet connection and can experience delays in response summaries.

More information

  • Group work & collaborative learning
  • Collaboration tools
  • Active learning
  • Active learning in online teaching

Example Group Assignments

  • Divide students into teams, designating one student as a leader. Have the students apply course concepts to solving a problem and report back to the class. Other groups or students are encouraged to comment on the final solutions of other teams. 2  
  • Students complete an assignment that will be assessed by their peers. This is an effective learning assessment tool when there are no right or wrong answers and when several methods can be used to solve a problem.  
  • Students complete a draft of an essay or an oral report, then have peers critique and edit.  It’s valuable to have the assessment rubric available to use as an editing guide. 1
  • Students read assigned material and come up with questions reflective of their reading. They can post their questions to a designated Blackboard discussion thread, and work on answering the questions individually or in groups. The instructor monitors, redirects, settles disputes, or adds comment to lead the discussion in a new direction or positively reinforce students.  
  • Use the jigsaw for complex problem solving. First, separate students into expert groups. Each group is assigned a different piece of the concept to present to the class. In the expert group, the students work on ways to present their piece to the larger class so the class understands the concept. The students teach the class the concept. Assess learning through peer review or individual quizzes. This activity ensures individual responsibility while using collaborative learning. 1
  • Students describe someone they admire in their field, contact and interview this person. The assignment is structured so the student learns how to make contacts and report back on their experiences. On a more simple level, students could network with other students in their class to practice networking and learn about what other experiences students are bringing to the class.  
  • Wikis help streamline group projects by allowing students to collaborate seamlessly while providing the instructor with a digital footprint of each group member who contributed to the project.

Eberly Center

Teaching excellence & educational innovation, how can i assess group work.

All of the principles of assessment that apply to individual work apply to group work as well. Assessing group work has added challenges, however. 

First, depending on the objectives of the assignment, the instructor might want to assess the team’s final product (e.g., design, report, presentation), their group processes (e.g., ability to meet deadlines, contribute fairly, communicate effectively), or both. Second, group performance must be translated into individual grades – which raises issues of fairness and equity. Complicating both these issues is the fact that neither group processes nor individual contribution are necessarily apparent in the final product.

Thus, in addition to evaluating the group’s output, instructors may need to find ways to determine how groups functioned and the extent to which individuals contributed to the effort. This isn’t always easy, but these general principles can guide you, and the Eberly Center for Teaching Excellence can help you find and implement the right approach for your goals and context.

Assess individual, as well as group, learning and performance.

Assess process as well as product..

  • Make your assessment criteria and grading scheme clear .

Find samples of group project assessment tools here...

Diligent students can be profoundly demotivated by group projects if they feel that their own success is dependent on team members who don’t do their share. One way to counteract the motivational hazards of group projects is to assess individual students’ learning and performance in addition to the group’s output. This strategy gives diligent students a greater sense of fairness and control and discourages free ridership. 

Individual learning and performance can be assessed in any number of ways. Some instructors add an individual component to group projects (e.g., a short essay, journal entries); some combine a group project with an individual test or quiz. Both group and individual performance are then reflected in the total project grade (e.g., some faculty members make the group grade worth 50% and the individual grade worth 50%; others split it 80%/20%. There’s no perfect breakdown, but the grading scheme should (a) reflect your goals for student learning and (b) seek to motivate the kind of work you want to see.)

Professor Solomon asks student groups to research a famous anthropological controversy, and give an oral presentation analyzing the issues, positions, and people involved. She assigns a group grade for the presentation, but also requires all the team members to write a short, individual paper summarizing what they learned from the assignment and what they contributed to the team. If the individual piece demonstrates a poor understanding of the material or a low level of participation in the group, she reserves the right to lower the individual’s grade by a full letter grade. If it is particularly informed, thorough, or demonstrates an exceptionally high contribution to the team, she raises the individual’s grade by a full letter grade.

If developing teamwork skills is one of your learning objectives for the course, it’s important to assess students’ progress toward that goal. In other words, you should assess process (how students work) as well as product (the work they produce).

Process can be assessed according to a number of dimensions, such as the ability to generate a range of ideas, listen respectfully to disparate perspectives, distribute work fairly, resolve differences, and communicate effectively. Since instructors don’t always have a direct window into the dynamics of student groups, they often rely on teams to self-report via:

  • team evaluations: each member of the team evaluates the dynamics of the team as a whole.
  • peer evaluations: each team member evaluates the contributions of his/her teammates. 
  • self-evaluations: each team member documents and evaluates his own contributions to the team.
  • Find samples of evaluations here...

These assessments can be quantitative or qualitative. They can be done as reflective writing assignments or as questionnaires targeting specific dimensions of teamwork. Think about which tools suit your purpose and context. Also give some thought to when you’ll use them (in the middle of the semester? at the end? both?), who should see them (just you? other team members?), and whether or not they should be anonymous. The Eberly Center can help you find, adapt, or create the right tool and determine how to use it to best effect.

Remember, too, that process assessments are subjective and students are not always straightforward when evaluating one another or themselves. However, in combination with product assessments and individual assessments, they can offer valuable glimpses into how teams function and alert you to major problems (e.g., particularly problematic team members or serious conflict), which can help to inform your feedback and grading.

Professor Montoya assigns a multi-stage information systems project where students work together in teams over much of the semester. Over the course of the semester, he periodically asks students to evaluate both the dynamics of the team as a whole and their own contributions, and to reflect on ways to improve both as the project continues. At the end of the project, he asks students to complete a peer evaluation for every member of their team, indicating each member’s contribution to the group. Professor Montoya’s total grade for the project combines a group grade (75%) and an individual grade (25%). The individual grade is based, in equal parts, on how each student’s teammates evaluated his contribution to the group and on the quality of the feedback he provided to them.

Make your assessment criteria and grading scheme clear.

It’s always important to articulate your performance criteria so students understand your expectations and standards. This is especially true if you are emphasizing skills that are not usually assessed, such as the ability to resolve conflict, delegate tasks, etc. Criteria for evaluating both product and process can be communicated by giving students a group work rubric ( pdf ) before they begin their work and then using it to provide meaningful feedback during and at the end of the project. 

It’s also important to think about how you will weigh the various components of group projects in your grading scheme. Some questions to consider include:

  • What percentage of the student’s total project grade will be based on the group’s performance vs. individual components? 
  • What percentage will be based on assessments of product vs. assessments of process? 
  • How much weight will you give to peer evaluations or self-evaluations? 
  • Will feedback from external clients also be incorporated into your assessment of the group’s work? If so, what sorts of feedback will you solicit: feedback on product (e.g., Does it work? Is it a good solution/design?), feedback on process (e.g., Did the group communicate effectively with the client? Did it meet deadlines?), or both?

A number of dimensions of group work can factor, either formally or informally, into a student’s grade. What’s important is to think about what dimensions of student performance matter to you and how your grading criteria and the weighting of assessment components can help motivate the behaviors you want to see. Finally, it’s critical to clearly communicate your grading scheme to students.

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Malaysia Assignment Help

Group Assignment Acknowledgement Examples

Group Assignment Acknowledgement Examples

If you are looking for an example of acknowledgment for a group assignment , this article is definitely for you. In this article, you will get a sample acknowledgment for group assignments, group projects, reports, and individual assignments. Similar to most acknowledgments written by Malaysian students in school or group assignments at work, it is obligatory that the student thanks everyone who has helped them complete their project.

Teachers and mentors should always be thanked first as they have had the greatest impact on your academic success thus far. If there was an individual who assisted with completing specific tasks within the assignment then he too should also receive recognition;

Group Assignment Acknowledgement – Sample 1

We would like to thank all of the people who helped us with this project, without their support and guidance it wouldn’t have been possible. We appreciate [ Mr. X ] for his guidance and supervision which has provided a lot of resources needed in completing our project. Our parents as well as friends were constantly encouraging us throughout the process when we felt discouraged or became frustrated because they knew how much work went into this venture so that is why we want to extend them thanks too! We are grateful to our colleagues in developing the project, for their willingness and assistance. They helped us with this project, which we appreciate dearly.

Group Assignment Acknowledgement: Sample 2

The project has been a lot of work, but we couldn’t have done it without the support and guidance from some very important people. We want to thank  [ Mr. Y ] for all their help with this project; they provided us with resources as well as essential information that was needed to complete our task successfully. Thank you also goes out to our parents and friends who were there every step of the way during this time period-without them, I’m not sure what would’ve happened! We also want to thank all of the people who have been working alongside us on this project. It’s so great that you are willing to help out when we need it! Thank you for your hard work and dedication, which has made our success possible.

Group Assignment Acknowledgement: Sample 3

We would like to thank our teachers and professors who gave us a chance to work on this project. We are very grateful that they provided valuable suggestions for the betterment of the project, which we greatly appreciate them for doing so. Furthermore, we want to extend special thanks towards our college as well because without their resources then none of what is seen now could have been possible in terms of creative or intellectual development. Last but not least, everyone involved with this think tank deserves recognition such as family members and friends. they all played an important role when it came down to giving motivation at times where there was no hope left!

Group Assignment Acknowledgement: Sample 4

We are very grateful to our teachers and professors who gave us a chance to work on this project. We would like to thank him for giving us valuable suggestions and ideas, as well as the college that provided all of the resources needed in order for it to be successful. Our parents always encouraged us through every rough patch with their support, but also friends were there when we needed them most!

Acknowledgment for Group Assignment/Project: Sample 5

It has been a long and strenuous project, but we have finally reached the finish line with our final product. We owe an immense amount of gratitude to all those who contributed in one way or another; without you, this would not be possible. The completion of such a large-scale endeavor requires support from many people, so thank you for your contributions! We are also very grateful to our teachers and supervisors for their kindness as well as patience during the process – they never once lost faith in us despite how difficult it was at times. To everyone else involved: Thank You!. Finally, we want to extend our thanks towards God (The Great Almighty) because he always had his blessing on us when nobody else did 😉

Group Assignment Acknowledgement: Example 6

It is with a heavy heart that we say goodbye to this project. It was one of the most challenging, yet gratifying experiences in our lives and education career. We truly appreciate all those who helped us get here: teachers for their guidance; supervisors for your understanding; friends, family members, relatives – without you guys there would be no way! Above all else thank God Almighty because he always had his hand on us during every step of this journey to completion.

Group Assignment Acknowledgement: Sample 7

Mr. X thank you for your leadership and knowledge that helped us complete this project successfully, we are grateful to have had the privilege of learning from a wonderful teacher such as yourself! Thank you Mr. Z for all of your guidance throughout our work on this project including advice and support when needed! And finally, thank you again to everyone involved in making it happen because without them we would not be here today with an amazing product completed!”

Group Assignment Acknowledgement: Sample 8

We are grateful to our respectable teacher, Mr. X who has been instrumental in guiding us through this project successfully. With his wisdom and knowledge, we were able to complete this report with ease under his supervision which was a very enriching experience for all of us! We also would like to thank Mr.Z whose advice helped make the production process much smoother and easier than expected considering it was such an ambitious task from the start! Lastly, without their help along the way, I’m not sure if we could have made it here today so thanks go out as well to everyone else that contributed at some point or another during our journey on completing this remarkable undertaking together.”

Acknowledgment Sample for Group Assignment: Sample 9

We are grateful to our respectable teacher, Mr. X for his insightful leadership and knowledge which benefited us in completing the project successfully! Thank you so much for your continuous support and presence whenever needed. We would also like to thank Professor Z who provided valuable advice on a number of occasions during the preparation of this report as well as contributing some money that helped us buy necessary equipment. Last but not the least, we sincerely appreciate all those whose contribution was either direct or indirect–we could have never done it without them!

Group Assignment Acknowledgement: Example 10

A project like this would be impossible to complete without the help of a number of people. I am grateful for all those who helped make it possible and want them to know how much their words were appreciated throughout my process. My deepest gratitude goes out especially to _______, __________, and ______for making themselves available at every stage as they patiently answered my many questions about matters both big and small. A project such as mine is unimaginable without the assistance from others working on behalf or in support of me along the way; acknowledging these individuals’ efforts ensures that none go unappreciated! One cannot overstate what each person has done during different stages so below are some brief summaries:

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  9. Team Contract Template

    Utilize a team contract template when forming a new collaborative group to establish clear expectations, roles, and guidelines for effective teamwork. This template is essential at the outset of a project, academic assignment, or any team-based endeavor to ensure a shared understanding among team members. This Group Contract (the "Contract") is ...

  10. Getting Started with Designing Group Work Assignments

    Tie in-class activities and lectures to the group assignment. For example, during class sessions, provide clues that will assist students in their group projects. Be sure to explain how students will be evaluated and use a rubric to communicate these expectations. See more on how to evaluate group work in Getting Started with Evaluating Group Work.

  11. Group Project Tools

    Sample group project tools. Here are different group project tools you might consider adopting or adapting for use in your own courses. You can find others on the Web. Read about best practices for designing and assessing group projects to learn more about how to use these tools. Or come talk to us at the Eberly Center for guidance on how and ...

  12. Group Work Templates

    Brings resources, documents, and/or drafts that the group agreed upon collectively. Completes assigned portions by the group's and the instructor's deadlines. Student: 1-4. Student: 1-4. Student: 1-4. Student: 1-4. Efficiency: Focuses group work on the task at hand to achieve group goals for each meeting.

  13. Sample group project tools

    Sample group project tools. Here are different group project tools you might consider adopting or adapting for use in your own courses. You can find others on the Web. Read about best practices for designing and assessing group projects to learn more about how to use these tools. Or come talk to us at the Eberly Center for guidance on how and ...

  14. Organizing Your Social Sciences Research Assignments

    However, similar to participating in a group project, giving a group presentation requires making decisions together, negotiating shared responsibilities, and collaborating on developing a set of solutions to a research problem. Below are issues to consider when planning and while giving a group presentation. Before the Presentation. When to Begin

  15. Ideas for group & collaborative assignments

    Collaborative learning can help. students develop higher-level thinking, communication, self-management, and leadership skills. explore a broad range of perspectives and provide opportunities for student voices/expression. promote teamwork skills & ethics. prepare students for real life social and employment situations.


    Below is a sample of one way to form collaborative work groups. In this example, group members are given both some guidelines by the instructor and permitted to write some of their own. A group contract can be written solely by the instructor, by the group members, or both. You may choose to have everyone use the same contract, let individual ...

  17. Example Group Assignments

    Example Group Assignments. Divide students into teams, designating one student as a leader. Have the students apply course concepts to solving a problem and report back to the class. Other groups or students are encouraged to comment on the final solutions of other teams.2. Students complete an assignment that will be assessed by their peers.

  18. Group Assignment Sample

    Group Assignment Sample. Course: Strategic Management (MGMT3010) 36 Documents. Students shared 36 documents in this course. University: Curtin University. Info More info. Download. 83 4. Was this document helpful? 83 4. Save Share. Strategic Management. Assignment 2-pr oject . T utor's N ame Zuberia Hosanoo.

  19. How can I assess group work?

    Assessing group work has added challenges, however. First, depending on the objectives of the assignment, the instructor might want to assess the team's final product (e.g., design, report, presentation), their group processes (e.g., ability to meet deadlines, contribute fairly, communicate effectively), or both.

  20. Random Assignment in Experiments

    Random Assignment in Experiments | Introduction & Examples. Published on March 8, 2021 by Pritha Bhandari.Revised on June 22, 2023. In experimental research, random assignment is a way of placing participants from your sample into different treatment groups using randomization. With simple random assignment, every member of the sample has a known or equal chance of being placed in a control ...

  21. 10+ Acknowledgement Examples for Group Assignment/Project

    Group Assignment Acknowledgement - Sample 1. We would like to thank all of the people who helped us with this project, without their support and guidance it wouldn't have been possible. We appreciate [ Mr. X ] for his guidance and supervision which has provided a lot of resources needed in completing our project.

  22. PDF Group Assignments as a Class Element to Promote Performance in ...

    effective work within virtual teams, by examining performance on a final assignment of a business case. The findings are that students who have at least a medium exposure (three) to group assignments performed significantly better on the business case and cost risk benefit analysis then students with no group assignments prior to the business case.

  23. 5+ Best Acknowledgement for Group Assignment/Project

    Group Assignment Acknowledgement: Sample 4. We have taken a lot of effort into this project. However, completing this project would not have been possible without the support and guidance of a lot of individuals. We would like to extend our sincere thanks to all of them. We are highly indebted to Mr. Y for their guidance and supervision.