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Literary Research in Harvard Libraries

Foreign language literatures.

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Start with the MLA International Bibliography

  • The MLA International Bibliography is both international and multilingual, making it a great general tool for research in literary scholarship. You can use the drop-down list to specify a Subject Literature by nation or region (Scottish, North African, etc.).
  • Since the MLA is based in the U.S., though, there's a natural bias toward anglophone literature and toward works by American scholars. To find databases and bibliographies specific to your subject literature, please ask me (Odile) for recommendations. You're also welcome to explore Harvard's Databases list .

Think in Terms of Language Families and Geographical Region

Use multiple kinds of search terms, nouns and adjectives:.

  • Pro tip: also add adjectival forms for languages: Lusophone, Sinophone
  • East Asian, Pacific, Iberian, Latin America

Dialects and cultures

  • Hwanghae, Latino, Chicano

Language families

  • Romance, Slavic, Nilo-Saharan.
Pro tip : learn the MARC codes for your languages of interest , for catalog searching (e.g. in HOLLIS Advanced Search )

Find the Language Filter

  • Language : most search interfaces allow you to filter by language, and/or have a "language" option on the Advanced Search page
  • Place of publication : it is also often possible to filter or search by place of publication

For Non-Roman Scripts, Search Multiple Variations

Cataloging practices and system capabilities have changed significantly over time - you will need to try multiple search methods. Expect some hiccups in your searching no matter what you do.

  • Get expert advice: if you're doing extensive searching in a vernacular script, a cataloging expert can alert you to tiny variations that make a big difference in your results.
  • Search in the original script : many systems can now accept non-Latin character sets, and current best practice is for items to be cataloged by their original titles, in the original script. HOLLIS does accept non-Latin scripts.
  • ALA-LC Romanization Tables  - these tables define current best practice in the U.S. Note that there are many different romanization schemes in use around the world.
  • Tips for romanizing Arabic, Persian, and Hebrew (Harvard guide for Middle East and Islamic Studies Library Resources)
  • Tips for romanizing Cyrillic script (Slavic and Eurasian Studies at Harvard: Library and Archival Resources Slavic Studies Research Guide)
  • Try your search with and without diacritics: every search system is different. Some ignore diacritical marks, some require them. Remember that the same accented letters can be represented with different unicode blocks. HOLLIS generally ignores diacritics.

Contact an Expert

  • There is likely a Harvard librarian who specializes in the language families and geographical regions of interest to you. (Write to Ask a Librarian to find out who!) Our library experts are available via email or by in-person consultations. They can recommend top databases and help you navigate Harvard's collections. Many also maintain online research guides like the one you're reading right now. Please get in touch!

Explore Harvard's Collections

There is non-Anglophone material throughout Harvard's library collections, but several libraries specialize in a particular cultural tradition or geographic area. Many of the collections below rank among the world's best.

In Cambridge:

  • Harvard-Yenching Library - East Asian
  • Slavic Collections (Widener)
  • Fung Library - 20th-century social-science collections on Eurasia, Japan, and China
  • Middle Eastern Collection (Widener)
  • Judaica Collection (Widener)

Beyond Massachusetts:

  • Center for Hellenic Studies - Greek and Byzantine
  • Biblioteca Berenson - Medieval Italian

Explore Beyond Harvard's Collections

Pro Tip : use InterLibrary Loan to request material from outside of Harvard's Collections

Union Catalogs

  • WorldCat - a global union catalog that aggregates library catalogs from across the country and the world
  • Karlsruher Virtueller Katalog - a union catalog for European libraries that includes many records not found in WorldCat

National Libraries

  • National library catalogs are usually open to search, no log-in required
  • If you don't find a national library, try to find what other institutions might have the biggest libraries in the country, such as a prominent university, museum, cultural heritage center, or branch of government
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Local/Global Literatures and Cultures

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Organizer: Yuji Kato

We now live in a world where local literatures and cultures cannot be separate from the global political, economic, and cultural influences that infiltrate urban and provincial areas of all regions partly due to the information network enabled by the internet as Jean François Lyotard predicted in The Postmodern Condition. At a time in which nationalism is gaining power again, some writers and artists may find cozy niches in the frameworks of national, regional, or ethnic cultures, resisting the infiltration of global influences. Others may find ways to get away from such frameworks in search of global approaches to literature and culture even if being global does not necessarily mean being universal.  However, we cannot define the interactions between the local and the global simply in terms of such binary oppositions. As some writers such as William Faulkner and Kazuo Ishiguro have shown, literature can be local and global. Writers such as Edgar A. Poe and Kobo Abe successfully sought universal approaches to literature without local specificity. In films, music, and art, the interaction of the local and the global has been the basis for almost all directors, musicians, and artists at least for the past 100 years.  For example, Yasujiro Ozu’s films incorporated the styles and patterns of Hollywood films and influenced directors of the West in their turn after the 1970s. Indian, Vietnamese, Chinese, and Korean film directors also have set their films in the spaces between their homeland and other, often Western, nations. As a consequence, we cannot even conceive of such genres as Asian, European, or American films now. Jazz and hip hop are certainly the national cultures of the United States, but they are not local cultures of the nation anymore, having been listened to and played in other areas of the world to form local traditions. Critical perspectives offered by such Western critical theories as gender studies, feminism, and postcolonialism also have local and global significance, calling forth receptions and reactions particular to each area and culture. The trends toward globalization may help highlight and re-create local literatures and cultures, or the characteristics of the local culture may be dwarfed or eliminated in favor of more global perspectives. Yet, the interactions of the local and the global are inevitable in our contemporary world and need scrutiny. We invite papers from scholars from varied academic disciplines and backgrounds to shed light on the interactions between the local and the global in past and contemporary literatures and cultures and to examine the problematics in their complex and multifaceted manifestations from our current perspectives in the multicultural environment of the ACLA annual meeting at a time in which we face the crisis of political, economic, and cultural disruptions in Europe and elsewhere. 

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Sample Foreign Literature of Chapter 2 (Thesis Writing)

example of foreign and local literature in research

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  • Last Updated: Oct 5, 2023 9:21 AM
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  • Kelli Russell Agodon
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  • Last Updated: Sep 19, 2023 10:56 AM
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example of foreign and local literature in research

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example of foreign and local literature in research

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  6. Review of Related Literature


  1. Foreign Language Literatures

    Tips for doing research on literary topics. Start with the MLA International Bibliography. The MLA International Bibliography is both international and multilingual, making it a great general tool for research in literary scholarship. You can use the drop-down list to specify a Subject Literature by nation or region (Scottish, North African, etc.).

  2. CHAPTER 2 Review of Related Literature and Studies Foreign Literature

    Academia.edu is a platform for academics to share research papers. CHAPTER 2 Review of Related Literature and Studies Foreign Literature Student Performance Galiher ... Local Literature Written with Dr. Michael Aguirre Clores of the Department of Mathematics and natural Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences, Ateneo de Naga University, presents ...

  3. How to Write a Literature Review

    Examples of literature reviews. Step 1 - Search for relevant literature. Step 2 - Evaluate and select sources. Step 3 - Identify themes, debates, and gaps. Step 4 - Outline your literature review's structure. Step 5 - Write your literature review.


    andrea miranda. Download Free PDF. View PDF. CHAPTER 2 REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDIES This chapter primarily presents the different researches and other literatures form both foreign and local researchers, which have significant bearings on the variables included in the research.

  5. Method of preparing an international and national literature review for

    Background. The literature review consists of the analysis and synthesis of preliminary works, consolidating information on an emerging subject's state of the art to document accumulated knowledge or reveal theoretical foundations to be addressed [1].Cronin et al. [2] classify the literature review as systematic and narrative (also called traditional).

  6. Local/Global Literatures and Cultures

    In films, music, and art, the interaction of the local and the global has been the basis for almost all directors, musicians, and artists at least for the past 100 years. For example, Yasujiro Ozu's films incorporated the styles and patterns of Hollywood films and influenced directors of the West in their turn after the 1970s.

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    Presented in this chapter are foreign and local literatures and studies gathered from online journal resources used by the researchers who was seeking of this paper as a guide in order to have a more accurate studies. This Related Literature helped the researchers have a better understanding and a wider perspective on the topic gathered.


    Examples are the entire student's courses card for Anthropology 101 or the transcript of all courses in the register's office. Bryan (2006) emphasized the information system is a set of people, procedures and resources that collects, transforms and disseminates information in an organization to do's ends rely on many types of information ...

  14. Chapter2 Local and Foreign Literature:

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  15. Foreign AND Local Related Literature AND Studies

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  16. Sample Foreign Literature of Chapter 2 (Thesis Writing)

    Chapter 2. RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDIES. This chapter presents the literature and studies taken from the various sources like books, unfinished thesis and the like. The presentation starts with the foreign literature, local literature, and then followed by foreign studies and lastly, the local studies. The synthesis of the works, data and ...

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  18. Libraries: Foreign Language and Literature: Research Methods

    SAGE Research Methods; Little Green Books (Quantitative Methods) Little Blue Books (Qualitative Methods) Dictionaries and Encyclopedias ; Case studies of real research projects; Sample datasets for hands-on practice; Streaming video--see methods come to life; Methodspace--a community for researchers; SAGE Research Methods Course Mapping

  19. Community (Local) Literature: Local Authors

    Articles & Research Databases Find articles and other resources for your research topic; Research by Subject Librarian recommended resources and research tips tailored to your topic; Encyclopedias & Dictionaries Resources for looking up quick facts and background information; E-resources Collections of e-books, e-journals, streaming videos & other online resources.

  20. PDF Foreign Literature at the Lessons of Individual Reading ...

    For example, according to N.A. Selivanova (1991) In the process of foreign language teaching, an authentic literary text help students to develop and practice many language skills, contribute to the development of linguistic competence, introduces the student to the specific aspects of foreign language culture, and


    First, the pet-nurturing strategy, which simulates the relationship between the pet and its owner, the My-Mini-Pet becomes a motivator/sustainer of learning. Second, the pet appearance-changing strategy, which external-izes the learning status of the student. In other words, the My-Mini-Pet plays the role of a reflector.

  22. (PDF) Local and foreign literary genres on students' reading

    Abstract. Local and foreign literary genres on students' reading comprehension and attitude is a study investigating. whether local or foreign genres have significant effect on grade 8 students ...

  23. RRL ( Local Literature)

    A. Local Literature According to an article by Remedios C. Kulidtod, social networking media is about sharing or communicating with other people. It has spread its wings to various other fields and education is one of the new sectors where the concept of social media is making a great role (Anonymous, 2014).