the impact of poverty on education Reading Readiness

Impact of Poverty on Education: Understanding the Effects and Seeking Solutions


Poverty has long been identified as a significant social issue that affects various aspects of individuals’ lives, including education. Many studies have shown that poverty and educational outcomes are strongly correlated, with children from low-income families experiencing significant academic achievement and educational attainment challenges. In this article, we will explore the impact of poverty on education, the barriers that prevent students from low-income families from accessing quality education, and some possible solutions to address this issue.

The Impact of Poverty on Education

Poverty affects education in multiple ways..

Firstly, financial constraints restrict access to educational resources, including books, technology, and other materials that can enhance learning. Children from low-income families are less likely to have access to quality preschool education, significantly impacting their readiness for kindergarten and subsequent academic success.

Secondly, poverty can lead to inadequate nutrition and healthcare, hindering cognitive development and negatively impacting academic performance. Children from low-income families often face food insecurity, which can lead to malnutrition, leading to health issues, and reduced attention and retention during learning.

Thirdly, poverty often leads to unstable home environments, including frequent moves, stress, and a lack of resources. These factors can lead to emotional and behavioral problems, making it challenging for children to focus on their studies and achieve their potential.

Barriers to Education for Low-Income Students

The impact of poverty on education is often exacerbated by systemic barriers that limit access to quality education for low-income students. For example, schools in low-income areas are often under-resourced, leading to overcrowded classrooms, outdated materials, and fewer opportunities for extracurricular activities. This can result in a lower quality of education and limited exposure to enrichment programs that may be beneficial.

Moreover, inadequate teacher training and support can lead to ineffective teaching and reduced student outcomes. Teachers may not have the necessary resources or expertise to address the unique needs of students from low-income families, such as language barriers, learning disabilities, and trauma.

the impact of poverty on education Reading Readiness

Solutions to Address Poverty and Education Inequality

To address the impact of poverty on education, we need to implement systemic solutions that focus on reducing the disparities in access to quality education for low-income students. Some possible solutions include:

  • Providing equitable funding for schools in low-income areas to improve resources and materials.
  • Investing in high-quality preschool education to improve readiness for kindergarten and future academic success.
  • Offering teacher training and support to address the unique needs of students from low-income families.
  • Providing access to nutrition and healthcare services to support cognitive development and academic success.
  • Engaging parents and communities in education to foster a culture of learning and support.

In conclusion, the impact of poverty on education is a significant issue that requires attention and action. By understanding the challenges and barriers that low-income students face, we can develop and implement practical solutions to address the issue.

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Poverty and Its Impact on Students’ Education

The purpose of this position statement is to highlight the impact poverty has on students and their ability to succeed in the classroom as well as offer policy recommendations on how to best support the academic, social, emotional, and physical success of these students.

essay on impact of poverty on education

Each day countless students come to school, each with their own set of unique gifts, abilities, and challenges. Recent data has found that students living in poverty often face far more challenges than their peers. According to the National Center of Education Statistics, 19 percent of individuals under 18 lived in poverty during the 2015–16 school year. Furthermore, 24.4 percent of students attended high-poverty schools during that same year. The data also show that higher percentages of Hispanic, African-American, American Indian/Alaska Native, and Pacific Islander students attended high-poverty schools than white students, underscoring that poverty is also an issue of equity that must be addressed.

essay on impact of poverty on education

These data show the reality of what our public education system is facing today. Nearly one-fifth of students nationwide are either living in poverty, attending a high-poverty school, or both. Poverty negatively impacts students in a variety of ways within K–12 education and beyond. This can be through a variety of different factors that are often symptoms of poverty, like health issues stemming from a nonnutritional diet, homelessness, lack of food, or the inability to receive medical treatment for illnesses. These factors often place more stress on a student, which can negatively impact the student’s ability to succeed in a school.

Students living in poverty often have fewer resources at home to complete homework, study, or engage in activities that helps equip them for success during the school day. Many impoverished families lack access to computers, high-speed internet (three-fourths of households currently have access to high-speed broadband), and other materials that can aid a student outside of school. Parents of these families often work longer hours or multiple jobs, meaning they may not be available to assist their children with their schoolwork.

Furthermore, in many high-poverty school districts, resources are sorely lacking in schools. Nearly every state has its own division of funding for school districts and education based on property taxes. Unfortunately, this system unfairly affects individuals living in poverty and the students attending school in those areas. Because property taxes are often much lower in high-poverty areas, schools in those areas receive much less than their more affluently-located counterparts. Recent data from the U.S. Department of Education state that 40 percent of high-poverty schools are not getting a fair share of state and local funds. This often leaves schools with limited budgets to address a multitude of issues, including hiring educators, updating resources for students, preparing students for postsecondary education or the workforce, dealing with unsafe infrastructure, and much more. There are often instructional gaps for those attending high-poverty schools as well. Data from the 2015–16 National Teacher and Principal Survey show that students from low-income families “are consistently, albeit modestly, more likely to be taught by lower-credentialed and novice teachers” (Garcia and Weiss). Research has also shown that many teachers in high-poverty schools are inexperienced and often less effective than their more experienced peers who are often targeted for hire by higher-income schools and districts. The lack of high-quality instruction serves to only further separate academic achievement levels for students in high-poverty schools from peers in high-income schools or districts.

Guiding Principles

  • All students, regardless of income level or background, are capable of and should receive the support and resources necessary for success.
  • Students from low-income families often face additional barriers that can impede academic success compared to their peers from higher-income households.
  • Principals provide leadership for instilling a culture of success and support within their school and should strive to provide each student with the supports necessary to achieve this success. Principals should strive to achieve this through all available avenues, including through strategic partnerships.
  • The 2015  Professional Standards for Educational Leaders  state that effective educational leaders strive for equity of educational opportunity and culturally responsive practices to promote each student’s academic success and well-being.
  • NASSP has previously adopted position statements on the  achievement gap  and  preparing all students for postsecondary success  that offer policy recommendations to promote equitable support for all students and adequate preparation to enter the workforce or a postsecondary institution following high school.
  • NASSP developed the Building Ranks™ framework to reflect the principal’s responsibility for building culture and leading learning to foster lifelong success for each child in a rapidly changing world.


Recommendations for Federal Policymakers

  • Advance policies that incentivize and support well-trained teachers, principals, and other educators to work and remain in high-poverty schools.
  • Provide additional federal funds and resources for programs, such as Title I and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, aimed at supporting students from low-income families.
  • Ensure federal funds are divided equitably so that high-poverty districts are guaranteed a fairer share of federal dollars.
  • Invest in school leadership required to hire and retain well-trained school leaders, recognizing the critical role principals play in establishing a culture and learning environment that students need to be successful in a global society.
  • Prioritize school improvement strategies—such as community schools—that include resources and supports to address the barriers poverty creates to student success.
  • Provide additional resources and invest in programs for students from low-income families to enter postsecondary education or the workforce.
  • Enact legislation aimed at improving school infrastructure, with a particular focus on buildings in high-poverty districts that pose potential health threats to students, educators, and other faculty in the school.
  • Expand the maximum allowance of Pell Grants, and share information with states, local education agencies, and universities on application eligibility and processes.
  • Fully fund federal programs that increase connectivity for all students, like the E-Rate Program which provides discounted telecommunications services to schools.

Recommendations for State Policymakers

  • Ensure state funding formulas are properly balanced so all districts receive an equitable and sufficient share of funds based on student poverty levels, property tax revenue per district, or other evidence-based indicators of poverty.
  • Reevaluate state investments in education to ensure school districts are receiving the funds necessary to promote student success.
  • Prioritize school improvement strategies—such as community schools—that include resources and supports to address the barriers to student success that poverty creates.
  • Invest in curriculum that prepares students for 21st-century employment and participation in a democracy. This will prepare students for life beyond secondary education and better enable them to be successful in the workforce and financially secure.
  • Prioritize and invest in state financial aid for school districts based on need instead of merit, which disproportionately helps high-income and white students.
  • Make investments over a long-term basis rather than short term, as long-term investments have a proven track record of improving high-poverty school districts.

Recommendations for District Leaders

  • Make sure that your district and school funding systems ensure equal access to core educational services for each student in K–12 education.
  • Ensure that school funding systems provide additional resources for low-income students to ensure they have a more level playing field for achieving success.
  • Use per-pupil expenditure (PPE) data to evaluate district funding decisions and make changes based on this data when inequities are presented.
  • Support ongoing learning for school leaders, recognizing that their role is changing and that the demands of a high-poverty schools are expanding, requiring continual development.
  • Advance policies that ensure highly-qualified educators are working in high-poverty schools.
  • Urge state policymakers to reevaluate unfair funding practices that negatively impact high-poverty districts.

Recommendations for School Leaders

  • Instill a culture of growth and success in your school that effectively educates all students about the opportunities available to them following secondary education.
  • Provide benefits and resources within schools to all students so those living in poverty have the necessary supports to succeed, with the assistance of outside partners such as internet providers, food suppliers, or healthcare organizations. Examples include: free breakfast, extended library or lab hours after school, allowing students to take home wifi hotspots, etc.
  • Provide professional development for teachers and staff to assist them in working effectively with students in poverty and address the impact of associated trauma and chronic stress.
  • Provide students with access to college admissions, scholarships, financial aid information, and personnel to help students with these discussions so students are properly educated on postsecondary education opportunities.
  • Ensure that budget discussions and requests are conducted in a transparent process that allows for input from a variets of groups and stakeholders in the school community.

Amerikaner, A., & Morgan, I. (2018, February 27). Funding gaps 2018: An analysis of school funding equity across the U.S. and within each state. Retrieved from .

Carey, K., & Harris, E. (2016). It turns out spending more probably does improve education. Retrieved from .

Carr, S. (2013, February 26). The real reasons many low-income students don’t go to college. Retrieved from .

College for America. (2017, June 7). Addressing the college completion gap among low-income students. Retrieved from .

Dynarski, M. (2017, March 1). It’s not nothing: The role of money in improving education. Retrieved from .

Garcia, E., & Weiss, E. (2019, March 26). The teacher shortage is real, large and growing, and worse than we thought: The first report in ‘The Perfect Storm in the Teacher Labor Market’ series. Retrieved from

Jensen, E. (2013, May). How poverty affects classroom engagement. ASCD. Retrieved from .

Johnston, K. (2019, June 20). 7 ways poverty affects education. Retrieved from .

Jackson, K., Johnson, R., & Persico, C. (2016). The effects of school spending on education and economic outcomes: Evidence from school finance reforms.  The Quarterly Journal of Economics 131 (1), pp. 157–218.

LaFortune, J., Rothstein, J., & Schanzenbach, D.W. (2016).  School Finance Reform and the Distribution of Student Achievement.  National Bureau of Economic Research, Working Paper 22011, February 2016.

Martin, C., Boser, U., Benner, M., & Baffour, P. (2018, November 13). A quality approach to school funding. Center for American Progress. Retrieved from

McFarland, J., Hussar, B., Wang, X., Zhang, J., Wang, K., Rathbun, A., Barmer, A., Forrest Cataldi, E., and Bullock Mann, F. (2018).  The Condition of Education 2018  (NCES 2018-144). U.S. Department of Education. Washington, DC: National Center for Education Statistics. Retrieved from

National Association of Secondary School Principals. (2019, March 19). Using PPE data to advocate for your school.  School of Thought  blog. Retrieved from

Parrett, W., & Budge, K. (2016, January 13). How does poverty influence learning? Retrieved from .

Pascoe, M.C., Hetrick, S.E. & Parker., A.G. (2019). The impact of stress on students in secondary school and higher education.  International Journal of Adolescence and Youth , DOI:  10.1080/02673843.2019.1596823 .

Taylor, K. (2019, July 25). Poverty’s long-lasting effects on students’ education and success. Retrieved from .

Turner, C., Khrais, R., Lloyd, T., Olgin, A., Isensee, L., Vevea, B., & Carsen, D. (2016, April 18). Why America’s schools have a money problem. Retrieved from .

essay on impact of poverty on education

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Ending Poverty Through Education: The Challenge of Education for All

About the author, koïchiro matsuura.

From Vol. XLIV, No. 4, "The MDGs: Are We on Track?",  December 2007

T he world made a determined statement when it adopted the eight Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in 2000. These goals represent a common vision for dramatically reducing poverty by 2015 and provide clear objectives for significant improvement in the quality of people's lives. Learning and education are at the heart of all development and, consequently, of this global agenda. MDG 2 aims to ensure that children everywhere -- boys and girls -- will be able to complete a full course of good quality primary schooling. MDG 3 targets to eliminate gender disparity in primary and secondary education, preferably by 2005, and at all levels by 2015. Indeed, learning is implicit in all the MDGs: improving maternal health, reducing child mortality and combating HIV/AIDS simply cannot be achieved without empowering individuals with knowledge and skills to better their lives. In addition, MDG 8 calls for "more generous official development assistance for countries committed to poverty reduction". The MDGs on education echo the Education for All (EFA) goals, also adopted in 2000. However, the EFA agenda is much broader, encompassing not only universal primary education and gender equality, but also early childhood education, quality lifelong learning and literacy. This holistic approach is vital to ensuring full enjoyment of the human right to education and achieving sustainable and equitable development. What progress have we made towards universal primary education? The EFA Global Monitoring Report 2008 -- Education for All by 2015: Will we make it? -- presents an overall assessment of progress at the halfway point between 2000 and 2015. There is much encouraging news, including: • Between 1999 and 2005, the number of children entering primary school for the first time grew by 4 per cent, from 130 million to 135 million, with a jump of 36 per cent in sub-Saharan Africa -- a major achievement, given the strong demographic growth in the region. • Overall participation in primary schooling worldwide grew by 6.4 per cent, with the fastest growth in the two regions farthest from achieving the goal on education -- sub-Saharan Africa, and South and West Asia. • Looking at the net enrolment ratio, which measures the share of children of primary school age who are enrolled, more than half the countries of North America, Western, Central and Eastern Europe, East Asia and the Pacific, and Latin America and the Caribbean have rates of over 90 per cent. Ratios are lower in the Arab States, Central Asia and South and West Asia, with lows of 33 per cent (Djibouti) and 68 per cent (Pakistan). The challenge is greatest in sub-Saharan Africa, where more than one third of countries have rates below 70 per cent. • The number of children out of school has dropped sharply, from 96 million in 1999 to around 72 million by 2005, with the biggest change in sub-Saharan Africa and South and West Asia, which continue to harbour the largest percentages of children not in school. South and West Asia has the highest share of girls out of school. The MDG on education specifies that both boys and girls should receive a full course of primary schooling. The gender parity goal set for 2005, however, has not been achieved by all. Still, many countries have made significant progress. In South and West Asia, one of the regions with the widest disparities, 93 girls for every 100 boys were in school in 2005 -- up from 82 in 1999. Yet, globally, 122 out of the 181 countries with data had not achieved gender parity in 2005. There is much more to be done, particularly in rural areas and urban slums, but there are strong trends in the right direction. This overall assessment indicates that progress in achieving universal primary education is positive. Countries where enrolments rose sharply generally increased their education spending as a share of gross national product. Public expenditure on education has climbed by over 5 per cent annually in sub-Saharan Africa and South and West Asia. Aid to basic education in low-income countries more than doubled between 2000 and 2004. Progress has been achieved through universal and targeted strategies. Some 14 countries have abolished primary school fees since 2000, a measure that has promoted enrolment of the most disadvantaged children. Several countries have established mechanisms to redistribute funds to poorer regions and target areas that are lagging in terms of access to education, and to offset economic barriers to schooling for poor households. Many countries, including Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, India and Yemen, have introduced specific strategies to encourage girls' schooling, such as community sensitization campaigns, early childhood centres to release girls from caring for their siblings, free uniforms and learning materials. These strategies are working and reflect strong national commitment to achieving universal primary education. Enrolment, however, is only half the story; children need to stay in primary school and complete it. One way of measuring this is the survival rate to the last grade of primary education. Although data are not available for every country, globally the rate of survival to the last grade is 87 per cent. This masks wide regional variations, with medians of over 90 per cent all over the world, except in South and West Asia (79%) and sub-Saharan Africa (63%). Even then, some children drop out in the last grade and never complete primary education, with some countries showing a gap of 20 per cent between those who enter the last grade and those who complete it. One of the principal challenges is to improve the quality of learning and teaching. Cognitive skills, basic competencies and life-skills, as well as positive values and attitudes, are all essential for development at individual, community and national levels. In a world where the acquisition, use and sharing of knowledge are increasingly the key to poverty reduction and social development, the need for quality learning outcomes becomes a necessary essential condition for sharing in the benefits of growing prosperity. What children take away from school, and what youth and adults acquire in non-formal learning programmes, should enable them, as expressed in the four pillars of the 1996 Delors report, Learning: The Treasure Within, to learn to know, to do, to be and to live together. Governments are showing growing concern about the poor quality of education. An increasing number of developing countries are participating in international and regional learning assessments, and conducting their own. Evidence shows that up to 40 per cent of students do not reach minimum achievement standards in language and mathematics. Pupils from more privileged socio-economic backgrounds and those with access to books consistently perform better than those from poorer backgrounds with limited access to reading materials. Clear messages emerge from these studies. In primary education, quality learning depends, first and foremost, on the presence of enough properly trained teachers. But pupil/teacher ratios have increased in sub-Saharan Africa and South and West Asia since 1999. Some 18 million new teachers are needed worldwide to reach universal primary education by 2015. Other factors have a clear influence on learning: a safe and healthy physical environment, including, among others, appropriate sanitation for girls; adequate learning and teaching materials; child-centred curricula; and sufficient hours of instruction (at least 800 hours a year). Initial learning through the mother tongue has a proven impact on literacy acquisition. Transparent and accountable school governance, among others, also affects the overall learning environment. What then are the prospects for achieving universal primary education and gender parity? The EFA Global Monitoring Report 2008 puts countries into two categories depending on their current net enrolment rate: 80 to 96 per cent, and less than 80 per cent. For each category, it then assesses whether current rates of progress are likely to enable each country to reach the goal by 2015. Noting that 63 countries worldwide have already achieved the goal and 54 countries cannot be included in the analysis due to lack of adequate data, the status is as follows: Out of the 95 countries unlikely to achieve gender parity by 2015, 14 will not achieve it in primary education and 52 will not attain it at the secondary level. A further 29 countries will fail to achieve parity in both primary and secondary education. The international community must focus on giving support to those countries that are currently not on track to meet the MDGs and the EFA goals, and to those that are making progress. On current trends, and if pledges are met, bilateral aid to basic education will likely reach $5 billion a year in 2010. This remains well below the $9 billion required to reach universal primary education alone; an additional $2 billion are needed to address the wider context of educational development. Ensuring that adults, particularly mothers, are literate has an impact on whether their children, especially their daughters, attend school. In today's knowledge-intensive societies, 774 million adults are illiterate -- one in four of them women. Early learning and pre-school programmes give children a much better chance to survive and succeed once they enter primary school, but such opportunities are few and far between across most of the developing world, except in Latin America and the Caribbean. Opportunities for quality secondary education and ongoing learning programmes provide motivation for students to achieve the highest possible level of education and view learning as a lifelong endeavour. The goals towards which we are striving are about the fundamental right to education that should enable every child and every adult to develop their potential to the full, so that they contribute actively to societal change and enjoy the benefits of development. The challenge now is to ensure that learning opportunities reach all children, youth and adults, regardless of their background. This requires inclusive policies to reach the most marginalized, vulnerable and disadvantaged populations -- the working children, those with disabilities, indigenous groups, linguistic minorities and populations affected by HIV/AIDS.

Globally, the world has set its sights on sustainable human development, the only prospect for reducing inequalities and improving the quality of life for present and future generations. In this perspective, Governments, donors and international agencies must continue working jointly towards achieving universal primary education and the broader MDG agenda with courage, determination and unswerving commitment. To find out more about the EFA Global Monitoring Report 2008, please visit ( ).

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Education and Poverty in Education

This essay about the intricate relationship between education and poverty explores how each influences and perpetuates the other in a cyclic exchange. It discusses the barriers poverty creates for quality education and the transformative potential education holds in breaking the cycle of poverty. Highlighting disparities in access and efforts to address them, the essay emphasizes the importance of comprehensive solutions that go beyond traditional boundaries. Ultimately, it underscores the promise of education in shaping a brighter future for all, irrespective of their circumstances.

How it works

In the intricate fabric of societal challenges, the convergence of education and poverty unfolds a narrative both nuanced and profound, sculpting destinies with its myriad intricacies. Here, the interplay between education and poverty isn’t a straightforward path but rather a cyclic exchange, where each facet influences and perpetuates the other in a dance of mutual dependence. Within this elaborate dance lies the potential for profound metamorphosis, where education emerges as both a victim and a driving force, capable of shattering chains and nurturing hope amidst adversity.

At the nucleus of this intricate relationship lies an undeniable verity: poverty constructs formidable barriers to quality education, while education stands as a potent remedy to poverty’s clutches. In impoverished communities, these barriers manifest in myriad forms. Economic deprivation strips children of the essential prerequisites for learning—access to adequate nutrition, healthcare, and an environment conducive to education. For many, the stark decision between attending school and contributing to the family’s income isn’t a choice at all but a harsh reality dictated by uncontrollable circumstances.

The repercussions of this deprivation reverberate across generations. Children born into poverty often inherit a legacy of restricted opportunities and constrained possibilities. Without access to quality education, their potential remains untapped, perpetuating the cycle of poverty for yet another generation. Thus, poverty becomes not merely an economic condition but also a formidable barrier to social mobility and human flourishing.

Furthermore, disparities in educational access deepen the abyss, widening the chasm between the privileged and the marginalized. In schools deprived of resources, where outdated textbooks and overcrowded classrooms prevail, learning becomes an arduous task rather than a joyful exploration. Quality educators gravitate towards more affluent areas, leaving marginalized communities underserved and neglected. The resulting disparity in educational resources exacerbates socioeconomic inequalities, perpetuating a cycle where advantage begets advantage and disadvantage begets further disadvantage.

Yet, amidst the shadows, glimmers of hope emerge—testimonies to the transformative power of education. Across the globe, grassroots movements and innovative initiatives are challenging the status quo, dismantling barriers and fostering inclusivity. From community-driven literacy campaigns to initiatives leveraging technology for remote learning, imaginative solutions are reshaping the educational landscape in impoverished settings.

Moreover, the acknowledgment of education as a fundamental human right has spurred global action to ensure universal access. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) emphasize the pivotal role of education in poverty eradication, advocating for inclusive and equitable quality education for all. Initiatives such as UNESCO’s Education for All movement and the Malala Fund have mobilized resources and advocated for policy reforms to prioritize education in the fight against poverty.

Nevertheless, the journey towards educational equity is fraught with challenges. Deep-rooted systemic issues, from entrenched inequality to inadequate infrastructure, necessitate comprehensive solutions that transcend conventional boundaries. Effective policies must address not only access to education but also the quality and relevance of learning, equipping individuals with the skills and knowledge necessary to thrive in a rapidly evolving world.

Furthermore, addressing poverty in education demands a multi-faceted approach that acknowledges the interconnectedness of social, economic, and cultural factors. Investments in healthcare, nutrition, and social protection are indispensable complements to educational initiatives, ensuring that children enter classrooms prepared to learn and succeed. Empowering communities and amplifying grassroots voices are vital steps towards fostering sustainable change from the ground up.

In this intricate interplay between education and poverty, each step forward signifies a triumph over adversity—a testament to the resilience of the human spirit. As we navigate the complexities of this relationship, let us remain unwavering in our commitment to unlocking the full potential of every individual, regardless of their circumstances. For within the pursuit of education lies the promise of a brighter future—not solely for a select few, but for all who dare to envision a world where poverty is not destiny but a challenge to be conquered.


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Social scientists have long understood that a child’s environment — in particular growing up in poverty — can have long-lasting effects on their success later in life. What’s less well understood is exactly how.

A new Harvard study is beginning to pry open that black box.

Conducted by Robert Sampson, the Henry Ford II Professor of the Social Sciences, and Robert Manduca, a doctoral student in sociology and social policy in the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, the study points to a handful of key indicators, including exposure to high levels of lead, violence, and incarceration as key predictors of children’s later success. The study is described in an April paper published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

“What this paper is trying to do, in a sense, is move beyond the traditional neighborhood indicators people use, like poverty,” Sampson said. “For decades, people have shown poverty to be important … but it doesn’t necessarily tell us what the mechanisms are, and how growing up in poor neighborhoods affects children’s outcomes.”

To explore potential pathways, Manduca and Sampson turned to the income tax records of parents and approximately 230,000 children who lived in Chicago in the 1980s and 1990s, compiled by Harvard’s Opportunity Atlas project. They integrated these records with survey data collected by the Project on Human Development in Chicago Neighborhoods, measures of violence and incarceration, census indicators, and blood-lead levels for the city’s neighborhoods in the 1990s.

They found that the greater the extent to which poor black male children were exposed to harsh environments, the higher their chances of being incarcerated in adulthood and the lower their adult incomes, measured in their 30s. A similar income pattern also emerged for whites.

Among both black and white girls, the data showed that increased exposure to harsh environments predicted higher rates of teen pregnancy.

Despite the similarity of results along racial lines, Chicago’s segregation means that far more black children were exposed to harsh environments — in terms of toxicity, violence, and incarceration — harmful to their mental and physical health.

“The least-exposed majority-black neighborhoods still had levels of harshness and toxicity greater than the most-exposed majority-white neighborhoods, which plausibly accounts for a substantial portion of the racial disparities in outcomes,” Manduca said.

“It’s really about trying to understand some of the earlier findings, the lived experience of growing up in a poor and racially segregated environment, and how that gets into the minds and bodies of children.” Robert Sampson

“What this paper shows … is the independent predictive power of harsh environments on top of standard variables,” Sampson said. “It’s really about trying to understand some of the earlier findings, the lived experience of growing up in a poor and racially segregated environment, and how that gets into the minds and bodies of children.”

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The study isn’t solely focused on the mechanisms of how poverty impacts children; it also challenges traditional notions of what remedies might be available.

“This has [various] policy implications,” Sampson said. “Because when you talk about the effects of poverty, that leads to a particular kind of thinking, which has to do with blocked opportunities and the lack of resources in a neighborhood.

“That doesn’t mean resources are unimportant,” he continued, “but what this study suggests is that environmental policy and criminal justice reform can be thought of as social mobility policy. I think that’s provocative, because that’s different than saying it’s just about poverty itself and childhood education and human capital investment, which has traditionally been the conversation.”

The study did suggest that some factors — like community cohesion, social ties, and friendship networks — could act as bulwarks against harsh environments. Many researchers, including Sampson himself, have shown that community cohesion and local organizations can help reduce violence. But Sampson said their ability to do so is limited.

“One of the positive ways to interpret this is that violence is falling in society,” he said. “Research has shown that community organizations are responsible for a good chunk of the drop. But when it comes to what’s affecting the kids themselves, it’s the homicide that happens on the corner, it’s the lead in their environment, it’s the incarceration of their parents that’s having the more proximate, direct influence.”

Going forward, Sampson said he hopes the study will spur similar research in other cities and expand to include other environmental contamination, including so-called brownfield sites.

Ultimately, Sampson said he hopes the study can reveal the myriad ways in which poverty shapes not only the resources that are available for children, but the very world in which they find themselves growing up.

“Poverty is sort of a catchall term,” he said. “The idea here is to peel things back and ask, What does it mean to grow up in a poor white neighborhood? What does it mean to grow up in a poor black neighborhood? What do kids actually experience?

“What it means for a black child on the south side of Chicago is much higher rates of exposure to violence and lead and incarceration, and this has intergenerational consequences,” he continued. “This is particularly important because it provides a way to think about potentially intervening in the intergenerational reproduction of inequality. We don’t typically think about criminal justice reform or environmental policy as social mobility policy. But maybe we should.”

This research was supported with funding from the Project on Race, Class & Cumulative Adversity at Harvard University, the Ford Foundation, and the Hutchins Family Foundation.

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Effects of poverty on education

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Poverty impacts education by causing inferior schooling, inadequate facilities, and lack of support for teachers, hindering opportunities for growth in health, education, and social relations.

Poverty negatively impacts educational outcomes by causing inferior education due to various issues like inadequate facilities, unaddressed student problems, and lack of teacher support, perpetuating a cycle of disadvantage.

Root causes of poor education in underprivileged communities include deindustrialization, high unemployment, untreated mental health, violent crimes, dilapidated housing, lack of professional services, and inferior school facilities and support.


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