How to Score UPSR 2021 English Essay Writing

25 March 2021

7 minutes to read

Kids Studying for UPSR

  • 01. What is the current status of the UPSR 2021 examination?
  • 02. UPSR English Examination- Writing an Essay
  • 03. More Tips & Tricks for UPSR English Writing Paper 2
English Makes the World Go Round

Have you ever heard of that idiom before? Maybe you’ve heard of the phrase, ‘Money makes the world go round’. So why did I say English makes the world go round instead? The idiom is used to express the importance of something to the normal and ordinary operation of life or even the whole world!

The English language has been a known and recognized medium used to communicate at a global level for decades now. Having a common language opens up all barriers, making it possible to learn things that might have not been accessible in your country and making friends with people all across the globe that shares the same interest as you.

Your world will feel a whole lot bigger the moment you learn how to utilize the English language. Even landing a job will be easier once you are able to communicate in English. Nowadays, most jobs will have a prerequisite condition for their employees to be able to speak English well.

This shows the vital significance of the English language in making the world move along the axis of modernization. Thus, we should not get left behind by other countries in pursuing a better future for our people.


What is the current status of the UPSR 2021 examination?

Ujian Penilaian Sekolah Rendah (UPSR) has been a standard to evaluate the teaching and learning curve for the students’ whole primary school experience. We’ve heard how the 2020 UPSR and PT3 examinations were canceled last year due to the virus outbreak. And some of you may or may not have heard the Ministry of Education (MOE) announcement on discontinuing UPSR examination in the future.

While some parents and teachers have different and divided opinions on the sudden news of the plan to abolish UPSR, the final decision for the abolishment still hasn’t been made. Thus, we should try to follow the usual norm until then, which is to do our best and prepare for the examination that is to come.

In today’s topic, we will be discussing the English subject for UPSR, mainly on Paper 2 Essay Writing, Section C questions! Although, before we start, get to know the UPSR English Paper Marking Scheme .

UPSR English Examination- Writing an Essay

Pencil 2B for UPSR Paper 2

English Paper 2 Writing for UPSR prioritized the student's ability in constructing sentences and writing an essay in English.

This paper plays a crucial role in the UPSR students' overall grades as more often than not, the student would achieve 4 or 5 A's and 1 B's in their UPSR result, the non-satisfactory grade being English as students would fail the writing section of English Paper 2 Penulisan (Writing).

Thus, we at Superprof would like to share some important tips to tackle UPSR English Writing questions.

Here, the overall mark to be obtained is 25 marks. You will be given two different sets of questions and you are only required to choose ONE.

The question will have two options. They will either give you a picture with several words that you can use in your essay or, they will give you around three pictures that show you how the story goes and include some disjointed sentences you need to connect. You can choose which scenario you prefer and write an essay on that question.

Some questions will provide a starting sentence and ask you to continue. For example:

Begin your story with:

Lisa and Ana were walking home from school yesterday. They were going to Ana's house to study together. Suddenly,...

When writing an essay, or any other narrative type stories, we would always use past tense, either simple past tense or a continuous past tense. This is because a story is usually a retelling of something that had happened in the past, fictitious or not. An exception to this is if you include a dialogue showing a conversation between the characters, in which case, you might want to use the present tense. So, when you start writing, always keep the tenses in mind and make sure it's consistent throughout the story.

For those of you who have difficulties in coming up with sentences to write a story, I have a great tip on how to achieve that.

Let's check out the latest format for UPSR English Examination .

First Step- Create a Draft for UPSR English Essay Writing

Teacher Teaching Mind Map

In any kind of essay, be it a formatted essay or a narrative kind, creating a draft is a crucial step to write a good essay.

Drafting your ideas can be as easy as scribbling out the points that came across your mind on the corner of the question paper, to create an organized flow chart of how you want your story to go. Whichever way you prefer it, having a draft can tremendously help you write an understandable story flow and also saves time!

You might think that writing a draft would waste precious time when it’s not! A draft acts as a referral point so you won’t forget the main point you want to come across in the story.

Identify the Subject, Verb, and Object in UPSR English Paper 2

The most important thing that you need to remember when drafting a story essay is to map out these 3 things:

  • Subject- Who/what is the subject that was shown in the picture?
  • Verb- What is the action that is going on in the picture?
  • Object- Identify the who, what, where, and when.

Now, what about the verb? As we have learned in English classes, a verb is a word used to describe an action. Example of an action in the image is cycling! If you combine both the subject and verb together, it will sound like this;

‘Abu was cycling.’

Remember, past tense. Now, we've got two out of three items checked before we can make a full proper sentence.

Lastly, we need to identify the objects that can be used to describe the image better. It also acts as a complement for the first two words. As I have written, start by figuring the five wives one husband (5W1H). Remember what that means?

Looking at the context from the picture given, we can answer the 'When'. Study the picture. Look at the background. From the description given above, we can guess that the place where Abu is cycling is in the park. Be general. You don't have to be specific where exactly the park is unless the word is already given to you.

With the subject, verb, and objects combined, you will have a full sentence of;

‘Abu is cycling in the park.’

Congratulations! Now we have a working sentence that can serve as the start of our essay. BUT!

The sentence sounds plain. This might work for a standard one student, however, a UPSR candidate must show that they have a wider range of vocabulary compared to the younger students. You are going into a secondary school next year. You should be able to write an interesting essay that will captivate your English teachers as they mark your paper.

So, what can you do to improve your writing? Check out the Latest UPSR Reference Papers .

More Tips & Tricks for UPSR English Writing Paper 2

UPSR book for Practice

Word Linkers and Time

To make an essay more polished, there must be a mixture of different styles and writing formats. One thing that you can do is include linkers or combining two sentences into a compound sentence. Make full use of the FANBOYS word, (For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, So) to make your sentence more developed and interesting.

There are also a few options of words that you can memorize to include in your essay, for example, suddenly, after that, then. Moreover, when starting a story, you will also mention the time. One day, last Friday or last weekend.

Have I caught your attention when you read out the first sentence in this article? That is the power of using a catchphrase or idioms in your writing. In this case, you should also memorize a few common and uncommon idioms or similes to use in your essay. When you want to say, ‘He ran quickly,’ you can change or tweak the sentence into, ‘He ran as fast as lightning.’

The use of a simile in that sentence makes it more vivid and entertaining to read.

You can keep it simple while making it interesting! However, make sure that what you write is related to the picture. Do not makeup stories! Double-check your essay after you finish writing. Check for spelling errors and make sure you use the correct articles for each word.

To get more tips and info, check out the Complete Guide to UPSR English .

So there we have it. Writing an essay for UPSR Paper 2 Section C can be easy if you follow these tips and do a lot of exercises. For more tips on answering UPSR question papers, check out Superprof as we also compiled the past year's papers for you to refer to.

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Alia J.

Alia Jamaludin is known as a passionate environmentalist and animal lover. By being both educator and writer, she can reach out her positive thought to almost every being on this planet.

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email essay example upsr

Nobody care

nobody cares, like learn to speak when youre supposed to

cry about it

Just let him say anything he wants dude, its not like their offensive or anything. Why does it matter to you so much?

are yall okay????

*eat popcorn*

Hello fellow anonymous

Bruh chill don’t let out your problem on semeone else

My name jeff

'My name is jeff'

my name is jess bro

hai anonymous

It 's help me to remind how to write an email

why you're so mean

Nicely written! love it <3

Yall sounds mad corny here, get mad over nothing. Go study ur ass off and be mature for once. Good luck to everyone for SPM 2022 :) Wish y'all all the best <3

thanks bro/sis i appreciate it

Damn people so rude down here... Hope they don't get a good results on their spm

dont dua to people like that bro that's not good or the things will come back to u back

Same person?

goodluck in your studies peeps

my tc asked me to use long cohesive devices :(

welcome to the mars

this example email thought me how write a proper email

This email is more words.. is the score cut off?

the email addresses and subject are needed ?

Damn people are really raging in here- I want to join and start the world war 3 too :(

i am anonymous 👍🏻

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Grammar component - fanboys.

This video explains what are "FANBOYS" and the types of articles we usually learn at school. There are 3 types of "CONJUNCTIO...

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43 thoughts on “bahasa inggeris (english) tahun 1 2 3 4 5 6: soalan peperiksaan, percubaan, ujian, nota=”.

i want a example essay for form 1

haha good luck you guy

I want an example essay for year 6 (UPSR)

i want example essay for year six

I want few example of paper 1 and paper, please,

doakan saya berjaya dalam peperiksaan

saya lulus kerana saya copy this exercise….

me too! i get 5A in UPSR 2015

Terbaik lh website nie….mdh-mdhn ini blh membntu murid yg akn ambil exam lbih2yg akn ambil UPSR…to u all…Gud Luck

wah….bnyak solan blh amik buat latihan..Thank you…:)

Good Luck pde spe yg akn mengmbil UPSR..Termasuk lh sye.. Mudh mudhn dpt straight ‘A’…AMINNN!!!!!

sya amat kecewa kerana soalan UPSR bocor

Nanti doakan semoga berjaya…………

Insya allah

doakan saya berjaya dalam UPSR

doa kan untuk kamu je ke?saya pon nak jugak…

semoga saya berjaya dalam UPSR harap allah permudahkan saya ketika menjawab nanti

doa kan saya dalam peperiksaan upsr nanti…..semoga ALLAH permudah kan

doakan semua murid di Malaysia.As’salam.

harap-harap saya dapat 5A tahun ni amiin…

Harap2 saya dapat 5a dalam upsr ini….Bagi tahun 2015…..makburka doa saya ya allah……amin …………….

AMIN…DOA KAN saye jgk tau hehe

insyallah saya akan Berjaya dan saya akan focus dgn UPSR

Doakan saya dalam upsr

Ya ALLAH…makbulkanlah doa kami agar mendapat keputusan yang cemerlang dalam UPSR pada tahun ini(2016)….AMINN……..:-)

harap saya dapat 5A dalam UPSR.

doakan saya supaya mencapai kejayaan yang cemerlang fdalam UPSR pada tahun ini ( 2015 ) AMIN …


Doakn sye juga untuk upsr (2016)

doakan anak saya untuk dapat 6A upsr

doakan saya supaya dapat 6A upsr 2016 amin

Doa kan saya supaya mendapat jawab semua soalan peperisaan petengahan tahun dan akhir tahun.

jangan nak minta doakan diri sendiri saja… Tapi ingat, doa kan untuk semua calon UPSR biar semua lulus! jangan pelihara ‘D’ dan ‘E’ okey? 🙂 🙂

6A !!!!!!!!!!!!!

6A BOLEH !!!!!!



Saya ingin kn 6A untuk ibuku

Saya pun nak dapat 6A Semoga kawan kawan doakan saya Amin….

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email essay example upsr

email essay example upsr

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email essay example upsr

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  1. A Sample of Email for Upsr Students

    email essay example upsr

  2. English Essay Upsr Example

    email essay example upsr

  3. How To Write Professional Email Example

    email essay example upsr

  4. Upsr Sample Essays

    email essay example upsr

  5. Upsr Contoh Karangan Email Bahasa Inggeris Tahun 6

    email essay example upsr

  6. 30+ Professional Email Examples & Format Templates ᐅ TemplateLab

    email essay example upsr


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  5. Write an Email to your friend about an exciting football match



    sebelah. View flipping ebook version of UPSR ENGLISH EXAM PAPER 1 2020 published by Cindy Peh on 2020-11-03. Interested in flipbooks about UPSR ENGLISH EXAM PAPER 1 2020? Check more flip ebooks related to UPSR ENGLISH EXAM PAPER 1 2020 of Cindy Peh.

  2. Decoding UPSR 2021 English Essay Assessment

    English Paper 2 Writing for UPSR prioritized the student's ability in constructing sentences and writing an essay in English. This paper plays a crucial role in the UPSR students' overall grades as more often than not, the student would achieve 4 or 5 A's and 1 B's in their UPSR result, the non-satisfactory grade being English as students would ...

  3. A Sample of Email for Upsr Students

    Bahasa Malaysia and English Tuition for UASA+SPM+UEC. August 12, 2014. Dear Parents, Welcome to Mastertuition, where we are excited to offer you a world of opportunities. Our tuition center is designed to embrace the diversity of our community and challenge the minds of our students. We offer English tuition for international school, private ...

  4. A Sample of Email For Upsr Students

    A Sample of Email for Upsr Students.docx - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Students who are eager to learn more can use email. Email allows for communication and sharing of information between students. It is a useful tool for students to stay connected with their peers and teachers.


    Changes In Our School Canteen Our school canteen needs some changes. There are many ways we can make these changes. These changes can im... HOW TO WRITE A SIMPLE E-MAIL (SPM - 2021 FORMAT) SAMPLE QUESTION & SAMPLE ANSWER To : [email protected] From :[email protected] Subject :Picnic with friends Hi Amy, ...

  6. Bahasa Inggeris (English) Sekolah Rendah: Samples of Essay Writing

    50 Contoh Karangan Bahasa Inggeris Sekolah Rendah. . Modul Bahasa Inggeris Tahun 4, 5, 6 (English Module Paper 2) + Answer. Year 4, 5, 6 Writing Module (Sentence Construction) (Penulisan) . Bahasa Inggeris Penulisan Tahun 4, 5, 6 Bahagian B: Soalan 2 + Jawapan.

  7. Upsr writing techniques and model answers

    This document provides tips and model answers for the UPSR Writing Paper 2 exam. It begins by outlining the exam format, including the three sections (sentence construction, information transfer, and note expansion). It then provides sample sentences, model questions and answers for Question 1 (sentence construction).


    Model Essays for UPSR provides students UPSR. with the latest writing tips and guidelines. to tackle the UPSR English format. These. clear and concise notes will help students. understand how to identify keywords, organise points and connect ideas to craft MODEL ESSAYS FOR UPSR. well-written essays.

  9. Bahasa Inggeris (English) Tahun 1 2 3 4 5 6: Soalan Peperiksaan

    i want a example essay for form 1. Reply. Anonymous. February 18, 2015 at 12:01 pm haha good luck you guy. Reply. Nur Hanim. June 10, 2014 at 3:52 pm I want an example essay for year 6 (UPSR) Reply. fatimah. June 25, 2014 at 6:17 pm i want example essay for year six. Reply. Christina Paul. June 27, 2014 at 2:26 pm I want few example of paper 1 ...

  10. Email Sample for UPSR Students

    A Sample of Email for Upsr Students - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free.

  11. English Essay Upsr Example

    English Essay Upsr Example - Writing Practice For UPS 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2.

  12. Sample Fo Email Questions in UPSR

    Sample Fo Email Questions in UPSR - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. The email recommends three interesting places to visit in Kuala Lumpur: the National Museum which contains much of Malaysia's history and artifacts; the Petronas Twin Towers, Malaysia's tallest building and a beautiful sight; and Bukit Bintang Shopping Area ...


    SUGGESTED SAMPLE ANSWER OF SECTION C PAPER 2 UPSR - Download as a PDF or view online for free. SUGGESTED SAMPLE ANSWER OF SECTION C PAPER 2 UPSR - Download as a PDF or view online for free ... ( 2009 MELAKA UPSR TRIAL QUESTIONS ) Mr. Rahim is a loving and caring man. He always brings his family out for vacation during school holidays. He loves ...

  14. Example Essay Email Upsr

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  19. Upsr Sample Essays

    Upsr Sample Essays - Free download as Word Doc (.doc), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. The document contains summaries of several passages from student essays in English. It discusses topics such as a school exhibition, recess time at school, Teachers' Day, a squatter fire, childhood memories, a wedding attended, and a frightening experience being robbed while ...

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