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A Compelling Lateral Attorney Cover Letter Example

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Making a partner is considered to be a huge accomplishment among attorneys. Thus, many focus on building their career within one firm in hopes of reaching that coveted position someday. However, apart from “doing face time”, there is another way to partnership.

Legal firms will often recruit attorneys from other practices to become partners in theirs as they expand into new areas. Such ‘laterals’ are valued because they bring experience and talent with them. Of course, being poached is certainly flattering. But you can also market yourself as an excellent choice as a lateral hire. However, it doesn’t guarantee that you’ll get the job. You’ll have to impress the hiring committee. To start that process, be prepared with a great cover letter.

You can begin by checking out the tips below. Then, take a look at our sample lateral attorney cover letter.

Debi D-H

Start With an Acknowledgment

In most cases, you are in the running for this position because somebody reached out to you. They either did so directly, through a common connection, or via a headhunter/ recruitment agency , In any case, it’s an honor to be considered for a partnership position. So it’s best to lead off your cover letter with a quick sentence or two of thanks. Personalize that thanks if you know who expressed interest in you. Remember, connections are everything. Here’s a quick example:

“I’d like to begin by thanking my former colleague Steve Shipman, as well as the Davis Law Group Partnership committee for reaching out to me. I’m honored to be considered for this position.”

Show You Operate a Strong Practice

A law partner often operates as a “law firm within a law firm”. Many partners have their client base, do their billing, and otherwise operate rather independently. They likely have a legal secretary, clerk, or paralegal working with them as well. Ideally, you are also familiar with the people and procedures at your local courthouse.

Put more succinctly, your letter should demonstrate that you are a more than a capable attorney . It should illustrate how you can begin your first day as a productive and profitable attorney who brings something of value to the firm.

Understand Why They Are Recruiting You

The standard advice is to only include the most relevant points in your cover letter, rather than rehash your entire resume. Here, the best approach is to identify why the law firm has reached out to you. Doing so may be as simple as having a frank discussion with your recruiter. You may also reach out to the person who referred you.

Once you’re sure, you can customize your cover letter. Pick two or three of the company’s most important needs. Then, use your cover letter to show how you will be able to meet those requirements.

Quantify The Points You Make

Now that you’ve lined up your ‘talking points’, work on making them a bit less generic. For example, “I have plenty of corporate law experience.” is true, but sounds pretty vague. On the other hand, “I have 5 years of experience in corporate litigation. The majority of that has been representing pharmaceutical companies and hospitals.” gives the reader some extra valuable context. 

Here are a few other detailed statements:

  • I have taken more than 200 cases to trial.
  • My experience includes 3 years of experience as a prosecuting attorney.
  • In 2019, I negotiated a 1.5 million dollar settlement with a major railcar manufacturer.

Also, check cover letter examples for other legal professions to get an even better sense of how you should frame your accomplishments. 

Lateral Attorney Cover Letter Example in .docx Format

Here’s a sample letter from an attorney who has been directly recruited by an area law firm. Feel free to use it as a guide.

lateral attorney cover letter example docx

Download example (Word)

Lateral Attorney Cover Letter Sample – Text Format

Dear Therese Miller,

Thank you for reaching out to me regarding the position of junior partner at Miller and Pike. I’m honored that you thought of me when you decided to expand into the area of criminal defense law. I believe I would be an excellent fit for this position. Thus, I am eagerly submitting my application.

I’ve been in private practice as a criminal defense attorney for three years. Prior to that, I worked in the Minneapolis, Public Defenders office. I specialize in jury trials, and cases involving civil rights violations. In 2018, I successfully argued the dismissal of charges in The State V. Laramie case on the grounds that evidence was gathered illegally. Also, I have an 80% success rate at trial and have achieved positive results in more than 95% of the cases I have settled.

I currently work with a paralegal and legal secretary. Both are talented professionals who are committed to following me into any new position. Further, I have more than 75 clients on retainer. I also average more than 40 new client inquiries each month. 

If you are interested in bringing in an experienced criminal defense attorney with an established client base, I’d love to meet with you. Please expect me to reach out again late next week. Perhaps we can meet for dinner.

Stewart Ninja, ESQ.

Final Tip: Be Proactive

Don’t make the mistake of submitting your application packet, then waiting for a response. Instead, show some initiative by planning out your next steps and a future interview. Legal partners are expected to be assertive!

Other Cover Letter Samples

Underwriter cover letter example, cover letter for investment banking jobs, a memorable receptionist cover letter example, a lovely legal secretary cover letter example.

A huge collection of cover letters created by a ninja team of writers and career advisors. Learn how to write, style and file cover letters that employers actually enjoy reading.

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5 Attorney Cover Letter Samples & Writing Guide in 2024

Stephen Greet

  • Attorney Cover Letter
  • Lateral Attorney
  • Associate Attorney
  • Senior Attorney
  • Trademark Attorney
  • Writing Your Best Attorney Cover Letter

As an attorney with unparalleled writing skills, legal acumen, and a knack for winning justice, your first challenge is to prove your worth. Although your history of victorious cases speaks volumes, securing a job hinges on the strength of your attorney resume and cover letter, highlighting your on-the-job skills and qualifications.

The task of crafting these documents might seem daunting, especially after long days filled with legal research and complex language. However, our resources, including a free cover letter builder , five attorney cover letter examples, and a comprehensive writing guide, are here to simplify the process.

With our assistance, you’ll easily write a cover letter that not only gets you noticed but also establishes a strong precedent for your career moves.

cover letter sample attorney lateral

Attorney   Cover Letter Example


Microsoft Word

Google Docs

Block Format

Attorney cover letter example

Why this cover letter works

  • Just as you would for your resume, include metrics in your attorney cover letter. If you drafted a new substantive motion, explain how your efforts created a positive impact for the client or company.
  • As much as you can, include experience that matches the  attorney job description . 
  • If you don’t have experience in the chosen field, share your transferable skills and your eagerness to transition to a new practice area.

Level up your cover letter game

Relax! We’ll do the heavy lifting to write your cover letter in seconds.

Lateral Attorney Cover Letter Example

Lateral attorney cover letter example

  • It’s like riding back in time through your career, starting from your latest, most senior roles and backward to the junior positions. You bet the recruiter will be hooked on an intriguing tale of your progression from rookie phases to the top leagues.

Associate Attorney Cover Letter Example

Associate attorney cover letter example

  • Just like Jayden recalls his friend’s legal tussle, all thanks to remarkable representation, a powerful personal narrative instantly captures the attention and sets the right tone for the rest of the masterpiece.

Senior Attorney Cover Letter Example

Senior attorney cover letter example

  • In your senior attorney cover letter, follow an outline (like the one we’ll provide in a bit) to ensure you’re including the necessary details.
  • Specifically for your body paragraphs, shoot for three objectives: explaining your experience, a specific task or requirement you accomplished, and what resulted from it.   
  • Derive a theme (or multiple) from the organization’s mission or job description to center your cover letter around; then, include details from your experience that relate to that theme.

Trademark Attorney Cover Letter Example

Trademark attorney cover letter example

  • It’s okay to get a little personal if you can connect it with the job description. Use your experiences and knowledge of the company to discuss a goal, ideal, or passion you both share. 
  • Not every past position you’ve held will perfectly fit this new role, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t transferable skills you can include in your trademark attorney cover letter. 
  • Scour the  attorney job ad  for general responsibilities instead of strict specifics. Look for keywords like “collaboration,” “develop,” “identify,” and “research;” then incorporate positions where you used those  job skills . 

Need a Matching Resume for Your Attorney Cover Letter?

You can start editing this template immediately, you can choose a template that matches the first two attorney cover letter samples, or you can choose a completely different  resume template . They’re all free, and they’re all there to make your life a little easier as you work on securing your next attorney position.

Attorney Resume

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Attorney resume sample

Beat the Competition with Your Best Attorney Cover Letter

Two colleagues collaborating to create attorney cover letter

As an attorney, you know how you can best help your client, but do you know how to advocate for yourself? Your cover letter must present a favorable argument for your qualifications, exhibit knowledge of the company, and relate your skills to the job description’s requirements—all with a professional yet ardent tone.

It’s a lot, but if anyone can effectively present their accomplishments to a tough crowd, it’s you. Write a hard-hitting attorney cover letter with these simple tips.

cover letter sample attorney lateral

Tip 1: Due diligence is a must

There’s  no point in submitting a generic cover letter . If your cover letter looks like it’s been submitted to multiple organizations, employers will assume you’re not all that interested in the job. 

Moreover, if your cover letter doesn’t speak to their job description, they’ll assume you aren’t a good fit. Instead, hit the books (figuratively) and research the company. Then address their specific needs based on what you find online and in their job description.

If you reveal a strong link between your qualifications and their requirements, employers will be hard-pressed not to consider you.

cover letter sample attorney lateral

Tip 2: Detail a couple of major accomplishments

No one likes a broken record, so your attorney cover letter can’t simply repeat your resume. A cover letter’s purpose is to relate your experiences and skills to the company in a way your resume can’t. 

A cover letter also gives you the space to examine specific accomplishments in detail. You may argue that you’ve covered everything in your resume, but we know that’s not the case. Go beyond the basics to explore the motivations behind your achievements and how they reveal your value on the job. Are you exceptionally thorough? Find a task that highlights your attention to detail. Are you a whiz at research? Integrate that detail into a metric about your cases.

Here’s one example that gives you a glimpse into the candidate’s methods and motivations.

As a senior associate with Pincus & Associates, PC, I mentored summer and junior associates throughout their onboarding process. After the initial training period, I realized many mentees were struggling with repeat issues, such as voir dire and preparing witnesses. To combat this, I created video lectures and PowerPoint slides to explain procedures and laws surrounding the issues and gave examples, both good and bad. After two months of video training, the new hires completed double the number of tasks, and their client satisfaction scores rose by 18 percent.

These examples show the candidate’s passion for the job and their relevant experience. Moreover, the candidate demonstrates the value they’ll bring to their next role. 

cover letter sample attorney lateral

Tip 3: Nail down a winning tone & persuasive message

You’ve successfully incorporated your research, accomplishments, and personal style into your cover letter, but a cover letter is more than that. Here comes the tricky part: adjusting your message and tone.

The correct message and tone can mean the difference between getting dismissed or getting noticed. Remember, although we’ve compared a cover letter to a trial, your letter shouldn’t sound like a cross-examination. It also shouldn’t come across as flattering, casual, or confusing.

Think of your cover letter as the pre-interview. It’s a way to get your foot in the door and encourage further communication. Nailing the right message and tone isn’t easy, but there is good news: unlike a trial, you can start over. 

Revision plays a huge part in writing cover letters. No one has a perfect first draft, and oftentimes, even the second or third drafts aren’t ideal (ask us how many times we’ve revised our cover letter examples). Luckily, you can keep revising and editing until you have an error-free draft that accurately sums up your experience and fervor for the job. 

If you think your judgment isn’t perfectly sound, you can appeal to a coworker and ask them to suggest edits. Their new perspective is more likely to catch content errors and grammatical faux-pas. 

Think of your cover letter as the pre-interview. It’s a way to get your foot in the door and encourage further communication.

All that’s left is one last round of revision before you save it and send in your application to the attorney job you’ve been eyeing.

How to Format an Attorney Cover Letter

Giant screen with hands putting together an attorney cover letter outline

Building arguments are your strong suit, which will help you immensely when writing your cover letter. But even the most experienced of writers can find themselves paralyzed by the blank page. Use our outline to build a case employers can’t refuse.

cover letter sample attorney lateral

Attorney cover letter header and greeting

Your contact info:  Don’t leave your future employer wondering how to contact you. Include your email, number, and address (city and state) at the top of your cover letter. Many employers also like to see your LinkedIn profile.

  • Formatting:  Don’t include your name in the address, whether in a template or block format. In block format, you’ll only need to include your name in the signature. In a template, your name goes on the letterhead, too.

Date:  Adding a date to your cover letter is a professional touch, and it can help both you and the employer keep track of your documents. Just change the date to reflect the actual day you submit your application.

  • Formatting:  Write out the full date, e.g. January 3, 2023.

Inside address:  Although a virtual cover letter doesn’t need to be sent by post, you should still include the employer’s address, also known as the inside address. Include the hiring manager’s name, their official title, and the company’s physical location.

Some companies are a bit tricky to track down, especially if they have multiple locations. Scouring Facebook, LinkedIn, and the company’s website usually yields favorable results. Also, check the job description—sometimes they specify where or to whom your documents should be sent. If there are multiple locations, use the address of the location in which you’ll work. 

Heather Adams, Firm Administrator Reed McClure 1215 Fourth Avenue, Suite 1700 Seattle, WA 98161

  • Formatting : Each part of the address should be on a new line. Double-space between the inside address and greeting. 

Greeting:  Every word of your cover letter matters, including your greeting (also called the salutation). A poor greeting indicates a lack of etiquette (dangerous in the highly competitive legal field). The good news? A good greeting is pretty easy to get right. Use “dear” and the name of the hiring manager.

Dear Ms. Adams:

  • Formatting:  Plenty of letters use a comma in the greeting, but colons are more professional, especially for an attorney.

cover letter sample attorney lateral

Attorney cover letter introduction

Introduction:  Applying to job after job might get monotonous, but your opener has to sound genuinely excited. Don’t underestimate the power of sincere enthusiasm for the organization and knowledge of its operations. It can also help to include personal details to empathize with the employer. Although, we would urge you not to include intimate details like this:

Your law firm values hard work and dedication, which sums up my career. Ever since I was a child, I wanted to become a lawyer. I even acted out cases with my stuffed animals! As I grew older, I made sure I received top marks in every class so I could attend Harvard, the law school of my dreams. My commitment was so intense that I never had a relationship that lasted more than 3 months, but it was so worth it.

Although this opener definitely keeps the hiring manager reading, it’s probably because they find your cover letter funny (also known as you don’t stand a chance) instead of compelling. It’s far too personal and has no real relevance to the job. Instead, include details that relate to the company and what you can offer:

The Conservation Law Center’s mission to provide legal assistance to conservation organizations exemplifies my goals as a senior attorney. Throughout my career, I have offered at least 60 hours a year of pro bono work surrounding environmental law. The senior staff attorney position at your law center is a way to combine my passion for conservation, my love of mentorship, and my years of experience to provide assistance where needed most.

Here, Valente explains his background in environmental law and why he wants to work for the company. He leaves no doubt that he wants to work for them specifically, which will make any hiring manager take notice.

cover letter sample attorney lateral

Attorney cover letter body

Body paragraphs:  Each paragraph should substantiate your claims in the opening paragraph. Your space is limited, so focus on the highlights. Ideally, keep each paragraph focused on one accomplishment like this: 

Later, as a trademark attorney for Classics United Entertainment, I had the opportunity to work with a cross-functional team of designers, actors, producers, directors, and artists to create trademarks for all six departments within the Spears & Things division. For each trademark, I conducted a rigorous trademark clearance search to ensure trademark law compliance and eligibility. Once completing the trademark clearance process, my team and I successfully gave our efforts to developing clearance search procedures for future legal staff, creating a cohesive system across the three CUE divisions.

Although this paragraph isn’t focused on one task, it is focused on one process, and one aspect of that process in particular. Stella explains the overall trademark clearance process but keeps the focus on teamwork with phrases like “work[ing] with a cross-functional team” and “[giving] our efforts.” She effectively shows her legal abilities  and her team-building strategy, both of which bode well for future employers.

cover letter sample attorney lateral

Attorney cover letter closing

Closing paragraph:  Good endings are hard to achieve because they have to leave the recruiters both curious yet satisfied. Scale back and reiterate the big-picture view of your values and qualifications and how they align with what the company/organization needs. End with a call to action that encourages the employer to reach out. Just don’t fall into arrogance like this:

This job requires someone who has years of experience and who values justice. In that case, I am your perfect candidate. In my 10 years of work, I have never lost a case, and I love to argue until everyone knows I’m right. I know I can win the most cases for your company; reach out to me if you want to hire a winner.

Not only is this arrogant, but it’s also unprofessional. Instead, write something that humbly indicates your enthusiasm:

My goal has always been to provide clients with trustworthy, honest service that makes clients feel safe and valued. Reed McClure shares my vision of providing litigation services to improve the lives of both clients and the community. At your convenience, I welcome the chance to further demonstrate how our goals are aligned and how I can personally contribute to Seattle’s civil case resolution.

This close reminds the employer of the candidate’s persona, values, and aligned goals. It’s also clear that a follow-up is desired and anticipated.

  • Formatting : Single-space your paragraphs, but double-space in between paragraphs. 

Signature:  Mind your manners and say “thank you” if you haven’t already said it in the closing paragraph. Then, sign off with a professional closer along with your name.


Valente Ferreira

  • Formatting : If you’re presenting any hard copies of your attorney cover letter, quadruple space to sign your name in blue/black ink. 

Enclosure(s):  This is an important piece to include although many cover letters miss it. This section delineates any other documents you’re attaching, which shows employers you’ve done your research regarding their requests and requirements. In addition to your resume, you may need to include documents like your law school transcript, a writing sample, and/or the job application.

Enclosures: Resume J.D. transcript Writing sample USPTO Law School Clinic Certificate

  • Formatting : Use the singular or plural form of “enclosure” depending on what you’re enclosing. 

Your Dream Attorney Role Awaits…Almost

Yellow envelope carrying acceptance letter for attorney position on its way to deliver message

Your cover letter is finished! Case closed, right? Objection—you still have to perfect your  attorney resume . Both resume and cover letter work in tandem to affirm and defend your qualifications, so both must be polished and complete.

But don’t stress—we have you covered. We offer free  modern resume templates  for you to use, or you can try one of our  Word resume templates  (there’s one created especially for a lawyer). You can craft a winning resume in no time; in fact, if you like this attorney resume example, you can begin editing it now. 

Senior Attorney Resume

Need a resume to pair with your AP English teacher cover letter?

Senior attorney cover letter example with 5 years of experience

Whether you’re  outlining your resume  or checking it over a final time, an AI resume generator will help you identify gaps and errors. We’re here for you every step of the way, so you can keep doing what you do best—fighting for justice.

You know the significance of formalities in the legal profession, so optimizing the greeting is an important step. Carefully review the attorney job description to see if a hiring manager or decision-making partner is listed as a contact person. Additionally, check the law firm’s website or LinkedIn profiles to see if you can find the name of a specific person in charge of hiring. If you still can’t find anything, you can simply lead off with “Dear [Name of Law Firm] hiring staff” or a similar greeting.

Legal cover letters should be more formal than other careers. Think about all the formal correspondence you must write up for contracts and legal proceedings. However, you should still review the job description’s tone to determine the level of formality. Some firms do value a more friendly and casual atmosphere, so adjusting your tone in those instances is a good idea.

Consider the stylistic choices you’d make when writing up a case brief for a client. Everything should be concise, well-spaced, in an easy-to-read 11-12 point font, and ideally addressed to a specific person. It helps present a professional feel and allows hiring managers to easily identify your top skills in aspects like settlements and tort laws.

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Lateral Lawyer Cover Letter Example

A Lateral Lawyer is an experienced attorney working in an experienced law firm, and when they move to a new law firm, they often transfer their existing clients as well. The job description entails providing legal services and delivering a high standard of professional ethics and competence to their clients.

A well-written cover letter will create a good first impression on the recruiter. We have drafted a Lateral Lawyer Cover Letter Sample to help you get the desired job. To make matters much simpler, you can use our cover letter generator to draft the perfect cover letter.

Lateral Lawyer Cover Letter example

  • Cover Letters
  • Law Enforcement, Military & Security

A Lateral Lawyer provides legal advice and services to clients on various matters. Working in a law firm, these professionals tend to have a good grasp of all aspects of law and handle all cases from civil to criminal proceedings. They negotiate with clients, and parties, and provide advice on various matters including employment, property, business agreements, and intellectual property contracts.

What to Include in a Lateral Lawyer Cover Letter?

Roles and responsibilities.

  • Interviewing clients, and determining their legal needs.
  • Conducting independent research based on the case details.
  • Analyzing facts and evidence.
  • Providing legal advice.
  • Representing clients in the Court of Law.
  • Helping clients with all legal needs including paperwork filling, preparing contracts, getting affidavits, and negotiating settlements.
  • Drafting legal documents, preparing pleadings, and reviewing documents .
  • Presenting cases in court, and maintaining client’s rights and confidentiality.

Education & Skills

Lateral lawyer skills:.

  • Strong analytical and problem-solving skills.
  • The ability to understand and interpret complex legal data and draw appropriate conclusions.
  • The ability to communicate well and effectively.
  • Knowledge of fostering relationships with clients, and other key people in the industry.
  • The ability to build trustworthy relationships.
  • Excellent research and writing skills for crafting arguments, and presenting cases.
  • Solid subject knowledge.
  • Proficiency with technical and legal terminologies.

Lateral Lawyer Educational Requirements:

  • To become a Lateral Lawyer, one needs to have a degree and a Juris Doctor degree. Some states even necessitate the Lateral lawyers to pass the bar examination, and obtain a license.

Lateral Lawyer Cover Letter Example (Text Version)

Dear Mr./Ms.

I am writing this cover letter to express my interest in working for the XYZ Law Firm. My area of expertise is criminal and constitutional law, and I am aware that your organization provides the best legal aid and services in the States. I have considerable expertise in handling litigation and investigations from my tenure working at the court, and I would like to use this knowledge in this position as a lateral step.

I am a motivated and experienced professional with a Bachelor’s Degree in Law from the reputable ABC Law School. I have been able to improve on the abilities I gained as a Lateral Lawyer and have worked as the principal associate on many civil issues, including witness interviews and fact-finding. I also have a strong background in writing court documents, appellate briefs, legal memos, and pleadings.

Some of my accomplishments and qualifications include the following –

  • I have been trained and gained practical knowledge with one of the top lawyers in the region in the law field.
  • Excellent verbal and writing communication skills with the capacity to communicate information in an understandable yet convincing way.
  • Exceptional debating skills and won 3 national-level Debate competitions.
  • Able to manage several cases at once while being effective and meeting deadlines.
  • Have prior experience working individually or in a team under pressure.

In addition to my professional experience and personal attributes, I have a strong educational background and so much passion for law and upholding justice. I was looking forward to a firm that has a keen interest in criminal law and XYZ Law Firm’s emphasis on criminal law, and I would appreciate the chance to help you maintain your position as the benchmark in the field.

To learn more about my experience and professional accomplishments, please contact me without any hesitation. I will follow up to schedule a meeting to talk about how my background and skills align with your needs. I appreciate your thoughts and time.

Sincerely, [Your Name]

A good Lateral Lawyer Cover Letter should include your educational qualifications, skills, work experience, and highlights of your career. Addressing the recruiting manager by his name will add a personal touch to the cover letter. In addition to the cover letter, you can create a good resume by using our Lateral Lawyer Resume Samples .


Customize Lateral Lawyer Cover Letter

Get hired faster with our free cover letter template designed to land you the perfect position.

Related Law Enforcement, Military & Security Cover Letters

State Trooper Cover Letter Example

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Cover Letter Advice & Samples

Cover letter advice and samples.

An image showing a sample cover letter

Section Menu

  • Draft your cover letter knowing it is your first writing sample.
  • Understand that a cover letter should persuade the reader.
  • Use the cover letter to “connect the dots” of your experiences.
  • Resist the temptation to restate your resume.
  • Keep your cover letter to one page.
  • Use the font style and point size that match your resume.
  • Remember that the reader is busy: less is more.
  • Ensure your cover letter is error free.

Cover Letter Construction

Address block and salutation.

Sample cover letter address block and salutation

  • Address the cover letter to an actual person.
  • Research websites or call employer to determine recipient’s name.
  • If you cannot find the name of a hiring contact, address your letter to the head of the unit, department, or office.
  • While this is the least-preferred option, you may address your letter to “Dear Hiring Committee” if you cannot locate the name of an actual person.
  • For firms, address your letter to the recruiting director. For larger firms, contact information for recruiting directors is available at in the Basic Information section.
  • In the salutation, include the recipient’s title and last name (e.g., “Dear Ms. Raintree”) or write the recipient’s entire name (e.g., “Dear Jamie Morales”).

Paragraph One

Sample cover letter paragraph one

  • Tell the employer who you are and what you are seeking.
  • Highlight (past, present, and future) geographic connections.
  • Indicate if you have talked to students/faculty/friends/alumni who speak highly of the organization.

Paragraph Two

Sample cover letter paragraph two

  • Show that you understand the employer’s mission/practice, the work its attorneys do, and the clients it serves.
  • Demonstrate your proven interest in and connection to that mission/practice, work, and clients.

Paragraph Three

Sample cover letter paragraph three

  • Describe skills you will contribute to support that mission/practice, work, and clients.
  • Provide evidence from your experiences and coursework.

Paragraph Four

Sample cover letter paragraph four

  • List the documents included with the letter.
  • Tell the employer how to get in touch with you by email, telephone, and mail.
  • Convey your availability for a conversation, mentioning upcoming trips to the area.
  • Thank the employer for considering you.
  • Mention availability of Yale summer funding, if applicable.
  • Optional: Promise that you will follow up in a few weeks if you think the employer would appreciate the diligence.

Sample Cover Letters (PDF)

First Year Student Examples | Second Year Student Examples | Third Year Student Examples

Lawyer Cover Letter Example (w/ Templates & Tips for 2024)

Background Image

You've come a long way to reach your legal goals.

From your early dreams to helping justice thrive to making a career in the world of law, your journey has been amazing. 

But as you’re preparing for your next big professional step, there's a challenge: writing a great lawyer cover letter.

We don’t blame you; showing off your legal skills can be tough. 

That’s why, in this article, we'll help you create a cover letter that highlights your skills and gets you closer to your dream legal job.

Here’s what’ll cover: 

  • An Outstanding Lawyer Cover Letter Example
  • 5 Essential Steps to Crafting a Top-tier Legal Cover Letter
  • 3 Lawyer Cover Letter Tips

...and much more!

Lawyer Cover Letter Example

Lawyer Cover Letter Example

5 Steps for the Perfect Law Cover Letter

You've just had a glimpse of what a stellar cover letter looks like, and now you're well-equipped to craft your own . 

It's as simple as following a few straightforward steps to make it shine, starting with:

#1. Put Contact Information in the Header

Your cover letter should start with your contact information neatly placed in the header, just like on your resume. 

Here's what you should include:

  • Full Name: Your complete name should be at the top of the page.
  • Professional Title: Tailor your professional title to match the precise job you're seeking. Hiring managers juggle applications for several roles at the same time, so making the position you’re interested in clear can help make their lives easier.
  • Email Address: Opt for a professional and straightforward email address, like a combination of your first and last name. Those quirky high school email addresses won't cut it. (e.g., [email protected] is good, but [email protected] isn't)
  • Phone Number: Ensure the number you provide is accurate for easy contact. If you're applying for an international position, include the appropriate dial code.
  • Location: Typically, your city and state or country suffice. However, if you're pursuing a remote position or considering relocation, make that clear in your lawyer cover letter.
  • Relevant Links (Optional): You can include links to pertinent websites or social media profiles, such as your LinkedIn.

Next, it's time to include the hiring manager's details:

  • Company Name: Specify the name of the company you're applying to.
  • Hiring Manager's Name: If possible, identify the hiring manager for the department you're interested in. You can check the job listing, the company's website, or their LinkedIn page to find this information.
  • Hiring Manager's Title: If you discover the name of the hiring manager for the specific job listing and realize they're the head of the department, use that instead of "Hiring Manager."
  • Location: Mention the city, state, or country, particularly for globally operating companies. If you want to be more specific, you can add the company's exact street address.
  • Email Address (Optional): If available, include the hiring manager's email address.
  • Date of Writing (Optional): Consider adding the precise date when you composed your cover letter for a professional touch.

#2. Address the Hiring Manager

After jotting down all the necessary contact details, ensure you address your cover letter to its intended audience.

And, skip the old-fashioned "To Whom It May Concern" while you’re at it.

The way you address your cover letter can set a positive tone with the recruiter, especially if you give it some thought.

Start with a bit of digging around. Scour the job advertisement, law firm's website, or LinkedIn profile to pinpoint the person in charge of hiring for the position you're eyeing. A bit of effort can help you discover their name and email contact.

Next, greet them respectfully. Opt for Ms. or Mr., followed by their surname. If you're uncertain about their gender or marital status, simply use their complete name. For instance:

  • Dear Mr. Thompson,
  • Dear Jordan Thompson,

If you can’t find out their details, though, no worries! You can address your letter to the specific department or the law firm more broadly:

  • Dear Legal Department,
  • Dear Legal Hiring Committee,
  • Dear HR Selection Team,
  • Dear Lead Attorney,

#3. Write an Eye-Catching Opening Statement

Hiring managers often spend just seven seconds scanning an application to decide whether it’s worth their time and attention.

So, it's crucial to grab their attention fast with your lawyer cover letter.

Start your cover letter with your name and why you're interested in the legal job. Show your passion for law to make them want to know more about you.

Researching the law firm also helps. Knowing about their work and values lets you show what a great fit you’d be for the job. Not to mention, it proves you're really interested in this specific role, not just any role out there.

If you've got lots of legal experience, mention an important achievement , like a big case you've won, or special skills you have that are relevant to the position. But remember to keep your introduction short. Your aim is to get the hiring manager to read the rest of your cover letter.

Check out our other cover letter examples to write an attention-grabbing opening paragraph. 

#4. Use the Cover Letter Body for the Details

The main part of your legal cover letter lets you explain why you're the right fit for the job in more detail.

The trick here is to not merely repeat your lawyer resume. This is where you get to put your top legal skills and experiences into the spotlight. Your goal? To show the hiring manager you're the best choice among all the candidates. 

For starters, mention any big achievements in law and explain how you accomplished them or what skills it took you. Let the job ad guide you through for the best possible outcome. For example, if the role you’re gunning for is related to intellectual property law, focus on your knowledge of that instead of other law areas.

Additionally, show that you know about the firm's big cases or how they work. This proves you're really interested in working with them and that you fit their culture.

End by showing how passionate you are about the role. Say how you believe you can add value to their team with your legal skills and experience.

Also, make sure to avoid making any of these common cover letter mistakes to make sure your application is spotless. 

#5. Wrap It Up and Sign It

Ending your cover letter is like giving a strong closing in court.

Make sure your ending leaves the hiring manager convinced about your abilities and interested in calling you in for an interview. It should build trust in what you offer and remove any doubts that you may not be the right fit for the role.

Your cover letter’s ending is your time to summarize your top legal skills and why you're a great fit for their team. Alternatively, talk about your biggest achievements or the unique things you can bring to the table. 

After that, urge the hiring manager to take the next step by including a call to action. That could be a chat or an in-person meeting. This shows you're invested in the position and could help you get an interview.

Finally, when you sign off, stay professional. End with a simple sign-off and your full name. For example:

Should you wish for further clarification or insights regarding my legal qualifications, please reach out via the provided email or contact number. I eagerly anticipate the prospect of delving deeper into how I can contribute to your esteemed legal firm.

Yours sincerely,

If you feel "Yours sincerely" is rather commonplace, here are some alternative sign-offs tailored for the legal profession:

  • In utmost respect,
  • With appreciation,
  • Thank you for your due consideration,

lawyer cover letter structure

3 Essential Law Cover Letter Tips

You've mastered the cover letter fundamentals! Let's step it up and delve into some key cover letter tips specifically designed for lawyers to make your letter truly stand out:

#1. Match Your Resume

When applying for a legal position, consistency is your best friend.

Make sure your cover letter matches your resume visually as much as it matches it in content quality. This will help you come across as attentive to detail and well-organized.

Your name and contact details should sit tidily on the page. Also, keep your fonts and their sizes uniform throughout both documents. Remember to also adjust the margins and space between lines to keep your cover letter to a single page . 

Ready to make a great impression?

Or Use A Cover Letter Template Instead

Starting from scratch can be a drag. 

Take advantage of our cover letter templates for a swift fix. Together with our free resume templates , they can be the solution you’ve been looking for. 

Made hand-in-hand with global hiring pros, they hit all industry marks and just pop. Go on, match that resume with style!

lawyer cover letter examples

#2. Emphasize Your Achievements

Highlighting your achievements isn't just about a humble brag; it's about showcasing the tangible results of your dedication and expertise. 

When hiring managers sift through stacks of cover letters, they're not just looking for claims. They want evidence. They want to see that spark of exceptional talent and commitment. Achievements offer a snapshot of what you've accomplished and hint at what you're capable of achieving in the future.

Now, here's the tricky part. While your resume might list your achievements in bullet points, your cover letter should weave them into a compelling narrative. Think of it as telling a story, where your achievements serve as key plot points and demonstrate your ability to handle challenges and achieve results.

For instance, instead of just stating you led a high-profile case, delve a bit into the complexities of the case and how your innovative approach made a difference. Link these accomplishments directly to the requirements of the job you're applying for. This not only reinforces your capabilities but also illustrates your deep understanding of the role.

#3. Add Any Relevant Links

Including relevant links in your cover letter is like opening a door for hiring managers to step right into your professional world. While your resume provides a structured outline of your career journey, links offer a more dynamic glimpse into your accomplishments, be it published articles, notable cases, or a well-curated LinkedIn profile.

Imagine the hiring manager's perspective. They’re intrigued by your cover letter and think you might be a good fit. Now, instead of Googling you or hunting down that specific case you mentioned, they have instant access via a link you provided. It's immediate, efficient, and showcases your proactive nature.

Links also offer a chance for you to steer the narrative. By guiding hiring managers to specific pages or platforms, you're highlighting the parts of your career you're most proud of. It might be a detailed portfolio, showcasing your prowess in legal briefs, or perhaps glowing recommendations on your LinkedIn profile.

Key Takeaways

And that’s all there is to crafting a stellar lawyer cover letter! Hopefully, you’re on track to secure that ideal legal position in no time.

But before you send off your cover letter, here are some main points from our article:

  • Start your lawyer cover letter by detailing both your contact information and that of the hiring attorney or law firm's HR representative. Ensure your details are accurate so that they can reach out to you for a potential interview.
  • The opening paragraph of your lawyer's cover letter should capture the interest of the hiring party, compelling them to continue reading.
  • In the main section of your cover letter, emphasize your most notable achievements and skills that align with the legal role you're pursuing.
  • It's effective to include a persuasive call to action towards the conclusion of your law firm cover letter, prompting the hiring party to consider calling you or arranging an interview.
  • Maintain a consistent design between your cover letter and resume. If you're short on time, think about using one of our resume and cover letter templates for a cohesive appearance.

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Attorney Cover Letter Example

Cover letter examples, cover letter guidelines, how to format an attorney cover letter, cover letter header, cover letter header examples for attorney, how to make your cover letter header stand out:, cover letter greeting, cover letter greeting examples for attorney, best cover letter greetings:, cover letter introduction, cover letter intro examples for attorney, how to make your cover letter intro stand out:, cover letter body, cover letter body examples for attorney, how to make your cover letter body stand out:, cover letter closing, cover letter closing paragraph examples for attorney, how to close your cover letter in a memorable way:, pair your cover letter with a foundational resume, key cover letter faqs for attorney.

You should start your Attorney cover letter by addressing the hiring manager directly, if their name is known. If not, "Dear Hiring Manager" is an acceptable alternative. Begin by introducing yourself and stating the position you're applying for. This should be followed by a compelling statement about why you're interested in the role and the unique value you can bring to the firm. For example, "As a seasoned litigation attorney with a proven track record in complex corporate cases, I am excited about the opportunity to bring my skills and experience to your esteemed firm." This approach immediately communicates your qualifications and enthusiasm for the role, setting a positive tone for the rest of the letter.

The best way for attorneys to end a cover letter is by expressing gratitude for the reader's time and consideration, reiterating their interest in the position, and indicating their eagerness to further discuss their qualifications. A professional closing such as "Sincerely" or "Respectfully" should be used, followed by their full name and contact information. It's also important to mention any attachments, such as a resume or references. This ending not only shows respect for the reader's time but also reinforces the attorney's interest in the position and willingness to engage in further conversation. It's a balance of professionalism, enthusiasm, and courtesy, which is crucial in the legal field.

Attorneys should include the following elements in a cover letter: 1. Contact Information: At the top of the letter, include your name, address, phone number, and email address. If you have a LinkedIn profile or professional website, include those as well. 2. Salutation: Address the letter to a specific person if possible. If you can't find a specific name, use a general title such as "Hiring Manager." 3. Introduction: Briefly introduce yourself and explain why you're writing. Mention the specific position you're applying for. 4. Body: This is where you sell yourself. Highlight your relevant skills, experiences, and achievements. Explain how these make you a good fit for the position. As an attorney, you might discuss specific cases you've handled, legal skills you've developed, or relevant legal knowledge you possess. 5. Knowledge about the Firm: Show that you've done your homework. Mention something specific about the firm that attracted you to the job. This could be their practice areas, their culture, or their reputation in the industry. 6. Closing: Thank the reader for considering your application. Express your interest in discussing your qualifications further in an interview. 7. Signature: End with a professional closing like "Sincerely" or "Best regards," followed by your name and signature. 8. Enclosures: If you're sending additional documents like a resume or transcripts, mention them here. Remember, a cover letter is your chance to make a strong first impression. It should be well-written, concise, and free of errors. Tailor each cover letter to the specific job and firm you're applying to, showing how your skills and experiences make you a strong candidate for that particular role.

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published february 12, 2021

published January 07, 2013

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  • Your lateral cover letter should always explain why you are looking for a new position. Firms always want to know why an experienced attorney is on the job market, and if that information is excluded, a worst-case scenario may be assumed. No news is not necessarily good news.  
  • Lateral cover letters should also be one page in length. While a lengthy explanation of your circumstances may be necessary, no one willingly reads long cover letters. Remember that the purpose of a cover letter is to highlight points in your resume and to bring to light things that may not be readily apparent on your resume, such as why you are on the job market.  
  • You may also want to spend one paragraph briefly highlighting the more important aspects of your work experience. The experience on your resume probably doesn't go into great detail because it would be too long, so a succinct cover letter is a great opportunity to add a little more information about what you have done, hopefully whetting the appetite of your reader. But make sure you don't disclose confidential or privileged information on your resume or cover letter. If you're an international tax attorney who worked on a precedent-setting case before the tax court, you might spend a few sentences describing your experience, going into a level of detail not found on your resume.  
  • Refrain from making negative comments in your cover letter about former employers. Never make negative comments, especially in writing, about a former employer. Even if your former law firm sold your firstborn child, find something nice to say about them, or say nothing at all. The line of thinking is that if you will make negative comments about one employer, then you'll say bad things about all of them. No one wants or needs to be bad-mouthed.
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How To Write An Effective Cover Letter

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Here are 10 tips that will help you to put your best foot forward.

When you work with a recruiter, there is generally no need to write your own cover letter; the cover letter comes from us. But that doesn’t mean you should skip the exercise of writing a cover letter altogether. It’s crucial that you work with your recruiter to convey any information that may be helpful in marketing yourself to the prospective employer.

I shy away from giving candidates a detailed cover letter template. You do not want your letter to sound too formulaic. It should be authentic and, if signed by you, in your voice. Even using the same cover letter to apply for multiple positions can get risky. It’s easy to spot the non-tailored cover letter.

Here are 10 tips that will help you to put your best foot forward:

  • Read the job description . Read it line by line. I cannot stress enough the importance of tailoring your cover letter to the specific job.
  • Do not simply repeat what is on your resume . You may want to highlight just the most important points from your resume, but you primarily want to include relevant information  not  in your resume.
  • Think of your cover letter as a first-round interview . What questions might you anticipate? You will want to address: a. Why are you looking to make a move, and why specifically do you want to work  here , with  us? b. If applicable, why do you want to move to the new city? What personal or professional ties do you have to the new location? c. If applicable, why do you want to move from a firm to an in-house role?
  • Above all, your cover letter must answer the question,  “How are you going to add value to our firm/company?”  In your cover letter and in your interviews, remember that it’s not about you. It’s about what  you  can do for  them . A prospective employer will be turned off by candidates who only talk about how this move will advance their own careers.
  • Remember the old adage  “Show, don’t tell.”  Give concrete examples of your relevant soft skills: a. What precise skills or experiences do you have that qualify you for this job? b. What do you bring to the table that makes you unique? c. Why should we hire you instead of your competition?
  • Give your cover letter a basic structure , for example, an opening sentence/paragraph, your “arguments,” and a conclusion. Your cover letter will offer substantive information, but it will also be judged as a representation of your writing and communication skills.
  • Be concise .
  • Try to find the appropriate recipient’s name . I am always turned off by the “To Whom it May Concern” letters.
  • If you are applying for a lateral law firm position and  your class year  for promotion purposes is different from your JD year, be sure to highlight this.
  • Proofread . Absolutely no typos!

Your cover letter, whether it comes from you or from your recruiter, should not be a recap of your resume. It should add color and personality to your application, offer the reader a chance to see you as a real human being, and answer the question, “Why should we hire  you ?” Think of it as a practice screening interview.

Will a good cover letter really move the needle? Realistically, it may only make a difference to a small percentage of applications. But why not give every job application your best shot?

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Job Posting: Civil Rights Enforcement Section, Deputy Attorney General Supervisor

Department of Justice

$12,818.00 - $16,470.00 per Month

Final Filing Date: 6/7/2024

Job Description and Duties

The Civil Rights Enforcement Section (CRES) handles a broad range of significant civil rights and constitutional law matters on behalf of the Attorney General and the State of California. Assignments may include: proactively planning, organizing, managing, and conducting large scale investigations and civil litigation, often on cutting edge, novel issues of law and fact; researching complex legal issues and authoring amicus curiae briefs on emerging constitutional rights, civil liberties, and federalism issues; engaging with other governmental agencies, civil rights organizations, advocates and members of the public; providing advice on sensitive and high-profile matters to the Attorney General, other high level state officials and agencies, and other sections and divisions of the California Department of Justice (Cal DOJ); reviewing and analyzing proposed state legislation; preparing informational materials for the public; and developing model policies, trainings, and best practices for state and local agencies to implement state law and policy. Under the supervision of the Senior Assistant Attorney General of CRES, the Supervising Deputy Attorney General supervises the work of Deputy Attorneys General in CRES working on general civil rights matters; advises the Attorney General and Executive Staff on significant policy matters related to civil rights policy; spearheads initiatives; handles general administrative matters; actively participates in the interview and selection process for Deputy Attorneys General; directs and engages in community and stakeholder outreach; and performs the most difficult and complex legal work related to the supervision of investigations, litigation, trials, writs, and appeals, requiring the highest level of independent judgment. This advertisement is seeking applicants to focus on the following issue areas: children’s rights, constitutional policing, racial justice, and general civil rights work. In your cover letter, applicants are required to explain their specific interests and qualifications in one or more of these areas and how you would approach supervising this work in CRES.

Working Conditions

This position is eligible for a hybrid work schedule.  Employees will be required to report in-person every second and fourth Thursday of each month.  Additional travel and in-person attendance may be required for trials, court appearances or meetings.

Minimum Requirements


Additional Documents

  • Job Application Package Checklist

Position Details

Department information.

  • This position is located in the Public Rights Division, Civil Rights Enforcement  Section and may be filled in San Diego or Los Angeles. Please clearly indicate your preferred city in the "Explanations" section of your State application or cover letter.
  • Please disregard the SROA/Surplus language below, as the Department of  Justice requires applicants to submit their SROA/Surplus Letter if that is the basis of their eligibility.
  • For more information about the department please visit the Attorney  General’s website at  
  • If you'd like to speak with a recruiter prior to submitting your application,  please email [email protected].

Special Requirements

  • A fingerprint check will be required.
  • JC-432221 must clearly be stated in the "Examination or Job Title(s) For Which You Are Applying" section of your state application (STD 678). If sending paper applications, please email the HR contact listed in this job vacancy to confirm receipt of your materials.
  • Individuals who are new to state service must have list eligibility in order to gain employment with the California Office of the Attorney General. The process is described at

Application Instructions

Completed applications and all required documents must be received or postmarked by the Final Filing Date in order to be considered. Dates printed on Mobile Bar Codes, such as the Quick Response (QR) Codes available at the USPS, are not considered Postmark dates for the purpose of determining timely filing of an application.

Who May Apply

How To Apply

Address for Mailing Application Packages

You may submit your application and any applicable or required documents to:

Address for Drop-Off Application Packages

You may drop off your application and any applicable or required documents at:

Required Application Package Documents

The following items are required to be submitted with your application. Applicants who do not submit the required items timely may not be considered for this job:

  • Current version of the State Examination/Employment Application STD Form 678 (when not applying electronically), or the Electronic State Employment Application through your Applicant Account at All Experience and Education relating to the Minimum Qualifications listed on the Classification Specification should be included to demonstrate how you meet the Minimum Qualifications for the position.
  • Resume is required and must be included.
  • Other - A cover letter is required. In your cover letter, you should explain how you have demonstrated a commitment to, or motivation for, working in the covered subject matter areas (racial justice, social justice, and children's rights) throughout your career.
  • Other - Writing sample, consisting of a dispostive motion, pretrial motion, or appellate brief is required.

Desirable Qualifications

Contact information.

The Human Resources Contact is available to answer questions regarding the position or application process.

Please direct requests for Reasonable Accommodations to the interview scheduler at the time the interview is being scheduled. You may direct any additional questions regarding Reasonable Accommodations or Equal Employment Opportunity for this position(s) to the Department's EEO Office.

Additional Application Filing Information

Please note, if using the United States Postal Service for delivery, there is no guarantee that your application will be date stamped and will arrive by the final filing date. If you application does not have a postmark or date stamp and arrives after the final filing date, your application will not be accepted. Therefore, to ensure timely delivery of your application, it is recommended that you use either electronic delivery, parcel service, or certified mail. Using one of these options will provide proof of delivery prior to the final filing date. If you are mailing your application, as a courtesy we ask that you contact the HR Consultant listed to confirm your application has been received. This is not required, but highly encouraged so we can ensure the timely submission of your application.

Equal Opportunity Employer

The State of California is an equal opportunity employer to all, regardless of age, ancestry, color, disability (mental and physical), exercising the right to family care and medical leave, gender, gender expression, gender identity, genetic information, marital status, medical condition, military or veteran status, national origin, political affiliation, race, religious creed, sex (includes pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding and related medical conditions), and sexual orientation.

It is an objective of the State of California to achieve a drug-free work place. Any applicant for state employment will be expected to behave in accordance with this objective because the use of illegal drugs is inconsistent with the law of the State, the rules governing Civil Service, and the special trust placed in public servants.

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  14. Lawyer Cover Letter Example (w/ Templates & Tips for 2024)

    Top ↑ Lawyer Cover Letter Example 5 Steps for the Perfect Law Cover Letter #1. Put Contact Information in the Header #2. Address the Hiring Manager #3. Write an Eye-Catching Opening Statement #4. Use the Cover Letter Body for the Details #5. Wrap It Up and Sign It 3 Essential Law Cover Letter Tips #1. Match Your Resume #2.

  15. 1+ Attorney Cover Letter Examples (with In-Depth Guidance)

    In this section, we will delve into the specifics of formatting your cover letter, offering guidance, tips, and attorney-specific examples to assist you in creating a document that is both informative and compelling. 1. Cover Letter Header 2. Cover Letter Greeting 3. Cover Letter Introduction 4.

  16. How To Write a Litigation Attorney Cover Letter (With Examples)

    Litigation attorney cover letter example To help you learn more about cover letters, here is a sample cover letter for a litigation attorney: Chuck Ferris Chicago, Illinois 304-555-0192 [email protected] March 14, 2024 Mr. Bob Richardson Acme Firm Chicago, Illinois I am writing to apply for the litigation attorney position that was advertised on your website.

  17. Letter #3 is Alum with Practice Experience Seeking Lateral Associate

    Letter #3 is Alum with Practice Experience Seeking Lateral Associate Position . J. ANE . C. LARK . 720 W. Windy City St. • Chicago, IL 60661 • 919-212-1666 • [email protected] . March _, 20XX [Name] [Position] [Firm] [Address] Dear XXX: I am writing to inquire about an associate position at [FIRM NAME]. I believe that [FIRM NAME] would

  18. PDF Sample cover letter packet

    SAMPLE IN-HOUSE (GENERAL) INTERNSHIP COVER LETTER. 435 West 116th Street New York, NY 10027 (212) 854-0000 [email protected]. February 1, 20XX. Michelle Offer, Esq. General Counsel Independent Film Studio 1 Wiltshire Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90210. [Dear Michelle,] [Dear Ms. Offer:] [Salutation depends on the industry - see your OCS counselor ...

  19. 2024 Attorney Cover Letter Example (+Free Tools & Guidance)

    Attorneys should include the following elements in a cover letter: 1. Contact Information: At the top of the letter, include your name, address, phone number, and email address. If you have a LinkedIn profile or professional website, include those as well. 2.

  20. Attorney Cover Letter Examples

    Build my cover letter. Lindsay Burrell, J.D. 1 Main Street. New Cityland, CA 91010. Cell: (555) 322-7337. E-Mail: [email protected]. Dear Mr. Stark, As a highly skilled Attorney, I read your posting for a new Attorney with interest. My experience aligns well with the qualifications you are seeking at Stark and Simmons, LLP, in ...


    My previous legal experience, oral advocacy training, and strong academic background will enable me to make a valuable contribution to the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Northern District of Georgia. I have attached a resume and legal writing sample, and I would be happy to forward my first semester transcript once it is available in February.

  22. What Law Firms Look for in a Lateral Resume

    Your lateral cover letter should always explain why you are looking for a new position. Firms always want to know why an experienced attorney is on the job market, and if that information is excluded, a worst-case scenario may be assumed. No news is not necessarily good news. Lateral cover letters should also be one page in length.

  23. Lateral Attorney

    A lateral attorney's resume is a short document that contains information about the qualifications of a job seeker. It serves as a primary marketing tool that is used to attract the hiring manager to hire you. ... The following cover letter sample is one that tells the employer how and why a candidate is ready for a lateral position. Lateral ...

  24. How To Write An Effective Cover Letter

    Here are 10 tips that will help you to put your best foot forward: Read the job description. Read it line by line. I cannot stress enough the importance of tailoring your cover letter to the specific job. Do not simply repeat what is on your resume. You may want to highlight just the most important points from your resume, but you primarily ...

  25. CalCareers

    Other - A cover letter is required. In your cover letter, you should explain how you have demonstrated a commitment to, or motivation for, working in the covered subject matter areas (racial justice, social justice, and children's rights) throughout your career. Other - Writing sample, consisting of a dispostive motion, pretrial motion, or ...