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181 Health Essay Topics To Write About – Step-By-Step Guide

health essay topics

Health as a subject involves so many other academic disciplines. As a student, you may be faced with picking healthcare topics to write about. Note that health essay topics are linked to history, politics, child development, sociology, foreign relations, economics, science, law enforcement, public policy, information technology, among others.

When faced with picking health topics to write about, there are a lot of factors to consider. That is because the subject is broad, with so many topics to think about. Still, regardless of your discipline, you can find public health essay topics to write about.

Interesting Health Essay Topics And How To Find Them

If you are given a task to write a health essay, you need to think about something that is interesting to you. Think about any health topics that you can relate to in some way. If you still cannot find any medical essay topics, then opt for a topic that is interesting to other people.

After finding good health topics, the next step would be to analyze the topic you have chosen. This analysis should include finding out if the topic is narrow or broad. Broad healthcare essay topics do not offer specific information about what you choose to write on. For instance, the psychology topic “mental disorders in the 21 st century” is a really broad topic. That is because it isn’t clear whether you need to write about all the mental disorders or just focus on a select few.

Another consideration to make is how much you know about a topic. A topic should be of interest to you or others around you. In the same vein, you need to have some background knowledge at least. No matter how interesting the topic is if you don’t know much about it, writing a sentence or paragraph may be difficult. So pick carefully and ensure that you have an idea about the topic you want to write on.

Narrow health topics are a lot different. They give you an idea of what to write and how to start. For example, “The prevalence of Schizophrenia in the 21 st century.” This topic is a lot easier to write.

The next step is to find sources to get the information. If you cannot find sources to get information from, it may be difficult to write the essay. No matter how narrow the topic is, you need to have enough resources to work with.

Health Topics To Write About: Helpful Ideas To Choose From

What are the most popular healthcare persuasive speech topics to consider? First, think about what we face daily as humans and the news from the radio or TV. Perhaps you have a general idea of the topic to write, but this part will show you where to focus. Here is a breakdown of the health essay topics you can write on.

While picking a topic for your essay on health, opt for controversial health topics. If you haven’t picked on already, then start by listing all the health-related ideas that pop into your head. Next, you need to take a stand and build strong support for it. Persuade your audience to see why your argument is better.

Here are some position paper topics on health to start you off:

  • Is stem cell research legal?
  • Should euthanasia be allowed?
  • Is animal testing humane?
  • Are vaccines mandatory for children?
  • Is abortion legal? What are the pros and cons?
  • Should life support be continued for brain dead patients
  • Is organ selling legal?
  • Is smoking electric cigarettes in public legal?
  • Is male baby circumcision legal?
  • Should fast-food restaurants serve unhealthy food to kids?

After choosing a topic for your college essay, then you need to develop the outline to work it. This outline is essential for all types of essay writing. It helps you to organize all your ideas. When your ideas are organized, it helps you to present your arguments in the best way. Proving your point will be a lot easier if you outline your work first.

Also, you will be able to focus on the thesis statement until you reach a logical conclusion. In the same vein, you can create an excellent thesis statement when you have highlighted all the main points. It is safer to include transitional phrases in your outline. That would go a long way to help you produce the essay faster.

After choosing the most suitable topic and creating an outline, prepare a rough draft. That is basically beefing up your outline. It is also the first step to writing the paper. The edited copy of this rough draft will be the final essay.

Best Health Topics To Write About

These are some of the best health topics that you can write about. They are all diverse and touch on different aspects of the health care settings.

  • The negative effects of meat-free nutrition.
  • Different consequences vegans go through.
  • Compare and contrast changes before and after being a vegan.
  • Potential nutritional issues a vegan can experience.
  • Major causes of eating disorders in females.
  • Major effects of feminism on anorexia women.
  • Best ways to manage anorexia.
  • Major causes of insomnia.
  • How to deal with insomnia.
  • The effects of exam preparation on better sleep provision.
  • Major causes of long-term insomnia.
  • Best ways to improve your sleeping patterns.
  • Are sleeping pills good for our health?
  • Best ways to manage a bipolar disorder.
  • Is bipolar disorder made or inborn?
  • Can traditional medicines be used to fight insomnia?
  • Best management practices for bipolar disorder.
  • Best psychological treatments for persons with bipolar disorder.
  • Impact of cognitive therapy on mental disorders.
  • The importance of using antidepressants in dealing with depression.
  • Major causes of bipolar disorder.

Controversial Healthcare Topics To Write About

Do you have a passion for medicine? Then you can consider using these controversial health care topics to broaden your thinking. When doing research, you can consider watching films or documentaries that touch on a specific subject.

  • How does child abuse trauma affect the development of dissociative disorder?
  • Pros and cons of paid and free treatment.
  • Should healthcare be free or paid for?
  • The importance of having health insurance.
  • The cost of free health care services.
  • Is death a sure way of relieving patients from pain?
  • Do patients have a natural right to death?
  • Ethical and moral issues about Euthanasia.
  • Advantages and disadvantages of Euthanasia.
  • The religious view on physician-assisted suicide.
  • Strategies to ensure children maintain healthy body weight.
  • Ethical issues about surrogate pregnancy.
  • Best ways to prevent medical errors in hospitals.
  • How can doctors promote a healthy lifestyle?
  • Can homeopathy be considered as a pseudo-science?
  • Side effects of blood transfusion.
  • Major types of eating disorders.
  • Elaborate on how a vegan diet can be healthy.
  • Psychological issues of breast cancer.
  • Significance of organ donation/organ transfer after death.
  • How can cloning help save lives?

Interesting Public Health Essay Topics

Public health is diverse. The public has a right to affordable health care and medicines. Regardless of someone’s status, they should be given access to health care.

  • Smoking should be banned in public places.
  • Why is it important to vaccinate children when they are young?
  • Major causes and consequences of childhood obesity.
  • Evaluate childbearing and teen pregnancy.
  • Economic effects of AIDS treatment.
  • Is it healthy for minors to be given birth control?
  • The Effects of AIDS and its impact on people.
  • The connection between genetics and diabetes.
  • Best way to prevent adolescent pregnancy.
  • Effects of smoking in public.
  • Social issues that accompany teenage pregnancy.
  • Evolution of diabetes.
  • Effect of passive smoking on children’s health.
  • Is birth control a necessity or a luxury?
  • Impact of the ebola epidemic in West Africa.
  • Effect of alcohol on college students.
  • The negative consequences of alcohol on college students.
  • Best household water treatment methods.
  • The importance of sex education in schools.
  • The principles that pertain to adoption.
  • Why is Ebola termed as a devastating disease?

Advanced Health Topics For Essay

Which health issues are there in society? These topics can help you to recognize major issues that are affecting society. Also, many measures are being taken to ensure everyone has access to affordable health care.

  • Ethics of human experimentation.
  • Is cloning ethical or morally right?
  • Major signs and symptoms of heath attacks in women.
  • What can be used to cure diabetes in the future?
  • Major health consequences of eating disorders.
  • Can bioprinting be termed the future of organ transplants?
  • Can stem cell technologies be used for cancer treatment?
  • Ethical and social issues associated with cosmetic surgery.
  • Impact advertising has on making healthy food choices.
  • Role of nutritional education in promoting healthy diets.
  • Relation between fast food consumption and obesity.
  • Importance of doing exercise among the elderly.
  • Evaluate obesity as a medical and social problem.
  • The duration in which humans live.
  • Advantages and disadvantages of clinical trials.
  • Link between sugary drinks and cancer.
  • Health consequences of caffeine.
  • Legalization of euthanasia.
  • The importance of playing sports to our bodies.
  • Is a low fat and low-carb diet good for our bodies?
  • How is nuclear waste dangerous for people?

Health Care Topics To Write About

Our diet, mode of living, and other factors play a role in our health. Many people have different opinions on some medicines, euthanasia, organ donation, and much more. However, at times it is important to save someone’s life or reduce the pain.

  • Advantages and disadvantages of being too dependent on antibiotics.
  • Effects of antibiotics dependence on our health.
  • Are natural medicines a good alternative to pharmaceutical medicines?
  • Influence of environmental factors on mental health.
  • Effect of drug misuse on our mental health.
  • Social effects of mental disorders
  • Relation between alcohol addiction and psychiatric disorder.
  • Symptoms, causes, and treatment of teen depression.
  • How can you protect your mental health when you are a regular social media user?
  • Effects of social isolation on physical and mental health.
  • The relationship between exercise and moods.
  • Mental health problems that pertain to homeless people.
  • Is stress a major risk factor for mental disorders?
  • Major depression and anxiety disorders among adults.
  • Economic burden that comes with depression disorders.
  • How does anxiety disorder affect the quality of our lives?
  • Challenges of e-health technology.
  • How can Big Data be implemented in the medical care system?
  • Risks associated with untested methods of alternative medicine.
  • How can health equity be achieved?
  • Impact of racism on the well-being of the nation.

Health Care Essay Topics

Are you looking for an essay topic or research paper topic? Then you can use any of these topics to write the best paper. You just need to do proper research on the topics to be fully satisfied.

  • Role of school-based health care in preventing dropouts.
  • Best way to curb rising suicide rates.
  • Importance of vaccines to the elderly.
  • The measures that can be undertaken to prevent heat-related deaths.
  • The housing standards should be met to ensure that people live in a safe environment.
  • Can computers replace doctors?
  • Immortal possibility of people.
  • How stress affects teenagers.
  • Best healthy eating habits that should be implemented.
  • Why do many teenagers decide to do drugs?
  • Can obesity be termed an epidemic?
  • Importance of exercise on teenagers.
  • Relation between being healthy and happy.
  • Biggest health challenges the youth face.
  • Teen pregnancy prevention.
  • Can gambling be termed a disorder?
  • How is air pollution a threat to health?
  • Major causes of pneumonia.
  • Can anemia be termed as a sign of poor health?
  • The main objective of occupational medicine.

Mental Health Essay Topics

Mental health is a sensitive topic that needs to be discussed. Nowadays, people fall into depression due to anxiety, getting overwhelmed, or stress. Therefore, people need to be protected to prevent any mental health issues.

  • Main psychological health risks in individuals.
  • Main causes for mental illnesses.
  • Importance of elementary schools in providing cognitive health services.
  • Major psychological issues found in elderly people.
  • Most common treatments assigned to depressed patients.
  • The main protective factors of mental health.
  • How does depression lead to psychological conditions?
  • Major differences between the various anxiety disorders.
  • Which psychological problems do students go through?
  • Importance of having perfect psychological and emotional health.
  • Differences between women’s and men’s psychiatric health issues.
  • Major factors that affect children’s mental health.
  • Relation between child abuse and mental health issues.
  • Trauma and substance abuse cause more psychological problems.
  • Factors that can affect psychiatric treatment.
  • Best psychiatric screening procedures.
  • Common health challenges that affect all demographics.
  • Prevalent brain disorders.
  • How can forgiveness lead to the achievement of psychological well-being?
  • How does regular physical activity help in improving brain conditions?

Medical Argument Essay Topics

There are many medical arguments that people differ. These are some of the best medical argument essay topics that can help to expand your thinking when writing your science assignment . Just choose a topic and work on it.

  • Should children’s vaccination be made mandatory?
  • How is cosmetic surgery unhealthy?
  • Can exercise worsen the health of a person?
  • How can the birth control pill permanently damage the reproductive system?
  • Government regulation on fast food chains.
  • How do technological devices make humans vulnerable to getting cancer?
  • How do vegetarian diets elongate their lifespan?
  • How can mental health counseling help reduce issues in students?
  • How do smart devices deteriorate human health?
  • The best measures to take to keep yourself healthy and reduce appointments with doctors.
  • How can alcohol usage be restricted in high schools?
  • Do medicine costs relate to the cost of health care centers’ consultancy?
  • Between the nurses and doctors, who do the real work?
  • Deadliest diseases in the world.
  • Do cosmetic surgeries require insurance?
  • How can oversleeping cause any harm to the body system?
  • Why do some people fear getting medical help?
  • How do governments provide premium health care services?
  • Importance of diets that make people look younger in their late 70s.
  • How do parents endanger the lives of their unborn children?
  • Cancer is hereditary.
  • Traditional Chinese medicines are more effective than western medicines.
  • Is it possible for homeless people to enjoy free health care?
  • How can cloning help to save lives?
  • Do you think medical tests on humans should have limits?
  • Potential diabetes has a cure.

Tips To Follow While Writing A Health Essay

Here are some tips to keep in mind when writing your health essay:

Reuse topics: if you have difficulty coming up with an essay topic, you can use old topics. However, remember that the reused topics must be 100% unique. Use a different approach to it. For instance, if your previous essay was in support of abortion, write an essay against abortion. You can also push for cheap and affordable healthcare if you previously supported the high costs of treatment. Ask questions: your professor can help you with any questions you have before starting. You should not shy away from asking for some assistance. Don’t try to prove a point: picking a rare topic to prove a point is not necessary. It is better to choose one that you can comfortably work with. Don’t narrow it down completely: it is not advised to write broad topics, You should narrow down the chosen topic as much as possible. That gives you more focus, and researching on them should be a breeze. Gather research before picking the final topic: when the resources are too few or even nonexistent, you need to find another topic with reasonable resources. No matter how popular the topic is, writing on it may take too much time, and you may not be able to complete it at all.

Need Urgent Help? Let Us Take Care Of Your Health Essay

Why is a health essay important? It is a requirement in many schools. Writing an essay like this requires proper thought. You can choose to write something you love or an interesting topic for others. After choosing this topic, you need to create an outline to guide your writing from the thesis to the draft to the final piece. Make the essay as persuasive as possible so your audience can see reasons to take your side on the subject matter. However, if your essay is due overnight and you have no idea on how to start, don’t worry! Our professional writers will create a perfect paper for you in no time. So you can get top tier assignment help and not worry anymore.

Remember to follow the formatting methods as instructed by your professor. Also, cite your references as they were used. That will guarantee a top-quality essay for better grades.

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90+ Strong Health Essay Topics And How To Handle Them

Haiden Malecot

Table of Contents

assignment topic health

You can write about healthy lifestyle, rehabilitation after traumas, childcare, common or rare diseases, global advances in health and medicine, environmental health issues, and more.

How to deal with essay on health?

Your essay will be the most impressive if you choose a topic that is familiar to you or you can write about something you have experience with. It will be easier for you to do a health essay paper and build a convincing argument. Another approach is choosing a topic which is not familiar to you but in which you are interested in. It would be a great opportunity for you to educate yourself.

If you pick an interesting essay topic idea which is too broad to cover in your essay, you should do additional keyword research and look for some specific aspects of this topic to narrow it.

Keep in mind that you should look for a narrow topic which has enough available resources that you can use for researching it.

Before you start writing, make sure you have found enough evidence and examples to support your argument. A good idea is to create a working outline or a mind map for your essay that will guide your writing and help you stay focused on your key points.

First, create a strong thesis statement and think about several main points to support it.

If you are looking for health topics to write about and are not sure what to write about, here we have gathered a lot of exciting ideas that you won’t find on any other essay writing services.

Feel free to use them as inspiration own topic ideas or for writing your essays.

Health topics to write about

  • How Can We Help Children Maintain a Healthy Body Weight?
  • Ethical and Legal Issues of Surrogate Pregnancy.
  • How Dangerous are Long-term Consequences of Anorexia?
  • Principles of Preventing Medical Errors in Hospitals.
  • How Can Doctors Promote Healthy Lifestyle?
  • Why is Homeopathy a Pseudo-Science?
  • What Are Side Effects of Blood Transfusion?
  • Types of Eating Disorders.
  • Can a Vegan Diet Be Healthy?
  • The Best Strategies to Maintain Healthy Body Weight.
  • Psychological Issues of Breast Cancer.
  • Importance of Organ Donation after Death.
  • Can Cloning Help Save Lives?
  • Ethics in Human Experimentation.
  • Symptoms of Heart Attacks in Women.
  • Is It Possible to Cure Diabetes in the Future?

Interesting health topics to write about

  • What is the Difference Between Western Medicine and Alternative Medicine?
  • Health Consequences of Eating Disorders.
  • Bioprinting as the Future of Organ Transplants.
  • Use of Stem Cell Technologies for Cancer Treatment.
  • Ethical and Social Issues of Cosmetic Surgery.
  • How Does Advertising Influence Healthy Food Choices?
  • Role of Nutrition Education in Promoting Healthy Diets.
  • Fast Food Consumption and Obesity.
  • How Can Exercise Help Senior Improve Strength and Balance?
  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Weight Loss Surgery.
  • Obesity as a Medical and Social Problem.
  • Strategies for Heart Disease Prevention.
  • How Long Can Humans Actually Live?
  • Pros and Cons of Clinical Trials.
  • Alternative Ways to Treat Depression.
  • Is There a Cure for HIV or AIDS?

Controversial health essay topics

  • Is There a Link Between Sugary Drinks and Cancer?
  • Health Consequences of Caffeine.
  • Can Little Kid Food Habits Signal Autism?
  • Should Euthanasia Be Legalized?
  • Pros and Cons of Medical Marijuana.
  • Is Alternative Medicine Dangerous?
  • Is Doing Sports always Healthy?
  • Which Diet Is Better: Low-Fat or Low-Carb?
  • Discuss Measures for Prevention of Communicable Diseases.
  • Social Determinants That Influence People’s Well-being.
  • Are Doctors Responsible for the Opioid Epidemic?
  • Is Religion a Mental Disorder?
  • Is Nuclear Waste Really Dangerous for People?
  • Is a No-Carb Diet Safe?
  • Are We Too Dependent on Antibiotics?
  • Are Natural Medicines a Good Alternative to Pharmaceutical?
  • Can Blockchain Help Improve the Trust in the Accuracy of Clinical Trials Data?

Mental health argumentative essay topics

  • Influence of Environmental Factors on Mental Health.
  • Drug Misuse and Mental Disorders.
  • Social Effects of Mental Disorders.
  • Alcohol Addiction and Psychiatric Disorders.
  • Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment of Teen Depression.
  • How to Protect Your Mental Health from Social Media Dangers.
  • Effects of Social Isolation and Loneliness on Severe Mental Disorders.
  • Negative Effects of Total Isolation on Physical and Mental Health.
  • Mental Health Benefits Associated with Physical Activity.
  • Association between Exercise and Mood.
  • Mental Health Problems of Homeless People.
  • Stress as a Risk Factor for Mental Disorders.
  • Effect of Disposer to Violence on Mental Disorders.
  • Common Mental Disorders in the USA.
  • Depression and Anxiety Disorders among Adults.
  • Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Anxiety Disorders.
  • Economic Burden of Depression and Anxiety Disorders.
  • Influence of Anxiety Disorders on the Quality of Life.

Health care essay topics

  • Advantages and Challenges of E-health Technology.
  • Application of Big Data to the Medical Care System.
  • Risk Connected with Untested Methods of Alternative Medicine.
  • Controversial Issues in the US Medical Care System.
  • Telemedicine and Other Disruptive Innovations in Health Care System.
  • How Can We Achieve Health Equity?
  • Impact of Racism on the Well-Being of the Nation.
  • School-based Health Care and Educational Success of Children.
  • Role of School-based Health Care in Preventing Dropout.
  • What Can Be Done to Curb Rising Suicide Rates?
  • Do Adults and Senior Still Need Vaccines?
  • What Human Rights Issues Have an Impact on Public Health?
  • What Measures Should Be Taken to Prevent Heat-related Deaths?
  • Discuss Healthy Housing Standards.
  • What Are Common Strategies for Prevention of Chronic Diseases?

Health essay topics for high school students

  • Can Computers Displace Doctors?
  • Can People Become Immortal?
  • Can Happiness Cure Diseases?
  • How to Prevent Teen Pregnancy?
  • The Biggest Health Challenges Facing Youth.
  • Importance of Balanced Diet for Teenagers.
  • Does Being Healthy Make You Happy?
  • Why Is Exercise Important to Teenagers?
  • Why Is Obesity Becoming an Epidemic?
  • How to Become a Healthy Person.
  • Importance of Healthy Lifestyle for Teens.
  • Negative Impact of Smoking Teenagers.
  • How Does Stress Affect Teenagers?
  • Why Do Teenagers Experiment with Drugs?
  • How to Develop Healthy Eating Habits.

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100+ Health Essay Topics


Table of Contents

A Guide to Health Essay Topics

Essays have always been a cornerstone of the academic world, allowing individuals to delve deep into topics and convey their understanding. In the realm of health, essays play a pivotal role, given the depth and breadth of topics available. But first, what exactly is a health essay?

What is a Health Essay?

A health essay is a piece of written work that explores a particular topic within the health sector. This could range from specific medical conditions, healthcare policies, trends in medicine, or broader societal issues like mental health. The aim is often to shed light on an issue, provide insights, or promote understanding. As with any essay, a health essay requires research, structure, and a keen understanding of the topic at hand.

Choosing a Health Essay Topic: A Brief Guide

When selecting a topic for your health essay, begin by considering your personal interests or concerns in the health field. Combine this with the current relevance or emerging trends to ensure your topic is both interesting and timely. Research is paramount; always ensure there is enough credible data available. Lastly, ensure your topic is neither too broad that it becomes unmanageable nor too narrow that it lacks depth.

Health Essay Topics:

Mental health:.

  • The Stigma Around Mental Health and its Societal Impact
  • Effects of Social Media on Teenage Mental Health
  • Treatment Options for PTSD in War Veterans
  • Childhood Trauma and its Long-term Effects on Mental Health

Nutrition and Diet:

  • The Ketogenic Diet: Benefits and Risks
  • Impact of Veganism on Overall Health
  • Childhood Obesity: Causes and Solutions
  • The Role of Gut Microbiota in Human Health

Healthcare Policies:

  • Universal Healthcare: Pros and Cons
  • The Impact of Healthcare Costs on the Middle Class
  • The Role of Insurance in Modern Healthcare
  • Healthcare Accessibility in Rural Areas

Diseases and Treatments:

  • The Rise of Antibiotic Resistance and its Implications
  • Modern Treatment Options for Alzheimer’s Disease
  • The Global Impact of HIV/AIDS
  • Managing Diabetes: Modern Methods and Challenges

Fitness and Exercise:

  • Benefits of Yoga on Mental and Physical Health
  • High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT): Pros and Cons
  • The Role of Physical Activity in Reducing Heart Disease
  • Childhood Sports and Long-term Physical Wellbeing

Alternative Medicine:

  • Acupuncture: Science or Placebo?
  • The Efficacy of Herbal Supplements
  • Mindfulness and Meditation in Modern Medicine
  • The Role of Chiropractic Care in Overall Health

Global Health Issues:

  • The Impact of Clean Water on Global Health
  • Addressing the Spread of Malaria in Sub-Saharan Africa
  • The Health Implications of Air Pollution in Urban Areas
  • Child Mortality Rates: Causes and Solutions

Public Health:

  • The Relationship Between Socioeconomic Status and Health Outcomes
  • Public Health Responses to Pandemics
  • The Impact of Urbanization on Health
  • Role of Vaccination in Community Health
  • Tackling the Global Tobacco Epidemic

Sexual Health:

  • The Importance of Sex Education in Schools
  • Understanding LGBTQ+ Health Needs
  • The Evolution of HIV Treatments
  • Contraception and Women’s Health
  • The Psychological Impacts of Infertility

Technological Advances in Health:

  • Telemedicine: Future of Healthcare?
  • The Role of AI in Diagnostic Medicine
  • Wearable Health Technology and Patient Monitoring
  • Genetic Engineering and Personalized Medicine
  • The Impact of 3D Printing on Prosthetics

Environmental Health:

  • Climate Change and its Effect on Public Health
  • Health Implications of Pesticides in Agriculture
  • Air Quality and Respiratory Diseases
  • The Health Impacts of Deforestation
  • Hazardous Waste Management and Community Health

Aging and Geriatric Health:

  • Challenges in Elderly Care
  • The Rise of Neurodegenerative Diseases
  • Mental Health Issues Among the Elderly
  • Physiotherapy and Mobility in Aging Populations
  • Nutrition Needs in Older Adults

Pediatric Health:

  • Vaccination and Child Health Controversies
  • Developmental Disorders: Early Detection and Interventions
  • Nutrition and Cognitive Development in Children
  • Children’s Mental Health and the School System
  • Pediatric Care: Modern Challenges and Solutions

Women’s Health:

  • Breast Cancer: Prevention and Treatment
  • Mental Health During and After Pregnancy
  • Endometriosis and Women’s Quality of Life
  • Impact of Hormonal Changes on Mental Wellbeing
  • The Importance of Regular Health Screenings for Women

Men’s Health:

  • Prostate Health and Early Detection
  • Mental Health Stigmas in Men
  • Testosterone and Aging: Myths and Realities
  • The Importance of Cardiovascular Health in Men
  • Male Pattern Baldness: Causes and Treatments

Health Systems and Policy:

  • The Ethics of Organ Transplantation and Donation
  • The Future of Universal Health Coverage
  • Comparative Analysis of Health Systems Globally
  • The Role of Private Sector in Public Health
  • Healthcare Workers’ Rights and Patient Safety

Substance Abuse and Rehabilitation:

  • The Opioid Crisis: Origins and Solutions
  • Alcoholism: Societal Impacts and Treatments
  • Rehabilitation Programs: Efficacy and Approaches
  • The Growing Concern of Vaping Among Teens
  • Substance Abuse and Mental Health Comorbidity

Neurological Health:

  • The Increasing Prevalence of Parkinson’s Disease
  • Understanding Migraine: Causes and Treatments
  • Epilepsy: Myths, Realities, and Modern Care
  • Brain-Computer Interfaces and Rehabilitation
  • The Impact of Sleep on Cognitive Function

Cardiovascular Health:

  • Hypertension: Prevention and Management
  • Cholesterol: The Good, the Bad, and the Misunderstood
  • Cardiac Rehabilitation and its Benefits
  • Sedentary Lifestyles and Heart Disease
  • Innovations in Cardiovascular Surgery

Digital Health and Wellbeing:

  • Cyberchondria: Anxiety from Online Health Searches
  • Digital Detox: The Need for Disconnection
  • Mobile Apps and Mental Health Support
  • Online Consultations: Pros, Cons, and the Future
  • The Role of Virtual Reality in Pain Management

Holistic and Integrative Health:

  • The Benefits and Challenges of Ayurveda
  • Integrative Health Approaches for Chronic Pain
  • Mind-Body Practices in Modern Healthcare
  • Homeopathy: Science or Pseudoscience?
  • The Role of Nutrition in Holistic Health

Order Health Essay:

Feeling overwhelmed with your health essay topic? Let our experts at WriteOnDeadline help! Our team of professionals offers top-notch essay-writing services tailored to your needs. Contact us today, and let us guide you to academic success!

Useful References:

  • World Health Organization (WHO) Publications
  • Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Articles
  • National Institutes of Health (NIH) Research

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77 interesting medical research topics for 2024

Last updated

25 November 2023

Reviewed by

Brittany Ferri, PhD, OTR/L

Medical research is the gateway to improved patient care and expanding our available treatment options. However, finding a relevant and compelling research topic can be challenging.

Use this article as a jumping-off point to select an interesting medical research topic for your next paper or clinical study.

  • How to choose a medical research topic

When choosing a research topic , it’s essential to consider a couple of things. What topics interest you? What unanswered questions do you want to address? 

During the decision-making and brainstorming process, here are a few helpful tips to help you pick the right medical research topic:

Focus on a particular field of study

The best medical research is specific to a particular area. Generalized studies are often too broad to produce meaningful results, so we advise picking a specific niche early in the process. 

Maybe a certain topic interests you, or your industry knowledge reveals areas of need.

Look into commonly researched topics

Once you’ve chosen your research field, do some preliminary research. What have other academics done in their papers and projects? 

From this list, you can focus on specific topics that interest you without accidentally creating a copycat project. This groundwork will also help you uncover any literature gaps—those may be beneficial areas for research.

Get curious and ask questions

Now you can get curious. Ask questions that start with why, how, or what. These questions are the starting point of your project design and will act as your guiding light throughout the process. 

For example: 

What impact does pollution have on children’s lung function in inner-city neighborhoods? 

Why is pollution-based asthma on the rise? 

How can we address pollution-induced asthma in young children? 

  • 77 medical research topics worth exploring in 2023

Need some research inspiration for your upcoming paper or clinical study? We’ve compiled a list of 77 topical and in-demand medical research ideas. Let’s take a look. 

  • Exciting new medical research topics

If you want to study cutting-edge topics, here are some exciting options:

COVID-19 and long COVID symptoms

Since 2020, COVID-19 has been a hot-button topic in medicine, along with the long-term symptoms in those with a history of COVID-19. 

Examples of COVID-19-related research topics worth exploring include:

The long-term impact of COVID-19 on cardiac and respiratory health

COVID-19 vaccination rates

The evolution of COVID-19 symptoms over time

New variants and strains of the COVID-19 virus

Changes in social behavior and public health regulations amid COVID-19


Finding ways to cure or reduce the disease burden of chronic infectious diseases is a crucial research area. Vaccination is a powerful option and a great topic to research. 

Examples of vaccination-related research topics include:

mRNA vaccines for viral infections

Biomaterial vaccination capabilities

Vaccination rates based on location, ethnicity, or age

Public opinion about vaccination safety 

Artificial tissues fabrication

With the need for donor organs increasing, finding ways to fabricate artificial bioactive tissues (and possibly organs) is a popular research area. 

Examples of artificial tissue-related research topics you can study include:

The viability of artificially printed tissues

Tissue substrate and building block material studies

The ethics and efficacy of artificial tissue creation

  • Medical research topics for medical students

For many medical students, research is a big driver for entering healthcare. If you’re a medical student looking for a research topic, here are some great ideas to work from:

Sleep disorders

Poor sleep quality is a growing problem, and it can significantly impact a person’s overall health. 

Examples of sleep disorder-related research topics include:

How stress affects sleep quality

The prevalence and impact of insomnia on patients with mental health conditions

Possible triggers for sleep disorder development

The impact of poor sleep quality on psychological and physical health

How melatonin supplements impact sleep quality

Alzheimer’s and dementia 

Cognitive conditions like dementia and Alzheimer’s disease are on the rise worldwide. They currently have no cure. As a result, research about these topics is in high demand. 

Examples of dementia-related research topics you could explore include:

The prevalence of Alzheimer’s disease in a chosen population

Early onset symptoms of dementia

Possible triggers or causes of cognitive decline with age

Treatment options for dementia-like conditions

The mental and physical burden of caregiving for patients with dementia

  • Lifestyle habits and public health

Modern lifestyles have profoundly impacted the average person’s daily habits, and plenty of interesting topics explore its effects. 

Examples of lifestyle and public health-related research topics include:

The nutritional intake of college students

The impact of chronic work stress on overall health

The rise of upper back and neck pain from laptop use

Prevalence and cause of repetitive strain injuries (RSI)

  • Controversial medical research paper topics

Medical research is a hotbed of controversial topics, content, and areas of study. 

If you want to explore a more niche (and attention-grabbing) concept, here are some controversial medical research topics worth looking into:

The benefits and risks of medical cannabis

Depending on where you live, the legalization and use of cannabis for medical conditions is controversial for the general public and healthcare providers.

Examples of medical cannabis-related research topics that might grab your attention include:

The legalization process of medical cannabis

The impact of cannabis use on developmental milestones in youth users

Cannabis and mental health diagnoses

CBD’s impact on chronic pain

Prevalence of cannabis use in young people

The impact of maternal cannabis use on fetal development 

Understanding how THC impacts cognitive function

Human genetics

The Human Genome Project identified, mapped, and sequenced all human DNA genes. Its completion in 2003 opened up a world of exciting and controversial studies in human genetics.

Examples of human genetics-related research topics worth delving into include:

Medical genetics and the incidence of genetic-based health disorders

Behavioral genetics differences between identical twins

Genetic risk factors for neurodegenerative disorders

Machine learning technologies for genetic research

Sexual health studies

Human sexuality and sexual health are important (yet often stigmatized) medical topics that need new research and analysis.

As a diverse field ranging from sexual orientation studies to sexual pathophysiology, examples of sexual health-related research topics include:

The incidence of sexually transmitted infections within a chosen population

Mental health conditions within the LGBTQIA+ community

The impact of untreated sexually transmitted infections

Access to safe sex resources (condoms, dental dams, etc.) in rural areas

  • Health and wellness research topics

Human wellness and health are trendy topics in modern medicine as more people are interested in finding natural ways to live healthier lifestyles. 

If this field of study interests you, here are some big topics in the wellness space:

Gluten sensitivity

Gluten allergies and intolerances have risen over the past few decades. If you’re interested in exploring this topic, your options range in severity from mild gastrointestinal symptoms to full-blown anaphylaxis. 

Some examples of gluten sensitivity-related research topics include:

The pathophysiology and incidence of Celiac disease

Early onset symptoms of gluten intolerance

The prevalence of gluten allergies within a set population

Gluten allergies and the incidence of other gastrointestinal health conditions

Pollution and lung health

Living in large urban cities means regular exposure to high levels of pollutants. 

As more people become interested in protecting their lung health, examples of impactful lung health and pollution-related research topics include:

The extent of pollution in densely packed urban areas

The prevalence of pollution-based asthma in a set population

Lung capacity and function in young people

The benefits and risks of steroid therapy for asthma

Pollution risks based on geographical location

Plant-based diets

Plant-based diets like vegan and paleo diets are emerging trends in healthcare due to their limited supporting research. 

If you’re interested in learning more about the potential benefits or risks of holistic, diet-based medicine, examples of plant-based diet research topics to explore include:

Vegan and plant-based diets as part of disease management

Potential risks and benefits of specific plant-based diets

Plant-based diets and their impact on body mass index

The effect of diet and lifestyle on chronic disease management

Health supplements

Supplements are a multi-billion dollar industry. Many health-conscious people take supplements, including vitamins, minerals, herbal medicine, and more. 

Examples of health supplement-related research topics worth investigating include:

Omega-3 fish oil safety and efficacy for cardiac patients

The benefits and risks of regular vitamin D supplementation

Health supplementation regulation and product quality

The impact of social influencer marketing on consumer supplement practices

Analyzing added ingredients in protein powders

  • Healthcare research topics

Working within the healthcare industry means you have insider knowledge and opportunity. Maybe you’d like to research the overall system, administration, and inherent biases that disrupt access to quality care. 

While these topics are essential to explore, it is important to note that these studies usually require approval and oversight from an Institutional Review Board (IRB). This ensures the study is ethical and does not harm any subjects. 

For this reason, the IRB sets protocols that require additional planning, so consider this when mapping out your study’s timeline. 

Here are some examples of trending healthcare research areas worth pursuing:

The pros and cons of electronic health records

The rise of electronic healthcare charting and records has forever changed how medical professionals and patients interact with their health data. 

Examples of electronic health record-related research topics include:

The number of medication errors reported during a software switch

Nurse sentiment analysis of electronic charting practices

Ethical and legal studies into encrypting and storing personal health data

Inequities within healthcare access

Many barriers inhibit people from accessing the quality medical care they need. These issues result in health disparities and injustices. 

Examples of research topics about health inequities include:

The impact of social determinants of health in a set population

Early and late-stage cancer stage diagnosis in urban vs. rural populations

Affordability of life-saving medications

Health insurance limitations and their impact on overall health

Diagnostic and treatment rates across ethnicities

People who belong to an ethnic minority are more likely to experience barriers and restrictions when trying to receive quality medical care. This is due to systemic healthcare racism and bias. 

As a result, diagnostic and treatment rates in minority populations are a hot-button field of research. Examples of ethnicity-based research topics include:

Cancer biopsy rates in BIPOC women

The prevalence of diabetes in Indigenous communities

Access inequalities in women’s health preventative screenings

The prevalence of undiagnosed hypertension in Black populations

  • Pharmaceutical research topics

Large pharmaceutical companies are incredibly interested in investing in research to learn more about potential cures and treatments for diseases. 

If you’re interested in building a career in pharmaceutical research, here are a few examples of in-demand research topics:

Cancer treatment options

Clinical research is in high demand as pharmaceutical companies explore novel cancer treatment options outside of chemotherapy and radiation. 

Examples of cancer treatment-related research topics include:

Stem cell therapy for cancer

Oncogenic gene dysregulation and its impact on disease

Cancer-causing viral agents and their risks

Treatment efficacy based on early vs. late-stage cancer diagnosis

Cancer vaccines and targeted therapies

Immunotherapy for cancer

Pain medication alternatives

Historically, opioid medications were the primary treatment for short- and long-term pain. But, with the opioid epidemic getting worse, the need for alternative pain medications has never been more urgent. 

Examples of pain medication-related research topics include:

Opioid withdrawal symptoms and risks

Early signs of pain medication misuse

Anti-inflammatory medications for pain control

  • Identify trends in your medical research with Dovetail

Are you interested in contributing life-changing research? Today’s medical research is part of the future of clinical patient care. 

As your go-to resource for speedy and accurate data analysis , we are proud to partner with healthcare researchers to innovate and improve the future of healthcare.

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Health Psychology Topics

Ideas for Your Next Health Psychology Paper or Project

Kendra Cherry, MS, is a psychosocial rehabilitation specialist, psychology educator, and author of the "Everything Psychology Book."

assignment topic health

Emily is a board-certified science editor who has worked with top digital publishing brands like Voices for Biodiversity, Study.com, GoodTherapy, Vox, and Verywell.

assignment topic health

Heath psychology topics can look at a range of issues related to health, illness, and healthcare. It may include such things as eating disorders, weight management, diet, exercise, stress coping, women's health, and more.

Health psychology, also known as medical psychology or behavioral medicine, focuses on how biology, psychology, behavior, and social factors influence health and well-being. It's a diverse and rich field worth exploring if you're studying to be a health professional.

At a Glance

Health psychology is a field focused on promoting wellness and understanding how physical health and illness impact mental well-being. Health psychology topics you might want to explore include stress management, behavior change, weight management, nutrition, eating disorders, exercise, illness prevention, managing chronic conditions, and much more.

Health Psychology Research and Paper Topic Ideas

The next time you're looking for a research topic for your studies and would like to focus on health psychology , consider the following suggestions. These can inspire an experiment , a research paper, or any other type of class project.

Exercise and Eating Behavior Topic Ideas

Health behaviors, including exercise and diet, are a major topic within the field of health psychology. Some areas you might opt to explore include:

Weight Management Strategies

Explore some of the psychological strategies that can help people stick to a diet and exercise program. Is there any singular strategy that is more effective than others?

Eating Disorders

Analyze how media depictions of "ideal" bodies influence anorexia and bulimia. Is there a link between exposure to these images and eating disorders?

Social Media and Body Image

Look at how exposure to social media affects body image. Do young people who spend more time on social media have worse body image than those who use these apps and websites less frequently? What type of content has the most significant impact on body image?

Family Health and Safety Topic Ideas

Factors that influence family health and safety are another health psychology topic you might consider. Examples include:

Safe Sleep Practices

Explore how increased public awareness of infant safety, such as placing an infant on their back to sleep, or removing pillows and other objects from the sleeping area, have influenced the occurrence of SIDS, or "crib death." Has the number of SIDS-related deaths gone down? Why do some parents ignore these sleep safety guidelines?

Childhood Immunizations

Assess current approaches to childhood immunizations. Why do some parents choose not to immunize their children? How does this impact public health? What can health professionals do to increase the likelihood that kids are immunized?

Teen Suicide

Explore the factors that contribute to  teen suicide . How effective are suicide prevention programs? Which strategies are the most effective?

Effects of Caregiving

Look at the emotional, social, and psychological impact of caregiving, such as taking care of an aging parent, a family member with AIDS, or a spouse diagnosed with Alzheimer's.

Public Health Topic Ideas

Individual health is important, but health psychology are also interested in learning more about things that can have an effect on overall public health. Some examples include:>

Trauma Coping

What can  mental health  and medical professionals do to help people cope in the immediate aftermath of a disaster? Are there any strategies that result in better long-term outcomes?

PTSD in Veterans

Research the prevalence of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) among veterans. What factors contribute to whether an individual veteran experiences PTSD? Which mental health interventions are most effective in treating this disorder?

Coping with Chronic Pain

Evaluate how stress management techniques and relaxation methods can help patients experiencing chronic pain. How effective are these tactics? How do they compare to traditional pharmacological approaches to pain management?

Smoking Cessation

Compare and contrast different approaches to quitting smoking. Which strategies are the most effective?

Safety Equipment Use

Look at different techniques that can be used to increase the likelihood that people will use safety equipment such as seat belts and bicycle helmets. What type of public safety program would you devise to encourage the use of these products?

A few areas you might want to explore in your research include exercise, eating behaviors, family health, safety, and public health. Such areas provide a wealth of health psychology topics to choose from.

More Health Psychology Topics

The above are just a few specific topics and questions you might want to explore, but there are also many other areas you might consider. Some broad health psychology topics that might also inspire your research include:

  • Biological factors that influence health
  • Social and environmental factors that impact health (i.e., social determinants of health)
  • Psychological factors that influence health
  • How patients cope with disease and illness
  • Treatment adherence (i.e., why some people don't follow their treatment plan)
  • Ways to change bad habits
  • How to develop good habits
  • Techniques for controlling pain
  • How to handle stress
  • Factors that influence mental well-being
  • How to improve access to healthcare resources
  • Why people experience emotional eating
  • How emotions impact health behaviors
  • How discrimination affects health
  • How to improve doctor-patient communication

Tips Before You Get Started

Before you begin, make sure the topic you're interested in matches the specific assignment. Even if your instructor doesn't require you to get approval for your intended topic, it's always a good idea to run it by them before you delve too deeply into your research.

Of course, make sure you've chosen a subject that you know you'll be able to find appropriate sources for. You wouldn't want to commit to a project only to find insufficient existing information to work with. Again, input from your instructor can prevent you from wasting time on a topic that offers little to go on.

What This Means For You

Health psychology focuses on understanding how social, environmental, biological, psychological, and cultural factors influence health and illness. If you are looking for a great topic to explore, consider picking a broad area of interest (like stress, exercise, safety, illness, etc.), and then narrowing down your focus to more specific questions of interest.

Ian Lubek, Monica Ghabrial, Naomi Ennis, et al. Notes on the development of health psychology and behavioral medicine in the United States. J Health Psychol.  2018;23(3):492-505. doi:10.1177/1359105318755156

Sanderson CA. Health Psychology: Understanding the Mind-Body Connection . SAGE Publications.

Naumann E, Tuschen-Caffier B, Voderholzer U, Schäfer J, Svaldi J. Effects of emotional acceptance and rumination on media-induced body dissatisfaction in anorexia and bulimia nervosa . J Psychiatr Res . 2016;82:119-125. doi:10.1016/j.jpsychires.2016.07.021

McNeil DA, Mueller M, MacDonald S, et al. Maternal perceptions of childhood vaccination: Explanations of reasons for and against vaccination.   BMC Public Health . 2019;19(1):49. doi:10.1186/s12889-018-6338-0

Shen S, Cheng C, Yang J, Yang S. Visualized analysis of developing trends and hot topics in natural disaster research.   PLoS One . 2018;13(1):e0191250. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0191250

Renshaw KD. An integrated model of risk and protective factors for post-deployment PTSD symptoms in OEF/OIF era combat veterans. J Affect Disord . 2011;128(3):321-326. doi:10.1016/j.jad.2010.07.022

American Psychological Association. Health psychology promotes wellness .

By Kendra Cherry, MSEd Kendra Cherry, MS, is a psychosocial rehabilitation specialist, psychology educator, and author of the "Everything Psychology Book."

Grad Coach

Research Topics & Ideas: Mental Health

100+ Mental Health Research Topic Ideas To Fast-Track Your Project

If you’re just starting out exploring mental health topics for your dissertation, thesis or research project, you’ve come to the right place. In this post, we’ll help kickstart your research topic ideation process by providing a hearty list of mental health-related research topics and ideas.

PS – This is just the start…

We know it’s exciting to run through a list of research topics, but please keep in mind that this list is just a starting point . To develop a suitable education-related research topic, you’ll need to identify a clear and convincing research gap , and a viable plan of action to fill that gap.

If this sounds foreign to you, check out our free research topic webinar that explores how to find and refine a high-quality research topic, from scratch. Alternatively, if you’d like hands-on help, consider our 1-on-1 coaching service .

Overview: Mental Health Topic Ideas

  • Mood disorders
  • Anxiety disorders
  • Psychotic disorders
  • Personality disorders
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorders
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Neurodevelopmental disorders
  • Eating disorders
  • Substance-related disorders

Research topic idea mega list

Mood Disorders

Research in mood disorders can help understand their causes and improve treatment methods. Here are a few ideas to get you started.

  • The impact of genetics on the susceptibility to depression
  • Efficacy of antidepressants vs. cognitive behavioural therapy
  • The role of gut microbiota in mood regulation
  • Cultural variations in the experience and diagnosis of bipolar disorder
  • Seasonal Affective Disorder: Environmental factors and treatment
  • The link between depression and chronic illnesses
  • Exercise as an adjunct treatment for mood disorders
  • Hormonal changes and mood swings in postpartum women
  • Stigma around mood disorders in the workplace
  • Suicidal tendencies among patients with severe mood disorders

Anxiety Disorders

Research topics in this category can potentially explore the triggers, coping mechanisms, or treatment efficacy for anxiety disorders.

  • The relationship between social media and anxiety
  • Exposure therapy effectiveness in treating phobias
  • Generalised Anxiety Disorder in children: Early signs and interventions
  • The role of mindfulness in treating anxiety
  • Genetics and heritability of anxiety disorders
  • The link between anxiety disorders and heart disease
  • Anxiety prevalence in LGBTQ+ communities
  • Caffeine consumption and its impact on anxiety levels
  • The economic cost of untreated anxiety disorders
  • Virtual Reality as a treatment method for anxiety disorders

Psychotic Disorders

Within this space, your research topic could potentially aim to investigate the underlying factors and treatment possibilities for psychotic disorders.

  • Early signs and interventions in adolescent psychosis
  • Brain imaging techniques for diagnosing psychotic disorders
  • The efficacy of antipsychotic medication
  • The role of family history in psychotic disorders
  • Misdiagnosis and delayed treatment of psychotic disorders
  • Co-morbidity of psychotic and mood disorders
  • The relationship between substance abuse and psychotic disorders
  • Art therapy as a treatment for schizophrenia
  • Public perception and stigma around psychotic disorders
  • Hospital vs. community-based care for psychotic disorders

Research Topic Kickstarter - Need Help Finding A Research Topic?

Personality Disorders

Research topics within in this area could delve into the identification, management, and social implications of personality disorders.

  • Long-term outcomes of borderline personality disorder
  • Antisocial personality disorder and criminal behaviour
  • The role of early life experiences in developing personality disorders
  • Narcissistic personality disorder in corporate leaders
  • Gender differences in personality disorders
  • Diagnosis challenges for Cluster A personality disorders
  • Emotional intelligence and its role in treating personality disorders
  • Psychotherapy methods for treating personality disorders
  • Personality disorders in the elderly population
  • Stigma and misconceptions about personality disorders

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders

Within this space, research topics could focus on the causes, symptoms, or treatment of disorders like OCD and hoarding.

  • OCD and its relationship with anxiety disorders
  • Cognitive mechanisms behind hoarding behaviour
  • Deep Brain Stimulation as a treatment for severe OCD
  • The impact of OCD on academic performance in students
  • Role of family and social networks in treating OCD
  • Alternative treatments for hoarding disorder
  • Childhood onset OCD: Diagnosis and treatment
  • OCD and religious obsessions
  • The impact of OCD on family dynamics
  • Body Dysmorphic Disorder: Causes and treatment

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Research topics in this area could explore the triggers, symptoms, and treatments for PTSD. Here are some thought starters to get you moving.

  • PTSD in military veterans: Coping mechanisms and treatment
  • Childhood trauma and adult onset PTSD
  • Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR) efficacy
  • Role of emotional support animals in treating PTSD
  • Gender differences in PTSD occurrence and treatment
  • Effectiveness of group therapy for PTSD patients
  • PTSD and substance abuse: A dual diagnosis
  • First responders and rates of PTSD
  • Domestic violence as a cause of PTSD
  • The neurobiology of PTSD

Free Webinar: How To Find A Dissertation Research Topic

Neurodevelopmental Disorders

This category of mental health aims to better understand disorders like Autism and ADHD and their impact on day-to-day life.

  • Early diagnosis and interventions for Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • ADHD medication and its impact on academic performance
  • Parental coping strategies for children with neurodevelopmental disorders
  • Autism and gender: Diagnosis disparities
  • The role of diet in managing ADHD symptoms
  • Neurodevelopmental disorders in the criminal justice system
  • Genetic factors influencing Autism
  • ADHD and its relationship with sleep disorders
  • Educational adaptations for children with neurodevelopmental disorders
  • Neurodevelopmental disorders and stigma in schools

Eating Disorders

Research topics within this space can explore the psychological, social, and biological aspects of eating disorders.

  • The role of social media in promoting eating disorders
  • Family dynamics and their impact on anorexia
  • Biological basis of binge-eating disorder
  • Treatment outcomes for bulimia nervosa
  • Eating disorders in athletes
  • Media portrayal of body image and its impact
  • Eating disorders and gender: Are men underdiagnosed?
  • Cultural variations in eating disorders
  • The relationship between obesity and eating disorders
  • Eating disorders in the LGBTQ+ community

Substance-Related Disorders

Research topics in this category can focus on addiction mechanisms, treatment options, and social implications.

  • Efficacy of rehabilitation centres for alcohol addiction
  • The role of genetics in substance abuse
  • Substance abuse and its impact on family dynamics
  • Prescription drug abuse among the elderly
  • Legalisation of marijuana and its impact on substance abuse rates
  • Alcoholism and its relationship with liver diseases
  • Opioid crisis: Causes and solutions
  • Substance abuse education in schools: Is it effective?
  • Harm reduction strategies for drug abuse
  • Co-occurring mental health disorders in substance abusers

Research topic evaluator

Choosing A Research Topic

These research topic ideas we’ve covered here serve as thought starters to help you explore different areas within mental health. They are intentionally very broad and open-ended. By engaging with the currently literature in your field of interest, you’ll be able to narrow down your focus to a specific research gap .

It’s important to consider a variety of factors when choosing a topic for your dissertation or thesis . Think about the relevance of the topic, its feasibility , and the resources available to you, including time, data, and academic guidance. Also, consider your own interest and expertise in the subject, as this will sustain you through the research process.

Always consult with your academic advisor to ensure that your chosen topic aligns with academic requirements and offers a meaningful contribution to the field. If you need help choosing a topic, consider our private coaching service.

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Good morning everyone. This are very patent topics for research in neuroscience. Thank you for guidance


What if everything is important, original and intresting? as in Neuroscience. I find myself overwhelmd with tens of relveant areas and within each area many optional topics. I ask myself if importance (for example – able to treat people suffering) is more relevant than what intrest me, and on the other hand if what advance me further in my career should not also be a consideration?


This information is really helpful and have learnt alot

Pepple Biteegeregha Godfrey

Phd research topics on implementation of mental health policy in Nigeria :the prospects, challenges and way forward.

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185 Health Topics to Write about

Everybody knows that being healthy requires effort. We should exercise regularly and maintain a balanced diet. However, the reward is worth it. A healthy lifestyle prevents chronic illnesses and leads to better body performance. Besides, if you improve your physical well-being, your mental health will strengthen as well!

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In this article, we present 165 interesting health topics to write about. In our list, you’ll find ideas on fitness, wellness, and mental health, as well as medical healthcare topics for an essay. And don’t forget that with our custom writing service , you don’t have to worry about your assignments. If you need a helping hand, you can always count on us!

🔝 Top 10 Health Topics to Write About

  • ⚕️ Types of Health

🔬 Top 10 Healthcare Topics to Write About

  • 💭 Mental Health Topics
  • 💉 Healthcare Ethics
  • 👶 Child Health
  • 👴 Senior Health
  • 🧑‍🏭 Occupational Health
  • ⚖️ Personal Health & Wellness
  • 🌍 Global Health
  • 🌳 Environmental Health
  • 🏥 Health Policy
  • 😷 Public Health
  • 💊 Behavioral Health

🔍 References

  • Is gambling a disorder?
  • Why is air pollution a threat to health?
  • How to reduce the risk of pneumonia
  • Is anemia an indicator of poor nutrition?
  • The types of antimicrobial resistance
  • Risk factors for noncommunicable diseases
  • The main objective of occupational medicine
  • Is it possible to control CCHF infection in animals?
  • Why is preserved nature a prerequisite for good health?
  • The impact of congenital anomalies on community interaction

⚕️ Types of Health & Wellness

Did you know that health is highly complex? There are seven different types of well-being . To be truly healthy, you need to balance them all.

  • Physical wellness endorses healthy behavior patterns, proper exercise, and nutrition. It also covers abstaining from alcohol and cigarettes.
  • A person who is emotionally well can express their feelings adequately. They are capable of accepting and loving themselves as well as others.
  • Intellectual wellness is ensured by activating the mind. Stimulating activities include learning a new language, reading, or enjoying art.
  • A sense of belonging is crucial to social wellness . To be socially well, a person may contribute to their community or maintain trusting relationships.
  • A sense of meaning and purpose creates spiritual wellness . Individuals need to have faith in their moral principles. By meditating and spending time alone, you can get to know yourself better.

For emotional wellness.

  • Living in harmony with the Earth plays a vital role in our environmental well-being . People should be conscious of the environment. An example would be to conserve resources and minimize the use of chemicals.
  • A person needs to utilize their talents to achieve occupational wellness . Committing to a goal and working towards it helps to stay satisfied. Knowing what you want for your future creates a sense of purpose and direction.

You can write an essay about any of these types of health. In case you need more ideas, consult the following list of best healthcare topics.

  • Physical therapy for rehabilitation
  • When is health equity achieved?
  • The benefits of raising health taxes
  • Types of complementary medicine
  • Pros and cons of universal health care
  • The principles of health system governance
  • The challenges of workforce healthcare
  • The importance of health technology assessment
  • Difference between health promotion and prevention
  • How is sustainable development related to public health?

💭 Mental Health Topics to Write about

Our mental health primarily determines how we feel and think. It, in turn, affects our actions. In our fast-paced society, our minds have to face a lot of challenges. Stress-related disorders like burnout or depression are very common. Still, mental health is a vast field. If you are interested in psychological well-being, this section is for you.

  • Discuss the stigmatization of mental health problems in your community.
  • How can we prevent depression?
  • Why do people develop psychological disorders ?
  • What is Seasonal Affective Disorder?
  • Why should society listen to the needs of mentally ill people?
  • How can you treat eating disorders in adults?
  • When is a psychiatric stay sensible?
  • What are the different forms of depression?
  • Describe the adverse effects of reading the news.
  • Examine the causes of anxiety disorders.
  • What is a manic episode?
  • How does OCD impact a patient’s life?
  • Analyze the connection between HIV/AIDS and mental health.
  • Discuss the use of medication to combat psychological issues.
  • Investigate how a mental illness impacts the family members .

💉 Ethical Topics in Healthcare to Write About

Medical ethics come into play when we need to make a moral decision about health. An individual’s morals can be based on various principles. Physicians, patients, and family members all have different ethical obligations. Below are 15 argumentative topics concerning medical ethics:

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  • What are ethical dilemmas in healthcare?
  • Is a person’s health more important than their autonomy ?
  • Explain your position on euthanasia.

Four main principles of healthcare ethics.

  • What should a doctor do if a person refuses treatment for religious reasons?
  • If resources are depleted, how does a doctor determine which patients to treat?
  • Should the government force doctors to move to the countryside to ensure rural healthcare?
  • Who should be allowed to make medical decisions on a patient’s behalf?
  • Investigate situations when a doctor might have to ignore a patient’s right to privacy.
  • When can a life-sustaining treatment be stopped?
  • Discuss ethical concerns regarding nutrition.
  • Write about healthcare’s accessibility,disparity, and safety.
  • Do schools have to interfere if students display unhealthy behavior?
  • Must governments implement policies to motivate women to have children?
  • What are the ethical implications surrounding alternative medicine?
  • Should doctors be allowed to advertise their services?

👶 Child Health Topics to Write about

A child’s health includes not only their physical well-being. Meeting their social and mental needs is just as crucial for their development. On top of that, children require regularly scheduled check-ups. If you’re interested in writing about pediatric care, here are 15 compelling topics.

  • What is the best way to treat a baby with a fever? 
  • How can you motivate your child to exercise? 
  • What problems are associated with unhealthy eating in children?  
  • Describe the causes of insomnia in toddlers. 
  • Should frequent nightmares in children be a concern to parents? 
  • Investigate what makes a minor’s behavior conspicuous. 
  • Children and proper nutrition: a never-ending struggle. 
  • How can you promote a healthy lifestyle for your child? 
  • Examine how a nanny influences a child’s development . 
  • Asthma and its side-effects in children. 
  • What role does school education play in a child’s health? 
  • Discuss how to give medicine to toddlers. 
  • How can you support a child who has learning disabilities? 
  • Explain how to promote a positive body image and prevent obesity in minors.  
  • Describe the importance of play in child development . 

👴 Senior Healthcare Topics to Write about

Seniors have their very own set of health rules. Primary problems related to elderliness are poor eyesight or hearing. Luckily, there are many ways to remain healthy at any age. Below we have collected 15 popular examples of health topics for seniors.

  • How do you stay active as you get older?
  • Investigate how older adults can stay connected to their community.
  • Write about healthy nutrition for the vulnerable aging population.
  • How can a person prevent their brain functions from deteriorating?
  • When do you know it is time to put someone into a nursing home?
  • Discuss the most common psychological problems of seniors.
  • What are the positive and negative attitudes to aging-related changes?
  • Describe ways of coping with memory loss.
  • How does arthritis impact a person’s life?

Mahatma Gandhi quote.

  • Explain how to prevent seniors from falling.
  • Does getting older automatically mean that your health declines?
  • What misconceptions does the general public have about aging?
  • Investigate how to prevent Alzheimer’s .
  • What does it mean to age well?
  • How do you ensure mental wellness in old age?

🧑🏭 Occupational Healthcare Topics to Write about

Occupational health problems occur not only during physically demanding labor. Any line of work can impact your health. Even merely sitting at the desk for too long can cause serious illnesses. This list of essay topics is all about occupational health:

  • Describe the necessary safety precautions at a construction site.
  • How can you ensure lab safety in the chemical industry?
  • What injuries are common for people working in the service industry?
  • Discuss the dangers of germ exposure in hospitals.
  • Examine why hearing problems can occur at work.
  • What equipment should an office worker have to guarantee their long-term health?
  • How can a person with chronic back conditions return to work?
  • Investigate the potential hazards of working during pregnancy.
  • How can you prevent carpal tunnel syndrome in the workplace?
  • Analyze different types of protective equipment for electricians.
  • How do you prevent burnout in highly stressful job environments?
  • What are the causes of occupational respiratory diseases?
  • What should workers be aware of when laboring in cold weather?
  • How can employers take care of their employees’ mental health ?
  • Examine the health risks faced by miners.

⚖️ Personal Health & Wellness Topics for an Essay

Personal wellness is much more than just your skincare routine. It also includes a proper diet and regular exercise. For a healthy body, you need to take care of your emotional and intellectual well being. Here are some questions and general ideas you can use for a paper on personal health:

  • What is the difference between health and wellness?
  • How can you ensure a healthy lifestyle ?
  • Is plant-based diet healthier than eating meat?
  • Explore dieting and wellness dimensions.
  • How can you treat insomnia ?
  • Investigate the different types of wellness.
  • Discuss the harmful effects of caffeine.
  • How much exercise is too much?
  • Analyze the importance of happiness .
  • What are the best ways to cope with stress?
  • Discuss yoga practices in history and today.

Wellness encompasses.

  • How can you achieve wellness through meditation?
  • What are the most common health problems youth encounters today?
  • How does learning a new language improve wellness?
  • Explore the consequences of sleep deprivation .

🌍 Global Health Topics to Write about

The term “global health” encompasses the study of health issues worldwide. Scientific research on this topic crosses national boundaries. Hence, the ultimate goal is to improve health on a global scale. Some of the most urgent global health topics include climate change, pandemics, and cancer.

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  • Examine the health effects of environmental change.
  • How can we prevent pandemics in the future?
  • What is the world’s healthiest country?
  • What are today’s most pressing global health issues?
  • Investigate how to reduce substance abuse worldwide.
  • What are the most important global healthcare institutions?
  • Why is the global access to healthcare necessary?
  • Discuss the common causes of epidemics.
  • What can we do to ensure global environmental health?
  • How does the MSF organization work?
  • Compare different pandemics with each other.
  • Analyze the effects of vaccination on a global scale.
  • What does the WHO do?
  • Identify the most common causes of cancer globally.
  • How can we prevent violence across cultures?

🌳 Environmental Health Essay Topics

Humans are dependent on their environment . Thus, it is crucial for survival that our surroundings are healthy. To ensure it, we need to control our interactions with nature and prevent cataclysms. Have a glance at our list if you are looking for discussion points regarding environmental health:

  • How can we reduce air pollution?
  • What should be done with toxic waste?
  • What is the cleanest source of energy?
  • Examine the environmental benefits of recycling.
  • What causes poor water quality?
  • How can you make your home more eco-friendly?
  • Investigate how oil spills affect ecosystems.
  • Describe the leading causes of ozone depletion.

Emerging issues in environmental health.

  • Analyze how natural disasters are prevented.
  • How can a better infrastructure lead to a healthier environment?
  • What illnesses are called foodborne?
  • How can you ensure that the food you buy is safe?
  • Discuss what makes a healthy community.
  • Why is preparedness important?
  • What diseases are spread by vectors?

🏥 Health Policy Topics to Write About

Health policies are measures governments take to achieve specific healthcare goals. Such rules exist in many areas, including tobacco control, finance, and the quality of care. Amongst other things, they often aim at informing people.

  • What are some policies designed to protect employee health? 
  • What do you think about vegetarian days in canteens? 
  • Should recreational marijuana be legal?  
  • Discuss if the traffic light rating system should be obligatory for all food items. 
  • What is a reasonable legal age for consuming energy drinks? 
  • Should smoking be banned in public? 
  • How can we raise awareness about diabetes? 
  • Discuss how workplaces can support breastfeeding . 
  • How would a lower workload improve employee health? 
  • Investigate when and how schools should start sex education.  
  • Should vaccination be mandatory ? 
  • Examine the benefits of wearing surgical masks in public. 
  • Should eating competitions be banned? 
  • Analyze whether all restaurants should have a global rating system like hotels do. 
  • Given the risk of skin cancer, should we restrict sunbathing? 

😷 Public Health Essay Topics

Every government is concerned about the health of its citizens. Public health issues revolve around protecting and improving people’s well-being. Critical factors for this subject are encouraging healthy lifestyles and researching illnesses. Below we have collected 15 public health essay topics for your college assignment.

  • Should bars stop serving complimentary peanuts?
  • What makes sleep disorders a public health problem?
  • Discuss if governments should pay for the rehabilitation of drug addicts.
  • Are handshakes an avoidable public health risk?
  • Should gun violence in America be a public health issue?
  • Investigate the harms of vaping .
  • What is the best way to teach children about a healthy lifestyle ?

Arlen Specter quote.

  • What are the leading causes of death in your community?
  • Should the means of birth control be free for teenagers?
  • How can we encourage people to eat healthier?
  • What are the risk factors that cause diabetes ?
  • Discuss how America can achieve health equity .
  • Should abortions be illegal?
  • How do you prevent high levels of school-related stress?
  • Do Americans use too many antibiotics ?

💊 Behavioral Health Topics for Papers

Behavioral and mental healths are closely related terms concerning human psychology. However, the notion of behavioral health covers a broader area. It involves all external forces that contribute to our mental well-being. These can encompass behavioral or habitual patterns as well as substances.

  • How do social media affect our behavior?
  • Write about CBT as a way of treating addiction.
  • What is a bad habit?
  • Discuss the common features of drug dependency and behavioral addictions.
  • Do video games make players more violent?
  • How do you recognize obsessive behavior?
  • Examine the different treatments for behavioral health problems.
  • What factors facilitate hoarding?
  • Are some addictions less harmful than others?
  • What is the role of the internet in internet addiction?
  • Is group therapy better than individual therapy?
  • What are typical stigmas regarding people with behavioral problems?
  • Investigate alternative treatments for behavioral health issues.
  • What are the most common addictions among Americans?
  • Discuss various problems a person with autism faces.

We hope these topics will help you learn something new and write a great essay!

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Public Health 101: Introduction to Public Health

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Research Brief Assignment

  • Research Brief Search Assignment Assignment on reading, planning, searching for, and summarizing information based on a public health research brief.

The successful completion of this assignment depends on:

  • selecting key public health concepts from a summary of research
  • seeking out new, college-level information on the same topic
  • summarizing scientific research that is relevant to the topic
  • crediting sources where ideas come from.

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  • Health Statistics and Data by Will White Last Updated Jan 23, 2024 165 views this year

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Articles for Activity

  • Switching to plant-centered diet reduces cardiovascular disease risk for young and middle adults
  • Youth report feeling physically, mentally better after spending time in nature
  • New Study shows how air pollution varies, block by block

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Public Health Research Topics: 200+ Ideas to Write Your Paper On

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Public Health Research Topics

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Are you searching for the most fitting public health research topics for your academic assignments? Don't fret, we've got your back. Many scholars stumble upon this hurdle, but we're here to lend a helping hand. Check this guide from our online paper writing service to find a compelling public health topic idea for your project. We'll spotlight an assortment of fascinating public health topics for research papers to give you various suggestions to choose from.

What Are Public Health Research Topics?

Public health research topics are areas of study within the larger field of public health. They cover diverse issues like community health, disease prevention, and health policies. These research topic ideas help us understand and improve global healthcare. They can explore various factors like environmental impacts on public overall wellbeing or the effectiveness of health policies. In a nutshell, each topic is a chance to improve global health and devise effective strategies.

Characteristics of Good Public Health Research Topics

Choosing the right public health research topic is the first step to anchoring a successful project. A good research idea serves as the foundation providing a frame for your study. Here are some key characteristics that define good public health research topics:

  • Unique Your idea should offer a fresh perspective or address underexplored areas within public health.
  • Researchable Your topic should be within the scope of your resources and abilities. Make sure there are sufficient and accessible data sources to draw from.
  • Information-rich A research idea should evolve around issues that offer enough breadth and depth of information to support a rigorous analysis.
  • Specific It must be focused, clearly defined, and concise, preventing the research from becoming too broad or vague.
  • Relevant Try to align with current public health issues and trends, or have clear implications for policy, practice, or further research.

How to Choose a Public Health Research Topic?

The selection process can be daunting, but there are numerous ways to come up with an interesting and thought-provoking idea. Here are some tips on picking proper public health research topic ideas:

  • Start small Start by exploring areas that interest you and narrow down your search as you go along.
  • Explore resources Utilize online databases, literature reviews, and other sources to get more information on your topic.
  • Review current trends Check out the most recent publications to know what public health topics are in vogue and how they can be applied to your project.
  • Brainstorm ideas Take some time out for brainstorming sessions with your peers or professors. You'll come up with incredible insights that may spark the perfect topic.
  • Narrow down the list After you've gathered a sufficient amount of ideas, go through them and cut away any irrelevant or redundant topics.

List of Research Topics in Public Health

Ready to dive into the world of public health research but don't know where to start? Well, grab your pen and get ready to tick public health topics for research that meet your needs. Each of these subjects is original and offers a unique perspective in the global health domain.

  • How do climate changes influence public health?
  • How is the digital age affecting global health?
  • Dissecting health disparities in racial and ethnic minorities.
  • Are some health systems more effective than others?
  • What role does public health play in pandemic response?
  • Confronting the obesity epidemic.
  • Understanding the link between clean water access and public health.
  • What are some implications of e-cigarettes on public wellbeing?
  • Investigating strategies for promoting healthy aging.
  • How can we achieve global health security?
  • How does nutrition influence global communities?
  • Can urban planning affect public health?
  • Global crisis of antibiotic resistance.
  • What's the impact of stress on overall health?
  • Evaluating how air pollution impacts people?

Good Public Health Research Topics

Are you looking for public health project ideas that are both interesting and pertinent? Here's a list of the most compelling ideas to base your study on.

  • Social media in the discourse of public health.
  • Analyzing the effects of climate change on global disease patterns.
  • Exploring how technology is transforming healthcare delivery and access in disadvantaged communities.
  • Assessing the impact of health education on health behaviour change.
  • Investigating how public transport systems can improve access to healthcare services.
  • Analyzing strategies for reducing preventable chronic illnesses like diabetes and hypertension.
  • Private vs public clinics.
  • Nature-based interventions in promoting global health.
  • Investigating the role of education in healthy lifestyle choices.
  • Analyzing how artificial intelligence can be used to combat public health epidemics.
  • Examining strategies for managing infectious diseases across borders.
  • How does food insecurity influence public health outcomes?
  • Analyzing the effectiveness of public health policies in addressing global poverty.
  • Investigating how to build resilient and healthy communities after natural disasters.
  • Exploring how healthcare workers can better respond to social determinants of health.

Interesting Public Health Research Topics

If you are looking for something more unique and offbeat, check out these public health topics for a research paper or project.

  • Natural disasters on global health outcomes.
  • Investigating the use of virtual reality in managing hospitals worldwide.
  • How video games can promote physical activity?
  • How does digital healthcare influence global medical privacy?
  • Using mobile healthcare applications in rural areas.
  • Exploring the use of drones in global care delivery.
  • Evaluating strategies for reducing food waste and its influence on public health outcomes.
  • Examining how urban green spaces affect public wellbeing.
  • Using big data to predict outbreaks in global communities.
  • Artificial intelligence in diagnosing and managing chronic illnesses.
  • Analyzing strategies for reducing poverty-related diseases in developing countries.
  • Access to healthcare and its influence on mortality rate.
  • Using digital platforms in managing health issues across populations.
  • Investigating strategies for promoting mental health in underprivileged communities.
  • Exploring the influence of media on public health awareness.

Easy Research Topics About Public Health

Are you new to this domain and feeling a bit overwhelmed? We've all been there. That's why our team of seasoned term paper writers has put together a list of simpler topics for beginners. Think of them as the basic steps that will help you reach that balance. Let's set the stage with this simplified list of research topics in public health:

  • Understanding basic hygiene and its role in public health.
  • Does regular exercise contribute to better public health?
  • How does fast food culture affect public health?
  • Public health benefits of clean air.
  • Can pets improve global community wellbeing?
  • Why is health education important in schools?
  • Investigating the connection between social wellbeing and clean water.
  • Basic nutrition: What everyone should know?
  • Vaccinations: Why are they important?
  • How does poverty affect public health?
  • The role of public parks in promoting community health.
  • Stress: Its effects and ways to manage it.
  • Why smoking is dangerous?
  • AIDS awareness and its influence on global communities.
  • Exploring the link between pollution and global health.

Best Public Health Research Topics

Are you trying to make an impression with your global health research? You're on the right track! Below we've whipped up a list of the best public health topics to research that are not only in tune with the times but also versatile enough to fit any research. Just remember to always back up your ideas with strong, reliable evidence.

  • Health impacts of urbanization and city life.
  • Are healthier food options really healthier?
  • Prevalence of obesity: Causes and prevention.
  • How do vaccination campaigns affect public health?
  • How has COVID-19 reshaped public health policies?
  • Worldwide pollution and its effects on respiratory system.
  • The rise of telemedicine: A boon or a bane?
  • What is the role of physical activity in public health?
  • The correlation between education level and health outcomes.
  • How does income inequality impact public health?
  • Is there a link between social media use and anxiety?
  • Evaluating strategies for reducing drug and alcohol abuse within communities.
  • How can we achieve gender parity in public health?
  • Analyzing public policies for non-communicable diseases (NCDs).
  • What are some implications of e-cigarettes for public wellbeing?

Current Research Topics in Public Health

There are so many topics and so much potential in them! To help you navigate this vast domain, we've gathered some of the best public health research questions that are perfect for a wide array of studies.

  • Health impacts of microplastics in our environment.
  • Psychological effects of long-term isolation.
  • How do urban green spaces influence community health?
  • Impact of shift work on physical wellbeing.
  • Potential risks of genetically modified foods.
  • Food deserts and their effect on community wellbeing.
  • How does the gig economy affect workers' health?
  • The role of bees in global health.
  • Mental health implications of cyberbullying among teenagers.
  • Antibiotic overuse in livestock.
  • Global consequences of increasing screen time.
  • Universal basic income on public health.
  • Addressing intimate partner violence as a public health issue.
  • Health literacy and its influence on global community.
  • Exploring the effect of noise pollution on human health.

Unique Public Health Research Topics

Do you want to stand out from the crowd with your public health research? Check these authentic research topics on public health that will put a spotlight on your hard work.

  • Addressing loneliness as a public health issue.
  • The role of urban farming in promoting food security.
  • Exploring the health effects of microaggressions.
  • How does light pollution affect humans?
  • Global strategies for dealing with "brain drain."
  • The role of architecture in hospital infection control.
  • Can we design cities to be healthier?
  • What are some negative effects of "fast fashion?"
  • Is there a link between deforestation and disease outbreaks?
  • Implications of 3D printed food.
  • A look into the long-term effects of forest fires.
  • Can providing universal internet access improve public health?
  • Studying implications of deep-sea mining.
  • Effects of climate change on water-borne diseases.
  • How does air travel influence global health?

>> View more: Healthcare Research Topics

Controversial Public Health Research Topics

Public health, being as diverse and ever-evolving as it is, certainly has its fair share of topics that stir up debate. They might make you sweat a bit, but they definitely add a kick. Buckle up and get ready to dive into these controversial public health research ideas:

  • Should vaccination be mandatory for everyone?
  • Are digital health records an invasion of privacy?
  • The debate over the global effects of genetically modified organisms (GMOs).
  • Do energy drinks pose a significant risk?
  • Are alternative medicines effective or just a placebo effect?
  • Is healthcare a right or a privilege?
  • Implications of animal testing in global medical research.
  • Should junk food be taxed to combat obesity?
  • Use and abuse of ADHD medications.
  • Pros and cons of medical marijuana.
  • Is the anti-vaccination movement a public risk?
  • Impact of consumerism on healthcare quality.
  • Implications of surveillance in disease control.
  • Debates on the allocation of resources in a pandemic.
  • Should doctors be allowed to go on strike?

Public Health Research Topic Ideas for Students

Regardless of whether you are a beginner undergraduate student or an experienced doctoral candidate, the cornerstone of a successful project is an engaging topic. We have compiled a list of public health research question ideas suitable for every academic level. Choose the one you like and consider consulting with professional college paper writers to get expert help.

Public Health Research Topics for High School

High school students are required to carry out both analysis and research. But compared to other academic levels, it shouldn't be too extensive. We've curated a collection of researchable topics in public health that strike a balance between complexity and analysis. So, equip yourself with the spirit of inquiry and let's explore these ideas.

  • Local impact of poor air quality on public health.
  • Reasons for the rise in teenage smoking rates.
  • Analyzing strategies to reduce youth substance abuse.
  • What are some effective strategies for preventing teen pregnancies?
  • The role of school-based health education in improving public wellbeing.
  • What is the relationship between poverty and obesity?
  • What are some ways to reduce food insecurity among youth?
  • The correlation between school meals and childhood obesity.
  • Importance of school nurses in promoting public health.
  • The role of public health standards in preventing infectious diseases.
  • The impact of surgical site infections on public health.
  • The role of sanitation standards in mitigating public health risks.
  • School-based interventions for managing childhood diabetes.
  • Evaluating the effect of insurance reforms on healthcare accessibility.
  • An analysis of HIV/AIDS policies in South Africa.

Public Health Research Topics for College Students

Once you reach college, the research should be a bit more demanding. And so should public health topics for research papers! Here are some interesting ideas that require sufficient analysis and can amaze your professors.

  • Global efforts to reduce waterborne diseases.
  • Examining healthcare disparities in developing countries.
  • A look into methods for preventing cancer screenings disparities.
  • Evaluating public health interventions for managing diabetes.
  • Are alternative therapies an effective substitute for insulin?
  • How can public health education reduce maternal mortality?
  • How does telemedicine improve global healthcare delivery?
  • Malaria control in Sub-Saharan Africa: Progress and challenges.
  • Evaluating the efficacy of workplace wellness programs.
  • Assessing strategies to reduce suicide rates among youth.
  • Analyzing the prevalence of vaccine-preventable diseases with people.
  • Addressing malnutrition in children: A case study of Ethiopia.
  • The role of clean water access in public health in Bangladesh.
  • Obesity crisis in Mexico: A look into global implications.
  • How does Japan's aging population impact policies?

Public Health Research Questions

Now that you are in graduate school, you will be expected to come up with original research topics and explore them in-depth. Here are some creative public health research questions to motivate your advanced studies.

  • The role of social media in healthcare communication.
  • What role does mental health play in global population, and how can community programs address this?
  • How effective are public health campaigns in reducing the prevalence of smoking?
  • How has the COVID-19 pandemic shaped future public health strategies?
  • How can community initiatives combat the opioid crisis?
  • How does access to green space impact community health?
  • How can education programs effectively address the rise of sexually transmitted diseases in adolescents?
  • How can global systems improve to better accommodate people with disabilities?
  • What strategies can be employed to combat health disparities in racial and ethnic minorities?
  • How can public initiatives improve maternal health in low-income regions?
  • What are some effects of plastic pollution on people and how can it be mitigated?
  • Assessing the importance of public health standards in food industries.
  • The role of robotic surgery in improving public health outcomes.
  • Importance of standard guidelines in managing epidemics.
  • Effects of urbanization on residents of Brazil.

Public Health Research Proposal Topics

As a university student in public health, you will be expected to come up with original public health research proposal topics. Here are some thesis ideas and public health dissertation topics you can choose for a lengthy study.

  • Evaluating the role of immunization programs in mitigating childhood diseases.
  • A comparative study on the impact of public and private systems on population health.
  • How does healthcare reform influence access to care for low-income populations.
  • Evaluating the impact of the built environment on community health outcomes.
  • Are e-health services effective in rural settings?
  • Exploring the efficacy of school-based health education in India.
  • An analysis of public health initiatives to combat diabetes in Africa.
  • Assessing the benefits and risks associated with telemedicine.
  • Examining the impact of global warming on public health outcomes.
  • How does the use of mobile-health apps improve patient engagement?
  • A look into methods to reduce healthcare disparities in LGBTQ+ populations.
  • Assessing strategies to reduce homelessness and its impact on public health.
  • What changes are needed to improve global pandemic preparedness?
  • How can we reduce environmental health risks associated with industrialization?
  • Exploring factors that influence infant care practices in low-income regions.

>> Read more: How to Write a Research Proposal

Bottom Line on Public Health Topics for Research Papers

With these ideas in mind, we hope you will be able to craft an outstanding paper that can add value to the global domain. Choose the most appropriate research topic about public health and don't forget to credit your sources as you write. Feel free to look through our blog to find more inspirational ideas, starting from psychology research paper topics to business research topics .


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Exploring community health nursing research topics: a comprehensive guide for nursing students, carla johnson.

  • August 25, 2023
  • Essay Topics and Ideas

Community health nursing is a dynamic and vital field within the nursing profession, focused on providing holistic care to populations within a defined community. This specialized branch of nursing goes beyond individual patient care, extending its reach to families, groups, and entire communities. This article will delve into community health nursing, explore its significance, and provide valuable resources for nursing students to engage in research, evidence-based practice (EBP) projects, capstone projects, research paper topics, research questions, and essay ideas.

What You'll Learn

Understanding Community Health Nursing: A Holistic Approach

Community health nursing emphasizes preventive care , health promotion, and disease prevention within a specific community. This holistic approach involves understanding the community’s unique needs, cultures, and challenges to provide targeted interventions that improve health outcomes. As nursing students, you will find this field to be a gateway to understanding the broader healthcare landscape and the interconnectedness of various factors that influence health.

Community health nursing research topics

PICOT Questions on Community Health Nursing

  • P: Adult population in psychiatric care ; I: Implementation of daily RS questionnaire; C: Units without the daily survey; O: Reduction in utilization of restraint and seclusion; T: 6 months. Can the implementation of a daily RS (Restraint and Seclusion) questionnaire for adults in psychiatric care lead to a significant decrease in the utilization of restraint and seclusion within a period of 6 months?
  • P: Pediatric population in school settings; I: Introduction of daily exercise regimen; C: Schools without daily exercise; O: Improvement in BMI and overall fitness; T: 1 academic year. Does introducing a daily exercise regimen in school settings for pediatric populations result in a noticeable improvement in BMI and overall fitness over the course of 1 academic year?
  • P: Elderly population in assisted living facilities; I: Implementation of fall prevention program; C: Facilities without fall prevention program; O: Reduction in fall-related injuries; T: 1 year. Is there a significant reduction in fall-related injuries among the elderly residing in assisted living facilities after the implementation of a comprehensive fall prevention program within 1 year?
  • P: Low-income pregnant women; I: Provision of prenatal education classes; C: Those without access to prenatal education; O: Increase in prenatal knowledge and healthier pregnancy outcomes; T: Throughout gestation. Can providing prenatal education classes to low-income pregnant women lead to increased prenatal knowledge and improved pregnancy outcomes when compared to those without access to such education?
  • P: Diabetic population within the community; I: Establishment of a mobile diabetic clinic; C: No mobile clinic available; O: Enhanced diabetic management and reduced hospitalizations; T: 2 years. Does the establishment of a mobile diabetic clinic within the community lead to better diabetic management and a decrease in hospitalizations over a span of 2 years?
  • P: Adolescent population in schools; I: Implementation of comprehensive sexual education; C: Schools with standard sexual education; O: Reduction in teen pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections (STIs); T: 3 years. Over a period of 3 years, does the implementation of comprehensive sexual education in schools result in a significant decrease in the rates of teen pregnancies and STIs among adolescents compared to schools with standard sexual education?
  • P: Homeless population; I: Launch of mobile healthcare unit; C: No access to regular healthcare; O: Improvement in overall health status and decrease in emergency room visits; T: 1 year. Can the introduction of a mobile healthcare unit for the homeless population improve their overall health status and a noticeable reduction in emergency room visits within a year?
  • P: Rural elderly population; I: Initiation of telehealth services ; C: Lack of telehealth services; O: Enhanced access to healthcare and better management of chronic conditions; T: 18 months. Does the introduction of telehealth services for the rural elderly population lead to increased access to healthcare services and improved management of chronic conditions over the course of 18 months?
  • P: New mothers; I: Implementation of postpartum support groups; C: No postpartum support groups available; O: Reduction in postpartum depression rates and improved maternal well-being; T: 1 year. Can the implementation of postpartum support groups for new mothers lead to a significant reduction in postpartum depression rates and an overall improvement in maternal well-being within a year?
  • P: LGBTQ+ youth; I: Creating safe spaces in schools; C: Absence of designated safe spaces; O: Decreased mental health challenges and higher academic achievement; T: Ongoing. Does creating safe spaces within schools for LGBTQ+ youth lead to a noticeable decrease in mental health challenges and a rise in academic achievement over an ongoing period?

Evidence-Based Practice Projects Ideas

  • Evaluating the effectiveness of community-wide vaccination drives in reducing vaccine-preventable diseases.
  • Assessing the impact of a smoke-free policy in public spaces on community members’ respiratory health.
  • Investigating the outcomes of a nutrition education program in improving dietary habits among low-income families.
  • Analyzing the effectiveness of a community-based mental health awareness campaign in reducing stigma and increasing help-seeking behavior.
  • Exploring the outcomes of a diabetes management intervention using mobile health apps in urban communities.
  • Studying the effects of a community gardening initiative on physical activity levels and nutrition awareness.
  • Investigating the utilization and impact of telemedicine services in remote rural areas.
  • Assessing the benefits of a community fitness program on cardiovascular health and overall well-being.
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of a school-based anti-bullying campaign on students’ mental health.
  • Analyzing the outcomes of a community-driven initiative to increase access to clean drinking water in underserved areas.

Nursing Capstone Project Ideas

  • Developing a comprehensive disaster preparedness plan for a local community.
  • Designing and implementing a culturally sensitive prenatal care program for immigrant populations.
  • Creating a curriculum for training community health workers in identifying and addressing social determinants of health.
  • Establishing a support network for caregivers of elderly individuals living at home.
  • Designing a mental health first aid training program for community leaders and volunteers.
  • Implementing a community-based program to promote physical activity among children with obesity.
  • Creating a resource guide for LGBTQ+ youth to access healthcare services without discrimination.
  • Developing a community-wide initiative to combat opioid misuse and overdose.
  • Establishing a telehealth platform for remote health consultations in underserved regions.
  • Designing a comprehensive sexual education curriculum for high schools to address varying cultural norms.

Nursing Research Paper Topics

  • The impact of community health nursing interventions on reducing health disparities .
  • Exploring the role of community health nurses in disaster response and recovery.
  • Analyzing the effectiveness of school-based health clinics in improving student health outcomes.
  • Investigating the barriers and facilitators of healthcare access in underserved rural communities.
  • The role of community health nursing in promoting healthy aging and elderly care.
  • Addressing mental health stigma through community-based interventions led by nurses.
  • Analyzing the outcomes of community health education programs on reducing tobacco use .
  • Exploring the relationship between community engagement and positive maternal-child health outcomes.
  • The effectiveness of telehealth services in bridging healthcare gaps in remote areas.
  • Investigating the impact of community health nursing in preventing and managing chronic diseases.

Community Health Nursing Research Questions

  • How does the presence of community health nurses influence health outcomes in underserved urban neighborhoods?
  • What are the key components of successful school-based vaccination programs , and how do they impact disease prevention?
  • How do cultural competence and sensitivity affect the effectiveness of community health nursing interventions?
  • What are the main challenges community health nurses face in addressing social determinants of health ?
  • How does community engagement contribute to the sustainability of community health initiatives led by nurses?
  • What strategies effectively promote mental health awareness and reduce stigma within communities?
  • How do telehealth services improve access to healthcare for individuals in geographically isolated regions?
  • What role do community health nurses play in detecting and managing chronic diseases ?
  • How do community health interventions impact healthcare utilization patterns and costs?
  • What are the outcomes of community health nursing programs focused on improving maternal and child health?

Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

  • The Role of Community Health Nursing in Promoting Population Health.
  • Addressing Health Disparities: The Impact of Community Health Nursing.
  • Community-Based Approaches to Preventing Teenage Pregnancy .
  • Telehealth: Bridging Healthcare Gaps in Underserved Communities.
  • Cultural Competence in Community Health Nursing: Challenges and Strategies.
  • Disaster Preparedness and Response: The Critical Role of Community Health Nurses.
  • The Influence of Social Determinants of Health on Community Health Nursing Interventions.
  • Community Health Education: Strategies for Promoting Healthy Lifestyles.
  • Exploring the Connection Between Mental Health and Community Well-being.
  • Innovations in Community Health Nursing: Harnessing Technology for Better Outcomes.

As nursing students, you are poised to become the next generation of community health nurses, armed with the knowledge and skills to impact the health and well-being of diverse populations positively. Community health nursing offers numerous opportunities for research, practice, and advocacy. By delving into PICOT questions, evidence-based practice projects, capstone projects, research paper topics, and research questions, you can deepen your understanding of this vital field and contribute to its growth. Don’t hesitate to seek our writing services if you need assistance with your community health nursing assignments or essays. We understand the demands of nursing education and are here to support you in your academic journey. Your dedication to improving community health is commendable, and together, we can pave the way for healthier, more vibrant communities.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About Community Health Nursing

  • Is community health nursing the same as nursing? Community health nursing is a specialized branch of nursing that focuses on providing holistic care to populations within specific communities. While nursing is a broader field encompassing various specialties, community health nursing is distinct in its emphasis on preventive care and health promotion within communities.
  • What are the qualifications of a community health nursing? To practice community health nursing, one typically needs a registered nurse (RN) license. Many community health nurses also hold a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) degree, and advanced practice may require additional education such as a Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) with a specialization in community health.
  • Do community health nurses work in hospitals? While community health nurses primarily work in community settings like public health departments, schools, and clinics, they can also collaborate with hospitals to provide education, preventive care, and continuity of care to patients transitioning from hospital to home.
  • Can a community health nurse become a doctor? Community health nurses can certainly pursue further education and career advancement, but the path to becoming a doctor is different. Becoming a doctor requires completing medical school and earning a medical degree (MD) or a doctor of osteopathic medicine (DO) degree, whereas community health nursing involves nursing education and training.

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Make Learning Enjoyable with these Health Lessons for Kids

Explore different ways to teach kids health in the classroom or at home, that will keep them engaged and enthusiastic. Our health lesson plans range in topics designed for preschool kids to elementary and middle school students. We’ve designed these health lessons for kids to be time-efficient yet impactful and memorable. Whether you’re a teacher, other type of educator, parent or guardian, our lessons for kids will make learning enjoyable for both you and your students.

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Conducting a literature review

There are different methods in how to conduct a literature review - it may depend on the type or source of information you are including.  You will want to build on what is already known, figure out what needs to be known and see if you can contribute to advancing current research and thinking.  Do you have evidence to support your ideas? Has article gone through peer review? Public Health information is covered in the following information products:

  • books and book chapters - includes print and eBooks (digital content), and government information
  • journal articles
  • conference papers & proceedings
  • reference sources - dictionaries, encyclopedias, handbooks, glossaries,
  • data sources - quantifiable numerics - examples, population census, demographic analysis, statistical summaries, opinion polls, etc
  • films & media, journalism, news sources, documentaries, blogs, social media

There are also multiple ways in which to format a bibliography - you are asked to cite or reference all 5 of your sources in the narrative which will follow this outline - read examples in syllabus carefully:

  • Cover page containing Student's name, ID and title/question/topic of your literature review
  • Introduction - why this topic was selected; significance to current time/place; relevance to you, your generation, family, general population
  • several themed paragraphs that explore content from the items you review
  • cite all items in a bibliography from last 10 years (2007-2017) at the end in APA format
  • total submission is 3-5pp

Distinguish your opinions from an annotated bibiography and show examples of critical thinking

Identifying sources

Consider the topic's subject matter - must be related to health - but what other subject areas define it - in what discipline does it fall? It may be Medicine, Psychology, Sociology, Education, Public Policy, etc.  Examples of potential topics may include some of the following:

  • Americans suffer from obesity - is this really about nutrition, gender differentiation, age sectors, lack of exercise, comparisons to other countries, etc
  • Role of genetics in cancer occurrence - what types of cancer are most predisposed to family members who may get it in same or subsequent generations; what about cancer screening guidelines; how accurate is the human genome mapping; balancing benefits and risks; merits of early detection; etc
  • Controversy about whether young children should be vaccinated - what issues support the long history of these controversies; how to build public confidence; what evidence surrounding vaccination shows that prevented suffering and death from any infectious disease outweighs any adverse effects; what about evidence regarding vaccine overload damaging immune systems or causing autism?  Myth or reality?
  • Relationship between carb-loading and exercise - does excessive carb consumption boost energy by filling glycogen levels?  What is relationship between carbs and protein?  What kinds of studies have been conducted?
  • How much nutrition is there in school lunches?  Are there state or federal standards or regulations for this?  Is there a difference between primary & secondary schools?  What determines menus?  Any correlation between school lunches and dietary intake and weight management?

Links to Public Health Issues/Themes/Concerns

You will conduct a literature review on a public health issue.  That may include some aspect of the following themes addressed by the course:

  • What is Public Health - government's role, science, politics, prevention
  • Assessment - epidemiology, principles, methods, statistical analysis
  • Infectious Disease
  • Determinants of Health - social & environmental factors
  • Effects of Consumption - Nutrition, drugs, tobacco products, Alcohol, wellness,
  • Causes of Chronic Disease
  • Gender, Aging and Health conditions - maternal & child health, population demographics/disparities
  • Planetary Health - climate change effecting global health
  • Communicating & messaging Pubic Health - via media, news, documentaries, public record
  • Careers in Public Health

Hints for choosing a topic

Since one can frame the question in different ways - consider the following:

  • Clarity is key - be sure that spelling/punctuation is accurate, sentence structure is grammatically correct
  • Research & write about something you are interested in
  • Posing a question and do you answer it
  • stating a fact with a rhetorical statement
  • what population is effected - gender, age, environment, living, health conditions
  • the big question vs something more specific and limiting (macro vs micro)
  • what previous research work was cited - chronology of the topic
  • what findings are noted
  • is there sufficient evidence to draw conclusions
  • can research be easily replicated
  • what else is new on topic since source was published
  • will this work have a lasting impact or will topic be important in another 5 years

Scholarly Resources

Lots of content can be considered scholarly, but there are some standard criteria:

  • peer-reviewed
  • has it been cited and if so how can you tell
  • leaves an impact on future research
  • increasingly contains data - more empirical or quantitative than qualitative or descriptive
  • cites previous studies

More About APA Style

The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA)  was released in July 2009. The following links support  the sixth edition of the manual.  It is available at the Reference Desks at all UCI Libraries at BF76.7 .P83 2010 You will want to make sure that you include examples of works cited and in-text citations.

Locate an available doi here! A doi is a set of numbers (sometimes letters, too) that helps you locate specific texts or objects. Anything can have a doi, but dois are often used to identify articles.

  • APA Style The main link to APA style. Contains links to the most popular APA material. There are links to publications for purchase that are commonly used.
  • APA Style Blog In case you thought you knew everything, this blog addresses some less common issues you might encounter. It provides insight into the rationale of APA style as seen by its producers.
  • Learning APA Style Free tutorials and FAQs from the American Psychological Association (APA).
  • APA Citation Quick Guide Cheat sheet from UC Libraries on APA reference and citation style based on the 6th edition of the Publication Manual.
  • APA (Style) Lite for College Papers Includes some sample pages in addition to all of the basics. Copyright 2000-2010 by Dr. Abel Scribe, PhD
  • APA Style Guide | Department of Psychology | Vanguard University Created by Dr. Douglas Degelman. Includes downloadable example of a paper in the proper format in addition to general guidelines.
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  • Last Updated: Aug 22, 2023 2:44 PM
  • URL: https://guides.lib.uci.edu/PH1_Fall2017

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83 Healthcare Administration Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

🏆 best healthcare administration topic ideas & essay examples, ✍️ healthcare administration essay topics for college, 📌 good essay topics on healthcare administration, 💡 simple & easy healthcare administration titles.

  • Emergency Action Plan: Occupational Safety and Health Administration Company Name: Company Name. Company Contact: Name: Your Name Title: Position Telephone/Cell: Email: In the event of an emergency, employees are alerted by:
  • Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare Administration The key stakeholders in addressing healthcare inefficiencies in the administrative processes include the government, hospital administrators and the direct-patient contact staff.
  • Job Demands in Canadian Health Services Office Administration Currently, relevant job demands in the modern field of Canadian office administration of health services pose considerable challenges for newcomers to the industry.
  • Gender and Leadership in Healthcare Administration The authors were studying the challenges that the female gender face in healthcare leadership. The authors concluded that gender inequality in management could not be affected by the type and size of the hospital.
  • Administration Errors in a Mental Health Hospital The selection of a representative group from the population of interest is among the prerequisites for the production of reliable and generalizable results.
  • Silica Exposure and Occupational Safety and Health Administration In this research, the main focus is to investigate whether the exposure rate on a worker at the Iron Foundry is above the set standard by the OSHA.
  • Healthcare Administration: The Role of Information Technologies Sometimes people can use the OR and AND tools to calculate the probability. In addition to probability, Excel allows people to calculate measures of the central tendency.
  • The Job of Health Care Administration or Executive Assistance In terms of the contributions of the course to the development of the professional experience for the position, such areas as decision-making and problem-solving were especially relevant.
  • Career Development in Healthcare Administration The institution provides regular training to the members and updates the current trends that are witnessed in the healthcare sector. Second, The American Society for Healthcare Human Resources Administration is a website that helps in […]
  • ACOs in Healthcare Administration As part of the Medicare and Medicaid program, the main goal of coordinated care is to optimize services by reducing duplication of services and improving care timeliness.
  • Amazon’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration The story of one of the Amazon workers presents the company as a firm that does not value ethics in its strategic scheme. It is a matter of ethics to prioritize the employee’s well-being and […]
  • Healthcare Administration: The Legal Aspects The essence of this study is to evaluate and assert the usefulness and the advantage of using case studies in teaching legal aspects in healthcare administration.
  • Health Administration: Ethical and Legal Perspectives The HIPAA’s primary role was established in order to give people the authority to share their personal medical information, and again gain more accessibility of information about their health status healthcare.
  • Legal Aspects of the US Health Care Administration Limiting or revoking the privileges of a medical practitioner is the extreme disciplinary step taken by the medical staff leaders of hospitals in USA.
  • Aspects of Health Care Administration In most cases, the role of the administrator in a medical facility is to oversee and ensure the smooth sailing of the medical institution.
  • U. S Public Health Administration The public health budget process is an important tool for governments in mobilizing resources that are needed for health, in the implementation of health-based policies and in the provision of quality health services that is […]
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IvyPanda. (2024, February 27). 83 Healthcare Administration Essay Topic Ideas & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/healthcare-administration-essay-topics/

"83 Healthcare Administration Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda , 27 Feb. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/healthcare-administration-essay-topics/.

IvyPanda . (2024) '83 Healthcare Administration Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 27 February.

IvyPanda . 2024. "83 Healthcare Administration Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." February 27, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/healthcare-administration-essay-topics/.

1. IvyPanda . "83 Healthcare Administration Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." February 27, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/healthcare-administration-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda . "83 Healthcare Administration Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." February 27, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/healthcare-administration-essay-topics/.

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Mental Health Medications

What are mental health medications.

Medications can play an important role in treating mental disorders and conditions. They are often used in combination with other treatments, such as psychotherapy and brain stimulation therapy . Medications can affect people in different ways, and it may take several tries to find the medication that works best with the fewest side effects. It’s important to work with a health care provider or a mental health professional to develop a treatment plan that meets your individual needs and medical situation.

Information about medications is updated frequently. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has Medication Guides  with the latest information, warnings, and approved medications. MedlinePlus also provides information on drugs, herbs, and supplements  , including side effects and warnings.

This page provides basic information on mental health medications. It is not a complete source for all medications available. It should not be used as a guide when making medical decisions.

What are antidepressants?

Antidepressants are medications used to treat depression . In some cases, health care providers may prescribe antidepressants to treat other health conditions, such as anxiety , pain  , and insomnia  .

Commonly prescribed types of antidepressants are:

  • Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)
  • Serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs)
  • Norepinephrine-dopamine reuptake inhibitors (NDRIs)

These medications are commonly prescribed because they improve the symptoms of a broad group of depressive and anxiety disorders. They are also associated with fewer side effects than older antidepressants. Although older antidepressants, such as tricyclics and monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs), are associated with more side effects, they may be the best option for some people.

Antidepressants take time—usually 4−8 weeks—to work, and problems with sleep, appetite, energy, and concentration often improve before mood lifts. Giving a medication a chance to work is important before deciding whether it is right for you.

Common side effects of SSRIs and other antidepressants include upset stomach, headache, or sexual dysfunction. The side effects are generally mild and tend to go away with time. People who are sensitive to the side effects of these medications sometimes benefit from starting with a low dose, increasing the daily dose very slowly, and changing when or how they take the medication (for example, at bedtime or with food).

Esketamine  is an FDA-approved medication for treatment-resistant depression, which may be diagnosed when a person’s symptoms do not improve after trying at least two antidepressants. Esketamine is delivered as a nasal spray in a health care provider’s office, a clinic, or a hospital. It often acts rapidly, typically within a couple of hours, to relieve depression symptoms. People usually continue to take an oral antidepressant to maintain the improvement in their symptoms.

Combining antidepressants with other medications or supplements that act on the serotonin system, such as triptans (often used to treat migraine headaches) and St. John’s wort (a dietary supplement), can cause a rare but life-threatening illness called serotonin syndrome  . Symptoms of serotonin syndrome include agitation, muscle twitches, hallucinations (seeing or hearing things others do not see or hear), high temperature, and unusual blood pressure changes. For most people, the risk of such extreme reactions is low. It is important for health care providers to consider all possible interactions and use extra care in prescribing and monitoring medication combinations that have an above-average risk.

Note : In some cases, children, teenagers, and young adults under 25 may experience an increase in suicidal thoughts or behavior when taking antidepressants, especially in the first few weeks after starting the medication or when the dose is changed. People of all ages taking antidepressants should be watched closely, especially during the first few weeks of treatment.

If you or someone you know is struggling or having thoughts of suicide, call or text the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline   at 988 or chat at 988lifeline.org   . In life-threatening situations, call 911 .

What are anti-anxiety medications?

Anti-anxiety medications help reduce symptoms of anxiety , such as panic attacks and extreme fear and worry.

Many medications used to treat depression—including SSRIs and SNRIs—may also be used to treat anxiety. In the case of panic disorder or social anxiety disorder , health care providers typically start with SSRIs or other antidepressants as the initial treatment because they have fewer side effects than other medications.

Benzodiazepines are another common type of anti-anxiety medication used to treat some short-term anxiety symptoms. They are sometimes used to treat  generalized anxiety disorder .

Health care providers may also prescribe beta-blockers off-label to treat short-term anxiety symptoms, even though the medication is not approved for that specific purpose. For instance, people with a phobia —an overwhelming and unreasonable fear of an object or situation like spiders or public speaking—often experience intense physical symptoms, such as rapid heart rate, sweating, and tremors. Beta-blockers can help manage these symptoms.

Benzodiazepines and beta-blockers are useful as needed to reduce severe anxiety in the short-term. However, taking benzodiazepines over long periods may lead to drug tolerance or even dependence. To avoid these problems, health care providers usually prescribe benzodiazepines for short periods and taper them slowly to reduce the likelihood of withdrawal symptoms or renewed anxiety symptoms. Beta-blockers generally are not recommended for people with asthma or diabetes because they may worsen the symptoms of both conditions.

Buspirone  is a different type of anti-anxiety medication that can be used to treat anxiety over longer periods. In contrast to benzodiazepines, buspirone must be taken every day for 3−4 weeks to reach its full effect, and it is not effective for treating anxiety on an as-needed basis.

What are stimulants?

Health care providers may prescribe stimulant medications to treat attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and narcolepsy  . Stimulants increase alertness, attention, and energy. They can also elevate blood pressure, heart rate, and breathing.

Prescription stimulants improve alertness and focus for most people, regardless of diagnosis. These medications can markedly improve daily functioning for people with significant focus problems, such as people with ADHD. Although motor hyperactivity associated with ADHD in children usually goes away by the time they reach adolescence, people with ADHD may continue to experience inattention and have difficulty focusing into adulthood. As such, stimulant medications can be helpful for adults, as well as for children and adolescents, with ADHD.

Stimulants are safe when taken under a health care provider’s supervision and used as directed. Some children may report feeling slightly different or unlike their usual selves while taking the medication. Most side effects of stimulants are minor and not seen at low doses.

Some parents worry that stimulants may lead to misuse or dependence, but evidence shows this is unlikely when the medications are used as prescribed. Other challenges with stimulant treatment, such as sleep disturbance and slowed growth, can generally be safely managed by a health care provider.

What are antipsychotics?

Antipsychotic medications are typically used to treat psychosis , a condition that involves some loss of contact with reality. People experiencing a psychotic episode often experience delusions (false beliefs) or hallucinations. Psychosis can be related to drug use or a mental disorder such as schizophrenia , bipolar disorder , or severe depression (also known as psychotic depression).

Health care providers may also prescribe antipsychotics in combination with other medications to relieve symptoms of delirium  , dementia  , or other mental health conditions that are more common in older adults. The FDA requires that all antipsychotics include a black box warning stating that the medications are associated with increased rates of stroke and death in older adults with dementia.

Older, first-generation antipsychotic medications are sometimes called typical antipsychotics (or neuroleptics). Long-term use of typical antipsychotics may lead to a condition involving uncontrollable muscle movements called tardive dyskinesia  , which can range from mild to severe. People who think they might have tardive dyskinesia should check with a health care provider before stopping their medication.

Newer, second-generation medications are sometimes called atypical antipsychotics. Several atypical antipsychotics are available. They are commonly used because they treat a broader range of symptoms compared with older medications. For example, atypical antipsychotics are sometimes used to treat bipolar depression or depression in people that have not responded to antidepressant medication alone. Health care providers may ask people taking atypical antipsychotics to participate in regular monitoring of weight, glucose levels, and lipid levels.

Some symptoms, such as agitation and hallucinations, typically go away within days of starting antipsychotic medication. Other symptoms, such as delusions, usually go away within a few weeks. However, people may not experience the full effects of antipsychotic medication for up to 6 weeks.

If a person’s symptoms do not improve with usual antipsychotic medications, they may be prescribed an atypical antipsychotic called  clozapine  . People who take clozapine must have regular blood tests to check for a potentially dangerous side effect that occurs in 1%–2% of people.

What are mood stabilizers?

Mood stabilizers are typically used to treat bipolar disorder and mood changes associated with other mental disorders. In some cases, health care providers may prescribe mood stabilizers to augment the effect of other medications used to treat depression.

Lithium  , an effective mood stabilizer, is approved for the treatment of mania and bipolar disorder. Some studies indicate that lithium may reduce the risk of suicide among people taking it for long-term symptom maintenance. Health care providers generally ask people who are taking lithium to participate in regular monitoring to check lithium levels and kidney and thyroid function.

Mood stabilizers are sometimes used to treat depression (usually along with an antidepressant), schizoaffective disorder, disorders of impulse control, and certain mental illnesses in children. For people with bipolar depression, health care providers typically prescribe a mood stabilizer and an antidepressant to reduce the risk of switching into mania (known as rapid cycling).

Some anticonvulsant medications may also be used as mood stabilizers, as they work better than lithium for certain people, such as people with “mixed” symptoms of mania and depression or those with rapid-cycling bipolar disorder. Health care providers generally ask people taking anticonvulsants to participate in regular monitoring to check medication levels and assess side effects and potential interactions with other common medications.

What should certain groups of people consider before taking mental health medications?

All people can take mental health medications, but some groups have special needs and considerations.

Children and adolescents

Many medications used to treat mental disorders are safe and effective for children and adolescents. However, it is important to know that children may experience different reactions and side effects than adults, and some medications have FDA warnings about potential side effects for younger people.

In some cases, a health care provider may prescribe an FDA-approved medication on an off-label basis to treat a child’s symptoms, even though the medication is not approved for the specific mental disorder or for use by people under a certain age. Although there has been less research on mental disorders in children than adults, there is evidence that medications can be helpful for children. It is important to monitor children and adolescents who take medications on an off-label basis.

A health care provider may suggest trying non-medication treatments first, such as psychotherapy , and add medication later, if necessary. In other cases, a health care provider may suggest non-medication treatment in combination with medication. The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) provides more information on common treatment options for children and adolescents .

Older adults

People over age 65 should take extra care with medications, especially if they are taking multiple medications. Older adults are often more sensitive to medications and can have a higher risk of experiencing drug interactions. Even healthy older adults react to medications differently than younger people because older adults’ bodies often process and eliminate medications more slowly.

Before starting a medication, older adults and their family members should talk to a health care provider about any effects the medication may have on physical and mental functioning. The health care provider can also discuss strategies to make it easier to follow the treatment plan, helping ensure that older adults take the correct dose at the correct time.

The National Institute on Aging has information and practical tips to help older adults take their medications safely  .

People who are pregnant or may become pregnant

Researchers are continuing to investigate mental health medications during pregnancy. The risks associated with taking medication during pregnancy depend on the type of medication and the stage of pregnancy. While no medication is considered universally safe during pregnancy, untreated mental disorders can also pose risks to the pregnant person and the developing fetus.

Pregnant people should work with a health care provider to develop a personalized treatment plan that considers their individual needs and circumstances. It is important to weigh the benefits and risks of all available treatment options, including psychotherapies , medications, brain stimulation therapies , or a combination of these options. Health care providers may closely monitor a person’s physical and mental health throughout pregnancy and after delivery to look for signs of perinatal or postpartum depression .

Certain medications taken during pregnancy, including some benzodiazepines, mood stabilizers, and antipsychotic medications, have been linked with birth defects, but the risks vary widely and depend on the specific medication.

Antidepressants, especially SSRIs, are generally considered safe for use during pregnancy. Although antidepressants can cross into the placenta and reach the fetus, the risk of birth defects and other problems is very low. Some studies have found an association between third-trimester SSRI exposure and certain symptoms, including breathing problems, in newborns. However, the FDA does not find sufficient evidence for a causal link  and recommends that health care providers treat depression during pregnancy according to the person’s specific needs.

Visit the FDA website for more information on medications and pregnancy  .

Postpartum people

Researchers are also investigating medications to help people who experience mental disorders after pregnancy and during the postpartum period. Much of this research has focused on one of the most common postpartum mental disorders— postpartum depression .

The FDA has approved two medications specifically to treat severe postpartum depression. The first is brexanolone  , which is administered through an IV by a health care professional during a brief hospital stay. The other is zuranolone  , which is an oral medication taken in pill form. In clinical trials, both medications reduced postpartum depression symptoms more quickly and effectively than traditional antidepressants.

Postpartum people should work with a health care provider to determine the best treatment plan based on their prenatal health and current symptoms. Like with mental disorders during pregnancy, it is important to weigh the benefits and risks of all treatment options and closely monitor physical and mental health during treatment.

The Office on Women’s Health has more information on treatments for postpartum depression  .

What should I know about mental health medications?

People respond to medications in different ways, and it may take several tries to find the medication that is most effective with the fewest side effects. In some cases, people find that a medication helps for a while and then their symptoms return. It often takes some time for a medication to work, so it is important to stick with the treatment plan and take medication as prescribed.

People should not stop taking a prescribed medication, even if they are feeling better, without the help of a health care provider. A provider can adjust the treatment plan to slowly and safely decrease the medication dose. It’s important to give the body time to adjust to the change. Stopping a medication too soon may cause unpleasant or harmful side effects.

If you are prescribed a medication:

  • Tell a health care provider about all other medications, vitamins, and supplements you are already taking.
  • Remind a health care provider about any allergies. Tell them about any problems you had with medications in the past.
  • Make sure you understand how to take the medication before you start using it, and take the medication as instructed.
  • Talk to a health care provider about possible side effects and what to expect when taking a medication.
  • Do not take medications prescribed for another person. Do not give your prescribed medication to someone else.
  • Call a health care provider right away if you have problems with your medication or are worried that it might be doing more harm than good. The provider will work with you to address the problems and determine next steps.
  • Report serious side effects to the FDA MedWatch Adverse Event Reporting Program  .

How do I contact FDA MedWatch?

The FDA is responsible for protecting public health by ensuring the safety, efficacy, and security of medications, biological products, and medical devices. Contact FDA MedWatch  to voluntarily report a:

  • Serious adverse effect
  • Product quality problem
  • Product use error
  • Product failure that you suspect is associated with an FDA-regulated drug, biologic, medical device, dietary supplement, or cosmetic

You or a health care provider can make a report online or by calling 1-800-332-1088. You can also report suspected counterfeit medical products to the FDA through MedWatch.

Subscribe to MedWatch safety alerts

FDA MedWatch also offers several ways to help stay informed about medical products. You can sign up to receive the MedWatch E-list  , which delivers safety information to your email. You can also follow MedWatch on X (formerly Twitter) @FDAMedWatch   .

Where can I learn more about mental health medications?

Finding help.

NIMH is the lead federal agency for research on mental disorders. NIMH does not provide medical advice, endorse or recommend specific medications, or offer treatment referrals.

NIMH has information on ways to get help and find a health care provider or access treatment . You can also find an NIMH-supported clinical research study .

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration has an online tool  to find mental health services in your area.

Reports from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) is the lead federal agency charged with improving the safety and quality of America’s health care system. AHRQ develops the knowledge, tools, and data needed to improve the health care system and help the public, health care professionals, and policymakers make informed health decisions.

Examples of AHRQ reports on mental health include:

  • Adverse Effects of Pharmacological Treatments of Major Depression in Older Adults   : This systematic review assesses adverse events related to antidepressant medications in adults over 64 years.
  • Anxiety in Children   : This systematic review compares the effectiveness and harms of psychotherapy and medications for treating anxiety disorders in children.
  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Diagnosis and Treatment in Children and Adolescents   : This review evaluates strategies for diagnosing, treating, and monitoring children and adolescents with ADHD, including the effectiveness of stimulant medications and non-medication treatments.
  • Diagnosis and Management of Obsessive Compulsive Disorders in Children   : This systematic review presents findings from studies on tools to identify children and adolescents with obsessive compulsive disorder and psychological and pharmacological treatments for the disorder.
  • Evaluation of Mental Health Mobile Applications   : This technical brief provides a framework to assess and select mental health mobile applications.
  • Maternal, Fetal, and Child Outcomes of Mental Health Treatments in Women: A Systematic Review of Perinatal Pharmacologic Interventions   : This systematic review assesses the benefits and harms of pharmacologic interventions for pregnant and postpartum people with mental disorders.
  • Nonpharmacologic Treatment for Maternal Mental Health Conditions   : This systematic review assesses the effectiveness and harms of psychological treatments for pregnant and postpartum people with mental disorders and how they compare to pharmacological treatments.
  • Pharmacologic and Nonpharmacologic Treatments for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: An Update of the PTSD Repository Evidence Base   : This review assesses the effectiveness, benefits, and harms of psychological and pharmacological treatments for adults with post-traumatic stress disorder.
  • Psychosocial and Pharmacologic Interventions for Disruptive Behavior in Children and Adolescents   : This review evaluates the evidence for psychosocial and pharmacological treatments for children and adolescents with disruptive behavior disorder.
  • Treatment for Adults With Schizophrenia   : This systematic review evaluates the evidence for schizophrenia treatments, including second-generation antipsychotics, first-generation antipsychotics, and psychosocial interventions.
  • Treatment for Bipolar Disorder in Adults: A Systematic Review   : This systematic review assesses the effectiveness of treatments for acute mania or depression in adults with bipolar disorder, including lithium and atypical antipsychotics.
  • Treatment of Depression in Children and Adolescents   : This systematic review evaluates the effectiveness, benefits, and harms of available treatments for children and adolescents with depression.

Resources from the National Library of Medicine

The National Library of Medicine (NLM)  , part of the  National Institutes of Health  , is the world’s largest medical library. NLM produces electronic information resources on a range of topics:

  • DailyMed   : Contains labeling for prescription and nonprescription drugs for human and animal use and for additional products, such as medical gases, devices, cosmetics, dietary supplements, and medical foods
  • MedlinePlus: Antidepressants   : Provides information and resources on antidepressant medications
  • MedlinePlus: Drugs, Herbs and Supplements   : Provides information and resources on drugs, herbs, and supplements

Last Reviewed: December 2023

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Map of State Laws on the Sale of Unpasteurized Cow's Milk, 2012–2019

What to know.

Federal law prohibits the sale of unpasteurized milk across state lines, but individual state laws govern the sale of unpasteurized milk within the state. The page shows the states in which sale of unpasteurized milk is allowed in retail stores, on the farm only, or prohibited.

The map shows the states in which sale of unpasteurized milk is allowed in retail stores, on the farm only, or prohibited. It shows which states have laws that prohibit the sale of unpasteurized milk but allow legal access to unpasteurized milk through cow or herd shares. States that had changes in their laws to expand or restrict access to unpasteurized milk from 2012 through 2018 are also identified on the map.

Human consumption of unpasteurized, or raw, milk is a serious public health concern. 1 Pathogens found in raw milk that would be otherwise destroyed by pasteurization include E. coli, Campylobacter, Salmonella, and Listeria , among others. 2 Human infection with these pathogens can cause severe illness and death. 3

Federal law prohibits the sale of unpasteurized milk across state lines, but individual state laws govern the sale of unpasteurized milk within the state. These state laws vary widely. While some states prohibit the sale of unpasteurized milk to consumers, other states allow its sale in retail stores or on the farm where the milk was produced.

An increasing number of states also expressly allow the distribution of unpasteurized milk through cow or herd shares. Under these arrangements, an individual purchases an ownership share in a cow or herd and can obtain a portion of the raw milk produced, bypassing state laws that prohibit the retail sale of unpasteurized milk. Recent trends in increased legalization are expected to increase the disease burden associated with human consumption of unpasteurized milk. 4

Researchers from CDC's Public Health Law Program (PHLP) in the National Center for State, Tribal, Local, and Territorial Public Health Infrastructure and Workforce conducted a longitudinal legal epidemiology study of state statutes and regulations governing the sale of unpasteurized cow's milk from 2012 to 2019. A description of the PHLP study and a detailed analysis of foodborne illness outbreaks conducted by the National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases can be found at Foodborne illness outbreaks linked to unpasteurised milk and relationship to changes in state laws – United States, 1998–2018 | Epidemiology & Infection | Cambridge Core .

  • Geospatial Research, Analysis, and Services Program. (2022, November 15). State laws governing the sale/acquisition of unpasteurized fluid cow's milk for human consumption, as of May 8, 2019 [Static Map]. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry.
  • Langer AJ, Ayers T, Grass J, et al. Nonpasteurized dairy products, disease outbreaks, and state laws—United States, 1993–2006. Emerging Infectious Diseases 2012;18(3):385–90.
  • Lejeune JT, Rajala-Schultz PJ. Unpasteurized milk: a continued public health threat. Clinical Infectious Diseases 2009;48(1):93–100.
  • Costard S, Espejo L, Groenendaal H, et al. Outbreak-related disease burden associated with consumption of unpasteurized cow's milk and cheese, United States, 2009–2014. Emerging Infectious Diseases 2017;23(6):957–64.

Public Health Law

The Public Health Law Program works to improve the health of the public by developing law-related tools and providing legal technical assistance to public health practitioners and policy makers in state, tribal, local, and territorial (STLT) jurisdictions.

Health Care Providers

Public health.

Are your burgers safe from bird flu? USDA offers cooking safety tips for Memorial Day

Health officials have also said pasteurized milk kills pathogens such as h5n1 avian influenza, unlike raw milk..

assignment topic health

It's not a burger anyone would want at their Memorial Day barbecue. But a virus-filled test patty made the menu for federal health researchers this week, injected with a not-so-delectable strain of bird flu. Officials put the ground beef to the test − on a grill, under lab-safe conditions − to encourage consumers to cook their burgers a bit longer amid the ongoing bird flu outbreak .

The lab tests found that retail ground beef cooked to at least medium − meat with an internal temperature of 145 degrees − was safe. Grilling bird flu-infected burgers at medium killed the H5N1 avian influenza. In patties cooked at lower temperatures, including juicy medium-rare ones that clocked in at 120 degrees, the virus remained present in small amounts, federal health officials announced at a news conference Thursday.

Overall, officials emphasized beef is safe if you heat it sufficiently on the grill. Nationally representative samples of beef, officials said, did not appear to show traces of the virus.

“I don’t think that anybody needs to change any safe meat handling or any safe meat practices,” Dr. Eric Deeble, an acting senior adviser for bird flu at the U.S. Department of Agriculture, told reporters in a call Thursday. He added that the USDA has long recommended cooking ground meat , including beef, a bit hotter, to an internal temperature of 160 degrees, which is well done."

The latest findings were part of “scientific inquiry” to further understand how bird flu could enter into the food supply, Deeble said. He added the retail samples the lab team injected with the virus and cooked included ground beef from around the U.S. 

Global public health: WHO's top scientist sounds alarm about bird flu and need for vaccine development

Containing the spread of bird flu in cattle

After one Texas farm worker tested positive for bird flu in March, officials began working to contain any possible spread of the disease. The worker was the second U.S. case, following the infection of a man incarcerated at a Colorado prison in 2022. Health officials have said they believe the risk to human health is low.

Bird flu this year is thought to have spilled over from wild birds to cattle in the Texas Panhandle in late 2023, said Dr. Rosemary Sifford, chief veterinary officer and deputy administrator of veterinary services at USDA. Officials since then have been trying to limit the movement of herds to prevent the further spread of bird flu, which has appeared in nine states and affected 46 herds. Officials are continuing to test for the virus at farms across the U.S. On Thursday, Deeble, the USDA senior adviser, said officials “strongly suspect” the transmission of bird flu from cow to cow can occur from tools used for dairy milk production, including towels, wipes, spray bottles, milking heads and other items that come in direct contact with animals.

In early May, the USDA announced results from retail ground beef samples . All 30 of the samples − from retail outlets in states with dairy cattle herds that tested positive for bird flu − tested negative for the virus, indicating safety has prevailed in the meat supply, according to an announcement. Additional research is looking at whether the virus is present in beef muscle sampled from slaughtered dairy cows that appeared to have pathological respiratory illnesses, akin to the symptoms of bird flu. These tests involved cows in states where herds tested positive for H5N1. The results are forthcoming, USDA said.

Officials also responded to concerns about raw milk consumption and the misconception that drinking raw milk helps build immunity to bird flu. Officials have said when milk is heated during pasteurization it kills pathogens such as H5N1. Raw milk that hasn’t gone through pasteurization does not offer any protection against the virus if it is present. 

Dr. Nirav Shah, principal deputy director at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said it's "erroneous" to think that drinking raw milk will protect you. “There are there are much safer ways to protect oneself, namely avoiding raw milk.”

USDA also announced its investing $22.2 million toward research for preparedness, early detection and rapid response to diseases that threaten U.S. livestock.


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