#100Devs Homework Tracker

New: track classes and homework across all devices.

This tracker is a little tool I built for myself because I didn't keep up with the homework as I watched the videos. (I had some previous experience so this was an intentional choice, I do not recommend it for anyone starting from scratch. Don't watch the Due class until you've done all the homework!) This is just for homework; if you're in need of links to class videos, follow along materials, slides, etc, check out 100 Devs Follow Along or 100 Devs Course List , and huge credit goes to the author of this homework checklist , which I used as my main source of information.

A note regarding the readings: I've seen several people struggling with these. The readings can be dense and you might find some of it goes over your head. That's ok. The readings give context to the classes and you should definitely do them, but it's ok to move on even if you feel like you didn't understand everything. Leon explains everything you really need to know in the classes, and your time is better spent putting more hours into real coding.

The tracker uses localStorage to keep track of checkbox status, so as long as you keep using the same browser, your completions will be tracked. Clearing browsing data or cookies could cause localStorage to be cleared.

* homework for submission

Hide completed

Export Progress | View on Github

Class Due Done Assignment Push Work/Extras Submit
1 3 and submit screenshot of completion page. You can upload your screenshot to or another image hosting service. by Ali Abdaal by Ali Abdaal None
2 4 . It doesn't need to look like the image, you just need to do the HTML structure. Upload your code to . (all 12) None
3 5 and from class 3, HTML only. Upload your code to . None
4 6 , HTML and CSS. Upload your code to . None

See class 5

5 6 , HTML and CSS. Upload your code to . , , Upload your code to . None
6 8 responsive (use floats and 3 media queries). Upload your code to . (all 10) None
7 9 None Nothing to submit
8 12 , , and . & layouts. Upload your code for both of these assignments to . layout

See Class 10

10 12 & layouts. Upload your code to .
12 15 and do the tasks and do the tasks. Screenshot your work or upload to (both sets of tasks). None

See Class 13

13 15 and do the tasks and do the tasks. Screenshot your work or upload to (both sets of tasks). None
15 16 .) None
16 19 ('3, 2, 1... Code!' through 'Write Functions') (Chapters 1 - 3) (1-6)
19 22 and do the tasks and do the tasks EVERY DAY. Spend at least 20 mins trying to solve it before looking at the solution! (The 100 Devs clan name is ) (super hard, do it on Discord together) and then do it AGAIN. None Nothing to submit
22 28 , . If on Windows, please use Git Bash and look into setting up . (whole chapter) and do the tasks

See class 26 (push work only)

25 38 None
26 28 (not all of them work) and build three simple apps using those APIs.
28 30 . ~30 hours to finish whole course - don't pay! (there was a break after class 28 so this is expected to take longer than the normal homework) None Nothing to Submit
29 32 Nothing to Submit
31 36 , , , , .
32 33 None Nothing to Submit
33 35 class from last cohort (he goes fast so slow it down or watch it a couple of times) (the article also links to a video course which is free if you prefer that) (just get through it) and do the tasks Nothing to Submit
35 38 None Nothing to Submit
36 38 easier to read on the topic (SUPER IMPORTANT) None Nothing to Submit
38 39 - More! , , and accounts None Nothing to Submit
39 43 None
43 44 and submit a pull request with your completed code. None
44 49 (THIS IS A BEAST just get through it!) None Nothing to Submit
46 49 None
49 52 None
50 52 Nothing to Submit
52 55 None Nothing to Submit
55 56 and submit a pull request with your completed code. None
56 58 None Nothing to Submit
57 59 None Nothing to Submit
58 61 , Nothing to Submit
61 63 None Nothing to Submit
63 65 None Nothing to Submit

Export Data

Your one stop shop for 100Devs past follow-along materials!

     This site is dedicated to making it easy for the #Catch-upCrew to find the follow-along materials, the homework, and the class files instead of having to rummage through all of the newer discord messages. Which, if you're not in the discord: you should join! Join here. Please note I (Dekota) am not endorsed by, affiliated with, or sponsored by 100Devs or Leon, I merely had difficulty easily finding the class materials and homework for older classes and figured if I had trouble others would too. So I wanted to help others and make it easier for everyone who may not be caught up in the live classes. Read Full Disclaimer Here. With that said, the only non-100Devs links on this website are the link to this project's GitHub page in the footer, the 'Email Me' in the footer for if you have any issues or ideas related to the project, the 'files' link on every class page which go to my google drive that hosts the files provided on the discord, and the 'Other Projects by Dekota' page in the menu if you want to see more projects by me. Everything else directs you directly to 100Devs and Leon's official resources and this website is in no way monetized and never will be. I mention this to maintain 100% transparency about me, Dekota, and this website.

Class Thumbnail

Become A Software Engineer For Free

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Learn More HTML

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Learn CSS Layout

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Lets Review HTML and CSS

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Learn Responsive CSS

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Write Bad CSS

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Networking Night

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Rant and Review

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Learn CSS Layout and Flexbox

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Learn Javascript

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Fun Javascript Examples

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Javascript Functions for Beginners

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How to Start Freelancing

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Learn Javascript Loops

No Normal Class

Networking Night, No Normal Class

Project Night, No Normal Class

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Super Review - Crash Course

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Learn JavaScript Objects!

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More Fun With Objects!

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JavaScript APIs For Beginners!

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Git And Github For Beginners in 2022! Sponsored By Microsoft!

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Fix Your Resume So You Get Tech Interviews!

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Build A Simple App Using APIs!

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Get Data From NASA! Simple Javascript API!

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JavaScript API Practice For Beginners!

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Review The Basics Of JavaScript!

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OOP But It Actually Makes Sense!

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What Is Inheritance & Polymorphism?

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Object Oriented Programming w/ JS Review!

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Secrets To Landing Your First Tech Job!

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Crush Your Technical Interviews!

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Easy Intro to Node!

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JavaScript Crash Course

JavaScript Crash Course!

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JavaScript Event Loop For Beginners!

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No Express! Fullstack App Just Node!

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Build Your Own API HOSTED On Heroku!

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CRUD APIs For Beginners!

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What is MongoDB? CRUD Apps For Beginners!

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Build A Simple CRUD App With Express, MongoDB, & EJS!

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This class hasn't been uploaded to YouTube

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Build Fullstack Apps With Javascript! Easy To Understand! (class 44/45)

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Build A Node.js MVC App! Complete Easy Walkthrough! (class 46/47)

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How To Prepare For #THEHUNT

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Easily Add Authentication To Your Node Apps!

100 Devs Tracker

This is a tracker I created to help keep track of all the work for 100 Devs. 100Devs is a free bootcamp put on by Leon Noel for people affected by the pandemic. More info on the bootcamp and how to join.

  • Watch: https://youtu.be/ukLnPbIffxE
  • Watch: https://youtu.be/Z-zNHHpXoMM
  • Complete: https://www.coursera.org/learn/learning-how-to-learn
  • Read: https://learn.shayhowe.com/html-css/
  • Build: HTML for BBC Website (just what is in the attached image)
  • Watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TiP7aantnvE
  • Watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UzffnbBex6c
  • Try and watch before class (motivation): https://youtu.be/6vuetQSwFW8
  • Read: http://learnlayout.com
  • Do: https://www.typingtest.com (Five Minute Test)
  • Do: Practice Typing: https://www.keybr.com

Try and watch before class (motivation): https://youtu.be/3sK3wJAxGfs Read: https://learn.shayhowe.com/advanced-html-css/responsive-web-design/ Do: Complete The Three Layouts (last few slides)

Try and read before class (motivation): https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/51642/invictus

Do: http://flexboxfroggy.com Read: https://css-tricks.com/snippets/css/a-guide-to-flexbox/

I didn't see any class work listed for 7-9, I will re-check eventually. If you've found it, send me a message and I'll update this.

Read: https://javascript.info/function-expressions + Tasks Read: https://javascript.info/arrow-functions-basics + Tasks Read:https://github.com/thejsway/thejsway/blob/master/manuscript/chapter04.md Do: Delete the JS and do it again for all assignments

7-Hr Front End Review Session


Class 12- (Freelancing)

Slides: https://slides.com/leonnoel/intro-freelancing-100devs/ Create a function that takes in 3 numbers. The function should return the first number multiplied by the second and then subtract the third. Console.log() the resulting value Homework: Watch: F*** You Pay Me - https://youtu.be/jVkLVRt6c1U Do: Setup Your Portfolio Do: Setup Your Proposal & Contract Do: Pick A Vertical and Start Reaching Out

Break Week 1-

Read - https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/51642/invictus Read - https://github.com/bpesquet/thejsway (3, 2, 1... Code! through Write Functions) Read - http://eloquentjavascript.net/3rd_edition/ (Chapters 1 - 3) Do - https://www.codecademy.com/learn/introduction-to-javascript (1-6) Watch - https://youtu.be/SWYqp7iY_Tc Extra Reading: https://jwiegley.github.io/git-from-the-bottom-up/ Don't Do - Play yo self - start early this is a lot and very important for when we come back

Break Week 2-

Read - http://mwkworks.com/desiderata.html Read - https://github.com/bpesquet/thejsway/ (Create your first objects -through- Understand object-oriented programming) Read - http://eloquentjavascript.net/3rd_edition/ (Chapters 4-6) Do - https://javascript30.com/ (1&&2) Do - Host your portfolio Build - A horoscope app where the user can enter their birthday and get their horoscope. There should be minimum 12 unique horoscopes. Build - A simple calculator that has two inputs and returns the result of +,-,/,* somewhere in the DOM

Class 13-14

Today's Challenge Please create a function that takes in two numbers. Print to the console the division of the these two numbers rounded down.

Class 16- Read: https://javascript.info/array-methods Research: Array Methods Do: JS30 Day 04 Array Cardio Read: Ahead on slides and problems (try them too) https://slides.com/leonnoel/javascript-arrays-objects-100devs/live (remove live) Read: https://javascript.info/object Try and read before class (motivation): https://poets.org/poem/dreams (Langston Hughes)

Read: https://javascript.info/array-methods Research: Array Methods Do: JS30 Day 04 Array Cardio Read: https://javascript.info/object Do: All the tasks Do: Three Codewars Fundamentals

Finish: NASA Photos API Read: Pillars of OOP - https://medium.com/@hamzzza.ahmed95/four-pillars-of-object-oriented-programming-oop-e8d7822aa219 Watch / Do: https://youtu.be/PFmuCDHHpwk Watch: https://youtu.be/0fKg7e37bQE Do: Four Codewars Fundamentals Read and do the tasks: https://javascript.info/ Whole Chapter - Objects: the basics

Didn't see anything listed. If you can correct me, send me a message.

Make a rotating list of drinks (an automatic carousel) from the cocktailDB Make the NASA API handle all the data types including video Add an API to your portfolio website Do: A 7kyu Codewars

Make the cocktailDB api work with spaces between the names! Find three APIs and build three simple apps using those APIs (Not all of these work, but it is a start: https://github.com/public-apis/public-apis) Build one additional app that takes a response from one API and uses it to get data from another Do: Five Codewars

Intro to Git and Github: https://aka.ms/ads/Github Build a slot machine: https://github.com/learnwithleon/100devs-slot-machine

DO: TAKE A BREAK DO: Catch Up DO: Intro JS Course - https://www.codecademy.com/learn/introduction-to-javascript (For syntax practice and review - DON'T PAY FOR ANYTHING!)

Watch / Do: https://youtu.be/PFmuCDHHpwk Read / Do: JS Way Ch. 09 (https://github.com/thejsway/thejsway/blob/master/manuscript/chapter09.md) Read / Do: Eloquent JS Ch. 06 (https://eloquentjavascript.net/06_object.html) Do: Make the Pokemon API do something! Do: 7 Codewars DO: Professional Checklist (Will be shared after class)

Didn't see anything listed, if I'm wrong send me a message.

Read / Do: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn/JavaScript/Asynchronous/Async_await Watch / Do: https://youtu.be/vn3tm0quoqE TYPE OUT ALL THE EXAMPLES!!! Want to Push? Read / Do: https://javascript.info/async

Do: Start prepping THE BANK Do: Complete Your Professional Links READ: Modern Javascript For Dinosaurs - https://medium.com/the-node-js-collection/modern-javascript-explained-for-dinosaurs-f695e9747b70 WATCH: Node.js Crash Course (just get through it) - https://youtu.be/fBNz5xF-Kx4 Crafting Your Story Class: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QoweoDsi5ZI

Do: Start prepping THE BANK Do: Complete Your Professional Links READ: Modern Javascript For Dinosaurs - https://medium.com/the-node-js-collection/modern-javascript-explained-for-dinosaurs-f695e9747b70 WATCH: Node.js Crash Course (just get through it) - https://youtu.be/fBNz5xF-Kx4 7-Hr Super Front-End Review Session (zip in downloads—3/14)

Do: Start prepping THE BANK Do: Complete Your Professional Links Do: Make node-backend-simple-json more readable Do: Make a coinflip game where the randomization happens server side Watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8aGhZQkoFbQ Watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cCOL7MC4Pl0 Do: https://zellwk.com/blog/crud-express-mongodb/ (SUPER IMPORTANT)

Tonight we start building REAL STUFF! By the end of class you will know how to build your own API that is hosted on Heroku and available for anyone to access! What will you do with this new found power? Do: Start prepping THE BANK Do: Complete Your Professional Links Create: Heroku, Mongo Atlas, and Postman Accounts Read: Node.js and Express (Fullstack Open - https://fullstackopen.com/en/part3/node_js_and_express) Do: Make Your Own API and Push To Heroku

Tonight we add MongoDB, EJS, and more Express into the mix to build apps that can create, read, and delete! Come BUILD REAL FULLSTACK APPS! The last #100Devs class can be found here: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/960622601 Front-end Crash Course can be found here: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/949278313 Here is the link to the checklist: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1L2vTX3qvLhoGHeG5cVD2ljCfRGr1uJ_Gf-hNZj9KzTg Here is the link to THE BANK: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1p7DhCsLOMMybYfePWLlD1-_8KU20zkBoArH4pnW1o3c Here is my code from tonight: -go to Discord- Rap Node w/ Express APP: https://github.com/100devs/rap-names-express (npm install and change the dbConnectionStr to your own) PRs for a Readme File that explains how to npm install and connect your own DB welcome! ⭐️ HOMEWORK DUE (Tuesday): Do: Start prepping THE BANK Do: Complete Your Professional Links Create: Heroku, Mongo Atlas, and Postman Accounts Read: Node.js and Express (Fullstack Open - https://fullstackopen.com/en/part3/node_js_and_express) Read: https://zellwk.com/blog/crud-express-mongodb Do: Make Your Own APP and Push To Heroku

Code for today: https://github.com/100devs/rap-names-express ⭐️ HOMEWORK DUE (Today): Do: Make Your Own APP and Push To Heroku Submit here please: https://github.com/100devs/simple-express-app-submission HOMEWORK DUE (Thursday): Do: Make aAFullstack Todo List and Push To Heroku

Do: Make A Fullstack Todo List and Push To Heroku Watch: https://youtu.be/SBvmnHTQIPY (Node.js App From Scratch | Express, MongoDB & Google OAuth) THIS IS A BEAST just get through it, so all the topics are not brand new on Tuesday!

Comment the Todolist Code: https://github.com/100devs/todolist-live-review Fork it, comment every line, and submit a PR please Here is the VOD where we code it from scratch: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/976816027 Read Zell's REST API article: https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2018/01/understanding-using-rest-api/ Watch DevMarketer's MVC video: https://youtu.be/1IsL6g2ixak For Homework, please: Finish Brad's Video (just get through it - it's a beast): https://youtu.be/SBvmnHTQIPY Dream of a MVC Todolist with Authentication (seriously - daydream if it doesn't come up in your actual dreams) Links from today: Slides: https://slides.com/leonnoel/100devs-study-time/live Link to join the stream team: https://forms.gle/LcnfRn6NMJqbto6q6

Let's add some Architecture to our Node Apps Tonight! MVC or bust! See you soon! Please check-in by liking and retweeting this tweet before class: https://twitter.com/leonnoel/status/1380271834545811461 Code for today: https://github.com/100devs/todo-mvc Do: Finish Brad's Video (just get through it - it's a beast): https://youtu.be/SBvmnHTQIPY Do: Dream of a MVC Todolist with Authentication (seriously - daydream if it doesn't come up in your actual dreams)

Microsoft Sponsored Class Code for today: https://github.com/100devs/todo-mvc-auth-microsoft

Microsoft Sponsored Class Part 2 Code for during class: https://github.com/leonnoel/todo-mvc-auth-microsoft Code for after class: https://github.com/100devs/todo-mvc-auth-microsoft Here are the slides if you would like to follow along: https://slides.com/leonnoel/100devs-todo-list-microsoft-part2

Short Class on Getting a Job

100 Devs by Leon Noel Top

100 devs homework checklist

100Devs Q&A

The 100Devs discord can be overwhelming and intimidating to new joiners. I've seen many of the same questions asked repeatedly because there isn't a dedicated info page. The answers to all of the most commonly asked questions can be found below!

100Devs Social Media Links:

  • When's the next Cohort/Cohort 3?
There are currently NO plans for a third cohort. Leon is trying to finish putting programs in place to support the current cohort and set up 100Maintainers. Once all those things are in place, there MAY be a third cohort.
  • How can I be successful with 100Devs?
Be Consistent. Manage Frustrations. Take Care Of Yourself.
  • Is the 100Devs program self-paced?
Yes you can absolutely go at your own pace.
  • Can I participate in the cohort without a computer/on my phone?
It will be very difficult to complete the program without a computer. Leon's suggestion is to try and find a used cheaper laptop to code on, you do not need the best hardware to code on! There ARE some resources for coding on mobile that may help. See Resources at the bottom of the page for links.
  • Am I too old to learn programming/get a job?
  • Can you really get a job without a CS degree?
Yes! Many people in tech have taken a non-traditional path to get there. Check out the celebrations channel where there are many stories from those who do not have CS degrees and got jobs.
  • Is it possible to get a remote job?
Yes, especially since the pandemic when many companies were forced to transition to a mostly remote way of doing business. Every company became a tech company!
  • What should I do if I have free time?
  • Do we get a certificate at the end of the program?
A certificate of completion will be available to those who successfully finished the program. This is confirmed by your attendance and homework submissions.
  • How can I help?
Answer questions in the help channels on discord!
  • How do I donate money?
You don't! Please volunteer your time in the help channels on discord. Helping others learn and pulling them up with you as you go is the goal.
  • How long will the discord be up?
The discord will stay open. All materials and links will continue to be available.
  • Why can't I see all the channels?
Double check that you've clicked the appropriate emojis in the Rules channel and the Join 100Devs channel to unlock the channels in the discord.
  • Where is catchup-crew?
The catchup-crew channel is beneath the 100Devs section of the discord. If you can't see it, double check that you've clicked the appropriate emojis in the Rules channel and the Join 100Devs channel to unlock the channels in the discord.
  • Why is no one answering my question in the help channels?
Check to see that your question is clear. If it's code related please share your code in a codepen or on github and NOT in screenshots. Be specific about what you need help with. And sometimes you just need to try posting again.
  • Can we record Tea Spills/Twitter Spaces?
No, they are meant to be listened to live. People are often sharing personal information that they might not otherwise disclose if it were recorded. These events are not recorded and saved to maintain privacy.


  • How do I submit screenshots for homework?
Use a site like imgbb to host the image, then share the link in the homework submission form. See the Resources section below for a link to imgbb.
  • Where can I find the links to submit homework?
All the links are in the follow-along-materials channel on discord. There are also several resources that have compiled them in an easy to find manner, please see the resource section below for links.
  • Where can I find the files for class?
All the files are available to download in the follow-along-materials channel on discord. They have also been compiled in the 100Devs Follow-Along site for each class that has files, there is a link in the Resources section below.
  • When can I use my Twitch channel points?
Points can be redeemed anytime Leon is live on Twitch.
  • Are classes recorded?
Yes. Classes are only available on Twitch initially, and as they expire from Twitch they will be uploaded to YouTube.
  • Are office hours?
No. Office hours are available on Twitch only until they expire, with the exception of Super Reviews which are added to YouTube.
  • Where can I host my website?
For a static site you can use Netlify's free hosting. See the Resources section below for a link.
  • Now that Heroku no longer has a free tier, where should I host my apps?
The three most common recommendations are Cyclic, Render, and Railway. They are all free to use, but they each have their limitations. See the Resources section below for links.
  • Why can't we watch a video on ______ instead of reading?
Being a software engineer means you need to know how to learn, and be able to read through things like documentation which will often be long and tedious to get through. Consider the readings good practice for your future job.
  • I'm having a hard time with the Shay Howe reading, do I really need to do it?
  • Where can I find an Anki deck?
Your deck(s) should be personal and unique to you. As you work through the readings and lessons, add cards for vocabulary, things you found confusing, need more repetition on, or want to memorize. Anki is such a big part of learning, don't skimp out on making cards, this is one area where it's really important to do the work yourself.
  • I don't like Anki, are there alternatives?
Yes, two good alternatives that are also based on spaced repetition are Zorbi and Mochi Cards. See the Resources section below for links.
  • Do I really need to do the Learning How To Learn class on Coursera?
There is a REALLY good reason this is one of the first assignments. The skills you will learn about in that course are absolutely crucial to your success in learning. It is also part of the homework to submit the completion of the course in a screenshot, so you need to complete it in order to do that.
  • What is BANKI?
BANKI is just Anki cards made from the BANK document that lists out interview preparation questions. Please see the Resources section below for a link to the BANK.
  • What is CAR?
CAR is the format you should use to answer your BANKI questions. It stands for Cause Action Result.
  • What is PREP?
PREP is the method you should use to work through whiteboarding or coding challenges for interviews. It stands for Parameters, Return, Examples, Pseudo Code.
  • Should I learn this other language/framework/stack/etc?
No, wait until you get a job and pay you to learn. Go deep not wide. The skills we learn in this program are easily transferred to other stacks etc if necessary later for your job.
  • Why do I need to learn floats if they are outdated?
Floats are good to learn specifically because they are old. Your first dev job assignment might have you working on old code that uses floats, and you should have an understanding of how they work.

Catch-Up Crew

  • Should I do the homework, even if I'm behind?
Yes, doing and submitting the homework is how Leon will know in the future if you did all the work. If you ever need reference Leon will need to be able to check that you did the assignments in order to vouch for you.
  • Where can I find the homework?
All homework and links are available in the follow-along-materials channel on discord. There are also several resources that have compiled them in an easy to find manner, please see the Resources section below for links.
  • How do I do the team projects if I'm in catchup-crew?
Try posting in the catchup-crew channel on discord to see if anyone else who is caught up around the same class as you who also needs to do a group project.
  • Should I still check in on twitter if I'm in catch-up crew?
Checking in at the beginning of the program is how Leon tracks attendance, so yes.

Networking/Job Hunt

  • What do I say when asked about 100Devs in an interview?
100Devs is an Agency with a training program.
  • What do we say to recruiters when we're not ready to interview yet?
I am not currently pursuing new opportunities at this time, but I would be happy to reconnect with you again in three months. Can we set up a time to talk three months from now?
  • How do I find people to have coffee chats with?
If you are on twitter you can interact with people for a time, and then reach out to them for a chat. If you are job hunting you can target companies and reach out to engineers that work there. Local meetups and dev conferences are also great resources when available.
  • How do I find a mentor?
Leon does not recommend specifically searching out someone to be your mentor because of the power dynamic imbalance. When networking you should just be looking to make friends.
  • How do I find clients?
Tell everyone you know that you're looking for a client. Post on all your social media. Post on craigslist. Look for local groups for small businesses.
  • What are some questions I can ask in an interview??
There are questions at the bottom of the BANK document. See the Resources section below for a link. You can also google "reverse interview" questions to find more.
  • What is Huntober?
Huntober was held during the month of October 2022 and as a support to members of the last cohort in the job hunt.
  • Do I need a portfolio?
Yes, a portfolio is necessary for anyone who doesn't know how to code to see your work, see that you know how to build websites and applications, and can then pass you on to the people who do code.
  • My anxiety makes networking hard, what else can I do?
Do the most you are comfortable with. If you can't do video calls you can still connect through messages etc. Just remember that networking is the most successful path to getting a job.
  • How do I find local meetups to network?
Look for local groups on sites like meetup.com
  • What do I do if there are no local dev groups near me?
There are frequently online meetups you can join, as well as virtual conferences which often have networking options.

Social Media

  • Do I need to have a LinkedIn?
Not necessarily, but it will help immensely.
  • Do I need to make a new Github/Twitter/LinkedIn account?
No, unless you have some sort of content that a potential employer would take issue with, just use your current account.
  • Why haven't I been added to the 100Devs LinkedIn group?
People are usually added to the group every few weeks, so you may just need to be patient. Otherwise check your profile, you must have a photo and a title. The picture is recommended to be a headshot, but it does not need to be. Any picture will do.
  • What do I put on my LinkedIn if I don't want my current employer to see it?
There is a setting for your profile to show that you are Open To Work only to recruiters. Don't add people you work with to your LinkedIn.
  • What is the process to follow up after a coffee chat?
Send them a thank you email the next day, email should be in the format of Thank/Ask/Provide Value. 3 days later add them on LinkedIn WITH A MESSAGE. Never send a connection request without a message. 3 days later add them on twitter, if you aren't already following them.
  • What are appropriate times to follow up after an interview?
Send a thank you note within 24-48 hours. If you haven't heard back in 3-5 days, send another email.
  • 100Devs Follow-Along - Resource with classess and HW links grouped together
  • 100Devs Homework Tracker - site to keep track of homework, includes submission links
  • 100Devs Email Templates - Networking Templates and Email Etiquette
  • BANKI - Interview Prep Questions
  • Zorbi - Spaced Repetition alternative on Desktop, IO,S and Android
  • Mochi Cards - Spaced Repetition alternative on Desktop, IOS, and Android
  • Codepen - Online Code Editor
  • Replit - Browser Based IDE
  • Replit Mobile - Replit Mobile App for IOS and Android
  • imgbb - free image host
  • Contract Killer - contract for freelancing
  • HTML5Up - free to use website templates for your portfolio or freelancing
  • Netlify - free hosting for static sites
  • Render - free hosting for full stack apps
  • Railway - free hosting for full stack apps
  • Cyclic - free hosting for full stack apps
  • © 2022 - All Rights Reserved

Leon Noel

Leon Noel @leonnoel

Managing Director of Engineering @ Resilient Coders . Distinguished Faculty @ General Assembly . My passion is training people underrepresented in tech for high growth careers as software engineers.

Recieve new posts via email

© Leon Noel 2021

I want to help you become a software engineer for free.

Last year I ran a free fully remote coding bootcamp that helped 72 people get software engineering jobs. Those 72 people saw their salary increase on average by 53,000 dollars! And we are doing it again! A fully free 30 week software engineering bootcamp!

Note: This bootcamp started in January, but you can still join us! Please follow everything on this page and then join the #catchup-crew on our Discord! All of our past classes can be found here and all the materials can be found in the #follow-along-materials channel on Discord ! Excited to have you join us!

Most folx who participated last cohort did not have a degree and had never coded before joining the bootcamp. By the end of program, they worked with real paid clients, contributed to open source software, voluntered with wonderful charities, built their own fullstack javascript projects, and ultimately landed jobs at companies like Amazon, Twitter, Chownow, other amazing startups, and dozens of companies across the globe.

Here are what folx have to say about the bootcamp: #100Devs Love

“I was in a dead end job at 30, married starting a family. Was trying to make a change, then the pandemic hit and I tossed around the idea of learning to program. I saw Leon’s post on reddit and thought it was a scam I’m not gunna lie. Through his lessons and hard work and many many frustrated nights I’m a software engineer. Its all thanks to Leon and 100Devs my life has completely changed.” - Izzy, Nation Safe Drivers

“Taking part in #100devs was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. The community is second to none, and Leon is extremely knowledgeable and motivating. Absolutely amazing experience.” - Maria, IQ, inc.

“Leon’s #100devs community gave me the framework and the accountability I needed to keep going, especially in those rocky early days when I had no clue what I was getting myself into. Leon gave me the courage to seek freelance clients and network my ass off to land my first job. I more than doubled my income and escaped a career that was going to break me and leave me on disability before I’d ever be able to retire.” - Sam, Hashnode

We’ll meet live every Tuesday and Thursday from 6:30pm EST to 9:30pm EST with office hours on Sunday from 1pm EST to 4pm EST. The goal is to give folks who have been laid off, affected by the pandemic, or unhappy with their current career the tools they need to command a job in software engineering.

This course is taught live and demands 20+ hours a week of your time. I’ve helped thousands of people learn to code and helped hundreds get jobs as software engineers. This is my form of activism and the course is completely free! In fact, I will never even share a resource that you can’t access for free too!

If you would like to join, please complete these taks: https://gleam.io/e6AV3/100devs-signup

Fill out this form : https://forms.gle/A4fiw6rM4ukX1eJG7

And be sure to join our Discord , where all the course materials will be posted and you will find 31,000+ folx ready to help you on your engineering journey: https://leonnoel.com/discord

Make sure you agree to the rules (must click the green check mark) and click the icons in the #join-100Devs channel. This will give you full access and place you into House Hamilton to start for support!

If you don’t click the three icons, you will not see every channel on Discord

The form asks for a short 2 minute recorded video of why this bootcamp is right for you if you would like to be eligable for House Turing (Be sure to include your name in the video. If you do not have the means to record video, please reach out for an alternative request. To learn more about the houses, see the FAQ below).

This program is 100% free, so to keep the barrier to entry a little high we ask folx to complete all the above tasks. I hope you see this a necessary process to find folx super committed to changing their future.

Also, if you think this is too good to be true or want to see if it is for you. You can view EVERY CLASS from the past cohort here .

A little about me:

I’m Managing Director of Engineering for Resilient Coders . Our job is to get BIPOC into high paying careers as software engineers. We’re pretty damn good at it too. Last year 100% of our graduates, most of whom do not have degrees or prior experience, went on to get full time offers at an average starting salary of $94,000. No bullshit or funny business. I’m also a Distinguished Faculty Member at General Assembly were I’ve been helping folks learn to code for the past 9 years. You can see a sampling of my classes taught at Harvard, MIT, and elsewhere here and reviews from my past students here .

What to expect:

We’ll have class two nights a week with the expectation that you come prepared and have done the assigned reading ahead of time. I like to use lecture as a means of exploration and not dictation, but that only works if you come prepared. The first half of class will be exploring new topics and the second half will be lab. During lab, you will tackle what we just covered by building. You’ll never just listen to me and then sign off. You’ll have real time guidance / feedback and a chance to have all your questions answered.

This course is designed to give you the skills you will need to pursue a career as a software engineer, but will only work if you are committed and ready to put in serious work.

Why am I doing this:

My activism is teaching. I want to help folks affected by the pandemic and those under represented in tech. The bootcamps I run are either very selective or expensive, so I am hoping to help in the best way I know how by offering a software engineering course for free.


I like to joke, curse, and have fun. I do the same thing in my classroom. I value learning over nit picky correctness. If any of these things bother you, this course might not be the best fit.

Here are the videos from my most recent classes.

These should give you a good idea of my teaching style and what to expect.

If you have questions, please join our discord (leonnoel.com/discord) and ask in the #100Devs channel.

I’m looking for #100Devs to learn the skills they need and unlock a phenomenal career. I hope you will be one of them!

Some commonly ask questions:

1. What is #100Devs?

An online, free, 30 week bootcamp, meant to bring you from zero programming skills to employable taught by Leon Noel . Please join our Discord for the most up to date information.

2. When and where are classes hosted?

Tuesdays & Thursdays, 6:30PM - 9:30PM Eastern Time. They are hosted live on Twitch

Any variations from schedule will be announced in advance. Please keep an eye on the announcements channel of the discord and on your email.

3. When are office hours?

Sunday, 1:00PM Eastern Time. Office hours will normally go for 2-3 hours and are hosted live on Twitch

4. How does the program work for a newcomer?

Fill out this form: https://forms.gle/A4fiw6rM4ukX1eJG7

And be sure to join our Discord , where all the course materials will be posted and you will find 4000+ folx ready to help you on your engineering journey: https://leonnoel.com/discord

You will be a part of Hamilton House, one of three ‘houses’ in this bootcamp. All of our materials will be posted in the discord for you to code along, get homework assignments, and get support from your peers.

Please tune in on Twitch to watch the lectures live. Any missed lectures can also be viewed on Twitch , or on Youtube

5. What will we learn?

All the fundamental skills you need to unlock a career as a software engineer. Also, the practical skills you need to learn HTML, CSS, Javascript, React, Node, Express, MongoDB, and some CS theory.

6. What will be expected of me?

If you want to gain the most of the course, you should attend class, do the assigned homework, get involved in networking, and participate in the provided coding challenges.

You will be asked to check-in for each class by retweeting a tweet on Twitter. This is how we take attendance.

You should expect to spend 10+ hours per week, outside of class, for practice/homework/networking/etc.

The biggest factor in your success is you. Work hard, ask for help when you need it, give help to others when you can, and stay positive.

7. What equipment will I need?

You will need a functional computer, an internet browser, and some form of text editor. For text editors, I will use Visual Studio Code on stream, but Atom, Sublime Text, or any other text editor will do.

YOU DO NOT NEED A NEW COMPUTER! If it can run chrome, it is good enough to learn all the way up to you getting a job. Hopefully, your new employer will then give a new machine for work.

8. How do I use Discord?

Please see the beginner’s guide to Discord for help.

There are a lot of channels in the discord. Please try to post your messages in the channel that makes the most sense to ensure your message isn’t missed (for example, if you having an issue with a javascript question, post it in the #javascript-help channel).

The #100Devs family is big, so you may need to adjust your notification settings. Please see Discord’s guide to notifications for help.

9. How do I use Twitch? What are ‘channel points’?

Simply go here at class time to watch the live stream. You can ask questions directly in the Twitch chat.

Channel points are accumulated by watching the stream. They will be visible right below the chat bar. If you click there, you will see things you can redeem with your channel points, including resume reviews, portfolio reviews, mock interviews, and more! You can see Twitch’s official guide to channel points here .

10. What are the ‘houses’?

House Turing, House Hopper, and House Hamilton.

Turing has access to Leon as a reference, resume and portfolio reviews, mock interviews, and a private house channel in the discord. Turing also has mandatory requirements of attendance, networking, and coding challenges. Failure to meet these requirements may result in being moved to House Hopper.

Hopper can use channel points for reviews and interviews, and has their own private house channel in the discord. Those in House Hopper that would like to move to House Turing for the extra perks, please keep doing all of the obligations and as people move out of Turing, those in Hopper who are demonstrating dedication will be moved in.

House Hamilton has the flexibility to follow along with the bootcamp without the same level of commitment as Turing and Hopper. Hamilton can use their channel points for Turing benefits

11. What happens if I miss a stream, or want to catch up on a the old ones?

They will still be visible on Twitch here , and they will be up on YouTube within a few days.

12. Where do I go when I have a question?

Please use the appropriate help channel on Discord. If you have something that can only be answered by Leon, then please use the #ask-Leon channel. You can also check out the #resources channel for helpful links. If you are looking for a specific resource, please ask.

Thank you, Alissa for helping compile these questions / answers!

100Devs Homework sheet

A google doc with all the follow along materials from 100devs. it includes all the homework, links for the code +solutions +descriptions of the classes in an organized table., engineering , web development , internet , learn to code.

100 Devs 2022 Guide by Africa Kenyah @codingtherapist :)

Class Materials



(Due Tuesday - Jan. 18th):

Watch: https://youtu.be/ukLnPbIffxE

Watch: https://youtu.be/Z-zNHHpXoMM

Complete: https://www.coursera.org/learn/learning-how-to-learn




Due Tuesday - Jan. 18th:

Due Thursday - Jan. 20th:

Read: https://learn.shayhowe.com/html-css/

Build: HTML for BBC Website (just what is in the attached image)

USE: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML




Submit Homework Due Today:

Take a screenshot of your Coursera Learning How To Learn Completion

Upload to https://imgbb.com/

Submit The Link Here: https://forms.gle/9FYrUMFKMk4MpEZG7

For Homework:

Due Tuesday - Jan. 25th:

Read: https://learnlayout.com/

Finish: Labs From Class-03 - BBC, Khan Academy, Tech Crunch



Place your BBC HTML in a https://glitch.com/

Submit the URL here: https://forms.gle/inMYVvbEZt2fmzng9

Due Thursday - Jan. 27th

Do: Finish Simple Site Lab from class-04 (HTML & CSS)

Read: http://learnlayout.com/

Do: https://www.typingtest.com/ (Five Minute Test)

Do: Practice Typing - https://www.keybr.com/

Finish: Labs From Class-03 - BBC, Khan Academy, Tech Crunch (JUST HTML)




Place your Khan Academy & Tech Crunch HTML in separate glitch.com

Submit the URL here: https://forms.gle/w9Awq51mxmcYHy4h7

Do: https://www.typingtest.com/

(Five Minute Test)

Do: Complete The Three Layouts (last few slides)

Read: https://learn.shayhowe.com/advanced-html-css/responsive-web-design

Due Thursday (Feb. 3rd)-

Read: https://learn.shayhowe.com/advanced-html-css/

Other work will be assigned, but nothing due Tuesday specifically of next week


Solutions: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/738891289071714388/935737646347616337/class05-solutions.zip



Place your Three Layouts and Simple Site Lab in separate codepen.io, glitch.com, or replit.com

Submit the URLs here: https://forms.gle/rvPhDrbp56DQKgPaA

Do: Make 15 minutes of pain responsive

Nothing due Tuesday specifically of next week





Do: Make 15 minutes of pain responsive (3 media queries and using floats)

Homework (Due Tuesday - Feb. 8th):

Read: css-tricks.com/snippets/css/a-guide-to-flexbox

Do: http://flexboxfroggy.com/

Watch: Independence Day

Do: Layout Assignment (will share Thursday)

No homework due today!





Submit Your Homework:

Place your 15 minutes of pain responsive in a https://codepen.io/ and submit the URLs here: https://forms.gle/AaoHzDEXm3Hjc7JL8

Homework (Due Thursday - Feb. 10th):

Do: The 3 layouts we did in class

Do: The Level Ground & Source Layouts in the homework-layout-photos

Push?: Do Pushwork Homepage and add media queries to other layouts




Homework (Due Tuesday - Feb. 15th EXTRA WEEKEND):


Homework (Due Thursday - Feb. 17th EXTRA TIME):

Do: The Level Ground, Source, Restaurant, Hair Salon Layouts in the homework-layout-photos

Watch: https://youtu.be/hdI2bqOjy3c



Homework (Due Thursday - Feb. 17th):

Want More Flexbox?:








Place your layouts in a https://codepen.io/ and submit the URLs here: https://forms.gle/7r1obfquRuih9BEu7

Homework (Due Tuesday - Feb. 22nd):

Do: Plan out your networking!

Read: https://javascript.info/variables + Tasks

Read: https://javascript.info/function-basics + Tasks

Do: Delete the JS and do it again for all assignments

Do: Something special for yourself this weekend




Play with any of the JS and make changes? Place your javascript changes in a https://codepen.io/ and submit the URLs here: https://forms.gle/G7LhHnyTA7zYq7UV6

Homework (Due Tuesday - Mar. 1st):


Read: https://javascript.info/function-expressions + Tasks

Read: https://javascript.info/arrow-functions-basics + Tasks






No Homework To Turn In Tonight!

Homework (Due Thursday - Mar. 2nd):










100Devs Homework sheet
Tags , , ,
Published 06/05/2024, 19:28:06

UX Designer: 0 - 1 Study Guide [@udezekene]

DEV Community

DEV Community


Posted on Jan 29, 2022 • Updated on Feb 14, 2022 • Originally published at codewithfan.hashnode.dev

Three Weeks and Beyond with #100Devs

Woah! We finally made it through three weeks of #100Devs Cohort 2, and are proficient to lay down serious vomity code to create a webpage with HTML & CSS. If I were to talk to my past self three weeks ago and say, "You are going to be able to create something out of nothing in three weeks. Trust me!", I would have laughed.

In today's blog, I am covering what I have learned so far in the past three weeks of #100Devs to become an employed Full Stack Software Developer.

⚠ Please, feel free to provide any feedback/comment/likes/dislikes on this or any blog I post. It can make me unlock the new potential to become a better blogger. 👍🏾

💡 "I want to help you become a Software Engineer for free" - Leon Noel

Class one was the most hype and watched stream in the Software & Game Development category on Twitch...EVER! A total of 7K+ Software Engineers tuned in live to figure out if:

  • Is the #100Devs Bootcamp real?
  • What's the catch of a free Bootcamp?
  • Am I ready to become a Software Engineer ?

If you answered "Yes" to all three questions, you faced homework the very first class:

  • Learning How to Learn
  • How to Study for Exams, by Ali Abdaal
  • Space Repetition, by Ali Abdaal

The objective was to complete four weeks of learning how to learn in one week and supplement the course with Ali Abdaal's how-to-study videos. I discovered that I was learning new things wrong and that utilizing active recall and spaced repetition is the key to retaining anything.

Introducing Anki ! Anki is an intelligent flashcard reader that allows you to create, organize, and study decks of cards. This is a tool that is meant to be used not only for the cohort but for life! The game plan is while you are reading/learning life, Anki is your best friend in creating your flashcards to perform active recall later, then do it again, and again...and again 😂

The second set of homework, which set me in the trough of sorrow (yes, you Shay) was:

  • [Learn to Code HTML & CSS 💀( https://learn.shayhowe.com/html-css/ )
  • Intro to using MDN DOCS


Since learning from The Odin Project , I was familiar with adding HTML semantics to the BBC Homework Assignment . The trough of sorrow hit me like a train when reading 12 lessons back to back and creating various flashcards on Anki. Because I have not been in a structured learning environment in seven years, paying attention and staying focused was no easy task. Thankfully, I was able to complete the lessons using the Pomodoro Technique , or in my case, Animedoro.

so leon mentioned "animedoro"... sounds like a distraction but I won't knock it until I try it. 😂 maybe 35 on, 25 off with death note. any #100Devs have a favorite anime series they recommend? pic.twitter.com/A0VFWmyUQA — stefan 🍍 ( @codewithfan ) January 17, 2022
💡 "Leon Noel is a Pokemon Master"

We made it out alive of the first week of #100Devs. Some were able to submit their Coursera homework on time while others were still catching up with Barbara.

For Class 3 - Tuesday's class, we reviewed the following:

Forms: <form action="/my-handling-form-page" method="post"></form>

Input Types

Screen Shot 2022-01-29 at 6.42.24 PM.png

In addition, we went over how Leon approaches a webpage if he were to create its HTML. The homework assigned was to re-create the Khan Academy , Tech Crunch webpage using only HTML, and learn how to do layouts on learnlayout.com .

Class 4, we dived into the nitty-gritty of CSS fundamentals such as:

  • Where should you style your CSS?
  • How do you link your HTML & CSS together?

Screen Shot 2022-01-29 at 7.29.18 PM.png

  • Classes, IDs, and basic properties

Screen Shot 2022-01-29 at 7.30.31 PM.png

To conclude week 2, we were given the task to use HTML & CSS to create a simple lab site

Screen Shot 2022-01-29 at 8.07.15 PM.png

💪🏽 "We don't get got. We go get!"

Classes 5 and 6 are where we put our true learning abilities to the test. This week, we discussed:

Screen Shot 2022-01-29 at 8.19.41 PM.png

  • created basic layouts

Screen Shot 2022-01-29 at 8.20.29 PM.png

After completing the three layouts, the next objective is to read and dive into Responsive Web Design. From my foxhole, it means creating websites so they are accessible and viewable across all devices and platforms. Our resource is to learn from the superstar Shay Howe: Learning to Code Advanced HTML & CSS , but supplement with the MDN Docs as well. Once all understood, the goal is to make the three layouts responsive, like how Nicole did!

Day 19 of #100DaysofCode : #100Devs assignment today. @leonnoel said we needed to make it responsive. It's definitely responding. 😅 pic.twitter.com/zM56c8T6Zv — Nicole Barnabee (@NicoleBarnabee) January 28, 2022

That's all friends!

No joke, this was difficult to write. Writing is an art I want to continue to practice while on the #100Dev journey. I will post a weekly recap of the lessons at the end of each week. If you have any questions, comments, concerns, feedback , do let me know. Until next time ~

This is where you can find me → Twitter , LinkedIn !

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karanjamadar profile image

How to create service like Amazon S3 image upload for free using GitHub.

Karan - Jun 6

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Parallel Sub-tests in Go: A Cautionary Tale

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🧠 50 Articles to Level Up

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CSS Grid vs. Flexbox: Unleashing the Secrets to a Truly Responsive Website

Wafa Bergaoui - Jun 5

DEV Community

We're a place where coders share, stay up-to-date and grow their careers.

Get the Reddit app

A subreddit dedicated to questions and discussions about coding bootcamps. Irrelevant content and referral discount links will be deleted and might get you banned.

Has anyone here done the full #100devs program and then arrived in a full-time programming career?

I see a LOT of people recommending #100devs. I teach web dev, so naturally, I'm interested in various teaching styles. I checked it out a few times over the last year or so. Leon seems like a super nice guy. I watched a bunch of the videos. I've done some of the assignments. I've seen how the discord works. I've spent some time with it. There are certainly some interesting ways to keep people engaged.

There are a lot of people around here recommending it - even though they haven't done the school themselves. I get the feeling that people who went to a pricey boot camp aren't that enthusiastic about paying back their loans - and kinda have that feeling (now that they already know the stuff) - that they could have learned it for free with #100devs. Is that true? I haven't met anyone who's gone through the whole thing (yet).

I'm curious to hear what students have to say and to see their work/outcomes.

What makes #100devs a "boot camp" any more than a YouTube series or a Udemy course - or a book? What are your favorite parts? How would you describe the average timeline? Who would you say it's best suited for?

100 devs homework checklist

🎤🔥Shawn Charles' Links

Main Resources

100 devs homework checklist

#100Devs - How to join?

100 devs homework checklist

Join the Learn w/ Leon & Friends Discord Server!

100 devs homework checklist

All Videos on Youtube

100 devs homework checklist

Professional Checklist

Networking Skills

100 devs homework checklist

Become A Software Engineer For Free 2022 (Class 01) - 100Devs

100 devs homework checklist

Networking Night! Free Software Engineering Bootcamp! (class 09) - #100Devs

100 devs homework checklist

How To Start Freelancing in 2022! Free Software Engineering Bootcamp! (class 15) - #100Devs

100 devs homework checklist

Fix Your Resume So You Get Tech Interviews! (class 25) - #100Devs

100 devs homework checklist

Why You Are Not Getting Interviews! Secrets To Landing Your First Tech Job (Class 33) - #100Devs

100 devs homework checklist

Crush Your Technical Interviews! Secrets To Landing Your First Tech Job (Class 34) - #100Devs

100 devs homework checklist

Blogging For Developers! Sponsored by Hashnode! (Class 62) - #100Devs

100 devs homework checklist

Starting THE HUNT🎤🔥

Web Development

100 devs homework checklist

Let's Review HTML & CSS! Free Software Engineering Bootcamp! (class 06) - #100Devs

100 devs homework checklist

Frontend Crash Course in 2022! Free Software Engineering Bootcamp! (SUPER REVIEW) - #100Devs

100 devs homework checklist

JavaScript Crash Course in 2022! Free Coding Bootcamp! #100Devs

100 devs homework checklist

Git And Github For Beginners in 2022! Sponsored By Microsoft! (class 24) - #100Devs

100 devs homework checklist

Back-end Crash Course - Start Your Free Coding Bootcamp Journey Here! #100Devs (HTML, CSS, & JS)

100 devs homework checklist

Introduction To Data Structures And Algorithms 2021 (Class 57 - 54,55,56 no lecture) - #100Devs

#100Devs Logo

Education should be free, but not everyone can afford free

Our training program is 100% free. You can learn to code and get an amazing job through live instruction with an amazing community. For those that need it, we also offer a way to earn while you learn through building real code for real clients.

About us

Next Cohort Starts Early May Join our community today.

100Devs training program is fiscally sponsored by the Open Collective Foundation 501(c)(3). We’ve helped thousands of people learn to code and helped hundreds get jobs as software engineers.

Actually Learn This Time

750+ Hours Of Live Instruction

Learning by yourself is hard. With 100Devs you will finally have a consistent schedule, your questions answered in real-time, and a community that wants to see you succeed.

Product screenshot

Real experience

Work With Real Clients

Learning to code is not enough. All of our graduates have worked with real clients and gained real experience before applying to jobs.

The world's most innovative companies hire our graduates

Linkedin logo

Learn faster, together

Community Taught

You can learn this stuff anywhere, but what makes 100Devs different is our community. We are committed to building a safe inclusive community of software engineers. We live by one major rule, “Be Kind, or Get The Fuck Out”.

Here when you need us most

Daily Job Support

Support doesn’t stop at graduation. Our community is there until you get the job.

Anyone Anywhere

Our community spans across the globe. Together, we leverage our collective expertise to empower others to learn, build, and grow into phenomenal software engineers.


Grassroots Orgs Helped

Open Source Contributors

Hours of live instruction

In freelancing client work secured


In Software Engineering Salaries

Members ready to help

Your Instructors

We’re a collective of individuals who are passionate about helping you succeed, but these are the folx who lead our core classes.

Leon Image

Teacher & Founder, 100Devs

Leon Noel is a software engineer, entrepreneur, and educator with a passion for training people underrepresented in tech for high growth careers as software engineers. As Managing Director of Engineering for Resilient Coders, Leon has helped train and place hundreds of Black and Brown engineers into family sustaining engineering roles. Before Resilient Coders, he co-founded SocialSci, a scientific surveying platform relied upon by over 4,000 academic institutions and held an associate position at Harvard University. He is a regular lecturer at Harvard Business School, a guest lecturer at MIT Sloan School of Business, and a Distinguished Faculty Member at General Assembly.

Claire Image

Claire (Mayanwolfe)

Maintainer, 100Devs

Mayanwolfe (Claire) is a Senior BI Engineer with a day job building ETL pipelines, writing SQL, and building backend apps with C#.NET. She has a decade of experience in data analytics, and would love to tell you about all the cool things you can do in Microsoft Excel. In her spare time she teaches web development, fosters orphaned kittens, and plays tug-of-war with her standard poodle, Ben.

Keeping it real

It takes more then just learning to code

When the pandemic hit, we formed to help those affected learn new skills and get jobs as software engineers. We want to help individuals unlock a family sustaining career and believe that you should not have take food off your table or money out of your pocket to make that happen. We are aiming for full-time family sustaining jobs with good benefits not the FAANG 100k+ dream.

From beginner to employable in a year+ not weeks

To be perfectly clear, the job market for developers right now is tough, but we have never gone the traditional route to get jobs. Through #100Devs you will get real clients, build large custom portfolio ready fullstack web applications, volunteer with grassroots orginizations, contribute to open source, complete hundreds of coding challenges, work on large development teams to ship real products, and build a network that most other job applicants won't put the work into achieving. This is how we are able to consistently get our alumni jobs. It's not magic, just a fuckton of work that most people don't have the privilege or desire to complete.

  • Weekly Networking. On top of your course work, you will be expected to build your network each week. Don't worry we'll help with this, but know that this network not your coding skills is what will get you your first job.
  • Daily Practice. Spaced Repetition is an important aspect of our program. Expect to review the things you learned and complete coding challenges daily.

This course is taught live and demands 20+ hours a week of your time. We’ve helped thousands of people learn to code and helped hundreds get jobs as software engineers. Our community is here to help you do it too!

“As a direct result of the time you invested in me, I put in the work and got a job as a full-stack software engineer. I now make more than double what I've made my entire life. I've moved from lower class (which I previously thought impossible to escape) to being middle class. I can afford to eat and get medical aid without worrying if I will be able to keep my lights on. I don't want to get too wild, but I might even be able to own a house someday! When you live with a very poor quality of life every day, you don't always notice the constant anxiety in the back of your mind, constantly taking up resources in your brain. Since I started this job, it has become clear how insidious such a poor quality of life really is. For the first time, I feel like I will be okay.”

Complete a few tasks and fill out our application form.

A year long intensive dive into software engineering.

Find your own paid clients or contribute to our agency.

Our community meets daily until you get a job.

Using a screen reader, please find a more accessible application here

Application Step One: Please Complete These Tasks

Application step two: please fill out this form, the humans behind the community.

Mariam Shennawe

Mariam Shennawe

My technical knowledge spans HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node, MongoDB, Next.js, and React. My past work includes successful projects for prominent HelloFresh brands, such as Green Chef and TheModern Milkman, where my campaign pages received high acclaim and reinforced my commitment to developing world-class software solutions


Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum sint occaecat cupidatat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum sint occaecat cupidatat.

Laura Abro

I'm a full stack developer, previously working with PostgreSQL and PHP, now developing with Node.js, Tailwind CSS, MongoDB, and Svelte. Eight years of experience with ecommerce has given me a strong understanding of UX principles, performance optimization, responsive design and testing, SEO, and accessibility.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is #100devs.

A digital agency that offers a free 30 week training program, meant to bring you from zero programming skills to employable taught by Leon Noel . Please join our Discord for the most up to date information.

When and where are classes hosted?

Tuesdays & Thursdays, 6:30PM - 9:30PM Eastern Time. They are hosted live on Twitch . Any variations from schedule will be announced in advance. Please keep an eye on the announcements channel of the Discord and on your email.

When are office hours?

Sunday, 1:00PM Eastern Time. Office hours will normally go for 2-3 hours and are hosted live on Twitch . Any variations from schedule will be announced in advance. Please keep an eye on the announcements channel of the Discord and on your email.

What will we learn?

All the fundamental skills you need to unlock a career as a software engineer. Also, the practical skills you need to learn HTML, CSS, Javascript, React, Node, Express, MongoDB, and some CS theory.

What equipment will I need?

You will need a functional computer, an internet browser, and some form of text editor. For text editors, I will use Visual Studio Code (VS Code) on stream, but Atom, Sublime Text, or any other text editor will do. YOU DO NOT NEED A NEW COMPUTER! If it can run chrome, it is good enough to learn all the way up to you getting a job. Hopefully, your new employer will then give a new machine for work.

How do I use Discord?

Please see the beginner’s guide to Discord for help. There are a lot of channels in the discord. Please try to post your messages in the channel that makes the most sense to ensure your message isn’t missed (for example, if you having an issue with a javascript question, post it in the #javascript-help channel). The #100Devs family is big, so you may need to adjust your notification settings. Please see Discord’s guide to notifications for help.

How does the program work for a newcomer?

If you would like to join, please complete these taks: https://gleam.io/e6AV3/100devs-signup Fill out this form: https://forms.gle/BeASW6xXwM5qvQbFA And be sure to join our Discord, where all the course materials will be posted and you will find 60,000+ folx ready to help you on your engineering journey: https://leonnoel.com/discord Make sure you agree to the rules (must click the green check mark) and click the icons in the #join-100Devs channel. This will give you full access and place you into House Hamilton to start for support! If you don’t click the three icons, you will not see every channel on Discord You will be a part of Hamilton House, one of three ‘houses’ in this bootcamp. All of our materials will be posted in the discord for you to code along, get homework assignments, and get support from your peers. Please tune in on Twitch to watch the lectures live. Any missed lectures can also be viewed on Twitch , or on Youtube

What are the ‘houses’?

House Turing, House Hopper, and House Hamilton. Turing has access to Leon as a reference, resume and portfolio reviews, mock interviews, and a private house channel in the discord. Turing also has mandatory requirements of attendance, networking, and coding challenges. Failure to meet these requirements may result in being moved to House Hopper. Hopper can use channel points for reviews and interviews, and has their own private house channel in the discord. Those in House Hopper that would like to move to House Turing for the extra perks, please keep doing all of the obligations and as people move out of Turing, those in Hopper who are demonstrating dedication will be moved in. House Hamilton has the flexibility to follow along with the bootcamp without the same level of commitment as Turing and Hopper. Hamilton can use their channel points for Turing benefits

How do I use Twitch? What are ‘channel points’?

Simply go here at class time to watch the live stream. You can ask questions directly in the Twitch chat. Channel points are accumulated by watching the stream. They will be visible right below the chat bar. If you click there, you will see things you can redeem with your channel points, including resume reviews, portfolio reviews, mock interviews, and more! You can see Twitch’s official guide to channel points here .

What will be expected of me?

If you want to gain the most of the course, you should attend class, do the assigned homework, get involved in networking, and participate in the provided coding challenges. You will be asked to check-in for each class by retweeting a tweet on Twitter. This is how we take attendance. You should expect to spend 10+ hours per week, outside of class, for practice/homework/networking/etc. The biggest factor in your success is you. Work hard, ask for help when you need it, give help to others when you can, and stay positive.

What happens if I miss a stream, or want to catch up on a the old ones?

They will still be visible on Twitch here , and they will be up on Youtube within a few days.

Where do I go when I have a question?

Please use the appropriate help channel on Discord . If you have something that can only be answered by Leon, then please use the #ask-leon-and-mods channel. You can also check out the #resources channel for helpful links. If you are looking for a specific resource, please ask.

See more FAQs

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Please note.

This FAQ is no longer maintained. It is now part of Community Taught and any suggestions for improvements or updates should be directed there instead.

100Devs Catchup Crew FAQ

Welcome new 100Devs members! Getting started can be a little confusing, so I decided to write a guide to help you get situated. :)

Fancy HTML Version

The HTML version of the FAQ is available here

Table of Contents

What is 100devs, how does it work, how do i get started, am i too late should i wait for the next cohort, will the content be taken down at some point do i need to worry about losing access, how do i join a house, how do i find an accountability buddy or study group, how should i make my anki cards is there any premade deck i can use, should i check in on twitter for classes that happened months ago, where are the check-in links, are the office hours videos still avalable, i'm doing all the homework, but should i submit it will anyone check it, i need solutions for xx homework. where can i find them, i already know xx. should i start from class 1 can i get verified if i don't do all the classes, i missed some of the early check-ins or homework, do i need to go back and do them, what exactly do i need to do for verification, where are the missing classes, i'm stuck on the readings how do i get through them, i'm stuck on floats can i just use flexbox and grid instead, how do i put my codewars katas on github, i have old katas i didn't upload to github. how do i backdate git commits, how do i get github green squares for private repositories.

100Devs is a diverse and inclusive community of 1000s of participants in a training program run by Leon Noel . It is 100% free and requires absolutely no previous technical experience.

As Leon says, 'this is not a tech bootcamp, this is a how to get a job bootcamp'. While the course does teach the necessary technical skills to get a job as a full stack developer, it's unique because it also covers networking, resumes, job applications, the interview process, and freelancing. Even if you're already technically proficient but you're struggling to find a job, you'll find value here.

Live classes are streamed on Twitch Tuesdays and Thursdays and office hours (review classes) are streamed on Sundays. Recordings of all classes are available on Youtube , however, office hours (which are not essential) are only on Twitch and are deleted after 60 days. Follow along materials are available on the Discord and there are some community-made resources as well (see below). Homework is assigned at the end of each class, some of which should be submitted.

The material is self-paced. Although it's called the Catchup Crew, your goal is not to catch up to live classes. This is a significant time investment and you should give yourself the time and space to complete it according to your schedule and your constraints.

The material is also self-directed. You get out what you put in, and that means you need to have a certain amount of focus and self-motivation to be successful. Having said that, we are community-taught and community-supported. Join the Discord , find #100Devs on Twitter . If you're struggling, if you need help, if there's something you can't figure out, ask! There is always someone around who's willing to lend a hand.

The classes are on Youtube and the follow along materials and homework assignments are available on the Discord . Tracking the classes and materials from Discord can be difficult, though, so I recommend you check out these community-made resources to make the process easier (there are a few others but these are the ones that are up to date):

  • Community Taught : A full class and homework tracker (made by me!). Includes slides, follow-along materials, and check-in links as well as direct links to relevant homework materials. Shows homework assigned/due for each class. As of Oct 20, 2022: up to date until class 63 (latest).

Community Taught Screenshot

  • 100Devs Follow Along : Class videos and links to slides and follow-along materials. No check-in links. Shows homework assigned/due for each class. Updates when the videos are uploaded on Youtube. Includes slides and follow-along materials. As of Oct 20, 2022: up to date until class 52 (latest on Youtube).

100Devs Follow Along Screenshot

  • 100 Devs Homework Checklist : A Google Docs checklist. Includes check-in links, but no slides or follow-along materials. As of Oct 20, 2022: up to date to class 60.

100 Devs Homework Checklist Screenshot

  • 100 Devs Homework Tracker : A web-based tool (made by me!) that focuses specifically on homework tracking, so no slides, check-in links, or follow-along maerials, but does have links to relevant homework materials. As of Oct 20, 2022: up to date to class 63 (latest).

100 Devs Homework Tracker Screenshot

100Devs Course List : A notion site that includes classes and homework. Has slides and follow-along materials, but no check-in links. As of Oct 20, 2022: up to date to class 59.

Learn with Leon #100Devs Bootcamp 2022 - A Google Docs spreadsheet that covers classea and homework. Includes slides but no follow-along materials or check-in links. As of Oct 20, 2022: up to date to class 61.

Leon Stream Scripts : searchable Youtube subtitles. Extremely useful when you remember something was mentioned but you forget which class. As of Oct 20, 2022: up to date to the latest Youtube class (47).

Leon Stream Scripts Screenshot

And join the Discord ! There are so many people there willing to help with any questions you have, big or small.

The first cohort was conducted in 2021; we are currently nearing the end of the second cohort. However, you're not too late! New people are joining every day, and Leon is working on systems to ensure that we can complete the course even after live classes have ended.

Recently (beginning of Oct 2022) Leon has made comments that he's not sure he wants to do a third beginner bootcamp, as he has done two already and the content from both cohorts is available for anyone to access at any time. He has suggested that what he might do instead is a different course with more advanced material, covering the topics needed to advance from junior to senior dev.

Additionally, waiting means not learning. There's no reason to delay! And if another cohort does start and you've been going through the catchup material, you'll have a head start.

In other words, start now and don't wait for a hypothetical future cohort!

Leon has said he'll keep the content up on Youtube permanently, and he's also looking into adding open source/open content licenses to everything.

The community-made resources are a little trickier, but most people have hosted their resources on free services that are unllikely to disappear (Github, Google Docs, etc). I am committed to keeping my progress tracker up as long as 100Devs exists. And while these are often very useful, they're never necessary.

Originally there were houses for different levels of commitment to the program, but this cohort exploded in popularity and the houses were dropped early on. House Turing was re-introduced for Huntober but its importance is minimal and it is currently unavailable to new applicants.

Check the Catchup Crew channel on Discord, every 2-4 weeks someone makes a new study group for members who have recently joined. If there's no recent group, go ahead and make one and invite others to join!

There is also the Catchup Crew Google Sheet to keep track of where people are in the program, but it requires people to manually update as they progress, so it may not be accurate.

First a word of warning: Make sure you are using Anki , AnkiDroid , or AnkiMobile (unfortunately this one is not free and Leon recommends using the web version of Anki instead), NOT Anki App. Anki App is a copycat that is not affiliated with the Anki project and it is not compatible with Ankiw.

What you add to your deck is a personal decision based on what exactly you need to review, but in general, you will want to use Anki for important things you might forget or that feel complex and you need more review of the concepts. A lot of the early code will become familiar quickly because you'll be using it so much. And some things you encounter will be used so rarely you can just look them up when you need them.

As for what to put on each card, try to keep questions and answers short and simple. Ideally each card should deal with exactly one fact/concept. Break up more complex topics into smaller pieces where possible. The type-in answer option is great for coding questions.

Once you get to Codewars, it's recommended that if you attempt a challenge and can't complete it after 20 min or so, you should check the solutions and add it to your Anki deck for review.

It is highly, highly recommended that you make your own Anki deck. Not only will it ensure that the questions and answers are customized to your needs, the process of making the cards is an excellent form of review in itself. If you use a premade deck, you're missing out on that learning opportunity.

Having said that, some people like to see what others have done just to get ideas for their own deck. A few resources are available:

Anki Deck SE : this is not a deck specific to 100Devs, rather a template for more attractive cards that was made by a 100Devs member.

!00Devs Anki Deck : this is a deck a 100Devs member shared. Again, I caution you to use it only for reference for how you might make your own cards.

Banki Answers : this one is not specifically for Anki, it's actually a template for filling out your Banki answers, with a completed version you can use for inspiration if necessary.

Yes. Check in for each class as you watch it. It's one of the requirements that will be checked when you're looking for work and you'd like a verification or reference from Leon.

Currently the easiest way to find the check-in links is the class listing of my progress tracker but you can also find them in this homework checklist or in the class announcements on Discord.

The office hours videos are deleted from Twitch after 60 days, so most of them are no longer available. A 100Devs member in the catchup crew did make a partial (unlisted) Youtube playlist of office hours they downloaded from Twitch, but it doesn't start from the beginning of the cohort. You can find the link in the Catchup Resources thread in the Catchup Crew channel on Discord.

Yes, you should submit it. No one is going to look at it and give you feedback, but as with checking in, it's one of the requirements for verification down the line. Do keep in mind that while your homework won't be checked when you submit it, there's a good chance Leon will look at it if you ask for verification.

Most homework does not have provided solutions. If you build something and it looks/works the way you want it to, you did it right. If you can't figure out how to get something to work, ask for help!

Definitely watch class 1 and do the homework, even if you intend to skip ahead. Learning How to Learn is extremely important.

I personally think it's worth starting from the beginning, even if you have some experience already. If you decide to start from the beginning but some material is familiar, you can watch classes on 1.5x or 2x, or skip sections you don't need. But it's not necessary to do so, the choice is yours. You can still get verification if you don't do the early homework; Leon annouced a clean slate in class 32, so anything you missed before that will be forgiven.

If you already know some topics well, you can skip the earliest classes. A popular entry point in that case is the Javascript Super Review (after class 18).

If you are only looking for job hunting/freelancing advice, you can skip most of the classes, but you won't be able to get verification. Classes relevant to job hunting:

  • 9: Networking Nght
  • 15: How to Start Freelancing
  • 25: Fix Your Resume
  • 33: Secrets to Landing Your First Tech Job
  • 34: Crush Your Technical Interviews

These are the dedicated classes, but not the only ones that cover job-related topics. For other mentions, you can check the searchable subtitles .

Leon announced a fresh start in class 32, so anything you missed before then, you don't have to go back and do. However keep in mind that:

  • the course is completely free and takes a significant amount of effort on Leon's part
  • he asks you to check-in to help increase the reach of the course
  • the homework is your skills training, so even if you don't submit it you should still do it

Vertification is still being hashed out and is currently only available at certain times (this is expected to change in the future). The next wave of verifications is expected to have a due date of Nov 1, 2022 but future waves are planned. Based on the Huntober submission form that was recently released, Leon will ask for the following:

  • Github profile (make sure you've got your green squares)
  • Codewars profile (make sure you've got plenty of completed katas)
  • Screenshot of Anki deck (make sure you've been creating and reviewing cards)
  • Angellist profile
  • Twitter account (make sure you've done all the class check-ins)
  • Cover letter and cover email
  • Linkedin profile
  • Hitlist/Networking Sheet (These can be one document or separate. Leon asks that you do networking weekly, so your networking sheet should have an appropriate number of connections and coffee chats)
  • Binary Upload Boom group project
  • Information on a paid client (amount earned and website) OR organization you volunteered for OR approved pull request on open source project (must be a real contribution, not a 'first contribution' like fixing a typo)
  • repo for completed 100 hours project (for the first wave this was just the MVP but Leon has said that going forward you will need to have the project complete)
  • link to hosted 100h project if available (this may become mandatory once Leon has covered an alternative to Heroku)
  • and it's not mentioned on the Huntober form but make sure you've submitted all the homework from class 32 onward

Some classes aren't on Youtube. This is because they weren't regular classes. If you see that a class is missing, you can just move on to the next one; you haven't missed anything.

  • Class 17: Networking Night
  • Class 18: Project Night
  • Classes 42 & 43: Welcome Back sessions after a long break
  • Class 49: Catchup for Huntober Prep Work
  • Class 53+: Not yet on Youtube

Some of the readings can be dense and everything you absolutely need to know is covered in class, but Leon assigns everything for a reason. The reading helps you get some familiarity with the concepts before Leon teaches them. And probably more importantly, on the job you will be required to read documentation, so you do need to get used to parsing technical language.

However, that doesn't mean you need to understand every single point that's covered. Read to get a basic understanding and move on. And if you're getting completely derailed by the reading and you've been stuck on it for weeks, move on and make a note to revisit it later when you're more familiar with the concepts.

Similar to the readings, Leon assigns everything for a reason. There is legacy code out there still using floats, because Flexbox and Grid weren't always well supported. You really should have at least a basic understanding of how they work.

And similar to the readings, don't spend too much time on floats. You probably won't actually use them all that much, and if you're stuck to the point you can't move on, it's better to take another look at them after you've learned more.

Create a private repository just for Codewars. The most common method is a to create a new file for each kata you complete, and paste your solution in it when you complete the kata.

For example, my directory structure looks like this:

my codewars directory structure, organized by language then kyu

Rufio (a member of the Stream Team) also has a video on her codewars workflow .

Rufio has two videos you can check out, one on her entire codwars workflow and one on how to backdate commits .

Go to your profile and find your contribution graph. In the top right, there's a dropdown that says 'Contribution settings'. From there make sure 'Private Contributions' is checked.

Contribution Graph

Contributors 3

  • Presentations

The Hunt Begins

100 devs homework checklist

"All men are created equal, some work harder in preseason"

- Dr. Eric Thomas


Let's talk -  #100devs, review - huntober, review - professional checklist, review - hitlist, review - interview prep, review - 100 hours project , homework - start interview prep, about last class or life, checking in, like and retweet the tweet, submitting work, i want it - mvc lecture.

Homework: https://forms.gle/YDt3FP4vRw1nD7Qg6


Sunday sept 4th 1:00pm est, next week: team projects.


100 devs homework checklist


100 devs homework checklist


100 devs homework checklist




Exercise in time managment, i'm going to help with your:.

Job Outreach

Interview Practice / Skills


I Will Be Your Reference ?

And more...

Special Discord Channels for Interview Feedback and Faster Help

But I Ain't Here To Play

List of things i need done, type in chat:.

every class

(Due A Week Later)


Keep !sheet Updated Weekly

1 coffee chat / 3 connections every week


Read about string methods, add them to an interview anki, due 5 codewars, ( tagged as strings ),   checklist,  due tuesday,  team project, (sept 13th),  client signature approved pr, (sept 27th),  100 hours project beautiful mvp,  100 hours project done, 10 premium apps.

Networked, Custom everything plus, tweets, blog, and project

Due Tuesday

How to play the game, up to you if you want to play..., cause action result, technical questions, explanation use example, technical coding challenge, final interview (with me).

1 behavioral, 3 Technical, Quick Pseudo Code Solution 

#100Devs - THE HUNT (cohort 2)

By Leon Noel

Class 48 of our Free Web Dev Bootcamp for folx affected by the pandemic. Join live T/Th 6:30pm ET leonnoel.com/twitch and ask questions here: leonnoel.com/discord

  • leonnoel.com

More from Leon Noel

100 devs homework checklist


  1. 100 Devs Homework Checklist

    100 devs homework checklist

  2. 100Devs Frequently Asked Questions

    100 devs homework checklist

  3. 100 Devs Homework Tracker

    100 devs homework checklist

  4. 100 Devs Homework Tracker

    100 devs homework checklist

  5. 100Devs Frequently Asked Questions

    100 devs homework checklist

  6. 100 Devs Homework Tracker

    100 devs homework checklist


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  1. 100 Devs Homework Tracker

    Don't watch the Due class until you've done all the homework!) This is just for homework; if you're in need of links to class videos, follow along materials, slides, etc, check out 100 Devs Follow Along or 100 Devs Course List, and huge credit goes to the author of this homework checklist, which I used as my main source of information.

  2. 100 Devs Homework Tracker

    Don't watch the Due class until you've done all the homework!) This is just for homework; if you're in need of links to class videos, follow along materials, slides,","\t\t\t\tetc, check out 100 Devs Follow Along or 100 Devs Course List, and huge credit goes to the author of this homework checklist, which I used as my main source of information.

  3. 100Devs Frequently Asked Questions

    100 Devs Homework Checklist: A Google Docs checklist. Includes check-in links, but no slides or follow-along materials. As of Oct 20, 2022: up to date to class 60. 100 Devs Homework Tracker: A web-based tool (made by me!) that focuses specifically on homework tracking, so no slides, check-in links, or follow-along maerials, but does have links ...

  4. 100Devs Homework Tracker

    Classes 52 - 54. • 1 coffee chat / 3 connections Class 52. • Push code every day Class 52. • Study the bank Class 52. • Read Javascript.info array methods Class 52. • Read FCC array destructuring Class 52. • Watch 8 must know JS array methods Class 52. • Add notes to interview Anki Class 52.

  5. 100Devs Progress Tracker

    100Devs Progress Tracker. Sign up to keep track of all your 100 Devs classes and homework in one place. A comprehensive way to keep track of your 100Devs classes and assignments.

  6. 100Devs Follow-Along

    Your one stop shop for 100Devs past follow-along materials! This site is dedicated to making it easy for the #Catch-upCrew to find the follow-along materials, the homework, and the class files instead of having to rummage through all of the newer discord messages. Which, if you're not in the discord: you should join! Join here.

  7. 100 Devs Tracker

    100 Devs Tracker. This is a tracker I created to help keep track of all the work for 100 Devs. 100Devs is a free bootcamp put on by Leon Noel for people affected by the pandemic. More info on the bootcamp and how to join.

  8. 100Devs Q&A

    100Devs Q&A. 100Devs Q&A. The 100Devs discord can be overwhelming and intimidating to new joiners. I've seen many of the same questions asked repeatedly because there isn't a dedicated info page. The answers to all of the most commonly asked questions can be found below! 100Devs Social Media Links:

  9. #100Devs

    This program is 100% free, so to keep the barrier to entry a little high we ask folx to complete all the above tasks. ... If you want to gain the most of the course, you should attend class, do the assigned homework, get involved in networking, and participate in the provided coding challenges. You will be asked to check-in for each class by ...

  10. 100 Devs Homework Checklist

    100 Devs Homework Checklist - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. 100 devs hw checklist

  11. 100Devs Homework sheet

    100Devs Homework sheet. A google doc with all the follow along materials from 100devs. It includes all the homework, links for the code +solutions +descriptions of the classes in an organized table. engineering, web development, internet, learn to code. 100 Devs 2022 Guide by Africa Kenyah @codingtherapist :) Class. Slides. Homework. Class ...

  12. Three Weeks and Beyond with #100Devs

    The Recap. Woah! We finally made it through three weeks of #100Devs Cohort 2, and are proficient to lay down serious vomity code to create a webpage with HTML & CSS. If I were to talk to my past self three weeks ago and say, "You are going to be able to create something out of nothing in three weeks. Trust me!", I would have laughed.

  13. Has anyone here done the full #100devs program and then ...

    I started working on 100 Devs less than a month ago. Leon repeatedly emphasises that it's a jobs program, not a learning program. A considerable amount of class time is dedicated to polishing soft skills - building healthy habits/mindset, typing faster, how to talk to people, network with industry folks, build a portfolio, write a resume etc.

  14. #100 Devs

    #100 Devs🔥 #100 Devs🔥. 🎤🔥Shawn Charles' Links ... All Videos on Youtube. Professional Checklist. Networking Skills. Become A Software Engineer For Free 2022 (Class 01) - 100Devs. Networking Night! Free Software Engineering Bootcamp! (class 09) - #100Devs. How To Start Freelancing in 2022! Free Software Engineering Bootcamp! (class ...

  15. 100 Devs Homework Tracker

    Class"," Due"," Done"," Assignment"," Push Work/Extras"," Submit

  16. Learning To Code

    Daily Practice. Spaced Repetition is an important aspect of our program. Expect to review the things you learned and complete coding challenges daily. This course is taught live and demands 20+ hours a week of your time. We've helped thousands of people learn to code and helped hundreds get jobs as software engineers.

  17. #100Devs

    Class 40 of our Free Web Dev Bootcamp for folx affected by the pandemic. ... Leon Noel #100Devs. Guilty. Agenda. Questions? Let's Talk - #100Devs; Review - Final Interview / 1-on-1s; Review - Professional Checklist; Review - Hitlist ... Review - 100 Hours Project Homework - Start Interview Prep; Questions About last class or life. Stream & Blog ...

  18. 100Devs Downloadable Resources

    The Bank. Behavioral and technical interview questions. A comprehensive way to keep track of your 100Devs classes and assignments.

  19. #100Devs

    Class 48 of our Free Web Dev Bootcamp for folx affected by the pandemic. ... Professional Checklist; Learn - Local Auth; Build - Project Night; Homework - Start Interview Prep; Questions About last class or life. Checking In. Like and Retweet the Tweet!checkin. Submitting Work. I WANT IT - CHECKLIST. Homework: https://forms.gle ...

  20. GitHub

    What is 100Devs? 100Devs is a diverse and inclusive community of 1000s of participants in a training program run by Leon Noel. It is 100% free and requires absolutely no previous technical experience. As Leon says, 'this is not a tech bootcamp, this is a how to get a job bootcamp'.

  21. Class 19: Arrays

    Classes 19 - 21. • Read The JS Way: Arrays Class 19. • Read The JS Way: Objects Class 19. * Read Javascript.info: Array Methods and do the tasks Class 19. * Read Eloquent Javascript: Objects and Arrays and do the tasks Class 19. • Do a minimum of 1 8 kyu Fundamentals on CodeWars EVERY DAY. Spend at least 20 minutes trying to solve it ...

  22. #100Devs

    RC Ascend - Node Fundamentals. Leon Noel. 174. RC Ascend - class 002. Leon Noel. 218. #100Devs - Github For Teams (cohort 2) Leon Noel. 1234.

  23. #100Devs Progress Tracker

    About the 100Devs Progress Tracker. Welcome! The purpose of this site is to offer 100Devs catchup crew members a centralized location to access class and homework information and to give them an easy way to keep track of their progress through the course. If you are new to 100Devs and would like to know what it's all about, or you have ...