Hypotenuse Calculator

Table of contents

With this hypotenuse calculator, you will quickly find the longest side of a right triangle. If you want to know what is the hypotenuse of a right triangle, how to find it, and what is the hypotenuse of a triangle formula, you'll find the answer below, with a simple example to clear things up. Don't wait any longer; give this hypotenuse calculator a try!

How to use this hypotenuse calculator

The following instructions will show you how to use this calculator with ease:

Select which set of parameters is known. You can choose between:

An angle and one side.

Area and one side.

Enter the known parameters , following the labels in the diagram. To input a parameter in a different unit than the default option, click on the unit, change it, and then enter the parameter value.

The tool will immediately calculate the hypotenuse (and any other missing dimensions). Click on the unit to change it to anyone you like.

Consider a right triangle with angle α = 60° and side a = 5 cm. First, we select the option angle and one side and enter these values. Instantly, the calculator determines that:

  • Side b = 2.887 cm;
  • Angle β = 30°; and
  • Hypotenuse c = 5.774 cm.

The calculator is usable in reverse, too. Suppose you must find an unknown side using the hypotenuse (13 cm) and a known side (12 cm). Select two sides as the given parameters, and enter the hypotenuse c = 13 cm and side a = 12 cm. Instantly, you can learn that side b = 5 cm.

The following article explains what the hypotenuse is and how it is calculated using different parameters. It is fun and informative, so we recommend you read it to internalize this concept well.

What is the hypotenuse of a triangle?

A hypotenuse is the longest side of a right triangle . It's the side that is opposite to the right angle (90°). Hypotenuse length may be found, for example, from the Pythagorean theorem. You can learn more about this in our pythagorean theorem calculator .

Hypotenuse of a triangle formula

Right triangle with sides a,b,c and angles α and β

This hypotenuse calculator has a few formulas implemented - this way, we made sure it fits different scenarios you may encounter. You can find the hypotenuse:

  • Given two right triangle legs

Use the Pythagorean theorem to calculate the hypotenuse from the right triangle sides. Take a square root of sum of squares:

  • c = √(a² + b²)

Right triangle with law of sines formulas. a over sin(α) equals b over sin(β) equals c, because sin(90°) = 1

  • Given an angle and one leg
  • c = a / sin(α) = b / sin(β) , explained in our law of sines calculator .
  • Given the area and one leg

As the area of a right triangle is equal to a × b / 2 , then

  • c = √(a² + b²) = √(a² + (area × 2 / a)²) = √((area × 2 / b)² + b²) .

To learn more about calculations involving right triangles visit our area of a right triangle calculator and the right triangle side and angle calculator .

Ladder example — How to find the hypotenuse of a right triangle with this hypotenuse calculator

Let's calculate how long the ladder should be if we want to rescue a kitten from a 10 ft roof. The calculator helps to find the ladder length from the ground to the edge of the roof, but don't forget about the part of the ladder which should extend over the edge!

  • Choose the option needed for your calculations . We know that our roof is 10 ft in height and that the safest angle for a ladder is ~75.5°. From the dropdown list of the given box, select the option: angle ∡ and one side .
  • Change the units to feet .

Simplified ladder image. Right triangle with a=10ft and angle α equal to 75.5°

Enter the given values . Our leg a is 10 ft long, and the α angle between the ladder and the ground equals 75.5°.

Ladder length, our right triangle hypotenuse, appears! It's equal to 10.33 ft.

The angle β = 14.5° and leg b = 2.586 ft are displayed as well. The second leg is also an important parameter, as it tells you how far you should place the ladder from the wall (or rather from a roof edge). The general principle to remember is a 4:1 rule – for every four feet of vertical height, the ladder foot should move one foot from the wall.

Creating the hypotenuse calculator

I'm Hanna, a long-time creator at Omni Calculator, having made numerous useful scientific tools besides this one that resonate and help a wide range of people every day! The idea for this calculator came to me while I was calculating the correct length for a ladder to climb up to my roof. Struck by the ubiquitousness of right triangles in our daily lives, I was determined to make this tool so it may help everyone!

We at Omni exercise extreme care to ensure the quality of our content so that it is as accurate and reliable as possible. Each tool is peer-reviewed by a trained expert and then proofread by a native speaker. You can learn more about our standards in our Editorial Policies page.

How do I find hypotenuse with sin?

  • Perform the sin operation on the angle (not the right angle).
  • Divide the length of the side opposite the angle used in step 1 by the result of step 1.
  • The result is the hypotenuse .

Is the hypotenuse always the longest side?

Yes, the hypotenuse is always the longest side , but only for right-angled triangles. For isosceles triangles, the two equal sides are known as the legs, while in an equilateral triangle, all sides are known simply as sides.

How do I find the hypotenuse adjacent and opposite?

  • Find the longest side and label it the hypotenuse .
  • You can only find the adjacent and opposite sides if you choose one angle less than 90 degrees.
  • The adjacent is the side that forms the angle of choice along with the hypotenuse.
  • The opposite is the side that does not form the angle of choice.

How do you find the altitude of a hypotenuse?

  • Draw the altitude of the hypotenuse on the triangle. The two new triangles you have created are similar to each other and the main triangle.
  • Divide the length of the shortest side of the main triangle by the hypotenuse of the main triangle.
  • Multiply the result by the length of the remaining side to get the length of the altitude.
  • Alternatively, the angles within the smaller triangles will be the same as the angles of the main one, so you can perform trigonometry to find it another way.

What should I do if the hypotenuse is the opposite?

If the hypotenuse is the opposite, then you are considering the wrong angle - you cannot use trigonometry with the right angle of a triangle. Consider one of the other angles. This is as the adjacent angle. The opposite will be the side that does not form that angle.

How do I construct a line perpendicular to the hypotenuse?

  • Acquire a pair of compasses, a ruler, and a pen or pencil.
  • Set your pair of compasses to the length of the hypotenuse (or any length, as long as it stays constant).
  • Draw a circle that has its center at one of the ends of the hypotenuse.
  • Draw another circle with its center at the other end of the hypotenuse.
  • Draw a line joining the two points where these circles meet. This line is perpendicular to the hypotenuse.

How do I find the hypotenuse of isosceles right triangle?

  • Find the length of one of the non-hypotenuse sides .
  • Square the length of the side.
  • Double the result of the previous step.
  • Square root the result of step 3. This is the length of the hypotenuse .

What is the hypotenuse angle theorem?

The hypotenuse angle theorem is a way of testing if two right-angled triangles are congruent or not. It states that if two right-angled triangles have a hypotenuse and an acute angle that is the same, they are congruent.

Where does the word hypotenuse come from?

The word hypotenuse comes from the Ancient Greek hypoteinousa , meaning ‘stretching under (a right angle)’. This, in turn, comes from hypo- ‘under’ and teinein ‘to stretch’. Another thing we have to thank the Ancient Greeks for!

How do I solve a right triangle with only the hypotenuse?

You cannot solve a right-angled triangle with only the hypotenuse . This is because the other two sides and angles are still undefined, so the triangle can still have many forms.

Side length a

Side length b

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Side length c

Pythagoras' Theorem


Over 2000 years ago there was an amazing discovery about triangles:

When a triangle has a right angle (90°) ...

... and squares are made on each of the three sides, ...

... then the biggest square has the exact same area as the other two squares put together!

It is called "Pythagoras' Theorem" and can be written in one short equation:

a 2 + b 2 = c 2

  • c is the longest side of the triangle
  • a and b are the other two sides

The longest side of the triangle is called the "hypotenuse", so the formal definition is:

In a right angled triangle: the square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides.

Let's see if it really works using an example.

Example: A "3, 4, 5" triangle has a right angle in it.

triangle 3 4 5 lego

Why Is This Useful?

If we know the lengths of two sides of a right angled triangle, we can find the length of the third side . (But remember it only works on right angled triangles!)

How Do I Use it?

Write it down as an equation:

Then we use algebra to find any missing value, as in these examples:

Example: Solve this triangle

Read Builder's Mathematics to see practical uses for this.

Also read about Squares and Square Roots to find out why √ 169 = 13

Example: Solve this triangle.

Example: what is the diagonal distance across a square of size 1.

It works the other way around, too: when the three sides of a triangle make a 2 + b 2 = c 2 , then the triangle is right angled.

Example: Does this triangle have a Right Angle?

Does a 2 + b 2 = c 2 ?

  • a 2 + b 2 = 10 2 + 24 2 = 100 + 576 = 676
  • c 2 = 26 2 = 676

They are equal, so ...

Yes, it does have a Right Angle!

Example: Does an 8, 15, 16 triangle have a Right Angle?

Does 8 2 + 15 2 = 16 2 ?

  • 8 2 + 15 2 = 64 + 225 = 289 ,
  • but 16 2 = 256

So, NO, it does not have a Right Angle

Yes, it does!

So this is a right-angled triangle

And You Can Prove The Theorem Yourself !

Get paper pen and scissors, then using the following animation as a guide:

  • Draw a right angled triangle on the paper, leaving plenty of space.
  • Draw a square along the hypotenuse (the longest side)
  • Draw the same sized square on the other side of the hypotenuse
  • Draw lines as shown on the animation, like this:

cut sqaure

  • Cut out the shapes
  • Arrange them so that you can prove that the big square has the same area as the two squares on the other sides

Another, Amazingly Simple, Proof

Here is one of the oldest proofs that the square on the long side has the same area as the other squares.

Watch the animation, and pay attention when the triangles start sliding around.

You may want to watch the animation a few times to understand what is happening.

The purple triangle is the important one.

We also have a proof by adding up the areas .

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How to Find the Length of the Hypotenuse

Last Updated: April 13, 2024 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Grace Imson, MA . Grace Imson is a math teacher with over 40 years of teaching experience. Grace is currently a math instructor at the City College of San Francisco and was previously in the Math Department at Saint Louis University. She has taught math at the elementary, middle, high school, and college levels. She has an MA in Education, specializing in Administration and Supervision from Saint Louis University. There are 11 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 1,514,355 times.

All right triangles have one right (90-degree) angle, and the hypotenuse is the side that is opposite or the right angle, or the longest side of the right triangle. [1] X Research source The hypotenuse is the longest side of the triangle, and it’s also very easy to find using a couple of different methods. This article will teach you how to find the length of the hypotenuse using the Pythagorean theorem when you know the length of the other two sides of the triangle. It will then teach you to recognize the hypotenuse of some special right triangles that often appear on tests. It will finally teach you to find the length of the hypotenuse using the Law of Sines when you only know the length of one side and the measure of one additional angle.

Using the Pythagorean Theorem

Step 1 Learn the Pythagorean Theorem.

  • Right angles are often notated in textbooks and on tests with a small square in the corner of the angle. This special mark means "90 degrees."

Step 3 Assign variables a, b, and c to the sides of your triangle.

  • If your triangle has sides of 3 and 4, and you have assigned letters to those sides such that a = 3 and b = 4, then you should write your equation out as: 3 2 + 4 2 = c 2 .

Step 4 Find the squares of a and b.

  • If a = 3, a 2 = 3 x 3, or 9. If b = 4, then b 2 = 4 x 4, or 16.
  • When you plug those values into your equation, it should now look like this: 9 + 16 = c 2 .

Step 5 Add together the values of a2 and b2.

  • In our example, 9 + 16 = 25 , so you should write down 25 = c 2 .

Step 6 Find the square root of c2.

  • In our example, c 2 = 25 . The square root of 25 is 5 ( 5 x 5 = 25 , so Sqrt(25) = 5 ). That means c = 5 , the length of our hypotenuse!

Joseph Meyer

Joseph Meyer

Use this visual trick to understand the Pythagorean Theorem. Imagine a right triangle with squares constructed on each leg and the hypotenuse. by rearranging the smaller squares within the larger square, the areas of the smaller squares (a² and b²) will add up visually to the area of the larger square (c²).

Finding the Hypotenuse of Special Right Triangles

Step 1 Learn to recognize Pythagorean Triple Triangles.

  • The first Pythagorean triple is 3-4-5 (3 2 + 4 2 = 5 2 , 9 + 16 = 25). When you see a right triangle with legs of length 3 and 4, you can instantly be certain that the hypotenuse will be 5 without having to do any calculations.
  • The ratio of a Pythagorean triple holds true even when the sides are multiplied by another number. For example a right triangle with legs of length 6 and 8 will have a hypotenuse of 10 (6 2 + 8 2 = 10 2 , 36 + 64 = 100). The same holds true for 9-12-15 , and even 1.5-2-2.5 . Try the math and see for yourself!
  • The second Pythagorean triple that commonly appears on tests is 5-12-13 (5 2 + 12 2 = 13 2 , 25 + 144 = 169). Also be on the lookout for multiples like 10-24-26 and 2.5-6-6.5 .

Step 2 Memorize the side ratios of a 45-45-90 right triangle.

  • To calculate the hypotenuse of this triangle based on the length of one of the legs, simply multiply the leg length by Sqrt(2).
  • Knowing this ratio comes in especially handy when your test or homework question gives you the side lengths in terms of variables instead of integers.

Step 3 Learn the side ratios of a 30-60-90 right triangle.

  • If you are given the length of the shortest leg (opposite the 30-degree angle,) simply multiply the leg length by 2 to find the length of the hypotenuse. For instance, if the length of the shortest leg is 4 , you know that the hypotenuse length must be 8 .
  • If you are given the length of the longer leg (opposite the 60-degree angle,) multiply that length by 2/Sqrt(3) to find the length of the hypotenuse. For instance, if the length of the longer leg is 4 , you know that the hypotenuse length must be 4.62 .

Finding the Hypotenuse Using the Law of Sines

Step 1 Understand what

  • To find the sine of an 80 degree angle, you will either need to key in sin 80 followed by the equal sign or enter key, or 80 sin . (The answer is -0.9939.)
  • You can also type in "sine calculator" into a web search, and find a number of easy-to-use calculators that will remove any guesswork. [10] X Research source

Step 3 Learn the Law of Sines.

  • The Law of Sines can actually be used to solve any triangle, but only a right triangle will have a hypotenuse.

Step 4 Assign the variables a, b, and c to the sides of your triangle.

  • For example, if you know that A = 40 degrees , then B = 180 – (90 + 40) . Simplify this to B = 180 – 130 , and you can quickly determine that B = 50 degrees .

Step 6 Examine your triangle.

  • To continue our example, let's say that the length of side a = 10. Angle C = 90 degrees, angle A = 40 degrees, and angle B = 50 degrees.

Step 7 Apply the Law of Sines to your triangle.

  • Using our example, we find that sin 40 = 0.64278761. To find the value of c, we simply divide the length of a by this number, and learn that 10 / 0.64278761 = 15.6 , the length of our hypotenuse!

Finding the Hypotenuse Using the Area

{\displaystyle {\text{Area}}={\frac {1}{2}}\times c^{2}\times \sin \alpha \times \cos \alpha }

Practice Problems and Answers

what is the hypothesis of 90 degrees

Expert Q&A

Grace Imson, MA

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Use the Pythagorean Theorem

  • ↑ http://www.mathsisfun.com/definitions/hypotenuse.html
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About This Article

Grace Imson, MA

If you need to find the length of the hypotenuse of a right triangle, you can use the Pythagorean theorem if you know the length of the other two sides. Square the length of the 2 sides, called a and b, then add them together. Take the square root of the result to get the hypotenuse. If you want to learn how to find the hypotenuse using trigonometric functions, keep reading the article! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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90 Degree Angle Formula

Before learning the 90-degree angle formula, let us recall a few things about a 90-degree angle. When the angle between two rays is equal to 90 degrees, then the angle formed is called a right angle. Pythagoras theorem is used in a right-angled triangle. It states that the sum of the squares of lengths of the adjacent and opposite sides of a right triangle is equal to the square of the length of the hypotenuse side. Further, this 90-degree angle formula can be used to determine the right angle.

What Is a 90 Degree Angle Formula?

The 90 degree angle formula is nothing but the Pythagoras theorem of a right triangle as the triangle with a 90-degree angle is a right triangle . i.e.,

 Hypotenuse 2 =(Adjacent Side) 2  + (Opposite Side) 2

90 Degree Angle Formula

Let us see the applications of the 90 degree angle formula in the following section. 

what is the hypothesis of 90 degrees

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Examples Using 90 Degree Angle Formula

Example 1: Find the length of the hypotenuse of a triangle when the length of the other sides of the right-angled triangle is 5 cm and 12 cm.

To find: the length of the hypotenuse of a triangle.          

Given parameters are, The sides of the right triangles are 5 cm and 12 cm.

Using the 90 degree angle formula,

Hypotenuse 2 =(Adjacent Side) 2  + (Opposite Side) 2

=  (5) 2  + (12) 2

Hypotenuse 2  = (169) Hypotenuse = √169 Hypotenuse = 13 cm          

Answer:  The length of the hypotenuse of a triangle is 13 cm.

Example 2: The hypotenuse of a right isosceles triangle is 8 units. Find the measure of the other two sides.


To find: The measure of the other two sides

The hypotenuse of a right isosceles triangle = 8 units

8 2  = x 2 + x 2

Answer: We now have base = 5.65 units and height = 5.65 units.

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Right Triangles

Rules, Formula and more

Pythagorean Theorem

The sum of the squares of the lengths of the legs equals the square of the length of the hypotenuse .

Usually, this theorem is expressed as $$ A^2 + B^2 = C^2 $$ .

Right Triangle Properties

Right triangle picture

A right triangle has one $$ 90^{\circ} $$ angle ($$ \angle $$ B in the picture on the left) and a variety of often-studied formulas such as:

  • The Pythagorean Theorem
  • Trigonometry Ratios (SOHCAHTOA)
  • Pythagorean Theorem vs Sohcahtoa (which to use)

SOHCAHTOA only applies to right triangles ( more here ) .


A Right Triangle's Hypotenuse

The hypotenuse is the largest side in a right triangle and is always opposite the right angle.


In the triangle above, the hypotenuse is the side AB which is opposite the right angle, $$ \angle C $$.

Online tool calculates the hypotenuse (or a leg) using the Pythagorean theorem.

Practice Problems

Below are several practice problems involving the Pythagorean theorem, you can also get more detailed lesson on how to use the Pythagorean theorem here .

Find the length of side t in the triangle on the left.

5, 12, 13 right triangle

Substitute the two known sides into the Pythagorean theorem's formula : A² + B² = C²

What is the value of x in the picture on the left?

pythagorean theorem

Set up the Pythagorean Theorem : 14 2 + 48 2 = x 2 2,500 = X 2

$$ x = \sqrt{2500} = 50 $$

Diagram, Pythagorean Theorem

$$ x^2 = 21^2 + 72^2 \\ x^2= 5625 \\ x = \sqrt{5625} \\ x =75 $$

Find the length of side X in the triangle on on the left?

3, 4, 5 right triangle

Substitue the two known sides into the pythagorean theorem's formula : $$ A^2 + B^2 = C^2 \\ 8^2 + 6^2 = x^2 \\ x = \sqrt{100}=10 $$

What is x in the triangle on the left?

pythagorean image

x 2 + 4 2 = 5 2 x 2 + 16 = 25 x 2 = 25 - 16 = 9 x = 3

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6.6 - confidence intervals & hypothesis testing.

Confidence intervals and hypothesis tests are similar in that they are both inferential methods that rely on an approximated sampling distribution. Confidence intervals use data from a sample to estimate a population parameter. Hypothesis tests use data from a sample to test a specified hypothesis. Hypothesis testing requires that we have a hypothesized parameter. 

The simulation methods used to construct bootstrap distributions and randomization distributions are similar. One primary difference is a bootstrap distribution is centered on the observed sample statistic while a randomization distribution is centered on the value in the null hypothesis. 

In Lesson 4, we learned confidence intervals contain a range of reasonable estimates of the population parameter. All of the confidence intervals we constructed in this course were two-tailed. These two-tailed confidence intervals go hand-in-hand with the two-tailed hypothesis tests we learned in Lesson 5. The conclusion drawn from a two-tailed confidence interval is usually the same as the conclusion drawn from a two-tailed hypothesis test. In other words, if the the 95% confidence interval contains the hypothesized parameter, then a hypothesis test at the 0.05 \(\alpha\) level will almost always fail to reject the null hypothesis. If the 95% confidence interval does not contain the hypothesize parameter, then a hypothesis test at the 0.05 \(\alpha\) level will almost always reject the null hypothesis.

Example: Mean Section  

This example uses the Body Temperature dataset built in to StatKey for constructing a  bootstrap confidence interval and conducting a randomization test . 

Let's start by constructing a 95% confidence interval using the percentile method in StatKey:


The 95% confidence interval for the mean body temperature in the population is [98.044, 98.474].

Now, what if we want to know if there is enough evidence that the mean body temperature is different from 98.6 degrees? We can conduct a hypothesis test. Because 98.6 is not contained within the 95% confidence interval, it is not a reasonable estimate of the population mean. We should expect to have a p value less than 0.05 and to reject the null hypothesis.

\(H_0: \mu=98.6\)

\(H_a: \mu \ne 98.6\)

\(p = 2*0.00080=0.00160\)

\(p \leq 0.05\), reject the null hypothesis

There is evidence that the population mean is different from 98.6 degrees. 

Selecting the Appropriate Procedure Section  

The decision of whether to use a confidence interval or a hypothesis test depends on the research question. If we want to estimate a population parameter, we use a confidence interval. If we are given a specific population parameter (i.e., hypothesized value), and want to determine the likelihood that a population with that parameter would produce a sample as different as our sample, we use a hypothesis test. Below are a few examples of selecting the appropriate procedure. 

Example: Cheese Consumption Section  

Research question: How much cheese (in pounds) does an average American adult consume annually? 

What is the appropriate inferential procedure? 

Cheese consumption, in pounds, is a quantitative variable. We have one group: American adults. We are not given a specific value to test, so the appropriate procedure here is a  confidence interval for a single mean .

Example: Age Section  

Research question:  Is the average age in the population of all STAT 200 students greater than 30 years?

There is one group: STAT 200 students. The variable of interest is age in years, which is quantitative. The research question includes a specific population parameter to test: 30 years. The appropriate procedure is a  hypothesis test for a single mean .

Try it! Section  

For each research question, identify the variables, the parameter of interest and decide on the the appropriate inferential procedure.

Research question:  How strong is the correlation between height (in inches) and weight (in pounds) in American teenagers?

There are two variables of interest: (1) height in inches and (2) weight in pounds. Both are quantitative variables. The parameter of interest is the correlation between these two variables.

We are not given a specific correlation to test. We are being asked to estimate the strength of the correlation. The appropriate procedure here is a  confidence interval for a correlation . 

Research question:  Are the majority of registered voters planning to vote in the next presidential election?

The parameter that is being tested here is a single proportion. We have one group: registered voters. "The majority" would be more than 50%, or p>0.50. This is a specific parameter that we are testing. The appropriate procedure here is a  hypothesis test for a single proportion .

Research question:  On average, are STAT 200 students younger than STAT 500 students?

We have two independent groups: STAT 200 students and STAT 500 students. We are comparing them in terms of average (i.e., mean) age.

If STAT 200 students are younger than STAT 500 students, that translates to \(\mu_{200}<\mu_{500}\) which is an alternative hypothesis. This could also be written as \(\mu_{200}-\mu_{500}<0\), where 0 is a specific population parameter that we are testing. 

The appropriate procedure here is a  hypothesis test for the difference in two means .

Research question:  On average, how much taller are adult male giraffes compared to adult female giraffes?

There are two groups: males and females. The response variable is height, which is quantitative. We are not given a specific parameter to test, instead we are asked to estimate "how much" taller males are than females. The appropriate procedure is a  confidence interval for the difference in two means .

Research question:  Are STAT 500 students more likely than STAT 200 students to be employed full-time?

There are two independent groups: STAT 500 students and STAT 200 students. The response variable is full-time employment status which is categorical with two levels: yes/no.

If STAT 500 students are more likely than STAT 200 students to be employed full-time, that translates to \(p_{500}>p_{200}\) which is an alternative hypothesis. This could also be written as \(p_{500}-p_{200}>0\), where 0 is a specific parameter that we are testing. The appropriate procedure is a  hypothesis test for the difference in two proportions.

Research question:  Is there is a relationship between outdoor temperature (in Fahrenheit) and coffee sales (in cups per day)?

There are two variables here: (1) temperature in Fahrenheit and (2) cups of coffee sold in a day. Both variables are quantitative. The parameter of interest is the correlation between these two variables.

If there is a relationship between the variables, that means that the correlation is different from zero. This is a specific parameter that we are testing. The appropriate procedure is a  hypothesis test for a correlation . 

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Statistics and probability

Course: statistics and probability   >   unit 12, hypothesis testing and p-values.

  • One-tailed and two-tailed tests
  • Z-statistics vs. T-statistics
  • Small sample hypothesis test
  • Large sample proportion hypothesis testing

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Acute Angle

An angle smaller than the right angle is called an acute angle. In other words, the angle which is less than 90 degrees forms an acute angle. The polygons such as triangle, parallelogram, trapezoid, etc. consist of at least one acute angle. Let us learn here some basics of angles.

Table of Contents:

Acute Angle Triangle

  • Properties of Acute Triangle

Acute Angle Parallelogram

Acute angle trapezoid.

  • Applications
  • Acute angle vs Obtuse angle

The two lines or line segments or rays with a common point leads to the formation of an angle. An angle is denoted through a symbol ‘ ∠’ . An angle is measured with the help of a protractor in degrees ( o ).

  • Vertex: A corner or a point where lines meet is called the vertex of an angle.
  • Arms: The two lines that meet to make an angle are called arms of an angle.

Acute angle 1

  • Measuring Angle: Angles can be measured using a protractor.
  • Place the center of the protractor at a fixed point, say O of the angle at one of the arms.
  • Another arm indicates the degree of the angle while measured from the initial hand in an anti-clockwise manner.

Acute Angle Definition

An angle which is measuring less than 90 degrees is called an acute angle. This angle is smaller than the right angle (which is equal to 90 degrees). For example, ∠30 o , ∠45 o , ∠60 o , ∠75 o , ∠33 o , ∠55 o , ∠85 o , etc. are all acute angles. Let us see some examples here to understand.

Example : See the figure below:

Acute angle 2

∠ABC measures 30 degrees, which is less than 90 degrees and hence it is an acute angle.

The basic types of angles are right angle, obtuse angle, acute angle.

Acute angle 3

From the above figure, we can differentiate between the three angles. The first figure shows an acute angle measuring 62 degrees (less than 90 degrees), the second figure shows a right angle measuring 90 degrees and the third figure shows an obtuse angle measuring 135 degrees (more than 90 degrees).

Note : Dividing the right angle gives us two or more acute angles since each angle formed, there will be much less than 90˚.

Acute angle 4

Also, read:

  • Lines And Angles
  • Obtuse Angled Triangle
  • Right Angle Triangle

Acute Angle Degree

The degree of an acute angle measures less than 90 degrees, i.e. less than a right angle. The examples of acute angle degrees are 12°, 35°, 48°, 65°, 80°, 89°. Hence, the acute angle degree ranges from 0 degrees and less than 90 degrees.

Acute angle Images

The below figure shows the images of acute angles measuring 40 and 60 degrees.

Acute angle 5

Can two acute angles form a linear pair?

No, since the measure of a linear pair of angles should be 180 degrees and the measure of an acute angle is less than 90 degrees. Therefore, two acute angles will not form a linear pair. For example, 85° and 75° are two angles such that 85° + 75° = 160° < 180°. Thus, 85° and 75° do not form a linear pair.

Acute Angle Formula

In an acute triangle, the following statement holds good for the length of the sides:

a 2 + b 2 > c 2

b 2 + c 2 > a 2

c 2 + a 2 > b 2

Where a, b and c are the sides of a triangle.

Acute Angle Examples

Angle A measures x degrees. Is A acute if x = 15°? If x = 65°? If x = 90°? If x = 135°?

When x = 15°:

Yes, ∠A is acute angle.

When x = 65°:

When x= 90°

90 < 90 (not true)

Alternatively, 90 = 90

So, ∠A is not acute if x = 90°.

When x = 135°:

135 < 90 (not true since 135 > 90)

So, ∠A is not acute if x = 135°.

Which angle is right? Acute? Obtuse?

Acute angle 6

Answer: Angle A is acute, angle B is right, and angle C is obtuse.

If all the internal angles of a triangle are less than 90 degrees, then it is called an acute angle triangle.

Acute angle 7

In the above figure, we can see, the three angles of the triangle are 69°, 85° and 26°. All three angles are less than 90 degrees.

Properties of Acute Triangles

  • All equilateral triangles are acute triangles. An equilateral triangle has three sides of the same length and three angles of the equal measure, i.e. 60°
  • Opposite the highest angle is the longest side of an acute triangle
  • Acute triangles can be isosceles, equilateral, or scalene

A parallelogram is a quadrilateral with opposite sides being parallel and congruent (of the same length). The angles that are opposite to each other are congruent (of equal measure). A parallelogram has two acute angles and two obtuse angles . Therefore, the acute and obtuse angles should have equal measurement.

Acute angle 8

A trapezoid is a parallelogram with one pair of opposite sides being parallel. An acute trapezoid has both interior angles (created by the base and legs which are longer) measuring less than 90°.

Example: There are two acute and two obtuse angles in the trapezoid given below.

Acute angle 9

Acute Angles in Real Life

  • The angle made in letter V is an acute angle.
  • If we slice a pizza into four or more slices, each slice of pizza will make an acute angle.
  • The hands of a wall clock make acute angles at several hours of a day. Example, at 1 o’clock.
  • The road signs, namely “One Way” and “No Left Turn” arrows show an acute angle.
  • The turn signal indicator of the dashboard and the speedometer both establish acute angles inside the vehicle.

Acute Angle vs Obtuse Angle

There are some differences between acute angles and obtuse angles in terms of definition, measure and properties. Some of the major differences between acute and obtuse angles are tabulated below:

Frequently Asked Questions on Acute Angle – FAQs

What are the 5 types of angles, what are examples of acute angles, is 0 degrees an acute angle, is 45 degrees an acute angle, what type of angle is 180 degrees.

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Here’s when 90-degree weather returns to the Mid State

Middle tennessee may be in for another hotter-than-normal summer again this year, according to new research and forecast data from noaa..

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WSMV) - So far, 2024 has not been overly warm in Middle Tennessee, but summer heat will be here before we know it.

The first hot day could be on Tuesday, May 21 as the forecasted high is 90 degrees. So far, the warmest temperature recorded in 2024 has been 87 degrees.

On average, Nashville’s first 90-degree date is May 27. However, that doesn’t mean the hot weather can’t hit us sooner or later. The earliest we’ve ever seen a 90-degree date in the calendar year was on April 9, 2011, and the latest we’ve seen a 90-degree date for the summer season was July 5, 1893.

As far as how many 90-degree days we have in a year, it’s 49 days on average. The most 90-degree days we’ve ever experienced in Nashville was in 2019. That year we had 99 days with temperatures reading 90 degrees or higher.

Nashville's average first 90° day is May 27.

Middle Tennessee may be in for another hotter-than-normal summer again this year, according to new research and forecast data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. NOAA’s Climate Prediction Center released its seasonal temperature outlook recently that shows Tennessee could be in for another year of above-average temperatures.

According to NOAA, the warmest summers on record in the U.S. occurred in 2021 and 1936, when the average temperatures were 2.60°F above typical values.

Copyright 2024 WSMV. All rights reserved.

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St. Louis' first 90-degree day of the season forecast to arrive this week

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After recording its first 85-degree day nearly three months ago, St. Louis is expected to see its first 90-degree day of the season in the coming days, which is just about average. Highs are forecast to reach near 90 on Sunday, the upper-80s on Monday and 92 on Tuesday before temperatures drop. On average, St. Louis first hits the 90-degree mark on May 20, according to the National Weather Service. Last year's first 90-degree day came on May 7. Monday through Wednesday will also bring multiple rounds of thunderstorms, according...

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news Weather

Showers expected Thursday before temperatures hit 90 degrees in Dallas-Fort Worth, per NWS

An 80% chance of showers is forecast with the possibility of heavy rain, according to kxas-tv (nbc5)..

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By Zaeem Shaikh

3:01 AM on May 16, 2024 CDT

Thunderstorms and rain moved into Dallas-Fort Worth and the rest of North Texas on Thursday before high temperatures approach 90 degrees.

On Thursday, KXAS-TV (NBC5) forecasts an 80% chance of showers and thunderstorms in the Dallas-Fort Worth area with the possibility of heavy rain. A flood watch will be in effect 7 a.m. Thursday until the following morning for areas south of Interstate 20.

Storms will come in from the west about noon and then move out of the area by the early evening, said David Bonnette, a meteorologist for the weather service’s Fort Worth office.

“South of the Metroplex, that’s where the highest threats are but it’s close enough that it could skirt by,” Bonnette said. “So, it’s important for everybody to just be weather-aware tomorrow for the potential of the severe weather and heavy rain and flooding.”

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A Flood Watch is in effect for the highlighted areas from 7 am Thursday until 7 am Friday. Rainfall totals between 1.5 to 3 inches are possible with isolated amounts up to 4 inches. #ctxwx #dfwwx #texomawx pic.twitter.com/PjVkAlPK6J — NWS Fort Worth (@NWSFortWorth) May 16, 2024

The forecasted showers come in a year during which 20-plus inches of rain has been recorded at Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport. The weather service has said 2024 is the sixth-wettest year-to-date based on data from Jan. 1 through Tuesday.

Some areas south of Dallas have been hit hard by precipitation. A corridor that includes parts of Ellis, Bosque, Hill and Hamilton counties received “a significant amount of rain a few weeks ago and it’s continued to get more rain on top of that,” Bonnette said. Those areas in particular have very saturated soils and a greater flood threat as a result, he said.

Some waterways are in flood stage including parts of the Trinity, the Navasota and the Brazos rivers. In addition, mostly all of Dallas-area lakes are 100% full, according to data collected by the Texas Water Development Board .

The rain Thursday brings lower temperatures, with highs in the mid 70s. Once the rain leaves Friday, highs are expected in the low 80s, according to NBC5.

“It should actually be pretty nice day on Friday, before the heat ramps up over the weekend,” Bonnette said.

Temperatures will rise to 90 degrees by Saturday and are forecast to stay in the low 90s through next week.

Latest forecast from KXAS-TV (NBC5)

THURSDAY: An 80% chance of showers and thunderstorms. Some heavy rain is possible. High: 75. Wind: SE 10-15 mph.

FRIDAY: A 30% chance of a shower in the morning, then partly cloudy. Low: 66. High: 82. Wind: W 5-10 mph.

SATURDAY : Mostly sunny and very warm. Low: 68. High: 91. Wind: SE 5-10 mph.

SUNDAY : Mostly sunny and very warm. Low: 71. High: 91. Wind: SE 10-15 mph.

MONDAY: Mostly sunny, breezy and very warm. Low: 72. High: 92. Wind: S 10-20 mph.

Zaeem Shaikh

Zaeem Shaikh , Staff, Reporter . Zaeem Shaikh is a reporter covering breaking news for The Dallas Morning News. He grew up in Fresno, California, and graduated from Fresno State University in 2022. Before joining The News, he has reported for The Sacramento Bee, CalMatters and the Oregonian.

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The mission of the International Education Management (IEM) program is to help online students gain relevant skills and knowledge to design and facilitate meaningful and sustainable international and intercultural exchange in pursuit of a more just and equitable world.

These competencies are woven throughout your entire IEM experience:

International Education Theory, Strategy, and Action

Articulate and critique trends and research, engage in current debates, apply ethical frameworks, analyze data, and implement standards of good practice for decision-making.

  • Identify and explore professional interests and goals in theory and practice.
  • Critically analyze and evaluate international education research, theories, standards, policies, and practices.
  • Apply research, theory, ethics, and standards to challenge and enhance practices, programs, and policies.
  • Assess and respond to implications of local, regional, national, and global trends in international education.
  • Demonstrate the ability to participate, as future leaders in the field, in dismantling global inequalities, inequities, and injustices in international education.

Intercultural Competence and Social Justice

Work with, support, and include others in culturally, linguistically, and socially diverse environments so that all can thrive.

  • Utilize critical self-reflection to engage appropriately and effectively in diverse cultural contexts.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of the interrelationships of privilege, power, and identity across communities, languages, and cultures.
  • Examine relationships between culture and language, and utilize intercultural and linguistic skills to connect with people and across cultures.
  • Integrate interpersonal, intercultural, and linguistic competence skills to enhance professional practice.
  • Apply knowledge of student development and identity development to advising, facilitation, program design, and policy-making.
  • Analyze approaches to education, including the distribution of privilege, power, justice and opportunities globally.
  • Build and sustain inclusive academic and professional environments in which social, linguistic, and cultural diversity is valued and enhanced.

Program Design and Assessment

Design, implement, and assess learner-centered international education programming.

  • Consult diverse stakeholders to document needs, gather input, and inform program design parameters and learning goals.
  • Utilize equity-minded approaches, tools, data, and technology for program design and assessment to achieve desired impact.
  • Refine design and assessment strategies according to organizational mission, context, and desired outcomes that consider the needs of diverse learners and stakeholders.
  • Embrace the iterative process of program design and assessment for learner-centered, transformative educational design.
  • Implement consistent logic throughout the project lifecycle to achieve program goals. 
  • Demonstrate reciprocity, equity, and inclusion as guiding principles for sustainable, high-impact program design and assessment that prioritizes learning and development.

Program Administration

Lead effective and equitable program administration.

  • Identify and navigate the practices, programs, policies, ethics, and regulatory considerations that affect resource allocation and usage.
  • Identify and utilize the multicultural strengths of team members, such as staff, faculty, students, and volunteers, to further professional and organizational development.
  • Collect and analyze relevant data to inform decision-making and resource sustainability.
  • Ensure adequate financial and human resources appropriate to the needs of the organization.
  • Align resource allocation and usage decisions with strategic and/or operational goals to ensure financial sustainability.
  • Assess and administer programs with appropriate technologies and tools.
  • Emphasize environmental, economic, personal, and community sustainability in project and program management and policies.
  • Demonstrate effective, inclusive, caring, and equity-minded educational administration.

Sustainable Education

Apply appropriate sustainability principles by engaging stakeholders and partners to support students, programs, organizations, and communities.

  • Demonstrate flexibility and ability to identify and adapt structures and processes to changing conditions.
  • Analyze environmental and market conditions that impact program and organizational success.
  • Assess program decisions to identify and mitigate unintended consequences.
  • Employ effective financial strategies that adjust to changing conditions and trends over time.
  • Strengthen programs by identifying, recruiting, and supporting diverse program participants.
  • Develop strategic and tactical resource utilization plans with explicit consideration for the environmental impact of international education programming.
  • Foster reciprocity-based partnerships and engage stakeholders that responsibly steward the use of environmental, economic, technological, individual, and community resources.

7 dead in Houston area after storms and 100-mph winds; power outages and rising temperatures fuel new fears

Seven people have died in Houston and the surrounding county after severe weather ripped down power lines and trees and toppled brick walls, officials said Friday.

Three of the deaths occurred in unincorporated Harris County, Sheriff Ed Gonzalez said, and four were in Houston according to officials there.

Nearly 550,000 homes and businesses remained without electricity in Texas early Saturday — down from a peak of nearly 1 million but still a significant issue as the National Weather Service warned of temperatures soaring to around 90 degrees this weekend.

“Don’t overdo yourself during the cleanup process,” its Houston service warned.

There was much to clean up after the deadly storms, though.

There was an EF-1 tornado with 110-mph winds in Cypress, and Houston saw straight-line winds that peaked at 100 mph, the National Weather Service said.

Image: Four Dead And Major Damage After Severe Storm Hits Houston Overnight

“This kind of wind is something we have not seen in Harris County since Hurricane Alicia in 1983,” Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo, the top government executive in the county, said at a news conference Friday.

Hurricane Alicia was a small hurricane but was a Category 3 when it made landfall near San Luis Pass on Aug. 18, 1983. It killed 21 people, according to the weather service , and total damage stemming from the storm was more than $3 billion.

The three deaths in unincorporated Harris County announced Friday included a man who collapsed while trying to move a downed power pole; a woman who was found dead in a trailer after lightning hit it and caused a fire; and a man who was found dead after going to his truck to plug in an oxygen tank after the power went out.

Two of the four people who died in Houston were killed by falling trees, a third died when a crane blew over, and the circumstances of the fourth were not detailed at a briefing.

Houston Mayor John Whitmire said the city experienced “an exceptionally strong storm” Thursday evening.

Both he and Hidalgo signed disaster declarations in the wake of the storms. The declarations allow additional authority and aid.

“Houstonians, stay at home tonight. The recovery will go through to tomorrow,” Whitmire said Friday. He compared the winds to Hurricane Ike that struck in 2008, and said there was “considerable damage downtown.”

CenterPoint Energy said in a statement that outages from the storm peaked at around 922,000 homes and businesses.

Restoration in the hardest-hit areas could take days, the utility said.

There were nearly 550,000 customers without power in Houston as of around 8 a.m. Saturday, according to poweroutage.us , and nearly 600,000 without power across the South. That includes outages in Louisiana, Florida and North Carolina.

The Houston Health Department said it would distribute 400 free portable air conditioners to area seniors, people with disabilities and caregivers of disabled children.

In addition to the heat, the Houston area has also been warned about poor air quality over the weekend.

Windows were blown out in buildings in downtown Houston. Trees crashed onto homes and winds ripped away parts of houses in other parts of the city. A roof over gas station pumps was thrown to the ground, taking the supports with it.

Kathleen Cox was in her home folding clothes and knew a storm was coming through. She doesn’t hear very well, but thought she heard something and went to investigate.

“I just saw the tree in the house,” Cox said, pointing to the tree still leaning into her home Friday. “Oh, dear, I don’t need anything else in my life right now.”

“It wasn’t like this during any of the hurricanes,” Cox said. “You know, trees were down but never completely uprooted like that.”

what is the hypothesis of 90 degrees

Phil Helsel is a reporter for NBC News.


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    In a right triangle, the hypotenuse is the longest side, an "opposite" side is the one across from a given angle, and an "adjacent" side is next to a given angle. We use special words to describe the sides of right triangles. The hypotenuse of a right triangle is always the side opposite the right angle. It is the longest side in a right triangle.

  2. Hypotenuse of a Triangle. Calculator

    Use the Pythagorean theorem to calculate the hypotenuse from the right triangle sides. Take a square root of sum of squares: c = √(a² + b²) Given an angle and one leg. c = a / sin(α) = b / sin(β), explained in our law of sines calculator. Given the area and one leg. As the area of a right triangle is equal to a × b / 2, then.

  3. Pythagoras Theorem

    It is called "Pythagoras' Theorem" and can be written in one short equation: a 2 + b 2 = c 2. Note: c is the longest side of the triangle; a and b are the other two sides; Definition. The longest side of the triangle is called the "hypotenuse", so the formal definition is:

  4. 5 Ways to Find the Length of the Hypotenuse

    A 45-45-90 right triangle has angles of 45, 45, and 90 degrees, and is also called an Isosceles Right Triangle. It occurs frequently on standardized tests, and is a very easy triangle to solve. The ratio between the sides of this triangle is 1:1:Sqrt(2) , which means that the length of the legs are equal, and the length of the hypotenuse is ...

  5. Hypotenuse in Right Triangle (Definition, Formula, Proof, and Examples)

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  6. Pythagorean Theorem

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  7. Pythagoras Theorem

    According to the definition, the Pythagoras Theorem formula is given as: Hypotenuse2 = Perpendicular2 + Base2. c2 = a2 + b2. The side opposite to the right angle (90°) is the longest side (known as Hypotenuse) because the side opposite to the greatest angle is the longest. Consider three squares of sides a, b, c mounted on the three sides of a ...

  8. 90 Degree Angle Formula- What Is 90 Degree Angle Formula?

    The hypotenuse of a right isosceles triangle = 8 units. Using the 90 degree angle formula, Hypotenuse 2 = (Adjacent Side) 2 + (Opposite Side) 2. 8 2 = x 2 + x 2. 64 = 2x 2. x = 5.65. Answer: We now have base = 5.65 units and height = 5.65 units. When the angle between two rays is equal to 90 degrees is also called a right angle. Understand the ...

  9. Right Triangles, Hypotenuse, Pythagorean Theorem Examples and Practice

    A Right Triangle's Hypotenuse. The hypotenuse is the largest side in a right triangle and is always opposite the right angle. (Only right triangles have a hypotenuse ). The other two sides of the triangle, AC and CB are referred to as the 'legs'. In the triangle above, the hypotenuse is the side AB which is opposite the right angle, ∠C ∠ C .

  10. Hypothesis Testing

    Table of contents. Step 1: State your null and alternate hypothesis. Step 2: Collect data. Step 3: Perform a statistical test. Step 4: Decide whether to reject or fail to reject your null hypothesis. Step 5: Present your findings. Other interesting articles. Frequently asked questions about hypothesis testing.

  11. Pythagorean Theorem Calculator

    The Pythagorean Theorem states that the sum of the squared sides of a right triangle equals the length of the hypotenuse squared. You might recognize this theorem in the form of the Pythagorean equation: a2 + b2 = c2 a 2 + b 2 = c 2. If you know the length of any 2 sides of a right triangle you can use the Pythagorean equation formula to find ...

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  13. 6.6

    The conclusion drawn from a two-tailed confidence interval is usually the same as the conclusion drawn from a two-tailed hypothesis test. In other words, if the the 95% confidence interval contains the hypothesized parameter, then a hypothesis test at the 0.05 \(\alpha\) level will almost always fail to reject the null hypothesis.

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    In this video there was no critical value set for this experiment. In the last seconds of the video, Sal briefly mentions a p-value of 5% (0.05), which would have a critical of value of z = (+/-) 1.96. Since the experiment produced a z-score of 3, which is more extreme than 1.96, we reject the null hypothesis.

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    The results support my hypothesis because the results show that the temperature of the soil is highest at the 90º angle of insolation. At this angle, the soil sample received the most direct rays and absorbed the most heat. The air over Earth's surfaces absorbs heat from the materials of Earth. In Section 3 of the experiment, the air over the ...

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    Since the hypothesis is an increase of 5% in user spend, this means that you expect the new landing page to make $10.50 on average. ... At this point we have two new constraints: we know that the first column of the matrix must sum to 90% and the second column must sum to 10%. But how do fill the rest of the matrix? Step 3. Filling the ...

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    It can be represented by the conditional statement: "If it is an acute angle then the angle is less than 90°" A conditional statement is a statement that takes the form of "If P then Q," For P is called the hypothesis and Q is called the conclusion.Also, both P and Q are sentences.. Given the sentence: All acute angles have measures less than 90°

  20. What is the hypothesis of 90 degrees?

    Click here 👆 to get an answer to your question ️ What is the hypothesis of 90 degrees? What is the hypothesis of 90 degrees? - brainly.com See what teachers have to say about Brainly's new learning tools!

  21. Solved D 2. To better explain the H-O-H bond angle as 104.5

    You'll get a detailed solution from a subject matter expert that helps you learn core concepts. Question: D 2. To better explain the H-O-H bond angle as 104.5 degrees rather than 90 degrees, what is the hypothesis used in the VB theory? Promotion Hybridization Resonance Promotion and hybridization. There are 2 steps to solve this one.

  22. When Do The First 90s Typically Happen?

    W est. T he first 90-degree temperature typically occurs from late March into mid-April in areas of the Southwest and Southern California, where temperatures in the 90s have been recorded as early ...

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  24. Here's when 90-degree weather returns to the Mid State

    The most 90-degree days we've ever experienced in Nashville was in 2019. That year we had 99 days with temperatures reading 90 degrees or higher. Nashville's average first 90° day is May 27.

  25. Identify the hypothesis and conclusion of the conditional.If the

    The hypothesis is indeed the part of a logical statement that provides the premise for the conclusion. In our statement, we now have: An obtuse angle is one that measures 90 degrees. Thus, the premise here is "an angle measures 90°," which must be true "first" in order to move forward to the conclusion. To know more about the hypothesis, here ...

  26. St. Louis' first 90-degree day of the season forecast to ...

    Highs are forecast to reach near 90 on Sunday, the upper-80s on Monday and 92 on Tuesday before temperatures drop. On average, St. Louis first hits the 90-degree mark on May 20, according to the National Weather Service. Last year's first 90-degree day came on May 7. Monday through Wednesday will also bring multiple rounds of thunderstorms ...

  27. Identify the hypothesis of the following conditional statement: If an

    The hypothesis is the part of a logical statement that gives the premise on which the conclusion is based. Now, in our statement we have: ... If an angle doesn't measure more than 90 degrees then it isnt an obtuse angle. . B.If an angle is not an obtuse angle,then its measure is not more than 90degrees.. . C.If a angle is an obtuse angle, then ...

  28. Showers expected Thursday before temperatures hit 90 degrees in Dallas

    North Texans can expect more wet weather Thursday before high temperatures approach 90 degrees. On Thursday, KXAS-TV (NBC5) forecasts an 80% chance of showers and thunderstorms in the Dallas-Fort ...

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  30. 7 dead in Houston area after storms and 100-mph winds

    Nearly 550,000 homes and businesses remained without electricity in Texas early Saturday as the National Weather Service warned of temperatures soaring to around 90 degrees.