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A compilation of articles regarding Research Misconduct issues. 

This page offers news-worthy topics for the Responsible Conduct of Research and Research Misconduct. Note: Due to the nature of web page evolution, some links may be broken.

Research Misconduct News

One Scientist Neglected His Grant Reports. Now U.S. Agencies Are Withholding Grants for an Entire University.

April 10, 2024 The Chronicle of Higher Education Francie Diep

The National Institutes of Health, the Office of Naval Research, and the U.S. Army are withholding all of their grants from the University of California at San Diego because one scientist failed to turn in required final reports for two of his grants, according to a message sent to the campus community on Tuesday.

“This action is the result of one Principal Investigator’s extended non-submission of final technical reports for two awards,” Corinne Peek-Asa, vice chancellor for research and innovation, wrote in the message. “If you are a PI receiving a new or continuing award from one of these agencies, you will receive a notice that the award will be delayed.”


Students rally on the campus of UCLA in 2016 to protest the handling of a sexual-harassment case. Credit: LUIS SINCO, LOS ANGELES TIMES, GETTY IMAGES

One Way to Stop ‘Passing the Harasser’? Require Colleges to Ask About It.

April 8, 2024 The Chronicle of Higher Education Michael Vasquez

Higher education has long been dogged by the “pass-the-harasser” phenomenon, in which employees found responsible for sexual misconduct have been allowed to quietly depart their colleges, only to be hired by other campuses who knew nothing of their misdeeds. Sometimes the misconduct continues.

That is slowly changing. California is the latest state to consider enacting a law that would require colleges to contact job applicants’ current or past employers to ask about policy violations. Assembly Bill 810, part of  a larger package of anti-harassment legislation , has been passed by the state’s lower chamber and is now in the Senate.

Physicist Ranga Dias was once a rising star in the field of superconductivity research. Credit: Lauren Petracca/New York Times/Redux/eyevine

Exclusive: official investigation reveals how superconductivity physicist faked blockbuster results

The confidential 124-page report from the University of Rochester, disclosed in a lawsuit, details the extent of Ranga Dias’s scientific misconduct.

April 6, 2024 Nature Dan Garisto

Ranga Dias, the physicist at the centre of  the room-temperature superconductivity scandal , committed data fabrication, falsification and plagiarism, according to a investigation commissioned by his university.  Nature ’s news team discovered the bombshell investigation report in court documents.

The ten-month investigation, which concluded on 8 February, was carried out by an independent group of scientists recruited by the University of Rochester in New York. They examined 16 allegations against Dias and concluded that it was more likely than not that in each case, the physicist had committed scientific misconduct. The university is now attempting to fire Dias, who is a tenure-track faculty member at Rochester, before his contract expires at the end of the 2024–25 academic year.


Why I foster multiple lines of communication with students in my lab

April 4, 2024 Science Denis Meuthen

When I started my faculty position, I was excited to be leading my own lab—and nervous. I’m legally deaf and rely on lip-reading for verbal communication. I had managed fine as a graduate student and postdoc, though not without misunderstandings and challenges. But leading a team was different. I worried about whether I would be able to communicate effectively with my lab members, and also whether they would respect me. My pronunciation is sometimes off because of my disability, which leads some people to judge my intelligence as lacking. I set out unsure how to navigate these uncertain waters. But after almost 2 years in the position, I’ve come up with a set of solutions for how best to communicate with my trainees. Many would be useful for any lab head, disabled or not.

Microbiology Society

Publishing negative results is good for science

April 2, 2024 Microbiology Society Elisabeth M. Bik

Scientists face challenges in publishing negative results, because most scientific journals are biassed in accepting positive and novel findings. Despite their importance, negative results often go unpublished, leading to duplication of efforts, biassed meta-analyses, and ethical concerns regarding animal and human studies. In this light, the initiative by Access Microbiology to collect and publish negative results in the field of microbiology is a very important and valuable contribution towards unbiassed science.

Bik, E. M. (2024). Publishing negative results is good for science. Access Microbiology , 6 (4).

Getty Images

Universities Oppose Federal Plan to Bolster Research Misconduct Oversight

The Office of Research Integrity is considering stronger regulations for institutional investigations of alleged research misconduct. Universities say it’s too prescriptive.

April 2, 2024 Inside Higher Ed Kathryn Palmer

The federal Office of Research Integrity (ORI) is  proposing changes  that would give the government more oversight of investigations of research misconduct at colleges and universities.

But scores of university and research hospital leaders and the organizations representing them are opposed and say the proposed rules would be burdensome to institutions and could potentially deter people from reporting alleged research misconduct, among other perceived negative consequences.

An unpleasant surprise awaited scientists who surveyed 1,035 journal articles to prepare a review about a test commonly carried out on rats. Credit: Oleksandr Bushko/Alamy

How papers with doctored images can affect scientific reviews

Scientists compiling a review scan more than 1,000 papers and find troubling images in some 10%.

March 28, 2024 Nature Sumeet Kulkarni

It was in just the second article of more than 1,000 that Otto Kalliokoski was screening that he spotted what he calls a “Photoshop masterpiece”.

The paper showed images from western blots — a technique used to analyse protein composition — for two samples. But Kalliokoski, an animal behaviourist at the University of Copenhagen, found that the images were identical down to the pixel, which he says is clearly not supposed to happen.

Image manipulation  in scientific studies is a known and widespread problem. All the same, Kalliokoski and his colleagues were startled to come across more than 100 studies with  questionable images  while compiling a systematic review about a widely used test of laboratory rats’ moods

Institutions such as Harvard Medical School argue their processes are adequate and adjustments would constitute government overreach. PHOTO: CHARLES KRUPA/ASSOCIATED PRESS

The Feds Want More Oversight of Scientific Research. Universities Are Fighting Back.

Research institutions are pushing back against proposed changes to misconduct, plagiarism investigations

March 28, 2024 The Wall Street Journal Melissa Korn and Nidhi Subbaraman

Research universities and hospitals are pushing back against a federal agency’s proposal to boost oversight of investigations related to fraud and plagiarism, even as many face questions over the credibility of their scientists’ work.

The Office of Research Integrity, part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, oversees more than $40 billion in research funds and is calling for more transparency in research-misconduct investigations. The recommended changes come amid  high-profile cases  at schools including Stanford University, Harvard Medical School and the University of Rochester. 

Morteza Mahmoudi is the co-founder of the Academic Parity Movement, an organization that aims to end bullying in academia.Credit: Haniyeh Aghaverdi

Bullied in science: I quit my job and launched an advocacy non-profit

Ahead of the Academic Parity Movement’s annual conference, co-founder Morteza Mahmoudi describes how it supports whistle-blowers.

March 12, 2024 Nature Morteza Mohmoudi

I experienced a wide spectrum of academic bullying and eventually had to quit a job because of it. It was a heart-wrenching decision. Since my departure, I’ve found peace in a supportive work environment. I was determined to use all the available means to prevent others from facing similar situations.

So, alongside my scientific work, I study the root causes of academic bullying and harassment and seek solutions to them. I forgave my bully last year, but I still find it challenging to forgive those who protected the bully and ultimately forced my departure.


Automatically listing senior members of departments as co-authors is highly prevalent in health sciences: meta-analysis of survey research

March 11, 2024 Nature Reint A. Meursinge Reynders, David Cavagnetto, Gerben ter Riet, Nicola Dr Girolamo, & Mario Malicki

A systematic review with meta-analysis was conducted to assess the prevalence of automatically listing (a) senior member(s) of a department as co-author(s) on all submitted articles in health sciences and the prevalence of degrees of support on a 5-point justification scale. Survey research was searched in PubMed,, and until January 5 2023. We assessed the methodological quality of studies and conducted quantitative syntheses. We identified 15 eligible surveys, that provided 67 results, all of which were rated as having low quality. A pooled estimate of 20% [95% CI 16–25] (10 surveys, 3619 respondents) of researchers in various health sciences reported that a senior member of their department was automatically listed as an author on all submitted articles. Furthermore, 28% [95% CI 22–34] of researchers (10 surveys, 2180 respondents) felt that this practice was ‘never’, 24% [95% CI 22–27] ‘rarely’, 25% [95% CI 23–28] ‘sometimes’, 13% [95% CI 9–17] ‘most of the time’, and 8% [95% CI 6–9] ‘always justified’. The practice of automatically assigning senior members of departments as co-authors on all submitted manuscripts may be common in the health sciences; with those admitting to this practice finding it unjustified in most cases.

Meursinge Reynders, R.A., Cavagnetto, D., ter Riet, G.  et al.  Automatically listing senior members of departments as co-authors is highly prevalent in health sciences: meta-analysis of survey research.  Sci Rep   14 , 5883 (2024).

Ranga Dias and his team at the University of Rochester compressed materials in a device called a diamond anvil cell to explore superconductivity. Credit: Lauren Petracca/New York Times/Redux/eyevine

Superconductivity scandal: the inside story of deception in a rising star’s physics lab

Ranga Dias claimed to have discovered the first room-temperature superconductors, but the work was later retracted. An investigation by  Nature ’s news team reveals new details about what happened — and how institutions missed red flags.

March 8, 2024 Nature Dan Garisto

In 2020, Ranga Dias was an up-and-coming star of the physics world. A researcher at the University of Rochester in New York, Dias achieved widespread recognition for his  claim to have discovered the first room-temperature superconductor , a material that conducts electricity without resistance at ambient temperatures. Dias published that finding in a landmark  Nature  paper 1 .

Nearly two years later, that  paper was retracted . But not long after, Dias announced an even bigger result, also published in  Nature : another room-temperature superconductor 2 . Unlike the previous material, the latest one supposedly worked at relatively modest pressures, raising the enticing possibility of applications such as superconducting magnets for medical imaging and powerful computer chips.


Peer Review and Scientific Publishing Are Faltering

March 7, 2024 Medscape Robert Villa, MD

A drawing of a rat with four testicles and a giant penis was included in  a scientific paper  and recently circulated on social media and in online publications. It graphically represents the outcome of disregarding the quality of science produced each year in favor of its quantity.

For many years, there has been talk of  paper mills : publishers who print scientific journals and articles for a fee without caring about the reliability of their research. These publishers of what are called predatory journals sometimes seem not to care whether their authors even exist. The business pleases publishing groups paid by researchers, researchers who can increase the number of their publications (which is crucial for their professional evaluation), institutions that can boast of researchers who publish a lot, and sometimes, even interest groups outside academia or research centers that exploit the system to give scientific legitimacy to their demands (as has sometimes happened within antivaccine movements). Serious scientists and, above all, trust in science suffer.


Science integrity sleuths welcome legal aid fund for whistleblowers

Investor has pledged $1 million over 4 years

March 5, 2024 Science Holly Else

A Silicon Valley investor has pledged $1 million to help pay the legal costs of scientists being sued for flagging fraudulent research. Yun-Fang Juan, an engineer and data scientist by background, hopes the new Scientific Integrity Fund—the first of its kind—will make speaking up about wrongdoing less intimidating. The fund comes after a spate of cases in which high-profile scientists have retracted papers after whistleblowers made allegations of research fraud.

“As scientists, we need to be able to ask questions and raise concerns about other researchers’ work, without the risk of being sued, or going bankrupt because we have to hire a lawyer,” says prominent science sleuth Elisabeth Bik, an adviser to the fund.

Trends in US public confidence in science and opportunities for progress

Trends in US public confidence in science and opportunities for progress

March 4, 2024 PNAS Arthur Lupia, David B. Allison, Kathleen Hall Jamieson, Jennifer Heimberg, Magdalena Skipper, and Susan Wolf

In recent years, many questions have been raised about whether public confidence in science is changing. To clarify recent trends in the public’s confidence and factors that are associated with these feelings, an effort initiated by the National Academies’ Strategic Council for Research Excellence, Integrity, and Trust (the Strategic Council) analyzed findings from multiple survey research organizations. The Strategic Council’s effort, which began in 2022, found that U.S. public confidence in science, the scientific community, and leaders of scientific communities is high relative to other civic, cultural, and governmental institutions for which researchers regularly collect such data. 

Lupia, Arthur, et al. “Trends in U.S. Public Confidence in Science and Opportunities for Progress.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America , vol. 121, no. 11, 4 Mar. 2024, Accessed 18 Mar. 2024.


Q&A: The scientific integrity sleuth taking on the widespread problem of research misconduct

February 28, 2024 STAT News Deborah Balthazar

Elisabeth Bik, a microbiologist by training, has become one of the world’s most influential science detectives. An authority on scientific image analysis who’s been  profiled  in The New Yorker for her unique ability to spot duplicated or doctored photographs, she appeared frequently in the news over the past year as one of the experts who raised research misconduct concerns that led to an  investigation  into, and the eventual departure of, former Stanford president  Marc Tessier-Lavigne .

Taylor & Francis Online

Responding to research misconduct allegations brought against top university officials

February 27, 2024 Taylor & Francis Online David B. Resnik, Mohammad Hosseini, & Lisa Rasmussen

Investigating research misconduct allegations against top officials can create significant conflicts of interest (COIs) for universities that may require changes to existing oversight frameworks. One way of addressing some of these challenges is to develop policies and procedures that specifically address investigation of allegations of misconduct involving top university officials. Steps can also be taken now regardless of whether such a body is created. Federal and university research misconduct regulations and policies may need to be revised to provide institutions with clearer guidance on how to deal with misconduct allegations against top officials. For their part, institutions may benefit from proactively creating and transparently disclosing their own processes for independent investigation of research misconduct allegations against senior officials.

David B Resnik, Mohammad Hosseini & Lisa Rasmussen (2024) Responding to research misconduct allegations brought against top university officials, Accountability in Research, DOI:  10.1080/08989621.2024.2321179


Wanted: Scientific Errors. Cash Reward.

February 21, 2024 The Chronicle of Higher Education Stephanie M. Lee

Scientific-misconduct accusations are leading to retractions of high-profile papers, forcing reckonings within fields and ending professorships, even presidencies. But there’s no telling how widespread errors are in research: As it is, they’re largely brought to light by unpaid volunteers.

A program launching this month is hoping to shake up that incentive structure.

 Yves Moreau has long waged a campaign against genetics studies from China with questionable consent procedures.Lies Willaert

‘Ethics is not a checkbox exercise.’ Bioinformatician Yves Moreau reacts to mass retraction of papers from China

A genetics journal has pulled 18 studies over concerns that study participants did not give free consent

February 20, 2024 Science Dennis Normile

Last week, bioinformatician Yves Moreau of KU Leuven scored an important victory: The journal Molecular Genetics & Genomic Medicine retracted 18 papers from Chinese institutions because of ethical concerns. Moreau has long waged a solo campaign against studies that fail to get proper free and informed consent when collecting genetic samples, especially from vulnerable populations in China. He had raised questions about the now-retracted papers in 2021 and says this appears to be the largest set of retractions ever over human rights issues.


Passion is not misconduct

February 13, 2024 Science H. Holden Thorp

University of Pennsylvania climate scientist Michael Mann  was awarded more than $1 million  in a lawsuit against bloggers who accused him of scientific misconduct in inflammatory terms, likening his treatment of data to what a noted child molester did to children. The verdict suggests that there are limits to which scientists working on politically sensitive topics can be falsely attacked. But the case also says something profound about the difference between matters of opinion and scientific interpretations that can be worked out through normal academic processes. Although Mann has expressed strong—and even intemperate—emotions and words in political discourse, the finding of the District of Columbia Superior Court boiled down to the fact that it is not an opinion that determines when scientific misconduct occurs but rather, misconduct can be established using known processes.


Vendor offering citations for purchase is latest bad actor in scholarly publishing

Unscrupulous researchers have many options for gaming citations metrics, new study highlights

February 12, 2024 Science Katie Langin

In 2023, a new Google Scholar profile appeared online featuring a researcher no one had ever heard of. Within a few months, the scientist, an expert in fake news, was listed by the scholarly database as their field’s 36th most cited researcher. They had an h-index of 19—meaning they’d published 19 academic articles that had been cited at least 19 times each. It was an impressive burst onto the academic publishing scene.

But none of it was legitimate. The researcher and their institution were fictional, created by researchers at New York University (NYU) Abu Dhabi who were probing shady publishing practices. The publications were written by ChatGPT. And the citation numbers were bogus: Some came from the author excessively citing their own “work,” while 50 others had been purchased for $300 from a vendor offering a “citations booster service.”


A flurry of research misconduct cases has universities scrambling to protect themselves

February 12, 2024 STAT Angus Chen and Jonathan Wosen

There was a time when an allegation of data mishandling, scientific misconduct, or just a technical error felt like a crisis to Barrett Rollins, an oncologist and research integrity officer at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. Now, it’s just another Tuesday.

The renowned cancer treatment and research center is in the midst of a  lengthy review  of possible discrepancies involving around 60 papers co-authored by four of its top researchers over a period of over 15 years, including CEO Laurie Glimcher and COO William Hahn. And it’s hardly alone. Over the past decade, the number of research misconduct allegations reported to the National Institutes of Health has more than doubled, climbing from 74 in 2013 to 169 in 2022. And  scientific sleuths  are finding plenty of other problems that don’t always qualify as outright misconduct.

Journals are making an effort to detect manipulated images of the gels used to analyse proteins and DNA. Credit: Shutterstock

How journals are fighting back against a wave of questionable images

Publishers are deploying AI-based tools to detect suspicious images, but generative AI threatens their efforts.

February 12, 2024 Nature Nicola Jones

It seems that every month brings a fresh slew of high-profile allegations against researchers whose papers — some of them years old — contain signs of possible  image manipulation  .

Scientist sleuths  are using their own trained eyes, along with commercial software based on artificial intelligence (AI), to spot image duplication and other issues that might hint at sloppy record-keeping or worse. They are bringing these concerns to light in places like PubPeer, an online forum featuring  many new posts  every day flagging image concerns.

Some of these efforts have led to action. Last month, for example, the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute (DFCI) in Boston, Massachusetts, said that it would ask journals to retract or correct a slew of papers authored by its staff members. The disclosure came after an  observer raised concerns  about images in the papers. The institute says it is continuing to investigate the concerns.

Taylor & Francis Online

An accidental discovery of scientific fraud: A reconstruction

February 9, 2024 Taylor & Francis Online Marijke Schotanus-Dijkstra

Dear Professor Covan,

You have recently decided to retract the paper of Hania et al. ( Citation2022 ). Thank you for inviting me to explain why I was suspicious about the originality of this paper which led to this retraction.

I am currently working on a scoping review about flourishing mental health during the menopausal transition. First, I read around 250 papers after initial screening of titles and abstracts. Second, I started with the data extraction process in which at that point around 40 articles were extracted in an Excel datafile. I started to impute the data of the paper of Iioka and Komatsu ( Citation2015 ), but I discovered that in each of the columns, except for “study” and “country,” Excel showed me the exact or almost exact answer with the information I wanted to extract. For some columns like the age range and mean age (SD), this might be possible as some articles use similar datasets. Yet, the further I worked on the extraction for this paper, the more suspicious I got because each column seemed to be identical to one particular article, the one of Hania et al. ( Citation2022 ). Especially the exact same key-findings of the exact same outcomes was disturbing.

Marijke Schotanus-Dijkstra (2024) An accidental discovery of scientific fraud: A reconstruction, Health Care for Women International, DOI:  10.1080/07399332.2024.2310709

A new method searches the scholarly literature for trends in authorship that indicate paper-mill activity. Credit: Zoonar GmbH/Alamy

Fake research papers flagged by analysing authorship trends

A new approach to detecting fraudulent paper-mill studies focuses on patterns of co-authors rather than manuscript text.

February 7, 2024 Nature Dalmeet Singh Chawla

A research-technology firm has developed a new approach to help identify journal articles that originate from  paper mills  — companies that churn out fake or poor-quality studies and sell authorships.

The technique, described in a preprint posted on arXiv last month  1  , uses factors such as the combination of a paper’s authors to flag suspicious studies. Its developers at London-based firm Digital Science say it can help to identify cases in which researchers might have bought their way onto a paper.

Accusations of plagiarism, including alleged misuse of ChatGPT, should not be made lightly. Credit: Alexandre Rotenberg/Alamy

‘Obviously ChatGPT’ — how reviewers accused me of scientific fraud

A journal reviewer accused Lizzie Wolkovich of using ChatGPT to write a manuscript. She hadn’t — but her paper was rejected anyway.

February 5, 2024 Nature E. M. Wolkovich

I have just been accused of scientific fraud. Not data fraud — no one accused me of fabricating or misleadingly manipulating data or results. This, I suppose, is a relief because my laboratory, which studies how global change reshapes ecological communities, works hard to ensure that data are transparent and sharable, and that our work is reproducible. Instead, I was accused of writing fraud: passing off ‘writing’ produced by artificial intelligence (AI) as my own. That hurts, because — like many people — I find writing a paper to be a somewhat painful process. I read books on how to write — both to be comforted by how much these books stress that writing is generally slow and difficult, and to find ways to improve. My current strategy involves willing myself to write and creating several outlines before the first draft, which is followed by writing and a lot of revising. I always suggest this approach to my students, although I know it is not easy, because I think it’s important that scientists try to communicate well.

Fake research papers could jeopardise drug development, warn academics. Photograph: Westend61/Getty Images

‘The situation has become appalling’: fake scientific papers push research credibility to crisis point

Last year, 10,000 sham papers had to be retracted by academic journals, but experts think this is just the tip of the iceberg  

February 3, 2024 The Guardian Robin McKie

Tens of thousands of bogus research papers are being published in journals in an international scandal that is worsening every year, scientists have warned.  Medical research  is being compromised, drug development hindered and promising academic research jeopardised thanks to a global wave of sham science that is sweeping laboratories and universities.

Last year the annual number of papers retracted by research journals topped 10,000 for the first time. Most analysts believe the figure is only the tip of an iceberg of  scientific fraud .

Sheets of paper floating in clouds

Impact factor mania and publish-or-perish may have contributed to Dana-Farber retractions, experts say

Learning from past errors (and misconduct) in cancer research

February 2, 2024 The Cancer Letter Jacquelyn Cobb

More than a decade ago, Glenn Begley and Lee Ellis published a  paper  with astounding findings: of 53 “landmark” studies, only six, or 11%, were reproducible, even with the same reagents and the same protocols—and even, sometimes, in the same laboratory—as the original study.

Begley’s and Ellis’s classic paper, published in  Nature , gave rise to a movement that captured the attention of the uppermost crust of biomedical research. 

Then NCI Director Harold Varmus, for example, focused on the paper—and the broader problem of reproducibility—at a 2013 meeting of the National Cancer Advisory Board ( The Cancer Letter ,  Dec. 3 , 2013). In 2014, Francis Collins and Lawrence Tabak, then-director and then-deputy director of NIH,  outlined the institute’s plan  to address the issue of reproducibility in biomedical research. Journals and funding agencies took action.  Declarations ,  meetings , and  reports  suddenly materialized, and  research funders  rapidly responded.

Bad incentives in academia are leading to a surge in retractions. Conditions could create a trap even for well-meaning researchers. GETTY

Surge In Academic Retractions Should Put U.S. Scholars On Notice

February 1, 2024 Forbes James Broughel

A December  article  in Nature highlighted an alarming new record: more than 10,000 academic papers were retracted in 2023 alone, largely stemming from manipulation of the peer review and publication processes. Over 8,000 of the retractions came from journals run by the Egyptian company Hindawi, a subsidiary of Wiley, and many were in special issues, which are collections of articles often overseen by guest editors that can have laxer standards than normal.

For now, researchers from countries like Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Russia and China face the highest retraction rates, but it is sensible to ask: what would happen if a major scandal hit a mainstream American discipline? The idea seems less far-fetched than it used to. With  disgraced  ex-Stanford President Marc Tessier-Lavigne and former Harvard President Claudia Gay's academic  records  fresh in public memory, a scandal involving elite American researchers and universities is all too plausible.

Hunter Moseley says that good reproducibility practices are essential to fully harness the potential of big data.Credit: Hunter N.B. Moseley

In the AI science boom, beware: your results are only as good as your data

Machine-learning systems are voracious data consumers — but trustworthy results require more vetting both before and after publication.

February 1, 2024 Nature Hunter Moseley

We are in the middle of a data-driven science boom. Huge, complex data sets, often with large numbers of individually measured and annotated ‘features’, are fodder for voracious artificial intelligence (AI) and machine-learning systems, with details of new applications being published almost daily.

But publication in itself is not synonymous with factuality. Just because a paper, method or data set is published does not mean that it is correct and free from mistakes. Without checking for accuracy and validity before using these resources, scientists will surely encounter errors. In fact, they already have.


Science sleuths are using technology to find fakery and plagiarism in published research

January 28, 2024 AP News Carla K. Johnson

Allegations of research fakery at a leading cancer center have turned a spotlight on scientific integrity and the amateur sleuths uncovering image manipulation in published research.

Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, a Harvard Medical School affiliate, announced Jan. 22 it’s requesting retractions and corrections of scientific papers after a British blogger flagged problems in early January.

The blogger, 32-year-old Sholto David, of Pontypridd, Wales, is a scientist-sleuth who detects cut-and-paste image manipulation in published scientific papers.

AI and the Future of Image Integrity in Scientific Publishing

AI and the Future of Image Integrity in Scientific Publishing

January 22, 2024 ScienceEditor Dror Kolodkin-Gal

Scientific publishing serves as a vital medium for sharing research results with the global scientific community. The images within an article are often integral to conveying those results clearly. However, with researchers sometimes including hundreds of sub-images in a manuscript, manually ensuring all images accurately depict the data they are intended to represent can be a challenge. Here, cancer researcher and founder of an artificial intelligence  (AI) image-checking software tool , 1  Dr Dror Kolodkin-Gal, explores how researchers and editors can improve image integrity, and how AI can streamline the publishing process.

AI and the future of image integrity in scientific publishing

Whistleblowing microbiologist wins unfair dismissal case against USGS

Whistleblowing microbiologist wins unfair dismissal case against USGS

January 11, 2024 ChemistryWorld Rebecca Trager

A microbiologist has won her case for unfair dismissal against a US federal agency after she blew the whistle on animal welfare and biosafety failures. The US Geological Survey (USGS) hired  Evi Emmenegger  as a fisheries microbiologist in 1994, and in 2006 promoted her to manager of the highest biosafety level containment laboratory at the agency’s Western Fisheries Research Center (WFRC) in Seattle. But in 2017, she became a whistleblower when she filed a scientific integrity complaint that the agency dismissed before putting her on leave in January 2020 and then firing her for alleged lapses in her research – a termination that was later retracted.

Genuine images in 2024

Genuine images in 2024

January 5, 2024 Science H. Holden Thorp

In recent years, the research community has become increasingly concerned with issues involving the manipulation of images in scientific papers. Some of these alterations—involving images from experimental techniques such as microscopy, flow cytometry, and western blots—are inadvertent and may not change the conclusions of papers. But in rare cases, some are done deliberately to mislead readers. Image sleuths who can detect these alterations, like the scientific integrity consultant Elisabeth Bik, have risen to prominence, as has the website PubPeer, where many of the detected flaws are posted. High-profile incidents, such as one involving the laboratory of former Stanford University President Marc Tessier-Lavigne, have eroded public confidence in science and harmed careers of investigators who missed doctored images coming from their own laboratories. To address these problems, in 2024, the  Science  family of journals is adopting the use of Proofig, an artificial intelligence (AI)–powered image-analysis tool, to detect altered images across all six of the journals.

News Archive

Dhhs the office of research integrity, misconduct case summaries [ html ].

November 2023 Sarah Elizabeth Martin, Auburn University

ORI found that Respondent engaged in research misconduct by intentionally or knowingly falsifying and/or fabricating experimental data and results obtained under different experimental conditions that were included one (1) grant application, one (1) published paper, one (1) submitted manuscript, and six (6) presentations.

October 2023 Lara S. Hwa, Ph.D., Baylor University and University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

ORI found that Respondent engaged in research misconduct by knowingly or recklessly falsifying and/or fabricating data, methods, results, and conclusions in animal models of alcohol use disorders. Specifically, Respondent falsified and/or fabricated experimental timelines, group conditions, sex of animal subjects, mouse strains, and behavioral response data in two (2) published papers and two (2) PHS grant applications.

September 13, 2023 Kotha Subbaramaiah, Ph.D. and Andrew Dannenberg, M.D., Weill Cornell Medical College

ORI found that Respondent engaged in research misconduct by intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly falsifying and/or fabricating data included in twelve (12) published papers.

September 5, 2023 Ivana Frech, Ph.D. (formerly Ivana De Domenico), University of Utah

ORI found by a preponderance of the evidence that Respondent intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly falsified and/or fabricated western blot and autoradiogram images related to mechanisms of cellular iron regulation by reusing, relabeling, and manipulating images to falsely report data in eight (8) figures included in three (3) PHS-supported published papers.

September 1, 2023 Surangi (Suranji) Jayawardena, Ph.D., University of Alabama in Huntsville

ORI found that Respondent engaged in research misconduct by intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly falsifying and/or fabricating data in twelve (12) figure panels in four (4) NIH grant applications.

university of kentucky research papers

UKNeu-PREP University of Kentucky Neuroscience Post-baccalaureate Research Education Program

Application Deadline: Rolling

The program is housed within the UK College of Medicine Department of Neuroscience and the Spinal Cord and Brain Injury Research Center.

UKNeu-PREP is a two year, NIH-funded post baccalaureate program at the University of Kentucky College of Medicine. This is a training program for recent college graduates from underrepresented backgrounds who are interested in research careers in neuroscience but lacked access to research opportunities as undergraduates.

This two-year post baccalaureate program includes mentored laboratory research and experience, graduate level courses, opportunities for professional development, and mentorship.

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Stay connected with the UKNeu-PREP program!

Program Goals

  •  2-year post-baccalaureate neuroscience training program 
  • Prepare participants for entry into neuroscience graduate degree programs
  • Connect participants to research opportunities and holistic, culturally-competent mentorship

Program Offerings

  • $36,000/year salary + benefits
  • 75% research + 25% coursework
  • Interact with other training programs e.g. African American Research Training Scholars (AARTS); Stem Through Authentic Research Training: (S.T.A.R.T); Neurobiology of CNS Injury T32 graduate training program


  • Neuroscience or related undergraduate education
  • Identify as an underrepresented minority
  • Baccalaureate degree (May 2023 is fine) from an institution without substantial research opportunities (undergraduate institution does not have a doctoral degree program in neuroscience)

Interested in Applying?


Click Here to Apply

Get in Touch with the Program Directors

Email the program directors for more information: 

John C. Gensel, PhD: [email protected]   Luke Bradley, PhD: [email protected]   

Fill Out a Short Form

Click below to fill out a short form that will let us know you're interested in applying. Once you have submitted the form, we will contact you with more information.

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About the Program Directors

university of kentucky research papers

Luke H. Bradley, PhD

Positions held:.

  • Regular Faculty
  • Acting Chair

university of kentucky research papers

John Carib Gensel, PhD

  • Director-Spinal Cord and Brain Injury Research Center (SCoBIRC)
  • Associate Professor of Physiology
  • SCoBIRC Endowed Chair #5.
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  • College of Nursing, College of Public Health launch Public Health Nursing Scholars program
  • Alumni Spotlight: Matt Eubank
  • Patients, caregivers invited to provide perspectives as part of new University of Kentucky PEER Program

university of kentucky research papers

Nursing Research Papers Day at the University of Kentucky

Nursing Research Papers Day will take place on Fri., Nov. 6 in the Colonial Ballroom of the Campbell House and will showcase the work of UK HealthCare nurses and College of Nursing students. From 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., presenters will discuss research topics ranging from the management of sepsis to the use of Facebook as a support medium for heart failure patients with left ventricular assist devices.

Download the agenda here .

View all of the abstracts here .

For the last 41 years, UK nurses have conducted research to improve patient care in our local community and beyond. The first Nursing Research Papers Day was held in 1989 after the first formal nursing research committee at UK Chandler Medical Center (UKMC) met in 1975 to review nursing research proposals investigating compliance with self-breast examination and the impact of primary nursing on the quality of nursing care. Unit-based research committees were introduced in 1980, and in 1986 the role of research in nursing practice was integrated with the associate, bachelor and master’s degree nursing job descriptions.

In 1996, UK initiated the Dorothy Brockopp Nursing Research Award to honor Brockopp, who was then the nurse researcher for UKCMC and later on went on to serve for two years as the associate director of International Affairs at UK. Up to $1,000 is available for nursing research proposals, studies in progress, or completed studies. A practice improvement or evidence-based practice projects may also be funded.

The members of the Nursing Research Committee for 2015 are:

Bauman, Jennifer Bodine, Michele Boling, Bryan Chamblin, Lisa Chappell, Hazel Cheung, Robyn B. Clements, Linda Evans, James G. Gabbard, Sarah Gifford, Andrea S. Gwanyanya, Tsitsi Holtzclaw, Linda Howard, Patricia K. Johnson, Shannon McIntosh, Angela Mlack, Karalee Mock, Vickie H Okoli, Chizimuzo T. Rainey, Renee Wethington, Mary

Student Services : [email protected] 859-323-5108

315 College of Nursing Building 751 Rose Street University of Kentucky Lexington, KY 40536-0232

Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education Accredited

The baccalaureate and DNP programs at the University of Kentucky College of Nursing are accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education, 655 K Street NW, Suite 750, Washington, DC 20001, (202) 887-6791


UKnowledge > Gatton College of Business and Economics > Economics > University of Kentucky Center for Poverty Research > Discussion Paper Series

University of Kentucky Center for Poverty Research

University of Kentucky Center for Poverty Research Discussion Paper Series

Submissions from 2017 2017.

Impact of Food Insecurity and SNAP Participation on Healthcare Utilization and Expenditures , Seth A. Berkowitz, Hilary K. Seligman, and Sanjay Basu

How Well Does SNAP Protect Families Against the Risk of Food Insecurity and Poor Health During Economic Downturns? , Thomas DeLeire, Bradley Hardy, and Jay Bhattacharya

The Real Value of SNAP Benefits and Health Outcomes , Hilary W. Hoynes, Erin Bronchetti, and Garret Christensen

Using Natural Experiments to Identify the Effects of SNAP on Child and Adult Health , Daniel P. Miller and Taryn W. Morrissey

Child Age and Gender Differences in Food Security in a Low-Income Inner-City Population , Robert A. Moffitt and David C. Ribar

Submissions from 2016 2016

Cost of living, Healthy Food Acquisition, and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program , Sanjay Basu, Christopher Wimer, and Hilary K. Seligman

The Effects of Benefit Timing and Income Fungibility on Food Purchasing Decisions among SNAP Households , Joshua P. Berning, Gregory Colson, Jeffery H. Dorfman, Travis A. Smith, and Xiaosi Yang

Contextualizing Family Food Decisions: The Role of Household Characteristics, Neighborhood Deprivation, and Local Food Environments , Sarah Bowen, Richelle Winkler, J. Dara Bloom, and Lillian MacNell

Variation in Food Prices and SNAP Adequacy for Purchasing the Thrifty Food Plan , Erin Bronchetti, Garret Christensen, and Benjamin Hansen

The Effect of Food Price on Food Insecurity and Diet Quality: Exploring Potential Moderating Roles of SNAP and Consumer Competency , Yunhee Chang, Jinhee Kim, and Swarn Chatterjee

Supermarket Proximity and Price: Food Insecurity and Obesity in the United States , Janelle Downing and Barbara Laraia

The Relationship between Neighborhood Food Environment and Food Store Choice on Purchasing Habits among SNAP and Lower Income Households, USDA FoodAPS Data , Alison A. Gustafson, James E. Allen IV, Nancy E. Schoenberg, and Mark Swanson

Welfare Reform and the Intergenerational Transmission of Dependence , Robert Paul Hartley, Carlos Lamarche, and James P. Ziliak

Influence of SNAP Participation and Food Environment on Nutritional Quality of Food at Home Purchases , Amy Hillier, Benjamin Chrisinger, Tony E. Smith, Eliza Whiteman, and Michael Kallan

Causes and Consequences of the Calorie Crunch , Michael A. Kuhn

Do SNAP Recipients Get the Best Prices? , Conrad Lyford, Raymond J. March, Carlos E. Carpio, and Tullaya Boonsaeng

Food Store Choice of Poor Households: A Discrete Choice Analysis of the National Household Food Acquisition and Purchase Survey , Sofia B. Villas-Boas and Rebecca Taylor

An Overview of SNAP, Food Security, and Geographic Factors in Food Purchase and Acquisition Decisions , James P. Ziliak and Craig Gundersen

Food Security and Geographic Factors in Food Purchase and Acquisition Decisions: A Compilation of Research Conducted under USDA Cooperative Agreements 58-5000-1-0050 and 58-5000-3-0066 , James P. Ziliak and Craig Gundersen

Submissions from 2015 2015

Trouble in the Tails? What We Know about Earnings Nonresponse Thirty Years after Lillard, Smith, and Welch , Christopher R. Bollinger, Barry T. Hirsch, Charles M. Hokayem, and James P. Ziliak

Temporary Assistance for Needy Families , James P. Ziliak

Submissions from 2014 2014

Beyond Income: What Else Predicts Very Low Food Security among Children? , Patricia M. Anderson, Kristin F. Butcher, Hilary W. Hoynes, and Diane Whitmore Schanzenbach

The Health and Nutrition Effects of SNAP: Selection into the Program and a Review of the Literature on Its Effects , Marianne Bitler

Childhood Stress: A Qualitative Analysis of the Intergenerational Circumstances of Child Hunger , Mariana Chilton and Molly Knowles

The Role of CPS Nonresponse on the Level and Trend in Poverty , Charles Hokayem, Christopher R. Bollinger, and James P. Ziliak

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Research Awards & Grants

Dean’s award for excellence in undergraduate scholarship.

Each year, UK Libraries awards two $1,000 prizes to undergraduate students whose research projects make substantive and creative use of UK Libraries’ collections, services, and resources. We celebrate exceptional and original scholarship in two categories: traditional papers and digital methodologies. Learn more about recent recipients or view past winning submissions to see where UK Libraries resources can take your scholarship.

For information on how to apply, including eligibility and evaluation criteria, timelines, and due dates, please visit our Dean’s Award Library Guide .

Applications are reviewed in the spring.

Earle C. Clements Innovation in Education Award

Each year, the National Archives and the University of Kentucky Libraries Wendell H. Ford Public Policy Research Center recognizes promising and innovative Kentucky educators through the Earle C. Clements Innovation in Education Award for Civics and History Teachers.

Clements Award recipients are selected by an independent review panel and receive $1,000 each.

The award criteria include the following:

  • Teacher’s knowledge of, and enthusiasm for, the subject and commitment to increasing student awareness of the importance of public service
  • Impact on student success
  • Evidence of creativity and innovation

The Clements Award honors the life and career of the late  Earle C. Clements  and his lifelong commitment to education and public service.

Medallion for Intellectual Achievement

One of UK’s most prestigious awards, the UK Libraries Medallion for Intellectual Achievement is awarded annually to a Kentucky resident whose accomplishments in the fields of science, literature, art, or philanthropy have made a profound impact on the Commonwealth and represent the pinnacle of creative or scholarly thought.

Anyone may submit a nominee for the Medallion by filling out the nomination form . Nominees must be a Kentucky native or have more than three years of work or residency in Kentucky. Selections are determined by the UK Libraries National Advisory Board , who take great pride in recognizing high intellectual achievement by Kentuckians and encouraging creative thought across the Commonwealth.

Past award recipients include Thomas D. Clark, Wendell Berry, Bobbie Ann Mason, and bell hooks. Nominees must be a Kentucky native or have more than three years of work or residency in Kentucky.

Nominations are reviewed in the fall.

Open Educational Resources Grant

The Open Educational Resources (OER) Grant Program , formerly known as the Alternative Textbook Program, encourages the adoption and creation of OER for use in UK courses. OER are class materials without copyright restriction that are free for anyone to use, share, or revise. By replacing costly traditional textbooks and offering free access to essential learning materials, UK Libraries is reducing students’ financial burden and increasing access to higher education for all. 

Since its launch in 2016, the program has impacted thousands of students, leveraging just over $100,000 in grant funds into over $1.5 million in savings:

  • Grants Awarded: 59
  • Funds Awarded: $107,500
  • Students Enrolled in Impacted Courses: 12,480
  • Estimated Student Savings: $1,543,979
  • Estimated Savings per Student: $124
  • Colleges Represented by Grant Recipients: 13

Find past grant recipients and more information about adopting, adapting, and creating OER in our Open Educational Resources Library Guide .

David Mudry Memorial Scholarship

The David Mudry Memorial Scholarship is a one-time $1,000 award to help offset the cost of books and course materials for students with unmet financial need. The scholarship honors the legacy of David Mudry ‘18, who is remembered for his incredible warmth, boundless compassion, and as a tireless advocate for LGBTQ* initiatives on campus. 

Applicants must be enrolled as full-time undergraduates, apply at least one semester prior to their anticipated graduation date, and demonstrate unmet financial need as determined by the Office of Student Financial Aid & Scholarships .

Applications are accepted in the Fall.

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  1. Articles

    Find scholarly and peer-reviewed articles and book chapters by searching our catalog with InfoKat Discovery and filtering your search results by resource type, publication date, and subject, among other options.. If you're looking for articles on specific topics, try a keyword search or conduct an advanced search to narrow your results. Browse our journals or databases according to subject ...

  2. Home

    The University of Kentucky supports and empowers innovative research in all forms practiced across our diverse campus, varied disciplines and more than 70 centers and institutes. UK faculty, staff and student researchers create, discover and apply new knowledge, and explore the most complex problems facing Kentucky, the nation and the world ...

  3. Browse Journals and Peer-Reviewed Series

    ISSN 2693-969X. Progress in Scale Modeling, an International Journal (PSMIJ), an open access scholarly journal based at the University of Kentucky Institute of Research for Technology Development, publishes new experimental, numerical, and theoretical results of scale modeling. PSMIJ provides an open forum for researchers and users of scale ...

  4. Finding Articles

    Consists of two files: the Resources in Education (RIE) file of ERIC document citations and the Current Index to Journals in Education (CIJE) file of journal article citations from over 1,000 journals. Both files provide abstracts. In addition, ERIC now contains over 2,200 ERIC Digest records that feature the full-text of the original document.

  5. Paper Resources

    James Lester's Writing Research Papers: a Complete Guide, is an excellent overview of the research writing process.It includes a listing of standard citation manuals used by various disciplines, including sample citations. You can then check the online resources tab above or search InfoKat Discovery to find the manual you need.

  6. Research, Practice, & Community

    Research, Practice, and Community. Research is an essential component of the University of Kentucky College of Nursing's mission. Faculty and students in the College of Nursing are committed to advancing nursing science by promoting the health and health care of individuals, families, communities and populations through research.

  7. Home

    Important Information. Phone. 859 218-1881. Emergencies. 911 / #UKPD (#8573) UKPD Dispatch. 859 257-1616. Environmental Health & Safety. 859 257-1376.

  8. Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry

    GRADUATE STUDENT RESEARCH. Biochemistry graduate students are well trained in various specialized research areas and in biochemistry in general. Students prepare and present their research at local conferences and seminars, at national meetings, and certainly in journal publications.

  9. Library Occasional Papers Series

    The Landscape Architecture Book Catalog: A Bibliography of holdings on the University of Kentucky Campus through 1977, Antoinette Paris Powell. Submissions from 1981 Link. Kentucky in Fiction--an Annotated Bibliography (1951 to 1980), Mary Donna Foley

  10. Kentucky & Local Information: Kentucky Research

    Kentucky & Local Information: Kentucky Research @ UK. This guide is intended to help you research Kentucky and other local issues by identifying appropriate paper, microform and Internet resources. Kentucky Research @ UK. Government and Politics. KY Genealogy. KY on the WWW. Lexington on the WWW.

  11. ExploreUK

    Search 530,000+ digitized collections, prints, photographs, maps, manuscripts, streaming video, and more from UK Special Collections Research Center and UK Libraries Search

  12. Newspapers & Microforms

    UK Libraries has the world's largest collection of Kentucky newspapers. Many Kentucky newspapers are available digitally or on microfilm, including historic papers filmed as part of the Kentucky Newspaper Project. Approximately 175 active newspapers are regularly filmed. Visit the Kentucky Microfilm Holdings Database or the Kentucky Digital ...

  13. Research Misconduct News

    Fake research papers flagged by analysing authorship trends. A new approach to detecting fraudulent paper-mill studies focuses on patterns of co-authors rather than manuscript text. February 7, 2024 ... University of Kentucky; Lexington, KY 40506-0057; 859-562-2819; [email protected]

  14. UKCPR Discussion Paper Series

    Department of Medicine, Stanford University . Center for Primary Care, Harvard Medical School . This project was supported with a grant from the University of Kentucky Center for Poverty Research through funding by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service and the Food and Nutrition Service, Agreement Number 58-5000-3-0066.

  15. UKNeu-PREP

    Associate Professor of Physiology. SCoBIRC Endowed Chair #5. Department of Neuroscience. MN 222 William R. Willard Medical Education Bldg. University of Kentucky. 780 Rose Street. Lexington, KY 40536-0298. Phone: (859) 323-5155. [email protected].

  16. University of Kentucky

    The Center for Applied Energy Research (CAER) is one of the University of Kentucky's multidisciplinary research centers. Its energy research provides a focal point for coal and environmental research in Kentucky. Research efforts are directed to: coal cleaning, beneficiation, utilization, and conversion process technologies. Environmental issues relating to fuel use and coal combustion by ...

  17. Nursing Research Papers Day at the University of Kentucky

    Oct 30, 2015. Research. Nursing Research Papers Day will take place on Fri., Nov. 6 in the Colonial Ballroom of the Campbell House and will showcase the work of UK HealthCare nurses and College of Nursing students. From 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., presenters will discuss research topics ranging from the management of sepsis to the use of Facebook as a ...

  18. University of Kentucky Center for Poverty Research Discussion Paper

    Discussion papers from the University of Kentucky Center for Poverty Research are showcased here. Home; Search; Browse Collections; ... A Compilation of Research Conducted under USDA Cooperative Agreements 58-5000-1-0050 and 58-5000-3-0066, James P. Ziliak and Craig Gundersen.

  19. Research Awards & Grants

    Since its launch in 2016, the program has impacted thousands of students, leveraging just over $100,000 in grant funds into over $1.5 million in savings: Grants Awarded: 59. Funds Awarded: $107,500. Students Enrolled in Impacted Courses: 12,480. Estimated Student Savings: $1,543,979.