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The Faculty of Life Sciences unites the disciplines of Biology , Pharmacy and Nutritional Sciences . The range of degree programmes offered at the Faculty is the largest among the natural science degree programmes at the University of Vienna. Applied courses in the lab or field work are key elements for the success of the programmes.

The Directors of Study Programmes (SPL and DSPL) plan the teaching programme and decide on questions of study law and study organization. The StudiesServiceCentre of Life Sciences (SSC) administrates all programmes of our Faculty. It serves as a student information centre at faculty level for all questions concerning degree programmes and graduation.

uni wien phd biologie

Biology studies life and living organisms, including their structure, function, growth, evolution, distribution, identification, and taxonomy. At the University of Vienna, Biology is represented by all its subdisciplines.

Depending on their focus, graduates are able to work in university or non-university research, in public administration, authorities or federal agencies, and in (international) governmental and non-governmental organizations. Graduates may also work in product development and in production and quality control.

The University of Vienna currently offers a Bachelor programme in Biology and 10 Master programmes. Additionally, Bachelor as well as Master teacher accreditation programmes are offered.

The following Master programmes are offered by the SPL Biology:

  • Anthropology
  • Behaviour, Neurobiology and Cognition
  • Conservation Biology and Biodiversity Management
  • Ecology and Ecosystems
  • Evolutionary Systems Biology

The following Master programmes are offered by the SPL Molecular Biology:

  • Genetics and Developmental Biology
  • Molecular Biology   
  • Molecular Biology, Microbial Ecology, and Immunobiology                                                                                                 

uni wien phd biologie

Graduates are qualified to work in pharmacies, hospitals, industry (research & development, manufacturing, regulatory affairs, quality control), universities (research and teaching), testing institutions, health agencies, pharmacy retail and specialised publishing houses. 

Pharmacy is the science of drugs. Accordingly, the pharmaceutical sciences cover a group of interdisciplinary areas of study concerned with the design, action, delivery, and disposition of drugs. The pharmaceutical sciences are subdivided into several specialisations, with four main branches: Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Biochemistry, Pharmacology, Pharmaceutical Technology, and Pharmacognosy.

  • Bachelor programme in Pharmacy

The SPL Pharmacy offers the Master programmes:

  • Drug Discovery and Development
  • Nutritional Sciences

uni wien phd biologie

Professional fields for graduates are: food industry, health care and public health, adult education, public relations and media, insurance and the pharmaceutical industry.                                                                    

Nutritional Sciences is a discipline based on natural sciences that deals with all aspects of human nutrition in theory and practice and works for the individual and societal well-being of people by involving other disciplines in the subfields of health, ecology, technology, production and economy.

The Bachelor programme of Nutritional Sciences is focused on basic knowledge in natural sciences in the first semesters followed by scientific specialisation in topics of human nutrition, food science, and dietetics.

Additionally, Bachelor as well as Master teacher accreditation programmes are offered.

The Master programme with three focuses on moleculare nutrition , food safety , and public health nutrition is research driven.

The SPL Nutritional Sciences offers the Master programme:  

  • Industry Insights
  • How to apply
  • Talents for Future
  • Program Description
  • How to Apply
  • Participating Labs
  • Housing/Benefits
  • Award Winners
  • Testimonials/Alumni
  • Steering Committee
  • Partner Universities
  • Open Positions
  • Roles and expectations
  • Program Steering Committee
  • Core Training
  • Elective Courses
  • FAQs/Contact
  • Graduations & Awards
  • Guidelines/Procedures
  • PhD Representatives
  • Post Doc Mentoring
  • Applications
  • Two-Mentor Scheme
  • Career Guidance
  • Training Program
  • VIP² Advisory Board (VAB)
  • Post Doc Representatives
  • Career Development Plan

One of Europe's leading PhD programs in the Life Sciences

Spring Call Closes

15 April 2024

Each year our students organize a symposium highlighting various disciplines present across our campus

Vienna BioCenter PhD Program, a Doctoral school of the University of Vienna and Medical University of Vienna in collaboration with the Gregor Mendel Institute (GMI) and Institute of Molecular Biotechnology (IMBA) of the Austrian Academy of Science, Research Institute of Molecular Pathology (IMP) and the Max Perutz Labs.

Empowering Curious Researchers

As a student at the Vienna BioCenter PhD Program you will be supervised by a top scientist and have full access to state-of-the-art facilities, thus giving you an opportunity to launch a successful scientific career. Here you will find the freedom and means to develop a brilliant PhD project. The Vienna BioCenter Campus is extremely dynamic and highly multidisciplinary with research areas ranging from molecules to populations.

uni wien phd biologie

At the Vienna BioCenter (VBC), we want to foster a world-class scientific environment where PhD students develop and excel. The purpose of the Vienna BioCenter PhD Program is to train rigorous, independent scientists through a comprehensive training program. The program encourages students to positively contribute to the advancement of science by making and publishing important scientific discoveries. The training program will allow students to acquire scientific skills, which are important for a career in science, but also for other career paths.

Our Mission

The mission of the Vienna BioCenter PhD Program is to promote interdisciplinary research in the Life Sciences at the highest level, and to help excellent PhD students develop into tomorrow's leading scientists through a comprehensive training program. The Vienna BioCenter is a world-class scientific research environment where students and group leaders from different backgrounds interact in an inter-disciplinary, open and creative environment. By promoting the exchange of ideas, by bringing together different and often complementary disciplines, and by supporting the development and adoption of novel cutting-edge technologies, we provide outstanding opportunities for ambitious and motivated students. Enrolled students are expected to contribute to the advancement of science by making important scientific discoveries and by publishing these in international, peer-reviewed journals. Our training program educates students in all areas relevant for a career in science and provides additional opportunities to acquire skills relevant for other career paths.

Check out the positions being offered in our latest call

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Bio-Oceanography and Marine Biology

uni wien phd biologie

This research cluster focuses on the ecology of marine organisms from the individual organism level to communities and on their interactions with the environment. Our main research areas are:

  • plankton ecology & benthic ecology
  • invasive species & biodiversity
  • microbial oceanography & marine biogeochemistry

uni wien phd biologie

  • PhD-Programm UN094 „Vascular Biology“
  • Studium, Aus- und Weiterbildung
  • Forschungscluster Kardiovaskuläre Medizin (CVC)

Das PhD-Programm „Vascular Biology“  ermöglicht eine erstklassige Ausbildung und richtungsweisende Forschung in verschiedenen Bereichen der Gefäßbiologie.

Den Studierenden wird ermöglicht, ihr Wissen nicht nur in der Grundlagenforschung, sondern auch in unterschiedlichen klinischen Disziplinen anzuwenden.

Am Programm sind verschiedene klinische Institute und Abteilungen der Medizinischen Universität Wien beteiligt, um die Studierenden umfassend zu unabhängigen Forscher:innen sowohl im akademischen Bereich, als auch in der Industrie mit dem Fokus Gefäßbiologie auszubilden.

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Application and Admission to PhD and Doctoral Programmes at the Medical University of Vienna

  • Studies & Further Education
  • Application & Admission
  • PhD and Doctoral Programmes

Unlike the Medicine and Dentistry degree programmes, the Ph.D. and doctoral programmes place specific requirements on applicants.

Requirements for a Ph.D. or Doctorate study

In order to be considered for a Ph.D., you will need to meet our requirements for enrolment:

  • You must hold a relevant degree from a higher education institution. To enter the Ph.D. program, you need to hold one or several degree(s) equivalent to 240 ECTS credits or a similar relevant four-year+ degree. The four years of higher education may take the form of a Bachelor Hons degree of four+ years or a Bachelor degree of three years and a Master degree of one to two years. Each level of education will be assessed to see if it meets the entry requirements. If you hold a degree other than a European Master's degree, it may be advisable to have your degree assessed by the National Academic Recognition Information Centre (ENIC NARIC AUSTRIA ) before you apply.
  • Excellent communication skills in English are considered essential. Applicants must be able to read, write and speak academic English fluently. English language requirements are comparable to a minimum of level 2B. More details about the language requirements can be found here .
  • Before you can enrol in our Ph.D. program, you must come to an agreement with one of our faculties to support your Ph.D. training. For further information on our Ph.D. Calls and open Ph.D. positions , please click on the link.

Research or programming experience in the field you are applying for is desirable but not essential. However, our experience in the past has been that applicants with research experience have a better chance of success.

Ph.D. postion application

The basic requirement for admission to a doctorate at MedUni Vienna is the commitment of a Ph.D. supervisor to support you in your studies.

Supervisors have the possibility to advertise their open Ph.D. positions on our Ph.D. opportunities website or through their own channels. You can apply for these Ph.D. positions only online in our application portal within the application deadline. Open Ph.D. calls will take place twice a year. More information about the online application process and currently open Ph.D. positions can be found here.

If there is currently no online application open in the current Ph.D. call for your preferred Ph.D. program or project, you have the possibility to send an initiative application to your preferred supervisor via email. The contact details of the supervisors can be found on the Ph.D. Supervisor webpage . 

Important note: The application for a PhD position is a seperate and independent process from admission. If you have already come to an agreement with a Ph.D. supervisor you only have to enroll for your studies. 

Admission procedure for the Ph.D. and Doctorate studies

You can enrol for two study programs at MedUni Vienna: 

  • PhD program UN094/UN794620/UN794455
  • Doctoral program of Applied Medical Science UN790

For the registration for all Ph.D. and doctoral programs at the Medical University of Vienna, a prior commitment  by a relevant thesis supervisor is necessary.   It is the student´s responsability to come to an agreement with a thesis supervisor for the doctoral thesis before applying to enrol in a Ph.D. program . Students, who have successfully participated in one of our Ph.D. calls and received an offer from us, do not need to obtain any additional proof of commitment from a supervisor.

The next step is to complete your online PhD and doctoral enrolment application and attach all the necessary documents. The system allows you to check the status of your application at any time. 

If all documents have been submitted correctly, you will receive a payment request for the ÖH and/or tuition fees. Once the fees have been paid, you will officially be enrolled for your studies and receive the pin code to activate MedCampus for students and your student ID card. 

Late payment of the ÖH and/or the tuition fee will result in exmatriculation and you will have to be readmitted.

After admission, you will be able to book your courses and start your scientific work. At the end of the second semester, please send us your dissertation application, which is also part of the overall grade. 

(Online) admission application

For the admission to the Ph.D. program, please register online and submit an application with all required documents to the Admissions Office by the admission periods  deadline. 

If you already have an active student or staff account and wish to register for a PhD programme, please use the following link:

If you have not studied or worked at MedUni Vienna before, please use this second link to register as a new user and for the study programme:$ctx/wbSelbstRegPerson.register

After you have registered in MedCampus, you can check the status of your admission there at any time. We will inform you in the system if we require any additonal information or documents from you, therefore we suggest that you check the status of your application from time to time.

What documents do I have to submit for admission?

Only complete applications for admission will be processed. The form "concept of the doctoral thesis" (Dissertationskonzept) must be completely filled out electronically, stamped, dated and signed. Furthermore, the documents must be submitted in German or English translation with the required authentications.

In addition to the completed and signed application forms, the following documents must be submitted:

  • High school leaving certificate
  • degree certificates of completed studies (BSc, MSc, diploma studies)
  • Applicants with a non-EEA* citizenship submit an "eligibility certification" issued by a registrar´s office of a state-approved university in the country/state where the diploma/master has been issued indicating that the applicant fulfills the requirements for starting PhD studies in the country/state where the diploma/master has been issued. The "eligibility certification" needs a current date of issuing!
  • Instead of the above-mentioned "eligibility certification" there may also be submitted a diploma supplement (stating the fulfillment of the compliance with the  requirements for starting PhD studies) issued by the university which awarded the diploma.
  • colour photo (passport size)
  • photocopy of passport

Authentication of documents

Please see a LIST OF COUNTRIES in order to find out what authentications are needed and whether an eligibility certification is required!

Sort of authentications:

Full authentication: Documents are authenticated by the Ministry of Education and by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and finally by the Austrian mission (Austrian Embassy) in the country of issue.

Apostille: Documents issued in countries having joined the Hague convention of October 5th 1961 (BGBl.Nr. 27/1968), just need authentication by means of "Apostille" by the respective domestic authorities. Associated states

Documents not issued in German or English are to be translated into German or English prior to the requested authentications.

Documents issued in Mongolia and the People's Republic of China are to be authenticated need a full authentication. Additionally documents are to be authenticated at the Austrian Academic Inspection Authority (APS). For further information please contact:

Austrian Academic Inspection Authority (APS)

P: +43 8610-6590-7138 F: +43 8610-6590-7140 [email protected]

Landmark Tower 2, Büro 0311 8 North Dongsanhuan Road Chaoyang District 100004 Beijing 

Documents issued in Hongkong and in Macao need "Apostille". An additional authentication by APS is not needed.

Students Union contribution (ÖH-Beitrag)/Study fee

For each enrolled semester, a student union fee must be paid. The amount of the tuition fee depends on whether you have a valid residence permit and on the length of your studies. Tuition fees are compulsory from the 9th semester onwards.

Information about leave of absence can be found here.

Applications for admission can be made at any time. However, enrolling is only possible during the enrolment periods .  Please send your application at least 10 days before the end of the enrolment period, otherwise you may not be able to enrol to the upcoming semester.

If you have any questions about the admission process or need help, please send us an email at [email protected] or call us at (+43 1) 40160-21029 or 40160-21030. Thank you very much!

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Biologie (Bachelor)

 das studium in 90 sekunden.

Das Bachelorstudium Biologie vermittelt ein breites Grundverständnis der Biologie und ihrer Teildisziplinen. Es werden allgemeine Kenntnisse der Biologie sowie wichtiger Grundlagenfächer (Chemie, Physik, Statistik, Ethik, Genderfragen) vermittelt. Anschließend erfolgt eine Vertiefung in einer von 7 Fachrichtungen (Anthropologie, Mikrobiologie & Genetik, Molekulare Biologie, Ökologie, Paläobiologie, Pflanzenwissenschaften, Zoologie).

Englischkenntnisse auf B2 Niveau sind empfohlen, da die Lehrveranstaltungen sowohl auf Deutsch als auch auf Englisch abgehalten werden.

Bachelor of Science

Kennzahl: 033 630

6 Semester / 180 ECTS Credits

Sprache: Deutsch


5. Juni: Ende der Antragsfrist für das Aufnahmeverfahren zu diesem Studium. Noch:

Facts & figures.

  • Studierende: kA
  • Absolvent*innen im vergangenen Studienjahr: kA
  • benötigte Semester bis zum Abschluss (Median): kA

Datenstand: 20.07.2023

Informationen zu Darstellung & Berechnung

* Hier finden Sie detaillierte Informationen zu statistischen Daten aus Studium und Lehre.

Online-Self-Assessment (OSA)

Passt das Studium zu mir? Hier geht's zum Online-Self-Assessment (OSA) für Biologie .

Alle OSAs gibt's hier .

Jetzt bist du dran! Mach den uni:check!

Studieren Probieren ...

Derzeit gibt es keine Termine.

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Infos zum Aufnahme- & Zulassungsverfahren

Die Vor-Ort-Information der Studienzulassung

Zum Studium

StudienServiceCenter (SSC) Lebenswissenschaften

Studienvertretung Biologie

Zum Studienbeginn


Orientierung im ersten Semester

Studieneingangs- und Orientierungsphase (STEOP)


Zwei Studierende im Labor.

Das Studium

Das Bachelorstudium Biologie besteht aus einer Studieneingangs- und Orientierungsphase (STEOP) in denen allgemeine Kenntnisse der Biologie sowie wichtige Grundlagenfächer (Chemie, Physik, Statistik, Ethik, Genderfragen) vermittelt werden und einer Vertiefung in einer von 7 Fachrichtungen (Anthropologie; Mikrobiologie und Genetik; Molekulare Biologie; Ökologie; Paläobiologie; Pflanzenwissenschaften und Zoologie), welche als Pflichtmodulgruppen zur Wahl stehen. Zum Abschluss ist eine Bachelorarbeit zu verfassen.

Fünf Begriffe

mit denen Sie sich im Studium auseinandersetzen:

  • Physiologie
  • Zellbiologie

... und viele mehr.

 Humans of #univie @ Biologie


© Universität Wien

 Einblick in die Studieninhalte

Hier finden Sie das aktuelle Lehrangebot für dieses Studium, damit Sie einen besseren Einblick in die Inhalte bekommen. Für weitere Infos bitte auf die gewünschte Ebene klicken.

Nach dem Studium

Das Bachelorstudium Biologie vermittelt eine erste Berufsvorbildung. Die Absolvent*innen sind befähigt, fachorientierte Tätigkeiten in biologisch ausgerichteten Institutionen durchzuführen.


  • Bioinformatik (Master)
  • Botanik (Master)
  • Drug Discovery and Development (Master)
  • Ecology and Ecosystems (Master)
  • Environmental Sciences (Master)
  • Evolutionäre Anthropologie (Master)
  • Evolutionary Systems Biology (Master)
  • Molecular Biology (Master)
  • Molecular Microbiology, Microbial Ecology and Immunobiology (Master)
  • Naturschutz- und Biodiversitätsmanagement (Master)
  • Verhaltens-, Neuro- und Kognitionsbiologie (Master)
  • Zoologie (Master)
  • Master Access Guide

Weiter nach dem Studium

  • Alumniverband der Universität Wien
  • Postgraduate Center - postgraduale Weiterbildung an der Universität Wien
  • Uniport - Karriereservice der Universität Wien

Das Studium aus Perspektive der Absolvent*innen

Studium im rückblick, absolvent*innen ....

  • geben dem Studium die Note: 2,5 (gut)
  • beurteilen das Anforderungsniveau mit: 3,8 (hoch)

→ Diese Ergebnisse beruhen auf Rückmeldungen von 348 Absolvent*innen.

* Weitere Einschätzungen zum Studium aus Sicht von Absolvent*innen finden Sie in der Studienabschlussbefragung  „ Bachelorstudiums Biologie “.

Berufseinstieg & Karriereverläufe

  • finden durchschnittlich innerhalb  von 3 Monaten nach Studienabschluss  einen  Job .
  • verdienen 3 Jahre nach Studienabschluss  durchschnittlich  €  2.444  (Frauen) bzw.  € 2.879  (Männer) brutto/Monat.
  • arbeiten 3 Jahre nach Studienabschluss zu 75%  (Frauen) bzw. 74%  (Männer) in Vollzeit.

* Weitere Informationen zu Berufseinstieg und Karriereverläufen finden Sie im Absolvent*innen-Tracking  " BA Biologie ".

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Offene Doktoratsstellen an der Universität Wien

Die Universität Wien bietet unterschiedliche Finanzierungsmöglichkeiten für Dissertationsprojekte. Entweder über ein bereits vordefiniertes Projekt im Rahmen eines Drittmittelprojektes. Hier ist das Thema des Forschungsprojektes bereits vorgegeben und Sie verfassen Ihre Dissertation im Rahmen dieses Projektes. Es gibt jedoch auch die Möglichkeit, sich mit einem eigene Dissertationsprojekt um eine Stelle an der Fakultät oder an einer der Doctoral Schools zu bewerben. Hier wählen Sie Ihr Thema für Ihr Dissertationsprojekt frei aus. Die Anforderungen und Fristen für offene Doktoratsstellen finden Sie auf den einzelnen Websites der Doctoral Schools sowie im Jobcenter der Universität Wien. Da es verschiedene Finanzierungs- und Anstellungsmodelle gibt, empfehlen wir Ihnen, sich über verschiedene Kanäle über offene Stellen zu informieren (siehe mehr dazu unten). 

Vienna Doctoral School of Ecology and Evolution

Vienna Doctoral School of Pharmaceutical, Nutritional and Sport Sciences

Vienna BioCenter PhD Program, joint doctoral school of the University of Vienna and the Medical University of Vienna

Vienna Doctoral School in Cognition, Behavior, and Neuroscience - from Biology to Psychology and the Humanities (CoBeNe)

Doctoral School Microbiology and Environmental Science

Vienna Doctoral School in Physics

Vienna Doctoral School in Chemistry

Vienna International School in Earth and Space Sciences

Vienna School of Mathematics | Joint Doctoral School mit der TU Wien

UniVie Doctoral School Computer Science

Vienna Doctoral School of Social Sciences

Vienna Graduate School of Economics

Vienna Graduate School of Finance (VGSF)

Vienna Doctoral School of Historical and Cultural Studies

Vienna Doctoral School of Philosophy

Vienna Doctoral School of Theology and Research on Religion

Advanced Research School in Law and Jurisprudence

Offene Praedoc-Stellen an der Universität Wien finden Sie im Job Center.

Für eine externe Finanzierung empfehlen wir Ihnen, sich auf folgenden Websiten zu informieren

  • DOC-Stipendium der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften
  • Nützliche Datenbank des Ministeriums:

Bitte beachten Sie:

Auch wenn Sie Ihr Doktorat im Rahmen einer Anstellung durchführen, müssen Sie einen Antrag auf Zulassung zum Doktoratsstudium stellen. Dafür müssen Sie mehrere Unterlagen einreichen, die sich von jenen für die Bewerbung um die finanzierte Doktorandenstelle unterscheiden können.

  • Hier finden Sie die Doktoratsprogramme der Universität Wien und nähere Informationen zur Zulassung


  1. Neues Biologiezentrum für Uni Wien

    uni wien phd biologie

  2. Biologiezentrum of the University of Vienna

    uni wien phd biologie

  3. Biologie Studium an der Uni Wien: Das musst du wissen!

    uni wien phd biologie

  4. Biologiezentrum Universität Wien

    uni wien phd biologie

  5. Biologiezentrum of the University of Vienna

    uni wien phd biologie

  6. Biologiezentrum of the University of Vienna

    uni wien phd biologie


  1. Bruno Gröning

  2. Biologie Studium (Bachelor)

  3. Forschung im Fachbereich Biologie

  4. Das Mikro-Plastik-Erkennungs-Labor der Uni Wien

  5. Biologie

  6. Tage der offenen Tür der Universität Wien


  1. Doktoratsstudien

    Kontakt DLE Forschungsservice und Nachwuchsförderung Doktorand*innenzentrum Berggasse 7 (2. Stock) 1090 Wien. Icon facebook; Icon twitter; Icon youtube

  2. Life Sciences

    Doctoral/PhD Programme in the Natural Sciences in the field of Life Sciences. The doctoral programme and the PhD programme in Life Sciences at the University of Vienna serves to prepare doctoral candidates for scientific work in their field of doctoral research. It provides an academic education of international standard.

  3. Vienna Doctoral School of Ecology and Evolution

    The Vienna Doctoral School of Ecology and Evolution is devoted to educating students in advancing our knowledge on the ecology and evolution of extant and ancestral organisms, populations and communities. In Ecology, the ambition is to better understand the mechanistic and evolutionary drivers of patterns and processes from gene regulation to ...

  4. Studies

    Studies. The Faculty of Life Sciences unites the disciplines of Biology, Pharmacy and Nutritional Sciences. The range of degree programmes offered at the Faculty is the largest among the natural science degree programmes at the University of Vienna. Applied courses in the lab or field work are key elements for the success of the programmes.

  5. PhD program in Molecular Bioscience, Life Sciences, Biology

    15 April 2024. Vienna BioCenter PhD Program, a Doctoral school of the University of Vienna and Medical University of Vienna in collaboration with the Gregor Mendel Institute (GMI) and Institute of Molecular Biotechnology (IMBA) of the Austrian Academy of Science, Research Institute of Molecular Pathology (IMP) and the Max Perutz Labs.

  6. Department of Evolutionary Biology

    Departmental Seminar Evolutionary BiologySummer Term 2024. Tuesdays. 11:30 - 13:00. 300142 SE Evolutionary Biology (2024S) on-site. Hörsaal 3, UBB, Djerassiplatz 1, 1030 Vienna. Book the time slot for your talk in Summer Term 2024 here!

  7. Infection Biology, Treatment and Prevention

    Campus und Uni-Leben; Antidiskriminierung; Bibliothek; Young Scientist Association (YSA) ... It is therefore timely and highly relevant to offer a PhD program specializing on the biology of pathogens and infectious diseases. The program will encompass the whole spectrum of microorganisms, i.e. viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites and will ...

  8. PhD Studium Molecular Biosciences

    Molecular Biology, PhD (794 620 490) bzw. Molecular Biosciences an der MedUni Wien; Hinweis. Nähere Informationen zur administrativen Abwicklung des Doktorats/PhDs der Lebenswissenschaften (Anmeldung zur öffentlichen Präsentation, welche Lehrveranstaltungen wann absolviert werden sollen etc.) finden Sie hier.

  9. RNA Biology

    In the RNA Biology PhD track, RNA-based regulatory circuits are explored in silico, in vitro and in vivo with technologies ranging from bioinformatics over biochemistry to imaging. RNAs mediate gene expression but have also regulatory, structural and signaling functions. Consequently, aberrant RNA processing, structure or function affects ...

  10. Vascular Biology

    Die Forschungsprojekte, die im Rahmen des PhD-Programms Vaskuläre Biologie angeboten werden, werden von Gruppenleitern an präklinischen und klinischen Abteilungen der Medizinischen Universität Wien angeboten und umfassen grundlegende, translationale und klinische Forschungsprogramme im gesamten Bereich der kardiovaskulären Medizin.

  11. Bio-Oceanography and Marine Biology

    Research Areas: Biological Oceanography and Marine Biogeochemistry; the role of microbes on marine elemental cycles in surface & deep waters; the influence of mesoscale features on microbial functioning and diversity; the anthropogenic impact on marine microbes and organic matter cycling. Microbial Oceanography.

  12. PhD-Programm UN094 „Vascular Biology"

    PhD-Programm UN094 „Vascular Biology". Das PhD-Programm „Vascular Biology" ermöglicht eine erstklassige Ausbildung und richtungsweisende Forschung in verschiedenen Bereichen der Gefäßbiologie. Den Studierenden wird ermöglicht, ihr Wissen nicht nur in der Grundlagenforschung, sondern auch in unterschiedlichen klinischen Disziplinen ...

  13. Admission

    Step 1: Application for admission via u:space. Register in u:space and activate your u:account. You will need this account during your studies at the University of Vienna. Log in to u:space, select the degree programme of your choice and upload the above mentioned required documents as PDF. Then click on "submit application."

  14. Molecular Biology (Master)

    Molecular Biology (Master) Das Ziel des Studiums ist es, im Rahmen eines international kompetitiv ausgerichteten Curriculums Expert*innen mit profunder Sachkenntnis im Bereich der Molekularen Biowissenschaften auszubilden. Die Studierenden lernen die chemischen Reaktionen in Zellen auf molekularer Ebene und im Zusammenhang zu verstehen und zu ...

  15. Open Positions

    Open positions at the University of Vienna. The University of Vienna offers both predefined PhD projects (within the framework of externally funded projects) and the possibility to apply for a PhD position either at the faculty or at one of the Doctoral Schools with your own PhD project. The requirements and deadlines for open PhD positions can ...

  16. Application and Admission to PhD and Doctoral Programmes ...

    (Online) admission application . For the admission to the Ph.D. program, please register online and submit an application with all required documents to the Admissions Office by the admission periods deadline.. If you already have an active student or staff account and wish to register for a PhD programme, please use the following link:

  17. Biologie (Bachelor)

    Das Bachelorstudium Biologie vermittelt ein breites Grundverständnis der Biologie und ihrer Teildisziplinen. Es werden allgemeine Kenntnisse der Biologie sowie wichtiger Grundlagenfächer (Chemie, Physik, Statistik, Ethik, Genderfragen) vermittelt. Anschließend erfolgt eine Vertiefung in einer von 7 Fachrichtungen (Anthropologie ...

  18. Offene Stellen

    Die Anforderungen und Fristen für offene Doktoratsstellen finden Sie auf den einzelnen Websites der Doctoral Schools sowie im Jobcenter der Universität Wien. Da es verschiedene Finanzierungs- und Anstellungsmodelle gibt, empfehlen wir Ihnen, sich über verschiedene Kanäle über offene Stellen zu informieren (siehe mehr dazu unten). /.