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5 examples of thesis statements about racism for your next paper.

By Evans Apr 28 2021

Racism is a hot topic worldwide. It is one of the topics that never lack an audience. As expected, racism is also one of the most loved topics by teachers and even students. Therefore, it is not a surprise to be told to write an essay or a  research paper  on racism. You need to come up with several things within an incredible paper on racism, the most important one being a thesis statement. The term thesis statement sends shivers down the spine of many students. Most do not understand its importance or how to come up with a good thesis statement. Lucky for you, you have come to the right place. Here, you will learn all about  thesis statement  and get to sample a few racist thesis statements.

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Tips to writing a strong racism thesis statement

Keep it short.

A thesis statement is supposed to appear in the first paragraph of your essay. However, this does not mean that it should be the entire paragraph! A strong thesis statement should be one sentence (not an annoyingly long sentence), usually placed as the last sentence in the first paragraph.

Have a stand

A thesis statement should show what you aim to do with your paper. It should show that you are aware of what you are talking about. The thesis statement prepares the reader for what he or she is about to read. A wrong thesis statement will leave the reader of your paper unsure about your topic choice and your arguments.

Answer your research question

If you have been tasked with writing a  research paper  on why the Black Lives Matter movement has successfully dealt with racism, do not write a thesis statement giving the movement's history. Your thesis statement should respond to the research question, not any story you feel like telling. Additionally, the thesis statement is the summary of your sand and answer to the question at hand.

Express the main idea

A confused thesis statement expresses too many ideas while a strong, suitable one expresses the main idea. The thesis statement should tell the reader what your paper is all about. It should not leave the reader confused about whether you are talking about one thing or the other.

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thesis statement on racism

Thesis Statements About Racism Samples

Racism in workplace thesis statement examples.

Racism is so rampant in the workplace. Thousands face discrimination daily in their workplaces. While this is definitely bad news, it gives us more data to choose from when working on an essay or research paper on racism in the workplace. Here are a few examples of thesis statements about racism in the workplace:

1.       Despite being in the The 21st century, racial discrimination is still rampant in the workplace. The efforts made by governments and world organizations have not helped to do away with this discrimination completely.

2.       Even with the unity that comes with digitalism, colour remains the one aspect of life that has continually caused a rift in this life. A lot of efforts have turned futile in the war against racism. The workplace is no exception. It is infiltrated with racial ideologies that remain within man's scope despite the professionalism within the workplace.

3.       Systemic racism is no new concept. It remains the favoured term with the tongues of many after food and rent. This is an indicator of how rooted the world is when it comes to the issue of racism. The now world has been configured to recognize racial differences and be blind to human similarity. Organizations have been established upon this social construct, and more often than it has led them into a ditch of failure. The loot that comes with racism is of great magnitude to bear.

Thesis statement about Racism in schools

Many academic institutions have been recognized for producing students who have passed with distinctions. Unfortunately, behind these overwhelming results lies a trail of many students who have suffered racism and have missed the honors board because of the color differences. Let's look at some of the examples of thesis statements on racism in schools:

1.       Merit should be the S.I unit upon which humanity is graded. Unfortunately, this is not the case, especially in schools, for the new merit score is the person's color. Many have found their way to the honour's board not because of merit but because they of the same color affiliation as the teacher.

2.       Enlightenment and civilization have found their way to the world through one important institution called schools. We owe that to it. Unfortunately, even with the height to which the world has reached civilization and enlightenment, one area has been left out and remains unaddressed- the world view of color. Despite the light and glamour, we see globally, one predominant view is called race. We continue to paint the world based on human color, even in schools.

3.       Bullying falls among the vices that have dire consequences to the victim. One of the spheres to which bullying exists is the sphere of color and race within the context of schools. Many student's confidence and esteem have been shuttered only because they are black or white. Many have receded to depression because they feel unwanted in the schools. One of the prominent times within American History is the Jim Crow Era, where racial segregation in schools within North Carolina was rampant. We saw schools have a section for white students and a separate section for black students within this era. The prevailing flag was black and white, and racism was the order of the day.

Final Thought

Coming up with a thesis statement does not have to difficult. No, not at all. Evaluate the topic or question and express yourself through the thesis statement from your stance or the answer. Mastering this one key in writing exams or assignments is one of the keys to scaling up the ladder of lucrative grades. However, practice is a discipline that will see you become a pro in writing a prolific strong, and catchy thesis statement. Henceforth, regard yourself as a pro, regard yourself as the best in thesis statement writing. If you are still having trouble with coming up with an excellent thesis statement, do not beat yourself up because of it.  Paper per hour  has the  best writers  who can help you with all your racism thesis statement needs.

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How to Write a Racism Thesis Statement: A Step-by-Step Guide (With Examples)

Jul 20, 2023

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Jul 20, 2023 | Blog

As a student, you will handle many subjects and assignments.

One topic that is popular for essays and research papers is Racism.

Many resources are on the topic, so students assume a racism essay is easy.

The challenge you will face with a racism essay is not content but a thesis statement.

The racism thesis statement should be powerful and something your audience can understand and relate to.

This article will provide helpful guidelines and tips on writing a racism thesis statement and examples of powerful racist thesis statements.

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What is a thesis statement?

A thesis statement is the backbone of a persuasive paper.

The thesis states your position or opinion as a factual claim and guides readers through their journey with you in this essay.

I am informing them on how they will navigate through it.

A good thesis statement is the equivalent of a preacher giving a sermon or a politician making an announcement.

As you craft your paper’s introduction, your goal will be to pique interest by announcing what you’re going to say in-depth throughout the rest of your essay.

Do you know how a preacher or politician might say, “Here’s what I’m going to tell you”?

The thesis statement is your announcement of what you’re trying to convey.

Difference between a TOPIC and a THESIS STATEMENT

A topic is a subject or good idea you would like to explore further.

A thesis statement is a specific argumentative stance you will take on the subject.

For example, Racism is a topic, while a thesis statement about Racism could be:

“While racism remains a problem in America, it can be reduced or potentially eliminated through the effective implementation of diversity training programs in schools and corporate institutions.”

How do I get started with writing a thesis statement on racial discrimination?

Use these three steps:

(1) brainstorm what you think

(2) refine your idea

(3) rewrite your idea in the form of a central claim

Let’s use a hypothetical sociology class assignment asking you to construct a response to the racism problem on our college campus.

Step 1: Brainstorm what you think 

You start by writing, “Racism is a prominent issue on our college campus.”

Even though this is a great starting point, it is not well-defined. It’s’ simply restating the assignment.

At this point, what you need to do is to brainstorm. On this given topic, what do you think about it?

What’s your opinion on the given topic?

How will you support your opinion?

What examples and facts can you provide?

Try putting these questions on paper and writing down your answers. You will then use the solutions you wrote down to formulate a stronger racism thesis statement.

Step 2: Refine your idea

One of the proven best methods of doing this is using the following model:

On a piece of paper, write this: “I think that ____________.

Using your initial brainstorming idea, fill in the blank.

In our case, it will be this: “I think that racism remains a problem on our college campus.”

While you have rewritten your rough idea at this stage, it is starting to form a thesis.

Next, complete this model as you continue building your thesis: I think racism Racism remains a problem on our college campus because __________.

Then you write: IRacism Racism remains a problem on our college campus because it does not require mandatory diversity training for all of its students.

Okay, now you are progressing and heading in a good direction.

Let’s reword the thesis to make it appear more “academic.”

Step 3: Rewrite your idea in the form of a central claim 

We need to replace the word “you” to make the thesis statement appear less personal and like the main claim.

To achieve this, delete the “I think that” from the sentence:

“Racism remains a problem on our college campus because the college does not require mandatory diversity training for all of its students.”

Hurray! You now have your thesis statement—many congratulations.

Essential details to keep in mind when writing a racism thesis statement

1) your racism thesis statement should appear at the beginning of the paper.

When writing a Racism essay on Racism, the thesis statement is important.

Readers should be given a clear idea of what your essay will cover and how it will unfold.

The racism thesis statement is an outlook for the rest of your paper in the introductory paragraph.

The introductory paragraph should clarify that you’re approaching this topic from all angles and know how complicated this issue can be in today’s society.

2) Your theRacismatement on Racism should give direction to the rest of your paper

A thesis statement on Racism gives your reader direction and provides several reasons for elaborating on a specific claim.

If you wish to accomplish this, your statement should expRacismhe the idea of Racism in-depth with different examples that will persuade readers.

For example: ”Racism does not exist” while still, an argument is insufficient as it has a false sense of structure.

However, if your thesis is that “racism does not exist because antiracist movements have grown in power and number over the years,” you can provide two reasons to support this claim within one sentence.

Such shapes the rest of your paper while leaving much time for evidence discussion later.

Such gives the paper the needed shape as evidence is discussed in detail to support this claim.

3) Ensure that you have a debatable argument

Although it’s important to question any information you are given, there is a certain knowledge that the public already values.

For exampRacismeryone, he knows Racism is a social and moral vice.

This means coming up with such a topic would not interest their audience.

Your argument becomes a racism thesis statement once you add an aspect.

For instance, oRacismld says, “Racism is the most harmful social and moral vice on earth. we might lose our unique identities and multicultural features if not eradicated soon enough.”

4) Keep your Racism thesis statement short!

It’s effortless to make your racism essay more interesting if you keep it short.

If you pick a broad topic, the magnitude of information will almost certainly give you trouble.

A good thesis statement should be small and localized rather than large or generalizing.

For example: “White police brutality on black people among many other things shows that Racism still exists in the United States” would make a powerful claim about something that was happening more often now than before

Tips On How To Write A Racism Thesis Statement

Tips On How To Write A Racism Thesis Statement

Before writing your thesis statement on Racism, consider the following guidelines.

Find a racism topic or issue to write about

Racism is a broad issue that continues to plague the world even today.

Therefore, finding an informative topic from which you can develop a thesis statement shouldn’t be difficult.

You can see Racism approach Racism through other social issues such as art, politics, economy, equitability, poverty, and history.

2. Pick a topic that is interesting to you

You might not be familiar with all the Racism surrounding Racism.

As asRacismoned earlier, Racism is a broad topic; there are many approaches you can take in your paper.

Therefore, to have an easier time developing a thesis, pick a racist topic that interests you.

For instance, if you are conversant with the history of America, your thesis statement could focuRacismhe the effects of Racism during the Civil Rights Movement that began in 1954 and ended in 1968.

3. Hook your reader

As you write your thesis statement, try to include a hook.

A hook is a statement that grabs the attention of a reader.

Try hooking your reader by relating your thesis to popular culture.

You could even refer to current issues on the news or relate to popular television programs, movies, or books.

4. Avoid offensiveRacismage

Remember, Racism is a personal issue; it is open to bias depending on your thinking.

Therefore, most of the issues surrounding this topic are controversial.

Avoid offensive and rude language when discussing a controversial topic in an academic paper.

Examples Of Racism Thesis Statements

Examples Of Racism Thesis Statements

It would help if you had a well-thought-out and well-constructed thesis statement to get a good score in your racism-related research paper or essay.

The following are examples of thesis statements on different racism topics.

Existence of Racism

Existence of racism | Essay Freelance Writers

Such an essay tries to prove that racial segregation is still a significant social problem.

Therefore, your thesis statement should focus on the problems racial segregation causes.

Consider the following example:

It is a fact that police killings involving people of color are more than white people. Joshua Correll of the University of Colorado confirmed this when he designed a game where the participants played cops. The game results indicated that, despite the people playing cop, they were more willing to kill a person of color and showed hesitation when the suspect was a white persRacismis. Racism continues to plague society.

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Workplace-related Racism

Racism is a form of prejudice often experienced in a workplace environment.

A workplace powerful racism thesis statement could read as follows:

Prejudice in a workplace environment is a backward practice that undermines productivity. In the professional sphere, white people are considered mentally superior, and therefore they get the top jobs that pay higher wages. Blacks are considered physically endowed and land physical labor jobs, which generally pay lower.

Anti-racism movements

Anti-racism is a phrase coined by people who formed movements to fight Racismnsequences of Racism.

Martin Luther King Jr led the greatest antiracist movement between the early 50s and the late 60s.

Another key antiracist figure was Nelson Madiba Mandela of South Africa.

Anti-racism also covers the beliefs and policies set to combat racial prejudice.

An anti-racism essay thesis statement should evoke emotion from a reader.

The following is an example:

Anti-racism movement leaders were treated inhumanely; Nelson Mandela was imprisoned for 27 years, and Martin Luther King Junior was assassinated. But, society today would not be as egalitarian as it is without them. Their sacrifices are the sole reason blacks and whites can walk on the same street and work together to create a brighter future.

Cause and effect

You can choose to write about Racism and the effect of Racism.

For example, ignoRacismis a cause of Racism that results in fear and eventually extreme violence.

The following is an example of a thesis statement that focuses on ignorance and fear as thRacismary causes of Racism.

Undoubtedly, Racism has negative consequences, the key among them being fear and violence, resulting from a need to protect themselves. Racism major cause of Racism is ignorance. Uneducated and unexposed feel threatened by people of a different race. Such people condone and practice this prejudice without considering its negative effects and consequences on the individuals they discriminate against and society.

Racism Thesis statements based on art and literature

Books, music, and movies cover a wide variety of racist topics.

The following are examples of literary artworks you can base a racism essay on:

Othello is a play by Shakespeare that addresses some delicate sociRacismssues such as Racism.

You could develop a thesis statemeRacismhlighting Racism in the play.

Othello, who was black, was highly disrespected by Lago and other characters such as Emilia, Roderigo, and Brabantio. These characters labeled him ”Barbary horse,” ”an old black ram,” ”thick lips,” and other demeaning names. He was also abused for marrying a Venetian woman. All this shows a strong conviction that one race is superior and a barbaric intolerance towards the ”inferior” race.

2. To kill a mockingbird

This book by Harper Lee is popular because it portrays the struggles of a black man in the southern states in the early 20 th century.

The book is a good source for Racism essays as it depicts Racism and its effects easily and comprehensibly.

The following is a good example of a racist thesis statement from To Kill a Mocking Bird :

Tom Robinson was suspected of murdering Mayella Ewell, a white woman, and was sentenced not because of any evidence but because he was black. Like Atticus Finch, Scout, and Jem, who tried to defend him, White characters were given shaming names such as ”Nigger lovers.” The story in the book clearly shows the tribulations a black man went through and how his word meant nothing.

3. Disney films

Disney films and racism thesis statements

Disney films are popular for their fascinating stories and world-class acting and production.

However, scrutiny of several films will realize a certain degree of racial prejudice in how the films portray characters.

The following is an example of a thesis statement focusing on racial prejudice in Disney films:

There is a significant degree of racial prejudice in how Disney portrays characters in their films. For example, in Jungle Book, the gorillas communicated in an African vernacular language. Another example is Lady and the Tramp, where the cat villains had slanted eyes and spoke with an East Asian accent. The film production company portrays protagonists as white and antagonists as people of color.

4. Advertisements

The advertisement sector also depicts racial prejudice.

To demonstrate, consider this thesis statement:

Several surveys show that black people are underrepresented in commercials, mainstream media, and online ads. According to the US Census Bureau 2010 records, blacks  and other racial minorities represent 30%. Yet, only 7% of ads involve black people, while other racial minorities are hardly ever represented.

Racism is a fairly easy subject for an essay and research paper .

However, it has so many sources and different points of view that selecting one idea to focus on in creating a thesis statement can be problematic.

But, with the guidelines shared above, developing a thesis statement for your racism essay will not be as difficult.

Remember, you need to let the reader know your point of view and demonstrate your objectiveness on the issue.

Examples of thesis statements on Racism

  • Racism worldwide can end if the global collaboration and interracial and intercultural communication continue to increase.
  • Racial minorities in America still face covert prejudice despite America’s institutional and societal changes in the sixties.
  • Multiculturalism has failed as an institutional practice in Europe, which can be determined by the increase in hate crime cases and racial minority issues.
  • Despite the significance of affirmative action in countering racial prejudice, there are concerns that it promotes racial differences.
  • There exists a misconception that affirmative action is a women’s agenda.
  • Racial prejudice founded on a single person’s actions but taken to be the general state of affairs for the given race is wrong.
  • Racism in the workplace adversely impacts workers’ productivity as it affects their aggressiveness.
  • It costs nothing to point out racist actions in the workplace.
  • The majority of Racism in the world relies on Racism as a means of garnering votes and grabbing power.
  • The rate of racial hatred and related crimes is high in Australian universities.
  • Students’ diversity can play a significant role in reducing racial crimes and related issues.
  • Embracing diversity in the workplace can help reduce incidences of racial intolerance.
  • Transgender, bisexual, gay, and lesbian Americans have experienced prejudice from society.
  • In the thirties, the Blacks lived in hatred and poverty, which was the cause of death of many innocent lives.
  • It was considered strange to show affection to Black Americans in the past.
  • Despite the frowning among most citizens in America, racial prejudice is a common practice, especially in the brave home.
  • Racial equality is a social barrier that Americans are yet to overcome.
  • There are wide geographical and psychological distances between Asians and Blacks in America. Such distances can be attributed to the segregation by the American society government or the white-centric media.

Isabella Robertson

I am dedicated to creating engaging blog posts that provide valuable insights and advice to help students excel in their studies. From study tips to time management strategies, my goal is to empower students to reach their full potential.

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Racism is prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior and the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races. the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or […]

There Will Always be Color Racism is not Dead

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Discrimination of Races

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Racism and Discrimination: the Influence of Past Sins

Discrimination against black people by white people in the United States had been regarded as a matter of course and justifiable for more than 300 years. Therefore, the problem is far more than whether the laws are prohibited or not, but whether people's mind and concepts are changed or not. The latter is something that everyone understands but is the most difficult to do. While looking at American history, the history of African Americans can be said to be soaked […]

Racism: Unmasking Microaggressions and Discrimination

Reading through the article provided a vivid reflection on how racism becomes a serious issue in the today society. There are various types of racism the article brings out manifested in micro aggression form. The varied opinions in my mind provide a clear picture of the information relayed in the article through the following analysis. Discrimination concerning race will major in my analysis. First, let me talk about the black guy abused in the Saudi Arabia that has sparked public […]

Color Blind Racism

I enjoyed watching this documentary “White Like Me”, by Tim Wise. What I found most surprising was the fact that Tim Wise was a white male and was the individual in the film talking about the discrimination people of color receive. There were a few other things that surprised me, like the fact that there are more African Americans in jail and on probation than the number of those enslaved in 1850. The movie version of Black Like Me was […]

The Acts of Imperialism and Racism in “The Heart of Darkness”

In the novel The Heart of Darkness, the reader is introduced to the acts of imperialism and racism. The story tells of Europeans who have established a colony in Africa that is being used for trade purposes. However, the background of the story is that the Europeans are trying to colonize the Africans and introduce them to the European way of living. The white traders are not only trying to change the Africans way of life, the whites also view […]

Stereotyping and Discrimination

Introduction The movie starts with all the animals living together and happily in the big city. Their peaceful lives are then disturbed by ferocious predators. The case goes to the swindler fox and a bunny cop, those who unintentionally solve many problems related to hidden cases of interspecies.Rhetorical Strategies Few of the negative observers interpret that movie does not openly or directly express the racism. Additionally, the writer named as Nico Lang also asserts that movie does not score much […]

Police Brutality and Racism

The Declaration of Independence was created to protect the inalienable rights that all Americans receive at birth, yet police brutality continues to threaten the rights of African Americans everywhere. Police everywhere need to be given mandatory psychological tests in order to gain awareness of racial bias in law enforcement and allow citizens to slowly gain trust for the officers in law enforcement. No one wants a child to grow up in a world filled with hate. As Martin Luther King […]

Effects of Racism in Desiree’s Baby

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Racism and Slavery

During the colonial period, Americans came up with the idea to bring African men and women overseas and use them as slaves. The effects of slavery on African Americans were enormous, and the white men got higher ranked in the hierarchy than the back men because of the colour of their skin. In order to discuss the impact that slavery has had on today’s society, you need to first address why it actually occurred. During the 17th and 18th century, […]

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How To Write An Essay On Racism

Introduction to the complexities of racism.

Writing an essay on racism involves delving into a complex and sensitive subject that has deep historical roots and contemporary implications. Begin your essay by defining racism as a system of discrimination based on race, affecting individuals and groups socially, economically, and politically. Highlight the importance of understanding racism not only as overt acts of discrimination but also as institutional and systemic practices. This introduction should lay the groundwork for your exploration, whether it's focused on historical aspects of racism, its manifestations in modern society, or strategies for combating racial prejudice and inequality.

Historical Context and Evolution of Racism

The body of your essay should include a detailed examination of the historical context and evolution of racism. Discuss how racism has been perpetuated and institutionalized over time, highlighting key historical events and policies that have contributed to racial discrimination and segregation. Depending on your essay’s focus, you might explore the transatlantic slave trade, colonialism, Jim Crow laws, or apartheid, among other topics. This historical perspective is crucial for understanding how past injustices continue to shape present racial dynamics and attitudes.

Analyzing Modern Manifestations of Racism

Transition to discussing the modern manifestations of racism. Examine how racism operates in current societal structures, such as in the criminal justice system, education, employment, and healthcare. Discuss the concept of systemic racism and how it perpetuates inequality, as well as the impact of racial bias and stereotypes in media representation and everyday interactions. This section should also address the intersectionality of racism, acknowledging how race intersects with other identities like gender, class, and sexuality, contributing to unique experiences of discrimination.

Strategies for Addressing and Combating Racism

Conclude your essay by exploring strategies for addressing and combating racism. Discuss the importance of education, awareness-raising, and open dialogue in challenging racist beliefs and stereotypes. Reflect on the role of policy changes, affirmative action, and reparations in addressing systemic racism. Emphasize the importance of individual and collective action in fostering a more inclusive and equitable society. Your conclusion should not only summarize the key points of your essay but also inspire a sense of hope and commitment to anti-racist efforts, underscoring the ongoing work needed to dismantle racism in all its forms.

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Essay Topics on Racism: 150 Ideas for Analysis and Discussion

essay topics on racism

Here’s a list of 150 essay ideas on racism to help you ace a perfect paper. The subjects are divided based on what you require!

Before we continue with the list of essay topics on racism, let's remember the definition of racism. In brief, it's a complex prejudice and a form of discrimination based on race. It can be done by an individual, a group, or an institution. If you belong to a racial or ethnic group, you are facing being in the minority. As it's usually caused by the group in power, there are many types of racism, including socio-cultural racism, internal racism, legal racism, systematic racism, interpersonal racism, institutional racism, and historical racism. You can also find educational or economic racism as there are many sub-sections that one can encounter.

150 Essay Topics on Racism to Help You Ace a Perfect Essay

General Recommendations

The subject of racism is one of the most popular among college students today because you can discuss it regardless of your academic discipline. Even though we are dealing with technical progress and the Internet, the problem of racism is still there. The world may go further and talk about philosophical matters, yet we still have to face them and explore the challenges. It makes it even more difficult to find a good topic that would be unique and inspiring. As a way to help you out, we have collected 150 racism essay topics that have been chosen by our experts. We recommend you choose something that motivates you and narrow things down a little bit to make your writing easier.

Why Choose a Topic on Racial Issues? 

When we explore racial issues, we are not only seeking the most efficient solutions but also reminding ourselves about the past and the mistakes that we should never make again. It is an inspirational type of work as we all can change the world. If you cannot choose a topic that inspires you, think about recent events, talk about your friend, or discuss something that has happened in your local area. Just take your time and think about how you can make the world a safer and better place.

The Secrets of a Good Essay About Racism 

The secret to writing a good essay on racism is not only stating that racism is bad but by exploring the origins and finding a solution. You can choose a discipline and start from there. For example, if you are a nursing student, talk about the medical principles and responsibilities where every person is the same. Talk about how it has not always been this way and discuss the methods and the famous theorists who have done their best to bring equality to our society. Keep your tone inspiring, explore, and tell a story with a moral lesson in the end. Now let’s explore the topic ideas on racism!

General Essay Topics On Racism 

As we know, no person is born a racist since we are not born this way and it cannot be considered a biological phenomenon. Since it is a practice that is learned and a social issue, the general topics related to racism may include socio-cultural, philosophical, and political aspects as you can see below. Here are the ideas that you should consider as you plan to write an essay on racial issues:

  • Are we born with racial prejudice? 
  • Can racism be unlearned? 
  • The political constituent of the racial prejudice and the colonial past? 
  • The humiliation of the African continent and the control of power. 
  • The heritage of the Black Lives Matter movement and its historical origins. 
  • The skin color issue and the cultural perceptions of the African Americans vs Mexican Americans. 
  • The role of social media in the prevention of racial conflicts in 2022 . 
  • Martin Luther King Jr. and his role in modern education. 
  • Konrad Lorenz and the biological perception of the human race. 
  • The relation of racial issues to nazism and chauvinism.

The Best Racism Essay Topics 

School and college learners often ask about what can be considered the best essay subject when asked to write on racial issues. Essentially, you have to talk about the origins of racism and provide a moral lesson with a solution as every person can be a solid contribution to the prevention of hatred and racial discrimination.

  • The schoolchildren's example and the attitude to the racial conflicts. 
  • Perception of racism in the United States versus Germany. 
  • The role of the scouting movement as a way to promote equality in our society. 
  •  Social justice and the range of opportunities that African American individuals could receive during the 1960s.
  •  The workplace equality and the negative perception of the race when the documents are being filed. 
  •  The institutional racism and the sources of the legislation that has paved the way for injustice. 
  •  Why should we talk to the children about racial prejudice and set good examples ? 
  •  The role of anthropology in racial research during the 1990s in the USA. 
  •  The Black Poverty phenomenon and the origins of the Black Culture across the globe. 
  •  The controversy of Malcolm X’s personality and his transition from anger to peacemaking.

Shocking Racism Essay Ideas 

Unfortunately, there are many subjects that are not easy to deal with when you are talking about the most horrible sides of racism. Since these subjects are sensitive, dealing with the shocking aspects of this problem should be approached with a warning in your introduction part so your readers know what to expect. As a rule, many medical and forensic students will dive into the issue, so these topic ideas are still relevant:

  • The prejudice against wearing a hoodie. 
  •  The racial violence in Western Africa and the crimes by the Belgian government. 
  •  The comparison of homophobic beliefs and the link to racial prejudice. 
  •  Domestic violence and the bias towards the cases based on race. 
  •  Racial discrimination in the field of the sex industry. 
  •  Slavery in the Middle East and the modern cultural perceptions. 
  •  Internal racism in the United States: why the black communities keep silent. 
  •  Racism in the American schools: the bias among the teachers. 
  •  Cyberbullying and the distorted image of the typical racists . 
  •  The prisons of Apartheid in South Africa.

Light and Simple Ideas Regarding Racism

If you are a high-school learner or a first-year college student, your essay on racism may not have to represent complex research with a dozen of sources. Here are some good ideas that are light and simple enough to provide you with inspiration and the basic points to follow:

  • My first encounter with racial prejudice. 
  •  Why do college students are always in the vanguard of social campaigns? 
  •  How are the racial issues addressed by my school? 
  •  The promotion of the African-American culture is a method to challenge prejudice and stereotypes. 
  • The history of blues music and the Black culture of the blues in the United States.
  • The role of slavery in the Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain. 
  •  School segregation in the United States during the 1960s. 
  •  The negative effect of racism on the mental health of a person. 
  •  The advocacy of racism in modern society . 
  •  The heritage of “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” and the modern perception of the historical issues.

Interesting Topics on Racism For an Essay 

Contrary to the popular belief, when you have to talk about the cases of racial prejudice, you will also encounter many interesting essay topic ideas. As long as these are related to your main academic course, you can explore them. Here are some great ideas to consider:

  • Has the perception of Michael Jackson changed because of his skin transition? 
  •  The perception of racial problems by the British Broadcasting Corporation. 
  •  The role of the African American influencers on Instagram. 
  •  The comparison between the Asian students and the Mexican learners in the USA. 
  •  Latin culture and the similarities when compared to the Black culture with its peculiarities. 
  •  The racial impact in the “Boy In The Stripped Pajamas”. 
  •  Can we eliminate racism completely and how exactly, considering the answer is “Yes”? 
  •  Scientific research of modern racism and social media campaigns. 
  •  Why do some people believe that the Black Lives Matter movement is controversial? 
  • Male vs female challenges in relation to racial attitudes.

Argumentative Essay Topics About Race 

An argumentative type of writing requires making a clear statement or posing an assumption that will deal with a particular question. As we are dealing with racial prejudice or theories, it is essential to support your writing with at least one piece of evidence to make sure that you can support your opinion and stand for it as you write. Here are some good African American argumentative essay examples of topics and other ideas to consider:

  •  Racism is a mental disorder and cannot be treated with words alone. 
  •  Analysis of the traumatic experiences based on racial prejudice. 
  •  African-American communities and the sense of being inferior are caused by poverty. 
  •  Reading the memoirs of famous people that describe racial issues often provides a distorted image through the lens of a single person. 
  •  There is no academic explanation of racism since every case is different and is often based on personal perceptions. 
  •  The negatives of the post-racial perception as the latent system that advocates racism. 
  •  The link of racial origins to the concept of feminism and gender inequality. 
  •  The military bias and the merits that are earned by the African-American soldiers. 
  •  The media causes a negative image of the Latin and Mexican youth in the United States. 
  •  Does racism exist in kindergarten and why the youngsters do not think about racial prejudice?

Racism Research Paper Topics 

Dealing with The Black Lives Matter essay , you should focus on those aspects of racism that are not often discussed or researched by the media. You can take a particular case study or talk about the reasons why the BLM social campaign has started and whether the timing has been right. Here are some interesting racism topics for research paper that you should consider:

  • The link of criminal offenses to race is an example of the primary injustice .  
  • The socio-emotional burdens of slavery that one can trace among the representatives of the African-American population. 
  • Study of the cardio-vascular diseases among the American youth: a comparison of the Caucasian and Latin representatives. 
  • The race and the politics: dealing with the racial issues and the Trump administration analysis. 
  • The best methods to achieve medical equality for all people: where race has no place to be. 
  • The perception of racism by the young children: the negative side of trying to educate the youngsters. 
  • Racial prejudice in the UK vs the United States: analysis of the core differences. 
  • The prisons in the United States: why do the Blacks constitute the majority? 
  • The culture of Voodoo and the slavery: the link between the occult practices.
  • The native American people and the African Americans: the common woes they share.

Racism in Culture Topics 

Racism topics for essay in culture are always upon the surface because we can encounter them in books, popular political shows, movies, social media, and more. The majority of college students often ignore this aspect because things easily become confusing since one has to take a stand and explain the point. As a way to help you a little bit, we have collected several cultural racism topic ideas to help you start:

  • The perception of wealth by the Black community: why it differs when researched through the lens of past poverty?  
  • The rap music and the cultural constituent of the African-American community. 
  • The moral constituent of the political shows where racial jargon is being used. 
  • Why the racial jokes on television are against the freedom of speech?  
  • The ways how the modern media promotes racism by stirring up the conflict and actually doing harm. 
  • The isolated cases of racism and police violence in the United States as portrayed by the movies. 
  • Playing with the Black musicians: the history of jazz in the United States. 
  • The social distancing and the perception of isolation by the different races. 
  • The cultural multitude in the cartoons by the Disney Corporations: the pros and cons.
  • From assimilation to genocide: can the African American child make it big without living through the cultural bias?

Racism Essay Ideas in Literature 

One of the best ways to study racism is by reading the books by those who have been through it on their own or by studying the explorations by those who can write emotionally and fight for racial equality where racism has no place to be. Keeping all of these challenges in mind, our experts suggest turning to the books as you can explore racism in the literature by focusing on those who are against it and discussing the cases in the classic literature that are quite controversial.

  • The racial controversy of Ernest Hemingway's writing.  
  • The personal attitude of Mark Twain towards slavery and the cultural peculiarities of the times. 
  • The reasons why "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee book has been banned in libraries. 
  • The "Hate You Give" by Angie Thomas and the analysis of the justified and "legit" racism. 
  • Is the poetry by the gangsta rap an example of hidden racism? 
  • Maya Angelou and her timeless poetry. 
  • The portrayal of xenophobia in modern English language literature. 
  • What can we learn from the "Schilder's List" screenplay as we discuss the subject of genocide? 
  • Are there racial elements in "Othello" or Shakespeare's creation is beyond the subject?
  • Kate Chopin's perception of inequality in "Desiree's Baby".

Racism in Science Essay Ideas 

Racism is often studied by scientists because it's not only a cultural point or a social agenda that is driven by personal inferiority and similar factors of mental distortion. Since we can talk about police violence and social campaigns, it is also possible to discuss things through different disciplines. Think over these racism thesis statement ideas by taking a scientific approach and getting a common idea explained:

  • Can physical trauma become a cause for a different perception of race? 
  • Do we inherit racial intolerance from our family members and friends? 
  • Can a white person assimilate and become a part of the primarily Black community? 
  • The people behind the concept of Apartheid: analysis of the critical factors. 
  • Can one prove the fact of the physical damage of the racial injustice that lasted through the years? 
  • The bond between mental diseases and the slavery heritage among the Black people. 
  • Should people carry the blame for the years of social injustice? 
  • How can we explain the metaphysics of race? 
  • What do the different religions tell us about race and the best ways to deal with it? 
  • Ethnic prejudices based on age, gender, and social status vs general racism.

Cinema and Race Topics to Write About 

As a rule, the movies are also a great source for writing an essay on racial issues. Remember to provide the basic information about the movie or include examples with the quotations to help your readers understand all the major points that you make. Here are some ideas that are worth your attention:

  • The negative aspect of the portrayal of racial issues by Hollywood.  
  • Should the disturbing facts and the graphic violence be included in the movies about slavery? 
  • Analysis of the "Green Mile" movie and the perception of equality in our society.  
  • The role of music and culture in the "Django Unchained" movie. 
  • The "Ghosts of Mississippi" and the social aspect of the American South compared to how we perceive it today. 
  • What can we learn from the "Malcolm X" movie created by Spike Lee? 
  • "I am Not Your Negro" movie and the role of education through the movies. 
  • "And the Children Shall Lead" the movie as an example that we are not born racist. 
  • Do we really have the "Black Hollywood" concept in reality? 
  • Do the movies about racial issues only cause even more racial prejudice?

Race and Ethnic Relations 

Another challenging problem is the internal racism and race and ethnicity essay topics that we can observe not only in the United States but all over the world as well. For example, the Black people in the United States and the representatives of the rap music culture will divide themselves between the East Coast and the West Coast where far more than cultural differences exist. The same can be encountered in Afghanistan or in Belgium. Here are some essay topics on race and ethnicity idea samples to consider:

  • The racial or the ethnic conflict? What can we learn from Afghan society? 
  • Religious beliefs divide us based on ethnicity . 
  • What are the major differences between ethnic and racial conflicts? 
  • Why we are able to identify the European Black person and the Black coming from the United States? 
  • Racism and ethnicity's role in sports. 
  • How can an ethnic conflict be resolved with the help of anti-racial methods? 
  • The medical aspect of being an Asian in the United States. 
  • The challenges of learning as an African American person during the 1950s. 
  • The role of the African American people in the Vietnam war and their perception by the locals. 
  • Ethnicity's role in South Africa as the concept of Apartheid has been formed.

Biology and Racial Issues 

If you are majoring in Biology or would like to research this side of the general issue of race, it is essential to think about how we can fight racism in practice by turning to healthcare or the concepts that are historical in their nature. Although we cannot explain slavery per se other than by turning to economics and the rule of power that has no justification, biologists believe that racial challenges can be approached by their core beliefs as well.

  • Can we create an isolated non-racist society in 2022? 
  • If we assume that a social group has never heard of racism, can it occur? 
  • The physical versus cultural differences in the racial inequality cases? 
  • The biological peculiarities of the different races? 
  • Do we carry the cultural heritage of our race? 
  • Interracial marriage through the lens of Biology. 
  • The origins of the racial concept and its evolution. 
  • The core ways how slavery has changed the African-American population. 
  • The linguistic peculiarities of the Latin people. 
  • The resistance of the different races towards vaccination.

Modern Racism Topics to Consider 

In case you would like to deal with a modern subject that deals with racism, you can go beyond the famous Black Lives Matter movement by focusing on the cases of racism in sports or talking about the peacemakers or the famous celebrities who have made a solid difference in the elimination of racism.

  • The Global Citizen campaign is a way to eliminate racial differences. 
  • The heritage of Aretha Franklin and her take on the racial challenges. 
  • The role of the Black Stars in modern society: the pros and cons. 
  • Martin Luther King Day in the modern schools. 
  • How can Instagram help to eliminate racism? 
  • The personality of Michelle Obama as a fighter for peace. 
  • Is a society without racism a utopian idea? 
  • How can comic books help youngsters understand equality? 
  • The controversy in the death of George Floyd. 
  • How can we break down the stereotypes about Mexicans in the United States?

Racial Discrimination Essay Ideas 

If your essay should focus on racial discrimination, you should think about the environment and the type of prejudice that you are facing. For example, it can be in school or at the workplace, at the hospital, or in a movie that you have attended. Here are some discrimination topics research paper ideas that will help you to get started:

  • How can a schoolchild report the case of racism while being a minor?  
  • The discrimination against women's rights during the 1960s. 
  • The employment problem and the chances of the Latin, Asian, and African American applicants. 
  • Do colleges implement a certain selection process against different races? 
  • How can discrimination be eliminated via education? 
  • African-American challenges in sports. 
  • The perception of discrimination, based on racial principles and the laws in the United States. 
  • How can one report racial comments on social media? 
  • Is there discrimination against white people in our society? 
  • Covid-19 and racial discrimination: the lessons we have learned.

Find Even More Essay Topics On Racism by Visiting Our Site 

If you are unsure about what to write about, you can always find an essay on racism by visiting our website. Offering over 150 topic ideas, you can always get in touch with our experts and find another one!

5 Tips to Make Your Essay Perfect

  • Start your essay on racial issues by narrowing things down after you choose the general topic. 
  • Get your facts straight by checking the dates, the names, opinions from both sides of an issue, etc. 
  • Provide examples if you are talking about the general aspects of racism. 
  • Do not use profanity and show due respect even if you are talking about shocking things. The same relates to race and ethnic relations essay topics that are based on religious conflicts. Stay respectful! 
  • Provide references and citations to avoid plagiarism and to keep your ideas supported by at least one piece of evidence.

Recommendations to Help You Get Inspired

Speaking of recommended books and articles to help you start with this subject, you should check " The Ideology of Racism: Misusing Science to Justify Racial Discrimination " by William H. Tucker who is a professor of social sciences at Rutgers University. Once you read this great article, think about the poetry by Maya Angelou as one of the best examples to see the practical side of things.

The other recommendations worth checking include:

- How to be Anti-Racist by Ibram X. Kendi . - White Fragility by Robin Diangelo . - So You Want to Talk About Race by Ijeoma Oluo .

The Final Word 

We sincerely believe that our article has helped you to choose the perfect essay subject to stir your writing skills. If you are still feeling stuck and need additional help, our team of writers can assist you in the creation of any essay based on what you would like to explore. You can get in touch with our skilled experts anytime by contacting our essay service for any race and ethnicity topics. Always confidential and plagiarism-free, we can assist you and help you get over the stress!

Argumentative Essays Topics

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thesis statement on racism

Racism and History of Discrimination Essay

  • To find inspiration for your paper and overcome writer’s block
  • As a source of information (ensure proper referencing)
  • As a template for you assignment

Racism and other kinds of discrimination have existed for centuries and still prevail in modern-day society. While many people view racism as a social construct that only exists among ordinary people, it is much more frequent among government authorities and law enforcement agencies, with police brutality being one of the most acute issues. Such an issue is not merely a local or state problem but a federal one, permeating the entire country. As a result, while different policies aim to eradicate racism-caused police brutality, it still exists and causes many deaths.

There are many instances of the given issue that led not just to disabilities but also to deaths. For example, despite a 1993 prohibition on chokeholds by the New York Police Department, policeman Daniel Pantaleo nonetheless fatally choked Eric Garner in 2014 (The Economist, 2020). In one of the latest occurrences, Derek Chauvin, a Minneapolis law enforcement officer, knelt on George Floyd’s neck for 8 minutes on May 25, 2020, causing George Floyd to pass away (Valbuena et al., 2020). As a result, the policy sector this sort of social injustice falls under is criminal justice. According to the United Nations, among the core problems that impact this sector are “racial profiling, harassment, verbal abuse and abuse of power by law enforcement officials” (United Nations, 2022). As a result, advocacy should be aimed at creating new models in criminal justice that will ensure the protection of all minority groups and due process. As has been mentioned by the UN, “racial discrimination in law enforcement and the criminal justice system cannot be separated from systemic racism” (United Nations, 2022). Therefore, such a macro policy intervention should aim at holding those law enforcement officers responsible for the brutality.

Hence, despite efforts to end racism-related police violence, it still occurs and claims many lives. Criminal justice is the area of policy that deals with this kind of social injustice. Racial discrimination, harassment, emotional insults, and the misuse of authority by law enforcement authorities are among the significant issues that have an influence on this industry, according to the United Nations. Therefore, advocacy efforts should focus on developing new criminal justice models that would guarantee the protection of all minority groups and due process. The goal of such a macro-political intervention should be to hold violent law enforcement personnel accountable.

The Economist. (2020). In America protests have already brought policy changes . The Economist. Web.

United Nations. (2022). Addressing and responding to racial discrimination in the criminal justice system . UN. Web.

Valbuena, V., Howard, R., Bonner, S., & Dimick, J. (2020). Let us not be silent . Annals of Surgery , 272 (6), 915-916. Web.

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  • Impacts of the Overlaps Between Communication and Criminal Justice for Police-Suspect Interactions
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  • Why Empathy in Racism Should Be Avoided
  • How the Race Concept Has Changed Over Time
  • Discrimination Against African-American Patients
  • Racial Discrimination in High Education
  • Chicago (A-D)
  • Chicago (N-B)

IvyPanda. (2024, January 19). Racism and History of Discrimination.

"Racism and History of Discrimination." IvyPanda , 19 Jan. 2024,

IvyPanda . (2024) 'Racism and History of Discrimination'. 19 January.

IvyPanda . 2024. "Racism and History of Discrimination." January 19, 2024.

1. IvyPanda . "Racism and History of Discrimination." January 19, 2024.


IvyPanda . "Racism and History of Discrimination." January 19, 2024.

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Racism Theses Samples For Students

26 samples of this type

Do you feel the need to check out some previously written Theses on Racism before you begin writing an own piece? In this open-access directory of Racism Thesis examples, you are given a thrilling opportunity to explore meaningful topics, content structuring techniques, text flow, formatting styles, and other academically acclaimed writing practices. Using them while crafting your own Racism Thesis will surely allow you to complete the piece faster.

Presenting superb samples isn't the only way our free essays service can aid students in their writing endeavors – our authors can also compose from point zero a fully customized Thesis on Racism that would make a genuine basis for your own academic work.

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Racism Essay: Topics, Samples, & Writing Guide

The picture provides introductory information about a racism essay.

Racism is a very spread yet complicated topic for students of all levels. Any essay about racism should include a clear introduction, solid body arguments, and a consistent conclusion.

You are lucky to have encountered this article because our experts have prepared all the necessary answers.

Here, we provide you with a most detailed writing guide. You’ll find out how to start and continue writing and what each part of an essay should include. You will also get an impressive number of inspiring topics and a couple of samples to top it up.

You need to write a racism definition essay? We’ve got that too. Let’s go!

  • ✒️ Racism Essay Writing

📚 269 Racism Essay Topics

💡 racism essay examples, ✒️ racism essay writing guide.

It doesn’t matter whether you have to write a racism argumentative essay or a persuasive one – the principles are the same.

Read this short guide to get a clear idea of an excellent essay about racism once and for all.

Essay on Racism- Step 1: Choose the Topic

Generally speaking, to choose a topic about racism, consider the basics. Your issue has to be acute, narrow, unique, and containing a conflict.

  • If you catch yourself thinking: “Well, racism is too broad an issue, how am I supposed to write about it?” don’t worry! First, go through this mini-guide and then dive into the racism essay topics compilation below. If it’s not enough, try our Free Essay Topic Generator .

Essay on Racism – Step 2: Research

To create a racism essay, you should read a great scope of literature. Study the issue from different angles to find out the range of opinions.

  • There are many excellent sources with all kinds of information about racism. It can be a good TedTalk video where a speaker elaborates on a specific topic. Or scholarly articles with comprehensive research and methodologies.

Essay on Racism – Step 3: Outline

Every assignment can contain individual demands to meet. For example, argumentative essay topics on racism must include particular evidence in the body. For a racism definition essay, it’s not necessary.

  • Nevertheless, you should be familiar with the primary principles of essay outlining. Study them in the sections below.

I. Racism Essay Introduction

It’s essential to draw your audience’s attention first. A good introduction may start with a hook, including some statistics or disturbing facts. Racism topics for research papers have plenty of opportunities to operate a good hook.

Once you get the readers’ attention, introduce background information. Let your reader get familiar with what you are writing. The introduction usually ends with a thesis statement and a brief and sharp phrasing of an issue.

II. Racism Essay Body

The body of your essay on racism is the part where you unfold and prove your thesis statement . Usually, the body consists of three paragraphs with supporting arguments. However, the central part may depend on a particular type of essay.

For example, an argumentative essay requires drawing a solid argumentation and backing it up with evidence. This is necessary to do with each of the body paragraphs.

III. Racism Essay Conclusion

The final touch of your essay is a conclusion. Usually, you need just one paragraph, but it depends on the essay requirements.

A reasonable conclusion suggests that you clarify the significance of your arguments. Remember that you don’t want to duplicate everything you said. Your task is to summarize the information.

Answer the questions that appeared in the beginning and offer a solution to the problem.

You can find a conclusion example in our “To Kill a Mockingbird” racism essay sample below.

The picture depicts three main components of a racism essay outline.

We’ve reached the best part of the article. If you have to write an essay on racism and discrimination, here you go!

Choose any of these inspiring essay topics and start writing.

Racism Definition Essay

A definition essay implies that you reveal the essence of a concept or phenomenon. You can refer to definitions from different sources or make your own.

Looking through our racism essay examples, you can understand what should be in such an essay.

Let’s have a closer look.

  • Identify the concept of racism. What does it include? What do we have to consider while talking about racism? Give examples of decent and poor definitions of racism.
  • What is racial prejudice? Speak on how the mistreatment of the notion can lead to communication problems. How do different people understand this concept?
  • Reveal the essence and meaning of the concept of white privilege. How did it appear? Speak on different opinions towards it.
  • What is racial equity? What is the opposite term for it? Search for the definitions in scholarly works. Also, try to build your definition and explain how you see racial equity.
  • Speak on different types of racism. What is systemic racism? What are institutional and individual racism? Explain the definition of structural racism.
  • Ethnicity: what is it, and how does it differ from a race?
  • Cultural appropriation: What is it, and why can it have a negative effect?
  • Race and your community.
  • How should the concept of national values be understood?
  • Explain the meaning of internalized racism.
  •  What is the essence of racial and cultural diversity?
  • From the very beginning: Explore various definitions of race.
  • Social science and the origins of race.
  • Microaggression acts: What is it, and why are they dangerous?
  • What is racial trauma from the psychological point of view?
  • Immigration and ethnic relations in the US.
  • Societal disparities: The essence, types, and impact on racial relations.
  • What is “culture”? What constituents does it have?
  • Ku Klux Klan: History and essence of the most notorious racist organizations.
  • Native Americans: Who are they, and what is happening now?
  • Discrimination in the United States of America.
  • Tell about BAME communities in Great Britain.
  • The history of the Black Power Movement, its leaders, and ideas.
  • The meaning of gender and race.
  • Bias and prejudice: reveal the meaning of these notions.
  • Institutional discrimination and racism.
  • Analyze explicit and implicit racial prejudices.
  • Define the term “discrimination” within the racism issues.
  • Environmental racism and justice.
  • What were the reasons for racism to appear?
  • Antisemitism: History and impact on society and individuals.
  • Defining unconscious racism.
  • Tell about the most racist societies.
  • Explore racist ideas in Ancient Greece.
  • Racism and discrimination: The church vision and teaching.
  • Martin Luther King Jr: Life, ideas, and death.
  • Reveal the essence of such a concept as “post-racial.”
  • The concept of race: Social science.
  • Social distance scale in terms of racism.
  • Harlem Renaissance: was it an anti-racist call or just art?
  • National cultural identity: The essence and connection to racism.
  • Implicit association test: Measuring attitudes toward race and ethnicity.
  • Tell about the concepts of genocide and segregation.
  • The role of the conflict theory in the framework of racism.
  • Ethnic groups and discrimination.
  • The significance of assimilation in the fight against racism.
  • Write about the personality theory concerning racism.
  • The phenomenon of inter-racism in the society.

Racism Argumentative Essay

An argumentative essay suggests that an author points out their opinion and proves its validity. In other words, with the help of arguments, the authors support their points of view.

Within the discourse of racial issues, there are diverse opinions. Topics for the research paper in an argumentative style you’ll find below.

  • The extension of racism terms. Think of the importance of adjusting the language to social needs. Why is racism much more than it’s said in dictionaries?
  • The racial equality progress didn’t improve much since the slavery abolition. Explore the statistics that prove it and the opinions of racial minorities representatives.
  • Why is it essential to work together against racism? Elaborate on the role of communities in combating racial issues. Can each of us contribute to the situation improvement?
  • The role of psychology in dismantling racism is enormous. How does psychology help understand the nature of bias? Explore how the psychological treatment approaches help address racism and its consequences.
  • The Internet is a place where racism is widespread. Explore the impact that cyberbullying by race has on people. Why is it essential to control violent acts online?
  • Criminal justice discrimination: Foster v. Chatman.
  • Why witnessing racist behavior without acting against it is dangerous?
  • African Americans’ civil rights: The role of the federal government and the Supreme Court.
  • Academic racism: Why should philosophical works be revised?
  • A belief that physical differences define a human must disappear.
  • Teaching culturally and ethnically diverse learners in science classroom.
  • The role of fashion editorials in embracing different cultures.
  • The impact of slavery on identities of African Americans in the run-up to the Civil War.
  • Tell about different racist establishments and why we need to stop them.
  • How to fight racial discrimination appearing in the healthcare system?
  • Nazi ideas didn’t stay in the past: They are still here and poisonous.
  • Racial and cultural inequities in health.
  • Facing racism can be disastrous for mental health.
  • Can racism be considered a mental illness?
  • Racial bias and racial profiling in law enforcement.
  • Tell about racism among Latino people in Mexico.
  • Cultural, ethnic, and gender differences at the workplace.
  • What are the disastrous effects of racism?
  • Racism is one of the evilest human sins.
  • Will racism be a usual thing in the US forever?
  • What is better for a country: A racist or anti-racist president?
  • Mexican Americans’ struggle for integrated schools in the civil rights era.
  • It’s time people of color took the domination in the US.
  • The issue of race and ethnic groups.
  • Will racial discrimination lead the world to a global war?
  • Is Donald Trump a racist?
  • Is it a crime to be a racist?
  • How does racism spread among children and teens?
  • Racial injustice and its impact on employees.
  • Racism has different faces: Trade war.
  • Are native Americans racists or victims of discrimination?
  • Flint poisoning: Environmental racism and racial capitalism.
  • What do racial discrimination and Holocaust have in common?
  • How skin complexion affects African Americans.
  • Does a person become a racist from childhood?
  • Racial prejudices can’t be considered a sin due to religious beliefs.
  • Race and class in the US criminal justice system.
  • Do racial trait differences define a person?
  • The decision to grant freedom to African Americans: Pros and cons.
  • Does racism do anything good to society?
  • The Trans-Atlantic African slave trade: What are the impacts and who is to blame?
  • Why does racism still exist?
  • Racial, ethnic, cultural, and linguistic issues in psychology.
  • Is there any cure for racism?
  • Radical Republicans and African Americans during Reconstruction.
  • There should be anti-racism lessons in schools.
  • Light, camera, action: Racism in cinematography is thriving.
  • Gender and race discrimination at workplaces.

Racism Persuasive Essay

In a persuasive essay , you should prove a particular point of view and make the audience agree with it. It means using both facts and emotions to reach the goal.

Writing a racism essay, you can use some striking facts and stories. You can be sure there are a lot of provoking situations you’d like to talk about.

  • Native Americans should be free of suffering. We took their lands off them and must stop suppressing their culture. Why are reservations sadistic? What can we do to help?
  • Shaking hands, increased heart rate, anxiety, low self-esteem, and chronic stress. These are only a part of all consequences of racist aggression. What else should minorities’ representatives experience to make privileged white people wake up?
  • Asians deserve better: Explore the question of racist prejudice against Asian people. They often get poorly treated and disrespected, but we rarely discuss it. Is it high time we changed this?
  • The Ku Klux Klan is still alive and breathing. Why in the 21st century should we face the terrible legacy of this hate group? Should the government control it more? What can we do to eliminate it?
  • Police brutality and racism: Why are these two concepts so interrelated in the USA? Can we do anything about it in a peaceful way? How can deaths from police violence be prevented?
  • Native American women face discrimination that has to be stopped.
  • Black neighborhoods are problematic, and it’s only our fault.
  • Jim Crow and segregation era’s implications for modern African American history.
  • Facts: There are no reasons or excuses for racism.
  • Racist (like any other discriminative) advertisements should be abolished.
  • Black Lives Matter: Racial perspectives on social media.
  • Should there be special anti-racist training for school teachers?
  • The problem of racism in the US.
  • Why is it not enough to embrace different cultures on Netflix shows?
  • African Americans and the American Revolution.
  • George Floyd is an innocent man who died because of racism.
  • Are the United States in real crisis in terms of racial inequality?
  • Why is keeping silent one of the major missteps in addressing racism?
  • Are all hate crimes in the US based on racism?
  • Discrimination in the criminal justice system: Why we should address this issue.
  • Race doesn’t serve any purpose in modern society.
  • The African American women stereotyping in media.
  • “Irishness”: Tell why this concept should be considered racist.
  • Racism and sexism: does racial discrimination have gender preferences?
  • Islamophobia is another type of racial discrimination.
  • How to prevent African American males from dropping out of high school.
  • There are a lot of social processes that support racism.
  • Race-related stress makes society dysfunctional.
  • Immigration and racial profiling and the role of law enforcement.
  • The segregation of Native Americans is wrong in its roots.
  • The African American civil rights movement history: Its effects on today’s America.
  • Neglecting racism issues brings corruption to society.
  • Social media have a significant influence on the perception of racism.
  • Should people become more compassionate towards racial minorities?
  • African American teachers in segregated schools in the US.
  • Sex workers face racial discrimination, and it’s a problem.
  • What is wrong with commercials and advertisements in terms of racism?
  • List of privileges and ways I have experienced and demonstrated racism.
  • The mental health of people of color suffers a lot from racism.
  • Educators shouldn’t spread myths about races.
  • The historical progression of African Americans.
  • The civil rights movement: History and impact.
  • Discrimination against minority groups, races, and ethnic groups.
  • Was Barack Obama proof that there is no racism in the US?
  • Key events in African American civil rights movement and their impact.
  • How can each of us fight racism in everyday life?
  • Problem of discrimination in nursing .
  • Can racism be justified in any case?
  • Women in hijabs shouldn’t suffer from discrimination.

Racism Topics for Research Paper

Here you can find deeper topics for your research paper on racism and discrimination. The approach of this type is more serious and scientific.

  • Ethnic differences in mental health service use.
  • Analyze unfair judicial practices concerning racial prejudices.
  • Elaborate on Desmond Tutu’s words about injustice.
  • Hispanic Americans facing discrimination.
  • Explore the racism manifestations in various establishments: In football, in schools, in sports, and in the workplace.
  • Ethnicity and religion impact on the second language acquisition of Muslims males.
  • The race theory: What do we know about it?
  • Immigration and racism in Canada.
  • President Lyndon Johnson said: “If you can convince the lowest white man he’s better than the best-colored man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket.” How can these words be interpreted?
  • Racial struggles in Detroit during riots of 1967.
  • Disparities in COVID infections: How racial inequality affects health care?
  • Racial profiling and its use at police stops and in crime reduction.
  • What are the actions political leaders should take to address racism?
  • The effects of police racial profiling on people’s attitudes.
  • Study the question of oversimplification of racism in the US.
  • Black lives matter: What changes did this establishment bring to society?
  • The fashion industry and racism: have the attitudes changed over the last 20 years?
  • Race and crime: Is there a correlation?
  • Why are Black Americans more inclined to die from cancer and heart diseases?
  • Ethnic minority group investigation: Mexican Americans.
  • Pregnancy-related death causes and racism: Why Black women are treated differently?
  • Africans in America – the growth of slavery in the 1600s and 1700s.
  • Are there any ways to low down the infant death mortality rate among Black kids?
  • Policy: Overcoming racial profiling.
  • Compare the range of racist attitudes in Canada and the USA.
  • Has race relations improved since the Civil War?
  • How does the individual approach win over generalizing in racial issues discussions?
  • Shifting morality in race and education.
  • Make a review of three books on inclusion and embracing diversity.
  • How does racism reflect in hiring and promotion practices?
  • What perspectives does the US have in terms of racial equality?
  • Racial discrimination of African Americans during Jim Crow’s era.
  • Why do middle-class Black Americans have worse health conditions than white working-class citizens?
  • The evolving role of HBCUs in resolving racial tensions.
  • Explore the history of racism in the USA.
  • African American history: Lost and rewritten.
  • Tell about the prominent figures who toiled against racism.
  • How can education be made more equitable for students of color?
  • How did Darwin’s research influence racism?
  • Ethnic minorities and the graduate labour market.
  • For which groups is racism beneficial?
  • Social status of African-Americans during 1920-2000.
  • How is racism reflected in pop culture?
  • How racial segregation contributes to concentrated poverty in minority communities.
  • What are the consequences of racism in sports?
  • The African-American struggle for civil rights in Texas.
  • How does systemic racism reflect in political institutions?
  • Racism impact on African-American communities in the US.
  • Elaborate on Martin King Jr’s impact on racial equality.
  • Race discrimination: Aspects and effects.
  • Explore the history of racism in the UK.
  • Racial tensions in contemporary America.
  • Tell about the impact of racial discrimination on workers in the 50s.
  • Ethnicity studies in counseling for schizophrenia.
  • Does racism slow down the progress in society?
  • What did Fidel Castro do to eliminate discrimination in Cuba?
  • How is poverty in black neighborhoods connected with racism?
  • Chinese Americans: History and discrimination.
  • Do anthropological studies improve the situation with racism?
  • African American women obtaining higher education.
  • Explore the history of racism in Australia.
  • Discuss the heritage and value of African American literature.
  • How has police brutality been revealed for the recent ten years?
  • Racial and ethnic minorities in the United States and their health care problems.
  • Explore the essence of scientific racism.
  • Terrorism, race, and the criminal justice in America.
  • The effects of ethnic stratification on social institutions.
  • Incarceration rates among racial & ethnic minorities.
  • Write about social constructions of “race” and “racism.”
  • Racial discrimination practices in recruitment and selection.
  • What is the impact of racism and antisemitism on society?
  • Equal opportunities and gender, age and race in the UK.

Racism Essay Topics in Literature

Art, culture, and literature are susceptible to any social phenomena. You can always trace the sociocultural background in the works of art. In this section, we’ve got literature topics for a racism definition essay and other types of paper.

The picture provides three literary compositions to write a racism essay about.

To Kill a Mockingbird Racism Essay Topics

  • Hypocrisy and racism – how are they connected in the novel? Explore the underneath reasons for racial prejudice in Maycomb, such as vacancy of thought and lack of empathy.
  • Institutional racism in the novel “To Kill a Mockingbird.” Is it fair to consider the book an anti-racist moral call while written from a privileged white perspective?
  • Racism is everywhere: Speak on how institutional racism is seen at Scout’s school . Why do teachers showcase discriminatory behavior instead of tolerance and justice to children?
  • “Cry about the hell white people give colored folks, without even stopping to think that they’re people, too.” Is it possible to grow up from sensitive children into sensitive adults?
  • Seventeen shots in the back, the end: Why don’t we observe the feelings, grief, and thoughts of Black people in the novel? For instance, Tom Robinson, his wife, and children, Calpurnia – their personalities are hardly revealed.
  • Did Tom Robinson have a chance to be pleaded innocent?
  • What is wrong with the missionary tea party?
  • How Harper Lee’s life is reflected in To Kill a Mockingbird ?
  • Is Atticus Finch a role model for any white man?
  • What are the ways Harper Lee shows prejudices in her novel?
  • Compare the situation with racism back in the 1930s with the current state of things.
  • What is the drama of the Dolphus Raymond family?
  • Describe how Black characters are depicted in the book.
  • Analyze Aunt Alexandra’s character, her racist prejudices, and narrow-mindedness.
  • Is “To Kill a Mockingbird” a racist or anti-racist book?
  • Boo Radley: How does prejudice reflect on white citizens?

Racism in Othello Essay Topics

  • Explore the difference between racism depiction in Shakespeare’s play and movies. How did different directors avoid racism topic in their films? Why is it a problem?
  • Analyze the portrayal of Othello in the play: The cruel, dull Moor, the Other. What attitude of a man of color is perceived through these characteristics?
  • Explore Othello’s self-perception depicted by Shakespeare. Why is it problematic that he expresses insecurity due to his blackness? What is wrong with the way the author presents Othello’s self-hatred?
  • “There is no racism without language,” – said Derrida . Analyze the language means used in the play to reflect racial prejudices: thick lips, an old black ram, and others.
  • Othello: The racial issues in the play.
  • How does the character of Brabantio express racism?
  • Talk about racist and sexist issues in the play.
  • How can racial discrimination ruin the lives of two people in love?
  • Why is “Othello” a tragedy of racial conflict more than jealousy?
  • What are the different forms in which racism shows up in the play?
  • The Otherness of Othello: Is it racism or a literary device?
  • How are the racist views in England reflected in the play?
  • Is Shakespeare’s portrayal of a Black man adequate?
  • Can we say that the main protagonist of the play was a racist?
  • Why “Othello” is a controversial play in terms of racism?

Racism in Huckleberry Finn Essay Topics

  • Explore and analyze the literary critics of “Huckleberry Finn.” Why was the book banned and censored for years? Is it coarse, ill-cultured, and obscene?
  • An absolute masterpiece: Analyze the positive reviews on the book by Lionel Trifling and T. S. Eliot. What impact does this critique have on the perception of the novel?
  • Desegregation and the civil rights movement . Tell about social events that co-occurred with including the book into the school curricula.
  • Racism affects and distorts the morality of both aggressors and victims. Explore how the author exposes this idea in the novel.
  • Huck Finn is fighting with dissonance in his mind. He is sympathetic towards people of color and shows a racist attitude at the same time. What does this tell us about?
  • How is the hypocrisy of middle-class society shown in the book?
  • Satire in Adventures of Huckleberry Finn : Should we accuse Mark Twain of racism?
  • “Racially offensive tone”: what were the reasons for the book’s struggle with censorship?
  • Describe how the Black characters are depicted in the novel.
  • A slave owner and a Christian: reveal the racist character of Mrs. Watson in the novel.
  • Can we call a book racist for the repetition of the word ‘nigger’ in it?
  • What lessons can be learned from the story of Huck Finn?
  • How does Mark Twain show the derogatory impact of racism on society?
  • How do the feelings of guilt and shame help Huck to get mature?
  • Can we say that Mrs. Judith Loftus is sympathetic to people of color?
  • Why is Huck’s Pap not only the greatest villain but also a dreadful racist?

Not to beat around the bush, here’re actual race essay examples. Our experts have chosen two very different topics to demonstrate how broad your opportunities are.

Racism Definition Essay: on Racism and Discrimination

If there is a choice to speak about racism or not, it’s better to speak. Maybe, this way, we could change the sad statistics which say the relations between white and Black Americans are at their lowest point for the recent twenty years. To speak of racism and discrimination, one should clearly understand their meaning, origin, and changes. However, it’s not that easy to say what racism is because it has numerous faces. First of all, it’s a problem, inducing disparities, violence, misunderstanding, and suffering. Besides, we reckon, the word ‘prejudice’ reflects the essence of racial discrimination. Thus, we can say that discrimination based on racial differences is prejudiced mistreatment of a person of color. The very thought of bias due to a particular skin color or hair texture seems absurd. However, the issue is enormous and old. Racially ill philosophy appeared a long time ago. People have believed that physical and biological traits define personal ones for hundreds of years. This is another reason it’s so difficult to get rid of racism – it’s an ancient evil. Thriving in the times of colonization, racism has spread greatly by the 18th century. North American and European colonizers had to make up some beliefs that could eliminate contradictions. They proclaimed America as the country of human equality and dignity and enslaved African folks simultaneously. Thus, the idea of dehumanization of those who were enslaved seemed an escape. That’s why it’s vital to understand the roots of racism and all its faces to combat it successfully. The first step is to admit the issue and take off the disguise it may hide under.

To Kill a Mockingbird Racism Argumentative Essay

“I think there’s just one kind of folks. Folks.” These words, said by a little girl, must be a lesson to all adults living in a world full of prejudices. Indeed, how come people still judge each other by skin color or hair texture after hundreds of years of cultured society? The book teaches humanism, justice, and kindness, although not all of its characters are kind and fair. However, we can learn a lot about racism issues that unfortunately didn’t lose their acuteness. The point is that racial discrimination is disastrous and devastating. It should be eliminated from the very basics of human minds and souls. It’s pretty disappointing to watch such a dramatic plot unfolding in the south of 20 century America. People there were used to racial discrimination due to historical context. However, we can see that racism is a surface issue under which there are many others. The reason for prejudice lies in the narrow-mindedness and lack of sympathy. Vacancy of thought and rigidness don’t allow people to act fair-hearted. If we recollect Aunt Alexandra feeling sympathetic towards the non-existence tribe somewhere in Africa, we can notice how detached from the real things she is. Her tunnel vision doesn’t let her see what happens around: for example, that accusation of the innocent Black man goes pretty well with her. The huge drama is that a decaying community prefers to escape from the problems like poverty, dullness, and outdated traditions. People blame someone for their physical difference to keep a blind eye on their shortcomings. We definitely should become more educated, not only in practical knowledge but also in terms of humanism and emotional intelligence. This is the first step to a healthier society.

If you want to get assistance with your paper about racism, approach our team. Our academic experts can help with any assignment.

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40+ Argumentative Essay Topics on Racism Worth Exploring

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by  Antony W

April 21, 2023

Argumentative Essay Topics on Racism

The first step to write an essay on racism is to select the right topic to explore.

You then have to take a stance based on your research and use evidence to defend your position.

Even in a sensitive issue of racial discrimination, you have to consider the counterarguments highly likely to arise and address them accordingly. 

The goal of this list post is to give you some topic ideas that you can consider and explore.   We’ve put together 30+ topic ideas, so it should be easy to find an interesting issue to explore.

What is Racism?  

Racism is the conviction that we can credit capacities and qualities to individuals based on their race, color, ethnicity, or national origin. It can take the form of prejudice, hatred, and discrimination, and it can happen in any place and at any time.

Racism goes beyond the act of harassment and abuse. It stretches further to violence, intimidation, and exclusion from important group activities.

This act of judgment, prejudice, and discrimination easily reveal itself in the way we interact with people and our attitude towards them.

Some forms of racism , like looking at a person’s place of origin through a list of job applications, may not be obvious, but they play a part in preventing people or particular group from enjoying the dignity and equality of the benefits of life simply because they are different.

Argumentative Essay Topics on Racism  

  • Is racism a type of mental illness in the modern society?
  • Barrack Obama’s legacy hasn’t helped to improve the situation of racism in the United States of America
  • The women’s movement of the 1960s did NOT unite black and white women
  • Will racism eventually disappear on its own?
  • Is there a cure for racism?
  • There’s no sufficient evidence to prove that Mexicans are racists
  • Is the difference in skin color the cause of racism in the western world?
  • Racism isn’t in everyone’s heart
  • Racism is a toxic global disease
  • Will the human race ever overcome racial prejudice and discrimination?
  • Can a racist be equally cruel?
  • Should racism be a criminal offense punishable by death without the possibility of parole?
  • Are racists more principled than those who are not?
  • Can poor upbringing cause a person to become a racist?
  • Is it a crime if you’re a racist?
  • Can racism lead to another World War?
  • The government can’t stop people from being racists
  • Cultural diversity can cure racism
  • All racists in the world have psychological problems and therefore need medical attention
  • Can the government put effective measures in place to stop its citizens from promoting racism?
  • Can a racist president rule a country better than a president who is not a racist?
  • Should white and black people have equal rights?
  • Can cultural diversity breed racism?
  • Is racism a bigger threat to the human race?
  • Racism is common among adults than it is among children
  • Should white people enjoy more human rights than black people should?
  • Is the disparity in the healthcare system a form of racial discrimination?
  • Racial discrimination is a common thing in the United States of America
  • Film industries should be regulated to help mitigate racism
  • Disney movies should be banned for promoting racism
  • Should schools teach students to stand against racism?
  • Should parents punish their children for manifesting racist traits?
  • Is racism the root of all evil?
  • Can dialogue resolve the issue of racism?
  • Is the seed of racism sown in our children during childhood?
  • Do anti-racist movements help to unite people of different colors and race to fight racism?
  • Do religious doctrines promote racism?
  • There are no psychological health risks associated with racism
  • Can movements such as Black Lives Matter stop racism in America?
  • Do anti-racist movements help people to improve their self-esteem?
  • Racism is against religious beliefs
  • Can teaching children to treat each other equally help to promote an anti-racist world?

We understand that racism is such a controversial topic. However, it’s equally an interesting area to explore. If you wish to write an essay on racism but you have no idea where to start, you can pay for argumentative essay from Help for Assessment to do some custom writing for you.

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Is it Easy to Write an Argumentative Essay on Racism?

Racism is traumatic and a bad idea, and there must never be an excuse for it.

As controversial as the issue is, you can write an essay that explores this aspect and bring out a clear picture on why racism is such a bad idea altogether.

With that said, here’s a list of some argumentative essay topics on racism that you might want to consider for your next essay assignment.

How to Make Your Argumentative Essay on Racism Great 

The following are some useful writing tips that you can use to make your argumentative essay on racism stand out:

Examine the Historical Causes of Racism 

Try to dig deeper into the topic of racism by looking at historical causes of racial discrimination and prejudices.

Look at a number of credible sources to explore the connection between racism and salve trade, social developments, and politics.

Include these highlights in your essay to demonstrate that you researched widely on the topic before making your conclusion.

Demonstrate Critical Thinking 

Go the extra mile and talk about the things you believe people often leave out when writing argumentative essays on racism.

Consider why racial discrimination and prejudices are common in the society, their negative effects, and who benefits the most from racial policies.

Adding such information not only shows your instructor that you did your research but also understand the topic better.

Show the Relationship between Racism and Social Issues 

There’s no denying that racism has a strong connection with many types of social issues, including homophobia, slavery, and sexism.

Including these links, where necessary, and explaining them in details can make your essay more comprehensive and therefore worth reading.

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About the author 

Antony W is a professional writer and coach at Help for Assessment. He spends countless hours every day researching and writing great content filled with expert advice on how to write engaging essays, research papers, and assignments.


What is a good thesis statement for racism?

2 answers by expert tutors.

thesis statement on racism

Jamie B. answered • 01/08/22

Serious Academic Tutoring

Honestly, this question is too general (I.e., I’m lacking enough information to completely answer this question) for one to give a complete thesis statement.

To make a thesis statement:

  • I need to know what the topic is about (racism, in this case).
  • I need to know the context of the essay (I.e., argumentative, expository, narrative, or a descriptive essay.
  • I need a clear, concise statement to be made concerning the topic of racism (I.e., racism is prominent in society due to societal customs influenced by a past system of slavery).

thesis statement on racism

Gabriela B. answered • 01/07/22

Experienced College Essay Tutor and Admissions Advisor

Hi Jamie! A good thesis statement takes a clear stance on the topic you are writing about. It is broad enough to be able to write at length about, but specific enough that your paper stands out from others on the topic.

The process I usually suggest to students is outlined below:

  • Start with a three point thesis, which you hopefully learned to write at some point in your schooling! A three point thesis on this topic would look something like: In America today, racism is an issue that is ___, ___, and ___.
  • Then, take a look at your three points and see what they have in common. Write that down.
  • Try replacing your three individual points with that broader statement you just wrote.
  • Edit this new sentence for clarity and to make sure it connects to various parts of your essay.

Would you like to walk through this process together in a session? I also have a second step by step method, if this one doesn't work for you. Let me know, I'm free this coming week!

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Racism Sample Essay, with Outline

Published by gudwriter on January 4, 2021 January 4, 2021

Racism in the past and racism today -This is another interesting topic on racism. It offers some interesting insights into how racism was perceived and manifested in various social spheres during the 19th century and how it is different today. You can explore how racism is changing its face. (3 pages)

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Racism Essay Outline


Thesis: Racism always has and is still one of the most prevalent social problems affecting the American population and other European countries. It is essential to evaluate how racism has transformed since the 19th century to modern-day forms.

Paragraph 1:

Racism was openly accepted in the 19th century.

  • The whites were superior to the people of color.
  • People of color were slaves to the whites.
  • Slave trade was a legal business.

Paragraph 2:

Modern day racism is hidden but very prevalent in the society.

  • Laws were put in place to end slavery and stop racial discrimination, but no efforts have been made to implement them.
  • American laws favor the whites.

Paragraph 3:

In the 19th century, people of no color had no rights.

  • They were the property of white merchants.
  • They were highly mistreated.
  • They had no freedom of movement.

White people had the right to kill people of color.

Paragraph 4:

Today, there are laws aimed at giving people of color fair treatment, but these laws are ways of justifying the end of racial discrimination.

  • The American criminal justice system treats the whites more reasonably than the people of color.

Paragraph 5:

In the 19th century, people of color had no rights to own property.

  • Today people of color have the right to own property but only in areas free of the white population.
  • People of own color property in areas with low value, while whites own property in valuable areas.

Paragraph 6:

Brutality on people of color was acceptable in the 19th century, but there laws prohibiting the practice today.

  • The police have continued to subject people of color to brutal treatment without facing the wrath of the law.
  • Police brutality is an act of modern racism.

Paragraph 7: 

Even though there are laws protecting the rights of people of color to equal employment and treatment at the workplace, such laws are hardly applied.

  • There still exists workplace discrimination, especially in the United States.
  • Workplace discrimination can take many forms and can take place in various settings.
  • A restate of the thesis statement
  • A summary of the main points
  • A take-away  statement made based on presented facts or information 

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Racism Essay –  Racism in the Past and Racism Today

Racism has always been and still is one of the most prevalent social problems in the United States and across Europe. It is a social vice that has powerful roots in society, and its elimination has almost proven impossible. Many believe that the world society has worked towards ending this vice, but there is still evidence of racial discrimination in interactions between whites and people of color. The reason that pushes people into believing that racism has ended is that it has changed over the years and taken new forms. It is thus essential to evaluate how racism has transformed since the 19th century to modern-day forms.

In the 19th century, racism was open and acceptable in the American society. During this time, the whites were treated as superiors to people of color (Jahoda, 2009). People of color were a source of labor and servants to the whites. The acceptable name for people of color in the 19th century was slaves (Jahoda, 2009). Slave trade was a multimillion-dollar business that was practiced freely in most parts of the world in the 19th century (Jahoda, 2009). Even people of color themselves knew that they were treated as being inferior to the whites. They could however not oppose this treatment as governments were in support of the situation. As such, racism was an ordinary and acceptable practice during the 19th century.

However, today racism is hidden but very prevalent in the society. After civil rights movements rose in the 19th and 20th centuries and pushed for the emancipation of people of color from slavery, governments acted and ended the practice. Laws were put in place to end it. Policies were made to ensure that people of color had equal rights as whites (Brown, 2004). However, fewer efforts if any have been made to ensure that indeed people of color enjoy the same rights as the whites. The American law still favors whites over people of color (Brown, 2004). In the past, racism was an open practice. However, today it is hidden, and one has to look deep inside social interactions to spot racial discrimination.

In the 19th century, people of color had no rights as they were considered as property of their masters. They were exposed to inhumane treatment such as being beaten overworked (Mosse, 1995). They were not allowed to own property and had no freedom to do as they pleased. During these years, the lives of people of color were dependent on the choices of their owners (Mosse, 1995). Whites had the right to kill people of color who went against their rules. People of color were aware of what would happen to them if they acted against the command of their masters.

In the modern day world, people of color have rights that warrant them equal treatment as whites, but these laws are just a way to justify the end of racial discrimination. In the past, no laws prohibited racial discrimination, and therefore people of color had no issues with the treatment they received from whites (Brown, 2004). However today, with such laws in place, people of color would expect fair treatment, but this has not happened since the 19th century. The American criminal justice system evidences this unfortunate reality. People of color are still treated more harshly by the law than their white counterparts (Brown, 2004). In case a white and black person commits murder, they will be given different sentences with the white person getting a fair one.

In the 19th century, people of color had no rights to own property as they were regarded as property of whites. However, when slavery came to an end, they were given the right to own property. However, these laws allowing for property ownership by people of color did not bring an end to racial discrimination in property ownership (Jahoda, 2009). Whites could not allow people of color to own property in areas where they (whites) resided. History shows that whites cautioned real estate dealers from allowing people of color to own homes in such areas (Jahoda, 2009). The value of land or property owned by people of color would fall, while that of property owned by whites would rise. Today, there are residential areas owned by whites only and people of color can never be allowed to own property in such areas.

Brutality on people of color was a common practice in the 19th century. However, laws were later put in place to stop such treatment (Mosse, 1995). In spite of this, brutality on people of color has continued to spread not just among ordinary white persons but also through the police force. Today, African-American men die as a result of police brutality than from attacks by average white persons, the now famous May 2020 George Floyd’s case being a good example. The American justice system exonerates all-white officers suspected of killing innocent black men (Bonilla, Dietrich & Hall, 2008). Most African-American men live in fear of the police, who are supposed to protect them than they fear white supremacists. Police brutality is one of the most common forms of modern racism.

In yet another reality, even though there are laws protecting the rights of people of color to equal employment and treatment at the workplace, such laws are hardly applied. There still exists workplace discrimination, especially in the United States. Workplace discrimination can take many forms and can take place in various settings, including office buildings in city centers as well as offices in rural villages. Both men and women can suffer from workplace discrimination based on their sex, political opinions, religion, social origin, national extraction, skin color, or race. Noteworthy, discrimination at work denies people opportunities and prevents society from benefitting from what these people could do. In this respect, elimination of workplace discrimination contributes to a better working environment.

Racism continues to be a social threat to people of color in the United States and European countries. Laws put in place to protect these people from racial discrimination are hardly implemented. The police and the justice system are the number one perpetrators of racial discrimination. The only difference between racism in the 19th century and modern-day racism is in the way that it manifests itself.

Bonilla, E., Dietrich, D. R., & Hall, R. E. (2008). Racism in the 21st Century R .

Brown, D. A. (2004). Fighting racism in the twenty-first century.  Wash. & Lee L. Rev. ,  61 , 1485.

Jahoda, G. (2009). Intra‐European racism in nineteenth‐century anthropology.  History and Anthropology ,  20 (1), 37-56.

Mosse, G. L. (1995). Racism and nationalism.  Nations and Nationalism ,  1 (2), 163-173.

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Racism in the Workplace Essay Outline

Thesis: Racism in the workplace occurs in the form of direct discrimination, indirect discrimination, harassment, victimization, intersectional discrimination, and multicultural discrimination.

Direct discrimination is when a person is treated less favorably as a result of their race, their perceived race, or the race of another person they are related to.

  • Discriminating against someone because of their perceived race is known as discrimination by perception.
  • Discriminating against someone because they are related to another person of a given race is known as discrimination by association.

Indirect racial discrimination is when a working rule, policy, or procedure affects everyone yet disadvantages one group or person owing to their race.

  • It may be less visible than direct discrimination.
  • It applies to any workplace policy, practice, or procedure.
  • Examples are dress code standards and work arrangements.

Racial harassment is when a person encounters offensive behavior based on race.

  • Racist language is the most typical instance of racial harassment in the workplace.
  • It generates an unpleasant, intimidating, demeaning, humiliating, or insulting environment.
  • A person is also considered harassed if they witness a racial harassment incident aimed at someone else.

Victimization occurs when someone receives unfavorable treatment because of their involvement in a discrimination complaint.

  • A person might suffer victimization because they complained of racial prejudice.
  • The vice may also happen to someone gathering data in anticipation of filing a complaint.
  • They could also be victimized because they backed up another person’s complaint.

Intersectional discrimination is discrimination against a person’s personal traits or identity.

  • Examples of the traits include gender, sex, color, class, sexual orientation, religion, ability, and physical appearance.
  • Working Black women have fewer opportunities to meet with senior executives, receive less sponsorship and mentorship, and have fewer training opportunities.
  • Only 4 percent of U.S. C-suite female executives are women of color, and only 1 percent are Black women.

Multiracial persons may encounter microaggressions and/or discrimination related to their ethnic and racial mix.

  • Microaggressions are unintentional, implicit social behaviors or utterances that offend and prejudice others.

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Racism in the Workplace Essay

Discrimination is the denial of equitable treatment to people based on group membership. Racial discrimination, or racism, is a system of oppression and dominance with a long history that divides and organizes society in a manner that structurally disadvantages particular minority groups based on their assigned race or ethnicity. It is critical to distinguish between racism and other types of discrimination and prejudice that do not stem from the mistreatment of ethnic or racial minority groups. Even though the Civil Rights Act’s Title VII illegalizes workplace discrimination based on national origin, religion, sex, color, and race, racial discrimination still plagues the workplace. Racism in the workplace occurs in the form of direct discrimination, indirect discrimination, harassment, victimization, intersectional discrimination, and multicultural discrimination.

Direct discrimination is when a person is disadvantaged and given less favorable treatment as a result of their race, their perceived race, or the race of another person they are related to. Discriminating against someone because of their perceived race is known as discrimination by perception (Triana et al., 2015). For instance, a racist customer may be served by a Korean-born employee after which the customer may mistake the employee for a Chinese. The customer may, unfortunately, later complain to the leadership organization not to be served by a Chinese again. This constitutes a serious case of discrimination by perception. It is because of the customer’s skewed perception that they racially discriminate against the otherwise innocent employee. Discriminating against someone because they are related to another person of a given race is known as discrimination by association (Triana et al., 2015). This other person could be a colleague, friend, or family member of the racism victim.

Indirect racial discrimination is when a working rule, policy, or procedure affects everyone yet disadvantages one group or person owing to their race. ‘Everyone’ could refer to all employees in an organization or any other set of employees, such as all employees in a specific job or team. Indirect discrimination may be less visible than direct, and may not be intentional in some instances. It applies to any workplace policy, practice, or procedure, whether documented or not. Examples may include dress code standards, work arrangements such as working remotely, the criteria used in hiring, terms, and conditions, and how employees are chosen for layoffs (Colella & King, 2017). A practical example of indirect discrimination is when a cleaning company lists “good written English skills” as one of its criteria for layoffs despite the job not requiring writing. Here, people would get unfairly laid off for lacking English writing skills despite impressive job performance.

Racial harassment is when a person encounters offensive behavior based on race. Racist language is the most typical instance of racial harassment in the workplace. For an act to qualify as harassment, it must have either generated an unpleasant, intimidating, demeaning, humiliating, or insulting environment for the person or violated their dignity (Conley, 2016). A behavior can be considered harassment if it yields one of these outcomes even if that was not the intention. It is also harassment if it never resulted in one of these outcomes but it was intended to (Conley, 2016). The legislation against harassment also applies in situations whereby an individual is harassed because they are perceived to belong to a race they do not belong to. In the same breath, a person is considered harassed if they witness a racial harassment incident aimed at someone else, but ends up harassing them as well.

Victimization occurs when someone receives unfavorable treatment because of their involvement in a discrimination complaint. The legislation also shields a person from victimization when another person believes they are connected to a complaint. A person might suffer victimization because they complained of racial prejudice or they are gathering data in anticipation of filing a complaint. They could also be victimized because they backed up another person’s complaint, made a statement, or provided proof that refuted another person’s complaint, or someone else believes that they have carried out or are considering any of the aforementioned actions (Colella & King, 2017). Being labeled a troublemaker, being excluded, or not being permitted to do certain things are examples of how someone could be victimized. Practically, victimization could involve an employee receiving warning emails from their boss to stop supporting another employee’s racial discrimination complaints. That employee would be muzzled into withdrawing his choice to speak against racial discrimination at their place of work.

Intersectional discrimination is discrimination against a person’s personal traits or identity. Examples of the distinguishing factors here may include gender, sex, color, class, sexual orientation, religion, ability, and physical appearance. For instance, research reveals that working Black women have fewer opportunities to meet with senior executives, receive less sponsorship and mentorship, and have fewer training opportunities (Bagalini, 2020). Compared to their white counterparts, these all lead to fewer opportunities for them to advance their careers. Because of this, while only 21 percent of C-suite executives in the United States are female, only 4 percent are women of color, and only 1 percent are Black women (Bagalini, 2020). This example has two implications. One, the world of work still does not give equal leadership opportunities to men and women. Two, of the few leadership opportunities accorded to women, over 95 percent are occupied by white women, leaving women of color and Black women at a significant disadvantage.

Multiracial persons may encounter microaggressions and/or discrimination related to their ethnic and racial mix. Often, microaggressions are unintentional, implicit social behaviors or utterances that offend and prejudice others. Compared to direct verbal discrimination, they are less explicit (Greig, 2015). Microaggressions are not easy to identify and when they happen, the victim is often chided as being overly sensitive or touchy. That is, microaggressions are often considered “harmless” by those involved when in reality, they cause as much harm as other forms of racial discrimination. Multiracial microaggressions can take many different forms, such as invalidating one’s race, excluding and isolating them, objectifying them, assuming that multiracial persons are monoracial, denying the existence of the multiracial phenomenon, and pathologizing multiracial identity (Greig, 2015).

Workplace racism may occur in many different ways, including directly, indirectly, in the form of harassment, and through victimization. It could also be intersectional or multicultural. Direct discrimination is when someone is explicitly denied equal privileges as others due to their race. Indirect discrimination is when someone is disadvantaged by organizational policy or rule. Harassment is when someone is racially offended or abused based on his race. A person could also be victimized for speaking up against cases of discrimination. On its part, intersectional discrimination is when a person’s attributes are used to prejudice him. In multicultural discrimination, a person may be racially discriminated against due to being of a mixed race. Whatever the form, workplace discrimination is harmful both to victims and organizational success. It should thus be adequately addressed.    

Bagalini, A. (2020, July 22). 5 ways intersectionality affects diversity and inclusion at work . World Economic Forum.

Colella, A., & King, E. (2017). The Oxford Handbook of workplace discrimination . Oxford University Press.

Conley, H. (2016). Gower Handbook of discrimination at work . Taylor & Francis.

Greig, A. (2015). Understanding the stressors and types of discrimination that can affect multiracial individuals: Things to address and avoid in psychotherapy practice. Psychotherapy Bulletin, 50 (2), 56-60.

Triana, M. Jayasinghe, M., & Pieper, J. R. (2015). Perceived workplace racial discrimination and its correlates: A meta-analysis. Journal of Organizational Behavior , 36 (4), 491-513.

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The extraordinary and valuable report of racism thesis of the Christian Democrat Deputy, Dimitros Evrigenis, revealed the ideological, social background and objectives of the European racist and fascist groups, opening the way for a common position taken in 1986, of the set of European institutions manifested in the Declaration against Racism and Xenophobia made in that year.

In the last European elections of June 1994, nearly ten million Europeans voted for racist parties, in some places like Antwerp, they exceeded 25% of the votes. In the month of October of the same year, in the Belgian municipal elections in some cities they reached 30%, being the Vlams Block, a party with special predicament in young people, who picked up the racist and ultranationalist vote. In Austria, in the general elections held on the same day, another right-wing extremist Jšrg Haider, leader of the FPOE ultra, capitalized 23% of the votes, projecting for 1998 to reach the head of government and become the new Austrian Furher.

Along with these chilling data, we must add the presence in the Italian government of fascist ministers, the consistency in France of the current LEPEN, the proliferation of neo-Nazi groups in the new Germany and in Spain the unification of far-right groups in a project renewed with a young national direction headed by Ynestrillas. New right-wing leaders are emerging, connecting with youth bases, which appeal to marginalized members of society, using the economic recession, to promote their own branch of nationalist xenophobia with some National Socialism.

Racism thesis statements: From Diffused Racism to Militating Racism

The concept of RACE is very old in Western culture, as a reference to the observable external characteristics of different human groups. The “scientists” of national-socialist Germany came to establish scales of proximity and remoteness of the human, depending on certain external and social physical characteristics. According to the latest scientific advances in molecular biology and population genetics, there is no genetic difference between humans of different external physical appearance, so the concept of RACE has no meaning and should be removed from the daily vocabulary of scientists, social actors and the public in general. On the contrary, referring to ethnic groups or ETHNIAs, as an expression that typifies the diversity of external, cultural or value aspects, diversity based on accidental differences, caused by adaptation to climate, food, lifestyle or social differences.

The application of the classificatory mentality to everything, the acceptance of the diversity of races, has a danger and it is necessary to remember that the APARTHEID was not based on the idea of ​​any superiority, but rather on the ethnocentric convenience of the diverse ones living separately. This is also the underlying idea in the terrible euphemism of “ethnic cleansing” practiced by Serbs and Croats in the criminal war of the Balkans, each race, each ethnic group in an exclusive territory.

The dynamics of prejudice and racial discrimination can follow a process of progress or experience qualitative leaps. So to create bad reputation, speaking badly and forming an unfavorable public opinion, you can move to social distance, discrimination, deprivation of rights and segregation; finally, to the physical attack, aggression, expulsion, killings and extermination.

The acts of diffuse racism are multiple and fundamentally deny a right, a good or a service to someone because of religion, origin or culture. Thus dismissing or refusing to hire a person for these reasons, even if they are not explicit, is a racist act, denying access to a means of transport, assigning or renting a home, denying access to the school, to a local , or simply the entrance to a disco …, are expressions of racial discrimination, to which we must add the multiple references in speech and expressions of politicians, or performances of public institutions, officials or security agents, where prejudice acquired leads them to commit acts of racial discrimination.

From diffuse racism it is easy to pass to criminal racism, from neighborhood protest to citizen patrol, from the exalted cry of lynching, from the prejudice extended to expeditions of punishment against scapegoats. This is precisely what is happening throughout Europe.

Racism essay thesis is very important today among students all over the world!

The Age of the Rhinestone Cowgirl: How Beyoncé brings glitz to the Wild Wild West

How beyoncé's 'cowboy carter' punctuates (and interrogates) a growing western aesthetic..

Cowboy hats are everywhere right now. You see them on artsy posters in college rooms. They're a bachelorette must-have. And, perhaps most importantly, a cowboy hat sits atop Beyoncé's blond tresses on the cover of her latest album "Cowboy Carter."

A harbinger of something bigger, the hat signifies a cultural reckoning disguising itself as a fashion moment. Don't look now, but the cowgirl is remaking herself.

This "new" Western chic is not exactly Jessie from "Toy Story." Instead, it’s fiercely feminine, heavily accessorized, and dipped in glitz. A Rhinestone Cowgirl™, if you will. While Beyoncé's latest work certainly punctuates it, the aesthetic has been steadily gaining traction for over half a decade.

In January 2018, the same year Lil Nas X rode "Old Town Road" to the top of the charts, British Vogue ran a story with the subhead “Less Rodeo Cowboy, More Rodeo Drive.” It was that same year that internet archivist Bri Malandro coined the term "Yeehaw Agenda."

Where the worn leather quality of country music’s signature cowboys (think George Strait and Willie Nelson) once contrasted against a rhinestoned flashiness in their female counterparts (think Shania Twain and Dolly Parton), the new cowgirl challenges the notion that they should be separate. It bedazzles the Stetson and makes women worthy interlocutors of the Wild Wild West. 

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“Country music, so much of it has been in the gender binary – men are like this, women are like this,” Kinitra Brooks , a professor at the University of Michigan who specializes in the study of Black women, genre fiction, and popular culture said. "I think that the glitzy glam, she’s taking it and playing with it but also in some ways possibly blurring the gender lines and saying you can be both/and instead of either/or," Brooks said of Beyoncé's latest work.

While "Cowboy Carter" deals in more "classic" Western fare, its precursor "Renaissance" also featured Beyoncé atop a horse, only this time bedecked in shimmering metallics. The aesthetics, together, read as a powerful statement about who gets to assume the costumery of frontiersmen. “All these looks are very much in conversation with each other” Brooks reminds.

The Genuine Article

On a cover for W Magazine to promote the album, Knowles dawned a custom Louis Vuitton tan suit with golden brown and turquoise detailing reminiscent of Porter Wagoner. The headline read "In Beyoncé's Country, All Are Welcome." The word country does double duty here − referring not only to America but to the country music genre.

When announcing "Cowboy Carter," Beyoncé said the album was born out of an experience where she felt unwelcome (read: the 2016 CMAs when her performance of "Daddy Lessons" received backlash online.) Country music is a business notoriously hostile to outsiders, every bit as stringent about what makes for an authentic American experience as the tropes that govern its songs. But Ms. Knowles' chilly reception would be hard to blame on anything but racism given she's a Texas native, a veteran act of the Houston Rodeo , and the song she chose to perform was a toe-tapping banjo ballad built around bible-toting, gun-slinging imagery. Her bonafides were hardly counterfeit.

On "Cowboy Carter's" opening track, Knowles fires back, singing "They used to say I spoke too country\then the rejection came said I wasn't country 'nuff\said I wouldn't saddle up\If that ain't country tell me what is\plant my bare feet on solid ground for years."

That Beyoncé is the genuine article, a maverick and a frontiersman, a daughter of the American South and a certified rodeo queen invites an authenticity that has long lay at the center of the debate over Western iconography. Fans aren't "dressing up" as John Wayne when they don the Stetson, they're dressing up as her − every bit a cowboy.

Only hers is a cowboy that brings to light buried truth. It pays homage to the Black cowboy, a figure largely scrubbed from popular Western lore. Smithsonian magazine reports an estimated one in four cowboys were Black and as Malandro has chronicled , the rodeo and westernwear have long been part and parcel of Black culture. “For a goodly number of Black folks in the South, this isn’t a costume – this is their everyday wear,” Brooks, who grew up in New Orleans and has childhood memories of Black cowboys in the parades, says.

"There hasn’t been ever in the history of mainstream country music a record that dominates the narrative that comes from a feminized, marginalized and radical position," Marcus Dowling , a country music reporter at The Tennessean, part of the USA TODAY network told the New York Times' Popcast . Perched atop Beyoncé's head, the cowboy hat screams of a new chapter. The American Requiem (track one on the album) vibrates not only in the music but in the symbolism. "Them old ideas, yeah, are buried here, yeah" she croons as if willing her audience to stretch their imaginations wider. Any and all can sidle up to the saloon counter, push forward an empty glass and demand to be served.

Beyoncé's opus and its accompanying artwork do not mimic, they reinvent. They take the twine of what came before and rework it in new hands, warming it to a modern world and making of it a brand new symbol− Cowboy Carter: lone ranger, siren for the American story.

Rhinestoned Cowgirl™

"When you think about the cowboy aesthetic it was really historically associated with men," Dayna Isom Johnson, a trend expert for Etsy said, "so now this is a style that is being embraced by all in their own unique way and really kind of blurring those traditional lines."

That blurring gestures at a larger thesis behind the aesthetics: for all that the cowboy is in modern lore: a renegade, a boundary-breaker, a certified main character − a woman can be that too.

“She is assuming the camouflage of the guys.” Vanessa Friedman, the New York Times' chief fashion critic wrote recently , pointing out Knowles' western ode doesn’t exactly lean into prairie skirts. She keeps the chaps and ten-gallon hats but is sure to add a certain pageantry −booty shorts with a bolo tie for example, or rhinestone-encrusted leather pants. She's conjuring the image of the masculine cowboy, then painting herself within its outline with just enough flourish to assert that embodying the spirit of such a figure does not require shirking your feminized markers.

“That’s the beauty of Beyoncé right, we all know and love her for her pop star glam and now that she is merging into this new western-themed look you kind of have the best of both worlds,” Isom Johnson says. The products flying off Etsy's virtual shelves demonstrate that marriage, she reports. Metallic threading through a suede jacket, for example, or a cowboy hat with rhinestone embellishments.

“Cultural icons like Beyoncé, she kind of sets the bar for what people are going to be inspired by and there’s so many different ways that that can be translated,” Isom Johnson said. In the first 3 months of 2024 compared to last year there was a 428% increase in searches for horseshoe charms on Etsy and a 124% increase for cowboy boots, she reports.

E-commerce accelerator  Pattern previously shared with USA TODAY that in the weeks following the album release, there was an 86% increase in demand for black cowboy hats and a 38% increase for bolo ties.

American Requiem: For love of country

Expanding the Stetson's brim so more can find a home underneath it is no small project − and it starts with the music. To do it Beyoncé enlists prophets of country's past and frontierswomen of its future.

“I think because she’s Beyoncé there can be some disregard for her being a true student of music and it’s so clear that she does her research,” Brooks said. The album features a cover of Dolly Parton's "Jolene," reworked from "please don't take my man" to "take my man, I dare you." It also traffics in plenty of the genre's signature tropes: the scorned, maybe murderous lover in "Daughter," and the lonesome blues in "16 Carriages."

Use of the American Flag is another key choice Beyoncé makes on "Cowboy Carter." She holds a flag on the cover and is draped in its colors. On "Ya Ya," a mid-album boot-stomper, she sings "My family lived and died in America\Good ol' USA\whole lotta red in that white and blue\history can't be erased."

If the greatest act of love is honesty, the entire work − music and imagery, is about love of country.

"I think she’s saying in a way that I’m American too, I’m country too and if you can’t acknowledge this America will die. A requiem is a funeral,” Brooks says, referring to the album's opening track.

“She is speaking for those who have come before, speaking for the ancestors, speaking as an inheritor of the traditions that came before her and is saying that it is open to me as well. And if America is unable to deal with these sort of multiplicities it will die,” Brooks said.


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