The Modern Day Family Essay

Introduction, significant changes in families, are families becoming weaker or different, the concept of family has grown stronger, reference list.

Presently, there has been a re-orientation from the nuclear family model of the 1960s resulting in a shift from collective happiness to individual-oriented families which prefer the concepts of personal freedoms as well as their individual happiness. It is the opinion of this paper that the changing nature of the present day social environment, in the form of work constraints and perceived social obligations, causes the problems that American society faces today.

Presently, the concept of “family” within the United States has taken a significant shift wherein the traditional nuclear family has given way to individualism instead of collectivism. This has, supposedly, caused several of the problems society faces today such as increased instances of divorce, extra-marital affairs, domestic violence and the spread of various crimes. Instead of a tight-knit social group, families are increasingly composed of disparate individuals who do not consider their families as the crux of their lives (Ruggles, 1994). It is the opinion of this paper that the changing nature of the present day social environment, in the form of work constraints and perceived social obligations, causes the problems that American society faces today.

The main significant change in families since the 1960s has been a re-orientation from collective happiness to individual-oriented families which prefer the concepts of personal freedoms as well as their individual happiness (Ruggles, 2009). While families are presently considered as a social unit, its individual members are, more often than not, concerned with their personal endeavors in the form of work constraints and their perceived social obligations (Gerstel & Gallagher, 1993).

As a result, the concept of “family” is no longer a central tenet in their lives and merely acts as a means of describing the social obligations of a parent to their child and vice-versa. While elements associated with individualism and collectivism do exist in any culture, there are variances wherein one culture may lean towards individualism or collectivism (Holahan, 2010). In some cases, one culture may espouse collectivism in one generation and shift to individualism in another. This is what occurred in the U.S. wherein a change in the social environment advocated individual achievement and a focus on being independent from one’s parents. Work and social obligations shifted the current orientation of people in the U.S. from family oriented to individually oriented.

From a collectivist perspective that focuses on family bonds, it can be stated that families are getting weaker; however, the concept of what constitutes a family has been changing within American society. For example, single parent families are a more familiar concept now than they were in the 1960s. Not only that, gay parents are now legally allowed to adopt children which creates a whole new dynamic on the concept of the traditional nuclear family (Khimm, 2015).

While it is true that families are more individualistic, this altered dynamic has given rise to new social norms. Examples of this come in the form of greater acceptability of sexual promiscuity, the prevalence of single women who are focused more on their careers as well as people opting to get married later on in life (Timmermann, 2013). These are social concepts that would have been considered as horrendous during the 1960s yet are now thought of as commonplace.

While it is true that individualism has overtaken collectivism in the present day structure of families, this does not mean that families have grown weaker. The sheer variety of family types is simply a reflection of how American society has grown and evolved over the years resulting in iterations that are quite distinct from how they were in the 1960s.

The modern day family is simply the result of changing social norms with how the concept of “family” is perceived. As such, the variety, freedoms, and complexity of present day families have made them stronger since it has allowed people to adapt to the way in which society has changed over the years.

Gerstel, N., & Gallagher, S. K. (1993). Kinkeeping and Distress: Gender, Recipients of Care, and Work-Family Conflict. Journal Of Marriage & Family , 55 (3), 598-608.

Holahan, J. (2010, September 28). My Nuclear Family. Christian Science Monitor . p. N.PAG.

Khimm, S. (2015). The New Nuclear Family. New Republic , 246 (11), 8-10.

Ruggles, S. (2009). Reconsidering the Northwest European Family System: Living Arrangements of the Aged in Comparative Historical Perspective. Population & Development Review , 35 (2), 249-273.

Ruggles, S. (1994). The transformation of American family structure. American Historical Review , 99 (1), 103.

Timmermann, S. (2013). What Ever Happened to the Nuclear Family? Impact of a Changing America on Financial Services. Journal Of Financial Service Professionals , 67 (1), 27-29.

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IvyPanda. (2020, August 25). The Modern Day Family.

"The Modern Day Family." IvyPanda , 25 Aug. 2020,

IvyPanda . (2020) 'The Modern Day Family'. 25 August.

IvyPanda . 2020. "The Modern Day Family." August 25, 2020.

1. IvyPanda . "The Modern Day Family." August 25, 2020.


IvyPanda . "The Modern Day Family." August 25, 2020.

the modern family essay

Modern Family reinforces the very stereotypes it hopes to challenge

There was a time, not even all that long ago, when Modern Family had something to say. When the show first hit the air, it felt fresh, a change of pace from the typical sitcom fare. Debuting in 2009, it immediately stood out, competing as it did with the charming but under-watched The Middle , too far out there Community , and more cruelty-mistaken-as-irreverence sludge from the mind of Seth MacFarlane in the form of The Cleveland Show . Modern Family found the middle ground, for better and worse, that those shows didn’t, at once feeling like a typical sitcom but with two twists: the voices being given to LGBT characters, and the documentary style of filmmaking.

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Now, there’s no need to paint Modern Family as some bastion of progressive beliefs on TV. It’s still a sitcom, which means its sharp edges have been sanded down to make the show more palatable for a broader audience. But the show also found its grace in not allowing its modern family to be continually linked to “issue” episodes. Instead, this was a sitcom that said life’s problems were universal, as much as they can be when your family is living the privileged lives they do in Modern Family . Over time though, that kind of storytelling, which often ignores real issues facing blended families or the LGBT community, which privileges the universal experience rather than the personal, ends up feeling empty. What’s worse though is that when Modern Family isn’t working overtime to sidestep any real issues facing its characters, it’s actively leaning into stereotypes in order to create conflict.

Last week’s episode failed miserably when it decided to pull out every Latin-American stereotype you can imagine, but this week’s installment, “A Stereotypical Day”—being in on the “joke” isn’t a good look either, Modern Family —is perhaps even more misguided. The various subplots begin harmlessly enough, with the Dunphy kids reminiscing about their summer vacations—Hayley is apparently over Andy, and Alex is failing to come back from a bad case of Mono—and Phil getting stuck in a pantry during an open house, which is perfect occasion for some of Ty Burrell’s great physical comedy and sense of timing. Then, things take a turn for the worse, as “A Stereotypical Day” shifts gears, unsuccessfully musing on issues facing the transgender community, PTSD, and race relations in America.

To be fair, Modern Family isn’t exactly looking to say anything insightful about those topics, so to hold it to some sort of political standard would be foolish. But at the same time, there’s a certain amount of responsibility that comes with trotting out hot-button topics that have a meaningful place in the cultural conversation. It’s too easy for a sitcome, or any show really, to use those topics for empty or even harmful laughs, meaning that to shrug off Modern Family’ s nonchalant approach to these stories with “well, it’s just a sitcom,” isn’t exactly fair. The show is responsible for its message, especially when it purports to be so inclusive and progressive .

So, as great as it is that “A Stereotypical Day” features a young transgender actor, it doesn’t make up for the fact that the episode itself is littered with stereotypes. This isn’t satire, nor is it the show pointing out the ignorance of some of its characters. Rather, it’s the show leaning into tired depictions of race and gender for laughs. But, like last week’s disaster in Mexico, it’s hard to find the punchline. Take Jay’s main storyline this week. On the same day that he’s having security cameras installed outside his home, a black family is moving in across the road. That sends Jay into a panic, as he doesn’t want his new neighbors to think he’s some crazy, old racist. Or, as Jay puts it to a confused (and exceedingly patient) Gloria, “you’ll never understand the stereotypes old white men face.”

As the storyline progresses and intertwines with Cam and Mitchell’s worry that Lily isn’t treating her new transgender friend Tom with respect and an open mind, there’s the potential for some intriguing nuance. There are moments where the characters actually reckon with their own prejudices and the lies that we tell ourselves about our own enlightened behavior. It’s there in the moment when Cam and Mitchell wonder if they’re more like Jay than they want to admit, and in Jay’s insight that sometimes it takes time for people to adjust to new truths. Those are interesting, complex character moments that dig a little deeper into who these people are and how they understand themselves.

Those moments never last though, and it isn’t long before “A Stereotypical Day” is back to treating important issues as fodder for jokes. There’s the running gag of Phil suffering from “PTSD” after he was locked in the pantry, even going so far as to treat Alex like a therapy dog. In a week where You’re The Worst showed off just how to tackle PTSD in a serious but still touching and funny manner, Modern Family’ s approach feels particularly hollow. But the problem with the episode isn’t just that it’s not as scathing as the material necessitates, but rather that the storylines themselves do nothing to actually subvert or overcome the stereotypes being peddled. In essence, “A Stereotypical Day” carries itself like a bit of satire that exposes the flaws in painting anyone with too broad a brushstroke, and yet it ends up enforcing the exact stereotypes it hopes to challenge.

Stray observations

  • Jay’s storyline leads to a “payoff” that involves him confusing his neighbor saying “by the way” with the pronunciation of “a beautiful African name.” Just, no, Modern Family .
  • Manny, going through some weird communism phase in order to impress a girl: “I see, fill my mouth with bougie opiates so I can’t speak for the people.” Cam: “That was a lot.”
  • “How do you ask a human not to go again?”
  • “Why do you look so satisfied? Did you just listen to an NPR story that proved you right about something?” Again, there are hints of the show dealing with self-perception when it comes to social issues, but it never goes beyond barely scratching the surface.
  • “It was actually illegal to run for Mayor without a moustache until 1980. Then again from ‘82 to ‘85.”

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The Modern American Family

 key trends in marriage and family life.

The American family has undergone significant change in recent decades. There is no longer one predominant family form, and Americans are experiencing family life in increasingly diverse ways.

In 1970, 67% of Americans ages 25 to 49 were living with their spouse and one or more children younger than 18.

Over the past five decades, that share has dropped to 37%.

With the drop in the share of adults living with a spouse and children, there has been an increase in other types of family living arrangements, like unmarried adults raising children.

A recent survey finds that the U.S. public is more accepting of some family types than others . And, broadly speaking, Americans are more pessimistic than optimistic about the future of the institution of marriage and the family.

What’s behind the change in family structure?

There are several factors that have contributed to these changes. Americans are marrying later in life, and a rising share have never been married.

% of U.S. adults ages 18 and older who are married or have never been married

Source: Pew Research Center analysis of 1970-2000 decennial census and 2010-2021 American Community Survey (IPUMS).

While the overall share of married adults has declined, certain types of marriages have become more common over time. Since the 1970s, a growing share of Americans are in interracial or interethnic marriages.

% of U.S. married adults ages 18 and older who are intermarried

Note: Intermarried refers to marriages between a Hispanic and a non-Hispanic spouse, or marriages between non-Hispanic spouses who come from different racial groups. Source: Pew Research Center analysis of 1970-2000 decennial census and 2010-2021 American Community Survey (IPUMS).

In 2015, same-sex marriages became legal nationally, and since then there has also been an increase in the proportion of Americans in same-sex marriages. In 2021, there were over 700,000 same-sex married couples in the United States , accounting for approximately 1% of all married couples. 

% of U.S. married adults ages 18 and older in a same-sex marriage

Source: Pew Research Center analysis of 2015-2021 American Community Survey (IPUMS).

Changes in fertility patterns have also had a significant impact on family dynamics. Compared with their counterparts in the 1970s, women today have fewer children.

The relationship between marriage and parenthood has also shifted, as more women are having children without being married .

Taken together, these changes help explain why married couples raising children together is no longer the norm.

Let’s take a closer look at the changes in family life over the past decades to understand how the American family has evolved and what it looks like today:

Differences by education, race and ethnicity

What form a family takes is increasingly shaped by educational attainment and varies significantly across racial and ethnic groups.

Today, individuals with a bachelor’s degree are much more likely to be married than those with less education – a change from the 1970s, when adults with a high school diploma were as likely as college graduates to be married. There are also growing racial and ethnic disparities since that time, with Asian and White adults increasingly more likely to be married than those who are Black or Hispanic.

Explore the data to see how these differences play out in American families. To start, click on a tab to display   data on the share of Americans who are married; the number of children women have, on average; or   the share of children living with two married parents. Then, choose a filter to show differences by education or by race and ethnicity.

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the modern family essay

Essay about Family: What It Is and How to Nail It

the modern family essay

Humans naturally seek belonging within families, finding comfort in knowing someone always cares. Yet, families can also stir up insecurities and mental health struggles.

Family dynamics continue to intrigue researchers across different fields. Every year, new studies explore how these relationships shape our minds and emotions.

In this article, our dissertation service will guide you through writing a family essay. You can also dive into our list of topics for inspiration and explore some standout examples to spark your creativity.

What is Family Essay

A family essay takes a close look at the bonds and experiences within families. It's a common academic assignment, especially in subjects like sociology, psychology, and literature.

What is Family Essay

So, what's involved exactly? Simply put, it's an exploration of what family signifies to you. You might reflect on cherished family memories or contemplate the portrayal of families in various media.

What sets a family essay apart is its personal touch. It allows you to express your own thoughts and experiences. Moreover, it's versatile – you can analyze family dynamics, reminisce about family customs, or explore other facets of familial life.

If you're feeling uncertain about how to write an essay about family, don't worry; you can explore different perspectives and select topics that resonate with various aspects of family life.

Tips For Writing An Essay On Family Topics

A family essay typically follows a free-form style, unless specified otherwise, and adheres to the classic 5-paragraph structure. As you jot down your thoughts, aim to infuse your essay with inspiration and the essence of creative writing, unless your family essay topics lean towards complexity or science.

Tips For Writing An Essay On Family Topics

Here are some easy-to-follow tips from our essay service experts:

  • Focus on a Specific Aspect: Instead of a broad overview, delve into a specific angle that piques your interest, such as exploring how birth order influences sibling dynamics or examining the evolving role of grandparents in modern families.
  • Share Personal Anecdotes: Start your family essay introduction with a personal touch by sharing stories from your own experiences. Whether it's about a favorite tradition, a special trip, or a tough time, these stories make your writing more interesting.
  • Use Real-life Examples: Illustrate your points with concrete examples or anecdotes. Draw from sources like movies, books, historical events, or personal interviews to bring your ideas to life.
  • Explore Cultural Diversity: Consider the diverse array of family structures across different cultures. Compare traditional values, extended family systems, or the unique hurdles faced by multicultural families.
  • Take a Stance: Engage with contentious topics such as homeschooling, reproductive technologies, or governmental policies impacting families. Ensure your arguments are supported by solid evidence.
  • Delve into Psychology: Explore the psychological underpinnings of family dynamics, touching on concepts like attachment theory, childhood trauma, or patterns of dysfunction within families.
  • Emphasize Positivity: Share uplifting stories of families overcoming adversity or discuss strategies for nurturing strong, supportive family bonds.
  • Offer Practical Solutions: Wrap up your essay by proposing actionable solutions to common family challenges, such as fostering better communication, achieving work-life balance, or advocating for family-friendly policies.

Family Essay Topics

When it comes to writing, essay topics about family are often considered easier because we're intimately familiar with our own families. The more you understand about your family dynamics, traditions, and experiences, the clearer your ideas become.

If you're feeling uninspired or unsure of where to start, don't worry! Below, we have compiled a list of good family essay topics to help get your creative juices flowing. Whether you're assigned this type of essay or simply want to explore the topic, these suggestions from our history essay writer are tailored to spark your imagination and prompt meaningful reflection on different aspects of family life.

So, take a moment to peruse the list. Choose the essay topics about family that resonate most with you. Then, dive in and start exploring your family's stories, traditions, and connections through your writing.

  • Supporting Family Through Tough Times
  • Staying Connected with Relatives
  • Empathy and Compassion in Family Life
  • Strengthening Bonds Through Family Gatherings
  • Quality Time with Family: How Vital Is It?
  • Navigating Family Relationships Across Generations
  • Learning Kindness and Generosity in a Large Family
  • Communication in Healthy Family Dynamics
  • Forgiveness in Family Conflict Resolution
  • Building Trust Among Extended Family
  • Defining Family in Today's World
  • Understanding Nuclear Family: Various Views and Cultural Differences
  • Understanding Family Dynamics: Relationships Within the Family Unit
  • What Defines a Family Member?
  • Modernizing the Nuclear Family Concept
  • Exploring Shared Beliefs Among Family Members
  • Evolution of the Concept of Family Love Over Time
  • Examining Family Expectations
  • Modern Standards and the Idea of an Ideal Family
  • Life Experiences and Perceptions of Family Life
  • Genetics and Extended Family Connections
  • Utilizing Family Trees for Ancestral Links
  • The Role of Younger Siblings in Family Dynamics
  • Tracing Family History Through Oral Tradition and Genealogy
  • Tracing Family Values Through Your Family Tree
  • Exploring Your Elder Sister's Legacy in the Family Tree
  • Connecting Daily Habits to Family History
  • Documenting and Preserving Your Family's Legacy
  • Navigating Online Records and DNA Testing for Family History
  • Tradition as a Tool for Family Resilience
  • Involving Family in Daily Life to Maintain Traditions
  • Creating New Traditions for a Small Family
  • The Role of Traditions in Family Happiness
  • Family Recipes and Bonding at House Parties
  • Quality Time: The Secret Tradition for Family Happiness
  • The Joy of Cousins Visiting for Christmas
  • Including Family in Birthday Celebrations
  • Balancing Traditions and Unconditional Love
  • Building Family Bonds Through Traditions

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Family Essay Example

For a better grasp of the essay on family, our team of skilled writers has crafted a great example. It looks into the subject matter, allowing you to explore and understand the intricacies involved in creating compelling family essays. So, check out our meticulously crafted sample to discover how to craft essays that are not only well-written but also thought-provoking and impactful.

Final Outlook

In wrapping up, let's remember: a family essay gives students a chance to showcase their academic skills and creativity by sharing personal stories. However, it's important to stick to academic standards when writing about these topics. We hope our list of topics sparked your creativity and got you on your way to a reflective journey. And if you hit a rough patch, you can just ask us to ' do my essay for me ' for top-notch results!

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FAQs on Writing an Essay about Family

Family essays seem like something school children could be assigned at elementary schools, but family is no less important than climate change for our society today, and therefore it is one of the most central research themes.

Below you will find a list of frequently asked questions on family-related topics. Before you conduct research, scroll through them and find out how to write an essay about your family.

How to Write an Essay About Your Family History?

How to write an essay about a family member, how to write an essay about family and roots, how to write an essay about the importance of family.

Daniel Parker

Daniel Parker

is a seasoned educational writer focusing on scholarship guidance, research papers, and various forms of academic essays including reflective and narrative essays. His expertise also extends to detailed case studies. A scholar with a background in English Literature and Education, Daniel’s work on EssayPro blog aims to support students in achieving academic excellence and securing scholarships. His hobbies include reading classic literature and participating in academic forums.

the modern family essay

is an expert in nursing and healthcare, with a strong background in history, law, and literature. Holding advanced degrees in nursing and public health, his analytical approach and comprehensive knowledge help students navigate complex topics. On EssayPro blog, Adam provides insightful articles on everything from historical analysis to the intricacies of healthcare policies. In his downtime, he enjoys historical documentaries and volunteering at local clinics.

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How Should I Go About Writing My Family Essay?: Examples and Tips

How Should I Go About Writing My Family Essay?: Examples and Tips

Family is an integral part of every individual's life. Delving into the intricate layers of family relationships and dynamics can yield a captivating essay. Here's a comprehensive guide with examples and tips to guide you through the process.

What Topics Should I Write About for My Family Essay?

Choosing the right topic is essential. Here are some suggestions:

Writing a Family Tree Dive into your roots! A family tree can be more than names and dates; it can narrate stories of ancestors, their challenges, achievements, and legacies. For instance, "When I looked into our family tree, I discovered that my great-grandfather was a sailor who traveled the world and had countless tales of adventures, some of which have become legendary bedtime stories in our family."

Describing My Family in My Essay Discuss each family member in detail. "My sister, with her fiery red hair and matching temper, is the exact opposite of my calm and analytical brother. Yet, when they come together, they create the most amazing music, with him on the piano and her singing."

Writing About a Personal Memory Share a poignant memory. "I remember the time when our cat, Whiskers, went missing. The entire family turned detectives overnight, searching for clues, putting up posters, and even setting up a 'cat trap' with her favorite treats. The adventure ended with Whiskers found sleeping peacefully in the neighbor's shed, unaware of the chaos she had caused."

Dos and Don’ts When Writing a Family Stories Essay

  • Be authentic.
  • Use vivid descriptions and dialogues.
  • Respect privacy; ask permission if sharing personal details.
  • Avoid making generalizations.
  • Refrain from being overly negative or critical.
  • Don't plagiarize; every family's story is unique.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is a good hook for an essay on my family? As Tolstoy once said, 'All happy families are alike; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.' Our family, though, has found its unique shade of happiness.
  • What should I include in an essay about me and my family? Descriptions of family members, memories, traditions, challenges, and lessons.
  • How should I start an essay all about my family? Every time I think of the word 'home,' an image of our old cottage, Sunday dinners, and loud family debates comes to mind.
  • How long should my essay about my family be? Length depends on the requirement; academic essays typically range from 500-1000 words, while personal essays can vary.
  • How do I make my family essay engaging? Incorporate stories, memories, and emotions.
  • Is it okay to discuss family challenges in my essay? Yes, but be sensitive and respectful.
  • Can I add humor to my family essay? Yes, as long as it's in good taste.

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The Dynamic Of Traditional And Modern Family Roles

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Modern family essay

In September 2009, America was introduced to Contemporary Family, the newest award-winning present. The show centers around three families, all of these interact with the other person. Not only does Modern day Family manage the traditional relatives, but as well introduces a homosexual few, and a mixed matrimony. Given that these types of families are interrelated, Modern day Family can reasonably end up being described as “modern.  The combination of classic and fresh elements increases from the blended dialog, which the producer on this show attempts to communicate. These ingredients lay only on the area, and deeper looks inside each family members structure prove that the show’s title is usually misleading.

Remember: This is just a sample from a fellow student. Your time is important. Let us write you an essay from scratch

New family dreams are never fully embraced, nevertheless instead modified to fit in a common family thought. Unlike its title, Modern Relatives promotes traditional gender functions and stereotypes of women, which usually result in the characterization of an inaccurate image of the feminine and weakens the posture of women in todays U. S. contemporary society.

Even though Modern day Family tries to communicate an new idea of family, the show’s turn to male constructions has created plotlines modeling traditional thoughts inside each relatives.

With Mitchell Pritchett and Cameron Tucker, the producers of Modern Family been successful in building a liberal lgbt couple seen as a their intensifying denial of a traditional family structure. The intermarriage of Jay Pritchett and Fausto Delgado also deviates from your norm, not merely by showcasing Gloria’s Latin American origins, but also by their visible age big difference. With this interracial romance, Modern Family follows fashionable of the latest television series such as Lost Grey’s Anatomy and Emergency Room to feature mixed relationship in their story-lines. The significance of such examples would be that the audience assumes that Contemporary Family promotes new households and dismisses the classic gender construction; yet , it does not have resistance towards male family dominance, demonstrating the false approach this kind of show attempts to communicate Balance is created around the promo of a men, and classic formation of the dominant considered the “The Standard North American Family (SNAF),  because argued simply by Dorothy Elizabeth. Smith.

In her document about “SNAF as a great Ideological Code,  your woman states which the clear division of work sphere and home sphere among husband and wife characterizes the concept of a family group. The men arethe families’ main earners, producing the women influenced by their husbands’ income. While seen in Modern Family not Claire Dunphy nor Fausto Pritchett is in charge of contributing to her family’s income, which forces them to rely on their husbands’ earnings. The show’s reliability on the deeply fixed believed becomes a lot more evident searching at Mitchell Pritchett and Cameron Tucker. Their accelerating portrayal generally seems to make a classical gender distribution improbable, but the event “Mothers Day reveals that Mitchell takes the position as mother, while Cameron j. functions because father. Modern day Family is targeted on female gender stereotypes to further promote a male-dominant family thought. The mass media’s tendency to resolve social change and duplicate “assumptions regarding women’s appropriate roles makes inaccurate images of Gloria and Clairette as contemporary women (Dow 19).

The job “Constructing Male or female Stereotypes Through Social Functions in Prime-Time Television offers a definition of the construction of girl identity and communication throughout television. That states “stereotypes offer overviews about persons on the basis of their group membership (Lauzen, Dozier, and Horan 201). Whilst both women share the identity of motherhood, home life, and family-orientation, their individual characteristics change. Gloria’s Latin American beginning deviates from her white-colored, American colleague. Gloria’s personality symbolizes views many Americans include regarding Latina American women, such as becoming “‘passive, and dependent on men. ABC’s established description of Gloria says that The writer “married the much youthful, much hotter, much more Colombian Gloria. Numerous episodes likewise make fun of her strong Latin American accentuate. The episode “The One which Got Aside “features Jay’s birthday and in turn of his wish to get a “saxophone,  Gloria gets him a “sexy phone,  a phone inside the shape of a mouth. In addition , little is well know about Gloria’s educational or professional qualifications in Colombia.

This results in the motives of her marriage towards the much old Jay Pritchett are becoming questioned. Fausto is accused of being a gold digger for attempting to marry a rich white American, probably to obtain the American Dream for her and her son Manny. Contrary to Gloria’s racist unoriginal description, Expresse Dunphy presents the traditional stay-at-home-mother, who dedicates her lifestyle to the home-based land. In comparison to Gloria’s attractive looks, Claire is attired more delicately, indicating that her priorities sit within the relatives. Throughout the series the people discovers that sheonce had a successful profession, which she quit on her family. This kind of shows that irrespective of her good, controlling figure, she is not an independent female. Claire’s information of holiday as a “business trip displays that your woman takes her position since mother incredibly seriously, more than her previous career. Through the promo of classic family ideals and the unoriginal presentation of girls in the U. S. demonstrate Modern Family members, an incorrect image of the truth and effect of women in U. S. society is created.

Even though feminist scholar Andrea L. Press argues that it is not the role of television to immediately and accurately echo social and political habit in their society, she draws the attention to the manifestation of “contradictory notions regarding feminine male or female identity and female roles in mass media (Press, Women Watching Television Andrea Press has also examined the relationship among women and work on television, and has recognized that the picture of working ladies on U. S. sitcoms correlates with the rise of women’s involvement in the U. S. labor force, resulting from the changing form of the American family through rising divorce rates and increasing acceptance of alternative family forms (Press, Gender And Family 148).

While currently 58. being unfaithful percent of married women with younger kids, and 70. 7 percent with kids aged six to 17 are employed, it is questionable so why probably none with the women in Modern Family members holds careers (U. S i9000. Bureau of Labor Statistics). Of course , the concept of women doing work is certainly not the only controversial family-related issue that inconveniently left out of discussion in the tv series. Even though the introduction of sensitive issues, including sexuality and race, in present television shows (Press, “Gender And Family 140) can be noticed, these narratives frequently minimize the real problems American women encounter today (Press, Women Watching Television27-28). This kind of observation would not meet the ideals of Modern Family, whereas concerns like competition, sexuality, and career decisions might be proven, but not openly be talked about.

The longstanding moral idea of the traditional family is promoted throughout the show and by constantly reproducing gender tasks; the audience presumes these constructions as authentic and authentic (Lauzen, Dozier, and Horan 201-202). A major review about Modern Family members easily shows old-fashioned ideals. Despite the success of the claims, this display is not as modern as it claims to get and couldeasily have been shown in the eighties, a television set era that was also characterized by a return to classic family values. Nevertheless, Modern day Family, airing in the 21st century, is usually continually stereotyping women in an old fashioned way as moms and regular folks. These lines do not meet real feminine ambitions or perhaps provide a acceptable reading of today’s American women. While Bonnie L. Downotes: “the danger can be not in enjoying television series but in mistaking these pictures for something more than the picky, partial pictures that they are (Dow 214).

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Essay on Importance of Family for Students and Children

500 words essay on importance of family.

In today’s world when everything is losing its meaning, we need to realize the importance of family more than ever. While the world is becoming more modern and advanced, the meaning of family and what stands for remains the same.

A family is a group of people who are related by blood or heritage. These people are linked not only by blood but also by compassion, love, and support. A person’s character and personality are shaped by his or her family. There are various forms of families in today’s society. It is further subdivided into a tight and extended family (nuclear family, single parent, step-family, grandparent, cousins, etc.)

Family – A synonym for trust, comfort, love, care, happiness and belonging. Family is the relationship that we share from the moment we are born into this world. People that take care of us and help us grow are what we call family, and they become lifelines for us to live. Family members have an important role in deciding an individual’s success or failure in life since they provide a support system and source of encouragement.

Essay on Importance of Family

It does not matter what kind of family one belongs to. It is all equal as long as there are caring and acceptance. You may be from a joint family, same-sex partner family, nuclear family, it is all the same. The relationships we have with our members make our family strong. We all have unique relations with each family member. In addition to other things, a family is the strongest unit in one’s life.

Things That Strengthens The Family

A family is made strong through a number of factors. The most important one is of course love. You instantly think of unconditional love when you think of family. It is the first source of love you receive in your life It teaches you the meaning of love which you carry on forever in your heart.

Secondly, we see that loyalty strengthens a family. When you have a family, you are devoted to them. You stick by them through the hard times and celebrate in their happy times. A family always supports and backs each other. They stand up for each other in front of a third party trying to harm them proving their loyalty.

Most importantly, the things one learns from their family brings them closer. For instance, we learn how to deal with the world through our family first. They are our first school and this teaching strengthens the bond. It gives us reason to stand by each other as we share the same values.

No matter what the situation arises, your family will never leave you alone. They will always stand alongside you to overcome the hardships in life. If anyone is dealing with any kind of trouble, even a small talk about it to the family will make ones’ mind lighter and will give them a sense of hope, an inner sense of strength to fight those problems.

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Importance of Family

One cannot emphasize enough on the importance of family. They play a great role in our lives and make us better human beings. The one lucky enough to have a family often do not realize the value of a family.

However, those who do not have families know their worth. A family is our source of strength. It teaches us what relationships mean. They help us create meaningful relationships in the outside world. The love we inherit from our families, we pass on to our independent relationships.

Moreover, families teach us better communication . When we spend time with our families and love each other and communicate openly, we create a better future for ourselves. When we stay connected with our families, we learn to connect better with the world.

Similarly, families teach us patience. It gets tough sometimes to be patient with our family members. Yet we remain so out of love and respect. Thus, it teaches us patience to deal better with the world. Families boost our confidence and make us feel loved. They are the pillars of our strength who never fall instead keep us strong so we become better people.

We learn the values of love, respect, faith, hope, caring, cultures, ethics, traditions, and everything else that concerns us through our families. Being raised in a loving household provides a solid foundation for anyone.

People develop a value system inside their family structure in addition to life lessons. They learn what their family considers to be proper and wrong, as well as what the community considers to be significant.

Families are the epicentres of tradition. Many families keep on traditions by sharing stories from the past over the years. This allows you to reconnect with family relatives who are no longer alive. A child raised in this type of household feels as if they are a part of something bigger than themselves. They’ll be proud to be a part of a community that has had ups and downs. Communities thrive when families are strong. This, in turn, contributes to a robust society.

Q.1 What strengthens a family?

A.1 A family’s strength is made up of many factors. It is made of love that teaches us to love others unconditionally. Loyalty strengthens a family which makes the members be loyal to other people as well. Most importantly, acceptance and understanding strengthen a family.

Q.2 Why is family important?

A.2 Families are very important components of society and people’s lives. They teach us a lot about life and relationships. They love us and treat us valuably. They boost our self-confidence and make us feel valued. In addition, they teach us patience to deal with others in a graceful and accepting manner.

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Modern Love

Coming Out as a Modern Family (Updated With Podcast)

the modern family essay

By Maria Bello

  • Nov. 29, 2013

UPDATED: You can now hear this essay read by the actress and writer Maria Bello in Modern Love: The Podcast. Look for the “play” button below or subscribe on iTunes or Stitcher .

When my 12-year-old son, Jackson, asked me if there was something I wasn’t telling him, I replied, “There are a lot of things I don’t tell you.”

“Like what?”

“Adult stuff.”

He persisted: “What kind of adult stuff?”

This was the moment I had been anticipating and dreading for months. “Like romantic stuff,” I said, fumbling for words.

“What kind of romantic stuff?”

“Well,” I said. “Like how sometimes you can be friends with someone, and then it turns romantic, and then you’re friends again. Like with Dad and me. Or romantic like Bryn and me were, and then he and I became friends.”

“So are you romantic with anyone right now?” he asked.

I took a deep breath, knowing that my answer, and his response, would have an impact on our lives for a very long time.

He was right; I was with someone romantically and I hadn’t told him. I had become involved with a woman who was my best friend, and, as it happens, a person who is like a godmother to my son.

How and when should I tell him? When I explained the situation to a therapist, she smiled and said, “Your son may say a lot of things about you when he’s older, but he will never say his mother was boring.”

Her advice was to wait until he asked. And now here he was, asking.

About a year before this conversation, I had been sitting in my garden in California, looking through photos and old journals I have kept since childhood. From a green tattered notebook with ink hearts drawn on it to the one I started in Haiti while helping after the earthquake there in January 2010, the journals told stories that seemed woven together by a similar theme.

I read about the handful of men and the one woman I had been in romantic relationships with, passages rife with pain and angst. It seemed when I was physically attracted to someone, I would put them in the box of being my “soul mate” and then be crushed when things didn’t turn out as I had hoped.

I read about the two men I fell for while working on films. I was sure each was my soul mate, a belief fueled by sexual attraction that made me certain I was in love, only to find that when the filming ended, so did the relationship. And I read about the man who asked me to marry him four years ago over the phone, before we had even kissed. Three months later we were in his kitchen throwing steaks at each other’s heads in anger.

As I continued to look through photos, I came across a black-and-white one of my best friend and me taken on New Year’s Eve. We looked so happy, I couldn’t help but smile. I remembered how we had met two years before; she was sitting in a bar wearing a fedora and speaking in her Zimbabwean accent.

We had an immediate connection but didn’t think of it as romantic or sexual. She was one of the most beautiful, charming, brilliant and funny people I had ever met, but it didn’t occur to me, until that soul-searching moment in my garden, that we could perhaps choose to love each other romantically.

What had I been waiting for all of these years? She is the person I like being with the most, the one with whom I am most myself.

The next time I saw her, in New York, I shared my confusing feelings, and we began the long, painful, wonderful process of trying to figure out what our relationship was supposed to be.

First, how would it affect my son? He trusted Clare. He loved her. He had never met most of the men I had been in love with and had no idea I had been with a woman as well. Second, how would it affect my career? I have never defined myself by whom I slept with, but I know others have and would.

It’s hard for me even to define the term “partner.” For five years I considered my partner to be a friend then in his 70s, John Calley, with whom I talked daily. He was the one who picked me up each time I had a breakdown about another failed romance. Because we were platonic, did that make him any less of a partner?

And I have never understood the distinction of “primary” partner. Does that imply we have secondary and tertiary partners, too? Can my primary partner be my sister or child or best friend, or does it have to be someone I am having sex with? I have two friends who are sisters who have lived together for 15 years and raised a daughter. Are they not partners because they don’t have sex? And many married couples I know haven’t had sex for years. Are they any less partners?

My feelings for Clare aren’t the same as the butterflies-in-the-stomach, angst-ridden love I have felt before; they are much deeper than that. As we grew closer, my desire for her grew stronger until, after a few months, I decided to share the truth of our relationship with my large, Italian-Polish, “traditional” Philadelphia family.

My father’s response came between puffs of his cigar while we sat on the roof of a casino in Atlantic City. “She’s a good girl, good for you,” he said. My mother and family echoed his sentiments. Maybe they weren’t so traditional after all.

My feelings about attachment and partnership have always been that they are fluid and evolving. Jack’s father, Dan, will always be my partner because we share Jack. Dan is the best father and the most wonderful man I’ve known. Just because our relationship is nonsexual doesn’t make him any less of a partner. We share the same core values, including putting our son first. My more recent ex, Bryn, remains my partner because we share our activism. And Clare will always be my partner because she is also my best friend.

This past summer I was very ill. At one point it looked as if I might not survive. But the people who were at my bedside every day at the hospital were many of my life partners: my mother, Jackson, Dan, my brother Chris and Clare.

Clare rarely left my side and called every doctor and connection she knew to help figure out what was wrong with me. It was Dan who brought our son to see me every day and kept him feeling safe in such a scary situation. It was Chris whose arms I fell into when I couldn’t get up. It was my mother who stroked my head for hours at a time. And it was Jackson who walked me through the halls with my IV and made me breathe.

So back to Jackson’s question, with me sitting on the edge of his bed: Was I romantic with anyone right now?

I exhaled and finally said it: “Clare.”

He looked at me for what seemed like an eternity and then broke into a huge, warm smile. “Mom, love is love, whatever you are,” he said with wisdom beyond his years. (Yes, he obviously attends one of those progressive schools in Los Angeles!)

I loved him so much for saying that. “But Jack, I’m a little scared,” I said. “When I was younger, people judged you if you were in a romantic relationship with a person of the same sex, and some still do. So I’m not sure how to deal with this. But we’ll figure it out together.”

And we have figured it out together: Jack, Clare, Dan and I. It’s a rare weekend when we aren’t piled in the same car, driving to one of Jack’s soccer tournaments. Dan makes fun of Clare for getting lost and she makes sure he always has the umbrellas, sunscreen, water nuts and whatever else we might need in a nuclear disaster.

We have dinner together almost every night. As I write this, we’re basking in the afterglow of Dan’s 50th birthday party that Clare, Jackson, and I gave, which was attended by his family and mine and many other people I consider partners in one aspect of my life or another. It was a room of celebration and unconditional love.

Mostly, the four of us laugh a lot together. Jackson has gotten us hooked on “Modern Family,” and in each episode he tries to figure out if Dan is Phil or Jay and if Clare is Gloria or Mitchell. (He has no doubt about which character I am: Claire.)

So I would like to consider myself a “whatever,” as Jackson said. Whomever I love, however I love them, whether they sleep in my bed or not, or whether I do homework with them or share a child with them, “love is love.” And I love our modern family.

Maybe, in the end, a modern family is just a more honest family.

Maria Bello is an activist and actor whose most recent film is “Prisoners.”

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The Modern Family Essay Example

The Modern Family Essay Example

  • Pages: 6 (1564 words)
  • Published: February 10, 2017
  • Type: Research Paper

In today’s society the image of the family structure has drastically evolved from the traditional values of the 20th century in order to adapt to the social and economic influences that are shaping the 21st century. The sitcom on ABC, “Modern Family” satirizes the issues that families in America face in the 21st century. Compared to the traditions, values and beliefs that shaped the traditional family in the 20th century, family structures today are tremendously diverse. In the 20th century the “ideal” family had a mother, father, and a little boy and girl.

The father was the bread winner for the family while the mother took care of the house and the children. The father was the head of his house and his word was law while women had very little say in decisions. The famil

y structure has radically progressed to take on a new look in today’s day and age. There are “stay at home” dads while the women have acquired jobs and there are many single-parent families as well. Many social and economic influences are responsible for the evolution of families as we know them today.

Gay marriage, interracial marriage, single-parent families, and the practice of adopting foreign babies have influenced the creation of the modern family. Gay marriage has been an extremely controversial issue in the latter part of the 20th century and become even more contested and accepted in the 21st century. In the 20th century being homosexual was not tolerated and if one was gay, they kept it to themselves. However, in the present society being gay has become accepted and gay marriages are beginning to

become the norm. Same sex marriages have led to families through adoption.

This is a controversial issue because it is debated whether or not homosexuals should be able to raise a family. Interracial marriage in the 20th century was basically forbidden, yet today’s society has begun to accept these marriages as a normal thing. Single-parent families where extremely rare in the traditional family structure, nevertheless it is common for the parents to divorce and is not frowned upon like it was in the 19th century. Adopting foreign children has become something of a fad in America’s culture today with famous celebrities setting the example. All of these important social issues have fashioned the family structure in the 21st century and the sitcom “Modern Family” attempts to address these issues through both satirizing them and taking a more serious tone with them as well.

Economic influences have played an important role in changing the traditional family. While in the past the husband went to work while the mother stayed home to tend to the house and children, today’s society has seen somewhat of a flip flop in these roles. More women are going back to college and getting there degrees so that they can compete with their male counterparts in the workforce. Another economic issue influencing the modern family is that both parents are beginning to get jobs, leaving the household void of an adult and the kid’s home alone. Children are beginning to grow up on their own without the constant presence of their parents to help raise them because both of them are forced to work. While influencing the adaptation of the

family, economic influences have not played as big a part as the social changes in today’s society have because social changes have a more direct impact on the family structure.

“Modern Family” addresses some of these important social and economic influences by using satire and stereotypes to portray an accurate image of what the “average” family has become. The show is based around 3 separate families that are all related by one person or another. There is the typical family with a husband, wife, and three kids. However there are also two gay men that have an oriental baby they adopted and another family where the husband is much older than his “gold-digger” wife and her child. The show centers on the everyday life’s of these families and the challenges that one might expect them to face. Through using stereotypes of gender, race, age, homosexuals, and families “Modern Family” conveys the social and economic issues that have formed the family structure in the 21st century.

Gender has long been a topic of controversy in the family, debating how large of a role the women should have in the household. In the show, the two wives’, Claire and Gloria, are both drastically different. While Claire is a typical urban mother who has 3 kids and a husband her own age, Gloria is an immigrant from Columbia and is married to a man who is much older than her and has a child from a previous marriage. “Modern Family” satirizes the role that each wife plays in her respected household.

Gloria is portrayed as the typical gold-digger wife that is unaware to American customs

and traditions while Claire is shown as being in charge of her home and an authority figure. For instance Claire has control over Phil, her husband. She forces him to do some of her dirty deeds such as helping her run for office in the city council. This satirizes the typical stereotype of the 20th century when the husband was seen as the head of the household and was the commanding figure. Instead of being portrayed as an authority symbol, Phil is seen as a goofy, clueless dad who wouldn’t be able to tie his shoes if it weren’t for his wife, Claire. It is ironic because the husband is being shown as the foolish one while the wife is clearly the sensible and rational one.

Modern Family also chooses to stereotype gender further with the family of Jay, Gloria and their child Manny. Jay is a rich business man while Gloria is immigrant from Columbia and much younger than him as well. Gloria fits the label of a gold-digger and this is satirized by the way she acts around her husband, Jay and the other actors. In society today women can be labeled as gold-diggers when they date or marry older, wealthy men.

Race had been a big topic of controversy regarding families in the 20th century. However in the 21st century interracial marriages and relationships have been generally accepted more frequently. Modern Family attempts to address the controversy of race in marriages with Jay and Gloria who are married. In one episode Claire calls her father, Jay out on why he married Gloria.

The dispute over gay marriage is also

satirized and stereotyped in Modern Family. Mitchell and Cameron are two gay men who live together and have adopted a Vietnamese baby. Mitchell is shown as the more masculine of the two and this can upset Cameron who is more sentimental and feminine in his character. In reality gay couples are stereotyped as to who wears the pants in the relationship. In the past, the male always was in charge; however with the increase in gay couples there is usually one who is manlier than the other.

The show makes fun of this in different ways. Sometimes Cameron will be shown as feminine because he always dresses up there adopted daughter, Lilly, in ridiculous costumes. In different scenes still he is shown as more girly because he is very sentimental and emotional. Jay is Mitchell’s dad and criticizes Cameron for always being so girly and Cameron starts to cry. This is parodying the stereotype that all gay men are sentimental and act like women. The gay couple is also depicted to seem very quarrelsome to represent something a teenage couple. This is to satirize the relationship that teenagers have and stereotype homosexual couples.

Finally families are stereotyped in this show to show what the average American family is thought to be. The Dunphy family consists of Claire and Phil and their children Luke, Hailey, and Alex. The family is seen as chaotic and problem-filled at times but this is mocking the stereotype that the American family has gotten: unorganized and rebellious at times but also resilient and loving. Often during the show there will be nasty fights between Claire and her daughter Hailey

but in the end they make up and show how much they love each other.

Furthermore the Dunphy family is portrayed as chaotic to address the stereotype that American families are crazy and out of control. In one episode Phil tears the Christmas tree down because the kids won’t tell him and Claire who was smoking cigarettes in the house. It looks like Christmas is ruined but the family comes together and everyone makes up with each other. In reality most American families do not represent the Dunphy family and that is what makes this family so ironic.

Modern Family attempts to show reality in order to mock the stereotypes that have become associated with the new family structure. Through the use of carefully scripted screenplay and dialogue the show parodies many of the controversial issues in society. Modern Family emphasizes how the idea and values of the family in America has evolved. In the past the family was seen as organized around the father and the children were to obey their parents. However in the 21st century families are more disorganized and there is a more equal distribution of power through them.

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Essays on Modern Family

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  • Cast & crew
  • User reviews
  • Episode aired Nov 2, 2011

Leslie Mann and Eric Stonestreet in Modern Family (2009)

Phil tries to build a treehouse, Haley struggles with writing a college admissions essay, Cameron hits on a single woman to win a bet with Mitchell, and Jay doesn't want to go out salsa danc... Read all Phil tries to build a treehouse, Haley struggles with writing a college admissions essay, Cameron hits on a single woman to win a bet with Mitchell, and Jay doesn't want to go out salsa dancing with Gloria and another couple. Phil tries to build a treehouse, Haley struggles with writing a college admissions essay, Cameron hits on a single woman to win a bet with Mitchell, and Jay doesn't want to go out salsa dancing with Gloria and another couple.

  • Jason Winer
  • Christopher Lloyd
  • Steven Levitan
  • Ed O'Neill
  • Sofía Vergara
  • Julie Bowen
  • 1 User review
  • 6 Critic reviews

Leslie Mann and Eric Stonestreet in Modern Family (2009)

  • Jay Pritchett

Sofía Vergara

  • Gloria Delgado-Pritchett

Julie Bowen

  • Claire Dunphy

Ty Burrell

  • Phil Dunphy

Jesse Tyler Ferguson

  • Mitchell Pritchett

Eric Stonestreet

  • Cameron Tucker

Sarah Hyland

  • Haley Dunphy

Nolan Gould

  • Luke Dunphy

Rico Rodriguez

  • Manny Delgado

Leslie Mann

  • All cast & crew
  • Production, box office & more at IMDbPro

Did you know

  • Trivia Eric Stonestreet (Cam) is straight in real life, meaning that in this episode he is a straight man pretending to be a gay man pretending to be a straight man.
  • Goofs When Jay, Gloria, Shorty and Darlene are eating dinner, Jay keeps taking bites off his fork and continuing to chew, even though there's no food on it.

Manny Delgado : [When teaching Jay how to salsa dance] Okay, stop marching. You're dancing, not invading Poland.

  • Connections Featured in The 64th Primetime Emmy Awards (2012)
  • Soundtracks Modern Family (uncredited) Composed and Performed by Gabriel Mann

User reviews 1

  • November 2, 2011 (United States)
  • United States
  • Levitan / Lloyd
  • 20th Century Fox Television
  • See more company credits at IMDbPro

Technical specs

  • Runtime 22 minutes
  • Dolby Digital

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The 25 Best 'Modern Family' Episodes, Ranked According to IMDb

Join the family for these great episodes.

The beloved ABC sitcom Modern Family , which aired for 11 seasons, came to an end in 2020, distressing many devoted viewers despite the show's happy outcome. By the end of the show, viewers will feel like they are a member of the family because of how cleverly and creatively the show addresses a variety of topics that affect every family on a daily basis. Through its comedic characters and dynamics, the show explores scenarios that everybody can relate to in some way.

Thus, Modern Family is without a doubt one of the most popular sitcoms on television and is well-regarded by fans all over the world. Winner of multiple awards, and with a high score of 8.5 on IMDb , the show contains several episodes that fans and critics deem to be the best that deserve a rewatch .

Modern Family

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25 "White Christmas" (Season 7, Episode 9)

Imdb rating: 8.3/10.

Modern Family features several Christmas episodes throughout its run, with one of the highest rated being season seven’s "White Christmas." In the episode, Gloria ( Sofia Vergara ) dreams of having a perfect 'White Christmas' that she could never have back in Colombia, so she rents a cabin in the mountains for the entire family. However, the weather does not cooperate, and there is already a strange guest staying in the cabin.

Mitchell ( Jesse Tyler Ferguson ) and Cameron ( Eric Stonestreet ) are determined to redeem themselves from their bad caroling performance the previous years, while Haley ( Sarah Hyland ) and Andy ( Adam Devine ) continue their romance in secret. Jay ( Ed O’Neil ) also makes a surprising announcement about the family business that catches Claire ( Julie Bowen ) off guard. "White Christmas" is full of revelations like Jay’s retirement and Haley and Andy’s relationship, and is elevated by fun character dynamics , all with a festive and warm feel.

24 "Three Turkeys" (Season 6, Episode 8)

As well as Christmas episodes, Modern Family also has a number of Thanksgiving-themed episodes that are perfect viewing to celebrate the holiday. One of the best is season six’s "Three Turkeys." With Phil ( Ty Burrell ) and Luke ( Nolan Gould ) preparing this year’s Thanksgiving dinner, Claire decides to cook a secret back-up turkey in case they mess up. Jay and Gloria planned to spend the holiday away from the family, so when their trip is canceled, they must cover up their tracks.

Cameron also tries to get Lily ( Aubrey Anderson-Emmons ) to wear a nice dress for dinner, while Haley begins to think that Manny ( Rico Rodgriguez ) might like her, despite her technically being his step-niece. This episode celebrates all the chaos and hilarity that comes with Thanksgiving dinners, and typical family situations where people don’t want to hurt their loved ones' feelings.

23 "Manny Get Your Gun" (Season 2, Episode 8)

It is clear from very early on that Manny is an old soul, being a pre-teen who is a hopeless romantic and has an affinity for drinking espressos. In season two’s "Manny Get Your Gun," he experiences a life crisis about getting older, with the entire family gathered at a restaurant to celebrate his birthday. Phil and Claire decide to engage in a heated car race on the way to the restaurant, while Mitchell and Cameron get sidetracked socializing at the mall while shopping for a gift.

The episode is utterly entertaining thanks to Manny’s dramatic situation and the rivalry between Phil and Claire . One of the episode’s highlights is when Mitchell organizes a flash mob at the mall to "Free Your Mind" by En Vogue to surprise Cameron. However, Cameron doesn’t like that Mitchell kept it a secret and didn’t allow him to participate, claiming that Mitchell cheated on him with choreography.

22 "The Alliance" (Season 8, Episode 8)

Imdb rating: 8.4/10.

In Season 8’s "The Alliance," Haley spends the day with boyfriend Rainer Shine’s ( played by Nathan Fillion ) daughter ( Brianna Askins ), and learns some lessons about parenting and dealing with teen angst. Luke unintentionally helps Jay with his petition to re-allow smoking cigars in the country club, assisting him with getting a signature from a widow who tried to seduce him. Meanwhile, Phil, Gloria, and Cameron form an alliance to help each other resolve each other’s mistakes before their spouses find out, and Mitchell senses that something isn’t right.

The episode is a reminder that while Phil, Gloria, and Cameron are part of the family, they are not Pritchetts and will always be the ‘outlaws,’ which is something they have in common and bond over. Haley also gets a dose of her own medicine while dealing with Rainer’s rebellious daughter, very much mirroring her own teen behavior and what Phil and Clare had to deal with.

21 "Under Pressure" (Season 5, Episode 12)

In Season 5’s "Under Pressure," the parents go to an open house at school which sees Claire stressed out by pressure, Gloria going head-to-head with a mean mother, and Jay teaching Phil how to play hookie. Meanwhile, Mitchell feels like he’s not doing enough for the planet and gets defensive after encountering his judgmental and environmentalist neighbor Asher (Jesse Eisenberg).

The episode also features a significant turning point and significant character development for Alex (Ariel Winter) , who goes to see a therapist after having a meltdown. Alex has always been an overachiever and someone who puts pressure on herself, so it is important to see her seeking help and being kinder to herself. Luke and Manny also go on a double date with twins, which sees them swapping around with hilarious results.

20 "Party Crasher" (Season 4, Episode 12)

Jay and Gloria believe that due to the impending arrival of their new baby, they haven't been able to give Manny ( Rico Rodriguez ) the attention he deserves. To make it up to him, they devise a clever ruse, pretending to take him shopping for baby items when, in reality, they are secretly planning his birthday celebration. Upon Manny's return home, he's flustered when he's caught kissing a girl by everyone.

Unfortunately, Gloria goes into labor and requires a hospital visit. Following the birth of baby Joe, they unite to celebrate together. This episode overflows with genuine sentiment, perfectly timed slapstick comedy – mostly at Lily's ( Aubrey Anderson-Emmons ) expense – and writing that gleams as brightly as polished chrome. It certainly highlights why Modern Family is one of the best comedy shows of the 21st century .

19 "Arrested" (Season 4, Episode 7)

In this episode, Phil ( Ty Burrell ) and Claire receive the dreaded late-night call informing them that Haley has been arrested for underage drinking. They rush to the police station, accompanied by Mitchell, the family lawyer, seeking a resolution. Cameron remains behind to supervise Alex and Luke, but they find themselves in a series of wild misadventures while under his watchful eye. At the same time, Jay manages to dodge baby shopping with Gloria, only to face an unexpected visit from Dede ( Shelley Long ).

The episode offers viewers a focus on Haley's character, with the show delivering an unexpected twist in reverse. Additionally, Dede's visit is marked by memorable speeches about her telescoping uterus, making her appearance memorable. The episode orchestrating this reunion may seem relatively ordinary, but with Haley's return serving as a counterpoint for Alex and a challenge for her parents, positive outcomes may be on the horizon.

18 "Little Bo Bleep" (Season 3, Episode 13)

The family assists Claire in getting ready for her upcoming televised debate against Duane Bailey ( David Cross ) for the town council seat. However, true to form, their efforts do more harm than good. Meanwhile, Lily is set to take on the adorable role of a flower girl for the first time. However, a new challenge arises as she's just learned her first expletive, leaving Mitchell and Cameron uncertain about how to navigate this unexpected parenting hurdle.

Jay also becomes increasingly worried about Stella's recent unusual behavior and directs his suspicions toward Gloria. The episode might evoke memories for parents of their children's swearing phase , particularly when they witness the parents' reactions and see it escalate further. It's also another heartwarming moment for fans to witness the entire family coming together once more.

17 "Halloween" (Season 2, Episode 6)

Claire's enthusiasm for Halloween is infectious, as she prepares to transform the Dunphy house into a spooky spectacle for trick-or-treaters. She assigns each family member a specific role to play, but things take an unexpected and comically chaotic turn. Cameron is haunted by a traumatic childhood experience that makes him despise the holiday, while Mitchell grapples with the aftermath of a terrible day at work. Additionally, Gloria's behavior takes an unusual turn following some teasing from Jay and Manny about her accent.

Holiday episodes often showcase the brilliance of sitcoms precisely because it's a challenge to find fresh approaches, yet Modern Family consistently excels in delivering the best, breathing new life into familiar themes . It's yet another episode where Claire's boundless love for Halloween shines through, and every time we catch her on this day, her enthusiasm is off the charts.

16 "Baby on Board" (Season 3, Episode 24)

Imdb rating: 8.5.10.

In this episode, Jay and Manny are tasked with accompanying Lily to her recital, while Mitchell and Cameron are joined by Gloria, serving as a translator, as they embark on the journey of adopting a Mexican child. Meanwhile, Haley springs a surprise announcement about her post-high school plans that appears to displease her parents.

"Baby on Board" deliberately embraces a soap opera style for the season finale , as Mitchell and Cameron's adoption process unravels due to the small-town secrets, scandals, and revelations within the Latino family they were in the process of adopting a baby from. Moreover, it's also one of the show's poignant moments when the two are unable to secure their son, and fans can deeply empathize with their heartache.

15 "Hawaii" (Season 1, Episode 23)

Imdb rating: 8.5/10.

In the previous episode, Gloria gives Jay a birthday present for a trip to Hawaii, and the story continues with the family there in this episode. But Jay's holiday intentions to do nothing but unwind are derailed by an unwanted reality check. Meanwhile, Mitchell and Cameron dispute over whether they should go sightseeing, Phil tries to make the trip romantic for Claire, and the kids get into mischief.

The episode continues to demonstrate how messy family vacations can be , because everyone has their own ideas of what it means to relax and have fun. Together, they all create an amusing mess. Additionally, much like every other funny episode of Modern Family , this one is no different because it demonstrates how much the family members have grown closer to one another. Viewers can see how their bond becomes stronger with each mishap and every vacation.

14 "Family Portrait" (Season 1, Episode 24)

Highlighting the show's dysfunctional family, the episode sees Claire trying to snap a fresh family photo, but nobody is willing to cooperate because they are all too busy. Gloria and Manny accompany Phil and Alex to a Lakers game, where they have an unpleasant incident on the jumbotron. Meanwhile, Cameron finds work as a wedding singer, Mitchell looks after Lily and a wandering pigeon, and Luke interviews Jay for a school project.

The episode is fantastic since it accurately depicts what occurs in families – basically, any family – when one individual plans something for the whole family, but everyone fails to appreciate the efforts because they are preoccupied with their own lives. The fact that the family collectively gathers for the last picture, rather than making it flawless, adds sweetness and serves as the appropriate cap to the first season of the show.

13 "A Year of Birthdays" (Season 10, Episode 22)

Imdb rating: 8.6/10.

As the due date for Haley and Dylan's ( Reid Ewing ) twins approaches, the episode sees the family relive its birthdays from the previous year. Phil decides to take piano lessons, and Claire learns that everyone perceives her as being tightly strung. A sad Manny, who proposes to Sherry ( Hillary Anne Matthews ) on his birthday and is rebuffed, ruins Cameron and Lily's birthdays. The family comes together in the present time after Haley gives birth to a boy and a girl.

In addition to being an emotional one because of Haley's birth and the family reunion, the episode is also quite amusing, since it shows how much each character has changed over the course of a year in a very engaging and realistic manner. For example, Phil learns to play piano among children and Manny, again, letting his sadness overshadow others' happiness.

12 "The Party" (Season 7, Episode 18)

This episode sees Manny and Luke being tasked with babysitting Lily, so the adults can enjoy a day for themselves. Jay and Cameron head to a sports bar to watch a big fight, Phil and Mitchell geek out at the movies, and Claire and Gloria plan a beautiful day at the spa. Things begin to go wrong when Claire believes the boys are hosting a party in secret when the fire alarm goes off at the house.

The episode, like earlier episodes on the show, clearly depicts each character's personality through their way of life and routine. Additionally, instead of the usual friendships fans are used to from the show , it pairs uncommon or infrequently encountered individuals to observe their compatibility and how they would interact with one another outside of a familial setting. It helps strengthen the bond and gives the audience a sense of adventure and the unexpected.

11 "Phil's Sexy, Sexy House" (Season 7, Episode 7)

In a unique Thanksgiving episode, Phil assists Mitchell and Cameron's friend with selling his stylish and modern home. Everyone has the brilliant idea of sneaking into the new house and having some "fun" time. They all select the same day and hour without knowing it, which causes some humorous confusion.

The writers clearly put a lot of effort into writing this episode because every plot component is presented at precisely the right time without interfering with one another during the runtime. Also, the episode brings Haley and Andy's love story to a new level , enthusing many fans about the pair. The episode is also acclaimed for Hyland and Devine's sublime chemistry, which makes it more rewarding to support their cinematic love tale.

10 "The Wedding, Part 2" (Season 5, Episode 24)

The episode focuses on Mitchell and Cameron's wedding , as they deal with a number of unanticipated occurrences in Part 1 that prevent them from having the wedding of their dreams. Even though the wedding does not go exactly as planned by either of them, it is nonetheless perfect.

The wedding of Mitchell and Cameron's emotional high points are handled well in the episode, which also gives Jay a chance to mend fences with Mitchell by finally dealing with their falling out in a meaningful way. Also, Jay and Gloria walk Mitchell down the aisle while Cameron's parents accompany him, which some viewers consider to be the most moving scene of the entire show .

9 "Schooled" (Season 4, Episode 2)

Any parent would find it tough to see their child off to college, but for Phil and Claire, it's harder when they manage to make Haley feel extremely embarrassed. Manny makes Jay and Gloria attend a baby class in the meantime. Lily is dropped off by Mitchell and Cameron for her first day of kindergarten, but when she gets into a fight with another young boy, they wind up meeting the child's combative parents.

When the entire family is together, the show is at its best, but it's equally fantastic when each individual deals with their own problems. Since viewers can relate to struggles like their child leaving the nest, being summoned to the principal's office for something their child did, or attending infant courses, this episode hits many audiences with authenticity and, of course, humor .

8 "My Funky Valentine" (Season 1, Episode 15)

A Valentine’s Day-centered episode of the sitcom sees Claire and Phil get together in a bar where they engage in their usual role-playing. To woo Phil, Claire decides to strip off her clothes and simply wear her coat. But, things go awry when the two of them become stuck on an escalator. Fortunately, Jay and Gloria, who were at the comedy club watching David Brenner perform, come to the rescue as they come across the distressed Claire. Meanwhile, Mitchell and Cameron help out Manny with a girl he likes.

The episode is so fantastic because it incorporates several Valentine's Day celebrations where viewers may recognize themselves in the characters, particularly Claire and Phil with their role-playing and an escalator subplot to liven things up.

7 "Fizbo" (Season 1, Episode 9)

Imdb score: 8.6/10.

Luke's birthday party is being planned by Phil and Claire, and Cameron decides to dress as his clown alter ego Fizbo. Following Jay's suggestion, Manny finds it difficult to impress a woman, while Haley and Dylan are having some relationship problems. After Haley releases a scorpion from its cage, however, things go wrong, and the family is forced to visit the emergency room.

The best part about this episode is that it establishes that someone in the family is hospitalized and the family visits to check on him. The remainder of the show is narrated through flashbacks, leaving viewers to constantly speculate as to who may be injured . Also, the episode includes a heroic act from Fizbo in which he defends Mitchell from bullies.

6 "Finale: Part 2" (Season 11, Episode 18)

In the final episode of Modern Family , the three beloved families come together for one last time to say goodbye to not only each other, but also to the fans, as they prepare to move on to the next chapter of their lives. The episode features Phil and Claire telling the children that one of them must move out since there is no longer enough room for everyone, including the babies. Meanwhile, Cameron receives the job of his dreams, and Jay attempts to learn how to speak Colombian.

The episode is a beautiful conclusion because it brings the show's storylines to a satisfying end while also paying tribute to its legacy. It also emphasizes family and unity themes, despite physical separation and changes that no one wants to experience but nonetheless welcome wholeheartedly. It subtly informs devoted viewers that even when the show ends, they will always be a part of its legacy, and always part of this modern family.


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