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How To Finish Summer Homework Assignments: 14 Tips To Save Your Child’s Summer

  • July 19, 2018

summer vacation homework instructions

Many schools assign homework for students to complete before they return to class in September. This results in both parents and students having to learn how to finish summer reading and homework while balancing fun summer activities.

This summer, school is out and homework is in.

If your child has been putting off a pile of summer homework and reading assignments—he or she is not alone.

Reading books and writing assignments during the summer may not sound appealing to many students—or parents. Students can also get UK homework help if they need the some help with completing their assignment! But summer assignments are a great way to combat the effects of Summer Learning Loss and keep your child’s brain active over the break.

The Facts On Summer Learning Loss

Six weeks in the fall are spent re-learning old material Two months of reading skills are lost over the summer One month of overall learning is lost after summer vacation

With the right mindset, goals, and structure, you’ll have no problem finishing summer reading and homework between BBQ’s, ball games, and beach trips.

Follow these 14 steps to learn how to complete summer homework—without sacrificing summer fun.

14 Tips For Finishing Your Summer Homework Assignments

Make a game plan, tip 1: take a (quick) break.

It’s hard to go from a full year of schoolwork to tackling summer homework right off the bat. Let your child take a week off of homework at the start of the summer. This will give his or her brain a chance to relax and reset, and enjoy taking part in fun summer activities like sports.

Tip 2: Review Project Requirements

Don’t have your child dive head-first into his or her homework assignments. Review the expectations of each project with your child and discuss how much time he or she will need to complete them.

It would be a shame to waste time redoing a project because your child didn’t understand it initially. Reviewing all requirements is an important first step to starting off on the right foot.

Tip 3: Break Down Each Project Into A Series of Goals

Think about which assignments will take the longest and what your child will need to complete them during the summer. Break these larger assignments into a series of goals that need to be met to complete the project.

Examples of goals include “read 2 chapters per week” or “write essay introduction by July 15th”.

Set Aside The Right Amount Of Time

Tip 4: plan a weekly summer homework schedule.

This should be similar to a school year homework schedule, but altered for the summer. T he ideal amount of time to spend doing summer homework per week is 2-3 hours , so figure out where that time fits into your child’s average summer week.

Tip 5: Make A List Of Supplies & Resources

Your summer adventures could take you and your child to a wide variety of places. Make sure you both know what to bring with you so your child can tackle homework when not at home.

Examples of supplies include:

  • Textbooks or Assigned Novels

Tip 6: Choose Assignment Topics Based On Interest, Not Length

Sometimes students are given options when it comes to topics to research or books to read over the summer. Encourage your child to make these decisions based on the topics that interests him or her most—not which is “easiest”. This will result in your child enjoying his or her work, and allow him to benefit more from it.

Help Your Child Do Work On-The-Go

Tip 7: adjust your homework schedule for trips & vacations.

Exploring new places is an amazing learning experience, so don’t feel like you should sacrifice them for more homework time. Instead, plan your child’s homework schedule around these day trips and vacations.

If you know your child won’t have time to complete work while you’re away on a longer trip, make up those hours in the weeks before and after your trip.

Tip 8: Tackle The Work Your Child Can Do On-The-Go

While writing an essay is a project to save for when you return home, there are assignments that your child can tackle from just about anywhere. Options for homework to do on vacation include projects that are doable in small chunks—like reading a book or completing a math worksheet.

Tip 9: Bring Your Child’s Supplies With You

Remember that supplies list you created? Make sure you pack that backpack and bring it with you on your trip! It’d be a waste to find a spare hour to finish that math assignment, only to realize your child left his or her calculator at home.

Tip 10: Capitalize On The Quiet Times

Even the busiest trips include some quiet time. If you’re early for a dinner reservation, have your child complete a chapter of reading while you wait. Or, encourage your child to wake up 20 minutes early to answer some math questions without disruption.

Build A Support Team For Your Child

Tip 11: schedule a weekly workdate for your child & a friend.

There’s no reason your child has to work through summer homework alone. Make a weekly work date with a friend where they can tackle summer assignments together. If that friend is in the same class as your child, they can even discuss questions and challenges together. Build A Support Team For Your Child

Tip 12: Review Your Child’s Progress Every Week

Each week, speak with your child about the work he or she accomplished, and what is planned for the week ahead. If you know your child will be busy soon, work together to reorganize his or her homework schedule.

Tip 13: Touch Base With a Tutor (Or Enrol In Summer Learning Program)

A new set of eyes can make all the difference in making sure your child gets his or her summer assignments done efficiently and effectively. Your child’s tutor will be able to give constructive feedback and turn this feedback into goals for the upcoming school year.

If you want an extra head start for your child this school year, enroll him or her in a Summer Learning tutoring program to get started on the right track.

And Most Importantly…

Tip 14: reward your child with summer fun.

While schoolwork is important during the summer, it doesn’t have to come at the sacrifice of having fun. Whenever your child completes a new project or achieves a goal, reward him or her with a treat or fun summer activity.

Work Hard—And Play Hard—This Summer

Summer might seem like it will last forever, but the school year will be here before you know it. Don’t let your child fall into the habit of procrastination—instead, make a plan together and stick to it.

If you follow these tips, your child will finish summer homework and summer reading in no time…and develop great learning and study habits that will already be in place for next year!

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Holiday Homework Solutions

summer vacation homework instructions

Holiday Homework Solutions for class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 & 12 (During Summer Vacations) facility for the academic session 2022–2023 is being maintained to help the students and parents to do the holiday homework comfortably in Summer 2024-25. You are requested to upload your holiday homework in PDF format based on Latest CBSE Curriculum 2024-25 and get the solutions with in a week. You can also ask your Maths or science problems through Discussion Forum. If the problems are related to NCERT or NCERT Exemplar Problems please refer to NCERT Solutions page to get this. The solutions of holiday homework should be uploaded along with the school name at the end of this page. Notification of completion of homework will not be given by the website, you have to check yourself after a week for the solutions.

Download NCERT Solutions for all classes. Students of the upper primary level (Class 6, 7 and 8) are already well informed and are keen to find and learn more. According to CBSE, while assigning and preparing homework for the students, it is important to note they are able to develop the skills like relating, thinking, concluding, inferring. Homework should be such that the student neither feel it burdensome nor they lose interest in the subject matter. Moreover it is useful in providing them a happy experience. Homework therefore needs to be thought about and worked upon differently. Emphasis should be given on Vedic mathematics, designing quality homework rather than its quantity. Download NCERT Books and apps based on latest CBSE Syllabus.

Encompassing the aforesaid ideas, the CBSE has brought forth a Manual, “Alternatives to Holiday Homework” for classes VI to VIII. It is collection of ideas transformed into suggestive activities that are creative, interesting, meaningful and interactive, enhancing various skills, directly or indirectly related to subject matter providing students to enhance their learning and gaining knowledge based on NCERT Books following the latest CBSE Syllabus.

Suggestive Holiday Homework for Class 6

  • Holiday Homework for Class 6 Hindi
  • Holiday Homework for Class 6 English
  • Holiday Homework for Class 6 Mathemaitcs
  • Holiday Homework for Class 6 Science
  • Holiday Homework for Class 6 Social Science

Suggestive Holiday Homework for Class 7

  • Holiday Homework for Class 7 Hindi
  • Holiday Homework for Class 7 English
  • Holiday Homework for Class 7 Mathematics
  • Holiday Homework for Class 7 Science
  • Holiday Homework for Class 7 Social Science

Suggestive Holiday Homework for Class 8

  • Holiday Homework for Class 8 Hindi
  • Holiday Homework for Class 8 English
  • Holiday Homework for Class 8 Mathematics
  • Holiday Homework for Class 8 Science
  • Holiday Homework for Class 8 Social Science

A well rounded development of individual knowledge happens not only from textbooks and formal education but more from the learner’s personal experiences, individual inquisitive nature and social surroundings. Homework is an area of importance and to make it more relevant for the NCERT Books classes 6th, 7th and 8th, appropriate strategies and meaningful activities may be suggested to the schools that give more time to child to explore the environment to develop creative thinking.

These activities (like OTBA for class 9 & 11 ) would be so framed that they keep the child interested in subjects and therefore would also help in enhancing the learning power. Homework is one of the areas that need urgent attention. As the students of class VI, VII and VIII develop a certain learning style and want to know and find more and more. Efforts should be made to make homework more creative and interesting so that the students do not feel burdensome while doing the same and the ultimate purpose of providing homework is served.

A survey was conducted through questionnaire prepared by CBSE to collect feedback from parents, teachers, students and other educationists on “Alternatives to Homework at Upper Primary Level” for Class Sixth, Seventh and Eighth so that appropriate strategies and meaningful activities can be designed and suggested to schools. The questions were directed to know the ideal quantity and purpose of the homework, whether homework should be assigned in all the subjects, internet usage should be a part of the homework or not, how homework helps in teaching.

Keeping in view emerging issues, there is a need to think about giving quality homework emphasizing on acquiring applied learning skills. Few points can be kept in mind while designing a quality homework by teachers: 1, Provide students capacity building activities which are followed up and acknowledged like drawing, creative writing, making puzzles, stories, plays, online games, reading online books and craft.

2. Provide them assignment sheets which improve their reading & writing abilities. Homework must enable the student to practice a skill independently. 3. A possible discussion can be held with different children on what they would like to do at home to improve in which ever area they deem necessary. Homework must be designed in a way that maximizes the chances of its completion by the students.

4. Parents should be able to understand the child’s needs and schools suggestions on how to learn mathematics, logical reasoning, etc. by doing puzzles, writing letters, reading to elders from the newspapers, making household lists, recipe making and cooking. 5. Learners who have dyslexia or number difficulty should have practice assignments overcoming their problems.

The child in middle school have a keenness to discover more and prepare for the examination. Learning is about developing new faculties, which become useful as an adult. The years 12 to 15 are years when rules become important, and doing well, excelling are given importance both at home and in the class. As the child grows chronically his/her emotional maturity also grows and there are interests which are beyond just what lessons can give.

The homework assigned should: 1. enhance study habits and practice skills (which learners are able to perform independently) 2. reinforce necessary skills both scholastic and co-scholastic among the learners. 3. enable learners to become independent learners and thinkers and develop among them 21st century skills so that they can participate in Make in India in future. 4. lead to the improvement in the academic achievement of the learner.

5. expand on the existing knowledge of the learners and be a part of the already acquired competencies in the classroom. 6. not put unneeded pressure or stress by including new learning material or difficult material to be worked upon by learners themselves. 7. be CBSE Syllabus based and as per developmental needs of the learners. 8. not require specific resources or technology which is not accessible to all learners. 9. have clearly defined, purposeful, creative and engaging activities.

It is also advised that teachers can refer to Life Skills Manuals, Health Manuals and Environmental Education Manuals which contain age appropriate and interesting activities which can be taken up by the learners individually. These activities can be assigned to learners so as to enhance their life skills, values and make them health conscious.

Homework is needed, and necessary for a teacher to be able to follow up with each child. The correction and feedback on homework is an important input that helps both parents and children to follow up and improve in areas which are needed. The recourse extra classes, can be reduced if the homework is used for learning improvement and acquisition of diverse skills. We are providing a handful help to solve or helping in solving the holiday homework.

What are concepts of the Holiday Homework for Class 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5?

The Holiday Homework 2024-25 for class 1 and Class 2 should be totally creative work only. We should prepare the homework in such a way that student enjoy the work like play. The holiday assignment for class 3, 4 and Class 5 should be totally creative work.

What are the Holiday Homework suggestions for Class 6, 7 and 8?

The ideas for Holiday Homework 2024-25 for class 6, 7 and 8 Maths, Science, English, Hindi and Social Science are given on Tiwari Academy. We should also include the interesting facts related to daily life with the topic of NCERT Books.

How to prepare the Holiday Homework 2024-25 for class 9 and 10?

The collection of Important Questions from NCERT Textbook, From board Papers, CBSE Sample papers and NCERT Exemplar Books may be the good holiday homework practice material for High School students.

What would be good the Holiday Homework for class 11 and 12?

The Holiday Homework for class 11 and 12 are generally selected as the NCERT Textbook topics. The NCERT Books back exercises and related questions which are asked in CBSE Board Examination may be a good assignment for intermediate students.

Copyright 2024 by Tiwari Academy | A step towards Free Education


summer vacation homework instructions

Summer homework may start as early as elementary school, but you don’t have to do it the way it’s always been done! Veteran educators like third-grade teacher Alycia Zimmerman have spent time thinking about how to make summer homework meaningful and interesting enough that students buy in—and even want to do it.  

Read on for Zimmerman’s summer homework game plan and ideas for how to make summer assignments more fun for everyone.

1. Try a New Student Meet and Greet

If possible, meet your incoming students before summer break (even if it’s virtual!) to instill the importance of summer learning.

At the end of the school year, coordinate with the teachers of your incoming students to swap classes for a period. Introduce yourselves to your future students and build excitement for the fun and challenging learning ahead and the very “grown-up” summer homework you will assign.

“We’ve been far more successful in instilling the importance of our summer assignments when presenting about it face-to-face rather than just sending a packet of directions home cold,” says Zimmernan. “The students sit on the edges of their seats as we talk about the importance of summer reading and our certainty that they will do everything they can to 'keep their brains healthy, pink, and strong’ over the summer.”

2. Emphasize the Importance of Summer Reading

Talk about the best summer assignment of all: diving into books!

Reading should be a treat, not a menial assignment, so Zimmerman doesn’t feel guilty about making reading the bulk of her summer homework. Here are some of her most effective strategies for promoting summer reading:

Have students fill out a log  to keep track of the books and other texts they read over the summer. It isn’t necessary to require a certain number of books or specific titles. Simply ask that they find books they love and spend lots of time reading them.

Have your current students write book reviews of their favorite titles to send home with your rising students. Invite your current students to serve as reading ambassadors and speak to the younger students about the importance and joys of reading. When coming from slightly older peers, the message is very well received.

And of course: Sign your students up for the Scholastic Summer Reading Program ! From May 9 to August 19, your students can visit Scholastic Home Base to participate in the free, fun, and safe  summer reading program . As part of the program, kids can read e-books, attend author events, and keep Reading Streaks™ to help unlock a donation of 100K books from Scholastic – distributed to kids with limited or no access to books by Save the Children. 

3. Share Fun and Educational Activities

Direct your students to fun (and educational) activities.

When considering other homework, the best options are activities that students will be motivated to do because they’re entertaining. 

Give your incoming students the “everything is better in moderation” speech so they understand that they shouldn’t play hours of computer games every day this summer. If possible, send them home with printable and book-based packs to polish their skills for the year ahead (you can even pair these with your own assignments): 

4. Connect Through the Mail 

Stay connected with your students over the summer through cards.

Giving incoming students the opportunity to connect with you and with each other can motivate them to complete summer assignments. Here’s one plan for connecting via letters:

Have your incoming students mail you a letter of introduction. Explain that you want to hear about their summer activities, their hobbies, their families, and anything special they want you to know before the school year begins.

When you receive letters from your students, send a postcard back with a brief response. Tell them a bit about your summer plan, and let them know you can’t wait to see them in the fall. 

Encourage them to write again!

You can also pair up students and have them write to each other over the summer. In September, they can bring their pen pal letters to class to display on the bulletin board.

Take advantage of everyone’s increasing familiarity with virtual resources by connecting online, too! Post a short video, article, or question once a week on your classroom's online platform, and invite both incoming students and rising former students to write their thoughts in the comments section. Be sure to moderate their comments and enjoy their back-and-forth dialogues as they engage with each other.

Get started by shopping the best books for summer reading below! You can find all books and activities at The Teacher Store .

summer vacation homework instructions

Printable Summer Homework for Kindergarten (and freebies!)

The kindergarten connection.

It’s that time already! Time to wrap up our school year and say goodbye to the children who have become such a huge part of our lives. While of course, we’re all excited for summer, it can sometimes be a bittersweet feeling. One thing I know for sure though… summer slide is REAL ! That’s exactly why this low-prep, printable Summer Homework for Kindergarten is perfect for sending home with your students to keep their skills sharp over break! Scroll to the end of the post to download your  FREE Kindergarten Summer Homework sampler!

*Grab the whole Kindergarten Summer Homework pack right now in  our shop , or hop on over to purchase it on  Teachers Pay Teachers !

Grab this free printable Summer Homework for Kindergarten sampler pack to send home with your students to keep their skills sharp over break!

Summer Homework for Kindergarten

I wanted to provide my students with an engaging and simple way that they could keep up their skills while still enjoying their summer vacation. So, I created a personal workbook of fun summer-themed math and literacy printables for each of my kiddos. But these summer printables don’t actually have to go in a folder at all. They can be printed off as needed and used in June for those of us still in school, or in summer school, or just certain pages can be sent home, etc.

Today I want to give you some of my favorite activities from this summer homework resource for FREE , but be sure to grab the whole Kindergarten Summer Homework pack which includes 91 pages of low-prep, engaging activities for your students!

Check out a couple of the activities included in this freebie Kindergarten Summer Homework sampler pack:

Ice Cream Number Bonds

Students will love strengthening their addition skills while building number bonds to 10 in this Ice Cream Number Bonds printable . There is a number line included for students to refer to, if needed.

After the kids have filled in the missing numbers to complete the equations, they can color the ice cream scoops. We like to make them look like our favorite flavors of ice cream. So simple and so fun!

Students will love strengthening their addition skills while forming number bonds to 10 in this Ice Cream Number Bonds printable.

Word Family Popsicles

Combine word family practice and color recognition skills with this Word Family Popsicles printable activity .

Students begin by reading the words on the popsicles. Then they use the color key to determine which color to make their popsicles based on the short vowel sounds. Coloring is always a hit with my kids so I just knew they would be all in on this word family activity.

Combine word family practice and color recognition skills with this Word Family Popsicles printable activity.

Here’s to a fun, happy summer, where the only slide we see is a water slide!

Grab Your FREE Summer Homework Sampler

Ready to grab this low-prep, printable Kindergarten Summer Homework freebie? Get it by clicking the large, yellow download button at the bottom of the post!

And don’t forget to grab the whole Kindergarten Summer Homework Pack  for even more fun reviewing and strengthening important math and literacy skills all summer long!

Grab the whole Kindergarten Summer Homework Pack for even more fun reviewing and strengthening important math and literacy skills all summer long!

Want unlimited access to even MORE of our activities and resources? Join us in the Print and Play Club!

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Want unlimited access to tons of activities and resources for Pre-K, TK, and Kindergarten? Join us in the Print and Play Club!

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6 Responses

Good post and useful information. Thanks for sharing the Post Regards, Kindergarten school

What a great idea!

These are awesome

You are such a good teacher! Your students are so lucky to get an awesome academic packet and bag of supplies. Yahoo! Suzanne Kindergarten Planet

Thank you so much Suzanne! 🙂 That is so sweet of you!

This looks great!

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Happy Holidays!

Summer Vacation homework for upcoming classes of 2023-2024 is uploaded. Please download the homework. Complete and submit it after the school reopens.


What’s Next in Trump’s Immunity Case

Arguments heard in late April almost always yield decisions near the end of the court’s term, in late June or early July.

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The justices of the Supreme Court in front of a red curtain.

By Adam Liptak

Reporting from Washington

  • April 25, 2024

The justices heard arguments in the immunity case at a special session, the day after what had been the last scheduled argument of its term. Arguments heard in late April almost always yield decisions near the end of the court’s term, in late June or early July.

But a ruling in early summer, even if it categorically rejected Mr. Trump’s position, would make it hard to complete his trial before the election. Should Mr. Trump win at the polls, there is every reason to think he would scuttle the prosecution.

In cases that directly affected elections — in which the mechanisms of voting were at issue — the court has sometimes acted with unusual speed.

In 2000, in Bush v. Gore, the court issued its decision handing the presidency to George W. Bush the day after the justices heard arguments.

In a recent case concerning Mr. Trump’s eligibility to appear on Colorado’s primary ballot, the justices moved more slowly, but still at a relatively brisk pace. The court granted Mr. Trump’s petition seeking review just two days after he filed it , scheduled arguments for about a month later and issued its decision in his favor about a month after that.

In United States v. Nixon, the 1974 decision that ordered President Richard M. Nixon to comply with a subpoena for audiotapes of conversations with aides in the White House, the court also moved quickly , granting the special prosecutor’s request to bypass the appeals court a week after it was filed.

The court heard arguments about five weeks later — compared with some eight weeks in Mr. Trump’s immunity case. It issued its decision 16 days after the argument , and the trial was not delayed.

Adam Liptak covers the Supreme Court and writes Sidebar, a column on legal developments. A graduate of Yale Law School, he practiced law for 14 years before joining The Times in 2002. More about Adam Liptak

Paid parental leave at schools is so dire that teachers must hoard their sick days and time their pregnancies around summer vacation

Only about 18% of the 148 largest school districts in the U.S. offer paid parental leave for teachers—and of the 27 districts that do offer paid leave, variations are plenty.

Laura Wright started teaching at the same elementary school she attended as a child in Citrus County, Florida, when she was 21 years old. It was her first teaching job—and she received plenty of advice from the older teachers who worked there about how to handle maternity leave if and when the time came to start a family. 

“When I was younger I had teachers say, you got to have a summer baby, it’s the only way to get the most out of the time with your baby,” Wright told Fortune , adding that the advice was “like insider trade information.”

Now age 37, Wright has two children, and she left that school district in Citrus County, which offers about six weeks of unpaid parental leave, for a teaching position at a fully online school for grades K-12 that offers 12 weeks of paid leave. Wright says when she learned about her current job’s paid leave from a friend, “it sounded like a unicorn,” as well as a school she wanted to support. 

A unicorn, indeed. Only about 18% of the 148 largest school districts in the U.S. offer paid parental leave for teachers—and of the 27 districts that do offer paid leave, variations are plenty, according to a National Council on Teacher Quality report . 

The majority of paid parental leave benefits are only partially paid, shorter than six weeks, and often require teachers to exhaust their paid sick days first, which forces teachers to go without pay should they get sick. Teachers also end up risking their own postpartum health while facing the rising costs of early childcare, which averages to about $1,300 per month . Insufficient paid leave benefits had led to more teachers timing their births for summer vacation—just like she’d experienced in Citrus County. 

A lot of these issues held true for Wright, who had wanted to plan her pregnancy for the summer, but her infertility issues—a polycystic ovary syndrome diagnosis—made timing unpredictable. Wright believes infertility, which affects one in five Americans , is a struggle many people don’t know enough about, and described the pressure she faced to time her child as “insensitive because it just doesn’t work for everyone.”

She luckily became pregnant with her son, who’s now 10, during her fifth year of teaching and still remembers the way her school’s principal reacted to her news, telling her “you didn’t plan that too smart.” 

At the time, she said, she had five years of employment under her belt and “a really considerable sick day bank filled up.” That sick day bank was 33 days, indicative of the average 10 days of sick pay teachers get each year, and was the only paid parental leave she could access after her son was born. “From mid October until almost the end of January, I didn’t get a paycheck” she said. 

She returned to work when her son was two and a half months old. So while she’s thankful she could rely on her parents to help watch her child, “it was emotionally and mentally hard to leave my baby so young.” 

Making matters worse, exhausting her sick days meant she’d need to attend the slew of postpartum doctor appointments and check-ups for her infant completely unpaid.

Perceptions are changing as more states require paid parental leave 

Naomi Cahn, a professor of family law at the University of Virginia, told Fortune “it’s extremely difficult to time a pregnancy to occur in the summer months for the majority of teachers not covered by paid leave,” but the tide is turning in terms of how the country perceives paid parental leave. 

“An increasing number of states are moving towards requiring paid leave,” Cahn said,  “but it hasn’t been offered even in other female-dominated professions.”

The teaching industry is largely dominated by women: Of the 3.8 million full and part-time public school teachers between 2020 and 2021, 77% were women . Yet, teachers have historically had little to no paid parental leave benefits. Wright, who is also running for an elected position in her county’s school board, believes the benefit needs to expand. “We’re in the business of families,” she said, “yet there’s nothing really set aside for us to have our own family.” 

Currently, only a handful of states require districts to offer paid parental leave, but the list of states is growing: Arkansas recently passed a bill that provides up to 12 weeks of paid leave for teachers under a cost-sharing model between the state and school districts; Tennessee passed a bill that provides six weeks of paid parental leave for families after a birth, stillbirth, or adoption of a child; Oklahoma passed a large education-budget package that includes six weeks of paid maternal leave for teachers; and California has proposed legislation for 14 weeks of paid leave for teachers. 

One key reason it’s hard for school districts to offer maternity benefits is because of how district budgets are organized, Heather Peske, president of the National Council on Teacher Quality, told Fortune . “I have empathy for districts because the bulk of their budget is made up of personnel costs for teachers, staff salaries and benefits.” Still, she insisted, “it’s worth looking at the long-term cost of not offering the benefit of paid parental leave,” citing staffing challenges, teacher retention, turnaround costs, and the quality of a school district in the long term. 

Teacher turnover rates are up since the pandemic, with about 23% of teachers leaving their school during the 2022-2023 school year, compared to a roughly 18% turnover rate in 2019, according to a report from ERS , a school systems analysis and design group. And that turnover comes at a cost. According to an analysis by the Learning Policy Institute , the costs of teacher turnover, including recruiting, hiring and onboarding costs, can range from $9,000 in rural settings to $20,000 in urban areas. It’s a cost Peske believes is avoidable, saying “the upfront costs of providing the benefit might prevent larger costs to students and larger costs to the district budget in the future.” 

She was also quick to mention the downsides for teachers who are going without paid parental leave–and how important family benefits are to aspiring teachers. 

“When teachers are not offered paid parental leave,” she said, they have to hoard their sick time, plan to have a child in the summer, or leave their children while they’re very young and come back to school, which “all have quite a cost,” as Wright discovered. 

Beyond that, Peske said, “paid family leave really helps school districts attract good teachers to come to teach in their district.” 

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  4. Mar 18


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    Some useful tips for summer vacation Some dos and don'ts during summer vacation: Do's Eat a nutritious diet with plenty of water. Include citrus fruits (orange, lemon, grapefruit) and vegetables which are rich in vitamin C, vitamin D containing foods (cheese, egg yolks) and zinc-containing foods (legumes, lentils, beans, and nuts).

  2. PDF Summer vacation HolidayS' Home-work

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    summer vacation, the Holiday Homework designed by the school is a medium for the students to achieve the motto of "Funand Learn". The ... Activity & Instructions: Plan a virtual theme party on Google Meet or Zoom with your friends. The theme of the party should be 'Himachal'. Dress Up yourself

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  7. PDF Early Years Summer Booklet 2022

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    11:00am,in order to take up any queries or doubts related to the Summer Holiday Homework. ... Instructions: a. Prepare a Headgear based on the seasons as per the season allotted roll number wise in ... summer vacation. (use parent's help and digital clock to do the same) 3 11 19 27 34 Things/objects used in the season (e.g A.C,

  12. FREE Printable Summer Activity Sheets for Kindergarten

    Using summer activity sheets is a great way to not only maintain learned skills, but begin the fall with a strong start. Whether you are a parent, teacher, or homeschooler - you will love these no-prep summer vacation homework for kindergarten which help students strengthen their fine motor skills while working on their math and literacy skills.

  13. PDF Class I9 sMMER HOlIDaY's HOMEORk 2020 -21

    SUMMER VACATION HOLIDAY HOMEWORK General Instructions: The Holidays home work must be done in a very neat and presentable manner. Assignment 1must be done in the sequence given on ruled A4 sheet. Also draw diagrams wherever necessary. Take the printout of assignment 2 and complete it neatly.

  14. PDF Asian International School

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  15. Summer Vacation Homework

    Summer School; ACADEMICS. Faculty; Summer Vacation Homework; Homework (COVID-19) Before 25-March-2020; After 25-March-2020; Student Emails; Class Timetable. Primary; Secondary; Ramadan Timetable Grade I-V; Ramadan Timetable Grade VI-IX; Exam Time Table. Primary - Examination Timetable; Secondary - Examination Timetable; A Level ...

  16. PDF Summer Vacation Holiday Homework Class Vii -english- 2023

    SUMMER VACATION HOLIDAY HOMEWORK CLASS VII -ENGLISH- 2023 INSTRUCTIONS: • There are 5 parts of your English Holiday Homework. • Part 1 has to be done in a separate notebook. • Part 2 and part 3, part 4 and part 5 have to be done in a single ruled notebook. PART 1 HANDWRITING


    vacation and will reopen on - 3 July' 17 Submit the HHW by - 10 July'17 FUN UNDER THE SUN Dishons Chef- Beat the heat by Learning to make tasty summer drinks like- lemonade, lassi, milk shake, fruit smoothies or sherbats (Take help from your parents). Strawberry/Mango Parfait Activity Need a fun summer snack or a light breakfast?


    SUMMER VACATION PROJECT Note:- * All the Holiday Homework Projects should be done neatly by the child with the assistance of parents. * Holiday Homework is mandatory to be submitted on 1stJuly 2022 when school reopens. * Holiday Homework should be done as per the instructions given.

  19. PDF Summer Vacation Holiday Homework Class Viii ( 2019-20)

    SUMMER VACATION HOLIDAY HOMEWORK CLASS - VIII ( 2019-20) "The capacity to learn is a gift; the ability to learn is a skill; the willingness to learn is a choice". Holiday Homework is an attempt to enhance children's imagination. Doing it in the right- spirit with enthusiasm will make it a great learning experience .


    IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS 1. Summer Vacation: Saturday, 18 th May to Sunday, 30 June 2019. 2. School will reopen on Monday, 1st July 2019 from 7.45 am to 1.30 pm. 3. Please submit your Holidays Homework by first week of July 2019 to your Class and Subject Teachers. ... SUGGESTIVE GENERAL HOMEWORK 1. Summer Vacation: Saturday, 18 th. SATLUJ PUBLIC ...


    With the onset of summer holidays, we have designed the holidays homework to not only keep the children engaged, but motivate them to keep learning, stay happy and focus on their mental well-being. Kindly follow some instructions: -1. Holidays homework is designed weekly which is to be submitted online in the form of scanned copy or images on MS

  22. PDF Summer Vacations Homework Class One

    are pleased to share our plans for online instructions and homework activities. As of 20TH July 2020, we will be starting a robust, interactive teaching programme. The curriculum will be taught through various online platforms, video lectures and live interaction with teachers as well as carefully designed homework, which all students

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  24. Paid parental leave at schools is so dire that teachers must hoard

    Now age 37, Wright has two children, and she left that school district in Citrus County, which offers about six weeks of unpaid parental leave, for a teaching position at a fully online school for ...