Military to Civilian Resume Example for Veterans [Updated 2024]

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Transitioning from a military lifestyle to that of a civilian is far from easy.

According to a Pew Research Center study, 95% of veterans seek employment after serving in the military.

26% of veteran respondents, however, found shifting from the military to the civilian lifestyle to be somewhat difficult.

Coincidentally, one of the biggest struggles for veterans is creating a compelling military to civilian resume that’s going to help them get a job that’s well-paid and enjoyable.

To help solve that problem, though, we wrote this guide. Read on to learn everything you need to know to create a compelling veteran resume, including:

  • Military to Civilian Resume Example
  • How to Write a Military Veteran Resume (8 Simple Steps)
  • Free Military to Civilian Resume Template
  • Essential (Free) Job-Search Resources for Veterans

In case you’re looking to brush up on the resume basics, watch the video below.

If you’re ready to get started, though, let’s start by reviewing a well-written military to civilian resume example.

Military to Civilian Resume Example (for Veterans)

military to civilian resume

Compelling, right? Here’s what the above military to civilian resume example does right: 

  • Follows a functional resume format. The functional resume format focuses more on your skills and strengths rather than work experience. It helps convey how your military experience is going to help you perform well in the civilian role you’re applying for.
  • Lists the contact information the right way. It includes the applicant’s full name, email, location, phone number, and even a LinkedIn URL while skipping out on a photo.
  • Captures the hiring manager’s attention with a resume summary. The summary on top of the military to civilian resume example offers a brief snapshot of the candidate’s career, instantly showing the recruiter their value.
  • Focuses on transferable skills instead of work experience. Instead of mentioning military buzzwords that civilians wouldn’t understand in the first place, the resume example instead focuses on how the candidate's experiences helped them develop valuable skills.
  • Mentions achievements when possible. Achievements help convince the recruiter that they’re not just any candidate - you’re an overachiever who plays to win.
  • Uses bullet points to make the resume easier to skim. The recruiter doesn’t have all day - they have hundreds of other resumes to review just for a single role. Making the resume easy to skim makes it more likely to be read.
  • Includes educational history (in brief). The military to civilian resume example describes the candidate’s educational background, which includes taking a leadership course and basic training.
  • Makes use of the optional sections. The achievements and interests sections help shed light on the candidate’s personality outside of work, as well.

Now, let’s talk about how YOU can make your resume as impressive as the example above.

How to Write a Military Veteran Resume (8 Easy Steps)

In this section, we’re going to walk you through the 8 steps to creating a powerful military veteran resume, starting with:

#1. Pick a Functional Resume Format

These are the 3 most popular resume formats out there:

  • Reverse-chronological . This format focuses on your work history over education or skills.
  • Functional . It focuses less on your work background and more on your skills and how they make you a qualified candidate.
  • Combination . This format is a mix of the other two formats. It puts equal emphasis on skills and experiences. 

As a military veteran, you’re better off with a functional format .


As you can see above, the resume example focuses more on key strengths instead of just listing out work experiences.

This improves your odds of landing a civilian job for one important reason: 

Most recruiters aren’t really familiar with military lingo.

Your experiences in the military might be super compelling, but chances are, most recruiters won’t understand how these experiences make you a good candidate for the role.

By framing your experiences around your skills, on the other hand, your resume becomes more understandable for a civilian.

Once you’ve decided on the format, you also need to sort out your resume style, layout, font, and more. Here’s what this includes:

  • Don’t go over one page . Your resume should be concise and to the point. More often than not, if you’re going over one page, you’re probably including information that isn’t relevant for the role.
  • Pick the right font and font size . In terms of size, go for 11-12 pt for body text. For the font, pick something like Ubuntu, Times New Roman, etc. That way your resume will look professional AND stand out at the same time. 
  • Use the military-to-civilian resume template . Want to skip the hassle of formatting a resume? Hit the link and pick from one of our free templates! Our templates are easy to use AND look much more compelling than the conventional black-and-white ones.

resume examples

#2. Include Contact Information

Now that we’ve got the formatting hassle out of the way, let’s talk about resume content.

The first thing in your veteran resume is the contact information section.

Here, you need to include:

  • Descriptive title. This should include your title in the military, as well as the title you’re applying for. Something like “Security Officer Seeking a Role as Customer Support Specialist.”
  • Phone number.
  • Professional email address. Think, [name][lastname]
  • Location. City and state are good enough, you don’t need to include an address.
  • (Optional) LinkedIn URL. If you have an up-to-date LinkedIn profile, you can include a URL in the contact information section.

And finally, make sure NOT to include a photo in your military to civilian resume. In the US, employers prefer that you don’t include a picture to avoid unconscious bias during the hiring process.

Here’s what your resume contact information section should look like at the end:

Security & Customer Service Professional

[email protected]


Seattle, US

#3. Capture the Hiring Manager’s Attention with a Military Veteran Resume Summary

When reading your resume for the first time, the recruiter will spend roughly 7 seconds skimming it to make sure that you’re qualified for the role.

If the resume catches their attention, they’ll give it a more in-depth look.

If it doesn’t, they’ll simply move on to the next one.

This is where a compelling resume summary can come in handy.

A resume summary is a 2-4 sentence “summary” of your past work experience. It helps the recruiter understand your skill-set and whether you’re relevant for the role in a single glance.

Here’s what a convincing military to civilian resume summary looks like:

Dedicated professional with over 9 years of outstanding performance and results in the U.S. Military. Earned three promotions and excelled as a leader. Seeking to apply the skills I gained in the military as a Customer Support Specialist at Company X.

When writing your resume summary, make sure to include the following information:

  • Your title in the military and the role you’re applying for.
  • Years of experience.
  • Top achievements and experiences.

job search masterclass

#4. Summarize Your Experiences with a Key Strengths Section

This one’s arguably the most important part of your military to civilian resume.

At the end of the day, the main deciding factor in whether you get invited for an interview or not is if your resume manages to convince the recruiter that you’re capable of doing the job…

And that’s where the key strengths section comes in handy.

To create yours, start by listing out your top strengths as section headers. Then, underneath each header, list your achievements and responsibilities that prove you actually have the relevant skill.

Here’s what this looks like on a resume:

Customer Service

  • Promoted within a short period by demonstrating an over-achieving dedication that maximized results for the entire team. 
  • Proved internal customer service by relating to all personnel in a professional manner that facilitated the development of a diversified group. 
  • Enhanced soldiers’ individual and professional growth, developing them into independent decision-makers.
  • Accounted for the safety of equipment valued at over $1.3 million. 
  • Secure the personal safety, training, and performance of fifteen U.S. Army soldiers.

Operations and Administration

  • Organized schedules for over 45 soldiers. 
  • Implemented new routes, resulting in savings in gas time and reduced work time. 
  • Prevented over 10 cancellations and negotiated over 20 contract renewals with the local government.

Applying for a Military or Private Security Role? Do This

Now, in case you’re applying for a role that’s somewhat related to your experience in the military (e.g. in private security), then you can simply create a conventional Work Experience section instead of Key Strengths .

If that’s your case, here’s how you should format the section:

  • Create a section header called “ Work Experience .”
  • Start by listing your most recent role and go backward in time from there.
  • For each entry, include your title, company name, dates employed, and 3-5 top achievements.
  • For older positions, you can include fewer achievements and responsibilities.

Now, if you want your work experiences to stand out from the rest of the candidates, we recommend you to include achievements over responsibilities.

  • Achieved a 99.5% average delivery rate on all assignments, resulting in no losses of materials or assets.
  • Conducted deliveries of materials and assets.

The first example shows just how the candidate stands out from other applicants. The 2nd, on the other hand, does not.

#5. Mention Your Education (the Right Way)

On to the next section!

The next step to creating a convincing military to civilian resume is mentioning your educational background .

This is where you mention your higher educational degrees, as well as training (e.g. boot camps) and any personal development courses you’ve taken.

First things first, here’s how you’d go about the formatting part:

  • Create a header called “Education”
  • Add your latest degree right on top. Then, include older degrees underneath.
  • If you have a B.A. or an M.A., you can skip your high school degree altogether.
  • You can skip mentioning a GPA. These days, no one cares about your grades.

Here’s how the end result would look like:

B.A. in Communications Boston University 08/2016 - 05/2020

Now, if you don’t have the relevant experience needed for the role you’re applying for, you can use your education section to show off your knowledge or skills.

You can do this by including:

  • Any honors you might have earned.
  • Exact courses you’ve attended.
  • Any other way you’ve excelled during your education.

#6. Include In-Demand Skills (For the Industry You’re Applying for)

Another must-have of a military to civilian resume is the skills section.

This is where you list out all of your hard and soft skills and (optionally) grade them by knowledge level.

The key here, though, is not to simply list out random skills like:

  • Critical Thinking
  • Microsoft Word

Rather, you want to include the skills relevant to the role . 

E.g. applying for a role in accounting? You should probably mention payroll tax accounting, cost reduction strategies, budgeting and forecasting , and so on.

You wouldn’t want to mention your Adobe Illustrator skills, for example (even if you’re an expert at it).

So, how can you know which skills are essential to your resume, and which ones aren’t?

The best way to understand this is to read the job ad you’re applying for. More often than not, they include an exact list of skills required for the role, and all you have to do is mention them in your resume (as long as you possess the said skills, of course).

#7. Take Advantage of the Optional Resume Sections

If you still have some space on your military veteran resume, you can take advantage of some optional resume sections.

While these sections won’t land you the job on their own, they can definitely help you stand out from other applicants seeking the same role.

Some optional sections you can include are:

  • Projects. Any type of personal project you’ve worked on. This can be a local business you started, a side-gig, freelance work, and so on.
  • Certifications. Any type of certification you might possess. If you don’t have the experience for the role you’re applying for, certifications can help show the recruiter that what you do have is the right skill-set.
  • Volunteering Experience. If you’ve volunteered in the past, you should definitely include it in your resume. Employers love candidates who love to help others (even if there’s no monetary incentive for it).
  • Hobbies & Interests. Including hobbies or interests in your resume helps the recruiter see more of your personal side. While your hobbies won’t land you the job, they might help you build rapport with the interviewer.

#8. Make Sure Your Military to Civilian Cover Letter is as Impressive as Your Resume.

At this point, your military veteran resume should be quite compelling…

But you’re not done just yet!

To have both a complete and compelling job application, you need to pair your resume with a cover letter that’s just as good.

Here are our top tips on how to write a quality cover letter :

  • Start the cover letter by addressing the hiring manager directly. Sure, you could go with the default “Dear Sir or Madam,” but mentioning the hiring manager’s name shows that you’ve done your research and really care about working at the company.
  • In your introduction, mention the most important parts of your background. E.g. years of experience, key achievements, top skills, and why you’re applying for the job in question.
  • In the body section of your cover letter, expand on whatever you mentioned in the introduction. This is where you can also explain how the experiences mentioned in your resume make you a good candidate for the role.
  • Conclude the cover letter with a call to action . E.g. “Looking forward to hearing more from you!” or “I’d love to discuss how I can help Company X as a Support Specialist over a call or an interview.”

Want to learn more? Check out our step-by-step guide on how to write a cover letter .

Essential Job-Search Resources for Veterans

There are a lot of free job-search resources for veterans on the internet - everything from dedicated job boards to free tools, programs, and more.

Here’s a comprehensive list of some of the very best resources:

Veteran Job-Search Resources

  • Job board that helps you find federal organizations that prioritize hiring veterans over other candidates.
  • Lots of quality resources to help you transition into civilian life.
  • If you’re not sure what kind of career you want to focus on, you can use this website to discover different occupations and learn what they’re about.
  • Website for finding veteran job fairs in your area.
  • Free career consulting and job search help for veterans.
  • American Corporate Partners matches you with a free, year-long mentor to help you build your career.
  • For group discussions for veterans on resumes and gaining employment after service. (Veterans only/ screened and weeded out by questions and profile)
  • For discussing Skill Bridge opportunities and military transitions. Skill bridge is a military program for giving veterans an opportunity to learn and work at civilian companies for 6 months before leaving the military.
  • LinkedIn offers its Premium program to veterans for free for a year. You can use the platform to learn new skills, kick-start your career, as well as find and apply for jobs.
  • A website dedicated to helping veterans transition into a civilian lifestyle. You can use it to find jobs, discover career events, attend job fairs, and more.
  • Job board for US federal jobs. While it’s not specifically made for veterans, the US government prioritizes hiring veterans over other candidates.
  • Job board for veteran-friendly roles and companies.
  • Job board for roles in the private security industry.
  • Another veteran-only job board.

Key Takeaways

And that’s all you need to know to create a strong military veteran resume!

Before you go, though, let’s do a quick recap of the key learning points we just covered:

  • For a military to civilian resume, use a functional resume format to show off your skills instead of work history.
  • Use a “Key Strengths” section to explain how your military experience distills into valuable skills for a civilian role.
  • Don’t include every skill under the sun on your resume. Instead, pick the ones relevant for the role you’re applying for.
  • Take advantage of the optional resume sections to show the recruiter that you’re an individual and not just a resume.
  • Finally, make sure that your cover letter is just as impressive as your resume by following the tips we mentioned above.

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How to List Military Experience on a Resume

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What is military experience?

How to list military experience on your resume, examples for listing military experience on your resume.

Transitioning into a civilian career may take some time for former military personnel. It is best to choose a specific career path before you begin updating your resume for your job search. Each military job has different experiences and it is important to identify the military experience that is applicable to jobs you are interested in. In this article, you can learn what military experience is, how to list military experience on your resume and review some examples that show how you can list your military experience on your resume.

Military experience consists of any relevant job experience obtained while enlisted in a branch of military service. This may include any skills, achievements, duties, discipline or other experiences an individual has gained during active service in the military. 

Here are a few steps you may follow to list military experience on your resume:

1. First, create a separate section called ‘Military experience’

It is important to list your military work experience separately from your other work experience. The goal is to create a resume that is easy for employers to read and understand. Under the main section title, you can then choose to organize your work experience with sub-sections under your job title, listed in reverse chronological order. Your most recent position in the military should be listed first and your oldest position should be at the bottom. 

If you do not have other work experience, then you may simply include your military experience under a ‘Relevant experience’ section. 

2. Second, use simple and easy-to-understand language

Your military experience should be listed in a way that is easy for recruiters to comprehend. Military terminology and codes that are used to describe a job title or experience should be avoided in your resume since many civilian recruiters and employers likely won’t understand what they mean. You may use your military job title instead of your military occupational specialty. For example, instead of listing your job position as a commissioned officer, you can list it as a supervisor. There are many websites you can search for that will offer a civilian translation of your military job title if you are unable to figure out the correct translation. 

3. Third, list experience with bullet points

The best way to list your military experience is by using bullet points and by keeping each line short while maintaining an accurate description of the duties you performed. When you list your experience, it is also important to extract keywords from job descriptions. For example, if the job you are applying for wants to hire someone who has experience with bookkeeping or budgeting, then you should add those exact keywords to your relevant experience if they are applicable.

It is also important to avoid using detailed experiences from active combat or deployment in your resume. You will need to consider how to word your experience with combat operations in a way that is relevant to the jobs you are interested in applying for. For example, you may include missions you assisted with if it includes relevant leadership skills or conflict resolution. 

4. Fourth, focus on leadership experience

Leadership experience is valuable in a wide range of jobs and occupations. The best way to convey leadership experience is to include action words in civilian terms. For example, you can state that you ‘provided strategic advice to meet team operational goals resulting in standards being met.’ Listing leadership experience this way will make hiring managers aware that your leadership experience can extend beyond military exercises and battle plans. 

5. Fifth, highlight your accomplishments

It is important to highlight small and large accomplishments in your resume. This may include things such as successfully decreasing the number of unexpected repairs on a submarine, aircraft or another mechanical system in the military; or achievements, honors and awards that you received during active duty. It’s important to spotlight your accomplishments to emphasize your strengths and expertise. Employers will likely notice and be impressed with your dedication. This will give them a more accurate idea of your work ethic and your ability to produce results. 

Here are some examples of how you can list military experience on your resume:


Distributions Supervisor – U.S. Marine Corps                                                                           

2009 – 2012

  • Developed an effective routing and transportation system with five team members to safely transport $30 million dollars worth of supplies 
  • Monitored all transportation operations, ensuring quality control and all distribution methods met regulatory requirements
  • Managed routing, dispatching, shipping and tracking of equipment to certify safe and effective delivery
  • Trained new personnel on all operations and distributions systems

Information Technology Specialist Supervisor – U.S. Army                                                    

2007 – 2009

  • Supervised a team of 15 Information Technology Specialists 
  • Developed complex computer programming 
  • Analyzed computer systems to identify issues and initiated resolutions
  • Performed security checks and routine maintenance on computer systems


  • High honors achievement medal, Information Security Systems, Fort Carson (2008)

Operations Officer – U.S. Navy                                                                                  

2015 – 2019    

  • Set short-term and long-term objectives for strategic maneuvers to achieve cross-departmental goals
  • Conducted meetings to communicate operational expectations and goals
  • Evaluated information and advised teams based on careful analysis of operational information 

When including military experience on your resume, it may be helpful to think about the wording you use to describe your experience in a way that makes sense to civilian recruiters. You should demonstrate your experience, accomplishments and skills in a way that translates your hard-work and your ability to adapt to civilian employment.

  • • Led a team of 8 in deploying cutting-edge network security solutions for large corporate clients, increasing overall security compliance by 25%
  • • Implemented a strategic data recovery plan for high-risk clients, effectively reducing data loss incidents by 40% annually
  • • Facilitated the migration of 500+ workstations to a cloud-based platform ahead of schedule, enhancing operational efficiency
  • • Developed a custom automation script that streamlined system updates for clients, saving an average of 15 hours of manual work per project
  • • Negotiated with vendors for better pricing on enterprise software, resulting in a cost saving of $20,000 per annum
  • • Conducted regular IT audits, identifying and addressing potential vulnerabilities, leading to the prevention of potential data breaches
  • • Oversaw the successful integration of a new ERP system across the company, improving data management and resource planning
  • • Initiated a company-wide cybersecurity training program, enhancing staff awareness of best practices in digital security
  • • Coordinated the upgrade of network infrastructure which supported a 50% increase in company data traffic
  • • Authored a monthly IT performance report highlighting key tech stats, leading to better informed strategic decisions
  • • Managed a cross-functional project team resulting in the timely resolution of critical IT incidents, reducing downtime by 30%
  • • Maintained a 99.9% network uptime by monitoring and optimizing network performance across the organization
  • • Implemented robust network security policies which decreased vulnerability to attacks by 20%
  • • Assisted in the rollout of a new VoIP communication system, which reduced company telecommunication costs by 15%
  • • Provided technical support and training for staff, significantly improving company-wide tech literacy rates

5 Military Resume Examples & Guide for 2024

When crafting your military resume, it's crucial to highlight your leadership experience. Demonstrate the scale and impact of the teams or projects you have led. Showcase your ability to adapt and overcome challenging situations. Your resume should reflect your problem-solving skills and resilience.

All resume examples in this guide

resume example military experience


resume example military experience

Resume Guide

Resume Format Tips

Resume Experience

Skills on Resume

Education & Certifications

Resume Summary Tips

Additional Resume Sections

Key Takeaways

Military resume example

One challenge you may encounter as a military veteran is effectively translating your military experience into civilian terms that resonate with potential employers. Our comprehensive guide can provide you with tailored strategies and examples to bridge this gap, aligning your unique skills with the needs of the civilian job market.

  • Get inspired from our military resume samples with industry-leading skills, certifications, and more.
  • Show how you can impact the organization with your resume summary and experience.
  • Introducing your unique military expertise with a focus on tangible results and achievements.

If the military resume isn't the right one for you, take a look at other related guides we have:

  • Federal Resume Example
  • Regulatory Affairs Resume Example
  • Policy Analyst Resume Example
  • Canvasser Resume Example
  • Grant Writer Resume Example
  • Government Resume Example

Enhancing your military resume: format and layout tips

Four popular formatting rules (and an additional tip) are here to optimize your military resume:

  • Listing experience in reverse chronological order - start with your most recent job experiences. This layout helps recruiters see your career progression and emphasizes your most relevant roles.
  • Including contact details in the header - make sure your contact information is easily accessible at the top of your resume. In the header, you might also include a professional photo.
  • Aligning your expertise with the job requirements - this involves adding essential sections such as experience, skills, and education that match the job you're applying for.
  • Curating your expertise on a single page - if your experience spans over a decade, a two-page resume is also acceptable.

Bonus tip: Ensure your military resume is in PDF format when submitting. This format maintains the integrity of images, icons, and layout, making your resume easier to share.

Finally, concerning your resume format and the Applicant Tracker System (ATS):

  • Use simple yet modern fonts like Rubik, Lato, Montserrat, etc.
  • All serif and sans-serif fonts are friendly to ATS systems. Avoid script fonts that look like handwriting, however.
  • Fonts such as Ariel and Times New Roman are suitable, though commonly used.
  • Both single and double-column resumes can perform well with the ATS.

Upload & Check Your Resume

Drop your resume here or choose a file . PDF & DOCX only. Max 2MB file size.

Always remember that your military certifications can be quantified across different resume sections, like your experience, summary, or objective. For example, you could include concise details within the expertise bullets of how the specific certificate has improved your on-the-job performance.

Traditional sections, appreciated by recruiters, for your military resume:

  • Clear and concise header with relevant links and contact details
  • Summary or objective with precise snapshot of our career highlights and why you're a suitable candidate for the military role
  • Experience that goes into the nuts and bolts of your professional qualifications and success
  • Skills section(-s) for more in-depth talent-alignment between job keywords and your own profile
  • Education and certifications sections to further show your commitment for growth in the specific niche

What recruiters want to see on your resume:

  • Proven leadership experience and ability to lead teams in high-pressure situations
  • Demonstrated excellence in tactical planning, strategy development, and mission execution
  • Expertise in handling sensitive information with the utmost discretion and adherence to security protocols
  • Strong understanding of military protocols, chain of command, and experience working within a military structure
  • Physical fitness and the capacity to meet the rigorous demands of military operations

Essential tips for crafting your military resume experience section

The experience section is indeed the core of your military resume . It's where you present your past and current job roles. But how should you approach this crucial part?

A common error is treating the experience section as merely a list of job duties. Many candidates fall into the trap of detailing what they did without illustrating the impact of their actions.

To effectively write your military resume experience section, consider these guidelines:

  • Emphasize your achievements, supported by concrete metrics such as percentages, revenue increases, or customer satisfaction rates;
  • Avoid using generic buzzwords like communication, hard work, or leadership. Instead, demonstrate how these skills added value in your previous roles;
  • Begin each bullet point with a strong action verb, followed by a skill, and then the result of your actions;
  • Tailor your resume for each job application by selecting the most relevant experiences, responsibilities, and successes.

We have an array of resume examples that illustrate how to optimally curate your military resume experience section.

  • Directed a team of 12 in executing strategic patrol operations resulting in a 30% reduction in security incidents within our area of responsibility.
  • Implemented an advanced technology update for communication systems, resulting in enhanced coordination and a 40% decrease in equipment failure rate.
  • Designed and supervised rigorous training programs for new recruits, improving overall unit readiness and performance metrics by 25%.
  • Conducted over 150 reconnaissance and surveillance missions, providing critical intelligence that informed the strategic decisions of high-level commanders.
  • Oversaw the integration of unmanned aerial systems into the unit’s operations, which improved the surveillance coverage by 50% and reduced risk to personnel.
  • Managed a budget of $2 million for equipment procurement and maintenance, ensuring optimal resource allocation and zero over-expenditure.
  • Led an armored vehicle crew through 100+ successful missions with a keen focus on safety procedures and threat assessment, minimizing risks during high-tension scenarios.
  • Mentored and evaluated 20+ personnel, developing goal-oriented training plans that enhanced their tactical skills and operational performance.
  • Organized cross-functional training with allied military units, which resulted in improved collaboration and mission success rates for multinational operations.
  • Efficiently processed and analyzed over 500 intelligence reports, creating actionable strategies that preemptively neutralized threats and safeguarded troops.
  • Developed a comprehensive intelligence-sharing network with regional partners that bolstered collective security efforts and reduced intelligence gaps by 40%.
  • Spearheaded the modernization of the unit's intelligence database systems, which shortened report processing time by 20% and improved data reliability.
  • Orchestrated the logistics for deploying 400 personnel and equipment to overseas locations, ensuring 100% accountability and zero loss of assets.
  • Served as a primary advisor for sustainment operations, optimizing supply chain management and reducing logistical costs by 15% without compromising operational readiness.
  • Coordinated with multiple service branches to support joint exercises, achieving seamless integration of logistical support across diverse military units.
  • Piloted multiple aircraft models in a variety of weather conditions, accumulating over 1000 flight hours and maintaining an impeccable safety record.
  • Developed and executed air support plans that provided critical cover for ground operations, enhancing the offensive capabilities of the unit in hostile environments.
  • Trained 30+ new pilots, emphasizing aerial combat techniques and effective mission planning, which resulted in these pilots exceeding the squadron's average readiness scores.
  • Deployed as part of an elite Special Operations unit, contributing to high-risk missions that disrupted enemy supply chains and reduced hostile activities by 60%.
  • Initiated a comprehensive cyber-security protocol for the unit, vastly improving the security of communication channels and sensitive data.
  • Led a joint humanitarian operation that provided medical and disaster relief assistance to over 10,000 affected civilians, earning a commendation for outstanding service and leadership.
  • Supervised the operation and maintenance of complex radar and electronic warfare systems, ensuring peak performance during critical surveillance operations.
  • Led an initiative to train personnel in advanced signal processing techniques, which improved detection capabilities and reduced false alarm rates by 20%.
  • Collaborated with engineering teams to upgrade electronic defense infrastructure, greatly enhancing the operational lifespan and effectiveness of the systems.

Quantifying impact on your resume

  • Quantify your leadership experience by stating the number of personnel you've managed or trained.
  • Highlight the size of the budget you were responsible for to demonstrate financial acumen.
  • Mention the number of missions or operations you've planned and executed to indicate organizational skills.
  • Specify the percentage of efficiency improvement or cost reduction you achieved in your role.
  • Detail the number of countries or regions you operated in to show your adaptability.
  • Include the quantities of equipment or assets you were accountable for to showcase responsibility.
  • State the number of reports or briefings you've produced to underline your communication skills.
  • List the measurable improvements in performance indicators under your command or guidance.

Action verbs for your military resume

Target Illustration

No relevant experience - what to feature instead

Suppose you're new to the job market or considering a switch in industry or niche. In such cases, it's common to have limited standard professional experience . However, this isn't a cause for concern. You can still craft an impressive military resume by emphasizing other sections, showing why you're a great fit for the role:

  • Emphasize your educational background and extracurricular activities to demonstrate your industry knowledge;
  • Replace the typical experience section with internships or temporary jobs where you've gained relevant skills and expertise;
  • Highlight your unique skill set, encompassing both technological and personal abilities;
  • Showcase transferable skills acquired throughout your life and work experiences so far.

Recommended reads:

  • How To List Certifications On A Resume (Examples Included)
  • How to List Expected Graduation Date on Your Resume

If you failed to obtain one of the certificates, as listed in the requirements, but decide to include it on your resume, make sure to include a note somewhere that you have the "relevant training, but are planning to re-take the exams". Support this statement with the actual date you're planning to be re-examined. Always be honest on your resume.

Featuring your hard skills and soft skills on your military resume

The skills section of your military resume needs to your various capabilities that align with the job requirements. List hard skills (or technical skills) to showcase to potential employers that you're perfectly apt at dealing with technological innovations and niche software. Meanwhile, your soft skills need to detail how you'd thrive within your new, potential environment with personal skills (e.g. resilience, negotiation, organization, etc.) Your military resume skills section needs to include both types of skills to promote how you're both technical and cultural fit. Here's how to create your bespoke military skills section to help you stand out:

  • Focus on skill requirements that are listed toward the top of the job advert.
  • Include niche skills that you've worked hard to obtain.
  • Select specific soft skills that match the company (or the department) culture.
  • Cover some of the basic job requirements by including important skills for the military role - ones you haven't been able to list through the rest of your resume.

Get inspired with our military sample skill list to list some of the most prominent hard and soft skills across the field.

Top skills for your military resume:

Weapons Handling

Tactical Planning

Physical Fitness

Maintenance and Repair

Communication Systems

Survival Training

Logistics Management

Intelligence Analysis



Stress Management

Decision Making

Strong Work Ethic

Effective Communication

Situational Awareness

The more time and effort you've put into obtaining the relevant certificate, the closer to the top it should be listed. This is especially important for more senior roles and if the company you're applying for is more forward-facing.

What are the best certificates to add to your military resume + how to curate your education section

The education and certification resume sections are the underdogs of your military resume.

They showcase to recruiters that you've invested plenty of time to gain valuable and specific know-how, vital for growth.

As far as the resume education section is concerned:

  • Detail only advanced education, specifying the institution and timeframe.
  • Indicate your forthcoming graduation date if you're in the midst of your studies.
  • Consider omitting degrees that don't align with the job's requirements.
  • Offer a description of your academic journey if it underscores your notable achievements.

When curating your degrees and certificates on your military resume:

  • Select only accreditation that matters to the role
  • Niche knowledge that could help you stand out as a candidate (as is within the past few years), should be listed towards the top of your resume
  • Include any pertinent data for credibility (e.g. institute name, graduation dates, etc.)
  • Irrelevant degrees and certifications shouldn't make it on your resume. Those include your high school diploma and any specializations that have nothing to do with the technical or soft skills that are required for the job

As a final note, if you feel tempted to exclude your education or certification from your resume, don't.

These two sections could help you have a better competitive edge over other candidates - hinting that your professional journey in the industry may be for a longer period of time.

Recruiters find all of these military credentials impressive:

The top 5 certifications for your military resume:

  • Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) - (ISC)²
  • Project Management Professional (PMP) - Project Management Institute (PMI)
  • Certified Protection Professional (CPP) - ASIS International
  • Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT) Civil Engineer Certifications - U.S. Air Force
  • Defense Acquisition University (DAU) Certifications - U.S. Department of Defense

Highlight any significant extracurricular activities that demonstrate valuable skills or leadership.

  • Perfecting the Education Section on Your Resume

Professional summary or objective for your military resume

military candidates sometimes get confused between the difference of a resume summary and a resume objective.

Which one should you be using?

Remember that the:

  • Resume objective has more to do with your dreams and goals for your career. Within it, you have the opportunity to showcase to recruiters why your application is an important one and, at the same time, help them imagine what your impact on the role, team, and company would be.
  • Resume summary should recount key achievements, tailored for the role, through your career. Allowing recruiters to quickly scan and understand the breadth of your military expertise.

The resume objectives are always an excellent choice for candidates starting off their career, while the resume summary is more fitting for experienced candidates.

No matter if you chose a summary or objective, get some extra inspiration from real-world professional military resumes:

Resume summaries for a military job

  • Decorated U.S. Army Captain with over 12 years of experience leading high-stakes operations in challenging environments. Expert in strategic planning and cross-functional team leadership. Notable career achievement includes orchestrating the evacuation of a besieged embassy, ensuring zero casualties under volatile conditions.
  • Seasoned Marine Corps Officer with 15 years of proven experience in logistical coordination, personnel management, and process improvement. Spearheaded the development of critical supply chain streamlined strategies, cutting operational costs by 25% without compromising mission-critical capabilities.
  • Highly skilled cybersecurity professional eager to apply a decade of experience in IT infrastructure protection to safeguard national security interests. Advanced proficiency in network defense strategies, with a significant triumph in detecting and mitigating a complex, multi-vector cyber-attack against government systems.
  • Driven financial analyst, transitioning from a successful 8-year tenure with major Wall Street firms to bolster fiscal efficiency within defense budgeting. Exceptional track record in portfolio management and predictive analytics, resulting in a 20% reduction in risk exposure for multimillion-dollar investment accounts.
  • Aspiring to utilize my leadership skills and unwavering commitment to national service, cultivated through 4 years as Student Government President and extensive volunteer work, to embolden team dynamics and drive mission success in a challenging military environment.
  • With a passion for technology and a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, my objective is to leverage my software development skills, in-depth understanding of machine learning, and collaborative spirit to contribute to the cutting-edge advancements in military defense systems.

Taking your military resume to the next level with these four additional resume sections

Your military resume can feature a variety of skills (both hard and soft) in diverse sections . Choose those that align best with the job requirements and reflect your suitability for the company culture.

Consider these four additional resume sections recommended by our experts:

  • Languages - State any languages you are proficient in and your level of proficiency. This demonstrates your commitment to communication and potential for international growth.
  • Projects - Highlight up to three significant projects you've completed outside of work, showcasing skill development. Include a link to your project portfolio in the military resume header, if applicable.
  • My Time - How you allocate your time outside work can indicate your organizational skills and cultural fit within the company.
  • Volunteering - Detail causes you're passionate about, roles you've held, and achievements in volunteering. Such experiences likely have honed a range of soft skills crucial for your dream job.

Key takeaways

  • The logic of your resume presentation should follow your career highlights and alignment with the role;
  • Curate information within different sections (e.g. summary, experience, etc.) that helps highlight your strengths;
  • Exclude from your resume irrelevant experience items - that way you'd ensure it stays no longer than two pages and is easy to read;
  • Dedicate space within the summary, experience, and/or achievements to highlight precisely why you're the best candidate for the role via your previous success;
  • Both your technical and people capabilities should also play a crucial role in building up your military application. Prove your skill set in various resume sections.

military resume example

Looking to build your own Military resume?

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How To Add Military Experience To A Resume (With Examples)

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Find a Job You Really Want In

After getting out of the military , it can be difficult to get a job because there is often a gap in your resume for the time you serve. You may be wondering how it’s possible to get a job with only your military experience under your belt. Believe it or not, you can put your military experience on your resume to help you get a job after you get back from your service.

If you just got out of the military, we’ll go over how to put military experience on a resume, provide an example resume with military experience, as well as how to use the military experience as an advantage to help you get your next job.

Key Takeaways:

Military experience on resume can be added to the sections:

Summary statement

Work experience

Awards or achievements

Skills and certifications

Have a non-military friend look over your resume because they can identify confusing aspects that someone with a military background might take for granted.

Avoid using military-specific jargon when discussing military status in cv because it can confuse anyone who is not in the military.

How To Add Military Experience To A Resume (With Examples)

How to add military experience to a resume

Example of resume with military experience, what do employers like to see in applicants with military experience, tips for adding military experience to your resume, military skills to include on your resume, how to use military experience to your advantage during your interview, military experience on resume faq, final thoughts.

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When adding military experience to your resume, you should include it in your resume summary statement or include it in your work experience section. Here are more ways to how to list military service on resume:

Include it in your resume summary statement. If your military experience is fairly recent, it’s a good idea to include it in your resume summary statement . Recruiters and hiring managers often read this part first to gain a quick understanding of who you are and what you’re all about.

In about four sentences, talk about your military background in the context of the job you’re applying for. Focus on the key skills and qualities that your military experience instilled in you and how those prepared you for a career in your chosen civilian field.

Include it in your work experience section. You had a job in the military and, just like any other job, it should be included in your professional history . Name your position, the dates you were in that position, and add a few bullet points of your most impressive responsibilities and accomplishments.

Read the job description carefully and mirror the keywords you find there. Whenever you can apply a keyword to your military experience naturally, do so.

Clearly separate your former civilian and military roles. For both categories, though, quantify achievements when you can; numbers help recruiters and hiring managers understand the tangible impact you made.

Include it in your achievements or awards section. If you received any military honors during your service, definitely include those on your resume.

While you can put them in your work experience in a bullet point, you can make them stand out more in their own accomplishments section . Medals, awards, or any other honors you received are fair game.

Include it in your skills and certifications sections. The military likely certified you to perform certain tasks, and those certifications might carry a lot of weight depending on your industry.

Language skills , certifications for machinery or processes, and other technical skills that transfer to the job you’re applying for can all be impressive.

John Peterson Fort Campbell North, KY 24698 | 555-555-5555 | SUMMARY Proven leader with 8 years of experience training, supervising, and leading over 200 personnel. Expert operations manager with a track record of lower costs, higher efficiency, and optimizing workflows and processes. Managed over $1M in hardware, reduced overhead by 14%, and reduced safety incidents by 21%. WORK EXPERIENCE United States Army Staff Sergeant | 03/2016-01/2021 Managed distribution and registration of military shipments valued at over $1M, including updates and agent communication Trained 100+ US Army soldiers in 15 training rotations in combat environments in Iraq and Afghanistan, including maintaining electronic aerial surveillance Accessed Joint Personnel Adjudication System (JPAS) with authority to initiate and update security clearances Developed and led the risk management committee overseeing over 2,000 service members in hostile environments Sergeant | 01/2013-03/2016 Assisted in 18 security operations and planned interagency, intergovernmental, and multinational counter-terrorism objectives Managed a fire team of 6 soldiers, overseeing daily responsibilities, tracking performance, and awarding commendations Trained a total of 75+ army personnel and achieved a 98% pass rate for recruits Home Depot Warehouse Manager | 08/2011-12/2013 Onboarded, trained, and supervised the warehouse with 15-20 employees Reduced accident rate by 13% in first 3 months; received a safety award in August 2012 Oversaw reception and stocking of over 200 packages with a weight of over 2 tons daily AWARDS AND CERTIFICATIONS Completed Hazmat and CLS Training Awarded National Defense Service Medal, Army Service Ribbon, and Army Achievement Medal Honorable Discharge — January 2021 Microsoft Certified Professional EDUCATION Bachelor’s Degree in Chemistry | 07/2011 University of Florida, Gainesville, FL GPA 3.7 SKILLS Process Improvement Proficient with Microsoft Office and Google Suite Inventory Management Safety Protocols Risk Management Training, Supervising, and Mentoring Operations Optimization

More than anything, someone with military experience understands how a chain of command works and knows how to follow through with pretty much any set of marching orders they’re given. Military experience can bring desirable qualities that employers are looking for such as:

Strong work ethic


The ability to work with a team

Even if serving in the military came with no additional experience or other benefits , this would still be massively valuable to employers.

And people who have spent years in the military don’t always know the best way to describe the things that they’re capable of doing in less military-specific terms.

When adding military experience to your resume you should avoid using any military-specific jargon and include keywords from the job description to match your skills and qualifications. Here are some more tips to keep in mind when adding military experience to your resume.

Avoid acronyms and military-specific jargon. This might seem like a no-brainer, but it can be tough to remember which terms you’re familiar with because you’re a human who’s been alive as long as you have, and which ones you only know because of your service. Take care to exclude the latter ones where possible.

Leave out irrelevant certifications. If you trained as an electrical engineer while you were in the service, that’s probably a good thing to bring up. Weapons training is probably not quite as relevant .

List it the same way that you would any other work experience. Even if the truth is a bit more complicated, anyone reading your resume should be able to understand the short version of your experience at a glance. Stick to a few short bullet points, and make sure to list dates.

Describe non-obvious items from your resume. Lastly, make sure that any training or certifications you have that aren’t totally self-explanatory gets at least a cursory description — and remember that you might have a different perspective of what is or isn’t self-explanatory.

Proofread. It’s important to take the extra couple of minutes and look at your resume again. This helps find any spelling errors or grammar mistakes that could come off as unprofessional. Have someone else take a look at your resume to see if they can catch something you might have missed.

Use keywords. This is a great way to employers that you are a good fit for the position. Reread the job description and pick out any keywords that they have included that match your skills or qualifications.

Get a second opinion. Now that you’ve included your military experience throughout your resume, have a civilian give your resume a look. They can identify confusing aspects that someone with a military background might take for granted.

When you’re in the military, you can learn valuable soft and hard skills that will help you when applying for jobs when you’re no longer serving. Here are some transferable skills that you may have gained in the military that are useful in civilian careers:

Communication. When you’re in the military, communication is essential. You have to communicate with your team members and supervisors to complete objectives and missions. Those skills will be useful in almost any civilian job. Communication is essential for any successful team and employers are looking for this skill on your resume.

Flexibility. Oftentimes when you’re in the military, you learn how to be flexible and adapt to new changes. You may have to adapt to a new location, team, or new job. This skill will help you in many civilian jobs to help you stay productive and successful. Flexibility will also help you work with coworkers who may have different opinions or work styles.

Problem-solving. Problem-solving is a skill that you can learn pretty quickly in the military because there may be times when you have limited resources and you have to find a way to complete the job with the limited resources. This skill is useful in civilian jobs and is a skill most employers are looking for.

Teamwork. Teamwork is an essential skill whether you’re working with your team in the military or your team in an office. Having teamwork skills allows you to achieve goals and meet deadlines and is a useful skill most employers are looking for.

Leadership. There are different levels of the hierarchy structure in the military and the military teaches excellent leadership and management skills no matter what level you are. Leadership skills allow you to branch out into management or supervisor positions and is a skill employers are looking for on resumes.

When you are in an interview, you should keep the conversation on the topic if an employer asks too many questions regarding your military experience. Here are some other ways to use your military experience during the interview:

Keep the conversation on the topic. An employer might spend far too much time grilling you on your military experience, which can sometimes paint you in a light you’re not comfortable with. On the other hand, some civilian employers might be hesitant to bring up your military background out of nervousness.

In either case, a balance is necessary — make sure it gets brought up, but don’t let it take things over.

Keep things relevant. If you have a decade or more of military experience, remember that the rules are the same as with civilian job experience — talk about the most relevant thing first. It’s not super useful to talk about your early training if you’ve been in the Armed Forces for a dozen or so years.

Decline inappropriate questions. If the questions someone is asking regarding your service are inappropriate or too personal, don’t be afraid to shut them down. Your military experience is your own, and not for them to dissect — bring up what’s relevant, and make sure they respect your privacy about the rest.

What is considered military experience?

Military experience consists of any relevant job experience obtained while enlisted in a branch of the military. Your military experience could consist of your year in the military or if you served 20 years.

Is military service good on a resume?

Yes, your military service is good for your resume. Your military experience is good for your resume because there are many skills that you learn in the military that are useful for many civilian jobs. However, if the experience is not relevant to the job you are applying for, you can leave it off your resume.

Should I disclose my military service on my resume?

Yes, you should disclose your military service on your resume if you plan on using the experience for career progression. While you can leave the military affiliation section blank on your job application, not disclosing any affiliation could potentially result in legal employment termination if the military affiliation conflicts with employment requirements.

That’s all for this one! Just keep in mind: When talking about your experience, framing it as a story is the most important thing.

Regardless of whether you really “learned anything” in a big cosmic sense from your military experience, people are going to expect you to be able to codify the experience into some kind of employment-related fable.

That means becoming comfortable saying things like “Doing [this particular thing I did] in the military really taught me about [responsibility or respect or something like that].”

It’s possible you really feel that you have some sort of major, easily digestible takeaway from your experience — in which case, congratulations!

But life is messy, and often what an experience means to you can be tough to parse out.

So whatever you do, make sure you think about what your own service means to you beforehand, because — fair or not — people are going to expect you to have an answer on that count .

Military One Source – How to Write a Civilian Resume

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Ryan Morris was a writer for the Zippia Advice blog who tried to make the job process a little more entertaining for all those involved. He obtained his BA and Masters from Appalachian State University.

Don Pippin is an executive and HR leader for Fortune 50 and 500 companies and startups. In 2008, Don launched area|Talent with a focus on helping clients identify their brand. As a Certified Professional Resume Writer, Certified Digital Career Strategist, and Certified Personal Branding Strategist, Don guides clients through career transitions.

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5 Military Resume Examples Made for Success in 2024

Stephen Greet

Military Resume

  • Military Resumes by Experience
  • Military Resumes by Role
  • Write Your Military Resume

 Your multifaceted role in the military could cover anything from groundwork or combat to manufacturing or communications. With unmatched expertise, you anticipate challenges and avert conflicts proactively, making decisions under pressure with ease.

The skills you amass during your service—leadership, adaptability, and teamwork—are invaluable. Now the question is: how do you describe your courage and discipline when writing an effective cover letter or one-page resume ?

Not to worry—we’re here to help. With our military resume examples , you can transform your raw experience into a captivating application that will get you the attention and the interviews you deserve.

or download as PDF

Military resume example with 10 years of experience

Why this resume works

  • Therefore, you should mention in your military resume your contribution to decreased equipment downtimes to underline your input to team support.

Military Veteran  Resume

Military Veteran resume example with 11 years of experience

  • To make such an achievement count in your military veteran resume, highlight how much you helped reduce equipment downtime to sustain uninterrupted workflows.

Retired Military Resume

Retired Military resume example with 9 years of experience

  • Speaking of your experience, list your missions and other roles in reverse chronological order, with your most recent positions and more impactful achievements taking precedence. Finish off this outline with side columns highlighting your military coursework, skills, and certifications.

Military Police  Resume

Military police resume example with 8 years of experience

  • For instance, “Assisted in slashing response times” could be better put as “Instituted advanced emergency protocols using NEC NeoFace, slashing response times by 44%.”

Military to Civilian Resume

Military to civilian resume example with 10+ years of experience

  • It underscores your ability to communicate effectively and ensure that all objectives are met within set timelines; attributes that make you an easy pick for joining the civilian workforce.

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  • Operations Manager
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Create a Military Resume That Fits Your Dream Job

Job seeker stands with hands in air, questioning how to fill out job materials

Your military personnel resume should focus on showcasing skills vital to defense and strategic operations. Precision is paramount, so avoid vague terms like “team player.” If your role is technical, zero in on hard skills instead. 

Some of the things you could discuss include your proficiency in various weaponry, tactical strategies, and specialized equipment operation. You can also consider highlighting soft skills like leadership, communication, and crisis management. 

Ensure your skills resonate with the job’s requirements, whether it’s combat tactics or logistical coordination. Highlight the elevated level of discipline and stress management skills your service in the military has helped you develop, be it for another role within the military or a civilian job.

Looking for guidance?

15 best military skills

  • Tactical Strategy
  • Weapon Proficiency
  • Logistical Coordination
  • Military Comms 
  • Cybersecurity
  • Foreign Languages
  • Crisis Management 
  • Radio Operations
  • Risk Assessment
  • Joint Tactical Terminal
  • Blue Force Tracker

resume example military experience

Your military work experience bullet points

Between orchestrating strategic missions and leading successful teams, your military service showcases exceptional achievements. Rather than rehashing routine tasks, spotlight your impactful contributions. 

Your role directly influences the stability and security of operations, safeguarding national interests, and minimizing potential risks. While the nature of your experiences varies, harness this section to highlight your proudest moments, whether enhancing emergency response efficiency or mitigating adverse consequences. 

Make sure to back up your claims with quantifiable metrics to zero in on the magnitude of your successes. These could be anything from your budget optimization to the number of personnel you’ve trained—it all depends on your specific role and achievements. 

  • Demonstrate your leadership and strategic skills with mission success rates.
  • Showcase your ability to make quick decisions under pressure with metrics on your average response times.
  • Highlight your commitment to operational readiness by presenting the percentage decrease in equipment downtimes after implementing maintenance protocols.
  • Show off your adaptability by mentioning the varying shifts you’ve worked, deployments you’ve been sent on, and languages you’ve learned.

See what we mean?

  • Created a comprehensive training program for recruits, resulting in a 78% reduction in onboarding time
  • Conducted an employee satisfaction survey, resulting in an 88% satisfaction rate with internal communication efforts
  • Maintained an 91% incident resolution rate by handling a variety of security issues and ensuring the safety of personnel and facilities
  • Implemented a new internal communication system, which resulted in a 28% reduction in information gaps among employees

9 active verbs to start your military work experience bullet points

  • Coordinated
  • Implemented

3 Tips for Writing a Military Resume Without Much Experience

  • Emphasize the significance of every role you’ve undertaken, regardless of your experience level. You can include relevant skills and accomplishments from your military service, training, and related roles. For instance, if you’re transitioning to a civilian logistics position, highlight your experience coordinating complex missions and managing supplies.
  • Use your military projects to showcase your skills and flexibility. Mention specific initiatives or tasks you’ve executed during your service that align with the new position or civilian job you’re applying to. For example, discuss leading a team to establish a forward operating base, demonstrating your leadership and strategic planning abilities.
  • Utilize internships, relevant coursework, or hobbies to spotlight transferable skills. Highlight leadership, teamwork, adaptability, and technical proficiencies that align with the role. For example, when applying for a communications role, discuss your experience with working in large teams and communicating under stress.

3 Tips for Writing an Experienced Military Resume

  • If you have specialized military skills like leadership, logistics, or intelligence analysis, show them off. Next, tailor your accomplishments and metrics to align with the specific role you’re pursuing, highlighting your expertise and achievements in those areas.
  • Adding relevant metrics really makes your achievements stand out more. Highlight your mission success rates, operational efficiency improvements, and leadership impact. This is good if you’re transitioning away from the military; for instance, in a logistics role, you can discuss how you optimized supply chain processes, reducing turnaround time by 39%.
  • Include relevant military certifications that demonstrate your expertise and training. Whether it’s command certifications, technical training, or specialized courses, these credentials highlight your readiness for the civilian role or a promotion up the military ranks. 

While optional, a tailored career objective or summary can be valuable, especially if you’re switching to a whole new career. Emphasize your military experience and skills that align with the job, such as leadership, logistical coordination, or crisis management.

Make sure to use relevant keywords from the job description . Highlight your military accomplishments, skills, and specialized training that match the job requirements. ATS looks for keyword matches, so use terminology from both your military background and the civilian role you’re applying to.

Emphasize mission success rates, response times, equipment maintenance improvements, and any other quantifiable achievements. These metrics demonstrate your effectiveness in critical situations and your ability to impact operations positively.

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  • Career Blog

Military to Civilian Resume: Example, Template, and Pro Tips

resume example military experience

When transitioning from the military to the civilian workforce, one of the most critical documents you need is a well-crafted resume. A military to civilian resume allows you to showcase your unique skills, experience, and qualifications that make you a valuable asset to any employer.

Creating a military to civilian resume can be a challenging task, especially if you have spent several years in the military. With this in mind, this article aims to provide insight, guidance, and tips on how to write an effective military to civilian resume.

In this article, we will discuss the importance of a military to civilian resume and provide examples and templates to help you get started. We will also offer professional tips and advice to ensure your resume stands out in a competitive job market.

Whether you are a transitioning veteran or a military spouse seeking to enter the civilian workforce, this article is for you. Keep reading to learn how to translate your military experience into a compelling civilian resume.

Understanding the Transition

Transitioning from military to civilian life is a challenging experience that requires careful planning and preparation. Military personnel face unique challenges when they return to civilian life, such as finding new employment opportunities, adapting to a new work environment, and adjusting to civilian culture.

One of the most crucial aspects of transitioning to civilian life is crafting a well-designed resume. This document serves as a critical tool for military personnel in their job search process. It needs to showcase skills, education, and experience in the most attractive way possible.

However, military and civilian resumes differ considerably in their structure and content. Military resumes tend to be more detailed and include military-specific terminology that may not make sense to civilians. Hence, it’s vital to create a tailored resume that can help recruiters and hiring managers understand the transferable skills and experience one possesses.

Another challenge that military personnel face is understanding what non-military workplaces would look like. Employers in the private sector may have different expectations and work cultures. While military service is highly respected and valued, the language, rank structure, and acronyms used within it differ from non-military workplaces.

Therefore, it is essential to create a well-crafted resume that highlights transferable skills and soft skills. Retirees or recent military veterans must be aware of their unique value proposition and the qualities that they can bring to a prospective employer.

Transitioning from military to civilian life is a significant life-changing event that takes time and effort. For military personnel, crafting a well-designed resume is the key to securing a civilian job role. Knowing the unique challenges that they will face during this transition will better equip them to succeed in their job search. It is vital that military personnel understand the differences between a military and civilian resume to tailor it effectively based on the skills learned in their service.

Identifying Transferable Skills

Transferable skills are abilities and knowledge that can be applied in various scenarios, regardless of the industry, role or job function. They are typically acquired through previous work experience, education or life experiences. The majority of transferable skills are soft skills, such as communication, leadership, problem-solving, and time management but can also include hard skills, such as technical proficiency.

Identifying transferable skills is an essential step for those transitioning from military to civilian careers. To determine transferable skills, examine both the technical and soft skills that you employed in your previous role. Start by reflecting on your daily work routine, listing your duties and responsibilities, and identify the skills you utilized. Then explore how these skills could be applied in a new industry or position.

To identify your transferable skills, start by following these steps:

Evaluate your military experience: Focus on the skills you applied in your military role, and assess how they could potentially be applied outside the military sector.

Analyze job descriptions: Review job descriptions in civilian roles you are interested in and compare them to your current military job requirements. Identify any overlaps or similarities in skills.

Consider your achievements: Think about your accomplishments in your previous military role, what skills did you use to accomplish them, and how could you apply these skills in a new role?

Conduct informational interviews: Speak with individuals who work in the industry or role you are interested in, ask about their job duties, and what skills they feel are critical to their success.

Some examples of transferable skills include:

Leadership: Managing a team, supervising colleagues or coordinating projects.

Communication: Effectively conveying information, negotiating or managing conflicts.

Problem-Solving: Analyzing data, creating strategies, and making complex decisions.

Time Management: Prioritizing tasks, managing schedules, and meeting deadlines.

Interpersonal skills: Cooperating with colleagues, demonstrating empathy and active listening.

Technical proficiency: Programming, information technology, and other specialized skills.

Transferable skills are abilities that can apply to multiple industries, roles, or job functions. Identifying your transferable skills is a critical step in your military to civilian career transition. By evaluating your military, analyzing job descriptions, considering your accomplishments, and conducting informational interviews, you will develop a clear understanding of the transferable skills required to succeed in a new role. Ensure that you highlight your transferable skills in your resume, cover letter, and during interviews to increase your chances of a successful military to civilian career transition.

Military to Civilian Resume Example

If you’re a veteran looking to make a transition into the civilian workforce, crafting a compelling resume is one of the most important steps you can take. However, making the transition can be daunting, as the terminology and priorities in the military differ from those in the private sector. Below is a step-by-step guide to creating a military to civilian resume, along with tips on how to use military-friendly language and an example resume to inspire your own.

Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a Military to Civilian Resume

Translate your military experience: Start by translating your military experience into civilian terminology. Focus on your key job functions and accomplishments that demonstrate your leadership, discipline, and problem-solving skills.

Use simple language: Avoid using military jargon or acronyms that could be confusing to someone outside of the military. Instead, use simple, clear language that anyone can understand.

Highlight transferable skills: When listing your experience, be sure to highlight transferable skills that will be relevant to the civilian job you’re applying for. For example, if you have experience managing a team, that could translate to a civilian management position.

Quantify your achievements: Use data and numbers to quantify your achievements wherever possible. For example, if you were responsible for managing inventory, include information on how much inventory you managed and how you improved the process.

Tailor your resume: Tailor your resume to the job you’re applying for by emphasizing the skills and experience that are most relevant to the position. Use the job description as a guide to help you choose which skills to highlight.

Military-Friendly Language to Use in the Resume

  • Use action verbs that demonstrate leadership and initiative (e.g. managed, led, supervised, initiated, organized)
  • Mention relevant training and certifications, such as leadership training, security clearances, or technical certifications
  • Use terminology that is familiar to civilians (e.g. “team” instead of “squad,” “budget” instead of “funding allocation”)
  • Emphasize the results of your work and the impact you had on your team or organization

Example of a Military to Civilian Resume

Below is an example of a military to civilian resume that demonstrates the tips outlined above. This is just one possible format; be sure to tailor your resume to your specific experience and the job you’re applying for.

Name:  John Smith Contact Information:  (555) 555-5555 | johnsmith.

Military to Civilian Resume Template

When transitioning from military to civilian life, creating a resume that can effectively showcase your skills and experience can be challenging. That’s why we have created a comprehensive military to civilian resume template to guide you through the process.

Overview of the Template

Our military to civilian resume template is designed to highlight your accomplishments and transferable skills in a clear and concise manner. It is formatted to be easily scannable by hiring managers and ATS systems. The template includes the following sections:

  • Contact Information
  • Objective Statement
  • Summary of Qualifications
  • Professional Experience

Tips for Customizing the Template to Fit Individual Needs

While our military to civilian resume template is a great starting point, it’s important to customize the template to fit your individual needs. Here are a few tips for personalizing your resume:

  • Use keywords and phrases that are relevant to the job you’re applying for
  • Quantify your accomplishments whenever possible
  • Focus on the skills that are transferable to the civilian workforce
  • Use clear and concise language
  • Keep your resume to one or two pages

Section-by-Section Breakdown of the Template

This section includes your name, phone number, email address, and physical address. Make sure your contact information is up-to-date and professional. Avoid using nicknames or unprofessional email addresses.

Your objective statement should be tailored to the job you’re applying for. It should be a brief statement that highlights your qualifications and career goals.

This section is where you can showcase your skill set and achievements. Focus on transferable skills that are relevant to the job you’re applying for. Use bullet points to make this section easy to read.

In this section, you will list your work experience in reverse chronological order. Include the job title, company name, location, and dates of employment. This is also where you can showcase your accomplishments and how they relate to the job you’re applying for.

List any relevant education and training you have received. Include the school name, degree or certificate earned, and dates of attendance.

Use this section to highlight any additional skills you have that are relevant to the job you’re applying for. This can include language proficiency, technical skills, or certifications.

By following our military to civilian resume template and customizing it to fit your individual needs, you can create a strong resume that highlights your skills and experience. Don’t forget to have someone proofread your resume for errors and clarity before submitting it to potential employers.

Pro Tips for Military to Civilian Resumes

Transitioning from military service to a civilian job can be challenging. Military veterans, especially those who have spent many years in service, often have difficulty converting their military experience into civilian terms. One of the most important steps in this process is creating a military to civilian resume that highlights relevant experience and accomplishments. In this section, we will discuss three pro tips for creating a successful military to civilian resume.

Adding Accomplishments

When creating a resume, it’s important to highlight your accomplishments, not just your job duties. Accomplishments show what you’ve achieved in your roles and how you’ve impacted your organization. In the military, there are many accomplishments that are worth noting, such as awards, medals, and successful missions.

To translate these accomplishments into civilian terms, think about how these achievements benefited your team or organization. Did you save money? Did you improve efficiency? Did you lead a successful project? These are all accomplishments that will impress civilian employers, so be sure to include them on your resume.

Highlighting Leadership Skills

In the military, leadership skills are highly valued and often developed early on in a servicemember’s career. These skills, including the ability to motivate and guide a team, are highly transferable to civilian roles.

When listing your leadership skills on your resume, be sure to highlight specific examples. For instance, if you served as a team leader in a mission, discuss the leadership strategies you employed to ensure the success of your team. It’s also important to emphasize your ability to work well under pressure and make critical decisions in a timely manner.

Emphasizing Relevant Experience

One of the biggest challenges in creating a military to civilian resume is translating military experience into relevant civilian terms. However, it’s essential to highlight your relevant experience to show civilian employers that you have the skills they’re looking for.

To do this, review the job description carefully and highlight the skills and experience that the employer is seeking. Then, review your military experience and think about how it translates to that job description. Focus on key skills that match the job requirements and include them on your resume.

A successful military to civilian resume requires translating military experience in civilian terms, highlighting your accomplishments, highlighting your leadership skills, and emphasizing your relevant experience. By following these pro tips, you’ll be well on your way to creating a winning resume that highlights your unique skills and experience.

Writing Accomplishments

Before diving into how to write strong accomplishments for military personnel, it’s important to define what constitutes an accomplishment. Accomplishments are specific achievements or results that an individual has achieved within a particular role or job. They showcase an individual’s unique contributions, skills, and experience.

When writing accomplishments, it’s crucial to focus on tangible results rather than just listing responsibilities or tasks performed. Begin each accomplishment statement with an active verb and quantify the results whenever possible.

Below are some tips on how to write strong accomplishments:

  • Use specific numbers and percentages to illustrate the impact of your actions. This helps to demonstrate the scope and scale of your achievements.

Example: Increased unit efficiency by 25% through implementing new logistics procedures.

  • Highlight your individual contributions and leadership skills in team achievements.

Example: Led a team of 10 in successful completion of a high-priority project three weeks ahead of schedule.

  • Use action-oriented language to focus on your proactive and results-driven approach.

Example: Initiated and executed a cost-saving measure that resulted in a $50,000 reduction in annual expenditures.

Now, let’s take a look at some examples of accomplishments for military personnel:

Led a platoon of 30 soldiers in combat operations, resulting in zero casualties and successful completion of all mission objectives.

Developed and implemented a safety training program resulting in a decrease in workplace accidents by 50%.

Instrumental in the successful execution of a multinational joint training exercise, increasing overall readiness and strengthening partnerships with allied forces.

Writing strong accomplishments is an integral part of crafting a successful military to civilian resume. By focusing on specific results and using action-oriented language, individuals can effectively showcase their experience and skills to potential employers.

Relevance of Military Service

If you are someone who has served in the military and is now transitioning to civilian employment, then it is important to understand the relevance of military service on a civilian resume. Military service offers a unique set of skills that can be valuable in the civilian workforce. What’s more, it shows dedication, discipline, and a willingness to work hard.

To incorporate military service into your civilian resume, it is typically recommended to take a skills-based approach. This involves highlighting the skills and experiences gained from your military service, and demonstrating how they would be relevant to the position you are applying for. One approach is to use relevant military language and terminology that aligns with your new line of work.

Additionally, it is important to translate military-specific jargon into language that civilians can easily understand. This makes it easier for a hiring manager to clearly see the value of your military experience.

Here are some examples of how to incorporate military service into your resume:

Use relevant military language: For example, if you were trained in the use of weapons as part of your military service, you could use language such as “weapon systems training” or “small arms proficiency” on your resume.

Highlight your experience in leadership: Military service often involves leading teams of people, so it is important to highlight this experience on your resume. Describe specific instances where you took charge and made important decisions.

Show off your dedication and work ethic: Military service is characterized by a sense of duty and responsibility. Highlight your ability to work hard and get things done.

Demonstrate your adaptability: The military requires individuals to be able to adjust to new environments quickly. Highlight your adaptability by demonstrating how you have succeeded in different roles or assignments.

The relevance of military service on a civilian resume cannot be overstated. By taking a skills-based approach and highlighting the valuable experiences and training gained from military service, you can make yourself a strong candidate for a civilian position.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

As military personnel transition into civilian life and job search, one of the critical steps is creating a civilian resume. However, military servicemen and women often make common mistakes that can hurt their job search endeavors.

Here are some of the common pitfalls and how to avoid them:

Mistake 1: Using military lingo or jargon

One of the most significant mistakes military personnel make when creating a civilian resume is using military jargon and acronyms. Unless the civilian employer has a military background, they may not understand the military language, and it can be off-putting. It’s essential to translate military jargon into terms that the civilian employer can understand.

Mistake 2: Focusing on duties rather than accomplishments

Military personnel often list duties and tasks they performed rather than highlighting their significant accomplishments. It’s essential to show how your skills and experiences transfer to the civilian workforce. Quantify your achievements, and showcase how you contributed to the success of your unit or team.

Mistake 3: Too much information

Military personnel have a whole set of skills, training, and experiences that they have accumulated over the years. It’s tempting to include every piece of information in the resume. But the truth is, not every experience is relevant to the civilian job market. Focus on the skills and experiences that relate to the job you’re applying for.

Mistake 4: Lengthy resumes

A standard militarized resume can range from three to ten pages. However, civilian employers prefer shorter and more concise resumes. A two-page resume should be sufficient to showcase your skills and experience.

Mistake 5: Not tailoring the resume to the job

Job descriptions vary from company to company, and not tailoring your resume to the job can reduce your chances of getting an interview. Read the job description, identify the skills and experiences the employer is looking for, and match them with your qualifications.

To avoid these common mistakes, military personnel can seek assistance from career counselors, veterans support groups, and civilian mentors. These professionals can guide them on translating their military experiences into civilian language, highlighting their accomplishments, and tailoring their resumes to the job description. Creating a civilian resume is a crucial step in military-to-civilian transition, and avoiding these mistakes can increase your chances of landing a job.

Cover Letter Writing for Military to Civilian Resume

When transitioning from military life to civilian employment, having a well-written cover letter is essential to getting noticed by potential employers.

Importance of a Cover Letter

A cover letter serves as your introduction to the hiring manager and is your opportunity to showcase your qualifications and explain why you are the best fit for the job. A well-written cover letter can significantly increase your chances of getting an interview and landing the job.

Tips for Writing an Effective Cover Letter

Research the company – before you start writing your cover letter, take the time to research the company and the job you are applying for. This will help you tailor your cover letter to the specific needs of the employer.

Use the right format – your cover letter should follow a standard business letter format, with your contact information at the top, followed by the date, the employer’s contact information, the salutation, the body of the letter, and a closing.

Highlight your qualifications – focus on your most relevant qualifications and experiences that match the requirements of the job.

Keep it concise – your cover letter should be no more than one page and should quickly and succinctly explain why you are the best candidate.

Edit carefully – take the time to proofread and edit your cover letter for spelling and grammar errors before submitting it to the employer.

Example of a Cover Letter for a Military to Civilian Resume

Dear Hiring Manager,

As a former Army Sergeant with experience in logistics and supply chain management, I am excited to apply for the logistics coordinator position at XYZ Company. In my 8 years of military service, I honed my skills in organization, communication, and problem-solving, which I believe will make me an asset to your team.

During my time in the military, I was responsible for the successful management of a large-scale logistics operation, overseeing the distribution of critical supplies and equipment to multiple units across various locations. I am well-versed in the intricacies of coordinating complex and time-sensitive logistics operations, and I thrive under pressure.

In addition to my military experience, I have also completed a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration with a focus on supply chain management. My education, coupled with my military experience, has prepared me to hit the ground running in a civilian logistics role.

I am thrilled at the opportunity to bring my skills, experience, and work ethic to XYZ Company and am confident that I would be a valuable asset to your team. Thank you for considering my application.

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Your ambition to serve the country is attainable

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With an industry-relevant military resume.

Have you optimized your resume just yet?

If you haven't, don't panic. This blog has got you covered.

This blog holds the promise of elevating your military resume to the realms of industry perfection.

The 10+ military resume examples & military resume samples that we have embedded in this blog are designed to help you curate a resume that gets you shortlisted.

All you have to do is follow the guidelines in this blog and your perfect industry-relevant military resume is good to go.

Here’s a summary of our Military Resume Blog:

  • Use the month & year format to illustrate relevant dates in your army resume (enrolment & graduation dates, D.O.J, and D.O.L dates, etc).
  • Keep your email ID strictly professional. Avoid using childish email IDs as it attracts unwanted attention.
  • Don't use paragraphs to compose your military to civilian resume. Instead, use one-liner points to communicate your roles & responsibilities and begin each point with an action verb (Led, Directed, Consolidated, Optimized, etc).

That's not all.

In this blog, we have also gone the extra mile to help you illustrate your military experience on resume with perfection.

The military to civilian resume examples that comes with this blog will also give you a better idea of what each section of your resume should look like once you have inculcated the rules of resume writing to frame your resume.

By the end of this blog, you will be able to write a job-winning resume while simultaneously learning:

  • How to optimize each section of your military to civilian resume.
  • How to add military experience to a resume.
  • Whether to add military resume summary or military resume objective.
  • What your US army address for resume should look like and which details to include and not include.

. . . All so you can get the job that you want!

With this blog, you will transform into impeccable military resume writers and you will be able to write professional-looking military resumes in no time.

Optimize your shortlist chances by perfecting your military to civilian resume by making the most of the 10+ military resume examples that we have mentioned in this blog.

On the contrary, if you're looking for a quick solution to your problems, use Hiration's Online Resume Builder .

The military resume template that comes with it is designed for ATS compatibility. It also has pre-filled sections which will help you craft an impeccable resume in no time.

Moving on, here’s a list of all that you will learn in this blog:

What is a Military Resume & why do you need it?

A military resume or army resume is a resume for army professionals and aspiring citizens who want to join the US army.

It consists of important details regarding your educational and professional life.

To get shortlisted for the military job of your dreams, you need to optimize your resume by making it ATS-compatible.

So let's get started! There's a lot of learning left to do!

In the meanwhile, get your existing military to civilian resume professionally reviewed by Hiration’s Resume Review Service.

With us, your existing military to civilian resume will be reviewed based on the following parameters:

  • Resume Length
  • Resume Keywords
  • Core Section
  • Resume Name
  • Bullet points
  • Contact Information
  • ATS Compatibility

Does this seem exciting? If it does, keep an eye out on the bottom left corner of this page to get an in-depth review of your military to civilian resume within minutes!

Military Sample Resume

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Before we begin, here's a sample military resume showcasing the ideal army resume. We have made this using Hiration's Online Resume Builder .

  • Administered disciplinary actions in the team to cut incidents by 30% in a time span of 3 months
  • Rendered daily surveillance & security for headquarters and oversaw safety inspections & security checks
  • Negotiated with vendors to acquire food supplies & inventory for the army headquarter at a 15% subsidized rate
  • Oversaw the upkeep of army equipment and researched market trends to assess the need to procure new weapons
  • Coordinated with first-class sergeants to achieve 100% team goals before the stipulated deadline
  • Trained 5 new sergeants on individual and collective security tasks to bolster overall team performance
  • Mentored a team of 30 operations & security sergeants on the correct usage of latest equipment & weapons
  • Received " Most Diligent Staff Sergeant Award " twice in Jun '18 and Jun '17
  • Communicated with the management and supervised accountability of 30+ trainees
  • Directed surveillance & security for headquarters and provided external security for internment corrections
  • Promoted from a position of Security Specialist to Security Forces Staff Sergeant in just 2 years due to 5 star performance
  • Among the top 2 % of the class
  • CPR/First Aid Certification | ECC | Jun '13
  • Weapon Certification
  • M240b Machine Gun
  • M780 Shotgun
  • Received National Defense Service Medal | Jun '18
  • Secured National War on Terrorism Service Medal | Jun '17
  • Won Joint Meritorious Award | Jun '16

How to write a Military Resume

Most people tend to write their military resumes just to re-write them all over again. Following the right approach to resume writing helps you write your army resume while optimizing the time it takes you to curate it.

Mentioned below are the 3 stages of resume writing that you should follow:

  • Stage 1: Master Military Resume
  • Stage 2: First Draft of Military Resume
  • Stage 2: Final Draft of Military Resume

Master Military Resume

The first stage of resume writing involves making the master resume.

In this stage, your only job is to compile information. Doing this has the added benefit of helping you write your military to civilian resume in the present and future timeline.

Having a library of information with you, the need to explicitly look for information gets eliminated. Thus, writing your resume in the present and making any updates to it in the future becomes an easy process.

First Draft of Military Resume

In the second stage of drafting your military resume, compose the following sections:

  • Personal Information
  • Profile Title
  • Professional Experience
  • Certifications (if any)
  • Awards & Recognition (if any)
  • Additional Information (if any)

Final Draft of Military Resume

In the final stage, compose the sections we have mentioned below:

Summary/Objective : In this section, you have to impactfully summarize your military experience on resume. Composing your resume summary/objective towards the end helps you identify the best highlights of your career, thereby helping you make a well-informed summary/objective for your resume.

Key Skills : Right before composing your military resume summary/objective, draft the key skills section. Composing this section second-to-last helps you write an impeccable military resume skills section.

Military Resume Sections

The key to a perfect ATS-compliant army resume lies in information presentation. How you present important information in your resume matters.

This is why resume sections are important. It helps you organize information and present it impactfully.

Attached below are the must-have sections of your resume:

  • Summary/Objective

You can also put your information under the sections that we have mentioned below:

For a better understanding of resume sections, read Hiration's 2022 Guide to sections in a resume .

Additionally, you can use Hiration’s Online Resume Builder to stand a better chance of getting shortlisted for the job of your dreams.

It comes with a huge library of pre-filled military resume templates that you can personalize to suit your professional needs and work history.

Read on and look out for the military veteran resume examples that we have attached in this guide to learn what each section should ideally look like.

Military Resume: Professional Experience

The hallmark of a great veteran resume is perfect readability and relevant information. You can meet these criteria by following the below-mentioned points to communicate your roles & responsibilities:

  • Frame points
  • Use the STAR format
  • Use Bucketing & Bolding

Framing Points

It is a common consensus that you should not use paragraphs to compose the details of your work experience. Instead, one-liner points have been commonly suggested by resume experts globally to present your work-centric information in your military to civilian resume.

Using one-liner points radically enhances the readability of your resume too.

Don't believe us?

Take a look at the military veteran resume examples given below to decide if one-liner points are a better alternative to using paragraphs.

Military Resume Example 1

"As part of my roles & responsibilities as a security forces staff agent, I was responsible for researching logistics operations, engineering and technical evaluations for defense projects. I also advised senior agents on important aspects like safety, disposal, and decontamination procedures. Part of my daily responsibilities included constantly cooperating with sergeants to achieve the team goals of the security forces within the assigned deadline. Additionally, I have also played a key role in coaching a team of approximately 29 operations & security sergeants on how weapons & latest equipment should be used".

Military Resume Example 2

  • Collaborated with first-class sergeants to achieve 100% team goals before the stipulated deadline
  • Advised senior agents on safety, disposal, and decontamination procedures involving chemical weapons
  • Researched the logistics operations, engineering, and technical evaluations for defense projects

Framing Points: Analysis

The above-listed military resume examples present us with the following observations:

  • Example 1 uses a long paragraph and Example 2 uses crisp one-liner points to communicate the same information.
  • Example 1 (which uses paragraphs) is hard to read & comprehend. Thus, it fails to satisfy the bare-minimum requirement of great readability that is needed in any ideal military to civilian resume.
  • On the contrary, Example 2 (which uses one-liner bulleted points) has aced the readability test due to its reader-friendly nature. Moreover, it uses action verbs to begin each point which gives your resume a confident tone of professionalism.
  • Using one-liner points is an easier alternative to using paragraphs. It is thus highly recommended.

STAR Format

Now that you know how to enhance the readability of your work experience, let us now optimize it using the STAR format.

STAR stands for the following:

Situation : The situation/backdrop/context of your contributions Task : The actual task that was assigned to you Action : The strategy you used to execute the assigned task Result : The result/outcome of your action in the form of an achievement figure

STAR format encourages the use of numbers to quantify your achievement under each one-liner point. Thus, it enhances the effectiveness and relevance of your roles & responsibilities.

Our recommendation: Use the STAR format to optimize each one-liner point.

Bucketing & Bolding

By now, you have a highly reader-friendly and effective resume. But what's the point if it still goes unnoticed?

Nothing. Your hard work goes to ground zero.

This is why bucketing & bolding is important.

Observe the military to civilian resume examples given below to understand the merit behind our argument:

  • Received "Most Diligent Staff Sergeant Award" in Apr '17
  • Managed safety inspections & security checks to ensure daily surveillance & security in headquarters
  • Facilitated the upkeep of army equipment and researched market trends to assess the need to procure new weapons
  • Negotiated with vendors to acquire food supplies & inventory for the army headquarter at a 25% subsidized rate
  • Enforced disciplinary actions to cut incidents by 50% within 6 months
  • Trained 10+ sergeants on individual and collective security tasks to bolster overall team performance

Surveillance & Inventory Management

Discipline Enforcement & Training

Key Achievements

  • Received " Most Diligent Staff Sergeant Award " in Apr '17

Bucketing & Bolding : Analysis

  • Example 1 uses simple one-liner points and Example 2 uses bucketing & bolding to organize each point.
  • By grouping similar points under unique subheadings (bucketing) and marking the important elements in each point in bold (bolding), Example 2 succeeds at enhancing the visibility of your work experience. It diverts the recruiter's attention to an applicant's key responsibilities & achievements in one go.
  • Thus, you should use bucketing & bolding alongside one-liner points to illustrate your military experience on resume.

Military Resume Sample for Professional Experience

Learn how to add military experience to a resume with Hiration's Blog on how to compose the work experience in your resume . It is a detailed explanation of this section and contains the best tips to perfect it.

In the meanwhile, look out for our military to civilian resume examples to get a better grip of resumes and what they should ideally look like.

Here's a military experience on resume example illustrating a perfectly composed professional experience section:

Professional Experience Section in a Military Resume

Military Resume: Key Skills

Are your skills good enough to land you a job as an army personnel in the US army?

If it is, put them down in the 'key skills' section of your resume.

If it isn't, get skilled.

As a rule of thumb, your key skills section should be crisp and to the point as doing this helps a recruiter quickly identify your functional skills & proficiency.

Do not use phrases like 'experienced in' or 'expertise in' to endorse your resume skills. Instead, summarize your skills into 1-3 words of action. Eg: 'Surveillance & Security', 'Weapons Training', 'Discipline Enforcement', etc.

Read Hiration's 2022 Guide on what skills to put on a resume to get a better understanding of how to efficiently curate this section.

Here's a sample military resume showcasing the perfect key skills section:

key Skills Section in a Military Resume

Military Resume Summary or Military Resume Objective?

Should you write a military resume summary? Or should you write a military resume objective?

Read on to find out:

  • Write a military resume summary if you have over 3 years of work experience.
  • Write a military resume objective if you have no work experience or less than 3 years of active work experience.

Now that you have identified which one to write, follow the guidelines we have outlined below:

  • Write your summary/objective at the end: Doing this saves you both times and effort as you wouldn't need to revisit these sections all over again.
  • Pick the best highlights of your career from the work experience section of your army resume and talk about your unique strengths & skills that make you fit for the military job you are after.
  • Keep the length of your resume/summary limited to a 3-5 line paragraph.

For a better understanding of both resume summaries and resume objectives, refer to Hiration's Resume Summary Guide and Hiration's 2022 Guide to Resume Objectives .

Attached below is a sample military resume illustrating the ideal summary for your veteran resume:

Summary Section in a Military Resume

This is a snapshot of a veteran resume that we have compiled with the pre-designed & pre-arranged military resume template on Hiration's Online Resume Builder .

Military Resume: Header

Next up, we will discuss the resume header.

Here are some steps you should follow to perfect your army resume header:

  • Position it at the topmost part of your resume.
  • Write it in the largest font size of 16-20 points .
  • Give a single space between your first name and last name.
  • If you have a middle name, initialize it. Eg: "Mary L. Baxter".

For a better understanding of this section, read Hiration’s 2022 Guide To Writing The Perfect Resume Header to learn the art of curating the perfect header for your army resume.

Here's a military experience on resume example illustrating the ideal resume header:

Head Section in a Military Resume

This is a snapshot of an army resume that we have composed using Hiration’s Online Resume Builder . The ideal resume header should ideally look like this.

Make use of our military to civilian resume builder now!

Military Resume: Personal Information

The personal information section of your military to civilian resume is a compendium of important contact-centric details such as:

  • Updated mobile number
  • Professional email ID

Current Location

Hiration Protip : Don't flood this section with extremely personal details such as your passport details, date of birth, sexual preference, religious beliefs etc. (unless explicitly asked to do so) as it may lead to unbiased hiring and you don't want to be on the receiving end of THAT.

Updated Mobile Number

Most recruitment-centric activities such as an interview or a shortlist announcement happen over the phone. A minor typo can keep you from a potential shortlist. Thus, the details of your mobile number must be presented accurately.

Here are some few tips that you should follow to document your contact details:

  • Use your country’s ISD code as a prefix before your phone number.
  • Put a plus sign (+) before the ISD code.
  • Eg: +1 37648 21511.

Professional E-mail Address

Your email ID is the official communication channel between you and the recruiter and is thus extremely important.

Make sure that it is professionally presented. Do not use fancy email IDs as it would look extremely unprofessional (and you don't want that).

A simple way to go about composing your email ID is by using your name followed by your domain name. Example: '[email protected].

In the language of writing resumes, location is indicative of an applicant's city & state of residence.

Here are some points that you should remember to compose your location correctly in your military to civilian resume:

  • Follow the city/state code format to showcase location in your army resume.
  • DO NOT INCLUDE your house number, street number, and your locality name as part of your location.
  • For job applications in the country of your residence, use the city/state code format . Example: If you live in Albany, New York; your location should be written as 'Albany, NY'
  • For job applications in other countries, use the city/country code format to showcase your location. Example: If you live in Newark, New Jersey; your location should be written as 'Newark, US'.

Military Resume Sample for Personal Information

For a better understanding of this section, read Hiration's 2022 Guide to composing your contact information .

Our military to civilian resume examples visually communicates what each section of your resume should ideally look like.

The sample military resume we have mentioned below showcases the ideal personal information for your military to civilian resume:

Personal Information Section in a Military Resume

This is a snapshot of a veteran resume that we have built using Hiration’s Online Resume Builder .

Use our Online Resume Builder to explore the pre-designed & pre-filled military resume template that comes with our military resume builder.

Read on to learn about the rest of the resume sections for your veteran resume from the 10+ military to civilian resume examples that are attached in this blog.

Military Resume: Profile Title

Another important section of your veteran resume is the profile title. It communicates the following career-specific information about you:

  • Your current designation.
  • Your functional industry.
  • Your level of seniority in your line of work.

Use the second-largest font size ranging 14-16 points to compose your profile title. This enhances the visibility of your profile title which helps a recruiter identify the above-mentioned information about you in one glance.

Here's a military experience on resume example showcasing the perfect profile title for your veteran resume:

Profile Title Section in a Military Resume

In the meanwhile, give your army resume the touch of professionalism. Use our AI-powered Resume Review Service today.

Military Resume: Education

Textbook knowledge is just as important as practical knowledge, especially if there is a minimum educational criteria for a given job position. As such, you should always include your educational details in your veteran resume.

Making an 'education' section with the following mentioned details is a must:

  • Name of the school/university you have attended.
  • Name of the courses you have pursued.
  • The location of your school/university.
  • Enrolment and graduation dates in month & year format .

Refer to Hiration's 2022 Guide on how to list education on your resume to read an exhaustive guide on how to correctly curate the education section.

Here's a resume sample showcasing the ideal education section for your resume.

Education Section in a Military Resume

This is a snapshot of a veteran resume that we have made with Hiration's Online Resume Builder .

Our military to civilian resume builder has an optimized military resume template that you can easily modify to suit your professional needs & requirements.

Military Resume: Certifications

As an aspiring army man, being certified in weapon certifications such as the following will give you an advantage over other applicants:

If you have done these certifications (and more), don't shy away from putting them in your military to civilian resume.

Once you do, make sure that you give the following details regarding your certifications in your veteran resume:

  • Certification course name.
  • Name of the institute of affiliation.
  • Location of the institute of affiliation.
  • Enrolment and completion date of the course in month & year format .

Arrange these points in the below format:

{Name of Certification} | {Affiliating Institution} | {Location} | {Date} (month & year format)

For a better understanding of this section, refer to Hiration's Guide to listing certifications on a resume .

Here's a military resume sample showcasing the ideal certification section for your resume:

Certifications Section in a Military Resume

This is a snapshot of a veteran resume that we have composed using Hiration's Online Resume Builder .

The military resume builder is embedded with an ATS-optimized and pre-filled military resume template which shows you what each section of your resume, and the content in these sections should ideally look like in your resume.

Military Resume: Awards & Recognition

Are you an awardee of the National Defense Service Medal?

Or have you been recognized for a job well done?

If the answer is yes, make a separate "Awards & Recognition" section in your army resume and put this information here.

Here's an example of what the perfect sample military resume should look like:

Awards and Recognition Section in a Military Resume

In the meanwhile, write a stellar resume to boost your chances of a shortlist with Hiration's Online Resume Builder :

Military Resume: Additional Information

Perhaps you speak multiple languages?

If you do, putting this information in your veteran resume is a great idea.

When you work for the US army, you can always be deployed to other countries, and if you are sent away for service abroad, knowing the local language would prove to be a big asset in your hands.

Bottom line is, being multilingual is a plus point. So make sure that you mention this skill in your resume but only if you think it will help advance your job application.

Here's a military resume sample showcasing what your additional information would ideally look like in your army resume (must you choose to include this section):

Additional Information Section in a Military Resume

In the meanwhile, boost your chances at getting shortlisted with Hiration's Online Resume Builder .

Resume Review & Free Military Resume Templates

Get your military resume professionally reviewed by our resume experts at Hiration for a constructive analysis of your military resume.

Evaluate how well your veteran resume is performing based on the below-mentioned parameters:

  • Compliance with industry norms
  • Content Relevance
  • Recruiter Friendliness
  • Design Compatibility
  • Conversion Scope
  • ATS Compliance
  • Global Compatibility
  • Performance Assessment
  • Resume Formatting (font, margins, the order of sections, etc.)

Here's the kicker:

You will get 2 resume templates for free!!

Online Resume Builder for Military Resume

Hiration's Online Resume Builder is designed to help you write an ATS-compatible veteran resume.

Alongside this, you will also get these resources with our Resume Builder :

  • Option to save unlimited resumes
  • 25+ resume designs
  • Full rich-text editor
  • Unlimited PDF downloads
  • 100+ resume templates
  • 1-click design change
  • A sharable link
  • Live resume editor

Key Takeaways

  • Follow the 3 stages of resume-writing to optimize the time you take to curate your resume.
  • Stick to a one-page veteran resume if you have less than 10 years of relevant work experience. If you don't, write a two-page resume. Make sure that you adhere to the two-page limit.
  • As a rule of thumb, always use your name as your resume header and position it at the top-most part of your military resume.
  • Your resume header should be composed in the largest font size of 16-20 points and your profile title should be composed in the second-largest font size of 14-16 points . Doing this enhances the visibility of these components in your resume.
  • Knowing what to put in your resume is not enough. Knowing how to organize them is important too. So make sure that you compile your information under the relevant sections that we have mapped out in this guide.
  • The professional experience is an integral component of your veteran resume. Make sure that you do justice to this section by communicating your roles & responsibilities using crisp one-liner points.
  • Use action verbs to begin each one-liner point. Doing this gives your resume a tone of assertiveness and professionalism.
  • Quantify your achievements wherever possible. Doing this helps you endorse the feasibility & utility of your skills.

With this, you have reached the end of this blog.

For a better understanding of each section, go back and evaluate the military to civilian resume examples that we have endorsed at the end of each section in this blog.

Go to Hiration resume builder and create a professional resume for yourself. Additionally, reach out to us at [email protected] and you can get 24/7 professional assistance with all your job & career-related queries.

resume example military experience

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resume example military experience

Veterans and military personnel alike have endured unique experiences that set them apart from the average civilian job applicant. The thought of transitioning back to civilian life can seem daunting enough without taking into account job searching and securing a civilian job.

Alternatively, maybe you are part-time in the military and seeking employment on the civilian side. Whether active duty, reserve, or National Guard, you raised your right hand and signed up to be the <1% to serve your country. That sacrifice comes with endless knowledge and experience that cannot be gained anywhere else. So let’s take about five ways you can highlight your military experience on a resume that will allow you to stand out as a candidate in the civilian job market.

What is a Resume, and Why Does it Matter?

A resume is a document that compiles your education and experience and serves as a first glance at you as an applicant. A resume should emphasize your skills and accomplishments and effectively market your experience to a hiring manager. A strong resume is more likely to get you an interview and is the first step in the process of securing your desired job.

Highlighting Military Experience

1. list your certifications and technical skills.

Many military occupations come with several weeks to months of job-specific training following boot camp. Often, this job-specific training comes with certifications or skills that translate to the civilian side. Maybe you were a medic and got certified as an EMT, or you had a job in transportation and received a CDL. Alternatively, maybe your specialty was in human resources or intelligence, and you gained expertise with certain technologies or software. Be sure to highlight any certifications and skills you gained during your time in the military that may translate into the civilian world.

2. Emphasize Soft Skills

As someone who has served the military, I know you have likely endured countless long days, sacrificed time with family, and put a lot of energy into accomplishing specific tasks. Both during boot camp and in the years following, you quickly learned to maintain discipline and accountability.

Whether as a lower enlisted soldier, squad leader, sergeant, or officer, you have likely gained strong communication skills. You learned how to work and thrive in a team environment, and played a key role in the success of the unit. Highlighting these soft skills in a skills section or experience section is a great way to help you stand out.

3. Add Military Service as an Experience

Regardless of the position you held within the organization, you should list it on your resume. Military experience is unique in that it does not have to be relevant to your desired career to be included. If it does not directly relate to your job prospects, I would recommend making an “Military Experience” section and including it there. Be sure to highlight both those technical and soft skills mentioned earlier and try to quantify your duties and accomplishments where applicable (e.g. Lead a class on X topic for 30 soldiers in the company). 

4. List Your Honors and Awards

Everyone who has served in the military has received an award, and most likely multiple awards. Whether it’s a medal, ribbon, or other distinguishing merit, listing these on the resume highlights your dedication and accomplishments during your time in the military. Maybe you served on an important task force, deployed domestically or overseas, or showed excellent character during a training exercise.

I recommend including the most notable one or two and not all of them. Be sure to briefly describe what each award was for to emphasize your accomplishments.

5. Translate Military Language

Most civilian employers do not call their employees “troops” or “joes”, use a million and one acronyms, or communicate with the phonetic alphabet. Using any military jargon on a resume can confuse a hiring manager, preventing you from effectively marketing yourself.

Try to break down your duties and accomplishments into commonly used words or phrases that could be easily understood by anyone. If you are unsure how to translate words used in the military, have a civilian family member or friend help or refer to this guide .

Military service equips you with unique experiences and knowledge that undoubtedly sets you apart. By properly highlighting your military service on a resume, you can effectively market your unique experiences and skillset to a civilian employer. Be sure to list acquired technical skills, certifications, awards, and emphasize soft skills. Incorporate military service as you would any other position, and translate language into an easy-to-read format without any military jargon.

For more veteran and military resources in career development, visit our website at .

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