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Organizational Behavior

(18 reviews)

organizational behavior case study

Copyright Year: 2017

ISBN 13: 9781946135155

Publisher: University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing

Language: English

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Reviewed by Jalal Maqableh, Instructor - Ph.D. Candidate, James Madison University on 11/29/21

This book is comprehensive in two ways: (1) The organizational behavior topics it covers. The most important topics that new employees (fresh graduates) would need to know are included in this book. (2) The learning methodology includes the... read more

Comprehensiveness rating: 5 see less

This book is comprehensive in two ways: (1) The organizational behavior topics it covers. The most important topics that new employees (fresh graduates) would need to know are included in this book. (2) The learning methodology includes the topics' content, discussion questions, key takeaways, and exercises.

Content Accuracy rating: 5

This book is accurate and provides relevant content. In general, no key mistakes were identified.

Relevance/Longevity rating: 5

The book is relatively new (2019). It talks about current practices in today's organizations. Some topics in organizational behavior are stable while others are changing very fast. Therefore, it will be important to look to the places where there will be a need for updates.

Clarity rating: 5

The book is clear and helps the reader to move through sections smoothly.

Consistency rating: 5

The structure of the chapters is very consistent. This facilitates the learning process.

Modularity rating: 5

Although the size of the book is large and not logical to be used all in one semester. The design of the book separates the learning topics into small learning packages that can be selected based on the need.

Organization/Structure/Flow rating: 5

The flow of the book makes it logical to build each chapter based on the previous one. This is good for educational purposes because it helps the instructor during the transition from one topic to another.

Interface rating: 5

Easy to use and to move through different parts.

Grammatical Errors rating: 5

No grammar issues were found.

Cultural Relevance rating: 5

The book clearly highlights cultural diversity within the organizational context.

This is a very well-written book for university students. It gives the opportunity for readers to comprehend organizational behavior in an interesting way.

Reviewed by Brittni Heiden, Senior Director of Graduate Programs, Trine University on 4/16/21

The text, Organizational Behavior provides a comprehensive overview of several topics, including: motivation, communication, managing groups and teams, conflict resolution, power and politics, making decisions, etc. Within each chapter, the author... read more

The text, Organizational Behavior provides a comprehensive overview of several topics, including: motivation, communication, managing groups and teams, conflict resolution, power and politics, making decisions, etc. Within each chapter, the author provides key takeaways and exercises that allow the students to apply their knowledge of the topic.

Each topic is presented in an accurate manner, supported by current practices, and relevant examples.

Relevance/Longevity rating: 4

For the most part, the content with the book is supported by current practices and many relevant examples. However, some of the examples, particularly those within the case studies can be outdated. Being that the book was written in 2019, it is likely missing vital examples and case studies from 2020 and 2021.

The book flows well and is written in a manner that is easily understood by undergraduate students.

Each chapter is set up in a similar fashion, making it easy for the reader to navigate the material. Along with this, each chapter has appropriate examples and exercises that correspond with the covered material.

Modularity rating: 4

The book is extensive, but each chapter is easily navigated by students. It would be very doable for instructors to piece together important information, or prioritize chapters without disrupting the students. The textbook is very lengthy, as are many Organizational Behavior texts, so it may be difficult for each chapter to be covered during a semester. However, due to the fact that each chapter is easily and readily divisible into smaller sections, or subsections, instructors can prioritize the information they would like to cover.

The organization of the textbook is clear and logical. There are proper transitions so the students are aware regarding what they should expect next.

Navigation is very easy for students to use. There are very few, if any, distractions throughout the text.

No grammatical errors were found throughout the text.

Great examples are used throughout the text to highlight cultural diversity within the workplace.

Overall, this is a great text for undergraduate Organizational Behavior courses. It is well written, offers many opportunities for students to apply their knowledge, and also covers a diverse range of topics.

Reviewed by Amanda Hinojosa, Assistant Professor, Howard University on 4/13/21

This book covers all of the topics one might expect from an Organizational Behavior course. Where it seems to differ from other Organizational Behavior books is the level of attention devoted to topics (some might for example focus less on... read more

This book covers all of the topics one might expect from an Organizational Behavior course. Where it seems to differ from other Organizational Behavior books is the level of attention devoted to topics (some might for example focus less on negotiation, while this book has a chapter on it; other books might have a chapter devoted just to individual differences, while this one focuses on individual differences and perception within one chapter).

The book contains accurate discussion of concepts, theories, and application.

The book has several case studies (usually one at the beginning and end of each chapter). These are great, but over time they may be a bit dated, for example if they reference a CEO of a company who is no longer the CEO of that company. However, users could create their own follow-up questions that account for what has happened since the case was written. Alternatively. if any future updates were made to this content, readers could benefit from a standard set of questions to add to the end of each case that would encourage the instructor and students to find out more to see if the implications of that case still apply based on the newer information on the company/CEO/manager described. For example, they use the case of Indra Nooyi as CEO of Pepsi and talk about her as though she is currently the CEO, but her tenure as CEO ended in 2018.

The book is easy to read and all terms are appropriately explained and defined.

There is not much of an underlying framework that requires terms to be used from one chapter to the next (e.g. there are not many cases where something is defined early on and then revisited later in the book). In other words, the chapter numbers don't imply sequence so there is enough consistency across chapters to allow for users to skip around the book and still have the relevant information within that chapter without having to consult other sections to understand. There is consistency in the way each chapter is presented and the supplementary points in each. I describe more about this consistency in organization in the modularity and organization sections.

The content is very modular and can easily be referred to in larger or smaller parts. The chapters are each broken into sub-sections, which can be linked directly (e.g. or the chapter as a whole could be linked Each page is dedicated to a sub-section, and the links are embedded to the sidebar table of contents which would allow users to further click through to the area that they are looking for if they know the number and/or title of the sub-section they are interested in.

The topics are presented clearly and in a logical fashion. The book does not require much sequential introduction of content, so users could easily find only chapters they want to teach in the order they wish to teach them and assign them in a way that differs from the numerical sequence in the book.

Images are displayed clearly. Content navigation is easy with the clickable sub-section links, but users might also be able to use the pdf version if they are unable to access the internet. Users of the pdf version would need information on section titles, as there are no page numbers in the web-based interface for the version. However, if they have the information for chapter and/or sub-section number and title, they would be able to sufficiently navigate the pdf to find the content needed.

I have not found any grammatical errors in my use of this book.

The book designates a chapter to demographic diversity and cultural diversity and includes one sub-section at the end of each chapter that briefly describes cultural differences in relation to the content from that chapter. It could be more comprehensive in its discussion of cultural diversity, but I have not found evidence to suggest that it is insensitive or offensive in its coverage of topics.

I have used this book in my course for three years now, and overall I really like it. The links are really easy to integrate into my LMS (BlackBoard) to guide discussions and assign specific parts of the reading. There are some places where the book makes reference to "your instructor has this information" as though there are accompanying Instructor Resources but I am unaware of how to access those if they do exist. It tends to be on active learning possibilities (e.g. the negotiation chapter references roles that the instructor would distribute). It doesn't affect the use too much, it just means that I end up choosing a different activity that doesn't reference other resources which I don't have access to.

Reviewed by Jim Hickel, Adjunct Instructor, American University on 3/15/21

The book covers all the relevant topics for organizational behavior. No index or glossary, but the search function is effective for that purpose. read more

The book covers all the relevant topics for organizational behavior. No index or glossary, but the search function is effective for that purpose.

No errors or biases were uncovered in my use of this book.

The book was current as of its 2017 publication date, which is about as high as most expectations would go for a free online textbook. Instructors will have to provide class updates, particularly in the rapidly-changing field of diversity. For example: I didn't find any reference to "inclusion" in the diversity chapter (or anywhere else in the book, if the search function was accurate), which is an important concept and should be stressed by the instructor.

The text is very clear, and written to be understood at the undergraduate level.

No inconsistences were uncovered in my use of the book.

Each chapter works effectively as a stand-alone discussion of the topic. They can readily be realigned.

Organization/Structure/Flow rating: 4

The book is generally well organized. The organization could be enhanced if there were an up-front "umbrella" model for organizational behavior that tied together all the subjects covered in the textbook. The Organization-Group-Individual model introduced in Chapter 1 doesn't easily relate to the concepts discussed in each chapter. An instructor may find it useful to present a different OB model (for example, Inputs-Processes-Outputs) that to show how all the chapter topics fit together into one overall concept, so students can track where they are in the model.

The interface worked out very well for my class. I was able to set up links to each chapter in the relevant sections of the learning management system (in this case, Blackboard). Students appreciated the ability to have direct links to the relevant textbook readings for each class -- and also appreciated that it was available at no additional cost to them.

No grammatical or language errors were uncovered in my reading and use of the book.

Cultural Relevance rating: 4

Generally sensitive to cultural issues. Instructors may want to point out to their class that the "Masculinity-Femininity" dimension of Hofstede's Cultural Framework (Section 2.3 of the book), which draws upon stereotypes that were used in Hofstede's time, has largely evolved into the "Aggressive-Nurturing" dimension.

Very useful book, as good as any fundamental Organizational Behavior textbook I've ever read from any publisher. However, because of its age and the rapid evolution of organizational behavior, instructors will have to be careful to provide in-class updates.

Reviewed by Laura Boehme, Chief Information/Human Resources Officer; Faculty, Central Oregon Community College on 1/12/21

This book is extremely comprehensive and covers a the broad variety of organizational behavior topics. Each chapter is clearly titled, provides an outline, key terms, and summary of learning outcomes. Additionally, it includes critical thinking... read more

This book is extremely comprehensive and covers a the broad variety of organizational behavior topics. Each chapter is clearly titled, provides an outline, key terms, and summary of learning outcomes. Additionally, it includes critical thinking cases and assessments to expand and practice learning concepts. One additional feature is a link to a collaborative group area to further engage in the topics.

The book content are accurate and rooted in current organizational practices. The topics are also relevant to existing issues in organizations such as cultural awareness, diversity, ethics, stress/well-being, and power and politics. No significant errors or bias were found in the contents. The book also includes numerous authors with a variety of expertise, further enhancing the accuracy and relevance of topics.

The book was written in 2019 and includes current and relevant topics facing organizations. Each chapter is comprised of concepts, strategies, questions, and practical applications, allowing the learner to gain an in-depth exposure to the organizational behavior content. The text is written in a way that will allow easy updates in the future and the content has staying power.

The textbook and chapters are clearly outlined with key terms, learning outcomes, and high levels of structure and consistency. The text is written in understandable terms, with appropriate introductions for the learner, relevant examples to demonstrate concepts, and opportunities to practice to further gain clarity.

The structure of the book is internally consistent for each chapter, giving the learner an opportunity to understand the layout and approach of the book and its chapters. This structure enhances the learner's ability to absorb and practice the materials, cases, and assessments.

The text is very modular and could be assigned and/or used as structured or can be utilized out of order. Chapter 1 appears to be a foundational chapter so it would be best to start there as it gives a nice overview of organizational behavior. The lower rating on this aspect of the textbook is primarily because there are so many chapters (19 total), that it might be challenging to cover all of the content in a typical term or semester. So the instructor and student would need to prioritize the most important concepts.

The organization, structure, and flow of the textbook, the chapters, and the information within the chapters is highly structured. It is consistent for both the learner and the instructor, offering predictability and ease of planning. The table of contents is well-organized with clear chapter titles, sub-sections, and additional resources. The flow of topics makes sense, but also allows for modularity and flexibility.

The interface is user-friendly, easy to find information, and intuitive. Navigation is straight-forward and there are helpful guides and prompts to ensure the reader knows how to progress through the content. The images and data within the chapters is laid out and organized in a professional manner. This is a very mature-looking OER textbook.

No obvious grammatical or spelling errors were found in the text. It appears to have been well-edited and prepared for use. There are multiple author contributors which helps ensure content validity and accuracy.

The textbook appears to be culturally aware. There are multiple chapters on diversity, inclusion, and cultural awareness. The pictures include people of color and also address diversity of approaches and perspectives in organizational behavior.

This OER textbook book is ready to go for both the instructor and student. The topic is interesting and relevant. The content is well-organized. There are additional chapter resources to enhance learning and teaching. Overall I highly recommend this textbook. The instructor would have a relatively easy time developing a syllabus and course activities that are based on the identified learning outcomes.

Reviewed by Tracey Sigler, Associate Professor, The Citadel on 11/30/20

Covers all the traditional topics read more

Covers all the traditional topics

High quality

The book is a few years old but it is easy to supplement with new concepts and current examples.

the online format makes it easy to read find and small sections of the chapters.

Well organized - make sense to the reaer

high quality


I have used this book for a couple of years for an MBA OB class. It provides good coverage of the basic concepts and some cases and activities that have been useful. I supplement the class with my own links to videos and articles. I am thinking of using this in my undergrad class as well. The author is disguised but is well-known and respected in the field. Students appreciate being to use an open resource.

Reviewed by Ken Grunes, Assistant Professor, Framingham State University on 5/27/20

The layout of the textbook follows a logical progression which is both complete and the proper depth. read more

The layout of the textbook follows a logical progression which is both complete and the proper depth.

The authors have allowed multiple perspectives and theories are supported by empirical evidence.

The most relatable topics are covered proportional to students' interest levels.

Clarity rating: 4

Most of the material could be enhanced by a terminology glossary at the beginning of each chapter.

Terms and concepts carry the same explanation and context from one chapter to the next.

Chapters and subject matter are clearly delineated and can be appreciated as a stand alone module.

The text is presented in a logical progression from "Individual", "Groups", and finally "Organizations".

Interface rating: 4

Information is presented in a straight forward manner with few distraction.

the text appears to be free from grammatical errors.

Good sensitivity to multi-cultural class composition.

The textbook appears to be complete.

Reviewed by Leslie Bleskachek, Adjunct professor, Minnesota State College Southeast, Minnesota State University System on 3/7/20

The textbook includes some valuable topics that are often not discussed in other texts, namely the study of power and politics. The first chapter also includes an introduction of why this study is important, which is an interesting inclusion. At... read more

The textbook includes some valuable topics that are often not discussed in other texts, namely the study of power and politics. The first chapter also includes an introduction of why this study is important, which is an interesting inclusion. At the start of each section, the learning objectives are listed. The toolbox and exercises are great additions that allow students to quickly apply new learning in their environment. This is a sort of embedded workbook that assists instructors in developing activities related to the text. This work is more than a narrative or relevant facts; there are a lot of activities and case studies included to aid student understanding.

The work is accurate. There are in text citations as well as bibliographies to provide opportunities for further research.

Much of the research and information included is very recent and citations are included if readers wish to read the original work. Section 1.5 on Trends and Changes could easily be updated as needed, allowing the work to remain up to date in future iterations.

The language is clear, has little jargon, and is easy to read and interpret. The key takeaways aid student understanding and ensure the main objective is understood for each section.

There is consistency throughout the document with similar formatting in each section to aid navigation and understanding.

With the learning objectives clearly outlined, it would be easy to break this work into smaller modules or recombine sections into lessons. Also, with exercises, case studies and other tools provided, this work could easily be utilized in various ways.

It was an unusual choice to include the learning style inventory in this text and unclear why it was placed after the introduction to this specific material. It might be more appropriately placed in a preface. While the information was organized clearly within sections and was well labeled, it is not clear why the authors decided to start with specifics first rather than an overview of organizational behavior first and then following with specifics. It might be more logical to begin with the content that is in sections 14 and 15.

The exercises, key takeaways, etc. are well organized and help focus learning. The use of graphics and visual representation of data was well deployed throughout to help break up long sections of text. The inclusion of case studies in each section was a great way to aid understanding and demonstrate the concepts on real world situations. The interface worked smoothly and consistently with no difficulties noted. The organization was easy to navigate for the end user.

There were no grammatical errors identified

The work uses appropriate language and displays cultural sensitivity. Although it is also addressed in other sections, there is a section that specifically addresses various concerns related to multiculturalism and the diverse nature of organizations today.

This is a comprehensive work that includes engaging, current organizational situations to illustrate concepts. This is more than just a narrative or literature review of the subject. The textbook also includes numerous current case studies, exercises, ways to apply the learning and challenge thinking. Combined with the learning objectives outlined at the start of each section, this work provides a great deal of easy to understand content and is user friendly for both students and teachers alike.

Reviewed by Yefim Khaydatov, Lecturer, LAGCC on 12/5/18, updated 12/12/18

Textbook covers the appropriate range of topics in the course. read more

Textbook covers the appropriate range of topics in the course.

Organizational Behavior - 2017 accurately

The content is up-to-date, consists of recent research and literature. The textbook reflects the most recent information and arranged in a manner that makes necessary updates easy to implement.

The textbook is written in a clear, appropriate and accessible language.

The text is consistent in terminology and framework within and throughout the chapters.

The textbook has easily divided sections to quickly navigate through the various chapters and sections of the textbook.

The textbook follows the sequence of topics as expected in the industry when compared with other textbooks written on the same subject of organizational behavior.

No issues have been encountered and use of the online version is user friendly.

No grammatical errors were noted.

The text reflects appropriate and inclusive language.

The textbook provides a wonderful resource in each chapter for discussion through the case scenarios, short vignettes, questions, group activities and a wide range of exercises. A rich selection of video clips to complement the Ethical Dilemma exercises in the chapters would be a wonderful addition to see added in the next publication or version of the textbook. Thank you.

Reviewed by Rose Helens-Hart, Assistant Professor, Fort Hays State University on 11/28/18

Text covers the major topics one would expect to see in a 200-300 level OB course. Would have liked to see more on vocational/workplace socialization. read more

Comprehensiveness rating: 4 see less

Text covers the major topics one would expect to see in a 200-300 level OB course. Would have liked to see more on vocational/workplace socialization.

Did not notice errors.

Uses relevant business cases, which will need to be updated in a few years.

Very readable but still sounds like a textbook. Formatting of bold words and summary/break out boxes makes the book conventional but also easy to access.

Terminology seemed to be used consistently.

Chapters are divided into short subsections making it easy to assign only portions of chapter reading.

Logical progression. I like that the chapter on managing demographic and cultural diversity is at the beginning. If you are following the order of information in the text, your class would begin with these important concepts.

Clear table of contents. Easy to navigate.

No grammatical errors noticed.

Text discusses "The Role of Ethics and National Culture" in each chapter, which is nice. More elements of diversity and intersectionality, however, could be considered in examples. "Managing" diversity is a very traditional way to look at difference.

Using sections of it for a professional business communication class. Many topics covered such as managing conflict and teams, are relevant to professional, business, and organizational communication classes.

Reviewed by Justin Greenleaf, Associate Professor, Fort Hays State University on 11/1/18

This book does an excellent job of providing an overview of the major topics associated with organizational behavior. Given the comprehensive nature of the book, it could potentially be a relevant resource in a variety of classes/topics related to... read more

This book does an excellent job of providing an overview of the major topics associated with organizational behavior. Given the comprehensive nature of the book, it could potentially be a relevant resource in a variety of classes/topics related to communication, group dynamics, organizational leadership, and others.

The content included in this book is both accurate and well supported. It does a good job of connecting important theories and concepts with helpful practical examples.

Relevance/Longevity rating: 3

Many of the theories and concepts in this book are up-to-date and will not be obsolete anytime soon. However, many of the examples will fail to be relevant in the near future. The book could be improved by providing permanent links to some of the external resources.

The text is easy to read and flows in a way that is engaging. The presentation of the content is free from technical jargon.

The text is consistent in the way the chapters are presented. As the reader moves from section to section, it is clear that the chapters have a unifying theme and format throughout.

The text is chunked into logical and easily readable sections. The various chapters are accompanied by tools and resources to help the reader think critically about the content in the chapter.

I was impressed with the way the book was organized. When thinking about the topic of Organizational Behavior, it can be challenging to decide where to start and how to organize the content. This book does a nice job organizing the various topics by themes and providing appropriate sub-headings to help the reader make sense of the overarching concepts of the book.

The website interface seems to be the easiest to use and navigate. When I downloaded the pdf, there were some issues with the formatting of the content. Some of the pictures were not there anymore and some of the formatting was a little off. I feel like the impact these issues had on the usefulness of the book was minimal, but they were noticeable.

I did not notice any grammatical errors, which was nice.

There was nothing in this book that I found to be culturally insensitive or offensive. If anything the book content provided insights into how to be more culturally competent.

I appreciate the time and effort that was put into creating this resource. One of the challenges of using open educational resources is finding a one that is high-quality, and I believe the content in this book to be high-quality.

Reviewed by Stephanie McWilliams, ClinicInstructor, West Virginia University on 5/21/18

This book includes many topics that others in this area do not, such as interpersonal interaction tactics and diversity considerations. Segments that are boxed that include applied ideas are especially pertinent for my internship students. read more

This book includes many topics that others in this area do not, such as interpersonal interaction tactics and diversity considerations. Segments that are boxed that include applied ideas are especially pertinent for my internship students.

The text is relatively error free that appears to be all-inclusive from my perspective.

In the area of professionalism, the dynamics are always changing, especially with the influence of technology. As a result, I imagine that this book may need updates every 5 years or so to stay relevant.

This text is easy to read and follow. Terms are used correctly, and defined if not commonly understood.

There is a definite framework to this text. Information interlaces with cases and applied examples will allow students to connect ideas to real-life scenarios.

With just 15 chapters, each is well divided in a predictable fashion. This also aligns well with a typical semester of 16 weeks.

The flow of this text makes it easy to follow and to break up into what may be presented in a lecture format and what students can work through on their own.

The flow of topics builds in a logical manner for students learning about working in a professional setting.

There do not appear to be any major distortions what would cause confusion. The clarity of some of the graphics or photos are a bit grainy, but not so much so that it is difficult to read or see.

The grammar appears correct throughout.

With a large section devoted to multicultural diversity, I would rate this text highly for cultural relevance.

It is a challenge to find a text for an internship course, but this text fits the bill nicely. I will likely supplement with a chapter or two from other text or some articles, but plan to use this book in the very near future.

Reviewed by Meredith Burnett, Professorial Lecturer, American University on 2/1/18

The text covers all areas and Ideas of organizational behavior including aspects of both demographic and cultural diversity, individual differences and perception, individual attitudes and behaviors, and theories of motivation. This text also... read more

The text covers all areas and Ideas of organizational behavior including aspects of both demographic and cultural diversity, individual differences and perception, individual attitudes and behaviors, and theories of motivation. This text also includes a table of contents.

The content includes accurate, error-free, and unbiased information. For instance, the section on diversity refers to the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the 1990 Americans with Disabilities Act and other laws prohibiting discrimination.

The content is up-to-date and can be easily updated with more recent information. There is a photo of Ursula Burns, who became president of Xerox Corporation in 2007. Her photo can be replaced, for instance, by a photo of another black female who becomes president of a corporation.

In general, the text is free from jargon and US colloquialisms. However, the text defines and expatriate as as someone who is temporarily assigned to a position in a foreign country. Some readers may be sensitive to the use of the term "foreign" to describe a country.

The text is consistent is in terms of terminology and framework. The terms culture and society are used interchangeably to describe national culture and some readers may be confused by the use of both terms.

The text is easy to read and divided into sections with headings and subheadings to make it easier for readers to navigate the text.

The topics in the text are presented in a logical, clear fashion. However, organizational culture and organizational structure are near the end of the text and student might benefit from learning about those topics before being asked to understand the design of work environments and individual attitudes and behaviors.

The text is free of interface issues.

There are no obvious grammatical errors in the text.

The text includes examples of successful individuals from a variety of ethnic backgrounds including Guy Kawasaki.

The book includes exercises following each chapter. However, may of the exercises such as those in Section 2.4 are, in fact, discussion questions rather than exercises.

Reviewed by Stacey Young, Associate Professor, Northern Virginia Community College on 6/20/17

This book does a good job in covering relevant topics related to organizational behavior. The format is user friendly, along with providing discussion questions, case studies, exercises, and takeaways. There are appropriate graphics/pictures... read more

This book does a good job in covering relevant topics related to organizational behavior. The format is user friendly, along with providing discussion questions, case studies, exercises, and takeaways. There are appropriate graphics/pictures that quickly support and reinforce key concepts. Moreover, I love that there are ongoing references to the importance of ethics with an activity related to an ethical dilemma.

The book overall is accurate. There weren't any major issues identified.

The content is relevant and covers normal organizational behavior topics address in any text.

The writing in this book is rather clear. However, there are opportunities to improve the grammar and sentence structure.

This text is consistent with other text's terminology, structure, and data to support he position offered.

This text is ready to be separated into unique, standalone learning packages.

I like the book's flow. It's logically organized in a way that each chapter builds on the previous one.

No interface issues identified.

There aren't any noticeable grammar issues, but the sentence structure should be reviewed for better clarity

Cultural Relevance rating: 1

There are opportunities to select pictures that are reflective of a diverse population.

This is the first open textbook I've reviewed. Previously, I had considerations that open source material might not be that good; however, with this book, I was amazingly surprised. I will seriously consider using this text for my organizational behavior class.

organizational behavior case study

Reviewed by Atul Mitra, Professor, University of Northern Iowa on 2/15/17

This OB textbook covers all major as well as supporting topics related the OB field. The last two chapters are devoted to macro topics (Chapter 14: Organizational Structure and Change and Chapter 15: Organizational Culture); thus, implying... read more

Comprehensiveness rating: 3 see less

This OB textbook covers all major as well as supporting topics related the OB field. The last two chapters are devoted to macro topics (Chapter 14: Organizational Structure and Change and Chapter 15: Organizational Culture); thus, implying authors’ intent to provide comprehensive coverage. The textbook, though, is dated both in terms of scholarly references and the case studies used to inform the reader about the relevance of OB topics. Also, the textbook is more reliant on applied sources to support concepts. The pdf version of the textbook does not have a list of scholarly references. The HTML version does have these references, but they are included in within the text and, thus, negatively impact the flow and readability. I could not find a subject index or “glossary of terms” at the end of the textbook. Finally, the book lacks instructor’s resource material.

Content Accuracy rating: 4

The book reads well and provides good examples to clarify basic concepts. The authors provide unbiased and thoughtful insights from scholarly sources in a very relatable fashion.

Relevance/Longevity rating: 1

This is one of the significant weakness of this textbook. The scholarly sources are dated. Case studies are also old, though still useful. Some of the in-text online links do not work. In short, this textbook is due for a major revision and would require the authors to revise all aspects of the textbook considerably. This revision would be a major undertaking and a challenge for the authors.

Clarity rating: 3

Each chapter is divided into several sub-sections. Each sub-section covers a major OB topic. The authors have done an excellent job of providing a logical and clear description of topics within each chapter. However, there is no overall framework that can easily connect topics across all 15 chapters. This may explain a somewhat random sequence of topics of 15 chapters. For example, “emotions,” “communication” or “decision-making” topics are useful in the understanding of concepts of motivation and teamwork. However, these topics are not covered prior to the coverage of motivation.

Consistency rating: 3

The coverage of each topic within a chapter by the authors is consistent. The formatting and style are also highly consistent throughout the textbook. An addition of an overall framework and an integrative case study would help provide consistency of topics across chapters.

The textbook is very modular. Specifically, the HTML format of this textbook allows each sub-section to act as a module. Any instructor, interested in adopting this textbook should look into HTML format based modules (sub-sections) as a way to customize the textbook. This may be this textbook’s significant strength.

Organization/structure of this textbook is clear within a chapter. As I have stated in my review in another section, the textbook can be improved by connecting topics across chapters using a broad framework as well as by incorporating an integrated case study.

Interface rating: 2

The pdf version of the textbook is difficult to navigate. Even though I found the HTML version to be more user-friendly, this format did have some weaknesses as well. The scholarly references in the HTML version are included within the text and negatively impact readability. I could not find a subject-index or “glossary of terms” at the end of the textbook. Many online links do not work anymore. Since the textbook does not include a subject index or glossary of key terms, it would make it difficult for students to find definitions easily. Overall, the textbook can significantly benefit from a much-improved interface.

The textbook is free of any grammatical errors.

Chapter 2 of the textbook offers a comprehensive coverage about the relevance and importance of demographic and cultural diversity. In addition, each chapter contains a sub-section “The Role of Ethics and National Culture” to ensure that students understand cultural relevance of OB concepts. This issue is clearly a strength of this textbook.

Overall, this textbook is a good option for those instructors that already have a good portfolio of instructional resources. The textbook does not appear to provide PowerPoint slides or a Test Bank. However, if an instructor is looking for a good OB textbook for an introductory OB course; s/he might wish to take a look at this textbook as a possible option because it is well-written and provides a comprehensive coverage of major OB topics. It also provides students with several useful applied examples, though these examples are somewhat dated. This textbook may not work for those instructors that wish to use an OB textbook based on current examples or an OB textbook that cites current scholarly references. To conclude, with significant interface improvements and a major revision, this could become an excellent option for both students and instructors.

Reviewed by Christopher Reina, Assistant Professor, Virginia Commonwealth University on 2/8/17

The major areas of OB are covered comprehensively. The textbook goes into an appropriate amount of depth for each of the expected topics. It discusses each of the topics through both an ethics and national culture lens at the end of each chapter... read more

The major areas of OB are covered comprehensively. The textbook goes into an appropriate amount of depth for each of the expected topics. It discusses each of the topics through both an ethics and national culture lens at the end of each chapter which represents a major strength of the textbook. The PDF version did not include a table of contents, index, or glossary which would further add to the comprehensiveness of the textbook.

The content was accurate and unbiased. The information was presented in a straight-forward way and cited published work from a wide variety of sources.

The topics covered are relevant and timely-- however, many of the citations are a bit dated. The case studies still are largely relevant even though there may exist better, more recent examples to discuss. I really appreciate the extent to which the authors integrate real-life examples of companies/leaders but the downside of this is that it limits the time the textbook can remain highly relevant without being updated. Additionally, there were several broken weblinks that need to be updated.

The writing is clear, easy to understand, and flows well. The authors do a good job of making concepts and ideas accessible for students. Authors avoided use of jargon without first defining it well and establishing the context.

The structure is easy to follow, straight-forward, and consistent.

The textbook does a good job of re-introducing ideas later in the text hat may have been covered earlier in the text which adds to the modularity of the textbook. I would not hesitate to assign specific chapters and/or assign chapters out of order for this reason.

The topic order makes logical sense and the topics build well off of each other. In the first chapter, the authors discuss levels of analysis (individual, team, and organizational) and they could perhaps return to this framework more frequently in order to guide the reader.

Interface rating: 3

For the most part, the figures and tables are clear and easy to understand. There are some figures that appear a bit distorted and/or difficult to read due to color choices. Bolding concepts or words that are defined in the text and adding a definition of the word in the margin would aid students in studying and easily identifying new concepts/concepts to study. In the PDF, there were several instances in which chapters did not start on a new page (and instead started mid-page) which was distracting.

Grammar was strong throughout the text.

This text's chapter on diversity as well as the reference to diversity issues throughout the text is a major strength. Ending each chapter with a discussion of how national culture and ethics is relevant to the topic was a powerful way to discuss diversity and continually challenge students to consider the topics from diverse perspectives.

This textbook is well-written, comprehensive, and is an excellent resource for students and faculty. The material is presented in an effective, accessible way and the integration of the "OB Toolbox" is especially useful for students to understand how to practically apply the concepts they are learning. I especially appreciated the attention to detail and comprehensiveness of the diversity chapter as well as the discussion of diversity topics throughout each chapter. The questions at the end of each chapter for reflection could push students a bit further in engaging with the material, and I would like to see some updates to the textbook when it comes to topics that should be covered (such as mindfulness and presenteeism) as well as case studies and examples from the last 3-5 years. A glossary, works cited, table of contents, and index would all be useful additions to the PDF version of the textbook, and it would be helpful if concept words defined in the text were also defined in the margins of the text in order to facilitate student recognition of topics they need understand and be able to define. Overall, this textbook is solid and I would not hesitate to use it for an undergraduate class in Organizational Behavior (although I would supplement it with readings and material from other sources as I would with any other textbook).

Reviewed by Rae Casey, Associate Professor , George Fox University on 2/8/17

The text was comprehensive, covering areas that are important when teaching organizational behavior. Some of the topic areas, such as diversity and ethics, are more comprehensive than others, but all topics are covered well enough for entry-level... read more

The text was comprehensive, covering areas that are important when teaching organizational behavior. Some of the topic areas, such as diversity and ethics, are more comprehensive than others, but all topics are covered well enough for entry-level students. The text included a comprehensive table of contents, but no index or glossary.

The textbook was accurate and covered a number of important topics in an interesting manner. I thought the advertised experiential approach was evident and well done.

Relevance/Longevity rating: 2

The concepts described in the text can survive over time, but the cases quickly date the contents. Since the concepts in the cases are integrated into the text, updating could be time consuming. I tried the text in both the .pdf and online formats, and found difficulties with the links in both. I had the best luck with the online format, although many of the links were no longer valid. When I copied and pasted the links from the .pdf version, I got many errors, some indicating I needed login information to access the site.

I liked this text. The information was presented in way that made it easy to understand and apply. Jargon and terms were well explained.

This text was well written and consistent throughout.

This text is well organized. The subheadings in the chapters create appropriate modules to support teachers as they create assignments, and students as they complete them.

The text is well organized and structured. The content flow is great, but, as previously mentioned, there are a number of links, some of which no longer lead anywhere.

Navigating the text by using the online Table of Contents was straightforward, although I did want to simply scroll to the next page instead of having to use a "next section" link, but that was minor. The .pdf format of the text was convenient if one wants to print the pages, but navigation of the .pdf format online required scrolling through the text. It would have been helpful to have a "bookmark" or similar feature to easily highlight important concepts or see where I stopped reading.

I noted no errors.

I especially appreciated the way this text discussed sensitive topics associated with gender, race, ethnicity, perception, etc.

I liked this textbook. I thought the exercises were generally good, as were the "Key Takeaway" and "OB Toolbox" sections. The text was dated, which tends to be noted by students and can lead to lost credibility. I appreciate the work that went into writing this text and could use portions of it, but would need to check the links before each course, or provide others for my students. Overall, this is a great text, but I recommend checking the details before adoption.

Reviewed by Marcia Hagen, Associate Professor, Metropolitan State on 8/21/16

Has chapters on the major themes such as diversity, decision making, motivation, ethics, and leadership to name a few; goes over the major theories. It does not go particularly deeply into any one area, but provides a solid look at a wide variety... read more

Has chapters on the major themes such as diversity, decision making, motivation, ethics, and leadership to name a few; goes over the major theories. It does not go particularly deeply into any one area, but provides a solid look at a wide variety of topics, concepts, and theories.

In terms of editing and proofing, this book does quite well. Writing is unbiased and reports materials that are accurate.

This is an area in which the text needs improvement. Few if any examples are from 2009 or later. The book is a good one, but cases need updating. Updating may be difficult for instructors to implemenet, due to the imbedding of cases into so many areas of the text. In addition, nearly half of the links provided in the text no longer work.

Text is very clear. I am impressed with the writing. In particular they did a good job of describing relatively complex theories with simple and understandable language.

The books is highly consistent in terms of formatting and style--as soon as Chapter 1 is complete, students should have a clear vision of what to expect for upcoming chapters.

This text is highly modular. In particular, the use of objectives for each section of each chapter allows for picking and choosing by instructors.

This book is well-organized and clear. Because OB is generally a set of very inter-related concepts, organization/flow is not perfect, but this book is as good as others I have seen in this area.

This is an area of improvement for this text. In particular links to outside web sites are out of date and many link to dead web sites. In addition, of the few images that are included in the text, several flow over 2 pages making them difficult to read.

Good grammar used throughout the text--few issues detected.

This text includes a good deal of discussion related to diversity, ethnicity, gender, and other issues culture in this text. I found the discussion in these areas to be both relevant and thoughtful.

There are several things about this text that I like. In particular, I think this would be a great book to use within an introductory OB course; it is well-written and thorough in terms of the breadth and depth of topics covered. The "OB Toolbox" sections give students many tips on getting, keeping, and succeeding their first professional job--that is great. However, there are a few areas of concern, as well. In particular, many links do not work and the cases are somewhat out of date (which poses a particular challenge due to the major economic changes that have taken place for several companies referred to in the text and cases). Before implementing this text, I would take time to review any potential overlap with other courses. But overall, this is a solid intro OB text.

Table of Contents

  • Chapter 1: Organizational Behavior
  • Chapter 2: Managing Demographic and Cultural Diversity
  • Chapter 3: Understanding People at Work: Individual Differences and Perception
  • Chapter 4: Individual Attitudes and Behaviors
  • Chapter 5: Theories of Motivation
  • Chapter 6: Designing a Motivating Work Environment
  • Chapter 7: Managing Stress and Emotions
  • Chapter 8: Communication
  • Chapter 9: Managing Groups and Teams
  • Chapter 10: Conflict and Negotiations
  • Chapter 11: Making Decisions
  • Chapter 12: Leading People Within Organizations
  • Chapter 13: Power and Politics
  • Chapter 14: Organizational Structure and Change
  • Chapter 15: Organizational Culture

Ancillary Material

About the book.

Organizational Behavior bridges the gap between theory and practice with a distinct "experiential" approach.

On average, a worker in the USA will change jobs 10 times in 20 years. In order to succeed in this type of career situation, individuals need to be armed with the tools necessary to be life-long learners. To that end, this book is not be about giving students all the answers to every situation they may encounter when they start their first job or as they continue up the career ladder. Instead, this book gives students the vocabulary, framework, and critical thinking skills necessary to diagnose situations, ask tough questions, evaluate the answers received, and to act in an effective and ethical manner regardless of situational characteristics.

Often, students taking OB either do not understand how important knowledge of OB can be to their professional careers, or they DO understand and they want to put that knowledge into practice. Organizational Behavior takes a more experiential angle to the material to meet both of those needs. The experiential approach can be incorporated in the classroom primarily through the "OB Toolbox." This feature brings life to the concepts and allows students to not only see how the OB theories unfold, but to practice them, as well.

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Cases in Organizational Behavior

Cases in Organizational Behavior

  • Gerard Seijts - The University of Western Ontario, CANADA
  • Description
  • Building Effective Organizations
  • Leading People
  • Team Management
  • Change Management  

Cases in Organizational Behavior can be used as a core text in courses that require the structure of a text. This book of cases can also be used to apply the principles in business and management courses, as well as in psychology courses.                     The IVEY Casebook Series Cases in Business Ethics Cases in Entrepreneurship Cases in Gender & Diversity in Organizations Cases in Operations Management Cases in Organizational Behavior Cases in the Environment of Business Cases in Alliance Management Mergers and Acquisitions: Text and Cases

See what’s new to this edition by selecting the Features tab on this page. Should you need additional information or have questions regarding the HEOA information provided for this title, including what is new to this edition, please email [email protected] . Please include your name, contact information, and the name of the title for which you would like more information. For information on the HEOA, please go to .

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An excellent text which provides realistic case studies to help students appreciate the complexity of any organisation.

Useful and interesting text. Not just for organisational behavior but for a broader set of business and management topic areas. The text provides a number of engaging case studies, which are useful in giving life to the relevant theory.

Readability - Relevance

Although these cases were good, I did not feel they would engage undergraduates who are just learning about OB. There needs to be companies they recognize and can relate to.

Cases haven't lent themselves to a critical management perspective.

cumulative cost of books for this course

Did not mesh well with the text. Cases were not well organized into sections either.

The current text book I'm using, Colquitt, Lepine, Wesson, provides case studies and videos for use in the class.

Sample Materials & Chapters

Chapter 1. Building Effective Organizations

Chapter 3. Team Management

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2015 Thinkers50 Innovation Award

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  • HBS Working Paper Series

Does 'What We Do' Make Us 'Who We Are'?

Organizational design and identity change at the federal bureau of investigation, about the unit.

Through its research, teaching, and course development, the Organizational Behavior Unit creates and disseminates knowledge that advances the understanding of how to lead and manage with the aim of increasing personal and organizational effectiveness. Although specific research interests span a wide range of subjects, the faculty share a problem driven, interdisciplinary, multi method approach that has led to significant impact on theory and practice.

Our current intellectual agenda builds on the rich history of OB at HBS and focuses squarely on the organizational changes and challenges arising from today's increasingly global and more competitive economy. In the last decade, the faculty have been recognized for their work on leadership in an increasingly diverse and dynamic environment, the evolution of managerial careers in our society, managing diversity, and organizational design and change to meet evolving needs and expectations in a changing world.

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Chris ernst: purpose, people, progress.

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Dr. tom mihaljevic and cleveland clinic.

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Leader as a Motivator

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Leader as a Communicator

An integrative model of hybrid governance: the role of boards in helping sustain organizational hybridity.

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Lyft 2023: Roads to Growth and Differentiation

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Beyond Process Improvement: Why Organizational Architecture Matters With Mike Tushman

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An Invitation for Innovation: Why Creativity Is Found, Not Forced

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Proactive AI Policy

  • 06 May 2024

The Critical Minutes After a Virtual Meeting That Can Build Up or Tear Down Teams

  • 26 Mar 2024

How Do Great Leaders Overcome Adversity?

  • 16 Feb 2024

Is Your Workplace Biased Against Introverts?

Harvard business publishing.

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Unifying Your Company Around a Moral Goal

Glass half-broken: shattering the barriers that still hold women back at work.

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  • 26 Mar 2024
  • Research & Ideas

How Humans Outshine AI in Adapting to Change

Could artificial intelligence systems eventually perform surgeries or fly planes? First, AI will have to learn to navigate shifting conditions as well as people do. Julian De Freitas and colleagues pit humans against machines in a video game to study AI's current limits and mine insights for the real world.

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Employee Negativity Is Like Wildfire. Manage It Before It Spreads.

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In Empowering Black Voters, Did a Landmark Law Stir White Angst?

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  • 03 Oct 2023
  • What Do You Think?

Do Leaders Learn More From Success or Failure?

There's so much to learn from failure, potentially more than success, argues Amy Edmondson in a new book. James Heskett asks whether the study of leadership should involve more emphasis on learning from failure? Open for comment; 0 Comments.

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What Kind of Leader Are You? How Three Action Orientations Can Help You Meet the Moment

Executives who confront new challenges with old formulas often fail. The best leaders tailor their approach, recalibrating their "action orientation" to address the problem at hand, says Ryan Raffaelli. He details three action orientations and how leaders can harness them.

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  • 03 Mar 2023

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  • 10 Nov 2022

Too Nice to Lead? Unpacking the Gender Stereotype That Holds Women Back

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  • 09 Jun 2021

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  • Working Paper Summaries

Information Avoidance and Image Concerns

People avoid information that might compel them to behave more generously. While many people avoid information due to concerns about their self-image, there is a substantial role for other reasons, such as inattention and confusion.

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Case Western Reserve University

  • Sustainability Library

Organizational Behavior

Take a look at organizational behavior-related case studies from the Fowler Center for Business as an Agent of World Benefit at Case Western Reserve University.

Wal-Mart's Sustainability Strategy

Company: WalMart

Publisher: Stanford

Call Number: OIT-71

Year Published: 2007

In October 2005, in an auditorium filled to capacity in Bentonville, Arkansas, Lee Scott, WalMart's president and CEO, made the first speech in the history of WalMart to be broadcast to the company's 1.6 million associates (employees) in all of its 6,000+ stores worldwide and shared with its 60,000+ suppliers. Scott announced that WalMart was launching a sweeping business sustainability strategy to dramatically reduce the company's impact on the global environment and thus become "the most competitive and innovative company in the world." He argued that, "Being a good steward of the environment and being profitable are not mutually exclusive. They are one and the same."

What is the dilemma or tough decisions?

Decision to make sustainability an important part of WalMart's operations.

Website where case study can be found…

Viridity Energy: The Challenge and Opportunity of Promoting Clean Energy Solutions

Company: Viridity Energy, Inc.

Publisher: Ivey

Call Number: 9B12M035

Year Published: 2012

Viridity Energy, a smart grid company, is engaged in sustainability for two reasons. On one hand, it finds profitable opportunities by helping its customers cut energy bills. And on the other hand, it’s getting credit for that environmental responsibility. This case highlights the challenges and opportunities of smart grid companies to promote clean energy solutions, especially the challenge of doing less harm to include progressively greater eco-effectiveness in competitive markets.…

Verne Global: Building a Green Data Center in Iceland

Company: Verne

Publisher: Harvard

Call Number: 9-509-063

Year Published: 2009

Verne Global, a pioneering startup created to build the first large-scale data center in Iceland, faces critical challenges regarding its green strategy. 

How can Verne best integrate its Green strategy into its Sales and Marketing message?…

The ReUse People: Turning Scrap into Sales

Company: The ReUse People

Publisher: Oikos

Call Number: N/A

This case discusses The ReUse People, an organisation that specialises in deconstruction of buildings, with the aim of reusing as much of the materials as possible, hence keeping them out of landfill. The organisation is facing a classical growth-related dilemma: should it grow organically, keeping most of the work in-house but hence limiting its growth rate, or should it “franchise” its deconstruction approach by certifying other companies in the deconstruction process? The mission of The ReUse People is squarely environmental, but the organisation is increasingly aiming to provide social benefits too by reaching out to community organisations and providing employment opportunities.

Which expansion strategy is better for TRP?

The Ambrose Hotel: Eco-labeling Strategy for Sustainable Lodging

Company: The Ambrose Hotel

The case traces the story of the Ambrose Hotel, a hotel based in California whose owner has invested in green practices and is interested in pursuing an eco-labeling strategy in order to better communicate her environmental achievements. It emphasises the difference between the adoption of environmental management practices and their communication through eco-labels. It highlights the challenges associated with the use of eco-labels as an environmental differentiation strategy when several emerging eco-labels are in competition.

How should Ambrose go about convincing customers that they are truly green?…

Sustainability at Tetra Pak: Recycling Post-Consumer Cartons

Company: Tetra Pak

Call Number: 9B12M069

Tetra Pack India aimed to uphold its image of an environmentally responsible company by meeting its goals for recycling post consumer cartons (PCC). While Tetra Pack’s ‘Renew’, ‘Reduce’, ‘Recycle’, ‘be Responsible’ philosophy succeeded in other regions of the world, the particular geographical, socioeconomic and political climate in India posed various challenges. Tetra Pak India’s team redefined its strategy by forging partnerships and alliances with non-governmental organizations, scrap dealers, rag-pickers, commercial establishments and organizations that champion the cause of the environment.

With ever-changing mindsets, increasing regulations and growing customer expectations, how can Tetra Pak face the future challenges to ensure that its success from the PCC recycling initiative can be sustained and scaled up?…

Taj Hotels: Building Sustainable Livelihoods

Company: Taj Hotels

Call Number: 9B13C032

Year Published: 2013

This case explores issues faced by the corporate sustainability manager at the corporate headquarters of a large hotel group in a developing nation as she implements her company’s corporate sustainability strategy through supplier partnerships with bottom-of-the-pyramid (BoP) social organizations. Under the rubric of responsible purchasing, the hotelier’s “Creating Sustainable Livelihoods” initiative engaged cause-based nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) by exploring opportunities where the products or services of such organizations could substitute for similar products or services sourced from for-profit suppliers. 

The case illustrates the challenges inherent in a Base-of-the-Pyramid responsible purchasing strategy, including the delicate balance between meeting business objectives while supporting social causes. These challenges revolve around developing and implementing cross-sector partnerships with BoP nonprofit producer organizations in the Indian context. Discussion is likely to center less on differences in partners’ missions, cultures, and long-term objectives, and more on the difficulties present in organizing even when those differences are reconciled, especially through symbiotic long-term obj…

Starbucks and Conservation International

Company: Starbucks

Call Number: 9-303-055

Year Published: 2004

Starbucks developed a strategic alliance with Conservation International to promote coffee-growing practices of small farms that would protect endangered habitats. The collaboration emerged from the company's corporate social responsibility policies and its coffee procurement strategy. Starbucks was reviewing the future of this alliance and its new coffee procurement guidelines aimed at promoting environmentally, socially, and economically sustainable coffee production.

How does Starbucks use its alliance with Conservation International to develop its socially and environmentally sustainable coffee system?…

Pyramyd Air: Looking through the Scope of Values

Company: Pyramyd Air

Call Number: 9B13C038

Pyramyd Air, a small and growing online airgun retailer serving the shooting community, wants to broaden its sustainability practices from its current internal initiatives in order to communicate an even stronger value proposition: sustainability isn’t just about recycling and efficiency, it is about a thriving environment leading to more engaged employees and more loyal premium customers. Pyramyd Air recognizes that some sustainability practices are vital to its customers’ long-term enjoyment of a flourishing outdoor sporting industry. 

For a company with strong customer relationships but operating in a sector not usually frequented by pro-environment types, can sustainability strengthen the relationship between employees and customers by building on the inherent industry values of the great outdoors and a sense of community? How can the company’s culture and employee perspectives evolve in order to frame sustainability in a new light leading to specific sustainability initiatives that the company could pursue in order to resonate with customers and increase profits?…

Procter & Gamble: Children's Safe Drinking Water (A, B)

Company: Procter & Gamble

Publisher: UVA

Call Number: 0315

Year Published: 2008

In 1995, Procter & Gamble (P&G) scientists began researching methods of water treatment for use in communities facing water crises. P&G was interested in bringing industrial-quality water treatment to remote areas worldwide, because the lack of clean water, primarily in developing countries, was alarming. With a long history of scientific research and innovation in health, hygiene, and nutrition, P&G considered ways it could address the safe drinking-water crisis as the new millennium approached.

How P&G can take the business of pure, clean drinking water to other geographies.…

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Organisational Behaviour: A case study of Coca-Cola Company

Profile image of Fahad Muhammad Umar

Abstract: The paper contains a detail analysis of organizational behavior discussing issues facing cutting age organizations on leadership behavior, organizational effectiveness, organizational structures and human resource management. The paper further analyzed the structure and culture of Coca-Cola Company with emphasis on issues relating to ricks and uncertainties in the company’s decision making. Recommendations are laid based on the study to address the company’s issues and align decision-making with the company’s structure

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Organizational Behavior and HR

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What Is Organizational Behavior (OB), and Why Is It Important?

organizational behavior case study

Amanda Bellucco-Chatham is an editor, writer, and fact-checker with years of experience researching personal finance topics. Specialties include general financial planning, career development, lending, retirement, tax preparation, and credit.

What Is Organizational Behavior (OB)?

Organizational behavior is the academic study of how people interact within groups. The principles of OB are applied primarily in attempts to help businesses operate more effectively.

Key Takeaways

  • Organizational behavior is the study of how people interact in group settings.
  • This field of study includes areas of research dedicated to improving job performance, increasing job satisfaction, promoting innovation, and encouraging leadership.
  • The Hawthorne Effect, which describes the way test subjects' behavior may change when they know they are being observed, is the best-known study of organizational behavior.
  • Organizational behavior is a foundation of corporate human resources, encompassing elements such as employee retention, engagement, training, and culture.
  • Organizational behavior is a subset of organizational theory which studies a more holistic way of structuring a company and managing its resources.

Theresa Chiechi / Investopedia

Understanding Organizational Behavior (OB)

The study of organizational behavior includes areas of research dedicated to improving job performance, increasing job satisfaction, promoting innovation, and encouraging leadership . Each has its own recommended actions, such as reorganizing groups, modifying compensation structures, or changing methods of performance evaluation .

Organizational Behavior Origins

The study of organizational behavior has its roots in the late 1920s, when the Western Electric Company launched a now-famous series of studies of the behavior of workers at its Hawthorne Works plant in Cicero, IL.

Researchers there set out to determine whether workers could be made to be more productive if their environment was upgraded with better lighting and other design improvements. To their surprise, the researchers found that the environment was less important than social factors. It was more important, for example, that people got along with their co-workers and felt their bosses appreciated them.

Those initial findings inspired a series of wide-ranging studies between 1924 and 1933. They included the effects on productivity of work breaks, isolation, and lighting, among many other factors.

The Hawthorne Effect —which describes the way test subjects' behavior may change when they know they are being observed—is the best-known study of organizational behavior. Researchers are taught to consider whether or not (and to what degree) the Hawthorne Effect may skew their findings on human behavior.

Organizational behavior was not fully recognized by the American Psychological Association as a field of academic study until the 1970s. However, the Hawthorne research is credited for validating organizational behavior as a legitimate field of study, and it's the foundation of the  human resources (HR) profession as we now know it.

Evolution of Organization Behavior

The leaders of the Hawthorne study had a couple of radical notions. They thought they could use the techniques of scientific observation to increase an employee's amount and quality of work, and they did not look at workers as interchangeable resources. Workers, they thought, were unique in terms of their psychology and potential fit within a company.

Over the following years, the concept of organizational behavior widened. Beginning with World War II, researchers began focusing on logistics and management science. Studies by the Carnegie School in the 1950s and 1960s solidified these rationalist approaches to decision-making.

Today, those and other studies have evolved into modern theories of business structure and decision-making. The new frontiers of organizational behavior are the cultural components of organizations, such as how race, class, and gender roles affect group building and productivity. These studies take into account how identity and background inform decision-making.

Organizational behavior is no different than other forms of psychological behavior analysis. It simply emphasizes how individuals operate and work together within a business setting.

Learning Organizational Behavior

Academic programs focusing on organizational behavior are found in business schools, as well as at schools of social work and psychology. These programs draw from the fields of anthropology, ethnography, and leadership studies, and use quantitative, qualitative, and computer models as methods to explore and test ideas.

Depending on the program, one can study specific topics within organizational behavior or broader fields within it. Specific topics covered include cognition, decision-making, learning, motivation, negotiation, impressions, group process, stereotyping, and power and influence. The broader study areas include social systems, the dynamics of change, markets, relationships between organizations and their environments, how social movements influence markets, and the power of social networks .

Organizational Behavior Study Methods

Organizational behavior can be studied using a variety of methods to collect data. Surveys are a popular research method in organizational behavior research. They involve asking individuals to answer a set of questions, often using a Likert scale. The goal of the survey is to gather quantitative data on attitudes, behaviors, and perceptions related to a particular topic. In a similar manner, companies may perform interviews to gather data about individuals' experiences, attitudes, and perceptions.

Companies can also gather data without directly interacting with study subjects. Observations involve watching individuals in real-life settings to gather data on their behaviors, interactions, and decision-making processes. Meanwhile, a company can perform case studies to perform an in-depth examination of a particular organization, group, or individual.

In situations where there isn't really precedent, companies can study organizational behavior by running experiments. By manipulating one or more variables at a time to observe the effect on a particular outcome, a company can get the best sense of how organizational behavior tweaks change employee disposition.

Organizational behavior data can be quantitative or qualitative.

Organizational behavior is an especially important aspect to human resources. By better understanding how and why individuals perform in a certain way, organizations can better recruit, retain, and deploy workers to achieve its mission. The specific aspects of organizational behavior relating to HR are listed below.


Organizational behavior research is used to identify the skills, abilities, and traits that are essential for a job. This information is used to develop job descriptions, selection criteria, and assessment tools to help HR managers identify the best candidates for a position. This is especially true for roles that may have technical aspects but rely heavier on soft skills .

Organizational behavior can be used to design and deliver training and development programs that enhance employees' skills. These programs can focus on topics such as communication, leadership, teamwork, and diversity and inclusion. In addition, organizational behavior can be used to be better understand how each individual may uniquely approach a training, allowing for more customized approaches based on different styles.

Performance Management

Organizational behavior is used to develop performance management systems that align employee goals with organizational objectives. These systems often include performance metrics, feedback mechanisms, and performance appraisal processes. By leveraging organizational behavior, a company can better understand how its personnel will work towards common goals and what can be achieved.

Employee Engagement

Organizational behavior is used to develop strategies to improve employee engagement and motivation. These strategies can include recognition and rewards programs, employee involvement initiatives, and career development opportunities. Due to the financial incentives of earning a paycheck , organizational behavior strives to go beyond incentivizing individuals with a paycheck and understanding ways to enhance the workplace with other interests.

Organizational behavior research is used to develop and maintain a positive organizational culture. This includes devising strategies that supports employee well-being, trust, and a shared vision for the future. As each individual may act in their own unique manner, it is up to organizational behavior to blend personalities, integrate backgrounds, and bring people together for a common cause.

Organizational Behavior vs. Organizational Theory

Organizational behavior and organizational theory are related fields of study, but they have some important differences. While organizational behavior is concerned with understanding and improving the behavior of individuals, organizational theory is concerned with developing and testing theories about how organizations function and how they can be structured effectively.

Organizational theory draws on concepts and theories from economics, sociology, political science, and other social sciences . It aims to understand how organizations are structured and how they operate. In some aspects, organizational behavior can be considered a subset of organizational theory.

Both fields are important for understanding and improving organizational performance, and they often overlap in their research topics and methods. However, organizational theory is often much broader and does not focus on individuals.

Examples of Organizational Behavior

Findings from organizational behavior research are used by executives and human relations professionals to better understand a business’s culture , how that culture helps or hinders productivity and employee retention, and how to evaluate candidates' skills and personality during the hiring process.

Organizational behavior theories inform the real-world evaluation and management of groups of people. There are several components:

  • Personality plays a large role in the way a person interacts with groups and produces work. Understanding a candidate's personality, either through tests or through conversation, helps determine whether they are a good fit for an organization.
  • Leadership—what it looks like and where it comes from—is a rich topic of debate and study within the field of organizational behavior. Leadership can be broad, focused, centralized or de-centralized, decision-oriented, intrinsic in a person’s personality, or simply a result of a position of authority.
  • Power, authority, and politics all operate inter-dependently in a workplace. Understanding the appropriate ways these elements are exhibited and used, as agreed upon by workplace rules and ethical guidelines, are key components to running a cohesive business.

Why Is Organizational Behavior Important?

Organizational behavior describes how people interact with one another inside of an organization, such as a business. These interactions subsequently influence how the organization itself behaves and how well it performs. For businesses, organizational behavior is used to streamline efficiency, improve productivity, and spark innovation to give firms a competitive edge.

What Are the 4 Elements of Organizational Behavior?

The four elements of organizational behavior are people, structure, technology, and the external environment. By understanding how these elements interact with one another, improvements can be made. While some factors are more easily controlled by the organization—such as its structure or people hired—it still must be able to respond to external factors and changes in the economic environment.

What Are the 3 Levels of Organizational Behavior?

The first is the individual level, which involves organizational psychology and understanding human behavior and incentives. The second level is groups, which involves social psychology and sociological insights into human interaction and group dynamics. The top-level is the organizational level, where organization theory and sociology come into play to undertake systems-level analyses and the study of how firms engage with one another in the marketplace.

What Are Some Common Problems that Organizational Behavior Tries to Solve?

Organizational behavior can be used by managers and consultants to improve the performance of an organization and to address certain key issues that commonly arise. These may include a lack of direction or strategic vision for a company, difficulty getting employees on board with that vision, pacifying workplace conflict or creating a more amenable work environment, issues with training employees, poor communication or feedback, and so on.

OB is the study of human behavior in an organizational setting. This includes how individuals interact with each other in addition to how individuals interact with the organization itself. OB is a critical part of human resources, though it is embedded across a company.

Harvard Business School. " Harvard Business School and the Hawthorne Experiments (1924-1933) ."

Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology. " A Brief History of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Inc. – A Division of the APA ."

Mie Augier. " Cyert, March, and the Carnegie School ," Page 1.

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Revisiting the Inhibitory Effect of General Mental Ability on Counterproductive Work Behavior: The Case for GMA-Personality Interaction

  • Original Paper
  • Published: 16 May 2024

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  • Alexandra M. Harris-Watson   ORCID: 1 ,
  • Joshua D. Miller   ORCID: 2 &
  • Nathan T. Carter   ORCID: 3  

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Counterproductive work behavior (CWB) is an important component of job performance that is known to be related to critical personal and organizational consequences. Thus, both researchers and practitioners are interested in better understanding CWB’s primary drivers. Despite its popularity, the theoretical inhibitory effect of GMA on CWB, which predicts that employees with higher GMA will show lower CWB, has seen weak and inconsistent empirical support. Here, we propose that a reason for this divide between theory and empirical studies can be explained by a more appropriate interpretation of the inhibitory effect as conditional , in that the strength of the GMA-CWB relationship is dependent on other critical individual differences. We suggest that the meta-trait stability– which subsumes conscientiousness, agreeableness, and emotional stability, the three personality traits shown to be consistently positively related to CWB–is critical for revealing the GMA-CWB relation in empirical studies. Specifically, we hypothesize that the inhibitory effect is dependent on the meta-trait stability such that the expected negative GMA-CWB relationship is strongest for those with low levels of stability but is not apparent for those with high levels of stability. Results supported the conditional inhibitory hypothesis across two large samples. Implications for theory and practice are discussed.

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The datasets generated during and/or analysed during the current study are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request.

The second meta-trait plasticity encompasses the remaining Big Five traits of openness and extraversion and concerns the creation and exploration of new goals. Importantly, the two meta-traits do not reflect opposing ends of the same dimension. As noted by DeYoung ( 2015 ), “The opposite of stability is not plasticity but instability, and the opposite of plasticity is not stability but rigidity” (p. 47). See DeYoung et al., ( 2002 , 2010 ) for further reading on possible neurobiological substrates of the Big Five traits, including the relationship between plasticity and dopaminergic functioning.

A 10-item verbal measure was administered. However, to due to an error in administration for one of the items, only 9-items were used to score verbal GMA.

To evaluate whether intelligence type may have affected findings, we also estimated separate models for an interaction between stability and verbal intelligence and an interaction between stability and fluid intelligence (i.e., spatial measure). Results for fluid and verbal intelligence were not notably different from each other, nor were they different from results using the average of both intelligence types presented in-text.

We also ran a z-test to compare the proportion of “never” endorsement in Sample 1 (7.30%) and Sample 2 (9.36%) and found no significant difference, z  = -1.92, p  = .059.

In our first dataset (78% White, 6% Black, 5% Asian, 5% Hispanic) we found no significant observed differences in CWB between race categories,  F (3,1314) = 0.56,  p  = .640. However, predicting CWB from GMA scores alone resulted in a significant race effect,  F (3,1314) = 4.72,  p  = .002, such that Black respondents had higher predicted CWB,  t (1176) = 3.77,  p  < .001, with a moderately large effect size,  d  = .44. Notably, in this sample GMA alone did not significantly predict CWB (see Table  5 ). However, all other models utilizing stability (stability alone, joint “main effects” of GMA and stability, or interacting GMA and stability) showed no significant differences in predicted CWB between race categories. In our second dataset (74% White, 12% Black, 5% Asian, 5% Hispanic), we found significant observed differences in CWB,  F (3,1177) = 6.99,  p  < .001, such that Asian respondents showed lower CWB than White respondents,  t (968) = -2.55,  p  = .011,  d  = -.33, whereas Black respondents showed higher CWB than White respondents,  t (1056) = 3.40,  p  < .001,  d  = .30. Using GMA alone to predict CWB resulted in a significant effect of race on predicted values of CWB,  F (3,1177) = 21.84,  p  < .001. However, when using predicted CWB (via GMA), the Black-White effect size was exaggerated at  d  = .65 for predicted CWB, compared to  d  = .30 for observed CWB (see above). The Asian-White effect for predicted CWB was similar to the observed CWB finding at  d  = -.36. Utilizing stability as a lone predictor showed no significant race differences in predicted CWB. However, the effect of race category returned when considering joint prediction models. Using the “main effects” of GMA and stability resulted in a significant race effect,  F (3,1177) = 5.49,  p  < .001, with significant and similar adverse effects for Black respondents,  d  = .31, and Hispanic respondents,  d  = .29. Nearly identical results were found when utilizing the interaction between GMA and Stability with effect sizes of .29 for Black respondents and .30 for Hispanic respondents.

The only exception was that in Sample 2, Class 4 showed lower Agreeableness than Class 2.

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Department of Psychology, University of Oklahoma, 455 W. Lindsey Street, Norman, OK, 73019, USA

Alexandra M. Harris-Watson

University of Georgia, Department of Psychology, Athens, USA

Joshua D. Miller

Michigan State University, Department of Psychology, East Lansing, USA

Nathan T. Carter

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We have no conflicts of interest to disclose. This article is based on the dissertation completed by Harris ( 2020 ). The work of Alexandra M. Harris-Watson was supported in part by the National Science Foundation Research Fellowship Program (DGE-1443117), and the work of Nathan T. Carter was supported in part by the National Science Foundation (SES1561070). Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the view of the National Science Foundation.

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CWB Subdimensions Predicted by Lower-order Traits

Below, we provide results for both CWB-I and CWB-O predicted by conscientiousness, agreeableness, and emotional stability. Table 13 shows results of moderated multiple regression models in Sample 1, and Table 14 shows corresponding results of simple slopes tests. Table 15 shows results of moderated multiple regression models in Sample 2, and Table 16 shows corresponding results of simple slopes tests. Consistent with other exploratory analyses described in the main manuscript, all p-values reported here are two-tailed. Further, JN alpha and p-values for simple slopes tests are Bonferroni corrected (Bauer & Curran, 2005).


In Sample 1, there was a significant interactive influence of conscientiousness and GMA on CWB-I ( b  = 0.07, p  = 0.014) but not CWB-O. Conscientiousness accounted for 41.2% of the variability in the relationship between GMA and CWB-I (R 2  = 0.058). The effect of GMA on CWB-I was significant outside the JN 95% CI [0.12, 13.34] such that the effect was negative at low levels of conscientiousness.

In Sample 2, conscientiousness and GMA showed a significant interactive effect on CWB-I ( b  = 0.15, p  < 0.001) and CWB-O ( b  = 0.10, p  < 0.001). Conscientiousness accounted for 38.0% of the variability in the relationship between GMA and CWB-I (R 2  = 0.258) and 37.7% of the variability in the relationship between GMA and CWB-O (R 2  = 0.307). The effect of GMA on CWB-I was significant outside the JN 95% CI [0.71, 1.74] and the effect of GMA on CWB-I was significant outside the JN 95% CI [0.52, 2.68]. Thus, the effect of GMA on both CWB-I and CWB-O was significant and negative at low levels of conscientiousness in Sample 2.


In Sample 1, there was a significant interactive influence of agreeableness and GMA on CWB-O ( b  = 0.07, p  = 0.008) but not on CWB-I. Agreeableness accounted for 97.4% of the variability in the relationship between GMA and CWB-O (R 2  = 0.134). The effect of GMA on CWB-O was significant outside the JN 95% CI [-4.17, 0.59] such that the effect was positive at high levels of agreeableness.

In Sample 2, agreeableness and GMA showed a significant interactive effect on CWB-I ( b  = 0.11, p  < 0.001) and CWB-O ( b  = 0.11, p  < 0.001). Agreeableness accounted for 17.1% of the variability in the relationship between GMA and CWB-I (R 2  = 0.135) and 25.7% of the variability in the relationship between GMA and CWB-O (R 2  = 0.108). The effect of GMA on CWB-I was significant outside the JN 95% CI [1.21, 4.26] and the effect of GMA on CWB-O was significant outside the JN 95% CI [0.79, 4.18]. Thus, the effect of GMA on both CWB-I and CWB-O was negative at low levels of agreeableness. However, the effect of GMA on CWB-I was also negative at moderately high levels of agreeableness and non-significant beyond 1.21 SD above mean agreeableness.

Emotional Stability

In Sample 1, there was a significant interactive influence of emotional stability on CWB-I ( b  = 0.06, p  = 0.003) and CWB-O ( b  = 0.07, p  = 0.003). However, when quadratic controls were included in the model (Cortina, 1993), the interactive influence on CWB-I was no longer significant and, therefore, the JN 95% CI and corresponding simple slopes tests are not reported. Emotional stability accounted 95.7% of the variability in the relationship between GMA and CWB-O (R 2  = 0.059). The effect of GMA on CWB-O was significant outside the JN 95% CI [-1.43, 1.78] such that the effect was negative at very low levels of stability and positive at very high levels of stability.

In Sample 2, emotional stability and GMA also showed a significant interactive effect on CWB-I ( b  = 0.15, p  < 0.001) and CWB-O ( b  = 0.12, p  < 0.001). Emotional stability accounted for 30.6% of the variability in the relationship between GMA and CWB-I (R 2  = 0.151) and 33.1% of the variability in the relationship between GMA and CWB-O (R 2  = 0.172). The effect of GMA on CWB-I was significant outside the JN 95% CI [0.89, 2.23] and the effect of GMA on CWB-O was significant outside the JN 95% CI [0.68, 3.00] such that the effect of GMA on both CWB-I and CWB-O was significant at low levels of emotional stability.

Overall, in Sample 1, results for CWB-I were consistent with the form hypothesized for conscientiousness and emotional stability. However, results for CWB-O were not consistent with the form hypothesized in Sample 1. Although results suggest a negative effect of GMA on CWB-O at very low emotional stability, results also show a positive effect of GMA on CWB-O at high levels of agreeableness and very high levels of emotional stability. Importantly, these differences in subdimension and trait-level results were not replicated in Sample 2. Rather, results in Sample 2 were generally consistent across all three traits and both CWB subdimensions. Thus, Sample 1 differences reported here should be interpreted with caution.

Simulated Selection Analyses

To evaluate the practical impact of results, we conducted simulation analyses in which we compared CWB among “applicants” selected using a stability-GMA interaction model and model with only stability included as a predictor. We compared the interaction model to a stability-only model because stability-related traits (i.e., conscientiousness, agreeableness, and emotional stability) have been shown to negatively predict CWB and are used in selection systems. In contrast, prior research does not consistently support a GMA-CWB relationship, and we are not aware of any selection systems that use GMA to predict CWB.

First, we simulated applicant pools by randomly selecting people from our existing samples. We selected 1,000 samples of 100 people each from each of the samples, as well as from the combined samples. Next, we used coefficient estimates from the stability-only and interaction model to predict CWB and identified applicants to “screen out” (i.e., highest 10% and 20% in CWB). Notably, we cross-validated parameters by using coefficients estimated from each sample to predict CWB in both samples separately, as well as the combined samples. We then compared the observed average and maximum CWB scores of applicants that were identified by the interaction versus stability-only model. A model was considered to have “won” if observed CWB was more than 0.10 SD above that predicted by the other model. The number of “wins” for each model are shown in Tables 17 and 18 for average and maximum CWB, respectively. Results show that the interaction model was better than the stability-only model at predicting high CWB in 10 of 12 comparisons for average CWB and all (12 of 12) comparisons for maximum CWB. That is, the interaction model more accurately “screened out” applicants with the highest CWB in nearly all (22 of 24) comparisons.

Latent Profile Analyses

As one reviewer noted, another potential way of examining the veracity of a moderation hypothesis is to estimate latent profiles among the variables of interest. Therefore, we estimated a latent profile model using the ‘tidyLPA’ package (Rosenberg et al., 2018 ) in R. We utilized the IRT-derived scores for each of the three lower-order stability traits (i.e., conscientiousness, agreeableness, and emotional stability), along with the two subdimensions of CWB (CWB-I and CWB-O). To rule out any effects driven by the lower-order plasticity traits (i.e., extraversion and openness), we also included IRT scores for these two FFM dimensions.

Considering the Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC; smallest value criteria), Entropy (highest value criteria), smallest class size (in proportions, all classes equal to or greater than 0.10), and overall interpretability, we concluded that in both samples a 4-class solution was best. Statistics for model evaluation are shown in Table 19 . As shown in Figure 7 , the class with the highest level of CWBs (i.e., Class 3 in Sample 1, and Class 2 in Sample 2) also showed the lowest levels of conscientiousness, agreeableness, and emotional stability, Footnote 6 as well as the lowest GMA compared to other classes. Thus, individuals with very high CWB (11% of Sample 1; and 19% of Sample 2) were also low in both stability and GMA. The class with the lowest level of CWB (i.e., Class 2 in Sample 1, and Class 1 in Sample 2) had high levels of stability but average levels of GMA. That is, GMA was not a distinguishing feature for those in classes with low CWB (20% in both samples), whereas these classes were high in stability. These results are fully consistent with our hypothesized interaction; individuals with low GMA and low stability have high CWB while individuals with high stability (but average GMA) have low CWB. Individuals with levels of CWB closer to average (i.e., the remaining classes: Classes 1 and 4 in Sample 1; Classes 3 and 4 in Sample 2) generally showed average levels of other traits. Notably, there were no clear systematic differences in openness and extraversion across classes and samples. Thus, we believe that LPA shows the same effects that are more explicitly tested in our moderated multiple regression analysis.

figure 7

Mean plots for each in latent profile class in Sample 1 (top) and Sample 2 (bottom)

Data Transparency Appendix

Sample 1 data reported in this manuscript have been previously published. Findings from the data collection have been reported in separate manuscripts. MS 1 (published) focuses on general mental ability (GMA), openness to experience, and creative achievement. MS 2 (published) focuses on GMA only and gender of participants. MS 2 (current manuscript) focuses on GMA, the Five Factor Model traits comprising meta-trait stability (conscientiousness, agreeableness, and emotional stability), and counterproductive work behavior. The table below displays which data variables appear in each study, as well as the current status of each study. Sample 2 data reported in this manuscript have not been previously published.

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About this article

Harris-Watson, A.M., Miller, J.D. & Carter, N.T. Revisiting the Inhibitory Effect of General Mental Ability on Counterproductive Work Behavior: The Case for GMA-Personality Interaction. J Bus Psychol (2024).

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Accepted : 03 April 2024

Published : 16 May 2024


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Learning outcomes.

After reading this chapter, you should be able to answer these questions:

  • What is the meaning of work in a societal context?
  • How do we recognize and meet the challenges facing managers in the new millennium?
  • What is expected of a manager?
  • What is the role of the behavioral sciences in management and organizations?

Exploring Managerial Careers

The management challenge at apple and google.

When Apple was developing iOS 10, a group of 600 engineers was able to debug, develop, and deploy the new programming within two years. Contrarily, Microsoft engineers were able to develop and execute the programming on Vista, but it took considerably longer and was a bigger undertaking, with almost 6,000 engineers at hand. What was the difference?

According to the study conducted by leadership consulting firm Bain & Company, companies like Apple, Google, and Netflix are 40 percent more productive than the average company. Some may think that this is a product of the hiring pool; big companies generally attract a more talented group of recruits. With unique benefits and prowess in the industry, this must be the case. Wrong. Google and Apple have found a way to answer the most fundamental question in management: How do you balance productivity while maintaining employee satisfaction and commitment?

Companies such as Google have approximately the same percentage of “star players” as other companies, but instead of spreading out the talent, they group them dynamically to achieve more throughout the day. This grouping focuses on grouping key players in the most business-critical roles, and is the key to success for the overall company. You’ve heard the saying “You’re only as strong as your weakest link,” and in the case of Apple, there were no weak links, making their productivity extremely high overall. To make matters more complicated, the fast-paced workplace and technology changes, including the diversity of employees and the global marketplace, takes a considerable toll on employee expectations, as do the overall stresses of the business performance. Apple is just one example of a company that figured out one of the pieces to this puzzle, but it is illustrative of what is happening in the workplace all around the globe.

Contemporary managers are witnessing changes in technologies, markets, competition, workforce demographics, employee expectations, and ethical standards. At the heart of these changes is the issue of how to manage people effectively. To attain corporate objectives, each manager must discover how to develop and maintain a workforce that can meet today’s needs while getting ready for tomorrow’s challenges. As a result, managers are asking questions such as:

  • How can we meet the international competition?
  • How can we make this organization more effective?
  • How can we better utilize our human resources?
  • How can we create a more satisfying and rewarding work environment for all employees?
  • How can we improve the quality of our products?
  • How can we improve communication and decision-making processes at work?
  • How should we evaluate and reward performance?
  • How can we develop the company leaders of tomorrow?

Questions such as these point to the issue of effective management. That is, what can managers do to improve both organizational and employee performance? Effective management requires an in-depth knowledge of financial management, marketing research and consumer behavior, accounting and control practices, manufacturing and production techniques, and quantitative methods. In addition, however, effective management requires “people skills.” That is, a good manager must be able to motivate his employees, to lead skillfully, to make appropriate and timely decisions, to communicate effectively, to organize work, to deal with organizational politics, and to work to develop both employees and the organization as a whole. These issues constitute the subject of this course. We shall examine principles of the behavioral sciences that can help managers improve both their own skills and abilities and those of their subordinates in order to enhance organizational performance and effectiveness.

As a prelude to this analysis, we begin with a brief look at the natures of work and of management. Contemporary challenges are discussed. Next, we consider a model of organizational behavior that will serve as a guide throughout the study of management and organizational behavior. We begin with an examination of work.

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  • Authors: J. Stewart Black, David S. Bright
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  • Book title: Organizational Behavior
  • Publication date: Jun 5, 2019
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    Part 1 comprises 14 case studies of individual behaviour in organisations. The study of is traditionally labelled 'micro-level OB analysis', and evokes a consideration of issues which lie at the heart of work and organisational psychology (e.g. personality, attitudes, motivation and commitment).

  7. Cases in Organizational Behavior

    Cases in Organizational Behavior can be used as a core text in courses that require the structure of a text. This book of cases can also be used to apply the principles in business and management courses, as well as in psychology courses. ... The text provides a number of engaging case studies, which are useful in giving life to the relevant ...

  8. Organizational Behavior

    Through its research, teaching, and course development, the Organizational Behavior Unit creates and disseminates knowledge that advances the understanding of how to lead and manage with the aim of increasing personal and organizational effectiveness. Although specific research interests span a wide range of subjects, the faculty share a ...

  9. Behavior: Articles, Research, & Case Studies on Behavior- HBS Working

    Behavior. New insights in behavior from Harvard Business School faculty on issues including how to foster and utilize group loyalty within organizations, giving and taking advice, motivation, and how managers can practice responsive listening. Page 1 of 73 Results →. 26 Mar 2024.


    CASE STUDIES IN ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOUR. October 2023. Publisher: UniRazak Press. ISBN: 978-967-2274-26-1. Authors: Andylla Arbi. Universiti Tun Abdul Razak (UNIRAZAK) Mohamad Bolhassan. Azrul.

  11. PDF Research in Organizational Behavior

    field experiments have subsequently been used to study organizational behavior and advance theory, many schol-ars (e.g., Scandura & Williams, 2000; Shadish & Cook, 2009) have lamented the fact that field experiments remain underutilized in organizational scholarship rela-tive to other field research methods and relative to other scholarly ...

  12. PDF Research in Organizational Behavior

    organizational behavior, we identify several promising future directions for the domain; some of which involve connecting with adjacent fields, and others that benefit ... paradigm, typically derived from case studies devoted to understanding norms and beliefs within different 200 J.A. Chatman, C.A. O'Reilly/Research in Organizational ...

  13. Journal of Organizational Behavior

    The Journal of Organizational Behavior publishes empirical reports and theoretical reviews of research in the field of organizational behavior at individual, group and organizational levels. The journal is a valuable resource for all those interested in occupational psychology, behavior management, and psycho/social/legal management aspects of working life.

  14. Organizational Behavior

    Verne Global: Building a Green Data Center in Iceland. Company: Verne. Publisher: Harvard. Call Number: 9-509-063. Year Published: 2009. Verne Global, a pioneering startup created to build the first large-scale data center in Iceland, faces critical challenges regarding its green strategy.

  15. Ch. 10 Critical Thinking Case

    One case in point is the example of jury decision-making, where fact-finding and logical decision-making are of utmost importance. ... A 2006 study of jury decision-making, led by social psychologist Samuel Sommers of Tufts University, showed that racially diverse groups exchanged a wider range of information during deliberation of a case than ...

  16. (PDF) Assessing Organizational Behavior: A Case Study in a Colombian

    Introduction. Organizational behavior (OB) theory. researches the effect of the human behavior. within an organizational environment, focusing on improving the organizational. effectiveness by re ...

  17. Organizational Behavior Case Studies

    Organizational Behavior case studies deals with a variety of management topics in an organization, focuses on organizational cultures and skill development, examines human behavior like commitment, hard work, self motivation etc. in a work environment and determines its impact on business performance with a motivational leadership.

  18. Case study analysis of organisational behaviour

    Abstract. The 56 cases contained in this book are 'critical' in two senses of the word. First, it is hoped that in tackling a sample of these cases, the reader will be encouraged to develop critical thinking and analytical skills in order to get beneath the surface reality of organisational life. Secondly, many of the cases focus on issues ...

  19. Organisational Behaviour: A case study of Coca-Cola Company

    Abstract: The paper contains a detail analysis of organizational behavior discussing issues facing cutting age organizations on leadership behavior, organizational effectiveness, organizational structures and human resource management. ... The research would then give an example of the role of culture in organisational change using the case ...

  20. Case Studies

    Over 500 cases from Marketline/Datamonitor, among other publishers. Ivey at the University of Western Ontario provides Complimentary Cases. Cases cover the subjects: entrepreneurship, leadership/ethics, operations management, strategy, sustainability, and system dynamics. Use the Narrow Your Results option to select subjects and "Available to ...

  21. Ch. 13 Critical Thinking Case

    Our mission is to improve educational access and learning for everyone. OpenStax is part of Rice University, which is a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit. Give today and help us reach more students. Help. OpenStax.

  22. What Is Organizational Behavior (OB), and Why Is It Important?

    Organizational Behavior - OB: Organizational behavior (OB) is the study of the way people interact within groups. Normally this study is applied in an attempt to create more efficient business ...

  23. Revisiting the Inhibitory Effect of General Mental Ability on

    Counterproductive work behavior (CWB) is an important component of job performance that is known to be related to critical personal and organizational consequences. Thus, both researchers and practitioners are interested in better understanding CWB's primary drivers. Despite its popularity, the theoretical inhibitory effect of GMA on CWB, which predicts that employees with higher GMA will ...

  24. Unraveling Motivation at Amazon: A Case Study Perspective

    Case Study: Motivation in Amazon Introduction In the dynamic realm of organizational behavior, the study of motivation serves as a critical lens through which to comprehend the intricate interplay between individuals and the environments in which they work. This case study delves into the fascinating world of Amazon, a global powerhouse in technology and e-commerce, to unravel the intricate ...

  25. Ch. 1 Introduction

    As a prelude to this analysis, we begin with a brief look at the natures of work and of management. Contemporary challenges are discussed. Next, we consider a model of organizational behavior that will serve as a guide throughout the study of management and organizational behavior. We begin with an examination of work.