Essay on My Mother for Schools Students and Children

500+ words essay on my mother.

My mother is an ordinary woman she is my superhero. In every step of my, she supported and encouraged me. Whether day or night she was always there for me no matter what the condition is. Furthermore, her every work, persistence, devotion, dedication, conduct is an inspiration for me. In this essay on my mother, I am going to talk about my mother and why she is so special to me.

essay on my mother

Why I Love My Mother So Much?

I love her not because she is my mother and we should respect our elders. I respect her because she has taken care of me when I was not able to speak. At that time, she has taken care of all my needs when I wasn’t able to speak.

Additionally, she taught me how to walk, speak, and take care of myself. Similarly, every bigger step that I have taken in my life is all because of my mother. Because, if she hasn’t taught me how to take small steps then I won’t be able to take these bigger step.

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She is an essence of truthfulness, love, and sincerity. Another reason is that she showers her family with her blessing and live. Furthermore, she gives us everything but never demand anything in return. The way she cares for everyone in the family inspires me to the same in my future.

Also, her love is not just for the family she treats every stranger and animals the same way she did to me. Due to, this she is very kind and sensible towards the environment and animals.

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Her Strengths

Although she is not physically very strong she faces every hurdle of her life and of the family too. She motivates me to be like her and never submit in difficult times. Above all, my mother encourages me to improve my all-round skills and studies. She motivates me to try again and again till I get success in it.

A Companion of Trouble

Whenever I was in trouble or scolded by dad I run towards my mother as she is the only one that can save me from them. Whether a small homework problem or a bigger problem she was always there for me.

my mother essay grade 2

When I was afraid of the dark she would become my light and guide me in that darkness. Also, if I can’t sleep at night she would hold my head on her lap until I fell asleep. Above all, she never leaves my side even in the hardest of times.

Every mother is special for her children. She is a great teacher, a lovely friend, a strict parent. Also, she takes cares of the need of the whole family. If there is anyone out there who loves us more than our mother is only God. Not just for my mother but for every mother out there who lives her life for her family deserves praiseworthy applause.

my mother essay grade 2

Frequently Asked Questions for You

Q.1 When did the Mother’s Day be celebrated in India and why?

A.1 Mother’s Day is celebrated on the Second Sunday in the month of May. It’s celebrated to appreciate the hard work that our mother’s do in their life. And the sacrifices that they make to keep their family happy.

Q.2 Why mother is so special?

A.2 They are special because they are mothers. They are the superwomen that do all the housework, teach and take care of their children, looks after her husband, do her job and at the end of the day if you ask for her help she says ‘yes’ with a smile on her face.

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My Mother Essay In English 10 Lines, 200 to 1000 Words

Gavin Kolner

A mother is a special person in everyone’s life. She is a source of unconditional love, care, and support. In my life, my mother holds an extraordinary place. She is not just a parent, but also a friend, guide, and true inspiration. Her presence fills my world with warmth and comfort. In this essay, I will share the countless reasons why my mother is truly amazing and why I consider myself fortunate to have her in my life. From her comforting hugs to her endless sacrifices, my mother’s love and dedication are unmatched. Join me as I delve into the beautiful journey of exploring the extraordinary qualities of my incredible mother.

Table of Contents

My Mother Essay 10 Line

My Mother Essay in English 10 Lines

My Mother Essay in English 10 Lines

  • My mother is the best. She loves me a lot.
  • She takes care of me every day and shows me love.
  • My mom cooks yummy food that I really enjoy.
  • When I’m sad, she makes me feel better and happy.
  • She helps me with my homework and teaches me new things.
  • My mom gives me warm hugs and sweet kisses that make me smile.
  • Her voice is soft and soothing, like a bedtime story.
  • She works hard to keep our home clean and cozy.
  • My mom reads me stories before I sleep, and they fill my dreams.
  • I’m thankful for my mom’s love. She’s like a special gift from above.

Another set of 10 Lines Essay on My Mother

  • My mom is my best friend. We have lots of fun together.
  • She always listens to my stories and makes me feel important.
  • Mom helps me get ready for school and packs my lunch with love.
  • She gives the warmest hugs that make me feel safe and loved.
  • My mom is a great cook. Her pancakes are the tastiest!
  • She teaches me how to be kind and helps me understand right from wrong.
  • Mom is always there to cheer me up when I’m feeling down.
  • We love going for walks in the park and playing games together.
  • She tucks me in at night and reads my favorite bedtime stories.
  • I’m grateful for my mom’s love and everything she does for me.

My Mother Essay 100-150 Words

(My Mother Essay for Class 5-6)

My mother is the most important person in my life. She is always there for me, supporting and guiding me. She wakes up early to make sure I have a healthy breakfast and helps me get ready for school. She works hard to take care of our family and manages all the household chores.

What I love about my mother is her unconditional love. She always puts our needs before her own and sacrifices her time for us. When I am sad or facing a problem, she listens to me and gives me the best advice. She is my teacher too, helping me with my schoolwork and encouraging me to do my best.

I am grateful for all the love and care my mother gives me. She is my superhero and I am lucky to have her. I hope to make her proud one day and show her how much I appreciate her.

My Mother Essay 200-250 Words

(My Mother Essay for Class 7-8)

My mother is the most amazing person in my life. She is my hero, my role model, and my best friend. She is always there for me, supporting me and guiding me in every step of my life.

My mother is a strong and hardworking woman. She wakes up early every morning to prepare breakfast for our family and ensures that we are ready for the day ahead. She manages the household chores, takes care of my younger siblings, and still finds time to help me with my schoolwork.

One of the things I admire most about my mother is her unconditional love for our family. She always puts our needs before her own and sacrifices her time and energy to make sure we are happy and well taken care of. Whenever I am sad or facing a problem, she listens to me patiently and gives me the best advice.

My mother is also a great teacher. She encourages me to do my best in school and helps me with my homework and projects. She believes in me and motivates me to reach for my dreams. Her belief in my abilities gives me the confidence to face any challenge that comes my way.

I am grateful for all the love, care, and support my mother provides. She is the heart and soul of our family. I hope to make her proud one day and be as amazing a person as she is.

In conclusion, my mother is my rock and my inspiration. She teaches me the importance of hard work, love, and selflessness. I am truly blessed to have such an incredible mother, and I will always cherish and appreciate her.

My Mother Essay 200-250 Words PDF

My Mother Essay 500 Words

(My Mother Essay for Class 9-10)

My mother is a remarkable woman who holds a special place in my heart. Her love, strength, and unwavering support make her an extraordinary person in my life. She is not only my caretaker but also my confidante, my guide, and my role model.

One of the qualities I deeply admire in my mother is her boundless love for our family. Her love is a beacon that lights up our lives and brings warmth and comfort to our hearts. She showers us with affection, ensuring that we feel cherished and valued. Her love is unconditional, and it gives me a sense of security and belonging. Whether it’s through her comforting words, warm hugs, or acts of kindness, her love is a constant source of strength and happiness.

My mother’s strength is truly awe-inspiring. She faces challenges head-on and handles them with grace and resilience. From managing our household affairs to pursuing her own endeavors, she showcases an incredible level of determination and perseverance. Even in the face of adversity, she remains strong and optimistic, setting a powerful example for me to follow. Her strength empowers me to face my own difficulties and teaches me the importance of resilience in overcoming obstacles.

Beyond her roles as a caretaker and provider, my mother is my guiding light. She has been my mentor and source of wisdom throughout my life. Whenever I find myself at crossroads, unsure of which path to take, she is always there to offer guidance and support. Her advice is rooted in her own life experiences and is filled with profound insights. She encourages me to explore my passions, set goals, and work hard towards achieving them. Her guidance has shaped my aspirations and instilled in me a sense of purpose.

Moreover, my mother has instilled in me a strong set of values. She leads by example and teaches me the importance of honesty, kindness, and empathy. Her actions speak louder than words as she consistently demonstrates these qualities in her interactions with others. She encourages me to be compassionate, to lend a helping hand, and to make a positive difference in the world. Her teachings have shaped my character and have inspired me to be a responsible and caring individual.

In addition to her countless roles, my mother is my biggest supporter. She celebrates my achievements, no matter how big or small, and encourages me to pursue my dreams. Her belief in my abilities gives me the confidence to overcome self-doubt and strive for excellence. She attends my school events, cheers me on during competitions, and provides a listening ear when I need to talk. Her unwavering support fuels my ambition and motivates me to reach for the stars.

In conclusion, my mother is the embodiment of love, strength, guidance, and support. Her love creates a nurturing environment that uplifts our family. Her strength and resilience inspire me to overcome challenges. Her guidance shapes my decisions and aspirations. And her unwavering support encourages me to pursue my dreams. I am truly blessed to have such an incredible mother, and I am grateful for the profound impact she has had on my life.

My Mother Essay500 Words PDF

My Mother Essay 1000 Words

(My Mother Essay for Class 11-12)


A mother is a priceless gift that nature bestows upon every child. She is the epitome of selfless love, care, and sacrifice. My mother, in particular, has been my guiding light, shaping me into the person I am today. Her unwavering support, unconditional love, and invaluable life lessons have left an indelible mark on my heart and soul. In this essay, I will delve into the various aspects of my mother’s influence on my life, highlighting her role as a nurturer, teacher, and role model.

Nurturer Extraordinaire:

From the very moment I entered this world, my mother became my nurturer extraordinaire. She embraced the responsibilities of motherhood with grace and unwavering dedication. Her warm embrace and soothing voice were my solace during times of distress. Whether it was the joy of my first steps or the pain of my first fall, my mother was always there to support me. She taught me the importance of compassion, empathy, and understanding, shaping my character with her unconditional love.

Growing up, my mother ensured that our home was filled with warmth, love, and a sense of security. She was not only a caretaker but also a constant source of comfort and encouragement. Whenever I faced challenges, whether big or small, my mother was there to provide a listening ear and offer words of reassurance. Her presence alone was enough to dispel my fears and doubts, making me feel safe and protected.

Teacher and Mentor:

Aside from being my nurturer, my mother has played a crucial role as my teacher and mentor. She recognized the significance of education and instilled in me a thirst for knowledge. Throughout my academic journey, she has been my anchor, providing guidance, encouragement, and assistance whenever I needed it. Her patience in explaining complex concepts and her belief in my abilities have fueled my desire to excel in various fields. My mother’s unwavering belief in me has given me the confidence to pursue my dreams and overcome any obstacles that come my way.

Moreover, my mother’s wisdom extends beyond textbooks and academic pursuits. She has imparted invaluable life lessons that have shaped my worldview. Through her own experiences and stories, she has taught me the importance of resilience, perseverance, and a strong work ethic. My mother’s unwavering support and belief in my potential have pushed me to strive for excellence in all aspects of my life.

Source of Strength:

Life is filled with ups and downs, and during the darkest of times, my mother has been my source of strength. She has faced numerous challenges herself, but her resilience and determination have always prevailed. Whenever I felt overwhelmed or lost, my mother’s reassuring presence provided me with the courage to persevere. Her words of wisdom and calming presence have taught me to embrace challenges as opportunities for growth. Through her own example, my mother has shown me that strength and resilience can overcome any adversity.

During difficult times, my mother has displayed unwavering strength and an unwavering spirit. Her ability to remain composed and positive, even in the face of adversity, has taught me the power of resilience. She has taught me to view setbacks as stepping stones towards personal growth and to never lose hope in the face of challenges. Her unwavering faith in me has given me the confidence to confront any obstacles that life throws my way.

Moral Compass:

My mother’s guidance has not been limited to academic and personal matters alone. She has also been my moral compass, teaching me the importance of honesty, integrity, and kindness. Her unwavering belief in doing the right thing, even when faced with difficult choices, has shaped my moral character. She has instilled in me the values of compassion and respect for others, emphasizing the importance of treating everyone with dignity and fairness. My mother’s teachings have served as a guiding light, steering me away from the temptations of selfishness and deceit.

Through her actions and words, my mother has demonstrated the importance of empathy and kindness towards others. She has taught me the value of giving back to the community and helping those in need. From volunteering at local charities to lending a helping hand to our neighbors, my mother has shown me the impact that even small acts of kindness can have on the world. Her selflessness has inspired me to make a positive difference in the lives of others and to always strive to be a compassionate and responsible member of society.

Role Model:

Above all, my mother is my ultimate role model. Her unwavering dedication to her family, her pursuit of personal growth, and her ability to balance multiple responsibilities have inspired me beyond measure. She has shown me that it is possible to achieve success while remaining grounded and humble. Her unwavering love for our family and her commitment to nurturing our relationships have set a high standard for me to follow. I strive every day to be a fraction of the incredible person she is.

My mother’s resilience, strength, and unwavering belief in herself have taught me the importance of self-love and self-care. She has shown me that taking care of oneself is not selfish but necessary for personal growth and overall well-being. Her ability to juggle various roles and responsibilities has taught me the importance of balance and prioritization. She has shown me that it is possible to excel in both personal and professional aspects of life with dedication and determination.


In conclusion, my mother’s influence on my life is immeasurable. She has been my nurturer, teacher, mentor, and role model. Her unwavering support, unconditional love, and invaluable life lessons have shaped me into the person I am today. I am grateful for her presence in my life and the countless sacrifices she has made for my well-being. As I continue on my journey, I carry with me the lessons she has imparted and strive to make her proud. My mother is not only my guiding light but also the embodiment of love, strength, and wisdom. Her influence will forever resonate within me, guiding me through life’s challenges and inspiring me to be the best version of myself. I am truly blessed to have such an incredible mother, and I will always cherish and celebrate her immeasurable impact on my life.

My Mother Essay 1000 Words PDF

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My Mother Essay for Class 2

Every family has a support system. My mother is the support system of our family. A mother is irreplaceable in anyone’s life. A mother makes many sacrifices for her family. She is also the backbone of every child. Every child loves their mother. A mother’s love is very comforting for her child.

We are providing two essay samples for students of class 2 on the topic ‘My Mother’ for reference.

Essay 1: Short Essay On My Mother Of 100 Words

My mother’s name is Rita. The meaning of this name is pearl. I love my mother very much. She takes excellent care of everyone in my house. She does all the household works.

She prepares food for everyone. Sometimes, she plays with my brother and me. In her free time, she watches the TV. She also reads the newspaper every morning. My mother is a teacher in a local school.

She teaches history in school. I went to my mother’s school once. It was a big school. Sometimes my mother helps me with my classwork also. She is very supportive of me.

Engage your kid into diverse thoughts and motivate them to improve their English with our  Essay for Class 2  and avail the Simple Essays suitable for them.

Essay 2: Long Essay On My Mother Of 150 Words

A mother is one who takes care of the family. My mother also helps our family very much. She prepares breakfast for everyone in the morning. She helps my father prepare for his job. She makes delicious tiffins for my brother and me.

She is also my best friend and guides me everywhere. She cooks delicious snacks in the evening. I enjoy her cooking very much. She worries if anyone in my family falls ill. She prays for the good health of everyone in my family.

She teaches history in a school near our house. She is a great teacher. Everybody respects her in her school. She is not a strict teacher in the classroom. She always smiles. She also makes us laugh by telling jokes. I share all my secrets with my mother.

She tells fantastic stories at bedtime. She often corrects my mistakes. Sometimes, I take a history lesson from her. She teaches me very well.

10 Lines On My Mother In English

  • My mother compliments me when I achieve something.
  • My mother is my favourite motivator.
  • My mother is very hardworking as she keeps the house very clean.
  • Her love for our family inspires me to be like her in the future.
  • My mother is the best in the world.
  • When I was little, my mother took great care of me.
  • My mother wakes up before everyone in the house.
  • My mother is very polite towards others.
  • My mother is very kind and honest.
  • My mother never loses courage and patience over small matters.

Frequently Asked Questions on My Mother

Question: Why is a mother special to her child?

Answer:  A mother is very special to her child. For a new-born child, his mother takes good care of him. She makes sure that her child does not get sick. A mother always protects and loves her child unconditionally.

When a baby grows up, her mother still helps him to succeed in life. That is why a mother is special to her child.

Question: What is the importance of “Mothers-Day”?

Answer:  In India, mothers-day is celebrated on the 9th of May. This day is celebrated to honor our mothers. Our mothers work hard for us. They sacrifice many things to provide us with a better future. They keep our family united and takes good care of its members.

On this day, we make our mothers feel special. We do their work and let them have a good rest.  We let them know how much we all love them.

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Essay on My Mother in English for School Students

my mother essay grade 2

  • Updated on  
  • May 8, 2024

essay on my mother

The bond between a mother and her child is one of the strongest and most beautiful relationships in the world. A mother’s love is unparalleled, and her presence in our lives is a source of comfort, guidance, and unwavering support. In the following blog, we will explore the different facets of a mother’s role, from being a homemaker to a working professional, and how to articulate them precisely in an essay form.

Table of Contents

  • 1 Tips to Write an Essay
  • 2.1 Sample Essay on My Mother: For Class 1
  • 2.2 Essay on My Mother in 100 words
  • 2.3 Essay on My Mother in 150 words
  • 2.4 Essay on My Mother in 200 words
  • 3 Short Essay on My Mother

Tips to Write an Essay

Writing an essay about your mother or any other topic requires careful planning and organization. Here are some tips to help you create a compelling and well-structured essay:

  • Decide whether you want to focus on your mother’s qualities, her role as a homemaker or a working professional, or any other specific aspect that resonates with you.
  • Organize your thoughts by creating an outline. Divide your essay into an introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. Jot down key points you want to cover under each section.
  • Describe your mother’s attributes, actions, and qualities vividly. Use sensory details to paint a clear picture in the reader’s mind.
  • Support your points with real-life examples or anecdotes that showcase your mother’s impact on your life. These personal stories add depth and authenticity to your essay.
  • Express your feelings and emotions towards your mother. Let your readers understand the depth of your relationship and the reasons for your admiration.
  • Ensure that your essay flows smoothly from one point to another. Use transitional phrases to connect ideas and maintain a logical progression.
  • Summarize your main points in the conclusion and reiterate the significance of your mother’s role in your life. End with a memorable thought or reflection.

Also Read: The Beginner’s Guide to Writing an Essay

Samples of Essay on My Mother

Following are some samples of Essay on My Mother for your reference:

Sample Essay on My Mother: For Class 1

My mother is my superhero. She takes care of our family and loves us a lot. She cooks yummy food and makes our home cosy. She helps me with my schoolwork and listens to my stories. She is kind and patient, and I learn good things from her. Even when she’s busy, she smiles and helps me. She does a lot for us, and I’m thankful. I want to be like her when I grow up. Her sacrifices for our family are countless, and I’m truly grateful for all she does. I hope to make her proud by following her example of hard work and compassion. In my eyes, my mother is the most amazing person, and I love her dearly. My mom is the best!

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Essay on My Mother in 100 words

My mother is my rock, always standing by me through thick and thin. She selflessly cares for me, especially during tough times and sickness. As my first teacher, she imparted valuable life lessons and values. Her contributions to our family inspire me to stay on the right path. Her love and care are boundless, like that of a living goddess. Her simplicity, humility, and sincerity make her truly special. She teaches me to face life’s challenges with courage and determination. Her constant prayers and blessings have contributed to my success. Our bond is based on trust, understanding, and unconditional love. My mother’s presence is a source of strength, love, and guidance in my life.

Essay on My Mother in 150 words

My mother is my guiding light, a beacon of love and care in my life. She wears multiple hats, juggling work, home, and my needs effortlessly. Her unwavering support fuels my ambitions and encourages me to aim high. With every challenge, she stands strong, teaching me resilience by example. Her wisdom and advice are like a compass, steering me in the right direction. She selflessly puts our family’s needs before her own, a true embodiment of sacrifice. Her nurturing presence creates a haven of warmth and security in our home. The bond we share is beyond words, built on trust, understanding, and companionship. Her unconditional love and belief in me are my constant sources of strength. In her, I find not only a mother but also a friend who I am forever grateful for.

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Essay on My Mother in 200 words

From the very beginning of my existence, my mother’s presence has been a driving force that moulded me into who I am today. Her enduring qualities have not only shaped my character but have also taught me invaluable life lessons.

Among the numerous qualities she possesses, her kindness stands out the most. She has an innate ability to shower love and care on our family and friends without expecting anything in return. I often find myself in awe of her selflessness and hope that her kindness is always reciprocated.

As I reflect on our journey together, I am amazed at how our relationship has evolved. From being a nurturing figure during my younger years to becoming a confidante and a source of wisdom as I grew older, my mother’s role in my life has been irreplaceable.

Looking ahead, I envision a future filled with shared adventures, heart-to-heart conversations, and the same unwavering support that she has always provided. I yearn to ensure that her efforts are acknowledged and that she experiences the same warmth and care that she has given us.

In conclusion, my mother’s influence has been the cornerstone of my upbringing, and her unwavering dedication continues to shape my path forward. 

Also Read: Essay On Best Friend: 100 and 300 Words

Short Essay on My Mother

Here is a sample of a short essay on my mother:

Also Read: Essay on Indian Freedom Struggle – 100,200,500 Words

A. Begin your essay with a captivating introduction that introduces the topic, provides context, and engages the reader’s interest. You can start with a thought-provoking question, a relevant quote, or an intriguing anecdote.

A. An outline helps you organize your thoughts and ideas before you start writing. It provides a clear structure for your essay, ensuring that your arguments flow logically and coherently.

A. Use descriptive language and sensory details to create a vivid picture in the reader’s mind. Incorporate metaphors, similes, and descriptive adjectives to enhance the imagery and make your writing more engaging.

A. Developing your writing style takes practice. Experiment with different sentence structures, use literary devices and read widely to expose yourself to different writing styles. Over time, your unique voice and style will emerge.

Explore more topics on Essay Writing from below:

Remember, essay writing is a skill that can be honed through practice and dedication. By following these tips and guidelines, you can create compelling, well-structured, and engaging essays.

For more information on such interesting topics, visit our essay writing page and follow Leverage Edu.

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Manasvi Kotwal

Manasvi's flair in writing abilities is derived from her past experience of working with bootstrap start-ups, Advertisement and PR agencies as well as freelancing. She's currently working as a Content Marketing Associate at Leverage Edu to be a part of its thriving ecosystem.

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Essay On My Family For Class 2 Kids

Shaili Contractor

Key Points to Remember When Writing An Essay About My Family For Class 2

10-line essay on my family for class 2 kids, short essay on my family for class 2 kids, long essay on my family for class 2, what will your second grader learn from the essay.

Writing essays is an important skill in expression that children need to develop. The ‘describe your family’ essay is a topic that can help your child understand the style better, as it is about a topic they know and love. It would also help children develop an understanding of the concept of family and the type of relationships in it. Here, we look at an essay on My Family for Grade 2. Going through the examples in this article can help them get ideas for their own essay on the subject.

Keep these things in mind when you write an essay about your family:

  • Keep the essay simple since any complexity can cut the flow of ideas.
  • Write everything that comes to your mind. The essay can be filtered and polished later on.
  • Once you have noted down enough ideas to support the necessary length, think about elaborating and decorating, if necessary.
  • Write in simple English and try to use short sentences.
  • Avoid deviating from the topic. It happens to all writers, so make sure to keep it within the family!

Sentences should be concise, and you should convey the idea in one or two sentences and not carry it to the next line. Here’s how you can write the essay in just 10 lines: 

  • A family is a unit of related people who live together, and their relationship is by birth or blood.
  • I live in a big combined family with my parents, grandparents, uncles, and aunts. My cousins also live in the same building.
  • My father is a businessman who often travels abroad to run his company. My mother is a housewife and takes care of all of us.
  • My grandfather is a retired government employee who worked for the railways. He always has amazing stories about his experiences from his days working on trains.
  • My uncle is a police officer, and he helps people in need and catches bad guys.
  • The school that I go to is close to my house. My mom sometimes walks with me to school, and my uncle sometimes drops me off in the morning.
  • Everyone in our community likes my family. We often have guests from the neighbourhood who come to talk to my grandpa.
  • I am an only child, and sometimes I wish I had a brother or sister, like my cousins do.
  • My family celebrates festivals with other families in the community. We always have fun during Holi and Diwali.
  • My mother is a smart woman. She knows all about my subjects in school and helps me out with homework.

A short essay is a little more difficult than writing a short paragraph on my family. Unlike the one-line essays above, short essays require the flow to be maintained, from one sentence to the other.

My family is very important to me and precious. We’re a joint family, so my parents, my grandparents, and me live together. The time I spend with my grandparents is very special, and I adore spending time with them, especially my grandfather, who always has great stories about his youth and stories from the epics. We often spend time sitting on the balcony talking. After playtime with my dog Tommy, he teaches me math and science in the evening.

My father, who is quite tall, is a businessman, and my mother is a homemaker. I love my parents deeply, and they love me. We all eat dinner together and watch TV afterward. My grandmother loves to tell me stories before bedtime, and I love her moral stories with animals and people. My grandmother is also an outstanding cook because nobody can cook food as delicious as she can. On weekends we go out to the movies and the mall. My grandparents don’t always accompany us to the mall, but it is always fun when they do. My family is supportive, and I always strive to do my best to make them proud.

Writing a long essay requires some practice to maintain context and clarity. Move from one topic to the other slowly and add good quality information. You can start writing everything that comes to your mind and then arrange the points to give it a good flow.

I love my family more than anything in this world. Strong families are an important unit of society since children learn about their culture, tradition, and social values from their elders. So, I believe that good families form the backbone of great societies. At an individual level, families teach good behavior and habits, which we will remember for the rest of our lives.

I feel that I am very fortunate to have been born in a family that is well respected in my society and community. I come from a middle-class family with six members. Our family consists of my parents, grandparents, younger sister, and myself. My parents are polite people, and we follow the directions of our grandparents in important matters. My grandparents have lived longer than all of us and have gained enough life experience and wisdom to lead the family.

My grandfather is a retired army man. He has served our country and is respected by everyone in the community. He has strong values, which he says are important for the growth and development of both the family and the country. My grandfather always talks about bravery and being forthright in all aspects of life. He also has a gentle and nurturing side that makes him a very pleasant person. And just like him, my grandmother is an equally strong woman who raised all my uncles and aunts during years of hardships and uncertainty. She is also a hardworking and caring woman who tells me good stories before bedtime.

My father works in a bank – he is an important man who handles the finances of important people. My mother is a homemaker and enjoys taking care of us all. She always talks about the importance of hard work and honesty. My sister is still a baby, and I love playing with her. My family is very loving and a source of motivation for me. My family is always there for me when I need love, care, and comfort.

This essay for grade 2 contains essential information that your child can use to write an essay themselves. It talks about the importance of family and helps them understand the different roles each member of the family plays. My family composition for class 2 also highlights important points to write in the essay. After reading the essay, your child will be able to easily handle the question on a test or in an assignment.

‘My family’ is a common topic for lower-grade students. The ease with which children can write this topic will make them enjoy essay writing. Children will learn how to write short and long-form essays, which will help build their writing skills.

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Descriptive Essay

Descriptive Essay About My Mother

Caleb S.

Descriptive Essay About My Mother - A Guide to Writing

descriptive essay about my mother

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Have you ever wanted to convey the depth of your feelings and appreciation for your mother through words, but felt unsure about how to do it effectively?

Crafting a descriptive essay about your mother can be a challenging task. You want to capture her essence, the love she's given you, and the incredible person she is. 

But how do you put all those emotions into words that truly do her justice?

In this blog, we'll provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to write a heartwarming and meaningful descriptive essay about your mother. 

We’ll also provide essay examples to assist you in crafting an enhanced paper, complemented by valuable tips and guidance.

Let’s get started.

Arrow Down

  • 1. Descriptive Essay - What You Need to Know
  • 2. How to Write a Descriptive Essay About My Mother - 8 Easy Steps
  • 3. Examples of Descriptive Essay About My Mother
  • 4. Tips to Write a Descriptive Essay About Mother

Descriptive Essay - What You Need to Know

A descriptive essay is a type of essay that uses words to describe an object, person, experience, or place. The purpose of writing this type of essay is to provide the reader with a vivid and clear description of something. The writer must use sensory details, such as sight, hearing, smell, touch, and taste to make the reader experience the topic.

When writing about a person such as your mother, you need to describe the characteristics that make her unique. It can include personality traits or experiences that make her special.

Reading a few essay samples will help you out! So read on to find good examples and tips.

How to Write a Descriptive Essay About My Mother - 8 Easy Steps

Writing a heartfelt and vivid descriptive essay about your mother requires careful consideration. 

Here, we'll guide you through the process step by step, helping you express your feelings and admiration effectively:

Step 1: Choose a Focus

Decide on a specific aspect or trait of your mother that you want to describe. It could be her appearance, personality, nurturing qualities, or a particular event that showcases her character.

Step 2: Brainstorm Descriptive Words

Make a list of adjectives and descriptive words that come to mind when you think about your mother. Try to capture the essence of her being.

Step 3: Create an Outline

Organize your thoughts by creating a descriptive essay outline . Decide on the structure, such as the introduction, body, and conclusion, and what aspects you'll cover in each section.

Step 4: Start with a Hook

Begin your essay with an engaging hook or an anecdote that draws the reader in. It can be a personal memory or a captivating description of your mother.

Step 5: Descriptive Details

In the body of your essay, use sensory details to paint a vivid picture. Describe her appearance, mannerisms, and the emotions she evokes. Incorporate the descriptive words from your brainstorming list.

Step 6: Emotions and Memories

Share your personal emotions and memories associated with your mother. How does she make you feel, and what experiences have shaped your relationship with her?

Step 7: Use Metaphors and Similes

Employ metaphors and similes to enhance your descriptions. Compare her to elements from nature, objects, or anything that can add depth to your portrayal.

Step 8: Show, Don't Tell

Instead of simply stating qualities, show them through actions, interactions, and specific examples. Let the reader experience her through your words.

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Examples of Descriptive Essay About My Mother

Exploring essay examples can provide valuable insights for crafting an essay that deeply connects with your readers. 

Below, you'll find both a descriptive essay about my mother and an analysis of its content.

Why This Descriptive Essay Works

Here are several reasons why this descriptive essay is effective:

  • Emotional Connection

The essay immediately establishes an emotional connection with the reader through its theme of a mother's love. The use of descriptive language and personal anecdotes invites the reader to empathize and relate to the feelings and experiences described.

  • Vivid Imagery

The essay employs vivid imagery to paint a clear picture of the mother and her attributes. The descriptions of her eyes, hands, voice, and smile create a sensory experience for the reader, making them feel as if they are present with the author.

The essay uses symbolism effectively to convey the depth of the mother's love. The mother's eyes, for example, symbolize her wisdom and the shared experiences with the author. The use of the mother's hands as a source of healing symbolizes her nurturing and caring nature.

  • Structure and Flow

The essay is well-structured and flows seamlessly from one descriptive element to another. 

It begins with a general introduction, moves into specific descriptions, and ends with a strong, heartfelt conclusion. This organization keeps the reader engaged and ensures a logical progression of ideas.

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  • Emotional Impact

The essay's emotional impact is profound. It not only describes the mother's physical attributes but also delves into the intangible qualities that make her special. The reader is left with a deep sense of appreciation for the role of a mother and the love she provides.

  • Relatability

The essay's theme of maternal love is universal, making it relatable to a broad audience. Most readers can connect with the feelings of love, protection, and guidance that the author describes. 

If you still find it challenging to write a descriptive essay, consider these additional examples for guidance.

Descriptive Essay About My Mother PDF

Descriptive Essay About My Mother My Hero

Descriptive Essay Example About Mother

Descriptive Essay About My Mother 200 Words

Descriptive Essay On My Mother's Kitchen

Sample Descriptive Essay About My Mother

Here is a video of another short essay example about mother:

Want to read descriptive essays on other topics as well? Here are more descriptive essay examples that will help you out!

Tips to Write a Descriptive Essay About Mother

Now that you’ve read the examples, let’s look at some tips that will lead you to essay writing success.

  • Start with the Basics

Begin by brainstorming ideas of what makes your mother special and why she is important to you. Think about her personality traits, accomplishments, quirks, and unique qualities. In addition, consider the ways that your mother has influenced you and shaped your life.

You can also practice your writing skills with other descriptive essay topics . So write away!

  • Create an Outline

Once you have all of your ideas written down, create an descriptive essay outline that will guide the structure of your essay. This should include sections for your introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion.

  • Capture Her Essence

Use vivid language to capture the essence of who your mother is. Utilize descriptive words and phrases that will help your reader understand who your mother is and what she means to you.

  • Show, Don’t Tell

Instead of simply telling the reader about your mother’s traits or accomplishments, use stories and examples to illustrate them. This will make your essay more interesting to readers.

  • Keep Your Tone Consistent

Maintaining a consistent tone throughout ensures a cohesive narrative without feeling disjointed or scattered. This keeps readers interested until they reach their conclusion!

  • Don’t Forget the Conclusion

Summarize the main points of your essay in your conclusion and provide a call to action for readers. Maybe you’ll leave them feeling inspired or motivated to do something special for their own mother.

  • Revise & Edit Diligently

Revision is key when putting together any written piece. Read over your work multiple times and fix any errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, etc. Also improve any awkward phrasing or unclear ideas that might not be conveyed effectively enough.

To sum it up,

Writing a descriptive essay about your mother doesn't have to be difficult. With our guide and examples, you can easily write an effective essay that will make your mother proud! So get started today, and create the perfect essay for her!

By following these tips and examples, you will find it easier to write a meaningful descriptive essay about your mother. Good luck!

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You can trust our custom essay writing online for all your essay needs. We offer top-notch essay writing help to you get the best grade possible. Our essay writers are experienced and qualified to handle any essay topic with ease.

So get a high-quality descriptive essay writing service to make your essay stand out!

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Caleb S. has been providing writing services for over five years and has a Masters degree from Oxford University. He is an expert in his craft and takes great pride in helping students achieve their academic goals. Caleb is a dedicated professional who always puts his clients first.

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My Mother Essay for Class 2

Every family has a support system. My mother is the support system of our family. A mother is irreplaceable in anyone’s life. A mother makes many sacrifices for her family. She is also the backbone of every child. Every child loves their mother. A mother’s love is very comforting for her child.

We are providing two essay samples for students of class 2 on the topic ‘My Mother’ for reference.

Essay 1: Short Essay On My Mother Of 100 Words

My mother’s name is Rita. The meaning of this name is pearl. I love my mother very much. She takes excellent care of everyone in my house. She does all the household works.

She prepares food for everyone. Sometimes, she plays with my brother and me. In her free time, she watches the TV. She also reads the newspaper every morning. My mother is a teacher in a local school.

She teaches history in school. I went to my mother’s school once. It was a big school. Sometimes my mother helps me with my classwork also. She is very supportive of me.

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Essay 2: Long Essay On My Mother Of 150 Words

A mother is one who takes care of the family. My mother also helps our family very much. She prepares breakfast for everyone in the morning. She helps my father prepare for his job. She makes delicious tiffins for my brother and me.

She is also my best friend and guides me everywhere. She cooks delicious snacks in the evening. I enjoy her cooking very much. She worries if anyone in my family falls ill. She prays for the good health of everyone in my family.

She teaches history in a school near our house. She is a great teacher. Everybody respects her in her school. She is not a strict teacher in the classroom. She always smiles. She also makes us laugh by telling jokes. I share all my secrets with my mother.

She tells fantastic stories at bedtime. She often corrects my mistakes. Sometimes, I take a history lesson from her. She teaches me very well.

10 Lines On My Mother In English

  • My mother compliments me when I achieve something.
  • My mother is my favourite motivator.
  • My mother is very hardworking as she keeps the house very clean.
  • Her love for our family inspires me to be like her in the future.
  • My mother is the best in the world.
  • When I was little, my mother took great care of me.
  • My mother wakes up before everyone in the house.
  • My mother is very polite towards others.
  • My mother is very kind and honest.
  • My mother never loses courage and patience over small matters.

Frequently Asked Questions on My Mother

Question: Why is a mother special to her child?

Answer: A mother is very special to her child. For a new-born child, his mother takes good care of him. She makes sure that her child does not get sick. A mother always protects and loves her child unconditionally.

When a baby grows up, her mother still helps him to succeed in life. That is why a mother is special to her child.

Question: What is the importance of ‘Mothers-Day?

Answer: In India, mothers-day is celebrated on the 9th of May. This day is celebrated to honor our mothers. Our mothers work hard for us. They sacrifice many things to provide us with a better future. They keep our family united and takes good care of its members.

On this day, we make our mothers feel special. We do their work and let them have a good rest. We let them know how much we all love them.

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My Mother Essay In English 100, 200, 300, and 500 Words

Every single creature in this entire world has come into existence because of its Mother. Every living being, whether moving or non-moving creatures. We all need a mother to come into this world and survive on Earth. 

The concept and the importance of the beautiful word ‘Mother’ are enormous and can’t be explained only in a few words. It takes a lot to describe the mother. 

In this topic, we have covered some details that express and tell you the importance and need of the Mother in each person’s life. By reading this, you will understand the meaning of Mother and her greatness. 

Table of Contents

My Mother Essay 100 Words

My Mother’s name is Sarah Jane. She is a teacher by profession and teaches at the Mount Public School, Palghar, Mumbai. She is a good teacher by profession and a caring mother who takes care of every person in our family. She cooks very delicious food, and the taste of the food she cooked is incomparable with any of the other foods cooked by other chefs. She also works all the necessary works of the house, makes the house neat and clean, and prays to god regularly for the betterment and well-being of the family. She is a very kind and the most caring person in my life, and I always admire my mother. I love my mother so much.

My Mother Essay 200 Words

My mother is an angel to me and my whole world because, after my father’s death, my mother takes care of me and never makes me realize and feel my father’s absence in my life. She is a very brave and kind-hearted person. Every moment of my life, she treats me like a child and always guides and encourages me to move further in life and to achieve success. Because of her love and caring, thoughts, and admiration, I became a good character who never thinks to do bad to anyone. 

She is a housewife and a self-made businesswoman who runs her small-scale business from home and fulfills all the needs of my studies. I always wonder how my mother manages this all alone without putting any burden on me and always behaves like a calm person. She used to take certain vocational classes of many ladies in batch slots and helps many of the ladies who are interested but unable to afford the class fees. She sets an example to many independent ladies who think they are baseless after their husbands and family support. I love my mother and always love her. I always pray to God to bless my mother with a healthy and prosperous life.

My Mother Essay 300 Words

My mother is a symbol of love, truth, honesty, and above all, the gods in this world. My mother is an amazing and confident woman and also an inspiration to me. I always admire my mother because of her self-made decisions and her loyalty in her life. Her name is Usha Patani. 

My mother is good luck to me, so I always used to start my day with my mother’s smile, and every day I take her blessings. It helps me a lot and makes it very easy to do any work and clears problems very quickly. She is always concerned about my studies and helps me at the time of examinations. She also guides me in life to become a good person and do the right things and always suggests that I make the right decisions in life. She used to take care of my younger brother and me whenever we fell sick. She is a best friend to both of us and always tries to make us comfortable with her all the time. I and my brother always share our secrets with our mom. 

She always cares for our happiness and always tries to make us feel comfortable. She cooks delicious food for both of us. Every day she makes breakfast and gives us lunchboxes for our school. On holidays, she always prepared and made something special and delicious foods and tasty cuisines and we enjoyed it a lot in our home. Sometimes, we also go out to celebrate our weekends and have fun. Whenever we get time off from our studies, we sit with our mother, and she tells us laughing stories, knowledgeable stories, and other conversations that help us follow in our lives and become a good people. She is one of the most kind-hearted people I have ever known in my life, and also love her so much more than anyone else in my life. I will never gonna do anything wrong, for which my mother’s dignity will fade because of me.

My Mother Essay 500 Words

We all know that the place of the Mother is at the top as she is more valuable than God. She is the most important and special person in everyone’s life. In fact, we can say that a mother is the most precious gift of God for anyone. Mother is the first teacher for every child from which a baby can learn respect and caring, learn to speak, and a child can see the world only because of a mother. She can be a friend, parent, guardian, caretaker, and teacher in her life for their child also, she takes the responsibility to run a family and make the home as beautiful as heaven. Her smile illuminates the entire home with her presence, affection, and love. Every human being or living creature has a special and emotional attachment to their mother. For all the babies in this world, the safest and most relaxing place is their mother’s lap. 

A mother holds the entire responsibility of her family and the happiness of the people living in the house. She helps and takes care of everyone, whether they are elders, kids, or grandparents. She is so delightful and helpful that she is always ready to help her neighbors and friends when needed. Her love is unconditional and pure for everyone in her family. She never stepped back from her responsibilities and always takes care of the house without objecting by saying a single word. Many mothers are multifunctional as they take care of their house and run a business or do some other activities. She has a wonderful capacity to face the challenges in her life and a way to make them into opportunities. They have the ability to manage the obstacles that come in her path of handling the business and caring for the house. She surprises everyone with her skills. She is very good at multitasking, and she can handle it gently without any hesitation. 

The nature of the mother is incomparable in this world she always loves their loved ones unconditionally without any returnable expectations. A mother is not just a simple word. It is a whole universe itself. A famous writer once said, “God could not be present everywhere for everyone. Therefore, they created mothers.” A house is not like a house with an absence of a mother, and a family is always imperfect and incomplete without her. 

Genuinely, no one can define the meaning of the word ‘Mother.’ We all get a holiday every year on holidays weekends, but a mother has no holidays, no weekends, and works continuously throughout the year without a single leave, even when she feels ill. She never demands anything in return for her work and care. She possesses many qualities that make her an idol of care and love. She always forgives her loved ones for their mistakes and always tries to correct our faults with some strict measures to realize our mistakes and understand our responsibilities. She always sacrifices something to make their children responsible person in their life and achieve success and further a comfortable life. She is a selfless Human Being, and we must have to respect her. 

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Essay for Class 2 Children


Writing an essay is quite a simple thing. It not only helps to improve the writing and grammar skills of the child, but also helps them to get a better grip on their creativity, imagination, and the right usage of vocabulary. 

Writing short essays on a regular basis is a great way to practice English and it also helps to strengthen the overall essay writing skills of the student. 

Here are 2 short essays for Children studying in Grade 2. 

Short Essay on My Mother 

My name is Varun Shah. My Mother’s name is Reena Shah. She is 36 years old and works as a homemaker. She loves to cook food and is also very good at it. I love to eat the pizza and pasta that she makes. 

She also loves to sing and tries to practice as much as she can every day. Her voice is very sweet when she sings. She likes to sing old songs a lot. She is also very beautiful and very smart. 

She takes care of me, my elder brother, and my father as well. Everyone at our house loves her. She is very caring and loving. Whenever someone falls sick, she always looks after them by cooking food for them and giving them medicine. She is a very brave and kind person. She always takes care of others and helps others during any problem. 

My Mother and I visit the park near our house every Sunday. We go to the park in the evening. She sits there on a white bench and smiles at me while I swing. She also meets her friends and neighbours in the park. 

She helps me with my studies and homework from school. She also teaches me new things about singing, painting, and dancing. 

My Mother is a very caring and pretty woman, and I love her. 

Short Essay on My Favourite Festival Diwali 

Diwali is My favourite Festival. It is celebrated in October or November. It is celebrated to honour Lord Ram. 

It is the Festival of lights. I celebrate it with My family every year. My mother makes tasty sweets during the Festival. We also do pooja during this time and everyone gives each other nice gifts. My sister and I light crackers with our neighbours. We all get together and have fun at night while bursting crackers.

People wear new and colourful clothes during this time. There are colourful decorations and lights everywhere during this Festival. We decorate our house as well. I also help My sister to make rangoli outside our house. And My father lights diyas and puts them in different places in the house. People also light different lamps and lanterns at their houses. 

During the time of pooja, our whole family comes to our house and we do the pooja together. We worship Lord Ganesha and Goddess Lakshmi and chant prayers to them. We thank them for keeping us safe and happy and pray to do the same in the future. After the pooja, a delicious dinner is cooked and sweets are served with it. Everyone loves eating good food during Diwali. 

There are rockets and other crackers being burst everywhere during this time. The sky is filled with bright pink, red, yellow, green, and other such colours. At night, the sky looks very beautiful as the crackers burst. Festive music is also played while lighting up the crackers. We also meet our friends and celebrate Diwali with them. We eat yummy food, light crackers, and dance together during this time. 

Diwali is My favourite Festival and it is very beautiful. I love celebrating it. 

Essay writing fosters a kid's writing skills. Essay writing also encourages young kids to think and put their perception in words. Essay writing is not an easy job. Kids to elders find it's hard to think of a topic & putting those thoughts into words sometimes.

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  • Essays English Grade 2

My Family English essay

My Family English essay

My family is a small Family.

There is my father, my mother, my brother and me.

My father is a businessman. My mother is a housewife.

My brother is in grade 6.

I am in grade 2. We live in Badulla.

We are a happy family.


English essays for   Grade 2 (Class 2) , Grade 3 (Class 3), Grade 4 (Class 4), Grade 5 (Class 5), Grade 6 (Class 6), Grade 7 (Class 7)

We are excited to announce that we are working with more new features to guide parents and students on essay writing.

Writing is one of the essential skills for your child’s education. Unfortunately, classroom settings frequently don’t give sufficient practice time to sharpen those writing abilities truly. So we are preparing simple and important guidelines to teach essay writing to your children at home and hope to publish as soon as possible.


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my mother essay grade 2

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  1. My Mother Essay

    my mother essay grade 2

  2. My Mother Essay in English 10 Lines [5 Sets]

    my mother essay grade 2

  3. My Mother Essay || Simple essay on my mother || My mother essay in english Handwriting

    my mother essay grade 2

  4. My Mother Essay for Class 2

    my mother essay grade 2

  5. My mother essay writing in english || Essay on my mother

    my mother essay grade 2

  6. Essay on My Mother in English || My Mother Essay writing ||

    my mother essay grade 2


  1. 10 lines on My Mother in Hindi।।My Mother essay in Hindi।। Essay on My Mother in Hindi।। मेरी मां।।

  2. 10 Lines essay on My mother || Let's Write My Mother Essay In English

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  4. 10 Lines on My Mother Essay or Speech #shorts #essay #speech

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  6. My Mother Essay 📝|| Easy Essay on My Mother|| #essaywriting #englishessay #essay& letters #essay


  1. My Mother Essay For Class 2 Kids

    Essay writing can help your children become better at expressing while improving their English, and what better subject to write than about mother essay for class 2. Here are some tips to help you.

  2. My Mother Essay in English for Class 2

    To write an essay on the topic of "My Mother," first make a structure for your essay. Every essay has an introduction, body, and conclusion, so keep that in mind.

  3. Essay on My Mother for Students and Children in English

    My Mother Essay: A mother is a term given to a person who sacrifices and prioritises for her children's well-being, growth, development, and welfare throughout life. A mother not just gives birth to a child or children but holds lifelong commitment to love him/her, care towards the child or children and show dedication and devotion without any prerequisites or conditions.

  4. My Mother Essay For Kids

    Here's my mother paragraph that kids can refer to while writing an essay on their own. They can also attempt writing about my mother 10 sentences to express their emotions for the person who means the world to them. Besides, writing a paragraph on my mother they can explore more interesting English essays for kids here.

  5. Essay on My Mother for Schools Students and Children

    My mother is an ordinary woman she is my superhero. In every step of my, she supported and encouraged me. In this essay on my mother, I am going to talk about my mother and why she is so special to me.

  6. My Mother Essay

    Learn about My Mother Essay topic of English in details explained by subject experts on Register free for online tutoring session to clear your doubts.

  7. PDF My Mother Essay for Class 2

    Essay on Mother for Class 2. My mother's name is Kaya. She is a teacher in Kendriya Vidyalaya, Delhi. She teaches English to the students of primary classes in the school. When I come home from school, she makes my favourite dishes. She takes care of everyone in our family.

  8. My Mother English essay grade 2| 100% Free

    100% Free English essays for grade 3 | Essays in english| english language essay | My Mother English essay grade 2. My Mother's name is Dilhani. She is a very beautiful woman.

  9. My Mother Essay In English 10 Lines, 200 to 1000 Words

    2 Another set of 10 Lines Essay on My Mother. 3 My Mother Essay 100-150 Words. 4 My Mother Essay 200-250 Words. 5 My Mother Essay 500 Words. 6 My Mother Essay 1000 Words. Note. The 10 lines essay below is suitable for early elementary grade students, typically ranging from kindergarten to 3rd or 4th grade.

  10. My Mother Essay for Class 2

    My Mother Essay for Class 2. December 3, 2020 by worksheetsbuddy_do87uk. Every family has a support system. My mother is the support system of our family. A mother is irreplaceable in anyone's life. A mother makes many sacrifices for her family. She is also the backbone of every child. Every child loves their mother.

  11. Essay on My Mother in English for School Students

    Here are short and long essays on My Mother of different classes from 5th to 10th under 50 - 100 words for students.

  12. Essay on My Family for Class 2 Students

    My Family Essay in English for Class 2 students at Read an essay on My Family which is written exclusively for school going kids in simple English. This is an easy, short & informative essay on My Family for free only at

  13. Essay On My Family For Class 2 Kids

    Writing long-form and short-form essays differ, and you need to know how to write them both in Class 2. So, these tips can help you write an excellent my family essay in English for class 2 lessons.

  14. Descriptive Essay About My Mother

    Writing a descriptive essay about my mother can be difficult yet rewarding. Read this blog to get useful tips and examples to help you get started!

  15. My Mother Essay for Class 2

    My Mother Essay for Class 2 solved by our expert teachers for academic year 2022-23. These solutions are compliant with the latest edition books, CBSE syllabus and NCERT guidelines.

  16. My Mother Essay In English 100, 200, 300, and 500 Words

    My Mother Essay In English 100, 200, 300, and 500 Words. March 18, 2022. Every single creature in this entire world has come into existence because of its Mother. Every living being, whether moving or non-moving creatures. We all need a mother to come into this world and survive on Earth. The concept and the importance of the beautiful word ...

  17. My Parents Essay for Class 2

    Here in this article, we bring you My Parents Essay for Class 2 kids to describe the beautiful bond between parents and their children. Parents play a quintessential role in our lives and show us the right path towards wisdom and knowledge. Even young ones of animals adore their parents and reach out to them to avert danger and stay protected.

  18. Category: Essays English Grade 2

    English essays for class 2 (Grade 2). English essays on My Birthday, My Doll, My Friend, My Mother, My Pet

  19. Essay for Class 2 Children

    Find easy, simple & suitable essays which are exclusively written for class 2 children at Vedantu. Click here to get access to popular frequently asked essays for class 2 kids for free.

  20. Essay on Mother

    In this short essay on mother, we will see how our mothers accomplish these roles with perfection. There is an unbreakable bond that develops between mothers and children immediately after their birth. Mothers can understand their needs even before children start speaking or walking, and this is why children might tend to incline more towards ...

  21. 10 Lines on My Mother for Students and Children in English

    10 Lines on My Mother in English: A famous saying that exits states there is no other bond stronger than the bond of the womb. And it is our mother who loves us unconditionally like no one else ever could or can. We are a living part of our parents, and our entire existence is because of them, hence whatever we do to repay them will be much ...

  22. My Family Essay For Class 2

    Here we bring to you my family essay for Class 2 kids that will help them to pick some ideas on how to write a few lines about my family in English.

  23. My Family

    My Family English essay. My family is a small Family. There is my father, my mother, my brother and me. My father is a businessman. My mother is a housewife. My brother is in grade 6. I am in grade 2. We live in Badulla. We are a happy family.