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Assignments in Teams for Education

  • 25 contributors
  • Applies to: Microsoft Teams

The Assignments and Grades features in Teams for Education allow educators to assign tasks, work, or quizzes to their students. Educators can manage assignment timelines, instructions, add resources to turn in, grade with rubrics, and more. They can also track class and individual student progress in the Grades tab.

Learn more about Assignments and Grades in Teams for Education .

For details about Teams assignments on different platforms, see Teams features by platform .

Assignments integrations in the Microsoft Teams admin center

Using the admin settings in the Microsoft Teams admin center, you can turn features on or off for educators within your organization and their students.

To view and manage Assignment settings, go to Education > Assignment settings in the Teams admin center.

The following are settings related to Assignments:

Weekly guardian email digest

Guardian emails are sent each weekend to parents or guardians. The email contains information about assignments from the previous week and for the upcoming week. The Parent and Guardian Sync can be setup using School Data Sync .

Import parent contact information via Parent and Guardian Sync in SDS. For instructions on how to enable Parent and Guardian Sync, see Enabling Parent and Guardian Sync .

Turn on the Guardian Setting in the Microsoft Teams admin center, as the setting is turned off by default. This will enable teachers to send out a weekly digest.

Teachers can opt-out of the digest by deselecting the setting inside their own personal class team ( Assignment Settings > Parent/Guardian Emails ).

To verify that Parents will get the email, the following three items must be true:

Email address attached to the student profile in SDS and tagged as Parent or Guardian . For details, see Parent and Guardian Sync File Format .

Students belong to at least one class in which e-mail isn't disabled by the teacher in assignment settings .

The emails will contain information about assignments that have a due date from the previous week or in the upcoming week.

Default setting for this feature is - Off .

Microsoft MakeCode is a block-based coding platform that brings computer science to life for all students.

MakeCode is a Microsoft product that is subject to the Microsoft terms of use and privacy policies.

To enable MakeCode assignments in Teams, go to the Teams Admin Center , navigate to the Assignments section, and turn the MakeCode toggle option to On . Select Save . Allow a few hours for these settings to take effect.

For more information on how this feature works, watch this video demonstration .

Learn more about MakeCode .

Turnitin is an academic integrity service. This is a third-party service that is subject to its own terms and privacy policy. You're responsible for your use of any third-party products and services.

To enable Turnitin for your organization, you'll need a Turnitin subscription. Then, you can input the following information, which can be found in your Turnitin admin console:

  • TurnitinApiKey : This is a 32-character GUID found in the admin console under Integrations.
  • TurnitinApiUrl : This is the HTTPS URL of your Turnitin admin console.

Here are some instructions to help you obtain this information.

The TurnitinApiUrl is the host address of your admin console. Example:

The admin console is where you can create an integration and an API key associated with the integration.

Select Integrations from the side menu, then select Add Integration and give the integration a name.

Screenshot showing adding a new integration.

The TurnitinApiKey will be given to you after you follow the prompts. Copy the API key and paste it into the Microsoft Teams admin center. This is the only time you can view the key.

Screenshot showing copying the API key.

Upon clicking the Save button in the admin center for this setting, allow a few hours for these settings to take effect.

Assignments data

Assignments stores information that is generated both by teachers and students. All the data is co-shared between teacher and the specific student for which the information is intended in class. There are two stores of this data, SharePoint and outside of SharePoint.

The same rules also apply to first-party integrations such as Reading Progress.

Assignments data in SharePoint document libraries

Students' files associated with a Submission for Assignment are stored in a document library (named: Student Work ). Files associated with Assignments that are created by teachers and accessible by Students are stored in another document library (named: Class Files ) in the corresponding Class Team SharePoint site. First-party integrations may also store Assignments data in the same corresponding Class Team SharePoint site (named: Assignments title + time stamp ).

Files associated with the student

IT admins can use the Content Search tool to search for student files ( Student Work , Class Files , or other 1st-party integration files) that are related to assignment submissions and files that are related to assignments. For example, an admin could search all SharePoint sites in the organization and use the student's name and class or assignment name in the search query to find data relevant to a data subject request (DSR).

Files associated with the teacher

IT admins can use the Content Search tool to search for teacher files ( Student Work , Class Files , or other 1st-party integration files) that are related to assignments and files distributed to students by the teachers within a class on assignments. For example, an admin could search all SharePoint sites in the organization and use the teacher's name and class or assignment name in the search query to find data relevant to a DSR.

Assignments data outside of SharePoint document libraries

Some data related to Assignments isn't stored in the class team SharePoint site, which means it's not discoverable with Content Search. This includes:

  • Student grades and feedback from the teacher
  • The list of documents submitted for an assignment by each student
  • Assignment details like Due Date, etc.
  • First-party integration data like Reading Progress passages or student pronunciation data

For this type of data, an IT admin or data owner, such as a teacher, may have to go into the assignment in the class team to find data relevant to a DSR. The admin can add themselves as an owner to the class and view all the assignments for that class team.

If a student is no longer part of the class, their data might still be present in the class as no longer enrolled . The student will have to provide the tenant admin the list of such classes that they were ever a part of.

Bulk Export assignment data outside of SharePoint document libraries

For a student.

To bulk export a single student's data, before removing the student from the classes they're part of, run the script and provide the userId . If the student has been removed from the site, either the admin can add the student back to the class before running the script, or the admin can provide the userId and the classId that the student was ever a part of.

The data about the student submissions will be exported.

For a teacher

Bulk Export assignment data works the same way for a student, but all submissions that the teacher has access to will be exported.

Bulk Delete assignment data outside of SharePoint document libraries

To bulk delete a single student's data, before removing the student from the classes they're part of, run the script and provide the userId . If the student has been removed from the site, either the admin can add the student back to the class before running the script, or the admin can provide the userId and the classId that the student was ever a part of.

Providing a ClassId will allow the admin to only delete information about the student from a specific class.

Since an assignment's data for a teacher is shared across the class, there's no bulk delete option. Instead the admin can add themselves to the class, go to the app, and delete the assignment.

For more information, see Configure assignments for Teams .

Removing Assignments and Grades

You can also use Teams policies to remove Assignments and Grades for a specific user or for your entire tenant.

To remove Assignments and Grades for an individual user, go to Teams Admin Center and navigate to Teams apps > Permission policies to create a new app permission policy definition. When creating the new policy definition, set the Microsoft apps policy to Block specific apps and allow all others and add Assignments and Grades to the list of blocked applications. Once your new policy definition is saved, assign it to the appropriate users.

To remove Assignments and Grades for your entire tenant, go to Teams Admin Center , navigate to Teams apps > Manage apps , and search for and select Assignments and Grades from the application list. Change the status setting within the applications' settings page to Blocked .

Assignments diagnostic tool for users

Microsoft Support has created a tool to collect diagnostic data for the Microsoft engineering team to investigate issues related to the Assignments feature.

This tool can be accessed inside of Assignments on any screen the users experience an issue.

To pull up the diagnostic tool in Teams, users can:

  • Select Ctrl+/
  • Touch the screen with two fingers and rotate fingers 45 degrees, or
  • Tap on the screen with three fingers for 15 seconds

Once the diagnostic tool pops up, users will see a list of data that may be needed by Microsoft technical support.

The data pulled may include:

  • Assignment ID
  • Submission ID

This data isn't automatically sent to Microsoft. Users need to copy and paste the data to a Microsoft support agent regarding a support ticket.

If a user pulls up the diagnostic tool then closes it, no data is sent.

When the data is sent to a Microsoft support agent, it's handled as Support Data under your organization's Microsoft 365 service agreements.

For instructions on using this diagnostic tool that you can share with educators and students, see Get diagnostic data to troubleshoot Assignments .

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How to assign tasks in microsoft teams.

Microsoft Teams is a handy collaboration tool that lets teams work together easily, even when they’re not in the same place. Tasks can be assigned in it with ease – this article will explain how to do it best!

Creating a task is easy. Go to the channel or chat you want to assign the task in. Then, click the ‘+’ icon near the message input box, and select ‘Task’. Give the task a title, and add details in the description section.

Now, assign the task to the team members. Use the ‘Assigned to’ drop-down menu. You can assign to individuals or create task lists for several people. This way, everyone knows what to do, and there’s no confusion.

To make task management simpler, set due dates and labels or categories. This helps prioritize and organize tasks. Urgency is created with due dates, and labels or categories make it easy to search for specific tasks.

You can also track progress on tasks. Team members can update their progress directly in Microsoft Teams. Everyone can see status without follow-ups or meetings.

Collaboration and communication can be improved by using @mentions and chat features in Microsoft Teams. @mentions alert certain people when there are updates or changes to tasks, allowing quick action and avoiding miscommunication.

What is Microsoft Teams?

Microsoft Teams is a powerful collaboration tool that allows for effortless communication and successful teamwork. It integrates features like chat, video conferencing, file sharing, and task management . Teams lets you build multiple teams, channels, and threads for better collaboration among teams or projects. Its user-friendly interface and integration with other Microsoft applications such as Outlook and SharePoint make Teams ideal for communication and productivity.

Pro Tip: Use @mentions to notify certain team members of their tasks for better visibility and responsibility.

Understanding the Task Assignment Feature in Microsoft Teams

To effectively utilize the task assignment feature in Microsoft Teams, understanding its functionalities and benefits is key. In this section, explore the advantages of task assignment in Microsoft Teams, empowering you to streamline workflows and delegate tasks with ease. Discover how this feature fosters collaboration, increases accountability, and enhances productivity within your team.

Benefits of Task Assignment in Microsoft Teams

Task assignment in Microsoft Teams has multiple advantages.

  • It helps assign duties to individuals quickly, so everyone knows what to do and who is accountable.
  • It encourages cooperation and organization by providing a platform to trace tasks and view progress. This helps speed up the workflow and increases productivity.
  • It allows for real-time conversation between members, so they can talk about specifics, update each other, and give feedback. This helps create an environment of collaboration.

A distinctive point about task assignment in Microsoft Teams is its link with other Microsoft apps like Outlook and Planner. This connection makes for easy management of tasks on different platforms so none are missed or forgotten. With these integrations, teams stay organized and all tasks are done on time.

Pro Tip: To make the most of task assignment in Microsoft Teams, specify deadlines and priorities for each task. This will help team members concentrate and make sure tasks are completed on schedule.

Step-by-Step Guide on Assigning Tasks in Microsoft Teams

To effectively assign tasks in Microsoft Teams, follow this step-by-step guide. Begin by setting up a task in the platform, then easily assign it to a team member. Finally, track and monitor the progress of the assigned tasks. This guide will provide a comprehensive solution for streamlining your task management process within Microsoft Teams.

Setting up a Task in Microsoft Teams

To set up tasks in Microsoft Teams, you need to know how! Here’s a 5-step guide :

  • Open the Microsoft Teams app.
  • Go to the team/channel needed.
  • Tap the ‘+’ next to the text input field and choose ‘Task’.
  • Fill in the task title, due date, assignee, and any extra notes.
  • Click ‘Save’ to make and assign the task.

Also, you can add attachments or reminders to your tasks within Microsoft Teams.

Pro Tip: Use tags and @mentions to inform specific team members about their tasks quickly and collaborate effectively.

Assigning a Task to a Team Member

Assigning a task to a team member in Microsoft Teams is easy and efficient. It helps effective communication and collaboration within the team. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to assign tasks:

  • Open Microsoft Teams and go to the desired team or channel.
  • Click the “Tasks” tab at the top.
  • Select “Create new task” and fill out title, due date, and description.
  • Click on the team member’s name or choose them from the drop-down menu.

By following these steps, tasks can be assigned and tracked in one place.

Microsoft Teams also gives you the option to set priority, attach files, and set reminders . It is a comprehensive task management tool that keeps everyone informed of their responsibilities and deadlines.

Microsoft Teams is popular among businesses and organizations of all sizes. As of March 2021, there are over 145 million daily active users on Microsoft Teams. It is one of the most used collaboration tools in the world (source: Microsoft).

Tracking and Monitoring Assigned Tasks

Tracking and monitoring tasks is a must for project management. Keeping a close eye on progress lets teams complete tasks on time and identify any issues. Here are key points to consider:

  • Use task management tools: Microsoft Teams offers features to assign tasks, set deadlines and track progress.
  • Prioritize tasks: Assign priorities to tasks to understand what needs to be done first. This ensures important tasks are not overlooked.
  • Set clear deadlines: Define deadlines to prevent delays and procrastination. Deadlines motivate and maintain productivity.
  • Communicate regularly: Effective communication is key. Check in with team members to provide guidance, address questions or concerns and ensure they have resources.
  • Monitor progress: Review updates from team members regularly to identify potential issues and take action.
  • Provide support: If a team member is struggling with their task, provide resources or guidance to help.

Tracking and monitoring tasks is more than ticking boxes. It needs active involvement, collaboration and adaptability throughout the project.

Pro Tip: Encourage communication by regularly meeting or using collaborative platforms. Share progress updates, discuss roadblocks and seek help. This will create a supportive work environment and help everyone achieve goals.

Best Practices for Effective Task Assignment in Microsoft Teams

To ensure effective task assignment in Microsoft Teams, master the best practices. Communicate clear expectations, set deadlines and reminders, and provide feedback and recognition. These strategies will streamline collaboration, boost productivity, and foster a sense of accountability among team members. Get ready to optimize task management in Microsoft Teams with these essential techniques.

Communicating Clear Expectations

Successful task assignment in Microsoft Teams needs effective communication. Clear expectations guarantee a good workflow with successful project completion. To communicate clear expectations, do the following:

  • Define the task: State the desired outcome, objectives, and related deadlines.
  • Supply precise instructions: Split the task into smaller parts and provide specific instructions for each one.
  • Set performance standards: Explain the quality of work needed and any metrics that should be met.
  • Motivate questions and comments: Generate an atmosphere where team members feel comfortable asking questions and seeking clarity.

By communicating clear expectations well, you can stop confusion, improve efficiency, and boost collaboration between team members. This helps everyone stay on the same page and work towards a shared goal.

Besides these key points, it is important to have regular check-ins with team members to monitor progress, tackle any issues or obstacles, and give ongoing support. This helps maintain responsibility and keeps everyone focused on meeting expectations.

Remember that effective communication is a two-way street. Stimulate open conversation and active listening to guarantee that both sides completely understand each other’s expectations.

A study done by Harvard Business Review in 2019 showed that teams with clearly defined goals are 3.6 times more likely to reach those goals compared to teams with unclear or fuzzy goals. Consequently, communicating clear expectations is important for succeeding in Microsoft Teams tasks.

By following these best practices for effective task assignment in Microsoft Teams , you can better collaboration, simplify workflows, and raise overall productivity with your team.

Setting Deadlines and Reminders

Staying on track with tasks? Follow these 4 steps !

  • Rank them in order of urgency and importance.
  • Set realistic deadlines and leave time for completion.
  • Remind yourself and teammates of deadlines.
  • Review and adjust as needed.

Let’s look into some special details!

Communicate deadlines clearly with your team. Utilize Microsoft Teams to assign deadlines and get notifications when they’re close.

Recently, our team used these strategies to meet a strict client deadline. We prioritized, set realistic timelines, and used reminders. Our high-quality results were ready ahead of schedule!

Providing Feedback and Recognition

Feedback and recognition are essential for a productive work environment. Showing appreciation for team members not only raises morale, but also encourages them to strive for better results. Here are 6 key points to achieve this:

  • Constructive Criticism – Give advice aimed at improving performance, based on actions, not character.
  • Timely Recognition – Praise efforts quickly to nurture good behavior and growth.
  • Balanced Approach – Make sure feedback and recognition are kept in balance.
  • Clear Communication – Express expectations, goals, and improvement needs with clarity.
  • Individualized Approach – Offer feedback and recognition that suit each team member’s strengths, weaknesses, and interests.
  • Encouraging Environment – Promote open communication and honest feedback.

Moreover, take into account each individual’s context when providing feedback and recognition. Acknowledging their role and linking their goals to team objectives will create a custom experience that encourages motivation.

As an example, a team leader showed appreciation for one member who had been consistently giving their best. This recognition not only boosted the individual’s confidence but also inspired the rest of the team. The act of appreciation spread and resulted in improved productivity from the whole team.

Exploring the journey of assigning tasks in Microsoft Teams has been quite an enlightening experience. We have looked at the various steps and various features that can help with this process. Now, let us draw some conclusions.

Teams also offers real-time updates and notifications. This ensures that everyone is aware of task assignments and deadlines. No more need for constant follow-ups or resource-intensive status meetings. Plus, the ability to integrate third-party apps further improves task management capabilities within Teams .

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Exploring Resource Management and Task Assignment in Microsoft Project

In a recent webinar , we delved into the various aspects of resource management and task assignment in Microsoft Project . This article aims to provide a concise summary of the key points discussed during the session. We will explore how to effectively use different views, such as the Gantt chart, and leverage the resource tab to quickly manage, assign, and replace resources. Let’s dive into the details.

Using Views and the Ribbon:

Microsoft Project offers different views tailored to specific functions, such as tasks and resources. When working with tasks, the task ribbon provides a range of helpful tools, while the resource tab becomes essential when dealing with resource-related activities. The ribbon was organized based on functional areas to enhance usability, streamlining access to relevant features. Previously absent in Microsoft Project, the ribbon was added later, providing users with easier navigation and improved functionality.

Within the resource tab, the resource assignment dialog box is a powerful tool for managing and assigning resources. By selecting one or more tasks, users can quickly assign resources or replace them. To aid decision-making, tooltips provide information about resource availability, such as whether they are currently working, or their status in an enterprise environment or Active Directory.

Replacing Resources and Handling Actuals:

When replacing a resource, Microsoft Project ensures that actual work remains unaffected. Instead, it focuses on finding remaining work associated with the tasks and swapping out the resources accordingly. This feature is particularly useful for efficiently managing resources in complex projects.

An initial approach to assigning resources might involve a global find or simply using the resource column. Clicking the drop-down arrow gives you a selection of resources to assign. However, this method assigns the resources wholesale, which might not always be ideal. For example, when assigning a resource to a 40-hour or 40-day task where you’re only anticipating 10 hours of work, checking off resources from a list won’t suffice.

In these situations, it’s advisable to use Microsoft Project’s advanced features and views to delve deeper into resource assignment. The ‘Ribbon’ and ‘ Timeline View ‘ are particularly useful in this context. By collapsing the timeline view, you reveal the task entry form. This is one of the software’s most potent views, aptly termed ‘Task Entry View’.

In the Microsoft Project interface, the ‘Task Entry View’ is located within the ‘View’ tab on the ‘Ribbon’.

View Tab in Ms Project

  • Click on the ‘View’ tab in the ‘Ribbon’, which is the strip of tools located at the top of your Microsoft Project workspace.
  • Under the ‘Split View’ group on the ‘View’ tab, check the ‘Details’ checkbox. This will split your screen, showing the Gantt chart on the top and another view at the bottom.
  • If ‘Task Entry’ isn’t the default view that shows up at the bottom, you can choose it by clicking on the ‘Details’ dropdown list in the ‘Split View’ group and selecting ‘Task Form’. Note that ‘Task Entry’ and ‘Task Form’ are used interchangeably in different versions of Microsoft Project.

This dual-pane view lets you modify resource assignments with granular control.

Task Form View in Ms Project

For example, if you assigned a resource, Andre, to work 40 hours, but later realized you only need him for 16 hours, you can simply adjust this in the task entry view. Clicking ‘OK’ here triggers an automatic adjustment in your schedule, guided by your pre-set parameters – be they fixed work, fixed units, or fixed durations.

Setting tasks as’ fixed duration’ is advantageous if you want to avoid your Gantt chart or schedule constantly shifting. This keeps the start and finish days immovably locked, even if work hours need adjusting. Understanding how the scheduling engine works allows you to effectively manage resources and assignments.

The initial goal is to get individuals assigned to tasks. This might involve an iterative process of identifying who will do the work, meeting with them to determine effort levels, and comprehending the difference between elapsed duration and the number of work hours. Microsoft Project’s multiple views help in tailoring these assignments.

One can even adjust the level of assignment percentage. When diving into the work management or schedule itself, users might be inputting actual, remaining, or overtime work hours. Remember, overtime doesn’t trigger overallocation and might carry different associated costs. It provides the flexibility to allocate hours beyond the standard work day or week without triggering overallocation.

Microsoft Project’s views facilitate the management of these task details, offering a comprehensive platform to access, modify, and update project information effectively. It’s an invaluable tool for fine-tuning your project’s assignments and schedules.

Managing Your Resources in the Cloud

The location and method of managing your resources can greatly impact the efficiency of your project. You have a few options depending on the scale of your project and the software environment you’re working in, whether it’s a standalone desktop version or an enterprise online environment.

For those using the standalone desktop version or handling multiple projects concurrently, the necessity of an overview of work across various project schedules into one resource assignment becomes apparent. This is where you start contemplating resource management on a broader scope.

Before the advent of an enterprise environment or a global resource pool , all this was handled in the desktop version. So, let’s consider where and how to source your resources in this context.

Microsoft Project Online offers a solution. Included with your license, it allows you to input or create your resource information directly within the online platform. You can access this via the ‘Resource’ tab on the ‘Ribbon’. From there, you can draw resources from an enterprise environment.

This enterprise environment is enabled by your Office 365 administrator via Microsoft Project Online. While the primary intention of this environment is to save and publish your schedules, it also provides a place to add all your resources. You can fill out their information just as you would in a resource sheet. Now, when your projects require resources, they can pull them directly from this online repository.

microsoft task assignment tool

This feature provides flexibility in resource storage, allowing you to choose between cloud storage or local storage. Therefore, you have the options to suit the specific needs of your project or organizational structure.

Managing Resources Locally

The option of storing resources directly in the project file is another method of resource management. It has certain benefits such as allowing every team member to have their unique resources, which they can adjust and modify as needed, thereby customizing them according to the project’s needs. However, it is crucial to remember that resources stored this way are confined to that specific file.

To illustrate this process, consider a project schedule titled “needing resources”. This schedule is a copy of another file you’ve previously worked on and presently, it doesn’t have any resources assigned. The resource sheet view would, therefore, display no resources.

For cases where you need to add resources without interacting with an enterprise environment, creating a local file proves handy . This file can be stored on a shared folder or OneDrive, or any other location that can be easily accessed. The technique has been frequently used, sometimes with a local file share, and other times, by creating what we call a local resource pool. To do this :

  • Access the Resource Sheet: Navigate to the “View” tab on the ribbon, and select “Resource Sheet”. This displays the resource management view.
  • Enable Local Resource Pool: In the resource management view, find the “Resource Pool” button in the “Resources” group on the “Resource” tab. Click on the arrow next to the button to open a dropdown menu.
  • Share Resources: In the dropdown menu, select “Share Resources”, and then choose “Share Resources…” from the submenu. This action prompts the “Share Resources” dialog box to appear.
  • Select Resource Pool Option: In the “Share Resources” dialog box, select the option “Use resources”, then choose the file which will serve as your resource pool, and click “OK”. Microsoft Project will then start using the chosen file as a resource pool where you can manage your resource information.
  • Specify Local Resource Pool Location: A dialog box will appear, prompting you to choose a location to save your resource pool file. A shared folder or a location on your local computer are good options, but saving the file on cloud storage services like OneDrive can make it easily accessible to the team. Specify your preferred location and give your resource pool file a name, then click “Save.”
  • Add Resources to the Local Resource Pool: Once the local resource pool is set up, you can start adding resources. Go back to the resource management view, click on the cell below the last existing resource, and enter the resource names and other relevant information.
  • Assign Local Resources to Tasks: After adding resources to the local resource pool, they can be assigned to tasks in your project file. Go to the task view, select the task to which you want to assign a resource, and in the “Resource Names” column, click on the cell to start typing the name of the resource from your local resource pool. As you type, Microsoft Project will suggest matching resources, allowing you to select the appropriate one.

In conclusion, effective resource management and task assignment are key to the successful execution of any project, and Microsoft Project provides robust and comprehensive tools to achieve this. The variety of views and features offered by the software allows for an efficient and fine-tuned approach to project management, accommodating both local and cloud-based resource storage and allocation.

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Assign people to work on tasks

Typically, once tasks are entered into a schedule , people are assigned to work on them. After all, projects don’t get done by themselves.

In the Gantt Chart, go to the Resource Names column.

Assing resources image

If you don’t see the name of the person you want to assign, enter a new name.

If you don’t see any names in the list, then no one has been added to the project yet. Either enter a new name in the column, or add resources to your project before assigning them to work on tasks.

To add resources like equipment and materials, see Add and assign material resources to tasks .

Engagement required

Assign a person part time to a task

Suppose you want to assign someone part time to a project. You can set how much time you want a person to spend with the Assign Resources box.

In the Gantt Chart, select the task.

Choose Resource > Assign Resources .

In the Assign Resources box, pick the resources to assign, and choose Assign . In the example below, Amy is the resource. By entering 50% in the Units box, she’s now assigned to work 50 percent on the “Build the fence” task. Bob is on the task as well, but because the Units column is blank, Bob is automatically assigned 100 percent to the task.

Assign resource dialog box

Tip:  Sometimes when you assign resources to a task, the duration or length of the task may change unexpectedly. If this happens, check the effort-driven setting of the task. Task or resource settings also could be causing unexpected scheduling changes. To check, look at all the scheduling factors that can impact the task .

Got a lot of people assigned to a task?

If you have a single task with a lot of people assigned, making changes in the Resource Names column may not work. This column can only handle 256 characters, and you may hit that limit if you have a lot of resources assigned to a task.

For tasks where you need a lot of resources assigned, it’s best to make your assignments, and make changes to those assignments, in the Task Information dialog box.

With the task selected, choose Task > Properties > Information .


On the Resources tab, you can assign a longer list of resources to the task, without running into that 256 character limit on the Resource Names column.

Resource tab on the Task Information dialog box

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Microsoft 365 Life Hacks > Organization > How to use Outlook’s task management features

How to use Outlook’s task management features

You can use Outlook for more than just sending emails. Learn how you can use Outlook to help with task management.

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If you have a lot on your plate or are trying to get better at task management, Outlook is a great place to start. Whether you’re looking to manage personal tasks or work-related tasks, Outlook’s easy-to-use task management software can help. One of the benefits of using Outlook for task management is that all of your information is synced across devices, so you can check and manage your tasks from your laptop, phone, or wherever you are with an internet connection.

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Your Outlook can change everything

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Using Tasks in Outlook

The Tasks feature in Outlook makes it easy to manage your to-do list . Using Outlook’s task list is a great way to get a quick visual of what needs to be done that week. To create a task in Outlook:

  • Click New Items under the Home tab.
  • Select Task .
  • From here, a new window will pop up. Use the Subject line to title your task. For example, you could create the subject “Buy groceries.”
  • Set a start date and a due date for your task.
  • You can also set the current status of the task. Status options are available by clicking the dropdown. You can select Not Started, In Progress, Completed, Waiting on someone else, or Deferred.
  • You can also set a priority level for the task by selecting the dropdown. Priority levels can either be Normal, Low, or High.
  • The % Complete section allows you to update how far along you are with a task. When you change the % Complete, the status of the task will automatically update. For example, if you started a task at 0% complete, updating the task to 25% complete will change the status to In Progress.
  • Use the blank section of the task to type notes if needed.
  • Setting a reminder is a great way to stay on top of your tasks. To create an Outlook task reminder, select the Reminder checkbox, then choose the date you want to be alerted about the task. You can also choose a reminder time and the sound you want to play for the reminder.
  • Once you’re done creating your task, click the Save button.

Viewing your Outlook task list

Viewing your Outlook task list is easy. Just select the three dots at the bottom left corner of your Outlook window, then select Tasks . If you want to make it easier to find your task list, add the task list button to the top ribbon of Outlook. To add Tasks to your ribbon:

  • Right-click the ribbon.
  • Select Customize the Ribbon .
  • Select All Commands and scroll down to Tasks.
  • Choose Tasks , then select Add .
  • Select OK .

Outlook task management tips

Check out these tips to get the most out of Outlook tasks.

Add files to an Outlook task

You can add important files to your task. This can make it easier to find the right file when it’s time to tackle an item on your to-do list. To add a file to a task:

  • Open the Insert tab.
  • Select Attach File .
  • Choose the file you want to attach to your task.

Share tasks with others

If you’re working on a project with multiple people , you can share your Outlook task list with them. This can help keep everyone organized and aware of what’s going on. It can even minimize or eliminate back-and-forth messages since your friend or coworker can check the task list and status of the tasks on their own. To share your task list:

  • Open the Tasks menu.
  • In the top ribbon, select the Folder tab.
  • Next, select Share Tasks .
  • Enter the emails of the people you’d like to share the task with.
  • Check the box Allow recipient to view your tasks folder .
  • If you’d like, you can type a message to the recipient(s) about the task using the blank window.
  • Select Send .

Categorize your Outlook tasks

Categorizing your tasks can make it easier to visualize your to-do list. Luckily, there’s a Categories feature built into the Outlook task management software. To categorize your tasks:

  • Right-click the task you want to categorize.
  • Select Categorize .
  • Choose the color you want to use as the category or select All Categories if you’re looking for a different category color.
  • You can also rename your categories by selecting All Categories . Select the category that you want to rename, then choose Rename . For example, you can rename a category to “Home Improvement” or “Work Projects.” This will make it easier to associate the designated color with the task category.

Go through your task list each week

To avoid visual clutter and see your tasks that actually matter, it’s important to review your Outlook task list at the end of each week and update or remove completed tasks. It’s easy to forget to update the status of a task or mark an item as complete. Reviewing your task list will also make sure you didn’t forget to complete a task during the week.

Using Outlook’s task management features can help increase your organizational skills. Get more organization tips from Microsoft 365.

Get started with Microsoft 365

It’s the Office you know, plus the tools to help you work better together, so you can get more done—anytime, anywhere.

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How To Assign Tasks In Microsoft Teams: Quick And Easy Steps

This guide will delve into the step-by-step process of assigning tasks within Microsoft Teams via its web interface

Managing tasks and assignments in a team environment is critical for successful project execution and achieving organizational objectives. Microsoft Teams, a platform designed for collaboration and communication, provides tools for efficient task management. With the integration of Tasks by Planner and To Do within Teams, users can create, assign, and manage tasks without leaving the Teams environment.

This functionality improves productivity by reducing the need for switching between applications and streamlining the process of task delegation. This guide will delve into the step-by-step process of assigning tasks within Microsoft Teams via its web interface, an essential skill for effective teamwork and project management in the digital age.

How To Assign Tasks In Microsoft Teams 🙂

How to assign tasks in mt web 🙂, frequently asked questions 🤔.

Important disclosure: we're proud affiliates of some tools mentioned in this guide. If you click an affiliate link and subsequently make a purchase, we will earn a small commission at no additional cost to you (you pay nothing extra). For more information, read our affiliate disclosure .

Open Microsoft Teams : Start by launching Microsoft Teams on your desktop, smartphone, or via a web browser. This is your central hub for collaboration and project management.

Choose the Team : Next, locate and select the team you want to assign tasks within. Your teams are listed in the sidebar on the left. If you haven't set up a team yet, create one by selecting the "Join or create a team" button near the bottom of the sidebar.

microsoft task assignment tool

Select the Channel : Within the selected team, click on the specific channel where you want to assign the task. Channels are subdivisions within a team and are used to organize conversations and tasks by topic. If the appropriate channel does not exist, create one by clicking on the three dots ("...") next to the team's name, then select "Add channel".

microsoft task assignment tool

Open the Tasks App : Microsoft Teams includes a built-in app called Tasks by Planner and To Do . If it isn't already added, you can find it by clicking on the "..." at the bottom of the sidebar and typing "Tasks by Planner and To Do" into the search bar. Click on it to open.

microsoft task assignment tool

Create a New Plan or Use an Existing One : Within the Tasks app, you have the option to create a new plan or use an existing one. If you're creating a new plan, click on "New Plan", provide a Plan Name , and click "Create Plan". If you're using an existing plan, simply select it from your list of plans.

microsoft task assignment tool

Add a Task : Within your chosen plan, click on "Add Task" to create a new task. A panel will open for you to fill out details. Here, you will need to provide a Task Name , fill out any necessary details in the Notes section, and set a Due Date for task completion.

microsoft task assignment tool

Assign the Task : In the same panel where you created the task, you'll see a field labeled "Assign to". This is where you can select which team members will be responsible for the task. Click on this field and a dropdown will appear with a list of your team members. Select the person or people you want to assign to the task.

microsoft task assignment tool

Click "Add Task" : Once all the necessary information has been filled out, confirm and add the task by clicking the "Add Task" button. This will officially create the task and notify any assigned members.

microsoft task assignment tool

Communicate the Task : Communication is key for effective task management. Mention the newly assigned task in the channel conversation to bring it to the attention of the entire team. This can be done by typing "@mention" followed by the team member's name, which ensures they receive a notification. This also gives the team an opportunity to ask questions or make comments about the task.

Open Microsoft Teams on the Web : Start by opening your web browser and visiting the Microsoft Teams website. Sign in using your Microsoft account credentials. This is your first step in accessing your Teams interface and beginning the task assignment process.

Select the Team : On the left-hand sidebar, you will see a list of your teams. Look for the specific team to which you want to assign a task, and click on it. If you haven't created a team yet, you can do so by selecting "Join or create a team" at the bottom of your Teams list.

microsoft task assignment tool

Choose the Channel : In each team, there are subdivisions called channels . These are used to separate different topics, projects, or workflows within the team. Select the channel where you want to assign the task. If you need to create a new channel, you can do so by clicking the "Add channel" button under the team's name.

microsoft task assignment tool

Go to the Posts Tab : After selecting the channel, you'll be redirected to the channel's conversations under the Posts tab. This is where team members communicate and share updates related to the channel.

microsoft task assignment tool

Open Tasks by Planner and To Do : At the top of the channel, you'll see different tabs like Posts, Files, and more. To add a new tab, click the "+" sign. In the new window that opens, search for "Tasks by Planner and To Do". Click on it and then click "Add" to install this app into your channel.

microsoft task assignment tool

Create a New Plan or Use an Existing One : Inside the Tasks app, you can either create a new plan or use an existing one. If you're creating a new plan, click "New Plan", enter a name for the plan, and then click "Create Plan". If you have a plan already, simply click on its name to open it.

microsoft task assignment tool

Add a Task : Once inside a plan, you can add a task . Click the "Add Task" button, give your task a name, set its due date, and add detailed descriptions if necessary.

microsoft task assignment tool

Assign the Task : In the task details panel, you will see a field labeled "Assign to". Click on it, and a dropdown list of your team members will appear. From this list, select the team members you want to assign the task to.

microsoft task assignment tool

Click "Add Task" : After all the task details have been filled out, click on the "Add Task" button. This will officially create your task and assign it to the selected team members. They will receive a notification about this new assignment.

microsoft task assignment tool

Communicate the Task : After assigning a task, it's a good practice to communicate this in the channel conversation. To communicate about the task , type a message into the conversation, using "@mention" followed by the name of the team member to notify them specifically. This creates visibility and encourages communication about the task among team members.

Can I assign a task to more than one person in Microsoft Teams?

Yes, you can assign a task to multiple people in Microsoft Teams. When creating or editing a task, you can add multiple team members in the "Assign to" field.

Can I assign tasks to people who are not part of my team in Microsoft Teams?

No, you can only assign tasks to people who are part of your team in Microsoft Teams. If you want to assign a task to someone, they need to be added to your team first.

How do I check the status of tasks I’ve assigned in Microsoft Teams?

You can check the status of tasks by going to the Tasks app and opening the specific plan where the tasks were created. There, you'll see all tasks and their current status (Not started, In progress, Completed).

Can I categorize or prioritize tasks in Microsoft Teams?

Yes, Microsoft Teams allows you to categorize tasks by adding labels. You can also prioritize tasks by setting their importance as low, medium, high, or urgent.

Can I see an overview or report of all tasks in Microsoft Teams?

Yes, the "Charts" view in the Tasks app provides an overview of all tasks. It shows the number of tasks and their status (Not started, In progress, Completed, Late), task distribution among assignees, and priority level of tasks.

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Task Assignment Tool for Meetings

How to assign tasks and generate shared task lists online, feature focus.

  • Task Assignment

Assign tasks personally as emails and as yoyomeeting task lists

Side issues are assigned to the parking lot, nothing gets lost and your meetings have greater impact, how to assign tasks in meetings.

Meetings are about getting things done – using a task assignment tool is important. Getting things done means accurately describing the task and assigning that task to the right person. Interestingly enough, many meetings end without address the most important questions: “Who does what? until when?” .

In many cases, tasks are taken down in the meeting notes, and the disciplined members of the meeting will document them during the meeting.

That undefined process leads to many tasks getting lost or be forgotten – at least, until the follow-up meeting when tasks are revisited by the team. The result is a wasted meeting, and more importantly, a task that was not completed on time.

The solution: Task assignment

Instead of relying on people reading meeting notes after the meeting, you can assign the tasks directly in the meeting with a deadline! yoyomeeting is a web-based meeting minutes software   that can assigns tasks as email and collaborative task lists during the meeting.

assign tasks

In addition to the meeting summary, where all tasks are listed separately in a table for better reading, tasks are also sent to the responsible person’s inbox.

Assigning tasks as email and yoyomeeting task list

Being back at their desk, your meeting participants find all their tasks one by one in their email inboxes and transfer them to their favorite task management tool. Since there are trillion ways of how people organize their tasks (MS tasks, Microsoft Planner, Trello, Slack, Wunderlist, as appointment in the calendar … just to name a few), we send assigned tasks as emails in Outlook. That way everyone is free to work with whatever they like. And you are not limited to the Microsoft Office eco-system.

Tasks not directly related to the meeting

Sometimes in your discussions, you stumble upon issues not directly related to your agenda topic. Sometimes, not even related to your current meeting – but still important enough, anyone should take care of it.

What usually happens is, either people talk about this new issue and get distracted from the goal of your meeting (and run out of time) or the not related issue will just get lost: “We should take care of this” – but who exactly and until when? Nobody knows!?!

With yoyomeeting, you can assign these tasks in addition to the meeting protocol to someone responsible. This “side issue” is then parked as a personal task for someone who will take care of it after the meeting – and you are ready to re-focus on the current topic, getting things done!

Other Features

Here are a few other features of our meeting management software :

  • Agenda Management
  • Shared Agendas
  • Meeting Attendance Tracker
  • Meeting Notes
  • Decision Tracking
  • Timeboxing Planner
  • The Parking Lot
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  2. MS Access Tasks List Organizer & Reminder || FREE DOWNLOAD

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  4. Microsoft Research

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    A sales specialist can help answer your questions. Available M-F 6 AM to 6 PM PT. Chat now. [1] Available now on Word for the web and Excel for the web. Manage tasks between all Microsoft 365 apps and devices to increase productivity and stay focused—transform the way you work with task management software.

  2. Microsoft Planner

    A simple, visual way to organize teamwork. Get Planner for iOS. Get Planner for Android.

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    The Tasks app in Microsoft Teams combines all your team tasks from Planner and individual tasks from Microsoft To Do with advanced collaboration tools. ... task-based work. But if you need to take that work to the next level, Microsoft Project offers tools such as dynamic scheduling, detailed reporting, customizations, and advanced planning ...

  4. Organize your team's tasks in Microsoft Planner

    Select Charts to visually see the status of tasks, progress of tasks in each bucket, and availability of team members. Select Schedule to see where your tasks are on a calendar. To add the schedule to Outlook, select the three dots ... next to Schedule and then select Add plan to Outlook calendar. To see all tasks assigned to you across all ...

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    Today, we're answering that question with three aptly named when-to-use guides. These one-page documents, which are linked below, focus on different work management scenarios and the Microsoft tools that enable them: Tracking tasks and information for individuals: To Do, Planner, and Lists. Tracking tasks and information for teams: Planner ...

  6. Use the Tasks app in Teams

    Select a task by clicking or tapping somewhere on the task that is not the Complete circle or the name of the task. Press and hold the SHIFT key to select multiple consecutive tasks, or press and hold the CTRL key to select multiple nonconsecutive tasks. Above the tasks list, on the left, choose Progress, Priority, or Due date and choose an option.

  7. Manage your tasks in Microsoft Planner

    There are many ways to view and update your tasks in Microsoft Planner. Filter your tasks. Select Filter. Enter a key word or select a Due date, Label, Bucket, or Assignment. To clear a filter, select Clear. Use Group by. Select Group by. Select an option: Bucket, Assigned to, Progress, Due date, or Labels.

  8. Integrated Task Management

    The ideal task management solution helps you create and name a plan, identify the collaborators, and set up "buckets" to sort out tasks. It also offers many features to simplify administration, including adding, removing, or giving plan ownership to team members and setting up email notifications. For example, if you want to run a focus ...

  9. What task management platform is best for me?

    Tasks created in Loop Tasks list are synced with a Planner plan. But you can't choose an existing plan to add the tasks to. It creates a new plan that is linked to the Loop page. You can move a task from that Loop-connected Planner plan, to a plan in Teams. But that breaks the link between the task in Loop and Planner. Microsoft Outlook

  10. Assign and track tasks

    Tasks help track things you need to do. You can assign tasks to other people as well. On the navigation bar, click Tasks, and then click New Task, or open an existing task. Keyboard shortcut To create a task, press Ctrl+Shift+K. Click Assign Task. In the To box, enter a name or an email address. Enter Subject, Start date, and Due date.

  11. How to use Tasks in Microsoft Teams (To Do + Planner)

    In this step-by-step tutorial, learn how to use Tasks in Microsoft Teams. View your tasks and shared plans across Microsoft To Do and Planner with the Tasks ...

  12. Assignments for Teams

    The Assignments and Grades features in Teams for Education allow educators to assign tasks, work, or quizzes to their students. Educators can manage assignment timelines, instructions, add resources to turn in, grade with rubrics, and more. They can also track class and individual student progress in the Grades tab.

  13. Create an assignment in Microsoft Teams

    Select +New to create a blank Word (.docx), Excel (.xlsx), PowerPoint (.pptx), or Whiteboard document, or a new video recording to hand out to your students. Select Apps to attach content from an app to the assignment. Admins can manage Teams apps in the Microsoft Teams admin center.

  14. How to Assign Tasks in Microsoft Teams

    Here's a step-by-step guide on how to assign tasks: Open Microsoft Teams and go to the desired team or channel. Click the "Tasks" tab at the top. Select "Create new task" and fill out title, due date, and description. Click on the team member's name or choose them from the drop-down menu.

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  16. Microsoft Loop

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    Previously absent in Microsoft Project, the ribbon was added later, providing users with easier navigation and improved functionality. Within the resource tab, the resource assignment dialog box is a powerful tool for managing and assigning resources. By selecting one or more tasks, users can quickly assign resources or replace them.

  18. Assign people to work on tasks

    In the Gantt Chart, go to the Resource Names column. Click the arrow and pick the people to work on the task. If you don't see the name of the person you want to assign, enter a new name. If you don't see any names in the list, then no one has been added to the project yet. Either enter a new name in the column, or add resources to your ...

  19. Using Outlook's task management features

    To create a task in Outlook: Click New Items under the Home tab. Select Task. From here, a new window will pop up. Use the Subject line to title your task. For example, you could create the subject "Buy groceries.". Set a start date and a due date for your task. You can also set the current status of the task.

  20. How To Assign Tasks In Microsoft Teams: Quick And Easy Steps

    Assign the Task: In the task details panel, you will see a field labeled "Assign to". Click on it, and a dropdown list of your team members will appear. From this list, select the team members you want to assign the task to. Click "Add Task": After all the task details have been filled out, click on the "Add Task" button.

  21. Team Task Assignment Software for Microsoft Outlook ...

    The solution: Task assignment. Instead of relying on people reading meeting notes after the meeting, you can assign the tasks directly in the meeting with a deadline! yoyomeeting is a web-based meeting minutes software that can assigns tasks as email and collaborative task lists during the meeting. In addition to the meeting summary, where all ...

  22. Matt Wade's Definitive Guide To: Tracking Tasks in Microsoft 365

    To Do offers you a one-stop shop for personal tasks, Planner tasks, and flagged emails in Outlook. It acts as your entry point for your ongoing work and makes To Do a versatile tool in day-to-day business. Use the personal lists to manage your own tasks and plans, while keeping an eye on the tasks from shared projects or departments.

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    Projects lets enterprises control and partition access to specific tasks and assignments A new feature called Projects offers improved administrative oversight by allowing organizations to manage ...