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Synonyms and antonyms of essay in English


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4.5 Synonyms and Antonyms

Learning objectives.

  • Recognize how synonyms improve writing.
  • Identify common antonyms to increase your vocabulary.

As you work with your draft, you will want to pay particular attention to the words you have chosen. Do they express exactly what you are trying to convey? Can you choose better, more effective words? Familiarity with synonyms and antonyms can be helpful in answering these questions.

Synonyms are words that have the same, or almost the same, meaning as another word. You can say an “easy task” or a “simple task” because easy and simple are synonyms. You can say Hong Kong is a “large city” or a “metropolis” because city and metropolis are synonyms.

However, it is important to remember that not all pairs of words in the English language are so easily interchangeable. The slight but important differences in meaning between synonyms can make a big difference in your writing. For example, the words boring and insipid may have similar meanings, but the subtle differences between the two will affect the message your writing conveys. The word insipid evokes a scholarly and perhaps more pretentious message than boring .

The English language is full of pairs of words that have subtle distinctions between them. All writers, professionals and beginners alike, face the challenge of choosing the most appropriate synonym to best convey their ideas. When you pay particular attention to synonyms in your writing, it comes across to your reader. The sentences become much more clear and rich in meaning.

Writing at Work

Any writing you do at work involves a careful choice of words. For example, if you are writing an e-mail to your employer regarding your earnings, you can use the word pay , salary , or hourly wage . There are also other synonyms to choose from. Just keep in mind that the word you choose will have an effect on the reader, so you want to choose wisely to get the desired effect.

Replace the underlined words in the paragraph with appropriate synonyms. Write the new paragraph on your own sheet of paper.


Please share with a classmate and compare your answers.

On your own sheet of paper, write a sentence with each of the following words that illustrates the specific meaning of each synonym.

  • leave, abandon
  • mad, insane
  • outside, exterior
  • poor, destitute
  • quiet, peaceful
  • riot, revolt
  • rude, impolite
  • talk, conversation
  • hug, embrace
  • home, residence

Antonyms are words that have the opposite meaning of a given word. The study of antonyms will not only help you choose the most appropriate word as you write; it will also sharpen your overall sense of language. Table 4.3 “Common Antonyms” lists common words and their antonyms.

Table 4.3 Common Antonyms

Learning antonyms is an effective way to increase your vocabulary. Memorizing words in combination with or in relation to other words often helps us retain them.

Correct the following sentences by replacing the underlined words with an antonym. Write the antonym on your own sheet of paper.

  • The pilot who landed the plane was a coward because no one was injured.
  • Even though the botany lecture was two hours long, Gerard found it incredibly dull .
  • My mother says it is impolite to say thank you like you really mean it.
  • Although I have learned a lot of information through textbooks, it is life experience that has given me ignorance .
  • When our instructor said the final paper was compulsory , it was music to my ears!
  • My only virtues are coffee, video games, and really loud music.
  • Elvin was so bold when he walked in the classroom that he sat in the back row and did not participate.
  • Maria thinks elephants who live in freedom have a sad look in their eyes.
  • The teacher filled her students’ minds with gloomy thoughts about their futures.
  • The guest attended to every one of our needs.

Key Takeaways

  • Synonyms are words that have the same, or almost the same, meaning as another word.
  • Antonyms are words that have the opposite meaning of another word.
  • Choosing the right synonym refines your writing.
  • Learning common antonyms sharpens your sense of language and expands your vocabulary.

Writing Application

Write a paragraph that describes your favorite dish or food. Use as many synonyms as you can in the description, even if it seems too many. Be creative. Consult a thesaurus, and take this opportunity to use words you have never used before. Be prepared to share your paragraph.

Writing for Success Copyright © 2015 by University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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  • Writing Tips

Writing Tips: Synonyms and Antonyms

Writing Tips: Synonyms and Antonyms

4-minute read

  • 22nd September 2021

If you find yourself using the same words repeatedly in your writing , or struggling to find the right words to explain contrasting ideas, you may need to use more synonyms and antonyms. But what are these exactly? And how can you use them effectively? Check out our guide below to learn more.

What are Synonyms?

Synonyms are words or phrases with the exact same or similar meaning to one another. For example, “fun,” “entertaining,” and “enjoyable” are all words we can use to describe a thing or activity that brings light-hearted pleasure. This means they are synonyms and we can use them interchangeably in certain situations:

The party last night was really fun !

The party last night was really entertaining !

The party last night was really enjoyable !

Using synonyms is a great way to avoid repeating words too often in your writing (although it’s fine to repeat common terms like “is,” “I,” “it,” and similar). If you need a synonym for a word, you can usually find one by checking a thesaurus .

What are Antonyms?

Antonyms are words or phrases that are opposite in meaning. For example:

She drives a really slow car.

She drives a reall y fast car.

In most cases, like with the words “slow” and “fast” above, switching a word for an antonym can completely change the meaning of a sentence.

Most thesauruses include antonyms for words as well as synonyms. This can be useful if you can’t think of a word to express the opposite of something. For example, if you want to say you are “not tired” without using “not,” you could look up “tired” in a thesaurus and find a list of words like “energized” and “lively.”

Sometimes, you can also form an antonym by adding a negative prefix to a root word (e.g., happy and un happy , like and dis like , or polite and im polite ).

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Common Synonym Errors

Be careful when using synonyms! Some have subtle differences that can change the meaning of a sentence. Take “quietly” and “inaudibly,” for example:

She played her music quietly so that it wouldn’t upset her neighbors.

She played her music inaudibly so that it wouldn’t upset her neighbors.

Although “quietly” and “inaudibly” can both imply a low volume, “inaudibly” suggests that the volume was so low, it was impossible to hear the music. Thus, while these words are synonyms, they aren’t interchangeable in every situation.

Similarly, some words have more than one meaning. “Save,” for example, can mean “rescue” (e.g., “She saved the dog from the river”) or “store” (e.g., “I am saving my money”). And if you use the wrong synonym, your sentence won’t make sense:

She saved the dog from the river. ✔

She rescued the dog from the river. ✔

She stored the dog from the river. ✘

When looking up synonyms, then, you should always check the meaning of unfamiliar words or phrases before using them in your writing.

Summary: Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms and antonyms are both useful when writing. Remember:

  • A synonym is a word that has the same or a similar meaning to another word (e.g., synonyms for “hot” include “scorching,” “boiling,” “warm,” and “sultry”).
  • An antonym is a word that has the opposite meaning to another word (e.g., antonyms for “hot” include “cold,” “freezing,” “cool,” and “frigid”).

Using synonyms and antonyms can thus help you write more expressively. But, as you can see, it is important to use the right words so that your writing remains easy to understand. Luckily, our team of expert editors can help! Give our proofreading service a try by uploading a trial document for free today.

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Synonyms for essay

  • composition
  • dissertation
  • disquisition
  • undertaking
  • have a go at
  • have a shot at
  • have a crack at
  • have a bash at

a relatively brief discourse written especially as an exercise

A procedure that ascertains effectiveness, value, proper function, or other quality, a trying to do or make something, to make an attempt to do or make, to subject to a procedure that ascertains effectiveness, value, proper function, or other quality, an analytic or interpretive literary composition, related words.

  • piece of writing
  • written material
  • thanatopsis

a tentative attempt

Make an effort or attempt.

  • pick up the gauntlet
  • take a dare
  • give it a try
  • give it a whirl
  • take a chance
  • take chances
  • lay on the line
  • put on the line

put to the test, as for its quality, or give experimental use to

  • pass judgment
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  • esprit de l'escalier
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  • essential condition
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  • essential oil
  • essential thrombocytopenia
  • essential tremor
  • essentiality
  • essentially
  • essentialness
  • established
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  • establishment
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  • establishmentarianism
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Collins English Thesaurus

  • Hundreds of thousands of synonyms and antonyms arranged by meaning and with key synonyms highlighted
  • Audio pronunciations for synonyms and antonyms
  • Images for thousands of entries
  • Thousands of example sentences taken from the Collins corpus, to help choose the right word
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  • English Thesaurus
  • -12.3% experience
  • -6.0% melodious
  • -14.6% beautiful
  • -13.1% friend
  • 41.3% scenic
  • -4.9% happy
  • -6.6% important
  • -5.2% support
  • 20.3% according to
  • 54.4% partner

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4.5 Synonyms and Antonyms

Learning objectives.

  • Recognize how synonyms improve writing.
  • Identify common antonyms to increase your vocabulary.

As you work with your draft, you will want to pay particular attention to the words you have chosen. Do they express exactly what you are trying to convey? Can you choose better, more effective words? Familiarity with synonyms and antonyms can be helpful in answering these questions.

Synonyms are words that have the same, or almost the same, meaning as another word. You can say an “easy task” or a “simple task” because easy and simple are synonyms. You can say Hong Kong is a “large city” or a “metropolis” because city and metropolis are synonyms.

However, it is important to remember that not all pairs of words in the English language are so easily interchangeable. The slight but important differences in meaning between synonyms can make a big difference in your writing. For example, the words boring and insipid may have similar meanings, but the subtle differences between the two will affect the message your writing conveys. The word insipid evokes a scholarly and perhaps more pretentious message than boring .

The English language is full of pairs of words that have subtle distinctions between them. All writers, professionals and beginners alike, face the challenge of choosing the most appropriate synonym to best convey their ideas. When you pay particular attention to synonyms in your writing, it comes across to your reader. The sentences become much more clear and rich in meaning.

Writing at Work

Any writing you do at work involves a careful choice of words. For example, if you are writing an e-mail to your employer regarding your earnings, you can use the word pay , salary , or hourly wage . There are also other synonyms to choose from. Just keep in mind that the word you choose will have an effect on the reader, so you want to choose wisely to get the desired effect.

Replace the underlined words in the paragraph with appropriate synonyms. Write the new paragraph on your own sheet of paper.


Please share with a classmate and compare your answers.

On your own sheet of paper, write a sentence with each of the following words that illustrates the specific meaning of each synonym.

  • leave, abandon
  • mad, insane
  • outside, exterior
  • poor, destitute
  • quiet, peaceful
  • riot, revolt
  • rude, impolite
  • talk, conversation
  • hug, embrace
  • home, residence

Antonyms are words that have the opposite meaning of a given word. The study of antonyms will not only help you choose the most appropriate word as you write; it will also sharpen your overall sense of language. Table 4.3 “Common Antonyms” lists common words and their antonyms.

Table 4.3 Common Antonyms

Learning antonyms is an effective way to increase your vocabulary. Memorizing words in combination with or in relation to other words often helps us retain them.

Correct the following sentences by replacing the underlined words with an antonym. Write the antonym on your own sheet of paper.

  • The pilot who landed the plane was a coward because no one was injured.
  • Even though the botany lecture was two hours long, Gerard found it incredibly dull .
  • My mother says it is impolite to say thank you like you really mean it.
  • Although I have learned a lot of information through textbooks, it is life experience that has given me ignorance .
  • When our instructor said the final paper was compulsory , it was music to my ears!
  • My only virtues are coffee, video games, and really loud music.
  • Elvin was so bold when he walked in the classroom that he sat in the back row and did not participate.
  • Maria thinks elephants who live in freedom have a sad look in their eyes.
  • The teacher filled her students’ minds with gloomy thoughts about their futures.
  • The guest attended to every one of our needs.

Key Takeaways

  • Synonyms are words that have the same, or almost the same, meaning as another word.
  • Antonyms are words that have the opposite meaning of another word.
  • Choosing the right synonym refines your writing.
  • Learning common antonyms sharpens your sense of language and expands your vocabulary.

Writing Application

Write a paragraph that describes your favorite dish or food. Use as many synonyms as you can in the description, even if it seems too many. Be creative. Consult a thesaurus, and take this opportunity to use words you have never used before. Be prepared to share your paragraph.

Writing for Success Copyright © 2015 by University of Minnesota is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

Synonyms of conclusion

  • as in inference
  • as in decision
  • as in outcome
  • as in ending
  • as in cessation
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Thesaurus Definition of conclusion

Synonyms & Similar Words

  • determination
  • consequence
  • deliverance
  • presumption
  • supposition
  • instruction
  • adjudication
  • disposition
  • commandment

Antonyms & Near Antonyms

  • matter of course
  • implication
  • development
  • precipitate
  • aftereffect
  • ramification
  • repercussion
  • side reaction
  • side effect
  • by - product
  • consideration
  • determinant
  • inspiration
  • instigation
  • culmination
  • consummation
  • grand finale
  • homestretch
  • high - water mark
  • coup de grace
  • coup de grâce
  • introduction
  • termination
  • discontinuation
  • discontinuance
  • interruption
  • continuation
  • continuance
  • persistence
  • prolongation

Phrases Containing conclusion

  • draw a conclusion

Thesaurus Entries Near conclusion


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“Conclusion.” Thesaurus , Merriam-Webster, Accessed 1 May. 2024.

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Nglish: Translation of conclusion for Spanish Speakers

Britannica English: Translation of conclusion for Arabic Speakers

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What are some opposite words for essay ?

Antonyms for essay ˈɛs eɪ or, for 3,5 , ɛˈseɪ; ɛˈseɪ es·say, this page is about all possible antonyms and opposite words for the term essay ., english synonyms and antonyms rate these synonyms: 2.7 / 3 votes.

To attempt is to take action somewhat experimentally with the hope and purpose of accomplishing a certain result; to endeavor is to attempt strenuously and with firm and enduring purpose. To attempt expresses a single act; to endeavor , a continuous exertion; we say I will endeavor (not I will attempt ) while I live. To attempt is with the view of accomplishing; to essay , with a view of testing our own powers. To undertake is to accept or take upon oneself as an obligation, as some business, labor, or trust; the word often implies complete assurance of success; as, I will undertake to produce the witness. To strive suggests little of the result, much of toil, strain, and contest, in seeking it; I will strive to fulfil your wishes, i. e. , I will spare no labor and exertion to do it. Try is the most comprehensive of these words. The original idea of testing or experimenting is not thought of when a man says "I will try ." To attempt suggests giving up, if the thing is not accomplished at a stroke; to try implies using other means and studying out other ways if not at first successful. Endeavor is more mild and formal; the pilot in the burning pilot-house does not say "I will endeavor " or "I will attempt to hold the ship to her course," but "I'll try , sir!"

Antonyms: abandon , dismiss , drop , give up , let go , neglect , omit , overlook , pass by , throw away , throw over , throw up

Synonyms: attempt , endeavor , endeavor , strive , try , undertake

Matched Categories

Princeton's wordnet rate these antonyms: 1.0 / 2 votes.

an analytic or interpretive literary composition

a tentative attempt

try, seek, attempt, essay, assay verb

make an effort or attempt

"He tried to shake off his fears"; "The infant had essayed a few wobbly steps"; "The police attempted to stop the thief"; "He sought to improve himself"; "She always seeks to do good in the world"

Synonyms: attempt , examine , search , stress , adjudicate , strain , seek , look for , assay , try out , try , prove , test , try on , taste , hear , set about , undertake , sample , judge , render

test, prove, try, try out, examine, essay verb

put to the test, as for its quality, or give experimental use to

"This approach has been tried with good results"; "Test this recipe"

Synonyms: audition , rise , analyze , leaven , try , sample , show , testify , establish , test , evidence , try out , study , examine , see , seek , try on , probe , quiz , attempt , raise , adjudicate , render , prove , shew , judge , screen , taste , turn out , demonstrate , turn up , experiment , strain , analyse , stress , hear , canvass , assay , canvas , bear witness

Synonyms, Antonyms & Associated Words Rate these synonyms: 0.0 / 0 votes

Synonyms: dissertation , article , disquisition , thesis , attempt , effort , trial

Editors Contribution Rate these antonyms: 2.1 / 11 votes

an essay is long paper and an epitaph is something short on a gravestone.

How to use essay in a sentence?

Mao Zedong :

A revolution is not a dinner party, or writing an essay, or painting a picture, or doing embroidery; it cannot be so refined, so leisurely and gentle, so temperate, kind, courteous, restrained and magnanimous. A revolution is an insurrection, an act of violence by which one class overthrows another.

Dan Gainor :

Can you imagine The New York Times running an essay where a white woman complains about how African-American men are rude and then blames it on race? The paper and the author would be skewered, the left's new default is that white people are doing wrong at every turn -- even walking down the street.

Zeke Smith :

We started having conversations all the way back in Fiji nine months ago about the care with which this episode was going to be handled, i came to Jeff [Probst] and asked if I could write a personal essay about what happened and he immediately said yes.

Roger McNamee :

By draping his essay in the guise of cooperation, Zuckerberg hopes to distract policy makers from the real threat, their code and algorithms influence our daily lives in ways far more intrusive than democratic governments or the law. No one elected these companies and they refuse to be held accountable.

Noreen Farrell :

It’s weird being a public figure talking about all of this stuff because you put a target on your nose, when I wrote that essay I got a lot of support but I also have a Republican family in Kentucky who told me my career was effectively over.

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  1. 80 Synonyms & Antonyms for ESSAY

    Find 80 different ways to say ESSAY, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at

  2. ESSAY Synonyms: 76 Similar and Opposite Words

    Synonyms for ESSAY: article, paper, dissertation, theme, thesis, composition, treatise, editorial; Antonyms of ESSAY: quit, drop, give up

  3. ESSAY

    ESSAY - Synonyms, related words and examples | Cambridge English Thesaurus

  4. 4.5 Synonyms and Antonyms

    Exercise 2. On your own sheet of paper, write a sentence with each of the following words that illustrates the specific meaning of each synonym. leave, abandon. mad, insane. outside, exterior. poor, destitute. quiet, peaceful.

  5. Essay Synonyms: 64 Synonyms and Antonyms for Essay

    Synonyms for ESSAY: composition, theme, article, paper, piece, assay, proof, test, trial, tryout, attempt, effort, trial, endeavor, try, dissertation; Antonyms for ...

  6. ESSAY Synonyms: 80 Synonyms & Antonyms for ESSAY

    Find 80 ways to say ESSAY, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus.

  7. Thesaurus by Merriam-Webster: Find Synonyms, Similar Words, and Antonyms

    Search the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus for millions of synonyms, similar words, and antonyms. Our unique ranking system helps you find the right word fast and expand your English vocabulary. Make your writing more interesting, beautiful, and successful with the only thesaurus developed from Merriam-Webster dictionary.

  8. ESSAY in Thesaurus: 1000+ Synonyms & Antonyms for ESSAY

    Most related words/phrases with sentence examples define Essay meaning and usage. Thesaurus for Essay. Related terms for essay- synonyms, antonyms and sentences with essay. Lists. synonyms. antonyms. definitions. sentences. thesaurus. Parts of speech. verbs. nouns. adjectives. Synonyms Similar meaning. View all. attempt. paper.

  9. Essay Synonyms & Antonyms

    English Synonyms and Antonyms Rate these synonyms: 2.7 / 3 votes essay verb To attempt is to take action somewhat experimentally with the hope and purpose of accomplishing a certain result; to endeavor is to attempt strenuously and with firm and enduring purpose.

  10. ESSAYS Synonyms: 76 Similar and Opposite Words

    Synonyms for ESSAYS: articles, papers, themes, dissertations, editorials, treatises, commentaries, compositions; Antonyms of ESSAYS: drops, gives up, quits

  11. Writing Tips: Synonyms and Antonyms

    Synonyms and antonyms are both useful when writing. Remember: A synonym is a word that has the same or a similar meaning to another word (e.g., synonyms for "hot" include "scorching," "boiling," "warm," and "sultry"). An antonym is a word that has the opposite meaning to another word (e.g., antonyms for "hot" include ...

  12. Essay synonyms, essay antonyms

    Synonyms for essay in Free Thesaurus. Antonyms for essay. 82 synonyms for essay: composition, study, paper, article, piece, assignment, discourse, tract, treatise ...

  13. Collins Thesaurus

    Online English Thesaurus from Collins: More than 500,000 synonyms and antonyms - With definitions, meanings, phrases, and examples.

  14. Essays Synonyms and Antonyms

    Synonyms for ESSAYS: try, endeavors, attempts, trials, assays, theses, festschrifts, shots, efforts, exegeses, stabs, discourses, offers, goes, articles; Antonyms for ...

  15. Antonym of essay

    Antonyms for essay ˈɛs eɪ or, for 3 ... English Synonyms and Antonyms Rate these synonyms: 2.7 / 3 votes. essay verb. To attempt is to take action somewhat experimentally with the hope and purpose of accomplishing a certain result; to endeavor is to attempt strenuously and with firm and enduring purpose.

  16. 4.5 Synonyms and Antonyms

    Exercise 2. On your own sheet of paper, write a sentence with each of the following words that illustrates the specific meaning of each synonym. leave, abandon. mad, insane. outside, exterior. poor, destitute. quiet, peaceful.

  17. CONCLUSION Synonyms: 213 Similar and Opposite Words

    Synonyms for CONCLUSION: inference, deduction, determination, decision, verdict, assumption, consequence, induction; Antonyms of CONCLUSION: tie, draw, halt, deadlock ...

  18. Antonym of essay

    English Synonyms and Antonyms Rate these synonyms: 2.7 / 3 votes essay verb To attempt is to take action somewhat experimentally with the hope and purpose of accomplishing a certain result; to endeavor is to attempt strenuously and with firm and enduring purpose.