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Luther’s Morning Prayer – A Model for the Christian’s Daily Life

  • Post author: The LCMS
  • Post published: May 7, 2016
  • Post category: Books, Essays & Articles / Reading & Study

by Rev. Michael Schuermann

Lutheran Reformation - Prayer

“I thank you, my Heavenly Father, through Jesus Christ, Your dear Son, that You have kept me this night from all harm and danger; and I pray that You would keep me this day also from sin and every evil, that all my doings and life may please You. For into Your hands I commend myself, my body and soul, and all things. Let Your holy angel be with me, that the evil foe may have no power over me. Amen.”

Why does Luther bother providing a whole section of daily prayers in his Small Catechism? There’s no doubt that, as is usually the case, Luther relied on the overwhelming testimony of Scripture as to the necessity and effectiveness of prayer in the life of God’s people as a reason to teach and model the prominent place of prayer in the Christian’s daily life. As he puts it in the Small Catechism, God the Father “has commanded us to pray…and has promised to hear us.” (SC, Lord’s Prayer, Conclusion)

What are some of these commands and promises of God that Luther refers to?

  • “And I tell you, ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened.” (Luke 11:9-10)
  • “If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask him!” (Matthew 7:11)
  • “[C]all upon me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you shall glorify me.” (Psalm 50:15)
  • “[P]ray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstance so for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” (1 Thessalonians 5:17-18)

Luther writes about the command and promises, “You should say, ‘My prayer is as precious, holy, and pleasing to God as that of St. Paul or of the most holy saints. This is the reason: I will gladly grant that Paul is personally more holy, but that’s not because of the commandment. God does not consider prayer because of the person, but because of His Word and obedience to it. For I rest my prayer on the same commandment on which all the saints rest their prayer. Furthermore, I pray for the same thing that they all pray for and always have prayed. Besides, I have just as great a need of what I pray for as those great saints; no, even a greater one than they.'” (LC, III, 16)

St. Paul’s exhortation to pray “without ceasing” highlights the importance of regular prayer in the life of the Christian. Luther’s years of monastic life modeled a regulated daily life of prayer. The various monastic daily prayer offices seem to have influenced Luther’s teaching of prayer in the Small Catechism. Not only is a prayer for morning provided, but Luther places that prayer within a simple liturgy: first, the name of the Triune God is spoken and the sign of the holy cross is made, then the Creed and Lord’s Prayer (two of the Chief Parts!) are spoken. Finally, Luther suggests his little prayer may be said “if you choose.” Humbly, Luther considers his own contribution optional and the handed-down texts of the Faith essential.

Luther’s modeling of prayer seems deliberately designed to avoid the type of praying that Jesus warns against: “And when you pray, do not heap up empty phrases as the Gentiles do, for they think that they will be heard for their many words.” (Matthew 6:7) With many words comes much work; Luther aims at a simple liturgy of prayer that can be adopted in the daily lives of Christians both in his time and in our present day.

“But the Christian’s prayer is easy, and it does not cause hard work. For it proceeds in faith on the basis of the promise of God, and it presents its need from the heart. Faith quickly gets through telling what it wants; indeed, it does so with a sigh that the heart utters and that words can neither attain nor express. As Paul says (Rom. 8:26), ‘the Spirit prays.’ And because He knows that God is listening to Him, He has no need of such everlasting twaddle. That is how the saints prayed in the Scriptures, like Elijah, Elisha, David, and others—with brief but strong and powerful words. This is evident in the Psalter, where there is hardly a single psalm that has a prayer more than five or six verses long. Therefore the ancient fathers have said correctly that many long prayers are not the way. They recommend short, fervent prayers, where one sighs toward heaven with a word or two, as is often quite possible in the midst of reading, writing, or doing some other task.” (AE 21:143)

essay on a morning prayer

Scripture teaches us to bring our needs to the Father in Christ’s name. Luther likewise models this in the opening sentence of the morning prayer, “I thank You, my heavenly Father, through Jesus Christ, Your dear Son…”, confident that what a Christian asks will be heard and provided by the Father. As Philip Melanchthon put it in the Apology of the Augsburg Confession, “So prayer relies upon God’s mercy, when we believe that we are heard for Christ’s sake. He is our High Priest, as He Himself says, ‘Whatever you ask in My name, this I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask Me anything in My name, I will do it’ (John 14:13–14). Without this High Priest we cannot approach the Father.” (AP V (III), 210-212 [331-333])

T he Rev. Michael Schuermann is pastor of Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Sherman, IL.

Strength in Prayer

75 Morning Prayers to Start Your Day with Inspiration

Welcome to a collection of morning prayers that will fill your heart with inspiration and set a positive tone for your day. Each morning is an opportunity to connect with the divine and seek guidance, gratitude, and inner strength. In this article, we present you with unique morning prayers, each designed to address different aspects of your life.

These morning prayers are a source of comfort, encouragement, and a reminder of the boundless love and compassion of our Heavenly Father. Whether you’re seeking serenity, wisdom, or simply a moment of reflection, these morning prayers will uplift your spirit. Start your day with a prayerful heart, and let the power of morning prayers transform your life.

Begin your mornings with a sense of purpose and connection to the divine. These morning prayers are here to help you find inspiration, gratitude, and strength as you start your day. Each prayer is unique, offering blessings and guidance in different aspects of life.

#1. A Morning Prayer for Gratitude

As the sun rises, I am deeply thankful for the gift of a brand new day. My heart swells with gratitude for the countless blessings that envelop my life, both great and small. I am truly blessed, and I thank you for each moment, each breath, and each opportunity that lies before me. Please, guide me in cherishing every precious moment, and empower me to find joy in the simplest of things. I pray for the wisdom to share this overwhelming sense of gratitude with others, spreading positivity, love, and thankfulness wherever I go. In your name, I offer my thanks and my desires.

#2. A Morning Prayer for Inner Peace

Heavenly Father,

I stand before you in the quietude of this morning, seeking your divine presence and inner peace. Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the profound wisdom to discern the difference. As I embark on this new day, I beseech you to let your peace flow into the depths of my heart and mind, creating a tranquil sanctuary within me. Provide me with the unwavering strength to confront the challenges that lie ahead with grace, calmness, and resolute determination. Grant me the tranquility of knowing that your love and peace surround me always. In your name, I pray.

#3. A Morning Prayer for Strength and Courage

In moments of doubt and fear, I humbly turn to you, seeking your divine strength and unwavering courage. Empower me to rise above life’s obstacles and face adversity with a brave heart. As I step into this new day, grant me the strength to be a beacon of hope and resilience, illuminating the path for those I encounter. May my actions and faith serve as a testament to the enduring power of belief in you. I trust in your constant support and guidance as I navigate the journey of this day, for I know that with you, all things are possible. In your name, I offer my humble supplication.

#4. A Morning Prayer for Clarity and Wisdom

As I embark on the journey of this new day, I approach you with a heart full of humility and a mind open to your guidance. I beseech you for the invaluable gifts of clarity of thought and profound wisdom in my decision-making. Please, lead me in making choices that not only align with your divine will but also lead to positive and meaningful outcomes for myself and those whose lives I touch along the way. I place my trust in your boundless wisdom and unwavering guidance, knowing that your presence accompanies me throughout this day. In your name, I offer this prayer.

#5. A Morning Prayer for Joy and Happiness

As the dawn breaks, I ask you to fill my heart to overflowing with uncontainable joy and boundless happiness. May I uncover delight in life’s simplest pleasures and radiate this happiness to all those whose paths I cross. I am profoundly thankful for the incredible gift of joy that you bestow upon me each day. Please, help me share this remarkable blessing and spread happiness into the lives of those who need it most. In your name, I express my gratitude and my request.

#6. A Morning Prayer for Guidance and Direction

As I stand at the threshold of this new day, I turn to you, seeking your divine guidance and unwavering direction. Life’s journey can often be uncertain, filled with choices and crossroads. Please, grant me the clarity of mind and heart to discern the paths that lead to fulfillment and purpose. I trust in your infinite wisdom to illuminate my way and steer me toward the destinies you have prepared for me. Help me walk confidently in the direction you set before me, knowing that your guiding light will never lead me astray. In your name, I offer my humble request.

#7. A Morning Prayer for Hope and Renewal

In the quiet of this morning, I seek hope and renewal. Sometimes life’s burdens can weigh heavily on our hearts, and it’s easy to lose sight of the beauty and potential that each new day brings. Please, fill my spirit with hope, like the rising sun chasing away the darkness. Renew my strength and determination to face challenges, for I know that with your unwavering support, all difficulties can be overcome. Let this day be a fresh beginning, a chance to leave behind worries and doubts, and embrace the promise of a brighter tomorrow. In your name, I place my hope and trust.

#8. A Morning Prayer for Love and Compassion

As I awaken to this new day, I am reminded of the immense power of love and compassion. Your boundless love for us all is a beacon of hope and healing. Grant me the ability to love unconditionally, just as you love me. Help me extend compassion to those who need it most, and may my actions be a testament to the depth of your love. Guide me in reaching out to others with open arms and a generous heart, for in love and compassion, we find the true essence of our humanity. In your name, I seek the strength to love and serve.

#9. A Morning Prayer for Patience and Understanding

In the hustle and bustle of life, patience and understanding are virtues we often crave. As I begin this day, I implore you to grant me the gift of patience, both for myself and those around me. Help me understand the struggles and challenges of others, for we are all on unique journeys. Give me the strength to be patient in the face of adversity and understanding in times of conflict. May I be a source of calm and empathy in a world that sometimes lacks these qualities. In your name, I seek patience and understanding.

#10. A Morning Prayer for Healing and Wholeness

Today, I lift up to you those who are in need of healing and wholeness. Whether it’s physical, emotional, or spiritual healing, your grace has the power to mend what is broken. I ask for your healing touch to reach those who are suffering, granting them comfort and strength. Be with the sick, the wounded, and the hurting, providing them with the solace and renewal they seek. Help us all remember that through you, we can find healing and restoration, no matter the challenges we face. In your name, I pray for healing and wholeness.

#11. A Morning Prayer for Confidence and Self-esteem

As the sun graces the horizon, I come before you to seek confidence and self-esteem. Help me recognize the unique gifts and talents you have bestowed upon me. Grant me the self-assurance to embrace my abilities and the courage to pursue my dreams. May my confidence be a reflection of my trust in your divine plan for my life. As I step into this new day, I pray for the unwavering belief in myself and the knowledge that I am fearfully and wonderfully made. In your name, I seek the strength to stand tall and proud.

#12. A Morning Prayer for Forgiveness and Letting Go

In the stillness of this morning, I bring to you the burdens of my heart. I ask for the grace of forgiveness, both for myself and for those who may have wronged me. Help me release the weight of resentment and bitterness that I carry. Grant me the strength to let go of past hurts and find the freedom that forgiveness brings. May your mercy and love fill my heart, allowing me to move forward with a spirit of compassion and reconciliation. In your name, I seek forgiveness and the ability to let go.

#13. A Morning Prayer for Serenity and Calm

As I begin this day, I yearn for serenity and calm in the midst of life’s chaos. The world can be tumultuous, and peace can feel elusive. Please, grant me the serenity to accept the things beyond my control, the courage to change what I can, and the wisdom to discern between the two. Allow your peace to wash over me, soothing my anxieties and fears. May I be a source of tranquility in a world that often craves it. In your name, I seek serenity and calm.

#14. A Morning Prayer for Success and Achievement

As I face the opportunities and challenges of this new day, I pray for success and achievement in all my endeavors. May your divine guidance lead me toward fulfilling my goals and aspirations. Grant me the determination to work diligently and the wisdom to make sound decisions. I trust in your plan for my life and believe that through your grace, I can accomplish great things. In your name, I seek success and achievement that aligns with your will.

#15. A Morning Prayer for Blessings and Abundance

With the rising sun, I am reminded of your abundant blessings that surround me. I humbly ask for your continued favor and abundance in my life. Bless me with opportunities, resources, and the ability to share my blessings with others. As I navigate this day, may I be a conduit of your generosity, offering kindness, support, and love to those in need. Thank you for the abundant blessings you bestow upon me each day. In your name, I seek blessings and the opportunity to be a blessing to others.

#16. A Morning Prayer for Family and Relationships

As I embrace the dawn of a new day, I turn my thoughts to my family and relationships. These bonds are precious, and I am grateful for the love and support they provide. Please, bless my family with unity, understanding, and unwavering love. Guide us in nurturing our relationships and resolving conflicts with grace and empathy. May our home be a haven of warmth and acceptance, a place where your love shines through our interactions. In your name, I seek your blessings upon my family and relationships.

#17. A Morning Prayer for Work and Productivity

As I begin my daily work, I come before you seeking your guidance and productivity. Bless the tasks before me and grant me the focus and diligence to accomplish them efficiently and effectively. May my work be a source of fulfillment and contribution to the world around me. Help me approach my responsibilities with enthusiasm and dedication, knowing that through my efforts, I can make a positive impact. In your name, I seek your guidance and productivity for the day ahead.

#18. A Morning Prayer for Peace in the World

In a world filled with turmoil and unrest, I pray for peace. As the sun rises on this new day, I lift up to you the conflicts, injustices, and divisions that plague our world. May your peace touch the hearts of leaders and individuals alike, inspiring unity and understanding. Grant us the wisdom to seek peaceful resolutions and the courage to stand up for justice. Let this day mark a step toward a more peaceful world, where love and compassion prevail. In your name, I seek your peace for our world.

#19. A Morning Prayer for Harmony and Unity

In the quiet of this morning, I seek harmony and unity in all aspects of my life. Help me mend broken relationships and foster a sense of togetherness. May I be an instrument of peace and reconciliation, striving to bridge divides and promote understanding. Grant me the wisdom to embrace diversity and the humility to learn from others. Let this day be a step toward a world where harmony and unity prevail, reflecting your divine plan for all of us. In your name, I seek harmony and unity.

#20. A Morning Prayer for Creativity and Inspiration

As I greet the day’s first light, I pray for creativity and inspiration to infuse my life. Bless me with innovative ideas, a fresh perspective, and the courage to explore new horizons. May my creative endeavors be a source of joy and a means to express the unique gifts you’ve given me. Guide me in using my creativity to make a positive impact on the world and to inspire others to do the same. In your name, I seek your divine inspiration and creativity for this day.

#21. A Morning Prayer for Safety and Protection

As the sun rises on this new day, I come before you with a humble request for safety and protection. Life’s journey can be filled with unexpected challenges and dangers, and I seek your divine shield. Watch over me and my loved ones, guarding us from harm and guiding us away from risky paths. May your protective hand be a constant presence in our lives, providing comfort and assurance. Grant us the wisdom to make safe choices and to be vigilant in our actions. In your name, I seek your unwavering protection.

#22. A Morning Prayer for Financial Blessings

As I embark on this day, I bring before you my financial concerns and aspirations. Bless me with the means to provide for my needs and the needs of my loved ones. Guide me in managing my resources wisely and help me make sound financial decisions. May your abundance flow into my life, allowing me to give generously and support those in need. Let this day mark a step toward financial stability and prosperity, all in accordance with your divine plan. In your name, I seek your financial blessings.

#23. A Morning Prayer for Restful Sleep

Before the day unfolds, I offer a prayer for restful sleep. The demands of life can be exhausting, and the restorative power of sleep is a precious gift. Please grant me peaceful and rejuvenating rest during the night hours, so that I may awaken refreshed and ready to face the day’s challenges. Calm my mind, ease my worries, and envelop me in the serenity of sleep. May the night bring dreams of hope and solace. In your name, I seek your blessing of restful sleep.

#24. A Morning Prayer for a Healthy Body

With the dawn of a new day, I express my gratitude for the gift of a healthy body. I pray for continued well-being and strength to care for this vessel you have entrusted to me. Grant me the discipline to make choices that nurture my body and promote vitality. May I use my health to serve others and to fulfill the purpose you have designed for me. Let this day be a reminder of the importance of maintaining good health and seeking balance in all things. In your name, I seek your blessings for a healthy body.

#25. A Morning Prayer for a Peaceful Mind

As I welcome the morning light, I bring before you the desire for a peaceful mind. The world can be a cacophony of thoughts and distractions, and inner peace is a precious treasure. Please, quiet my racing thoughts, ease my anxieties, and grant me a sense of tranquility that surpasses all understanding. Let your peace reign in my mind, allowing me to approach the day with clarity, grace, and serenity. May I be a beacon of calm in a world that often lacks it. In your name, I seek your blessing of a peaceful mind.

#26. A Morning Prayer for Confidence and Self-compassion

With the first light of day, I approach you seeking not only confidence but also self-compassion. Help me recognize my worth and embrace my imperfections as a part of your divine plan. Grant me the self-assurance to pursue my dreams, but also the gentleness to be kind to myself on this journey. May my confidence be rooted in your love, and may my heart be open to your grace as I navigate the day ahead. In your name, I seek the strength to believe in myself and show myself the same compassion you shower upon me.

#27. A Morning Prayer for Forgiveness and Letting Go

As the world awakens, I come before you with a heavy heart, seeking your forgiveness and the grace to let go of my burdens. We are all fallible, and I acknowledge my shortcomings. Please, grant me the gift of forgiveness, both for myself and for those who have wronged me. Help me release the weight of resentment and bitterness, for I know that through your love, forgiveness brings freedom. May your mercy fill my heart and lead me toward reconciliation and inner peace. In your name, I seek forgiveness and the ability to release what no longer serves me.

#28. A Morning Prayer for Serenity and Calm

In the quietude of this morning, I seek serenity and calm in a world often filled with chaos. Life’s storms can be overwhelming, and I long for your tranquility to envelop me. Grant me the serenity to accept what I cannot change, the courage to change what I can, and the wisdom to discern the difference. May your peace be a balm for my soul, soothing my anxieties and fears. Help me be a source of calm and stability in a world that desperately needs it. In your name, I seek serenity and calm.

#29. A Morning Prayer for Success and Inner Fulfillment

With the breaking of the day, I offer a prayer for success, not only in external achievements but also in finding inner fulfillment. Bless my endeavors with purpose and meaning, and guide me toward goals that align with your divine plan for my life. Grant me the determination to work diligently, but also the wisdom to seek contentment beyond external accomplishments. May my success be a reflection of my alignment with your will, and may I find profound fulfillment in the pursuit of your purpose for me. In your name, I seek success and inner fulfillment.

#30. A Morning Prayer for Divine Providence

As I greet this new day, I place my trust in your divine providence. You are the source of all abundance, and I humbly ask for your guidance and blessings in all aspects of my life. Provide for my needs, and may your abundance flow into every corner of my existence. As I step into this day, may I recognize your hand at work, and may my heart be open to receiving your grace and wisdom. Let this day be a testament to your unwavering provision and your loving presence in my life. In your name, I seek your divine providence.

#31. A Morning Prayer for Gratitude and Generosity

As the sun graces the horizon, I come before you with a heart filled with gratitude and a desire for generosity. I am thankful for the abundance of blessings in my life, and I ask you to guide me in sharing this abundance with others. May my heart be open to acts of kindness, and may I extend a helping hand to those in need. Grant me the wisdom to recognize opportunities to give, and the willingness to do so with a joyful heart. Let this day be a testament to the power of gratitude and generosity. In your name, I seek the strength to be grateful and generous.

#32. A Morning Prayer for Patience and Trust

In the gentle light of this morning, I seek patience and trust in your divine plan. Life’s journey can be filled with uncertainties and delays, and I often find myself growing impatient. Please, grant me the patience to await your timing, knowing that your plan is perfect. Help me trust that you are guiding me along the path that leads to my highest good. May my heart be still in moments of waiting, and may I find solace in your unwavering presence. In your name, I seek patience and trust.

#33. A Morning Prayer for Emotional Healing

With the dawn of this new day, I offer a prayer for emotional healing. Life’s experiences can leave wounds on our hearts, and I ask for your divine touch to bring healing and wholeness. Grant me the strength to confront past hurts and the courage to seek the emotional restoration that only you can provide. May your love and grace mend what is broken within me, allowing me to move forward with a heart that is free from pain and bitterness. Let this day mark the beginning of emotional healing and a renewed sense of well-being. In your name, I seek emotional healing.

#34. A Morning Prayer for Academic Excellence

As I embark on this new day, I bring before you my aspirations for academic excellence. Bless my studies with clarity of thought and the capacity to grasp knowledge. Grant me the discipline to work diligently and the wisdom to understand complex concepts. May my pursuit of knowledge not only benefit me but also be a source of inspiration and growth for others. Let this day mark a step toward achieving academic success that aligns with your purpose for my life. In your name, I seek your guidance and excellence in my academic endeavors.

#35. A Morning Prayer for Career Fulfillment

With the first light of day, I offer a prayer for career fulfillment. Guide me in finding purpose and satisfaction in my work, for I spend a significant portion of my life in my career. Grant me the clarity to recognize opportunities that align with my passions and talents. May my work be a source of fulfillment and a means to contribute positively to the world. Help me approach my responsibilities with enthusiasm and dedication, knowing that through my career, I can make a meaningful impact. In your name, I seek career fulfillment and the opportunity to fulfill your purpose for me.

#36. A Morning Prayer for Guidance in Relationships

As I embrace the dawn of a new day, I come before you with a heart filled with the desire for guidance in my relationships. Bless my interactions with family, friends, and acquaintances. Grant me the wisdom to cultivate healthy, loving, and nurturing relationships. May my words and actions be a source of positivity and understanding. Help me mend broken connections and foster bonds that reflect your love and grace. Let this day mark a step toward building meaningful and fulfilling relationships that bring joy and support to my life. In your name, I seek your guidance in my relationships.

#37. A Morning Prayer for Compassion and Empathy

With the soft glow of morning, I turn to you, seeking the qualities of compassion and empathy. In a world that often lacks understanding, I ask you to fill my heart with compassion for those who suffer and empathy for those facing challenges. May my actions reflect the tenderness of your love, and may I extend a helping hand to those in need. Grant me the wisdom to listen with an open heart and the willingness to embrace the struggles of others as my own. Let this day be a testament to the power of compassion and empathy. In your name, I seek the strength to be compassionate and empathetic.

#38. A Morning Prayer for Healing and Wholeness

As the day begins, I bring before you those who are in need of healing and wholeness. Whether it’s physical, emotional, or spiritual healing, your grace has the power to mend what is broken. I ask for your healing touch to reach those who are suffering, providing them with comfort and strength. Be with the sick, the wounded, and the hurting, granting them solace and renewal. Help us all remember that through you, we can find healing and restoration, no matter the challenges we face. In your name, I pray for healing and wholeness.

#39. A Morning Prayer for Contentment and Gratitude

As I greet the day, I come before you with a heart that seeks contentment and gratitude. Often, the world encourages us to seek more, but today, I ask for the wisdom to find contentment in what I already have. Help me recognize the abundance in my life and be grateful for the simple joys that surround me. May my heart overflow with gratitude, and may I find happiness in the present moment. Let this day be a reminder of the richness of a content and grateful heart. In your name, I seek contentment and gratitude.

#40. A Morning Prayer for Inner Strength and Resilience

As the sun rises on a new day, I ask for inner strength and resilience to face life’s challenges. Life can be demanding, and I pray for the fortitude to overcome obstacles with grace and determination. Help me develop a resilient spirit that bounces back from adversity, strengthened by the lessons learned. May my experiences be a source of growth and wisdom, and may I be a beacon of hope and inspiration to those around me. In your name, I seek your divine strength and the ability to stand firm in the face of trials.

#41. A Morning Prayer for Wisdom and Discernment

With the dawn of a new day, I come before you, seeking wisdom and discernment. Life presents us with countless choices and decisions, and I pray for the clarity of mind and heart to make choices that align with your divine will. Grant me the wisdom to navigate the complexities of life and the discernment to recognize the path that leads to purpose and fulfillment. May my actions and choices reflect your divine wisdom, shining as a light in the world around me. Let this day be marked by the pursuit of wisdom and discernment. In your name, I seek your guidance.

#42. A Morning Prayer for Joyful Living

As I embrace the dawn, I ask for the gift of joyful living. Fill my heart with boundless joy, so that I may find delight in life’s simplest pleasures and share this happiness with others. Help me maintain a positive perspective even in the face of challenges, and grant me the strength to spread joy to those whose lives I touch. May my days be filled with laughter, gratitude, and the exuberance of a heart overflowing with joy. In your name, I seek the blessing of joyful living.

#43. A Morning Prayer for Unity and Harmony

In the quiet moments of this morning, I pray for unity and harmony in my life and in the world around me. Often, discord and division can cast shadows upon our interactions, but I ask for your grace to bridge divides and foster understanding. Guide me in embracing diversity and celebrating our shared humanity. May my words and actions be a catalyst for unity and harmony, promoting peace and love wherever I go. Let this day mark a step toward a world where unity and harmony prevail, reflecting your divine plan for all of us. In your name, I seek unity and harmony.

#44. A Morning Prayer for Courage and Boldness

With the first light of day, I come before you, seeking courage and boldness. Life often presents challenges that require bravery and audacity. Please grant me the strength to confront fear and uncertainty with unwavering courage. May I be bold in pursuing my dreams and taking action in the face of adversity. Empower me to be a beacon of hope and inspiration to others, encouraging them to embrace their own boldness. In your name, I seek the blessing of courage and boldness.

#45. A Morning Prayer for Self-acceptance and Love

As I greet this new day, I pray for self-acceptance and love. Help me embrace myself with all my flaws and imperfections, knowing that I am fearfully and wonderfully made in your image. Grant me the strength to love myself as you love me and to extend that love to others. May my actions reflect the profound love you have for all your children. Let this day mark a step toward a life filled with self-acceptance and love, radiating your love to those around me. In your name, I seek self-acceptance and love.

#46. A Morning Prayer for Gratitude and Abundance

With the first light of day, I come before you with a heart filled with gratitude and a longing for abundance. I am thankful for the countless blessings you have bestowed upon me, and I ask for your continued favor. May your abundance flow into my life, allowing me to share my blessings with others and make a positive impact on their lives. Help me cultivate a heart of generosity and a spirit of abundance, knowing that through you, I lack nothing. In your name, I seek your blessings of gratitude and abundance.

#47. A Morning Prayer for Inner Peace and Tranquility

As I welcome the morning light, I bring before you the desire for inner peace and tranquility. In a world filled with noise and distractions, I ask for the serenity that surpasses all understanding. Please quiet my racing thoughts, ease my anxieties, and grant me a sense of calm that can only come from you. May your peace reign in my mind, allowing me to approach the day with clarity, grace, and serenity. Let me be a source of tranquility in a world that often lacks it. In your name, I seek inner peace and tranquility.

#48. A Morning Prayer for Guidance in Decision-Making

With the dawn of a new day, I turn to you, seeking guidance in decision-making. Life is filled with choices, both big and small, and I ask for the wisdom to discern the paths that align with your will. Grant me clarity of mind and heart as I navigate the complexities of life. May your divine guidance illuminate my way and lead me toward decisions that reflect your purpose for my life. Help me trust in your plan, knowing that you are with me every step of the way. In your name, I seek your guidance in decision-making.

#49. A Morning Prayer for Compassion and Kindness

As I embrace the dawn of this new day, I ask for the qualities of compassion and kindness. Fill my heart with compassion for those who are suffering and kindness for those I encounter on my journey. Help me extend a helping hand to those in need and offer a word of encouragement to those who are weary. May my actions reflect the boundless compassion and kindness you have shown to me. Let this day be a testament to the power of compassion and kindness in making the world a better place. In your name, I seek the strength to be compassionate and kind.

#50. A Morning Prayer for Strength in Adversity

With the first rays of daylight, I come before you, seeking strength in the face of adversity. Life’s challenges can be daunting, and I ask for the fortitude to endure and overcome them. Grant me the courage to confront adversity with unwavering strength and a steadfast heart. May my faith in you be my anchor in the storm, and may I emerge from trials stronger and more resilient than before. Empower me to be a source of inspiration to others facing their own adversities. In your name, I seek the blessing of strength in adversity.

#51. A Morning Prayer for Hope and Optimism

As the sun graces the horizon, I come before you with a heart full of hope and a desire for optimism. In a world sometimes shadowed by uncertainty and challenges, I ask for the strength to hold onto hope and to see the beauty in each new day. Fill my heart with optimism that transcends circumstances, and grant me the wisdom to find opportunities for growth and positivity even in adversity. May my outlook on life reflect the boundless hope and optimism that you offer. Let this day be marked by a renewal of hope and a spirit of optimism. In your name, I seek your blessings.

#52. A Morning Prayer for Emotional Healing and Wholeness

With the dawn of a new day, I offer a prayer for emotional healing and wholeness. Life’s experiences can leave wounds on our hearts, and I ask for your divine touch to bring healing and restoration. Grant me the strength to confront past hurts and the courage to seek emotional healing that only you can provide. May your love and grace mend what is broken within me, allowing me to move forward with a heart that is free from pain and bitterness. Let this day mark the beginning of emotional healing and a renewed sense of well-being. In your name, I seek emotional healing and wholeness.

#53. A Morning Prayer for Guidance in Parenting

In the quiet moments of this morning, I come before you, seeking guidance in the sacred role of parenting. Bless my journey as a parent with wisdom and discernment. Grant me the patience and love to nurture and guide my children on the path of righteousness. May I be a source of encouragement and a living example of your teachings. Help me make choices that lead to the well-being and spiritual growth of my children. Let this day be marked by a deeper understanding of the responsibilities and joys of parenting. In your name, I seek your guidance in parenting.

#54. A Morning Prayer for Strength in Relationships

As I embrace the dawn of a new day, I turn my thoughts to the strength needed in my relationships. These bonds are precious, and I pray for the resilience and patience required to navigate their complexities. Bless my relationships with understanding, empathy, and unwavering love. Grant me the wisdom to mend what is broken and to nurture connections that reflect your divine love. May my interactions be a testament to the strength that comes from embracing love, forgiveness, and grace. Let this day mark a step toward stronger, healthier relationships. In your name, I seek strength in relationships.

#55. A Morning Prayer for Creativity and Inspiration

#56. a morning prayer for gratitude and contentment.

As the sun graces the horizon, I come before you with a heart filled with gratitude and a longing for contentment. I am thankful for the blessings you have bestowed upon me, and I ask for the wisdom to find contentment in what I already have. Help me recognize the abundance in my life and be grateful for the simple joys that surround me. May my heart overflow with gratitude, and may I find happiness in the present moment. Let this day be a reminder of the richness of a content and grateful heart. In your name, I seek contentment and gratitude.

#57. A Morning Prayer for Inner Strength and Resilience

With the dawn of a new day, I come before you, seeking inner strength and resilience to face life’s challenges. Life can be demanding, and I pray for the fortitude to overcome obstacles with grace and determination. Grant me the courage to confront adversity with unwavering strength and a steadfast heart. May my faith in you be my anchor in the storm, and may I emerge from trials stronger and more resilient than before. Empower me to be a source of inspiration to others facing their own adversities. In your name, I seek the blessing of strength in adversity.

#58. A Morning Prayer for Hope and Optimism

With the first light of day, I come before you with a heart full of hope and a desire for optimism. In a world sometimes shadowed by uncertainty and challenges, I ask for the strength to hold onto hope and to see the beauty in each new day. Fill my heart with optimism that transcends circumstances, and grant me the wisdom to find opportunities for growth and positivity even in adversity. May my outlook on life reflect the boundless hope and optimism that you offer. Let this day be marked by a renewal of hope and a spirit of optimism. In your name, I seek your blessings.

#59. A Morning Prayer for Emotional Healing and Wholeness

#60. a morning prayer for guidance in decision-making, #61. a morning prayer for patience and trust, #62. a morning prayer for compassion and empathy.

As I embrace the dawn, I ask for the qualities of compassion and empathy. In a world that often lacks understanding, fill my heart with compassion for those who suffer and empathy for those facing challenges. May my actions reflect the tenderness of your love, and may I extend a helping hand to those in need. Grant me the wisdom to listen with an open heart and the willingness to embrace the struggles of others as my own. Let this day be a testament to the power of compassion and empathy. In your name, I seek the strength to be compassionate and empathetic.

#63. A Morning Prayer for Success and Inner Fulfillment

#64. a morning prayer for divine providence, #65. a morning prayer for gratitude and generosity.

As the sun graces the horizon, I come before you with a heart filled with gratitude and a desire for generosity. I am thankful for the abundance of blessings in my life, and I ask you to guide me in sharing this abundance with others. May my heart be open to acts of kindness, and may I extend a helping hand to those in need. Grant me the wisdom to recognize opportunities to give, and the willingness to do so with a joyful heart. Let this day be a reflection of the power of gratitude and generosity. In your name, I seek the strength to be grateful and generous.

#66. A Morning Prayer for Serenity and Calm

#67. a morning prayer for healing and restoration.

With the dawn of a new day, I offer a prayer for healing and restoration. There are wounds in my heart, body, and soul that need your divine touch. Grant me the strength to embrace the healing process, and the patience to wait for your restoration. May your love flow through me, mending what is broken, and renewing what is weary. Help me trust in your timing and have faith in your healing power. Let this day be a step toward wholeness and a testament to your grace. In your name, I seek healing and restoration.

#68. A Morning Prayer for Wisdom and Guidance

As I greet this new day, I come before you, seeking your wisdom and guidance. Life is filled with choices, both big and small, and I desire to make decisions that align with your divine plan. Grant me the wisdom to discern your will and the courage to follow it. May your guidance lead me toward paths of righteousness and fulfillment. Help me trust in your wisdom, knowing that you have my best interests at heart. Let this day be marked by a deeper understanding of your purpose for my life. In your name, I seek your wisdom and guidance.

#69. A Morning Prayer for Peace and Reconciliation

In the early hours of this day, I pray for peace and reconciliation in a world often torn by conflict and division. Bless our efforts to find common ground and to seek understanding and unity. Grant me the courage to be an agent of peace, spreading your message of love and reconciliation wherever I go. May my actions reflect your desire for harmony among all your children. Help me mend relationships and promote peace in my own life and in the lives of those I encounter. In your name, I seek peace and reconciliation.

#70. A Morning Prayer for Strength in Adversity

#71. a morning prayer for faith and trust.

As I embrace the dawn of this new day, I come before you with a prayer for faith and trust. Life’s journey is often filled with uncertainties, and at times, my faith wavers. Please strengthen my belief in your divine plan and the trust to surrender my worries to you. May my faith be unwavering, even in the face of doubt, and may I trust that your hand guides me through all of life’s twists and turns. Let this day be marked by a renewal of faith and a deepening trust in your providence. In your name, I seek faith and trust.

#72. A Morning Prayer for Courage and Resilience

With the first light of day, I ask for courage and resilience to face the challenges ahead. Life can present obstacles that test my resolve, and I pray for the strength to confront them with unwavering courage. Grant me the resilience to bounce back from adversity, fortified by the lessons learned. May my experiences be a source of growth and wisdom, and may I be a beacon of hope and inspiration to those around me. In your name, I seek your divine courage and the ability to stand firm in the face of trials.

#73. A Morning Prayer for Gratitude and Generosity

#74. a morning prayer for inner peace and tranquility, #75. a morning prayer for unity and harmony, closing thoughts.

In the serenity of our morning prayers, we have embarked on a journey of self-reflection, inspiration, and connection with the divine. These morning prayers encompass a spectrum of emotions and aspirations, reminding us of the profound power of faith, gratitude, love, and inner strength.

As we begin each day, may we carry with us the lessons learned from these prayers, radiating compassion, kindness, and hope to those we encounter. Let our mornings be infused with purpose, and may the divine guidance we seek lead us towards a life filled with peace, unity, and boundless blessings.

Morning Prayers to Start Your Day with God

Morning Prayers to Start Your Day with God

Start your morning with prayer and experience the joy and peace that comes from faith! Use this collection of morning prayers to bring whatever specific needs or feelings you have to God.

Morning prayers are the best way to seek God's peace and strength for the day ahead. If you are in need of healing , strength , or protection , ask the Lord, and you will receive it!

Daily prayer begins the day with gratitude and a focus on God’s word . Morning devotion helps us to keep an eternal perspective amid life’s confusion, remembering to " seek first the Kingdom of Heaven ."

"Let me hear in the morning of your steadfast love, for in you I trust. Make me know the way I should go, for to you I lift up my soul." ~ Psalm 143:8

5 Simple Morning Prayers

Here are a few morning prayers for guidance and protection today:

A Simple Morning Prayer : Dear Lord, thank you for the gift of a new day. I offer this day to you. May everything I do today be done with love and for your glory. Guide my thoughts, words, and actions, and help me to be a source of kindness and encouragement to others. Amen.

A Morning Prayer of Thanksgiving : Dear Lord, thank you for the gift of this new day. I am grateful for the blessings of life, health, and the opportunity to serve You. Please guide my thoughts, words, and actions today, and may everything I do be in accordance with Your will. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.

A Prayer for Strength and Guidance : Heavenly Father, as I begin this day, I ask for Your strength and guidance. Help me to face the challenges ahead with courage and grace. May Your Holy Spirit be my constant companion, leading me in the path of righteousness. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.

A Prayer for Peace : Lord Jesus, grant me Your peace this morning. Help me to let go of worry and anxiety, knowing that You are in control. Fill my heart with Your tranquility, and grant me the wisdom to navigate the day with a calm spirit. Amen.

A Morning Dedication : O God, my Creator and Sustainer, I dedicate this day to You. Use me as an instrument of Your love and grace. Help me to be a blessing to others and to reflect Your light in all that I do. May my life be a testimony to Your glory. In the name of Jesus, I pray. Amen.

These are just a few examples of morning prayers for Christians. You can choose one that resonates with you or use one as inspiration to create your own morning prayer that suits your supplications to God and your daily needs. Morning prayers help maintain faith and love for God in our hearts and minds throughout the day despite distractions and difficulties.

Listen to the Your Daily Prayer Podcast for new prayers each morning!

When one season comes to a close, and we see new doors open for our lives, we need space to process grief while simultaneously embracing the joy that comes when we start something new. Subscribe to the Your Daily Prayer Podcast and hear a new prayer on your phone or computer every morning.

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Discover additional morning prayers below for courage, peace, guidance, and more!

morning prayer

Morning Prayers of Gratitude for a New Day

"And rising very early in the morning, while it was still dark, he departed and went out to a desolate place, and there he prayed." ( Mark 1:35 )

Starting each day with a prayer of thanks is an amazing way to express gratitude. God, who is the source of life, blesses us with new opportunities and wonders every day. Therefore, it's crucial to turn to Him and be thankful. A prayer of gratitude helps us to focus on maintaining a joyful spirit, irrespective of any challenges we may encounter during the day.

Expressing gratitude to the Lord in the morning is a beneficial way to keep our focus on what is truly important. It is a powerful reminder of all the blessings we have been bestowed with and the never-ending love that God showers upon us. Here is an example of a morning prayer that you can recite to give thanks for a new day:

Dear God, As the sun rises on this new day, I come before you with a heart full of gratitude. Thank you for the gift of this new day and the opportunity it brings. I pray for your guidance and presence throughout the day ahead. Grant me the wisdom to make good choices, the strength to face challenges, and a heart that overflows with love and kindness. Help me to be a source of positivity and encouragement to those I encounter. May this day be filled with purpose, joy, and blessings. I place it in your loving hands, trusting that you will lead me on the right path. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.

Prayer for First Thing in the Morning

Good morning, Lord!

Thank You for a new day. Thank You that Your compassion is renewed every morning. Great is Your faithfulness and Your steadfast love, O Lord! I don’t know what all is going to happen today and how much I’ll get done, but You do. So I give this day to You.

Fill me with Your Holy Spirit, Father. Energize me for Your work, because You know how tired these bones are. Awaken me to the wonder of Your salvation, and quicken my spirit to the reality of Your work in my life.

Lord, my mind is filled with creative ideas, but they’re all jumbled. Holy Spirit, come and hover over my mind like You hovered over the waters at creation and speak order out of the chaos! Help me to cease striving and to trust that You will give me all I need today to do the work You’ve given me to do.

You will be faithful to complete the good work You’ve started, and as I step out into my day, I declare Your sovereignty over every area of my life. I entrust myself to You and ask that You use me however You see fit.

This day is Yours. My body is Yours. My mind is Yours. Everything I am is Yours. May You be pleased with me today. Amen. -   Asheritah Ciuciu

Daily Prayer of Thanksgiving

Dear God, Thank you for your amazing power and work in our lives. Thank you for your goodness and for your blessings over us. Thank you for your great love and care. Thank you for your sacrifice so that we might have freedom and life. Forgive us when we don't thank you enough for who you are, for all you do, and for all you've given. Help us to set our eyes and our hearts on you afresh. Renew our spirits, and fill us with your peace and joy. We love you, and we need you this day and every day. We give you praise and thanks, for You alone are worthy! In Jesus' Name, Amen. - Debbie McDaniel

Arise and Shine in My Heart

O Lord Jesus, Creator of all things, the light of the glory of the Father in heaven. I thank you for letting me see the light of a new day! Bright Sun of Righteousness, arise and shine in my heart so that I may walk as a child of light as in the day and finally see you in the eternal light of joy everlasting. Amen. ~ Source: Wilhelm Löhe.

Morning Thanksgiving

God, we give you sincere thanks for the rest of the past night and the gift of a new day, with its opportunities to serve you. Grant that we may so pass its hours in the perfect freedom of your service, that in the evening, we may again give you thanks; through Jesus Christ our Lord. ~ Source: Daybreak Office of the Eastern Church

See more Prayers of Gratitude to give thanks to God!

Photo credit: Getty/Tinnakorn Jorruang

hands cupping candle flame hedge of protection

Morning Prayers for Protection This Day

"No weapon that is fashioned against you shall succeed, and you shall refute every tongue that rises against you in judgment. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord and their vindication from me, declares the Lord.” - Isaiah 54:17

Morning prayers for protection help us remember that God's providence is always present and omnipresent. Nothing is more powerful than God and nothing happens without God allowing it. When we pray for God's protection, we show faith in Him and submission to His will. Blessed are those who seek shelter in God, Who grants the faithful eternal safeguard in His Kingdom.

"He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say to the Lord, “My refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.” - Psalm 91:1-2

Here is an example of a morning prayer to use for daily protection:

O Lord, our redemption. Be our protection. Direct our minds by your gracious presence. Watch over our paths and guide us with your love through the hidden snares of life. Fix our hearts on you as we go forward, and following in faith, arrive at your goal; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Prayer for Divine Protection

Father God, as I start this new day, I lift up to you all my cares and concerns, knowing that you are my refuge and strength .

Lord, I ask for your divine protection and guidance over myself and my loved ones. Wrap your loving arms around us, shield us from harm, and guide us safely through the challenges that may arise.

I pray for open doors of opportunity, both seen and unseen. May your wisdom illuminate my path, and may I recognize the opportunities you place before me. Grant me the courage to step through those doors with faith and confidence.

Lord, I seek success, not solely for my own gain but for the greater good. May the work of my hands be a source of blessing to others and a reflection of your grace. Open doors for me to be a source of joy and encouragement to those I meet.

Fill my heart with your peace , your love, and your joy, so that I may radiate your presence to everyone I encounter today. May this day be a testament to your faithfulness and a step toward the purpose you have for my life. In the name of Jesus, I pray. Amen.

A Prayer for the Morning (Sixth Century)

O God, you have folded back the cover of the night to clothe us in the golden glory of the day. Chase from our hearts all gloomy thoughts, and make us glad in the brightness of hope, that we may effectively aspire to promised virtues; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. ~ Source: An Ancient Collect

Discover more Prayers for Protection to seek God's shelter.

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morning prayer sunrise

Morning Prayers for Strength Today

"But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength ; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint." - Isaiah 40:31

Life can be difficult, with various trials, tribulations, and even victories that can leave us feeling weak and in need of strength. A powerful morning prayer for strength is essential to help us tackle the day ahead. By asking Our Father in heaven for His strength, we are reminded that we are not meant to face each day alone. We humbly ask for His strength to guide us through the challenges of a new day.

"My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever." - Psalm 73:26

It’s essential to simply ask God to guide, sustain, and grant us the spiritual, physical, and emotional strength to get through each day. It’s amazing what a daily morning prayer like this can do to keep us focused and prepared for whatever comes our way.

Here is a sample powerful morning prayer for strength to tackle the day:

Dear Lord, This daylight, upon waking and getting ready for my day, I pray that You give me strength today to be strong for You in this world full of temptations. Lord, You know that there are struggles I will go through today. I pray that you are with me as I go through them. Carry me when I am too weak. If I stumble into temptation, forgive me, Father. Lead me away from them, Father. I need Your strength to overcome these evils. When I triumph against them, I praise you, Father. Without You, I would not have life nor the strength to live. Bless my loved ones with the strength You have given me, Lord. You are worthy of all praise and worship. You are my strength and my protection. Keep my family and me safe at all times, Lord, especially those in transit this morning. In Your Son Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen. (Source: PrayWithMe.com )

A Morning Prayer of Strength

Almighty God, you fill all things with Your presence. In Your great love, keep us near You this day. Grant that we remember You in all we do and have the strength to live by Thy commandments. Help us to love one another as You love us and forgive our sins as we forgive our transgressors, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Source: Prayers of the Early Church, edited by J. Manning Potts, 1953

Read more Prayers for Strength for when you feel weak.

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mom walking on a path hiking

Morning Prayers for Guidance Through the Day

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths." - Proverbs 3:5-6

We often seek strength, but it is important to also seek wisdom and discernment . These two elements of the human experience can be found in God, specifically through the Holy Spirit. As we face challenges in life, it is natural and wise to begin each day with morning prayers asking God to provide knowledge and discernment. We can call on the Holy Spirit to guide us throughout our day, helping us navigate through life's experiences.

Here’s a sample of a morning prayer seeking guidance:

Lord God Almighty, we pray for your great mercy, that you guide us towards you. And guide us to your will, to the need of our soul, for we cannot do it ourselves. And make our mind steadfast in your will and aware of our soul’s need. Strengthen us against the temptations of the devil, remove from us all lust and every unrighteousness, and shield us against our foes, seen and unseen. Teach us to do your will, that we may inwardly love you before all things with a pure mind. For you are our maker and our redeemer, our help, our comfort, our trust, our hope; praise and glory be to you now and forever. Amen

Prayer For Guidance

O Lord, enlighten our hearts by your holy radiance, Jesus Christ, that we may serve you without fear in holiness and righteousness all the days of our life.

In Him may we survive the storms of this world, and by His guidance reach the country of eternal brightness; through your mercy, O blessed Lord, you live and govern all things, now and forever. Amen.

Prayer For Light to Follow God

O Lord, direct our steps this day into the way of peace and strengthen our hearts to obey your commandments. May the Dayspring visit us from on high and give light to those who sit in darkness and the shadow of death, that they may adore you for your mercy, follow you for your truth, desire you for your sweetness, for you are the blessed Lord God of Earth, now and forever. Amen.

Source: Ed. Wilbur Patterson Thirkield, 1918

Read more  Prayers for Guidance  in times of uncertainty.

Photo: Unsplash/Marcelo Silva

woman drinking morning cup looking peaceful

Morning Prayers for Courage

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” - Joshua 1:9

Life often presents various challenges and difficulties. Praying for courage helps Christians confront these challenges with strength and determination. It allows them to persevere in the face of adversity and not be overcome by fear or doubt. 

"Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you.” - Deuteronomy 31:6

Living according to Christian values and ethics can be challenging in a world with differing moral standards. Prayer for courage helps Christians make difficult moral and ethical decisions, even when those decisions may be unpopular or result in personal sacrifice.

Use this prayer to ask for courage each morning:

Lord, grant me tenacious winsome courage as I go through this day. When I am tempted to give up, help me to keep going. Grant me a cheerful spirit when things don't go my way. And give me the courage to do whatever needs to be done. In Jesus' name, Amen. - Dr. Ray Pritchard

Prayers for Courage

Lord God, you have called your servants to ventures of which we cannot see the ending, by untrodden paths, through unknown perils. Give us faith to go out with good courage, not knowing where we go, but only that your hand is leading us and your love supporting us through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Breathe in me, O Holy Spirit, that my thoughts may all be holy. Act in me, O Holy Spirit, that my work may be holy. Draw my heart, O Holy Spirit, that I love but what is holy. Strengthen me, O Holy Spirit, to defend all that is holy. Guard me, then, O Holy Spirit, that I always may be holy. Amen. — St. Augustine of Hippo

Dear God, please give me strength when I am weak, love when I feel forsaken, courage when I am afraid, wisdom when I feel foolish, comfort when I am alone, hope when I feel rejected, and peace when I am in turmoil. Amen.

Read More:  Bible Verses about Courage  for Inspiration.

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Morning Prayers for Your Loved Ones

"Your wife will be like a fruitful vine within your house; your children will be like olive shoots around your table." - Psalm 128:3

Starting the day by praying for friends, family, and loved ones is a wonderful selfless act. By asking God for the protection and assistance of others throughout their day, we show our care and concern for their well-being. From parents praying for their children to individuals invoking God on behalf of friends facing a difficult time, morning prayers for loved ones offer inspiration and a sense of eternal perspective. It is a beautiful way to begin the day with positive thoughts and empathy towards others.

Here’s an example of an inspiring prayer for loved ones: 

Lord, it is so easy to focus only on my needs, but I ask that You bless those around me ( consider inserting specific names ). Please help my family to see, feel, and experience Your love. Please protect and heal my loved ones. I thank You for the wonderful people I have in my life and I ask You to guide their paths and to bring them closer to You. Amen

Bible Verses about Prayer

"...I will sing of your strength ; I will sing aloud of your steadfast love in the morning. For you have been to me a fortress and a refuge in the day of my distress." ~ Psalm 59:16

"O Lord, in the morning you hear my voice; in the morning I prepare a sacrifice for you and watch." Psalm 5:3

"Satisfy us in the morning with your steadfast love, that we may rejoice and be glad all our days." Psalm 90:14

"Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours." Mark 11:24

"Pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you" 1 Thessalonians 5:17-19

"Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working." James 5:16

Read more Prayers for Family to seek God's mercy for your Loved Ones.

Prayers for God's Will To Be Done Today

Let me hear in the morning of your steadfast love, for in you I trust. Make me know the way I should go, for to you I lift up my soul. - Psalm 143:8 (NIV)

Starting your day with a morning prayer that asks God to use you for His purposes can be a great way to stay centered and open to the blessings that He might bring through you in the lives of others. As believers, we are called to be the hands and feet of God, and there is no better way to adjust our mindset toward this purpose than by starting each day with a prayer.

The Lord's Prayer is a powerful example of a morning prayer for God's will:

Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us. Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours now and forever. Amen.

Pray through each day of the week:

Monday Morning Prayers Tuesday Morning Prayers Wednesday Morning Prayers Thursday Morning Prayers Friday Morning Prayers Saturday Morning Prayers

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This article is part of our prayer resources meant to inspire and encourage your prayer life when you face uncertain times.  Remember, the Holy Spirit intercedes for us, and God knows your heart even if you can't find the words to pray.

Prayers for Healing Morning Prayers Prayers for Family Prayers for Surgery

Prayers for Strength Night Prayers Before Bed Prayers for Protection The Lord's Prayer: Our Father

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17 Morning Prayers to Use Each Day

  • Compiled & Edited by Crosswalk Editorial Staff Crosswalk.com
  • Updated Aug 19, 2020

17 Morning Prayers to Use Each Day

Prayer is the best way to start the morning; it helps us to start our day with the right focus. When our day is focused on God, our ever-changing circumstances will not seem so daunting. And when we remind ourselves that Christ is with us and that our lives are for His glory, we will step out our door with our minds on God first and then others. With our minds on God and others, we will think and walk more humbly and we will be more open to the Holy Spirit's guidance.

" Prayer is a spiritual journey. Just as a journey from your present location to the other side of the country requires that you have a plan to reach your destination, you need a plan to assist you in your spiritual journey of prayer. Prayer is your personal communication with God. Since this is your spiritual destination every day, you need a plan to help you reach your destination effectively and consistently. " -Ronnie Floyd

Here are 17 helpful morning prayers to start your day:

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1. A Prayer for Protection

1. A Prayer for Protection

"Dear Lord, I don't know who or what will cross my path today. But I do know that You are my Rock and my Fortress. You are my Shield and my Strong Tower. Help me to anchor myself to You today. Teach me how to stand strong in You and choose only Your way today. Help me walk by Your truth and not my feelings. Help me to embrace anything that comes my way as an opportunity to see You at work and as an opportunity to point others to You. Thank You that You love me and nothing can ever take that away from me! Even if I fail today and fall short, You whisper Your unconditional love deep into my soul and remind me that Your mercies are new every morning. That truly amazes me, Lord. Thank You for meeting with me today. Would You wake me again tomorrow with the same sweet whisper of Your love? I can't wait to meet with You again. In Jesus ' Name, Amen." - Wendy Blight

Related: Listen to our new, FREE Podcast: Teach Us to Pray :

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2. A Prayer for Guideance Today

2. A Prayer for Guideance Today

"Lord, may nothing separate me from You today. Teach me how to choose only Your way today so each step will lead me closer to You. Help me walk by the Word and not my feelings. Help me to keep my heart pure and undivided. Protect me from my own careless thoughts, words, and actions. And keep me from being distracted by MY wants, MY desires, MY thoughts on how things should be. Help me to embrace what comes my way as an opportunity... rather than a personal inconvenience. And finally, help me to rest in the truth of  Psalm 86:13, 'Great is your love toward me.'  You already see the ways I will fall short and mess up. But right now, I consciously tuck Your whisper of absolute love for me into the deepest part of my heart. I recognize Your love for me is not based on my performance. You love me warts and all. That's amazing. But what's most amazing is that the Savior of the world would desire a few minutes with me this morning. Lord, help me to forever remember what a gift it is to sit with You like this. Amen." - Lysa Terkeurst

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3. A Prayer for a New Day

3. A Prayer for a New Day

"I have set the LORD always before me. Because He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken." - Psalm 16:8

Dear God, Thank You for another day. Please watch over my family and friends. Thank You! Amen.

essay on a morning prayer

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4. A Prayer for a Heavy Heart

4. A Prayer for a Heavy Heart

"Father, my heart is heavy. I feel like I have to carry the burden alone. Words like overwhelmed, distraught, exhausted seem to describe where I am. I am not sure how to let you carry my heavy load, so please show me how. Take it from me. Let me rest and be refreshed so that my heart won't be so heavy in the morning. In Jesus ' name. Amen." - Ron Moore

" Do not be anxious about anything , but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your mind in Christ Jesus."  Philippians 4:6-7

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5. A Prayer for Strength

5. A Prayer for Strength

"You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in You." Isaiah 26:3

LORD, Give me strength in my weakness. Give me faith in my fear. Give me power in my powerlessness. I'm trusting You. Amen.

essay on a morning prayer

Photo credit: Unsplash.com

6. A Prayer for Courage Today

6. A Prayer for Courage Today

"Lord, grant me tenacious winsome courage as I go through this day. When I am tempted to give up, help me to keep going. Grant me a cheerful spirit when things don't go my way. And give me courage to do whatever needs to be done. In Jesus ' name, Amen." - Dr. Ray Pritchard

"For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and self-discipline." 2 Timothy 1:7

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7. A Morning Prayer

7. A Morning Prayer

A Morning Prayer God, please enlighten my mind with truth; Inflame my heart with love; Inspire my heart with courage; Enrich my life with service. Pardon what I have been; Sanctify what I am; And order what I shall be. Amen.  

essay on a morning prayer

8. A Prayer to Meet with the Lord

 "Dear Lord, help me remember what a difference it makes when I make time with You a priority in my morning. Awaken me in body and spirit each day with a desire to meet with You and to hear You speak words of affirmation, assurance and wisdom over my heart as I prepare to go into my day. In Jesus ' Name, Amen." - Traci Miles

"If any of your lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him."  James 1:5

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9. "The Difference" Prayer

9. "The Difference" Prayer

"I got up early one morning

And rushed right into the day; I had so much to accomplish That I didn't have time to pray. Problems just tumbled about me, And heavier came each task; 'Why doesn't God help me ?' I wondered. He answered, 'You didn't ask.' I wanted to see joy and beauty But the day toiled on gray and bleak I wondered why God didn't show me He said, 'But you didn't seek', I tried to come into God's presence; I used all my keys in the lock. God gently and lovingly chided, 'My child, you didn't knock.' I woke up early this morning, And paused before entering the day; I had so much to accomplish That I had to take time to pray." -Author Unkown,  This poem, " The Difference,"  is public domain. 

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10. The Prayer of Jabez

10. The Prayer of Jabez

"Jabez cried out to the God of Israel, 'Oh, that You would bless me and enlarge my territory! Let Your hand be with me, and keep me from harm so that I will be free from pain.'"  1 Chronicles 4:10

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11. A Prayer for Supernatural Protection

11. A Prayer for Supernatural Protection

Lord Jesus ,

The world is changing so fast. Every day the media relays tales of those who disregard law, devise evil, and destroy both people and property. And because of what's happening, fear sometimes rises up in my heart—for me, for those I love, and for people everywhere. Yet I know you are in control.

I ask you today for your supernatural protection, Lord—both personally and globally. Please station angels around my home and family to guard them from danger. Lead us away from temptation, and help us to run from the presence of questionable activities or harmful influences. When we’re weak, help us to look up to you and to hold on tight to the truth that you love us and want the best for us.

In Jesus' precious name, Amen  

Content gathered from " A Prayer for Supernatural Protection " by Rebecca Barlow Jordan.

Photo credit: ©Thinkstock/ Chaunpis

12. A Prayer to Guard My Heart

12. A Prayer to Guard My Heart

I will run to you, Lord,  whenever I feel afraid. I know your hand will protect me and lead me into your shadow, Almighty God, where I can rest and be safe. I know that bad things can happen to all of us, but you are always there to bring good out of it. And you’ve promised me that no one can harm my spirit/soul—the innermost part of me that you've destined for eternity. Because I belong to you, you will give me safe passage—all the way to my eternal home.

But while I'm still living in my temporary house on earth, I pray you will not only guard my heart, but also my mind from foolish thoughts and actions. Expose the lies that try to twist the truth. Give me discernment, Lord, and wisdom for the good times, the hard times, and all the in-between-times. Let me never leave home without your protection and without the spiritual armor you've given me.

I place my trust and dependence on you, today, Lord. Like the commander of a great army, you are in control, and you will go to any lengths to ensure the safety of those under your wing of protection. I believe you want good, not harm for my life. And I am asking that you will replace fear with the confident assurance that you are always here with me, protecting me from harm. Others may try to hurt my body, Lord. But they can never destroy my soul. I'm safe with you, Jesus .

Photo credit: ©Unsplash.com/Naassom/Azevedo

13. Four Psalms to Pray for God's Help

13. Four Psalms to Pray for God's Help

When you don't know what to pray, Scripture provides the words for you! Use these prayers from Psalms to guide your request for help from God.

H  - "Hear me Lord and answer me for I am poor and needy."  Psalm 86:1 The first step is to let God know that you need him and want His help.

E  - "Establish my steps in your word."  Psalm 119:133 Second, ask God for His direction and for strength to stand firm in His promises.

L  - "Let your compassion quickly meet our needs because we are on the brink of despair."  Psalm 79:8 We often need help because of our past choices and sin. Ask God to help you focus on his compassion and grace to lift you out of your despair and heart ache. 

P  - "Protect me God because I take refuge in You. I say to the Lord, You are my Lord, apart from You I have nothing good."  Psalm 16:1

Whether it's spiritual protection from Satan's attacks or physical protection, we can come to God and ask Him to be our protector and provider. Seek refuge and lean on God, not your own strength or abilities. God promises to be your refuge if you will let Him!   

Content gathered from " A Prayer for God's Help " by Lisa Whittle and " 4 Psalms to Pray When You Need God's Help " by Jennifer Rothschild.

Photo credit: ©GettyImages/SergioYoneda

14. A Prayer for Faith and God's Will to be Done

14. A Prayer for Faith and God's Will to be Done

Dear Lord , times are really hard right now and life has really got me down. I don’t know what to do. I ask that You bestow Your wisdom upon me. I don’t want to lean on my own knowledge anymore, because it has let me down so many times. I need to hear Your voice. Give me the discernment to hear Your voice and Your voice alone. Speak to me in the way You know I will hear you best. I also pray for Your Will, Lord. I give You the praise and the glory in my circumstances because I know that I am exactly where You want me. I know this is to teach me something or to help me to grow. No matter what, I trust you and ask You to show what is best in this situation. In Jesus Name I pray.  Amen .  

Content gathered from " 3 Things to Pray When Life Gets You Down " by Carrie Lowrance.

Photo credit: ©Unsplash/MiladoVigerova

15. A Prayer for a Heart of Worship

15. A Prayer for a Heart of Worship

I want to worship only You. Take me deeper in my prayer life and in intimacy with You. Help me to walk in Your light and holiness. I want to know You more. “Blessed are those who have learned to acclaim you, who walk in the light of your presence, O Lord” ( Psalm 89:15 ). Give me joy in Your presence and help me to bring joy into the lives of others. “You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand” ( Psalm 16:11 ). I want to dwell in Your house and gaze on Your beauty. I want to seek Your face. “One thing I ask of the LORD, this is what I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the LORD and to seek him in his temple… Hear my voice when I call, O LORD" ( Psalm 27:4 ,7).

In Jesus ’ name, amen.  

Content gathered from " A Prayer for God's Presence " by Debbie Przybylski.

Photo credit: ©Thinkstock/ kieferpix

16. A Prayer to for Faith to See God's Presence

16. A Prayer to for Faith to See God's Presence

Father , I pray that You will visit us, and make Your presence known in my life and in my city. Give me faith to believe that You can change my city through prayer and through acts of love and compassion. Let Your Kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven. Help me to cultivate Your presence in my life. I choose to partner with You for transformation in my city. Help me to contend for my city in prayer with others. Remove the distractions in my life that keep me from Your presence [Repent of any distractions in your life]. I repent of any pride or personal idols that have taken me away from having you in first place and being completely Yours (Name them one by one - i.e. television material possessions, food, sports, work, etc.]. Take away any luke-warmness in my heart and set me on fire for You.  Amen .  

Photo credit: ©Pexels/Julian-Jagtenberg

17. A Prayer to Overcome Negative Thinking

17. A Prayer to Overcome Negative Thinking

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank You for your good thoughts about me. May my thoughts reflect your truth and nothing else. When I have a negative thought, I pray for your help to quickly recognize it and that You would empower me to focus on what is true, pure, and lovely. Thank You Lord.

In Jesus Christ Name I pray,  Amen .

Take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. -  2 Corinthians 10:5  

Content gathered from " 3 Simple Prayers You Need to Pray Regularly " by Christina Patterson.  

Read our  9 Good Night Prayers to end your day with peace and thankfulness! And for more daily encouragement, read our  30 Inspirational Quotes that will help you shine your light today! 

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To read the text version of this article, " 10 Morning Prayers to Use Daily, " please click the link. 

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The Pray Warrior

31 Powerful Morning Prayers to Start Your Day

31 Powerful Morning Prayers to Start Your Day

Morning Prayer is a powerful tool to direct our hearts and minds to God when we start our day.

By praying when we wake up, we follow the teaching of Jesus in Matthew 6:33 , “but looking for the first Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.”

What we do in the morning has a significant impact on our outlook and mood for the rest of the day, starting our morning with prayer and strengthening our thoughts and hearts with faith and tranquility.

Praying for gratitude and humility helps us maintain virtue in our daily tasks and interactions. It is common to get disturbed, frustrated, or in a rush, especially in the morning but pray to God after waking up, giving us peace for a better approach every day.

We are far more resilient to the temptation to sin when we start every day with God’s grace and mercy.

Below are 31 Powerful Morning Prayers to Start Your Day with God.

Lord may nothing separate me from You today. Teach me how to choose only Your way today so each step will lead me closer to You. Help me walk by the Word and not my feelings.

Help me to keep my heart pure and undivided. Protect me from my careless thoughts, words, and actions. And keep me from being distracted by my wants, my desires, and my thoughts on how things should be. Help me embrace what comes my way as an opportunity. Amen.

Dear God, at the start of each day, help us recognize you above all else. Enlighten the eyes of our hearts so that we might see you and notice how you’re at work through our lives.

Please give us the wisdom to make the best choices and fill us with a desire to seek after you more than anything else in this world. Let your Spirit and power breathe in us, through us, again, fresh and new.

Thank you for being more significant than anything we may face in our day. Thank you that your presence goes with us and that your joy is never dependent on our circumstances, but it is our real and lasting strength, no matter what we’re up against.

We ask that your peace lead us, that it would guard our hearts and minds in you. We ask for your grace to cover our lives this day. We love you, Lord; we need you. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Good morning, Lord! Today’s a new day, a chance for a fresh start. Yesterday is gone, and with it, any regrets, mistakes, or failures I may have experienced.

It’s a good day to be glad and give thanks, and I do, Lord. Thank you for today, a new opportunity to love, share, and be all you want me to be. Amen.

Dear Lord, as we rise to meet each new day, please let us be filled with Your Spirit. Let us spread love, joy, peace, goodness, and faithfulness wherever we go.

Let us desire to become more like you and worship you in all we do. Help us want these things so much more than the sin that entices us. Thank you for always going before us. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Dear God, Thank you for your unique power and work in our lives; thank you for your goodness and blessings over us. Thank you for your tremendous love and care.

Thank you for your sacrifice so that we might have freedom and life. Forgive us when we don’t thank you enough, for who you are, for all that you do, for all that you’ve given.

Help us to set our eyes and our hearts on you afresh. Renew our spirits and fill us with your peace and joy. We love you, and we need you, this day, and every day. We give you praise and thanks, for You alone are worthy! In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Dear Lord, I don’t know who or what will cross my path today. But I do know that you are my Rock and my Fortress. You are my Shield and my Strong Tower. Help me to anchor myself to you today.

Teach me how to stand firm in you and choose only your way today. Help me walk by your truth and not my feelings. Help me to embrace anything that comes my way as an opportunity to see you at work and as an opportunity to point others to you.

Thank You that you love me, and nothing can ever take that away from me! Even if I fail today and fall short, you whisper your unconditional love deep into my soul and remind me that your mercies are new every morning. That truly amazes me, Lord.

Thank You for meeting with me today. Would you wake me again tomorrow with the same sweet whisper of your love? I can’t wait to meet with you again. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Father, Praise You for the sky and sun, for both remind us of a new day’s challenge and chance to chase you.

Thank You for reminding us life is not always easy but that we don’t have to carry the hard into each new day. Forgive us for dwelling on the past and for holding onto grudges.

Bless our hearts to be held back by nothing as we seek you each day . In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Lord, I give you all that I am this day. Please brush away my weariness to be inspired by my work. Help me discover new ways to reveal your love to all I meet.

Keep my mind clear and focused on all I need to achieve and give me the wisdom to overcome difficulties and find solutions. I look to you and trust you are with me this day. Amen.

Dear Lord, thank you so much for another day of life on Earth. Thank you for another beautiful sunrise to enjoy.

Thank you for the beautiful sounds of nature, from the cool breeze brushing through the trees to the birds singing melodies. You are a wonderful God, full of grace and mercy.

I praise you for allowing me another day to spend with my family. I love you, Father! Amen.

Morning Prayers

Photo by Jonathan Petersson on pexels.com

As the sun rises, may your love increase in my heart. A love that dispels tiredness. A love that overcomes difficulty. A love that builds a relationship.

A love that inspires diligence. A love that delivers excellence. A love that develops trust. A love that produces praise. Lord, may I live in the light of your love. Amen.

Dear Lord, You have brought me to the beginning of a new day. As the world is renewed, fresh, and clean, I ask you to continue my heart with your strength and purpose.

Forgive me the errors of yesterday and bless me to walk closer in your way today. This is the day I begin my life anew; shine through me so that every person I meet may feel your presence in me.

Take my hand, precious Lord, for I cannot make it by myself. Amen.

I come before you, oh Lord. As the sun rises, may your hope rise in me. As the birds sing, may your love flow out of me. As the light floods into this new day, may your joy shine through me.

I come before you, oh Lord, and drink in this moment of peace, that I may carry something of your hope, love, and joy today in my heart. Amen.

Good morning, Lord! This is the day you have made; I will rejoice and be glad in it. I thank you for preserving my life for one more day with gratitude. With gratitude, I thank you for your ultimate gift of love for me, in the form of your son, and the sacrifice of his life on my behalf.

I humbly submit to you because of this overwhelming gift that I often cannot comprehend. I know, Lord, that I am a mere human and cannot instruct you, but you Lord can guide me.

So, teach me your ways that I may rely on your faithfulness. Teach us to number our days and to use our time wisely. I don’t know what this day holds, but I know you have the day.

You laid the foundations of the Earth and therefore understood every part of it. I know that you keep the sun in the sky, and the stars in place, and have created this Earth for me to inhabit and enjoy. Amen.

Dear Lord, I pray today that I will yield my Spirit entirely to you, that you may use me as you, please. I pray that you will provide me with opportunities to show people how much you mean to me.

Give me the discretion to know what to say and how to say it. Make me bold enough that I may proclaim salvation cheerfully and joyfully.

I pray that the seeds you allow me to plant will grow and mature. I pray that You, Father, will water the seeds. You will enable me to produce today.

I am forever grateful for the cross; may I proclaim it in a contagious way today. Amen.

O Lord, direct our steps this day into the way of peace and strengthen our hearts to obey your commandments.

May the Day spring visit us from on high and give light to those who sit in darkness and the shadow of death, that they may adore you for your mercy, follow you for your truth, desire you for your sweetness, for you are the blessed Lord God of Earth, now and forever. Amen.

Dear Lord, This daylight, upon waking and getting ready for my day, I pray that you give me strength today to be vital for you in this world full of temptations.

Lord, you know that there are struggles I will go through today. I pray that you are with me as I go through them. Carry me when I am too weak.

If I stumble into temptation, forgive me, Father. Lead me away from them, Father. I need your strength to overcome these evils.

When I triumph against them, I praise you, Father. For without You, I will not be where I am, and I will not have the strength I have.

Bless my loved ones with the power You have given me, Lord. You are worthy of all praises and the entire honor in the world. You are my strength and my protection.

Always keep my family and me safe, Lord, especially those in transit during this morning. In Your Son Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.

Dear Heavenly Father, Thank you for the blessings in my life. I confess that I haven’t stopped to thank you for the many ways you have blessed me. Instead, I’ve let problems take over my attention. Forgive me, Lord.

You deserve all the gratitude I can give and so much more. Each day seems to bring more problems, and the more I focus on them, the more discouraged I become. Your Word teaches me the value of gratitude.

In Psalm 50:23 , you proclaim, “The one who offers thanksgiving as his sacrifice glorifies me; to one who orders his way rightly I will show the salvation of God!” Help me remember this fantastic promise and make gratitude a priority in my life.

Starting each day, giving thanks to you for life’s blessings will renew my attitude toward any problems. Gratitude is a powerful weapon against discouragement and hopelessness.

Strengthen me, Lord, to resist distractions and focus entirely on your goodness. Thank you for the greatest gift of all, your son Jesus Christ. In his name, Amen.

Dear Lord, This morning, as I contemplate a new day, I ask you to help me. I want to be aware of your Spirit—leading me in the decisions I take, the conversations I have, and the work I do.

I want to be more like you, Jesus, as I relate to the people I meet today—friends or strangers. Jesus, you were always about your father’s business, and I thank you that he is now my father too because of what you did on this Earth.

Although I know that I am weak, I also know that I can be strong in the work I do, the decisions I make, and the words I speak by the power of your Spirit. Thank you for your promise to be with me always and for being the same yesterday, today, and forever. Amen.

Our Father in heaven, how we love you; how you love us. A new day unfolds, and we desire that it be infused with our worship of you as we turn our eyes on the beauty of you, our spirits lift, and we find peace.

Please pour out your Spirit upon us today to worship in fresh ways. We humbly ask for a deeper relationship with you to heightened awareness of God’s presence in us. In Jesus’ name, we pray, amen.

Almighty God, in Christ you make all things new: as we go forth today, starting a new day transform the poverty of our nature by the riches of your grace.

Lord the renewal of our lives makes known your heavenly glory; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.

Wonderful Father, full of mercy and grace. I give you praise for counting me worthy to witness another day on this Earth. Thank you, Heavenly Father, for the gift of a new day.

Lord, I laid down, slept in peace, and woke up safely because you were watching over me. You kept me all through the night, even till this morning. I go into today with a heart of thanksgiving.

I love you, God, for all that you have done for me! Amen.

Lord, thank you for a great night’s rest and the opportunity to stand here today. Today is another day you have made, and I will rejoice and be glad in it. And so, I know you love me.

Your Word makes me understand the depth of your love for me, and I thank you for this boundless love. Lord, I ask for your unfailing guidance as I step out in search of my daily bread today.

Let your mighty hands of protection and strength cover me as I walk through today. Thank you because I am safe in your hands. Amen.

There is a reason you brought me to this new day, Lord. Shine brightly through me so that everyone that comes across me today may feel your presence in me.

Take my hand, Lord, and teach me to do what is correct. Let my words and actions bless lives and destinies as I step out today. I refuse to be used to denigrating, insulting, or disrespecting people today. I uplift, motivate, and bless lives. Amen.

Dear God, you said in your Word that if anyone lacks wisdom, he should ask of you who give liberally, without reproaching or faultfinding.

So, in response to your Word, I come this morning to fill me up with the type of knowledge that can only come from you. I receive the grace to make wise decisions.

I accept the capacity to choose wisdom over folly. And I thank you for your blessings and learning, in Jesus’ name, Amen.

Lord God Almighty, I thank you because you have gracious me. As I go through today, I welcome the opportunities to contribute with the gifts you have blessed me with to the growth of the world.

I receive the opportunity to be used by you to bless others today. And I thank you and pray in Jesus’ name, Amen.

Eternal God, we say good morning to you. Hallowed be your name. Early in the morning, before we begin our work, we praise your glory. Renew our bodies as fresh as the morning flowers.

Open our inner eyes as the sun casts new light upon the darkness which prevailed over the night. Deliver us from all captivity. Give us wings of freedom like the birds in the sky to begin a new journey.

Restore justice and liberty, as a mighty stream running continuously as day follows day. We thank you for the gift of this morning and a new day to work with you. Amen.

Lord, thank you for a new day like this, thank you for your abundant, abounding grace. Thank you that we don’t have to earn a drop of the mighty river of grace that flows freely for us today.

Thank you for the unexpected, unmerited favor you’ve showered in my life. Help me put myself on the path of your love and grace. Help me not neglect the disciplines I need to meet with you regularly and to drink from the water of life.

Thank you for your rich love. Amen.

My Lord God, another day is here; I have no idea where I am going. I do not see the road ahead of me. I cannot know for certain where it will end.

Nor do I know myself, and I think following your will does not mean that I am doing so. But I believe that the desire to please you does please you. And I hope I have that desire in all that I am doing.

I hope that I will never do anything apart from that desire. And I know that you will lead me on the right road if I do this, though I may not know anything about it.

Therefore, I will always trust you though I may seem lost and in the shadow of death. I will not fear, for you are ever with me, and you will never leave me to face my perils alone. Amen.

Father in heaven, I stand before you today in your omnipotent presence to ask that You grant me strength. I want you to give me the strength to power through all tasks today — whether little or big.

It is by your will that I live, oh Lord. I will not go lazy or fail to do all things set before me because you strengthen me. Thank You for Your everlasting presence, Lord, and in Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

Teach me how to stand firm in you and choose only your way today. Help me walk by Your truth and not my feelings. Help me to embrace anything that comes my way as an opportunity to see you at work and as an opportunity to point others to you.

Thank You for meeting with me today. Would you wake me again tomorrow with the same sweet whisper of Your love? I can’t wait to meet with you again. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Lord, I ask for your guidance today as I set out for better opportunities than yesterday. Do not let me stray from my path, for you’re my shepherd, oh Lord. Let Your staff prevent me from any error and let your eyes watch over me and protect me from all danger. You’re the only God, no matter what is too big for You, Lord. So, let’s flatten all issues that may plague my day. Amen.

Prayer gives us the strength and confidence we need to overcome all the challenges and difficulties of life. There are many reasons why it’s important to pray, but the most valuable is to build a stronger relationship with God.

If you put God in the center of your life, you will realize how life can be beautiful, happy, and peaceful. You will overcome all the challenges and anxieties that may come across.

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essay on a morning prayer

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Prayers for the Morning and New Beginnings

Peace within, at the beginning of the day.

  • Morning Prayer

We Awaken in Christ's Body

The spirit of god is always with us at this time, in this place, morning prayer of gratitude, prayer to begin each day, i greet the morning.

  • Creation Prayers
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  • Spring Prayers

May today there be peace within. May you trust God that you are exactly where you are meant to be. May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith. May you use those gifts that you have received, and pass on the love that has been given to you May you be confident knowing you are a child of God. Let this presence settle into your bones, and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love. It is there for each and every one of us. - Minnie Louise Haskins

>> Prayer Card

O God, I find myself at the beginning of another day. I do not know what it will bring. Please help me to be ready for whatever it may be. If I am to stand up, help me to stand bravely. If I am to sit still, help me to sit quietly. If I am to lie low, help me to do it patiently. If I am to do nothing, let me do it gallantly. I pray just for today, for these twenty-four hours, for the ability to cooperate with others according to the way Jesus taught us to live. "Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven." May these words that he taught us become more than words. Please free my thinking and feelings and the thinking and feelings of others, from all forms of self-will, self-centeredness, dishonesty, and deception. Along with my brothers and sisters, I need this freedom to make my choices today according to your desires. Send your Spirit to inspire me in time of doubt and indecision so that, together, we can walk along your path. - Adapted by J. Veltri, S.J.

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Morning Prayer 

Gracious God, Thank you for the gift of today.

Refresh me. Invite me to discover your presence In each person that I meet And every event that I encounter. Teach me when to speak and when to listen When to ponder and when to share. In moments of challenge and decision Attune my heart to the whisperings of your Wisdom. As I undertake ordinary and unnoticed tasks, Gift me with simple joy. When my day goes well, may I rejoice. When it grows difficult, surprise me with New possibilities. When life is overwhelming, call me to Sabbath moments To restore your Peace and Harmony. May my living today reveal your Goodness. - Pat Bergen, C.S.J.

We awaken in Christ's body As Christ awakens our bodies, And my poor hand is Christ, He enters My foot, and is infinitely me. I move my hand, and wonderfully My hand becomes Christ, becomes all of Him (for God is indivisibly Whole, seamless in His Godhood). I move my foot, and at once He appears like a flash of lightning. Do my words seem blasphemous? Then Open your heart to Him And let yourself receive the one Who is opening to you so deeply. For if we genuinely love Him, We wake up inside Christ's body Where all our body, all over, every most hidden part of it, is realized in joy as Him, and He makes us, utterly, real, and everything that is hurt, everything that seemed to us dark, harsh, shameful, maimed, ugly, irreparably damaged, is in Him transformed and recognized as whole, as lovely, and radiant in His light he awakens as the Beloved in every last part of our body. - Symeon the New Theologian

We awaken in our time to a Universe which is holy, to creation which is not an event in the past, but a living event of the present. We enter a new mode of human presence where we are not merely observers, but where each of us is a participant in this moment of evolution. Like all other creatures, we carry with us Wisdom and Values, the dynamics of the Universe. But unlike other creatures, we must choose whether and how we will live in harmony within this sacred web of creation. May we be open to the Source of All Being, Our God within and among us! We have the capacity to wonder, and to celebrate this great mystery of existence within such a magnificent Universe! In us the Universe enters into a great celebration of itself. We are part of the Dance, the Great Work, the Great liturgy which is the Universe unfolding. Glory to You, O God, Source of All Being! This great Liturgy finds expression at this moment in us, gathered here in a posture of prayerful openness, with listening hearts, loving spirits and a holy wonder. May the sacred web that unites us with each other, our God and all creation, ignite communities of light and hope throughout the Earth. May we be open to the Source of All Being, Our God within and among us!

Together We Pray: O Gracious, gentle Spirit of Love, Your energy permeates the Universe, Igniting Earth with Your Goodness, Truth and Beauty. Open our minds and hearts To a deeper awareness Of our interconnectedness with You, Each other and all creation. May we experience Your unique presence Within the sacred web of creation. - Author Unknown

Let our prayer this morning be one of gratitude . Gratitude did not make it into the list of four "cardinal virtues," but it is sometimes rightly recognized as a foundational virtue.

Let us each in turn name something worthy of our gratitude, concluding with "and so let us say."

The group may respond, "For this we are grateful." - Joe Wessling

Lord, I so wish to prepare well for this time. I so want to make all of me ready and attentive and available to you. Please help me clarify and purify my intentions. I have so many contradictory desires. My activity seems to be so full of busyness and running after stuff that doesn't really seem to matter ot last. I know that if I give you my heart whatever I do will follow my new heart. May all that I am today, all that I try to do today, may all my encounters, reflections, even the frustrations and failings all place my life in your hands.

Lord, my life is in your hands. Please, let this day give you praise.

- Author Unknown

I greet the morning. Whether awake or sleepy. Refreshed or restless. Hopeful or sullen. I greet the morning. The sunrise. The fresh air. The opportunity for a new beginning. I greet the morning and offer all that will be to you my loving God. "For all that has been, I say “thanks”. And all that will be, I say ”yes”."

- Joe Shadle with end quote by Dag Hammarskjöld

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25 Powerful Morning Prayers to Start Every Day

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Every morning is a fresh beginning, an opportunity to start anew and set the tone for the day ahead. Why is saying a morning prayer important? Because every new day is a tabula rasa – a clean slate. There’s nothing written on it yet. And you can write anything you want. 

If we start our day without awareness of what’s going on in our hearts and minds, we will probably fall into all sorts of temptations. When we are not watchful, we become susceptible to Satan’s lies. 

Jesus said to his disciples,

Watch and pray, that you don’t enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak. (Matthew 26:41)

This is Jesus’s recipe for not falling into sin and temptation – watch and pray. When we start our day with meditation and prayer, our chances of not being entangled in the devil’s net increase. In meditation or quiet time, we still our souls and observe our thoughts and feelings. 

When we notice something having a hold on us, we immediately pray to God to help us let it go. By doing this repeatedly, we practice watchfulness and prayer, and the Spirit of God cleanses us of all unrighteousness.  

One of the most profound ways to begin your day is to say a morning prayer . These first moments of wakefulness offer a golden opportunity to connect with God and yourself and become still before the Lord to know Him more. As Psalm 46:10 says,

Be still, and know that I am God.

When we become still, we can observe our hearts and minds while reflecting on the Scriptures and finding reasons to be grateful. We feel God’s guidance, encouragement, and a sense of purpose that helps us navigate the challenges and blessings that lie ahead. 

Below are 25 powerful morning prayers with scriptures to start your day on a spiritually enriching note. Whether you are seeking words of encouragement, blessings, or simply a moment of quiet serenity, these morning prayers for today will uplift your spirit and provide clarity.

Morning Prayer : A Spiritual Foundation

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Morning prayers are a spiritual foundation for the day. They have been a longstanding tradition in Christianity throughout millennia. They are a means to connect with God and a source of inner strength. In Psalm 5:3, David says:

Yahweh, in the morning you will hear my voice. In the morning I will lay my requests before you, and will watch expectantly.

When we open our eyes in the morning, our consciousness is still a clean slate, untouched by the worries and cares of earthly existence. What do we put in it? If we don’t put anything in it, it doesn’t mean it will remain empty. It won’t.

Something else will come and claim it. By default, if we don’t fill our hearts and minds with God, they become attractive to demonic forces. As the saying goes, the holy place is never empty. Jesus taught,

When an unclean spirit has gone out of a man, he passes through waterless places seeking rest, and doesn’t find it.    Then he says, ‘I will return into my house from which I came;’ and when he has come back, he finds it empty, swept, and put in order. Then he goes and takes with himself seven other spirits more evil than he is, and they enter in and dwell there. The last state of that man becomes worse than the first. Even so will it be also to this evil generation. (Matthew 12:43-45)

It’s vital to fill our consciousness with the things of God, and the best time to start doing it is in the morning. As we express gratitude for the gift of a new day and seek guidance for challenges ahead, we experience a profound sense of peace and serenity.

Let’s delve into these 25 powerful morning prayers. Feel free to adapt them to your personal situations. Let them be an inspiration for you and a reminder that each day is a precious gift filled with opportunities for growth and enjoyment.

1. A Simple Morning Prayer

“Dear Lord, thank you for this new day. Fill my soul with Your presence. Fill my mind with Your thoughts. Fill my heart with Your feelings. Guide me to Your truth in everything I do, say, feel, and think. Protect me and grant me spiritual wisdom so I can embark on this journey with Your Spirit by my side. Grant me eyes to see and ears to hear. Amen.”

2. Morning Prayer for Gratitude

“Heavenly Father, as I wake up today, fill my heart with reasons to be grateful. Grant me a spiritual vision, so I can see wonderful things all around me. Help me fix my gaze on what is lovely, true, and praiseworthy. Thank You for the gift of life and the countless blessings I see around me. Help me cherish every minute of the day and make the most of it. In Your name, I pray. Amen.”

3. Morning Prayer for Experiencing Peace Today

“Lord, Your peace surpasses all understanding, and I pray today that Your heavenly serenity becomes an integral part of my life as I face the challenges of this day. Fill my heart with Your tranquility and help me spread it to others as I go through my day. Help me stay in the now by casting all my cares on You. Above all, guard my heart from sin because my heart is the wellspring of life. Amen.”

4. Morning Prayer for Guidance

“Dear God, as I start this new day, I seek your guidance and wisdom. Show me the path to my highest good. Take me where you want me to go and help me make decisions prompted by the Holy Spirit. Help me follow Jesus’ example so I do nothing by myself but only imitate what You, Father, are doing. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.”

5. Morning Prayer for Strength

“Heavenly Father, I am weak and vulnerable without You. Grant me the strength to overcome any obstacles that come my way today. I seek Your power to sustain me. Help me find courage and fullness of joy in your presence. Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but I trust in the name of the LORD our God. Amen.”

6. Morning Prayer for Serenity

“Lord, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. When I don’t accept what I cannot change, I perpetuate what I want to eliminate. When I don’t change what I can change, I continue to suffer. But when you reveal the difference between these things, I change what I can and accept what I cannot change. In your name, I pray. Amen.”

7. Morning Prayer for Thankfulness

“God, make me grateful for every breath I take, every ray of sunshine, every drop of rain, and every word of kindness. Make me grateful for the gift of this new day. I am looking forward to the opportunities it holds, and I want to encounter love all around me. Open my eyes and heart to see wonders everywhere. Amen.”

8. Morning Prayer to Start the Day

“Dear Lord, I pray for your protection and safety throughout this day. Shield me from harm and guide my steps on the path of righteousness. But above all, guard my heart throughout the day because it is the wellspring of life. Guard it from all temptation and protect it from the lies of Satan. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.”

9. Powerful Morning Prayer for Clarity

“God, clear my mind of doubt and confusion. My knowledge is limited. My mind is cloudy. I don’t know what to do next. Grant me Your clarity in my thoughts and actions so that I may approach this day with purpose and understanding. Even though I walk through the valley of shadow and death, grant me spiritual light from within to illuminate my path. Amen.”

10. Morning Prayer for Family

“Lord, I lift up my family to You this morning. I turn them over to Your care. You are Jehovah Jireh – You will provide. Bless and shield each member from harm, and may our bonds grow stronger in Your love. In Your name. Amen.”

11. Short Powerful Morning Prayer for Healing

“Heavenly Father, I pray for healing and restoration in all aspects of my life. Make me whole again in body, soul, and spirit. Grant me physical, emotional, and spiritual healing, and let your love flow through me freely. Amen.”

12. Morning Prayer for Forgiveness

“God, forgive me for my shortcomings and faults. Purify me from all satanic lies with Your Holy Spirit. Cleanse me with Your truth. Grant me the strength to forgive others and walk in Your grace and everlasting mercy. In Jesus’ name. Amen.”

13. Morning Prayer for Joy

“Lord, David said there’s fullness of joy in Your presence. Draw near to me so I can feel Your presence. Fill my heart with gratitude as I start this new day. Let the joy of the Lord be my strength, and may it spill over to those I encounter. Amen.”

14. Morning Prayer for Patience

“God, grant me Your patience and keep me from acting rashly. Teach me to wait for Your councils. Help me trust Your timing as I face challenges with grace and understanding. Help me remain calm in difficult situations and rely on Your wisdom. Amen.”

15. Morning Prayer for Love

“Heavenly Father, help me to love others as you love me. Help me become Your mirror and reflect the light that I have received from You. Help me see You in all things and all people. May my actions and words flow from Your boundless love and compassion. In your name, I pray. Amen.”

16. Morning Prayer for Wisdom

“Lord, without Your wisdom and discernment, I can’t make good decisions. What seems wise to me is often foolishness in Your eyes. But Your foolishness is always wiser than the wisdom of men, even as the apostle Paul said, ‘For the foolishness of God is wiser than human wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than human strength.’ May I embrace Your guidance in all that I do and spill Your light onto others. Amen.”

17. Morning Prayer for Courage

“Lord, when I am disheartened, fill me up with Your courage so I can face life’s difficulties in faith. When I fall, let me stand firm in Your strength. When I lose faith, hold me in Your warm embrace and never let me go. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.”

18. Morning Prayer for Humility

“God, help me remember today that I am only a human being, so I approach this day with humility and a servant’s heart. Help me remember that I can’t do anything by myself, and my only work on earth is to remain on the Vine. Let me be mindful of my humble situation and seek to serve others as you have served us. Amen.”

19. Morning Prayer for Hope

“Heavenly Father, help me not to lose hope today. Enlighten my heart with your light so I can walk on water in any storm. I place my hope and trust in You. Grant me the assurance that Your plans for me are good, and may I find hope in every circumstance and see Your providence in every turn of events. Amen.”

20. Morning Prayer for Guidance in Relationships

“God, guide me in my interactions with my loved ones today. Fill my heart and mind with Your love to such a degree that I can love others with the love You have shown me. May I show love, understanding, and patience in my relationships just as You are loving, compassionate, and patient with me. In your name, I pray. Amen.”

21. Morning Prayer for Abundance

“Lord, may I see Your abundance in all things around me every day. Open my eyes so I can see the wonders of Your law and the blessings You grant me in faith. Whether I have much or little, help me remember that godliness with contentment is the greatest of gains. I pray for abundance in all areas of my life – the abundance of blessings, opportunities, and love. May your abundance flow through me and touch others. Amen.”

22. Morning Prayer for Growing in Faith

“God, it is impossible to please You without faith. Everyone who comes to You must believe that You exist, and You reward those who honestly seek You. Strengthen my faith as I face my day’s challenges. Let me trust in your divine plan to find reassurance in Your eternal promises. Amen.”

23. Morning Prayer for Inner Peace

“Heavenly Father, grant me an inner peace that transcends my external circumstances. Grant me the serenity that the mind cannot grasp. Help me to fix my gaze on You and tread on water as on dry land. Help me to remain centered in your peace throughout this day. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.”

24. Morning Prayer for Productivity

“Lord, grant me the motivation and focus to be productive in You and make the most of my day. May my work bring glory to You, not me, and may it benefit others. Amen.”

25. Morning Prayer for Blessings

“God, I open my heart and mind so I can see Your blessings that You lavish on me today. May Your goodness and love follow me all the days of my life, and may I dwell in Your house forever and ever. In your name, I pray. Amen.”

Morning Prayer for Family

Family prayer is a special practice because it binds its members together in love and connects them to God at the same time. A morning family prayer fosters unity and invites the Holy Spirit to guide each person in their steps. As you gather with your family each morning, consider saying a prayer like this:

“Heavenly Father, we come before you as a family, and we are grateful for the opportunity to feel Your love and beauty in each one of us. Bless us today, guide our steps, and let your love shine on everything we do and touch. May each one of us be a source of strength, encouragement, and love for others. In your name, we pray. Amen.”

Morning Prayers for Strength

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The apostle Paul says, “The weakness of God is stronger than human strength.” True strength is choosing God’s ways over human ways, even if they feel like weakness. It’s better to be weak with God than to be strong with men because God’s weakness will always triumph over human strength.

Life is full of challenges that require inner strength and resilience. We cannot face them in our human power, but God can clothe us with His strength as we put our trust in Him. Say these short morning prayers to find the strength you need before your day begins:

  • “God, grant me the strength to overcome any obstacles in my way today. May your power sustain me, and may I overflow with joy in Your presence. Amen.”
  • “Lord, fill me with Your courage so I can face my challenges with faith. Let me stand firm and wait for Your strength. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.”
  • “God, grant me the patience to face this day with grace. Help me remain serene in difficult situations and trust in Your perfect timing. Amen.”

Morning Prayer for Bible Study

Engaging in a Bible study is a spiritually enriching way to jumpstart your day. Before you start, consider saying this morning prayer:

“God, as I open Your Word today, grant me the ears to hear and understand Your revelation. May Your words come alive in my heart, illuminated by the Holy Spirit who guides me in all truth and deepens my relationship with You. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.”

Daily morning prayers have the power to align your everyday activities with God’s leading and infuse them with purpose, gratitude, and a sense of connection to the Divine. Begin your day by setting an intention to seek spiritual nourishment. 

As John Piper said , “God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him.”

Whether you choose to recite one of these prayers or come up with your own, may each morning become a sacred interaction with God in your journey of faith and self-discovery.

Best Prayers for Love

Opening prayers for worships, bible study and meetings.

Always Rejoicing

The Armor of God–A Morning Prayer with commentary.

Good morning, Father! Good morning, Jesus! Good morning Holy Spirit!

Romans 12:1-2 Heavenly Father, according to your Word, I present my body as a living sacrifice holy and acceptable in your sight. Let my behavior conform to your model, Jesus, and not to the world around me.

Isaiah 61:3 As I prepare to face the world Father, anoint my hair with the oil of your joy. Let me wear praise for my garment and, as a garland of beauty, a smile.

Ephesians 6:14-18 For strength to resist the devil’s tactics – to help me stand firm – I buckle the belt of truth around my waist and wear righteousness as my breastplate. My shoes are the readiness to spread the gospel of peace. My faith is my shield: with it I can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Salvation is my helmet; and for my defense I take up the Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. I am ready to pray in the Spirit for all occasions.

Isaiah 58:8 And according to your Word, the glory of the Lord is my rear guard. Father, I thank you for the armor you have provided for me to dress in this day. I am completely covered now, in the name of Jesus, according to your Word.

Galatians 5:22-25 Let me walk through this day keeping in step with the Holy Spirit, producing the fruits of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.

Matthew 7:24 Upon Jesus I have built my life, my home, and my marriage and nothing shall prevail against these things.

Psalm 23:1 & You are my shepherd, I shall never be in spiritual want. For you have supplied all my

Philippians 4:13-19 needs according to your riches in glory and I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

2 Corinthians 10:3-6 I cast down all imaginations and bring into captivity every evil thought.

1 Peter 5:7 I humble myself before you and cast all my cares upon you, for you care for me.

Psalm 103:3 & I praise you for walking in divine health, for you are my God who heals all my

Isaiah 53: 5 diseases and by your wounds I am healed.

3 John 1:2 I praise you and thank you for my prosperity and good health; even as my soul prospers.

Nehemiah 8:10 This day is holy to the Lord. I will not worry or weep but enjoy what I have and share it with others, for the joy of the Lord is my strength.

Jeremiah 1:12 Father, I have prayed acco your Word and you have said you would watch over your Word to fulfill it.

Father, please live big within me today, for I am yours in the name of Jesus. Amen.

essay on a morning prayer

My wife and I were first introduced to this prayer at a Walk to Emmaus Weekend. After pondering and prayer I modified the original, specifically for our personal use. It never occurred to me to share it, as I am a layperson and have no real theological training. It was when our church did a Bible Study on the Armor of God that I realized it might be good to share this prayer with them. However, I was reluctant because I had changed some things. I finally realized that the Lord wanted me to share this prayer, with my comments about each section. So here are my comments.

The major change to the original prayer was the addition of Galatians 5:22-25, the “fruit of the Spirit” passage. I also made changes in the order, to make it flow properly. For example, I moved the Isaiah 61:3 passage because I thought it made more sense to put those items on before donning the armor. And I changed some of the wording to make it sound better to me. When I started writing these comments, I looked at the way a number of translations phrased the verse in question; I also looked at notes and other commentaries.

Greek and Hebrew words often have more than one meaning, as do English words. Phrases can be translated into English in a variety of ways. I have chosen a number of different translations in order to make the concept fit. For example, I chose the King James Version for Isaiah 61:1-3. Even so, we miss the word “garland” which some versions translate as “crown”. (The Jerusalem Bible uses “garland.”) I read in a note or comment that the word could be translated as “garland of beauty” or “crown of beauty” and so the idea of a smile came to me.

These comments are just comments. I do not claim any divine inspiration. If you find something that does not seem to fit the Bible, I apologize. I have tried very hard to make sure that every concept is grounded in solid Biblical truth.

A comment on the format:

The first page is the prayer, with the Bible verse it references on the left. For the commentary, each part of the prayer is in large bold non-serif type. The Bible verse is just below it in a smaller non-serif type. My comments are in serif type. Other Biblical quotes are marked.

We begin by saying, “Good Morning” to the three persons of God. Our God is one deity of three persons , that is, God is Triune. We could think of these persons as aspects, or dimensions or forms, but our God is a living sentient being. We do best to think about Him by referring to His person. The book of Genesis (Chapter 1, verse 1 & also verse 26) informs us that God is plural: the first name we find for God is Elohim, a plural form of the word for God, El. Chapter One of Genesis also informs us that God is both creator and spirit; and implies that the two are somehow different. David, in Psalm 110 calls the Messiah, “My Lord” and Jesus, in Matthew 22:41-46 asks the Pharisees how this could be. Chapter 1, verse 1 of The Gospel of John describes The Word to us in terms of the deity of Jesus. The Bible contains many more references to the three distinct persons that we know as God.

The main point is that God is one, singular god, but God has revealed Himself to us as three persons. When I pray, sometimes I say something like, “Hello, Father God, Lord Jesus and Holy Spirit; Lord God I come to you in prayer…” I say this because I am using the name ‘Lord God’ to refer to all three persons. In some translations ‘Lord God’ refers to the combined use of Elohim and Yahweh. So the term refers to all of God. It is okay to pray to just the Holy Spirit, or to Jesus or to the Father (Jesus said to pray to the Father, we are told to ask the Holy Spirit and to pray in Jesus’ name). However, it seems proper to say “Good Morning” to all three persons of the Trinity.

1 Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. 2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. Romans 12:1-2 (NIV)

Imagine that God appeared to you as He appeared to Abraham, Isaiah and others in the Old Testament. What would you be likely to do? We are not told what Abraham did when God revealed Himself to Abraham the first time (see Genesis 12). In chapter 18 Abraham treats the manifestation of God as a very special guest; Isaiah (see Isaiah 6) cries in fear that he is ‘a man of unclean lips’ and thus ‘undone’ or ‘lost’.

When we first wake up and say “Hello” to God, does He not appear before us? Or—more precisely—do we not appear before Him, in His court? This is much more than a casual, “Hi, how you doing?” that we might say to a friend. We are truly standing (or kneeling or sitting respectfully – or possibly still laying in bed – ) before the King and Creator of the Universe. Wouldn’t you want to offer Him a gift? And what do you have that you could give to God?

St. Paul’s request that we worship God properly, offering ourselves as a holy sacrifice, is thus very appropriate here.

Now as we read the Bible, especially the description of the sort of animal that God allows to be a sacrifice, we become aware of our inability to fulfill the requirement. We know that we are not without blemish; therefore we are not pleasing to God. It is only through the sacrifice made in our behalf by Jesus the Messiah (who was without blemish) that we become acceptable to God. It does please the Lord God that we have accepted Jesus as our Messiah and repented of Sin. Your acceptance of the free gift of salvation makes you “without blemish” and thus acceptable to God.

Since we have already accepted God’s gift of salvation, this morning we need only to ask God for protection from temptation. We take this opportunity to ask Jesus to help us conform to the model He provided, and to ask that we be given assistance to resist the model of the world. How we can do that is described in the rest of our prayer.

1 “The Spirit of the Lord God is upon Me, because the Lord hath anointed Me to preach good tidings unto the meek. He hath sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to them that are bound,

2 To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord, and the day of vengeance of our God; to comfort all that mourn,

3 To appoint unto them that mourn in Zion, to give unto them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness, that they might be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that He might be glorified.”

Isaiah 61:1-3 (KJV)

This morning we are going to need to dress properly. First we need to smell sweet. A bath helps, but we received a ‘bath’ when we were ‘washed in the blood’ of Jesus sacrifice. In addition we also were ‘bathed’ when we were baptized. No, what we need this morning is to remove the odor of mourning, fretting and whining.

We mourn for that which we imagine we have lost. This is not mourning for lost loved ones. We do mourn them. But that mourning is a necessary part of living. It is unbecoming not to mourn them.

No, this is the mourning for that which we imagine we have lost. It is an imaginary loss, focused on the ‘self’ and not on others. We mourn lost ball games. We mourn lost business opportunities. We mourn missing our favorite TV show. We mourn lost treasures. We mourn lost things. We also mourn the missed opportunity to witness Jesus to someone. And we mourn the missed moment with our children. We can begin our day with all these regrets, just as the Jews in Isaiah’s day mourned the loss of Jerusalem. Now the Jews that had been transported to Babylon did think they would never go back. But they had not read the scripture properly. If they had, they would have known God’s intentions. We, likewise, have not read the scriptures properly. So, we mourn for that which we perceive we have lost. And this mourning for material treasures produces a spiritual stench.

In addition, we cover ourselves with ashes, just as the ancient world did, when we are unhappy. Throughout the Old Testament we read of people, upon hearing bad news, who tore their clothes and covered themselves with ashes. We still do this. We force a wimpy smile; we greet people halfheartedly ; we let others see the spiritual ashes we have poured over our heads by letting them see us fret and worry. Or, we are greeted with, “How’s it going?” and we reply with a fake smile and the lie, “Fabulous!” This adds to the spiritual stench; those around us feel our unhappiness.

Finally, we indulge in a spirit of heaviness or despair. While we don’t actually say, “Oh! Woe is me!” We do act as if, for example, the lost ball game is the end of the world. We can’t forgive the person who (we think) carelessly broke our treasure and we make sure they know it. We use the opportunity of disappointment as an excuse to give up. Pointing out the horrible thing that happened, “Why try?” we ask. Or, we place blame. We announce our displeasure with certain coaches or ball players concerning the loss of the game. Or we talk about the boss or a co-worker blaming our plight on them. Our whining actually becomes a spiritual stench that works like a bad odor on those around us.

In all of this our focus is on self. We mourn, we worry, we indulge in despair because we are thinking about “ME” and that is our problem.

When Jesus went to Nazareth, his hometown, he read Isaiah 61:1-2 in the synagogue and told his brethren that the scripture was being fulfilled right in front of their eyes. It is interesting that Jesus stopped with verse 2, especially since he did not have verse numbers. The sentence continues through verse 3. The whole passage is chapters 60 through 62 of Isaiah. See Luke 4:16-30 for the account of Jesus in Nazareth.

So, this morning, we are going to ask Jesus to fulfill the two verses he read to the Jews in Nazareth and to complete the good news by fulfilling the third verse of chapter 61. We shall ask Him to replace the mourning, the ashes and the spirit of despair.

The first gift, to replace mourning, is Joy. One image of Joy is that of oil. Psalm 45 and Psalm 23 are two of many places to find the Oil of the Lord. So, this morning, we ask our Lord to anoint us with His Oil, the Oil of Joy. And what is the Oil of His Joy? It is the empty tomb. Have you ever meditated on the empty tomb? Consider John and Peter when they first saw the empty tomb. John tells us that when he saw the folded cloth he believed. (John 20:1-10) It does not say he laughed, but he must have felt an elation that went beyond smiling. Victory beyond any victory the disciples, or you or I could ever expect. Victory over Death. And Resurrection bringing Victory over Sin. Stunned incredulity. Mind boggling. A dead man got up and walked! How can you mourn all those perceived losses? A person can’t help but smile.

And that is our second gift. To replace the ashes we are given a garland of beauty, a smile. You can’t fret and worry when there is a smile on your face.

The third gift is underwear. Jesus will replace your spirit of heaviness, those feelings of despair, with an undergarment: Praise. We will need something soft and comfortable under the armor He is going to provide. Praise is that soft, comfortable garment. (In addition, some call Colossians 3:12 “God’s Underwear” and so I bring it to your attention. Most of the qualities listed are included in the Fruit of the Spirit, but you can add ‘compassion’ and ‘humility’ to the list of undergarments you are wearing under your armor. And you might add a garment of ‘encouragement’…we do praise God, but others we should encourage. )

Put on the garment of Praise. Praise God for anything and everything. “Rejoice in the Lord, always: and again I say Rejoice!” (Philippians 4:4) St. Paul is not being trite when he says this. He is thinking about the empty tomb and our resurrection in Heaven. When we remember the empty tomb and get anointed with the Oil of Joy we can’t help but smile. And, when we praise God, we can’t help but forget about “Me” and, instead, we will be thinking about Him and about the people we meet.

Put on the garment of Praise. Praise your brothers and sisters in Christ. Tell them that something they have done is a good thing. Sometimes our Christian brothers and sisters really irritate us. Siblings are good for that. Remember, Jesus has already forgiven them. You do likewise. Put on the garment of praise and see what happens to that spirit of heaviness. `

Put on the garment of praise. Praise your heathen acquaintances and pagan colleagues for the things they do that are good. Quit finding Fault! Ever feel like this: Yes, I’m guilty of not doing it right; but I know that: twenty people have already told me. Is there anything I’ve done that is even slightly adequate ? It would be nice to have just one person tell you that you did something right. Well, could you be that one person for someone else? Imagine how everyone you know will feel when you treat them like they are actually human!

We are now ready for Jesus to dress us in His armor.

14  Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness,  15  and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace;  16  above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one.  17  And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God; 18  praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints— Ephesians 6:14-18 (NKJV)

Soldiers are warriors. They wage war to expand their king’s territory. They fight to defend their king. Their goal is to defeat their enemy. In the performance of their duties they may be wounded, they may be killed. If you have accepted Jesus as your savior and king then you are a soldier in his army. This is the army of the rightful king (Jesus) working to overthrow the usurper (Satan). The battlefield is a spiritual battlefield. But it is a field of battle that we enter every day. The armor God provides will protect us and enable us to fight the enemy (Satan).

Ephesians 6:10-13

10  Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.   11  Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.   12  For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, [ a ]   against spiritual   hosts of wickedness in the heavenly   places.   13  Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

As a soldier, you need armor for protection in battle. St. Paul used the idea of a Roman soldier’s armor to illustrate how we could think about preparing for spiritual battle.

Most Christians have read Ephesians 6:14-17. There are all sorts of books on the “Armor of God” and most churches either recently finished a Bible study on the subject or they are having one now or they plan to in the near future. It’s a good idea to attend one of these Bible studies and/or read a book about the Armor of God. If you have never read about the Armor of God, or if you need a reminder, here is a quick summary:

This armor is composed of 1. The Belt of Truth. 2. The Breastplate of Righteousness. 3. Shoes to spread the Gospel of Peace. 4. The Shield of Faith. 5. The Helmet of Salvation. 6. The Sword of the Spirit. 7. Prayer.

Truth: This includes refraining from lying, but it is much more than that. You should refrain from lying because you want to obey God. Here we are referring to the foundation of the armor, the Belt that holds the armor in place. This is the Truth that Jesus and Pilate discussed at Jesus’ trial just before he was crucified, the Truth that forms the foundation of the world. When you buckle the Belt of Truth around your waist, you have for your support the eternal truth of God’s Word.

Integrity or Righteousness: Just as the Breastplate attaches to the Belt so righteousness attaches to truth. The word means both integrity and righteousness: integrity is integrated, consistent thought; righteousness is correct attitude based on the righteousness of God. The Greek word means to be as you are supposed to be; to be acceptable to God. Caution : righteousness is not the righteousness of good works. Righteousness is your humble obedience to God’s word. You are saved by Jesus because of your faith, not by your righteousness.

Spreading the Gospel of Peace: in verses 11, 13, & 14, Saint Paul tells us to “stand” and the proper footwear can help us to do that. The shoes a Roman soldier wore were similar to sandals. However, they had hobnails to help the soldier stand firm. In spreading the Gospel we need to stand firm and uphold The Truth. This verse incorporates a Greek word that the King James & other versions translate as “preparation”. The word also means “readiness”. It appears that St. Paul wants us to be prepared, to be ready. When temptation comes we need to be ready to stand firm. Also, when we meet others, we need to be prepared and ready to share the Gospel with them; remembering that it is the Gospel of Peace and so should produce Peace in those we meet.

Faith: The picture of Faith as a Shield is very instructive. The picture is of the demons shooting flaming arrows at us. The shield is designed to catch those arrows and let them burn out with no damage to ourselves. These darts of fire are such things as stray thoughts of doubt, despair and defeat. They are also the invitation to participate in gossip or engage in other activities that would compromise your witness. Faith is the shield that brings courage. It is built out of the same Truth that the Belt represents.

Salvation: The helmet protects the soldier’s head. In the same way, salvation protects the thought processes. The demons will always try to bring doubt and confusion. Knowing that you are saved protects you. When you know that you have confessed your sin, repented and then accepted the gift of forgiveness from Jesus, then you know you are saved, you know the Truth and there is no doubt.

The Word of God: This sword cuts to the bone. It can be painful to hear the word of God. The Old Testament prophets spoke the Word and were persecuted for doing it. No one wants to hear that God is not pleased with his or her actions. It is my understanding that the word for ‘sword’ in this passage is the Greek word for a short sword used for defense. As I read Jesus’ interaction with the Pharisees, etc. it seems to me that he quoted scripture in defense, not to attack them. When he was tempted by Satan, he used scripture in defense; he did not attack Satan with scripture. The Pharisees and Satan were the ones attacking him with scripture.

The Word of God is also a sword that brings peace. The sword of a “knight in shining armor” would vanquish foes and bring peace to damsels in distress. We are comforted by God’s Word. Hearing the 23 rd . Psalm, for example, brings comfort and joy. We must be reminded that it is easy to pick up a sword and start swinging it. To use it properly we must know our sword, practice with it every day. When we consider the Word of God to be a sword we better understand how to employ it: we would not want to ram it down the throat of someone we wish to convert.

The supreme piece of your armor is prayer. The Roman soldier had no weapon or piece of armor equivalent to prayer, so St. Paul does not even make a comparison. He just tells us to pray in the Spirit. He also asks us to pray for all the saints. Prayer is our most important offensive and defensive weapon.

Then your light will break forth like the dawn, and your healing will quickly appear; then your righteousness will go before you, and the glory of the LORD will be your rear guard. Isaiah 58:8 (NIV)

The whole passage is Isaiah 58: 1-12

1   “Shout it aloud,   do not hold back. Raise your voice like a trumpet.   Declare to my people their rebellion   and to the house of Jacob their sins.   2   For day after day they seek   me out; they seem eager to know my ways, as if they were a nation that does what is right and has not forsaken   the commands of its God. They ask me for just decisions and seem eager for God to come near   them. 3   ‘Why have we fasted,’   they say, ‘and you have not seen it? Why have we humbled   ourselves, and you have not noticed?’   “Yet on the day of your fasting, you do as you please   and exploit all your workers.   4   Your fasting ends in quarreling and strife,   and in striking each other with wicked fists. You cannot fast as you do today and expect your voice to be heard   on high.   5   Is this the kind of fast   I have chosen, only a day for a man to humble   himself ? Is it only for bowing one’s head like a reed   and for lying on sackcloth and ashes?   Is that what you call a fast, a day acceptable to the LORD?   6   “Is not this the kind of fasting   I have chosen: to loose the chains of injustice   and untie the cords of the yoke, to set the oppressed   free and break every yoke?   7   Is it not to share your food with the hungry   and to provide the poor wanderer with shelter– when you see the naked, to clothe   him, and not to turn away from your own flesh and blood?   8   Then your light will break forth like the dawn,   and your healing   will quickly appear; then your righteousness   will go before you, and the glory of the LORD will be your rear guard.   9   Then you will call,   and the LORD will answer;you will cry for help, and he will say: Here am I. “If you do away with the yoke of oppression, with the pointing finger   and malicious talk,   10   and if you spend yourselves in behalf of the hungry and satisfy the needs of the oppressed,   then your light   will rise in the darkness, and your night will become like the noonday.   11   The LORD will guide   you always; he will satisfy your needs   in a sun-scorched land   and will strengthen   your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden,   like a spring whose waters never fail.   12   Your people will rebuild the ancient ruins   and will raise up the age-old foundations;   you will be called Repairer of Broken Walls,   Restorer of Streets with Dwellings.  

As you read Isaiah 58 consider the armor you have just donned. If your belt is Truth and your breastplate is Righteousness would you be involved in the activities expressed in verses 6 and 7? Jesus, according to Matthew 6:16, surely thought so. The promise in verse 8 is that if we do as God wants then He will be our rear guard. Now, since we have been commanded to “Love our neighbor as ourselves” then this is just a reminder of the promise. It sure is nice to know that God has said, “I got your back!” Now that we are properly dressed in our battle gear we can go out into the world.

And we discover that the world is full of the ‘works of the flesh’ as St. Paul listed in Galatians 5:19-21. St. Paul contrasts the fruit of the Spirit with the works of the Flesh. It seems obvious that they are mutually exclusive. Since we are wearing our armor we should be able to ignore the temptations of the world. But we are made of flesh and it is not that easy. So St. Paul offers us a goal. Instead of trying to ignore the world, we just concentrate on the ‘fruit of the Spirit’ and move toward that goal.

22   But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,   23 gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against things like this.   24   Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified self with its passions and its desires.   25   If we live by the Spirit, let’s follow the Spirit. Galatians 5:22-25 (Common English Bible

The following is mostly from Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance : ( http://www.biblestudytools.com/concordances/strongs-exhaustive-concordance/ )

Love is ‘Agapao’, the highest of the Greek words for love. In English, we use the word ‘Agape’ for the various Greek forms of this word. This is not brotherly love, but forgiving, charitable, merciful affection and good will. Ultimately, it is Jesus on the Cross.

‘ Love’ is also a command: Matthew 22:37-39: 37   Jesus said to him, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’   38   This is the first and great commandment.   39 And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ The word for ‘love’ in this passage is ‘agapao’. The Lord Jesus has commanded us to the highest form of love in our dealings with other human beings.

Joy is ‘Chara’, which is Greek for joy. Joy is more than happiness. Happiness is a short-lived emotion. Joy is the elation of the empty tomb; the jubilation of knowing your sin is forgiven; the gladness of knowing that the Creator of the Universe cares about you. Joy can produce laughter in a person, but it most frequently produces a state of wonder and sense of harmony with God.

Peace is ‘Eirene’, Greek for peace. It can mean that a country is not at war, but it can also mean a state of personal amity or serenity. St. Paul is talking about the harmony and tranquility that result from knowing you are saved.

Patience is ‘Makrothumia’ or patience, endurance, perseverance, long-suffering. ( Long-suffering should be understood in the sense of “suffer the little children to come unto me.” That is, “back off and let”.) Patience can be understood in personal terms, as in a person having the patience to endure the actions of other people. This sort of patience involves forgiveness. But it is also the ability to accept God’s timing, to persevere in doing right, to wait for God to answer a prayer.

Kindness is ‘Chrestotes’ or moral goodness, integrity, benignity, kindness. The King James Version translates this word as ‘gentleness’ which would be the ‘gentle’ that described a gentleman in those days. A true gentleman would be noble and kind. The word invokes the ideal of the ‘knight in shining armor’ ready to fight but tempered by the virtues.

Goodness is ‘Agathosune’ or uprightness of heart and life, goodness, kindness. More than integrity, this is the inner core of a person who has centered his/her life on God. Jesus told us that only God was ‘good’ when he was called, “good teacher” (Mark 10:17-18). Goodness is imitating Christ.

Faithfulness is ‘Pistis’ or the character of one who can be relied upon. Fidelity, faithfulness. Also, the conviction of the truth of anything, belief: especially in Jesus. If we are faithful, we can be relied upon. We are faithful because we rely upon Jesus. We are wearing the Belt of Truth and the Breastplate of Righteousness that Jesus gave us. Jesus can rely on us to obey his commands. Jesus can depend on us to fight the good fight for him. In addition, other people can rely on us. As Christians, we should be known as ‘those who keep their word.’

Gentleness is ‘Praotes’ or mildness of disposition, meekness, gentleness of spirit. The King James translates this word as “meekness”. This is the idea Jesus proposes when he asks us to “turn the other cheek”. We trust God and depend on His strength rather than our own; understanding that God uses the evil done against us to remove sin and that He is the Good Shepherd who will rescue us. One model is Job, who did not understand why evil came his way, nevertheless, he did not sin against God. Another model is David, who did not harm King Saul when he had the chance (1 Samuel 24:1-12). In addition, we see this in the admonition to get angry and not sin. Sinful anger is the emotion that occurs when we have been wronged. Holy anger is the emotion that occurs when innocents have been wronged. When we are wronged we should be gentle instead of sinning in anger. In this there is the notion that we should be very strong in order to be that ‘knight in shining armor’ who comes to the aid of the innocent. When others see our strength and then see us display gentleness or meekness they should be able to see Christ. Gentleness/Meekness requires a strong form of self-restraint. I do not believe it is possible to exhibit this virtue without depending on the strength of The Lord.

Self-control is ‘Egkrateia’ or the virtue of one who masters his desires and passions, especially his sensual appetites. Because of ‘The Fall’ our desires and sensual appetites are perverted. It may seem that “I was born this way” and so my desire for pleasure is natural and right. However, in order to protect us from the problems that result from such activity, the Lord has set boundaries for us. He has said, for example, that it is foolish to get drunk. Wine is a good thing. It preserves the goodness of the grape and provides pleasure. But we need to practice self-control and not get drunk—or addicted. I know people who are allergic to chocolate, others who are allergic to tomatoes. These people must have self-control and not eat those delicious foods. They can’t even have a taste. They were ‘born that way’ and so they have to practice self-control if they are going to avoid the problems that result from eating foods they should not eat.

What St. Paul was asking the Galatians (and us ) to do is to meditate on these virtues instead of pondering the list of sins he mentions first. This list may be a picture of the “perfect Christian” and it may seem beyond your ability to achieve the virtues listed above. But you do not need to rely on your fleshly abilities. Instead you should rely on the Lord your God. I am nowhere near ‘perfect’ as my wife can tell you. But as the saying goes, “God is not finished with me yet!”

To put it another way, St. Paul understands that if he asks you, “Don’t think about red roses” you can’t help but think about them. So he is asking you to think about the virtues “against which there is no law.” By meditating on the fruit of the Spirit you will begin to display the fruit in your daily activities.

The remainder of our morning prayer is a short list of some of the promises God has made. These promises add strength to our armor.

24   Therefore   everyone   who   hears   these   words   of   Mine   and   acts   on them,   may be   compared   to a wise   man   who   built   his   house   on the   rock . Matthew 7:24 (New American Standard)

Jesus told parable of the wise man who built his house on the rock and the foolish man who built on sand. We now claim the promise that the things we hold most dear will survive any devastating storm.

Psalm 23:1 & You are my shepherd, I shall never be in spiritual want. 

Philippians 4:13-19 For you have supplied all my needs according to your riches in glory and I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. Psalm 23:1. (KJV)

The promise is for those sheep that do not stray, and for those the shepherd has rescued. We can walk through a valley of deathly dangers without fear because He is our shepherd. But if we wander off, run away, we are no longer under His protection. He can rescue us, but we may be severely injured by the deadly dangers that are in the world.

And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:19 (NKJV)

St. Paul has been describing the gifts the Philippians have sent to him. Now he rephrases the promise of Malachi 3:10. God will supply all our needs, but He expects us to have a giving heart. It is, in essence, the same promise as Psalm 23. If we are, as Jesus said in St. John’s gospel, ‘abiding in Him’ then He is ‘abiding in us.’ (See John 15.)

For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ, and being ready to punish all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled. 2 Corinthians 10:3-6 (NKJV)

This is the promise that our armor is effective; especially the Helmet of Salvation. Every false argument, every evil thought, and the demons that are the source of these rebellious attitudes, will be brought into the obedience of Christ. This is where prayer is so very effective. When we talk to God, when we tell Him about our negative thoughts and fears, the doubts and false arguments that wander through our minds, He will protect us (Psalm 23) and supply all our needs (Philippians 4:19).

Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time, casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you. 1 Peter 5: 6-7

In the next two verses, St. Peter warns us that our adversary is like a roaring lion and we must resist him. Then he prays that God will rescue us. Yes, again God restates Psalm 23, this time saying that we need to be humble, and not stray down a path of our own choosing. We have a hard time being humble. We want to exalt ourselves. But, we are warned throughout the Bible about pride. In this promise, God promises to repay our humble attitude with His exaltation when the time is right. He also restates His promise to take care of us.

Psalm 103:3 & I praise you for walking in divine health, for you are my God Isaiah 53: 5 who heals all my diseases and by your wounds I am healed.

Bless the Lord, O my soul,

And forget not all His benefits:

Who forgives all your iniquities,

Who heals all your diseases,

Who redeems your life from destruction,

Who crowns you with lovingkindness and tender mercies,

Who satisfies your mouth with good things,

So that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s. Psalm 103:2-5 (NKJV)

But He was wounded for our transgressions,

He was bruised for our iniquities;

The chastisement for our peace was upon Him,

And by His stripes (wounds) we are healed. Isaiah 53:5 (NKJV)

It seems to me that, while the Lord does heal physical diseases like the flu and cancer; the best healing He provides is spiritual healing. Isaiah seems to be very specific: it is by his stripes that our transgressions and iniquities are healed and we receive our peace from Him. In the next verse, he says that we are like sheep that have gone astray. In addition to this, in the Gospels Jesus tells everyone he heals that it is through their faith that they are healed. We tend to forget that healing is done for the glory of God. We want to be healed for our convenience. And the Lord is willing to heal us. Disease and Death are a result of Sin entering the world. God heals pagans and Christians all for His glory. All of us know that it is God who heals. And I believe that He heals us to remind us of who He is. However Sin is deadly; all have sinned; all will die. Yet we have the hope of resurrection through the empty tomb. He raised the dead, including Lazarus, and then He himself rose from death to prove who He was and to offer us resurrection through belief in Him.

Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers. For I rejoiced greatly when brethren came and testified of the truth that is in you, just as you walk in the truth. I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in the truth. 3 John 1: 2-4

John is writing to Gaius, an elder in the church. Because the Church was led by God to include this letter in Holy Scripture, we accept that it is to be interpreted as inspired by the Holy Spirit and thus is meant for us. And we are once again examining that Belt that God gave us as the foundation for our armor. He has no greater joy than to hear that we walk in Truth. Note also, that St. John qualifies his prayer for Gaius that he prosper and be in good health: “just as your soul prospers” is the condition. It is through spiritual prosperity that we receive physical prosperity and good health. (Yes, pagans get physical prosperity, but we do not know just what they would have if they had spiritual prosperity. All will learn on ‘The day of the Lord’.)

So they read distinctly from the book, in the Law of God; and they gave the sense, and helped them to understand the reading. And Nehemiah, who was the governor, Ezra the priest and scribe, and the Levites who taught the people said to all the people, “This day is holy to the LORD your God; do not mourn nor weep.” For all the people wept, when they heard the words of the Law. Then he said to them, “Go your way, eat the fat, drink the sweet, and send portions to those for whom nothing is prepared; for this day is holy to our Lord. Do not sorrow, for the joy of the LORD is your strength.” So the Levites quieted all the people, saying, “Be still, for the day is holy; do not be grieved.” And all the people went their way to eat and drink, to send portions and rejoice greatly, because they understood the words that were declared to them. Nehemiah 8:8-12

The wall had been built. The people gathered and Ezra read the Law from the Books Moses wrote. Then the people wept. Nehemiah and Ezra told them not to weep, for “the joy of the LORD is your strength.” So they rejoiced and had a huge party. When they heard the Law, they knew they were sinful. Yet all they needed to hear was that they should give to those who have nothing and to rejoice for strength can be found in the joy of the LORD. We understand much better than they, just what that joy really is. We rejoice in the strength we get from the cross and the empty tomb. We want to share that joy with others, just as the people in Nehemiah’s day wanted to share the joy of The Law with those who had not heard it. And, like them, we are filled with JOY and want to celebrate. (That’s one reason God’s people have lots of meals together.)

Jeremiah 1:12 Father, I have prayed according to your Word and you have said you would watch over your Word to fulfill it.

Moreover the word of the Lord came to me, saying, “Jeremiah, what do you see?” And I said, “I see a branch of an almond tree.” Then the Lord said to me, “You have seen well, for I am ready to perform My word.” Jeremiah 1:11-12 (NKJV)

The NIV translates verse 12 as:

The Lord said to me, “You have seen correctly, for I am watching to see that my word is fulfilled”

Jeremiah has just been commissioned by God to be His prophet. The Amplified Bible tells us that the almond tree was a symbol of alertness and activity. And immediately, God extends the vision to show Jeremiah how His word is going to be fulfilled. This morning we ask God to ‘watch over’ or ‘perform’ His words that we have just prayed.

We are now dressed in the Armor of God. We are anointed with the oil of Joy, wearing a smile and speaking praise to God and to those we meet. We are protected from the Adversary with the armor and weapons God has provided. We produce the fruit of the Holy Spirit as we walk with Him. We are building our life, our home and our marriage on the Rock of Jesus; standing on the Promises of God as we walk humbly with Him. We thank God for our prosperity and good health, praising Him for this day and for the strength we get from His Joy.

We end our prayer asking God to live within us and confessing that we are His.

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essay on a morning prayer

4 Powerful Morning Prayers To Start Your Day With Gratitude

essay on a morning prayer

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Sometimes it feels like our lives are rushed and overwhelmingly busy.

We often find it hard to find the time for rest or renewal in God's presence, since our attention is constantly moved by responsibility and needs. And yet, the Lord’s word is so clear on how important it is to establish the priority of worship into our week.

There are numerous reminders in the Bible regarding the wonders of being thankful to God and how we can give Him praise in our everyday lives.

So, if you need some inspiration for your daily prayers, here are four powerful morning prayers to start your day.

Benefits of morning prayer

The beauty of morning devotional prayer is that you start your day in worship. The early morning, before you begin your day, is the perfect time to spend a few minutes with the Lord.

Morning prayers can be inspiring and insightful. Your morning meditative prayers are opportunities for you to reflect on God's Word, take note of what He has revealed to you, and ask for guidance and help.

essay on a morning prayer

In the Bible, you will find a number of affirmations and promises of blessings. You will also find a good number of stories of men and women of faith whose lives are testaments that we can strive to emulate.

Some other benefits include giving yourself a positive frame of mind, strengthening your beliefs, and being grateful for your blessings.

Why gratitude matters

Gratitude makes us aware of all the wonderful things that are already at our disposal. As we enjoy our blessings, we should take time to appreciate all we have without taking it for granted. 

By focusing on the positive aspects and accepting life as a gift, we can teach ourselves that life truly is a gift that brings us closer to the Holy Spirit. 

essay on a morning prayer

The key to a grateful life is not to lose sight of the opportunities that are always available to us. 

Plus, there are so many emotional, social, and health benefits to living a life with gratitude. There have been countless studies on the effects of gratitude over the years.  

Morning prayers to start the day

In Matthew 13:43 the Bible says, “Then the righteous will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father. Whoever has ears, let them hear.”

With that in mind, here’s a great prayer you can use to start the day.

essay on a morning prayer

“Good morning, dear Lord! I thank you for a new day full of good work to do. Yesterday has come and gone, along with any regrets, mistakes, or failures I may have experienced. Today is a good day to be thankful, and I thank you for our daily bread, Lord. Thank you for helping me today, for a new opportunity to love, to give, and to become the person you want me to be. I praise you today Lord for you are our Father. In Christ's name, Amen.” 

Sunday morning prayers

Because Sunday is one of the holiest days of the week, our prayers should reflect this. The following is a prayer you may want to try on Sunday morning, along with a tried and true prayer. Using these prayers can turn the holy day into a holy week.

“O God, prophet of the most high, thank you for the blessing of seeing another day. Our prayers go up to you on behalf of all those we love and care for, asking that you bless them and take care of their needs. May your grace sustain us as we drink from your cups of peace and joy. We thank you for protecting, for healing, and for providing us with every good thing we need on this the holiest of days. We commit this day to you and ask you to open our hearts to your love. In Lord Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.”

“Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever, Amen.”

Morning prayer offerings

In Psalm 50:23 the Bible says, “The one who offers thanksgiving as his sacrifice glorifies me; to one who orders his way rightly I will show the salvation of God!”

Offering the Lord gratitude in thanksgiving can be done in your own words or following this prayer.

“I worship You, O Lord, God of the Universe, and I love You to the core of my being. Heavenly Father, thank you for creating me. I am a Christian, and I am grateful to have this day. My actions for this day are offered to You, the Holy one. May they all work to Your greater glory and in accord with Your holy Will.  Let Your grace, Lord Jesus Christ be always with me and with all my loved ones. In His name, Amen.”

essay on a morning prayer

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Short morning prayers.

The great thing about the book of Psalms is that there are plenty of short poems that can be adapted into morning prayers. Some of them are songs too, so if you enjoy singing in the shower, this is a great way to incorporate worship into your morning routine.

“For great is your love toward me; you have delivered me from the depths, from the realm of the dead” ( Psalm 86:13 ).

“This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it” ( Psalm 118:24 ).

“Satisfy us in the morning with your steadfast love, that we may rejoice and be glad all our days” ( Psalm 90:14 ).

Give Him praise every day

Even though our lives can be hectic, there’s always time to give thanks and use the Lord’s prayer to praise our Heavenly Father.

Whether you open up a passage from the Bible for prayer or create one on your own, God will still love you unconditionally. 

Thinking of Him each morning gives the Lord joy and starts your day off right. When your heart is filled with gratitude you're less likely to take things for granted. This in itself is a blessing in today’s world. 

If you need a little more gratitude to fill your morning prayers, download the pray.com app in the iOS App Store or Google Play . 

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A Morning Prayer for God to Be Near - Your Daily Prayer - May 14


A Morning Prayer for God to Be Near By Lynette Kittle

“But as for me, it is good to be near God. I have made the Sovereign Lord my refuge; I will tell of all Your deeds” - Psalm 73:28

Does it ever feel like God is far away? Especially when going through difficult times, where it may seem like God is looking the other way. Still, God says in His Word that He draws near to us, but what does it mean for God to be near? We hear it referred to in songs, read it in the Bible, and hear Christians discuss it, but do we experience it in a practical, everyday living sort of way? If not, how do we begin? And how do we know when and if God is near? 

Asking God to Draw Near My husband’s favorite hymn is “Nearer, Still Nearer.” Its words are like a prayer, asking God to draw us closer to Him. So is it as easy as singing a song, asking God to draw near, and then waiting for Him to show up? Or, are there ways we can prepare our hearts in advance for His nearness? James 4:8 describes the steps God gives us to draw near to Him, and it begins with us making the effort to draw near first. “Come near to God and He will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded.”

This first step in our drawing near to God also requires preparing ourselves beforehand for His nearness. The following are three ways to prepare.

1. Wash our hands. To prepare to draw near to God, we are told to stop sinning. This means that if we are actively choosing sin in our lives, we need to consciously stop sinning.

2. Purify our hearts. Preparation also involves the cleansing of our hearts by repenting of sin and asking God to cleanse us and purify our hearts.

3. Correct our mindset. Preparing includes correcting our mindset, where we choose to believe God’s truth over the world’s truth. Psalm 145:18 assures us that “The Lord is near to all who call on Him, to all who call on Him in truth.”

Believing God Comes Near Experiencing God’s nearness comes from believing His Word and that He wants to draw close to us. During some of life’s hardest experiences, Psalm 34:18 tells us He is near. “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.”

It also comes with practice, by preparing ourselves to draw near to Him, so that He will draw near to us. When we do, we gain the experience of His presence and nearness in our lives.

In experiencing His nearness, we gain an understanding of how to offer His nearness to others, like He does to us. During times of suffering and grief, we may not know what to say or how to act with others who are going through it, but God trains us through His nearness and how being near someone in their distress brings them comfort.

As 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 reminds us, “Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ , the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.”

Why God’s Nearness Is Good for Us God’s Word tells us that His nearness is good for us ( Psalm 73:28 ) because with His nearness, which is wonderful in itself, we also receive His goodness.

Psalm 65:4 describes how, “Blessed are those You choose and bring near to live in Your courts! We are filled with the good things of Your house, of Your holy temple.”

Let’s pray:  Dear Father, Thank you that you called us to draw near to You. Help us take the steps to prepare ourselves to experience Your nearness. Lead us in washing our hands of sin, purifying our hearts, and correcting our mindsets to align and agree with Your truth. Help us, O Lord, in pursuing Your nearness so that we may receive your goodness. Embolden us to extend Your nearness to those around us. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Image credit: Image generated using AI technology via DALL.E 2024

Lynette Kittle is married with four daughters. She enjoys writing about faith, marriage, parenting, relationships, and life. Her writing has been published by Focus on the Family, Decision, Today’s Christian Woman, kirkcameron.com, Ungrind.org, StartMarriageRight.com, and more. She has a M.A. in Communication from Regent University and serves as associate producer for Soul Check TV .

Teach Us to Pray is a FREE prayer podcast hosted by iBelieve writer Christina Patterson. Each week, she gives you practical, real-life tips on how to grow your faith and relationship with God through the power of prayer. To listen to her episode on What to Pray in the Morning for a Worry-Free Day, click below!

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Visit  iBelieve.com  for more inspiring prayer content.

Originally published Tuesday, 14 May 2024.


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The 5 Benefits of a Morning Devotional Prayer

  • Post author By CWH-DLX-Blog
  • Post date July 30, 2018

Hands praying on Bible overlooking valley

Ever felt like your mornings are devoid of life and purposed?

Felt like everything became too fast-paced?

We end up starting the day, getting through the motions of the day, not realizing that we may end up neglecting the most important thing in our lives. We end up forgetting about being thankful as we become embroiled with worries.

Let’s slow down for a bit. The best way to start the day is to take your Bible, find a quiet place, and have a morning devotion. You can do this personally, or with your family . But do not fail to set aside that time.

Here are some benefits that you would reap when you always have a consistent time for morning devotional prayer.

1. You Start Your Day by Worshiping God

An important thing about morning devotional prayer is that you start your day in worship. Setting aside time for a personal moment with God, especially in the morning before going about your day, allows you to get that moment of connection with God.

During these times, you have the chance to exalt and affirm God for who he is and give thanks for what he has done for you and for what blessings he has in store for you. Through this, you have this moment of being intimate with God where it is only you and Him.

David made mention of these in his Psalms, setting time in prayer during the morning to lay his cares and wait for God’s answer Psalm 5:3. Jesus also held an example where, early in his ministry, he took a moment to pray in a solitary place Mark 1:35.

2. Morning Devotions Give Inspirations

Starting your day with a morning devotion can grant moments of inspiration and insight. Morning Devotions are your personal moments when you reflect on God’s Word and take note of what His Word tells you.

It is in these times where you get that “Aha!” moment after reading through Scripture. You get lessons and nuggets of insight after a morning devotion, which you can bring through the rest of the day. An example is a devotional nugget taken from Matthew 5:16, where you ensure that you glorify God in everything that you do.

Whether you follow a Devotional Plan or having a series of devotional nuggets, take a moment and digest these insights.

3. A Moment with God Gives You Strength

You can define strength in various ways. Like how physical health is different from the strength in spirit and will. With morning devotional prayer, you get strength in spirit. This is not only in the form of having the energy brought through inspiration. But also the strength to push through and conquer in the spiritual realm.

In every day that we face, having a regular time for prayer and devotion ensures that you train and bolster yourself for the spiritual warfare. There are times where we are under attack in the spirit by the Devil. In times like such, we fight in the spiritual through intercession and prayer.

In our journey as Christians, there are two examples that the Apostle Paul used to illustrate them. One is that of a soldier, while the other is of an athlete (2 Timothy 2). What both of these examples have in common is how they train and discipline themselves.

Through rigorous training, a soldier becomes effective in the battlefield. While an athlete is aptly prepared for the race with victory in mind. This is also true with having a morning habit of prayer and devotion. We train spiritually; armed against the enemy’s schemes and prepared in making our lives as examples worth pointing towards Christ.

4. We Have a Clear Direction from God

A beautiful thing after spending a personal moment with God through Morning Prayer is when you get a clear direction on how God will move in your life. As you meditate on God’s Word, you will notice clear cut instructions alongside promises and words of blessings and encouragement.

Being sensitive to the promptings of the Holy Spirit will also tell you of this. You notice affirmations in your devotional reading, in the preacher’s Sunday sermon, and you get this sense that it all comes together. It is at this moment that you know God is at work, telling you something.

Being in sync with God’s will and instructions gives us a clear direction. As we grow deeper in our faith, we frequently discover these moments.

5. We Become Optimized and Motivated

Did you know over 300 million people suffer from depression? Stay optimized and motivated to move on with the strength of morning devotions.

When we have our morning devotions and making a habit of doing so, we get more reasons to push on by following what God is teaching us. In the Bible, you will find a number of affirmations and promises of blessings. You will also find a good number of stories of men and women of faith whose lives are testaments that we can strive to emulate.

An encouragement that stands until today is in Isaiah 41:10. It reminds us that God is with us in times of trouble and that we need not afraid for He is there for us. Another encouragement that also stands as a promise is in Jeremiah 29:11, where God has willed things for our sake. You can find more of these encouragements to uplift you as you go with your devotions.

Being reminded of these promises gives us the motivation to follow God’s Word, to follow through to his promises. At that same time, the biggest motivation is that you begin to see how God moves in your lives.

Make the Morning Devotional Prayer a Habit Today!

Starting the morning with God is the best way to start the day. Set aside time for you to personally worship God, read the Bible, take note of those insights in your journal, and dedicate time for morning devotional prayer. When you pray, prepare to be still and listen.

Especially for the youth, we need to understand the importance of faith and a connection with God. It is not too late to start.

Did you find this post helpful? You can find more of these by checking out our blog. We have more useful guides to a spiritual life, like this post discussing the benefits of spirituality for Millennials .

Think About Such Things

Rise and Shine: Powerful Morning Prayers for Students

Categories Prayer

In this article, we will look at some powerful daily morning prayers for students. These prayers before school will help spiritually anchor children and teens…

As each school morning comes along, it’s important to remember the power of prayer for our students. Kids and teens face a variety of challenges in school, from academic stress to social pressures and everything in between. I sure do remember those years! Don’t you?

As parents, teachers, and mentors, we can support them through these challenges by lifting them up in prayer each morning before school.

Prayer is a powerful tool that can impact every aspect of a student’s life. It can help them find peace and comfort in times of stress, give them the strength to tackle difficult assignments and provide guidance in making wise decisions.

By praying for our students every morning, we are inviting God’s presence into their lives and asking Him to guide and protect them throughout their day. And in this day and age, it’s vital we do this.

Before we go into these morning prayers, let’s look at how we can pray for students in the morning.

Morning Prayers for Students

Ways We Can Pray For Students In The Morning

There are lots of prayer points or ways we can pray for our children in the morning daily. These are just a few big ones that come to mind. I also encourage you to think of ones that you know personally for the student.

Academic Success

Pray that students will be able to focus and concentrate on their studies. Ask God to give them wisdom as they learn and the ability to retain information. Pray that they would be motivated and disciplined to study and complete their assignments.

Physical and Emotional Health

Ask God to protect students from sickness and injury. Pray that they would have the energy and stamina to endure the demands of their studies. Additionally, pray for their emotional health, so that they would feel supported and loved by their families, friends, and teachers.

Spiritual Growth

Pray that students will deepen their relationship with God during this season. Even if they are young, pray for God to place a desire and hunger for them to seek Him.

Ask for guidance and discernment in their decision-making and for the Holy Spirit to lead and guide them. Pray that they would find supportive Christian communities to grow with whether at church in youth groups, or Christian groups and clubs at church.

Safety and Protection

In the current climate, safety, and security are significant concerns for teachers, students, and their families. Pray for protection for students as they navigate the complexities of the world around them. Pray that God would keep them safe from harm and danger.

A lot of times, when we think of protection, we focus just on the physical, but it’s important to pray for protection in all areas of our student’s lives.

Physical Protection

Some key areas to pray for physical protection:

  • Not to get sick.
  • Not to get physically hurt during PE or sports.
  • Not to get in any fights with other students.
  • No person would come into the school to cause harm to any student or faculty.

Emotional Protection

Some key areas to pray for emotional protection:

  • Emotional strength and protection to deal with bullies
  • Emotional strength and protection to deal with rejection
  • Emotional strength and protection to deal with disappointment
  • Emotional strength and protection to deal with bad influences

Spiritual Protection

As Christians, we know that the spirit realm is moving and active. It plays a huge role in what goes on in our lives. Here are some ways you can pray for students in the morning:

  • Spiritual protection from seducing spirits
  • Spiritual protection from a spirit of fear
  • Spiritual protection from lying spirits
  • Spiritual protection from a spirit of rebellion

As we lift these prayer points up to God, we can trust that He hears our requests and is faithful to respond. Ok, now let’s take a look at some example prayers.

Morning Prayers For Students

daily morning prayers for students

For many Christian students, starting the day with a prayer is a great way to connect with God and seek His guidance for the day ahead. As we stand before God each morning in prayer, we acknowledge His superiority, seek His favor, and ask for His wisdom and guidance.

These prayers can be used daily by students themselves, parents, pastors, teachers, and mentors. You may need to tweak the perspective of the prayer and make them personal to the need of your student (or yourself). And please, when praying, use names for when the word student is used, unless you are doing generalized prayer for all the students.

“We know how faith, like water, can exercise the irresistible power it has and be gathered up and accumulated, until the stream can rush in full force; likewise, there must often be a heaping up of prayer, until God sees that the measure is full, and the answer comes.” Andrew Murray, With Christ in the School of Prayer

A Prayer for Wisdom

Heavenly Father, as we begin this new morning, we come before you seeking your wisdom and guidance for our students. Teach them to walk in Your ways, love Your law, and seek Your guidance in all we do. Your word tells us that if we lack wisdom, we can ask You, and You will give it generously. Help each student to be diligent and committed to their studies, knowing that they can better serve You and others through education and learning. In the name of Jesus, Amen.

“If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.” – James 1:5

short morning prayer for student

A Prayer for Strength

Heavenly Father, as we prepare to start our day, we come before You seeking Your strength and endurance. We know that we may not be able to handle the challenges and difficulties that come our way. You know exactly what will happen today at school. So, help us to lean on You, to trust in Your promises, and to find strength in Your unfailing love. Keep our hearts and minds focused on You, knowing that with you, we can do all things. May your grace and peace be with us throughout our day at school. In the name of Jesus, Amen.

“I can do all this through him who gives me strength.” – Philippians 4:13

A Prayer for Focus

Lord, thank You for this morning. I ask for your help for our students to stay focused on what’s important. Keep them from distractions and temptations that will pull them away from good goals and purpose. Help them to have a clear mind, to set our priorities straight, and to work diligently towards their objectives. Your word tells us to seek first your kingdom and your righteousness, and all these things will be given to us as well. Help them to put You first in all that they do and trust in Your provision. In the name of Jesus, Amen.

“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” – Matthew 6:33

A Prayer for Protection

Heavenly Father, as our students head to school this morning. We ask for Your protection and covering. Keep them safe from harm, dangers, sickness and accidents. Cover them with Your precious blood and surround them with Your angels . Place a hedge of protection around them, Lord. Help them to be wise and discerning, knowing that the devil is always prowling around, seeking someone to devour. Help them to stand firm in their faith, knowing that nothing can separate us from Your love. Protect them from all evil and harm, now and forevermore. In the name of Jesus, Amen.

The Lord will keep you from all harm—     he will watch over your life; the Lord will watch over your coming and going     both now and forevermore. – Psalm 121:7-8

A Prayer for Gratitude

Lord, as we begin another day, we want to express our thanks and gratitude for all that You have done for us. Thank you for the gift and ability to go to school. Thank you that I have the providlge to learn and be educated. Help me to keep this mindset as I am doing my studies and I’m in class. In the name of Jesus, amen!

“Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever.” – 1 Chronicles 16:34

morning prayer at school

A Prayer for Their Light To Shine

Heavenly Father, as we face another start of a school day, we ask for Your favor. Let these students experience Your favor and grace, as they interact with other students and teachers. Let them be light and salt to their classmates, especially to those who are struggling. That their actions and words would shine Jesus to everyone they know. That school would not be a place of just learning but a place where You show up in love and power.

In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven. – Matthew 5:16

It doesn’t matter if you are a mom, dad, youth pastor, or teacher. Taking a few extra moments to cover our students in prayer in the morning is incredibly important. We all want them to be safe and navigate through this life with grace and favor.

Praying for protection against physical dangers, wisdom to make the right decisions, and blessings over their lives can help bring comfort to us parents and even influence our student’s days in an untold way. Allow something so simple as prayer to offer assurance that they have the protection they need each and every day. Doing something so small can potentially have a much greater impact than we could ever imagine.

If you would like more prayers for students and teachers please also check out the articles below:

  • Prayer for Children In School: 9 Powerful Prayers You Can Pray
  • 8 Powerful Back To School Prayers
  • 9 Powerful Prayers for Teachers

Picture of Melissa Tumino

Melissa is a passionate minister, speaker and an ongoing learner of the Bible. She has been involved in church and vocational ministry for over 18 years. And is the founder of Think About Such Things. She has the heart to equip the saints by helping them get into the Word of God and fall more in love with Jesus. She also enjoys family, cooking, and reading.

She has spoken in churches in California, Oregon, Texas, and Mexico and has been featured in Guidepost Magazine and All Recipes Magazine.  Read More…

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10 Powerful Morning Prayers To Use Daily

essay on a morning prayer

1. Arising From Sleep

2. the good morning god prayer, 3. morning offering to the sacred heart, 4. morning prayer: love for the divine, 5. prayers to ask for aid, 6. prayer for divine guidance, 7. a morning prayer to face the day courageously, 8. prayer for strength, 9. morning prayer to say: thank you, 10. prayer for guidance.

One should have recourse to morning prayers to get the peace, encouragement, and strength for the whole day. Considering this, morning time is best for prayers as your mind is free from the nuisances of the day. When you say a prayer, it fills your mind and body with positive energy and lets you strengthen your self-confidence.

Here are 10 short prayers you can repeat.

Getting off from the bed is, sometimes, a difficult thing to do, especially if you’re not a morning person. This prayer will help you jumpstart your day and enter in a world of peace.

Oh Master and holy God, who is beyond our understanding: at your word, the light came forth out of darkness.

In your mercy, you gave us rest through night-long sleep and raised us up to glorify your goodness and to offer our supplication to you.

Now, in your own tender love, accept us who adore you and give thanks to you with all our heart.

Grant us all our requests, if they lead to salvation; give us the grace of manifesting that we are children of light and day, and heirs to your eternal reward.

In the abundance of your mercies, Oh Lord, remember all your people; all those present who pray with us; all our brethren on land, at sea, or in the air, in every place of your domain, who call upon your love for mankind.

Upon all, pour down your great mercy, that we, saved in body and in the soul, may persevere unfailingly; and that, in our confidence, we may extol your exalted and blessed name.

This prayer makes us comprehend the value of one more special day we get from the mercy of the God.

Good Morning God!

You are ushering in another day,

Untouched and freshly new

So here I am to ask you, God,

If you’ll renew me too

Forgive the many errors that I made yesterday

And let me try again dear God

To walk closer in your way

But Lord, I am well aware,

I can’t make it on my own.

So take my hand and hold it tight,

For I cannot walk alone

We have a tendency to take it for granted that we are alive for one more day. But always understand that it is only because of the creator of this world. This prayer is short and sweet and it goes like this:

Just for today, help me, God, to remember that my life is a gift, that my health is a blessing, that this new day is filled with awesome potential, that I have the capacity to bring something wholly new and unique and good into this world.

Just for today, help me, God, to remember to be kind and patient to the people who love me, and to those who work with me too. Teach me to see all the beauty that I so often ignore, and to listen to the silent longing of my own soul.

Just for today, help me, God, to remember You.

Let this be a good day, God, full of joy and love.

Morning is the best time to refresh and recharge your soul as you get ready to take on the day with the help of the higher power. Morning is the perfect time for a prayer so that we can express our love for the divine. Here’s a good old one you can recite.

I adore you, and I love you with all my heart. I am grateful that you have created me and preserved me this night. I offer you the actions of this day; grant that all of them may be according to goodwill. Save me from all evil and hardships. Let your grace be always with me.

You can begin your day with this prayer as an attempt to show your gratitude towards the absolute being.

If I can do some good today; If I can serve along life’s way, If I can have a helpful say, show me how.

If I can right a human wrong, If I can help to make one strong, If I can cheer with smile or song, show me how!

If I can aid one in distress, If I can make a burden less, If I can spread more happiness, show me how.

It is a humble prayer that you can repeat on a daily basis in order to start a day in the peaceful manner and ask the higher power to be with you all day.

Help me remember what a difference it makes when I make time with you a priority in my morning.

Awaken me in body and spirit each day with a desire to meet with you and to hear you speak words of affirmation, assurance, and wisdom over my heart as I prepare to go into my day.

God is the ultimate source of energy. Say this morning prayer and face the day with the determination to get the best out of your day.

Grant me tenacious, winsome courage as I go through this day. When I am tempted to give up, help me to keep going.

Grant me a cheerful spirit when things don’t go my way. And give me the courage to do whatever needs to be done.

This powerful morning prayer requests the divine power for the mental and physical strength to face the challenges of the day. It comes handy when you go through difficult times and you need some extra support to keep going.

This morning, I pray that you give me strength today, to be strong for you in this world full of temptations. You know that there are struggles that I will go through today. I pray that you be with me as I go through them. Carry me when I am too weak.

This prayer helps you to be thankful to your God for your existence. You can never repeat it too many times.

I dwell on the goodness in my life.

I cherish in my heart your gift to me.

I notice the blessings of life, breath, loving and sharing. I am so very grateful.

Thanks for everything.

One of the main teachings of all religions is that God is there to guide us. He loves us and because he does, he wants what is best for us and is willing to show it to us. Begin your day with this prayer for guidance.

I don’t know who or what will cross my path today. But I do know that you are my rock and my fortress. You are my shield and my strong tower. Help me anchor myself to you today. Teach me how to stand strong in you and choose only your way today.

Help me walk by your truth and not my feelings. Help me to embrace anything that comes my way as an opportunity to see you at work and as an opportunity to point others to you.

These powerful morning prayers are great tools you can use on a daily basis to get a refreshing start of the day. If you set your mind to positive thoughts right after waking up, a great day will follow.

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  • What Does the Bible Say about “Ask and You Shall Receive”?
  • How Prayer and Meditation Changes Your Brain?
  • Healing Prayers For Loved Ones
  • How Do You pray For A Miracle?

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essay on a morning prayer

12 Prayers for a Peaceful Tuesday Morning

Start your Tuesday morning with a surge of positive energy! Explore our collection of uplifting prayers for a joyful day, designed to inspire serenity and happiness in your life. No matter what challenges the week brings, let faith guide you towards peace and joy.

Table of Contents

Prayer for energy and zeal to embrace the day.

  • Such a prayer can stimulate positive energy and heightened spirituality to start the day.
  • It can encourage believers to embrace their tasks with enthusiasm and joy.
  • This prayer may inspire increased faith and resilience amidst challenges.
  • Some might misconstrue this prayer as a plea for physical strength rather than spiritual zeal.
  • One may rely excessively on this prayer for energy, overlooking the importance of rest and balance in life.

Our Tuesday mornings can be invigorated with a prayer that seeks not just physical stamina but also spiritual fervor. As we gear up for our daily tasks, a prayer for energy and zeal helps us embrace the day with optimism and determination. Like a sunflower turning towards the sun, we can turn our hearts towards God's grace for renewed strength and enthusiasm.

Let us pray, Dear Heavenly Father, I thank You for this beautiful Tuesday morning. As a bird embraces the dawn with rejoicing songs, I celebrate this new day you've gifted us. Lord, I ask for Your divine energy to fuel my body, mind, and spirit. Like a river rushing passionately towards its purpose, ignite in me a zeal to carry out my duties cheerily and wholeheartedly. Grant me the strength, oh Lord, to face each challenge with resilience, like an oak tree amidst a storm, unwavering and steadfast. Infuse in my heart an infectious joy that spreads light and love to those around me. May my actions today reflect the brilliance of Your glory, and my spirit echo the rhythm of Your grace. In Jesus' name, I pray, Amen.

Praying for divine energy and zeal allows us to approach each day with a vibrant spirit. As the sun’s first rays pierce the darkness, our prayer pierces any lethargy or indifference, and fills us with joy and enthusiasm. Like a well-nourished tree bearing abundant fruit, our day becomes productive and fulfilling when fueled by God's energy and our zeal to serve Him.

Prayer for Deliverance from Fear and Anxiety

Pros of this prayer topic:

  • Provides comfort during times of distress and anxiety.
  • Reinforces the belief in God's power to deliver us from fear.
  • Unites individuals in empathizing with common human struggles.

Cons of this prayer topic:

  • Some individuals may interpret asking for relief from fear as a sign of spiritual weakness.
  • Those who prefer self-reliance may see prayer as a passive approach to dealing with challenges.

The morning is a time of new beginnings, a chance to set the tone for the rest of our day. 'Prayer for Deliverance from Fear and Anxiety' is like the breaking of dawn, a fresh reminder of faith providing light amidst the overwhelming darkness of fear and worry. It symbolizes our reliance on God's strength in times of uncertainty, treading through the day under His benevolent guidance.

Let us pray,

Heavenly Father, this Tuesday morning, we come before You, humbled and earnest, lifting our hearts filled with fear and anxiety. Like birds released from a cage, we yearn for the freedom that only You can provide.  Lord, take away our fears, just as the glorious sun removes the shadows of the night. Replace it with Your love, just as the morning dew refreshes the earth beneath it. Fill us with Your joy, like the melodious songs of morning birds soaring in the sky. Strengthen us with Your peace, O God, to face the storms of life. Guide us throughout this day, enable us to stand firm and confident, against the troubles of this world. Deliver us from fear and anxiety, Lord. Today and forevermore. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

Our prayer journey, much like a river's course, often navigates through varied landscapes of emotions. Confronting fear and anxiety can seem like turbulent rapids, but prayer enables us to find calm, like a river eventually finding its peaceful delta. This prayer for deliverance from fear and anxiety serves to remind us not only of our human fragility but more importantly, of the unwavering strength offered by faith in God.

Prayer for Victory over Spiritual Battles


  • Focusing on spiritual battles reminds us of the presence of God as our protector and guide.
  • It empowers us to overcome hurdles using faith, not just physically but mentally and spiritually.
  • As we discuss spiritual battles, we may deal with topics that are sensitive and challenging for some.
  • This subject might make people feel uncomfortable if they don't fully understand the concept of spiritual warfare.

Every Tuesday is a gift; a chance to step into the world bright and filled with God's love. On this day, let's focus on overcoming spiritual battles, an area in our lives that often goes unnoticed. Waging war against these unseen forces requires faith, strength, and most importantly, prayer. Through earnest prayer, we seize victory, knowing God is our warrior who never losses a battle.

Let's pray:

Dear Heavenly Father, On this uplifting Tuesday morning, I approach your throne of grace and mercy, seeking protection from my spiritual enemies. Like David facing Goliath, I may feel outmatched, yet I know, Lord, with you on my side, victory is certain.  Rid my heart of fear and doubt, replace them with courage and confidence. Just as you parted the Red Sea for the Israelites, make a way for me amidst these spiritual battles. Guide my footsteps, Holy Spirit, that I may walk in the path of righteousness and stay clear of snares crafted by the enemy. In the face of temptation, equip me with the armor of God — the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, the shoes of peace, the shield of faith, the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the spirit.  I declare this Tuesday, and every other day henceforth, a victory over my spiritual battles because you, O Lord, fight for me and I remain still. In Jesus’ powerful name, I pray. Amen.

The subject of spiritual warfare is a deeply complex and often misunderstood facet of faith. Yet, it's crucial to know our battles aren't just physical; they're spiritual too. Today's prayer reaffirms that the Lord is our safeguard during these battles, filling this Tuesday with hope and joy, setting the tone for the rest of the week.

Remember, even in the darkest times, we can seek victory in God. He is always there, eager to protect us, guide us, and shower us with His never-ending love. Let every Tuesday be a testament to your ongoing victory over spiritual battles, as you step into each new day knowing you are more than a conqueror through Christ Jesus.

Prayer for Constant Joy in God's Presence

  • Encourages deep connection with God, fostering personal contentment and happiness.
  • Cultivates a spirit of gratitude and joy, regardless of external circumstances.
  • Enhances spiritual growth and strengthens faith in God's omnipresence.
  • May be challenging for those going through tough times to remain joyful.
  • Requires a level of spiritual maturity to appreciate God's presence constantly.
  • Can unintentionally promote expectation of constant happiness, which may lead to disappointment during times of trials.

Our prayer topic today revolves around finding constant joy in the presence of God. Amid our busy lives and numerous responsibilities, it can be easy to lose sight of the peace and joy that comes from being in God's presence. This uplifting Tuesday morning prayer is designed to center us back on this essential truth and fill our day with an inexplicable wave of joy.

Dear Heavenly Father, I thank you for the gift of another beautiful Tuesday morning, an undeniable assurance of your enduring love. Lord, I yearn for the constant joy of your presence, a fountain of peace that overflows onto the canvas of my everyday life, coloring each moment with your divine touch. Lord, make my heart a dwelling place for your presence, a sanctuary brimming with your love that overshadows every worry, every fear, and every doubt. Let the joy of knowing you ignite a radiant light within me, casting away all darkness, and illuminating my path in this journey of life. As the sun rises and ushers in this brand new day, let the warmth of your presence embrace me, infusing my spirit with your joy, as my soul echoes the melodious tune of your promises. Keep me grounded in your love, dear God, so that my joy may be complete in you. In Jesus' name, I pray, Amen.

This uplifting Tuesday morning prayer reiterates the importance of maintaining constant joy in God's presence. Just like a tree planted by the riverside, drawing life and strength from its source, our joy should emanate from the unparalleled love we share with our Heavenly Father. This joy is not fleeting or dependent on our circumstances but anchored in the consistent faithfulness of our God, making every day a joyful one.

Prayer for Nurturing Gratitude in Heart

  • This prayer topic encourages the recognition of everyday blessings, which can uplift the spirit and align one with God's abundance.
  • Cultivating gratitude leads to a more joyful and contented outlook on life.
  • It aids in recognizing God’s love and grace in all things.
  • This prayer topic can be challenging for those who are going through tough times and finding it difficult to be grateful.
  • It might inadvertently promote the notion that gratitude is only about positive things, overlooking the lessons from the negative experiences.

Mornings are like blank canvases waiting to be painted with our prayers. A grateful heart is a vessel ready to be filled with God’s love and grace. As we embark on this Tuesday, let us remember to carry an attitude of gratitude throughout the day, finding joy and lessons in both our victories and challenges.

Dear Heavenly Father, I awaken this Tuesday morning with a heart filled with gratitude. I thank You, Lord, for the gift of this new day, a blank canvas that waits to be filled with Your love and mercy. May my heart be like a garden, nurturing seeds of gratitude as the sun nurtures the flowers. With every breath I take, let me breathe in Your blessings, and breathe out appreciation. In every challenge, may I find a reason to give thanks, for they serve as a reminder of Your strength within me. Let me be a mirror of Your love, reflecting the joy and gratitude in my heart to those I meet. Grant me the patience to endure, the wisdom to understand, and the courage to embrace all that this day holds, with a heart filled with gratitude.  In Jesus' name, I pray, Amen.

Gratitude isn't merely about recognizing the good times but understanding that even the difficulties are part of God's plan for our growth. By nurturing gratitude in our hearts, we unlock a powerful tool for understanding God's grace. Just as the morning sun lends warmth and light to a new day, let our gratitude illuminate our lives and those around us.

Prayer for Hope during Times of Uncertainty

  • This prayer topic helps inspire hope during uncertain times.
  • It uplifts, motivates, and instills a sense of calmness.
  • Provides an opportunity to strengthen personal belief in God's plan.
  • Can be challenging for those who are currently going through severe distress.
  • The effectiveness of the prayer largely depends on the individual's faith.
  • The person may fail to see immediate outcomes leading to possible discouragement.

An uplifting Tuesday morning begins with a prayer of hope in times of uncertainty. Such moments invite us to lean into our faith, trust in God’s goodness and believe in His enduring love, even when things seem dim. Like stepping into a beam of sunlight after a long spell in the dark, allowing ourselves to cling onto hope can bring warmth to our soul and shine a bright light on our path forward.

Let's pray,

Dear Heavenly Father, In this moment of uncertainty, I seek Your divine guidance. Just as the morning sun penetrates the darkest night, allow Your resplendent hope to permeate my heart. Grant me the strength to face today's trials with grace. Remind me, O Lord, that You are the lighthouse in life's stormy sea, guiding me towards a safe harbor. Even when my sight is marred by the fog of worry, let Your unwavering love serve like the dawn breaking through the night, promising new beginnings.  Bless this Tuesday, Father, and paint it with joy, love, and the renewing power of hope amidst seeming chaos. In Jesus' Holy name, I pray, Amen.

The prayer for hope during uncertainty is akin to finding an oasis in a desert – it provides spiritual nourishment and relief in the journey of life. By praying for and embracing hope, we are not denying the existence of uncertainty but choosing to trust in the eternal stability of God's promises. As each Tuesday dawns, let it be a testament to God's unfailing love, illuminating our paths towards a joyful day.

Prayer for a Thriving Relationship with God.

  • Encourages a deep, personal relationship with God.
  • Imparts positive energy and optimism for the day.
  • Strengthens faith in divine assistance.
  • Can be interpreted as self-centered if not focused on God’s will.
  • Requires commitment and faith to achieve tangible results.

Our Tuesday Morning Prayer focuses on building and thriving in our relationship with God. As we wake up to the joy of a fresh Tuesday morning, it's paramount to seek a flourishing bond with our Creator. Just like a plant that grows towards the sunlight, our spiritual growth is fueled by a closer connection to God. 

Dear Heavenly Father, As I greet this beautiful Tuesday morning, I yearn for a deeper relationship with You. Just as a river runs towards the ocean, let my spirit flow increasingly towards Your divine love. Guide me on the path to righteousness and fill my heart with a desire to seek You more. In moments of triumph or trial, remind me that You are always near. Like a sturdy oak deeply rooted in the ground, may my faith in You stand firm. Be my strength, Lord, in times of weakness, and my comfort when sorrow overshadows my joy. As I navigate through today, use every encounter, every circumstance to draw me closer to You. Like a compass pointing north, let Your Holy Spirit guide all my thoughts, words, and actions. With a joyful heart brimming with Your love, may my life reflect Your grace and glory. In Jesus' name, I pray, Amen.

In conclusion, a thriving relationship with God lays the foundation for a joyful day. Though the journey requires faith and dedication, the outcome is a life filled with divine love and guidance. Just as a mirror reflects light, our lives can reflect God's love and grace when we foster a deeper relationship with Him.

Prayer for Wisdom in Leadership and Responsibility

  • It encourages the development and application of wisdom in leadership roles.
  • It can lead to better decision-making and responsibility.
  • It fosters spiritual growth and strength.

Cons of the prayer topic:

  • Some may feel it is too focused on professional or leadership aspects rather than personal growth.
  • The topic might be seen as excluding those not in leadership positions.

The dawn of a new Tuesday is upon us - a day calling us to embrace our roles as leaders and bearers of responsibility with wisdom. As we prepare for the day's tasks, let's offer up a prayer for divine guidance, asking God to bless us with wisdom so we can lead effectively and bear our responsibilities with grace.

Dear Heavenly Father, As we welcome this Tuesday morning, we ask you to bestow upon us the wisdom required to lead and carry out our duties wisely. Just as a shepherd guides his flock, guide us in our leadership. Give us the courage to make tough decisions, the empathy to listen, and the humility to admit when we are wrong. Like the sun that rises every morning without fail, may your wisdom dawn on us today and always, enabling us to illuminate others' paths. God, let us not just be hearers of your Word, but doers also. Equip us with understanding as deep as the ocean and as solid as a mountain. May we walk in wisdom as we take each step this Tuesday, ensuring a day filled with joy and accomplishment. In Jesus' name, Amen.

To conclude, this prayer reminds us of our need for God's wisdom in our everyday lives, especially in our roles as leaders. Regardless of where we find ourselves leading - at the office, within our families, or out in our communities - we need divine wisdom to guide us. A prayer like this helps us face our Tuesday with confidence, making our day truly joyful and meaningful.

Prayer for Strength during Times of Adversity

  • This prayer addresses a common human experience, ensuring its relevance to many people.
  • Provides a sense of strength and resilience in dealing with adversity; a source of encouragement.
  • Some individuals might find it difficult to connect with the prayer if they are not currently experiencing adversity.
  • The prayer's specific focus on adversity could overshadow its aim to uplift and bring joy.

Dealing with adversity can be challenging. It's during these times that we need strength to endure and lean on our faith for support. As we embark on a new Tuesday, this prayer centers on asking God for the strength to handle hardships we encounter throughout our journey. 

Holy Father,  In the light of this morning, I thank you for another beautiful Tuesday. I ask for your divine strength to stand firm in the face of adversity. Like a tree during a storm, may I not break but bend, not falter but flourish.  Gracious God, I seek joy amidst these challenges. Help me to see the rainbow after the rain, and the dawn after the darkest hour; for after every crucifixion, there is resurrection. Breathe your strength into my spirit that I might withstand the storms of life with unwavering faith. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.

In conclusion, this prayer for strength during times of adversity offers a beacon of hope. It acknowledges our struggles and reminds us of God's promise of resilience. Just as the sun breaks through the clouds each morning, we too can embrace the promise of a joyful day, irrespective of our trials.

Prayer of Praise, celebrating God's Goodness

  • It acknowledges God's goodness, which strengthens faith and boosts positivity.
  • By focusing on praise and thanksgiving, the prayer aligns with scriptural instructions to give thanks in all circumstances.
  • Some may find it challenging to celebrate God's goodness during trying times.
  • Praising might seem more ritualistic than reflective to some people, potentially reducing its depth.

The profound appreciation and acknowledgement of God's unending goodness is situated at the heart of our faith. Today, we gather in prayer not to ask but to express gratitude. We dedicate this Tuesday morning to uplift our spirits, accentuating a joyful day ahead that mirrors the magnitude of His goodness.

Dear God, As we greet this beautiful Tuesday morning, we cannot help but marvel at the sheer scale of Your goodness surrounding us. We see Your generous hand in the glistening dew drops, hear Your comforting voice in the chirping birds, and feel Your warming love in the tender morning sun.  We praise You, O Lord, for the blessings we often take for granted - the gift of life, the joy of family, the company of friends. We thank You for the strength in our bodies, the thoughts in our minds, and the love in our hearts. Despite our shortcomings, Your goodness never ceases, reminding us of Your undying love and mercy. In Your glorious name, we find joy, hope, and peace. To You be all the glory and honor today and always. May our lives reflect Your goodness in every word, thought, and deed this day and always. Amen.

Our morning prayer of praise is akin to the dawn, breaking through the darkness of night, illuminating the day with radiance. By celebrating God's goodness, we not only bolster our faith but also set a tone of joy and positivity for the rest of the day. God's goodness is the lighthouse guiding us through life's turbulent waves, keeping us secure and anchored in His unwavering love. Truly, every Tuesday morning graced with such an uplifting prayer changes not just a day, but potentially, our entire lives as it echoes the melody of our gratitude to the Lord.

Prayer for Healing in all areas, Spiritually and Physically

  • This prayer will inspire individuals to seek divine intervention in areas where they need healing, physically and spiritually.
  • It encourages reliance on God for strength, peace, and restoration.
  • Some may feel their prayers are unanswered if immediate healing doesn't occur.
  • Non-believers may struggle with the concepts of spiritual healing and divine intervention. 

As dawn breaks this Tuesday morning, we gather here with our hearts open, seeking the tangible healing of our bodies and a more profound, spiritual revival. We have faith, understanding that a prayer for healing is a testament to God's endless love and mercy. It invites His divine touch into our lives, to mend what's broken, whether in body, mind, or spirit. 

In the stillness of this Tuesday morning, as the world awakens around us, let us pray.

Beloved Father, we surrender to Your grace and mercy. In Your infinite love, You have promised to heal and restore us. We pray You this day; may Your healing hand touch our bodies, minds, and spirits. Bring wholeness to every part of our being that cries out for restoration. Just as the sun rising clears away the darkness of night, so too, may your light permeate our lives, casting out all shadows of pain, suffering, and despair. Through You, Lord, we are made whole. Today and always, fill our hearts with joy and peace. We pray for Your glory and in the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Like fresh dew collected by morning's light, this prayer for healing serves to uplift and refresh us. It's a testament of our faith, presenting our weaknesses to God and seeking His divine intervention. Regardless of the trials we encounter, we take comfort knowing that we find healing and restoration in Him. It sets the tone for a joyful day, no matter what lies ahead, solidifying our belief that all things are possible with God.

Prayer for God's Love to Envelop Your Heart

  • This prayer topic will help you feel God's love more deeply.
  • It could foster a sense of peace and comfort, knowing you're enveloped in God's love.
  • It sets a positive tone for the day, focusing on joy and uplifting thoughts.
  • Being enveloped in God's love may not happen instantly. Faith and patience are required.
  • Prayers aren't magic formulas. Understanding that can help manage expectations.

Our mornings are important; they set the tone for the rest of the day. What if we could start our day by overdosing on God's love? A love that uplifts, heals and energizes. Let that be our focus today: a prayer to experience God's love like a warm, embracing blanket on this beautiful Tuesday morning.

Dear Heavenly Father, In the calmness of this Tuesday morning, I come before You with a humble heart. I ask, Lord, for Your eternal love to envelop my heart. May it bring healing to any hurt, light to any darkness, warmth to any coldness within me. May Your love inspire me to spread joy on this day. Let it constantly remind me of Your faithful presence in my life. As the sun rises to paint the sky, let Your love rise in my heart, gifting me the colors of joy, peace, and hope. I commit this day unto Your hands, praying that each moment reflects Your divine love and grace. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.

As we conclude this prayer, let's carry the consciousness of God's love within us. Today and every other day, may this love be our guide, our comforter, our shield, and our strength. With a heart warmed by God's love, may we find our Tuesday filled with joy and upliftment.

Frequently asked questions

Why is it important to start the day with prayer.

Starting your day with prayer establishes a connection with our Creator. It's a time to acknowledge God's omnipresence and invite His peace into our day. Prayer allows us to express gratitude, seek guidance, find strength, and affirm our faith before engaging with the world.

How can morning prayers uplift my spirit?

Morning prayers are vital tools for uplifting one's spirit. They help shift our focus from earthly challenges to divine possibilities. Through prayer, you open your heart to God's promise of joy, peace, and love, thus starting your day on a positive note. 

What should I include in my Tuesday morning prayer? 

Your Tuesday morning prayer can include praise for God, thanks for a new day, petitions for specific needs, and prayers for others. You could also pray for guidance, wisdom, and protection through the day. Remember, prayer is simply a heartfelt conversation with God. 

Why should we specifically have Uplifting Tuesday Morning Prayers?

Every new day is a gift from God and an opportunity to renew our spirits. Tuesday morning prayers can be a specific tradition that gives rhythm to your week and keeps your relationship with God vibrant. There's no real theological reason why Tuesday should be any different from other days - it's more about setting aside time at the start of each day for the Lord.

Can morning prayers increase my productivity for the day?

Absolutely. Morning prayers can center your mind, align your heart, and guide your actions according to God’s will. This spiritual alignment often results in enhanced focus, inner peace, and a mindful approach to tasks, increasing your overall productivity.

Any specific prayers recommended for a joyful Tuesday?

There are countless prayers to choose from. However, Psalms are often used to start the day. Psalm 100, for instance, is a Psalm of thanksgiving that praises God for His love and faithfulness. You could also say a prayer inviting the Holy Spirit to guide your actions for the day or a prayer thanking Jesus for his sacrifice and love. No matter the words, remember to pray with sincerity and faith.

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essay on a morning prayer

Bible Verse of the Day

Morning Prayer for School

Morning prayer is a beautiful way to start the day, grounding ourselves in gratitude and setting a positive tone for the experiences to come. For students, it can provide solace and guidance, equipping them with a spirit of wisdom and revelation as they face the challenges and opportunities that school presents. The Bible, filled with verses of hope, wisdom, and faith, provides the foundation for such prayers.

Starting the Day with Gratitude and Hope

Every morning offers a new opportunity to connect with God, to seek His guidance, and to entrust our day into His hands. Schools are a place of learning and growth, and beginning the school day with a prayer can help in fostering an environment of love, respect, and unity. The Bible reminds us of this in Lamentations 3:22-23 (NIV):

“Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.”

This verse encourages students to be hopeful and reminds them of God’s unfailing love, which is renewed each morning.

An Example of Morning Prayer for School

“Heavenly Father, We thank you for this new day, for your love that is renewed every morning, and for the opportunity to learn and grow. We ask for your guidance and wisdom as we face challenges today. Help us to be kind, respectful, and diligent in our studies.

We pray for our teachers, that you may grant them patience and understanding as they impart knowledge and values. May our school be a place of love, respect, and unity, where everyone feels valued and included.

Guide our thoughts, words, and actions, so that we may reflect your love and light to those around us. Help us to be a blessing to our school and to glorify you in all that we do. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.”

Supporting Each Other in Faith

A morning prayer in school not only strengthens individual faith but also fosters a sense of community. It is a reminder, as stated in Hebrews 10:24-25 (NIV),

“And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.”

This verse encourages students to support each other in faith and love, uplifting one another and promoting good deeds. It highlights the importance of community and togetherness, which is essential in a school environment.

Seeking Wisdom and Understanding

Schools are institutions of knowledge, and as students pray, they can ask for wisdom and understanding. Proverbs 2:6 (NIV) says,

“For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding.”

This verse reminds students that true wisdom comes from God, and by seeking Him through prayer, they can gain the understanding and knowledge they need to excel in their studies and navigate through life.

Starting the school day with a morning prayer is a powerful practice that can instill hope, foster unity, and provide guidance. It is a time to acknowledge God’s love, to seek His wisdom, and to encourage one another to love and good deeds. Through the verses of the Bible, students are reminded of God’s promises and are equipped with the spiritual tools they need to face the challenges and opportunities that school presents.

Prayer on school

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Lutheran Reformation 2017

Lutheran Reformation .org

Luther’s morning prayer – a model for the christian’s daily life.

by Rev. Michael Schuermann

Lutheran Reformation - Prayer

Why does Luther bother providing a whole section of daily prayers in his Small Catechism? There’s no doubt that, as is usually the case, Luther relied on the overwhelming testimony of Scripture as to the necessity and effectiveness of prayer in the life of God’s people as a reason to teach and model the prominent place of prayer in the Christian’s daily life. As he puts it in the Small Catechism, God the Father “has commanded us to pray…and has promised to hear us.” (SC, Lord’s Prayer, Conclusion)

What are some of these commands and promises of God that Luther refers to?

  • “And I tell you, ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened.” (Luke 11:9-10)
  • “If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask him!” (Matthew 7:11)
  • “[C]all upon me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you shall glorify me.” (Psalm 50:15)
  • “[P]ray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstance so for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” (1 Thessalonians 5:17-18)

Luther writes about the command and promises, “You should say, ‘My prayer is as precious, holy, and pleasing to God as that of St. Paul or of the most holy saints. This is the reason: I will gladly grant that Paul is personally more holy, but that’s not because of the commandment. God does not consider prayer because of the person, but because of His Word and obedience to it. For I rest my prayer on the same commandment on which all the saints rest their prayer. Furthermore, I pray for the same thing that they all pray for and always have prayed. Besides, I have just as great a need of what I pray for as those great saints; no, even a greater one than they.'” (LC, III, 16)

St. Paul’s exhortation to pray “without ceasing” highlights the importance of regular prayer in the life of the Christian. Luther’s years of monastic life modeled a regulated daily life of prayer. The various monastic daily prayer offices seem to have influenced Luther’s teaching of prayer in the Small Catechism. Not only is a prayer for morning provided, but Luther places that prayer within a simple liturgy: first, the name of the Triune God is spoken and the sign of the holy cross is made, then the Creed and Lord’s Prayer (two of the Chief Parts!) are spoken. Finally, Luther suggests his little prayer may be said “if you choose.” Humbly, Luther considers his own contribution optional and the handed-down texts of the Faith essential.

Luther’s modeling of prayer seems deliberately designed to avoid the type of praying that Jesus warns against: “And when you pray, do not heap up empty phrases as the Gentiles do, for they think that they will be heard for their many words.” (Matthew 6:7) With many words comes much work; Luther aims at a simple liturgy of prayer that can be adopted in the daily lives of Christians both in his time and in our present day.

“But the Christian’s prayer is easy, and it does not cause hard work. For it proceeds in faith on the basis of the promise of God, and it presents its need from the heart. Faith quickly gets through telling what it wants; indeed, it does so with a sigh that the heart utters and that words can neither attain nor express. As Paul says (Rom. 8:26), ‘the Spirit prays.’ And because He knows that God is listening to Him, He has no need of such everlasting twaddle. That is how the saints prayed in the Scriptures, like Elijah, Elisha, David, and others—with brief but strong and powerful words. This is evident in the Psalter, where there is hardly a single psalm that has a prayer more than five or six verses long. Therefore the ancient fathers have said correctly that many long prayers are not the way. They recommend short, fervent prayers, where one sighs toward heaven with a word or two, as is often quite possible in the midst of reading, writing, or doing some other task.” (AE 21:143)


T he Rev. Michael Schuermann is pastor of Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Sherman, IL.

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“Morning Prayer in School: Cultivating Gratitude and Focus”

The practice of morning prayer in school has long been a cherished tradition, enriching the lives of students and educators alike.

As the first rays of sunlight kiss the school campus, students gather together for a moment of reflection and gratitude. This simple yet powerful ritual sets the tone for the day ahead, instilling a sense of unity and purpose among the school community.

Beyond its symbolic significance, morning prayer holds a deeper purpose – it nurtures spiritual growth and fosters a sense of connectedness with something greater than ourselves.

In this blog post, we will delve into the profound impact of morning prayer in school, exploring how it shapes the minds and hearts of students, and why it remains an essential part of the educational experience.

Let’s start.

Table of Contents

Morning Prayer for Students Going Back to School

“ Jesus, help my feet to go In the way that You will show. Jesus, help my hands to do All things loving, kind, and true. Jesus, guard me through this day In all I do and all I say. “

Dear Heavenly Father,

As the morning light dawns upon us, we come before Your presence with hearts filled with gratitude and anticipation. Today, we lift up our students who are embarking on a new journey as they return to school. We seek Your divine guidance and blessings upon each of them.

Lord, we pray for clarity of mind and the ability to grasp knowledge with ease. Grant them the wisdom to discern right from wrong and to make sound decisions throughout their academic pursuits. Bless them with a hunger for learning and a passion for excellence in all they undertake.

In times of challenges and setbacks, remind them that they are never alone. May they always find solace in Your loving presence and draw strength from the knowledge that You have a purpose and plan for each of their lives.

We offer this prayer in the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ, who is the ultimate teacher and guide. 

Morning Exam Prayer for Students


As the sun rises and a new day begins, we come before You with hearts filled with both excitement and apprehension. Today, we lift up our students who are facing exams, and we seek Your divine guidance and grace upon each one of them.

Lord, we pray for a calm and focused mind for our students as they prepare to take their exams. Remove any anxiety or fear that may threaten to overwhelm them. Replace it with a deep sense of peace and confidence in Your loving presence.

Grant them clarity of thought and the ability to recall the knowledge they have acquired. May they remember the lessons taught to them, apply critical thinking, and demonstrate their understanding with clarity.

We ask for Your favor to rest upon them. May the questions they face be fair, and may they have the opportunity to showcase their true potential and understanding of the subjects they have studied.

As they step into the examination hall, remind them that You are with them. May they face each question with courage, knowing that You are guiding and supporting them every step of the way.

We offer this prayer in the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ, who is our source of hope and assurance in all circumstances. 

A Morning Prayer for Strength

As the morning sun rises, we come before Your throne seeking Your presence and strength for the day ahead. We acknowledge that our human strength is limited, but we know that in You, we find an unyielding source of power and courage.

Lord, we ask for strength to endure difficult circumstances and trials. Life can be filled with uncertainties, but with You as our anchor, we remain steadfast and unshaken. May we find solace in Your promises and draw courage from the knowledge that You are always with us.

Grant us the strength to persevere in our endeavors, whether it be in our work, studies, relationships, or service to others. Help us to press on, even when the road ahead seems daunting, knowing that You have equipped us for every good work.

When we feel weak and inadequate, remind us that Your strength is made perfect in our weaknesses. Let us boast in our weaknesses, knowing that when we are weak, then we are strong through You.

As we navigate this day, may Your strength be evident in our lives. May our actions, words, and attitudes reflect the power of Your Spirit working within us.

We offer this prayer in the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ, who demonstrated the ultimate strength through His sacrifice on the cross. 

A Morning Prayer for Courage

“Dear God, thank you for our school. We pray it would be a safe place of learning, fun, and friendship. Please watch over all our teachers, children and families. Help us to learn new things, explore the world together, and to play and be happy “

As the morning sun breaks through the darkness, we come before You, seeking Your presence and courage for the day ahead. We acknowledge that life can be filled with uncertainties and challenges, but we know that in You, we find a constant source of strength and bravery.

When we face challenges and obstacles, may Your courage rise within us. Let us not be paralyzed by fear, but instead, may we confront difficulties with resilience and determination, knowing that You are our ever-present help in times of trouble.

May Your courage enable us to live out our faith boldly and unashamedly. Let us be a light in the darkness, showing the world Your love and grace through our words and actions.

As we face the challenges and opportunities of this day, may Your courage flow through us, guiding our every step. May Your name be glorified in all that we say and do.

We offer this prayer in the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ, who demonstrated the ultimate courage by laying down His life for us. 

Morning Prayer in School During Covid


As the morning light breaks through the darkness, we come before You with hearts burdened by the challenges of these uncertain times. We lift up our students who are facing the impact of the Covid pandemic, seeking Your comfort, guidance, and protection.

Lord, we pray for the safety and health of every student. Shield them and their families from the grasp of this virus. Grant wisdom and discernment to those in authority, guiding them in making decisions that prioritize the well-being of students and their communities.

May this period of adversity be an opportunity for students to grow in resilience, compassion, and empathy for others. Teach them valuable life lessons as they witness the importance of caring for one another in times of crisis.

Finally, Lord, we ask for a swift end to this pandemic. Heal those who are sick, comfort those who mourn, and bring a sense of restoration and renewal to our communities.

We offer this prayer in the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ, our source of hope and healing. 

Prayer to Seek God Each Day

Heavenly Father,

As the sun rises upon a new day, I come before You in reverence and humility, seeking Your presence with a sincere heart. Each day is a gift from You, and I desire to seek You earnestly, knowing that in Your presence, I find joy, peace, and purpose.

Lord, I confess my weaknesses and shortcomings. I pray for Your grace and forgiveness in the areas where I fall short. Empower me to walk in obedience to Your commands and to live a life that honors You.

Lord, help me to seek You not only for my personal needs but also for the needs of others. Make me an instrument of Your peace, love, and compassion in this world.

Thank You for the privilege of seeking You each day. May this daily communion with You transform my heart and mind, making me more like Christ and reflecting Your glory to those around me.

I offer this prayer in the name of Jesus Christ, my Savior and Redeemer. 

Morning Warfare Prayer for Students


As the morning light breaks through the darkness, I come before You, seeking Your protection and strength for the day ahead.

I recognize that as a student, I am engaged in a spiritual battle, and I need Your help to stand firm against the schemes of the enemy.

Lord, I put on the helmet of salvation, guarding my mind with the assurance of Your eternal love and the victory You have secured for me through Jesus Christ.

I pray for protection over my mind and heart. Guard me against distractions, anxieties, and negative thoughts that may hinder my progress. Fill my mind with focus, diligence, and creativity.

As I go about my day, I commit to being a vessel of Your love and grace. Let my actions and words reflect Your character, and may I be a positive influence on those around me.

I declare that I am more than a conqueror through Christ Jesus, and I will walk in victory as I trust in You.

I offer this prayer in the mighty name of Jesus. 

Morning Prayer for College Students

“ Father, please pour out Your blessings upon our whole school community so that everyone grows in the knowledge of Your truth, love, wisdom and peace.   In Jesus name we pray.   Amen. “

As the morning sun rises, I come before You with a heart filled with gratitude and anticipation for the new day. I thank You for the opportunity to pursue higher education as a college student, and I ask for Your guidance and blessings throughout this academic journey.

I pray for strength and perseverance in the face of challenges and setbacks. When I encounter difficulties, remind me that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

Above all, Lord, I pray for spiritual growth during my college years. Deepen my relationship with You, and may I continually seek Your will and guidance in every decision I make.

I commit to being a positive influence on campus, reflecting Your love and grace to those around me. Use me as a vessel of Your light, showing kindness, compassion, and understanding to others.

I offer this prayer in the name of Jesus, my Savior and Redeemer. 

Morning Prayer In school to Start the Day

As the morning light fills the sky, I come before You to start this day in Your presence. I thank You for the gift of a new day and the opportunities it brings. I surrender this day into Your hands and ask for Your guidance and blessings in all that I do.

Lord, I invite You to be the center of my day. I seek Your wisdom and discernment as I make decisions and face challenges. Help me to align my thoughts and actions with Your will and to walk in Your ways.

Thank You, Lord, for the privilege of starting this day in prayer. May Your presence be with me, guiding and shaping my thoughts, words, and actions throughout this day.

I offer this prayer in the name of Jesus, who taught us to seek You first in all things. 

For God’s Grace Daily


As the morning breaks and a new day unfolds, I come before You to seek Your abundant grace and mercy that I need daily. I thank You for Your unending love and faithfulness, which sustain me through every moment of life.

Lord, I am humbled by Your grace, for I know that I am undeserving of Your unfailing kindness. Yet, Your grace abounds, covering my shortcomings and offering me forgiveness for my sins.

Each day, I depend on Your grace to face the challenges that come my way. I ask for Your wisdom and discernment to navigate through the complexities of life, knowing that I can rely on Your guidance.

Lord, I seek Your grace to be poured out on my relationships with others. May I extend the same love and compassion that You have shown me to those around me. Help me to be patient, forgiving, and understanding, just as You are with me.

I offer this prayer in the name of Jesus, who is the embodiment of Your grace and truth. 

In conclusion, the morning prayer in school holds great significance as it sets a positive tone for the day ahead. It is a moment of collective reflection, gratitude, and seeking divine guidance. 

The morning prayer fosters a sense of unity, instills moral values, and encourages students to start their day with a peaceful and focused mindset. By bringing students together in prayer, it creates a conducive atmosphere for learning and personal growth. 

The morning prayer in school serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of faith and spirituality in education, nurturing both the academic and spiritual development of students.

  • “Prayer for Wedding Reception : Blessing the Celebration”
  • “Surgery Prayer for a Friend: Seeking Healing and Comfort”
  • “Daily Prayer us: Unlocking the Power of a Spiritual Routine”
  • “Baby Shower Verses: Heartfelt Wishes and Blessings”
  • “Catholic Evening Prayer: Embracing Serenity and Reflection”


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Just Don’t Expect It Tomorrow

In this month of May—as the days slowly grow warmer and leaves steadily fill the trees—take some advice from the plants. Root your moral life in the firm soil of steady habits—morning prayers, healthy eating, evening reading—and let them do their thing. Trust me, you’ll see a difference. Just don’t expect it tomorrow.

essay on a morning prayer

Take a look at the rest of the natural world around you, and you’ll see the same thing. Living creatures grow slowly, but they grow steadily. Human beings are no different. Children grow at a pace that can’t be recognized in a day, but only over months and years.

Think of little kids, whether they be your children, younger siblings, or nieces and nephews. We adults laugh when, after eating all their food and drinking lots of milk to grow “big and strong,” they want to put another pencil mark on the wall to see if they’ve grown taller over a single night. In their minds, they’ve done all the right things, so they should see an effect. We, having more experience of human life, know that things simply don’t work that way. So we laugh at their adorable ignorance.

How much the saints in heaven must laugh at us adults! Why? Because we, in our own ignorance, do the same thing. As we try to grow in peace and happiness and holiness, we assume that the laws of the moral life are distinct from nature. For a single day, we pray a rosary, avoid the TV, and forgo the ice cream, and we wake up wondering why we’re not pious, lively, and temperate. We understand the immaturity of the little child who expects to grow noticeably taller in a single day, but we fail to see that we can’t grow noticeably more virtuous in a single day. We think we’ve grown past our childhood ignorance; in reality, we’ve just relocated it.

Like us, Aristotle recognized that physical growth takes time. But he also saw that the natural and the moral are not separate. Just like the rest of nature, human beings need slow, steady action to reach perfection. Aristotle knew that habit, the source of this slow, steady action in man, is central to human perfection because growing morally isn’t all that different from growing physically—it happens slowly and steadily.

In these early days of May—as the days slowly grow warmer and leaves steadily fill the trees—take some advice from the plants. Root your moral life in the firm soil of steady habits—morning prayers, healthy eating, evening reading—and let them do their thing. Trust me, you’ll see a difference. Just don’t expect it tomorrow.

Republished with gracious permission from Dominicana (May 2024).

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essay on a morning prayer

Night Prayer: Wednesday 15 May 2024

Wednesday after seventh sunday of easter.

The Lord Almighty grant us a quiet night and a perfect end. Amen.

O God, make speed to save us; O Lord, make haste to help us.

Glory be to the Father and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit;* as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen Alleluia!

Antiphon: Make haste, O Lord, to deliver me, for you are my tower of strength.

Psalm 31.1-5 1 In you, O Lord, have I taken refuge; let me never be put to shame;* deliver me in your righteousness. 2 Incline your ear to me;* make haste to deliver me. 3 Be my strong rock, a castle to keep me safe, for you are my crag and my stronghold;* for the sake of your name, lead me and guide me. 4 Take me out of the net that they have secretly set for me,* for you are my tower of strength. 5 Into your hands I commend my spirit,* for you have redeemed me, O Lord, O God of truth. Glory to the Father...

Psalm 130 1 Out of the depths have I called you, O Lord; Lord, hear my voice;* let your ears consider well the voice of my supplication. 2 If you, Lord, were to note what is done amiss,* O Lord, who could stand? 3 For there is forgiveness with you;* therefore you shall be feared. 4 I wait for the Lord; my soul waits for him;* in his word is my hope. 5 My soul waits for the Lord, more than watchmen for the morning,* more than watchmen for the morning. 6 O Israel, wait for the Lord,* for with the Lord there is mercy; 7 With him there is plenteous redemption,* and he shall redeem Israel from all their sins.

Glory to the Father…

Antiphon: Make haste, O Lord, to deliver me for you are my tower of strength.

Ephesians 4.26

Do not let anger lead you into sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger, and give no opportunity to the devil.

Thanks be to God.

Response (Psalm 31.5)

Into your hands, O Lord, I commend my spirit. Into your hands, O Lord, I commend my spirit. For you have redeemed me, Lord God of truth. I commend my spirit. Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. Into your hands, O Lord, I commend my spirit.

NUNC DIMITTIS Antiphon: Preserve us, O Lord,* while waking, and guard us while sleeping, that awake we may watch with Christ, and asleep we may rest in peace.

Now, Lord, you let your servant go in peace;* your word has been fulfilled. My own eyes have seen the salvation* which you have prepared in the sight of every people; A light to reveal you to the nations,* and the glory of your people Israel. Glory be to the Father…

Antiphon: Preserve us, O Lord, while waking, and guard us while sleeping, that awake we may watch with Christ, and asleep we may rest in peace.

Look down, O Lord, from your heavenly throne, illuminate the darkness of this night with your celestial brightness; and from the children of light banish the deeds of darkness; through Jesus Christ our Lord.

The Lord be with you; and also with you. Let us bless the Lord; Thanks be to God. May the almighty and merciful Lord, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, bless and keep us. Amen.

Bless the Lord, the God of our fathers; Sing his praise and exalt him for ever. Bless the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit; Sing his praise and exalt him for ever. The almighty and most merciful Lord guard us and give us his blessing. Amen.

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    Throughout the world the holy Church acclaims you: Father, of majesty unbounded; your true and only Son, worthy of all praise: and the Holy Spirit, advocate and guide. a You, Christ, are the king of glory, the eternal Son of the Father. b When you took our flesh to set us free. you humbly chose the Virgin's womb.

  26. Morning Prayer: Monday 13 May 2024

    Glory to the Father. or a suitable Hymn. (Or from Psalm 57) 1 My heart is firmly fixed, O God, my heart is fixed;*. I will sing and make melody. 2 Wake up, my spirit; awake, lute and harp:*. I myself will waken the dawn. 3 I will confess you among the peoples, O Lord;*. I will sing praise to you among the nations.

  27. Just Don't Expect it Tomorrow ~ The Imaginative Conservative

    In this month of May—as the days slowly grow warmer and leaves steadily fill the trees—take some advice from the plants. Root your moral life in the firm soil of steady habits—morning prayers, healthy eating, evening reading—and let them do their thing. Trust me, you'll see a difference. Just don't expect it tomorrow. (essay by Br. Andrew Lyons)

  28. Night Prayer: Wednesday 15 May 2024

    let me never be put to shame;*. deliver me in your righteousness. 2 Incline your ear to me;*. make haste to deliver me. 3 Be my strong rock, a castle to keep me safe, for you are my crag and my stronghold;*. for the sake of your name, lead me and guide me. 4 Take me out of the net that they have secretly set for me,*.

  29. Afro-Cuban drums, Muslim prayers, Buddhist mantras: Religious diversity

    The bells toll on Catholic churches and the call to prayer summons Muslims in Havana. Buddhists chant mantras as they gather at a jazz musician's home. Jews savor rice, beans and other Cuban staples for Sabbath dinner. Santeria devotees dance and slap drums in a museum filled with statues, paying homage to their Afro-Cuban deities.

  30. Man sets Kano mosque ablaze during morning prayer

    Man sets Kano mosque ablaze during morning prayer. Published. on. May 15, 2024. By. Francis Ugwu. A man whose identity is not yet known has set a mosque on fire at Laraba Abasawa in Gezawa Local ...