college essay writing meme

College Memes: The Ultimate Study Break

college essay writing meme

Did you know that the term 'meme' was coined by British evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins in his 1976 book 'The Selfish Gene'? While he originally used it to describe the spread of cultural ideas and behaviors, today, memes take on a whole new form in the context of college life. These digital nuggets of humor and satire have evolved into a unique way for students to bond over shared experiences and challenges, all while providing a good chuckle.

Whether it's a meme about a last-minute essay idea or a witty take on a professor's quirks, these humorous images and captions have become an integral part of college culture, offering a sense of camaraderie among students as they navigate the often tumultuous waters of higher education.

College Memes: Short Description

Get ready for a rollercoaster of emotions as we delve into the world of university memes that will have you laughing and crying at the same time. These humorous digital gems capture the ups and downs of student life, from the hilarious antics of roommates to the stress-induced moments during finals week. Join us as we explore the lighter side of higher education, one meme at a time, and discover the relatable moments that make you both chuckle and shed a tear of recognition. Whether you're a seasoned essay writer or a student juggling multiple deadlines, these school memes offer a humorous break from the academic grind.

15 College Memes That Perfectly Capture Student Life

College life presents a series of challenges that can leave even our high school selves scratching their heads in bewilderment. The transition is nothing short of an obstacle course, filled with days spent in a sleep-deprived frenzy, racing to complete assignments, constantly running late to classes, and pondering existential questions like 'Why am I doing this?' or 'Should I just drop out?' It's a journey that can leave you questioning your sanity, and it's during these moments that the real transformation occurs.

After four years of trials and tribulations, it becomes abundantly clear that humor is the lifeblood that sustains us through the ups and downs of college. In addition to finding humor in the college journey, students also turn to valuable resources like books for college students and the best educational podcasts to aid in their academic pursuits and personal development. But here, we've curated a collection of the finest memes about school that are guaranteed to evoke both hearty laughter and moments of shared despair.

These funny college memes are intended to show off some of our favorite moments and a bit of fun. Colleges have many wonderful experiences – learning academic passion and friendships—as well as downsides such as stress and student debt. Thankfully, college students enjoy satirizing unis, as these wacky memes prove.

Ready to Conquer Your College Challenges with Confidence?

Just like the humorous twists in our article, let us help you navigate your coursework with ease!

  • Attempting to break the world record for 'Most Repetitive Page Turner' as you struggle to stay focused on the text.

College Memes

  • Preparing for tomorrow's test like a professional procrastinator, because anxiety makes for great company.

College Memes

  • Sitting in class, nodding along like an expert bobblehead, while your inner monologue sings the 'Lost in Lecture' anthem.

College Memes

  • Exhausted but victorious, as you finally put to rest the assignment that's drained you for weeks.

College Memes

  • As the teacher fires off questions like missiles, you find yourself in full 'Stealth Mode,' transforming your focus into an intense examination of the table's profound table-ness, desperately hoping to avoid the dreaded spotlight.

College Memes

  • When you ghost Duolingo for just 48 hours, the Duolingo bird levels up from an app mascot to a multilingual mob boss, demanding you beg for mercy in Spanish – porque tu español es muy malo!

College Memes

  • While you anxiously clicked your pen during the test, that one Morse code expert in the class couldn't help but wonder why you seemed so determined to conquer Cuba, one pen click at a time.

College Memes

  • When the teacher mercilessly erases your uproarious Kahoot nickname, you're left feeling like a cartoon character stripped of their goofy charm in a room full of seriousness.

College Memes

  • Even if you granted me a whopping 67 years to complete my homework, I'd still somehow manage to procrastinate until the eleventh hour.

College Memes

  • As you hand your paper to the professor, you think to yourself: ‘Well, it may not be perfect, but it's a testament to my dedication and struggle to understand the subject matter.’

College Memes

  • You on a lazy Sunday night, blissfully unaware that the impending Monday test is lurking like a ninja, ready to pounce from around the corner.

College Memes

  • Your homework, initially presented as three questions, suddenly morphs into a complex trilogy with each part unraveling into a, b, and c, making you question if you've unwittingly stepped into a mathematically twisted parallel universe.

College Memes

  • The teacher's stern countdown echoes in the classroom, granting you a mere 5 minutes to transcribe the whiteboard's contents, while your fellow students lounge in their seats, slyly capturing the information on their phones with a nonchalant finesse.

College Memes

  • Teachers in regular classes, wielding their 'stop talking!' authority like seasoned bodybuilders, versus teachers in the current era, who implore with puppy-dog eyes, 'Please, someone, say something,' as they navigate the challenges of remote learning.

College Memes

  • Prepared to absorb the entire semester's worth of knowledge in just 12 hours, you channel your inner Eleven from Stranger Things, ready to unleash your supernatural cramming abilities.

College Memes

Summing It Up

From the chaotic rush of assignments to moments of shared laughter and despair, these memes serve as a humorous reflection of the college journey. College life may be a rollercoaster, but with humor and valuable companions by your side, the ride becomes all the more enjoyable! And if you're looking to make those college connections last a lifetime, take a look at our guide on how to make new friends in college for some practical advice.

So, don't hesitate to post these relatable memes or share them with your friends. They capture the essence of college life in a way that resonates with anyone who has ever experienced the ups and downs of writing stuff for classes or trying to make sense of the academic whirlwind. Embrace the humor and camaraderie that these posts bring to your college experience!

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Adam Jason

is an expert in nursing and healthcare, with a strong background in history, law, and literature. Holding advanced degrees in nursing and public health, his analytical approach and comprehensive knowledge help students navigate complex topics. On EssayPro blog, Adam provides insightful articles on everything from historical analysis to the intricacies of healthcare policies. In his downtime, he enjoys historical documentaries and volunteering at local clinics.

college essay writing meme

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Stop procrastinating on that essay that's due tomorrow! But first, laugh at these relatable memes and discover why writing is less painful than you think.

Essay writing memes – Students writing college essays relate to this

I remember in my school days, I was never an exceptional writer. When it came to essay writing, I somehow managed to get a B+ and sometimes an occasional A. How many of you get an easy A+? Apart from a few lucky ones, many of us would be happy to manage a B+ or an A-minus. Earlier, I used to search for essay writers online and tell them to do my essay for me and that worked well for me. 

I scored well, but with time I realised that I needed to hone my own essay writing skills if I wanted to truly improve myself. At one point, I realized that I had an inclination towards writing. and that essay writing can be fun. 

college essay writing meme

Now, we all know how boring essay writing can be. Leave alone the research part, finding the right topic for your paper can be daunting. Let’s see, you got up early today. You are super motivated. You promised that you will write at least complete half your essay. As you sit in front of your computer screen, you wait, your hands on the keypad, waiting, and still waiting. 

After 45 minutes, you are still waiting, unable to pen out a single word on your blank screen. Does it happen to you? Well, it has happened to me quite often. No matter, how much you try, some days are not productive. But how to deal with it? Take a break. Believe me, this is the best way to deal with it.

college essay writing meme

We all go through this writer’s block. Accept that you can’t be productive all the time. So, whenever you feel like you are not getting any ideas, distract your mind. I listen to music or go for a walk or call a friend and chat up. This is rejuvenating and relaxes my mind. You can also take a nap. It allows your mind to relax and get refreshed. 

So, why do you think essay-writing is boring? Many students nowadays, even during my college days, complain about how difficult it is to write an essay. So, why do you think writing essays is one of the most intimidating tasks in school or college? I think it is because we focus too much on the grades, the rewards, or the feedback of our professors. 

college essay writing meme

These external factors make us believe that there are certain standards of writing and we need to comply with those standards. Of course, there are guidelines and instructions that one must adhere to but there is no fixed path to write an essay. A little deviation from the original can make your writing more interesting not only for your professors but also for you. 

During my college days, we had two sets of friends – ones who believed in last-minute preparations. They would always complete their assignments the night before submission and there were others who wouldn’t leave any stone unturned. 

They would complete the entire set of books and journals and even then, they could not find the right topic. No amount of research or preparation was enough for them. So, which group do you belong to? 

college essay writing meme

Another biggest hurdle of writing original essays is plagiarism. All universities use plagiarism checkers like Turnitin, Copyscape, etc. These plagiarism checkers are like surveillance cameras. They will immediately detect copied content. Needless to say, many of my friends who worked last-minute and claimed that they were pro in essay writing were not so smart as they seemed to be. 

Their essays were often rejected due to plagiarism. Let me tell you what works for me. I go with the flow and focus on my writing. There are bound to be some similarities and grammatical errors while you are writing an essay. But if you worry too much, you will deviate from the main topic. 

Once I finish my work, I revise and check my essay with plagiarism software and a grammar checker. This way I can concentrate more and complete the essay on time.

college essay writing meme

Another pertinent perhaps the most important question is how to deal with deadlines. Let me give you a tip. Stop worrying too much about deadlines. Yes, you heard me right. If you get overwhelmed by deadlines, then in your subconscious mind you are shutting down your creativity. Fear can steal away your creativity. Start working on your assignments early. 

college essay writing meme

Most importantly, don’t worry about writing Shakespearean English. All you have to do is write meaningful and interesting essays with minimum grammatical errors. One way to cope with this problem is to read academic books and journals. Do ample research work so that you do not fall behind your fellow students.

Write short and original sentences. Follow the formula of a well-structured essay. Seek help from your professor and friends.

college essay writing meme

Let go of that anxiety. Having some anxiety while writing an essay is normal. Students go through a lot of stress due to impending exams, grades, and submission deadlines. This anxiety can boost your performance and make you more productive. However, excessive negative thoughts or procrastination may distract you from performing well and may impact the quality of your paper.

Many students who are excessively stressed out or the workload is too much to handle, take help from online writing services. Here, we have expert writers who would be happy to help you. 

Remember essay-writing can be fun. What I miss about my college days is that I believed that essay writing is a task and forgot to enjoy it.


Frankie Stein

Frankie Stein is from Italy, but lives in Ingolstadt, Germany. Her hobbies are: reading about science, doing experiments, and travelling. She's been all around Europe and loves Scotland, London, and Russia. Her boyfriend is called Victor and they both love listening to The Cure, reading Byron, and gazing upon William Blake prints.

[email protected]

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