book report death on the nile

Death on the Nile

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Linnet Ridgeway is a wealthy, glamorous heiress who lives in the English country village of Malton-under-Wode at the manor she recently bought and is planning to improve. Rumor has it that she is engaged to be married to Lord Windlesham , though she is not interested in subsuming herself to someone of higher rank. When her friend Jacqueline De Bellefort asks Linnet to find a job for her poor fiancé, Simon Doyle , Linnet ends up marrying Simon instead. News of the marriage and the couple’s subsequent honeymoon in Egypt reaches around the world. Linnet’s American trustee Andrew Pennington and her British lawyer James Fanthorp both makes plans to head immediately to Egypt. Other characters also make separate plans to go to Egypt on vacation: Tim Allerton and his mother Mrs. Allerton are tired of vacationing in Mallorca; Miss Van Schuyler is traveling with her poorer and younger cousin, Cornelia Robson ; and Mrs. Otterbourne is traveling with her daughter Rosalie in order to get inspiration for her romance novels.

At the Cataract Hotel in Aswan, Egypt, the famous detective Hercule Poirot is on vacation when he finds himself approached by Linnet. She explains her problem: Jacqueline has been following her and Simon on their honeymoon. So far, she hasn’t done anything violent, but just her presence has been affecting Linnet’s nerves. Poirot agrees to talk to Jacqueline, though he doesn’t accept any payment—he says he will talk to Jacqueline in the general interest of humanity. Jacqueline confirms that she’s been stalking the couple, but despite Poirot’s urging to give up her plans and not to open her heart to evil, Jacqueline remains steadfast. Simon and Linnet try to secretly leave the hotel without Jacqueline noticing, but ultimately, they end up with her and all the other characters on the Karnak , a Nile steamer boat headed to the Second Cataract and back.

During a stop on the Nile voyage, when the passengers disembark to see some ruins, a boulder falls (or perhaps is pushed) from a cliff, nearly crushing Linnet. Poirot and others immediately suspect Jacqueline, but soon after Poirot sees her coming off the steamer, meaning she couldn’t possibly have pushed the boulder.

The steamer continues to its ultimate destination of Wadi Halfa, where Poirot’s old acquaintance Colonel Race comes aboard. Race says that he is looking for a political agitator who is responsible for several murders and that he has good intelligence that this person will be on the Karnak . The steamer begins its return journey.

One night in the steamer’s dining saloon, Jacqueline begins having too much to drink. She gets angry and shouts at Simon before suddenly pulling a pistol from her bag and shooting him in the leg. Horrified at what she’s done, Jacqueline kicks the pistol under a nearby sofa. Cornelia, who is present for the event, runs to fetch Fanthorp, who walked out just before the shooting, and together they take care of the situation. Simon is brought to the cabin of Dr. Bessner in order to receive treatment. Jacqueline, meanwhile, is placed under the care of Miss Bowers (a nurse attending to Miss Van Schuyler), and she is given a sedative that knocks her out for the rest of the night. Fanthorp then goes back to look for Jacqueline’s pistol, but can’t find it.

The next morning, Colonel Race reveals to Poirot that Linnet Doyle has been shot in her sleep by a point-blank bullet to the head. A letter J is written in her blood near the scene of the crime, and her extremely valuable pearls are missing. Later, Jacqueline’s missing pistol is recovered—it had apparently been thrown overboard into the Nile, wrapped in a velvet stole that belonged Miss Van Schuyler and with a pink-stained handkerchief.

Linnet’s pearl necklace is eventually returned by Miss Bowers, who says that Miss Van Schuyler is a kleptomaniac and had stolen it. But it doesn’t take Poirot long to realize that the returned necklace is in fact only a clever imitation. Poirot and Race continue to investigate the steamer and interrogate passengers—one clue that catches his attention is a bottle of nail polish in Linnet’s room that has “Rose” written on the front but which only has a little bit of darker red liquid at the bottom. Suddenly, during their search, they discover Louise Bourget (Linnet’s maid) dead in her cabin, holding a scrap of money in her hand. Poirot deduces that perhaps she knew something and was trying to blackmail the murderer.

Race and Poirot continue the investigation, with their search leading them back to Simon in Dr. Bessner’s cabin. Simon begins talking about a strange telegram Linnet opened, thinking it said “Ridgeway” when actually it said “Richetti,” meaning it was meant for an Italian archaeologist also on board the Karnak , Signor Richetti . While there, they are suddenly interrupted by Mrs. Otterbourne, who claims she has an important revelation: she knows who the murderer is. Just as she’s about to dramatically reveal her news, however, she is suddenly shot dead. Poirot races to see the culprit, but there’s no one around, just the left behind revolver of Andrew Pennington.

Poirot and Race confront Pennington, who claims to have no knowledge of how his pistol came to be used to kill Mrs. Otterbourne. After pressing him with questions, however, they finally get Pennington to admit that he may have been the one to push the boulder that almost fell on Linnet. He reveals that he was trying to get her to sign some documents in order to get himself out of a bad financial situation (a process that Fanthorp interrupted earlier in the trip). He believed that Simon would be a better business partner because he wasn’t as smart or disciplined as Linnet and would just sign anything without reading it. However, despite his involvement in attempted murder, Pennington insists he didn’t commit any of the actual murders on the Karnak .

Poirot and Race then confront Tim—Poirot reveals that he knows that Tim stole the pearls as part of a jewelry-forging and theft scheme with his cousin, Joanna Southwood . Joana had earlier provided him with the fake pearls by mailing them to him in a cut-out book, and Tim had then swapped the fake pears with the real ones. Poirot gives Tim a chance to return the real pearls before anyone goes searching for them and Tim, who has recently fallen in love with Rosalie, eagerly accepts. Later, after hearing more about the telegram from Signor Richetti that Linnet mistakenly read, Race realizes that Richetti is the agitator he’s looking for.

Finally, Poirot reveals what really happened in the murder of Linnet. Simon and Jacqueline never ceased to be lovers, and they planned the crime, with Jacqueline as the mastermind and Simon carrying it out. In fact, Jacqueline is a good shot who purposely missed hitting Simon’s leg when she shot at him. He then faked being injured using a handkerchief (which was recovered in the stole with the pistol) and red dye (which he kept in the Rose nail polish bottle in Linnet’s cabin). While Fanthorp and Cornelia left Simon alone, thinking he couldn’t move because of his injured leg, in fact, Simon carried out the murder, writing the J himself, then shooting himself in the leg (attempting to use the stole as a silencer), before throwing the pistol overboard.

Louise, however, saw Simon entering Linnet’s cabin to commit the murder, so she attempted to blackmail him and Jacqueline, only to be stabbed by Jacqueline when she went to deliver the money. Jacqueline herself was seen entering the cabin of Louise by Mrs. Otterbourne, leading to another cover-up murder where Jacqueline shot Mrs. Otterbourne, then quickly pretended she’d been in her cabin the whole time.

When confronted by Poirot, Simon instantly confesses. Jacqueline does too, and further explains that Simon had never loved Linnet but had wanted her wealth, and so Jacqueline, who herself loved Simon overwhelmingly, masterminded the entire plan: Simon would marry Linnet, then they would murder her and Simon would inherit the money, and then Simon and Jacqueline would be together.

After the steamer arrives back in Cairo Signor Richetti is taken off first to be arrested. Soon after, Simon is taken off on a stretcher, followed by Jacqueline. Suddenly, Jacqueline produces a second pistol from her shoe, kills Simon with it, and then kills herself. Poirot reveals to Mrs. Allerton that he knew about this second pistol all along, and that he allowed Jacqueline this easier way out than prison, even though it meant that Simon got better than he deserved. Poirot and Mrs. Allerton then watch the new couple Tim and Rosalie, and agree that while many love stories end in tragedy, others offer hope. News of Linnet’s death races around the world, including a pub in her the town of Malton-under-Wode where she bought her manor—the locals discuss the murder briefly, then start talking about a horse race instead.

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"Death on the Nile" Summary

By Agatha Christie

mystery | 214 pages | Published in 1937

The tranquillity of a cruise along the Nile is shattered by the discovery that Linnet Ridgeway has been shot through the head. She was young, stylish and beautiful, a girl who had everything - until she lost her life. Hercule Poirot recalls an earlier outburst by a fellow passenger: 'I'd like to put my dear little pistol against her head and just press the trigger.' Yet in this exotic setting, nothing is ever quite what it seems...

Estimated read time: 6 min read

One Sentence Summary

A luxurious cruise along the Nile River turns deadly when a wealthy heiress is found murdered, and detective Hercule Poirot must unravel the web of lies and deceit among the passengers to uncover the truth.

Table of Contents

Introduction, brief synopsis, main characters, story points over chapters, main events, themes and insights, reader's takeaway.

"Death on the Nile" is a classic mystery novel written by the renowned author Agatha Christie. Set against the backdrop of a luxurious cruise on the Nile River, the novel is a captivating tale of love, jealousy, and betrayal, interwoven with the complexities of human nature and the pursuit of justice. With its enthralling plot and intricately developed characters, the book has continued to captivate readers since its publication in 1937.

Plot Overview

The story unfolds as the wealthy and elegant heiress, Linnet Ridgeway, embarks on a honeymoon voyage aboard a steamer on the Nile River, accompanied by her new husband, Simon Doyle. However, their idyllic journey takes a dark turn when a series of mysterious events transpire, ultimately leading to a shocking murder.

The majority of the story takes place aboard the Karnak, a luxurious cruise ship sailing along the picturesque and historically rich Nile River in Egypt. The opulence of the ship’s surroundings provides a stark contrast to the sinister events that unfold during the voyage.

The novel features a diverse cast of characters, each playing a pivotal role in the unfolding mystery.

Chapter 1-5: Setting the Stage

Hercule Poirot encounters his old friend, Colonel Race, in Egypt, and they discuss the upcoming voyage on the Nile. Meanwhile, the readers are introduced to the characters embarking on the cruise, including the wealthy heiress Linnet Ridgeway and her entourage. Tensions and underlying motives among the characters begin to surface.

Chapter 6-10: Unraveling Relationships

The complex dynamics between Linnet, her new husband Simon, and her former best friend Jacqueline de Bellefort are further explored. Poirot keenly observes the interactions, recognizing the undercurrents of jealousy and resentment.

Chapter 11-15: A Murder Most Foul

Amidst the stunning backdrop of the Nile, a shocking murder takes place, sending ripples of suspicion and fear throughout the passengers and crew aboard the Karnak. Poirot meticulously begins to unravel the web of lies and deceit surrounding the crime.

Chapter 16-20: Unveiling Motives

As Poirot delves deeper into the lives and past connections of the passengers, he uncovers hidden motives and a trail of deception. The tension escalates as the true nature of the relationships among the characters comes to light.

Chapter 21-25: Revelations and Confrontations

Secrets are unearthed, and long-held grudges come to the fore, leading to dramatic confrontations among the passengers. Poirot meticulously pieces together the evidence, inching closer to solving the perplexing mystery.

Chapter 26-30: The Culmination

The novel reaches its climax as Poirot gathers the passengers and crew to reveal the truth behind the murder, exposing the culprit and the intricate web of lies woven throughout the voyage.

The main events in "Death on the Nile" revolve around the unfolding of a murder mystery aboard a luxurious cruise ship on the Nile River. From the initial introduction of the characters and the simmering tensions among them to the shocking murder that takes place, the story is a masterful interplay of deception, hidden motives, and the relentless pursuit of truth by the astute detective, Hercule Poirot.

  • Jealousy and Betrayal : The novel delves into the destructive forces of jealousy and betrayal, as characters grapple with unrequited love, resentment, and the consequences of their actions.
  • Class Divide : The stark contrast between the privileged and the less fortunate is highlighted, shedding light on the disparities in society and their impact on individual choices and relationships.
  • Justice and Morality : The pursuit of justice and the moral dilemmas faced by the characters form a central theme, as their actions and decisions are put to the test in the face of adversity.

The novel offers insights into the complexities of human nature, the consequences of one’s choices, and the intricate web of relationships that shape our lives. Through the discerning lens of Hercule Poirot, the readers are invited to unravel the intricacies of the human psyche and the underlying truths that drive the characters’ actions.

Readers of "Death on the Nile" are treated to a compelling narrative that intricately weaves together elements of mystery, romance, and psychological intrigue. The novel invites readers to immerse themselves in a world of opulence and deceit, as they journey alongside Hercule Poirot in unraveling a perplexing murder mystery. With its richly developed characters and captivating storytelling, the book offers a thought-provoking exploration of human nature and the enduring pursuit of truth and justice.

"Death on the Nile" stands as a timeless masterpiece in the realm of mystery literature, showcasing Agatha Christie’s unparalleled skill in crafting a riveting tale of suspense and intrigue. As readers navigate the luxurious yet treacherous waters of the Nile River alongside the enigmatic Hercule Poirot, they are drawn into a world of secrets, motives, and the enduring quest for resolution. With its richly layered narrative and compelling portrayal of human emotions, the novel continues to enthrall audiences, solidifying its status as a classic within the genre of mystery fiction.

Death on the Nile FAQ

Who is the author of death on the nile.

Agatha Christie is the author of Death on the Nile. She was a renowned mystery writer known for her detective novels.

What is the genre of Death on the Nile?

Death on the Nile is a classic murder mystery novel, belonging to the detective fiction genre.

When was Death on the Nile first published?

Death on the Nile was first published in 1937.

What is the main plot of Death on the Nile?

The main plot of Death on the Nile revolves around the murder of a wealthy heiress during a cruise on the Nile River. Detective Hercule Poirot is tasked with solving the case.

Is Death on the Nile part of a series?

Yes, Death on the Nile is part of Agatha Christie's Hercule Poirot series, featuring the famous Belgian detective.

Are there any film adaptations of Death on the Nile?

Yes, there have been multiple film adaptations of Death on the Nile, including a 1978 version and a more recent adaptation released in 2022.

Is Death on the Nile suitable for young readers?

Death on the Nile is generally suitable for older readers due to its complex themes and murder mystery plot.

Is Death on the Nile available in multiple languages?

Yes, Death on the Nile has been translated into numerous languages, making it accessible to a wide international audience.

What makes Death on the Nile a classic mystery novel?

Death on the Nile is considered a classic mystery novel due to its intricate plot, well-developed characters, and unexpected twists that keep readers engaged until the very end.

Are there any sequels to Death on the Nile?

There are no direct sequels to Death on the Nile, but Agatha Christie's other Hercule Poirot novels continue to feature the beloved detective in new cases.

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Death on the Nile Summary & Study Guide

Death on the Nile by Agatha Christie

Death on the Nile Summary & Study Guide Description

Death on the Nile is a Hercule Poirot mystery novel by the best-selling author Agatha Christie. The story follows the main character, Hercule Poirot, where he embarks on a vacation in Egypt, but finds himself solving two murder cases. Hercule Poirot is a French private investigator that is famous for solving some of the world's most perplexing mysteries. While he is on vacation and sailing on a river boat up the Nile, he finds himself in the middle of not one, but actually two murder mysteries.

It all starts when Linnet Ridgeway, one of the richest young ladies in London, steals the fiancé of her best friend, Jacqueline de Bellefort. Linnet Ridgeway not only steals Simon Doyle away from her friend Jackie, but she marries Simon and they head off on their honeymoon to Egypt. In revenge for stealing her man, Jackie starts showing up at all the locations where the newlyweds are present and harasses them. Coincidentally, Hercule Poirot is vacationing in Egypt and boards the same ship to sail up the Nile that the Doyles and Jackie de Bellefort take.

While on board, Jackie shoots Simon Doyle in the leg one night in the saloon. On the same night, Linnet Doyle is shot in the head while she's sleeping. Hrecule Poirot takes on the case with his friend and fellow investigator who has come aboard the ship, Colonel Race. During the investigation, two more people are shot and killed, including Linnet's maid and one of the other passengers, Mrs. Otterbourne. Just in the nick of time, Hercule Poirot finds the murderers as the ship returns to port and justice triumphs.

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Death On The Nile

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Summary and Study Guide

Beautiful twenty-year-old Linnet Ridgeway is one of the wealthiest women in England, the heir to a vast fortune. She is in the final stages of renovating her newly-acquired estate, Wode Hall, when her best friend, the poor but clever Jacqueline “Jackie” de Bellefort asks a favor: could Linnet hire Jackie’s fiancé, Simon Doyle , who is penniless and recently out of a job? Linnet agrees to meet Simon and is immediately drawn to him. Soon the handsome, charming Simon is not only her land agent but also her husband.

Linnet and Simon depart for their honeymoon. Linnet is apparently one of the luckiest women on earth: she’s young, healthy, fabulously wealthy, enchantingly beautiful, breathtakingly glamorous, newly in love, and blissfully happy. But what seems like the beginning of a charmed life is actually the beginning of the end. First, Jackie enacts a form of psychological revenge that leaves Linnet desperate and shaken: everywhere Linnet and Simon go on their honeymoon, they find Jackie there, too.

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Tensions heighten as Simon and Linnet embark on a Nile cruise. Their fellow passengers bring their own share of mysteries and intrigue on board the Karnak with them: there’s the quiet Mr. Fanthorp, whose claims to be on holiday are unconvincing; the radical Mr. Ferguson , consumed by resentment toward the upper classes; Linnet’s uncle, Andrew Pennington , who claims to have encountered her abroad by mere coincidence (but whose luggage tags suggest another story); Mrs. Otterbourne , a novelist in decline, harboring an unnamed illness; and her daughter Rosalie, who seems to suffer some inner torture. There’s also the pleasant Mrs. Allerton , whose son, Tim, is inexplicably wary of questions about his relationship with his cousin, Joanna; the cunning and mysterious maid, Louise, newly in Linnet’s service; Richetti, the archaeologist desperate to keep the contents of his telegrams private; and the snobbish old Miss Van Schuyler, whose constant demands terrorize her sweet niece, Cornelia, who seems to have something to hide. Luckily, the renowned detective, Hercule Poirot , is also on board.

Linnet expresses growing unease, claiming to feel the hatred of all those around her. One day, on a sightseeing trip ashore, a boulder comes hurtling toward Linnet. This is the first attempt on her life (or is it just an accident?).

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One night, after a particularly stifling day, tensions come to a head. Jackie has too much to drink in the saloon and seems bent on provoking Simon, and telling the world how he has wronged her. She loses her temper, draws her pistol, and shoots. In the flurry of activity that follows, Simon, who has not been mortally wounded, gets care, while a morbidly-repentant Jackie, seemingly bent on suicide, has her pistol goes missing.

The next morning, Poirot and his friend, Colonel Race, awaken to a second jolt of grim news: during the night, Linnet was shot dead, the killer’s modus operandi identical in every respect to the murderous fantasy Jackie once confessed to Poirot. Jackie is the only person on the Karnak with a pearl-handled pistol, ample motive, and a professed intent to kill Linnet, but there’s just one catch: Jackie, who was drugged and under the close watch of a nurse all night, couldn’t have done it.

Poirot begins a search for the murderer but before finding him or her, he uncovers the other passengers’ lies and secrets: Rosalie Otterbourne’s reason for throwing a parcel overboard on the night of the murder; what became of Linnet’s costly pearls; Tim and Joanna’s secret; the dark truth about Mrs. Otterbourne’s illness; and the true motivation for Fanthorp’s trip abroad, not to mention the identity of a dangerous agitator and known killer who turns out to be on board.

As Poirot gets closer to the truth, two more passengers lose their lives: Louise Bourget, Linnet’s maid, who appears to have tried to blackmail the killer; and Mrs. Otterbourne, whose secret dealings with the ship’s crew put her in the wrong place at the wrong time.

With Race’s help, Poirot unravels the interlocking mysteries and brings the killers to an imperfect but humane justice. 

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A hercule poirot mystery (hercule poirot mysteries).

by Agatha Christie ‧ RELEASE DATE: Feb. 8, 1938

One of her best. Poirot, again on vacation, falls foul of a murder on board a Nile river steamer, followed by two successive murders, obviously connected. A sophisticated group, an ingenious plot, clever deduction, swift-paced narrative. A little romance on the side lends glamour. First rate entertainment.

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“A top-notch literary brainteaser.” – New York Times

Soon to be  a major motion picture sequel to  Murder on the Orient Express  with a screenplay by Michael Green,  directed by and starring Kenneth Branagh alongside Gal Gadot—coming Feb 11, 2022!

Beloved detective Hercule Poirot embarks on a journey to Egypt  in one of Agatha Christie’s most famous mysteries.

The tranquility of a luxury cruise along the Nile was shattered by the discovery that Linnet Ridgeway had been shot through the head. She was young, stylish, and beautiful. A girl who had everything . . . until she lost her life.

Hercule Poirot recalled an earlier outburst by a fellow passenger: “I’d like to put my dear little pistol against her head and just press the trigger.” Yet under the searing heat of the Egyptian sun, nothing is ever quite what it seems.

A sweeping mystery of love, jealousy, and betrayal,  Death on the Nile  is one of Christie’s most legendary and timeless works.

“ Death on the Nile  is perfect.” — The Guardian

“One of her best. . . . First rate entertainment.” — Kirkus Reviews

  • Book 18 of 39 Hercule Poirot series
  • Print length 352 pages
  • Language English
  • Publication date February 1, 2011
  • Dimensions 5.31 x 0.79 x 8 inches
  • ISBN-10 0062073559
  • ISBN-13 978-0062073556
  • Lexile measure 660L
  • See all details

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Editorial Reviews

“ Death on the Nile is perfect.” — The Guardian (UK)

“The main alibi is of the first brilliance . . . the descriptive work hits, as it were, the Nile on the head.” — The Observer (UK)

“The construction is flawless.” — Daily Mail (UK)

“I read everything by Agatha Christie.” — Gillian Flynn, New York Time s bestselling author of Gone Girl

“It’s tempting to say that Agatha Christie is a genius and let it go at that, but the world’s had plenty of geniuses. Agatha Christie is something special.” — Lawrence Block, New York Times bestselling author

“Must be read twice, once for enjoyment and once to see how the wheels go round.” — The Times (UK)

“Agatha Christie’s indelibly etched characters have entertained millions across the years and a love of her work has brought together generations of readers—a singular achievement for any author and an inspiration to writers across the literary landscape.” — Jacqueline Winspear, New York Time s bestselling author of the Maisie Dobbs novels

“Any mystery writer who wants to learn how to plot should spend a few days reading Agatha Christie. She’ll show you everything you want to know.” — Donna Leon, New York Times bestselling author of the Commissario Brunetti novels

“A peach of a case for Poirot. I take my hat off to the author for as ingenious an alibi as can well be imagined.” — Sunday Times (UK)

From the Back Cover

The tranquility of a cruise along the Nile was shattered by the discovery that Linnet Ridgeway had been shot through the head. She was young, stylish, and beautiful. A girl who had everything . . . until she lost her life.

Hercule Poirot recalled an earlier outburst by a fellow passenger: "I'd like to put my dear little pistol against her head and just press the trigger." Yet in this exotic setting nothing is ever quite what it seems.

About the Author

Agatha Christie is the most widely published author of all time, outsold only by the Bible and Shakespeare. Her books have sold more than a billion copies in English and another billion in a hundred foreign languages. She died in 1976, after a prolific career spanning six decades.

Product details

  • Publisher ‏ : ‎ William Morrow Paperbacks; Reissue edition (February 1, 2011)
  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
  • Paperback ‏ : ‎ 352 pages
  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 0062073559
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0062073556
  • Lexile measure ‏ : ‎ 660L
  • Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 2.31 pounds
  • Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 5.31 x 0.79 x 8 inches
  • #111 in Traditional Detective Mysteries (Books)
  • #501 in Classic Literature & Fiction
  • #2,218 in Suspense Thrillers

About the author

Agatha christie.

Born in Torquay in 1890, Agatha Christie began writing during the First World War and wrote over 100 novels, plays and short story collections. She was still writing to great acclaim until her death, and her books have now sold over a billion copies in English and another billion in over 100 foreign languages. Yet Agatha Christie was always a very private person, and though Hercule Poirot and Miss Marple became household names, the Queen of Crime was a complete enigma to all but her closest friends.

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Death On the Nile by Agatha Christie - review

The detective Hercule Poirot is on holiday in Egypt when he is drawn into the mysterious affair of the newly wed couple: society's beauty, Linnet, and Simon Doyle. Linnet had allegedly stolen Simon from his former fiancee, Jacqueline de Bellefort, who is enraged. As a method of revenge, Jacqueline follows the Doyles anywhere they go, and when Linnet and Simon arrive at their honeymoon destination in Egypt, Jacqueline is waiting for them. She follows them onto the river cruise up the Nile, just when the Doyles had believed that she'd stopped. Linnet is extremely scared, and speaks to Poirot of how she is surrounded by enemies. Some days later, Linnet is found shot through the head in her cabin and Poirot is under pressure to find the killer, before they strike again...

Although this book was written a long time ago, Agatha Christie is definitely a writer who needs to be remembered and her books still marvel people today. This was the first Agatha Christie book I'd ever read, and from page one I was enthralled! Now I own ten other Poirot books (Poirot was the detective featured in most of Christie's murder mysteries) and if you like to read about crime/detective fiction and like really good plots, then Death On the Nile is perfect.

Christie describes her characters brilliantly with exquisite detail. The cleverness of Agatha Christie is that the reader is given the same clues as the detective, so if you are bright enough, you can discover the identity of the criminal before the detective! I would give this book a definite 10/10.

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Book Review: Death on the Nile

DEATH ON THE NILE | Agatha Christie (Hercule Poirot #17) 02.01.2011 (first published 1937) | Wi lliam Morrow Rating: 4/5 stars


Hercule Poirot has set off on what is supposed to be a tranquil cruise along the Nile, but what he finds is a murderer in his midst. Linnet Ridgeway has been shot through the head. This young, beautiful, and extremely wealthy socialite was aboard to celebrate her honeymoon. It seemed she had everything until she was struck dead. Who could have wanted to kill this woman? 


I first read DEATH ON THE NILE when I was in my teens and absolutely adored it. Agatha Christie has the ability to continually captivate me, as I was once again swept up in this murderous delight set in Egypt. 

Similar to a lot of other Christie books, DEATH ON THE NILE opens by introducing the reader to what will become our entire cast of characters throughout the novel. I love how in this story she breaks down all of their potential connections and motivations for being on a Nile cruise. It was so fun to have early suspicions about some of the characters well before anyone was even murdered!


DEATH ON THE NILE showcases Christie’s ability to truly layer a story with complex character interactions unfolding to reveal more and more details. It’s easy to feel as though you know exactly who must be the murderer in this book, but don’t ever take anything in a Christie novel for face value! There is always something more waiting on the next page!

I did manage to figure out part of the ending to this one, which is likely because the further I got into the story, the more I remembered from my first time through many years ago. I promise that didn’t stop me from being surprised by a multitude of other grand reveals by Poirot! As usual, I loved his methodical path to deduction and was quite pleased with the way things wrapped up.

DEATH ON THE NILE is a great place to start for any newbie Christie reader despite being further along in her series of Poirot books.

This book is available to buy from:  Amazon  |  Book Depository

Disclosure: What Jess Reads is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to This in no way influences my opinion of the above book.

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Read an Extract from Death on the Nile

As we eagerly await the release of the 20th Century Studios film Death on the Nile starring Kenneth Branagh as Hercule Poirot, we share a few facts about the story and its adaptations, as well as a long extract for readers to download and enjoy.

  • Agatha Christie adapted this story for the stage, naming it Murder on the Nile and removing Poirot's character completely (as she was known to do in theatre adaptations).
  • The play Murder on the Nile was published in 1946, nine years after the book was first released.
  • Death on the Nile is one of Agatha Christie's best-loved and most famous works.
  • The historical and geographical detail of the novel derived from Christie's various trips to Egypt.
  • Agatha Christie spent three months in Cairo as a debutant in 1910, attending dances and meeting new people.
  • She returned to the country several times, including in 1933 when she journeyed up the Nile with Max Mallowan and her daughter, gaining inspiration for the novel.
  • The story contains references to other Christie works, namely The Mystery of the Blue Train , Murder in Mesopotamia and Murder on the Orient Express .
  • The classic 1978 film adaptation was Peter Ustinov's first outing as the Belgian detective.
  • Dame Maggie Smith, who starred in the 1978 film, would also go on to star in Evil Under the Sun in 1982.

This extract was originally published to celebrate World Book Night on 23rd April 2020

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Death on the nile by agatha christie| book review.

Posted by: Editor January 25, 2014 in Books , English , Popular Leave a comment Updated: June 7, 2014

Published in 1937, “Death on the Nile” describes an exciting adventure that Hercule Poirot gets entangled into without planning.

Young, beautiful, rich, charming and her own mistress, Linnet Ridgeway seems to have it all. In addition to her looks and money, she also has brains which she employs in understanding and partly managing her late father’s business. It is only a matter of few months before she will be running the business by herself. It is no surprise that she is coveted by many. But, Linnet has not found her man yet. Her old friend Jacqueline aka Jackie asks a favour from her. While Linnet’s parents left piles of money for her when they died, Jackie’s parents left her penniless. Jackie’s boyfriend Simon has lost his job and Linnet agrees to employ him.

Poirot notices Jackie and Simon, as they are celebrating the new job in a London night club, especially because of the passionate way that Jackie clings on to Simon. But, in a very short period of time, Simon dumps Jackie and marries Linnet instead. Ah well, she just seems irresistible.

Generally, this should be the end of Jackie and Simon’s story. But, it isn’t. Poirot, on a holiday in Egypt, meets Mr. Simon Doyle and Linnet, who have come for their honeymoon. Poirot also witnesses a very ‘not-friendly’ encounter between Jackie and the young couple. Later Linnet confides in him that Jackie has been stalking them ever since their marriage and it is getting on her nerves. Poirot talks to Jackie and tries to convince her that her course of action will only give her pain. But, Jackie is burning up with jealousy. She confesses that she wants to kill Linnet and also shows Poirot a pistol that she has been carrying around.

Death On The Nile – First Edition Cover (Year: 1937)

In an attempt to dodge Jackie, the Doyles go on a cruise on river Nile. However, to their immense unease they discover that Jackie is also on the ship. The first warning comes when Linnet is victim of a boulder falling off a cliff during one of the sight-seeing tours. Luckily she escapes narrowly. Meanwhile, Poirot’s old friend Colonel Race joins the cruise as part of hunt for an infamous killer, who is supposedly travelling on this cruise with a false identity. In addition to the Doyles, Poirot and Jackie following passengers are on the cruise:

  • Salome Otterbourne and her daughter Rosalie : Rosalie is always in a bad mood and is intensely jealous of Linnet. In her opinion, its not fair that any one person should have such good luck.
  • Mrs. Allerton and her son Tim . Tim has a cousin who is close acquaintance of Linnet, and between them they have cooked up some fishy scheme regarding Linnet.
  • Andrew Pennington , who is a trustee of Linnet’s father’s money in America. He is dodgy and trying to cover up what he did with her money. He specially came to Egypt to corner Linnet when he received news about her marriage.
  • Marie Van Schuyler , an American lady, her cousin Cornelia Robson and her nurse Miss Bowers. Cornelia’s father lost everything because of Linnet’s father and the girl is being treated very rudely by her rich cousin.
  • Mr. Ferguson , an outspoken communist, who openly hates a rich heiress like Linnet.
  • An Italian archaeologist, Guido Richetti . By mistake, Linnet opens a telegram addressed to him making him extensively angry.
  • James Fanthorp , a solicitor from Linnet’s trustees in London. He suspects Andrew Pennington but refrains from saying anything.
  • Dr. Bessner , a Central European physician.

The tragedy starts when that night Jackie gets drunk and attacks Simon with her pistol. Cornelia and Mr. Fanthorp are in the room and they help in putting Jackie away with the nurse and Simon who is shot in leg with Dr. Bessner. But, in all this excitement, Jackie’s pistol is lost. Next morning, Linnet is found shot dead in her bed. While Jackie appears as the prime suspect, herself and Simon, both were out of action for the night and have iron-clad alibis.

Poirot starts the investigation, and one after another, the secrets start to pop-out. Everyone on the cruise has something to hide and most of them seem to have a reason to murder Linnet. To make matters worse, two more murders follow that of Linnet as her maid Louise and later Mrs. Otterbourne are killed just when they are about to divulge some information. Eventually, we find an alcoholic, a kleptomaniac, a blackmailer, a thief and a swindler, but alas, none of them have killed Linnet.

As the mystery appears to deepen, it takes all Poirot’s genius to unmask the daring and highly resourceful criminal who devised a brilliant scheme to murder Linnet. However, crime never pays and finally Poirot does reveal the murderer.

A must read for all crime thriller lovers………

Book image curtsey : Wikipedia.

Tagged with: Agatha Christie Books crime thriller English Reviews

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How Faithful Is Death on the Nile to Agatha Christie’s Classic Novel?

This time around, even hercule poirot’s mustache gets a tragic origin story..

This post contains spoilers for Death on the Nile , including the ending.

Director Kenneth Branagh and screenwriter Michael Green have teamed up to adapt another one of Agatha Christie’s mystery novels. In  Death on the Nile ,   heiress Linnet Ridgeway (Gal Gadot) and her new husband Simon Doyle (Armie Hammer) are on their honeymoon in Egypt and are being stalked by Simon’s ex-fiancée Jacqueline ( Sex Education ’s Emma Mackey). As they travel by steamer boat along the Nile, Linnet is killed, throwing suspicion onto the boat’s passengers. Fortunately, detective Hercule Poirot (played once again by Branagh) is among them. Green’s script plays up the book’s themes of love and passion and makes some bold changes in the process—not all of them successful. We’ve highlighted the most significant differences from the original, below.

Hercule Poirot

As in 2017’s Murder on the Orient Express , Branagh plays Christie’s detective himself and—like in Murder on the Orient Express —is not content to merely portray the fussy little mustachioed dude we know from the books, instead turning Poirot into a tragic hero, complete with a new backstory. The film’s opening scenes reveal that before becoming a detective, Poirot was a soldier in the first world war with plans to get married and become a farmer. He was injured in battle and his love interest was killed in a train bombing. Heck, even Poirot’s glorious mustache gets a tragic origin story: He grew it to cover up his scars.

Lest we forget who is the star of this movie, Poirot has been added to scenes he isn’t in in the book, overhearing conversations he wouldn’t otherwise be privy to, so that the viewer’s experience of the story is almost entirely from his perspective.

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The suspects

Christie’s Death on the Nile has a rather large cast, so Green makes even more cuts than he did for Murder on the Orient Express . Some changes to the characters are superficial—Gal Gadot’s Linnet is not a blonde—others much more significant, including composites to reduce the number of characters the audience must remember and changes to accommodate more diverse casting. Salome Otterbourne, a romance novelist in the book, instead becomes a Black blues singer (Sophie Okonedo). Whereas in the book she is accompanied by her daughter Rosalie, in the movie Rosalie (Letitia Wright) is actually her niece and business manager.

Comedy duo Jennifer Saunders and Dawn French are reunited as the wealthy Marie Van Schuyler and her nurse companion Mrs. Bowers, but in the movie, Marie Van Schuyler has actually given up her wealth and embraced communism, a nod to communist and secret lord Mr. Ferguson, a character in the book who was cut. The movie’s Mrs. Bowers is similarly actually a composite of Marie Van Schuyler’s nurse Miss Bowers and cousin Cornelia Robson. Also, unlike in the book, Hercule, they’re lesbians .

Linus Windlesham (a nearly unrecognizable Russell Brand) stands in for two characters: Charles Windlesham, a lord rejected by Linnet, and Dr. Bessner, who takes care of Simon after Jacqueline shoots him in the leg.

The character Bouc, who was reimagined as young and dashing in Murder on the Orient Express , makes a surprise reappearance here, I guess as part of Branagh’s efforts to create a Hercule Poirot Extended Cinematic Universe. He stands in for the book’s Tim Allerton, who is travelling with his overprotective mother. A bizarre subplot in the movie involves Poirot having secretly been hired by Bouc’s mother (Annette Bening) to investigate Rosalie, with whom he has fallen in love; in the book, Tom’s mother is actually pleased when he falls for Rosalie.

In the book, Poirot has a friend and confidant in Colonel Race, who is on a mission of his own in Egypt, seeking a political agitator. He and his target, Signor Richetti, are both absent from the film, leaving Bouc to perform sidekick duties.

The mystery

The solution to the mystery remains largely the same on both page and screen: Jacqueline and Simon were behind the scheme together all along to steal Linnet’s money. Jacqueline only pretended to shoot Simon in the leg during an argument, giving Simon time to sneak away, kill Linnet, and then shoot himself for real to cement his alibi. (In a slight twist, Simon uses paint, not red nail polish, as fake blood for his fake injury in the movie.) With Jacqueline detained for shooting Simon, and Simon supposedly injured at the time Linnet was killed, they are both cleared of suspicion—at first.

Simon and Jacqueline then kill twice more to cover their tracks: First, they kill Linnet’s maid for trying to blackmail them, and then a third witness who is about to reveal the killer’s identity to Poirot. In the book, that witness is Mrs. Otterbourne; in the movie, it’s poor Bouc, meaning Rosalie doesn’t get her happy ending and actor Tom Bateman doesn’t get to come back in the next sequel as a sidekick again.

As in the book, Jacqueline shoots herself and Simon rather than face the consequences of their actions, though in the novel it’s something Poirot allows to happen out of sympathy. The characters who survive in the movie face bleak futures, what with Bouc’s mother and Rosalie in mourning. The final shot of the film sees Poirot listening to Salome sing the blues in a nightclub, having finally shaved his mustache to reveal his scars. It’s largely a bummer of an ending for a bummer of a movie, but audiences can take comfort in knowing that Poirot’s mustache has been freed to go be in other, better projects .

Product placement

Linnet’s pearl necklace in the book has been replaced in the movie by a necklace with a huge honkin’ gem on it, in a box with a very prominent Tiffany & Co. logo. This box is featured in several shots, lest audiences forget that this is a replica of the Tiffany diamond , provided by Tiffany & Co., a company founded by Charles Lewis Tiffany. No whodunnit here! It’s very clear that Tiffany dunnit.

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Death on the Nile Agatha Christie crime mystery novel summary

Death on the Nile book review

A murder mystery that takes place on the Nile River is what we will be reviewing today. Agatha Christie’s Death on the Nile is an action-packed mystery novel that includes all of the best features of a Christie novel. Keep reading for a short summary of the novel and why this mystery novel demands to be read!

Death on the Nile Summary

Hercule Poirot is on holiday and on board a steamer that is touring the Nile River. While on the steamer, Poirot is approached by Linnet Doyle nee Ridgeway, a successful socialite. She wants to hire Poirot and have him prevent her stalker from stalking her. Poirot declines being maid and tries to convince Jacqueline de Bellefort to stop hounding Ridgeway but ultimately fails.

A life-threatening situation leaves Linnet in shock and Jacquelineas the suspect. More incidents occur and Linnett is found murdered in the morning shot in the head and her string of pearls missing. As the weapon used for the murder is recovered, Poirot gathers information to find the killer.

Death on the Nile Agatha Christie crime mystery novel summary

But a few more murders make the streamer into a scene of chaos. It is up to Poirot to solve the murders and put an end to this before anyone else gets murdered, including him. Who killed Linnet and why?

Book and Author History

First published in 1937 in the United Kingdom, the novel was well received. It was a brilliant mystery novel that had more murders than your typical Christie novel. The novel has been adapted into a play, a movie, a radio show, a video game, and even a graphic novel.

Christie is regarded as the queen of mystery and this novel is one of the reasons why. She has written over 60 novels and 14 short stories in her career. Christie is listed as the best-selling mystery author of all time by Guinness World Records with over two billion copies sold.

Her writing career started got off to a slow start after getting rejected six consecutive times. Christie’s luck turned around in 1920 when her novel The Mysterious Affair at Styles featuring detective Hercule Poirot was published. Besides her writing, Christie is also famous for an incident where she disappeared for 11 days in 1926 because of her marriage.

Christie took part in both World Wars and served in hospital dispensaries where she learned about poisons which have been featured in her books often. Her second marriage to to  archaeologist   Max Mallowan  in 1930 led to her learning a bunch of new things that made it into in her books.

Agatha Christie is the most translated individual author according to UNESCO. Her novel And Then There Were None is one of the highest selling novels of all time with over a 100 million copies sold. Christie’s stage play The Mousetrap holds the record for the longest initial run.

Like most Agatha Christie books , Death on the Nile is a fun adventure. This one has a few more murders and just when you think you have the mystery solved, a new event unfolds. Christie keeps the novel fresh and made an enjoyable read. Happy reading!

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Death on the Nile: When reading Death on the Nile I travelled to Egypt while remaining in isolation at home. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book. I would rate it a 9/10.

April 22, 2021 Book Reviews

Death on the Nile by Agatha Christie

Hercule Poirot is a Belgian detective, and famous for solving the most impossible crimes. He takes a break from solving crimes to travel on a cruise along the Nile river in Egypt. Among the people accompanying him is Linnet Ridgeway, a beautiful young lady on her honeymoon. Everything takes a turn for the worst when she is found shot in the head in her bedroom. Poirot is isolated in the middle of the Nile, with a man who confessed to him earlier, “I’d like to put my dear little pistol against her head and just pull the trigger,” he beings to uncover that not all the passengers are as they seem.

Agatha Christie is one of, if not the most famous mystery writer of all time. She is known for writing twisty whodunnit books with questionable characters and unsolvable crimes that will keep the reader and detective on their toes. Death on the Nile features her most famous detective, Hercule Poirot. Poirot is a character of his own, a little bit of a drama queen and smug at times, but occasionally he shows a softer side. Seeing Poirot on vacation is also comedic since he is generally a serious character. The other passengers on the boat are mostly unlikeable and stereotypical but as the story progresses more is revealed about each character. Unfortunately, since none of the characters appealed to me there wasn’t someone I was rooting for or hoping that that character didn’t commit the crime. Instead, I was actually hoping that certain characters did commit the murder because I disliked them so much. Overall, the characters on the boat were dynamic and entertaining, but I would never like to meet any of them in person. 

In this book, the reader has the same clues as Poirot, so the reader can attempt at solving the crime as well. The captivating part of the plot is that the murder itself isn’t incredibly complicated at first glance, and in true Agatha Christie fashion the mystery becomes far more complicated as Poirot completes his investigation. The book is a slower book and the murder doesn’t occur until later on. However, I find that because of this, the reader can learn more about each character and form their own opinion of him or her. 

As with most of her books, the investigation is based almost solely on the characters. Christie incorporates a character’s past into the present which makes the story far more interesting since each character has their own story. The book is fairly short, only 288 pages, so it is a quick read which keeps it from dragging on.

As far as Agatha Christie’s books go, this one of the better ones, and a great introduction to her writing. When reading Death on the Nile I travelled to Egypt while remaining in isolation at home. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book, I would rate it a 9/10.


Christie & Cocktails: A Boozy Book Review of Death On The Nile ( Hercule Poirot #17 ) by Agatha Christie

A man with a gun stands over a woman lying on the ground.

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Cover Story:  Sort of Accurate BFF Charm: Yay! Talky Talk:  Sit Up And Pay Attention Bonus Factors:  Cocktails! Relationship Status:  Just a Fling

Cover Story:  Sort of Accurate

Well, we  are  in a foreign country for this one, so I suppose someone should be wearing a funny hat. And there  is  a beautiful woman who gets shot while she sleeps, so all things considered, this cover’s actually not that bad.

You guys, Linnet Ridgeway is the bomb. She’s young, beautiful, smart, AND stinkin’ rich. Men fall all over themselves to be near her, and she buys old properties to fix them up (which I love). There’s just one (one? maybe more than one) problem. Everything she sees that she wants, she assumes it can be hers. She even goes so far as to steal her best friend’s fiancé. Yep, she marries penniless but handsome Simon Doyle quite unexpectedly, stealing him away from Jacqueline Bellfort. The funny thing is, Jacqueline doesn’t forgive and forget, Oh no. She shows up on their honeymoon in Egypt, talking about her love for Simon and her hatred of Linnet. In case you can’t guess what happens next, Linnet ends up being shot through the head while sleeping on this Nile River cruise. Lucky for all, Hercule Poirot just happens to be on board as well!

BFF Charm : Yay!

Yay BFF Charm

Exotic locales, love gone wrong, all overshadowed by statues from thousands of years ago? And Hercule Poirot is there? Um, yes please.

Swoonworthy Scale:  3

Jacqueline loves Simon with a love so powerful, it leads her to do some crazy things. And I kind of dig that about her. I mean, she’s so upset and rage-filled, she books the same exact journey as our new lovers, and follows them relentlessly, even when they try to change plans to avoid her. It’s a pretty intense situation, and I like Hercule Poirot, with his age and wisdom, basically telling her she needs to chill out. It’s fun to watch the situation bubble up until it’s out of control.

Talky Talk:  Sit Up And Pay Attention

OK, so I read one of these novels every few weeks, so maybe I’m just catching on to some tricks Ms. Christie likes to use, but I almost totally figured this one out. ALMOST. There are a lot of crimes that happen on this ship, including jewelry theft and two more murders, but overall, Yes, I had the main idea right. That’s not to say this wasn’t a fun read, and in fact, I really felt like I had a horse in this race, since I wanted to see if I was really clever enough to have solved it. That being said, if you pay attention, I think this story is one you may be able to deduce all on your own.

Bonus Factor:  Cocktails!

A teapot and mug

It’s been unseasonably cold here, lately, considering Spring is nearly here. Reading this book did have me wishing for warmer climates, much like our Nile travelers. To warm myself up, since I can’t just go off on a tropical cruise, I thought I would sip the classic Hot Toddy while I read. Here’s what you need to make yours:

A teapot, alcohol bottle, lemon, and sugar cubes

  • Boiling water
  • 2 tsp sugar
  • 1/4 oz lemon juice
  • 2 oz bourbon
  • A lemon coin, if you’re fancy

Heat your water to boiling, them pour some into a mug to warm it up. After your mug is warm, discard that water and put some fresh hot water in. Add your sugar and stir until dissolved. Add your lemon juice and whiskey, and give it a good stir. Add your lemon coin to the drink and you’ve got a tasty drink to keep you warm at night!

Relationship Status:  Just a Fling

While I did enjoy this book, I felt like the body count rising every few chapters was a little hard to believe. One witness even gets shot  right in front  of Poirot  just  before she speaks the name of the murderer. You’ve been fun, book, but now it looks like it’s time to move on.

FTC Full Disclosure: I purchased my own review copy. I received neither money nor cocktails for writing this review (dammit!). Death on the Nile is available now.

book report death on the nile

Buy the Book

About the Contributor:

Jill Brumer has been reading murder mysteries since she was old enough to wrap her hands around a Nancy Drew book. She can be found most days in Houston sewing or teaching others to sew.

  • Book Reports,
  • Christie & Cocktails,
  • cocktail recipes,
  • detectives,
  • murder mysteries,
  • rich people

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This post was written by a guest writer or former contributor for Forever Young Adult.

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book report death on the nile

wildcardjack : Well,  that's just sad. Let's see how Fark makes light of this.

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Dave2042 : wildcardjack: Well,  that's just sad. Let's see how Fark makes light of this. Anyone remember   Long dead. Look, on the bright, it's the Daily Fail, so there's a good chance it's entirely made up

Wendigogo : Dave2042: wildcardjack: Well,  that's just sad. Let's see how Fark makes light of this. Anyone remember   Long dead. Look, on the bright, it's the Daily Fail, so there's a good chance it's entirely made up If only. The photos are rather convincing.

Dave2042 : Wendigogo: Dave2042: wildcardjack: Well,  that's just sad. Let's see how Fark makes light of this. Anyone remember   Long dead. Look, on the bright, it's the Daily Fail, so there's a good chance it's entirely made up If only. The photos are rather convincing. You read the article?  To each their own

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MBooda : Were they all first-borns? [Fark user image image 850x671]

Fano : [ image 850x850] Don't call it a comeback, we been here for years

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Chilling photo album reveals how SS officer who helped run Auschwitz wanted to remember the concentration camp

By Anderson Cooper , Aliza Chasan , Nichole Marks, John Gallen

May 19, 2024 / 7:14 PM EDT / CBS News

The picture shows a group of women enjoying blueberries next to a man, smiling. Another man poses at the back, playing an accordion. 

The image is one of 116 photos in an album that belonged to an SS officer who helped run the day-to-day operations of Auschwitz. The album doesn't show any prisoners or gas chambers, instead it shows some of the most infamous officers at the camp seemingly enjoying themselves: singing, socializing, and lighting a Christmas tree at a time when more Jews were being exterminated at the camp than any other period during the Holocaust. 

Acclaimed playwright and director Moises Kaufman spent 14 years creating a play about the album after seeing the images. Many of Kaufman's family members died at Auschwitz and he was struck most by the total lack of remorse shown by the Nazis in the album.

"Seeing that in a photograph so clearly articulated is terrifying," he said. "This is terrifying because they all look so much like us."

How the Nazi photo album was found, identified after WWII

A U.S. counterintelligence officer said he found the photo album inside a trash can in an abandoned apartment in 1946 in war-torn Frankfurt, Germany, where he was hunting down Nazi war criminals. Decades later, the man donated it to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, DC on one condition- that he remain anonymous. 

Museum officials weren't sure what to make of the album when they received it in 2007, but it turned out to be a rare personal scrapbook of a Nazi who helped run Auschwitz, where about 1.1 million people — mostly Jews — were murdered between 1940 and 1945. Historian Rebecca Erbelding and her colleagues at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum spent months analyzing the album to figure out who made it and what it showed.

"I didn't see any trains. I didn't see anything I recognized. It was maybe the third time flipping through it," she said. "And that's when I saw Josef Mengele."

Rebecca Erbelding and Anderson Cooper

No pictures of Dr. Josef Mengele at Auschwitz had ever been found before, according to Erbelding. Mengele was known at the camp as the "Angel of Death" because he conducted gruesome medical experiments on prisoners, mostly on children, and selected who was fit for work and who would go to the gas chambers.

Historians also found Richard Baer on the album's first page. He was the last commandant of Auschwitz, which helped them realize the man next to him was his deputy, Karl Höcker. It turned out the album was Höcker's personal scrapbook of his time helping run the camp.

The original pages of the album are now stored in a high-security, climate-controlled facility in Maryland. 

What the photos from Auschwitz show

Few photos of Auschwitz exist. The Nazis worked hard to conceal their crimes, and no one had ever seen images like the ones in the Höcker album. Höcker got to Auschwitz in May of 1944. 

He was a struggling bank teller before the war, so becoming an SS officer at Auschwitz was considered a big step up. Höcker helped run the daily operations of the camp and was, as Erbelding puts it, a "crucial cog in the Nazi killing machine."

The 116 pictures in the album show Auschwitz as Höcker wanted to remember it. One picture shows Höcker with his dog, Favorit. Others show Christmas 1944. Höcker, who likely knew Soviet troops were marching towards Auschwitz to liberate it, can be seen lighting the camp's tree.

Pictures revealed something else museum officials hadn't seen before; the SS built a vacation resort, called Solahütte, at Auschwitz. A series of photos show a gathering of top SS officers there in July 1944. Erbelding believes it was a party where Nazis were congratulating themselves for successfully murdering more than 350,000 Hungarian Jews in just 55 days. 

An Auschwitz survivor and a Nazi's grandson react to photo album

While Höcker and other officers enjoyed their lives, prisoners at Auschwitz were being slaughtered. Irene Weiss, now 93, was 13 when she arrived at Auschwitz -- just one day after Höcker started working at the camp. Her parents and four of her siblings were killed, but she and her older sister survived. For eight months, they had to work outside a gas chamber sorting belongings of the dead. They watched thousands of women and children walk into the gas chambers.

Weiss said she couldn't cry. 

"Tears are for normal pain," she said. 

Weiss wasn't surprised by the photos in Höcker's album. "They were taught that they're doing it for a higher purpose," she said. "I knew that they were animals."

Irene Weiss

When the pictures were released in 2007, they made headlines around the world. In Germany, Tilman Taube saw an article about them while on his lunch break and was surprised to see that his grandfather, Dr. Heinz Baumkötter, was in the album. Baumkötter was the head physician at the Sachsenhausen concentration camp. Taube had known for years that his grandfather was a murderer – sending thousands to be killed at other camps – and had done medical experiments on prisoners, but he didn't know exactly why his grandfather had been at Auschwitz. 

Taube connected with Erbelding and learned that he had been part of a high-level delegation of camp doctors that toured the killing facilities there. Taube realized how deeply involved his grandfather was in the Holocaust. He now helps the museum search for more photos and documents by reaching out to other descendants of Nazis. 

"There are still many, many facts that are undiscovered," Taube said. "You want to be part of some kind of movement that helps preventing things like that from happening again."

How the Nazi photo album became the subject of a play

Kaufman wanted to write his play, which opened last week off Broadway, because of several images from the album showing Karl Höcker giving his secretaries blueberries . The caption read: "Here there are blueberries," and that became the title of Kaufman's play. One photo in particular showed a woman pretending to cry because she'd finished her blueberries. 

Anderson Cooper with Amanda Gronich and Moises Kaufman

"So she's so sad because she's run out of blueberries," Kaufman said. "And outside of the frame, there's 1.1 million people who are being killed. So how do you lead your daily life and at the same time participate in one of the largest killing machines in the history of mankind?"

His Pulitzer-nominated play, co-created with his longtime collaborator, Amanda Gronich, is based on the true story of the photo album. It also spends time exploring the perspective of Nazi descendants and the motivation of the Nazis. They didn't wake up each morning thinking, 'I'm an evil monster. I'm going to do evil, monstrous things,'" Gronich said. "They woke up each day, and they went about their lives filled with justifications and beliefs in what they were doing."

Kaufman said the play makes audience members ask questions of themselves, including: What am I capable of doing? 

"When the audience comes in, they sit here and they go, 'Who would I have been in that picture?'" Kaufman said.

  • World War II


Anderson Cooper, anchor of CNN's "Anderson Cooper 360," has contributed to 60 Minutes since 2006. His exceptional reporting on big news events has earned Cooper a reputation as one of television's preeminent newsmen.

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Everything Coming to Hulu and Disney+ in June 2024

Proma khosla.

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June is busting out all over, especially on streaming. Whether it’s hiding from the heat or taking a break from school and work, Disney+ and Hulu are here to satisfying your mid-year entertainment needs.

On Hulu, FX comes in hot for the summer, along with an adaptation of Candice Carty-Williams’s “Queenie,” the brat-pack documentary “BRATS,” and yes — more “Love Island.” The TV and film library continues to shift with new and expiring titles, so take note of your new home base for the “Saw” and “Die Hard” movies, reality shows and Pride month coverage, and (a personal favorite) Micaela Coel’s “Chewing Gum.”

Top Pick: FX’s “The Bear” Season 3 (Available only on Hulu June 27)

It’s no longer summer without a fresh serving of Christopher Storer and Joanna Calo’s high-stakes kitchen dramedy, a trip to the best restaurant in Chicago (or so we hear). After revamping The Beef into The Bear (R.I.P. Berf), Carmy (Jeremy Allen White) will probably not be any less stressed, even with Sydney (Ayo Edibiri) at his side to bear (!) the burden. Things were left on a frigid cliffhanger with Claire (Molly Gordon), a brief spot of peace in Carmy’s life before she overheard him through the freezer door in the Season 2 finale. Ebon Moss-Bachrach, Abby Elliott, Lionel Boyce, Liza Colón-Zayas, Matty Matheson, Edwin Lee Gibson, Richard Esteras, and Jose M. Cervantes co-star.

Below, everything coming to Disney+ and Hulu in June 2024.

  • “For the First Time in Forever: The Making of World of Frozen”
  • “World Eats Bread” (S1, 3 episodes)
  • “Erased: WW2’s Heroes of Color” (S1, 4 episodes)
  • “The Acolyte” (Series Premiere)
  • “Disney Jr.’s Ariel: Mermaid Tales” (Shorts) (S1, 10 episodes)
  • “Big City Greens the Movie: Spacecation”
  • “Protecting Paradise: The Story of Niue”
  • “Crazy Over Daisy”
  • “Out on a Limb”
  • “DIY Duck”
  • “Fiennes Return to the Wild” (S1, 2 episodes)
  • “SuperKitties” (S2, 4 episodes)
  • “Clotilda: The Return Home”
  • “Cesar Millan: Better Human Better Dog” (S4, 11 episodes)
  • “Meet Spidey and His Amazing Friends” (Shorts) (S3, 5 episodes)
  • “To Catch a Smuggler” (S7, 8 episodes)
  • “Wicked Tuna” (S13, 12 episodes)
  • “Beaches”
  • “Psychic Kids: Children of the Paranormal” (S3, 7 episodes)
  • “Tiny House Nation” (S1, 8 episodes, special episode)
  • “Wahlburgers” (S1, 10 episodes)
  • “Disney Jr.’s Ariel” (Season 1, 8 episodes)
  • “Chibi Tiny Tales” (Shorts) (S5,8 episodes)
  • “Paranormal State” (S6, 8 episodes)
  • “ZOMBIES: The Re-Animated Series” (S1, 11 episodes)
  • “Ace of Cakes” Complete Season 9
  • “Alaskan Bush People” Complete Seasons 5-7
  • “The Amazing Race” Complete Seasons 18-21
  • “Bahamas Life” Complete Season 4
  • “Boruto: Naruto Next Generations” (DUBBED)
  • “Caribbean Life” Complete Season 14
  • “Chopped” Complete Seasons 51 and 54
  • “Hawaii Life” Complete Season 1
  • “House Hunters International” Complete Season 139
  • “House Hunters” Complete Season 171
  • “Island Life” Complete Season 17
  • “Maine Cabin Masters” Complete Season 7
  • “Survivor” Compelete Seasons 9-10, 26-27
  • “Welcome to Plathville” Complete Seasons 2-3
  • “About Last Night” | 1986
  • “Annapolis” | 2006
  • “Aquamarine” | 2006
  • “Anchorman: The Legend Of Ron Burgundy” | 2004
  • “Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues” | 2013
  • “The Batman” | 2022
  • “Betsy’s Wedding” | 1990
  • “Blades Of Glory” | 2007
  • “Blue City” | 1986
  • “Borat: Cultural Learnings Of America For Make Benefit Glorious Nation …” | 2006
  • “The Boss” | 2016
  • “Boys Don’t Cry” | 1999
  • “Brown Sugar” | 2002
  • “Click” | 2006
  • “Coyote Ugly” | 2000
  • “The Croods” | 2013
  • “The Day After Tomorrow” | 2004
  • “Death on the Nile” | 2022
  • “The Duke” | 2020
  • “Eight Millimeter” | 1999
  • “Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw” | 2019
  • “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off” | 1986
  • “Fight Club” | 1999
  • “Freddy Got Fingered” | 2001
  • “Fresh Horses” | 1988
  • “The Girl Next Door” | 2004
  • “Hide and Seek” | 2005
  • “Hitchcock” | 2012
  • “Independence Day” | 1996
  • “It Follows” | 2015
  • “Jazz Fest: A New Orleans Story” | 2021
  • “Joker” | 2019
  • “Kill Your Darlings” | 2013
  • “Life of Pi” | 2012
  • “Little Black Book” | 2004
  • “Lord of War” | 2005
  • “Mirrors” | 2008
  • “The Missing” | 2003
  • “Money Monster” | 2016
  • “The New Guy” | 2002
  • “Office Space” | 1999
  • “Over The Hedge” | 2006
  • “Prayers for Bobby” | 2009
  • “Saw” | 2004
  • “Saw 2” | 2005
  • “Saw 3” | 2006
  • “Saw 4” | 2007
  • “Saw 5” | 2008
  • “Saw 6” | 2009
  • “Saw: The Final Chapter” | 2010
  • “Skyscraper” | 2018
  • “Silent Hill” | 2006
  • “Slums Of Beverly Hills” | 1998
  • “Split” | 2017
  • “St. Elmo’s Fire” | 1985
  • “Taps” | 1981
  • “Van Helsing” | 2004
  • “Volcano” | 1997
  • “The Vow” | 2012
  • “Weird Science” | 1985
  • “Wild Tales” | 2015
  • “Working Girl” | 1988
  • “World Eats: Bread” Complete Season 1
  • “Bullet Train” | 2022
  • “Cameron Esposito: Marriage Material” | 2023
  • “Eddie Izzard: Dress to Kill” | 1999
  • “Eddie Izzard: Wunderbar” | 2022
  • “Gina Yashere: Skinny Bitch” | 2008
  • “Jinkx Monsoon: Red Head Redemption” | 2023
  • “Monét X Change: Fist of Glory” | 2023
  • “Peppermint: So-Sigh-Ety Effects” | 2023
  • “Todd Glass: Talks About Stuff” | 2012
  • “FX’s Clipped” Two-Episode Series Premiere
  • “Erased: WWII Heroes of Color” Complete Docuseries
  • “Name That Tune” Season 4 Premiere
  • “The Real Red Tails” Special Premiere
  • “An Audience With Kylie” Special
  • “Jungle Bunch: Operation Meltdown” | 2023
  • “Perfect Days” |2023
  • “Becoming Karl Lagerfeld” Complete Limited Series (SUBBED & DUBBED)
  • “Queenie” Complete Season 1
  • “Beautiful Wedding” | 2024
  • “Step Up” | 2006
  • “Step Up 2 The Streets” | 2008
  • “Step Up 3D” | 2010
  • “What Comes Around” | 2023
  • “Love Island U.K.” Season 11 Premiere
  • “Candis Cayne’s Secret Garden” Complete Season 1
  • “OUT 100” 2021, 2022, 2023 Specials
  • “2024 LA Pride Parade” Livestream
  • “Restaurant Startup” Complete Series
  • “Rich Kids of Beverly Hills” Complete Series
  • “WAGS” Complete Series
  • “WAGS Atlanta” Complete Series
  • “WAGS Miami” Complete Series
  • “Origin” | 2024
  • “Wreck” Complete Season 2
  • “GO! GO! Loser Ranger!” Series Premiere (DUBBED)
  • “iHeart Radio & P&G ‘Can’t Cancel Pride’ Special” Livestream
  • “From Tomorrow” Complete Season 1
  • “BRATS” Documentary Premiere
  • “Pirates: Truth Behind Legends”
  • “Rose’s War” | 2023
  • “To Kill a Stepfather” | 2023
  • “Trapped in the Farmhouse” | 2023
  • “Blood Free” Complete Season 1 (DUBBED)
  • “Chewing Gum” Complete Series
  • “Jeff Dunham: Unhinged In Hollywood” | 2015
  • “Joel McHale: Live from Pyongyang” | 2019
  • “Lavell Crawford: Home for the Holidays” | 2017
  • “Lavell Crawford: New LookSame Funny” (Extended Edition) | 2019
  • “Margaret Cho – PsyCHO” | 2015
  • “Mike Birbiglia: What I Should Have Said Was Nothing” | 2008
  • “Mike Birbiglia: My Girlfriend’s Boyfriend” | 2013
  • “Thee Lavell Crawford” | 2023
  • “Tom Segura: Completely Normal” | 2014
  • “Whitney Cummings: Money Shot” | 2010
  • “I Kissed a Boy” Complete Season 1
  • “In the Fade” | 2017
  • “Cult Massacre: One Day in Jonestown” Complete Limited Series
  • “Mission: Yozakura Family” Series Premiere (DUBBED)
  • “Cesar Millan: Better Human, Better Dog” Complete Season 4
  • “To Catch a Smuggler” Complete Season 7
  • “Wicked Tuna” Complete Season 13
  • “Perfect Wife: The Mysterious Disappearance of Sherri Papini” Complete Documentary Series
  • “Shoresy” Complete Season 3
  • “Marmalade” | 2024
  • “Prey” | 2024
  • “Breakin’ On The One” Documentary Film Premiere
  • “The Invitation” | 2022
  • “Diane von Furstenberg: Woman in Charge” Documentary Premiere
  • “Kokdu: Season of Deity” Season 1 (DUBBED)
  • “A Love Song” | 2022
  • “Summering” | 2022
  • “FX’s The Bear” Complete Season 3
  • “Amelia’s Children” | 2023
  • “The Family Stallone” Complete Season 1
  • “Eric D’Alessandro: I Don’t Understand” | 2023
  • “Joe Zimmerman: Cult Classic” | 2023
  • “John Crist: What Are We Doing?” | 2022
  • “Josh Pugh: Live From Birmingham Town Hall” | 2023
  • “Red Right Hand” | 2024
  • “Somewhere Quiet” | 2023
  • “Pride Across America: Livestream”
  • “Zappa” | 2020

Leaving in June

  • “Cloudburst” | 2011
  • “Just Friends” | 2018
  • “The Secret Garden” | 2020
  • “The Dog Knight” | 2021
  • “The Free Fall” | 2021
  • “The Burning Plain” | 2008
  • “Europa Report” | 2013
  • “Frontera” | 2014
  • “The Good Doctor” | 2011
  • “I Melt With You” | 2011
  • “Two Lovers” | 2008
  • “World’s Greatest Dad” | 2009
  • “The Wrecking Crew” | 2008
  • “Chevalier” | 2023
  • “The Meg” | 2018
  • “The Accursed” | 2021
  • “Between Me and My Mind” | 2019
  • “Queens of Pain” | 2020
  • “Wildhood” | 2021
  • “A Good Day To Die Hard” | 2013
  • “The Batman | 2022
  • “Big Daddy” | 1999
  • “The Bounty Hunter” | 2010
  • “The Chronicles of Riddick” | 2004
  • “Come See The Paradise” | 1990
  • “Die Hard” | 1988
  • “Die Hard 2” | 1990
  • “Die Hard With A Vengeance” | 1995
  • “Good Boys” | 2019
  • “Live Free Or Die Hard” | 2007
  • “The Mask” | 1994
  • “Ocean’s 8” | 2018
  • “The Rundown” | 2003
  • “Skyline” | 2010
  • “Taken 3” | 2015
  • “Tyler Perry’s Madea’s Family Reunion” | 2006
  • “300” | 2007

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Hate speech on the rise in central region - human rights report

Hate speech on the rise in central region - human rights report

The Uganda Human Rights Commission (UHRC) has decried the alarming rise in hate speech amongst Ugandans, indicating that the central region was the most affected.

The Commission made the revelations while presenting to its 26th annual report on the state of human rights in the country to Parliament on Thursday.

Handing over the report to Speaker Anita Among, UHRC chairperson Mariam Wangadya said their findings indicate that the hate speech has mainly been propagated in the central region by a section of politicians and some social media users.

"The issue of hate speech of not handled well may land the country into anarchy," Ms Wangadya said, "we need to fight the negative vice for the betterment of our country."

The Commission has been at loggerheads with the Opposition, who accuse it of being partisan and taking no action when report are made.

On Monday, the fallout reached a head when National Unity Platform president Robert Kyagulanyi ranted during a tribunal chaired by Ms Wangadya and withdrew a case he had filed in 2018 that was only first being given attention this week.

Mr Kyagulanyi's party is accused by its own members such as Dr Abed Bwanika of fanning abuses against targeted individuals.

The party has not officially denied the allegations but its principal at the weekend said he does not set any of his supporters out to insult anyone.

Speaker Among urged the Commission to act professionally as a bridge between the Opposition and government.

"As Parliament we shall also ensure that in all the bills we process we involve the public," Ms Among said.

Ms Wangadya also said that in spite of significant developments in infrastructure, the quality of roads mainly in Kampala, Wakiso and Mukono is wanting.

The report also pinned government entities for hiding or delaying public information whenever contacted by the media Houses.

The report also raised the issue of the stateless communities who are being denied government services and rights including the right to vote, education, land rights, marriage rights among others.

Some of the stateless communities include the Maragoli, Sabaot, Bakingwe, Benet, Bagaya, Baziba among others.

"On the issue of the stateless communities, I will also talk to the Minister for Constitutional Affairs to fast-track establishment of the Constitutional review commission to handle the issue of these stateless communities, recently there is a petition we received from the Uganda-Banyarwanda community complaining about the same," Speaker Among said.

The report also revealed the dire situation in the Ugandan police cells and prison facilities with majority still using the bucket system in addition to being overcrowded.

"Can you imagine the bucket system is still in use in most of these detention facilities? As government, we need to work hard and have better facilities established," Ms Wangadya appealed.

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Jim Simons, Math Genius Who Conquered Wall Street, Dies at 86

Using advanced computers, he went from M.I.T. professor to multibillionaire. His Medallion fund had 66 percent average annual returns for decades.

An close-up photo of Mr. Simons, who had thinning gray hair and a gray-stubble beard and wore a blue shirt with a purple patterned necktie. His left hand was raised holding a cigarette.

By Jonathan Kandell

Jim Simons, the prizewinning mathematician who abandoned a stellar academic career, then plunged into finance — a world he knew nothing about — and became one of the most successful Wall Street investors ever, died on Friday in his home in Manhattan. He was 86.

His death was confirmed by his spokesman, Jonathan Gasthalter, who did not specify a cause.

After publishing breakthrough studies in mathematics that would play a seminal role in quantum field theory, string theory and condensed matter physics, Mr. Simons decided to apply his genius to a more prosaic subject — making as much money as he could in as short a time as possible.

So at age 40 he opened a storefront office in a Long Island strip mall and set about proving that trading commodities, currencies, stocks and bonds could be nearly as predictable as calculus and partial differential equations. Spurning financial analysts and business school graduates, he hired like-minded mathematicians and scientists.

Mr. Simons equipped his colleagues with advanced computers to process torrents of data filtered through mathematical models, and turned the four investment funds in his new firm, Renaissance Technologies , into virtual money printing machines.

Medallion, the largest of these funds, earned more than $100 billion in trading profits in the 30 years following its inception in 1988. It generated an unheard-of 66 percent average annual return during that period.

That was a far better long-term performance than famed investors like Warren Buffett and George Soros achieved.

“No one in the investment world even comes close,” wrote Gregory Zuckerman, one of the few journalists to interview Mr. Simons and the author of his biography, “The Man Who Solved the Market.”

By 2020, Mr. Simons’s approach to the market — known as quantitative, or quant, investing — accounted for almost a third of Wall Street trading operations. Even traditional investment firms that relied on corporate research, instinct and personal contacts felt compelled to adopt some of Mr. Simons’ computer-driven methodology.

For much of its existence, Renaissance funds were the largest quant funds on Wall Street, and its style of investing spurred a sea change in the way hedge funds traded and made money for their wealthy investors and pension funds.

By the time he retired as chief executive of the business in 2010, Mr. Simons was worth $11 billion (almost $16 billion in today’s currency), and a decade later his fortune had doubled.

While he continued to oversee his funds as Renaissance chairman, Mr. Simons increasingly devoted his time and wealth to philanthropy. The Simons Foundation became one of the largest private funders of basic science research. And his Flatiron Institute used cutting-edge computational techniques for research into astrophysics, biology, mathematics, neuroscience and quantum physics.

James Harris Simons was born on April 25, 1938, in Cambridge, Mass., the only child of Matthew Simons, the general manager of a shoe factory, and Marcia (Kantor) Simons, who managed the home. A prodigy in mathematics, he did his undergraduate work at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and was only 23 when he received his doctorate from the University of California, Berkeley.

Beginning in 1964, Mr. Simons taught at M.I.T. and Harvard University while simultaneously working as a breaker of Soviet codes at the Institute for Defense Analyses, a federally funded nonprofit group. But he was fired from the institute in 1968 for publicly expressing strong anti-Vietnam War views.

Over the next decade, he taught mathematics at Stony Brook University on Long Island, part of the State University of New York, and became chairman of its math department. While running the department he won the nation’s highest prize in geometry in 1975.

Then, in 1978, he abandoned his scholarly career and founded Monemetrics, an investment company with offices in a small shopping mall in Setauket, just east of Stony Brook on the North Shore of Long Island. He had never taken a financial course or shown more than a passing interest in the markets. But he was convinced that he and his small team of mathematicians, physicists and statisticians — mainly former university colleagues — could analyze financial data, identify market trends and make profitable trades.

After four roller coaster years, Monemetrics was renamed Renaissance Technologies. Mr. Simons and his growing staff of former scholars initially focused on currencies and commodities. Every conceivable type of data — news reports of political unrest in Africa, bank statistics from small Asian nations, the rising price of potatoes in Peru — was fed into advanced computers to glean patterns that enabled Renaissance to score consistently huge annual returns.

But the real bonanza came when Renaissance plunged into equities, a much larger market than currencies and commodities.

Stocks and bonds were long seen as the purview of Wall Street brokerages, investment banks and mutual fund companies whose young, tireless M.B.A.s analyzed listed companies and turned over their research results to senior wealth managers, who then relied on their experience and instinct to pick market winners. They initially scoffed at the math nerds at Renaissance and their quantitative methods.

A few times, Mr. Simon’s methodology led to costly mistakes. His company used a computer program to buy so many Maine potato futures that it nearly controlled the market. This met with the opposition of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, the regulatory agency in charge of futures trading. As a result, Mr. Simons had to sell off his investments and miss out on a large potential profit.

But far more often he was so successful that his biggest problem was hiding his trades and research techniques from competitors. “Visibility invites competition, and, with all due respect to the principles of free enterprise — the less the better,” he wrote in a letter to clients.

Business rivals weren’t the only ones eyeing Mr. Simons’s results with envy or suspicion. In 2009, he faced a rebellion from outside investors over the enormous disparity in the performance of different Renaissance Technologies portfolios. The previous year, the Medallion Fund, which was available only to Renaissance present and past employees, registered an 80 percent gain, while the Renaissance Institutional Equities Fund, offered to outside investors, dropped 16 percent in 2008.

In July 2014, Mr. Simons and his firm drew bipartisan condemnation from the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations for using financial derivatives to disguise day-to-day trading as long-term capital gains. “Renaissance Technologies was able to avoid paying more than $6 billion in taxes,” asserted Senator John McCain, the Arizona Republican, in his opening statement at the subcommittee hearing.

Both Mr. Simons and his onetime co-chief executive, Robert Mercer, were among the largest financial contributors to politicians and political causes. While Mr. Simons generally backed liberal Democrats, Mr. Mercer was fervently right-wing and became a leading funder of Donald Trump’s presidential campaigns .

In 2017, Mr. Simons, then chairman of Renaissance Technologies, fired Mr. Mercer as C.E.O. because his political activities were provoking other key Renaissance executives to threaten to resign. Mr. Mercer stayed on as a researcher. According to both men, they remained friendly and continued to socialize.

In 2011, his foundation gave $150 million to Stony Brook University, with most of the money going to research in medical sciences. At the time, it was the biggest gift ever bestowed in SUNY’s history.

Last year, the foundation outdid that gift with a $500 million donation to Stony Brook, which called it the largest unrestricted endowment gift to a higher education institution in American history.

As he became older and wealthier, Mr. Simons enjoyed a lavish life style. He purchased a 220-foot yacht for $100 million, bought a Fifth Avenue apartment in Manhattan and owned a 14-acre estate in East Setauket, overlooking Long Island Sound. A chain-smoker, he refused to put out his cigarettes in offices or at conferences and willingly paid fines instead.

His first marriage, to Barbara Bluestein, a computer scientist, with whom he had three children — Elizabeth, Nathaniel and Paul — ended in divorce. He then married Marilyn Hawrys, an economist and former Stony Brook undergraduate who received her doctorate there. They had two children, Nicholas and Audrey.

Paul Simons, 34, was killed in a bicycle accident in 1996, and Nicholas Simons, 24, drowned off Bali, Indonesia, in 2003. His wife and other children survive him, as do five grandchildren and one great-grandson.

Mr. Simons lamented to a friend about the deaths of his sons, according to his biographer, saying, “My life is either aces or deuces.”

Hannah Fidelman contributed reporting.


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