• • Managing over 5000 employees
  • • Discovered and corrected errors in accounting software that were causing a false $30,000 loss on inventory reports
  • • Exceeded growth targets across 10 new locations by 30%
  • • Decreased the company's attrition by 33% by listening to our employee's needs
  • • Screened, hired, and trained 20+ FOH employees and created schedules
  • • Led and motivated 15+ staff on a daily basis resulting in satisfied customers and a 15% increase in business
  • • Co-engineered the 28-day StepUp Program in collaboration with the University of Pennsylvania’s Behavior Change for Good Initiative
  • • The program attracted over 200K new members and increased revenue by 20% to $1.44B in 2017
  • • Administered client health history questionnaires and interpreted physical assessment data, nutritional counseling, personal program design and implementation for over 500 members
  • • Facilitated personal training and group training activities

5 General Manager Resume Examples & Guide for 2024

Your general manager resume should highlight your leadership experience. Demonstrate your ability to effectively manage people and processes. Showcase your strategic planning skills and how you've successfully implemented company policies. Your resume must reflect your capacity to drive business results and oversee daily operations.

All resume examples in this guide

best resume format for general manager

Assistant General Manager

best resume format for general manager

Division Manager

best resume format for general manager

Manager In Training

best resume format for general manager

Team Manager

best resume format for general manager

Restaurant General Manager

best resume format for general manager

Hotel General Manager

best resume format for general manager

Fitness General Manager

best resume format for general manager

Warehouse General Manager

best resume format for general manager

Construction General Manager

best resume format for general manager

Automotive General Sales Manager

best resume format for general manager

Adiminstrative General Manager

Resume guide.

Writing Your Manager Resume

Resume Header

The Value of a Resume Summary

Writing a Resume Summary

Resume Experience Section

General Manager Skills

Resume Education Section

Additional Resume Sections

Key Takeaways

General Manager resume example

The role of a general manager might appear straightforward from an external perspective, but they significantly influence a company's success.

Being responsible for hiring staff, delegating tasks, and overseeing daily operations, your choices have a major impact.

So, how can you demonstrate to potential employers that you can elevate their business?

Your general manager resume should display to recruiters that you possess the necessary skills and experience.

If you're unsure how to achieve this, don't worry. We've simplified the process for you.

In this general manager resume guide, you'll discover:

  • Ways to distinguish your general manager resume from the competition
  • Proper structuring of resume sections and the optimal layout for showcasing your strengths
  • Strategies for maximizing each section of your general manager resume
  • What recruiters and potential employers are seeking in a general manager resume
  • How to secure more interviews by customizing your resume for each specific position you apply for

Writing a general manager resume

As noted earlier, the term "general manager" is quite broad. Numerous general manager positions exist, each with varying responsibilities, work environments, scales, and more.

The duties of a general manager at one company might be equivalent to those of a store manager at another company.

To craft a general manager resume that secures you a job, you must tailor your resume to the specific needs of a company.

Keep in mind three factors while writing your GM resume: industry, company size, and company specifics.

A general manager at a large luxury hotel requires different skills and responsibilities than one at a small clothing boutique.

Significantly increase your chances of landing an interview by carefully studying a company's requirements and tailoring each section of your general manager resume accordingly.

Don't worry, we'll guide you through each section step by step, providing tips on how to make your resume stand out among hundreds of candidates.

The most significant components of a general manager resume:

  • An appropriate header, including a link to your professional profile
  • A succinct and captivating summary tailored to the position
  • An experience section highlighting your industry or management expertise
  • A skills section presenting your abilities in work-related contexts for better engagement
  • Sections for education and certifications
  • Optional customized sections as needed

Recruiters are keen to find the following qualities in your general manager resume:

  • Understanding the distinctions between working in a small company and a large enterprise
  • Possessing the skillset required to attain specific business objectives
  • Demonstrating flexibility and adaptability in a rapidly changing work environment
  • Showcasing the ability to collaborate with people, organize, train, and inspire them to excel
  • Taking responsibility for delivering the expected results for your potential employer

Maximizing the value of your general manager resume header

As demonstrated in the templates above, general manager titles can vary across companies and industries.

Unless you're undergoing a significant career shift, it's best to use the same title on your resume as the job you're applying for. If you're transitioning between industries, identify common ground between them.

For instance, if your last three roles were in restaurants with different titles such as "General Manager," "Store Manager," and "Manager," you could tailor your title to "Restaurant General Manager."

On the other hand, if your previous experience is primarily in restaurant management and you're applying for a hotel management position, you might opt for a broader "General Manager" title instead of a specific "Hotel Manager" title, even if the job is labeled that way.

Avoid customizing your title to something completely unrelated to your experience, as it may create a negative first impression.

Besides your title, your header should contain other essential information.

Examine a few examples below to gain a better understanding of what constitutes an effective header.

This example showcases significant improvement. The title has been adjusted to align with both the candidate's experience and the target job.

It also features a professional email address, phone number, LinkedIn URL, and location.

Ensure that your LinkedIn profile and email domain convey professionalism to avoid recruiters dismissing your resume due to an unprofessional header.

Crafting a General Manager Summary to Capture Recruiters' Attention

The summary section serves as your initial opportunity to present your value and experience to recruiters and allows them to begin assessing your suitability for the role.

So, how do you compose the perfect summary for your general manager resume?

There are three crucial aspects that distinguish a compelling summary from a lackluster one:

  • Demonstration of relevant experience
  • Inclusion of pertinent achievements
  • Brevity and conciseness

If your summary fails to deliver relevant experience and engage the recruiter immediately, they might stop reviewing your resume at that point.

As with every section in your general manager resume, keep the information pertinent, concise, and engaging. If you have an extensive range of experience to choose from and are unsure where to begin, focus on aspects that align with your target job description.

Highlight your most impressive achievements. Avoid mentioning lackluster accomplishments or general responsibilities.

2 general manager resume summary examples

Crafting a general manager summary to capture recruiters' attention.

This example is vague and needlessly long. It lacks specific achievements and doesn't provide any real figures or numbers to support claims.

It doesn't contribute value to the conversation with your recruiter. Let's examine a better example.

[good example]

Here's a concise, results-driven summary section that immediately informs recruiters that you're a strong candidate.

If you're worried about running out of space, don't be concerned. It's better to keep your summary brief and utilize your experience section to further demonstrate your worth.

How to outshine other candidates with a tailored experience section

No two general manager positions are the same, which can sometimes create confusion during the hiring process.

In some companies, general managers might actually be managing directors or performing director of operations tasks. Navigating the optimal approach for your general manager's resume can be challenging.

As you examine the job description for your target role, pay attention to two primary aspects: industry and processes.

These two areas are unique to the job and will guide you in framing your experience section .

If you are applying for a general manager position in a specific industry (hospitality, retail aviation, etc.) and have experience in this industry, emphasize it.

Let’s take a look at an example of someone applying for a general manager/hotel manager position.

  • • Increased weekly restaurant sales from $10,000 to $20,000 within the first 6 months through effective cost control, implementation of new food quality policies, and local community events
  • • Developed several marketing initiatives for the local community to increase the quality of reviews, which eventually led to going from top-25 district rating to top-5
  • • Reduced the turnover rate for waiter and food quality staff by 15% through implementing new regulations, team building practices, and restructuring employee bonus system

This applicant has effectively showcased their relevant sector experience. They display expertise related to the industry and provide concrete figures in their examples.

On the other hand, if you're applying for a role in a field where you lack extensive experience, emphasize your work history in terms of processes.

Suppose you're applying for a corporate management position with similar experience as mentioned above:

The bullet points mentioned are mostly unrelated to a corporate management role. As a result, potential employers might overlook your application in favor of candidates with more relevant experience.

Instead, concentrate on processes and de-emphasize industry-specific details that are not essential.

  • • Increased monthly profits by 200% within the first 6 months through effective cost control, implementation of new quality assurance policies, and new marketing initiatives
  • • Reworked customer satisfaction pipelines across direct contact and outreach programs, increasing overall net promoter score by 30%
  • • Reduced the frontline turnover rate staff by 15% through implementing new regulations, team building practices, and restructuring employee bonus system

This example is much better, as it highlights transferable skills relevant to a corporate management position.

It's important to note that different companies prioritize different processes even within the same industry. Consider these two descriptions for general manager positions:

The General Manager is ultimately responsible for safety, P&L delivery, customer satisfaction, and employee engagement while maintaining the organization's ethical standards and reputation in the community.

The GM works to achieve the objectives of the Regional Consumer Business Units, focusing on profitability, revenue growth, facilities and asset management, supply chain excellence, product development, sales, marketing, materials, administration, and human resources.

Observe the differences in word choice and priorities between the two positions. The first one emphasizes customer experience, satisfaction, and community reputation, while the second one prioritizes growth, revenue, supply chain, and marketing.

Keep in mind that showcasing results is crucial. In each bullet point of your experience section, demonstrate the outcomes of your efforts. Avoid simply listing responsibilities; instead, highlight your achievements using numerical data to make your resume stand out.

Having refined your experience section, you can now proceed to focus on skills.

Creating an authentic general manager resume skills section

Recruiters often use ATS (Applicant Tracking Systems) to automatically filter out resumes that don't contain specific keywords related to the position.

This is particularly common in large companies with dedicated HR departments or those that engage staffing agencies to find suitable candidates.

To pass the ATS filters, your best strategy is to naturally incorporate keywords from the job description into your resume.

Merely adding keywords randomly or emphasizing overused buzzwords will be obvious and fail to impress anyone.

The most effective way to showcase your skills is to present them in the context of activities you performed at previous jobs and the achievements you accomplished.

Analyze your target job description and determine the most valued skills. Let's examine how to include soft skills in your general manager resume.

Observe in the preceding example that each skill is substantiated with genuine evidence and accomplishments.

Soft skills may be perceived differently. It is essential to offer context for your soft skills, enabling recruiters to gain an accurate understanding of you as a general manager.

The following is a list of soft skills that potential employers frequently seek in GM candidates:

12 soft skills to put on your general manager resume:

  • Communication Skills
  • Presentations Skills
  • Strategic Planning
  • Organizational Skills
  • Financial Planning
  • Team Leadership
  • Customer Experience
  • Profit & Loss Management
  • Negotiating Skills
  • Change Management
  • Lean Management
  • Mentoring & Coaching

Which technical skills are crucial for a general manager?

Technical skills are not always prioritized for most general manager roles, although this can vary depending on the industry.

For instance, a vast retail network might necessitate familiarity with CRM systems, or more specifically, Salesforce.

A general manager role in the manufacturing sector might demand knowledge of best manufacturing practices, such as Six Sigma and Continuous Improvement.

When assessing your target job description, identify any relevant technical skills they desire, and incorporate them into your resume.

5 tech skills to put on your general manager resume:

  • ERP (e.g. SAP)
  • POS systems
  • Specific Industry Software (e.g. property management software, LOS software, etc.)

Elements to incorporate in the education section of your general manager resume

Educational prerequisites for general manager roles can vary. A bachelor's degree is typically required, preferably in a field related to the position, such as engineering or business.

Although it's uncommon for general manager roles to demand a master's degree or higher, an MBA can offer a significant advantage in numerous industries.

Relevant experience may often replace a bachelor's degree. If you lack a degree in your field, emphasize your experience in other sections.

Unless you're a recent graduate, your education section need only contain basic information. Including the name of your degree, school, location, and years of attendance is adequate.

Certifications are generally optional for GM roles but can give you a competitive edge, particularly in sectors where specialized knowledge is essential.

Depending on your experience and industry, consider pursuing certifications in product management, HR, and similar areas.

The following are additional examples of relevant certifications for general managers.

Top 8 general manager certificates for your resume:

  • New York Institute of Finance: Risk Management Professional Certificate

Additional sections to enhance engagement on your general manager resume

In case the general manager role you're pursuing is particularly competitive or demands distinct skills, you might want to explore other methods to differentiate yourself from other applicants.

Incorporating a section for achievements offers a chance to emphasize leadership or industry experience that wouldn't fit in any other part of your resume.

If the organization you're applying to promotes work-life balance among its employees, incorporating a "Day In My Life" section is an excellent opportunity to reveal some of your personal aspects.

A notable example comes from Marissa Mayer's resume , which garnered much admiration, particularly from C-suite members of LinkedIn and Mark Cuban himself.

If your general manager role is project-based, you can briefly discuss those in a "projects" section , for example, opening new business units, developing a new training program, and so on. If you received awards in any of your previous positions, you can include those as well.

If you're uncertain about how to add other sections to your general manager resume, you can easily accomplish this with a helpful resume builder.

Essential points for crafting an outstanding general manager resume:

  • Thoroughly examine job requirements, as general manager duties can differ significantly, and your resume should be customized accordingly
  • Prioritize relevant industry experience and essential management processes you are familiar with above all else
  • Ensure to include only pertinent certifications and skills that a prospective job necessitates
  • Pass the ATS test by utilizing appropriate keywords and industry-specific terminology
  • Distinguish your resume by incorporating relevant custom sections that create a lasting impact on potential employers

General Manager resume examples

Explore additional general manager resume samples and guides and see what works for your level of experience or role.

Assistant General Manager Resume Example

Reasons for the effectiveness of this resume:

  • Demonstrates sector-specific abilities
  • Exhibits a consistent focus on a specific industry segment

The applicant has not only developed a career in restaurant management but has also consistently worked within luxury restaurants and hotels. This focus on a specific niche indicates commitment and an aspiration for advancement in the field.

Hotel General Manager Resume Example

Factors contributing to the success of this resume:

  • Illustrates field-specific technical abilities
  • Distinctive interests and skills that match the role

In some cases, specialized skills can provide an unforeseen benefit, depending on the job's requirements. The applicant is fluent in three languages, which can be a significant advantage for a hotel general manager position. Possessing relevant skills like these makes a candidate highly attractive to recruiters.

Fitness General Manager Resume Example

Factors that make this resume successful:

  • Customizes the title to match the desired position
  • Presents soft skills as key strengths

This general manager resume exemplifies the importance of tailoring the title to the targeted role. "Fitness GM" and "gym GM" convey nearly the same meaning, but recruiters may filter resumes based on the specific title they seek. It is crucial to adapt your resume to suit the intended job.

Warehouse General Manager Resume Example

Reasons for this resume's effectiveness:

  • Presence of pertinent trainings and courses
  • Demonstration of particular successes and accomplishments

Trainings and certifications can be highly specific to a given industry. Although not mandatory for all General Manager positions, they can be beneficial for specialized roles such as Warehouse General Manager. Having certifications in areas like health and safety standards can give you a competitive edge.

Construction General Manager Resume Example

Factors contributing to this resume's success:

  • Display of industry awards
  • Customized bullet points for the target job

Featuring awards and accomplishments on your resume is an effective method to showcase specialized skills and set yourself apart from competitors. Numerous general managers perform similar tasks daily, but not all of them are recognized with awards for their work.

Automotive General Sales Manager Resume Example

Elements contributing to this resume's effectiveness:

  • Each section is succinct and captivating
  • Soft skills are reinforced with examples

Soft skills, such as "organized" and "team management," can have various interpretations. This candidate supports their soft skills with explanations and instances. Rather than expecting recruiters to take your word for it, provide proof to substantiate your claims.

Adiminstrative General Manager Resume Example

Factors making this resume effective:

  • Demonstrates consistency and growth
  • Features industry-specific technical skills

Certain technical skills can be valuable depending on the role you're applying for. If you're seeking an administrative general manager position and have experience with programs like Salesforce and other relevant software, be sure to highlight those skills.

general manager resume example

Looking to build your own General Manager resume?

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General Manager Resume Samples

The guide to resume tailoring.

Guide the recruiter to the conclusion that you are the best candidate for the general manager job. It’s actually very simple. Tailor your resume by picking relevant responsibilities from the examples below and then add your accomplishments. This way, you can position yourself in the best way to get hired.

Craft your perfect resume by picking job responsibilities written by professional recruiters

Pick from the thousands of curated job responsibilities used by the leading companies, tailor your resume & cover letter with wording that best fits for each job you apply.

Create a Resume in Minutes with Professional Resume Templates

Resume Builder

  • Provide daily support to General Manager, which includes but is not limited to
  • Develop venue templates for PowerPoint presentations, proposals, etc., in order to create distinct look for all outgoing venue correspondence
  • Develop office systems, including venue accounting, on-boarding process for new employees, lost & found, charity donations, phone tree, IT-related systems
  • Field general inquiries and re-direct to the General Manager
  • Provide support to Finance team by submitting final finance reports for shows, creating all show files and submitting venue invoices
  • Assist with comprehensive venue internship program
  • Assist with venue projects when necessary
  • Manages Grow Perform Succeed (GPS) and effectively develop management team through performance development process
  • Provide strategic direction to managers related to the identification and support of under-performing salons to ensure improvement plans are created and used
  • Providing leadership by making hiring and pay decisions, developing performance plans, directing work, coaching staff and evaluating performance
  • Provides strategic direction to managers related to the identification and support of under-performing salons to ensure improvement plans are created and used
  • Demonstrate effective management, leadership, coaching and development of the Property Manager, Assistant Property Manager, and Tenant Services Administrator
  • Providing coaching, training and development of Assistant Managers, Shift Leaders and Crew members
  • Work closely with the Operations Manager and the Management team to ensure the highest operation standards and product development
  • General responsibility: costing/pricing of menus, development of new items, analysis of product and sales, inventory, ordering, payroll, closing duties, safe counts/maintenance, working with Maintenance dept on projects and priorities, close work with other departments and within outlet. Floor Supervision during peak times, coordination with other departments (Lift Maintenance, Operations, mountain Operations, ticket sales, conference services, etc) to ensure a smooth operation
  • Assist CAS in the development of written policies and procedures for tenant rent collections and extension of credit terms to tenants within client parameters. Participates in second level collection discussions and writes default letters consistent with obligations and rights within the Lease. Reviews account aging reports to ascertain status of collections and balances outstanding and to evaluate effectiveness of current collection policies and procedures. With approval from the client, submits tenant accounts to attorney or agency for collection. Assists with eviction of tenants in compliance with court order and directions from specified attorney and client
  • Meet regularly with local government officials (County Executive, Mayor, City Manager, Police Chief, Fire Official, Economic Development, Planning/Zoning Dept, and Emergency Management)
  • ServSafe Manager Certification
  • Develop key relationships with local officials and organizational heads to create a consistent resource of new, timely local market information
  • Manage capital projects and oversee tenant construction
  • Develops, gains consensus for, and implements the Management Plan for assigned assets
  • MBA or additional directly related educational experience; including a strong track record of ongoing professional development or industry leadership
  • Working knowledge and technical proficiency with warehouse management systems (i.e., Manhattan, High Jump) and legacy platforms; experience leading WMS updates or conversions is highly desired
  • Strong analytical, problem-solving and project management skills
  • Ability to analyze data to drive results
  • Strong computer skills
  • Strong written, verbal and presentation skills
  • Ability to interact cooperatively and work as a team towards a common goal
  • Excellent time management skills
  • Demonstrated proficiency in advanced MS Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) skills
  • Comprehensive knowledge from operations, processes and business implications

15 General Manager resume templates

General Manager Resume Sample

Read our complete resume writing guides

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  • Provide leadership and technical oversight, development and consultation to the Resort F&B/Merchandise Department leaders
  • Holistic focus on the Resort Guest experience with the keen ability to leverage innovative ideas and great stories as the foundation for successful experiences driving both Guest satisfaction and business/financial value
  • Proactive focus on anticipating diverse needs of our Global consumers and ability to translate these needs into highly relevant and meaningful Guest experiences
  • Awareness of market trends and ability to create new products and experiences to exceed guest expectations at our deluxe, moderate and value resorts
  • Engagement in all master planning discussions of resorts to integrate F&B/Merchandise, in partnership with the Line of Business (LOB)
  • Menu development for resorts by tier of service
  • Quality Assurance process execution and Product Quality; partner with Product Strategy Team to implement standards/drive execution
  • Connect Resorts F&B & Merchandise Operations team to best practices and ensure accountability
  • Serve as the Critical interface/liaison between Resort GMs and the Operations Integration / LOB organization to ensure full integration
  • Talent Succession Planning and Development for all salaried roles in partnership with Resort GMs, Parks F&B and Merchandise GMs
  • Lead the Resort Executive Chef
  • Focus on Cost optimization, Cost of Sales, Workload prioritization, Procurement efficiencies
  • Liaison for Catering LOB to ensure effective partnership
  • Partner with LOB to support the 5 year beverage and lounge strategy to create destination locations
  • Collaborate on long term plan in conjunction with Asset Refresh Strategy
  • Represent Resorts in all key work groups / forums such as: My Magic Plus - F&B and Merchandise planning, rollout, and sustainment
  • Minimum of 10 years of progressive food and beverage leadership experience preferablyin a resort environment
  • Proven experience leading food safety and health partner initiatives
  • Demonstrated ability to integrate global initiatives and thinking into the daily operation
  • Demonstrated ability to think conceptually and creatively
  • Demonstrated ability to influence at multiple levels in the organization
  • Proven communication skills and ability to establish relationships and collaborate with a diverse set of internal and external clients and stakeholders
  • Demonstrated passion and commitment to diversity and inclusion including inviting diverse perspectives, fostering an inclusive work environment and supporting workforce diversity
  • Possess unquestioned ethics and integrity
  • Proven ability to benchmark both internally and externally to achieve best practices
  • Food and beverage concept development experience
  • Entrepreneurial approach

Gcg-cpc General Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Reporting to the Senior Branch Manager, you and your team will be charged with acquiring banking and investment relationships for a targeted group of affluent customers and retaining the current client base through proactive, innovative sales behaviors, and exceptional customer service
  • Provide sales leadership to a team of RMs to exceed financial plan numbers and net promoter score targets
  • Ensure that the unit operates in a manner that delivers superior Citigold Private Client experience
  • Develop, motivate and empower team members to fully realize their potential and to maximize sales opportunities for the bank
  • Responsible for business development of our affluent individuals to create new investment and trust management opportunities
  • Establish and develop strong partnerships with SME, commercial banking and affluent card base, and other businesses to develop new client relationships
  • At least 10 years of direct management responsibilities over a team of sales staff
  • Good in-depth knowledge of financial products and services
  • Comprehensive knowledge of policies and procedures to ensure the maintenance of operational controls that exceed audit standards
  • Hands-on knowledge of branch and AML functions
  • Preferably obtained all CMFAS industry certifications
  • Superior sales management skills
  • Strong people management skills, coaching skills, and problem solving skills
  • Strong team building, interpersonal, and communication (written & verbal) skills
  • Facilitates proper communication and organization in the venue, as well as to and from Home Office
  • Provides overall leadership and support for all staff and management by creating the appropriate culture and character of the venue through his/her own personal and professional conduct
  • Reviews all special events contracts for profitability and feasibility for execution; ensures that all special events are executed to Live Nation Standards
  • Participate in developing long and short term plans for revenue growth and cost control measures
  • Ensure systems and processes are in place for all cost controls/inventories
  • Develops new revenue streams including programming, F&B promotions, talent, and retail
  • Must have extensive background in event sales and promotion
  • Requires excellent communication skills, both verbally and written

General Manager Austin Amphitheater Resume Examples & Samples

  • Identify what acts should be secured, working with Live Nation and others to ensure a robust and profitable concert season (25-35 acts per year)
  • Collaborate with Marketing, Sales, and Sponsorship to create innovative offerings that drive incremental revenue growth, fan and partner engagement, profitably
  • Leverage technology and innovation to optimize the entertainment experience
  • Work with Marketing to drive maximum engagement strategies that translates into breakthrough revenue growth through trial, repeat and loyalty
  • Manage overall expenses of concerts to maximize profits while protecting the experience. Work with Finance/Accounting to assess buy versus rent opportunities in the operations as well as on each concert
  • Develop strong relationships with partners and various radio stations, agents and managers to maximize impact
  • Identify and secure talent (Buy/Promote) to support major events and festivals throughout the year, including Formula 1, X Games, and other major motorsports events and festivals hosted at and/or owned by COTA
  • Oversee food & beverage and merchandise performance and strategies (points of sale, caps, variety) and work with consumer ops to maximize
  • Establish and maintain high standards of customer service for staff and vendors
  • Hire, train and schedule full and part-time employees
  • Work closely with promoters and operations and provide direction on standards and compliance
  • Coordinate and facilitate event set-up with operations and other areas with COTA
  • Perform and execute successful settlement of events
  • Oversee day of event activities and matters
  • Oversee the development of an annual Capital Expenditure planning/request process, including the bidding and compiling of estimated pricing for suggested projects.Cap Ex planning should focus on both short-term and long-term impact projects, the scope of which may be revenue-generating or maintenance/operationally-based projects
  • Ensure that employees performance is monitored and reviewed accordingly
  • Management of employee attendance records, for all employees
  • Any other reasonable duties as required by the executive management

Club & Theater Venue General Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Fosters and maintains community and partner relations that will further the interests of the company and venue
  • Creates very positive guest relations/experiences in a manner that portrays an energetic, sympathetic image of the venue
  • Maintain all company standards, guidelines, policies and procedures as outlined in training and training materials
  • Supervises the continued development of new service techniques towards maximum guest satisfaction, improving per person spending at minimum operating costs

Assistant to the General Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Schedule and calendar upkeep
  • Office ops schedule upkeep
  • Prepare General Manager for specialized meetings and industry functions
  • Monthly expenses
  • Compiling venue finances for weekly profit and loss reports
  • Research and distribute monthly local crime reports
  • Research projects (yearly business plan, annual report, customer service presentation, sponsorship and donations binder, court cases related to venue, etc.)
  • Process ticket request forms
  • Provide general office upkeep, which includes but is not limited to
  • Order and refresh office supplies
  • Receive/sign for UPS/Fed-Ex deliveries
  • Prep spaces for meetings
  • Organize charitable efforts and providing support on venue rentals
  • Develop office systems, including venue accounting, on-boarding process for new employees, lost & found, charity donations, phone tree, IT-related systems
  • Develop manual on office SOPs
  • Assist and support venue staff in any of their job functions, as needed
  • Complete other duties as assigned
  • Strong verbal / written communication, phone etiquette, computers (Microsoft Word, Excel, Access and PowerPoint) or similar programs
  • Ability to provide leadership, engage in positive interaction with staff and guests, prioritize, organize, motivate staff, problem solve, delegate, follow-up, communicate and diffuse possibly volatile situations with tact
  • Ability to work flexible hours, including nights, weekends, and holidays
  • High school diploma required; college degree preferred

Helmut Lang-general Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • High School Diploma required, College Degree preferred
  • Dynamic interpersonal and communications skills both verbal and written
  • Solid independent work ethic, exceptional time management skills, and high level of ownership

General Manager / Wvec Resume Examples & Samples

  • Leading the digital future of news and information
  • Bachelor’s degree in Broadcast or related field with a proven track record of performance
  • A proven track record of successfully performing in a senior management position for a minimum of 7 years
  • Run the day-to-day operations of the ABL franchise with paid employees and volunteers as well as with the coaching staff
  • Manage all franchise revenue and expenses, including tickets sales, sponsorships, food/beverage, merchandising, stadium and other events
  • Establish an annual business plan and develop additional revenue streams to support the franchise
  • Develop and implement a rolling three-year sponsorship and marketing strategy
  • Build the organization by recruiting, training and motivating volunteers, part-time, seasonal and other staff and by integrating operations closely with the State Baseball Association
  • Manage the ABL franchise’s relationship with the State Baseball Association, the baseball fraternity and government authorities
  • Work with the State Baseball Association to establish a Venue Development Strategy, including facility upgrades, as well as a long-term venue plan
  • Contribute to the overall success of the ABL through involvement and contribution to the ABL General Manager Network
  • Performs related duties as required
  • Bachelor’s Degree and 3 to 5 years relevant general management experience or an equivalent combination of education and experience
  • Prior experience in developing and managing operating budgets
  • Strong sales instincts and skills and demonstrated success in the areas of gaining and servicing sponsorships, ticket sales (season, group, individual) and game day / event operations
  • Marketing and Public Relations experience
  • Superior communication skills and exceptional customer service skills
  • Proven organizational management and time management skills
  • Demonstrated proficiency with information technology
  • Start-up experience a plus
  • Demonstrated ability to motivate and lead teams to deliver results
  • Demonstrated ability to assess and develop talent
  • Excellent communication skills and proven ability to effectively communicate with all levels of leaders in the organization
  • Ability to lift 30 lbs
  • Maneuver effectively around sales floor, stock room and office
  • Travel between stores and outside the state, if necessary
  • Open availability to meet the needs of the business, including evening and weekend shifts

Unassigned General Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • 3-5 years of retail management experience
  • Demonstrated ability to deliver results through motivation, inspiration and accountability
  • Has a solid understanding of the business, and a drive to apply knowledge to grow the business

Divisional General Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Lead category and gender complexity in multiple distribution points (e.g. MC, Rack)
  • Division's complexity and strategic goals and initiatives including Brand Management, Creative, Supply Chain, Finance and Planning
  • Responsible for overall divisional performance as defined by the divisional strategy and business unit strategic intent
  • Define performance metrics for evaluating department and staff efficiency
  • Coach team through performance feedback, goal-setting and development plans
  • Partner and collaborate with key leadership and teams to ensure alignment on priorities and direction (e.g. NMG, Rack, Logistics, IT)
  • Ensure alignment with the customer and business growth goals while maintaining the strategic goals of each brand within their divisional portfolio - function as a "brand builder"
  • Bachelor's degree in related field or equivalent work experience
  • Extensive Nordstrom or other comparative retail/merchandising leadership experience
  • Demonstrated understanding of retail and the service environment of Nordstrom
  • Proven track record in developing a successful brand and private label, wholesale or vertical retail
  • Knowledge of fashion and commercial trends; is able to interpret such trends to satisfy customer preferences
  • Strong strategic planning abilities and critical thinking skills
  • Proficiency in MS Office suite
  • Preferred working knowledge of product creation systems (e.g. PLM)
  • Forecasts staffing needs accurately based on available information and schedules associates accordingly. Appropriately adjusts staffing levels up or down to meet the business
  • Leads OD business partnerships and co-planning
  • Follows all company policy and procedures to ensure safety and security of the business
  • Demonstrates sound judgment in anticipating challenges, problem solving, and seeking the right resources to resolve issues. Reports all appropriate information to Regional Management
  • Sound judgment
  • Knowledge of current optical theory and merchandise
  • State licensure preferred (where applicable)
  • Equal Opportunity Employer
  • Creates and oversees implementation of action plans to improve key performance indicators to maximize business opportunities
  • Assesses the effectiveness of the management staff by providing the appropriate level of performance feedback
  • Evaluates store sales and payroll goals on a daily basis using key business reports and payroll tools
  • Directs brand appropriate strategic merchandising to maximize sales
  • Drives brand loyalty by leading an outstanding internal and external customer experience
  • Hires, trains, develops and supervises Center of Excellence Managers and Supervisors
  • Develops hiring plans for both Centers of Excellence
  • Coaches leadership team members
  • Accountable for focal process for all store employees
  • Creates development and training plans for direct reports
  • Ensures recruitment from a diverse applicant pool
  • Develops succession plans to ensure career paths for all employees
  • Leads and inspires customer centric culture by recognizing and rewarding team
  • Conducts weekly visual merchandising walk-throughs with key staff members
  • Creates shortage action plan in partnership with the management team to minimize loss and achieve shrinkage goal
  • Ensures community involvement to drive brand awareness and loyalty
  • Effective interpersonal and communication skills with all levels of Headquarters and field management
  • Strong computer skills; proficient in Excel and Word
  • Minimum 5 years retail experience preferred
  • Ability to travel, including overnight as required

Flagship General Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Subscribe to the highest customer service standards, and provide a personal example for the team of a true retail professional at all times
  • Understand Orvis policy and procedures, adhere to them, and ensure compliance by the team
  • Be an ambassador of the brand and instill the Orvis Vision, Mission, Core Values, and Culture in the entire team
  • Communicate the Orvis brand and its lifestyle through creative and effective presentations, maintain visual standards, emphasize key product/corporate directed messages, and maximize sell-thru by product placement and signage
  • Ensure financial goals are achieved
  • Recruit, interview, hire, develop, coach, and train store associates to deliver sales and customer service objectives; as well as build a functional talent pool
  • Lead, coach, train, and manage by example; with grace of authority, embracing and adapting to change, and maintaining respect, dignity, and compassion at all times
  • Communicate expectations and effectively evaluates store and staff performance and objectives
  • Help coordinate community outreach events, marketing, and public relations with our Home Office
  • Perform all other assigned operational duties
  • Minimum of three years store management experience
  • Excellent retail business acumen including selling skills, visual presentation, and sales analysis
  • Strong background in payroll planning and scheduling
  • Flexibility in personal time commitments to do what is necessary based on the needs of the business and the development of themselves and the team through continued Orvis training and cultural education
  • Up-to-date computer skills with the aptitude to learn and utilize business programs and the ability to teach these programs to the team
  • Physical strength to reach, move, and handle merchandise in high and low areas, and the stamina to execute floor sets
  • Ability to receive and process large shipments of merchandise daily as well as implement and oversee the efficient organization of inventory flow
  • Specialty retail experience
  • Appreciation for the outdoors
  • Minimum of 5 years of head of store or multi-manager experience
  • Experience managing $20 million store volume
  • Commission based sales experience
  • Luxury or contemporary experience preferred
  • Multi-brand sales experience preferred
  • Passion for fashion trends and specialty retail environments
  • Strong styling eye and personal taste level
  • Strong business acumen and corporate exposure
  • Effective interpersonal and communication skills with store team, customers and all levels of corporate and field management
  • Identify and maximize revenue drivers while optimizing the overall guest and artist experience
  • Collaborate with Marketing, Premium Seat Sales, and Sponsorship to create innovative offerings that drive incremental revenue growth, fan and partner engagement, and profitability
  • Manage overall expenses of concerts to maximize profits while protecting the guest and artist experience
  • Oversee food and beverage and merchandise performance and strategies (point of sale ratio, variety, etc)
  • Hires, trains and schedules full and part-time employees, and work closely with all subcontractors and/or third-party vendors
  • Promote and establish "rental" events in the venue
  • Works closely with Live Nation promoters and operations and provides direction on standards and compliance
  • Coordinates and facilitates event set-up with operations
  • Performs and executes successful settlement of events, as needed
  • Performs and executes timely Flash Reports after events, as needed
  • Forecasts in ROME, operational and production expenses, as well as ancillary revenue streams
  • Coordinates day of event activities and matters
  • Excellent working knowledge of Health & Safety
  • Implements and complies with the companies' audit procedures
  • Ensures that employees performance is monitored and reviewed accordingly
  • Work closely with key civic governmental departments, as well as interaction with the community in general
  • This position will have management responsibility over direct staff as well as 3rd party vendors
  • Makes cold calls to develop new business prospects
  • Makes service calls on existing clients to achieve customer satisfaction and develop new business opportunities
  • Obtains artwork from the clients
  • Oversees the production and placement of the advertising copy
  • Fulfills the completion notification process for existing and new clients
  • Provides continuous service throughout the campaign in order to achieve renewal business
  • Responsible for approving all sales contracts
  • Responsible for providing accurate weekly pacing reports
  • Manage workforce with a focus on diversity/affirmative action/EEO results
  • Enforce policies and procedures to maintain audit compliance
  • Cooperate with company-wide initiatives
  • Provides leadership and directs the efforts of all CBS Outdoor personnel in the market
  • Supports and exhibits behavior consistent with the sales and service philosophy of CBS Outdoor LLC
  • Acts with diplomacy as a representative of CBS Outdoor LLC. and the Sales Department
  • Must have previous management experience
  • Must be a self-starter who likes challenges and is willing to work hard
  • Must be professional in appearance and manner and be multi-task oriented and be able to communicate clearly, comprehensively and with complete personal and professional integrity
  • Must show proof of automobile insurance with $100,000/$300,000 policy limits
  • Passionate about: apparel trends, specialty retail environments, people - customers and team
  • Demonstrates the following: training, sales generation, leadership, authentic customer service, conflict management, resolution, business acumen, time management, planning, priority setting, ability to coach, provide feedback, excellent verbal and written communication, and computer proficiency
  • Ability to: develop others, think creatively, embrace and lead change, and deal with ambiguity
  • Ability to effectively communicate with customers and store personnel
  • Ability to maneuver around sales floor, stock room, work with/around cleaning chemicals and lift and carry 50 lbs
  • Ability to work a flexible schedule to meet the needs of the business, including evening, overnight and weekend shifts
  • Opens and closes the store in accordance with company standards
  • Transition & Business Development
  • Process Excellence
  • Risk management and governance
  • Talent management
  • Communications and marketing
  • Brand building and external representation
  • University Degree qualified with a distinguished academic record
  • MBA and/or Chartered Accountancy qualification a distinct advantage
  • Six Sigma, CMM or other similar certification an advantage
  • High standard of fluency in spoken and written business English
  • Travel to main UBS locations; periodic travel to other locations for external liaison, promoting the UBS brand

President & General Manager Wnbc Resume Examples & Samples

  • Lead a fully functioning broadcast TV station, comprised of News, Sales, Promotions, Technology and other support functions
  • Design and deliver a competitive ratings and revenue growth strategy in the marketplace which leverages the best of the core business and optimizes opportunities across new media platforms
  • Manage station P&L to meet challenging goals for Revenue, Cost, Quality & Growth
  • Manage an operational team of > 230 employees across a diverse spectrum of professions and specialties
  • Establish close partnerships with customers, advertisers, sister station - WNJU and content suppliers
  • Build & maintain a strong relationship with key stakeholders in the local community
  • Part of a broad leadership team with growth agenda across the US Media market
  • Identify opportunities to grow multi-platform content and distribution capabilities
  • 15 years leadership experience required
  • General Manager in a large market TV station experience required
  • Operational leadership experience
  • Interested candidates must submit a resume/CV through nbcunicareers.com to be considered (Note job#: 19193BR)
  • Must be willing to work at the station in New York City
  • Identify and implement strategies and initiatives to achieve and exceed business goals
  • Demonstrate teamwork within store and company and ensure that staff is treated professionally, respectfully and courteously
  • Lead by example

General Manager, Armani Jeans Indianapolis Resume Examples & Samples

  • Analyze store sales reports to determine the needs of the business and set business strategies
  • Build and maintain communication with the buyer
  • Insure deliveries are properly processed in a timely manner
  • Monitor inventory to control shrinkage, ticketing, sensors, and proper/organized storage

General Manager Emporio Armani, Santa Monica Resume Examples & Samples

  • Track, monitor and communicate business results
  • Implement and maintain all merchandising directives and insure execution of effective merchandising strategies
  • Recruit, train and develop staff insuring all management positions are filled in a timely fashion with qualified personnel
  • Support and promote the Point-of-Sale process in all areas of register procedure, protocol and policies
  • Strong independent work ethic, excellent time management skills, and
  • Network, recruit, hire, train and develop store associates
  • Implement, execute and follow up on all operational policies and procedures
  • Control store expenses within allowable parameters
  • Assume leadership role within the store
  • University or College degree in Business, Retail Management or related field
  • Minimum of 7+ years of retail management experience
  • Great Communication skills
  • Ability to mentor and coach staff
  • Define and implement business strategy in consultation with CEO
  • Revenue, net profit, project management and business excellence
  • Define strategy and business metrics for product line
  • Lead, direct and review the overall operations
  • Supervise process and service quality improvement initiatives
  • Assist in new customer acquisition and relationships
  • Approve tenders, estimates and final pricing for all clients
  • Ensure client satisfaction, repeat sales and expanding share-of-wallet
  • Endorse and submit plans for new products and service offerings to CEO for final approval
  • Benchmark practices and quality norms e.g. Six Sigma
  • Define service quality levels and business excellence processes
  • Review and monitor customer satisfaction and oversee issue resolution at key client locations
  • Prepare and submit routine reports to CEO on divisional performance
  • Create a leadership pipeline and partner
  • Champion customer-centric work styles and approaches
  • MUST HAVE: Architecture Engineer / Civil Engineer / Mechanical Engineering / Interior Design Engineer
  • Nationality no bar, however Arabic/ English is preferred
  • 12 - 15 years of experience
  • Minimum of 5 years' experience in heading Interior Design, Fit out projects and services and management of joinery factory
  • Sound knowledge market trends and Best practices in the Interior Design,Fit out services, projects and joinery factory management

General Manager Fulfillment Center Resume Examples & Samples

  • Extensive cross collaboration work with teams in each fulfillment center and the Corporate office working with analytics, transportation, merchandising, technology (WMS) – forging relationships, understand the business needs for each department and implementing solutions
  • Overseeing the implementation of major automation projects within the FC
  • Ensure operational procedures for executing activities for incoming and outgoing shipments, handling and disposition of products, and keeping the highest standards of inventory accuracy
  • Ensure the continuation of a team and facility who’s always conscious of “customer experience”
  • Drive continuous improvement to safety, quality, cost, and delivery while growing and expanding capabilities within the warehouse
  • Make decisions using data and drive results quickly in a dynamic business environment
  • Assure proper staffing, support hiring, the methods in which your team tracks and monitors performance and understand the targets
  • Partner with the development of internal tools such as the site Warehouse Management System (WMS) to optimize order fulfillment and provide operational insights to improve WMS effectiveness
  • B.S. or B.A. degree or equivalent additional experience
  • Previous management experience leading large scale fulfillment center / warehouse operations
  • Experience in a variety of functions including some of; transportation, Process Engineering, Project Management, Inbound Operations, Outbound Operations, Capital Projects or P&L
  • Previous experience in a highly mechanized/automated e-commerce operation
  • Metrics driven mindset combined with Customer service obsession
  • Effective communicator and leader for employees, direct reports, cross-functional teams and executive leadership
  • Experience innovating, growing, building or restructuring showing an ability to modify and improve – we move quickly and rely on being nimble as our business grows
  • Proven ability to quickly adapt and drive the right results using data
  • Highest levels of integrity and ethics
  • Forecasts in ROME operational and production expenses, as well as ancillary revenue streams
  • This position typically supervises a number of exempt and non exempt positions
  • Bachelor's Degree in Business Management or related field and/or experience in lieu of degree
  • 10 - 15 years comparable business management work experience including previous supervisory role
  • Promotes a safety culture through 100% training and sign off on all SJOPs, Cutting Edge and SDG employee transportation policy
  • Responsible for providing quality guest experiences within resort operations
  • Assists in providing quality to guests by directing staff in meeting quality standards and food handling and preparation, safety and sanitation
  • Responsible for financial performance of Half Moon. Create and manage to departmental budgets, including forecasting, variances, and revenue management. Lead budget and capital meetings and operational and financial reviews. Produce new ideas for revenue generation and capture
  • Has knowledge of and keeps abreast of governmental regulations and safety standards in Jamaica
  • Foster strong relationships and effectively manage the dynamics of multiple entities being involved (i.e. management company, ownership group, asset managers)
  • Provide leadership and support to the management team. This includes, but not limited to, direct involvement with performance management, coaching and discipline, employee development, staffing levels, and policies & procedures. Foster a culture that creates a high level of employee engagement
  • Work closely with RockResorts’ corporate team including: finance, revenue management, operations, IT, human resources, and sales & marketing
  • Drive guest service and brand standards for the property with the objective of meeting or exceeding guests’ expectations. Sets and achieves goals for resort ratings on guest satisfaction surveys and public review sites such as Trip Advisor
  • Actively engage with guests and employees on a daily basis. Be “hands-on” and lead by example
  • Responsible for maintaining strong guest relations and increasing repeat guest base. Monitor and handle all guest complaints and institute corrective measures to keep complaints from recurring
  • Manage and lead capital expenditures process from planning through execution to stay within budget and timeline
  • Utilize interpersonal and communication skills to lead, influence, and encourage others; advocate sound financial/business decision making; demonstrate honesty/integrity; lead by example
  • Serve as the resort’s community liaison and promote positive ties to local community
  • 2) Stable work history,
  • 3) High school education with a good aptitude in Math and Communication skills
  • 4) Management Experience

General Manager La Boulange Resume Examples & Samples

  • Drives the implementation of company programs by developing action plans and directly motivating and instructing the store team to implement them to meet operational and organizational objectives
  • Knowledge of customer service techniques
  • Ability to plan and prioritize workload
  • Demonstrates a calm demeanor during periods of high volume or unusual events and manages smooth transitions thereafter to keep store operating to standard and to set a positive example for the store team
  • Displays a "customer comes first" attitude by training and holding partners accountable for delivering legendary customer service
  • Plans, identifies, communicates, and delegates appropriate responsibilities and practices to store partners to ensure smooth flow of operations
  • Progressively responsible retail experience (3 years)
  • Team-building skills
  • Minimum 5 years hospitality experience
  • Minimum 3 years Restaurant Management / Leadership experience
  • Must have current food handler's card and alcohol service certification as required by. federal/state/local law
  • Familiarity with Open Table reservation system preferred
  • Extremely strong leadership skills, interpersonal skills, verbal and written communication skills, listening skills, ability to check for understanding after direction is given (follow up,) basic math skills, strong organization skills, ability to multi-task, team builder, proven track record of increasing experience and responsibility
  • Computer based skills - Windows and Microsoft Office based management reporting, Point of Sale System, Internet/Intranet, and Outlook e-mail
  • The General Manager is responsible for the delivery of all projects and services within described functions, and manages a team of Process Integration Managers (PIMs)
  • Member of extended IT&S leadership team
  • The role is the primary liaison to the described business areas on behalf of IT&S
  • The role is also the liaison to VW Group and regional management in assigned area to ensure process and technology solutions are aligned with VW group partners
  • Promotes Business Partnership
  • Acts as the trusted “technical” advisor and “go to person” for the process owners for technology innovation and supporting technologies
  • Collaborates with business owners to develop strategic plans and encourages innovation in Process/IT improvement
  • Maintains a profound understanding of business strategies and process and their associated applications
  • Develops innovative Process/IT projects to support business strategy
  • Maintains portfolio planning process
  • Owns the complete process life cycle and its associated applications, the project- and program management, scope-definition and delivery-acceptance, the on-time, in-budget and in-quality delivery and acceptance
  • Ensures customer satisfaction
  • Acts as a process improvement consultant with business unit employees in achieving performance improvements in process KPIs
  • Studies and analyzes key business operations in terms of processes/functions, information, technology and organization to drive innovation within business processes and supporting technologies
  • Maintains process knowledge over the respective processes and its dependencies to the whole process chain
  • Supports continuous improvement of the planning process
  • Develops annual “Business Process and IT Improvement” portfolio
  • Supports the development of 5 year Master Construction Plan (MCP) for Brand Core and Steering/Support processes, aligned to regional and global MCPs
  • Manage and maintain the annual portfolio through coordination and participation in IT Steering Committee processes
  • Manage Project Delivery
  • Support sourcing of project resources
  • Manage project resources
  • Ensure compliance to project management standards
  • Develop and maintain high performing resources for use across projects
  • Ensure quality performance (on-time, within budget and scope)
  • Manage Budgets
  • Comply with department budgets as required (mobile phone, travel, etc.)
  • Develop and manage project budgets within respective portfolio
  • Ensure compliance to established funding and applicable policies
  • Manage IT Governance
  • Support the prioritization and alignment of all projects within the Process/IT portfolio
  • Background in IT delivery and consulting
  • Extensive knowledge of IT processes and architectures
  • Personnel management and team development
  • Business Unit experience that includes working closely with IT in the development and implementation of large scale projects
  • IT experience in business systems analysis in a large scale environment across multiple systems
  • Account management including strategic thinking and demonstrated competency in developing efficient and effective solutions to complex business problems
  • Business process improvement involving broad based information systems and utilizing tools and techniques to effect business change
  • Project management and execution of larger projects
  • Knowledge of the assigned business area’s industry; experience in the strategic use of technology in managing and growing a business
  • Strong technical knowledge and ability to express complex technical concepts in terms that are understandable to the business
  • Strong program management skills; experience in organizing, planning, and executing large scale projects involving internal personnel, contractors and vendors
  • Strong teamwork and interpersonal skills, and ability to communicate with all management levels
  • Ability to be comfortable in a nonhierarchical, flat organization; operate under a dual reporting relationship; ability to thrive in a somewhat unstructured hands-on environment that demands a consultative approach and solutions that span multiple environments in a business area
  • SAP experience
  • Finance IT background
  • HR IT background
  • CRM IT background
  • Digital IT background

General Manager West Elm Resume Examples & Samples

  • Train and motivate all associates through on-going programs in sales, customer service and product knowledge
  • Build positive working relationships with store team, District Manager and brand partners to clarify priorities, share business insight and best practices
  • Communicate openly to create an environment where all associates are treated fairly and with dignity and respect
  • 4 + years management experience in specialty retail and/or multi-unit retail business environment
  • Work across all aspects of the business and manage office on daily basis including infrastructure required for successful sales and services
  • Manages the activities of Puerto Rico. Ensures Puerto Rico is staffed appropriately and makes adjustments as needed
  • Observes team in the field by attending sales calls, presentations and services
  • Responsible for attracting, developing, coaching, motivating, empowering and retaining office personell
  • Resolves conflicts within team and across departments
  • Develop and refine business processes as need be
  • Create a cadence of communication with staff and customers, including but not limited to monthly, all-employee meetings and weekly direct staff meetings
  • Work with the SVP of Sales and SVP of Services to oversee Puerto Rico budget and expenditures. Develops cost-effective solutions that meet the needs of the region while staying within designated budget
  • Oversight of sales administration, legal entity finance, tax, financial planning, human resource, order management and facility issues
  • Access direct services and shared services (e.g. order management) to ensure the Puerto Rico operation has support from all other functional services needed to attain business goals and maintain a high level of employee morale
  • Assumes responsibilities for the general operating results and financial status of the Company in terms of
  • 7 or more years of work related experience
  • Experience in QS9000/TS 16949 preferred
  • Seeks out and corrects acts or conditions, ensuring all safety and non-safety rules and regulations are followed
  • Ensure adherence to established quality and housekeeping standards
  • Review and adhere to Dortec’s health and safety, environmental, and quality standards, operating procedures, and policies
  • Respond immediately to items brought to his/her attention with respect to hazards, defects, incidents or non-compliance issues
  • Understand and uphold the policies that prohibit workplace violence and harassment
  • Involvement in the accident/incident program, determine root causes, correct action and following-up to ensure completion
  • In addition to the above, the duties include those specified under the Occupational Health & Safety Act
  • Attends Enviornmental and Health and Safety Training
  • Create and maintain a team environment within the store
  • Create, implement and lead all sales and training initiatives
  • Implement and review store policies/procedures on a regular basis and ensure staff adheres to them
  • Identify patterns in mystery shop scores, identify and execute training to increase overall scores
  • Lead management in coaching and develop of staff in this area
  • Responsible for the maintenance and organization of the daily register, banking functions, communicating and setting appointments with outside vendors that provide services for the store
  • Implement and lead floor sets, inventory and all company initiatives
  • Manage store execution in accordance with the company's visual and operational standards
  • Manage and maintain current programs for optimal performance practices, including training modules, communication binder, bulletin boards, holds and damages, schedules and backroom organization
  • Hold morning information and motivational meetings in partnership with management team
  • Grant-writing, development, fundraising skills
  • Bookkeeping (NACL uses Quickbooks)
  • Team player and self-directed
  • Creative thinker and strong communication skills
  • Guide and direct airport operations contributing to profit and loss
  • Fulfill goals and objectives set by the organization for individual performance levels
  • Represent company with airport management, clients, agencies trade and other professional associations, community and civic groups, etc
  • Initiate, evaluate, and implement new technology, methods, policies and procedures
  • Meet and exceed set sales quotas while adhering to CCA sales policies both personal sales goals and the Detroit Airport goal
  • Responsible for timely completion and submission of weekly call report, bi-monthly pipeline report and airport status report
  • Facilitate import sales into market by making available inventory, maps, pricing as well as touring customers of out of town reps and managers
  • Make prospecting a part of the regular sales routine and ensure that new prospects are being added on a weekly basis
  • Monitor market competition
  • Maintain market data base of advertisers, agencies and airport personnel
  • Support and encourage account executives (if applicable)
  • Monitor DBE participation and ensure that CCA is in compliance as required by the Seattle International Airport
  • Review, maintain, and implement safe work practices in compliance with all applicable OSHA, EPA and other regulatory requirements
  • Hire, discipline, discharge, supervise, train, assign, schedule, and assess the competency of employees within the branch and maintain employee relations
  • Oversee day-to-day operations of office including open and closing as per business hours set by CCA Corporate
  • Strong ability to work individually and as part of a team
  • Perform other job-related duties as necessary
  • Broad business background with emphasis on sales and/or public affairs
  • Ability to understand and calculate basic mathematical equations
  • Ability to read, draft and comprehend complex and persuasive business correspondence and creative proposals
  • Possess valid instate driver’s license
  • Climb, bend, stoop, stand, sit, operate normal office equipment such as keyboards, copiers, telephones, fax machines, calculators, computers, etc
  • Experience with Microsoft power point, excel and word
  • Sit and/or stand at a desk for a minimum of eight hours a day and complete tasks requiring repetitive use of hands
  • The employee must have the ability to lift and move items up to 15 pounds
  • College degree with emphasis on business management
  • Provides overall leadership and direction resulting in a superior guest experience satisfaction
  • Ensures Discipline/Termination procedures follow all company guidelines
  • Ensures compliance with all company Workplace Standards to maintain a working environment that is free of discrimination and harassment
  • Complete knowledge of food and beverage operations encompassing high volume catering, alcohol service and regulations, and restaurant and high end dining
  • Recruits, hire and train to develop and build a high performing and successful team
  • Demonstrates and instills a sense of character, integrity and quality to enhance the continuing long-range growth and profitability of the venue
  • Work with direct reports and Home Office Learning and Develop team to oversee the career path for all managers and staff at venue level
  • Identifies team strengths and weaknesses and adjusts job responsibilities to optimize team effectiveness
  • Provides continuous direction, support, feedback and coaching to direct reports and staff to ensure consistency and compliance to company standards throughout the venue
  • Ensures Optimal Guest Experience
  • Promptly manages the response and follow-up of all guest concerns
  • Initiates the development of new and analyzes existing procedures and special promotions that will improve guest intent of return and revenue center profit under the guidelines of Company’s policies
  • Establishes measurable or quantitative standards to gauge success of marketing efforts
  • Identifies and develops sponsorship opportunities and strategic alliances
  • Analyzes and assesses best use of media dollars and actively participates in creating venue marketing plan and media buys
  • Ensures that all sponsorship programs (both venue and Home Office generated) are fulfilled completely and satisfactorily with Director of Sales
  • Identifies sales opportunities and strategies
  • Balances special events opportunities with other venue departments’ needs and overall venue revenue opportunities
  • Collaborates with internal sales team to sell and execute special events with prospective clients upon request
  • Enhancing Revenue/Controlling Costs
  • Manage Food & Beverage cost of goods, controllable expenses and labor within budgetary guidelines
  • Reviews financials with management team to help develop action plan to grow revenue and control expenses in order to meet or exceed annual budgets
  • Analyzes daily, weekly and monthly reports to identify trends, future needs and obstacles to achieving goals
  • Identifies and conducts due diligence for all capital projects
  • Working in conjunction with the SVP Southern Europe and Africa, establish and drive annual and long term strategic goals including financial, creative and editorial
  • Work with the team in Iberia to identify and implement effective growth strategies – in line with the Company’s overall strategy
  • Act as ambassador for Turner, representing the best interests of the business both internally and externally
  • A respected leader with a proven track record of leading high-performing, large, multi-disciplinary teams
  • Track record in general management, preferably with experience of running TV channels, including programming, marketing and creative
  • Track record in linear and non-linear content distribution with a clear understanding of the impact of digital rights and new platforms on the market
  • Proven developer of talent, with coaching & mentoring expertise
  • Strong strategic mind-set, visionary
  • Demonstrable commercial & decision making capability with good financial acumen
  • Excellent communication skills – verbal, written & presentation
  • Excellent business planning and analytical skills
  • Excellent project management skills, with an ability to work effectively in a complex international matrix environment
  • Fluency in Spanish and English. Knowledge of Portuguese / French would be advantageous
  • Training, recruiting, coaching and development of an energetic, inspired and effective sales organization is a top priority, including ensuring digital certification and capabilities of all team members and the adoption of world-class sales principles and behaviors
  • Creates and executes sales plans that grow total and digital market share based on potential
  • Lead local sales employees in analyzing, planning and executing strategies to grow audiences and local revenue across all platforms
  • Work with regional controller and VP/Sales to understand and actively manage to revenue and expense budgets and to include contingency measures for the operation
  • Work with regional marketing and sales to analyze the market opportunity and competition and determine the most effective sales strategies for increasing advertising revenue across multiple platforms
  • Develop creative strategies to maximize sales resources and optimize revenue development
  • Work with key advertisers, including a base of local and locally controlled small businesses, to develop successful relationships; make sales calls; and attend community and client events to further build customer partnerships and drive market share
  • Actively and knowledgeably utilize salesforce.com (CRM system) for effective pipeline management, sales planning and driving sales activities
  • Drive community impact of the Daily News Journal through championing efforts of the newsroom to drive and engage audiences, collaborating regionally, and/or leveraging connections in the community to grow the community and the business
  • Employ public-relations techniques to ensure that the employees and the public have a good understanding of the Daily News Journal’s capabilities to connect and help local people and impact growth for local businesses
  • Ensure unit meets revenue and customer satisfaction objectives for direct areas of responsibility using the value selling process; partner with the sales team to interface with clients with the objective to meet and exceed sales goals
  • Ensure the sales force is driving new sales (by assessing and facilitating the use of best practices in solutions based selling), up-sell of existing advertisers, while driving retention, and minimizing product cannibalization
  • A top priority of the position includes executing the strategic game plan and delivery of sales goals for each product category under the multimedia umbrella
  • Help define, develop, communicate, schedule and deliver training curriculum for local sales programs
  • Hold sales executives accountable to performance by reviewing metrics, including forecasting to maximize opportunities and determine areas for improvement
  • Network nationally, regionally, and locally to stay abreast of emerging media trends, rates and product solutions
  • Bachelor’s Degree in marketing, advertising or equivalent combination of education and experience
  • Digital sales experience is REQUIRED
  • A minimum of 3 years sales/marketing experience and 2 plus years management experience
  • Expert knowledge of all facets of advertising including digital sales and marketing
  • Strong communication, negotiation, and influencing skills; both written and oral
  • Strong problem-solving and decision-making skills
  • Demonstrated success in a goal-oriented, highly-accountable world-class sales environment
  • Proficient in MS Office and Salesforce
  • Bachelor’s Degree and a minimum 5+ years of department and/or specialty store management
  • Ability to present in front of a group
  • Excellent communication, interpersonal, and follow-up skills: email, phone, etc
  • Proficiency in retail math and computer software (i.e. Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.)
  • Ability to analyze sales plans and reports
  • Must have home office (w/ printer, fax , etc.)
  • Leads the brand’s market development across all international regions, with focus on
  • 15+ years of relevant work experience in a fast-paced, marketing/retail-oriented environment
  • Previous strategic, consumer and applied marketing experience required
  • Knowledge of socio-cultural climates essential
  • Excellent communication, organizational, creative, strategic and self-motivation skills
  • Experience in managing and developing a team, flexibility to work with global teams
  • Must have a passion for the cosmetic industry and in particular understands Jo Malone London’s philosophy and point of difference
  • Ensure sales, margin and KPI goals are met
  • Manage the proper coverage by reviewing optimized schedule and partnering with direct reports to provide an optimal customer experience
  • Builds partnerships on all levels through effective communication (up/down/lateral) and engagement
  • Puts the good of the team above individual needs
  • Proactively plan and delegate daily to consistently create a memorable customer experience
  • Partner with Regional Management to develop operating budgets and monitor performance sales and profit performance in assigned store, ensuring that sales and margin goals are met
  • Establish and monitor all store standards and work with the team to ensure successful implementation
  • Assist with the management of the recruitment, selection, supervision, and development of store staff to maximize sales and profit performance
  • Coach and mentor staff to achieve optimal results. Includes succession planning for current and future positions
  • Drive results by developing and executing the stations strategic and operating plans, achieve EBITDA goals consistent with Tribune Broadcasting financial and operating guidelines
  • Create and support, on and off air, branding strategies across all platforms to ensure ratings and revenue growth
  • Employ purposeful change management strategies to ensure optimum staffing and resources
  • Provide system of controls to insure that FCC regulations are followed, and that financial management, operating budgets, capital spending plans and other financial systems are within company guidelines and objectives
  • Develop, identify and execute new business, revenue and community opportunities to provide for the growth and development of the Company
  • Cultivate relationships with major advertisers and community leaders to represent the station in the local market
  • Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration, Finance, Broadcast/Entertainment/Communications/Journalism or a related field and/or equivalent related experience
  • Fifteen or more years of experience in progressively responsible television management positions
  • Beneficial experience would include Top 20 market and/or prior FOX or CW familiarity; oversight and strategic execution in a duopoly or multiple station situation is essential
  • Thorough understanding of the television industry and the role and jurisdiction of the Federal Communications Commission
  • Ability to strategically plan, lead and innovate in all aspects of the Station, including content produced for all platforms: cable, multicast, interactive, mobile, and other digital businesses. Must accurately forecast revenue, understand audiences across all platforms, and be engaged in identifying and embracing future trends
  • Management skills necessary to manage diverse organization of approximately 200 employees. Leadership ability to represent company in public for diverse audiences
  • Authority and responsibility for an appropriate share of market revenues in excess of $350 million and an operating expense budget to generate an appropriate return
  • Authority and responsibility for over approximately 200 employees across a wide variety of positions, experience levels and responsibilities
  • Authority and responsibility for operations and content of channels on broadcast and cable available across the U.S
  • Ensure constant and consistent club and guest satisfaction through the smooth and efficient operation of the dining room and front of the house staff and associated duties
  • Oversee exceptional service in a timely manner through effective training and management of the staff
  • Meet or exceed budgeted margins and net contribution by controlling expenses and labor
  • Development, management, communication and adherence of staff to all departmental and company policies and procedures; including HR polices, cash handling and liquor laws
  • Weekly management meetings with all the members of the management staff
  • Daily communications with management, all kitchen and service staff about menu updates, business levels, safety and guest service
  • Complete management reports in a timely manner, including but not limited to, daily financial reports, payroll, inventory, profit and loss statements, general ledger statements and personnel reports/documentation
  • Meet all (SOX) compliance requirements
  • Coordinate ordering and availability of product, supplies and equipment with managers and staff using approved vendors and procedures
  • Work with the Executive Chef and Sommelier in maintaining the wine list and continue to achieve the "best of award of excellence" from Wine Spectator
  • Maintain all wine inventory budgeted levels, beer and liquor inventories, including but not limited to monthly inventories
  • Responsible for all cash handling, receipt reconciliation and closing reports pertaining to revenue accounting policies and procedures, safe logs, deposits, change orders, tip policies and procedures, scheduling, payroll and make sure company assets are secure
  • Maintain building, including outside areas and submit/manage capital projects that pertain to the buildings
  • Oversee and ensure that company policies and employee performance appraisals are followed and completed on time
  • Maintains all costs including cost of sales, labor, operating and overhead expenses
  • High School Diploma or Equivalent - required
  • College/ Culinary Degree - strongly preferred
  • Must be fluent written and spoken English - required
  • Spanish helpful
  • Minimum of 7 years of high quality fine dining restaurant experience - required
  • Minimum of 2 years in a restaurant supervisory experience - required
  • Valid driver’s license and TIPS and ServSafe certifications - required
  • Microsoft Office, PeopleSoft, Coupa and Infogenesis proficiency - preferred
  • Able to work a flexible schedule throughout the summer and winter seasons; this includes all weekends and holidays - required
  • Develop and implement the growth and profit strategy for the organisation
  • Develop and maintain the strong relationship with the brand and acknowledging the importance of this relationship and maintaining the brand image throughout the business
  • Construct strong influential relationships with customers to understand and meet their needs
  • Achieve and improve all site operational KPIs
  • Effectively use management information systems at to advance accurate analysis and support sound decision making
  • Implement best practice divisional and operational procedures and ensure full compliance within the branch with divisional standards
  • Develop and implement effective business development plans in line with collect business development objectives, ensure branch performance targets are met or exceeded
  • Ensure the business has the manpower resources and skill sets required to enable the effective operation of the business whilst maximizing cost efficiencies
  • Demonstrate leadership skills and values holding self and others accountable for meeting and exceeding objectives
  • Maximise the potential of team members through coaching of staff and to encourage and sponsor talent to ensure succession within the business and across the Group
  • Build and sustain a high performing engaged team by providing clear direction, targets, regular reviews to manage all levels of performance
  • Ensure departments are appropriately resourced to achieve maximum efficiencies and productivity in most cost effective manner
  • Deliver budgeted sales, volume & margins contained in the annual commercial business plan
  • Conduct regular customer analysis & provide the business with proposals on how business performance can be improved and new customer segments identified outside of the normal customer channels
  • Create a sales focus for the business in collaboration with your direct reports
  • Manage the operational/distribution function within the business ensuring maximum efficiencies are in place and monitoring these regularly through weekly KPI's and monthly reviews with the Commercial Director and Finance business controller
  • Manage the performance of the Finance and Admin function
  • Work with the Marketing team to ensure a plan is high on the overall agenda. Calendar of activities to be planned
  • Make recommendations concerning the development of new products or services that will enhance the business offer and drive more sales
  • Leading, motivating and managing an over-all team of management, sales reps, drivers and support staff)
  • Encourage open communication and support within the team by having regular structured team meetings
  • Be a champion of the Performance Management process within your business area
  • Acting as a coach to direct reports in terms of operational activity as well as People Management
  • Managing all aspects of the ~$100M business including EH&S, Lean Manufacturing and Kaizen techniques, quality, cost reduction, on-time delivery, customer satisfaction, employee relations, visual controls and plant performance measures with an employee base of~ 300 employees
  • Achieve required safety, quality, cost and delivery performance levels
  • Ensure compliance to Export and Ethics policies
  • Foster a culture of continuous improvement
  • Lead and maintain a highly engaged and inclusive workforce
  • Employ process improvements and Lean manufacturing principles in all functions
  • Mentor and motivate employees in safety, quality, cost and productivity improvements
  • Coordinate resources to achieve goals with a timely and cost-effective strategy
  • Empower employees to utilize existing skills and to develop new skills to ensure a highly competent and motivated workforce
  • Encourage technological innovation and process improvement initiatives to enhance quality, cost effectiveness and customer satisfaction
  • Ensure compliance with all applicable United Technologies and Pratt & Whitney policies and procedures including individual employee awareness of responsibility and accountability
  • Lead development of market strategy to ensure a positive competitive position in relation to market share, profitability and quality and build strong customer relationships
  • Drive results by developing and executing the stations’ strategic and operating plans, achieve EBITDA goals consistent with the company’s financial and operating guidelines
  • Develop, identify and execute new business, revenue and community opportunities to provide for the growth and development of the company
  • Make regular reports to Dreamcatcher and Tribune Broadcasting executives on matters requiring their action
  • Beneficial experience would include Top 50 market, and/or prior CBS and/or CW experience and market familiarity
  • Management skills necessary to manage diverse organization of over 150 employees. Leadership ability to actively represent company in the community
  • Authority and responsibility for an appropriate share of television market revenues of approximately $100 million and an operating expense budget to generate an appropriate return
  • Authority and responsibility for department heads and full staffing across all departments
  • Authority and responsibility for operations and content across all platforms
  • Full accountability for Revenues, OPEX and Contribution for the combined One Shire business in Turkey
  • To lead the One Shire business including all 3rd Party Distributor relationships, Shire Commercial and non-Commercial Functions (Medical, Finance) through the matrix and BU structure
  • To manage, shape and leverage a positive internal and external environment in order to build and protect the business and reputation of Shire and its brands
  • Demonstrate the credibility of Shire and its brands with the relevant authorities and healthcare professionals, ensuring regulatory compliance of activities, managing professional programs and endorsements as well as customer relations and public affairs events, participating in the development of a reasonable and responsible regulatory and reimbursement environment, representing the company interests in industry / trade associations and managing and preventing external relations issues
  • Development and management of commercial infrastructure in Turkey: Lead and manage all aspects of Business Projects. Develop project initiatives and plans based on identified business needs and use team resources to execute these
  • To lead discussions and participate in decision making in the CEEMEA Management Team regarding the Shire HGT business in Turkey. Lead implementation of management decisions by means of Project Management, negotiation and contracting
  • Develop and implement outstanding brand strategies with BU and Marketing colleagues
  • Responsible for implementing marketing plans locally, ensuring all relevant resources and infrastructure exists. Review Distributor network for potential alignment and / or rationalisation
  • Execute effective new product launches across the Region and appoint new Distributor partners as necessary
  • Organization of participation at national Medical & Educational Congresses and Exhibitions
  • Managing Distributors to ensure sales and marketing plans are in place and ensuring their plans and efforts are aligned with business opportunities and Shire Objectives. Negotiating amendments to existing Distribution Contracts and / or engaging new Distributors as necessary. (20%)
  • Financial Management: Effectively uses financial planning and forecasting models in order to successfully implement business relevant strategies into daily operations and to work effectively with Shire Supply Chain to ensure timely product availability to meet demand. (10%)
  • Public affairs: Proactively raise the profile of Shire in Turkey by undertaking educational / promotional activities to promote a positive image of Shire and its brands and therapy areas. Liaise, consult and negotiate to influence personally, or via industry associations and alliances, the development of legislation favourable for Shire’s business. (20%)
  • Market Access: working with reimbursement authorities and other key stakeholders (e.g. Clinical and Patient Associations) to shape the environment positively for rare diseases in Turkey (20%)
  • Issue management: To identify issues early, determine and manage level of risk, communicate effectively internally, create a state of preparedness that enables rapid and effective action and effectively manage and leverage key external relationships to deliver a positive outcome. (10%)
  • Compliance: Working with Legal, Compliance and Internal Audit functions, ensure that Shire business practices, SOPs and documentation is in full compliance with all appropriate internal and external regulations. (20%)
  • Be knowledgeable of and competent in the use of all Vail Resorts IT systems used to run the business. Be able to train and advise staff. Have a strong working knowledge of PC's and basic office applications especially excel, MS office, and word
  • Develop business plans and budgets that add value to FRC through creative idea generation which expands revenues, improves margins and grows the value of the company
  • Obtaining the highest possible total property rev PAR
  • Responsible for ensuring a clear operating plan and budgets exists to achieve the financial targets. Zero based approach to the numbers in AD and aligned with in the field operators work plan assumptions
  • Oversee the staffing guides and purchasing plans of engineering, F&B, rooms, dorms, activities, and service station to be consistent with revenue forecast and flow through guidelines
  • With the DOF develop, manage and coordinate with NPS, FRC’s capital projects and plan
  • Be very knowledgeable about ISO systems and principles, the Envision Management Systems and their value to organizations. Provide active leadership for direct reports and all FRC staff to ensure the effective use of the Envision Systems. Be FRC’s representative for the Quality Management Systems
  • Define and ensure all facilities and activities have quality standards in place, up to date SOP's and training programs to ensure the quality standards are met and continually improved upon
  • Continually improve FRC by setting, reviewing, developing action plans and achieving goals & objectives in Guest and employee satisfaction, NPS compliance and community stewardship
  • With the GTLC HR department, responsible for hiring of management and staff in all operational areas
  • In conjunction with Human Resources responsible for motivating, coaching, counseling, and disciplining employees. Actively engage in the staff orientation and managers leadership training
  • Be an active user of the Envision Recognition program
  • Inspect and review all operations on a regular daily, weekly, and monthly bases: Tour FRC front and heart (back) of house during early morning and early evening hours, at least 3 days per week along with daily walkthroughs of operations with on site management as available. Dine in the restaurants at least once per week. Dine in the EDR at least 3 meals each per week. The purpose of these reviews and tours is so that you are intimately knowledgeable of and have personal current working knowledge of the operations, existing challenges and their performance potential
  • Maintain a dynamic and current prioritized action item record for communications with staff, peers and supervisor to add value, achieve goals, overcome challenges and create opportunities for FRC
  • Providing leadership and management expertise to enact Vail Resorts & GTLC's mission and values as adopted for FRC, strive towards its vision and achieve its goals
  • Be an active and engaging participant in meetings i.e. Direct Reports, pre shifts, GT staff and ROCS. Provide leadership for managers meetings to ensure their effectiveness
  • Having a working knowledge of NPS policies and SOP relating to concessions management to ensure compliance with and continuation of the FRC NPS contract. Have a working knowledge of Grand Teton and Yellowstone National Parks, Jackson Hole and the general Yellowstone eco-system so as to be able to guide guests and employees to places for an experience of a life time and create exceptional experiences for guests
  • Defines and ensures all facilities and activities meet quality standards. Set, communicate and achieve performance of Quality, Market Metrix, Hospitality Now and NPS goals
  • Serves as a “working manager” with much of his/her time interacting with guests and employees. Responsible for resolving all NPS guest and FRC employee issues
  • Conducts annual business planning ensuring that appropriate inventories and par levels are maintained for operating supplies
  • Actively engage in the opportunities and challenges of FRC by providing creativity, innovation, inspiration and continuous improvement
  • Coordinate, schedule and communicate with team members to ensure leadership presence on property at all times
  • Represent company at local and statewide associations as assigned
  • Manages objectives for operating budgets, capital plans and cost savings targets
  • Achieves inventory turns improvements and manages manufacturing variances
  • Ensures effective implementation of product and manufacturing technologies
  • Identifies and executes manufacturing technologies and world class manufacturing initiatives at the site and business unit level in support of a 5-yr strategic plan
  • Ensuring all manufacturing operations are in full compliance with UTC commitments and reliability obligations
  • Directing manufacturing engineering, quality engineering, environmental health and safety, facilities and equipment support activities
  • Overseeing all production, machining, assembly, test and inspection processes at assigned facilities, ensuring final products meet customer requirements
  • Establishing and maintaining effective relationships with internal and external stakeholders
  • Overseeing the start-up and/or transfer of various production lines/activities to/from the San Marcos site and ensuring appropriate steps are taken to support a smooth transfer
  • Providing coaching and mentoring to the individuals within the site
  • Supports the Sales & Operations Planning (S&OP) process
  • Deliberately building a culture that is in line with the company’s values and that will be conducive to achieving the site’s short, medium and long term targets
  • Standardizes best practices across operations and the overall organization
  • Build and manage a specialist sales and pre-sales team
  • Establish VMware as an Enterprise Management thought leader by working with Marketing
  • Leverage VMware’s core sales teams and partner network to accelerate go-to-market
  • Manage complex enterprise sales campaigns
  • Ensure required reporting and forecasting are completed as required in a timely manner
  • Work with the core sales team to prioritize target accounts and prospects
  • Develop a sales strategy and account plan for each key account jointly with the core sales team
  • 9 -12 years required; Experience in Sales & Distribution, Marketing desired
  • 1 Build a profitable partnership with franchise bottlers based on mutually beneficial goals and objectives
  • 2 Ensure joint development of 3 year strategic plans and Annual Business plan
  • 3 Drive and achieve stipulated volumes and market share to gain over competition
  • 4 Act as the company representative at the bottler location to guide on company directives
  • 5 Drive and achieve stipulated category wise volumes and market share to gain over competition
  • 6 Accountable for joint planning and implementation of relevant marketing initiatives with the bottler to maximize sales and drive revenues
  • 7 Ensure bottler compliance to company best practice guidelines in the area of product, package and promotion whilst implementing marketing strategies
  • 8 Build strong partnerships with the National key accounts in the franchise and ensure development & execution of marketing plans & promotions. Monitor & ensure timely reconciliation of accounts of NKA & bottler
  • 9 Monitor DME / DFR spends, maintain controls on all financial parameters and ensure compliance of company directives
  • 10 Communicate with consumer marketing and region marketing to ensure total system alignment on development and execution of marketing plans, products, programs and services
  • 11 Continuously review and monitor Right Execution Daily (RED) scores, analyze gaps and ensure bottler undertakes corrective action to improve the same
  • 12 Achieve stipulated quality targets as defined by The Coca-Cola Quality System (TCCQS) for the bottler
  • 13 Analyze quality scores by using methods such as root cause analysis, identify gaps and jointly develop corrective action plans against deviations
  • 14 Build Bottler organization capability in order to deliver business requirements of Coca-Cola by partnering with CCU
  • 15 Influence the bottler to partner Coca-Cola in adhering to environmental protection standards and acquiring a 'social license'
  • 2 Awareness of the Coca Cola Quality System
  • 3 Experienced in Marketing Initiatives / Programs Execution
  • 4 Bottler Operations
  • 5 Financial Analysis
  • 6 Key Account Management
  • 7 Market & Competitive Intelligence
  • 8 Regulatory and Legal Knowledge
  • 9 Sales & Marketing Strategy
  • 10 Experienced in Business Planning
  • 11 Market Execution
  • 2 Understand the dynamics of bottler operations and marketing conditions that Bottlers operate within
  • 3 Collaborate with Region Marketing & brand managers on key category and brand opportunities in select channels
  • 4 Build organization capability at the bottlers to meet company objectives
  • 5 Engage at multiple levels of the bottler organization structure in the bottler location
  • 5 Market Share & Distribution targets
  • 6 Quality Index
  • 7 Clearance of Quality, Safety & Environment audits
  • 8 Social License Planned Vs. Executed
  • Manage a full staff of store personnel and oversee all in-store operations to achieve sales, service, organization, customer satisfaction, and profitability goals for the store
  • Define and communicate innovative strategies for store growth, and then put them into place
  • Coach and develop staff to provide a world class shopping experience
  • Maintain profitability by meeting sales, payroll, and shrink goals
  • Take responsibility for the store’s profitability and financial budgeting, including labor costs and overall expenses
  • Demonstrate excellent communication skills with staff, customers, channel partners, and corporate headquarters
  • Guide Assistant Store Managers and Lead Associates as they recruit, hire, and develop a diverse and talented team
  • Analyze store-level reports and identify new strategies for maximizing results, reporting information to staff and upper management
  • Execute and maintain visual merchandising standards consistent with company brand standards and directives
  • Create and maintain positive employee relations through building, leading and developing a quality store team
  • Ensure on-going specific and immediate coaching and feedback, and delivery of all performance documentation in a timely manner
  • Protect all company assets and handle store level loss prevention as necessary
  • Ensure compliance with all company policies and procedures
  • Represent Garmin at industry and professional meetings and conferences
  • BA in Business Administration, or related field
  • 3-5 years of high volume store management experience
  • Possesses strategic leadership, time management and organization skills
  • Operate business to established Mountain Dining standards
  • Ensure staff and restaurant environment will provide ski resort guest with a pleasant experience on a daily basis
  • Monitor and maintain financial performance of dining outlet including payroll, sales, inventory, worker’s comp claims, etc
  • Responsible for financial performance of daily operations including cost of sales & labor
  • Responsible for hiring, scheduling, timekeeping, mid and end of season appraisals, and daily management of restaurant staff both front and back of house
  • Accurately schedule staff to budgeted labor allocations
  • Responsible for payroll exceptions, approvals and labor distribution reports
  • Investigate and resolve guest complaints
  • Responsible for banquet execution and management within the food court & coffee bar
  • English required, Spanish preferred
  • Minimum 3 years restaurant experience required
  • TIPS certification required within 30 days of employment
  • Serve Safe certification required within 30 days of employment
  • Colorado driver's license required
  • Knowledge of Microsoft office suite required
  • Experience with Coupa purchasing software preferred
  • Ability to work a flexible schedule including days, nights, weekends and holidays required
  • Profit and Loss responsibility for the entire business
  • Focus on increasing Garmin’s market share in all consumer categories (PND, Fitness, Outdoor & Marine) in the Mexican market
  • Lead the sales & marketing teams throughout Mexico to grow our customer base and build the Garmin Mexico brand
  • Review of Unit volume sales/Market sales/key dealer/OEM account sales
  • Marketing review of various new markets, products and competition
  • Contact with various customers, dealers and distributors on major issues. Ensure key relationships with major Mexican retailers are maintained
  • Review of Transfer Pricing within Group companies
  • Review of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for the business
  • Demonstrated articulate and fluent communication skills in English in verbal and written form
  • Ability to motivate and lead people
  • Degree Qualification and Professional Qualification
  • Previous General Manager experience
  • Understanding of the local market, i.e. Dealers/Distributors, Tax Laws & Regulations, Import/Export Regulations, Marketing, etc
  • Taking ownership of the day-to-day running of the operation and staff management
  • Allocate priorities and oversee the work of a 10 person team
  • Assist in the induction, training and development of staff
  • Responsibility for the needs of large groups
  • Create weekly and monthly reports
  • Ensure that all customer sales inquiries are converted by the team
  • Oversee all bookings are managed correctly by the bookings manager
  • Responsible for facilities and building requirements
  • Manage vender and partner relationships (Travel agencies, student agencies, education bodies)
  • Deal with any staff/customer problems
  • Document and implement procedures
  • Working on pricing and campaigns both in Dublin & the UK
  • Ensure smooth running of the invoices
  • Able to prioritise and organise time efficiently
  • Excellent interpersonal skills & ability to delegate
  • Excellent PC skills including Word and Excel
  • 5 years relevant work experience in a managerial role
  • Hospitality, Travel or Tourism experience
  • A 2nd language desirable
  • 6+ years of experience in Business Management, Planning and Financial Oversight
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting, Finance, Business Administration or related area
  • Knowledge of health plan operations including enrollment and member services, utilization, claims processing, contracting and provider relations, and regulatory compliance
  • Advanced quantitative and qualitative analytical skills
  • Microsoft Office/Suite proficient (Word, Excel and Access)
  • Master’s Degree in Accounting, Business Administration, or Finance
  • Lead the organization and will be ultimately responsible for designing organizational standard work that will ensure success in a rapid growth environment
  • Empower employees to utilize existing skills and to develop new skills to ensure a highly competent and motivated workforce that will be engaged in driving cross-functional standard work
  • Encourage technological innovation and process improvement initiatives to enhance quality, cost effectiveness, customer satisfaction, and work-life balance
  • Lead development of market strategy to ensure a positive competitive position in relation to market share, profitability and quality and building strong customer relationships

PA to General Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Management of day-to-day administrative and organisational tasks pertaining to General Manager and Commercial Manager
  • Set-up and maintain up-to-date filing systems, records and procedures to provide efficient administration systems
  • To raise purchase orders for the team
  • Liaise with the Commercial and Marketing teams (e.g. product information and launches)
  • Responsible for call handling into main Redken number
  • Assisting the General Manager and the Commercial Manager with ad hoc projects
  • Responsibility for planning and overseeing exciting and inspiring National Sales Meetings
  • Liaison with Marketing to ensure that all of the materials are ready and delivered on time to the monthly Regional Meetings
  • Responsibility for the smooth running of the Club 5th Avenue scheme including the system and ensuring statements go out monthly
  • Responsible for daily, weekly and monthly commercial reports to sales team
  • Responsible for general office management
  • Degree and at least 10 years of direct management responsibilities over a team of sales staff
  • Good in depth knowledge of financial products and services
  • Comprehensive knowledge of policies and procedures to ensure the maintainence of operational controls that exceed audit standards
  • Preferably obtained all CFMAS industry certifications
  • Strong people management skills, coaching skills and problem solving skills
  • Strong team building, interpersonal and communication skills
  • Lead, manage, and develop standards for all services, office floors, breakrooms, offsites, and events. Ensure we are leading in all areas of hospitality, embracing the idea of belonging anywhere
  • Supervise Foh management in direction of all service staff and daily operations. Ensure team performance and accountability through regular conversations, supervision, and support
  • Produce and post weekly Front-of-House staff schedule
  • Hands-on help, instruction, and leadership in service
  • Identify efficiencies and initiatives geared toward high-volume, low-waste, cost-effective solutions that maintain a high quality of product and service
  • Partner with the Executive Chef and Operations Manager to achieve overall departmental and corporate goals
  • Manage beverage and product leads to secure accounts with local, sustainable, and high-integrity vendors. Establish clear budgets, ordering protocol, and product pars
  • Establish and supervise systems and tools for full compliance of food safety and sanitation
  • Meet weekly with events teams to plan and execute internal and external events
  • Main point of contact on all employee service feedback. Respond to requests and questions, and disseminate feedback and recommendations to team
  • Monitor Foh equipment and maintenence needs
  • Advise and assist with dining room and breakroom environment layout and design
  • Lead meetings, create agendas, communicate to inform, inspire, and promote accountability and growth
  • Responsible for financial performance of the Village at Breckenridge and Village Hotel. Create and manage to departmental budgets, including forecasting, variances, and revenue management
  • Collaborate with the other GM’s within Breckenridge and Keystone to share resources, expertise and ideas. Actively participate in the GM meetings and lead one of the various Summit County initiatives
  • Foster the relationship with our business partners at CME, Vail Resorts Retail, VRDC and Breckenridge Mountain. Attend Mountain operations meetings to share Hospitality updates
  • Uphold a strong working relationship with the HOAs within the Village at Breckenridge
  • Maintain relationships with our Repeat and VIP clientele
  • Provide leadership and support to the management team. This includes, but not limited to, direct involvement with performance management process, coaching and discipline, employee development, staffing levels, and policies & procedures
  • Foster a culture that creates a high level of employee engagement
  • Drive guest service and brand standards for the properties. Actively engage with guests and employees on a daily basis. Be “hands-on” and lead by example
  • Influence HOA & owners to update units and properties thru refurbishing, maintenance upkeep, and special projects
  • Manage and lead capital projects to stay within budget and timeline
  • Work closely with property operations and functional areas including sales and marketing, human resources, IT, finance, and revenue management
  • Minimum of four years of leadership experience preferred. Specialty retailing experience preferred
  • Able to effectively select, lead and develop a team of 15-30 associates
  • Strong sales experience required with demonstrated ability to meet or exceed performance standards
  • An essential function of the job is the ability to work a flexible schedule based on the needs of the business including opening/closing shifts as well as weekends and holidays
  • Able to work cooperatively in a diverse work environment
  • Open to relocating for opportunities in other areas of the business
  • Lead and direct manufacturing operations through a team of functional managers and front line supervisors
  • Manage all aspects of the ~$82M business including EH&S, Lean Manufacturing and Kaizen techniques, engineering, quality, cost reduction, on-time delivery, customer satisfaction, employee relations, visual controls and plant performance measures with an employee base of ~190 employees
  • Employ process improvements and Lean Manufacturing principles in all functions of the facility and foster a culture of continuous improvement
  • Maintain and promote a code of ethics that conforms to all federal, state, local, corporate, and business unit laws, regulations and guidelines
  • Achieve requirements and goals of safety, quality, cost and delivery performance levels
  • Ensure compliance with export control – International Trade Compliance
  • Ensure material is available for production schedules and appropriate inventory control is maintained and ensure reports accurately reflect material status and history
  • Conduct daily production meeting to communicate priorities, identify work procedures, prepare work schedules, and expedite workflow
  • Provides leadership for employee relations through effective communications, coaching, training, and development
  • Ensure cost control through budget and inventory control
  • Determine headcount needs and communicate needs to human resources
  • Ensure equal opportunity for employees and applicants with regard to hiring, work assignments, training, transfers, advancements, and all other conditions and privileges of employment and provides a work environment free of harassment/discrimination/retaliation and makes good faith effort to meet Affirmative Action goals of the department
  • Prepare reports that summarize and forecast company business activity and financial position in areas of income, expenses, and earnings based on past, present, and expected operations
  • Acting as a steward of good business practices, and of the Bank’s assets and reputation in the community
  • Improve the overall client experience by role modeling how to deepen client relationships, meet clients financial needs and provide a high standard of customer service
  • Coach employees to introduce clients to the employee best able to meet their needs or to refer them to the appropriate partner (e.g. Wood Gundy, CIBC Private Investment Counsel) for their needs
  • Encourage clients to adopt self-service channels in order to better meet their transaction needs
  • Focus to increase sales volume year after year utilizing company tools and programs
  • Devise an action plan for sales associates to successfully achieve their set sales and business goals
  • Actively recruit, hire and develop in-store teams that represent BCBGMAXAZRIAGROUP brands and business culture
  • Administer manager evaluations to evaluate growth and progression within the store
  • Schedule and attend manager meetings as needed/required
  • Protect the BCBGMAXAZRIAGROUP brand message and philosophies
  • Additional duties/responsibilities may be assigned
  • POS system knowledge
  • Maintains adequate inventory levels of all products according to business levels
  • Inspect quality of food product received at the lodges
  • Assures completion of necessary paperwork, as needed, on a daily basis
  • Responsible for employee scheduling, development, hiring, progressive discipline and separation
  • Schedules all staff consistent with budgeted levels
  • Responsible for opening and closing store and related procedures
  • Responsible for cash handling procedures including but not limited to preparing and dropping bank deposits
  • Authorizes register functions including post voids, returns and associate discounts
  • Continually recruits for outstanding associates; identifies internal potential and assists associates in career path development
  • Ensures compliance with New Hire process (includes NH paperwork) for all managers and associates
  • Partners with District Manager and Human Resources for coaching and counseling and associate relations matters
  • Trains and develops all managers and associates; writes performance appraisals and conducts performance review meetings
  • Mentors Executive Assistant Manager, Assistant Manager and Team Leader
  • Reviews all corporate communications and reacts accordingly
  • Performs manager on duty (MOD) responsibilities as required
  • Responsible and accountable for P&L and controllable expenses
  • Writes and approves weekly staff schedule and processes payroll within corporate guidelines
  • Complies with corporate Loss Prevention and Human Resources policies and procedures
  • Maintains clean and safe environment for associates and customers to include sales floor and back room, manager's office and restrooms
  • Adheres to all standard operating procedures as dictated by corporate office
  • Effectively communicates with supervisors or corporate office regarding store issues
  • Minimum 5 years of retail store management experience
  • High School Graduate or equivalent; College degree preferred
  • Good planning, organizational and time management skills
  • Physical Requirements
  • Lift, push, pull 25 lbs
  • Frequent kneeling, bending and stooping
  • Climb ladders
  • Lead all phases of operations in the plant to ensure most effective and lowest cost methods of production
  • Lead the Business Plan Process to define long & short term plant objectives aligned with CPS strategies and ensures continued focus on per unit cost
  • Establish strategies to comply with current and future demands, planning and implementing the necessary projects to meet goals. Guarantee continuity of products to the customers in any event and at any time
  • Engage with customers for periodic reviews, negotiation of service level agreements, standard cost presentation and establishment of performance metrics
  • Ensure effective practices and procedures for production planning, cost management, plant capital utilization, human capital utilization, inventory management, order management, quality assurance, crisis planning, contingency planning and general plant maintenance including Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP)
  • Ensure that the Quality, Occupational Safety and Environmental Integrated Policy and the Environmental System Management is developed and effectively implemented
  • Responsible for the implementation of key changes including new product/package introduction, process changes, technology advancements and organizational structure changes
  • Responsible for plant compliance with all internal/external audit programs (e.g. Finance, Legal, Occupational Safety, Environmental and Quality). Ensure compliance with all local and national regulatory measures related to plant, equipment, production and labor
  • Develop relationship with other plants to promote the sharing of learning, process improvement, innovation in infrastructure and talent development
  • Work closely with CPSNA Leadership Team to achieve maximum optimization of resources and provide excellent service to our main customer, USA
  • Responsible for Plant’s operational excellence. Make sure that all corrective actions drive aggressive performance improvement. Continued focus to comply with TCCQS & all certifications
  • Set the environment and encourage organizational capability development. Establish long-term infrastructure (people & assets) through capital planning and people development/succession planning & performance management
  • Interacts with R&I and new products launchings, packaging activities and procurement initiatives through the local contacts for these functions
  • Communicate with Government authorities and other external contacts as required
  • Take ownership of improving the customer experience in the store
  • Lead the business of selling by directing the education and expectation of the Sales Managers to be effective at teaching the selling process
  • Meet or exceed sales, expense and productivity targets
  • Lead best practices in presentation and store processes
  • Provide a positive work environment that supports outstanding customer service
  • Drive change and adapt to new tools and technology to optimize the business
  • Experience in progressively larger management assignments, including but not limited to merchandising and store management roles
  • Collaborate with Buying team to achieve Results
  • Demonstrated track record of meeting or exceeding sales, expense and productivity targets
  • Demonstrated success at identifying, developing and retaining quality talent
  • Proven ability to build effective teams
  • Proven experience in developing and executing business strategies
  • Proven ability to develop a clear, prioritized agenda as well as manage multiple tasks in a fast-paced environment
  • Broad understanding of all aspects of store operations (Alterations, Logistics, Loss Prevention etc.)
  • Bachelor's degree a plus
  • Lead the development of our waste collection and end treatment business transforming the organisation into the market leader in all targeted market segments served
  • Build a sustainable growth strategy and drive its execution through the implementation of business plans aimed at maximising financial returns
  • Develop a 5 year business plan aimed at maximising financial returns and manage the successful implementation of same
  • Assume full responsibility for P&L budget
  • Monitor and report on business performance against financial and other targets
  • Ensure that environmental, health and safety compliance attains and maintains "best in class" standards
  • Lead the development of a continuous improvement culture in the business through the use of tools such as Lean, 6 Sigma, etc
  • Lead, motivate and develop the management team with a strong focus on coaching and recognising opportunities for development in order to reach targets and maximise margins
  • As a key member of the Senior Management team, proactively use the Performance Management process as a means to support resource planning within your team and the wider organisation
  • Ideal candidates will possess a minimum of 5 years multi unit experience in dining, retail and or catering operations exceeding $ 4M in sales
  • Previous experience in college/university or business dining is highly preferred
  • A minimum of 2 years primary financial accountability with a direct reporting relationship to clients and senior executives is required
  • Proven track record of developing and implementing tools to increase top and bottom line as well as strong communication skills
  • Previous experience in a college setting with union experience is preferable
  • Ensure that all services provided meet the clients' needs and events are run efficiently, which may require liaising with an event organizer
  • Communicate daily with the management team, planning work schedules and checking client requirements
  • Respond to customer complaints, comments and enquiries
  • Ensuring all events run smoothly
  • Manage budgets to achieve profit targets
  • Responsible for the recruitment, training, organization and monitoring of staff
  • Responsible for the sales and marketing of the conference center, including pricing, promotions and promotional materials, image and brand and profile
  • Negotiate with external service providers and suppliers as required
  • Purchase equipment necessary for the conference center to operate
  • Ensure compliance with health and safety, licensing laws and other legal regulations
  • Day-to-day troubleshooting and addressing problems as they arise
  • 3-5 years experience in related field
  • Demonstrates a high level of visionary leadership, balanced judgment and disciplined execution
  • Process-focused and decisive to ensure effective execution of all strategies/initiatives in order to meet company & client needs with a high standard of excellence, urgency & predictability
  • Relentless commitment to safety excellence; demonstrates behaviors that drive a Safety FIRST core value; fosters a culture where every team member is empowered & supported to achieve a work environment without exposures and incidents…where No One Gets Hurt
  • Creates a great employee work environment & inspires teamwork and partnership at all levels – internally and externally
  • Is a visible servant leader, leading from the heart to serve, encourage, support and lift others up, while role modeling the Aramark Mission – deliver experiences that enrich & nourish lives
  • Intense focus on our Values – Sell & Serve with Passion; Front Line First; Set Goals. Act. Win.; Integrity and Respect Always
  • General Manager reports directly to A VPO
  • Manage all facets of the organization including full P&L responsibility and controlling assets
  • Ensures the effective implementation of the comprehensive Safety Plan, leveraging BST/S2S and client safety platforms, driving full compliance of all health & safety rules, guidelines and protocols
  • Optimize financial performance, process accuracy and logistics productivity by conducting operational audits and ensuring a high level of execution and compliance
  • Prepare and manage the business plans and contingency plans, which establish operational goals and predictable outcomes
  • Drive operational efficiencies, labor/scheduling productivity, and vehicle Fleet/DOT compliance
  • Provide overall direction and control to achieve operating and financial goals
  • Responsible for the training, development and performance management
  • Deliver strong operational performance by ensuring compliance with Aramark Facilities Services and regulatory agency standards and programs and translating corporate strategy into front line operational tactics
  • Lead recruitment and development of team ensuring high performance, talent succession planning, optimal staffing and employee engagement
  • Establishes and maintains effective communications and business relationships with clients/customers
  • Ensure that client objectives are fully met by maintaining active customer relationships including formal structured monthly business reviews
  • 30% travel will be required throughout Oklahoma City area and a site in Texas
  • To be considered for this role, candidate must possess an undergraduate 4-year degree from an accredited university/college
  • The ability to manage in a diverse environment with focus on client and customer services is a key success measure
  • Previous profit and loss accountability experience, and a proven track record of growing accounts is essential
  • Highly developed interpersonal, analytical and communication (written and verbal) skills and experience are essential for success in this role
  • Candidates must possess a demonstrated attention to detail and ability to lead directly and through influence
  • Multi client management of select school district in Long Island New York
  • Responsible for food service and catering for a fast paced school districts
  • Reviews and ensures compliance to systems and procedures for the ordering, receiving, storing, preparing and serving of food related products, as well as menu planning and development in all schools and all clients
  • Motivates, trains, and supervises front line management, supervisors and hourly employees
  • Develops operational component forecasts and is able to explain variances. Responsible for component accounting functions
  • Ensures that requirements for appropriate sanitation and safety levels in respective areas are met
  • Coordinates and supervises unit management and hourly personnel regarding production, marketing, quality and cost control, labor management and employee training
  • Supports recruiting efforts, supports and retains front line team
  • Looks for opportunities to implement new products and services which support sales growth and client retention
  • Ability to communicate effectively with clients, customers, and support staff
  • Conducts periodic inventory; maintaining records to comply with Aramark, government and accrediting agency standards
  • Bachelor degree in nutrition, dietetics, hospitality, business or other related field is required
  • K-12/NSLP experience is required
  • Must have at least 3 to 5 years of food service management experience
  • Must have a demonstrated experience developing talent and managing multiple priorities
  • The ability to manage in a diverse environment with focus on client and customer services, entrepreneurship and building and growing a strong business is essential for success in this role
  • Building relationships, strong financial acumen, analytical ability are essential to success in this demanding environment
  • The ability to identify defects in the preparation and service of food and implement improved quality control procedures as well as to communicate effectively with clients, client customers and support staff is required
  • Strong time management skills are necessary for success in this role
  • P&L accountability experience is required
  • Local travel, account to account is required
  • Responsible for the supervision in the completion of all custodial and housekeeping operations
  • Handle all staffing, scheduling, training and developing an hourly staff in addition to handling customer and client requests as they pertain to your department
  • Provide training on equipment specific to the facility
  • Oversee Special Projects on behalf of the Facility
  • Tour and inspect the facility, coordinating total quality management requirements
  • Ensure all requests from client and customers are closed loop with communication back to the requestors
  • Ensure compliance with all OSHA and environmental regulations and other local, state, and federal government regulations
  • Respond to requests of client, DM, RVP, and Corporate Staff
  • A minimum of 5 years relevant management experience in a housekeeping or custodial role is required
  • Ability to manage in a diverse environment with focus on client and customer service is essential to success in this role
  • Strong organization, time management and team motivation skills are also important
  • Ability to communicate effectively (verbal and written) with clients, senior management and Aramark support staff, plus the ability to respond effectively to changing demands is necessary
  • Must be available to work event driven hours that includes some evenings, weekends and holidays
  • Bilingual (Spanish) is a plus
  • Bachelor’s degree required coupled with educational discipline in the area of Food Service, Hospitality, or Business Management
  • Certified Hotel Administrator (CHA) certification is highly preferred. Proof of recertification status is required
  • Minimum 5 years’ experience in a hospitality environment. Seasonal destination experience is highly preferred
  • Minimum 5 years previous experience in creating and managing a department budget; creating and managing product sales, and implementing operational programs and initiatives
  • Minimum 3 years previous experience in directing the work of multiple-unit managers
  • Minimum 3 years of previous experience in financial controls and analysis
  • Demonstrated ability to think and plan over a one-to-two year time span
  • Demonstrated ability to organize and manage multiple priorities
  • Delivers strong operational performance by executing against Yosemite Hospitality objectives and regulatory agency standards and programs, continually monitoring operations, completing assessments and developing necessary action plans to provide optimal managed services and drive employee and customer satisfaction
  • Recommends methods, resources, and implementation for improvement based on operational needs/capabilities
  • Builds, develops, and manages Management team capable of carrying out needed organizational objectives
  • Assisting in the design of improvements to optimize financial performance and operational productivity, Operational Excellence
  • Interpreting and ensuring compliance as well as applicable government, regulatory and/or accrediting agency standards and codes
  • Delivers strong operational performance by executing against Aramark Healthcare and regulatory agency standards and programs, continually monitoring operations, completing assessments and developing necessary action plans to provide optimal managed services and drive patient and customer satisfaction
  • Ensures compliance with all contract obligations
  • Requires a minimum of 6+years progressive management experience managing a complex business with $10+Million financial and operational responsibility for that business, multi-site OR multi-departmental
  • Environmental Services, Linen and Patient Transport role in large complex site preferred
  • Ability to work with mathematical concepts such as probability and statistics
  • Requires management and leadership skills and the ability to work with confidential employee, client, and Aramark information
  • Create and develop relationship with Client
  • Oversee budget, including labor costs, supply costs, inventories, and ensures services are in agreement between Aramark and the Client
  • Ensure compliance with all OSHA regulations and other, local, state, and federal government regulations
  • Maintain staffing and scheduling requirements for work
  • Implement training and development of employees
  • Actively use the CMMS to manage and report facilities services. Advocate for use of handheld devices
  • Participate in renewal process
  • Maintain and oversee tracking of Energy consist with the Aramark and client’s Policies
  • Seek ways to build the business
  • Collaborate and engage Aramark non-resident Technical Service Team
  • Delivers strong operational performance by executing against Aramark Healthcare and regulatory agency standards and programs, continually monitoring operations, and completing assessments and necessary action plans to provide optimal food quality and meal service, and drive patient and customer satisfaction
  • Provides overall direction and manages performance for all Food Service Managers, Supervisors and front line employees, ensuring employee development, engagement and compliance with human resource related policies and standards, including conducting applicable rounding
  • Qualified candidates must possess a Bachelor's Degree, or be a Certified Dietary Manager, or be a Registered Dietitian and have a minimum of 6 years food service management experience to include strong financial acumen as supported by a minimum of 3 years of successful P&L management experience within a professional environment
  • Excellent opportunity for an Assistant Director from a 500+bed facility to step into a #1 role
  • Candidates must demonstrate experience with managing salaried individuals and soft skills necessary to drive programs and develop careers
  • Effective communication (listening, verbal and written) skills with clients, customers of client and support staff
  • Demonstrated ability to understand food cost and the usage of food
  • Demonstrated attention to the achievement of high quality standards coupled with a proven track record in identifying defects in the preparation and service of food and the implementation of improved quality control procedures
  • Strong catering background
  • Demonstrated ability to responding effectively and efficiently to changing client demands
  • Plan, direct, and control multiple services/locations in our corporate dining division (i.e., food service, merchandising, event planning, facilities, vending, etc.)
  • Meet operating and financial goals, client objectives, and customer needs
  • Responsible for the development and growth of multiple management teams in multiple locations
  • Daily interaction with the client and client's customers and/or employees
  • Developing new concepts to increase existing revenue sources for public foods/concessions, premium service and catering outlets
  • Plan, direct and control multiple services (i.e., food service plus an additional services; merchandise, event planning, facilities, etc) to meet operating and financial goals, client objectives and customer needs
  • Interact successfully with the client management team
  • Interact daily with the client and client's customers and/or employees
  • Bachelor’s degree level education highly preferred in an area of Food Service, Hospitality, Facilities, or Business Management
  • A minimum of five years previous experience in creating and managing a department budget; creating and managing product sales, and implementing operational programs and initiatives
  • A minimum of two years of previous experience in financial controls and analysis
  • A minimum of 10 year's relevant experience is required
  • Ability to taste and smell food to determine quality and palatability. Ability to communicate effectively with clients, senior management and Aramark support staff
  • Ability to respond effectively to changing demands. P&L accountability and/or contract-managed service experience is desirable
  • Plan, direct, and control all unit food service and resources to meet operating and financial goals, client objectives, and customer needs in a multi-unit operation
  • Responsible for analyzing all financial reports for residential and retail operations
  • Review all financial measurements with directors to ensure achievement of financial goals
  • Develop operational component forecasts and is able to explain variances
  • Provide guidance and support in developing action plans to address areas requiring improvement
  • Ensure compliance with Aramark Standard of Operations in all residential, retail, and catering operations
  • Interact with Client Management and maintains effective client and customer relations at all levels with client organization
  • Ensure compliance with company policies such as safety, wage and hour, sanitation, and purchasing
  • Responsible for recruiting, training, and succession planning of all talent at location
  • Oversee the implementation and maintenance of new marketing, sustainability, and culinary concepts for residential and retail locations
  • A minimum of 5+ years of experience in a food service operations
  • The ability to manage in a diverse environment with focus on client and customer services, entrepreneurship and building and growing a strong business
  • Must be able to communicate effectively with clients, customers, and support staff and be able to respond effectively to changing demands
  • ServSafe certification required
  • Proficiency in all Microsoft Office suite applications is required
  • Responsible for food service and catering for a fast paced school district
  • Maintain systems and procedures for the ordering, receiving, storing, preparing and serving of food related products, as well as menu planning and development
  • Motivates, trains, and supervises hourly employees and supervisors
  • Coordinates and supervises unit personnel regarding production, marketing, quality and cost control, labor management and employee training
  • Recruits, hires, develops and retains front line team
  • Conducts periodic inventory; maintaining records to comply with ARAMARK, government and accrediting agency standards
  • Ideal candidates will possess a minimum of 5 years multi unit experience in dining, retail and or catering operations
  • 5-7 years of operational experience in hotel/banquet setting desirable
  • Candidates with experience within retail dining including national brands are preferred
  • Must demonstrate the ability to lead a team in a diverse environment and successfully provide alignment and innovation to generate measurable outcomes for our clients and customers
  • Delivers strong operational performance by executing against Aramark Leisure , Lake Tahoe Operations, Zephyr Cove Lodge & RV Park, and Spooner Summit objectives and regulatory agency standards and programs, continually monitoring operations, completing assessments and developing necessary action plans to provide optimal managed services and drive employee and customer satisfaction
  • Provides operational expertise in the areas of lodging, activities, marina, food , beverage, retail, fleet and transportation throughout the organization
  • Recruits, develops, and manages Management team capable of carrying out needed organizational objectives. Develops personnel to meet staffing and succession planning needs, as well as to insure optimum utilization of employees
  • Conducts operational audits of units and designs improvements to optimize financial performance and operational productivity
  • Audits units to ensure conformance with Aramark, government and accrediting agency standards, regulations and codes regarding food storage, preparation, sanitation, and
  • A minimum of five years experience in managing a complex hotel or resort destination operations (combined Lake Tahoe points of sale: Marina & Snowmobile Operations, Fleet & Maintenance Operations, Hotel, Restaurant, Event Sales & Operations, Retail, Facilities Service)
  • A minimum of five years experience in food & beverage operations
  • Basic computer proficiency
  • Certified Hotel Administrator (CHA), highly preferred
  • Ability to communicate effectively with clients, senior management, and ARAMARK support staff
  • Proven experience leading and inspiring teams at all levels of the organization
  • Should exhibit the ability to respond effectively to changing demands
  • Bachelor's degree in Food Service Management, Business Administration, or other related field, plus a minimum of 8 years relevant experience
  • Works hand in hand with the Board of Governors to ensure the operation is meeting the needs of the Membership
  • Act as the liaison and grow the relationship between BCG and the Meadows
  • Actively seek feedback from Members and committees on the experience, programs, services and offerings of the club
  • Works with current and future committees to address the needs of the Membership
  • Develops, maintains and administers a sound business and organizational plan for the property which includes an operating budget and marketing plan
  • Regularly meet with the board of directors and member committees that govern the club
  • Oversee and manage a large-scale food and beverage operation including multiple outlets
  • Hires, develops and supervises all key management employees of the property
  • Continue to cultivate the ACE culture through training and on the job coaching to ensure high levels of member and Member service
  • Consistently assures that the property is operated in accordance with all applicable local, state and federal laws
  • Oversees the care and maintenance of the property’s physical assets and facilities
  • Assists in the creation and coordination of the property’s marketing strategy in conjunction with the designated Billy Casper Golf Regional Director of Marketing and Regional Manager
  • Works with the appropriate department managers to create and conduct player development programs to attract golfers to the facility
  • Ensures the highest standards for food, beverage, sports, recreation activities and other property services
  • Analyzes financial statements (income and expenses) relative to budgeted goals and takes corrective measures as necessary. Prepare monthly financial reports for the client
  • Prepare monthly narratives for the client to accompany the financial report
  • Works with department heads (Superintendent, Golf Professional, Food & Beverage Director, Executive Chef, Tennis Professional, Amenities Manager, Controller, Clubhouse Manager, Director of Sales, etc.) to schedule, supervise and direct the work of all property employees
  • Participates in outside activities that are judged appropriate by the Regional Manager to enhance the presence of the property in the local community
  • Actively work to grow revenue at the facility through programming and outside sales
  • Develops, maintains and administers a sound business and organizational plan for the property which includes an operating budget and marketing plans
  • Continue to cultivate the ACE couture through training and on the job coaching to ensure high levels of member and guest service
  • Works with department heads (Superintendent, Golf Professional, Food & Beverage Director, Executive Chef, Clubhouse Manager and Director of Sales) to schedule, supervise and direct the work of all property employees
  • Maintain an active and positive involvement from the Board of Governors by: sharing the "vision" for the Club and the means to achieve it; gaining its support to build a culture of Member focus, quality and service; soliciting input on specific issues which affect their Members; reporting the "state of the Club" on a regular basis through Board Meetings; demonstrating respect and recognition for each Board Member in any contacts with the Club
  • Develop aggressive sales, marketing and net revenue plans and direct successful implementation, following established financial plans and revenue guidelines in all areas. Motivate sales staff to achieve revenue goals per departmental sales plan by conducting timely and productive sales meeting
  • Responsible for setting club goals, both qualitative and quantitative. Develop business and financial plans for club. Monitor club performance according to plan on a daily/weekly basis and taking appropriate actions as needed to assure expected revenues are realized from each operating area in the Club. Work with Department Heads to develop and implement actions to ensure club's performance from each operating area to plan
  • Involve all Club Employee Partners in generating revenue through constant communication on the importance of continuous income stream. Research and analyze current and future market areas, and develop sales strategy based on facts
  • Actively market Club Memberships, Member services and Club facilities to attract new Members and achieve revenue objectives
  • Ensure all expense control systems are in place with close monitoring of all department expenses including revenue to payroll ratio. Ensure appropriate forecasting systems are utilized and are accurate
  • Ensure all Club Policies & Procedures are adhered to and ensure all Club Employee Partners are accountable for compliance of these Policies & Procedures
  • Maintain exceptional Member Relations and facilities by creating a quality environment through staffing, programming, service operations, and maintenance
  • Identify opportunities for Member events, food and beverage services, golf and recreational facilities that satisfy on-going Member needs and implement to achieve revenue objectives
  • Recruit, select and develop a qualified staff, including Department Heads, to understand the relationships between value, Member Satisfaction and Member retention/attrition
  • Develop Employee Partners for career advancement through the use of Performance Review Systems, Cross Training, and Development Planning
  • Actively participate in Club events, acting to facilitate Members to create their own value, making use of significant personal contact as a means of gathering feedback
  • Monitor Member attrition. Develop action plans to curtail Member attrition and maintain it at the lowest possible level
  • Completing all required financial and administrative reporting/audits accurately and on time. Assuring all accounting practices are in compliance with GAAP and the company's established accounting policies and procedures
  • Maintain exceptional Member and Board relations and facilities by creating a quality environment through staffing, programming, service operations and maintenance
  • Actively market Club Membership, Member services and facilities to attract new Members
  • Foster and maintain colaborative Board, Landlord and Building Management relationships
  • Ensure that every resigning Member is contacted to ascertain their reason for resignation
  • Manage Adj. EBITDA to ensure all the Club's financial obligations are met
  • Bachelor’s Degree or equivalent work background
  • At least 10 years of sales experience in a related field, with a preference for at least 2 of those years in sales management. Experience in the college or pro sports field strongly preferred
  • A demonstrated track record of outstanding sales achievement (both in growth and profit) is essential. Proven ability to renew and upsell existing clients as well as land new clients
  • Experience managing a P&L for a property or division preferred
  • A thorough understanding of EBIDTA is essential
  • Exceptional sales skills and proven ability to pitch and close deals up to and beyond seven figures
  • Successful track record in contract negotiations and management required
  • Experience with legal and financial implications of complex, multi-platform deals preferred
  • Proven ability to manage activation and fulfillment of sponsorships and corporate partners with minimal attrition as a result
  • Superior communication, negotiation, and interpersonal skills
  • Results-oriented leader with proven ability to motivate teams and maximize revenue production
  • Enthusiastic, creative with the ability to think strategically and tactically
  • Strong understanding of sales compensation plans with the proven ability to navigate compensation issues to a positive conclusion
  • Has the highest level of personal and professional integrity and ethics
  • Has a strong understanding of and passion for college and professional sports industries
  • Strong computer skills with experience operating in an environment that employs a CRM system as well as the Microsoft Office suite
  • Some local travel required
  • Ability to make decisions easily and quickly
  • Excellent supervisory, presentation, and time management skills
  • Knowledge and passion for the health and fitness industry
  • Manages subordinate Directors and Managers who supervise employees in the Finance, Marketing, Operations, Food & Beverage Departments or other facility departments
  • Bachelor's Degree (BA) from a four-year accredited college or university with major course work in business or public administration or related field
  • Experience in labor relations and union contracts, if applicable
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills and organizational ability
  • Demonstrated knowledge of the principles and practices used in the successful management of entertainment or convention facilities of a similar description
  • Ability to anticipate problems and implement immediate corrective action
  • Strong orientation towards hospitality/customer service for the meeting, convention and entertainment industry
  • Effective supervisory skills. Ability to deal effectively with human resource and personnel problems; to deal constructively with conflict; to motivate, provide counsel and execute applicable solutions
  • Ability to manage a facility of same size and type
  • To perform this job successfully, an individual should be proficient In Word and Excel
  • A successful performance record and a demonstrated ability to deliver commercial results and retail excellence
  • Personal style: high level of energy, intellectual integrity, openness, directness and flexibility are key
  • Proven track record of strong sales and management at a luxury brand preferred
  • The ability, drive and desire to deliver outstanding results
  • Sound analytical and organizational skills – ability to work well with people and clients well also being operationally and financially minded
  • At least 5 years management experience
  • Bachelor's degree prefered in Food Service Management, Business Administration, or other related field
  • Minimum of 8 years relevant experience
  • P &L accountability and/or contract-managed service experience is desirable
  • Work with the Regional President in the analysis, planning and execution of tactics and strategies to grow local revenue and audiences across all platforms in concert with leading the successful implementation of company strategies and initiatives in these local markets
  • Inspire and foster innovation in everyday work and for new solutions that support the Gannett strategic vision
  • Work with sales leaders and client strategy teams to analyze the market opportunity and competition to determine the most effective sales strategies for increasing advertising revenue across multiple platforms
  • Ensure adoption of the World Class Sales playbook – principles, behaviors and best practices - and work with sales leaders to recruit, coach, motivate and develop a highly skilled and engaged sales staff
  • Work with key advertisers to develop successful relationships; make sales calls; and attend community and client events to further build customer partnerships and drive market share
  • Monitor overall site employee health/climate and own the communication of the company vision, values and behaviors to all employees. Deploy employee engagement best practices to ensure inspired, engaged and collaborative workforce across all functions at the local sites
  • Partner with Finance to understand and actively manage revenue and expense budgets to ensure profit targets are achieved
  • Drive community impact through championing efforts of the newsroom to drive and engage audiences
  • Bachelor’s degree or equivalent experience preferred
  • Minimum of five years as a successful sales leader
  • Strong strategic planning, communication, analytical, interpersonal, organizational and resource management skills
  • Experience and understanding of financial statements and analysis
  • Solid multi-platform revenue-generating track record with strong digital aptitude
  • Well versed in knowledge of sales and marketing campaigns, methods, channels and analysis for ROI
  • Managing 2 sourcing offices with +/-50 Chinese Employees
  • Implement a culture which focuses on optimal servicing of our clients
  • Analyzing the processes within the organization and improving this in a structural manner
  • Detecting and solving problems concerning quality, timelines, shipments, social compliance. In short; everything that has to do with the daily business of a sourcing office
  • Improving cost level and therefore contribute to an extraordinary competitive level
  • Travelling to factories in order to be involved from the beginning (buying) till the end (delivery)
  • Maintaining and monitoring our social compliance strategy/road map
  • Expanding FOB sales to European and non-European customers
  • Monitoring and improving margin within existing processes
  • Create a safe work environment
  • Manage food ordering, inventory, preparation and serving
  • Identify, and delegate responsibilities to the team
  • Optimize food costs through portion, purchasing, inventory and waste controls
  • Create and maintain operations records like inventory, food costs, delivery receiving, and employee scheduling
  • Ensure the cleanliness of all areas of the restaurant
  • Recruit, interview and hire qualified applicants
  • Lead, manage, develop, coach and evaluate staff
  • Ensure all team members maintain the highest level of guest service
  • 2+ years of restaurant management experience in a fast-paced environment
  • Understanding of food and labor costs
  • ServSafe certification desired
  • Optimizes member and guest experience through presence, branding, and communication
  • Achieves financial targets, grows the membership, and leads the team to delight the membership
  • Prepares and monitors annual budget, revenue goals and expenses and takes effective corrective action when necessary
  • Develops, maintains and administers a sound organizational plan and initiates improvements as necessary
  • Ensures all Human Resources procedures and policies are followed by management staff, monitors policies relating to personnel actions and training along with professional development programs
  • Oversees the care and maintenance of all the property’s physical assets and each individual division within
  • Coordinates marketing programs to promote the club’s services to potential members
  • Ensures the highest standards for food and beverage service on property
  • Implements policies and procedures for multiple departments, including compliance of all company standards relating to quality of products and services
  • Directly manages department members that may include, but is not limited to: Head Professional(s), Golf Course Superintendent(s), Membership Director, Food and Beverage Director, Tournament Coordinator, Director, Instruction, etc
  • Bachelor’s degree (BA) from four-year college or university
  • Class A member of PGA/LPGA member or CMAA Member
  • Min of 5 years related experience and/or training; or equivalent combination of education and experience required
  • Experience in higher end private club and hotel/resort setting is preferred
  • Achieving national sales revenue objectives by establishing sales goals and expense budgets to motivate the sales force to work together to realize and exceed sales targets
  • Working with the Pearson Higher Education Executive Team to set the company's overall vision and strategy and translating it into effective sales actions
  • Achieving assigned quantitative sales goals
  • Implementing sales strategies
  • 10 years sales experience with an educational services company -5 years management and staff development experience -Knowledge of contracting, negotiating, and change management. -Knowledge of structuring sales quota goals and revenue expectations. -Proven success in consistently exceeding sales targets -Must be a strategic sales thinker with an outstanding record of executing sales plans -Excellent presentation and communication skills -Considerable travel is required -B.A/B.S Degree, Master's Degree is preferred
  • Prospect, meet and close a significant number of new and renewal high level corporate sponsorships within the greater Houston footprint
  • Generate incremental sponsorship revenue to meet and exceed property goals
  • Uphold and support by example a culture of hard work, creativity – always building team belief in the revenue goal
  • Develop and execute a sales plan to meet and/or exceed assigned annual revenue targets. Identify potential sponsors for HBU Sports Properties. Develop key marketing objectives with clients. Entertain and cultivate sponsors in various settings. Be available for game days, evening athletic events and coach's shows. Be available to travel for client presentations. Represent HBU Sports Properties and HBU in a professional manner. Manage administrative tasks related to contract processing and day-to-day office operations. Assist with tasks necessary to insure the overall success of HBU Sports Properties. Obtain and manage all necessary proof of performance records. Assist in fulfilling benefits per corporate partner agreements and developing relationship between partners and HBU Sports Properties. Attend and assist with planning/activation at all home football games, basketball games, and other special events or games as determined. Assist in collecting advertisements from partners and distribution of such to media outlets, signage and game day programs. Coordinate on-site marketing programs for client fulfillment. Client contract fulfillment, execution and review. Complete all necessary paperwork and reports in allotted time frame. Other duties as assigned
  • General Manager reports directly to the District Manager – East Operations
  • Manage all facets of the organization including full P&L responsibility and controlling assets with operating revenue of $16M annually
  • Ensures the effective implementation of the comprehensive NY Safety Plan, leveraging BST/S2S and client safety platforms, driving full compliance of all health & safety rules, guidelines and protocols
  • Prepare and manage the distribution center/commissary business plans and contingency plans, which establish operational goals and predictable outcomes
  • Provide overall direction and control to a large/complex 3-shift warehouse to achieve operating and financial goals
  • Responsible for the training, development and performance management of all distribution center/commissary personnel, operations managers and associates
  • To be considered for this role, candidate must possess an undergraduate 4-year degree from an accredited university/college; candidates with an MBA will be preferred
  • Candidates must also possess at least 7 years of experience in logistics, managing inventory, financial control, and FLM experience in a contract management service provider or client centric setting
  • Total managed volume greater than 10 million dollars and P&L management experience in the facilities/logistics industry is required
  • Union experience preferred
  • Prior experience training, mentoring and developing management level staff is required; experience leading 100+ person staff is preferred
  • Oversee and manage a food and beverage operation
  • Continue to cultivate the ACE couture through training and on the job coaching
  • Works with department heads (Superintendent and Golf Professional) to schedule, supervise and direct the work of all property employees
  • Professionally and efficiently stock and display merchandise
  • Actively work to grow outing rounds/revenue at the facility through outside sales and retention
  • Superior organizational, time management and communication skills required
  • Outstanding leadership skills and the ability to multi-task
  • Very good problem resolution techniques
  • Solid financial skills and accountability
  • Must be computer literate with working knowledge of hospitality systems; Springer Miller Host, Micros systems highly preferred. Proficient computer skills including MS Word, MS Excel and MS Outlook
  • Must be familiar with a variety of Hotel and Food & Beverage concepts, practices and procedures
  • Must be willing to work long hours, rotational shifts, weekends, holidays and have rotational days off
  • P&L accountability and/or contract-managed service experience is required
  • Ability to manage and maintain inventory/cost controls is required
  • Ability to deal effectively with customers and other Company personnel. Ability to speak effectively before groups of customers, guests or employees
  • Prepares and monitors annual budget, revenue goals and expenses as well as generating various (weekly, monthly, etc.) business volume forecasts
  • Monitors monthly and other financial reports/statements on a daily, weekly and monthly basis for the facility and takes effective corrective action when necessary
  • Maintains and increases membership sales as necessary
  • Establishes and implements Troon personnel policy, initiates and monitors policies relating to personnel actions and training along with professional development programs
  • Ensures all Human Resources procedures and policies are followed by management staff
  • Maintains membership with the PGA and CMAA and other professional associations. Attends workshops and meetings to keep abreast of current information and developments
  • Oversees the care and maintenance of all the facility’s physical assets and each individual facility
  • Coordinates marketing programs to promote the facility’s services to potential customers
  • Directly manages department members that may include, but is not limited to: Head Professional(s), Golf Course Superintendent(s), Membership Director, Executive Chef, Food & Beverage Manager, Banquet Sales Manager, Comptroller, etc
  • Assures that effective orientation and training are given to each new associate. Develops ongoing training programs
  • Experience in private club setting is preferred
  • Limited travel required
  • Must be proficient with Microsoft Office applications. Helpful if candidate processes working knowledge of ClubSoft and Jonas
  • Define and monitor the brand strategies
  • Set and monitor the Brands performance in terms of sales growth and market share
  • P&L management: set and monitor budget objectives (profitability, structure of P&L account, cash flow)
  • Build the Group’s internal and external image and reputation, through strong relationships with local distributors, administrations and key influencers and strategic partnership with the trade
  • Develop the Division’s image internally and externally
  • Responsible for all change and integration management
  • Be able to interpret Regulatory, Compliance and legislative issues in advance
  • Optimise the Brands to develop quality, engagement and performance of all employees
  • Recruit, develop and manage teams, ensuring knowledge transfer and change management
  • Highly numerate – strong analytically
  • Strong Communication skills – written and verbal
  • Excellent negotation skills
  • Commercially savvy / strong negotiator
  • Experience in a fast paced sales environment
  • Highly organised with prioritisation skills
  • Experience in FMCG or retail sectors would be highly beneficial
  • Assumes leadership role with accountability for maximizing store business results by consistently creating exceptional Customer experiences
  • Facilitates achievement of business results by providing uniquely responsive Customer service, compelling merchandise presentation, operational integrity, optimal staffing and Associate development
  • Achieves company objectives and enhance the DSW brand image by modeling our values; Honesty, Enthusiasm, Accountability and Respect
  • Develops and implement agile strategic plans to achieve business results
  • Fosters teamwork and collaboration within the store and district
  • Leads efforts to ensure customers experience customer service that is friendly
  • Proficiency in base computer use, including e-mail, MS Word or other word processing program and Excel or other spreadsheet program
  • Retail or hospitality managerial experience
  • May be required to travel by air, car, train, etc
  • Strong background in customer service
  • Positive and energetic team player with a strong leadership capability
  • Educational background: relevant post-secondary education
  • Minimum 4 years of experience in progressive retail supervisory role
  • Manage sales and business development of McGraw-Hill Education's portfolio of digital products and services to ensure long-term growth and customer value
  • Develop the Hong Kong market through achieving and exceeding sales, profit and digital growth targets
  • Inspire the sales team to deliver and exceed sales targets and foster a culture of accountability and success
  • Manage the McGraw-Hill Asia brand in the Hong Kong market and ensuring consistent positioning, identification and communication of key messages
  • Manage day-to-day operational matters of Hong Kong business including but not limited to staff welfare, facilities management, employee engagement, etc
  • Partner closely with Business Directors and other regional stakeholders in aligning strategy and ensuring the delivery of results against objectives
  • Ensuring the Club's high standard (Ritz Carlton type) membership experience is executed on a daily basis
  • Ensuring the Club is attracting new members
  • Optimizing the Club's financial performance
  • Building and inspiring a cohesive management team and staff
  • Achieving store sales goals and creating strategic sales plans with the District Manager
  • Implementing company training programs; monitoring staff training in product knowledge, customer service and selling skills
  • Promptly and accurately completing all paperwork procedures (New Hire, Incident, Reports, etc.)
  • Recruit, train and supervise Co-Manager(s), Assistant Managers, Key Holders and Sales Associates
  • Interfacing with District, Regional and corporate personnel (i.e. accounting, merchandising, operations and human resources)
  • 5 years of retail experience
  • 4 years of retail management experience
  • Fashion Industry knowledge
  • Functional digital literacy; POS, MS Office, web, social
  • 5+ years of management experience in high fashion / luxury apparel
  • Solid experience and demonstrated skills in recruiting, supervising, coaching and training sales associates
  • Manage hospitality segment for Top Shelf
  • Cultivate and expand current customers business for Top Shelf
  • Build new relationships both internal and external to generate new business for branding and hospitality
  • Lead sales planning, establishing goals conjunction with business leadership
  • Proactively prospect, qualify, grow and maintain an account list
  • Pitch new business – client direct and their agencies, as applicable
  • Meet or exceed revenue and profit targets
  • Manage Creative Services division profitability
  • Prepare proposals and respond to RFP's
  • Manage the creative services staff
  • Minimum 4 years of experience in event marketing and sales with a track record of meeting/exceeding revenue targets
  • Ability to apply accounting principles and to determine best practices for quality and profitability
  • Excellent written, verbal, communication, and interpersonal skills with a customer service focus
  • Proficiency with Microsoft Office Suite, especially Excel and Power Point
  • Strong consultative sales skills, relationship building and customer services skills
  • Position will require travel, some nights and weekends will be required
  • Meeting and exceeding customer expectations through proactive lodging, homeowner, food and beverage, and group/conference management and relations
  • Monitoring revenues to insure that we are maximizing our potential and develop improvement strategies as needed, including sales tactics, expense handling and active pursuing of homeowner contracts
  • Recruiting, interviewing, hiring, counseling, motivating, coaching, training, appraising and disciplining staff members
  • Creating and managing departmental budgets, including forecasting, variances and revenue management
  • Handling guest opportunities that have escalated beyond front line managers capabilities and performs line staff duties when necessary due to business or staffing volumes
  • Completing all appropriate paperwork and effectively communicating with corporate and other departments, including but not limited to: Accounting, IS, Human Resources, Payroll, Sales, Workers Comp, Purchasing, Engineering, Conference Services, Marketing
  • Working with Hilton/Doubletree to ensure we are in compliance with their standards
  • General Manager you will plan, direct, and control a location in our corporate dining division (i.e., food service, merchandising, event planning, facilities, vending, etc.)
  • Responsible for the development and growth of multiple management teams in this location
  • General Manager will have daily interaction with the client and client's customers and/or employees
  • Lead and coach the team to effectively connect with and educate our Mom2Be about our unique, multi-brand environment
  • Embody a brand culture that engages and excites the team and our Mom2Be
  • Uphold visual and operational excellence. Empower team to make store based decisions that meet Company expectations and will support overall client experience
  • Minimum of 5 years of retail management experience in a high volume store or multi-unit management required. Specialty or fashion apparel experience preferred
  • Ability to understand the importance of optimizing payroll, creating and effective schedule based on high traffic business timeframes
  • Develop leaders across all levels of the organization--this is a critical component of our continued success and growth. Leadership at Stitch Fix is not a “title” or “role”, it’s a way of being. The leadership traits are behaviors that grow our culture and create our future. We look for and develop these fundamental traits in all employees; and we expect you to lead the way, have a strong vision and unrelenting expectations on leadership capabilities for your team
  • Be an inspiring leader--identify individual strengths and development opportunities across all levels; encourage team members to take on exciting projects and drive warehouse performance through continued learning of what motivates and inspires your team
  • Attract and hire top talent--Partner with the People & Culture team to develop a strategic vision and talent plan for attracting, hiring and developing talent to meet your org’s talent goals (including hiring full-time and /or temp staff). Be an active player in identifying and assessing talent. Tap into your rich professional network to attract talent to your organization
  • Empower and support your team--Identify issues or missing resources that are negatively impacting employee productivity or morale, and follow through to address them
  • Integrity--build your team to support our company vision and to meet the demands of rapid growth and changing objectives
  • Partnership--communicate effectively with all levels, from new warehouse associates to senior members of management and cross-functional partners, and set the same expectations with all members of your team
  • Innovation--promote a culture of continuous improvement and empower associates to propose and implement solutions to decrease costs and improve efficiency
  • Responsibility--oversee training and onboarding to ensure proper processes and best practices are consistently documented, communicated, and adopted
  • Be a champion for a fun and unique warehouse culture--we are lucky to have a diverse, creative, and fun workforce; you will help maintain our awesome environment!
  • Lead by example & create an environment and a team that consistently delivers transformational customer experiences
  • Create, model and manage a highly productive selling environment by providing consistent training & coaching
  • Ensure visual merchandising and maintenance standards are met at all times
  • FP Senior Level General Manager to lead business/P&L of FordPass’s Mobility & Experience Journeys. Create, grow, and lead in a startup environment—with the springboard of proven business opportunities across the Mobility & Journey landscape
  • Responsible for prioritization and creating business and operating plans for each mobility and experience in FordPass culminating in a business plan for FordPass digital business
  • Work with a cross-functional team - including Marketing, Finance, IT, Product Development, Apps to create plans that transform the Connected Customer Experience
  • Expansive responsibility for all aspects of key FP Experience Journeys business line including product strategy, technology alliances, marketing, positioning, sales strategy, channel development, and services development
  • Develop sales objectives including sales volume, cost of sales, and revenue growth for the region
  • Full sales P&L responsibilities for region including customer acquisition, customer retention and customer satisfaction
  • Lead, manage and train field sales and account management executives in developing and closing new revenue opportunities in application implementation and management, infrastructure services, hosting, content delivery, and cloud computing services
  • Develop multiple channels to market to expand current direct sales reach
  • Take leadership role in pricing, solution architecting, risk identification and management, and competitive assessment areas
  • Work within company guidelines to oversee appropriate pricing, service level, and legal terms with customers
  • Foster and develop increased awareness of the company’s product and service offerings within the industry, channel partners, and professional networking groups
  • Maintain staffing and scheduling requirement
  • Respond to requests of client, campus community, DM, RVP, and Corporate Staff
  • Implement training and development of employees and Human Resources policies and procedures, as applicable
  • Assume responsibility for utilization of computerized management systems
  • Participate in a school committee or group outside of Facility Manager responsibilities
  • Strong financial analysis skills and P&L accountability and/or contract-managed service experience is preferred
  • Responsible for Local, Interconnect, National Media sales; Political, and SportsTime Ohio
  • Responsible for the daily management of account executives, local sales managers, administrative support personnel, and production department
  • Supervise, interview/hire, train, schedule, motivate, evaluate and conduct disciplinary actions
  • Prepare budgets, re-estimates and long-range plans
  • Responsible for the maximization of cash flow through aggressive revenue production and cost efficient expense management
  • Develop advertising policies, pricing and promotions consistent with TWC policies and procedures and National/Local laws and regulations
  • Oversee the preparation of research and demographic analysis used to maximize local, regional and national sales efforts
  • Develop and maintain positive, productive working relationship with Marketing, Community Relations, and Master Control departments
  • Develop and maintain positive, productive working relationship with Finance and Operations
  • Develop and maintain positive, productive working relationship with Division Cable partners
  • Maintain high level of visibility and professionalism in the community and with clients
  • Oversees and manages all aspects of the day-to-day operations of the manufacturing facility, including finance; budget planning; personnel, contract negotiation with commercial clients; compliance to corporate policies; SOPs; SLAs; and local, state, and federal regulations. Oversees the effectiveness and efficiency of the manufacturing facility, including staffing, scheduling, safety, equipment and budget concerns
  • Coordinates production efforts by establishing goals and performance objectives. Supports staff with human resources management and administrative issues. Conducts regular meetings with management personnel. Directs, monitors, and assists management staff with developing organizational skills. Completes annual appraisals for direct reports
  • With support from National Sales and Regional Operations, leads the local sales and marketing efforts for the manufacturing facility, including the following: sales lead generation and qualification, new-prospect solicitation, proposal generation, cost estimates, determination of credit worthiness and payment terms for new customers (with the assistance of finance), and aids in the collection process when required
  • Responsible for the budget, capital planning, and expenditures. Analyzes and forecasts changes, etc
  • Develops internal and external communications regarding policy and procedures, and provides reports as appropriate
  • 5 years industry experience with at least 3 years management level
  • Problem solving, Presentations skills, Interpersonal skills, Analytical Ability, Written communications, Confidentiality, Ability to work independently and meet deadlines are all key skills and abilities needed in this role
  • This position typically supervises a number of exempt and non-exempt positions
  • Day to day management of all venue vendors/subcontractors – HVAC, Plumbing, Electrical, Landscaping, Cleaning, Security, Trash/Recycling
  • Responsible for meeting staffing levels and budget targets for each event
  • Generate Operations costs flash report following each event
  • Work with all other departments to help fulfill needed requirements
  • Advance each show with tour security directors and fulfill tour security requirements
  • On site for each event prior to load in and until load out
  • Ten to fifteen years comparable business management work experience including previous supervisory role
  • Applicants for employment in the U.S. must possess work authorization which does not require sponsorship by the employer for a visa
  • Manage inventory levels daily and participate in monthly inventory procedures
  • Responsible for banquet execution and management within the food court, Bar area, and BBQ/patio
  • Weddings management in the summer
  • Minimum 1 year Bar experience required
  • Colorado driver's license
  • Leadership/Managerial Skills
  • Tech support background preferable
  • Strategic Thinking/ Strong Analytical Skills
  • Should have Team handling & Customer Handling experience
  • Should be able to handle targets and pressure
  • Ticket sales (including club and sky box sales)
  • Sponsorships
  • Stadium Events and Rentals
  • Food and Beverage
  • Ability to develop and manage an operating budget
  • Superior communication skills and exceptional customer service
  • Strong sales skills and the ability to lead an sales & customer service organization
  • The ability to lead others to achieve while teaching them the why’s and how
  • Previous ticket sales and or sports sponsorship management in a professional sports setting
  • Proficiency with MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, and the internet
  • Familiarity with computerized ticketing systems
  • The ability to work long hours, including weekends and holidays
  • Directs and coordinates all phases of Exchange activities and associates' efforts toward maximum responsiveness to the Navy Exchange Program mission and requirements
  • Ensures maximum and full utilization of all facilities, equipment, cash and associates
  • Responsible for achieving sales and profit objectives of the NEXCOM business strategy, basic policies and programs. Reviews and analyzes operational reports to ensure that goals set for each operational department are achieved; initiates corrective action when goals are not met
  • Supervises operation through subordinate supervisory staff. Approves leave and vacation; enforces work rules, establishes internal operating policies and procedures and initiates programs or projects to serve mission needs. Ensures that a continuing program of training in all areas is carried out. Interviews and selects associates, completes performance appraisals. Reviews proposed disciplinary actions and resolves grievances and complaints
  • Ensures through subordinate managers the implementation, administration, and coordination of all phases of the Exchange security, safety, and fire protection/prevention programs
  • Responsible, through subordinate managers, for the custody, protection, and accountability of Exchange property and funds
  • Reports directly to the Commanding Officer who provides broad general direction. Recommendations, comments and resolutions are reviewed for adherence to established policies and for assurance that objectives are met. Work performance is reviewed and evaluated on the basis of overall results in meeting planned objectives and the improvement in operating results of the exchange
  • Requires Secret (S) Security Clearance
  • Will oversee the operations of all Athletics Premium Facilities, including but not limited to Blue Devil Tower at Brooks Field at Wallace Wade Stadium and the Champions Club at Cameron Indoor Stadium
  • Will serve as the athletics department liaison to Colonnade/Blue Devil Hospitality, Premium Catering Services and Athletics Facilities/Game Operations
  • Will be responsible for the game-day management of each premium facility
  • Will determine fiscal requirements and prepare budgetary recommendations; monitor, verify and reconcile expenditure of budgeted funds
  • Will be responsible for the overall marketing, sales and promotion of the Duke Athletics Premium Rental Facilities
  • Creating annual budget, forecasting, controlling costs, and adhering to the budget
  • Training and developing staff to work as a team - cooperation between entire outlet
  • Work as a team with other departments
  • Work closely with other departments, creating/improving ways to grow revenue
  • Provide high levels of guest service
  • Ability to work independently, fact find to make appropriate decisions
  • Maintaining high restaurant ratings
  • Create and maintain a productive work environment
  • Follow company policies and guidelines
  • Align with and support the company goals and values
  • Manage team to company goals and values
  • A highly talented and creatively driven individual with a successful performance record and a demonstrated ability to deliver commercial results and retail excellence
  • Personal style: high level of energy, creativity, intellectual integrity, openness, directness and resiliency is essential
  • Ability to quickly establish strong credibility with team members and external resources
  • A performance orientation and strategic mindset
  • Creative, with a strong touch for product
  • Management experience in a similar role within luxury fashion
  • Confident strong leader, innovative with visionary business sense and style
  • Sound analytical and organisational skills
  • Fluent in English, other languages a plus
  • S a bachelor's degree in one of the following: Institutions Management, Food and Nutrition, Business Administration or other related field, plus a minimum of 4 year's relevant experience
  • Developing and engaging Front Line Managers to successfully support business needs is essential to being an effective leader
  • The ability to take initiative and make decisions based off information provided and changing demands is an essential capability to be successful in this role
  • Managing day-to-day operations, maintaining quality and productivity standards, plant financial performance, budgeting, capital submissions, and management of direct reports (Press and Packaging Managers)
  • Local plate production, printing and packaging, customer service, and support of the USCP teams for the Greenville News and Asheville Citizen Times
  • Ensuring adherence to corporate mandates/directives, suggesting and gaining approval of standard operating procedures (SOPs), implementation of SOPs & service-level agreements (SLAs), safety, environmental and OSHA compliance
  • Managing the printing and packaging plant — consisting of a single wide Community press and two insert lines meeting or exceeding performance standards and achieving established deadlines
  • Managing direct reports at the department level and indirect reports at the shift manager and supervisory levels. This position and/or the GM’s direct reports may be asked to provide support and will serve as the primary liaison to local publishers
  • Ensuring all production equipment is maintained, serviced, and systems up to date and compliant
  • Exercise a fundamental willingness to learn; identify imaginative and resourceful solutions to problems; seek continuous improvement and explores creative solutions
  • Undergraduate degree or related experience. At least 10-years’ experience in a production environment; or a combination of education and experience equivalent to 10 years with at least five of those years in production management
  • Proficient in use of PC and software including the Microsoft Office Suite
  • Mechanical skills foundation and direct press experience preferred
  • Provide strong personal leadership and lead by example to create a cohesive winning
  • Team focused on delivering exemplary performance to customers
  • Guide and coach the operations teams and support departments to ensure maximum
  • Performance on cost, productivity, customer service, and profitability
  • Actively manage the overall P&L and meet agreed upon Corporate targets
  • Work with the Sales organization to enhance existing partnerships and develop new
  • Customer relationships to provide value added services and increase site revenues and
  • Conduct reviews, productivity and ROI analysis against operating plans to generate
  • Constant improvement
  • Champion key projects for process improvements such as reduced cycle times and
  • Improved material/inventory management
  • Identify and analyze strategic initiatives for major business performance improvement
  • Actively lead Talent Management and succession planning
  • Determine and control staffing levels
  • Work closely with the Regional and Corporate teams to ensure the Site is aligned with
  • Any overall changes in corporate strategic priorities or goals
  • Master's Degree or equivalent in Business or Operations
  • Minimum of ten years of progressive relevant experience, preferably in an MNC
  • Environment, managing electronics based production or MRO facilities
  • Sound experience working in the production/manufacturing operations within the
  • Electrical engineering industry
  • Demonstrated success in obtaining results through effective personal leadership,
  • Planning, communication, and effective resource management
  • Experience managing a significant budget and/or P&L responsibility
  • Experience managing in an EMS/ODM or 3PL environment would be extremely
  • Useful: managing external customers
  • Good coaching & facilitation skills
  • Excellent communication skills in writing and verbally
  • Must be available to travel to Mexico daily
  • As a General Manager you will plan, direct and control multiple services including Concessions, Premium Services (Catering) and Retail, to meet operating and financial goals, client objectives and customer needs
  • The General Manager will have daily interaction with multiple client groups and these client's customers and/or employees
  • Recruitment and development of new and existing managers - management team includes a seasoned/professional group of 30 managers
  • Execute business plans to ensure successful concessions, bar and catering operations
  • Responsible for oversight of high profile, high volume services to meet operating and financial goals, client objectives and customer needs
  • Progressive Experience in managing a high volume food and beverage facility, preferably in the S&E industry
  • Prior experience managing food and beverage and retail operations preferred
  • Prepares and/or reviews the annual jurisdictional forms and filings as required
  • Works with Chief Engineer to assign employees to duties such as maintenance, repair, or renovation and obtains bids for additional work from outside contractors, pursuant to client and JLL guidelines
  • Oversees tenant improvement construction projects
  • Works with accounting to manage the accounting process and directs on-site bookkeeping functions and collection process
  • Assists Chief Engineer in meeting the assigned criteria within the Operations Audit. Assures compliance with Management Audit with the assistance of the Property Administrator. Assures compliance with Jones Lang LaSalle policies, procedures and standard practices
  • The Brand Marketing person should have 10+ years of brand management, campaign management & marketing experience with a good understanding of the B2C space
  • Should have a grounding in digital marketing and have run integrated online & offline campaigns
  • Understanding of audience profiling, targeting, behaviours and user experiences
  • Demonstrated track record of leading consumer marketing initiatives, brand launches, brand management, advertising & communication, events
  • Demonstrated ability to work with CRM systems, processes, design, analytics & measurement
  • Ability to plan & deliver brand marketing plans across a range of platforms: traditional, web, mobile/SMS, email, search, social, etc
  • Ability to drive tangible outcomes & insights via media engagement – analytics, reports, trends, behaviours, etc
  • Financial planning, budgeting, seasonality monitoring
  • Proven ability to work with, manage and deliver the best from vendors – defining agency contracts, SLAs and performance measures
  • Oversight, management and leadership of the on-site tournament office team
  • Work with sales team to grow revenue through new business opportunities
  • Grow existing sponsor relationships
  • Develop a strong relationship with Riviera Country Club (RCC) management and act as liaison for the TWF teams to interact with key RCC staff
  • Support the TWF tournament departments with title sponsor activation efforts
  • Expand the tournament’s reach and audience segments in the Los Angeles area by developing and executing new programs
  • Cultivate relationships with nearby municipalities, key community officials and civic leaders to advance the tournament and expand TWF's presence in the community
  • Assist TWF management with budget forecasting and P&L management
  • Bachelor’s degree from accredited four-year higher education University
  • Knowledge of and relationships within the Los Angeles market a must
  • Highly organized, detail-oriented and a team player

Senior General Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Monitor revenue and expenses report on a daily basis
  • Manage budget by planning, forecasting, and monitoring revenue for each department
  • Review monthly reconciliation and non-revenue budgets
  • Monitor supplies and expenses for each department
  • Calculate payroll data and cost of goods
  • Responsible for the following Business Plans
  • Travel to secondary clubs weekly to perform weekly business reviews
  • Ensure the General Managers and their staff are providing the highest level of customer service
  • Work closely with Category Leads to coordinate national program initiatives
  • Review Profit and Loss statements weekly with General Managers of secondary clubs
  • Ensure financial expectations are met at secondary clubs including but not limited to planning, forecasting, monitoring, and reviewing budgets, monitoring supplies and payroll, and reviewing business plans
  • Prepare content for quarterly business reviews
  • Attend yearly budget summit
  • Mentor General Managers to ensure continuous growth through training, developing, direction, performance assessment, and feedback
  • Create alignment amongst clubs by communicating strategy and objectives
  • Provide effective individual performance evaluations and recognition programs/awards for General Managers
  • Coordinate disciplinary actions and terminations with Human Resources Director for secondary clubs including PIPs and PMPs
  • Attend Area Director staff meetings
  • 5+ years experience managing profit & loss (P&L) statements/revenue/EBITDA budget
  • Experience in hospitality, fitness, and/or retail industries
  • Experience providing customer service and dealing with customer concerns
  • Sales or fitness management experience highly preferred
  • Track record of success in a performance-driven work culture
  • Experience interviewing and hiring department managers and front line team members
  • Strong Sales & Marketing background with the ability to drive group business
  • Successful leadership experience with a large, full service hotel
  • Good understanding and involvement with revenue management strategies
  • A strong understanding of P&L statements and the ability to react with impactful strategies
  • Focus upon providing an exceptional level of service and exceeding guest expectations
  • Effective executive team leadership
  • Working closely with corporate support divisions and the ability to communicate effectively and be responsive at all levels
  • Experience interacting with resort home owner associations, including involvement with board meetings and general home owner relations
  • Familiarity with the Marriott Brand and Vail Resorts
  • The ability to strategically leverage relationships with Vail Resorts and Marriott
  • The ability to work with Marriott to ensure compliance with their brand standards and deliver the Marriott Brand experience to guests
  • Fostering excellent working relationships with the hotel ownership group and being responsive to their needs
  • The position typically requires a college degree and / or MBA and at least 5 years large full service hotel / property management experience as a senior leader
  • Ensures compliance within store to the district-wide operating strategy that includes all relevant people, operations, merchandising and financial aspects of our business
  • Monitors shortage action plans to minimize shrink and achieve shrinkage goal
  • Collaborates with the DM on area stores sales, payroll and operating budgets
  • Develops ,implements and maintains a Positive Work Environment plan based upon EOS and other employee feedback including area-wide recognition
  • Assures timely resolution to employee concerns and customer disputes
  • Staff responsibility: setting staff numbers, posting, hiring, training, motivating, coaching, discipline and developing staff experiences and training throughout the season. Coordinate snow removal and storage/cleaning of outlet. Scheduling, labor analysis. Communicating to staff and responding to staff issues
  • Guest responsibility: address guest concerns in a timely fashion, enforce and enhance guest service training and education, provide an exceptional experience to all guests. Actively pursues GX (market research) targets and responds to trends
  • Payroll, inventory, ordering, menu development, marketing and promotion, ceremony setting, coordinating with sales/Conference Center/vendors/bride-grooms/etc. This position may be required to operate a company vehicle in the summer, and will need to pass a driving test and MVR check
  • 5 years previous work experience in F&B – strong preference given to experience within Vail Resorts
  • 3 years of F&B supervisory experience
  • TIPS Certification
  • Proficient with MS Office (Word/Excel/Outlook)
  • Maintains and grows membership and/or customer base by promptly handling member and guest concerns and issues
  • Ensures open communication and high visibility to members and guests by conducting daily walk-through of club
  • Generates revenue by acting as sales manager for the entire club; managing the reservation system; reviewing daily utilization levels and tee sheet to verify conformity with standards and identify price integrity and demand opportunity; expanding sales by initiating and monitoring effectiveness of monthly promotions, demand managements, and demand creation strategies
  • Manages budget and expenses by; utilizing labor scheduling tools to follow demand patterns; reviewing A/P batches to verify available discounts and examine invoices; reviewing A/R report and general ledger on a monthly basis to verify correct coding, identify questionable expenditures and follow up on receivables over 60 days; monitoring inventory levels for merchandise, food and beverage; completing and submitting approved audit forms on a monthly basis
  • Manages staff by training, directing, supervising, evaluating and implementing corrective action when required
  • Conducts weekly department head and bi-monthly co-worker meetings
  • Acts as a role model for all employees by demonstrating behavior and work ethic expected of all AGC employees and implementing all HR Administrative duties
  • Manages facilities by working closely with Superintendent, F&B Director and all other department heads to ensure compliance with AGC standards
  • Models and reinforces “ACE Service Absolutes”, by acknowledging, greeting and thanking all members and guests
  • Following safety guidelines, conducts regular safety meetings, monitors cash handling procedures and thoroughly investigates all security concerns
  • 4-year College Degree preferred (emphasis in business management or hospitality management preferred, advanced degree preferred)
  • Minimum of 5 years management experience required; golf/hospitality/service industry experience preferred
  • Proven ability managing P&Ls and developing and managing budgets
  • Solid understanding of accounting/finance in a business environment
  • Proficient in computer software including Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Microsoft Outlook
  • Solid time management, organization and prioritization skills
  • Excellent communication skills, leadership skills, the ability to develop employees and foster a team environment
  • 10 years sales experience with an educational services company
  • 5 years management and staff development experience
  • Knowledge of contracting, negotiating, and change management
  • Knowledge of structuring sales quota goals and revenue expectations
  • Proven success in consistently exceeding sales targets
  • Must be a strategic sales thinker with an outstanding record of executing sales plans
  • Considerable travel is required
  • B.A/B.S Degree, Master's Degree is preferred
  • Associates or Bachelor degree required and advanced degree a plus
  • Industry accreditation and/or designation a plus, and obtain the required real estate license within your jurisdiction (i.e. a salesperson license or a property management license within six (6) months of hiring) if not already licensed
  • Minimum of three (3) years of commercial real estate or property management experience including budget preparation/financial reporting, familiarity with building systems, lease negotiation, documentation and administration
  • Ability to calculate figures and amounts such as discounts, interest, commissions, prorations, percentages, basic calculation of measurement of rent, parking fees, late fees, and volume
  • Ability and respond to interpret a variety of instructions furnished in written, oral, diagram or schedule form
  • Responsible for financial performance of daily operations including cost of sales & labor, budget development and analysis of financial information
  • Investigate and resolve guest complaints, address guest concerns in a timely fashion, enforce and enhance guest service training and education, provide an exceptional experience to all guests. Actively pursues GX (market research) targets and responds to trends
  • Costing/pricing of menus, development of new items, analysis of product and sales, inventory, ordering, working with maintenance dept. on projects and priorities, floor supervision during peak times, coordination with other departments to ensure a smooth operation
  • Responsible for banquet execution and management within the food court and bar area
  • Minimum 1 year Bar Experience preferred
  • Experience with Coupa purchasing software, InfoGenesis and PeopleSoft preferred
  • Previous experience assisting in the opening of newly constructed restaurant including problem solving, organization and ensuring objectives are met.- preferred
  • Implement the approved strategic asset plan for the property. Has primary responsibility for the day-to-day operation of the property to assure that all site operations are in compliance with established policies and procedures, management agreement, and are consistent with the client’s overall objectives
  • Prepare annual budget, monthly financial variance reports, operations analysis reports for the client and that all reports are reviewed and approved by the Director
  • Conduct formal site inspections at least monthly in compliance with established standard operating policies and procedures
  • Monitor and enforce the terms of all lease agreements, the billing and payment of rents in compliance with leases. Responsibilities include all aspects of lease administration
  • Primary responsibility for controlling the procurement and expenditure processing
  • Ensure adherence to the approved budget with primary responsibility for variance reporting, forecast cash flow of property, review real estate tax assessments, and file required municipal reports
  • Ensure regulatory compliance and effective management of risk and liability for both C&W and client
  • Establish and maintain open relationships with tenants ensuring that all services and needs are met within service level agreements
  • Oversee completion of project and capital improvements consistent with local codes to ensure timely completion within planned budget
  • Hire, train, and supervise a qualified engineering, management and maintenance staff to promote efficient and cost-effective operation. Responsible for employee administration, including performance management, salary reviews, setting goals and motivating subordinates to meet goals
  • Participate in the negotiation of service contracts with outside vendors to achieve the highest levels of performance at the lowest cost all in compliance with C&W values, standards and guidelines for business conduct
  • Support and provide leadership in a commitment to achieve C&W’s vision and mission and extol its values in the day-to-day conduct of business. Establish and be consistent in the application of expectations of appropriate professional behavior to ensure that the values of the firm or exhibited by the actions of the staff
  • College degree plus RPA or CPM designation preferred in addition to degree
  • A minimum of 10 years of experience in Property/Facility Management with a minimum of 5 years at the level of Senior Manager or other similar capacity with experience in leasing, construction, engineering and all facets of property operation and management
  • Highly organized with superior verbal, written and presentation skills. Ability to function within various disciplines (i.e., construction, information systems, and accounting)
  • Proven ability to effectively manage and lead cross functional teams to achieve a common goal
  • Demonstrated ability to deliver results
  • Basic business acumen skills
  • Strong planning and prioritization skills
  • Business growth initiatives and strategic growth plan including development
  • Exceed financial, quality, cost and delivery performance levels
  • Ensure compliance to Export, Ethics and EH&S policies and processes
  • Develop, coordinate, lead and execute daily delivery plans
  • Develop and implement process controls
  • Employ ACE to all functions to achieve business goals such as: margin improvement, inventory reduction, increased customer satisfaction and safety
  • Own customer satisfaction for all products and services
  • Champions the organization’s culture and fosters a high performing organization
  • Prepares and presents business performance status to senior management utilizing financial metrics, key performance indicators and objective-based planning
  • The KSA team of Learning Consultants covers the educational markets of Higher Education, K-12 Schools & ELT, and Professional. Must lead the sales team to maintain existing business and grow and develop new business of McGraw Hill Education online and technology products
  • Cost control and Compliance Management within KSA. Must ensure compliance at all times with all local Regulations concerning the entire KSA operation, and with all and any conditions binding on the Company in terms of any licenses, registrations, permits, and approvals
  • Defines goals and key performance indicators for each member of the team and ensure effective implementation of performance management process
  • Develops talent within the team by providing guidance and coaching to achieve the defined goals
  • Manage learning consultants to ensure that their business plans and daily activities are focused around key business growth opportunities and service activities
  • Track and monitor learning consultant activity through verbal and written reports and SFDC to ensure their focus is on taking market share, and maximizing business development opportunities
  • Work closely with Product Portfolio and Marketing teams to ensure the needs of KSA are met
  • Investigate Competitor activities, publications and related marketing events
  • Bachelor’s degree or MBA from a reputed university is essential
  • 15-20 years of overall experience, in Sales/Business development, general management , operations in education or technology industry
  • Prior experience in the education market which includes and not limited to working with higher education, schools and professional learning environment
  • Excellent communication skills in both English and Arabic
  • Must possess a strong entrepreneurial spirit with a results-driven attitude and has a proven track record of profitability and growing business, by maintaining highest levels of ethics and integrity
  • Exceptional leadership and negotiation skills. Should be able to influence people and foster strong relationships with key internal and external stakeholders at all levels
  • Intellectually strong with solid strategic and financial acumen. Has the ability to effectively juggle the, operational, leadership and commercial demands of the organization
  • Provide superior service to all customers at all times
  • Embody and lead with the Vail Mission and Values
  • Plan, supervise and coordinate the daily operations of Food & Beverage outlet
  • Exercise managerial authority over restaurant and bar. Implement training manuals and supervise training of employees. Plan and conduct staff meetings. Confer regularly with staff to coordinate activities, assign and check work, resolve problems, etc. Plan work schedules
  • Manage and assist as necessary with all operations, which may include: line set-up and restocking; food preparation, customer service; cleaning and organizing cooking, service and dining area; dishwashing; bartending, menu development, large party reservations etc
  • Order, receive, and maintain an appropriate inventory of front of the house food and supplies; which may include coordinating the transportation of goods
  • Ensure that applicable health and safety procedures and regulations are followed
  • Prepare a variety of administrative/operations reports and records; timesheets, daily staffing reports, inventories, cash reports etc
  • Manage and assist with the processing of daily receipts
  • Supervise Farmers Market and base area summer concerts
  • Monitor food and service to ensure that appropriate quality standards are maintained
  • Monitor daily liquor counts and verify accuracy through POS system
  • Confer regularly with the Food & Beverage Director and other Company personnel to plan, coordinate and evaluate services/activities, exchange information, resolve problems, etc. Attend staff meetings
  • College degree together with 3-4 years previous food & beverage management experience, or a combination of education and experience from which a comparable amount of knowledge is acquired
  • Broad, basic knowledge and skills related to restaurant operations, including experience in ordering, inventory control, staff scheduling, cash reports and similar administrative or management functions
  • Good administrative, math and supervisory skills. Must have previous supervisory and budget administration experience
  • Experience working with a variety of commercial food service equipment
  • Ability to deal effectively with customers and other Company personnel
  • Basic knowledge of relevant health and safety regulations and procedures
  • Master's degree in Supply Chain related field or MBA required. A bachelor's degree combined with 8+ years of experience may be considered. Certifications and/or training in process improvement platforms (Six Sigma/Lean) is required
  • Minimum of eight years of experience in international logistics operations. The candidate is required to have comprehensive experience in working in international logistics preferably with a freight forwarder/trucking in addition to supply chain and retail organization(s)
  • Four years of experience with Supply Chain systems including but not limited to PkMS, GT Nexus, Reddwerks, Qlikview, Crystal, Microsoft AX, Labor Management Systems, Sharepoint and Supply Chain Guru
  • Solid problem solving skills, ability to analyze complex data, identify core issues, investigate, evaluate and reach appropriate conclusions/solutions
  • Ability to negotiate, implement and manage ocean contracts, driving cost out while improving service
  • Capability to be strategic in planning while also driving the tactical execution of the international operation
  • Leadership skill/experience and the ability to be a member of the larger team
  • Six sigma certification is desired, not required
  • Directly supervises employees reporting to the assigned buildings
  • Establishes written goals and objectives for direct reports and conducts periodic formal and informal performance evaluations
  • Inspects facilities and equipment to determine extent of service and equipment required
  • Prepares and/or reviews financial reports for client on monthly, quarterly and annual basis complying with requirements in management services agreement, with copy to the Group Manager
  • Assists Chief Engineer in meeting the assigned criteria within the Operations Audit
  • Assures compliance with Management Audit with the assistance of the Property Administrator
  • Assures compliance with Jones Lang LaSalle policies, procedures and standard practices
  • Bachelor degree required; Advanced degree preferred
  • Minimum of seven (7) years’ commercial real estate experience in property management
  • Minimum of five (5) years’ experience managing a team of people
  • Competencies: Manage a profitable P&L, Client facing, perform the functions of leasing management, ability to lead a multi-disciplinary team including PA/TSC, Chief Engineer other
  • Skills Required: Business, Financial, and Accounting Acumen, Communication, Leadership, Project management, and Technology Skills (Microsoft Office Suite)
  • Responsible for prospecting, SELLING, cultivating and maintaining sponsorships, advertising and corporate partnerships for the university and its facilities -Responsible for selling event sponsorships for all events -Responsible for achieving established sales goals and budgets as set by management -Responsible for making cold calls & presentations for the property -Responsible for overseeing, coordinating corporate partnership fulfillment and activation -Responsible for servicing all corporate sponsorships through various means including direct contact, newsletters, corporate partner gatherings, etc. -Responsible for creating new client initiatives to better serve the corporate partners -Responsible for the design of sales proposals and presentations for potential corporate partners -Responsible for creation/implementation of new ideas/opportunities that drive revenue -Work with the marketing department on opportunities to cross sell corporate partners -Responsible for tracking prospective sales and inventory throughout the season -Responsible for working and attending events and promotions -Responsible for cultivating and building a good working relationship with different personnel and departments within the university system
  • Do not apply if you feel at all entitled
  • An eagerness to want to grow with a small company
  • Experience in some capacity of college athletics
  • Passion for college athletics beyond being a “sports fan”
  • Curiosity of college athletics and the pursuit to always learn new things
  • Hard, yet smart worker
  • Good Attitude – No Negative Nancys or Debbie Downers- no time for that
  • Open to rejection (from sales calls)
  • A clean personal Facebook and Twitter account (no beer pong pictures!
  • Self-Starter (tell us what you are working on instead of us telling you what to work on)
  • Proficiency with data processing and MS Office applications
  • Knowledge of social media platforms
  • Ability to work nights, all events, weekends and holidays as required
  • Preferably proficient in Photoshop, InDesign or like programs
  • Believe or Willing to Believe in the Core Values of Peak Sports
  • Increase sales by coaching, training, motivating and inspiring the team to ensure customers receive Legendary Customer Service. This is done through morning meetings, monthly all-store meetings, and weekly management meetings, and additional training
  • Maintain profitability by managing payroll, donations, small advertising expenditures, markdowns, staffing levels and productivity
  • Ability to maintain overall function of the store by ensuring compliance of a firearms sales department and working with the various managers to continually improve operationally and grow our business
  • Partner with Field HR to establish and execute Retail strategies throughout all retail locations. Assess resources to include human capital and monitor progress and adjust as needed. Maintain Human Resource partnerships by setting expectations for Outfitter development, effectively manage performance and execute effective succession plans for Retail Outfitters providing coaching, direction, and leadership
  • Facilitator of change and new program implementation by effectively managing the change curve thru communicating new direction from corporate level by explanation, clarification and implementation of new programs to gain efficiencies, increase sales and grow profits
  • Ability to communicate effectively, coach and train Outfitters for growth and develop company bench strength. Support Retail growth by executing process communications and assembling teams to support the retail strategy
  • General Manager reports directly to the District Manager
  • Optimize financial performance, process accuracy and productivity by conducting operational audits and ensuring a high level of execution and compliance
  • Prepare and manage business plans and contingency plans, which establish operational goals and predictable outcomes
  • Drive operational efficiencies, labor/scheduling productivity
  • Provide overall direction and control to a large/complex 3-shift operation to achieve operating and financial goals
  • Responsible for the training, development and performance management of all personnel, operations managers and associates
  • To be considered for this role, candidate ideally holds an undergraduate 4-year degree from an accredited university/college
  • Candidates must also possess at least 7 years of experience in financial control, and FLM experience in a contract management service provider or client centric setting
  • P&L management experience in the facilities industry is required
  • Strong understanding of banking practices, associated risk practices including regulations and obligations
  • Strong analytical skills particularly to decompose and prioritise information applying a risk and control focus
  • Proven ability to communicate constructively in challenging or sensitive situations and create consensus and influence behavioural change
  • Demonstrated ability to coach and retain highly skilled employees and evidence of building a high performance team
  • Drive results by developing and execute the station’s strategic and operating plans, achieve EBITDA goals consistent with Tribune Broadcasting financial and operating guidelines
  • Executive branding strategies across all platforms to ensure audience, ratings and revenue growth
  • Provide for recruitment, management and development of a leadership team and staff, organized to optimize individual and team capabilities, within an environment that demonstrates strong leadership and opportunities for advancement
  • Employ purposeful change management strategies to ensure innovation in structure and consent of all departments
  • Provide a system of controls to ensure that FCC regulations are followed, financial management, operating budgets, capital spending plans and other financial systems are within company guidelines and objectives
  • Develop, identify and execute new business, revenue and community opportunities to provide for the growth and development of the Company. Cultivate relationships with major advertisers and community leaders to represent the station in the local market
  • Make regular reports to the President/Broadcast Media, COO/Broadcast Media, President and Chief Executive Officer and to Tribune Broadcasting executives on matters requiring their action
  • Bachelor’s degree in business administration, finance, broadcast/entertainment/communications or a related field and have equivalent related experience. Advanced degree preferred
  • Thorough understanding of the television industry and the role and jurisdiction of the Federal Communication Commission
  • Management skills necessary to manager a diverse organization of over 200 full-time/part-time employees. Leadership ability to represent the Company in public for diverse audiences
  • Typically requires 15 or more years of experience in progressively responsible television management positions, preferably in a major market
  • Must be will to work in Indianapolis, IN
  • Must be willing to submit to a background investigation and have unrestricted work authorization to work in the United States
  • Implement the approved strategic asset plan for the properties. Has primary responsibility for the day-to-day operation of the properties to assure that all site operations are in compliance with established policies and procedures, management agreement, and are consistent with the client’s overall objectives
  • Prepare annual budget, monthly financial variance reports, operations analysis reports for the client and that all reports are reviewed and approved by the responsible Portfolio Manager
  • Conduct formal site inspections at least monthly in compliance with established standard operating policies and
  • Bears primary responsibility for creation and maintenance of all site specific documentation including, but not
  • Establish and maintain open relationships with occupants ensuring that all services and needs are met within
  • Four-year Bachelor's degree required preferably in mechanical engineering or architecture
  • A minimum of 7 years of experience in Property/Facility Management with a minimum of 5 years at the level of
  • At least 5+ years of experience in retail and personnel management
  • Strong knowledge of hiring, training, performance management, and employee development best practices
  • Capacity to maintain a high level of professionalism, discretion, and tact at all times
  • Outstanding prioritization, organizational, and interpersonal skills
  • Organized, personable, and adaptable
  • Ability and willingness to work a flexible schedule; including weekends
  • Provide Product Management Leadership to drive profitable growth in in Europe and MEAT
  • Identify verticals / market segments and geographies where the Current offering can deliver significant growth
  • In close cooperation with Technology, SW, Marketing and Commercial develop solutions to address customer pain points and needs
  • Identify future opportunities in the digital marketplace, influence product and SW development strategy in order to commercialize on these opportunities
  • Lead the product / system / solution development strategy, ensure that our internal systems and processes are quick and nimble, effective in a short cycle business environment
  • Lead the Product Management team in performing market analysis, competitive assessment, customer/market segmentation to identify key areas of focus for growth
  • Lead dynamic, cross-functional teams to meet internal product line business commitments and customer expectations in the marketplace
  • Own and execute Marketing deliverables to support product launches and customer communication
  • Minimum Degree in a relevant field or equivalent knowledge and experience
  • Significant years of Product Management and/or Marketing Leadership with a Technical Product Line
  • Experience in lighting markets, LED Knowledge
  • Demonstrated ability to develop deep understanding of both SW and HW systems
  • Demonstrated ability to grasp technical landscape, strong technical acumen
  • Requires strong communication skills and cross functional breadth to provide strong leadership and direction to product teams
  • Strong analytical and statistical data-driven skills. Must be able to develop and present new product business cases, cost/benefit analysis, economic modeling, and resourcing plans
  • Must be able to energize teams at all levels of the organization and effectively balance multiple initiatives
  • Requires high energy, assertiveness, and self-motivated individual to work in a fast paced environment with limited direction
  • MBA or its equivalent
  • Extensive years of Product Management and/or Marketing Leadership with a Technical Product Line…Controls/Software would be a plus
  • Experience in the energy management, building automation, smart cites field
  • Understanding controls / sensor applications a plus
  • Some years in business development, IP and/or business integration experience
  • Planning and Control (Unit)
  • Ensure all systems are maintained
  • Ensure all statutory (including licensing) requirements are discharged, conforming to all Health & Safety procedures including any new legislation
  • To act as DPS to the venue
  • Liaise in setting budgets
  • To maximise the events diary and assist in expanding the commercial viability of the venue
  • Continually review systems for suitability and potential upgrading
  • Ensure that budget reports (show) are compiled and disseminated within 48 hours (where possible) of event completion
  • Ensure monthly forecasts are completed on time and accurately reflect current and future diary activity
  • Staff Management
  • Ensure Department Heads work as a team and all departments are staffed within budget
  • Ensure that all staff are trained as required and where possible plan for adequate succession management
  • Ensure that annual appraisals and staff files are maintained for all full time staff
  • Ensure that all staff within your control are managed to the standards as laid out in their job descriptions
  • Liaise with the accounts function and stock takers where appropriate
  • Carry out ad hoc duties as required from time to time and any other duties that are deemed reasonable
  • Ensure a smooth flow of information both internally and externally
  • Represent the company as required at functions and events ensuring that topics and agendas are reported
  • Liaise with all sub-contracted staff and groups to ensure the venue and AMG receive best practice and service
  • Level of staff performance, motivation and morale within the venue
  • Succession planning and development of staff
  • Commercial expansion of Venue diary
  • Statutory matters (including licensing) being effectively discharged
  • Live and club music venue management
  • Knowledge of stocktaking procedures
  • Understanding of H&S, risk assessment and licensing issues for events
  • Experience of working with event promoters both local and nationally
  • Ability to manage situations with tact and diplomacy
  • Shows confidence in dealing with wide ranging types of situations
  • Able to work flexible and unsocial hours including evenings, nights, weekends, bank holidays, Christmas Eve and New Years Eve
  • Meet or exceed all assigned quotas for sales, related applications and components
  • Cultivate, create and lead a high performance Team of local Country General Managers
  • Develop business funnel/pipeline and ensure proper territory management
  • Ensure proper qualification of IBM projects and solutions
  • Facilitate resolution of major sales objections presented by customers
  • Participate in and manage contract negotiations
  • Develop sales and marketing strategies to ensure market share, growth and success
  • Perform accurate and timely territory and pipeline reporting as defined
  • Gather and analyze market intelligence providing ongoing opportunity/threat analysis
  • Maintain responsibility for all cross-functional department resource allocations to the sales cycle
  • Plan, execute, and attend regional/national trade shows and seminars with assistance from regional and corporate resources
  • Compile lists of prospective customers for use as sales leads, based on information from field marketing, direct marketing, newspapers, business directories, industry ads, trade shows, Internet Web sites, installed base, and other sources
  • Travel through assigned territory to call on regular and prospective customers to promote imaging product line, and solicit orders
  • Analyze customer's needs and recommends solutions that best meet customer's requirements
  • Emphasize scalable features such as flexibility, cost, capacity, and economy of operation
  • Able to reach a consultative level of sell with the customer
  • Cultivate and maintain effective working relationships with IBM Canada stakeholders to optimize Caribbean North District (CND) results and facilitate processes
  • Cultivate cohesive relationships between the CND countries to CND results are optimized and processes are aligned
  • Demonstrate effective leadership as the primary CND senior focal for all internal and external stakeholders
  • At least 5 years experience in Sales
  • At least 5 years experience in C-Level relationship building
  • At least 3 years experience in People Management
  • At least 3 years experience in demonstrated territory management skills
  • Hiring, coaching, leading and inspiring a team of customer service and aquatic staff
  • Leading regular team meetings and managing employee engagement
  • Participating in continuous improvement and development activities
  • Creating and managing semester schedules
  • Managing behind the scenes operations, such as facility maintenance and supplies inventories
  • Performing daily operations (teaching, sales/office, deck management, etc)
  • Creating a fun, friendly and effective work environment
  • Driving exceptional customer experiences and satisfaction through team development
  • Calmly adapting to challenges while managing commitments
  • Directly supervise all Business Development Managers, Office Manager, and the Retail Sales Manager
  • Nurture and maintain relationships with senior leadership of regional customers
  • Plans business objectives, implements organizational policies, responsible for obtaining objectives
  • Infrastructure building: Build processes and infrastructure to enable scalable, profitable growth, New Business Development for the Quebec market
  • Manage regional client relationships and contribute to business development activities
  • Oversee management of staff priorities, workload balancing/utilization, and routine staff professional development to keep turnover at a minimum and staff morale high
  • Actively participate and contribute to Canadian Leadership Team
  • A bilingual, proven Senior Sales leader with 10 + years’ experience in consumer packaged goods. A solid background in Health and Beauty Categories and/or Drug Channel is preferred
  • Excellent written communication and verbal communication skills (English and French)
  • Strong customer relationships at a senior level, with the ability to negotiate and secure winning strategies on behalf of a varied list of clients, each expecting top level leadership and representation
  • The ability to develop the strategies and tactics needed to hit assigned sales revenue targets and prioritize/focus on the most important, yet “switch gears” at a moment’s notice to handle a business challenge, or prevent a potential issue from arising
  • The ability to lead and direct a large head quarter sales team to ensure they focused on the top priorities to deliver the business targets
  • Travel and Driving are essential duties and function of this job. (Travel up to 10%)
  • Manage the day-to-day operational activities of the office
  • Directly supervises all Business Development Managers, Office Manager, and the Retail Sales Manager for the office
  • Oversees the overall profitability of the office, ensuring that the office’s financial goals are met and annual budgets are prepared
  • Ensures staffing needs are met for the office
  • Conducts client interviews to attract new business
  • Ensure all Company policies and procedures are consistently followed by the office
  • 10+ years of experience in a sales capacity with a food broker or a major consumer products company
  • 5+ years of experience in managing and directing others
  • Ability to make oral presentations
  • Creates and manages change
  • Develops employees and teams by acting as a coach and facilitator
  • Builds trust; acts with integrity at all times
  • BA/BS degree, MBA preferred
  • Ten plus years management experience with P&L exposure and accountabilities
  • Strong sales background, branch management and operations experience, required
  • HVAC, Energy Management and Building Security industry experience, highly desired
  • Strong influencing and negotiating skills with the ability to motivate and build high performance, cross-functional teams
  • Six sigma certification is a plus
  • Define system architecture across compute, network and storage for next generation cloud datacenters
  • Lead across product line management, engineering, solution integration and sales to deliver growth of new product sales
  • Create and bring to market breakthrough technologies that deliver increased efficiency and performance in compute, storage, networking and security
  • Work across the industry to drive alignment on key standards to aid adoption
  • Lead industry hardware enablement efforts with particular focus on cloud software stacks including VMware, Microsoft, OpenStack, container-based solutions and others
  • Deliver results in a highly matrix organization requiring extensive collaboration and cross business unit influence
  • Demonstrated ability to define and bring innovative datacenter systems projects to market
  • Deep domain expertise in datacenter systems architecture across compute, network and storage
  • Successful experience in leading industry enabling efforts
  • Understanding and experience designing enterprise computing routes to market / channels
  • Experience running / operating large scale datacenters is highly desirable
  • Experienced in cloud customer segments and channel is critical (i.e. Enterprise, Cloud Service Providers, Telecom)
  • Full responsibility for all aspects of Branch Business, this includes sales, administration and services
  • Full Profit & Loss responsibility
  • Direct supervision of sales management and branch service director; dotted line responsibility for supervision of Branch Controller
  • Responsible for strategic planning to expand branch market share
  • Responsible for marketing plan and branch go to market strategy
  • Responsible for branch adherence to corporate policy and procedure
  • Responsible for resolution of customer related questions or concerns in their marketplace
  • Works closely with corporate Human Resources to ensure proper staffing of all branch positions
  • Responsible for day to day operation of branch facility
  • Up to 25% travel to locations within territory as well as to other branches and SEC HQ as needed
  • Presentation and Sales to Major accounts in Branch area
  • Prospecting and attracting new major account clients while maintaining current major account relationships in cooperation with sales management
  • Involved in Community Events and goodwill activities for branch
  • BS/BA in Business administration or related field as a minimum, preferably with some financial experience or background
  • Minimum 12 years managerial experience, preferably within industry
  • Established ability to effectively communicate with all levels of management
  • Proven track record of fulfilling and surpassing revenue quotas
  • Experience working with key decisions makers (C-level corporate managers)
  • Experience in a dealer/distributor sales environment a plus
  • Expert level knowledge of sales, service, and administrative functions
  • Broad knowledge of the organization's policies, products and/or services
  • Knowledge and experience in motivating and leadership skill
  • Bachelor's degree in Engineering is preferred ·
  • Master's degree in Business Administration is preferred
  • Must speak English to an advanced business competency level
  • Prior experience of managing a team of technical professionals
  • Prior commercial consultation /technical experience in closing large and complex contractual agreements is Advanced Solutions offerings
  • Minimum of 15+ years relevant experience
  • Prior experience of working within an international multinational organization will be distinct advantage
  • Prior experience of working with a matrix structure, and have achieving results via influence
  • Customer-focused mindset with proven ability to respond quickly to customer needs
  • Able to effectively lead and energize a multi-functional team to meet objectives
  • Responsible for full P&L management
  • Visibly understand and drive a culture based on world class standards
  • Develop and drive a culture of performance management
  • Manage direct reports as a team establishing common objectives with joint accountability among team members
  • Make decisions and set priorities in a fast paced environment
  • Use Lean Methodologies in root cause problem solving and analytical skills for challenges and opportunities
  • Ability to effectively delegate task and hold employees accountable through timely follow-up
  • Develop and execute standard operating procedures designed to ensure all areas are accurately documented and consistently executed
  • Ensure expected housekeeping standards and enforces a culture of accountability
  • Ensure meeting company service, quality, cost, and safety objectives
  • Ensure compliance with company's policies
  • Drive personal and organization development
  • Proven ability to motivate teams and manage conflict
  • Bachelors degree or 10+ plus years of proved operational experience including trajectory of increasing leadership within these roles
  • Proven experience creating and managing full P&L
  • Lean Six Sigma experience
  • Demonstrated leadership in an environment where there is a culture of world class standards
  • Proven track record of successfully leading operational improvement projects within distribution and transportation
  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills to lead and empower employees in a team environment
  • Good presentation skills with capability of presenting to all levels of the organization
  • Must have proven track record of developing, implementing and driving Change Management
  • MS Office software skills including Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Project Management Skills
  • Solid decision making framework
  • Experience in WMS and ERP
  • Bachelor’s BSME, BSIE or relevant technical BS Degree
  • Formal Lean Six Sigma Training; Black Belt Certification preferred
  • Experience with business case development & evaluation
  • Degree qualified or equivalent
  • Chartered engineer or similar professional qualification
  • Proven leadership and strong people management skills with the ability to develop integrated team working
  • Previous experience of managing a multi-disciplinary senior team is essential
  • Good external stakeholder management skills
  • Broad knowledge of Motorway and Trunk Road Network Management is essential
  • Business acumen e.g. able to demonstrate significant improvements in efficiencies/costs in previous roles and a good understanding of the commercial aspects of a MAC Contract
  • Trained Lean champion
  • Professional approach and able to operate as an effective role model for the A-one+ values and culture
  • Evidence of introducing cultural improvement through harnessing employee commitment and engagement is essential
  • Client and customer focused and able to demonstrate evidence of successful partnering and/or collaboration activities
  • Able to demonstrate development of an innovative business culture and delivery of successful business improvement initiatives
  • Experience of leading an excellent safety culture in a high risk environment, Behavioral Based Safety
  • Experience of working in a MAC/ASC or large scale multidisciplinary contract at senior management level is essential with strategic highway service delivery
  • Maintain atmosphere of compliance by managing all store operations to ensure that, among other things, sales transactions, customer payments and collection activities are properly performed in accordance with the Company's operating procedures and applicable laws
  • Increase store profitability through customer relationship development, community involvement, marketing, soliciting new business sources, employee training and managing all store operating expenses
  • Coach, lead and develop team members to maximize their performance potential
  • Accurately determine and/or approve loan values based off of a comprehensive vehicle appraisal
  • Collaborate on recruitment efforts for position openings, interview, and hire qualified candidates for the Customer Service Representative position
  • Prepare and analyze company reports and communicate information as necessary to various levels of management
  • Ensure that the premises are maintained in a neat and clean condition, including windows, lawn, store upkeep, parking lot, and/or sidewalks if applicable
  • Complete Monthly Performance Evaluations for store employees
  • Demonstrate knowledge of all relevant company policies and procedure and state and federal laws and requirements (Compliance, HR, Legal, and Operations)
  • High School Diploma or equivalent required; college coursework or degree a plus
  • Employee and operations management or leadership experience required; retail, sales or financial industries preferred
  • Sales-oriented mentality and a passion for providing a superior customer experience
  • The desire and ability to work in a fast-paced, rewarding, and results-driven environment
  • Demonstrated ability to handle multiple competing tasks with ease and enthusiasm
  • An outgoing and confident personality during interactions with customers, co-workers, and business partners
  • Proficiency in Microsoft Office Suite to include Word, Excel and Outlook
  • Credit and criminal background check required to include MVR (state exemptions may apply)
  • Valid driver's license and car insurance
  • Use of personal vehicle required as well as the ability to drive on Company business throughout the workday
  • Standing, walking, sitting, repetitive movements and use of mechanical controls, such as keyboard, are frequently required
  • Provide leadership across the business unit
  • Manage team responsible for day-to-day operations (sales, customer service, account management, content creation, product development, marketing, business development)
  • Draw from deep industry knowledge to drive decision making to grow revenues associated with the business models
  • Understand and develop strategies and activities to grow traffic and audience/users in a profitable manner
  • Manage the development of key business requirements for feature development and oversee the teams needed to implement
  • Establish metrics for business to drive decisions for the organization. Track, analyze and understand the implications of associated metrics
  • Develop and manage operational budgets, and perform periodic cost and productivity analysis
  • Monitor, measure and report on operational issues, opportunities and development plans against company objectives
  • Responsible for assessment and development of the core competencies of the joint venture in engineering and manufacturing; and improvement of the business process and operational excellence
  • Responsible for, and be expected to coordinate, the development and execution of the joint venture's long term manufacturing strategy
  • Responsible for developing, implementing and controlling the overall business plan (budget) and arranging the joint venture resources to achieve the desired results
  • Responsible for leading, organizing, staffing, motivating, assessing, and developing the key management individuals in the organization
  • Direct the organizations day-to-day activities including, but not limited to the planning, development, sales, marketing and manufacturing functions and responsible for achieving the joint venture growth objectives
  • Ensure accurate sales and profiting forecasting on a monthly, quarterly, and annual basis, and hold joint venture leadership team accountable for delivering against their commitments
  • Vigorously promote an attitude of can-do, excellence and pride of accomplishment among all joint venture employees and insure that the attitudes are matched by accomplishment
  • Understand the evolving global customers and their needs, developing products with continuously increasing levels of integration and performance, and delivering parts & systems that meet the highest demands for yield and quality
  • Foresee the business implications and risks with deep understanding of local market and government directions; Provide insights on customers' need and roadmaps, and make recommendations to Eaton's senior leadership and Board of Directors on short-term and long-term market positioning of ESJV, as well as recommend actions, solutions, strategies to the Board of Directors
  • A BS/BA in Business, Engineering, Operations or a related field is required. An MBA is also strongly preferred
  • Experience working with a Joint Venture in China is preferred
  • Experience and business acumen in dealing with government and managing the relationship of senior leadership. Ability to work with senior state and local government officials and senior executives of state owned organizations (COMAC, AVIC)
  • An Experienced and highly professional executive possessing a track record of success throughout his/her career and broad capability across all organizational functions
  • An individual who possesses a combination of strategic vision and strong operations and bottom-line capabilities, along with an effective interpersonal style and “hands-on” approach, enabling him/her to interact effectively across the multiple divisions and the multiple plants throughout the Aerospace group
  • The candidate should be verse with both China state-own enterprise culture and the US multinational corporation culture, and has adept communication and influence skill, in dealing with both JV shareholders to achieve desirable results
  • The ideal candidate should have operational experience with a proven career path demonstrating significant accomplishments and increasing levels of responsibilities, preferably having 10 to 15 years of aerospace experience in a multi-billion dollar global corporation with a combination of both general management (direct experience managing a P&L for a business with at least $250M in revenues)
  • This person will come from an environment where he/she dealt with high & low volume manufacturing, large scale, multi-year programs and specialty processes
  • Experience in international operations and multicultural environments will also be beneficial to his/her success
  • The successful candidate will be familiar with the complete range of business functions: general/program management, sales/marketing, business development, engineering and product development, manufacturing operations, and financial control
  • He/she will bring a distinguished track record of leading teams to delivery of products on time and within budget and quality tolerances. He/she should also possess a well developed marketing acumen with a focus on the customers’ needs and roadmaps and will be a fierce competitor capable of organizing solutions for Eaton to insulate its position with customers and emphasize our competitive advantages
  • Direct experience working within a company within the Aerospace industry is strongly preferred, but not required in this position
  • The selected candidate should also possess strong leadership, communications, interpersonal, and motivational skills along with excellent business, financial acumen, executive presence and the ability to lead multiple diverse locations
  • A strong business leader with a demonstrated track record of articulating and communicating a vision of operational excellence and enhancements in a pragmatic manner
  • A result oriented and highly adaptable person who can be a supportive team player in a corporate environment
  • A hard working leader with the ability to delegate, but one who maintains a “hands-on” approach with critical assignments
  • A focused, intelligent individual who is a pragmatic motivator with a good decision making skills
  • Be a team player, supporting and promoting team accomplishments versus personal achievement, with a proven ability to drive change and bring projects to fruition through influence and collaboration across a matrix organization in a highly fluid environment
  • A demonstrated capability to lead across a multi-divisional large-scale business, securing the commitment and alignment of differing parts of his/her organization through the use of influence and indirect authority
  • Experience and success with operating in a large and global organization
  • Drive, intelligence, and high expectations of self and team
  • Communication Expert: Proactively communicate with your owners via email, phone, and in person to ensure that they are kept in the loop with all aspects of the management of their home
  • Problem Solver: At Vacasa, we seek to head problems off at the pass, but we can't anticipate everything! When something doesn't go according to plan, you will need to go into action and work with teams across Vacasa to quickly resolve issues
  • Can-do/Will-do Attitude: You will be part of an on-call rotation, and guest needs aren't always confined to normal business hours. A willingness to help when help is needed is essential!
  • Natural-born Leader: As a General Manager, you will have a team of employees dependent on your region's growth. The ability to lead them collaboratively and within Vacasa's culture is essential
  • Computer Savvy: Our custom management software has set Vacasa apart as an industry leader, and we use our system to manage all aspects of our business. While we will never ask you to do any coding, we will want you to be very comfortable using a computer. If you commonly find yourself saying, "I bet I can get on YouTube and figure out how to do that", you'll be just fine
  • Maintenance-minded: As an extension of your owners, you will need to be able to troubleshoot issues that come up in your homes and either repair them (if minor) or make recommendations to your owners for larger issues. We don’t expect you to be an expert plumber/electrician/housecleaner, but a few handyman/woman skills will come in, well, handy
  • Change Agent: At Vacasa, we firmly believe that every employee should be a stakeholder in improving our owner and guest experience. As an agent of change we will ask you to help identify areas where we have an opportunity to improve and suggest ways to make our services better than ever
  • Lead Generation and Closing Ability: You will generate leads and build trust with prospects over the phone, work with other team members, and close sales
  • Confidence: Must be able to develop confidence and trust with prospects over the phone and in person
  • Ethical:Grounded in ethical business practices
  • Education:Bachelor's Degree or equivalent experience and education -- you don’t need to have a degree for this role but you will need professional communication skills including writing and interpersonal communication skills
  • Independence:Self-motivated and self-sufficient, while having the confidence to seek guidance and direction as needed
  • Goal-Oriented:Ability to set and exceed aggressive individual and organizational goals
  • Minimum of at least 21
  • At least 4 years of service experience in a similar high-volume environment
  • At least 3 years of management experience
  • Working knowledge of beverage service, products, menu items, and kitchen equipment
  • Working knowledge of proper food and beverage service and kitchen operations
  • Excellent organizational skills, ability to function under time constraints and deadlines with attention to detail
  • Effective listening abilities and ability to make strong judgment calls
  • Creates weekly schedules to effectively control labor costs and optimize service standards
  • Reviews daily schedules and manage time off and vacation requests
  • Coaches and trains on policies, procedures, and performance
  • Supervises cashiers to ensure correct policies and procedures for check handling and closing are maintained by service staff
  • Delegates responsibilities to employees and management to ensure supervision of tasks are completed, correct and on time
  • Supervises staff and management activities as well as means of access and egress, to ensure complete compliance with Health Department and Fire Marshall Regulations
  • Performs employee evaluations and manage all issues related to attendance records
  • Assists in seasonal menu changes and holiday menu changes
  • Reviews and analyzes food and beverage costs
  • Effectively communicates with management, chefs and culinary staff in order to fulfill and address any issues or needs requested by guests and or other employees
  • Orders supplies through the IP System and Purchasing
  • Exercises cost controls for all aspects of restaurant operation
  • Understands and manages Profit & Loss statements, general business practices of restaurant operation
  • Maintains par levels and direct purchase of china, glass and silverware
  • Manages Infogenesis pricing and maintenance issues to ensure checks can be processed correctly
  • Follows current proper policies and procedures for Manager comps and voids
  • Maximizes sales and profits, manage labor and control costs
  • Adheres to Monte Carlo’s sanitation policies and procedures as well as all Health Department codes and regulations
  • Manages hiring of new staff and management
  • Directs communication with guests for special requests and large party reservations
  • Maintains a high level of professionalism
  • Anticipates the guests’ needs and respond appropriately with a sense of urgency including, personal supervision of guest complaints
  • Communicates, trains and supports all company initiatives to front and back of house staff
  • Works as a team member
  • Assists with the needs and inquiries of guests and employees
  • At least 4 years of service experience in a similar dining environment
  • Working knowledge of kitchen operations
  • Manage assigned operational functions within the department consistent with the strategic plan and vision for the department, the division, Property, and Morimoto brand standards
  • Manage and monitor fiscal budget, operations of assigned department(s) and marketing strategies to produce both short term and long term profitability for the Property and Morimoto Las Vegas
  • Manage the delivery and measurement of guest service within assigned department(s) consistent with the Company’s core service standards and Morimoto brand attributes
  • Provide input into the research, development, evaluation and implementation of new products, services, technology and processes to ensure Morimoto Las Vegas’s competitive position and in anticipation of changing customer needs within the dynamic hospitality and gaming environment
  • Manage Human Resources responsibilities for assigned department(s) to include: creating a work environment that promotes teamwork, performance feedback, recognition, mutual respect and employee satisfaction; quality hiring, training and succession planning processes that encompass the Company’s diversity commitment
  • Maintain a working relationship with the Culinary Union; adhere to the Company’s status quo third party representation philosophy; comply with Company policies, legal requirements and Collective Bargaining Agreements
  • Supervise dining room and kitchen activities to ensure quality production/delivery of product and service
  • Communicate daily with Executive Chef and/or Sous Chef in charge, providing current information on large parties of VIPs expected
  • Responsible for a smooth, efficient, cost effective operation of restaurant to include: labor management, supervision of all aspects of service and inventory control
  • Interact with guests frequently to ensure satisfaction and enjoyment of dining experience
  • React to any guest complaints and take any appropriate action
  • At least 4 years of college education in a related field
  • At least 3 years of previous experience as a General Manager in the hospitality industry and previous experience in scheduling and staffing
  • At least 5 years of previous management experience in a high-volume restaurant, preferably in a casino environment
  • Ability to listen and administer instructions, make decisions quickly and delegate responsibilities accordingly, and remain calm and manage multiple tasks in very high-paced and stressful environment
  • Ability to view operations creatively and with a sales orientation
  • Ability to effectively problem solve, reason and analyze
  • Ability to maintain manual dexterity to access computer via computer keyboard and operate office equipment, such as telephones, copiers, fax machine, etc
  • Ability to identify/assess problems and situations; refer to applicable policies and guidelines, identify practical/creative options and determine/develop/recommend appropriate courses of action
  • Ability to communicate, [orally and/or in writing], by providing and obtaining information of a complex, technical or sensitive nature, effectively, clearly, correctly, concisely, completely, logically, in a timely manner, and at an appropriate level and format, while maintaining confidentiality
  • Ability to lift and carry boxes weighing up to 50 pounds for distances of up to 50 feet and to manipulate them from heights which may require the use of a foot stool
  • Working knowledge of organizational skills to function effectively under time constraints within established deadlines with particular attention to detail and quality of service
  • 2-year degree from an accredited university in Business Administration, Hotel and Property Management, or related major; 6 years experience in the guest services, front desk, housekeeping, sales and marketing, management operations, or related professional area. Management license for Condominiums, as applicable
  • Identifies key drivers of business success and keeping leadership focused on the critical few to achieve results
  • Creates an atmosphere in all Residential common areas that meets or exceeds owners expectations
  • Interfaces with customers,(e.g., owners, vendors, guests) on a regular basis to obtain feedback on quality of product, service levels and overall satisfaction
  • Handles owner’s complaints by following the instant pacification procedure and verifying guest satisfaction
  • 2-year degree from an accredited university in Business Administration, Hotel and Restaurant Management, or related major; 4 years experience in the guest services, front desk, housekeeping, sales and marketing, management operations, or related professional area
  • Measures, analyzes, and communicates property performance using a variety of financial/non financial data including controllable costs, sales revenue, guest satisfaction, and associate engagement data
  • Updates and communicates profit forecasts to associates/managers
  • Reviews and signs off on invoices
  • Consolidates reports needed for period-end review (e.g., P&L, Accounting Scorecard, Banking Report and Statistics, PACE, credit card fraud report)
  • Ensures compliance with Avendra
  • Manages e-mail
  • Provides follow-up information to RD and other CFRST managers
  • Prepares for RD visits (e.g., pulling and consolidating relevant reports)
  • Responsible for maintaining the overall operation of the resort: oversee operational department and vendor operations, demonstrate a passion and understanding of company goals, ensure your site meets all standards by performing daily audits and inspections, execute the operations of all outlets including fitness centers, food and beverage and activities, Identify process improvements and best practices, ensure all compliance standards and audits are met, execute strategic goals, participate/facilitate committee and team projects. (30% time)
  • Maintain positive Customer and associate relationships: Embrace and exhibit the highest level of ethics and integrity consistent with Wyndham standards, demonstrate an ability to motivate and communicate expectations with humility and respect, exercise the ability to attract and retain talent by engaging and showing a genuine passion to develop others, partner with support departments to ensure standards of conduct for associates as well as compliance, be a change agent for the company. (25% time)
  • Manage and support all financial aspects of the resort: review and maintain monthly P and L reports, work with regional accounting partners to ensure compliance, manage and forecast annual budgets for each department, review and respond to variances, ensure the site meets all IA standards. (30% time)
  • Performs other duties as needed. (5% time)
  • Working knowledge of hospitality departments: front office, maintenance, Housekeeping and food and beverage
  • Ability to work under pressure and deadlines
  • Proven track of ethical leadership and integrity
  • Ability to problem solve and use good judgment
  • Microsoft Office: Word, excel, Office
  • Mixed use experience a plus
  • Must be fluent in Mandarin Chinese and English
  • Experience as Director of Rooms in a Full-Service Hotel (minimum 3 years) or General Manager in a Select-Service Hotel (minimum 1 year)
  • Hospitality Management or Business Administration Degree
  • Good understanding of Select-Service Market in China
  • Good understanding of financial statements and excellent commercial skills
  • Perform administrative duties including: reading and writing reports, dictating memorandums and orally communicating with guests, managers, corporate office, local associations, etc. Critically review reports of occupancy, revenue etc. Make judgments and implement changes to maximize profits. Supervise development of and revision to business plan, annual budget and annual and monthly forecasts, etc. Formulate complex reports. Communicate with the public, staff, corporate office and owners
  • Interview, hire supervise and counsel department managers in the efficient operation of their respective area(s). Meet with, develop and delegate improvement plans for operation and review performance of management team
  • Participate in community affairs and maintain positive public image for Crescent and hotel. Meet with potential and current clients and promote hotel
  • Physically tour and visually inspect property on a daily basis. Monitor cost control, property condition, cleanliness and quality of product and service throughout hotel. Greet and maintain rapport with associates and customers
  • Perform any other job related duties as assigned
  • Manage the direct sales activities of the hotel in partnership with the hotel’s Regional Sales Director (RSD) and Global Sales Office (GSO) to uncover the appropriate demand located in the hotel’s trade area. Directly supervise the hotel’s Director of Sales and partner with the above sales support team to create and execute the hotel’s sales and marketing plan to secure the fair market share of business for the hotel
  • Regularly sell hotel rooms through direct client contact
  • Establish and implement appropriate service recovery guidelines in order to ensure complete guest satisfaction
  • Respond to guest complaints or concerns in a prompt and professional manner
  • Manage the front office, housekeeping, and food and beverage operation of the hotel through the direct supervision of the Operations Manager
  • Manage the appearance, condition, and preventive maintenance of the physical plant through the direct supervision of the Maintenance Manager
  • Attend Evening Social and Breakfast events as a representative of the management team of the hotel and to prospect for additional sales leads
  • Lead the development, implementation and monitoring of capital and operational budgets for the hotel which support the overall objectives of the company. Work with the Finance Department on the identification of variances and communication to ownership on the hotel’s financial condition
  • In partnership with the hotel’s assigned General Ledger Accountant and in accordance with company rules and policies, ensure the proper process is in place to manage and report the inflow of money in and out of the hotel
  • In partnership with the Manager, National Engineering and Facilities Operations and in accordance with company rules and policies, ensure the proper process is in place to manage and report on the condition of the physical building(s), grounds, and parking surfaces. This includes the creation and management of the hotel’s annual capital and operations expense budget to improve and maintain the facility for guests and ownership
  • In partnership with the assigned Information Technology representatives and in accordance with company rules and policies, ensure the proper process is in place to manage and report on the proper use, maintenance and location of all information technology hardware and software provided to the hotel. This includes the proper use of all systems in order to service all guests and provide a return on investment to owners
  • Enforce hotel standards, policies, and procedures are in place within the hotel departments
  • Bachelor’s degree in Hotel Administration, Business Administration or related field preferred
  • Ability to speak, read, and write fluent English; other languages beneficial
  • Ability to prioritize and organize work assignments
  • Experience with Microsoft Office and Opera systems preferred
  • Ability to travel including some overnight travel is required
  • Frequently standing up, bending, climbing, kneeling, and moving about the facility
  • Carrying, lifting or pulling items weighing up to 50 pounds
  • Frequently handling objects and equipment
  • Educational Assistance
  • Responsible for the overall management and strategic direction of the hotel
  • Lead and support all departments in the achievement of their financial and operational targets through establishment of a positive culture, clear expectations and policy and procedural implementation
  • Actively involved in various industry and community initiatives
  • Actively involved in the recruitment process of senior leadership positions within the hotel
  • Increase and maintain the value of the asset
  • Manage the operations of the hotel in order to maximize profitability and to ensure superior guest service and product quality
  • Coordinate capital improvement projects to maintain/upgrade quality standards and property image
  • Manages performance issues that arise within the management team
  • Leads the business team through the attendance of all scheduled meetings
  • Work directly with the Human Resources function, to ensure appropriate hiring, training,motivating, coaching, counseling and developing of team members
  • Effectively communicates with team members
  • Evaluate changes in guest needs, the guest mix and competitive set, to recommend appropriate product/service and operational changes as necessary
  • Ensures guest and employee satisfaction, while maintaining market competitiveness and exceptional financial performance
  • Anticipate and address guest issues and establish proactive processes to promote guest satisfaction
  • Be an inspiration to all hotel staff to achieve luxury levels of performance
  • Interacts in a positive way with all team members to ensure a luxury guest experience
  • You will have a proven track record in the Leisure market combined with excellent room’s revenue skills and food and beverage knowledge
  • Driven and passionate that will take ownership and responsibility for the commercial success of the business and also possess an integral understanding of working in a branded environment
  • You will have strong financial and commercial drive with a proven track record of success and results
  • You are a self-motivated Manager, who is highly visible to all areas of the business
  • An Industry professional who is looking for a rewarding challenge and ready to take ownership of running a business
  • Strong leadership and communication style with the ability to engage with people at all levels, having a natural coaching and supportive management style
  • Reporting to the Vice President of Operations - UK, you will have a strong focus on the delivery of exceptional guest care as well as the commercial performance of the business
  • You will leading the hotel through an exciting period of transition and development
  • As General Manager you will develop your knowledge of the local corporate and leisure market to achieve sales in a competitive environment and maximising on revenue, managing occupancy and driving growth in the food and beverage side of the business
  • You will be an ambassador for the guest journey and ensure customer values and service behaviours are delivered consistently in a professional and friendly environment
  • Leading and developing a great team across all departments to achieve exceptional performance through a balanced scorecard approach
  • Adhere to General Work Requirements
  • Ensure that maintenance carried out meets the standards required by Part-145
  • Ensure that the necessary finance, manpower resources and facilities are available to enable the site to perform the maintenance
  • Establish and promote the safety and quality policy and ensure human factors principles are implemented
  • Nominate Management Team members
  • Perform managerial responsibilities, for example, hire/fire, disciplinary actions, PMP, and professional development
  • Establish and execute the Business Plan (AES Master Plan). Develop achievable long and short term goals and objectives, resulting in maximum safety, profits, utilization, employee engagement and customer satisfaction
  • Review, accept, and process annual budgets ensuring that all related budgetary and support materials have been received and analyzed
  • Recommend changes as needed which enhance service and profitability through increased repair capability
  • Ensure that any charges to the competent authorities are paid, as prescribed by EASA
  • Approve and recommend major investments by coordinating with the personnel as well as upper management
  • Monitor the performance of the organization to assure Bombardier Aviation Services (BAS) objectives are achieved, profitability maximized, and customer satisfaction maintained
  • Meet at least monthly with the site Management Team, to discuss the business, the compliance with Part-145 (internal audits and QIR’s) and the effectiveness of the management system
  • Attend the Management Review that is executed at least twice a year for the evaluation and improvement of the Quality Management System
  • Supervise the progress of remedial actions, and ensure effective measures are taken without undue delay to eliminate detected nonconformities and their causes, and that opportunities for improvement are implemented
  • Ensure the competence of all personnel including management personnel is assessed accordance schedule
  • Inform and coordinate with upper management to keep them abreast of the operation and important issues
  • Consult and coordinate with peers at parent company in such areas as product support, finance, purchasing, programs, marketing, field service and engineering
  • Coordinate and communicate with other departments, customers, vendors, and operators to improve overall program
  • Conclude maintenance contracts with aircraft operators (CAMO)
  • Conclude maintenance contracts with sub-contractors
  • Monitor vendor support agreements
  • Ensure CAMO specific Procedure Manuals are established in accordance with MOE part 4
  • You hold a Bachelor’s degree in Business
  • You have several years experience in Business Aircraft EASA 145 MRO at a management level
  • You have working knowledge of process improvement methodology and application (e.g., Six Sigma)
  • You have working knowledge of accounting and budgeting principals necessary to read and interpret profit/loss statements, financial reports, and meet financial objectives for assigned area and programs
  • You have working knowledge of process and controls required in the performance of aircraft maintenance
  • You have verbal and written English communication skills,
  • You have the business writing skills necessary to create various reports and correspondence
  • You have the presentation skills necessary to effectively communicate, update, persuade, and/or facilitate discussions with all levels of management
  • You have the ability to create and foster a positive work environment
  • Maintains all Honey Creek and Delaware North policy standards, culture of accountability and responsibility, and holds individuals accountable for such
  • Bachelor's Degree or equivalent, Relevant experience
  • 5 years experience in a customer service setting. Front desk hotel experience preferred
  • 2-year degree from an accredited university in Business Administration, Hotel and Restaurant Management, or related major; 6 years mixed management experience in the guest services, front desk, housekeeping, sales and marketing, management operations, or related professional area
  • Measure, analyze, and communicate property performance using a variety of financial/non financial data including controllable costs, sales revenue, guest satisfaction, and associate engagement data
  • Manage on-property controllable costs associated with rooms, housekeeping, events, and food and beverage operations
  • Consolidate reports needed for period-end review (e.g., P&L, Accounting Scorecard, Banking Report and Statistics, PACE, credit card fraud report)
  • Conduct h-end critiques with each manager
  • Prepare and review forecast vs. actual to adjust and modify in accordance with goals in sales and profitability
  • Review with team leaders and support actions to achieve results in alignment with property and brand goals
  • Train leaders and associates to critique results and generate plans and actions to improve results
  • Participate in conference calls (e.g., sales, promotion, questions and answers, property performance, etc.)
  • Quality Policy, Core Values and Objectives – With major focus on
  • Delighted client – Project within cost, schedule
  • Development and growth of people with improved productivity
  • Continual improvement in quality and product
  • Departmental Plan
  • Establish and maintain Department’s procedures, technical guides and manuals to control the work activities
  • Ensure that work carried out by Department is professional and adequate in all respects, particularly in relation to safety and quality and adherence to Company’s contractual responsibilities
  • Identify, evaluate and record actual and potential quality problems within the Department or at interface with other Departments
  • Staffing / Human Resources
  • Evaluate competence of staff for current roles and assess potential for increased responsibility or alternate job role. Recommend appropriate training dependent upon this evaluation
  • Review current and future staffing needs and make recommendations regarding staff recruitments
  • Interview candidates and make recommendations for the appointment/rejection of the candidate to the Personnel Manager
  • Carry out regular staff assessment and appraisal and formally record the results and give recommendations in accordance with Company’s policies
  • Budget / Planning
  • Control the activities of his Department to comply with Company’s budget requirements and as per planned schedule within the budgeted work-hours
  • Measurement and Performance
  • Ensure by frequent personal review and Department Meetings that the projects being executing are in accordance with cost, time and quality
  • Review utilization factors and productivity. Increase productivity. Identify focal areas and draw up Performance Advancement Plan; formulate methods to measure the same
  • Respond adequately to the Company’s Sales requirements. Approve project control work-hours estimates for Proposals before submission to the Sales
  • Client Liaison
  • Maintain long-term and smooth relationship with clients by providing higher value and lower total cost to them through performance excellence
  • Ensure that proper planning techniques for project control functions are established and applied to various Projects
  • Make information available to the Management for budget purposes
  • Carry out periodically Manpower Forward Loading taking into consideration current and future contracts
  • Arrange for compilation of statistical data on past Contracts which could be used for the benefit of planning activities carried out by the Department
  • Assign competent personnel to various Projects
  • Guide the Planning Engineers at various levels so that their performance shall suit the Project requirements
  • Recruit competent and adequate staff for the department and train them
  • Undertake system enhancement by use of in-house development or outside agencies
  • Bachelor’s Degree (or equivalent) in Engineering mandatory with Post Graduation in with construction management or related fields as desirable
  • Minimum 15 years of experience in Project controls / Project Management which should include exposure to project construction site
  • Understanding of project management practices. Strong computer/information systems skills (commercial software applications, etc.)
  • Proficiency in basic functions of planning /scheduling principles and cost engineering methods including:-
  • Minimun 4-6 years experience in the Retail/Hospitality management industry
  • Proven record of coaching and developing talent
  • Experience managing a multi-faceted operation while consistently taking action to improve service levels
  • Strong computer skills and computer software knowledge
  • Provides leadership that fosters teamwork, employee respect, empowerment, and open communication. Recommends, implements and coordinates with Shared Services "best practices" and policies that maximize employee development, training and performance
  • Leads by example an obsession for customer service through own actions. Builds strong partnerships with customers to understand their needs and deliver a top quality product. Focuses team on monitoring changes in the market and customer base and implements effective marketplace responses
  • Identifies and implements optimal structure and core processes for lab manufacturing function. Continuously improves each to achieve efficiencies and help better meet changing customer needs. Coordinates, directs and manages all aspects of lab operations
  • Implements an optimal layout for the lab. Ensures team leverages their knowledge of various equipment and employee capabilities to optimize workflow. Ensures team works together to quickly alter workflow when required. Follows standard operating procedures and suggests improvements to management
  • Provides team with clear performance objectives directly tied to lab performance expectations for quality, productivity and growth. Creates an environment that inspires the team to take personal ownership for achieving stretch goals and performance improvement
  • Implements cost effective systems of control over capital, operating expenditures, manpower, and labor costs. Makes trade-off across the lab to balance demands and competitive pressures when investing in the lab and controlling expenses
  • Delivers against operational budgets, forecasts and profit targets. Manages against key objectives
  • 1 to 3 years manufacturing experience required
  • Direct customer relationship experience requireedExpereince leveraging distributed manufacturing or supply chain management to achieve local goals
  • Excellent optics finishing skills strongly preferred
  • Lean Manaufacturing and process engineering background highly perferred
  • Demonstrated change agent required
  • Minimum 2 years of general management or supervisory experience preferred
  • Previous budget or P&L experience preferred
  • Demonstrated abilities with successful implementation of manufacturing methods and process
  • Demonstrated excellent employee and customer relations
  • Attract, retain, motivate, coach and develop team members for high performance
  • Excellent decision making skills
  • Understand, interpret and act on financial information that contributes to business profitability
  • Ability to plan and manage successful projects, manage risks, costs, time and project teams
  • Excellent planning/ organizational skills and techniques
  • Communicate effectively with senior management and key stakeholders
  • Uses skills to lead teams to achieve company goals in creative and effective ways
  • Ability to Influence, build relationships, navigate politics and manage conflicts
  • Broad and wide-range of professional and managerial skills with a full understanding of industry practices and company policies and procedures
  • Expert in multiple technical and business skills
  • Excellent strategic planning skills
  • Medical Industry knowledge
  • Software Development Leadership experience
  • Medical software development company leadership (preferred)
  • Leading the property management team in Kelowna
  • Provide leadership, guidance and supervision to the property management team in Kelowna reporting into the role
  • Assist in the development of property management team members to achieve service excellence
  • Producing operating and capital budgets that enhance the portfolio’s value while ensuring the properties are competitive in the marketplace
  • Responsible for the implementation of contract services, vendor selection and contract administration
  • Coordinate and manage sustainability programs
  • Engage consultants to mitigate risk, by working with the National Team under direction of the Vice President providing consistent reporting and results
  • Responsibility to oversee capital projects and, if appropriate, coordinate larger projects with the appropriate resources provided within Colliers International
  • Coordinate tenant retention programs
  • Partner with the Accounting Team to ensure reporting accuracy and timeliness
  • Partner with the Leasing Team to prepare and develop leasing budgets, leasing and capital plans as well as resolve tenant issues and manage renewals
  • Monthly property site visits required
  • Responsible for managing the accounts receivables, and when necessary, assist in the development of collection strategies to be recommended to the client
  • Responsible for supporting and initiating local business development activities
  • Minimum 10 years’ experience in a commercial real estate environment
  • Must possess a valid real estate license
  • Minimum 5 years’ experience as a senior property manager with supervisory responsibility
  • Commercial real estate accreditation such as CPM or RPA, or LEED GA will be an asset
  • University Degree or diploma in business, commerce, or economics
  • Ability to deliver excellent customer service at all levels of the organization and with external partners and clients
  • Proven presentation and training skills
  • Experience in YARDI Voyager (integrated accounting) an asset
  • Exhibit a high level of professionalism and excellent presentation and interpersonal skills
  • Ability to meet deadlines without compromising accuracy, excellent product quality and attention to detail
  • Working knowledge around real estate law, and a sound understanding of lease clauses/terminology
  • Exhibit a positive mental attitude
  • Leading a property management team managing approximately 1 million square feet
  • Provide strategic leadership, guidance and supervision to the property management team reporting into the role
  • Coordinate and manage sustainability programs,
  • Minimum 10 years’ of progressive experience in a commercial real estate environment
  • Strong ability to provide strategic leadership and lead innovative initiatives
  • Partners with the marketing and sales team to leverage lab capabilities and grow volume and market share
  • Supports approximately 1300 jobs/Rx's per day
  • Provides team with aggressive and clear performance objectives directly tied to lab performance expectations for quality, productivity and growth. Creates an environment that inspires the team to take personal ownership for achieving stretch goals and performance improvement
  • Provides leadership that fosters teamwork, employee respect, empowerment, and open communication. Recommends, implements and coordinates with Shared Services “best practices” and policies that maximize employee development, training and performance
  • Prioritizes and invests in the development of the organization and its people. Ensures rewards reflect the value of the employee’s contribution to the business. Ensures activities are in place to continuously develop departmental employees and assess future management/leadership potential
  • Leads by example with an obsession for customer service through own actions. Builds strong partnerships with customers to understand their needs and deliver a top quality product. Focuses team on monitoring changes in the market and customer base and implements effective marketplace responses
  • Initiates activities that support ELOA strategies to achieve plan. Champions and influences change efforts through direction and coordination of efforts and activities
  • 5 years previous management experience in lab manufacturing environment
  • AR Coating experience strongly preferred
  • Direct customer relationship experience required
  • Previous budget and P&L accountability required
  • Manage all strategic and operational aspects of the business, including full profit and loss responsibility and execute growth plans for the individual project lines
  • Responsible for developing, implementing and achieving the annual budget and other KPI’s for the business
  • Actively pursue and maintain policies on safety and integrity and the implementation of various guidelines applied to the business on matters such as risk management, ethics and integrity
  • Continue to develop a culture of employee participation and involvement
  • Develop policy, vision and strategies at a conceptual level and them implement at the operational level to improve profitability, business performance and operational excellence
  • Work closely for successful collaboration with all stakeholders with Power Grids Division, Transformer BU, NAM Region, DTR PG and DDC LBU leaders to meet and achieve all expectations globally
  • Develop market intelligence, identify new business opportunities, set ambitious targets and expand ABB’s market share while tracking performance in line with objectives
  • Oversee manufacturing operations to ensure premium quality products, services and process in addition to monitoring quality metrics and supervising optimization measures
  • Draw on demonstrable leadership and change management skills to improve productivity by implement lean enterprise approach at an operational and administrative level
  • Excellent P&L financial understanding
  • Result oriented attitude, excellent organizational development and communication skills
  • Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering
  • Prefer experience in Operations, Marketing and Engineering
  • Proactive, self-driven and structured
  • Able to involve, support, develop and lead a highly competent organization
  • Open minded to change and innovation that can lead to increased results
  • Capable working at a Senior Executive Level in a matrix and global organization
  • Proven track record in a leadership position; ideally with profit and lass responsibility and preferably in an industrial and/or manufacturing environment
  • Market and product expertise relating to the power and transformer industry
  • Entrepreneurial thinking, excellent analytical and strategic abilities, complement by strong leadership skills, vision and integrity
  • Optimizes center’s net operating income (NOI) through utilization of effective cost controls and maximizing revenue generation opportunities
  • Prepares Center’s comprehensive business plan with the collaboration of all stakeholders that incorporates all the opportunities and needs of the center
  • Recommends annual operating and capital budgets within the business plan and center tier framework and executes plan within required guidelines
  • Prepares correspondence, proposals and presentations for a variety of audiences regarding programs, projects and other ideas to support the business objectives of the center
  • Leads and acts as the primary point of contact and spokesperson for the property during local crisis events and in concert with Corporate Communication
  • Identifies problem areas and proactively improves performance of team and center
  • Ensures retailer release provisions are being adhered to while ensuring excellent customer and retailer relations
  • Maximizes short-term leasing by increasing occupancy and creating new space opportunities
  • Professionally and dynamically represents the company and center by building strong guest, retailer and community relations
  • Excellent retailer relations
  • Best in class customer experiences
  • Supports marketing and customer experiences to enhance retailer sales
  • Productive community relations with local government entities, business, professional and charitable organizations
  • Maintains excellent customer service and proactively handles diplomatically all customer and retailer concerns/issues
  • Cross-functional knowledge and experience of working with different functional teams
  • Good prioritization skills, excellent communication and analytical skills, and a high degree of comfort managing multiple projects and working with senior management
  • Strategic business and operations perspective
  • Ability to effectively manage people and processes while maintaining a positive, friendly disposition in a fast-paced, ever-changing environment
  • Ability to collaborate with others and manage through conflict
  • Must be entrepreneurial, a self-starter and possess a strong internal drive to initiative and produce results
  • Ability to manage multiple vendors
  • Must demonstrate exceptional verbal and written communication skills
  • Must be flexible, adaptable and resilient
  • Able to work events/Manager on Duty shifts, which may include nights, weekends and holidays
  • Must be organized and deadline-driven
  • 4 year degree from a recognized U.S. University – BSME preferred
  • MBA or Master’s degree in engineering a plus
  • 10+ years of management experience with emphasis in mechanical systems is required
  • 5+ years of profit and loss (P&L) responsibilities in a management role is required
  • Degree in business, preferred
  • 5 – 10 years of experience in retail property management
  • Demonstrate leadership and professionalism
  • Plan, develop and implement policies and goals
  • Coordinate activities of all departments, including operating, planning, sales, marketing, programming, arena and recreation to effect operational efficiency and effectiveness
  • Serve as primary contact to the City of Crosby and HealthFitness. Attend monthly City Council meetings. Attend HealthFitness regional managers’ training and meetings
  • Generate monthly reports relating to member statistics and operational progress and status for the City of Crosby, HealthFitness, and all ancillary boards with the community center's interests
  • Conduct daily reconciliations and deposits
  • Approve bi-weekly payroll on Timesaver
  • Complete and/or assign all Workday assignments directed to the operation
  • Monitor and control all purchases made by the operation
  • Analyze financial performance and craft the operating budget for the City of Crosby
  • Write grants
  • Confer with department coordinators, review activities, sales trends, membership counts and programming to determine any changes required to improve financial outcomes
  • Meet with area employers to promote membership sales
  • Meet with Foundation board to discuss fundraising projects and purchases
  • Install the ice in the ice arena, including arranging for refrigeration maintenance, flooding and painting the ice surface
  • Schedule all ice arena ice rentals, including hockey practices, games and tournaments, public skating sessions and skating lessons
  • Craft contracts for ice and concession leases and dry arena rentals
  • Hire, train and schedule ice arena supervisory staff
  • Work supervisory shifts in the ice arena, including resurfacing the ice and sharpening skates
  • Coordinate and monitor the adult hockey league. Responsible for player discipline and referees
  • Assist and coordinate the removal of the ice sheet
  • Maintain the outdoor hockey rink
  • Facilitate advertising sales and coordinate the production of ad signage
  • Sell sponsorships for special events
  • Provide Manager on Duty supervision for special events as needed
  • Generate the daily deposit and sales report
  • Create and strategically select advertising placements
  • Craft monthly marketing calendars
  • Perform light housekeeping in locker rooms and bathrooms and arena as needed
  • Assist with the set-up and tear-down and cleaning of the dry arena
  • A Bachelor's Degree is required
  • CPR and First Aid certifications are required
  • Two or more years of Ice Arena Management and ice maintenance is required
  • Two or more years of customer service in a service related business is required
  • Certified Swimming Pool Operator licensure is strongly preferred
  • Food Safety Certification is preferred
  • Demonstrated creativity and organizational skills
  • Must be fluent in Microsoft Word, Excel and Power Point
  • Lead the hotel opening tasks to meet all Mercure Brand standards
  • Set opening budget and financial commitments for all teams within each departments P&L
  • Prepare and initiate all Sales, Distribution and Digital activities to ensure successful business activity as soon as the hotel is ready to open
  • Lead Talent & Culture activities including talents recruitment and talent ( local teams ) training / development
  • Ensure strong and successful relationship with all stakeholders, including owning company, local Authorities and surrounding Community
  • Proven track records in making hotel pre-opening budget, business forecast & manning guide
  • Culturally adaptable with strong focus on owner relationship
  • Ensure successful employee recruitment, training and development
  • Ensure optimal compliance with Ibis / Ibis Styles Brand standard & Guest Service experience
  • Participate in community & professional organizations to maintain high visibility and promote positive image
  • Defines the strategy for below 10 lacs price point in Private market in the Ge region excluding Key accounts and gain 8-10 point of share gain for Ge ultrasound portfolio in this price point willingness to travel to new location to support sales team for closure. Manage overall Sales revenue, margin, base costs and orders goals for this price segment in a manner that fulfills business goals, lists and maintain focus on high impact. Demonstrate the ability to generate business opportunities that leverage GEHC in the market place Drives and implement business initiatives to trigger Growth Manages new highly fresh talented and experienced Sales team.to drive flow business rigor Drive daily rigor in mapping competition IB in these market and utilizing the finance and education offering to drive rev and profitability for this price point. Mobilizes and motivates Sales team towards fulfilling GEHC strategic business goals Recruits, coaches and develop talents in his team Effectively utilize key industry information and market knowledge to gain competitive advantage in market place. Build long term relationship with dealer team; provide leadership and direction in crucial customers interface to his sales team. Strengthen GEHC external image with this new customer base In conjunction with local teams, builds a working environment which values teamwork to the overall benefit of customer satisfaction
  • 10+ years of successful sales/marketing related leadership experience with Min 3- 4 years of ultrasound sales experience
  • 5+ years of successful senior level sales management and team management experience
  • Minimum of 6 years in healthcare industry
  • Strong management skills and capability to develop talents
  • Strongly compliance driven approach
  • Proven and progressive previous experience in sales/services/promotion to C-suite and technical decision makers e.g. CEOs, Strategic Planning Directors, Facilities/Estates managers, Biomedical Engineers, nursing staff, medical specialty staff (Anesthesiology, Radiology, Intensive care, Nuclear Physicists etc.)
  • A Minimum of three (3) years general management experience in a Joint Commission accredited hospital
  • A Minimum of seven (7) years experience as a manager in food service
  • Must have some retail café/coffee bar experience
  • Bachelors Degree with culinary arts emphasis preferred but not required
  • Must be a Certified Dietary Manager or be able to enroll to obtain one within 18 months from the date of hire
  • Plans, develops, implements and revises organization policies, operations and goals
  • Measures the performance of assigned activities
  • Establishes and implements an organized system of supervision and general operating procedures
  • Maintains excellent customer communications and relations that permit continuous improvement in provided services, efficient problem resolution and acceptance of new services
  • Reads, understands and orchestrates the terms of the contract and ensures internal compliance with those terms
  • Directs and coordinates the promotion of new services/programs
  • Is accountable for the delivery of high quality and cost-effective services as well as ensuring all activities and operations comply with applicable internal and external regulations, laws and sound business practices
  • Develops and directs the maintenance of such typically required business reports, administrative matters or materials as budgets, budget expenditures, operational reports, cost analysis, operational documentation, etc
  • Tracks financial data, reports, forecasts and expenditures to achieve optimum efficiency and economy of operations
  • Supports an active safety program
  • Continuously seeks to improve the quality of assigned activities
  • Directs, trains, supervises, leads, evaluates and develops State personnel to keep them informed and motivated
  • Plans and implements an effective staff training program
  • Makes sure the responsibilities and accountability of all assigned employees are defined and understood
  • Consistently demonstrates professional skills in efficiently carrying out assigned activities, using all forms of communications, handling of change, developing employees, solving typical business problems and making decisions
  • Other related duties may also be assigned
  • Minimum five (5) years food service management experience as GM or Director of Food Service. Preference given for experience in a health care or senior assisted living environment
  • Bachelor’s Degree with culinary arts emphasis preferred but not required – if no formal culinary arts training, able to demonstrate culinary skill
  • Must be able to show history as a competent production manager and have demonstrated food-service leadership and the ability to train culinary staff in the essential duties of cooking
  • Must be a Certified Dietary Manager or be able to obtain same within 18 months
  • This position requires a valid driver's license and an acceptable driving record to our insurance carrier
  • Proficient computer skills – Excel, Microsoft Outlook and Microsoft Word
  • Demonstration of financial acuity-managing budget, plate cost and driving production
  • 2 years minimum General Manager experience
  • Experience managing $5 Million revenue minimum
  • Exceptional operations background
  • Local market experience
  • Pre-opening experience
  • Proven success in managing large teams
  • Minimum of 2 years Executive Committee experience
  • Experience managing revenue of $2 Million minimum
  • Strong leadership index
  • Hampton brand experience
  • 3 or more years of experience on an executive committee team at a property of $2M in revenue or greater
  • Hilton brand experience
  • Prior general manager experience
  • Minimum 2 years of General Manager experience
  • Experience managing a minimum budget of $2 Million
  • Great leadership index
  • Detail-orientated management style
  • Hilton brand portfolio
  • Monitor and develop team member performance, particularly the executive team and department heads, to include, but not limited to, providing supervision and professional development, scheduling, conducting counseling and evaluations and delivering recognition and reward
  • 5 years of executive committee experience at a full service property as an Hotel Manager, Resident Manager or Assistant General Manager managing $20M in revenue or greater
  • Strong sales capabilities and commercially driven
  • 3+ years in managing P&L
  • Proven people leadership in building positive service cultures and driving employee engagement
  • Prior sales leadership experience
  • Previous General Management experience in a dynamic commercial and operational environment
  • A proven track record in change management
  • Commercial acumen with expertise in strategic Revenue Management
  • A track record for quality and innovation, in particular within Food & Beverage
  • Strong results focus, demonstrating high levels of drive and determination
  • Excellent interpersonal skills and a skilled networker
  • Ability to build strong owner relationships
  • An inspirational leader that is experienced in driving quality through people
  • Having a successful rooftop destination bar, you will demonstrate the aptitude and imagination to remain ahead of trend
  • Previous experience at Hotel Manager or Director of Operations level
  • Commercially Savvy with expertise in Business Development/revenue Management
  • Results focused, showing high levels of drive and determination
  • Excellent inter-personal skills and a strong networker, a true personality for the hotel
  • Ability to drive quality through people, displaying excellent leadership qualities
  • Manage on-going profitability of your hotel, ensuring revenue and guest satisfaction targets are met and exceeded
  • Lead all key property issues including capital projects, customer service and refurbishment
  • Deliver hotel budget goals and set other short and long term strategic goals for the property
  • Experience as General Manager within an equivalent quality hotel
  • Possess strong commercial acumen with experience in increasing profitability
  • Experience managing budgets, revenue proposals and forecasting results in a similar sized property
  • Communicating with hotel owners, managing and exceed the owners and company expectations
  • Communicate on a regular basis with owner’s representatives, provide them with required formal reports and builds a cordial relationship directed towards a mutually beneficial on-going association
  • Ensure the development and execution of strategic sales and marketing initiatives
  • Structure a financially sound and accurate Business Plan
  • Facilitate the preparation of hotel budgets and forecast for corporate submission and approvals
  • Agree financial targets with Senior Management team and ensure they are kept up to date with on-going financial information
  • Approve hotel department budgets, defining and directing changes, as required
  • Implement capital expenditure decisions in line with business performance
  • Ensure accurate forecasting, predicting potential highs and lows in business and initiate necessary changes, analyse variances and initiate appropriate action plans
  • Manage cash flow, assets and costs to optimise profit conversion and deliver against the plan
  • Maximise Rev Par results and stay conscious of market threats and opportunities to ensure activities respond to these conditions
  • Review forecasts and balanced scorecard, maximize profitability, increase service levels and improve team member satisfaction
  • Support Business Development team with client visits
  • Oversee the sales and marketing activity and results, lead and/or participate in sales and marketing strategy meetings as needed
  • Create and maintain relationships with key revenue producing customers
  • Maintain and improve SALT results
  • Manage customer complaints effectively, speak with and respond to guests regarding service challenges
  • Uses customer feedback to activate long-term improvements in products and services
  • Hire, supervise, coach, and conduct performance evaluations for 4Ds and key Heads of Departments
  • Monitor high potential 4Ds, department heads and team member activity, develops the skills and abilities of direct reports and ensures their growth within the company and ensure departmental Succession Plans are in place
  • Follow an open door policy to ensure 2 ways communication processes with team members are encouraged
  • Improves Team Member positive turnover figures and reduce negative turnover
  • Empower HOD to take ownership for their own people management issues
  • Communicate with a variety of corporate departments regarding implementation of Brand standards, and Hilton worldwide
  • Create and use PR opportunities to exploit the brand image and maintain the hotel product in line with Brand Standards
  • Communicate Hilton world wide’s Vision, mission, policies and procedures and strategy throughout the business
  • Manage the integration of IT initiatives and use technology to enhance management information
  • Ensure compliance with all statutory requirements, achieve Health and Safety targets and share best practices across the organization
  • College degree or Diploma or significant work experience in lieu thereof
  • Significant experience in hotel industry, including at least six to eight (6-8) years of supervisory and managerial experience
  • Substantial and successful track record in hotel operations
  • Extensive knowledge of operating high end luxury resorts (preferred)
  • Hotel general management experience preferred
  • Proven track record of successes in achieving revenue and service objectives
  • Proven ability to recruit, motivate train and retain a team of professionals
  • Ability to analyze financial data as required in order making strategic and tactical decisions and ability to perform critical analysis
  • Effectively deal with owners, customers and team members, some of whom will require high levels of patience, tact and diplomacy
  • Meets or exceeds all revenue goals, up to and including EBITDA, new business and right sized business goals for all Valpak products
  • Gathers and analyzes information skillfully; developing alternative solutions
  • Ensures profitability for the office by making recommendations for improvement to established pricing, holding the sales management team accountable for adhering to the pricing structure and controlling expenses within the office
  • Maintains accurate forecasting for all category revenue by overseeing the delivery and submission of regular pipeline reports to manage internal finance and business expectations
  • Ensures sales management team recruits and hires salespeople to meet market demands and trains management staff on all Valpak products and selling skills
  • Motivates and engages the entire sales team to deliver top sales performance, while holding each accountable for individual performance
  • Understands the competitive landscape regarding the competition and monitors industry trends
  • Leads by example regarding diversity and inclusion practices in all areas of the day to day business
  • Must have at least three (3) to four (4) year experience at managing people; specifically a staff of three (3) or more
  • COMMUNICATION SKILLS: Ability to read, analyze, and interpret legal documents (lease documents, claims of lien, etc.), general business periodicals, professional journals, technical procedures, or government regulations
  • OTHER SKILLS AND ABILITIES: Proficient knowledge of Microsoft Office/Suite, and any other software program or piece of technology identified as standard for Jones Lang LaSalle or requested by the Client. Must have working knowledge in various budget applications. Must be able to travel to several different sites within a local region
  • Knowledgeable of all policies, procedures, training techniques and marketing plans as they apply to the operation
  • Teach new and existing managers specific procedures and job functions
  • Responsible for making sure new hires are trained according to property standards
  • Maintain accurate, correct and updated operational manuals, menus, product lists and inventory control systems
  • Responsible for maintaining a clean, healthy and safe environment
  • Monitor, report, and correct employee theft, purveyors’ errors, pilferage and waste
  • Work diligently to maintain beverage, labor and general supply costs
  • Provide general floor management to ensure company goals, policies and procedures are being followed and implemented
  • Maintain a friendly, courteous and professional relationship with all customers and employees
  • Handle customer complaints that employees or managers cannot resolve themselves
  • Ensure the excellent quality and presentation of all food and beverage
  • Manage food and beverage pricing and control of profit margins
  • Ensure operations are in compliance with all applicable health codes
  • Ensure all food and beverage related advertising is up to date and accurate
  • Handle all other assignments as directed by the Director of Food and Beverage
  • Achieve all Financial, Service, and Human Resources goals set forth by the Executive Director of F&B
  • At least 2 years of nightclub or beverage management experience
  • Working knowledge of beer, wines and spirits
  • Working knowledge of POS, Excel, Word and Outlook
  • Develops, maintains and administers a sound business and organizational plan for the property which includes an operating budget, marketing plans and Annual Roadmap
  • Oversee and manage a food and beverage operation that includes a restaurant and banquet & event space
  • Assists in the creation and coordination of the property’s marketing strategy in conjunction with the designated Billy Casper Signature team
  • Analyzes financial statements (income and expenses) relative to budgeted goals and takes corrective measures as necessary. Prepare monthly financial reports for the client in accordance with the communication initiatives of the division
  • Works with department heads to schedule, supervise and direct the work of all property employees
  • Participates in outside activities that are judged appropriate by the Billy Casper Signature team to enhance the presence of the property in the local community
  • Provide strategic direction and sets general objectives and business priorities for the commercial and support functions to ensure organizational alignment and effective cross-functional coordination
  • Represent the Portuguese LOC in front of external stakeholders, such as Health Authorities and regulators, industry forums, patient associations, media etc
  • Oversee the creation and execution of the annual Marketing plans to meet Spain and Portugal cluster goals and revenues, and ensure that local country plans are developed, implemented and monitored in conjunction with relevant cross-functional teams
  • Assess and recommend opportunities for local country lifecycle management of the brands to optimize brand growth, profitability, and competitiveness. Oversee development of business cases to support new opportunities as needed
  • Manage, motivate, and develop talent within the Portugal country organization by setting clear objectives, effective coaching, evaluation and feedback on performance
  • Work with the Heads of Franchise and relevant function teams (e.g., Human Resources, Customer Facing Excellence) to set annual sales targets, incentives, and review progress vs. target for each Franchise
  • Oversee country team members are properly trained on the relevant SOPs, products, diseases, sales techniques, and systems to excel in their respective roles, and meet country and cluster training compliance metrics
  • Ensure all activities of the Portugal organization are compliant with both Shire and in-country guidelines
  • Perform bi-annual Performance Reviews in-line with Shire talent management process
  • Oversee all HR related issues in the Portugal organization including discipline, reward, recruitment, appraisal, setting standards, and ensuring any problems arising are resolved, together with HR
  • Ensure administrative systems are effective and designed to support the Portugal organization activities without impeding efforts to meet business goals
  • Encourage and demonstrate the key components of the Shire culture as a people manager and business leader
  • Deliver local country objectives
  • Degree or equivalent in related discipline, with excellent numerical skills
  • Experience in working in multinational companies and international environments
  • Significant experience in pharmaceutical sales and marketing, at senior managerial level
  • Experience launching pharma products in different therapeutic areas, in either a marketing or sales management capacity
  • Intimate knowledge of the Portugal healthcare marketplace
  • Proven ability to leverage knowledge of marketplace, competitor landscape, and economic forces and translate them into clear short term and long term strategies
  • Demonstrated success in the following key areas
  • Understand the business, including thorough understanding of the commercial aspects of the business, including brand management, sales planning and execution market access, regulatory environments, etc
  • P&L and Budget Management
  • Focusing on performance, ensuring accountability and driving results to meet agreed-upon targets
  • Managing execution through a deep understanding of Commercial & Medical Excellence vision, tools, and processes
  • Building collaborative relationships, including effectively working with and leading cross-functional teams, inspiring and motivating others
  • Ability to navigate change, including articulating the vision to relevant team members and stakeholders
  • Lead, coach and motivate a team of 40 salaried leaders and 700 hourly cast members to meet and exceed revenue, guest, and cast satisfaction goals
  • Inspire team through a strong service orientation and a disciplined work ethic to exceed Guest expectations every day in a high volume retail location
  • Oversee and manage all financial aspects of the business including revenue generation, cost containment and resource optimization
  • Drive incremental operating income. Manage costs effectively with an eye for continuous improvement
  • Leverage metrics and operational indicators to measure, motivate and enhance performance
  • Collaborate with peers and key partners to create a seamless guest experience
  • Attract and retain top talent; develop high performing teams and provide transparent and direct feedback
  • Minimum of 10 years hands on senior retail operations leadership experience
  • Proven knowledge of the latest retail and merchandising trends
  • Demonstrated strong leadership skills with the ability to define a clear vision and motivate others to achieve goals
  • Demonstrated ability to manage and integrate Guest, Cast and business goals to produce great results
  • Proven record of savvy business judgment along with the mental agility and flexibility required in a dynamic company
  • Demonstrated exceptional strategic thinking and financial skills
  • Demonstrated work ethic and entrepreneurial spirit
  • Demonstrated ability to build and foster relationships with cross functional partners and operate successfully in a matrix environment
  • Demonstrated ability to inspire and drive enthusiasm and teamwork with a commitment to excellence
  • Demonstrated strong negotiating, mentoring, influencing, organizational planning and partnership skills
  • Demonstrated passion and commitment to diversity and inclusion including inviting diverse perspectives, fostering an inclusive environment and supporting workforce diversity
  • Bachelor’s degree or equivalent in Business Administration, Retail Management or related field
  • 2-3 years in-store junior management experience
  • Generates Customer Delight
  • Learning and Self Development
  • Is Passionate and Open Minded
  • 3-5 years of management experience in a fitness, hospitality or retail environment, including direct experience in profit and loss management, revenue generation and people management
  • Physical demands include ability to regularly walk through all areas of the club, climbing stairs (where applicable), and bending and lifting (e.g., picking up towels, restacking of weights, moving of equipment as necessary)
  • Must be able to work other hours necessitated by business need or as scheduled by the BD
  • BA or BS degree (preferred)
  • To successfully perform in the role, the GM must be able to show demonstrated proficiency in the following leadership competency areas
  • Ability to develop a high performing team
  • Ability to achieve measurable results
  • Ability to create an environment of mutual respect, trust and accountability (TSI Environment)
  • Proven track record of excellence in customer service and financial management (awards, top rankings, etc.)
  • Must be able to obtain State Branch Manager's License
  • Willingness to attend professional networking or community events in the evenings
  • Keep records and prepare accurate and timely feedback / reports as required
  • Ability to deal with internal and external customers and perform multiple tasks simultaneously in a timely and professional manner
  • Ability to work in a team-oriented management environment while focused on results
  • Conveys a commitment to providing unsurpassed Customer Service through ensuring the LensCrafters' staff performs the Sales and Service Process steps
  • Analyzes store financial data and makes recommendations regarding steps which can be implemented on the retail side of the business to improve profitability
  • 4+ years management/supervisory experience
  • Sales skills
  • Familiarity with cash register, computers and calculators
  • Ability to manage time under aggressive deadlines
  • As the overall China FPP Business Leader, the incumbent is responsible for day-to-day management and division-related activities
  • Direct and oversee all financial activities of the division which includes reviewing financial statements, management reports, financial analysis, projections and cash flow management as well as other ad-hoc reports
  • Guide direct reports to formulate and enhance local business strategies, setup and review policies, processes, and best practices
  • Drive sales growth through both the direct sales channel, and by leveraging the broader distribution strategies as needed
  • Chair monthly and quarterly business reviews with direct reports, and also hold review calls with FPP Leadership team members as required
  • Work with the operations leader to ensure close alignment between manufacturing, product management and the sales team, ensuring agility in prioritizing and responding to customer requests
  • Manage costs to ensure maximum efficiency of resources
  • Minimum 15 years relevant Industry work experience from sizable multi-national corporations, with a minimum of 5 years as a department head/business sub-division leader
  • Familiarity with Fire Industry is essential to the success of this role
  • Experience from multiple business disciplines (Sales, Project Management, Service) would be an added advantage
  • Business acumen to comprehend financial numbers and make significant contributions to development of business plans
  • Excellent interpersonal, written and presentation skills with ability to interface with senior level executives as well as all levels within the organization
  • Demonstrated ability to work effectively within and across direct management lines (in a matrix environment)
  • Ability to make decisions individually and as part of a team
  • Will represent the highest integrity and ethics in business transactions upholding company policies and procedures
  • Willingly performs other duties as assigned
  • At least five (5) years of documented work experience directly related to property management and/or facilities management
  • Experience in the management of HVAC systems, building automation and direct digital controls systems to include the maintenance and operation of boilers, heat exchangers, heat pumps and refrigeration systems is preferred
  • Experience with airport operations is preferred
  • Must have two (2) years’ experience in the operation of a computerized maintenance management system
  • Must have previous experience with billing and invoicing and have a firm understanding of financial matters related to the operations, maintenance and repair of facilities
  • Must be available on-call, to include 24/7 within the Anchorage and Mat-Su Valley
  • Must be proficient in operating a variety of general computer software programs and personal computers
  • Excellent verbal, written communications, financial and leadership skills. The ability to interact effectively with senior executive management for clients, customers and the company organization. Strong organizational skills and a participatory management style desired
  • This position requires air and road travel approximately 25% of the time. Incumbent must be able to uphold current State of Alaska driver’s license, and able and willing to fly
  • A Minimum five (5) years general management experience in a Joint Commission accredited hospital
  • Must have some retail experience
  • Some experience with janitorial/custodial operations a plus
  • Bachelors Degree with culinary arts emphasis preferred
  • Performs all duties required of a janitor or other assigned employee
  • Willing to promote NMS Core Values in the workplace
  • Helps direct and guide assigned housekeeping and janitorial employees
  • Helps train new staff and provides ongoing training to existing staff
  • Regularly conducts, replaces, and disperses assigned inventories
  • Regularly conducts inspections to maintain the quality of provided services
  • Coordinates associated equipment care and maintenance
  • Helps conduct safety meetings and insures daily operations are in compliance with company and client safety requirements
  • Makes sure all quality standards and work procedures for staff are met
  • Personally resolves minor maintenance or client emergencies as they occur or takes steps to permanently address them
  • Assist employees in the resolution of work related difficulties
  • Identifies, resolves, or appropriately reports site’s safety hazards
  • Assists in having available all required HazCom documentation
  • Other related duties may also be assigned/required
  • Knowledgeable about the use of industrial cleaning products and chemicals, and interpreting Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)
  • Ability to work independently and complete assignments in a timely manner
  • Must be able to perform each of the essential duties listed above with a professional degree of competency
  • Proficiency in planning and organization in a high volume fast paced kitchen
  • Demonstrated understanding of profit attainment and profit growth
  • Strong ability to lead, build diverse teams and oversee training
  • Personal drive and energy — a liking of challenges and opportunities to innovate
  • A suitability and capacity for a position of authority
  • The ability to work effectively with a minimum of supervision or support
  • Strong communication skills, in both written and verbal forms
  • Provides an issue free work environment through motivation, support, empowerment and development for all personnel
  • Proactively strives to build positive working relationships through teamwork and clear communication resulting in win/win decisions
  • Ensures that all decisions and resulting actions are aligned with the Denihan Hospitality Group policy of 100% guest satisfaction producing a high level of service
  • Has a strategic perspective by continuously developing our brand and integrating it into every aspect of the guest experience
  • Proactively drives profitability to meet hotel and company goals
  • Proactively participates in the comprehensive sales and marketing efforts to increase revenue
  • Performs the role of industry spokesperson and representative for the Benjamin brand
  • Builds positive relationships between the Hotel and Corporate departments
  • Provides constructive and consistent coaching, counseling and direction to Hotel personnel
  • Supports the selection, development, training, mentoring and empowerment of Hotel personnel
  • Challenges the status quo to provide and accept constructive ideas for change
  • Knows how and when to impose deadlines
  • Assigns tasks and holds staff accountable when necessary
  • Manages the Quality process in areas of customer service and associate guest satisfaction with discriminating detail
  • Motivates and provides a work environment in which staff is productive and compensated fairly
  • Demonstrates self-confidence, energy and enthusiasm through actions
  • Presents ideas, expectations and information in a concise, well organized manner
  • Uses effective listening skills as a basis for clear communication
  • Manages group or interpersonal conflict situations effectively
  • Understands how to manage in a culturally diverse work environment
  • Uses problem-solving methodology for decision-making and follow-up
  • Provides appropriate recognition to motivate associates
  • Systematically interprets, analyzes and manages data to accomplish strategic objectives as defined by our vision and customer needs
  • Secures sources of new business as well as maintains existing accounts
  • Partners with the Sales and Marketing force and interacts with the Reservation Sales Center
  • Participates in sales related events, receptions, family trips, trade shows, client meetings etc
  • Understands the Benjamin product and brand identity and incorporates it into all internal and external activities
  • Ensures that associates uphold all service procedures and communication standards as outlined by brand Standard Operating Procedures
  • Trains on and executes all applicable Benjamin Standard Operating Procedures
  • Performs miscellaneous duties as required
  • Develops a clear, well communicated business vision and strategy that can be reflected in a focused, lean, and energized organization, and is implemented into tactical plans. Leads the organization through empowering functional heads who in turn lead their respective teams, using robust controls and processes keeping the organization on track with strategic priorities and KPIs
  • Sponsors change throughout the business unit that drives competitive advantage. Makes difficult decisions that have great impact. Has the self-confidence and drive to set bold targets for the organization and to achieve them
  • Together with functional heads and Human Resources, takes accountability for attracting and developing talent in line with Novartis culture and expectations
  • Drives effective collaboration and win-win scenarios across NVS divisions
  • Sets organizational goals and ensures function heads translate these into aligned functional tactics. Identifies opportunities to significantly impact results. Balances short term and long term results for overall benefit of OBU
  • Sets local strategies uncovering additional patient and customer insights and leverages these for competitive advantage. Motivates the leadership team to consistently set bold agenda for favorable patient outcomes
  • Manages the cause/effect of investments and the expected sales return and trade-offs. Allocates resources (including human, capital and time resources) on the highest impact initiatives
  • Anticipates the actions of competitors and the impact on the market and Novartis. Proactively acts to address current and/or future problems or opportunities
  • Understands the Clinical Development process and incorporates into business planning where appropriate
  • Builds strong Medical Department to deliver clinical trials (both global and locally initiated) on time, on budget and of high quality. Ensures strong interaction with Oncology Global Development to contribute to the shaping of the Global Development strategy and to participate in and support global trials in line with local/regional strategy
  • Interacts with key academic researchers and centers for maximizing current and preparing for future business. Leverages key external relationships with regulatory bodies, patient advocacy groups, policy makers and medical experts
  • 7+ years minimum food service management experience in supervising subordinate managers and multiple concepts/operations
  • Must be certified in food service sanitation
  • Food marketing and presentation
  • Establishes budgets for the Business Unit
  • Directs the Business Unit to meet budget and other financial goals
  • Develops and maintains the Business Unit’s financial/budget plans
  • Ensures that financial targets and plans are communicated
  • Distributes and manages the allocation of budgets within the Business Unit with appropriate financial controls
  • Ensures tracking, monitoring and reporting on the Business Unit’s financial activities
  • Operational Management
  • Directs short and long term planning to meet contractual and operational targets and financial budgets
  • Establishes performance goals across all operations
  • Directs support areas to allocate resources and assesses utilisation to ensure optimal usage
  • Directs & monitors support areas to deliver required support services to Operations and where appropriate to the wider Business Unit
  • Develops, establishes and directs implementation of operating policies and standards in operations, ensuring they are either innovative or aligned to current global best practice
  • Works with Business Development and Consulting/Transition areas to support the development of new opportunities, whilst ensuring any secured growth activities seamlessly transition from implementation to stable operational delivery
  • Directs the change control processes across the business unit to mitigate contractual risk
  • Manages senior business stakeholders through appropriate direct engagement to ensure that all risk and control issues are properly transparent and managed
  • Chairs relevant Programme and Project Steering Committees as required
  • Acts as the senior point of entry for escalated client queries and for queries from other stakeholders
  • Takes personal accountability for ensuring the resolution of complaints directed at the Business Unit operations
  • 8 years related business experience
  • Minimum 5 years’ experience in the Contact Centre/BPO industry, including customer experience management and sales growth
  • Planning and Organising (L4)
  • Change Initiation (L4)
  • Customer Service Orientation (L4)
  • Oral and Written Communication (L4)
  • Technical Expertise (L4)
  • Innovation (L4)
  • Customer Service - Models and holds team accountable for outstanding customer service. Engages associates and customers to facilitate/deliver an enriching customer experience
  • Sales – Reviews targeted sales and expense tools to quickly identify and prioritize areas of opportunity; sets team direction to maximize sales and deliver profitability targets. Actively participates in peer group discussions to identify trends and/or barriers to business performance
  • Team Development – Actively walks the floor and coaches in the moment to enhance each leader’s ability to execute as well as develop their own respective teams. Understands the strengths and opportunities of each direct report and frequently conducts coaching conversations
  • Team Recognition and Motivation – Proactively identifies the most effective ways to recognize associates that achieve superior performance and motivates them to deliver on the company strategy
  • Specialty Businesses – Leads the Salon Manager and/or Beauty Manager and engages those associates to deliver on client service, sales, and profit metrics
  • Performance Standards – Consistently meets established performance standards, including but not limited to product and service sales, customer services, profit, productivity, and attendance
  • Work Experience – 3-5 years experience as a Retail General Manager, ideally in a big-box retailer or in multi-unit specialty retail
  • Responsible for leading your team – You’ve led people before and know how important it is to a) provide your team frequent coaching / feedback, b) focus on differentiating performance across team members, c) empower your team to take control and make good decisions, d) set expectations with your team on what needs to be done and what successful performance looks like, e) find ways to motivate your team to do the best work of their lives, and f) sincerely recognize each and every team member for their individual contribution to the store’s success
  • Responsible for motivating and inspiring the team – You are in a big position and no one sets the tone better than you. You approach every day looking for opportunities to support your team and get them excited about the opportunities that are right in front of them to make a difference
  • Responsible for analyzing business performance – You know the numbers. You know what they mean and what affects them on a daily basis. You review reports and any other information you can get your hands to better understand how and why your business performs the way it does – and then take action to make a difference
  • Responsible for communicating key information – You are connected to the information that is surrounding the company and your team looks to you to educate and inform them on what’s happening. You know how to share information in a way that’s informative and inspiring all at the same time to ensure the team is still moving in the right direction
  • Accountable for the brand vision of the store – Your store is a reflection of you as a leader. Your store is a reflection of what the company stands for and what our brands / shops are communicating to our customer. You take pride in your responsibilities and do everything in your power to make the team and company proud of what you have accomplished
  • Sets Direction – You know where the group needs to go, where they’re currently going, and how they’re going to get where they need to go!
  • Business Analytics – You like numbers and metrics and enjoy sharing your insight with others on how you and your team can affect them every day!
  • People Skills – You are outgoing and have no problem striking up a conversation with complete strangers. You like working in a team environment where you help your peers and they help you!
  • Decisive – You are exact and can make good decisions quickly even when you may not have all the information available
  • Decision Making – You evaluate situations effectively and exercise good judgment when making decisions
  • 5+ years of field sales experience in the orthopaedic or medial device industries; experience in operations management highly desirable
  • 2+ years of sales management experience
  • Profit & Loss experience highly desirable
  • Demonstrated communication, presentation and negotiation skills
  • Applied knowledge of Microsoft Office software (i.e. Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook)
  • Demonstrated ability to plan and execute a variety of strategies to meet objectives (i.e. sales, training and development, process improvement, change management)
  • Demonstrated ability to communicate and influence at all levels, from line-employees to executive clients
  • Bachelor of Science or Arts, or equivalent experience required; advance degree in business a plus
  • LEED AP/Accreditation desired
  • High school diploma or general education degree (GED) is required. Associates or Bachelor degree strongly preferred and advanced degree a plus
  • Industry accreditation and/or designation preferred
  • Three to four years’ experience at managing people; specifically a staff of three (3) or more for at least four (4) years
  • Ability to read, analyze, and interpret legal documents (lease documents, claims of lien, etc.), general business periodicals, professional journals, technical procedures, or government regulations
  • ​Directly supervises employees reporting to the assigned buildings. Establishes written goals and objectives for direct reports and conducts periodic formal and informal performance evaluations. Develops training program and career path for property employees
  • Prepares and / or reviews the annual jurisdictional forms and filings as required
  • Prepares the final budget documentation. Plans and administers budget for the office building(s)
  • Employs or contracts for onsite management and engineering personnel, as delineated within the operating budget, management plan and / or management services agreement. Submits hiring recommendations to Group Manager for approval
  • LEED AP / Accreditation desired
  • High school diploma or general education degree (G.E.D.)is required. An Associate's or Bachelor's degree is strongly preferred and an advanced degree is a plus
  • ​Industry accreditation and / or designation preferred
  • Minimum of ten (10) years of commercial real estate or property management experience including budget preparation / financial reporting, familiarity with building systems, lease negotiation, documentation and administration
  • Proficient knowledge of Microsoft Office Suite (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access and Outlook), and any other software program or piece of technology identified as standard for JLL. Working knowledge in various budget applications
  • Sales leadership of over 100 FTE for minimum of 3 years; proven experience of working with a sales methodology
  • Good knowledge of Digital Advertising sales and corresponding sales approaches
  • Very data literate, comfortable absorbing, analysing and making decisions on the back of large volumes of data
  • Direct and account sales experience to the SME market required
  • Proven successful track record of exceeding targets
  • Excellent sales leadership and people management skills
  • Excellent analytical, decision making and problem solving abilities
  • Good relationship management and communication skills required, must be experienced in senior stakeholder management across internal and client businesses
  • Manage assigned operational functions within the department consistent with the strategic plan and vision for the department, the division and Park Holdings
  • Manage and oversee fiscal budget, operations of assigned department(s) and marketing strategies to produce both short term and long term profitability for Park Holdings
  • Manage the delivery and measurement of guest service within assigned department(s) consistent with the company’s core service standards and brand attributes
  • Provide input into the research, development, evaluation and implementation of new products, services, technology and processes to ensure Park Holdings’ competitive position and in anticipation of changing customer needs within the dynamic hospitality and gaming environment
  • Oversee the performance reviews for all team members to ensure consistent delivery on work objectives; monitor the efforts of the team in meeting set goals
  • Provide coaching and feedback to help team members develop and strengthen skills and abilities needed to accomplish work objectives
  • Assume a coaching role as a leader to help others fulfill their potential
  • Manage Human Resources responsibilities for assigned department(s) to include: creating a work environment that promotes teamwork, performance feedback, recognition, mutual respect and employee satisfaction; quality hiring, training and succession planning processes that encompass the company’s diversity commitment
  • Maintain a working relationship with the Culinary Union; adherence to the company’s status quo third party representation philosophy; compliance with company policies, legal requirements and collective bargaining agreements
  • Manage dining room, entertainment and kitchen activities to ensure quality production/delivery of product and service
  • Partner daily with Executive Chef and/or Sous Chef in charge, providing current information on large parties of VIPs expected
  • Promote a work environment where all employees are given the opportunity to contribute and feel valued
  • Lead employees with different styles, abilities and cultural perspectives in a way that leverages personal differences to achieve department and their personal performance objectives
  • Responsible for the management and execution of smooth, efficient, cost effective operation of a restaurant and entertainment venue to include labor management, supervision of all aspects of service and inventory control
  • React to any guest complaints and takes appropriate action
  • Bachelor Degree in business or related field or equivalent education and work experience in Food & Beverage
  • At least 7 years of previous work experience as a General Manager in the hospitality industry; preferably in a high-volume entertainment venue restaurant and/or casino environment
  • Ability to work in a fast-paced, busy and stressful environment
  • Working knowledge of Culinary Union bargaining agreement
  • Understanding of F&B division, budgeting, profit and loss statement, labor costs, entertainment costs, food and beverage costs, and operation expenses
  • Effective leadership, communication, problem solving, reasoning and analytical abilities
  • Strong organizational skills to function effectively under time constraints with particular attentions to detail and quality of service
  • Have interpersonal skills to effectively communicate with all business contacts
  • Proficiency of computer software to include Outlook, MS Word, Excel, Project and PowerPoint

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  • General manager resume examples

General manager

General manager Resume examples

9 General manager resume examples found

All examples are written by certified resume experts, and free for personal use. Copy any of the General manager resume examples to your own resume, or use one of our free downloadable Word templates. We recommend using these General manager resume examples as inspiration only, while creating your own resume.

Learn more about: how to write a perfect resume

Ensure a safe working environment for all employees, executing company processes and procedures successfully. Meet or exceed annual performance goals and solve problems.

  • Reduced workplace accidents by 75% by providing updated and more frequent safety training, and provided updated learning documentation to the corporate level.
  • Mentored and managed employee development plans, increasing job efficiency by 50%.
  • Managed and reduced absenteeism, on-the-job issues, and training for all employees.
  • Interviewed and hired 15 employees in a period of six months.

General manager

Coordinate the work of employees to deliver the highest standards and productivity possible, consistently maintaining customer satisfaction, and ensuring a clean and safe work environment. Deliver timely operational reports and collaborate with employees to identify areas that need improvement.

  • Demonstrated strong interpersonal skills by reducing workplace conflict by 75% in the first year.
  • Reduced waste by 20% by implementing new procedures and policies, and effectively presented these ideas at the corporate level, which have since become permanent company policy.
  • Mentored and supervised employees as needed, providing evaluations and counseling as needed.
  • Fostered a healthy company culture, reducing turnover by 25%.
  • Build brand awareness in the community by engaging with top-spending customers and organizing large events.

Monitor procedures and standards to efficiently produce and maintain high quality products and services. Supervise, train, and coach all production associates, interview new candidates, and extend job offers.

  • Achieved customer satisfaction scores over 95% while maintaining company target objectives for cost, quality, and safety.
  • Maintained records of all phases of production, including safety and labor-related issues.
  • Responsible for day-to-day manufacturing operations, including managing schedules and dealing with absenteeism.
  • Evaluated employee performance and developed employee improvement plans, increasing employee efficiency by 15%.

Managed the day-to-day operations, conceptualizing and executing impactful strategies for business growth and performance improvement. Developed KPIs for key functions and directly supervised departmental heads and managers.

  • Fostered a 40% business growth through strategic decision-making on key investments and the establishment of targeted goals and objectives.
  • Amplified customer satisfaction by 30% through the continuous improvement in customer service and offerings.
  • Optimized staff output by onboarding high-performing talent and establishing individualized and team training and mentorship programs.

Responsible for all aspects of operations, including raw materials receiving, assembly, and shipping. Manage schedules, employees, and workflow improvements. Supervise and train new employees with a focus on workplace safety and productivity.

  • Interviewed, hired, and trained 50 new employees in one year.
  • Exceeded productivity quotas by 20% for the year by identifying new workflow processes and utilizing new training materials.
  • Evaluated and tested newly manufactured products for quality assurance.
  • Managed inventory storage and shipping, working closely with operations managers to reduce delivery costs by 30%.
  • Championed positive company culture, improving employee morale by 15% and reducing employee turnover by 40%.

Directed key turnaround initiatives in employee performance, customer service, operations, as well as profitability and cost containment. Established robust frameworks for staff training and development and continuous process improvement.

  • Drove a benchmark sales turnaround that saw an improvement from $20 million in sales against a target of $35 million to $50 million within a year.
  • Reworked the go-to-market strategy, growing the market share from 30% to over 55% within three years, which was previously considered a mirage.
  • Grew the strategic management team from 4 to 9, facilitating the development of game-changing strategies that slashed costs and improved profitability by 30% and 42%, respectively.

Oversaw warehouse operations and staff performance at high-volume, mid-sized logistics companies. Advised clients on process improvements utilizing updated budgeting and cost-saving data. Managed shipments deliveries and resolved issues related to faulty merchandise and damaged returns.

  • Directed the daily workflow of plant operations crews, ensuring a safe work environment for all team members and collaborating with the engineering staff to resolve production issues.
  • Maintained closed communication with the shipping clerk and logistics team to confirm on-time delivery of all shipments. Verified that each shift was fully staffed and that all machine lines were in operation to ensure high product quality for each custom order.
  • Interviewed seasonal employees for temporary hire and supervised over 50 direct reports, focusing on claim processing, customer service, and OHSA compliance within the warehouse.
  • Reduced overtime by 15% and accelerated returns processing time by 42% by introducing new training initiatives to improve the productivity of the customer service desk as well as refreshing staff schedules based on service needs.
  • Trained 35 associates on customer service best practices and how to take the lead in teamwork, efficiency, and accuracy.

Manage daily operations and a team of employees at a retail location. Ensure compliance with company safety and quality standards, and maintain target objectives for sales and community engagement.

  • Managed all aspects of day-to-day operations including budget creation, service initiatives, employee metrics, and payroll.
  • Monitored and developed team member performance, provided supervision when needed, and reduced turnover by 15%.
  • Interviewed and recruited 10 additional team members over 1 year.
  • Identified operational performance, productivity, and efficiency gaps and increased employee efficiency by 30% over 1 year.

Coordinated employee operations, trained new staff, and fostered an environment where employees were motivated to deliver top performance. Managed auditing procedures, drafted internal control recommendation letters to clients, and consulted with partners on process improvements in the areas of divisional profitability, management exception reporting, and break-even analysis.

  • Increased sales to more than $3 million by investigating alternative product distribution methods and strengthening working relationships with clients and business partners.
  • Performed ongoing training of 21 part-time IT Support Technicians and 15 front-line team members, coaching staff on customer loyalty and how to leave a positive impression on clients.
  • Assisted with the preparation of worker compensation audits, annual budgets, costs, and reviewed management representation letters before final accountants' and auditors' reports.
  • Trained and supervised 18 new hires, evaluating their performance, and coaching them on accident prevention, departmental procedures, and customer assistance.
  • Drafted accurate monthly reports for the upper management personnel, providing detailed information on statistical performance and plans for future improvements.
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1 General Manager Resume Example for Your 2024 Job Search

General Managers are the strategic orchestrators, ensuring all parts of the operation harmonize to achieve overarching goals. Like a General Manager, your resume must manage a wealth of information, prioritizing and presenting it in a way that aligns with the company's objectives. It should showcase your ability to lead, coordinate, and deliver results, just as a General Manager would within an organization. In this guide, we'll explore how to craft a General Manager resume that commands attention and demonstrates your executive prowess.

general manager resume

Resume Examples

Resume guidance.

  • High Level Resume Tips
  • Must-Have Information
  • Why Resume Headlines & Titles are Important
  • Writing an Exceptional Resume Summary
  • How to Impress with Your Work Experience
  • Top Skills & Keywords
  • Go Above & Beyond with a Cover Letter
  • Resume FAQs
  • Related Resumes

Common Responsibilities Listed on General Manager Resumes:

  • Developing and implementing business strategies to achieve short and long-term goals.
  • Overseeing daily operations and making adjustments as necessary to ensure the business runs smoothly.
  • Managing the company's financial performance by setting financial targets, budgeting, and controlling costs.
  • Leading, motivating, and recruiting a high-performing management team while ensuring staff development and succession planning.
  • Ensuring the delivery of high-quality products or services to meet customer satisfaction and retention.
  • Building and maintaining relationships with key partners, suppliers, and stakeholders.
  • Ensuring compliance with legal, regulatory, and ethical standards in business operations.
  • Identifying new business opportunities, including expansion, mergers, and acquisitions.
  • Reporting to the board of directors or owners on business performance and challenges.
  • Managing risks to the business by implementing risk management policies and procedures.
  • Overseeing marketing initiatives and adjusting strategies based on market trends and performance.
  • Resolving high-level customer complaints or issues that have been escalated from the front-line staff.

You can use the examples above as a starting point to help you brainstorm tasks, accomplishments for your work experience section.

General Manager Resume Example:

  • Strategic Planning & Execution
  • Revenue Growth & Profit Maximization
  • Market Expansion & Brand Development
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
  • Operational Efficiency & Lean Management
  • Contract Negotiation & Supplier Management
  • Team Leadership & Talent Development
  • Performance Management & Coaching
  • Change Management & Organizational Restructuring
  • Digital Transformation & Technology Integration
  • Budget Management & Cost Control
  • Marketing & Competitive Analysis
  • Customer Retention & Satisfaction Enhancement
  • Employee Engagement & Retention Strategies
  • Project Management & Resource Allocation
  • Data-Driven Decision Making
  • Quality Assurance & Continuous Improvement
  • Staff Recruitment & High-Performance Team Building
  • Stakeholder Communication & Relationship Building
  • Regulatory Compliance & Risk Management

High Level Resume Tips for General Managers:

Must-have information for a general manager resume:.

  • Contact Information
  • Resume Headline
  • Resume Summary or Objective
  • Work Experience & Achievements
  • Skills & Competencies
  • Certifications/Training

Let's start with resume headlines.

Why Resume Headlines & Titles are Important for General Managers:

General manager resume headline examples:, strong headlines.

  • These headlines are compelling because they immediately convey the candidate's extensive experience, strategic thinking, and ability to drive significant business results. They highlight the General Manager's leadership qualities, industry-specific achievements, and the impact they have had on business growth and customer satisfaction, which are key metrics of success for any General Manager role.

Weak Headlines

  • The headlines lack quantifiable achievements and specificity that could set a candidate apart from the competition. They don't mention the size of teams led, the scope of operations managed, the industries in which the candidate has experience, or the exact results achieved in sales growth. They also fail to highlight any unique skills or significant accomplishments that would catch the eye of a hiring manager.

Writing an Exceptional General Manager Resume Summary:

General manager resume summary examples:, strong summaries.

  • These summaries are strong because they concisely convey the General Managers' extensive experience, specific achievements, and key skills that are directly relevant to their roles. They include quantifiable results such as revenue growth, sales increase, and cost reduction, which are critical metrics of success in management positions. Additionally, they highlight leadership qualities and the ability to positively impact business operations, team dynamics, and customer or client relations, all of which are essential for a General Manager's role.

Weak Summaries

  • These summaries are weak because they are too generic and lack specificity about the candidate's achievements, industry expertise, or the unique value they bring to the table. They fail to quantify the impact the General Manager has had on previous organizations, such as by increasing revenue, reducing costs, or improving operational efficiency. Additionally, they do not mention any particular skills or tools that the candidate excels in, which could set them apart from other applicants.

Resume Objective Examples for General Managers:

Strong objectives.

  • These objectives are strong because they clearly articulate the candidates' leadership qualities, relevant educational background, and hands-on experience, which are critical for a General Manager role. They also demonstrate a commitment to key business outcomes such as efficiency, revenue growth, and customer satisfaction, aligning the candidates' goals with those of potential employers.

Weak Objectives

  • These objectives lack the depth and specificity that demonstrate the candidate's understanding of the General Manager role. They do not mention any industry knowledge, measurable achievements, or particular skills that align with the responsibilities of a General Manager. Furthermore, they fail to convey how the candidate's unique experiences or leadership style would benefit the potential employer, making them appear generic and interchangeable rather than tailored to the specific position.

Generate Your Resume Summary with AI

Speed up your resume creation process with the ai resume builder . generate tailored resume summaries in seconds., how to impress with your general manager work experience:, best practices for your work experience section:.

  • Showcase your ability to drive operational efficiency and improve business performance by highlighting specific examples of cost savings, revenue growth, or increased profitability that you achieved as a General Manager.
  • Describe how you successfully managed and motivated a diverse team, emphasizing your leadership skills and ability to foster a positive and productive work environment.
  • Highlight your experience in strategic planning and execution, including any initiatives or projects you led that resulted in significant business growth or expansion.
  • Demonstrate your expertise in analyzing market trends, competitor activities, and customer insights to inform decision-making and drive business strategy.
  • Include examples of successful change management initiatives you implemented, showcasing your ability to navigate and lead through organizational transformations.
  • Mention any industry-specific certifications, training, or professional development programs you have completed to showcase your commitment to continuous learning and staying up-to-date with industry best practices.
  • Quantify the impact of your leadership by sharing employee engagement metrics, such as improved retention rates, increased employee satisfaction scores, or successful talent development initiatives.
  • Ensure your language is results-oriented and action-driven, focusing on the outcomes and achievements you delivered as a General Manager.

Example Work Experiences for General Managers:

Strong experiences, weak experiences.

  • Oversaw daily operations of a retail store, ensuring efficient workflow and high customer satisfaction.
  • Managed a team of employees, providing training and guidance to improve performance and achieve sales targets.
  • Developed and implemented strategies to increase store revenue, including promotional campaigns and product displays.
  • Why these are weak:
  • These work experiences are weak because they lack specific details, quantifiable results, and strong action verbs. They provide generic descriptions of tasks performed without showcasing the impact of the individual's work or the benefits brought to the company. To improve these bullet points, the candidate should focus on incorporating metrics to highlight their achievements, using more powerful action verbs, and providing clear context that demonstrates their leadership qualities and direct contributions to successful outcomes.

Top Skills & Keywords for General Manager Resumes:

Top hard & soft skills for general managers, hard skills.

  • Financial Analysis and Budgeting
  • Strategic Planning and Execution
  • Performance Metrics and KPI Management
  • Operations Management
  • Supply Chain Management
  • Project Management
  • Human Resources Management
  • Sales and Marketing Strategies
  • Inventory Management
  • Quality Control and Compliance
  • Business Development and Growth Strategies

Soft Skills

  • Leadership and Team Management
  • Strategic Thinking and Visionary Planning
  • Effective Communication and Interpersonal Skills
  • Problem Solving and Decision Making
  • Adaptability and Change Management
  • Time Management and Organizational Skills
  • Emotional Intelligence and People Development
  • Negotiation and Conflict Resolution
  • Business Acumen and Financial Literacy
  • Performance Management and Accountability
  • Networking and Relationship Building
  • Innovation and Creativity

Go Above & Beyond with a General Manager Cover Letter

General manager cover letter example: (based on resume), resume faqs for general managers:, how long should i make my general manager resume.

The ideal length for a General Manager's resume is typically two pages. This length provides enough space to showcase relevant experience, skills, and accomplishments without overwhelming the reader with too much information. For General Managers, it's important to strike a balance between being concise and providing enough detail to demonstrate leadership abilities, operational expertise, and a track record of success. A two-page resume allows for this by giving enough room to highlight: 1. Professional experience with clear, quantifiable achievements. 2. Leadership and management skills developed over the course of your career. 3. Educational background and any relevant certifications or training. 4. Key projects and initiatives that you have led or significantly contributed to. 5. Any awards or recognitions that reflect your capabilities as a General Manager. Remember, the goal of the resume is to pique the interest of the hiring manager or recruiter, not to provide an exhaustive history of your career

What is the best way to format a General Manager resume?

The best way to format a General Manager resume is to ensure it is clear, concise, and tailored to the specific industry and position for which you are applying. Here are some key points to consider when formatting your resume: 1. **Contact Information**: At the top of the resume, include your name, phone number, email address, and LinkedIn profile (if applicable). 2. **Professional Summary**: Start with a strong summary statement that highlights your key qualifications, leadership skills, and management experience. This should be a brief paragraph or a series of bullet points. 3. **Core Competencies**: Include a section that lists your core skills and competencies, such as strategic planning, team leadership, financial acumen, operations management, etc. This allows hiring managers to quickly assess your strengths. 4. **Professional Experience**: List your work experience in reverse chronological order, starting with your most recent position.

Which General Manager skills are most important to highlight in a resume?

When crafting a resume as a General Manager (GM), it's important to highlight a blend of strategic, operational, and leadership skills that demonstrate your ability to manage complex business operations effectively. Here are some key skills to consider including on your resume, along with an explanation for each: 1. Leadership and Team Management: As a GM, you're responsible for leading teams and setting the direction for the business. Highlight your ability to inspire, motivate, and guide employees towards achieving business goals. 2. Strategic Planning: Showcase your skills in developing and implementing strategic plans that align with the company's vision and objectives. This includes market analysis, setting performance targets, and adjusting strategies as needed. 3. Financial Acumen: A strong understanding of financial management is crucial. Include your experience with budgeting, forecasting, financial reporting, and profit and loss management. 4. Operational Excellence: Demonstrate your ability to streamline operations for efficiency and effectiveness. This could involve process improvement, quality control, and supply chain management. 5. Business Development: Highlight your skills in identifying and pursuing new business opportunities, expanding market share, and driving sales growth. 6. Customer Relationship Management: Show your ability to build and maintain strong relationships with customers, ensuring customer satisfaction and loyalty. 7

How should you write a resume if you have no experience as a General Manager?

Certainly! Writing a resume for a General Manager position when you have no direct experience in that role can be challenging, but it's possible to create a compelling document by focusing on transferable skills, leadership potential, and relevant accomplishments. Here's how to approach it: 1. **Start with a Strong Summary**: Begin your resume with a professional summary that highlights your leadership qualities, business acumen, and any managerial experience you do have. Make it clear that you are ready to step into a General Manager role. 2. **Highlight Transferable Skills**: Even if you haven't worked as a General Manager, you likely have skills that are pertinent to the role. These might include strategic planning, team leadership, financial acumen, problem-solving, project management, and communication skills. Make sure these are prominently featured on your resume. 3. **Showcase Leadership Experience**: Any previous leadership roles or responsibilities should be detailed on your resume. This could include leading a team, managing projects, or any position where

Compare Your General Manager Resume to a Job Description:

  • Identify opportunities to further tailor your resume to the General Manager job
  • Improve your keyword usage to align your experience and skills with the position
  • Uncover and address potential gaps in your resume that may be important to the hiring manager

Related Resumes for General Managers:

General manager resume example, more resume guidance:.

Operations Manager


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best resume format for general manager

Dive Into Expert Guides to Enhance your Resume

General Manager Resume Examples

Secure your next general manager position with a winning resume example

RC Team

GM Resume Samples

1. Candidate seeking general manager position

Accomplished and result-oriented managing director with over ten years in running the day to day business operations in a diverse range of corporate environments. Eager to bring my excellent business management skills and extensive expertise to Acme Limited to facilitate the accomplishment of overall organizational goals.

  • Facilitated and negotiated with critical business partners and vendors to obtain profitable deals for the company while retaining a mutually beneficial business relationship
  • Analyzed and made forecasts from sales statistics to ensure the laying of better business strategies
  • Took part in Human Resource function by recruiting, orienting, and mentoring junior and heads of respective departments
  • Ensured the business remained profitable through the implementation of cost control measures, hiring of top talents in the field, and efficient inventory management.

2. Candidate seeking General manager position

Diligent and result driven general manager with five years’ experience in running a busy medium-sized FCMG company. Over three years of experience supervising a team of twenty staff members in the customer service and marketing function in a busy food industry where our collective effort saw the profits rise by 47% post-tax.

  • Trained and mentored shift operators daily to ensure morale and adherence to company policies on quality assurance
  • Oversaw the handling of all employees matter regarding overtime and saw to it that they got their due benefits on time
  • Devised a new duty roster scheduling technique that reduced confusion and lowered labour costs by 3.4%.
  • Collaborated with the operations and productions supervisors to manage the variable operating costs, leading to an overall reduction of 11%

General manager Resume Vocabulary & Writing Tips

Use the following  list of resume action verbs and buzzwords to add greater impact  to your general manager resume and capture the recruiters’ attention:

Words to Use

  • Team player
  • Quality assurance
  • Business partnerships
  • Profitability
  • Personnel management
  • Staff appraisal
  • Organizational goals
  • Junior staff
  • Heads of department

Action Verbs

  • Orchestrate

General manager Resume Tips and Ideas

General managers are also referred to as managing directors or chief operating officers (COO) , and they are responsible for overseeing the day-to-day running of a business. This  top-tier corporate position  has a myriad of responsibilities which include:

  • Developing strategic plans and allocation of annual budgets
  • Making critical business decisions
  • Taking part in meetings such as AGMs
  • Ensuring business development and excellent customer service
  • Dealing with external shareholders and networks that are critical to the business’ profitability
  • Regulating operational costs

You will need to have a  degree or diploma in a business-related field  and be proficient with computers. You also need to have the right set of soft skills such as excellent leadership abilities and charisma,  quick analytical thinking and ability to identify and solve problems . A positive attitude and confidence are also qualities demanded as you will make plenty of tough, critical decisions that will affect the company’s performance.

However, the job is just as lucrative as it is challenging, and most people are often seeking to be the general manager of a fast-paced, dynamic corporate environment.

To get yourself that dream executive office in a blue chip company, your first step will have to be to write a general manager’s resume befitting your distinguished career and ambition.

You can use our  online resume generator  to create an impressive general manager resume in a matter of minutes or read up on some  resume writing tips  to guide you in crafting a resume that will get you that coveted interview.

  • Reverse chronological.
  • You can use online resume templates to avail more information on the chronological resume format
  • Neat resume design
  • Margins and white space
  • Resume fonts types and size
  • Subheadings and bullets
  • Resume header
  • Contact information
  • Resume professional summary
  • Work history
  • Additional skills and certifications
  • Professional affiliations
  • Education background
  • Volunteer work
  • Hobbies and interests

Resume Length

A general manager’s resume is best written using the  reverse chronological resume format . This  resume format  is trusted b HR experts for the ease it has in navigation, not to mention the emphasis it places on your glowing  work history section . Your hiring panel will want to  track your career progress  and the challenges you have overcome to ascertain your readiness for the job. Many hiring firms also use Applicant Tracking software, and the chronological resume format is friendly with these applications.

An intricate  resume design  is vital when applying for a general manager’s job. The hiring panel will receive an image of how organized, keen, and tidy you are as a manager from their first glance at your resume layout, so you need to pay extra attention to that. You can use our  resume templates  to quickly design a professional-looking and yet appealing resume.

White space is a hallmark sign of a perfectly designed resume as it makes the resume look neat and does not overwhelm the reader. Having a  one-inch margin  around your resume will give your resume enough white space. You can use some dark colours such as navy blue or maroon to make your resume stand out from those of the other applicants’.

While writing up your details, consider using  formal fonts  like Cambria, Arial or Calibri in pt 11-13. Also, use subheadings and bulleted points rather than paragraphs for each section.

When you finish writing your resume, save it in PDF format, unless otherwise stipulated.  PDF formats read well across all devices , and your resume layout will be conserved.

While applying for a general manager’s job, it is not advisable to add your photo, unless it is a requirement on the application requirements.

Sections of a General manager Resume

Use the following sections to guide you in adding relevant information to your general manager resume:

The  ideal resume length  recommended for a general manager resume is one page, with a maximum of two for general managers who have had extensive experience and participated in research activities. Using one page ensures that you only put relevant information on your resume. Consider using columns to make maximum use of the A4 size page.

General manager Resume Section Headings

Work experience.

Your  work experience section  is your key strength in your job application, and therefore, you must pay additional attention to this section. Many excellent managers have missed out on their dream job opportunities because they simply added their work experience with little regard for what the hiring firm needed.

If you have plenty of experience, it is critical that you sift through your illustrious portfolio for the experience that  best fits the job description on the vacancy  announcement.

To list your previous posts, start by listing the company name, job title such as shift manager, and the period of tenure, then proceed to give a detailed account of your responsibilities in each job.  Adding some impressive career highlights  and backing them with some real statistics is also a sure way of getting your recruiters’ positive attention.

As a general manager, the emphasis is placed on the  work experience , which may make you forget the  education section . However, this section is just as essential as the others, as it shows the authenticity of your business management skills and qualifications.

Your hiring manager wants to see where you got your extensive knowledge, so include your education in your resume. Write your degree title, college name and location, then years of study. If you have a master’s degree or over 5 years experience, you can leave out your high school diploma, but if this is your first shot at a management position, you can include all relevant coursework.

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Related Professions

Retail Manager Learn about often-overlooked strategies and certifications to make your Retail Manager resume stand out. Boost your career with our AI-powered resume builder. Updated on April 22, 2024 Retail Manager

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  • General Manager

5 Amazing general manager Resume Examples (Updated 2023) + Skills & Job Descriptions

Build your resume in 15 minutes, general manager: resume samples & writing guide, employment history.

  • Ensuring the quality of products and services
  • Analyzing financial data and preparing budgets
  • Analyzing market trends and competition
  • Managing staff, including hiring, training, and evaluating employees
  • Developing and implementing business strategies, plans, and procedures
  • Establishing and maintaining relationships with customers and vendors
  • Generating reports and presenting results to executive management
  • Establishing and maintaining financial and administrative controls
  • Overseeing daily operations and ensuring compliance with regulations and standards

Do you already have a resume? Use our PDF converter and edit your resume.

  • Identifying and resolving operational problems
  • Developing and executing strategic plans
  • Setting organizational goals, objectives, and work standards

Owen Foster

  • Developing and implementing marketing and sales plans

Cecil Ingram

Professional summary.

Not in love with this template? Browse our full library of resume templates

best resume format for general manager

Table of Content

  • Introduction
  • Resume Samples & Writing Guide
  • Resume Example 1
  • Resume Example 2
  • Resume Example 3
  • Resume Example 4
  • Resume Example 5
  • Jobs Description
  • Jobs Skills
  • Technical Skills
  • Soft Skills
  • How to Improve Your Resume
  • How to Optimize Your Resume
  • Cover Letter Example

general manager Job Descriptions; Explained

If you're applying for an general manager position, it's important to tailor your resume to the specific job requirements in order to differentiate yourself from other candidates. Including accurate and relevant information that directly aligns with the job description can greatly increase your chances of securing an interview with potential employers. When crafting your resume, be sure to use action verbs and a clear, concise format to highlight your relevant skills and experience. Remember, the job description is your first opportunity to make an impression on recruiters, so pay close attention to the details and make sure you're presenting yourself in the best possible light.

general manager

  • Highest Comparable Control Profit increase 20.3%
  • Highest Comparable Sales increase  – 17%
  • Sales increase of 10.9% in 2018
  • increase in guest matrix score of 15% from 2017 through present.
  • decrease in turnover of 30% over last year.
  • Highest average score district YEAR 2017 Eco Sure quality assurance audits.-  average annual score of 98.6%. Received an 99% on 3 of 4 previous audits to date.
  • Managed sales team of 5 – 11 representatives
  • Delivered year over year increase in growth sales results 
  • Managed funnel to provide accurate forecasting
  • Increased profit through shrink and risk management 
  • Use computers to organize and locate inventory, and operate spreadsheet and word processing software.
  • Train or supervise sales or clerical staff.
  • Authorize payment of invoices or return of merchandise.
  • Order tests that could determine the causes of product malfunctions.
  • Conduct orientation sessions and arrange on-the-job training for new hires.
  • Plan, schedule or supervise the work of all
  • Record employee information, such as exemptions, transfers, and resignations, to maintain and update payroll records. employees.
  • Identify staff vacancies and recruit, interview and select applicants.
  • Hired as a delivery driver and trained to management, eventually becoming a general manager of a store
  • Maintain metrics, reports, process documentation, customer service logs, or training or safety records.
  • Address employee relations issues, such as harassment allegations, work complaints, or other employee concerns.
  • Perform some food preparation or service tasks 
  • Assess staffing needs, and recruit staff using methods such as newspaper advertisements or attendance at job fairs.

general manager Job Skills

For an general manager position, your job skills are a key factor in demonstrating your value to the company and showing recruiters that you're the ight fit for the role. It's important to be specific when highlighting your skills and ensure that they are directly aligned with the job requirements, as this can greatly improve your chances of being hired. By showcasing your relevant skills and experience, you can make a compelling case for why you're the best candidate for the job.

How to include technical skills in your resume:

Technical skills are a set of specialized abilities and knowledge required to perform a particular job effectively. Some examples of technical skills are data analysis, project management, software proficiency, and programming languages, to name a few. Add the technical skills that will get hired in your career field with our simple-to-use resume builder. Select your desired resume template, once you reach the skills section of the builder, manually write in the skill or simply click on "Add more skills". This will automatically generate the best skills for your career field, choose your skill level, and hit "Save & Next."

  • Data Analysis
  • Project Management
  • Customer Service
  • Presentation
  • Computer Literacy
  • Technical Writing
  • Quality Assurance
  • Strategic Thinking
  • Business Acumen
  • Process Improvement
  • Risk Management
  • Database Management
  • Troubleshooting
  • Social Media
  • Financial Management
  • Visualization
  • Documentation

How to include soft skills in your resume:

Soft skills are non-technical skills that relate to how you work and that can be used in any job. Including soft skills such as time management, creative thinking, teamwork, and conflict resolution demonstrate your problem-solving abilities and show that you navigate challenges and changes in the workplace efficiently. Add competitive soft skills to make your resume stand-out to recruiters! Simply select your preferred resume template in the skills section, enter the skills manually or use the "Add more skills" option. Our resume builder will generate the most relevant soft skills for your career path. Choose your proficiency level for each skill, and then click "Save & Next" to proceed to the next section.

  • Communication
  • Interpersonal
  • Time Management
  • Problem Solving
  • Decision Making
  • Critical Thinking
  • Adaptability
  • Organization
  • Public Speaking
  • Negotiation
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Attention to Detail
  • Self-Motivation
  • Stress Management
  • Collaboration
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Flexibility
  • Reliability
  • Professionalism
  • Written Communication
  • Supervisory
  • Relationship Management.

How to Improve Your general manager Resume

Navigating resume pitfalls can mean the difference between landing an interview or not. Missing job descriptions or unexplained work history gaps can cause recruiters to hesitate. Let's not even talk about the impact of bad grammar, and forgetting your contact info could leave your potential employer hanging. Aim to be comprehensive, concise, and accurate.

Jeff Vaughn

  • Monitoring and controlling expenses

Unexplained Year Gaps and Missing Job Experiences are a No-no

Gaps in your resume can prevent recruiters from hiring you if you don't explain them..

  • It's okay to have gaps in your work experience but always offer a valid explanation instead of just hiding it.
  • Use the gap to talk about positive attributes or additional skills you've learned.
  • Be honest and straightforward about the gap and explain it using a professional summary.

How to Optimize Your general manager Resume

Keep an eye out for these resume traps. Neglecting to detail your job roles or explain gaps in your career can lead to unnecessary doubts. Grammar blunders can reflect negatively on you, and without contact information, how can employers reach you? Be meticulous and complete.

  • Overseeing daily operations and ensurin compliance with regulations and standards
  • Identifying and resolving operational problem's
  • Monitoring and controllin expenses.
  • Establishing and maintainin financial and administrative controls
  • Analysing financial data and preparing budgets
  • Establishing and maintaininng financial and administrative controlls
  • Monitorring and controllling expenses
  • Developing and implementting marketing and sales planss

Avoid Spelling Mistakes and Include your Contact Information

Missing contact information prevents recruiters from understanding you're the best fit for the position..

  • Make sure you're not missing contact information on your resume. That should include your full name, telephone number and email address.
  • Make sure to use a professional email address as part of your contact information.
  • Highlight your contact information and double check that everything is accurate to help recruiters get in touch with you.

general manager Cover Letter Example

A cover letter can be a valuable addition to your job application when applying for an general manager position. Cover letters provide a concise summary of your qualifications, skills, and experience, also it also gives you an opportunity to explain why you're the best fit for the job. Crafting a cover letter that showcases your relevant experience and enthusiasm for the Accounts Payable role can significantly improve your chances of securing an interview.

To the respected Deloitte Recruitment Team

As a General Manager with a proven track record of success in Business Management, I am excited to apply for the Senior General Manager position at Deloitte. I believe that my skills and expertise would make a valuable contribution to your team.

As someone who has always been driven by a desire to solve complex problems and make a difference in the world, I have pursued opportunities to learn and grow throughout my life. My experience in this field has equipped me with valuable skills such as Risk Management and Critical Thinking that have planted in me a great work ethic. I am excited to apply these skills and my enthusiasm for Business Management to the role and contribute to your organization's success.

Thank you for considering my application for the Senior General Manager position. With my skills and the amazing team at this organization, I am assured that I can contribute to your organization's success and make a meaningful impact. Looking forward to a future where we can work together.

Showcase your most significant accomplishments and qualifications with this cover letter. Personalize this cover letter in just few minutes with our user-friendly tool!

Related Resumes & Cover Letters






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Check out our other resume of resume examples.

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  • Vice President Of Operations Resume
  • Product Manager Resume
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  • Associate Project Manager Resume
  • Project Manager Resume
  • Tableau Business Analyst Resume
  • Executive Assistant Resume
  • Customer Care Resume
  • Client Services Resume
  • Vp Business Development Resume
  • Content Strategy Resume
  • Project Management Intern Resume



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How to List References on Resumes: Strategic Guide (With Examples)

Stephen Greet

  • The Role of References in Job Applications
  • Preparing Your Reference List
  • Showcasing References
  • Real World Examples

References in Resumes FAQs

References don’t usually live on a resume—they take up too much space and typically aren’t even needed at that stage of the application process.

Be that as it may, sometimes employers may go against the curve and ask for them straight away, and when that happens, you’ll need to rearrange your resume and make room.

Of course, the trickiest thing about references isn’t where to put them, but who to choose. In this article, we’ll show you plenty of resume templates and useful tips to help you handle references like a pro!

Understanding the Role of References in Job Applications

Understanding the Role of References in Job Applications.

When employers are searching for someone to hire, there are a lot of different steps they have to take to determine whether a candidate is both technically capable and a good fit for the company . There’s the resume, the cover letter, the interview—maybe another interview, or two, or five—and the references.

You can learn a lot about a candidate from their own words, but there are certain things you can only learn from others. That’s why employers sometimes need a few recommendations from third parties as final confirmation that a candidate is a good choice.

best resume format for general manager

Why include references?

References often aren’t optional. When an employer asks for them, you need to hand some over or it could greatly impact your application.

If you have prior work listed on your resume but you don’t have anyone that could act as a reference, it implies that you might have been fired, or that your manager refused to act as a reference for you. Those things can happen, but some employers may not overlook that.

Instead, it’s always best to prepare your references in advance and have them ready to send whenever the employer asks for them. This is the right way to look professional since the more experienced you are, the more people you know and the easier it is for you to get a few references.

best resume format for general manager

Selecting the right references

There are a few rules you need to follow when it comes to picking references. There are three main types of reference and each has different relationships to you.

  • Professional references: To list someone as a professional reference, they need to know you in a professional setting. This includes current colleagues, former colleagues, and managers. Some companies also deal with references through their HR department.
  • Academic references: These are people that you know from school and college. It can include teachers, professors, academic advisors, academic counselors, and even classmates. You usually only use academic references as a fresh graduate and replace them with professional references once you get your first job or two.
  • Character references: This type of reference can be a friend or a family member, and their role is to talk about your general character and personality. These aren’t always accepted by employers, and it’s important not to list a friend or family member if the employer explicitly asks for professional or academic references.

best resume format for general manager

Common mistakes to avoid

Putting your references on your resume is really something you should only do if the employer asks for it directly. Otherwise, it’s best to avoid mentioning your references too early.

For most employers, checking references comes right at the end of the application process—because it would be too much work to check references for large numbers of candidates.

That’s why there’s usually no need to put your references on your resume. Some people like to put a line at the bottom of their resume saying “References available on request.” This isn’t a terrible idea, but it’s also not that necessary.

References are a requirement during many application processes so it’s assumed that anyone applying has references—it’s not something that really needs to be announced. They’ll ask you if they want them.

Preparing Your Reference List : Step-by-Step Instructions

Preparing Your Reference List: Step-by-Step Instructions

There are a lot of things you need to think about when choosing your reference list. In this section, we’ll go over the best practices for picking references, asking permission, and formatting your reference list.

best resume format for general manager

Choosing appropriate references

The first thing you need to think about is how many references you need. The most common number employers ask for is two or three, so it’s a good idea to prepare at least three.

The second thing to think about is reference types. If the employer asks for a specific type such as professional, academic, or character references, it’s best to comply with that request. If they don’t specify, your safest bet is to include only professional or academic references.

Now, as for who you pick, consider the following:

  • Who they are
  • What your relationship is
  • What they’ll say about you
  • How quickly they’re likely to respond

When you list someone as a reference, employers will contact them by email or phone to ask questions about you, so it’s important that they’re easy to get in contact with. If you choose someone busy like a CEO, there’s a chance they just won’t see the email or reply to it quickly enough.

best resume format for general manager

How to ask for permission

Once you’ve decided who you want your references to be, you need to ask them if they’ll accept to do it. No one has to write you a reference if they don’t want to and it’s not very professional to list someone without asking them first.

You may have previously inquired whether someone could serve as your reference in the future—for instance, querying a manager upon leaving a job or a professor at graduation. However, it’s still necessary to reach out again with an email to confirm this arrangement.

In the email, include a quick reminder of who you are and how you’re acquainted, and then get straight to the point and ask if they’d be willing to be a reference for you. You can tell them a little about the opportunity you’re applying for and send your resume so they’re updated on what you’ve been doing.

One more important point is to give them room to refuse. It’s generally considered a responsibility to give references when requested—but sometimes people are busy, and you’re better off keeping them happy and primed for a different favor in the future than pushing them on this one now.

Formatting your reference list

Unlike when writing a cover letter or creating a resume , formatting a reference list is straightforward and very simple. All you need to include is:

  • The reference’s name
  • Their job title
  • The company they work for
  • Their phone number
  • Their email address

A phone call is generally more inconvenient for references to take, so feel free to write “(preferred contact)” beside the email address to encourage the employer to use that.

Below the contact information, you should also add a short reference description. This literally only needs to be one sentence, explaining who they are, how you know each other, and how long you’ve known each other. Like this:

“Terry was my manager at Meta from 2019 to 2022 when I was working as a front-end developer.”

Showcasing References : Formats and Templates

Showcasing References: Formats and Templates

There are two main ways to showcase your references: directly on your resume or on a separate sheet. In both cases, however, the format largely stays the same—just contact information and a reference description.

best resume format for general manager

Reference List Templates

Here are some examples of how to format your reference list:

Contact Information

Reference Name:

Reference Description:

Reference Description: (In this case, use the reference’s full name)

best resume format for general manager

Best practices in reference format

There isn’t really anything fancy you need to think about when it comes to reference formats. All that matters is clarity and organization. Clearly state who the reference is and provide their contact information.

One way to make the reference section match the rest of your resume (even if you’re using a separate sheet) is to use the same contact info format as you have for your own contact info at the top of your resume. By matching the order, font, bolding, and use of colons or titling, you can create a nice organized reference section that doesn’t look like it was added in a rush.

best resume format for general manager

Tips for digital submission of references

Submitting your references digitally is often exactly the same as submitting them physically—just take the reference document you would have printed out and simply attach it to an email instead!

Some companies may have a special application portal that you’ve been using to submit other parts of your application, and if that’s the case, there might be a tab for references. The employer will likely tell you when and how to fill it in but in most cases, it will just involve filling in a contact form with the same information you’d usually provide. Just make sure to read the instructions carefully so you can fill everything in as the employer wants it.

Real-World Examples of Effective Reference Sections

Real-World Examples of Effective Reference Sections

To help you get a feel for what these sections look like and how you can write a good reference description, take a look at these resume examples . The reference list is on the second page of each example (which is recommended; there’s no need to take up valuable real estate on a resume) and closely matches the style of the resume.

Entry-Level Job Applicant

Entry-Level Job Applicant Resume

Mid-Career Professional

Mid-Career Professional Resume

Senior-Level Executive

Senior-Level Executive Resume

Sales Manager

Sales Manager Resume

School Teacher

School Teacher Resume

Java Developer

Java Developer Resume

In almost all cases, you should avoid putting your references directly on your resume because it takes up valuable space and isn’t useful in the early stages of the application. However, if the employer asks for references with your resume, you can include them—either on the resume itself or preferably on a separate sheet.

Most employers tend to ask for two or three references, so you want to have at least three you can use. This can feel like a lot for a fresh graduate or someone lacking experience but if you’re struggling, you can use academic references, ask people from part-time jobs you’ve worked at, or people you’ve volunteered with.

Family members can be used as a character reference but character references are not always accepted by employers. The easiest way to know if you can use a family member is to look at the type of reference the employer asked for. If they say “professional” or “academic” references, it means they don’t want character references.

Writing up your reference is easy, you just need their name, job title, company, phone number, and email address. Below, you can write a brief reference description that tells the employer how you know each other and for how long. It only needs to be one sentence, so make sure not to ramble!

You should ideally have at least one reference from every job you’ve had, so every time you get a new job, find a reference there and remove the oldest one you have from the list. If you’re at your first job, it could be a good idea to find multiple people in different roles to be your references so you don’t have to rely on academic references again.

In a normal situation, the best way to send your references is as an attachment to an email, when the references are asked for. If you prepare them in advance, you can shoot them over as soon as you get the email asking for them, and this will look professional and well-organized! Basically, references are something you don’t need to worry about until they’re asked for, which makes it pretty easy!

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  • Letter of Interest Examples
  • Letter of Introduction
  • How to Accept a Job Offer
  • Find Your Dream Job
  • Reasons for Leaving a Job

Create my free resume now

best resume format for general manager

10 Best Resume Builders to Create A Great Resume – 2024 Guide

A re you exhausted from investing endless hours into creating an impeccable CV? This article introduces the top resume builders that will revolutionize your job application approach. Bid farewell to monotonous formatting and greet a remarkable resume that distinguishes itself from the rivalry. Prepare yourself to secure your dream job with self-assurance effortlessly!

>> Unlock Your Career Potential With Super Star Resume

10 Best Resume Writing Services

  • Super Star Resume - Best overall
  • ZipJob - Best for guarantees
  • Resumeble - Best with custom bundles
  • Let’s Eat, Grandma - Best for range of career service
  • ResumeSpice - Best for job seekers of any level
  • TopResume - Best customer service
  • Resume Writing Services - Best for affordability
  • Craft Resumes - Best for quick turnaround
  • Resume Companion - Best value resume writing service
  • Resume.com - Best free service

When creating this compilation, we considered different elements such as affordability, ease of use, accessibility, the privacy policies of the companies involved, and more. The highest-rated services offer advice, templates, and tools and allow you to consult with experts who can help you craft an impressive resume highlighting your strengths to potential employers.

Our collection comprises free services and those that make use of professional writers’ skills. Some options require a subscription or one-time payment.

>> Secure Your Dream Job With Super Star Resume

Super Star Resume - Best Resume Builder Overall

Star Rating: 4.9/5

Super Star Resume is an innovative resume builder that completely transforms creating professional resumes. By offering a user-friendly interface and a range of powerful features, Super Star Resume enables individuals to produce exceptional resumes that effectively showcase their abilities, accomplishments, and work history.

  • Skilled and seasoned writers
  • Customized strategy aligned with unique career objectives
  • Timely delivery of resumes
  • More significant expense compared to certain other resume writing services
  • Restricted selection of additional services
  • Availability may be restricted depending on demand and geographic location
  • Intuitive resume builder: An intuitive interface that simplifies the resume creation process, offering modern templates for a professional look.
  • Customization choices: Users can personalize their resumes by selecting from various font styles, colors, layouts, and sections to align with their unique style.
  • Comprehensive content suggestions: Access to a collection of expertly curated bullet points, action verbs, and industry-specific phrases to craft impactful resume content.
  • Real-time previews and editing: Real-time previewing and editing capabilities ensure a visually appealing and error-free final resume.
  • Integration with professional networking platforms: Integration with LinkedIn allows users to maintain consistency between their online presence and resume.
  • Tailored resumes for different job applications: The duplication feature facilitates the creation of multiple resume versions, each customized for specific job applications or industries.
  • Resume analytics and tracking: Users can monitor the views and downloads of their resumes, gaining valuable insights to optimize their job search strategies.
  • Professional Resume : $169
  • Resume With Cover Letter : $199
  • All-Included : $199

>> Use Super Star Resume to Secure Your Dream Job

ZipJob - Best Resume Builder for Guarantees

Star Rating: 4.7/5

ZipJob is widely regarded as an excellent option for resume creation, especially for those who value guarantees. Their impressive 60-day assurance ensures that individuals searching for employment will experience a surge in interview invitations within this period.

If this desired outcome cannot materialize, ZipJob proactively offers a complimentary review and revision of your resume. This guarantee highlights their commitment to client contentment and showcases their unwavering belief in the superior quality of their resume writing services.

  • The starting package is cost-effective
  • Complimentary ATS check included
  • 60-day interview assurance with higher-tier packages
  • The design and layout made it challenging to read the resume
  • The summary section was overly lengthy and filled with clichés
  • The formatting of the education and training sections was subpar
  • Expert resume writers: ZipJob provides access to a team of expert resume writers with the skills and knowledge to review, evaluate, and optimize your resume for compatibility with Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) and hiring managers.
  • ATS optimization: Meaning they ensure your resume is structured and formatted to navigate and succeed in ATS filters effectively. Employers commonly use these filters to assess and rank resumes during the initial screening process.
  • Keyword optimization: The resume builder online offered by ZipJob assists you in identifying and integrating pertinent keywords and industry-specific terminology. This practice heightens the visibility of your resume, making it more likely to capture the attention of hiring managers.
  • Job-specific content suggestions: ZipJob provides valuable advice regarding the most relevant and influential content to include in your resume for different job titles and industries. This guidance is invaluable in customizing your resume for specific roles.
  • Cover letter writing assistance: ZipJob supports the creation of impactful cover letters that complement your resume, strengthening your overall job application.
  • Unlimited revisions: One noteworthy feature of ZipJob is the option for unlimited revisions and updates to your resume. This ensures that your resume not only meets but continues to meet your specific requirements and mirrors your professional growth.
  • Collaboration with resume writers: the platform facilitates direct collaboration with the resume writers, enabling you to share additional information, discuss specific requirements, and seek clarifications at any stage of the resume creation process.
  • Launch Package: $139 (or $48/mo)
  • Fast Track Package: $189 (or $65/mo)
  • Premium Package: $299 (or $27/mo)

>> Use ZipJob to Secure Your Dream Job

Resumeble - Best Resume Builder With Custom Bundles

Star Rating: 4.3/5

Resumeble is a highly efficient and user-friendly resume builder that empowers individuals to create professional and compelling resumes. With Resumeble, crafting a standout resume becomes a streamlined process thanks to its intuitive interface and extensive range of customizable templates.

Whether you’re a recent graduate, a seasoned professional, or someone looking to change careers, Resumeble caters to all needs and skill sets. It offers helpful suggestions and expert advice to ensure your resume showcases your unique qualifications and achievements in the best possible light.

  • A 60-day interview guarantee is included
  • Budget-friendly package deals are available
  • It’s more established than some other websites
  • Keyword optimization: This feature helps optimize your resume by suggesting relevant keywords aligned with your target industry or job, enhancing your visibility to Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) and recruiters.
  • Content import: Resumeble allows you to import your existing resume or LinkedIn profile, saving you the time and effort of manual data entry.
  • Real-time editing: You have the convenience of editing and modifying your resume in real time, providing the flexibility to experiment with various formats, sections, and content.
  • ATS compatibility: Resumeble ensures your resume is ATS-compatible, essential for better visibility and a higher chance of being shortlisted by employers using Applicant Tracking Systems.
  • Download options: The platform offers various download formats, including PDF, Word, and plain text, ensuring compatibility with diverse application processes.
  • Cover letter builder: Resumeble features an integrated cover letter builder, streamlining the creation of professional and personalized cover letters that complement your resume.
  • Career Pro Package : $159.00
  • Professional Package : $299.00
  • Premium Package : $399.00

>> Use Resumeble to Secure Your Dream Job

Let’s Eat, Grandma - Best Resume Builder for Range of Career Service

Star Rating: 4/5

Let’s Eat, Grandma is an inventive and progressive tool for creating impressive resumes. The platform streamlines the resume-building process, making it easier for job seekers to craft exceptional resumes. With Let’s Eat, Grandma, individuals can create unique resumes that catch the eye of employers and set them apart from the competition.

This user-friendly platform offers a range of customizable templates that allow users to tailor their resumes to showcase their specific skills and experiences. Let’s Eat, Grandma also provides expert advice and recommendations to help ensure that your qualifications and achievements are effectively highlighted in your resume.

  • Complimentary resume evaluation
  • Choices available for individuals from entry-level to executive-level positions
  • Extensive collaboration opportunities
  • Not specialized in academic CVs or federal resumes
  • Relatively higher pricing compared to some other services
  • Potential for a longer turnaround time compared to competing services
  • Expert choice: You can save your resume in multiple formats (PDF, Word, plain text) or easily share it with potential employers via email or a link, simplifying the distribution of your resume.
  • Error highlighting: The builder can identify potential errors, inconsistencies, or missing information within your resume and provide suggestions or alerts for improvement.
  • Section prompts: Pre-written prompts for various resume sections (e.g., work experience, education, skills) can help you structure your resume effectively and ensure you include essential details in each area.
  • Customizable sections: You can add, remove, or rearrange sections to tailor your resume to emphasize your strengths and relevant experiences.
  • Keyword optimization: The resume builder can recommend industry-specific keywords based on the job description, enhancing your resume’s chances of passing through Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) and grabbing the attention of hiring managers.
  • Starter Package : Priced at $439, but there is an anti-inflation sale price of $389.
  • Accelerated Package : $549.
  • The premium Package : $689, but the anti-inflation sale price is $614.
  • Executive Concierge Service : $1,899 or as low as $119/month.

>> Use Let’s Eat, Grandma to Secure Your Dream Job

ResumeSpice - Best Resume Builder for Job Seekers of Any Level

Star Rating: 3.8/5

ResumeSpice , a renowned online resume builder, streamlines crafting professional resumes. This platform provides job seekers with a user-friendly interface and a wide selection of templates, enabling them to create impressive resumes that align with their career objectives.

With ResumeSpice’s seamless experience, users are guided through each resume section effortlessly while receiving valuable tips throughout the process. From personal details and work history to skills and accomplishments, this platform ensures that all crucial aspects of a resume are comprehensively addressed.

  • Additional assistance
  • Timely service
  • ATS optimization
  • Guaranteed interviews
  • Restricted revisions
  • Insufficient customization options
  • Restricted refund policy
  • User-friendly interface: ResumeSpice boasts an intuitive and user-friendly platform, simplifying the resume creation process and offering a seamless experience to users.
  • Extensive template library: The platform offers a vast selection of professionally designed templates tailored to various industries and job positions. Users can explore different styles and layouts to find the perfect match for their needs.
  • Import and export options: ResumeSpice enables users to import their existing resumes in formats like PDF or Word for easy editing and updates. Users can conveniently export their finalized resumes in multiple formats, facilitating sharing with employers or uploading to job portals.
  • Mobile-friendly design: ResumeSpice is optimized for mobile devices, allowing users to create and modify their resumes using smartphones or tablets.
  • Cloud storage: The platform provides secure cloud storage for users’ resumes, ensuring accessibility and updates from any device with an internet connection.
  • Resume tracking: ResumeSpice includes tools for tracking the performance of submitted resumes, such as monitoring views, downloads, and application outcomes. These features empower users to evaluate their progress and make data-driven enhancements to their job search strategies.
  • Entry Level Resume : $479
  • Professional Resume : $589
  • Executive Resume : $699

>> Use ResumeSpice to Secure Your Dream Job

TopResume - Best Resume Builder for Customer Service

Star Rating: 3.6/5

TopResume is an outstanding resume builder explicitly tailored for customer service professionals. It offers a seamless and user-friendly experience, enabling users to create exceptional resumes effortlessly. The platform goes beyond just providing a basic resume template, offering valuable suggestions and tips to optimize the content.

This ensures that each resume created on TopResume is unique and attention-grabbing in the highly competitive job market.

Besides its user-friendly interface, TopResume provides expert review services. These services allow skilled professionals to provide personalized feedback on resumes, helping enhance their overall quality further. By leveraging this feedback and incorporating attention to detail, customer service professionals can create compelling resumes that effectively capture the attention of potential employers.

  • Streamlined registration process
  • Well-designed and formatted one-page resume
  • The summary and Job Scope sections were overly extended
  • The training section needed to have prominence
  • Skill-based sections: The resume builder features dedicated sections highlighting essential customer service skills, including communication, problem-solving, conflict resolution, and relationship building.
  • Expert review services: TopResume provides expert review services where experienced professionals offer personalized feedback and recommendations to enhance the overall quality of your resume.
  • ATS compatibility: The platform ensures that the resumes created are compatible with Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS), which employers commonly use for scanning and filtering resumes.
  • Download and sharing options: Users can download their resumes in various formats, such as PDF or Word, and easily share them with potential employers or upload them to job portals.
  • Industry-Specific Tips: TopResume offers industry-specific tips and guidance to assist users in tailoring their resumes to the customer service field, helping them stand out among competitors.
  • Cover letter builder: Besides resume building, TopResume provides a builder that empowers users to craft professional and compelling cover letters customized for customer service roles.
  • Mobile accessibility: The platform is mobile-friendly, allowing users to create, edit, and update their resumes while on the go, using their smartphones or tablets.
  • Entry level : Up to 200$.
  • Professional level : Up to 200$-400$.
  • Executive level : Up to $350-$700.

>> Use TopResume to Secure Your Dream Job

Resume Writing Services - Best Resume Builder for Affordability

Star Rating: 3.3/5

While Resumewritingservices.org may be a different size than its competitors, it stands out due to its team of talented and experienced resume writers. The website is user-friendly and provides exceptional service. However, this service’s true strength lies in its writers’ expertise.

Resumewritingservices.org sets itself apart by offering a comprehensive consultation process and goes beyond expectations by providing unlimited calls with its resume writers. This personalized approach distinguishes them from other companies and guarantees each client receives individual attention and support.

  • Experienced resume writers of the highest caliber
  • Unlimited phone consultations and revisions
  • More expensive than rival services
  • A limited range of products
  • Skilled and experienced resume writers: Resumewritingservices.org takes pride in its team of highly trained and professional resume writers who possess a deep understanding of crafting effective resumes.
  • Personalized service: Resumewritingservices.org offers a personal touch by providing unlimited calls with their resume writers. This unique feature allows clients to engage in direct communication and close collaboration with the writers throughout the resume creation process.
  • Competitive job market expertise: The writers at Resumewritingservices.org have knowledge of current job market trends. This ensures that the resumes they create are optimized to excel in today’s fiercely competitive job market.
  • Quality Assurance: The service maintains a rigorous quality assurance process to guarantee that the resumes delivered to clients meet the highest standards and align with their expectations.
  • Timely delivery: Resumewritingservices.org is committed to delivering resumes within the agreed-upon timeframe, ensuring clients receive their documents promptly.
  • Client satisfaction guarantee: Resumewritingservices.org offers a client satisfaction guarantee, assuring clients are fully content with the final resume. The service is ready to provide revisions if necessary.
  • Affordable pricing: Resumewritingservices.org provides pricing options that are competitive and transparent, making professional resume writing accessible to a wide range of job seekers.

Resumewritingservices.org employs a pricing system that is clear and easy to understand for their resume-building services. The initial package begins at $270 , including a comprehensive consultation with a skilled resume writer and developing an individualized resume.

They offer extra options that enable customers to personalize their packages based on their unique preferences. This adaptable pricing strategy guarantees that clients can choose the services that align with their requirements and financial constraints.

>> Use Resume Writing Services to Secure Your Dream Job

Craft Resumes - Best Resume Builder for Quick-Turnaround

Star Rating: 3/5

Craft Resumes stand out as a well-established writing and editing service known for its ability to deliver effective outcomes. Our dedication to providing a 24-hour turnaround guarantees you’ll receive the initial version of your resume promptly.

Navigating our user-friendly website is effortless, making it easy to use our services. At Craft Resumes, we specialize in crafting customized resumes to match your skills, qualifications, and aspirations for your career.

  • Speedy completion
  • Customized CVs
  • Intuitive site
  • Insufficient details
  • Absence of assurances
  • Quick turnaround: Craft Resumes commits to delivering the initial draft of your resume within 24 hours, ensuring a speedy and efficient service.
  • Expert Writers: Craft Resumes prides itself on its team of experienced writers who possess expertise across various industries and stay up-to-date with current hiring trends. They’re dedicated to making your resume stand out and catch the attention of potential employers.
  • Unlimited revisions: We provide unlimited revisions to guarantee your complete satisfaction. If you have specific changes or additions in mind, our team will collaborate with you closely to implement the modifications.
  • Confidentiality and Privacy: At Craft Resumes, we prioritize the confidentiality and privacy of your personal information. You can trust that your data will be handled securely and with the utmost discretion.
  • Tailored resumes: We specialize in tailoring resumes to align with your career objectives, industry, and job requirements. Each resume is personalized to accentuate your unique strengths and qualifications.
  • Resume Writing : $229.00
  • Basic : $279.99
  • Optimal : $339.99
  • All-In-One : $499.99

>> Use Craft Resumes to Secure Your Dream Job

Resume Companion - Best Value Resume Builder

Star Rating: 2.8/5

Resume Companion is a virtual platform and service that specializes in aiding individuals in creating resumes that are professional and impactful. It offers an array of resources and tools to assist job seekers in crafting interesting resumes that effectively showcase their skills, experiences, and qualifications.

A prominent feature of Resume Companion is its user-friendly resume builder. This tool allows users to select from various professionally designed templates and personalize them based on their specific requirements.

Users can effortlessly incorporate their personal information, employment history, educational background, skill set, and other pertinent details to produce a customized resume tailored to their needs.

  • Intuitive user interface
  • High-quality templates
  • Efficiency-boosting functions
  • Cost-effective choice
  • Restricted editing features without subscription
  • Absence of extensive customization options
  • Limited availability of extra services
  • Cover letter builder: Resume Companion goes beyond resumes and provides users with a tool for crafting customized cover letters tailored to specific job applications. This feature guides users through the process, helping them effectively present their qualifications and make a compelling case to prospective employers.
  • ATS optimization: In today’s job market, many companies use Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) to screen resumes. Resume Companion helps users ensure their resumes are ATS-friendly. The platform offers valuable tips and insights on incorporating relevant keywords, formatting the document correctly, and increasing the likelihood of passing through the ATS screening process.
  • Educational resources: Resume Companion extends its services by offering an informative blog and educational materials that cover various aspects of resume writing, job search strategies, interview techniques, and career development guidance. These resources provide users with valuable insights and advice to help them create impressive resumes and enhance their job search efforts.
  • Download and sharing options: Upon completing their resumes, users can conveniently download their documents in multiple formats, including PDF and Word. Resume Companion also makes it easy for users to share their resumes online or print them offline.
  • Customer support: Resume Companion values user satisfaction and offers customer support to assist with users’ questions or concerns while utilizing the platform. Users can access support through email or the platform’s contact form.

Resume Companion provides a cost-effective solution for individuals seeking an all-inclusive service. It’s vital to remember subscription renewal is required to access future editing services. In summary, Resume Companion offers a wallet-friendly option for those who desire a user-friendly resume-building experience without needing advanced writing abilities.

>> Use Resume Companion to Secure Your Dream Job

Our Ranking Methodology for Best Resume Writing Services

To comprehensively and objectively rank the top resume writing services, it is essential to have a thorough methodology. The first step in this process was conducting extensive research and analysis. This involved gathering a comprehensive list of reputable resume-writing services from multiple sources such as online searches, customer reviews, industry directories, and personal recommendations.

  • Feature analysis: Evaluate the functionalities provided by each resume builder, considering elements like template variety and quality, customization flexibility, user-friendly editing and formatting options, import/export capabilities, spell check and grammar tools, and integration with job search platforms and professional networks.
  • Template collection: Examine the assortment and quality of templates. Look for a wide range that suits various industries, job levels, and design preferences, considering these templates’ aesthetics, readability, and contemporary design.
  • Editing and customization: Scrutinize the adaptability and user-friendliness of the editing and customization tools each resume builder provides. Assess the capacity to add or modify sections, reorganize content, and tailor resumes to specific job requirements.
  • User interface and experience: Analyze the user interface and the overall user experience each resume builder offers. Evaluate the ease of navigation, instruction clarity, guidance or prompts, and the platform’s responsiveness.
  • Integration with job search platforms: Determine whether resume builders offer seamless integration with popular job search platforms and professional networks like LinkedIn or ATS systems. Consider how well the resumes can be transferred and their compatibility with these platforms.
  • Additional resources: Evaluate if the resume builders provide extra resources such as sample resumes, tools for creating cover letters, interview tips, or career advice. Consider the breadth and practicality of these supplementary resources.
  • Mobile-friendliness: Gauge the mobile-friendliness and responsiveness of the resume builders, recognizing the growing trend of mobile job searching and application processes.
  • Customer support: Reflect on the accessibility and quality of customer support services, encompassing options like live chat, email support, or knowledge bases. Assess the responsiveness and helpfulness of the support team.
  • Pricing and value for money: Appraise the pricing plans presented by the resume builders in terms of the value they offer based on features, usability, and overall service quality.
  • Industry reputation: Consider the standing and trustworthiness of the resume builders, considering factors such as awards, recognition, partnerships, and user feedback from reputable sources.

Buyer’s Guide: Why Use a Resume Builder?

Crafting a well-crafted CV comes naturally to particular job seekers. However, even the most seasoned experts may need help in resume writing. If you find yourself in need of help with creating a compelling resume, here are several ways in which the best online resume builder can be beneficial:

Resume builders provide users with pre-designed templates and helpful tips, streamlining the process of writing a resume and alleviating stress.

Offers Writing Tips

Promoting oneself requires considerable effort. Only some people possess writing skills, even if they enjoy self-promotion. To showcase one’s experience and knowledge effectively, a resume builder can help select the most appropriate words and phrases.

Improves Design

In every field, there are unique standards for an impressive resume. If you need to gain knowledge in design or the tools, resume builders can provide free templates to enhance your resume’s visual appeal and quality.

Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS)

Recruiters often use ATS systems to scan resumes. A good resume builder will help with formatting to ensure that your resume is easy for these systems to read.

What’s the Best Resume Builder?

The ideal resume builder for each individual may differ according to their specific requirements. If you prefer a tool that offers step-by-step guidance in creating your resume, we suggest using a builder that provides helpful tips and recommendations. If you prefer a resume builder that auto-generates a summary, we recommend using a tool that extracts information from your LinkedIn profile.

For those who enjoy having creative control over their resumes, we suggest using a platform with features. By selecting the resume builder that aligns with your needs and suits your industry and personal style, you’ll significantly increase your chances of capturing the attention of hiring managers.

Resume Builder vs. Resume Writing Service: What Matters for You

When it comes to crafting a resume, there are three options available. You can opt to create it independently, use a resume builder tool, or enlist the services of a professional resume writer. Your best choice will depend on your writing abilities, available time, and financial resources.


You have the choice to construct a resume entirely by yourself. The benefit of this option is that it costs nothing but requires a significant amount of effort. Along with composing all the information, you must possess graphic design skills.

This approach works well if you have these abilities, but with them, your options for creating a resume are unlimited. To overcome this limitation, you can use a resume builder or enlist the help of a resume writing service.

Resume Builder

A tool for creating resumes allows you to input your details into a template, resulting in an original appearance and layout with no design work. The top resume building tools also offer suggestions on enhancing your resume and tailoring it to match the specific job you are applying for.

While you are still responsible for writing the content, once it is written, you can quickly transfer that information into any other template with just a few simple clicks. Some of these services are free and many like to promote themselves as such, but most require a small payment to download your finished resume.

Professional Resume Writing Service

Professional resume writing services are expensive, but they offer the convenience of handling all the work for you. An experienced writer will gather relevant information about your background and transform it into a unique and engaging resume.

The process typically takes a few days, and the level of originality in the outcome largely relies on your choice of company and writer. However, we will not delve into these services further in this guide.

Are Resume Builders Worth It?

Definitely, without a doubt. An effective resume creator will guarantee that your CV is formatted correctly to navigate Applicant Tracking Systems and ultimately reach the hands of recruiters.

Is It Unprofessional to Use a Microsoft Word Resume Template?

Relying on a template will not set you apart, and there is a high likelihood that your application will be dismissed because your resume is identical to those of other job seekers.

Final Thoughts

Choosing the right resume builder is crucial in today’s competitive job market. Creating a professional and impactful resume that stands out from the crowd can significantly impact your job search. With the right tool, you can save time, improve your chances of landing an interview, and ultimately secure your dream job.

When selecting a resume builder, consider your specific needs and priorities. Look for features like customizable templates, industry-specific examples, and the ability to export your resume in different formats. Consider user reviews and ratings to ensure you choose a reputable and reliable platform.

Remember, an exceptional tool for crafting resumes should give you the power to present your skills, experience, and accomplishments effectively. It should simplify and expedite creating a resume without hassle. Investing in a reliable resume builder is investing in your professional future.

Therefore, explore the different options available for resume builders. Test out their free trials or demos and choose the best fit for your objectives. Our top recommendation is Super Star Resume . This meticulously designed resume can open doors to exciting career prospects and be a dependable companion on your journey toward success.

Ahad Waseem is a business, blockchain, and cybersecurity writer who often takes on art, politics, and economics too. As a linguistic engineer who writes to solve problems, he’s written for various tech and business publications. When he’s not writing, he’s probably on horseback, caring for his houseplants, or training Bonsai trees. He can be reached at [email protected] . McClatchy’s newsrooms were not involved in the creation of this content. We may earn a commission if you make a purchase through one of our links.

©2023 Miami Herald. Visit miamiherald.com. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.



  1. General Manager Resumes

    best resume format for general manager

  2. 400+ Professional Resume Samples for 2021

    best resume format for general manager

  3. Best General Manager Resume Example From Professional Resume Writing

    best resume format for general manager

  4. General Manager Resume & Writing Guide

    best resume format for general manager

  5. General Manager Resume Examples

    best resume format for general manager

  6. Manager Resume Templates

    best resume format for general manager


  1. Hiring Managers reviewing resumes for Full Stack Engineers and QA Manager

  2. Resume for Restaurant Manager

  3. International Standard Resume

  4. What is the best resume format for 2024?

  5. Best Professional Resume Format

  6. HR Secrets Revealed: How to Build a Perfect Resume That Stands Out


  1. General Manager Resume Examples and Template for 2024

    In this article, we define a general manager and explain the key elements of a general manager's resume, providing two different resume examples. When you're ready, you can upload a resume file or build an Indeed resume to begin looking for a general manager role that matches your skills and preferences. Upgrade your resume.

  2. General Manager Resume Template (Guide & 20+ Examples)

    General Manager Resume Sample. Mathilde Frandsen. Retail Store General Manager. [email protected] (718) 123-9867. ... Choose the Best Format for Your General Manager Resume. Whether it's overseeing a small corner deli or supervising a large retail store, general managers keep things running smoothly when they have a good structure ...

  3. 6 Great General Manager Resume Examples

    Good example: " Results-driven General Manager with over 10 years of experience in the hospitality industry. Proven track record of increasing revenue, improving customer satisfaction, and developing effective strategies to maximize efficiency. Adept at utilizing cutting-edge technology to streamline processes and enhance customer service.".

  4. General Manager Resume [Sample & How to Write]

    3. Include General Manager-related keywords in your resume. Using resume keywords specific to general management will make your resume stand out from generic applicants, and will also help make your resume ATS friendly. Plus, including such keywords will make your skill section appear tailor-made for the position (use words from the job listing ...

  5. 5 General Manager Resume Examples & Guide for 2024

    This general manager resume exemplifies the importance of tailoring the title to the targeted role. "Fitness GM" and "gym GM" convey nearly the same meaning, but recruiters may filter resumes based on the specific title they seek. It is crucial to adapt your resume to suit the intended job. Start With This Resume.

  6. 3 General Manager Resume Examples Proven to Work in 2024

    Top 5 Tips for Your General Manager Resume. Use a mix of technical and leadership skills. GMs need to have a well-rounded skill set. Your examples should show both how you lead and the technical abilities you possess. For example, leading a 19-person financial team to compile tax-related data, finishing eight days before the target filing date.

  7. 12 General Manager Resume Examples

    Examples: Below an example of a General Manager Resume's education for someone with more than five years' experience: 2018 - Current Ph.D. in Business Administration, California University, CA. 2006-2008 Masters in Business Administration, Chicago State University, IL.

  8. General Manager Resume Examples and Templates for 2024

    Profile Example #1. A General Manager with seven years of operations management experience within the retail industry, specializing in staff development, sales forecasting, and organizational leadership. A proven track record of building and managing diverse high-performance teams. Adept at identifying process improvement opportunities to ...

  9. General Manager Resume Examples [Writing Tips & Guide]

    How to Write a General Manager Resume. Your general manage resume's format is as important as how you write your resume. This sample resume demonstrates the best resume layout to follow: 1-inch margins, bullet points and clear resume headings for each of the following sections.

  10. General Manager (GM) Resume—Sample & 25+ Writing Tips

    Hill City, KS 67642. 785-754-1773. [email protected]. Profile. Energetic general manager with 6+ years of store management experience. Experienced in managing workforces of 90+ and generating sales exceeding $3.5m. Awarded "Manager of the Year" in 2018 and 2019, out of 120 national locations.

  11. 7 Manager Resume Examples That Worked in 2024

    Use our 7 manager resume samples to prove your skills for a management role in 2024. ... Why this resume works. An effective general manager understands all levels of the business. One way to show that you're equipped to delegate and coordinate across a large organization is to highlight your advanced business degree. ... the best thing you ...

  12. 2024 General Manager Resume Example (+Guidance)

    The best way to format a General Manager resume is to create a professional and well-structured document that highlights your leadership skills, experience, and accomplishments. Here are some recommendations for formatting a General Manager resume: 1. Consistent formatting: Maintain consistency in font size, typeface, and spacing throughout ...

  13. General Manager Resume Samples

    General Manager Resume Examples & Samples. Managing all aspects of the ~$100M business including EH&S, Lean Manufacturing and Kaizen techniques, quality, cost reduction, on-time delivery, customer satisfaction, employee relations, visual controls and plant performance measures with an employee base of~ 300 employees.

  14. 15 Manager Resume Examples (& How to Write Your Own)

    Here's an example manager resume summary for you to get a better idea of what we mean: Enterprising restaurant manager with 6+ years of experience managing a high-quality and fast-paced five-star restaurant. Coached 50+ staff members and maintained an employee retention rate 25% higher than industry standard by implementing training programs ...

  15. Business Operations General Manager Resume Examples [2024]

    Use relevant keywords throughout your general manager resume summary, such as "operations management," "supply chain," "process improvement" and "project management," to ensure that the resume is optimized for applicant tracking systems (ATS). Use strong action verbs to describe your accomplishments and achievements.

  16. 40 Management Resume Examples [Skills, Job Description]

    Developed new business to push sales revenue from $750,000/yr to $1.1 million in 1 year. Increased staff training to drive lead conversion up 20%. Created annual budgets. Cut inventory costs by 25% through annual trend analysis. Zap. You just stuck your management resume to the job description with superglue.

  17. General manager

    Best resume formats Resume vs. CV Chronological resume Functional resume Combination resume. ... 9 General manager resume examples found. All examples are written by certified resume experts, and free for personal use. Copy any of the General manager resume examples to your own resume, or use one of our free downloadable Word templates. ...

  18. 1+ General Manager Resume Examples [with Guidance]

    The best way to format a General Manager resume is to ensure it is clear, concise, and tailored to the specific industry and position for which you are applying. Here are some key points to consider when formatting your resume: 1. **Contact Information**: At the top of the resume, include your name, phone number, email address, and LinkedIn ...

  19. General manager Resume sample and guide

    GM Resume Samples. 1. Candidate seeking general manager position. Accomplished and result-oriented managing director with over ten years in running the day to day business operations in a diverse range of corporate environments. Eager to bring my excellent business management skills and extensive expertise to Acme Limited to facilitate the ...

  20. General Manager Resume Sample & Tips

    As a general manager, you bridge the gap between customers and employees, using your skills and experience to take great care of both. You manage business operations, create profit-and-loss statements, keep a close eye on food production, and monitor inventory. To better manage your job prospects, you must have a strong general manager resume that delivers everything recruiters want (and need ...

  21. Hotel General Manager Resume

    To create a competitive application, include some of the following soft and hard skills on your hotel general manager resume: Leadership skills. Interpersonal skills. Management skills. Organizational skills. Customer service skills. Conflict resolution. Hiring and training personnel. Property management and repair.

  22. 6 Great Assistant General Manager Resume Samples

    Good example: " As an Assistant General Manager, I have successfully managed a team of 15 employees, increasing productivity by 25% and reducing operational costs by 10%. I have extensive experience in managing daily operations, implementing cost-saving strategies, and training staff to ensure customer satisfaction.

  23. Restaurant General Manager Resume Examples for 2024

    Resume Summary. Highly effective restaurant general manager with 7+ years of experience leading teams and growing revenue. Seeking to deliver excellent food quality at Chive-0-5. At Kine & Brine, grew revenue 25% in 6 months through menu redesigns and cut costs 18%.

  24. Resume Formats That Help Get You Job Interviews

    A good resume format organizes your skills, experience, and achievements. It tells hiring managers what they need to know. Having a good resume format is important for another reason. It helps applicant tracking systems (ATS) read and understand your resume. ATS is a computer software that most companies use today to help them hire employees.

  25. How to List References on Resumes: Strategic Guide (With ...

    When employers are searching for someone to hire, there are a lot of different steps they have to take to determine whether a candidate is both technically capable and a good fit for the company.There's the resume, the cover letter, the interview—maybe another interview, or two, or five—and the references.

  26. 45+ Professional Resume Templates

    How to make a resume for a job ; The best resume format in 2024 ; Resume Examples. Monday to Friday, 8AM - 12AM (Midnight) and Saturdays and Sundays, 10AM - 6PM EDT (866) 215-9048. ... Executive resume; Hotel general manager resume; Project manager resume; Supervisor resume; Format and Styling Details. Major Features.

  27. How To Write a General Worker Cover Letter (With Examples)

    General worker cover letter example To help you learn more about cover letters, here is a sample cover letter for a general worker: Chuck Ferris Chicago, Illinois 304-555-0192 [email protected] March 14, 2024 Mr. Bob Richardson ABC Company Dear Mr. Richardson, I am writing to express my keen interest in the general worker position at ABC Company as advertised.

  28. 550+ Free Resume Templates for 2024

    Download 550+ free resume templates in Word & Google Docs. Choose from elegant, creative, or modern designs. HR-approved and easy to use.

  29. 10 Best Resume Builders to Create A Great Resume

    Let's Eat, Grandma - Best Resume Builder for Range of Career Service. Star Rating: 4/5. Let's Eat, Grandma is an inventive and progressive tool for creating impressive resumes. The platform ...

  30. 430+ Resume Examples for Any Job or Experience Level

    Strong Professional Summary This resume opens with a compelling summary that highlights the candidate's experience and achievements. This introduction effectively helps attract the interest of galleries or potential clients. Detailed Artistic Experience Exhibitions and commissions are some of the most relevant achievements for a working artist. By creating separate sections for these ...