Four-Step Math Problem Solving Strategies & Techniques

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Four-Step Math Problem Solving Strategies & Techniques

Four Steps to Success

There are many possible strategies and techniques you can use to solve math problems. A useful starting point is a four step approach to math problem solving. These four steps can be summarized as follows:

  • Carefully read the problem. In this careful reading, you should especially seek to clearly identify the question that is to be answered. Also, a good, general understanding of what the problem means should be sought.
  • Choose a strategy to solve the problem. Some of the possible strategies will be discussed in the rest of this article.
  • Carry out the problem solving strategy. If the first problem solving technique you try doesn’t work, try another.
  • Check the solution. This check should make sure that you have indeed answered the question that was posed and that the answer makes sense.

Step One - Understanding the Problem

As you carefully read the problem, trying to clearly understand the meaning of the problem and the question that you must answer, here are some techniques to help.

Identify given information - Highlighting or underlining facts that are given helps to visualize what is known or given.

Identify information asked for - Highlighting the unknowns in a different color helps to keep the known information visually separate from the unknowns to be determined. Ideally this will lead to a clear identification of the question to be answered.

Look for keywords or clue words - One example of clue words is those that indicate what type of mathematical operation is needed, as follows:

Clue words indicating addition: sum, total, in all, perimeter.

Clue words indicating subtraction: difference, how much more, exceed.

Clue words for multiplication: product, total, area, times.

Clue words for division: share, distribute, quotient, average.

Draw a picture - This might also be considered part of solving the problem, but a good sketch showing given information and unknowns can be very helpful in understanding the problem.

Step Two - Choose the Right Strategy

It step one has been done well, it should ease the job of choosing among the strategies presented here for approaching the problem solving step. Here are some of the many possible math problem solving strategies.

  • Look for a pattern - This might be part of understanding the problem or it might be the first part of solving the problem.
  • Make an organized list - This is another means of organizing the information as part of understanding it or beginning the solution.
  • Make a table - In some cases the problem information may be more suitable for putting in a table rather than in a list.
  • Try to remember if you’ve done a similar problem before - If you have done a similar problem before, try to use the same approach that worked in the past for the solution.
  • Guess the answer - This may seem like a haphazard approach, but if you then check whether your guess was correct, and repeat as many times as necessary until you find the right answer, it works very well. Often information from checking on whether the answer was correct helps lead you to a good next guess.
  • Work backwards - Sometimes making the calculations in the reverse order works better.

Steps Three and Four - Solving the Problem and Checking the Solution

If the first two steps have been done well, then the last two steps should be easy. If the selected problem solving strategy doesn’t seem to work when you actually try it, go back to the list and try something else. Your check on the solution should show that you have actually answered the question that was asked in the problem, and to the extent possible, you should check on whether the answer makes common sense.

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20 Effective Math Strategies To Approach Problem-Solving 

Katie Keeton

Math strategies for problem-solving help students use a range of approaches to solve many different types of problems. It involves identifying the problem and carrying out a plan of action to find the answer to mathematical problems.  

Problem-solving skills are essential to math in the general classroom and real-life. They require logical reasoning and critical thinking skills. Students must be equipped with strategies to help them find solutions to problems.

This article explores mathematical problem solving strategies, logical reasoning and critical thinking skills to help learners with solving math word problems independently in real-life situations. 

What are problem-solving strategies?

Problem-solving strategies in math are methods students can use to figure out solutions to math problems. Some problem-solving strategies: 

  • Draw a model
  • Use different approaches
  • Check the inverse to make sure the answer is correct

Students need to have a toolkit of math problem-solving strategies at their disposal to provide different ways to approach math problems. This makes it easier to find solutions and understand math better. 

Strategies can help guide students to the solution when it is difficult ot know when to start.

The ultimate guide to problem solving techniques

The ultimate guide to problem solving techniques

Download these ready-to-go problem solving techniques that every student should know. Includes printable tasks for students including challenges, short explanations for teachers with questioning prompts.

20 Math Strategies For Problem-Solving

Different problem-solving math strategies are required for different parts of the problem. It is unlikely that students will use the same strategy to understand and solve the problem. 

Here are 20 strategies to help students develop their problem-solving skills. 

Strategies to understand the problem

Strategies that help students understand the problem before solving it helps ensure they understand: 

  • The context
  • What the key information is
  • How to form a plan to solve it

Following these steps leads students to the correct solution and makes the math word problem easier .

Here are five strategies to help students understand the content of the problem and identify key information. 

1. Read the problem aloud

Read a word problem aloud to help understand it. Hearing the words engages auditory processing. This can make it easier to process and comprehend the context of the situation.

2. Highlight keywords 

When keywords are highlighted in a word problem, it helps the student focus on the essential information needed to solve it. Some important keywords help determine which operation is needed.  For example, if the word problem asks how many are left, the problem likely requires subtraction.  Ensure students highlight the keywords carefully and do not highlight every number or keyword. There is likely irrelevant information in the word problem.

3. Summarize the information

Read the problem aloud, highlight the key information and then summarize the information. Students can do this in their heads or write down a quick summary.  Summaries should include only the important information and be in simple terms that help contextualize the problem.

4. Determine the unknown

A common problem that students have when solving a word problem is misunderstanding what they are solving. Determine what the unknown information is before finding the answer.  Often, a word problem contains a question where you can find the unknown information you need to solve. For example, in the question ‘How many apples are left?’ students need to find the number of apples left over.

5. Make a plan

Once students understand the context of the word problem, have dentified the important information and determined the unknown, they can make a plan to solve it.  The plan will depend on the type of problem. Some problems involve more than one step to solve them as some require more than one answer.  Encourage students to make a list of each step they need to take to solve the problem before getting started.

Strategies for solving the problem 

1. draw a model or diagram.

Students may find it useful to draw a model, picture, diagram, or other visual aid to help with the problem solving process.  It can help to visualize the problem to understand the relationships between the numbers in the problem. In turn, this helps students see the solution.

math problem that needs a problem solving strategy

Similarly, you could draw a model to represent the objects in the problem:

math problem requiring problem solving

2. Act it out

This particular strategy is applicable at any grade level but is especially helpful in math investigation in elementary school . It involves a physical demonstration or students acting out the problem using movements, concrete resources and math manipulatives .  When students act out a problem, they can visualize and contectualize the word problem in another way and secure an understanding of the math concepts.  The examples below show how 1st-grade students could “act out” an addition and subtraction problem:

3. Work backwards

Working backwards is a popular problem-solving strategy. It involves starting with a possible solution and deciding what steps to take to arrive at that solution.  This strategy can be particularly helpful when students solve math word problems involving multiple steps. They can start at the end and think carefully about each step taken as opposed to jumping to the end of the problem and missing steps in between.

For example,

problem solving math question 1

To solve this problem working backwards, start with the final condition, which is Sam’s grandmother’s age (71) and work backwards to find Sam’s age. Subtract 20 from the grandmother’s age, which is 71.  Then, divide the result by 3 to get Sam’s age. 71 – 20 = 51 51 ÷ 3 = 17 Sam is 17 years old.

4. Write a number sentence

When faced with a word problem, encourage students to write a number sentence based on the information. This helps translate the information in the word problem into a math equation or expression, which is more easily solved.  It is important to fully understand the context of the word problem and what students need to solve before writing an equation to represent it.

5. Use a formula

Specific formulas help solve many math problems. For example, if a problem asks students to find the area of a rug, they would use the area formula (area = length × width) to solve.   Make sure students know the important mathematical formulas they will need in tests and real-life. It can help to display these around the classroom or, for those who need more support, on students’ desks.

Strategies for checking the solution 

Once the problem is solved using an appropriate strategy, it is equally important to check the solution to ensure it is correct and makes sense. 

There are many strategies to check the solution. The strategy for a specific problem is dependent on the problem type and math content involved.

Here are five strategies to help students check their solutions. 

1. Use the Inverse Operation

For simpler problems, a quick and easy problem solving strategy is to use the inverse operation. For example, if the operation to solve a word problem is 56 ÷ 8 = 7 students can check the answer is correct by multiplying 8 × 7. As good practice, encourage students to use the inverse operation routinely to check their work. 

2. Estimate to check for reasonableness

Once students reach an answer, they can use estimation or rounding to see if the answer is reasonable.  Round each number in the equation to a number that’s close and easy to work with, usually a multiple of ten.  For example, if the question was 216 ÷ 18 and the quotient was 12, students might round 216 to 200 and round 18 to 20. Then use mental math to solve 200 ÷ 20, which is 10.  When the estimate is clear the two numbers are close. This means your answer is reasonable. 

3. Plug-In Method

This method is particularly useful for algebraic equations. Specifically when working with variables.  To use the plug-in method, students solve the problem as asked and arrive at an answer. They can then plug the answer into the original equation to see if it works. If it does, the answer is correct.

Problem solving math problem 2

If students use the equation 20m+80=300 to solve this problem and find that m = 11, they can plug that value back into the equation to see if it is correct. 20m + 80 = 300 20 (11) + 80 = 300 220 + 80 = 300 300 = 300 ✓

4. Peer Review

Peer review is a great tool to use at any grade level as it promotes critical thinking and collaboration between students. The reviewers can look at the problem from a different view as they check to see if the problem was solved correctly.   Problem solvers receive immediate feedback and the opportunity to discuss their thinking with their peers. This strategy is effective with mixed-ability partners or similar-ability partners. In mixed-ability groups, the partner with stronger skills provides guidance and support to the partner with weaker skills, while reinforcing their own understanding of the content and communication skills.  If partners have comparable ability levels and problem-solving skills, they may find that they approach problems differently or have unique insights to offer each other about the problem-solving process.

5. Use a Calculator

A calculator can be introduced at any grade level but may be best for older students who already have a foundational understanding of basic math operations. Provide students with a calculator to allow them to check their solutions independently, accurately, and quickly. Since calculators are so readily available on smartphones and tablets, they allow students to develop practical skills that apply to real-world situations.  

Step-by-step problem-solving processes for your classroom

In his book, How to Solve It , published in 1945, mathematician George Polya introduced a 4-step process to solve problems. 

Polya’s 4 steps include:

  • Understand the problem
  • Devise a plan
  • Carry out the plan

Today, in the style of George Polya, many problem-solving strategies use various acronyms and steps to help students recall. 

Many teachers create posters and anchor charts of their chosen process to display in their classrooms. They can be implemented in any elementary, middle school or high school classroom. 

Here are 5 problem-solving strategies to introduce to students and use in the classroom.

CUBES math strategy for problem solving

How Third Space Learning improves problem-solving 

Resources .

Third Space Learning offers a free resource library is filled with hundreds of high-quality resources. A team of experienced math experts carefully created each resource to develop students mental arithmetic, problem solving and critical thinking. 

Explore the range of problem solving resources for 2nd to 8th grade students. 

One-on-one tutoring 

Third Space Learning offers one-on-one math tutoring to help students improve their math skills. Highly qualified tutors deliver high-quality lessons aligned to state standards. 

Former teachers and math experts write all of Third Space Learning’s tutoring lessons. Expertly designed lessons follow a “my turn, follow me, your turn” pedagogy to help students move from guided instruction and problem-solving to independent practice. 

Throughout each lesson, tutors ask higher-level thinking questions to promote critical thinking and ensure students are developing a deep understanding of the content and problem-solving skills.

what is 4 steps for problem solving in math


Educators can use many different strategies to teach problem-solving and help students develop and carry out a plan when solving math problems. Incorporate these math strategies into any math program and use them with a variety of math concepts, from whole numbers and fractions to algebra. 

Teaching students how to choose and implement problem-solving strategies helps them develop mathematical reasoning skills and critical thinking they can apply to real-life problem-solving.

READ MORE : 8 Common Core math examples

There are many different strategies for problem-solving; Here are 5 problem-solving strategies: • draw a model  • act it out  • work backwards  • write a number sentence • use a formula

Here are 10 strategies of problem-solving: • Read the problem aloud • Highlight keywords • Summarize the information • Determine the unknown • Make a plan • Draw a model  • Act it out  • Work backwards  • Write a number sentence • Use a formula

1. Understand the problem 2. Devise a plan 3. Carry out the plan 4. Look back

Some strategies you can use to solve challenging math problems are: breaking the problem into smaller parts, using diagrams or models, applying logical reasoning, and trying different approaches.

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What IS Problem-Solving?

Ask teachers about problem-solving strategies, and you’re opening a can of worms! Opinions about the “best” way to teach problem-solving are all over the board. And teachers will usually argue for their process quite passionately.

When I first started teaching math over 25 years ago, it was very common to teach “keywords” to help students determine the operation to use when solving a word problem. For example, if you see the word “total” in the problem, you always add. Rather than help students become better problem solvers, the use of keywords actually resulted in students who don’t even feel the need to read and understand the problem–just look for the keywords, pick out the numbers, and do the operation indicated by the keyword.

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Another common strategy for teaching problem-solving is the use of acrostics that students can easily remember to perform the “steps” in problem-solving. CUBES is an example. Just as with keywords, however, students often follow the steps with little understanding. As an example, a common step is to underline or highlight the question. But if you ask students why they are underlining or highlighting the question, they often can’t tell you. The question is , in fact, super important, but they’ve not been told why. They’ve been told to underline the question, so they do.

The problem with both keywords and the rote-step strategies is that both methods try to turn something that is inherently messy into an algorithm! It’s way past time that we leave both methods behind.

First, we need to broaden the definition of problem-solving. Somewhere along the line, problem-solving became synonymous with “word problems.” In reality, it’s so much more. Every one of us solves dozens or hundreds of problems every single day, and most of us haven’t solved a word problem in years. Problem-solving is often described as  figuring out what to do when you don’t  know what to do.  My power went out unexpectedly this morning, and I have work to do. That’s a problem that I had to solve. I had to think about what the problem was, what my options were, and formulate a plan to solve the problem. No keywords. No acrostics. I’m using my phone as a hotspot and hoping my laptop battery doesn’t run out. Problem solved. For now.

If you want to get back to what problem-solving really is, you should consult the work of George Polya. His book, How to Solve It , which was first published in 1945, outlined four principles for problem-solving. The four principles are: understand the problem, devise a plan, carry out the plan, and look back. This document from UC Berkeley’s Mathematics department is a great 4-page overview of Polya’s process. You can probably see that the keyword and rote-steps strategies were likely based on Polya’s method, but it really got out of hand. We need to help students think , not just follow steps.

I created both primary and intermediate posters based on Polya’s principles. Grab your copies for free here !

what is 4 steps for problem solving in math

I would LOVE to hear your comments about problem-solving!

what is 4 steps for problem solving in math

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Do you tutor teachers?

I do professional development for district and schools, and I have online courses.

You make a great point when you mentioned that teaching students to look for “keywords” is not teaching students to become better problem solvers. I was once guilty of using the CUBES strategy, but have since learned to provide students with opportunity to grapple with solving a problem and not providing them with specified steps to follow.

I think we’ve ALL been there! We learn and we do better. 🙂

Love this article and believe that we can do so much better as math teachers than just teaching key words! Do you have an editable version of this document? We are wanting to use something similar for our school, but would like to tweak it just a bit. Thank you!

I’m sorry, but because of the clip art and fonts I use, I am not able to provide an editable version.

Hi Donna! I am working on my dissertation that focuses on problem-solving. May I use your intermediate poster as a figure, giving credit to you in my citation with your permission, for my section on Polya’s Traditional Problem-Solving Steps? You laid out the process so succinctly with examples that my research could greatly benefit from this image. Thank you in advance!

Absolutely! Good luck with your dissertation!

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what is 4 steps for problem solving in math

4 Best Steps To Problem Solving in Math That Lead to Results

Picture of Eastern Shore Math Teacher

Eastern Shore Math Teacher

What does problem solving in math mean, and how to develop these skills in students?  Problem solving involves tasks that are challenging and make students think.  In teaching through problem solving, learning takes place while trying to solve problems with specific concepts and skills. Therefore, teachers need to provide safe learning spaces that foster a growth mindset in math in order for students to take risks to solve problems.   In addition, providing students with problem solving steps in math builds success in solving problems.

A teacher working on problem solving in math.

By providing rich mathematical tasks and engaging puzzles, students improve their number sense and mindset about mathematics.  Click Here to get this Freebie of 71 Math Number Puzzles delivered to your inbox to use with your students. 

Students who feel successful in math class are happier and more engaged in learning.  Check out  The Bonus Guide for Creating a Growth Mindset Classroom and Students Who Love Math for ideas, lessons, and mindset surveys for students to use in your classroom to cultivate a positive classroom community in mathematics.    You can also sign up for other freebies from me Here at .

Have you ever given students a word problem or rich task, and they froze?  They have no idea how to tackle the problem, even if it is a concept they are successful with.   This is because they need problem solving strategies.  I started to incorporate more problem solving tasks into my teaching in addition to making the 4 steps for problem solving a school-wide initiative and saw results.  

Bonus Growth Mindset Classroom resources to use to cultivate a growth mindset classroom.

What is Problem Solving in Math?

When educators use the term problem solving , they are referring to mathematical tasks that are challenging and require students to think.   Such tasks or problems can promote students’ conceptual understanding, foster their ability to reason and communicate mathematically, and capture their interests and curiosity (Hiebert & Wearne, 1993; Marcus & Fey, 2003; NCTM, 1991; van de Walle, 2003).

When educators use the term problem solving, they are referring to mathematical tasks that are challenging and require students to think.

How Should Problem Solving For Math Be Taught?

Problem solving should not be done in isolation.  In the past, we would teach the concepts and procedures and then assign one-step “story” problems designed to provide practice on the content. Next, we would teach problem solving as a collection of strategies such as “draw a picture” or “guess and check.”  Eventually, students would be given problems to apply the skills and strategies.  Instead, we need to make problem solving an integral part of mathematics learning. 

In teaching through problem solving, learning takes place while trying to solve problems with specific concepts and skills. As students solve problems, they can use any strategy. Then, they justify their solutions with their classmates and learn new ways to solve problems. 

Students do not need every task to involve problem solving.  Sometimes the goal is to just learn a skill or strategy.   

List of Criteria for Problem Solving in Math

Criteria for Problem Solving Math 

Lappan and Phillips (1998) developed a set of criteria for a good problem that they used to develop their middle school mathematics curriculum (Connected Mathematics). The problem:

  • has important, useful mathematics embedded in it.
  • requires higher-level thinking and problem solving.
  • contributes to the conceptual development of students.
  • creates an opportunity for the teacher to assess what his or her students are learning and where they are experiencing difficulty.
  • can be approached by students in multiple ways using different solution strategies.
  • has various solutions or allows different decisions or positions to be taken and defended.
  • encourages student engagement and discourse.
  • connects to other important mathematical ideas.
  • promotes the skillful use of mathematics.
  • provides an opportunity to practice important skills.

Of course, not every problem will include all of the above. However, the first four are essential.  Sometimes, you will choose a problem because your students need an opportunity to practice a certain skill.

The real value of these criteria is that they provide teachers with guidelines for making decisions about how to make problem solving a central aspect of their instruction.  Read more at NCTM .

Resources to Use for Problem Solving Steps in Math.

Problem Solving Teaching Methods

Teaching students these 4 steps for solving problems allows them to have a process for unpacking difficult problems.  

As you teach, model the process of using these 4 steps to solve problems.   Then, encourage students to use these steps as they solve problems.   Click here for Posters, Bookmarks, and Labels to use in your classroom to promote the use of the problem solving steps in math.  

How Problem Solving Skills Develop

Problem solving skills are developed over time and are improved with effective teaching practices.  In addition, teachers need to select rich tasks that focus on the math concepts the teacher wants their students to explore. 

Problem Solving 4 Steps

Understand the problem.

 Read & Think

  • Circle the needed information and underline the question. 
  • Write an answer STEM sentence.  There are_____ pages left to read. 

Plan Out How to Solve the Problem

Make a Plan

  • Use a strategy.  (Draw a Picture, Work Backwards, Look for a Pattern, Create a Table, Bar Model)
  • Use math tools.

Do the Problem

Solve the Problem

  • Show your work to solve the problem.  This could include an equation. 

Check Your Work on the Problem

Answer & Check

  • Write the answer into the answer stem.
  • Does your answer make sense?
  • Check your work using a different strategy.

Check out these Printables for Problem Solving Steps in Math .

Problem Solving steps for Math poster.

Teaching Problem Solving Strategies

A problem solving strategy is a plan used to find a solution.  Understanding how a variety of problem solving strategies work is important because different problems require you to approach them in different ways to find the best solution. By mastering several problem-solving strategies, you can select the right plan for solving a problem.  Here are a few strategies to use with students:

  • Draw a Picture
  • Work Backwards
  • Look for a Pattern
  • Create a Table 

Why is Using Problem Solving Steps For Math Important?

Problem solving allows students to develop an understanding of concepts rather than just memorizing a set of procedures to solve a problem.  In addition, it fosters collaboration and communication when students explain the processes they used to arrive at a solution. Through problem-solving, students develop a deeper understanding of mathematical concepts, become more engaged, and see the importance of mathematics in their lives. 

Girl Problem Solving.

NCTM Process Standards

In 2011 the Common Core State Standards incorporated the NCTM Process Standards of problem-solving, reasoning and proof, communication, representation, and connections into the Standards for Mathematical Practice.  With these process standards, the focus became more on mathematics through problem solving.   Students could no longer just develop procedural fluency, they needed to develop conceptual understanding in order to solve new problems and make connections between mathematical ideas. 

Engaging Students to Learn in Mathematics Class

Engaging students to learn in math class will help students to love math.  Children develop a dislike of math early on and end up resenting it into adult life.   Even in the real world, students will likely have to do some form of mathematics in their personal or working life.  So how can teachers make math more interesting to engage students in the subject? Read more at 5 Best Strategies for Engaging Students to Learn in Mathematics Class

Puzzles in Math with Answers on a computer screen.

Teachers can promote number sense by providing rich mathematical tasks and encouraging students to make connections to their own experiences and previous learning.

Sign up on my webpage to get this Freebie of 71 Math Number Puzzles delivered to your inbox to use with your students.  Providing opportunities to do math puzzles daily is one way to help students develop their number sense.  CLICK Here to sign up for  71 Math Number Puzzles and check out my website.

Promoting a Growth Mindset

Research shows that there is a link between a growth mindset and success. In addition, kids who have a growth mindset about their abilities perform better and are more engaged in the classroom.  Students need to be able to preserve and make mistakes when problem solving.  

Read more … 5 Powerful and Easy Lessons Teaching Students How to Get a Growth Mindset

Here are some Resources to Use to Grow a Growth Mindset

  • Free Mindset Survey
  • Growth Mindset Classroom Display Free
  • Growth Mindset Lessons

Growth Mindset in Math Resources on a computer screen.

Using Word Problems

Story Problems and word problems are one way to promote problem solving.   In addition, they provide great practice in using the 4 steps of solving problems.   Then, students are ready for more challenging problems.  

For Kindergarten

  • Subtraction within 5

For First Grade

  • Word Problems to 20
  • Word Problems of Subtraction

Word Problems of Addition and Subtraction on a computer screen.

For Second Grade

  • Two Step Word Problems with Addition and Subtraction
  • Grade 2 Addition and Subtraction Word Problems
  • Word Problems with Subtraction 

Problem Solving in Math with these addition and subtraction word problems with different problem structures. Can be used digitally or as a worksheet.

For Third Grade

  • Word Problems Division and Multiplication
  • Multiplication Word Problems

Use repeated addition to multiply and find the total number of items. See the connection between repeated addition and multiplication when using arrays.

For Fourth Grade

  • Multiplication Area Model
  • Multiplicative Comparison Word Problems

Solving Multiplicative comparison word problems on a computer screen.

Resources for Problem Solving

  • 3 Act Tasks
  • What’s the Best Proven Way to Teach Word Problems with Two Step Equations?
  • 5 Powerful and Easy Lessons Teaching Students How to Get a Growth Mindset
  • 5 Powerful Ideas to Help Students Develop a Growth Mindset in Mathematics

Problem Solving Steps For Math 

In mathematics, problem solving is one of the most important topics to teach.  Learning to problem solve helps students apply mathematics to real-world situations. In addition, it is used for a deeper understanding of mathematical concepts. 

By providing rich mathematical tasks and engaging puzzles, students improve their number sense and mindset about mathematics.  Click Here to get this Freebie of 71 Math Number Puzzles delivered to your inbox to use with your students. 

Check out  The Free Ultimate Guide for Creating a Growth Mindset Classroom and Students Who Love Math for ideas, lessons, and mindset surveys to use to cultivate a growth mindset classroom.

Start by modeling using the problem solving steps in math and allowing opportunities for students to use the steps to solve problems.   As students become more comfortable with using the steps and have some strategies to use,  provide more challenging tasks.  Then, students will begin to see the importance of problem solving in math and connecting their learning to real-world situations. 

Kids solving word problems.

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  • Pingback: How to Successfully and Easily Teach Word Problems in Multiplication and Division - Eastern Shore Math Teacher
  • Pingback: Top 7 Must Have Best Beginning of The Year Bulletin Board Ideas For Math - Eastern Shore Math Teacher
  • Pingback: 3 Brilliant Math Word Problem Solving Strategies To Use With Students - Eastern Shore Math Teacher

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QuickMath will automatically answer the most common problems in algebra, equations and calculus faced by high-school and college students.

  • The algebra section allows you to expand, factor or simplify virtually any expression you choose. It also has commands for splitting fractions into partial fractions, combining several fractions into one and cancelling common factors within a fraction.
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what is 4 steps for problem solving in math

4 Ways to Improve Your Problem-Solving Skills

The ability to problem-solve is indispensable. As you move forward with your education, it will prove to be an invaluable asset not only as you study for entrance exams and unit tests, but also in college and beyond, when you launch your career.

When you set out to solve a problem, you are essentially defining a question in need of a solution. Whether you solve that problem ultimately depends upon your ability to ask the right question and to take the necessary steps to find the most sensible solution.

Of course, problem-solving is not always straightforward. Often, it requires a great deal of insight and critical thinking to imagine possible solutions, while it takes creativity and decisiveness to implement the best solution. Learning when and how to employ these qualities involves discretion, but acquiring such skills can also be the key difference between acing and flunking an exam. Here are four ways to improve your problem-solving skills: 

1. Learn how to identify the problem

On tests, a significant amount of time is wasted when a student is unsure what the problem is about. Occasionally, the source of an incorrect answer is rooted not in misinformation, but rather in misunderstanding. When preparing to solve a problem, ensure you are certain of two things: its scope (what is the question truly asking?) and its limits (what is the question not asking?). You can then move on to defining the problem.

One way to define a problem is to rephrase the question. If you are dealing with a word problem whose sentences are long and convoluted, it may be helpful to break it into shorter, clearer portions. It may also be useful to mentally rearrange the word order so it makes sense to you. If you choose to do so, take care to avoid losing the original meaning. Correctly identifying a problem takes reading comprehension. To sharpen your reading comprehension skills, practice asking yourself questions when you read like, “Can I summarize this paragraph in two sentences?”

2. Draw connections

Once you have determined the correct question, you can then find the right answer. This can be a multi-step process. For instance, on a math test, you may encounter a complex problem that you have never encountered before. Instead of skipping it, assess whether there is any part of the question that resembles a math problem you have solved in the past. Break it into simpler steps, then think each through. Math is more than just memorizing formulas and functions and making calculations—much of math depends upon numerical reasoning and logic. As a result, to improve your problem-solving skills, sharpen your reasoning skills. You may be surprised by the results.

3. Develop good habits

To master any skill, you must first practice. Practice independently or with a mentor, like a tutor. Challenge yourself to practice problems in an area that is difficult for you. Here are a few of the best study habits for students. If solving antonym/synonym questions is simple, see if you can answer reading questions just as quickly. Or if algebra is your strong suit, perhaps you should devote more time to geometry. 

Solving such problems over and over again will help you strengthen pathways in your brain so you can do them again later—this time, more quickly.  Complete practice tests . Complete problem-solving exercises. Time yourself to see if you improve. Eventually, logical solutions will present themselves more readily to you, until solving problems feels like second nature.

4. Fuel your brain power

Your brain is like an engine. It is powerful, quick, and it can go far. However, without proper fuel, it will not function well. Do not underestimate the value of a good night’s sleep and eating well. Your brain and your body go hand-in-hand. To perform at your best mentally, you also need to take care of yourself physically.

You may be surprised to learn that problem-solving skills depend on logical reasoning. The rational thinking that is required to solve problems involves a mentality that can be applied to many different scenarios. Strengthen your ability to think clearly and to identify strategies. In the end, you will have a skill set that is not only vital, but will also point you to real solutions.

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Number Line

The Algebra Calculator is a versatile online tool designed to simplify algebraic problem-solving for users of all levels. Here's how to make the most of it:

  • Begin by typing your algebraic expression into the above input field, or scanning the problem with your camera.
  • After entering the equation, click the 'Go' button to generate instant solutions.
  • The calculator provides detailed step-by-step solutions, aiding in understanding the underlying concepts.
  • -x+3\gt 2x+1
  • (x+5)(x-5)\gt 0
  • 10^{1-x}=10^4
  • \sqrt{3+x}=-2
  • 6+11x+6x^2+x^3=0
  • factor\:x^{2}-5x+6
  • simplify\:\frac{2}{3}-\frac{3}{2}+\frac{1}{4}
  • x+2y=2x-5,\:x-y=3
  • How do you solve algebraic expressions?
  • To solve an algebraic expression, simplify the expression by combining like terms, isolate the variable on one side of the equation by using inverse operations. Then, solve the equation by finding the value of the variable that makes the equation true.
  • What are the basics of algebra?
  • The basics of algebra are the commutative, associative, and distributive laws.
  • What are the 3 rules of algebra?
  • The basic rules of algebra are the commutative, associative, and distributive laws.
  • What is the golden rule of algebra?
  • The golden rule of algebra states Do unto one side of the equation what you do to others. Meaning, whatever operation is being used on one side of equation, the same will be used on the other side too.
  • What are the 5 basic laws of algebra?
  • The basic laws of algebra are the Commutative Law For Addition, Commutative Law For Multiplication, Associative Law For Addition, Associative Law For Multiplication, and the Distributive Law.


  • Middle School Math Solutions – Simultaneous Equations Calculator Solving simultaneous equations is one small algebra step further on from simple equations. Symbolab math solutions...

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Mathematics > Optimization and Control

Title: adaptive and optimal second-order optimistic methods for minimax optimization.

Abstract: We propose adaptive, line search-free second-order methods with optimal rate of convergence for solving convex-concave min-max problems. By means of an adaptive step size, our algorithms feature a simple update rule that requires solving only one linear system per iteration, eliminating the need for line search or backtracking mechanisms. Specifically, we base our algorithms on the optimistic method and appropriately combine it with second-order information. Moreover, distinct from common adaptive schemes, we define the step size recursively as a function of the gradient norm and the prediction error in the optimistic update. We first analyze a variant where the step size requires knowledge of the Lipschitz constant of the Hessian. Under the additional assumption of Lipschitz continuous gradients, we further design a parameter-free version by tracking the Hessian Lipschitz constant locally and ensuring the iterates remain bounded. We also evaluate the practical performance of our algorithm by comparing it to existing second-order algorithms for minimax optimization.

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2.3.1: George Polya's Four Step Problem Solving Process

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\( \newcommand{\vecs}[1]{\overset { \scriptstyle \rightharpoonup} {\mathbf{#1}} } \)

\( \newcommand{\vecd}[1]{\overset{-\!-\!\rightharpoonup}{\vphantom{a}\smash {#1}}} \)

\( \newcommand{\id}{\mathrm{id}}\) \( \newcommand{\Span}{\mathrm{span}}\)

( \newcommand{\kernel}{\mathrm{null}\,}\) \( \newcommand{\range}{\mathrm{range}\,}\)

\( \newcommand{\RealPart}{\mathrm{Re}}\) \( \newcommand{\ImaginaryPart}{\mathrm{Im}}\)

\( \newcommand{\Argument}{\mathrm{Arg}}\) \( \newcommand{\norm}[1]{\| #1 \|}\)

\( \newcommand{\inner}[2]{\langle #1, #2 \rangle}\)

\( \newcommand{\Span}{\mathrm{span}}\)

\( \newcommand{\id}{\mathrm{id}}\)

\( \newcommand{\kernel}{\mathrm{null}\,}\)

\( \newcommand{\range}{\mathrm{range}\,}\)

\( \newcommand{\RealPart}{\mathrm{Re}}\)

\( \newcommand{\ImaginaryPart}{\mathrm{Im}}\)

\( \newcommand{\Argument}{\mathrm{Arg}}\)

\( \newcommand{\norm}[1]{\| #1 \|}\)

\( \newcommand{\Span}{\mathrm{span}}\) \( \newcommand{\AA}{\unicode[.8,0]{x212B}}\)

\( \newcommand{\vectorA}[1]{\vec{#1}}      % arrow\)

\( \newcommand{\vectorAt}[1]{\vec{\text{#1}}}      % arrow\)

\( \newcommand{\vectorB}[1]{\overset { \scriptstyle \rightharpoonup} {\mathbf{#1}} } \)

\( \newcommand{\vectorC}[1]{\textbf{#1}} \)

\( \newcommand{\vectorD}[1]{\overrightarrow{#1}} \)

\( \newcommand{\vectorDt}[1]{\overrightarrow{\text{#1}}} \)

\( \newcommand{\vectE}[1]{\overset{-\!-\!\rightharpoonup}{\vphantom{a}\smash{\mathbf {#1}}}} \)

Step 1: Understand the Problem

  • Do you understand all the words?
  • Can you restate the problem in your own words?
  • Do you know what is given?
  • Do you know what the goal is?
  • Is there enough information?
  • Is there extraneous information?
  • Is this problem similar to another problem you have solved?

Step 2: Devise a Plan: Below are some strategies one might use to solve a problem. Can one (or more) of the following strategies be used? (A strategy is defined as an artful means to an end.)

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Mathful Review: Best Math AI Tool & Calculator with Steps

Promotional features / Mon 20th May 2024 at 12:39pm

In the digital age, where technology seamlessly integrates into every aspect of our lives, education has also seen a transformative shift, particularly in how students engage with complex subjects like mathematics. Mathful emerges as a beacon of innovation in this landscape, offering a suite of tools powered by advanced Math AI, including a photo math solver and a calculator with steps. This review delves into the functionalities, benefits, and overall performance of Mathful, providing a comprehensive analysis for educators, students, and anyone interested in the future of math education.

what is 4 steps for problem solving in math

The Essence of Mathful: A Comprehensive Overview

Mathful positions itself as more than just a digital tool; it’s a comprehensive solution designed to address the wide spectrum of challenges faced by students in mathematics. By integrating Math AI technology, it promises not only to solve math problems but to enhance the learning experience, making math more accessible and understandable for students at various levels.

Math AI Solver: Beyond Traditional Problem-Solving

The core of Mathful’s offering is its Math AI solver, an AI-driven math assistant that goes beyond delivering answers. It breaks down mathematical problems into understandable steps, providing insights into the logic and processes needed to arrive at the solution. This approach not only aids in immediate problem-solving but fosters a deeper understanding of mathematical concepts.

Photo Math Solver: The Convenience of Technology

Recognizing the modern student’s needs, Mathful includes a cutting-edge photo math solver. This feature allows users to upload pictures of math problems, which the AI then analyzes to provide step-by-step solutions. It’s a testament to Mathful’s commitment to leveraging technology for educational advancement, offering an unmatched level of convenience and efficiency.

Calculator with Steps: A Learning Companion

Mathful’s calculator with steps embodies the platform’s educational philosophy—learning through understanding. Unlike standard calculators that offer only final answers, this feature guides users through each step of the solution process. It’s an invaluable tool for students who wish to not just solve problems but comprehend the methodologies behind them.

Key Features That Set Mathful Apart

what is 4 steps for problem solving in math

Precision and Accuracy

With a claimed 98% accuracy rate, Mathful’s AI algorithms are designed to provide precise and reliable solutions to a wide range of math problems. This level of accuracy is crucial for building trust and dependability, qualities that are essential for any educational tool.

Comprehensive Coverage

Mathful’s capabilities span across more than ten branches of mathematics, including algebra, calculus, geometry, and trigonometry. This extensive coverage ensures that Mathful can serve as a versatile tool for a diverse user base, from elementary students grappling with basic arithmetic to university students tackling complex calculus problems.

24/7 Availability

The platform’s round-the-clock availability addresses one of the most significant challenges students face—finding help when they need it. Whether it’s late-night study sessions or last-minute exam preparations, Mathful’s 24/7 service ensures that students have access to math assistance anytime, anywhere.


Offering free access to its core features, Mathful provides an affordable alternative to traditional tutoring. This approach aligns with the broader educational goal of making learning resources more accessible to a wider audience, regardless of their financial background.

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Safety, Privacy, and User Experience

In an era where data privacy concerns are paramount, Mathful emphasizes the security of its users’ information. Through encrypted transmissions and a commitment to not storing personal data, it ensures a safe and secure environment for users to explore and learn.

The Verdict: Does Mathful Deliver on Its Promise?

Mathful stands out as a pioneering solution in the realm of math education, thanks to its advanced Math AI, photo math solver, and calculator with steps. By providing detailed, step-by-step solutions to a wide array of math problems, it not only helps students solve math questions but also enhances their understanding and mastery of mathematical concepts.

The platform’s focus on accuracy, comprehensive coverage, and user-friendly features make it a valuable resource for students across different educational levels. Moreover, its commitment to privacy and security adds an extra layer of trust and reliability, making Mathful a preferred choice for students and educators alike.

In conclusion, Mathful represents a significant step forward in the integration of technology and education. By making math more accessible and understandable, it has the potential to transform how students engage with one of the most challenging academic subjects, ultimately leading to improved outcomes and a deeper appreciation for mathematics.

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what is 4 steps for problem solving in math


  1. Classroom Poster: 4 Steps to Solve Any Math Problem

    what is 4 steps for problem solving in math

  2. 4 step problem solving anchor chart

    what is 4 steps for problem solving in math

  3. What IS Problem-Solving?

    what is 4 steps for problem solving in math

  4. what is the 4 step problem solving method

    what is 4 steps for problem solving in math

  5. POLYA's 4 Step Problem Solving

    what is 4 steps for problem solving in math

  6. What IS Problem-Solving?

    what is 4 steps for problem solving in math


  1. MATH 4 QUARTER 1 WEEK 4: Solving Word Problem

  2. Solving Problems Involving Subtraction


  4. Problem Solving and Reasoning: Polya's Steps and Problem Solving Strategies

  5. 1 Step Equations with Multiplication and Division: Solving for Success

  6. Solve this 4x4 Math Puzzle


  1. The easy 4 step problem-solving process (+ examples)

    This is the 4 step problem-solving process that I taught to my students for math problems, but it works for academic and social problems as well. Ed Latimore. Writer, retired boxer, self-improvement enthusiast. ... Finding the solution to a math problem is already stressful. Forcing the student to also figure out what problem needs solving is ...

  2. Module 1: Problem Solving Strategies

    Step 1: Understanding the problem. We are given in the problem that there are 25 chickens and cows. All together there are 76 feet. Chickens have 2 feet and cows have 4 feet. We are trying to determine how many cows and how many chickens Mr. Jones has on his farm. Step 2: Devise a plan.

  3. Four-Step Math Problem Solving Strategies & Techniques

    Solving a math problem involves first gaining a clear understanding of the problem, then choosing from among problem solving techniques or strategies, followed by actually carrying out the solution, and finally checking the solution. See this article for more information about this four-step math problem solving procedure, with several problem solving techniques presented and discussed for ...

  4. PDF 4-Step Process for Problem Solving

    Choose a strategy, or combination of strategies. Make a record of false starts, and your corrections. Carry out the plan. Clearly and precisely describe verbally each step of the plan. Verify that each step has been done correctly. Provide mathematical justification for the step (a convincing argument)

  5. 20 Effective Math Strategies For Problem Solving

    Here are five strategies to help students check their solutions. 1. Use the Inverse Operation. For simpler problems, a quick and easy problem solving strategy is to use the inverse operation. For example, if the operation to solve a word problem is 56 ÷ 8 = 7 students can check the answer is correct by multiplying 8 × 7.

  6. 10.1: George Polya's Four Step Problem Solving Process

    Step 2: Devise a Plan: Below are some strategies one might use to solve a problem. Can one (or more) of the following strategies be used? Can one (or more) of the following strategies be used? (A strategy is defined as an artful means to an end.)

  7. 1.5: Problem Solving

    Solution. Step 1: Understanding the problem. We are given in the problem that there are 25 chickens and cows. All together there are 76 feet. Chickens have 2 feet and cows have 4 feet. We are trying to determine how many cows and how many chickens Mr. Jones has on his farm. Step 2: Devise a plan.

  8. What IS Problem-Solving?

    Another common strategy for teaching problem-solving is the use of acrostics that students can easily remember to perform the "steps" in problem-solving. CUBES is an example. Just as with keywords, however, students often follow the steps with little understanding. As an example, a common step is to underline or highlight the question.

  9. 4 Steps in Solving Problems

    Learn the steps you can follow to solve any math word problem.We hope you are enjoying this video! For more in-depth learning, check out (https:...

  10. Intermediate Algebra Tutorial 8

    The following formula will come in handy for solving example 6: Perimeter of a Rectangle = 2 (length) + 2 (width) Example 6 : In a blueprint of a rectangular room, the length is 1 inch more than 3 times the width. Find the dimensions if the perimeter is to be 26 inches. Step 1: Understand the problem.

  11. Microsoft Math Solver

    Online math solver with free step by step solutions to algebra, calculus, and other math problems. Get help on the web or with our math app. ... Type a math problem. Quadratic equation { x } ^ { 2 } - 4 x - 5 = 0. Trigonometry. 4 \sin \theta \cos \theta = 2 \sin \theta. Linear equation. y = 3x + 4. Arithmetic. 699 * 533 ...

  12. 4 Best Steps To Problem Solving in Math That Lead to Results

    In the past, we would teach the concepts and procedures and then assign one-step "story" problems designed to provide practice on the content. Next, we would teach problem solving as a collection of strategies such as "draw a picture" or "guess and check.". Eventually, students would be given problems to apply the skills and strategies.

  13. Step-by-Step Calculator

    Symbolab is the best step by step calculator for a wide range of math problems, from basic arithmetic to advanced calculus and linear algebra. It shows you the solution, graph, detailed steps and explanations for each problem. ... and plan a strategy for solving the problem. en. Related Symbolab blog posts. Practice, practice, practice. Math ...

  14. Microsoft Math Solver

    Get math help in your language. Works in Spanish, Hindi, German, and more. Online math solver with free step by step solutions to algebra, calculus, and other math problems. Get help on the web or with our math app.

  15. Polya's Problem Solving Process

    Polya's four step method for problem solving is. 1) Understand the Problem-Make sure you understand what the question is asking and what information will be used to solve the problem. 2) Devise a ...

  16. 1.3: Problem Solving Strategies

    In 1945, Pólya published the short book How to Solve It, which gave a four-step method for solving mathematical problems: First, you have to understand the problem. After understanding, then make a plan. ... Problem Solving Strategy 9 (Find the Math, Remove the Context). Sometimes the problem has a lot of details in it that are unimportant ...

  17. Step-by-Step Math Problem Solver

    QuickMath will automatically answer the most common problems in algebra, equations and calculus faced by high-school and college students. The algebra section allows you to expand, factor or simplify virtually any expression you choose. It also has commands for splitting fractions into partial fractions, combining several fractions into one and ...

  18. 4 Ways to Improve Your Problem-Solving Skills

    Here are four ways to improve your problem-solving skills: . 1. Learn how to identify the problem. On tests, a significant amount of time is wasted when a student is unsure what the problem is about. Occasionally, the source of an incorrect answer is rooted not in misinformation, but rather in misunderstanding.

  19. Math Equation Solver

    You can solve multiplication and division during the same step in the math problem: after solving for parentheses, exponents and radicals and before adding and subtracting. Proceed from left to right for multiplication and division. Solve addition and subtraction last after parentheses, exponents, roots and multiplying/dividing. ...

  20. Symbolab

    Fractions Radical Equation Factoring Inverse Quadratic Simplify Slope Domain Antiderivatives Polynomial Equation Log Equation Cross Product Partial Derivative Implicit Derivative Tangent Complex Numbers. Symbolab: equation search and math solver - solves algebra, trigonometry and calculus problems step by step.

  21. Equation Solver

    Algebra. Equation Solver. Step 1: Enter the Equation you want to solve into the editor. The equation calculator allows you to take a simple or complex equation and solve by best method possible. Step 2: Click the blue arrow to submit and see the result! The equation solver allows you to enter your problem and solve the equation to see the result.

  22. Algebra Calculator

    The Algebra Calculator is a versatile online tool designed to simplify algebraic problem-solving for users of all levels. Here's how to make the most of it: ... Improve your math skills: 😍 Step by step: In depth solution steps: ⭐️ Rating: 4.6 based on 20924 reviews algebra-calculator. en.

  23. Mathway

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  25. 1.1: Introduction to Problem Solving

    The very first Mathematical Practice is: Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. Mathematically proficient students start by explaining to themselves the meaning of a problem and looking for entry points to its solution. They analyze givens, constraints, relationships, and goals. They make conjectures about the form and meaning of ...

  26. [2406.02016] Adaptive and Optimal Second-order Optimistic Methods for

    We propose adaptive, line search-free second-order methods with optimal rate of convergence for solving convex-concave min-max problems. By means of an adaptive step size, our algorithms feature a simple update rule that requires solving only one linear system per iteration, eliminating the need for line search or backtracking mechanisms. Specifically, we base our algorithms on the optimistic ...

  27. 2.3.1: George Polya's Four Step Problem Solving Process

    Is this problem similar to another problem you have solved? Step 2: Devise a Plan: Below are some strategies one might use to solve a problem. Can one (or more) of the following strategies be used? (A strategy is defined as an artful means to an end.) 1.

  28. Mathful Review: Best Math AI Tool & Calculator with Steps

    The core of Mathful's offering is its Math AI solver, an AI-driven math assistant that goes beyond delivering answers. It breaks down mathematical problems into understandable steps, providing insights into the logic and processes needed to arrive at the solution. This approach not only aids in immediate problem-solving but fosters a deeper ...