
Speech on Value of Time

Time is a treasure that you own, but it’s always ticking away. It’s precious, yet unlike other treasures, you can’t save it for later. Each second that passes is a piece of this treasure you’ll never get back. Understand its value, and you understand the secret to a fulfilling life.

1-minute Speech on Value of Time

Dear friends, today I am here to talk about a topic that is universally acknowledged yet often ignored – ‘The Value of Time’. Let me begin by saying that time is an invaluable asset. Though intangible, it is more precious than any luxury in the world, because once lost, it can never be regained.

Every tick of the clock signifies that we are a moment closer to the end of our journey. It is an undeniable fact that life is short and uncertain. Therefore, it is crucial to make the most out of every moment we have. The significance of time can best be understood by the phrase, “Time and tide wait for none”. It does not matter who you are or what you do, time will not stop for you.

We often see people regretting that they did not do a particular thing at the right time. It is because they did not realize the value of time when they had the opportunity. The value of time is most evident in the times of crisis. It is then when we wish we had more time at our disposal.

To sum up, learning to respect time and use it wisely is a key to success. It is said that the wisest are those who make the best use of their time. So, let us not waste any more of this precious resource. Let’s make every second count, for the sands of time wait for no one.

Also check:

  • Essay on Value of Time
  • 10-lines on Value of Time

2-minute Speech on Value of Time

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I’m here to talk about something we all possess, yet often fail to acknowledge the importance of – Time. The value of time is immeasurable and it’s the one thing we all have in common, regardless of our age, profession, or nationality.

Time, it is said, is the most valuable thing a person can spend. But unlike money or material possessions, the time you have today cannot be saved for tomorrow. It is continuously moving, and once a moment has passed, it is gone forever. We often hear phrases like “there’s always tomorrow” or “maybe next time”, but the truth is, the time we have at this moment is the only time we’re certain of.

Every tick of the clock gives us an opportunity to create something valuable, something meaningful. Time is the canvas on which we paint the picture of our lives. Our achievements, our knowledge, our character – they are all products of the time we’ve invested. It is important to understand that time is not just about the ticking of seconds, minutes, and hours, but about the quality of how we spend those moments.

However, we often take time for granted. We waste it on trivial things, things that don’t enrich our lives in any way. This complacency comes from the illusion that we have an endless supply of time. But the uncomfortable truth is, our time is limited. We don’t know when the hourglass will run out. Hence, we must seize it, appreciate it, and make the most of it.

Making the most of our time doesn’t necessarily mean being busy every single moment. It means being productive, being mindful of how we use our time. It means setting clear goals and making sure we take steps every day towards achieving them. It means ensuring we set aside time for rest, for loved ones, for the things we love to do.

Moreover, we must also learn to respect others’ time. Just as we don’t want our time to be wasted, we should not waste others’ time. Respect for time is a reflection of respect for ourselves and others. It tells a lot about our character and our values.

In conclusion, the value of time is in its scarcity, its fleeting nature. Let’s appreciate the time we have, for it’s the most valuable asset we possess. Let’s invest it wisely, using it productively for personal growth, for helping others, for making a positive impact in the world. Remember, time is like a book. Each day is a new page. It’s up to us whether we fill it with meaningful words or leave it blank.

Thank you for your time.

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speech on time can't be wasted

Short Speech

Short Speech

Long And Short Speech For Everyone

Speech On Time Management For Students And Professionals

Are you constantly feeling overwhelmed by your never-ending to-do list? Do you struggle to stay focused and productive throughout the day?

If yes, then it is time to take control of your time management and increase your efficiency. In this fast-paced world, being able to effectively manage your time is critical to success.

Whether you’re a busy professional, a student juggling multiple responsibilities, or someone who just wants to make the most of your day, mastering the art of time management can help you accomplish more and reduce stress.

In this speech article, we’ll look into the secrets of time management, giving you practical strategies and tips to optimize your productivity. From prioritizing tasks to eliminating distractions, we’ll guide you through the process of changing your daily routine and achieving your goals. So, buckle up and get ready to reach your full potential with these powerful time management techniques.

Here I write two sample speeches, one for students and general public-oriented. And the second speech is for business persons or professionals.

Flow Of Speech

Greetings For Audience Introduction/ Attention Grabber Questions What is time management? A disadvantage of time waste Benefits of Time Management Step to manage time? Conclusion

Speech No 1: Speech On Time Management For Students

  • Speaker: Student, Any Educator
  • Audience: General public, Students

Ladies and gentlemen, My dear student and Present Dignitaries.

Do you ever feel like there just aren’t enough hours in the day to accomplish everything on your to-do list? If so, you’re not alone. In today’s fast-paced world, time management has become a crucial skill for success.

Time management refers to the process of planning and organizing time effectively in order to achieve our goals and make the most of each day. It’s a skill that’s important in today’s fast-paced world, where time slips away from us if we’re not careful.

The biggest disadvantage of wasting time is that it cannot be recovered. Time wasted is time lost forever. When we procrastinate or engage in unproductive activities, we miss out on opportunities to learn, grow, and accomplish our tasks. As the deadline approaches, we often find ourselves feeling stressed and overwhelmed, regretting the moments we wasted instead of using them wisely.

On the other hand, practicing good time management has many benefits. When we manage our time effectively, we can prioritize our tasks, set realistic goals, and maintain a healthy work-life balance.

By allocating our time wisely, we can reduce stress and increase productivity. We have more control over our schedules, allowing us to devote time to activities that bring us joy, nurture relationships, and pursue personal interests.

So, how can we manage our time effectively? Here are a few simple strategies:

  • Set clear goals: Start by identifying your goals and breaking them down into smaller, manageable tasks. This will help you stay focused and motivated.
  • Prioritize tasks: Determine which tasks are most important and tackle them first. That way, you ensure that important work gets done, even when unexpected distractions arise.
  • Create a Schedule: Develop a daily or weekly schedule to allot specific time slots for different activities. Be realistic about the time required for each task, and try to stick to your schedule as much as possible.
  • Avoid multitasking: Contrary to popular belief, multitasking often hinders productivity. Instead, focus on one task at a time, give it your full attention, and then move on to the next.
  • Learn to say no: It is important to recognize your limits and not push yourself too far. Saying no to non-urgent tasks or requests can free up time for more important priorities.
  • Take breaks: Regular breaks can actually increase productivity. Schedule short breaks between tasks to recharge and avoid burnout.
  • Reduce distractions: Identify and reduce distractions that keep you from staying on track. This could mean turning down your phone, closing unnecessary tabs on your computer, or finding a quiet workspace.

Finally, time management is a valuable skill that enables us to make the most of our time and achieve our goals. Save time and hope, we can experience stress, more productivity, and a sense of fulfillment in our personal and professional life. Embrace the power of management at times and every moment is important.

Speech No 2: Speech On Time Management For Business Personality

  • Speaker: Business Men/Women, Professional
  • Audience: Business Staff, Business Personality

Ladies and gentlemen,

Good morning/afternoon/evening! As business professionals, we are constantly navigating the dynamic and demanding world of commerce. Today, I want to address a topic that is essential for our success in this fast-paced environment: time management.

In our competitive industry, time is a valuable and finite resource. How we manage it can make all the difference in achieving our business goals and maintaining a competitive edge. Effective time management is not just a skill; it is a strategic advantage that allows us to maximize productivity, enhance decision-making, and foster growth in our organizations.

We are all aware of the consequences of poor time management in our professional endeavors. Missed deadlines, rushed projects and shoddy deliverables can damage our reputation and hinder our progress.

Furthermore, the stress and pressure caused by inefficient time allocation can negatively impact our decision-making abilities and hinder our ability to take advantage of opportunities. In the business world, wasted time leads to lost revenue, strained relationships, and unrealized potential.

On the other hand, adopting effective time management practices brings many benefits. By allocating our time wisely, we can optimize our productivity and efficiency, ensuring we deliver high-quality work within deadlines.

Through strategic planning and prioritization, we can focus on the most important tasks that drive revenue, innovation, and growth. Furthermore, effective time management enables us to strike a balance between our professional commitments and personal well-being, fostering a sustainable and fulfilling entrepreneurial journey.

Now, let us look at some practical strategies to master time management in our professional life:

  • Set strategic goals: Clearly define your business objectives and break them down into actionable steps. Ensure that each task contributes to your overall vision and mission.
  • Prioritize strategically: Identify the activities that have the greatest impact on the success of your business. Focus your time and energy on key initiatives that align with your strategic goals.
  • Plan strategically: Develop a comprehensive plan that outlines your short-term and long-term priorities. Break down your plan into specific timelines and milestones, allowing for flexibility and adaptation as needed.
  • Delegate tasks effectively: Identify your strengths and weaknesses and delegate tasks accordingly. Surround yourself with capable team members who can share the workload and contribute their expertise.
  • Eliminate time-wasting activities: Identify and eliminate or reduce activities that do not align with your strategic goals or provide value to your business. Streamline processes, automate tasks where possible, and optimize your workflow.
  • Embrace technology: Leverage productivity tools and technology to streamline your operations. Use project management software, communication platforms, and automation tools to increase collaboration, efficiency, and organization.
  • Continually learn and adapt: Stay updated with industry trends, best practices, and innovative approaches. Continually seek knowledge and skills that can optimize your time management strategies, and be prepared to refine your approach based on feedback and results.

In conclusion, as business professionals, our success depends on our ability to manage our time effectively. By adopting strategic time management practices, we can increase our productivity, decision-making ability, and overall business performance. Let us take this opportunity to make deliberate choices about how we allocate our time, and in doing so, set ourselves up for success in the dynamic world of business.

Thank you for your attention, and I wish you all fruitful endeavors in mastering the art of time management in your business pursuits.

You May Add In Your Speech

Here I add some points that you can add to your speech as per your audience’s needs or flow of your speech.

Use the Pomodoro Technique for time management : This technique involves working in short, focused bursts followed by brief breaks. Set a timer for 25 minutes and work on a task without distractions. After the timer goes off, take a 5-minute break before starting the next session.

Tools and Apps for Time Management

  • Todoist : A powerful task management app that allows you to create and organize tasks, set due dates, and track your progress.
  • Toggl : A time-tracking app that helps you understand how you spend your time. By tracking your time, you can identify areas where you can improve efficiency.
  • RescueTime : A productivity app that tracks how you spend your time on your devices. It provides insights into your digital habits and helps you eliminate distractions.
  • Evernote : A note-taking app that allows you to capture ideas, create to-do lists, and organize your thoughts. It syncs across devices, making it easy to access your notes wherever you are. These are just a few examples of the many tools available. Experiment with different tools and find the ones that work best for you.

Title of Time Management Speech

Quotes on time management.

  • You can add quotes at the start of the speech to grab the attention of the audience or at the end of the speech.
  • “Lack of direction, not lack of time, is the problem. We all have twenty-four-hour days.”-Zig Ziglar
  • Time is more valuable than money. You can get more money, but you cannot get more time. ~ Jim Rohn
  • Time is a created thing. To say “I don’t have time” is to say “I don’t want to”. ~ Lao Tzu
  • Whether it’s the best of times or the worst of times, it’s the only time we’ve got. ~ Art Buchwald

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How to Master the Art of Speech on Time: Tips and Examples

speech on time can't be wasted

I like building and growing simple yet powerful products for the world and the worldwide web.

Published Date : November 16, 2020

Reading Time :

Time is something we can’t discontinue after it passes the clock. However, speeches on how time was underrated, unlike money and school, can be remembered through a beautiful speech on time.

People like me have distractions and stressors in life; dealing with these all day is not just time-devouring but makes your day meaningless. Time is free. 

Everyone can experience the power of time; however, people waste it all.  People fail to take the objective of time and try to avoid that mistake.

 I will share some essential tips on how to write a speech on the importance of time management.

Do you ever wonder why time is so underrated yet important? Let me tell you. First, time is irreplaceable; you can’t bring back the time and vice versa; you can’t take back what you have done. 

Second, time teaches you life lessons. And lastly, it connects you to other people.

Importance of Giving Speech on Time 

Time is undervalued by some people nowadays. But did you know that this can help you do better and be more than who you are now?

Giving yourself and others 10 minutes to discuss your wounds and thoughts could change your life. Lending a hand and a minute to strangers could also be a powerful help.

Speak to a homeless man in a minute; indeed, they may feel more human and not outsiders and realize that any amount of time can be called a “time well spent.”

Every inch of time you spend with other people shows the significance of time. Furthermore, way back before the Christ era, time was also debatable. Here are some philosophers. 

For philosophers like Plato, time is celestial motion. That means time is divine and goes around repeatedly.  For Aristotle, time is appealing and striking but vague. It shows that time has no beginning and end; it depends upon the person who will begin the first moment and set the time.

Like those philosophers, you can also bring about the value, idea, and concept of time to open, not solely the eyes and ears. But even the youth’s minds can waste no time on unnecessary things through a beautiful speech and an eye-awakening speech on the importance of time management.

speech on time

Things You Should Understand About Time

Writing a speech on time may seem challenging and demanding with the fast-changing life phases. Most people care more about worldly things, luxury, and other symbols of success in life, such as big houses, fancy clothes, cars, and jewelry.

By that, they waste their youth and days to finish workloads, not enjoying their time left. 

Moreover, people must value time and understand how it works. It is better to respect it and have more tasks done than waste less time.

 Let me discuss the following vital things you need to know about time. And learn to write a speech on the importance of time management.


First, time helps you and allows you to be punctual and reliable. Not to get things neither too early nor too late. But to get it and be there in that perfect time than others. 

Apart from that, you are showing respect to other people you have to meet. It teaches us how to meet people, greet people, and get people at the same time without hassling and stress. 

Time is Valuable

Are you the person likely looking most at their money, savings, and bank accounts? So, someone who exhausts too much on spending money to buy 24k things and other stuff?

 If you do, you are wasting your time. 

We all know that money can buy everything in this world; however, money can’t buy time and can’t bring back time. Also, money can’t buy affection and memories. 

Meaning that time holds fondness, admiration, appreciation, and more that people need to complete themselves and feed their spirits. It is something you feel in your heart and melts you, and that’s speech on time.

Importance of Time Management

Time allows you to be flexible according to your phase and teaches you to accomplish and attain more based on time management. This teaches you to take more opportunities and encourages you to surpass your limits.

Did you hear India Time, Filipino Time, and American Time? If not, these ideas came from taking the power of time for granted. Instead of arriving at 6 pm, they will come late or early. 

However, even if it sounds disrespectful, it becomes a tradition as people normalize. Respecting other people’s time shows courtesy.

Value their time as much as you handle your time to build good relationships and useful connections. 

Unpredictable Future 

“Gone too soon” is the phrase we are more likely to hear after a young individual dies. “This man does not enough bond with his children to give them a comfortable life,” while this one we can hear after a father died. 

The future is not ours to control; you should try to avoid regrets before your time comes. 

Furthermore, people should stop the habit of laziness and try to do things and workloads on time to bond more with their loved ones.

The Best Medicine

Time can mend all the pain, wounds, and scars you have in your heart. It heals our soul and past. Through time, you become mature and glow like sunshine after the storm. 

Apart from medical treatments, people intake to heal, and taking time for a break can be a huge factor for your healing or recovery. 

How to Write a Speech on Time

After defining what time and its value are, you should now inform yourself of the pointers you need to write a good speech on time. 

Time is fair to all people. Thus, people make it unfair. Since this topic is relatable to all ages, here are other tips on writing or giving a speech about time. 

1. Know Your Limits

Speeches can be formal, informal, semi-formal, and casual. But on this topic, you must contemplate your language and medium. 

Consider your audience’s sensitivity to slang and words that may trigger your listeners. Know how long your speech can be and always stick to your purpose. 

What stage of time do you want to tackle? Teenage days? Adulthood? or do you want them to be ready as they enter parenthood? Clear it to your audience.

2. Calculate Your Words

There are different speech lengths: a 1-minute speech , a 3-minute, 5 to 7, and a 10-minute speech . To avoid mistakes, always write according to the scope of the topic and purpose. If you can be precise, do it. 

  • 100 to 300 words for a 1-2 minute speech
  • 500 words for a 2-3 minute speech
  • One thousand words for a 4-5 minute speech .     

  Be specific and straightforward. It would be best if you avoided word-by-word speeches.   

3. Tell Stories Not Facts

Speeches on time didn’t need to be based on science, facts, and history. To grab your listeners’ attention and heart, tell them warm stories, life lessons, and motivational stories to inspire them to live great, not waste time. 

Make them cry, laugh, and sad through your stories; with that, they will realize the value of your speech on time.

4. Know Your Purpose

Imparting your motive and objective should be seen in the first sentence of your first paragraph. Knowing your purpose helps you drive your speech quickly and smoothly. 

If you want a flawless speech on time, you should point out your purpose quickly. 

5. Write for Ears, Not for the Eyes

Presence and posture are the most striking in delivering a speech . But apart from these elements, you must also write effortlessly to feed your audience’s ears. 

Make them listen to you, let them think of you, and believe in your short speech on time.

speech on time

Mistakes in Writing Speech on Time 

To balance the idea of how to write a speech on time, you should start avoiding these things so that you can do more and better.

1. Out of Purpose

Talking about time is not as heavy as the financial crisis, fatalities, violence, and other enormous topics. But people tend to deliver its purpose hard, forcing their audience to listen to every pointer.

Some public speakers and students are swayed by putting unnecessary details in the opening remarks of their speeches. 

In speeches on time, grasp the purpose tightly until the very end. The delivery method matters; if you speak casually but gently and with a soft voice, go for it up to the end. 

Sometimes, the purpose is there, but the delivery method can affect your goal and objective. 

2. Using Repetitive Words and Phrases

Stop delivering obvious and clichè meanings of time. Your audience will leave you if you say things usually said every day about time.

However, speak about what you think they were lacking and elaborate on it.

3. Not Sorting it Out to Parts

Vague speeches on time is a waste of time. Considering that “time” is ambiguous, you can chop your speech into five parts. You can have an introduction, pointers one to three, and a conclusion. 

With this, your audience can listen to you throughout your speech .

4. Wasting the Opening

Don’t start your opening speech on time with vague phrases and with “hi” and “hello.” Start it with a dynamic and robust statement that will capture your audience’s attention. 

5. Too Long

Most speakers write long speeches on time, believing the longer, the better. But it’s not, people nowadays want instant food, transportation and such.

 It is also correlated to speech on time. If you can bring the best about “time,” show it. 

6. Giving Facts Than Life Lessons

People are more in touch, hearing warm stories and stories that will boost their motivation. Instead of telling what the meaning of time is in science,

Tell stories of what is time for a 70-year-old war veteran, a teen, and a parent who loses her or his youth after entering parenthood. It makes sense to science. 

Steps To Follow for a Good Speech 

I know you are confused about starting a speech . Here are the steps for creating a short speech on time and the recommended speech coach app to achieve a fair and high-quality speech . 

Step 1: Know Your Audience

If your audience is older than you, make your words polite but striking. But if your listeners are younger than you, make it simple yet interactive. 

Know their ages and interests. It will help you have an engaging speech . But if you are not confident in filtering your words.

 The Orai speech coach can boost your confidence and help you clarify your choice of words.

Step 2: Collect Warm Stories

If you hesitate to add these types of information, Welcome and farewell speeches need warm stories to captivate your listeners’ hearts. 

Orai can listen first to your speech and help you handle your short speech on time, not too cheesy but not too gloomy.

Step 3: Create and Know Your Purpose

Having a purpose is the most critical element of a speech . Always stick to it. Dig it. Imparting a clear objective to your listeners can make you a good speaker.

Not all speakers can do that. To avoid it and achieve quality speech , get a speech coach like Orai to guarantee you deliver an address at its finest. 

You can watch free speech lessons and how to analyze speeches according to the topic. 

Step 4: Define Your Topic

Speakers should avoid plagiarism to define the topic of speech . To have your definition of the subject, collect facts and information connected to it, and interpret those pieces of information in your own words and knowledge.

A speech coach , like Orai, can define terms that may help you interpret your speech . You will save time and escape stress since Orai exists hassle-free. 

Step 5: Develop Your Outline

Before speaking to Orai, ensure you have an outline for your speech . With that, you can easily distinguish your pointers and which parts need emphasis. 

Step 6: Write! Write! Write!

Along with using Orai, continuously improving your speech can make it more extraordinary. There are some circumstances in which we forget or overlook good ideas in our minds. 

Also, developing your topic can make it concrete and tangible.

speech on time

5 DO’s and Don’ts on Speech

Let’s sort things shortly with a table; you can also do your table, which will help you to have a heads up anytime. 

Evaluate Your Speech On Time

To deliver a good speech , you must ensure it is quality, well done, and has clear pointers. Apart from the mandatory purpose in speech , try to check your works through this.

You can also create one and try to answer it to others to get a unique result. Here is a template to rate your speech on the importance of time management. (1-5.)

Examples of Speech on Time  

Speeches can be long and short, depending on the setting and schedule.  To be more motivated in public speaking and to deliver a speech on time, you can get assistance from a speech coach , Orai. 

Let me give you a speech on the importance of watching time management videos. Enjoy!

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Raising kids confidently and not letting them have stage fright is vital for all parents. 

To inspire you and your kids, watch this one-minute speech on time by Prithvi Hedge.

  • Motivational Speech On Time

Are you feeling down about how time flies so fast? Get this motivational speech on time video to help yourself. Lift your head. Here is The Value of Time.

Insert video: https://youtu.be/5e6VriahPsQ

  • A Striking Speech on Time:  The Value of Time

Are you searching for a simple speech on time for your kid? It will suit you—the importance of Time.

  • A Video Presentation About Time

If you want to write a memorable and provoking speech on time, get a grip on this one. Don’t waste your time. 

  • Engageable Speech on Time

Try to be more motivated and inspired by watching this fantastic video with fast phases and changing video effects.

 You can also share this with your friends who want to write about time. Stop Wasting Time

How can one practice and improve their speaking pace using exercises and tools like metronomes and practice scenarios?

Practice speaking at varying paces using tools like metronomes and online scenarios. Don’t be a robot; use the rhythm to emphasize key points and keep your audience engaged. Adapt your pace to different contexts through simulated practice, receive feedback, and improve your overall presentation skills. Remember, a dynamic pace is key!

What role does culture play in determining the natural speaking pace of individuals?

From bustling cities to quieter countryside, individuals’ speaking pace reveals hidden influences. Cultural norms, regional speed, and even language fluency all shape how quickly people talk, creating a fascinating symphony of speech rhythms across the globe.

How does speaking quickly or slowly affect audience engagement and comprehension?

Speaking quickly can generate enthusiasm, urgency, and emotions in the audience. However, if prolonged, it can overwhelm listeners and reduce their engagement. On the other hand, speaking slowly may indicate importance, sadness, or seriousness, capturing the audience’s attention and allowing them to understand each word better. Yet, an entire presentation at a slow pace risks boring the audience, leading to disinterest as they await the main point. Striking a balance between speaking quickly and slowly is crucial to maintaining audience engagement and ensuring effective communication.

Why is it recommended to vary your speaking rate throughout a speech?

Spice up your speech ! Varying your pace isn’t just engaging; it’s impactful. Faster speeds convey excitement; slower ones add weight to key points. This emotional rollercoaster keeps your audience hooked and helps your message land deep. Ditch the monotone, speak dynamically, and connect with your listeners on a new level.

Is speaking rate important in delivering a speech effectively?

Slow down to emphasize, speed up to excite, but keep it clear! Speaking rate matters, but so does clarity . Even Tony Robbins, the fast-talker, relies on understandable language and pronunciation. Find the balance between pace, clarity , and articulation to connect with your audience and make your message stick truly.

Who holds the world record for the fastest speaking rate, and what is the rate?

Steven Woodmore, a British electronics salesman and comedian, holds the world record for the fastest speaking rate. He is known for his remarkable ability to articulate at a rate of 637 words per minute, four times faster than the average person. The Guinness Book of World Records recognized Woodmore as the world’s fastest talker, a title he held for five years after surpassing the previous record holder, John Moschitta, Jr.

What is the average speaking rate for presentations, conversations, audiobooks, radio hosting, auctioneers, and commentators?

The average speaking rate varies depending on the situation: presentations stay between 100-150 words per minute for clarity , conversations land in the 120-150 range, and audiobooks hit an upper limit of 150-160 for comfortable listening. Radio hosts and podcasters match that pace while auctioneers fire off about 250 words per minute, and sports commentators can even reach a lightning-fast 250-400 words per minute!

How can I calculate my speaking rate in words per minute (wpm)?

Want to know your speaking speed? Record yourself for a few minutes, count the words in the transcript (or use a speech -to-text tool), and then divide that number by the recording time in minutes. Boom! The speaking rate was revealed! Remember, comfortable conversation speeds are around 120-150 words per minute, but presenters, hosts, and even auctioneers can fly higher!

How do the speaking rates of popular TED Talks compare, and what is the average speaking rate for these talks?

The analysis of five popular TED Talks revealed a range of speaking rates, with the average rate calculated to be 173 words per minute. This average was derived from presentations varying in duration, from shorter speeches to ones lasting up to 22 minutes. The study included the time dedicated to speaking and moments like audience applause and transitions between slides. The analysis found a diverse spectrum of speaking rates among the talks, ranging from 154 to 201 words per minute.

Delivering a short speech on time can be an eye-opener for people who don’t care about time. It also practices your public speaking with a purpose. Practice your speech on the Orai app,  an AI powered speech app, it offers interactive lessons and detailed analysis of recorded speech to help you ace any speech topics!

Catch the tips and steps on how to make a short speech on time management. All in all, make yourself proud and use your time wisely. Have a good day!


speech on time

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Speech on Value of Time for Students in English [3 Minutes*]

December 10, 2020 by Sandeep

Speech on Value of Time: The most precious asset in everybody’s lives is time. We should spend our time judiciously. Time is more valuable than money as time once lost can never be regained back. Successful and high flying people are excellent time managers. Productively using available time increases our efficiency and makes us more efficient. Strategically using time involves planning, prioritizing, setting goals and striking the right balance.

Speech on Value of Time 500 Words in English

Below we have provided Value of Time Speech in English, written in easy and simple words for class 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 school students.

Good morning to everyone present here. I am going to present a speech on, i.e. Value of Time.

Time is the most precious thing on this earth. It has been quoted by Folklore that “Time waits for no one”. All our lives revolve around time. It is vital for every one of us. Understanding the value of time is essential because once the time is wasted, it is not going to come back to any of us. It is better to follow & respect time instead of regretting about it later. Time is like an opportunity which is given only once.

People who understand the importance of life are always on time. Punctuality is the first step towards a successful life. If a person is not punctual, he needs to follow a lot of adverse consequences in his life. It misbalance the life around us. Next important thing is the management of time, it acts as a critical factor for success in anyone’s life. Especially in a student’s lifetime management is essential for overall growth.

Professionals also will not deny agreeing to the fact that time management is key to success. We all must learn the value of time not only for ourselves but also to respect the time other people invest in a particular activity. We all are aware that the future is unpredictable, so to keep us updated with the fast-changing world we all must respect time. Working hard & performing all tasks has no value if you do not do it on time.

Ovid says “Time is the best medicine”. Time has already proved us that with time all our wounds heels. Forgiveness is also a product of time, with passing time we start forgiving people for their misdeeds. I tried to highlight to you all the critical aspects of life. We all must remember that time is excellent; it is even above money. People who keep giving excuses for doing work are usually involved in wasting time leads to nowhere in life.

Everyone is given 24 hours & it entirely depends on the person how time is being managed & utilised. Understanding the value of time will lead us in the path of success. We all must realise that we cannot keep today’s hours for tomorrow; we need to spend every minute of our lives wisely. Stephen R. Covey quoted “The key is in not spending time, but in investing it.” I am glad that I got the opportunity to share my thoughts on Value of Time with all of you.

Short Speech on Value of Time 150 Words

A warm welcome to everyone over here. Today I ………… is going put forward my thoughts on Value of Time.

Time is, above all in our lives. Once lost, we cannot get back it. It always runs in the forward direction & never in the backward direction. Everything in the world needs time; nothing happens before time. If something is not done in time, that means we have lost time for forever. Now for us students understanding the importance of time is paramount. We all must realise that time management is the key to success.

Prioritising things & doing things on time is the key to success. It makes all our lives simpler. Let me give an example if we do not study every day & cope up with the syllabus; it will be challenging for us to complete the whole syllabus just before the exam. It is a simple example of time management. Starting from waking up in the morning to going to bed, we all must maximise the utilisation of this golden opportunity we get.

Time is valueless; it cannot be compared with the other physical things available in our life. Harvey Mackay quoted that “Time is free, but it’s priceless. You cannot own it, but you can use it. You cannot keep it, but you can spend it. Once you have lost it, you can never get it back”. He has just explained every aspect of time in his thoughts. We all must respect & value the time we have. Our thoughts should be proper utilisation of time without wasting a single minute. This will lead us in the path of glory & success.

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Speech on Value of Time in English for Students

Speech on topic importance of time.

Time is very important in life. No one can escape the passing of time. If time is managed properly it would lead to the development of a good habit of organizing the daily activities.

Students should understand the importance of time. It will help them in managing time properly. 

Below 2 speeches are given on the importance of time, A long speech on value of time in student’ life and a short speech on value of time in students' life. These speeches will help the students to understand how precious time is. 

 Long Speech on Topic Importance of Time

‘Good morning everyone’! Today I want to talk about the importance of time. So what is time? Well, time is measured by hours, days years, and so on. Time is very important in life. No one can escape the passing of time. If time is managed properly it would lead to the development of a good habit of organizing the daily activities. We all cannot escape time and are subject to ageing and mortality. 

Time plays an important role in everyone’s life. If time is invested properly it could be used to develop a skill. Time also healing a person both externally and internally. 

Time is considered to be the ultimate thing that cannot be measured. When proper work is done and completed on time it will yield a fruitful result. 

As the proverb goes “TIme and tide wait for none”, all the students should understand this proverb. Time waits for no one and it just passes by. It is the duty of the person to value time and manage it properly so that the task could be completed. 

Students should understand that time is invaluable. People think that money has the most value on Earth but it is not. Time is more valuable than money. Lost money can be earned back but lost time cannot be and nothing can stop the flow of time in our lives. Time is precious and it is required that everyone should use it wisely. 

So the next question that comes to everyone’s mind is how to use time wisely? Well, there is the word for that and that is ‘Discipline’. Everyone should have discipline in every walk of life. If we are disciplined in our life no one can raise a finger against us. 

Discipline plays an important role in students’ life. If the student shows discipline and if is always on time. It is a sign of maturity and he or she will be appreciated by the teachers. 

The next thing that I want to talk about is Time management as it is required to understand the value of time. A person who completes his or her work on time will in turn help them to be successful. 

Students should develop the habit of time management as early as possible. While preparing for an exam, time management plays an important role. Students who manage their time by studying a particular subject at a particular time help the students to complete the syllabus in time and perform well in exams. 

To conclude this speech, I want to say that everyone should develop a habit to complete a particular task in that frame of time. The task could be anything from preparing for exams, working out, or sleeping. Completing the task on time will help in saving the time which could be used to develop a new skill. History is evident that all successful people in the world are very good at managing time. Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Oprah Winfrey, and so on manages time very effectively and use the free time to read books. The most important people in the world are very conscious of the value of time. Hence, we should also not waste time and try to make the best use of it. Thank You. 

Short Speech on Value of Time in Students Life

‘Good morning everyone’! Today I want to talk about the importance of time. Time is measured by hours, days years, and so on. Time is very important in life. No one can escape the passing of time. Time plays an important role in everyone’s life. If time is invested properly it could be used to develop a skill. Time also healing a person both externally and internally.

As the proverb goes “TIme and tide wait for none”, all the students should understand this proverb. It is the duty of the person to value time and manage it properly so that the task could be completed. 

Students should understand that time is invaluable. Time is more valuable than money. Lost money can be earned back but lost time cannot be and nothing can stop the flow of time in our lives. Time is precious and it is required that everyone should use it wisely. 

Time management is required to understand the value of time. A person who completes his or her work on time will in turn help them to be successful. 

To conclude this speech, I want to say that everyone should develop a habit to complete a particular task in that frame of time. The most important people in the world are very conscious of the value of time. Hence, we should also not waste time and try to make the best use of it. Thank You. 

10 Lines About Speech on Value of Time in Students Life

Time is measured by hours, days years, and so on. Time is very important in life.

Time is considered to be the ultimate thing that cannot be measured. When proper work is done and completed on time it will yield a fruitful result.

Time waits for no one and it just passes by. It is the duty of the person to value time and manage it properly so that the task could be completed. 

Time is more valuable than money. Lost money can be earned back but lost time cannot be and nothing can stop the flow of time in our lives.

Time is precious and it is required that everyone should use it wisely. 

Discipline plays an important role in students’ life. If students a disciplined in life they will achieve success one day.

Time management is required to understand the value of time. 

Students should develop the habit of time management as early as possible. It will help them to excel in exams.

The most important people in the world are very conscious of the value of time. Hence, we should also not waste time and try to make the best use of it.


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5 Motivational Speeches About Time Management

speech on time can't be wasted

  • July 4, 2016

Time management is one of the key factors to success in any field of work. It is important for your personal life and for your career. Time management teaches you patience and how to tackle difficult tasks in a given space of time. It teaches you how to make the most of your valuable time and increases your productivity and efficiency.

But what basically is time management?

It is a set of teachings, practices, skills and tools that allow you to learn the importance of time and how to manage work.

A person who is an expert at managing time effectively is always a step ahead of every other person in the room. They can speed up how they work and can enjoy more leisure activities in life. Some of the world’s most successful people are experts in managing time, and they teach this to others too that time management is the sole key to success.

There is some time management software , which will help you work more productively and help you time yourself. This software will help you with time management. “A man who dares to waste one hour of life has not discovered the value of life.” – Charles Darwin.

In this article, we will tell you a few reasons why time management is so important and will motivate you so that you can manage your time more advantageously. Here are some of the reasons:

See also: Manage your time with the Best Free Time Tracking Software for Freelancers

Andy Puddicombe – All it takes is ten mindful minutes

Andy Puddicombe said that always take time to plan out every minute of the day, from what you have to do to your breaks, you write down everything on your down and then prioritize. You might think this is time wasting, but in reality, it saves you a lot of time. Time will not repeat itself. So get up and do what is to be done!

Arianna Huffington – How to succeed? Get more sleep

Arianna Huffington said that “Sleep is as important as working throughout the day. She stressed on how the right amount of sleep can not only make you more productive but also make you better at what you do. This makes you a better wife and a better mother to your children.

Better sleep allows you to work more productively.

The truth is all about time management! Your daily routine should consist of some rest, socializing and most importantly exercising your body. I n between all this, you should always find time for what you need to do. This is wise time management.

See also: Manage your time better with top 10 Time Tracking Software with Desktop App

Nilofer Merchant – Got a meeting? Take a walk

Nilofer Merchant stressed how important it is to “create” the moment, not wait for it. She said that your body needs exercise so that it can remain fresh and able to carry you throughout the whole day. So, exercise is as important as work.

Tony Robbins – Why we do what we do

Tony Robbins talked about understanding what motivates you and to make that an important part of your daily life , so you know where to look to if you need your daily motivation. It will make you a better person.

Nigel Marsh – How to make work-life balance work

Lastly, Nigel Marsh talked about how to get a balance in your life by doing all that you love and work.

We hope this article proves useful to you and motivates you to become a better version of yourself.

Time is in your hands, so motivate yourself with these inspiring speeches and improve time management skills. Support it with easy-to-use tools.

Automated time tracking software - TimeCamp

Amazing task management app - TimeCamp Planner

See also: Top 10 Time Tracking Software for Linux

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Ola Rybacka Content Specialist at TimeCamp, foodie and doxie lover, full-time otaku. よろしくお願いします!

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speech on time can't be wasted

wow really helpful

speech on time can't be wasted

Thanks for collecting these perfect time management speeches! I’ve heard the one from Tony Robbins before, but the rest are also very helpful.

speech on time can't be wasted

5 Motivational Speeches About Time Management – Nice post. I was checking constantly this blog and I’m impressed! Very useful information specifically the last part 🙂 I care for such information a lot. I was looking for this certain information for a very long time. Thank you and good luck.- calator.tel

speech on time can't be wasted

Great article post. Awesome.

speech on time can't be wasted

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“Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.” ~George Bernard Shaw

I wanted a guarantee.

I wanted to know for sure that if I tried to do something, I would like it; if I devoted my limited time to it, I’d end up somewhere good.

I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life, and I felt certain this was a phenomenal failing—because if you don’t know right now what you need to do to make your life count, life will pass you by before you’ve ever had a chance to do something meaningful or valuable. At least, that’s what I thought back then.

So I sat around thinking, analyzing, trying to identify something big enough or good enough , terrified that maybe I’d spend the rest of my days feeling purposeless, useless, on the fringe; doing the same thing in my professional life as I’d always done in my personal life: feeling like I was on the outside looking in.

When you’re sitting amid a vast expanse of possibilities, in the pressure cooker of expectations and impatience, it can feel almost paralyzing.

What step do you take when you have a hunch but no solid sense of direction? If it’s only a hunch, then maybe it’s the wrong direction .

And what if you go in the wrong direction? Then you will have wasted time, and time is finite. And everyone else is so far ahead. Everyone else seems happy and successful. Everyone else is climbing the ladder, earning more money, making a difference, mattering .

What if you never matter? What if you never do anything important? And worst of all, what if you never have more than a hunch about what’s important to you?

What if you never feel a spark, a purpose, that elusive “why” that so many people write about?

What if you never care about anything so strongly that it becomes the bliss you have to follow?

Sitting in the Times Square Internet café over a decade ago, searching Craigslist for jobs and gigs, I felt a sense of panic and urgency. I needed to figure it out, and fast.

I was blinded by the fear of never finding what I was looking for, and that made the looking awfully ineffective.

I thought there was something wrong with me for being so uncertain, so resistant, so unable to identify and commit to any path.

In retrospect, I see there was nothing wrong with me , or where I was in life. And there was nothing wrong with living in the maybe, looking for new possibilities.

I wasn’t ineffective because I didn’t yet feel a strong internal pull. I was ineffective because I consistently marinated my brain in anxious, self-judging thoughts.

My biggest obstacle wasn’t that I felt lost; it was that I felt I shouldn’t be. I felt I should have known, right then, not only what I wanted to do but also how I was going to do it.

Because without knowing those two things, I felt adrift and incredibly out of control. How can you let yourself ease into the moment if you can’t be sure it’s leading to a better one?

If I were to walk into that Internet café and approach my younger self, she would probably ignore me, immersed as she was in her frantic searching.

But if I somehow had the power to command her attention, I’d tell her a few things that maybe, just maybe, could relieve her constant worrying and provide both peace of mind and focus.

You’ll never be effective if you’re convinced tomorrow needs to be better than today, because this belief stems from resistance to the present—and the present is where your power lies.

If you’re looking for purpose from a place of inadequacy, you will likely be too overwhelmed by the need to do something big, that matters to the world at large, to identify what matters to you personally and start taking tiny steps toward it.

Instead of looking for a guarantee that tomorrow will be valuable, know that today is valuable—that you’re not wasting time because you don’t yet feel a sense of purpose. You’re using time well by starting (or continuing) the process of discovering it.

There’s simply no shortcut to “figuring things out”—for anyone. Instead of being hard on yourself for not having clarity , be proud of yourself for moving forward on a foggy road when you could easily find a cloudless, well-beaten path to follow…to certain dissatisfaction.

There’s no set timeframe for doing anything.

You truly can do things in your own time without having to worry about being “behind.” Sometimes it’s the things we do that feel like “stalling” or “getting off track” that end up being the most helpful for our growth.

And besides, what story will be more interesting to flash before your eyes in the end: one that unfolded in ways you never expected, with unique twists and turns; or, one that followed a specific, predetermined timeline with predictable steps from milestone to milestone?

The best way to find direction is to trust your instincts instead of forcing yourself to do things because you think you “should.”

Your intuition is a powerful compass , and even if you think you aren’t making progress, if you’re following your instincts, you are.

There are always going to be opportunities that look good on paper, and that little, scared voice within may tell you that your life will only matter if you take them.

Other people may also tell you this, if not directly, indirectly; or, you may assume they’re thinking this, when really, they’re too immersed in their own confusing journey to pass judgment on yours for long.

But sometimes the best opportunities are the ones you don’t take, leaving yourself open for choices that better align with your own values and priorities.

I know this may sound as impossible as growing another lung, but try not to worry so much about what other people might think. They may have expectations, but they aren’t living inside your mind, or feeling your instincts.

The only one who can make wise decisions for you is you. And even if it makes you feel anxious at times, you will eventually thank yourself for being brave enough to follow your heart, not someone else’s head.

When it comes to creating purpose, there truly is no “wrong” decision.

You may think you only have one purpose and that you need to push yourself to find it. And you can continue thinking this, if you’re okay with feeling chronically pressured and scared.

Or, instead of aiming to discover the one thing you’re supposed to do with your life, you could focus on discovering the one thing you want to try right now , knowing that you can change direction any time. And that changing direction won’t be something to be ashamed of; it won’t mean you failed at discovering your purpose before. It will mean you had one purpose then, and now your purpose has evolved.

It will mean you’re brave enough to let yourself evolve , repeatedly undertaking the sometimes terrifying process of discovering what else you can do.

Maybe that in itself can be a purpose—to live life in that vulnerable, uncertain place where you’re not boxed into one way of being; unencumbered by the need to define yourself and your place in the world; free to roam when it would feel much safer to tether yourself to one role.

Ten years ago I thought I was a failure because I hadn’t done anything that felt important. I now know it was all important, and not just because it brought me to this site.

All those steps were important because those steps were my life. And my life is valuable and worth enjoying regardless of what I do professionally.

Ironically, adopting this mindset makes it so much easier to create meaning in life, because suddenly it’s not about what you have to do. It’s about what you want to do. It’s about where your heart’s pulling you in this moment.

And that’s what it means to find direction—to follow those pulls, without a guarantee, knowing that the goal isn’t to end up somewhere good but to learn to recognize the good in this very moment.

This moment isn’t merely the bridge to where you want to be. This moment—this crucial part of the process—is a destination in itself, and now is your only opportunity to appreciate it, and appreciate yourself for living it.

Photo by h. koppdelaney

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About Lori Deschene

Lori Deschene is the founder of Tiny Buddha. She started the site after struggling with depression, bulimia, c-PTSD, and toxic shame so she could recycle her former pain into something useful and inspire others do the same. She recently created the Breaking Barriers to Self-Care eCourse to help people overcome internal blocks to meeting their needs—so they can feel their best, be their best, and live their best possible life. If you’re ready to start thriving instead of merely surviving, you can learn more and get instant access here .

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Time Lost Cannot Be Regained. Here’s Why You Should Care.

Time Lost Cannot Be Regained. Here's Why You Should Care.

The other day, my youngest whose almost three, strolled up next to me as I was working and said, “Dada, look at what I made!” with a cute and excited voice. I immediately replied, “one second, I am just sending out an email (as if he knew, or cared what that was).”

No sooner did I reply, when my son started to say again, “look…look Dada…you aren’t looking”.

“One second I said, I promise” as I struggled to get this email out.

“Dada…Dada…Dada…give me your eyes,” he said as I then suddenly stopped everything and gave him my undivided attention. His face lit up with joy as he showed me what he had drawn, after which he was content and went off to play.

The irony here is that my three-year-old doesn’t know time (yet) but he actually waited one second before asking me again, and again and…well you get the idea.

  • The question is:  “Why did it take so long” for me to be present?
  • The answer is:  I got my priorities backward. I did what most people do, assume we have more time to make someone else wait or that the moment will wait for us.

The reality is that it won’t.

Time is the most precious commodity and we waste so much of it each and every day, missing out on the moments we may never get back.

Stop thinking you have all the time in the world, you don’t. You can’t recycle wasted time.

You may be surprised how much can happen in just one second, I know I was:

  • A bee will flap its wings over 270 times.
  • Over 2,000 pounds of edible food is thrown away in the U.S.A.
  • Six babies are born every second around the world.
  • 41,000+ status updates are posted to Facebook.
  • Americans consume 1,500 bottles of water.
  • Lightning will strike the ground 100 times.
  • Bill Gates will earn $250+ every single second.
  • 8,341,666,667 Hearts will beat worldwide
  • 2,437,859 Emails will be sent
  • Earth will travel 18.5 miles.

As many of us recently moved our clocks forward, I couldn’t help hearing the panicked cries about losing an hour of sleep, but if you really think about it, you haven’t lost anything. You still get the same 24hrs in the day or 86,400 seconds, and that’s exactly 86,400 chances to connect with those you care about personally and professionally.

The next time your employee, spouse, partner, child, mentee, family member or friend asks you for a second of your time, think about the moment you may miss creating with that special someone by telling them to “wait a second”.

The floor is yours: You have 86,400  chances  to make your time worth living. What will you do with yours?

With Leadership, Joshua www.JoshHMiller.com

Joshua Miller

Joshua Miller is a creative leader and impactful executive coach .

His career spans both the advertising world and the world of leadership. In advertising, he was the creative lead, responsible for the campaign strategy for Fortune 100 brands . Today, he is an innovator. He’s supporting the executive development and change management for many of the same companies.

Joshua studied at Syracuse University, NYU and Stanford. He combines that background with his deep knowledge of organizational behavior, performance and change management. He focuses on the analysis, design, development, delivery, and evaluation of scalable and global talent development solutions programs.

Joshua is a Master Certified Coach. He trained with the International Coaching Federation and CTI (The Coaches Training Institute).

Speech on Time for Students and Children

3 minutes speech on time.

Time is something that is very precious and important to all of us. Thus it is important to utilize it wisely as it is very important in our lives and plays a significant role. Also, our whole life revolves around it. Read Speech on Time here.

Speech on Time

Moreover, we should respect the time and understand the value of time because the time gone is never coming back. So, it is better to respect and follow time instead of regretting afterward.

We all are very familiar with the proverb “Time and tide wait for none” and this proverb is best suited because tide doesn’t wait for anyone. In the same manner, time also doesn’t wait for anyone. So, we should make time our opportunity and grab it as it is very precious and important in our life.

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Why time is important?

To understand the importance of time let’s look at some points:


For living a better life one should be punctual in their daily life. Those who understand the importance of time are always punctual and successful in life. Moreover, those who are not punctual may have to face many problems and consequences in life.

Time is Invaluable

It is more valuable than money as we can earn money in any sphere of our life but we cannot earn the time back, which has already gone. Furthermore, the flow of time cannot be stopped and therefore we should use it wisely.

Importance of time management

An important factor for success in life is time management. It will always remain an important factor for a person to be successful in life. Suppose, if a student does not study regularly then he may face problems during the examination due to which his result will be affected.

Being on time should be our propriety. Moreover, if we don’t respect time than it doesn’t mean that the other person is also not respecting time. For our appointments, we should be on time and should not waste the time of others.

Unpredictable future

No one can predict her/his future. Hence, we should work hard to and perform all our tasks on time in order to make our future bright. Also, in order to avoid chaos, we should finish our tasks on time.

The best medicine

Publius Ovidius Naso or Ovid says that “Time is the best medicine” and it is really true that it is the best medicine as it helps to heal all our wounds, feelings, and broken hearts. Also, it helps us to forgive a person for his mistakes and hence said to be the best medicine.

The proverb “killing time is not a murder, it’s a suicide” perfectly suits all those who do not understand the value of time and also don’t respect it. They waste their time doing useless things or doing nothing at all.

Furthermore, there are people who give excuses like they do not have time for doing work. It’s not that they do not have time but they don’t know how to manage time.

Every person in this world daily has 24 hours. However, it depends upon the person how to manage their golden hours and how to set priorities.

Moreover, if we learn to manage our rime then there is no one in this world that can stop us from being successful in life.

To conclude, we all can easily understand what time is and how important it is in our life. Hence, we should manage our time in a proper way and achieve our goals. As time helps us to become a successful person.

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16 responses to “Speech on Water for Students and Children”

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This Helped Me With My Speech!!!

I can give it 100 stars for the speech it is amazing i love it.

Its amazing!!

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speech on time can't be wasted

Quote of the Day – Time Lost Can Never Be Regained – April 20 2017

Quote of the day for thursday, april 20, 2017.

Lost wealth may be replaced by industry, lost knowledge by study, lost health by temperance, but lost time is gone forever.” – Samuel Smiles

I looked back at yesterday and saw the remnants of wasted moments scattered around. I had literally sat around and watched the time go by and lost that time forever.

[tweetthis]The only thing I can’t make more of is time. [/tweetthis]

My son and I were discussing a choice he made and he explained to me the reasons behind his disobedience. I explained that it mattered little what the excuse was for his choice, his choice was wrong.

My choice is wrong. Anytime I choose to discard time like it comes from an unlimited reservoir, then I am choosing wrong. I need to be purposeful in the choices of my moments, my minutes, yes, even my seconds because once they are gone they are lost forever.

I will be purposeful in my time and I will make the most of each moment that passes my way.

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English Summary

1 Minute Speech on Time and Tide Wait For None In English

A very good morning to one and all present here. Today, I will be giving a short speech on the topic of “Time and Tide Wait For None”.

Time and tide wait for none is a famous adage known by all. Google, in fact, defines it to be “if you don’t make use of a favourable opportunity, you may never get the same chance again.”

This is a phrase that thus has similar connotations to the proverb “make hay while the sun shines.” That is, it reiterates the value of time.

If one were to be lazy and not make proper use of the time that is available to them at the present, then in the future, they would surely regret letting the time go to waste. This is elaborated by comparing time with tide wherein both are said to move on whether or not human beings want it to or not. Time is thus regarded akin to a force of nature.

Thank you. 

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75+ Wasting Time Quotes to Remind You to Cherish Each Moment

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If you’re sick and tired of feeling like your life is a waste, here are 75+ quotes about wasting time to help you put things into perspective and remind you of the importance of making the most of each day.

It’s so easy to lose track of time and end up wasting it on meaningless activities  that don’t move the needle to increase your happiness or life satisfaction levels. That’s why every once in a while, it’s important to remind yourself how valuable your life is and to cherish every moment. And that’s where this collection of wasting time quotes and sayings come into play!

It isn’t a coincidence you have landed upon this page; heed these quotes and sayings from sages both past and present so you do not waste any more time.

A Sappho quote about losing time over a picture of a beautiful woman

Why Read Quotes About Wasting Time?

Most of us want to live the life of our dreams but struggle to stay motivated and inspired on the path to reaching those goals.

What better way to stay inspired than by having a few motivational quotes about not wasting time to help beat procrastination and pick you up when you’re feeling dow? 

One of  the biggest truths about time  is that the more you waste it, the more you waste your life. With that being said, let’s look at some of the best quotes about wasting time that will nudge you in the right direction and make you a go-getter! 

Wasting Time Quotes

1. “You may delay, but time will not.” – Benjamin Franklin
2. “Wasting time is robbing oneself.” – Estonian Proverb
3. “It’s bad enough wasting time without killing it.” – Norton Juster
4. “Determine never to be idle. No person will have occasion to complain of the want of time who never loses any. It is wonderful how much can be done if we are always doing.” – Thomas Jefferson 
5. “There is one kind of robber whom the law does not strike at, and who steals what is most precious to men: time.” – Napoleon I
6. “I do not want to waste any time. And if you are not working on important things, you are wasting time.” – Dean Kamen 
7. “Don’t waste your time looking back, you’re not going that way.” – Ragnar Lothbrok
8. “I’m very direct, I don’t believe in wasting time, in wasting words.” – Deborah Meanden
9. “Know the difference between being patient and wasting your time.” – Anonymous
10. “If everybody knows where everything is kept, you can avoid wasting time looking for things.” – Anthea Turner 
11. “We live in the midst of plenty but always seem to want more. We feel that we do not have enough time, and yet we waste the precious time we have on video games, text messaging, reading about the lives of talentless celebrities, or earning more money to buy things we don’t need.” – Karl Pillemer 
12. “Watch less TV and spend less time surfing the web. Cut down on these time-wasting activities and replace them with productive activities which will help you realize your financial goals.” – C.J. Carlsen 
13. “Don’t spend time beating on a wall hoping to transform it into a door.” – Coco Chanel
14. “Don’t spend your precious time asking, “Why isn’t the world a better place?” It will only be time wasted. The question to ask is, “How can I make it better?” To that, there is an answer.” – Leo Buscaglia 
15. “I’m not running around as a continual ray of sunshine. It’s just I don’t believe in wasting time feeling sorry for myself.” – Aimee Mullins
16. “If you worry about something that you have no control over, or can absolutely do nothing about, then you are wasting your time, energy, and emotion.” – Byron Pulsifer
17. “Any time you have an opportunity to make a difference in this world and you don’t, then you are wasting your time on Earth.” – Roberto Clemente
18. “Realise deeply that the present moment is all you ever have.” – Eckhart Tolle
19. “The greatest amount of wasted time is the time getting started.” – Dawson Trotman
20. “I wasted time, and now doth time waste me.” – William Shakespeare, Richard II

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An important quote about losing time from William Shakespeare, white words on black background: "I wasted time and now doth time waste me."

Quotes about Wasting Time on Someone

21. “Wasting time with the wrong person is just time wasted.” – Greg Behrendt
22. “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.” – Steve Jobs
23. “ Comparing yourself to someone else is a massive waste of time.” – Steve Errey
24. “Be picky with who you invest your time in, wasted time is worse than wasted money.” – Anonymous 
25. “Waste no more time arguing about what a good man should be. Be one.” – Marcus Aurelius
26. “Your time is way too valuable to be wasting on people that can’t accept who you are.” – Turcois Ominek
27. “Don’t waste your time with explanations: people only hear what they want to hear.” – Paulo Coelho 
28. “You need to associate with people who inspire you, people that challenge you to raise higher, people that make you better. Don’t waste your valuable time with people that are not adding to your growth. Your destiny is too important.” – Joel Osteen 
29. “We’re all guilty of dedicating time to people who didn’t value it.” – Turcois Ominek
30. “Don’t waste your time being what someone wants you to become, in order to feed their list of rules, boundaries, and insecurities. Find your tribe. They will allow you to be you, while you dance in the rain.” – Shannon L. Alder 
31. “While there are issues that cannot be negotiated or compromised, there are petty things that are not worth getting worked up about. Consider whether something is really worth your time and energy. “ – James Christiansen
32. “Don’t let the noise of other’s opinions drown out your own inner voice.” – Steve Jobs 
33. “Never let anyone belittle your efforts to better yourself. Let them stand back or stand aside, but you move forward no matter who tries to stop you.” – Toni Sorenson 
34. “No relationship is ever a waste of time. If it didn’t bring you what you want, it taught you what you don’t want.” – Unknown
35. “Don’t waste words on people who deserve your silence. Sometimes the most powerful thing you can say is nothing at all.” – Mandy Hale
36. “If you don’t plan your time, someone else will help you waste it.” – Zig Zigler

A square "don't waste time quote" about the importance of valuing your time

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Quotes About Losing Time

37. “What I do is keep trying to focus on what I am doing now, instead of wasting time thinking about what went wrong in the past or will happen in the future.” – HoYeon Jung
38. “Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
39. “It’s only when we truly know and understand that we have a limited time on earth – and that we have no way of knowing when our time is up – that we will begin to live each day to the fullest, as if it was the only one we had.” – Elisabeth Kübler-Ross 
40. “Lost time is like a run in a stocking. It always gets worse.” – Anne Morrow Lindbergh 
41. “Time is a resource that is non-renewable and non-transferable. You cannot store it, slow it up, hold it up, divide it up, or give it up. You can’t hoard it up or save it for a rainy day – when it’s lost, it is unrecoverable. When you kill time, remember that it has no resurrection. – Aiden Wilson Tozer
42. “Prioritization is a critical aspect of improving our productivity. If we are not productive, then we may not be making the most of the time and energy that we have to get things done.” – Lisa Kardos 
43. “A year from now you will wish you had started today.” – Karen Lamb.
44. “The truth is that all of the time in the world is not going to help us if we don’t get our lives in order. We need to get our priorities straight, and we need to stop wasting time.” – David A. Hunter 
45. “Time is one of the commodities that we can not buy back; we can not exchange anything we possess to trade for time that has been wasted or squandered.” – Catherine Pulsifer 
46. “Are you taking your life for granted? Are you allowing your days to be consumed with boredom and frustration? Time is your most precious gift, not to be dwindled away in idleness or negativity.” – Les Brown 
47. “Lost time is never found again.” – Benjamin Franklin 

A girl in a field reading a list of quotes about not wasting time.

Waste Life Quotes

48. “A man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life.” – Charles Darwin
49. “You know, you only get to live life once, so there are two things that yield. One is that there’s no point in crying over spilt milk, but secondly, you hate wasting time, energy, and whatever talent you’ve got.” – David Miliband
50. “If you love life, don’t waste time, for time is what life is made up of.” – Bruce Lee 
51. “Stop wasting time with trivial matters that don’t add value to your life or push you one step closer to your goals .” – Edith Henderson 
52. “Time is free, but it’s priceless. You can’t own it, but you can use it. You can’t keep it, but you can spend it. Once you’ve lost it, you can never get it back.” – Harvey Mackay
53. “What’s the worst thing I’ve stolen? Probably little pieces of other people’s lives. Where I’ve either wasted their time or hurt them in some way. That’s the worst thing you can steal, the time of other people. You just can’t get that back.” – Chester Bennington 
54. “You learn something out of everything, and you come to realize more than ever that we’re all here for a certain space of time, and then it’s going to be over, and you better make this count.” – Nancy Reagan 
55. “Don’t keep your own schedule – that will eat too much of your time keeping your own schedule. And when you are tired, stop. Because if you are too tired, you become not productive, and you are wasting time.” – Christine Quinn
56. “Time is one of your most valuable commodities, and how you spend it determines what your life will be. You can either waste it, invest it, or give it away.” – David Khalil 
57. “Perhaps the biggest tragedy of our lives is that freedom is possible yet we can pass our years trapped in the same old patterns.” – Tara Brach 
58. “Each day you wake up, you wake up with billions around the world, but when the sun sets, not all retire. It is a joyful privilege to note that you are a unique person among billions of people who wake up each day to walk on the surface of the earth. It is a noble responsibility to note that you have to use this privilege effectively.” – Ernest Agyemang Yeboah 
59. “Life is short, and if we enjoy every moment of every day , then we will be happy no matter what happens or what changes along the way.” – Gretchen Bleiler
60. “You can’t have a better tomorrow if you are thinking about yesterday all the time.” – Charles F. Kettering
61. “ I have to pick myself up every day and say, “The show must go on,” meaning life as I know it must go on, whatever the obstacle is, I know I can handle it, and I can get through it. .” – Jennie Garth
62. “There will be two dates on your tombstone and all your friends will read ’em but all that’s gonna matter is that little dash between ’em.” – Kevin Welch
63. “It’s not enough to be busy, so are the ants. The question is, what are we busy about?” – Henry David Thoreau
64. “Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans.” – John Lennon
65. “Life doesn’t have to be perfect, it just has to be lived.” – Dexter Morgan
66. “Today, many will break through the barriers of the past by looking at the blessings of the present. Why not you?” – Steve Maraboli
67. “I think every day is a new day, every day is a new opportunity, and every day is a new chance.” – Jennifer Winget
68. “Making each day count like it’s your last day to fulfill your dreams is arguably the master key to a future full of great rewards.” – Edmond Mbiaka
69. “Time is the coin of your life. It is the only coin you have, and the only you can determine how it will be spent. Be careful lest you let other people spend it for you.” – Carl Sandburg 
70. “The biggest mistake you can make in life is to waste your time.” – Jerry Bruckner 
71. “Are you taking your life for granted? Are you allowing your days to be consumed with boredom and frustration? Time is your most precious gift, not to be dwindled away in idleness or negativity.” – Les Brown 
72. “If you want life to roll by without accomplishing anything you want, simply keep throwing away your time. You will never get it back.” – Byron Pulsifer
73. “One thing is for sure, procrastinators waste the most precious asset a human can have: time.” – K. Collins 
74. “Time is a cruel thief to rob us of our former selves. We lose as much to life as we do to death.” – Elizabeth Forsythe Hailey
75. “Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the things you did.” – Mark Twain
76. “Because you are alive, everything is possible.” – Thich Nhat Hanh
77. “It has been my observation that most people get ahead during the time that others waste.” – Henry Ford

A hand throwing away a clock next to a quote about time wasters

What to Do After Reading These Quotes about Not Wasting Time

After reading all of these amazing quotes, it’s important to take action and not let them simply be words on a screen.

Here are a few things you can do to make sure you’re making the most of your time:

  • let go of things  that don’t align with the life you want to live
  • set goals for yourself –  this post can help!

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An Artificial Intelligent English Learning Platform

9 Everyday Idioms For Waste Of Time

English Idioms for Waste Of Time, expressions and proverbs are an essential part of the English language, both spoken and written English are filled with them.

For English Learners idioms are difficult to get one’s head around, the reason being Idioms don’t make common sense.

To learn the meanings and usage of idioms, learners must practice and familiarize themselves with their everyday usage.

The team at LillyPad understands the pain and difficulties English Learners confront comprehending the true meaning and acceptable usage. This idioms list of Waste Of Time makes learning simple, with common Waste Of Time idioms, definitions, and example sentences which make the meaning clear.

Learning to use common idioms and expressions will make your English sound more native, so it’s a good idea to master some of these expressions with daily practice, so bookmark this page or share it with your friends; now let us learn about idioms for Waste Of Time together.

Idioms for Waste Of Time with Meanings, Definitions & Example Sentences

1. beating a dead horse, definition and meaning: beating a dead horse.

The expression “beating a dead horse” is used to describe a situation where someone is continuing to do something even though it is no longer effective.

Beating A Dead Horse Example Sentences:

  • I’m not going to keep arguing with you about this – it’s like beating a dead horse.
  • I know you’re upset, but there’s no point in beating a dead horse – it’s over and there’s nothing we can do to change it.
  • I know you’re tired, but we have to keep working – it’s not like we’re beating a dead horse or anything.
  • Please let it go. Beating a dead horse isn’t going to help anything.

2. Closing The Barn Door After The Horse Has Already Escaped

Definition and meaning: closing the barn door after the horse has already escaped.

The expression “closing the barn door after the horse has already escaped” means that it is too late to take action after the damage has already been done.

Closing The Barn Door After The Horse Has Already Escaped Example Sentences:

  • Trying to fix the problem after it’s already happened is like closing the barn door after the horse has already escaped.
  • Plan ahead to avoid feeling like closing the barn door after the horse has already escaped.
  • Let’s deal with the consequences instead of pointing fingers and closing the barn door after the horse has already escaped.

3. A Lot Of Work For A Little Payoff

Definition and meaning: a lot of work for a little payoff.

This expression means that the person exerted a lot of effort and spent so much time on something that is not rewarding.

A Lot Of Work For A Little Payoff Example Sentences:

  • It’s a lot of work for a little payoff to keep up with the Joneses.
  • Planting vegetables in my garden seemed like a lot of work for a little payoff after bugs swarmed them.
  • Reading this book was a lot of work for a little payoff because I didn’t like its ending.

4. Spinning Your Wheels

Definition and meaning: spinning your wheels.

The expression “spinning your wheels” means that you are doing something that is not productive and is not going to lead to any positive results.

Spinning Your Wheels Example Sentences:

  • You’re spinning your wheels if you think you can finish this project by yourself.
  • Are you sure you’re not just spinning your wheels with this new diet?
  • Ask our consultant instead of spinning your wheels researching something he already knows.

5. Rearranging Deck Chairs On The Titanic

Definition and meaning: rearranging deck chairs on the titanic.

The expression “rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic” is often used to describe a situation where someone is trying to fix a problem that is already too far gone to be fixed.

Rearranging Deck Chairs On The Titanic Example Sentences:

  • The company is rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic by cutting costs in areas that won’t make a difference in the long run.
  • The government is rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic by focusing on minor issues instead of the major problems facing the country.
  • The team is rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic by making small changes instead of the major overhaul that is needed.
  • I’m rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic by trying to fix things that are already broken beyond repair.
  • We’re rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic by focusing on the wrong things instead of what’s really important.

6. Tempest In A Teapot

Definition and meaning: tempest in a teapot.

The expression “tempest in a teapot” describes a minor situation that has been blown out of proportion. Thus, deemed a waste of time for the people involved.

Tempest In A Teapot Example Sentences:

  • The argument between the two friends was a tempest in a teapot. It could have been resolved quickly.
  • The situation at work was a tempest in a teapot.
  • The rumor is a tempest in a teapot distracting us from important matters.

7. Tilting At Windmills

Definition and meaning: tilting at windmills.

The expression “tilting at windmills” is often used to describe someone who is fighting an imaginary enemy or a battle that cannot be won.

Tilting At Windmills Example Sentences:

  • He’s been tilting at windmills for years, trying to get the company to change its ways.
  • I know you’re tilting at windmills, but I admire your determination.
  • She’s tilting at windmills if she thinks she can get him to change his mind.
  • He’s been tilting at windmills for months, but he’s finally getting some results.
  • I don’t want to waste my time tilting at windmills.

8. Barking Up The Wrong Tree

Definition and meaning: barking up the wrong tree.

The expression “barking up the wrong tree” is used to describe a situation where someone is mistakenly pursuing something that will not lead to the desired result.

Barking Up The Wrong Tree Example Sentences:

  • I’m not sure why you’re criticizing me for your project; you’re barking up the wrong tree.
  • I think you’re barking up the wrong tree if you think I’m going to loan you any money.
  • You should call their customer service line instead of barking up the wrong tree.
  • Stop barking up the wrong tree. It’s better to direct your concern to the proper authority.

9. Flogging A Dead Horse

Definition and meaning: flogging a dead horse.

The expression “flogging a dead horse” is used to describe a situation where someone is trying to get something done that is no longer possible.

Flogging A Dead Horse Example Sentences:

  • Sweeping the floor while the fan is on is like flogging a dead horse.
  • You better stick to one route; it’s traffic everywhere. Stop switching routes and flogging a dead horse.
  • I hope you’re aware that you are flogging a dead horse by trying to fix your phone submerged in water for an hour.

10. Wild-Goose Chase

Definition and meaning: wild-goose chase.

The idiomatic expression “wild-goose chase” means a waste of time for an endless search for something that will never be found.

Wild-Goose Chase Example Sentences:

  • I’m going to have a wild-goose chase through the city looking for him.
  • He’s been trying to find out what happened all day long, but it seems like a wild-goose chase.
  • Finding the jewelry she lost in the snow is a wild-goose chase.
  • Let it go instead of wasting your effort in a wild-goose chase.

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Valentina Gagliardi

Valentina has always been a teacher at heart. After spending eight years teaching college-level English, she realised that her true passion was helping people learn and grow – especially when it came to learning English. She firmly believes that in order for language learning to be successful, it’s important to create a comfortable and welcoming environment where students feel safe to experiment and take risks. When she’s not writing for the Lillypad community, Valentina loves travelling, reading and going for long walks with her dog Freddy.

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speech on time can't be wasted

  • Israel-Hamas War

Valuing Free Speech Doesn’t Mean Accepting Antisemitism

Torn kidnapped posters around the NYU campus

I can still remember the feeling of standing on the Beacon Theater stage in front of 3,000 people. As I delivered the NYU Law convocation speech , my classmates, gathered together in the name of “violet pride,” smiled and waved excitedly from the crowd. Dressed in festive academic regalia and accompanied by sounds of bagpipes and overly emotional family members, we reached a personal and professional peak. Christians, Muslims, Jews, and members of other religions trusted me, an Israeli Jew, to serve as their voice. That was the summer of 2015.

Next week, the class of 2024 will experience the same. For one special day, they will feel part of something greater than themselves. But while less than 10 years have passed, so much has changed. Given the antisemitic discourse on U.S. campuses since the fall, and particularly in the past month, the notion of an Israeli Jew representing his class amid a war in Gaza seems less of an image taken from law school and more from the Department of Science Fiction.

The question is why.

Read More: The New Antisemitism

One of the things I tried to stress in my speech back then was that despite our diverse backgrounds, our common denominator as humans is quite similar. A 10-month Master of Law program with people from over 60 different nationalities taught me that, as individuals, we all want the same basic things at the end of the day: health, happiness, and self-fulfillment. Omitted from my speech was a core condition for pursuing these goals: constantly using one’s inner compass to identify how our words and deeds affect a given community. Mentioning this stipulation felt unnecessary in 2015. Indeed, as most of us have recognized, with great power comes great responsibility. Today, it seems, a different standard governs some of America’s top academic institutions.

The NYU I experienced was filled with wisdom, excellent teachers, and intelligent classmates. Time and again, we were encouraged to debate and discuss sensitive topics with respect and honesty. This kind of environment is uncultivable for hate. It doesn’t mean everyone agrees, nor does it suggest one cannot challenge the other. But it does mean considering that free speech is not without consequence.

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Today under the guise of finding “meaning,” pursuing a “cause,” or simply finding joy by belonging to a larger group, a significant number of students are exhibiting not intellectual decency but terrorism sympathy. Some are chanting genocidal slogans or expressing antisemitic hate, even waving flags of terrorist organizations while ignoring their lethal agendas and atrocities. It’s not only immoral and wrong, but it is also dangerous. The result is an atmosphere that romanticizes horrendous crimes against humanity and enables public humiliation of Jews just because of their religion and ethnicity.

The numbers tell the story. According to a recent Harvard CAPS-Harris poll , 37% of Americans ages 18 to 24 support Hamas – a terror organization that attacked Israel on Oct. 7 , killing about 1,200 people and taking more than 200 hostage – more than Israel. A majority of that age group (57%) favors an unconditional ceasefire between Israel and Hamas that “would leave everyone in place,” meaning abandoning more than 130 Israelis, Jews, and Muslims, including women and children, in hell. Radical and lethal antisemitic ideology, it seems, invaded America’s elite institutions without even firing one bullet.

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This is how it is with the antisemitic monster. It’s not always visible, tangible, or blatantly brutal. Sometimes, it's right before you, stretching your boundaries and abusing sacred civil rights. Occasionally, it makes you uncomfortable, but you keep telling yourself that a democracy should tolerate almost anything and that the threshold hasn’t yet crossed. Slowly, it marks a new line in the sand of your tolerance while you keep convincing yourself that it will go away. But then it blows up in your face. And when it does, you realize something deeper is going on. The worst, of course, is when it’s too late.

But it is not necessarily the case here. A safe and thriving academic environment is achievable with concrete actions promoting freedom of expression, not freedom of self-destruction. These actions should be part of a larger plan involving academic leadership and moderate religious figures from all walks of life. Such a plan must ban antisemitic chants on campus, enforce regulations and laws that ought to protect students’ safety, oversee the impact of foreign funding and interference in academic curricula , and encourage constructive and educative dialogue regarding the need to counter antisemitism and other discriminatory practices against people based on their skin color or religion.

The critical point is that this is no longer an Israeli issue. It’s not even a Jewish issue. It’s an American issue. While tax dollars were generous enough to help democracies such as Israel or Ukraine protect themselves against anti-democratic enemies, they could fail to protect America from the spread of terrorist ideology back home. When something like that happens in the most charitable educational beacons of knowledge and free mind, this means that what is at stake is not America’s soil but its destiny.

The class of 2024, the future of the free world—dramatic as it may sound—will be in your hands one day, not too far away. As you all graduate, this is the time to stand on the right side of history. The great Martin Luther King Jr. said, “Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.” May your future and conduct be filled with love and light.

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