PTE Writing Practice Test


PTE Writing Section has 2 Tasks:

Task 1: Summarize written text Task 2: Write essay

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Pte writing, are you seeking to improve your writing abilities for the pte exam consider the pte writing mock test as your ultimate solution. this replicated the authentic exam conditions, offering you to become familiar with the structure and various question formats you'll face. question formats you'll come across..

pte writing essay mock test

Free PTE Writing Practice Test

With the PTE Writing Mock Test, you can assess your proficiency in both the Summarize Written Text and Write Essay tasks, ensuring you’re well-prepared for exam day.

PTE Writing test includes two question types: write an essay and summarize the written text.

Patterns of Questions in PTE Writing Practice Test:

This task measures your skill in analyzing key points and integrating provided information. Your task is to summarize the passage. Start by listing the key points and then craft the summary paragraph accordingly.

  • Length –  Upto 75 words
  • Answer Time  –  10 minutes
  • Number of questions –  1-2

The art of essay writing tests your skill in articulating, comprehensive, and convincing arguments concerning a specified topic. Utilizing standard academic language is important for achieving favorable assessments.

  • Length –  200-300 words
  • Answer time –  20 minutes

What is the skill set

Required for pte writing.

Familiarize yourself with the purpose and vital information contained in the letter

Craft introductions and conclusions to establish the proper framework.

Generate narrative paragraphs and theoretical frameworks for particular posts.

Incorporating compensation statements as an element of supporting viewpoints.

Understand the structure and craft interconnected contours.

Utilize notes to write a summary of your main concepts

pte writing essay mock test

Writing Mock Test PTE

Incorporating the writing mock test PTE into your study routine is vital for enhancing your writing abilities. This is crucial for optimizing your success potential on the PTE exam. Whether you choose free practice tests or paid options, persistent practice and commitment are essential for reaching your target score. Begin your practice today with the writing mock test PTE and elevate your writing proficiency.

Special Tips for

Pte writing preparation success.

  • Utilize an erasable notepad
  • Continue writing to enhance your skills.
  • Manage your time effectively.
  • Experiment with creating your template.

Frequently Asked Questions

For applicants aiming to score high in the PTE Writing section, here are the tips for PTE writing:

  • Evaluate the task that has been given.
  • Determine the key phrases in the prompt.
  • Recognize the subject being discussed
  • Concentrate on the essay’s main ideas. 
  • Provide information that amply supports your viewpoint.

You have to practice writing essays and summarizing texts within the allotted time to get better at PTE writing. Pay attention to coherence, grammar, and vocabulary. Examine sample solutions, seek feedback, and the PTE writing mock test regularly.

Our artificial intelligence model provides you with a nearly precise score breakdown based on the PTE exam’s actual guidelines. Your scores are sent to you instantly.

There are just two (2) sections in the  PTE writing module: essay and writing precisely. The PTE writing mock tests your capacity to provide detailed descriptions of tasks.

The essential rules for PTE writing mock test are to stay within the word limit, concentrate on expressing ideas clearly, use proper grammar, and make sure the writing is pertinent to the subject. Templates are a useful tool for organizing replies in the Write Essay activity.

An automated approach is used to score responses based on the coherence, vocabulary utilization, and grammar accuracy of the response. The method also takes into account how hard the job is and how well you performed in comparison to other test takers.

The essay should be between 200 and 300 words in length. You have 20 minutes to complete this assignment. Written discourse, vocabulary, coherence, and grammar will all be evaluated in your work.

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PTE Academic – The English test that takes you places

PTE Writing Practice Paper 1

  Read the passage below and summarize it using one sentence. Type your response in the box at the bottom of the screen. You have 10 minutes to finish this task. Your response will be judged on the quality of your writing and on how well your response presents the key points in the passage.

1. Here’s a term you’re going to hear much more often: plug – in vehicle, and the acronym PEV. It’s what you and many other people will drive to work in, ten years and more from now. At that time, before you drive off in the morning you will first unplug your car – your plug – in vehicle. Its big onboard batteries wil l have been fully charged overnight, with enough power for you to drive 50 – 100 kilometres through city traffic. When you arrive at work you’ll plug in your car once again, this time into a socket that allows power to flow from your car’s batteries to the e lectricity grid. One of the things you did when you bought your car was to sign a contract with your favourite electricity supplier, allowing them to draw a limited amount of power from your car’s batteries should they need to, perhaps because of a blackou t, or very high wholesale spot power prices. The price you get for the power the distributor buys form your car would not only be most attractive to you, but it would also be a good deal for them too, their alternative being very expensive power form peaki ng stations. If driving home or for some other reason your batteries looked like running flat, a relatively small, but quiet and efficient engine running on petrol, diesel or compressed natural gas, even bio – fuel, would automatically cut in, driving a gene rator that supplied the batteries so you could complete your journey. Concerns over ‘peak oil’, increasing greenhouse gas emissions, and the likelihood that by the middle of this century there could be five times as many motor vehicles registered worldwide as there are now, mean that the world’s almost total dependence on petroleum – based fuels for transport is, in every sense of the word, unsustainable .

2. UCLA neurology professor Paul Thompson and his colleagues scanned the brains of 23 sets of identical twi ns and 23 sets of fraternal twins. Since identical twins share the same genes while fraternal twins share about half their genes, the researchers were able to compare each group to show that myelin integrity was determined genetically in many parts of the brain that are key for intelligence. These include the parietal lobes, which are responsible for spatial reasoning, visual processing and logic, and the corpus callosum, which pulls together information from both sides of the body. The researchers used a f aster version of a type of scanner called a HARDI (high – angular resolution diffusion imaging) — think of an MRI machine on steroids — that takes scans of the brain at a much higher resolution than a standard MRI. While an MRI scan shows the volume of diffe rent tissues in the brain by measuring the amount of water present, HARDI tracks how water diffuses through the brain’s white matter — a way to measure the quality of its myelin. “HARDI measures water diffusion,” said Thompson, who is also a member of the UCLA Laboratory of Neuro – Imaging. “If the water diffuses rapidly in a specific direction, it tells us that the brain has very fast connections. If it diffuses more broadly, that’s an indication of slower signalling and lower intelligence. “

3. As warmer winte r temperatures become more common, one way for some animals to adjust is to shift their ranges northward. But a new study of 59 North American bird species indicates that doing so is not easy or quick — it took about 35 years for many birds to move far en ough north for winter temperatures to match where they historically lived. For example, black vultures have spread northward in the last 35 years and now winter as far north as Massachusetts, where the minimum winter temperature is similar to what it was i n Maryland in 1975. On the other hand, the endangered red – cockaded woodpecker did not alter its range at all despite the warming trend, possibly because it’s very specific habitat requirements precluded a range shift. Both of these scenarios could represen t problems for birds, La Sorte said. Species that do not track changes in climate may wind up at the limits of their physiological tolerance, or they may lose important habitat qualities, such as favored food types, as those species pass them by. But they also can’t move their ranges too fast if the habitat conditions they depend on also tend to lag behind climate .

4. Scientists believe they may have found a way to prevent complications that can arise following cataract surgery, the world’s leading cause of b lindness. Detailing why complications can occur after surgery, researchers from the University of East Anglia (UEA) explained that while cataract surgery works well to restore vision, a few natural lens cells always remain after the procedure. Over time, t he eye’s wound – healing response leads these cells to spread across the underside of the artificial lens, which interferes with vision, causing what’s known as ‘posterior capsule opacification’ or secondary cataract. UEA’s School of Biological Sciences acad emic, Dr Michael Wormstone, who led the study, said: “Secondary visual loss responds well to treatment with laser surgery. But as life expectancy increases, the problems of cataract and posterior capsule opacification will become even greater in terms of b oth patients well being and economic burden. We must find better ways to manage the condition in future.” As a result, researchers are designing new artificial lenses that can be placed into a capsular bag that stays open, instead of shrink – wrapping closed , which currently occurs. It is believed that, through the new approach, fluid in the eye can flow around the artificial lens, therefore diluting and washing away the cell – signalling molecules that encourage cell re – growth .

5. When Christopher Columbus arriv ed at Hispaniola during his first transatlantic voyage in the year A.D. 1492, the island had already been settled by Native Americans for about 5,000 years. The occupants in Columbus’s time were a group of Arawak Indians called Tainos who lived by farming, were organized into five chiefdoms, and numbered around half a million (the estimates range from 100,000 to 2,000,000). Columbus initially found them peaceful and friendly, until he and his Spaniards began mistreating them. Unfortunately for the Tain os, t hey had gold, which the Spanish coveted but didn’t want to go to the work of mining themselves. Hence the conquerors divided up the island and its Indian population among individual Spaniards, who put the Indians to work as virtual slaves, accidentally inf ected them with Eurasian diseases and murdered them. By the year 1519, 27 years after Columbus’s arrival, that original population of half a million had been reduced to about 11,000, most of whom died that year of smallpox to bring the population down to 3 ,000 .

Y ou will have 20 minutes to plan, write and revise an essay about the topic below. Your response will be judged on how well you develop a position, organize your ideas, present supporting details, and control the elements of standard written English . You should write 200 – 300 words.

1. Belching and unauthorised behaviour is unacceptable in modern offices. How far you support this view? Give your response with justification. 2. University only requires to apply digital media rather than continuously upgra ding textbook. Agree or disagree. 3. Government should reduce their investment in arts, music and painting. Agree or disagree . 4. Which should require more financial support from the government? Health or education? To what extent do you agree or not. Use your experience . 5. Do you think cardless society is realistic and why? What are the advantages and disadvantages ?

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Take online PTE Practice Tests for free to pass your exam

What's inside.

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1. pte exam.

PTE stands for "Pearson Test of English," an international English proficiency test administered by Pearson. PTE is widely recognized and accepted by thousands of schools, organizations, and institutions worldwide.

There are various types of PTE exams, including PTE Academic, PTE General, and PTE Young Learners. Among them, PTE Academic is the most popular type, mainly used to assess the English proficiency of learners or candidates wishing to study, work, or immigrate to English-speaking countries.

PTE Academic evaluates candidates' language skills through computer-based tests, including listening, reading, writing, and speaking. This test is conducted in a computerized environment, and results are usually available quickly, typically within five working days. PTE Academic's strengths lie in its transparency and fairness, providing detailed feedback on candidates' English skills.

2. Why You Should Take the PTE Exam

Owning a PTE certificate brings many benefits that make it worthwhile for learners to consider preparing for the PTE exam:

Widely recognized: PTE is not only recognized by thousands of schools and organizations worldwide but also accepted by immigration and study abroad authorities. This recognition gives you confidence when using PTE results for purposes such as studying abroad or working overseas.

Global Connection Opportunities: The PTE exam not only serves as an English proficiency test but also acts as a bridge to help you get closer to your goals of studying, working, or immigrating to English-speaking countries. With PTE results, you can confidently apply for scholarships, jobs, or even visas.

Comprehensive English Skill Assessment: The PTE exam doesn't just assess your ability in one aspect of English; it evaluates all four fundamental skills, including listening, reading, writing, and speaking. This helps you gain a better understanding of your English language proficiency in various situations and environments.

3. PTE Exam Format

The PTE Academic exam consists of four main sections, each assessing a specific language skill. Below is the detailed structure of the PTE Academic exam:

3.1. PTE Listening Section 

- Number of Questions: Varied, typically 17 to 20 questions

- Content: Listening to short audio recordings or dialogues, then answering questions

- Time Allotted: Approximately 45-57 minutes

3.2. PTE Reading Section 

- Number of Questions: Varied, typically 15 to 20 questions

- Content: Reading short or long passages, then answering questions

- Time Allotted: Approximately 32-40 minutes

3.3. PTE Writing Section

- Number of Questions: 2 essays

- Content: Writing a personal essay and an essay based on agreeing or disagreeing with a specific viewpoint

- Time Allotted: Approximately 40-50 minutes

3.4. PTE Speaking Section 

- Number of Questions: 5 or 6 tasks

- Content: Speaking into the computer to answer questions and perform dialogue tasks

- Time Allotted: Approximately 20 minutes

Overall, the total time for the PTE Academic exam is approximately 3 hours.

4. PTE practice test online

Taking the PTE practice test is an effective method to get ready for the PTE Academic exam. It offers various benefits for learners, such as:

- Convenience and Flexibility: With the free PTE practice test, you can study anytime, anywhere, as long as you have an internet connection. This flexibility accommodates busy schedules.

- Diverse and Abundant Resources: Online PTE practice provides a wide range of resources, from practice tests to study materials, and vast question banks closely aligned with the exam syllabus to enhance your skills.

- Automatic Scoring: When you complete one PTE practice test, you receive instant scoring and level classification, allowing you to easily identify strengths and weaknesses to improve your skills.

- Time and Cost Savings: Compared to traditional classroom learning, online PTE practice saves time and money. You avoid the need to travel to classes and can save on transportation and accommodation costs.

- Personalized Learning: You can customize your study schedule and choose exercises tailored to your needs and goals. This allows you to focus on improving specific skills and advancing your proficiency in a shorter time.

In summary, the PTE is a suitable certification if you are seeking opportunities to work and live abroad. Therefore, the online PTE practice test will support you in preparing thoroughly and achieving high scores in the upcoming exam.


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Free Practice Tests for learners of English

Pte academic writing 2.

You will have 20 minutes to plan, write and revise an essay about the topic below. Your response will be judged on how well you develop a position, organize your ideas, present supporting details, and control the elements of standard written English. You should write 200–300 words.

Age discrimination occurs when a decision is made on the basis of a person’s age. In the workplace, these are most often decisions about being employed in the first place, winning promotions or being unfairly dismissed. Should discrimination against older workers be made illegal?

PTE Writing tests

  • Writing 1 - Summary
  • Writing 2 - essay
  • Writing 3 - essay
  • Writing 4 - essay
  • Writing 5 - essay
  • Writing 6 - essay
  • Writing 7 - essay

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PTE Writing Task Types

  • Summarize Written Test

PTE Writing

Write essay is a long-answer PTE Writing task type. It tests your ability to write a persuasive or argumentative essay on a given topic.

PTE Writing Essay

You have to write a 200-300 words essay. The length of the question is 2 - 3 sentences.

You have 20 minutes to write the essay. You can use multiple buttons like Cut, Copy, and Paste while writing the essay. Always keep an eye on the word count.

PTE Writing Essay General Instruction

Scoring in PTE Essay Writing is based on five factors: Content, Spelling, Grammar, Vocabulary, and Written Discourse. The content is scored by determining if the key points of the topic are presented without any misleading information. For Vocabulary, you need to use appropriate words, and also the spellings should be correct. The Grammar is analyzed by the structure of sentence formation.

Before you start writing your essay, make sure that you analyze the question carefully, marking the keywords around which you should write your essay.

Essay Writing is scored based on seven factors: Development & Structure, Coherence, Form, General Linguistic Range, Grammar Usage, Vocabulary Range, and Spelling.

Summarize Written text is a short-answer PTE Writing task type. It tests your ability to comprehend, analyze, and combine information from a reading passage, and then summarize the key points in writing.

PTE Writing Summarize written test

One needs to write a sentence summary of a passage. The length of the paragraph can be up to 300 words.

You have ten minutes to write the summary. One needs to make sure that the summary should end in one single full sentence. The word length should not exceed 75 words. Always keep an eye on the word count at the bottom of the screen.

PTE Writing Summarize written test General Instruction

Your score in PTE Summarize Written Text is based on four factors namely Content, Form, Grammar, and Vocabulary. The content is scored by determining if the key points of the passage are presented without any misleading information. Whereas the form is scored by determining the one-sentence requirement. The grammar is scored by checking the basic structure of the sentence.

Make sure to stick to the one-sentence rule. Do not use less than five words and more than seventy-five words in the sentence.

The biggest challenge of SWT is that you need to summarize in a line. To do so, you need to know complex words that can define the meaning of multiple words.

Choose from our Scored PTE Mock Test, PTE Practice Test & Section Wise Test

Initiator package.

  • 1 Full Length Scored Mock Test
  • 8 Section Wise Test
  • Automated Scorecard within 18 Hrs
  • Coach Feedback on each task type
  • Expert Answer for each task type
  • Test validity 1 year

Basic Package

  • 2 Full Length Scored Mock Test
  • 1 Practice Test

Trainer Package

  • 3 Full Length Scored Mock Test
  • 12 Section Wise Test

Recommended Package

  • 4 Full Length Scored Mock Test
  • 2 Practice Test

Candidate Package

  • 5 Full Length Scored Mock Test
  • 16 Section Wise Test

Preparation Package

  • 6 Full Length Scored Mock Test
  • 3 Practice Test

Full Package

  • 7 Full Length Scored Mock Test
  • 20 Section Wise Test
  • 1 hour personal coaching

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PTE Knowledge

PTE Academic is the most popular PTE exam for those who want to study, work or settle in English-speaking countries.

PTE Speaking Guide

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Repeat Sentence

Describe image.

This question type is the 3rd one in the Speaking Section. Test takers will see a picture (of map, flow chart, table, bar chart, pie chart, line chart, etc.), and are supposed to deliver a description…

Retell Lecture

Answer short question, pte writing guide, summarize written text, write essay, pte reading guide, fill in blank (r & w), reading multiple choices multiple answers, re-order paragraphs, fill in blank (r), reading multiple choices single answer, pte listening guide, summarize spoken text.

Test takers will usually hear a lecture/dialogue (60s – 90s) before they are required to write a summary of what they have just heard. The word limit is 50 to 70 words. 10 minutes are…

Listening Multiple Choices Multiple Answers

Test takers will usually hear a lecture/dialogue (40s-90s) before required to accordingly choose 2 or 3 correct answers from given 5 to 7 options. For each wrongly selected option…

Test takers will usually hear an audio clip and see a textual passage with blanks, before required to write a correct word down in each blank according to the audio clip. This question…

Multiple Choices Single Answer Listening

Test takers will usually hear a lecture/dialogue (60s-90s) before required to accordingly choose a solely correct answer from given options. This question type usually consists of 1 or…

Select Missing Words

Highlight incorrect words, write from dictation.

Write from Dictation (WFD) is the most important question type in PTE Listening. It contributes marks to both Listening and Writing. It is scored based on the number of correct words in your answer…

Highlight Correct Summary

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Pricing And Plans

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The BoostPTE practice platform is very useful and close to the real exam. I just practiced on this platform and got a better score than I expected. I totally recommend it.

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Popular Questions to Ask Before Choosing a BoostPTE

You will be surprised how quickly you reach your English level with all the advanced facilities we offer in one place. We do not collect subscribers, instead, we are proud to share your success story.

What Is PTE?

PTE stands for Pearson Test of English. This is a globally valid English certificate such as IELTS, TOEFL, or TOEIC, and gets a fast score (after 24 hours, 5 days at the latest). This certificate is often used for the purpose of studying and settling abroad, especially in Australia and New Zealand.

What Is A PTE Certificate Used For?

PTE Academic is the most popular PTE exam for those who want to study, work or settle in English-speaking countries. In particular, in New Zealand and Australia, 100% of universities accept this certificate and the immigration department also considers the PTE certificate as one of the binding conditions to prove English proficiency when applying for settlement. , which can completely replace certificates such as IELTS, TOEFL, Cambridge … when converting to equivalent scores.

What Is the Difference Between PTE Certificate And IELTS?

The main difference between IELTS and PTE is that IELTS offer a choice between a paper-based exam or a computer-delivered exam. The PTE test is all computer-based and marked by a machine. With IELTS the speaking part takes the form of a face to face talk with an examiner and with PTE you speak to the computer.

Which Countries Accept PTE Certificates?

This test is recognized by thousands of universities worldwide, of which the most popular are UK, Australia, USA, Canada, Singapore and other countries.

How Long Is PTE Certificate Valid?

PTE certification is usually valid for 2 years. Particularly for immigration and vocational skills assessment in Australia, the validity period is 3 years.

How Many Sections Are There On The PTE Test?

The special feature of the PTE format is that you will be tested on your Speaking and Writing skills together, not separate 4 skills like the IELTS test.

The PTE Academic test will include 3 tests on 4 skills (Listening – Speaking – Reading – Writing) on a computer with a duration of 180 minutes.

  • Part 1: Test your Speaking and Writing skills (Speaking & Writing). Time from 54 to 67 minutes.
  • Part 2: Test reading skills. Time from 29 to 30 minutes
  • Part 3: Testing Listening skills (Listening). Time from 30 to 43 minutes.

What Can I Bring When I Take the PTE Certification Exam?

Because PTE is a very objective exam. To ensure this, candidates need to coordinate with the test center when taking the PTE exam. Not all personal items may be brought into the exam room. Supplies that can be brought into the exam room include:

  • Cough medicine (opened).
  • Pillows to support the injured neck, back, arms, and legs.
  • Sweaters, coats, or an outfit that has pockets but you don’t want to take it off to check. You must show the proctor that the bag is empty.
  • Glasses and hearing aids.
  • Neck belt (for those who are injured in the neck area).
  • Insulin pump attached to the individual body.

Who Is PTE Exam Eligibility?

  • People who plan to settle, work or study abroad in countries where English is the main language.
  • You must be 16 years old to register for the exam. Persons aged 16-18 must have written consent and signatures from their parents before registering for the exam. Persons from the age of 18 can register for the exam by themselves.

To Help You Choose the Right Tool, You Need to Book a Consultation

Want us to help you learn and choose a PTE practice online platform? Fill out the form below to receive a consultation from one of our experts.

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Where can pte can take you.

PTE Academic is accepted by 3,000+ institutions worldwide, including Oxford University, Harvard Business School, and Yale. It is also accepted by the Australian, UK, and New Zealand governments for visa purposes.

Texas A&M University Accepting PTE |

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Blog Post Articles on Topical Issues

7 Transformative Adjustments to Your PTE Study Routine to Mitigate Test-Day Tension and Apprehension

7 Transformative Adjustments to Your PTE Study Routine to Mitigate Test-Day Tension and Apprehension

PTE Australia: Your Gateway to Work, Study, and Immigration

PTE Australia: Your Gateway to Work, Study, and Immigration

Supercharge Your PTE Preparation with BoostPTE: Real Student Testimonials and Proven Strategies

Supercharge Your PTE Preparation with BoostPTE: Real Student Testimonials and Proven Strategies

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  • Repeat Sentence
  • Describe Image
  • Re-tell Lecture
  • Answer Short Question
  • Summarize Written Text
  • Essay Writing
  • Multiple-Choice Choose Single Answer
  • Multiple-Choice Choose Multiple Answer
  • Re-Order Paragraph
  • Fill In The Blanks
  • Reading & Writing Fill in the Blanks
  • Summarize Spoken Text
  • Highlight Correct Summary
  • Select Missing Words
  • Highlight Incorrect Words
  • Write From Dictation

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Free PTE Practice Test PDFs with Sample Questions and Answers

Sign up to access these free resources.

Preparing for the Pearson Test of English (PTE) Academic requires thorough practice and familiarization with the test format. One effective way to enhance your preparation is through PTE practice test PDFs. This is a collection of practice test material in the form of pdf documents which include different question types along with their answers. 

These PDFs are designed to simulate the actual test environment, giving you a clear idea of what to expect on the day of the exam. They include sections like reading, writing, and speaking, mirroring the structure of the real PTE Academic test. 

Utilizing these PDFs allows you to practice time management, a crucial skill for the PTE, as it has strict time constraints. Moreover, these practice tests help in identifying your strengths and areas that need improvement. By consistently working through these tests, you can track your progress and build confidence.

PTE Practice Test Sample Questions and Answers

These PTE practice test sample questions are an invaluable resource for understanding the types of questions you will encounter. These samples cover various question formats along with their answers. 

For instance, in the speaking section, you might encounter a question like, “Describe an image” or “Repeat a sentence.” Sample responses provide a benchmark for the kind of clarity and content expected in your answers. 

In the writing section, practice prompts for essays can help you organize your thoughts quickly and efficiently, a vital skill for the time-pressured real test.

Reading sections also benefit greatly from these practice questions. They train you to pick up key information and understand the context, which is essential for answering accurately. 

The PTE listening section will be added to this collection in due time, offering you similar benefits as described above. 

Enjoy downloading them for free!

PTE Practice Test Material for Speaking

Preparing for the Speaking section of the Pearson Test of English (PTE) Academic exam can be a daunting task, but with the right practice tests, you can significantly enhance your speaking skills and confidence. These tests are designed to replicate the actual PTE Speaking exam, providing a realistic experience of the test environment.

What PTE Speaking Practice Tests Include:

PTE Speaking practice tests include a range of exercises that cover all question types you will encounter in the exam. The list is as follows: 

  • Read Aloud: This task involves reading a text aloud as naturally and clearly as possible. It tests your ability to pronounce words correctly and your fluency in English.
  • Repeat Sentence: Here, you listen to a sentence and then repeat it verbatim. This section assesses your listening and speaking skills, memory, and ability to reproduce the sentence accurately.
  • Describe Image: In this task, you're given an image and are required to describe it in detail. This tests your ability to analyze and articulate what you see in a structured and coherent manner.
  • Re-tell Lecture: After listening to or watching a lecture, you must summarize and explain it in your own words. This task assesses your listening and speaking skills, along with your ability to comprehend and summarize information.
  • Answer Short Question: You are asked a question and must respond in a few words. This section tests your general knowledge and ability to understand and answer the question promptly.

These questions challenge you to think on your feet and respond accurately and fluently under time constraints, just like in the actual exam. Regular practice with these tests will not only improve your speaking skills but also your overall confidence in using English in varied contexts. Remember, the key to success in the PTE Speaking section is practice, familiarity with question types, and the ability to remain calm and clear under exam conditions.

Free PTE Speaking Practice Test: Read Aloud

Free PTE Speaking Practice Test: Read Aloud

Improve PTE speaking skills with our free PTE Speaking practice test. Boost your confidence for the PTE exam with our Read Aloud practice.

Free PTE Speaking Practice Test: Repeat Sentence

Free PTE Speaking Practice Test: Repeat Sentence

Get ready for PTE success! Elevate your speaking skills with our Free PTE Speaking Practice Test: Repeat Sentence.

Free PTE Speaking Practice Test: Describe Image

Free PTE Speaking Practice Test: Describe Image

Boost your PTE Speaking skills with our free PTE Speaking practice test for 'Describe Image' questions. Get ready to excel in the PTE exam!

Free PTE Speaking Practice Test: Retell Lecture

Free PTE Speaking Practice Test: Retell Lecture

Improve your PTE Speaking skills with our Free PTE practice test, specifically focusing on Retell Lecture questions.

Free PTE Speaking Practice Test: Answer Short Questions

Free PTE Speaking Practice Test: Answer Short Questions

Prepare for PTE exam with our free PTE speaking practice test. Improve your skills and boost your confidence in short question responses.

PTE Practice Test Material for Reading

The Reading section of the Pearson Test of English (PTE) Academic is designed to assess a candidate's understanding of written English, encompassing various skills from reading comprehension to vocabulary and grammar. PTE Reading practice tests are an invaluable resource in preparing for this challenging aspect of the exam.

What PTE Reading Practice Tests Include:

PTE Reading practice tests mimic the actual exam format, providing a comprehensive assessment of an individual's reading skills. These tests typically include a range of passages followed by different types of questions. The content of these passages can vary widely, covering academic, professional, and general topics. The primary aim is to evaluate how well a test-taker can understand written information, interpret and analyze data, and deduce conclusions. Here’s the list of question types covered in these PDFs:

  • Multiple-choice, Choose Single Answer: This type involves a text followed by a multiple-choice question. You must select the single correct answer. It tests your ability to understand the main idea or an important detail of the text.
  • Multiple-choice, Choose Multiple Answers: Similar to the previous type but with more than one correct answer. This tests your ability to understand, interpret, and analyze a text.
  • Re-order Paragraphs: Here, you need to rearrange the text boxes in the correct order. This assesses your ability to understand the logical flow of an article or a piece of writing.
  • Reading Fill in the Blanks: This task involves a text with missing words, and you have to fill in these blanks from a given list of words. It tests vocabulary and understanding of sentence structure.
  • Reading and Writing Fill in the Blanks: A variation of the previous type, but it requires you to use your understanding of grammar and overall text coherence to fill the blanks.

Regular practice with these tests is key to improving your reading skills, speed, and accuracy, essential for achieving a high score in the PTE Academic test. Moreover, familiarizing yourself with the test format and question types reduces exam anxiety and boosts your confidence, enabling you to perform your best on the actual test day.

Free PTE Reading Practice Test: Multiple Choice Single Answer

Free PTE Reading Practice Test: Multiple Choice Single Answer

Get ready to ace your PTE test! Try our free PTE Reading practice test for the multiple-choice single-answer questions and be prepared.

Free PTE Reading Practice Test: Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Free PTE Reading Practice Test: Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Boost your PTE score with our Free PTE Reading practice test for multiple choice multiple answer questions. Ace the PTE exam with confidence!

Free PTE Reading Practice Test: Re-order Paragraphs

Free PTE Reading Practice Test: Re-order Paragraphs

Prepare for the PTE test with our Free PTE Reading practice test! Master PTE re-order paragraph questions and boost your PTE score!

Free PTE Reading Practice: Fill in the Blanks (Select from the list)

Free PTE Reading Practice: Fill in the Blanks (Select from the list)

Ace the PTE Reading test with our free PTE Reading practice test for fill in the blank (select from the list) questions.

Free PTE Reading Practice: Fill in the Blanks (Drag & Drop)

Free PTE Reading Practice: Fill in the Blanks (Drag & Drop)

Prepare for success in the PTE Reading test! Try our free PTE Reading practice test for fill in the blank questions.

PTE Practice Tests for Writing

The Writing section of the Pearson Test of English (PTE) Academic is a critical component that assesses a candidate's ability to produce written English in an academic environment. To excel in this section, candidates must be proficient in various aspects of writing, from grammar and vocabulary to coherence and cohesion in their texts. PTE Writing practice tests are designed to help candidates develop these skills and familiarize themselves with the exam format.

What PTE Writing Practice Tests Include:

PTE Writing practice tests include tasks that mirror the actual exam, providing a realistic and comprehensive preparation experience. These tests typically consist of two types of tasks: 

  • Summarize Written Text: In this task, candidates read a text and summarize it in a single sentence, typically within a word limit. This task assesses the ability to comprehend a text, identify the main points, and concisely express them in a grammatically correct sentence.
  • Write Essay: Candidates are required to write a 200-300 word essay on a given topic. This task tests a range of skills, including the ability to develop an argument, organize ideas logically, and use language effectively. Essay topics can vary widely, covering general, academic, or controversial issues.

Effective PTE Writing practice tests provide a variety of topics and prompts to help candidates practice structuring essays and summarizing texts under time constraints. Additionally, practicing with a timer helps candidates manage their time effectively during the actual test. By using these practice tests, candidates can significantly enhance their writing skills, leading to better performance in the PTE Academic test.

Free PTE Writing Practice Test: Summarize Written Text

Free PTE Writing Practice Test: Summarize Written Text

Boost your PTE writing score! Practice summarizing written text effectively with our Free PTE writing Practice test. Enhance your PTE score now.

Free PTE Writing Practice Test: Essay Writing

Free PTE Writing Practice Test: Essay Writing

Looking to ace the PTE Writing exam? Try our Free PTE Writing practice test for written essays! Hone your skills and boost your score.

PTE Practice Tests for Listening

The Listening section of the Pearson Test of English (PTE) Academic plays a crucial role in evaluating a candidate's ability to understand spoken English in an academic context. Excelling in this section requires proficiency in various listening skills, including the ability to understand the gist and details of spoken English, recognize the speaker's opinion or attitude, and follow the development of an argument.

What PTE Listening Practice Tests Include:

PTE Listening practice tests are designed to closely resemble the actual exam, offering a realistic and comprehensive preparation experience. These tests typically include various types of tasks:

  • Summarize Spoken Text: In this task, candidates listen to a short recording and summarize the main points in a written format. This task assesses the ability to understand the main points of a spoken text and express them concisely in written English.
  • Multiple-choice Questions: This section may include multiple-choice questions based on a recording. Candidates must choose one or more correct answers from the options provided. This task tests the ability to understand specific information and the overall context of the spoken text.
  • Fill in the Blanks: Candidates listen to a recording and fill in the missing words in a transcript. This task evaluates listening for specific information and understanding of vocabulary and grammar.
  • Highlight Correct Summary: After listening to a recording, candidates must select the summary that best matches the content and meaning of the spoken text. This assesses the ability to identify the main points and overall message of the recording.
  • Select Missing Word: In this task, candidates listen to a recording with a missing word at the end and choose the correct word to complete it. This tests understanding of the context and the topic discussed.
  • Write from Dictation: Candidates listen to a short sentence and write it down exactly as they hear it. This task evaluates listening and writing skills, focusing on understanding and accurately reproducing spoken English.
  • Highlight Incorrect Words: In this task, candidates listen to a recording while following a written transcript of the same recording. The transcript, however, contains several words that are different from what is spoken. The objective is to identify these incorrect words by clicking on them in the transcript as the recording plays. 

Effective PTE Listening practice tests include a range of recordings on different topics to help candidates improve their ability to understand varied accents and styles of spoken English. Additionally, practicing with a timer helps candidates manage their time effectively during the actual test. By using these practice tests, candidates can significantly enhance their listening skills, leading to better performance in the PTE Academic test.

Free PTE Listening Practice Test: Summarize Spoken Text

Free PTE Listening Practice Test: Summarize Spoken Text

Prepare for PTE exam our free PTE Listening Practice Test! Sharpen your skills for PTE with Yuno Learning's expert curated content.

Free PTE Listening Practice Test: Multiple Choice Single Answer

Free PTE Listening Practice Test: Multiple Choice Single Answer

Prepare for PTE with our free PTE Listening Practice Test! Ace the Multiple Choice Single Answer section effortlessly.

Free PTE Listening Practice Test: Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Free PTE Listening Practice Test: Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Enhance your PTE score with our Free PTE Listening Practice Test. Master Multiple-choice, multiple-answer questions effortlessly.

Free PTE Listening Practice Test: Fill In The Blanks

Free PTE Listening Practice Test: Fill In The Blanks

Get ready for your PTE exam with our Free PTE Listening practice test. Improve your skills with our Free PTE Fill in the Blanks exercises!

Free PTE Listening Practice Test: Highlight Correct Summary

Free PTE Listening Practice Test: Highlight Correct Summary

Get ahead in your PTE prep with our Free PTE Listening Practice Test! Sharpen your skills for highlighting the correct summary questions.

Free PTE Listening Practice Test: Select Missing Words

Free PTE Listening Practice Test: Select Missing Words

Enhance your PTE skills with our Free PTE Listening Practice Test. Sharpen your word selection abilities.

Free PTE Listening Practice Test: Write from Dictation

Free PTE Listening Practice Test: Write from Dictation

Get ready for PTE with our Free PTE Listening Practice Test! Improve your skills and ace the PTE Write from Dictation section.

Free PTE Listening Practice Test: Highlight Incorrect Words

Free PTE Listening Practice Test: Highlight Incorrect Words

Boost your PTE score with our free PTE Listening practice test! Sharpen your listening abilities and ace the PTE exam. Try it now!


  1. PTE Writing Practice Test

    Task 2: Write essay. Task 1: Summarize Written Text You need to summarize the passage in one sentence. PTE Summarize Written Text Task Sample 1: PTE Summarize Written Text Task Sample 2: PTE Summarize Written Text Task Sample 3: PTE Summarize Written Text Task Sample 4: PTE Summarize Written Text Task Sample 5:

  2. Let's ace our PTE writing practice tests with answers!

    Below is a detailed guide on how to approach the PTE Writing test for beginners: - Step 1: Read the instructions and requirements carefully. In the PTE Writing test, the instructions and requirements of the prompts are crucial information that cannot be overlooked. Therefore, don't just skim through; read and analyze the prompts carefully!

  3. Free Online PTE Writing Mock & Preparation Test I Mockmaster

    Answer Time - 10 minutes. Number of questions - 1-2. Write essay. The art of essay writing tests your skill in articulating, comprehensive, and convincing arguments concerning a specified topic. Utilizing standard academic language is important for achieving favorable assessments. Length - 200-300 words. Answer time - 20 minutes.

  4. Master PTE Writing with Realistic Practice Papers

    admin. PTE Writing Practice Paper 1. Read the passage below and summarize it using one sentence. Type your response in the box at the bottom of the screen. You have 10 minutes to finish this task. Your response will be judged on the quality of your writing and on how well your response presents the key points in the passage. 1. Here's a term ...

  5. PTE Write Essay: Strategies, Sample Question & Sample Answer┃E2

    Paragraph 4 - Conclusion: Summarize your two main points and end with a strong statement. Don't bring up new ideas here. To learn more about the method for writing a PTE essay, head to E2 Test Prep and watch the Method video. Step 3: Check Your Work. After you finish writing, be sure to read your work carefully.

  6. PTE Essay Writing: Templates, Topics, Tips and Practice Questions

    The PTE Essay Writing is a task of the Writing section in the PTE Academic test. In this task, you will find 1 or 2 essays, each accompanied by 2 to 3 sentences of prompts. Test-takers are granted 20 minutes to plan, write, and review their essay. They should spend the last 3 - 5 minutes checking spelling, grammar, and sentence structure.

  7. PTE Writing Practice Papers 2022: Sample Questions, Practice Material

    Let us get an overall idea of the PTE writing before starting with the PTE writing sample questions. The tasks are described below: Time: 77 - 93 minutes. PTE summarize written text. One sentence summary of a passage. Prompt Length: 300 words. Answering time: 10 minutes. PTE Essay. Write an essay on a mentioned topic.

  8. PTE Academic Writing test 1

    PTE Academic Writing 1. Read the passage below and summarize it using one sentence. Type your response in the box at the bottom of the screen. You have 10 minutes to finish this task. Your response will be judged on the quality of your writing and on how well your response presents the key points in the passage.

  9. Take free PTE Practice Tests online with detailed explanations

    3.3. PTE Writing Section - Number of Questions: 2 essays - Content: Writing a personal essay and an essay based on agreeing or disagreeing with a specific viewpoint - Time Allotted: Approximately 40-50 minutes. 3.4. PTE Speaking Section - Number of Questions: 5 or 6 tasks - Content: Speaking into the computer to answer questions and perform ...

  10. PTE Academic Writing test 2

    PTE Academic Writing 2. You will have 20 minutes to plan, write and revise an essay about the topic below. Your response will be judged on how well you develop a position, organize your ideas, present supporting details, and control the elements of standard written English. You should write 200-300 words.

  11. PTE Writing Practice

    Summarize Written Text. Summarize Written Text PTE is a question type where a student is required to write a one-sentence summary of a provided passage within a maximum limit of 75 words. This question will check the student's Reading & Writing Skills. You have 10 minutes to write your summary. Make sure to include the main points of the ...

  12. PTE Writing

    In this video, E2 Expert Teacher Natasha will take you through both PTE Writing tasks, Summarise Written Text and Write Essay. By watching this video, you wi...

  13. PTE Essay Writing and Summarize Written Text by ptemocktest

    Scoring in PTE Essay Writing is based on five factors: Content, Spelling, Grammar, Vocabulary, and Written Discourse. The content is scored by determining if the key points of the topic are presented without any misleading information. For Vocabulary, you need to use appropriate words, and also the spellings should be correct.

  14. Free Online PTE Practice, Tests & AI Scoring Platform

    Study PTE Academic with Practice PTE Test: real exam questions, free mock test (WRITING, READING, LISTENING & SPEAKING) with AI scoring. Try Now! ... Write Essay. This question type is the 2nd one in the Writing Section. Test takers are required to write an essay of a given topic within 20 minutes. The response should be within 200 ...

  15. Free Practice

    A direct access to your free practice. PTE Success contains more than 2000 exam questions and 23 scored mock tests. ... Practice over 2000 PTE test questions. Speaking. Writing. Reading. Listening. View prediction. A. All. RA. Read Aloud. RS. Repeat Sentence. SQ. Answer Short Question. DI.

  16. PTE Mock Tests : Practice and Prepare for Success

    PTE Writing mock test includes tasks that replicate the writing tasks that you get in your PTE. Summarise the Text. Instructions: After reading the passage, summarise it in one sentence. ... Each component of the PTE essay is explained in the template to empower you to write scoring essays quickly. Get our Proven Template for Success.

  17. Samples of PTE Essay Writing with Answers

    Do you want to avoid mistakes in essay writing? Practise with some updated and useful samples here to perform well in exam. ... To enhance your experience by allowing you to track progress, get practice insights & suggestions, we request you to login first to access practice tests. ... PTE Scoring Your Score Feed back/Comment(s) ...

  18. Free PTE Practice Test PDFs with Sample Questions and Answers

    These PTE practice test sample questions are an invaluable resource for understanding the types of questions you will encounter. These samples cover various question formats along with their answers. For instance, in the speaking section, you might encounter a question like, "Describe an image" or "Repeat a sentence.".

  19. Free PTE Writing Sample

    Paragraph 4 - Conclusion: Summarize your two main points and end with a strong statement. Don't bring up new ideas here. To learn more about the method for writing a PTE essay, head to E2 Test Prep and watch the Method video. Step 3: Check Your Work. After you finish writing, be sure to read your work carefully.