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  • TUM School of Computation, Information and Technology
  • Technical University of Munich

Technical University of Munich

Outstanding research groups, an international environment and numerous research alliances – the TUM School of Computation, Information and Technology (CIT) offers you an excellent environment for your scientific career. The TUM Graduate School and our Graduate Center (GC-CIT) will support you from the outset.

How do I start my doctoral project at CIT?

Check whether you meet the requirements for a doctorate at cit.

  • You have found a thesis supervisor at CIT . Contact a potential thesis supervisor yourself for this purpose. You can obtain an overview of research areas and professors at CIT by going to the Research page of our school , selecting the department relevant to you and clicking on "Our research".
  • You have an above-average degree that qualifies you to pursue a doctorate (usually at least 2.5).
  • Only for applicants with an international degree : Your qualifying degree must be recognized in Germany . Please note that this process may take some time! For more information, see the relevant pages of TUM-GS .
  • Clarify the individual funding of your doctorate. Information about the various funding options can be found on the pages of theTUM-GS .

Fill out the GC-CIT Supervision Agreement

Fill out the Supervision Agreement together with your thesis supervisor.

Note the following:

  • "Second thesis supervisor": A second thesis supervisor is only possible under certain conditions, such as a cooperative doctorate or a Cotutelle Program.
  • Mentor:  A mentor shouldn’t, if possible, belong to the same research group as the supervisor. If your preferred mentor doesn't hold a PhD degree yet, please attach an informal statement to your supervision agreement that proves their aptitude for independent scientific research. Mentors can be subsequently registered or replaced (see Appendix 1 Supervision Agreement). Mentors can be subsequently registered or replaced (see Appendix 1 Supervision Agreement).
  • Subject-specific and interdisciplinary events, publication, international experience: If you or your thesis supervisor are unable to provide any information on these points when completing the Supervision Agreement, please leave these fields blank.

Once you completed the Supervision Agreement with your thesis supervisor, you need to collect the GC-CIT coordinators' signature. In the current restructuring phase, you will get the signature electronically - please send your supervision agreement to gc(at) . We strongly recommend that you participate in one our regular online  onboarding events .

Submit an application for entry on the CIT doctoral candidacy list on DocGS

You can submit an application for entry on the doctoral candidacy list of the degree-awarding institution CIT as follows:

  • Create a new user account in DocGS and create your profile. Ensure that you enter your data correctly and completely using uniform spelling (according to your ID card or similar).
  • Select "Application entry doctoral candidacy list" and enter all required information here. Submit the application.
  • Print out the finalized application, sign it and have it signed by your thesis supervisor.

Submit all required supporting documents to GC-CIT

  • Now collect all the required documents. You can find out what they are on the printed application form. More information can be found on the TUM Graduate School website .
  • Come to one of our open consultation hours with the complete documents (incl. the supervision agreement signed by the coordinators). There is no need to register in advance via email.

I am on the doctoral candidacy list of the CIT - and now?

Welcome as a member of GC-CIT! It's now time:

  • If you haven't already done so: Visit the next onboarding event of our Graduate Center!
  • Start fulfilling the requirements of the qualification program . You can submit your dissertation only if you have completed all mandatory qualification elements. You can find out which elements these are in the GC-CIT Regulations , your Supervision Agreement , and the GC-CIT wiki .
  • You can now use our internal wiki , where you will find all relevant information about your doctorate! You can log in with your TUM ID. Employees or enrolled doctoral candidates automatically receive a TUM User ID. If you are an external doctoral candidate, please contact the administrative office of your thesis supervisor.
  • If you require individual advising, for example, because your situation is too specific to be included in our info sheets, please do not hesitate to contact us! Our contact details can be found in the wiki .

We would like to wish you great success and  an enjoyable time at CIT and GC-CIT!

Regulations CIT

Supervision Agreement GC-CIT

Regulations ("Ordnung") GC-CIT

Doctoral Regulations ("Promotionsordnung") TUM

Statutory Regulations ("Statut") TUM-GS

Onboarding events

As a doctoral candidate, your scientific project will be your focus, of course. In order to obtain a doctorate at TUM, however, you will be responsible for also completing a qualification program and fulfilling organizational tasks in your various roles as a GC-CIT and TUM-GS member, junior researcher and employee or scholarship holder. No one can do that for you. As coordinators of your Graduate Center, however, we will be able to prepare you so well that you will be optimally oriented at the start of your doctorate and your effort, in turn, minimized.

For this purpose, we offer online onboarding events at regular intervals. We strongly recommend that everyone participates in them. The best time for this is around the time you are entered on the doctoral candidacy list, but all doctoral candidates in need of "tutoring" are welcome.

Registration for the onboarding event is unnecessary; just follow the Zoom access link. It will be useful if you have your DocGS account and your Supervision Agreement handy for the event.

Upcoming events:

  • Friday, 07.06., 9:15-10:00
  • Wednesday, 03.07., 9:15-10:00
  • Tuesday, 24.09., 9:15-10:00

Zoom access link:

Meeting ID: 645 1176 1092

Password: 156124

Submitting your dissertation at the School of Computation, Information and Technology (CIT) happens in two steps:

  • electronic submission via DocGS: We recommend submitting the work electronically at least 3.5 weeks before the School Council meeting.
  • submitting the documents at the Center for Study and Teaching - Office of Doctoral Affairs: at least  3 weeks before the School Council meeting (hard deadline, entry stamp counts!) 

At the same time, the supervisor (not the doctoral candidate) must report the examination committee to the GC CIT via email to gc_admin(at)  at least  3 weeks before the School Council meeting (hard deadline) . Entering the examiners on the title page of the electronically submitted dissertation does not count as reporting the examination committee.

The upcoming School Council meetings can be found here: /.

News from your GC-CIT

Doctoral examinations.

We cordially invite all authorized examiners of the School of CIT to the doctoral examinations at the School. Some defenses are open to the public according to the respective invitation. [read more]

859 information-technology-PhD positions in Germany

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  • information-technology-PhD

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  • Last-24-hours 6
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  • Last-7-days 22
  • Last-30-days 100
  • Scholarship 444
  • Uni Job 211
  • Research Job 209
  • Postdoctoral 152
  • Fellowship 32
  • Postgraduate 7
  • Staff Scientist 6
  • Research Scientist 4
  • Senior Scientist 2
  • Technical University of Munich 111
  • Forschungszentrum Jülich 57
  • Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft 48
  • Deutsches Zentrum für Luft - und Raumfahrt (DLR) 22
  • University of Göttingen • 21
  • Helmholtz 20
  • Heidelberg University 19
  • Nature Careers 17
  • Georg August University of Göttingen 15
  • Humboldt-Stiftung Foundation 14
  • Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München • 13
  • International PhD Programme (IPP) Mainz 10
  • Helmholtz Zentrum München - Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Gesundheit und Umwelt 8
  • Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf - HZDR - Helmholtz Association 8
  • University of Bremen 8
  • Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY 7
  • Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) 7
  • University of Bonn • 7
  • Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society, Berlin 6
  • Academic Europe 5
  • Free University of Berlin 5
  • Friedrich Schiller University Jena • 5
  • Jena School for Microbial Communication (JSMC) 5
  • Christian-Albrechts-Universitaet zu Kiel 4
  • Deutsches Zentrum für Neurodegenerative Erkrankungen e. V. (DZNE) 4
  • Hannover Medical School • 4
  • Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie 4
  • Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon 4
  • Helmholtz-Zentrum Potsdam - Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ 4
  • Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) 4
  • University of Tübingen • 4
  • European Magnetism Association EMA 3
  • FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg • 3
  • GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung 3
  • Heidelberg University • 3
  • Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry, Jena 3
  • Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (MPIDR) 3
  • Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior, Radolfzell / Constance 3
  • Ruhr-Universität Bochum • 3
  • University of Bonn 3
  • University of Münster • 3
  • University of Tübingen 3
  • Universität Hamburg • 3
  • Alfred-Wegener-Institut Helmholtz-Zentrum für Polar- und Meeresforschung 2
  • Dresden University of Technology • 2
  • ESO - European Southern Observatory 2
  • European XFEL 2
  • FBN Dummerstorf 2
  • Freie Universität Berlin • 2
  • German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE) 2
  • Goethe University Frankfurt • 2
  • Hector Fellow Academy 2
  • Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf • 2
  • Helmholtz-Zentrum für Infektionsforschung 2
  • Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin 2
  • Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz 2
  • Justus Liebig University Giessen • 2
  • Karlsruhe Institute of Technology 2
  • Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF) 2
  • Leibniz-Institut für Agrartechnik und Bioökonomie e.V. 2
  • Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research, Rostock 2
  • Max Planck Institute for Multidisciplinary Sciences, Göttingen 2
  • Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research, Stuttgart 2
  • Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light • 2
  • Max Planck Institute for the Study of Crime, Security and Law, Freiburg 2
  • Max Planck Institutes 2
  • NaMLab gGmbH 2
  • Paderborn University 2
  • RPTU University of Kaiserslautern-Landau • 2
  • RWTH Aachen 2
  • RWTH Aachen University 2
  • Ruhr University Bochum 2
  • TU Dresden 2
  • Technische Universität Berlin • 2
  • Technische Universität Ilmenau 2
  • University of Bremen • 2
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  • University of Konstanz • 2
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  • University of Stuttgart • 2
  • Universität Siegen 2
  • ; Berlin Institute of Health 1
  • ; Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) 1
  • Aalen University • 1
  • Abbe Center of Photonics 1
  • Academic Europe / IWES - Fraunhofer-Institut / für Windenergiesysteme 1
  • Academic Europe / THWS - Technische Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften Würzburg-Schweinfurt 1
  • Autodesk, Inc. 1
  • Biano GMP 1
  • Bibliotheca Arabica 1
  • Bielefeld University • 1
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  • Electrical Engineering 6
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  • Philosophy 2
  • Psychology 2
  • Sports and Recreation 2

PhD Student (f/m/d) Harmonized PET imaging for outcome prediction in cancer treatment / Master degree in medical physics, physics, data science, medical engineering or a closely related field

six research sites! At the Institute of Radiooncology – OncoRay scientists (f/m/d) specializing in medicine, physics, biology and IT work together to crucially improve the treatment of cancer by

PhD Student / Research Assistant (f/m/d) – Mechnical Engineering part time 75%

to the deformation of the contacting solids, which is to be described by means of boundary element methods. The work builds on results of ongoing PhD studies within the project P1 of the Research Training Group 2450

PhD student position in Life Science Informatics (50%)

related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure? No Offer Description The Life Science Informatics group at the B- IT Institute , University of Bonn  has an opening for PhD students for 3 years

PhD position (m/f/d) in optoelectronic semiconductors with the possibility to obtain a doctorate deg

(Prof. Dr. Jürgen Köhler) the following temporary position is available immediately: PhD position (m/f/d) in optoelectronic semiconductors with the possibility to obtain a doctorate degree Topic: "Light

Doctoral/Postdoctoral Position "Fabrication and intercalation of spin-bearing polymers"

compatible with current technological integration. One optimization strategy is the fabrication of ultra-long, aligned polymers at interfaces and their decoration with molecular magnets. Recent work has

Coordinator (m/f/d) of the Graduate Program

. This interdisciplinary program aims to attract outstanding PhD students from all over the world to Frankfurt. The IMPRS Graduate Program Coordinator will help to manage the Research School and establish it as a leading

Postdoctoral Researcher (m/f/d) in Bioinformatics or Computational Biology

opportunity, diversity, and the promotion of work-life balance as it was awarded the certificate "Total E-Quality". In addition, the IPB is a member of the nationwide company network "Success Factor Family" and

PhD position in Statistical Physics or Computational Neuroscience on Curiosity [C3] (all genders welcome)

, there is a position as PhD position in Statistical Physics or Computational Neuroscience on Curiosity [C3] (all genders welcome) Entgeltgruppe 13 TV-L/100% to be filled. Starting date is 8/1/2024

PostDoc and PhD Positions in Human-Centered AI Technologies

06.05.2024, Wissenschaftliches Personal The Chair of Human-Centered Technologies for Learning at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) offers exciting Ph.D. and PostDoc opportunities focused

DC6: Doctoral Candidate PhD Position in MSCA Doctoral Network MAESTRI "Magnetic Soft Matter for Robotics"

5 May 2024 Job Information Organisation/Company Wegard GmbH Department R&D Research Field Technology Engineering » Industrial engineering Engineering » Mechanical engineering Engineering » Materials

Searches related to information technology PhD

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  • phd position in management information system


  • General Information
  • Tuition fees

Application & Admission

Language requirements, program features.

  • List of Universities

2741 Study programs


Study Information Technology (IT) in Germany: 27 Universities with 28 English Degree Programs

All important info for international students in germany (2024/2025).

Information Technology (IT) is a broad field of study that focuses on using technology to manage and process information. It encompasses various topics, including computer networks, software development, database management, cybersecurity, and data analysis.

What differentiates IT from other computer and IT subjects is its focus on the practical application of technology to solve business problems. IT professionals are responsible for designing, implementing, and maintaining technology systems that help organizations to manage their data and information more efficiently.  

Studying Information Technology (IT) in Germany can be a highly attractive option for international students due to the country's strong reputation for technological innovation and expertise in the field. German universities are renowned for offering high-quality education and cutting-edge research opportunities in IT-related fields. In particular, Germany has a longstanding tradition of excellence in engineering and computer science, making it an ideal destination for students looking to specialize in IT.

Many of the world's most renowned IT companies are headquartered in Germany, including SAP, Siemens, and Bosch. Germany is also the birthplace of several groundbreaking inventions in the IT field, such as the first programmable computer (Z3) developed by Konrad Zuse in 1941 and the MP3 format created by a team of German engineers in the late 1980s. The country continues to be at the forefront of technological advancement, with a strong focus on digital transformation and Industry 4.0 initiatives.

Study Programs in English


Universities in International Rankings

€ 0 (25 programs for EU citizens, 17 programs for Non-EU citizens)

€ 13,500 per semester (1 program for EU citizens/Non-EU)

Winter Semester

between May 15 and April 15

Summer Semester

between May 31 and April 15

Top-ranked German Universities in Information Technology (IT)


private (state-approved) University of Applied Sciences

No. of Students: approx. 100,000 students

Program Fees: € 3,336 - € 4,498 (per semester)


public Technical University

No. of Students: approx. 53,000 students

Program Fees: € 0 - € 6,000 (per semester)


No. of Students: approx. 20,000 students

Program Fees: € 0 (per semester)

Tuition Fees

3 english degree programs for information technology (it) in germany.


Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences Kamp-Lintfort / Kleve

Information engineering and computer science.

program image

Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences Darmstadt

Electrical engineering and information technology.

program image

Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society Ludwigshafen am Rhein

Logistics: international management & consulting (mba).

program image

Application Deadlines

Winter Semester 2024/2025

Summer Semester 2025

Winter Semester 2025/2026

Open Programs

25 programs

18 programs

27 programs

Application Modes

Application process.


Ravensburg-Weingarten University of Applied Sciences Weingarten


Hochschule der Bayerischen Wirtschaft (HDBW) Munich

Cyber security - part-time.

program image

University of Rostock Rostock

Electrical engineering.

program image

TOEFL Scores

Cambridge Levels

5.5 (1 program )

70 (1 program )

B2 First (FCE) (6 programs )

7 (4 programs )

95 (3 programs )

C2 Proficiency (CPE) (9 programs )

Cyber Security - Full-Time

program image

South Westphalia University of Applied Sciences Soest

International management & information systems.

program image

Computer Science International

program image

2-8 semesters

→ View all programs with online courses

Master of Science

Master of Laws

Master of Engineering

Bachelor of Science

Master of Arts

Bachelor of Engineering

Winter intake

Summer intake

Winter & Summer intake

List of all German Universities offering English-taught Study Programs in Information Technology (IT)


Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences

Program Fees: € 0

M.Sc. (Master of Science)


Deggendorf Institute of Technology


Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development


Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences

M.Eng. (Master of Engineering)


HKA - Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences

Program Fees: € 0 - € 1,500

B.Sc. (Bachelor of Science)

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News & Articles


Tuition-free Universities in Germany in English


Master's Requirements in Germany


Scholarships for international students (2024/25)


Uni-assist: A guide for international students (2024)


How Much Does it Cost to Live in Germany?


Germany in University Rankings


DAAD Scholarships: Guide


Engineering Universities in Germany: A Guide (2022/23)

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Information about the PhDGermany database

PhD Ceremony

You graduated and want to do a doctorate?

German universities and research organisations are always looking for qualified doctoral students from abroad. PhDGermany publishes PhD position offers in Germany that specifically target international applicants.

What are your benefits of using PhDGermany?

  • Open PhD positions all over Germany in a single database
  • Detailed information clearly arranged
  • All necessary information to contact the offering party directly
  • Type of Position
  • Field of Research
  • Working Language
  • Alphabetically
  • Application Deadline
  • Starting Date
  • Published (standard)

Go on with the  PhDGermany database .

You need further information about doing a PhD in Germany?

On  Research in Germany > PhD  you will find information about

  • Why pursue a doctorate in Germany
  • Language and Requirements
  • Financing and Funding
  • FAQ – Doing a doctorate in Germany (PDF)

Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst e.V. Kennedyallee 50 53175 Bonn

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International Programmes 2023/2024

phd in information technology germany

Information Technology Information Technology

Owl university of applied sciences and arts • lemgo.

  • Course details
  • Online learning
  • Costs / Funding
  • Requirements / Registration
  • About the university

Courses are conducted in English. Participants will also write the Master's thesis in English.

  • part-time (study alongside work)

In winter semester, the lecture period starts in late September / early October.

In summer semester, the lecture period starts in late March / early April.

Applications of non-EU citizens are formally due on 1 June for the winter semester and on 25 January for the summer semester. Please apply via uni-assist .

Applications of EU citizens are formally due on 31 August for the winter semester and on 15 February for the summer semester. Please complete your application through the university's application portal .

For updated information on applying for a Master's degree programme at the TH OWL, please view the following site: .

Future World Empowerment Programme: Our unique Future World Empowerment Programme will equip you with the knowledge and skills to be a leader in today’s society. Our holistic approach covers technical, economic, social and ethical aspects of IT, equipping you with the skills to succeed in a rapidly evolving field. Our programme includes training in The Scientific Worldview; Responsible Leadership; Entrepreneurship; and European and Global Business, Preparing you for the Global Market.

In detail, the curriculum covers the following content:

First semester, compulsory subjects: Advanced Topics in Algorithms – Discrete Signals and Systems – Probability and Statistics – Usability Engineering – Scientific Methods and Writing – Management Skills and Business Administration

Second semester, compulsory subject: Innovation and Development Strategies

Second semester, compulsory optional subjects: Communication for Distributed Systems – Embedded Systems Design – Industrial Software Engineering – Information Fusion – Intelligent Technical Systems – Network Security – Advanced Topics in Machine Learning – Authentication

Third semester: Research project

Fourth semester: Master's thesis

Students can enrol as either full-time or part-time students. Part-time students will attend the same scheduled courses as full-time students, but they may complete the programme at their own pace in eight semesters instead of four semesters. For engineers who wish to start a dual part-time programme, the Master's programme in Information Technology offers a fabulous opportunity to combine science with on-the-job experience.

  • International guest lecturers
  • Training in intercultural skills
  • Study trips
  • Content-related regional focus
  • Projects with partners in Germany and abroad
  • Courses are led with foreign partners
  • International comparisons and thematic reference to the international context

Integrated internships are not necessary; the programme includes a compulsory research project.

  • Access to databases with study material
  • Chats (with lecturers and other students)
  • Discussion forums and / or groups
  • Message Boards
  • Online sessions

Approx. 334 EUR per semester

The semester contribution comprises the following components: contribution to the student body and the Association for Student Affairs as well as the semester ticket for the federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW).

A blocked account is a special type of bank account for international students in Germany to prove that they have enough funds to live in Germany for a year. It is a requirement when applying for a German student visa or a student residence permit.

Since 1 January 2023, the annual requirement that must be paid into a blocked account when applying for a visa amounts to 11,208 EUR.

We offer several scholarships to support young and talented students who share our common vision. Our OWL Fellow Programme provides a fellowship / employment package of up to 50,000 EUR to outstanding and highly motivated students, giving them the opportunity to work closely with a company in Germany's Mittelstand sector. More information

Further scholarship programmes

Admission requirements

Applicants from non-EU countries: Please apply via uni-assist .

Applicants from EU countries: Please apply directly via the university's application portal .

The primary purpose of your stay is to study. In Germany, your residence permit is not a work permit. Nonetheless, limited kinds of employment are possible. As a registered student at OWL University of Applied Sciences and Arts in Lemgo, the work permit regulation (in German – "Arbeitserlaubnisverordnung", in short, "AEVO") § 9 No. 7 allows you to work for up to 120 full or 240 half days a year without an additional work permit.

You may work when the university is in session as well as during semester breaks. Only those days on which work is carried out are considered. Traditional jobs of an academic character such as student tutoring can be carried out in addition to the above-mentioned 120 full days or 240 half days. Such jobs are not subject to time restrictions.

  • "Lüttfeld", a student residence hall: The standard apartments (13 square meters) are furnished, including a bathroom and shower and a small kitchenette, and cost 156 EUR. This price includes utilities but bedsheets, pillows, blankets, and kitchen equipment are not provided. Bigger apartments shared with other students vary between 180 and 200 EUR per person. One month's rent is required in advance as a security deposit.
  • "Haus Baule", a private student residence hall: Furnished rooms are all equipped with computer access, TV, and phone. Some rooms have a kitchenette and a bathroom. (Bedsheets, pillows, blankets, and kitchen equipment are not provided.) A standard room of 12 square meters costs approx. 160 EUR, including utilities. One month's rent is required in advance as a security deposit. To make a reservation, please e-mail Ms K. Rosemann at [email protected].

Career Centre OWL University of Applied Sciences and Arts: or

International Office Career Services of TH OWL

  • Welcome event
  • Buddy programme
  • Specialist counselling
  • Pick-up service
  • Help with finding accommodation

OWL University of Applied Sciences and Arts

Content Bild

At OWL University of Applied Sciences and Arts, abbreviated TH OWL, we take great pride in offering first-class teaching and personal support to our students. Our highly motivated and reputable professors are dedicated to ensuring that you receive the best education possible through small working groups that encourage interaction and collaboration. This is also reflected in the nationwide CHE university rankings, in which TH OWL achieved top scores. Particularly with regard to research strength and practical relevance in the fields of computer science and electrical engineering, we belong among the best universities of applied sciences in Germany.

We are also proud to provide state-of-the-art research facilities, such as the SmartFactoryOWL and Lemgo Digital from the Fraunhofer Institute, where you can interact with the latest technologies and develop and apply your own technical and societal ideas.

Engineers like to make things that matter. We offer the needed environment.

University location

At our Innovation Campus Lemgo, you will be part of a vibrant international community surrounded by approachable professors who are passionate about sharing their knowledge and collaborating on real-world projects. You will have access to the latest technologies in our SmartFactoryOWL and work with prestigious partners from science and business on campus in our Centrum Industrial IT (CIIT).

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we are re-designing our website and want to include you in the process. Please fill out a short questionnaire. This will only take a few minutes, but will help us tremendously to determine how we can improve the usability of our website. Thank you very much for your support!

Best regards, Your DAAD Team


  • ESMT Berlin
  • Faculty & Research
  • PhD Program

5 people chatting

PhD program

Do you have questions or need more information about our program?

Take your research and career to the next level with a PhD. ESMT Berlin's structured PhD studies provide an intellectually stimulating and academically rigorous environment for you to make the most of your research. With our vibrant international community and focus on real-world impact, it's the ideal environment to progress your career. 

  • Rigorous training in state-of-the-art methodology in preparation for your independent research.
  • Access to ESMT’s world-class faculty and the Berlin science community.
  • Close collaboration and supervision by ESMT professors.
  • Successful applicants must have obtained a Master’s in Economics or Business Studies and have performed exceptionally well in their studies.
  • Applicants from related fields (such as industrial engineering, statistics, or quantitative social sciences) may also fulfill the admission requirements if they have an interest in economics or business studies.
  • ESMT’s PhD program addresses outstanding candidates with a strong desire to conduct their own research projects. Participation is free of charge.
  • PhD positions will be offered alongside part-time Research Assistant employment. View current vacancies .
  • ESMT offers support to cover the costs related to research, including conferences and overseas visits.
  • Awarded degree: PhD or Dr. rer. oec.

PhD curriculum (180 ECTS)

  • Methodological and research-oriented training in mandatory course work. 
  • Selection of research area and supervisory support. 

60 ECTS from qualification courses, soft skill courses, and presentation of a scientific article.

  • Own research, electives, and further development of soft skills and teaching. 
  • Participation in seminars and conferences, presentation of dissertations.

120 ECTS for the dissertation and the defense colloquium.

An individual study plan, which determines the selection of courses to be taken, must be agreed upon in writing with the supervisor within two months after enrollment in the PhD Program and approved by the PhD Council.

The content of the required coursework should guarantee that ESMT PhD candidates obtain the necessary training to conduct research independently and at the highest levels. This typically requires the mastering of a broad set of research methods commonly applied in the area of management.

Integration into Berlin's scientific community

You can choose from a variety of PhD courses typically (but not only) offered by the  Berlin School of Economics (BSoE) . The courses are not limited to management science, allowing candidates to choose from topics in economics, machine learning, analytics, and data science.

ESMT is a founding member of the Berlin-wide structured doctoral BSoE PhD program which candidates can choose to enroll in as an alternative to the ESMT PhD program.

For candidates enrolled in the BSoE program, ESMT offers financial support through stipends and travel allowances. Applications for the BSoE program must be made directly via the Online Portal .

Stefan Wagner

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Doctoral Degrees

Attention from 15.05.2024 we will again offer open consultation hours on wednesdays from 9:30h to 11:30h. it is no longer necessary to book an appointment. please allow for waiting times. please note that there are usually no consultation hours 14 days after the submission deadline. please keep an eye on our website., general information.

The Doctoral Degree Regulations (Promotionsordnung) describe in detail the requirements and the application procedure to study for a doctorate at the Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH).

The TUHH awards the following doctoral degrees:

• Dr. rer. pol.

• Dr. rer. nat.

Section 3 of the Doctoral Degree Regulations lists the special academic requirements for completing a doctoral degree.

You must first find a supervisor to supervise your dissertation. Then contact the person of your choice directly. A listing of the deaneries can be found here .

The next step is to send the application for admission to the doctoral program to the doctoral committee of the TUHH (the form can be found on the " applications and instructions " page). If you intend to submit a cumulative dissertation, please note that only publications in which all co-authors have confirmed their predominant collaboration in writing on the form provided can be considered. A predominant contribution is deemed to exist if more than 50% of the scientific contribution can be attributed to you. We recommend obtaining confirmation from the co-authors at an early stage, preferably when the publication is accepted.

After the presentation in the office of the Dean of Studies you submit the dissertation along with the Application to Inaugurate Doctoral Degree Proceedings (the form can be found on the " applications and instructions " page).

An overview of all instructions, applications and cover sheets, the affidavit, the model resumé for your dissertation and other documents can be found under the menu item " applications and instructions ".

For information about the application procedure for admission to study for a doctorate see Section 4 of the Doctoral Degree Regulations and the Application Procedure to Inaugurate Doctoral Degree Proceedings in Section 5 of the Doctoral Degree Regulations .

The doctoral committee has passed a resolution on the recognition of digital documents in the doctoral process. In the resolution you will find a list of documents that can be submitted digitally to Examination Office - Doctoral Affairs and will be sent digitally by the doctoral committee.   (Download resolution PromA digital documents)

The Technical University of Hamburg has adopted an agreement for the supervision of doctoral students of the TUHH in February 2022. The supervision agreement can be found here: Supervision Agreement

Examination Office - Doctoral Affairs (open consultation hours from 15.05.2024 Wednesdays 9:30h to 11:30h) !! No consultation hours on 29.05.24 and 11.06.2024 !!!

Contact person: Friederike Freund - Responsible for doctoral procedures last name A-K ( Availability from Tuesday to Thursday ) Britta Thies - Responsible for doctoral procedures last name L-Z ( Availability from Monday to Wednesday ) Contact details via the menu item Contact:

For the submission of documents, dissertation, advice etc. we offer open consultation hours from 15.05.2024 on Wednesdays from 9:30h to 11:30h.  !! No consultation hours on 29.05.24 and 11.06.2024 !!!

The final submission date for the next meetings of the doctoral degree committee:, wednesday may 22, 2024 12.00 uhr, wednesday june 05, 2024 12.00 uhr.

Procedure for Prospective Doctoral Degree Students with a Foreign Degree

Prior to admission to study for a doctorate, the foreign degree must first be deemed equivalent to a German university degree.

Please contact the Examination Office - Doctoral Affairs, bringing with you your application documents and copies of your master’s and bachelor’s degree certificates in the original language along with any other appropriate certificates.

Enrollment certificate 

You have the option of downloading a certificate of enrollment in “Tune” after you have been admitted to doctoral studies. To do this, please log in via the homepage (- Hamburg University of Technology ( ) select the role “Student” then via - My studies > Student services > Notifications tab > right-hand side - select “Certificate of enrollment for doctoral candidates”.

If you do not yet have an account in TUNE (as an employee, student or doctoral candidate), please contact the computing center and ask for the appropriate access. servicedesk+tune(at)tuhh(dot)de

Enrollment to study for a doctorate

In the interim prior to admission you may enroll to study for the purpose of academic further education. This enrollment category is limited to two semesters. For both categories there is an upper income limit based on the fellowship allowance of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) for doctoral fellowships. Please contact study(at)tuhh(dot)de in this matter.


Click here for the TUHH’s Habilitation Regulations

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Welcome to the Graduate Center of TUM School of Management

Our doctoral program ensures all our doctoral candidates receive the best preparation possible for a successful career in industry or academia. To achieve this, we provide strong, individualized support and mentoring for our doctoral candidates in their academic and professional development. Our disciplinary and interdisciplinary courses provide doctoral candidates with the in-depth theoretical and methodological knowledge they need to successfully conduct their own research projects. These projects address some of the great challenges in society that we face today and combine content relevance and methodological rigor.

Overall, the Graduate Center of TUM School of Management, together with the TUM Graduate School, offers a wide range of possibilities for pursuing excellent research, including interdisciplinary cooperation and international research stays at top-tier universities. Our doctoral candidates move on to academic positions in Germany and abroad, e.g., at Imperial College London, or to leadership positions in industry and professional service firms.

Professor Alwine Mohnen and Professor Martin Meißner Speaker of the Graduate Center, TUM School of Management

The Graduate Center of TUM School of Management is the first point of contact for doctoral candidates at our school. Here you will find detailed information on

  • Qualification Program
  • Administrative Support
  • Funding and Scholarships

General information about doing your doctorate at the Technical University of Munich, which may be an addition to the information on this website, can be found on the  website of TUM Graduate School . Please note that the information of the Graduate Center of TUM School of Management is binding for doctoral candidates of our Graduate Center. Please find the official regulations of the Graduate Center in the Download Center .

The team of the Graduate Center is happy to help and guide you. Find all contacts of the Graduate Center here .

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Learning goals

Upon completion of this program, our doctoral graduates will:

  • have expert scientific knowledge in their field of specialization.
  • be problem-solvers for complex scientific issues.
  • be effective communicators of scientific issues.
  • be responsible scientists.
  • be active scientists in a global world.

Please note:

Our program is a doctoral program equivalent to the German doctorate (“Doktortitel”). It does not correspond to structured Ph.D. studies. For detailed information about the German doctorate, please click here . TUM School of Management can award the doctoral titels Dr. rer. pol., Dr. oec. publ., Dr. phil. and Dr. jur..

Paths to a doctorate

Doctorate as a research associate.

As a research associate, you will be employed as an academic assistant at the respective department or institute, where you will be closely involved in research as well as in teaching. Your dissertation supervisor will support you in your academic development and in developing your dissertation topic.


As a scholarship holder, you finance your doctorate with a stipend. Numerous foundations and other funding and research organisations support and finance highly-qualified doctoral candidates. Organizations that provide scholarships for outstanding candidates usually also support them with seminars and opportunities to exchange views within an alumni network. TUM School of Management grants doctoral stipends within the Academic Training Program.


External doctoral candidates are employed either by an industrial company or a research institution while the academic support is provided by TUM School of Management. If you choose this path, you will need a dissertation supervisor at TUM School of Management who will support your research project as an external doctoral candidate. You will do your work and research mainly at the respective research institution or company, but you are also integrated into the academic environment at TUM School of Management.


If you are a doctoral candidate at another university in Germany or abroad, you can enroll for a guest stay at TUM School of Management for six terms at most. In order to do a guest doctorate at TUM School of Management you will have to find a professor who supervises your research at TUM School of Management. As a guest doctoral candidate, you do not need to have your diploma recognized. The participation in courses offered by TUM Graduate School is possible in individual cases. For details, please contact the Graduate Center.

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Admission requirements

A university degree completed with above-average results (diploma, master, magister) from a German university, an equivalent German state examination (Staatsprüfung) or a master’s degree from a German University of Applied Sciences.

Results are regarded as above-average with a final grade of at least 2.5 (“good” in the German system). In exceptional cases, your above-average qualifications can also be proven through academic work completed after your examination.

Applicants with non-German degrees need to have their degrees officially  recognized .

Special rules apply to applicants with a diploma qualification from a University of Applied Sciences (Fachhochschule or Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften). Please make an appointment with the Graduate Center to discuss your particular situation.

Confirmation from a professor at TUM School of Management that he or she is prepared to act as your academic supervisor.

Please keep in mind that it is your sole responsibility to search for your supervisor as well as your mentor.

Finding a supervisor and mentor

Additional information for applicants

Application steps

1. find a supervisor and a dissertation topic.

First of all, you have to decide in which area you want to do your research in. Whether you already have your own research idea, or you would like to develop it with a researcher at TUM School of Management:  Writing a research proposal  will help you make your research project more specific and thus find an appropriate supervisor.

In order to find a professor at TUM School of Management who is willing to supervise your doctoral research, please find all our professors listed in their respective academic departments on our website:

  • Academic department for Economics & Policy
  • Academic department for Finance & Accounting
  • Academic department for Innovation & Entrepreneurship
  • Academic department for Marketing, Strategy & Leadership
  • Academic department for Operations & Technology

You can find more information about finding a supervisor  here .

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please contact the chair or the respective professor directly to apply as a doctoral candidate. Applicants are entirely responsible for finding a supervisor on their own account.

2. Sign a supervision agreement

Once you have found a supervisor for your doctoral thesis, the two of you must fill in a supervision agreement. The respective document can be found  here . IMPORTANT NOTE: The document also has to be signed by the mentor at the time of application for the list of doctoral candidates.

3. Register as a doctoral candidate

When you have found an academic supervisor, you can apply to register as a doctoral candidate .

Please note that you need to apply online to be officially entered onto the list. To do so, please visit  DocGS , the online platform for doctoral candidates at the Technical University of Munich. Print out the application form, which has to be signed by the supervisor and by yourself. Submit the following completed and signed documents personally at the Graduate Center :

German University Degree

Foreign University Degree

An information sheet on official notarization is available here .

Application at a glance

  • A confirmation from a professor of TUM School of Management that he or she will supervise your dissertation is a prerequisite for registering in DocGS.
  • We only accept and process complete applications. Incomplete applications will extend the application process.
  • Please only submit officially certified copies of your Master’s degree certificate and transcript. For legal reasons, copies of your degree have to be certified even if you hold a TUM degree.
  • At the time you submit your application, your supervision agreement must state your mentor and must be signed by you, your mentor and your supervisor.
  • A personal appointment at our Graduate Center to hand in your complete application documents is mandatory for being added to the list of doctoral candidates. Please make an appointment in advance.
  • TUM distinguishes between the entry into the doctoral candidacy list and enrollment as a doctoral student. Once you are registered in the doctoral candidacy list, you can also enroll as a doctoral student of TUM and thereby take advantage of several benefits. This is possible for maximum 6 semesters. The TUM Graduate Schools shares more information on this process here .

Doctoral candidates

You made it and were successfully entered on the list of doctoral candidates of TUM School of Management? Congratulations!

Please find below further information on your doctoral program:

  • Support offers
  • Steps of your doctorate

Doctoral course program

  • Current doctoral defenses
  • Download Center for most important documents

Support options and further information

Funding & scholarships.

There are several ways of financing your living expenses during a doctorate. Employment as an academic assistant is the traditional way to finance a doctorate. Employment with a company or a non-university institute is another option for earning money. Furthermore, there is the possibility of being granted a scholarship.

For detailed information on other possibilities, please click  here .

Compulsory Qualification Program

Your doctorate consists of compulsory and voluntary qualification elements for some of which you can apply for funding if necessary.

The qualification program is designed to promote the subject-specific and interdisciplinary competences of doctoral candidates and thus support the doctoral phase in the best possible way. In addition, various optional offers as well as special financial support such as the proof-reading service and internationalization funding are available.

Please find detailed information on the qualification program in the Regulations of the Graduate Center and in the Download Center.

Funding for international research activities

Doctoral candidates at the Graduate Center of TUM School of Management can apply for funding for international research activities:

  • TUM Graduate School - Internationalization Support,
  • Graduate Center of Management - Mobility Fund
  • TUM Graduate School - Internationalization Grant (for doctoral candidates who are not employed at TUM),

For more information, please click  here , find more information in the Download Center or contact us .

Good scientific practice

The foundation of scientific work is the compliance with the principles of good scientific practice. We provide you as a new academic with extensive information on these principles, which conform to the  TUM Code of Conduct for Safeguarding Good Academic Practice and Procedures in Cases of Academic Misconduct  of the Technical University of Munich and the  corresponding memo  of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG).

Pause of Proofreading Service / Introduction of Grammarly

TUM wants to evaluate Grammarly and has started a 12 month test period. Grammarly is an AI based writing assistant. Grammarly is available for all Doctoral Candidates at TUM. Please log in by using Shibboleth with your TUM-ID on the Grammarly Website . During the evaluation period, the proofreading service is paused.

Please visit the Graduate School Wiki for more information.

Submitting your dissertation

In order to submit your dissertation, you have to apply in  DoCGS  for this process. For more information, please click  here  or contact the  Graduate Center .

Doctoral candidates who would like to hand in their dissertation must contact the  Graduate Center   in time (at least three months in advance)  in order to make sure the compulsory qualification program is completed.

Publishing your dissertation

You are required to publish your dissertation. The  University Library at the Technical University of Munich  can help you publish your dissertation quickly and in a high-profile manner. You can choose between a printed book and an electronic publication.

Academic Training Program

We strive to prepare highly talented and especially motivated doctoral candidates with outstanding degrees and extraordinary research potential in the best possible way for their international academic careers. Participants in the  Academic Training Program  can expect dual supervision and all-round support during this 4-year program (including a two year scholarship). The main focus is on the scientific course program, academic career coaching and international networking.

Find all doctoral courses of the Graduate Center of TUM School of Management as well as further information on doctoral course requirements in general and the process of recognizing courses from other institutions here.

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In addition to courses from the Graduate Center of TUM School of Mangement, recognition of subject-related or transferable skills courses from the following institutions might be possible. Please contact the Graduate Center in advance for recognition options:


Doctoral Defenses and Graduates

Find all doctoral candidates including current defense dates as well as all doctoral graduates of TUM School of Management since 2016 here.

You have more questions? Check out the FAQ Center.

Find all downloads for the doctoral program here.

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powering down —

Why germany ditched nuclear before coal—and why it won’t go back, the past year has seen record renewable power production nationwide..

Trevelyan Wing, The Conversation - Apr 27, 2024 11:27 am UTC

Jürgen Trittin, member of the German Bundestag and former environment minister, stands next to an activist during an action of the environmental organization Greenpeace in front of the Brandenburg Gate in April 2023. The action is to celebrate the shutdown of the last three German nuclear power plants.

One year ago, Germany took its last three nuclear power stations offline. When it comes to energy, few events have baffled outsiders more.

In the face of climate change, calls to expedite the transition away from fossil fuels, and an energy crisis precipitated by Russia’s 2022 invasion of Ukraine, Berlin’s move to quit nuclear before carbon-intensive energy sources like coal has attracted significant criticism. (Greta Thunberg prominently labeled it “a mistake .”)

This decision can only be understood in the context of post-war socio-political developments in Germany, where anti-nuclearism predated the public climate discourse.

From a 1971 West German bestseller evocatively titled Peaceably into Catastrophe: A Documentation of Nuclear Power Plants , to huge protests of hundreds of thousands—including the largest-ever demonstration seen in the West German capital Bonn—the anti-nuclear movement attracted national attention and widespread sympathy. It became a major political force well before even the Chernobyl disaster of 1986.

Its motivations included: a distrust of technocracy; ecological, environmental, and safety fears; suspicions that nuclear energy could engender nuclear proliferation; and general opposition to concentrated power (especially after its extreme consolidation under the Nazi dictatorship).

Instead, activists championed what they regarded as safer, greener, and more accessible renewable alternatives like solar and wind, embracing their promise of greater self-sufficiency, community participation, and citizen empowerment (“energy democracy”).

This support for renewables was less about CO₂ and more aimed at resetting power relations (through decentralised, bottom-up generation rather than top-down production and distribution), protecting local ecosystems, and promoting peace in the context of the Cold War.

Germany’s Energiewende

The contrast here with Thunberg’s latter-day Fridays for Future movement and its “listen to the experts” slogan is striking. The older activist generation deliberately rejected the mainstream expertise of the time, which then regarded centralised nuclear power as the future and mass deployment of distributed renewables as a pipe dream.

This earlier movement was instrumental in creating Germany’s Green Party—today the world’s most influential—which emerged in 1980 and first entered national government from 1998 to 2005 as junior partner to the Social Democrats. This “red-green” coalition banned new reactors, announced a shutdown of existing ones by 2022, and passed a raft of legislation supporting renewable energy.

That, in turn, turbocharged the national deployment of renewables, which ballooned from 6.3 percent of gross domestic electricity consumption in 2000 to 51.8 percent in 2023.

These figures are all the more remarkable given the contributions of ordinary citizens. In 2019, they owned fully 40.4 percent (and over 50 percent in the early 2010s) of Germany’s total installed renewable power generation capacity, whether through community wind energy cooperatives, farm-based biogas installations, or household rooftop solar.

Most other countries’ more recent energy transitions have been attempts to achieve net-zero targets using whatever low-carbon technologies are available. Germany’s now-famous “Energiewende” (translated as “energy transition” or even “energy revolution”), however, has from its earlier inception sought to shift away from both carbon-intensive as well as nuclear energy to predominantly renewable alternatives.

Indeed, the very book credited with coining the term Energiewende in 1980 was, significantly, titled Energie-Wende: Growth and Prosperity Without Oil and Uranium and published by a think tank founded by anti-nuclear activists.

Consecutive German governments have, over the past two and a half decades, more or less hewed to this line. Angela Merkel’s pro-nuclear second cabinet (2009–13) was an initial exception.

That lasted until the 2011 Fukushima disaster , after which mass protests of 250,000 and a shock state election loss to the Greens forced that administration, too, to revert to the 2022 phaseout plan. Small wonder that so many politicians today are reluctant to reopen that particular Pandora’s box.

Another ongoing political headache is where to store the country’s nuclear waste, an issue Germany has never managed to solve. No community has consented to host such a facility, and those designated for this purpose have seen large-scale protests .

Instead, radioactive waste has been stored in temporary facilities close to existing reactors—no long-term solution.

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Channel ars technica.

Year Up to Student Commencement Speaker: Puya Moghadam, BS Information Technology (‘24)

May 06, 2024

Puya Moghadam, a Year Up Boston alum, first generation college student and full-time employee at CarGurus in Cambridge, Massachusetts, is the student commencement speaker for the 2024 CPS Bachelor’s and Master’s graduation ceremony. Graduating with a bachelor’s degree in information technology, Moghadam has overcome more than most and leaned into every opportunity he earned to realize this success.

Born in Vienna, Austria to Iranian parents, he moved to California with his family at the age of six. The relocation was driven by his father’s ambition for his older sister, Tara, to attend law school in the US. However, two years after settling in California, Tara was involved in a car accident that left her in a coma for a year. She subsequently spent many years in rehabilitation in the US, resulting in a lifelong disability. As a result, Tara never pursued law school, and the family eventually returned to Austria, shifting their focus to meeting Tara’s daily physical needs.

While his family was adapting to a new normal, Moghadam, an American citizen and now 13 years old, experienced the challenges of a language barrier and cultural assimilation. Isolated and excluded by much of Austrian society as a result, he eventually found himself at a crossroads that ultimately forced him out of the education system.

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“I had no German language skills at all. The teachers there never gave me a chance to learn German. They failed me from the beginning. After being expelled from three schools in three years, I felt like I had no more options. The adults around me just seemed to give up on me.”

Distressed, Moghadam decided to return to California, without his family, in search of completing his high school education. “I just told my parents I was moving back to California to figure it out .”

With reluctant consent from his parents, Moghadam boarded a plane from Vienna to Los Angeles to live with a distant cousin. He tackled enrolling in high school classes, managing bills, and embracing adult responsibilities. Amid financial instability and unfamiliar duties, he discovered newfound resilience.

“I definitely struggled and made many sacrifices, moving away from my family and living in my friend’s closet for about a year.”

These sacrifices fueled his determination to succeed. After obtaining his GED, his family asked him to move back to Austria. He lived there for three years, and just as the pandemic was in full swing, his grandmother, who lived in Boston, passed away.

When I was having a difficult time, I felt like my grandmother was really the only person who believed in me and expected me to succeed when others were convinced that I’d fail. When she died, I realized life is short and I lost the one person who believed in me. After her funeral, I committed to not disappointing her. I somehow knew that I had to become all the things she saw in me; her ‘vision of me’ is what motivated me.”

Moghadam realized he was no longer a child, and since his sister was no longer able to achieve the academic goals the family had envisioned; he knew that he needed to step up. “To me, it was clear that my role was to take charge and be the son that my family needed me to be,” he said.

At his grandmother’s funeral in Boston, he chatted with his cousin, who had just started a new job at Year Up, a nonprofit program in Boston that focuses on providing workforce opportunities for youth development. His cousin suggested that Moghadam apply to the program, and by the end of the year, he was enrolled.

In the Year Up program, Moghadam experienced a year-long workforce development partnership program that combines hands-on skills instruction with classes and corporate internships, a program that matches students with professional mentors and a network of support that includes a stipend during training and internships. He secured a coveted internship at Facebook as an Enterprise Support Technician and he graduated with honors, earning the distinguished role of Graduation Speaker.

Going from “I don’t know if I can do it’ to ‘I can definitely do it!”

While still enrolled in Year Up, Moghadam attended a seminar by the College of Professional Studies’ about the college’s bachelor degrees and subsequently applied to the Bachelor’s Information Technology program. He was accepted, and in 2021, Moghadam joined CPS.

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“I just jumped in. I knew next to nothing about computers, but I knew that IT expertise provided a solid foundation for career prospects.”

Moghadam’s CPS advisor, Shannan Lank, quickly realized that Moghadam had no intention of stopping at a bachelor’s degree. Working closely together, they crafted a strategic plan early on to enhance his profile for future law school applications.

Moghadam acknowledges the instrumental role played by Lank. He describes her as “a force of nature, supremely supportive and instrumental to [my] success at the college”.

Recognizing the importance of effective communication in the legal field, and following Lank’s advice, Moghadam committed to taking communication courses alongside his IT curriculum. This strategic decision underscored his dedication to a career that relies heavily on articulate expression.

“When I first met Puya, he was accustomed to people telling him that he couldn’t do something. It was a shock when I told him that I’d walk alongside him the entire way if that’s what it took. I know that sometimes it takes just one person to believe in them to recognize that they can succeed. Once he started on this path, his confidence soared, and there was a clear way forward; nothing was going to stand in his way. In my time working with him, I have seen him transform from someone who doubted himself to someone who believes he can achieve anything. This is a student that in five or ten years, I’m going to be able to say that I not only knew him but had the pleasure of working with him. He is the reason why CPS continues to be one of the largest colleges here at Northeastern, making significant impacts,”

“Northeastern has absolutely helped me. They have been supporting me through this process since day one,” he said.

Beyond academics, Moghadam’s unwavering passion for addressing the opportunity divide, a cause deeply personal to him, propels his vision for a future in law. Inspired by his own experiences and those of his peers, he envisions leveraging his network from Northeastern to drive meaningful change. “I want to utilize Northeastern and my connections to help close the opportunity divide so that we can continue to help others like myself,” he said.

After graduation, Moghadam plans to sit for the LSATs and weigh his options.

“I’ve realized that the world is not just black and white. You don’t have to be this cookie-cutter image of the typical student. Trust me, if you put your head down, you’ll do well. And if you really commit to that practice, the world is your oyster”

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Germany warns of consequences for alleged Russian cyber attack

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German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock delivers a statement at Ben Gurion International Airport in Lod

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Reporting by Alasdair Pal in Sydney; Editing by Clarence Fernandez

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phd in information technology germany

Thomson Reuters

Alasdair leads the team covering breaking news in Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific. Before moving to Sydney, he covered general news in New Delhi, where he reported from the front-line of the coronavirus pandemic in India and the insurgency in Kashmir, as well as extended periods in Pakistan and, most recently, in Sri Lanka covering its ongoing economic crisis. His reporting on Islamic State suicide bombings in Sri Lanka in 2019 was highly commended as the Society of Publishers in Asia awards. He previously worked as a financial reporter in London, with a particular interest in hedge funds and accounting frauds. Signal app phone number: +61439529540

Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Zakharova attends a news conference in Moscow

Technology Chevron

Passengers board Uber ride-share cars after arriving at Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) in Los Angeles

Uber shares tumble as second-quarter forecast disappoints

Uber forecast second-quarter gross bookings below expectations after missing the target for the first three months on Wednesday, sending it shares down nearly 7% before the bell.

Emerson Electric Co is displayed on a screen on the floor at the NYSE in New York

Atlan said on Wednesday it had raised $105 million in a funding round led by Singapore's sovereign wealth fund GIC and tech investor Meritech Capital that valued the artificial intelligence startup at $750 million.

Lithium smelter in Jiangxi province


  1. Best 2 Information Technology (IT) PhD Programmes in Germany 2024

    This page shows a selection of the available PhDs in Germany. If you're interested in studying a Information Technology (IT) degree in Germany you can view all 2 PhDs. You can also read more about Information Technology (IT) degrees in general, or about studying in Germany. Many universities and colleges in Germany offer English-taught PhD's ...

  2. Doctorate

    Submitting your dissertation at the School of Computation, Information and Technology (CIT) happens in two steps: electronic submission via DocGS: We recommend submitting the work electronically at least 3.5 weeks before the School Council meeting. submitting the documents at the Center for Study and Teaching - Office of Doctoral Affairs: at ...

  3. PhD Studies & Research

    PhD Studies & Research. Science and research in Germany are characterised by a distinguished infrastructure, a wide variety of disciplines, well-equipped research facilities and competent staff. Germany offers various career opportunities for international PhD students and researchers. Discover Germany's top-tier PhD programs and research scene ...

  4. 870 information-technology-PhD positions in Germany

    12 PhD Positions (f, m, d) Georg August University of Göttingen | Germany | about 16 hours ago. of Göttingen is currently inviting applications for 12 PhD Positions (f, m, d) starting on January 1st, 2025. The salary is based on TV-L E13 and amounts to 65% of a full position for PhD candidates in chemistry.

  5. 18 Ph.Ds in Computer Science & IT in Germany

    The "PhD Programme in Computer Science" (PCS) is a PhD programme offered by the graduate school of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics: University of Göttingen School of Science (GAUSS). Ph.D. / Full-time / On Campus. University of Göttingen Göttingen, Germany. Ranked top 1%.

  6. List of 27 Information Technology (IT) Universities in Germany ️

    Top-ranked German Universities in Information Technology (IT) Top 100 Worldwide. Top 250 Worldwide. National Ranking. #21 QS Online MBA Rankings: Europe. IU International University of Applied Sciences. private (state-approved) University of Applied Sciences. No. of Students: approx. 100,000 students.

  7. How to Find Your PhD Position in Germany

    Also "Research in Germany" helps you to find the best PhD position in Germany. Not only with information on the Website, but "Research in Germany" will keep you informed about open PhD positions and funding opportunities in Germany on Facebook and Twitter. > find a PhD position "Research in Germany" on Facebook

  8. Find your PhD position

    GERiT is a website containing information on approximately 29,000 research institutions in Germany. GERiT allows the user to search easily by location or subject. It provides all the information needed to choose an institution at which to research, study or do a doctorate.; Finding a PhD position

  9. Information about the PhDGermany database

    Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst e.V. Kennedyallee 50. 53175 Bonn. Germany. All addresses in the DAAD Network. Receive regular up-to-date information about our work and organisation. Newsletter - DAAD. How the PhDGermany database can help you with your search for PhD positions.

  10. Top Universities for PhD Study in Germany

    University of Erlangen-Nuremburg. =193. 229. 201-300. University of Münster. =193. =384. 201-300. Information in this table is based on the latest Times Higher Education World University Rankings, QS World University Rankings and Academic Ranking of World Universities.

  11. Information Technology

    In Germany, your residence permit is not a work permit. Nonetheless, limited kinds of employment are possible. As a registered student at OWL University of Applied Sciences and Arts in Lemgo, the work permit regulation (in German - "Arbeitserlaubnisverordnung", in short, "AEVO") § 9 No. 7 allows you to work for up to 120 full or 240 half ...

  12. information systems Germany PhD Programmes PhD Projects ...

    Search Funded Germany PhD Programmes in information systems. Search for PhD funding, scholarships & studentships in the UK, Europe and around the world. PhDs ; ... Ilmenau University of Technology. Funded by the Carl-Zeiss-Foundation, the Technische Universität Ilmenau, Germany is establishing the "Ilmenau School of Green Electronics (ISGE ...

  13. PhD Study in Germany

    A traditional PhD usually takes four years, compared to three years for a structured doctoral programme. The academic year in Germany is usually comprised of two semesters with the Wintersemester running from 1 October to 31 March and Sommersemester running from 1 April to 30 September.

  14. Phd in Information Technology Programs in Germany 2024+

    Information Technology PhD programs in Germany. PhD in information technology teach students how to research and develop new technology to advance human ability to process data, perform daily tasks, and organize electronic information. Information Technology Doctorate programs combine classroom learning with experimentation and research to ...

  15. Best 18 Computer Science & IT PhD Programmes in Germany 2024

    18 Computer Science & IT PhDs in Germany. Mathematics and Computer Science. Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz. Semantics, Reasoning and Coordination Technologies. Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) Information Systems.

  16. Doctorate & PhD in Technology Programs in Germany 2024+

    Types of Technology PhD Programs: PhD, DBA, DCS Degrees. Three of the main types of Technology PhD programs are the (1) Doctor of Philosophy - PhD, (2) Doctor of Business Administration - DBA, and the (3) Doctor of Computer Science - DCS. Each may have distinct requirements to consider.

  17. Phd Program│ESMT Berlin

    Bringing Technology to Market Center Recruiters PhD Program PhD ... Take your research and career to the next level with a PhD. ESMT Berlin's structured PhD studies provide an intellectually stimulating and academically rigorous environment for you to make the most of your research. ... 10178 Berlin, Germany Phone: +49 30 212 31 0 [email protected] ...

  18. TUHH: Doctoral Degrees

    General Information. The Doctoral Degree Regulations (Promotionsordnung) describe in detail the requirements and the application procedure to study for a doctorate at the Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH).. The TUHH awards the following doctoral degrees: • Dr.-Ing. • Dr. rer. pol. • Dr. rer. nat. Section 3 of the Doctoral Degree Regulations lists the special academic requirements ...

  19. Find your structured PhD programme

    Structured doctoral programmes differ from traditional doctoral research. In Germany, structured doctoral programmes are very similar to the PhD programmes in English-speaking countries, in which a team of supervisors look after a group of doctoral students.. Structured doctoral programmes often have a strong international orientation with English as the team language.

  20. Doctorate Program

    Our program is a doctoral program equivalent to the German doctorate ("Doktortitel"). It does not correspond to structured Ph.D. studies. For detailed information about the German doctorate, please click here. TUM School of Management can award the doctoral titels Dr. rer. pol., Dr. oec. publ., Dr. phil. and Dr. jur..

  21. PDF In Germany Doing a Phd

    The online GERiT database of more than 25,000 research institutions will help you with your search: PhDGermany has PhD openings specially targeted at international doctoral students: You can find funded doctoral positions on the website of the German Research Foundation (DFG):

  22. Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik: Faculty of

    Learn more about what the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology of the Ruhr University Bochum has to offer. Research Various chairs and working groups conduct research covering a wide range of topics in addition to the main areas of plasma technology and sensor technology.

  23. Information Systems, Ph.D.

    The University of Mannheim boasts an outstanding Information Systems doctoral program. Esteemed for its academic excellence and distinguished faculty, this program offers a comprehensive exploration of advanced theories and methodologies in information systems. University of Mannheim. Mannheim , Germany.

  24. Why Germany ditched nuclear before coal—and why it won't go back

    In 2019, they owned fully 40.4 percent (and over 50 percent in the early 2010s) of Germany's total installed renewable power generation capacity, whether through community wind energy ...

  25. Year Up to Student Commencement Speaker: Puya Moghadam, BS Information

    Puya Moghadam, a Year Up Boston alum, first generation college student and full-time employee at CarGurus in Cambridge, Massachusetts, is the student commencement speaker for the 2024 CPS Bachelor's and Master's graduation ceremony. Graduating with a bachelor's degree in information technology, Moghadam has overcome more than most and leaned into every opportunity he earned to realize ...

  26. Germany and allies accuse Russia of sweeping cyberattacks

    Germany accused Russia on Friday of launching cyberattacks on its defence and aerospace firms and ruling party, as well as targets in other countries, and warned there would be unspecified ...

  27. Courses: Degrees & Courses: Luddy School of Informatics, Computing, and

    Request Graduate Information; Alumni & Giving. Get involved; Contact; Departments. BioHealth Informatics. Research; Faculty; Advisory Boards; Contact; Computer Science. Faculty; ... HIM-M 475 Health Information Technology: On-Campus, Online : NEWM-N 475 Research in Design Methods: On-Campus : CSCI-B 477 Security Engineering: On-Campus ...

  28. Germany warns of consequences for alleged Russian cyber attack

    In March, Germany's cybersecurity agency and researchers working for Google owner Alphabet said a similar group, called APT29, had been caught targeting several German political parties, aiming to ...