Top 16 Physical Therapist Assistant Resume Objective Examples

Photo of Brenna Goyette

Updated July 12, 2023 15 min read

A resume objective is a brief statement at the top of your resume that summarizes your qualifications and skills as they relate to a specific job. When writing an objective for a physical therapist assistant position, it is important to focus on your relevant experience and training. Include any special certifications you may have obtained, such as CPT or PTA certification. You can also mention any particular strengths you possess that make you well-suited for the role, such as excellent communication and interpersonal skills. For example: “Certified Physical Therapy Assistant seeking to leverage 5 years of experience in providing quality care to patients in a clinical setting. I am committed to delivering exceptional patient care through effective communication and interpersonal skills.” Another example could be: “Dedicated Physical Therapy Assistant with 8 years of experience providing quality rehabilitation services to patients in need. I am highly knowledgeable in anatomy, physiology, kinesiology, and therapeutic exercise techniques, which allows me to provide comprehensive care to my patients.” By including these details in your resume objective, you can demonstrate why you are the best candidate for this position.

Physical Therapist Assistant Resume Example

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Top 16 Physical Therapist Assistant Resume Objective Samples

  • To obtain a Physical Therapist Assistant position utilizing my knowledge and experience in providing quality patient care.
  • To utilize my physical therapy skills and knowledge to help clients reach their goals as a Physical Therapist Assistant.
  • Seeking a challenging role as a Physical Therapist Assistant, where I can apply my expertise in helping patients with their physical rehabilitation needs.
  • To obtain a position as a Physical Therapist Assistant which will allow me to use my interpersonal and communication skills to provide quality care to patients.
  • To secure the position of Physical Therapist Assistant, offering exceptional patient care and service.
  • Looking for an opportunity to work as a Physical Therapist Assistant where I can utilize my skills and knowledge in helping patients achieve their desired outcomes.
  • Seeking a position as a Physical Therapist Assistant where I can apply my experience in providing quality patient care.
  • To gain employment as a Physical Therapist Assistant, utilizing my clinical experience and excellent customer service skills.
  • Aiming to become part of your team of professionals by obtaining the role of Physical Therapist Assistant.
  • Applying for the role of Physical Therapist Assistant with the aim of providing superior patient care through effective communication and compassionate support.
  • Desiring an opportunity to work as a Physical Therapy Assistant, utilizing my knowledge and expertise in helping patients reach their goals.
  • To contribute my existing skillset towards the success of your organization by obtaining the position of Physical Therapy Assistant.
  • Seeking an opportunity to join your team of professionals as a qualified Physical Therapy Assistant, offering excellent patient care services.
  • Looking for an entry-level position as a physical therapist assistant that will enable me to gain valuable experience while providing quality care to patients.
  • Eagerly seeking an opportunity to join your team of professionals by obtaining the role of physical therapist assistant, offering exceptional customer service skills and dedication towards achieving positive results for patients' rehabilitation needs.
  • Applying for the role of physical therapist assistant with the aim of providing superior patient care through effective communication, compassion, and dedication towards achieving positive results for clients' rehabilitation needs

How to Write a Physical Therapist Assistant Resume Objective

Writing a physical therapist assistant resume objective is an important step to getting noticed by potential employers. A good resume objective should be concise and specific, highlighting the experience and skills that make you the ideal candidate for the position. It should also reflect your enthusiasm for the job and your commitment to helping patients achieve their goals.

The first step in writing a physical therapist assistant resume objective is to research the job description to understand what duties and responsibilities are required of the role. This will help you tailor your objective statement to meet the specific needs of the employer. Once you have identified what is expected of this position, you can begin crafting your objective statement.

Start with a strong opening sentence that communicates your enthusiasm for working as a physical therapist assistant, such as “I am excited to apply my knowledge and experience as a physical therapist assistant to help patients reach their therapeutic goals” or “I am passionate about making a positive difference in people's lives through effective physical therapy interventions.” This will let employers know right away that you are dedicated to providing quality care.

Next, include two or three key qualifications that demonstrate why you are the ideal candidate for this position. For example, if you have extensive clinical experience, mention it here; if you specialize in sports rehabilitation or pediatric care, highlight those skills here too. Make sure each qualification is relevant to the position and showcases how your expertise can benefit patients and aid in their recovery process.

Finally, end with a call-to-action statement that motivates employers to contact you for an interview. Examples include “I look forward to discussing my qualifications with you further” or “I would welcome an opportunity to discuss how I could contribute to your team’s success."

By following these steps, you can craft an effective physical therapist assistant resume objective that will draw attention from potential employers and get one step closer towards achieving your goal of becoming a successful physical therapist assistant.

Related : What does a Physical Therapist Assistant do?

Key Skills to Highlight in Your Physical Therapist Assistant Resume Objective

In the competitive field of physical therapy, having a well-crafted resume can make all the difference in landing your desired position. Particularly, your resume objective should effectively highlight your key skills as a Physical Therapist Assistant (PTA). This section is crucial as it provides potential employers with a snapshot of your abilities and competencies right at the outset. The following guide will help you identify and emphasize those essential skills that can set you apart from other candidates and increase your chances of securing a job in this rewarding healthcare profession.

1. Kinesiology

A Physical Therapist Assistant needs to have a strong understanding of kinesiology, the study of human movement, as it is fundamental to their role. They assist physical therapists in providing treatment that improves patient mobility, relieves pain, and prevents or lessens physical disabilities. Knowledge in kinesiology allows them to understand how muscles work and interact, enabling them to provide appropriate exercises and treatments for various conditions. Therefore, highlighting this skill in a resume objective can demonstrate their competence in assisting with effective therapeutic strategies.

2. Orthopedic

A Physical Therapist Assistant with a skill in Orthopedics is highly desirable because they have specialized knowledge and training in treating patients with orthopedic conditions. This includes understanding the musculoskeletal system, techniques for reducing pain and improving mobility, as well as creating and implementing rehabilitation programs for patients recovering from orthopedic surgeries or injuries. This skill can help improve patient outcomes and increase the efficiency of the physical therapy process. Therefore, mentioning this skill in a resume objective can make the candidate stand out as it demonstrates their specific expertise in a crucial area of physical therapy.

3. Neurological

A Physical Therapist Assistant with a skill in Neurology is crucial because they will often work with patients suffering from neurological disorders like stroke, spinal cord injuries, or Parkinson's disease. This skill shows potential employers that the candidate has specific knowledge and experience in this complex area of physical therapy. It demonstrates their ability to provide effective support and care for patients with these conditions, helping them improve mobility and manage pain. It also indicates that the candidate can collaborate effectively with a team of healthcare professionals to develop comprehensive treatment plans for these patients.

4. Cardiopulmonary

A Physical Therapist Assistant with a skill in Cardiopulmonary is essential as they often work with patients recovering from heart and lung diseases. They need to understand the functions and limitations of these systems to effectively assist in their rehabilitation. This skill is crucial for a resume objective as it showcases the candidate's ability to handle complex patient cases, contribute to their recovery, and potentially improve the overall success rate of the therapy provided. It also demonstrates their specialized knowledge in a critical area of physical therapy, making them more attractive to potential employers.

5. Geriatric

A Physical Therapist Assistant specializing in geriatric care is often required to work with elderly patients who have unique physical conditions and challenges related to aging. This skill is crucial for a resume objective as it demonstrates the candidate's ability to provide effective therapeutic interventions specifically tailored for older adults. It also shows their knowledge of age-related diseases, understanding of the aging process, and their capability to improve the mobility, strength, balance, and overall quality of life of their geriatric patients. This specialized skill can make a candidate more appealing to employers in settings such as nursing homes, senior living communities, or home health agencies where the primary clientele are older adults.

6. Pediatric

A skill in pediatrics is crucial for a Physical Therapist Assistant as it showcases the ability to work specifically with children. This population requires specialized knowledge and techniques due to their ongoing growth and development. It demonstrates the assistant's competence in handling pediatric cases, understanding child behavior, and implementing appropriate therapeutic interventions. This skill can make an applicant more appealing to employers who cater to a large number of pediatric patients or specialize in pediatric care.

7. Aquatic therapy

Aquatic therapy is a specialized skill in the field of physical therapy that uses water to aid in the rehabilitation and recovery process of patients. This skill is needed for a resume objective as it demonstrates an additional area of expertise, making the candidate more versatile and valuable. It shows potential employers that the candidate has experience working with different types of therapies and can adapt to various patient needs. Additionally, it could be particularly appealing to practices that have aquatic facilities or cater to patients who require or prefer this type of therapy.

8. Manual therapy

Manual therapy is a specialized skill that involves hands-on techniques to manipulate muscles and joints. This skill is essential for a Physical Therapist Assistant as it forms the basis of many treatment plans for patients with various physical conditions. Including this skill in a resume objective demonstrates an understanding of key therapeutic methods, ability to provide effective patient care, and shows potential employers that the candidate possesses practical skills necessary for the role.

9. Electrotherapy

Electrotherapy is a skill needed for a Physical Therapist Assistant's resume objective because it demonstrates the candidate's ability to utilize this therapeutic method to alleviate pain, stimulate muscles, and promote healing in patients. This skill shows that the candidate has a comprehensive understanding of various treatment techniques and can effectively apply them in practice. Having this skill can make the candidate more desirable to potential employers as it adds to their repertoire of treatment options they can provide to patients.

10. Gait training

Gait training is a crucial skill for a Physical Therapist Assistant as it involves helping patients improve their walking abilities after an injury, surgery, or illness. This skill demonstrates the ability to assess and analyze a patient's mobility, develop and implement appropriate treatment plans, and monitor progress. It also shows that the candidate has hands-on experience in assisting patients with movement difficulties, which is essential for this role. Including gait training in a resume objective can make the candidate more appealing to employers looking for experienced physical therapy assistants.

Top 10 Physical Therapist Assistant Skills to Add to Your Resume Objective

In conclusion, your Physical Therapist Assistant resume objective should effectively highlight your key skills to catch the attention of potential employers. This section is crucial as it provides a snapshot of your abilities and professional strengths. By carefully selecting and emphasizing the most relevant skills, you can set yourself apart from other candidates and increase your chances of landing the job. Remember, your objective should not only tell employers what you have to offer but also how they will benefit from hiring you.

Related : Physical Therapist Assistant Skills: Definition and Examples

Common Mistakes When Writing a Physical Therapist Assistant Resume Objective

When writing a physical therapist assistant resume objective, it is important to avoid common mistakes that can be easily avoided. A resume objective is the first thing a potential employer will read, so it should be written carefully and professionally. Making mistakes in this section of your resume could lead to it being overlooked or dismissed entirely.

One of the most common mistakes when writing a physical therapist assistant resume objective is not tailoring it to the job you are applying for. Your resume objective should provide an overview of your qualifications and skills that relate specifically to the position you are applying for. Generic objectives such as “seeking a role in physical therapy” or “looking for an opportunity to utilize my skills” provide little value and do not demonstrate how your skillset would benefit the organization. Instead, focus on what makes you a great fit for the role by including information about your experience and qualifications that make you stand out from other applicants.

Another mistake when crafting a physical therapist assistant resume objective is being too vague or generalizing your skillset too much. While it is important to showcase all of your related experience and education, try not to use overly broad terminology like “experienced in physical therapy” or “skilled in patient care” as these statements do not provide any concrete details about what makes you unique or qualified for the position. Instead, focus on more specific accomplishments such as “assisted in developing effective treatment plans tailored to individual patient needs” or “collaborated with multidisciplinary teams to ensure optimal outcomes for patients."

Finally, avoid using too many buzzwords or clichés when writing your physical therapist assistant resume objective. Employers have likely seen hundreds of resumes with phrases like “hardworking,” “results-driven," and "team player" so they don't carry much weight anymore. It's also best to avoid overused industry jargon like "patient-centered care" as this doesn't provide any meaningful insight into what makes you uniquely qualified for the job either.

By avoiding these common mistakes when crafting your physical therapist assistant resume objective, you can ensure that yours stands out from other applicants and gives potential employers an accurate representation of who you are and what sets you apart from other candidates.

Related : Physical Therapist Assistant Resume Examples

Physical Therapist Assistant Resume Objective Example

A right resume objective for a physical therapist assistant is focused on how the applicant can benefit the employer, while a wrong resume objective focuses solely on what the applicant wants from the job.

Editorial staff

Photo of Brenna Goyette, Editor

Brenna Goyette

Brenna is a certified professional resume writer, career expert, and the content manager of the ResumeCat team. She has a background in corporate recruiting and human resources and has been writing resumes for over 10 years. Brenna has experience in recruiting for tech, finance, and marketing roles and has a passion for helping people find their dream jobs. She creates expert resources to help job seekers write the best resumes and cover letters, land the job, and succeed in the workplace.

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  • • Developed and implemented unique treatment plans, leading to a 25% improvement in patient recovery times.
  • • Worked collaboratively with an interdisciplinary team, improving the efficiency of patient care by 30%.
  • • Managed an average case load of 40 patients per week.
  • • Assisted in developing and delivering individualized treatment plans, improving patient outcomes by 15%.
  • • Participated in continuing education programs, staying updated on best practices in physical therapy.
  • • Recognized by peers for excellent patient care and dedication to team collaboration.
  • • Assisted in publication of 5 papers on the beneficial effects of therapeutic exercises.
  • • Reduced potential side effects data by 40% through effective research procedures.

5 Physical Therapist Assistant Resume Examples & Guide for 2024

Your physical therapist assistant resume should highlight your educational background and licensing credentials. Include the details of your associate degree program and any specialized training you've completed. Be sure to showcase your hands-on experience with patient care and rehabilitation techniques. Demonstrate your familiarity with therapeutic exercises and equipment within diverse clinical settings.

All resume examples in this guide

objective on a resume for pta


objective on a resume for pta

Resume Guide

Formatting the layout of your physical therapist assistant resume: design, length, and more, strategies for crafting your physical therapist assistant resume experience section, decoding the essence of your physical therapist assistant resume: hard and soft skills, highlighting your educational and certification milestones on your physical therapist assistant resume, choosing the right physical therapist assistant resume summary or objective, extra sections to include in your physical therapist assistant resume, key takeaways.

Physical Therapist Assistant resume example

Physical Therapist Assistants often struggle with effectively showcasing their hands-on experience and unique patient care skills on their resumes. Our guide can assist by providing specific examples and templates that highlight relevant skill sets and experiences, demonstrating how to present them compellingly to potential employers.

Dive into this guide to uncover:

  • Top-tier physical therapist assistant resume samples that have successfully landed candidates in leading companies.
  • Strategies to direct recruiters' focus towards your standout experiences, notable achievements, and pivotal skills.
  • Guidance on crafting resume sections that align closely with the vast majority of job specifications.
  • Insights on harmonizing your physical therapist assistant technical prowess with your distinct personality, setting you apart from the competition.

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When it comes to the format of your physical therapist assistant resume , you've plenty of opportunities to get creative. But, as a general rule of thumb, there are four simple steps you could integrate into your resume layout.

  • If you have plenty of experience, you'd like to showcase, invest in the reverse-chronological resume format . This format focuses on your latest experience items and skills you've learned during your relevant (and recent) jobs.
  • Don't go over the two-page limit, when creating your professional physical therapist assistant resume. Curate within it mainly experience and skills that are relevant to the job.
  • Make sure your physical therapist assistant resume header includes all of your valid contact information. You could also opt to display your professional portfolio or LinkedIn profile.
  • Submit or send out your physical therapist assistant resume as a PDF, so you won't lose its layout and design.

Upload your resume

Drop your resume here or choose a file . PDF & DOCX only. Max 2MB file size.

  • functional skill-based resume format - that puts the main focus on your skills and accomplishments;
  • hybrid resume format - to get the best of both worlds with your physical therapist assistant experience and skills.

Essential physical therapist assistant resume sections for a comprehensive overview:

  • Header: Enables recruiters to swiftly access your contact details and peruse your latest work portfolio.
  • Summary or Objective: Offers a snapshot of your career milestones and aspirations.
  • Experience: Demonstrates alignment with job prerequisites and highlights your tangible contributions.
  • Skills: Captures the full spectrum of your expertise, making you a compelling physical therapist assistant candidate.
  • Education & Certifications: Bridges potential experience gaps and underscores your dedication to the field.

What recruiters want to see on your resume:

  • Certification and Licensing: Indicate any physical therapy certifications or licenses you hold, such as a Physical Therapist Assistant license. Each state has different requirements for PTAs, so including this information can prove your eligibility to work.
  • Experience in Patient Care: Detail your experience working with patients, particularly if you've worked with diverse populations (e.g., children, seniors, athletes).
  • Technical Skills: Highlight your ability to use therapeutic equipment and software commonly used in the field of physical therapy.
  • Communication Skills: As a PTA, excellent communication skills are necessary for interacting with patients, their families, and the rest of the health care team. Evidence of strong interpersonal skills on your resume can be highly appealing to recruiters.
  • Continuing Education: Showcasing ongoing professional development and learning in the field of physical therapy, such as participation in seminars, workshops, or advanced courses, can set you apart from other candidates.
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When detailing your physical therapist assistant resume experience , it's essential to pair responsibilities with tangible achievements.

Consider including:

  • Key responsibilities, emphasizing their significance to your role, team, or organization.
  • Experiences that have fostered your technical acumen or professional growth.
  • Metrics that underscore your contributions and successes.
  • Challenges you've addressed and the solutions you've implemented.
  • Strategies you've devised and their measurable impact on growth.

Your experience section is pivotal in making a lasting impression on recruiters. To inspire you, we've curated real-world physical therapist assistant examples:

  • Provided physical therapy treatments to patients under the supervision of a licensed therapist.
  • Assisted in developing personalized treatment plans for patients with musculoskeletal injuries.
  • Conducted therapeutic exercises and modalities to improve patients' range of motion and strength.
  • Educated patients on proper body mechanics and home exercise programs for continued improvement.
  • Collaborated with the healthcare team to ensure effective patient care and achieve optimal outcomes.
  • Administered therapeutic interventions, including manual therapy and electrical stimulation.
  • Managed a caseload of diverse patients with conditions such as orthopedic and neurological disorders.
  • Assisted in conducting patient evaluations and progress assessments to track treatment effectiveness.
  • Coordinated with other healthcare professionals to develop comprehensive treatment plans.
  • Provided education to patients and their families on injury prevention and self-care techniques.
  • Implemented therapeutic exercises and activities to help patients regain functional independence.
  • Utilized specialized equipment and modalities, such as ultrasound and traction, for pain management.
  • Assisted in the application of therapeutic taping techniques for joint stabilization and support.
  • Collaborated with therapists in designing customized treatment plans based on individual needs.
  • Documented patient progress and communicated findings to the supervising physical therapist.
  • Provided post-operative rehabilitation for patients recovering from orthopedic surgeries.
  • Assisted in developing specialized therapy programs tailored to each patient's surgical procedure.
  • Instructed patients in therapeutic exercises and functional activities to promote healing and recovery.
  • Collaborated with surgeons to implement evidence-based protocols for optimal surgical outcomes.
  • Managed multiple patient cases concurrently while maintaining a high level of care and efficiency.
  • Perform comprehensive assessments of patients' mobility, strength, and functional limitations.
  • Administer therapeutic interventions, including joint mobilization and soft tissue techniques.
  • Develop personalized treatment plans based on evaluation findings and individual goals.
  • Educate patients on proper body mechanics, ergonomics, and lifestyle modifications.
  • Collaborate with interdisciplinary teams to optimize patient care and facilitate positive outcomes.
  • Assisted in implementing aquatic therapy programs for patients with various musculoskeletal conditions.
  • Applied therapeutic techniques in a pool setting to improve patients' range of motion and endurance.
  • Designed customized exercise routines for individuals utilizing the benefits of water resistance.
  • Collaborated with aquatic therapy specialists to address patients' specific needs and goals.
  • Maintained accurate documentation of patients' progress and treatment outcomes.
  • Assisted physical therapists during patient evaluations and assessments.
  • Implemented therapeutic exercises and activities to improve patients' strength and endurance.
  • Utilized therapeutic modalities, such as heat and cold packs, to relieve pain and reduce inflammation.
  • Provided guidance and education to patients on proper body mechanics and injury prevention.
  • Collaborated with the healthcare team to ensure coordinated and effective delivery of care.
  • Assisted in the implementation of therapeutic exercises and functional activities for pediatric patients.
  • Provided support and encouragement to children during therapy sessions to maximize engagement.
  • Collaborated with occupational and speech therapists to address comprehensive patient needs.
  • Supported families in understanding and implementing home exercise programs for consistent progress.
  • Recorded and maintained accurate documentation of patients' treatment sessions and outcomes.
  • Managed a caseload of elderly patients with various age-related conditions and mobility limitations.
  • Administered therapeutic exercises and gait training to improve balance and prevent falls.
  • Implemented modalities like ultrasound and electrical stimulation for pain relief and tissue healing.
  • Collaborated with geriatric specialists to develop individualized care plans for optimal outcomes.
  • Assisted patients in using assistive devices and adaptive equipment for enhanced independence.
  • Managed a diverse caseload, including athletes, with sports-related injuries and orthopedic conditions.
  • Created and implemented customized rehabilitation programs to restore athletic performance.
  • Utilized manual therapy techniques to improve joint mobility and soft tissue flexibility.
  • Collaborated with sports trainers and coaches to develop injury prevention strategies for athletes.
  • Provided on-field assistance during sporting events to address acute injuries and support recovery.

Quantifying impact on your resume

  • Include the number of patients you treated each day or week to showcase your capacity to handle a heavy workload.
  • Quantify the types of conditions or injuries you've treated to indicate your breadth of experience.
  • List the percentage by which you helped improve patient recovery times, demonstrating efficiency and effectiveness.
  • Specify any improvement in patient satisfaction scores due to your interventions to highlight your impact on service quality.
  • Note the number or percentage of patients who returned for additional treatment, indicating trust and satisfaction under your care.
  • Enumerate any cost-saving measures you implemented, showcasing your ability to contribute to organizational fiscal health.
  • Mention the number of new techniques or procedures you've learned and applied to show continuous professional development.
  • Add the number of multi-disciplinary teams you've worked with to demonstrate collaboration and teamwork skills.

Crafting the experience section for novice physical therapist assistant candidates

Lack of extensive experience doesn't equate to an empty resume. Here's how you can enrich your experience section:

  • Volunteer Roles: Community involvement often equips you with valuable interpersonal skills, and sometimes even technical ones, relevant to the job.
  • Academic Projects: Highlight significant university projects that contributed to the field, showcasing your hands-on experience.
  • Internships: Even short-term internships can be invaluable. If they're pertinent to the role, they deserve a spot on your resume.
  • Past Jobs: Even if unrelated to the physical therapist assistant, these roles can demonstrate transferable skills that are beneficial for the position.
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Highlight what sets your experience apart. Incorporate metrics, feedback, and the tangible value you've added to organizations. This specificity ensures your resume remains pertinent and memorable.

Every job description communicates the desired hard and soft skills. These skills are the backbone of your application.

Hard skills are your tangible, technical proficiencies, often validated through certifications or hands-on experience. On the other hand, soft skills reflect your interpersonal abilities and how you navigate diverse work environments.

To effectively spotlight these skills on your resume:

  • Create a distinct section for technical skills, listing the most relevant ones for the job.
  • Highlight your strengths by weaving in achievements that underscore specific skills.
  • Strike a balance between hard and soft skills to present a well-rounded profile.
  • If multilingual, include a language proficiency section, emphasizing the interpersonal advantages it brings.

Stay tuned for a deep dive into the most in-demand hard and soft skills in the industry.

Top skills for your physical therapist assistant resume

Physical Therapy Techniques

Patient Care


Exercise Plan Development

Anatomy Knowledge

Physiology Understanding

CPR/BLS Certified

Knowledge of Therapeutic Equipment

Electronic Health Record (EHR) Software Skills

Strength and Conditioning


Attention to Detail

Time Management



Interpersonal Skills

Stress Management

When detailing your skills, align them with the job's requirements. Emphasize unique technical proficiencies and provide examples of your soft skills in action.

While skills alignment is increasingly prioritized, your educational background and certifications still play a pivotal role in establishing credibility.

To effectively present your academic and certification achievements:

  • Detail your educational journey, including the institution and duration.
  • Highlight recent and relevant certifications, showcasing your commitment to continuous learning.
  • Be concise; focus on the skills and knowledge gained rather than exhaustive details.
  • If a certification is in progress, mention the expected completion date.

Remember, authenticity is key. If a certification is pending, be transparent about it.

Best certifications to list on your resume

  • Physical Therapist Assistant (PTA) - American Physical Therapy Association
  • Corrective Exercise Specialist (CES) - National Academy of Sports Medicine
  • Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant (COTA) - American Occupational Therapy Association
  • Associate's Degree in Physical Therapist Assistant (ADPTA) - Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education

If you're in the process of obtaining your certificate or degree, list the expected date you're supposed to graduate or be certified.

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The top section of your resume is pivotal. It should encapsulate your alignment with the job, your unique skill set, and your professional expertise.

Both the resume summary and resume objective can serve this purpose:

  • Use the resume objective to spotlight your current achievements and future aspirations. Highlight how you envision your growth in the prospective role.
  • Opt for the resume summary to succinctly present your most relevant professional highlights. Aim for brevity, ideally within five sentences.

Ultimately, these sections offer a glimpse into your professional persona and the unique value you bring.

Resume summary and objective examples for a physical therapist assistant resume

  • Dynamic Physical Therapist Assistant with 5+ years of experience in diverse rehabilitation settings. Dedicated to delivering customized patient-focused treatment plans and proficient in assisting with therapy sessions under the supervision of a licensed Physical Therapist. Notable accomplishments include significantly improving patients' mobility by 60% in previous roles.
  • Adept Certified Physical Therapist Assistant possessing 8 years of experience in outpatient clinics. Consistently demonstrated success in developing effective therapeutic exercise programs. Honored with the 'Outstanding Service' award for contributions to the improvement of patient wellness and recovery rates.
  • Successful Business Analyst aspiring to leverage analytical skills, problem-solving abilities, and knowledge about human anatomy into a Physical Therapist Assistant career. Proven record in streamlining processes and understanding people's needs, along with an academic background in health sciences. Ready to apply this unique blend of skills in a healthcare setting to enhance patient well-being.
  • Experienced Nurse practitioner transitioning to a Physical Therapist Assistant role. Bringing forth broad medical knowledge, excellent interpersonal skills, and a genuine passion for helping individuals recover from injuries or illnesses. Previously recognized for reducing hospital readmissions by 30% through comprehensive patient care.
  • Eager to start a career as a Physical Therapist Assistant, bringing forth a strong academic foundation from a Bachelor's degree in Kinesiology. Committed to applying learned principles of body mechanics, movement, and physical conditioning to aid patients' recovery journeys. Highly enthusiastic about putting theoretical knowledge into practice.
  • An ambitious graduate seeking an entry-level Physical Therapist Assistant role. Equipped with a strong educational background in Physiology, and ready to use theoretical knowledge for practical applications. Keen on providing excellent patient care and contributing positively towards their road to recovery.

What should you do if you happen to have some space left on your resume, and want to highlight other aspects of your profile that you deem are relevant to the role?

Add to your physical therapist assistant resume some of these personal and professional sections:

  • Passions/Interests - to detail how you spend both your personal and professional time, invested in various hobbies;
  • Awards - to present those niche accolades that make your experience unique;
  • Publications - an excellent choice for professionals, who have just graduated from university or are used to a more academic setting;
  • < a href=""> Volunteering - your footprint within your local (or national/ international) community.
  • Format your physical therapist assistant resume for clarity and coherence, ensuring it aligns with the role.
  • Highlight key sections (header, summary/objective, experience, skills, certifications) within your physical therapist assistant resume.
  • Quantify achievements and align them with skills and job requirements.
  • Feature both technical and personal skills across your resume for a balanced portrayal.

physical therapist assistant resume example

Looking to build your own Physical Therapist Assistant resume?

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How To List Certifications On A Resume (Examples Included)

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Physical Therapist Assistant Resume Samples

Physical therapist assistants work under the supervision of a physical therapist to assist individuals who are suffering from any physical illness or injuries. The highlighting job duties incorporated in the Physical Therapist Assistant Resume include – implementing selected components on patients technically, instructing and counseling the patients in doing exercises, identifying the patient needs, recommending options for treatment and making necessary modifications, keeping track of patient’s progress and comfort, completing documentation work, performing data collection work and recording accurate information and measuring performance of patient’s medical records .

Apart from having working experience, candidates seeking this employment are required to possess excellent skills and knowledge of physiology practices, therapeutic exercises, functional training; they should be able to communicate effectively and have hands-on experience in healthcare administration. Candidates seeking for this post should possess an associate’s degree in PTA and have a valid license to practice.

Physical Therapist Assistant Resume example

  • Resume Samples
  • Physical Therapist Assistant

Physical Therapist Assistant (PRN) Resume

Headline : Enthusiastic Physical Therapist Assistant seeking full-time or PRN opportunity in Home Health Care or Outpatient Setting with a focus in Orthopedics, Sports Rehabilitation, and Manual Therapy. Well-versed in a broad range of PT programs, treatments, and modalities restoring function and mitigating disability for diseased and injured patients.

Skills : Skilled In Medilinks, EPIC And Casamba Documentation Systems, EMR Systems, CPR Certified

Physical Therapist Assistant (PRN) Resume Template

Description :

  • Responsibilities include providing physical therapy interventions under a plan of care written by a physical therapist.
  • Performing therapy interventions utilizing techniques and skills as appropriate for the patient population.
  • Coordinating activities with physical therapy aides, students, and other support personnel.
  • Attending weekly care plan meetings to discuss the patient's progress towards goals and estimating an additional length of stay needed.
  • Helping dozens of patient's reach goals set out by the physical therapist.
  • Establishing communication between nursing, physical therapist, doctor and family for better patient care.
  • Effectively and accurately documenting patient treatment sessions prudently and concisely.
  • Communicating patient status and needs to patient, family and staff compliant with infection control procedures and environmental safety protocol according to facility guidelines maintained confidentiality of patient information, facility information.

Certified Physical Therapist Assistant Resume

Headline : Enthusiastic physical therapist assistant dedicated to achieving superior patient outcomes while participating as a member of a multidisciplinary case-management team. Obtain a Physical Therapy position where I can utilize my expertise, excellent customer service, and positive outlook. I enjoy working with clients and am eager to learn and perform any given task.

Skills : Women Health, Joint Mobilization, Manual Therapy, Prosthetics And Orthotics, Therapeutic Modalities, Kinesio Taping, Aquatic Therapy

Certified Physical Therapist Assistant Resume Sample

  • Monitoring, demonstrating and assisting patients through the therapeutic exercise to increase endurance, strength, and coordination for specific muscle groups or the entire body.
  • Training patients in functional activities such as sitting and standing, balance, transfer, and mobility as well as progressive gait training, with or without ambulatory aids offered.
  • Performing various modalities such as superficial/deep heat/cold, passive stretching/range of motion, electrotherapy techniques and massages.
  • Educating patients on proper exercise technique for home exercise program as well as daily functional activities.
  • Updating soap notes as well as productivity logs and home exercise plans for various clients.
  • Collecting vital date of client progress through several forms of media such as data collecting, photography, and videography in order to detail progress to improve and research functional rehabilitation techniques and track length of progress attained.
  • Maintaining appropriate cleanliness of therapy gyms by sanitizing all gym equipment as well as cleaning hydrocollator and hydrocollator packs.
  • Assisting creating community re-integration program to observe client interaction and test physical as well as mental and social capabilities to maneuver and succeed in a community setting with physical, occupational, and speech therapists.

Senior Physical Therapist Assistant Resume

Summary : Senior Physical Therapist Assistant with experience in outpatient, skilled nursing, and acute care settings. Communicates with all colleagues to enhance professional relationships and get the required patient treatments done promptly.&nbsp;

Skills : Electronic Medical Record System, BLS Healthcare Provider, Excellent Communication And Problem Solving, Extensive Mechanical Lift Knowledge, Therapute, Rehab Optima

Senior Physical Therapist Assistant Resume Template

  • Providing physical therapy treatments along the continuum of care including pre-operative joint surgery classes, post-operative/pacu, acute care, ICU, transitional care, skilled nursing, acute rehabilitation, home health, and outpatient settings.
  • Contributing to patient goal-setting and updating, implementing the patient plan of care, utilizing critical reasoning skills to daily assess patient progress, and participating with recommendations for discharge planning.
  • Daily collaborating and conferring with a large multi-disciplinary team to plan, modify and coordinate treatments.
  • Demonstrating independence in the application of modalities including cold, heat, electrical stimulation, ultrasound, whirlpool therapy, and therapeutic wrapping for edema.
  • Providing patient and caregiver training throughout the continuum of care in all aspects of physical therapy including functional mobility, safety awareness, equipment/orthoses, and therapeutic exercise programs.
  • Educating nursing staff on safe bed mobility and transfer of patients, continuous passive motion equipment, proper selection/application of mechanical patient lifts, and application of various braces and orthoses.
  • Adept managing of multiple forms of patient equipment including ventilators, wound vacuums, drains, intravenous lines, and deep-vein thrombosis prophylactics.
  • Documenting in the Epic electronic medical record on patient treatments, progress toward goals, and response to treatment.
  • Supervising and mentoring, as a clinical instructor for physical therapist assistant students.
  • Adapting to ever-changing, fast-paced environments while yielding productive, efficient, compassionate, and quality patient care.

Licensed Physical Therapist Assistant Resume

Summary : Licensed Physical Therapist Assistant committed to delivering quality care. Driven to achieve exceptional patient outcomes as a key member of a multidisciplinary case-management team. Seeking a position as a Physical Therapy Assistant with a progressive company in a sub-acute setting. Enriching the lives of patients by addressing their physical and personal needs, along with other team professionals.

Skills : Proficient With Casamba Documentation System, Strong Clinical Judgement, Extensive Experience With Patients With Dementia, Healthcare, Management, Rehabilitation

Licensed Physical Therapist Assistant Resume Example

  • Contributing to physical therapist's effectiveness by identifying patient care issues, providing information, recommending options and courses of action, implementing physical therapy directives.
  • Assessing patient health by interviewing patients: obtaining, updating, and studying therapy histories.
  • Assessing abnormal conditions by reviewing physical therapist's interpretations of patient evaluations and test results.
  • Documenting patient care services by charting in patient and department records.
  • Performing therapeutic procedures by administering manual exercises, instructing, encouraging, and assisting patients in performing physical activities, such as non-manual exercises, ambulatory functional activities, and daily-living activities, and in using supportive devices, such as canes, and prostheses.
  • Instructing and counseling patients by describing therapeutic regimens, giving normal growth and development information, promoting wellness and health maintenance.
  • Providing continuity of care by developing and implementing patient management plans.
  • Maintaining a safe and clean working environment by complying with procedures, rules, and regulations, adhering to infection-control policies and protocols.

PRN Physical Therapist Assistant Resume

Summary : Competent and caring Physical Therapist Assistant with 7 years of dedicated career experience providing quality patient care in outpatient settings. Exhibits a calm and reassuring personality and employs strong communication abilities. To obtain a Physical Therapist Assistant position in a facility that emphasizes patient health and well-being, where I am able to apply my education, past experiences, and continue to gain knowledge in Physical Therapy and rehabilitation.

Skills : Documentation, Organizational, Multi-Tasking, Answering Phones, Computer, Patient Care, Patient Education, Patient Scheduling

PRN Physical Therapist Assistant Resume Sample

  • Remarkable knowledge of physical therapy principles, theory, methods and their application in an educational environment.
  • Answered patient questions and provided education and instruction when necessary.
  • Demonstrated correct usage of equipment and exercise routines as part of patient instruction.
  • Assisted in the patient treatment through prescribed exercise regimens and strength training programs.
  • Ensured equipment maintenance through regular inspections for functionality and cleanliness.
  • Maintained physical therapy supplies and inventory ordered new supplies as needed and verified receipt of shipment.
  • Consistently reported to physical therapist, patient progress/status to allow for updated of goals and modifications by the physical therapist of the treatment program.
  • Worked cooperatively with peers to contribute to the overall productivity of the team.

Clinic Supervisor/Physical Therapist Assistant Resume

Summary : Outgoing, self-motivated, creative Clinic Supervisor/Physical Therapist Assistant with 7+ years of active experience. Well-versed in a broad range of treatments and modalities, restoring function and mitigating disability for diseased and injured patients. Excellent interpersonal/communication skills and proficiency in inpatient treatment, time management, and therapy program design/execution. Enthusiastic team player, deeply committed to delivering quality care and achieving superior patient outcomes as a member of a multidisciplinary case-management team.

Skills : Healthcare, Management, Rehabilitation, Finance, Acute Care Therapy, EPIC System For Documentation

Clinic Supervisor/Physical Therapist Assistant Resume Template

  • Working with physical therapy, home care team, patient/family/caregiver in following physical therapy POC.
  • Conducting treatments associated with muscle strengthening, coordination, mobility, sensory awareness, sitting and standing, transfer training, balance activities, gait training, range of motion activities and modalities.
  • Monitoring the patient's response to intervention and consult with the physical therapist if modification is required.
  • Assisting the PT in the evaluation process and in identifying short-term and long-term goals and treatment plans documenting treatment provided and progress of the patient in compliance with state, federal and JC AHO requirements.
  • Educating home health aides, and patient's families/caregivers in routine.
  • Maintaining professional knowledge and competence in areas of responsibility by attending in-services and department meetings, also participating in continuing education and attending conferences as approved.
  • Completing orders that are provided for a range of motion, occupational therapy and physical therapy to residents in a rehabilitative setting.
  • Responsible for evaluation of residents programs; charting fluid and food acceptance report.

Physical Therapist Assistant Resume

Summary : Dedicated and focused Physical Therapist Assistant who excels at clinical problem solving, interdisciplinary collaboration, critical thinking, and following through to achieve patient goals. Seeking a PTA position that requires high levels of responsibility and complexity. To obtain a physical therapist assistant position, utilizing my experience and education in providing excellent patient care.

Skills : Wellness Programming, Fitness Instruction, Therapeutic Aquatic Exercise, Health Coaching, Personal Training, Vital Signs, Dietary Theories, Heath Workshops

Physical Therapist Assistant Resume Model

  • Assisting in performing assessments, treatments, and development of program plans and implementation.
  • Administering therapeutic massage, stretching, and exercise techniques, increasing mobility and easing patient discomfort.
  • Completing documentation related to treatments, noting their effectiveness and any patient progress.
  • Working in a variety of programs, including ambulation training, strengthening and conditioning, contracture management, wound care, cardiac rehabilitation, balance training, modalities, and back injury protection.
  • Training patients in the use of orthopedic braces, prostheses, and supportive devices, ensuring proper support and avoiding loss of progress outside of therapeutic sessions.
  • Coaching patients in exercise techniques for the re-education of specific portions of patient anatomy under the supervision of a physical therapist.
  • Completing billing information for each patient on caseload for Medicare and insurance requirements.
  • Working with a multi-disciplinary staff, based on the plan of care set for each induvial patient, working together as a team to produce the best treatment for each patient.
  • Consistently reported patient progress to physical therapist to review plan of care.

Summary : Service-oriented Physical Therapist Assistant with seven years of background in a skilled nursing facility. Core competencies include modality application, accurate documentation, and superb customer service skills as well as excellent communication and time management skills. Handles tasks with accuracy and efficiency. To obtain a physical therapist assistant position at a healthcare providing company that gives an opportunity for growth and advancement.

Skills : Experience In Active Release, Strain-counter Strain, Active Isolated Stretching, Joint Mobilization And Mckenzie For Back, Neck And Extremity Problems.

Physical Therapist Assistant Resume Model

  • Ensured proper technique, repetitions, the resistance of patients during therapeutic exercise including strengthening, stretching, and body mechanics.
  • Assisted patients with bed mobility, stair training, and transfer training.
  • Performed data collection such as vital signs, passive and active range of motion, edema measurements, pulse oximetry and orientation to time, person, place, and situation.
  • Educated patients regarding their diagnoses, treatment options, reasons for using particular treatment, effects, goals, what to expect and answering questions post-treatment.
  • Ensured the safety of patients at all times in the clinic and prepare them to be safe outside the clinic as necessary performed myofascial release, as well as other various other forms of deep tissue work, in a one-on-one setting.
  • Set up and delivered various therapeutic modalities including neuromuscular reeducation, iontophoresis, thermal/athermal modalities, ultrasound, traction (both cervical and lumbar), electrical stimulation (IFC, tens) and compression therapies.
  • Wrote patient case notes, progress reports for physicians as well as track daily progress.
  • Constructed home exercise programs for outpatient and home health patients to maintain therapeutic gains.

Summary : Healthcare Certified Physical Therapist Assistant licensed since 1998 in Physical Therapy. Solid knowledge of comprehensive therapy rehab procedures and excellent direct patient care skills. Reputation as a self-directed professional with superior problem solving, communication, and team player skills. Successful in managing time, prioritizing tasks, and organizing projects to improve the quality of patient care. Rehab experience includes out-patient, sports med, ortho, and home-health.

Skills : Vital Signs, Dietary Theories, Health Workshops, And Speaking, Group Diet And Health Programs, Instructor Tai Chi For Balance

Certified Physical Therapist Assistant Resume Sample

  • Employed with a home-health agency providing physical therapy services to home-bound patients.
  • Administered active and passive manual therapeutic exercises, therapeutic massage, and heat, sound, water, and electrical modality treatments, such as ultrasound.
  • Instructed, motivated, and assisted patients to learn and improve functional activities, such as pre-ambulation, transfer, ambulation, and daily-living activities.
  • Safeguard, motivated, and assisted patients practicing exercises and functional activities under the direction of professional staff.
  • Measured patient's range-of-joint motion and vital signs to determine the effectiveness of treatments and for patient evaluations.
  • Assisted patients in donning and doffing supportive devices, such as braces, splints, and slings.
  • Provided home healthcare with effective time management skills and patient care relations.
  • Organized a weekly schedule to meet productivity expectations and utilize time to efficiently follow physician protocols for post-operative rehabilitation outcomes pertaining to ortho patients.

Objective : Dedicated Physical Therapist Assistant (PRN) with medical background seeking a position in applying my knowledge and experiences to your healthcare organization. A qualified individual seeking entry-level position under a supervising licensed physical therapist, to provide quality physical therapy interventions and promote health and function.

Skills : Medical Terminology, Patient Documentation, Intermediate Computer With Microsoft Word, Data Entry, And Scheduling Patient Flow, Proven Multi-tasking And Time Management, Meeting Deadlines

Physical Therapist Assistant (PRN) Resume Template

  • Demonstrated efficient time management skills to manage administrative responsibilities while managing a caseload of up to 14 patients.
  • Communicated with and educated the patient and/or caregiver to improve functional mobility and safety.
  • Provided physical therapy in sub-acute, rehab, and long term care facilities.
  • Provided balance training to reduce the risk of falls and improve safety.
  • Recommended changes, modifications, and discharge of plan of care to the physical therapist.
  • Instructed, motivated, safeguarded, and assisted patients as they practice exercises or functional activities.
  • Conferred with physical therapy staff or others to discuss and evaluate patient information for planning, modifying, or coordinating treatment.
  • Executed the plan of care as recommended by the physical therapist in charge.

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Physical Therapy Assistant Resume Sample

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Work Experience

  • Conduct therapeutic interventions in an interdisciplinary team environment under the direction of a Physical Therapists in a clinical or aquatic setting
  • Document the course of care
  • Collaborate with team members to develop new methods of treatment and patient education
  • Ensure show ready standards are met with regards to all work areas utilized
  • Manage and maintain all paperwork necessary to record work performed
  • Manage, distribute and inform clients and patients on equipment and supplies
  • Quality: Assists the clinical supervisor with implementation of new programs as needed. Involved with Quality Assessment and Improvement Plan
  • Extensive opportunities for professional development, career advancement, and practice growth as we expand throughout the region and across the nation
  • Active/current agency health requirements
  • Spinal Cord Injury
  • Attend 80% of departmental inservice meetings/staff meetings
  • Participate in department and hospital CQI activities
  • Attends professional growth activities/seminars as scheduled
  • Consults with pertinent staff who are involved with the patient’s care and integrates age-appropriate physical therapy services into the patient plan of care
  • Provides patient care, under the direction of a Physical Therapist, for patients who have impairments, functional limitations, disabilities or changes in physical function and health status resulting from injury, disease, or other causes, with consideration given to patient’s age and development
  • Interacts and confers with a variety of professionals including physicians, nurses, case management, OT’s and SLP’s optimize customer service and care
  • Consistently exhibits behavior and communication skills that demonstrate HealthCare Partners’ (HCP) commitment to superior customer service, including quality, care and concern with each and every internal and external customer
  • Documents the patient’s treatments and responses in the physical therapy chart and completes all documentation in an accurate, legible and timely manner
  • Reports any and all changes in the patient’s condition to the Physical Therapist as immediacy dictates
  • Uses, protects, and discloses HCP patients’ protected health information (PHI) only in accordance with Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) standards
  • Deep commitment to quality care - getting patients better is our first priority
  • Attractive, state-of-the art facilities
  • Industry leading training

Professional Skills

  • Prior experience working within a Skilled Nursing Facility
  • Courteous and professional manner when dealing with people in person and on phone; excellent customer service skills
  • Demonstrates initiative and good problem solving skills
  • Demonstrated orthopedic skills and knowledge
  • Flexible with strong time management / organizational skills
  • Experience working within a Skilled Nursing Facility and/or working with the Geriatric population
  • Previous experience working in a Skilld Nursing Facility

How to write Physical Therapy Assistant Resume

Physical Therapy Assistant role is responsible for physical, therapy, patient, basic, interpersonal, computer, training, interventions, supervision, customer. To write great resume for physical therapy assistant job, your resume must include:

  • Your contact information
  • Work experience
  • Skill listing

Contact Information For Physical Therapy Assistant Resume

The section contact information is important in your physical therapy assistant resume. The recruiter has to be able to contact you ASAP if they like to offer you the job. This is why you need to provide your:

  • First and last name
  • Telephone number

Work Experience in Your Physical Therapy Assistant Resume

The section work experience is an essential part of your physical therapy assistant resume. It’s the one thing the recruiter really cares about and pays the most attention to. This section, however, is not just a list of your previous physical therapy assistant responsibilities. It's meant to present you as a wholesome candidate by showcasing your relevant accomplishments and should be tailored specifically to the particular physical therapy assistant position you're applying to. The work experience section should be the detailed summary of your latest 3 or 4 positions.

Representative Physical Therapy Assistant resume experience can include:

  • Other:Ability to effectively read and communicate in English. Basic computer skills
  • Effective communication skills for conferring with physicians, residents, family members, other team members and community resources
  • Experience in long-term care and/or skilled nursing facility setting
  • 6+ months of experience working in a Skilled Nursing facility and/or with geriatrics
  • Communicate effectively utilizing computer, verbally and in writing in English
  • 6+ months of experience in a Skilled Nursing Facility

Education on a Physical Therapy Assistant Resume

Make sure to make education a priority on your physical therapy assistant resume. If you’ve been working for a few years and have a few solid positions to show, put your education after your physical therapy assistant experience. For example, if you have a Ph.D in Neuroscience and a Master's in the same sphere, just list your Ph.D. Besides the doctorate, Master’s degrees go next, followed by Bachelor’s and finally, Associate’s degree.

Additional details to include:

  • School you graduated from
  • Major/ minor
  • Year of graduation
  • Location of school

These are the four additional pieces of information you should mention when listing your education on your resume.

Professional Skills in Physical Therapy Assistant Resume

When listing skills on your physical therapy assistant resume, remember always to be honest about your level of ability. Include the Skills section after experience.

Present the most important skills in your resume, there's a list of typical physical therapy assistant skills:

  • Effective oral and written communication skills, clearly, concisely, accurately. Possesses good interpersonal skills
  • Other:Basic computer knowledge Ability to read and communicate effectively in English Strong written and verbal skills
  • Effective in verbal and written communication including computer skills
  • Effective and tactful communication skills (in English) with patient, physicians, all staff and the public
  • Strong communication skills with internal/external customers
  • Good interpersonal skills to interact with patients, families and all members of the health care team

List of Typical Experience For a Physical Therapy Assistant Resume

Experience for licensed physical therapy assistant resume.

  • 6+ months of Skilled Nursing Facility or geriatric experience
  • Previous experience as a Physical Therapy Assistant (PTA) within a Skilled Nursing Facility
  • Previous experience as a physical therapy assistant in a skilled nursing facility
  • Communication skills both verbally and in writing with patients, family members and colleagues
  • Basic knowledge of treatment skills

Experience For Physical Therapy Assistant PRN Resume

  • No prior professional experience required
  • Recent pertinent experience in an acute care setting with a focus in Inpatient Rehab and Acute Care Adult/Geriatric patient populations as a PTA.
  • Demonstrate competent knowledge of the needs of patients ranging from adolescent to geriatric
  • Experience working with adults and geriatrics
  • 3 months - 1 year of experience working with geriatrics
  • 3 months to 1 year of experience working with geriatrics
  • Previous experience working with the Adult and/or Geriatric population

Experience For Physical Therapy Assistant Si Resume

  • Demonstrates ability to function in a team environment, collaborating with other patient-care team members, physicians, patient, and their families
  • Experience implementing plans of care designed by the physical therapist
  • Experience administering therapeutic exercise
  • Experience in gait and transfer training
  • Experience using physical therapy modalities such as: ultrasounds and electrical stimulation
  • Kingston, NY Physical Therapist Assistant are also needed for Skilled Nursing Facility

Experience For Physical Therapy Assistant Home Health Resume

  • Participates in the research process as appropriate to individual education experience and expertise
  • Demonstrates/models the Network’s Service Excellence Standards of Performance in interaction with all customers internal and external
  • Implement evidence-based treatment protocols
  • Demonstrates knowledge of Physical Therapy in the Acute Care and Inpatient Acute Rehabilitation practice setting
  • Two years of experience as a physical therapy assistant is required for PRN and the WOW (Work on Weekend) Program
  • Experience as a Therapy Assistant in adult rehabilitation
  • A valid and unrestricted license to practice as a Physical Therapy Assistant in the State of Connecticut

Experience For PRN Physical Therapy Assistant Resume

  • Previous experience as a Physical Therapy Assistant
  • Experience as a Physical Therapist Assistant
  • One (1) Year Acute Care or SNF experience within the last 5 years required
  • Demonstrates basic knowledge of the principles, techniques and procedures within the scope of their practice as Licensed Physical Therapist Assistants
  • One year experience in Acute/Rehabilitation Therapy
  • Experience with a home health, medical surgical, or rehabilitation center environment
  • Establish and monitor priorities, maintain flexibility
  • One year's experience
  • PTA experience

Experience For Physical Therapy Assistant Consultant Resume

  • One (1+) year of therapy experience with adults, specifically, the geriatric patient population
  • Possess a valid current Maryland state license in physical therapy, where applicable
  • Professionalism. Demonstrates sound professional judgement, for example
  • Valid CPR (BLS)
  • Promotes a positive, calm, and effective work environment throughout the unit that contributes to staff recruitment, retention, and reduces turnover
  • Demonstrates awareness of potential hazards and reports unsafe conditions to appropriate staff to maintain a safe environment for patients, families and staff
  • Demonstrates commitment to continuous quality improvement in all job responsibilities
  • Initiating and maintaining ongoing communication with supervisor regarding all aspects of direct and indirect patient care needs; and

Experience For Home Health Physical Therapy Assistant Resume

  • Managing and maintaining specialized physical therapy programs and regimens; Conducting thorough medical chart reviews
  • Instructing students and assisting with the management of education programs
  • Setting goals and developing treatment plans
  • Diagnosing and managing movement dysfunction and enhance physical and functional abilities
  • Coordinating several treatment approaches simultaneously to accomplish complex treatment objectives
  • Assessing patients for durable medical equipment, adaptive/assistive devices and other recommended therapeutic equipment
  • Communicating treatment process to patient, family members and caregivers
  • Incorporating patient’s and family’s goals into treatment plans
  • Administering treatment programs outlined and established with specific goals defined by the patient's capacity and tolerance

Experience For Licensed Physical Therapy Assistant PRN Resume

  • Continuing Education. Attends professional conferences and meetings and participates in the department in-service education program
  • Implementing selected components of patient treatment
  • Making modifications in selected interventions to progress the patient/client or to ensure their safety and comfort
  • Applying methods and techniques consistent with current research with regards to assessment and treatment
  • Providing an optimum environment for functional goal achievement
  • Utilizing interdisciplinary collaboration and available resources to provide care

Experience For Contingent Physical Therapy Assistant Resume

  • Under the supervision of a physical therapist, assists patients in improving mobility, relieving pain, and preventing or minimizing physical impairments
  • Positions or repositions patients using proper transfer devices (transfer belt, sliding board) and procures assistance when necessary
  • Assists supervisor in defining and achieving strategic plan
  • Assists with patient discharge planning. Provides information regarding appropriate selection and use of adaptive equipment and community support programs
  • Responsible for maintaining patients charts as per facility expectations and maintaining privacy and confidentiality of patients and treatments

Experience For Physical Therapy Assistant Per Diem Resume

  • Assist in ensuring proper billing occurs for patient treatments as per policy
  • Document resident care in accordance with RehabCare's, regulatory, licensing, payer and accrediting requirements
  • Lead a group of employees and communicate information regarding work assignments and scheduling
  • Critical thinking and judgment particularly in determining when to inform the therapist of a significant change in the patients’ condition
  • Current Physical Therapist Assistant licensure through the state of Oregon, or temporary license if new graduate awaiting licensing exam results
  • Assesses patient's response to treatment. Provides feedback to the supervising therapist regarding patient status
  • Supervises the patient’s use of all equipment and takes the necessary precautions in implementing the prescribed treatment

List of Typical Skills For a Physical Therapy Assistant Resume

Skills for licensed physical therapy assistant resume.

  • Solid assessment, clinical, documentation, and therapeutic skills
  • 6+ months of Physical Therapy experience within a Skilled Nursing Facility
  • Experience in a physical therapist assistant capacity in a hospital, skilled nursing facility, or other related medical field
  • Interpersonal skills to interact with PT and nursing staff, physicians, patients, patient families
  • 6+ months of previous experience as a Physical Therapy Assistant (PTA) within a Skilled Nursing Facility
  • 6+ months of previous Physical Therapy experience within a Skilled Nursing Facility
  • Emergency situations responded to efficiently and effectively

Skills For Physical Therapy Assistant PRN Resume

  • Skill in the ability to demonstrate or lead a patient in the performance of a therapy regimen
  • Basic computer skills. Current State of California licensure required
  • The ability to work effectively independently and with a team
  • Basic computer skills recommended
  • Organize and manage time effectively for maximum productivity and for timely evaluates and reporting
  • Works as efficiently and effectively as possible in order to help meet the department’s productivity standards while still providing quality patient care
  • Documents care and skills performed in the patient’s medical record and responsibly records and submits charges for physical therapy services rendered
  • Interact effectively and sensitively with children and families of different developmental levels and cultural backgrounds

Skills For Physical Therapy Assistant Si Resume

  • Previous experience working in an Allied and/or Rehab setting
  • At least two (2) years experience working in a PT setting
  • Previous experience working in an Acute Care and/or Rehab setting
  • Experience working with the Geriatric population
  • Experience working with Geriatric population

Skills For Physical Therapy Assistant Home Health Resume

  • Previous experience working with the Geriatric population
  • 6 months of experience working with geriatrics
  • 3+ months of experience working with geriatrics
  • 3+ months of experience working with the Geriatric population
  • Previous experience as a Physical Therapist Assistant in a homecare setting

Skills For PRN Physical Therapy Assistant Resume

  • Experience working Electronic Medical Records (EMR)
  • Experience working as a Physical Therapy Assistant (PTA)
  • Experience working with Electronic Medical Records (EMRs)
  • One year of experience as a PTA in an inpatient rehab setting
  • Therapy experience in a supervised clinical setting
  • Therapy experience in home health setting
  • Experience as a practicing Physical Therapist Assistant

Skills For Physical Therapy Assistant Consultant Resume

  • Experience working with patients of varied ages and diagnoses
  • Experience as a practicing Licensed Physical Therapist Assistant
  • 3-Experience in physical therapy treatment interventions to include but not be limited to: transfer mobility, gait training,
  • Develops methods to achieve identified goals set by the physical therapist using evidence based practices
  • At least two (2) years of experience working independently under minimal supervision
  • Skilled Nursing Facilities
  • Experience treating sports injuries
  • Experience as a practicing Licensed Physical Therapy Assistant

Skills For Home Health Physical Therapy Assistant Resume

  • Previous experience in physical disabilities and rehabilitation in acute care setting
  • Functions as a resource for and provides employees with approved in-service/cross-training on physical therapy knowledge and skill areas
  • 6 months recent PTA experience in a clinical setting
  • Experience working in an acute or post acute rehab environment
  • Current and valide PTA license according to the laws of the State of California LIC PTA

Skills For Licensed Physical Therapy Assistant PRN Resume

  • Experience as a PTA
  • 6+ months of experience as a Physical Therapy Assistant (PTA)
  • Physical Therapy (PT)experience
  • Previous Physical Therapy experience
  • 6 months to 1 year of Sub-acute and Long-term Care experience
  • Three (3) years progressively responsible experience performed
  • Clinical experience for the age and type of patients seen
  • Previous acute care and inpatient experience
  • Plans and sets priorities for the delivery of physical therapy services

Skills For Contingent Physical Therapy Assistant Resume

  • Establishes times and performs skilled physical therapy treatments. Maintains and documents patient restorative needs and potential
  • Demonstrates competence in the performance of individualized care based on age specific needs
  • Patient/family demonstrates understanding of treatment
  • Equipment operated in a safe manner
  • Provide effective documentation for treatments and follow treatment plan as outlined by the Physical Therapist
  • Maintenance. Maintains equipment and materials in good condition and assists in maintaining clean and sanitary conditions and accounting for tools and supplies
  • The contractor shall have at least one year of experience as a Physical Therapy Assistant after graduation
  • Current Valid drivers license/with 5 year driving history
  • Experience with Orthopedic, Neurological, and Integumentary patients

Skills For Physical Therapy Assistant Per Diem Resume

  • Advanced experience with computer software programs and clinical documentation in Hospital based practice
  • Experience desired, but not required
  • Current PT license in Massachusetts with one (1) year clinical experience and CPR certification required
  • Previous acute care experience, inpatient or outpatient
  • Licensure:Current Arkansas Physical Therapy Assistant Licensure. Current valid driver's license
  • Certifications:Basic CPR certification. Valid drivers license and ability to drive
  • If hired to provide pediatric care, 1 year pediatric experience

List of Typical Responsibilities For a Physical Therapy Assistant Resume

Responsibilities for licensed physical therapy assistant resume.

  • Training patient ambulatory skills through strengthening and stretching exercises to improve their functional activity
  • Previous clinical rotations and/or experience as a physical therapy assistant in a skilled nursing facility
  • Technical skills and knowledge regarding a broad scope of physical modalities and treatment procedures are necessary
  • 17) Demonstrate understanding of HCA’s and “Patients First” safety initiative by strict compliance to all safety protocols and procedures
  • Previous experience working within a Sub-Acute and Long-term Care facility
  • Demonstrates Age specific competence to provide developmentally appropriate care/treatment for the following patient population: Infant (Birth to 1 year),
  • Defines problematic issues with clarify and problem solves in an effective manner
  • Valid drivers license with insured and reliable transportation
  • Skilled in Modalities, General Massage and Soft Tissue Application, Joint ROM. Knowledge of progressive resistive exercise

Responsibilities For Physical Therapy Assistant PRN Resume

  • Experience in treatment of musculoskeletal disorders, worker’s comp, ergonomics, workstation evaluations, and exercise and fitness in accordance with PTA
  • Clinical experience with physical disabilities
  • Previous experience in rehabilitation
  • Possesses or is eligible for valid license to practice as Physical Therapist Assistant in the State of Texas
  • Valid Washington State Driver’s license and daily access to an insured, reliable vehicle
  • If hired to provide pediatric care, one (1) year pediatric experience
  • Experience with adult physical disabilities as a Physical Therapist Assistant

Responsibilities For Physical Therapy Assistant Si Resume

  • Current and valid New Jersey Physical Therapy Assistant License is required
  • Current and valid CPR Certification is required
  • Current and valid New Jersey PTA license is required
  • Varied clinical experience
  • One-year experience as a staff PTA

Responsibilities For Physical Therapy Assistant Home Health Resume

  • One or more years of experience desired
  • Eexperience as a Physical Therapist Assistant
  • 6+ months of Physical Therapy experience (Recent graduates are encouraged to apply!)
  • 6+ months of Physical Therapy experience (Recent graduates are encourage to apply!)
  • Consulting with the physical therapist concerning the patient's evaluation and progress
  • Assisting the physical therapist in performing tests, evaluations and complex treatment procedures
  • Administering treatment programs
  • Providing documentation of patient care in accordance with established criteria
  • Completing clinical treatments as outlined in the daily plan of care

Responsibilities For PRN Physical Therapy Assistant Resume

  • Performs clerical and other related functions such as posting treatments given, completing CPR's filing patient progress sheets and answering phones
  • Assist in leading a group of employees and communicates information regarding work assignments and scheduling
  • Participates in departmental initiatives for operational improvement including mentoring new staff and participating in committees and educational offerings
  • Confers with physical therapy staff or others to discuss and evaluate patient information for planning, modifying, and coordinating treatment
  • 3) Consults with Physical Therapists regarding recommendations for prescribed equipment changes in prescribed plan and discharge planning
  • Provides treatment interventions including therapeutic exercise, gait and balance training, ultrasound

Responsibilities For Physical Therapy Assistant Consultant Resume

  • Accurate timely documentation and reporting of unusual occurrences, on the job injuries, and medical device malfunctioning
  • Knowledge of progressive resistive exercise. Abilities: Clinical and Critical thinking, Problem Solving
  • Sufficient training to maintain required licensing
  • Current Physical Therapist Assistant licensure through the State of Oregon -or-temporary license if new graduate awaiting licensing exam results
  • Invested in mentorship both in learning and sharing of clinical knowledge

Responsibilities For Home Health Physical Therapy Assistant Resume

  • Assists co-workers in managing the team’s productivity/performance targets
  • Instruct students and manage affiliate PTA students under the direction of Physical Therapy Center Continuing Education Coordinator
  • Displays clinical competency in treating a variety of acute care clients-orthopedic, neurological, integumentary and medical
  • Serves as the medical center coordinator for clinical education for PTA students, to include developing
  • 2) Communicates regularly with supervising Physical Therapist to ensure that patient goals are properly assessed and the patient progresses appropriately

Responsibilities For Licensed Physical Therapy Assistant PRN Resume

  • 4) Documents diagnosis of patient and takes all precautions for observing indications and contraindications
  • Review the resident/patient evaluation with the referring Physical Therapist
  • Provide treatment to the resident/patient in accordance with the goals and plan set by the referring Physical Therapist
  • Instructs patients and families in physical therapy regimes to promote compliance in meeting therapeutic objectives
  • Provides in-service training to other disciplines as directed
  • Maintains appropriate medical records for each patient including observations, treatment, and progress
  • Assists in maintaining cleanliness, readiness and safe operation condition of treatment areas and modalities
  • Initiate emergency procedures (including CPR) & provide emergency patient treatment

Responsibilities For Contingent Physical Therapy Assistant Resume

  • Observe & monitor patient condition for reactions during & after procedures
  • Perform geometric measures & gross muscle testing
  • Consult w/ physician concerning test results & alert physicians to test abnormalities
  • Participate in training physical therapy students
  • Documents physical therapy treatments according to departmental standards

Responsibilities For Physical Therapy Assistant Per Diem Resume

  • Provides patient/resident/client and family/caregiver education and training that assists with continued functional independence
  • Pass background checks/fingerprinting
  • Positive, caring and customer service attitude
  • Responsible for facilitating students’ clinical education
  • Exhibits leadership qualities, serving as a resource for peers and clients
  • Motivate and instructs patient/caregiver using appropriate methods
  • Participate in discharge planning for patient

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  • Physical therapy objectives and summaries

Physical therapy

Physical therapy Objectives and summaries

23 Physical therapy objectives and summaries found

A well-written objective or summary on your resume can be the difference between getting rejected, or getting invited for an interview. Copy any of these Physical therapy objective or summary examples, and use it as inspiration for your own resume. All examples are written by certified resume experts, and free for personal use.

Learn more about: objective vs. summary

Physical therapist

Summary examples.

Highly skilled and compassionate Physiotherapist with 10 years of experience in restoring patients’ routine activities through massage techniques, heat treatments, therapeutic exercise programs, and other noninvasive techniques. Expertise in working with all age groups with a variety of conditions. Continually promote prevention, acute care, rehabilitation, disability while maintaining optimal functional independence and physical performance. Fosters teamwork, team member engagement, and community involvement.

Highly skilled health care professional with extensive experience in delivering safe, quality, and patient-centric physiotherapy services through a commitment to service availability, accessibility, and excellence. Adept at working with patients and helping them to achieve their functional goals. Designs services to achieve optimal health outcomes and utilize resources efficiently and safely. Provide excellent health services from wellness, health promotion and prevention, acute care, and rehabilitation, to disability and disease management. Leverages holistic approach incorporating a broad range of physical and physiological therapeutic interventions and aids. Demonstrates integrity, accountability, and judgment in the best interests of the client.

Registered physiotherapist who provides relief to patients by devising basic therapy plans to aid healing and help them regain normal life functions. Excellent interpersonal relationships and comfortable within high-pressure environments, both in medical and home settings. Desirous to take on additional responsibilities in the evaluation and management of patients, as well as in the creation of appropriate treatment plans to best address their needs.

Objective examples

An energetic PT with a deep interest in managing rehabilitation programs for individuals with disabilities and acute physical injuries. Looking to apply my skills in functional strength training to administer active and passive manual exercises to ensure the well-being of patients.

Goal-oriented physical therapist with extensive knowledge about managing pain, enhancing range of motion, and assisting patients during physical rehabilitation. Seeking to employ proven PT and evaluation abilities to help pinpoint the source of trauma and provide safe, efficient physical therapy plans for patients.

A passionate physical therapist with a track record of utilizing the latest technologies to successfully manage patients’ rehabilitation programs. Looking to apply my physiotherapy expertise to work with clients on a case-by-case basis, providing post-injury solutions and recommending home-based exercises to accelerate their recovery time.


Outgoing and friendly individual with 2 years of chiropractic internship experience at a small health facility and a recent recipient of a Doctor of Chiropractic postgraduate degree. Possesses exceptional decision-making, dexterity, empathy, and interpersonal skills to develop trust with patients and provide the best possible therapeutic care. Detail-oriented and observant to properly diagnose patient needs and avoid potentially harmful mistakes.

Dedicated and motivated Chiropractic Professional with 7 years of experience working with patients recovering from athletic injuries at a university sports health practice. Carefully reviews physician referrals and medical records before conducting individual assessments. Demonstrated track record of delivering cost-effective, high-quality chiropractic care for patients from diverse backgrounds. Maintains patient confidence and trust by safeguarding medical records.

Dexterous, organized Chiropractor with 20 years of experience treating best possible care tailored to individual pain and injury needs. Provides comprehensive wellness services including nutrition counseling, lifestyle advice, corrective exercises, massage therapy, and spinal & postural screenings. Promotes wellness through the right balance of nutrients and supplements, along with regular exercise, to achieve optimal well-being. Designed counseling sessions for patients to improve overall health and take the next step forward in their wellness journey.

Proactive and forward-thinking individual seeking increasing responsibilities in providing chiropractic and management services at a large rehabilitation facility to enhance the quality of life for its patients. In-depth experience with sports and workplace-related injuries and rehabilitation.

An enthusiastic, caring, and people-oriented chiropractic professional with over 7 years of experience providing therapeutic support to patients from diverse backgrounds. Seeking a position with a health organization to demonstrate and apply advanced skills in patient assessment and neuromusculoskeletal therapy.

Occupational therapist

Aspiring occupational therapist with eagerness to help patients in assistive living and rehabilitation hospitals. Possessing strong critical judgment and able to design specialized therapy programs based on patients’ needs and upon careful assessment. Desirous of learning more about treatment best practices and managing multiple responsibilities with a positive attitude.

An ambitious therapist with 4+ years of patient-centered experience focused on helping individuals recover from severe injuries and restore their daily routine. Aided patients in regaining their functional independence both inside and outside of the home, tailored accurate care plans and assessed their progress weekly. Committed to creating a wider range of diagnoses with a clear understanding of healthcare standards, procedures, and best practices.

Compassionate Occupational Therapist dedicated to promoting health and wellness programs with a passion for excellence, enthusiasm, and hands-on experience in human fitness, holistic wellness, and longevity in hospital and rehabilitation environments. Utilizes massage techniques, heat treatments, exercise, and other noninvasive techniques to treat injury. Demonstrated experience in patient care, documentation, effective communication, and collaboration with Physicians and Physical therapists. Thorough working knowledge of HIPAA policies and procedures. Thrives to work in fast-paced, high-volume, time-sensitive conditions. Strong background in injury prevention, sports performance training, and personal training .

Excellent communicator who is well-versed in a broad range of restorative therapy programs for diseased and injured patients. Focused on driving patient engagement and building trust with family members and relatives. Looking to improve my expertise as a full-time OT in an in-patient rehabilitation service.

Dedicated occupational therapist with extensive experience rehabilitating patients with a variety of diagnoses including amputations, and spinal and limb injuries. Proven track record of fostering team efficiency through professional interactions and a collaborative work environment. Eager to serve both home health and acute rehab facilities.

Proactive and with experience supervising OT staff while managing critical care caseloads. A compassionate communicator who can raise team productivity and improve patient assistance. Seeking to join a facility that values hard work, dedication, and creative problem solving concerning patient care.

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5 Physical Therapy Student Resume Examples for 2023

Stephen Greet

  • Physical Therapy (PT) Student Resume
  • PT Student 2
  • PT Student 3
  • PT Student 4
  • PT Student 5
  • Physical Therapy Student Resume Writing 101

You’re passionate about providing patients with the right type of treatment to recover from injuries, surgeries, or illnesses. Now at the end of your education, it’s time to apply your exercise prescription and preventative care skills to a real working environment.

Are you treating your resume with the same level of care you provide to patients?

We know it can be hard keeping up with your studies and trying to land one of your first physical therapy jobs. You can use our physical therapy student resume examples as a template to display your top skills successfully.

Physical Therapy Student Resume

or download as PDF

Physical therapy student resume example with 5 years of experience

Physical Therapy Student 2 Resume

Physical therapy student 2 resume example with research project experience

Physical Therapy Student 3 Resume

Physical therapy student 3 resume example with project experience

Physical Therapy Student 4 Resume

Physical therapy student 4 resume example with volunteer experience

Physical Therapy Student 5 Resume

Physical therapy student 5 resume example with pet care experience

Related resume examples

  • Physical Therapist Assistant
  • Sports Physical Therapist

What Matters Most: Your Physical Therapy Student Skills & Work Experience

Your resume skills and work experience

Before treatment providers bring you on board, they’ll want to see what skills you possess that’ll make you an asset to their physical therapy staff.

If you’re struggling, consider the different topics you’ve studied in school. Did you learn about medical imaging and joint mobilization techniques? Then you should add those to your resume skills , especially if it’s something the organization mentions in the job description .

Here are some of the best skills for physical therapy students to add to a resume.

9 best physical therapy student skills

  • Patient Relations
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Orthopedic Diagnosis
  • Gait Training
  • Prosthetics
  • Discharge Planning
  • Patient Assessment
  • Joint Mobilization

Sample physical therapy student work experience bullet points

Trying to find relevant work experience to include can also be a struggle for some physical therapy students. Remember that if you don’t have prior work experience in the field, what you put here still matters to show how you’ll perform. 

You can find relevant experiences from several areas, such as your education and careers in other fields. Even customer service at a fast food restaurant can translate into patient care abilities. 

Try to keep your examples simple and easy to comprehend since hiring managers go through these quickly. One sentence about how you achieved a high grade on your orthopedic diagnosis exam goes a long way. 

Here are a few samples:

  • Completed coursework creating treatment plans while keeping patient-specific needs in mind, achieving a 97% overall grade. 
  • Completed documentation for biopsychosocial assessments, case notes, and treatment plans with 99% accuracy. 
  • Provided friendly service to a wing of 30 nursing home patients, assisting in all their needs to achieve 98% positive satisfaction scores. 
  • Performed medical data entry, creating a new Excel spreadsheet system that allowed doctors and nurses to analyze patient data 48% more efficiently.  

Top 5 Tips for Your Physical Therapy Student Resume

  • A resume objective can be a good way for entry-level physical therapists to present a well-rounded skill set. For example, you could write a few sentences about your passion for patient care and eagerness to apply your four years of customer service experience to the position.  
  • A one-page resume is optimal to ensure you include enough relevant information about your physical therapy skills. If you’re struggling to list experience, consider what you learned while getting your physical therapy degree, volunteer work, or applicable skills from other fields.  
  • Hiring managers will want to know you can get results for patients. Including numbers in your examples that express satisfaction scores, grades achieved, or accuracy can all help show your abilities in a way that’s easy to understand.              
  • Physical therapy requires understanding patient data and making accurate decisions based on what you see. Show you have the right abilities by submitting a grammatically correct and accurate resume.             
  • Since you’ve begun your physical therapy degree, you’ve gained tons of expertise in the field. Therefore, listing your most recent experiences first will help show your most relevant abilities in patient care and exercise prescription.           

You should submit a cover letter to provide a well-rounded overview of your abilities. When you create a cover letter , explain your passion for helping patients, why you want to work for a medical organization, or how you’ll apply your customer service skills to create an excellent patient experience.  

Even if you haven’t completed your physical therapy degree yet, you should still list it as being in progress. What you’ve learned so far in your studies will be one of your biggest assets to show your abilities in joint mobilization and patient assessments if you don’t have prior work experience.

A hobbies & interests section is a great idea for physical therapy students who want to add additional relevant skills and experience to their resumes. For instance, if you were in your school’s anatomy club, it would show relevant interests and knowledge for a career in physical therapy.

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  8. Physical Therapist Assistant Resume: Examples and Tips

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  10. Physical Therapist Assistant Resume Samples

    1 Accurately assesses own strengths and weaknesses and assists in developing action plans to improve self. Performs drug count when beginning and ending shift and whenever necessary, provides oversight of unlicensed staff. Acts as an assistant to the Physical Therapist when the Physical Therapist is performing tests, evaluations, and complex ...

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  12. PTA Resume Example

    A Physical Therapist Assistant resume is one to two page summary of your personal, educational, and practical qualifications. If you want to write a good resume, you should keep it concise and select information that supports your job objective and develop your positive image in the mind of the reader. Your resume may get as little as 10 - 20 ...

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  14. Physical Therapist Resume Examples & Templates for 2024

    And yet that even works in a physical therapy school resume or physical therapist assistant resume. Pro Tip: Keep your PT resume summary or objective short. It just needs to share 1-2 achievements that will make the manager read on. When making a resume in our builder, drag & drop bullet points, skills, and auto-fill the boring stuff. Spell check?

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    Physical Therapist Assistant (PRN) Resume. Headline : Enthusiastic Physical Therapist Assistant seeking full-time or PRN opportunity in Home Health Care or Outpatient Setting with a focus in Orthopedics, Sports Rehabilitation, and Manual Therapy.Well-versed in a broad range of PT programs, treatments, and modalities restoring function and mitigating disability for diseased and injured patients.

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    Physical Therapy Assistant Manager. 08/2010 - 01/2016. San Francisco, CA. Extensive opportunities for professional development, career advancement, and practice growth as we expand throughout the region and across the nation. Active/current agency health requirements. Spinal Cord Injury. Attend 80% of departmental inservice meetings/staff meetings.

  18. Physical therapy

    23 Physical therapy objectives and summaries found. A well-written objective or summary on your resume can be the difference between getting rejected, or getting invited for an interview. Copy any of these Physical therapy objective or summary examples, and use it as inspiration for your own resume. All examples are written by certified resume ...

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    Top 5 Tips for Your Physical Therapy Student Resume. Consider including an objective. A resume objective can be a good way for entry-level physical therapists to present a well-rounded skill set. For example, you could write a few sentences about your passion for patient care and eagerness to apply your four years of customer service experience to the position.