keynote speech meaning

What Is a Keynote? 5 Things You Should Know

  • The Speaker Lab
  • March 14, 2024

Table of Contents

Have you ever been so mesmerized by a speaker that their words stayed with you long after their speech ended? That’s the magic of a keynote . But what exactly is a keynote speech and why does it matter?

In essence, a keynote speech sets the tone for an event. It serves as its heartbeat, pulsating with ideas and insights that energize attendees. Picture yourself standing before an audience, delivering not just any speech but one where every word strikes like lightning, illuminating minds and sparking conversations.

This post promises to take you on a journey exploring captivating keynotes, dynamic speakers, and exciting events. Together, we’ll look at how keynotes influence everything from business success to social media activity; unveil strategies for creating impactful presentations; and provide tips on becoming an effective speaker yourself.

What is a Keynote?

A keynote is a defining presentation or speech centered around the main theme of an event. The term “keynote” in relation to speaking is based on the musical term “key note,” or the note around which the key is based. Just like a musical ‘key note’ defines the harmony of a composition, a keynote speech lays down the central theme or message of an event.

The Importance and Impact of Good Keynote Speakers

As one of the main highlights of an event or conference, keynote speakers are expected to inspire audiences with their unique perspectives and insights. A great speaker has the ability to not only communicate effectively but also engage with their audience in meaningful ways. This engagement forms the bottom line for successful presentations—it can make or break an event.

The Hallmarks of Professional Keynote Speakers

What sets apart good keynotes from merely average ones? The answer lies in several factors:

  • An understanding of both their subject matter and audience : Top-tier keynote speakers know how to connect deeply with those listening while delivering high-value content that resonates long after they’ve left the stage.
  • Dynamism and energy : Audience members are more likely to stay engaged when your presentation style mirrors your passion for what you’re discussing.
  • A knack for storytelling : Narratives help us process information better; therefore good storytellers often leave lasting impressions upon their audiences.

Fostering Engagement Through Effective Speaking Techniques

Surely we’ve all attended lectures where, despite our best efforts, our minds wandered off mid-presentation. So what’s different about engaging speeches?

One major difference is novelty. Unique insights delivered compellingly pique interest. Professional keynote speakers know how to weave facts and figures into a captivating narrative that is relevant to the audience.

Additionally, good keynotes strike an emotional chord with listeners. This not only keeps them engaged but also helps in better recall of information presented. A great speaker uses storytelling techniques effectively for maximum impact .

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Role of Keynotes in Events

As mentioned earlier, a keynote sets the stage for an event, serving as a compass that directs the overarching theme. Whether it’s delivered by national speakers or industry leaders, this keynote can ignite audience engagement and set the tone for what follows.

Opening vs. Closing Keynotes

While both have significant roles, there is a clear difference between opening keynotes versus closing ones.

An opening keynote often aims to energize attendees at the start of an event. It’s like turning on a lamp in an unlit area—suddenly, everyone can make out what is before them and where they are headed. This initial spark helps draw people into the experience and makes them eager to learn more.

In contrast, closing keynotes help solidify connections made during events, creating memorable moments that continue to resonate with attendees even when they’ve returned home or back to their desks. Professional keynote speakers are skilled at creating such lasting impressions through powerful storytelling techniques coupled with actionable takeaways.

Leveraging Keynotes for Business Success

Keynote speeches are more than just a way to kick off an event. They have the potential to become powerful tools in leadership development, client relationships, and attracting attendees. A good keynote speaker will help their audience visualize their own paths towards success.

The Role of Keynotes in Leadership Development

A keynote speaker has the power to ignite change within an organization or industry by providing new perspectives on established practices or unveiling innovative approaches to overcoming challenges. Their influence often extends beyond the stage as attendees continue discussing their ideas long after the event finishes.

This is particularly true when speakers share personal stories from their careers—experiences that demonstrate resilience during difficult times or highlight how unconventional thinking led them to unprecedented levels of success.

Creating Strong Client Relationships Through Keynotes

An engaging keynote speech also serves as a starting point for fostering strong client relationships. When a keynote speaker shares insights relevant to their clients’ industries or discusses issues close to their hearts, that speaker shows understanding and empathy. This resonates with audiences on both professional and personal levels, which can lead directly into fruitful partnerships down the line.

Drawing Attendees With Impactful Speeches

Beyond fostering connections with current clients, delivering compelling keynotes helps attract attendees too. Attendees are likely to show up if they hear a well-known figure in the industry is giving a talk. They look forward to learning from their insights and getting inspired by their journeys.

In conclusion, leveraging keynotes for business success involves understanding the multi-faceted role of these speeches in events. Whether it’s developing leadership skills among attendees or attracting potential clients, a powerful keynote can become your ticket towards achieving unparalleled growth and success.

Tips and Best Practices for Effective Keynote Speaking

Being a keynote speaker is no small task. To ensure a memorable presentation, there are several techniques to consider. Let’s explore some best practices.

The Power of Preparation

As any experienced public speaker will tell you, preparation is critical. Thoroughly understanding the subject matter helps build confidence, which translates into more effective delivery techniques. As a result, a keynote speaker needs to know what opinions are expressed in their field so that they’re able to anticipate questions from attendees and answer them competently during Q&A sessions.

Connecting With Your Audience

A successful keynote isn’t solely focused on delivering content; it’s also about making connections with the audience. By incorporating relatable stories or analogies, a good speaker will not only engage listeners, but also help simplify complex ideas for them. Want more storytelling tips? Check out this podcast episode with Ravi Rajani for more ways aspiring speakers can weave narratives into their talks for greater impact.

Constantly Improving: Asking for and Using Feedback

Although a keynote speaker may be tempted to pat themselves on the back after giving a talk, their job isn’t done yet. For any talk they give, it’s important to seek out constructive criticism in order to learn how best to improve. What worked? What didn’t? What did the audience find most engaging and why? The answers to all these questions are worth their weight in gold, and a good speaker knows it. By incorporating audience suggestions into his or her presentation, a keynote speaker ensures that they are at the top of their game.

The Digital Age and Keynote Speaking

As the digital landscape evolves, so does keynote speaking. Social media channels have become powerful platforms for speakers to reach event attendees and amplify their messages. In fact, these platforms are now a fundamental part of any successful speaker’s toolkit.

Online Presence of Keynote Speakers

Digital tools like social media offer than just exposure—they let speakers interact directly with potential audiences and industry peers alike, fostering relationships that transcend physical boundaries.

Live streaming options available on multiple social media platforms allow speakers to share their message with audiences near and far, while also providing attendees an unparalleled opportunity to connect with influential voices.

This broadened reach doesn’t only benefit the speakers themselves, but also enhances the overall experience for event attendees who get unprecedented access to their favorite thought leaders in real time.

Social Media as A Promotional Tool

The days when flyers were enough to attract attendees are long gone—we’re living in an age where captivating visual content reigns supreme. So, if you’re planning to deliver a keynote or organize an event soon, remember: your social media activity could be the starting point of creating buzz and anticipation around it.

Increasing Number of Digital Aids

From Canva to Prezi, there are now tons of digital tools designed for keynote speakers. This LinkedIn post provides a helpful list of these tools , as well as some pros and cons.

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FAQs on Keynotes

What is a keynote.

A keynote is a defining presentation or speech centered around the main theme of an event.

What is the purpose of the keynote?

The purpose is to energize, inspire, or challenge attendees to see things from a fresh perspective.

What is the difference between a keynote and a presentation?

A presentation shares information while a keynote aims to spark change. The latter inspires action through powerful storytelling around central themes.

What does it mean to give a keynote?

Giving a keynote means delivering an impactful speech that guides an event’s direction, motivates listeners, and provides valuable insights related to the core topic.

What qualifies as a keynote speaker?

A credible figure with expertise in their field who delivers engaging speeches inspiring change or providing new perspectives on pertinent topics usually qualifies.

The essence of keynote speaking lies in creating an overarching theme that captivates audiences from start to finish. Opening keynotes set the stage while closing ones wrap up event objectives with finesse.

Together, we’ve explored strategies for delivering engaging presentations and using social media for promotion.

Now you know that a great keynote isn’t about just standing before an audience; it’s about resonating with them long after you leave the stage. Remember this as you step onto your own path of public speaking!

  • Last Updated: March 22, 2024

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Ace the Presentation

how to prepare a keynote speech

Here’s an Excellent Keynote Speech GUIDE: With 2 Great Examples

You’ve probably been asked to give a keynote speech and you are afraid of it. Well, if you’ve never done this before, then there’s no need to panic. Thankfully, you’ve come to the right place. Let’s start with the basics, shall we? 

So, what is a keynote speech? 

Simply put, a keynote speech is usually given to set the theme of the entire event. It is a speech that is generally delivered by an expert, renowned and well-respected individual, depending on the theme of the event.

Being asked to give a keynote speech in front of a large audience can be a little intimidating. However, it’s the greatest honor to be selected as a keynote speaker. That said, you must deliver the best speech you possibly can. 

Now that we’ve covered what a keynote speech is, it’s time to key steps that you should take when preparing a keynote speech. 

Related Article: 7 Basic Elements of Public Speaking

How to prepare a keynote speech

Keynote speeches are very important. With that in mind, it’s one of the best opportunities for you and your business. Therefore, if you’ve been asked to be the keynote speaker, take advantage of such an opportunity. But, first, you will have to prepare your speech: 

1.     Find out the theme for the day

For any first-timer, you will probably be given the theme for the day by the event organizer. But if you are an experienced speaker, I’m sure everyone will applaud anything you say. All the same, both scenarios still require you to plan and organize your thoughts for your speech. 

2.     Outline your presentation

Sadly, most speakers always skip this part. And, it’s usually visible in their delivery and line of thought. The best way to handle this situation is by creating a sort of blueprint for your presentation which will include: 

  • Highlight some of the key structural elements, for instance, introduction, conclusion, or even stories. 
  • Highlight your key element in the presentation. What do I mean? Start by answering the question-what messages are you using to support your logical key point? 
  • Link all the elements together in a systematic sequence
  • Also, try mapping out the transition from one key point to the next and ensure that it’s flawless. 

3.     Now fill each section

Following your outline, use keywords to convey a clear message to your audience. This will also help in keeping the audience’s attention. On top of that, it will ensure you have a great flow of thoughts in your presentation. 

Write down the topic you’d like to present. Then go ahead and add principal keywords. Afterwards, write what you derive from each keyword. Thankfully, the structure of your keynote speech will give you a set of new keywords to follow. 

Make sure that you are brief and clear when filling each section. More importantly, don’t crowd up your content. You will also need to ensure you have most of the keywords in your mind. This will save you the time you use to check on your keynote speech instead of maintaining eye contact with the crowd. 

4.     Make the work visually attractive

Without a doubt, you should always ensure that your work has some visual ideas that would be easy to interpret. Add graphs or charts where necessary, but only where necessary. Too much of anything will lead to you losing the attention of your audience. 

5.     Add personal stories

Anecdotes and stories will assist you in illustrating your ideas to the audience. On top of that, it’s the best way to show your research. With stories, you should be able to capture the attention of your audience. Additionally, your audience will be emotionally invested which will differentiate you from nervous and inexperienced speakers. 

Play a game, add a question, or simply just maintain eye contact with your audience. This will help you gain their full attention throughout your speech. 

6.     Finally, rehearse

There’s no shortcut in this section. For you to present a killer speech in front of your audience without sounding nervous is through research. By rehearsing your speech several times, you can understand what it means to your audience and also see places where you can improve your speech. 

Actually, you can even record yourself while giving your keynote speech. That way, you will be able to work on your body language and speaking rate. If you have stage freight, this is a good way to avoid the effects of it. 

Now that you already know how to get ready for your speech, let’s take on how to open a keynote speech. 

The next points of discussion are: how to open a keynote speech, how long should a keynote speech be, and some great examples of keynote speeches. Before digging into that, let me add below some of the top related and interesting articles that can add to what you’re learning from this one. If any of the titles picks your interest, please click and open in a new tab, so you can check them out later. Enjoy!



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How to open a keynote speech?

I bet you are probably worried about your opening lines in your keynote speech, right? Well, first thing’s first, don’t be in a rush to speak. Before you open your mouth, the attention is usually high at this moment. Therefore, once you arrive up there, pause for a moment. To the audience, you will appear like you are trying to be confident and collected, so use that moment. 

The audience will lean in to try and hear your first few words. And at that moment, the audience will form their first impression of you with the first words you utter. An example of the first opening words include, ‘um, good evening everyone….I’m happy to be here in front of you. I will like to thank you so-so-so-so much…..’

Trust me if you start your speech with these words, the audience will feel like you are repeating words that will sound the same as the conversations they have been trying to avoid. 

To get the full attention of your audience, here are some quick tips on your opening statements. 


Before we go into how to open your keynote speech…

I would like to announce that you can get more insightful tips and how-to’s from our recently launched eBook, now available at Barnes & Noble , at $4.99. We tried to pack it with valuable information and price it below $5 to be as inclusive as possible with our pricing. Click below and Get a Copy!

keynote speech meaning

Key tips on the opening statement in your keynote speech

  • Name someone central to your message
  • Use a provocative question
  • Use a short, pithy quote
  • Start with a personal association
  • Tell an Interesting and relatable Story
  • Paint a picture with your words, and so on…

keynote speech

How long should a keynote speech be?

Usually, the maximum length of the keynote speech depends majorly on the skill of the speaker. Therefore, the minimum length of the keynote speech depends on how long the speaker will need to make an impact on the audience.

You will know when the keynote does not last long enough when the message said by the speaker doesn’t have a deep effect on the audience. Additionally, the length of the keynote speech depends on the time allocated to the event. 

Examples of Excellent Keynote Speeches 

If you follow the instructions above, you won’t even need examples to sharpen your skills. However, here are some of the examples you can check out to give you a deeper understanding of keynote speeches

  • Fire Antony speech
  • A speech by Briana Scurry

With these two examples, you will be able to draft your speech in no time. 

To wrap it all up…

A keynote speech is an incredible way to get over public speaking and be able to introduce yourself to the audience. It doesn’t matter the number of people in the gathering. Always remember to count every opportunity that comes your way. 

Also, a great speech is not one that strings different elements together-no siree! A great speech is one that weaves them in the minds of the audience in such a way that they are not able to tell the difference between the segments. The speech shouldn’t be repetitive or random. It should be something that you sat down and constructed to perfection. 

Give the audience something that they can remember you by. A speech that will make them concentrate on the best course of action. Someone once told me that, ‘words can change the world’ and I believe it. Now, this is your opportunity to change the world. 


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What is a Keynote Speech: How to Leave a Lasting Impression

  • 1 What is a Keynote Speech?
  • 2 The Role of a Keynote Speaker
  • 3 Writing a Captivating Keynote Speech
  • 4 Tips for Giving a Motivational Keynote Address
  • 5 Finding the Right Keynote Speaker
  • 6 Conclusion

As an event planner or someone responsible for organizing a conference or seminar, you understand the importance of finding the right keynote speaker.

A keynote speech sets the tone for the entire event, leaving a lasting impression on the audience. In this article, we will explore the world of keynote speeches and share insights on how to write and deliver a captivating keynote.

What is a Keynote Speech?

A keynote speech is a powerful presentation given by a keynote speaker at the beginning or end of an event.

It is designed to capture the audience’s attention, set the tone, and provide key takeaways that attendees can apply to their lives or work. A well-crafted and captivating keynote speech can inspire, motivate, and leave a lasting impact on the audience.

The Role of a Keynote Speaker

A keynote speaker plays a crucial role in the success of an event. They are experts in their field, often seasoned speakers who have honed their craft over years of experience.

A keynote speaker not only delivers a thought-provoking speech but also brings a unique perspective, shares personal stories, and engages the audience through humor, emotion, and relatability.

Writing a Captivating Keynote Speech

Writing a compelling keynote speech requires careful planning, organization, and a deep understanding of the audience. Here are some key steps to follow:

Understand Your Audience: Before writing your speech, spend time researching your audience. Who are they? What are their interests, challenges, and goals? Tailor your message to resonate with them.

Define Your Key Message: Every keynote speech should have a central theme or message that you want the audience to take away. Clarify this message and make it memorable.

Craft a Powerful Opening: Grab the audience’s attention from the start with a captivating story, intriguing statistic, or thought-provoking question. This will set the tone and create a sense of anticipation.

Organize Your Speech: Structure your speech logically and engagingly. Begin with an introduction, then move on to key points or stories, and end with a memorable conclusion that reinforces your key message.

Use Personal Stories: Personal stories are a powerful tool to connect with the audience emotionally. Share experiences or anecdotes that relate to your key message and make it relatable to the audience.

Incorporate Visuals: Visual aids such as slides or props can enhance your speech and make it more engaging. Use visuals sparingly to support your key points and avoid overwhelming the audience.

Practice and Rehearse: Delivering a flawless keynote speech requires practice. Rehearse your speech multiple times to ensure smooth delivery, confident body language, and effective use of pauses and intonation.

Engage with the Audience: Interact with the audience throughout your speech. Ask rhetorical questions, encourage participation, and create moments of connection. This will keep the audience engaged and make your speech memorable.

Tips for Giving a Motivational Keynote Address

Giving a keynote speech can be both exciting and nerve-wracking. You have the unique opportunity to captivate an audience, inspire them, and leave a lasting impression. In this section, we’ll share some valuable tips to help you deliver a powerful keynote speech that engages your audience, conveys your message effectively, and ensures a memorable experience.

1. Know Your Audience Inside Out

Understanding your audience is crucial to giving a successful keynote speech. Research their demographics, interests, challenges, and goals. This knowledge helps you tailor your message to resonate with them and ensures that your content is relevant and relatable.

Connect with your audience by addressing their specific needs and aspirations. By showing that you understand them, you’ll build trust and captivate their attention from the start.

2. Craft a Clear and Compelling Key Message

Every great keynote speech has a clear and compelling key message. Define the central theme or idea you want to convey to your audience.

Keep it concise and memorable so that it resonates long after your speech concludes. Your key message should guide the entire structure and content of your speech, ensuring a cohesive and impactful presentation.

3. Start Strong with a Captivating Opening

The beginning of your keynote speech sets the tone for the entire presentation. Capture your audience’s attention from the outset with a powerful, attention-grabbing opening.

Engage them from the first moment with a captivating story, intriguing statistic, or thought-provoking question. A strong opening creates a sense of anticipation and hooks your audience, making them eager to hear more.

4. Structure Your Speech for Impact

A well-structured keynote speech keeps the audience engaged and enhances their understanding of your message. Organize your speech in a logical and impactful manner.

Begin with an introduction that establishes your credibility and builds rapport with the audience. Then, present key points or stories that support your key message. Finally, wrap up with a memorable conclusion that reinforces your main ideas and leaves a lasting imprint on your audience.

5. Use Stories to Connect Emotionally

One of the most powerful tools in a keynote speech is storytelling. Personal stories create an emotional connection between you and your audience. Share experiences or anecdotes that illustrate the key points of your speech.

Make them relatable and highlight the lessons learned. Emotionally compelling stories will leave a lasting impact, making your message memorable and inspiring.

6. Engage and Interact with Your Audience

Keep your audience engaged throughout your keynote speech by actively involving them. Ask rhetorical questions, encourage participation, or create moments of interaction.

This can be in the form of brief audience discussions, polls, or exercises. Interaction fosters connection and helps to break up the presentation, making it more dynamic and enjoyable for your listeners.

7. Utilize Visual Aids Effectively

Visual aids, such as slides or props, can enhance your keynote speech when used effectively. Use visuals sparingly and purposefully to support your key points, helping to reinforce your message visually.

Ensure your visual aids are clear, easy to read, and visually appealing. Remember, your spoken words should always be the main focus, with visual aids serving as supporting elements.

8. Practice, Practice, Practice

Delivering a flawless keynote speech requires practice and rehearsal. Practice speaking your speech out loud multiple times, focusing on your delivery, timing, and body language.

Rehearse in front of a mirror, record yourself, or seek feedback from trusted colleagues or mentors. This process allows you to refine your speech, build confidence, and ensure a smooth and impactful delivery.

9. Embrace Authenticity and Passion

Authenticity and passion are key to delivering a compelling keynote speech. Be true to yourself, speak from the heart, and let your enthusiasm shine through.

Your genuine passion for your topic will captivate and inspire your audience. Avoid trying to mimic someone else’s style or delivery. Embrace your unique voice and let your authenticity be the guiding force behind your speech.

10. Leave a Lasting Impression with a Memorable Conclusion

The way you conclude your keynote speech is just as important as how you start it. Summarize your main points, reiterate your key message, and provide a clear call-to-action for your audience to take away.

End on a high note, leaving your listeners feeling inspired and motivated. A memorable conclusion ensures that your speech lingers in their minds and prompts them to take action.

Finding the Right Keynote Speaker

When hosting a successful event, finding the right keynote speaker is paramount. This individual will not only set the tone for your gathering but also leave a lasting impression on your audience.

In this section, we will delve into the important factors to consider when searching for the perfect keynote speaker who will elevate your event to new heights.

Experience Speaks Volumes

Experience is a key ingredient in the recipe for a successful keynote speech. Look for speakers who have a proven track record of captivating audiences and delivering impactful presentations.

Seek out those who have spoken at similar events or within your industry, as they will have a better understanding of your audience’s needs and interests. Experienced speakers bring a certain expertise and authority that can leave a lasting impression on your attendees.

Expertise in Your Industry

While experience is important, finding a keynote speaker with expertise in your specific industry is a game-changer. These speakers have a deep understanding of the challenges, trends, and opportunities within your field.

They can relate to your audience on a deeper level and provide insights and anecdotes that resonate. By selecting a speaker with industry expertise, you are ensuring that your attendees receive targeted and relevant information that they can apply to their own work or lives.

Communication Skills that Command Attention

A keynote speaker may have an impressive resume and extensive knowledge in your industry, but if they lack communication skills , their impact will be diminished. Look for speakers who possess excellent public speaking abilities.

They should be able to engage the audience, hold their attention, and deliver their message with clarity and conviction. Seek out speakers who can combine storytelling, humor, and audience interaction to create a memorable experience.

Aligning with Your Event’s Goals

Every event has its own unique goals and objectives. When searching for a keynote speaker, it is crucial to find someone who aligns with your event’s overarching purpose. Consider what you want your attendees to take away from the event.

Do you want them to feel inspired, motivated, or educated? Look for speakers whose message and style resonate with your desired outcomes. Review their past performances and testimonials to gauge if they can deliver the results you are seeking.

Recommendations and Reviews

One of the best ways to find a keynote speaker is through recommendations from trusted sources. Industry colleagues, friends, or even professionals who have previously worked with speakers can provide valuable insights and firsthand recommendations.

Additionally, online platforms and speaker bureaus offer reviews and ratings from past clients, allowing you to make an informed decision. By tapping into the experiences of others, you can gain a sense of a speaker’s trustworthiness and suitability for your event.

Interviewing Potential Speakers

Once you have narrowed down your list of potential keynote speakers, it’s time to conduct interviews. This step allows you to assess their compatibility, professionalism, and understanding of your event.

Prepare a list of questions that delve into their experience, approach to speaking, and familiarity with your industry. During the interview, observe their communication style, responsiveness, and willingness to collaborate. A successful partnership with your speaker is essential for a seamless and impactful event.

Reviewing Past Performances

Before making a final decision, take the time to review recordings or videos of the potential speakers’ past performances. This will give you a firsthand glimpse into their presentation style, stage presence, and ability to engage an audience. Look for speakers who exhibit confidence, charisma, and an authentic connection with the audience.

Pay attention to their ability to tell compelling stories, convey key messages, and create an energized atmosphere. Trust your instincts and select a speaker who resonates with you and your event’s vision.

A well-crafted keynote speech has the power to captivate, motivate, and inspire an audience. By understanding your audience, crafting a compelling message, and delivering it with passion and authenticity, you can leave a lasting impression on your audience.

The right keynote speaker can elevate your event, set the tone, and create a memorable experience for attendees. So, take the time to find the perfect fit and unleash the power of a captivating keynote speech.

what is a keynote speech

keynote speech meaning

Guide to Planning, Writing, and Delivering a Killer Keynote Speech

by Janice Tomich

  • Presentation Planning & Public Speaking Skills

Being invited to deliver a keynote address is a great honor.

It’s exhilarating. A compliment to your expertise.

I’m a public speaking coach . A client of mine recently was asked to deliver the keynote address at a large women’s tech event. She was new to public speaking. This was her first high-stakes conference opportunity.

She’s a seasoned leader in an industry with few female colleagues. Although she loves her job, at times her career has been rough. The conference organizers asked her to share her perspective with young women new to the field to help them navigate the inevitable difficulties of being a woman in tech—and also give them advice on how to enjoy the ride.

Her excitement and nervousness were palpable. That’s how it feels when you’re asked to give the keynote.

Being asked means that others value your ideas, thoughts, and vision. You know it’s a big opportunity. A keynote speech provides an opportunity to inspire others like no other.

But if you’ve been asked to share what you’ve experienced throughout your career (or even lifetime) it can be a daunting ask.

With the honor of delivering a keynote comes the responsibility to deliver an address that will inspire your audience to take action.

Table of Contents

What Is a Keynote Speech?

A keynote speech stands above other public speaking opportunities because event organizers make it the highlight of the agenda. Large events often leverage the keynote speaker to attract attendees.

The theme of a keynote is usually set by the event’s theme.

For multi-day events like conferences the keynote is often (but not always) scheduled on the last day. Scheduling the keynote for the end of the event builds excitement and anticipation. Other times the keynote is scheduled near the beginning of an event, and in this case the role of the keynote speaker is to set the tone. Knowing when you’ll be speaking (at the beginning or at the end of the event) impacts the type of keynote speech you should create.

A keynote speaker is usually given a substantial amount of time to speak, often 45 to 60 minutes over dinner. Unlike a shorter presentation, keynote addresses give you a brilliant opportunity to go deep. TO show the breadth of your expertise. To invite your audience along through the ups and downs, ins and outs of a storyline. Your speech can be complex and include unanticipated twists and turns (while of course staying on track with your core message.)

If you’re lost and unsure about how to make your presentation compelling, I can help.

How Long Should A Keynote Be?

There are only a few hard and fast rules about the length of a keynote speech:

  • The length of the speech is ultimately dictated by the amount of speaking time allocated by the event organizer.
  • The length of the speech should be however long it takes you to clearly and concisely deliver a speech that inspires your audience.

Essentially, just enough time and not too much. 

P ro Tip: The amount of time allocated by the organizers is not always set in stone, especially in the early days of organizing an event. Keep the line of communication open with your organizer. The time frame might be open to adjustment or negotiation.

What Makes a Keynote Speech Compelling and Memorable?

Presenter giving a memorable, compelling keynote speech.

An engaging, inspiring keynote presentation encourages the audience to envision what they are capable of. The best keynote speeches don’t just inform—they compel the audience to take action.

Keep two things top of mind as you plan:

  • Focus on one main message (your throughline).
  • Put yourself in the hearts and minds of your audience. Think of this as a research project as much as an exercise in empathy. Take the time to learn about what your audience wants to know. Learn how they need to hear it.

Going back to my example, the key message of my client who keynoted at the tech conference was resilience .

How did this key message turn into a speech?

She told funny, heart-wrenching stories, including some stories which were excruciating for her at the time they happened. These stories showed her drive to succeed. She spoke candidly about the problems she had come up against in her career. Then she revealed how she solved these problems and the benefits that transpired. Throughout the whole speech, she tapped back into her key message— resilience.

How Much Time Should You Devote to Preparation?

More time than you think.

I have never had a client tell me, “I wish I had spent less time preparing my keynote.”

They’re always glad they invested a good amount of time. Feeling completely ready in the days leading up to the event is worth it.

Nancy Duarte, the author of Resonate , works with industry giants on their keynote speeches. Duarte recommends you spend 30 hours on content creation for a 1-hour speech. (This doesn’t include building the slide deck or practicing the speech).

Here’s my breakdown of the time it takes to be fully prepared to step on stage to deliver your keynote address:

  • 30 hours to research your speech and develop the keynote content
  • 30 hours to create your keynote slide deck
  • 30 hours of practicing your delivery

90 hours likely seems like a lot of time, but that’s what it takes to create and develop an inspirational, career-boosting keynote.

Your first rough draft will be just that … rough. Keynote speech writing is never a one-and-done process. To really nail it you need to get feedback and let the speech, slide deck, and delivery evolve over time. The results are worth it.

How Much Lead Time Do You Need?

Keynotes are a rich opportunity to give an audience perspective into who you are and what you know.

You should allow for 3 months (and a minimum of 2 months) of lead time before you deliver your keynote.

However, life does not always go according to plan. You may not have a lot of time left to prepare. I offer a presentation coaching service called Crunch Time for when you’ve been asked on short notice (a speaker may have become ill) or you have been consumed with other projects and need support to deliver an engaging speech.

Planning a Keynote Speech: Who is your audience? What is your intention?

Planning out a keynote speech takes time — image of a presenter planning out a speech with post-it notes.

Your goal should be to take your body of work and experience and use that to resonate with your audience. Inspire them to action. Your words of wisdom will become part of their life experience and create a legacy which will stick with them for years.

“It’s all about the audience—not about you.” These are wise words I’ve never forgotten, delivered to us on the first day of class of my communication degree.

In my work supporting clients through presentation planning, I’m always checking in to ensure that the audience will be able to understand What’s In It For Them (WIIFT in marketing terms). Remembering to center on WIIFT is crucial. It’s the foundation for a successful keynote.

Your intention is important too—equally important, actually. Why are you giving the keynote? What do you want to have happen because of it? Knowing your own “why” and how it relates to the needs of your audience puts you on track to engage and inspire.

How To Write A Keynote Speech

1. establish your throughline.

After you have a good understanding of who your audience is and what your intention is in delivering your keynote it’s time to establish your throughline. Identify which theme or concept you want to speak about.

My client who was keynoting the tech conference planned to speak on resiliency, which is a broad topic. I encouraged her to dig deeper. Upon reflection, she realized that much of her success stemmed from her commitment to creating and building relationships.

She evolved the throughline. The theme of the keynote became developing resiliency through relationships .

2. Brainstorm with an open mind and big wall

Once you’ve decided on your throughline it’s time to find an open wall and a stack of post-it notes.

In freewriting-mode write down any and all ideas that come bubbling up that will support your theme. Take lots of breaks. I promise you’ll come back with fresh ideas each time.

3. Step back and group ideas into themes

Stand back once your wall is filled with ideas. Notice common themes. Place similar ideas into three groups.

What you see is three arguments or points of proof that support your throughline.

4. Pare down to the best ideas

Now sweep through and dispense of any of your ideas that strike you as weak or you don’t feel passionate about.

5. Order your ideas

Place the ideas that remain into a logical order, so that they flow from one idea to the next. That’s your outline. Transfer these concepts to a Google Doc or put pen to paper. You’ve got the bones of a good keynote speech already.

Don’t write out a script word-for-word. Instead, think about what you want to speak about for each of your points. Flesh them out, making notes about what you want to say.

You’ve invested a large amount of time creating the content. Every component of a keynote is important. So now let’s focus on how you open, close, and title your keynote.

How To Open A Keynote Speech

I suspect you’ve been to at least a few presentations where you felt bored by the speaker after just a few minutes.

Too many speakers begin with a status quo opening such as citing their CV or meticulously outlining what they “want to talk with you about.”

You can do better.

My client started her keynote off with a dose of humor rooted in her own personal experience. She talked about the inappropriate clothes she wore to an interview and the hilarious story of what she did to gain access to the building.

Here are a few more ideas to open your keynote speech:

  • Start your speech by addressing the elephant in the room to address a negative bias your audience may be thinking. Perhaps you are quite young and your audience is older. You could begin by saying, “You are probably looking at me thinking she’s twelve years old and what could she know. And you’d be right…”
  • Quote a startling statistic. Often keynotes focus on living out dreams. This statement will have your audience’s interest piqued, “The average person has over 1,460 dreams a year”.
  • Begin a story that you can use to weave and thread your presentation together. You could begin by sharing a story of how a mentor helped. Throughout your presentation continue the story dropping the nuggets of wisdom of what your mentor said and how she helped.

It’s crucial that you grab your audience’s attention right from the start – that you hook them with your first words.

How To Close a Keynote Speech

Finish your keynote with clarity and power. I’ve listened to too many speeches and keynotes where the ending was weak. They didn’t live up to the energy of the body of work.

My client decided to loop back to the chain of events that happened before her interview, narrating how she hung in there, even when things weren’t going according to plan.

Here are some excellent approaches to closing your keynote powerfully:

Loop back to how you began your speech. If you began your speech by talking about the elephant in the room, tag back to provide assurance that you have.

Wrap up a story you teased in your opening and then threaded throughout the speech.

If you began your keynote with a stat or quote reference it again at the end by summarizing how you proved it was true.

A tenet I firmly stand by that it’s not good enough to just leave your audience inspired . You must leave them inspired to do somethin g. Close your speech with a clear call to action to do something tangible that will make a difference to them and/or their community.

Choosing a Title for Your Keynote

Your title is your audience’s first introduction to what they will hear. Finding the ‘right’ title makes them want to listen.

If a compelling title comes to mind before or as you are developing and creating your speech, write it down. But don’t worry if you’ve planned out your whole speech and still don’t have a title idea. The best titles often come to us right at the end. You’ll have lots of ideas to play with when you’ve finished gathering your content.

Here is a trick while working with an editor at first craft a title, then play with variations of that title by using words that will get attention or have an inherent hook embedded within them.

Here’s an example of how I played with titles before settling on one for this article:

My initial ideas were

Both titles are merely functional. They’re lackluster and don’t reflect the complexity of the article itself, which goes beyond merely “writing” a keynote.

I rephrased it to expand on the topic and add a bit more punch:

Better, but I knew I could do better.

I liked it. It is more eye catching and it indicates a comprehensive “guide” that promises not just a “how to” article, but in-depth advice that speaks to creating an excellent keynote that will be well received.

Invest the time in finding just the right title. It’s worth it. It piques your audience’s interest from their first interaction with you.

How To Practice Your Keynote Speech

Practice is an essential part of speech preparation. Image of a presenter practicing their keynote without an audience.

Don’t put off practicing until the last minute. Conversely, don’t over-practice until you sound like a robot and have diluted every ounce of passion out of your presentation.

Making good use of your practice time is easy.

I’ve written an extensive guide on how to rehearse for a presentation and I’ve also written on this topic for . Read them for tips and techniques to learn your keynote speech easily so you can walk on the stage confidently knowing you’ll nail it. 

I have never had a client tell me they wished they had practiced less. I encourage you to practice only as much as you need to and not a second more.

P ro Tip: When you have a few spots that are giving you difficulties just practice those sections. It’s a poor investment of your time to practice your keynote over and over in its entirety if only a few sections are tripping you up.

keynote speech meaning

​​​​Sucheta Misra Associate VP Inclusion & Diversity and Social Impact Leader

Tips For Creating Your Slidedeck or PowerPoint Presentation

My take on PowerPoint is that it’s a powerful tool that has been dropped into the laps of people who, more often than not, don’t have the training or experience to wield it effectively.

Before PowerPoint, marketing and communication teams would strategize over the best content for the slides. Graphic designers would create them.

These are the three most important things to know about your slide presentation:

  • If slides won’t add or support your presentation don’t use them. 
  • Create your slides so that they are primarily image-based with a limited amount of text. 
  • If you are not a graphic designer hire one. It’s worth it for the stroke of elegance and professional edge they will add. A graphic designer will bring your deck to life. 

The best keynote slidedecks are primary image-based—keep the text to a minimum. Finding the right images (like the stunning ones on this screen) takes time. Consider hiring a graphic designer for the task.

If you do decide to use a slidedeck ensure it helps your audience connect the dots and visualize what you are sharing with them.

What To Do Before You Deliver Your Speech

I’m often backstage supporting clients at their events. It’s exhilarating to feel the energy of speakers waiting to go on stage. You can feel the excitement … hearts pounding and voices warming up.

Here are a few tips and techniques professional speakers use to ready themselves, calm their nerves , and warm up their voice before giving a keynote speech:

  • If you find yourself not sleeping well or experiencing anxiety in the days leading up to your speech try 4 – 7 – 8 breathing . Three or four rounds should have you feeling calmer and able to fall back to sleep. 
  • Keep yourself hydrated. The day before your event up your water intake. This will keep you feeling energetic and your voice lubricated. 
  • Make sure you get a good sleep before your keynote. Lack of sleep will knock you off your game. 
  • Fifteen minutes before your keynote move your voice up and down through your natural register with vocal exercises so you can use your voice like the fine instrument it is. 
  • Just as you are about to speak, if you suffer from dry mouth, take these lozenges to help you articulate with ease. 
  • When you arrive at the podium take a few deep breaths, feel your feet on the floor, touch a favourite amulet such as a ring or necklace…and away you go! 

What You Should Do After Your Speech

When you end your speech you’re still not quite finished yet.

Connect with people from your audience. Gather feedback. Some of the richest relationships you will create will happen if you take the time to talk with people after your speaking event. If you have the opportunity, ask for presentation feedback to help you learn what worked and what didn’t.

Image of two women chatting—after your keynote, be sure to connect with audience members one-on-one.

Don’t ask if they enjoyed your keynote because the response will probably be, “It was great!” Instead, ask what they took away that will make a difference in their life. Ask them what nugget stuck with them. The answers to these questions will provide information to improve your next keynote.

Having your keynote recorded provides a brilliant learning opportunity. Many of my clients tell me they can’t/won’t watch a recording of themselves. I ask them to separate themselves from their egos and embrace the opportunity to learn. You can gain insight into what landed and what didn’t by your audience’s reactions.

Ask for presentation feedback from a trusted advisor. Don’t ask family and friends. A trusted advisor or mentor has the perspective to provide unbiased feedback that your family and friends won’t be able to. A trusted advisor will be able to expertly able to weigh in about your content, your delivery, and the effectiveness of your speech. ¯

Keynote speeches are complex. They have lots of pieces that need to fit together to create an easy, simple flow and to hold your audience in your hands so they will be inspired and learn from you.

Do you need help with your upcoming keynote speech to make sure your audience will leave challenged to take action and be inspired? Let’s chat and learn how I might help. Here’s access to my calendar to schedule a time to talk.

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Give the keynote. Without the nerves.

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How to Write a Keynote Speech

Last Updated: October 28, 2022 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Lynn Kirkham . Lynn Kirkham is a Professional Public Speaker and Founder of Yes You Can Speak, a San Francisco Bay Area-based public speaking educational business empowering thousands of professionals to take command of whatever stage they've been given - from job interviews, boardroom talks to TEDx and large conference platforms. Lynn was chosen as the official TEDx Berkeley speaker coach for the last four years and has worked with executives at Google, Facebook, Intuit, Genentech, Intel, VMware, and others. There are 9 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 106,372 times.

A good keynote speech is gripping and inspiring. It sets the tone for the event, program, or conference, and it can really unify the audience. If you’ve been invited to write and give a keynote speech (congrats!), you might not be sure where to start, or maybe you’re looking for tips to elevate your speech to the next level. Either way, we’ve got you covered! This article will walk you through how to craft a memorable keynote speech from start to finish.

Brainstorming Ideas for the Keynote Speech

Step 1 Determine the purpose of the speech.

  • If there is a theme of the event, you may use this as your purpose or inspiration for the speech. For example, if the theme of the event is “Social Responsibility,” the purpose of your speech may be to explore your experiences with social responsibility on a professional and personal level.

Step 2 Identify the interests of your audience.

  • For example, if your audience is within an age range of 20-30 and are social responsibility advocates, you may make the speech light, engaging, and full of specialized language that you know your audience will understand.

Step 3 Come up with one to three key points for the speech.

  • For example, if you are writing a speech around the theme of social responsibility, you may focus on three key points: the history of social responsibility, the current state of social responsibility, and where social responsibility is headed next.

Step 4 Read examples of keynote speeches.

  • You can find the top keynote speeches of 2016 at .

Crafting the Keynote Speech

Step 1 Start with an engaging story.

  • For example, if you are writing a keynote speech on diversity in the classroom, you may tell a story about a student of color that you worked with in your classroom as a teacher.
  • You may also look in the news for a story about a student of color who publicly spoke out about difficulties with diversity in the classroom, preferably a news story based in your area or country.

Step 2 Begin with an interesting fact.

  • For example, if the purpose of your speech is to discuss social responsibility in the corporate world, you may open with a fact about how consumers tend to buy more if a brand is socially responsible.

Step 3 State the purpose of the speech.

  • For example, your purpose may appear as, “I am here today to talk to you about social responsibility, the theme of this conference and the theme of much of my professional work.”

Step 4 Use humor to add levity.

  • For example, you may make a funny aside that is self-deprecating, such as, “I wasn’t always a great teacher. Sometimes, I was known as the fun teacher or the angry teacher. Not always the great one.”

Step 5 Repeat key terms and words.

  • For example, you may highlight terms like “unity,” “engagement,” and “social consciousness” in your speech by returning to them at least twice. You may begin the speech by mentioning these terms and then return to them again later in the speech.

Step 6 Write the speech in your natural voice.

  • For example, you may use a funny saying that you use with your students in your classroom in the speech. Or you may use less formal words and terms to keep the tone of the speech conversational.

Step 7 Wrap up the speech with a call to action.

  • For example, you may have a call to action that refers to the story or fact you used at the beginning of your speech: “Just like my student who reached out to a peer in need, I ask you all now to be vulnerable, to try to reach out to someone in your community who needs help.”

Polishing the Keynote Speech

Step 1 Read the speech aloud.

  • When you read the speech aloud, notice if you skip over any words. You may be able to remove any words you skip over for flow.
  • If you read the speech aloud to others, you can ask them for feedback. Ask them if they found any parts of the speech boring or hard to follow. Be open to getting constructive feedback on the speech so it is at its best.

Step 2 Proofread the speech.

  • Correct punctuation is especially important if you are going to read the speech aloud to an audience, as the punctuation will tell you when to pause or take a breath. Often, a comma means pausing in your speech and a period means taking a short breath.

Step 3 Revise the speech for clarity and length.

  • If there is a time constraint for the speech, you should also time yourself reading the speech to confirm it is within the limit.

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Lynn Kirkham

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About This Article

Lynn Kirkham

A good keynote speech is inspiring and can set the tone for an entire event. Start your speech with an engaging anecdote to grab your listeners' attention. The story can be from your own experience and should relate to the topic of the event. Then, tell your audience what the purpose of your speech is. You might say something like, “I am here to talk to you today about social responsibility, which is the theme of the conference and the theme of my professional work." Use a little humor and a light-hearted tone to keep the speech engaging and make it more memorable. Make sure to write the speech along the lines of how you normally talk so it sounds natural when read out loud. At the end of your speech, finish with a strong call to action. This part of the speech should compel listeners to do something to help the cause. For example, if you're giving a speech for a humane society, you may encourage listeners to volunteer at their local shelter. To learn how to polish your keynote speech, read more from our Writing co-author! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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What Is a Keynote Speech? Plus 5 Steps to Help You Write One.

Eleni Kelakos August 24, 2020 Peak Performance , presentation skills training , public speaking training , speech coaching

You’ve been asked to deliver a keynote speech at an upcoming event.  And while you may be flattered by the request, you have a lot of questions, like: “What is a keynote speech anyway? What makes it different that other presentations?  How long should a keynote speech be? And how do I write a keynote speech

Before I answer those questions, let me congratulate you for having been asked to deliver a keynote speech.  Because being invited to give a keynote speech means that have developed a perspective, a public persona, or a big idea that is interesting enough to be featured in the spotlight. Professionally speaking, you have arrived! 

Typically, keynote speakers are experts in their field.  Some professional keynote speakers, like me and many of my colleagues in the National Speakers Association , are even paid to deliver their keynote speeches. Whether you are paid or not, giving a keynote address is both an honor and a fantastic opportunity to share your expertise what an appreciative audience.

What Is A Keynote Speech?

The answer to “What is a keynote speech?” is inherent in the very language of the question:  The words key and note .  Essentially, a keynote speech is a speech in which you establish and develop a main (key) theme and set an overall tone (note) for the event. Often, the subject of a keynote address or keynote speech is intended to reinforce—and rally the audience around– the event’s chosen theme.  For example, if the theme of an event is performing at your peak as a leader, there is a good chance that the keynote speaker will be delivering a speech that underscores that theme.

Keynote speeches can be informational, inspiring, entertaining, and motivating. The best keynote speeches contain a bit of each those elements, expertly woven together.   

What Makes A Keynote Speech Different Than Other Presentations?

One of the best ways to understand what makes a keynote speech different that other speeches or presentation is to understand what it is not :   A keynote speech is not a speech or presentation in which you teach skills or concepts on a deep, experiential, nuts and bolts level.  It’s a speech in which you are doing most of the work.

If you are asking your audience to do individual or group work in spoken or written form through more than half of your speech,  what you are delivering is either a training program or a workshop, but not a keynote speech.  This is not to say that keynote speeches can’t have interactive elements; many of the best do, but in doses small and simple enough to allow the members audience to ingest the lessons while maintaining a focus on the speaker. Overall, keynote speeches tease out their key theme at a much higher level of focus than more involved, granular, and usually more lengthy workshops, breakout sessions, or training programs ( like these ).

How Long Should A Keynote Speech Be?

A keynote speech is typically thirty to sixty minutes in length. 

Generally speaking, the shorter the keynote speech, the better.  This is especially true when delivering a keynote speech after lunch or dinner, when people are winding down over a meal (or even a cocktail or two) and have a shorter attention span.  Whatever time slot you’ve been given as a keynote speaker, it’s your job to stay within its parameters—even if the event is running late, and you have to shave ten minutes off your keynote speech.

How Do You Write A Keynote Speech?

The question “How do I write a keynote speech” is often the reason thought-leaders, speakers, and business leaders contact me for support in writing one.  Because, if you’ve never put a keynote speech together before, it can be daunting.  As I always tell my online group keynote coaching or individual keynote coaching clients, organizing and crafting a keynote speech is a creative process. This means your keynote speech will often dictate what it needs to be as you’re writing it. You must be willing to nudge it into being, and be patient as it unfolds.

If you’re wondering “So, how do you write a keynote speech?” I suggest you start by asking yourself the following five questions:

  • Who are the people the audience you are speaking to? The more you know about your audience, the more you can create a keynote speech that is relevant and of service to them.
  • What pain, problem or challenge are you there to shine a light on or solve on behalf of your audience?
  • Based on your answers to the first two questions, what is your big idea, the “key note” you are there to expand upon in your keynote speech?
  • What are the three main points, lessons, or takeaways you want make (and flesh out with stories, data, and other sticky evidence) that are in support of your big idea, and will make up the body of your keynote speech?
  • What can you choose to do to begin and end your keynote speech in a way that is maximally memorable and engaging?

If you are struggling to put together your keynote speech, don’t despair. You don’t have to go it alone. There are professional keynote presentation coaches who can help you turn your big idea into a magical, moving, memorable speech. 

Fill Your Keynote Speech With Who You Are

Whether you write keynote speech by yourself, or with the help of a trusted keynote presentation coach , remember this: The greatest resources you’ve got to draw upon are your unique experiences, expertise, and stories.  Fill your keynote speech with who you are and what you know. Be human and relatable, so your audience can connect more deeply with you.

And when the time comes for you to step up to the podium and give your keynote speech remember: Your words matter. Use your words responsibly. Use your words with intention. Use your words to change your world.  

Need support putting together your signature keynote speech? Check out my Build a Brilliant Keynote Online Group Course .

Would you rather work with me on e -on-one explore my keynote presentation coaching options..

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18.3 Keynote Speaking

Learning objectives.

  • Understand the purpose of keynote speeches in society.
  • Explain the basic objective of an after-dinner speech.
  • Describe the purpose and types of motivational speeches.

A man giving a speech at a podium during a fancy reception

Acumen_ – Keynote Speech – CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.

The last type of entertaining speech we will examine is the keynote speech. A keynote speech is delivered to set the underlying tone and summarize the core message of an event. Keynotes are often given at the end of an event; there can also be a number of keynote speeches delivered throughout a longer event that lasts for several days. People who deliver keynote speeches are typically experts in a given area who are invited to speak at a conference, convention, banquet, meeting, or other kind of event for the purpose of setting a specific tone for the occasion. Some keynote speakers will actually work for a speakers bureau , an agency that represents celebrity and professional speakers. One very important organization for all aspiring keynote speakers is the National Speaker’s Association (NSA, ). NSA also publishes a widely respected magazine for professional speakers called Speaker magazine, which can be accessed for free from their website ( ).

In the world of professional public speaking, there are two common types of keynotes: after-dinner speeches and motivational speeches. Let’s look at each of these unique speeches.

After-Dinner Speaking

After-dinner speaking gets its name from the idea that these speeches historically followed a meal of some kind. After-dinner speakers are generally asked to speak (or hired to speak) because they have the ability both to speak effectively and to make people laugh. First and foremost, after-dinner speeches are speeches and not stand-up comedy routines. All the basic conventions of public speaking previously discussed in this text apply to after-dinner speeches, but the overarching goal of these speeches is to be entertaining and to create an atmosphere of amusement.

After-dinner speaking is probably the hardest type of speaking to do well because it is an entertaining speech that depends on the successful delivery of humor. People train for years to develop comic timing , or the verbal and nonverbal delivery used to enhance the comedic value of a message. But after-dinner speaking is difficult, not impossible. Here is the method we recommend for developing a successful after-dinner speech.

First, use all that you have learned about informative or persuasive speeches to prepare a real informative or persuasive speech roughly two-thirds the length of what the final speech will become. That is, if you’re going to be giving a ten-minute speech, then your “real” informative or persuasive speech should be six or seven minutes in length.

Next, go back through the speech and look for opportunities to insert humorous remarks. Table 18.1 “Forms of Verbal Humor” lists various forms of verbal humor that are often used in the textual portion of a speech.

Table 18.1 Forms of Verbal Humor

Each of these is a possible humor device that could be implemented in a speech. Read the following speech delivered by Mark Twain on his seventieth birthday for a good example of an after-dinner speech ( ).

Once you’ve looked through your speech, examining places for verbal humor, think about any physical humor or props that would enhance your speech. Physical humor is great if you can pull it off without being self-conscious. One of the biggest mistakes any humorist makes is to become too aware of what his or her body is doing because it’s then harder to be free and funny. As for props, after-dinner speakers have been known to use everything from oversize inflatable baseball bats to rubber clown noses. The goal for a funny prop is that it adds to the humor of the speech without distracting from its message.

Last, and probably most important, try the humor out on real, live people. This is important for three reasons.

First, the success of humor depends heavily on delivery, and especially timing in delivery. You will need practice to polish your delivery so that your humor comes across. If you can’t make it through one of your jokes without cracking up, you will need to either incorporate the self-crackup into your delivery or forgo using that joke.

Second, just because you find something unbelievably funny in your head doesn’t mean that it will make anyone else laugh. Often, humor that we have written down on paper just doesn’t translate when orally presented. You may have a humorous story that you love reading on paper, but find that it just seems to drone on once you start telling it out loud. Furthermore, remember there is a difference between written and verbal language, and this also translates to how humor is interpreted.

Third, you need to make sure the humor you choose will be appropriate for a specific audience. What one audience finds funny another may find offensive. Humor is the double-edged sword of public speaking. On one side, it is an amazing and powerful speaking tool, but on the other side, few things will alienate an audience more than offensive humor. If you’re ever uncertain about whether a piece of humor will offend your audience, don’t use it.

The following are some other tips for using humor from people who have professionally given after-dinner speeches and learned the hard way what to do and what to avoid:

  • Personalize or localize humor when possible.
  • Be clear about which words need emphasis with verbal humor.
  • Be sure the punch line is at the end. Don’t let on where the joke is going.
  • Don’t announce, “This is funny.” or “I’m not very good at telling jokes, but…”
  • Don’t try to use humor that you don’t know well.
  • Don’t use humor that you personally don’t find funny.
  • Don’t apologize if others don’t laugh.
  • Don’t try to explain the humor if it fails—just move on.
  • Don’t drag it out! Remember, brevity is the soul of wit.
  • Know when to stop joking and be serious.
  • Be natural and have fun!

Motivational Speaking

The second common form of keynote speaking is motivational speaking. A motivational speech is designed not only to make an audience experience emotional arousal (fear, sadness, joy, excitement) but also to motivate the audience to do something with that emotional arousal. Whereas a traditional persuasive speech may want listeners to purchase product X or agree with ideology Y, a motivational speech helps to inspire people in a broader fashion, often without a clearly articulated end result in mind. As such, motivational speaking is a highly specialized form of persuasive speaking commonly delivered in schools, businesses, religious, and club or group contexts. The Toastmasters International Guide to Successful Speaking lists four types of motivational speeches: hero, survivor, religious, and success (Slutsky & Aun, 1997).

The hero speech is a motivational speech given by someone who is considered a hero in society (e.g., military speakers, political figures, and professional athletes). Just type “motivational speech” into YouTube and you’ll find many motivational speeches given by individuals who can be considered heroes or role models. The following clip presents a speech by Steve Sax, a former major league baseball player.

In this speech, Sax talks about his life as a baseball player, along with issues related to leadership, overcoming obstacles, and motivation.

The survivor speech is a speech given by someone who has survived a personal tragedy or who has faced and overcome serious adversity. In the following clip, cancer survivor Becky M. Olsen discusses her life as a cancer survivor.

Becky Olsen goes all over the country talking with and motivating cancer survivors to beat the odds.

The religious speech is fairly self-explanatory; it is designed to incorporate religious ideals into a motivational package to inspire an audience into thinking about or changing aspects of their religious lives. One highly sought-after religious speaker in the United States is Joel Osteen, head minister at Lakewood Church in Houston, Texas. In this clip, Joel is talking about finding and retaining joy in life.

The crux of Osteen’s speech is learning how to take responsibility of one’s own life and let others take responsibility for their lives.

The final type of motivational speech is the success speech , which is given by someone who has succeeded in some aspect of life and is giving back by telling others how they too can be successful. In the following clip the then CEO of Xerox, Anne Mulcahy, speaks before a group of students at Dartmouth College discussing the spirit of entrepreneurship.

In this speech, Mulcahy shares the leadership lessons she had learned as the CEO of Xerox.

Key Takeaways

  • Keynote speeches are delivered to set the underlying tone and summarize the core message of an event.
  • After-dinner speeches are real informative or persuasive speeches with a secondary objective of making the audience laugh. Effective after-dinner speakers must first know how to effectively write a speech and then find appropriate humor to add to the presentation.
  • Motivational speeches are designed not only to make an audience experience emotional arousal (fear, sadness, joy, excitement) but also to ask the audience to do something with that emotional arousal. There are four types of motivational speeches: the hero, the survivor, the religious, and the success.
  • Take one of the speeches you’ve delivered in class and think of ways to add humor to it. Ultimately, you’ll turn your original speech in to an after-dinner speech.
  • Think about your own life. If you were asked to give a motivational speech, which type of motivational speaker would you be: hero, survivor, religious, or success? What would the specific purpose of your speech be?

Slutsky, J., & Aun, M. (1997). The Toastmasters International® guide to successful speaking: Overcoming your fears, winning over your audience, building your business & career . Chicago, IL: Dearborn Financial Publishing.

Stand up, Speak out Copyright © 2016 by University of Minnesota is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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What Is a Keynote Speech & How to Deliver One With Impact?

Hrideep barot.

  • Public Speaking

Speaker highlighting the importance of relevance to the theme.

We’ve all heard about Keynote Speakers. They are all the rage given the pandemic and the hoards of webinars and conclaves and conferences that have come with it. They have also been a catalyst in spreading the assumption or myth that Keynote Speakers are celebrities or really famous people. However, that is not true! Sure, having a famous personality brings in the little extra “branded” tone to your event but it doesn’t really matter if your Keynote Speaker(s) have no substance or anything relevant to speak about.

Why is it called “Keynote” anyway?

If you are the curious type (like me) and usually loose track of time by going off on a tangent while researching about a topic, I’ve saved you some time:

Based on my research, a Keynote is the base note in Music which sets the tone for the track.

There you have it: The best way to explain what a Keynote Speech is!

A Keynote Speech, usually given at the beginning of the event, focuses on the central idea or theme for the event and elaborates on the same. It is given by someone noteworthy of presenting the same, like a professional or experienced scholar of the topic and sets the tone for the event.

Keynote Speeches could also have presentations and other visual aids. It is up to you and whatever your creative juices decide while preparing.

If you are interested in learning about presentations and how you can use it best in a speech, we’ve written an article just for that, check it out!: A Guide to the Techniques of Presentation

How to write a Keynote Speech?

keynote speech meaning

Here’s the million dollar question (only if you are paying me to ask it)

Usually writing a speech is confusing business. With the transitions, delivery, tones, pitch, visual aids, and I could keep going but I don’t want you to begin fanning your armpits… yet!

The main thing, without it you have no speech. (duh!)

So how do you begin going about your topic? Easy, first things first: write down any keywords or points that you know about the topic.

Pro Tip: Always keep your ideation document different from your drafts (layout/colour wise). It may be helpful to have everything in one place but soon, your mind will get adjusted to using it as a rough ideation workspace and when you actually have to sit down and write your speech, it won’t come naturally and lo and behold – the writer’s block.

Once you have that, discard all the knowledge and running thoughts you have about the topic and open your browser and books. It is research time!

Learn whatever you can about the topic. If you find articles which are helpful (like this one) keep them open and close the rest of the tabs. If you are using books, use bookmarks or tabs or even highlighters if you are allowed to/comfortable using to mark all the points you found interesting and helpful.

Read through them again, now is the point where you start filtering information to decide if the content you liked is Keynote Speech worthy or not.

How do you know if it is worthy?

Simple: Can it lift Mjollnir? (For those of you who did not understand the reference, I got you: Search for – Thor’s Hammer.)

On a more serious note: Look out for points which are informative and something you can build on but ensure that they aren’t too complex. Why? Because, the time it takes for you to explain one point will take away the opportunity to touch base on the various other topics or points you would/are planning to cover.

This brings us to our next point:

How long should a Keynote Speech be?

Clocks indicating the length of a Keynote Speech

If you have never given a Keynote Speech, or if you are reading this at 2:00 AM and have to deliver your speech today – Remember those speeches during webinars which you immediately slept after? My guess is, those speeches where the Keynote Speeches.

A Keynote Speech / Address can last anywhere between 15-60 minutes.

My Advice: Don’t let it cross the 30 minute mark. A Keynote Speech is expected to be a bit generic and revolve around the theme. If you keep talking about something generic and returning to the same point / theme, people tend to get bored, you unknowingly might become repetitive and overall, you might find someone else dozing off during your address.

PS: Different organisations have different plans of action, so it would be the safest to approach the organisers and find out how long they expect you to speak for and move ahead from there.

Content and Structure

You have researched your topic the best you can, you might have gone to the extent of the etymology as well, and filtered the clutter.

Now, what we need to do is, organise.

A great way to organise your content could be using this chart:

Introduction to the Main Theme Introduction to your area of expertise A few topics you find the most interesting / think that the demographic you are addressing to will find the most interesting* Future prospects about the industry Summary and Conclusion while rounding back to the main general topic.

*Targeting Demographic

Figuring out what your demographic would be interested in is a task! The easiest way to figure that out would be to divide them into three categories.

  • Some Experience

How does this help?

Once you know what the majority of your audience’s demographic is like, you can tailor your content based on things they might be interested in.

For Freshers, you can add topics about future prospects and the career growth in the field.

For people who have spent some time in the industry but are still new, you can speak about the current trends, and how to navigate the various obstacles that may come with various deliverables.

If you are addressing a group of experts in the field, treat them like your equals and don’t dumb things down for them, some basic jargon can be allowed (usually it is a big no no in speeches) and it may even present you with the opportunity to segue into a joke about “back in our days.”

This is also a great opportunity to open the floor for discussions and take in points from the audience about the new and latest developments in your industry, because as experts, they would definitely have a well founded viewpoint and might even help you look at things from a new perspective – Who said you couldn’t grow and learn while giving a speech?

Opening a Keynote Speech

The beginning is where the audience decides if they want to listen to you. Creating an impression couldn’t be any easier!

You can start with one of the three Ss – Statement, Story or a Surprising Question.

Once Upon a Time, I used this phrase to begin my story in a speech and had the audience snoring by the next line!

The phrase “Once Upon a Time” may be classic, but remember it is a classic for bed time stories. Unless you are beginning a Fairy Tale or Folklore, steer clear of your temptations of using it.

Instead, begin with the setting of the story, fake or a real incident, it helps the audience picturise things better and relate and follow more closely.

To learn more about storytelling and how to use it in your speech, you can check our article on the same: 9 Storytelling Approaches for your Next Speech or Presentation

A statement, phrase or quote when used at the beginning of the speech, needs to be either controversial (who doesn’t love good tea?) or something powerful.

Make sure that if you use a quote or phrase it is in line or in some way related to your topic. Something which is completely different from the topic at hand would make it even more complex for you to get it back to the theme and what you want to talk about.

Surprising Question

When do you ask a question?

Did you answer this? Even if your answer was on the lines of: “How am I supposed to know that” It was still a response to the question.

This is what you can do with your audience as well. Anyone who hears a question, rhetorical or not, will answer it intuitively – be it a sarcastic answer, a rude one or an actual one. But there will be an answer and then there will an unconscious expectation of a response and there you have a hooked audience!

This was my take, if you want to explore deeper into figuring out your opening, check out our video on the same!

Tips for Writing and Delivery

Now that you know where you want to take your speech, here is a list of a few things which you can use to help you take your Keynote Address to the next level.

  • Learn about your audience to tailor your speech to keep it relevant and relatable.
  • Practice your speech, even if it is the 100th time you are giving one or talking about that specific topic.
  • Embrace the nervousness but don’t let it be the better hugger.
  • Be confident about your content. If you aren’t sure about a point, it is better to omit it rather than confuse the audience or provide them with poorly researched facts.
  • Consider adding visual aids like a presentation or pictures to your speech.
  • Connect with the audience, share your contact details and social media page with them via chat or on screen, and invite them to pick your brain. This way, you build your network and someone out there gets to learn and clarify doubts from an expert!
  • Prepare. Preparation isn’t just practising your speech. It is checking your network connection (online), the stage and lighting and all the other tech support (offline), deciding what to wear, getting enough sleep and multiple other things like checking in with the organisers, etc.,.

Keynote Speech Examples

We’ve filtered through so many great speeches to bring you our top four, each cover a different aspect of a Keynote Speech and will help you gain a wider idea about what could work for your speech and what may be a possible new avenue you could take.

Oprah Winfrey – With Motivational Keynote Speeches being the most popular, the talk show host and entrepreneur spoke about following your passion and working on yourself. A great example of a good self-help and motivation Keynote Address.

Matt Damon – The actor spoke about this experiences in colleges and the financial difficulties he has faced. This speech is a great example of how you can connect to a younger audience and speak about a personal experience in a very engaging manner.

Sheryl Sanberg – A great example of mixing motivation with personal experiences and sensitive topics. This could help you with connecting various topics seamlessly and yet maintaining the umbrella topic/theme/genre.

Ken Robinson – To move into a more technical yet jargon free point of view on multiple topics and remaining objectively critical and motivational at the same time.

Keynote Speech Ideas

keynote speech meaning

Often times, even though the theme of the event may be set, it can be a bit to vague, or the organisers might just tell you to talk about yourself, or anything you want!

One way to help you choose the perfect topic for you is:

Following the 3 KPI method. (No, not that KPI) KPI – Knowledge, Passion, Interest.

1. Knowledge

How much do you know about the topic? Is it something you can speak on without any or little preparation? Knowledge about the topic you’re speaking about builds your confidence, and it also shows the audience that you are a credible source of information! Another added benefit is that you will be able to explain really complex sections of the topic with ease and various examples – a great quality and it adds immense value to your speech since it makes it accessible to any demographic.

Why is being passionate about what you speak so important? Try out the below activity with someone.

1. Speak about a random story from the internet, it could be about a news article, social issue, facts, story, anything that is not your opinion or an opinion you particularly agree with. 2. Speak about any topic that you deeply care about, it could be the welfare of canines, politics, the impending doom of fast fashion, literally anything!

Ask your buddy to judge your delivery on both these occasions. Did you suddenly speak louder, clearer, and more well.. passionately?

When you speak about a topic you are passionate about, you tend to create that atmosphere around you that says “This is soo cool” and since humans generally have a herd mentality, their brain goes “This sounds cool, tell me more!” and there you have it, a room full of people who want to listen to you just because you made it sound “cool” .

3. Interest

If you’re passionate and know enough about your topic, I think it is safe to assume that you are interested in it. So, now enough about you, let’s think about your audience. Earlier in this article we spoke about how to gauge the demographic of your audience and based on that what sections of the topic you should pay attention to. The audience needs to find some value in your content to stick on till the second sentence. Work on building the quality of your speech by research and building your own knowledge. At the end of the day, you’ve learned something new and have a strong speech ready to provide your audience with a positive experience. Win-Win!!

If you would like to explore some more resources to gauge the best way to choose a topic, you can check out our video on the same:

To work on a speech with no real base is difficult, so we have gathered a few possible topics/themes you can cover in your Keynote Speech. These could also just be a simple, small section in your speech or you can base your speech completely on any of the following topics, the choice is yours!

  • Technology and its affect/impact in your industry.
  • Current Events – Eg: How the Pandemic has affected your industry.
  • Leadership and Obstacles – The whole “Career in this Industry” package.
  • Connecting your Niche to the theme.
  • What you think about the future prospects of this industry and how to adapt to them.
  • Multiple strategies and techniques which come in handy.
  • Assess the Future and sharing your plans about a specific / general topic based on the industry / theme.

Being a Keynote Speaker is both an honour and an opportunity to learn. Remember to do your research and build your content the best you can. It is important to work on yourself and be patient with your process. If you are confident with your content, you could even do an improv on stage and still kill it!

Public Speaking is a skill that takes its own sweet time to develop and grow. Working on it is a constant process and can come in many forms! One step at a time and you won’t get exhausted or frustrated. Good luck!

Hrideep Barot

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  • Case Studies
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What is the Purpose of a Keynote Speech?

Last Updated:  

September 4, 2023

What is the Purpose of a Keynote Speech? Adding Value to Events

A keynote speech is a powerful and influential form of public speaking that holds a significant place in various domains, including business, politics, and academia. While the purpose of a keynote speech may seem straightforward at first glance, a deeper understanding reveals its true value. 

In this article, we explore the multifaceted purpose of a keynote speech, shedding light on its role in informing, motivating, setting the tone, building credibility, and fostering collaboration.

Key takeaways on the purpose of keynote speech

  • Informing and Educating : A keynote speech aims to inform and educate the audience by sharing valuable insights, research findings, and trends.
  • Motivating and Inspiring : Keynote speeches have the purpose of motivating and inspiring individuals by incorporating personal anecdotes, success stories, and lessons learned.
  • Setting the Tone and Creating a Theme : Keynote speeches play a crucial role in setting the tone and creating a theme for events or conferences, capturing attention and establishing the overarching message.
  • Building Credibility and Enhancing Brand Image : Keynote speeches provide a platform to build credibility and enhance brand image for speakers and organisations, positioning them as authorities in their domains.
  • Facilitating Networking and Collaboration : Keynote speeches act as catalysts for networking and collaboration, attracting professionals from various industries and sparking meaningful discussions.
  • Overall Impact : A well-crafted keynote speech can leave a lasting impact, spark change, and empower individuals and organisations.

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Informing and Educating 

One crucial purpose of a keynote speech is to inform and educate the audience. Keynote speakers, such as those from Shapiro Negotiations , bear a wealth of knowledge and expertise in their respective fields, making them valuable resources for disseminating information. 

By sharing insights, research findings, and trends, keynote speakers help the audience gain new perspectives and expand their knowledge base. A well-crafted keynote speech should provide valuable takeaways, leaving the audience with actionable information they can apply personally or professionally.

Motivating and Inspiring

Another essential purpose of a keynote speech is to motivate and inspire individuals. Keynote speakers often weave personal anecdotes, success stories, and lessons learned into their speeches to ignite passion, instil belief, and create a sense of purpose among the listeners. 

A powerful keynote speaker can touch hearts, awaken dormant dreams, and propel individuals toward positive change. By sharing their journeys and triumphs, speakers connect with the audience on an emotional level, leaving a lasting impact.

Setting the Tone and Creating a Theme 

Keynote speeches also play a crucial role in setting the tone and creating an event or conference theme. As the opening or closing act, a keynote speech sets the stage, captures the audience's attention, and establishes the overarching message of the event. 

It is vital to align the keynote speech with the event's objectives and desired outcomes. Hence, if you crafted a keynote speech, it should have a cohesive and memorable experience for attendees, tying together various presentations and sessions under a unifying theme.

Building Credibility and Enhancing Brand Image 

Keynote speeches provide a platform for individuals and organisations to build credibility and enhance their brand image. When industry experts or thought leaders deliver compelling speeches, they position themselves and their organisations as authorities in their respective domains. 

A successful keynote speech can have a long-lasting impact on an individual's reputation. It can catalyse future opportunities, such as invitations to speak at other events or collaborations with influential figures.

Facilitating Networking and Collaboration 

In addition to disseminating knowledge and inspiring individuals, keynote speeches serve as catalysts for networking and collaboration. Large conferences and events attract professionals from various industries, providing an ideal environment for connecting with like-minded individuals. 

Keynote speakers often become the focal point of attention, attracting eager attendees to engage in meaningful discussions, exchange ideas, and explore potential collaborations. Leveraging the momentum generated by a keynote speech is crucial to fostering valuable connections and creating opportunities for collaboration.


In summary, the purpose of a keynote speech extends far beyond delivering a memorable presentation. It involves informing and educating the audience, motivating and inspiring individuals, setting the tone and creating a theme, building credibility and enhancing brand image, and facilitating networking and collaboration. 

A well-crafted keynote speech can leave a lasting impact, spark change, and shape the trajectory of individuals and organisations. By recognising the multifaceted purpose of a keynote speech, we can fully appreciate its role in transforming events and empowering audiences worldwide.

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1677, in the meaning defined at sense 2

1877, in the meaning defined at sense 2

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keynote address

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“Keynote.” Dictionary , Merriam-Webster, Accessed 21 May. 2024.

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keynote speech noun

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What does the noun keynote speech mean?

There is one meaning in OED's entry for the noun keynote speech . See ‘Meaning & use’ for definition, usage, and quotation evidence.

How common is the noun keynote speech ?

Where does the noun keynote speech come from.

Earliest known use

The earliest known use of the noun keynote speech is in the 1860s.

OED's earliest evidence for keynote speech is from 1863, in New York Herald .

keynote speech is formed within English, by compounding.

Etymons: keynote n. , speech n. 1

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Originally published as part of the entry for keynote, n.

keynote, n. was revised in December 2012. is a living text, updated every three months. Modifications may include:

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Earlier versions of this entry were published in:

OED First Edition (1901)

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The meaning, history and political rhetoric surrounding the term abortion ‘ban’

Experts say ‘ban’ has emerged as shorthand for nearly all abortion prohibitions. the blunt term often leaves room for political spin..

keynote speech meaning

Ban: Merriam-Webster  defines  it as “a legal or formal prohibition.”

But in the 2024 election cycle — the first general election since Roe v. Wade, the landmark ruling that enshrined a constitutional right to an abortion, was  overturned  — the term has morphed into polarizing political rhetoric. “Ban” has become synonymous with abortion and the wave of anti-abortion laws enacted in states across the country.

For example, on President Joe Biden’s reelection campaign website, the  abortion policy page’s  title reads: “Donald Trump wants to ban abortion nationwide. Re-elect Joe Biden to stop him and protect reproductive freedom.”

Trump appointed three of the U.S. Supreme Court justices who voted to overturn Roe. After years of inconsistency, Trump  most recently  has said that laws on abortion should be left to the states and that he wouldn’t sign a national abortion ban.

Many Democrats and abortion rights activists have also zeroed in on down-ballot Republicans, accusing them of supporting abortion “bans,” even if their position allows for some access.

“Yesterday, we celebrated Mother’s Day. Today, I remind you that politicians like Bernie Moreno, who supports a national abortion ban, don’t want moms making their own healthcare decisions. Abortion rights are on Ohio’s ballot again in 2024,” Ohio Democrat Allison Russo wrote May 13  on X .

Moreno, who has Trump’s support, is a Republican running for Senate in Ohio against Democratic incumbent Sen. Sherrod Brown. Moreno  has said  that he would vote for a 15-week national abortion ban.

Political discourse experts say “ban” has emerged as shorthand for nearly all abortion prohibitions. The blunt term, nuanced in its myriad interpretations, often leaves room for political spin.

What exactly is a ban?

“Ban” is not a medical term; people across the political spectrum on abortion define it differently.

The word has two main rhetorical functions, political discourse experts said. When people talk to like-minded people about a particular issue, it can reinforce the group’s beliefs. Or, it can label opponents as “extreme.”

“For example, when Joe Biden talks about an assault weapon ban, he’s not trying to convert skeptics — he’s signaling to people who already agree with them that they’re on the same team,” said Ryan Skinnell, an associate professor of rhetoric and writing at San Jose State University. “But the other way ‘ban’ works is to identify someone you disagree with as extreme. Groups who want to keep certain books out of libraries, for instance, rarely describe themselves as in support of book banning. Their opponents adopt that language.”

This dual usage reflects in the abortion fight. Abortion-rights activists use “ban” to signal an infringement on personal freedom and autonomy over medical decisions. Anti-abortion proponents may use “ban” to signal a protection of fetal life. For example, when introducing legislation that ban abortion at various stages,  Republican   politicians  have often framed the bills as moral imperatives that protect unborn life.

Peter Loge, a George Washington University professor who directs the school’s Project on Ethics in Political Communication, said ban has historically meant “to eliminate” or “not have,” but politicians employ a strategic ambiguity that allows listeners to assign their own meaning. Loge, who served as a senior adviser in former President Barack Obama’s Food and Drug Administration, said Obama did this with one of his campaign slogans: “Change We Can Believe In.”

“Well, what does ‘change’ mean? Clearly, it means whatever he thinks it means, but as a listener you will ascribe it to mean whatever you think it means,” Loge said. “So, if I think most abortions should be illegal and in some cases it’s OK, I can support a ban, because it’s a ban with exceptions. The listener plugs in whatever caveats they prefer and ascribes them to the speaker. This is a technique as far back as Aristotle, who wrote that the listener provides the reasoning for themselves.”

Loge, like Skinnell, said “ban” is often used in politics to showcase extremism and the threat of something being taken away.

“It’s the rhetoric of anger. ‘They want to take your rights from you. … Now it’s an ideological divide and it works because we’re going to be more motivated to vote,” Loge said. “People are more concerned about losing something they have than they are interested in getting something new. We are risk-averse.”

Nathan Stormer, a rhetoric professor at the University of Maine and an expert in abortion rhetoric, said the term usually shows up when people refer to making abortion illegal in pregnancy’s earlier stages. But, he added, although common usage typically refers to a first trimester threshold, there is “no set of rules.”

“Because it is not a consistently used term, I think when people do not specify what they are referring to, others may take them to mean at conception or very early, but one has to inquire about context,” Stormer wrote in an email.

How abortion ban rhetoric evolved

Before the 1970s, there was little discussion about abortion bans.

Although legal abortion existed in various states at various stages before the  Supreme Court decided Roe v. Wade in 1973,  the ruling’s enshrinement of abortion rights across the country, helped galvanize opposition and mobilize anti-abortion groups.

“There were book bans, pornography bans, dancing bans, and so on. But even most conservative politicians and church groups weren’t especially concerned with abortion as an issue, and there was virtually no concerted political interest in bans,” Skinnell, from San Jose University, said. “That began to change with Richard Nixon.”

Skinnell said the former president’s advisers, in coordination with evangelical Christian church leaders, determined they could connect abortion to left-wing social movements, such as feminism, by linking them consistently in speeches and campaign materials.

“The idea of abortion bans came directly out of that partnership,” Skinnell said, “and it gathered steam in right-wing and conservative circles throughout the next few decades.”

Republicans further popularized the term in the mid-1990s, when they advocated for the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act, which President George W. Bush  signed into law  in 2003. The campaign to pass that legislation, experts said, introduced the term “ban” as the abortion restriction’s “stated intent.”

Political rhetoric experts said much of the medical literature and media coverage before Roe v. Wade often used terms such as “illegal” because abortion was considered a criminal act in most states.

“Even in the early stages of criminalizing abortion in the U.S., I don’t think ban was a common term,” Stormer said. “When a restriction is being put in place where before there was not one, people tend to resort to the word ban.”

Emily Winderman, a University of Minnesota professor specializing in the rhetorical study of health and medicine, said that over time abortion “bans” have manifested  as “incremental” restrictions throughout gestational development to the complete prohibitions seen in multiple states today.

For instance, she said, “heartbeat bills,” which typically refer to laws that make abortion illegal as early as six weeks of pregnancy, were controversial when they emerged around 2010, but have become more prevalent since the Trump administration and Roe’s overturning.

Winderman also said bans can appear via code and ordinance restrictions, such as banning  the type of use for a particular piece of real estate — making abortion clinics impossible to place.

“It’s important to understand bans as a complex strategy that includes gestational limits as well as limitations on who can provide care and where,” she said.

Shifting abortion laws across the U.S. have made “ban” an increasingly common term.  Forty-one states  now ban abortion at different points in pregnancy — 14 enforce total bans, three enforce six-week bans and others restrict abortion before fetal viability.

Stormer, from the University of Maine, pointed to Arizona’s Supreme Court reinstating an 1864 law that completely banned abortion. (It  has since been repealed. ) At the time the law was written, conception was not well understood, and there was no clear sense of fertilization or how it worked.

“Reinstating that law was a great example of how the conflict over abortion has remained steady and largely recognizable, but its terms and understandings have been constantly moving, which says something,” Stormer said. “So, specific words do important work, but they do not capture what is happening rhetorically, in my opinion. The moving terminologies are the waves crashing, but the tides are the thing.”

This fact check was originally published by PolitiFact , which is part of the Poynter Institute. See the sources for this fact check here .

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Students Supported and Protested Jerry Seinfeld’s Duke University Commencement Speech

D uke University’s commencement ceremony became a battleground of ideas and values when it was announced that comedian Jerry Seinfeld would deliver the keynote address. The decision sparked a whirlwind of reactions from students, faculty, and alumni, with both support and protests echoing across the campus.

For many students, the prospect of hearing from a renowned entertainer like Seinfeld was cause for excitement and anticipation. His wit and humor, honed over decades in the spotlight, promised to provide a lighthearted and memorable send-off for the graduating class. Supporters of Seinfeld’s invitation applauded the university’s choice, citing his cultural influence and comedic prowess as reasons to welcome him to the commencement stage.

However, not everyone shared in the enthusiasm. A vocal contingent of students expressed objections to Seinfeld’s selection as commencement speaker, citing concerns over past remarks and actions that they deemed offensive or insensitive. Some pointed to instances of Seinfeld’s humor that they felt perpetuated harmful stereotypes or marginalized certain groups.

The announcement of Seinfeld’s address prompted organized protests and petitions calling for the university to rescind the invitation. Demonstrators gathered on campus, wielding signs and chanting slogans in opposition to Seinfeld’s appearance. They argued that his presence at the ceremony would send the wrong message and detract from the inclusive and welcoming environment that Duke seeks to cultivate.

In response to the controversy, Duke University issued statements reaffirming its commitment to free speech and academic freedom, while also acknowledging the concerns raised by students. University officials emphasized the importance of engaging with diverse perspectives, even those that may be challenging or uncomfortable.

As the commencement ceremony approached, tensions remained high, with supporters and protesters alike eagerly awaiting Seinfeld’s address. The event unfolded against a backdrop of heightened scrutiny and debate, underscoring the complexities of navigating issues of free speech, humor, and inclusivity in today’s society.

In the end, Seinfeld delivered his speech to a divided audience, with some students applauding his remarks while others remained silent or staged symbolic protests. The controversy surrounding his appearance at Duke’s commencement ceremony served as a microcosm of broader debates around free speech and cultural sensitivity, leaving an indelible mark on the university community and sparking ongoing conversations about the intersection of comedy, identity, and social justice.

Duke University’s decision to invite comedian Jerry Seinfeld as the keynote speaker for its commencement ceremony ignited a whirlwind of reactions and debates across campus. While many students were thrilled at the prospect of hearing from a cultural icon known for his wit and humor, others expressed deep reservations about Seinfeld’s selection, citing concerns over his past comments and actions.

Supporters of Seinfeld’s invitation saw it as a rare opportunity to be entertained and inspired by a beloved figure whose comedic talents have shaped generations. They lauded Duke’s decision, believing that Seinfeld’s presence would add a touch of levity and excitement to an otherwise solemn occasion. For them, Seinfeld’s brand of humor represented a welcome departure from the traditional commencement address, promising an engaging and memorable experience for the graduating class.

However, not everyone shared in the enthusiasm. A vocal segment of students voiced objections to Seinfeld’s selection, pointing to instances where they felt his humor crossed the line into insensitivity or perpetuated harmful stereotypes. Past remarks and jokes deemed offensive or culturally insensitive became focal points of contention, fueling calls for the university to rescind its invitation.

The controversy surrounding Seinfeld’s appearance at Duke’s commencement ceremony escalated as protests and petitions emerged, demanding that the university reconsider its decision. Demonstrators gathered on campus, voicing their concerns and advocating for greater accountability in the selection of speakers. They argued that Seinfeld’s presence at the ceremony would undermine the university’s commitment to diversity and inclusion, sending a message contrary to its values.

In response, Duke University grappled with the delicate balance between upholding principles of free speech and addressing the legitimate concerns raised by students. University officials reaffirmed their dedication to fostering a campus environment where all voices are heard and respected, while also acknowledging the complexities of navigating issues of humor and cultural sensitivity.

As the commencement ceremony drew near, tensions remained palpable, with both supporters and protesters preparing to make their voices heard. Seinfeld’s address unfolded against a backdrop of heightened scrutiny and debate, with students listening attentively to his remarks while others staged silent protests or opted to sit out the speech altogether.

In the aftermath of Seinfeld’s appearance, the controversy continued to reverberate throughout the Duke University community, sparking ongoing conversations about the intersection of comedy, identity, and social responsibility. The episode served as a poignant reminder of the challenges inherent in navigating issues of free speech and cultural sensitivity in an increasingly diverse and interconnected world.

Students Supported and Protested Jerry Seinfeld's Duke University Commencement Speech 10

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  • at the core of something
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  • precondition
  • the grandaddy of something idiom
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Introducing GPT-4o: OpenAI’s new flagship multimodal model now in preview on Azure

By Eric Boyd Corporate Vice President, Azure AI Platform, Microsoft

Posted on May 13, 2024 2 min read

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Microsoft is thrilled to announce the launch of GPT-4o, OpenAI’s new flagship model on Azure AI. This groundbreaking multimodal model integrates text, vision, and audio capabilities, setting a new standard for generative and conversational AI experiences. GPT-4o is available now in Azure OpenAI Service, to try in preview , with support for text and image.

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A step forward in generative AI for Azure OpenAI Service

GPT-4o offers a shift in how AI models interact with multimodal inputs. By seamlessly combining text, images, and audio, GPT-4o provides a richer, more engaging user experience.

Launch highlights: Immediate access and what you can expect

Azure OpenAI Service customers can explore GPT-4o’s extensive capabilities through a preview playground in Azure OpenAI Studio starting today in two regions in the US. This initial release focuses on text and vision inputs to provide a glimpse into the model’s potential, paving the way for further capabilities like audio and video.

Efficiency and cost-effectiveness

GPT-4o is engineered for speed and efficiency. Its advanced ability to handle complex queries with minimal resources can translate into cost savings and performance.

Potential use cases to explore with GPT-4o

The introduction of GPT-4o opens numerous possibilities for businesses in various sectors: 

  • Enhanced customer service : By integrating diverse data inputs, GPT-4o enables more dynamic and comprehensive customer support interactions.
  • Advanced analytics : Leverage GPT-4o’s capability to process and analyze different types of data to enhance decision-making and uncover deeper insights.
  • Content innovation : Use GPT-4o’s generative capabilities to create engaging and diverse content formats, catering to a broad range of consumer preferences.

Exciting future developments: GPT-4o at Microsoft Build 2024 

We are eager to share more about GPT-4o and other Azure AI updates at Microsoft Build 2024 , to help developers further unlock the power of generative AI.

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    KEYNOTE SPEECH meaning: → keynote address. Learn more.

  15. Keynote

    A keynote in public speaking is a talk that establishes a main underlying theme. In corporate or commercial settings, greater importance is attached to the delivery of a keynote speech or keynote address. The keynote establishes the framework for the following programme of events or convention agenda; frequently the role of keynote speaker [1 ...

  16. The Purpose of a Keynote Speech: Unveiling Its True Meaning

    A keynote speech is a presentation that sets the underlying tone and summarizes the core message or most important revelation of a meeting, conference, or event. It serves as the bridge between what was and what could be. A well choreographed keynote speech can ignite passion, spark discussion, and provoke thought.


    KEYNOTE ADDRESS definition: the most important speech given at a large meeting: . Learn more.

  18. What is the Purpose of a Keynote Speech?

    Keynote speeches also play a crucial role in setting the tone and creating an event or conference theme. As the opening or closing act, a keynote speech sets the stage, captures the audience's attention, and establishes the overarching message of the event. It is vital to align the keynote speech with the event's objectives and desired outcomes.

  19. KEYNOTE SPEECH definition and meaning

    The main speech at a formal gathering such as a conference.... Click for English pronunciations, examples sentences, video.

  20. Keynote Definition & Meaning

    keynote: [noun] the fundamental or central fact, idea, or mood.

  21. Keynote speech

    keynote speech: 1 n a speech setting forth the keynote Synonyms: keynote address Type of: oratory addressing an audience formally (usually a long and rhetorical address and often pompous)

  22. keynote speech, n. meanings, etymology and more

    What does the noun keynote speech mean? There is one meaning in OED's entry for the noun keynote speech. See 'Meaning & use' for definition, usage, and quotation evidence. See meaning & use. How common is the noun keynote speech? About 0.08 occurrences per million words in modern written English . 1870: 0.0005: 1880: 0.0038: 1890: 0.0097:

  23. The meaning, history and political rhetoric surrounding the term

    May 16, 2024. Ban: Merriam-Webster defines it as "a legal or formal prohibition.". But in the 2024 election cycle — the first general election since Roe v. Wade, the landmark ruling that ...

  24. Students Supported and Protested Jerry Seinfeld's Duke ...

    D uke University's commencement ceremony became a battleground of ideas and values when it was announced that comedian Jerry Seinfeld would deliver the keynote address. The decision sparked a ...

  25. Google I/O 2024: Watch the live stream

    Google I/O 2024 presents Android, Chrome, Google Assistant, AI updates. Sundar Pichai's keynote speech starts today. Livestream available. Learn about 'I/O' name origins from Geo Developer Day to ...


    KEYNOTE definition: 1. the most important or most emphasized part of something: 2. the most important or most…. Learn more.

  27. CYBERUK 2024: Felicity Oswald keynote speech

    Hi All . Sharing intelligence, innovations and solutions to mutual challenges is how we will stay ahead of our adversaries. If we are to outcompete them, we must do so together.

  28. Hello GPT-4o

    Guessing May 13th's announcement. GPT-4o ("o" for "omni") is a step towards much more natural human-computer interaction—it accepts as input any combination of text, audio, and image and generates any combination of text, audio, and image outputs. It can respond to audio inputs in as little as 232 milliseconds, with an average of ...

  29. Introducing GPT-4o: OpenAI's new flagship multimodal model now in

    Analyze images, comprehend speech, and make predictions using data. Cloud migration and modernization. Simplify and accelerate your migration and modernization with guidance, tools, and resources. Data and analytics. Gather, store, process, analyze, and visualize data of any variety, volume, or velocity. Hybrid cloud and infrastructure