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ISSA Nutrition Certification Review (2024): Cost Breakdown, Course Highlights, and More

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Written by Stephen Sheehan, CPT Last updated on Oct 25, 2023

Having already earned my CPR/AED and CPT certifications through the International Sports Sciences Association (ISSA) , I was eager to explore other options that could enhance my abilities and income-earning opportunities as a fitness professional. As I expanded my client base at YouFit, where I started working as a personal trainer shortly after getting my certification, I quickly realized that few understood the basics of nutrition. In fact, it was evident that many people need more help with figuring out how to fuel their bodies rather than how to move them.

I took advantage of the partnership between ISSA and YouFit and scored a discounted rate on a specialization course: the nutritionist certification course. This certification course allowed me to gain an in-depth understanding of how to put together an effective nutrition program. Ripe with helpful resources like video lectures, downloadable client forms, and direct access to ISSA’s resident nutrition expert, the course contains all the tools you need to not only pass the final exam, but also become a more confident and capable health and fitness coach.

This ISSA nutrition certification review provides a comprehensive breakdown of the course materials — including the Fitness Nutrition textbook and chapter quizzes — and covers other key components so you can decide whether to take the plunge and purchase the course. (Hint: It’s well worth it.)

Key Takeaways

  • For about $650, the ISSA nutrition certification course is a wise investment for personal trainers and health coaches who want to expand their business by offering a valuable service to both current and prospective clients.
  • Besides going in-depth on scientific topics like macronutrients, micronutrients, metabolism, digestion, and hydration, this nutrition program also addresses important areas like behavior change, goal setting, and motivation — all of which contribute to a client’s success.
  • While the final exam contains 100 multiple-choice questions and a six-part essay portion, it’s an open-book test. You should have no trouble meeting the 70 percent threshold to pass, especially if you utilize the study materials and perform well on the chapter quizzes.

ISSA Nutritionist Certification

  • Cost: Starts at around $53.27 per month
  • Course length: 10 weeks or fewer
  • Study materials: Digital textbook, video lectures, quizzes, Nutrition Bootcamp
  • Minimum passing score on final exam: 70 percent

What is the ISSA Nutrition Certification ?

One of many specializations available through ISSA, their nutrition certification course is a great way to get a leg up on the competition and help your clients crush their goals faster. For certified personal trainers like me who want to provide the best possible science-backed guidance on how to stay properly fueled, it’s hard to go wrong with a program like this. It allows you to work at your own pace as you learn about everything from determining a client’s ideal macronutrient intake to putting together a well-rounded supplement stack to building a nutrition coaching business.

A young man setting in a gym holding his ISSA Nutritionist certificate

Along the way, your knowledge will be tested with chapter quizzes to see your progress. Pairing the Fitness Nutrition textbook with video lectures provides a solid foundation for learning that you can build upon further with the help of a dedicated Success Coach who you can access via email or by calling the ISSA support line during business hours. Although I didn’t take advantage of this resource, having it available certainly qualifies as a plus for this nutrition program, especially if you struggle with some of the more science-heavy subjects.

By the time you complete the course and pass the final exam, you will be empowered to provide your nutritional expertise to clients who want to lose fat, gain muscle , or simply improve their overall health and wellness. After all, obtaining your cert from an organization that earned accreditation from both the National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA) and the Distance Education and Training Council (DETC) gives validity and added value to you and your growing business.

RELATED: How to Become a Personal Trainer

ISSA Nutrition Certification Course Highlights

Registering for the ISSA Nutritionist course is the first step in becoming a more effective certified personal trainer and lifestyle coach. You will immediately gain access to a guided study program that includes the online version of the Fitness Nutrition textbook, nearly 20 video lectures, and dedicated chapter quizzes designed to prepare you for the final exam. The program is meant to be completed in 10 weeks, but because you can complete the course at your own pace, you may be able to obtain your nutrition certification even faster.

As you make your way through the course, you will gain an in-depth understanding of everything from energy systems to fad diets to common vitamin deficiencies. Even though the breadth of information might seem overwhelming at times, rest assured that you will be a superior coach by spending the time, money, and energy on seeing this nutrition program through.

Once you complete all the quizzes, you will then be able to take the final exam, which consists of 100 multiple-choice questions and six essay questions. You must earn at least a 70 percent overall to earn a passing grade from ISSA. The test is untimed (it took me about two hours) and open-book, so you shouldn’t have too much trouble hitting that mark on your first attempt.

Overall, I thought the ISSA nutrition certification course was worth it for multiple reasons. First, I received all the tools I needed to deliver high-quality programming and guidance for my clients, including downloadable forms. Second, I had the option to utilize resources like the online student forum and Nutrition Educational Bootcamp for further support. Finally, it set me up for more financial success in the future by giving me another avenue to earn income as a fitness professional.

Who Should Get the ISSA Nutrition Certification

  • Coaches who seek more in-depth knowledge on nutrition than what’s provided in standard personal trainer certification programs.
  • Coaches who want to get better results from current clients or be better-prepared to help new clients reach their goals.
  • Entrepreneurial-minded individuals who want to attract more business by providing a valuable service that other trainers may not offer.
  • ISSA-certified personal trainers who want to satisfy their continuing education unit (CEU) requirement and save on recertification fees.

Who Shouldn’t Get the ISSA Nutrition Certification

  • Anyone who wants to prescribe medical nutritional therapy (treating medical conditions with diet), as this does not fall under the scope of practice for a nutrition coach.
  • Anyone who desires to work as a registered dietician, which requires a bachelor’s degree from an approved supervised clinical program, passing the Commission on Dietetic Registration (CDR) final exam, and completion of CEU requirements to maintain registration.
  • Certified personal trainers who have a formal education in sports nutrition or food science, as they will likely already be familiar with a majority of the course material content.

RELATED: Nutritionist vs. Dietitian: What’s the Difference Between These Nutrition Experts?

How Much Does the ISSA Nutrition Certification Cost ?

Without any discounts, the ISSA nutrition certification typically costs just north of $600. Keep in mind, though, that the organization regularly offers specials throughout the year that may lower that total. You can also save money by pairing the ISSA CPT course with a specialization like the Nutritionist course to become a certified Fitness Coach for less than $1,000.

Moreover, ISSA makes it easier for students to afford their nutrition program by offering three payment plan options. If you rather not pay in full, you can choose between a six- or 12-payment setup. Not only does that give you the flexibility to spread out the total cost, but it also comes with the benefit of being interest-free.

ISSA Nutrition Certification Course Materials

Registering for this self-paced course gives you access to a wealth of study guide materials and other useful resources you can even use after you earn your nutritionist certificate.

From video lectures that further explain some of the topics covered in the online textbook to quizzes that reinforce key concepts and help prepare you for the final exam, let’s take a look at what ISSA provides students:

Fitness Nutrition Textbook

Featuring contributions from nine individuals — including Daniel Gastelu, ISSA Professor & Director of Nutritional Sciences, and Adam Seal, a postdoctoral researcher at California Polytechnic State University’s Department of Kinesiology and Public Health — the Fitness Nutrition textbook spans 19 chapters and is nearly 500 pages long. Revised in September 2022, it is well-organized and fairly user-friendly, with plenty of images, tables, and graphs that provide additional context.

A young man reading a digital textbook from the ISSA Nutritionist course on his computer

While the chapters vary in length, most fall between 10 and 20 pages. Each one is separated into multiple sub-topics, with some featuring as few as two (Chapter 2: Cells, Organ Systems, and Digestion) and others being broken down into far more sections. For instance, the chapter on protein covers 10 topics ranging from protein’s role in the body to how it’s digested to why athletes need it for optimal performance.

Here is a complete list of the chapters in the latest version of the ISSA’s Fitness Nutrition textbook:

  • Cells, Organ Systems, and Digestion
  • Metabolism and Energy Balance
  • Carbohydrates
  • Water and Hydration
  • The Role of the Nutrition Coach
  • Stages of Change and Motivational Interviewing
  • Client Assessment and Goal Setting
  • Business in Nutrition Coaching
  • Dietary Guidelines
  • Product and Supplement Labels and Claims
  • Supplements
  • Navigating Successful and Trending Diets
  • Special Nutrition Scenarios

As someone who signed up for the certification course with a solid foundation of the fundamentals of nutrition, I still found the textbook to be a valuable resource. That being said, some of the earlier chapters were quite science-heavy and not necessarily the most pertinent for a personal trainer. The chapters on cells and organ systems and metabolism and energy balance made me feel like I had been transported straight back to high school biology — which wasn’t exactly my cup of tea.

However, after getting through those more complicated chapters, I found a majority of the textbook to be directly applicable to my role as a personal trainer and fitness coach. Sure, some of the information on macronutrients had some crossover from the ISSA CPT course. But the in-depth material on micronutrients, hydration, and the psychological and business aspects of being a nutrition coach certainly gave me a more well-rounded understanding of all the aspects it takes to steer a client in the right direction.

From a coaching perspective, I particularly appreciated the “Product and Supplement Labels and Claims” chapter for providing detailed tables of the requirements needed to make claims like “All Natural” and “Good Source Of” on food labels. Since the general public is largely unaware of these intricacies that can have a major impact on their health and wellness, this is exactly the type of easily digestible information that we as certified personal trainers need to educate our clients on.

Video Lectures

To supplement the textbook, ISSA also provides video lectures that highlight key points from complex chapters. Throughout the 10-week guided study plan, visual learners can brush up on their knowledge by watching videos on topics like common digestive orders, protein bioavailability, simple vs. complex carbohydrates, and psychology and food marketing.

In total, there are 19 video lectures included with the ISSA nutrition coach certification course. However, because most of them fall under the two-minute mark, you certainly shouldn’t (or can’t) rely on them to give you all the information you need to comprehend the associated chapter.

The ISSA nutritionist program challenges you to demonstrate your understanding of the course material through a series of 18 open-book quizzes. Each one contains 10 multiple-choice questions that stem directly from the textbook.

While it’s important to obtain a high score for your own understanding, there is no minimum threshold you must meet. Plus, you can take the quizzes as many times as necessary. I found the majority of them to be fairly straightforward, requiring an average of about 30 minutes or so to complete.

Speaking of completion, you will be able to access and start your final exam only after you finish all of the 18 quizzes.

Nutritionist Educational Bootcamp

If you need more assistance than what the textbook and lectures provide, ISSA has you covered. The Nutrition Bootcamp takes things to the next level with five weeks of direct access to high-level experts.

A slide showing a summary of what's included in ISSA's Nutrition Bootcamps and live office hours

During the five hour-long video sessions, ISSA Elite Trainer & Senior Content Developer Jenny Scott and Lionel University faculty member Dr. Alex Hoffman deliver comprehensive lessons on study skills specifically aimed at certain chapters. For example, their Week 5 Nutrition Bootcamp covered test-taking tips, special scenarios for nutrition coaching, and building a business.

For more individualized support, the duo hosted open office hours for five live one-hour sessions. Although I didn’t participate, other students can benefit greatly from getting direct answers to their questions in preparation for the ISSA exam.

Client Forms Library

Available in the “Downloads” section in ISSA’s student portal is a collection of forms and handouts that can make life much easier if you’re a personal trainer.

Here’s what’s included:

  • Client Intake Form
  • Exercise History Questionnaire
  • Exercise Physical Activity Readiness (PAR) Questionnaire
  • Health History Form
  • Medical History Form
  • Three-Day Dietary Log

A screenshot of ISSA's dietary logs for clients

While you don’t have to utilize these forms, it can save you a ton of time from having to create your own. Because YouFit provides personal trainers with their own forms for gathering client data, I didn’t use the ones available through ISSA. But anyone who’s looking to go into private coaching can rely on this resource and use the recognizable ISSA branding to bring instant credibility when working with a new client.

Final Exam for the ISSA Nutritionist Certification

Once you’ve completed all the quizzes and utilized the study materials, you should be prepared for the last stage of the ISSA nutrition certification program: the final exam. 

Like the ISSA personal trainer certification course, the exam for the nutrition course is untimed, meaning you can take breaks and pick back up where you left off. On the other hand, the structure of the final exam differs in that it consists of both multiple-choice questions and essay questions, such as describing and explaining the role of the three macronutrients and providing the recommended dietary allowances for each. 

I found it to be more challenging than the ISSA personal training certification test, especially with the addition of a written portion. For transparency’s sake, I scored an 86 on the multiple-choice section and received 92 out of a possible 120 points on the essay section for a cumulative score of 81 percent.

Expected Study Time

ISSA breaks down the course into 10 weeks, with some weeks covering multiple chapters from the textbook. Because some of the science-heavy content can be challenging to comprehend, you may spend more time studying some chapters than others.

From my experience, it took about an hour and a half of study time per day for just over a month for me to complete the course from start to finish. However, fitness trainers who aren’t familiar with the basic tenets of food science may need longer.

Just how difficult is it to hit that 70 percent mark on the ISSA nutritionist final exam? With a pass rate of 85 percent, it’s clear that the course materials do a more-than-adequate job of getting students ready to earn their cert. Still, it’s interesting to note that the pass rate for the ISSA CPT certification exam is slightly higher at about 90 percent.

Retest Cost

Don’t fret about any financial ramifications if you fail to pass the final exam on your first try. The ISSA provides one free retest for its nutrition certification program. And since the exam is open-book, you should be able to achieve at least a 70 percent if you have to retake it.

However, if you don’t pass on your two free attempts, there is a $99 resubmission fee per subsequent attempt. 

ISSA Continuing Education Requirements

If you obtained your personal training certification through ISSA, you must complete at least 20 continuing education units (CEUs) through workshops, seminars, other certifications, or other approved activities every two years. Luckily, going through their nutrition certification program will not only take care of that 20-unit requirement, but also allow you to skip out on having to pay a $99 recertification fee.

Although that wasn’t the primary reason I signed up for the course, I gladly welcomed this added bonus with open arms. And with my CEUs already taken care of, I can focus my efforts on getting the best results for my clients.

Expected Salary

Nutrition coaching can be a solid career choice if you know how to market your services. According to ZipRecruiter.com , as of September 11, 2023, the national average salary for a nutrition health coach was $43,270. Most coaches can expect to make around $21 per hour, though that figure varies by state.

While that salary range won’t make you a millionaire, you can boost your earning potential by establishing a strong online presence. Building a loyal following on social media and learning how to consistently reel in new clients via testimonials and engaging video content can help you stand out in a crowded field of certified personal trainers and nutrition coaches.

Other ISSA Certification Programs

Whether you want to start your career as a CPT or add a specialization to your resume, ISSA offers a wide range of courses that you can complete from the comfort of your own home.

In addition to Nutritionist, here are some of their most popular fitness certification options:

  • Master Trainer
  • Elite Trainer
  • Corrective Exercise
  • Fitness Coach
  • Certified Health Coach
  • Online Coach
  • Bodybuilding Specialist
  • Powerlifting Instructor

Plus, there’s even a second nutrition-based program you can partake in through ISSA: the Precision Nutrition Certification.

Precision Nutrition Certification

Should you find yourself in need of even more nutrition tools, there’s another option available, albeit at a much steeper price. At a cost of about $1,200, the ISSA Nutrition & Fitness Coach certification program allows you to obtain two world-class certifications thanks to a partnership with one of the biggest leaders in the fitness industry: Precision Nutrition.

Partaking in this two-part course allows you to earn ISSA’s top-rated personal trainer certification and Precision Nutrition’s Level 1 Certification for a fairly affordable price. You can take both courses at your own pace, and each final exam is open-book. Ultimately, though, if you’re focused more on training than delivering ultra-detailed nutrition protocols, you’ll be safe with signing up for the standard ISSA nutritionist course.


Like ISSA, the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) has a pathway for personal trainers to become certified in nutrition coaching. Written and reviewed by 20 leading experts, the NASM Certified Nutrition Coach Certification (CNC) curriculum includes 24 in-depth chapters across three sections: Nutritional Science, Behavior Change Strategies, and Nutrition Coaching. The course culminates in an open-book final exam that contains 100 multiple-choice questions, which you must finish within 90 minutes.

To earn the NASM CNC, you must obtain a score of at least 70 percent. You are allowed to retake the test two more times if you do not pass initially. If you fail all three attempts, you must contact the Member Services team via phone to discuss your options. From a cost perspective, NASM is slightly more expensive than ISSA, checking in at around $750. However, the organization also offers interest-free financing as an incentive.

NASM Nutrition Certification

  • Cost: Starts at around $66 per month
  • Course length: Four to 10 weeks
  • Study materials: Digital learning platform, practice quizzes, downloadable PDF version of the textbook


Compared to ISSA, the American Council on Exercise (ACE) offers a more affordable option for nutrition certification. At just under $500, their Fitness Nutrition Specialist Program might be more palatable if you have a limited budget. Not only does the course include an eBook, video lectures, and quizzes, but it also features a podcast that goes through the details of each stage of the behavior change process.

Just like ISSA, ACE requires students to score at least a 70 percent on the final exam to earn a passing grade. Not only do you get to take the test at home, but you are allowed unlimited retakes. Keep in mind that because the ACE nutrition program is a continuing education course, you must already hold an NCCA-accredited certification to be able to make the claim of “specialist.” 

ACE Fitness Nutrition Specialist

  • Cost: Starts at around $367
  • Course length: 25 hours (around four weeks, depending on how often you study)
  • Study materials: Fitness nutrition manual, video lectures, podcasts, quizzes

Parting Thoughts on the ISSA Nutritionist Certification Program

As someone who underwent a major weight-loss journey, I can sympathize with those who struggle to get their nutrition right. However, going through the process of shedding 75 pounds and finding my calling as a personal trainer and fitness coach taught me how important it is to be aware of everything you put into your body. Building off that first-hand experience by taking the ISSA nutritionist certification program sharpened my skills and knowledge, opened more doors to make more money, and most importantly, put me in a stronger position to help other people achieve their own physique and health goals.

So, if you’re ready to take your career as a fitness professional to the next level, don’t hesitate to sign up for a specialization program that both you and your clients can benefit from for years to come.

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About Stephen Sheehan, CPT

Stephen is an ISSA-certified personal trainer and nutritionist with an immense passion for health and fitness. A two-time University of Florida graduate and longtime rugby player, he brings more than a decade of strength training experience, plus a diverse writing and editing background. When he’s not creating content or hitting the gym, he enjoys traveling, cooking, and attending music festivals around the world.

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ISSA Nutrition Certification (2024): Affordable and Accredited Coursework

By Lauren Strong, CPT

Expert Verified by Frieda Johnson, NASM-CNC, ISSA-SET

updated January 4, 2024

We test and review fitness products based on an independent, multi-point methodology. If you use our links to purchase something, we may earn a commission. Read our disclosures.

Obtaining a nutritionist certification can help elevate your career as a personal trainer or get you on track to becoming a health coach . Nutrition coaching can also be a stand-alone service to provide for folks looking to implement lifestyle changes when it comes to food and nutrition. 

Although I’m not a certified nutrition specialist, I’m familiar with educational organizations like the International Sports Sciences Association (ISSA), which also offer credentials for certified personal training and other specialized training programs. I’m an NSCA-CPT and I’ll use my personal experience with fitness nutrition and personal training to review the ISSA Nutritionist Certification. I followed our in-depth testing methodology for certification courses to review and rate the following categories on a 1-to-5-star scale: 

  • Course and exam price
  • Course length
  • Accreditation 
  • Prerequisites 
  • Continuing education requirements
  • Study materials and learning options
  • Final exam 

In this ISSA nutrition certification review, I’ll walk you through the prerequisites, course materials, and the final examination process of this popular nutrition certification program. 

Fitness Professionals and Nutrition Experts Here to Help

You know you can rely on the experts here at Garage Gym Reviews for unbiased takes on the best home gym equipment from squat racks and barbells to treadmills and rowing machines. But did you know you can also count on us when it comes to the best personal training certifications and nutrition courses? 

Our team of experts includes certified personal trainers, certified nutritionists, and nutrition coaches. We also call on our expert panel of registered dietitians to help us dive deeper into the science of nutrition and review things like the best pre-workout and protein powders. 

For this ISSA Nutrition certification review, I worked with a former colleague, Catie Herman, who is an ISSA-CPT and nutritionist. She let me in on her study process and experience with the certification exams. 

ISSA Nutrition Certification

issa nutrition essay questions

Product Highlights

  • Nutritionist certification
  • 8-month timeline to complete 
  • Fully online

Pros & Cons

  • Offer online or in-person nutrition coaching
  • No prerequisites
  • Accredited course by NBFE
  • Open book final exam
  • Not the most intuitive nutrition certification
  • 2-year recertification cycle

Bottom Line

The ISSA Nutrition Certification offers fundamental education on nutrition and provides coaching tools so you know how to implement the knowledge with clients. The final exam is open book and if you don’t pass on your first attempt, you can go back to review and change your answers for free (on the first attempt only).

  • A Quick Look at ISSA Nutrition Certification

Before we dive into the details of the ISSA nutrition certification, I’m going to first let you know what a nutritionist is as a career path (or career booster). A nutritionist is a generalist and offers generalized nutrition coaching or nutrition counseling. To offer nutrition advice and guidance, you don’t need a four-year degree in a related field. You can take a nutrition course covering the basics of nutrition science to understand the fundamentals and help educated clients make better lifestyle choices. 

Woman holding two dinner plate with pasta

Many fitness trainers will take a sports nutrition course or become a certified nutrition coach in order to further help clients reach their goals (because nutrition plays a huge part in your body composition, sports performance, and overall health). That said, a nutritionist does not have the qualifications to recommend specific meal plans, diets, or supplements to clients. 

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A registered or licensed dietitian (RD or LD), on the other hand, can make specialized meal plans, diets, and recommendations on specific supplements or vitamins to fill a micronutrient gap. Dieticians have proper training and a deep understanding of nutrition science to make specific recommendations and work with people with specific needs (like diabetes, chronic disease, or eating disorders). 

Dietitians have either bachelor’s or master’s degrees in the field of nutrition, have completed a dietetic internship, passed the Commission on Dietetic Registration (CDR) exam, and obtained a state license. 

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Before You Buy:

  • The course doesn’t come with a hardcopy of the textbook. 
  • When certifying with ISSA (with any program) you’ll be required to have your CPR/AED certification. 
  • A nutritionist certification does not allow you to create meal plans, prescribe supplements, or make diagnoses. 
  • Is the ISSA Nutrition Certification Worth It?

Although the ISSA nutritionist certification is not cheap at $799, there is quite a bit to like about this program. ISSA offers interest-free payment plans for six-month and 12-month loan terms. You’ll have an eight-month window to complete your coursework and take the final exam, (which can be done at your own pace). 

issa nutrition essay questions

It’s also an accredited program through the National Board of Fitness Examiners (NBFE), which means the coursework has been reviewed and recognized as legitimate coursework by a certifying agency. I mention this because not all nutrition certifications are accredited, and this is something to look out for if you’re comparison shopping. 

Because it’s an accredited program and offers financing options, the ISSA nutritionist certification earns a 4.5-out-of-5-star rating for overall value. 

  • Current personal trainers looking to offer more services
  • Learning the fundamentals of nutrition 
  • Self-paced learning 

Not recommended for:

  • Folks who need longer than six months to study 
  • People who need accountability to study
  • Anyone with career prospects of becoming a registered dietitian 
  • ISSA Nutrition Certification Specs
  • Course Prerequisites 

All ISSA certifications and specialty programs require two things: A high school diploma and a CPR/AED certification. You don’t have to be certified at the time of enrollment, but you’ll need to be certified by the time you complete your exam. 

You can get CPR/AED certified through accredited organizations like the American Heart Association or American Red Cross. ISSA also offers an online CPR/AED course that costs about $50, which is a bit less expensive than in-person training from the Red Cross, but you won’t get the hands-on experience of performing chest compressions or using an AED. 

  • Course Options and Pricing

To register for the ISSA Nutritionist Certification on its own costs $799. You can pay up front or sign up for interest-free payment plans of six or 12 months. This cost is less than (but close) to two of the most popular options on the market: Precision Nutrition Certification ($999) and NASM nutrition coach certification course ($899).  

The ISSA nutritionist course includes: 

  • Online course textbook
  • Study guide
  • Practice exam
  • Section quizzes
  • Weekly nutritionist education bootcamps
  • Access to a library of client forms
  • Access to online student forum

You can also bundle the ISSA Nutritionist Certification with a Certified Personal Trainer (CPT) course. There are two bundle options to do this, which I outline in the in-depth ISSA CPT Certification review. The Elite Trainer package is $999 and includes a CPT course, Nutritionist course, HIIT training course, strength and conditioning course, and one specialization course of your choosing. RELATED: Best Strength and Conditioning Certifications  

The next bundle option is called the Master Trainer package and includes all the same items as the Elite Trainer package but lets you choose up to four specializations and offers a Certify for Life option which waives the membership $99 renewal fee, provides discounts for CEUs, and free CPR/AED training every two years. The Master Trainer package is $1,799. 

  • Course Material: What You’ll Learn

When you enroll, you’ll immediately have access to your course materials and an online version of the textbook, International Sports Sciences Association Fitness Nutrition (First Edition). You can also purchase a hardcopy of the text from the ISSA bookstore. 

In total, there are 18 chapters in the Fitness Nutrition textbook. Each section of the textbook will have a practice quiz consisting of eight to 10 multiple-choice questions. You are not required to pass the practice quiz to move on to the next chapter, but you will need to take practice quizzes to access the final exam. Essentially the practice quizzes unlock the next level: the final examination. 

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When it comes to the quality of course materials, ISSA earns a 4-out-of-5-star rating. I dock one point because the coursework lacks (and I confirmed this on forums) tools to help clients with behavior change around food and nutrition. If you’re already in the health and nutrition industry, you know that our actions and choices around food are often rooted in psychology. 

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Here is a quick look at all 18 chapters: 

Chapter 1: Nutrition

  • How Humans Select Food
  • Functional Foods
  • Culture, Economics, and Religion

Chapter 2: Cells, Organ Systems, and Digestion

  • Cell Composition
  • The Digestive System

Chapter 3: Metabolism and Energy Balance

  • Nutrition and Energy Balance
  • Cellular Energy Currency
  • Converting ATP Into Energy
  • The Energy Systems

Chapter 4: Carbohydrates

  • The Role of Glycogen in the Body
  • Carbohydrate Digestion
  • Glycemic Index
  • Glycemic Load
  • Food Sources of Carbohydrates
  • Recommended Dietary Allowances
  • Carbohydrates and Athletes

Chapter 5: Protein

  • The Role of Protein in the Body
  • Amino Acids
  • Amino Acid Review
  • Proteins, Amino Acids, and Energy
  • The Quality of Proteins
  • Protein Digestion
  • Food Sources of Protein
  • Protein and Athletes

Chapter 6: Fats

  • The Role of Lipids in the Body
  • Essential Fatty Acids
  • Nonessential Fatty Acids
  • Digestion of Fats
  • Nutritional Sources of Fats

Chapter 7: Vitamins

  • Vitamin Classifications
  • Fat-Soluble Vitamins
  • Water-Soluble Vitamins
  • Vitamin-Like Compounds
  • Dietary Guidelines for Vitamins

Chapter 8: Minerals

  • Major Minerals
  • Minor Minerals
  • Electrolytes

Chapter 9: Water And Hydration

  • The Role of Water in the Body
  • Digestion and Absorption of Water
  • Dietary Sources of Water
  • Hydration and Athletes

Chapter 10: The Role of the Nutrition Coach

  • What Is Nutrition Coaching?
  • Scope of Practice
  • Referring Clients
  • Qualities of an Effective Nutrition Coach
  • Ethical Considerations of a Nutrition Coach

Additional chapters include: 

  • Chapter 11: Stages of Change and Motivational Interviewing
  • Chapter 12: Client Assessment and Goal Setting
  • Chapter 13: Business in Nutrition Coaching
  • Chapter 14: Dietary Guidelines
  • Chapter 15: Product and Supplement Labels and Claims
  • Chapter 16: Supplements
  • Chapter 17: Navigating Successful and Trending Diets
  • Chapter 18: Special Nutrition Scenarios
  • Studying Experience

To earn your nutritionist certification through ISSA, you’ll use the online study portal to access your digital textbook and other study materials. From the time you register for ISSA, you’ll have an eight-month window to complete your studies. 

The way the ISSA is formatted is a little different than other similar education organizations. For the most part it’s self-paced study, but you will need to complete a practice quiz at the end of each chapter, which is about eight to 10 multiple-choice questions. You won’t need to score them all correctly, but taking the quizzes at the end of each chapter essentially grants you access to take the final exam. 

protein powders surrounding a computer

Catie Herman, ISSA-CPT and nutritionist, says she bought a hard copy of the textbook in addition to the digital copy provided. She appreciates the fact she was able to go at her own pace and viewed the practice quizzes as a check-in opportunity after each chapter. If there were questions she missed, it was a chance to go back and review the material again at her own pace. 

Catie also mentions that when she enrolled in the Elite Trainer bundle course, each personal trainer coach certification course had a six-month timeline for completion and the nutritionist course had a separate eight-month time. She thought both timelines were appropriate even with her work schedule and being a mom of two kids. 

RELATED: Personal Trainer vs Athletic Trainer

It’s also worth mentioning that enrollment in any study package with ISSA includes your own coach assigned to you if you have questions or concerns. Plus, you’ll have access to weekly live nutrition bootcamp courses to help enhance your self-study efforts. With all of the study options you’ll have access to with the ISSA, this course earns a 4.5-out-of-5-star rating for study package options. 

  • Exam Options and Test-Taking Experience

The ISSA Nutrition final exam is 100% online and open-book. You’ll have two sections: The first consists of 100 multiple-choice questions and the second is six essay questions. 

The exam is untimed and you can even close the browser and revisit the exam as many times as needed. The exam also has one free retake if you fail either of the two sections. You’ll need a passing score of 75% to earn your nutritionist certification.  

Man studying the NASM online module at a computer

You may like to know that the exam is accredited through the National Board of Fitness Examiners (NBFE), which is a popular accreditation organization in the fitness industry, second to the National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA). Although this was not explicitly noted on the ISSA website, I spoke with an ISSA admission council named Dominick who answered all my questions. Overall, the exam experience earns a 4.5-out-of 5-star rating. 

RELATED: What is the ACE CPT Certification?

  • Post-Certification Perks

ISSA offers more post-certification general help than any other certification I’ve reviewed. You’ll have access to generic client forms that you’ll use as a professional nutritionist working with clients. These forms are also editable to customize to your clientele. 

You’ll also be able to make a free website and email address using ISSA resources. This perk also grants you access to tech support if you’re based in the USA. ISSA earns a 4.5-out-of-5-star rating for post-cert perks. 

  • ISSA Nutrition Recertification Requirements

Much like personal training certifications, the ISSA nutritionist certification requires professionals to recertify every two years by participating in continuing education units, aka CEUs. The ISSA has a two-year recertification cycle for both nutritionists and personal trainers. 

RELATED: What is a Personal Trainer ?

To recertify, you’ll need a current CPR/AED certification and completed 20 CEUs. ISSA offers a variety of specialization courses that can be used toward CEUs or you can take coursework from one of the ISSA’s approved partners. 

  • ISSA Nutrition Certification vs NASM CNC

NASM Certified Nutrition Coach Course

issa nutrition essay questions

  • All online format
  • Completely self-paced
  • Easy to navigate the course portal
  • This course doesn’t come with a paper textbook
  • There’s no real accountability; self-driven people will get the most out of this course

Students who complete this course will feel adequately prepared to call themselves a fitness nutrition specialist after taking this course.

The NASM CNC (National Academy Of Sports Medicine, Nutrition Coach Certification) course is a popular option for folks in the fitness industry who want the ability to help clients with food choices and overall wellness. The price range is similar to the ISSA Nutritionist course and both organizations offer payment plans.

Both courses are completely online and are self-paced. However, ISSA offers a weekly remote “bootcamp” class to cover nutrition topics relevant to the text. NASM allows students up to 12 months to study and prepare for the final exam while ISSA only allows eight months. 

With either option, you’ll have to adhere to a scope of practice that generalizes nutrition advice. Neither a nutritionist or a nutrition coach can provide specific meal plans, diets, and supplementation to clients. You can read our in-depth and personal experience with the NASM course in our NASM nutrition certification review . 

  • ISSA Nutrition Certification: Final Verdict

ISSA offers a legitimate option to earn a nutritionist certification and help offer general nutrition advice to clients in-person or online. It’s priced similarly to other certifications on the market and often goes on sale during major holidays. I also appreciate the fact the course is set up in a way that forces you to review each section and prepare for the final exam, which ensures you’ve covered the entire text and you’re not just ready for the exam but for working with clients. 

Honestly, this is one of the best nutrition certification options I’ve reviewed because it’s NBFE-accredited and you’ll be required to recertify every two years and keep up with your AED/CPR certification. 

Staying current with continuing education and extra credentials might sound like a ton of busywork, but it ensures you’re staying up-to-date with the latest developments in the health and fitness industry. It also ensures that you’re able to respond to emergency situations if anything were to happen while working with a client. 

  • ISSA Nutrition Certification Full Rating

issa nutrition essay questions

The ISSA Nutrition Certification provides everything you need to know to offer nutrition counseling and advice to your clients.

Product Currency: $

Product Price: 799

Product In-Stock: InStock

  • ISSA Nutrition Certification: FAQs

Is ISSA nutrition accredited?

Yes, the ISSA nutritionist certification is accredited by the NBFE (National Board of Fitness Examiners). 

Is ISSA certification worth it?

The ISSA certification is worth it for aspiring personal trainers and nutritionists and is priced similarly (although slightly more expensive) to other organizations like NASM, NSCA, and ACE. The Elite Trainer study package that bundles the CPT and Nutritionist certification in one worth the bundled price. Plus, ISSA coursework often goes on sale during major holidays. ISSA is also an excellent organization for resources, tools, and education after you’re certified. 

How long does it take to get ISSA nutrition certification?

Students have up to eight months to study for and take the final exam. ISSA reports the average completion time is around two months. 

Lauren Strong, CPT-snapshot

Lauren Strong, CPT

Further reading.

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Obtaining a nutritionist certification can help elevate your career as a personal trainer or get you on track to becoming a health coach. Nutrition coaching can also be a stand-alone service to provide for folks looking to implement lifestyle changes when it comes to food and nutrition. Although I’m not a certified nutrition specialist, I’m familiar with educational organizations like the International Sports Sciences Association (ISSA), which also offer credentials for certified personal training and other specialized training programs.  » Read more about: ISSA Nutrition Certification (2024): Affordable and Accredited Coursework  » Read more

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Dive into these Landice treadmill reviews to see what we really think about this brand’s six offerings. Read more

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ISSA Nutrition Certification Review

The International Sports Sciences Association (ISSA) is an accredited educational organization – it is nationally accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting System (DEAC), which puts it on the same level as some colleges and universities.

The ISSA offers two choices of nutrition certifications:

  • ISSA Fitness Nutrition Certification
  • ISSA Sports Nutrition Certification

The Fitness Nutrition Certification is the universal one, teaching the fundamentals of nutrition and the fundamentals of nutrition coaching (i.e. the day-to-day work you will be doing with clients). You’ll learn how to collect client information, how to design nutrition plans for a variety of individuals, how to coach in a way that gets results, and how to evaluate progress.

“Everything you need to know to deliver life-changing results for yourself and your clients by mastering the art and science of nutrition coaching.”

You can complete the entire course online, on your own schedule.

Course Content

Course materials include:

  • Hard copy textbook: Specialist in Fitness Nutrition
  • Online version of the text
  • Study guide and workbook
  • Practice examination and section quizzes

The main course is provided online and in the form of a 479-page hard copy textbook. The text includes everything you need to know to earn an ISSA Fitness Nutrition Certification. The text is authored by Dr. John Berardi, PhD and Ryan Andrews, MS/MA, RD – two experts you may recognize from Precision Nutrition .

Part of the textbook covers the science of nutrition and the other part covers the art and science of coaching.

The study guide and other materials help to reinforce what you’re learning and begin preparing you for the exam.

There is also an online student forum for interacting with your peers and ISSA’s on-staff Master Trainers.

Upon completion, they even provide a free professional website! This site consists of five pages of professionally designed, easy to edit, fully hosted content.

The total price for all course materials and the exam is $799 .

There may be a renewal fee and/or continuing education requirements every two years to maintain your certification status.

(How does it compare to other nutrition certifications? Compare them here. )

The exam can be taken at home in their secure online testing portal. You may also choose a paper-and-pencil exam.

How much time do you have to study before taking the exam? The top of the ISSA website says that you have up to 12 months to complete the course. However, further down the page, it says you have up to four months to complete the course.

If you do not pass on your first attempt, you receive one no-cost retest.

Continuing Education

It is unclear if this coursework is eligible to be used toward continuing education requirements from other organizations. (It probably is, but you should check with your governing body to be sure.)

The ISSA program is best for someone who wants to 1) learn nutrition, 2) learn how to get results for clients (the programs covers both the art and science of coaching), and 3) earn the nationally-accredited ISSA credential.

If you’re mainly interested in the practical advice and resources to help you become successful in your coaching practice, consider the Precision Nutrition certification . It covers the same material but seems to cost less money in the long run.

How to Get Started

Review both the ISSA Fitness Nutrition Certification and the ISSA Sports Nutrition Certification to be sure you’re choosing the best one for your needs. Then you can enroll online.

Personal Trainer Pioneer

ISSA Nutritionist Chapter 12: Client Assessment and Goal Setting

Tyler Read - Certified Personal Trainer with PTPioneer

Table of Contents

ISSA Nutritionist Chapter 12: Client Assessment and Goal Setting 5

If you have not yet signed up for the ISSA Nutritionist certification, you can get it here for free as part of a special bundle.

Get your copy of the ISSA Nutritionist exam cheat sheet. It helps immensely for studying for the exam.

My PTP students report cutting their ISSA Nutritionist study time and effort in half with Trainer Academy. 

Benefit from the Exam Pass Guarantee and Retake Fee Guarantee. Plus, take advantage of my current discount code PTPJUNE for 50% off the MVP Program (Ends June 7th, 2024 ).

Try it out for free here to see if it’s right for you, or read my detailed review for further insights.

Chapter Goals:

  • Know the client assessments used by a nutrition coach.
  • Be able to employ the right assessment forms with clients.
  • Discuss the importance of setting goals with clients.
  • Describe what SMART goals are.


There are quite a few reasons for clients seeking guidance from nutrition coaches.

All clients will come with their own unique goals they wish to accomplish, from bettering their health all the way to making themselves feel better. 

Nutrition coaches need to assess the client before they make a program for them. 


There are many assessments that a nutrition coach can perform, and these will oftentimes work to help with building rapport with their clientele. 

Personal Assessments

These begin the process of collecting data and start with the basic information like the address, contact info, emergency contact, and the initial starting goal ideas for the clients. 

These can be completed as questionnaires or a sit down with the client to talk. 

Physical Assessments

These are vital for the health and fitness coach, as they will provide a picture of the client’s overall health.

The assessments here will look at objective data like height, weight, body composition, circumference measures, and skinfold measurements.

Some of the Pros and Cons for each will be:

  • Weight is an easy measure to collect, but weight changes do not explain the actual stuff changing.
  • Height is easily known off the top of someone’s head and it is helpful in body comp assessments, and there are no real Cons with it.
  • Body composition gives in-depth details regarding both body mass and the amount of fat in the body. A con is that it may be difficult to calculate if the proper tools are unavailable. 
  • Circumference measures help calculate body composition, and a con is that not all clients will know how to gather their data for this accurately.
  • Skinfold measures are very helpful when it comes to the use of body composition, but most clients will not have the tools or the consistency when measuring such things.

Health Assessments

Health assessments use health history questionnaires to gather information about clients’ current and past health histories.

For the health history questionnaires, the questions that can be helpful are:

  • Are there any specific needs for your diet?
  • Are there any conditions that are complicated by dietary intake?
  • Do you have any food allergies or other restriction forms?
  • Have you had any blood sugar problems like hypoglycemia or diabetes?
  • Do you have a family history that has any disease or addiction problems?
  • And any questions along these lines.

The PARQ+ and health history screening questionnaire that trainers use is a great option for nutrition coaches to gather the right health data for you to keep on their files.

Physical Activity Assessments

The client’s current level of physical activity is important to understand, as this will look into their caloric needs and expenditures.

Exercise history questionnaires are useful here to see the current sports, frequency of activity, and fitness levels.

Photo Assessments

These are great ways to see the client’s progress throughout a nutrition coaching program and in the realm of fitness coaching.

It allows the client to see their changes over time.

Behavioral Assessment

Behavioral assessments are within the scope of practice for nutrition coaches, and some examples of this would include looking at the nutrition behaviors and nutrition diaries.

We can use things like client dietary worksheets, 3-day diet records, and other similar forms to find this information. 

Some important questions in this category can be things like:

  • Do you eat when you are bored?
  • How often do you snack?
  • What do you do when you have a lot of stress?
  • Does food make you feel uncomfortable?
  • Does eating give you comfort?

Psychological Assessments

These assessments include questions about the client’s motivations, what they may feel distracts them from their progress, and how they feel regarding their past and present nutrition journey.

This information allows the stages of the change model to be used and the actual stage the client is in to be determined. 

Pre-contemplation stage has the client with no intention of addressing a behavior.

The contemplation stage is when the client is aware of the need for change but has barriers to overcome. 

The preparation stage is when someone desires to change but also seeks a way to do it. 

The action stage is when someone takes the necessary steps to address and change their behaviors.

The maintenance stage is when someone continues to do what is needed for them to keep going with their desired behavior. 


This is done periodically and is required to measure progress and understand plateaus. Oftentimes a client should reassess with the use of nutrition diaries, physical assessments, and photos. 

Setting Goals

Goal setting is the process of establishing what someone wants to achieve and measuring timelines for doing it. 

Without goals, programming is not very effective. 

Types of Goals

There are many forms of goals, but only a few that nutrition coaches should use. 

We have physical goals, health goals, and behavior goals.


S = specific

M = measurable

A = attainable

R = realistic 

Goal setting steps

  • Step 1 is to determine the desired result and willingness to do the work to achieve it.
  • Step 2 is to create a SMART goal plan.
  • Step 3 is to write down the goals.
  • Step 4 is to create a plan of action.
  • Step 5 is to establish some form of a timeline.
  • Step 6 is to act on the plan.
  • Step 7 is to reevaluate and assess progress.

ISSA Nutritionist Chapter 12: Client Assessment and Goal Setting 6

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Tyler Read - Certified Personal Trainer with PTPioneer

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30 ISSA Practice Q's

ISSA Nutritionist Practice Test

Unlock  27  more questions.

Welcome to your ISSA Nutritionist Practice Test .

This test is designed to prepare you mentally for the ISSA Nutritionist Exam.

In this test of ISSA Nutritionist you will have 30 questions to answer.

Here are the Four (4) Sections of ISSA Nutritionist Exam:

  • The Bid Picture of Nutrition
  • Nutritional Physiology
  • Nutritional Science
  • Nutritional Coaching

Make sure to check out Trainer Academy to learn about their ISSA Nutritionist MVP study system which has a 99% exam pass rate and an exam pass guarantee. Or, read my review on TA here.

UPDATE: Save 50% on the TA ISSA Nutritionist MVP program with the code PTPJUNE (Ends June 7th, 2024 ).

Please click NEXT  to start your Free ISSA NUTRITIONIST PRACTICE TEST right away.

Best of Luck!


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ISSA Exam Info & FAQ – ISSA Test Prep

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Table of Contents

Hello and welcome to our page covering all the need-to-know information for the ISSA Exam.

The ISSA PT certification final exam is essential for completing your certification and making use of the credentials in your profession as a certified trainer.

In this article, we will be covering these items:

  • The basic exam requirements for certification
  • The difficulty of the certification exam
  • ISSA certification exam breakdown by domain
  • The answers to all frequently asked questions

After reading this page, you will be able to prepare for the ISSA exam by knowing all of the basics regarding this organization’s certification exam for personal training.

Get a free trial of our ISSA MVP study system that will cut your study time/effort in half + receive our exam pass (+retake fee) guarantee. UPDATE: Save 38% on our premium ISSA study materials with code JUNEFLASH – Ends on June 7th, 2024 .

So, let’s get into it by first breaking down the domains of the exam!

ISSA Exam Breakdown

issa nutrition essay questions

Let’s begin by going over the basic information when it comes to taking the exam.

The ISSA, or the International Sports Sciences Association, has an examination process similar to all other organizations in fitness.

Passing the personal trainer certification exam sets up the path to becoming a personal trainer .

The ISSA exam is a 200-question multiple-choice test, as opposed to the older multiple-choice questions, case study, and essay combination exam they used to give.

The exam is also open-book, which surprises many people.

The open-book status of the exam makes it seem like a pass guarantee, but it doesn’t automatically mean you will pass. You still need to study well to answer the questions that will come up.

We still suggest going through practice tests to ready yourself for the exam, along with a study program to make sure you are fully prepared.

The exams are given through online testing, along with their offered quizzes which cover the various chapters and units. Online personal training certification make it even easier to enter the world of fitness, so you can start making money as a personal trainer right away.

All ISSA courses, including the certified personal trainer course, must be completed within 6 whole months from the date of purchase.

The ISSA is accredited by the DEAC, which is considered to be the second-best option for fitness certifications from the many organizations in the industry.

The DEAC accreditation is one of the best options to look for when it comes to grading the certifying agencies.

The company also offers the NCCPT exam, which has a separate fee and is accredited by the NCCA, which is the number one option in the fitness industry. This is nice, although it is not their main certification exam.

Virtually all fitness certifications are accredited by the NCCA or the DEAC. So it is really great that the ISSA offers exams that are covered by both of these great companies.

Just keep in mind that the NCCPT requires an additional proctoring fee that isn’t included with your certification package purchase.

This ensures anyone going for their personal training certification is receiving a certification course that has a high reputation and stays up to the industry standards, leading to ideally a better future personal trainer career and higher fitness trainer salary .

The ISSA Personal Trainer Certification is broken down into 6 different domains of study, with different subunits making this up.

Here is the breakdown:

  • Anatomy and Physiology – 13%
  • Kinesiology and Biomechanics – 15%
  • Health and Physical Fitness – 18%
  • Program Development – 17%
  • Nutrition – 20%
  • Fitness For All – 17%

So, these 6 units make up the text and the exam, and it is important to nail down these for studying. Some study guides will have things broken down based on each domain.

Take a look at each domain below to see the chapters included and get an idea of what information the domains consist of.

Domain 1: Anatomy and Physiology

  • Chapter 1: Metabolism
  • Chapter 2: Basic Anatomy and Physiology
  • Chapter 3: Musculoskeletal Anatomy and Physiology

Domain 2: Kinesiology and Biomechanics

  • Chapter 4: Kinesiology of Exercise
  • Chapter 5: Biomechanics of Exercise
  • Chapter 6: Musculoskeletal Deviation
  • Chapter 7: Muscle Mechanics

Domain 3: Health and Physical Fitness

  • Chapter 8: Strength
  • Chapter 9: Cardiovascular Training
  • Chapter 10: Flexibility Training
  • Chapter 11: Body Composition

Domain 4: Program Development

  • Chapter 12: Drawing-In Phase
  • Chapter 13: Basic Assessment of Fitness Professionals
  • Chapter 14: Training Pricniples
  • Chapter 15: Periodization
  • Chapter 16: Determining Training Loads

Domain 5: Nutrition

  • Chapter 17: The Bid Picture of Nutrition
  • Chapter 18: Nutritional Physiology
  • Chapter 19: Nutritional Science
  • Chapter 20: Nutritional Coaching

Domain 6: Fitness For All

  • Chapter 21: Exercise for Older Adults
  • Chapter 22: Exercise and Adaptive Fitness
  • Chapter 23: Exercise and Our Youth
  • Chapter 24: Exercise and Hypertension
  • Chapter 25: Exercise and Diabetes
  • Chapter 26: Exercise and Arthritis
  • Chapter 27: Exercise and Coronary Heart Disease
  • Chapter 28: Exercise and Pregnancy
  • Chapter 29: Exercise and Asthma
  • Chapter 30: Sports Medicine in the Trenches
  • Chapter 31: Basic First Aid

Make sure to note the different percentages that these domains will show up on the test. They all stay in the same basic range and are equally important.

Make sure that you qualify for the personal trainer programs by meeting the prerequisites, which are typically high school diplomas and age requirements.

Let’s look at how difficult the exam is considered to be next…

ISSA Exam Difficulty

The ISSA is one of the easier exams in the realm of personal training, but knowing that can sometimes give the impression that you should not study as much as you need to.

It is far from a NASM, ACSM, or NSCA exam, so you don’t need to worry about a near 60% pass rate, but the general pass rate is still hovering near 90% for the ISSA CPT cert. ACE would make it in the list just a tad higher on the difficulty rating if you were wondering.

The exam requires extensive knowledge of the materials within the text and the ability to put multiple concepts together to answer the questions. This is why it is not viable to simply take the test without studying, even though it is an open book.

Also, consider that the exam costs $99 to retake every time after the second attempt.

How long does it take to become a certified personal trainer through ISSA? That will depend on your study habits and practice resources.

ISSA Study Materials

When you purchase the ISSA Personal Training certification program, you will receive the 759-page textbook in an online form. This is the basis of all the course materials needed for passing the ISSA trainer program.

It may be a good idea to get a hard copy of the textbook for learners that enjoy having a physical textbook to mark up and enhance their studies.

They also offer online practice exams and quizzes through the study portal, which allows you to test yourself and keep up with your study program.

There are also video and audio lecture options to go through in the ISSA certified personal trainer package.

Another useful feature of the package is an online fitness coach study guide and workbook for increased effectiveness of your study time.

The package from ISSA also includes the ISSA take-home or online personal training exam. Along with this exam, you get access to a free NCCPT NCCA personal trainer certification accredited exam, with the proctoring fee not included.

The CPT Education Bootcamp also allows you to have access to a live guide for studying and will assist with passing your course.

A “new fitness trainers guide” to success is also included with the purchase of an ISSA Study Package.

These are the study materials that are included in the basic certified trainer package from the ISSA website, and they show why it is considered one of the best personal training certifications in the fitness industry.

There are some other packages that include access to additional items like CPR and AED certification. Make sure to check out more than the basic packages.

The ISSA also has an excellent educational support team that works to provide answers to students in the earliest possible timeframe.

There are some amazing deals in the master trainer and elite trainer programs.

The best deal possible is the Elite Trainer Program which includes the certification for personal training, the ISSA nutrition certification (called the ISSA nutritionist ), and then four other specialization courses. At Trainer Academy we believe that adding a nutrition certification can give you a leg up on the competition. Our Precision Nutrition review highlights their relationship with ISSA and how we believe they are on of the top sports nutrition certifications o the market.

Also if you decide to you want to become a fitness instructor for classes you can add that specialization.

This program will ensure that you master all of the possible exercise science topics ranging from nutrition to biomechanics. You can work with athletes in strength training, bodybuilding, or other top realms for a fitness professional.

ISSA Exam Study Tips

Visualize the subjects in the textbook.

This means you will create pictures within your mind that explains and describes something.

Another way to make use of this study tip would be to make mnemonic devices to help remind yourself of concepts during testing.

This happens by making an extreme and descriptive scenario in your head and perhaps even drawing the scenario out.

This also allows you to master the second tip to success, which is linking ideas together.

This can look like the visualization part, in that mnemonic devices and other visualization tools can allow you to remember information better.

The more absurd and exaggerated, the better the study device.

Our final tip is to make use of the three types of learning, which are auditory, visual, and kinesthetic.

So, with this, we want to make sure that we engage all three senses, which allows for your brain to process within multiple areas and maximize learning.

Auditory learning means that you are hearing the concepts with your ears. This can be through reading out loud to yourself or listening to an audio version of the text or study materials.

Visual learning involves simply reading the textbook, watching videos lectures, and drawing out pictures of the various concepts in the text.

Kinesthetic learning involves the actual demonstration of an exercise or other study material, which allows you to actually apply the things you are reading and hearing. This can also mean having a physical textbook, as compared to the digital version.

A lot of people say that people are one of these three types, and that is likely true that we respond to one of these three the greatest, but engaging all of these sources helps to retain the maximum amount of information.

Study materials for all three learning types are available when you purchase a package from ISSA or a study package from Trainer Academy .

ISSA Exam Retake

If you fail the exam, you will need to sign up for a retest on the CPT exam.

The ISSA actually offers one free retake on a portion of the exam, but anything after that will require a fee.

The fee for every retake after that first one is $99.

The ISSA fitness instructor exam may be on the easier side of exams in the online fitness trainer realm, but personal training licensing still requires that you know a lot of material, and the retake fee being $99 means that you really need to master the textbook.

It is a good idea to make use of free personal trainer practice testing found online for ISSA training or to pay for a program to help keep you on track, like the ones we offer at Trainer Academy .

Study help from an established company can be like striking gold and allow you to ace your fitness certification and give the best personal coach experience to your initial clients.

Also, ensure that you make use of the ISSA’s educational support when you have kind of question that arises.

This will only help you out in the long run.

What we liked :

  • Near 90% pass rate for the exam
  • Great sports nutrition and regular nutrition focus
  • Thorough program design and certification course
  • Retest fee is one of the lowest in the industry

What we didn’t like:

  • Lack of NCCA accreditation on the standard exam
  • Expensive exam-only price
  • Average salary expectations sit a tad lower than other CPT certs

In conclusion, the ISSA gym instructor/personal trainer certification is perhaps the best trainer certification due to being slightly easier than industry-standard certifications and still having all of the essential gym trainer information that makes a well-rounded national PT training certification.

After you have received your certification, make sure that you are prepared to get your continuing education credits, or CEUs, which allow you to achieve recertification every few years.

Also ensure that you have your certification for AED, CPR, and first aid ready to go. This can be achieved through ISSA if your employer accepts online certifications, or it can be achieved through an organization like the American Heart Association.

If you would like to become an ISSA certified personal trainer fast, look no further than Trainer Academy to strengthen your studies and cut down the time in half.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is issa nationally accredited.

The ISSA exam is certified through the DEAC and not the NCCA like the majority of fitness certifications. It still has one of the highest reputations in the fitness world.

How many questions are there on the ISSA exam?

There are 200 multiple-choice questions to go through on the ISSA exam. They cover a great range of topics from the 6 domains of the textbook.

What is a passing score on the ISSA exam?

To pass the ISSA exam, you will need to get a 75% minimum score on the exam.

Where are ISSA practice exams?

Practice testing can be found through the study portal in the ISSA study portal online. You can also find a lot of study materials and practice exams online through our website, and other websites, such as PTPioneer.

Is ISSA a valuable cert?

Of course, it is! It is an excellent way to enter into the fitness industry and become a personal trainer. You are able to do just about anything in the personal training industry, whether it is owning your own personal gym or training clients in a franchised gym. You will find success with the ISSA CPT.

Is the ISSA exam an open-book test?

The certification exam is well-known to be one of the only open-book examinations within the fitness industry. This aids the ISSA in the high pass rate, as opposed to the other main companies. The pass rate is near 90%.

Do gyms accept ISSA certification?

Yes. ISSA is a well-respected and frequently sought-after certification for Personal Trainers. The ISSA also offers a popular nutrition certification that pairs well with the CPT.

What third-party study materials do you recommend?

Our paid guide at Trainer Academy is thorough and of excellent value.

Can the GI bill pay for ISSA-CPT?

Yes. Visit their website for more information on ISSA-CPT military coverage. You just need to log in and fill out a few forms. If you’ve decided to jump into fitness, or are already on your way in and ready to certify, feel free to make use of our awesome study solutions that guarantee success!

If you’ve decided to jump into fitness, or are already on your way in and ready to certify, feel free to make use of our awesome study solutions that guarantee success!

  • NASM MVP Study Package
  • ACE MVP Study Package
  • ISSA MVP Study Package
  • NSCA CPT MVP Study Package
  • ACSM MVP Study Package

We have plenty of other articles breaking down the differences between certifications if you are on the fence about which one to pick. We have ISSA vs NASM , NASM vs ACE , ISSA vs ACE , NASM vs ACSM , NASM vs NSCA , and ACSM vs ACE .

One things you’ll find is that a lot of these major certifications are all very capable, but one might fit you better in terms of its content coverage.

Finally, we have free study material to help you ace whichever cert you ultimately pick.

If you go with the NASM CPT certification , there are NASM flashcards and NASM test questions .

For the ACE CPT certification we have ACE study questions and an ACE practice test .

For those brave enough to take the NSCA CSCS , Trainer Academy has free CSCS study material and a CSCS practice exam .

  • Melton DI, Katula JA, Mustian KM. The Current State of Personal Training: An Industry Perspective of Personal Trainers in a Small Southeast Community.  Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research . 2008;22(3):883-889. doi: https://doi.org/10.1519/jsc.0b013e3181660dab
  • ‌Ku GCM, Hsieh CM. Can Fitness Education Programs Satisfy Fitness Professionals’ Competencies? Integrating Traditional and Revised Importance-Performance Analysis and Three-Factor Theory.  International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health . 2020;17(11):4011. doi: https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph17114011
  • ‌Obrusnikova I, Cavalier AR, Blair-McKinsey AE. Certified personal trainers’ beliefs about providing personal training for adults with intellectual disability in a community fitness facility.  Disability and Health Journal . 2021;14(3):101100. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dhjo.2021.101100

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Our MVP enrollments are backed by a Pass Guarantee. Complete our program and we assure you'll pass your ACE CPT exam. Should you not, we'll refund your entire payment and cover the $249 exam retake fee with the American Council on Exercise.

How does it work?

Simply forward an email to [email protected] with your full name (which must correspond with the name and email address from your Trainer Academy purchase) and attach the proof of failure issued by ACE.

What happens next

We will verify your successful completion of the program through your account. Upon confirmation, we will promptly process a full refund (you will be notified via a separate email) and transfer $249 to you for the exam retake fee. Additionally, we will upgrade your account to MVP lifetime access for free. 

Our MVP enrollments are backed by a Pass Guarantee. Complete our program and we assure you'll pass your NASM CPT exam. Should you not, we'll refund your entire payment and cover the $199 exam retake fee with the National Academy of sports medicine.

Simply forward an email to [email protected] with your full name (which must correspond with the name and email address from your Trainer Academy purchase) and attach the proof of failure issued by NASM.

We will verify your successful completion of the program through your account. Upon confirmation, we will promptly process a full refund (you will be notified via a separate email) and transfer $199 to you for the exam retake fee. Additionally, we will upgrade your account to MVP lifetime access for free. 

Our MVP enrollments are backed by a Pass Guarantee. Complete our program and we assure you'll pass your NSCA CPT exam. Should you not, we'll refund your entire payment and cover the $300-$435 (whether you are an NSCA member or not) exam retake fee with the National Strength and Conditioning Association.

Simply forward an email to [email protected] with your full name (which must correspond with the name and email address from your Trainer Academy purchase) and attach the proof of failure issued by the NSCA.

We will verify your successful completion of the program through your account. Upon confirmation, we will promptly process a full refund (you will be notified via a separate email) and transfer $300-$435 to you for the exam retake fee. Additionally, we will upgrade your account to MVP lifetime access for free. 

Our MVP enrollments are backed by a Pass Guarantee. Complete our program and we assure you'll pass your ACSM CPT exam. Should you not, we'll refund your entire payment and cover the $199 exam retake fee with The American College of Sports Medicine.

Simply forward an email to [email protected] with your full name (which must correspond with the name and email address from your Trainer Academy purchase) and attach the proof of failure issued by the ACSM.

Our MVP enrollments are backed by a Pass Guarantee. Complete our program and we assure you'll pass your NCSF CPT exam. Should you not, we'll refund your entire payment and cover the $99 exam retake fee with The National Council on Strength and Fitness.

Simply forward an email to [email protected] with your full name (which must correspond with the name and email address from your Trainer Academy purchase) and attach the proof of failure issued by the NCSF.

We will verify your successful completion of the program through your account. Upon confirmation, we will promptly process a full refund (you will be notified via a separate email) and transfer $99 to you for the exam retake fee. Additionally, we will upgrade your account to MVP lifetime access for free. 

Our MVP enrollments are backed by a Pass Guarantee. Complete our program and we assure you'll pass your ISSA nutrition exam. Should you not, we'll refund your entire payment and cover the $99 exam retake fee with The International Sports Sciences Association.

Simply forward an email to [email protected] with your full name (which must correspond with the name and email address from your Trainer Academy purchase) and attach the proof of failure issued by the ISSA.

Our MVP enrollments are backed by a Pass Guarantee. Complete our program and we assure you'll pass your ISSA CPT exam. Should you not, we'll refund your entire payment and cover the $99 exam retake fee with The International Sports Sciences Association.

Our MVP enrollments are backed by a Pass Guarantee. Complete our program and we assure you'll pass your NASM PES exam. Should you not, we'll refund your entire payment and cover the $99 exam retake fee with the National Academy of Sports Medicine.

Simply forward an email to [email protected] with your full name (which must correspond with the name and email address from your Trainer Academy purchase) and attach the proof of failure issued by the NASM.

Our MVP enrollments are backed by a Pass Guarantee. Complete our program and we assure you'll pass your NASM CES exam. Should you not, we'll refund your entire payment and cover the $99 exam retake fee with the National Academy of Sports Medicine.

Our MVP enrollments are backed by a Pass Guarantee. Complete our program and we assure you'll pass your NASM CNC exam. Should you not, we'll refund your entire payment and cover the $199 exam retake fee with the National Academy of Sports Medicine.

We will verify your successful completion of the program through your account. Upon confirmation, we will promptly process a full refund (you will be notified via a separate email) and transfer $199 to you for the exam retake fee.Additionally, we will upgrade your account to MVP lifetime access for free. 

Our MVP enrollments are backed by a Pass Guarantee. Complete our program and we assure you'll pass your NSCA CSCS exam. Should you not, we'll refund your entire payment and cover the $250 - $475 (whether you fail one or both sections) exam retake fee with the National Strength and Conditioning Association.

We will verify your successful completion of the program through your account. Upon confirmation, we will promptly process a full refund (you will be notified via a separate email) and transfer $250 - $475 to you for the exam retake fee. Additionally, we will upgrade your account to MVP lifetime access for free. 

Which Certification is best for you?

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Precision Nutritionists covering training program with a clipboard

Become a Certified Nutrition Coach, and learn how to change lives.

Study from home. Get certified. Boost your career. (Plus, save 30% on your nutrition certification today!) ISSA has partnered with Precision Nutrition, the world leader in the science and practice of nutrition coaching.  Proven with over 100,000 clients, the  Precision Nutrition Level 1 Certification  will teach you everything you want to know about nutrition.

Here's what you get with the Precision Nutrition Certification


3 brand-new textbooks, shipped directly to your home. We took the latest research in nutrition and behavior-change psychology, and compiled everything into an easy-to-understand format. With 600+ pages of material, you'll quickly learn the best nutrition science and coaching strategies to help anyone achieve their goals.

View Table of Contents

Custom video lessons to help you absorb what you're learning. Each video seminar is richly animated, and corresponds with each textbook chapter to help you better learn the material. Watch whenever you like!

40+ nutrition coaching tools. Including assessment forms, and questionnaires. These are the tools the best professionals use every single day.

Professional Edition Nutrition Calculator. Instantly create customized eating plans for yourself and your clients. Simply enter your client's personal details including age, weight, goals, dietary preferences (and more!) and the Professional Edition Nutrition Calculator will take care of the rest.

Access to an online community of like-minded people and top experts. Get advice and feedback from PN's top experts and coaches, plus connect with your colleagues and fellow health and fitness enthusiasts! Ask questions, troubleshoot specific coaching scenarios, and get feedback or advice whenever you need it.

As a certified nutrition coach you'll:

Master your own nutrition, so you can reach your personal goals while becoming an expert who can help others.

Learn how to change lives, with a scientifically-proven system that's been tested with over 100,000 people from around the world.

Get more control over your schedule , by learning how to coach nutrition on your terms—whether in person or online.

Have the qualifications and confidence to help anyone get fast, sustainable results.

Get access to the best nutrition coaching tools available anywhere —including custom assessment forms, worksheets, videos, and a supportive group of industry experts and colleagues.

As seen in...

Precision nutrition advises organizations around the world, coaches, elite athletes & sports teams, and has been featured in leading publications. there's a reason over 2 million people come to our website for advice every single month..


How the Nutrition Certification works

Get started right away..

Once you invest in the program, you can get started immediately with our online study strategy guide. You'll get access to our mobile and desktop coaching platform, which you can access from any device.  Plus, we'll ship your textbooks anywhere in the world—free of charge.

Follow the easy 3-step process.

Once you receive your course textbooks and materials, you'll find all your custom forms and assessment tools. From there, simply follow the 3 step process: Step 1) Read a chapter, watch the video, and answer the study guide questions. Step 2) Practice and play with real-world case studies. Step 3) Take the short, open-book exam at the end of each chapter.

Become nutrition certified!

By the end of the course, you'll have written 20 short 10-question exams for a total of 200 questions. (Remember: It's all open-book.) Get at least 150 of these questions correct (75%) to earn your credentials. We'll send your official certificate immediately after you pass. Most of our students pass on the first try. But just in case you don't, you'll still have 5 more tries at the exam.


What's next for your career? Let's find out together.

Whether you're thinking of  starting a new career in health and fitness ,  boosting your nutrition skills for yourself , or  trying online coaching , now is the time for action.

We'll teach you everything you need to know about nutrition coaching, so you can start getting life-changing results—for yourself and your clients. And once you graduate, you'll have the world-famous Precision Nutrition brand and community behind you.

Just imagine...

Imagine how good it will feel to have the confidence, credibility, and tools to take control of your own nutrition—and help others. Imagine having more flexibility with your schedule, whether you're coaching people online or in person. Imagine feeling excited to wake up in the morning...knowing that you're doing work that really matters.

We're ready to teach you everything we know about nutrition coaching.

But the next step is yours.

Two women talking at a table

What if you could turn your passion for health and fitness into a flexible new career?

If you're passionate about health and fitness, chances are you've undergone your own personal transformation.  Maybe you've lost a significant amount of weight. Maybe you've gained muscle and boosted your strength. Or maybe you've changed your eating habits, and finally have more energy for the things you love.

Whatever the case, you have the opportunity to turn your passion for fitness into a powerful vehicle to help others—and maybe even start a new career!

But it's important to know that what worked for you may not work for everyone.  Every client you work with is different. That's why the best coaches have a deep understanding of how nutrition works, and know how to use behavior-change psychology to deliver the best results.

So when a client asks a question like:

"How does keto / carb-cycling / intermittent fasting really work?"

"Can I get results without tracking my macros or calories?"

"What's the healthiest way to transition to a vegan diet?"

... you'll know exactly how to answer, and what to do next.

The Precision Nutrition Level 1 Certification will teach you everything you need to know about nutrition coaching , so you can feel confident in your ability to get results for anyone (including yourself).

Top 6 Reasons to Become a Certified Nutrition Coach

Learn how to coach nutrition , whether part-time or as a new career.

Study online and pass your certification exam—without going back to school.

Trusted by the pros , including the NBA, NFL, UFC, and Nike.

Proven to work with over 100,000 clients , and backed by 3 scientific journal publications.

100% money-back guarantee. No risk or obligation.

Free shipping anywhere in the world. Get your certification materials shipped directly to your door, at no cost, no matter where you live on the planet.

ISSA-certified nutrition coach below the fold image3-min

Your top questions—answered.

Who is the precision nutrition level 1 certification for.

It's for anyone who's passionate about health, fitness and nutrition. We've worked with over 100,000 clients from around the world and have had our methods proven in three separate scientific journals. If you want to learn everything you can about nutrition—including how to coach it with others in order to build a successful full-time or part-time business—then this certification is for you.

What does the certification cover?

We teach you everything you need to know about nutrition and successful nutrition coaching, including all of the science behind today's hottest and most controversial topics (intermittent fasting, plant-based eating, macros, keto, and more).

We also share everything we've learned about nutrition coaching after working with everyone from Olympic athletes to top companies like Nike. You'll learn cutting-edge "behavior change psychology" techniques, and learn how to help anyone reach their goals. Plus, we have an entire section on business strategies and best-practices, so you can get your nutrition coaching business up and running!

 How do I register?

Click here to register for the Precision Nutrition Level 1 Certification . Once you click that link, you'll be directed to precisionnutrition.com where you'll get more pricing information and be able to finish your order.

How long does it take to get certified?

There's no deadline, which means you can take as much time as you like. Most of our students budget between 3-5 hours per chapter, in order to work through the printed materials, the workbook, the videos, and the 10-question end-of-chapter exam.

At this pace, with 20 total chapters, you could expect to graduate in about 4-5 months. That said, we have students who move much faster than this. And we have lots of students who prefer to take their time and work at their own pace.

We recommend you work through the materials at whatever pace works best for you and your life.

What are the open-book exams like?

There are 20 short exams with 10 questions each. Questions are either multiple choice or true or false. Every exam is delivered online, so you can take it whenever you want. Completing each exam unlocks the next chapter!

What grade do I need to pass?

At least 75%, which most students easily accomplish (and so will you!).

There are 20 short, 10-question exams that correspond with each chapter. That's 200 questions total. Get at least 150 questions correct (75%) and you earn your credentials! We'll mail your official certificate immediately after you pass! (And remember, every test is open-book.)

What if I don't pass the course?

You'll get 5 more chances to earn 75% or greater on the exam. (Remember: the entire course is open-book, and you can take as much time as you need.)

 Is this Precision Nutrition Level 1 Certification eligible for CEUs?



REPS icon

REPs UK: 16 credits

USA-cycle logo

USA Cycling: 15 CEUs

ACSM logo


PTA global icon

PTA Global: 24 CECs



Crossfit Logo

CrossFit®: 20 CEUs

Additional CEUs: ACE: 2.0 CECs AFAA: 15 CEUs CDR: 16 sessions NASM: 1.9 CEUs

How long does it take to get my textbooks?

If you're in the United States or Canada, you can expect to receive your package in 5-7 business days. Everywhere else will typically take 2-3 weeks.

We'll send you the tracking details as soon as we ship your order. And remember: shipping is totally free!

 I still have more questions. What should I do?

We're happy to answer any questions you have. Simply send an email to  [email protected]  and we'll take care of you!

Just Ask Them: What Our Students Say

ISSA trainer smiling with her certification

Baylee Rayl

"After getting certified, I feel fully confident to launch my own nutrition coaching business. There were so many things I learned throughout the course. Having my credentials has made all the difference and I love being part of the PN family..."

ISSA trainer smiling with certification

Jermain Wallace

“My biggest struggle before joining PN Level 1 was relating to clients. I could advise clients on tracking their macros, but I felt that something wasn't right. After studying the PN Level 1 material, I learned how my previous level of planning wasn’t…”

ISSA trainer posing with certification

Brittany Williams

“Not only did I understand the information in the PN Level 1 Certification, I actually ENJOYED it. It's also changed the trajectory of my career path. I'm a 9-5er, and I love my job, but I've always wanted to truly help people. Now I can help…”

ISSA Trainer smiling for photo

Rudy Pinzon

“I joined PN to learn a system that would help me coach our clients in a way that was truly sustainable and transformational. I was already a certified health coach, and while I learned a lot of theories and models from that, I didn't know how to…”

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Home — Essay Samples — Nursing & Health — Nutrition & Dieting — Nutrition

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Nutrition Essays

The best nutrition essay prompts to kickstart your writing.

Embarking on the journey of writing a nutrition essay begins with understanding the prompt. A well-chosen prompt can illuminate the path to a compelling narrative, enriched with insightful analyses and groundbreaking conclusions. Here are examples to ignite your creativity:

  • Explore the impact of vegan diets on athletic performance.
  • Analyze the role of micronutrients in preventing chronic diseases.
  • Discuss the socio-economic barriers to healthy eating in urban areas.

Strategies to Brainstorm and Select a Captivating Nutrition Essay Topic

Choosing the right topic is crucial for your essay's success. Consider these points to spark a brainstorming session that leads to the selection of a compelling topic:

  • Relevance: Choose a topic that is relevant to current trends and research in nutrition.
  • Interest: Pick a subject you are passionate about to maintain motivation throughout your writing process.
  • Originality: Aim for a unique angle or perspective to stand out from commonly discussed topics.
  • Resources: Ensure there are enough resources and research available to support your essay.

Exploring Unique Nutrition Essay Topics for an Engaging Read

To captivate your audience, veer away from the beaten path and explore these thought-provoking topics:

  • The effects of gut microbiota diversity on mental health.
  • Nutritional strategies for managing autoimmune diseases.
  • The influence of cultural practices on dietary habits across the globe.
  • Future trends in nutrition: The rise of personalized diets.

Inspiring Examples of Paragraphs and Phrases for Your Nutrition Essay

Let these samples inspire your writing, enhancing the flow and depth of your essay:

"As we delve into the intricate relationship between diet and mental health, it becomes evident that the gut-brain axis serves as a critical communication pathway. This symbiotic relationship underscores the importance of nutritional choices in maintaining mental well-being."
"The concept of personalized nutrition, tailored to an individual’s genetic makeup, lifestyle, and environment, heralds a new era in dietary science. This bespoke approach promises to revolutionize our understanding and management of nutrition-related health outcomes."

Dont Blame The Eater Analysis

Three day diet: analysis, made-to-order essay as fast as you need it.

Each essay is customized to cater to your unique preferences

+ experts online

Strawberry Infused Water Research Paper

The importance of nutrition in body building, nutrition basics explained in simple words, nutrition as an important aspect of our life: physical & mental health, let us write you an essay from scratch.

  • 450+ experts on 30 subjects ready to help
  • Custom essay delivered in as few as 3 hours

The Importance of Proper Nutrition and Healthy Diet

Foods that boost creativity, master of nutrition and dietetics, nutrition plan for muscle growth, get a personalized essay in under 3 hours.

Expert-written essays crafted with your exact needs in mind

Nutritional Influences of Carbohydrates and Proteins on Depressive Symptoms

The importance of nutrition education in school, nutrition concept for the football players, nutrition rules that will fuel your workout, the importance of nutrition management in respiratory diseases and mechanically ventilated patients , assessment of my nutrition and dietary routine, importance of proper nutrition in bodybuilding, a study of the relationship between nutrition and brain function, parenteral nutrition in cancer chemotherapy, how identification of genes and genetic expression can contribute to nutritional assessment, all about fats: why you need them in your diet, vegan lifestyle: why veganism is more than a diet, the importance of eating organic food, the differences between nutrient-dense foods and empty-calorie foods and their effects on health, evolution as one of the major determinants in the obesity setting, veganism - the best solution to nowadays' problems, why palm oil is bad for your health, should chocolate milk be served in schools, the process of canning and history of canned food, advantages and disadvantages of different fruits.

Nutrition is the biochemical and physiological process by which an organism uses food to support its life.

Nutrition process includes ingestion, absorption, assimilation, biosynthesis, catabolism and excretion.

Human nutrition deals with the provision of essential nutrients from food that are necessary to support human life and good health. In humans, poor nutrition can cause deficiency-related diseases such as blindness, anemia, scurvy, preterm birth, stillbirth and cretinism, or nutrient excess health-threatening conditions such as obesity and metabolic syndrome. Undernutrition can lead to wasting in acute cases, and stunting of marasmus in chronic cases of malnutrition.

Supplements can never fully replace real foods. Unprocessed food is healthiest. Omega-3 fats are crucial and most people don’t get enough. There is no perfect diet for everyone.

Relevant topics

  • Mental Health
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issa nutrition essay questions


  1. issa nutrition examination.docx

    issa nutrition essay questions

  2. Answers To Issa Final Exam

    issa nutrition essay questions

  3. ISSA Nutrition Certification Review (2023)

    issa nutrition essay questions

  4. Issa Fitness Nutrition Final Exam Section 2

    issa nutrition essay questions

  5. ISSA Nutrition Final Exam with 100% Correct Answers 2023

    issa nutrition essay questions

  6. ISSA

    issa nutrition essay questions


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  1. Free ISSA Nutritionist Study Guide

    Free ISSA Nutritionist Study Guide & Practice Exam. Start Test. Cut your ISSA Nutritionist study time and effort in half with the Trainer Academy study system. Try it for free here or watch my Trainer Academy review here. UPDATE: Save 50% on the ISSA Nutritionist MVP program with the code PTPMAY (Ends June 3rd, 2024)

  2. ISSA EXAM FINAL nutrition Flashcards

    Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like WHAT IS GOOD NUTRITION?, WHAT ARE THE 8 STEPS TO EFFECTIVE COACHING?, WHAT IS HOMEOSTATIS? and more. ... ISSA Nutrition exam. 157 terms. hargues1. Preview. Issa Nutritionist. 179 terms. awesomekelvin580. Preview. Plant Nutrition and Transport. 22 terms. Stacey11728. Preview. HUN ...

  3. ISSA Nutrition exam Flashcards

    80. A thin polar membrane made of pairs of lipid molecules, is known as a (n) lipid bilayer. Epithelial cells can be classified as squamous, cuboidal, or. cubodial. Tendons and ligaments are made of. dense regular connective tissue. The three types of muscle found in the human body are: cardiac muscle, skeletal muscle, and.

  4. ISSA Nutrition Certification Review (2024)

    ISSA Nutritionist Certification. 4.5. Cost: Starts at around $53.27 per month. Course length: 10 weeks or fewer. Study materials: Digital textbook, video lectures, quizzes, Nutrition Bootcamp. Minimum passing score on final exam: 70 percent.

  5. Nutritionist ISSA final exam prep Flashcards

    Prepare for the Nutritionist ISSA final exam with Quizlet, the leading online learning tool. Learn and review key concepts, such as vitamins, micronutrients, and vitamin A, with interactive flashcards. Quiz yourself and track your progress with Quizlet's smart testing features.

  6. Frequently Asked Questions

    Check our frequently asked questions on course content and completion, student services, continuing education and more. ... For final exams that have essay questions, how long do the answers need to be? ... ISSA — 11201 N. Tatum Blvd Ste 300 PMB 28058 — Phoenix AZ 85028-6039 — USA.

  7. Experts Review the ISSA Nutrition Certification

    The ISSA Nutrition Certification provides everything you need to know to offer nutrition counseling and advice to your clients. ... 100 multiple-choice questions; 6 essay questions : Passing score: 70%: 75%: Recertification : 2-year cycle: 2-year cycle: ISSA Nutrition Certification: Final Verdict.

  8. ISSA Nutrition Certification Review • NutritionCoaches.org

    Contents Overview The International Sports Sciences Association (ISSA) is an accredited educational organization - it is nationally accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting System (DEAC), which puts it on the same level as some colleges and universities. The ISSA offers two choices of nutrition certifications: ISSA Fitness Nutrition Certification ISSA Sports Nutrition Certification ...

  9. ISSA Nutritionist Practice Test

    an. ISSA Nutritionist. Try our MVP study system today for FREE. 99% of TA students pass the ISSA Nutritionist exam on the first try while cutting study time and effort by more than half - You can too. Or receive a full refund, plus we'll cover the $99 ISSA retake fee.

  10. ISSA Nutrition Exam Essays

    View ISSA Nutrition Exam Essays from AA 1Briefly describe the path of food through the digestive system and explain each organ's role in the digestive process. Research two digestive dysfunctions. ... Recently submitted questions See more. The majority of edible fungi are _____. Question 4 options: glomeromycetes deuteromycetes basidiomycetes

  11. ISSA Nutritionist Chapter 12: Client Assessment and Goal Setting

    R = realistic. T = Timely. Goal setting steps. Step 1 is to determine the desired result and willingness to do the work to achieve it. Step 2 is to create a SMART goal plan. Step 3 is to write down the goals. Step 4 is to create a plan of action. Step 5 is to establish some form of a timeline. Step 6 is to act on the plan.

  12. Become an ISSA Nutritionist

    You'll learn how to use food as fuel and the psychological strategies behind food selection and habits. As an ISSA Nutritionist, you'll make a lasting difference in your clients' lives by mastering the art of creating personalized nutrition programs in a world of varying diet trends. Explore topics such as:

  13. ISSA Exam Info & FAQ

    The ISSA exam is a 200-question multiple-choice test, as opposed to the older multiple-choice questions, case study, and essay combination exam they used to give. ... The best deal possible is the Elite Trainer Program which includes the certification for personal training, the ISSA nutrition certification ...

  14. Issa Nutrition quiz 18 Flashcards

    b)Testosterone. Free radicals are produced as a result of inflammation in the body, and can cause ___________. c)Damage to cells. Which of the following is one of the most severe and fatal food allergies in the United States? b)Shellfish. Issa Nutrition quiz 18 Learn with flashcards, games, and more — for free.


    View ISSA FINAL EXAM ESSAY QUESTION #165.docx from ISSA NA at International Sports Sciences Association. ISSA FINAL EXAM ESSAY NUMBER 5 (#165) (CHOICE #8) Learning Experiences, Section 5: (Units 17 - ... ISSA Nutrition.docx. Internation Sports Sciences Association. PTR 257. Nutrition. ISSA Nutrition.docx. ... Recently submitted questions

  16. Nutrition Certification

    Become nutrition certified! By the end of the course, you'll have written 20 short 10-question exams for a total of 200 questions. (Remember: It's all open-book.) Get at least 150 of these questions correct (75%) to earn your credentials. We'll send your official certificate immediately after you pass.

  17. ISSA Nutrition FInal Essay #1.docx

    This will be followed by a phone call or Facetime video, by me, just to get to know any other information or questions the client may have and to discuss pricing for my nutrition program packages. ... View Issa Nutrition Essay 1.odt from PTR 483 at Internation Sports Sciences Association... ISSA - Glycemic Index, sugars and the breakdown of ...

  18. ISSA Case Study Essay

    ISSA Case Study Essay. Decent Essays. 5534 Words. 23 Pages. Open Document. CASE STUDY: CHAD EVERMORE AGE: 55 GENDER: Male RESTING HEART RATE: 80 bpm HEIGHT: 6'2" WEIGHT: 180 lbs BODY FAT PERCENTAGE: 20% Chad is an avid golfer. He wishes to improve his golf game and is very motivated to get started on a training program.

  19. ISSA Certified Nutritionist Final Exam essays1.docx

    On the completion of this course, I plan on using my Nutrition Coach Certification to start an online coaching business and also coach in-person clients. For my online coaching, I would try to choose a "niche" as recommended in chapter 16 of the ISSA Nutrition: The Complete Guide textbook. My "niche" would be people who are looking to lose weight and transform their bodies.

  20. Nutrition Essays

    Good nutrition is essential for a healthy life, but it is most important for a body builder to have effective workouts and grow muscles quickly and efficiently. What type of nutrition should... Nutrition. Topics: Butter, Eating, Essay mill, Fat, Fatty acid, Fatty acids, Food, Glucose, Meat, Metabolism. 18.

  21. issa essays Flashcards

    This is a fun and vigorous class exercise appropriate for 5th graders (10 year olds) and up. Case Study 1. Calculations: Calculate the client's target heart rate using the Karvonen formula. Training Program: Design a 12-week periodized training program for the client described in the Client Profile.