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  • Marketing Personal Statement Examples

As you start your marketing journey, writing a good personal statement for marketing can make all the difference in standing out in the admission tutor’s eyes. 

To help you get inspired, we have gathered a collection of successful marketing personal statement examples from top marketing students. These examples showcase a variety of skills and achievements in the field, giving you a clear picture of what a winning marketing personal statement looks like. 

Whether you’re applying for a marketing course or related courses, these undergraduate and postgraduate examples will provide valuable insights and tips to help you create an impactful personal statement for marketing.

Marketing Personal Statement Example

My passion for marketing started at a young age, inspired by the popular TV show Mad Men and its portrayal of the advertising industry. The show sparked my interest in the art of persuasion and the power of effective communication, and I have since been motivated to learn more about the field.

During my high school years at Chew Valley School in Bath, I was the captain of the rugby team, where I developed valuable leadership skills and the ability to work well under pressure. These skills have translated well into my work experience, where I spent two summers at McDonald’s, where I learned how to be task-focused and improve my time management skills.

In terms of academics, I have taken A-Levels in English, Biology, and Chemistry. Although these subjects are not directly related to marketing, they have helped me to develop critical thinking and analytical skills, which I believe will be beneficial in my future marketing career.

My long-term goal is to become a marketing manager and to make a meaningful impact on the industry. I am fascinated by the various aspects of marketing, including market research, branding, advertising, and promotions. I am eager to learn more about these topics and to gain practical experience through internships and real-world projects. I am also interested in writing a marketing book and sharing my knowledge and insights with others who are interested in the field.

In my free time, I enjoy playing rugby and reading books. I am also an avid traveller and have visited several countries, which has broadened my perspective and exposed me to different cultures and marketing strategies. These experiences have further fuelled my interest in marketing and have given me a deeper appreciation for the global impact of the industry.

I believe that a marketing course at a UK university will provide me with the education, skills, and network to pursue my dream career. I am confident that I have the determination and motivation to succeed in the programme, and I look forward to the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead.

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Undergraduate Marketing Personal Statement Example

Fueled by my fervour for marketing and backed by my hands-on experience and educational foundation, I am the ideal candidate to soar in this programme.

I first became interested in marketing while reading Seth Godin’s book “Purple Cow”. The book spoke to me on a personal level and helped me understand the importance of creativity and innovation in marketing. I was inspired by Godin’s approach to marketing, which emphasizes the need to stand out and be unique in a crowded market. This resonated with me, and I knew then that I wanted to pursue a career in marketing.

My work experience has also been a significant factor in shaping my interest in marketing. During my time at Cantell School, I worked part-time as a digital marketing coordinator for a secondary school web portal. In this role, I was responsible for creating and executing marketing campaigns, analyzing data, and maintaining a strong online presence for the school. This experience provided me with hands-on experience in the field of marketing and further solidified my interest in the subject.

In addition to my work experience, I have also been highly involved in various extracurricular activities, including playing basketball for my school’s team. I believe that my athletic background has taught me valuable skills such as teamwork, communication, and leadership, which will be useful in my future marketing career. Furthermore, my A-level studies in English, Media, and Finance have given me a strong foundation in the areas of communication, analysis, and finance, which are essential skills in marketing.

My travels around the world during my gap year have also had a profound impact on my interest in marketing. I had the opportunity to meet and interact with many people, including marketing professionals, who shared their experiences and insights into the industry. This has given me a deeper appreciation for the dynamic and ever-changing nature of marketing and has motivated me to pursue a career in this field.

Philip Kotler, another marketing thought leader, has also had a significant impact on my motivation to pursue a career in marketing. I admire his approach to marketing, which emphasizes the importance of understanding customer needs and designing strategies that meet those needs. This has inspired me to approach marketing from a customer-centric perspective and to always prioritize the needs of my target audience.

Ultimately, my goal is to become a Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) and make a significant impact in the marketing industry. I am confident that with a degree in marketing from your esteemed university, I will be well-equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills to achieve this goal.

I am highly motivated and passionate about pursuing a degree in marketing. I believe that my work experience, academic background, and extracurricular activities make me a strong candidate for your programme. I look forward to the opportunity to further develop my skills and knowledge in marketing at your esteemed university.

Postgraduate Marketing Personal Statement Example

With over three years of working experience in the marketing sector, I believe I have gained the necessary skills and knowledge to pursue advanced studies in the field.

I have been working at Grey International Marketing Agency in London, where I have been involved in a variety of international marketing campaigns for both UK and international brands. This experience has provided me with a unique opportunity to work with clients from diverse cultural backgrounds and to understand the complexities of the global market. I have learned the importance of market research, consumer behaviour analysis, and creative branding strategies in developing effective marketing plans.

As a driven and ambitious individual, I am constantly seeking new challenges and opportunities to grow. My interest in digital marketing has led me to specialize in this field, and I am now proficient in social media marketing, search engine optimization, and email marketing. I am also skilled in data analytics and use it to measure the effectiveness of my marketing campaigns and make data-driven decisions.

Additionally, my experience as a basketball player in the Baker Early College team in Oregon, USA, has taught me the importance of teamwork and leadership. These skills are transferable to the marketing sector and have allowed me to work effectively with my colleagues and clients. I have also learned the importance of adaptability and resilience, especially when faced with unexpected challenges and obstacles.

I am confident that the postgraduate marketing course at your university will provide me with the advanced knowledge and practical skills to further my career and achieve my long-term goal of starting my marketing agency. I am particularly drawn to your university’s reputation for academic excellence and its commitment to providing students with real-world experiences. I am eager to learn from the experienced faculty and to engage with my peers from diverse cultural backgrounds.

I am passionate about marketing and believe that this postgraduate course will provide me with the foundation I need to make a significant impact in the industry. I am grateful for the opportunity to share my background and qualifications with you, and I look forward to hearing back from you soon.

Thank you for your consideration.

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Sample Personal Statement for Masters in International Business

international marketing personal statement

by Talha Omer, MBA, M.Eng., Harvard & Cornell Grad

In personal statement | personal statement samples by field.

In this Article

What Works Well for this Personal Statement?

Why will the admissions committe like this applicant, why will the admissions committe like this essay.

My journey began amidst the kaleidoscope of Qatar’s landscapes, setting the stage for a life attuned to cultural nuances. Transitioning to Riyadh in my teens, I absorbed a mosaic of traditions, sparking a curiosity in global perspectives that continues to fuel my ambitions.

As a testament to this drive, I secured a place at Harvard Business School (HBS), where my management science studies were not merely academic; they were a gateway to a multitude of business disciplines, igniting a passion for marketing and international business. The hallmark case study approach at HBS deepened my understanding of business intricacies, particularly in marketing and global commerce.

An extraordinary chapter unfolded when I participated in a global business competition, collaborating with peers from the USA, Canada, and India to strategize market entry for a top American brand in India. My leadership in this project involved in-depth market analyses, resulting in our strategy’s recognition among the top 5% of 30,000 contenders. This experience was pivotal, sharpening my leadership skills and enhancing my adaptability to global business practices.

During my senior year, I was honored to represent HBS at the Indian Institute of Management (IIM) as part of an elite exchange program. The vibrant intellectual environment at IIM, peppered with students from over 80 nations, was instrumental in broadening my academic and cultural horizons. Here, I not only excelled academically but also embraced the multifaceted campus life, contributing to a deeper, more nuanced understanding of international business.

Engagement with multicultural student organizations at Harvard, particularly in roles such as the social media head, honed my digital communication strategies and allowed me to lead impactful campaigns. My leadership role at the Harvard Climate Change Community further polished my ability to foster collaboration and guide diverse teams towards common goals.

My professional acumen was further developed through a dynamic internship with Walmart in New York City, where I worked within Business Intelligence & Marketing. This role required leveraging data analytics to inform strategies across the U.S. market, refining my skills in project management and analytical reasoning.

My subsequent experience at McKinsey provided a holistic view of the business landscape in key American cities, equipping me with a comprehensive skill set in marketing strategy and project execution. These roles, shaped by real-world challenges, have laid a solid foundation for my future in marketing and international commerce.

Having lived and worked across cultures—in Brazil, the Middle East, and the United States—I am prepared to contribute meaningfully to the international business sphere. The masters in international business (MIB) program at XYZ university, with its emphasis on a ‘Multi-Cultural Classroom’ and flexibility to specialize in International Market Development, is a perfect fit for my career aspirations.

Upon completing my master’s, I aim to leverage my education and experiences to enhance the burgeoning economic landscape of the Middle East, focusing on the diversification efforts that are propelling the region forward. With a master’s degree from XYZ university, I am excited about the prospect of returning to Riyadh, contributing to the growth of multinational corporations in Saudi Arabia.

In conclusion, my educational journey through leading institutions, coupled with practical business engagements, has prepared me for the challenges of an international career. I am eager to further my education in the United States, confident that XYZ university is the catalyst I need to transform my professional ambitions into reality.

Cohesive Narrative Flow: The statement offers a clear, linear progression of your life and career, effectively showing how past experiences have prepared you for future aspirations. This narrative demonstrates purpose and direction.

Cultural Richness: The emphasis on diverse cultural experiences stands out as a unique asset. It shows that you’re not just academically qualified but also culturally adept, which is highly valued in international business programs.

Concrete Achievements: By focusing on specific accomplishments, like the global business competition and your roles in student organizations, you establish credibility and show that you’re capable of achieving excellence.

Leadership and Teamwork: Highlighting your leadership roles in various teams and projects helps portray you as someone who can manage, lead, and work collaboratively—an essential skill set for business professionals.

Professional Experiences: Your internships and practical experiences at Walmart and McKinsey are strong points, showcasing your ability to apply academic knowledge to real-world business challenges.

Personal Development: The statement illustrates personal growth, not just academic and professional progression. It shows that your experiences have had a transformative impact on you personally.

Clarity of Purpose: You articulate a clear reason for wanting to pursue a Master’s in International Business, connecting it logically to your past experiences and future goals.

Contribution Back Home: Your desire to return to Riyadh and contribute to the region’s growth after completing your education abroad reflects a commendable commitment to societal development.

Academic Rigor: The mention of demanding curricula and challenging academic environments establishes that you’re well-prepared for the rigorous study at the graduate level.

Well-Defined Career Goals: The statement ends with a clear professional goal, which is critical. Admissions committees want to see that applicants have a vision for how the degree will fit into their career path.

Academic Excellence: Your history of studying at prestigious institutions like Harvard Business School and the Indian Institute of Management indicates a high level of academic achievement and dedication.

Global Perspective: Your international experiences in Qatar, Saudi Arabia, the United States, and India demonstrate a global mindset, which is crucial for a program focused on international business.

Leadership Experience: Your roles in leading teams in various capacities, including academic projects and student organizations, show that you have practical leadership skills that can translate into success in both academic and business environments.

Cultural Competency: You have not only lived in but also actively engaged with diverse cultures. This is particularly valuable in today’s globalized business world, where understanding and navigating cultural differences is key.

Proven Track Record: Your participation in a global business competition and success in reaching the top echelon of competitors illustrates your ability to perform well under pressure and deliver results.

Professional Readiness: Your internships with Walmart and McKinsey & Company have provided you with real-world business experience, which suggests that you are prepared for the practical aspects of the business curriculum.

Communication Skills: Your role as a social media head and the success of your digital campaigns point to strong communication skills, especially in the context of modern, digital-heavy marketing practices.

Commitment to Sustainability: Your involvement in the Harvard Climate Change Community indicates a commitment to sustainability, a quality that many business schools now seek in their candidates due to the growing importance of corporate social responsibility.

Future Potential: Your clear aspiration to contribute to the economic development of the Middle East after graduation signals that you’re likely to become a successful alumnus who will reflect well on the university.

Diversity in Experience: You bring a diverse set of experiences to the table, which can enrich classroom discussions and group projects, benefiting not only you but also your peers.

In sum, this personal statement communicates that you are a well-rounded candidate with a strong blend of academic prowess, professional experience, leadership abilities, and a deep understanding of cultural nuances, all of which are highly sought after in candidates for a competitive international business program.

The admissions committee will likely appreciate your essay for several key reasons:

Engaging Storytelling: The narrative structure of your essay is engaging, which helps to keep the reader interested. It’s not just a list of achievements; it’s a story of personal and professional growth.

Clear Trajectory: You show a clear trajectory from your upbringing to your educational experiences and your career goals. This linear progression demonstrates purpose and the ability to set and achieve long-term goals.

Cultural Depth: Your essay reflects a deep understanding and appreciation of cultural diversity, which is an asset in business education, particularly in international fields.

Well-Rounded Character: You come across as a well-rounded individual with a balance of academic success, extracurricular involvement, and professional experience.

Specific Examples: You provide specific examples of your achievements, like leading a team in a global business competition and engaging with digital campaigns. This specificity gives credibility to your claims of skill and experience.

Leadership Skills: Your essay illustrates your leadership experience and potential, which are key qualities that business schools look for in candidates.

Commitment to Service: You express a desire to contribute to society, particularly in your home region, which aligns with the values of many business programs that emphasize social responsibility.

Professional Experience: Your internships and practical work experience show that you can apply classroom learning to real-world situations, a quality that indicates readiness for advanced study.

Personal Growth: The essay doesn’t just focus on professional achievements; it also reflects on personal growth and development, showcasing your maturity and readiness for further education.

Writing Quality: The essay is well-written, with careful attention to grammar and style, which reflects well on your communication skills.

In essence, your essay is likely to resonate with the admissions committee because it presents you as a multifaceted, experienced, and motivated candidate who has not only achieved academically and professionally but also possesses the soft skills and cultural sensitivity necessary for success in international business.


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Marketing Personal Statement Examples

  • 1 Personal Statement Example Links
  • 2 Career Opportunities
  • 3 UK Admission Requirements
  • 4 UK Earnings Potential For Marketers
  • 5 Similar Courses in UK
  • 6 UK Curriculum
  • 7 Alumni Network

Personal Statement Example Links

  • Personal Statement Example 1
  • Personal Statement Example 2
  • Personal Statement Example 3
  • Personal Statement Example 4
  • Personal Statement Example 5

Ever been captivated by the power of persuasion and the art of influencing consumer behaviour? Fascinated by the idea of developing and executing compelling marketing strategies to drive business growth?

If so, a degree in Marketing could be your ideal journey. This dynamic field equips you with the knowledge and skills to understand market needs, develop effective marketing campaigns, and analyse their impacts.

A Marketing degree in the UK offers a comprehensive understanding of the principles, strategies, and tools used in marketing. It is designed for those who are interested in understanding consumer behaviour, developing effective marketing strategies, and contributing to business growth.

Typically, a Bachelor’s degree in Marketing (BA or BSc) takes three years of full-time study, or four years if you opt for a sandwich course which includes a year in industry. Some universities also offer a four-year course with a foundation year for students who do not meet the standard entry requirements.

One of the key features of a Marketing degree is the emphasis on practical skills. Many courses include project work, case studies, and simulations, allowing students to apply the theories they have learned in real-world contexts. Work placements and internships are also common, providing students with valuable industry experience.

Career prospects for Marketing graduates are excellent. Graduates can work in a variety of roles within marketing, such as Marketing Executive, Digital Marketing Specialist, Brand Manager, Market Research Analyst, and many more. Some graduates may also choose to work in related fields such as sales, public relations, or advertising.

In addition, a Marketing degree can also serve as a stepping stone to further study. Graduates may choose to specialise in a particular area of marketing by pursuing a Master’s degree or a professional qualification from a body such as the Chartered Institute of Marketing.

👍 When writing a personal statement : Highlight your passion for the course, demonstrating your understanding of it. Use relevant personal experiences, coursework, or work history to showcase how these have fostered your interest and readiness for the course.

Career Opportunities

A degree in marketing can open up a variety of career opportunities in many different industries and sectors. Some of the most common career paths for marketing graduates include:

1. Advertising: Advertising professionals create and manage campaigns to promote products and services. They may work in agencies, media companies, or in-house for a business or organisation.

2. Digital Marketing: Digital marketing professionals use digital channels to promote products and services. They may work in agencies, media companies, or in-house for a business or organisation.

3. Public Relations: Public relations professionals create and manage campaigns to shape public opinion. They may work in agencies, media companies, or in-house for a business or organisation.

4. Market Research: Market research professionals analyse data to understand consumer behaviour and develop insights for businesses. They may work in agencies, media companies, or in-house for a business or organisation.

5. Brand Management: Brand management professionals create and manage campaigns to build and maintain the reputation of a brand. They may work in agencies, media companies, or in-house for a business or organisation.

6. Social Media: Social media professionals use digital channels to promote products and services. They may work in agencies, media companies, or in-house for a business or organization.

7. Sales: Sales professionals are responsible for generating revenue by selling products and services. They may work in agencies, media companies, or in-house

UK Admission Requirements

In order to be accepted into the University of Kent’s Marketing course, applicants must have achieved a minimum of ABB at A-Level or equivalent qualifications. Additionally, applicants must have a minimum of 5 GCSEs at grade C or above, including English Language and Mathematics.

This entry criteria is fairly standard when compared to other universities offering similar courses. Most universities require applicants to have achieved ABB or higher at A-Level or equivalent qualifications, as well as a minimum of 5 GCSEs at grade C or above. Some universities may also require applicants to have achieved a specific grade in a specific subject, such as a grade B in Mathematics or a grade A in English Language.

In addition to these entry requirements, applicants may also need to submit a personal statement, references, and/or a portfolio of work. This will vary from university to university.

UK Earnings Potential For Marketers

The average earnings for someone with a degree in marketing will vary depending on the individual’s experience, location, and the specific job they are pursuing. Generally speaking, the median salary for marketing professionals in the United Kingdom is £30,000 per year. However, salaries can range from £20,000 to £60,000 or more depending on the individual’s experience and the specific job they are pursuing.

Recent trends in the marketing job market have seen an increase in demand for digital marketing skills, such as search engine optimization, social media marketing, content marketing, and email marketing. As a result, individuals with experience in these areas tend to earn higher salaries than those without. Additionally, the demand for marketing professionals is expected to continue to grow in the coming years as businesses increasingly rely on digital marketing strategies to reach their target audiences.

Similar Courses in UK

Other university courses related to marketing include Business Management, Business Studies, and Economics. These courses all focus on understanding the principles of business and the economy, but they differ in their approach.

Business Management focuses on the practical application of business principles, such as strategic planning, operations management, and financial management.

Business Studies focuses on the theoretical aspects of business, such as the nature of competition, the structure of markets, and the role of government in the economy.

Economics focuses on the study of how individuals, businesses, and governments make decisions and how those decisions affect the economy as a whole. All of these courses provide a valuable foundation for a career in marketing, but they differ in their approach and focus.

UK Curriculum

The key topics and modules covered in a university course in marketing include:

  • Introduction to Marketing: This module introduces students to the core concepts of marketing, including the 4Ps (Product, Price, Promotion, and Place), customer segmentation, market research, and the marketing mix.
  • Consumer Behaviour: This module explores the factors that influence consumer decision-making, including psychological, cultural, and societal influences. It also covers topics such as consumer motivation, attitude formation, and consumer loyalty.
  • Strategic Marketing: This module covers topics such as market segmentation, product positioning, and brand management. It also explores the role of marketing in the overall business strategy.
  • Digital Marketing: This module covers the use of digital marketing tools such as search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, and email marketing.
  • Advertising and Promotion: This module covers topics such as advertising strategy, media planning, and creative development.
  • International Marketing: This module explores the challenges and opportunities of marketing in a global context. It covers topics such as market entry strategies, cultural differences, and global marketing campaigns.

Practical work and hands-on experience are important part of a university course in marketing. Students will be expected to complete a range of assignments, such as market research projects, advertising campaigns, and digital marketing campaigns. They may also be required to participate in group projects, such as creating a marketing plan for a business.

Alumni Network

One notable alum from the University of Pennsylvania’s Marketing course is Jeff Weiner, the CEO of LinkedIn. Jeff graduated from the University of Pennsylvania in 1991 with a Bachelor of Science in Economics. After graduating, he went on to become a successful entrepreneur, investor, and executive.

At LinkedIn, Jeff has been instrumental in helping the company become one of the most successful professional networking sites in the world. He has led the company to become a leader in the digital marketing space, helping to connect professionals from all over the world.

The University of Pennsylvania offers a number of alumni events and networking opportunities for its marketing alumni. One of the most popular events is the annual Marketing Alumni Reception, which is held in the fall. At this event, alumni can network with other professionals in the field, as well as learn about new developments in the industry. Additionally, the university also hosts a number of other events throughout the year, such as the Marketing Career Fair, which is held in the spring.

The University of Pennsylvania also offers its alumni the opportunity to join the Penn Alumni Network, which provides access to exclusive resources, events, and networking opportunities. Through this network, alumni can stay connected with their peers and stay up to date with the latest news and developments in the marketing field.

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International Business Personal Statement

This interest ignited my entrepreneurial side with the creation of 'FootyKickers', an Instagram page dedicated to visually showcasing my footballing ability, whilst publicising the latest gear. I marketed within networks, drawing inspiration from sites competing in similar markets, by constructing interactive content and distributing it to more established accounts, which through exchange would share my material with their followers. I then used the increased awareness to research commercialising opportunities, gaining sponsorship from New Balance and helping me to gain over a thousand followers.

The combination of my studies in Maths, Business and Product Design provides me with a firm insight into the operational aspects of corporations on an international scale. I have learnt how to analyse data, assess risks and predict trends in Maths, how to develop tangible solutions to problems in niche demographics through the study of Product Design and finding rewards by actively formulating solutions to real world issues in Business.

I have secured a work experience placement at Hewlett Packard Enterprise, where I will shadow the Head of Consulting Sales. This will be an invaluable experience, one that will allow me to practically apply my studies. The purpose of my placement is to gain a deep understanding of the potential measures that could be identified to improve the overall performance of the department. Additionally, being heavily involved in a corporate environment will enable me to broaden my understanding of how a multinational company operates and is managed on a daily basis.

Working in a large supermarket has enhanced many skills, including managing my time efficiently and communicating effectively in order to provide the best customer service. Throughout my time there I observed how important it was for the company to utilise promotional offers that are targeted at specific customers because each consumer is becoming more differentiated as they demand the right to a tailored shopping experience that meets their own personal needs. Through the use of Consumer Relationship Management, I ensured that I adapted each conversation to suit the individual needs of each customer. This relates back to my studies through the theory of market segmentation and Bowman's Strategic clock.

In addition my skills were developed further when I was elected Maths Prefect which involved volunteering time and mentoring other students who were struggling with their maths homework, by applying my knowledge and adapting it in a way that was easier for them to understand. Outside of my studies I represent the school's first team for football and winning the county cup is one of my greatest achievements. I have become a qualified Fifa Affiliated Football Referee, teaching me to make decisions instinctively and be adaptable in pressurised situations. I have also rowed for two years and won gold at the Marlow regatta.

As a Patrol Leader for Scouts, I was actively involved in managing a team of five through challenges, promoting an enthusiastic atmosphere to create comradery and keep camp sprits high. This motivational technique and our ability to solve problems creatively and communicate well within a team, secured us the win, out of 11 other patrols that were invited to participate in a national Scout camping competition from across the country. Moreover, from this I developed real confidence in leading a team, gaining satisfaction from setting and achieving goals. These experiences have led me to develop perseverance, communication and tenacity which I believe I will be able to transfer to university.

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  • Personal Statements
  • Marketing Personal Statement

Marketing Personal Statement Example

Sample statement.

Is marketing an art or a science? Is it an informative blessing or an intrusive curse? Everyone has a different opinion on the subject, but for me, marketing is one thing above all; marketing is fun. I believe it has to be, or it simply won’t work. The days of information style announcements are long gone.

These days the advertiser must entertain and amuse their target audience if they want to have any hope of getting their message heard in the melee of modern media. This is the unspoken bargain that we all enter into.

I love the combination of strategy and creativity that makes a really good campaign. I always smile at clever, inventive media buying, where the company has really worked hard to match their product to the TV show or environment that it is being advertised in. I admire teaser campaigns that intrigue you and draw you in, despite our natural cynicism. And I love clever creative ideas that make you laugh and make you buy something, both at the same time.

I have always been a good persuader, and have been able to talk my way into, or out of, pretty much anything from an early age. I have developed this ability into the written word, writing copy that captures the imagination and gets people to act. Whenever there is a school production or a fundraising drive, I am usually called upon to come up with the words, and often the overall theme too.

To back up my interest in marketing, I have chosen my A-levels carefully. I chose psychology to help me understand how people’s minds work and mathematics, so that I could understand the inevitable figures and statistics that are needed to analyse a campaign. I also studied English Literature, partly to hone my writing skills, but also because I love to study other writing styles.

I wish I could say that I had the art skills to back up my marketing aspirations, but sadly I cannot create pictures with pencils and paints as easily as I can with words. Nonetheless, I have taken GCSE Art in my free periods to try and improve what ability I have, so that I can at least communicate my ideas to more skilled artists within a creative team.

I am keen on amateur dramatics, and love the way that a whole team has to pull together to make a production work, from the actors to the kid who works the curtains. I think that this has been good experience for a career in an advertising agency where teamwork is equally important. I also have a part time job at the local Tesco store, where I get to observe first hand how consumers react to the hundreds of different marketing messages they are bombarded with in the store. I am fascinated by human behaviour and relish the chance to see it up close as I anonymously stack the shelves nearby.

My ambition is to work my way up through the industry, building a reputation, until one day I am able to open an advertising agency of my own. 

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international marketing personal statement

Personal Statement - MA Business and Marketing

  • Sample personal statement

international marketing personal statement

09 July, 2022

Personal statement - ma business and marketing share.

  • 12 May, 2013

I am willing to study the MA Business and Marketing at Bangor University to learn advanced tools, models, theories, techniques, and trends of Business as well as Marketing. This course is suitable for me to enhance my academic qualifications and it will be a great opportunity to start a successful career through deep insights and practical knowledge. Moreover, getting an opportunity to study this course at Bangor University will help me to gain the employment skills I need to achieve for my career ambitions.

Following my SSC & HSC in Business Studies group, I have completed my Bachelor of Business Administration in Human Resource Management from IUBAT- International University of Business Agriculture & Technology, Bangladesh in 2019. Later on, I joined Creation Private Limited as a Commercial Officer and worked there from March 2020 to August 2021. I have great communication skills and self-confidence which has made me appreciative and open to other cultures.My medium of Instruction was in English which has strongly developed my command of English. I still involve with different types of clubs and extra-curricular activities. From here, I become to know the value of an overseas degree. I choose UK as my study destination because it will make easier my path to achieving my future career goal as my country’s employers are recognized for UK degrees. On top of this, the Bangor University provides a range of facilities for their students which will progress me both academically and professionally. I believe my skills and ability will undertake me to this MA Business and Marketing at Bangor University and I would be able to pursue a career in business sectors in the future.

While researching which degree to pursue for my future progression, this MA programme stood out to me as I have a strong understanding of business, which I hope to expand through a degree. I hope this combined course will hold the key to unlocking doors for any business, and it allures me just how many perspectives of a business sectors. Furthermore, the MA Business and Marketing programme will help me to gain the principles, theoretical concepts, and practice of marketing within the business context. It will also increase my applied skills in Marketing including advertising, brand management and loyalty, customer service, public relations, and market research. I have anunconditional passion for business and I always have a keen interest in knowing what is happening in the business marketing environment as a whole. Successfully completion of this course will create a lot of career platforms for me such as Marketing Manager, Business Analyst, and Chief marketing officer in a well renowned company of my home country.

According to my research in the University website, I have found some highly contemporary modules in this MA Business and Marketing at Bangor University. The modules includesMarketing Strategy, International Strategic Management, Organisations and People, International Marketing Communication, New Venture Creation, Management Research, International Marketing, Dissertation, Applied Business Projects,Knowledge Management. These arealign with my study and research focus which has motivated me a lot to choose this programme.I have a plan to establish myself as Business Analyst and if I can successfully complete the course, this will give me an upper hand in my future career progression. My skills and previously completed subjects will help me to complete my prospective study.I hope my chosen course will make better and further open doors for my profession.

I choose UK as my study destination because it is one of the top destinations to study over the world. UK has high class institutions on every corner and the country provides much more flexibility than many other countries. Moreover, UK education ensure practical and research based study. Though Bangladesh is developing in all the sectors but education system is not up to mark yet compare with the world’s latest education system. Because of this degrees do not have international accreditations and recognitions. In a word, UK Education gives the most recent scholastic information, techniques, procedures, practical approach in learning which Bangladesh education system fails to provide to their students. On top of this, Students can choose from over 64 different subject areas, offering over 50,000 different courses here. The degrees awarded by UK universities are recognized all over the world by recruiters and academics alike and most universities have a graduate employability rate of almost 90%. All of these reasons have pushed me to choose the UK to pursue my higher education.

Bangor University itself is incredibly welcoming to international students, offering free English language support throughout the year. Their teaching is rated ‘Outstanding’ amongst the best in the UK. The University awarded Gold for Teaching Excellence in the UK Government's TEF assessment. Also the University ranked 1st in the UK for the lowest cost of living for students (Totally Money 2019). Bangor is the top 10 UK University for Job Prospects (WhatUni 2018) and students' supports (WhatUni 2019). In addition, students can participate in the Bangor Employability Award which is intended to improve students' prompt and longer-term professional possibilities. It offers free chances to pick up the aptitudes and encounters employers need. Therefore, I would like to humbly request you to consider about granting my admission, so that I can start my post graduate education in time, and make my parents and country proud.

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Fashion management/marketing personal statement example.

"Hollie, why do you always look at what people are wearing?" was something my mother said to me in my early teens, and she was right.

To me, fashion is body language. It is a non-verbal form of communication showing a lot about the wearer to the observer. The most enticing aspect of studying a fashion related course is that fashion blossoms on the unexpected.

Developing new ideas in relation to this global industry's future, from how a business best communicates with its consumer or its environmental and cultural concerns, is something that I am whole heartedly interested in. The opportunity of combining my interest in fashion products with management and marketing skills really excites me.

Currently I think some aspects of fashion, like branding, are working with a lack of flexibility and have fallen behind where they could be. In an industry as fast paced as this one the engagement of brand to consumer is critical and adding value to the consumer, along with sustainability, is what I would like to improve.

With over a year of work experience at "Claire's", as a sales assistant, I have gained invaluable fashion retail environment experience and I know that is where I want to be. In "Claire's" I am constantly communicating with and promoting product lines to customers.

This has improved my confidence and interpersonal skills. Visual merchandising has allowed me to advance my creativity and my time management skills through meeting deadlines and has emphasised my attention to detail. I am also responsible for daily statistics reports in which I analyse consumer behaviour, product information and net sales.

This has engaged me into understanding the financial aspect of the business, challenges me to think in a logical and critical manner and continually drives me to meet and surpass targets. Within school, I have been chosen by the teachers and pupils as 'Deputy Head of House' because of my participation in a variety of House events.

This role has added to my organisational and team working skills greatly as I am expected to organise and manage 'House Events' months prior and to communicate with, as well as lead, a large group of people. In addition, my involvement in the Community Service Group involves me presenting information to the rest of the school and being inventive on how to do so.

My study of English has improved my understanding of written and verbal communication and allows me to be creative and innovative.

Undertaking Business Studies at A-level has cemented my desire for a career in marketing management. In particular, I liked the modules about marketing where I learnt about the marketing mix and different marketing plans and strategies.

Also a module called "Principles of Management and Leadership" was one I thoroughly enjoyed where I learnt about effective management in different situations and how to motivate staff. My study of history requires me to compare the effect that the past has had on present situations whilst also considering the perspectives of others.

All of these skills are transferable to the course and will stand me in good stead for life at university. Outside school my main interests are blogging and reading about current fashion trends, as it enables me to be creative and express ideas, which I believe will allow me to enhance the course and which I love to do!

Having been to international fashion capitals such as New York, Paris and London I have also developed a desire to travel, as I can see many different cultures and perceptions of fashion in different countries.

I am eager to participate fully in all aspects of university life from social to academic and relish the opportunity to turn the enthusiasm I have for this field into a full time career, hopefully in fashion marketing.

Profile info

This personal statement was written by hollieirwin19 for application in 2014.

hollieirwin19's Comments

I have received all my conditional offers. Nottingham Trent University: Fashion Management BA Hon Nottingham Trent University: Fashion Marketing BA Hon Northampton University: Fashion Marketing BA Hon Southampton University: Fashion Marketing/Management BA Hon Heriot Watt University: Fashion Marketing and Retailing BA Hon

This personal statement is unrated

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