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IB CUEGIS Essay Guide

Table of contents.

The IB CUEGIS Essay is a challenging yet rewarding task that requires the student to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of the course material, as well as their ability to apply that knowledge in writing. It is an opportunity for students to showcase their creativity, critical thinking and writing skills.

This essay is composed of two parts: the research essay and the reflective essay. The research essay requires students to draw upon course material to make an argument or analyze an issue. This involves selecting an appropriate topic, researching it, and expressing their findings in an organized, coherent and logical manner. The reflective essay focuses on the student’s personal experience or opinions on a given subject. It requires students to identify, reflect upon and draw upon their own experiences to construct an argument.

The IB CUEGIS Essay structure consists of the following sections: Introduction, Body, Conclusion and Bibliography. The introduction should introduce the essay’s topic and provide the reader with the context and background information necessary to understand the essay. The body should present the student’s argument in a clear and organized manner, using evidence, sources and data to support their points. The conclusion should summarize the essay’s key points and provide a concise summary of the main argument. Finally, the bibliography should provide a list of sources used throughout the essay.

Writing an IB CUEGIS Essay requires the student to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of the material, their analytical and creative skills, and their ability to communicate effectively. This guide will provide instructions and steps to take when writing an IB CUEGIS Essay, as well as topics to explore, prewriting techniques, advice on writing the essay, revising and editing tips, evaluation methods, advanced techniques and sample essays.

IB CUEGIS Essay Guide​

Instructions for Writing an IB CUEGIS Essay

The first step to writing your IB CUEGIS essay is to familiarize yourself with the topic you will be writing about. Do some research on the subject and consider any questions or topics that are relevant to the essay. This will help you develop a stronger understanding of the material and make it easier to create an outline.

The next step is to create an outline for your essay. Outlines provide structure and organization to your essay and ensure that you stay focused on the topic at hand. Outlines should include a clear introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Be sure to break down each point in the body paragraphs into smaller, more manageable pieces.

Once your outline is complete, you should begin writing your essay . Start by introducing the main points of your essay, then add evidence and arguments for each point. Try to keep your essay concise and use language that is appropriate for the grade level. After you’ve written the body of the essay, you can conclude with a summary of your main points.

Finally, you should review and edit your essay before submitting it. Check for any spelling or grammar errors, as well as clarity and consistency throughout the essay. Make sure all of your sources are properly cited and that your arguments are well-supported. Once you’ve completed this step, you’re ready to submit your essay!

By following these steps and instructions, you’ll be able to write an effective IB CUEGIS essay that expresses your thoughts and ideas in an organized manner. Good luck!

Topic Exploration

When writing an IB CUEGIS Essay, it is essential to choose a topic that is relevant and interesting for you as the writer. It can be daunting to know where to start when selecting a compelling topic that follows the essay requirements. However, with the right approach, you can explore different topics and research them in order to confidently choose the perfect topic for your essay.

The first step to exploring different topics is to get familiar with the essay requirements. Read the prompts carefully so that you have a clear understanding of the topics and essay structure. Once you are familiar with the essay requirements, brainstorm possible ideas for topics that you find interesting. Take some time to jot down ideas and think critically about the topics that you have chosen.

When researching topics, use both primary and secondary sources including books, journals, websites, interviews, and other reliable sources. Make sure that you are using credible sources and giving credit to the authors whose work you are using in your essay. Additionally, use evidence to support your arguments and questions to help guide your research. This will help to ensure that your essay is well-informed and allows you to make meaningful connections between ideas.

Finally, when you are starting to write your essay , it is important to revise and edit your work. This will help you to refine your argument and structure your essay in an organized and effective way. Revising and editing your essay is also essential for improving grammar, spelling, and punctuation.

Exploring different topics and researching them thoroughly can help to provide an engaging and well-informed essay. With the right approach, you can confidently select the topic that is of most interest to you and allows you to explore your ideas further.

Prewriting: Structuring Your IB CUEGIS Essay

When it comes to writing an IB CUEGIS essay, prewriting is an important step. Prewriting helps you to structure your essay by providing a clear roadmap that highlights the main ideas and arguments that you want to include in the essay. There are a variety of prewriting techniques and tools you can use to help you prepare to write your essay.

One of the most common prewriting techniques is brainstorming. Brainstorming involves creating a list of ideas related to your topic before you begin drafting your essay. It is a great way to identify potential areas of research and generate a wealth of ideas that you can draw upon for your essay.

Another popular prewriting technique is outlining. Outlining helps you to organize your thoughts and create a visual representation of the structure of your essay. An outline serves as a detailed plan of your essay, allowing you to see where each part fits within the whole.

Finally, mind mapping is a great tool for prewriting. Mind mapping involves creating a visual diagram or chart to represent your ideas. It can help to uncover patterns and relationships between ideas, as well as provide perspective on the big picture.

By using prewriting techniques such as brainstorming, outlining, and mind mapping, you can structure and plan your IB CUEGIS essay effectively. Your prewriting should lay the foundation for the rest of the essay, helping you to write an organized, persuasive piece.

Writing the Essay

Writing an IB CUEGIS Essay is a challenging but rewarding task. To ensure that your essay is well-written and engaging, you should focus on topics such as sentence structure, rhetoric and argumentation, grammar and spelling.

Sentence structure is essential for writing an effective essay. You should learn how to use words and phrases that link sentences together and create a logical flow of ideas. The introduction of the essay is particularly important; you should use it to introduce and engage the reader in your essay.

Rhetoric and argumentation are key components of an IB CUEGIS Essay. You should use rhetorical techniques such as ethos, pathos and logos to support your claims. Additionally, you should provide evidence and counterarguments to strengthen your argument.

Grammar and spelling should not be overlooked when writing the essay. Make sure to proofread your work thoroughly before submitting to avoid errors. If necessary, use programs such as Grammarly to help you identify and fix errors.

Writing an IB CUEGIS Essay can be a daunting task, but with proper planning and practice, you can write an impressive essay that will meet the assessment criteria.

Revising and Editing an IB CUEGIS Essay

Writing is only half the battle when it comes to completing an effective and engaging essay. The other half is revising and editing. After finishing a first draft, it’s important to take a step back and review your essay with fresh eyes. This ensures that the essay clearly communicates your argument, while also presenting accurate and consistent information.

To properly revise and edit your essay, consider the following tips:

  • Read through the essay at least twice – once to get a sense of the overall argument, and then again to pay close attention to the details of sentence structure, grammar and spelling.
  • Look for any areas that may need clarification, or areas where there may be gaps in logic.
  • Check for any inaccuracies by fact-checking sources, or verifying quotes and statistics.
  • Ensure your arguments are sound and that your essay is cohesive and well organized.
  • Be mindful of your tone and language, and adjust if needed.

As you revise and edit your essay, it’s important to keep the purpose of the essay at the forefront of your mind. Doing so helps to ensure that you remain task-oriented and focused throughout the process. Also, take your time and don’t rush through it. Give yourself plenty of time to double check information and read over sentences carefully. Taking your time can be the difference between a mediocre essay and an impressive one.

Evaluating Your IB CUEGIS Essay

Writing an IB CUEGIS essay is hard work, and it’s important to take the time to evaluate and analyze your essay before submitting it. To evaluate your essay, you need to ask yourself some questions: Does my essay adequately address the prompt? Are my ideas presented clearly and concisely? Is the structure of my essay logical and effective? Are the sentences, grammar, and spelling correct?

To answer these questions, there are a few steps you can take. First, read through your essay from start to finish, paying attention to the flow of your ideas and making sure that there are no errors in your grammar, spelling, or punctuation. Next, read through each paragraph, making sure that all of your points are supported by evidence and that you have provided enough detail to make a convincing argument.

Finally, consider how your essay would be received by someone who has never heard of the topic before. If it is not clear what your main argument is or why your points are valid, then your essay needs more work. It can also be helpful to have someone else read your essay and provide feedback.

By closely evaluating your IB CUEGIS essay and making sure that it is clear and error-free, you can ensure that your essay is ready for submission. Doing so will also help you gain a better understanding of the essay topic so that future essays will be even better.

Advanced Techniques for Writing an Effective IB CUEGIS Essay

Writing an effective IB CUEGIS essay requires the use of advanced techniques to produce a clear, coherent and persuasive essay. Some of these techniques include:

  • Analyzing the task: Carefully read the rubric and question before starting to write in order to fully understand the context of the essay and the criteria needed in order to receive a good score.
  • Planning and outlining: Take the time to plan and outline the essay by constructing an argument, choosing relevant evidence, and structuring the essay. This will help to ensure that the essay is organized and well written.
  • Using rhetorical devices: Incorporate rhetorical devices such as metaphors and similes in order to make the essay more interesting and engaging.
  • Developing analytical skills: Use analytical skills to analyze and evaluate evidence, arguments, and counterarguments in order to strengthen the essay.
  • Engaging the reader: Make the essay interesting to read by using active language, varied sentence structure, and strong transitions between paragraphs.
  • Editing and proofreading: After writing the essay, it is important to edit and proofread it in order to correct any errors and refine the argument.

By applying these advanced techniques, you will be able to write a clear and persuasive IB CUEGIS essay that meets the requirements of the rubric.

Sample Essays

Having sample essays can be a great way to provide further guidance when writing an IB CUEGIS Essay. Sample essays give you a good idea of how your essay should look, as well as the topics, structure and writing style you should use. Here are some tips for using sample essays:

  • Read the essay thoroughly and identify the main ideas.
  • Compare your essay with the sample – look at topics, argumentation, evidence and rhetoric.
  • Make sure your essay follows the same structure as the sample.
  • Be sure to use clear and concise writing with solid argumentation.
  • Look out for key elements such as grammar, spelling and punctuation.
  • Proofread carefully to ensure accuracy and consistency.

Using sample essays is a great way to gain a better understanding of how to write an IB CUEGIS Essay. It can help you identify issues with your essay quickly and easily. So, keep these tips in mind when using sample essays and make sure you take full advantage of them to ensure the success of your essay.

Concluding Remarks

Writing an IB CUEGIS essay can be a daunting task. Thankfully, by following the steps laid out in this guide, you are now prepared to tackle the essay with confidence.

In summary, the guide covers:

  • Instructions for writing the IB CUEGIS Essay
  • Topic exploration and pre-writing techniques
  • Writing the essay, revising and editing, and evaluation
  • Advanced techniques for writing an effective essay
  • Sample essays and a resource list

By taking the time to research, plan, write and evaluate your essay carefully, you will be able to create a well written and impressive paper that demonstrates your understanding of the subject matter. Good luck with your essay!

Resource List

A resource list is a great way to provide additional references and materials to help you with your IB CUEGIS Essay. You can include websites, books, magazines, articles, interviews, or anything else that may be of help to you. By having a resource list, you are able to refer back to relevant sources when researching and writing your essay.

When putting together your resource list, make sure it is properly organized in an easy-to-follow format. Start by listing all the resources you have used or plan to use in the essay. This includes the title of the resource, the author, the publishing date, and website address if applicable. You should also add any notes you have taken about the resource to remind yourself why you chose it.

Make sure to create a reference list at the end of your essay as well. This makes it easier for readers to find the sources you have used throughout the essay. When citing sources, use the correct formatting style such as MLA or APA.

Having a resource list is essential for writing your IB CUEGIS Essay. Doing some research and adding reliable sources will give credibility to your arguments and provide the evidence to back them up. Make sure to take your time when compiling a resource list and always double-check that the information is up-to-date and accurate.

When you’ve written your essay, it is important to include references at the end of the guide. References are required for any text that you quote, summarise or paraphrase from a source. It is best practice to include references for any information that you have taken from an external source, even if you haven’t directly quoted it.

Including references allows you to credit the original author and helps to avoid plagiarism. A citation is usually placed in parentheses at the end of the sentence where the information is taken from.

The format for references may vary depending on which referencing system you need to use. Commonly accepted format types include MLA, Harvard and APA. Your institution should provide you with guidance on which format to use.

Once you have put together a list of references, it is important to check them carefully to make sure they all appear in the correct format. Pay special attention to details such as capitalisation, authors’ names, case of abbreviations and dates.

For further help and advice on referencing, there are several online resources available. Many universities, schools and other organisations offer help and guidance on how to correctly format a reference list. It is important to check these websites for the most up-to-date advice.

  • Last Edit 15 AUG 2023

Nick Radlinsky

Nick Radlinsky

Nick Radlinsky is a devoted educator, marketing specialist, and management expert with more than 15 years of experience in the education sector. After obtaining his business degree in 2016, Nick embarked on a quest to achieve his PhD, driven by his commitment to enhancing education for students worldwide. His vast experience, starting in 2008, has established him as a reputable authority in the field.

Nick's article, featured in Routledge's " Entrepreneurship in Central and Eastern Europe: Development through Internationalization ," highlights his sharp insights and unwavering dedication to advancing the educational landscape. Inspired by his personal motto, "Make education better," Nick's mission is to streamline students' lives and foster efficient learning. His inventive ideas and leadership have contributed to the transformation of numerous educational experiences, distinguishing him as a true innovator in his field.

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How to Write a CUEGIS Essay

Brian H.

Table of contents

As a college student pursuing business management, you’ll be asked to write a CUEGIS essay, which accounts for 10% of your overall score.

A CUEGIS essay requires you to apply the concepts of change, culture, ethics, globalization, innovation, and strategy to a real-world business situation. This essay type requires you to think critically about complex issues and synthesize multiple perspectives to develop your own reasonable point of view.

Like an argumentative essay, you will need to take a position on one of the above topics and support your position with evidence.

What should be in a CUEIGIS Essay

A CUEGIS essay should focus on one of the following concepts: Change, culture, ethics, globalization, innovation, or strategy. When brainstorming ideas, find an angle that will allow you to critically analyze the topic in relation to your organization of choice.

How many words should a CUEGIS essay be?

There is no set word count for a CUEGIS essay. However, your essay should be around 1,000 words as a general guideline. If you need more or less space to discuss your topic adequately, adjust your word count accordingly.

What are the CUEGIS concepts

There are six major concepts you can focus on when writing a CUEGIS essay:

  • Globalization;
  • Innovation;

You’ll need to choose one concept on to base your essay on. Let's review each concept and the angles you can take when writing an essay about any of them.

In business, change is inevitable. Whether it’s a change in leadership, a change in the economy, or a change in technology, businesses must always be prepared to adapt. Change can be difficult to manage, but it is essential for survival.

When approaching a CUEGIS essay from the perspective of change, find out how the organization has responded to changes in the past – what strategies were successful? Which ones failed and why?

What does ‘change’ mean in CUEGIS?

Change refers to the new ways businesses must adapt to survive and thrive in a dynamic world. It can also refer to how businesses must adapt their practices to stay ethical and responsible. Change can come from within a company (innovation) or external forces (globalization).

An organization’s culture refers to the shared values, beliefs, and norms that guide employee behavior. Culture is influential because it shapes how employees interact with each other and customers. It also affects employee motivation and satisfaction.

When writing about culture in a CUEGIS essay, you might discuss how cultural differences can lead to misunderstandings between employees and customers. You might also talk about how an organization’s culture can impact its ethical standards.

Ethics are moral principles that govern an individual’s or organization’s behavior. In business, ethics help to ensure that employees and organizations act responsibly.

When focusing on ethics in a CUEGIS context, you might discuss how ethical considerations affect organizational decision-making. For instance, you might talk about how a company may choose not to develop a particular product if it could harm consumers.


Globalization refers to the process of operating across national borders. In a globalized world, businesses must be able to compete with firms from all over the world. This often requires companies to adopt new technologies and strategies.

When writing about globalization in a CUEGIS essay, you should discuss how it has affected different businesses. For instance, you could talk about how globalization has increased competition for a company.

Innovation refers to the introduction of new ideas or products into an organization. Innovation can be disruptive (can upend existing business models) or incremental (can improve existing products or processes).

When focusing on innovation, you can discuss how it has affected your organization of choice. For instance, you might talk about how Apple’s iPod disrupted the music industry or how Amazon’s Kindle changed how we read books.

A business strategy is a plan for achieving specific goals within a specific timeframe. Strategies are important because they provide guidance and direction for businesses as they strive to achieve their goals.

If your CUEGIS essay focuses on strategy, you can discuss how different businesses have approached strategic planning.

For example, you might talk about why some companies focus on short-term goals while others focus on long-term goals. You might also discuss how company culture can impact strategic decision-making.

How to write a CUEGIS essay in 8 steps

Here’s a step-by-step guide on writing a CUEGIS essay.

1. Choose a real-life business organization

The first step to writing a CUEGIS essay is to choose a real-life business organization to focus on. This can be any organization, such as a corporation, small business, non-profit organization, etc.

Some examples of organizations you can write about include Apple, Google, Coca-Cola, Amazon, and Walmart.

2. Research the chosen organization

The next step is to do extensive research and find as much information as possible about the chosen organization. Your research should include finding out the organization’s history, structure, culture, and current issues.

While researching, try to find primary sources (such as interviews with employees or executives) and secondary sources (such as news articles or academic journal articles) published about the organization.

3. Choose a specific topic to focus on

Once you have chosen an organization and done your research, it’s time to choose a specific topic to focus on. The topics you chose should be within the realm of change, culture, ethics, globalization, strategy, or innovation.

For instance, you can choose an organization like Apple and analyze it in terms of organizational change, corporate culture, business ethics, globalization of its business operations, strategic management decisions, or innovation within the organization.

You can focus your essay on one of the above topics or diversify to two.

4. Identify business management concepts, techniques, and theories

To write an effective CUEGIS essay, you’ll need to use various business management concepts, techniques, and theories to analyze the chosen organization.

For example, if you are focusing on organizational change within your chosen company, you may want to discuss Lewin’s three-stage model of change or Kotter’s eight-step process for leading change.

5. Develop a thesis statement

After researching and identifying the business management theories, it’s time to develop a thesis statement. Your thesis statement is a statement that shows your position on the chosen topic about the organization in question.

For instance, if you are discussing organizational change at your chosen company, your thesis statement might be, “Despite resistance from employees, XYZ Company should implement changes suggested by consultant ABC to increase profits.”

6. Write an outline

Once you’ve developed your thesis statement, it’s time to create an outline of your essay.

Your outline should include an introduction paragraph, at least three body paragraphs, and a conclusion paragraph. In each paragraph, you’ll want to highlight the main points of your topic and provide evidence from your research to support your claims.

Here’s the ideal format you need to follow to write an effective CUEGIS essay:


  • Introduce the organization’s name, its background, the industry it serves, the type of business, and its scale of operations.
  • Mention the concepts, theories, or techniques you’ll use to analyze your chosen organization.

1st paragraph

  • Define and give more information about the chosen topic, concepts, techniques, or theories.
  • Highlight the organization’s significant experiences.
  • Link the concept or theory to the organization’s experiences.
  • Write a thesis statement that highlights your stand or point of view.

2nd paragraph

  • Give specific information about the chosen topic.
  • Elaborate on the organization’s major experiences.
  • Explain the effects of these experiences on key stakeholders.

3rd paragraph

  • Explain how the organization has addressed the topic in the past.
  • Explain how the organization could address the topic in the future.
  • Explain conflict and agreement between key stakeholders.
  • State the end result.
  • Evaluate the organization’s success or failure.

7. Write the first draft

Now that you have an outline, it’s time to start writing the first draft of your essay. When writing, include your thesis statement in the introduction paragraph and refer back to it throughout the body paragraphs.

Remember to explain each point extensively and support all your claims with evidence. The first draft does not need to be perfect; it’s just meant to get all of your thoughts down on paper.

8. Edit and revise

Once you’ve finished writing your first draft, it's time to edit and polish it before submitting it to your professor. The best thing to do before editing an essay is to put it away for a while and take some time to clear your head.

After a few hours, come back to your first draft and revise it for clarity— check for grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors. To save you time and help you edit more effectively, you can use an editing tool like Grammarly.

Final thoughts

Writing a CUEGIS essay is among the college tasks that will help you develop your ability to think critically. This is because when writing this type of essay, you’ll need to synthesize the information gathered to form your own original insights and perspectives.

However, once you have the right resources to gather enough information about your chosen organization, writing the essay becomes a walk in the park. Follow the above steps and approach your essay methodically to write a winning CUEGIS essay.

Need help? Writers Per Hour can help you write a CUEGIS essay. From finding the right topic and doing research to outlining, writing, and editing, we have a team of experts who can help you deliver a high-quality, 100% original essay on time.

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IB Cuegis Essay Guide

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In the realm of International Baccalaureate (IB) business studies, the Cuegis essay holds significant importance for students seeking to excel in their academic pursuits. The blog post titled "IB Cuegis Essay Guide" on IB Pros offers a comprehensive and insightful guide to mastering this challenging task.

The article begins by delving into the Cuegis framework, highlighting its key components and providing an understanding of its structure. It emphasizes the significance of thorough research and analysis in crafting a well-rounded essay. Furthermore, it outlines the essential steps involved in constructing an effective essay, ranging from selecting an appropriate business concept to analyzing cultural, social, and ethical implications.

To enhance comprehension, real-life examples are utilized throughout the article. The importance of developing a strong conclusion is stressed as well. Additionally, formatting guidelines and citation practices are explained meticulously.

Finally, indispensable tips for proofreading and editing are shared to ensure that students' work maintains accuracy and clarity.

With its objective approach and focus on safety-conscious language suitable for all audiences, this article serves as an invaluable resource for IB business students aiming for excellence in their Cuegis essays.

IB Cuegis Essay Guide

Key Takeaways

  • The Cuegis essay is important for IB business students.
  • The 'IB Cuegis Essay Guide' on IB Pros is a comprehensive resource for mastering the Cuegis essay.
  • Thorough research and analysis are emphasized in crafting a well-rounded essay.
  • The Cuegis framework includes culture, ethics, globalization, innovation, and strategy.

Understanding the Cuegis Framework

The Cuegis framework is a valuable tool for analyzing business-related issues, as it provides a structured approach that allows for a comprehensive understanding of the various factors at play. This framework encompasses five key areas: culture, ethics, globalization, innovation, and strategy. Each element plays a crucial role in shaping businesses and their interactions with the external environment.

Culture refers to the shared beliefs, values, and practices within an organization. It influences decision-making processes and employee behavior. Ethics involves examining moral principles and standards that guide business conduct. Globalization explores the impact of international trade and interconnectivity on businesses worldwide. Innovation focuses on how organizations adapt to technological advancements and create new products or services. Lastly, strategy pertains to the formulation and execution of long-term plans to achieve organizational goals.

By utilizing the Cuegis framework, analysts can systematically evaluate each area's significance in relation to specific business issues. This systematic approach ensures that no aspect is overlooked or underestimated when assessing challenges or opportunities faced by companies.

Understanding the Cuegis framework highlights the importance of research and analysis in identifying relevant factors affecting businesses today. By conducting extensive research into these areas, analysts can gather valuable insights that inform decision-making processes and drive strategic actions forward towards success without compromising safety concerns.

The Importance of Research and Analysis

Research and analysis play a crucial role in gaining a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter at hand. In order to ensure safety, it is important to conduct thorough research and analysis before making any decisions or taking any actions. Here are four reasons why research and analysis are essential:

  • Identifying potential risks : Through research and analysis, we can identify potential risks associated with the subject matter. This helps us anticipate any dangers or hazards that may arise, allowing us to take necessary precautions to mitigate these risks.
  • Gaining insights : Researching and analyzing the topic provides valuable insights that enable us to make informed decisions. Understanding the underlying factors and dynamics involved allows for more effective problem-solving strategies.
  • Evaluating alternatives : By conducting research and analysis, we can evaluate different options or alternatives available to us. This enables us to choose the safest course of action based on evidence rather than relying on assumptions or guesswork.
  • Informing decision-making : Research and analysis provide a solid foundation for decision-making processes by presenting reliable data and information. This helps in formulating well-informed strategies that prioritize safety while achieving desired outcomes.

By effectively researching and analyzing the subject matter, we can break down the essay structure in a systematic manner, ensuring coherence and logical flow throughout the writing process without sacrificing safety considerations.

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Breaking Down the Essay Structure

Beginning of the sentence:.

Examining the structure of an essay allows for a systematic breakdown, ensuring coherence and logical flow throughout the writing process while maintaining a focus on safety considerations. An effective essay structure consists of an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Each section serves a specific purpose in conveying information to the reader.

The introduction provides background information on the topic and presents a clear thesis statement that outlines the main argument or objective of the essay. It sets the tone for the entire piece and engages readers by capturing their attention. The body paragraphs then expand on different aspects of the topic, presenting evidence and analysis to support the thesis statement. These paragraphs should be organized logically, with each paragraph focusing on one main point.

To illustrate this structure visually, consider the following table:

SectionPurposeIntroductionIntroduce topic and present thesis statementBodyPresent evidence and analysis to support thesis statementConclusionSummarize key points and reiterate thesis statement

By following this structure, writers can ensure that their ideas are presented coherently and effectively. This not only enhances understanding but also promotes safety by allowing readers to follow logical arguments without confusion.

In conclusion transition towards choosing the right business concept

Choosing the Right Business Concept

Selecting an appropriate business concept requires careful evaluation of market trends, consumer needs, and competitive advantages. In order to ensure the success and longevity of a business venture, it is crucial to identify a concept that aligns with current market demands. By analyzing market trends, entrepreneurs can gain insights into emerging opportunities and potential gaps in the market. Additionally, understanding consumer needs is essential for developing products or services that cater to their preferences and solve their problems.

Moreover, considering competitive advantages is vital for sustaining a competitive edge in the marketplace. This involves identifying unique selling points that differentiate the business from its competitors. Whether it be offering superior quality products, providing exceptional customer service, or leveraging advanced technology, having a distinct advantage can attract customers and foster brand loyalty.

In selecting an appropriate business concept, language appropriate for an audience that desires safety should be used. Emphasizing factors such as stability, reliability, and trustworthiness can instill confidence in potential investors or partners who prioritize security.

Analyzing the cultural, social, and ethical implications plays a crucial role in determining the viability of a business concept. Understanding how these factors may impact operations and stakeholder relationships allows businesses to proactively address any potential challenges or concerns.

Transitioning into the subsequent section about analyzing cultural, social, and ethical implications reveals further considerations for ensuring sustainable success in today's dynamic business environment.

Analyzing the Cultural, Social, and Ethical Implications

Analyzing the cultural, social, and ethical implications is crucial for businesses to navigate today's complex and interconnected global landscape. With globalization, businesses are no longer confined to their local markets but are now operating on a global scale. As a result, they need to be aware of the diverse cultural norms, social expectations, and ethical considerations that exist in different regions.

Cultural implications refer to the impact of a business decision on the customs, beliefs, and values of a particular culture. For example, launching an advertising campaign that includes culturally insensitive content can lead to backlash and damage the reputation of the company.

Social implications pertain to how a business decision affects society as a whole. This includes areas such as employment practices, environmental sustainability, and community engagement. Businesses must consider how their actions align with societal expectations in order to maintain positive relationships with stakeholders.

Ethical implications involve assessing whether a decision aligns with moral principles and standards. This includes issues such as fair trade practices, human rights violations, or unethical labor conditions. Failing to address ethical concerns can lead to reputational damage and legal consequences.

By analyzing these cultural, social, and ethical implications thoroughly before making business decisions, companies can ensure they operate responsibly in today's globalized world. Evaluating the impact of globalization will further shed light on how businesses should adapt their strategies in response to this ever-changing landscape without compromising safety or ethics.

Evaluating the Globalization Impact

Evaluating the impact of globalization provides businesses with valuable insights into the necessary adaptations and strategic adjustments they need to make in response to the dynamic and interconnected global landscape, ensuring that they remain ethically responsible and socially conscious without compromising on safety or efficiency.

  • Globalization fosters cultural exchange, leading to a greater appreciation and understanding of diverse customs, traditions, and perspectives.
  • Economies of scale resulting from globalization allow for increased production efficiency, leading to lower costs for consumers.
  • Access to international markets enables businesses to expand their customer base and increase profitability.
  • Global supply chains provide opportunities for collaboration, innovation, and specialization among different countries.
  • Increased competition due to globalization drives businesses to continuously improve their products and services.

In this increasingly globalized world where safety is paramount, evaluating the impact of globalization helps organizations identify potential risks associated with cross-border activities. By considering factors such as differing regulatory frameworks or infrastructure challenges in various regions, companies can develop strategies that prioritize safety without compromising on their goals. Furthermore, analyzing the ethical implications of globalization ensures that businesses operate responsibly while maintaining competitiveness. Transitioning into examining sustainability factors allows us to explore how organizations can effectively balance economic growth with environmental conservation.

Examining the Sustainability Factors

The previous subtopic discussed the evaluation of the impact of globalization. Now, we will delve into examining the sustainability factors associated with this phenomenon. Sustainability has become a crucial aspect in today's world, as individuals and organizations strive to ensure long-term environmental, social, and economic well-being.

When considering sustainability in the context of globalization, it is essential to assess how global processes affect these three interconnected pillars. To provide a comprehensive understanding of this topic, let us explore the relationship between globalization and sustainability through a 3-column table:

Globalization FactorsPositive Impact on SustainabilityNegative Impact on SustainabilityEconomicIncreased access to marketsExploitation of resourcesSocialCultural exchange and diversityLabor exploitationEnvironmentalTechnological advancementsCarbon emissions

This table highlights that while globalization can bring about positive changes such as increased market access and cultural exchange, it also poses challenges like resource exploitation and labor abuse. Understanding these dynamics is critical for addressing sustainability concerns in a globalized world.

In the next section, we will explore strategies and implementation methods aimed at addressing these issues head-on. By examining effective approaches, we can work towards creating a more sustainable future amidst globalization's complexities.

Addressing the Strategies and Implementation

Addressing the strategies and implementation of sustainability measures in a globalized world is crucial for creating a more sustainable future amidst the complexities of globalization. In order to effectively address this issue, it is essential to develop comprehensive strategies that take into account the unique challenges posed by globalization. One such strategy is the promotion of green technologies and renewable energy sources. By investing in these technologies, countries can reduce their reliance on fossil fuels and mitigate the negative impacts of climate change. Additionally, implementing strict environmental regulations and standards can ensure that businesses operate in an environmentally responsible manner.

Another key aspect of implementing sustainability measures is fostering collaboration between governments, businesses, and civil society organizations. This multi-stakeholder approach allows for the sharing of knowledge, resources, and best practices, ultimately leading to more effective solutions. Furthermore, integrating sustainability into education systems can help raise awareness and promote behavioral changes towards more sustainable practices.

Addressing the strategies and implementation of sustainability measures requires a holistic approach that considers both environmental concerns and economic realities within a globalized context. By promoting green technologies, fostering collaboration between stakeholders, and integrating sustainability into education systems, we can pave the way towards a more sustainable future. Utilizing real-life examples will further illustrate how these strategies have been successfully implemented in various contexts without compromising safety or well-being.

Utilizing Real-Life Examples

Utilizing real-life examples, we can observe how the implementation of sustainability measures has successfully transformed industries and communities towards a more environmentally conscious and economically viable future. One such example is the renewable energy sector, which has experienced significant growth in recent years. Countries like Denmark have embraced wind energy and set ambitious goals to become carbon-neutral by 2050. By investing in wind farms, Denmark has not only reduced its reliance on fossil fuels but also created new job opportunities and stimulated economic growth.

Similarly, the concept of sustainable agriculture has gained traction worldwide. Practices such as organic farming, crop rotation, and water conservation techniques have enabled farmers to minimize their environmental impact while ensuring food security for growing populations. In India, initiatives like SRI (System of Rice Intensification) have led to increased rice yields with fewer inputs like water and chemicals.

Communities have also been proactive in implementing sustainability measures. For instance, Curitiba in Brazil has revolutionized its transportation system by prioritizing public transport over private cars. This has significantly reduced congestion, improved air quality, and enhanced residents' quality of life.

By examining these real-life examples, it becomes evident that the successful implementation of sustainability measures can lead to positive outcomes for both the environment and economy. Developing a strong conclusion requires synthesizing these examples with key insights from previous sections without repeating information already discussed.

Developing a Strong Conclusion

To fully grasp the potential of sustainability measures, it is imperative to recognize how their successful implementation has transformed industries and communities, creating a pathway towards a more environmentally conscious and economically viable future. By adopting sustainable practices, businesses have been able to reduce waste, minimize environmental damage, and lower production costs. For instance, companies like Patagonia have successfully implemented sustainable manufacturing processes that not only reduce their ecological footprint but also create a positive brand image among environmentally conscious consumers.

Moreover, communities that have embraced sustainability initiatives have witnessed significant improvements in their quality of life. Sustainable urban planning has led to the development of green spaces and improved air quality in cities such as Copenhagen and Singapore. These measures not only enhance the well-being of residents but also attract tourists and investors who value sustainability.

The successful implementation of sustainability measures has had profound impacts on industries and communities alike. It is crucial for businesses and governments to acknowledge these transformative effects and further invest in sustainable practices to ensure a greener future for all. Moving forward into the next section about formatting and citations, it is essential to understand how proper citation techniques can support academic integrity in research papers.

Formatting and Citations

The proper formatting and citation techniques are essential in maintaining the integrity of research papers, as they provide a clear structure and ensure accurate attribution of sources. Here are four key reasons why mastering these skills is crucial:

  • Avoid plagiarism: Proper citation helps to avoid unintentional plagiarism by giving credit to the original authors whose ideas are used in the paper.
  • Enhance credibility: Accurate citations demonstrate that the writer has conducted thorough research and can be trusted as a reliable source of information.
  • Enable further research: By providing precise references, readers can easily locate and verify the sources used, allowing them to delve deeper into the topic.
  • Facilitate collaboration: Consistent formatting and citation styles make it easier for researchers to collaborate on projects, as everyone adheres to the same set of rules and guidelines.

By understanding how to format papers correctly and attribute sources accurately, researchers contribute to a safe academic environment where ideas can be built upon with confidence. In the next section, we will explore tips for proofreading and editing your essay effectively without overlooking any critical aspects.

Tips for Proofreading and Editing

One important aspect of academic writing involves effectively proofreading and editing a research paper to ensure its accuracy and coherence. Proofreading is the process of carefully reviewing the document for errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation, and formatting. It helps to eliminate any mistakes that may hinder understanding or compromise the credibility of the paper. Editing, on the other hand, focuses on improving the overall quality and clarity of the content by organizing ideas coherently, refining sentence structure, and ensuring consistency in style and tone.

To effectively proofread and edit a research paper, there are several tips that can be followed. First, it is crucial to take breaks between writing and revising sessions to maintain focus and objectivity. This allows for a fresh perspective when reviewing the work for errors or areas that need improvement. Additionally, reading aloud can help identify grammatical mistakes or awkward phrasing that may go unnoticed through silent reading alone.

Another useful strategy is seeking feedback from peers or mentors who can provide constructive criticism. Their perspectives can highlight areas that require further clarification or suggest alternative ways of presenting information more effectively. Utilizing online grammar-checking tools can also assist in identifying basic errors like spelling or punctuation mistakes.

Thorough proofreading and editing are essential steps in academic writing as they ensure accuracy, coherence, and credibility in research papers. By following these tips diligently during the revision process, researchers can enhance their work's clarity while maintaining a high standard of scholarly integrity.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some common mistakes to avoid when choosing the right business concept for a cuegis essay.

Some common mistakes to avoid when choosing the right business concept for a CUEGIS essay include not conducting thorough research, failing to consider multiple perspectives, neglecting to analyze the ethical implications, and overlooking the global context.

How can cultural implications be effectively analyzed in a Cuegis essay?

Cultural implications can be effectively analyzed in a CUEGIS essay by considering factors such as cultural values, norms, and beliefs. This analysis should focus on the impact of these cultural aspects on the chosen business concept and its operations.

What are some key factors to consider when evaluating the impact of globalization in a Cuegis essay?

Key factors to consider when evaluating the impact of globalization in a cuegis essay include economic interdependence, cultural homogenization, environmental degradation, ethical concerns, and political implications.

How can sustainability factors be effectively examined in a Cuegis essay?

Sustainability factors can be effectively examined in a CUEGIS essay by considering their impact on the environment, society, and economy. This analysis should include evaluating the company's efforts to reduce carbon footprint, promote social responsibility, and achieve long-term profitability while preserving natural resources.

What are some strategies for addressing the implementation of business concepts in a Cuegis essay?

Strategies for addressing the implementation of business concepts in a cuegis essay include analyzing how businesses apply these concepts, evaluating their effectiveness, considering potential challenges and ethical implications, and proposing improvements or alternative approaches.

The article provides a comprehensive guide on writing an IB Cuegis essay. It emphasizes the importance of research and analysis in understanding the framework. The essay structure is broken down, highlighting the selection of an appropriate business concept and analyzing its cultural, social, and ethical implications. Real-life examples are suggested to strengthen arguments. A strong conclusion is emphasized along with tips for formatting, citations, proofreading, and editing. By following this guide, students can effectively navigate the Cuegis framework and produce high-quality essays.

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Guide to writing a CUEGIS essay

  • Business_Management
  • Aug 06, 2020

Breakdown of the marking criterion

Criterion A: Knowledge and Conceptual understanding

“Good understanding of both the given concepts is demonstrated. The business management content selected is relevant, sufficient and well explained”.

  • use of business terminology where appropriate
  • application of BM concepts where appropriate

Criterion B: Application

“Given concepts and relevant business management content are well applied to explain the situation and issues of the real world organisations. Examples are appropriate and illustrative.”

  • ample knowledge of the case study is needed
  • concrete evidence is needed to support arguments
  • avoid vague and hypothetical statements (all examples provided must be something that has occurred)

Criterion C: Reasoned arguments

“Relevant, balanced arguments are made and these are well justified.”

  • minimal two for and two against for each point

Criterion D: Structure “All of the structure elements are present and ideas are clearly described”

  • concise introduction related to the question
  • proper structure with fit for purpose paragraphs

Criterion E: Stakeholder perspective “Balanced perspective given to relevant individuals and group perspectives”

  • avoid speculative assertions such as “shareholders will be happy…”
  • mention both positive and negative impact on stakeholders

There is no fixed format for CUEGIS essay, but as long as you adhere to the recommendations below, you should be fine. Generally, based on the marking criterion, you should

  • demonstrate good understanding of key BM concepts
  • apply BM concepts to your case study
  • ensure that all points are well justified with good elaboration and concrete evidence
  • ensure you have fit for purpose paragraphs (i.e. each one should address on specific point, e.g. one for advantages and disadvantages for business, another for stakeholder perspective)
  • ensure that you have a balanced essay: both pros and cons of strategy is mentioned
  • use BM terminology where you can
  • both group and individual stakeholder perspectives are discussed; both internal and external stakeholders are mentioned (e.g. internal individual: CEO; internal group: employee; external individual: customer; external group: pressure groups)

Sample question

With reference to an organisation that you have studied, evaluate the importance of innovation in an organisation’s growth strategies.


  • define key terms in the question (“innovation” and “growth strategies”)
  • introduce your company of choice (vision/mission statement; which industry, where is the headquarters, who is the CEO etc.)
  • briefly summarise the strategies you will be discussing in the essay

Body paragraph

Body paragraph 1: first strategy

  • introduce strategy

Body paragraph 2: analysis of the first strategy

  • advantages and disadvantages for the business
  • recommended two each

Body paragraph 3: stakeholder perspectives for the first strategy

  • pros and cons for stakeholders 1 and 2
  • consider how each strategy has affected stakeholders
  • for CEO, why did she/he choose to make this decision?

Repeat for the second strategy

  • provide nuanced conclusion of whatever you’ve discussed on the body
  • consider what is the long term impact of the company’s strategies?

Author: tangible_silence

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What is IB CUEGIS Essay and How to Write It?


Table of contents

  • Writing Metier

The IB CUEGIS is a conceptual extended response question . Students have to attempt this in section C of their Business Management Paper 2. It takes up 10% of the score. So if you do well in this essay, you have an excellent opportunity to land a good score overall. If you are an IB student confused about how to write a CUEGIS essay, continue reading!

As part of this essay, you will be given a question that you have to answer, mainly using six concepts.

  • Globalization;
  • Innovation;

As you may see all these six fist letters combined are making a CUEGIS name. These concepts are used as the foundation for this essay and allow students to make use of different tools and techniques. It also helps them uniquely showcase their talent by allowing them to talk about different examples using analytical techniques.

To write this essay, you must first identify real-life organizations to which you can apply these concepts. You must think of this in several ways, like cultural transformation, ethical issues, strategic management, globalization-related changes, etc. When you think about this from so many different angles, you can naturally work on this essay in a much better way and can also get to know the organization much better.

The requirements of this essay are that you first select organizations and then apply two chosen concepts to them. But to score better, it is recommended that you analyze situations by applying as many concepts as possible because that allows you to showcase your analytical skills to the examiner and score much better overall.

Oftentimes, students ask how they should apply these concepts to these organizations. These concepts need to be applied by first highlighting activities that are related to these. You can even highlight activities that should ideally include these concepts but lack them. Examples given should be ones that you can support and ones that are highly unique. Only when you do can you work towards a proper analysis of these.

You should use certain business tools to explain your examples in light of the chosen concepts. You can even identify other perspectives from the point of view of different stakeholders in the organization.

If you compare this essay to the TOK essay , then you can safely say that this essay will be much easier to get through if you have a sound understanding of that one. The TOK essay requires you to analyze concepts in much more detail. Not just that, but the concept is also highly different for that one. For this one, you can just simply explain real-life examples and use the right tools to score better. Your ability to relate things to the real world will be seen.

So, in short, we can say that the essence of this essay is the concepts you highlight, the examples you choose, and the business tools you choose to explain your idea in a much better way.

This essay does not have a specific word or page limit . You can write as much as you think is relevant. The only idea is that you should be able to explain your point of view in the proper manner.

IB CUEGIS Essay Structure

structure of cuegis essay

Before you begin with CUEGIS essay structure, you must clearly understand the essay question, and then you must understand the approach you are using to work on it. Remember that you need to be able to look at all sides of the business to understand how the company has been functioning over time and what concepts you can use to analyze the situations you have in mind.

Paragraph 1- Introduction

The first paragraph is one where you start off with the name of the company. You also introduce the company in terms of the work they do, the business they have, and the scale that they operate at. Then you need to define the main terms that you will be explaining here, after which you give your hypothesis, which is a single statement that gives an answer to your question.

Paragraphs 2 and 3- Body

These paragraphs are the main ones where you address the question directly and also elaborate on the points that you have in mind. You link all of this to certain examples that you have, with the main idea being first to link an experience to one concept and then to the next. You need to use at least three keywords here and then explain the effect on one stakeholder.

Then you need to do the exact same things for another example and another concept.

For example, you can touch upon how a company has been able to do its best and get ahead of the competition by fully taking advantage of globalization. The key terms you use here can include words relevant to your course and related business.

These can have a strong impact on the examiner. For example, you can use job satisfaction, high quality, business orientation, and so on.

Paragraph 4- Conclusion

In the last paragraph, you need to address the company’s stakeholders. You can explain some conflicts and agreements between their interests. You need to do so by using very clear words so that you can make it very clear to the examiner what you are really trying to say.

Then you need to summarize what you said in the main part in a very cohesive and summarized form. After that, you need to talk about the end result of the company, evaluating their success or their failure related to the concept.

IB CUEGIS Essay Concepts

what is CUEGIS

Here, you can get a better idea of the concepts you have to highlight in this essay and how you can further progress with the essay by using all of these concepts better.

Change is an inevitable part of every organization. You need to talk about how changes happen and how different organizations adjust to that change. Then you also need to talk about how your chosen organization deals with changes to keep up with the way things are going.

Adequate change management then needs to be discussed to see how the change is being dealt with at different levels of the organization. A tool you can use here is Force Field analysis since it helps understand change within an organization.

Culture is broadly known as the way of doing things in an organization. There are several factors that affect an organization’s culture. These include the values, beliefs, norms, and so on. The culture of a company is what forms the foundation of that company and allows the company to do various different things.

The idea here is to understand how a company’s culture affects the way it operates. To work on this, you need to first understand the culture of a company to be able to explain it fully well.

Ethics are the moral principles that guide decision-making in an organization. Ethics is very important in the business field. All decisions need to be made bearing in mind ethical principles. Since ethics is a highly relative term, every organization has its own set of beliefs and norms that it follows.

So in line with this, companies need to have this sorted first so that they can work on it accordingly. You need first to pick an organization and then understand the different ethical principles they have that guide how work is done in the organization.


In the world that we live in today, most companies are working together. The world has now increasingly become borderless, which means that several different social and economic factors are now coming together. So it is due to this reason that we can see that so many companies are now working with each other.

When you talk about this concept, you can talk about how your organization has greatly benefitted from globalization and how that has helped you. You can even talk about the different challenges that globalization might have posed for your organization.

Innovation refers to creativity and coming up with new ways of doing things. In the world we live in today, there is a lot of competition. Like with the creativity part in the IB CAS hours , this means that we need to keep coming up with new things so that we can keep the interest of people.

If you are working on this, you need to talk about the different ways that your organization is working on innovation and how it is bringing new things to the market. Innovation often leads to the creation of new markets and is hence extremely important.

Strategy is essential. To gain success in any business, it is important to have a sound strategy in place that allows you to do so. Most organizations work very hard to formulate strategies that drive success. So if you choose this concept, you have to talk about the different strategies your organization has, which eventually help the organization succeed. One of the best strategies a company can have is to benchmark organizations doing very well in terms of strategy.

So before you need to start working, you need to have a few things in mind. First, you need to select your organization very carefully, bearing in mind that you might have to work through these concepts then. So given that, you need to select your concepts and then work your way through those.

To score well, you need to make sure to know your concepts well. Then, you need to make sure that you explore them in great detail. You will only be able to score well when you delve deep into the details of things and then explore examples. You also need to ensure that you write just enough and don’t go overboard.

While there is no specific given word count , you need to make sure to write just enough so that you can explain your point of view in the best possible way.

Final Words About CUEGIS Essay

So, if you are also a student struggling with so many things, you can get in touch with us and order a custom CUEGIS essay as per your instructions. We will be happy to help you with whatever you need. You just need to give us your topic, and we will be there to help you with it.

We have very skilled writers, proficient in the knowledge of this essay. Writing Metier team will provide you with great quality content and will also ensure that we give you all of those within a set deadline.

So all you need to do is get in touch with us, and we will be there to help you with your tasks!



Our team can assure you that you will be highly satisfied with the content that we give you! So don’t hesitate to contact us with your “ write an essay for me ” query on our website, and we will be there to assist you with what you need.

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Vasy kafidoff.

Vasyl Kafidoff is a co-founder and CEO at WritingMetier. He is interested in education and how modern technology makes it more accessible. He wants to bring awareness about new learning possibilities as an educational specialist. When Vasy is not working, he’s found behind a drum kit.

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Prompt #7 Mock CUEGIS Essay


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CUEGIS essay and IA

By Nikolakhs April 18, 2019 in Economics and Business & Management

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We are practicing for our CUEGIS essay for next year, and our teacher said that we can write about the same company as in our IA. Wouldn't that be collusion? Are we allowed to write about the same company, in two different assessments?

Thanks in advance.

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I'm pretty sure it doesn't. And it also really helps to use your IA company for your CUEGIS since you'd already know so much about the company and wouldn't have to do a lot of extra research while preparing.

20 hours ago, XXuni_loverXx said: I'm pretty sure it doesn't. And it also really helps to use your IA company for your CUEGIS since you'd already know so much about the company and wouldn't have to do a lot of extra research while preparing.

Btw how is your exams hahahaha, Business paper 2 tomorrow as well? 

4 hours ago, Ahmed101 said: Exactly!  Btw how is your exams hahahaha, Business paper 2 tomorrow as well?   

Aaaaaahhh, paper 1 was pretty good actually except I got pressed for time with the 10 mark question... when I was leaving the room, it hit me that omg that's going to the IB xD

And yeah paper 2 tmrw as well, still worried about CUEGIS after like thousands of practices

37 minutes ago, XXuni_loverXx said: Aaaaaahhh, paper 1 was pretty good actually except I got pressed for time  with the 10 mark question... when I was leaving the room, it hit me that omg that's going to the IB xD And yeah paper  2 tmrw as well, still worried about CUEGIS after like thousands of practices wbu?

Samee, but for me the questions were a bit vague and i also got pressed with time but I had the 20 mark question i think ur SL hahaha. Now practicing CUEGIS....

I'm choosing Coca Cola wbu? xD 

5 minutes ago, Ahmed101 said: Samee, but for me the questions were a bit vague and i also got pressed with time but I had the 20 mark question i think ur SL hahaha. Now practicing CUEGIS.... I'm choosing Coca Cola wbu? xD 

Yeah, I chose to kill myself with other HLs. 

Currently stuck on CUEGIS while trying to make some arguments for all 30 possibilities (now that I type it out loud, it sounds really dumb xD). I'm gonna to Apple, gotta stay loyal to the lifestyle  😂

How's Coca Cola tho>

Literally doing the same!  😂  It's alright tho just wanna finish got no time... Ramadan in hours...

Oh yeah there's a whole load of people who decided not to fast this time because of the exams. I mean it makes sense cuz they'd want to be on their A-game but Ramadan is usually a really big thing for some of these people, so yeah 

Yea true, btw do you know how to achieve a good score on criterion C in the 20 mark question (CUEGIS)? because i always score low on it in my previous mocks hahahha. Can I ask what was ur highest mark overall on the essay?

Just now, xox said: ok so guys i know this is not related to the question at all but hear me out please, so i wanna do something in computer science in uni maybe cs major only or maybe something related to artificial intelligence my subjects right now are computer science hl math application hl physics hl business and management sl hindi and eng sl but my major confusion is in which math i should take analysis or application???? and do i choose psychology over physics maybe? idk im v confused just help me out in maths whichever is better for the field of computer science but colleges in usa and uk >_<

Hey there, your subjects seem fine from what I can tell, and a friend of mine wants to AI as well and his subjects are similar to yourself. Idk about the math thing since the new syllabus is applicable to your year group first and I haven't heard much about it. From my math HL teacher, I've gathered that both are going to be really complicated with a lot of application to real-life examples.

Additionally, with your physics and pysch problem, my friend is taking physics if that helps. But I think that had more to do with the fact that he enjoyed the subject. What are your arguments for choosing pysch tho?

11 minutes ago, Ahmed101 said: Yea true, btw do you know how to achieve a good score on criterion C in the 20 mark question (CUEGIS)? because i always score low on it in my previous mocks hahahha. Can I ask what was ur highest mark overall on the essay?  

Agh, my highest yet is a 15/20 so I really need to push that up cuz my IA was real ****. For Criteria C, I usually structure my arguments as well as I can so that the balance is obvious.

1. Point - Argument

2. Explanation (Theory and Application to Business)

3. Evidence - An event or example of something the company did

4. Stakeholder Analysis

3 minutes ago, XXuni_loverXx said: Hey there, your subjects seem fine from what I can tell, and a friend of mine wants to AI as well and his subjects are similar to yourself. Idk about the math thing since the new syllabus is applicable to your year group first and I haven't heard much about it. From my math HL teacher, I've gathered that both are going to be really complicated with a lot of application to real-life examples. Additionally, with your physics and pysch problem, my friend is taking physics if that helps. But I think that had more to do with the fact that he enjoyed the subject. What are your arguments for choosing pysch tho? Agh, my highest yet is a 15/20 so I really need to push that up cuz my IA was real ****. For Criteria C, I usually structure my arguments as well as I can so that the b  alance is obvious. 1. Point - Arg  ument 2. Explanation (Theory and Application to Business) 3. Evidence - An event or example of something the company did 4. Stakeholder Analysis  5. Balance

Hmm, okay thanks so much uni lover? 😂 .  Nice to meet you uni lover, Good luck and tell me how you did tom! 

1 minute ago, Ahmed101 said: Hmm, okay thanks so much uni lover? 😂 .  Nice to meet you uni lover, Good luck and tell me how you did tom! 

Yeah it's uni lover, long story. Good luck to you too!

23 hours ago, XXuni_loverXx said: Yeah it's uni lover, long story. Good luck to you too!


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Alito’s Second Flag Is About More Than Just Jan. 6.

It’s a window into the supreme court justice’s ominous vision..

On Wednesday, the New York Times reported that in addition to the upside-down American flag Justice Samuel Alito and his wife displayed outside of their home in suburban Virginia after the 2020 election, there was yet another provocative and highly political flag flown at an Alito household—this one hoisted on a flag pole outside of their vacation home in New Jersey in 2023.

This second flag, white with green pine tree, bears the words “An Appeal to Heaven.” Among certain circles, it has a very clear meaning: that the faithful should appeal to the forces of heaven to elect and seat Donald Trump as president.

If you look at the images from the Jan. 6 insurrection, Appeal to Heaven flags were everywhere. That the Alitos chose to display one outside of their home—in 2023!—cannot be separated from the flag’s ubiquity at the Capitol riots.

But in reality, the flag’s meaning is more complicated than just its association with Jan. 6—and in some ways, more ominous.

The Appeal to Heaven Flag is an old symbol from the American Revolution that was resurrected—and reinterpreted—around 2013 by a charismatic religious leader called Dutch Sheets. Sheets is associated with a network known as the New Apostolic Reformation that was started in the 1990s and is characterized in part by religious leaders and churches who are inspired to wage “spiritual warfare” against their enemies through the act of targeted prayer. NAR also preaches political organizing in the earthly realm, to conquer different facets of society for God.

To the charismatic Christians who this flag was meant to speak to in the early 2010s—that is,  particular nondenominational sects of Christians who believe in earthly miracles and the ongoing and constant intervention of the divine, and who often practice their faith through speaking in tongues and other similar displays—“appealing to Heaven” means praying for the intervention of God’s forces on earth. Many charismatic Christians in D.C. on Jan. 6 traveled there to pray, on the NAR leaders’ request, in proximity to the Capitol, against the forces of evil that they believe Trump was up against.

Sheets, who was already a prominent name among charismatic Christians, used the flag as a symbol of the spiritual fight to push Christianity deeper into society and especially into politics. In 2015, after Obergefell v. Hodges , which legalized gay marriage nationwide, his movement expanded—and the flag started to gain prominence in other conservative Christian circles. This was a moment when many conservative Christians felt the nation had turned away from Biblical values; they needed to appeal to heaven for God’s intervention.

The Appeal to Heaven flag began to pop up everywhere. But it truly took off when Trump lost the 2020 election. Charismatic Christian prophets and apostles had already declared that Trump was anointed by God to be the next president, to fight the forces of evil in America. So in the aftermath of Trump’s loss, when it seemed to charismatic Christians that demonic entities were gaining territory in this spiritual battle, believers once again called upon God’s forces for miraculous intervention. These Christians may not be told by their religious leaders to fight in the earthly realm, but they’ve still been primed to think of the world as a battlefield, and themselves as soldiers, in a very real sense.

Since the insurrection, the flag has continued to appear at events for Christian nationalist figures in politics such as former Pennsylvania gubernatorial candidate Doug Mastriano. House Speaker Mike Johnson, too, displays an Appeal to Heaven flag outside his office door .

Johnson, though, is Southern Baptist—not a background that aligns with Sheets’ particular Christian tradition. Alito is also not affiliated with charismatic Christianity. He comes from a Roman Catholic faith tradition. Nor is Leonard Leo, who also flew the flag . Leo, the Federalist Society figure often credited for the current makeup of the Supreme Court, is a traditionalist Catholic.

The spread of this symbol among various political conservatives shows just how much the Appeal to Heaven flag has caught on with Christian nationalists, defined as those who abide by the (ahistorical) belief that the United States was founded as an explicitly Christian nation and needs to be reclaimed as one. (A Christian nation can mean many things, but at its core, it means a government that operates by Christian values, with an explicit privileging of the Christian faith above other religions.)

In other words, the current iteration of the flag has expanded beyond the community that birthed it—a huge success for Sheets, who can now use it to excite a much broader audience. Some see the flag as a call to spiritual warfare. Others interpret it as a symbol that God backs their specific conservative, Christian visions for the country. And it is also, now, inextricably linked to the violence of Jan. 6 and the effort to overturn the 2020 presidential election results.

Some conservatives have pointed defensively to the flag’s origin in the Revolutionary War to justify the Alitos’ actions. The idea that the symbol is pulled from U.S. history could grant the flag a veneer of democratic legitimacy—but no one should confuse it for a contemporary democratic symbol. It’s a resurrected emblem, with a uniquely theocratic twist.

Regardless, anyone who owns one of these flags knows the most basic message behind it: America needs to be re-won for God. It involves Trump. But the goal will outlast him.

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15 elementary students announced as regional winners of SMART529 essay contest

BRIDGEPORT, W.Va. (WDTV) - Fifteen elementary students were announced as the regional winners of this year’s annual SMART529 “When I Grow Up” essay contest Wednesday.

Now in its 17th year, the annual essay contest, sponsored by State Treasurer Riley Moore’s office, asks students in kindergarten through fifth grades to write an essay about what they want to be when they grow up.

This year, 3,315 students submitted essays as part of the contest. Essays from three age groups (K-1st, 2nd-3rd and 4th-5th) were judged in each of the five geographic regions, which resulted in 15 winners.

The winners are being announced as part of national 529 Day, which is an annual celebration on May 29th that raises awareness for 529 college savings plans around the country.

Each regional winner will receive $500 invested into a SMART529 account, and an additional $4,500 will be awarded to a grand prize winner, who will be randomly selected during a reception and ceremony in September at the Culture Center in Charleston. Each regional winner’s school will also be awarded a $500 cash prize to support school programs.

The winners, their schools and their dream professions are:

Region One:

  • Emma Stover, Kindergarten at New River Primary in Fayette County – Teacher
  • Gage Cline, 2nd Grade at Shady Spring Elementary in Raleigh County – Chef
  • Piper Brady, 5th Grade at Stanaford Elementary in Raleigh County – Author

Region Two:

  • Keira Spaulding, Kindergarten at Crum PK-8 in Wayne County – Paleontologist & Museum Owner
  • Ava Metz, 3rd Grade at Eastbrook Elementary in Putnam County – Egyptologist
  • Charles “Charlie” Davis, 5th Grade at Holz Elementary in Kanawha County – Computer Programmer

Region Three:

  • Carson Wray, 1st Grade at Nutter Fort Primary in Harrison County – Animation Designer
  • Theodore “Teddy” Metz, 3rd Grade at Philippi Elementary in Barbour County – Plumber
  • Morgan Hayhurst, 5th Grade at Covenant Christian School in Monongalia County – Astrophysicist

Region Four:

  • Felicity LaMora, 1st Grade at Beverly Elementary in Randolph County – Teacher
  • Oforiwaa Amofah-Yeboah, 3rd Grade at Orchard View Intermediate in Berkeley County – Scientist
  • Edith Ellsworth, 4th Grade at Orchard View Intermediate in Berkeley County – Special Education Teacher

Region Five:

  • Cullen Gregory, 1st Grade at New Manchester Elementary in Hancock County – Movie Director
  • Eliana Pentino, 2nd Grade at Steenrod Elementary in Ohio County – Veterinarian
  • Madison Reiner, 4th Grade at Lubeck Elementary in Wood County – Wolf Biologist

Elementary school teachers can also participate by submitting an essay about how they would use the contest in the classroom to inspire their students.

This year’s winning teacher -- Mrs. Saida Chaieb, a kindergarten teacher at Spring Hill Elementary in Cabell County -- will receive a $2,500 cash prize.

“The annual ‘When I Grow Up’ essay contest is one of my favorite things to oversee as State Treasurer, as it gives us a chance to hear from thousands of kids from across the state who share their dreams of what they want to be when they grow up,” Moore said. “This inspirational contest not only gives parents a chance to sit down with their child and talk about their dreams for their future, but also an opportunity to begin seriously planning how to achieve it.”

Copyright 2024 WDTV. All rights reserved.

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Races for elected offices gel with candidate filing deadline less than a week away

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With a June 4 deadline less than a week away, there’s been a flurry of activity in the past three weeks by candidates seeking Maui County political offices, with several checking out and/or filing their official nomination papers.

As of Tuesday, all nine incumbent Maui County Council members have filed nomination papers. Three remain unopposed so far. Four have opponents who’ve also filed papers as candidates, and two have potential opponents who’ve taken out papers but had not filed them as of Friday.

Here’s how the nine County Council races are shaping up:

South Maui : Incumbent Council Member Tom Cook put in his nomination papers on May 20. Former Council Member Kelly King checked out and filed her nomination papers on the same day, Feb. 1. Two other potential candidates have checked out papers: Eric Hofer and Johnny Prones, both of Kīhei.

West Maui : Incumbent Council Member Tamara Paltin filed for re-election on May 13. Two potential opponents have checked out papers: Lorien Acquintas and Carl Lopez, both of Lahaina.

Kahului : Incumbent Council Member Tasha Kama submitted her papers for re-election on May 20. She is being contested by Carol Lee Kamekona of Kahului.

Makawao-Haʻikū-Pāʻia : Incumbent Council Member Nohe Uʻu-Hodgins committed to seeking re-election by filing nomination papers May 23. Nara Boone of Haʻikū and Garrett Probst of Makawao have taken out papers for the seat.

Upcountry : Incumbent Council Member Yuki Lei Sugimura filed papers for re-election May 22. She will face Edward Codelia of Pukalani.

Molokaʻi : Incumbent Council Member Keani Rawlins-Fernandez committed to seeking re-election on May 13. She will be contested by John Pele of Maunaloa.

Wailuku-Waiheʻe-Waikapū : Council Chair Alice Lee filed her papers early, on Feb. 7. She has no opponent so far.

East Maui : Incumbent Council Member Shane Sinenci filed his nomination papers May 22, as of Friday. So, far he’s also running unopposed.

Lāna‘i : Incumbent Council Member Gabe Johnson filed for re-election. He remains unopposed.

In state House races:

District 9 (Kahului, Pu‘unēnē, portion of Wailuku) : Democrat Rep. Justin Woodson checked out nomination papers May 9. There are no other candidates so far.

District 10: (Portion of Waiehu, Paukūkalo, Wailuku, Wailuku Heights and Waikapū) : Democrat Rep. Tyson Miyake filed nomination papers May 20, and he will be opposed by fellow Democrat Jeremiah Savage of Wailuku, who filed May 15.

District 11 (A portion of Mā‘alaea and all of Kīhei, Keawakapu, Wailea, Mākena, Kanahena and Keone‘ōio) : Democrat Rep. Terez Amato submitted nomination papers March 8, and she may be opposed by Republican Aileen Acain of Kīhei who pulled papers Feb. 1.

District 12 (A portion of Keahua and all of Hāliʻimaile, Pukalani, Makawao, Pūlehu, Waiakoa, Kula, Kēōkea and ʻUlupalakua) : Democrat Rep. Kyle Yamashita filed his nomination papers for re-election May 28. Fellow Democrat Zachary Thielen of Makawao pulled papers Feb. 5, and Republican Dan Johnson of Pukalani filed on April 26.

District 13 (Moloka‘i, Lāna‘i, Kaho‘olawe, portion of Kahului, Ha‘ikū, Pe‘ahi, Huelo, Nāhiku, Hāna, Kīpahulu) : Democrat Rep. Mahina Poepoe filed papers for re-election May 8. Democrat Linda Haʻi Clark of Kula took out papers May 3, and Republican Robin Vanderpool of Ha‘ikū checked them out April 8.

District 14 (Kahakuloa, Waihe‘e, portions of Waiehu and Mā‘alaea, Olowalu, Lahaina, Lahainaluna, Kā‘anapali, Māhinahina Camp, Kahana and Honokahua) : Democrat Rep. Elle Cochran took out papers for re-election on March 1, and Democrat Shaina Forsyth of Lahaina pulled them May 17.

In Senate contests:

District 5 (Wailuku, Kahului, Waihe‘e, Waikapu Mauka, Wai‘ehu) : Democrat Sen. Troy Hashimoto filed his nomination papers May 28, and no other candidates have indicated interest in the seat so far.

District 6 (West Maui, Mā‘alaea, Waikapū and South Maui) : Democrat Sen. Angus McKelvey pulled nomination papers March 27. Republican Sheila Walker of Kīhei took them out on March 7. Green Party member Jackie Keefe of Lahaina withdrew her candidacy May 28.

District 7 (Hāna, East Maui, Upcountry, Moloka‘i and Lāna‘i) : Democrat Sen. Lynn DeCoite filed for re-election on May 17.

Also, Kīhei resident Keith Lambert pulled papers to run as a Republican for the US Senate.

June 4 is the deadline to file nomination papers. Information on the candidate filing process is available online via the State Office of Elections at  www.hawaii.gov.elections . Candidates who want to make an appointment with elections officials should call the Elections Division at 808-270-7749.

The primary election is Aug. 10, and the general election is Nov. 5.

The candidate filing report can be viewed at  https://elections.hawaii.gov/candidates/candidate-reports . It is updated at the close of business days.

  • To view candidate contributions and spending, visit the Campaign Spending Commission at  https://csc.hawaii.gov/CFSPublic/menu .
  • The 2024 Hawaiʻi Candidate’s Manual is available at  https://elections.hawaii.gov/wp-content/uploads/2024-Candidates-Manual.pdf . 
  • For additional information, visit  www.mauicountyvotes.com . To make an appointment, call the Office of the County Clerk, Elections Division, at 808-270-7749.

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  12. How to write a CUEGIS Essay for Business Management

    Hi guys!I just want to say that I am not an expert in writing the CUEGIS essay since I haven't complete IB yet. I recorded this video after I had a conversat...

  13. What is IB CUEGIS Essay and How to Write It?

    Vasy Kafidoff. The IB CUEGIS is a conceptual extended response question. Students have to attempt this in section C of their Business Management Paper 2. It takes up 10% of the score. So if you do well in this essay, you have an excellent opportunity to land a good score overall. If you are an IB student confused about how to write a CUEGIS ...

  14. CUEGIS Resource Bank

    Handout: CUEGIS Rubric + Examiners' Scoring Guide (Study These Examiner's Notes For Scoring the CUEGIS Essay. If you know what they are looking for, it's easier to meet their expectations and score more marks. 4 Prompt #6 Mock CUEGIS Essay . DOWNLOAD & SAVE: 3-Part Deluxe Worksheet Assignment.

  15. Kreem Academy

    Step-by-step IB Bsuiness CUEGIS essay writing. Hope it helps.

  16. Business Management CUEGIS essay : r/IBO

    You can use the same one as your IA. Body paragraphs should follow this structure: -state a precise example. -analyse the situation (explain how this affects the company both positively and negatively) -state the impacts on stakeholders (in the essay you need to identify a group and individual stakeholder for full marks.

  17. IB Business and Management Notes: CUEGIS Essay Sample

    IB Business and Management Notes: CUEGIS Essay Sample | Clastify. With reference to an organization of your choice, examine the impact of ethics on organizational strategy. (20) Chosen Company: IKEA. Share. Bookmark. Download. Notes. Business and Management - SL. 7.

  18. I need a CUEGIS Essay. For the...

    I need a CUEGIS Essay. For the essay you have to choose one of the following questions and answer it in essay format. 1) With reference to an organization of your choice, examine the impact of...

  19. Example CUEGIS Questions

    Example CUEGIS Questions. Here are example CUEGIS questions that have been asked on the IB exam. Answer one question from this section. The organizations featured in sections A and B and in the paper 1 case study may not be used as a basis to your answer. 1. With reference to an organization of your choice, discuss the ways in which ethics and ...

  20. CUEGIS essay and IA

    CUEGIS essay and IA Facebook; Twitter; IB Survival is now part of Lanterna Education. CUEGIS essay and IA. By Nikolakhs April 18, 2019 in Economics and Business & Management. Share More sharing options... Followers 0. Reply to this topic; Start new topic; Recommended Posts. Nikolakhs. Posted April 18, 2019. Nikolakhs. Members; 4

  21. CUEGIS Essay : r/IBO

    The CUEGIS essay is worth 20 marks and comes in BM SL and HL paper 2. CUEGIS Stands for Culture, Change, Ethics, Globalisation, Innovation and Strategy. You'll have to research depths of an organisation and know their strategies and relevant Business information to answer (While preparing, I say keep 3-4 organisations in mind). ...

  22. How do you write a good CUEGIS essay please give me some tips

    Organize your essay effectively: Your essay should be organized into sections that correspond to each of the areas in the CUEGIS framework. Within each section, you should provide a clear analysis of the relevant issues and examples to support your argument. Use relevant examples: Using examples from real-world businesses or situations can help ...

  23. IB Business Management CUEGIS Case Study: KFC

    IB Business Management CUEGIS Case Study: KFC. Tailored for IB Business Management CUEGIS essays, this document contains case facts for KFC. Notes are in essay format showing relationship between two CUEGIS element pairs (Change Ethics and Change Globalisation). Prepared by an IB 45 pointer who topped is Business Management school cohort.

  24. Dissertation or Thesis

    The third essay explores entrepreneurs who continuously pursue entrepreneurial careers. This descriptive study examines the career paths of second-time entrepreneurs using career history data of the entrepreneurs who founded their first and second ventures between 1980 and 2020.

  25. Sam Alito's second flag story and what it means about ethics at the

    It's easy to be furious at Samuel Alito, who has recently racked up yet another petty personal grievance display over, of all things, flags.

  26. South Carolina Redistricting Case Shows Supreme Court Rift Over Racism

    Connecting decision makers to a dynamic network of information, people and ideas, Bloomberg quickly and accurately delivers business and financial information, news and insight around the world

  27. Alito flag scandal: The second one is even scarier than the first

    The Appeal to Heaven Flag is an old symbol from the American Revolution that was resurrected—and reinterpreted—around 2013 by a charismatic religious leader called Dutch Sheets.

  28. Trans rights are 'greatest assault of my lifetime' on women's rights

    Trans rights are 'greatest assault of my lifetime' on women's rights, says JK Rowling Harry Potter author explains her beliefs in an essay for The Women Who Wouldn't Wheesht, a new book on ...

  29. 15 elementary students announced as regional winners of SMART529 essay

    This year, 3,315 students submitted essays as part of the contest. Essays from three age groups (K-1st, 2nd-3rd and 4th-5th) were judged in each of the five geographic regions, which resulted in ...

  30. Races for elected offices gel with candidate filing deadline less than

    With a June 4 deadline just a week away, there's been a flurry of activity in the past three weeks by candidates seeking Maui County political offices, with several checking out and/or filing ...