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NGO Cover Letter (Ultimate Guide)

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When you apply for a job with an NGO, a key part of your application will be a cover letter, alongside submitting a CV. A cover letter is a formal letter explaining why you are a strong candidate for a job. NGO recruiters will review your cover letter and decide if they should short-list you for an interview. Therefore, your cover letter needs to demonstrate you have the skills and experience, as well as the passion, to work at the NGO you are applying to.

We’ve put together this guide to help you write a great cover letter for an NGO job. It goes over thirteen crucial steps you should follow when writing your NGO cover letter. Follow the steps in this guide and see what you should, and shouldn’t, put in your cover letter for that NGO job…

Your Cover Letter Should Be Just One Page

The first thing you need to understand when writing a cover letter for an NGO job application is that it should never be more than one page long.

Your cover letter for an NGO job needs to catch the recruiter’s attention. NGO jobs are highly competitive. Some openings at top NGOs will get hundreds of applicants. NGO recruiters simply aren’t going to read really long cover letters. Keep it to one page to make sure it’s actually read.

Because NGO recruiters have to sift through so many applications, they usually only give each one a brief glance. It’s a shame because you put a lot of work into your application, however, it’s the truth. Therefore, you need to capture the hiring managers attention. One way to do this is to keep your cover letter to less than a single page.

A good length for an NGO cover letter is between 350 and 500 words. Make sure you write in font size 12. This means your cover letter will come out at about three quarters of a page. This is a good length as it allows you to include enough key details, without being too long to lose the NGO recruiters attention.

A cover letter for a job at an NGO that is longer than 500 words or so will have a higher chance of not being read. This means your application will be passed over and you’ll lose the opportunity to join the NGO you want in the role you applied for.

If you write a cover letter for an NGO job that’s less than about 500 words, it will simply be too short to include enough details, and may give the wrong impression to the hiring manager.

Make Sure Your Cover Letter Is Well Written

The second thing you must consider for a cover letter for an NGO job is that it must be well written.

Your cover letter is a key part of your job application for an NGO. Before you reach the interview stage, all the hiring manager knows about you is what you put in your CV and cover letter. Therefore, it is vital that you give the right impression. Making sure your NGO cover letter is written professionally is vital to this.

Start your cover letter with Dear Sir/Madam. This is the correct formal way to address a letter to someone who you do not know the name of. Your cover letter should close with ‘yours faithfully’ – again, the correct formal way to end a letter to someone you do not know.

When writing a cover letter for an NGO job, make sure you break your text down into clear paragraphs. Each paragraph should address a different topic, such as previous work experience, education, soft skills or why you want this role or to work for this particular NGO.

The way you write in your cover letter should be clear, and professional. Never use slang, and write in complete sentences. Good grammar is also hugely important. If you struggle with writing clearly, and correctly, run your cover letter through a spell-checker or a tool such as Grammerly .

If you are unsure whether your cover letter is well written and makes your points clearly, have a friend or family member read it and ask them to assess if it making your points directly enough.

Tailor Your Cover Letter For Each Job Application

Probably one of the most important things you need to do when writing your cover letter for an NGO job is ensure that you are tailoring it for each application that you send.

Don’t write a generic cover letter and send it to every job. NGO recruiters will be reviewing your cover letter to assess how well you fit for the particular role they are hiring for. Editing your cover letter so that it is tailored to the role you are applying for is key.

Tailoring your cover letter for the job you are applying for allows you to clearly demonstrate how well you fit the role. It also lets you demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of the NGO and the specific position.

NGO jobs are highly competitive. You will need to send a lot of applications, especially if you are early in your career, to land an NGO role. Therefore, writing an entirely new cover letter for each job application you send will take too much time. You need to have a cover letter that acts as a template, and then have key sections that you can quickly edit for each job you apply for…

For example, parts of the cover letter covering trainings, education and soft skills will likely not change much between jobs. However, sections such as how your previous professional experience makes you qualified for the role, need to change slightly for each application. The section explaining why you want to work for that organisation also needs to be edited for each NGO that you apply to.

Remember, save all the cover letters you send to NGOs. This mean if you apply to the same organisation again, or to a similar role, you can go back to older version and tailor them more easily.

Your Cover Letter Must Capture The Recruiters Attention

A vital aspect of your NGO cover letter is that it must capture the recruiter’s attention.

As we said, NGO job openings can get hundreds of applications – your cover letter needs to stand out. Often NGO recruiters will only take a quick glance over a cover letter before deciding whether to shortlist that candidate for interview. Therefore, you need to ensure that even with a quick look, your cover letter conveys that you are right person for that NGO job.

After your opening of ‘Dear Sir/Madam’, its often good to include a line that confirms the role you are applying for – something like ‘I wish to apply for the position of… with…’ NGO.  This just ensures that the recruiter is aware of the role you are a candidate for.

The next line of your cover letter, usually the opening of your first full paragraph, should highlight your most recent and most relevant work experience. Something along the lines of ‘I am currently employed as…’, or ‘I have experience in a similar role as…’. This instantly tells the NGO recruiter that you are a highly relevant candidate.

Now that you’ve got the recruiters attention, use that paragraph to describe how that position is relevant to the job you are applying for. Again, be direct and concise here, but the aim is to show that your current, or most recent, professional experience is as closely linked to the NGO job you are applying to as you can.

Be Sure To Expand On Your Professional Experiences

Once you have caught the hiring manager’s attention, and demonstrated that your most recent, or most relevant role, is closely linked to the NGO job you are applying for, the next step in writing your cover letter is to expand on your professional experiences.

You should now move to another paragraph, and here you should highlight, briefly, any other relevant work experience you have. If you have a lot of related experience, especially if you have worked for NGOs before, choose some roles that are most closely linked to the position you are applying for.

The aim here is to further show the NGO recruiter that you have professional experience that would provide you the knowledge and skills needed to do the job. You do not need to list all your jobs here, but you should provide details on the relevant positions.

If you are new to the NGO sector, or applying for entry-level roles, instead of including other professional experiences you could expand more on the experience you do have. For example, here you could detail internships or volunteer postings you have done. However, only include them if they are relevant to the NGO job you are applying for.

Make Sure Your Cover Letter Links To The Exact Job Description

As we’ve discussed briefly already, it’s really important that your NGO cover letter directly links to the job you are applying for. One of the best ways to do this is to review the job description posted in the job advert by the NGO, and address the key points in it in your cover letter.

Directly addressing the key points in the job description in your cover letter tells the NGO recruiter directly that you have the required skills and experience to do the job.

Your cover letter should be less than one page – ideally around 500 words. This means you cannot link your previous work experience to every point in the job description. Therefore, you need to pick the most important points only. Often these are the main sub-headings, but make sure to read the job advert to see if the NGO includes any particular challenges or transitions that the role may face.

It’s important in the part of the cover letter not to just repeat your CV. Remember, the NGO recruiter has a copy of your CV and will be reviewing that as well. Your aim here is to briefly describe how your professional experience means you have the skills and competencies listed in the job description.

NGO hiring managers will be looking to recruit the person with the most relevant skills – this is your chance to show them it’s you!

Outline Your Training and Education

After giving a brief overview of your professional experience in your NGO cover letter, you should now include your education and training. This should be the start of another paragraph.

Begin by explaining your most recent university degree. Almost all NGO jobs require at least a bachelors, and usually a masters, and so it is important to highlight that you have these to the recruiter.

After including your degree, you should then go on to list any other qualifications you have. However, only include qualifications that are highly relevant. If you have a masters related to NGO work, but a bachelors that is not, then leave it out. Remember – the aim in your cover letter is to be concise and clear.

Once you have listed your qualifications in your cover letter, next you should put a single sentence explaining how these are relevant to the NGO job you are applying for. You do not need to include a sentence linking each of your qualifications, a single line covering all of them will suffice.

As well as including your qualifications, in this paragraph of the cover letter you can also include any training courses you have completed. You can either include a following sentence also describing how these give you the skills and experience needed to do the job, or you can include them and then have one sentence linking both your university qualifications and training to the role.

Don’t list all the trainings you have done. The aim is to include the most relevant ones to the NGO job you are applying for. The most important thing is to explain how these make you qualified for the position. Again, remember the hiring manager will have your CV as well – it’s there that you can list more of your trainings.

NGO Online Courses

If you are looking to work for an NGO, we highly recommend the online course  International Humanitarian and Development Careers . We think it provides one of the best overviews of the NGO sector and gives a clear breakdown of the skills needed to get an NGO job. It also provides valuable information on how to successfully apply for positions within NGOs. Click the link to be taken to the course’s page.

We also think the online course  Introduction to NGO Management  is a must for anyone wanting to work for an NGO. It goes over how NGOs operate and introduces students to the unique aspects of the NGO sector they will need to know in order to land a job. Follow the link for more information.

Another online course we highly recommend for those wanting to join the NGO sector is  How To Design and Fund International Development NGO Projects . Anyone working for an NGO needs a basic understanding of how NGO projects are set-up, and how to input to funding proposals. This course is a must for those wanting to work for an NGO. Click the link to get more information on the course.

Include Descriptions Of Your Soft Skills

Now that you’ve outlined your professional experience, formal qualifications and trainings – essentially the ‘hard’ skills you have, next in your cover letter you need to briefly go over the inter-personal skills you have – your ‘soft’ skills.

When NGOs post a job advert, they almost always include the competencies they are looking for the role. These can be soft skills such as team work, problem solving, initiative taking and leadership. They can also be more closely aligned to the NGOs own mission and values – and include things like inclusion, accountability, neutrality and fairness.

It’s important you address the soft skills listed in the job advert. Start a new paragraph of your cover letter and briefly explain which inter-personal skills you have. If you have space, also include a sentence on how you acquired these skills, such as that your previous work experience, volunteer postings or education meant that you built the specific soft skills the NGO is looking for role.

Remember, the aim of your cover letter is to expand on your CV, not repeat it. Including your soft skills in your NGO cover letter is ideal as these should not be included in your CV.

As always, keep this part of your cover letter short and to-the-point. Also, ensure that you are including the competencies included in the job description, but, if possible, do not copy them word-for-word.

Highlight Your Computer Skills In Your Cover Letter

Almost all modern jobs require IT skills – NGO jobs are no different. It’s important in your cover letter that you highlight that you have the computer skills relevant to the job.

Include a single sentence stating that you are computer literate and understand how to use the specific programmes the job requires.

Pretty much every NGO job will require you to have moderate-to-strong abilities in Microsoft Word and Excel, so be sure to include these in your cover letter. PowerPoint is also commonly used so it can be beneficial to list this as well.

Some specific NGO roles may require the use of additional computer programmes. For example, finance roles are likely to require experience in accounting software such as QuickBooks. If you know the NGO uses a certain software, or is likely to use a similar programme for the position you are applying for, be sure to mention it in your cover letter.

You should keep this section of your cover letter focusing on your IT skills to a minimum. One, or maximum two, sentences is enough to convey to the NGO hiring manager that you understand the level of computer work needed to do the job.

Explain Why You Want This Job

So, you’ve explained in your cover letter your professional and educational background, as well as the soft skills you have that are relevant to the NGO job you are applying for. You’ve also included a short section covering your IT skills. Now, you need to show your passion for the role!

There are two main things you should do when explaining to an NGO in your cover letter why you want the job. The first is the specific reason why the role excites you. Be genuine here. Look for real reasons why this job is the perfect role for you. However, ensure you remain relevant to the job– avoid general terms about why you want to work in the NGO sector. Instead, explain why the particulars of this role made you apply.

The second thing you need to do here in your cover letter is explain what the job will do for you. How does it build on your current professional or educational experience. Avoid saying that the role is just a stepping stone to another job – this will make the hiring manager think you’ll leave the job as soon as a better one comes up. Instead, focus on how the job relates to your wider, and more general, career goals.

Again, be honest and passionate about why you want the job so that the NGO recruiter can see you are excited by the position.

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Describe Why You Want to Work For This NGO

The last part of your NGO cover letter should explain why you want to work for that organisation.

Each NGO is unique and they are often proud of their histories and the work they do. NGO’s also look to recruit people whose values and passions align with their mission. Therefore, is it vital to include a sentence about why working for this particular NGO interests you.

Note – here you need to be specific about the NGO. Don’t say why you want to work for NGOs generally. Do some research on the organisation you are applying to and ensure the ending statement of your cover letter relates directly to the organisations work.

One tip is to look at the NGOs mission statement. These can almost always be found on the NGOs website. Don’t repeat their exact words back to them – but do say that this mission excites you and makes you want to work for the organization.

If an NGO doesn’t have a mission statement on their website, take a quick look over their areas of programming they do and highlight why these interest you.

As always, keep it direct and to-the-point. One sentence here should be enough.

Don’t Include Start Date or Salary Expectation

Unless a NGO’s job advert explicitly asks you to include a date of when you can start in the role, or your salary expectations, don’t.

Generally, it’s good to leave this information out unless you have to include it. These details are best discussed at the interview stage where you can provide more detail and context.

The only time you should include your start date in an NGO cover letter is if you can start work immediately. This can be in your favour as NGO recruitments are often urgent and including that you can start in the position right away can actually help your application.

If an NGO explicitly says they want applicants to include a start date in their cover letter, it is best to include a rough date, or better, something like ‘available with one months’ notice’ – or whatever your current jobs notice period is.

Don’t Include A Photograph

A final point to note when writing your cover letter for an NGO job is that you shouldn’t put a photograph of yourself.

Although in some countries putting a photograph on your job application is more common, generally it is best not to. Putting a photograph rarely adds to the quality of an application. Almost no NGOs require applicants to include photographs when they apply for a job.

A good rule to follow is to only give information in your cover letter that will directly help you get the job. Essentially, if an NGO recruiter doesn’t need a piece of information, don’t give it to them. Your cover letter is a key tool in convincing the NGO hiring manager that you are a strong candidate for the job, and that they should short-list you for an interview. Putting a photograph does not help with this argument, and therefore it shouldn’t be included.

If, on the very rare occasion, an NGO does ask you to include a photograph in your application. Ensure it is professional and clear. Don’t use a passport photo… everyone looks bad in passport photos!

If you want to know more about how to get a job with an NGO, as well as application tips, check out our page on the top NGO online courses here .

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example of ngo cover letter

3 Inspiring Nonprofit Cover Letter Examples

By Editorial Team on February 14, 2024 — 8 minutes to read

The nonprofit sector includes organizations that are neither part of the government nor operated for profit. When you interact with nonprofits, you’re looking at a diverse group with missions ranging from education and health to environmental conservation and the arts.

Nonprofits are typically funded by donations, grants, and membership dues and are driven by a mission to serve the public. Unlike for-profit businesses, they reinvest any surplus revenues back into their programs and services. This structure means that your passion and alignment with the organization’s mission can often be just as important as your professional skills.

When writing a cover letter for a job in the nonprofit sector, it’s important to highlight both your professional abilities and your dedication to the cause. This could include volunteer experience, board memberships, or simply a strong personal connection to the mission of the organization.

Crafting Your Cover Letter

A stellar cover letter grabs attention by aligning your skills and passion with the nonprofit’s mission and the job at hand. Here’s how you can craft one that stands out.

Analyzing the Job Description

Start by thoroughly reading the job posting to understand what the nonprofit is looking for. Identify keywords and phrases related to skills, experiences, and values. You can use these to tailor your cover letter to demonstrate you’re a perfect fit for the role. For example, if “community outreach” is a frequently mentioned phrase, highlight your experience in this area.

Knowing Your Audience

Research the organization to get a sense of its culture and values. Use this insight to talk directly to the nonprofit’s needs and show you’ve done your homework. For instance, if the organization values innovation, you can mention a time you implemented a new process or project.

Personalizing Your Introduction

Begin with a compelling opening sentence that introduces you and your interest in the organization. A personal story or a connection to the cause can make your cover letter memorable. For example: “Seeing the impact of your homeless outreach inspired me to apply.”

Outlining Your Relevant Experience

In bullet points, list the experiences that directly relate to the job. Explain how each experience has prepared you for the specific responsibilities of the role. For example, if you’re applying to be a grant writer, list success stories of past grants you’ve secured.

Demonstrating Your Passion for the Cause

Let your enthusiasm for the work shine through by sharing why the mission matters to you. Relate personal experiences or achievements that show your commitment. For example: “Volunteering with (…) initiative confirmed my dedication to environmental advocacy.”

Concluding with a Strong Finish

End with a confident and polite closing that invites further conversation. Express excitement about the prospect of contributing to the team and the cause. For example:”I am eager to bring my experience in nonprofit management to your esteemed team and am looking forward to discussing how I can support your goals.”

Formatting Your Cover Letter

Structuring your document.

Your cover letter should have a clear structure with an introduction, body, and closing. In the introduction, briefly mention the job you’re applying for and your enthusiasm about the mission of the nonprofit. The body of the letter should consist of one to two paragraphs where you highlight your relevant experience and achievements. Finally, end your letter with a strong closing statement, expressing your desire to discuss how you can contribute to the organization.

Choosing the Right Font and Size

You should select a professional and easy-to-read font such as Arial or Times New Roman. Your font size should be between 10 to 12 points to ensure readability. Keep margins at standard 1-inch on all sides to present a tidy page, and use single spacing within paragraphs with a blank line between each paragraph.

Templates and Examples

Crafting a personalized cover letter can greatly increase your chances of landing a job interview in the nonprofit sector. Here, you’ll find templates specifically designed for various levels of experience, whether you’re just starting out, have years of professional experience, or are transitioning to the nonprofit world.

Entry-Level Nonprofit Cover Letter Example

If you’re fresh in the workforce and eager to contribute to a cause, your cover letter should highlight your volunteer experiences and the skills you’ve gained from them. Remember, you’re telling a story about why you’re passionate about the nonprofit’s mission.

Example: Subject: Application for the Position of Community Outreach Coordinator

Dear [Hiring Manager’s Name],

I recently graduated with a degree in Social Work and found great purpose in my volunteer work with [Local Nonprofit Organization], where I deepened my understanding of community engagement and developed strong organizational skills. I am excited about the opportunity to bring my dedication and fresh perspective to [Nonprofit’s Name] as your next Community Outreach Coordinator.

Experienced Professional Cover Letter Example

For you, as someone with substantial experience, your cover letter is an opportunity to demonstrate how your track record can translate into success for the nonprofit. Be specific about your achievements and how they align with the values and goals of the organization.

Example: Subject: Application for Senior Program Manager Position

With over 10 years of program management experience, notably with [Previous Nonprofit], I significantly increased program efficiency by 20% and spearheaded a fundraising campaign that raised over $100,000. My commitment to fostering community growth and empowering diverse groups aligns seamlessly with the mission of [Nonprofit’s Name]. I am excited to bring my expertise and innovative strategies to your team as the Senior Program Manager.

Career Change to Nonprofit Sector Cover Letter Example

Your cover letter should reflect a clear, genuine reason for shifting to the nonprofit sector. Draw parallels between your past experiences and how these can benefit the organization. It’s important to show that your skills are transferable and that your passion for the mission is a driving force behind your career change.

Example: Subject: Application for the Role of Advocacy Coordinator

After a successful decade in the legal sector, I am ready to apply my expertise in advocacy and policy analysis to make a meaningful impact in the nonprofit realm. My experience winning complex legal battles translates well to the tenacious approach needed as an Advocacy Coordinator with [Nonprofit’s Name]. I am passionate about your mission and eager to contribute to your team with fresh strategies and a strong commitment to social change.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

When crafting your nonprofit cover letter, ensure you don’t make these common errors:

  • Neglecting Customization: Each nonprofit has its unique mission and values. Remember to tailor your cover letter to each organization’s specific ethos. A generic cover letter can imply a lack of genuine interest.
  • Overlooking Details: Always double-check for typos, grammatical errors, and incorrect information. These mistakes can suggest you lack attention to detail or professionalism.
  • Repeating Your Resume: Your cover letter should complement your resume, not repeat it. Use this space to expand on your experiences and explain how they align with the nonprofit’s goals.
  • Being Too Lengthy: Keep your cover letter concise. Aim for a maximum of one page. Your goal is to maintain the reader’s interest with a clear and brief message.
  • Skipping the Thank-You: End your cover letter by expressing gratitude for the consideration. It’s a simple but powerful way to show your appreciation and courtesy.

Best Practices for Follow-Up

After you’ve submitted your nonprofit cover letter, effectively following up can make a significant difference in how your application is perceived. Post-submission, it’s important to remain engaged and show your continued interest in the position.

Monitoring Your Email and Voicemail

Regularly check your email and voicemail for any responses or further instructions from the nonprofit organization. Promptness in your response conveys your eagerness and professionalism.

Being Proactive with Hiring Managers

If you haven’t heard back within a week or two, don’t hesitate to reach out. A courteous email inquiring about the status of your application demonstrates initiative, but remember to be respectful of the hiring manager’s time. Related: Get More Interviews: Follow Up on Job Applications (Templates)

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the key components to include in a cover letter for a nonprofit position.

In your nonprofit cover letter, you should include your passion for the mission of the organization, specific examples of your past achievements, and how they align with the goals of the nonprofit. Highlight your teamwork and communication skills, and don’t forget to mention any volunteer experience.

How can someone with no experience approach writing a cover letter for a nonprofit job?

If you’re lacking experience, focus on your transferable skills such as organization, enthusiasm, and the ability to learn quickly. Share your understanding of the nonprofit’s mission and express how your personal values align with it. You might discuss relevant coursework or extracurricular activities that demonstrate your commitment.

What’s the ideal length for a cover letter when applying to a nonprofit organization?

Your cover letter should be concise, ideally one page, with no more than three to four paragraphs. This shows that you can communicate effectively and respect the reader’s time, which is important in the fast-paced nonprofit sector.

Could you provide tips on formatting a compelling cover letter for NGO job applications?

Use a professional and readable font size, typically between 10-12 points, and keep the margins to about one inch on all sides. Align your text to the left and use bullet points to make achievements stand out. Ensure your layout has plenty of white space for easy readability.

In what ways can a program coordinator cover letter be tailored to highlight relevant skills for a nonprofit role?

Your program coordinator cover letter should demonstrate your project management skills, ability to work with diverse groups, and experience in organizing events or campaigns. Mention any successful programs you’ve run or contributed to and how they have made a positive impact.

What are some effective strategies for enhancing my cover letter when applying for jobs in the nonprofit sector?

Personalize your cover letter by addressing it to an individual rather than using a generic salutation. Use the job description to guide you in highlighting the most relevant experiences and skills you have. Use stories and examples that you think will resonate with the organization’s culture and mission.

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Social Impact Guide

Useful Phrases and Language For Your NGO Cover Letter

Cover letters are challenging. No one enjoys writing them. When written carefully, cover letters give you an advantage over other job applicants. They expand on your resume and reveal more about who you are. When thinking about how to write your NGO cover letter, think like the person hiring you. What will stand out to them? Beginning with your introduction and leading up to the end, here are useful phrases and language that can separate you from the bulk of applicants.

Introducing your letter

The first few sentences of your letter are extremely important. If you fail to hook the reader, they may skip the rest of your letter entirely. They have lots of letters to get through. Never open your letter with something like “I’m applying for (x) job.” The hiring manager already knows that. What should you open with, then? You’ll find a lot of advice on cover letter introductions, but not everything applies to the NGO sector. As an example, you might be advised to open your letter with humor. We don’t usually recommend that. It’s better to start with passion and enthusiasm about the organization.

Passion alone isn’t sufficient. Simply stating that you’re excited about the company won’t grab anyone’s attention. Contextualize that excitement with something specific. Has the organization done anything newsworthy recently? Is there a particular project/campaign they’ve worked on – past or present – that you’re especially impressed by? Express your enthusiasm about these specifics, then state how your skills and experience match the organization’s values and goals. Including something about the organization and yourself in the introduction shows you’re excited about the job, you know what the organization has been up to recently, and that you’re a good match. If you know someone in the organization, your introduction is the best place to mention this.

Elaborating on your skills with action keywords

This part of a cover letter is tricky because you don’t want to just repeat what your resume says. First, look at the action keywords in the job position. These are the words that describe skills the organization is looking for. Common keywords include “specialized” and “proficient.” You’ll also most likely see keywords like “teamwork,” “leadership,” and “detail-oriented.” Next, consider the skills you have that match. Choose up to three that are most relevant to the position you’re applying for. Use language similar to what you see in the job description. Why? Cover letters are often scanned by resume software looking for those keywords. This cuts down on the amount of time a human needs to spend looking through letters. The software narrows the hunt down to people who meet the basic qualifications.

You want to be careful not to copy the job description too closely. If it sounds like you just copy-and-pasted the whole desired skills section, you’re doing something wrong. You’re most likely not being specific enough. You want to mirror the language while showing that your specific experiences support those skills.

Employing action verbs

Action verbs are also important to your cover letter. These verbs describe the different things you’ve done in your previous positions. Think about your work experiences. Have you helped programs get off the ground? Led a team on a project? The action verbs there are “helped” and “led.” Choosing powerful action verbs gives your cover letter punch and highlights your experiences more effectively. Is “helped” the best action verb you could use? Consider alternatives like “assisted,” “advised,” “supported,” or “aided.” For “led,” a word like “facilitated,” “piloted,” “coordinated,” or “spearheaded” is punchier. Choosing your action verbs carefully polishes and sharpens your cover letter. You’re making the most out of a very limited space.

Closing your cover letter

Your letter’s ending is just as important as your opening. While the introduction serves as the hiring manager’s first impression of you, the ending is their last impression. They might be interested so far, but if the end of your cover letter is really weak, you probably won’t get a second look. What impression should the end of your cover letter send? You want to make it clear that you have something valuable to bring to the organization. You want to convince the hiring manager to follow up with you.

One way to do this is to promise more information. Something like, “I’d love to share how my success on/with (name a successful project or team) can translate to (organization/job you’re applying for)” shows your eagerness to bring something to the table. Whatever you decide to do, be confident and enthusiastic. For your sign off, keep it simple. Something like “sincerely” or “best regards” followed by a space, then your full name, is all that’s necessary. If you have an online portfolio, provide the link at the end.


Non-Profit Cover Letter

example of ngo cover letter

Navigating the non-profit sector requires a blend of passion and professionalism. Our guide on “Non-Profit Cover Letter Examples, How to Write, Tips” offers you a comprehensive toolkit to stand out in this noble field. Discover meticulously crafted cover letter samples specifically tailored for non-profits, coupled with step-by-step writing instructions. Plus, arm yourself with invaluable tips to ensure your application truly resonates with your dedication to cause and community. Elevate your non-profit journey today!

What is a Non-Profit Cover Letter?

A non-profit cover letter is a formal written document accompanying a job application targeted towards non-profit organizations. Given the unique nature of the non-profit sector, which emphasizes mission-driven work, community impact, and volunteer experiences, this great cover letter highlights not only the applicant’s professional qualifications but also their passion, commitment to the cause, and alignment with the organization’s values and objectives.

What is the Best Example of a Non-Profit Cover Letter

[Your Name] [Your Address] [City, Zip Code] [Your Email Address] [Phone Number] [Date]

[Recipient’s Name] [Recipient’s Job Title] [Non-Profit Organization’s Name] [Organization’s Address] [City, Zip Code]

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I am writing to express my deep interest in the [Specific Role] position at [Non-Profit Organization’s Name], as advertised on [Where You Found the Job Posting]. With [Number of Years] years of experience in [Relevant Field or Role], coupled with my genuine passion for [Specific Cause the Organization Works On], I am eager to bring my skills and commitment to your esteemed organization.

At my previous role with [Former Employer or Non-Profit Name], I successfully [Specific Achievement, e.g., “coordinated a nationwide fundraising campaign that raised over $500,000 for children’s education”]. This experience taught me the importance of [Specific Skill or Value, e.g., “collaboration and strategic planning in mission-driven work”]. Moreover, my volunteer stint at [Another Non-Profit or Relevant Experience] deepened my understanding of [A Specific Issue or Aspect Related to the Organization’s Cause, e.g., “the challenges faced by marginalized communities in accessing quality healthcare”].

What excites me most about the possibility of joining [Non-Profit Organization’s Name] is your innovative approach to [Specific Initiative or Project of the Organization, e.g., “sustainable community development”]. I believe that my experience in [Relevant Experience, e.g., “grassroots mobilization and donor engagement”] aligns perfectly with your organization’s goals and would allow me to contribute effectively to your team.

Thank you for considering my application. I am looking forward to the opportunity to further discuss how my skills, experience, and passion for [Cause] align with [Non-Profit Organization’s Name]’s mission and needs. Please feel free to reach me at [Your Phone Number] or [Your Email Address] to schedule a conversation.

Warm regards,

[Your Name]

Non-Profit Cover Letter

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Free Non Profit Cover Letters – Copy & Paste

Non profit cover letter format.

A non-profit cover letter format establishes the structure and presentation of content, allowing candidates to highlight their passion for making a difference, aligned with the organization’s mission and values.

[Your Name] [Your Address] [City, State, Zip Code] [Your Email Address] [Your Phone Number] [Date]

[Recipient Name] [Organization’s Name] [Organization’s Address] [City, State, Zip Code]

Dear [Recipient Name],

I am writing to express my sincere interest in the [Specific Role] at [Organization’s Name]. With a strong background in [relevant experience, e.g., “community engagement”] and a deep passion for [specific aspect of non-profit work, e.g., “child welfare”], I am eager to contribute to your esteemed organization and further its mission.

My experience at [Previous Organization or University Name] has equipped me with the necessary skills to thrive in a non-profit environment. Collaborating with diverse teams and managing projects under tight deadlines are challenges I approach with determination and enthusiasm.

Thank you for considering my application. I am eager to discuss in detail how my skills and experiences align with the needs of [Organization’s Name].

Warm regards, [Your Name]

Non Profit Cover Letter Format

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Non Profit Cover Letter for Entry Level Position Example

This cover letter for fresher or entry level candidates emphasizes passion, potential, and transferable skills, focusing less on direct experience and more on eagerness to contribute and grow within the non-profit sector.

As a recent graduate from [University Name] with a degree in [Specific Degree, e.g., “Social Work”], I am eager to apply my academic knowledge and volunteer experiences to a full-time role in the non-profit sector. Your recent opening for an entry-level position at [Organization’s Name] immediately caught my attention due to its alignment with both my personal and professional aspirations.

During my time at [University Name], I volunteered with [Relevant Volunteer Group], where I learned the importance of [specific non-profit activity, e.g., “community outreach”]. While I may be at the start of my professional journey, my dedication, adaptability, and keen interest in [specific non-profit focus, e.g., “education reform”] make me a valuable asset.

Thank you for considering my candidacy. I am excited about the potential to kick-start my non-profit career at [Organization’s Name] and contribute meaningfully to your mission.

Best regards, [Your Name]

Non Profit Cover Letter for Entry Level Position Example

Non Profit Cover Letter for Program Coordinator Example

This cover letter targets program coordination roles in non-profits, emphasizing project management skills, collaboration, and the ability to oversee and execute programs aligned with the organization’s objectives.

I am writing to express my interest in the Program Coordinator role at [Organization’s Name], a position that aligns perfectly with my professional journey over the past [X years]. My background in program development, coupled with a passion for [specific non-profit focus], positions me as an ideal candidate.

In my previous role at [Previous Organization’s Name], I successfully coordinated and launched [specific program, e.g., “an adult literacy initiative”], impacting over [specific number] of beneficiaries. This involved everything from liaising with stakeholders to ensuring the program ran efficiently and achieved its objectives.

I look forward to potentially coordinating impactful programs at [Organization’s Name] and am available for further discussions on how I can bring value.

Yours sincerely, [Your Name]

Non Profit Cover Letter for Program Coordinator Example

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Non Profit Cover Letter for NGO Program Officer Example

This letter showcases the candidate’s ability to manage, strategize, and implement programs for NGOs, indicating understanding of the unique challenges and requirements in the NGO sector.

With [X years] of experience serving as a program officer for notable NGOs like [Previous NGO’s Name], I am keen to bring my expertise in strategic planning, stakeholder engagement, and program management to [Organization’s Name]. Your recent endeavors in [specific focus, e.g., “clean water initiatives”] deeply resonate with my professional and personal values.

My tenure at [Previous NGO’s Name] involved overseeing [specific task, e.g., “the deployment of clean water solutions to remote regions”], directly benefiting over [specific number] of households.

I am eager to further the mission of [Organization’s Name] and am excited about the prospect of discussing the mutual benefits of my potential involvement.

Non Profit Cover Letter for NGO Program Officer Example

Non Profit Executive Cover Letter Example

An executive-level cover letter , emphasizing leadership skills, vision alignment with the non-profit’s goals, and a proven track record of impactful decision-making in senior roles.

As an experienced non-profit executive with over [X years] of dedicated service in leadership roles, I am reaching out regarding the executive position at [Organization’s Name]. Your organization’s commitment to [specific mission or cause] aligns seamlessly with my professional trajectory and personal values.

During my role as [Specific Previous Role, e.g., “CEO at Charity ABC”], I led a team of over [X number] and managed projects with budgets exceeding [specific amount], ensuring not only fiscal responsibility but also the alignment of all initiatives with our core mission.

I am confident in my ability to provide visionary leadership to [Organization’s Name], and I would be honored to discuss the future and potential synergies further.

Kind regards, [Your Name]

Non Profit Executive Cover Letter Example

NGO Volunteer Cover Letter Example

This cover letter exemplifies passion for social causes, highlights relevant volunteer experiences, and showcases an individual’s dedication to the NGO’s mission and vision.

Dear [Hiring Manager’s Name],

As someone deeply passionate about [specific cause, e.g., “child welfare”], I was thrilled to find the volunteer opportunity at [NGO’s Name]. With my extensive background in community service and leadership roles, I’m eager to contribute to your organization’s impactful work.

In my time with [Previous NGO/Charity Name], I coordinated community outreach programs that reached over 5,000 residents, fostering understanding and support for our initiatives. This experience ingrained in me the skills and patience necessary for grassroots mobilization, which I believe will be beneficial in your upcoming campaigns.

What resonates with me most about [NGO’s Name] is your commitment to [specific detail about the NGO]. I’m genuinely eager to contribute my energy, time, and skills to further this cause.

Thank you for considering my application. I’m looking forward to the possibility of contributing to [NGO’s Name].

Sincerely, [Your Name]

NGO Volunteer Cover Letter Example

CFO Cover Letter Example

A cover letter that reflects a seasoned financial leader’s capabilities, emphasizing strategic financial management, teamwork, and contributions to business growth.

Having spearheaded financial operations in [Previous Company’s Name] for the past [number] years, I am writing to express my interest in the Chief Financial Officer position at [Company’s Name]. My expertise in financial strategy formulation, combined with my collaborative approach, positions me as a prime candidate for your team.

Under my leadership at [Previous Company], we achieved a 30% reduction in operational costs and increased profitability by 20% within two years. This was a result of an innovative restructuring strategy I introduced, emphasizing efficiency and cost-saving. I also played a pivotal role in securing investments worth $50M, ensuring our company’s robust growth trajectory.

Your company’s reputation for [specific trait, e.g., “innovation in financial technology”] is particularly appealing to me. I’m eager to bring my strategic financial insights to foster [Company’s Name]’s growth and profitability.

I appreciate your time and consideration. I’d be delighted to discuss in detail how my expertise aligns with your company’s goals.

CFO Cover Letter Example

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Cover Letter for Fundraising Example

This letter captures the skills of an experienced fundraiser, demonstrating abilities in donor relations, event management, and campaign execution.

With a track record of raising over [$X amount] for various causes during my career, I am excited about the opportunity to lead fundraising efforts at [Organization’s Name]. My ability to connect with donors and craft compelling narratives has consistently resulted in successful fundraising campaigns.

During my tenure at [Previous Organization], I orchestrated a gala event that not only raised [$X amount] but also significantly increased our donor base. My strength lies in creating innovative strategies that resonate with our target audience, fostering trust and encouraging consistent contributions.

I’m keen to bring my fundraising acumen to [Organization’s Name] and contribute to [specific cause or project of the organization]. I value the chance to discuss how my skills can support your organization’s vision.

Cover Letter for Fundraising Example

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Non Profit Executive Director Cover Letter Example

A executive cover letter embodying leadership, vision, and a deep commitment to the mission of nonprofit organizations.

Dear [Board’s Name/ Hiring Manager’s Name],

I am writing to express my interest in the Executive Director position at [Organization’s Name]. With over [number] years steering nonprofit organizations, I have cultivated a blend of leadership, strategic planning, and passion for [specific cause, e.g., “education for underprivileged children”].

Under my direction at [Previous Organization], we expanded our outreach programs by 40%, touching the lives of thousands more. I believe in fostering a culture of collaboration, ensuring that every stakeholder, from staff to beneficiaries, works towards a unified vision.

I am deeply inspired by [Organization’s Name]’s mission and would be honored to contribute my leadership and vision to further its reach and impact.

Thank you for your consideration. I’m eager to explore the synergy between my experience and the future goals of [Organization’s Name].

Best wishes, [Your Name]

Non Profit Executive Director Cover Letter Example

Non Profit Administrative Assistant Cover Letter Example

An administrative cover letter letter showcasing the skills for a nonprofit setting, focusing on organizational capabilities, program support, and dedication to the cause.

Upon learning about the Administrative Assistant position at [Organization’s Name], I was immediately compelled to apply. Having served as an administrative backbone for [Previous Organization’s Name] for over [number] years, I am adept at streamlining processes, supporting program management, and ensuring seamless daily operations.

I played a key role in organizing our annual [specific event, e.g., “charity walkathon”], coordinating logistics, managing participant communications, and handling event-related administration. My commitment to [specific cause, e.g., “environmental conservation”] mirrors that of [Organization’s Name], and I am enthusiastic about contributing to your team.

I look forward to the opportunity to discuss how my skills can benefit [Organization’s Name]. Thank you for considering my application.

Warmly, [Your Name]

Non Profit Administrative Assistant Cover Letter Example

Non Profit Program Director Cover Letter Example

This letter emphasizes a candidate’s experience in program development, stakeholder engagement, and impact evaluation in the nonprofit sector.

I am reaching out to express my genuine interest in the Program Director role at [Organization’s Name]. With a history of conceptualizing, executing, and refining programs that have made tangible differences in communities, I am eager to bring my expertise to your esteemed organization.

At [Previous Organization], I initiated a [specific program, e.g., “youth mentorship program”] that served over 500 individuals in its first year, with 90% reporting improved [specific metric, e.g., “academic performance”]. My approach involves continuous feedback loops with beneficiaries, ensuring our programs remain relevant and impactful.

I am drawn to [Organization’s Name] because of its dedication to [specific cause or mission]. I would be thrilled to lead and enhance programs that align with this mission, amplifying the organization’s positive footprint.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I am excited about the potential to collaborate and drive impactful initiatives at [Organization’s Name].

Non Profit Program Director Cover Letter Example

Non Profit Manager Cover Letter Example

A manager cover letter tailored for a non-profit indstry role emphasizes leadership, program management, fundraising experience, and a commitment to the organization’s cause.

I am writing to express my passion for driving positive change and my desire to bring my management experience to the role of Non-Profit Manager at [Organization’s Name]. With over [number of years, e.g., “five years”] in nonprofit leadership roles, I have honed my skills in program development, stakeholder engagement, and fundraising strategy.

In my previous role at [Previous Organization Name], I led a team that boosted fundraising efforts by 25% in a year, directly impacting our outreach programs and community services. Collaborating with both local businesses and international donors, I ensured that resources were efficiently utilized to serve our mission and that our message resonated globally.

Your organization’s commitment to [specific cause or mission, e.g., “child education in underserved communities”] aligns with my personal and professional values. I’m eager to bring my managerial prowess and passion to foster growth at [Organization’s Name] and ensure that we continue to create a significant impact.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the possibility of collaborating with your esteemed organization.

Non Profit Manager Cover Letter Example

Non Profit Cover Letter for Job Application Example

This cover letter for job application is a general expression of interest in a non-profit role, showcasing one’s skills, experience, and alignment with the organization’s mission.

As an avid supporter of [specific cause, e.g., “sustainable agricultural practices”], I was thrilled to find an opening for the [specific role, e.g., “Program Coordinator”] position at [Organization’s Name]. My experience in project management, combined with my deep commitment to driving change, makes me a perfect fit for this role.

I’ve had the privilege to work with teams at [Previous Organization Name], where we pioneered initiatives that [specific achievement, e.g., “reduced food waste by partnering with local farmers and communities”]. This experience ingrained in me the importance of holistic approaches in non-profit efforts.

Your organization’s innovative methods have always been an inspiration. Joining your team would be a significant step in my journey to make tangible differences in our community. I am excited to contribute my skills and learn from esteemed professionals like you.

I appreciate your time and consideration. Hoping for an opportunity to further discuss my suitability for the role.

Best wishes,

Non Profit Cover Letter for Job Application Example

Non Profit Cover Letter for Resume Example

This resume cover letter serves as an introduction accompanying a resume, summarizing one’s qualifications and highlighting alignment with the non-profit’s goals.

Enclosed is my resume for the [specific role, e.g., “Outreach Specialist”] position at [Organization’s Name]. With a background in community engagement and a track record of [specific achievement, e.g., “establishing partnerships with five local schools for our educational programs”], I am keen on contributing to your esteemed organization.

Your commitment to [specific cause, e.g., “empowering underprivileged women”] resonates with my personal mission. At [Previous Organization Name], I had firsthand experience seeing the transformative power of community-driven initiatives.

I believe my experiences align well with the objectives of [Organization’s Name], and I am eager to bring my skills to your dynamic team.

Thank you for reviewing my application. I look forward to the prospect of working together.

Kind regards,

Non Profit Cover Letter for Resume Example

Non Profit Cover Letter for Grant Proposal Example

This cover letter introduces a grant proposal, emphasizing the organization’s impact, need for funds, and alignment with the grant’s objectives.

Dear [Grant Committee or Foundation’s Name],

I’m writing on behalf of [Your Organization’s Name] to introduce our grant proposal for our project titled “[Project Name]”, aimed at [project’s mission, e.g., “providing clean drinking water to rural communities”]. We have recognized a dire need for [specific cause], and with your support, we believe we can make a tangible difference.

Our organization has successfully executed [previous similar project or achievement], directly benefiting [number, e.g., “over 2,000 individuals”]. This grant would allow us to expand our reach and make our solutions sustainable in the long run.

We are confident that our objectives align with [Grant Committee or Foundation’s Name]’s vision. Your partnership would be invaluable in furthering our shared mission.

Enclosed is our detailed proposal. I eagerly await your feedback and hope for a positive collaboration.

[Your Name, Position]

Non Profit Cover Letter for Grant Proposal Example

Charity Cover Letter Example

This cover letter is tailored for roles within charity organizations, emphasizing one’s dedication to charitable causes and relevant experiences.

The admirable work of [Charity Organization’s Name] in [specific achievement or mission, e.g., “providing medical aid to war-torn regions”] has always inspired me. I am writing to express my keen interest in contributing to your mission as a [specific role, e.g., “Fundraising Coordinator”].

My experience at [Previous Charity Name] taught me the intricacies of donor management and event coordination. I spearheaded a campaign that raised [amount, e.g., “$50,000”] in just three months, funds that were pivotal for our [specific initiative, e.g., “mobile clinic services in rural areas”].

I am eager to bring my expertise to [Charity Organization’s Name] and support the incredible work you do. I’m confident that together, we can achieve remarkable feats.

Thank you for considering my application. I am hopeful for the opportunity to join your team and further the cause we’re both passionate about.

Charity Cover Letter Example

Non Profit Cover Letter for Internship Example

This internship cover letter is for those seeking internships within non-profit organizations, showcasing one’s eagerness to learn and contribute.

As a student of [Your Major, e.g., “Social Work”] at [Your University], I’ve always been drawn to making a positive societal impact. The internship program at [Organization’s Name] presents a perfect opportunity for me to merge my academic learnings with practical experience. I am enthusiastic about joining your team as an intern.

While I am still at the early stages of my career, my role as [previous related experience, e.g., “a volunteer coordinator for our university’s community outreach program”] has given me a glimpse into the transformative work non-profits can achieve.

I am confident that an internship at [Organization’s Name] will not only enrich my professional journey but also allow me to contribute meaningfully to your ongoing projects.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the potential of growing under the guidance of your esteemed organization.

Best regards,

Non Profit Cover Letter for Internship Example

Volunteer Cover Letter Example

This cover letter is tailored for volunteer positions, highlighting one’s dedication to the cause and eagerness to contribute without monetary compensation.

Passion for [specific cause, e.g., “animal welfare”] has driven me to seek out opportunities where I can make a difference. I am writing to express my desire to volunteer at [Organization’s Name], an organization I deeply admire for its commitment to [specific mission or initiative, e.g., “rescuing and rehabilitating stray animals”].

During my time at [previous experience or organization, e.g., “City Animal Shelter”], I witnessed the profound impact that dedicated volunteers can have. While there, I [specific task or achievement, e.g., “helped rehome over 100 animals and assisted in their medical care”].

By volunteering at [Organization’s Name], I hope to further support the cause close to my heart and make a positive impact in any way I can.

Thank you for considering my application. I am eager to start this journey of service and learning with your organization.

Warm wishes,

Volunteer Cover Letter Example

Environmental Non-Profit Cover Letter Example

This cover letter emphasizes passion for environmental causes, relevant experiences, and a commitment to sustainable practices, which are essential traits for a role within an environmental non-profit organization.

Dear [Hiring Manager’s Name],

I am writing to express my profound interest in the [Specific Position] at [Organization’s Name], an organization I deeply admire for its commitment to environmental preservation and sustainable change. Having spent over five years in the realm of environmental advocacy, I’m eager to contribute to your impactful initiatives.

At [Previous Organization], I spearheaded a city-wide tree planting campaign, which resulted in the planting of over 10,000 trees in a span of two years. This initiative not only positively impacted our city’s air quality but also fortified my belief in grassroots movements and their potential for genuine change.

I’m particularly impressed by [Organization’s Name]’s recent initiative [Specific Initiative/Program], and I see a wonderful alignment between your goals and my experience in community mobilization and project management. My adeptness in partnering with local communities, stakeholders, and volunteers can further amplify the reach and success of such campaigns.

Joining [Organization’s Name] would not just be a professional move, but a personal commitment to an ethos I deeply resonate with. I am enthusiastic about the opportunity to be part of a team that drives significant environmental progress and am confident that my experience and passion will be valuable assets.

Thank you for considering my application. I eagerly anticipate the possibility of contributing to the vision and mission of [Organization’s Name].

Environmental Non-Profit Cover Letter Example

Non-Profit Cover Letter for Support Specialist Example

This cover letter highlights the candidate’s expertise in offering support, coordination, and administrative skills essential for a Support Specialist role within a non-profit setting.

I am reaching out to express my strong interest in the Support Specialist position at [Organization’s Name]. With my extensive background in administrative support and project management, coupled with my passion for [Specific Cause the Non-Profit Supports], I am confident in my ability to contribute meaningfully to your team.

In my previous role at [Previous Organization], I effectively coordinated between departments, ensuring smooth communication and timely execution of projects. My proficiency in utilizing tools like [Specific Tools e.g., ‘Salesforce and Microsoft Suite’] allowed me to streamline processes, enhancing team efficiency and donor relations. Furthermore, my ability to empathize and communicate has always enabled me to provide exceptional support to all stakeholders involved.

I’m particularly inspired by [Organization’s Name]’s work in [Specific Project or Initiative], and I see immense potential for me to bring in my skills in donor communication and database management to further enhance this project.

I am eager to bring my proven record of professional excellence to [Organization’s Name] and assist in amplifying the incredible work you do. I’m available for an interview at your earliest convenience and look forward to the possibility of contributing to your esteemed organization.

Non-Profit Cover Letter for Support Specialist Example

Non-Profit Cover Letter for Board Member Position Example

Targeted for senior professionals, this cover letter emphasizes leadership, strategic insight, and a commitment to the organization’s cause, essential for a Board Member position.

Dear [Board’s Chairperson’s Name],

I am writing to express my sincere interest in serving as a Board Member for [Organization’s Name]. With over [Number of Years, e.g., ‘fifteen years’] of experience in the non-profit sector and a strong commitment to [Specific Cause the Non-Profit Supports], I am enthusiastic about the opportunity to provide strategic leadership and guidance to an organization I deeply respect.

During my tenure as [Previous Position, e.g., ‘CEO’] of [Previous Organization], I led our team through a transformative phase, expanding our outreach by 300% and doubling our annual fundraising. I believe that my skills in governance, strategic planning, and stakeholder management can be invaluable to [Organization’s Name]’s future endeavors.

I’ve long admired [Organization’s Name]’s commitment to [Specific Cause or Initiative] and believe that my professional background, coupled with my passion for the cause, can bring a unique perspective to your board.

I am honored to consider contributing at such a pivotal level to [Organization’s Name] and would be available for any further discussions or clarity you might seek regarding my candidacy.

With gratitude, [Your Name]

Non-Profit Cover Letter for Board Member Position Example

Non-Profit Cover Letter for Philanthropy Position Example

Focused on donor relations and fundraising, this cover letter emphasizes the candidate’s success in fundraising campaigns, relationship-building, and alignment with the organization’s philanthropic goals.

I am reaching out to express my deep interest in the [Specific Position, e.g., ‘Director of Philanthropy’] role at [Organization’s Name]. With a decade-long career in fundraising and donor relations, I believe I can significantly contribute to your organization’s philanthropic objectives.

At [Previous Organization], I led a team that raised over [$ Specific Amount, e.g., ‘$2 million’] in donations over two years, setting a new record in our organization’s history. This achievement was not just about numbers but building and nurturing relationships with donors, understanding their motivations, and aligning their philanthropic desires with our goals.

I’m particularly inspired by [Organization’s Name]’s recent [Specific Project or Campaign], seeing it as an opportunity where my skills in donor engagement and campaign strategy could greatly benefit the cause.

I am passionate about making a difference, and I see [Organization’s Name] as the perfect avenue to channel this passion and my professional expertise. I would cherish the opportunity to further discuss how I can be a part of your team.

Warm wishes, [Your Name]

Non-Profit Cover Letter for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Example

This cover letter is geared towards professionals aiming to bridge corporate and non-profit sectors. It underscores the candidate’s expertise in CSR initiatives, partnerships, and sustainable business practices.

I am writing to convey my keen interest in the [Specific Position, e.g., ‘CSR Manager’] role at [Organization’s Name]. With an extensive background in both the corporate sector and non-profit worlds, I’ve witnessed firsthand the profound impact that well-executed CSR initiatives can have.

During my role as [Previous Position, e.g., ‘Head of CSR Initiatives’] at [Previous Company], I successfully onboarded five major corporate partners, leading to sustainable projects that impacted over 10,000 beneficiaries. I understand the nuances of corporate dynamics and how to align them with non-profit objectives, ensuring a win-win for all stakeholders involved.

I’ve always admired [Organization’s Name]’s approach to CSR, especially your recent collaboration with [Specific Corporate Partner or Initiative]. I believe my experience in fostering corporate partnerships and my passion for sustainable development can contribute immensely to your team.

I am eager to explore the opportunity to blend my corporate insights with the noble cause of [Organization’s Name]. I look forward to the chance of discussing my potential contributions to your esteemed organization.

Non-Profit Cover Letter for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Example

How do I write a cover letter for a non-profit? – Step by Step Guide

1. Understand the Organization’s Mission and Values:

Before you begin writing, take the time to research and understand the non-profit’s mission, goals, and core values. Familiarizing yourself with their initiatives will help you align your cover letter with their objectives.

2. Start Strong:

Your opening should be compelling. Address the hiring manager by name if possible. Clearly state the position you’re applying for and succinctly mention why you’re a perfect fit.

3. Highlight Relevant Experience:

Describe your past roles, emphasizing experiences that resonate with the non-profit sector. Whether it’s fundraising, event planning, or community outreach, demonstrate how your skills can benefit the organization.

4. Showcase Your Passion:

Non-profits want employees who are passionate about their cause. Share personal experiences or motivations that align with the organization’s mission. This shows your genuine interest and dedication.

5. Emphasize Soft Skills:

Skills such as empathy, teamwork, and communication are highly valued in the non-profit sector. Provide examples of how you’ve utilized these skills in previous roles.

6. Tailor Your Tone:

While maintaining professionalism, adopt a tone that mirrors the organization’s culture. Some non-profits may appreciate a more informal, heartfelt tone, while others might prefer a more structured, formal approach.

7. End with a Strong Closing:

Thank the hiring manager for their time and express eagerness to discuss further how you can contribute to the organization’s cause.

8. Proofread:

Errors can undermine your credibility. Review your cover letter several times and consider having someone else proofread it too.

How long should a cover letter be for a nonprofit?

A cover letter for a non-profit should ideally be one page in length, comprising of three to four concise paragraphs. While you want to provide essential details, remember that hiring managers often skim through applications due to the volume they receive. Be succinct and compelling, ensuring every sentence adds value.

Tips for Writing a Non-Profit Cover Letter:

1. Be Authentic:

Non-profits value sincerity. Avoid generic statements. Instead, share genuine experiences and motivations that connect you to the cause.

2. Highlight Transferable Skills:

If you’re transitioning from the corporate sector, emphasize skills that can be beneficial in a non-profit setting, such as project management, team leadership, or stakeholder engagement.

3. Use Quantifiable Achievements:

Support your claims with numbers. Instead of saying “I raised funds for a project,” mention “I spearheaded a campaign that raised $50,000 in three months.”

4. Showcase Knowledge about Grants (if relevant):

If you’re applying for a role related to fundraising or grant writing, demonstrate your understanding of the grant application process, donor relations, or any specific successes you’ve had in securing funding.

5. Address Organizational Fit:

Highlight how your values align with the organization. This not only shows that you’ve done your homework but also that you see a long-term commitment.

6. Avoid Jargon:

While you might be familiar with industry-specific terms, remember that the person reading your letter might not be. Aim for clarity.

7. Follow Instructions:

If the job posting specifies certain points to address or document format, ensure you follow these guidelines. This shows attention to detail and respect for the application process.

8. Display Cultural Sensitivity:

If the non-profit works with diverse communities or internationally, show your understanding and respect for cultural differences.

9. Call to Action:

End your letter by expressing your desire for an interview or further discussion, prompting the hiring manager to take the next step.

Remember, a cover letter for a non-profit should resonate with the organization’s values and demonstrate both your professional competencies and your passion for the cause.


Cover Letter Maker

Text prompt

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Write a cover letter for a college student applying for an internship at an educational technology company

Form a cover letter for a high school student seeking a part-time job at a local bookstore.

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example of ngo cover letter

Volunteering in English

Many choose to take advantage of summer holiday to work as a volunteer abroad in non-governmental organizations (NGOs). This is an excellent opportunity to travel , gain valuable experience and skills, perfect your adaptive skills, and use your time in a worthwhile way . There are many NGOs with a wide range of activities and services ranging from educational initiatives and assistance in hospitals to construction projects, both in Europe and other continents as well.

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Making a list of all NGOs is almost impossible. How can you choose the most appropriate one? It is certainly essential to take stock of your attitude , desires, and motivations to find the organization that is closest to your idea of voluntary service. Once you find the NGOs that offer the services that you desire, it is advisable to study their ethical principles and mission statements. It is also important to consider if you have the right characteristics to perform a service that involves sacrifice and a considerable spirit of adaptation. Another aspect to consider is the qualifications and skills required. While it is true that these services are generally not remunerated, it is also true that these organizations sometimes assess candidates based on a series of specific requirements, such as their educational qualifications and abilities that could be important for carrying out specific activities. Once all of these aspects have been considered and you have chosen the right organization, it is sometimes best to send in an application.

Cover Letter

To write a good cover letter it is important to thoroughly understand the required profile for which the application is being made, the work ethic of the organization and its principles.You should aim to write a letter that responds to the chosen profile. In general, it is good to give concrete examples that show how you embody the mission, the values, and the fundamental principles of the NGO. The letter should also be professional and formal as if it were a cover letter for a job post.

Below, we present an example of a cover letter to apply for work as a teacher in Africa. Take it into account when writing your own cover letter, adapting it to your personal profile and situation.

Dear Mr / Ms XXX,

                I am writing to you about the opportunity that may be available to volunteer at XXX. As an experienced primary school teacher, I have developed a passion for the welfare of children as well as for the educational sector. I would love to use my time this summer to work with children on a volunteer basis.

                Even as a full-time teacher, I participate in many volunteer projects to help less advantaged children reach their educational goals and to involve them in different activities such as theatre, art, and museum visits. I participate in a program in my town to support foster children one afternoon per week. I am also used to working with children of different backgrounds and cultures. I am sure the experience in Africa will help me refine both my personality and my educational skills.

                I have heard of your efforts to help children in the Congo receive a good education and new opportunities. If you need a teacher with my experience, I would be thrilled to have the privilege to work with you. I have two months holiday this summer and I would like to use this time to support your mission.

                Eager to learn more about your mission, I would appreciate the opportunity to have an interview with you at any convenient time. I look forward to speaking with you.

Thank you for your consideration.

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example of ngo cover letter

Letter Templates & Example

10 Impressive Cover Letter Sample for NGO Project Officer Positions

Letter sample 041

Hello there! If you stumbled upon this article, chances are you’re either looking for ways to improve your cover letter or you’re starting from scratch. Well, you’re in luck because today we’ll be discussing a cover letter sample for NGO project officer.

As we all know, a cover letter is a professional way of introducing yourself to potential employers, much like a first date or a job interview. It’s your chance to make a great first impression and stand out from the crowd. But what makes a great cover letter? Simply put, it’s all about showcasing your skills, experience, and personality in a concise yet compelling manner.

If you’re feeling a bit lost or overwhelmed with how to start, don’t worry. We’ve got you covered with a sample cover letter for NGO project officer that you can use as a guide or customize to fit your own needs. You can find numerous examples online and tweak them as needed.

Remember, a cover letter is not a one-size-fits-all document. Each job application requires a tailored and unique approach, so take the time to research the organization you’re applying to and highlight why you’re a perfect fit for the position.

By the end of this article, you’ll have a better understanding of what makes a great cover letter for NGO project officer and have a sample to use as a reference. So, let’s dive in!

The Best Structure for a Cover Letter Sample for NGO Project Officer

As an aspiring NGO Project Officer, crafting an effective cover letter is important to secure your desired position in an organization that serves a noble cause. A cover letter showcases your relevant skills and experience, and explains why you are a suitable candidate for the job. To make your application stand out, it is crucial to follow the best structure for a cover letter sample.

The first paragraph should grab the reader’s attention. Start with a strong opening that describes your interest in the organization and position. This paragraph should also highlight your key achievements or skills that align with the organization’s mission and project requirements. Make sure to personalize the letter to showcase your understanding of the organization’s goals and priorities.

The second paragraph should provide more details on your previous experiences that are relevant to the role. Mention any related projects or organizations you have worked with, and explain how those experiences have equipped you with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in the position. This paragraph should also illustrate your ability to work collaboratively in a team and your adaptability in the face of challenges.

The third paragraph should express your enthusiasm towards the organization and its mission. Share how you believe your skills and experience could add value to the team. This is also the perfect opportunity to mention any additional information that may not be captured in your resume, such as specific courses or certifications that align with the role.

Finally, the closing paragraph should reiterate your appreciation for the opportunity to apply for the position and your eagerness to discuss further at an interview. End with a positive note, thanking the reader for considering your application and expressing your eagerness to contribute to the organization’s success.

In summary, a well-structured cover letter for an NGO Project Officer position should include a compelling introduction, relevant details on previous experiences, expression of enthusiasm towards the organization, and a positive and polite closing. Remember to personalize the letter to showcase your understanding of the organization’s mission and priorities. With these tips in mind, you are now ready to craft an impactful cover letter that will help you land your dream job.

7 Cover Letter Samples for NGO Project Officer

Sample 1: supporting a friend’s application.

Dear Hiring Manager,

I am writing this letter to recommend my dear friend, [Name], for the position of NGO Project Officer. I have known [Name] for several years, and in that time, I have seen their passion and commitment towards social causes that align with your organization’s mission.

[Name] has extensive experience in project management and a proven track record of successful project implementation. They have also worked in several non-profit organizations, where they demonstrated exceptional skills in fundraising, stakeholder management, and team coordination.

I am confident that [Name] would be an excellent addition to your team, and they have my full support for this application. Thank you for considering their candidature.

Sincerely, [Your Name]

Sample 2: Sharing Personal Experience

I am excited to recommend [Name] for the position of NGO Project Officer in your esteemed organization. I had the pleasure of working with [Name] for two years, and I can attest to their dedication and expertise in project management.

[Name] is a skilled problem-solver and an excellent communicator. They are adept at building relationships with stakeholders and ensuring project success through effective coordination and management. I have seen them work tirelessly to meet deadlines and achieve project objectives while keeping the team motivated and on track.

In my opinion, [Name] is an exceptional candidate for the role, and I strongly urge your organization to consider their application. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Sample 3: Highlighting Relevant Experience

I am writing to recommend [Name] for the position of NGO Project Officer. I have had the pleasure of working with [Name] in a similar capacity in a non-profit organization, and I am continually impressed by their professionalism, work ethic, and dedication.

[Name] has extensive experience in managing and coordinating projects of varying complexities, from planning to execution to evaluation. They have a track record of delivering projects within budget and timeframe while achieving project goals. Their attention to detail and ability to handle multiple priorities make them an invaluable asset to any team.

Based on their experience and skills, I am confident that [Name] would be an excellent fit for your organization’s needs. Thank you for your consideration.

Sample 4: Recommending a Former Colleague

I am writing to recommend [Name] for the position of NGO Project Officer. I had the privilege of working with [Name] for four years, and during that time, I witnessed their expertise in project management and ability to lead a team to success.

[Name] is a collaborative team player, a creative problem solver, and a natural leader. They have vast experience in project planning, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation, which makes them an asset to any organization. I believe that with their skills and experience, they would make a significant contribution to your team.

I highly recommend [Name] for this position, and I am confident that they would excel in their role. Thank you for considering their application.

Sample 5: Endorsing a Student Application

I am pleased to endorse [Name] for the position of NGO Project Officer. I had the privilege of being [Name]’s professor during their university studies, and I have no doubt about their potential and dedication towards a career in the non-profit sector.

[Name] has demonstrated exceptional leadership qualities and team coordination skills during group projects. They have a passion for social causes and a commitment toward community development, which is evident from their volunteer work with local NGOs. I strongly believe that [Name]’s academic achievements and passion for social work would make them an ideal candidate for the position.

I highly recommend [Name] for the role of NGO Project Officer, and I am confident that they would contribute positively to your organization’s mission. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Sample 6: Emphasizing Unique Skills

I am thrilled to recommend [Name] for the position of NGO Project Officer in your esteemed organization. I have known [Name] for quite some time now, and have seen their exceptional skills in managing projects of various scales.

One of [Name]’s unique strengths is their ability to work in diverse teams and with communities from different cultural backgrounds. They possess excellent cross-cultural communication and collaboration skills, which are essential for managing humanitarian projects successfully. Their exceptional organizational skills, coupled with attention to detail, make them a prime candidate for the role.

I highly recommend [Name] for the position, and I am confident that they would contribute positively to your organization, given their excellent skills and dedication.

Sample 7: Recommending a Referral

I am writing this letter to recommend [Name], who was referred to me for the position of NGO Project Officer. I have had the pleasure of working with [Name]’s referral in a similar capacity, and I have only praise for their professionalism and expertise.

[Name] has demonstrated exceptional leadership qualities, project management skills, and stakeholder management skills in their previous role. They have experience working with diverse teams and driving project success by utilizing their excellent communication skills. They are quick to adapt to changing circumstances and identify and mitigate project risks.

Based on [Name]’s referral, I am confident that they would make an excellent candidate for the position of NGO Project Officer. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Tips for Writing a Cover Letter for NGO Project Officer

When it comes to applying for a job in the NGO sector, your cover letter becomes your most crucial tool for communicating your skills and experience to potential employers. As an NGO Project Officer, you need to show that you possess the right skills and experience to manage and coordinate the various aspects of an NGO project. Here are some tips to help you craft a cover letter that stands out:

  • Research the NGO: Before drafting your cover letter, make sure to thoroughly research the NGO you are applying to. Look at their mission statement, goals, and any recent projects to gain insight into their work and the skills they might be looking for in a Project Officer.
  • Showcase your experience: Be sure to highlight your past experience of managing or working on projects. Provide specific examples of how you coordinated project teams and implemented projects on time and within budget. Mention any relevant software or tools that you have used to manage projects.
  • Highlight your communication skills: As an NGO Project Officer, you will be expected to communicate with a variety of stakeholders, including donors, other NGOs, and the community. In your cover letter, showcase your excellent written and verbal communication skills. Give examples of how you developed and delivered presentations, wrote reports, and managed stakeholder expectations.
  • Show your passion: NGOs are looking for people who are genuinely passionate about their cause. Be sure to demonstrate why you are interested in working for the particular NGO you’re applying to. Explain how its mission aligns with your values and how you hope to contribute to achieving the organization’s goals.
  • Edit and proofread: Finally, make sure to edit and proofread your cover letter before sending it. Check for grammatical and spelling errors, and ensure that the tone is professional and appropriate. Get someone else to read it and provide feedback if possible.

By following these tips, you can write a cover letter that showcases your skills, experience, and passion for working in the NGO sector. Remember to tailor your cover letter to the specific NGO and position you are applying for, and make sure it stands out from the rest!

Cover Letter Sample for NGO Project Officer What should be included in a cover letter for an NGO project officer position?

A cover letter for an NGO project officer position should include the applicant’s relevant experience, skills, and education. It should also demonstrate their passion for working in the nonprofit sector.

How can I make my cover letter stand out?

You can make your cover letter stand out by including specific examples of your previous work and accomplishments. Additionally, personalize the letter for the specific organization and position you are applying for.

Should I include salary requirements in my cover letter?

No, mentioning salary requirements in a cover letter is not recommended. It is better to wait until the employer brings up the topic during the interview process.

How long should my cover letter be?

Your cover letter should be no more than one page in length.

Do I need to address the hiring manager by name?

Addressing the hiring manager by name is ideal if you can find out who that person is. If not, it is acceptable to use a generic greeting such as “Dear Hiring Manager.”

Is it necessary to include references in a cover letter?

No, it is not necessary to include references in your cover letter. However, be prepared to provide them if requested by the employer during the hiring process.

What is the best way to close a cover letter?

End your cover letter by thanking the hiring manager for their consideration and expressing your enthusiasm for the opportunity. Additionally, include your contact information so they can reach out to you for further discussion.

Thanks for coming along on this journey with me! I hope this cover letter sample for NGO project officer has given you some valuable insight into creating a cover letter for a nonprofit position. Remember to always tailor your cover letter to the specific organization and position, and emphasize your passion for their mission. Don’t forget to visit again for more helpful tips and resources. Good luck on your job search!

5 Effective Cover Letter Templates for NGO Jobs Effective Cover Letter Sample for NGO Job Opportunities Best Cover Letter Template for NGO Applications Cover Letter Sample for NGO Program Officer: Tips and Examples 10 Impressive Cover Letter Examples for Police Officer you Must See Effective Cover Letter Sample for GBV Officer: Tips and Examples


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Table of Contents

Cover letter for an NGO administrative assistant (4 samples)

example of ngo cover letter

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The Optimistminds editorial team is made up of psychologists, psychiatrists and mental health professionals. Each article is written by a team member with exposure to and experience in the subject matter.  The article then gets reviewed by a more senior editorial member. This is someone with extensive knowledge of the subject matter and highly cited published material.

This blog post will show samples of “cover letters for an NGO administrative assistant”

Cover letter examples for an NGO administrative assistant

When writing an NGO administrative assistant cover letter, these are some of the important things to include in your letter:

  • Address the employer with a formal salutation. For example, “Dear/Hello (name of the recipient).” If you do not know the name of the recipient, you can refer to them as the hiring manager.
  • The next step is to state the position you are applying for and how you found the opening. 
  • Make a brief statement about why you’re interested in the position.
  • State your skills and work experience. Ensure your skills and experiences are similar to the job position. When highlighting skills, provide the accomplishment you have achieved. 
  • Conclude your letter with a forward-looking statement. For example, “I look forward to discussing the position with you further.”

“Dear Hiring Manager,

I am thrilled to put my name in for the Administrative Assistant position at Centurion Medical. The practice I currently work for may reduce its hours, which has prompted me to search for a new opportunity. When I came across the online posting for an Administrative Assistant at Centurion Medical, I noticed it not only closely aligned with my experience but my desired career goals. One thing that stood out to me is that this position opens up a path to becoming an executive assistant to the medical director, which is something I would want to pursue in the future.

I have worked in the medical field for three years as an Administrative Assistant. I am adept at working with medical staff and patients who have different personalities. I understand that patients who suffer from chronic pain and illness require different approaches to care. I am a friendly and compassionate person who has the skills and personality to serve as the first point of contact for patients coming to Centurion Medical. I also think quickly and can change direction when needed. In addition, I have experience with electronic records management. My error rate when it comes to accurate filing is constantly below 1% in year-over-year audits.

In my current position at Foundry Health Group, I support a medical practice of five doctors who specialize in pain management. I contribute to the success of the practice by scheduling patient appointments, coordinating meetings, scheduling procedures, proofreading marketing materials and verifying insurance coverage for a client population of 500 patients. Since joining the practice, I helped the practice improve its patient satisfaction ratings by 45%.

I look forward to learning more about Centurion Medical and the Administrative Assistant position. I welcome the opportunity to discuss my qualifications in further detail, and I look forward to becoming part of the team. I thank you for your time and consideration.

Jensen Pope”

“Dear Ms. Davis:

As an experienced administrative professional, I am pleased to present the enclosed resume in response to your posting. With a broad knowledge base in efficient office operations, executive-level support, and customer service, I am prepared to excel as your next Office Administrative Assistant.

Through success in developing office policies, coordinating schedules and travel, and performing basic bookkeeping tasks, I am well versed in the nuances of extensive administrative functions. I adeptly manage and complete a high-volume of responsibilities while simultaneously delivering outstanding customer service. Furthermore, my sharp attention to detail, my tireless work ethic, and my dedication to top-notch efficiency is sure to make me a strong contributor in this position.

Consider the following highlights of my experience:

Facilitating administrative efficiency through expertise in time management, communication, cross-team coordination, and organization skills.

Performing accurate, detailed accounts payable/receivable operations within fast-paced offices.

Leveraging outstanding interpersonal skills to forge beneficial and lasting relationships with customers and peers, resulting in productive and profitable environments.

Earning distinction as “Employee of the Month” on five separate occasions—awarded by the company CEO—in recognition of superior overall performance.

Attaining comprehensive knowledge in a variety of computer programs, including Microsoft Office Suite and QuickBooks.

Furthermore, my proactive nature and my ability to effectively collaborate with other team members offer additional skills essential to this position. I believe I would be an immense asset to your team and look forward to hearing from you to discuss how I may contribute to your goals. Thank you for your time and consideration.

April C. Decker”

“[Full Name]

[Physical Address]

[Telephone Number]

[Email Address]

Application for the position of admin assistant.

Dear [Recipient’s title and last name],

I am writing to apply for the position of admin assistant as advertised in [where you saw the advertisement]. My [two relevant attributes], and extensive experience make me a perfect fit for the position. I am eager to become a valued member of [company].

I have worked as an admin assistant for [number of years], and during that time I have been tasked with [mention some of your responsibilities from current and previous positions]. As per the requirements for the position at [company], you will notice in my resume that I [mention skills, competencies, or experiences that answer directly to the requirements listed in the job posting].

In my [current/previous] role as an admin assistant at [company], I [talk about a few significant accomplishments and any contributions you made that had a positive impact]. Experience has taught me to [what have you learned].

I am thrilled to be applying to [company] because I admire your [name two or three things you know about the company in general that you like]. As the admin assistant, I will [how will you add value to the business]. In this way, I am certain I will be of the greatest benefit to [company].

Please find my resume attached. Feel free to contact me via email or phone call if I can be of any further service.

Thank you for taking the time to consider my application. I look forward to hearing from you.

[Your Name]”

“[Today’s Date]

[341 Company Address

Company City, State xxxxx

(xxx) xxx-xxxx

[email protected]

Dear [Mr./Ms./Mrs.] [Hiring Manager’s Name],

Please accept my enclosed application for the position at [Company Name]. Having read through your job description, I am thrilled to be applying for this position as my 6 years of experience and skillset match the requirements you’re looking for.

At my current company, Redford & Sons, I am valued by the CEO and his staff as a critical support pillar for the team, keeping meetings, papers, travel arrangements, and office items organized at all times. I have spearheaded the effort to “go digital” for almost all planning and paperwork, increasing office efficiency to the point of saving $3,000 per year in contracted labor expenses. Allow me to highlight three bullet points from my resume that I believe demonstrate why I am the perfect candidate for this position:

  • Trained two assistants during a period of company expansion to ensure attention to detail and adherence to company policy
  • Maintain utmost discretion when dealing with sensitive topics
  • Typed documents such as correspondence, drafts, memos, and emails, and prepared 3 reports weekly for management.

My resume goes into more detail about my daily job duties and achievements during my tenure as an administrative assistant at two companies. However, I believe that these bullet points demonstrate that I have the ability to perform the major duties, and train others in how to perform in this role effectively, should the need arise.

I would love to have to opportunity to join the team at [Company Name] and use my skills to create an efficient and stress-free office environment for your executives. I believe I can meet and exceed the expectations you have for this role. I look forward to speaking more with you about my candidacy. Feel free to contact me at any time.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Do you need a cover letter for an ngo position.

Yes. It helps to have a cover letter that can sell your skills, such as organization, communication, and time management, to employers.

What is a good cover letter for an administrative assistant?

“I have several years of experience in a variety of fields, including insurance and finance. In addition to my extensive office experience, I have strong communication, customer service, and administrative skills. My broad background makes me an excellent candidate for this position. Thank you for your consideration.”

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6 Volunteer Cover Letter Examples

Volunteers are the unsung heroes of any organization, selflessly dedicating their time and energy to causes they believe in. Much like a volunteer, your cover letter gives selflessly, offering a glimpse into your passion, commitment, and the unique skills you bring to the table. In this guide, we'll delve into the best cover letter examples for Volunteers, helping you to craft a narrative that showcases your dedication and altruistic spirit.

example of ngo cover letter

Cover Letter Examples

Cover letter guidelines, volunteer cover letter example, community volunteer cover letter example, student volunteer cover letter example, school volunteer cover letter example, community involvement cover letter example, church volunteer cover letter example, how to format a volunteer cover letter, cover letter header, what to focus on with your cover letter header:, cover letter header examples for volunteer, cover letter greeting, get your cover letter greeting right:, cover letter greeting examples for volunteer, cover letter introduction, what to focus on with your cover letter intro:, cover letter intro examples for volunteer, cover letter body, what to focus on with your cover letter body:, cover letter body examples for volunteer, cover letter closing, what to focus on with your cover letter closing:, cover letter closing paragraph examples for volunteer, pair your cover letter with a foundational resume, cover letter writing tips for volunteers, highlight your motivation, emphasize relevant skills and experience, be clear about your availability, show your understanding of the role, proofread and personalize, cover letter mistakes to avoid as a volunteer, not tailoring the cover letter to the specific volunteer role, failure to show passion and commitment, not proofreading the cover letter, being too vague, writing a lengthy cover letter, cover letter faqs for volunteers.

The best way to start a volunteer cover letter is by introducing yourself and expressing your enthusiasm for the volunteering opportunity. Mention the specific role you're interested in and why it appeals to you. It's also beneficial to highlight any relevant skills or experiences that make you a good fit for the role. Remember, the goal is to show the organization that you're not only capable but also genuinely interested in contributing to their cause.

Volunteers should end a cover letter by summarizing their interest in the role and the unique skills or experiences they bring. They should also express gratitude for the reader's time and consideration. A strong closing might be: "I am excited about the opportunity to contribute my skills and passion to [organization's name]. Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the possibility of discussing my potential contributions further." It's also important to include contact information, even if it's already on the header of the letter. This makes it easy for the reader to reach out. Finally, end with a professional closing like "Sincerely" or "Best regards," followed by your name. As a volunteer, showing enthusiasm, gratitude, and professionalism in your closing leaves a positive impression.

A volunteer's cover letter should ideally be one page long. This length is enough to succinctly present your skills, experiences, and passion for the cause without overwhelming the reader. Remember, the organization you're applying to likely receives numerous applications, so it's important to keep your cover letter concise and to the point. Use clear, direct language to explain why you're interested in the volunteer position, what you can bring to the organization, and how your past experiences (volunteer or otherwise) have prepared you for this role.

Writing a cover letter with no volunteer experience can seem challenging, but it's important to remember that everyone starts somewhere. Here are some steps to guide you: 1. Start with a professional greeting: Address the hiring manager or the person in charge of volunteers by their name if it's available. If not, use a general greeting like "Dear Volunteer Coordinator". 2. Write a compelling opening paragraph: Introduce yourself and express your interest in the volunteer position. Mention where you found the opportunity and why it appeals to you. 3. Highlight relevant skills and experiences: Even if you don't have volunteer experience, you likely have skills that are relevant to the position. Think about your past experiences in school, work, or other activities. Have you demonstrated leadership, teamwork, or problem-solving skills? Have you worked with diverse groups of people or handled challenging situations? These are all valuable in a volunteer context. 4. Show enthusiasm and commitment: Nonprofits value volunteers who are passionate about their cause and reliable in their commitment. Show that you've done your research about the organization and its mission, and express your enthusiasm for contributing to it. 5. Explain what you hope to gain: Volunteering is a two-way street. While you're offering your time and skills, you're also there to learn and grow. Whether you're hoping to gain new skills, experience in a particular field, or a deeper understanding of a cause you care about, sharing this can show that you're motivated and invested in the role. 6. Close professionally: Thank the reader for considering your application, express your hope for the opportunity to contribute, and provide your contact information. 7. Proofread: Make sure your cover letter is free of errors and is professionally presented. Remember, everyone has to start somewhere. Even without direct experience, your enthusiasm, commitment, and transferable skills can make a strong impression.

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The Perfect CV and Cover Letter for an NGO Job Application

No matter what kind of NGO you want to work for, your CV and cover letter will need to show the same things. They will want to know that you care about their cause and that you have the skills and experience that make you the best person for the job.

1. Start with a strong opening.

Your CV and cover letter need a strong beginning, just like any good story. Make sure that the first line grabs the reader’s attention. This could be a summary of your work history and skills that you could put on your CV. You could quickly say in your cover letter why you’re the best person for the job.

2. Keep it relevant.

Make sure that when you customize your CV and cover letter for an NGO job, you only include information that is important to the role. You don’t have to list every job you’ve ever had. Just focus on the parts that are most important to the NGO you’re going to.

3. Highlight your passion for the cause.

NGOs want to hire people who care deeply about their cause. So, be sure to talk about any time you’ve worked with a similar group or cause in the past. Even if you don’t have any direct experience, you can still show how passionate you are by writing about why you want to work for the NGO and what you hope to achieve.

4. Focus on your skills and experience.

Even though it’s important to show that you care about the NGO’s cause, they’ll also look at your skills and experience to see if you’re a good fit for the job. Make sure that your CV and cover letter show off any skills and experience that are important. For example, if you’re looking for a job in fundraising, make sure to talk about any sales or fundraiser experience you have.

5. Use strong language.

Use strong, convincing wording when writing your CV and cover letter. This is your chance to really sell yourself and your skills, so don’t be afraid to brag a little bit. But don’t go overboard, because you still want to seem humble and likeable.

6. Be concise.

Remember that your CV and cover letter are only an opening to who you are and what you can do. They’re not supposed to be your whole life story, so try to be as brief as you can. Keep to the most important information and leave out anything that isn’t directly related to the job.

7. Proofread.

Make sure to check your CV and cover letter for writing and grammar mistakes before you send your application. Small mistakes like these can make your application look bad, so you should take the time to fix them.

8. Follow the instructions.

Make sure to carefully read the job post and follow any specific directions about how to send in your application. For example, some NGOs may want you to send your cover letter and CV as one document, while others may want them sent separately. Make sure you follow these rules so that your application doesn’t get turned down.

9. Include additional materials.

If the NGO you’re going to wants more information, make sure to send it along with your application. These might be things like samples of your work or letters of reference. Putting these things in your application shows that you are willing to do more to get the job.

10. Send a thank-you email.

Send a thank-you email to the person who accepted your application after you’ve sent it in. This is another chance to show how interested you are in the job and the NGO. In your email, be sure to say again how much you want the job and tell them anything else you think they should know. If you use these tips to make your CV and cover letter, you’ll have a better chance of getting the NGO job of your dreams.

Sample cover letter for Full Time position at NGO

Data officer.

I read with interest your posting for Project Officer-Data management & mobilization on your website. As an experienced profession in effective data entry and management, I possess the necessary skills and experience you are seeking for the successful implementation of mental health and psychosocial support project.

As my resume indicates, I possess more than two years of progressive experience working in community development. In Campus, I volunteered in the counselling department where I acquired skills in counselling psychology on reaching to High school students.

Noteworthy experience that I offer includes:

  • Managing and updating the Project’s database.
  • Writing periodic weekly reports on work progress.
  • Mobilizing farmer based organizations and working with other stakeholders and implementing partners to link them with cereal market.

My supervisor also relied on my ability to produce high quality work, flexibility and build strong alliances and collaborative relationships with other implementing stakeholders.

Please review my attached resume for additional details regarding my expertise. I look forward to speaking with you further regarding this position.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


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  1. NGO Cover Letter (Ultimate Guide)

    A good length for an NGO cover letter is between 350 and 500 words. Make sure you write in font size 12. This means your cover letter will come out at about three quarters of a page. This is a good length as it allows you to include enough key details, without being too long to lose the NGO recruiters attention.

  2. How to Write a Nonprofit Cover Letter (With Template and Example)

    Mention your personal connections to the nonprofit's type of work. Close with a follow-up or call to action. 1. State the position you're applying for and how you found out about it. In the first sentence of your cover letter, mention the specific position you're applying for and identify how you found out about it.

  3. 3 Inspiring Nonprofit Cover Letter Examples

    Entry-Level Nonprofit Cover Letter Example. ... Could you provide tips on formatting a compelling cover letter for NGO job applications? Use a professional and readable font size, typically between 10-12 points, and keep the margins to about one inch on all sides. Align your text to the left and use bullet points to make achievements stand out.

  4. Non Profit Cover Letter: Sample, Template & Writing Tips

    Below you'll find a free non profit cover letter sample, template, and writing tips to give you the best shot of landing your dream role. A well-written cover letter is essential to landing the non profit job you want. Your cover letter is the best way to showcase your sense of altruism, commitment, and passion for the causes you want to work ...

  5. Nonprofit Cover Letter Examples & Expert Tips ·

    This cover letter example get hired fast - no frustration, no guesswork. This cover letter example is specifically designed for nonprofit positions in 2024. Take advantage of our sample sentences + expert guides to download the perfect cover letter in just minutes. 4.2.

  6. Non Profit Cover Letter—Sample for Non Profit Organization

    Here's how to write the perfect non profit cover letter: 1. Square Up The Cover Letter Format. Stick to the classic business formatting. Make the information readily available, don't make them work for it. Here is the standard business cover letter format: Make sure it's the same font as your resume font.

  7. Useful Phrases and Language For Your NGO Cover Letter

    First, look at the action keywords in the job position. These are the words that describe skills the organization is looking for. Common keywords include "specialized" and "proficient.". You'll also most likely see keywords like "teamwork," "leadership," and "detail-oriented.". Next, consider the skills you have that match.

  8. Nonprofit Cover Letter Sample & Writing Guide (15+ Tips)

    Here's how to write a cover letter for nonprofit jobs: 1. Stick to the standard business letter format. Margins: one-inch. Spacing: 1.15. Font: one of the classics (Arial, Verdana, Georgia, etc.); 11 to 12 pt-sized. See more: Cover Letter Format Rules. 2. Create a good-looking nonprofit cover letter heading.

  9. 5 Effective Cover Letter Templates for NGO Jobs

    Sample 1: Applying for a Program Manager Position. Dear Hiring Manager, I am writing to apply for the Program Manager position at [NGO name]. With my extensive experience in program management and working with vulnerable populations, I am confident in my ability to make a positive contribution to your organization.

  10. Non-Profit Cover Letter

    Non Profit Cover Letter for Entry Level Position Example. This cover letter for fresher or entry level candidates emphasizes passion, potential, and transferable skills, focusing less on direct experience and more on eagerness to contribute and grow within the non-profit sector.. Dear [Recipient Name], As a recent graduate from [University Name] with a degree in [Specific Degree, e.g ...

  11. NGO Cover Letter

    Sample cover letter for Full Time position at NGO. Dear Recruiting Team, I am writing to apply for the EU Policy Associate employment opportunity as advertised on the Euro Brussels website and its current vacancy bulletin. After I had read the job description I felt the range of relevant skills I possess rightly match your requirements for the ...

  12. Cover Letters in English to Work at an NGO

    In general, it is good to give concrete examples that show how you embody the mission, the values, and the fundamental principles of the NGO. The letter should also be professional and formal as if it were a cover letter for a job post. Below, we present an example of a cover letter to apply for work as a teacher in Africa.

  13. 10 Impressive Cover Letter Sample for NGO Project Officer Positions

    Sample 4: Recommending a Former Colleague. Dear Hiring Manager, I am writing to recommend [Name] for the position of NGO Project Officer. I had the privilege of working with [Name] for four years, and during that time, I witnessed their expertise in project management and ability to lead a team to success.

  14. ngo Cover Letter

    Sample cover letter for Full Time position at ngo. POSITION: field officer. Following your job advert for a Field Officer position on XYZ Daily on 29th November 2014, I forward my application in response. I possess a Diploma in Development Studies and experience with data collection through surveys, observations, interviews, and focus groups.

  15. Cover letter for ngo coordinator

    Check out these ngo coordinator cover letter sample and examples previously used by job seekers to land on job interviews as ngo coordinator. Use our AI cover letter generator to create a personalized cover letter as ngo coordinator. Hello, I am Kanak and I am interested in the position of NGO Coordinator at Hamari Pahchan NGO.

  16. Cover letter for an NGO administrative assistant (4 samples)

    Cover letter examples for an NGO administrative assistant. When writing an NGO administrative assistant cover letter, these are some of the important things to include in your letter: Address the employer with a formal salutation. For example, "Dear/Hello (name of the recipient).". If you do not know the name of the recipient, you can refer ...

  17. NGO Cover Letter

    Sample cover letter for Full Time position at NGO. POSITION: Project Officer. Subject: Project Officer Resilience. It was with great interest that I read the posting for a Project Officer -Resiliece with Oxfom on Reliefweb .I am extremely interested in contributing to the work. you do and feel I am strong candidate.

  18. 6+ Volunteer Cover Letter Examples (with In-Depth Guidance)

    These are all valuable in a volunteer context. 4. Show enthusiasm and commitment: Nonprofits value volunteers who are passionate about their cause and reliable in their commitment. Show that you've done your research about the organization and its mission, and express your enthusiasm for contributing to it.

  19. The Perfect CV and Cover Letter for an NGO Job Application

    For example, some NGOs may want you to send your cover letter and CV as one document, while others may want them sent separately. Make sure you follow these rules so that your application doesn't get turned down. 9. Include additional materials. If the NGO you're going to wants more information, make sure to send it along with your application.

  20. NGO Cover Letter

    Sample cover letter for Full Time position at NGO. APPLICATION LETTER. Abraham Selamu. +251-911-785701 or +251-924-105758. May 31, 2016. To: Ethiopian Red Cross Society (ERCS) Addis Ababa. Subject: - Applying for job vacancy announcement Head, Programs Division. Position.

  21. The ultimate cover letter checklist

    1. Use the correct cover letter formatting. A cover letter is a formal business document, and it should look like one, says Aylward. In the upper left corner of your page, put the name, email ...

  22. NGO Cover Letter

    Sample cover letter for Full Time position at NGO. POSITION: monitoring and evaluation analyst. GOT THE JOB? Yes. I would wish to express my interest in the above-mentioned position recently advertised in your organization website. Currently, I am a student at the University of Nairobi undertaking MSc course in project planning and management.

  23. NGO Cover Letter

    Sample cover letter for Internship position at NGO. Dear Sir, Madam, With this letter I would hereby like to express my interest to work at the . I dare to say that I am a fresh and prospective graduate with three years of work experience in the government & policy and public administrative, gained whilst studying for my BA degree in the ...

  24. NGO Cover Letter

    Sample cover letter for Full Time position at NGO. I read with interest your posting for Project Officer-Data management & mobilization on your website. As an experienced profession in effective data entry and management, I possess the necessary skills and experience you are seeking for the successful implementation of mental health and ...