essay on my hero in afrikaans


essay on my hero in afrikaans

Nelson Mandela

By jeff trussell from los angeles, california in united states.


Imagine growing up in a country where drinking out of the wrong water fountain might get you thrown into jail; where a man might have the very same job as his neighbor, but because of the color of his skin, get paid less in a year than the other man made in a week; where the government told you that your ancestors and their ways of living were wrong and savage and not even human.

Sounds like some futuristic film, doesn't it? Well, for Nelson Mandela , this was no movie.

Growing up in South Africa under the Apartheid system of government meant these things, and worse, were part of daily life.

But Nelson Mandela was a fighter. Instead of bowing down to this unjust system of government, he became a lifelong warrior in the battle to free South Africa.

Starting out as a leader of an underground political movement called the African National Congress (ANC), Mr. Mandela played a part in many dramatic demonstrations against the white-ruled government.

His career in the ANC was cut short in 1964 when he was sentenced to life in prison. The notorious Rivonia Trial, as his sentencing was called, is now seen as nothing more than a cruel ploy used by the white South African government to silence Nelson Mandela once and for all. But even while in prison, Mandela continued to be a beacon of hope for his people who carried on the struggle against Apartheid in his absence. In 1990, after 27 years of imprisonment, Mandela was freed. His release marked the beginning of the end for apartheid. In less than five years after his release, Mandela was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize and elected president of South Africa.

Today, thanks to the self-sacrifice of Nelson Mandela, apartheid has been outlawed. Everyone in South Africa now has an equal opportunity at home and at work to live comfortable, productive lives. Nelson Mandela is one of the world's true freedom fighters, and his life and personal triumphs will be remembered long after the world has forgotten the evils of Apartheid.

Nelson Mandela's book, Long Walk to Freedom tells the extraordinary story of his life, an epic of struggle, setback, renewed hope, and ultimate triumph.

"I have walked that long road to freedom. I have tried not to falter; I have made missteps along the way. But I have discovered the secret that after climbing a great hill, one only finds that there are many more hills to climb. I have taken a moment here to rest, to steal a view of the glorious vista that surrounds me, to look back on the distance I have come. But I can rest only for a moment, for with freedom comes responsibilities, and I dare not linger, for my long walk is not yet ended."

Page created on 2/28/2015 7:13:40 PM

Last edited 12/29/2020 8:02:25 PM

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essay on my hero in afrikaans

Afrikaans speech on my hero. Afrikaans speech on my hero in English with examples 2022-10-11

Glory, a 1989 film directed by Edward Zwick, tells the story of the 54th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, one of the first all-black regiments to fight in the American Civil War. The film follows the journey of the regiment, from their initial recruitment and training to their eventual deployment in the war, and focuses on the experiences of several key characters, including the regiment's white commander, Colonel Robert Shaw, and several of its black soldiers, including Trip, a runaway slave, and John Rawlins, a former servant.

Throughout the film, the theme of glory and the various ways in which it is understood and pursued by the characters is a central and driving force. For the white officers and politicians who encourage the creation of the 54th Massachusetts, the prospect of sending black soldiers into battle is seen as a way to prove their worth and earn the respect and admiration of their white counterparts. For the black soldiers themselves, the opportunity to fight for their freedom and the freedom of their fellow African Americans is a source of pride and a chance to claim their own sense of glory.

However, as the film progresses, it becomes clear that the pursuit of glory is not always straightforward or without cost. The soldiers of the 54th Massachusetts face significant challenges and hardships, including discrimination, prejudice, and the dangers of war. They are also faced with moral dilemmas, as they struggle with the weight of the expectations placed on them and the sacrifices they must make in order to achieve their goals.

One of the key themes in Glory is the idea that true glory is not always about achieving fame or recognition, but rather about standing up for what one believes in and making a difference in the world. This is exemplified by the character of Colonel Shaw, who initially joins the regiment as a way to redeem his family's honor, but comes to understand that true glory lies in his commitment to his men and their cause. Similarly, the character of Trip, who initially resists the idea of fighting in the war, ultimately finds glory in his willingness to stand up for what he believes in and fight for his own freedom.

In conclusion, Glory is a powerful and thought-provoking film that explores the theme of glory and the various ways in which it is understood and pursued by its characters. Through its portrayal of the struggles and triumphs of the 54th Massachusetts, the film highlights the importance of standing up for one's beliefs and the power of ordinary people to make a difference in the world.

Afrikaans Hero Stories Worksheets

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Still I was too immature to understand what she says and sneak chapattis under the table. One was a chocolate black cat, and the other was a yellow cocker spaniel cake. All my friends consider me quiet luck to have her as my mother. Ek sal net dit baie mis. Ek deurbring uur boeke lees en sou klaarmaak dit in een dag omdat is hulle grootse. Do you think anyone needs such punishment? We were so excited. A hero is someone to look up to, someone to inspire and teach you to always do the right thing, who never loses hope in you.

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Steal your eyes and just think how you would feel if someone suddenly caught you and cut off your hand with a sharp object. They may conclude it in terms of a size, shape, characteristics, beliefs and values. Heroes in my opinion are people who have attained special achievements in history and are remembered for their abilities and personal qualities which make them role models. Click "Convert to Speech" and download your audio file. Heroes are often remembered for risking or rather sacrificing their lives for the good of their people.

Afrikaans speech on my hero in English with examples

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She also used to keep a letter along with the gift saying that Santa wants me to do those things. How to generate text to speech in South African Afrikaansaccent? My Hero: Martin Luther King Inspirational, religious, oratory, patience, a martyr and a leader are words that describe my hero, Martin Luther King. There are 3 male and female voices with South African Afrikaans accent for you to choose from. Here are the answers to the most frequently asked questions: How to get an Afrikaans accent for text to speech? Being a hero she taught me to eat every last bite of a chapatti, broccoli, pea or whatever was left in my plate. But in realty she wanted me to remain healthy so that I can lead a healthy life style and attend my school well.

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September 12, 2015 was when it all began. A heroic personality does not have to be an impeccable character sustaining high value in the society. Then why do we do it to innocent, beautiful, majestic rhinos? Wattpad is die een aansoek ek sal nooit delete van my foon nie. It took me 10 years after birth to realize the hidden hero inside my mother. As jou boek is baie goed hulle kan dit uitgee amptelik! In a few moments you will get a professionally sounding afrikaans audio file, recorded as if a native speaker would pronounce the words.

Translate 2 minute speech on my hero in Afrikaans

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I still remember the way she used to hide Christmas gifts for me when I was a kid. She taught me the importance of having a healthy life style. All my friends respect my mother too. Select from one of our text-to-speech Afrikaans male and female voices below, and enter some text to create the audio. She taught me to be patient and control my anger as I got angry very easily since I was too young.

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Essay on my hero in afrikaans

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    He had got there with the help of the people, supporters and believers. Nelson Mandela's non-judgemental and loving soul mixed with his strong passions and determination made an effective and forceful government. As an individual, it made him a hero, not only a hero to me, but a hero to his people. They told him what they wanted and he gave ...

  10. Nelson Mandela

    Nelson Mandela is a hero to many people, for all different reasons. Several of the contributors to My Hero: Extraordinary People on the Heroes Who Inspire Them selected Mandela as their hero. For Muhammad Ali, Nelson Mandela is a hero because because he understands what it means to fight against enormous odds. Read More.

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  12. Afrikaans speech on my hero. My Hero Essay Examples. 2022-10-11

    Afrikaans speech on my hero in English with examples 2022-10-11. Glory, a 1989 film directed by Edward Zwick, tells the story of the 54th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, one of the first all-black regiments to fight in the American Civil War. The film follows the journey of the regiment, from their initial recruitment and training to their ...

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