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How to create a go-to-market strategy: Guide with examples

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Editor’s note : This blog was updated on 7 April 2023 to add a section on how to develop a go-to-market strategy and specify more examples of go-to-market strategy tactics and programs.

How To Create A Go-To-Market Strategy: Guide With Examples

Go-to-market (GTM) strategy is key to any product’s success. Without one, you’re essentially driving blind — trying to introduce a product to an audience that, chances are, doesn’t know anything about it. The word “strategy” in “go-to-market strategy” emphasizes this well, you can’t just throw a last-minute plan together and hope it’ll work.

Thought and intentionality are the drivers behind go-to-market strategy. You have to really understand your target audience, its needs, and the context around you.

In this article, we’ll talk about what go-to-market strategy means, how to develop a GTM strategy, the various factors and considerations to account for, and demonstrate some examples of GTM strategy along the way. Let’s get started.

What is a go-to-market (GTM) strategy?

So what does go-to-market strategy mean, exactly? The name is pretty telling; go-to-market strategy is a thorough, comprehensive plan outlining how a company is going to bring a new product into the market it’s hoping to serve. The plan truly goes from A–Z and includes all aspects of the product, starting from research at the very beginning and to post-launch promotional activities and advertising (and beyond) at the end.

The objective of a go-to-market (GTM) strategy is simple: drive awareness, accessibility, and retention of a product from initial validation to scaling it for a much larger market population. As you might imagine, the strategies adopted will transform over time based on market confirmation.

The general notion is that go-to-market strategies are transactional, so companies often wait to execute until the product is ready to deploy.

However, a good product manager initiates the GTM strategy when conceptualizing a product idea. The strategy should capture new realities around business models, market maturity, brand positioning, competitive forces, and growth strategy.

The evolution of new business models

Software-defined solutions and as-a-service business models necessitate a transformational approach to GTM strategy. Products do not reach end-of-life anymore; they evolve and drive continuous innovation.

The lifecycle below represents how organizations now think about products and solutions. Every lifecycle step requires a conscious approach to a market strategy, not just the launch phase.

The product inception phase captures a pain point and creative solutions. Product strategy, however, needs to consider the product’s market entry, differentiation, viability, and feasibility. Each phase validates the hypothesis and refines the GTM strategy as we move through the cycle.

Products are rarely fire-and-forget nowadays. The deliberation on building stickiness, increasing switching costs, and creating long-term value for the customer is crucial.

Go-To-Market Strategy: Fit, Opportunity, And Scale

Setting the scene: Analyze, aspire, action, accomplish

When introducing a new product in a new or an existing market, I often use the Analyze, Aspire, Action, Accomplish model to build a proper idea of what we’re working towards. It applies various frameworks at distinct stages of the product lifecycle. These help set us up for success as we build a GTM strategy:

Go To Market Strategy: Analyze, Aspire, Action, Accomplish

The intent is not to explain the tools captured within the framework but to present the key outcomes from each phase:

The analysis phase requires a solid understanding of customer pain points (said and unsaid), market dynamics (what is available, why it is insufficient), and potential solutions to minimize or eradicate the gap.

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At this stage, the GTM aspects are usually not critical. However, solving a problem with no avenue to reach the customer is also futile.

The aspirational step is where I believe the hypothesis for a GTM strategy is crucial. In product parlance, segmenting, targeting, and positioning (STP) is an essential activity.

The key questions here are:

  • In what market segments do you have a real opportunity?
  • What is the path to get there (e.g., who else do you need to come along with you)?

This step should also inform you of critical competitors and the differentiators you need to win in the market. It should define your ideal customer profile, and, more crucially, identify beachhead customers .

The action stage should help determine a product-market fit , messaging (writing a press release, the FAQs, credentials that you expect to have, etc.), and the different  personas  you must target.

Once the product is launched to the market , the accomplish stage should help with data-driven product refinement .

A conceptual example

When pursuing my MBA, my group worked (unofficially) with Marriott on a concept idea to offer an experience-first product. While considering Marriott’s breadth of brands, we selected JW Marriott and Sheraton to provide an experience beyond just room and food to the middle-aged and Millennials, respectively.

The package considered everything from travel, activities, pricing, and even specific pilot locations where the offer would be live first. The concept also identified messaging for the personas and essential ecosystem strategies, including travel and experience partners.

How to develop a go-to-market strategy

Now, let’s go over how to develop a GTM strategy. The Analyze, Aspire, Action, Accomplish model I shared earlier is kind of like a mini version of what I’m about to break down.

You can use the following steps — or categories of steps, rather — for holistic GTM strategy.

  • Initial research and context
  • Evaluating product-market fit
  • Competition
  • Setting goals and milestones
  • Launching the plan

1. Initial research and context

It’s vital to understand the context of the world around you before you try to bring a new product into the mix (or bring an existing product to new markets). Just like the “analyze” component, this step builds the foundation you need for a GTM strategy.

The first thing to consider is how mature the market is. The best GTM strategies to adopt often depend on the market’s maturity, which you can evaluate using the Ansoff matrix:

Go-To-Market Strategy: Quadrant Chart Showing Market Penetration, Product Development, Market Development, And Diversification

Consider an electric vehicle, for example. It is a new product in an existing market. The adoption threshold is dependent on solving the range anxiety.

As Tesla demonstrated, building a supercharger network was equally important as making the car itself.

I would argue that autonomous cars will be a new product in a new market. It’s easy to imagine this as an existing market, but an autonomous car has the potential to completely redefine how people think about car ownership.

Further, societal context is important. In 2013, Google launched Google Glass. Though Google thought it was super cool and innovative to bring a wearable, information-displaying headset in public, they failed to recognize the privacy concerns that came along with that.

The general public immediately saw through to the privacy concerns, and Google Glass didn’t last very long as a result. If they’d considered the context and implications around their new product sooner, they hopefully wouldn’t have poured as much time and resources into it.

2. Evaluating product-market fit

It should be no surprise that product-market fit holds a big piece of the GTM strategy pie.

Product-market fit refers to the product’s ability to fulfill the unmet needs of your target market. Driving your value proposition here is extremely important, as you want people to clearly see how you meet their needs in ways competitors can’t.

The general idea is to find the sweet spot where you’re offering just enough value that your customers find the product usable and your business sees it as feasible and viable. There are lots of ways to capture this data across both qualitative and quantitative methods . Things like customer interviews, surveys, and focus groups can be a great way to capture this information. You can also do observation studies to see if your product is being used by target customers in the way that you think and hope they are.

And, if you have a product that already exists in the market but isn’t being adopted as highly as you hoped (or is slowly being overtaken by competitors), it may be time for a rebrand.

In 2018, we researched cars, their perceived branding, and their attempt to rebrand themselves. It was interesting that vehicles such as Buick and Cadillac had transformed themselves to be more amenable to upper-middle-class people in their early 40s (BMW and Lexus had held this market), whereas Lincoln failed.

Such repositioning requires a considerable thought process from a GTM perspective, especially regarding social messaging, following, advertisements, product considerations — the whole nine yards.

3. Competition

What are your competitors doing? What are they not doing? How do customers perceive your competition’s products?

These are all great questions that can help you build a successful GTM strategy. You don’t need to namedrop your competitors to convince people that your product has an edge over theirs, but you can emphasize how your product differentiates itself from others on the market. If it’s obvious, customers will notice all on their own.

Though there are many tried and true methods for competitive analysis , here a few steps to follow to kick it off:

  • Create a shortlist of competitors
  • Do a competitor deep dive
  • Look at holistic overview and strategy

By fleshing out these ideas, you can get a better view of who you’re directly competing with. Though you’re in the same market, you may not be direct competitors, and looking at these three steps can help you draw those conclusions.

Take Microsoft Surface and Apple iPads for example. Yes, they’re both tablets and would be considered competitors for that reason, but their features and target audiences don’t really make them competitors after all.

Further, when evaluating the competition, think creatively. Brita, for example, opted not to compete with other kitchen appliances. Instead, it was sold in the water aisle, which positioned it to compete with bottled water.

Such decisions are not determined at the launch stage but during inception. Cialis beat Viagra by redefining the customer purchase criteria where Levitra wasn’t. Without going into too much detail, let’s just say that product differentiation was crucial in this endeavor.

4. Setting goals and milestones

Goal setting and tracking are going to help you figure out where you’re placing in your GTM race and keep you on track. Without clear goals that everyone buys into, there will be no real direction that your team is working towards, and you’ll find yourself in disarray.

I know everyone talks about SMART goals, it’s basically drilled into our heads. SMART goals, to everyone’s disdain, really do make all the difference. Setting goals that are smart, measurable, attainable, etc. makes it easier to see where and how you’re falling flat.

On the flip side, milestones will help hold you accountable to the pace you’re at — are you behind schedule, ahead, or right on the money? They provide an opportunity to evaluate your tactics, identify bottlenecks, and pivot when needed. By regularly reviewing your progress against milestones, you can make data-driven decisions to optimize your GTM strategy, improving your chances of success in the market.

For example, say the goal is to increase the number of new customers by 18 percent within the first six months after launching the product. You have a specific number to reach within a certain time frame, and in the case of our example, we’ll say it’s not an overly egregious goal. Your milestone can be to acquire 10 percent of these new customers by the end of the eighth week. The track is set, and you can adjust methods depending on how far behind or ahead you are of that finish line.

5. Launching the plan

Everything is in place — it’s time to launch! Boots are on the ground. This is the most nerve-wracking and critical stage of the journey. You’re going to need to align a number of things here.

First and foremost, ensure communication is clear and specific across all functions. Sales and marketing need to know what’s going on, as do executive teams and adjacent product functions. Collaborate effectively and ensure you’re informing the right stakeholders throughout the launch process.

Similarly to how goals and milestones are crucial, you’ll also need to put some KPIs in place to monitor how your GTM plan is performing. Check them regularly to see how you’re doing and adjust accordingly. There’s no shame in admitting that something needs to change — after all, all products didn’t come out perfectly from the get-go. Be ready to make changes and adjust your plan as needed to respond to changes in the market, feedback from customers, or any unexpected challenges.

Example of go-to-market strategy

As part of our capstone project, thanks to a fantastic initiative from the NIU College of Business, we worked on a real-life GTM, from cradle to grave.

The solution was a way to minimize readmissions. Preventable readmissions (readmission is when a patient returns to the hospital within 21 days after discharge for any reason) cost over  $25 billion , and Medicare incurs more than 60 percent of that cost.

Medicare instituted a penalty for hospitals where readmissions are too high. A database of all hospitals and their readmission rate (and propensity for pen) was available.

Based on the information, we devised a method to segment the ideal market, their demographics, and five states that maximized the sales motion. Note that the “ideal customer profile” is not genuinely perfect — it was a “what’s possible” with the resources available on-hand.

In addition, we identified a set of hospitals that would be the best candidates for a pilot. An extensive amount of math went into parsing through the spreadsheets — my group was willing to recommend me for a Ph.D. just for that work — but we distilled it down to a single roadmap of client profiles (pilot, short-term, long-term).

While the GTM strategy was to work with the hospitals, the eventual goal was to work directly with Medicare to save them at least 30 percent of the $17 billion spent on unnecessary expenses.

Product-led vs. sales-led growth

You’re also going to have to choose if you want to pursue a product-led or sales-led growth approach, as they represent fundamentally different methods of acquiring and retaining customers. Most articles about product-led vs. sales-led growth strategies push one versus the other. The truth is, you have to pick what’s best for your situation. You should also know where the inflection point is to switch from one to the other (or use them in tandem).

Before I go further, let me explain as I best understand it — because my approach often is not to choose between the two consciously.

Product-led growth

A product-led approach often depends on organic growth, backed by an exploratory model (freemium, trial to buy), self-serve capabilities, and a seamless user experience when it comes to setting up and using the product.

Companies spend considerable finance on marketing rather than on the sales motion. The product-led strategy enables a broader net and a lower acquisition cost (CAC).

A prominent example of a B2C product that took a product-led approach is Spotify.

Unbelievably, AWS started as a product-led offering, with self-service capabilities and utilities that enabled faster time-to-market and monitoring usage, free trial, and cost transparency. It held the No. 1 position in cloud hosting and attracted small businesses, especially startups.

However, Azure, being late to the party, took a sales-led approach. It built strong channel and solution partners, offered end-to-end advisory and execution, and quickly catapulted to no. 1, led heavily by large contracts with the top companies in Fortune 500.

AWS has since transitioned to a hybrid model and built a substantial presence in the large-cap market by offering both a sales-led approach and a marketplace, which are add-ons once they acquire a client.

The most significant driver for a hybrid approach is the transformation to as-a-service models. Many organizations consider customer success management as a sales function. While partially true, CSMs are not purely commission-driven and are usually not in the loop during the initial stages of a sale.

The expectation of driving adoption, cross-selling, upselling, and renewals to minimize CAC implies that they provide the convergence between product and sales-led approaches. I reach out to CSMs for product feedback because it tends to be rooted in data

Side note: If you can’t monitor KPIs and back your CSMs, you shouldn’t be in the SaaS business!

Sales-led growth

A sales-led approach to growth, on the other hand, depends heavily on your sales team or channel partners. Depending on your product (transformational versus incremental) and who you are (Amazon versus startup), your sales team will connect with clients, build relationships, explain product benefits, and take it through the contractual process.

As you might imagine, the success of your product also depends on the sales organization’s willingness to sell. If you’re considering shifting from a perpetual to a recurring model and do not regard the sales angle, you’re sure to have a paperweight on your hands!

B2B products that require long contract cycles and considerable time to deploy and onboard often require a sales-led approach. However, this doesn’t imply that sales will influence the product features or roadmap .

Creating a go-to-market strategy is more art than science. However, it is crucial to start with a hypothesis, do it early, and make it fluid enough to pivot based on data.

Consider the type of product you are building, the markets you are targeting to define the brand, the competition, the pilot customers, and the growth strategy you must adopt. While no crystal ball guarantees success, a conscious approach will amplify the probability.

Featured image source: IconScout

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English Essay on A Visit to the Market, English Essay-Paragraph-Speech for Class 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 Students.

A Visit to the Market

I love going to market, so yesterday when my mother told me to get her some eggs and other groceries, I obeyed gladly. Picking up a bag and some money, I cycled down to the nearest market. It was modest in size but catered to the daily needs of the people living close by.

As usual, there was a lot of activity going on in the shops, and the hawkers seemed to be doing good business too. I bought some chilli powder and a tin of cooking oil from the grocery store, then went to the chemist’s shop to buy my father’s medicine.

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Market Scene Essay: A Deep Dive into Market Activities and Demand for all Classes 100 to 500 + Words

Market Scene Essay

Following is the collection of essays on Market Scene , written for the students of all age groups.  we have short and long paragraphs to guide you on several topics. Dive into the Market Scene Essay

Market Scene Essay 100 Words

A market scene is a very common sight in any country. It is a place where people go to buy and sell things. There are many different types of markets, ranging from small, local markets to large, international ones. No matter what type of market it is, there is always a lot of activity and movement . People are constantly bargaining to get the best market price. The atmosphere is usually very lively and loud. In conclusion, the market scene is a very important and necessary part of life. It is not only a place where people buy and sell goods, but also a place where people socialize and interact with each other.

Market Scene Essay 150 Words

Market Scene Essay 150 Words edumantra

Market scenes can be quite chaotic and overwhelming , especially to someone who is not used to them. However, they can also be very fascinating and provide a great insight into the culture of a place. If you ever have the chance to visit a market scene, make sure to take some time to wander around and take everything in. It is an experience that you will not forget anytime soon. A market scene is always a vibrant and colorful place. The market is a place where people from all walks of life come together to buy and sell goods. It is a place where the haggling and bargaining skills of the sellers are put to the test. In conclusion, the market scene is a vibrant and essential part of life in any city. It is a place where people come together to trade goods and services, and it is also a place where people can relax and enjoy the company of others. Understanding the marketing meaning behind each stall, we realize the market scene is an important part of our culture, and it should be preserved.

Market Scene Essay 250 Words

Market Scene Essay 250 Words

A market scene is a busy and bustling area where people go to buy and sell goods. It is a place where you can find a variety of things all in one place. The market scene is always bustling with activity. The air is thick with the smell of spices and sweat. The ground is littered with garbage and the stalls are crammed together so tightly that it is difficult to move around. But despite all of this, the market is a place that I love. There is something about the chaos and the noise that I find exhilarating. I love watching the sellers try to outdo each other with their sales pitches. I love seeing the different products that are on offer. And I love tasting the different food that is available. A market survey would reveal that the market is a true reflection of life in India. It is a place where you can see the best and worst of humanity on display. But it is also a place full of life and energy. And for me, that makes it a special place indeed. The market scene is always bustling with activity and it is a great place to people watch. I love observing the different interactions between the vendors and customers and seeing the colorful array of produce on display. It’s always interesting to see what new items are being sold each time I visit. The market scene is a great way to get a glimpse into the local culture and it’s definitely one of my favorite places to go when I’m traveling.

Market Scene Essay 300 Words

Market Scene Essay 300 Words edumantra

The market scene is one of the most vibrant and colorful scenes that you will ever witness. The market is a hub of market activities where people from all walks of life come together to buy and sell goods and services.The market making process can make the market scene a bit overwhelming for new visitors, but it is really quite fascinating. There is a lot of hustle and bustle in the market scene, as people are trying to haggle for the best prices on goods. The air is filled with the sounds of people bargaining and the smell of fresh produce. The colors of the fruits and vegetables are also very striking. If you take the time to wander around the market scene, you will see that there is a lot of variety in the products that are being sold. There are stalls selling clothes, jewelry, food, and even livestock. You can also find service providers such as barbers and masseuses in the market scene. Based on the market definition, the market scene is a great place to observe consumer behavior, as you will see a wide range of people from different socio-economic backgrounds interacting with each other. It is also a great place to buy some cheap souvenirs or gifts for friends and family back home. The market scene essay describes the sights, sounds, and smells of the market. It is a busy place full of people and activity. The essay describes the different stalls and how they are set up. It also describes the people who are buying and selling goods. A market scene is always a hustle and bustle. People from all walks of life going about their daily business in search of good deals and bargaining for the best prices. It’s a place where you can find anything and everything, from fresh produce to second-hand goods. No matter what time of day it is, the market is always busy.

Market Scene Essay 400 + Words


The market scene in my town is quite a busy one. There are a lot of people and a lot of noise. The market has a lot of small shops which sell everything from vegetables to clothes. The market is always full of people, and it can be quite difficult to find what you’re looking for. However, the market is also a great place to find bargains. If you’re looking for a specific item, it’s best to ask around. Chances are, someone in the market will know where to find it. The market scene in my town is quite busy, but it’s also a great place to find bargains on things you need.

The Market Scene

The market scene is always busy, reflecting the market demand and bustling with people. There are stalls of all sorts, selling everything from fresh produce to clothes and trinkets. The atmosphere is one of excitement and hustle and bustle, as people bargain and haggle over prices. During all this activity, it can be easy to forget that the market is also a place where people come to socialize. Friends and neighbors catch up with each other while they shop, sharing news and gossip. The market is a lively place where the community comes together.

The Bargaining Process

When two people trade goods or services, they engage in what is called a bargain. The bargaining process is how they come to an agreement on the price and terms of the trade. In a simple bargain, each person has something that the other wants and they agree on a price. For example, when you buy a cup of coffee from a café, both you and the café owner want something – you want coffee and they want money. You agree on a price (usually the going rate for coffee) and make the trade. Bargaining can be more complex than this, however. For example, when buying a car, there are many factors to consider such as the make and model of the car, its age and condition, how much you can afford to pay, and so on. The bargaining process is how you and the seller come to an agreement on all of these factors.

There are some important things to remember when bargaining:

  • Be clear about what you want before you start bargaining. This will help you stay focused during the process.
  • Try to find out as much as you can about what the other person wants too. This will give you an advantage in negotiations.
  • Don’t be afraid to walk away from a deal if it’s not what you want. There’s always another opportunity around the corner!

The Haggling and the Final Purchase

When you’ve finally found the perfect item at the market, it’s time to haggle for the best price. This can be a daunting task, but with a few tips, you can get the best deal. First, don’t be afraid to haggle. The seller expects it and will most likely start high. Second, know your limits. If you’re not comfortable paying more than a certain amount, be firm and walk away if necessary. Third, have fun with it! Haggling can be a fun game of back-and-forth between buyer and seller. Once you’ve reached an agreement on price, it’s time to make the purchase. Be sure to inspect the item carefully before handing over any money. If you’re satisfied, hand over the agreed upon amount and enjoy your new purchase!

The Different Types of Markets

There are many different types of markets, each with their own unique features. The most common type of market is the spot market, where securities are traded for immediate delivery. This is the market that most people are familiar with, as it is where stocks and bonds are bought and sold. Another type of market is the futures market, where contracts are traded for delivery at a later date. Futures markets are used by investors to hedge against price movements in the underlying asset. For example, if a farmer expects the price of wheat to rise in the future, he may sell a wheat futures contract to lock in a lower price for his crop. The options market is another type of derivatives market, where contracts give the holder the right but not the obligation to buy or sell an asset at a certain price. Options can be used to speculate on the direction of an asset’s price, or to hedge against risk in another part of your portfolio. The last major type of market is the foreign exchange (Forex) market, where currencies are traded against each other. The Forex market is the largest financial market in the world, with a daily turnover of over $5 trillion.

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Markets

There are both advantages and disadvantages to markets. On the one hand, markets provide a space for buyers and sellers to come together and exchange goods and services. This can lead to increased efficiency and greater choice for consumers. On the other hand, markets can also be unstable, leading to price fluctuations and shortages of goods. They can also be susceptible to monopolies and oligopolies, which can reduce choice and increase prices.

Effective market management ensures the market scene is always busy and bustling with activity. It’s a great place to people watch and take in the sights and sounds of the city. I love how with effective marketing, the market scene is always changing, with new stalls and vendors popping up all the time. It’s a great place to find fresh produce, unique gifts, and delicious food. Whether you’re looking for a fun day out or just want to grab some quick groceries, the market scene is definitely worth checking out.

People Also Ask:

1.How would you describe a scene of a crowded market? Ans: A scene of a crowded market may involve people of all ages and backgrounds. The sounds of merchants bargaining and the smells of fresh food could be overpowering. Crowded markets are a great opportunity to find unique items at reduced prices.

2.How would you describe a market in your town? Ans: There is not a specific market in my town, because different people have different needs and budgets. However, there is always demand for products and services that meet the specific needs of the community.

3.What is a market in easy words? Ans: From a market definition in economics, the market is a place where goods and services are exchanged.

4.What is the importance of a market? Ans: A market is important because it helps to determine the price of a good or service. It also allows for producers and sellers to find each other and it determines what people are willing to pay for a good or service.

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You deposit the payment first, so that the writer can start working. The payment is released to the writer once the order is completed.

Get notified when the paper is ready

Receive your assignment accomplished within the specified time.

Trusted and loved by customers

Read EssayMarket reviews and feedback at these trusted platforms. You can also read specific writers’ reviews when choosing the one for your order

Awesome team! At first, the support agent was fast and answering timely. Second, the writer did a quality essay within the deadline. Both were friendly and attentive.

The essay I received was written to a high standard and was done on time. The customer service was excellent, and they were always prompt in responding to my queries and requests.

It's a reliable site for me. I tried to find a good and professional writing platform for so long. And resently, I came across essay market. Now I have much fewer problems with my study.

I like their prices. They completely suit students and let them get quality work for an affordable price.

This was my first experience buying essays, and I'm lucky to have come across these guys. You can have no doubts about the professionalism of these writers.

Charlotte W.

My first experience was great. The support team answered in a few seconds and even gave me a discount. The writer was attentive and also answerd me in a direct message very quickly.

It's a lifesaver for me! I had an urget essay to write and their team was able to deliver it quickly. Besides, the essay was quality written.

I had a great experience with this service. They completed my essay in less than a day. The writer approached my task responsibly, and I will contact them again.

Berniece F.

Now it's my favorite study site because I can finally forget about bad marks and hard evenings. I can safely buy here my essays or coursework and chill out when the writer does it.

Thank you so much for my essay, which got high praise from my professor. Since I studied at college, this site had been a very good helper in writing homework and creative tasks.

Frequently Asked Questions About Our Essay Writing Service

Everything you might want to know about EssayMarket

After specifying the details of your order, you will get an extensive list of writers ready to accomplish your assignment. Additionally, you will see the bids they make, so the only thing you will have to do is to make the right choice. Pay due attention to the skills, rates, and prices offered by the professionals.

We have many experienced and highly qualified writers ready to assist with literally any assignment. Specify the requirements and wait until you get the first quote.

No, we offer 100% privacy, anonymity, and confidentiality guarantees.

There are no fixed prices on the website. Instead, you will get numerous quotes from various writers so that you can always choose the best bid.

The shortest deadline is 6 hours.

Yes, ordering papers here, you will get three revisions for free.

You can always contact the writer online. No matter if you need to get a quick answer for the paper-related question, add some requirements or specify the descriptions, the writers are always ready to help.

Most of our writers are professional ghostwriters with an academic degree in a certain area of knowledge. Some of them have years of experience working in the sphere.

We have a list of requirements the writers should meet to get an opportunity to work on the platform. Therefore, you can be 100% confident to deal with the most qualified and experienced writers and receive a top-quality paper accomplished within the specified time. As an intermediary service, we will help you deal with controversial issues and other problems that may appear.

You fill in the paper description section, choose the writer who offers the best quote and pay for the assignment. We reserve the money till the writer releases the final paper so that you can get a refund in case some problems with the completion of the order appear.

The company provides users with intermediary services, being a link between the customers and writers. The service guarantees flawless work of the website, constant access of the user to the personal account, help with any types of issues and complaints.

The customer support team is available around the clock, so you can always get a quick response and deal with the order-related issues fast. As for the writers, we encourage them to answer ASAP, but it is inevitable to remember that they are freelancers who also need time for their personal life. Therefore, you can be sure that the writer will answer your question fast, but sometimes you will have to be patient.

Essay Writing Experts: Professionals Who Know How to Help Students

What is EssayMarket? It is a company that is not like other essay writing services. We are the leader among English essay mills because we have accumulated the best ideas and offers on the market. Moreover, we decided to take a unique approach to customer interaction and focus on each student. So, how can we help those who need academic assistance? Here are our suggestions.

Bidding System: An Idea That Helps Millions of Students

We decided not to follow the trends and developed a unique offer. Surely you are tired of companies offering you unknown writers’ services. Usually, students don’t know who will craft their assignments. But this state of affairs is extremely wrong since people need to know who provides them with academic services. So we decided to change this approach and established the so-called bidding system.

Our paper writers are experts with top degrees who work as freelancers. We have assembled a huge team of well-versed people (write my essays team) in many subjects and topics. This approach allowed us to accumulate the best experts in the English-speaking community. Plus, we know how important it is for people to have writers they can trust. That is why we have established ratings.

By visiting our site, you will see that the bidding system is the best idea to understand who can create the papers you need. Surely this approach is the most important in the modern world. Why rely on a writer’s professionalism when you can choose the best of the best? Thanks to EssayMarket, you can visit our website and click on the profile of the most experienced expert in your field.

Services Worth Your Attention

Now let’s talk about what our company can do for you. You are probably looking for academic assistance as you are tired of your daily routine. Usually students often turn to us with requests for help. They write, “write my essays, please.” That is why we decided to cover almost the entire range of academic services. But first, we are ready to craft all types of essays, regardless of your academic level.

But you probably understand that we are ready to write any research papers, article reviews, admission papers, dissertations, lab reports, and whatever your professor says. Check out the full list of our writing services, and you’re sure to be impressed. Crafting all types of papers is not a problem because we have gathered many professionals ready to help you.

Why We Deserve Your Attention

Do not forget that we are a company that consists of the mastodons of the academic market. Each member of our team has worked in the academic field for decades. That is why we know how to deal with tricky papers and never forget deadlines. In addition, any instructions are not a problem for us. Our experts have experience in crafting original assignments and are always ready to offer the best quality of service. It is the idea of our company.

The bidding system allows us to provide flexible academic services that are superior to similar offerings from other companies. We are experts who also guarantee you a large number of extra services and exceptional quality. So say no to the days when you chose Russian roulette writing services. Now you do not need to take risks because all our services are time-tested. In addition, our bidding system allows you to choose the perfect writer to craft your papers.

Impeccable Reputation

You will learn a lot about our company if you open a web browser and check the reviews. We work on the principle of “quality above all” and never disappoint students. That is why many review aggregators praise us. Moreover, we decided to change the rules of the game from the very moment the company was founded. For example, many companies provide vague refund and revision policies. For us, this is unacceptable since all students need to know what they can expect.

We decided that such an idea was key and developed our own clear rules and conditions. That is why you will always know what options you can count on. This approach allowed us to be honest with all users. We also immediately decided that selecting professional writers is our duty to you. That is why our selection criteria are quite strict. All experts who work with us know what high competition is.

Top Anonymity

EssayMarket is very different from companies you might see on the Internet. We do not make empty promises and do not deceive people. Moreover, we understand how important it is to create papers from scratch. Our experts are ready to craft original assignments so that your professor does not suspect anything. By the way, here is another important aspect you should know about our team. We know how to analyze information, combine data from different sources and interpret research results according to your instructions and principles of originality. Therefore, you are unlikely to be disappointed with the result.

Since anonymity is important to us, we have created a secure website that is almost impossible to hack. Moreover, we do not store your personal data so no one will know about your order. Think of us as a group of strangers who greeted you on the street and handed you an envelope with papers. We like this approach because we are used to keeping secrets away from the public. That is why you can trust us and not worry about your reputation.

Here is another reason we are completely confident in the anonymity of our services. Our website is highly secure, and we guarantee that no one can hack into the database. We have created a multi-level encryption system that is unlikely to fall because someone tries to gain access to information. As you can see, we have seriously prepared to provide you with the best conditions for delegating papers. That is why you should not worry or hesitate. Contact our support agents, and we will solve all the academic problems that concern you.

A Website That Never Fails Customers

Our company has always sought to satisfy the needs of the audience. That is why we strive to regularly introduce innovative ideas and ensure a stable process of crafting assignments. This approach is ensured through total control and discipline. We know that we have no right to let you down. That is why we control every academic aspect and ensure that writers create polished papers for you.

Place your first order, and you will see how easy it is to delegate anything. Our site is very convenient, and the process of ordering your essays and other works is almost completely automated. However, we do not want students to spend much time on routine activities. So we created this website and reduced the ordering process to a few steps. Now you do not need to waste time clicking on the mouse because everything you need is already in the options.

Surely you have already seen how convenient our bidding system is. We are well aware that such an idea is the only correct one in a world where the needs of students change every day. Thanks to the bidding system and our incredible experts, we can maintain a quality our competitors cannot match. Moreover, we take self-control and compliance with standards very seriously. Nothing will make us change our minds!

Write My Essay! The Way We Can Help

The modern world is like a tsunami. Conditions and rules change too quickly and unexpectedly. Today you know how to craft your assignments; tomorrow, everything changes, and you don’t know how to get off the ground. In addition, the life of many students is extremely intense. What if you are forced to build a sports career in college, write songs or draw in between an essay? For sure, you will be interested in hiring professional essay writers. However, it is unlikely that you will have a desire to spend all your free time on an academic routine.

We know how ambitious today’s students are, and we don’t want them to compromise. Nothing is worse than a young man who gives up on a dream. Fortunately, EssayMarket is always there and ready to lend a helping hand. We will gladly solve your academic problems and give you samples that will allow you to count on high grades. We also understand that many people are forced to work in the evenings. And they do not have the opportunity to write on their own. Therefore, you must visit our website and say, “write my essays for me”. As you can see, there is nothing difficult in delegating papers.

Why Choosing Our Company Is a Good Idea?

Young people are dreamers, innovators, and individuals who can change the world. Students wake up daily and begin academic activities that can lead to amazing innovations. What if you’re the one who can invent perpetual motion, time jumping, or teleportation? Such ideas sound naive, but you certainly get the point. Every student is a potential genius who can create something extraordinary. But even a genius needs time to develop a unique idea, concept, or invention.

That is why we created EssayMarket. Our goal is to give you time for what you need. We have gathered experts ready to handle any paper, regardless of academic level or instructions. The main goal of our experts is to get your papers done. That is why we will stop at nothing to achieve this goal. Moreover, we are ready for the shortest deadlines because we know that students’ free time is more valuable than gold. Time is the most valuable resource, and we are not ready to waste it.

Also, you should know that we offer discounts for all newbies who have just created an account. We know how important it is for many students to get a more affordable price offer. That is why we decided to provide discounts to those who need such options. As you can see, we are ready to make compromises so that you get the best level of services at an affordable price. So, look at our prices, and you will surely be satisfied.

A Wide Range of Services for Everyone!

A free student can create something outstanding and enjoy life. Isn’t that what millions of people around the world need? We are ready to work around the clock so that you have a chance to stand out from the crowd and work on what is important to you at the moment. EssayMarket offers a huge list of services like writing, editing, proofreading, and slide creation. Our experts can handle any tricky assignment.

We love the idea that our papers allow people to be free from academic shackles. Surely you have dreams, plans, ideas, and goals that you want to achieve. That is why you should visit our website and trust our experts. There is nothing wrong with asking someone to handle your papers. Surely you will not regret the result, so do not waste your time. In addition, we are ready to provide you with a lot of extra services, so you should hurry.

As you can see, our vision is to provide students with the best possible writing service. We also understand that people have to waste time on tasks they don’t understand. Consider that we can and are ready to lend you a helping hand if you do not know how to proceed. That is why you should not hesitate and spend time convulsively understanding where you should start. Trust us; we will guide you through this academic path to success. As you can see, this process can be quite easy, and you don’t have to spend much time and money. Let us do our job, and we won’t let you down.

Rethinking Interests: We’re Here to Support You

Imagine that you are at a crossroads and do not know in which direction you should move on. You will probably be a little scared. Where to go next, and why things got out of hand? All these questions are extremely important, and you are probably on the verge of global changes. But do not worry about the academic routine. EssayMarket is ready to lend you a helping hand and solve many of your problems. All you need is time and enough room to maneuver. Surely you need to be alone and rethink the plans that you made earlier. But don’t forget to delegate papers; third-party support is the first thing you need. You may be discouraged or agitated, but don’t be afraid. Soon you will be able to cope with stress thanks to our experts.

We are ready to help you with any papers so you can focus on what is relevant to you at the moment. In addition, no one will refuse the opportunity to get high grades in just a few clicks. EssayMarket is a company that knows how to solve academic problems and make students happy. We understand how difficult it is to balance studies, career, family, and social responsibilities. That is why you should not compromise. Let us do our job, and you won’t regret it.

Can Delegating Papers Give Students More Time?

Many people are skeptical about the idea of ​​delegating papers. They think writing services don’t make sense. Why pay someone for an essay or other paper? On the one hand, such questions sound logical. But let’s take a closer look at things. How long does it take you to craft an essay? As a rule, students can cope with such a task daily. But what if you got a tricky topic and don’t know where to start? In this case, you will have to spend up to a week searching for information. Sometimes even this deadline is not enough to complete the writing activity.

EssayMarket lets you say no to academic routine and similar issues. Our writers can handle a lot in less than half a day. That is why you will have a chance to do something more important and enjoy life. We believe that people should not waste time on routine activities. Leave us the dirty work, and we’ll craft your assignments. In addition, you can get good samples and use them in the future. You will unlikely refuse such a format of academic assistance and a chance to learn something new.

Ideal Conditions for Achieving Goals

As you can see, the number of our services is quite large, so we are ready for any academic challenge. Moreover, we’re always there, so you don’t have to waste time looking for experts. Think of us as the fairy godmother who can change your academic life with a magic wand. We have spent a lot of time ensuring a continuous paper-crafting process. That is why you can order what you need in just a few minutes.

Imagine what prospects will be available to you when you contact us. You may even be able to stand out from the crowd and spend time doing something outstanding. It is not worth wandering the earth when you can fly through the sky and reach high in the areas of life that are important to you. Trust us, and we will help you with your academic routine. Surely you will be delighted with the new features, so hurry up!

One of our main advantages is the fact that we are always online. Our writers can start working anytime, so you don’t have to wait. You can contact us in the early morning or the middle of midnight, and we will help. This approach is the only correct one since we know that many English-speaking students live in different parts of the world. We want to provide you with the best papers, so our writers are ready to go 24/7. Also, we do not mind making amendments or any wishes in the workflow. So you should not be shy and clarify all the nuances in advance.

Who Can Do Your Essay? We Can!

The academic world is heavily dependent on crafting papers. That’s why students go crazy when they have to write something. Imagine how difficult it is for young people to cope with academic challenges. The fact is that professors try to give young people as much knowledge and experience as possible. Therefore, some paper requirements can be quite tricky. But everything will change when you visit EssayMarket!

The Best Writers on the English-Speaking Internet!

Here is the first feature that will appeal to all students without exception. Surely you understand that EssayMarket is a company designed for English-speaking students. But you should know that many people speak this language and have to craft papers according to certain regional nuances. That’s why we’re proud of our writing team. We gathered experts from the US, UK, Canada, Australia, Ireland, and New Zealand within a short period.

Our writers have years of academic experience and can craft any paper on the topic. You don’t even have to worry about the details. Just tell them what to do and relax. Surely the awareness of such opportunities will make you feel safe. Now you are unlikely to face academic force majeure. Moreover, all our writers understand the academic and linguistic nuances, which will be useful to all students.

It is important to us that you can trust us, which is why we only hire professionals with good experience and an obedient list. We also pay attention to how flexible the writer adapts to certain complex topics. It is a prevailing option, as we understand that the academic community is changeable. Those nuances and factors that are relevant at the moment may change dramatically. That is why we hire people ready for all difficulties and do not mind developing as individuals and professionals. As you can see, we create all the conditions so that you can relax and delegate all your papers. It is not your problem; we are ready to handle all tasks.

We Are Ready for Tricky Requirements

Here is another interesting aspect that you should be aware of. Not all students know that our essay service is a company that is not afraid of papers. During our market work, we created an algorithm for analyzing all instructions. And we have gathered professionals who know what to do in stressful situations. Therefore, we can quickly analyze your instructions and write papers according to your wishes. That is why we never experience force majeure associated with misunderstanding customer requirements.

Moreover, we are glad that we chose the bidding system. Thanks to this option, we can offer hundreds of experts who know what modern students need. So find the right professional for your order and enjoy your free time. We will craft your assignments as if the fate of the entire planet depends on them. That is why you hardly have to worry about the results. Trust us, and we won’t let you down!

Feel free to send in files with important instructions, as we are ready to consider all your wishes. The more points and nuances you add, the easier it will be for us to create the perfect paper for you. This hypothesis should become the gold standard for you because we strive to ensure that you can receive exceptionally high marks.

Give Us Any Topic!

Here’s another benefit you can count on. Our experts are guys who have tremendous academic experience. That is why they can craft any paper for you. Your topic will not affect the pace of the writing activity. We know what students need and are ready to work non-stop to provide you with what you want. So say no to fears because our experience allows us to craft anything!

We will find out any details regarding your field of study. As a result, you will receive a paper that meets your expectations. Moreover, your professor will be happy with the final result. Surely you will be surprised when you get high grades. Our professionalism will help you look at the academic process differently. That is why you should not hesitate! Choose what you need and contact us.

Our experts are well-rounded and can handle even the most complex topics. That is why you should not be afraid to trust them with all your instructions. The fact is that we constantly conduct training for our staff and make sure that our experts can expand their horizons. This strategic approach allows us to compete in the academic market and offer the best possible service. That is why you should not be afraid of any details or possible failures. We never take on tasks that we cannot complete. That is why all our experts are so confident in a positive result.

Deadlines Are Not a Problem for Us!

Here is another important aspect that all modern students should remember. We are ready to meet any deadline. Take a look at the options we offer. Surely you will be happy when we craft your papers in half a day or even faster. Many of our experts are experienced enough to analyze all your instructions and quickly find relevant information.

In addition, you will be happy to know that the price depends on the deadlines. However, you are unlikely to spend much money because we offer the most acceptable conditions for ordering assignments. Now you don’t have to worry about the amount you pay for your essay. Contact us, and our support agents will help you find out the details. You can always find a writer on our site and say no to academic stress.

We Are Ready to Polish Your Papers

Surely you have at least heard about the scary stories about unreliable writing services. We know how students are afraid to get involved with dubious companies. That is why we have spent so much time earning our reputation. Moreover, we are ready to confirm our reputation as experts. Let us write your assignment, and we will show you how real professionals should work.

The main secret of our popularity lies in the fact that we know how to polish each paper. First, we write all the paragraphs according to the instructions. The next stage is the analysis of each proposal, the verification of sources, and the verification of all minor parameters. We work like sculptors polishing a statue. As a result, you can count on a masterpiece.

Bidding System Is What You Need!

Surely you have already paid attention to our bidding system. We believe that this type of choice of writers is innovative and the most correct. Let’s be honest: you probably want to hire the most professional writer. But classic writing services have no more than 10-50 writers. At the same time, we are ready to provide you with hundreds of experts who are well-versed in the nuances of many studies and topics.

In other words, we give you the chance to make the right choice. The number of our experts is so large that you do not have to worry about diversity. At the same time, all the guys on our team can surprise you with the results. We are so confident in our writers that we are ready for free revisions and a money-back guarantee if something goes wrong. However, you have nothing to worry about. We always comply with the required level of quality so that nothing threatens you.

We are pleased to realize that we are ready to satisfy students’ requests. It will not be difficult for us to listen to you and take your order. From now on, your problems will disappear like a bad dream. Let us handle your assignments. You will see how delegating papers can positively impact your life. That is why you should not hesitate! Contact us, and you will see how things change for the better.

Get Help From Top-Rated Writers

Students’ world is too complex to cope with all the difficulties alone. That is why there is nothing shameful in delegating your papers to someone else sometimes. But why is this solution ideal? You are not a Terminator and can hardly spend all the time at the computer in search of relevant information. You will need at least some time to rest and do your daily activities.

That is why our company decided to help students. Young people should enjoy life and not spend time perfecting their writing skills. Sometimes delegation is the best procedure you can use on the web. You should look at new opportunities and become part of the modern web community.

Why Do Students Need to Contact Us Right Now?

Surely you are tired of last-minute requirements and know how difficult it is to craft even simple essays, especially when you are not ready for such a step. But you don’t need to worry; we are here to help. Tell us, “write my paper”! We get to work immediately, so you don’t have to worry about the results. The main advantage of our company is the ability to organize the writing process within a couple of minutes! Most people have no idea how quickly we can get to work.

That is why you should not hesitate. Your academic opportunities have never been so advanced! You can get help quickly as we have been able to automate many functions and put together a team of professionals that will give you an academic edge over others. But let’s start with the most important aspects so you can understand all your perspectives.

Bidding System: The Best Solution for Students

Let’s say you want to use the “pay someone to write my essay” option. Such a desire is logical, given that students should not experience stress. Academic life should bring you the knowledge and positive emotions, not depression. That is why you decided to choose a bidding system for our company. But what is the advantage of such a solution? The fact is that such a system allowed us to expand the team of writers to several hundred people.

Our essay writing service can meet the needs of hundreds of people a day, which is a great result. In addition, we are more flexible when delegating tricky topics. Therefore, you can trust us and count on whether any of your papers will be written at the highest level. That is why we have spent so much time recruiting new members for our team.

Ordering Details

Let’s discuss the details you need to know to place an order on our website. To get started, you should go through a quick registration procedure. Follow the instructions, and you will complete this step in a minute. Next, you need to move on to the assignment-type selection procedure. Specify the number of pages, academic level, deadlines, and other nuances. You should also attach instructions so writers can understand all the aspects that are relevant to you.

The next step is choosing an expert to handle your paper. Look at all the offers and choose the writer you like the most. We guarantee that our company has a huge number of experts who know how to help you with your paper. Once you have selected a writer, you can delegate all your assignments and proceed with the payment process. Again, choose the transactional method you like best.

The Ideal Solution for the Academic Community

urely you will not deny that the ability to delegate papers is brilliant! In addition, we provide flexible conditions for everyone tired of the daily routine and wants to take a break. Trust us and write, “Do my essay, guys!” You will no longer have to worry about details because we will get to work. Consider that we are your patrons in the academic world, and now nothing threatens you.

You are unlikely to be disappointed with the quality of our work, so do not hesitate. The benefits are obvious, and you can stand out from the crowd. But the most important point is the chance to surprise your professor. We spend a lot of time polishing all the papers, so any college or university representative will be surprised.

Do not forget that the academic community appreciates punctuality, quality, and adherence to all instructions. We are ready to give you what you are looking for so you don’t have to feel stressed anymore. Moreover, we will allow you to relax and abstract from the academic routine. Now you have more time to do your daily activities.

Essay Writing Service: Options That Are Worth Your Attention

Many students are unaware that their lives can change once they open their hearts to new options. You don’t have to craft each paper yourself; we can help you. We guarantee that you will not be disappointed. Imagine that you need to write an important essay or research paper. Surely you want to solve such problems quickly and radically.

You should contact our company for help because we know how to help you, unlike many other writing services. We offer services that most closely match all your wishes. Moreover, we know how to integrate all your instructions into each paragraph to satisfy your professor. That is why you should pay attention to the options that we offer you in the first place. Here are the services you can count on.

  • Writing from scratch;
  • Proofreading;
  • Problem-solving;
  • Rewriting & paraphrasing;
  • Multiple choice questions.

As you can see, our site is a place with the best paper writers for hire. By the way, we are ready to write any paper from scratch. Also, we will add any nuances or exploratory details you want to see. We need to meet all your parameters to be as accurate and clear as possible in our wording. And we are ready to edit your samples, especially if you are unsure about the final quality. Moreover, we know how to analyze each paragraph and find inconsistencies with the original instructions. For each writer who collaborates with us, we can examine in detail all the parameters you have added to your draft and change those nuances that do not seem right enough.

That is why you can trust each of our writers and us. We are happy to give you access to many writers who can improve your essay or any other type of paper. We also guarantee you the possibility of ordering rewriting services. Now you don’t have to worry about any of your wording or certain academic nuances being inaccurate. We also guarantee that you do not have to spend time analyzing certain parameters and looking for incorrect wording. We are ready to eliminate all typos and spelling errors. Thanks to us, your essay or any other type of assignment will look perfect; this is our company’s mission.

Main Reasons to Choose Us

And now, let’s talk about the nuances that deserve your attention. We are a company that is extremely careful in choosing writers. That is why we guarantee that all the above options and services will be available to you anytime. Moreover, we guarantee the possibility of adapting any instructions to your requirements. That is why you don’t have to worry about something going wrong. By the way, we guarantee polished paragraphs, so you don’t have to worry that some nuances will not be considered

And don’t forget that our writing service is careful about selecting writers, so we guarantee you the absence of any force majeure. And our team is zealous about compliance with all the conditions of the order, so you get what you expect.

One of the main advantages of our writing service is the thoroughness of our experts and the desire to create the best paragraphs. We are happy when students choose our services because we are industry leaders. However, we need to meet your expectations, so we are constantly expanding the list of services that you can use. It is your love and support that motivates us to create services that are worthy of any academic community.

Surely you understand that compliance with certain academic rules is extremely important for you and your professor. That is why you need to contact us in time because we know how to ensure that you get your professor’s approval. The fact is that we are extremely conscientious in matters relating to professional assistance. Moreover, we try to meet all the needs of students by expanding services and providing additional options for those who need to achieve the maximum result. So you can afford to hire an expert essay writer.

Can I Count On Original Papers?

Original papers are very important for students and the entire academic community. The fact is that no one likes both plagiarism and copying other people’s ideas. But our writers work differently. Instead of copying someone else’s quotes or research results, WE conduct an in-depth analysis of your topic. We also use articles from academic journals and books to supplement our research. Instead of copying facts, we interpret information and collect the most important nuances to confirm your hypotheses or specific instructions.

This approach allows us to create papers from scratch AND maintain a high level of originality. Your professor will never know that you ordered a paper from our website. And don’t forget that we guarantee the anonymity of every student. You can safely order any papers, and no one will know. As you can see, this option will positively affect your anonymity and final grade.

Don’t forget that you can upload all your detailed instructions as a document to our website. All of our writers will be happy to see all the important nuances they need to follow during the writing process. We also offer to choose any paper size you need and additional settings. Each writer can handle your wishes, especially if you detail all the parameters that are critical to you. As you can see, we are ready for individual orders and are not afraid of even the most difficult conditions. Our writers are true professionals, and it is not a problem for them to adapt to your requirements.

Free Revisions

One of the important parameters that we provide to each student is free revisions. The fact is that our writers are professional enough to create perfect papers that do not require editing. At the same time, we understand that all students want the extra assurance that they can qualify for higher grades. That is why each of our writers can make certain changes if necessary. Therefore, consider this option as an additional guarantee that you will receive the polished paper.

Hire a Professional Essay Writer!

The academic process can be quite challenging for beginners. That is why third-party support is so important for many students. Our writing service offers unique writing and editing services for various academic papers. Based on this fact, you do not have to worry about the fact that something can go wrong. But first, you need to understand how our website works. Let’s start by listing the steps you need to take to get your paper.

  • Visit the website and create an account;
  • Select all paper details;
  • Attach your instructions;
  • Choose a writer;
  • Pay for essays (or other papers);
  • Wait for the results.

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The Write Practice

How to Write to Market and Still Write What You Love

by Jeff Elkins | 0 comments

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When new writers ask, “How do I succeed as an author?” the advice they most often receive is, “Write to market.”

How to Write to Market and Still Write What You Love

Popularized by Chris Fox’s 2016 book, Write to Market: Deliver a Book that Sells , the strategy requires authors to pick a genre to write in , study the tropes of that genre of books that are currently selling, and then write a book in that genre that fits all the existing tropes. While many authors struggle to embrace this concept, by changing our perspective on it, we will find it empowering rather than limiting.

Why I Didn't Want to Write to Market

When I first received this advice, like many new writers, my response was visceral and negative. I felt as though I was being told to copy work instead of create it. I assured myself that I had not begun writing to fit into an existing mold. I told myself that I was an artist, not a plagiarist; and that my ideas were so wonderfully unique they defied all market expectations.

After writing and publishing several novels that no one but my mom read, I began to change my tune.

What helped me overcome my initial revulsion to the idea of writing to market was changing my perspective on it. I recognized there were misconceptions I needed to overcome. With a shift in understanding, I was able to see why writing to market worked and why I needed to embrace it if I was going to succeed.

Think of it as Writing to Readers

The first misconception I had was about the nature of the “market.” I thought of the market as a menacing and unpredictable unseen hand that was deciding what products succeeded and what products failed.

Understanding and writing to the market felt to me like becoming a Sith Lord. To do it would mean foregoing my calling as a pure artist and embracing the dark side that proclaimed money is king.

But the market is not some menacing unseen hand. The market is readers. The market is the word we use for people that buy books.

Don’t think of it as embracing some dark and confusing force. Think of it as understanding what people enjoy and trying to create for them something they will like.

Think of it as Writing to be Enjoyed

I’m the primary cook for my family. Finding food that all five of my children will eat can be difficult. When I sit down to prepare a meal, I’m faced with a choice. I can make something they will like, or I can prepare what I want to prepare.

If I choose the latter option, I might like the meal, but dinner is going to be horrible because I’m going to spend most of it forcing the four-year-old to try it. I’ve found that dinner is best when I cook something with elements that we all enjoy.

For example, I love broccoli but my sixteen-year-old hates it. What my sixteen-year-old loves is garlic salt and parmesan cheese. It’s easiest for me to steam the broccoli and serve it, but then I’m going to have to hear him groan and complain as he chokes it down.

If I take a few extra minutes to cover it in garlic salt and parmesan cheese and then roast it in the oven, he will eat it without complaining and I can enjoy my dinner.

The decision to write to market is the same decision I make every night at the dinner table. I can ignore readers and make what I want to make, but I need to understand that getting them to try it will be painful for all of us.

Or, I can figure out what they like, invest time in understanding what I like, and then write something that meets all our expectations.

If we can find passion in writing things our readers will enjoy, we will find more success.

Think of it as Writing to the Adjacent Possible

We have a misconception about innovation. We believe that innovative things are earth-shatteringly new. We think that when something innovative happens, there’s never been anything like it before.

The truth is, the only innovation embraced is “the adjacent possible.” When something is created that is beyond what anyone has ever considered, that thing is rejected because people can’t wrap their minds around it.

Innovators need to speak the same language as the people they are innovating for. If they don’t, their innovation won’t matter because no one will be able to understand it.

Writing from a new perspective or with fresh ideas is wonderful and necessary. At the same time, if that newness has no connection to readers' expectations, then readers won’t understand it. Understanding genre and tropes is like learning the language of your readers. It is important to innovate within their language.

Write for Readers Who Love What You Love

If you are like me, your revulsion to the phrase writing to market comes from our misconceptions about what the phrase means. If we shift our perspective, we can change our approach so that we are writing for our readers in a language our readers will understand and enjoy, while not losing our unique voice.

Do you know what your readers love?   Let us know in the comments .

Today, take a baby step toward writing to market. Think of a reader you know personally. Consider what that reader enjoys reading. Then, take fifteen minutes to write a story in a format and style the reader in your mind will relate to.

When you're done, share your writing in the comments below. Tell us about the reader you pictured, too. And if you post, don't forget to leave feedback for your fellow writers!

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Jeff Elkins

Jeff Elkins is a writer who lives Baltimore with his wife and five kids. If you enjoy his writing, he'd be honored if you would subscribe to his free monthly newsletter . All subscribers receive a free copy of Jeff's urban fantasy novella "The Window Washing Boy."

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Paragraph on A Visit To A Market

Students are often asked to write a paragraph on A Visit To A Market in their schools. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 200-word, and 250-word paragraphs on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

Paragraph on A Visit To A Market in 100 Words

I went to the market with my mom. It was full of colors and noise. There were many shops selling fruits, vegetables, clothes, and toys. I saw people buying and selling things. The fruit shop had red apples, yellow bananas, and green grapes. The clothes shop had pretty dresses and cool shirts. The toy shop was my favorite. It had dolls, cars, and games. The market was busy but fun. I helped my mom pick vegetables. At the end, we bought ice-cream. It was a good day at the market. I want to go again with my mom.

Paragraph on A Visit To A Market in 200 Words

A visit to a market is always exciting for me. It’s like a big, colorful, noisy party where everyone is busy. When I walk into the market, I see many shops lined up on both sides. Each shop is full of different things. Some sell fruits and vegetables that are fresh and bright. Others sell clothes that are of many colors and patterns. There are shops that sell toys, books, and sweets too. The air is filled with many smells. I can smell the sweet scent of fruits and the spicy aroma of food from the food stalls. I can hear the loud chatter of people talking, laughing, and bargaining. The shopkeepers call out to people, trying to sell their goods. I love to look at all the things and sometimes, I buy a toy or a book. My mom buys fruits, vegetables, and other things we need at home. The market is a busy place but it’s also a fun place to visit. It’s like a big treasure chest where you can find almost anything you want. I always look forward to our next visit to the market.

Also check:

  • Essay on A Visit To A Market

Paragraph on A Visit To A Market in 250 Words

A visit to a market is always an exciting experience, filled with a variety of sights, sounds, and smells. One sunny afternoon, I went to our local market, a bustling place teeming with people. Stalls were filled with all sorts of goods, from fresh fruits and vegetables, gleaming in the sunlight, to colorful toys and clothes. The air was filled with the aroma of spices and flowers, a unique blend that is typical of such places. Traders called out, their voices rising above the chatter, trying to attract customers to their stalls. I saw people bargaining enthusiastically, trying to get the best deals. A fruit seller caught my attention with his vibrant display of apples, oranges, and bananas. I bought some, enjoying the haggling process. Next, I moved to a clothes stall, where I found a beautiful blue shirt that I immediately liked. The market was also a food lover’s paradise, with stalls selling delicious street food. I couldn’t resist the mouth-watering aroma of freshly made samosas and bought a couple to enjoy. As I walked through the market, I felt a sense of community, a shared space where people from all walks of life came together. It was a vibrant, lively place that showcased the heart of our town’s culture and daily life. This visit to the market was not just about shopping; it was a rich, sensory experience that I will always remember.

That’s it! I hope the paragraphs have helped you.

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  • Paragraph on A Visit To A Historical Place
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Apart from these, you can look at all the essays by  clicking here .

Happy studying!

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Going to the market.

essay on going to market

Level: Elementary (A1-A2)

Type of English: General English

Tags: shops and services food and drink ordering and paying for food and drinks how much, how many 13-15 years old 16-18 years old 18+ years old Speaking Vocabulary and grammar

Publication date: 09/05/2023

In this lesson, students develop their conversational skills in the context of going to a fruit and vegetable market. They start by discussing a photo and answering some personalised questions to engage with the topic before learning and practising topic-related vocabulary and reviewing the singular and plural forms. The students then hear the language in context with two conversations at a market and complete a comprehension task before focusing on the language. The students finish the lesson by taking part in a roleplay to practise and consolidate all the language from the lesson.

by Victoria Aitken

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In this lesson, students develop their conversational skills in the context of going to a fruit and vegetable market. They start by discussing a photo and answering some personalized questions to engage with the topic before learning and practicing topic-related vocabulary and reviewing the singular and plural forms. The students then hear the language in context with two conversations at a market and complete a comprehension task before focusing on the language. The students finish the lesson by taking part in a roleplay to practice and consolidate all the language from the lesson.



This comprehensive course plan covers the full range of language needs – listening, role play, vocabulary development.

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essay on going to market

Type of English: General English Level: Elementary (A1-A2)

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Essay on Markets: Top 4 Essays | Economics

essay on going to market

In this essay we will discuss about:- 1. Meaning of Markets 2. Features of the Markets 3. Elements 4. Performance.

Essay on Markets  

Essay # 1. meaning of markets :.

The term market structure refers to the type constituents and nature of an industry. It includes the relative and absolute size of firms, active in industry, easiness in the entry into business, the demand curve of the firm products etc.

There are two extremities of the market structure on this basis, on one end there is a market of perfect competition and on the other perfect monopoly market. In between these two extremities there are monopolistic competition, oligopoly, duopoly etc.


In common usage the word market designates a place where certain things are bought and sold. But when we talk about the word market in economics, we extend our concept of market well beyond the idea of single place to which the householder goes to buy something. For our present purpose, we define a market as an area over which buyers and sellers negotiate the exchange of a well- defined commodity. For a single market to exist, it must be possible for buyers and sellers to communicate with each other and to make meaningful deals over the whole market.

Several economists have attempted to define the term market as used in economics.

Some of them are as under:

According to Curnot, “Economists understand by the term market not any particular market-place in which things are bought and sold, but the whole of any region in which buyers and sellers are in such free intercourse with one another that the price of the same goods tends to equality easily and quickly.”

In the eyes of Prof. Chapman, “The term market refers not necessarily to a place but always to a commodity and the buyers and sellers who are to direct competition with one another”.

In simple words, the term market refers to a structure in which the buyers and sellers of the commodity remain in close contact.

Essay # 2. Features of the Markets:

On the basis above-mentioned definitions we can mention following main features of the market:

(i) Commodity:

For the existence of market, a commodity- essential this is to be bought and sold. There cannot be a market without commodity.

(ii) Buyers and Sellers:

Buyers and sellers are also essential for market. Without buyers and sellers the sale-purchase activity cannot be conducted which is essential part of a market.

(iii) Area:

There should be an area in which buyers and sellers of the commodity live in. It is not essential that the buyers and sellers should come to a particular place to transact the business.

(iv) Close Contact:

There should be close contact and communication between, buyers and sellers. This communication may be established by any method. For example, in olden days this contact and communication was possible only when the buyers and sellers of a particular commodity could come at a particular place.

But now with the developed means of communication physical presence of buyers and sellers at one particular place is not essential. They can contact with, each other through letters, telegrams, telephones, etc. In the boundary of a market we include only those buyers and sellers who can maintain regular close contacts.

For instance, India’s farmers (or sellers of grains) have no close contacts with the consumers (or buyers) of England, hence though they are the buyers and sellers of grains yet do not come under the purview of a market.

(v) Competition:

There should be some competition among buyers and sellers of the commodity in a market.

Essay # 3. Elements of Market Conduct:

(a) seller and buyer concentration:.

Here, seller concentration means in certain industry the number of active firms is very limited and these few firms produce a large part of the total supply. In other words, there firms possess the market power in a sense that any one of these firms can affect the market price by making change in the quantity of its product.

In full competition, each firm produces a very small part of the total production. Hence, it cannot affect the market price. In this type of market, the seller concentration is zero. So, as we move from the perfect competitive market towards pure monopolist market, the quantity of seller concentration increases.

(b) Market Power:

Every competitive firm attempts to get market power by making difference in the product. From economic point of view difference in the product or product heterogeneousness affects the market, structure significantly. In the position of homogeneous product when a seller makes even a slight change in the price of product the consumers begin to purchase the product sold by other producers.

In other words the firm producing homogeneous product has to face the perfectly elastic demand curve. On the contrary in the position of heterogeneous products any single firm can increase some price without being affected due to the preferences of the consumer.

(c) Product Differentiation:

In the perfect competition market all firms sell the same or homogeneous product. But in the market, in reality a single product is sold by the different producers, claiming that all products (such as toothpaste) are not same. The producers bring variety by means of brand name, packaging, size, colour, taste, weight etc. In spite of no locational differences, variety is seen by means of retailer service, home delivery, credit facility etc.

(d) Barriers in Entry:

Seller’s concentration indicates that how some firms acquire dominance in an industry, consequently the real competition between the firms is lessened or limited. If there are some barriers in the entry of new firms, then the prospective competition is also limited.

The types of such barriers are as follows:

(i) Cost profit to the present firm which is not available to the new firms.

(ii) Legal barriers in entry.

(iii) Product difference and advertisement etc. cause the presence of strong preference among consumers for the products sold by the established firms.

(e) Other Elements:

Apart from these main elements, there are some other elements to be considered. One of them is the growth rate of market demand. In this situation the firms are somewhat idle. On the contrary in a rapidly growing industry the firms also become more competitive. In the growing market every firm is struggling and striving for more demand.

If there is more elasticity of the price demand of a product, the firm will be motivated to lessen the price in order to increase ones portion in the total sale. In the condition of oligopoly when a firm decreases price other firms also do the same. Then all firms derive benefit in the condition of more elastic demand. If the product demand is inelastic no firm will tend to change price.

Essay # 4. Market Performance:

Market performance means the evaluation of the derivation of the behaviour of any industry when it behaves differently than the established superior laws of the market. It is assumed that in the position of the perfect competition only an industry can perform well. But when the market is derivated from the condition of perfect competition, then the market behaviour also changes. Now the question arises, as to how a market performance can be evaluated in any industry?

Certain acceptable indicators are as follows:

1. Profitability:

All firms have an objective like profitability, profit maximisation or satisfactory level of profit. But profitability in any industry does not depend only upon the performance of the firm. It also depends upon monopolist power, product diversity, or inefficient use of resources etc. Economists have used the hypothesis of normal profit. It is the rate of profit which makes the firm not to leave the industry. The performance level affects the quantity of profit significantly.

2. Productivity:

It is an index of production of per unit input used, if more production is possible by the same units then there is growth in productivity. Growth in production is an indicator of efficient performance of an industry.

But this index is also not without practical shortcomings. Till we cannot keep the other factors stable, it is difficult to measure productivity of certain means/ inputs, like labour on capital. Besides this the units of labour, capital, or land are heterogeneous, so when a change occurs in the quantity of an input, there is also a change in its quality. For example when we recruit more workers, first we recruit more skilled ones and then the less skilled.

Information about the performance of an industry can be derived from its growth rate also. The measure of growth rate of an industry can be known from the product, employment and wealth creation. But every index creates problems in measuring the performance.

For example, it is possible that in an industry more and more people get employment, or there is a rapid rate of wealth accumulation. But it is also possible that the resources are not efficiently used. Likewise when the growth rate is high we do not have information of production cost, whether it is more or less.

4. Effect on Index:

Now the question arises whether the market structure affects the indexes of market performance. Profitability is one of the many indicators of performance. For example in perfect competition, a firm earns normal profit in long term while in monopoly or market having monopolist power, the firm earns extra-normal profit in long term also.

Excessive seller concentration, barriers in entry and product difference can make firm earn more profit in long term also. Likewise we take growth index. Both in monopoly and oligopoly markets firm produces less than its capacity or there is a position of extra capacity.

5. Ill Effects on Firm Growth:

Thus, the growth of the firm is affected adversely. Productivity and efficiency are associated with each other. In the position of monopoly and oligopoly a firm has extra capacity which means inefficient use of resources and low level of productivity. Lastly, the social performance of a firm is also affected by market structure. In monopoly and perfect competition, consumer and labour, both are exploited. Growth in competition decreases the power of exploitation of the producers.

6. Social Performance:

The performance level of an industry can be evaluated in the item of many social bases. These social bases can be income redistribution or other indicators of social welfare. For example the social performance of the medicine industry can be measured by the decrease in the illness period or death rate.

If the expansion/growth of any industry results in decrease of present inequalities of income in society, or it helps in reducing poverty or unemployment then the performance level of the industry can be called high.

Market Structure Conduct Performance Interrelations:  

In micro economics the equilibrium of the firm and industry is studied. On the contrary industrial economics is more related to change in market structure, resulting in the changes of market behaviour or firm’s behaviour, which ultimately affect their market performance. So, industrial economics can be studied with the help of structure conduct performance approach or model.

Complexity of Interrelations:

According to the economists, the interrelations between the structures, conduct performance are sufficiently complex. To conclude it can be said that market structure affects the behaviour of a firm and behaviour of a firm affects its performance (profitability) in the market.

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  • Markets under Monopolistic Competition | Markets
  • Monopoly and Perfect Competition | Markets | Economics
  • Characteristics of a Perfect Competition | Market | Economics
  • Aspects of Monopolistic Competition | Markets

Writing Prompt ~ Going To

Writing Prompt

Writing Prompt: What are you going to do today? “Going to” is used for future plans or intentions. It can also be used to predict the future based on evidence. Review how to use going to  here. Then demonstrate your understanding by writing a postcard to a friend or family member from a destination you just reached. Explain what you are going to do this week. Include some predictions based on evidence.

We just arrived in Florida. I am going to unpack our bags after I write this postcard. It is raining now, but I think it’s going to clear up soon. We’re going to go to the beach when the sun comes out. It’s going to be very hot. I’m going to bring an umbrella, a hat, and some sunscreen. We’re going to order a pizza tonight. Your dad doesn’t feel like going out for dinner tonight because we’re going to be eating out a lot this week. I’m going to miss you! See you next week.

PS: When are you going to go on holiday?

Try this writing prompt in your notebook or on your MyEC blog .

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Hello my dear friend, I am glad you are traveling to here, I look forward to your arrival, we can go for a walk, I will look for the best restaurants and interesting places. p.d call when you arrive, good trip!

hi fernanda

I’m on vacation right now.I have many plans!

First, next summer I’m going to travel to the puerto vallarta city.Everybody say that the weather there is wonderful! I’ m going to there one week. When I returned, I’m going to the pool with “sofia” Do you remember her? She always thinks of you. I wish you could come with us next summer.

For the rest of the month we have many plans. We’re going to the cinema. Also we’re going to eat ice cream every evening this year will test all flavors of ice cream! Also, we’re going to the amusement park that opened in the city center.

I would love you to be this summer with me. I miss you.

Hi Kendra We just arrived to Paris and the firt thing I did is write to you. I am very exited about this trip with my mom. We plan to do many activities in the evening, we’re going to a restaurant for dinner and going to for a drink. Tomorrow we’re going to vist a museum and de Eiffel tower. I am very happy about that, and I am going to bring you some souvenirs that you will like.

I send you my regards.

Hello mom, I just got to college, today will be a very long day, because when I finish my classes I will go to work for a few hours, and when I finish work at around 6 in the afternoon I will go to finish a project with some friends, On the weekend me and my friends are going to go to VENADO to swim, we will go by bus and we will stay two days in that place. Next week the holidays start and I am very excited because I am going to visit you and I will stay the two weeks with you. PD: I miss you so much.

Hello mom, I just got to college, today will be a very long day, because when I finish my classes I will go to work for a few hours, and when I finish work at around 6 in the afternoon I will go to finish a project with some friends, I’ll see you at the weekend.

Pd: I miss you so much

I just got to France. I leave the airport and go to my airbnb which is in Paris. I’m going to rest a bit after I writing to you. In the afternoon I’m going to meet a friend and we’re going to visit the Eiffel Tower. This month is going to be cold. I’m going to buy some sweaters and jackets. In the night I’m going to out to dinner with other friends and then we’re going to a bar in Paris. I’m finally going to cross the Moseum Lowvre. That is one of my biggest dreams. Well thi’s my plan for today. Tomorrow I’m going to Notre Dame Cathedral. I wish you were here with me 🙁 I’m going to miss u! See u next month.

Hi Grandma!

I just got to New York. I leave the airport and go to my airbnb which is in Manhattan. I’m going to rest a bit after I writing to you. In the afternoon I’m going to meet a friend and we’re going to visit the Empire State Building. This month is going to be cold. I’m going to buy some sweaters and jackets. In the night I’m going to out to dinner with other friends and then we’re going to a bar in Broocklyn. I’m finally going to cross the Brooklyn Bridge. That is one of my biggest dreams. Well thi’s my plan for today. Tomorrow I’m going to Central Park. I wish you were here with me 🙁 I’m going to miss u! See u next month.

Hi tomas, We just arrived in puerto Vallarta, I am going to unpack our bags after we going to go restaurant of hotel. It is very sunny now and I think it’s going to same weather tomorrow. We are going to beach when we finish to eat. it’s going to be hot. I’m going to put some sunscreen. We are going to order a wine and shrimp tonight. I’m going to miss you, see you next year.

Hi Nicole I just arrived in Tabasco and just started my vacation period. The hotel is a good place has good reviews. First I will go to visit Villa Hermosa, sightseeing in the city. I am going to the park “La Venta” the tourist guide says it is a beautiful place. I will go to the beach and eat delicious food. I have never been to the beach and it is a relaxing place according to the movies. I am going to visit you in Cunduacan the last day of my vacation. We are going to go to a restaurant in the evening. I hope you have a nice start of the week.

Hello Anna, I hope you are well. It’s just Tuesday and I’ve been working like crazy, working at the UASLP film festival is a bit tiring, tomorrow I’m going to pick up some actors at the airport and take them to the hotel. on Thursday I will go to a red carpet with some Mexican actors, directors and writers! I’m so excited. By the end of the week, It will be sunny, I’m going to the park now, see you I love you, bye

This week i’m not going to do much, i think i’m just going to take my classes online and i’m going to walk the dogs, although i’m not going to lie, i’m very excited that i’m going to go to university on Friday and maybe we’ll go for a coffee coming out of the laboratory, i heve thought about going to swimming, i need to excersice!. But well i hope you do well at work this week!.

See you on Sunday!. Love Emily.

I am going to have fun with my colleagues this weekend. We are planning to go to Bali by airplane. It’s such a fun plan that we have made. We have so many destinations, like the beach, restaurant, pool, karaoke, and many more. We are going to meet new friends there. Those are university students from privileged universities in Bali. It will be a pleasure for us to meet them!


Hello rene, I am writing this letter to tell you what I will do in the week … In the mornings I take online class to classes from Monday to Friday. Today I am going to do all my homework on Tuesday I am going to the supermarket to buy fruits. Then I am going to the movies with my family. My family and I are going watch the movie Gozilla vs Kong. Then we are going home. On wednesday we are going to order Tamales in the morning. I’m going to walk the Calzada de Guadalupe in the nigth.

See you in a month darling. I miss you already. Sam

Hi Alma!! It has been 4 days since I arrived in San Luis Potosi. My father went to the central office for me and from there we went home. I was tired from the trip and fell asleep for a while. I woke up and went to see the family. I have had a lot of fun playing with my cousins ​​and I gave them classes to learn how to make dream catchers, but since they are very young I ended up doing everything myself. Even so, we had a great time together and today we will go for a walk to the hill taking advantage of the fact that it is hot and not cold like the past days. It is the best vacation I have had in a long time but I wish you would have come. I miss you friend, I hope to see you soon when we return to class. How about tampico? tell me… Love You Angela

Hi victor, how are you?

Well this week i going to make a travel with some friends to San Luis, we going to saw Godzilla vs King Kong, after of the movie we going to eat burgers and the better of all is that you can go! i am so excited for this travel because for the finish of the day i’ll can see you in person after so many time

I’m waiting for the weekend

See you later brother.

Hi Vanessa! I hope you are fine! We finally arrived in California, I’m sure we’ll have a great week. First We’re going to eat in a restaurant near the beach After that We’re going to visit the Griffith Observatory and take pictures, this view is beautiful. We’re going to swim in the beach, I think the weather it’ll be great. We’re probably going to rent a car and we’re going to Las Vegas, I’ll write you tomorrow.

Hi Gisela, I just arrived in Tampico with my family and we are very excited. First we are going to go to the mall “Altama city center” and we are going to eat before going to the beach to have fun. I plan to buy a souvenir for you, so I’m going to visit certain stores to see what you like. The weather is perfect, I’m going to take advantage of the sun and I’m going to get a little tan. We plan to stay 3 days, so I’m going to visit you very soon.

Ana. PS: Enjoy the weekend.

Dear Marry, I just arrive in New York.

I just arrived in New York. I leave the airport and I’m going to my airbnb which is in Manhattan. I’m going to rest a bit after I writing to you. In the afternoon I’m going to meet a friend and we’re going to visit the Empire State Building. This month is going to be cold. I’m going to buy some sweaters and jackets. In the night I’m going to out to dinner with other friends and then we’re going to a bar in Broocklyn. I’m finally going to cross the Brooklyn Bridge. That is one of my biggest dreams. Well thi’s my plan for today. Tomorrow I’m going to Central Park. I wish you were here with me 🙁 I’m going to miss u! See u next month.

I just got to New York. I leave the airport and go to my airbnb which is in Manhattan. I’m going to rest a bit after I writing to you. In the afternoon I’m going to meet a friend and we’re going to visit the Empire State Building. This month is going to be cold. I’m going to buy some sweaters and jackets. In the night I’m going to out to dinner with other friends and then we’re going to a bar in Broocklyn. I’m finally going to cross the Brooklyn Bridge. That is one of my biggest dreams. Well thi’s my plan for today. Tomorrow I’m going to Central Park. I wish you were here with me 🙁 I’m going to miss u! See u next month.

Hello Gus How are you? We have just arrived in San Luis after going to Queretaro. I have not seen you for a long time, but we are going to go to Rio Verde to see you, and we will go to the crescent to swim, it will be very fun.

See you I love u

I am writing to tell you a little about how everything is going, I feel very happy because I have a lot of work for the next few weeks, I am going to make some decorations and some tattoos, as I had told you about the economic situation that was going through COVID 19 had been complicated and I’m glad to tell you that everything is going better. I’m going to Sofi’s birthday party tonight, I really wish you could come, blessings.

Hi Rosa how are you I have just arrived in Switzerland, and I am very excited arriving I will unpack, and then I will go to eat something at a nearby store, then I will go buy clothes because I do not have cold clothes, and tomorrow I will start work, in the Lowered, I only come with some friends so at night we will go for a walk downtown,

when you come to visit switzerland i wait for you

Hello dear Helen, I am writing you this letter to talk with you about what I have seen in my English classes about going to which is used to talk about general plans. As you know, I am in college and I really like the subject of English only that I failed the last unit. I hope to see you next summer, and play and watch movies. tqm niece goodbye.

Hi stephanie. I just arrived in Monterrey. I’m goin to arrive in 10 oclock ´ it is a day the wather was cloudy but is perfect for playing bascketball. I’m goin to play bascketball. I like play bascket i am going to take the dinner after the match. I will buy a pizza and some beer ,you recommend some restaurant.

i am going to stay in a hotel in the center. see you in this week, bye

Asnakech, says

I am going to work today and after work I am going to shop from Giant. Because it’s close to me, I am going to cook our dinner. But my husband doesn’t feel like going to do Laundry for his dad. There for I am going to do Laundry for my father-in-law. see you tomorrow.

thanks see you

Hi Nilson Friends told me about a tourist site in Antioquia called Jardin this weekend we are going to travel with my wife. The weather has been cold, but I think the weekend will be sunny. The town is small but you have many tourist sites, we are going to visit the path of the herrera, then we are going to enter a tunnel that has bats, from there we are going to walk 20 minutes and we are going to get off on an aerial cable called “La Garrucha “to the city. The next day we are going to visit we are going to go to many restaurants to try typical foods and try the different coffee sweets.

If you want to join us, call me and we meet to go. Regards

To Ian Hi Ian, how are you, I hope really fine, I am in my vacation in Acapulco, the weather in warm but i think son is going to rain, right now i am unpacking my suitcase, after i’m going to eat at the hotel cafeteria, the next saturday, I’m going to swim in the sea and i think the next week i’m going to buy souvenirs, well i hope to see you soon. Your great friend Yael

Hello aldahir Today I am going for a walk through the center, would you like to join me? We could buy some candy. Then I will go to my house to play video games.

I await your response, brother.

Hello, Gloria At 1 in the afternoon going to your house, you know, sit on the couch, play Clash and eat potatoes with maruchan. We can also take photos, which you like very much XD. I’m excited since I want to tell you what happened to me last week

See you in a while. With love, your brother, Aldahir

hi Dayanne. How are you? I just go to japón I will arrive at the arport at 2:00 pm it´s a day cloudy but is perfect to wolk. i´m going to go the un pack our bags after i write the podcast with my friend. we are going to tokio in the tomorrow. i´m realy realy exited. then, we are toing to the japanise restaurant because i need try the ramen. the next day i´m going to go the kiyomizu-dera, then i´m going to stay in a hotel center and i´ll be back.

See you in this week sister! i miss you..

Hi Linney, how are you? I´m going to arrive in Mexico city, i´m going to visit my family and maybe my mom leave me go to the center. I´m arrive at 5:20 pm of monday, maybe you can go for me. we can go to take a ice cream and talk about everything we do this 4 mounthsI really hope see u miss your laught. all the love xxx:)

Hi Isa, I hope you are well. Lately I have been very busy with my jobs and I have not had time to talk to you. Even so, I hope you are having a good time on your trip to Mexico. I heard there are incredible videogames. I miss you too much, I hope we can meet one of these days that is free. Oh right, I haven’t told you, well, I’m thinking of getting into design courses because in my career they ask me a lot, so it would be great to get into one, wouldn’t you like to come with me? You can not tell me later, I hope you are well, I send you a kiss I love you and take care of yourself.

atte: ilse.

Hi Mom! We have just arrived in Mazatlan and the first thing I did is write to you, I am very excited about this trip with my friends, we plan to do many activities. In the evening we´re going to a restaurant for dinner and then go for a drink. Tomorrow we´re gooing to visit museums and the center, I hope to find something nice to take as souvenirs for everyone. On Saturday we´re going to a boat trip to see some beautiful caves and islands. I wish you were here, I love you mom. Someday we will meet you and me together. Take care, see you soon.

Hello Jesus I just arrived in Mexico a few hours ago I think I should go out a little to know the place and I going to Spanish classes so I am very excited going go to swimming lessons which is very good good I say goodbye I hope be fine.

I just arrived from my trip, I am very tired and I really do not think we can play today, but I was thinking about going to eat tomorrow, also to give you some things that I bought for you and your brother, besides, I want to tell you how I am going to go out with a woman who is really beautiful Ps: Tell your cousin that I’m going to his house to deliver what he asked for

Hi mom I’m very happy to write this postcard, i just arrived in Amsterdam and i’m in the airport, i’m going to go to hotel to leave my bags and rest a little, tomorrow i’m going to go to tour te city with my friends, we’re going to visit the canals of Amsterdam and the House of Anna Frank, i’m going to go to shopping. On friday i’m going to visit the flower market and The Van Gogh Museum.

These weeks that i’m going to be without you i’m going to miss you so much, take care, see you soon.

Hi Nhoemi we just arrived in acapulco.i am going to unpack our bags after i write this postcard. it is sunny now. we are going to the beach when in the afternoon. i am going to bring an umbrella, a hat, and some suncreen.we are going to order chinese food tonight. my mother does not feel like going out for dinner tonight because we are go to eating out a lot this week.i am going to miss you! see you next week.

Hi, Sofi! I want to tell you that today I’m going to do all my homework that I needed to do on vacation. I have a lot. I’m also going to de DUI department because I have to do a practice then. Then I’m going to come back home. Hope to see youy soon. XO XO.

Hi Mom. I just got to cancun I will arrive at the airport at 4:00 p.m. I love the day, it is cloudy and I can take to take pictures. I’m going to see my aunt how she laughed at 5:00 p.m. and then I’m going to walk along the beach. I need to reflect See you n a month mom, I love you.

Hi Maria , I just arrive in new york. i am going to arrive in the airport at 7:30 am. It is a day cloudy but is perfect to walk. i am going to go the theater, i like to watch the comedy. i am going to take the dinner after the match. I will buy a pizza and some beer ,you recommend some restaurant.

I Almost arrived at queretaro city, I am going to stay first in a hotel near the main square, Im going to look for a restaurant that my aunts recomemded me, Im going to a night bar to dance with my friends and tomorrow I will gp tp the water park which is one hour from here. we are in touch Ilove you friend. see you:)

Hi Ana justo arrived in New York, i arrived at 5:30 am. I going to unpack my suitcase and ofter going for a walk through the streets of the city, it is a sunny day it is very good to walk and go to some park. I found a friend and i’m going to have dinner with hin after or to visita mi brother. I would like you to be here, i will miss you. See you when the holidays are over.

Hi Ana justo arrived in New York, i arrived at 5:30 al. I going to unpack my suitcase and ofter going for a walk through the streets of the city, it is a sunny day it is ver good to walk and go to some park. I found a friend and i’m going to have dinner with hin after or to visita mi brother. I would like you to be here, i will miss you. See you when the holidays are over.

Hi Ana justo arrived in New York, i arrived at 5:30 al. I going forma a walk through TVE streets of TVE city, it is a sunny day it is ver y good to walk an go to some para. I found a friend and i’m going to hace dinner with hin after por to visita mi brother. I would like you to be here, i will misa you. Ser you when TVE holidays are over.

Hi mom!¿how are you?, I,m fine, in Guanajuato there are many atractions, tomorrow, I am going to visit a new museum, also, I am going to drive to Cerro del Cubilete, it is a mountain with a bigger Cristo is very beautiful, I am not going to sleep tonight because I am going to go a Disco, and I am going to dance all night. I hope you are having fun time too. Good bye mom!.

I arrived in Veracruz this holy week I going to the beaches to swim and I goingto also go for a walk around the city and buy souvenirs I hope you are having fun in this vacation too

ATTE: esmit

hello mom. i write from italia, i going to travel at home the next wekeend. I will carry the memories you asked for. I am very excited to show you all the places I visit.

I will be home soon. I love you and miss you. Rocío.

Hi Alan! We are arrived in Korea, it´s really beautiful. i´m going to one restaurant whit Fernanda right now we think the food it´s goingo to really diferente to Mexican food. Well after eat we going to sleep in a hotel we are really tired and maybe tomorrow we arew gointo to buy a new closed and walk on the super mall. In the afternoon we going to visited different museums or monuments. This contry is really different! i´m goingo to take a some photograph to send you. See you soon, I love you Karina

Hi Aarón,how are you? I hope you are fine. I’m getting to Guanajuato, it’s cloudy so I think it’s going to rain and I love it. This night I’m going to go to a bar with my friends and we will listen some music. Tomorrow I’m going to go to some museums with they, it’s going to be a beautiful day with the rain and company.

I think Karen is going to having a party because she started to buy food and some drinks, may be is for Daniela’s birthday. I’m very happy to be here, I will write to you soon, I love you!

Hi Aarón,hoe are you? I hope you are fine. I’m getting to Guanajuato, it’s cloudy so I think it’s going to rain and I love it. This night I’m going to go to a bar with my friends and we will listen some music. Tomorrow I’m going to go to some museums with they, it’s going to be a beautiful day with the rain and company.

I think Karen is going to having a party because she started to buy food and some drinks, may be is for Daniela’s birthday. I’m very happy to be here, I will write to you soon, I love you!

Hi MOM. I just arrived in Finland. It’s a beautiful place. I’m going to visit the city. I’m going to buy some souvenirs, before I forget it. The weather is too cold. I’m going to put on many clothes. And I think I’m going to take rain boots. At night, I’m going to out to see the northern lights, I’m going to take the camera and I’m going to send you many photos. See you soon, I love you. Lizeth

Hi Tadeo I just got to CD, Mexico. I am going to the hotel Holiday Inn, then I am going go to work at the Agency in Lamborghini, After work I am going go to dinner at restaurant, I am going arrive at the hotel at 11pm. After arriving I going take a bath, and I going call you when I finish bathing. In the next day I going not work because is saturday, I going to stay at the hotel all day Saturday and Sunday.On Monday I going start back to work.

Hi Daniela! How are you? I just arrived to Puebla , I recently arrived at the hotel and I am writing this to you. Tomorrow I am going to eat mole poblano after Im goig to walk in the city and finally i will sleep. On Wednesday I am goig to meet my best friend and he is going to tell me a little about the tourist places and Thursday I will return home. I will take you a gift!!

Hi, Angelica, how are you? I just arrived in Canada and it is beautiful I hope to go in two days to Toronto I will go to all the museums that are possible and I will also eat everything I find and of course I will take you a present, I come with my daughter and she also sends you Greetings. We hope you are ok. With love Paula and Astrid

Hello iris, I am traveling through the Huasteca potosina and I will tell you what I am going to do. I’m going to swim in the cascade of old mines. My sister and I are going to eat fish. I’m going to dance at the party at night. and I’m going to buy new clothes, I hope to see you soon and I will miss you so much. I will buy you a souvenir necklace. Goodbye and greetings

Hi Gusi, I am arriving in Italia. In one week, I will go to Japan, and there I am going to eat a lot of makis. In Italia, I have the desire to eat pizza. Athena is going to buy some clothing, while I am to visit some museums. At the night, we are going to snack in the hotel or in somewhere near. Tomorrow I will send you this letter. See you.

Hi Bertha. I just arrived in España. I’m going to take a taxi to get to my hotel in Madrid and tomorrow i will to walk in the center of madrid and i wiil visit the museum “Soralla”

The next week i will travel to the beach of Malaga.

I am very excited for this trip I hope to see you soon, I love you

Hi cousin I´m going to take the bus from 9 am to Valles. When I arrive I´m going to have lunch. Please tell my mom that I´m going to be in the downtown. After I go to visit you, I´m going to do some things with my brother, I hope we going to dinner at night the whole family. See you on Saturday. Bye xx.

Hi Cris My colleagues and I have just arrived at the Huasteca Potosina. I’m going to take a bath after finishing this postcard because the heat is very hot. Let’s go to the hotel pool to freshen up. I’m going to use the bathing suit you gave me and a sunscreen. We are going to eat fritters and drink some beer. Some colleagues will take advantage of the occasion to have fun in the pool, I’m sure it will get a little crazy. I hope one day we could come together.   I’ll see you on thursday.

PS: I will buy you many gifts.

Hi, good morning, Jessica, I just got to CD, Mexico. I am going to the hotel Holiday Inn, then I am going go to work at the plant in Nissin,After work I am going go to dinner at restaurant, I am going arrive at the hotel at 8pm. I am going arrive at the hotel at 8pm, after arriving I going take a bath, and I going call you when I finish bathing. In the next day I going not work because is saturday, I going to stay at the hotel all day Saturday and Sunday.On Monday I going start back to work.

Hello gilberto how are you I hope you do very well. I’m getting to Cd. Valles the weather, it’s very hot. Today I will go straight to the grandmother’s house to eat a rich barbecue with the whole family later we will go to the river to swim. Tomorrow I will go with my friends to the bridge of God which is a very beautiful river an hour from the city where I can enjoy a boat ride along the river to reach the rock that is known as the bridge of God then we will return to the city to go to eat the richest pizza of the place in Bella Vittoria and walk for a while on the boulevard. I hope you also spend an incredible vacation friend. Take care we’ll see you in two weeks.

Hello Omar. I just arrived at my house for another long weekend. I have a lot of things to do, I still do not start them and I’m tired. First I have to wash all my clothes, and I also brought my blanket and sheets, I think I’ll wash them in the night, they’ll be dry by tomorrow. my brothers are going to rent movies to see later, my mom is going to make popcorn and snacks. My dad is going to make a lot of noise during the movie, so we’ll get a speaker to connect to the TV. tomorrow I must make the whole week’s meal, I will also go shopping. I’m going to make spaghetti and maybe potatoes with cheese. I’m also going to do my homework, you know I always leave it all for Sunday night, but I think I exaggerated this time. I’m going to do too much homework. but hey, wish me luck bye Bye

Hi Tita! I just got to Mexico City. The climate here is a bit strange, since it is a place where it is hot but it is humid at the same time, then it rains, and then the sun comes out, then it is rare. But cais is always cloudy. Today I arrive at 10 a.m. and I settled in the hotel, it is a very nice hotel. Anyway, right now I’m about to go to eat, then it’s time to leave. Hopefully one day we can travel together here. I love you, Tita, see you later. PS: I see you next Saturday.

Hi Anahi. How are you? I just arrive to Huasteca Potosina and we going to visit any places like Edward´s Castle, well this the first day. Next day we goint to Tamul waterfall and we gonna swim in the river. After that we going to visit “Puente de Dios”. The last day we gonna to visit “Sotano de las golondrinas” in Aquismon. I hope to see you soon.

Love, Roberto

Hello Daniel I just got to San Luis Potosi. I’m going to the gym later, I’m going to eat at my house Tomorrow I go to the center of the city, then I will visit my family,

I’ll go play with my cousins ​​and then we’ll go to the park My mom is going to cook lasagna and meat we will be in contact I love you see you

Hi Katy, how are you? I hope that very good. We just got my girlfriend and I to the beach. We are going to unpack our troubles when I finish writing this letter to you. the sun is very strong, but I think it’s going to come down soon. we are going to the beach later, first going to eat something. we are going to buy swimwear and sunscreen. We’re going to order shrimp tonight for dinner. I’m going to extract you a much better friend, but see you next month.

With Love, your best friend

Hi, Iván! I just arrived in Japan with my mom. We are going to unpack our bags in the airport, it was a long trip. Here in Japan is sunny and We are going to go to the Osaka Castle. I’m very excited to go there because is like a dream come true. At night We will stay in a hotel near Osaka and the next day We will get on the shinkansen bullet train to go to the Kyushu main islands. I promise that I will send you some of photos and I will try to buy a souvenir to you. Even though, I will see you here in 3 days. Love, your girlfriend. Ps. I already want to see you here.

I just arrived in Guadalajara. I am going to unpack my bags after I write this postcard. I’m going to go to Puerto Vallarta beach,I’m going to bring a hat, my swimsuit,and some sunscreen. My boyfriend and I going to play football in the beach, after that we going to order a pizza in the hotel. I’m going to miss you! See you next week.

Love Cinthia.

PS: When are you going to go this holidays?

Hi jesus! I just arrive in cancun. I am going to unpack my bags after, i write this card. I am going to swim an the beach and i am going to party at night. Cancun in beautiful, I really like to beach, I am going to enjoy my vacation, my brothers could not come with me to Cancun, it,s a shame that they could not come.

P.S.: I hope you are well and greetings from the beach

Hi Gladis! We just arrive in Mazatlan. I am going to know the hotel. It s a sunny day, tomorrow going to the visit the beach. Later we goig to out to dinner to a typical food restaurant, my sister is a bit tired, so she will sleep a Little. On Sunday we have a water activity I am going to take many photos to show you. see you soon, kisses.

Hi mommy! I’m arriving in San Luis Potosí, the trip was somewhat tired, a lady was coming talking to my side but I fell asleep. I will go to school tomorrow morning, I have a full day, first I go to the school at 7pm and I end up with electricity at 7, but the week is going fast and I will soon see you again on Friday. I love you and I send you kisses.

Hello dad: i just arrived in tokio japan,the city is beautiful,i am going to unpack the suitcase after i am going to eat noodles and sushi. i am going to travel to the city of akihabara because i like te technology,i am going to travel in subway because in tokio is very fast.i am going to miss you i love you see you next month

Hi brother I am traveling course at Columbia with my friend, the plane was very comfortable, when arrive at the airport i am going to ask eat, after i am going to buy a shopping and help my friend a look a department i am going to have dinner with my best friend i am visiting a museum in the night at the next day for the morning the theater i am going to watch to the movies his name angry birds, I am going to buy food for the weekend, but fixing the car also give a wash, i am going to visit the grandfather the next Saturday and study for the meeting Love Silvia

We just arrived in Cancun and it is more beautiful than in photos, in a few minutes we are going to arrive at the hotel that we booked, we are so excited for this trip that we were expecting, I tell you that we have many plans to make this week, in an hour we are going to eat to a restaurant that has a beautiful view of the sea and in the evening we are going to dancing with some friends to a club that is in the center of the city, very early tomorrow we are going to a park called Xcaret which is the most beautiful in Cancun , we are going to take many photos to send you, we are going to also go swimming and going to the zoo and in the last days we are going to the city center to buy clothes and souvenirs that we are going to take to you and the others.

Greetings to all, see you soon.

We love you very much: Crystal and Esmeralda.

hi cintya i just arrived in united states. i am going to buy clothes for my family and me. i am going to visit the museums and popular places. i am going to eat in diferrents restaurants because i love the exotic foof. i will buy tennis for my dad becuase he like the tennis. i will call you in this days okey? i am going to miss you. see you on vacations it is over.

Hi Vanesa I just arrived in San Luis Potosi. I am going to sleep after I am write this postcard. Then, I am going to eat a hamburguer whit my cousin Lupita. In the afternoon I and my cousin are going to go to San Luis Potosi center and we are going to buy clothes, then we are going to eat mexican food. At nigth I am going to go to dance and I am going to dance whit my friend because she loves dance. I am going to miss you! See you next weekend. Love my friend. Pd. Do exrcises.

Hi Vanesa. I just arrived in San Luis. I am going to sleep after. I write this postcard. Then, I am going to eat a hamburguer whit my cousin lupita. In the afternoon I an my cousin are going to go San Luis Potosi center and we are going to buy clothes, then we are going to eat mexican food. At nigth I am going to go to dance and I am going to dance whit my friend because she loves dance. I am going to miss you! See you to next weekend.

Hi Fanny! I just arrived in Guadalajara. I´m going to unpack my clothes and after that i´m going to walk around the city. I´m going to go to the stadium of chivas because the chivas play in this day. I´m going to eat the local food i have heard that is very delicious. I´m going to miss you! See you when the vacations it’s over.

Love Misa <3

Hi Lizeth I just arrived in monterrey. I am going to go the house after, I am going to eat chicken and patotes. tomorrow I am going to go the cerro de la silla, I am going to visit my family after, we are going to dance. I am going to play videogames with my brother and cousing it is very funny. My grandmother is going to cook gorditas and tamales it is very delicious, well I leave you. I love you. Pd. Eat friuts and vegetables

Hi brother! I’m arrive to airport of Cancun. I’m think going to search a hotel near the beach, but I do not think find, because there are a lot of reservations in high season. First i going to take a bus to get to Playa del Carmen, later i going to swim in the sea and i going to dine at a luxury hotel . Here i going to stay for 3 days and later going to take a ferry to go to Cozumel and i stay for two nigths. To finish I’m going to Xcaret for three more days. Here i going to go archaeological zones whit a friend. And we walk into caves. I need you Bro! I hope you accompany me next travel. See you next monday.

PS. I wait you in the airport. Love you

Dear Evan Hansen We’ve been way too out of touch.Things have been crazy, and it sucks that we don’t talk that much… My family an me arrived in Ireland.I’m going to unpack my camera after I write this postcard, i’m going to promise send you a photograph if I can climb the mountains. In Ireland always it’s raining but I think it’s wonderful. My mom and me are going to go to National Museum tomorrow. It’s going to be very cold that’s why I’m going to use the scarf that you give me. My father doesn’t feel like going out for dinner and my sister probably are going to order a pizza. There is nothing relevant to say. Wait for the picture. See you in another letter. Sincerely AM.

Hi Yesenia,

We just arrived in Queretaro. I’m going to get into the pool after writing this postcard. It’s going to be very hot so I’m going to put on my green hat and a sunscreen. My parents are unpacking and when they finish they will also go swimming. After swimming we will eat at the cross market, I hope they sell pozole. My father does not feel like going out to dinner tonight because we are going to eat a lot this afternoon. I’m going to miss you! See you next week.

I love you friend!

Hi Luis How are you?, I hope it´s ok. I just arrived in Zacatecas. Im going to hotel to leave my bags, later Im going to look for something to eat, Im here to visit many tourist places. Im going ti visit: Mina del Eden, later im going to vistit the Basilica, i want to see the works of art Im going to take many pictures of historic places. Im going to buy souvenirs for the family and one for you. See you on one week in S.L.P Good bye

Hello consuelo! How are you? I just arrived in Vallarta. It is very hot, I am going to go to eat seafood tomorrow, I have been told that they are delicious in this area, then I am going to walk on the beach and take some sun. At night I am going to go to a bar with my friend Arizahi. On Friday we are going to go shopping, I would like to buy some clothes. Anyway, I want to do many things. Pd. I am going to bring you a souvenir.

Hi bro how are you?? I just arrived in Cancun. I am going to my hotel,the name of my hotel is Paradisus and is very big and beautiful, tomorrow i am going to go to Xcaret with my friends Jesus and Michel, i am very very excited because xcaret is the most popular park in the world and is very big and beautiful but is very expensive and after xcaret i am going to go to the most popular club in cancun cocobongo and in this place i am going drink alcohol and dancing with a beautiful and internacional girls,and next i am going to go to visit my best friend Brian.


Dear sister. I was very pleased to receive your letter. I’m glad you’re okay. I’m on vacation right now.I have many plans!

First, next week I’m going to travel to the Canary Islands.Everybody say that the weather there is wonderful! I’ m going to there one week. When I returned, I’m going to the pool with “Lucia” Do you remember her? She always thinks of you. I wish you could come with us next summer.

In late August some friends and I are going to a party at a friends house.The house has a huge pool! So say goodbye to the holidays.

With love Oscar

Hi Liz! i Just Arrive in Japan. i’m going to eat some delicious japanese food, after i going to visit interesting place, i hope learn many thing of here. i’m going to go shopping, i will go to many clothes shop. i’m going to take many pictures of all tha things, i going to walk for the city and i’m going to meet friends in this country. i’m going to come back in one week. See you leter!! Bye.

Hello karla, I just traveled to Los Cabos, I’m going to arrive in Los Cabos at 7:00 am the city is very beautiful, I go to my apartment to sleep and I meet some celebrities because the building is exclusive, tomorrow I go to the beach to swim with white sharks and meet the whales, I go to the disco, I’m going to meet with foreign boys. See you in 1 week.

Hi Daniel! How are you?, i’m fine. I just arrived from Mexico D.F, I visited my sister that lives there. It was fun, we are visited Frida Kahlo’s house and eating in a viggan restaurant. The next week happened very fast and I had to go back. Well, I have plans for this weekend, I going to visit to my cousin to her house, the next saturday, I going to go eat chenese food to the “Barrio Chino” at 5:00 pm whit my friends and the sunday I going to the park whith my family at 12:00 pm. And you, what are you going to do the next weekend? See you later! I love you, bye.

Hi Mimi, I just got to San Luis. I’m going to unpack suitcases after writing this postcard. It’s raining now, but I think it’s going to clear up soon, I’m going to go home as soon as I get to the terminal. We’re going to the museums,shopping mall and center of the city.

See you on Friday, I love you.

Hello Juan jose : I am going to visit San Luis potosi on Friday, I would like us to know the city together. We’re going to the famous Restaurant Cielo tinto. I’m going to go his house this friday at 8:00am. We’re going to the museums,shopping mall,famous street. At night we’re going to see a movie in the Cinepolis. I’m happy!! See you soon

with love Mariana <3

Hi Mom! I just arrived in Guanajuato. I’m going to go look for food. It is very sunny now, but soon the sun will come down and I am going to go for a walk and get to know the historic center a bit. Next week I am going to go a museum that is near the hotel where I am staying and then I am going to go lunch with my friend Karen to a new Italian restaurant. I’m going to miss you! See you in a month.

I arrived to Guanajuato. I love this city. I’m going to go go the hotel to leave my bags. The weather is good, it Is a sunny day. I’m going to visit the mummy museum in the afternoon and then I’m going to go to eat at restaurant. Tomorrow I’m going to buy a map of the city to go to the all mines for know the minerals and before I’m going to walk for the city and take photos. Finally I’m going to buy souvenirs and typical candies.

I miss you so much best friend. See you next friday. Love, Mayte.

PS. What are you going to do the next weekend?

From : Jamie Tovar Hi, mom. How are you? I arrived to San Miguel de Allende , I like so mucho this place , my friend and me have an itinerary, first we going to climb the mountain of peñasco I need to wear a comfortable clouts !!! after we going to eat ice cream of mole or tacos , I know is so rarely but in this place you can buy a rarely things , my friend tell me that we going to a famous restaurant and we will eat a lot food  I will be so fat !!! I don’t worry when I will stay on home I will go to the gym  I’m tired for the school . thank you for let me come with my friend, I feel so good!

Hi Dad, I arrived in Brazil 15 minutes ago. I am with my best friends and we are going to stay here a week for our vacations. The weather is sunny now, and i think it is going to be hot all the week. I am going to go to the pool party later, after it me and my friends are going to order a hamburger in the hotel. I dont know what we are doing tomorrow, but i am going to call you and i going to tell you. See you next week dad.

How are you brother? I just want to tell you that I’m going to go to Italy in 6 hours and airport in 1 hour, so I’m going to wait outside for you to give me a ride, I’m impatient to see the vencia channels, the first thing I’m going to do is go up a gondola and I’m going to eat a pizza next to the leaning tower of pisa. So call me as soon as you can. see you soon

Hi Michel: I just arrived in San Luis Potosí. I`m going to unpack my bags after I write this letter. It is cloudy I think that it is going to rain, but I`m going to clean my room and take a shower. Tomorrow I`m going to go to the center if the sun comes and I`m going to buy food and other neccesary things and This Friday I`m going to eat with my family and We going to go to Cinema for my birthday. I`m going to miss you! See you next month. PS: What are you going to do this vacations? With Care Daniela

Hi mom, i just arrived in Jalisco, is a beatiful place.I am very excited to know this place. I´m going to take a taxi and then I´m going stay at the Hotel, i hope it´s cozy. I´m going to change my clothes because it is very hot here. i´m going to have lunch in the hotel restaurant and i´m going to go the “Plaza el Mariachi” and i´m going to buy memories por you. bye. I miss you

Hi Josue, I just arrive in San Antonio. i am going to arrive in the hous of my friend at 10:30 am. It is a day cold but is perfect to drink. i am going to go the basketball, i like to watch the Spurs vs Golden State. i am going to take the dinner after the match. I will buy a pizza and some beer.. see you in new year

Hi Amanda, I am very excited because the holiday’s are coming, my family and I will take go to the Huasteca. I will pack a lot of summer clothes, I will wear bathing suits, I will wear aún glasses, I will wear su Block for my sin since it will be very sunny, I will wear a hat or a cap. The first thing that my family and I will do is visit Xilitla all Day, then we will stay at hotel and after that we will go to dinner somenthing. The next Day we will go to visit the sótano de las golondrinas and after that we will visit the waterfalls. We will spend the rest of the days in the waterfalls. I will to miss you. Bye Amanda.

Hi Nayeli! I just arrive to Boom, Belgium .I´m going to go to the hotel, after that I´m going to take a shower and I´m goin to search for a restaurant,then I´m going to return to the hotel and I´m goint to sleep. the next day I´m going to go to the tomorrowland…I´m going to dance a lot…I´m going to have a lot of fun.

with love…jessi

Hi Paola, We just arrived in mexico. I am going to unpack our bags. It is raining now, but i think it´s going to the park when the sun comes out. We are going to eat a tacos. My friend doesn´t feel like going to be eating out a lot this week. I am going to miss you! See you next week

Hi Ary! I just arrived in London. I’m going sleep after i’m going to unpack the suitcase after. Tomorrow afternoon I’m going to go on a city tour and i’m going to drink a delicious coffee. It’s a beautiful place and the weather is very good.Tonight, I’m going to visit a friend later we are going to some restaurant to have dinner. I’m going to be here for a couple of weeks, maybe five and i’m going to take lot of pictures at downtown. See you soon,ily.

Hi Gaby I’m good, jus arrived in L.A. I’m going to go to house of my aunt Mario. Tomorrow I’m going to visit the center of city and eat something, then my mom is going out with my aunt so I’m going to watch some movie with mu cousin. see you as soon Iget back.

Hello Elsa I just got to Orlando, Florida this place is amazing. I’m going to settle in at the hotel and then I’ll go for food. I’m a little scared, my English is not so good yet, I hope that’s not a problem. I’m also going to buy the park tickets it will be fun. How sad you could not come, but I’m going to take many pictures to be able to send them. Everyone here we miss you so much we hope you get better soon. I will keep telling you everything we do. I send you a kiss.

Hi Mom! We just arrived to Real de 14. I am going to camping a week so I´m going to arm the tent with my friends. After I´m going to write a this postcard while I listen music. The weather are so hot today so I think that I´m going to buy a frappé in Real Bucks. My plans for this week are that my friends and me going to turistic places of Real de 14. Today we are going to go to the Mines, tomorrow we are going to the climb hills and rides horses. The next day we are going to visit the museaum. And we are going to eat at the local restaurants too. I´m so excited!. I have to go right now because my firends wants to go to the kiosko so.. See you next week!. I love you! Bye PS. Tell me what you will do in your week. Hannia

Hi mom! I’am going to swimming after the class. The weather is nice to do it. I’m going to do homework with my friend Ezequiel in the library. The task is about archeology I’m going to I’m going to walk my dog ​​”brownie” to the park on Thursday. See you later mom.

hello Adrián as you just arrived at my house I going to for tacos and later I’ll go to sleep tomorrow morning I going to the university from 8 to 2 in the afternoon I’m going to visit the museum I have to do a homework I did not remember tomorrow I’ll go to work in the night with my brother in law I think I’m going to have a very heavy day

Hi Carlos! How are you? I hope you’re fine! I Just arrived in Monterrey. I came to Monterrey because my sister lives here. I’m not sure but I guess she said that we’re going to go to the Santa Lucía Riverwalk and after that we’re going to eat something like pizza or makis because it’s my favorite food. We’re also going to visit the fundidora Park because we’re going to go to Sesame Street and of course we’re going to meet my hole Family there. I think the trip is going to be awesome. See you next weekend,take care Byeee!

Hi mom, I just arrived in charcas. My grandmother went to the bus station for me. The day is cloudy and cold. I think I’m going to go stadium the next day, hoping the weather improves.

i am going to take the dinner after the match. I will buy a pizza and some beer ,you recommend some restaurant.

i am going to stay in house of my grandmother tonight and for the morning i will help my grandmother in the activities in the house. see you in this week mom, i love. bye

Hi,Ximena! How are you? we are fine. My sister and I just arrived in Real de Catorce, the magical town is very beautiful. We are going to visit San Francisco de Asis in the church, I´m going to pray a few minites for my family and friends. the next thing we are going to do is going to go at the best restaurant. Iam going to ride a horse and then we are going to sightseeing for the town. In the afternoon we are going to return at home and we are going to bring many gifts and sweets typical for all. See you tomorrow.

Hello Sebastian! I just arrived at the Huasteca Potosina, I am very tired were 7 hours on the way from the city of San Luis. Tomorrow I will visit our family and we will go horseback riding to the ranch. We will also go to the Tamul waterfall. we will swim and dive in the tampaon river. later we will go by bicycle to the mountain to know the beautiful nature of the Huasteca potosina.

I would have liked you to come with me! Until the next week cousin!

I just arrived in Guanajuato, the city is beautiful, I’m going to unpack this week and I’m going to accommodate all the things in the department. The first I goint to at the best restaurant the city and then I goint to sightseeing for the city. In the night I goint to cinema with my Friends I´m goint to miss you! See you next week

Hi Wendy, I just wanted to let you know that I arrived in Tampico, the trip was a bit slow, but everything was fine. I just arrived, so I’m going to eat at a nearby restaurant, then I’m going to buy some books and at night I’m going to visit my uncles. I’m going to stay here for three days, the weather is perfect, so tomorrow I’m going to go swimming with my friends to the beach, I’m going to take sunscreen because I have no doubt that the sun is going to be very hot. and the next day I’m going to go shopping in the mall, I would like to buy clothes and a toy for my dog. That’s all I’ve planned to do here. I hope to get home, I’m going to take you a gift for Christmas and to your cat.

I hope to see you soon, take care of yourself. July love PS: we should travel together one day.

Hi, Angie. how are you? I feel very well. tomorrow I will arrive in Guanajuato to celebrate Noche Buena with my uncles. We will visit some churches and then we will ask for an inn in the neighboring houses. in the night we will light fires and candles to wait for the arrival of the gifts. I hope you spend a happy Christmas and give me something :v

Hi Isabela, how are you? I am fine. I arrived in Korea , Seoul. I am excited because it is my frist time in Korea. I am going to vistit hot springs. After sofia and I going to try busan. I am going to see the stars in to night. Mario , Carlos , Katia and Clara are going to know a Namsan tower. I don’t go see it , I love a tokyo tower. i’m going to travel a Kyoto next week because I need buy memories for the family. See you netx month. Bye brother

Hi, Mom! Just an hour ago to the city of Monterrey. It was a long trip. Right now I’m going to look for the extended Suites Hotel, I’m recommended by a friend. Tomorrow I go to visit the Paseo Santa Lucia and also the Plaza Paseo La Fe. I’m going to visit my aunt and uncles on Tuesday. Maybe I’ll go with my cousins to see a game of the Monterrey team even though my favorite team is America. For Tuesday buy a ticket to a play called “Night of the Devil ” will be near the hotel I’ll stay and go alone. On Thursday I go back to Plaza founders but now I will rent a bike and roll all afternoon. Friday I return to Matehuala, to celebrate your birthday mom.

See you, Aldo.

PD: Wait for your gift.

PD 2: I Love you mom!

Hi sean, I´m going to visit Denver on chrismas vacation, I will arrive on december 12th, my friends and I are pretending to make a reservation in two diferents hotel the first three night are arriving to Hotel Denver, Glenwood Springs and the next three night we will be staying at THE CRAWFORD HOTEL.

It’s a trip of friends from the university, really the intention of the trips is to go ice skating and skiing

And the following days, I will celebrate Christmas Day with my family that will meet me at my uncles’ house in Colorado Springs and my friends will celebrate Christmas with us.

see you later,sister :v

Hi Mom, I arrived in Paris 1 hour ago. I am with my friends and we are going to stay here a month for our vacations. The weather is cloudy now, and i think it is going to rain all the week. I am going to go to the beach later, after it me and my friends are going to order a pizza in the hotel. I dont know what we are doing tomorrow, but i am going to call you and i going to tell you. See you next month mom.Love you.

Hi!Laura I just arrived in Toluca. I´m going to buy cheese, Its rarely but i was told was delicious, after i´m going to walk around the city, I´m going to go the book fair, that is coming soon. And the afternoon i´m going to go have dinner some typical food. Well see you soon, take care!

Your friend Diana 🙂

Hi mom I’m arrive to Zacatecas City. My partners and I are going to go hotel to rest a little. Tomorrow we are going to wake up very early, because we are going to visit the mine. In the afternoon we are going to return to hotel, because it is going to rain. Some days we are going to visit diferent museums and the buffa hill. I think it will be a good week.

PS: Do you want a souvenir? I Love Mom

Hi Mom, I arrived in Ibiza 30 minutes ago. I am with my friends and we are going to stay here a week for our vacations. The weather is sunny now, and i think it is going to be hot all the week. I am going to go to the beach later, after it me and my friends are going to order a pizza in the hotel. I dont know what we are doing tomorrow, but i am going to call you and i going to tell you. See you next week mom.

Hi Mom, I arrived in Cancun 30 minutes ago. I am with my friends and we are going to stay here a week for our vacations. The weather is sunny now, and i think it is going to be hot all the week. I am going to go to the beach later, after it me and my friends are going to order a pizza in the hotel. I dont know what we are doing tomorrow, but i am going to call you and i going to tell you. See you next week mom.

Hi Gaby how are you? Im so tired I’m in Monterrey’ airport, I’m going to arrived to Chicago at 8:00 am. First, after of send you a meessage I’m going to unpack my bag and eat something because i’m so ungry, then my mom is going out with my aunt so I’m goint to watch some movie with my cousins. There’s so beautiful but is so cold too. When I finish my dinner I promise I will call you. See u.

Hi Daniel. How are you?

I´m Alex your friend remember me?

I´m going to travel with my girlfriend. We going to go Mexico city are very excited.

The monday we are going to go the Chapultepec park and We will visiting the “Angél de la Independencia”.

The tuesday we are going to visit the musuem in center town and we will going to the party

The wendsday we are going to visit girlfriend family and we will going to Six Flags.

The thursday We are going to back home.

Greetings and take care brother!!!

Hello lucero! I hope you are well. I just arrived in Zacatecas, tomorrow morning, I’m going to have coffee with a friend, later we’ll go to a plaza, the next day we’ll go shopping, I hope to find nice clothes, in the afternoon i´m going to a luxurious restaurant , I´m going to know several parts of the city that I find interesting. I will take you a memory of my trip

Hello Sister We just got here from Matamoros. I’m going to get our dogs out after writing this letter. It’s getting cold now, but I think it’s going to be removed soon. Let’s go to the square when the sun comes up. It’s going to be a lot ” hot ” I’m going to bring lemon snow. We’re going to order a pizza this afternoon but do not tell our father please. See you at night

Dear Danny. I love you and I’m going to tell you about the place I visited. I went to a museum, I was going to take a picture, but they didn’t let me do it. I think we can go there someday and we are going to a cada after that, and we are going to the movies on the next day. Yours, Erick.

Hello Soni how are you doing?

I am writing to tell you that at this moment I am in 5th semester of nursing school, I am close to finishing college. I’m going to wait for this December vacation to meet and talk and I miss you.

and you will see that I am going to collect money to be able to go shopping and enjoy those holidays.

It starts to get cold in San Luis but soon it will go lower the temperature as the winter progresses.

I am going to have fun during my stay in your state of residence and it will be fun.

P.S. take care of yourself and soon we will see each other.

Atte: Estefania Tovar

Hello Andrea I just arrived in Cancun. I’m at the hotel and I have a beautiful view of the sea, I love it! In 1 hour we going to go to eat some delicious shrimp. At night we going to go to a club to dance with my friends. Tomorrow morning we going to visit “Chichen-Itza” everyone says that this is the best! So I’m very excited. The next morning we going to visit “Isla Mujeres”, they say that the sand is white and I going to take opportunity to take pictures. I am very excited and I want to see you to tell you personally. See you soon friend! Kisses

Mi plans are…. I am going to unpack our bags after I write this postcard.Iam going to play the guitar the next weekend, I am going to watch movie the next month, I am going to buy two dress for my birthday because I want see me beautiful in this day. Iam going to visit my cousin in Monterrey, i am going to visit the park “Fundidora” with they.

Hi Angel!How are you? I arrived in Venice 5 minutes ago. I´m going to tell you what am I going to do this week, I have a lot of plans. First i am going to go sightseeing with my friends, to meet all we can about the city. After that we are going to St. Mark’s Square that is the most famous from Venice. Then we are going to have dinner i am going to order Pasta e fagioli. Tomorrow we are going to go to Burano, it´s an islan where every house is colorful, you have to see them. Next day we are going to go to the Correr museum what is the most important museum in the city, there are all about the city´s history. And the other days we don´t know what more to do yet, but i am going to tell you next postcard. love, Esme 🙂 Wish you were here!

Hi Jesus! I just arrived at puerto vallarta! It is really beautiful to go swimming in the hotel pool and then I will walk to the beach, in the night I going to to a dance clubwith my friends! Take care see you soon. Love you!

Hi mother! I am talking to you from Monterrey, i am so excited to see you again. I am going to cook a bolognese spaghetti when you get home and i am going to prepare your favorite dessert. My mother is going to take the car to repair it because it doesn’t work and she wants to pick up you.

There is going to be a concert tomorrow, my siblings and i want to go but i have an exam, and they have a lot homework. However, we are going to stay home daylong. I am going to take care my nephews on weekend and my mother is going to go to church. Well, i am going to write you later, i have to study for my exam. See you mom!

hi mama I’m arriving at navasota tx, my dad still does not come for me to the central but I come very tired, the first thing I will come to the house is to eat and sleep for a while to go tomorrow to buy everything necessary, the fastest possible. tomorrow I’m going to mark you at 10:00 a.m. so you can tell me everything you need to buy, we’ll talk later, I love you a lot, my father is marking me

Hi Daisy i just arrived in Pris, Francia, it was a long trip. this week i am going to walk through the streets and learn more about this place. for the afternoon i am going to go on a date with some friends, also we are going to go to the eiffel tower. then i am going to do some outdoor activities and finally i am going to buy some gifts and memories for you. i miss you with love jessica

I’m coming to Monterrey. I am very excited, tomorrow I´m going to visit the Fundidora park, I´m going to take many pictures, and I´m going to get on the zip line. Then I´m going to walk along the Santa Lucia promenade, I think it will be amazing. I’m going to visit my friends, and then we are going to eat hamburgers at Muncher House, they’re delicious. At night we are going to dance and sing at The City Club, we will have an amazing time. Next Friday I´m going to travel to Santiago, where I can visit the “Cola de Caballo” waterfall. I’m going to swim for a long time, I’m going to relax and enjoy this experience. On Friday I´m travel back to San Luis, and on Monday I´m going go to the university.

I send you regards.

Hi Mom! I just arrived in Dallas, my dad was already waiting for me at the bus station, he told me that we will go to dinner at the Golden Corral restaurant after leaving my bags in the apartment. I’ll send you a picture of our meals! Tomorrow I plan to go jogging in the morning in the nearby park and have breakfast. I’ll wait for my dad to arrive and then I’ll tell him to come with me to the mall to buy me some clothes and some tennis. On Sunday we will visit the Cathedral of the Virgin of Guadalupe in the center of the city, and my father told me that during the week he expects to arrive early from his work to visit my uncle in Garland. On Sunday I will also go with my dad to buy food for the whole week to the super. As we go around doing more things, I’ll tell you how it goes! I love you mom!

Hello Angie I am going to play foot-ball on sataurday if you want to come, we are going to travell to Mexico if we win, so you are invited too. I think I am going to pass all of my exams with a 10. Mi friends and I are going to go to eat wings. See you. Pablo

I just arrived in Paris, France. It’s beautiful here! I’m going to get to my hotel while I write this. Tomorrow, first I´m going to visit the Eiffel Tower, then I’m going to visit the Notre Dame Cathedral. The next day, I´m going to visit the bridge of padlocks and then I´m going to the Louvre Museum. This week will be fantastic! I promise to write you soon. I miss you.

Love, Nessa.

Hi Arturo I just arrived in Guanajuato, it’s beautiful here, I’m going to get to my hotel while I write this. It is cold, but I think it´s going to be warmer tomorrow, remember everything you recommended me so this week I´m going to do many things while I am here, first I´m going to visit your university, then I´m going to eat at the market near the university, and I’m going to visit some museums. the next day I´m going to visit the alley of the kiss, although I’m going to go alone hahaha. I’m going to see the mummies too and i´m going to walk the streets and take some pictures. I hope to see you soon

Love, Montse

Hi mom and dad! We just arrived to Madrid, Spain. We are going to unpack the suitcase and probably we are going to sleep because here it´s night. Tomorrow we are going to take a walk around the city my friends Jonah and Corbyn want going to visit some art museums. I bought a camera so I´m going to take lots of pictures. After that we are going to buy clothes and going to return to the hotel. I´m going to take a shower and finally we have tickets for a festival and we are going to see our favorite band sing. I’m going to miss you! See you next weekend. Love,Erick.

Hi cousin In the valleys it’s raining very hard, I’m writing to tell you that I miss you so much, I have many things to do this week, I have practices when I leave university. tell me ami that I miss her so much and I’ll be visiting soon

Hi Isela! I just arrived arrived in Oaxaca. I’m going to rest in the hotel for a few hours and after tha I’m going to wlak around the village. I’m goint to know The Catedral of Oaxaca and I’m going to have breakfast at some trdicional restaurant. More later I’m going to visit my friend, she live here. I’m going to miss you. I love you. See you when the vacaction it’s over .

¡Hello Mom! In this week I will be of visit in Monterrey, to seeing a game of my favorite team “Tigres”, maybe i’m going to visit my cousins. Also I will go to raise myself to the mechanical games in “Bosque Mágico”, I see you next week when already return to the house.

Hi Mom! I just got to vallarta a few minutes ago. I feel very tired but I’m on my way to the hotel. After that I’m going to the spa, you know something about life in life. Hopefully we are in “el malecom”, I take many photos. I go to plaza galleries and buy some things. And, maybe I’ll take some photos to urge and I’ll be with my friends here, I’ll send you all my photos. You’re the best. XOXO, Bye

¡Hello Maricruz! This week I am visiting your city; I was going to visit the pyramids on Tuesday at 5:00 AM. I bought the tickets yesterday. I am very excited to know where you were born. I am going to eat at the restaurant “la posada”. I am going to buy those beautiful bracelets that you like so much, I would like you to be here. I am going to take my flight in the afternoon; But first I’ll go see your mother.

I miss you so much. with love ROCIO

Hi mom. I hope you are very well. Krissia and I have just arrived at our new house. It was hard to get here, but we did it. I’m going to eat pasta with meat today, and at night I’m going to bake pancakes. Tomorrow early I will go to run and when I arrive I will take a shower. Krissia will go to school and later I will pick her up; After that, I’m going home. I hope to find you there.

I love you.

Attentively; Daniela

Hi, Dad I just got to Acapulco with the guys. I’m going to say hello to my cousins after unpacking. It’s going to be a nice day to wear a new dress. Later I’ll go to the beach with all the cousins but before I go shopping with my cousin Valeria to buy a bathing suit as we forget. In the evening I’ll go to dinner with the family. I would like to talk to my guys about your plans to visit but let it be surprise I’m going to miss you, I’ll take good care of you I promise, see you next month.

Hi Alondra! I just arrived to the new city. Im going to take a shower because the airport is far from the hotel and i walk from there. However,after unpacking im going to buy a new clothes because is going to be cold here. Tomorrow I’m going to have dinner with my cousins and the next I’m going to visit the museum with them,i think is gonna be full because the new exhibition of Tim Burton. Im going to tell you everything that happens to me in this trip, see you soon.

Love Leonardo

Hi bro! I just arrived in the new city. Im going to take a shower because the airport is far from the hotel and i walk from there. However,after unpacking im going to buy a mew clothes because is to cold here. Im going to tell you everything that happens to me in this trip, see you soon.

Hi Mary! I arrived to Zacatecas; the people here are amazing, very friendly. I’m going to visit the cathedral and will take some photos. Maybe I will buy souvenirs for you and your family; I saw some necklaces of your favorites. After I’m going to Cerro de la Bufa, some friends say me about this place is beautiful. At night I’m going to Mina El Eden, I will drink some beers to have a good time. I want see you, I promise to visit you after this adventure. With love, Alexis.

Hi mother! I am talking from San Luis Potosí, i am so excited to see you again. I am going to cook a cake when you get home and i am going to prepare your favorite soup. My mother is going to take the car to repair it because it doesn´t work and she wants to pick up you.

Hi Maggie! I arrived to Canada last week and I had a new apartament, now Im going to unpacket my clothes and my objets haha. Next monday, I’m going to visit the cinema of the city for the first time, then, I’m going to eat a delicious salad, after that i’m going to walk around the city. I’m going to miss you!

Love u, David Gallegos!

Hi mom! We just arrived to Berlín, Germany. We are going to unpack the suitcase and probably we are going to sleep because here it’s night. Tomorrow we are going to walk around the city and We would like to visit the Berlin Wall. After that, we are going to eat out, we want some “Mett and Bratkartoffeln” and, obviously, drink beer. Finally, in our last day, we are going to visit the olympic stadium, in there was the olympic games and a world cup of soccer.

There are our plans, mom. Eduardo and I, send you a big hug and a lot of kisses. We miss you!

Hi mom! I just arrive in NY a few minutes ago. I feel so tired but I`m on my way to the hotel. After that I`m going to the spa you know some massanges legthen life. I wish we can meet in “Blue Hill” and will go to the stadium and watch the game. I`m going to the 5th Avenue and buy some things. And, maybe i`ll take some pictures for insta hahaha. XOXO, Bye

Hi Ricardo I just arrived in Guanajuato, the city is beautiful, I’m going to unpack this week and I’m going to accommodate all the things in the department. The first thing I plan to visit is the university and underground tunnels I will visit them in two weeks when I manage to fix everything here

with love Karen

Hi mom! I just arrived in San Luis Potosí. I’m going to the Registro Agrario for your documents. I’m going to eat something after having your documents. After that I’m going to my departament and do homework. I’m going to miss you. See you in a month.

All the love, Marisol

I just want you to know that I just arrived in Guadalajara. I’m going to unpack my suitcase after writing. Today the day is very beautiful, it is a bit hot. I will go to the center for a while, to know a little more, apparently later it will be hotter the day, so I’m going to put on a hat and a lot of sunscreen. I would like to visit many places and discover more here, and capture beautiful places in my mind. In the night I’ll go dancing, maybe I’ll find someone I like. I will miss you! See you next week. I love you!

Hi Mom. I just got to the house of the valleys. After writing this postcard, I’m going to unpack my suitcase. My uncles are not there, so I’ll prepare something to eat and watch TV a little. I will take the dog for a walk with my cousin when he arrives from school, we will spend some time in the park so that the dog plays well, while we talk about our weekend. I love you so much mom I’ll miss you

Acabo de llegar a México. Voy a ver a Melissa después de escribir este mensaje. El dia esta hermoso. Esta soleado ahora, por eso iremos a un lago a un rato. Va a hacer mucho calor por eso, por una pizza y unas aguas heladas. Vamos al teatro con mis primas. Melissa no quiere ir a la fiesta en Puebla por que iremos a el cine. ¡Te quiero papi!

PD: ¡Ojalá estuvieras aquí!

good day billy i came to the university’s library right now. I am going to study all afternoon. I am going to borrow a book about history and i’m going to read it tonight. In some hours i’m going to take a break for lunch, and i like to chat with you about “that”. my history teacher is going to help me to find a good bibliography, but before i’m going to finish my online activity for my english homework, bye.

Dear Italia: Hi my friend! how are you? I arrived to Mazatlan, I am very excited for this travel I planed activities for a week for example I am going to walk in a “pulmonia”, I am going dance whith the band because the band is the music more popular in the Mazatlan and I really like it, and other activity planned I am going meet new persons, because the people in Mazatlan are really friendly and fun, on the other hand I am going swim all day in the sea, the sea is really beautiful, and I am going walk to the seashore, well is all, I hope you are well and I send you a hug, see you soon.

Hi mom: I just got to Mazatlan. I’m going to unpack my suitcase after writing this postcard. It is very sunny and hot the day. I’ll go to the beach for a while. It’s going to be very hot. I’m going to a hat and a sunscreen, I really do not want to burn because I’m in a bathing suit. I would like to see the atarceder and capture in my mind such a beautiful moment. In the night I’ll go out to dance, maybe I’ll find someone I like. I will miss you! See you next week. I love you!

Hi Juan! I just arrived in Guanajuato. I am going to unpack my bags after I write this card. The weather is cold now, but I think it’s going to clear up soon. I going to the “Callejon del beso” when the sun comes out. I’m going to bring a hat and sunglasses. I going to order boneless tonight. My brother doesn’t feel like going out for dinner tonight because we’re going to be out a lot this week. I’m going to miss you! See you next weekend. Love, Karla.

Hello Julián!

I’ve just arrived to Tampico, i came with paty and her dad. We going to be here this weekend. We´re going to visit playa miramar and the malecon. On sunday we’re going to laguna del carpintero but they says that place doesn’t have nothing interesting, just a lot of crocodiles and delinquents. At night we’re goint to have dinner, we don’t know where yet, but it going to be some fast because we are tired, we traveled about 5 hours

Hello Jessica! how are you? I have arrived to Guadalajara. Is a beautiful city. Tomorrow I’m going to the cinema with Karen. On saturday I’m going to visit my cousin Andres, we are going to restaurant. Now it’s rainy and I’m going to prepare a tea. I’m very happy! I’am going to miss you. See you with the vacation it’s over.

Hello Daniel. I just got to Vallarta. I’m going to unpack my bag after writing this postcard. It’s raining now, but I think it’s going to clear up soon. I’ll go to the beach when the sun comes up. It’s going to be very hot. I’m going to bring an umbrella, a hat and a sunscreen. I’m going to order a pizza tonight. My son does not feel like going out to dinner tonight because we are going to eat a lot this week. I will miss you! See you next week. Love your princess PS: I miss you.

Hi Mom I just arrived with a standard to Dallas. I’m going to put our things in the room and then I’m going to eat with my cousins. It’s very sunny. I’ll put on sunscreen and I’ll carry an umbrella so I do not get burned. with norm we are going to visit some friends at night and maybe we are going to dance but only for a while because I am tired and I already want to sleep. tomorrow from very early I will do different activities and I want to have energy. I’ll write you soon ok Take care of yourself and say hello to my dad PS: I’m going to buy a souvenir from here

Dear sister:

I have arrived to Munich, it’s a beautiful city according all the places I’ve seen from the car. Tomorrow I am going to take a breakfast with the girl I’m in love, I hope to take her Marienplatz at the night. The day after tomorrow I’m gonna go out with all my friends to the bar, we are goning to celebrate my birthday. On wednesday I’m going to go to a job interview, I really want to stay in this city at least for one year. I miss you and I miss my mom too, give her all my love. I promisse I’ll call you later.

A big hug, Rubén.

Hi Mom: Today I am coming to Venice, this week I hope to go for a walk in the streets, my friends say it is a romantic city and I will love it. On Wednesday of this week I will go to the best restaurant in the city, I will send you photos and I hope to find some nice memories to take it.

I love you and I miss everyone, greetings. Emily.

Hi Erika, how are you; I pray you stay ok. I still staying in Italy, It´s a wonderfull country. I only want to tell you i´m going to the Pisa tower tomorrow and after that i will go to the colisium.

I´m going to miss you a lot of! I will be waiting to see you soon.

Love you: Lalo

I have just arrived in Valles, I feel very well, I will have pizza and milk and then I will sleep because the trip was tired. Tomorrow I will go to practice I hope it goes very well it will be my first day and I am nervous but I will save energies to give the best of me.

Soon we will see you mommy

I love your daughter Ariana

Hi mom! We just arrived in Querétaro. I am going to have breakfast after i write this postcard. It’s very hot in here. In a while we´re going to go to a vineyard, after we´re going to go to a Peña de Bernal. I’m going to take lots of potos and buy some things for you. See you in December!

I miss you!

Hello Claudia, I just arrived in Argentina. I will arrive at the airport at 7:30 a.m. It’s a cloudy day but it’s perfect for walking. I’m going to soccer, I like to see Boca Juniors. I’m going to have dinner after the game. I’ll buy a pizza and a little beer, they recommended a restaurant.

PS: I’m going to stay in a hotel in the center. see you.

Hi, sister We just arrived in Durango. I’m going to unpack our bags after taking a bath. The sky is cloudy, but I think it will clear up soon. Let’s go for a walk when the sun comes up. It looks like it’s going to make it a lot hot I’m going to buy a sunscreen. I’ll miss you, I’ll see you next month

Hi son, I hope you find yourself well.

I’m coming to Mexico City, the weather is very nice. in the afternoon I will go out with my colleagues from the university to visit some very important companies, then we will go for a while to a very nice part that is close to the hotel. Then we will return to the hotel to rest and thus have a lot of energy to go shopping tomorrow. Your mother loves you very much.

Hi Mom. We have just come to San Luis Potosi. I’m going to unpack the suitcase and the food that you gave me. It is cool now, but it is not seen that go to rain (I hope). I’m going to start to begin to do my homework at once, it’s going to be a long night and prepare a little coffee to endure. The boys and I are going to order a pizza because we arrived with very hungry. This week is going to be very heavy, I’m going to have tests on monday and wednesday and Tuesday and Thursday I’m going to have to go to the laboratory and deliver tasks. I’m gonna miss you! I see you on Friday without fail. Loves your son Cristian.

Hi Dany i,m in Roma. Today im going to travel around the country, firstable i want to meet the Trevi´s fountain im going to take some snaps for send you after i´ll eat some pizza in a good restaurant and drink a wine cupe, only one because i don´t wanna get drunk, ok maybe two. I miss you with love Montse.

Dany, hello, how are you? I just got to Spain, I thought I should send you a picture of where I am. Tomorrow I going to visit Malaga, and I hope to bring you a memory, in two days I going to Barcelona, where I will be for three days. then I going to dinner at some typical restaurants. When I’m going to Paris, I’ll send other postcards. that are well I love you cousin.

Hi Oscar, how are you? I just arrived to Mexico City, i´m going to buy a ticket for the hell and heaven metal fest and i´m going to eat a big torta at the Salon Corona, but first i´m going to take a shower at the hotel that you recommended me. Tomorrow i´m going to go early at the supermarket for a new camera for record everything of the show, i wish you could be here for enjoy the concert we need plan the trip for the next year, you can not lose this, i´m going to buy the tshirt you asked me. See you the next week

Hello Nallely I just arrive to Arizona. I+m going to check in to the hotel and rest from the journey later. I love here. it´s very sunny and wrm. i write this e-mail to check on you, because I want to see you, while i´m here in tpwn. i´m goingo to wear the dress you bought me last chritsmas and hope we´re going to have a good time when we meet. Please text me so we can meet and going to have some fun. Creetings Paty P.S. You´re going to love m new look.

I have just arrived in Mexico with the whole family, we are going to spend the first night in Mexico City, they say that this place is very beautiful, that there are many taco stands, and find some mariachi; tomorrow we are going to go to chapultepec, I am very excited about this trip !! I’m going to miss you a lot, take care of yourself, see you, have a nice vacations!!

H Karina, I just arrived in Alameda, California, the travel was very tired but tomorrow we will travel to Las Vegas, we are going to stay at the Great Cesar’s Palace, we are going to go to see the shows in the city center, then we will eat a big buffet around the city, as we are older than age both, we are going to go to a casino to bet a little, my uncle is known by a great local singer and we are going to meet other celebrities like Maroon 5, I come back in two weeks, I will miss them. Love you! PS: I hope they are well and I promise to bring back memories

Hello Oscar

We just got a hot eye and I’m going to take a bath after writing this postcard. Now it’s very cold and I’m going to prepare coffee for all of us. My family and I are going to go to the pool of this beautiful farm when it is sunny and we are also going to order a pizza. Tonight we are going to dinner to a retaurant the other families are not going to go with us.Tomorrow I’m going to go buy souvenirs. See you next week. I’m going to miss you.

PD: Thanks for your friendship.

Hi karina, I just arrived in Toluca, the travel was very tired, but I am going to unpacks my bags and relax a moment in the hotel after I wrrite this postcard. The hotel is very nice, it has acconditionated air, very good because the people say that it will be too hot these days. I´m going to eat something light and so I am going to return to the hotel and I am goint to go to bed early because tomorrow I am going to compete very early. The race will be too difficult because the other runners are very fast. After to the race I will be too tired, so I am not going to go to hang out all the day, but maybe the next day I am going to go to the downtown for meet the city. It´s will be funny.

I miss you, I would wish you are here.

Se you soon.

Hello uriel , I just arrive in Madrid. i am going to arrive in the airport at 5:00 am. It is a day sunny is perfect to walk and take photos. i am going to go the soccer, i like to watch the soccer club Real Madrid. i am going to take the dinner after the match. I will buy a paella and some beer, you me recommend some restaurant? .

i am going to stay in a hotel in the center. see you in this week, bye beware

Hi Mom I just arrived in Canada, the first thing I going to do is unpack my suitcase, decorate my room, and then I going to go for a walk to get to know the neighborhood, tomorrow morning I going to the university to register, in the afternoon I going to meet the city and visit my friends and at night I hope to party

I love you mom, I’ll call you soon

Hi Erika I´m going to go Florida. I will arrive to airport at 8 a.m. the day is sunny perfect to go to the park and go to swim. Also, we can go to the mall and go shopping and chat a little bit about our lives.My family and I are going to the zoo but I would like you to come over with us. I would like to see you soon. kisses and hugs. Daniela

Hi Aunt My family and I just arrived at the beach and we are on our way to the hotel, this will be a great week, today we will just have dinner and sleep, the other days we will go to the beach to swim, the hotel at night has shows and for the day activities at sea, we will take photos with family for the memories before retirning home I love very much aunt Kisses and hugs, see you in a week Sincerely, Adriana

Hello Nivardo, We just arrived at Queretaro. I’m going to go see my sister-in-law after unpacking. It is with very good weather, but I think it’s going to rain soon. We will go to the center when the sun comes out of the university. It will be very fun. I’ll buy you a hat and clothes for summer. We’re going to order a pizza for dinner. Your mom and I are going to be anxious all week until you arrive. I will miss you! See you next week.

Ana loves you

Hello Carina, I just arrived in France. I will arrive at the airport at 9:40 a.m. It’s a sunny day and it’s perfect to visit the Eifell tower I’m going to a fine restaurant that’s out there if you want to join me in the afternoon. I’m going to visit the galleries afterwards and I’ll be walking at night to the center to see all the lights that are in Paris.

I’m staying at the hotel Le Regent Montmatre. see you in this week I love you friend.

Darling Licy

Hi, Yesterday I saw a very interesting film and it has continuation, so today I’ll see the second part, after I do my laboratory practice. tomorrow I’ll go buy a gift to thank a friend for her time. and then I’ll go visit a friend. At night they invited me to dinner, so I’ll go out to dinner with some friends to a restaurant that I love. Well, goodbye. I hope you find yourself fantastic. With love Mariana C.J.

Hi Irlanda, I just arrived in Toluca, the travel was very tired, but I am going to unpacks my bags and relax a moment in the hotel after I wrrite this postcard. The hotel is very nice, it has acconditionated air, very good because the people say that it will be too hot these days. I´m going to eat something light and so I am going to return to the hotel and I am goint to go to bed early because tomorrow I am going to compete very early. The race will be too difficult because the other runners are very fast. After to the race I will be too tired, so I am not going to go to hang out all the day, but maybe the next day I am going to go to the downtown for meet the city. It´s will be funny.

we just arrived in Quintana Roo, we are going to go hotel after had ate, it is cold for luck, i have chaqueta, we are going to visit the city, i am going yo buy much souvenirs for theirs, we going to go beach and after to the hotel, for bathe and we going to go the dance a disco, we love them and soon we will return home, while they enjoy the days that we are not and do interesting things, while here we will get bored, we will miss them !!! See you next week

love parents

Hello monse, how are you? I hope you are well. I just arrived in Tamasopo. This place is amazing, here are many tourist attractions. Today I’m going to go with a cousin to have breakfast and then we go to swim to the waterfalls. I miss you so much, when I get back, we’re going to eat okay? Anyway, I’m going to unpack. Take care!

Hello friend, how have you been ?, I really want to go to the first film of the Avengers in 4Dx, the next week, I am angry that we will go together, with our respective girlfriends, thanks for the idea of ​​attending together, It will have to be interesting. I hope the day arrives.

See you. Israel Pantoja.

Hi Montse We just arrived in Altamira. I’m going to go to the beach Miramar after let’s go have dinner with my mom and my aunt to the tacos. I’m going to do the homework to have the whole week free and be able to go downtown. good at what you will come I going to walk all the, I hope to find a nice park. I’m going to unpack our bags after writing this postcard. I hope they let you come here

Your cousin wants you

Hi Dani, I just arrived in Cancún.I´m going to beach with my boyfriend and my mom after I write this postcard.At the night we´re going to a restaurant for dinner and then we´re going to “Coco Bongo” to dance Tomorrow, We´re going to “Isla Mujeres”. And i love Cancun it´s amazing. I´m going to miss you! See you when the vacation it´s over.

Love Andrea

Hi Abi! I just arrived in Los Angeles California. I´m going to take a taxi to go to my aunt´s house. After send you this message i´mgoing to unpack my bag and eat something good here. Los Angeles so beautiful but is so hot too. When i finish my dinner, promise i will call you. See you , my tiny sister.

Love, Fernando.

Hello mom, how are you?i just arrive in canada, its very cold. I am going to go New denver. I am very happy, its snowy. Tomorrow i am going to go skiing, at night i am going to camping in some cabins and the next day i am going to go hunting bears. see you later. bye

We arrived in Cancun 2 hours ago, and they just delivered the keys to our rooms, now I write you and after finishing the text, unpacking my bags to change and go to eat since everything is included and the banquets then I think we are going to eat very good, and then to the beach, the safest thing is that in the night I go out with my friends to a bar to meet and have a good time. I think it’s going to rain later and tomorrow we will go to the malecom I think the weather will be hotter tomorrow My parents are so happy they say that in the night We go to diner fish in a elegant restaurant. I’m fine mom and I behave well.

When are you going to go on holiday?

See you next week

PD: Take care and we are in contact

Hello mom I`m arriving to Mty and im going to stay with my aunt during three days and then I’m going to visit my grandfather. We have plans for today, we are going to the cinema and then we are eating tacos. I really miss you.

With love , Hazel.

We arrived in Cancun 2 hours ago, and they just delivered the keys to our rooms, now I write you and after finishing the text, unpack my bags to change and go to eat since everything is included and banquets then I think we will eat very well, and then to the beach, the safest thing is that in the night I go out with my friends to a bar to meet and have some fun. I’m fine mom and I behave well.

PD: Care a lot and we are in contact

I just arrived to Puerto Vallarta. It is so hot and sunny, I’m in a beautiful hotel, it have a big swimming pool, later I’m going to swim. My parents are so happy they say that in the night We going to diner fish in a elegant restaurant. Tomorrow We going take a tour in the cea and I’m going swim with dolphins.we going to back at home on friday night and I hope see you on saturday!

Kiss and love Abril 🙂

Dear :Angelica.

We are arrived in Cancun. I am going to stay one week here so i know absolutely all. I am going to walk in the beach. Maybe tomorrow going to visit xcaret because i saw some picture and i think is very very beautiful. i hope can visit this place because all week i like be in the beach because you know i love the beach. So i hope see soon. best wishes.Ary

I just arrived in Barcelona. It’s 4 a.m. in Mexico and 11 a.m. here! It’s crazy! It’s a sunny and beautiful day. Now I’m going to the hotel to take a bath and then walk around the city. First, I’m going to visit Temple of Sagrada Familia, Temple of Sagrado Corazón and Arch of Triumph. After that I’m going to eat some for dinner and then I’m going to sleep. Tomorrow I’m going to go to the Camp Nou Stadium to watch the soccer game of Barcelona because I’m really fan and you know that.

I wish you were here with me because I really miss you but,I promise to send you many pictures! See you next month.

Love, your favorite sister.

PS: Don’t forget me.

Hi Pablo! How are you? I’m very good. We just arrived in Miami beach. I am going to buy some things to go to the beach in these days. It is cold now, but we think it going to be hot . We’re going to go to the supermarket when we need some things to the foods. It’s going to be very hot. I’m going to buy clothes to fresh me. We’re going to order burgers this afternoon. Tomorrow we going to swim at the pool because we like swim very much.

I’m going to miss you! See you next week. Bye Pablo.

DEAR YESENIA. Hello sister , i send you this letter waiting a asnwer about “how are you”, but i want tell you other things too!! In the last letter, i wrote something about a possible trip, well i did and it was amazing, i traveled to colombia because of carnival in Cartagena de Indias of this city, you know that i have a friend in Colombia so i visit him and stay at his home.

im going to other places in this country and I fell in love with the beaches, Colombia is a paradise, no matter the problems of the country, the people are very friendly. the best food of this place is the Paisa tray that has a mixture of flavors with ground meat, pork rinds, avocado, sauce, egg, beans, rice, a small arepa, and frequently, 2 or 3 types of sausages. Today I’m going to the Archipelago of San Andrés to know the landscapes that captivate between mangrove forests, palm trees, coral reefs and sea grasslands that surround white sand beaches, considered among the most beautiful in America.

I am destitute of you and take care of the family until soon.

love, yesenia

Hello monsse, I just arrived in London. I will come to know the city after writing you this letter. the weather is very sunny and so I look out the window probably rain in the night. I will go out to a bar and have dinner with some friends and maybe we will have a party tomorrow, I also want to visit the tower of London that says it looks beautiful at night, maybe visit some of its most beautiful views. I’ll miss you all week, I wish you were here.

with love, anahi. i miss you.

Hi Gerardo , I just arrive in Canada. I am going to arrive in the airport at 7:30 am. It is a cloduy day but is perfect to walk.

I am going to visit the mall, i would like to buy some clothes for the week.

I am going to take the dinner after visiting the mall. I will buy a salad and some juice ,you recommend some restaurant.

I am going to stay in a hotel in the center. see you in this week.

Hi Mauricio, I just arrive in Mexico, the travel was very long, I’m tired, right now I’m Going to take a bath, I’m Just wanted to tell you about how beautiful Mexico is before, i’m very exciting for tomorrow, I will going to Coldplay Concert at Foro Sol, anyway, I’ll going to buy you something , like a souvenir , I hope you like it, I really miss you right now! See you in one week. Bye.

Hi David how are you ?, I hope that well, friend an apology for not being able to go to see these days, I was not around the city, and at this moment I’m coming to the city, it seems if I happen to see you on saturday In the morning, we can go to breakfast, since at this moment I am going to see my parents. Today I go to see my family, we will go to eat and then watch soccer, that’s why I have a busy day, I hope and it does not bother you.

Also, this week I will have a lot of work, and that is why the only day I have free is Saturday.

So, on Saturday we see each other, I say goodbye, since I’m going to have a coffee and then take a bath.

Hello Sister We are coming to Acapulco. We are going to unpack and then we are going to eat. My dad wants us to visit the creek tomorrow. It is very hot here on the beach. Today in the afternoon we will go to the beach. I will not swim, but I will go with my brothers to take care of their things. I’ll miss you a lot. I hope you come back soon from Merida. love you sister

How are you? yesterday I arrived in Guadalajara. Today I’m going to unpack my suitcases after I breakfast. It is a very sunny day so I’m going to wear comfortable clothes and sunscreen. Tomorrow I’m going to visit The wax museum, I’m happy because it seems that it is not going to rain.

I lost my cell phone so I’m going to ask for a phone loaned to the hotel to call you, I’m going to miss you!

See you soon sister, I love you.

How are you? yesterday I arrived in Guadalajara. Today I’m going to unpack my suitcases after I breakfast. It is a very sunny day so I’m going to wear comfortable clothes and sunscreen. Tomorrow I’m going to visit The wax museum, I’m happy because it seems that it is not going to rain.

I lost my cell phone so I promise that as soon as I can I will call you. You will arrive by me to the bus terminal on Friday at 8:00 p.m.

I know that someday we will meet together this beautiful place.

Bye sister, I love you…

Hi Mom We arrived in Monterrey. The city is beautiful but it’s very hot now. I going to unpack my bags afther I going to know the city. We are going to eat cabrito at a the restaurant, after we are going to buy food foll all week.When I finish I promise I will call you. I’m going to miss you!

With love Lisset <3

Hello Pau, i just arrived in Canada. I am I´m going to take a taxi to go to my aunt´s house after I write this postcard. It is sunday, and I think i’m going to walk in the dowton. After maybe i’m going to go to the zoo. Tomorrow at 6:00am i’m goingo to hospital to visit my cousin. Rigth now i’m going to buy something for her. On Thursday i’m going to airport for come back with you. I miss you so much.

Hi Mom! I hope you are fine. I just arrive in New York. IT’S AMAZING! We are going to dinner in the restaurant hotel. This hotel is so big and the personal is so friendly. Tomorrow morning we are going to attend the Bronx to a softball team exhibition game of that place. Then, we are going to play versus St. Louis Cardinals and versus Tampa Bay Rays. If we win, we are going to go Washington the next week. Wish us good luck! After dinner, the team and i are going to shop at the mall and sleep early. I miss you so much! Love you.

Hi Ana! i just arrived to Barcelona. I’m going to unpack in the room and after that i’m going to walk arround the city. I’m going to go to Barcelona football stadium, after that I’m going to the Barceloneta area, is one of the most popular districts of Barcelona with a great charisma in the streets. I hope to know good places to eat and walk all the streets that can from Barcelona. I’m going to tell continue about the places that i’m visiting.

Dear Mum and Dad. Paty and I are having a great time here, in Hidalgo. My sister and I are aenjoying a lot the travel. Here is cold and cloudy, so today we just going to stay at the hotel. We going to go to the museum tomorrow and then we going to eat something near of there. Als, the saturday we going to visit a place named Tecozautla, I´m sure that it will very funny. All this week we going to eat tipical dishes, so we are so exited. We going to miss you. See you later. I love you.

Hello, Professor Aurelio.

I wanted to tell you that I’m going to Queretaro. I’ll arrive on Thursday afternoon, I’m going to buy tickets for the JAVIER SOLIS concert, which will be presented at the ARENA QUERETARO. After the concert, I will take a train to the LA ROUNDADA vineyards, and when I return to San Luis I will bring a bottle of wine that I bought. see you later, I hope to see you soon.

With affection Carlos Rivera.

hi ivone we just arrived in acapulco. I am going to unpack dur bags after I write the postal. This weather is very good, it is very hot but in the afternoon we will go to the beach. We will buy some cervesas and some pizzas in the afternoon and we will go swimming or fishing on the beach in the afternoon. At night we will go to a bar and you will go to drink all night. Early tomorrow we will go to buy souvenirs and some clothes to the malecon. I love you friend. Pd: come and have fun

Hello Jocelyn

I am writing from Peru, I have just arrived and I am very well, going to visit several places in this country, I going to the mountains of famous colors here in Peru, I going to Machu Picchu tomorrow, I have everything ready and I am very excited, I will take many pictures and I will take you a present gift.

I love you friend. See you <3

Hi Nataly! My family and me recently arrived to the beach this afternoon going to the seashore to enjoy this beautiful landscape,tomorrow going to take a breakfast in the restartaurante of the hotel and goingt to explorer the beauty of cancun, next day going to retorn for san luis potosi and take a taxi to the airport to return to san luis potosi our nice home with love Daniela!

I just go to Monterrey. I’m going to unpack when i finish writing. Outside it’s sunny maybe go out see the mall orr the museum. I’m also going to buy some food for dinner. Later I will go to a club with my friends, before The course starts.

Love you brother!

pd. Can you buy me some books that you occupied PLEASE!?

Hi mom, my brothers and I have arrived with the grandparents. I’m going to help you unpack your bags as soon as we have dinner. tomorrow we going to go very early to the beach to take a walk in the sand and to help the grandfather in his restaurant. We are going to the beach to daily fishing my brothers know that we are going to eat a lot this holiday so they do not want to stop going to the gym. We are going to miss you a lot I love you mom

hi joce,i just arrived in Dallas. I am going to eat after I write this postcard. It is raining now, but I think it’s going to clear up soon. We’re going to go to the mall but the wather is really bad. I’m going to bring an umbrella, and hat, . We’re going to walk in the downtown . tomorrow i will go to the cowboys’s stadium to see a play. I’m going to miss you! See you next week.

love your sister

Hi mom! We are coming to Guanajuato, we will go to dinner at a restaurant in the city. tomorrow we will go to breakfast at the buffet and we will go to visit the museums, the weather forecast says it will be sunny in the morning and in the afternoon and evening it will be cloudy, we will be wearing a sweater and umbrella. the day after tomorrow we will go to the alley of the kiss and to the center to buy.

I promise to take you something. 🙂 Kisses!

Hello Mom! we are going to Guanajuato, we will go to dinner at a restaurant in the city and tomorrow we will go to breakfast at the buffet and then we will go to the museum, the weather forecast says it will be sunny in the morning and cloudy in the afternoon and evening, so we will wear a sweater and umbrella. The next morning we will go to the alley of the kiss and go shopping.

I promise to buy you something ..! Kisses 🙂

Hi Fernanda! I just arrived in Kansas. I´m going to take a taxi to go to my aunt´s house. After send you this message i´mgoing to unpack my bag and eat something good here. Kansas so beautiful but is so hot too. When i finish my dinner, promise i will call you. See you , my tiny sister.

Love, Daniela.

Dear friend Ana how are you? I just arrived at San Luis Potosi, I go to the historic center and know its museums, I also go to eat with my family to the restaurants that are located there. Tomorrow I will go for a walk to the park by bicycle. see you soon

Hi paty, how are you? I just arrived in Cancun. I am going to breakfast at a restaurant that is here at the hotel, then I will go to rest a bit because the trip was a bit heavy. After that I will go to the pool and later to a walk on the beach. See you in a week, wish me luck. Bye.

Hello! Mom, how are you? I just arrived at Mazatlan, it’s very hot, I’m really melting, I’m in this moment in the hotel unpack to go to the beach with my friends, after that we’ll go to dinner at the restaurant they did not recommend it much, this day We plan to rest but the following days we will be partying and enjoying the vacations. I miss them so much I wish they had accompanied me. I promise that the next vacasiones we will come. I love you, mom, give Shelby a kiss

Hi Aldo! I just come back to San Luis Potosi. I’m goingo to visit you tomorrow because I think it is going to rain this afternoon. I am going to clean my closet and save other thinks. Almost the vacations ends so I am going to do my homework but dont worry we are going to go at the mall this weekend. I can’t wait to see you, I miss you so much!

HELLO Said, I just arrived from Monterrey, I’m going to unpack my things and then I’m going to walk through the foundry park and see what’s around the city.

I will miss you!

See you soon when the holidays end


I just arrived at Mazatlan, I’m going to unpack our bags after writing this postcard. It’s very sunny the day. Go to the beach when the sun goes down a bit. It will be very decadent. I will bring an umbrella, a hat and sunscreen. I will eat delicious seafood, and at night I will enjoy a show on the beach. I hope you someday come. See you as soon as I get back.

I’m going to miss you so much!

Hi Jeniffer,

my friends and me just arrived in Puerto Vallarta, and I am so excited because we’re going to the beach and we’re going to take a ride on a parachute pulled by a boat, later we´re going to eat to the Pipinos’s restaurant, the Marisol’s mom says it is a great place to eat seafood, that the food is very delicious. And the weather is very nice, it’s really hot now, therefore I going to wait at sunset to walk on the sand and enjoy the seaview. The girls and me staying in the beautiful Sandra’s house, I think we’re going to have a pijamada tonight.

Love U, and I can’t wait to send you photos.

Hello berenice My family and I have just arrived in Mazatlan, I’m going to unpack our bags after taking a shower. Mazatlan at this time is very sunny, but I think it will soon rain because it is predicted in the news. tomorrow we will go to the beach when the day is sunny. My family and I are going to dine out tonight. I hope you are very well see you in 15 days, take care.

hi araceli I just arrived in Ixtapa, I hope to unpack my things quickly so I can visit you. and to be able to go out for a walk, I hope you are in good health since we have not seen each other for a long time .. I hope to go to the beach for a while … to be able to enjoy the sun

well I say goodbye araceli have an excellent day bye

Hi Carlos!!! I have arrived in New York, the flight was a torture! I’m going to eat with my cousin. I just wanted to write to you before. I heard they have some delicious desserts at Magnolia Bakery, near Penn Station, it’s cold now, so I’ll go buy a nice coat, and then I’ll go skating in Central Park, but it’s very cold, the good thing I like, When we get home i going order Italian food and sleep early, because tomorrow will be a long day. I miss you! I hope to see you next month.

Your best friend Day PS You already know what to do!

Hi Sister! After the long trip, I arrived to Mazatlan. They say that there are hardly any bad climates here, but today especially it is a little cloudy but according to the forecast it going to disappear soon. I’ll going to the beach as soon as the sun comes up. It’s going to be very hot, so they recommend that you wear a blocker so you do not get burned. Later I going to walking on the beach, since I love exploring new places. At night I going to with some friends to dinner and from there I going to a party. I plan to stay a few days here and know many places. I am very happy, when I see you I plan to show you all the photos of the trip. I love you

Hi Elena. I´m very happy, I´m in Mazatlan. I´m going to buy a bikini and a umbrella, here is very hot. In the night going to dance the nigth club with my sister and her boyfriend. My brother in law tomorrow going to ask for hand the my sister. I´m so excited. The day after tomorrow, we´re going to travel in a cruise, but before we´re going to buy a camera, we´re want going to so take pictures. I´m going to miss you. See you next week.

Hi Karen, on Saturday I go on a trip to U.S. to vicitar to my family. I will take my children with me. we are going to go to with my cousins and friends. As soon as I arrive, I send you a message, you im going to miss, that you is very well. see you next Monday.

Hi Brother, how are you? I hope you are doing very well. I’m getting to cd. medero the weather, it’s very good. today at noon I will be going to the beach sayulita in case you dare to leave the university. tomorrow I will be going with my friends to the lagoon of the carpenter to enjoy a pass in boat and we will pass to see the animals that are there at last we will take a walk in the center in the tourist trolebus, then we will go to the hotel to rest and return the following day to valleys, that you are well take care we see you soon.

Hi, Sandra!

Vania and I arrived in Korea with safety. The travel was tired and so boring but we could rest in the hotel. Now we are ready to enjoy this adventure! First, we are going to get subway cards because this way we are going to can move by the city. Then we are going to visit the Han River, the SM Enterteiment building (to stalking our favourites idols) and we going to visit all posible restaurants. Of course, the most important thing is that we are going to meet with Lee and Nam; Do you remember them? The lovely girls that were exchange students last year.

Basically those are our plans to the week that we are going to spend in Korea. Few things to do but enough to us.

I am going to miss you so much! And I know that Vania is going to miss you, too (really, girls, you two must stop with your fight).

Sarangheyo! (Korean Word basic, ha.)

Hi Ildefonso, how are you? Today in the morning I arrive in Spain, in Madrid, and after unpacking my bags I sent you this postcard. I will visit several tourist places in the city and some museums, such as the “Museo del Prado”, and enjoy Spanish cuisine.

¡See you later Ildefonso! See you next week when I return to tell you about my trip. Derian Quiroz

Hi Luis: I just arrived in Russia. I’m going to go with my friends to the stadium at opening of the world cup. We´re going to buy tickets, your cousin forgot to buy them. I’m going to buy another jacket, it´s very cold. I wish you were here, we are going to lead a T-shirt, we miss you. See you in a month. PD: Maybe we´ll meet sooner, depends on the Mexican national team jaja.

Hello Aaron

We just got a hot eye and I’m going to take a bath after writing this postcard. Now it’s very cold and I’m going to prepare coffee for all of us. My family and I are going to go to the pool of this beautiful farm when it is sunny and we are also going to order a pizza. Tonight we are going to dinner to a retaurant the other families are not going to go with us.Tomorrow I’m going to go buy souvenirs. See you next week. I’m going to miss you.

Hi Gustavo! I just arrived in Cartagena! The fly was good, but it was little long. Now I´m going to go to the hotel to sleep, I’m so tired. The wheater is great here! It is very sunny and little hot. Tomorrow I´m going to the beach and in the night I´m going to have dinner toa restaurant in the “Plaza de Santo Domingo” people say that is very delicious and is a beutiful place

I´m going to buy a lot of souvenirs for you, and I´m going to take pictures of every place that im visit

I miss you, I hope see you later

Hi Gustavo! I just arrived in Cartagena! he fly was good, but it was little long. Now im going to go to the hotel to sleep, i’m so tired. T Tomorrow I´m going to the beach, the wheater is great here! It is very sunny and little hot. In the night I´m going to have dinner in a restaurant in the “Plaza de Santo Domingo” people say that is very delicious and is a beutiful place

I muss you, i hope see you later

Hi Xavier! I just got to Houston. I’m going to eat after writing this message. It’s snowing now. I’ll go shopping. I’ll bring you a coat. I’m going to order japonsea food now, my boyfriend does not feel like going out tonight. I’ll miss you a lot, I’ll see you next month.

I love you best friend

PS: When are you going on vacation?

Hello Jesus, how are you? I’m fine. I arrived in Tokyo, Japan. I’m excited because it’s my first time in Tokyo. I’m going to visit the hot springs. After sofia and I will try tokoyaki. I’m going to see Fireworks in Shibuya at night. I need to look at a beautiful yukata. Mario, Carlos, Katia and Clara are going to see a Tokyo tower. I’m not going to see it, I do not like a Tokyo tower. I’m going to travel to Kyoto next week because I need to buy souvenirs for the family. See you netx month. Bye brother

Hi Fernanda! I just arrived in Los Angeles California. I´m going to take a taxi to go to my aunt´s house. After send you this message i´mgoing to unpack my bag and eat something good here. Los Angeles so beautiful but is so hot too. When i finish my dinner, promise i will call you. See you , my tiny sister.

Hi Karla, I just arrived in Brazil. I’m going to unpack the suitcase and after that i’m going to walk arround the city. I’m going to go to the rio when the sun goes down. I’m going to have dinner at some restaurant. I’m going to miss you! See you when the vacations it’s over.

Hi brother I just arrived in Monterrey. I’m going to take a taxi to go to my aunt’s house. When I arrive I will unpack my suitcase, then tell my cousin Cinthya that we go downtown to buy some food. I’m going to stay the weekend, to watch the game of monterrey vs america. I’m going to take the bus back Monday morning. bye.

Hi sister, how are you? I’m so tired I’m in Paris’ airport right now, I’m going to arrive to Germany at 8:00 am. After send you this meessage I’m going to unpack my bag and eat something good here, then mom is going out with the dad of Pierre so I’m goint to watch a French movie. There’s so beautiful but is so cold too. When I finish my dinner I promise I will call you. See u soon. Ly. Alberto Mendoza Carballo.

hi mom I currently live in San Luis Potosi. I’m going to wait for December vacations and I’ll visit you to Mexico City along with my brother. Here the climate is calm although a little cold, soon it will arrive and I will go to the downtown trade to buy fruit to make me a rich punch. At school I’m not doing very well, but I’m going to go to the library to study a lot to improve my groin and that the teacher does not disappoint me. see you soon

Hi Mom, I just got to Guadalajara, Jalisco. I’m going to the hotel, but there’s a lot of rain here. I’m tired so I better sleep and tomorrow I will eat tacos and take bus in the center with my friends and cousins. Next Saturday I’m going to go to Tequila, Jalisco to visit my friend karla, I’m very happy. would you like me to buy you something

I love you mom.

i just arrive in Los Angeles.i´m going to unpack my bags after write this postcard. Today is a wonderful day, i´m going to visit at my uncles, after that i´m going to eat in a chinesse restaurant with my´s going to be very hot. we are goint to long beach and eat a ice cream.i´m goint to the universal studios with my aunt and going to enjoy all the atracctions.i´m goint to miss you! see you next week.

Hi Mom, I just got to Guadalajara, Jalisco. I’m going to the hotel, but there’s a lot of rain here. I’m tired so I better sleep and tomorrow I will eat and take many photos in the center with my boyfriend and friends. Next Saturday I’m going to go to Tequila, Jalisco to visit my friend Daniela, I’m very excited. would you like me to buy you something

I love you mama. With love Mery




Hi Juan I just arrived in Queretaro this morning. I’m going to take a walk around the city, then in the night I’m going to the park. Tomorrow I’m going to visit some friends I’m so excited, the city is so beatiful and the people are very friendly. I promise to send you some photos and a souvenir.

hi, Mom how are you?I hope you are well. I just arrived chiapas. I am going to arrived in the airport at 6:30 am. I am going to visit my friends. we are going to cascadas agua azul. I love you

Hi Stephany! I am currently living in San Luis Potosí. I’m going to wait for the November holiday and I’m going to visit you up to Ciudad Valles.

The weather is calm here, soon the winter will come and I’m going to go to the supermarket to buy clothes for the cold.

At school I’m not doing very well but I’m going to go to the library to study a lot to improve.

I hope to see you soon Stephany, see you later!

Hi, I just finished unpacking and get installed in my new bedroom. Bogotá is beautiful and warm, all the colors here looks brighter, someway; The city is so beauty that I forgot my sadness to leave you… Well, I stopped a minute to write you, but in a hour or so I´m going to meet my new roommate: her name is Ana. We are going to walk around the city, and she´ss gonna show me my new university. I´m so excited! Now I have to take a shower, to get dressed… and stop missing you in this horrible way. When I see you again, I will hug you like never before. Until then, with love,

Hi Kassadra, I just arrived in Houston, my mom is going to pick me up at the airport after i call her. it is very hot right now so we are going to buy some summer clothes and also i am going to bring a sunscreen. We are going to go out for dinner tomorrow because it´s my father´s birthday after the dinner we are going to go to the movies. I´m going to give him a watch for his birthday, i hope he likes it.

See you soon Kassandra¡ I´m going to miss you.

Hi Maria, I just arrived in Canada. I am going to unpack my bags after I write this postcard. It is snowing now and I think it’s going to last all day. I’m going to ski tomorrow with some friends. I am going to order a hamburger tonight. I’m going to watch a horror movie at the hotel. I’m going to miss you! See you next month.

Hi Mom, We just got to Dubai. we stayed at the Burj Al Arab, it is very nice but very expensive, we will go for caviar dinner and shopping tomorrow, greetings to all. I will miss you! See you next week.

PS: I will take many memories

xoxo. valeria

August 18, 2017

Hello Mom, I just arrived at the airport of Venice, now I’m going to address the Hotel Cavanis, it’s very spacious and with good service. The weather is a bit cold but it’s great to drink some typical beers from here. I will go to the cathedral of San Marcos and then I will go to the Bridge of Sighs. I’ll be back in a few days.

pd: I will take many photos. I love you mom you Elena

Hi Mom, I Arrived in alemania in the monday, Im goin to the job in te BMW, my job its very intersting I going Have a new Car in my bussines, and im going to practic the fuutball in te park nacional, im goingo to visit the Aanas Frank House, and im Going eat new food, i’m Going to miss you very much but ill be back in december

Love Alexis

Hi Reyna! How are you? I just arrived in Vallarta. It is very hot, I am going to go to eat seafood tomorrow with my friends, then I am going to walk on the beach and take some sun with my pet. At night I am going to go to a discoteque with my friend Johna. On Friday we are going to go shopping, I would like to buy some clothes and shoes. Love, Sam. Pd. Miss u best.

Hi Mom, I Arrived in alemania in the monday, Im goin to the job in te BMW, my job its very intersting I going Have a new Car in my bussines, and im going to practic the fuutball in te park nacional, im goingo to visit the Aanas Frank House, and im Going eat new food, i’m Going to miss you very much but ill be back in december

Hi Mom, i justs arrives in Cancun. I am going to unpack our bags after a trip around the city. When I returned to the hotel, we are going to go to the beach because it is very hot. We are going to eat at a very popular restaurant in the city.

I’m going to miss you! see you when the vacations it’s over.

Hi Adrian! i just arrive to Puebla. i am going to take a shower because in the travel was so hot, after I am go out some restaurant to have dinner, here very cold but I think tomorrow it going to more sunny.

I hope see you soon

Hi mom, i just arrived in San Antonio. I am going to the hotel but, there is a lot of traffic here. I am tired so, Tomorrow i am going to eat and take a lot of pictures at downtown. The next saturday i am going to go San Marcos to go shooping with my boyfriend, i am very excited. would you like me to buy you something?

see you later, i love you mom.

with love Iris

Hi Mom I just arrived in London England along with my brother, we arrived very tired, tomorrow we are going to go to see the tourist centers is cidudad, later that same day we are goint to eat at a restaurant where they say they make a very good pizza you are going have venosir one day, we will spend a few days here and then we will go to other touristic cities and tonight we are going to rest all night

we love you

Hi!! natalia. How are you? I hope you are fine. Well I just arrive in Dubai, the city is beautiful. I’m tire for the trip. I’m going to stay in the most luxury hotel in Dubai i don´t remember their name. Tomorrow I’m going to visit diferents places for exaple the Mezquita and maybe I´m going to take my lunch. Afternoon I¿m going to jump from te parachute on the palm, I’m going to try take many photos for you. Anf finaly I´m going to take a dinner nex to the fountain and see the ligth show. I love you and miss you 🙁

Hi jocelyn We just got to Tokyo. I will unpack our bags after writing this postcard. It’s raining now, but I think it’s going to go away in a few hours. We’ll go to the shops when the sun comes up. It will be very cool the day. I’ll bring an umbrella, a hat, in case it rains. Let’s get a pizza tonight. My girlfriend does not feel like going out to dinner tonight because we’re going to eat a lot this week. I will miss you! See you next week.

I finally arrived to Montreal. im going to unpack my bags at night. its cold now, but they say at night its worse. im going to buy food after i finish writing this letter to you. im going to use my boots, two coats, and the scarf and cap you gave me. tonight im going to go to Notre-Dame chapel and tomorrow im going to go to the old port of the city. i need to decide where i will go the rest of the week. im going to miss you a lot! see you next week. i love you PD: dont forget to watch the phone, im going to call you every night.


I just arrived in Florence. I am going to stay in a beautiful hotel. In the week i going to eat a restaurant that has delicious meal. They recommended it to me. Also i go to go the museum of Dante Alligheri. I want to meet him. And everyday at the night i go to see the stars to remember you.

Ps: I miss you. I wish you would have come with me.

See you soon :3

Hello David! How are you? I just arrived in Vallarta. It is very hot, I am going to go to eat seafood tomorrow, I have been told that they are delicious in this area, then I am going to walk on the beach and take some sun. At night I am going to go to a bar with my friend Arlene. On Friday we are going to go shopping, I would like to buy some clothes. Anyway, I want to do many things. Love, Citlalit. Pd. I am going to bring you a souvenir.

Hi baby! I just arrived in Spain, i´m goingo to unpack the suitcase and after that i´m going to walk around bar jose alfredo. I´m going to go to the muralla de ávila when, the sun goes down. I´m going to the have dinner at some spain restaurant. I´m going to the hotel! i miss you! see you the next week!

love your boyfriend.

hi arturo, I just arrive in guadalajara. I am goingo to arrive in airport at 8 pm. Today is a good night! I am going to eat for the center park in the night. I am going to walk in the city . I am going to miss you! see you later!

Love Jorge.

Hi Mayra I have just arrived in Guadalajara, after writing, my sisters will take me to breakfast in the center, and in the afternoon we will tour the city. It seems like a very sunny day. We’re going to go to the stadium in the evening.Leaving the stadium going to go to dinner tacos. To go to sleep later. On the day of tomorrow we going to spend all day in Tlaquepaque. But I’ll tell you day by day what we are doing in this week that will be very long and a lot of walking.

Love Angel I going to miss you! See you next week.

Hi Arturo, I just arrived in yucatan. I am going to take a rest, the travel was tired after I am going to go out a some restaurant to have dinner, the next day I am going to visit the pyramids, here it is cold I think tomorrow it going to more sunny.

I am going to see you the next week

Hi David! I just arrive to Guanajuato, I’m going to take a shower because in the travel was so hot. After me and my family going to see to the mommies. We going to take a delicious lunch how tortas or fast food we don’t know We are really excited because we going to stay all the week I hope see you soon

Hi arturo, I just arrived in yucatan, I am going to rest a little bit, the travel was tired after, I am going to go out some restaurant to have dinner, here is very cold but I think tomorrow it going to more sunny,

I see you the next week

Hi Mimi! how are you? i hope you are fine. i just arrived in Mazatlan, it’s beautiful!! i’m going to go to the beach after i write this cart. it’s very sunny now, its going to very hot. tomorrow i’m going to visit diferents places for example the faro, and i’m going to have a dinner at some seafood restaurant. i’m going to miss you!! love Diana

Hi yessi, how are you? We just arrived in guadalajara. I am going to have breakfast after I write this postcard. It is cold now, but I think it’s going to warm soon. We’re going to go to the wax museum, tomorrow going to go hospicio cabañas, it’s very nice. It’s going to be very cold, I’m going to bring a coat, a scarf, and hat. We’re going to dinner in restaurant tonight. I’m going to miss you! See you next week.

My mother and father send you greetings

PS: Love you sister

Hello Isaac, We just got to Rioverde. I’m going to buy some beers after writing this postcard. It’s sunny now and you crave more beers. Let’s go to the crescent later. It’s going to be very hot. I’m going to bring meat to roast and more beer. Let’s get a bottle of whiskey tonight. See you next week.



Hi sean, I´m going to visit New York on chrismas vacation, I will arrive on december 18th, my friends and I are pretending to make a reservation in two diferents hotel the first three night are arriving to Ritz-Carlton Central Park and the next three night we will be staying at Mandarin Oriental. Surely when you read this you ask yourself, why are you staying at these hotels? the answer is that we won a prize because our final project was a success. I have read about these hotels and they are extremely luxurious, I think there will be many relaxation activities in these places. And the following days, I will celebrate Christmas Day with my family that will meet me at my uncles’ house in mineapolis. I hope we can see and show me a little about your city.

Hi sean, I´m goint tom visit New York on chrismas vacation, I will arrive on december 18th, my friends and I are pretending to make a reservation in two diferents hotel the first three night are arriving to Ritz-Carlton Central Park and the next three night we will be staying at Mandarin Oriental. Surely when you read this you ask yourself, why are you staying at these hotels? the answer is that we won a prize because our final project was a success. I have read about these hotels and they are extremely luxurious, I think there will be many relaxation activities in these places. And the following days, I will celebrate Christmas Day with my family that will meet me at my uncles’ house in mineapolis. I hope we can see and show me a little about your city.

hi vicente, i just arrived in shangai, i’m going to arrive at 5:00 am, i’m very very boring for the travel but tomorrow i’m going to know the city after i going to shooping and walk arround the city. but first we will go take a shower and going to restaurant because we aren’t eat. so see you i going to write next saturday because the internet is very bad bye.

I just got to Mexico City. I’m going to unpack after writing this postcard. It’s raining now, I hope it stops raining soon. Tomorrow we will go to the volcano Nevado de Toluca. It’s going to be very cold so I’m going to put on a jacket, a hat and a scarf. Finishing unpacking I’m going to go down to the hotel restaurant for dinner, I’m very excited about this new adventure. I’ll send you many photos tomorrow. I miss you!

Hi Victor, I juts arrived to Mexico, I´m going to my hotel later I think I´m going to have luch with my friends at Mexican Restaurant Talk later, see you next week

Hello Omar I just arrived in Mexico. It’s sunny now but I think it’s going to rain. Let’s going to go to the mall with the cousins. I am going to buy shirts, taxes and keyrings for the family, then we will go to have Mexican food and finally I will go for medicines. I’m going to miss you! Love Paola

Hello I just arrived in Mexico. It’s sunny now but I think it’s going to rain. Let’s going to go to the mall with the cousins. I am going to buy shirts, taxes and keyrings for the family, then we will go to have Mexican food and finally I will go for medicines. I’m going to miss you! Love Paola

Hi Mom! I just arrived to Mexico. Tomorrow I will go to Inbursa Aquarium, I heard really good comments about that place. On Friday I will visit “Frida’s Kaloh house” and then on Saturday I will go to Six Flags to spend and have fun all the day there….I will miss you! See you soon 😘

Hi Mom! I just arrived in Mexico. Tomorrow I will go to the Inbursa Aquarium, I have heard good comments from that place. On Friday I will visit the “Frida Khalo’s house” and the Satuday I will go to Six Flags. I’m going to miss you! See you when the vacations it’s over.

Hi Daniel, how are you? Today i have arrived to the Monterrey city, it´s an amazing city, where there are a lot of architecture. Also it´s a very quiet city, whatever, I have plans for this week but tonight I’m going to go to fundidora park, I hope and you will take a time for go with us. Tomorrow we are going to go to apodaca´s comercial center, after that we are going to go to drink some beers and the Friday morning I’m going to go to the estadio universitario to see play my favorite squad. So this are my plans for these week, I hope and you could go.

Take care bro, see you.

Hi sergio, I am a little tired, I just arrived in Baja California, it is a fantastic place,there are beautiful beaches and many shops, the weather is also nice but I think it rains all week, because it is very cloudy. I’m going to settle in a hotel temporarily and I’m going to look for an apartment, I’ll be back soon, now I’m going to unpack my things, blessings, see you soon.

Hi Ceci, I just arrived in Korea. I´m going to unpack the suitcase and after that i´m going to walk around the city. I´m going to go to Han´s river when the sun goes down. I´m going to have a dinner at some korean restaurant, i wanna eat rammyun and drink some soju. I´m going to miss you! I hope that you can come soon.

Love Melissa ♥

Hello mom!, how are you? I hope you are well. I just arrived in huasteca. This place is amazing, here are many tourist attractions and many places for swim! but the hotel it’s very expensive but i have money for the month. Today I’m going to go with a cousin to have breakfast and then we go to swim to the waterfalls. I miss you so much, when I get back, we’re going to eat okay? Anyway, I’m going to unpack.

Hi mom we’re having a fantastic time here in Colombia The weather is sunny and we’re spending our days on the exploring the local area.The food is so delicious and the people there are very friendly.I promise I’m going to call you this night.

I´m miss you,Wish you were here, love you!

Hi Miley! I just arrived in Corea. It’s warm. I’m going to eat fresly made kimchi and sleep, in the morning I’m going to go to hangang park to see nice gyus and the afternoon I’m going to the palace Gyeonbokgung, I’m going to shopping to Myeong-Dong. I’m going dinner manduguk, tomorrow I’m going take a picture myself in hanbok and the rest of the week I’m going to go museums.

take care see you!!!

Hi dad, we came to Hawaii. We’re going to eat, finishing packing our bags. This is very nice today, but I think it will rain later. We will go later to walk, by the mountains. We are also going to rent a Jeep to walk, I promised Pedro that I will buy a camera. Let’s have some rich tacos for dinner. We will bring you next year, so that you may know, After this, nox we go to Cancun to know more the beach,

I love you dad

Hi sharla! I’ve just arrived to Berlin and I’m very excited I’m going to visit the Musumsinsel and going to the berliner dom. In My first weekend here in Berlin I’m going to eat a lot of German chocolate cake and candys. I’m going to take poctures and try to know new people also I’m going to buy a lot of souvenirs for everyone I Hope you doing well in México, see you soon.” Love Denisse

Hi Father! I am talking from San Luis Potosí, i am so excited to see you again. I am going to cook a cake when you get home and i am going to prepare your favorite soup. My mother is going to take the car to repair it because it doesn´t work and she wants to pick up you.

There is going to be a concert tomorrow, my siblings and i want to go but i have an exam, and they have a lot homework. However, we are going to stay home daylong. I am going to take care my nephews on weekend and my mother is going to go to church. Well, i am going to write you later, i have to study for my exam. See you Dad!

Hi Angel, I´m going to travel Cancun, i´m arrived to Cancun at 10:00am , I´m going to the beach, I´m going to swim ,I´m going to the malencon, I´m going to see boys handsome. I´m going to visit my bestfriend, i miss you

Hi Hector,I just traveled for CANCUN,I’m going to arrived to CANCUN at 9:00 pm the city is very beautiful, i’m going to the hotel for sleeping,tomorrow i’m going to the beach to swim whit dolphins ,i’m going to the disco, i’m going to the watch girls in the beach . see you when the vacation it’s over

Hi Mariana,I just traveled Miami, I´m going arrived to Miami at 10:00 pm , the city is beautiful,I´m going to hotel for sleeping,tomorrow i´m going to the beach to swim with dolphins,I´m going to the disco ,I´m going to watch the movie in the beach,I´m going i miss you bestfriend! See you when the vacations it´s over.

I just arrive in Houston. i am going to arrive in the airport at 8:00 am. It is a day cloudy but is perfect to walk.

I am going to go the football soccer, i like to watch the Dynamo FC.

I am going to take the dinner after the match. I will buy a pizza and some beer ,you recommend some restaurant.

I am going to stay in a hotel in the center. see you in this week,

Nice to meet you! bye.

Hi Itzel I just arrived in Amsterdam this morning. I´m going to take a walk around the city, then in the night I´m going to the theater. Tomorrow I´m going to visit some museums I´m so excited, the city is so beatiful and the people is very friendly. I promise send you some photos and a souvenir. love, Annel

Hi Mario, I just arrived in Tepito. I am going to unpack and after that I am going to take a shower. Tomorrow is my work’s presentation and I am very nervious, but I know everithing it’s ok. I am going to check my presentation and I am going to practice a lot, because is very important to me. Whish me luck. I’m going to miss you this weekend. Love Caro.

Hi everyone, family! The trip was a little long, but I finally arrived in London. It’s a beautiful place and the weather is very good. The first thing I will do is take a bath and then I will find a good place to eat. Tonight, I’m going to visit a friend at his house to talk about our experiences at the university. Tomorrow afternoon I’m going to go on a city tour and I’m going to drink a delicious coffe. I’m going to be here for a couple of weeks, maybe three.

Hi roy, how are you?, I`m very tired I’m in sidney’s Airport , but I finally arrived . It’s a beautiful place and the people are friendly and very smiling . I’m going to walk in the Street and I think go to the swim in the beach.

tomorrow I have others plans , I’m going meet culture of the city because is very exciting. It’s very sunny right now and hot , I’m going to ice cream in the center maybe two really is very hot. I think Later I going to the buy a gift for you. I love my friend, see you in two weeks.

Hi Marijo, I arrived this night to Mexico, I´m going to travel thid city, and i´m going to meet new people. I,m going to many theaters and i,m going to taste new food. I,m going to writing you everyday. Love, Ximena

Hello miguel, how are you? I hope you are well. I just arrived in soledad for the situation. This place is very ugly but it,s big. Today I’m going to go with a friend and play xbox. I miss you so much my friend. I hope I can see you soon and we can go out for a drink, see you later.

Hi momy I just arrived in Brazil at 8:00 am. Its a sun day, its perfect for shopping. I’m a going to the beach and the mall. I’m going to the visite yunuel. I’m going to have dinner with him, at the fabulous restautant in front of the christo redentor.

I will send you a message soon, love you mom!

Hi mom, we just arrived from puerto vallarta. I’m going to unpack. It’s a very hot day but it’s going to rain later I’ll buy an umbrella so I will not get wet. Later we will eat good fried chicken. I hope to see you soon. We have to go on vacation The whole family together. Good bye. P.D oh what to save for the trip!!!

Hi Carlos, I just arrived in germany. I am going to arrive in the airport at 2:00 p.m. It is a sunny day perfect to walk. i am going to watch the soccer game at 5:00 p.m and after I am going to take a dinner in the most popular restaurant. See you when the vacations it is over bro.

Bye Carlos.

Hi mom!, We just arrived in Querétaro. I am going to have breakfast after i write this postcard. It’s very hot in here. In a while we´re going to go to a vineyard, after we´re going to go to a Peña de Bernal. I’m going to take lots of potos and buy some things for you. See you in December! I love you!

Hi Elizabeth! How are you? I hope you are fine. I just arrive in Medellin, the city is beautiful. I’m tire for the trip. Tomorrow I’m going to visit the Botanical Garden and I´m going to go shopping. Day after tomorrow I’m going to visit the Museum of Modern Art, I’m going to try take many photos for you. And finaly I´m going to have dinner and try typical dishes of the region. I love you

Hi Jesus, how are you? I am fine. I arrived in Tokyo , Japan. I am excited because it is my frist time in tokyo. I am going to vistit hot springs. After sofia and I going to try tokoyaki. I am going to see Fireworks in Shibuya to night . I need look a beautiful yukata. Mario , Carlos , Katia and Clara are going to know a tokyo tower. I don’t go see it , Idon’t like a tokyo tower.i going to travel a Kyoto next week because I need buy memories for the family. See you netx month. Bye brother

hello daisy I’m oscar I just arrived from europe after visiting the cradle of the iberian peninsula Spain, tomorrow I’m going to go to school to take class like every day, then I’m going to go out with my partner and invite him something to ask him let’s get married, I’m anxious for that day to come

I’ll see you tomorrow, friend

ps: you’re my best friend and I’m going to frequent you, I promise

Hi Stefany! How are you? I hope you are well. I just arrived in Russia. I am going to eat after writing this letter. It is very cold now, but i can handle it to go eat. I am going to go Kazán when it stops cold. I am going to have to buy a scarf in case it snows. I am going to dinner with some friends tonight. Well, I’ll keep seding you letters, see you next year when I get back.

With Love Mitch <3

Hi Marcelo W!, I just arrived in Madrid. I’m going to shopping and after tahat i’m going to walk arround the city. I’m going to go to the Santiago Bernabeu stadium when i finish my dinner. I’m going to meet a futball players of Madrid!. See you in 3 months.

Hi Marco!I, I just arrived in Madrid. I’m going to shopping and after tahat i’m going to walk arround the city. I’m going to go to the Santiago Bernabeu stadium when i finish my dinner. I’m going to meet a futball players of Madrid!. See you in 3 months.

Hi Ulises, how are you? I hope you are doing very well. I’m getting to cd. medero the weather, it’s very good. today at noon I will be going to the beach miramar in case you dare to leave the university. tomorrow I will be going with my friends to the lagoon of the carpenter to enjoy a pass in boat and we will pass to see the animals that are there at last we will take a walk in the center in the tourist trolebus, then we will go to the hotel to rest and return the following day to valleys, that you are well take care we see you son.

Hello Jacqueline, how are you? I hope you are well. I just arrived in Tamasopo. This place is amazing, here are many tourist attractions. Today I’m going to go with a cousin to have breakfast and then we go to swim to the waterfalls. I miss you so much, when I get back, we’re going to eat okay? Anyway, I’m going to unpack. Take care!

Hi montse i went to amsterdam, the place is just amazing, it has a beautiful weather, the view it’s just increible, i am going to go to visit where they film the fault in our stars, and then i’m going to visit some other places, and at the end of the day i’m going to eat dinner at the hotel whith myself and my soul . I miss you, i’ll see you next month take care and get me a boyfriend as soon as you can, because i got my heart broken that’s why i went to travel

Hi ale! I just arrived in yucatán. I´m going to take a shower and after that I´m going to look some place to have a traditional lunch. I´m going to go to the chichén-itzá phyramids and maybe I´m goingo to have dinner with my family. I´m going to miss you, see you the next week, love you!

Hello mom,I just arrived in Spain. I am going to go to house my friend Roberto and after I am going to go to the stadium Santiago Bernabeu, I am going to watch the soccer game for the Real Madrid. Tomorrow Roberto and me are going to walk for the city and in the afternoon we are going to eat the famous saucer. I’m going to miss you! See you monday.

Hi Omar,I just arrived in Paris. I am going to unpack my bags after I write this postcard. It is cloudy now, but I think it’s going to clear up soon. I going to go to the eiffel tower. Tomorrow I’m going to visit the Notre Dame Cathedral and after maybe go to the lexembourg gardens.Before returning to home I’m going to visit to view the picasso museum and i will go to eat the famous onions soup or as they say here Soupe a L’Oignon.

See you yhe next week bye.

PS:I hope don’t forget buy a memory for you.

Hi Jose just arrived in Mexico Tomorrow I will go to the National Auditorium to the metal concert, on Wednesday I will visit the Basilica of Guadalupe and the other days I will go shopping. That you want me to take you?. regards

Hi mom, I just arrived in Paris, i arrived at 7:30 am. I’m going to unpack the suitcase and after tahat i’m going to walk arround the city it is a day cloudy is very good for walk. i am going to take the dinner after the match. I will buy a pizza and some beer ,you recommend some restaurant. Know that I am going to miss them. See you when the vacations it’s over.

Hi Diana, how are you? Im so tired I’m in Dallas’ airport, I’m going to arrived to Miami at 8:00 am. First, after of send you a meessage I’m going to unpack my bag and eat something, then my mom is going out with my aunt so I’m goint to watch some movie with my cousind. There’s so beautiful but is so hot too. When I finish my dinner I promise I will call you. See u soon. Ly. Daniel Rivera

Hello friend I’m going to travel to Colombia to visit it, visit its wonders, I’ll eat typical food, I’ll swim in its beautiful lakes and rivers, but I’ll also live the night life of this beautiful place. I hope you someday come. See you as soon as I get back.

Hi Paula. I just arrived in Zacatecas. I’m going to take my backpack and I’m going to go out of the airport. I’m going to take a taxi to the house of my parents. I’m going to take a bath and I’m going to eat a snack. So I’m going to call Tereaa and we are going to go to Galerias in Zacatecas. I’m going to miss you so much! 🙁

Love Gerardo

Hi!! Oscar. How are you? I hope you are fine. Well I just arrive in Dubai, the city is beautiful. I’m tire for the trip. I’m going to stay in the most luxury hotel in Dubai i don´t remember their name. Tomorrow I’m going to visit diferents places for exaple the Mezquita and maybe I´m going to take my lunch. Afternoon I¿m going to jump from te parachute on the palm, I’m going to try take many photos for you. Anf finaly I´m going to take a dinner nex to the fountain and see the ligth show. I love you and miss you 🙁 See you later. :v

Hi Karla what about everything? I just arrived in London, I’m very taired,I’m going to arrive in the airport at 11:30 am. It is a day cloudy but is perfect to walk. Tomorrow afternoon I’m going to go on a city tour and I’m going to drink a delicious tea (a typical drink of london). I’m going to be here for a couple of weeks, maybe three.

i am going to stay in a hotel in the center. see you in this month, bye

Hi Diana, how are you? Im so tired I’m in Dallas’ airport, I’m going to arrived to Miami at 8:00 am. First, after of send you a meessage I’m going to unpack my bag and eat something, then my mom is going out with my aunt so I’m goint to watch some movie with my cousind. There’s so beautiful but is so hot too. When I finish my dinner I promise I will call you. See u soon. Ly. Mayra Portugal

Hi everyone, family! The trip was a little long, but I finally arrived in Buenos Aires. It’s a beautiful place and the weather is very good. The first thing I will do is take a bath and then I will find a good place to eat. Tonight, I’m going to visit a friend at his house to talk about our experiences at the university. Tomorrow afternoon I’m going to go on a city tour and I’m going to drink a delicious “mate” (a typical drink of Argentina). I’m going to be here for a couple of weeks, maybe three. Know that I am going to miss them.

With love, Paula! <3

Hi chuy. We just arrived in chicago. Im going to go to the beach after i write this postcard. it is very sunny now, its going to very hot we are going to go to the beach with my cousins and friends im going to miss you see you next monday

Hi Carlos , I just arrive in Houston. i am going to arrive in the airport at 7:30 am. It is a day cloudy but is perfect to walk. i am going to go the football americano, i like to watch the Texans. i am going to take the dinner after the match. I will buy a pizza and some beer ,you recommend some restaurant.

Hi Martha! I just arrived in Paris. I’m going to unpack the suitcase and after that i’m going to walk around the city. I’m going to go to the Eiffel Tower in the afternoon and I’m going to have dinner at some french restaurant. I’m going to miss you! See you when the vacations it’s over.

Love Lulu:)

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Essay, Paragraph or Speech on “My Visit to A Market Place” Complete English Essay, Speech for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

My Visit to A Market Place

A market is the open area or building where people meet to buy and sell goods. Different goods are available for purchase in a market. Numerous markets are available in a particular city. Different kinds of goods are sold in markets. Most of the markets are placed close to residential areas for the convenience of the customers.

I had heard a lot about the oldest and busiest market called ‘Chandni Chowk’ in Old Delhi now in Central North Delhi. I had never seen it. A few days before my brother’s marriage, when my mother was going for shopping, I insisted to accompany her. However, she tried her best to discourage me from coming but I requested hard. She even told me that there would be too much crowd and a child like me may be very tired. However, I still insisted.

We started on our journey. After about two hours on the road, we reached the famous Chandni Chowk. I had heard that it was the biggest and oldest market of Delhi. I saw hundreds of men rushing up and down everywhere. It appeared as if they were hurrying for an important mission. The sight of the crowd frightened me. I started questioning myself why I chose to come here. As we proceeded towards the shops, I was impressed. Different items were kept for sale and all the shops were too crowded.

Walking through the crowd, first we went to suiting and shirting shops where we had to make bulk purchases for my brother and gifting to friends and relatives. Each shop was crowded with customers. I was confused to see huge stocks of suiting and shirting piled up in each of these shops. In every shop, salespersons were busy with the customers. While shopping in one of the shops we got some relief from the pushing on the crowded lanes.

I was once again a bit fresh and now we were looking for a good jewellery shop. I was surprised to see so many jewellery shops. I had never imagined that expensive gold items could be available in so many shops. In these lanes, we spent nearly two hours glancing into one shop to another and making selections of different gold ornaments. Seeing the fast movement of the customers in and out of the shops, my mother said that these days the sale was more than usual because of the marriage season. Moreover, the festival season was also round the corner.

After having bought several bags of clothes, jewellery and other important things, we finally stepped out from the shop. Believe me, we were almost lost in those jammed lanes and by-lanes. Finally, we had to ask someone to guide us to the main road.

Such a visit was my first experience. I was impressed to see the shops full of items and different markets for different things. Although it was a tiring day, our shopping was wonderful. This was my most interesting visit to a market.

About evirtualguru_ajaygour

essay on going to market


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Market Place: Short Essay on Visit to A Market Place

Market Place :Market Place  Last Sunday, I accompanied my mother to the central market to buy things that she needed for Diwali. When we arrived at the market, the whole market was well decorated and illuminated. All the shopkeepers had decorated their shops beautifully to welcome the customers.

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Market Place

Coming to the market simply before a festive season wasn’t a nice expertise. everybody had to shop for one thing or the opposite. Therefore, the prices of most commodities were quite high. We made our way carefully through various sections buying lights, diyas, decorative items, rangoli, flowers, etc. We also bought lots of sweets and another foodstuff. It was a crowded market. There were many street hawkers on both sides of the street. They were shouting and approaching us with requests to buy their stuff. It was getting difficult for us to avoid them.

The shopping bags we were carrying got heavier and heavier. So my mother asked me to stand at a corner with the bags. She instructed me not to move or talk to strangers. The crowd got thicker and thicker. Standing at the corner, I was observing the market. The noise and heat were increasing. I observed many parents facing difficulties in pacifying their children who were getting impatient in the crowded market.

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A Visit to a Market Short Essay

In the market , I noticed ladies who were hurrying up as it was getting late. Some people were bargaining while others were just looking at things and moving on. There were so many fancy things that were attracting me. I was waiting for my mother to come. Soon she came with some more bags in her hands. I told her about the things that I wanted to buy.

We then moved on to the other street. From there, we bought a few gifts to be given to our family and friends on Diwali . Then we came to the street that was full of food outlets. We had some snacks and fresh juice. This made us feel fresh and energetic. We then went to see other shops selling decorative items. We bought different types of lamps and lights, artificial flowers, and many other things.

As we were almost done with all the shopping, we started walking towards our car. On the way too, my mother kept buying small stuff which she liked. We had so many bags with us that we couldn’t hold them all together. We kept the bags in the car and started driving back home. It took us a long time to get out of the market as we got stuck in a traffic jam.

My mother and I were completely exhausted. On reaching home, we breathed a sigh of relief.

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498 Words Short Essay on a market scene

essay on going to market

A market place is a very busy place where people go to buy articles of their needs. It is a centre of attraction for both buyers and sellers. There is no other place in the area having so much brisk business as the market.

I always find a big crowd there. There are several shops, all decorated beautifully. Big shops look more attractive. Businessmen come here from far and wide for purchasing or selling their products. The market is always crowded with carts, horses, donkeys and camels. They come loaded with the produce of the season such as cotton, grain, oil seeds, vegetables, etc.

Whenever I visit a market I find the hawkers shouting loudly to sell their goods. They try to attract the people by several names. Generally they sing songs in praise of their goods. They face hard competition because there are several hawkers selling the same article.

As the prices of the items are not fixed, the hawkers as well as the buyers do bargain. I watch these people who feel greatly satisfied after purchasing a thing at a minimum price from the hawkers.


The market is at peak in the evening. There is not a single shop where a big crowd is not seen. Everyone seems to be in hurry. There are jewellery shops which shine brightly in the light. Cloth shops and ready-made garment shops do great business during a festival.

The hotels and restaurants are also crowded with people. Some people are seen with plates of ‘chat’ others are seen enjoying cold drinks. There is flavour of all kinds in the surrounding area. It is very difficult to drive a car in a market place.

What to talk of a car or a motorcycle sometimes it becomes difficult even to walk. On the occasion of festivals like Diwali, Dussehra and Holi the situation becomes worse. It seems all the population of the country is on the road. There is great hustle and bustle. In between the cars and motorcycles, we see those carrying different articles for sale. They create great problems as sometimes they bring the traffic at a halt resulting in loud horns from the car-drivers.

The market is really a very noisy place. One can meet all sorts of people there. There is joy and laughter on all sides. Friends welcome one another and enjoy fast foods. Some people are seen discussing politics in the light of their business.

Our markets are quite different from the markets of the western advanced countries. Our markets present a rural glimpse and fill us with a feeling that we belong to India whose soul lies in villages. It is really very pleasant to move in a market, particularly in the evening.

I always welcome those moments when I visit the market for this purpose or that. It is a place where one can see the life in so many colours. One can get valuable experiences too by visiting market and buying different commodities.

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Essay on Weekly Market | Short Information

June 11, 2020 by Study Mentor 5 Comments

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Essay on the weekly market – Essay 1


Today there are many online shopping sites such as Amazon, Flipkart, and many other shopping marts such as D-mart are in the country, but people still love to buy well in the weekly markets. Every village has it’s own unique market where they are very well organized. The markets are usually named after the day on which it’s going to hold, such as the Tuesday market, Sunday market, etc. In these markets, you will find all shops for daily needs items such as clothes, utensils, etc. These markets are held on a particular day of the week, and it starts at 4 pm and ends at 10 pm. The people from the neighboring areas and some people come from long distances to come to buy the necessary things for a week and come again next week on the same day at the same time. 

These markets are not only held in villages, towns but also in big cities too. The products in these markets are very cheaper, so it will help the weaker section and the middle class. Most of the shop owners are sold at their home. The employee is their family members to run this shop. They don’t hire anyone outside of the family members. In these markets, the customers have an option to choose the shop due to this. The seller reduces the price of the product to attract more customers. 

These markets are held from centurions, and people buy the goods which are sufficient for one week so to reducing the go-to shop on a regular day. In this weekly market, people buy bakery items, so the shop keepers keep freshly baked cakes, biscuits, cream rolls, and pastries. Vegetables and fruits vendor has a more significant portion in these markets. These market shop vendors also sell jewelry and imitating jewelry. This shop has a large crowd in front of these shops. 

About Weekly markets

The Weekly market is held on a particular day and for a limited time every week. These markets are generally held at 4 pm and end it in late evenings. The place where the market is held is left and cleaned by midnight. In the morning you don’t find any evidence that there was a market at this place yesterday. These markets are very much awaited by the people. Some people started making a list of items as the day nearby. In this market, the shops of utensils, clothing, vegetables, fruits, footwear, and furniture. The people only find fresh vegetables and fruits in the weekly markets. The market is essential for both shop owners and customers because the people will get the best product, and the shop owners get a better price for the product. The shop keeper is eagerly waiting for the market open. They sell every product until the stocks are over and again fill the stock for the next week. This never-ending process of shop owners and buyers. This market brings enjoyment to the place where it’s held. The markets are essential for people where they buy the product and necessary items for the week. 

The Advantages of the weekly market

One place to buy all your need: .

All the products and eatables are available in one place. The customers don’t have to go to different shops to buy different items. That saves customers time and money. In this market, the customers can buy vegetables, fruits, and daily necessitates and others such as footwear and cosmetics to furniture. 

This market, the shop of a very category, has at least five and more shops. The people come across the village and shop in this market. The people have a lot of choice of shop present in the market. 


The market is highly convenient for customers. The shop owner and customer are highly convinced by each other. For shop owners to get the right price and customers to less price compared to the markets.

The shop owner sells at a lower price because they don’t have to pay any rents and electrical bills.

These markets have various shops that are temporarily made for this day, and soon it’s complete easily removed form that place.

The disadvantages of the weekly market

  • In this market, there is a lack of cleanliness
  • This markets over crow due the police has to manage people and divert the traffic of the particular region 
  • The markets have some pocket thieves and ready to cut pockets of customers
  • The products are placed on the ground.

 The Measures to take care while purchasing in the weekly market

  • Always drive with great attention because there are chances of accidents 
  • Bargain with shop keeper until you get the best price of the product 
  • Be aware of the product you are going to buy because some hawkers sell cheap stuff or also try to fool you by saying it branded especially for clothes and undergarments
  • Go Inside the market by walk because the place is crowed by people and it creates fuss in the area
  • Check your pockets frequently because there are chances of getting robbed by pocket thieves 
  • Always check the MRP and Check expiry dates of packed goods 

These markets are only seen in India. There are no such markets in western countries. The customers of these markets are very sophisticated, patience, and spend a large amount of money. The markets have become Indian Culture. Foreign people come to the market and buy some products to take with them to their countries. In this market, you can find bakery items such as fresh cakes and bread, which are consumed by customers in the morning and evenings. On the occasion of festivals such as Diwali, Holi, Dussehra, these markets are opened as usual but also send necessary things requires to perform a pooja. During Diwali, you find firecrackers shop in this market. During Holi this market, you will find shops that are selling different types of colors. The traditional weekly markets are to be preserved and maintained by the government so that the weekly market exits for our future ones. The weekly markets have been in the history of our country and will remain in the future too.

Essay on the weekly market – Essay 2

Weekly market is supposed to hold every week of a month. Every place have their own market adjustable to them, some organise Sunday market, some Tuesday market, some Wednesday etc.

These markets are to buy different things of our daily needs like clothes, utensils, etc.

These weekly markets are generally held on particular day of a week at a particular location, and generally start at mid afternoon about 4 pm and ends at night 10 pm.

People from nearby areas come to visit this market to buy their daily necessities every week, some come to eat some street food.

These markets are held in cities and as well as in villages too, to meet the people requirements.

They sell their product at much cheaper rates so that lower middle class and poor people can also afford these items.

Ways to sell Goods

Shopkeepers try to sell their goods as much as possible so that they can buy new products or fashion next week.

Every shopkeeper has their own criteria to bargain and sell.

Shopkeeper selling clothes squats a piece of cloth which generally costumer like and spread it on ground to show its colour and quality and then bargain , shopkeeper selling utensils shows new type of utensils to reduce the wastage of time or by selling useful utensils .

Shopkeeper selling jewels are generally artificial and affordable and they look great.

Almost every shop is same and there’s a lot of crowd at every shop.

There is almost every shop from groceries to clothes at affordable price. There are many hawkers standing on the roads too to sell some small items.

It’s a great business for those who are new in their business, and they spend short span of time to earn more money as people have to spend less money and time on these goods.

Some of the disadvantages of these markets are

  • They create traffic jams across the roads.
  • Some beautiful products are lying on the ground
  • They don’t use scales or measurement tapes to measure a cloth.
  • Cleanliness is not at all care of.

These shops are temporary (for a day). Snack shops are mostly crowded specially by ladies and children.

Measures to be taken care of

  • Drive slowly in these areas.
  • Take care of your wallets as there are many thieves roaming around.
  • Tricks to bargain should be good enough.

Hawkers there shout loudly to sell their product .They try to sell their goods in a musical ways like by singing songs or pronouncing unique words or several names.

They also face many competitors to sell the good as there are many hawkers around selling same goods.

These are crowded place so there is no use to take vehicles inside the market, they only create more fuss. So better to walk and then buy goods.

On occasions like Diwali, Holi, Dusshera these places become more and more crowded. The shopkeepers sell their goods in bulk that is benefitted for both shopkeepers and customers.

Some hawkers don’t have carts to sell their good; they use their vehicles to sell specially clothes which could make situation worse in market.

These markets are only possible in India, these markets are not like western markets i.e. Sophisticated, patience, high amount of money to spend .These market shows the Indian culture too.

The crowded scene is very interesting to watch. All shop in the ground in a circle shape and the public is between them to buy different things.

These colourful shop are the centre of attraction for buyers as well as sellers. The market at my places is very crowded. Hawkers sell snacks like namkeen, biscuits.

They also sell fresh breads, cupcakes which are very tasty to eat for an evening or morning snack.

They clean the area after the market and before the market so to make area environment friendly.

We all always like to visit these kinds of markets to give a pleasant feeling. There are so many wonderful colours one can see in these types of places.

One can cheaply buy goods from this market and create an experience to tackle the small problems with ease.

Reader Interactions

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April 26, 2020 at 11:23 pm

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May 17, 2020 at 12:23 pm

👌👍the essay was good

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May 20, 2020 at 9:37 am

Hii Thanks Nice Paragraphs

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July 14, 2020 at 8:21 pm

Nice try! But many more grammatical errors… YOU NEED TO WORK ON IT!!!

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March 30, 2022 at 8:59 pm

Nice essay👍🏻👍🏻good

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Opinion Guest Essay

This Is Peak College Admissions Insanity

Credit... Illustrations by Pete Gamlen

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By Daniel Currell

Mr. Currell, a lawyer and consultant, was a deputy under secretary and senior adviser at the Department of Education from 2018 to 2021. He is a trustee of Gustavus Adolphus College.

  • May 1, 2024

Selective college admissions have been a vortex of anxiety and stress for what seems like forever, inducing panic in more top high school seniors each year. But the 2023-24 admissions season was not just an incremental increase in the frantic posturing and high-pressure guesswork that make this annual ritual seem like academic Hunger Games. This year was different. A number of factors — some widely discussed, some little noticed — combined to push the process into a new realm in which the old rules didn’t apply and even the gatekeepers seemed not to know what the new rules were.

It happened, as these things often do, first gradually and then all at once.

It started with a precipitous rise in the number of people clamoring to get in. The so-called Ivy-Plus schools — the eight members of the Ivy League plus M.I.T., Duke, Chicago and Stanford — collectively received about 175,000 applications in 2002. In 2022, the most recent year for which totals are available, they got more than 590,000, with only a few thousand more available spots.

The quality of the applicants has risen also. In 2002, the nation produced 134 perfect ACT scores ; in 2023 there were 2,542 . Over the same period, the United States — and beyond it, the world — welcomed a great many more families into the ranks of the wealthy, who are by far the most likely to attend an elite college. Something had to give.

The first cracks appeared around the rules that had long governed the process and kept it civilized, obligating colleges to operate on the same calendar and to give students time to consider all offers before committing. A legal challenge swept the rules away, freeing the most powerful schools to do pretty much whatever they wanted.

One clear result was a drastic escalation in the formerly niche admissions practice known as early decision.

Then Covid swept through, forcing colleges to let students apply without standardized test scores — which, as the university consultant Ben Kennedy says, “tripled the number of kids who said to themselves, ‘Hey, I’ve got a shot at admission there.’” More applications, more market power for the schools and, for the students, an ever smaller chance of getting in.

Last year, the Supreme Court’s historic decision ending race-based affirmative action left colleges scrambling for new ways to preserve diversity and students groping in the dark to figure out what schools wanted.

Finally, this year the whole financial aid system exploded into spectacular disarray. Now, a month after most schools sent out the final round of acceptances, many students still don’t have the information they need to determine if they can afford college. Some will delay attending, and some will forgo it entirely, an outcome that will have lasting implications for them and, down the line, for the economy as a whole.

These disparate changes had one crucial thing in common: Almost all of them strengthened the hand of highly selective colleges, allowing them to push applicants into more constricted choices with less information and less leverage. The result is that elite admissions offices, which have always tried to reduce the uncertainty in each new year’s decisions, are now using their market power to all but eliminate it. This means taking no chances in pursuit of a high yield, the status-bestowing percentage of admitted students who enroll. But low uncertainty for elite colleges means the opposite for applicants — especially if they can’t pay the full tuition rate.

Canh Oxelson, the executive director of college counseling at the Horace Mann School in New York, says: “This is as much uncertainty as we’ve ever seen. Affirmative action, the FAFSA debacle, test-optionality — it has shown itself in this one particular year. Colleges want certainty, and they are getting more. Families want certainty and they are getting less.”

In 2024, the only applicants who could be certain of an advantage were those whose parents had taken the wise precaution of being rich.

An illustration showing one student buried under a huge pile of books and another playing football while holding some books under his arm.

The Early Bird Gets the Dorm

For Ivy Wydler, an elite college seemed like an obvious destination, and many of her classmates at Georgetown Visitation Preparatory School in Washington, D.C., were headed along the same trajectory. After her sophomore year of high school, she took the ACT and got a perfect score — on her first try, a true rarity. Her grades were stellar. So she set her sights high, favoring “medium to big schools, and not too cold.”

Touring campuses, she was dazzled by how great and exciting it all seemed. Then she visited Duke, and something clicked. She applied in the binding early decision round.

It’s a consequential choice. Students can do so at only one college, and they have to promise to attend if accepted, before knowing what the school’s financial aid offer will be. That means there is at least a chance an applicant will be on the hook for the full cost, which at Duke is $86,886 for the 2024-25 year. Students couldn’t be legally compelled to attend if they couldn’t afford it, but by the time they got the news, they would have already had to withdraw their other applications.

If full tuition isn’t a deal killer, as it wouldn’t be for Ivy’s family, the rewards are considerable. This year, just over 54,000 high school seniors vied to be one of only 1,750 members of Duke’s incoming class. The 6,000 who applied in the early decision round were three times as likely to get in as the 48,000 who applied later.

Until recently, early decision was a narrow pathway — an outlier governed, like the rest of this annual academic mating season, by a set of mandatory practices laid out by the National Association for College Admission Counseling, which is made up of college admissions officers and high school counselors. Those rules said, for example, that colleges couldn’t recruit a student who was already committed to another school or actively encourage someone to transfer. Crucially, the rules said that colleges needed to give students until May 1 to decide among offers (noting early decision, which begins and ends in the fall, as a “recognized exception”).

The Justice Department thought those rules ran afoul of the Sherman Antitrust Act, which bars powerful industries from colluding to restrain competition. At the end of 2019, NACAC agreed to a settlement mandating that the organization “promptly abolish” several of the rules and downgrade the rest to voluntary guidelines. Now, if they chose to, colleges had license to lure students with special offers or benefits, to aggressively poach students at other schools and to tear up the traditional admissions calendar.

At that point, nothing restrained colleges from going all in on early decision, a strategy that allows them to lock in students early without making any particular commitments about financial aid. Of the 735 first-year students that Middlebury College enrolled last year, for example, 516 were admitted via binding early decision. Some schools have a second round of early decision, and even what amounts to an unofficial third round — along with an array of other application pathways, each with its own terms and conditions.

With the rules now abandoned, colleges got a whole new bag of tricks. For example, a school might call — at any time in the process — with a one-time offer of admission if you can commit on the spot to attend and let go of all other prospects. Hesitate and it’s gone, along with your chances in subsequent rounds. “We hear about colleges that are putting pressure on high school seniors to send in a deposit sooner to get better courses or housing options,” says Sara Harberson, the founder of Application Nation, a college advising service.

To inform these maneuvers, colleges lean on consultants who analyze applicant demographics, qualifications, financial status and more, using econometric models. High school seniors think this is checkers, but the schools know it’s chess. This has all become terrifying for students, who are first-time players in a game their opponents invented.

Application season can be particularly intimidating for students who, unlike Ivy, did not grow up on the elite college conveyor belt. When Rania Khan, a senior in Gorton High School in Yonkers, N.Y., was in middle school, she and her mother spent two years in a shelter near Times Square. Since then she and her younger brother have been in the foster system. Despite these challenges, she has been a superb student. In ninth grade, Rania got an internship at Google and joined a research team at Regeneron, a biotechnology company. She won a national award for her study of how sewage treatment chemicals affect river ecosystems. Looking at colleges, she saw that her scores and credentials matched with those of students at the very top schools in the country.

One of the schools she was most drawn to was Barnard. “I like that it’s both a small college and” — because it’s part of Columbia — “a big university. There are a lot of resources, and it’s a positive environment for women,” she said. And it would keep her close to her little brother.

Barnard now fills around 60 percent of its incoming class in the early decision round, giving those students a massive admissions advantage. It would have been an obvious option for Rania, but she can’t take any chances financially. She applied via the general decision pool, when instead of having a one in three chance, her odds were one in 20.

Officially, anyone can apply for early decision. In practice it’s priority boarding for first-class passengers.

Unstandardized Testing

When selective colleges suspended the requirement for standardized testing, it didn’t really seem like a choice; because of the pandemic, a great many students simply couldn’t take the tests. The implications, however, went far beyond mere plague-year logistics.

The SAT was rolled out in 1926 as an objective measure of students’ ability, absent the cultural biases that had so strongly informed college admissions before then. It’s been the subject of debate almost ever since. In 1980, Ralph Nader published a study alleging that the standardized testing regimen actually reinforced racial and gender bias and favored people who could afford expensive test prep. Many educators have come back around to regarding the tests as a good predictor of academic success, but the matter is far from settled.

Remarkably, students still take the exams in the same numbers as before the pandemic, but far fewer disclose what they got. Cindy Zarzuela, an adviser with the nonprofit Yonkers Partners in Education who works with Rania and about 90 other students, said all her students took the SAT this year. None of them sent their scores to colleges.

These days, Cornell, for example, admits roughly 40 percent of its incoming class without a test score. At schools like the University of Wisconsin or the University of Connecticut , the percentage is even higher. In California, schools rarely accept scores at all, being in many cases not only test-optional, but also “test-blind.”

The high-water mark of test-optionality, however, was also its undoing.

Applicants tended to submit their scores only if they were above the school’s reported median, a pattern that causes that median to be recalibrated higher and higher each year. When Cornell went test-optional, its 25th percentile score on the math SAT jumped from 720 to 750. Then it went to 760. The ceiling is 800, so standardized tests had begun to morph from a system of gradients into a yes/no question: Did you get a perfect score? If not, don’t mention it.

The irony, however, was that in the search for a diverse student body, many elite colleges view strong-but-not-stellar test scores as proof that a student from an underprivileged background could do well despite lacking the advantages of the kids from big suburban high schools and fancy prep schools. Without those scores, it might be harder to make the case .

Multiply that across the board, and the result was that test-optional policies made admission to an elite school less likely for some diverse or disadvantaged applicants. Georgetown and M.I.T. were first to reinstate test score requirements, and so far this year Harvard, Yale, Brown, Caltech, Dartmouth and Cornell have announced that they will follow. There may be more to come.

The Power of No

On Dec. 14, Ivy got an answer from Duke: She was rejected.

She was in extremely good company. It’s been a while since top students could assume they’d get into top schools, but today they get rejected more often than not. It even happens at places like Northeastern, a school now ranked 53rd in the nation by U.S. News & World Report — and not long ago, more than 100 slots lower than that. It spends less per student on instruction than the Boston public schools .

“There’s no target school anymore and no safety school,” says Stef Mauler , a private admissions coach in Texas. “You have to have a strategy for every school you apply to.”

Northeastern was one of the 18 other schools Ivy applied to, carefully sifting through various deadlines and conditions, mapping out her strategy. With Duke out of the picture, her thoughts kept returning to one of them in particular: Dartmouth, her father’s alma mater. “My mom said, ‘Ivy, you love New Hampshire. Look at Dartmouth.’ She was right.” She had wanted to go someplace warm, but the idea of cold weather seemed to be bothering her less and less.

Meanwhile Rania watched as early decision day came and went, and thousands of high school seniors across the country got the best news of their lives. For Rania, it was just another Friday.

A Free Market in Financial Aid

In 2003, a consortium of about 20 elite colleges agreed to follow a shared formula for financial aid, to ensure that they were competing for students on the merits, not on mere dollars and cents. It sounds civilized, but pricing agreements are generally illegal for commercial ventures. (Imagine if car companies agreed not to underbid each other.) The colleges believed they were exempt from that prohibition, however, because they practiced “ need-blind ” admissions, meaning they don’t discriminate based on a student’s ability to pay.

In 2022, nine current and former students from an array of prestigious colleges filed a class-action antitrust lawsuit — later backed by the Justice Department — arguing that the consortium’s gentlemanly agreement was depriving applicants of the benefits of a free market. And to defang the defense, they produced a brilliant argument: No, these wealthy colleges didn’t discriminate against students who were poor, but they sure did discriminate in favor of students who were rich. They favored the children of alumni and devoted whole development offices to luring the kinds of ultrarich families that affix their names to shiny new buildings. It worked: Early this year, Brown, Columbia, Duke, Emory and Yale joined the University of Chicago in conceding , and paying out a nine-figure settlement. (They deny any wrongdoing.) Several other schools are playing on, but the consortium and its rules have evaporated.

This set schools free to undercut one another on price in order to get their preferred students. It also gave the schools a further incentive to push for early decision, when students don’t have the ability to compare offers.

For almost anyone seeking financial aid, from the most sought-after first-round pick to the kid who just slid under the wire, the first step remained the same: They had to fill out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid form, or FAFSA.

As anyone knows who’s been through it — or looked into the glassy eyes of someone else who has — applying for financial aid can be torture at the best of times. This year was the worst of times, because FAFSA was broken. The form, used by the government to determine who qualifies for federal grants or student loans, and by many colleges to determine their in-house financial aid, had gotten a much-needed overhaul. But the new version didn’t work , causing endless frustration for many families, and convincing many others not even to bother. At mid-April, finished FAFSA applications were down 29 percent compared with last year.

“The FAFSA catastrophe is bigger than people realize,” says Casey Sacks , a former U.S. Department of Education official and now the president of BridgeValley Community and Technical College in West Virginia, where 70 percent of students receive federal funds.

Abigail Garcia , Rania’s classmate and the 2024 valedictorian of their school, applied to in-state public colleges as well as Ivies. She couldn’t complete the FAFSA, however, because it rejected her parents’ information, the most common glitch. She has financial aid offers from elite schools, all of which use a private alternative to the government form, but she can’t weigh them against the public institutions, because they are so severely delayed.

For most students, 2024’s FAFSA crisis looks set to take the uncertainty that began last fall and drag it into the summer or beyond. “That’s going to reduce the work force in two to four years.” Ms. Sacks says. “FAFSA completions are a pretty good leading indicator of how many people will be able to start doing the kinds of jobs that are in highest demand — registered nurses, manufacturing engineers, those kinds of jobs.”

As the FAFSA problem rolls on, it could be that for the system as a whole, the worst is still to come.

Can Any of This Be Fixed?

On the numbers, elite college applicants’ problems are a footnote to the story of college access. The Ivy-Plus schools enroll less than 1 percent of America’s roughly 15 million undergraduates . If you expand the pool to include all colleges that are selective enough to accept less than a quarter of applicants, we’re still talking about only 6 percent of undergraduates. The easiest way to alleviate the traffic jam at the top is to shift our cultural focus toward the hundreds of schools that offer an excellent education but are not luxury brands.

Luxury brand schools, however, have real power. In 2023, 15 of 32 Rhodes scholars came from the Ivies, nine from Harvard alone. Twenty of this year’s 38 Supreme Court clerks came from Harvard or Yale. If elite colleges’ selection process is broken, what should we do to fix it?

Here’s what we can’t do: Let them go off and agree on their own solution. Antitrust law exists to prevent dominant players from setting their own rules to the detriment of consumers and competitors.

Here’s what we won’t do: Legislate national rules that govern admissions. Our systems are decentralized and it would take a miracle for Congress not to make things worse.

But here’s what we can do: Hold the schools accountable for their processes and their decisions.

Institutions that receive federal funds — which include all elite colleges — should be required to clearly state their admissions criteria. Admissions as currently practiced are designed to let schools whose budgets run on billions of taxpayers dollars do whatever they want. Consider Stanford’s guidance to applicants: “In a holistic review, we seek to understand how you, as a whole person, would grow, contribute and thrive at Stanford, and how Stanford would, in turn, be changed by you.” This perfectly encapsulates the current system, because it is meaningless.

Colleges should also not be allowed to make anyone decide whether to attend without knowing what it will actually cost, and they should not be allowed to offer better odds to those who forgo that information. They should not offer admissions pathways tilted to favor the rich, any more than they should offer pathways favoring people who are white.

It just shouldn’t be this hard. Really.

The Envelope Please …

Ivy has the highest academic qualifications available inside the conventional system, and her family can pay full tuition. Once upon a time, she would have had her pick of top colleges. Not this year.

Over the course of the whole crazy admissions season, the school she had come to care about most was Dartmouth.

Along with the other seven Ivies, Dartmouth released this year’s admissions decisions online on March 28, at 7 p.m. Eastern. Ivy was traveling that day, and as the moment approached, she said, “I was on the bed in my hotel room, just repeating, ‘People love me for who I am, not what I do. People love me for who I am, not what I do.’”

She was rejected by Duke, Vanderbilt, Stanford, Columbia and the University of Southern California, where Operation Varsity Blues shenanigans could once guarantee acceptance but, as Ivy discovered, a perfect score on the ACT will not. She landed on the wait list at Northeastern. She was accepted by Michigan and Johns Hopkins. And Ivy was accepted at both her parents’ alma maters: the University of Virginia and Dartmouth, where she will start in September.

For Rania, the star student with an extraordinary story of personal resilience, the news was not so good. At Barnard, she was remanded to the wait list. Last year only 4 percent of students in that position were eventually let in. N.Y.U. and the City University of New York’s medical college put her on the wait list, too.

A spot on a wait list tells applicants that they were good enough to get in. By the time Rania applied to these schools, there just wasn’t any room. “It was definitely a shock,” she said. “What was I missing? They just ran out of space — there are so many people trying to get into these places. It took two weeks to adjust to it.”

She did get lots of other good news, a sheaf of acceptances from schools like Fordham and the University at Albany. But then came the hardest question of all: How to pay for them? Some offered her a financial aid package that would leave her on the hook for more money than undergraduates are allowed to take out in federal student loans. Even now, some colleges haven’t been able to provide her with financial aid information at all.

Rania had all but settled on Hunter College, part of the City University system. It’s an excellent school, but a world away from the elite colleges she was thinking about when she started her search. Then at almost the last moment, Wesleyan came through with a full ride and even threw in some extra for expenses. Rania accepted, gratefully.

For Rania, the whole painful roller coaster of a year was over. For so many other high school seniors, the year of broken college admissions continues.

Daniel Currell, a lawyer and consultant, was a deputy under secretary and senior adviser at the Department of Education from 2018 to 2021. He is a trustee of Gustavus Adolphus College.

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Commercial property insurance trends and how to navigate the new market.

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Denise Perlman is President of National Business Insurance at Marsh McLennan Agency , a Marsh McLennan company.

As we continue through 2024, the property insurance market is showing slight signs of improvement. However, businesses still find themselves at a crossroads due to various factors. Commercial property stakeholders looking to become more resilient over the coming months will need to understand the major insurance market trends to navigate the industry's complexities during this unique time.

Trends Influencing Commercial Property Insurance Rates

My organization conducted an internal review of the property insurance market, which was published as the Marsh McLennan Agency’s 2024 Commercial Property Trends report. In it, we found that three significant trends may shape the property insurance landscape: increased losses driven by historically non-modeled secondary perils, rising reinsurance costs, and underinsured properties.

Non-Modeled Perils Impact On Rates

The rise in secondary catastrophe perils, such as flooding, hail, wind, freezing temperatures and others, with little predictability, has impacted property portfolios. Additionally, high-magnitude catastrophe losses, supply chain challenges and continued rising inflation further complicate the landscape.

These challenges may directly affect the cost of commercial property coverage and insurance, leading insurers to adopt a stricter risk appetite. Population growth in high-risk areas like coastlines and urban forests is becoming a major factor in loss trends.

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In our study, we found that those with significant exposures and sustained losses could anticipate significant rate increases ranging from 50% to 100%. This is a historical look back at our experience during Q4 2023. However, it’s not likely to change for organizations with significant catastrophe risk exposures coupled with sustained loss activity going through 2024.

Changes To Underwriting Practices

Despite the challenges, the market displays enhanced stability, marking the first time in six years. There is a modest growth in investment and capital , attributed to the increased market capacity and underwriting interest from carriers. However, this stabilization must align with the growing need for comprehensive property coverage and higher limits.

While rates may decrease, conservative underwriting practices will persist as a more sustainable norm is established. Even more, the exact frequency and severity of catastrophic storms and secondary perils throughout the year are unknown and could reverse any signs of improvement we are seeing.

Insurers have started to change their risk selection criteria, resulting in increased competition and urgency to quote new business for acceptable risks. In Q4 2023, rate increases averaged 11% for larger risks and even higher for accounts with loss history challenges or catastrophic exposure.

How To Effectively Navigate The Commercial Property Insurance Market

The combination of challenges and other obstacles affecting the market emphasizes the need to proactively reassess risk exposure and coverage expectations. In this evolving landscape, commercial policyholders can take several steps to navigate the property insurance market effectively.

1. Choose knowledgeable brokers and partners.

It is crucial to select brokers and partners who understand the market and its cycles. Strategic partners will go the extra mile by sharing industry knowledge and being transparent about current challenges. Finding the right industry specialization is critical when working with a partner, as they can help you overcome the challenges a more generalized broker might overlook.

When partnering with a broker, look for:

• A local presence supported by global experts.

• Broad market access.

• Innovative, actionable analytics and modeling capabilities.

• Industry-specific proprietary and bespoke products and solutions.

• Those with a holistic view of industry-specific emerging trends beyond insurance.

• Full engagement with industry associations.

• An understanding of compliance and regulatory concerns at the state and federal levels.

• Creative strategies to manage increasing costs.

• The ability to scale and grow with client needs.

• Risk control and claims advocacy industry expertise.

• A partner that provides options and doesn't use a "one size fits all" approach.

2. Craft Cohesive Underwriting Submissions

A grasp of the market and the current heightened level of underwriter scrutiny allows businesses and their brokers to convey their narratives effectively. Policyholders can increase their chances of securing favorable terms by presenting a compelling underwriting submission.

A quality submission:

• Is well-organized, is complete and has accurate data.

• Highlights of any and all superior risk attributes.

• Includes insights from site inspections.

• Provides a thorough explanation of the valuation methodology utilized and why it might be better than baseline assumptions.

• Includes a detailed loss history.

• Anticipates and addresses concerns, including program design issues.

• Foster strong relationships with insurers.

Every risk is unique, and direct business involvement can build trust and confidence with domestic and global insurance carriers. Establishing a strong relationship with insurers can lead to a better understanding of specific risk profiles. Get to know your underwriters well. Meet with them regularly, build strong relationships, and make them part of the team.

3. Implement A Seamless Go-to-market Timeline

Transparency should start long before the renewal process (at least a few months) and extend throughout the policy's life. This approach allows for more informed decisions and ensures that policyholders are well-prepared for any changes or challenges that may arise.

Ultimately, as the property insurance market in 2024 presents unique challenges, stakeholders must stay informed and proactive. Commercial policyholders can navigate this complex landscape and emerge more resilient by understanding the key market trends and implementing effective strategies. Choosing knowledgeable partners, fostering strong relationships with insurers, and exploring alternative options will be instrumental in mitigating risks and securing comprehensive coverage.

Forbes Finance Council is an invitation-only organization for executives in successful accounting, financial planning and wealth management firms. Do I qualify?

Denise Perlman

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