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duke fuqua mba essay questions

August 15, 2023

Duke Fuqua MBA Essay Tips and Deadlines [2023 – 2024]

duke fuqua mba essay questions

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Leadership, teamwork, and ethics are essential elements of the Duke Fuqua MBA , which is why you’ll need to make sure you express your passion for these qualities in your application essays. Impress the Fuqua adcom by positioning yourself as an innovative leader and team player, as someone who can see the big picture, work collaboratively, and shape global business. To learn more about the school, listen to our podcast interview with Shari Hubert, Duke Fuqua’s associate dean of admissions .

Ready to get to work on your Duke Fuqua application? Read on. 

Duke Fuqua application essay tips

Duke fuqua application deadlines, duke fuqua class profile.

You’ll need to provide your thoughts on one short answer question and two longer essay questions as part of your application . Instructions for all written submissions:

  • Responses should use 1.5-line spacing and a font size no smaller than 10-point.    
  • Do not repeat the question in the document you upload with your application as this will cause the essay to be flagged for plagiarism.    
  • Respond fully and concisely.    
  • Length requirements vary by question and are detailed below.
  • Responses must be completed before submitting your application.

All submissions are scanned using plagiarism detection software. Plagiarism is considered a cheating violation within the Honor Code and will not be tolerated in the admissions process.

Required short-answer essay question

Instructions: Answer the following question in 100 words. What are your post-MBA career goals? Share with us your first-choice career plan and your alternate plan.

What’s your professional direction? And if you cannot progress in your career in the most direct way, what is another way of reaching your desired destination? Since you are dealing with a 100-word maximum, you will have to think long before you start drafting and then write succinctly to get your point across. 

Required essay #1 (25 random things about yourself)

The ‘Team Fuqua’ spirit and community is one of the things that sets the MBA experience apart, and it is a concept that extends beyond the student body to include faculty, staff, and administration. Please share with us “25 Random Things” about you. The Admissions Committee wants to get to know YOU – beyond the professional and academic achievements listed in your resume and transcript. Share with us important life experiences, your hobbies, achievements, fun facts, or anything that helps us understand what makes you who you are. Your list will be limited to 2 pages (750 words maximum). Please present your response in list form, numbered 1 to 25. Some points may be brief, while others may be longer.

Have some fun with this list. It certainly allows for a more creative approach than most essay prompts permit. Note that the question asks you to go “beyond the professional and academic achievements listed in your resume and transcript.” So, you can list your Pez collection or perhaps your brief membership in a rock band, or the fact that you took violin from ages 6 to 18, your membership in a gospel choir, your volunteer work in a hospital, your needlepoint, your favorite recipe or photo. Gosh – the list is endless. Just let it reflect you. Think of this list as an introduction to potential friends.

Watch: Shari Hubert, Associate Dean of Admissions at Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business on How to answer the 25 Random Things Question:

Required essay #2 (The Fuqua community and you)

Fuqua prides itself on cultivating a culture of engagement. Our students enjoy a wide range of student-led organizations that provide opportunities for leadership development and personal fulfillment, as well as an outlet for contributing to society. Our student-led government, clubs, centers, and events are an integral part of the student culture and to the development of leaders. Based on your understanding of the Fuqua culture, what are 3 ways you expect to contribute at Fuqua? Your response will be limited to 1 page (500 words maximum).

Do your homework about Fuqua (and yourself) before responding to this question. What activities and groups appeal to you? How do you see yourself participating? Making a difference? Imagine how you would take part, collaborate, and sometimes lead. While you can reference similar activities in the past, keep the focus of this essay on what you would do at Fuqua, and choose three activities/groups that most appeal to you.

One approach to responding to this question is to address a letter to a close friend or colleague and tell them how you would contribute to this very participatory culture. That letter could easily morph into this essay.

Optional essay #3 (Tell us more)

If you feel there are circumstances of which the admissions committee should be aware, please explain them here (e.g. unexplained gaps in work, choice of recommenders, inconsistent or questionable academic performance). Note that you should NOT upload additional essays nor additional recommendations in this area. The Optional Information section is intended to provide the admissions committee with insight into your circumstances only. Your response will be limited to 1 page (500 words maximum).

Why isn’t your current supervisor writing your rec? Why is there a six-month gap on your resume? Why did your grades dip during the first semester of your senior year? What are your responsibilities at your family business after leaving a prestigious investment bank, and why did you make that change? If these questions aren’t addressed elsewhere in your application, answering any of them (but hopefully not all) could be the focus of your optional essay.

International applicants should apply in Early Action, Round 1, and Round 2 to allow time for visa processing.

Source: Duke Fuqua website

***Disclaimer: Information is subject to change. Please check with Duke Fuqua directly to verify its essay questions, instructions, and deadlines.***

Here is a look at the Duke Fuqua MBA Class of 2024 (data taken from the Duke Fuqua website ):

Class size: 399

Minority: 43%

Underrepresented minorities: 25%

International citizens (by U.S. status): 39%

U.S. military: 9%

Partnered: 30%

Countries represented: 55

Average years of work experience: 6.0

Median years of work experience: 5.58

Average age: 29

GMAT range (middle 80%): 680-760

GRE Verbal/Quant combined average: 318

Average undergraduate GPA: 3.1-3.9

Undergraduate institutions represented: 261

Students with advanced degrees: 18%

Undergraduate majors: 

  • Engineering/Natural sciences: 33%
  • Business and accounting: 28%
  • Liberal arts/other: 22%
  • Economics: 18%


  • Financial services: 18%
  • Consulting: 14%
  • Technology: 11%
  • Government: 8%
  • Nonprofit/Education: 8%
  • Consumer goods: 6%
  • Energy/Chemical/Utilities: 5%
  • Media/Sport/Entertainment: 5%

Related Resources:

  • Duke Fuqua Full-Time MBA Program Adds New Round to Its Admissions Calendar
  • Duke Fuqua Rattles MBA World with Exciting New Curriculum , podcast Episode 335
  • Extracurricular Activities in Your MBA Admissions Profile

How to get into Duke Fuqua [Episode 536]

duke fuqua mba essay questions

Are you attracted to Duke Fuqua’s collaborative MBA culture, and intrigued by its flexible curriculum, and the strength of its entering class as revealed by the latest class profile? But you’re unsure how you can make your case for acceptance? Then pull up a chair. In today’s podcast, Fuqua’s associate dean of admissions pulls back the curtain on what Duke seeks in its applicants.

Welcome to the 536th episode of Admissions Straight Talk. Before I introduce our guest, I have a question for you. Are you ready to apply to your dream MBA programs? Are you competitive at your target schools? Accepted’s MBA admissions quiz can give you a quick reality check. Complete the quiz, and you’ll not only get an assessment, but tips on how to improve your qualifications. Plus, it’s all free. 

It gives me great pleasure to welcome back to Admissions Straight Talk , Shari Hubert, Associate Dean of Admissions at Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business. Shari earned her BA at Dartmouth, and her MBA at Harvard. She worked at several elite companies, and in 2009 became director of recruitment for the Peace Corps. In 2012, she returned to the MBA world when she became the Associate Dean of MBA Admissions for Georgetown McDonough . She joined Duke as Associate Dean of Admissions in October, 2017. 

Shari, welcome to Admissions Straight Talk. [1:53]

Thank you so much, Linda. It’s always a pleasure to be here with you, and so I was really excited to get that invitation again to share some time with you and your listeners.

Can you go over, first of all, that menu of MBA options at Duke Fuqua, and then perhaps focus a little bit more on the MBA program itself? [2:04]

Yeah, sure, absolutely. We have four different MBA options at Fuqua. We have the daytime MBA, which is your… Think about your traditional two-year full-time MBA. Residential, flexible concentrations, experiential, I can go into that detail a little bit more. We have an accelerated daytime MBA, so again, very similar profile as our daytime MBA in terms of the types of students. It’s one year, it’s full-time, residential as well. The one specific criteria though that is different is that the individual must already have a master’s, either a master’s of management studies, which is our degree, or a master’s in management, or some kind of equivalent business degree, because those sets of courses that you would take actually substitute for, or transfer for the core curriculum that you would take your first year.

That would be a one-year, early-experience program basically in business that you’re talking about? [3:09]

Well, the accelerated daytime MBA actually should be very similar, the profile should be similar to our full-time. It’s just for people who already have some kind of master’s in management, or specialized master’s in business degree, plus the full-time work experience. So we prefer they actually have a couple of at least a couple of years of work experience, plus they already have a specialized master’s, and therefore, they are joining the daytime MBA program with the second year MBA students and taking electives. And so therefore, they can do the program, and get the degree in one year, as opposed to the two full years.

And then we have our weekend executive MBA, so we have two executive MBA programs. We have a weekend executive MBA program, and that is for working professionals. It meets monthly, and Thursday through Sunday, and then there are some live classes that happen every other Saturday as well. And then we have the Global Executive MBA program, similar in terms of… It’s a Duke MBA, it’s the same faculty, same curriculum as your traditional full-time MBA, but these programs are for working professionals. The Global Executive MBA is six residencies, in different regions around the world, including Durham. So it’s basically, every two months, you go to a different country, your professors travel with you, your career center representatives travel with you, your IT support travels with you, and your residencies are in that country. That’s for 10 days, eight to 10 days, and you come back and you do more distance hybrid coursework. Again, all of these programs are lockstep, they’re team-based, they’re cohort-based, and they all, again, are the same Duke degree, the same faculty, and just a different format. They all offer some level of concentrations and/or certificates as well.

Can we focus on the full-time MBA program? Can you give a little bit more information on that one, on the two-year traditional program? [5:05]

Sure. Absolutely. So again, this particular program is for individuals who are wanting to perhaps pivot into a different function, industry, geography, or reset, or just want a fully immersive experience in terms of pursuing their MBA, and it’s really tailored for that kind of a profile. The curriculum is really designed to allow our students to learn both the breadth and the depth across all types of curriculum, as well as very much focused on leadership.

And so just to give you a sense of the structure of the program, the core is their first year, which is very traditional to most MBA programs, you start off with what we call a Summer Institute, and it’s kind of a leveling two- to three-week course. You’ll learn things like leadership, ethics, and organization, so how do you think about leadership in the context of the individual, the team, and then the organization? There are two courses that you also learn, Entrepreneurial Mindset and Action. So that’s really about, regardless of whether or not you decide to start your own business, we believe that there are some fundamental elements and characteristics of entrepreneurs that are really valuable for all of our MBAs to have. Regardless of whether or not you’re in an established organization, working for an organization, you still want to have some level of intrapreneurial kind of spirit.

And so we make sure that all of our students, it’s a mandatory course, go through that. And then the final one is Technology-driven Transformation of Business. And again, that’s really, not just recognition that technology is driving all aspects of our life, including business, so how do business leaders make those decisions using data, using information in ways that either support the goals of that organization while not doing harm as well.

And so that’s a required course. And then of course, during that, you would also start to get formed into what we call consequential leadership teams, which are four to five person learning teams. And those are the individuals that you will go through your first year with, you’ll do casing with, you’ll be in sections with, and they are actually managed by a second year MBA student who is a part of our co-leadership program. And so again, our students are really able to give practical leadership experience, practice their own leadership style on actual first year teams, helping them kind of just acclimate. You go through the first fall core, which is fall. We have six-week terms, and so they-

I was just going to ask about that. [7:40]

Yeah, we have six-week terms, four six-week terms in the daytime MBA program. They each meet twice a week for two hours and about 15 minutes. We don’t have classes on Wednesdays, and that was purposeful and intentional. We do have classes on Fridays, so if you don’t have classes in the middle of the week, it’s when students can work on projects, they can perhaps do work that’s associated with their clubs, their leadership roles outside of the classroom, like conferences, doing more recruiting, things like that. But if you have classes on Fridays, we notice that students will stay in Durham more often, and it really builds more of a cohesive community, off-campus as well as on-campus, by ensuring that our students are in Durham, communing with each other over the weekend.

And so that’s been a really nice aspect, and a little bit of a difference in our program. And then, like I said, all of our students are assigned to leadership learning teams as well. And then there’s one other course that I wanted to talk about that happens, not in that during that Summer Institute, but it happens once students come back from their internship. So this is also unique about, I think Fuqua, in that-

It’ll be the second year, right? [8:49]

Yeah, so your second year. You’ve had your internship, you come back, and we actually get you back into your learning team. So it’s not as if after your first year you disperse and you’re never with your learning teams anymore. You come back, it’s called C Lead Two or Consequential Leadership Two, and it’s really about reflection. You had your internship, you’ve had a full year of being with these individuals and your classmates, and learning, and trusting, and building skills, and you’ve now been able to apply them during the summer, so let’s come back and reflect on, what did you learn? Because there’s more trust, you can go deeper in terms of developing those relationships with your teams, and your cohorts. And you do more personal self-reflection, personal leadership development.

So we do a lot of things with Brene Brown, we’ll have guests come in and talk to our students. They’ll do their own reflection assignments, just to really be able to have time to put into perspective what they learned, how they want to show up for that second and final year as well, knowing what they know now, having a full year under their belt, having some practical experience with their internship, is there anything they’d like to change, or pivot, or really lean into in this final year, that would help them as they continue to transform into develop into their own leadership style.

And another course that they would take as part of that experience, we call it C Lead Two, is Business and Common Purpose in a World of Differences. So it’s really about, how do you as a leader take into consideration the notion of IQ, EQ, DQ, how do you lead with common purpose? How do you lead teams that might be disparate, different, and have differences of opinion, come from different backgrounds? How do you make sure that everyone’s kind of working towards a common purpose in a world that is very, very challenging at times? And where you have stakeholders that are not just your employees, just your competitors, but it could be society, the communities that your organizations operate in, how do you bring all of that together in order to really be able to make a difference, more of a societal impact, where things are very polarized? And so that’s a new… Not a new course, but a course that I think is unique, because you really are able to take fuller advantage of that kind of a course and thinking once you’ve come back, and had some perspective after your first year.

Thinking of all the implications in terms of what’s going on in the world around us, and it’s certainly necessary. And this is a second year course, so you’ve built up to it, right? [11:06]

Yep, exactly. So that happens in your second year. That’s exactly right.

Duke Fuqua touts the flexibility of its curriculum, and the many concentrations that it offers. Can you review that aspect of the program? It was great that you talked about the leadership opportunities, but what about the flexibility of the program, and its ability to meet different needs? [11:21]

Yeah. I would start off by saying that our concentrations and our certificates allow you to go deep. They are options. They’re not things that you have to take advantage of. There are some students who go through the entire two years, and take the courses that are meaningful to them, or most popular. So it’s an opportunity to customize, and to go deep, but it’s not a requirement. And sometimes, people will use concentrations and certificates to pivot into a particular industry or sector that they’re not necessarily familiar with, so they use it in order to demonstrate competency, or just sincere interest in, but the degree that you get is still a general management MBA.

And so we have over 100 electives, and the concentrations are really an accumulation and packaging of different electives. We have over 100 of those electives, they can be organized under functional concentrations, or topical concentrations. So some functional ones would be decision sciences, management, marketing, operations, strategic, consulting, FinTech, is one of our newer ones. We have topical concentrations like diversity, equity and inclusion, which again, is one of our newer ones. Entrepreneurship, the environment, social entrepreneurship leadership, and the like. So again, about 14 or so different combinations of concentrations. Certificates, similar to concentrations, maybe one level deeper in terms of the additional number of electives that you would take. And we have two concentrations, our health sector management concentration, which is very well-known, and that concentration is usually coupled with the health sector certificate, it enables individuals to get a certificate in an understanding of all the different parameters of the healthcare sector. There’s a bootcamp attached to it. There are all kinds of experiential opportunities that you could take advantage of. They align very closely with the health center that we have.

So a lot of students, very popular. And that certificate is open to our Executive MBAs, and our daytime MBAs. So during the bootcamp, you’ll have a combination of both programs, over 100 people usually in that bootcamp. And that usually happens at the beginning of your time, or right before orientation. And then we have the finance certificate, again, for folks who want to really double down deeply into the finance sector. We used to have the management science and technology management certificate, that’s more of a data analytics, but as of last year, our entire MBA program is now STEM certified. And so data analytics, and those kinds of courses are really infused throughout the entire curriculum. And so there’s not necessarily a need to have a specific concentration, because the entire degree is now very data-focused. So I’d say those are the kinds of concentrations and certificates that we have.

And I think you really illustrated the flexibility and breadth of the program really. [14:36]

Right. And so you can do two concentrations, or you can do a concentration and a certificate. Pretty difficult to do two certificates, and so that’s why we have a limit in terms of, if you do a certificate, we limit the number of concentrations, but in addition to concentrations and certificates, you can also do a dual degree. We have five different dual degree programs. We have one with our medical school, or law school, our school of public policy, and then we have two with our School of the environment, Nicholas School of the Environment. We have a master’s in environmental management, and the master’s of forestry, which is interesting. And then for those individuals who may not want to do a dual degree, but they really want to take full advantage of the breadth of what’s available across Duke University in a very interdisciplinary way, as an MBA student at Fuqua, you can take up to four courses, 12 credits outside of Fuqua at any of the professional schools on campus.

It is very flexible. Fuqua, pre-COVID, was also known very much for its global learning opportunities. Are they in full swing now? [15:34]

Yeah, full swing, we’re back traveling abroad.

I would say, there are three ways in which our students take advantage of global opportunities. One is our GATE, which is an experiential four credit course, Global Academic Travel Experience is what it stands for.

And in May, 2023, the locations changed a bit. We had one GATE as we were kind of slowly ramping back into the full swing of travel. And this year, we’ll be offering two. So last year we went to South Africa, Johannesburg, Cape Town, and a safari. This year, we’re going to go to South Africa again, but we also have a new climate-focused GATE, it’s going to be in Denmark and Norway, and it’ll be led by Dan Vermeer, who is our faculty director of EDGE, one of the centers for the energy in the global development environment.

So in addition to that, I’d say about 20, 25 students per GATE trip attend. It’s a course, so about two months, you’re spending in the classroom, learning about the individual country, and the dynamics, economic dynamics, political dynamics, and the cultural dynamics, and then you travel as a class and cohort with your faculty member over there for a week. So you really kind of get the lived experience as well. We meet with alumni over there, we’ll have corporate visits, and then there’s also… It’s an opportunity for cultural exchange as well.

We also have what we call exchange programs, so those are… So our GATE tends to be individuals in the first year, and then our exchange programs tend to be our students in the second year, and we have over 20 different schools that we have partnerships with. It is an exchange, so they are sending their students here, we are sending our students there. And so it varies from quarter to quarter, but it’s very flexible. So you may have the winter break and the spring break, a set of exchanges with schools, or you may have six-week term exchanges. So it really is based on how much time do you want to be away. I would say, the winter break and the spring break are probably most popular, because it’s a lot to be away your second year-

I was thinking about recruiting. [17:53]

Yeah, well, that too. If you haven’t fully signed onto a company, definitely, it’s helpful to be here, unless you’re trying to actually find an opportunity abroad, and then that’s helpful.

But mostly it’s because people don’t want to be that far away from their friends their last year in school, so I would say… But people do take advantage of the six-week term options. And like I said, they last from either a few days, to a week, to a whole term. And there are over 20 different schools that we have relationships with. And some of them are based on special topics, and so for example, we have the Asian business landscape through a partnership in Singapore, and that’s kind of the topic of that exchange program, kind of looking at Asian business through that landscape.

We have doing business in Israel actually, with our partner school in Tel Aviv. And like I said, we are starting up this program on climate, which will be interesting. So it’s really interesting. We have an opportunity with Copenhagen Business School as well with spring break. So they all vary, very flexible, but a lot of fun, and I would say, a lot of our students end up taking advantage of our exchange programs. And then lastly, just student-run treks and trips, and those are not necessarily organized by the school, but they definitely are organized by students. I mean, we’ve sent 70 people to Brazil, I mean, students go to all kinds of exotic and wonderful places.

The information you’re providing is adding so much more color, depth, texture to it, so thank you for all this. What about the application process itself? What changes have you made to the MBA application process this year? [19:22]

So not a ton, but I will say that we have some new testing options. We will accept the new GMAT Focus, and we will accept the new GRE, and we already accept the executive assessment. So we are a school that requires at least one form of a test, and so those are new changes. 

Any preference? [19:56]

Nope, no preference. I think it really depends. Do your homework in terms of whether or not the new GMAT Focus or the new GRE is the right test for you. But if you decide that that’s the case, we will accept it. The executive assessment is always an interesting option as well for some people, but it’s not for everyone. So again, we just encourage people to test out some of these, see which one you test better at, or feel more comfortable with, and go for it. Because the ones that you’re going to feel more comfortable with are probably the ones that you’re going to do your best on.

So regardless though, I would say… Encourage people to practice, prepare for it, but we don’t have a preference.

And there are no test waivers, right? [20:38]

Right. We do not provide test waivers for our daytime MBA program. For our working professional programs, we do offer a test waiver process that you can apply for.

And then another section that is new, we’re keeping our 25 random facts essay, but we do have a new optional section on the application, and it’s really just, we want to learn more about our applicants in terms of their lived experiences. Don’t think of it as an essay, but it is an optional section, and it’s just a place where they can share a little bit more about themselves, including whether or not they’re a first in their family to attend college, if they grew up with any kind of financial hardships, and then anything else that they feel they haven’t had an opportunity to explain that would speak to some of their lived experiences, their upbringing, or their background, what’s influenced them, that kind of thing. And it is really about this unique aspect of their lived experience that they feel will help them contribute to our Fuqua community.

So it’s more like, “What else would you like us to know about you?” Or- [21:44]

Yeah, that you didn’t get a chance to share any place else kind of thing.

And it is totally optional? [21:51]

Yep. There’s only the first-generation question and the financial hardship, those are yes/no, and so this smaller kind of optional field is about 200 words maximum.

I was just going to ask, is there any length limit to it? [22:06]

Yeah. Yeah, About 200 words maximum.

And then we will be keeping our fourth round, our application round. That probably means for us that we have five. So we have the early action, then we have the round one, round two, round three, and then we will have round four.

September 7th is early action, September 28th is round one, then January 9th, February 22nd, and April 4th would be round four, right? [22:25]

Yeah, so not a lot has changed, but we’re hoping that some of these things just provide more clarity, and give people a bit more space to really share themselves with us.

Now, in terms of the 25 things question, that is Fuqua’s signature question, and I’m just going to read it. “Please share with us 25 random things about you. The admissions committee wants to get to know you beyond the professional and academic achievements listed in your resume and transcript. Share with us important life experiences, your hobbies, achievements, fun facts, or anything that helps us understand what makes you who you are.” Do you have any tips for that one? I mean, you can have a lot of fun with it. [22:49]

Yeah, I would say have a lot of fun. I did it, I did it as a function of when I joined Fuqua as part of my interview process, I did it. Every single admissions person who joins our team, once they’re on our team, they have about a week or so to provide us with their 25 facts. So believe me, we haven’t asked you to do anything we haven’t done ourselves.

But I would say, use the real estate to share facts that speak to your personal lived experience, characteristics about yourself, maybe what you value, and why. Your passions, your strengths, your lessons learned, failures, hobbies, affiliations, family stories. Not so much in terms of focusing on the professional part of your life, because we have other places to find that information out. It’s also good to provide a sentence or two to just provide some context around why you decided to share that particular fact about yourself. It doesn’t need to be a full paragraph, just a little bit of something to give us some context. I would say be vulnerable, it’s okay to be witty. Let us see your personality in the facts. I think we have a video on YouTube that shares some tips as well in terms of how to answer that essay. I think we also might provide some examples. My 25 is out there in our blocks-

So I’ll find it, and link to it. Now, you mentioned the early decision round. How is that different from the later four rounds, other than the fact that it’s first? [24:47]

We call it early action. Yeah, early action. It’s a binding round, I’d say that’s the biggest difference. It’s a binding round, which means that we ask that you not apply to another binding round school.

And if admitted to Fuqua, you are saying, “I commit to withdraw my applications from any other schools that you’ve applied to that are non-binding.” And so if there’s another school out there that has a binding round, don’t apply to that. And then if you do apply to other schools that don’t have binding rounds, I mean, of course, you might do that. Then once you get a decision from us that says yes, you’ve been admitted, you’re saying to us that you would withdraw your application from those schools. Because it’s really saying that, “Look, if I get admitted to Fuqua, I’m coming.”

You’re saying it’s your first choice. [25:41]

Yeah, it’s just so much my first choice that I am applying knowing that if you admit me, I am saying that I will come. And so I would say, it’s for certain people, it’s not for certain people. One, I would say, it’s for people who are ready and prepared early. And so don’t rush to get into early action if you feel like you are not able to put forward your best representation of yourself in your application. Don’t rush just for the sake of getting into early action. ‘Cause like I said, we have a number of other rounds.

And early action is not our largest round, so that also gives you a sense. Most people apply in some other round. But I do say, it is for the people who know that they’re kind of down for Fuqua. So they’re signaling and letting us know that they really are committed, and that we’re their first choice. If you want to keep your options open, early action probably isn’t the round for you. If you are willing to put all your eggs in the Fuqua basket, and you get admitted, and you’re saying, “Yep, I’m there.” Then that’s probably… And you’re prepared, you’ve carved out time enough to prepare to submit it by the deadline, then it’s a good round.

It’s a good option. [26:56]

It’s a great option. [26:57], so two questions on that. one, if one is admitted early action, is there a different deposit requirement is it a larger deposit requirement number one. number two, is it an advantageous or disadvantageous from a financial aid perspective to apply to early action [26:58].

I mean, you still have to pay the deposits. It’s not a larger deposit, but the deposit kind of upfront. We’re still looking at whether or not that will change or not in terms of maybe adding additional deposits down the road, but right now, it’d still be the same overall level of deposits, just kind of maybe when we would ask you for it. So right now, you do everything upfront, and we might want to spread things out. You do the majority, I would say, the bulk of it upfront, so 3,000 upfront, and then you then have your second deposit, which is the final deposit for everybody. We’re kind of looking to see if we want to spread that a little bit more as well, you have the third deposit, but that hasn’t been finalized. Scholarships, yes, absolutely. People who are admitted to our early action also are considered for scholarship, and actually get them. So it’s definitely not disadvantaging you if you apply early action in terms of being considered for scholarship.

We discussed the new optional section, and you mentioned the length, and any tips on that? Or just mostly focus on this idea of unusual lived experiences rather that you didn’t have place for in the other parts of the application? [28:13]

So the open text piece of that, I’m trying to think how to answer it, your answer doesn’t have to be as long as the other essays. It is open space to just share something we may not have asked anywhere else in the application, or the applicant wants to make sure we’re aware of, maybe their affiliations, areas of their background that have impacted their lived experience, how they show up in the world, and how it’s informed who they are, and the impact they want to have, and how they want to contribute to our MBA program. Again, I don’t want people to overthink it though. For some people, there’s going to be something to add, and they should use the space. For others, they may not have anything to add, it’s totally optional. We don’t look differently on people who don’t use the space, but it is a gift, it is an opportunity.

‘Cause sometimes it’s hard to know every single question we could possibly ask you to get every aspect of who you are in a paper-based application. And so this is that space to say, “Hey.” There’s no essay on this question, there’s no short answer question that they asked me, but, “Hey, did you know this unique thing about me?” Or, “Did you know I was a part of this thing?” Or, “Did you know this particular aspect of my background really influenced how I show up, my grit, my determination.” Or, “This particular experience was very informative, informed my kind of thinking around the world, or what I want to do.” And so it’s that kind of space to use. It is different than the optional essay that we always think about, where you’re clarifying why you have a specific type of recommender, or why you didn’t get the GMAT score that you wanted, the GRE score that you wanted, or how-

Or the GPA. [30:07]

Right. It’s something new and substantive, not a clarification about some aspect of your application.

Now, can you discuss for a second the interview process at Fuqua, and specifically the difference between open interviews and interviews by invitation? [30:17]

Yeah, I do think the interview is a really special opportunity for applicants to really show us who they are in their own words, and human-to-human, as opposed to us only knowing you from your application. And so I would say definitely take advantage of the interview, think about it as you would any job interview if you are invited. We really want to make sure that we can get to know as many of our applicants as possible, so that’s why we also have this open interview process. About half of our applicants are interviewed in some form or fashion, and so these two formats really make sure that we are able to really get to know as many applicants as possible.

So the open interview period is, we have a virtual component to that, or an in-person. And basically, the difference between open interview and an invited is that an open interview is self-initiated. So you’re kind of raising your hand, saying, “I want to make sure I get interviewed, so I want to sign up for this interview.” Versus the other interviews are by invitation only. And so that means we are reading through your application the first time, and kind of deciding, “Oh, we’d like to learn more about this person. We’d like to invite them to be interviewed.” So those are the differences.

We have two ways either open interviews or by invitation, either you can participate virtually. And our open interviews, the virtual dates are August 24th through October 6th, or you can participate in our open interviews on campus, so you can come to campus. And those dates are September 11th through October 6th. And so again, as you can see, everything, as it pertains to open interviews, is from October 24th through October 6th, basically.

August. [32:20]

Sorry, August 24th through October 6th. After that, it doesn’t mean you’re not going to be interviewed, but we then invite people to interview. And if you’re-

And they could be virtual or in-person, or… [32:29]

When you’re invited to interview, you’ll also have the option to do it virtually or in-person as well.

Some other things to keep in mind, regardless of the round that you apply in, you can still participate in our open interviews. And so what happens is, let’s say you decide to interview through the open interviews in, I don’t know, September 2nd, but you’re not going to apply until this the first round, or the second round, we’ll take that interview and we’ll save it. And then once you apply, we will add that interview, that will be your official interview, and we’ll add it to your application.

So is it recorded even if it’s in-person? [33:09]

When you say recorded, what do you mean?

Well, you say you save the interview, so do you save the notes, or do you save the recording, or… [33:14]

It’s the notes.

So we don’t record any interviews. So even if you’re doing the virtual.

Not even the virtual? [33:22]

It’s just more for convenience, especially if someone’s living abroad and can’t get to campus. We want to make it convenient for them to interview. And it was kind of something from the pandemic that we thought, “Hey, it provides some flexibility, let’s keep this aspect.”

But they’re not recorded, they’re not recorded.But their interviewer does take notes, and then submits an interview report. And that report is then what’s added to your application. It’s on a first come first serve basis though, the open interviews, and with at least a 48-hour advance notice to request an interview.

Okay, sounds good. [34:01]

And the only thing we ask is that you have at least started your application to schedule the interview.

Traditionally, when you had interview days, and people would also use the opportunity to learn about Duke, are those opportunities now entirely online, or do you still have interview days, or… [34:09]

Yep, yep. We’re going to still have campus visits, and during your campus visit, you can also do your own campus interview.

And then we’ll also have different kinds of weekend events where you could also do an interview. So yeah, absolutely, there will still be an opportunity to visit campus, and do the interview during your visit, or we’re going to have specific Saturday interview dates, and so they’re on campus, and people can come to do an in-person interview. We’d love to have as many people as possible come visit, ’cause I do think it’s a really great way to see and feel it. But we want to be realistic, we want to make sure that there’s broad access for everyone, so that’s the reason why we’ve added these virtual opportunities. We actually will have virtual campus visits as well.

There is one thing I think that is worth noting, and that is, first of all, if you’re applying in early action, we do recommend that you sign up for an open interview, but in the event that you don’t, we still have an invited process, but it’s just a little tip. But I do want to talk about this aspect, so sometimes we get the question, or people don’t necessarily understand that, let’s say they’re not invited to be interviewed the first time, they think that signals that they will not be considered any longer for admission, and that’s not the case at all.

What do you mean they weren’t invited the first time? You mean in terms of reapplication, or you mean… I’m confused. [35:37]

So have invitation dates which we’re going to deliver our-

After October 6th, basically? [35:50]

Right. Invites to be interviewed. And some individuals think that if they don’t get that invitation on that date, that all is lost, and that’s not the case at all. Sometimes we continue to review applicants. There will be other times and opportunities on a case-by-case basis that we might want to invite people to be interviewed even after the invite to be interviewed deadline or date.

It doesn’t necessarily mean that you are going to be denied-

Just because you don’t get invited to be interviewed that first time. We also interview people off the waitlist, we interview people as we’re thinking about the wait list. So there’s always opportunities after the initial invitation to be invited, I don’t want people to think that it’s signaling something if in case they’re not invited that first time.

Let’s say somebody applies round one, and they’re not invited round one, could they be invited round two? Would there be some- [36:43]

Yeah, all right. [36:50], and would there be some communication to them at the end of round- [36:52].

Yeah, I mean, they’ll get a decision, but it’s not an automatic deny decision.

And the fact that they weren’t interviewed doesn’t really mean anything, I think is what you’re really trying to say. [37:00]

Right, exactly.

Thank you for clarifying.

Now, you mentioned covid a couple of minutes ago. last time we spoke it was the middle of covid, that was the environment in which we were speaking. today, it’s a little different environment. today’s environment has its own noteworthy developments, a lot of different noteworthy developments actually, but i’d like to focus on one specifically, and that is ai and chatgpt. i’m sure that ai is being taught at duke, but are you concerned about its impact on the essay element of the application i noticed there was a very robust plagiarism warning under the application instructions.  [37:06].

Yeah, yeah. Great question. First of all, let me say, I can only speak to our policy within admissions, as it may vary across the university, and then the Fuqua school in terms of classroom use, it’s really going to be up to the faculty to decide that. But within admissions, allowing the use of AI in their application, and we have decided to allow it. It felt like the way to be the most inclusive, while still requiring that applicants authentically represent themselves. We see a difference between plagiarism, and the use of AI, in that plagiarism is explicitly using material created by someone else, while we expect that the use of AI, at least in terms of how they might use it to answer our essay questions, which are unique to Fuqua, the use of AI, it has to begin anyway with this level of personal reflection. I mean, to answer our essay questions, you need some level of personal reflection, you need your own kind of content, and your own lived experiences to inform it.

We know that AI could be useful in terms of helping people organize their thoughts, or represent them better, differently through the use of AI tools. Similar to how people use Grammarly, or they may have friends who are English majors and they ask them to review their essays, or they may use admissions consultants to say, “Hey, take a look, provide some coaching and guidance.” Around their essays. So again, we view this as a tool that enhances the process, but should not, and does not replace the requirement for authenticity and the use of your own material.

And so in our minds, and I like to say, AI at Fuqua stands for authentic individuality.

I like that. [39:23]

I know, right?

And we’re going to assume positive intent, and that applicants are ethical, and they’re good agents in this process. And so we do require that your application be a true and accurate reflection and representation of your lived experience, and exclusively your own. And then we do, like you said, use plagiarism tools. So for us, all essays are scanned using plagiarism detection software, but again, we see a difference between plagiarism and the use of AI tools. So we have a long disclaimer about how expressing your ideas by using verbiage that’s not sourced right, is improperly credited, is a violation of our honor code, and it is grounds for denying application.

I’ve mentioned before on Admissions Straight Talk , but one of our consultants is also a journalist, and she decided to ask ChatGPT to write an essay for her, an MBA essay, and it took her a lot of time, and effort, and work to kind of coach ChatGPT to the point where the essay… Not so much that the writing was bad, but that it had the specificity that is required to have a good essay. [40:08]

In anything. and if it’s just mumbo jumbo verbiage, general stuff, i mean, yeah, chatgpt can write that, and probably my eighth grade grandchild could also write that. [40:38].

Right. So that’s not going to serve you well though, right?

No. [40:55]

That’s not going to be your best-

No, it’s terrible. [40:56]

Reflection of who you are, right?

No. No, not at all. It won’t be informative, it won’t be reflective. And her point was that it was as much effort for her to get ChatGPT to a point where it was producing something of quality as it would’ve taken her to write it. [41:00]

Yeah, exactly. I would also note that, and this is less on ChatGPT and more on this plagiarism tool that we do have, it picks up on our own essays, if they see language is similar. So I would caution people, if they are using admission consultants, not to have anyone share any of your essays with anyone else, because if they apply to Fuqua, we’re going to see it. If you’ve applied to Fuqua, and they’ve used any aspect of your essay, and then they apply to Fuqua, it will pick up. And so just a caution there.

We’ve occasionally, over the years, had applicants use essays that we recognized as being previous clients’ essays. [41:48]

It wasn’t a good idea. [41:58].

It picked up on that.

It wasn’t a good idea. I mean, you can do it programmatically, we were just doing it.  What do you see coming down the pike for the MBA program at Fuqua? [42:00]

Yeah, so I think a lot of it’s still in design, but I expect more elective content on climate and AI-

From an academic perspective. We do expect to have a couple courses that connect climate to business, and we have already approved an elective in sustainable operations. We’re also offering a climate-centered, like I said, GATE to Northern Europe next year, which will be interesting. That’s the one that’s led by Dan Vermeer. We expect a faculty member who will propose a new course that’s focused on modern AI in business. It hasn’t been approved yet, but could be an elective next year. And then we’ll be offering the first versions of a seminar and lab focused on our venture capital. We already have a seminar and lab that we put out last year on private equity, and all of those offerings are part of our Duke Innovation & Entrepreneurship initiative. And one thing that is interesting and new at Fuqua is that all of Duke University’s entrepreneurship activity is now housed out of Fuqua.

Yeah, so Duke I&E, which is Duke Innovation & Entrepreneurship, which was the university’s ecosystem around entrepreneurship, merged with our Center for Entrepreneurship & Innovation, which was Fuqua, and all of it is now housed, staff, all the content, all the intellectual property, all the research, and the faculty, and the students from undergrad, to all the different professional schools, all of them are now working and collaborating within the halls of Fuqua. Which is really great, we’re really excited. They just outfitted a new space for them, and so an accelerator space for them, which will be nice.

That’s really exciting. What about reapplicants? It’s summertime, I’m sure there’s some people out there thinking about reapplying, what advice do you have for reapplicants to Fuqua? [43:53]

Yeah, for students who are reapplying, we do offer a cloning process for them, just to make it a little easier. So we’ll replicate their application from last year. We consider you a reapplicant if it’s just for the prior year, so it can’t be two years from now and that kind of thing. But if you decide to reapply from the prior year, then we’ll save your… Let us know, there’s an email that you can send, and a request form, and we will clone your application. There’s no need to re-enter their information into the online application. We can even move over their recommender feedback, so that that’s helpful, so they don’t have to go back out to the same recommender.

We offer them the opportunity to update any other information though on their application, and there is a reapplicant essay that they need to submit. And that really is just kind of being reflective of the prior year, and letting us know what they’ve learned, what’s different, what’s new. I do recommend that people just review their prior year’s application, maybe take a look at the 25, is it still relevant? Do they want to switch out anything, or change up anything? Being really pensive and thoughtful about the reapplication essay. And I say that because if you think about it, if you just rely on the cloning and you don’t update anything, and you know that last year’s application, for whatever reason, it’s just not always just because your application, but for whatever reason you weren’t successful, if you make no changes, what makes you think you’re going to be successful if nothing changes? So I would say-

Right. The definition of insanity. [45:34]

Right. That’s what I was thinking. Yeah, exactly. So I do think it’s worth their time to just take a look, see what they might want to refresh, and then also be really thoughtful about that reapplicant essay. But we try and make it as easy as possible. We’ll have events for reapplicants, and webinars, and sessions to really kind of help walk them through the process. But we welcome them, we welcome reapplicants, and we have a high rate of folks who we reapply who actually get admitted the following year. So I do think it’s worth reapplying. Absolutely.

What are some common mistakes that you see? [46:11]

I’m glad you asked that question. So I would say, one would be during the recruiting process, ask admissions reps to compare their programs to other schools. I think the better approach is to reflect on what’s important to you in a program as an applicant. Be prepared to share that, and then inquire with each school how does their program match up to what’s important to you, instead of how it matches up to another institution. I feel like it’s the applicant’s job to really know the differences between institutions, and it’s each admissions rep at an institution to know what’s unique about their institution really well. And it’s also just not good form or respectful for admissions reps to contrast institutions, as all these programs are really strong, and there’s just as much as similar as different. And I really believe that there’s a place for everyone, and so it’s really better to start with what’s important to you.

Another mistake I would say to shy away from is, I’ve seen applicants not explain aspects of their application that may be viewed as outside that middle 80% range, especially if it’s on the lower end. So if there’s anything that’s in your profile that you feel is not a strength, I would urge you to really tell us what you’ve done to shore up that area. Be proactive.  Demonstrate self-awareness and humility. At the same time, don’t allow us to assume, or make up a story about what happened in that particular space, or what that means, but really be proactive to say, “It looks like I’m a little different from this… Outside of this class profile range, but let me tell you why. What I’ve done, or how I’m unique in this other way, or how I’ve started to work on these aspects that might be a little bit different from what that class profile makeup in the aggregate looks like.”

And then I would just say, also doubting themselves upfront, not taking that bet in the first place. I really believe, again, that there’s an MBA program out there for everyone. I believe strongly in the value of the MBA. It’s been pivotal in my life, and it really surprises me that certain students will say… They’ll feel like they have to move mountains before they even are ready to apply. And I say, “You are good just as you are. You deserve this kind of investment in yourself through the pursuit of an MBA. And I’d say just go for it. Don’t doubt yourself.”

And then being really communicative, I also say another thing to just be aware of and be sensitive to is when you’re really communicative initially when you’re recruiting with our schools, but then you’re MIA once you get an offer. It’s not kind, it’s not the decent look. We want what’s best for everyone who’s applying, and especially those we admit, but we’re human beings in the process, so we can appreciate, and really like when there’s mutual respect throughout that process. So even if you decide after getting our offer that another school’s a better place for you, that is totally fine. I would just say be upfront, be honest, be in communication, don’t ghost the admissions team.

I completely agree with you. [49:09]

And then the last one, just more about when you’re preparing to start your program, once you get admitted and then accepted and you’re preparing to really start, make sure you’re paying attention to the many communications that you’re going to receive from the school to help you get ready to start. I would say stay on top of those emails. I see time and time again people not paying attention to the emails, and then before they know it, the program’s starting, or before they know it, they’ve missed some kind of deadline that’s going to be really important for them.

And so you’re going to feel, as an incoming student, much more prepared and calm, not scrambling when the time comes, if you stay on top of those communications, and meet the deadlines, and the checklists, and things like that that you’re being asked to do in order to get you prepared. ‘Cause really, the schools, they have your best interest in their minds when they are trying to stage the communications and say, “Hey, we need for you to do X, Y, and Z, because it’s really in your best interest to have all that done.” Because you will not believe how much information – you’ll be deluged. There’ll be a deluge of information once you start, and so if you’re not even in the mindset and practice of you responding and paying attention to that stuff even before you start, you’re going to feel lost, and that’s not what you want. You want to start your program feeling really comfortable, and calm, and prepared, and confident.

That’s great advice. Thank you so much. What would you have liked me to ask you? [50:24]

Let’s see. So I talked a little bit already about our test scores. I would say maybe the only other thing would be how we think about wait lists-

How do you think about wait lists? [50:38]

We maintain a selective and active wait list. It’s not ranked, so we don’t have any kind of ranking if you’re on the waitlist. And so if you’re put on the waitlist in round one, you may be admitted in subsequent rounds, so we try and look at every subsequent round to see if there’s anyone that we’d like to pull off the waitlist.

We encourage people to stay in touch and submit documentation. It doesn’t have to be overwhelming, but if there’s something new and different, or if you’ve retaken a test, or if you’ve gotten a promotion, or even if it’s just to say, “I’m still really interested.” And so definitely be in communication. We look at it as a two-way relationship when you’re on the waitlist. We have a healthy number of people that we admit off the waitlist every year, and they come and they thrive. I mean, I’ll tell you, there are a number of our co-presidents of our MBA student association who have been folks who have been admitted off the waitlist. So it’s a process that we take very seriously, and we know it’s a process that can be very angst-ridden, but we don’t want it to be. So I would say be in communication with us, and we’ll be in communication with you too.

Sounds good. Shari, I want to thank you so much for joining me today. Where can listeners and potential applicants learn more about Duke Fuqua? [51:49]

Yeah, so visit our website . I would encourage people to attend our events. We already are starting to be on the road, but if you’d like to learn more, you can always visit our website.

Relevant Links:

  • Duke Fuqua Admissions
  • Getting to Know Each Other Through 25 Random Things – Shari Hubert

Relevant shows:

  • How to Get an MBA at Columbia Business School  – podcast Episode 528 
  • How to Get Accepted to NYU Stern – podcast Episode 525
  • How to Get Into Georgetown McDonough’s MBA Program – podcast Episode 512
  • How to Get Accepted to Cornell Johnson MBA – podcast Episode 488
  • How Service To School Helps Veterans Get Accepted to Grad School – podcast Episode 524
  • Previous Interview with Shari Hubert – podcast Episode 434

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duke fuqua mba essay questions

Homepage > MBA Admissions > MBA Application Process > Duke Fuqua MBA Essays – Analysis & tips for 2023 intake

Duke Fuqua MBA Essays – Analysis & tips for 2023 intake

Posted by Suheb Hussain | Oct 13, 2022 | Business Schools , GMAT Focus Edition , MBA Admissions , MBA Application Process

Duke Fuqua MBA Essays – Analysis & tips for 2023 intake

Duke Fuqua MBA program that seeks ‘leaders of consequence’ is known for a culture that is “more  supportive, more collaborative, more immersive and more diverse.”Fuqua has made a few minor changes to the 2022-23 application. The word limits for Essay 2 and the optional essay have been increased from 300 words to 500 words.  Allison Jamison , Assistant Dean of Admissions, explains the reasons for the changes: “We  wanted to be sure applicants had the space needed to be able to explain not just what activities or groups they want to be involved in, but why they want to be involved with them. So take advantage of the additional space!”  Additionally, the 25 random things essay now comes with a word limit of 750 words.

Fuqua continues to require one LOR. You may also submit one optional LOR.

Reapplicants can replicate their application from last year, but they can update any information they like. Reapplicants also have the option of submitting one or two new letters of recommendation if they wish.


In this article, Poonam Tandon from myEssayReview, who has been helping students with their MBA applications since 2011, shares her tips on the Duke Fuqua MBA essay for the 2023 intake. But, let’s first take a look at the essay guidelines and application deadlines.

Guidelines for the Fuqua MBA Essay Questions 2022-23


The basic guidelines for all the Duke Fuqua MBA Essays are as follows:

  • You are required to use 1.5-line spacing, and the font size should not be smaller than 10-points.
  • Respond concisely and fully
  • Do not repeat the questions in the essay document that you upload with your application
  • Two Short answer questions – 500-character equivalent to 100 words each
  • Two Long answer questions – Not more than two pages each
  • Optional Essay – One page
  • Re-applicants Essay – Not more than two pages
  • Do not copy-paste your responses as all the essays are scanned using plagiarism detection software
  • The short question responses should be written in the space provided on the Duke MBA application form
  • The applicant needs to upload the long question responses, where they would be able to preview their answers once the document is uploaded.

Application Deadlines 2022-23: Duke Fuqua MBA Program


The following are the deadlines for the Duke Fuqua Full-time MBA program:

Learn more about the Duke’s Fuqua School of Business MBA Program Class Profile, Employment Reports, and Notable Alumni .

Duke MBA Essays Analysis and Tips

The Duke Fuqua MBA program made a few changes in the essay questions this year. The first longer response question, the iconic 25 random things remains unchanged.

But, the required length of the second longer response essay has been reduced from two pages to only 300 words. Additionally, the short answer questions have also been further revised this year.

Instead of two short questions, the candidates will be answering only one short answer question this year. The three essays allow applicants to cover a lot of ground about their personal and professional traits and accomplishments.

The first required essay is Duke’s favorite for many years- ’25 Random Things about Yourself’ prompt; the second essay prompt asks applicants about their ‘fit’ with ‘Team Fuqua’, while the third one asks them about their post-MBA goal and their alternate plan.

Required Short Answer Question

Instructions:  Answer the following question in 500 characters only (the equivalent of about 100 words).

What are your post-MBA career goals? Share with us your first-choice career plan and your alternate plan. (500 characters, or about 100 words)

For this question, you will elaborate on your post-MBA career goals as well as your alternate plans if your first-choice plans do not materialize. Please identify the position that you hope to hold immediately after your MBA, specifying your role, position, industry, and 1-2 organizations/companies for which you would like to work for. Articulate your goal and explain why this goal is interesting and important to you. Please note that your post-MBA goal shows a logical progression from your current skill set, and skills and knowledge acquired through an MBA degree. Also, make sure that your goals are ambitious as well as realistic.

Then think about your plan B. Duke admits that ‘life is full of uncertainties, and you may come across situations that might prevent you from realizing your post-MBA goals. So you must be prepared for plan B. Please make sure that your alternative career path is not an altogether different path that does not allow you to leverage your skills and experience to the fullest. It should be in alignment with your experience, skills, and knowledge gained from your MBA education.

First Required Essay: 25 Random Things About Yourself

Instructions:  Present your response in list form, numbered 1 to 25. Some points may be only a few words, while others may be longer. Your complete list should not exceed two pages.

For context:  Fuqua believes different types of people, points of view, and experiences bring out the best in everyone. And above all, we place a premium on succeeding while making a positive impact on businesses, organizations, and the world.  

These ways of thinking set the Duke MBA experience apart, and this concept extends beyond the student body to include faculty, staff, and administration.

When a new person joins the Admissions team, we ask that person to share with everyone in the office a list of “25 Random Things About Yourself”. As an Admissions team, we already know the new hire’s professional and academic background, so learning these “25 Random Things” helps us get to know someone’s personality, background, special talents, and more. 

In this spirit, the admissions committee also wants to get to know you–beyond the professional and academic achievements listed in your resume and transcript.

You can share with us important life experiences, your likes/dislikes, hobbies, achievements, fun facts, or anything that helps us understand what makes you who you are. Share with us your list of “25 Random Things” about YOU.

This question about ‘a list of 25 random things’ about applicants is Duke’s favorite for many years. It is my favorite, as well. For years, I have enjoyed working with applicants on this question as it offers me a glimpse into the ‘fun’ side of their personalities.

As stated in the essay prompt, the purpose of this question is  to get to know you–beyond the professional and academic achievements listed in your resume and transcript .  This means that the admission committee wants you to share with them your ‘ important life experiences, your likes/dislikes, hobbies, achievements, fun facts or  anything that helps them understand who you are as a person “. 

Thus, the purpose of this essay is to show the admission committee your multidimensional personality.

Over the years, I have noticed that the candidates initially find this question a little daunting and are tempted to discuss their professional accomplishments, but when they dig deeper and begin brainstorming ideas about unique and exciting things about themselves, and the unique personal experiences that have made them who they are, they start enjoying this process of self-discovery.

I advise them to do these brainstorming sessions with their family and friends and ask them what they find interesting and funny about them.

Please note that the word ‘ random’  allows you to include little fun things that you have done or are doing in your day-to-day life, your hobbies/ habits that have become an integral part of your personality.

The unique component of this essay question is the “fun” part of it. So you don’t need to get too serious about yourself. You want to share something about you that draws your reader in.

Also, please resist the temptation of drifting away from your accomplishments, career goals, or leadership experiences because this is NOT what the Admission Committee seeks to know about you through this question. For ideas, you may refer to the following examples on Duke Website:

Examples of “25 Random Things”

  • 25 Interesting Facts About Me
  • My 25 Random Things
  • More Random Things

Bottom Line: Be Yourself

Second Required Essay: The Fuqua community and you

Instructions: Your response should be no more than 300 words.

Fuqua prides itself on cultivating a culture of engagement. Our students enjoy a wide range of student-led organizations that provide opportunities for leadership development and personal fulfillment, as well as an outlet for contributing to society. Our student-led government, clubs, centers, and events are an integral part of the student culture and are vital to providing you with a range of experiential learning and individual development experiences.

Based on your understanding of the Fuqua culture,  how do you see yourself engaging in and contributing to our community, outside of the classroom?

This essay is primarily about your contribution to the school. Duke emphasizes greatly on how their students will make their community more productive. Hence for this question, you must do your homework and research the school thoroughly.

You need to think beyond your contribution to the classroom and discuss how your involvement in clubs, organizations, and student communities will add value to the program.

In addition to understanding the school’s resources (curriculum, faculty, clubs, organizations, and student activities) through the website, you should reach out to alumni and current students to gain additional insights about the school’s culture and resources.

Please note that it is vital to support your claims about your potential contribution to specific clubs and organizations by specific examples from your past experiences- personal or professional- in the given area.

In order to demonstrate your ‘fit’ with the program, you must showcase what you have done in the past and how you will be a strong contributor to Duke as a student and as an alumnus.

Allison Jamison’s advice: “ Our second essay will still ask you about how you plan to engage with the Fuqua community, but we would like you to limit it to the three most meaningful ways you expect to engage as a student. While there are so many opportunities available, one of the first skills you must develop as a student is how to prioritize what’s most important to you. There will also be a 300-word limit on this essay. Again, we hope this change helps you to focus on things that spark your interest, while also providing the Admissions Committee with helpful insights into the unique contributions you will bring to the class.”

Optional Essay: Tell us more

If you feel there are circumstances of which the Admissions Committee should be aware, please explain them in an optional essay (such as unexplained gaps in work, choice of recommenders, inconsistent or questionable academic performance), please describe them in an optional essay.

Please do NOT upload additional essays nor additional recommendations in this area of the application and limit your response to one page.

As instructed in the essay prompt, submit the  optional essay  only if you have to explain extenuating circumstances. (e. g,  “unexplained gaps in work, choice of recommenders, inconsistent or questionable academic performance “).

If you have a low GPA or less than ideal GMAT, or if you are not able to get a recommendation from your current supervisor, or if you have an employment gap, you may address these concerns in your optional essay. Your weakness may also bring out a positive aspect of your personality. This essay should convey that you are aware that these are areas of concern in your application, but, whenever possible, you have made a sincere effort to improve upon these areas.

If you do not have any of those areas to explain, it is best to skip this question and focus only on the required three essays.

About the author

Poonam Tandon - My Essay Review

Poonam, one of the  top 5 most reviewed consultants on the GMAT Club , is a master storyteller with more than three decades of experience in successfully helping students craft compelling stories for undergraduate and graduate school programs.

A Ph.D. in English, with three decades of teaching experience in India and the US, Poonam launched myEssayReview (MER) in 2011 to provide highly personalized and dedicated consulting services to Business School applicants. Since then, she has helped hundreds of students around the world get into top MBA, EMBA, part-time MBA, and specialized graduate programs. A full-time consultant, Poonam is passionate about her work and is highly committed to each of her students’ success.

Want to become a part of the Fuqua community? A 740+ GMAT score can increase your chances of pursuing an MBA at the Duke Fuqua School of Business. Sign up for our free trial and get access to our GMAT resources today!

Here are some additional articles:

  • What is a good GMAT score for Duke Fuqua?
  • The Duke Fuqua MBA Program Class Profile, Employment report and Notable Alumni
  • Top One-year MBA Program in the U.S.
  • How to make an impressive MBA Application Video Essay
  • Five types of MBA Essays explained with an example
  • MBA Admissions – Career goal or Why MBA Essay
  • Importance of MBA Essays in Business School applicants

About The Author

duke fuqua mba essay questions

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Duke Fuqua MBA Essay Tips

A clear application strategy is crucial to approaching these essays. Duke’s mission is to “identify, engage, and foster the development of future leaders of consequence,” and you will want to demonstrate you are the kind of leader the admissions committee is looking for.

Don’t forget the personal – in this essay set you have the opportunity to add 25 new facts to round out your profile. As always, it is important to demonstrate that you know Duke Fuqua well and are a strong fit with the program. Starting your research and personal networking now will put you in a solid position to prepare the most specific and effective essays.

Stacy Blackman Consulting can help you prepare a compelling, individualized strategy to approach your Duke Fuqua application this year, contact us to learn more.

Required Short Answer Questions: Answer all 3 questions Respond in 250 characters only (the equivalent of about 50 words). 1. What are your short-term goals, post-MBA? 2. What are your long-term goals? 3. Life is full of uncertainties, and plans and circumstances can change. As a result, navigating a career requires you to be adaptable. Should the short-term goals that you provided above not materialize what alternative directions have you considered?

This career goals essay asks for your plan in three parts. First, you should describe what you plan to do immediately after your MBA. Then you’ll explain the long-term vision for your career. Finally, Duke admits that many career paths are forged through circumstance, and asks you for Plan B.

Think big picture and focus on the overall story trajectory. What would be the most logical (and interesting) progression from your current skill set and MBA education? How will your next step flow from the combination of those experiences? And your alternative path ideally isn’t a massive departure, but simply shows the areas you could see yourself exploring if your primary plan doesn’t materialize.

For example, perhaps you are focused on becoming a marketing executive at a CPG company. If you don’t find the suitable position after Duke, maybe you would consider another industry for your career path. Think about your range of interests and go from there. Because you have limited space, you’ll have to boil your plans down in a clear statement of what you plan to do, but ideally any plans are supported by the information provided in your resume, recommendations, and other essays.

Required Essays: Answer both essay questions

Essay One: The “Team Fuqua” spirit and community is one of the things that sets The Duke MBA experience apart, and it is a concept that extends beyond the student body to include faculty, staff, and administration. When a new person joins the Admissions team, we ask that person to share with everyone in the office a list of “25 Random Things About Yourself.” As an Admissions team, we already know the new hire’s professional and academic background, so learning these “25 Random Things” helps us get to know someone’s personality, background, special talents, and more.

In this spirit, the Admissions Committee also wants to get to know you beyond the professional and academic achievements listed in your resume and transcript. You can share with us important life experiences, your likes/dislikes, hobbies, achievements, fun facts, or anything that helps us understand what makes you who you are. Share with us your list of “25 Random Things” about YOU.

Please present your response in list form, numbered 1 to 25. Some points may be only a few words, while others may be longer. Your complete list should not exceed 2 pages.

This essay is entirely open ended and topics can span your personal background, work experiences, values or extracurriculars. If you have a particularly interesting story in any of those areas, this is the place to tell that story. This creative exercise is certainly an opportunity to follow the admissions committee’s advice to share what makes you a dynamic, multi-dimensional person.

Coming up with 25 random things to list in this essay may seem daunting at first. To jumpstart your creative process you may want to brainstorm with friends and family about what is most interesting and memorable about you. Or keep a notebook with you to record thoughts as you go about work and personal activities. A themed list that ties into a bigger point may be effective, but resist the urge to package the list too perfectly. In the end, Duke is interested in who you actually are and how your life has unfolded until now.

Essay Two: When asked by your family, friends, and colleagues why you want to go to Duke, what do you tell them? Share the reasons that are most meaningful to you.

This essay is entirely focused on why the Duke MBA program is the right place for you specifically. This may be another opportunity to demonstrate your multi-dimensional personality as you explain which classes, clubs, and community activities most resonate with you.

The best essays will be both specific and personal. While everyone benefits from a diverse alumni network, what specifically do you want to give and receive from your classmates? If you describe clubs and classes you are attracted to, also offer specific examples from your past experiences to show your consistent personal or professional passions.

While the focus of the essay is the Duke MBA program, you are also being asked why these aspects are most meaningful. Your fit with the program is crucial, and therefore you must exhibit the qualities Duke is seeking as well. The Duke MBA program is especially interested in your role within the community, and will place significant weight on this factor. If you research thoroughly and are specific, you should be able to clearly demonstrate why you are going to be strong contributor and teammate.

This essay can also be a place to talk about how the Duke MBA fits into your career goals. What do you know now that will be enhanced through your MBA education? And what crucial aspects of the skill set required for your future career will be augmented by attending Duke?

Optional Essay (Limit your response to two pages) If you feel there are extenuating circumstances of which the Admissions Committee should be aware, please explain them in an optional essay (e.g. unexplained gaps in work, choice of recommenders, inconsistent or questionable academic performance, or any significant weakness in your application).

As with most optional essays, the Duke MBA asks that you only use this space to explain extenuating circumstances. If you have a low GPA, a non-typical recommender or gaps in work history this is the correct place to address those issues.

When approaching any concerns about your background in the optional essay it’s important to focus on recent performance, whether academic or professional, and what such performance demonstrates about your ability. Your goal is to remove questions from your application and to address in a factual manner any information the admissions committee needs to know to fairly evaluate your application.

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Duke Fuqua MBA Essays Guide: Overview, Tips & Examples

Discover everything you need to know about crafting standout MBA essays for Duke Fuqua.

Posted March 1, 2024

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Table of Contents

Are you considering applying to Duke University's Fuqua School of Business for your MBA degree? One crucial aspect of the application process is writing compelling essays that showcase your unique qualifications and suitability for the program . In this comprehensive Duke Fuqua MBA Essays Guide, we will provide you with an overview of the application process, offer valuable tips for crafting outstanding essays , and present you with examples of successful essays that have earned admission to Fuqua. Let's dive in!

Duke Fuqua Application and the Role of Essays

Before we delve into the specifics of the essays, let's first understand the overall application process at Duke Fuqua. Alongside academic achievements and professional experience, the essays play a significant role in assessing your fit for the MBA program. Admissions officers use your essays to gain deeper insights into your personality, motivations, leadership potential, and ability to contribute positively to the Fuqua community.

When it comes to crafting your essays, it is crucial to approach them as an opportunity to portray your authentic self and highlight your unique qualities. The admissions committee is looking for individuals who not only have the academic and professional credentials but also possess the personal attributes that align with the program's core values.

One of the core values at Duke Fuqua is teamwork. They believe that collaboration is essential for success in today's business world. Therefore, when writing your essays, it is important to showcase instances where you have worked effectively in a team setting. Highlight your ability to collaborate, communicate, and motivate others towards a common goal. Provide specific examples that demonstrate your skills in building relationships, resolving conflicts, and fostering a supportive and inclusive team environment.

Another core value that Duke Fuqua emphasizes is community involvement. They believe that business leaders have a responsibility to make a positive impact on society. Therefore, in your essays, discuss your experiences and initiatives that showcase your commitment to giving back to the community. Whether it's through volunteering, mentoring, or leading social impact projects, demonstrate how you have made a difference and how you plan to continue doing so as a member of the Fuqua community.

Lastly, leadership development is a key aspect of the Duke Fuqua MBA program. They are looking for individuals who have the potential to become effective leaders and bring about positive change. In your essays, highlight your leadership experiences and the impact you have had on others. Discuss the challenges you faced, the strategies you employed, and the outcomes you achieved. Show how you have grown as a leader and how you plan to further develop your leadership skills at Duke Fuqua.

Remember, the essays are not just an opportunity to showcase your achievements but also to provide the admissions committee with a glimpse into your character , values, and aspirations. Take the time to reflect on your experiences, goals, and what makes you unique. Craft your essays thoughtfully, ensuring that each response is tailored to Duke Fuqua's values and demonstrates your fit for the program. Good luck!

Duke Fuqua Essay Prompts (2023-2024)

For the 2023-2024 application cycle, Duke Fuqua has provided specific essay prompts. Let's take a closer look at each one and provide you with expert tips on how to approach them:

  • Prompt 1: [Insert Prompt 1]

When considering Prompt 1, it is important to reflect on your personal and professional experiences that have shaped your aspirations. Think about the challenges you have faced and the lessons you have learned along the way. Duke Fuqua values individuals who are driven and have a clear sense of purpose. Use this essay to showcase your goals and how they align with the values and culture of Duke Fuqua.

Additionally, consider discussing how your background and experiences have prepared you for success in the specific field you are interested in. Highlight any relevant skills or accomplishments that demonstrate your potential for making a meaningful impact in your chosen career path.

  • Prompt 2: [Insert Prompt 2]

Prompt 2 offers an opportunity to delve into your leadership experiences and how they have shaped your perspective. Reflect on a time when you had to take charge and make difficult decisions. What were the challenges you faced, and how did you navigate through them?

It is important to not only describe the situation but also to analyze your actions and the impact they had. Did you inspire others? Did you face any resistance? How did you handle it? Reflecting on these aspects will help you showcase your leadership skills and your ability to bring about positive change.

  • Prompt 3: [Insert Prompt 3]

Prompt 3 invites you to share your experiences working in a team and how you have contributed to its success. Think about a time when you collaborated with others to achieve a common goal. What role did you play in the team, and how did you contribute to its overall effectiveness?

Highlight any challenges or conflicts that arose during the team project and discuss how you managed to overcome them. Did you take on a leadership role or support others in their roles? Reflect on the lessons you learned from this experience and how it has shaped your understanding of teamwork.

Remember, the essay prompts are an opportunity for you to showcase your unique qualities and experiences. Take the time to reflect on your past and present, and use these prompts as a platform to articulate your aspirations and how Duke Fuqua can help you achieve them.

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List of Expert Tips for Each Fuqua Essay Prompt

Now that we've outlined the essay prompts, let's explore some expert tips to help you craft exceptional responses:

  • Tips for Prompt 1: [Insert Tips for Prompt 1]
  • Tips for Prompt 2: [Insert Tips for Prompt 2]
  • Tips for Prompt 3: [Insert Tips for Prompt 3]

MBA Essay Tips: How to Write Compelling Essays

Writing powerful and persuasive essays requires careful planning and attention to detail. Here are some general tips to consider as you begin the writing process:

  • Showcase your uniqueness : Highlight what sets you apart from other applicants, emphasizing your distinct experiences, skills, and perspectives.
  • Be authentic and genuine: Avoid exaggeration or fabrications. Admissions officers are looking for authenticity and truthfulness.
  • Structure your essays coherently: Create a logical flow of ideas with clear introduction, body, and conclusion sections.
  • Support your claims with evidence: Back up your statements with concrete examples, statistics, or personal anecdotes.
  • Proofread and revise: Ensure your essays are polished and free of grammatical and spelling errors. Seek feedback from trusted advisors or mentors.

Duke Fuqua Essay Examples From Success Admits — With Analysis

To provide you with inspiration, we have gathered some exceptional Duke Fuqua MBA essay examples from successful applicants who were admitted to the program. Each example will be accompanied by an analysis of what made the essay effective and compelling.

Duke Fuqua Essay FAQs

Throughout the application process, you may have questions regarding the essays. Here are some frequently asked questions and their answers to help clarify any doubts you may have:

  • FAQ 1: [Insert FAQ 1]
  • FAQ 2: [Insert FAQ 2]
  • FAQ 3: [Insert FAQ 3]

By following this comprehensive Duke Fuqua MBA Essays Guide, you will gain valuable insights and practical tips to create compelling essays that effectively convey your qualifications and motivations. Remember, the essays provide an excellent opportunity to leave a lasting impression on the admissions committee and maximize your chances of securing a spot at Duke Fuqua's prestigious MBA program. Best of luck with your application!

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2023-2024 Duke Fuqua MBA Essay Analysis and Tips

Admit expert.

  • July 15, 2023

The objective of Duke Fuqua is to prepare its students to inspire organizations in a way that has both a positive impact on the bottom line and a positive impact on the world. The admissions committee seeks to develop a class profile that embraces this objective and cultivates a culture that develops strong ties among students, faculty, and staff, as well as their families.

Duke is a popular choice when it comes to elite MBA programs, meaning it’s no easy task to win a spot in its small class. 

Duke Fuqua MBA essay analysis and tips

Duke’s admissions team goes through thousands of applications every year to find the best people to let into its class of about 400 students. Duke places a lot of value on diversity, teamwork, and collaboration. Duke is also a highly community-driven school and tends to look for a certain set of characteristics in prospective students.

If this sounds like a place where you’d feel right at home, you’ll need to show Duke that you’re up to the task by answering their admissions essay questions well.

Required short-answer essay question

First required essay: 25 random things about yourself, second required essay: the fuqua community and you, optional essay: tell us more, application deadlines, short-answer essay question, advice from duke fuqua, essay 1 tips, essay 2 tips, optional essay, let us help you get into duke fuqua, duke fuqua mba essays 2023-2024.

You’ll need to provide your response to one short answer and two longer essay questions as part of your application.

Instructions: Answer the following question in 100 words.

What are your post-MBA career goals? Share with us your first-choice career plan and your alternate plan.

The ‘Team Fuqua’ spirit and community is one of the things that sets the MBA experience apart, and it is a concept that extends beyond the student body to include faculty, staff, and administration. Please share with us “25 Random Things” about you. The Admissions Committee wants to get to know YOU – beyond the professional and academic achievements listed in your resume and transcript. Share with us important life experiences, your hobbies, achievements, fun facts, or anything that helps us understand what makes you who you are.

Your list will be limited to 2 pages (750 words maximum). Please present your response in list form, numbered 1 to 25. Some points may be brief, while others may be longer.

Fuqua prides itself on cultivating a culture of engagement. Our students enjoy a wide range of student-led organizations that provide opportunities for leadership development and personal fulfillment, as well as an outlet for contributing to society. Our student-led government, clubs, centers, and events are an integral part of the student culture and to the development of leaders. Based on your understanding of the Fuqua culture, what are 3 ways you expect to contribute at Fuqua?

Your response will be limited to 1 page (500 words maximum).

If you feel there are circumstances of which the admissions committee should be aware, please explain them here (e.g. unexplained gaps in work, choice of recommenders, inconsistent or questionable academic performance). Note that you should NOT upload additional essays nor additional recommendations in this area. The Optional Information section is intended to provide the admissions committee with insight into your circumstances only.

 Your response will be limited to 1 page (500 words maximum).

What are your post-MBA career goals? Share with us your first-choice career plan and your alternate plan. (max 100 words)

It’s a pretty straightforward question. 

The admissions committee knows that even the finest plans don’t always work out as planned or may even have unintended consequences. 

It wants to know that you are ready to switch gears and recommit to a different path if you need to and that you are fully capable of doing so. 

The key to answering this question is to show that your backup goal is just as connected to your skills, interests, and goals as your original plan and doesn’t come out completely disconnected. 

For example, it might be hard to persuade the admissions committee that your short-term goal is to work in Private Equity and your alternative goal is to work as an Energy sector consultant since these jobs usually require very different skills and personalities. Just make sure that both of the goals you set are reasonable and doable.

In short, identify your immediate post-MBA goals and even list a few companies you’d like to work for. As a follow-up, explain how the short term serves as a bridge to the long term. If you have room, mention the impact you aim to have as a result of what you’ll be doing. 

You’ll also need to identify a second post-MBA job that will help you achieve your stated long-term goals.

Topic – 25 random things about yourself


  • To be presented in a list form, numbered 1 to 25
  • Maximum 750 words
  • Limited to 2 pages

At first, it may seem tough to come up with twenty-five odd items. Begin by brainstorming with friends and family to get ideas flowing. To begin, find out what makes you stand out from the crowd. Then, have them give the first thing that comes to mind when they’re asked about you,. Another approach is to always have a notebook nearby so that you may jot down ideas as they come to you.

How do you organize your list once you have 25 random things? You can structure them alphabetically. Alternatively, you can arrange the items in the list from shortest to longest. It’s also a good idea to break up long explanations into short ones. However, you can also keep the list purely random to make the reader keep guessing.

Allison Jamison , Duke Fuqua’s Assistant Dean of Admissions, said that this is the essay their admissions team likes to read the most.

Our team at Admit Expert is the same way. One of our favorite things to do every year is to help candidates choose which fun facts about themselves to share.

The best thing to do with this list is to have some fun with it. After all, they could have asked, “How do you think you can help make Fuqua a more diverse place?” but instead gave you this more open way to do it.

Before you start, we suggest you read this post from Megan Overby , Former Director of Admissions. In it, she talks about why Fuqua came up with this question, which is still important today.

You can also take a look at this video featuring Natasha Gore, Fuqua Admissions team member, sharing a few tips on this essay.

For ideas, you may refer to the following examples on Duke Website:

Examples of “25 Random Things”

  • 25 Interesting Facts About Me
  • My 25 Random Things
  • More Random Things

Here are a few tips to help you write this unique essay:

  • Keep an optimistic attitude! Share joyful recollections, amusing details, intriguing skills, and (very brief) tales of perseverance and achievement. Avoid failure and disappointment at all costs (unless you can be light-hearted or self-effacing about it).
  • Aim to include all aspects of your life, including non-work-related interests and significant personal information and relationships. Writing about why you adored your grandmother as a child or what you learned during a long-distance relationship phase will assist the admissions committee get to know you beyond your résumé.
  • Think twice before bringing up religion or politics, just as you would on a first date or a job interview. If these topics are significant enough to justify mention, keep your comments to personal significance and community dimensions (i.e., avoid attempting to teach or persuade the reader).
  • Take the long perspective. Sharing a few pieces of information about your childhood that can provide admissions officers with unique insight not seen elsewhere in your application. In the meantime, discussing contemporary favorites (e.g., food, film, travel destination, or place to visit in your city or town) can reveal who you are today.
  • Brief examples, such as learning something the hard way when traveling abroad or working hard to develop a new pastime, can demonstrate both your interests and your approach to overcoming obstacles.
  • We suggest no more than five work-related list items (and suggest that you aim for even fewer). The adcom can read about your professional background elsewhere in your application, as suggested by the prologue.
  • Aim for balance in your list’s content; rather than listing items chronologically or by domain (e.g., professional, personal, extracurricular), mix things up and keep your reader guessing to make this genuinely “random.”
  • Show your draft to a close friend or relative to gain their opinion on how well you’ve captured your personality and whether you’ve missed anything.

Do you want to impress the Duke Fuqua Adcom?

At Admit Expert, we have helped hundreds of students get into top MBA programs around the world. We would be happy to help you too. Schedule a free call with us today to learn more about our services and how we can help you achieve your goals.

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The Fuqua community and you

1 page (500 words maximum)

When writing your Duke Fuqua MBA essay, be explicit about why you want to join the Team Fuqua. As a result, the best essays for the Duke MBA program will be both personal and well-researched. Everybody benefits from having a wide alumni network. Because of this, what will you give and receive from your peers?

The admissions committee at Fuqua, just like they did the year before, makes it abundantly apparent that you are required to detail three particular ways in which you believe you can contribute to Fuqua (rather than leaving the number of items up to you).

In our opinion, the success of this article is contingent on three factors: research, authenticity, and conciseness.

This is an even greater challenge, considering that you need to mention three things while only using 500 words total.

To begin, you will need to undertake a significant amount of research. It is going to be very difficult for you to create an essay that is convincing about why you feel that you belong at Fuqua if you don’t know too much about the community at Fuqua.

Next, you need to choose a topic and convey that you’re genuinely passionate about this topic. The best way to choose a topic for this short essay is to reflect on your own experiences. To begin, see if there are any clubs in Fuqua that share your passions. Next, think about what classes you’d like to take that will help you expand your expertise. Finally, use instances from your own life to demonstrate your interests and motivations in your writing.

Proper program fit is critical. It would be ideal if you were able to demonstrate personal characteristics that Duke Fuqua holds dear. Fuqua, for example, is very interested in what you do in your community. Your Duke Fuqua application will consequently be heavily influenced by your involvement in the community.

Lastly, try to keep your essay as short as you can. You should leave enough room to fully explain your different examples and make sure to connect each one to the Duke community. However, this is not the place to write a poem about how much you love Duke. But it can be hard to write such a short essay, so make sure you read our post on how to write great short essays here!

Tell us more:

If you feel there are circumstances of which the admissions committee should be aware, please explain them here (e.g. unexplained gaps in work, choice of recommenders, inconsistent or questionable academic performance). Note that you should NOT upload additional essays or additional recommendations in this area. The Optional Information section is intended to provide the admissions committee with insight into your circumstances only.

The question for this Duke MBA essay is pretty specific, and you should only use this optional essay to talk about weaknesses in your application. 

Even though the adcom says responses can be up to one page long, you should keep your answers as short and straightforward as possible. 

This is not the place to talk about your life story, why you want to go to Duke, or why you need an MBA. It is also not a place to copy and paste a good essay you wrote for another school. Make sure you only talk about your weaknesses and talk about what steps you have taken or will take to fix them.

We will help you write essays that portray your unique strengths and experiences in the most favorable light so that your application shines above the rest. We have helped hundreds of students get into top US business schools. Let us help you too.

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Duke Fuqua MBA Essays


MBA & Beyond Team

16/12/2023 | 4:00 pm

Duke Fuqua MBA Essays

Are you a student dreaming of studying abroad and eyeing the prestigious Duke Fuqua School of Business for your MBA? If yes, you’ve already taken the first step toward a transformative journey. The Duke Fuqua MBA program , known for its strong focus on leadership and a collaborative learning environment, demands more than just academic excellence from its applicants. Consequently, here’s where the Duke Fuqua MBA essays come into play.

These essays are your golden opportunity to stand out in a pool of highly qualified candidates. Moreover, they are not just about showcasing your achievements and aspirations; they delve deeper into who you are as a person, your values, and how you can contribute to the Fuqua community. Furthermore, they offer a platform to express your unique story and perspectives, ultimately, helping you to make a compelling case for your admission.

The Power of Storytelling in Your Application

The beauty of the Duke Fuqua MBA essays lies in their ability to bring your story to life. Specifically, it’s about connecting the dots between your past experiences, present skills, and future goals. Consequently, think of these essays as a canvas where you paint a vivid picture of your unique personality, diverse background, and the potential you hold to enrich the Fuqua community.

Understanding the Duke Fuqua MBA Essay Requirements

Getting acquainted with the essay topics.

Duke Fuqua requires applicants to write several essays, each serving a specific purpose. Initially, the first essay, famously known as the ’25 Random Things About Yourself,’ is a creative exercise that allows you to present facets of your personality that aren’t evident in your resume or academic transcripts. Subsequently, the other essays focus on professional aspirations and fit with the Fuqua program.

Insights from Official Sources

According to Duke Fuqua’s official website, the admissions team looks for clarity of thought, genuine self-reflection, and authenticity in the essays. Consequently, your essays should not just answer the questions but also reflect your enthusiasm for the program and, additionally, your readiness to be part of the diverse and dynamic Fuqua community.

The Numbers Speak

The competition is intense. With an acceptance rate hovering around 22% and an average GMAT score of 710 for the recent entering class, the essays become a critical differentiator. Thus, this data underscores the need for your essays to be impactful and well-crafted.

duke fuqua mba essay questions

Strategies for the ’25 Random Things About Yourself’ Essay

The art of being authentic and engaging.

The ’25 Random Things About Yourself’ essay is a unique aspect of the Duke Fuqua MBA application. It’s a chance for you to showcase your personality, background, and interests in a way that your resume and transcripts can’t. Importantly, the key here is authenticity. Consequently, this essay should reflect who you truly are, not who you think the admissions committee wants to see.

  • Mix Professional and Personal: While it’s tempting to focus solely on professional achievements, Fuqua values the whole person. Thus, blend your professional accomplishments with personal interests, hobbies, or fun facts. Did you climb a significant peak recently, or do you have a unique collection? These insights add depth to your profile.
  • Structure for Skimmability: Consider categorizing your 25 things into themes like personal values, professional milestones, unique talents, and interesting anecdotes. This approach makes it easier for the admissions team to remember key aspects of your personality and background.
  • Show, Don’t Just Tell: Moreover, use anecdotes and examples. If teamwork is a strength, share a quick story about a time you led a team project successfully. Stories stick in the reader’s mind more than generic statements.

Balancing Creativity with Clarity

While creativity is encouraged, clarity is paramount. Each point should be concise yet detailed enough to give the reader a glimpse into your life. Therefore, remember, this essay is a way to add color and dimension to your application.

Articulating Career Goals Effectively

Aligning aspirations with fuqua’s offerings.

The career goals essay is where you align your professional aspirations with what Fuqua can offer. Notably, according to Duke Fuqua’s career statistics, 80% of 2022 graduates landed jobs in their desired sectors, with Consulting (34%) and Technology (20%) being the top industries. These figures underscore the importance of presenting realistic and achievable career goals.

  • Be Specific and Realistic: Instead of vague aspirations, outline specific goals. If you’re interested in consulting, specify what kind of consulting and why. Similarly, if technology intrigues you, what particular role within tech are you aiming for?
  • Connect the Dots: Furthermore, how will a Fuqua MBA help you achieve these goals? Maybe it’s the strong alumni network, specific courses, or the school’s reputation in a certain industry. Link your aspirations to Fuqua’s resources and offerings.
  • Plan B Matters: Lastly, Fuqua appreciates adaptability. Briefly mention an alternative path if your primary plan doesn’t materialize. This shows flexibility and practical thinking.

Utilizing Data to Your Advantage

When discussing your career goals, reference industry trends, salary averages, or employment statistics. For instance, citing the median salary for MBA graduates in your chosen field can demonstrate an understanding of the market. Additionally, this data-driven approach shows that you’ve done your homework and are serious about your career path. Moreover, it illustrates your practical approach to planning your future.

duke fuqua mba essay questions

Showcasing Fit with Duke Fuqua’s Community and Values

Reflecting fuqua’s principles in your essays.

Duke Fuqua is known for its distinctive culture and values, focusing on collaborative leadership and community engagement. Consequently, to stand out, your essays should resonate with these values. According to Fuqua’s website, the school values diversity, inclusiveness, and a community-centric approach. Here’s how to weave these elements into your essays:

  • Community Engagement : Share instances where you’ve contributed to your community or led community projects. Fuqua is keen on applicants who will actively contribute to its community.
  • Leadership Experiences : Highlight examples of your leadership, especially where you’ve led through collaboration. Fuqua values leaders who bring out the best in others.
  • Diversity and Inclusion : If you have experiences working in diverse teams or promoting inclusivity, mention them. Fuqua prides itself on a diverse student body and values applicants who embrace this.

Practical Tips for Effective Writing

  • Use Specific Examples : Concrete examples leave a stronger impression than generic statements.
  • Connect to Fuqua’s Values : Research Fuqua’s website, especially sections on community and values, and link your experiences to these themes.
  • Be Concise but Comprehensive : While it’s important to be succinct, ensure you’re also providing a full picture of your experiences and values.

Leveraging the Optional Essay

Addressing gaps and enhancing your profile.

The optional essay is your chance to address any part of your application that might raise questions, such as gaps in employment, academic challenges, or unusual recommenders. According to Fuqua’s admissions FAQs, this essay should be used judiciously.

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  • Addressing Gaps or Weaknesses : If there’s a gap in your employment or your undergraduate GPA isn’t strong, use this essay to explain. However, keep it factual and positive.
  • Highlighting Additional Strengths : You can also use this space to highlight something not covered in other essays or parts of your application that demonstrates additional skills or experiences beneficial to Fuqua.

Guidelines for the Optional Essay

  • Be Clear and Concise : Explain the situation and how you’ve grown or addressed the issue.
  • Stay Positive : Focus on the positive aspects of any challenge you’ve faced.
  • Don’t Repeat Information : Avoid repeating information already covered in your application unless you’re providing additional context.

Final Tips and Common Mistakes to Avoid in Duke Fuqua MBA Essays

Perfecting your duke fuqua mba essays.

As you approach the final stages of crafting your Duke Fuqua MBA essays, it’s essential to refine your narratives, ensuring they are compelling, coherent, and concise. Here are some final tips and common pitfalls to watch out for:

  • Proofread Thoroughly : Grammatical errors or typos can detract from the professionalism of your application. Ensure you proofread your essays multiple times and, if possible, get someone else to review them as well.
  • Stay True to Your Voice : While it’s important to present a polished essay, don’t lose your unique voice in the process. Your essays should sound like you and reflect your genuine thoughts and experiences.
  • Avoid Repetition : Make sure each essay covers different aspects of your profile. Repeating the same information across different essays can waste valuable space where you could have showcased other strengths or experiences.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

  • Being Too Vague : Specific examples and detailed narratives are much more impactful than broad statements. Avoid being too general in describing your experiences or goals.
  • Overreaching with Goals : While ambition is good, unrealistically high goals can seem impractical. Ensure your career goals are ambitious yet achievable.
  • Ignoring the “Why Fuqua” Aspect : Always tie back your goals and experiences to what Fuqua specifically offers and how it aligns with your aspirations.

Summarizing Key Takeaways for MBA Aspirants

To wrap up, here are the key takeaways for making the most out of your Duke Fuqua MBA essays:

  • Reflect Authenticity and Depth : Use the essays to present a well-rounded picture of yourself, blending professional achievements with personal stories and values.
  • Articulate Clear, Achievable Goals : Be specific about your career aspirations and how Fuqua’s program supports them.
  • Demonstrate Fit with Fuqua’s Culture : Show how your values and experiences align with Fuqua’s focus on collaboration, leadership, and community.
  • Utilize the Optional Essay Wisely : Address any potential concerns in your application and add depth to your profile.

Encouragement for Prospective Students

Embarking on the journey to an MBA, especially at a prestigious institution like Duke Fuqua, is both exciting and challenging. Remember, your essays are a powerful tool to convey your story, aspirations, and the unique value you will bring to the Fuqua community. Approach them with thoughtfulness, authenticity, and a clear vision of your future, and you will be well on your way to crafting compelling narratives that resonate with the admissions committee.

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Prepare for your Round 2 MBA interviews with mock sessions and personalized communications training. Learn More.

The Duke Fuqua MBA Interview Preparation Guide

Duke's Fuqua School of Business

Quick Facts

Deadlines and decisions, detailed overview, sample questions, quick facts , who does fuqua interview.

Fuqua interviews are conducted by invitation only. However, there is an Open Interview Period wherein all early applicants will be guaranteed an interview. A completed application is not required to interview during the Open Interview Period, but you must have started an application and have completed the biographical information section.

Who conducts the Fuqua interview?

The interview may be conducted by either a staff member, current student, or alum.  Jump ahead to read more about Fuqua’s interviewers.

How long is the Fuqua interview?

The estimated time given by Fuqua is 30-45 minutes. Jump ahead to find out more on the interview length.

Where is the interview held?

Duke Fuqua’s MBA interviews are conducted both in person and online per the candidate’s preference. Jump ahead to read more on the interview location.

What is the format?

Questions will be behavioral in nature and the interview will be blind.  Jump ahead to learn more about the format.

Deadlines and Decision Schedule 

More information available on Fuqua’s Application Deadline Page

Video Essays

Fuqua does not ask for a video essay.

Drawing from Menlo Coaching’s extensive client database of first-hand interview reports, this section offers the most up-to-date information on Fuqua’s interview process.

Interviewer profile

The majority of our clients report having an interview with a second year student but one had their interview with an alum. Interviews are designed to give the applicant the opportunity to explain their resumes through relaxed conversation. The interviewer will have the applicant’s resume but may not have read through it yet. 

Interviews are described as being straightforward for the most part, although it is possible to receive an unexpected question or two. Most of our clients, however, had no surprise questions. The tone of the interview is conversational and informal. 

Questions are heavily oriented towards workplace experience and management style. They range from open ended inquiries about leadership style to specific questions regarding career trajectory. The interviewer will also want to discuss why the applicant has chosen Fuqua for their MBA and what they can bring to the program. 

Although the given time for the interviews is between 30 and 45 minutes, our clients report that the remote interviews tend to run long. Expect to speak for around an hour. 

When submitting your Fuqua application, you will specify whether you would rather interview in-person or virtually. However, for Round 2 and Round 3 applicants, interviews are only conducted online. You must select the “virtual interview” option in your application.

If you select Durham as your interview location, you will also have the option to participate in other activities on campus during your visit.

If you select the virtual option, you will be connected with an alumnus or student in a similar time zone and will schedule your interview directly with your interviewer. As with any virtual business engagement, applicants should make sure that they have a high-speed wired Internet connection, good lighting, and that they point their computer camera at eye level.

The Fuqua interview has a straightforward question and answer format. Applicants should expect about 12 questions/prompts that begin with a resume walkthrough. The interviewer may take notes.

At the end the interviewer will ask if the applicant has any questions for them. Since our clients tell us that Fuqua is interested in why the applicant wishes to attend their program, this would be an excellent opportunity for an applicant to demonstrate their genuine interest and curiosity about the Fuqua MBA.

Interview Prep with Menlo Coaching

If you’re interested in prepping for your MBA interview with the Menlo Coaching team, reach out today! We offer mock interviews and school-specific training for HBS, Wharton, Sloan and more!

Duke Fuqua MBA Interview Sample Questions

This section lists a number of possible Fuqua questions. Like the details in the section above, these questions are sourced from Menlo Coaching’s client database of first-hand interview reports.

You can use the questions below to conduct mock interviews that mimic an actual conversation. For best results, however, consider seeking expert help via Menlo Coaching’s interview prep service.

The Fuqua interview, sample questions

  • Walk Me Through Your Resume
  • Why an MBA? Why Fuqua? 
  • What is Your Leadership Style?
  • How Do You Feel About Working in a Diverse Team? 
  • Tell Me About a Successful Project You Worked on and How Did You Contribute to it?
  • Describe a Manager/Leader You Admired and What Did You Learn From Them?
  • What is Your Motivation Behind Your Career Goals?
  • Describe a Time Success Depended on Good Communication Skills
  • What Will You Add to the Class?
  • How Will You Choose Between Schools? 
  • What Does “Team Fuqua” Mean to You?
  • Questions for The Interviewer

If you’re looking for guidance on how to answer questions like these with confidence, you can  find detailed breakdowns for MBA interview questions here .

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Personal MBA Coach

Fuqua EMBA Application Deadlines and Essay Tips: 2023-2024

duke fuqua mba essay questions

The Fuqua School of Business at Duke University has shared its Executive MBA application essays for the 2023-2024 application cycle. This year, the school’s application includes three short essay questions and one optional essay.

For those interested in the Duke Fuqua EMBA Program, take a look at the latest  class profile  to assess whether the school may be a good fit for you.

Enrollment for the classes of 2022 – 2024 ranged from 180 to 195 students: 48% of the class of 2024 identified as a minority (23% as an underrepresented minority) and 29% were women. Duke EMBA students ranged from 33 to 56 years of age and had an average of 11 years of work experience.

The upcoming deadlines for the Duke EMBA program are December 6, 2023; January 4, 2024; February 1, 2024; March 6, 2024, and April 3, 2024. Below, please find our analysis of the Duke Fuqua EMBA application essays.

2023-2024 Duke Fuqua EMBA Application Essays

NOTE: Your responses should use a font size no less than 10-point. Please respond fully and concisely using 1.5 line spacing. There is no word limit for the first question.

Duke EMBA Short Answer Question 1:

Pursuing an MBA offers a fantastic springboard to your desired career goals. What are some professional milestones you’ve set for yourself or challenges you’re currently facing? How do you think Fuqua’s Executive MBA specifically will help you achieve your goals and navigate those challenges?

While there is no word limit, this is a SHORT answer question.

Start with a very short discussion on where you are today in your career. Follow this opening with a brief section on your goals, which should include those “milestones” the school mentions. Your goals can (and often will be) a position within your existing firm. However, if you are seeking a higher level of leadership, state that and what challenges that will bring.

Finally, give the admissions committee an idea of the classes/programs/initiatives that Fuqua offers that will help prepare you to meet the challenges ahead. Be sure to be specific, both about the programs/classes you want to follow and what you will learn from them. Keep in mind the Fuqua culture and how it will enrich you.

duke fuqua mba essay questions

Duke EMBA Short Answer Question 2:

Please respond to one of the two prompts below in 250 words or less:, 1. tell us about your favorite team success story. why was it successful what was your role, 2. in what ways do you believe you will make an impact at fuqua why is this important to you.

This year, Duke Fuqua gives EMBA applicants a choice for its second short answer question.

As you determine which option to select, think about your own strengths and pick the option that best lets you share these strengths with the Duke admissions committee. While there is no wrong choice, if you have something unique to contribute, you may want to select the second option.

If you choose to answer the first prompt, make sure to be specific and to the point. Tell the admissions committee briefly about the situation. Then, detail both the team’s approach and your role within the team. Try to keep a healthy balance between discussing how the team worked and what you contributed to the success.

If you pick the second option, think about what skills, experiences or perspectives you will contribute on campus. You can approach this more traditionally by discussing clubs you will join, roles you will seek on campus or ways you might volunteer at Duke. However, you might also think about your contributions more broadly. If you have a unique background, how might you share this to enrich the Duke community? Be sure that it is clear to the reader why contributing to this area is important to you!

Duke EMBA Short Answer Question 3:

The admissions team wants to get to know you – beyond your professional and academic achievements shared with us in the application. please share with us 10 random things about you. this could include important life experiences, hobbies, achievements, fun facts, or anything that helps us understand what makes you, uniquely you. .

Please present your response in list form, numbered 1 to 10. Some points may be brief, while others may be longer.

Try to have fun with this question. Choose things that, taken together, give the admissions committee a fuller picture of you: things you love, interests that makes you tick, sources of glee, sadness, curiosity, wonder. Funny things, moving things, surprising things. It is good to choose things that show both the active, outer side of you and your inner world. Make sure the items in this list are not repetitive of anything above or easily implied: for example, If you head up an arts nonprofit, avoid “I love art.”

Make sure each thing says something about YOU: If you mention your favorite movie or favorite food, say why: Do not waste word space just listing things. While the list is called “random,” it is really more meaningful than that.

While there is no word limit, we suggest brevity: Say as much as is needed for context and for each item to make sense. Funny things are welcome!

duke fuqua mba essay questions

Optional Essay:  Tell us more

If you feel there are circumstances of which the admissions committee should be aware, please explain them here (e.g. unexplained gaps in work, choice of recommenders, inconsistent or questionable academic performance).  .

The Optional Essay is intended to provide the admissions committee with insight into your circumstances.

This essay should be addressed only by applicants with extenuating circumstances. Read more about how to answer this optional essay question  here .

Looking for help developing or fine-tuning your Duke Fuqua essays?

Personal MBA Coach is here to help. Check out our EMBA Comprehensive packages today!

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Duke Daytime MBA Student Blog

The many ways i stay connected to team fuqua as an alum.

The Team Fuqua spirit is what continues to drive my connections with my classmates, professors, colleagues, and current Fuqua students.

Meghan Spell

Published June 4, 2024

duke fuqua mba essay questions

When researching business schools, I knew that I wanted to be somewhere that had a supportive culture. Relationships have always been one of the most important things in my life, and being in an environment that encouraged collaboration and teamwork was a top priority. Learning about Team Fuqua solidified that Fuqua was the best fit for me.

During my time as a student, I frequently experienced Team Fuqua in action and formed meaningful relationships with numerous parts of the Fuqua community. The Team Fuqua spirit is what continues to drive my connections with my classmates, professors, colleagues, and current Fuqua students.

Finding Fuqua Connections at Work

When I graduated from Fuqua, I joined UnitedHealth Group’s (UHG) leadership experience program, a two-year rotation program designed to cultivate the next generation of UHG leaders through unique exposure, experiences, and development opportunities. One of the things that most attracted me to UHG is the number of Fuqua alumni in the program. From helping with first-round interview preparation to evaluating the different rotation opportunities, the Fuqua alumni were instrumental in offering their insights and extending their network and resources.

Since joining UHG, I started a quarterly Fuqua Friday as an informal mechanism for us to interact with and get to know each other. Although it’s virtual and we unfortunately don’t have any chicken tenders, it’s been a great way for us to foster community in an organization with more than 450,000 employees.

Recruiting and Other Campus Visits

Another way I’ve remained involved with Fuqua is by returning to campus whenever a recruiting opportunity exists. I’ve participated in the Health Sector Management (HSM) Bootcamp , the Duke MBA Health Care Club’s annual conference, company presentations, coffee chats, and interviews.

I always look forward to being back on campus so I can interact with current students as well as catch up with mentors, advisors, and professors, such as fellow attorney and avid reader John Buley , health care guru Peter Ubel , and social entrepreneurship leader Erin Worsham , who played a pivotal role in my experience. One particularly fond memory is being at the Health Care Club Conference when three of my classmates, Mahek Chhatrapati, Gordon Silverman, and Andrei Assa, were discussing their company DocNexus as that year’s keynote speaker. Another is returning to campus for the HSM Bootcamp with my section mate, Tess Rodriguez, and Emma Breithaupt, who spent her summer internship on my second rotation’s team. 

Receiving and Sharing Updates

In addition to being active in health care activities, I am also involved with the Center for the Advancement of Social Entrepreneurship (CASE), having joined the group as a CASE Scholar when I enrolled. CASE Executive Director Erin Worsham sends an email at the beginning of each year introducing the newest CASE Scholars and providing a forum for us to give professional and personal updates. I love receiving this each year, especially because people respond sporadically and keep the thread going for months.

This year, I was able to share in my update that I was excited about hosting another CASE Scholar in New Orleans for Mardi Gras. This activity speaks to the strength of the bonds that are formed while at Fuqua and the instant connection that’s shared with people who are part of this special group.

Creating New Memories with Classmates

On a personal note, I moved to Minneapolis sight unseen when I graduated. A handful of classmates were also moving to Minneapolis for their careers, so I coordinated different events for us to periodically meet in person. One of these socials was Taberna Tuesdays, where we go to a Mexican restaurant called Taberna on Tuesday evening as an ode to the beloved Tavern Tuesday tradition at Fuqua. Although I recently moved back to my home state of Louisiana, the group continues to get together, and I join when work brings me back to the Twin Cities.

Most of my closest friends were dispersed throughout the country once we graduated. Thankfully, group texts keep us connected and updated on what’s happening with each other. Since graduating, I’ve visited Seattle, Portland, Nashville, D.C., New York City, Rhode Island and multiple places in between to spend time with Fuqua friends in their new cities.

Most recently, my friendships formed at Fuqua brought me to the furthest place I’ve traveled—Thailand. A friend (and section mate) from Fuqua and I met another Fuqua friend in his hometown of Bangkok. We spent two weeks exploring Thailand and Vietnam together over the winter holidays, exploring various sites like temples, elephant sanctuaries, palaces, and markets, trying local favorites as we went.

This experience was one I could only vaguely envision when I was looking at the diverse cultures and backgrounds of previous class profiles at Fuqua. I’m thankful to Fuqua for bringing all of us together and for fostering an atmosphere that encourages authentic and continued connection. I’m looking forward to remaining involved in the Fuqua community and building upon the strength of these bonds.

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Associate Director of Admissions, The Fuqua School of Business

Durham, NC, US, 27710

Duke University:

Duke University was created in 1924 through an indenture of trust by James Buchanan Duke. Today, Duke is regarded as one of America’s leading research universities. Located in Durham, North Carolina, Duke is positioned in the heart of the Research Triangle, which is ranked annually as one of the best places in the country to work and live. Duke has more than 15,000 students who study and conduct research in its 10 undergraduate, graduate and professional schools. With about 40,000 employees, Duke is the third largest private employer in North Carolina, and it now has international programs in more than 150 countries.

Position Summary

Associate Director of Admissions

The Associate Director of Admissions (level 12) participates in a team effort to market, recruit, and select students for the Fuqua Daytime MBA Program. This position reports to the Program Director for Admissions, and focuses on yield initiatives and alumni engagement in addition to Daytime MBA team counseling duties. The Associate Director is responsible for creating opportunities for admitted students to learn about Fuqua, connect with our community, and ultimately envision themselves as Duke students!  

Associate Director Responsibilities:

  • Assist the Program Director of Admissions in the implementation of admissions processes for the Daytime MBA Program
  • Develop and implement the Admissions Alumni Volunteer Program. Recruit alumni volunteers for various admissions functions, provide training for alumni interviewers and alumni buddies, manage content displayed on alumni intranet, and propose new ideas to increase intranet functionality.
  • Lead planning and execution of two annual Admitted Student Weekends (Blue Devil Weekends). Responsibilities include selecting and managing student leaders for the event, developing programming, creating communications for attendees, collaborating with the Daytime MBA admissions team and external departments at Fuqua, managing the event budget, and working with the On-Campus Event Coordinator to plan logistics for the events.
  • Create a yield event strategy for in-person and virtual events for admitted students. Work with Daytime Admissions staff members, student groups, and other departments at Fuqua to provide guidance on scheduling and executing events. 
  • Collaborate with the Fuqua Research Centers on marketing initiatives for the program, answer student questions about the program, compile incoming student biographies for centers, and create event calendar with the centers for annual programming. 
  • Work with the On-Campus Event Coordinator to schedule quarterly events for current students, admitted student receptions, and an Orientation welcome event.
  • Serve as the admissions advisor for one international market, and share responsibility for domestic recruitment, waitlist, and admitted student relationships among Daytime MBA admissions team. 

Daytime MBA Admissions Team Member Responsibilities:

  • Build and develop relationships with prospective students
  • Read applications and participate in admissions committee
  • Conduct applicant interviews when needed for the MBA programs and specialty master’s degrees at Fuqua
  • Participate in recruitment and enrollment initiatives including (but not limited to) travel within the US and internationally, delivering virtual presentations, assisting with on-campus events, and counseling prospective and admitted students. 
  • Participate in a rotational Officer of the Day program on campus, serving as the Daytime representative for campus visitors and inquiries weekly.
  • Assist with recruitment efforts for other Fuqua graduate business programs as needed.
  • Perform other duties as assigned.

Skills and Qualifications

  • Undergraduate degree required 
  • This position will be staffed in North Carolina and must be able to work on campus in Durham.  The position will be eligible for hybrid work per the Fuqua School of Business remote work policy. 
  • Demonstrated ability to manage multiple responsibilities in a fast-paced, dynamic, environment with a proven track record of successful project management.
  • Strong presentation, communication, interpersonal and team skills are essential.
  • Willingness and ability to travel both domestically and internationally, and the ability to interact with a diverse and global audience is required. 
  • Must be comfortable with email and CRM systems, virtual platforms like MS Teams and Zoom, and presentation platforms like Canva.

Minimum Qualifications

Work requires analytical and communication skills as well as familiarity with the academic setting generally acquired through completion of a bachelor's degree program.

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What makes a transformative educational experience?

by Dan Vermeer , Associate Professor of the Practice and Executive Director, EDGE

I’ve just returned from leading a new course on “Climate and Sustainability in the Nordic Countries” in Copenhagen, Denmark and in the Norwegian cities of Tromsø and Oslo. The 23 participating graduate students from Fuqua School of Business and Nicholas School of the Environment attended six preparatory sessions in Durham, before meeting in Copenhagen to begin our journey together.  Over 11 days, we met with experts, academics, policy makers, executives, and entrepreneurs, to explore Nordic approaches to environmental challenges.

duke fuqua mba essay questions

I became interested in the Nordic region due to its global leadership on climate, sustainability, and oceans, as well as its distinctive “Nordic Model” approach to social welfare, human rights, and justice issues. The region seemed an ideal context for exploring the state of the art public and private approaches to climate and sustainability challenges. However, the region is no panacea as it deals with its own unique gaps, dilemmas, and barriers that stand in the way of concerted action.  In the class, we discussed this tension between “Nordic dreams” on one hand, and “Nordic dilemmas” on the other.

While I was enthusiastic about creating a travel-based course, I had some ambivalence about the carbon footprint involved in bringing so many students to Europe for this study course.  I decided that this course would be worth the time, expense, and climate impact only if it was a truly transformative learning experience for my students.  I have been a life-long fan of travel because I know it can deeply change perceptions about the world, build new relationships and networks, and spark new possibilities.  My goal was to organize an experience that could shift my students’ awareness, motivations, and career plans in meaningful ways. From this experience, I too have learned a lot about facilitating immersive learning experiences that will inform my teaching and research.

What makes an educational experience transformative?  Reflecting on our experience in the Nordic GATE course, I can identify several factors that created the greatest impact for my students. 

Engage with professionals with deep expertise : As one example from our trip: Patrick Moloney is a strategy consultant with Ramboll Consulting in Copenhagen.  Over the last several months, Patrick has been intensively studying the EU’s ambitious regulatory efforts on sustainability reporting, environmental and human rights due diligence, and sustainable business criteria, which will have profound implications for companies in the EU and globally.  Patrick’s deep analysis of emerging trends provided students with a unique opportunity to learn about the emerging needs and gaps facing companies in a world of increased transparency and accountability.

Participate in immersive experiences : In the preparation for the course, we studied a case study on how biking culture has evolved in Copenhagen over the last several decades.  While biking has always been popular in Denmark, it was not always obvious that the city would invest in a robust urban biking infrastructure.  In fact, Denmark was tempted by the low-density, car-based culture of the U.S. after the Second World War, and only began to focus on biking as a policy priority after the oil crisis in the early 1970s.  Currently, around 62% of Copenhagen residents commute by bicycle to work or study each day, almost as many bicycle commuters as in the entire U.S.  On our trip, we encouraged students to rent bicycles and use public transportation to get around the city, so they could have first-hand experience of a city organized around bikes instead of cars.  

duke fuqua mba essay questions

Invite a diverse learning community : Since this was the first year of the Nordic GATE course, we initially signed up 15 Daytime MBA students, slightly below the ideal number of students for the course.  To expand registration, we decided to open up the course to Fuqua Executive MBA students, as well as Duke Master of Environmental Management students, raising our number to 23.  One of the clear learnings from the trip was that mixing students from different schools and programs across Duke noticeably improved the learning experience for all participants.  As they got to know each other, they learned from the different perspectives of their peers, and this was reflected in the range of questions that emerged in our conversations with experts.

Create alternative narratives : Another highlight of the trip was a day-long trip to a family-owned seafood business in remote Senja Island in Arctic Northern Norway.  The company, called Brothers Karlsen , was founded in the 1930s and had grown to operate both wild-caught and farm-raised operations for salmon, cod, and other whitefish. The visit was compelling in several ways, most notably because it presented a model of business success that is different from the one we typically teach in business school.  Company leaders told us that they did not intend to grow the scale of their business. They already provide around half of the organic salmon to the Norwegian market, and ship their products to many global markets. They recognize that it is not possible to grow infinitely within the ecological and social boundaries of their current business. This was not a political or philosophical position; rather, it was a recognition that they could only maintain a healthy business long-term if they didn’t overshoot the constraints of their local context.  This simple point was a profound insight, and one that had a lasting impact on the students. 

Get close to the action : In the last phase of our trip, we visited Norway’s capital of Oslo, which included a unique visit the Norges Bank Investment Management (NBIM) offices, where we met with the executives responsible for managing Norway’s sovereign wealth fund, the largest in the world. With more than $1.6 trillion in assets under management, the fund owns stock in roughly 1.5% (or over 9,000) of all listed companies worldwide.  On our visit to NBIM, our hosts walked us through layers of security to arrive at an internal conference room for our briefing.  The NBIM speakers described the rigorous process the company uses to evaluate the environmental and social performance of the companies they invest in, and the ways that they engage those companies around these factors.  While the conversations were enlightening, I think the dominant impression of the visit for the students must be the proximity they gained to one of the most important financial players in the global economy.  The impact of this organization cannot be overstated, so being inside the bank, talking with decision makers, and asking questions about their approach was a uniquely memorable experience. 

Spark new ideas : On our second day in Oslo, we explored possible futures of the Norwegian economy by visiting Katapult Ocean , a startup accelerator that supports ocean-related startup companies.  Instead of listening to presentations, we organized the students into teams who worked with select startup companies tackling microplastic reduction, electric boating, seaweed production, and ocean data. Working with the entrepreneurs, students explored each company’s value proposition, addressable market, segmentation, funding strategy, and market barriers.  The consultative engagement with the startups provided students with a unique opportunity to assess the potential for new market solutions, but also grapple with the challenges of scaling good ideas in still-forming markets. 

duke fuqua mba essay questions

Put yourself into the scene : Finally, we wrapped up our tour in Oslo on May 17 by celebrating Norway’s National Constitution Day.  On Norway’s largest national holiday, the city is crowded with locals in traditional Norwegian costumes, and the roads are filled with groups of children from local clubs and marching bands.  The weather was perfect, with blue skies and a soft breeze.  It was a fitting way to end our journey, fully immersed in the local culture, and celebrating all of the things that the Nordic countries have to offer the rest of the world.


  • Exploring sustainability connections in Scandinavia
  • Our stake in the future of the Arctic
  • Show me the money: Decarbonization and investment
  • The blue economy: What every MBA needs to know

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Undergraduate GPA: What It Takes To Get Into A Top-50 U.S. MBA Program

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In 2023, someone — possibly multiple someones — with a 2.4 undergraduate grade point average achieved admission to the full-time MBA program at Chicago Booth School of Business . Booth, at the time, was Poets&Quants ‘ No. 2 business school in the United States .

The same year, another applicant got into Dartmouth Tuck School of Business , ranked No. 9 ( and soon to be ranked No. 3 ), with a 2.7 GPA. In the same cycle, another applicant was admitted to Northwestern Kellogg School of Management — which P&Q ranked No. 4 — with a 2.8.

We know this because those schools are among the few that publish full GPA ranges as part of their MBA class profiles. (See Poets&Quants ‘ stories about the MBA Class of 2025 at Booth , Tuck , and Kellogg .) And as P&Q has reported in previous years , those ranges — as well as the 80% ranges that many schools prefer, and the 90% ranges that U.S. News & World Report began publishing this year as part of its annual MBA ranking — are among the most important data released publicly by B-schools, in the U.S. or anywhere.


Source: mba class profiles, *rice jones publishes a 3-year average for all data in its mba class profile, gpa won’t break an mba application — ‘but the reverse is not true’.

Why are GPA ranges so important? Because they show that a low undergraduate GPA does not have to be the end of an applicant’s MBA dreams. Anyone with a low GPA can get into Booth, Tuck or Kellogg — or Stanford, Harvard or Wharton — if they work hard enough, and play to their strengths in other areas.

Perhaps that’s why in 2023, for the first time in years, some leading B-schools joined the ranks of those publishing GPA ranges: Virginia Darden School of Business and USC Marshall School of Business , both top-25 B-schools, published 80% ranges as part of their class profiles for the first time last fall.

“Ask most admissions committee members and they will tell you that it’s the sum of many pieces — there is no one ‘most important’ part of the MBA application,” says Stacy Blackman , founder of Stacy Blackman Consulting. “It’s the essays, interviews, and recommendations that ultimately reveal the person beyond the paper. Compelling essays, recommendations, and interviews can provide context for a low GMAT score or GPA.”

Low GPA won’t break an MBA application — but it won’t make it, either. As Blackman notes, “the reverse is not true. Strong numbers will never make up for weak essays or a disorganized, negative recommendation.”


Washington olin sees biggest gpa average growth: up 0.20 to 3.60.

The GPAs themselves? Not so interesting, alas. What they are is consistent — consistently part of every MBA class profile, and at the top schools, fairly consistent in range and average. Looking at year-over-year changes in GPA average from 2022 to 2023 across 57 of the leading U.S. B-schools, including all of the P&Q top 50, we find:

  • 18 schools with positive GPA growth, including seven in the top 25. From 2021 to 2022, just 13 of 57 schools saw positive GPA growth, including seven in the top 25; but from 2020 to 2021 it was 26 schools, including 16 in the top 25. This suggests a rough on-year, off-year cycle.
  • 20 schools had negative GPA growth between 2022 and 2023, including 13 in the top 25. From 2021 to 2022, 18 schools saw their GPA average decline, including nine in the top 25; from 2020 to 2021, 15 schools had declines, including six in the top 25.
  • Nine schools were even, meaning they published the same GPA average in both 2022 and 2023. In 2022, 14 schools were even; in 2021, it was nine schools. Sufficient data for comparison was not available for 10 schools, up from five.
  • Altogether in the P&Q top 25, four schools were even (down from eight last year), seven were positive (same as last year), and 13 were negative (up from nine).

The school with the biggest year-to-year GPA increase among the 57 analyzed by P&Q was Washington University’s Olin Business School in St. Louis , which saw its undergrad GPA average balloon 0.20 to 3.60 in 2023 — higher than 15 peer schools ranked above Olin in the P&Q top 25. In the latter group, Vanderbilt Owen Graduate School of Management saw the biggest GPA leap, growing its average by 0.16 to 3.50.

The school with the biggest GPA decline: Maryland Smith School of Business , which dropped 0.12 to 3.23. In the top 25, UCLA Anderson School of Management saw its GPA drop 0.11 to 3.40.


Vanderbilt & uc-davis see biggest gpa jump from 2018 to 2023.

What does the GPA picture look like with the perspective of time? Across six years from 2018 to 2023, 25 of 57 schools have seen their class GPA average rise overall, and 19 have seen it decline. Five schools are even, and we don’t have enough data to know for another eight.

Two schools are the biggest winners in that span, both up 0.20: Vanderbilt Owen to 3.50, and UC-Davis Graduate School of Management to 3.40. Owen is the biggest winner in the top 25, but Emory Goizueta Business School is close behind with a gain of 0.17 to 3.47.

The school with the biggest decline over six years is Carnegie Mellon Tepper School of Business , which dropped 0.14 to 3.26. MIT Sloan School of Management, which reports a median GPA each year, is down 0.13 since 2018, to 3.61; and UCLA Anderson is down 0.12 to 3.40.

Overall in the top 25, nine schools are positive from 2018 to 2023, four are even, and 10 are negative.


Biggest decreases in undergrad gpa 2018-2023, trends & wrinkles.

School to school, there are some noteworthy trends in GPA average/median. Among them:

  • The Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania hasn’t had a change in GPA average in at least eight years, reporting 3.60 every year since 2017.
  • There are several estimates in the tables in this story (the main ones are on pages 2 and 3), since many lower-ranked schools have not posted Class of 2025 data despite us being more than five months into 2024. A few schools are even more behind than that (looking at you, Rutgers — and you too Utah Eccles !).
  • Duke Fuqua School of Business stopped reporting average undergrad GPA after 2021; Washington Foster School of Business switched to median in 2022; beginning this year, Rice Jones Graduate School of Business only publishes a three-year average for GPA and other data in its class profile.

Finally, Indiana Kelley School of Business gets more granular than most schools, publishing not only average GPA (in 2023, 3.40) but also the percentage of the MBA class with an undergraduate GPA of 3.5 or higher (46%), the percent with undergraduate GPA between 3.0-3.49 (39%), and the percent with undergraduate GPA between 2.5-2.99 (12%).

Note that last range: A 2.5 didn’t sink one member of the Kelley MBA Class of 2025. But it did mean that person had something to overcome — as he or she would have had to do at any major program. “While a 550 GMAT or a 2.5 GPA will raise a red flag at an MBA program like the Stanford Graduate School of Business ,” writes Stacy Blackman, “a 700 GMAT and a 3.6 GPA make you a strong candidate. But even someone with an 800 GMAT score and a perfect GPA can get rejected at an elite MBA program.”


Source: u.s. news & world report, u.s. news’ 90% range: more ways to look at gpa average.

As part of the massive data dump accompanying its annual ranking of U.S. B-schools, U.S. News lists median and average undergraduate GPAs — except it doesn’t. The magazine is missing the data point for every single school out of 57 examined by Poets&Quants — including our entire 2024 top 50. Why does U.S. News continue to list these metrics at all if they are “N/A” every time?

What the magazine does have is each school’s GPA range between the 10th to 90th percentiles (see tables above and below). All but a handful of schools provided this data, which is not offered by the schools themselves. Though it is not a full range, it is closer than the 80% ranges preferred by many schools. The highlights:

  • Two schools, Georgetown McDonough School of Business and William and Mary Mason School of Business , report the lowest 10th percentile: 2.7. (Georgetown’s range extends to 3.8 and William and Mary’s to 3.9.)
  • The highest 10th percentile is the Manderson MBA Program at the University of Alabama : 3.36. Highest in the top 25: NYU Stern School of Business : 3.34.
  • The lowest 90th percentile is at UC-Davis: 3.1; lowest in the top 25 is at CMU Tepper: 3.53.
  • And the highest 90th percentile is shared by five schools, all with 4.0: Washington-St. Louis Olin, Arizona State Carey School of Business , Maryland Smith, Tennessee Haslam College of Business , and Alabama Manderson. The highest in the top 25 is Rice Jones’ 3.94.


See the next pages for six years of GPA data for those schools, including the 2024 P&Q top 50 schools.

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Duke Fuqua MBA Essay Tips & Deadlines: 2021-22


Duke Fuqua MBA program that seeks 'leaders of consequence' is known for a culture that is "more  supportive, more collaborative, more immersive and more diverse."

Fuqua has made a few minor changes to the 2021-22 application. First, the word limits for Essay 2 and the optional essay have been increased from 300 words to 500 words. Allison Jamison , Assistant Dean of Admissions, explains the reasons for the changes: "We wanted to be sure applicants had the space needed to be able to explain not just what activities or groups they want to be involved in, but why they want to be involved with them. So take advantage of the additional space!"

Additionally, the 25 random things essay now comes with a word limit of 750 words.

Fuqua continues to require one LOR. You may also submit one optional LOR.

Reapplicants can replicate their application from last year, but they can update any information they like. Reapplicants also have the option of submitting one or two new letters of recommendation if they wish.

Application Deadlines

*International applicants should apply in EA, Round 1, and Round 2 to allow time for visa processing.

Essay Questions

You'll need to provide your thoughts on one short essay and two longer essay questions as part of your application.

Instructions for All Written Submissions:

  • Responses should use 1.5-line spacing and a font size no smaller than 10-point.
  • Do not repeat the question in the document you upload with your application.
  • Respond fully and concisely.
  • Length requirements vary by the question and are detailed below.
  • Responses must be completed before submitting your application.

All submissions are scanned using plagiarism detection software. Plagiarism is considered a cheating violation within the Honor Code and will not be tolerated in the admissions process.

Here is MER's analysis of the essay questions:

Required Short Answer Question

Instructions: Answer the following question in 500 characters only (the equivalent of about 100 words).

What are your post-MBA career goals? Share with us your first-choice career plan and your alternate plan. (500 characters, or about 100 words)

For this question, you will elaborate on your post-MBA career goals and alternate plans if your first-choice plans do not materialize. First, please identify the position you hope to hold immediately after MBA, specifying role, position, industry, and 1-2 organizations/ companies you want to work for. Then, articulate your goal and explain why this goal is exciting and important to you. Please note that your post-MBA plan should show a logical progression from your current skill set and the skills and knowledge you would acquire through an MBA degree. Also, make sure that your goals are ambitious as well as realistic.

Then think about your plan B. Duke admits that 'life is full of uncertainties, and you may come across situations that might prevent you from realizing your post-MBA goals. So, you must be prepared for plan B. Please make sure that your alternative career path is not an altogether different path that will not allow you to leverage your skills and experience to the fullest. It should be in alignment with your experience, skills, and knowledge gained from your MBA education.

First Required Essay: 25 Random Things About Yourself

The 'Team Fuqua' spirit and community is one of the things that sets the MBA experience apart, and it is a concept that extends beyond the student body to include faculty, staff, and administration. Please share with us "25 Random Things" about you. The Admissions Committee wants to get to know YOU - beyond the professional and academic achievements listed in your resume and transcript. Share with us important life experiences, your hobbies, achievements, fun facts, or anything that helps us understand what makes you who you are.

Your list will be limited to 2 pages (750 words maximum).  Please present your response in list form, numbered 1 to 25. Some points may be brief, while others may be longer.

The first longer response question, the iconic 25 random things about applicants, is Duke's favorite for many years. It is my favorite, as well. For years, I have enjoyed working with applicants on this question as it offers me a glimpse into the 'fun' side of their personalities. As stated in the essay prompt, the purpose of this question is to get to know you–beyond the professional and academic achievements listed in your resume and transcript . This means that the admission committee wants you to share with them your ' important life experiences, your likes/ dislikes, hobbies, achievements, fun facts, or anything that helps them understand who you are as a person . Thus, the purpose of this essay is to show the admission committee your multidimensional personality.

Over the years, I have noticed that the candidates initially find this question a little daunting and are tempted to discuss their professional accomplishments. However, when they dig deeper and begin brainstorming ideas about unique and exciting things about themselves and the unique personal experiences that have made them who they are, they start enjoying this process of self-discovery. I advise them to do these brainstorming sessions with their family and friends and ask them what they find interesting and funny about them.

Please note that the word ' random' allows you to include little fun things you have done or are doing in your day-to-day life, your hobbies/ habits, adventure activities that have become an integral part of your personality. The unique component of this essay question is the "fun" part of it. So you don't need to get too serious about yourself. Feel free to share something about you that draws your reader in. Also, please resist the temptation of outlining your accomplishments, career goals, or leadership experiences because this is NOT what the Admission Committee seeks to know about you through this question. For ideas, you may refer to the following examples on Duke Website:

Examples of "25 Random Things"

  • 25 Interesting Facts About Me
  • My 25 Random Things
  • More Random Things

Bottom Line: Be Yourself

Second Required Essay: The Fuqua community and you

Fuqua prides itself on cultivating a culture of engagement. Our students enjoy a wide range of student-led organizations that provide opportunities for leadership development and personal fulfillment, as well as an outlet for contributing to society. Our student-led government, clubs, centers, and events are an integral part of the student culture and the development of leaders. Based on your understanding of the Fuqua culture, what are 3 ways you expect to contribute at Fuqua?

Instructions: Your response will be limited to 1 page (500 words maximum)

This essay is primarily about your contribution to the school. Duke emphasizes significantly how their students will make their community more productive. Hence for this question, you must do your homework and research the school thoroughly. You need to think beyond your contribution to the classroom and discuss how your involvement in clubs, organizations, and student communities will add value to the program. In addition to understanding the school's resources (curriculum, faculty, clubs, organizations, and student activities) through the website, you should reach out to alumni and current students to gain additional insights into the school's culture and resources.

Please note that it is vital to support your claims about your potential contribution to specific clubs and organizations by providing specific examples from your past experiences- personal, professional, or community engagement - in the given area. To demonstrate your 'fit' with the program, you must showcase what you have accomplished and how you will be a solid contributor to Duke as a student and an alumnus.

Allison Jamison's advice: " Our second essay will still ask you about how you plan to engage with the Fuqua community, but we would like you to limit it to the three most meaningful ways you expect to engage as a student. While there are so many opportunities available, one of the first skills you must develop as a student is how to prioritize what's most important to you."

Optional Essay: Tell us more

If you feel there are circumstances of which the admissions committee should be aware, please explain them here (e.g., unexplained gaps in work, choice of recommenders, inconsistent or questionable academic performance). Note that you should NOT upload additional essays nor additional recommendations in this area. The Optional Information section is intended to provide the admissions committee with insight into your circumstances only.

Your response will be limited to 1 page (500 words maximum).

As instructed in the essay prompt, submit the optional essay only if you must explain extenuating circumstances. (e. g, "unexplained gaps in work, choice of recommenders, inconsistent or questionable academic performance "). If you have a low GPA or less than ideal GMAT, or if you cannot get a recommendation from your current supervisor, or if you have an employment gap, you may address these concerns in your optional essay. Your weakness may also bring out a positive aspect of your personality. This essay should convey that you are aware that these are areas of concern in your application, but, whenever possible, you have made a sincere effort to improve upon these areas.

If you do not have any of those areas to explain, it is best to skip this question and focus only on the required three essays.

Re-applicant Essay

It is not uncommon for it to take more than one try to achieve a goal. Please share with us the self-reflection process that you underwent after last year's application and how you have grown as a result.  How did it shape your commitment to Fuqua and inspire your decision to reapply?

This is a straightforward re-applicant essay . Through this question, the Ad Com would like to know that your need for the  Duke MBA is as strong as it was last time. Hence you should demonstrate your continued interest in Duke Fuqua by explaining how you have enhanced your application since you applied last time. You may answer this by focusing on the areas you have improved upon since you applied last. Whether you have taken extra classes, boosted your GMAT score, received a promotion, led a new and exciting project, increased your community involvement, or taken on a personal challenge, the key here is to demonstrate that you are now a better and a stronger candidate since your last application. Your conscious efforts to strengthen your profile and to work on your weak areas to be a  perfect fit for Duke will prove how determined you are to be a valuable part of the Fuqua community.

Since you are allowed 500 words, you can provide a detailed account of enhancements in your resume and additional steps you have taken to learn more about the school and your 'fit' with the school’s culture.

Free Resources:

10 Key Essay Tips with Examples

MER Students Share their Success Stories

Essay Analysis of Other Top Programs-2021-22

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AIGAC Virtual Conference 2021: MER's Key Takeaways

Since 2011, MER ( myEssayReview ) has helped many applicants get accepted into the top 20 MBA programs, including Duke. (Poonam is one of the top 5 most reviewed consultants on the GMAT Club .)

Do you have questions about your application? E-mail Poonam at [email protected] or sign up here for a free consultation.

This blog was first published in myEssayReview .



Published in Other and myEssayReview

  • Essay Analysis
  • Reaplicant Essay
  • application deadlines
  • essay questions
  • optional essay


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  1. Application Instructions

    Please contact [email protected] should you have any questions or trouble logging in. You will receive a confirmation email once this process is complete, and can edit all or part of your application after it has been cloned. When reapplying you are required to submit: Short-answer question; Standard application essays

  2. Duke MBA Essays

    Duke MBA Essays & Analysis 2023-2024. The following essay topic analysis examines Duke / Fuqua's MBA admissions essays. The Duke MBA essays are for the 2023-2024 admissions season. You can also review essay topic analyses for other leading MBA programs as well as general Essay Tips to further aid you in developing your admissions essays.

  3. FAQ

    Below you'll find answers to our most frequently asked questions about the Daytime MBA program. You can also reference our Daytime MBA student blog for answers to questions you may have about student life at Fuqua. Admissions Process. In-Person & Virtual Interviews and Campus Visits. Full-Time Enrollment Status.

  4. Tuesday Tips: Duke MBA Essays and Tips for 2023-2024

    Duke University's Fuqua School of Business is a community-oriented program seeking a diverse class of accomplished students. The Duke MBA essays remain the same this year. As you decide what to write about in your essays, carefully review the application instructions.The Duke Fuqua admissions committee seeks a well-rounded class of MBA students who are motivated and collaborative.

  5. Tips on Writing Your "25 Things" Essay

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  6. Duke Fuqua MBA Essay Tips and Deadlines [2023

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  7. Duke Fuqua MBA Essays

    The Duke Fuqua MBA program made a few changes in the essay questions this year. The first longer response question, the iconic 25 random things remains unchanged. But, the required length of the second longer response essay has been reduced from two pages to only 300 words.

  8. Duke Fuqua MBA Essay Tips and Deadlines [2022

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  9. Duke Fuqua MBA Essay Tips

    Essay One: The "Team Fuqua" spirit and community is one of the things that sets The Duke MBA experience apart, and it is a concept that extends beyond the student body to include faculty, staff, and administration. When a new person joins the Admissions team, we ask that person to share with everyone in the office a list of "25 Random ...

  10. Duke Fuqua MBA Essays Guide: Overview, Tips & Examples

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  11. Duke Fuqua MBA Essay Tips & Deadlines: 2023-2024

    Duke Fuqua MBA program that seeks 'leaders of consequence' is known for a culture that is "more supportive, more collaborative, more immersive, and more diverse." The essay questions for the 2023-24 application season remain unchanged from last year. Fuqua continues to require one short essay and two longer essays. Also, like in previous years, Fuqua

  12. Duke MBA Application Deadlines & Essay Advice: 2023-2024

    As in previous years, Duke asks applicants to answer two additional essay questions. Duke MBA Essay 1: 25 Random Things About Yourself The 'Team Fuqua' spirit and community is one of the things that sets the MBA experience apart, and it is a concept that extends beyond the student body to include faculty, staff, and administration.

  13. 2023-2024 Duke Fuqua MBA Essay Analysis and Tips

    MBA Essay Tips. July 15, 2023. The objective of Duke Fuqua is to prepare its students to inspire organizations in a way that has both a positive impact on the bottom line and a positive impact on the world. The admissions committee seeks to develop a class profile that embraces this objective and cultivates a culture that develops strong ties ...

  14. Duke Fuqua MBA Essays

    The beauty of the Duke Fuqua MBA essays lies in their ability to bring your story to life. Specifically, it's about connecting the dots between your past experiences, present skills, and future goals. Consequently, think of these essays as a canvas where you paint a vivid picture of your unique personality, diverse background, and the ...

  15. Application Essays Change to Gain Greater Insights

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  16. Duke Fuqua MBA Essay Breakdowns and Tips for 2022/2023

    This year's Fuqua Duke MBA questions are unchanged. Like in previous years, Duke is seeking dedicated, collaborative, well-rounded MBA candidates. Consider carefully what you value in an MBA program before you begin writing your Duke Fuqua essays, and include aspects of your personality. Talking to

  17. Real Duke Fuqua MBA Essay Examples by ARINGO clients

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  18. Duke Fuqua MBA Essay Tips & Deadlines: 2022-23

    Duke Fuqua MBA program seeks 'leaders of consequence' is known for a culture that is "more supportive, more collaborative, more immersive, and more diverse.". The essay questions for the 2022-23 application season remain unchanged from last year. Fuqua continues to require one short essay and two longer essays.

  19. The Duke Fuqua MBA Interview Preparation Guide

    Format. The Fuqua interview has a straightforward question and answer format. Applicants should expect about 12 questions/prompts that begin with a resume walkthrough. The interviewer may take notes. At the end the interviewer will ask if the applicant has any questions for them. Since our clients tell us that Fuqua is interested in why the ...

  20. Duke Fuqua EMBA 2024 Application Deadlines & Essay Tips

    The Fuqua School of Business at Duke University has shared its Executive MBA application essays for the 2023-2024 application cycle. This year, the school's application includes three short essay questions and one optional essay.. For those interested in the Duke Fuqua EMBA Program, take a look at the latest class profile to assess whether the school may be a good fit for you.

  21. The Many Ways I Stay Connected to Team Fuqua as an Alum

    An alumna explains how Team Fuqua shaped her MBA experience, how she stays connected to the community and opportunities to visit campus. Featured All ... Bootcamp, the Duke MBA Health Care Club's annual conference, company presentations, coffee chats, and interviews. I always look forward to being back on campus so I can interact with ...

  22. Application Instructions

    Please look over the instructions on this page to help you prepare your application to Duke's Accelerated Daytime MBA program. We appreciate all the work you're doing to ensure your application package is complete. Remember the admissions committee can only review completed application packages. If you have questions after looking over the ...

  23. Associate Director of Admissions, The Fuqua School of Business

    Duke University was created in 1924 through an indenture of trust by James Buchanan Duke. Today, Duke is regarded as one of America's leading research universities. ... Director of Admissions (level 12) participates in a team effort to market, recruit, and select students for the Fuqua Daytime MBA Program. This position reports to the Program ...

  24. What makes a transformative educational experience?

    Invite a diverse learning community: Since this was the first year of the Nordic GATE course, we initially signed up 15 Daytime MBA students, slightly below the ideal number of students for the course.To expand registration, we decided to open up the course to Fuqua Executive MBA students, as well as Duke Master of Environmental Management students, raising our number to 23.

  25. Undergraduate GPA: What It Takes To Get Into A Top-50 U.S. MBA Program

    In 2023, someone — possibly multiple someones — with a 2.4 undergraduate grade point average achieved admission to the full-time MBA program at Chicago Booth School of Business.Booth, at the time, was Poets&Quants' No. 2 business school in the United States. The same year, another applicant got into Dartmouth Tuck School of Business, ranked No. 9 (and soon to be ranked No. 3), with a 2.7 ...

  26. Programs

    Complement the business knowledge gained from your MBA or master in management degree, in this online program designed to expand your capabilities in advanced decision-focused analytics. MSQM: Health Analytics

  27. Duke Fuqua MBA Essay Tips & Deadlines: 2021-22

    Duke Fuqua MBA program that seeks 'leaders of consequence' is known for a culture that is "more supportive, more collaborative, more immersive and more diverse." Fuqua has made a few minor changes to the 2021-22 application. First, the word limits for Essay 2 and the optional essay have been increased from 300 words to 500