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Descriptive Essay on Beauty of Nature

Nature is vast and full of beautiful things that comfort our physical and emotional senses. The beauty of nature is somehow immortal, infinite and eternal. The beauty of nature is a perfect reflection of the art of Allah Almighty. Natural beauty may be extinct at the moment, but as “the joy of beauty is eternal happiness”, so the effect of that beauty on the mind can never be in vain.

Natural beauty is a treasure that will never end. Nature has many faces. They are everywhere. The human eye is always in contact with good things.

One of the many beautiful features of nature is the sunrise and sunset. A person with a sense of beauty will never be able to ignore the beauty of the red light of the rising sun and the fading glow of the stars. Likewise, the beauty of sunset has inspired many sensitive and artistic people to compose verses of praise, write beautiful prose and paint, and capture the event with a cloth or a camera forever.

Another aspect of natural beauty can be found in the night sky. Arriving at your destination, the glowing stars and the glowing moon of the moon have nothing in common. Under the influence of the moonlight, this world also becomes a beautiful world and a dream world.

The changing seasons have their beauty that has fascinated the human mind for centuries and will continue to impress until the end of the universe. Spring is the most beautiful of the seasons and is undoubtedly the queen of the seasons. During this period, The earth was filled with lush vegetation, colours, and aromas. Spring is a time of beauty and love, hope and happiness, life and happiness. Forests, lush plains, fields, and meadows prowl the lush vegetation to attract attention. Spring has endless and countless charms and beauty. Autumn has its golden, brown and mature colours. A life that started in the spring matures in the fall. This is a time for maturity and maturity. Summer is a season that helps the ripening process. It has its charms and beauty in the form of the most delicious fruits and vegetables.

Cold winters, snow and fog have other advantages. It is a season of white, grey and black. Snow and ice have a fantastic effect on the human mind and are not as appealing as the dark clouds and the wind.

On the other hand, nature has the beauty of the refreshing sky, the snowcapped mountains, and the deep green valleys. On the other hand, it has the mysteries and incomparable beauty of the deep blue sea. Nature preserves the beauty of the desolate desert and empty sand during the oasis. Its long-date trees that grow in the spring of freshwater show excellent scenes for tired and thirsty travellers.

Nature has endless treasures of beauty in the form of various beautiful living creatures. The world of birds, beasts, reptiles, and fish is teeming with life and millions of species of all kinds, in size and colour and on the earth, in the sky and the water. They are everywhere and at all times. They adorn the environment by simply being present.

Humans, the “crown of creation,” is by no means the most beautiful. Beauty lies in the condition of the body, the brain and the soul. It exists like human nature, such as mother, sister, brother and father, friend and companion.

Beauty is present in the child’s smiling face, the mother’s prayerful hand and the anxious state of the father. Beauty is like the reassuring handshake of a friend, the gentle touch of a brother and the love of a caring sister.

Undoubtedly beauty exists in man, in the environment, green fields, high mountains and small hills, in the moonlight and stars. Nature is full of the beauty that exists, almost everything scattered about us. “Beauty, truth, truth, and Beauty,” as the saying goes.

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4 Best Descriptive Essay Examples About Nature

Descriptive essay examples about nature

Table of Contents

Opening remarks.

Nature is one of those certain things that you cannot get rid of, whether you live on a farm or in a downtown skyscraper. It has its way to exert its dominance either by sheer beauty to uplift spirits and moods, or by its ferocity to turn foundations upside down. 

Writing about nature takes a lot of time and effort. It is not something that can be mastered by simply reading a book or attending a lecture. Apart from practical tips and insights, examples can be great to work on because novice writers can see the elements of the essay working and balancing one another.

Descriptive Essay Writing

A lot of it is self-evident from the nomenclature but certain brass tacks should be covered before moving on to the examples. Descriptive writing is about describing a subject under consideration. A descriptive essay is a subjective or objective account of a person, a thing, a place, an event or experience, and more. It is written with acute reliance on figurative language, sensory details, and other literary devices.

Experts have divided descriptive essay writing into two distinct types. One is objective where only “facts” get to be shared with the readers. The other form is expressionist where a subjective approach and personal angles play out for the writer and ultimately the reader.

In schools and colleges, descriptive writing is employed by instructors, both in the form of full-fledged essays as well as descriptive paragraphs and other short assignments. The exercise allows them to gauge the thinking, writing, and editing capabilities of the students and then award them scores based on the results.

Purpose of Writing A Descriptive Essay

Just like much of writing, the purpose of  writing a descriptive essay  is to entertain the readers and let them “see” or “feel” the subject that the writer is experimenting on. By relying on literary devices and sensory details, such as similes, metaphors, comparisons, and more, writers can chalk out relevant details of the topic. That’s why the real test of descriptive writing is how much readers actually “saw”, “felt”, “heard”, “touched”, or “tasted” the subject. 

The purpose of writing evolves from one place to another. For instance, the rationale behind composing riveting descriptive essays in academic institutions is to woo the teachers and secure higher scores. Descriptive essays are also used by colleges and universities to base the candidature of aspirants for different programs and degrees.

4 Examples of Descriptive Essays On Nature

If you ask a high school student or a college student for that matter, how they can see and define nature, it would be difficult for them. Either they would have too much to say with little value, or too less to put into words with no room for explanation and expansion. To help students better understand and implement aspects of nature into words, we have dedicated this section to cover four different aspects of nature. One is where it is useful in terms of monetary value, the second is where it is furious and punishing, the third is where it is beautiful for the sake of it, and the fourth is where it is transforming essentially covering all the other three aspects.

When Nature Is Useful

A descriptive essay is more than just putting flowery words and phrases into paragraphs to enhance their value. It is to connect readers with the “true” picture of the phenomenon concerning nature. The instance where nature can be useful spans occupations and fields. A fisherman whose livelihood depends on the tame nature of the seas and who goes out away from the shores each day to fetch for himself and his family shows the useful and plentiful side of nature. While writing a descriptive essay on this angle, it is necessary to connect people’s dependence on the sole nature of “nature”.

When Nature Is Furious

From literary works of art to Hollywood movies, you can always get abundant examples of nature in killing frenzy and fury. The very duality of nature, from being beautiful for some and furious and unforgiving for others, creates a “moody” or highly volatile picture for writers. While writing about the ferocity of nature, you can always connect disasters with the narrative, from floods to earthquakes to avalanches and beyond. Again, there is always a need for showing the two sides of the coin or the proverbial picture. Otherwise, the description and the value in it can fall flat and produce lackluster results.

When Nature Is Beautiful

This is somewhat a “universal” truth as many people would blurt out that nature is indeed beautiful and quite enchanting to behold and feel. A garden full of blooming flowers or a gravel pathway in a park during the fall when the leaves turn yellow and cover that gravel path are some of the things that can make your heart skip a beat. In a descriptive essay where the writer is trying to show the beauty of it all, it is necessary to connect the writer with the narrative because the description would be hollow and unbecoming without it. In other cases, there is beauty in understatement.

When Nature Is Transforming

Nature is always transforming and that is a cruel joke of the time. Spring is always running toward the fall and life is longing to meet death. As a writer, the descriptive essay on nature’s transformation and its ability to transform things around it can be anything. It can be as brutal as a hurricane where living breathing cities can become graveyards. It can be as lovely and heart-stealing as the dew drops on cool morning grass. In addition to this, it can be useful as a stream leading fishes and other sea creatures to it for the people to eat and sell and make their livelihood.

Tips For Writing Descriptive Essays On Nature

Even after going through examples of  descriptive essays on nature , students could find it hard to connect their minds with the pen and the paper. In these cases, it is necessary to give them some tips and hacks that can help them either kick-start the process or make crucial decisions on the go.

In that spirit, here are some great tips for writing descriptive essays on nature whether it is for a high school assignment or college admission.

Figurative Language & Sensory Details

If we are to narrow down the essentials of a descriptive essay, figurative language and sensory details will take the prize. They are the essential tools that writers rely on when they need to make things come alive. Figurative language denotes the usage of words and phrases in a way where they depict other meanings than their true ones. For instance, a falling tree is not a description, but a falling yellow tree on a roadside is the description. Similarly, sensory details connect the five senses of human beings with the traits of the subjects under consideration. While writing a descriptive nature essay, this is the key!

Solid Introduction With A Hook

After the topic or the title, an introduction is a thing that makes or breaks the deal for the readers. Also called the opening of an essay, these are at the beginning of the essay and sets the proverbial stage for the other elements of the content. Professional readers use “hook” to lure readers in. These hooks come in all forms, shapes, and sizes, but their purpose remains the same. The most common and potent forms of hooks include, but are not limited to, statistics connecting the essay with the facts, a question asked by the readers, a quotation from famous works of literature, and more.

Choosing A Specific Topic

Many students think that they can string five paragraphs together with a semblance of commonality and call it an essay. Sadly, that is not the case. Before actually researching and writing a descriptive essay, they need to choose a specific topic and then research it further before outlining the whole essay. A topic and then a well-groomed title give a much-needed focus and a thread of belonging to the content. Since it is mentioned at the top of the essay, readers and potential readers will read it first before making up their minds, about whether they want to read the whole essay or not.

Can I write a descriptive essay on the beauty aspect of nature?

Of course! Nature is often attributed to as one of the most beautiful things in the universe, among both natural and artificial aspects. Whether it is about meadows or the grasslands to the snowy peaks of the mountains, the beauty of nature is indeed both subjective and objective. By defining the topic and formulating a good working title, you can write a descriptive essay on the beauty aspect of nature.

What is the best way to start a descriptive nature essay?

Readers are well aware of nature, evolving and unfolding around them. But when you are writing a descriptive essay, it is necessary to let them connect with that aspect early on. That’s why you need to set the stage in the introduction phase and let them know what the essay will be about using literary hooks and contraptions. At the end of the introduction, you can top off the introduction with a thesis statement.

How can I show different faces of nature through descriptive writing?

Descriptive writing focuses on sensory details and figurative language to overcome the barriers of space and time between the subject and the readers. When the task is to show different faces of nature through description, it is necessary to take command of figurative language and other literary devices to bridge the gap.

Is it easy to describe nature?

It depends. If a writer has experience and a deep understanding of the language, then it can be easy. For novice writers, nature can be a mixed bag. For the objective ends, it is easy and pretty straightforward. For impressionistic reasons, nature can be a tough nut to crack but things mean different when they are put in different lights.

Should I write exactly how nature makes me feel?

As far as the artistic truth is concerned, you should write about nature and how it makes you feel. Talking about how we feel, a lot depends on what we are going through internally. If your mood is fresh and your spirits are high, you can extract joy from the basest things in nature. On the other hand, you can be irritated by the most soothing things if your mind is on fire.

What is the ideal word count for a descriptive nature essay?

The ideal word count for a descriptive essay is between 800 to 1000 words. Students should aim for five paragraphs with one each for the introduction and conclusion and the remaining three for the main body. When word count is assigned by the instructors, it is best to stay in that range.

Final Thoughts

Nature is one of the most recurring topics that students will find in their essay classes. It can mold and transform by changing only a handful or sometimes even a single variable from the lot. Still, many novice writers find it hard to connect to the essence of the topic and even fail at formulating a good title. In this blog, we have covered the basics of descriptive essay writing, including four examples of nature writing in different scenarios so that students can take inspiration from them and incorporate them into their essays. We have also shared some tips for nature writing in descriptive essays so that they can start and finish at a high.

For complete guidance on descriptive essay writing on nature, feel free to consult this resource at any time!

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The Beauty of Nature

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Words: 727 |

Published: Mar 16, 2024

Words: 727 | Pages: 2 | 4 min read

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The aesthetic appeal of nature, the healing power of nature, the importance of biodiversity, the role of nature in human creativity.

Image of Alex Wood

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Essay About the Beauty of Nature: 4 Examples and 9 Prompts

Read this article for essay examples and prompts to use so you can start writing essay about the beauty of nature.

Nature is complex and beautiful. Our ecosystem covers every aspect of Mother Earth, including the evolution of the earth & life, the various cycles, all the living things, and more. Collectively, they create something so beautiful and perfect that it can be hard to believe it exists. 

The beauty and power of nature can be pretty overwhelming. Whenever you want to feel these emotions, reading or writing essays about the beauty of nature can help you grasp those ideas. 

Below are examples of essays on nature and its beauty and prompts to help you get started on your next essay.

1. Essay on Beauty of Nature for Children and Students on Study Mentor

2. descriptive essay on beauty of nature on performdigi, 3. essay on beauties of nature by gk scientist, 4. descriptive essay on mother nature by neetu singh, 1. activities that appreciate nature, 2. the beauty of nature in renaissance art, 3. mindful methods of appreciating the beauty of nature, 4. literature pieces that define the beauty of nature well, 5. video games that captured the beauty of nature, 6. beautiful nature photo ideas and tips you can do with a phone, 7. difference between nature and science, 8. philosophical understanding of nature, 9. biomimicry: nature-inspired engineering.

“Each and everything in nature, including living or non-living organisms, play an important role in maintaining the balance to create a viable environment for all of us, which is called ecological balance. We need to make sure that the ecological balance should be maintained at all times to avoid a catastrophic situation in the future.”

The first essay discusses nature’s significance, the natural resources, and how to conserve them. It has an educational tone, encouraging the reader to care for nature and protect its beauty. The second essay focuses on the non-harmful ways of enjoying nature and protecting it from modern daily processes. You might also like these authors like Wendell Berry .

“Nature has many faces. They are everywhere. The human eye is always in contact with good things.”

This descriptive essay about the beauty of nature discusses the immortal, infinite, and eternal beauty of nature and nature as a reflection of the art of Allah. It covers the beauty of everything found in nature, including the changing seasons, birds, beasts, fish, reptiles, humans, the environment, and more.

“To enjoy these beauties of nature, one has to live in nature’s company. A countryman enjoys nature well. A town dweller cannot enjoy the beauties of nature.”

This essay on nature talks about nature and personifies it as a woman by using the pronouns she and her. The essay considers the various elements in nature, seasons, and unique environments. It also provides some wisdom to encourage the reader to care for nature.You might also be interested in these articles about the beauty of nature .

“As nature is the main life force of all living beings on earth. It is our duty to preserve and protect nature and all its creations alike. We must also love her in return as she loves us.”

In this essay, nature is God’s most tremendous boon to humanity. Thus, we must protect it from corruption, pollution, and other artificial and harmful manufactured things. The essay also gave examples of environmental problems that have impacted nature significantly. The end of the essay states that we must stand, preserve, and protect nature.

9 Prompts for Writing an Essay About the Beauty of Nature

Writing an essay about the beauty of nature can feel repetitive and overdone. You can avoid repeating the usual themes or ideas you saw above. Instead, use the essay prompts on nature below.

Here’s a tip: If writing an essay sounds like a lot of work, simplify it. Write a simple 5 paragraph essay instead.

Essay About the Beauty of Nature: Activities that appreciate nature

Do you want other people to enjoy and appreciate nature? With this essay, you can list the various methods of appreciating nature. The activities can be simple such as planting a tree, hugging a tree, and watching sunsets.

For help with this topic, read this guide explaining what persuasive writing is all about.

Renaissance art is rich with meanings and symbolism portrayed through nature. For example, although flowers universally stand for beauty, different flower types can have different meanings. Dark clouds and streaks of lightning in the skies can portray dark moods or omens. Many renaissance male artists saw nature as a mother, mistress, or bride. If you like interpreting renaissance art, you’ll enjoy this essay topic.

Mindfulness and nature share a very positive relationship. Being in nature can make you more mindful. Being mindful while in nature enhances your connectedness to it. This essay focuses on mindfulness in nature.

 Consider your connection to it, be aware of your surroundings, and actively appreciate its various parts. Connecting to nature will open you to change, the natural cycle of life and death, and more.

Literature is more flexible than visual art because it taps the imagination through ideas and concepts rather than images. For example, various poets, writers, and playwrights have likened the beauty of nature to love, characters, powerful forces, and intense emotions. 

Avid literature readers will enjoy writing about the beauty of nature through their favorite authors, themes, and stories.

No matter what their genre, more video games today feature realistic graphics. One of the best ways to show off these high-tech graphics is by showing nature’s beauty in a scene or environment. 

Some examples of the top video games that have captured the beauty of nature include Ghost of Tsushima, Red Dead Redemption II, and The Last of Us: Part Two. Write about how the beauty of nature can be captured in a video game and the methods used to create vivid digital worlds.

Are you an enthusiast of nature photography and amateur photography? Bring these two things together by writing an essay about taking nature photos with a phone. Write what you learned about taking nature photos. 

You can also provide sample nature photos you or others took with a smartphone. Remember, nature photography can cover many subjects, like animals, plants, landscapes, etc.

Have you ever stopped to think about the difference between nature and science? Science has many methodical and measurable aspects and is as young as humanity. The opposite is true for nature because it has existed far longer than humans have. Yet, we can use science to study nature. 

When you pick this essay idea, discuss the loose ideas mentioned above in more detail. Researching and reading about nature vs. science can also help. Discuss this in your next essay for an inspiring and intriguing essay topic.

Philosopher students will enjoy writing an essay about the beauty of nature. You can argue that nature does not exist because it is not measurable. It doesn’t exist outside of any solid examples we can give, like the environment, animals, weather, and plants. 

You write about the philosophical aspects of nature and use key research to back up your ideas and arguments made in the essay. Look for scientific research papers, books by philosophers, and opinion essays to create this essay.

Biomimicry is a sustainable solution to human challenges. It imitates the designs found in nature’s time-tested strategies and patterns and incorporates them into technology. 

This is a fascinating essay topic that can inspire your next written piece. Conduct research into biomimicry, and let the reader know your thoughts and opinions on this subject.

 Do you need more inspiration? Read these 13 essays about nature .

descriptive essay on beautiful location in nature

Maria Caballero is a freelance writer who has been writing since high school. She believes that to be a writer doesn't only refer to excellent syntax and semantics but also knowing how to weave words together to communicate to any reader effectively.

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Describe a Naturally Beautiful Place – IELTS Cue Card

Kasturika Samanta

Updated On Feb 23, 2024

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Describe a Naturally Beautiful Place – IELTS Cue Card

Predicted Cue Cards Topics 2024

Describe a naturally beautiful place

You should say:

  • Where it is located 
  • What it looks like
  • When you first went there 

And explain why you think this place has a beautiful environment/ why you think is naturally beautiful 

Describe a Naturally Beautiful Place – Sample Answer 1

The world is full of places that are brimming with awe-inspiring natural beauty, from lakes to abundant green valleys, cascading waterfalls, wide oceans, roaring rivers, delightful beaches, starry skies, and vast deserts stretching endless. It is certainly difficult to conjure the words to describe the flawless artistry of nature in such majestic landscapes. However, I will endeavour to do so by recounting my experiences of visiting a place that abounded in the beauty of nature.

For our Geography excursion, twenty students visited Madarihat town in the Alipurduar district of West Bengal. This region is filled with spectacular sights of natural beauty, including the Jayanti riverbed, the Buxa forest, and Jaldapara National Park.

The hotel we stayed at consisted of small cottages and was situated right in the middle of nature, surrounded by lush tea gardens on one side and dense forests on the other. Every night, the stars would come peeking from the clear, cloudless skies and I would find myself identifying constellations and marvelling at their beauty. The region was filled with mountainous rivers and small, rocky streams which looked picturesque. The vivid greenery all around us was contrasted by the bright cerulean autumn skies, gleaming with jubilant sunshine throughout the day. The national park was filled with countless species of trees and birds and animals such as wild bison, peacocks, and elephants roamed freely.

I have a particularly fond memory of the entire batch, along with our teachers and all the people from the tour company, having a picnic under the mellow November sun on the banks of the Jayanti river. The river was running dry since the monsoons had ended and made for the perfect picnic spot. Beyond us, the dense greenery of forests stretched as far as the eye could see and the imposing mountains of Bhutan rose up from behind them. The place looked strikingly beautiful in the soft light of the morning and it is a sight I will remember for as long as I will live.

Describe a Naturally Beautiful Place – Sample Answer 2

The world is filled with numerous beautiful places with snow-capped mountains, gigantic glaciers, awe-inspiring sceneries, rich, dense forests, captivating hills, and an endless ocean. In short, describing these wonderful places in words is undoubtedly not easy.

With diverse landscapes in the East to West and North to South, India has an assortment of treasures for nature lovers. Reckoned as the ‘Scotland of India’, Coorg is one of the naturally beautiful places in the country with its undulating lush-green hills and bright blue sky. The irresistible hilly region, nestled in Southern Karnataka in the lap of Western Ghats, is an ideal place for someone looking to escape the monotony of everyday life and explore nature.

The picturesque region looks ethereal, with some of the most extraordinary landscapes spanning verdant mountains, serene rivers, deep forests, and cascading waterfalls. Last year, I went to Coorg for the first time and was blown away by the breathtaking scenery of the picturesque hill station. As an adventure enthusiast, I loved trekking through the magnificent wilderness, kayaking and rafting on the Dubare River, microlight flying, and quad biking in the woods. Coorg is undeniably one of the most beautiful natural places with tropical weather conditions filled with nature’s abundance. It boasts exotic wildlife, trekking trails, austere landscapes, serenity and solitude in the midst of the euphoric sounds of a waterfall, making it a perfect vacation destination.

  • Undeniably 

Meaning: used to emphasize that something cannot be denied or disputed Eg: Canada is undeniably the best country in the world.

Meaning: attract and hold the interest and attention of; charm. Eg: I was captivated by the scenic beauty of the countryside.

Meaning: in the middle of or during. Eg: The teacher decided to check each student amidst the exam.

Meaning: consider or regard in a specified way Eg: Coimbatore in Tamil Nadu is reckoned as the Manchester of India.

Meaning: characterized by or feeling intense excitement and happiness. Eg: Shaina felt euphoric when she rode the Quad bike.

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Kasturika Samanta

Kasturika Samanta

Kasturika is a professional Content Writer with over three years of experience as an English language teacher. Her understanding of English language requirements, as set by foreign universities, is enriched by her interactions with students and educators. Her work is a fusion of extensive knowledge of SEO practices and up-to-date guidelines. This enables her to produce content that not only informs but also engages IELTS aspirants. Her passion for exploring new horizons has driven her to achieve new heights in her learning journey.

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Melissa Breyer is Treehugger’s former senior editorial director. Her writing and photography have been featured in The New York Times, The Guardian, National Geographic, Audubon Magazine, and elsewhere.

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From aquabob to zawn, writer Robert Macfarlane's collection of unusual, achingly poetic words for nature creates a lexicon we all can learn from.

Years ago, nature writer extraordinaire Robert Macfarlane discovered that the latest edition of the Oxford Junior Dictionary was missing a few things. Oxford University Press confirmed that indeed, a list of words had been removed; words that the publisher felt were no longer relevant to a modern-day childhood. So goodbye to acorn, adder, ash, and beech. Farewell to bluebell, buttercup, catkin, and conker. Adios cowslip, cygnet, dandelion, fern, hazel, and heather. No more heron, ivy, kingfisher, lark, mistletoe, nectar, newt, otter, pasture, and willow. And in their place came the new kids on the block, words like blog, broadband, bullet-point, celebrity, chatroom, committee, cut-and-paste, MP3 player, and voice-mail.

Woe is the world of words.

Macfarlane's Glossary

 Treehugger / Catherine Song

Inspired by the culling and in combination with a lifetime of collecting terms about place, Macfarlane set out to counter the trend by creating a glossary of his own.

“We lack a Terra Britannica, as it were: a gathering of terms for the land and its weathers,” he wrote in a beautiful essay in The Guardian , “– terms used by crofters, fishermen, farmers, sailors, scientists, miners, climbers, soldiers, shepherds, poets, walkers and unrecorded others for whom particularised ways of describing place have been vital to everyday practice and perception.”

And thus his book, Landmarks, was born. A field guide of sorts to the language of the wild world – an ode to the places afforded to us by Mother Nature – which includes thousands of remarkable words used in England, Scotland, Ireland, and Wales to describe land, nature, and weather.

The words came from dozens of languages, he explains, dialects, sub-dialects, and specialist vocabularies: from Unst to the Lizard, from Pembrokeshire to Norfolk; from Norn and Old English, Anglo-Romani, Cornish, Welsh, Irish, Gaelic, Orcadian, Shetlandic and Doric, and numerous regional versions of English, through to Jérriais, the dialect of Norman still spoken on the island of Jersey.

“I have long been fascinated by the relations of language and landscape – by the power of strong style and single words to shape our senses of place,” he writes. Of the thousands of wonderful words included in the book, here are some that warranted mention in Macfarlane’s essay.

24 Beautiful Words

Afèith: A Gaelic word describing a fine vein-like watercourse running through peat, often dry in the summer.

Ammil: A Devon term for the thin film of ice that lacquers all leaves, twigs and grass blades when a freeze follows a partial thaw, and that in sunlight can cause a whole landscape to glitter.

Aquabob: A variant English term for icicle in Kent.

Arête: A sharp-edged mountain ridge, often between two glacier-carved corries.

Caochan: Gaelic for a slender moor-stream obscured by vegetation such that it is virtually hidden from sight.

Clinkerbell: A variant English term for icicle in Hampshire.

Crizzle: Northamptonshire dialect verb for the freezing of water that evokes the sound of a natural activity too slow for human hearing to detect.

Daggler: Another variant English term for icicle in Hampshire.

Eit: In Gaelic, a word that refers to the practice of placing quartz stones in streams so that they sparkle in moonlight and thereby attract salmon in the late summer and autumn.

Feadan: A Gaelic word describing a small stream running from a moorland loch.

Goldfoil: Coined by the poet Gerard Manley Hopkins, describing a sky lit by lightning in “zigzag dints and creasings.”

Honeyfur: A five-year-old girl’s creation to describe the soft seeds of grasses pinched between fingertips.

Ickle: A variant English term for icicle in Yorkshire.

Landskein: A term coined by a painter in the Western Isles referring to the braid of blue horizon lines on a hazy day.

Pirr: A Shetlandic word meaning a light breath of wind, such as will make a cat’s paw on the water.

Rionnach maoimmeans: A Gaelic word referring to the shadows cast on the moorland by clouds moving across the sky on a bright and windy day.

Shivelight: A word created by poet Gerard Manley Hopkins for the lances of sunshine that pierce the canopy of a wood.

Shuckle: A variant English term for icicle in Cumbria.

Smeuse: An English dialect noun for the gap in the base of a hedge made by the regular passage of a small animal.

Tankle: A variant English term for icicle in Durham.

Teine biorach: A Gaelic term meaning the flame or will-o’-the-wisp that runs on top of heather when the moor burns during the summer.

Ungive: In Northamptonshire and East Anglia, to thaw.

Zawn: A Cornish term for a wave-smashed chasm in a cliff.

Zwer: The onomatopoeic term for the sound made by a covey of partridges taking flight.

"There are experiences of landscape that will always resist articulation, and of which words offer only a distant echo. Nature will not name itself. Granite doesn’t self-identify as igneous. Light has no grammar. Language is always late for its subject," Macfarlane says. "But we are and always have been name-callers, christeners."

"Words are grained into our landscapes," he adds, "and landscapes grained into our words."

For audiobook listeners, note that hearing the words spoken is a very special thing!

Macfarlane, Robert.  Landmarks . Penguin Books.

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Descriptive Essay about Nature. How to Express Nature’s Beauty Best?

There are so many aspects in the world of flora and fauna that expressing its gorgeousness by means of printed words might take hours, days, weeks, even months and still it won’t be enough! We’ll point out the key elements you should stick to while producing this type of essays . Let’s begin!

The easiest way to work on an essay is to describe what you already know. The nature stuff is no different. In case you’re a big city resident, the museum of natural history or the nearest zoo will be a perfect place to get detailed information on nature. Plenty of possibilities are waiting for you in your own back yard or in the city park! If you have an opportunity to admire springtime in your grandpa’s farm, watching goats, horses and chickens going through their everyday life – it will certainly make your project more alive! If you’re offered to observe how the offspring is delivered – do not hesitate to describe it within your assignment! Reproduction is what impresses us the most in all living creatures and it will add up more “special effects” to what you have to say about the world of nature.

Farms are perfect to observe the world of greenery, from a tiny seed to abundant harvest! Any time of the year will provide you with a lot of inspiration for a solid essay about nature’s beauty. Just take a walk along a summer beach and listen to the sounds of the sea. Wander through the woods to observe the life cycle that makes natures so breath-taking. Autumn leaves turn to red and orange, and slowly fall to the ground, making an amazing carpet. Winter takes you to the fantasy world with the first snowflakes, if you know how to look at them! It feels like the current of life stops under the snow blanket to be born once again with the first warmth of the spring sun! Spring will let you display the beauty of nature in the most favorable view! Trees and plants refresh the air with fantastic and wonderfully intoxicating perfumes the likes of which you cannot be found anywhere else.

If you prefer to get information from your own impressions your project will always turn to be inspiring and full of life. Nature, after all, is a really intriguing and wonderful topic from the first paragraph to the last dot!

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Short Essay on the Beauty of Nature [100, 200, 400 Words] With PDF

In this session, you will learn how actually you can write short essays on The beauty of Nature. There will be three individual sets of essays covering different word limits. 

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Short Essay on the Beauty of Nature in 100 Words

Nature is a gift of God towards all living creatures on the earth. There is no one who is not daily helped by the goods of nature. Nature is significant to the development of life. As human beings, we realize how important a single plant is for our survival.

The beauty of nature includes plants, animals, insects, and other aspects like the mountains, hills, plains, rivers, the sky, which are all components of this beautiful nature. Nature is like a well-made garden with lots of flowers and fruit trees. It is our protective shield from all-natural calamities. It gives us the support to survive healthily on the earth. Nature is the source of our personal beauty and strength as well.

Short Essay on the Beauty of Nature in 200 Words

God while creating the earth has given his best. And among several things, nature is his most beautiful creation. Nature is a part of heaven. The beauty of a single tree is worth much more than any commodity. We are always told to preserve nature because nature is the elixir of our life.

Every life on the earth is supported by the nature around us. This nature includes trees, animals, insects, humans, and even the geography we inhabit. The mountains, hills, plains, plateaus, rivers, springs, waterfall, deserts- all are the components of this wide nature. We cannot overpower nature. It has its own strength to control the atmosphere.

Nature is almost like a caring mother who feeds her children. It gives birth to lives and also maintains them peacefully. Nature protects us like an umbrella. It does not allow any storm or flood or drought to affect us. Nature’s beauty lies in the fact that she changes according to whether to support the earth.

According to every change she has her collection of food to feed all living creatures. It is our duty hence to maintain her beauty. The beauty of nature is a component of nature. We must not chop trees or hurt any animal, as it results in harming ourselves. Nature is a treasure and our biggest responsibility is to care for it.

Short Essay on the Beauty of Nature in 400 Words

Nature has been the source of our delight. It is the reason for our life and sustenance. The earth is beautiful because of nature. It is a creation of the god himself. Hence, it is all beauty. In the Holy Bible, we see the beautiful Garden of Eden as an example of natural bliss.

It is a garden, filled with fruits, flowers, trees, animals, and human beings. In fact, Eden shows us what the ideal nature looks like. It is about humans staying together in harmony with animals and plants. No one is harming the other. Nature provides us with this peace and happiness. This is the actual beauty of nature.

Wordsworth in his poem ‘The Daffodils’ gives importance to nature. He tells how nature soothes our pains and anxiety. When we are tired of our mundane life, we try to find help in nature. We take long walks down an empty road or even enjoy the cool breeze standing at the terrace. The first dewdrop of the morning is a wonderful beauty. Nature shows how even simple things can be wonderful. We do not need to travel to many countries to enjoy happiness. Nature gives us that richness and pleasure quite easily. 

Nature is the biggest blessing in our lives. It is precious to us. We cannot survive if nature is taken away from us. Nature is the source of our food. Our daily diet includes several components from nature, be it vegetables, fruits, or milk. Destroying nature is letting ourselves die, all hungry. Nature is also our protection. It saves us like a shield.

Whenever we face any natural calamity, it immediately rescues us. Every storm, flood, and drought is reduced by nature. Nature feels more like a mother to us. A mother cares for her child and knows him the best. So does nature. Natural beauty lives in the geography we live in. The first sun rays, the chirping of the birds, the blooming seasons, the wind and rainfall, everything delights us equally. We cannot think of living without this peace. Nature thus is the house of serenity and calmness.

As rational human beings, it is our foremost duty to take care of natural beings. Every citizen must pledge to plant a tree and provide shelter to animals. Ther should complete restriction to any hunting of animals. Even in zoos, animals must be well kept. Nature is the balance of the ecosystem. If nature is harmed, then the stability of the ecosystem will be completely destroyed. So natural beauty depends on the care we give to it. If we love it like our own mother, then it will remain forever beautiful.

I have written these sample essays in a very simple language for a better understanding of all kinds of students. If you still have any doubts regarding this session, kindly let me know in the comment section below. To read more such essays on various important topics, keep browsing our website.

Thank you. 

Beauty of Nature Essay

It is hard for one to witness the beauty of nature and not fall for it. Whether we listen to the mesmerising sounds of birds in the morning or love to watch the brilliant sunset in the evening, there is something beautiful about nature that fills us with joy. We are extremely lucky beings that we get to enjoy the beauty of nature every day. Let us discuss the different things that nature provides us through this short essay on beauty of nature.

When we describe the beauty of nature, several aspects like trees, plants, animals, water, hills and weather come into play. Through essay writing on beauty of nature, your kids will be able to express what they admire about nature clearly. Moreover, this essay will reveal how kids pay close attention to things that we hardly notice or care about.

Beauty of Nature Essay

Experience with the Beauty of Nature

During the mid-summer season, I went to a beautiful hill station with my family. Even though the ride was long, the beautiful scenery on the way kept me entertained. I could see deep forests and misty mountains as we went higher and higher. The winding roads also fascinated me, and I felt as if I had entered a different world. Upon our arrival at the place, I immediately fell in love with nature as it was preserved as such with fresh fragrant flowers of different kinds, cool weather and lush greenery. I found all my worries melting away as I walked amidst this wonderful nature.

Nature offers limitless happiness and satisfaction to us. As a nature enthusiast, one would find joy in the calm breeze, flowing streams or dancing flowers. From the little pebbles to sturdy rocks, everything is part of nature, which adds charm to it. Even nature creates music through the running rivers, twittering birds and gentle winds. When the sun sets and the moon takes its place, the whole sky is lit, and there is nothing more dreamlike than sleeping under the starry sky.

The seasons change, and each has its distinct beauty that cannot be matched. While spring brings in the best of nature through its vibrant greenery, winter calls for a misty and foggy beauty of nature. Autumn covers nature with a golden carpet of leaves and flowers, and summer witnesses the brightest days with delicious fruits. Besides, there are many living creatures, like birds, insects, fish, etc., in varying shape, size and colour that makes nature lively. A single peek through the window of your house would help you understand the true beauty of nature, which will surely lighten your mood.

Moral of the Essay

Each one of us will have a unique feeling when we look at nature. You can know what your child likes about nature through this essay writing on beauty of nature. We can see, feel and hear the glamour of nature in every step that we take and the air we breathe. This short essay on beauty of nature would inspire your kids to look around and take delight in its different forms so that they will be energised and enthusiastic.

How to enjoy the beauty of nature?

All of us can enjoy the beauty of nature in the ways we see it. You could either go for an early morning walk or jog in the evening, where you could be close to nature, thus imbibing its beauty. Travel with your friends and family to hill stations, beaches and exotic places, and enjoy the beautiful sunrise or sunset.

What are the factors that affect the beauty of nature?

Although nature maintains its beauty, human exploitation has caused serious threats to nature. The excessive cutting down of trees for industry and home purposes and the pollution of water, air and land through the dumping of waste from factories are the main factors that threaten the beauty of nature.

How to preserve the beauty of nature?

Nature is an invaluable gift given to us, and we must not involve in any activity that would diminish its beauty. By planting more trees, avoiding the use of plastic, and reusing and recycling things, we can maintain the beauty of nature as it is.

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descriptive essay on beautiful location in nature

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How to write a descriptive essay about a place?

Essay describing a place is one of the main papers you need to write at college. The purpose of this type of paper is to develop a topic through details. If you have an opportunity to go to the place you want to describe, it would be helpful. Observation supported by sensations will allow creating a powerful paper expanding readers imagination and triggering emotions. The goal will be reached.

We all have a beautiful location in our mind that means something. The assignment has to include a clear description of the place and to draw its picture in readers' mind. In this article, we are giving tips on how to write a descriptive essay about a place that impacted you and how to get a high grade.

Guide to composing a descriptive essay about your favorite place

  • Introduction . Start the essay by making readers curious. An interesting fact or an anecdote creates a certain mood and grabs readers’ attention. Consider what can draw readers’ attention and make them follow your story. Mention the name, address, and give the reason why it has a soft spot in your heart.
  • Main part – description . The body of the essay has to describe emotions regarding the place. All the feelings, tastes, smells, and sights describing your favorite place help readers to imagine. A lot of students write about locations they used to go with parents and grandparents in their childhood. It can be a country home or a caravan you used to stay at. Describe nature, colors of trees, the smell of flowers and fresh grass, the sound of river and birds singing, the look of neighborhood area, taste of the food you used to enjoy.
  • Such details heat the imagination and help to transfer readers to the location you describe. For example, you can get inspiration from the following sentences: “The house we went to every summer was on the hill covered with little trees I used to sit under during hot sunny days. I still cannot forget the smell of fresh bread my grandmother used to bake every day. Even when I went fishing with my father by the river that was 200 meters away from our house, we could smell pastry, and we knew it was time to pack our rods and go for lunch.”
  • Conclusion . A winning essay has to be meaningful. Learn how to describe a place in an essay by expressing thoughts and feelings. A good paper should make readers excited and curious about visiting the area. The fact that the location made a difference in writer's life has to be proved. Tell how this experience changed you and provide a clear example.

Extra tips on descriptive writing about my favorite place

Consider some more tips for creating such type of college assignment.

  • Choose one idea that will be visible in all paragraphs of the paper.
  • Create the list of questions about the taste, sight, touch, smell, and sound of your topic, then answer them. The more questions, the better description.
  • Write the list of feelings and sensations related to the place you describe. Use expositive words to make a paper rich.
  • Find interesting facts about the area if it is well-known. Historical and unique facts bring more attention to the topic.
  • If you have a few places to talk about and cannot choose one, write down ideas and see which place you can describe as clearly as possible.
  • Writing a descriptive essay on a place is an art and you need to learn how to do it. Review photos of the location to refresh your memory and give a better description.
  • Create an outline and follow the plan. This helps authors to stick to structure and make an essay look professional.
  • Remind readers the idea of writing an assignment in a sentence with the thesis statement in conclusion.
  • Review and edit an essay to make sure it does not contain errors, and there are no parts that take readers away from the topic. Avoid slang and clichés.
  • Give it to someone to read. Someone else's opinion can be helpful. Moreover, someone can spot mistakes you did not notice.

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How to write a descriptive essay.


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Think of the last time you were completely captivated by a good story. What made it so enthralling? What caused it to take your attention from everything else? Most likely, it was the author’s use of descriptive language that helped you feel like you were actually a part of the story. You could probably imagine what it would have looked or felt like to be in each place the book described. Descriptive essays do much the same thing. They’re essays meant to engage the readers to paint a descriptive picture of the words on paper.

Let's say you are assigned to write a descriptive essay about a place, and you’re wondering where to begin. How do you make sure your essay is captivating, and passes with flying colors? In this blog, we’ll show you exactly how to write an all-star descriptive essay about a place, by covering the steps involved in writing, and the elements of how to write a great descriptive essay.

First, we will review the purpose of descriptive essays, then discuss why they are important, and we will end by sharing pro writing tips to help find the right words.

What are descriptive essays?

The goal of a descriptive essay is to be captivating, including sensory-oriented details of a person, place, experience, or object. Include this in your essay and the reader's imagination will go wherever is being described. These essays accomplish this by using vivid language, specific adjectives, and clear explanations so that the reader can personally relate. Descriptive essays are written so that readers can imagine and understand the feelings, sensations, visualizations, and sounds the author is describing.

Related how-to guide— How to write a narrative essay .

Why are descriptive essays important?

A detailed description helps readers empathize with your experience and, as an author, you can communicate this meaning. This is important because much of our academic and professional success depends on our ability to clearly, and specifically, communicate our experiences to others. We may not be writing a descriptive essay each time we communicate our experiences, but writing descriptive essays definitely strengthen our ability to convey specific details in compelling ways.

How to Use the Five Senses in an Essay | Ultius

For example, writing a descriptive essay about a place can strengthen your ability to communicate your work expertise to your next potential employer; or to write your life experiences in a compelling way in your next scholarship essay (learn how to write a scholarship essay ).

Perhaps you’d like to write your own book some day or craft your own advertising campaigns using your business degree—both of which are more successful when the reader can empathize with your writing. You’ll use descriptive language to succeed at both!

Choosing a descriptive essay topic

Descriptive essays can be written about many topics. One of the most common assignments you may receive is to write a descriptive essay about a place. Here are a few descriptive writing example topics you might choose:

Who writes descriptive essays?

Being able to write well is a skill for any career you're pursuing whether it be business, arts, marketing, education, or even medicine!

Students in these areas will be assigned to write a descriptive essay at some point during their high school or undergraduate careers:

  • Language arts students
  • Literature and cultural studies students
  • Social studies students
  • Psychology students

Finding the right words for an engaging essay can be challenging. Plus, many students are pressed for time, juggling work, family, and extracurricular activities on top of trying to complete assignments. If you can identify, this blog will help get you started.

Find words that paint a picture

When your future career depends on it, you want to feel confident and proud of your work instead of overwhelmed by it. Practicing smart time management and finding the writing help you need, when you need it, is important.

Elements of a great descriptive essay

Before we dive into how to write a descriptive essay, let’s review some key elements that will help you paint a picture in writing:

Clear organization

Effective descriptive essays are clearly organized. In other words, the reader is able to easily understand why she or he is reading the essay, the place the essay will describe, and what the purpose of the description is. This is accomplished by organizing the essay into and introduction, body and conclusion.

Introduction: A captivating hook

The opening of your essay is one of the most important parts because it interests readers. Start with a captivating introductory paragraph. One way to do this is by using anecdotes to grab readers’ attention. Anecdotes are short stories that can be used literally or metaphorically to help readers relate to what you’re going to write about.

For example, an anecdote that opens an essay with descriptive words about what it’s like to be working in the middle of busy production factory might read:

“Imagine every appliance in your house is turned on—your vacuum cleaner, your blender, your fans—and imagine on top of all that, you hear airplanes and helicopters flying overhead and cars buzzing by outside. Meanwhile, you’re trying to focus on your tasks…”

This type of anecdote accomplishes two key things: First, it engages the reader and helps them personally relate to your essay by asking them to imagine. Second, it immediately clarifies the type of place you’re going to write about.

Build your essay with strong imagery. Capture the time, date, weather, and mood of the place.

The introduction paragraph should end by explaining the place the rest of the essay is going to describe and why. This includes any key setting logistics like time, specific location, and who’s involved.

Body: Full of specifics and adjectives

Anecdotes are also helpful in the body paragraphs of a descriptive essay, for the same reasons noted above. The body of a great descriptive essay about a place should be packed full of vivid, sensory language. During the body of a descriptive essay, the reader gains a clear image and understanding of the place being described, as if he or she were actually there. To accomplish this, the body paragraphs use descriptive adjectives and colorful phrases such as, “The chaotic, clashing noise was deafening,” or, “The scent of freshly fallen rain cleansed the sunlit air, and I could see the horizon for miles.”

Correct vs Incorrect Adjective | Ultius

Use one or two strong adjectives to convey descriptions in your sentences. This creates a flow throughout the entire essay. Be sure to note, not every sentence requires an adjective or adverb.

If you’re having trouble with finding adjectives and adverbs, use strong action verbs instead.

Conclusion: Reminding readers of the meaning

Just as the introduction of a descriptive essay previews what place will be written about and why, the conclusion reminds readers of what was just described and why it’s important. The key is to not sound redundant. For instance, while the introductory paragraph hooks readers and then tells them what they can expect to read, the conclusion summarizes what was written and leaves readers with thought-provoking ideas to consider, helping them to understand how the essay may relate to their lives, or why it’s important to the reader.

Revisiting the production factory introduction example, the same essay’s conclusion may summarize with a statement highlighting the essay’s takeaways, such as, “The chaos and noise of the factory made it difficult to focus, but after working there for five years, I learned how to overcome that challenge. Now I can focus in even the most noisy of places.”

Steps to writing a great descriptive essay

1) choose a topic.

Depending on the purpose of your descriptive essay assignment, you may have varying flexibility in terms of what place you can choose to write about. Nonetheless, try to choose a topic that vividly stands out in your memory. The more you can remember about a place and how it felt, the better your descriptive paper is likely to be. For example, if you’re assignment asks you to write about a place you’ve traveled to, what destination comes to mind first? Perhaps it’s a foreign country. Or, if you haven’t traveled much, it could even be a different town.

Brainstorming techniques | Ultius

2) Observe the details

If you’re writing about a place you’re currently at or can easily visit, spend time observing the details. Watch what the scenery looks like, including colors and objects. What sounds do you hear? What’s the temperature? What scents do you notice? How do you feel being there? All these questions will help guide your descriptive flow writing process (step six).

If you’re writing about a place you visited in the past, ask yourself the same questions. Perhaps look at old photos to jog your memory. Finally, if you’re asked to describe a place you’ve never been, use your imagination to answer similar questions. The more time you take to list details about what your place feels like, the easier the next steps will be.

3) Understand why your place is important

Ask yourself why you think it is important to share this with your readers. Having a clear understanding of your essays’ importance will not only help you write your introduction and conclusion, but it will also help you stay focused on describing the details that matter most.

4) Outline and organize your writing

Now it’s time to begin the actual descriptive writing process by organizing your ideas into an outline . Your outline doesn’t have to be formal; just a simple numbered list of points to include in your introduction, body and conclusion will suffice. This will guide your writing process and keep you focused.

5) Start with the introduction

Remember step number one and three, “your topic ” and “why your place is important?” Those are the two main highlights you’ll want to make clear in your introductory paragraph. When writing your introduction, be sure it explains what you’re about to describe and why you’re going to write about it.

6) Write the body in free-flow style

The body paragraph of your essay can sometimes be the most difficult part, depending on length, a great way to start is by free-flow writing. This means that you simply start writing your detailed description of the place you’re writing about, without editing or analyzing as you write. This often helps to overcome writer’s block while making sure that all the critical details you jotted down in step two, “observe the details,” get down on paper and into the body of your essay. You’ll be able to go back later and edit the body of your paper for organization, flow and grammar. As long as you start your free-flow within the bullet points of the outline you created, the process will be relatively simple and easy.

7) Revise the body of your essay

Now it’s time to go back and be sure all the free-flow writing you just did is clear, makes sense and follows your original outline. You may need to re-arrange a few sentences or even paragraphs. This is also a great time to check for spelling and grammar errors.

Next, read the body paragraph of your essay and pretend you’re someone else reading it for the first time. How does it sound? Does it make sense and flow? If not, ask yourself what would make your descriptions more understandable for the reader. Finally, remember that not every sentence of your descriptive essay needs to sound fancy, artistic, or be long. Vary your sentence length, breaking up long sentences with short sentences to make reading easier. Use exciting language, but don’t over-do it or adjectives will lose their power.

8) Finish your essay strong

Writing a strong conclusion is key to leaving a lasting impression with your readers. A great way to conclude your descriptive essay about a place is to reiterate, in a new way, how the place you’re describing impacted you and why you believe it’s important. You can also describe what you hope readers may learn from your essay.

9) Proofread your work

You can never re-read your essay too many times. Proofread your work at least twice for spelling and grammar errors. It’s often helpful to read your writing out loud, since that slows the reading process and helps us catch errors we may otherwise overlook.

Steps for writing a narrative essay | Ultius

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Descriptive Essay Writing

Descriptive Essay Examples

Barbara P

Amazing Descriptive Essay Examples for Your Help

Published on: Jun 21, 2023

Last updated on: Mar 1, 2024

Descriptive Essay Examples

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Descriptive Essay: Definition, Tips & Examples

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Descriptive essays are very commonly assigned essays. This type of essay enhances students' writing skills and allows them to think critically. 

A descriptive essay is often referred to as the parent essay type. Other essays like argumentative essays, narrative essays, and expository essays fall into descriptive essays. Also, this essay helps the student enhance their ability to imagine the whole scene in mind by appealing senses.

It is assigned to high school students and all other students at different academic levels. Students make use of the human senses like touch, smell, etc., to make the descriptive essay more engaging for the readers. 

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Examples make it easy for readers to understand things in a better way. Also, in a descriptive essay, different types of descriptions can be discussed. 

Here are some amazing examples of a descriptive essay to make the concept easier for you. 

Descriptive Essay Example 5 Paragraph

5 paragraphs essay writing format is the most common method of composing an essay. This format has 5 paragraphs in total. The sequence of the paragraphs is as follows;

  • Introduction
  • Body Paragraph 1
  • Body Paragraph 2 
  • Body Paragraph 3
  • Conclusion 

Following is an example of a descriptive essay written using the famous 5 paragraph method. 

5 Paragraph Descriptive Essay

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Descriptive Essay Example About A Person

Descriptive essays are the best option when it comes to describing and writing about a person.  A descriptive essay is written using the five human senses. It helps in creating a vivid image in the reader’s mind and understanding what the writer is trying to convey. 

Here is one of the best descriptive essay examples about a person. Read it thoroughly and try to understand how a good descriptive essay is written on someone’s personality.

Descriptive Essay Example About a Person

Descriptive Essay Example About A Place

If you have visited a good holiday spot or any other place and want to let your friends know about it. A descriptive essay can help you explain every detail and moment you had at that place. 

Here is one of the good descriptive essay examples about a place. Use it as a sample and learn how you can write such an essay. 

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Descriptive Essay Example for Grade 6

Descriptive essays are frequently assigned to school students. This type of essay helps the students enhance their writing skills and helps them see things in a more analytical way.

If you are a 6 grader and looking for a good descriptive essay example, you are in the right place.  

Descriptive Essay Example for Grade 7

Here is one of the best descriptive essay examples for grade 7. 

Descriptive Essay Example for Grade 8

If you are looking for some amazing descriptive essay examples for grade 8, you have already found one. Look at the given example and see what a well-written descriptive essay looks like. 

Descriptive Essay Example for Grade 10

Essay writing is an inevitable part of a student's academic life . No matter your grade, you will get to write some sort of essay at least once. 

Here is an example of a descriptive essay writing for grade10. If you are also a student of this grade, this example might help you to complete your assignment.

Descriptive Essay Example for Grade 12

If you are a senior student and looking for some essay examples, you are exactly where you should be. 

Use the below-mentioned example and learn how to write a good essay according to the instructions given to you. 

Descriptive Essay Example College

Descriptive essays are a great way to teach students how they can become better writers. Writing a descriptive essay encourages them to see the world more analytically.

Below is an example that will help you and make your writing process easy.

College Descriptive Essay Example

Descriptive Essay Example for University

Descriptive essays are assigned to students at all academic levels. University students are also assigned descriptive essay writing assignments. As they are students of higher educational levels, they are often given a bit of difficult and more descriptive topics. 

See the example below and know what a descriptive essay at the university level looks like. 

Short Descriptive Essay Example

Every time a descriptive essay isn't written in detail. It depends on the topic of how long the essay will be.  

For instance, look at one of the short descriptive essay examples given below. See how the writer has conveyed the concept in a composed way. 

Objective Descriptive Essay Example

When writing an objective description essay, you focus on describing the object without conveying your emotions, feelings, or personal reactions. The writer uses sight, sound, or touch for readers' minds to bring life into pictures that were painted by words.

Here is an example that you can use for your help. 

Narrative and Descriptive Essay Example

A narrative descriptive essay can be a great way to share your experiences with others. It is a story that teaches a lesson you have learned. The following is an example of a perfect narrative descriptive essay to help you get started.

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How to Start a Descriptive Essay? - Example

If you don't know how to start your descriptive essay, check this example and create a perfect one. 

How to Start a Descriptive Essay - Example

Subjective Descriptive Essay Example

It is a common concept that a descriptive essay revolves around one subject. Be it a place, person, event, or any other object you can think of. 

Following is one of the subjective descriptive, easy examples. Use it as a guide to writing an effective descriptive essay yourself. 

Writing a descriptive essay is a time-consuming yet tricky task. It needs some very strong writing, analytical, and critical thinking skills. Also, this is a type of essay that a student can not avoid and bypass. 

But if you think wisely, work smart, and stay calm, you can get over it easily. Learn how to write a descriptive essay from a short guide given below. 

How to Write a Descriptive Essay?

A writer writes a descriptive essay from their knowledge and imaginative mind. In this essay, the writer describes what he has seen or experienced, or ever heard from someone. For a descriptive essay, it is important to stay focused on one point. Also, the writer should use figurative language so that the reader can imagine the situation in mind. 

The following are some very basic yet important steps that can help you write an amazing descriptive essay easily. 

  • Choose a Topic

For a descriptive essay, you must choose a vast topic to allow you to express yourself freely. Also, make sure that the topic you choose is not overdone. An overdone will not grab the attention of your intended audience. Check out our descriptive essay topics blog for a variety of intriguing topic suggestions.

  • Create a Strong Thesis Statement

A thesis statement is the essence of any academic writing. When you select the descriptive essay topic, then you create a strong thesis statement for your essay.  

A thesis statement is a sentence or two that explains the whole idea of your essay to the reader. It is stated in the introductory paragraph of the essay. The word choice for creating the thesis statement must be very expressive, composed, and meaningful. Also, use vivid language for the thesis statement.  

  • Collect the Necessary Information

Once you have created the thesis statement and are done writing your essay introduction . Now, it's time to move toward the body paragraphs. 

Collect all necessary information related to your topic. You would be adding this information to your essay to support your thesis statement. Make sure that you collect information from authentic sources. 

To enhance your essay, make use of some adjectives and adverbs. To make your descriptive essay more vivid, try to incorporate sensory details like touch, taste, sight, and smell.

  • Create a Descriptive Essay Outline

An outline is yet another necessary element of your college essay. By reading the descriptive essay outline , the reader feels a sense of logic and a guide for the essay. 

In the outline, you need to write an introduction, thesis statement, body paragraphs and end up with a formal conclusion.

Proofreading is a simple procedure in which the writer revises the written essay. This is done in order to rectify the document for any kind of spelling or grammatical mistakes. Thus, proofreading makes high-quality content and gives a professional touch to it. 

You might be uncertain about writing a good enough descriptive essay and impress your teacher. However, it is very common, so you do not need to stress out. 

Hit us up at and get an essay written by our professional descriptive essay writers. Our essay writing service for students aims to help clients in every way possible and ease their stress. Get in touch with our customer support team, and they will take care of all your queries related to your writing. 

You can always enhance your writing skills by leveraging the power of our AI essay writing tools .

Place your order now and let all your stress go away in a blink! 

Barbara P (Literature)

Barbara is a highly educated and qualified author with a Ph.D. in public health from an Ivy League university. She has spent a significant amount of time working in the medical field, conducting a thorough study on a variety of health issues. Her work has been published in several major publications.

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    A descriptive essay is a highly creative form of writing which describes an object, person, location, experience, emotion, or situation. It makes use of vivid imagery and different figures of speech to create a beautiful and immersive experience for the reader.

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    It is as if nature, in its infinite creativity, orchestrates a new spectacle every evening, weaving a narrative through colors that are more vibrant and alive than any other phenomena in this world. These sunsets are not merely a visual feast; they are a testament to the ever-changing, dynamic beauty that nature generously bestows upon us.

  21. How to Write a Descriptive Essay

    1) Be specific. The more specific you are, the more readers will be able to relate to your descriptions. For example, "The heat outside made me feel sluggish and exhausted" is a more effective description than, "It was so hot outside.". 2) Write first, edit later. Break writer's block by writing unedited.

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  23. 15 Good Descriptive Essay Examples for All Students

    Descriptive Essay Example 5 Paragraph. 5 paragraphs essay writing format is the most common method of composing an essay. This format has 5 paragraphs in total. The sequence of the paragraphs is as follows; Introduction. Body Paragraph 1. Body Paragraph 2. Body Paragraph 3. Conclusion.