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Assessing the effects of fuel energy consumption, foreign direct investment and GDP on CO2 emission: New data science evidence from Europe & Central Asia

Documentation matters: human-centered ai system to assist data science code documentation in computational notebooks.

Computational notebooks allow data scientists to express their ideas through a combination of code and documentation. However, data scientists often pay attention only to the code, and neglect creating or updating their documentation during quick iterations. Inspired by human documentation practices learned from 80 highly-voted Kaggle notebooks, we design and implement Themisto, an automated documentation generation system to explore how human-centered AI systems can support human data scientists in the machine learning code documentation scenario. Themisto facilitates the creation of documentation via three approaches: a deep-learning-based approach to generate documentation for source code, a query-based approach to retrieve online API documentation for source code, and a user prompt approach to nudge users to write documentation. We evaluated Themisto in a within-subjects experiment with 24 data science practitioners, and found that automated documentation generation techniques reduced the time for writing documentation, reminded participants to document code they would have ignored, and improved participants’ satisfaction with their computational notebook.

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Adventures in financial data science, gecoagent: a conversational agent for empowering genomic data extraction and analysis.

With the availability of reliable and low-cost DNA sequencing, human genomics is relevant to a growing number of end-users, including biologists and clinicians. Typical interactions require applying comparative data analysis to huge repositories of genomic information for building new knowledge, taking advantage of the latest findings in applied genomics for healthcare. Powerful technology for data extraction and analysis is available, but broad use of the technology is hampered by the complexity of accessing such methods and tools. This work presents GeCoAgent, a big-data service for clinicians and biologists. GeCoAgent uses a dialogic interface, animated by a chatbot, for supporting the end-users’ interaction with computational tools accompanied by multi-modal support. While the dialogue progresses, the user is accompanied in extracting the relevant data from repositories and then performing data analysis, which often requires the use of statistical methods or machine learning. Results are returned using simple representations (spreadsheets and graphics), while at the end of a session the dialogue is summarized in textual format. The innovation presented in this article is concerned with not only the delivery of a new tool but also our novel approach to conversational technologies, potentially extensible to other healthcare domains or to general data science.

Differentially Private Medical Texts Generation Using Generative Neural Networks

Technological advancements in data science have offered us affordable storage and efficient algorithms to query a large volume of data. Our health records are a significant part of this data, which is pivotal for healthcare providers and can be utilized in our well-being. The clinical note in electronic health records is one such category that collects a patient’s complete medical information during different timesteps of patient care available in the form of free-texts. Thus, these unstructured textual notes contain events from a patient’s admission to discharge, which can prove to be significant for future medical decisions. However, since these texts also contain sensitive information about the patient and the attending medical professionals, such notes cannot be shared publicly. This privacy issue has thwarted timely discoveries on this plethora of untapped information. Therefore, in this work, we intend to generate synthetic medical texts from a private or sanitized (de-identified) clinical text corpus and analyze their utility rigorously in different metrics and levels. Experimental results promote the applicability of our generated data as it achieves more than 80\% accuracy in different pragmatic classification problems and matches (or outperforms) the original text data.

Impact on Stock Market across Covid-19 Outbreak

Abstract: This paper analysis the impact of pandemic over the global stock exchange. The stock listing values are determined by variety of factors including the seasonal changes, catastrophic calamities, pandemic, fiscal year change and many more. This paper significantly provides analysis on the variation of listing price over the world-wide outbreak of novel corona virus. The key reason to imply upon this outbreak was to provide notion on underlying regulation of stock exchanges. Daily closing prices of the stock indices from January 2017 to January 2022 has been utilized for the analysis. The predominant feature of the research is to analyse the fact that does global economy downfall impacts the financial stock exchange. Keywords: Stock Exchange, Matplotlib, Streamlit, Data Science, Web scrapping.

Information Resilience: the nexus of responsible and agile approaches to information use

AbstractThe appetite for effective use of information assets has been steadily rising in both public and private sector organisations. However, whether the information is used for social good or commercial gain, there is a growing recognition of the complex socio-technical challenges associated with balancing the diverse demands of regulatory compliance and data privacy, social expectations and ethical use, business process agility and value creation, and scarcity of data science talent. In this vision paper, we present a series of case studies that highlight these interconnected challenges, across a range of application areas. We use the insights from the case studies to introduce Information Resilience, as a scaffold within which the competing requirements of responsible and agile approaches to information use can be positioned. The aim of this paper is to develop and present a manifesto for Information Resilience that can serve as a reference for future research and development in relevant areas of responsible data management.

qEEG Analysis in the Diagnosis of Alzheimers Disease; a Comparison of Functional Connectivity and Spectral Analysis

Alzheimers disease (AD) is a brain disorder that is mainly characterized by a progressive degeneration of neurons in the brain, causing a decline in cognitive abilities and difficulties in engaging in day-to-day activities. This study compares an FFT-based spectral analysis against a functional connectivity analysis based on phase synchronization, for finding known differences between AD patients and Healthy Control (HC) subjects. Both of these quantitative analysis methods were applied on a dataset comprising bipolar EEG montages values from 20 diagnosed AD patients and 20 age-matched HC subjects. Additionally, an attempt was made to localize the identified AD-induced brain activity effects in AD patients. The obtained results showed the advantage of the functional connectivity analysis method compared to a simple spectral analysis. Specifically, while spectral analysis could not find any significant differences between the AD and HC groups, the functional connectivity analysis showed statistically higher synchronization levels in the AD group in the lower frequency bands (delta and theta), suggesting that the AD patients brains are in a phase-locked state. Further comparison of functional connectivity between the homotopic regions confirmed that the traits of AD were localized in the centro-parietal and centro-temporal areas in the theta frequency band (4-8 Hz). The contribution of this study is that it applies a neural metric for Alzheimers detection from a data science perspective rather than from a neuroscience one. The study shows that the combination of bipolar derivations with phase synchronization yields similar results to comparable studies employing alternative analysis methods.

Big Data Analytics for Long-Term Meteorological Observations at Hanford Site

A growing number of physical objects with embedded sensors with typically high volume and frequently updated data sets has accentuated the need to develop methodologies to extract useful information from big data for supporting decision making. This study applies a suite of data analytics and core principles of data science to characterize near real-time meteorological data with a focus on extreme weather events. To highlight the applicability of this work and make it more accessible from a risk management perspective, a foundation for a software platform with an intuitive Graphical User Interface (GUI) was developed to access and analyze data from a decommissioned nuclear production complex operated by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE, Richland, USA). Exploratory data analysis (EDA), involving classical non-parametric statistics, and machine learning (ML) techniques, were used to develop statistical summaries and learn characteristic features of key weather patterns and signatures. The new approach and GUI provide key insights into using big data and ML to assist site operation related to safety management strategies for extreme weather events. Specifically, this work offers a practical guide to analyzing long-term meteorological data and highlights the integration of ML and classical statistics to applied risk and decision science.

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Data Science and Analytics: An Overview from Data-Driven Smart Computing, Decision-Making and Applications Perspective

  • Review Article
  • Published: 12 July 2021
  • Volume 2 , article number  377 , ( 2021 )

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  • Iqbal H. Sarker   ORCID: 1 , 2  

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The digital world has a wealth of data, such as internet of things (IoT) data, business data, health data, mobile data, urban data, security data, and many more, in the current age of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (Industry 4.0 or 4IR). Extracting knowledge or useful insights from these data can be used for smart decision-making in various applications domains. In the area of data science, advanced analytics methods including machine learning modeling can provide actionable insights or deeper knowledge about data, which makes the computing process automatic and smart. In this paper, we present a comprehensive view on “Data Science” including various types of advanced analytics methods that can be applied to enhance the intelligence and capabilities of an application through smart decision-making in different scenarios. We also discuss and summarize ten potential real-world application domains including business, healthcare, cybersecurity, urban and rural data science, and so on by taking into account data-driven smart computing and decision making. Based on this, we finally highlight the challenges and potential research directions within the scope of our study. Overall, this paper aims to serve as a reference point on data science and advanced analytics to the researchers and decision-makers as well as application developers, particularly from the data-driven solution point of view for real-world problems.

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We are living in the age of “data science and advanced analytics”, where almost everything in our daily lives is digitally recorded as data [ 17 ]. Thus the current electronic world is a wealth of various kinds of data, such as business data, financial data, healthcare data, multimedia data, internet of things (IoT) data, cybersecurity data, social media data, etc [ 112 ]. The data can be structured, semi-structured, or unstructured, which increases day by day [ 105 ]. Data science is typically a “concept to unify statistics, data analysis, and their related methods” to understand and analyze the actual phenomena with data. According to Cao et al. [ 17 ] “data science is the science of data” or “data science is the study of data”, where a data product is a data deliverable, or data-enabled or guided, which can be a discovery, prediction, service, suggestion, insight into decision-making, thought, model, paradigm, tool, or system. The popularity of “Data science” is increasing day-by-day, which is shown in Fig. 1 according to Google Trends data over the last 5 years [ 36 ]. In addition to data science, we have also shown the popularity trends of the relevant areas such as “Data analytics”, “Data mining”, “Big data”, “Machine learning” in the figure. According to Fig. 1 , the popularity indication values for these data-driven domains, particularly “Data science”, and “Machine learning” are increasing day-by-day. This statistical information and the applicability of the data-driven smart decision-making in various real-world application areas, motivate us to study briefly on “Data science” and machine-learning-based “Advanced analytics” in this paper.

figure 1

The worldwide popularity score of data science comparing with relevant  areas in a range of 0 (min) to 100 (max) over time where x -axis represents the timestamp information and y -axis represents the corresponding score

Usually, data science is the field of applying advanced analytics methods and scientific concepts to derive useful business information from data. The emphasis of advanced analytics is more on anticipating the use of data to detect patterns to determine what is likely to occur in the future. Basic analytics offer a description of data in general, while advanced analytics is a step forward in offering a deeper understanding of data and helping to analyze granular data, which we are interested in. In the field of data science, several types of analytics are popular, such as "Descriptive analytics" which answers the question of what happened; "Diagnostic analytics" which answers the question of why did it happen; "Predictive analytics" which predicts what will happen in the future; and "Prescriptive analytics" which prescribes what action should be taken, discussed briefly in “ Advanced analytics methods and smart computing ”. Such advanced analytics and decision-making based on machine learning techniques [ 105 ], a major part of artificial intelligence (AI) [ 102 ] can also play a significant role in the Fourth Industrial Revolution (Industry 4.0) due to its learning capability for smart computing as well as automation [ 121 ].

Although the area of “data science” is huge, we mainly focus on deriving useful insights through advanced analytics, where the results are used to make smart decisions in various real-world application areas. For this, various advanced analytics methods such as machine learning modeling, natural language processing, sentiment analysis, neural network, or deep learning analysis can provide deeper knowledge about data, and thus can be used to develop data-driven intelligent applications. More specifically, regression analysis, classification, clustering analysis, association rules, time-series analysis, sentiment analysis, behavioral patterns, anomaly detection, factor analysis, log analysis, and deep learning which is originated from the artificial neural network, are taken into account in our study. These machine learning-based advanced analytics methods are discussed briefly in “ Advanced analytics methods and smart computing ”. Thus, it’s important to understand the principles of various advanced analytics methods mentioned above and their applicability to apply in various real-world application areas. For instance, in our earlier paper Sarker et al. [ 114 ], we have discussed how data science and machine learning modeling can play a significant role in the domain of cybersecurity for making smart decisions and to provide data-driven intelligent security services. In this paper, we broadly take into account the data science application areas and real-world problems in ten potential domains including the area of business data science, health data science, IoT data science, behavioral data science, urban data science, and so on, discussed briefly in “ Real-world application domains ”.

Based on the importance of machine learning modeling to extract the useful insights from the data mentioned above and data-driven smart decision-making, in this paper, we present a comprehensive view on “Data Science” including various types of advanced analytics methods that can be applied to enhance the intelligence and the capabilities of an application. The key contribution of this study is thus understanding data science modeling, explaining different analytic methods for solution perspective and their applicability in various real-world data-driven applications areas mentioned earlier. Overall, the purpose of this paper is, therefore, to provide a basic guide or reference for those academia and industry people who want to study, research, and develop automated and intelligent applications or systems based on smart computing and decision making within the area of data science.

The main contributions of this paper are summarized as follows:

To define the scope of our study towards data-driven smart computing and decision-making in our real-world life. We also make a brief discussion on the concept of data science modeling from business problems to data product and automation, to understand its applicability and provide intelligent services in real-world scenarios.

To provide a comprehensive view on data science including advanced analytics methods that can be applied to enhance the intelligence and the capabilities of an application.

To discuss the applicability and significance of machine learning-based analytics methods in various real-world application areas. We also summarize ten potential real-world application areas, from business to personalized applications in our daily life, where advanced analytics with machine learning modeling can be used to achieve the expected outcome.

To highlight and summarize the challenges and potential research directions within the scope of our study.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows. The next section provides the background and related work and defines the scope of our study. The following section presents the concepts of data science modeling for building a data-driven application. After that, briefly discuss and explain different advanced analytics methods and smart computing. Various real-world application areas are discussed and summarized in the next section. We then highlight and summarize several research issues and potential future directions, and finally, the last section concludes this paper.

Background and Related Work

In this section, we first discuss various data terms and works related to data science and highlight the scope of our study.

Data Terms and Definitions

There is a range of key terms in the field, such as data analysis, data mining, data analytics, big data, data science, advanced analytics, machine learning, and deep learning, which are highly related and easily confusing. In the following, we define these terms and differentiate them with the term “Data Science” according to our goal.

The term “Data analysis” refers to the processing of data by conventional (e.g., classic statistical, empirical, or logical) theories, technologies, and tools for extracting useful information and for practical purposes [ 17 ]. The term “Data analytics”, on the other hand, refers to the theories, technologies, instruments, and processes that allow for an in-depth understanding and exploration of actionable data insight [ 17 ]. Statistical and mathematical analysis of the data is the major concern in this process. “Data mining” is another popular term over the last decade, which has a similar meaning with several other terms such as knowledge mining from data, knowledge extraction, knowledge discovery from data (KDD), data/pattern analysis, data archaeology, and data dredging. According to Han et al. [ 38 ], it should have been more appropriately named “knowledge mining from data”. Overall, data mining is defined as the process of discovering interesting patterns and knowledge from large amounts of data [ 38 ]. Data sources may include databases, data centers, the Internet or Web, other repositories of data, or data dynamically streamed through the system. “Big data” is another popular term nowadays, which may change the statistical and data analysis approaches as it has the unique features of “massive, high dimensional, heterogeneous, complex, unstructured, incomplete, noisy, and erroneous” [ 74 ]. Big data can be generated by mobile devices, social networks, the Internet of Things, multimedia, and many other new applications [ 129 ]. Several unique features including volume, velocity, variety, veracity, value (5Vs), and complexity are used to understand and describe big data [ 69 ].

In terms of analytics, basic analytics provides a summary of data whereas the term “Advanced Analytics” takes a step forward in offering a deeper understanding of data and helps to analyze granular data. Advanced analytics is characterized or defined as autonomous or semi-autonomous data or content analysis using advanced techniques and methods to discover deeper insights, predict or generate recommendations, typically beyond traditional business intelligence or analytics. “Machine learning”, a branch of artificial intelligence (AI), is one of the major techniques used in advanced analytics which can automate analytical model building [ 112 ]. This is focused on the premise that systems can learn from data, recognize trends, and make decisions, with minimal human involvement [ 38 , 115 ]. “Deep Learning” is a subfield of machine learning that discusses algorithms inspired by the human brain’s structure and the function called artificial neural networks [ 38 , 139 ].

Unlike the above data-related terms, “Data science” is an umbrella term that encompasses advanced data analytics, data mining, machine, and deep learning modeling, and several other related disciplines like statistics, to extract insights or useful knowledge from the datasets and transform them into actionable business strategies. In [ 17 ], Cao et al. defined data science from the disciplinary perspective as “data science is a new interdisciplinary field that synthesizes and builds on statistics, informatics, computing, communication, management, and sociology to study data and its environments (including domains and other contextual aspects, such as organizational and social aspects) to transform data to insights and decisions by following a data-to-knowledge-to-wisdom thinking and methodology”. In “ Understanding data science modeling ”, we briefly discuss the data science modeling from a practical perspective starting from business problems to data products that can assist the data scientists to think and work in a particular real-world problem domain within the area of data science and analytics.

Related Work

In the area, several papers have been reviewed by the researchers based on data science and its significance. For example, the authors in [ 19 ] identify the evolving field of data science and its importance in the broader knowledge environment and some issues that differentiate data science and informatics issues from conventional approaches in information sciences. Donoho et al. [ 27 ] present 50 years of data science including recent commentary on data science in mass media, and on how/whether data science varies from statistics. The authors formally conceptualize the theory-guided data science (TGDS) model in [ 53 ] and present a taxonomy of research themes in TGDS. Cao et al. include a detailed survey and tutorial on the fundamental aspects of data science in [ 17 ], which considers the transition from data analysis to data science, the principles of data science, as well as the discipline and competence of data education.

Besides, the authors include a data science analysis in [ 20 ], which aims to provide a realistic overview of the use of statistical features and related data science methods in bioimage informatics. The authors in [ 61 ] study the key streams of data science algorithm use at central banks and show how their popularity has risen over time. This research contributes to the creation of a research vector on the role of data science in central banking. In [ 62 ], the authors provide an overview and tutorial on the data-driven design of intelligent wireless networks. The authors in [ 87 ] provide a thorough understanding of computational optimal transport with application to data science. In [ 97 ], the authors present data science as theoretical contributions in information systems via text analytics.

Unlike the above recent studies, in this paper, we concentrate on the knowledge of data science including advanced analytics methods, machine learning modeling, real-world application domains, and potential research directions within the scope of our study. The advanced analytics methods based on machine learning techniques discussed in this paper can be applied to enhance the capabilities of an application in terms of data-driven intelligent decision making and automation in the final data product or systems.

Understanding Data Science Modeling

In this section, we briefly discuss how data science can play a significant role in the real-world business process. For this, we first categorize various types of data and then discuss the major steps of data science modeling starting from business problems to data product and automation.

Types of Real-World Data

Typically, to build a data-driven real-world system in a particular domain, the availability of data is the key [ 17 , 112 , 114 ]. The data can be in different types such as (i) Structured—that has a well-defined data structure and follows a standard order, examples are names, dates, addresses, credit card numbers, stock information, geolocation, etc.; (ii) Unstructured—has no pre-defined format or organization, examples are sensor data, emails, blog entries, wikis, and word processing documents, PDF files, audio files, videos, images, presentations, web pages, etc.; (iii) Semi-structured—has elements of both the structured and unstructured data containing certain organizational properties, examples are HTML, XML, JSON documents, NoSQL databases, etc.; and (iv) Metadata—that represents data about the data, examples are author, file type, file size, creation date and time, last modification date and time, etc. [ 38 , 105 ].

In the area of data science, researchers use various widely-used datasets for different purposes. These are, for example, cybersecurity datasets such as NSL-KDD [ 127 ], UNSW-NB15 [ 79 ], Bot-IoT [ 59 ], ISCX’12 [ 15 ], CIC-DDoS2019 [ 22 ], etc., smartphone datasets such as phone call logs [ 88 , 110 ], mobile application usages logs [ 124 , 149 ], SMS Log [ 28 ], mobile phone notification logs [ 77 ] etc., IoT data [ 56 , 11 , 64 ], health data such as heart disease [ 99 ], diabetes mellitus [ 86 , 147 ], COVID-19 [ 41 , 78 ], etc., agriculture and e-commerce data [ 128 , 150 ], and many more in various application domains. In “ Real-world application domains ”, we discuss ten potential real-world application domains of data science and analytics by taking into account data-driven smart computing and decision making, which can help the data scientists and application developers to explore more in various real-world issues.

Overall, the data used in data-driven applications can be any of the types mentioned above, and they can differ from one application to another in the real world. Data science modeling, which is briefly discussed below, can be used to analyze such data in a specific problem domain and derive insights or useful information from the data to build a data-driven model or data product.

Steps of Data Science Modeling

Data science is typically an umbrella term that encompasses advanced data analytics, data mining, machine, and deep learning modeling, and several other related disciplines like statistics, to extract insights or useful knowledge from the datasets and transform them into actionable business strategies, mentioned earlier in “ Background and related work ”. In this section, we briefly discuss how data science can play a significant role in the real-world business process. Figure 2 shows an example of data science modeling starting from real-world data to data-driven product and automation. In the following, we briefly discuss each module of the data science process.

figure 2

An example of data science modeling from real-world data to data-driven system and decision making

Understanding business problems: This involves getting a clear understanding of the problem that is needed to solve, how it impacts the relevant organization or individuals, the ultimate goals for addressing it, and the relevant project plan. Thus to understand and identify the business problems, the data scientists formulate relevant questions while working with the end-users and other stakeholders. For instance, how much/many, which category/group, is the behavior unrealistic/abnormal, which option should be taken, what action, etc. could be relevant questions depending on the nature of the problems. This helps to get a better idea of what business needs and what we should be extracted from data. Such business knowledge can enable organizations to enhance their decision-making process, is known as “Business Intelligence” [ 65 ]. Identifying the relevant data sources that can help to answer the formulated questions and what kinds of actions should be taken from the trends that the data shows, is another important task associated with this stage. Once the business problem has been clearly stated, the data scientist can define the analytic approach to solve the problem.

Understanding data: As we know that data science is largely driven by the availability of data [ 114 ]. Thus a sound understanding of the data is needed towards a data-driven model or system. The reason is that real-world data sets are often noisy, missing values, have inconsistencies, or other data issues, which are needed to handle effectively [ 101 ]. To gain actionable insights, the appropriate data or the quality of the data must be sourced and cleansed, which is fundamental to any data science engagement. For this, data assessment that evaluates what data is available and how it aligns to the business problem could be the first step in data understanding. Several aspects such as data type/format, the quantity of data whether it is sufficient or not to extract the useful knowledge, data relevance, authorized access to data, feature or attribute importance, combining multiple data sources, important metrics to report the data, etc. are needed to take into account to clearly understand the data for a particular business problem. Overall, the data understanding module involves figuring out what data would be best needed and the best ways to acquire it.

Data pre-processing and exploration: Exploratory data analysis is defined in data science as an approach to analyzing datasets to summarize their key characteristics, often with visual methods [ 135 ]. This examines a broad data collection to discover initial trends, attributes, points of interest, etc. in an unstructured manner to construct meaningful summaries of the data. Thus data exploration is typically used to figure out the gist of data and to develop a first step assessment of its quality, quantity, and characteristics. A statistical model can be used or not, but primarily it offers tools for creating hypotheses by generally visualizing and interpreting the data through graphical representation such as a chart, plot, histogram, etc [ 72 , 91 ]. Before the data is ready for modeling, it’s necessary to use data summarization and visualization to audit the quality of the data and provide the information needed to process it. To ensure the quality of the data, the data  pre-processing technique, which is typically the process of cleaning and transforming raw data [ 107 ] before processing and analysis is important. It also involves reformatting information, making data corrections, and merging data sets to enrich data. Thus, several aspects such as expected data, data cleaning, formatting or transforming data, dealing with missing values, handling data imbalance and bias issues, data distribution, search for outliers or anomalies in data and dealing with them, ensuring data quality, etc. could be the key considerations in this step.

Machine learning modeling and evaluation: Once the data is prepared for building the model, data scientists design a model, algorithm, or set of models, to address the business problem. Model building is dependent on what type of analytics, e.g., predictive analytics, is needed to solve the particular problem, which is discussed briefly in “ Advanced analytics methods and smart computing ”. To best fits the data according to the type of analytics, different types of data-driven or machine learning models that have been summarized in our earlier paper Sarker et al. [ 105 ], can be built to achieve the goal. Data scientists typically separate training and test subsets of the given dataset usually dividing in the ratio of 80:20 or data considering the most popular k -folds data splitting method [ 38 ]. This is to observe whether the model performs well or not on the data, to maximize the model performance. Various model validation and assessment metrics, such as error rate, accuracy, true positive, false positive, true negative, false negative, precision, recall, f-score, ROC (receiver operating characteristic curve) analysis, applicability analysis, etc. [ 38 , 115 ] are used to measure the model performance, which can guide the data scientists to choose or design the learning method or model. Besides, machine learning experts or data scientists can take into account several advanced analytics such as feature engineering, feature selection or extraction methods, algorithm tuning, ensemble methods, modifying existing algorithms, or designing new algorithms, etc. to improve the ultimate data-driven model to solve a particular business problem through smart decision making.

Data product and automation: A data product is typically the output of any data science activity [ 17 ]. A data product, in general terms, is a data deliverable, or data-enabled or guide, which can be a discovery, prediction, service, suggestion, insight into decision-making, thought, model, paradigm, tool, application, or system that process data and generate results. Businesses can use the results of such data analysis to obtain useful information like churn (a measure of how many customers stop using a product) prediction and customer segmentation, and use these results to make smarter business decisions and automation. Thus to make better decisions in various business problems, various machine learning pipelines and data products can be developed. To highlight this, we summarize several potential real-world data science application areas in “ Real-world application domains ”, where various data products can play a significant role in relevant business problems to make them smart and automate.

Overall, we can conclude that data science modeling can be used to help drive changes and improvements in business practices. The interesting part of the data science process indicates having a deeper understanding of the business problem to solve. Without that, it would be much harder to gather the right data and extract the most useful information from the data for making decisions to solve the problem. In terms of role, “Data Scientists” typically interpret and manage data to uncover the answers to major questions that help organizations to make objective decisions and solve complex problems. In a summary, a data scientist proactively gathers and analyzes information from multiple sources to better understand how the business performs, and  designs machine learning or data-driven tools/methods, or algorithms, focused on advanced analytics, which can make today’s computing process smarter and intelligent, discussed briefly in the following section.

Advanced Analytics Methods and Smart Computing

As mentioned earlier in “ Background and related work ”, basic analytics provides a summary of data whereas advanced analytics takes a step forward in offering a deeper understanding of data and helps in granular data analysis. For instance, the predictive capabilities of advanced analytics can be used to forecast trends, events, and behaviors. Thus, “advanced analytics” can be defined as the autonomous or semi-autonomous analysis of data or content using advanced techniques and methods to discover deeper insights, make predictions, or produce recommendations, where machine learning-based analytical modeling is considered as the key technologies in the area. In the following section, we first summarize various types of analytics and outcome that are needed to solve the associated business problems, and then we briefly discuss machine learning-based analytical modeling.

Types of Analytics and Outcome

In the real-world business process, several key questions such as “What happened?”, “Why did it happen?”, “What will happen in the future?”, “What action should be taken?” are common and important. Based on these questions, in this paper, we categorize and highlight the analytics into four types such as descriptive, diagnostic, predictive, and prescriptive, which are discussed below.

Descriptive analytics: It is the interpretation of historical data to better understand the changes that have occurred in a business. Thus descriptive analytics answers the question, “what happened in the past?” by summarizing past data such as statistics on sales and operations or marketing strategies, use of social media, and engagement with Twitter, Linkedin or Facebook, etc. For instance, using descriptive analytics through analyzing trends, patterns, and anomalies, etc., customers’ historical shopping data can be used to predict the probability of a customer purchasing a product. Thus, descriptive analytics can play a significant role to provide an accurate picture of what has occurred in a business and how it relates to previous times utilizing a broad range of relevant business data. As a result, managers and decision-makers can pinpoint areas of strength and weakness in their business, and eventually can take more effective management strategies and business decisions.

Diagnostic analytics: It is a form of advanced analytics that examines data or content to answer the question, “why did it happen?” The goal of diagnostic analytics is to help to find the root cause of the problem. For example, the human resource management department of a business organization may use these diagnostic analytics to find the best applicant for a position, select them, and compare them to other similar positions to see how well they perform. In a healthcare example, it might help to figure out whether the patients’ symptoms such as high fever, dry cough, headache, fatigue, etc. are all caused by the same infectious agent. Overall, diagnostic analytics enables one to extract value from the data by posing the right questions and conducting in-depth investigations into the answers. It is characterized by techniques such as drill-down, data discovery, data mining, and correlations.

Predictive analytics: Predictive analytics is an important analytical technique used by many organizations for various purposes such as to assess business risks, anticipate potential market patterns, and decide when maintenance is needed, to enhance their business. It is a form of advanced analytics that examines data or content to answer the question, “what will happen in the future?” Thus, the primary goal of predictive analytics is to identify and typically answer this question with a high degree of probability. Data scientists can use historical data as a source to extract insights for building predictive models using various regression analyses and machine learning techniques, which can be used in various application domains for a better outcome. Companies, for example, can use predictive analytics to minimize costs by better anticipating future demand and changing output and inventory, banks and other financial institutions to reduce fraud and risks by predicting suspicious activity, medical specialists to make effective decisions through predicting patients who are at risk of diseases, retailers to increase sales and customer satisfaction through understanding and predicting customer preferences, manufacturers to optimize production capacity through predicting maintenance requirements, and many more. Thus predictive analytics can be considered as the core analytical method within the area of data science.

Prescriptive analytics: Prescriptive analytics focuses on recommending the best way forward with actionable information to maximize overall returns and profitability, which typically answer the question, “what action should be taken?” In business analytics, prescriptive analytics is considered the final step. For its models, prescriptive analytics collects data from several descriptive and predictive sources and applies it to the decision-making process. Thus, we can say that it is related to both descriptive analytics and predictive analytics, but it emphasizes actionable insights instead of data monitoring. In other words, it can be considered as the opposite of descriptive analytics, which examines decisions and outcomes after the fact. By integrating big data, machine learning, and business rules, prescriptive analytics helps organizations to make more informed decisions to produce results that drive the most successful business decisions.

In summary, to clarify what happened and why it happened, both descriptive analytics and diagnostic analytics look at the past. Historical data is used by predictive analytics and prescriptive analytics to forecast what will happen in the future and what steps should be taken to impact those effects. In Table 1 , we have summarized these analytics methods with examples. Forward-thinking organizations in the real world can jointly use these analytical methods to make smart decisions that help drive changes in business processes and improvements. In the following, we discuss how machine learning techniques can play a big role in these analytical methods through their learning capabilities from the data.

Machine Learning Based Analytical Modeling

In this section, we briefly discuss various advanced analytics methods based on machine learning modeling, which can make the computing process smart through intelligent decision-making in a business process. Figure 3 shows a general structure of a machine learning-based predictive modeling considering both the training and testing phase. In the following, we discuss a wide range of methods such as regression and classification analysis, association rule analysis, time-series analysis, behavioral analysis, log analysis, and so on within the scope of our study.

figure 3

A general structure of a machine learning based predictive model considering both the training and testing phase

Regression Analysis

In data science, one of the most common statistical approaches used for predictive modeling and data mining tasks is regression techniques [ 38 ]. Regression analysis is a form of supervised machine learning that examines the relationship between a dependent variable (target) and independent variables (predictor) to predict continuous-valued output [ 105 , 117 ]. The following equations Eqs. 1 , 2 , and 3 [ 85 , 105 ] represent the simple, multiple or multivariate, and polynomial regressions respectively, where x represents independent variable and y is the predicted/target output mentioned above:

Regression analysis is typically conducted for one of two purposes: to predict the value of the dependent variable in the case of individuals for whom some knowledge relating to the explanatory variables is available, or to estimate the effect of some explanatory variable on the dependent variable, i.e., finding the relationship of causal influence between the variables. Linear regression cannot be used to fit non-linear data and may cause an underfitting problem. In that case, polynomial regression performs better, however, increases the model complexity. The regularization techniques such as Ridge, Lasso, Elastic-Net, etc. [ 85 , 105 ] can be used to optimize the linear regression model. Besides, support vector regression, decision tree regression, random forest regression techniques [ 85 , 105 ] can be used for building effective regression models depending on the problem type, e.g., non-linear tasks. Financial forecasting or prediction, cost estimation, trend analysis, marketing, time-series estimation, drug response modeling, etc. are some examples where the regression models can be used to solve real-world problems in the domain of data science and analytics.

Classification Analysis

Classification is one of the most widely used and best-known data science processes. This is a form of supervised machine learning approach that also refers to a predictive modeling problem in which a class label is predicted for a given example [ 38 ]. Spam identification, such as ‘spam’ and ‘not spam’ in email service providers, can be an example of a classification problem. There are several forms of classification analysis available in the area such as binary classification—which refers to the prediction of one of two classes; multi-class classification—which involves the prediction of one of more than two classes; multi-label classification—a generalization of multiclass classification in which the problem’s classes are organized hierarchically [ 105 ].

figure 4

An example of a random forest structure considering multiple decision trees

Several popular classification techniques, such as k-nearest neighbors [ 5 ], support vector machines [ 55 ], navies Bayes [ 49 ], adaptive boosting [ 32 ], extreme gradient boosting [ 85 ], logistic regression [ 66 ], decision trees ID3 [ 92 ], C4.5 [ 93 ], and random forests [ 13 ] exist to solve classification problems. The tree-based classification technique, e.g., random forest considering multiple decision trees, performs better than others to solve real-world problems in many cases as due to its capability of producing logic rules [ 103 , 115 ]. Figure 4 shows an example of a random forest structure considering multiple decision trees. In addition, BehavDT recently proposed by Sarker et al. [ 109 ], and IntrudTree [ 106 ] can be used for building effective classification or prediction models in the relevant tasks within the domain of data science and analytics.

Cluster Analysis

Clustering is a form of unsupervised machine learning technique and is well-known in many data science application areas for statistical data analysis [ 38 ]. Usually, clustering techniques search for the structures inside a dataset and, if the classification is not previously identified, classify homogeneous groups of cases. This means that data points are identical to each other within a cluster, and different from data points in another cluster. Overall, the purpose of cluster analysis is to sort various data points into groups (or clusters) that are homogeneous internally and heterogeneous externally [ 105 ]. To gain insight into how data is distributed in a given dataset or as a preprocessing phase for other algorithms, clustering is often used. Data clustering, for example, assists with customer shopping behavior, sales campaigns, and retention of consumers for retail businesses, anomaly detection, etc.

Many clustering algorithms with the ability to group data have been proposed in machine learning and data science literature [ 98 , 138 , 141 ]. In our earlier paper Sarker et al. [ 105 ], we have summarized this based on several perspectives, such as partitioning methods, density-based methods, hierarchical-based methods, model-based methods, etc. In the literature, the popular K-means [ 75 ], K-Mediods [ 84 ], CLARA [ 54 ] etc. are known as partitioning methods; DBSCAN [ 30 ], OPTICS [ 8 ] etc. are known as density-based methods; single linkage [ 122 ], complete linkage [ 123 ], etc. are known as hierarchical methods. In addition, grid-based clustering methods, such as STING [ 134 ], CLIQUE [ 2 ], etc.; model-based clustering such as neural network learning [ 141 ], GMM [ 94 ], SOM [ 18 , 104 ], etc.; constrained-based methods such as COP K-means [ 131 ], CMWK-Means [ 25 ], etc. are used in the area. Recently, Sarker et al. [ 111 ] proposed a hierarchical clustering method, BOTS [ 111 ] based on bottom-up agglomerative technique for capturing user’s similar behavioral characteristics over time. The key benefit of agglomerative hierarchical clustering is that the tree-structure hierarchy created by agglomerative clustering is more informative than an unstructured set of flat clusters, which can assist in better decision-making in relevant application areas in data science.

Association Rule Analysis

Association rule learning is known as a rule-based machine learning system, an unsupervised learning method is typically used to establish a relationship among variables. This is a descriptive technique often used to analyze large datasets for discovering interesting relationships or patterns. The association learning technique’s main strength is its comprehensiveness, as it produces all associations that meet user-specified constraints including minimum support and confidence value [ 138 ].

Association rules allow a data scientist to identify trends, associations, and co-occurrences between data sets inside large data collections. In a supermarket, for example, associations infer knowledge about the buying behavior of consumers for different items, which helps to change the marketing and sales plan. In healthcare, to better diagnose patients, physicians may use association guidelines. Doctors can assess the conditional likelihood of a given illness by comparing symptom associations in the data from previous cases using association rules and machine learning-based data analysis. Similarly, association rules are useful for consumer behavior analysis and prediction, customer market analysis, bioinformatics, weblog mining, recommendation systems, etc.

Several types of association rules have been proposed in the area, such as frequent pattern based [ 4 , 47 , 73 ], logic-based [ 31 ], tree-based [ 39 ], fuzzy-rules [ 126 ], belief rule [ 148 ] etc. The rule learning techniques such as AIS [ 3 ], Apriori [ 4 ], Apriori-TID and Apriori-Hybrid [ 4 ], FP-Tree [ 39 ], Eclat [ 144 ], RARM [ 24 ] exist to solve the relevant business problems. Apriori [ 4 ] is the most commonly used algorithm for discovering association rules from a given dataset among the association rule learning techniques [ 145 ]. The recent association rule-learning technique ABC-RuleMiner proposed in our earlier paper by Sarker et al. [ 113 ] could give significant results in terms of generating non-redundant rules that can be used for smart decision making according to human preferences, within the area of data science applications.

Time-Series Analysis and Forecasting

A time series is typically a series of data points indexed in time order particularly, by date, or timestamp [ 111 ]. Depending on the frequency, the time-series can be different types such as annually, e.g., annual budget, quarterly, e.g., expenditure, monthly, e.g., air traffic, weekly, e.g., sales quantity, daily, e.g., weather, hourly, e.g., stock price, minute-wise, e.g., inbound calls in a call center, and even second-wise, e.g., web traffic, and so on in relevant domains.

A mathematical method dealing with such time-series data, or the procedure of fitting a time series to a proper model is termed time-series analysis. Many different time series forecasting algorithms and analysis methods can be applied to extract the relevant information. For instance, to do time-series forecasting for future patterns, the autoregressive (AR) model [ 130 ] learns the behavioral trends or patterns of past data. Moving average (MA) [ 40 ] is another simple and common form of smoothing used in time series analysis and forecasting that uses past forecasted errors in a regression-like model to elaborate an averaged trend across the data. The autoregressive moving average (ARMA) [ 12 , 120 ] combines these two approaches, where autoregressive extracts the momentum and pattern of the trend and moving average capture the noise effects. The most popular and frequently used time-series model is the autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) model [ 12 , 120 ]. ARIMA model, a generalization of an ARMA model, is more flexible than other statistical models such as exponential smoothing or simple linear regression. In terms of data, the ARMA model can only be used for stationary time-series data, while the ARIMA model includes the case of non-stationarity as well. Similarly, seasonal autoregressive integrated moving average (SARIMA), autoregressive fractionally integrated moving average (ARFIMA), autoregressive moving average model with exogenous inputs model (ARMAX model) are also used in time-series models [ 120 ].

figure 5

An example of producing aggregate time segments from initial time slices based on similar behavioral characteristics

In addition to the stochastic methods for time-series modeling and forecasting, machine and deep learning-based approach can be used for effective time-series analysis and forecasting. For instance, in our earlier paper, Sarker et al. [ 111 ] present a bottom-up clustering-based time-series analysis to capture the mobile usage behavioral patterns of the users. Figure 5 shows an example of producing aggregate time segments Seg_i from initial time slices TS_i based on similar behavioral characteristics that are used in our bottom-up clustering approach, where D represents the dominant behavior BH_i of the users, mentioned above [ 111 ]. The authors in [ 118 ], used a long short-term memory (LSTM) model, a kind of recurrent neural network (RNN) deep learning model, in forecasting time-series that outperform traditional approaches such as the ARIMA model. Time-series analysis is commonly used these days in various fields such as financial, manufacturing, business, social media, event data (e.g., clickstreams and system events), IoT and smartphone data, and generally in any applied science and engineering temporal measurement domain. Thus, it covers a wide range of application areas in data science.

Opinion Mining and Sentiment Analysis

Sentiment analysis or opinion mining is the computational study of the opinions, thoughts, emotions, assessments, and attitudes of people towards entities such as products, services, organizations, individuals, issues, events, topics, and their attributes [ 71 ]. There are three kinds of sentiments: positive, negative, and neutral, along with more extreme feelings such as angry, happy and sad, or interested or not interested, etc. More refined sentiments to evaluate the feelings of individuals in various situations can also be found according to the problem domain.

Although the task of opinion mining and sentiment analysis is very challenging from a technical point of view, it’s very useful in real-world practice. For instance, a business always aims to obtain an opinion from the public or customers about its products and services to refine the business policy as well as a better business decision. It can thus benefit a business to understand the social opinion of their brand, product, or service. Besides, potential customers want to know what consumers believe they have when they use a service or purchase a product. Document-level, sentence level, aspect level, and concept level, are the possible levels of opinion mining in the area [ 45 ].

Several popular techniques such as lexicon-based including dictionary-based and corpus-based methods, machine learning including supervised and unsupervised learning, deep learning, and hybrid methods are used in sentiment analysis-related tasks [ 70 ]. To systematically define, extract, measure, and analyze affective states and subjective knowledge, it incorporates the use of statistics, natural language processing (NLP), machine learning as well as deep learning methods. Sentiment analysis is widely used in many applications, such as reviews and survey data, web and social media, and healthcare content, ranging from marketing and customer support to clinical practice. Thus sentiment analysis has a big influence in many data science applications, where public sentiment is involved in various real-world issues.

Behavioral Data and Cohort Analysis

Behavioral analytics is a recent trend that typically reveals new insights into e-commerce sites, online gaming, mobile and smartphone applications, IoT user behavior, and many more [ 112 ]. The behavioral analysis aims to understand how and why the consumers or users behave, allowing accurate predictions of how they are likely to behave in the future. For instance, it allows advertisers to make the best offers with the right client segments at the right time. Behavioral analytics, including traffic data such as navigation paths, clicks, social media interactions, purchase decisions, and marketing responsiveness, use the large quantities of raw user event information gathered during sessions in which people use apps, games, or websites. In our earlier papers Sarker et al. [ 101 , 111 , 113 ] we have discussed how to extract users phone usage behavioral patterns utilizing real-life phone log data for various purposes.

In the real-world scenario, behavioral analytics is often used in e-commerce, social media, call centers, billing systems, IoT systems, political campaigns, and other applications, to find opportunities for optimization to achieve particular outcomes. Cohort analysis is a branch of behavioral analytics that involves studying groups of people over time to see how their behavior changes. For instance, it takes data from a given data set (e.g., an e-commerce website, web application, or online game) and separates it into related groups for analysis. Various machine learning techniques such as behavioral data clustering [ 111 ], behavioral decision tree classification [ 109 ], behavioral association rules [ 113 ], etc. can be used in the area according to the goal. Besides, the concept of RecencyMiner, proposed in our earlier paper Sarker et al. [ 108 ] that takes into account recent behavioral patterns could be effective while analyzing behavioral data as it may not be static in the real-world changes over time.

Anomaly Detection or Outlier Analysis

Anomaly detection, also known as Outlier analysis is a data mining step that detects data points, events, and/or findings that deviate from the regularities or normal behavior of a dataset. Anomalies are usually referred to as outliers, abnormalities, novelties, noise, inconsistency, irregularities, and exceptions [ 63 , 114 ]. Techniques of anomaly detection may discover new situations or cases as deviant based on historical data through analyzing the data patterns. For instance, identifying fraud or irregular transactions in finance is an example of anomaly detection.

It is often used in preprocessing tasks for the deletion of anomalous or inconsistency in the real-world data collected from various data sources including user logs, devices, networks, and servers. For anomaly detection, several machine learning techniques can be used, such as k-nearest neighbors, isolation forests, cluster analysis, etc [ 105 ]. The exclusion of anomalous data from the dataset also results in a statistically significant improvement in accuracy during supervised learning [ 101 ]. However, extracting appropriate features, identifying normal behaviors, managing imbalanced data distribution, addressing variations in abnormal behavior or irregularities, the sparse occurrence of abnormal events, environmental variations, etc. could be challenging in the process of anomaly detection. Detection of anomalies can be applicable in a variety of domains such as cybersecurity analytics, intrusion detections, fraud detection, fault detection, health analytics, identifying irregularities, detecting ecosystem disturbances, and many more. This anomaly detection can be considered a significant task for building effective systems with higher accuracy within the area of data science.

Factor Analysis

Factor analysis is a collection of techniques for describing the relationships or correlations between variables in terms of more fundamental entities known as factors [ 23 ]. It’s usually used to organize variables into a small number of clusters based on their common variance, where mathematical or statistical procedures are used. The goals of factor analysis are to determine the number of fundamental influences underlying a set of variables, calculate the degree to which each variable is associated with the factors, and learn more about the existence of the factors by examining which factors contribute to output on which variables. The broad purpose of factor analysis is to summarize data so that relationships and patterns can be easily interpreted and understood [ 143 ].

Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) are the two most popular factor analysis techniques. EFA seeks to discover complex trends by analyzing the dataset and testing predictions, while CFA tries to validate hypotheses and uses path analysis diagrams to represent variables and factors [ 143 ]. Factor analysis is one of the algorithms for unsupervised machine learning that is used for minimizing dimensionality. The most common methods for factor analytics are principal components analysis (PCA), principal axis factoring (PAF), and maximum likelihood (ML) [ 48 ]. Methods of correlation analysis such as Pearson correlation, canonical correlation, etc. may also be useful in the field as they can quantify the statistical relationship between two continuous variables, or association. Factor analysis is commonly used in finance, marketing, advertising, product management, psychology, and operations research, and thus can be considered as another significant analytical method within the area of data science.

Log Analysis

Logs are commonly used in system management as logs are often the only data available that record detailed system runtime activities or behaviors in production [ 44 ]. Log analysis is thus can be considered as the method of analyzing, interpreting, and capable of understanding computer-generated records or messages, also known as logs. This can be device log, server log, system log, network log, event log, audit trail, audit record, etc. The process of creating such records is called data logging.

Logs are generated by a wide variety of programmable technologies, including networking devices, operating systems, software, and more. Phone call logs [ 88 , 110 ], SMS Logs [ 28 ], mobile apps usages logs [ 124 , 149 ], notification logs [ 77 ], game Logs [ 82 ], context logs [ 16 , 149 ], web logs [ 37 ], smartphone life logs [ 95 ], etc. are some examples of log data for smartphone devices. The main characteristics of these log data is that it contains users’ actual behavioral activities with their devices. Similar other log data can be search logs [ 50 , 133 ], application logs [ 26 ], server logs [ 33 ], network logs [ 57 ], event logs [ 83 ], network and security logs [ 142 ] etc.

Several techniques such as classification and tagging, correlation analysis, pattern recognition methods, anomaly detection methods, machine learning modeling, etc. [ 105 ] can be used for effective log analysis. Log analysis can assist in compliance with security policies and industry regulations, as well as provide a better user experience by encouraging the troubleshooting of technical problems and identifying areas where efficiency can be improved. For instance, web servers use log files to record data about website visitors. Windows event log analysis can help an investigator draw a timeline based on the logging information and the discovered artifacts. Overall, advanced analytics methods by taking into account machine learning modeling can play a significant role to extract insightful patterns from these log data, which can be used for building automated and smart applications, and thus can be considered as a key working area in data science.

Neural Networks and Deep Learning Analysis

Deep learning is a form of machine learning that uses artificial neural networks to create a computational architecture that learns from data by combining multiple processing layers, such as the input, hidden, and output layers [ 38 ]. The key benefit of deep learning over conventional machine learning methods is that it performs better in a variety of situations, particularly when learning from large datasets [ 114 , 140 ].

The most common deep learning algorithms are: multi-layer perceptron (MLP) [ 85 ], convolutional neural network (CNN or ConvNet) [ 67 ], long short term memory recurrent neural network (LSTM-RNN) [ 34 ]. Figure 6 shows a structure of an artificial neural network modeling with multiple processing layers. The Backpropagation technique [ 38 ] is used to adjust the weight values internally while building the model. Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) [ 67 ] improve on the design of traditional artificial neural networks (ANNs), which include convolutional layers, pooling layers, and fully connected layers. It is commonly used in a variety of fields, including natural language processing, speech recognition, image processing, and other autocorrelated data since it takes advantage of the two-dimensional (2D) structure of the input data. AlexNet [ 60 ], Xception [ 21 ], Inception [ 125 ], Visual Geometry Group (VGG) [ 42 ], ResNet [ 43 ], etc., and other advanced deep learning models based on CNN are also used in the field.

In addition to CNN, recurrent neural network (RNN) architecture is another popular method used in deep learning. Long short-term memory (LSTM) is a popular type of recurrent neural network architecture used broadly in the area of deep learning. Unlike traditional feed-forward neural networks, LSTM has feedback connections. Thus, LSTM networks are well-suited for analyzing and learning sequential data, such as classifying, sorting, and predicting data based on time-series data. Therefore, when the data is in a sequential format, such as time, sentence, etc., LSTM can be used, and it is widely used in the areas of time-series analysis, natural language processing, speech recognition, and so on.

figure 6

A structure of an artificial neural network modeling with multiple processing layers

In addition to the most popular deep learning methods mentioned above, several other deep learning approaches [ 104 ] exist in the field for various purposes. The self-organizing map (SOM) [ 58 ], for example, uses unsupervised learning to represent high-dimensional data as a 2D grid map, reducing dimensionality. Another learning technique that is commonly used for dimensionality reduction and feature extraction in unsupervised learning tasks is the autoencoder (AE) [ 10 ]. Restricted Boltzmann machines (RBM) can be used for dimensionality reduction, classification, regression, collaborative filtering, feature learning, and topic modeling, according to [ 46 ]. A deep belief network (DBN) is usually made up of a backpropagation neural network and unsupervised networks like restricted Boltzmann machines (RBMs) or autoencoders (BPNN) [ 136 ]. A generative adversarial network (GAN) [ 35 ] is a deep learning network that can produce data with characteristics that are similar to the input data. Transfer learning is common worldwide presently because it can train deep neural networks with a small amount of data, which is usually the re-use of a pre-trained model on a new problem [ 137 ]. These deep learning methods can perform  well, particularly, when learning from large-scale datasets [ 105 , 140 ]. In our previous article Sarker et al. [ 104 ], we have summarized a brief discussion of various artificial neural networks (ANN) and deep learning (DL) models mentioned above, which can be used in a variety of data science and analytics tasks.

Real-World Application Domains

Almost every industry or organization is impacted by data, and thus “Data Science” including advanced analytics with machine learning modeling can be used in business, marketing, finance, IoT systems, cybersecurity, urban management, health care, government policies, and every possible industries, where data gets generated. In the following, we discuss ten most popular application areas based on data science and analytics.

Business or financial data science: In general, business data science can be considered as the study of business or e-commerce data to obtain insights about a business that can typically lead to smart decision-making as well as taking high-quality actions [ 90 ]. Data scientists can develop algorithms or data-driven models predicting customer behavior, identifying patterns and trends based on historical business data, which can help companies to reduce costs, improve service delivery, and generate recommendations for better decision-making. Eventually, business automation, intelligence, and efficiency can be achieved through the data science process discussed earlier, where various advanced analytics methods and machine learning modeling based on the collected data are the keys. Many online retailers, such as Amazon [ 76 ], can improve inventory management, avoid out-of-stock situations, and optimize logistics and warehousing using predictive modeling based on machine learning techniques [ 105 ]. In terms of finance, the historical data is related to financial institutions to make high-stakes business decisions, which is mostly used for risk management, fraud prevention, credit allocation, customer analytics, personalized services, algorithmic trading, etc. Overall, data science methodologies can play a key role in the future generation business or finance industry, particularly in terms of business automation, intelligence, and smart decision-making and systems.

Manufacturing or industrial data science: To compete in global production capability, quality, and cost, manufacturing industries have gone through many industrial revolutions [ 14 ]. The latest fourth industrial revolution, also known as Industry 4.0, is the emerging trend of automation and data exchange in manufacturing technology. Thus industrial data science, which is the study of industrial data to obtain insights that can typically lead to optimizing industrial applications, can play a vital role in such revolution. Manufacturing industries generate a large amount of data from various sources such as sensors, devices, networks, systems, and applications [ 6 , 68 ]. The main categories of industrial data include large-scale data devices, life-cycle production data, enterprise operation data, manufacturing value chain sources, and collaboration data from external sources [ 132 ]. The data needs to be processed, analyzed, and secured to help improve the system’s efficiency, safety, and scalability. Data science modeling thus can be used to maximize production, reduce costs and raise profits in manufacturing industries.

Medical or health data science: Healthcare is one of the most notable fields where data science is making major improvements. Health data science involves the extrapolation of actionable insights from sets of patient data, typically collected from electronic health records. To help organizations, improve the quality of treatment, lower the cost of care, and improve the patient experience, data can be obtained from several sources, e.g., the electronic health record, billing claims, cost estimates, and patient satisfaction surveys, etc., to analyze. In reality, healthcare analytics using machine learning modeling can minimize medical costs, predict infectious outbreaks, prevent preventable diseases, and generally improve the quality of life [ 81 , 119 ]. Across the global population, the average human lifespan is growing, presenting new challenges to today’s methods of delivery of care. Thus health data science modeling can play a role in analyzing current and historical data to predict trends, improve services, and even better monitor the spread of diseases. Eventually, it may lead to new approaches to improve patient care, clinical expertise, diagnosis, and management.

IoT data science: Internet of things (IoT) [ 9 ] is a revolutionary technical field that turns every electronic system into a smarter one and is therefore considered to be the big frontier that can enhance almost all activities in our lives. Machine learning has become a key technology for IoT applications because it uses expertise to identify patterns and generate models that help predict future behavior and events [ 112 ]. One of the IoT’s main fields of application is a smart city, which uses technology to improve city services and citizens’ living experiences. For example, using the relevant data, data science methods can be used for traffic prediction in smart cities, to estimate the total usage of energy of the citizens for a particular period. Deep learning-based models in data science can be built based on a large scale of IoT datasets [ 7 , 104 ]. Overall, data science and analytics approaches can aid modeling in a variety of IoT and smart city services, including smart governance, smart homes, education, connectivity, transportation, business, agriculture, health care, and industry, and many others.

Cybersecurity data science: Cybersecurity, or the practice of defending networks, systems, hardware, and data from digital attacks, is one of the most important fields of Industry 4.0 [ 114 , 121 ]. Data science techniques, particularly machine learning, have become a crucial cybersecurity technology that continually learns to identify trends by analyzing data, better detecting malware in encrypted traffic, finding insider threats, predicting where bad neighborhoods are online, keeping people safe while surfing, or protecting information in the cloud by uncovering suspicious user activity [ 114 ]. For instance, machine learning and deep learning-based security modeling can be used to effectively detect various types of cyberattacks or anomalies [ 103 , 106 ]. To generate security policy rules, association rule learning can play a significant role to build rule-based systems [ 102 ]. Deep learning-based security models can perform better when utilizing the large scale of security datasets [ 140 ]. Thus data science modeling can enable professionals in cybersecurity to be more proactive in preventing threats and reacting in real-time to active attacks, through extracting actionable insights from the security datasets.

Behavioral data science: Behavioral data is information produced as a result of activities, most commonly commercial behavior, performed on a variety of Internet-connected devices, such as a PC, tablet, or smartphones [ 112 ]. Websites, mobile applications, marketing automation systems, call centers, help desks, and billing systems, etc. are all common sources of behavioral data. Behavioral data is much more than just data, which is not static data [ 108 ]. Advanced analytics of these data including machine learning modeling can facilitate in several areas such as predicting future sales trends and product recommendations in e-commerce and retail; predicting usage trends, load, and user preferences in future releases in online gaming; determining how users use an application to predict future usage and preferences in application development; breaking users down into similar groups to gain a more focused understanding of their behavior in cohort analysis; detecting compromised credentials and insider threats by locating anomalous behavior, or making suggestions, etc. Overall, behavioral data science modeling typically enables to make the right offers to the right consumers at the right time on various common platforms such as e-commerce platforms, online games, web and mobile applications, and IoT. In social context, analyzing the behavioral data of human being using advanced analytics methods and the extracted insights from social data can be used for data-driven intelligent social services, which can be considered as social data science.

Mobile data science: Today’s smart mobile phones are considered as “next-generation, multi-functional cell phones that facilitate data processing, as well as enhanced wireless connectivity” [ 146 ]. In our earlier paper [ 112 ], we have shown that users’ interest in “Mobile Phones” is more and more than other platforms like “Desktop Computer”, “Laptop Computer” or “Tablet Computer” in recent years. People use smartphones for a variety of activities, including e-mailing, instant messaging, online shopping, Internet surfing, entertainment, social media such as Facebook, Linkedin, and Twitter, and various IoT services such as smart cities, health, and transportation services, and many others. Intelligent apps are based on the extracted insight from the relevant datasets depending on apps characteristics, such as action-oriented, adaptive in nature, suggestive and decision-oriented, data-driven, context-awareness, and cross-platform operation [ 112 ]. As a result, mobile data science, which involves gathering a large amount of mobile data from various sources and analyzing it using machine learning techniques to discover useful insights or data-driven trends, can play an important role in the development of intelligent smartphone applications.

Multimedia data science: Over the last few years, a big data revolution in multimedia management systems has resulted from the rapid and widespread use of multimedia data, such as image, audio, video, and text, as well as the ease of access and availability of multimedia sources. Currently, multimedia sharing websites, such as Yahoo Flickr, iCloud, and YouTube, and social networks such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, are considered as valuable sources of multimedia big data [ 89 ]. People, particularly younger generations, spend a lot of time on the Internet and social networks to connect with others, exchange information, and create multimedia data, thanks to the advent of new technology and the advanced capabilities of smartphones and tablets. Multimedia analytics deals with the problem of effectively and efficiently manipulating, handling, mining, interpreting, and visualizing various forms of data to solve real-world problems. Text analysis, image or video processing, computer vision, audio or speech processing, and database management are among the solutions available for a range of applications including healthcare, education, entertainment, and mobile devices.

Smart cities or urban data science: Today, more than half of the world’s population live in urban areas or cities [ 80 ] and considered as drivers or hubs of economic growth, wealth creation, well-being, and social activity [ 96 , 116 ]. In addition to cities, “Urban area” can refer to the surrounding areas such as towns, conurbations, or suburbs. Thus, a large amount of data documenting daily events, perceptions, thoughts, and emotions of citizens or people are recorded, that are loosely categorized into personal data, e.g., household, education, employment, health, immigration, crime, etc., proprietary data, e.g., banking, retail, online platforms data, etc., government data, e.g., citywide crime statistics, or government institutions, etc., Open and public data, e.g.,, ordnance survey, and organic and crowdsourced data, e.g., user-generated web data, social media, Wikipedia, etc. [ 29 ]. The field of urban data science typically focuses on providing more effective solutions from a data-driven perspective, through extracting knowledge and actionable insights from such urban data. Advanced analytics of these data using machine learning techniques [ 105 ] can facilitate the efficient management of urban areas including real-time management, e.g., traffic flow management, evidence-based planning decisions which pertain to the longer-term strategic role of forecasting for urban planning, e.g., crime prevention, public safety, and security, or framing the future, e.g., political decision-making [ 29 ]. Overall, it can contribute to government and public planning, as well as relevant sectors including retail, financial services, mobility, health, policing, and utilities within a data-rich urban environment through data-driven smart decision-making and policies, which lead to smart cities and improve the quality of human life.

Smart villages or rural data science: Rural areas or countryside are the opposite of urban areas, that include villages, hamlets, or agricultural areas. The field of rural data science typically focuses on making better decisions and providing more effective solutions that include protecting public safety, providing critical health services, agriculture, and fostering economic development from a data-driven perspective, through extracting knowledge and actionable insights from the collected rural data. Advanced analytics of rural data including machine learning [ 105 ] modeling can facilitate providing new opportunities for them to build insights and capacity to meet current needs and prepare for their futures. For instance, machine learning modeling [ 105 ] can help farmers to enhance their decisions to adopt sustainable agriculture utilizing the increasing amount of data captured by emerging technologies, e.g., the internet of things (IoT), mobile technologies and devices, etc. [ 1 , 51 , 52 ]. Thus, rural data science can play a very important role in the economic and social development of rural areas, through agriculture, business, self-employment, construction, banking, healthcare, governance, or other services, etc. that lead to smarter villages.

Overall, we can conclude that data science modeling can be used to help drive changes and improvements in almost every sector in our real-world life, where the relevant data is available to analyze. To gather the right data and extract useful knowledge or actionable insights from the data for making smart decisions is the key to data science modeling in any application domain. Based on our discussion on the above ten potential real-world application domains by taking into account data-driven smart computing and decision making, we can say that the prospects of data science and the role of data scientists are huge for the future world. The “Data Scientists” typically analyze information from multiple sources to better understand the data and business problems, and develop machine learning-based analytical modeling or algorithms, or data-driven tools, or solutions, focused on advanced analytics, which can make today’s computing process smarter, automated, and intelligent.

Challenges and Research Directions

Our study on data science and analytics, particularly data science modeling in “ Understanding data science modeling ”, advanced analytics methods and smart computing in “ Advanced analytics methods and smart computing ”, and real-world application areas in “ Real-world application domains ” open several research issues in the area of data-driven business solutions and eventual data products. Thus, in this section, we summarize and discuss the challenges faced and the potential research opportunities and future directions to build data-driven products.

Understanding the real-world business problems and associated data including nature, e.g., what forms, type, size, labels, etc., is the first challenge in the data science modeling, discussed briefly in “ Understanding data science modeling ”. This is actually to identify, specify, represent and quantify the domain-specific business problems and data according to the requirements. For a data-driven effective business solution, there must be a well-defined workflow before beginning the actual data analysis work. Furthermore, gathering business data is difficult because data sources can be numerous and dynamic. As a result, gathering different forms of real-world data, such as structured, or unstructured, related to a specific business issue with legal access, which varies from application to application, is challenging. Moreover, data annotation, which is typically the process of categorization, tagging, or labeling of raw data, for the purpose of building data-driven models, is another challenging issue. Thus, the primary task is to conduct a more in-depth analysis of data collection and dynamic annotation methods. Therefore, understanding the business problem, as well as integrating and managing the raw data gathered for efficient data analysis, may be one of the most challenging aspects of working in the field of data science and analytics.

The next challenge is the extraction of the relevant and accurate information from the collected data mentioned above. The main focus of data scientists is typically to disclose, describe, represent, and capture data-driven intelligence for actionable insights from data. However, the real-world data may contain many ambiguous values, missing values, outliers, and meaningless data [ 101 ]. The advanced analytics methods including machine and deep learning modeling, discussed in “ Advanced analytics methods and smart computing ”, highly impact the quality, and availability of the data. Thus understanding real-world business scenario and associated data, to whether, how, and why they are insufficient, missing, or problematic, then extend or redevelop the existing methods, such as large-scale hypothesis testing, learning inconsistency, and uncertainty, etc. to address the complexities in data and business problems is important. Therefore, developing new techniques to effectively pre-process the diverse data collected from multiple sources, according to their nature and characteristics could be another challenging task.

Understanding and selecting the appropriate analytical methods to extract the useful insights for smart decision-making for a particular business problem is the main issue in the area of data science. The emphasis of advanced analytics is more on anticipating the use of data to detect patterns to determine what is likely to occur in the future. Basic analytics offer a description of data in general, while advanced analytics is a step forward in offering a deeper understanding of data and helping to granular data analysis. Thus, understanding the advanced analytics methods, especially machine and deep learning-based modeling is the key. The traditional learning techniques mentioned in “ Advanced analytics methods and smart computing ” may not be directly applicable for the expected outcome in many cases. For instance, in a rule-based system, the traditional association rule learning technique [ 4 ] may  produce redundant rules from the data that makes the decision-making process complex and ineffective [ 113 ]. Thus, a scientific understanding of the learning algorithms, mathematical properties, how the techniques are robust or fragile to input data, is needed to understand. Therefore, a deeper understanding of the strengths and drawbacks of the existing machine and deep learning methods [ 38 , 105 ] to solve a particular business problem is needed, consequently to improve or optimize the learning algorithms according to the data characteristics, or to propose the new algorithm/techniques with higher accuracy becomes a significant challenging issue for the future generation data scientists.

The traditional data-driven models or systems typically use a large amount of business data to generate data-driven decisions. In several application fields, however, the new trends are more likely to be interesting and useful for modeling and predicting the future than older ones. For example, smartphone user behavior modeling, IoT services, stock market forecasting, health or transport service, job market analysis, and other related areas where time-series and actual human interests or preferences are involved over time. Thus, rather than considering the traditional data analysis, the concept of RecencyMiner, i.e., recent pattern-based extracted insight or knowledge proposed in our earlier paper Sarker et al. [ 108 ] might be effective. Therefore, to propose the new techniques by taking into account the recent data patterns, and consequently to build a recency-based data-driven model for solving real-world problems, is another significant challenging issue in the area.

The most crucial task for a data-driven smart system is to create a framework that supports data science modeling discussed in “ Understanding data science modeling ”. As a result, advanced analytical methods based on machine learning or deep learning techniques can be considered in such a system to make the framework capable of resolving the issues. Besides, incorporating contextual information such as temporal context, spatial context, social context, environmental context, etc. [ 100 ] can be used for building an adaptive, context-aware, and dynamic model or framework, depending on the problem domain. As a result, a well-designed data-driven framework, as well as experimental evaluation, is a very important direction to effectively solve a business problem in a particular domain, as well as a big challenge for the data scientists.

In several important application areas such as autonomous cars, criminal justice, health care, recruitment, housing, management of the human resource, public safety, where decisions made by models, or AI agents, have a direct effect on human lives. As a result, there is growing concerned about whether these decisions can be trusted, to be right, reasonable, ethical, personalized, accurate, robust, and secure, particularly in the context of adversarial attacks [ 104 ]. If we can explain the result in a meaningful way, then the model can be better trusted by the end-user. For machine-learned models, new trust properties yield new trade-offs, such as privacy versus accuracy; robustness versus efficiency; fairness versus robustness. Therefore, incorporating trustworthy AI particularly, data-driven or machine learning modeling could be another challenging issue in the area.

In the above, we have summarized and discussed several challenges and the potential research opportunities and directions, within the scope of our study in the area of data science and advanced analytics. The data scientists in academia/industry and the researchers in the relevant area have the opportunity to contribute to each issue identified above and build effective data-driven models or systems, to make smart decisions in the corresponding business domains.

In this paper, we have presented a comprehensive view on data science including various types of advanced analytical methods that can be applied to enhance the intelligence and the capabilities of an application. We have also visualized the current popularity of data science and machine learning-based advanced analytical modeling and also differentiate these from the relevant terms used in the area, to make the position of this paper. A thorough study on the data science modeling with its various processing modules that are needed to extract the actionable insights from the data for a particular business problem and the eventual data product. Thus, according to our goal, we have briefly discussed how different data modules can play a significant role in a data-driven business solution through the data science process. For this, we have also summarized various types of advanced analytical methods and outcomes as well as machine learning modeling that are needed to solve the associated business problems. Thus, this study’s key contribution has been identified as the explanation of different advanced analytical methods and their applicability in various real-world data-driven applications areas including business, healthcare, cybersecurity, urban and rural data science, and so on by taking into account data-driven smart computing and decision making.

Finally, within the scope of our study, we have outlined and discussed the challenges we faced, as well as possible research opportunities and future directions. As a result, the challenges identified provide promising research opportunities in the field that can be explored with effective solutions to improve the data-driven model and systems. Overall, we conclude that our study of advanced analytical solutions based on data science and machine learning methods, leads in a positive direction and can be used as a reference guide for future research and applications in the field of data science and its real-world applications by both academia and industry professionals.

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Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, VIC, 3122, Australia

Iqbal H. Sarker

Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Chittagong University of Engineering & Technology, Chittagong, 4349, Bangladesh

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Sarker, I.H. Data Science and Analytics: An Overview from Data-Driven Smart Computing, Decision-Making and Applications Perspective. SN COMPUT. SCI. 2 , 377 (2021).

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Received : 09 August 2019

Accepted : 02 July 2021

Published : 12 July 2021


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About this journal

The CODATA  Data Science Journal  is a peer-reviewed, open access, electronic journal, publishing papers on the management, dissemination, use and reuse of research data and databases across all research domains, including science, technology, the humanities and the arts. The scope of the journal includes descriptions of data systems, their implementations and their publication, applications, infrastructures, software, legal, reproducibility and transparency issues, the availability and usability of complex datasets, and with a particular focus on the principles, policies and practices for open data.

All data is in scope, whether born digital or converted from other sources.


Special collection call for papers: building an open data collaborative network in the asia-oceania area, guest editors, deadline of expression of interest: 29 february 2024, deadline of article submission: 31 july 2024, final publishing online: 31 march 2025 (provisional), special collection call for papers: data and ai policy, systems, and tools for times of crisis.

The Data Science Journal invites researchers, practitioners, policymakers, and stakeholders to contribute to a special collection of articles on ‘Data and AI policy, systems, and tools for times of crisis’. This special collection explores the challenges, opportunities, and innovative approaches related to data policy development and implementation to address crises, such as natural disasters, public health emergencies, humanitarian crises, or other disruptive events.

The collection seeks high-quality articles that address various aspects of data and AI policy as well as data and AI systems and tools for crisis situations, encompassing theoretical, empirical, and practical perspectives. We welcome submissions that examine the intersection of data science, policy, and crisis management, shedding light on the ethical, legal, social, and technical dimensions of data governance and utilization.

The primary objective of this special collection is to explore the transformative potential of data and AI policy in relation to data and AI systems and tools for crisis management and crisis governance while contributing to building a more resilient and data-driven world. In this context, the special collection will pursue the following specific objectives:

  • examining the scientific, political, and societal frameworks involved in data and AI policy addressing crisis situations;
  • exploring the underlying ethical, human rights, and humanitarian frameworks needed to support data and AI policy during crisis situations; and
  • supporting the development of systems, tools, and services that promote the responsible practice and use of data and AI when generating scientific evidence in crisis situations and guiding decision making in preparedness and response.

Overall this special collection will contribute to advancing knowledge and fostering effective data and AI policy frameworks as well as the data and AI science system and tools that can support decision-making, improve response efforts, and enhance the resilience of first responders and communities in times of crisis.

This special collection is driven and supported by a workstream within the ISC CODATA International Data Policy Committee (IDPC) engaged in analysis, consultation, and the development of position papers on data policy in times of crisis. The IDPC’s work contributes to international efforts in this area focused on the collection, processing, and use of data in situations of natural disaster, health crises, geo-political conflicts, and other disruptive circumstances. It examines the data and AI policy frameworks necessary to ensure that scientific projects, particularly regarding data collection and processing, are viable and relevant to crisis situations while also contributing to scientific results in preparing for, responding to, and recovering from crises.

Another working group is being established on ‘Data Systems, Tools, and Services for Crisis Situations’ whose mission it is to elucidate scientific as well as the ethical, legal, and social impact (ELSI) features of data systems, tools, and services in relationship to the needs of scientists, policy/decision-makers, emergency responders, media, and affected communities by providing overview of those characteristics and how they are expressed in the architecture, design, interoperability standards, and application of these instruments to crisis situations worldwide.

The Centre for Science Futures of the International Science Council provides a focal point for discussions on the role of data and AI policy in science in connection with crises.

This DSJ special collection contributes to the work of these interrelated groups while broadening the scope throughout the communities of stakeholders.

Topics of interest for this special collection include the following:

  • Approaches to data and AI quality, data reliability, and data integrity during times of crisis
  • Policy frameworks for data management and sharing during crises
  • Data and AI governance models and institutional arrangements in the context of crises
  • Ethical considerations and guidelines for responsible data collection, analysis, and (re)use in crisis situations
  • Data privacy, security, and protection in crisis preparation, response, and recovery efforts
  • Consent for the use of data and AI in times of crisis
  • Open data initiatives and practices for enhanced crisis preparedness and response
  • Data and AI policy topics related to open science, including the UNESCO Declaration on Open Science , African Open Science Platform, Global Open Science Cloud (GOSC), China Science and Technology Cloud (CSTCloud), Australian Research Data Commons (ARDC), Open Science Framework, European Open Science Cloud (EOSC)
  • How data and AI policy contribute to the alignment of human rights and fundamental freedoms while supporting humanitarian principles, such as humanity, impartiality, neutrality, and independence.
  • Policy as it relates to data, AI, system, and tool interoperability, integration, and standardization in crisis management and crisis governance systems
  • Community engagement, participation, and empowerment in data policy development for crises
  • Legal and regulatory challenges and solutions for data utilization during crises
  • Technological advancements and tools supporting data and AI policy in crisis management
  • Impact evaluation, lessons learned, and best practices in data policy implementation during crises

Authors are encouraged to present case studies, theoretical frameworks, policy analyses, empirical studies, and practical experiences that contribute to the understanding and advancement of data policy in crisis situations.

About the Data Science Journal

The CODATA Data Science Journal (DSJ) is a peer-reviewed, open access, electronic journal, publishing papers on the management, dissemination, use and reuse of research data and databases across all research domains, including science, technology, the humanities and the arts. The scope of the journal includes descriptions of data systems, their implementations and their publication, applications, infrastructures, software, legal, reproducibility and transparency issues, the availability and usability of complex datasets, and with a particular focus on the principles, policies and practices for open data.

As with all DSJ articles, submissions to this special collection will undergo a rigorous peer review process to ensure scholarly quality and relevance.

Collection editors (in alphabetical order)

Burçak Başbuğ Erkan, Gnana Bharathy, Paul Box, Francis P. Crawley, Mathieu Denis, Perihan Elif Ekmekci, Simon Hodson, Stefanie Kethers, Virginia Murray, Hans Pfeiffenberger, Lili Zhang

Submission and dates

Please review carefully the DSJ Editorial Policies and Submission Guidelines when preparing your manuscript for review. Submissions must be of high scientific quality and prepared with attention to correct English grammar and usage requirements.

  • Submission deadline : accepted contributions will be published on a rolling basis spread across issues of the DSJ . Submissions close on Friday 28 June 2024
  • Expected publication : expect a four-week period for peer-review upon submission. Accepted papers will be published based on the DSJ issue space availability and publication schedule.

For more information on the special issue, you may contact the journal editors through this link .

Call for Papers: Data Science and Machine Learning for Cybersecurity

Manuscript Submission Deadline: April 30, 2023

Recent changes in data science are transforming cybersecurity in a computing context. Applied science is the process of applying scientific methods, machine learning techniques, processes, and systems to data. While Cybersecurity Data Science (CSDS) enables more actionable and intelligent computing in the domain of cybersecurity as compared to traditional methods. It encompasses the rapidly growing practice of applying data science to prevent, detect, and remediate cybersecurity threats.

Cybersecurity data science is a fast-developing field that uses data science techniques to address cybersecurity issues. Data-driven, statistical, and analytical methodologies are increasingly used to close security holes. It examines the healthcare, transportation, surveillance, social media, and law enforcement sectors, in order to evaluate the specific issues they pose and how they can be addressed.

Cybersecurity data science is the focus of this special issue, with analytics supporting the most recent trends to optimize security solutions. The data is acquired from reliable cybersecurity sources. Using machine learning, the problem also aims to develop a multi-layered cybersecurity modeling framework. Data-driven intelligent decision-making can help defend systems against cyberattacks as we address cybersecurity data science and pertinent methodologies.

  • Potential topics include, but are not limited to:
  • Cloud-based cybersecurity analytics
  • Real-time IoT/endpoint-based detection
  • Deep learning and reinforcement learning
  • Human-in-the-loop cyclical machine learning
  • Adversarial attacks on machine learning systems
  • AI-driven fake news and disinformation campaigns
  • Cybercrime analysis, intelligence, and security
  • Big crime data science algorithms and open-source situational awareness
  • Misinformation and hate speech detection and mitigation
  • Data-driven cyber knowledge base development
  • Data Science to demonstrate cyber weakness
  • Robustness and interpretability in ML for security tasks

Special Collection Editors:

Zhenfeng Liu, Shanghai Maritime University

Xiaogang Ma, University of Idaho

Anwar Vahed, Data Intensive Research Initiative of South Africa

Data Science

Research Areas

Main navigation.

The world is being transformed by data and data-driven analysis is rapidly becoming an integral part of science and society. Stanford Data Science is a collaborative effort across many departments in all seven schools. We strive to unite existing data science research initiatives and create interdisciplinary collaborations, connecting the data science and related methodologists with disciplines that are being transformed by data science and computation.

Our work supports research in a variety of fields where incredible advances are being made through the facilitation of meaningful collaborations between domain researchers, with deep expertise in societal and fundamental research challenges, and methods researchers that are developing next-generation computational tools and techniques, including:

Data Science for Wildland Fire Research

In recent years, wildfire has gone from an infrequent and distant news item to a centerstage isssue spanning many consecutive weeks for urban and suburban communities. Frequent wildfires are changing everyday lives for California in numerous ways -- from public safety power shutoffs to hazardous air quality -- that seemed inconceivable as recently as 2015. Moreover, elevated wildfire risk in the western United States (and similar climates globally) is here to stay into the foreseeable future. There is a plethora of problems that need solutions in the wildland fire arena; many of them are well suited to a data-driven approach.

Seminar Series

Data Science for Physics

Astrophysicists and particle physicists at Stanford and at the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory are deeply engaged in studying the Universe at both the largest and smallest scales, with state-of-the-art instrumentation at telescopes and accelerator facilities

Data Science for Economics

Many of the most pressing questions in empirical economics concern causal questions, such as the impact, both short and long run, of educational choices on labor market outcomes, and of economic policies on distributions of outcomes. This makes them conceptually quite different from the predictive type of questions that many of the recently developed methods in machine learning are primarily designed for.

Data Science for Education

Educational data spans K-12 school and district records, digital archives of instructional materials and gradebooks, as well as student responses on course surveys. Data science of actual classroom interaction is also of increasing interest and reality.

Data Science for Human Health

It is clear that data science will be a driving force in transitioning the world’s healthcare systems from reactive “sick-based” care to proactive, preventive care.

Data Science for Humanity

Our modern era is characterized by massive amounts of data documenting the behaviors of individuals, groups, organizations, cultures, and indeed entire societies. This wealth of data on modern humanity is accompanied by massive digitization of historical data, both textual and numeric, in the form of historic newspapers, literary and linguistic corpora, economic data, censuses, and other government data, gathered and preserved over centuries, and newly digitized, acquired, and provisioned by libraries, scholars, and commercial entities.

Data Science for Linguistics

The impact of data science on linguistics has been profound. All areas of the field depend on having a rich picture of the true range of variation, within dialects, across dialects, and among different languages. The subfield of corpus linguistics is arguably as old as the field itself and, with the advent of computers, gave rise to many core techniques in data science.

Data Science for Nature and Sustainability

Many key sustainability issues translate into decision and optimization problems and could greatly benefit from data-driven decision making tools. In fact, the impact of modern information technology has been highly uneven, mainly benefiting large firms in profitable sectors, with little or no benefit in terms of the environment. Our vision is that data-driven methods can — and should — play a key role in increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of the way we manage and allocate our natural resources.

Ethics and Data Science

With the emergence of new techniques of machine learning, and the possibility of using algorithms to perform tasks previously done by human beings, as well as to generate new knowledge, we again face a set of new ethical questions.

The Science of Data Science

The practice of data analysis has changed enormously. Data science needs to find new inferential paradigms that allow data exploration prior to the formulation of hypotheses.

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Data Science and Analytics: An Overview from Data-Driven Smart Computing, Decision-Making and Applications Perspective

Iqbal h. sarker.

1 Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, VIC 3122 Australia

2 Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Chittagong University of Engineering & Technology, Chittagong, 4349 Bangladesh

The digital world has a wealth of data, such as internet of things (IoT) data, business data, health data, mobile data, urban data, security data, and many more, in the current age of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (Industry 4.0 or 4IR). Extracting knowledge or useful insights from these data can be used for smart decision-making in various applications domains. In the area of data science, advanced analytics methods including machine learning modeling can provide actionable insights or deeper knowledge about data, which makes the computing process automatic and smart. In this paper, we present a comprehensive view on “Data Science” including various types of advanced analytics methods that can be applied to enhance the intelligence and capabilities of an application through smart decision-making in different scenarios. We also discuss and summarize ten potential real-world application domains including business, healthcare, cybersecurity, urban and rural data science, and so on by taking into account data-driven smart computing and decision making. Based on this, we finally highlight the challenges and potential research directions within the scope of our study. Overall, this paper aims to serve as a reference point on data science and advanced analytics to the researchers and decision-makers as well as application developers, particularly from the data-driven solution point of view for real-world problems.


We are living in the age of “data science and advanced analytics”, where almost everything in our daily lives is digitally recorded as data [ 17 ]. Thus the current electronic world is a wealth of various kinds of data, such as business data, financial data, healthcare data, multimedia data, internet of things (IoT) data, cybersecurity data, social media data, etc [ 112 ]. The data can be structured, semi-structured, or unstructured, which increases day by day [ 105 ]. Data science is typically a “concept to unify statistics, data analysis, and their related methods” to understand and analyze the actual phenomena with data. According to Cao et al. [ 17 ] “data science is the science of data” or “data science is the study of data”, where a data product is a data deliverable, or data-enabled or guided, which can be a discovery, prediction, service, suggestion, insight into decision-making, thought, model, paradigm, tool, or system. The popularity of “Data science” is increasing day-by-day, which is shown in Fig. ​ Fig.1 1 according to Google Trends data over the last 5 years [ 36 ]. In addition to data science, we have also shown the popularity trends of the relevant areas such as “Data analytics”, “Data mining”, “Big data”, “Machine learning” in the figure. According to Fig. ​ Fig.1, 1 , the popularity indication values for these data-driven domains, particularly “Data science”, and “Machine learning” are increasing day-by-day. This statistical information and the applicability of the data-driven smart decision-making in various real-world application areas, motivate us to study briefly on “Data science” and machine-learning-based “Advanced analytics” in this paper.

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Object name is 42979_2021_765_Fig1_HTML.jpg

The worldwide popularity score of data science comparing with relevant  areas in a range of 0 (min) to 100 (max) over time where x -axis represents the timestamp information and y -axis represents the corresponding score

Usually, data science is the field of applying advanced analytics methods and scientific concepts to derive useful business information from data. The emphasis of advanced analytics is more on anticipating the use of data to detect patterns to determine what is likely to occur in the future. Basic analytics offer a description of data in general, while advanced analytics is a step forward in offering a deeper understanding of data and helping to analyze granular data, which we are interested in. In the field of data science, several types of analytics are popular, such as "Descriptive analytics" which answers the question of what happened; "Diagnostic analytics" which answers the question of why did it happen; "Predictive analytics" which predicts what will happen in the future; and "Prescriptive analytics" which prescribes what action should be taken, discussed briefly in “ Advanced analytics methods and smart computing ”. Such advanced analytics and decision-making based on machine learning techniques [ 105 ], a major part of artificial intelligence (AI) [ 102 ] can also play a significant role in the Fourth Industrial Revolution (Industry 4.0) due to its learning capability for smart computing as well as automation [ 121 ].

Although the area of “data science” is huge, we mainly focus on deriving useful insights through advanced analytics, where the results are used to make smart decisions in various real-world application areas. For this, various advanced analytics methods such as machine learning modeling, natural language processing, sentiment analysis, neural network, or deep learning analysis can provide deeper knowledge about data, and thus can be used to develop data-driven intelligent applications. More specifically, regression analysis, classification, clustering analysis, association rules, time-series analysis, sentiment analysis, behavioral patterns, anomaly detection, factor analysis, log analysis, and deep learning which is originated from the artificial neural network, are taken into account in our study. These machine learning-based advanced analytics methods are discussed briefly in “ Advanced analytics methods and smart computing ”. Thus, it’s important to understand the principles of various advanced analytics methods mentioned above and their applicability to apply in various real-world application areas. For instance, in our earlier paper Sarker et al. [ 114 ], we have discussed how data science and machine learning modeling can play a significant role in the domain of cybersecurity for making smart decisions and to provide data-driven intelligent security services. In this paper, we broadly take into account the data science application areas and real-world problems in ten potential domains including the area of business data science, health data science, IoT data science, behavioral data science, urban data science, and so on, discussed briefly in “ Real-world application domains ”.

Based on the importance of machine learning modeling to extract the useful insights from the data mentioned above and data-driven smart decision-making, in this paper, we present a comprehensive view on “Data Science” including various types of advanced analytics methods that can be applied to enhance the intelligence and the capabilities of an application. The key contribution of this study is thus understanding data science modeling, explaining different analytic methods for solution perspective and their applicability in various real-world data-driven applications areas mentioned earlier. Overall, the purpose of this paper is, therefore, to provide a basic guide or reference for those academia and industry people who want to study, research, and develop automated and intelligent applications or systems based on smart computing and decision making within the area of data science.

The main contributions of this paper are summarized as follows:

  • To define the scope of our study towards data-driven smart computing and decision-making in our real-world life. We also make a brief discussion on the concept of data science modeling from business problems to data product and automation, to understand its applicability and provide intelligent services in real-world scenarios.
  • To provide a comprehensive view on data science including advanced analytics methods that can be applied to enhance the intelligence and the capabilities of an application.
  • To discuss the applicability and significance of machine learning-based analytics methods in various real-world application areas. We also summarize ten potential real-world application areas, from business to personalized applications in our daily life, where advanced analytics with machine learning modeling can be used to achieve the expected outcome.
  • To highlight and summarize the challenges and potential research directions within the scope of our study.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows. The next section provides the background and related work and defines the scope of our study. The following section presents the concepts of data science modeling for building a data-driven application. After that, briefly discuss and explain different advanced analytics methods and smart computing. Various real-world application areas are discussed and summarized in the next section. We then highlight and summarize several research issues and potential future directions, and finally, the last section concludes this paper.

Background and Related Work

In this section, we first discuss various data terms and works related to data science and highlight the scope of our study.

Data Terms and Definitions

There is a range of key terms in the field, such as data analysis, data mining, data analytics, big data, data science, advanced analytics, machine learning, and deep learning, which are highly related and easily confusing. In the following, we define these terms and differentiate them with the term “Data Science” according to our goal.

The term “Data analysis” refers to the processing of data by conventional (e.g., classic statistical, empirical, or logical) theories, technologies, and tools for extracting useful information and for practical purposes [ 17 ]. The term “Data analytics”, on the other hand, refers to the theories, technologies, instruments, and processes that allow for an in-depth understanding and exploration of actionable data insight [ 17 ]. Statistical and mathematical analysis of the data is the major concern in this process. “Data mining” is another popular term over the last decade, which has a similar meaning with several other terms such as knowledge mining from data, knowledge extraction, knowledge discovery from data (KDD), data/pattern analysis, data archaeology, and data dredging. According to Han et al. [ 38 ], it should have been more appropriately named “knowledge mining from data”. Overall, data mining is defined as the process of discovering interesting patterns and knowledge from large amounts of data [ 38 ]. Data sources may include databases, data centers, the Internet or Web, other repositories of data, or data dynamically streamed through the system. “Big data” is another popular term nowadays, which may change the statistical and data analysis approaches as it has the unique features of “massive, high dimensional, heterogeneous, complex, unstructured, incomplete, noisy, and erroneous” [ 74 ]. Big data can be generated by mobile devices, social networks, the Internet of Things, multimedia, and many other new applications [ 129 ]. Several unique features including volume, velocity, variety, veracity, value (5Vs), and complexity are used to understand and describe big data [ 69 ].

In terms of analytics, basic analytics provides a summary of data whereas the term “Advanced Analytics” takes a step forward in offering a deeper understanding of data and helps to analyze granular data. Advanced analytics is characterized or defined as autonomous or semi-autonomous data or content analysis using advanced techniques and methods to discover deeper insights, predict or generate recommendations, typically beyond traditional business intelligence or analytics. “Machine learning”, a branch of artificial intelligence (AI), is one of the major techniques used in advanced analytics which can automate analytical model building [ 112 ]. This is focused on the premise that systems can learn from data, recognize trends, and make decisions, with minimal human involvement [ 38 , 115 ]. “Deep Learning” is a subfield of machine learning that discusses algorithms inspired by the human brain’s structure and the function called artificial neural networks [ 38 , 139 ].

Unlike the above data-related terms, “Data science” is an umbrella term that encompasses advanced data analytics, data mining, machine, and deep learning modeling, and several other related disciplines like statistics, to extract insights or useful knowledge from the datasets and transform them into actionable business strategies. In [ 17 ], Cao et al. defined data science from the disciplinary perspective as “data science is a new interdisciplinary field that synthesizes and builds on statistics, informatics, computing, communication, management, and sociology to study data and its environments (including domains and other contextual aspects, such as organizational and social aspects) to transform data to insights and decisions by following a data-to-knowledge-to-wisdom thinking and methodology”. In “ Understanding data science modeling ”, we briefly discuss the data science modeling from a practical perspective starting from business problems to data products that can assist the data scientists to think and work in a particular real-world problem domain within the area of data science and analytics.

Related Work

In the area, several papers have been reviewed by the researchers based on data science and its significance. For example, the authors in [ 19 ] identify the evolving field of data science and its importance in the broader knowledge environment and some issues that differentiate data science and informatics issues from conventional approaches in information sciences. Donoho et al. [ 27 ] present 50 years of data science including recent commentary on data science in mass media, and on how/whether data science varies from statistics. The authors formally conceptualize the theory-guided data science (TGDS) model in [ 53 ] and present a taxonomy of research themes in TGDS. Cao et al. include a detailed survey and tutorial on the fundamental aspects of data science in [ 17 ], which considers the transition from data analysis to data science, the principles of data science, as well as the discipline and competence of data education.

Besides, the authors include a data science analysis in [ 20 ], which aims to provide a realistic overview of the use of statistical features and related data science methods in bioimage informatics. The authors in [ 61 ] study the key streams of data science algorithm use at central banks and show how their popularity has risen over time. This research contributes to the creation of a research vector on the role of data science in central banking. In [ 62 ], the authors provide an overview and tutorial on the data-driven design of intelligent wireless networks. The authors in [ 87 ] provide a thorough understanding of computational optimal transport with application to data science. In [ 97 ], the authors present data science as theoretical contributions in information systems via text analytics.

Unlike the above recent studies, in this paper, we concentrate on the knowledge of data science including advanced analytics methods, machine learning modeling, real-world application domains, and potential research directions within the scope of our study. The advanced analytics methods based on machine learning techniques discussed in this paper can be applied to enhance the capabilities of an application in terms of data-driven intelligent decision making and automation in the final data product or systems.

Understanding Data Science Modeling

In this section, we briefly discuss how data science can play a significant role in the real-world business process. For this, we first categorize various types of data and then discuss the major steps of data science modeling starting from business problems to data product and automation.

Types of Real-World Data

Typically, to build a data-driven real-world system in a particular domain, the availability of data is the key [ 17 , 112 , 114 ]. The data can be in different types such as (i) Structured—that has a well-defined data structure and follows a standard order, examples are names, dates, addresses, credit card numbers, stock information, geolocation, etc.; (ii) Unstructured—has no pre-defined format or organization, examples are sensor data, emails, blog entries, wikis, and word processing documents, PDF files, audio files, videos, images, presentations, web pages, etc.; (iii) Semi-structured—has elements of both the structured and unstructured data containing certain organizational properties, examples are HTML, XML, JSON documents, NoSQL databases, etc.; and (iv) Metadata—that represents data about the data, examples are author, file type, file size, creation date and time, last modification date and time, etc. [ 38 , 105 ].

In the area of data science, researchers use various widely-used datasets for different purposes. These are, for example, cybersecurity datasets such as NSL-KDD [ 127 ], UNSW-NB15 [ 79 ], Bot-IoT [ 59 ], ISCX’12 [ 15 ], CIC-DDoS2019 [ 22 ], etc., smartphone datasets such as phone call logs [ 88 , 110 ], mobile application usages logs [ 124 , 149 ], SMS Log [ 28 ], mobile phone notification logs [ 77 ] etc., IoT data [ 56 , 11 , 64 ], health data such as heart disease [ 99 ], diabetes mellitus [ 86 , 147 ], COVID-19 [ 41 , 78 ], etc., agriculture and e-commerce data [ 128 , 150 ], and many more in various application domains. In “ Real-world application domains ”, we discuss ten potential real-world application domains of data science and analytics by taking into account data-driven smart computing and decision making, which can help the data scientists and application developers to explore more in various real-world issues.

Overall, the data used in data-driven applications can be any of the types mentioned above, and they can differ from one application to another in the real world. Data science modeling, which is briefly discussed below, can be used to analyze such data in a specific problem domain and derive insights or useful information from the data to build a data-driven model or data product.

Steps of Data Science Modeling

Data science is typically an umbrella term that encompasses advanced data analytics, data mining, machine, and deep learning modeling, and several other related disciplines like statistics, to extract insights or useful knowledge from the datasets and transform them into actionable business strategies, mentioned earlier in “ Background and related work ”. In this section, we briefly discuss how data science can play a significant role in the real-world business process. Figure ​ Figure2 2 shows an example of data science modeling starting from real-world data to data-driven product and automation. In the following, we briefly discuss each module of the data science process.

  • Understanding business problems: This involves getting a clear understanding of the problem that is needed to solve, how it impacts the relevant organization or individuals, the ultimate goals for addressing it, and the relevant project plan. Thus to understand and identify the business problems, the data scientists formulate relevant questions while working with the end-users and other stakeholders. For instance, how much/many, which category/group, is the behavior unrealistic/abnormal, which option should be taken, what action, etc. could be relevant questions depending on the nature of the problems. This helps to get a better idea of what business needs and what we should be extracted from data. Such business knowledge can enable organizations to enhance their decision-making process, is known as “Business Intelligence” [ 65 ]. Identifying the relevant data sources that can help to answer the formulated questions and what kinds of actions should be taken from the trends that the data shows, is another important task associated with this stage. Once the business problem has been clearly stated, the data scientist can define the analytic approach to solve the problem.
  • Understanding data: As we know that data science is largely driven by the availability of data [ 114 ]. Thus a sound understanding of the data is needed towards a data-driven model or system. The reason is that real-world data sets are often noisy, missing values, have inconsistencies, or other data issues, which are needed to handle effectively [ 101 ]. To gain actionable insights, the appropriate data or the quality of the data must be sourced and cleansed, which is fundamental to any data science engagement. For this, data assessment that evaluates what data is available and how it aligns to the business problem could be the first step in data understanding. Several aspects such as data type/format, the quantity of data whether it is sufficient or not to extract the useful knowledge, data relevance, authorized access to data, feature or attribute importance, combining multiple data sources, important metrics to report the data, etc. are needed to take into account to clearly understand the data for a particular business problem. Overall, the data understanding module involves figuring out what data would be best needed and the best ways to acquire it.
  • Data pre-processing and exploration: Exploratory data analysis is defined in data science as an approach to analyzing datasets to summarize their key characteristics, often with visual methods [ 135 ]. This examines a broad data collection to discover initial trends, attributes, points of interest, etc. in an unstructured manner to construct meaningful summaries of the data. Thus data exploration is typically used to figure out the gist of data and to develop a first step assessment of its quality, quantity, and characteristics. A statistical model can be used or not, but primarily it offers tools for creating hypotheses by generally visualizing and interpreting the data through graphical representation such as a chart, plot, histogram, etc [ 72 , 91 ]. Before the data is ready for modeling, it’s necessary to use data summarization and visualization to audit the quality of the data and provide the information needed to process it. To ensure the quality of the data, the data  pre-processing technique, which is typically the process of cleaning and transforming raw data [ 107 ] before processing and analysis is important. It also involves reformatting information, making data corrections, and merging data sets to enrich data. Thus, several aspects such as expected data, data cleaning, formatting or transforming data, dealing with missing values, handling data imbalance and bias issues, data distribution, search for outliers or anomalies in data and dealing with them, ensuring data quality, etc. could be the key considerations in this step.
  • Machine learning modeling and evaluation: Once the data is prepared for building the model, data scientists design a model, algorithm, or set of models, to address the business problem. Model building is dependent on what type of analytics, e.g., predictive analytics, is needed to solve the particular problem, which is discussed briefly in “ Advanced analytics methods and smart computing ”. To best fits the data according to the type of analytics, different types of data-driven or machine learning models that have been summarized in our earlier paper Sarker et al. [ 105 ], can be built to achieve the goal. Data scientists typically separate training and test subsets of the given dataset usually dividing in the ratio of 80:20 or data considering the most popular k -folds data splitting method [ 38 ]. This is to observe whether the model performs well or not on the data, to maximize the model performance. Various model validation and assessment metrics, such as error rate, accuracy, true positive, false positive, true negative, false negative, precision, recall, f-score, ROC (receiver operating characteristic curve) analysis, applicability analysis, etc. [ 38 , 115 ] are used to measure the model performance, which can guide the data scientists to choose or design the learning method or model. Besides, machine learning experts or data scientists can take into account several advanced analytics such as feature engineering, feature selection or extraction methods, algorithm tuning, ensemble methods, modifying existing algorithms, or designing new algorithms, etc. to improve the ultimate data-driven model to solve a particular business problem through smart decision making.
  • Data product and automation: A data product is typically the output of any data science activity [ 17 ]. A data product, in general terms, is a data deliverable, or data-enabled or guide, which can be a discovery, prediction, service, suggestion, insight into decision-making, thought, model, paradigm, tool, application, or system that process data and generate results. Businesses can use the results of such data analysis to obtain useful information like churn (a measure of how many customers stop using a product) prediction and customer segmentation, and use these results to make smarter business decisions and automation. Thus to make better decisions in various business problems, various machine learning pipelines and data products can be developed. To highlight this, we summarize several potential real-world data science application areas in “ Real-world application domains ”, where various data products can play a significant role in relevant business problems to make them smart and automate.

Overall, we can conclude that data science modeling can be used to help drive changes and improvements in business practices. The interesting part of the data science process indicates having a deeper understanding of the business problem to solve. Without that, it would be much harder to gather the right data and extract the most useful information from the data for making decisions to solve the problem. In terms of role, “Data Scientists” typically interpret and manage data to uncover the answers to major questions that help organizations to make objective decisions and solve complex problems. In a summary, a data scientist proactively gathers and analyzes information from multiple sources to better understand how the business performs, and  designs machine learning or data-driven tools/methods, or algorithms, focused on advanced analytics, which can make today’s computing process smarter and intelligent, discussed briefly in the following section.

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An example of data science modeling from real-world data to data-driven system and decision making

Advanced Analytics Methods and Smart Computing

As mentioned earlier in “ Background and related work ”, basic analytics provides a summary of data whereas advanced analytics takes a step forward in offering a deeper understanding of data and helps in granular data analysis. For instance, the predictive capabilities of advanced analytics can be used to forecast trends, events, and behaviors. Thus, “advanced analytics” can be defined as the autonomous or semi-autonomous analysis of data or content using advanced techniques and methods to discover deeper insights, make predictions, or produce recommendations, where machine learning-based analytical modeling is considered as the key technologies in the area. In the following section, we first summarize various types of analytics and outcome that are needed to solve the associated business problems, and then we briefly discuss machine learning-based analytical modeling.

Types of Analytics and Outcome

In the real-world business process, several key questions such as “What happened?”, “Why did it happen?”, “What will happen in the future?”, “What action should be taken?” are common and important. Based on these questions, in this paper, we categorize and highlight the analytics into four types such as descriptive, diagnostic, predictive, and prescriptive, which are discussed below.

  • Descriptive analytics: It is the interpretation of historical data to better understand the changes that have occurred in a business. Thus descriptive analytics answers the question, “what happened in the past?” by summarizing past data such as statistics on sales and operations or marketing strategies, use of social media, and engagement with Twitter, Linkedin or Facebook, etc. For instance, using descriptive analytics through analyzing trends, patterns, and anomalies, etc., customers’ historical shopping data can be used to predict the probability of a customer purchasing a product. Thus, descriptive analytics can play a significant role to provide an accurate picture of what has occurred in a business and how it relates to previous times utilizing a broad range of relevant business data. As a result, managers and decision-makers can pinpoint areas of strength and weakness in their business, and eventually can take more effective management strategies and business decisions.
  • Diagnostic analytics: It is a form of advanced analytics that examines data or content to answer the question, “why did it happen?” The goal of diagnostic analytics is to help to find the root cause of the problem. For example, the human resource management department of a business organization may use these diagnostic analytics to find the best applicant for a position, select them, and compare them to other similar positions to see how well they perform. In a healthcare example, it might help to figure out whether the patients’ symptoms such as high fever, dry cough, headache, fatigue, etc. are all caused by the same infectious agent. Overall, diagnostic analytics enables one to extract value from the data by posing the right questions and conducting in-depth investigations into the answers. It is characterized by techniques such as drill-down, data discovery, data mining, and correlations.
  • Predictive analytics: Predictive analytics is an important analytical technique used by many organizations for various purposes such as to assess business risks, anticipate potential market patterns, and decide when maintenance is needed, to enhance their business. It is a form of advanced analytics that examines data or content to answer the question, “what will happen in the future?” Thus, the primary goal of predictive analytics is to identify and typically answer this question with a high degree of probability. Data scientists can use historical data as a source to extract insights for building predictive models using various regression analyses and machine learning techniques, which can be used in various application domains for a better outcome. Companies, for example, can use predictive analytics to minimize costs by better anticipating future demand and changing output and inventory, banks and other financial institutions to reduce fraud and risks by predicting suspicious activity, medical specialists to make effective decisions through predicting patients who are at risk of diseases, retailers to increase sales and customer satisfaction through understanding and predicting customer preferences, manufacturers to optimize production capacity through predicting maintenance requirements, and many more. Thus predictive analytics can be considered as the core analytical method within the area of data science.
  • Prescriptive analytics: Prescriptive analytics focuses on recommending the best way forward with actionable information to maximize overall returns and profitability, which typically answer the question, “what action should be taken?” In business analytics, prescriptive analytics is considered the final step. For its models, prescriptive analytics collects data from several descriptive and predictive sources and applies it to the decision-making process. Thus, we can say that it is related to both descriptive analytics and predictive analytics, but it emphasizes actionable insights instead of data monitoring. In other words, it can be considered as the opposite of descriptive analytics, which examines decisions and outcomes after the fact. By integrating big data, machine learning, and business rules, prescriptive analytics helps organizations to make more informed decisions to produce results that drive the most successful business decisions.

In summary, to clarify what happened and why it happened, both descriptive analytics and diagnostic analytics look at the past. Historical data is used by predictive analytics and prescriptive analytics to forecast what will happen in the future and what steps should be taken to impact those effects. In Table ​ Table1, 1 , we have summarized these analytics methods with examples. Forward-thinking organizations in the real world can jointly use these analytical methods to make smart decisions that help drive changes in business processes and improvements. In the following, we discuss how machine learning techniques can play a big role in these analytical methods through their learning capabilities from the data.

Various types of analytical methods with examples

Machine Learning Based Analytical Modeling

In this section, we briefly discuss various advanced analytics methods based on machine learning modeling, which can make the computing process smart through intelligent decision-making in a business process. Figure ​ Figure3 3 shows a general structure of a machine learning-based predictive modeling considering both the training and testing phase. In the following, we discuss a wide range of methods such as regression and classification analysis, association rule analysis, time-series analysis, behavioral analysis, log analysis, and so on within the scope of our study.

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A general structure of a machine learning based predictive model considering both the training and testing phase

Regression Analysis

In data science, one of the most common statistical approaches used for predictive modeling and data mining tasks is regression techniques [ 38 ]. Regression analysis is a form of supervised machine learning that examines the relationship between a dependent variable (target) and independent variables (predictor) to predict continuous-valued output [ 105 , 117 ]. The following equations Eqs. 1 , 2 , and 3 [ 85 , 105 ] represent the simple, multiple or multivariate, and polynomial regressions respectively, where x represents independent variable and y is the predicted/target output mentioned above:

Regression analysis is typically conducted for one of two purposes: to predict the value of the dependent variable in the case of individuals for whom some knowledge relating to the explanatory variables is available, or to estimate the effect of some explanatory variable on the dependent variable, i.e., finding the relationship of causal influence between the variables. Linear regression cannot be used to fit non-linear data and may cause an underfitting problem. In that case, polynomial regression performs better, however, increases the model complexity. The regularization techniques such as Ridge, Lasso, Elastic-Net, etc. [ 85 , 105 ] can be used to optimize the linear regression model. Besides, support vector regression, decision tree regression, random forest regression techniques [ 85 , 105 ] can be used for building effective regression models depending on the problem type, e.g., non-linear tasks. Financial forecasting or prediction, cost estimation, trend analysis, marketing, time-series estimation, drug response modeling, etc. are some examples where the regression models can be used to solve real-world problems in the domain of data science and analytics.

Classification Analysis

Classification is one of the most widely used and best-known data science processes. This is a form of supervised machine learning approach that also refers to a predictive modeling problem in which a class label is predicted for a given example [ 38 ]. Spam identification, such as ‘spam’ and ‘not spam’ in email service providers, can be an example of a classification problem. There are several forms of classification analysis available in the area such as binary classification—which refers to the prediction of one of two classes; multi-class classification—which involves the prediction of one of more than two classes; multi-label classification—a generalization of multiclass classification in which the problem’s classes are organized hierarchically [ 105 ].

Several popular classification techniques, such as k-nearest neighbors [ 5 ], support vector machines [ 55 ], navies Bayes [ 49 ], adaptive boosting [ 32 ], extreme gradient boosting [ 85 ], logistic regression [ 66 ], decision trees ID3 [ 92 ], C4.5 [ 93 ], and random forests [ 13 ] exist to solve classification problems. The tree-based classification technique, e.g., random forest considering multiple decision trees, performs better than others to solve real-world problems in many cases as due to its capability of producing logic rules [ 103 , 115 ]. Figure ​ Figure4 4 shows an example of a random forest structure considering multiple decision trees. In addition, BehavDT recently proposed by Sarker et al. [ 109 ], and IntrudTree [ 106 ] can be used for building effective classification or prediction models in the relevant tasks within the domain of data science and analytics.

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An example of a random forest structure considering multiple decision trees

Cluster Analysis

Clustering is a form of unsupervised machine learning technique and is well-known in many data science application areas for statistical data analysis [ 38 ]. Usually, clustering techniques search for the structures inside a dataset and, if the classification is not previously identified, classify homogeneous groups of cases. This means that data points are identical to each other within a cluster, and different from data points in another cluster. Overall, the purpose of cluster analysis is to sort various data points into groups (or clusters) that are homogeneous internally and heterogeneous externally [ 105 ]. To gain insight into how data is distributed in a given dataset or as a preprocessing phase for other algorithms, clustering is often used. Data clustering, for example, assists with customer shopping behavior, sales campaigns, and retention of consumers for retail businesses, anomaly detection, etc.

Many clustering algorithms with the ability to group data have been proposed in machine learning and data science literature [ 98 , 138 , 141 ]. In our earlier paper Sarker et al. [ 105 ], we have summarized this based on several perspectives, such as partitioning methods, density-based methods, hierarchical-based methods, model-based methods, etc. In the literature, the popular K-means [ 75 ], K-Mediods [ 84 ], CLARA [ 54 ] etc. are known as partitioning methods; DBSCAN [ 30 ], OPTICS [ 8 ] etc. are known as density-based methods; single linkage [ 122 ], complete linkage [ 123 ], etc. are known as hierarchical methods. In addition, grid-based clustering methods, such as STING [ 134 ], CLIQUE [ 2 ], etc.; model-based clustering such as neural network learning [ 141 ], GMM [ 94 ], SOM [ 18 , 104 ], etc.; constrained-based methods such as COP K-means [ 131 ], CMWK-Means [ 25 ], etc. are used in the area. Recently, Sarker et al. [ 111 ] proposed a hierarchical clustering method, BOTS [ 111 ] based on bottom-up agglomerative technique for capturing user’s similar behavioral characteristics over time. The key benefit of agglomerative hierarchical clustering is that the tree-structure hierarchy created by agglomerative clustering is more informative than an unstructured set of flat clusters, which can assist in better decision-making in relevant application areas in data science.

Association Rule Analysis

Association rule learning is known as a rule-based machine learning system, an unsupervised learning method is typically used to establish a relationship among variables. This is a descriptive technique often used to analyze large datasets for discovering interesting relationships or patterns. The association learning technique’s main strength is its comprehensiveness, as it produces all associations that meet user-specified constraints including minimum support and confidence value [ 138 ].

Association rules allow a data scientist to identify trends, associations, and co-occurrences between data sets inside large data collections. In a supermarket, for example, associations infer knowledge about the buying behavior of consumers for different items, which helps to change the marketing and sales plan. In healthcare, to better diagnose patients, physicians may use association guidelines. Doctors can assess the conditional likelihood of a given illness by comparing symptom associations in the data from previous cases using association rules and machine learning-based data analysis. Similarly, association rules are useful for consumer behavior analysis and prediction, customer market analysis, bioinformatics, weblog mining, recommendation systems, etc.

Several types of association rules have been proposed in the area, such as frequent pattern based [ 4 , 47 , 73 ], logic-based [ 31 ], tree-based [ 39 ], fuzzy-rules [ 126 ], belief rule [ 148 ] etc. The rule learning techniques such as AIS [ 3 ], Apriori [ 4 ], Apriori-TID and Apriori-Hybrid [ 4 ], FP-Tree [ 39 ], Eclat [ 144 ], RARM [ 24 ] exist to solve the relevant business problems. Apriori [ 4 ] is the most commonly used algorithm for discovering association rules from a given dataset among the association rule learning techniques [ 145 ]. The recent association rule-learning technique ABC-RuleMiner proposed in our earlier paper by Sarker et al. [ 113 ] could give significant results in terms of generating non-redundant rules that can be used for smart decision making according to human preferences, within the area of data science applications.

Time-Series Analysis and Forecasting

A time series is typically a series of data points indexed in time order particularly, by date, or timestamp [ 111 ]. Depending on the frequency, the time-series can be different types such as annually, e.g., annual budget, quarterly, e.g., expenditure, monthly, e.g., air traffic, weekly, e.g., sales quantity, daily, e.g., weather, hourly, e.g., stock price, minute-wise, e.g., inbound calls in a call center, and even second-wise, e.g., web traffic, and so on in relevant domains.

A mathematical method dealing with such time-series data, or the procedure of fitting a time series to a proper model is termed time-series analysis. Many different time series forecasting algorithms and analysis methods can be applied to extract the relevant information. For instance, to do time-series forecasting for future patterns, the autoregressive (AR) model [ 130 ] learns the behavioral trends or patterns of past data. Moving average (MA) [ 40 ] is another simple and common form of smoothing used in time series analysis and forecasting that uses past forecasted errors in a regression-like model to elaborate an averaged trend across the data. The autoregressive moving average (ARMA) [ 12 , 120 ] combines these two approaches, where autoregressive extracts the momentum and pattern of the trend and moving average capture the noise effects. The most popular and frequently used time-series model is the autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) model [ 12 , 120 ]. ARIMA model, a generalization of an ARMA model, is more flexible than other statistical models such as exponential smoothing or simple linear regression. In terms of data, the ARMA model can only be used for stationary time-series data, while the ARIMA model includes the case of non-stationarity as well. Similarly, seasonal autoregressive integrated moving average (SARIMA), autoregressive fractionally integrated moving average (ARFIMA), autoregressive moving average model with exogenous inputs model (ARMAX model) are also used in time-series models [ 120 ].

In addition to the stochastic methods for time-series modeling and forecasting, machine and deep learning-based approach can be used for effective time-series analysis and forecasting. For instance, in our earlier paper, Sarker et al. [ 111 ] present a bottom-up clustering-based time-series analysis to capture the mobile usage behavioral patterns of the users. Figure ​ Figure5 5 shows an example of producing aggregate time segments Seg_i from initial time slices TS_i based on similar behavioral characteristics that are used in our bottom-up clustering approach, where D represents the dominant behavior BH_i of the users, mentioned above [ 111 ]. The authors in [ 118 ], used a long short-term memory (LSTM) model, a kind of recurrent neural network (RNN) deep learning model, in forecasting time-series that outperform traditional approaches such as the ARIMA model. Time-series analysis is commonly used these days in various fields such as financial, manufacturing, business, social media, event data (e.g., clickstreams and system events), IoT and smartphone data, and generally in any applied science and engineering temporal measurement domain. Thus, it covers a wide range of application areas in data science.

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An example of producing aggregate time segments from initial time slices based on similar behavioral characteristics

Opinion Mining and Sentiment Analysis

Sentiment analysis or opinion mining is the computational study of the opinions, thoughts, emotions, assessments, and attitudes of people towards entities such as products, services, organizations, individuals, issues, events, topics, and their attributes [ 71 ]. There are three kinds of sentiments: positive, negative, and neutral, along with more extreme feelings such as angry, happy and sad, or interested or not interested, etc. More refined sentiments to evaluate the feelings of individuals in various situations can also be found according to the problem domain.

Although the task of opinion mining and sentiment analysis is very challenging from a technical point of view, it’s very useful in real-world practice. For instance, a business always aims to obtain an opinion from the public or customers about its products and services to refine the business policy as well as a better business decision. It can thus benefit a business to understand the social opinion of their brand, product, or service. Besides, potential customers want to know what consumers believe they have when they use a service or purchase a product. Document-level, sentence level, aspect level, and concept level, are the possible levels of opinion mining in the area [ 45 ].

Several popular techniques such as lexicon-based including dictionary-based and corpus-based methods, machine learning including supervised and unsupervised learning, deep learning, and hybrid methods are used in sentiment analysis-related tasks [ 70 ]. To systematically define, extract, measure, and analyze affective states and subjective knowledge, it incorporates the use of statistics, natural language processing (NLP), machine learning as well as deep learning methods. Sentiment analysis is widely used in many applications, such as reviews and survey data, web and social media, and healthcare content, ranging from marketing and customer support to clinical practice. Thus sentiment analysis has a big influence in many data science applications, where public sentiment is involved in various real-world issues.

Behavioral Data and Cohort Analysis

Behavioral analytics is a recent trend that typically reveals new insights into e-commerce sites, online gaming, mobile and smartphone applications, IoT user behavior, and many more [ 112 ]. The behavioral analysis aims to understand how and why the consumers or users behave, allowing accurate predictions of how they are likely to behave in the future. For instance, it allows advertisers to make the best offers with the right client segments at the right time. Behavioral analytics, including traffic data such as navigation paths, clicks, social media interactions, purchase decisions, and marketing responsiveness, use the large quantities of raw user event information gathered during sessions in which people use apps, games, or websites. In our earlier papers Sarker et al. [ 101 , 111 , 113 ] we have discussed how to extract users phone usage behavioral patterns utilizing real-life phone log data for various purposes.

In the real-world scenario, behavioral analytics is often used in e-commerce, social media, call centers, billing systems, IoT systems, political campaigns, and other applications, to find opportunities for optimization to achieve particular outcomes. Cohort analysis is a branch of behavioral analytics that involves studying groups of people over time to see how their behavior changes. For instance, it takes data from a given data set (e.g., an e-commerce website, web application, or online game) and separates it into related groups for analysis. Various machine learning techniques such as behavioral data clustering [ 111 ], behavioral decision tree classification [ 109 ], behavioral association rules [ 113 ], etc. can be used in the area according to the goal. Besides, the concept of RecencyMiner, proposed in our earlier paper Sarker et al. [ 108 ] that takes into account recent behavioral patterns could be effective while analyzing behavioral data as it may not be static in the real-world changes over time.

Anomaly Detection or Outlier Analysis

Anomaly detection, also known as Outlier analysis is a data mining step that detects data points, events, and/or findings that deviate from the regularities or normal behavior of a dataset. Anomalies are usually referred to as outliers, abnormalities, novelties, noise, inconsistency, irregularities, and exceptions [ 63 , 114 ]. Techniques of anomaly detection may discover new situations or cases as deviant based on historical data through analyzing the data patterns. For instance, identifying fraud or irregular transactions in finance is an example of anomaly detection.

It is often used in preprocessing tasks for the deletion of anomalous or inconsistency in the real-world data collected from various data sources including user logs, devices, networks, and servers. For anomaly detection, several machine learning techniques can be used, such as k-nearest neighbors, isolation forests, cluster analysis, etc [ 105 ]. The exclusion of anomalous data from the dataset also results in a statistically significant improvement in accuracy during supervised learning [ 101 ]. However, extracting appropriate features, identifying normal behaviors, managing imbalanced data distribution, addressing variations in abnormal behavior or irregularities, the sparse occurrence of abnormal events, environmental variations, etc. could be challenging in the process of anomaly detection. Detection of anomalies can be applicable in a variety of domains such as cybersecurity analytics, intrusion detections, fraud detection, fault detection, health analytics, identifying irregularities, detecting ecosystem disturbances, and many more. This anomaly detection can be considered a significant task for building effective systems with higher accuracy within the area of data science.

Factor Analysis

Factor analysis is a collection of techniques for describing the relationships or correlations between variables in terms of more fundamental entities known as factors [ 23 ]. It’s usually used to organize variables into a small number of clusters based on their common variance, where mathematical or statistical procedures are used. The goals of factor analysis are to determine the number of fundamental influences underlying a set of variables, calculate the degree to which each variable is associated with the factors, and learn more about the existence of the factors by examining which factors contribute to output on which variables. The broad purpose of factor analysis is to summarize data so that relationships and patterns can be easily interpreted and understood [ 143 ].

Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) are the two most popular factor analysis techniques. EFA seeks to discover complex trends by analyzing the dataset and testing predictions, while CFA tries to validate hypotheses and uses path analysis diagrams to represent variables and factors [ 143 ]. Factor analysis is one of the algorithms for unsupervised machine learning that is used for minimizing dimensionality. The most common methods for factor analytics are principal components analysis (PCA), principal axis factoring (PAF), and maximum likelihood (ML) [ 48 ]. Methods of correlation analysis such as Pearson correlation, canonical correlation, etc. may also be useful in the field as they can quantify the statistical relationship between two continuous variables, or association. Factor analysis is commonly used in finance, marketing, advertising, product management, psychology, and operations research, and thus can be considered as another significant analytical method within the area of data science.

Log Analysis

Logs are commonly used in system management as logs are often the only data available that record detailed system runtime activities or behaviors in production [ 44 ]. Log analysis is thus can be considered as the method of analyzing, interpreting, and capable of understanding computer-generated records or messages, also known as logs. This can be device log, server log, system log, network log, event log, audit trail, audit record, etc. The process of creating such records is called data logging.

Logs are generated by a wide variety of programmable technologies, including networking devices, operating systems, software, and more. Phone call logs [ 88 , 110 ], SMS Logs [ 28 ], mobile apps usages logs [ 124 , 149 ], notification logs [ 77 ], game Logs [ 82 ], context logs [ 16 , 149 ], web logs [ 37 ], smartphone life logs [ 95 ], etc. are some examples of log data for smartphone devices. The main characteristics of these log data is that it contains users’ actual behavioral activities with their devices. Similar other log data can be search logs [ 50 , 133 ], application logs [ 26 ], server logs [ 33 ], network logs [ 57 ], event logs [ 83 ], network and security logs [ 142 ] etc.

Several techniques such as classification and tagging, correlation analysis, pattern recognition methods, anomaly detection methods, machine learning modeling, etc. [ 105 ] can be used for effective log analysis. Log analysis can assist in compliance with security policies and industry regulations, as well as provide a better user experience by encouraging the troubleshooting of technical problems and identifying areas where efficiency can be improved. For instance, web servers use log files to record data about website visitors. Windows event log analysis can help an investigator draw a timeline based on the logging information and the discovered artifacts. Overall, advanced analytics methods by taking into account machine learning modeling can play a significant role to extract insightful patterns from these log data, which can be used for building automated and smart applications, and thus can be considered as a key working area in data science.

Neural Networks and Deep Learning Analysis

Deep learning is a form of machine learning that uses artificial neural networks to create a computational architecture that learns from data by combining multiple processing layers, such as the input, hidden, and output layers [ 38 ]. The key benefit of deep learning over conventional machine learning methods is that it performs better in a variety of situations, particularly when learning from large datasets [ 114 , 140 ].

The most common deep learning algorithms are: multi-layer perceptron (MLP) [ 85 ], convolutional neural network (CNN or ConvNet) [ 67 ], long short term memory recurrent neural network (LSTM-RNN) [ 34 ]. Figure ​ Figure6 6 shows a structure of an artificial neural network modeling with multiple processing layers. The Backpropagation technique [ 38 ] is used to adjust the weight values internally while building the model. Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) [ 67 ] improve on the design of traditional artificial neural networks (ANNs), which include convolutional layers, pooling layers, and fully connected layers. It is commonly used in a variety of fields, including natural language processing, speech recognition, image processing, and other autocorrelated data since it takes advantage of the two-dimensional (2D) structure of the input data. AlexNet [ 60 ], Xception [ 21 ], Inception [ 125 ], Visual Geometry Group (VGG) [ 42 ], ResNet [ 43 ], etc., and other advanced deep learning models based on CNN are also used in the field.

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A structure of an artificial neural network modeling with multiple processing layers

In addition to CNN, recurrent neural network (RNN) architecture is another popular method used in deep learning. Long short-term memory (LSTM) is a popular type of recurrent neural network architecture used broadly in the area of deep learning. Unlike traditional feed-forward neural networks, LSTM has feedback connections. Thus, LSTM networks are well-suited for analyzing and learning sequential data, such as classifying, sorting, and predicting data based on time-series data. Therefore, when the data is in a sequential format, such as time, sentence, etc., LSTM can be used, and it is widely used in the areas of time-series analysis, natural language processing, speech recognition, and so on.

In addition to the most popular deep learning methods mentioned above, several other deep learning approaches [ 104 ] exist in the field for various purposes. The self-organizing map (SOM) [ 58 ], for example, uses unsupervised learning to represent high-dimensional data as a 2D grid map, reducing dimensionality. Another learning technique that is commonly used for dimensionality reduction and feature extraction in unsupervised learning tasks is the autoencoder (AE) [ 10 ]. Restricted Boltzmann machines (RBM) can be used for dimensionality reduction, classification, regression, collaborative filtering, feature learning, and topic modeling, according to [ 46 ]. A deep belief network (DBN) is usually made up of a backpropagation neural network and unsupervised networks like restricted Boltzmann machines (RBMs) or autoencoders (BPNN) [ 136 ]. A generative adversarial network (GAN) [ 35 ] is a deep learning network that can produce data with characteristics that are similar to the input data. Transfer learning is common worldwide presently because it can train deep neural networks with a small amount of data, which is usually the re-use of a pre-trained model on a new problem [ 137 ]. These deep learning methods can perform  well, particularly, when learning from large-scale datasets [ 105 , 140 ]. In our previous article Sarker et al. [ 104 ], we have summarized a brief discussion of various artificial neural networks (ANN) and deep learning (DL) models mentioned above, which can be used in a variety of data science and analytics tasks.

Real-World Application Domains

Almost every industry or organization is impacted by data, and thus “Data Science” including advanced analytics with machine learning modeling can be used in business, marketing, finance, IoT systems, cybersecurity, urban management, health care, government policies, and every possible industries, where data gets generated. In the following, we discuss ten most popular application areas based on data science and analytics.

  • Business or financial data science: In general, business data science can be considered as the study of business or e-commerce data to obtain insights about a business that can typically lead to smart decision-making as well as taking high-quality actions [ 90 ]. Data scientists can develop algorithms or data-driven models predicting customer behavior, identifying patterns and trends based on historical business data, which can help companies to reduce costs, improve service delivery, and generate recommendations for better decision-making. Eventually, business automation, intelligence, and efficiency can be achieved through the data science process discussed earlier, where various advanced analytics methods and machine learning modeling based on the collected data are the keys. Many online retailers, such as Amazon [ 76 ], can improve inventory management, avoid out-of-stock situations, and optimize logistics and warehousing using predictive modeling based on machine learning techniques [ 105 ]. In terms of finance, the historical data is related to financial institutions to make high-stakes business decisions, which is mostly used for risk management, fraud prevention, credit allocation, customer analytics, personalized services, algorithmic trading, etc. Overall, data science methodologies can play a key role in the future generation business or finance industry, particularly in terms of business automation, intelligence, and smart decision-making and systems.
  • Manufacturing or industrial data science: To compete in global production capability, quality, and cost, manufacturing industries have gone through many industrial revolutions [ 14 ]. The latest fourth industrial revolution, also known as Industry 4.0, is the emerging trend of automation and data exchange in manufacturing technology. Thus industrial data science, which is the study of industrial data to obtain insights that can typically lead to optimizing industrial applications, can play a vital role in such revolution. Manufacturing industries generate a large amount of data from various sources such as sensors, devices, networks, systems, and applications [ 6 , 68 ]. The main categories of industrial data include large-scale data devices, life-cycle production data, enterprise operation data, manufacturing value chain sources, and collaboration data from external sources [ 132 ]. The data needs to be processed, analyzed, and secured to help improve the system’s efficiency, safety, and scalability. Data science modeling thus can be used to maximize production, reduce costs and raise profits in manufacturing industries.
  • Medical or health data science: Healthcare is one of the most notable fields where data science is making major improvements. Health data science involves the extrapolation of actionable insights from sets of patient data, typically collected from electronic health records. To help organizations, improve the quality of treatment, lower the cost of care, and improve the patient experience, data can be obtained from several sources, e.g., the electronic health record, billing claims, cost estimates, and patient satisfaction surveys, etc., to analyze. In reality, healthcare analytics using machine learning modeling can minimize medical costs, predict infectious outbreaks, prevent preventable diseases, and generally improve the quality of life [ 81 , 119 ]. Across the global population, the average human lifespan is growing, presenting new challenges to today’s methods of delivery of care. Thus health data science modeling can play a role in analyzing current and historical data to predict trends, improve services, and even better monitor the spread of diseases. Eventually, it may lead to new approaches to improve patient care, clinical expertise, diagnosis, and management.
  • IoT data science: Internet of things (IoT) [ 9 ] is a revolutionary technical field that turns every electronic system into a smarter one and is therefore considered to be the big frontier that can enhance almost all activities in our lives. Machine learning has become a key technology for IoT applications because it uses expertise to identify patterns and generate models that help predict future behavior and events [ 112 ]. One of the IoT’s main fields of application is a smart city, which uses technology to improve city services and citizens’ living experiences. For example, using the relevant data, data science methods can be used for traffic prediction in smart cities, to estimate the total usage of energy of the citizens for a particular period. Deep learning-based models in data science can be built based on a large scale of IoT datasets [ 7 , 104 ]. Overall, data science and analytics approaches can aid modeling in a variety of IoT and smart city services, including smart governance, smart homes, education, connectivity, transportation, business, agriculture, health care, and industry, and many others.
  • Cybersecurity data science: Cybersecurity, or the practice of defending networks, systems, hardware, and data from digital attacks, is one of the most important fields of Industry 4.0 [ 114 , 121 ]. Data science techniques, particularly machine learning, have become a crucial cybersecurity technology that continually learns to identify trends by analyzing data, better detecting malware in encrypted traffic, finding insider threats, predicting where bad neighborhoods are online, keeping people safe while surfing, or protecting information in the cloud by uncovering suspicious user activity [ 114 ]. For instance, machine learning and deep learning-based security modeling can be used to effectively detect various types of cyberattacks or anomalies [ 103 , 106 ]. To generate security policy rules, association rule learning can play a significant role to build rule-based systems [ 102 ]. Deep learning-based security models can perform better when utilizing the large scale of security datasets [ 140 ]. Thus data science modeling can enable professionals in cybersecurity to be more proactive in preventing threats and reacting in real-time to active attacks, through extracting actionable insights from the security datasets.
  • Behavioral data science: Behavioral data is information produced as a result of activities, most commonly commercial behavior, performed on a variety of Internet-connected devices, such as a PC, tablet, or smartphones [ 112 ]. Websites, mobile applications, marketing automation systems, call centers, help desks, and billing systems, etc. are all common sources of behavioral data. Behavioral data is much more than just data, which is not static data [ 108 ]. Advanced analytics of these data including machine learning modeling can facilitate in several areas such as predicting future sales trends and product recommendations in e-commerce and retail; predicting usage trends, load, and user preferences in future releases in online gaming; determining how users use an application to predict future usage and preferences in application development; breaking users down into similar groups to gain a more focused understanding of their behavior in cohort analysis; detecting compromised credentials and insider threats by locating anomalous behavior, or making suggestions, etc. Overall, behavioral data science modeling typically enables to make the right offers to the right consumers at the right time on various common platforms such as e-commerce platforms, online games, web and mobile applications, and IoT. In social context, analyzing the behavioral data of human being using advanced analytics methods and the extracted insights from social data can be used for data-driven intelligent social services, which can be considered as social data science.
  • Mobile data science: Today’s smart mobile phones are considered as “next-generation, multi-functional cell phones that facilitate data processing, as well as enhanced wireless connectivity” [ 146 ]. In our earlier paper [ 112 ], we have shown that users’ interest in “Mobile Phones” is more and more than other platforms like “Desktop Computer”, “Laptop Computer” or “Tablet Computer” in recent years. People use smartphones for a variety of activities, including e-mailing, instant messaging, online shopping, Internet surfing, entertainment, social media such as Facebook, Linkedin, and Twitter, and various IoT services such as smart cities, health, and transportation services, and many others. Intelligent apps are based on the extracted insight from the relevant datasets depending on apps characteristics, such as action-oriented, adaptive in nature, suggestive and decision-oriented, data-driven, context-awareness, and cross-platform operation [ 112 ]. As a result, mobile data science, which involves gathering a large amount of mobile data from various sources and analyzing it using machine learning techniques to discover useful insights or data-driven trends, can play an important role in the development of intelligent smartphone applications.
  • Multimedia data science: Over the last few years, a big data revolution in multimedia management systems has resulted from the rapid and widespread use of multimedia data, such as image, audio, video, and text, as well as the ease of access and availability of multimedia sources. Currently, multimedia sharing websites, such as Yahoo Flickr, iCloud, and YouTube, and social networks such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, are considered as valuable sources of multimedia big data [ 89 ]. People, particularly younger generations, spend a lot of time on the Internet and social networks to connect with others, exchange information, and create multimedia data, thanks to the advent of new technology and the advanced capabilities of smartphones and tablets. Multimedia analytics deals with the problem of effectively and efficiently manipulating, handling, mining, interpreting, and visualizing various forms of data to solve real-world problems. Text analysis, image or video processing, computer vision, audio or speech processing, and database management are among the solutions available for a range of applications including healthcare, education, entertainment, and mobile devices.
  • Smart cities or urban data science: Today, more than half of the world’s population live in urban areas or cities [ 80 ] and considered as drivers or hubs of economic growth, wealth creation, well-being, and social activity [ 96 , 116 ]. In addition to cities, “Urban area” can refer to the surrounding areas such as towns, conurbations, or suburbs. Thus, a large amount of data documenting daily events, perceptions, thoughts, and emotions of citizens or people are recorded, that are loosely categorized into personal data, e.g., household, education, employment, health, immigration, crime, etc., proprietary data, e.g., banking, retail, online platforms data, etc., government data, e.g., citywide crime statistics, or government institutions, etc., Open and public data, e.g.,, ordnance survey, and organic and crowdsourced data, e.g., user-generated web data, social media, Wikipedia, etc. [ 29 ]. The field of urban data science typically focuses on providing more effective solutions from a data-driven perspective, through extracting knowledge and actionable insights from such urban data. Advanced analytics of these data using machine learning techniques [ 105 ] can facilitate the efficient management of urban areas including real-time management, e.g., traffic flow management, evidence-based planning decisions which pertain to the longer-term strategic role of forecasting for urban planning, e.g., crime prevention, public safety, and security, or framing the future, e.g., political decision-making [ 29 ]. Overall, it can contribute to government and public planning, as well as relevant sectors including retail, financial services, mobility, health, policing, and utilities within a data-rich urban environment through data-driven smart decision-making and policies, which lead to smart cities and improve the quality of human life.
  • Smart villages or rural data science: Rural areas or countryside are the opposite of urban areas, that include villages, hamlets, or agricultural areas. The field of rural data science typically focuses on making better decisions and providing more effective solutions that include protecting public safety, providing critical health services, agriculture, and fostering economic development from a data-driven perspective, through extracting knowledge and actionable insights from the collected rural data. Advanced analytics of rural data including machine learning [ 105 ] modeling can facilitate providing new opportunities for them to build insights and capacity to meet current needs and prepare for their futures. For instance, machine learning modeling [ 105 ] can help farmers to enhance their decisions to adopt sustainable agriculture utilizing the increasing amount of data captured by emerging technologies, e.g., the internet of things (IoT), mobile technologies and devices, etc. [ 1 , 51 , 52 ]. Thus, rural data science can play a very important role in the economic and social development of rural areas, through agriculture, business, self-employment, construction, banking, healthcare, governance, or other services, etc. that lead to smarter villages.

Overall, we can conclude that data science modeling can be used to help drive changes and improvements in almost every sector in our real-world life, where the relevant data is available to analyze. To gather the right data and extract useful knowledge or actionable insights from the data for making smart decisions is the key to data science modeling in any application domain. Based on our discussion on the above ten potential real-world application domains by taking into account data-driven smart computing and decision making, we can say that the prospects of data science and the role of data scientists are huge for the future world. The “Data Scientists” typically analyze information from multiple sources to better understand the data and business problems, and develop machine learning-based analytical modeling or algorithms, or data-driven tools, or solutions, focused on advanced analytics, which can make today’s computing process smarter, automated, and intelligent.

Challenges and Research Directions

Our study on data science and analytics, particularly data science modeling in “ Understanding data science modeling ”, advanced analytics methods and smart computing in “ Advanced analytics methods and smart computing ”, and real-world application areas in “ Real-world application domains ” open several research issues in the area of data-driven business solutions and eventual data products. Thus, in this section, we summarize and discuss the challenges faced and the potential research opportunities and future directions to build data-driven products.

  • Understanding the real-world business problems and associated data including nature, e.g., what forms, type, size, labels, etc., is the first challenge in the data science modeling, discussed briefly in “ Understanding data science modeling ”. This is actually to identify, specify, represent and quantify the domain-specific business problems and data according to the requirements. For a data-driven effective business solution, there must be a well-defined workflow before beginning the actual data analysis work. Furthermore, gathering business data is difficult because data sources can be numerous and dynamic. As a result, gathering different forms of real-world data, such as structured, or unstructured, related to a specific business issue with legal access, which varies from application to application, is challenging. Moreover, data annotation, which is typically the process of categorization, tagging, or labeling of raw data, for the purpose of building data-driven models, is another challenging issue. Thus, the primary task is to conduct a more in-depth analysis of data collection and dynamic annotation methods. Therefore, understanding the business problem, as well as integrating and managing the raw data gathered for efficient data analysis, may be one of the most challenging aspects of working in the field of data science and analytics.
  • The next challenge is the extraction of the relevant and accurate information from the collected data mentioned above. The main focus of data scientists is typically to disclose, describe, represent, and capture data-driven intelligence for actionable insights from data. However, the real-world data may contain many ambiguous values, missing values, outliers, and meaningless data [ 101 ]. The advanced analytics methods including machine and deep learning modeling, discussed in “ Advanced analytics methods and smart computing ”, highly impact the quality, and availability of the data. Thus understanding real-world business scenario and associated data, to whether, how, and why they are insufficient, missing, or problematic, then extend or redevelop the existing methods, such as large-scale hypothesis testing, learning inconsistency, and uncertainty, etc. to address the complexities in data and business problems is important. Therefore, developing new techniques to effectively pre-process the diverse data collected from multiple sources, according to their nature and characteristics could be another challenging task.
  • Understanding and selecting the appropriate analytical methods to extract the useful insights for smart decision-making for a particular business problem is the main issue in the area of data science. The emphasis of advanced analytics is more on anticipating the use of data to detect patterns to determine what is likely to occur in the future. Basic analytics offer a description of data in general, while advanced analytics is a step forward in offering a deeper understanding of data and helping to granular data analysis. Thus, understanding the advanced analytics methods, especially machine and deep learning-based modeling is the key. The traditional learning techniques mentioned in “ Advanced analytics methods and smart computing ” may not be directly applicable for the expected outcome in many cases. For instance, in a rule-based system, the traditional association rule learning technique [ 4 ] may  produce redundant rules from the data that makes the decision-making process complex and ineffective [ 113 ]. Thus, a scientific understanding of the learning algorithms, mathematical properties, how the techniques are robust or fragile to input data, is needed to understand. Therefore, a deeper understanding of the strengths and drawbacks of the existing machine and deep learning methods [ 38 , 105 ] to solve a particular business problem is needed, consequently to improve or optimize the learning algorithms according to the data characteristics, or to propose the new algorithm/techniques with higher accuracy becomes a significant challenging issue for the future generation data scientists.
  • The traditional data-driven models or systems typically use a large amount of business data to generate data-driven decisions. In several application fields, however, the new trends are more likely to be interesting and useful for modeling and predicting the future than older ones. For example, smartphone user behavior modeling, IoT services, stock market forecasting, health or transport service, job market analysis, and other related areas where time-series and actual human interests or preferences are involved over time. Thus, rather than considering the traditional data analysis, the concept of RecencyMiner, i.e., recent pattern-based extracted insight or knowledge proposed in our earlier paper Sarker et al. [ 108 ] might be effective. Therefore, to propose the new techniques by taking into account the recent data patterns, and consequently to build a recency-based data-driven model for solving real-world problems, is another significant challenging issue in the area.
  • The most crucial task for a data-driven smart system is to create a framework that supports data science modeling discussed in “ Understanding data science modeling ”. As a result, advanced analytical methods based on machine learning or deep learning techniques can be considered in such a system to make the framework capable of resolving the issues. Besides, incorporating contextual information such as temporal context, spatial context, social context, environmental context, etc. [ 100 ] can be used for building an adaptive, context-aware, and dynamic model or framework, depending on the problem domain. As a result, a well-designed data-driven framework, as well as experimental evaluation, is a very important direction to effectively solve a business problem in a particular domain, as well as a big challenge for the data scientists.
  • In several important application areas such as autonomous cars, criminal justice, health care, recruitment, housing, management of the human resource, public safety, where decisions made by models, or AI agents, have a direct effect on human lives. As a result, there is growing concerned about whether these decisions can be trusted, to be right, reasonable, ethical, personalized, accurate, robust, and secure, particularly in the context of adversarial attacks [ 104 ]. If we can explain the result in a meaningful way, then the model can be better trusted by the end-user. For machine-learned models, new trust properties yield new trade-offs, such as privacy versus accuracy; robustness versus efficiency; fairness versus robustness. Therefore, incorporating trustworthy AI particularly, data-driven or machine learning modeling could be another challenging issue in the area.

In the above, we have summarized and discussed several challenges and the potential research opportunities and directions, within the scope of our study in the area of data science and advanced analytics. The data scientists in academia/industry and the researchers in the relevant area have the opportunity to contribute to each issue identified above and build effective data-driven models or systems, to make smart decisions in the corresponding business domains.

In this paper, we have presented a comprehensive view on data science including various types of advanced analytical methods that can be applied to enhance the intelligence and the capabilities of an application. We have also visualized the current popularity of data science and machine learning-based advanced analytical modeling and also differentiate these from the relevant terms used in the area, to make the position of this paper. A thorough study on the data science modeling with its various processing modules that are needed to extract the actionable insights from the data for a particular business problem and the eventual data product. Thus, according to our goal, we have briefly discussed how different data modules can play a significant role in a data-driven business solution through the data science process. For this, we have also summarized various types of advanced analytical methods and outcomes as well as machine learning modeling that are needed to solve the associated business problems. Thus, this study’s key contribution has been identified as the explanation of different advanced analytical methods and their applicability in various real-world data-driven applications areas including business, healthcare, cybersecurity, urban and rural data science, and so on by taking into account data-driven smart computing and decision making.

Finally, within the scope of our study, we have outlined and discussed the challenges we faced, as well as possible research opportunities and future directions. As a result, the challenges identified provide promising research opportunities in the field that can be explored with effective solutions to improve the data-driven model and systems. Overall, we conclude that our study of advanced analytical solutions based on data science and machine learning methods, leads in a positive direction and can be used as a reference guide for future research and applications in the field of data science and its real-world applications by both academia and industry professionals.


The author declares no conflict of interest.

This article is part of the topical collection “Advances in Computational Approaches for Artificial Intelligence, Image Processing, IoT and Cloud Applications” guest edited by Bhanu Prakash K N and M. Shivakumar.

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Data Science

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Data Science is an interdisciplinary journal that addresses the development that data has become a crucial factor for a large number and variety of scientific fields. This journal covers aspects around scientific data over the whole range from data creation, mining, discovery, curation, modeling, processing, and management to analysis, prediction, visualization, user interaction, communication, sharing, and re-use. We are interested in general methods and concepts, as well as specific tools, infrastructures, and applications. The ultimate goal is to unleash the power of scientific data to deepen our understanding of physical, biological, and digital systems, gain insight into human social and economic behavior, and design new solutions for the future. The rising importance of scientific data, both big and small, brings with it a wealth of challenges to combine structured, but often siloed data with messy, incomplete, and unstructured data from text, audio, visual content such as sensor and weblog data. New methods to extract, transport, pool, refine, store, analyze, and visualize data are needed to unleash their power while simultaneously making tools and workflows easier to use by the public at large. The journal invites contributions ranging from theoretical and foundational research, platforms, methods, applications, and tools in all areas. We welcome papers which add a social, geographical, and temporal dimension to data science research, as well as application-oriented papers that prepare and use data in discovery research.

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  • Research Papers : We accept as main category research papers that report on original research. Results previously published at conferences or workshops may be submitted as extended versions.
  • Position Papers : We accept position papers presenting discussions and viewpoints around data science topics. These papers do not need an evaluation, but need to present relevant and novel discussion points in a thorough manner.
  • Survey Papers : We also publish survey papers of the state of the art of topics central to the journal’s scope. Survey articles should be comprehensive and balanced, and should have the potential to become well-known introductory and overview texts.
  • Resource Papers : Resource papers introduce and describe a resource of value for further research, including but not limited to datasets, benchmarks, software tools/frameworks/services, methodologies, and protocols.

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The following length limits apply for the different paper types:

  • Research papers: 12,000 words
  • Position papers: 8,000 words
  • Survey papers: 16,000 words
  • Reports: 5,000 words

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Overall recommendation

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  • Accept. The article is accepted as is, or only minor problems must be addressed by the authors that do not require another round of reviewing but can be verified by the editorial and publication team.
  • Undecided. Authors must revise their manuscript to address specific concerns before a final decision is reached. A revised manuscript will be subject to second round of peer review in which the decision will be either Accept or Reject and no further review will be performed.
  • Reject. The work cannot be published based on the lack of interest, lack of novelty, insufficient conceptual advance or major technical and/or interpretational problems.

The review should evaluate the paper with respect to the following criteria.


  • Does the work address an important problem within the research fields covered by the journal?


  • Is the work appropriately based on and connected to the relevant related work?
  • For research papers: Does the work provide new insights or new methods of a substantial kind?
  • For position papers: Does the work provide a novel and potentially disruptive view on the given topic?
  • For survey papers: Does the work provide an overview that is unique in its scope or structure for the given topic?

Technical quality:

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  • For position papers: Is the advocated position supported by sound and thorough arguments?
  • For survey papers: Is the topic covered in a comprehensive and well balanced manner, are the covered approaches accurately described and compared, and are they placed in a convincing common framework?


  • Are the text, figures, and tables of the work accessible, pleasant to read, clearly structured, and free of major errors in grammar or style?
  • Is the length of the manuscript appropriate for what it presents?

Data availability:

  • Are all used and produced data are openly available in established data repositories, as mandated by FAIR and the data availability guidelines ?

Summary and Comments

  • Summary of paper in a few sentences
  • Reasons to accept
  • Reasons to reject
  • Further comments (optional)

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Data Science Peer Review Policy

Data Science relies on an open and transparent peer review process. Papers submitted to the journal are quickly pre-screened by the Editors-in-Chief and if deemed suitable for formal review they are immediately published as pre-prints on the journal’s website . Please visit our  reviewer guidelines  for further information about how to conduct a review.

Reasons to reject a paper in the pre-screening process could be because the work does not fall within the aims and scope, the writing is of poor quality, the instructions to authors were not followed or the presented work is not novel.

Papers that are suitable for review are posted on the journal's website and are publicly available. In addition to solicited reviews by members of the editorial board, public reviews and comments are welcome by any researcher and can be uploaded using the journal website. All reviews and responses from the authors are posted on the website as well. All involved reviewers and editors will be acknowledged in the final published version.

Reviewers are by default identified by name although all reviewers do have the option to remain anonymous. All review reports are made openly available under CC-BY licenses after a decision has been made for the submission (independent of whether the decision was accept or reject). In addition to solicited reviews, any researcher is welcome to submit additional reviews and comments for papers that are under review. Editors and non-anonymous reviewers will be mentioned in the published articles.

Each paper that undergoes peer review is assigned a handling editor who will be responsible for inviting reviewers to comment on the paper.

The reviewer of a paper is asked to submit one of the following overall recommendations:

  • Accept . The article is accepted as is, or only minor problems must be addressed by the authors that do not require another round of reviewing but can be verified by the editorial and publication team.
  • Undecided . Authors must revise their manuscript to address specific concerns before a final decision is reached. A revised manuscript will be subject to second round of peer review in which the decision will be either Accept or Reject and no further review will be performed.
  • Reject . The work cannot be published based on the lack of interest, lack of novelty, insufficient conceptual advance or major technical and/or interpretational problems.

Reviewers are requested to evaluate a paper with respect to the following criteria:

  • Significance . Does the work address an important problem within the research fields covered by the journal?
  • Background . Is the work appropriately based on and connected to the relevant related work?
  • Novelty . For research papers: Does the work provide new insights or new methods of a substantial kind? For position papers: Does the work provide a novel and potentially disruptive view on the given topic? For survey papers: Does the work provide an overview that is unique in its scope or structure for the given topic? For resource papers: Does the presented resource have significant unique features that can enable novel scientific work?
  • Technical quality . For research papers: Are the methods adequate for the addressed problem, are they correctly and thoroughly applied, and are their results interpreted in a sound manner? For position papers: Is the advocated position supported by sound and thorough arguments? For survey papers: Is the topic covered in a comprehensive and well balanced manner, are the covered approaches accurately described and compared, and are they placed in a convincing common framework? For resource papers: Is the presented resource carefully designed and implemented following the relevant best practices, and does it provide sound evidence of its (potential for) reuse?
  • Presentation . Are the text, figures, and tables of the work accessible, pleasant to read, clearly structured, and free of major errors in grammar or style?
  • Length . Is the length of the manuscript appropriate for what it presents?
  • Data availability . Are all used and produced data are openly available in established data repositories, as mandated by FAIR and the data availability guidelines ?

Finally, reviewers are asked to answer the following points:

Accept or reject decisions are made by the Editors-in-Chief, whose decision is final.

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Title: generation and human-expert evaluation of interesting research ideas using knowledge graphs and large language models.

Abstract: Advanced artificial intelligence (AI) systems with access to millions of research papers could inspire new research ideas that may not be conceived by humans alone. However, how interesting are these AI-generated ideas, and how can we improve their quality? Here, we introduce SciMuse, a system that uses an evolving knowledge graph built from more than 58 million scientific papers to generate personalized research ideas via an interface to GPT-4. We conducted a large-scale human evaluation with over 100 research group leaders from the Max Planck Society, who ranked more than 4,000 personalized research ideas based on their level of interest. This evaluation allows us to understand the relationships between scientific interest and the core properties of the knowledge graph. We find that data-efficient machine learning can predict research interest with high precision, allowing us to optimize the interest-level of generated research ideas. This work represents a step towards an artificial scientific muse that could catalyze unforeseen collaborations and suggest interesting avenues for scientists.

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by Michael Friedrich

As part of a new series profiling participants in SSRC’s Criminal Justice Innovation Fellowship program, Romaine Campbell talks about his research on police and prison policies. This is a cross-posting with  Arnold Ventures .

Recently, the Social Science Research Council (SSRC), with support from Arnold Ventures (AV), launched the Criminal Justice Innovation (CJI) Fellowship program , which supports early-career researchers who are exploring what works to make communities safer and the criminal justice system fairer and more effective. 

“These CJI fellows will spend the next three years investing in their own policy-relevant research, as well as conducting policy analyses for AV that will directly inform our work,” Jennifer Doleac , executive vice president of criminal justice at AV, says. “We are eager to know if particular policies and programs are working, and this group of researchers will figure that out. I’m thrilled to get to work with these brilliant, talented scholars.”

According to Anna Harvey , president of the SSRC, this new fellowship program will uniquely foster innovative and rigorous causal research on criminal justice policies. “By supporting ‘people, not projects,’ the CJI fellowships will give these exceptional young researchers the time and freedom to pursue novel and creative approaches to evaluating criminal justice policies and practices. We can’t wait to see what they produce,” she says. 

In part one of a new series profiling the CJI fellows, AV spoke with Romaine Campbell, a Ph.D candidate in economics at Harvard University whose work addresses racial disparities in the criminal justice system.

Romaine Campbell: Police Behavior and Community Safety

A labor economist by training, Campbell will produce research as a fellow through the CJI fellowship program over the next two years before joining the faculty at Cornell University’s Brooks School of Public Policy. His research will focus on how federal scrutiny impacts police behavior and community safety, as well as the effects of higher education in prison on the outcomes of people who are incarcerated, among other topics. 

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Campbell, who is originally from the Caribbean, says that he has seen how rigorous empirical research can help to explain the things that are important for his community. “A lot of my work looks at how we can improve law enforcement in the United States,” he says. “Policing serves an important role in ensuring the public safety of communities, but increasingly we’re aware of the social costs that can sometimes come with policing. My work examines policies that can help balance the important work that officers do with trying to mitigate the harms that come out of the excesses of policing.”

In 2023, Campbell published a working paper on the results of federal oversight of policing in Seattle. Using administrative data from the Seattle Police Department, the paper found that federal oversight resulted in a 26% reduction in police stops in the city — mostly by reducing stop-and-frisk style stops. Importantly, that reduction had no impact on the rates of serious crime or other community safety measures. 

As part of the new fellowship, Campbell expects to expand his work on the impacts of police oversight. By working with other police departments across the country, he will explore how officers respond to federal investigations, how it affects their behavior, and what types of policing are actually effective for crime reduction. Some policymakers, Campbell notes, have expressed concerns that adding oversight to police departments causes them to pull back from policing, which can damage community safety. As such, policies are needed that reduce the harms of policing while also allowing officers to address serious crime and build trust with the communities they serve. “As our society considers the best ways to improve policing,” he says, “it’s going to be important to document the types of policies that can achieve this without having deleterious effects for communities.” 

Additionally, working in partnership with the Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office, Campbell and colleagues intend to explore the impact of Brady Lists — public-facing records of information about police misconduct, decertification, use-of-force reports, and other metrics — to understand how prosecutors use such information in charging decisions in their cases. 

Separately, Campbell and colleagues plan to launch a project to understand how the provision of higher education in prison affects short- and long-term outcomes of people who are incarcerated, especially their social and economic mobility. He will focus on Iowa, where agreements with the state’s department of corrections, department of education, and workforce development agency will provide him with the necessary data. 

Campbell says that rigorous research is important for decision-making about public policy in the criminal justice system. “When you operate in public policy spaces, you really want to build out evidence-based policy,” he explains. “We can all have our feelings and intuitions about what will happen when a policy goes into effect, but the gold standard should be to implement policies that are supported by data.”

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Discovering cryptic natural products by substrate manipulation

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Merck’s Life Science Advanced Research Centre, Darmstadt, Germany

Merck will build an advanced research centre for its Life Science business sector in Darmstadt, Germany, by early 2027.

Project Type

Research centre

Darmstadt, Germany

Estimated Investment

€300m ($321m)

Construction Started

Expected operations.

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Merck KGaA (Merck), a pharmaceutical company based in Germany, will build a new state-of-the-art advanced research centre at its headquarters in Darmstadt, Germany.

The research centre named Life Science Advanced Research Center (LS ARC) will be utilised by Merck’s Life Sciences business sector to explore critical technologies for manufacturing antibodies, mRNA applications, essential products for biotechnological production and more.

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Merck will invest more than €300m ($321m) in the project. The investment is part of a broader €1.5bn ($1.6bn) investment programme at the Darmstadt site by 2025.

The construction of the research centre officially began in April 2024, following the completion of the feasibility study in 2022. The facility is expected to begin operations in 2027 and can accommodate approximately 550 employees.

Location of Merck’s new research centre

The advanced research centre will be situated at the Merck Firmenzentrale on Frankfurter Street 250 in Darmstadt.

The new research building will be built facing the city centre within a central research and development (R&D) campus at Merck Group’s headquarters.

The campus is located along an area called the Innovation Mile, whose southern end is marked by Merck’s Innovation Center at Emanuel-Merck-Platz.

The Darmstadt site is among Merck’s most critical centres for life science R&D, with an estimated one-fifth of the life science business sector’s sales from new products forecasted to originate from this location over the next decade.

Merck Advanced Research Centre details

The new centre will have an area of 18,000m² (193,750ft²). It will encompass a gross floor area of 32,000m² (344,445ft²) with a total of six floors above ground and two subterranean levels.

It will include 7,500m² (80,729ft²) office and communication spaces, as well as 8,300m² (89,340ft²) laboratory space with modules of 650m² (6,996ft²) each, measuring 71m long, 68m wide and 28m high.

The Technikum, a demonstration lab on the ground floor, will be used to offer insights into the research work of the company. The technical centre at the basement will feature innovative automated logistics and storage technology such as a driverless transport system, vertical automated goods handling system to the laboratory, and fully automated storage systems (auto store and pallet warehouse).

The centre will focus on R&D in life science to strengthen innovation in downstream R&D, cell cultures, pharmaceutical processes, formulation and purification aids, analytical chemistry, and digital chemistry for researching and manufacturing antibodies, recombinant proteins and viral vectors. Research activities related to the mRNA value chain will also be based at the new centre.

Merck’s Advanced Research Centre design

The LS ARC will offer an open and contemporary working environment designed to foster cross-departmental collaboration. The building’s design will maximise work process synergies by linking spaces, allowing for flexible subdivision both horizontally and vertically.

The upper stories’ open-plan layout merges laboratories and offices into a unified workspace. Laboratory areas will be situated on two sides of the building, with the central world of knowledge space encompassing office areas and shared communication zones for employee interaction.

Two compact cube-structured atria will be built, one at the entrance lobby and another in the winter garden, opening towards the campus and the city. The atria will be enclosed by a staggered, cantilevered arrangement of the upper floors allowing daylight to permeate the building’s core through the glass ceilings. The incorporation of regional flora transforms the atria into serene recreational spaces.

Glazed walls will offer transparency within the building and across the campus, while the interior’s subtle colour palette will create a comfortable atmosphere. Laboratory areas will be emphasised with coloured glass walls. The louvre structure present in front of the glazed facade will be cut open to allow glimpses into the interiors.

Sustainable features of Merck’s Advanced Research Centre

The building will provide solar shading with projecting floor slabs on the southern side of the building and recessed terraces on the northern facade together with the external louvres made of bright perforated metal.

Rooftop photovoltaic installations will generate electricity for the facility. The building will also feature full-surface geothermal energy and air-source heat pumps.

The facades and green roofs with rainwater retention will contribute to energy conservation and microclimate enhancement. The green roofs will also play a role in converting carbon dioxide into oxygen and absorbing particulate matter from the ambient air.

The research centre is designed for gold certification from the German Sustainable Building Council (DGNB).

Contractors involved

HENN, an international architecture company, is responsible for the design of the new research centre and Drees & Sommer, a construction and real estate consulting company, for project controlling.

Aplantis, a landscape architecture company, serves as a consultant for outdoor facilities and indoor greening, and B+G Ingenieure Bollinger und Grohmann, an engineering company, for structural engineering, facade, building physics, and acoustics.

Winter Beratende Ingenieure fur Gebaudetechnik, an engineering consultancy company, provides building services while Tichelmann & Barillas Ingenieurgesellschaft, an engineering company, provides fire protection services.

Baudynamik Heiland & Mistler, an engineering consultant, collaborated on structural dynamics, Eurolabors, a company specialising in laboratory planning, architecture, and consulting, on laboratory planning, Scherr+Klimke, an architecture digitalisation and automation services provider, on logistics planning, Lumen3, a company specialising in lighting design and solutions, on light planning, and io-consultants, a consulting and planning company, on process planning for the project.

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    (1) Attention Is All You Need [Paper on arXiv]Released in 2017 by a team from Google, this paper has revealed to the world a new neural-network block called a Transformer — and can easily be marked as one of the most significant milestones in the development of modern Deep Learning models.. Transformers allow processing of sequences in a parallel method, unlike the preceding state-of-the-art ...

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    Read the latest stories published by Towards Data Science. Your home for data science. A Medium publication sharing concepts, ideas and codes.

  8. Scientific data

    Declining groundwater storage expected to amplify mountain streamflow reductions in a warmer world. Rosemary W. H. Carroll. Richard G. Niswonger. Kenneth H. Williams. Research Open Access. All ...

  9. Full article: Data Science in Science: A New Journal with a Radically

    Data Science in Science is founded as an open access international journal that publishes original research, letters, and reviews at the intersection of Science and Data Science. Its aim is to advance: Development of additional shared Principles for interpretable, transparent, explainable, and ethical Data Science.

  10. Home page

    The Journal of Big Data publishes open-access original research on data science and data analytics. Deep learning algorithms and all applications of big data are welcomed. Survey papers and case studies are also considered. The journal examines the challenges facing big data today and going forward including, but not limited to: data capture ...

  11. Data Science in Science

    Data Science in Science is an open access, international journal publishing original research and reviews at the intersection of Science and Data Science. new practices for scientific reproducibility and replicability enabled through Data Science. It promotes the intrinsically multidisciplinary nature of the field of Data Science and seeks ...

  12. Data Science Journal

    The CODATA Data Science Journal is a peer-reviewed, open access, electronic journal, publishing papers on the management, dissemination, use and reuse of research data and databases across all research domains, including science, technology, the humanities and the arts. The scope of the journal includes descriptions of data systems, their implementations and their publication, applications ...

  13. Scientific Data

    Scientific Data is an open access journal dedicated to data, publishing descriptions of research datasets and articles on research data sharing from all areas ...

  14. 69901 PDFs

    Data science combines the power of computer science and applications, modeling, statistics, engineering, economy and analytics. Whereas a... | Explore the latest full-text research PDFs, articles ...

  15. Machine learning

    Machine learning articles from across Nature Portfolio. Machine learning is the ability of a machine to improve its performance based on previous results. Machine learning methods enable computers ...

  16. Research Areas

    Research Areas | Data Science. The world is being transformed by data and data-driven analysis is rapidly becoming an integral part of science and society. Stanford Data Science is a collaborative effort across many departments in all seven schools. We strive to unite existing data science research initiatives and create interdisciplinary ...

  17. Data Science and Analytics: An Overview from Data-Driven Smart

    This research contributes to the creation of a research vector on the role of data science in central banking. In , the authors provide an overview and tutorial on the data-driven design of intelligent wireless networks. The authors in provide a thorough understanding of computational optimal transport with application to data science.

  18. Data Science

    The journal invites contributions ranging from theoretical and foundational research, platforms, methods, applications, and tools in all areas. We welcome papers which add a social, geographical, and temporal dimension to data science research, as well as application-oriented papers that prepare and use data in discovery research. Core Topics

  19. Big Data Research

    The journal will accept papers on foundational aspects in dealing with big data, as well as papers on specific Platforms and Technologies used to deal with big data. To promote Data Science and interdisciplinary collaboration between fields, and to showcase the benefits of data driven research, papers demonstrating applications of big data in ...

  20. Top 20 Latest Research Problems in Big Data and Data Science

    E ven though Big data is in the mainstream of operations as of 2020, there are still potential issues or challenges the researchers can address. Some of these issues overlap with the data science field. In this article, the top 20 interesting latest research problems in the combination of big data and data science are covered based on my personal experience (with due respect to the ...

  21. Research on Data Science, Data Analytics and Big Data

    Abstract. Big Data refers to a huge volume of data of various types, i.e., structured, semi structured, and unstructured. This data is generated through various digital channels such as mobile, Internet, social media, e-commerce websites, etc. Big Data has proven to be of great use since its inception, as companies started realizing its importance for various business purposes.

  22. Generation and human-expert evaluation of interesting research ideas

    Here, we introduce SciMuse, a system that uses an evolving knowledge graph built from more than 58 million scientific papers to generate personalized research ideas via an interface to GPT-4. We conducted a large-scale human evaluation with over 100 research group leaders from the Max Planck Society, who ranked more than 4,000 personalized ...

  23. "The gold standard should be to implement policies that are supported

    The Social Science Research Council fosters innovative research, nurtures new generations of social scientists, deepens how inquiry is practiced within and across disciplines, and mobilizes necessary knowledge on important public issues. ... Data Fluencies - Research grants and convenings to identify data-centric practices that advance well ...

  24. The impact of founder personalities on startup success

    Here, we show that founder personality traits are a significant feature of a firm's ultimate success. We draw upon detailed data about the success of a large-scale global sample of startups (n ...

  25. Best Data Science Courses Online [2024]

    Introduction to TensorFlow for Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning. Course. Learn Data Science or improve your skills online today. Choose from a wide range of Data Science courses offered from top universities and industry leaders. Our Data Science courses are perfect for individuals or for corporate Data Science ...

  26. Recent Advances in Robotics and Intelligent Robots Applications

    A Feature Paper should be a substantial original Article that involves several techniques or approaches, provides an outlook for future research directions and describes possible research applications. Feature papers are submitted upon individual invitation or recommendation by the scientific editors and must receive positive feedback from the ...

  27. Data mining

    Data mining articles from across Nature Portfolio. Data mining is the process of extracting potentially useful information from data sets. It uses a suite of methods to organise, examine and ...

  28. Merck's Life Science Advanced Research Centre, Darmstadt, Germany

    Location of Merck's new research centre. The advanced research centre will be situated at the Merck Firmenzentrale on Frankfurter Street 250 in Darmstadt. The new research building will be built facing the city centre within a central research and development (R&D) campus at Merck Group's headquarters. The campus is located along an area ...

  29. The phosphate starvation response regulator PHR2 ...

    New Phytologist is an international journal owned by the New Phytologist Foundation publishing original research in plant science and its applications. Summary Phosphate starvation response (PHR) transcription factors play essential roles in regulating phosphate uptake in plants through binding to the P1BS cis-element in the promoter of ...