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Crop Recommendation System using Machine Learning

Profile image of International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology IJSRCSEIT

2021, International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology

A vast fraction of the population of India considers agriculture as its primary occupation. The production of crops plays an important role in our country. Bad quality crop production is often due to either excessive use of fertilizer or using not enough fertilizer. The proposed system of IoT and ML is enabled for soil testing using the sensors, is based on measuring and observing soil parameters. This system lowers the probability of soil degradation and helps maintain crop health. Different sensors such as soil temperature, soil moisture, pH, NPK, are used in this system for monitoring temperature, humidity, soil moisture, and soil pH along with NPK nutrients of the soil respectively. The data sensed by these sensors is stored on the microcontroller and analyzed using machine learning algorithms like random forest based on which suggestions for the growth of the suitable crop are made. This project also has a methodology that focuses on using a convolutional neural network as a primary way of identifying if the plant is at risk of a disease or not.

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Improving Crop Productivity Through A Crop Recommendation System Using Ensembling Technique

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Farmright – A Crop Recommendation System

  • Conference paper
  • First Online: 11 January 2023
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crop recommendation research paper

  • Dviti Arora 8 ,
  • Sanjana Drall 8 ,
  • Sukriti Singh 8 &
  • Monika Choudhary 8  

Part of the book series: Communications in Computer and Information Science ((CCIS,volume 1759))

Included in the following conference series:

  • International Conference on Advancements in Smart Computing and Information Security

577 Accesses

Agriculture is extremely vital to our economy and boosting the development of this sector always adds up to the economic & political value of our country. Health of all the crops grown is affected by various aspects including technological, biological, and environmental factors. The environmental facet particularly has been drastically changing, posing challenges in front of the peasants. They face a significant difficulty in determining the optimal crop for their farming region to maximize productivity and profit. For Indian farmers, there is no existing reliable recommendation mechanism. Giving an address to this issue, the study proposes a crop recommendation system based on a multi-label classification model which considers the location of peasants, composition of soil, and weather characteristics, and provides a ranked list of suggested crop seed to be produced for greater yield. Researchers compare many algorithms based upon the performance criteria and capabilities to develop the best recommendation model for crops. With a precision of 82.74%, a recall of 80.92%, and an F1 score of 78.67%, the most optimal model was revealed to be an RF Technique. The trained model proved advantageous in catering the farmers with a ranked list of crops deployed along with an interface for better user experience.

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Computer Science and Engineering, Indira Gandhi Delhi Technical University for Women, Delhi, India

Dviti Arora,  Sakshi, Sanjana Drall, Sukriti Singh & Monika Choudhary

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Arora, D., Sakshi, Drall, S., Singh, S., Choudhary, M. (2022). Farmright – A Crop Recommendation System. In: Rajagopal, S., Faruki, P., Popat, K. (eds) Advancements in Smart Computing and Information Security. ASCIS 2022. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1759. Springer, Cham.

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Published : 11 January 2023

Publisher Name : Springer, Cham

Print ISBN : 978-3-031-23091-2

Online ISBN : 978-3-031-23092-9

eBook Packages : Computer Science Computer Science (R0)

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  21. Improving Crop Productivity Through A Crop Recommendation System Using

    The crop recommendation system classifies the input soil dataset into the recommendable crop type, Kharif and Rabi. The dataset comprises of the soil specific physical and chemical characteristics in addition to the climatic conditions such as average rainfall and the surface temperature samples. The average classification accuracy obtained by ...

  22. Farmright

    This paper aims at proposing a crop recommendation system called FarmRight, to tackle such problems. ... The purpose of the research is to increase crop productivity by using the ensembling technique to provide high-accuracy and efficient predictions. ... and hamming loss are compared. For the crop recommendation system, the model with the ...

  23. A Machine Learning-Driven Crop Recommendation System with IoT

    This paper figures out the yield recommendation of the crop by the accurate comparison of numerous machine learning ML regressions where the overall percentage improvement over several existing ...

  24. PDF Crop Recommendation System using Machine Learning

    Intelligent Crop Recommendation System Using Machine Learning Algorithms". In this research paper, developed an intelligent system called AgroConsultant. This proposed system can be divided into two sub-systems: i) crop suitable predictor ii) Rainfall Predictor. This proposed system are worked on five major (bajra, jowar,