Ellin Lolis Consulting

The Yale SOM Video Essay Questions – And How to Successfully Answer Them

Sep 18, 2023

yale video essay mba

Why does Yale require a video essay?

How does the yale video essay work, technical requirements, which types of questions are asked.

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UPDATE : This article was originally posted on September 18, 2019. It has been updated with new information and tips below. 

With curricular flexibility that allows students to take classes across Yale’s many faculties (not just the business school!), Yale SOM is a top choice for engaged, globally-minded leaders who seek to make a meaningful difference in the world, all while benefiting from an Ivy League education. 

Despite this fact, many applicants dedicate countless hours to writing Yale’s admissions essays and then rush through the video essay component. 

This is a huge mistake. 

In addition to giving the admissions committee the chance to “put a face with a name,” the Yale SOM video essay is an essential part of the Yale application, as it allows committee members to determine if your communication style and values are a good fit with the Yale community. 

In fact, in our experience helping our Yale applicants secure a place at the school, we have noticed that the video essay can be as influential in an applicant’s admissions decision as the admissions interview . 

That’s why we’ve prepared this guide to help you understand how the Yale video essay works and have shared a list of Yale video essay questions to ensure you put your best foot forward! 

When we first started working with Yale applicants many years ago, the video essay component had not yet been introduced. However, after being one of the first business schools to incorporate the video essay into their admissions process, this component has quickly become a critical part of the application. 

That’s because it gives the admissions committee the chance to truly “meet” candidates — as well as identify red flags in potential members of the Yale community. 

Here is what they say about it: 

Yale SOSM Video Essay Requirements

The way the video essay works is very simple. 

After submitting your application, you will receive an email from a company called Kira Talent. This email will contain a link that allows you to access the video essay platform. 

After signing in and starting the session, you will get three Yale video essay questions in total, one at a time. All will be random, but each question falls into a certain category (more on that below!). 

  • For questions 1 and 3 , you will have 20 seconds to think and 60 seconds to answer. 
  • For question 2 , you will have 30 seconds to think and up to 90 seconds to answer. 
  • You will be able to stop the question and move on if you finish before the time runs out.

If you’ve taken the TOEFL exam , you’ve already practiced for the type of format you can expect in the Yale video essay! 

After signing in and “starting” the session, a video will appear on the screen. This video will show a member of the Yale community, who will read the question you are tasked with answering. The question will also appear in written form under the video. 

After the time runs out, the screen video will disappear, and your image will be visible on the screen. At this point, your 20 or 30 seconds to think will automatically appear. 

After the preparation time runs out, the clock to answer (60 or 90 seconds!) will start, and you will need to give your answer during this period of time. Remember: you cannot redo any of the Yale video essay questions . 

After you answer the question, the system will upload your answer to the server (depending on your connection this can take a while) and will present you with the next question. 

DO NOT leave your computer during the upload time, even if it’s taking a while. You cannot pause the process, and you may end up missing questions!

The Behavioral Assessment

Yale also has a unique separate video essay requirement: the behavioral assessment . 

Unlike the video essay, the behavioral assessment is a fixed-choice assessment conducted by ETS that does not require any previous preparation. It is designed to measure a set of “interpersonal and intrapersonal competencies associated with business school success,” according to the Yale SOM site. 

The behavioral assessment should be completed in a single sitting and should take you about 20 minutes to complete. 

Given past applicants’ issues with iPad and mobile versions of the application, we strongly suggest you record your answer on a computer . 

If you do end up experiencing technical issues, access the support page here . 

yale video essay mba

Regardless of when you submit your application, you need to submit your responses to the Yale video essay questions no more than 48 hours after the round’s deadline . Find Yale’s most current application deadlines here. 

If you submit your application early, you can submit the Yale video essay questions at any time, as long as you make the final deadline.  

The Yale video essay questions are grouped into three different categories, each with a different focus. 

Group 1: MBA Motivations

The first question in the Yale SOM video essay will focus on your interest in Yale or the reason you are pursuing an MBA.

Yale SOM Video Essay Applicants

(Photo courtesy of @yalesom on Instagram)

This might take the form of “Why Yale?”, or “What are you expecting to learn at Yale?”. Conversely, they may also ask why you think now is a good moment in your career to stop and go to business school. They obviously want to be sure that you have researched Yale and have good reasons for applying for an MBA.

For this section, refer back to your goals essay , reflect, and be honest with yourself about why you’re applying to Yale. Maybe you like the program’s focus on diversity, maybe the raw case method, or perhaps you have colleagues who attended and spoke highly of Yale. 

The curriculum should also be a selling point for you, as well as the clubs and campus life, the diversity of the students, the experience of the teachers, and the internships and alumni network.

Now, please don’t reel off that list! It won’t be personal enough to you. 

Instead, clearly articulate your top three or four reasons for applying to Yale , and speak about them.

You don’t need to spend much time introducing this topic, saying “There are three main reasons why I want to attend Yale” and then giving us the reasons is more than enough.

It’s always good to include something that shows you’ve researched the program, so mentioning something specific, be it the academic modules or a specific club you want to join is a must for a winning video essay. 

Group 2: Behavioral questions

Yale is a community that values purpose-driven, adaptable people who work well in teams and are strong communicators. 

For that reason, Yale often asks questions aimed at determining if you work well with others and will be a positive addition to the Yale community. 

These questions won’t specifically ask, “Do you like working in a team,” but if you can keep in mind that this is a chance to show how you interact with others, you’ll have a good starting point for this question.

Typically questions range from how you help someone who needs advice, to your management style to how you handle conflict.

To do well in this question, it’s great to draw on examples , and to be clear and to the point.  Furthermore, make sure to show your human side and demonstrate that you genuinely care for others and want the teams you join to succeed. It can be easy to answer in a very conversational way, but doing so can often lead to an answer without a point, so make sure you use your planning time to structure the key elements of your answer. 

For this question, you want to make sure you’re showing what you do and use active language.

Your answer will want to show that you’re mature, that you’re emotionally intelligent, that you can see the bigger picture, that you’re empathetic, and that you make a positive contribution to those around you.

If the question is about helping someone with a problem, tell us what you do. Perhaps you first like to listen, then help them get clear on what they really want, and then decide together on some next steps.

If the question is about your management style, be precise. Tell them how you manage people and why. Maybe you’re very hands-off, and like to give everyone the opportunity to take responsibility within their role, as you think this empowers them the most to learn and develop. Maybe you’re more hands-on and like to make sure your team knows they can come to you with problems, as giving people too much freedom too soon can actually be overwhelming to them.

Regardless, make sure to show your reasons for your actions and demonstrate that you’re a person who embraces collaboration and who sees setbacks as opportunities for learning.

Group 3: The thinking question

In addition to the traditional interview questions, you will also be required to answer a thinking question (similar to a case study) during the Yale video essay. 

The key to the thinking question is to see how you think on your feet (and, as a result, test how well you’ll do with Yale’s raw case method ). 

The point of this task is to see if you can present a clear idea and demonstrate good critical thinking abilities, not to get the “right” answer. As such, focus on using your answer to walk through a clear, well-reasoned answer to the prompt. 

Sample Questions

To help your preparation, here are a few sample Yale video essay questions that our clients received when completing their own Yale video essays. 

Group 1 Questions

  • Why are you pursuing an MBA at this point in your life?
  • Why are you doing an MBA now?

Group 2 Questions

  • You are starting a new project with team members coming from different cultures and educational backgrounds. How would you help them get to know each other?
  • What do you do when someone comes to you with a problem?
  • A colleague is asking you to help them assess their future career options. How do you help them grow?

Group 3 Questions

  • Please respond to the following statement: “It is better for a leader to have a superficial knowledge of many topics than to be an expert in one topic.” Do you agree or disagree with this statement?
  • Providing health insurance for employees is the most pressing issue for business leaders at the moment. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? 
  • Please respond to the following statement: “It is more important to judge people by their actions than by their intentions.” Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

The difference between a good and great Yale SOM video essay

Given the importance of the video essay in your Yale SOM application, it’s crucial to make sure you don’t just have a good video essay but that you have a great video essay. 

Now that you’ve learned how the video essay will work, we’ve gathered our top 5 tips here to ensure your video essay performance brings you one step closer to reaching your goal of attending Yale. 

Make sure you get into Yale SOM

You have stressed about every aspect of your Yale application, and now you are ready to record your video essay! With the right preparation, this can be your chance to shine and get a highly-coveted spot at Yale. 

However, maybe you don’t know where to start in preparing, or maybe you ramble on and lose your focus while answering. Maybe you’ve even downloaded the sample questions and written out your answers. The problem is, when you try to apply these templates to your own story, it doesn’t quite work.

Our video essay prep focuses on helping you determine how to present yourself to Yale while using appropriate, impact-driven language without being artificial, or worse, robotic.

Regardless of where you’re from or what type of experience you have, we are focused on helping you do your best. 

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Want to put the Ellin Lolis advantage to work for you? Schedule your preparation session with our team of video essay experts today!

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Yale MBA Essay for 2023-2024

Yale MBA essay

Is the Yale School of Management on your list of target MBA programs? Then get ready to hit the ground running. The Yale MBA essay and deadlines for the 2023-2024 admissions season has been confirmed. After six years of asking the same single prompt, Yale SOM has broadened the possibilities for applicants to share what resonates most with them.

Required Yale MBA Essay

From the Yale SOM: We want to know what matters to you, and our essay question is designed to help us gain insight into your background, passions, motivations, responsibilities, ideals, identities, challenges, or aspirations, depending on where you take your response. To ensure that you’re able to write about something important to you, we offer you three essay prompts from which to choose:

Option 1) Describe the biggest commitment you have ever made. Why is this commitment meaningful to you and what actions have you taken to support it?

Option 2) Describe the community that has been most meaningful to you. What is the most valuable thing you have gained from being a part of this community and what is the most important thing you have contributed to this community?

Option 3) Describe the most significant challenge you have faced. How have you confronted this challenge and how has it shaped you as a person?

Choose the prompt that speaks most strongly to you and about which you have the most enthusiasm. In answering the prompt – whichever one it is – you should think about the life experiences that have been most meaningful to you and that you most want to communicate to the committee, and pick the question that will best allow you to express that aspect of yourself. We find that the most compelling essays are the ones that are truly most important to you, so make sure that’s your guide in choosing what to write about; don’t try to guess what we’re looking for or what you think we want to hear. Importantly, regardless of which prompt you choose, you’ll want to support your essay with concrete examples.

Importantly, regardless of which prompt you choose, you’ll want to support your essay with concrete examples.

yale video essay mba

Optional Information

Per the SOM: The Optional Information section is truly optional. It’s not an additional required essay – if no aspect of your application requires further explanation, you should leave this section blank. In most cases, we get all the information we need from the various components of your application and there is no need to complete this section.

However, if you think the Admissions Committee would benefit from a brief explanation regarding any aspect of your application, you may provide it in the Optional Information section. Your general approach should be that if there is something you feel is material to your candidacy that you are not able to include in another section of the application, put it here.

Here are some examples: Consider providing additional context if it will allow us to better understand your academic performance, promotions or recognitions, or other information that is not apparent from the rest of your application. If you’ve taken concrete steps to mitigate a weaker element of your application or have an accomplishment that does not fit anywhere else in the application, you might include that here. Note that you should use the specific prompts provided in the Work Experience section to address gaps in work experience or choice of recommender. And if you would like to provide additional details to expand on any information provided in the Background Information section, you’re encouraged to do so in the “Supplemental Detail” area within that section.

For more information on applying, please visit the Yale SOM admissions website. If you need guidance on your Yale MBA essay and application or wish to discuss your business school plans, reach out for a complimentary analysis of your candidacy. We’re here to help! Meanwhile, here’s a snapshot of the expertise on our consulting team :

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Personal MBA Coach

Yale SOM Essay Tips and Application Deadlines: 2023-2024

Yale SOM Essay

Yale School of Management has released deadlines and essays for the 2023-2024 application year, changing their essay section for the first time in eight years.

As one of the smaller top MBA programs, Yale SOM’s intimate class size is a defining characteristic of the program, with 347 students enrolled in the class of 2024 . Of these students, 43% identify as women, 48% are international passport holders, 17% are first-generation college students, and 12% identify as LGBTQ+.

The class of 2024 came from a range of pre-MBA industries, the top three being financial services, consulting and non-profit. On average, students had an average of 4.4 years of work experience.

Want to learn more about applying to Yale SOM? Take a look at Personal MBA Coach’s interview with Laurel Grodman, Assistant Dean for Admissions at Yale School of Management, to get insider advice on the Yale SOM experience and application process.

Watch below to learn how to position yourself for success!

The Upcoming Yale SOM Application Deadlines Are as Follows:

Round 1:  September 12, 2023

Round 2:  January 4, 2024

Round 3:  April 9, 2024

This year, Yale SOM decided to allow applicants to choose the essay question they would like to answer, leavings its longstanding essay regarding commitment as one of the options. Bruce DelMonico, Assistant Dean for Admissions, gives more detail on this choice in the 2023-2024 Application Guide (copied below):

We want to know what matters to you, and our essay question is designed to help us gain insight into your background, passions, motivations, responsibilities, ideals, identities, challenges, or aspirations, depending on where you take your response. To ensure that you’re able to write about something important to you, we offer you three essay prompts from which to choose:

1) Describe the biggest commitment you have ever made. Why is this commitment meaningful to you and what actions have you taken to support it?

2) Describe the community that has been most meaningful to you. What is the most valuable thing you have gained from being a part of this community and what is the most important thing you have contributed to this community?

3) Describe the most significant challenge you have faced. How have you confronted this challenge and how has it shaped you as a person?

Choose the prompt that speaks most strongly to you and about which you have the most enthusiasm.

Student Looking at Financial Times MBA Rankings on a iPad

Personal MBA Coach’s Yale SOM Essay Tips:

It can always be a bit of a challenge when a program offers you an essay choice. However, Yale has stated that you should truly pick the essay question you best relate to and there is no “wrong choice.”

Regardless of which option you choose, as you craft your Yale SOM essay, keep in mind that Yale strives to “educate leaders for business and society.” With a passionate and committed student body, Yale takes pride in the small group learning teams and close-knit community.

Below, we have shared our tips for approaching each of the three options:

Yale MBA Essay Option 1: 

Describe the biggest commitment you have ever made. (500 words).

This question gives candidates a chance to provide admissions committee members with a glimpse of who they are and what matters to them, confirming they can and will live up to the school’s lofty mission.

The commitment can be personal or professional, though Personal MBA Coach prefers to see candidates share personal experiences in their Yale SOM essays. Whatever you choose, be sure that you focus on ONE thing; do not include multiple commitments here. Past MBA essay examples have included causes, personal development areas, athletic achievements and professional pursuits. The commitment can be something completed in the past or ongoing. However, if you select something that is ongoing, be sure that you have already made significant steps to deliver against your commitment. A commitment you just recently made and your forward-looking plans will not cut it here.

Yale SOM wants to see passion, dedication and follow-through. They want to assess how you think and how you plan effectively. Your commitment should be something that genuinely matters to you. Remember, think leader for business AND society here.

The most successful answers will show how you have delivered against this mission in the past. However, the commitment does not have to be focused on volunteer work. There are countless ways to make an impact on society.

Five hundred words is fairly short, and this is your main shot to show who you are and why you will fit in on campus. Be focused and be genuine!


Yale MBA Essay Option 2:

Describe the community that has been most meaningful to you. what is the most valuable thing you have gained from being a part of this community and what is the most important thing you have contributed to this community (500 words).

This essay is a great opportunity for candidates who have a close relationship with a particular community. You can think of your physical community or think of community more broadly.

To craft a strong answer here, be sure that you can identify a community from which you have learned and to which you have contributed. Remember, this is your main opportunity to tell Yale SOM what you uniquely bring to the table, so be sure that community is significant to you.

Once you have defined this community for the reader, tell them how this community shaped who you are today.

Equally as important, you want to share what you have done to add value to this community. As you do this, be specific! Keep in mind that Yale admissions directors are looking to glean information on how you will add value on campus. While you do not need to discuss Yale here, past actions are the best predictors of future behavior so let Yale SEE the leader you will be on campus.

Yale MBA Essay Option 3:

Describe the most signific ant challenge you have faced. how have you confronted this challenge and how has it shaped you as a person (500 words).

This third option is also new for Yale SOM. For those applicants considering this option, keep in mind that Admissions Directors shared at the 2023 AIGAC conference how the “trauma” essay, particularly if unrelated to an applicant’s reason for applying to business school, is often overused.

This means that the challenge selected here does not need to be a major tragedy that you faced or challenge you have overcome. You can select either a personal or professional challenge here. However, this challenge should have shaped you in some way.

A strong essay not only will show the skills you developed and utilized in overcoming this challenge but also help the reader to understand how this experience has prepared you to succeed at Yale and beyond.

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Yale MBA Short Answer Essay: Post-MBA Interests: Briefly describe your career interests and how you arrived at them. What have you already done to pursue these interests? What do you need to do going forward? (150 words)

Finally, Yale has a short career goals essay. There is a lot to cover in just 150 words so you want to be very direct. In addition to briefly sharing your goals with Yale (need help developing a compelling goal statement – check out this blog ), tell the reader what drove these goals and how you have already prepared for them. Finally, think about where Yale fits into the picture. While there won’t be a lot of space to deep dive into Yale’s offerings in this essay, you should make it clear that you have thought about why you need a Yale MBA to be successful in achieving your goals.

Yale MBA Reapplicant Essay Topic:

Since your last application, please discuss any significant updates to your candidacy, including changes in your personal or professional life, additional coursework, or extracurricular/volunteer activities. (200 words maximum; required for all reapplicants).

Reapplicants should use the required additional essay to demonstrate growth. We advise candidates to review  our tips for reapplicants  before tackling this essay.

Finally, Yale has retained its video essay

Candidates will receive the video questions after submitting their applications. Learn more to get started with Personal MBA Coach’s video essay guidance and tips . Ready to apply to Yale SOM? Contact Personal MBA Coach today  to learn how we can help with your Yale SOM application!

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Application Guide

The SOM Application Guide provides useful insights into the MBA application process and can help you prioritize, manage, and complete your Yale SOM application.

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I chose to attend Yale SOM because of the diverse backgrounds, passions, and aspirations that make up the community. From a classmate who worked in sustainable agriculture to another who fundraised for the arts, I was drawn to how no one mold defines the "atypical" SOM student. I valued SOM's multifaceted approach to the core curriculum for that reason, especially as someone coming into business school to make a career pivot. To hear my peers' perspectives on how sustainability plays a role in operations or on the intersection of technology and corporate responsibility has only enriched my ability to be a more empathetic and effective business leader.” Stephanie Lu ’23

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Video highlights

Preview image for the video "Inside the Yale SOM Experience".

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Bruce DelMonico shares advice on how to approach the application process—and what the Admissions Committee is really looking for. 

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Student-developed ai chatbot opens yale philosopher’s works to all.

Nicolas Gertler and Luciano Floridi

Nicolas Gertler and Luciano Floridi (Portraits by Mara Lavitt)

The public is often closed off from scholarly perspectives on the potential benefits of generative artificial intelligence (AI). Studies often reside behind pricey paywalls. And even if they are accessible, they are frequently written in esoteric language that non-academics struggle to parse.

Nicolas Gertler, a first-year student in Yale College, saw a potential solution to these obstacles, through generative AI’s own capabilities.

Gertler, a research assistant at Yale’s Digital Ethics Center (DEC) , has spearheaded an experiment using generative AI to make bodies of knowledge broadly accessible. With Rithvik “Ricky” Sabnekar, a high school junior and skilled developer from Texas, he created the Luciano Floridi Bot , also known as LuFlot, a free AI-powered online educational tool designed to foster engagement with the works of Yale philosopher and DEC Director Luciano Floridi, a pioneer in the philosophy of information and one of the most-cited living philosophers.

The developers believe it’s the first time a chatbot has been trained on an academic’s corpus of literature and released to the public for free.

“ The idea was to democratize access to Professor Floridi’s work,” Gertler said, who undertook the project after discussing its possibilities with Floridi. “The issues he has written about touch everyone’s lives, and more and more people are becoming aware of AI. LuFlot provides an AI-driven platform for much broader engagement with the ethical questions surrounding this transformative technology.”

Meant to facilitate teaching and learning, the chatbot is trained on all the books that Floridi has published over his more than 30-year academic career. Within seconds of receiving a query, it provides users detailed and easily digestible answers drawn from this vast work.

It’s able to synthesize information from multiple sources, finding links between works that even Floridi might not have considered.

The tool features in-text citations, allowing users to trace the origins of the information provided directly to the original texts. If asked a question outside its knowledge base, the bot will politely respond that the query falls outside the scope of Floridi’s expertise. But relevant questions receive prompt and thorough answers. For example, a question asking how to use AI ethically quickly generated a clear, eight-point response with sources cited.

The interface also allows users to ask follow-up questions.

“ Anyone, regardless of their knowledge of AI, can visit the website, ask a question, and have a conversation with the founder of the philosophy of information,” Gertler said. “I think that’s remarkable.”

The tool warns users to evaluate its answers critically, as it may generate incorrect or biased information.

Floridi, professor in the practice in the Cognitive Science Program in Yale’s Faculty of Arts and Sciences, is impressed by the chatbot and its young developers.

“ The center is focused on the impact of digital technology and the ethics of AI, so it makes a lot of sense to have a bot available to answer people’s questions,” Floridi said. “The bot is an amazing tool. Nicolas and Ricky deserve all the credit. I’m just the supporting band.”

He has also become a user. For background on a paper he is writing, Floridi asked the chatbot about asymmetry between good and evil.

“ It gave me an amazing answer, accurately referencing concepts and ideas I had completely forgotten that I’d written about,” he said. “It can instantly draw interesting connections between something I published last year and something I published in 1991, which is incredible.”

Dynamic knowledge

Gertler, who is from Los Angeles, became interested in AI’s potential to benefit society about five years ago after watching YouTube videos on the topic.

“ I love thinking about the societal and ethical implications of new technologies and how they can be leveraged to help people, especially those in underserved and marginalized communities,” he said.

He is involved with two youth-led organizations devoted to harnessing new technology for the greater good: He serves as AI and education advisor of Encode Justice, an organization of more than 1,000 high school and college students across the world that advocates for steering AI in directions that benefit society. He also is vice president of Fidutam, a civil-society group that mobilizes its more than 1,600 members to advocate for and build responsible technology.

At the DEC, Gertler explores how to use generative AI to create educational frameworks that can provide enriched learning experiences. He also serves as the first-ever “AI student ambassador” at Yale’s Poorvu Center for Teaching and Learning, engaging with faculty on integrating AI into instruction and developing resources for students and faculty on the ethical use of AI in pedagogy.

The LuFlot project came together fast. Earlier this year, Gertler showed Floridi a chatbot he had created in his cognitive science class, intended to help students learn the course material. After a few conversations, the idea for LuFlot was born.

Gertler and Floridi decided to build from scratch a custom chatbot with its own user interface, rather than rely on existing tools like ChatGPT. Gertler brought on board Sabnekar, who attends Plano East Senior High School in Plano, Texas, to help develop the bot. The two met through Fidutam, where Sabnekar leads the technical development of the organization’s projects. 

“ Ricky is technically brilliant,” Gertler said.

The pair founded Mylon Education, a startup company seeking to transform the educational landscape by reconstructing the systems through which individuals generate and develop their ideas. LuFlot is the startup’s first project. 

“ Our goal is finding ways to harmonize human agency and creativity with AI-enabled structural support,” Gertler said. “That involves incorporating AI tools into the writing process without inhibiting people’s agency. It’s not about using the chatbot to write essays. It’s about using this technology to deepen your knowledge and sharpen your creativity and critical thinking skills.”

Generative AI and other innovations are changing how people learn, Floridi said. So there needs to be new approaches to teaching.

LuFlot demonstrates that it is cheap, feasible, and efficient to train an AI chatbot on a scholar’s corpus and have it produce high-quality answers to users’ prompts, he said. Chatbots could be trained on other scholars’ work or on an instructors’ entire course content, which could help students learn and retain information. 

“ It’s much more useful than just making my lecture notes available online,” he said.

Floridi says he is reminded of Plato’s criticism of the invention of writing — that it is not a dynamic means of sharing knowledge because reading it always conveys the same answer.

“ The bot is dynamic,” he said. “It will not give you the same answer if you ask the same question even slightly differently. And you can ask it to be more specific. And it will grow as you train it with more information.”

Visit this link to converse with LuFlot about the ethics of digital technologies.

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