How to Nail the "Why Wharton" MBA Essay

Learn how to craft a compelling 'Why Wharton' MBA essay that sets you apart from the competition. Elevate your application to stand out.

Posted January 31, 2024

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The "Why Wharton" MBA essay is an essential part of your application to the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. In this essay, you have the opportunity to explain why you are specifically interested in Wharton and how the MBA program aligns with your career goals and aspirations. To help you stand out from other applicants and demonstrate your fit with the school, it is crucial to approach this essay strategically and thoughtfully.

Understanding the "Why Wharton" Essay

why wharton mba essay

Before diving into the specifics of crafting a compelling essay, it is essential to understand why the "Why Wharton" essay holds such significance. This essay is an opportunity for the admissions committee to assess your motivation, fit, and potential contribution to the Wharton community. It enables them to understand your unique perspective and evaluate whether you will thrive in their program.

The admissions committee receives numerous applications, and the "Why Wharton" essay allows you to differentiate yourself and make a memorable impression. It is crucial to show genuine interest in the school and convey how your values and goals align with Wharton's mission.

The Importance of the "Why Wharton" Essay

The "Why Wharton" essay plays a pivotal role in the application process. It allows you to showcase your research, knowledge, and understanding of the school - highlighting why you believe Wharton is the ideal place to pursue your MBA.

When writing your essay, it is important to go beyond surface-level information about Wharton. Delve into the specific programs, courses, and resources that Wharton offers that align with your career aspirations. For example, you could discuss how Wharton's emphasis on experiential learning through the Global Modular Courses will provide you with the hands-on experience you need to excel in your chosen field.

Furthermore, you can explore the various student clubs and organizations at Wharton that align with your interests and goals. Whether you are passionate about entrepreneurship, social impact, or finance, Wharton offers a wide range of extracurricular activities that can enhance your learning experience and provide networking opportunities.

By writing a strong "Why Wharton" essay, you demonstrate your dedication and seriousness about joining the Wharton community. It shows your ability to think critically and explains how attending Wharton will help you achieve your professional goals.

What Wharton is Looking For

Wharton is seeking candidates who are not only academically accomplished but also possess qualities that align with their values. In your "Why Wharton" essay, you should emphasize your unique mix of skills, experiences, and interests that make you a valuable addition to the Wharton cohort.

Wharton values applicants who are intellectually curious, emotionally intelligent, and collaborative. They appreciate individuals who have demonstrated leadership potential and have a passion for making a positive impact on society. Therefore, your essay should reflect these qualities and emphasize how Wharton's program will enhance and nurture them.

For example, you could discuss a time when you took the lead in a team project and successfully motivated your teammates to achieve a common goal. Highlighting your ability to collaborate and inspire others will demonstrate your potential as a future leader in the Wharton community.

Additionally, Wharton values candidates who have a global mindset and are open to diverse perspectives. You can showcase your international experiences or discuss how Wharton's global immersion programs will allow you to gain a deeper understanding of different cultures and business practices.

Ultimately, the "Why Wharton" essay is your opportunity to showcase your fit with the school and convince the admissions committee that you are the right candidate for their program. By highlighting your unique qualities, experiences, and aspirations, you can make a compelling case for why Wharton is the perfect place for you to pursue your MBA.

How to Prepare Your MBA Essay Writing

Before you start writing your "Why Wharton" essay, it is essential to take the time for self-reflection and goal setting. Begin by asking yourself why you want to pursue an MBA and how it aligns with your career aspirations. Consider your strengths, values, and long-term goals - how can Wharton help you leverage these?

Equally important is conducting thorough research on Wharton's MBA program. Familiarize yourself with the school's curriculum, faculty, clubs, and other offerings. Look for specific aspects of the program that resonate with your goals and interests.

Self-Reflection and Goal Setting

Self-reflection is a crucial step in the application process. It helps you identify your motivations, strengths, and weaknesses. Take some time to reflect on your professional journey, achievements, and the skills you want to acquire during your MBA.

Consider your short-term and long-term goals and how an MBA from Wharton will contribute to achieving them. Reflecting on your past experiences and future ambitions will enable you to articulate a compelling argument in your essay.

Research the Wharton's MBA Program

Wharton is renowned for its rigorous curriculum and world-class faculty. As you research the school, look for specific courses, clubs, or centers that align with your career goals or personal interests.

By highlighting these areas of alignment, you demonstrate a genuine interest in Wharton and its offerings. The more specific you can be about how you will leverage these resources, the more persuasive your essay will become.

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4 Ways to Craft Your "Why Wharton" Essay

Once you have completed your self-reflection and research, it's time to start crafting your "Why Wharton" essay. Here are crucial elements you should include:

Understand the Essay Prompts

Before you dive into writing, thoroughly understand the essay prompts provided by the business schools you're applying to. Break down each prompt, identifying key elements and requirements. This foundational step ensures that your essay addresses the specific aspects sought by the admissions committee.

Create a Structured Outline

Organize your thoughts by creating a well-structured outline for your essay. Divide it into clear sections, such as introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. Each section should contribute to a cohesive narrative that effectively communicates your story and goals. A well-organized essay is easier for the reader to follow and understand.

Focus on the Content

Begin your essay with a captivating introduction that grabs the reader's attention. Clearly state why you are interested in Wharton and briefly outline the main points you will cover in your essay.

In the body paragraphs, delve deeper into your reasons for choosing Wharton. Personalize your essay by sharing your relevant experiences, skills, and interests. Be specific about the resources, courses, and clubs at Wharton that will help you achieve your goals.

Remember to organize your thoughts logically and transition smoothly between paragraphs. Use relevant examples and anecdotes to add depth and authenticity to your essay.

Highlight Your Unique Perspective

Wharton values diversity and appreciates different perspectives. Use your essay to showcase your unique experiences and cultural background. Emphasize how your perspectives and experiences will enrich the Wharton community.

Consider discussing any challenging situations you have faced and explain how these experiences have shaped your character and prepared you for the rigors of an MBA program. By highlighting your resilience and adaptability, you demonstrate your potential for success at Wharton.

Remember to Polish Your Essay

After completing your initial draft, it's essential to refine and polish your essay to ensure a compelling narrative that captivates the reader. Here are some important steps:

Review and Revise

Set aside time to review your essay critically. Check for clarity, conciseness, and coherence. Ensure that your essay flows smoothly and that each paragraph contributes to the overall message.

Read your essay aloud or share it with a trusted friend or mentor for feedback. Revise as necessary to eliminate any unclear or redundant content.

Seek Feedback

Another valuable step in polishing your essay is seeking feedback from others. Reach out to professors, colleagues, or friends who can provide valuable insights and suggestions. Consider incorporating their feedback to improve the quality of your essay.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

While preparing your "Why Wharton" essay, be mindful of these common mistakes that you should avoid:

Being Too Generic

Avoid writing a generic essay that could apply to any business school. Your essay needs to demonstrate a deep understanding of Wharton's program and highlight the unique aspects that attract you to the school.

Instead of mentioning generic reasons like "world-class faculty" or "diverse student body," provide specific examples of how these factors align with your personal and professional aspirations.

Overemphasizing the School's Reputation

While it is important to acknowledge Wharton's prestigious reputation, avoid solely focusing on this aspect. Admissions committees are interested in understanding how you will contribute to the Wharton community and how the program will benefit you personally.

Balance your appreciation for Wharton's reputation with a genuine enthusiasm for the specific resources, courses, and opportunities that make the school an ideal choice for your MBA journey.

In conclusion, the "Why Wharton" MBA essay is a critical component of your application. By understanding the significance of this essay and following the strategies outlined above, you can craft a compelling essay that showcases your fit with Wharton's program, values, and aspirations. Remember to invest ample time in self-reflection, research, and revision to ensure that your essay stands out and impresses the admissions committee. Good luck!

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Wharton MBA Essay Samples

Wharton looks for exceptional career trajectory, quantitative chops, and demonstrated leadership, teamwork, and interpersonal skills. In recent years, they have worked to deemphasize the GMAT so it’s not quite as rigid as it once was as in order to diversify class. With less emphasis on stats, the Wharton essays are essential to showcasing character and experiences.

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Director, the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania Professional Writer

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Laura comes from the MBA Admissions Board at Harvard Business School (HBS) and is an HBS MBA alumnus. In her HBS Admissions role, she evaluated and interviewed hundreds of business school candidates, including internationals, women, military and other applicant pools, for five years.  Prior to her time as a student at HBS, Laura began her career in advertising and marketing in Chicago at Leo Burnett where she worked on th ...

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Dione holds an MBA degree from Stanford Business School (GSB) and a BA degree from Stanford University, where she double majored in Economics and Communication with concentrations in journalism and sociology. Dione has served as an Admissions reader and member of the Minority Admissions Advisory Committee at Stanford.   Dione is an accomplished and respected advocate and thought leader on education and diversity. She is ...

Anthony served as the Associate Director of MBA Admissions at the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, where he dedicated over 10 years of expertise. During his time as a Wharton Admissions Officer, he read and reviewed thousands of applications and helped bring in a class of 800+ students a year.   Anthony has traveled both domestically and internationally to recruit a ...

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As a Wharton MBA, I plan to seek opportunities that exploit my strengths contributing to team environments. First, I thrive in settings where I can leverage my broad knowledge base and strong analytical foundation to help solve problems across a number of functions. Similarly, my empathetic style of leadership has been effective in engaging a range of perspectives and voices towards a common goal. Both aspects position me uniquely to take on roles where I can bridge Wharton with the surrounding community.

Dance education is an initiative I’m highly motivated to support, as dance has been an amazing therapeutic outlet for me. The countless hours I’ve spent bhangra dance moves have been both highly meditative and endlessly entertaining. Dance is also perhaps the most powerful unifier of people I’ve ever experienced. All personal differences seem to wash away when people can join around their common love of dance. While at Wharton, I plan to combine my appreciation for performance and excitement to engage with the community by working with Wharton Dance Studio, which brings Wharton students together in a broad variety of styles and and cultures, for events such as the Wharton Dance Studio & India Club’s joint Bollywood Fusion Diwali Dance Workshop. Whether teaching, organizing live events for the community, or even taking the stage as a dancer myself, I am excited about the range of ways I can spread the joy of movement through the Wharton Dance Club.

Another area of personal interest where I intend to contribute meaningfully to the Wharton community is golf. I played golf extensively growing up, but talents lie less on the fairway and more in the front-office. For years, I have maintained an avid interest in the advanced analytics of golf as a scouting / decision-making tool, even going so far as to create my own statistical models. As a widget industry professional, I’ve become well-versed in the emerging technology companies advancing the applications of data analytics to the golf handicap industry. Working with the Wharton Golf Club, I am eager to help lead the Wharton team competing at the MBA Masters tourney at Duke University and the annual Spring Scramble, and I would love to organize teams of Wharton golfers to work with inner-city Philadelphia high school and collegiate kids, helping to promote the adoption of advanced golf statistical handicapping to elevate athletic performance at the amateur level.

My short-term post-MBA goal is to join the Strategy and Operations team at a widget tech firm such as well-known-companies-that-recruit-at-Wharton A and B, to gain experience in creating growth opportunities in digital widgets. Long-term, I hope to become the COO of a widget-tech firm and drive the expansion of widget inclusion, particularly in REGION X where I grew up.

Widget inclusion is in a state of disarray, both in the United States and around the world. While going to college in COUNTRY X, I learned about the struggles migrant workers faced in accessing the widget services they needed. Foreign domestic helpers and construction workers told me how difficult it was to do xxx, yyy or zzz in countries where they lacked institutional ties. I became interested in Widget-tech after seeing widget-tech companies’ potential for expanding inclusion and widget literacy issues.

The Wharton MBA will prepare me to become a leader in the widget-tech industry. In my consulting experience at CONSULTING GIANT X, I have worked primarily with traditional widget manufacturing corporations, and developed expertise in improving risk management operations. I want to use the Wharton MBA to build on my experience while learning about managing operations more holistically across an organization, and developing relationships and expertise in the widget-tech industry.

Wharton’s Strategic Management major and elective offerings will help me succeed in a strategic and operational role. STUDENT 1 (Wharton’2X), recommended the course “Managing the Established Enterprise,” which provides frameworks on generating value and competitive advantages. “Technology Strategy,” taught by Professor Rahul Kapoor, will help me apply this knowledge to the widget industry specifically. Learning more about Professor Kapoor’s research on managing emerging technologies will also help me understand the market applications of new widget technologies.

Beyond the classroom, I will gain hands-on experience through participating in an Independent Study Project with the Widget Center for Innovation. STUDENT 2 (Wharton’2X) told me about her project identifying opportunities for technological innovation for Widgets Inc. Projects like these will provide me with new real-world insight into how technology is transforming conventional widgeting models.

I also plan to use Wharton’s Widget-tech Club to build ties in the widget industry. I will benefit from the community-building event and content development support the club facilitates. I am particularly interested in Career Treks related to digital widgets and manufacturing, and the annual widget-tech Conference. Listening to speakers such as Famous Executive, Strategy and Operations Lead at Widgets-R-Us, who spoke at the 2022 Conference, I will learn from industry leaders who are in roles I someday hope to inhabit. Current club member STUDENT 3 also told me about the club’s focus on member education and how it helped him communicate effectively when networking with widget-tech firms. The weekly lunch-and-learns and alumni fireside chats offered by the club will also deepen my content expertise and credibility in the widget industry.

Speaking with students and alumni showed me the supportive nature of Wharton’s community and I look forward to leveraging Wharton’s global network throughout my career in the widget industry.

When I was in my freshman year of high school, I signed up for the girl’s [sport] team. However, as the tryouts neared, I got cold feet; I had only played [sport] for one year prior to ninth grade. The high school coach was also my gym teacher, and she knew I was supposed to go out for the team. I could not imagine telling her that I had gone back on my word, so I dragged myself to the first practice.

That turned out to be one of the best decisions I have made. My coach gave us individualized cards before every game with that day’s goals—evidence of how deeply she cared for her players. I was a starting player by my sophomore year, and she would make me yell out directions to organize my teammates. This included telling the seniors who to cover, which was intimidating. Her confidence in me translated into confidence in myself, and I went on to play for her in the state championship game my junior year. We were not the most-skilled team in the state, but preparation, dedication and hard work helped us achieve a better record than we would have otherwise.

I continued to play in college, where my experience was completely different. At [College], we barely had enough players to field a team my senior year, so we had to recruit from the women’s [sport] and [sport] teams and other athletic friends. Learning to compete with an eclectic group of women with drastically different skill levels was a challenge. But remembering how to motivate individuals and focus on strengths helped me to succeed as captain.

My experience playing [sport] has shaped my career thus far by helping me to find ways to win in the competitive world of sales and trading and equity research. I know it will affect my contributions to the Wharton community as well. By trying out for the team my freshman year, I learned that I need to put myself out there—even if it’s uncomfortable—to gain new experiences and grow individually. I will be very active in on-campus groups, like Women in Business and Wharton’s Fintech club. Given all of the opportunities to get involved in business school, I understand the dedication it takes to get things like the Women’s Summit across the finish line. [Sport] also taught me how to empower individuals and work with a diverse group of people. By recognizing each person’s strengths, I will not only bring my Learning Team together, but also contribute to a greater sense of togetherness across the teams I am a part of at Wharton.

Finally, I would also like to contribute to the greater Wharton community by helping to coach [sport] locally in Philadelphia. I believe extending my network beyond Wharton’s walls will strengthen my leadership development, and I hope to inspire confidence in other young girls who are just beginning to think about their careers.

I am an avid runner, and am empowered by the physical feats my body is capable of. I share this outlet by volunteering with [Nonprofit], a [Description of Nonprofit]. Most recently, I [Description of achievement]. Reaching this milestone together required teamwork, leadership and commitment to action, all of which I will bring to the Wharton community.

As a team of mentors, we were charged with leading participants through a 10-week training program prior to our big event. Each week, we integrated our different professional backgrounds to appeal to the members’ diverse personalities. May, an outdoor adventure leader, was accustomed to exerting control in chaotic environments and expertly channeled energy into physical activity. June, a special event planner who is used to calming her clients in high-stress environments, easily dug into people’s underlying emotions to understand their excitement or concerns for race day. On my Wharton Learning Team, I will leverage this same collaborative approach to tackling challenges — actively contributing my own perspective and encouraging my teammates to do the same, all while pushing the group to integrate our ideas into the strongest possible response.

As we prepped the girls for the event, I gained a deeper appreciation for how passion develops leadership. I am passionate about our work, but I feel even more strongly about using it to empower the younger community. This heightened sense of purpose motivated me to work through challenges and help our members reach their goals. As a member of Wharton’s PE/VC Club and Wharton Women in Business, I will use my passion for improving businesses through investment and promoting women’s leadership to enhance the clubs’ respective communities and execute events. I am particularly eager to serve as Co-President of Wharton Women in Business and work with my team of Co-Presidents to host the Wharton Women’s Summit.

Finally, inspired by a member of my [Nonprofit] team, I will promote a commitment to action while at Wharton. AAA had struggled to gain her parents’ support during the season, but nonetheless continued to compete with a quiet determination. The day before our big event, she confided in me that she had been apprehensive about being able to do it, knowing that her parents would not be among the supporters. However, she also revealed her excitement to compete and to share in the success of her friends. Their collective hard work superseded her fears. Wharton’s campus celebrates the same type of commitment to action on behalf of others that AAA so maturely displayed that day. I will channel this practice by serving on the Deans’ MBA Advisory Council, deepening my understanding of the diverse initiatives of my peers, and then promoting their interests across the broader community. I aim to augment Wharton’s culture of sharing in each other’s successes, just as AAA did for our team.

In my Research role at [Company], I cover industrial companies that have been around for decades. I’ve noticed that in these organizations, the most exciting work is being done in the newer, software-led divisions. That’s why after graduation, I would like to expand my knowledge of new technologies in a digital transformation consulting role at a firm like Bain or BCG. Ultimately, I would like to be COO at a financial services or fintech company like PNC, Paypal, or Betterment.

To reach these goals, I hope to gain a better understanding of operations to complement my finance background. Classes in Wharton’s Operations, Information and Decisions department, such as “Information and Business Transformation” and “Enabling Technologies,” would provide a strong foundation and help me be in on the conversation about how businesses of the future will be run. Joining the Fintech club will increase my exposure to smaller growth companies and developing technologies, while allowing me to network with likeminded students.

Wharton can also help me develop the skills necessary to succeed in an upper-management position. I would take “Managing the Emerging Enterprise” to learn how to not only retain and attract talent, but also improve organizational processes. Further, I know I would benefit from taking classes with Adam Grant and Stew Friedman in particular. “Negotiations” would help me build a critical skill, and “Executive Leadership” would give me the tools to become a better leader inside and outside of work. I am also eager to learn how to encourage employees to bring their “whole self” to work.

I plan to network with [Alum] co-founder and CEO of [Company], and ask him about his experience running a fintech company and the impact his platform has had on smaller business.

[Alum], [Company] founder, is another alum I would like to connect with. I want to know how he grew his company and how customer demands have changed over the last few years as data analysis has become more mainstream. I am also interested in learning about investor’s openness to using this information to make investment decisions.

Finally, I intend to join Wharton Women in Business to network with classmates and industry leaders. I also hope to assist in organizing the Wharton Women’s Summit and bring inspiring female trailblazers to Philadelphia to share their experiences and accomplishments. I believe broadening my perspective through leadership expeditions and my classmates’ experiences will make me a more effective leader. Wharton’s diverse alumni network, leadership programs and faculty will help fill the gaps in my background and put me in the best possible position for a job in a digital consulting and ultimately for a COO role at a fintech or financial services company.

I love traveling to interview potential investment targets’ management teams; I have talked with executives at organic food producers, auto manufacturers, concrete block fabricators, and 30 other unique businesses. However, I have yet to encounter more than one woman serving in a senior-level position. I need a Wharton MBA to change this statistic.

In the short term, I will use my MBA to transition to a private equity investment role at a multinational investment firm like Carlyle, Blackstone or KKR. By capitalizing on Wharton’s advanced elective finance classes, I hope to sharpen my analytical proficiency and deepen my investment strategy knowledge.

I will complement the core’s rigor with electives such as The Finance of Acquisitions and Buyouts, which will expose me to real-world investment scenarios and improve my understanding of nuanced transaction-related details. Further, Wharton’s Learning Team model will enhance my perspective as I work with my team to incorporate our diverse backgrounds into problem solving. As [Alum] has proved, Wharton is unmatched in developing well-rounded investors and teammates.

Ultimately, I hope to leverage the leadership skills I develop at Wharton to land an executive position in the private equity division of a global investment firm. I intend to use my platform to campaign for the promotion of women to leadership positions across the industry. Through courses such as William Lauder’s Decision-Making in the Leadership Chair, I will have direct exposure to C-suite professionals and learn how to both position myself for a similar role and overcome challenges once in the position.

At the Diverse Perspectives on the Wharton MBA event in NYC, [Alum] recommended Stew Friedman’s Total Leadership to learn how to think about personal and professional fulfillment. I developed a greater appreciation for the role fulfillment can play in women’s career decisions while serving on a women’s initiative task force at [Company]. This course will be instrumental in achieving my future goal of campaigning for more female industry leaders.

I also intend to put classroom lessons into practice by serving as a Venture Fellow. I am intrigued by [Alum]’s role as a Fellow for the Andes Leadership Venture, which she detailed during conversation at an Admissions event in NYC. Just as she applied learnings from this experience to her role at the [Organization], I will do the same as an executive within a global investment firm.

Wharton’s clubs will further contribute to my development. Wharton Women in Business will serve as an excellent platform to refine my knowledge of women’s professional challenges across industries, and the Wharton Private Equity & Venture Capital Club will expose me to the diverse investment backgrounds of my peers. I also intend to serve as a Co-Chair for the PE/VC Conference, and I will use the opportunity to expand my network within the investment industry.

Wharton will help me develop the nuanced thinking and bold leadership necessary to incite change for women across the financial services industry.

My long-term goal is to combine my experience in finance and my passion for technology by starting and leading a technology company in China as a CFO. I developed an appreciation for technology companies during my time with Firm Q. I always believed they help to boost innovative ideas and make great products affordable to people from all walks of life. When I later moved to Bank, I got to know these companies more in-depth through working in the leading technology research team. I came to understand that business and innovation often go hand in hand. I want to lead a technology start-up of real social impact and propel innovation with the power of finance.

To achieve this goal, I intend to first earn an MBA and then work in Investment Banking M&A covering the technology sector in a major bank such as Goldman or Morgan Stanley after graduation. Working in the primary market would allow me to look at the technology industry from a different angle and help me be more prepared for my ultimate goal of building one of these companies.

Wharton gives me access to the tools I will need to succeed. Distinguished alumni such as Person 1 and Person 2 have spoken at length about their Wharton experiences. At Wharton, I will not only gain the knowledge needed for a leadership role in a tech start-up, but also attain deeper understanding of finance and how it functions inside and outside start-ups. Courses such as Venture Capital and Finance of Innovation, International Corporate Finance, Entrepreneurship through Acquisitions, and Enabling Technologies will provide me with insights into how finance connects with technology start-up companies in a global setting.

The role I envision for myself is that of a CFO. However, startups don’t often have the luxury of a full executive suite so I will need to sharpen my leadership and knowledge application capabilities. Speaking with ’17 student Tracy and attending info sessions, I got excited about Wharton’s broad array of courses and extra-curricular activities that emphasize leadership. Courses such as Managing the Emerging Enterprise and the Executive Coaching and Feedback Program will be central to developing my leadership skills. Besides, the Mack Institute for Innovation Management is an excellent platform for me to apply knowledge learned in management courses and develop practical approaches. In addition, I am extremely interested in the Global Immersion Program, which could offer me valuable insights through practical experience of direct interaction with local business leaders, managers, and government officials.

Outside the classroom, I will take leadership roles in the Technology club and Entrepreneurship club, where I will connect with students of similar belief and passion. Moreover, the strong Wharton alumni network in China also sets a solid foundation for my long-term career development.

Wharton is the school that not only helps me achieve my short-term goal, but also prepares me for my long-term goal by providing knowledge across subjects, leadership and immersive application training, extra-curricular activities, and community.

When I was twelve, I traveled alone to California to visit my mom’s former colleagues. While enjoying my first cup of Starbucks, I introduced Chinese traditions such as green tea and Beijing opera into these foreigners’ lives. As a Chinese girl who inherited traditional cultural values yet has also obtained a global viewpoint from living in Hong Kong and many visits to the U.S., I will contribute to Wharton by blending the western and eastern cultures and enhancing communication between both sides.

In the classroom I will contribute my deep accounting and finance knowledge and insights into the technology industry such as Apple’s supply chain competitive landscape. My international background and global perspective will allow me to provide the class with fresh angles to approach problems. In learning groups I will contribute to discussion and teamwork by playing various roles including teammate, motivator, and leader. My previous experience working with international teammates at Firm A and Bank Z strengthened my teamwork and communication skills.

In student clubs, I will contribute through taking a leadership role in the Technology Club and leveraging my contacts with technology companies and experts. For example, I could invite the CEO of StartUp Q, a leading Chinese artificial intelligence player, to talk about AI development trend. I will also join the Asia club as an officer and help with organizing the annual Asian Business Conference. I successfully organized the ABC Conference under the competition started by Wharton and the World Bank. I also attended the Harvard JKL Conference as a delegate. These experiences make me prepared to lead and contribute to the club. As an experienced student club leader, I will use my skills to identify merits in each teammate, utilize their strengths, and motivate the team.

Lastly, I want to contribute through community service. Specifically, I will apply to the Wharton Nonprofit Board Leadership Program. My commitment to community service started during college when I founded a social enterprise aimed at helping underprivileged families in Hong Kong bringing their handcrafted products to market. I worked at a Non Profit, 123 Health, on the project planning team at Uni. I am ready to contribute, and also excited to learn more Board skills at Wharton.

My perspective has been shaped by experiences spanning three different countries, and I am committed to sharing my unique experiences with the diverse Wharton community.

My long-term plan is to launch a company focused on providing solutions that allow teachers to tailor academic content to students based on their individualized needs. I have been involved in the education sector for many years, as a tutor throughout high school and college, and currently as a board member for Los Angeles Teach for America. I have long been interested in educational technology given its potential to dramatically alter the engagement level and overall learning process for students and enhance the education system. To achieve this goal I first need an MBA and an initial strategic planning role in an early stage education technology company, such as ABC Learning or Real Knowledge, where I will gain more experience in the industry, develop better cross-functional skills, and learn how to build a young business. Wharton is the first step on my journey.

While my undergraduate education and professional experiences have provided significant practice in the fields of finance and accounting, I will expand that exposure at Wharton across the full spectrum of other business functions such as strategy, sales and marketing, and operations. Courses such as Professor Siggelkow’s Strategy and Competitive Advantage will teach me to build competitive advantage for an enterprise through strategic decision-making, a key topic to meet my near-term career objectives. Entrepreneurial-focused learning like the Formation and Implementation of Entrepreneurial Ventures class will help as well, as I’ll learn to build and implement an effective start-up business model. Outside of the classroom, Wharton’s Entrepreneurship Club will offer exposure to different ideas and business plans developed by classmates, provide the opportunity to connect with alumni and learn from their entrepreneurial experiences, and serve as a network for potential funding sources down the road. Across both classroom and extracurricular activities I am excited to learn from the varied and diverse experiences of my peers in the Wharton community and benefit from their unique perspectives.

Personally, a Wharton MBA will further enhance my softer management and leadership skills. I am excited to take Foundations of Teamwork and Leadership which will allow hands-on development and application of these skills from the very beginning in Pre-Term. I also plan to serve as a Board Fellow in the Nonprofit Board Leadership Program, which will combine an interactive leadership learning opportunity with the ability to give back to local non-profit organizations – a continuation of the non-profit board work I have enjoyed over the last several years. Taking on a leadership role in the Entrepreneurship Club will give me additional experience leading a group of my peers and increase my engagement in the entrepreneurial community at Wharton. Lastly, I look forward to developing strong relationships with classmates during the program and with other Wharton alumni more broadly. The unique talents of classmates and global reach of Wharton’s deep alumni network will provide an invaluable source of ideas, resources and guidance throughout my career and entrepreneurial endeavors. Ultimately, Wharton serves as the ideal platform for me to continue my professional and personal development to achieve my career goals.

To me, academic engagement encompasses the whole Wharton learning community. I see myself contributing through the classroom, clubs and volunteer organizations.

In the classroom, I will help my learning group going through the fixed core because of my academic background and my professional experience in finance and consulting. My college coursework includes honors econometrics along with undergraduate and graduate level courses in regression analysis. This background will allow me to help my group as we go through Regression Analysis for Managers. Additionally, my professional experience will be valuable in Marketing Management which covers customer segmentation and pricing strategy, among other topics. As a consultant, I worked on several growth strategy projects based on customer segmentations. At ABC Private Equity, I helped develop pricing strategies for various businesses including a dental lab, a chain of ambulatory surgery centers and a software company. My professional experience will help me contribute to classroom discussion in elective courses outside the fixed core. For example, I plan to take Negotiation and Dispute Resolution. At ABC Private Equity, I negotiated reimbursement rate increases with health insurance companies and a multi?company deal for document printing services with a print vendor.

I also plan to contribute through leadership roles in student clubs such as the Healthcare Club. I believe that I could leverage some of my contacts in the healthcare industry to help organize a speaker series for this group. I could reach out to Mike Jones , a former president of XYZ Healthcare, to speak about the implications of healthcare reform legislation. I am working closely with Mike to develop a reimbursement management strategy for our clinical lab business.

I would also seek an officer position with the Technology Club. My experience creating web applications including a procurement management app and a pricing calculator for a dental business will make me a valuable addition to that club; I can help students from non?technical backgrounds become conversant in programming concepts.

Finally, I would like to contribute through volunteer activities. I will apply to the Wharton Nonprofit Board Leadership Program, and hope for a board position at a nonprofit focused on child/teen education. I firmly believe in the value of education and this has led me to help educate others. This started in college, where I worked as a calculus teaching assistant and continues today. I currently volunteer, through DEF Scholars, as a mentor helping underprivileged high school seniors apply to college. I also volunteer with XYZ Tutoring, a nonprofit providing free ACT prep to Chicago Public School students. At XYZ, I lead a team of three programmers building a web portal for students to take practice tests.

Wharton brings together students from diverse backgrounds to create a pool of complementary knowledge, talent and connections that all can draw from to accomplish their goals. Everyone must be willing to give into the pool. I value this dynamic and am committed to contributing.

Professionally, I want to further develop skills needed to achieve my career goals. My short term goal is to join a corporate strategy team at a large healthcare company. Subsequently, I would transition into a management role at one of that company’s business units. I would then pursue a CEO position at a mid?size healthcare IT business such as Vitera Solutions. I grew up close to someone with a chronic illness. This situation created turmoil in my family and eventually led to my parents divorce. The condition eluded effective treatment until one doctor found a combination of six drugs that brought the symptoms under control. This experience motivated me to pursue a career in healthcare and particularly healthcare IT, where data mining can be used to identify novel treatment combinations. To reach my career goals, I need to refine my leadership and analytical skills.

Ive demonstrated leadership potential through projects inside and outside of work but need to further develop as a leader to be highly effective in corporate strategy, as a manager, and as a CEO. I would accomplish this at Wharton through coursework and extracurricular activities. Specifically, I would take courses focused on leadership including Executive Leadership and Advanced Persuasion. Outside the classroom, I would take advantage of the Executive Feedback and Coaching Program. I would also participate in the Tall Ship Sailing leadership venture, first as a participant and then, hopefully, as a venture fellow.

At Wharton, I would improve analytically by learning to better apply academic theory to business problems. I studied economics and mathematics at the University of Chicago. Whereas Wharton’s philosophy is Knowledge for Action, the University of Chicago’s could best be described as Knowledge for Theory. This training gap has prevented me from fully utilizing economics/statistics to solve business problems. I would address this at Wharton through collaboration with other students and faculty on research projects. For example, I would apply for a Mack Institute Research Fellowship to explore novel ways to use patient data to improve healthcare outcomes.

Personally, I want to make close friends who share my interest in business. I met most of my close friends in college. Very few went into business. I could build similarly close relationships with other students at Wharton through my core learning group and student clubs. I have been impressed with the professional aptitude and personal qualities of the Wharton alums that I have met in my career and would be excited to build friendships with others like them. As an example, I worked on a project with John Smith (WG 99), an executive at CDE Medical. John is not only one of the smartest guys I have ever met, he is also one of the nicest.

Wharton is the only program that can help me attain my professional and personal goals: developing skills inside and outside the classroom to be an executive of impact, and forming networks and lasting friendships with like?minded individuals.

why wharton mba essay

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A Wharton applicant begins drafting their Wharton MBA Essays

Everything You Need To Know About The Wharton MBA Essays

The Wharton MBA essays are an essential aspect of your application. By allowing a deeper look into your values, experiences, and motivations, your essay submissions significantly affect the way Wharton’s admissions committee views your MBA candidacy. This information can cause the writing process to seem extremely intimidating, but you don’t need to fret. This article outlines everything you need to know about the Wharton MBA essays.

What Are the Wharton MBA Essays?

Typically, there are two essay prompts in the Wharton MBA application, along with one optional prompt. There are also essays specifically for those applying to joint-degree programs and an additional essay for reapplicants.

The Wharton MBA essay prompts can change from year to year. However, you can find many of the same themes and ideas in the various essay questions. Here are some examples of past Wharton MBA essay prompts: ‍

What do you hope to gain professionally from the Wharton MBA? (500 words)

This essay is pretty straightforward – How will Wharton benefit you?

How to Approach this Essay

Start by outlining specific short-term and long-term career goals, demonstrating a clear connection between these objectives and the Wharton MBA program. Highlight the program's unique features, emphasizing how these elements will contribute to your professional development. 

Showcase a keen understanding of the skills and knowledge gaps you aim to address through the Wharton MBA, stressing the program's experiential learning opportunities and collaborative community. Conclude by explaining the long-term impact you envision, both on your career trajectory and your ability to make meaningful contributions to your chosen industry. 

‍ Taking into consideration your background – personal, professional, and/or academic – how do you plan to make specific, meaningful contributions to the Wharton community? (400 words)

This prompt might take a bit more thought. What qualities, experiences, or skills can you use to contribute to the Wharton School?

This prompt might take a bit more thought. What qualities, experiences, or skills can you use to contribute to the Wharton School? ‍

Begin by reflecting on specific aspects of your background that have shaped your perspectives and values. Identify key themes or experiences that highlight your commitment to diversity, collaboration, and innovation. 

Be concrete in outlining your plans for active participation in cultural or affinity groups, as well as your contributions to student-led initiatives or clubs. Demonstrate an understanding of Wharton's community and how your skills and experiences will enhance it. 

Whether it's through leadership in projects, workshops, or events, emphasize the tangible and specific ways you plan to contribute to the dynamic and collaborative environment at Wharton. Conclude by expressing a genuine enthusiasm for being an integral part of the Wharton community and contributing to its continued success and growth.

Essay 3 - Required Essay for all Reapplicants:

Please use this space to share with the Admissions Committee how you have reflected and grown since your previous application and discuss any relevant updates to your candidacy (e.g., changes in your professional life, additional coursework, and extracurricular/volunteer engagements). (250 words)

This essay is an excellent way for reapplicants to highlight any growth they have had since the previous application cycle.

When addressing changes and growth since a previous application, focus on key areas of improvement. Clearly outline any additional coursework you've pursued for skill enhancement and highlight the impact of changes in your professional role on your skills and perspectives. 

Mention relevant extracurricular or volunteer engagements to showcase personal and societal contributions. Use concrete examples to illustrate growth and conclude by expressing ongoing enthusiasm for the program, emphasizing how these developments strengthen your candidacy. 

Essay 4 - Optional Essay: ‍

Please use this space to share any additional information about yourself that cannot be found elsewhere in your application and that you would like to share with the Admissions Committee. This space can also be used to address any extenuating circumstances (e.g., unexplained gaps in work experience, choice of recommenders, inconsistent or questionable academic performance, areas of weakness, etc.) that you would like the Admissions Committee to consider.

While this essay is optional, it can be a good space to clear up any issues that the admissions committee could have with your candidacy.

As you can see, these essays are meant to be relatively brief yet provide personal insights into who you are as a person. Using these prompts as examples, this article will outline the best ways to approach your Wharton MBA essays.

When addressing this essay prompt, use space to provide unique insights not covered elsewhere in your application. If there are gaps or inconsistencies, address them transparently, emphasizing the lessons learned or steps taken to overcome challenges. 

Use the opportunity to highlight distinctive strengths, experiences, or perspectives that contribute to your candidacy. Maintain a professional tone and focus on offering valuable information that enriches the admissions committee's understanding of your journey and qualifications.

Purpose of the Wharton MBA Essays

You can find the following statement on Wharton’s website regarding their MBA essays :

“The Admissions Committee is looking to understand more about you and your unique personality and how that can ultimately contribute to the Wharton community. We are a student-driven campus and need each and every MBA to bring something to the table.”

There are many essential pieces of information that you can glean from this statement about the purpose of the Wharton MBA essays. 

1. The Wharton MBA essays allow the admissions committee to see your personality.

The admissions committee has your resume and test scores, meaning that they already know the basics of your education and experience on a professional level. Essays are a way for them to dig a bit deeper and learn about who you are as a person, the events that have impacted you, and the values that you have gained through your experiences.

2. The Wharton MBA essays portray what you can contribute to the community and how well you can collaborate with others.

Business school is a great place to strengthen your skills and further your career on an individual level. However, what ideas or experiences can you bring to Wharton that will benefit your classmates or the program as a whole? The essays show the admissions committee how you will serve as an addition to the Wharton MBA program.

3. The Wharton MBA essays portray your leadership capabilities.

By stating that they are a “student-driven campus,” the admissions committee shows that they are looking for people that can carry out plans and lead their classmates toward goals that will benefit the program overall. This statement also indicates that the committee is looking for individuals who can find problems and work to solve them, creating change effectively.

By keeping these ideas in mind, you can then begin crafting your own essays.

Top Tips for Crafting the Wharton MBA Essays

Now that you understand the primary purpose of the essays and the possible themes, here are some tips to help you determine how to craft your Wharton MBA Essays.

Wharton’s website outlines these three tips for writing your MBA essays:

1. Write out everything first, then worry about word count.

‍ The essays are pretty short, and when it comes to your career aspirations or your background, you might have a lot more to say than just 400 or 500 words. The short word count can make the writing process intimidating, as you might be constantly checking the word count and hesitating to write anything out in detail.

When writing your first draft, ignore the word count; just get your ideas out there. Then, once you’ve finished, start looking for areas to cut out or shorten. By doing this, you can get through the writing process while also ensuring that you include everything you want to portray.

2. Connect the “Three Career Dots.”

Wharton’s website outlines these “three career dots” as follows:

image of Three Career Dots

“What have you done to date, what unique things do you already know, and what do you have still to learn? How can Wharton help you and how can you help the Wharton community? How does that all connect to your goals post-MBA?”

Basically, in the Wharton MBA Essays, your past, present, and future should connect. What are some unique skills and experiences that you have gained through your studies or career that you can bring to Wharton’s MBA program? What do you hope to gain from Wharton, and how does that relate to your future career goals? By answering these questions, you can begin to paint a holistic picture of your hopes and aspirations for the Wharton MBA program. ‍

3. Be yourself.

‍ Writing these essays is a process that will already be difficult enough, and being anything but authentic will only make it more challenging. Don’t write what you think an admissions committee wants to hear; be true to yourself and your goals in your essays, and it will pay off in the long run.

Here are some additional tips for crafting your essays: ‍

1. Do your research.

Why are you applying to Wharton? What makes this school a suitable program for you? Which classes are you hoping to take, or which faculty members are you excited to meet? By being specific about Wharton’s program, you will show an admissions committee that you have extensively researched the program, know what you are getting into, and understand how Wharton can help you achieve your goals. ‍

2. Make sure you are answering the prompt.

‍ This tip might seem like a no-brainer, but it is a common mistake that many applicants make. Maybe there was an impactful experience in your career that made you want to pursue an MBA, or you have a unique background that you want to express in your essay.

These are important details about who you are , but are those experiences applicable to the essay prompts' specifications?

Sometimes, the most exciting or unique stories aren’t the most relevant. Everything in your essay should serve a purpose, and if you cannot relate that purpose to the question Wharton is asking, then it might be time to cut some things out.

3. Less storytelling, more concrete points. ‍

This tip relates to the previous one. You have a minimal amount of space in these essays, so make sure that every word has a purpose. Don’t fill your essay with a long story about the moment you decided to pursue an MBA or a detailed history of your childhood. If these events are important, you can briefly mention them, but try to focus on your skills, goals, and why Wharton is right for you.

Wharton MBA Essay Examples and What Made It Successful

The following is an excerpt from a successful Wharton MBA Essay written for the 1st previously mentioned example prompt.

Essay 1: What do you hope to gain professionally from the Wharton MBA? 


Innovation in healthcare has historically existed in two spheres: the sophisticated yet aspirational, and the simple yet practical. I’ve experienced both sides of the coin; from developing AI for cancer detection and intensive care while at [University] to now dissecting commercially-successful healthcare businesses at [Company]. The bridge between aspiration and result in healthcare is fraught with well-known obstacles to innovation.

In this introduction, the writer brings up their past and present career experiences and explains how those experiences have shaped their understanding of the healthcare field. They also introduce an existing problem, thus setting up the rest of the essay for how they hope to solve this problem.

Body Paragraph 1:

My overarching goal is to bridge this gap and develop next-generation AI to mitigate physician and nurse burnout. By building and commercializing tools that reliably automate routine elements of patient care, I wish to create a more resource-efficient and outcome-centric global healthcare system. I’ve cultivated the raw engineering and business skills at [University], [Company], and [Company], and the Wharton MBA will equip me with the venture toolkit, network, and relevant healthcare entrepreneurship skills to succeed.


Having established the existing problems that the writer has observed in the healthcare field, they now drive the essay forward with how they hope to solve those issues. They also outline the skills they’ve learned through their past experiences and explain how the Wharton MBA will further develop those skills.

Body Paragraph 2:

Central to the lasting success of my MBA experience would be the Wharton community. The prospect of developing lifelong relationships and collaborating with accomplished peers through the cluster model inspires and excites me. I also look forward to mentorship opportunities from professors like Christian Terweisch. I often used his concept of innovation tournaments to drive collaboration at client organizations as a management consultant.

Here, the writer explains in detail how Wharton will help them to achieve their goals. By mentioning the cluster model and the mentorship opportunities that Wharton offers, the writer shows the admissions committee that they have done their research. Also, by naming professor Christian Terweisch, the writer further establishes that they understand how the Wharton MBA program, in particular, will assist them in pursuing their aspirations.


Wharton startups such as Burrow and Harry’s have revolutionized numerous industries, transformed value chains, and changed millions of lives worldwide. Standing at this critical juncture in my career, I am excited to follow in their footsteps, realize my true potential, and build an organization that improves healthcare around the world. For that, I see no better platform than a Wharton MBA.

In this conclusion paragraph, the writer gives examples of successful products of the Wharton MBA program and how those startups specifically benefited the world. This connects to the writer’s previously mentioned goal of creating change in the healthcare field. The writer shows that they understand how Wharton can help them take the necessary steps in building their career.

Overall, this essay incorporates all of the tips mentioned above. The writer briefly summarizes their past experiences, what they learned, and the issues they observed in the healthcare field. 

Then, the writer links the past to the present, detailing how their experiences have contributed to their current goals. They then discuss the future, outlining how specific aspects of Wharton’s MBA program will help them achieve their career aspirations. 

Each sentence has a purpose, and overall, the writer connects past, present, and future to concisely answer the prompt.

Essay 2: How do you plan to make specific, meaningful contributions to the Wharton community?

As a Wharton MBA, I plan to seek opportunities that exploit my strengths contributing to team environments. First, I thrive in settings where I can leverage my broad knowledge base and strong analytical foundation to help solve problems across a number of functions. Similarly, my empathetic style of leadership has been effective in engaging a range of perspectives and voices towards a common goal. Both aspects position me uniquely to take on roles where I can bridge Wharton with the surrounding community.

In this introduction, the author talks about their strong skills and how they’ll use them to contribute to the community. The author mentions specific skills and sets up a scene of how effective their skills are. 

Dance education is an initiative I’m highly motivated to support, as dance has been an amazing therapeutic outlet for me. The countless hours I’ve spent bhangra dance moves have been both highly meditative and endlessly entertaining. Dance is also perhaps the most powerful unifier of people I’ve ever experienced. All personal differences seem to wash away when people can join around their common love of dance. While at Wharton, I plan to combine my appreciation for performance and excitement to engage with the community by working with Wharton Dance Studio, which brings Wharton students together in a broad variety of styles and and cultures, for events such as the Wharton Dance Studio & India Club’s joint Bollywood Fusion Diwali Dance Workshop. Whether teaching, organizing live events for the community, or even taking the stage as a dancer myself, I am excited about the range of ways I can spread the joy of movement through the Wharton Dance Club.
Another area of personal interest where I intend to contribute meaningfully to the Wharton community is golf. I played golf extensively growing up, but talents lie less on the fairway and more in the front-office. For years, I have maintained an avid interest in the advanced analytics of golf as a scouting / decision-making tool, even going so far as to create my own statistical models. As a widget industry professional, I’ve become well-versed in the emerging technology companies advancing the applications of data analytics to the golf handicap industry. 

In this body paragraph, the author uses personal anecdotes and connects it to how they have contributed to those interests. The author also explains how they plan on using those experiences and use them to contribute to the Wharton community. 

Working with the Wharton Golf Club, I am eager to help lead the Wharton team competing at the MBA Masters tourney at Duke University and the annual Spring Scramble, and I would love to organize teams of Wharton golfers to work with inner-city Philadelphia high school and collegiate kids, helping to promote the adoption of advanced golf statistical handicapping to elevate athletic performance at the amateur level.

The author does a great job using their working experience at the Wharton Golf Club and explaining their dedication to helping the golf team succeed. The author also uses a specific example of how they’d support the community with this specific experience. 

If you still have questions, check out these frequently asked questions. 

1. Should I answer the optional Wharton MBA essay prompt?

The optional essay prompt is a great way to address any discrepancies you might have in your application, including poor academic performance, gaps in your resume, or low test scores. Use this essay to clear up any lingering questions that an admissions committee might have regarding your candidacy.

2. I’m reapplying to the Wharton MBA program; Do I have to answer essay prompts 1 and 2? Or can I resubmit my previous essays?

Wharton requires reapplicants to answer both essay prompts 1 and 2 and a prompt specifically for reapplicants. The writing prompts may change from year to year, so your previous submissions may not be entirely relevant anymore. If the prompts haven’t changed, it is still a good idea to reevaluate the quality of your past essays.

3. Is it okay to submit essays that I used for other applications if the prompts are similar?

Generally, you should avoid submitting the same essay that you’ve used for another school. You can use pieces from other essays you’ve written, but you need to make sure that you tailor your Wharton MBA essays explicitly to the Wharton MBA program.

Different programs have varying missions and values, so using the same essays for every application will not benefit your application.

4. What should I talk about in my Wharton MBA essays?

Generally, the purpose of essays is to “make the invisible visible,” meaning that they are a place to show the admissions committee a side of you that they cannot see anywhere else in your application. Rather than listing experiences that the admissions committee can already find in your resume, try to focus on things you’ve learned or your future goals.

5. If I’m applying to a joint-degree program at Wharton, do I have to write additional essays?

Those applying to the Francis J. & William Polk Carey/JD MBA program “are strongly encouraged to answer the application essay questions in relation to the Carey JD/MBA Program as opposed to only the Wharton MBA Program.” Those applying to the Wharton/Lauder Institute Joint-Degree Program must answer one additional Lauder prompt.

6. Can I write about my undergraduate experiences in the Wharton MBA essays?

Your undergraduate years were likely full of learning opportunities and growth, which is why briefly mentioning them could be insightful in your essays. However, don’t make them the focus of your essay, especially if you have several years of work experience.

Use your undergraduate experiences to establish where you came from and how much you’ve grown, and then connect them to your present motivations and future goals.

The Wharton MBA essays offer the admissions committee a brief glimpse into your personality and motivations. The writing process may seem intimidating at first, but just make sure to stay true to yourself and don’t focus on word count in your first draft. Then, in the editing process, you can evaluate areas to cut and refine, focus on connecting the past, present, and future, and highlight why you chose Wharton in particular.

By following these tips and tricks, you can craft an essay that genuinely portrays who you are and why you would be a great fit at the Wharton School of Business.

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Wharton MBA Essays 2023-2024: Writing Your “Give & Take” Story

Wharton Applicant

If you are reading this article, you probably already understand the absolute necessity of presenting a compelling case for your candidacy in the prompt for your MBA essay. If you are pursuing a University of Pennsylvania Wharton MBA , this is a great opportunity to think about  what you can give back to the business school community. As part of your MBA application to Wharton, you’ll have to answer a couple of questions that go something like this:

  • What do you hope to gain professionally from the Wharton MBA? (500 words max)
  • Taking into consideration your background – personal, professional, and/or academic – how do you plan to make specific, meaningful contributions to the Wharton community? (400 words max)

These two current Wharton essay prompts are deeply interlinked and must be tackled together. Below, we’ll give one perspective on how to think about these essays during the MBA admissions process, using some wisdom of one of the Wharton School of Business’ luminary professors.

Adam Grant on Givers and Takers

Adam Grant is a professor of organizational psychology at the Wharton School of Business and the author of a number of bestselling books. One of those books, 2013’s Give and Take: A Revolutionary Approach to Success , deals with the phenomenon of what Adam Grant labels “givers” and “takers.” In a nutshell, a giver is someone who approaches interactions hoping to contribute something to someone else; a taker is someone who has the opposite approach: every interaction is a chance to get something from someone else. Additionally, Grant identifies a third category which he calls “matchers:” people who balance give and take, living by a sort of de facto quid pro quo.

why wharton mba essay

In brief, his conclusions are as follows: givers account for both the most and least productive people in a work environment. Some givers end up trying too hard to please clients and co-workers and end up either burning out or falling behind. But other givers are able to contribute to the work environment in small, vital ways over time, e.g. providing helpful feedback or making an introduction between two people who could benefit from knowing one another. 

Agreeable and Disagreeable People

Grant also goes on to create a second axis of interaction: agreeable and disagreeable people. This makes a two-by-two matrix where you have disagreeable and agreeable givers as well as disagreeable and agreeable takers. Grant insists that the most dangerous kind of individual in any work environment is the agreeable taker, who gives nothing in return, but is so friendly and pleasant about it that they often go unnoticed. He also makes an important point about the need for disagreeable givers, those individuals who may not have the most tact or personal skills but who, nevertheless, are interested in contributing to their community. He gives the example of the gruff but concerned employee whose feedback is harsh but valuable. 

You can get a more complete understanding of Adam Grant’s ideas about givers, takers, and matchers by watching his famous TED Talk on the subject.

Grant’s ultimate argument is that creating a work environment where givers don’t burn out and where people are not afraid to ask for help, lets the giver mindset be more pervasive, which is to the advantage and success of everyone involved. So, with that understanding, let’s return to the essays you’ll have to write for the Wharton MBA program.

Wharton MBA Essay 1: Takers

If you review the language of the first Wharton MBA essay, you’ll find that it is centered around Grant’s concept of taking:

“What do you hope to gain professionally from the Wharton MBA?”

While this may be a more benign form of taking (after all, no one pursues an education without the hope that it will benefit them), it is important to remember that it still presents something of a trap for those applicants who address it in a purely selfish way. 

What do you want to gain from attending Wharton?

At its core, Essay 1 requires you to have a firm understanding of your career goals. You should be familiar with what you want to accomplish and also be able to specifically refer to the ways in which Wharton will help you achieve it. Listing a bunch of classes is a terrible way to approach this as it does not give the admissions committee sufficient insight into your understanding of the school. Anyone can look up a list of courses, and many institutions will have parallel classes that might fulfill your goals just as easily. 

Therein lies the taker trap: The first Wharton essay is really about understanding Wharton in such a way that your applied knowledge flatters and enhances the admissions committee’s understanding of what it has to offer. What you are doing–to paraphrase Grant–is allowing Wharton to be a giver in such a way that they don’t burn out. You are matching your career goals to what the Wharton MBA has to offer. You are letting them be an agreeable giver whose strengths are being recognized and rewarded.

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why wharton mba essay

Wharton Essay 2: Givers

You knew this was coming! If Essay 1 is a prompt that asks you to consider your status as taker, then Essay 2 must be one that encourages you to think of yourself as a giver. If you look at the language of the second prompt, this is made clear:

“Taking into consideration your background – personal, professional, and/or academic – how do you plan to make specific, meaningful contributions to the Wharton community?”

Those “specific, meaningful contributions” are what you can give to Wharton. And let’s be clear, you need to be able to give back to your MBA program. Part of an AdCom’s consideration in reviewing candidates is looking at those who can provide great ROI by becoming important members of the alumni network or building innovative clubs. 

It is important to consider the perspective of the school, the community, and the other students when discussing your contribution. Your contribution might be in joining or creating on campus clubs. It might be something about your background that contributes positively to your study group or a team-oriented project. Part of being a giver, however, means understanding what the school wants to receive. This requires a decent amount of research into Wharton student life and the existing campus centers . You don’t want to suggest creating an existing club or organizing a conference that they just had. That kind of misstep will not just fail to mark you as a candidate with something to contribute, it will also mark you as a taker: someone so concerned with what they are getting out of the bargain that they can’t be bothered to figure out what Wharton actually needs.

What will you give back to the school?

So what should you actually propose to give? It is important to pay attention to skills you possess that are in high demand for the MBA program. Without bragging about that skill, you can demonstrate your value as an MBA student while also reinforcing that you want to put your abilities at the disposal of the program that will undoubtedly be giving you a leg up. Similarly, you may want to propose some kind of collaborative effort that brings together two or more clubs, or involves a number of different available resources. Provided that the proposal is something that makes sense for you to put out there, this can be a great way to show Wharton that you are interested in working with others and that you want to enrich their already rich experience. 

One way to brainstorm about what you have to give to Wharton–and more broadly, the University of Pennsylvania –is to think about the help you received in putting together the application for the Wharton MBA program in the first place. What individuals or clubs were instrumental in giving you a hand? What did they offer and what did you learn from them? How might you pass on something similar to the students, organizations, and general community of Wharton Business School?

In the end, realigning your mindset to that of a giver is a valuable part of writing a Wharton essay that both reinforces what you have to offer the institution and also, subtly, shows your familiarity with its star professor and the philosophy behind the institution. 

Gain valuable insights into the Wharton AdCom’s preferences with the help of our experienced MBA admission consulting professionals , guided by professor Adam Grant’s theory.

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How to Tackle the Wharton MBA Essays

  • September 20, 2022

why wharton mba essay

Wharton MBA Essay Questions

  • How do you plan to use the Wharton MBA program to help you achieve your future professional goals? You might consider your past experience, short and long-term goals, and resources available at Wharton. (500 words)
  • Taking into consideration your background – personal, professional, and/or academic – how do you plan to make specific, meaningful contributions to the Wharton community? (400 words)

Wharton MBA Essay Tips

The Wharton essay prompts are direct and allow enough word count to paint a robust picture of who you are and why Wharton is right for you (and vice versa). As such, this application can be a good one to tackle early in the process. The Wharton deadlines are also early in each round (September 7 th is the Round 1 deadline), which lends additional credence to this approach.

While the Wharton essay questions read as fairly straightforward, don’t let them lead you down the path of writing bland essays.  Run of the mill essays do nothing to help you stand out from the sea of applications Wharton receives. To be precise, Wharton received 7,338 applications last year and only accepted 1,338 of those applicants. Additionally, despite the generous word count, you will absolutely need to be strategic about what you include – and don’t.

Essay 1 Should Be Grounded in Concrete Career Goals, a Solid ‘Why’, and a Thoughtful ‘How’

When it comes to the first essay, the critical thing to keep in mind is that all of your content should be ‘anchored’ by your short- and long-term career goals. If you haven’t given robust thought to these and done your due diligence to ensure they are sound, now is the time to do so. In short, your immediate post-MBA goal should be specific down to the title, function, and industry you will target – you may even include a few potential companies you would like to work for. Your long-term career goal can be higher level but should be ambitious and a reasonable follow on to your targeted post-MBA role.

Once you have shared your career goals, look to address the ‘past experience’ part of the essay prompt. What the Wharton adcom is looking for here is your ‘why’. Think about the formative experiences that led you to your post-MBA career goals. Perhaps in your work as a consultant you were staffed on a healthcare project that opened your eyes to how complex yet exciting the healthcare industry can be. This sparked your interest in shifting to a strategy role within a healthcare company where you can make a lasting impact on the industry and those it touches. Tell this story so the adcom can really feel your passion and the authenticity behind your goals.

After sharing the ‘why’ underlying your goals, shift focus to the ‘how’. While you likely bring a host of really impressive skills to the table, there are also inevitably gaps in your experience that you will need to close in order to achieve your ultimate career ambitions. Do an honest and detailed assessment of these gaps and then describe the unique elements of Wharton’s program that will help you to build them. If the examples you cite are offered by other business schools, they are not specific enough to make a compelling argument as to why Wharton will best position you for success. Getting this part right takes work and that is exactly why it matters.

Essay Two is All About Differentiating Yourself

When it comes to the second essay, take a cue from what Wharton professor extraordinaire Adam Grant’s concept of ‘givers and takers’ . Whereas the ‘why Wharton’ section of the first essay can cover what you will ‘take’ from the experience, this essay should focus on the ways in which you will be a ‘giver’ while at Wharton and even after graduation. A giver ‘…[looks] to help others by making an introduction, giving advice, providing mentoring, or sharing knowledge, without any strings attached.’

To be in a position to ‘give’, you need to have a unique knowledge base, personality trait, or past experience from which others will benefit. This is the crux of what you should share in this essay. It is, first and foremost, the place to share what distinguishes you from other applicants. Because the first essay is so career focused, we urge clients to write about something personal here, if possible.

To begin the essay, preview your ‘differentiator’ and why it will make you an asset to the Wharton community. This will likely entail telling a story from your past from which your ‘differentiator’ originated. Next, think to the future and share ~two concrete ways you will leverage your ‘differentiator’ to make an impact at Wharton. Perhaps you will bring a unique perspective to classroom discussions or leverage exemplary teambuilding skills to unite your cohort? The key is to communicate contributions that are specific, unique to you (i.e., every other applicant wouldn’t be equally as well positioned to make them) and demonstrate knowledge of Wharton.

For example, a past client discussed how she would use the determination that had helped her overcome personal challenges to motivate her peers in Wharton Women in Business. She went on to describe a specific area of programming she would bring to the club that tied in with some of the personal challenges she had conquered.  The essay was strategic, specific, and thoughtful (and it was successful in earning her an acceptance with full scholarship).

We hope these tips ideas are helpful as you work to differentiate yourself and demonstrate the amazing mark you would leave on the Wharton community. If you’d like assistance with your Wharton essays or your broader MBA application strategy with Vantage Point MBA, click here to schedule an initial consultation!

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Vantage Point MBA

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  • The Wharton School Essay Tips and Examples

June 13, 2023

Jeremy Shinewald

Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania

Wharton 2023–2024 Essay Tips

Essay 1: How do you plan to use the Wharton MBA program to help you achieve your future professional goals? You might consider your past experience, short and long-term goals, and resources available at Wharton. (500 words)

In just 500 words, you must discuss your career aspirations—giving sufficient context for why they are realistic for you—and illustrate how Wharton will help you pursue these goals by demonstrating a thorough understanding of what the school offers and a well-thought-out game plan for availing yourself of particular resources. To effectively do this and write a reasoned, nuanced essay, you must first familiarize yourself with Wharton’s various offerings, events, and extracurriculars and pinpoint those that truly pertain to you and the direction in which you hope to move. Go the extra mile in learning about the school—connect with multiple students and alumni, attend admissions events in your area, participate in the school’s webinars and other online/virtual offerings, read recent press releases from the program and any news stories about it published elsewhere, check out the Wharton School YouTube channel, and especially, visit the campus if at all possible. This will provide the kind of in-depth insight that you can use to show the admissions committee you are really serious about Wharton and are confident you belong there. Simply presenting a list of classes and clubs you think sound interesting will  not  suffice, and you must absolutely avoid vague, pandering statements about how great the school is. Your goal is to reveal clear connections between your aspirations, what you need to achieve them (e.g., skills, experience[s], connections, exposure), and what Wharton in particular can provide that will enable you to fill those gaps.

That said, take care to not talk exclusively about the Wharton side of this equation. The admissions committee wants to more fully understand the vision you have for your future career, how you have developed this vision, and why you believe it is feasible and fitting for you (with respect to your interests, work style, strengths, values, and/or other such factors). In a post from 2021 about the essay prompts (the same ones the program is using this season), Blair Mannix, Wharton’s director of admissions, noted, “We made slight revisions to Essay 1 to ensure that the question remained applicant-centered while still requiring applicants to think carefully and specifically about how they can maximize two years at Wharton to prepare for their future career goals” (emphasis ours). Connect the dots, so to speak, between what you are bringing to Wharton yourself as a student and what you feel Wharton will provide to complement and strengthen that to set you on the path to success.

Note that Wharton asks you to address only the professional aspect—not the professional  and personal  aspect—of your business school goals. This means you should focus solely on sharing your career-related stories and ambitions here and then use the other essay(s) to discuss non-work aspects of your life, thereby providing a more complete and well-rounded picture of yourself for the admissions committee.

In many ways, this prompt is asking for a traditional MBA personal statement. We therefore encourage you to download a free copy of the  mbaMission Personal Statement Guide , in which we offer detailed advice on approaching and framing these kinds of topics, along with multiple illustrative examples. 

Essay 2: Taking into consideration your background – personal, professional, and/or academic – how do you plan to make specific, meaningful contributions to the Wharton community? (400 words)

In a blog post posted when this prompt took on its current wording, Mannix explained, “Our main goal is to get to know you the best that we can, and the change to our second prompt was largely motivated by that desire.” The breadth of this essay question allows you to provide a well-rounded impression of yourself for the admissions committee because you can discuss multiple aspects of or stories from your life and draw from any area (personal, professional, community related, and/or academic), thereby allowing you to highlight your strongest and most relevant options. However, the word count is fairly restrictive, so you need to be concise in doing so, without sacrificing effectiveness or thoroughness. 

We recommend using approximately one-half of your allowed word count to describe your chosen experience(s) or quality(-ties), so that you have sufficient space in which to then explain how it (they) will enable you to contribute to the Wharton community in a meaningful way. Do your best to “show,” or really spell out, your story—rather than just flatly presenting or stating it—to give the admissions reader some perspective and context. You then need to demonstrate both self-awareness and, again, a thorough understanding of the Wharton MBA experience by drawing connections between this aspect of your background and what you can subsequently bring the school as a member of its community. For example, a past project might have given you some critical insights and skills you could now pass on to your classmates in a related class or club. Or maybe a personal challenge gave you an interesting new perspective on commitment, determination, or another valuable quality. What is most important in this essay is conveying how you envision applying the knowledge or attribute as a student in the Wharton program. 

In addition to the suggestions we offered earlier for ways of better familiarizing yourself with Wharton, be sure to download a free copy of the mbaMission Insider’s Guide to the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania , which provides an in-depth look at the school’s academic program, unique offerings, social life, and other key characteristics.

Required Essay for All Reapplicants: Please use this space to share with the Admissions Committee how you have reflected [on] and grown since your previous application and discuss any relevant updates to your candidacy (e.g., changes in your professional life, additional coursework, and extracurricular/volunteer engagements). (250 words)

Thankfully, this essay is pretty straightforward. Whether you have improved your academic record, received a promotion, begun a new and exciting project, increased your community involvement, or taken on some sort of personal challenge, the key to success with this essay is conveying a very deliberate path of achievement. Wharton wants to know that you have been actively striving to improve yourself and your profile, and that you have seized opportunities during the time since you last applied to do so, because a Wharton MBA is vital to you. The responses to this essay question will vary greatly from one candidate to the next, because each person’s needs and experiences differ. We are more than happy to provide one-on-one assistance with this highly personal essay to ensure that your efforts are presented in the best light possible.

Optional Essay: Please use this space to share any additional information about yourself that cannot be found elsewhere in your application and that you would like to share with the Admissions Committee. This space can also be used to address any extenuating circumstances (e.g., unexplained gaps in work experience, choice of recommenders, inconsistent or questionable academic performance, areas of weakness, etc.) that you would like the Admissions Committee to consider. (500 words)

With this prompt, Wharton is acknowledging that some candidates have aspects of their profiles that might need a little clarification. This essay is therefore your opportunity—if needed—to address any lingering questions that an admissions officer might have about your candidacy, such as a low GRE or GMAT score, a legal or disciplinary incident, or, of course, one of the extenuating circumstances the school suggests. However, keep in mind that by submitting an optional essay, you are requiring the already overtaxed admissions readers to do additional work on your application, so do not rush to fill this space just because you fear that not doing so will somehow count against you (it will not), and also avoid being overly verbose or sharing more information than is truly necessary just because you technically can. You must ensure that the admissions committee’s extra time and effort are truly warranted. If you feel you might have a valid reason for submitting this additional essay or are not sure if the issue you are considering would warrant doing so, we encourage you to download a free copy of our  mbaMission Optional Essays Guid e , in which we offer detailed advice on when and how to take advantage of the optional essay, along with multiple sample essays.

Wharton MBA Essay Examples

How do you plan to use the wharton mba program to help you achieve your future professional goals you might consider your past experience, short and long-term goals, and resources available at wharton. (500 words).

After transitioning from banking to private equity, I first found the faster pace and expanded scope startling, but ultimately invigorating. Shifting from agent to principal, I leapt into formulating a go-forward strategy for’s rapidly growing consumer data analytics business and explored a complex carveout for the payments division of a Dutch online bank. I had absolutely no experience with either industry, but all that really mattered was that I could quickly learn, adapt and contribute. Over the past two years, I have learned to appreciate the “messiness” of investing and the vast opportunities it offers to create value via ingenuity, collaboration and old-fashioned elbow grease. I plan to return to technology investing after I graduate, focusing on later-stage venture or growth equity in Seoul or Shanghai, where wired populaces are driving innovations in consumer tech. Meantime, I aspire to use my Wharton experience to “accelerate my acceleration” both personally and professionally, refining the hard and soft skills I need to thrive in my chosen industry. 

As I assess my long-term needs, I recognize that to be a “full stack” partner to management teams, I must grow beyond the financial plain and develop my operations and marketing tool kit. Wharton’s Marketing and Operations Management Major is therefore ideal for me. Having an undergraduate degree in mathematics, I find myself guided largely by intuition in these areas and would take foundational classes like “Operations Strategy” and “Dynamic Marketing Strategy” to then extract the most from uniquely applicable advanced courses like “Contagious: How Products, Ideas, and Behaviors Catch On” and “Online Business Models and the Information-Based Firm.” Beyond Wharton’s vast course options, I find the opportunities to unify theory and practice to be incredibly compelling. The Startup Challenge would allow me to partner with an entrepreneur and engage in the entrepreneurial process, thereby making me a more operationally oriented and thoughtful investor. And a Global Modular Course, like “Global Supply Chain in China,” will provide invaluable insight into the world’s most vexing business issues, while enabling me to expand my industry-related network and form closer bonds with classmates.  

I feel fortunate to have already witnessed firsthand the role my diverse and dynamic classmates will play in my education; I visited my cousin Tarek Masoud (W ’19) on campus just before the pandemic, and while there, I observed his “Managerial Decision Making” class and attended that week’s Pub. Both revealed a community that truly comes together to share ideas—and even laugh sometimes at the intensity of the past week. Being a part of this warm yet fervent community greatly appeals to me. An intensive Leadership Venture will allow me to work with peers to actively reflect on and hone my leadership style, and I look forward to the awesome commitment and teamwork that characterize the Learning Team experience. I will enter Wharton with an open mind, ready to listen, absorb, and share, knowing that by bringing the entirety of my energy to the experience, I can confidently embark on the next phase of my career.

The Next Step: Mastering Your Wharton Interview

Many MBA candidates find admissions interviews stressful and intimidating, but mastering this important element of the application process is definitely possible—the key is informed preparation. To help you attain this high level of preparedness, we offer our free   Interview Guides . Download a complimentary copy of  The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania Interview Guide   today.

To learn more about the essays for other top business schools, visit our  MBA Essay Tips and Examples Resources Page .

2023-2024 Business School Essays MBA Essay Tips University of Pennsylvania (Wharton)

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Wharton Essay Questions and Strategic Guidance, 2023-2024

When you hear “Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania,” the first thought that pops into your head might be “Finance!”—and understandably so, given the Wharton MBA program has been a leading institution in the subject of finance since the school was founded in 1881. But what you may not realize is how much of a powerhouse UPenn Wharton is in other business domains. Its marketing and customer analytics courses are cutting edge, while aspiring entrepreneurs will find loads of resources in Wharton’s new Tangen Hall, the largest student entrepreneurship hub in the world.

UPenn Wharton asks candidates to submit two essays as part of its application. As you will see once you examine the essay prompts (as we do in detail below), Wharton really wants to know two things: What can Wharton do for you, and what can you do for Wharton? To compose an effective response, you will need a strong grasp of Wharton’s offerings as well as which of those offerings will be most valuable for you. Though you should demonstrate in these essays that you have done your homework on the program, remember that the admissions committee ultimately uses the essays to learn more about you.

Essay 1: How do you plan to use the Wharton MBA program to help you achieve your future professional goals? You might consider your past experience, short and long-term goals, and resources available at Wharton. (500 words)

Wharton does us by favor sharing exactly what we would recommend for a career-oriented essay. In short, one of the easiest ways to approach this question is to present a brief overview of your relevant past experiences, share what you hope to do after business school, and then explain how Wharton will help get you from where you are now to where you want to go.

  • Your past: Do you have a defining professional experience from your past that you can share, perhaps something that clarifies how you became interested in your target career or reveals what motivated you to apply to business school? You might even highlight a story or vignette that relates to one or more of Wharton’s key values.
  • Your goals: Give the schools a sense of where hope to head after graduating from Wharton. Contrary to what you might hear from others, you do not need to be overly specific (though if you have clearly defined goals in mind, by all means, communicate them!). What is more important is that you have at least a general sense of where you are headed and that your plans make sense in the context of your past experiences.
  • Why Wharton: You should dedicate approximately one-half of the allotted word count to the “Why Wharton?” element.  Before you begin working on your essays, do some in-depth research on the Wharton MBA experience and identify specific reasons the program appeals to you. For example, which classes are you excited to take? What will you major in? Which skills and experiences do you need to have to be able to achieve your career goals, and which offerings at Wharton will provide them? Which clubs will you join, and what role(s) will you play in them?  Remember, Wharton wants to know specifically what you hope to gain professionally from the Wharton MBA (not just any MBA program in general). Give Wharton every confidence that you can clearly imagine yourself on campus and that you fully understand why it is the right MBA program to help you advance toward your professional goals.
  • When researching Wharton, go beyond the school’s materials and website and also sign up for virtual classes and contact and speak with students and alumni. As you do your research, your goal is not to find the most unique or little-known classes or resources; instead, you want to identify several offerings that will enable you to close the gap between where you are now and where you want to go after business school.

Essay 2: Taking into consideration your background – personal, professional, and/or academic – how do you plan to make specific, meaningful contributions to the Wharton community? (400 words)

While the school’s first question is about how Wharton can help you, this second one is about how you can help Wharton.

  • To start, let us share a potentially uncomfortable truth, but one you need to keep in mind with respect to this essay. All of the following contributions are incredibly valuable, but you should assume that many—even most—other Wharton applicants can offer them as well: analytical skills to help classmates who might struggle with some of the initial coursework (this scenario is actually extremely rare), a robust network, a willingness to help (other) international/LGBTQAI+/minority/etc. classmates get settled, and an interest in being an alumni mentor and/or interviewer. Does that mean that under no circumstances should you mention any of these? Of course not! But if you do, you absolutely must offer clear stories and reasons that substantiate why you are (or will be) especially adept at what you propose.
  • Regardless of what you choose to highlight, your essay should not end up being just a laundry list, in part because you do not have enough space to enumerate a large number of ideas, but more importantly, because this is about quality , not quantity. In your mere 400 words, you want to highlight two or three examples (not referenced in Essay 1) of how you will participate in the community—the Wharton community, the Penn community, and/or the Philadelphia community more broadly. How can you make an impact? Have you identified a gap in the school’s offerings that you could help fill or a way of improving something that is already available (innovation!)? Can you offer something relatively unique based on your personal experiences and background? What would you do, and what role would you take?
  • A key part of this essay question that applicants often overlook is the intro phrase: “Taking into consideration your background.” Wharton is asking not just about what you expect to do, but why . What is motivating you to participate in the activity you mention? How does it connect with your life experiences, good or bad? Of all the many things you could choose to be involved in at Wharton, what has prompted you to focus on this one?
  • And to set the record straight, you do not have to avoid getting personal or worry about being “basic.” The main thing is to be authentic. For example, if you are an expert skier or a wine connoisseur, stating that you plan to join the ski club or wine club is perfectly acceptable, but you need to then go a step further and explain what you specifically can bring to the table.

To summarize, the key with this essay is not just telling the admissions committee how you anticipate being involved as a Wharton student but also why doing so is important to you and what impact you will have.

More about Wharton:

We have added this section because too often, we hear candidates dismiss Wharton because they assume Wharton is either too competitive or too focused on finance. While Wharton is full of driven, ambitious students, so is every top business school; collaboration on campus is still pervasive. Likewise, Wharton’s finance curriculum is top-notch, but so is its prowess in marketing, strategy, entrepreneurship and more. See below for more thoughts on what Wharton is really about and what it seeks in applicants. These notes can be helpful as you consider what to write about in your essays.

At Wharton, collaboration is crucial to success. From its team-based admissions interviews to the structure of its learning teams, Wharton demonstrates again and again that working with others to achieve a mutual goal is held in high regard. With respect to its essays, highlighting teamwork examples can therefore be useful, but note that a team involves people in many different roles, and various types of leadership are valued. Do not feel you must present an example of professional success or a team you “led” to be able to submit an effective essay; examples that demonstrate other types of leadership, or other roles on a team, can be equally or even more effective. (Note: If you are not familiar with the McNulty Leadership Program and what it offers, quickly reviewing it would be worth your time.)

Wharton has tried hard to break free of its former reputation as mostly a “finance school,” and one of the ways it has succeeded is by embracing innovation , through its courses, venture conferences and competitions, and student body. Demonstrating that you have an interest in being innovative, or in engineering change in any form, can help convince Wharton that you will be a good fit with its program.

Your analytical skills can be communicated through your GMAT/GRE scores and your undergrad coursework and GPA, but if your skills are lacking—and even if they are not—your essays (and/or your resume) can offer additional avenues through which to show the admissions committee your analytical prowess. Wharton wants to see quantitative proficiency, so make sure to show evidence of such. Note that we are using the word “show” here intentionally; you want to include examples that effectively “show” the admissions committee that you possess these skills, not just tell the schools that you have them.

In an effort to create future leaders with a global mindset , Wharton prides itself on the diverse makeup of its student body, with members hailing from around the globe. Describing the experiences you have had across different regions and cultures, and explaining what you learned/gained from those experiences, can reveal your ability strengthen the student body.

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Wharton MBA Essay Examples

Wharton MBA Essay Examples

Read these Wharton MBA essay examples for some inspiration when writing your own! The Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania is considered one of the best MBA programs in the world , and getting accepted is tough. The Wharton MBA admissions essays are one way for you to give your application a boost and stand out. In this blog, we’ll look at how to write an MBA essay for Wharton School of Business, what the requirements are and some samples to help guide you.

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How important is the mba essay for wharton.

Wharton School of Business is a part of the HSW trinity, along with Harvard Business School and Stanford Graduate School of Business , and is considered one of the best MBA programs in the US and globally. Wharton’s reputation as a top business school and its relatively competitive admissions means it is challenging to get accepted. The acceptance rate at Wharton is around 12%, which is quite selective for an MBA program. Wharton also receives thousands of applications every admissions cycle. This means successful applicants need to not only have a strong application, but they also need to stand out from a pool of competitive applicants.

The Wharton MBA essays are one way to help distinguish your application, strengthen your candidacy and personalize your application. Wharton is looking for more than a high GPA, impressive GMAT scores and a stellar MBA resume . You need to make a lasting impression on the admissions committee. You need to share why you want to pursue an MBA and how you will contribute to the MBA program at Wharton.

As you’re preparing to write your Wharton MBA essays, keep in mind the school’s mission and values. Your aim should be to demonstrate as much as possible how Wharton’s specific MBA program will contribute to your achieving your goals, how your experience and background will contribute to Wharton and why you have chosen Wharton, in particular, over other MBA programs. Wharton’s mission statement is:

“Our mission is  to develop leaders who act with a deeper understanding of themselves, their organizations, and their communities, and contribute positively to the growth of each .”

As you can tell, leadership and self-awareness are important at Wharton. The admissions committee also wants to hear your genuine voice and perspective. Wharton highlights these three tips when it comes to writing your admissions essay:

  • Don’t worry about word count at first
  • Be yourself
  • Connect your ideas

For the first two tips, it’s a reminder to dig deep and self-reflect on your personal and professional decisions. Let your genuine voice shine through your essay. And as for the word count, worry about editing your essay later, or ask someone to proofread your work for you.

As for connecting your ideas, your essay should seamlessly connect ideas about where you are coming from or what you have already done, what you hope to learn or accomplish after your MBA, and lastly, why Wharton is the program that will help you do those things. It’s important to have a strong answer to the question “why Wharton?” and share which specific aspects or values of the school drew you in.

If you’re not sure where to start with writing your MBA essay, check out our Wharton MBA essay samples below, or look into an MBA essay writing service or MBA essay consultant to help you craft a stellar admissions essay.

An MBA personal statement is one of the common MBA requirements and acing the Wharton MBA essay questions is an important step. For the traditional MBA program at Wharton, there are 2 required essays, an optional essay, and a required essay for any reapplicants. Your essays are written in response to specific prompts set by the school. These questions ask you to share your motivations, experiences and career goals, beyond what can be found in your MBA extracurriculars or work experience.

The Wharton MBA essay prompts are:

This optional essay can be useful for applicants who have a gap or weakness in their application. For instance, if you need to know how to explain a low GPA in an MBA application or how to explain gaps in your MBA resume. Other applicants might use this optional essay to explain a period of unemployment if they are applying to an MBA while unemployed or have a major career change. ","label":"Optional Essay","title":"Optional Essay"}]" code="tab1" template="BlogArticle">

Want more tips for writing an MBA personal statement?

Check out these Wharton MBA essay examples to help spark some ideas for writing your own! Or read some Harvard MBA personal statements or Stanford MBA personal statement examples if you’re applying to the HWS trinity of MBA programs.

Wharton MBA Essay Example #1

Prompt: How do you plan to use the Wharton MBA program to help you achieve your future professional goals? You might consider your past experience, short and long-term goals, and resources available at Wharton. (500 words max)

Having worked in a dynamic corporate environment for several years, I have developed a solid foundation in strategy and leadership. However, to achieve my entrepreneurial goals of becoming an app developer serving international travelers and students abroad, I recognize the need for a more comprehensive skill set and a deeper understanding of global business practices. The Wharton MBA program provides the perfect platform to bridge these gaps and take my career to new heights.

The Wharton MBA program's commitment to social impact and entrepreneurship perfectly aligns with my aspirations. The access to the Wharton Social Impact Initiative and the extensive entrepreneurship resources will empower me to develop sustainable business models and effectively tackle social issues. The program's emphasis on ethical leadership and corporate social responsibility will further shape my understanding of the intersection between business and social impact, enabling me to drive change as a responsible leader in the corporate world. Furthermore, Wharton’s emphasis on experiential learning through real-world projects and case studies will enable me to develop practical problem-solving skills and a strategic mindset, which are crucial for effective decision-making in complex business scenarios.

Wharton’s extensive courses covering technology, analytics and finance will be essential for developing my understanding of the industry and provide me with practical, real-world skills I will need to achieve my goals. I am especially intrigued by the program’s courses on Entrepreneurship and Technological Innovation, and Digital Marketing and e-Commerce, which is an area of my professional skillset I am keen to develop further.

Lastly, Wharton's strong network of alumni and industry connections will offer unparalleled opportunities for internships and networking, allowing me to gain hands-on experience and forge valuable relationships. As an aspiring entrepreneur, fostering these partnerships and collaborations are essential to my success and continued learning as I find new career paths.

By leveraging the Wharton resources, I am confident that I will emerge from the Wharton MBA program as a transformative leader, ready to make a positive impact and contribute meaningfully to both the business community and society at large.

Prompt: Taking into consideration your background – personal, professional, and/or academic – how do you plan to make specific, meaningful contributions to the Wharton community? (400 words max)

Drawing upon my diverse background encompassing personal, professional, and academic experiences, I am eager to contribute to the vibrant and dynamic Wharton community. The program has many unique and enticing student clubs and activities which have piqued my interest. By actively engaging in traditions such as Follies and student clubs like the Brewmasters' Guild, I aim to foster a sense of camaraderie, creativity, and innovation, while also leveraging my skills to enhance the Wharton experience for my fellow students.

I have cultivated a passion for performing arts throughout my life, and I believe that my background in theater and comedy will bring a unique perspective to the Wharton community. I plan to contribute to the Wharton Follies by utilizing my creative talents in writing, acting, and directing. I am a long-time participant of the Wildfire Improv Troupe in [city] and I have participated in the [city] Fringe Festival as a comedic actor, director and playwright for the past 6 years. By participating in Follies, I hope to entertain and engage my peers, creating a space for laughter and lightheartedness amidst the demanding academic environment. Through collaborations with fellow students, I aim to create memorable performances that celebrate the diverse talents within the Wharton community.

My professional experiences have fostered strong skills in event planning, organization, and team leadership. As a member of the Brewmasters' Guild at Wharton, I intend to utilize these skills to contribute to the community in a distinct way. By organizing and hosting beer tastings, workshops, and networking events, I seek to create a platform for students to explore the art and science of brewing while cultivating a sense of community. As Philadelphia is a hotspot for microbrewing and craft beer making, I am excited at the prospect of exploring what Wharton and the city have to offer my taste buds.

I am eager to see how my passions will blossom and add to the student community at Wharton, and how I might use my professional and extracurricular skillsets to enhance an already vibrant and exciting community.

Your Wharton MBA essay should share the highlights of your professional experience so far, why you want to pursue a Wharton MBA, what your future career goals are and why Wharton’s MBA program will help you achieve them. Your essay should be no more than 500 words.

To stand out in an MBA essay, it’s important to be genuine and allow your natural voice to come through. You should answer the prompt as directly and fully as you can, while remaining succinct and within the word count. Share specific career goals you have and concrete reasons why you chose the school you are applying to.

Wharton MBA has one of the lowest MBA acceptance rates in the US , as it is also considered one of the best MBA programs in the world and is highly selective. So, getting into Wharton MBA is quite challenging.

The Wharton MBA essays have a word count limit of 500 and 400 words for the required essays. The optional essay prompt has a word count limit of 500 words.

The Wharton MBA essays have fairly straightforward essay topics. They ask you to explain why you chose Wharton and what your future career goals are, and they want to know how you will meaningfully contribute to the Wharton MBA program.

Some of the biggest things Wharton looks for in its applicants is professional maturity and demonstrated leadership. This means no matter your career background, you should show a progression of professional development, responsibility and a variety of contributions to the workplace. What you’ve done for work or how many years of experience you have is less important than how and how much you contributed to your field.

Wharton has 2 required essays. The prompts are: “How do you plan to use the Wharton MBA program to help you achieve your future professional goals? You might consider your past experience, short and long-term goals, and resources available at Wharton” and “Taking into consideration your background – personal, professional, and/or academic – how do you plan to make specific, meaningful contributions to the Wharton community?”

Yes. Wharton receives thousands of applications every year, and your MBA personal statement or admissions essay is one of the best ways to distinguish yourself from all the other applicants. Your MBA essay also reveals important information about you and your goals that the Wharton admissions committee will want to know.

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why wharton mba essay

2023-2024 Wharton MBA Essay Analysis: A Comprehensive Guide for Aspiring Applicants

The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, one of the most prestigious business schools in the world, offers a highly sought-after MBA program. If you’re aspiring to join this elite institution, it’s crucial to understand the intricacies of their application process, particularly the essay section. In this article, we will delve into the Wharton MBA essay analysis for the 2023-2024 admissions cycle, offering valuable insights and tips to help you stand out in this competitive landscape.

If you want to read more about the admission process check  this blog out !

Understanding the Wharton MBA Application

Your Gateway to Excellence

Wharton’s MBA application process is renowned for its rigorous selection criteria. Here are the key elements of the application:

1. Personal Essay

  • Your Story Matters : The personal essay is your canvas to paint a picture of your unique journey, experiences, and aspirations. Be authentic and let your voice shine through.

2. Professional Essay

  • Showcase Your Achievements : The professional essay is where you can highlight your career accomplishments. Focus on your achievements, leadership roles, and impact.

3. Recommender Questions

  • Choose Wisely : Select recommenders who can provide meaningful insights into your abilities and character.

4. Academic Transcripts

  • Highlight Your Academic Prowess : Ensure your transcripts reflect your dedication to academic excellence.

The Wharton MBA Essays: Deconstructed

Essay 1: How do you plan to use the Wharton MBA program to help you achieve your future professional goals? You might consider your past experience, short and long-term goals, and resources available at Wharton. (500 words)

Introduction (1-2 paragraphs):

  • Start with a strong hook or a brief personal anecdote that connects to your career and educational journey.
  • Clearly state your short and long-term professional goals.
  • Mention your intention to use the Wharton MBA program as a pivotal step in achieving those goals.

Body (3-4 paragraphs):  In this section, elaborate on your plans and how the Wharton MBA program aligns with them. Be sure to consider the following:

  • Past Experience : Discuss your relevant work experience and how it has shaped your career aspirations. Highlight specific achievements and skills you’ve gained.
  • Short-Term Goals : Clearly define your immediate post-MBA goals. Explain how these goals relate to your past experience and how they fit into your overall career plan.
  • Long-Term Goals : Describe your long-term career vision. Explain how your short-term goals are stepping stones towards your long-term objectives. This should demonstrate a logical and coherent career progression.
  • Wharton Resources : Discuss specific resources, programs, or opportunities at Wharton that will help you achieve your goals. Mention professors, courses, clubs, or any unique features of the Wharton program that align with your ambitions.
  • Why Wharton : Explain why you believe Wharton is the ideal place to pursue your MBA. Mention the school’s strengths, culture, or values that resonate with your goals and values. Show that you’ve done your research and are genuinely enthusiastic about the school.

Conclusion (1 paragraph):  Sum up your essay by reiterating your commitment to achieving your goals and emphasizing how Wharton’s MBA program will be the catalyst for your success.

General Tips:

  • Be concise. You only have 500 words, so every sentence should serve a purpose.
  • Use specific examples and anecdotes to illustrate your points.
  • Make sure your essay flows logically and coherently.
  • Proofread for grammar, spelling, and clarity.
  • Connect your narrative, goals, and reasons for choosing Wharton in a cohesive manner.
  • Tailor your essay to Wharton’s unique offerings and culture to show you’ve put thought into your application.

Remember that this essay is an opportunity to not only convey your career plans but also to demonstrate how Wharton’s program is an essential part of realizing those plans. 

Essay 2: Essay 2: Taking into consideration your background – personal, professional, and/or academic – how do you plan to make specific, meaningful contributions to the Wharton community? (400 words)

The Wharton School’s Essay 2 prompt is a critical part of your application, as it asks you to reflect on your background (personal, professional, and academic) and outline your plan for making meaningful contributions to the Wharton community. This prompt is designed to assess not only your fit with Wharton but also your understanding of how you can contribute to the school’s culture and values.

Here’s how you can approach this essay:

  • Understanding Your Background:  To respond effectively, you need to start by reflecting on your life experiences. Consider your personal, professional, and academic journey. What unique experiences, skills, or perspectives have you gained along the way? This is your opportunity to showcase what makes you stand out.
  • Research on Wharton:  It’s crucial to understand Wharton’s values, culture, and community. What specific programs, clubs, or opportunities at Wharton align with your background and interests? Doing your homework on Wharton’s offerings will help you tailor your response.
  • Your Contribution Plan:  In the essay, you should clearly outline how you plan to contribute to the Wharton community. This should be specific and realistic. What clubs or organizations will you join? How will you actively participate and add value? Are there particular academic or extracurricular initiatives you plan to lead or support?
  • Fit with Wharton:  Demonstrate that you’ve thought deeply about why Wharton is the right place for you. Highlight the aspects of the program that align with your background and your goals. This helps the admissions committee see that you’re genuinely interested in their program.
  • Be Genuine and Personal:  This essay is an opportunity to showcase your authentic self. Don’t just list achievements or generic qualities; share stories and personal anecdotes that highlight your unique qualities and experiences.
  • Conciseness and Clarity:  Remember that you’re limited to 400 words. Make every word count. Avoid being too broad or too verbose. Instead, focus on a few key points that illustrate your potential impact on the Wharton community.
  • Proofread and Edit:  Like any essay, it’s essential to proofread your response for grammar, spelling, and clarity. Sloppy writing can detract from the impact of your essay.

Here’s a sample structure for your response:

Introduction:  Briefly introduce yourself and your background.

Body:  Discuss your personal, professional, and academic experiences that have prepared you for a role in the Wharton community. Link these experiences to specific Wharton offerings and explain how they align with your goals.

Contribution Plan:  Describe in detail how you plan to contribute to the Wharton community. Be specific about the clubs, programs, or initiatives you want to be a part of.

Conclusion:  Summarize your key points, reiterate your enthusiasm for Wharton, and express your commitment to making meaningful contributions.

Remember that the goal is to create a well-rounded and authentic portrayal of yourself and your fit with Wharton. Be sure to tailor your response to the specific resources and opportunities that Wharton offers to its MBA students.

Required Essay for all Reapplicants: Please use this space to share with the Admissions Committee how you have reflected and grown since your previous application and discuss any relevant updates to your candidacy (e.g., changes in your professional life, additional coursework, and extracurricular/volunteer engagements). (250 words)

The Wharton School’s MBA reapplicant essay prompt is an opportunity for you to demonstrate self-awareness, growth, and your commitment to the MBA program. In a limited 250-word space, you should aim to address the following key points:

  • Acknowledge the Past Application:  Begin by acknowledging that you are a reapplicant. Briefly mention the previous application to set the context for your growth and reflection.
  • Self-Reflection:  Discuss how you have reflected on your previous application and the feedback you received, if any. Highlight any specific areas or weaknesses you’ve identified, and explain how you’ve taken steps to address them.
  • Personal and Professional Growth:  Share the ways in which you have grown since your last application. This could include professional achievements, promotions, new responsibilities, or personal development.
  • Academic and Extracurricular Updates:  If you have pursued additional coursework or taken part in new extracurricular or volunteer activities, mention these here. Explain how these experiences have added value to your candidacy and helped you develop relevant skills.
  • Why Wharton:  Conclude by reaffirming your interest in the Wharton School and how the changes and growth you’ve undergone make you an even stronger candidate for their program.

Here’s a sample response within the 250-word limit:

“Since my last application to the Wharton School, I have embarked on a journey of profound self-reflection and growth. The feedback I received from my previous application served as a catalyst for self-improvement, and I have taken significant steps to enhance my candidacy.

Professionally, I have been promoted to a senior management position at my current organization, leading a cross-functional team that has achieved record-breaking results in revenue growth. These experiences have not only bolstered my leadership skills but have also deepened my understanding of the dynamic business landscape.

In terms of academics, I pursued additional coursework in [abc] and data analytics, which I believe has better equipped me to thrive in Wharton’s rigorous academic environment. Moreover, I took on a leadership role in a non-profit organization, where I helped to [work done] to giving back to the community.

My journey of growth and self-discovery has reaffirmed my strong desire to be a part of Wharton’s transformative MBA program. I am excited to apply again and confident that the experiences and self-improvement I’ve undergone make me an even stronger candidate for Wharton.”

This is only a sample cue.

Optional Essay: Please use this space to share any additional information about yourself that cannot be found elsewhere in your application and that you would like to share with the Admissions Committee. This space can also be used to address any extenuating circumstances (e.g., unexplained gaps in work experience, choice of recommenders, inconsistent or questionable academic performance, areas of weakness, etc.) that you would like the Admissions Committee to consider. (500 words)

The optional essay for the Wharton School is a valuable opportunity to provide additional context, share personal insights, or address any aspects of your application that may require clarification or elaboration. Here’s a suggested structure and approach for your optional essay, keeping it within the 500-word limit:

Introduction (1-2 sentences):

  • Start with a clear and concise introduction that states your purpose for writing the optional essay.

Additional Information (2-3 paragraphs):

  • Use this section to share information about yourself that is not covered elsewhere in your application. This could include personal experiences, hobbies, passions, or unique qualities that make you stand out.
  • Explain why this information is important for the Admissions Committee to know. How does it add value to your application or provide a more complete picture of who you are as a candidate?

Extenuating Circumstances (if applicable, 2-3 paragraphs):

  • If you need to address any extenuating circumstances, such as gaps in work experience, a dip in academic performance, or concerns about your choice of recommenders, this is the place to do it.
  • Be honest and transparent about the situation. Explain the circumstances and the steps you’ve taken to address or overcome them.
  • Highlight any lessons learned or personal growth that resulted from these challenges.

Why Wharton (if relevant, 1-2 paragraphs):

  • If you have specific reasons for choosing Wharton and they haven’t been adequately covered in your main essay, you can briefly touch on them here. Be concise and clear about why Wharton is the right fit for your goals.

Conclusion (1-2 sentences):

  • Conclude your essay with a brief summary of the key points you’ve addressed in the optional essay.

Tips for Writing the Optional Essay:

  • Be concise: Stick to the word limit and keep your writing clear and to the point.
  • Focus on the positive: Even when addressing extenuating circumstances, emphasize how you’ve grown or what you’ve learned from the experience.
  • Be honest and authentic: The Admissions Committee values genuine self-reflection and authenticity.
  • Use this space wisely: Avoid repeating information from other parts of your application, and only share what adds value.
  • Proofread: Carefully review your essay for grammar and spelling errors to ensure it’s well-written and polished.

Remember, the optional essay is a valuable opportunity to strengthen your application or address any concerns, so use it thoughtfully to present yourself in the best possible light to the Admissions Committee at the Wharton School.

Crafting Compelling Essays

Your Path to Success

Now that we’ve outlined the components, let’s discuss how to craft compelling essays:

  • Be Authentic : Use your own voice and be honest in your storytelling. The admissions committee appreciates authenticity.
  • Show Impact : Demonstrate the impact you’ve made in your professional and personal life. Use real examples.
  • Research Wharton : Understand the unique features of Wharton and explain why you’re a great fit.
  • Edit and Proofread : Ensure your essays are free of errors and well-structured.

In conclusion, the Wharton MBA essay analysis for the 2023-2024 admissions cycle reveals that being true to yourself and effectively showcasing your achievements and aspirations is the key to a successful application. Take the time to create well-crafted essays that reflect your unique journey and ambitions. Incase you need any help with crafting your essays – Contact us at [email protected] or via phone at (+91) 8766202047 and (+91) 9990493487.

1. What are the key elements of a successful Wharton MBA application in 2023-2024?

  • Providing an overview of the application components and what Wharton looks for can be a valuable resource for applicants.

2. How can I make my Wharton MBA essays stand out in the competitive admissions process?

  • Offering practical tips on creating compelling essays that resonate with the admissions committee can help applicants set themselves apart.

3. What are the common mistakes to avoid when crafting Wharton MBA essays?

  • Discussing errors to steer clear of can guide applicants in refining their essays for better chances of success.

4. Is it advisable to hire a professional editor for my Wharton MBA essays?

  • Exploring the pros and cons of seeking professional editing services can be informative for candidates considering this option.

5. How does Wharton assess the fit of an applicant with their program, and why is it important to address in the essays?

  • Explaining how demonstrating a genuine connection with Wharton can enhance an application’s competitiveness is crucial information for prospective students.

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Wharton MBA Essays & Tips for a Successful Admit


MBA & Beyond Team

22/12/2023 | 1:45 pm

why wharton mba essay

If you’re a student looking to study abroad and dreaming of joining the ranks of Wharton’s MBA program, you’re in the right place. Wharton isn’t just any business school; it’s a beacon of elite business education, synonymous with innovation and leadership. With a diverse mix of international studies and a strong focus on health care and technology, Wharton is often at the top of the list for many MBA aspirants. But what exactly is Wharton looking for in its candidates?

Let’s dive in. Wharton seeks individuals with an exceptional career trajectory, demonstrating skills in leadership, teamwork, and interpersonal relations. Don’t fret if your GMAT scores aren’t sky-high; Wharton has recently been diversifying its class profiles beyond just high test scores. This shift places a greater emphasis on your essays to showcase your character and unique experiences.

Wharton MBA Highlights :

  • All About Wharton’s MBA Program
  • Wharton MBA Class Profile
  • Wharton MBA Scholarships for International Students
  • Wharton MBA Eligibility
  • Wharton MBA Average GMAT & Admit Tips
  • Wharton MBA Essay Tips & Samples
  • Wharton MBA Interview Questions & Tips


Striking the right chord with your essays.

When it comes to writing those crucial essays, it’s like walking a tightrope. You need to be introspective, candid, and most importantly, succinct. Your essays are not just written responses; they are a window into your personality, your aspirations, and how you view the world.

Here’s a tip: Wharton loves compelling stories. If your essays don’t tell a story that’s both engaging and backed by strong examples, they might not resonate with the admissions committee. Think of your essays as a narrative of your journey – where you’ve been, where you want to go, and how Wharton is the bridge to get you there.

Essential Elements for a Compelling Wharton Essay:

  • Introspection: Dive deep into your experiences and motivations.
  • Candidness: Be honest and authentic; don’t just tell them what you think they want to hear.
  • Conciseness: Be clear and to the point; every word counts.
  • Storytelling: Weave your experiences into a narrative that highlights your strengths and aspirations.

Remember, writing these essays is a journey of self-discovery. Take this opportunity to reflect on your path, your achievements, and how you can contribute to and benefit from the Wharton community.


Essay 1: professional goals and wharton’s role.

Your Future Vision: Articulating Your Goals Wharton’s first essay prompt is your stage to showcase your future aspirations and how their MBA program fits into this puzzle. It’s all about connecting your past experiences, your future goals (both short and long-term), and Wharton’s unique resources to build a compelling narrative.

Key Points to Cover:

  • Past Experience: Reflect on your journey so far. How have your experiences shaped your career goals?
  • Future Goals: Be specific about your short-term and long-term ambitions. What are you aiming to achieve?
  • Wharton’s Role: How will Wharton’s MBA program help you get there? Highlight specific aspects of Wharton’s program that align with your goals.


Showcasing Your Unique Value The second essay is your chance to demonstrate how you will enrich the Wharton community. Taking into consideration your background – personal, professional, and academic – how do you plan to make specific, meaningful contributions?

Aspects to Highlight:

  • Personal and Professional Experiences: Discuss experiences that have shaped you.
  • Your Contribution: How will these experiences enable you to contribute to Wharton? Think of specific clubs, initiatives, or interactions.


Showcasing Growth and Improvement If you’re reapplying, this essay is crucial. It’s about reflecting on your growth since your last application. What’s changed? What new experiences or insights do you bring to the table?

Focus Areas:

  • Reflection: Highlight your self-reflection process.
  • Growth: Discuss any new achievements or experiences.
  • Why Wharton Again: Reaffirm your interest in Wharton and how it aligns with your improved profile.


The Extra Mile: Explaining Unique Circumstances The optional essay is a space to discuss anything not covered in other parts of your application. This can include explaining any gaps in your work experience, academic challenges, or other personal hurdles.

When to Use This Essay:

  • Addressing Gaps: Be honest about any inconsistencies in your application.
  • Adding More to Your Story: If there’s something significant about your journey that hasn’t been covered, this is the place to do it.


Even though essays are a critical component of your Wharton application, there are other elements that play a vital role in painting a complete picture of who you are.


While Wharton has been diversifying its class profiles beyond just high test scores, your GMAT or GRE scores are still important. They’re not the be-all and end-all, but they do matter. Here’s the twist: Wharton is looking for well-rounded individuals. So, if your scores aren’t stellar, your essays, recommendations, and interviews can compensate.


Your extracurricular activities can speak volumes about your leadership, teamwork, and other interpersonal skills. Whether you’re leading a community project, excelling in a sport, or involved in cultural activities, these experiences can strengthen your application and give the admissions committee a glimpse into your character and potential contributions to the Wharton community.


Crafting a career pathway.

Wharton isn’t just a stepping stone; it’s a launchpad for your long-term career aspirations. How you plan to leverage the MBA in the long run is as important as your immediate post-MBA goals.


  • Long-Term Goals: Think big. Where do you see yourself in 10, 15, or 20 years? How does a Wharton MBA fit into this vision?
  • Building a Network: Wharton’s global alumni network is a goldmine for career advancement. Plan how you’ll engage with this community to aid your long-term career strategy.
  • Specialized Learning: Identify specific courses and professors at Wharton that align with your long-term objectives. How will these elements of the Wharton MBA shape your future?

Remember, Wharton is looking for visionaries. Your application should reflect not just where you want to be right after the MBA, but where you aim to go in the distant future.

Conclusion: Crafting a Winning Application

Congratulations on making it this far! As you gear up to craft your Wharton MBA application, remember that it’s not just about showcasing your academic and professional achievements. It’s about telling your story, your aspirations, and how Wharton fits into this bigger picture. Be introspective, be genuine, and most importantly, be you. Your application should be a reflection of your unique journey and your vision for the future.

Embarking on the Wharton MBA journey is not just about earning a degree; it’s about joining a global community of leaders and changemakers. Use your application to express how you intend to contribute to this community and how Wharton will help you realize your long-term goals.

Best of luck on your journey to joining one of the world’s most prestigious MBA programs. Go forth and make your mark!

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Wharton MBA Essay Questions & Tips

Applying to the Wharton MBA program ? If so, you’ve likely begun thinking about how to approach the Wharton MBA essay questions. You’ve come to the right place. Read on for the Wharton MBA essay questions and tips to ensure your responses are as strong as possible.

Wharton MBA Essay Questions

  • How do you plan to use the Wharton MBA program to help you achieve your future professional goals? You might consider your past experience, short and long-term goals, and resources available at Wharton. (500 words)
  • Taking into consideration your background – personal, professional, and/or academic – how do you plan to make specific, meaningful contributions to the Wharton community? (400 words)

Wharton MBA Essay Tips

The Wharton essay prompts are direct and allow enough word count to paint a robust picture of who you are and why Wharton is right for you (and vice versa). As such, this application can be a good one to tackle early in the process. The deadlines are also early in each round, which lends additional credence to this approach.

While the Wharton essay questions read as fairly straightforward, don’t let them lead you down the path of writing bland essays. Run of the mill essays do nothing to help you stand out from the sea of applications Wharton receives. Additionally, despite the generous word count, you will absolutely need to be strategic about what you include – and don’t.

Your Career Goals Are the ‘Anchor’ For Essay One

When it comes to the first essay, the critical thing to keep in mind is that all of your content should be ‘anchored’ by your short- and long-term career goals. If you haven’t given robust thought to these and done your due diligence to ensure they are sound, now is the time to do so.

Once you have defined and refined your career goals, you need to think backwards and forwards. By thinking backwards, we’re encouraging you to think about the formative experiences that led you to your post-MBA career goals. Perhaps in your work as a consultant you were staffed on a healthcare project that opened your eyes to how complex yet exciting the healthcare industry can be. This sparked your interest in shifting to a strategy role within a healthcare company where you can make a lasting impact on the industry and those it touches. Tell this story so the adcom can really feel your passion and the authenticity behind your goals.

By thinking forwards, we’re recommending that you think very specifically about the skills you need to build to be successful in your target career. Then, research and describe the unique elements of Wharton’s program that will help you to build them. If the examples you cite are offered by other business schools, they are not specific enough to make a compelling argument as to why Wharton will best position you for success. Getting this part right takes work and that is exactly why it matters.

Focus Essay Two on Being a ‘Giver’ Not a ‘Taker’

When it comes to the second essay, take a cue from what Wharton professor extraordinaire Adam Grant’s concept of ‘givers and takers’. Whereas the ‘why Wharton’ section of the first essay can cover what you will ‘take’ from the experience, this essay should focus on the ways in which you will be a ‘giver’ while at Wharton and even after graduation. A giver ‘…[looks] to help others by making an introduction, giving advice, providing mentoring, or sharing knowledge, without any strings attached.’

To be in a position to ‘give’, you need to have a unique knowledge base, personality trait, or past experience from which others will benefit. This is the crux of the essay. It is, first and foremost, the place to share what distinguishes you from other applicants. Because the first essay is so career focused, we urge clients to write about something personal here.

For example, a past client discussed how she would use the determination that had helped her overcome personal challenges to motivate her peers in Wharton Women in Business. She went on to describe a specific area of programming she would bring to the club that tied in with some of the personal challenges she had conquered. The essay was strategic, specific, and thoughtful (and it was successful in earning her an acceptance with full scholarship).

Structure Ideas

Note: In some cases, the topic noted under a single paragraph below may span two or even three paragraphs, but, topically, the below lays out a good flow.

For Essay 1, we recommend a structure somewhat like this:

P1: Directly and concisely share your short-term and long-term career goals P2: Share a story that explains the ‘why’ behind your goals P3-5: Describe 3ish key “things” you want to get out of the Wharton MBA to support those goals

For Essay 2, we recommend a structure somewhat like this:

P1: Introduce the ‘unique contribution’ you will bring to Wharton and preview how you will use it to benefit others P2: Share the ‘origin’ of this contribution (i.e., what experience or person/people helped you to develop it) P3: Forward-looking discussion of ~two specific ways you will leverage your ‘unique contribution’ to ‘give’ to the Wharton community while you are on campus or after you have graduated

We hope these frameworks and structure ideas are helpful as you work to differentiate yourself and demonstrate the amazing mark you are prepared to leave on the Wharton community.

If you’d like assistance with your Wharton essays or your broader MBA application strategy, click here to schedule an initial consultation!

Katie McQuarrie

Katie is a passionate mentor and coach, helping her clients craft a unique, compelling story by leveraging her experience as a corporate executive, alumni interviewer, and campus recruiter. Before completing her MBA at Kellogg, Katie spent five years in banking where she learned practical finance skills as well as how to operate in a demanding, high pressure environment. She pursued an MBA in order to transition to an industry role where she could utilize her finance knowledge to drive change within an organization. Post-MBA, she worked in finance and strategy for a leading CPG firm, progressing to an executive role leading the finance function for a $2B business segment. Her experience managing diverse teams led to a passion for developing others. In addition to her day-to-day responsibilities, she led her firm’s MBA recruiting efforts and served as an alumni admissions interviewer for Kellogg.

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