Public Speaking Mentor

Tribute Speech Topics, Outline, And Examples

delivering a tribute speech

A tribute speech is a type of commemorative speech that is typically given to honor someone else. The focus of a tribute speech is to highlight the positive attributes and accomplishments of the person, institution, event, idea, or place being honored.

Tribute speeches often make use of personal anecdotes and stories of hope, trust, kindness, courage, wisdom, success, dignity, loyalty, camaraderie, and tradition in order to paint a more complete picture of the individual or subject being celebrated.

When to deliver a tribute speech?

There are many different occasions that may call for a tribute speech. Some examples include:

  • Retirement : A retirement speech is a tribute to the retiree’s years of hard work and dedication. It is an opportunity to look back on all that has been accomplished and to wish the retiree all the best in their future endeavors.
  • Wedding : Wedding toasts are another type of tribute speech, given in honor of the newlyweds. The focus of a wedding toast is usually on wishing the couple a long and happy life together.
  • Funeral or memorial services : A eulogy is a tribute speech that is given in honor of someone who has passed away. The focus of a memorial tribute speech is usually on celebrating the life of the individual and remembering them fondly.
  • Reunion : A reunion speech is a tribute to the past, present, and future of the group being honored. It is an opportunity to look back on all that has been accomplished and to look forward to all that will be accomplished in the future.
  • Anniversaries : An anniversary tribute speech is an opportunity to celebrate the accomplishments of the individual or group being honored and to look forward to the future.
  • Award ceremony : An award tribute speech is an opportunity to celebrate the accomplishments of the individual or group being honored and to thank them for their contributions.

Characteristics of a tribute speech

There are certain characteristics that make for an effective tribute speech. Some of these include-

  • It is sincere and honest : The tribute should be coming from a place of honest admiration and respect. It shouldn’t be overly flowery or insincere. It should also use proper language. This means avoiding profanity and using terms that everyone in the audience will understand.
  • It is well-prepared : A tribute speech that has been carefully prepared will usually be more effective than one that is off-the-cuff. This doesn’t mean that it has to be written out word for word, but it should be well-organized and thought out.
  • It is personal : A tribute speech that is personal and anecdotes will usually be more effective than one that is purely factual. This is because it will help the audience to connect with the person being tributed and understand why they are being tributed.
  • It is appropriate for the occasion : The tribute speech should be appropriate for the occasion. For example, if it is a tribute speech for a funeral, it should be more serious in tone than if it is for a retirement party.
  • It is within the time limit : Tribute speeches should usually be between 5 and 10 minutes long. This is because if they are too long, the audience will start to lose interest.

How to write a tribute speech?

When writing a tribute speech, it is important to choose a topic that is significant and meaningful to you. The tribute should also be well-organized and coherent, with a clear introduction, body, and conclusion.

Here are some trips tips for writing an effective tribute speech:

  • Start by brainstorming a list of people, things that you admire, and why you admire them. This will help you to narrow down your topic.
  • Choose a topic that is significant and meaningful to you. This will make it easier to write from a place of sincerity and honesty.
  • Write an outline of your tribute speech. This will help you to organize your thoughts and make sure that your tribute is coherent.
  • Write in a clear and concise manner. Avoid using flowery or overly complicated language. Use terms that everyone in the audience will understand.
  • Keep within the time limit. Tribute speeches should usually be between 5 and 10 minutes long.
  • Practice delivering your tribute speech. This will help you to ensure that you are loud enough for the audience to hear, clear, and with proper enunciation.

Outline for writing an effective tribute speech

Here is a tribute speech outline that you can use as a guide when preparing your own tribute speech:


  • Introduce the person or thing that you are tributing to.
  • Provide background information about the person or thing being tributed.
  • Explain why you admire the person or thing being tributed.
  • Describe the qualities that you admire about the person or thing being tributed.
  • Give examples of how the person or thing has positively affected your life.
  • Share a personal story about the person or thing being tributed.
  • Summarize why the person or thing being tributed is significant and important to you.
  • Thank the audience for listening.

Famous tribute speeches and examples from history

There are many famous tribute speeches in history. Here are a few you could get inspired from:

  • “I Have a Dream” by Martin Luther King Jr. : This speech was given during the Civil Rights Movement where Martin Luther King Jr. spoke about his dream for a future where all people would be treated equally, regardless of skin color.
  • “The Gettysburg Address” by Abraham Lincoln : In this speech, Abraham Lincoln spoke about the sacrifices made by the soldiers who fought in the Battle of Gettysburg. He also spoke about the importance of preserving democracy.
  • “Inaugural Address” by John F. Kennedy : In this tribute speech, John F. Kennedy spoke about the need for Americans to work together to achieve their goals.
  • “9/11 Address to the Nation” by George W. Bush : In this famous tribute speech, George W. Bush spoke about the terrorist attacks of September 11th and the need for Americans to unite in the face of adversity.
  • “We Shall Overcome” by Barack Obama : In this famous tribute speech, Barack Obama spoke about the importance of hope and resilience in the face of challenges.

Tribute speech topics & ideas

Here are 20+ tribute speech topics and ideas;

1. Your favorite teacher

2. Your parents

3. A friend or family member who has passed away

4. A soldier who has served in the military

5. A first responder who has risked his life to save others

6. A person who has made a significant contribution to your community

7. A person who has inspired you

8. A historical figure that you admire

9. A mentor who has helped you in your life

10. An athlete who has achieved greatness

11. A person who has overcome adversity

12. A person who has made a significant impact on the world

13. A person who has shown courage in the face of challenges

14. A person who has demonstrated compassion for others

15. A person who has fought for justice

16. A couple who stayed together through thick and thin

17. A person who has inspired others to be their best selves

18. A friend who has always been there for you

19. A person who has brought happiness into your life

20. Your favorite pet

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14 Crafting a Thesis Statement

Learning Objectives

  • Craft a thesis statement that is clear, concise, and declarative.
  • Narrow your topic based on your thesis statement and consider the ways that your main points will support the thesis.

Crafting a Thesis Statement

A  thesis statement  is a short, declarative sentence that states the purpose, intent, or main idea of a speech. A strong, clear thesis statement is very valuable within an introduction because it lays out the basic goal of the entire speech. We strongly believe that it is worthwhile to invest some time in framing and writing a good thesis statement. You may even want to write your thesis statement before you even begin conducting research for your speech. While you may end up rewriting your thesis statement later, having a clear idea of your purpose, intent, or main idea before you start searching for research will help you focus on the most appropriate material. To help us understand thesis statements, we will first explore their basic functions and then discuss how to write a thesis statement.

Basic Functions of a Thesis Statement

A thesis statement helps your audience by letting them know, clearly and concisely, what you are going to talk about. A strong thesis statement will allow your reader to understand the central message of your speech. You will want to be as specific as possible. A thesis statement for informative speaking should be a declarative statement that is clear and concise; it will tell the audience what to expect in your speech. For persuasive speaking, a thesis statement should have a narrow focus and should be arguable, there must be an argument to explore within the speech. The exploration piece will come with research, but we will discuss that in the main points. For now, you will need to consider your specific purpose and how this relates directly to what you want to tell this audience. Remember, no matter if your general purpose is to inform or persuade, your thesis will be a declarative statement that reflects your purpose.

How to Write a Thesis Statement

Now that we’ve looked at why a thesis statement is crucial in a speech, let’s switch gears and talk about how we go about writing a solid thesis statement. A thesis statement is related to the general and specific purposes of a speech.

Once you have chosen your topic and determined your purpose, you will need to make sure your topic is narrow. One of the hardest parts of writing a thesis statement is narrowing a speech from a broad topic to one that can be easily covered during a five- to seven-minute speech. While five to seven minutes may sound like a long time for new public speakers, the time flies by very quickly when you are speaking. You can easily run out of time if your topic is too broad. To ascertain if your topic is narrow enough for a specific time frame, ask yourself three questions.

Is your speech topic a broad overgeneralization of a topic?

Overgeneralization occurs when we classify everyone in a specific group as having a specific characteristic. For example, a speaker’s thesis statement that “all members of the National Council of La Raza are militant” is an overgeneralization of all members of the organization. Furthermore, a speaker would have to correctly demonstrate that all members of the organization are militant for the thesis statement to be proven, which is a very difficult task since the National Council of La Raza consists of millions of Hispanic Americans. A more appropriate thesis related to this topic could be, “Since the creation of the National Council of La Raza [NCLR] in 1968, the NCLR has become increasingly militant in addressing the causes of Hispanics in the United States.”

Is your speech’s topic one clear topic or multiple topics?

A strong thesis statement consists of only a single topic. The following is an example of a thesis statement that contains too many topics: “Medical marijuana, prostitution, and Women’s Equal Rights Amendment should all be legalized in the United States.” Not only are all three fairly broad, but you also have three completely unrelated topics thrown into a single thesis statement. Instead of a thesis statement that has multiple topics, limit yourself to only one topic. Here’s an example of a thesis statement examining only one topic: Ratifying the Women’s Equal Rights Amendment as equal citizens under the United States law would protect women by requiring state and federal law to engage in equitable freedoms among the sexes.

Does the topic have direction?

If your basic topic is too broad, you will never have a solid thesis statement or a coherent speech. For example, if you start off with the topic “Barack Obama is a role model for everyone,” what do you mean by this statement? Do you think President Obama is a role model because of his dedication to civic service? Do you think he’s a role model because he’s a good basketball player? Do you think he’s a good role model because he’s an excellent public speaker? When your topic is too broad, almost anything can become part of the topic. This ultimately leads to a lack of direction and coherence within the speech itself. To make a cleaner topic, a speaker needs to narrow her or his topic to one specific area. For example, you may want to examine why President Obama is a good public speaker.

Put Your Topic into a Declarative Sentence

You wrote your general and specific purpose. Use this information to guide your thesis statement. If you wrote a clear purpose, it will be easy to turn this into a declarative statement.

General purpose: To inform

Specific purpose: To inform my audience about the lyricism of former President Barack Obama’s presentation skills.

Your thesis statement needs to be a declarative statement. This means it needs to actually state something. If a speaker says, “I am going to talk to you about the effects of social media,” this tells you nothing about the speech content. Are the effects positive? Are they negative? Are they both? We don’t know. This sentence is an announcement, not a thesis statement. A declarative statement clearly states the message of your speech.

For example, you could turn the topic of President Obama’s public speaking skills into the following sentence: “Because of his unique sense of lyricism and his well-developed presentational skills, President Barack Obama is a modern symbol of the power of public speaking.” Or you could state, “Socal media has both positive and negative effects on users.”

Adding your Argument, Viewpoint, or Opinion

If your topic is informative, your job is to make sure that the thesis statement is nonargumentative and focuses on facts. For example, in the preceding thesis statement, we have a couple of opinion-oriented terms that should be avoided for informative speeches: “unique sense,” “well-developed,” and “power.” All three of these terms are laced with an individual’s opinion, which is fine for a persuasive speech but not for an informative speech. For informative speeches, the goal of a thesis statement is to explain what the speech will be informing the audience about, not attempting to add the speaker’s opinion about the speech’s topic. For an informative speech, you could rewrite the thesis statement to read, “Barack Obama’s use of lyricism in his speech, ‘A World That Stands as One,’ delivered July 2008 in Berlin demonstrates exceptional use of rhetorical strategies. 

On the other hand, if your topic is persuasive, you want to make sure that your argument, viewpoint, or opinion is clearly indicated within the thesis statement. If you are going to argue that Barack Obama is a great speaker, then you should set up this argument within your thesis statement.

For example, you could turn the topic of President Obama’s public speaking skills into the following sentence: “Because of his unique sense of lyricism and his well-developed presentational skills, President Barack Obama is a modern symbol of the power of public speaking.” Once you have a clear topic sentence, you can start tweaking the thesis statement to help set up the purpose of your speech.

Thesis Checklist

Once you have written a first draft of your thesis statement, you’re probably going to end up revising your thesis statement a number of times prior to delivering your actual speech. A thesis statement is something that is constantly tweaked until the speech is given. As your speech develops, often your thesis will need to be rewritten to whatever direction the speech itself has taken. We often start with a speech going in one direction, and find out through our research that we should have gone in a different direction. When you think you finally have a thesis statement that is good to go for your speech, take a second and make sure it adheres to the criteria shown below.

Thesis checklist questions.

Preview of Speech

The preview, as stated in the introduction portion of our readings, reminds us that we will need to let the audience know what the main points in our speech will be. You will want to follow the thesis with the preview of your speech. Your preview will allow the audience to follow your main points in a sequential manner. Spoiler alert: The preview when stated out loud will remind you of main point 1, main point 2, and main point 3 (etc. if you have more or less main points). It is a built in memory card!

For Future Reference | How to organize this in an outline |


Attention Getter: Background information: Credibility: Thesis: Preview:

Key Takeaways

Introductions are foundational to an effective public speech.

  • A thesis statement is instrumental to a speech that is well-developed and supported.
  • Be sure that you are spending enough time brainstorming strong attention getters and considering your audience’s goal(s) for the introduction.
  • A strong thesis will allow you to follow a roadmap throughout the rest of your speech: it is worth spending the extra time to ensure you have a strong thesis statement.

Stand up, Speak out  by University of Minnesota is licensed under a  Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

Public Speaking Copyright © by Dr. Layne Goodman; Amber Green, M.A.; and Various is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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4.9: Tribute Speech- Celebrate the Occasion, the Person, or the Monument

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  • Page ID 128412

  • University of Arkansas

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A tribute is a type of celebratory speech that honors a person, a monument, a holiday, or an event.

Tribute to a Person

A tribute to a person typically includes one of these items:

  • Small descriptions so we can “see” the person in their element.
  • Stories of their deeds.
  • Stories of how the person affected others.
  • Funny or emotional moments.
  • The legacy that person is leaving.

Tribute to an Event or Occasion

Tributes to occasions can be any of the following:

  • Milestone Birthday, Retirement, Anniversary
  • Mother’s day, Father’s Day, Veteran’s Day, Memorial Day, D-Day
  • Race for the Cure, We Day
  • Family reunion, School reunion

Tributes to occasions typically include:

  • Emphasis on shared values
  • Appreciation for the people involved
  • Origin and evolution of the event
  • Stories of people related to the event
  • The larger context surrounding the event

Gather all the information

  • Who is the audience?
  • Are there other speakers?
  • What is the time limit?
  • Is this formal or informal?
  • Will there be a podium? microphone?

Brainstorming a Person

  • What life lessons did they teach you?
  • How are you different because of this person?
  • What are some of their favorite things?
  • What are their best qualities? Tell a story about that quality
  • What three words best describe this person?
  • What makes this person so great?
  • What is the funniest thing that you remember?
  • What is this person known for?
  • What are some sayings—one-liners—they are known for?
  • What is something simple that they do that demonstrates their character?
  • What is unique about her lifestyle or behavior?
  • What is a special gift that they gave you and why is it so special?
  • What does this person do for fun?
  • What does he do when he is stressed?
  • What adventure have you shared with this person?
  • What’s a story that everyone tells about this person?
  • What helpful advice has this person given you?
  • Every time you see a ______, you’ll think of ____ because ———
  • Look through a photo album—what one or two pictures tell about them ?
  • What smell do you associate with this person

Make Everyone Feel Included

Notice how this speaker invites all listeners to be part of the memorial.

I stand here today to pay tribute to the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building Bombing Memorial in Oklahoma City. This memorial represents the honor and strength as well as all the pain of every person who remembers that historical day. It has helped an immense number of people to cope with this national tragedy It is a place of reflection, emotion, and healing.

In this excerpt, Drew speaks to all those who are present at the Doolittle Raider reunion (A reunion of men who in 1942 led the first attack after the bombing of Pearl Harbor)

Each of us in this room has our own memories of growing up with these men and the reasons why they are so special to us . For these men, it is an everyday occurrence that someone thanks them for their service to their country and what they did 65 years ago. So today is my pleasure to share with you the reason why these men are my heroes and why one of them impractically means the world to me. I hope each of you will always remember the little things these men have done for you. L.M. Heroux once said “heroism is not just pulling a child from a burning house or a driver from an icy river or a kitten from a tall tree. Heroism is also holding the door for a frail elderly and driving courteously and cooperatively and listening with an attentive heart to a friend’s words. Small daily acts of love are as heroic as big once-in-a-lifetime acts of rescue.”

In this tribute to his teacher, “the greatest swing pusher” Hosea Born reminds the group of a common thing, finding your name on the desk.

Walking into a new teacher’s classroom is terrifying. We have all been there. You remember. Finding your desk with your name on it. My name tag was an apple. Tribute to the best swing pusher.

Magnify the Small Things

Caitlyn Steiner wrote a tribute speech about the love her grandparent have for each other. Notice how she uses the little things to demonstrate love.

Love appreciates the smallest details the most. My grandpa still puts the toothpaste on both their toothbrushes every morning. My grandma still hangs a towel on the rack for my grandpa every day after he gets in the shower. And they still slow dance together every night in the living room before they go to bed.

In this example, Fawn Kurtzo gives a birthday tribute to her brother Buck. As you read this manuscript excerpt, I want to draw your attention to the fact that each line is a story for those who know him.

We are gathered here today to celebrate another year in the life of Buck. Congratulations Buck? Who am I kidding, CONGRATULATIONS US! We all survived another year of 10,000 questions why, mental duels, being outshot with bullets and arrows, countless times of side-splitting laughs as he carried the life of the party // begin terribly humiliated in a game of dominoes // and just flat being outlasted by this kid!

Celebrate Don’t Inform

People in the audience may not know the person you are celebrating. Resist the temptation to give an informative speech about your person, that is the equivalent of reading someone’s Wikipedia biography–boring. Instead, pick a few things about them to celebrate.

In this tribute to his hometown dirt roads, Nathan Brock’s speech is a good example. He tells us the facts without sounding like an informative speech, I kept this sample in a manuscript format so you could see the emphasis and the rhythm. When you see /// it means to pause.

So, here’s to you, dirt roads the defining feature of my hometown. Here’s to you, dirt roads, /// the place of my upbringing in middle-of-nowhere America. Pawnee , Oklahoma is a town with many dirt roads A town with a population of 2,136// It felt like less. When Googling “living in Pawnee, Oklahoma” one can find a list of pros and cons Pros include “cost-of-living” Cons include “unattractive setting That is where you came in, dirt roads.

Describe the situation or person in vivid detail so we can see the person in their element. Jeremy Stuthard gave a tribute to his Grandma and said they were “Two peas in a pod.” Notice how in one sentence you get a sense of grandma’s humor and personality. from only one line, “I remember when you dumped a whole bucket of water on me, to wake me up, just to have me help you with your TV.” In another example, Patience Beard describes cooking with her grandma, “Nana ALWAYS let me lick the spoon. We would make icing all from scratch she would turn that mixer on and it would never fail– icing would fly everywhere and her laugh …….would echo through the whole room.” In each example, you can “see” the interaction in your mind. The speaker didn’t tell you that his grandma was a trickster, he showed you that. Patience didn’t tell you her grandma cooked for her, she “showed” you that she did.

Teach Little Lesson in the Small Things

In tribute speeches, the little things are often the big things. What I mean by that is you can tell a story that appears to be a simple story but it is really about something deeper. In this speech, Brittany Brunson is telling the story about riding in her dad’s lap, but really it is a metaphor for their relationship. I kept this in manuscript form so you couldn’t get a feel for how she intended it to be heard.

I don’t remember much from the age of 7// But I do remember getting to sit on my dad’s lap and driving down the alley. I couldn’t reach the pedals // so my dad was in charge of those// Although I thought I was in charge of the wheel// My dad had ultimate control because if I ever got to close to the wall of the alleyway // my dad would steer me right back to the center. Ironically, I never got in big trouble growing up // except for maybe prank calling the police one time…………. but anyways// I never got in big trouble growing up because if I ever got close to that barrier of bad choices /// my dad //steered me right back to the center. Although I thought I had control of the wheel of my life ultimately my dad guided me on to the right path // that led me to hold myself to a higher standard // and stand firm in my beliefs.

Tell Stories

Watch How Kevin Durant turns his most valuable player award acceptance speech into a tribute to his mother calling her the real MVP. Telling stories that highlight personal stories with the person you are giving tributing can be very powerful.

In this tribute speech to her father, she tells a story of how a Jewish man and a Muslim man can transcend boundaries and become friends.

Yamani, N. (2015). A Tribute to My Father.

Tribute Speech at We Day

We Day was an annual series of stadium-sized youth empowerment events organized by We Charity, a Canadian charity founded by brothers Marc and Craig Kielburger. WE Day events host tens of thousands of students and celebrate the effect they have made on local and global issues.

Sadhguru (2020). A Tribute to All Healthcare Workers

Notice how Tom Hanks makes specific references to parts from the Star Wars movie in his tribute to George Lucas. His references are things that everyone has in common.

American Film Institute. (2009). Tom Hanks Salutes George Lucas at the AFI Life Achievement Award.

Trump, D. (2018). President Donald Trump Full Speech: Honors 9/11 Victims at Shanksville Memorial.

Tribute to Famous Person

When giving a tribute to a famous person that you do not know personally, it is important to resist giving a biographical speech. Instead, you should talk about how that person influenced you in some way. The story of them becomes the story of you and them.

In his tribute to Stan Lee, David Lester wrote,

One of my earliest experiences with his work, is through his comics. When my mom would take forever shopping in Walmart, I would fly to the magazine section find those comic books and my time——– just——— evaporated .

Later he mentions the relationship again

The first Marvel movie I remember seeing saw was IRON MAN. I remember seeing Robert Downey Jr. beat up terrorists and change the way we see superheroes, not as just statues but as complex people like us.

In his conclusion, he brings it around to impact on all of us

BUT Do you wanna know who Stan thought the real superheroes were? It’s not the ones we talk about all the time. It’s not the ones that are played by Chris Evans, Chris Pratt, and Chris Hemsworth. NO! It’s us, the fans. We were the heroes all along. Looking out for each other. Supporting people around us who needed it the most. Protecting others from harm. Standing as examples for our community for what we can become. Doing more than the average man would do. That one person can make a difference. That you don’t need a cape just to be a hero. He brought us together. He did all of this.

Tribute to a Reunion by Drew

Today it is my honor to have been asked to speak at the Doolittle Raider of Reunion. As many we all know on April 18th 1942, 80 brave men flew on the first ever joint mission of the Navy and Air Force Reserves to give the United States its first attack on Japanese main land after Pearl Harbor. 600 miles off the shore of Japanese mainland the USS Hornet was spotted by a fishing boat. General Doolittle ordered the men to launch early causing the men not to have enough fuel to make it to unoccupied China as planned. All, but one of the 16 planes either crashed landed or the crew bailed out. Eight men were taken prisoners of war, but only four came home. These four men endured 40 months of being malnourished and tortured.

Of those four men, I have the greatest honor of calling my great-grandfather. For those who do not know these men on a personal level they are heroes for the actions taken on that day 65 years ago, but for those of us who have the honor on knowing these men personally they are heroes for so many other reason.

These men are our fathers, grandfathers and even great-grandfathers.

These men have been and will be apart of our lives in ways that go far beyond the Tokyo Raid.

These men are the crews that have made sure our families lives were on the right path.

Most of you know him as Lt. Col. Robert L Hite, but to me he is Bobby Hite. My great-grandfather is like the parachute he used to bail out of his plane that day. He has guided our family through the years making sure we reached the ground safely. He has done everything from slipping me a few dollars for a college student to taking us to lunch ever Saturday. As a child I can remember waiting on Saturdays for that special honk he had to inform us he was there.

I remember when my Uncle got married, I was so upset because I was going to ruin my perfect attendance record if I came to Fort Smith with my parents. Bobby Hite hating to see me so upset told my parents that he and nanny would wait for me to get out of school on Friday and drive me up because that’s what would make me happy.

The times he gave his “driving lessons”, told stories of when he managed the Camden Hotel and of course waiting every Christmas morning for nanny and him to arrive before we could see what Santa had brought are all memories that mean the world to me and my two brothers.

Each of us in this room has our own memories of growing up with these men and reasons why they are so special to us. For these men, it is an everyday occurrence that someone thanks them for their service to their country and what they did 65 years ago. So today is my pleasure to share with you the reason why these men are my heroes and why one of them impractically means the world to me.

I hope each of you will always remember the little things these men have done for you. L.M. Heroux once said “heroism is not just pulling a child from a burning house or a driver from an icy river or a kitten from a tall tree. Heroism is also holding the door for a frail elderly and driving courteously and cooperatively and listening with an attentive heart to a friend’s words. Small daily acts of love are as heroic as big once-in-a-lifetime acts of rescue.”

Key Takeaways

Remember This!

  • Spend a lot of time brainstorming, reflecting, researching, and talking to others before you begin to write.
  • Write in a manuscript format.
  • Structure your speech so your audience feels like they are part of something.
  • Celebrate the person’s accomplishments and don’t make it an informative speech about them.
  • Tells stories when possible.
  • Try incorporating colorful language: Simile, metaphor, antithesis, alliteration, parallel construction.
  • Consider using a theme that fits the person or the situation.

Durant, K. (2014). 2013-14 NBA Most Valuable player acceptance speech. 32 9s

Lester, D. Tribute to Stan Lee. University of Arkansas Advanced Public Speaking.

Waln, F. (2017). Inspirational Native American Grank Walkn tells his story at WE Day! Standard YouTube License.

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Category: Tribute

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A sample tribute speech

- in memory of my mother, iris.

By:  Susan Dugdale  | Last modified: 04-19-2021

Here's a sample tribute speech. It's for my mother, Iris, and yes, it's all true.

You'll find the outline or template the speech follows directly below it along with other helpful links to information about the speech writing process, funeral poems and quotations and more.

A tribute speech for my mother: Iris

My Mother shares her name, Iris, with the goddess of the rainbow; a messenger for the ancient Olympian gods and carrier of faith, hope and wisdom.

But that's not why her parent's called her that. Instead it was something much closer to home.

After her birth my grandmother saw beautiful dark purple flowers out her bedroom window. They were iris. She was named for them .

Image: purple iris flowers. Text: Iris: goddess of the rainbow, messenger of the gods.

Iris, the last of five children, arrived during the Depression Years.

At two years old her father died and her family were thrust into hard times. Her brothers and sisters were sent out to work as soon as they were old enough. There was no government assistance for widows in those days. On eve of World War Two she left school to work too. She was thirteen years old and as she said; knew nothing about anything worth knowing.

Soon being a shop girl behind the Woolworth's counter was no longer enough. She wanted more. That hunger drove her to night school, a secretarial course, and speech lessons to learn " to talk proper".

Nothing, not even God, was exempt from her desire to break free of limitations imposed by circumstance. Her staunch Catholic upbringing was questioned. The family fall-out from her decision to abandon it was legendary.

My Great-Grandmother locked her in her room for several days. Prayers were said and priests brought to the door.

However all the threats of hell-fire and eternal damnation were powerless.  Finally her family relented, the door was opened and she was reluctantly set free.

By the time World War Two ended Iris had become a competent personal secretary who enjoyed life.    

In 1947 she met my father. It was "love at first sight" and they married six weeks later.

Let's fast forward eighteen years now.

Iris and Graham had five children. I am the eldest and the youngest was two when, in a curious repetition of family history, my father died. This time, in this generation, there was a widow's benefit and although meager, my Mother was grateful.

Events in times of great shock are tattooed into memories and their images remain despite the wear of years.

From the chaotic struggle to find a sense of place without my father, to effectively parent five children on her own, to balance growing financial demands against a small fixed income and more, flow a stream of images. Each portrays aspects of Iris I respect and admire.

From my gallery: The God Books.

This what we called them as children. They were philosophical discussions on varying world religions and often baptized in the bath. At the end of the day that was where she read and invariably she nodded off. Sodden books, face down, their leaves splayed out to dry were a common sight.

No matter how fraught she was there were always fresh flowers: a bowl of velvet pansies, red roses; whatever was in season from her garden. They were, to use her expression, a hyacinth for the soul . She understood ' Man can not live by bread alone .' and beauty was essential.

Money Jars.

In the high cupboard above the kitchen bench were a series of labelled jars. " Food " , " Electricity" , " Phone" , and so on. Every time her widow's benefit was paid out each jar got its portion.

Midnight Nursing.

My youngest brother and sister suffered chronic bronchitis. Many nights I woke to find her cradling one, and sometimes both. She'd be wrapped in her old blue dressing gown, her long brown hair hanging loose, crooning and gently rocking them back to sleep. The Old Ford Cortina Car .

It was called Flower Power , sported a huge stylized black daisy on its boot, and was her faithful friend. She drove it everywhere, always, to my brother's embarrassment, at the same speed, slowly.

Carrot Juice.

In this Iris was a trend setter. Long before the eat-healthy gurus arrived on the scene advocating " raw this"  and " juiced that"  with a side dish of mung bean sprouts, my mother was buying sacks of carrots for the daily juice-up. Every morning six glasses were lined up on the kitchen bench, one for each of us. Inevitably they'd been done early and by the time we got to them a top layer of brown scum had formed. Drinking or not drinking the stuff was a battle of wills. Mostly she won.

Her Spinning Wheel.

The soft clack, clack of its whir was a familiar sound track to our lives. Along with the wheel came bags of wool straight off the sheep. The end result was homespun garments for everyone.

Later she added learning to use natural dyes and weaving to her skills. The dye brews resembled a witch's cauldron. Into them went onion skins, green walnuts, lichens, flower petals, anything that might yield up its  color.

When seen through my teenage eyes much of who she was and what she did was incomprehensible. On a superficial level she was a Mother doing what Mother's did, mothering, albeit with a difference. Beyond that, I didn't understand or fully appreciate what she gave us.

The hindsight of passing years and growing maturity have slowly revealed her real value. I look now and am humbled. I see the enormity of raising five children on her own while hounded by the constant fear of "never having enough money". I marvel at the strength of will and determination  that kept her going.

I have her hunger and respect for knowledge to thank for my education.

I remember a small but significant scene that took place a year or so after my father died. A couple of well-meaning older family friends were discussing our financial situation.

"Of course Susan will leave school and...", one of them began. My Mother cut her short. "No. That will never happen. We'll manage." 

We did, and I got an education, as did those following me.

The freedom to investigate and believe what we wanted to about the BIG questions she actively encouraged. The memory of her own struggle for permission and the right to find her own path was to leave us free. 

While there always the backdrop of her ongoing inquiry into religious beliefs, morality and spirituality it was never foisted on us.  Her faith that we would each find our " right"  path and relationship with what it is to be human living in the world held us strongly. We were never in any doubt as to who was ultimately responsible for the lives we would lead. It was us.

Beauty is free. That's another legacy from her. It's everywhere if you have eyes to see it: a sun rise, a child's smile, a flower from the garden, a meal prepared with love, or a tree in autumn. Appreciation of it doesn't increase with the amount of money in your wallet.

And that was Iris, our mother, our flesh and blood version of her overlooked namesake, the goddess of the rainbow. She was our example of persistence, courage, service, faith, hope, love of beauty and the ongoing quest for truth.

tribute speech thesis example

Sample Tribute Speech Outline

Use the following headings as a guide to write the outline for your tribute speech.

Introduction Open with an attention getter followed by introducing who you are talking about.

Background Provide a context (setting) for accomplishments and obstacles. This validates your choice:- explains why you chose whom you did.

Relationship Why is this person important to you? Outline their impact on yourself and/or others. This is an opportunity to tell the stories highlighting the qualities you revere.

What has been learnt as a result of their influence? What will you and others value and carry forward?

Conclusion Restatement or summary of key points ending positively.

Related useful pages

Image: purple irises

These will help you prepare your own tribute speech.

Browse quotations, read a poem or sample eulogies, and if you wish, find out more about writing a funeral or commemorative speech.

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15.5 Sample Special Occasion Speech Outline

Sample outline: commemorative (tribute) speech on simone biles, by kellie barnes.

Specific Purpose: To inspire my audience with the story of Simone Biles.

Introduction: “I’m not the next Usain Bolt or Michael Phelps. I’m the first Simone Biles!” Said Simone, and boy did she earn that kind of recognition! Some of you might hear that name and think of a random gymnast, and some of you may hear that name and not know who it is at all, but today, before this class is over, I am going to make sure each and every one of you remember just how great she is and why she deserves to be recognized.

Thesis: A person whom I admire over all other athletes is Simone Biles.

Preview: Simone is special in my eyes because she has overcome some big challenges in her life to get to where she is today. Not only is she a 3-time gymnastics champion, but she made history while doing it.

I. Simone overcame an extremely rough childhood in Columbus, Ohio, as both her mother and father were struggling with substance abuse.

A. Simone’s grandparents took her and her siblings under their wings.

B. Soon her grandparents were able to adopt all of the grandchildren at a fairly young age.

C. Although Simone didn’t have the best relationship with her mom as a young child, she had plenty of women to step up in her life to fill that gap.

1. She had a grandmother who was basically “Mom” to her.

2. She has also had the same gymnastics coach since she was 11 years old.

Transition: Although Simone had a rather disheartening childhood, she has emerged to be one of the best in her sport.

II. In her teens and standing at 4 foot 8 inches, Simone made a tremendous name for herself in the gymnastics world. These are just a few of her accomplishments.

A. Simone was the first female ever to win three worldwide all-around titles.

1. She has the most World Championship gold medals won by a female gymnast in history with ten.

2. She is the most decorated World Championship American gymnast with 14 total medals (10 gold, two silver, two bronze).

B. She became the Olympic Gold medalist in vault, floor, Individual and Team all-around and bronze medalist on Beam at 2016 Rio de Janeiro Olympics.

C. At just 19 years old, she became the most decorated female gymnast in America.

1. Right behind her the whole time stood her amazing family and support system.

2. She is the first African American to become an all-around world champ.

D. Consequently, she has received many media awards and much attention.

1. She was named one of the Most Influential People in the World by TIME magazine.

2. She was named Associated Press Female Athlete of the Year 2016.

Transition: Simone was so incredibly grateful that she had people to take her in and support her through all of her success she tried her best to do the same for others who were in need.

III. Simone started an amazing charity for foster kids as a way for her to give back.

A. Founded in 2015, Mattress Firm Foster Kids is now effective in 40 states nationwide.

B. “This is such a personal cause for me because I know firsthand what it is like to be in foster care, the struggles and all,” says Simone.

C. This cause has given back more than 610,000 items, such as clothes and school supplies, to foster kids and their families.

Conclusion: As I sit back and look at the life of Simone Biles, I’m amazed with all that she has done in such a short amount of time. At 20 years old, she had given back to those in need, rose above many tough challenges in her life, and amongst all of that she is having the time of her life on the mat, and earning medals and honors while doing so.

It’s About Them: Public Speaking in the 21st Century Copyright © 2022 by LOUIS: The Louisiana Library Network is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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  • Funerals & Memorial Services

How to Write a Tribute Speech to Your Mother: Step-By-Step

Updated 06/6/2022

Published 11/12/2019

Cassie Barthuly, BA in English

Cassie Barthuly, BA in English

Contributing writer

Learn how to write an impactful tribute speech for your mother, including step-by-step instructions and a sample outline.

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Writing a tribute speech is one of the best ways to memorialize your mom. Recognizing your mom's legacy is a gift to one of the most important people in your life. A speech is a great way to praise her and a great way of laying her life to rest. 

Jump ahead to these sections:

Step 1: do your research, step 2: think about impact, step 3: pick thematic anecdotes, step 4: be truthful, step 5: deliver your speech, sample outline speech for mom.

For most people, though, writing and delivering a speech is a little scary. How do you start? How do you keep from breaking down? How do you conquer fears of public speaking?

We’ve included a list of tips, below. You can build your narrative from the ground so you can deliver a poignant, emotional speech.

If writing a tribute speech is just one of your responsibilities after a death, check out our post-loss checklist for some help through the process.  

Even if you and your mother were best friends, it’s still a good idea to confirm the facts. Family stories and blurred memories over the years can change hard facts. Make sure to verify details, even if you’re sure you know the answer. In most cases, Google can’t help you. Look through mementos to find your answers. Diplomas, marriage certificates, and photos can help you confirm most details. 

If you don’t have access to these mementos, or your mother didn’t save anything, try something else. Other family members may have stories and mementos that you don’t. Fact-check with many people to help you gather enough information for a foundation. 

Don’t make the mistake of writing a tribute speech like a biography. You don’t need to write a third-person essay. Focus on the relationship you had with your mother and how that changed you. 

Share your final wishes, just in case.

Create a free Cake end-of-life planning profile and instantly share your health, legal, funeral, and legacy decisions with a loved one.

What do you want to emphasize? How do you want your audience to feel when your speech is over? It can feel daunting to try to condense an entire life into a short speech. You’re faced with so many memories, it can be hard to pick one, but make it simple: Decide how you want your audience to feel. 

There are a few common results that you might want. You may want people to feel grateful for their mothers. To achieve this result, you could emphasize the role she held in keeping the family together. You may want people to feel impressed by the type of person your mother was. To do this, you could share memories of her tireless volunteer work. You may not have something specific in mind, though.

Sometimes, grief is so overwhelming that all you want to do is share what your mother meant to you. If that’s what you want, think of memories that show your close relationship. Consider what your mother did for you, taught you, or provided you with. After all, mothers leave an indelible footprint.

When you’re selecting memories, it’s easy to be vague. After all, being specific means spending a lot of time living in memories. After a recent death, your first instinct might be to avoid this — but it won't help you through it. 

It doesn't help people who are grieving with you to give vague generalities. They want to know details, ones that couldn’t apply to every mother in the world. Tell specific stories. What traits do you highlight? When you think of your mother’s personality, what stands out? You might want to talk about what your mom meant to you. It’s up to you to dig deep and think about why your mom mattered so much. 

Her sense of compassion might have changed your outlook on the world. You could always depend on her and her reliability structured your childhood. Once you’ve discovered your “why,” pick out traits. Then spend some time recounting your memories. Which ones illustrate the traits you want to highlight? 

When you pick your stories, keep them streamlined. No one wants to listen to a speech that meanders through someone’s life. Choose two or three traits. This will condense your story for the audience. Streamline your stories in the retelling, too. Condense them into a few poignant sentences for a great way to hook your audience. 

Whether you're speaking a funeral , memorial service, or her retirement party, chances are that most people in the room knew your mother. Not everyone has a great relationship with his or her mother. Some people never knew their mother well. Others had a complicated relationship and you may struggle to share good qualities. 

This is okay! Not everyone has a "Gilmore Girls" relationship with his or her mom. Here are a few options if you're struggling: 

  • Write the speech. If she had a drastic, public issue, such as alcoholism, most people attending already know. Dragging it into the light and expanding on it will make people uncomfortable. Using a tribute speech as a soapbox for your issues isn’t appropriate. 
  • Focus on the positive. If you can’t, though, it’s appropriate to refuse the offer to deliver a tribute speech. Not saying anything is better than lying or making it sound like someone was a better person than they were. 

Some people, gifted with words, offer anecdotes and attention-grabbing openers. They’re made for writing a speech. But do you feel terror at the mere thought of giving a speech? 

There are a few simple tips to follow to ensure that your speech goes well. One of the most important tips is giving your opening hook a time to shine. If you remember college essays, you remember the importance of an attention grabber. Rather than starting with a boring sentence, craft an attention-grabber. This will inform and excite listeners. Wait for the audience to settle down and pay attention before you start speaking.

It’s important to come prepared, too. Bring tissues and a bottle of water to help you through your speech. Bring notes, too. If you want to type out your entire speech beforehand, do so. If not, try writing out cue cards.

Struggling with how to craft your speech? Here’s an example outline for you. Customize or rearrange to fit your unique needs!

Introduction: Start with something that will grab the audience’s attention. It could be a fact about your mother that’s surprising, one that no one else knew. It could be a mild joke if the mood is appropriate. Once you’ve snagged the audience’s attention, introduce the basic facts about your mother. State your relationship, too, so people know who you are. 

Overview: Provide a birds-eye view of what your relationship with your mother was like. How did her upbringing influence the kind of person she was? How did she pass that onto you? This is the place to highlight the traits you remember most about your mother. 

Anecdotes: The anecdotes you select go here. Share your memories, with an emphasis on the traits you discussed above. Stating those traits serve as a thesis statement and a road map through the rest of your speech. 

Influence: Depending on how many anecdotes you shared, you can talk about her in two ways. You can do so after each separate anecdote. If you only have one or two, you may save this for the end. Talk about how these character traits changed your life. Illustrate them with stories.

Why Your Speech Matters

It’s easy to feel like a tribute speech is impossible to craft. It seems like there’s always someone who could do it better. But a tribute speech serves as a personalized gift, one of the only ones you can give after your mother dies.


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Nursing is a profession that embodies compassion, dedication, and unwavering commitment to the well-being of others. As nursing students, you are on a journey to join the ranks of these incredible healthcare heroes. A commemorative speech is a powerful way to honor the achievements, dedication, and contributions of nursing professionals . In this article, we will explore what a commemorative speech is, dissect an exemplary speech, and offer insights on how to write a commemorative speech to nurses who inspire and motivate you.

What You'll Learn

What is a Commemorative Speech?

A commemorative speech, often called a tribute speech, is a type of public address delivered to honor and celebrate a person, group, event, or idea. In the context of nursing students, it serves as an opportunity to pay tribute to the extraordinary nurses who have made significant contributions to the field. These speeches are not only a means of expressing appreciation but also a way to inspire and motivate future nurses by highlighting the virtues and qualities that define excellence in nursing.

Example of a Commemorative Speech

Title: “a tribute to nursing excellence: celebrating the pioneers”.

Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed faculty, fellow nursing students , and distinguished guests, today we gather to pay tribute to the unsung heroes who have left an indelible mark on the world of nursing. These individuals have dedicated their lives to the service of humanity, exemplifying the very essence of what it means to be a nurse.

I. The Heart of Nursing

A. Compassion and Empathy

At the heart of nursing lies compassion and empathy. Our honorees today have not only demonstrated these qualities in their daily practice but have elevated them to an art form. Through countless hours spent by the bedside, holding hands, offering a comforting word, or simply lending a listening ear, they have shown that healing begins with empathy.

B. Dedication and Sacrifice

Nursing is not merely a profession; it is a calling. Our nursing pioneers have made sacrifices that go beyond measure. They have missed family gatherings, worked long shifts , and endured physical and emotional exhaustion, all in the name of caring for others. Their unwavering dedication serves as a beacon for us all.

II. Innovation and Advancement

A. Embracing Change

In the ever-evolving landscape of healthcare, innovation is key. The nurses we honor today have not shied away from change; instead, they have embraced it. They have been at the forefront of adopting new technologies and best practices , ensuring that patient care remains at the cutting edge.

B. Lifelong Learning

Nursing is a journey of continuous learning. Our celebrated nurses have shown us that education doesn’t end with a degree. They have pursued advanced degrees, attended conferences, and conducted research, contributing significantly to the advancement of nursing knowledge.

III. Leadership and Advocacy

A. Leading by Example

True leaders lead by example. Our nursing pioneers have not only excelled in their clinical roles but have also taken on leadership positions. They have mentored new generations of nurses, inspiring them to reach their full potential.

B. Advocating for Change

Advocacy is a fundamental aspect of nursing. Our honorees have used their voices to advocate for better patient care, improved working conditions, and healthcare policy changes. Their advocacy has made a difference, leaving a lasting impact on the nursing profession.

In conclusion, as nursing students, we stand on the shoulders of giants. The nurses we celebrate today have set a high standard of excellence in our field. They have shown us that nursing is not just a job but a lifelong commitment to compassion, innovation, leadership, and advocacy.

As we embark on our own journeys in nursing, let us remember the invaluable lessons we have learned from these remarkable individuals. Let their dedication and passion inspire us to become the best nurses we can be. Let us carry their legacy forward, ensuring that the torch of nursing excellence continues to burn brightly.

If you find yourself tasked with delivering a commemorative speech in the future or need assistance with any form of academic or professional writing, remember that help is just a click away. Our professional writing services are here to support you in crafting impactful speeches, essays, and content that resonates with your audience. Contact us today to discover how we can assist you in making your words truly shine.

Q1: What is a commemorative speech example? A commemorative speech example is a speech given to honor and celebrate a person, group, event, or idea. It typically highlights the virtues and qualities associated with the subject of tribute.

Q2: How do you start a commemorative speech example? Begin a commemorative speech by addressing the audience, acknowledging the significance of the occasion, and introducing the purpose of the speech, which is to celebrate and honor the subject of tribute.

Q3: What do you say in a commemorative speech? In a commemorative speech, you should talk about the subject’s qualities, achievements, contributions, and the impact they’ve had on others. Share personal anecdotes, memorable stories, or quotes that capture their essence.

Q4: What is an example of a commemorative speech conclusion? A commemorative speech conclusion should summarize the key points, express gratitude, and leave a lasting impression. For instance, you can conclude by emphasizing the subject’s legacy and how their influence will continue to inspire future generations

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Informative Speech on The Impact of Social Media

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Good evening, everyone,

Today, I want to discuss a topic that significantly affects our daily lives: the impact of social media. Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok have revolutionized the way we communicate, share information, and interact with the world. While social media has numerous positive effects, it also comes with its share of negative impacts. Let’s explore both sides of this digital phenomenon.

Positive Effects of Social Media

1. enhanced communication and connectivity.

  • Global Connectivity : Social media allows us to connect with people across the globe, breaking down geographical barriers. We can stay in touch with friends and family, no matter where they are.
  • Instant Communication : Platforms like WhatsApp and Messenger provide instant communication, making it easier to stay connected and share updates in real-time.

2. Access to Information and News

  • Information Sharing : Social media is a powerful tool for sharing information and staying updated with current events. News organizations and individuals can disseminate information quickly and efficiently.
  • Educational Content : Many educational institutions and professionals use social media to share knowledge and resources, making education more accessible.

3. Community Building and Support

  • Online Communities : Social media enables the formation of online communities based on shared interests, hobbies, and causes. These communities provide support, advice, and a sense of belonging.
  • Activism and Awareness : Platforms like Twitter and Facebook have been instrumental in raising awareness about social issues and mobilizing support for various causes, leading to social change and activism.

4. Business and Marketing Opportunities

  • Marketing Tool : Businesses use social media to reach a broader audience, engage with customers, and promote their products and services. This has leveled the playing field for small businesses and startups.
  • Networking : Professionals use platforms like LinkedIn for networking, job searching, and building professional relationships.

Negative Effects of Social Media

1. mental health issues.

  • Anxiety and Depression : Excessive use of social media has been linked to anxiety, depression, and feelings of inadequacy. Constant comparison with others’ curated lives can lead to low self-esteem and mental health issues.
  • Addiction : The addictive nature of social media can lead to compulsive usage, impacting productivity, sleep, and overall well-being.

2. Cyberbullying and Harassment

  • Bullying : Social media platforms can be breeding grounds for cyberbullying and harassment, particularly among young users. Victims of cyberbullying can suffer from severe emotional and psychological distress.
  • Harassment : The anonymity provided by social media can embolden individuals to engage in harassment and abusive behavior.

3. Spread of Misinformation

  • Fake News : Social media can be a conduit for the rapid spread of misinformation and fake news, which can lead to public confusion, panic, and distrust.
  • Echo Chambers : Algorithms that tailor content to users’ preferences can create echo chambers, reinforcing existing beliefs and reducing exposure to diverse perspectives.

4. Privacy Concerns

  • Data Security : Social media platforms collect vast amounts of personal data, raising concerns about privacy and data security. Unauthorized access to this data can lead to identity theft and other malicious activities.
  • Surveillance : Users’ activities on social media can be monitored by governments, corporations, and other entities, leading to potential violations of privacy rights.

Social media is a powerful tool that has transformed the way we communicate, access information, and engage with the world. While it offers numerous benefits, such as enhanced communication, access to information, community building, and business opportunities, it also poses significant challenges, including mental health issues, cyberbullying, the spread of misinformation, and privacy concerns.

As users, it is crucial to be aware of both the positive and negative impacts of social media and to use these platforms responsibly. By doing so, we can harness the benefits while mitigating the risks, creating a healthier and more informed digital society.

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  2. Tribute Speech

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  6. How To Write A Tribute

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  6. Tribute Speech


  1. Tribute Speech Topics, Outline, And Examples

    Learn how to write and deliver a tribute speech to honor someone or something you admire. Find tips, outline, examples, and famous speeches to inspire you.

  2. How to Write a Memorable Tribute Speech: Step-By-Step

    Write a Powerful Tribute Speech. With the steps and examples listed above, hopefully you have some inspiration to help you write a top-notch tribute speech. From learning how to hook listeners to find the right words to say, you have many paths you can take with a tribute. And in the end, a tribute speech is a commemoration of someone special.

  3. Tribute Speech

    Learn how to craft a moving and memorable tribute speech to honor and celebrate an individual or event. Follow the step-by-step guide, see eloquent examples, and download a PDF bundle.

  4. Crafting a Thesis Statement

    Learn how to write a clear, concise, and declarative thesis statement for informative and persuasive speeches. Find out how to narrow your topic, avoid overgeneralization, and add your argument, viewpoint, or opinion.

  5. How To Write A Thesis Statement For A Eulogy

    Learn how to craft a powerful and respectful thesis statement for a eulogy that captures the essence of the deceased's life and legacy. See examples of thesis statements and tips for brainstorming ideas, clarity, and emotional appeal.

  6. Tribute speech guide

    Learn the characteristics, occasions and process of writing a tribute speech. Find examples, templates and tips for eulogies, anniversaries, awards and more.

  7. 4.9: Tribute Speech- Celebrate the Occasion, the Person, or the

    In this tribute to his hometown dirt roads, Nathan Brock's speech is a good example. He tells us the facts without sounding like an informative speech, I kept this sample in a manuscript format so you could see the emphasis and the rhythm. When you see /// it means to pause. So, here's to you, dirt roads. the defining feature of my hometown.

  8. How to Write a Tribute Speech

    Tie your conclusion back to a powerful idea you introduced earlier in the speech. Follow the tone of your tribute from start to finish and incorporate the most poignant or powerful details near the ending. Give your audience something to take with them: comfort, support, motivation, or a new perspective. Rehearse.

  9. Tribute Speech Examples To Inspire Your Next Celebration

    Learn how to write a tribute speech for various occasions, such as birthdays, anniversaries, retirements, and memorials. See examples of tribute speeches and tips on how to start, end, and structure them.

  10. Tribute

    link to Tribute Speech Examples To Inspire Your Next Celebration. Tribute Speech Examples To Inspire Your Next Celebration. A tribute speech honors an occasion, person, event, thing, or idea by recounting its significance. The content includes both facts and feelings. As these tribute speech examples show, the speaker...

  11. Speech Thesis Statement

    Learn how to craft a compelling speech thesis statement that captures the core message, purpose, and direction of your discourse. Explore 100+ examples of speech thesis statements for various topics and purposes, and use the generator to create your own.

  12. 7 Short Memorial Tribute Samples for Funerals

    Let us help. Here are some short tribute samples. We'll try to give you examples of how to begin, portions from the middle of a speech, and how to conclude your tribute. We hope that reading these short excerpts will inspire you to be able to write a speech for someone close to you. Post-planning tip: If you are the executor for a deceased ...

  13. A sample tribute speech for my mother

    Sample Tribute Speech Outline. Use the following headings as a guide to write the outline for your tribute speech. Introduction Open with an attention getter followed by introducing who you are talking about. Background Provide a context (setting) for accomplishments and obstacles. This validates your choice:- explains why you chose whom you did.

  14. How to Do a Tribute Speech

    Wrap up the tribute by expressing appreciation. Tributes sometimes end with a famous quote, clever saying or words to live by. Example: Mr. Brown taught us that the secret of life is to wake up, show up, speak up, listen up and pay up. Is a Eulogy a Commemorative Speech? A eulogy is a commemorative speech usually done as a tribute to someone ...

  15. 15.5 Sample Special Occasion Speech Outline

    15.5 Sample Special Occasion Speech Outline Sample Outline: Commemorative (Tribute) Speech on Simone Biles By Kellie Barnes. Specific Purpose: To inspire my audience with the story of Simone Biles. Introduction: "I'm not the next Usain Bolt or Michael Phelps. I'm the first Simone Biles!" Said Simone, and boy did she earn that kind of ...

  16. Thesis Statement for Speech

    A thesis statement is the speaker's whole speech condensed into one statement. It should include the overall point of the speech as well as any subpoints they intend to make. Most often, the ...

  17. How to Write a Tribute Speech to Your Mother: Step-By-Step

    A speech is a great way to praise her and a great way of laying her life to rest. Jump ahead to these sections: Step 1: Do Your Research; Step 2: Think About Impact; Step 3: Pick Thematic Anecdotes; Step 4: Be Truthful; Step 5: Deliver Your Speech; Sample Outline Speech for Mom; For most people, though, writing and delivering a speech is a ...

  18. How to Write a Commemorative Speech with Examples

    A commemorative speech, often called a tribute speech, is a type of public address delivered to honor and celebrate a person, group, event, or idea. In the context of nursing students, it serves as an opportunity to pay tribute to the extraordinary nurses who have made significant contributions to the field.

  19. Tribute Speech Outline- My Mother

    o A brief statement of credibility: My whole life I had an amazing woman teach me and guide me since I was born. She taught me about Jesus and helped me strengthen my walk and relationship with him. o Thesis: She is the strongest, most forgiving, and loving woman I know. Body - Today I would like to pay tribute to a woman who has tremendously ...

  20. Informative Speech Thesis Statement

    Informative Speech Thesis Statement Examples for Introduction. ... This ceremony is a tribute to our resilience, aspirations, and the legacy we're beginning to build. Informative Speech Thesis Statement Examples For Autism. Autism speeches inform and spread awareness. The thesis should be insightful, compassionate, and devoid of any stereotypes.

  21. tribute speech

    View Essay - tribute speech from SPCH 1311 at Blinn College. Shelbi Smith Speech of Tribute Thesis: My mom is a hard working woman, she taught my sisters and I to work hard in life, and I wouldnt. ... If you can send me an example that would be great. Please see attachment. Assignment 3: Forces for Change Using the Internet, AUO library and

  22. thesis for tribute speech

    The general purpose statement is the goal the speaker wishes to accomplish with his speech. The most common general purposes are to inform, to persuade, to entertain or to pay tribute.... Funeral tributes can range from a speech given by a friend or family member to specific rituals to remind mourners of the person who passed. These rituals could include a wide variety of options including a ...

  23. Tribute Speech Thesis Example

    4.8 (3157 reviews) Tribute Speech Thesis Example, How To Write Minutes In Ap Style, Good Thesis Statement For Inclusion, Resume Writing Servicesa, Definition Sample Essay, Preschool Homework Folder, Brooklyn Essay Questions. Essay (Any Type), Biology (and other Life Sciences), 7 pages by Mitrofan Yudin. amlaformulatorsschool.

  24. Informative Speech on The Impact of Social Media

    1. Mental Health Issues. Anxiety and Depression: Excessive use of social media has been linked to anxiety, depression, and feelings of inadequacy. Constant comparison with others' curated lives can lead to low self-esteem and mental health issues. Addiction: The addictive nature of social media can lead to compulsive usage, impacting ...