Exam Stress: Effective Management Report

Executive summary.

Exam period is always a time that every student wishes to phase out. According to Hemmings (2014), this period of anxiety could be a tough time for students because of the expectations required of them. The article also identifies the importance of parents’ participation in a child’s education, especially during the examination period, and presents ten ways for students to handle stress effectively. Some of the outlined ways are being prepared, exercising, concentrating on success and managing expectations.

The anxiety experienced during exam time affects most students, and this influences their overall performance. Hemmings (2014) presents ten ways/steps for students to manage stress effectively during the exam period. The first way is being prepared. Consistent with Hemmings (2014), early preparation lessens the likelihood of anxiety during the exam period.

By ensuring that a student has a proper study plan, exam period will be smooth and free from bouts of anxiety. The second way is avoiding overdoing things. A student should study with zeal in phases. This means that studying for a few minutes is better and efficient than reading for many hours. This assists a child in studying efficiently and reducing anxiety. The third way is exercise. According to Hemmings (2014), fresh air and exercise help a student in clarifying his/her mind and maintaining excellent health. Parents should encourage their children to participate in such endeavors.

The fourth way is breaking information down. This is one of the best ways of ensuring proper and efficient extraction of information while studying with minimal anxiety. Breaking down of information makes it easy for the student in terms of learning and understanding a subject or topic. This facilitates a high chance of understanding an issue or subject matter before an exam thus preventing anxiety prior to and in the course of the examination.

The fifth way is having sufficient sleep. It is important for a child to get enough rest for the relaxation of the mind and body. This helps in reducing mind-clog that is associated with tiredness. Getting sufficient sleep ensures relaxation of the brain for high performance the next day.

The sixth way is having open communication. In line with Hemmings (2014), it is important for parents to analyze the mood of a child who is sitting for an exam to understand the situation and assist in calming down the student in case of signs of anxiety. This helps a child by talking out the problems that he/she might be facing and the parents should assist the children by addressing their nervousness before it gets out of hand. The seventh way is taking healthy brain food. The author suggests that parents should provide food that is healthy and that will boost the function of their children’s brain. This means that food with high volumes of sugars should be avoided as it facilitates mental fogginess, which ultimately leads to brain lockdown.

The eighth way is mentorship from older siblings. When a child is sitting for an examination, the anxiety gets the best of him/her. It is, therefore, important for a parent to ensure that the child is ready for the exam in proper time. One of the ways is through advice from the child’s older brothers or sisters who have encountered such conditions before. This boosts a child’s morale through encouragement from an experienced person.

The ninth way is concentrating on success. A student should focus on the positive side of success and parents should ensure that regardless of the outcome, the child is awarded for efforts in his/her studies. The tenth way is managing expectations. Parents want their children to perform excellently and this generates expectations. A child will feel pressured to meet the anticipations of the parents, which leads to anxiety, and may hinder the student from performing well in subsequent exams. Parents should show their support to children who do not meet such high expectations.

Hemmings, R. (2014). 10 ways to manage exam stress effectively . Gulf News.

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"Exam Stress: Effective Management." IvyPanda , 25 Jan. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/exam-stress-effective-management/.

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IvyPanda . 2024. "Exam Stress: Effective Management." January 25, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/exam-stress-effective-management/.

1. IvyPanda . "Exam Stress: Effective Management." January 25, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/exam-stress-effective-management/.


IvyPanda . "Exam Stress: Effective Management." January 25, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/exam-stress-effective-management/.

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How to deal with exam stress

Exam season can bring on levels of stress and burnout that can hinder your studies. here are some handy tips on how to manage your anxiety.

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Seeta Bhardwa

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Exam stress affects most students in varying ways. It is important to manage this stress and find little ways of helping to eliminate the risk of burnout. 

For some students, exams can be a breeze; revision is second nature to them and they could ace an exam with their eyes closed. But for others, sweaty palms and heart palpitations are just a part of the territory, and it seems that nothing is more impossible than sitting down and revising. Here are some handy tips that can help to dissipate stress and make sure you can get through exam season. 

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1. take regular breaks and schedule in fun things to look forward to.

Even the most intense exam timetables will allow a little time for a study break. This can include 20-minute breaks during your revision day, and longer activities that you can look forward to. Go out for dinner with friends, go to the cinema, attend a gig, anything that you like doing in your spare time that will take your mind off exams. Spending a little time away from the books will leave you feeling more refreshed and relaxed the next time you revise.

2. Exercise and get outdoors

Easily one of the most frustrating things about exam season is that it seems to occur just as the weather brightens up. Use this to your advantage and go out for a walk, or a run, or head to the gym or swimming pool. As well as keeping you healthy, exercise is known to boost your mood and can help to make you more productive while revising. 

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3. Don’t (always) listen to others

As the old saying goes: "comparison is the thief of joy". While it is helpful to discuss topics with fellow students and often to revise together, try not to compare other peoples' revision to your own. Chances are you’re doing just fine, and listening to other people talk about what they’ve learnt will only stress you out and may make you feel like you aren't progressing as well as them. Plus, if they themselves are stressed this can rub off on to you and other people’s stress is not what you need right now.

4. Speak to someone

If the stress gets to a point where it is overwhelming, and is affecting your day-to-day life, try and speak to someone about it. Your university or school should have a service where you can speak to people about your concerns, and will be able to offer more advice on how to manage it. If that seems like too big a step, open up to a family member or a friend about the pressure you feel. You’ll be amazed to know that you aren’t alone in feeling like this.

10 quick ways to help eliminate exam stress 

  • Watch a film, a TV show or listen to a podcast or comedian that makes you laugh.
  • Drink some herbal tea or a hot chocolate. It’s a well known fact that hot drinks are known to soothe the soul (avoid too much caffeine though!).
  • A shower or a bath can help to relieve stress.
  • Cook or bake something. Just the thought of having something delicious to eat can bring you joy. As a bonus side note, try and cook something healthy too. You can’t feed your mind well, if you don’t feed your body well.
  • Get some sleep. The virtues of a good night’s sleep during exam season should not be underestimated.
  • Keep things in perspective. Yes, exams are important. But you are so much more than your exam results.
  • Avoid other stressed people. You know the ones I mean. The ones with cue cards outside of the exam hall, frantically trying to remember key dates and equations. They will do nothing for your stress levels.
  • Avoid the exam "post-mortem”. You don’t need to know how other people fared in the exam. You’ve done your best, you can’t go back and change your answers so the second you step out of the exam hall, focus on your next exam.
  • Be flexible. While having a revision time table is one of the best tools in your arsenal for exam success, don’t be too hard on yourself if you don’t stick to it. If you accidentally oversleep, don’t write the day off.
  • Write down everything you feel like you need to do and try and tick one thing off. Just the act of feeling like you are in control of your revision can help. 

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Examination Stress on Students Essay

Examinations, a ubiquitous aspect of the academic journey, often bring along a wave of stress that can profoundly impact students. The pressure to perform, coupled with the anticipation of results, creates a challenging environment for many. In this essay, we explore the phenomenon of examination stress, its causes, effects, and strategies to help students navigate through this challenging period.

Quick Overview:

  • Academic Performance Expectations: The expectations placed on students to excel academically contribute significantly to examination stress. The desire to meet societal, parental, or personal expectations can create a burden that intensifies as examinations draw near.
  • Fear of Failure and Performance Anxiety: The fear of failure is a common source of stress during examinations. Students often worry about not meeting their own standards or disappointing others. Performance anxiety, fueled by the pressure to succeed, can manifest as physical and emotional stress.
  • Time Management Challenges: The need to cover extensive syllabi within a limited timeframe poses time management challenges. Balancing multiple subjects, assignments, and revision can create a sense of overwhelm, leading to increased stress levels.
  • Comparison and Peer Pressure: The culture of comparison, fueled by societal expectations and peer pressure, contributes to examination stress. Students may feel compelled to measure up to their peers, leading to feelings of inadequacy and heightened stress levels.
  • Impact on Mental and Emotional Well-Being: Examination stress can take a toll on students’ mental and emotional well-being. Sleep disturbances, anxiety, and mood swings are common manifestations. Prolonged stress can lead to burnout and negatively impact overall mental health.

Conclusion: In conclusion, examination stress is a significant challenge that many students face during their academic journey. The pressure to perform well, coupled with the fear of failure and societal expectations, can create a high-stakes environment that adversely affects students’ well-being. It is crucial for educators, parents, and students themselves to recognize the signs of examination stress and work collaboratively to implement strategies that promote a healthier approach to examinations. Encouraging open communication, fostering a positive learning environment, and emphasizing the importance of holistic development can contribute to alleviating the burden of examination stress. As students navigate through the challenges of academic assessments, let us collectively strive to create a supportive and nurturing atmosphere that values both academic success and the well-being of every individual on their educational journey.

Rahul Kumar

Rahul Kumar is a passionate educator, writer, and subject matter expert in the field of education and professional development. As an author on CoursesXpert, Rahul Kumar’s articles cover a wide range of topics, from various courses, educational and career guidance.

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  • Managing Exam Stress

How to Deal With Exam Stress

Last Updated: April 26, 2024 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Katherine Demby . Katherine Demby is an Academic Consultant based in New York City. Katherine specializes in tutoring for the LSAT, GRE, SAT, ACT, and academic subjects for high school and college students. She holds a BA in History and Political Science from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a JD from Yale Law School. Katherine is also a freelance writer and editor. There are 29 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 650,213 times.

Exams are a crucial part of education and the source of stress for many students. In order to avoid severe anxiety from these pesky evaluations, it is important to approach them with a clear mind and an understanding of how to deal with stressful situations more broadly. In many cases, exam stress is all in the mind, and mental discipline is a large part of what is needed to succeed.

Preparing for the Test

Step 1 Know what is expected of you.

  • If you aren't clear on anything, ask your teacher. Teachers would much rather answer questions than have their students proceed without understanding what's expected.
  • Make sure you have read your syllabus and any information your teacher has given you before asking the question. Your teacher won't be pleased if you send her an email asking when the test is if it's specified on page 1 of the syllabus.

Step 2 Study in conditions similar to your test room.

  • If you will be in a quiet room during your exam, try to simulate those conditions while you prepare. This is using context-dependent memory to your advantage.
  • As an example of state-dependent memory, if you prepare for your exam using caffeine, your memory on test day may be better if you have a similar amount of caffeine then, too. [4] X Research source Use this knowledge and know that you are taking evidence-backed steps to maximize your exam score; keep that in mind if you are feeling stressed about your upcoming exam.

Step 3 Take notes...

  • When taking notes, focus on jotting down keywords and key ideas, rather than trying to take dictation. Copying out the exact sentences is not as important as getting down the main ideas. [5] X Research source
  • Review your notes weekly. This will help you learn the material and transfer it to long-term memory. When it comes time for the exam, you'll feel much better prepared.

Step 4 Manage your time wisely.

  • If possible, because of state-dependent memory, try to study at around the same time of day as you will be taking the test. This way you will be similarly tired/awake when you study and when you take your test. You will be used to how you feel when dealing with your course material on test day.

Step 5 Know where you study best.

  • Track the level of light in the room. Some people study better with light, others study better in dimmer light.
  • Examine your work space. Decide whether you work better with a bit of clutter or if a clean, fresh work space is what you prefer.
  • Pay attention to background noise. Does music help you concentrate or do you need a quiet environment in which to study?
  • Find an alternate place to study such as a library or coffee shop. A change of scenery can give you a fresh look at the material and also provide additional resources.

Step 6 Take frequent breaks.

Adam Dorsay, PsyD

Take breaks outdoors if you're able to. The absence of sunlight can actually make stress and anxiety worse. Being around nature can also help reduce stress.

Step 7 Stay hydrated.

  • Caffeine can make you feel anxious, which can contribute to feelings of stress and anxiety. Have a cup of coffee or a cola if you like, but don't go overboard. [9] X Research source Experts recommend getting no more than 400mg of caffeine per day for adults. [10] X Trustworthy Source MedlinePlus Collection of medical information sourced from the US National Library of Medicine Go to source Kids and teens should limit themselves to about 100mg per day (one cup of coffee or 3 colas). [11] X Research source
  • A cup of herbal tea can help you feel more relaxed and stay hydrated. Peppermint, chamomile, and passionflower are good choices.

Step 8 Reward your achievements, no matter how small.

  • For example, after studying hard for an hour, take a break and play on the internet for 20 minutes or watch an episode of a TV show that you enjoy. This will help you get your mind off the exam while acting as a motivational carrot that may help you pick up studying again after your break.

Step 9 Exercise.

  • When you work out, listen to upbeat music that keeps you motivated throughout your workout.
  • For other ways to beat stress, see this handy wikiHow: Relax Before a Final Exam in College .
  • Meditate or do yoga after your upbeat excercise. This lets the mind focus and calm down

Step 10 Eat healthy foods.

  • Try eating lean meats, nuts, fruits, and vegetables. [15] X Trustworthy Source Cleveland Clinic Educational website from one of the world's leading hospitals Go to source
  • Avoid too much sugar or heavily processed food.
  • Part of eating healthy involves having a balanced diet. Try not to eat too much of only one food source. You can usually get variety in your diet by changing up the type of cuisine you eat every couple of nights.
  • Try having a bit of time to do yoga or meditation after other excercise to calm your brain down. Remember to breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth heavily.

Step 11 Get enough sleep.

  • If you have trouble sleeping, try making your bedroom pitch black . Block out sounds by changing your environment and/or wearing earplugs.
  • Get into a routine and follow it every night. Take note of how many hours a night of sleep you need in order to feel refreshed in the morning; get that many hours of sleep every night.
  • For example, if you tend to be in bed by 10:30 PM then read for 30 minutes before falling asleep, stick to that schedule as often as possible. In this way you will train your body for sleep. [17] X Trustworthy Source National Health Service (UK) Public healthcare system of the UK Go to source
  • See this helpful wikiHow, Sleep Before Final Exams , for more advice.

Step 12 Ask yourself whether you have a learning disability.

  • If this is a concern for you, be sure to reach out to a school counselor or teacher for how to proceed in getting help.

De-Stressing on Exam Day

Step 1 Eat a proper exam day breakfast.

  • If you're allowed to, bring a water bottle with you to your exam. Thinking is thirsty work! Just don't be surprised if your teacher asks to examine the bottle, as some students have tried to cheat by writing answers on bottle labels. (Don't do that -- cheating is never worth it, and if you get caught, you'll be in way more trouble than you would if you'd just done poorly.

Step 3 Watch your caffeine intake.

  • That said, do not drastically change your typical caffeine intake on exam day. This can cause withdrawal symptoms that may interact with your stress to make you feel especially negative. [23] X Trustworthy Source PubMed Central Journal archive from the U.S. National Institutes of Health Go to source
  • Caffeine in limited quantities may have a positive effect on your memory, so if you usually have a cup of coffee with breakfast, go ahead. [24] X Research source

Step 4 Arrive early.

Beating Stress During the Test

Step 1 Avoid rushing.

  • Keep an eye on the clock and give yourself five to ten minutes to go over your answers to check for any mistakes or to guess on any questions that you initially skipped.

Step 2 Chew some gum.

  • Rapid heartbeat
  • Restless thoughts
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Step 5 Remember to breathe.

  • Inhale through your nose for a count of 4. Try to hold your breath for a count of 2, then slowly exhale through your mouth for a count of 4.

Step 6 Expand and contract your muscles.

  • If you catch yourself stuck in a negative thought loop, try to detach from it. Ask yourself: what's the worst that can really happen if I don't do well on this test? Try to remain logical about it. Can you really handle the worst that could happen? Chances are, the answer is yes. [32] X Research source
  • You can also think of alternatives if you find yourself stuck worrying over how important this exam is. You may be able to retake it. You may be able to make up your grade with extra credit. You can hire a tutor or study with friends for the next exam. This isn't the end of the world.

Dealing with Post-Exam Stress

Step 1 Don't think about it.

  • Let go of the things you can't control. Ask yourself, "what about my exam can I change at this point?" If it is nothing, do your best to let it go. [34] X Research source
  • View your mistakes as opportunities to learn. From this perspective, getting a exam question wrong isn't something to be worried about.
  • Try scheduling a worry break. Set aside 30 minutes and let all your worries out during that time. Think hard about the things you are stressed about. Then, once that 30 minutes is up, let it go.
  • Exercise can also help you to get your mind off of your exam after it is done.
  • Consult the wikiHow article Calm Post Exam Nerves for some more tips.

Step 2 Take time off.

  • For example, if you get absorbed when you watch a movie or read a book, do that. If you get really into sports when you play them, get outside and play some sports!

Step 3 Treat yourself.

  • Instead of being stressed about this information, try to view it as an opportunity for an accurate assessment of your knowledge, which you can then use to improve yourself.
  • Remember that your performance on an exam is not indicative of your worth as a person. You can do poorly on an exam and still be a good student.

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  • Do not try to compare yourself with others. Some students are naturally good at studying. Instead of competing with others, the best person to compete with is yourself. Thanks Helpful 260 Not Helpful 35
  • If you are having trouble relaxing, consider searching common relaxation and meditation techniques. These can help manage exam stress as well as the stress of everyday life. Thanks Helpful 147 Not Helpful 31

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  • ↑ Katherine Demby. Test Prep Specialist. Expert Interview. 17 December 2020.
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  • ↑ https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/howto/guide/eating-exams
  • ↑ https://psychcentral.com/stress/stress-relieving-foods
  • ↑ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9681652/
  • ↑ https://hub.jhu.edu/2014/01/12/caffeine-enhances-memory/
  • ↑ https://success.oregonstate.edu/learning/test-tips
  • ↑ https://www.ocr.org.uk/students/exam-support/managing-stress/
  • ↑ https://www.stress.org/chewing-gum-reduces-stress
  • ↑ https://www.nhs.uk/mental-health/children-and-young-adults/help-for-teenagers-young-adults-and-students/tips-on-preparing-for-exams/
  • ↑ https://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/types-of-mental-health-problems/anxiety-and-panic-attacks/symptoms/
  • ↑ https://www.uofmhealth.org/health-library/uz2225
  • ↑ https://www.psychologytoday.com/basics/affective-forecasting
  • ↑ https://www.mdaap.org/pdf/Bi_Ped_Challenging_Catastrophic_Thinking.pdf
  • ↑ https://quillbot.com/courses/effective-learning-strategies/chapter/chapter-13-test-taking-strategies/
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About This Article

Katherine Demby

To deal with exam stress, make sure you take frequent breaks as you're studying, which will help you de-stress and recharge. Also, take care of yourself during the lead up to your exam by getting plenty of sleep every night, exercising, and staying hydrated, since feeling tired and sluggish can make you more stressed. Then, on the day of your exam, eat a good breakfast and arrive early to your test so you're not feeling rushed. To learn how to overcome stress during your test, scroll down! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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How to Write Good Essays in Exams (And Avoid Stress)

Blog , Pedagogy July 18, 2023

An essay is a piece of writing that presents a focused argument or explores a specific topic in a structured and coherent manner. Students often write essays in exams to assess their understanding of a subject matter, their ability to analyze and interpret information, and their skills in constructing coherent arguments. However, writing good work in exams requires careful planning, effective time management, and strong writing skills. Therefore, here is a step-by-step guide to help students write good essays for exams (and avoid stress).

How to Write Good Essays in Exams (And Avoid Stress)

Write Good Essays in Exams: A Step-By-Step Guide

Writing in exams can be challenging and stressful for many students. The step-by-step guide below will help you write good essays for exams, avoid stress and achieve better results.

Read the Instructions Carefully

Check you understand any restrictions or limitations mentioned in the instructions, such as word count, time limit, and how many questions to answer.

Read the Questions Carefully

Read through the exam paper once and then re-read each question. You might think a topic you’ve revised hasn’t come up when it is there, but the wording is unusual. Alternatively, the question might be obtuse, and you do not understand it.

Choose Your Questions Carefully

Mark any questions you might answer, and then check that you fully understand them. Do you have relevant knowledge, ideas, and evidence for the essays you plan to write?

Write Good Essays in Exams by Understanding the Questions

Before you start writing, take time to read and understand the question. Underline or highlight the key points and requirements. And make sure you know what is asked of you.

Look for any keywords or phrases that indicate what you need to do, such as “explain,” “compare,” “contrast,” “define,” or “justify.”

Decide the Order You Plan to Answer Questions

Some people like to start with the topic they know best to give them a good start. Others prefer to answer their best question second because, with one essay written, they can relax, expand on their best ideas and gain a higher grade.

Plan Your Response to Write Good Essays in Exams

The stress of writing essays for exams can make all your preparation disappear. Thus, it is essential to get your ideas across clearly and concisely in exams. So, take a few minutes to brainstorm and organize your thoughts.

Identify the main topic and discussion areas. Choose a few points or arguments about which you can write.

Make a mini-plan that puts your points/arguments in order before you start writing. This plan will serve as a roadmap for your writing and help you stay focused.

Manage Your Time

Good time management is necessary when writing essays under timed conditions. Ensure you allocate enough time for each essay section and stick to the time limit.

Divide your time according to the number of essays or sections to write.

Allocate time for each essay section, including planning, writing, and proofreading. Stick to this schedule to ensure enough time for all the necessary tasks.

Good Essays in Exams Are Clear and Concise

When writing time-constrained essays, express your ideas clearly and concisely. Avoid long, rambling sentences and focus on making your points clearly and concisely.

Write in clear and concise sentences. Avoid using overly complex language or jargon that might confuse the reader. Use specific and descriptive language to convey your ideas effectively.

Proofread and Edit

Take a few minutes at the end to review your essay. Check for any grammar, spelling, or punctuation errors. Ensure you present ideas clearly and logically. If time permits, read your work aloud to identify any awkward phrasing or unclear sentences.

Once you have finished writing, take a few minutes to edit your work. Check for spelling and grammar mistakes, and make sure your essay flows logically.

Stay Calm and Focused

Stay relaxed and focused during the exam. Read the instructions carefully, manage your time wisely, and answer the questions to the best of your ability.

Write Good Essays in Exams by Structuring Your Essay

A well-structured essay will make it easier for the reader to follow your arguments and understand the ideas presented.

Therefore, students should follow some basic guidelines to ensure their answers are concise and effectively convey their knowledge and understanding of the material.

Here are some tips to help you structure your exam essay.

  • Start with a Strong Introduction : To write good essays in exams, begin your essay with a compelling introduction that grabs the reader’s attention. Clearly state your thesis or main argument. And provide a brief overview of the points you will discuss. This information shows the assessor how you understand the question and how you will answer it.
  • Develop Coherent Body Paragraphs : Each body paragraph should focus on a single main idea that supports your thesis. Start each section with a topic sentence that introduces the main point and provides evidence or examples to support it. Use clear and logical transitions between paragraphs to maintain a smooth flow of ideas. Moreover, develop your story!
  • Provide Evidence : Support your claims with relevant evidence such as examples, statistics, or references to authoritative sources. Make sure your evidence is accurate and supports your arguments effectively. This strategy will make your essay more convincing and help you score higher marks.
  • Address Counterarguments : Acknowledge and address counterarguments or opposing viewpoints. This strategy demonstrates that you have considered different perspectives and strengthens your argument. Refute counterarguments with logical reasoning and evidence.
  • Conclude Effectively : Summarize your main points in the conclusion and restate your thesis. Avoid introducing new information at this stage. End with a strong closing statement that leaves a lasting impression on the reader.

What to Do if Your Mind Goes Blank

Most students fear this happening.

If it does—put your pen down, take a deep breath, sit back, and relax for a moment.

If you’re in the middle of an answer, read through what you have written so far—what happens next?

Lastly, if you can’t progress with your writing, then leave a gap! Your thoughts will probably return once you are less anxious.

What to Do if You Are Running Out of Time

Don’t panic.

Look at the questions left to answer (or essay sections left to write) and divide your remaining time to cover all the parts.

Or, perhaps you are halfway through writing an essay with 30 minutes to finish. Remember, give yourself 15 minutes to complete (or upload) your work because you may encounter technical problems!

Write economically—make your point, support it with evidence, and then move on to the next point.

If you can’t finish on time, briefly list the points you wanted to make—they could pick you up a few marks.

Referencing in Exams

Refer by name to the theorists and researchers in your subject area, also giving the year of their major works—the best you can given the time you have.

Citing a few up-to-date references in your essay demonstrates current knowledge and understanding.

For open-book exams, provide a reference list (i.e., evidence of your reading) at the end of your essay.

A reference list is not necessary for in-person exams, which are typically shorter in duration than open-book assessments. This requirement helps students focus on writing when time is at a premium.

Note. The reference section (if you require one) does not usually count towards the word limit. Moreover, there is no penalty for minor formatting deviations.

Marking Criteria for Good Exam Essays

The marking criteria for written exams have a reduced emphasis on stylistic elements (e.g., APA formatting) to allow students to write good essays in exams.

However, being mindful of your marker’s needs is essential when writing good essays. For instance, understanding what they will be looking for can help you tailor your writing to meet their expectations. Plus, this will improve your chances of receiving a good grade.

Here are some things to consider when thinking about your marker’s needs (and to achieve better grades!):

  • Knowledge & Understanding : Ensure you show thorough, up-to-date knowledge and comprehension of the topic by including evidence of reading beyond the key texts.
  • Analysis : Ensure you examine ideas and principles beyond those introduced in the module resourcefully and imaginatively. Synthese ideas from diverse sources. Additionally, show independence of thought with critical evaluation.
  • Reading & Referencing : Show clear evidence of extensive and relevant reading.
  • Essay structure : Ensure your essay structure is logical, easy to follow, addresses the title, and enhances your argument and discussion.
  • Use correct language : Use excellent standard written English.

Remember, writing essays for exams can be stressful, but you can succeed with careful planning and a clear strategy. So, stay calm, stay focused, and do your best.

However, a clear strategy is not enough when writing good essays for exams. Students should also be able to analyze, interpret, and synthesize the information they have learned, thus demonstrating their understanding of the subject matter.

Good luck with your exams!

Want to get the most out of your degree? Then check out my other pedagogy articles!

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Daniel Wong

How to Relieve Stress Before a Test: 25 Research-Backed Tips

Updated on September 25, 2021 By Daniel Wong 47 Comments

Beat exam stress

Does exam stress frequently affect your grades?

If so, you’re in the right place.

In this article, I’ll share with you scientific tips that are proven to help you overcome exam stress.

I guarantee that if you apply the tips, you’ll become a calmer, happier and more successful student .

Let’s get started!


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Stay active and improve your physical health to relieve stress before a test

Physical activity is one of the best, scientifically proven methods to combat stress.

Exercise directly reduces stress hormones, such as adrenaline and cortisol. At the same time, exercise stimulates the production of endorphins, which elevate your mood and are natural painkillers.

In addition, when your physical health improves, you’ll be in a better position to handle stress effectively.

Everyone knows you should stretch to improve your flexibility, but did you also know that stretching is proven to reduce tension and blood pressure too? [1]

Here’s a practical 15-minute stretching workout to get you started.

2. Take a short walk


Walking gives you time to think, as well as time to get away from studying for a short while.

Going for a walk with your family or friends for 10 or 20 minutes a day is a great way to unwind.

3. Exercise regularly

Research has shown that high-intensity aerobic exercise has positive effects on well-being. [3]

It’s time to get moving!

This doesn’t mean that you have to start training for a marathon, but it does mean that you need to introduce some regular exercise into your life.

Here are some suggestions:

  • Do some form of exercise (jogging, biking, walking, callisthenics) 3 to 5 times a week for 30 minutes each time.
  • Set small – even tiny – daily goals and focus on consistency. Scientific research indicates that frequency is more important than intensity when it comes to forming new habits like exercise.
  • Do exercise that’s enjoyable for you.
  • If you simply don’t find any form of exercise enjoyable, distract yourself with music, audiobooks or podcasts while you’re exercising.
  • Find an “exercise buddy”. It’s easier to stick to a routine when you have an exercise buddy.

4. Get some sunlight every day

A way to increase your serotonin levels is to increase your exposure to sunlight. [4]

Anywhere from 5 to 15 minutes of sunlight per day will help to keep your serotonin levels in the healthy range.

But remember to wear a hat and to apply sunscreen if you’re going to be out in direct sunlight for longer than 15 minutes.

5. Get enough sleep

young man sleeping

Stress and sleep have a two-way relationship. Stress can make it more difficult to fall asleep. It can even lead to sleep disorders.

At the same time, getting a good night’s sleep reduces the effects of stress.

Practise these tips to get a good night’s rest every night:

  • Try to go to sleep and get up at the same time every day. This helps to set your body’s internal clock and optimises the quality of your sleep.
  • Avoid sleeping in, even on weekends. Aim to keep your sleep schedule as regular as possible. If you have a late night, try taking a short nap the following day, rather than sleeping in.
  • Keep your electronic devices out of your bedroom. The blue light emitted by your electronic devices (e.g. phone, tablet, computer, TV) is especially disruptive to sleep.
  • Wind down before you go to bed. Turn off all your devices an hour before it’s time to sleep. Read a book, listen to some calming music, or think of a happy memory.

6. Do deep breathing exercises

Science has proven that deep breathing reduces your cortisol levels. [6]

There are many deep breathing exercises you could try, but here are a couple of them to get you started:

  • Belly breathing: Sit or lie in a comfortable position and place one hand on your belly. Breathe in deeply through your nose, and feel your hand being pushed outwards as the air fills your lungs. Now exhale through your mouth, and feel your hand moving inwards. Repeat 5 to 6 times.
  • Morning breathing: When you get out of bed, stand up straight, bend your knees slightly, and bend forward from the waist. Let your arms hang limply towards the floor. Breathe in slowly, returning to your original standing position as you do. Your head should be the last part of your body to straighten. Exhale slowly, returning to the bent position by the end of your breath. Repeat 5 to 6 times.

7. Get enough vitamin C


The human body doesn’t produce vitamin C, so it’s vital that you consume plenty of it in your diet.

Here’s a list of fruits and vegetables that are rich in vitamin C:

  • Pepper/capsicum
  • Strawberries

8. Reduce your sugar intake

Research shows that when you’re stressed, your adrenal glands release cortisol – a stress hormone – to manage it. [8]

But cortisol also affects your blood sugar level. So, the more your sugar intake spikes, the more stressed you’ll feel.

Did you know that what happens in the morning has more effect on how your body manages stress than at any other time?

This is because your body sets its blood sugar “clock” based on what you do after you wake up.

Here are some practical tips to help you reduce your sugar intake and maintain a healthy diet:


  • Skip breakfast.
  • Eat sugary cereals or candy.
  • Drink sugary drinks.
  • Eat a high-protein breakfast. Include eggs, peanut butter, oats or nuts.
  • Eat 4 to 5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day.
  • Eat more fish, e.g. salmon, trout.

Organisational tips to prevent stress before a test

Strong organisational skills and focus will help you schedule time to study for an exam well in advance.

Starting too late and cramming in too much information before an exam is a common cause of anxiety. So, take that pressure off of yourself and turn stressful exams into… just exams without the stress.

9. Clear your room and your desk

stress free examination essay

It turns out it’s not just something your mother says to get you to clean your room. It’s scientifically correct. [9]

The more clutter you have around your workspace, the less you’re able to concentrate on preparing for the exam. This is because your brain is being bombarded by so many distractions.

Physical clutter overloads your brain and impairs your ability to think, which leads to stress.

So you need to clear your desk and your room. Do the following to get organised :

  • Reduce as much clutter as you can around your workspace. Get rid of anything that doesn’t need to be there, e.g. photos, snacks, staplers. Move them out of sight, or out of your room completely.
  • Use drawers. Store things away in your drawers or wardrobe. The only things you should have on your desk are the tools and books you need to complete your current assignment.
  • Clean your space. Now that you’ve cleared your space, give your desk and room a good clean.
  • Straighten up before you go. Take 5 minutes at the end of the day to clear everything away, so you can start again tomorrow with an uncluttered desk and an uncluttered mind.

10. Learn and apply time management techniques

A study involving students revealed that those who had been taught time management techniques showed lower levels of exam-related anxiety than those who had not. [10]

Effective time management includes getting enough rest and a good night’s sleep, which leaves you feeling more energised so that you’re able to focus when studying .

Managing your time well helps you to avoid feeling overwhelmed, so you’ll be less stressed.

Here are just a few of the many time management techniques I used to become a straight-A student, while still getting 8 hours of sleep a night:

  • Take a break after studying for 40 to 50 minutes. For most students, working in blocks of 40 to 50 minutes helps them to be as productive as possible.
  • Complete assignments at least one to two days before they’re due. By doing this, you’ll have time to check through your work thoroughly.
  • Block out time for studying. Put it in your calendar and treat it as if it’s a fixed appointment.

11. Don’t multitask


Doing several tasks at once may seem like an efficient use of your time, but multitasking actually wastes time and reduces the quality of your work.

Here’s how to avoid multitasking:

  • Get rid of all distractions before you start work (see Tip #1).
  • Close all the unused tabs in your browser, and minimise all other windows on your computer screen.
  • Make a list of all the tasks you need to complete for the day; work through the list one item at a time.
  • Set a realistic deadline for every task on the list.

12. Reduce your phone usage

Who would have thought your mobile phone could cause stress?

Research shows that overuse of mobile phones not only causes stress, but can also have a negative impact on your mental health . [12]

So it’s time to get smart about your smartphone.

Here are a few things you could try:

  • Check your social media feeds just once or twice a day.
  • Turn off all notifications.
  • Put your phone on airplane mode, or better still, switch it off after 9pm.

If you’re still struggling, there are fun apps designed to help you ignore your mobile phone and focus on studying for your exams, such as Forest .

When you want to concentrate, you can plant a seed in Forest, which will take 30 minutes to grow. But if you get distracted and leave the app, your tree will wither and die.

Stimulate your senses and de-stress before a test

If you know you typically get stressed before an exam, try sensory stimulation. These activities can help you get out of your head and into your body.

If you try any of these tips while taking a study break, be sure to get back to work soon. Otherwise, you’ll just be procrastinating and you’ll be even more stressed afterwards.

13. Sing your heart out

teen singing while reading

When you sing, you release endorphins, which are associated with feelings of pleasure.

And the more you sing, the more you increase your endorphins and lower your levels of cortisol.

So if you’re trying to beat exam stress, sing your heart out when you’re taking a break!

14. Read something for leisure

It’s proven that reading for pleasure can reduce stress by up to 68%. [14]

Reading relaxes your body by lowering your heart rate and easing the tension in your muscles.

So the next time you feel the tension rise at the thought of an impending exam, pick up a good book and give yourself a 10-minute reading break.

15. Try aromatherapy

Research has shown that aromatherapy has the power to evoke emotions and memories and can impact your body through your nervous system. [15]

This makes aromatherapy an effective tool to help you deal with exam stress.

Here are 6 scents or oils to help you relieve stress and improve your sleep quality:

  • Ylang ylang

Various studies have shown that these aromatherapy oils can lower your blood pressure, heart rate, and even skin temperature, as well as soothe anxiety by calming the nervous system.

16. Drink tea

A study has found that black tea has health benefits linked to stress relief. [16]

Other teas that anecdotally aid stress relief are peppermint tea, because it’s a natural muscle relaxant; chamomile tea, which helps insomnia and reduces irritability; and lemon balm tea, which reduces cortisol and improves sleep.

Enjoy a soothing cup of tea every day, and it will help you to prepare more effectively for your exams.

17. Eat dark chocolate

Dark chocolate

This is great news for chocolate lovers!

But remember, the chocolate must be dark (with 70% or more cocoa).

In addition, dark chocolate is a calorie-dense food, so it’s not recommended that you eat more than 40g to 60g a day.

Strengthen your mental endurance ahead of stressful exams

School and life can get stressful at times.

The situation isn’t always going to be within your control, but you can control how you react to and deal with stress.

Before a stressful situation comes up, you can work on building your mental endurance to become more confident and resilient.

18. Practise mindfulness

Mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) is scientifically proven to be an effective treatment for reducing stress. [18]

Although it was initially created to help hospital patients, MBSR is now used by a broad range of people, including students.

Mindfulness is the practice of being aware of your mind and body.

For example, to practise mindfulness, close your eyes and focus entirely on your breathing. Be aware of every breath and “follow” the air as it goes from your lungs and out through your nose.

You can also try lying with your back on the floor while keeping your eyes closed. “Move” your focus through your body, focusing on one area at a time.

You don’t have to be sitting or lying down to practise mindfulness. You can do it while you’re walking.

Focus on the sensations in your body as you walk. Notice the feeling in your feet as they touch the ground, and the movement of your hips with each step.

The more you practise mindfulness, the more fully present you’ll be wherever you are, and the less stressed you’ll be.

19. Listen to quiet, calming music

I’ve already mentioned that singing can help to reduce exam stress, but so can listening to music – especially slow, soothing classical music, like this .

The comforting power of music is well established, which makes music an effective stress management tool. [19]

Listening to music has a relaxing effect on our minds and bodies, slowing our pulse, lowering our blood pressure, and decreasing our levels of stress hormones.

So set aside 10 minutes a day to tune in to some classical music and tune out your exam stress.

20. Write down the things you’re worried about

Write down

In the experiment, students were asked to complete a brief expressive writing assignment right before taking a test.

The results showed that doing the writing assignment significantly improved the students’ exam scores, especially those who were habitually anxious about taking tests.

Just writing about your worries before an exam can boost your grades – so do this before your next exam!

21. Think of a happy memory

Research suggests that the natural chemical, serotonin, creates a sense of well-being and helps your brain to function at peak capacity. [21]

One way to produce more serotonin is to think positive thoughts.

Start by thinking about a happy memory – something that makes you smile. Think of it as your happy place and go there in your mind as often as possible.

When you feel stressed, think about your favourite memory from your childhood, or about something you did as a family recently that was fun.

22. Write down 3 things you’re thankful for

I’m sure you’re grateful for many things in your life.

Maybe you’re grateful for a loving family or loyal friends. Or maybe you’re just grateful you passed your last math exam.

But perhaps you don’t express that gratitude often.

Did you know that if you write down all the things you’re grateful for, your health will improve?

Studies have found that expressing gratitude can lower your blood pressure, improve your sleep and boost your immune system. [22]

So when you’re taking a break from studying, why not write down 3 things you’re grateful for?

It could be something you take for granted, like the invention of the Internet (I’m extremely thankful for that!), or something like the fact that you get to attend school.

Your body and mind will thank you for cultivating a habit of gratitude.

23. Use positive affirmations

thumbs up

In fact, research has shown that positive affirmations can help reduce exam stress by reducing adrenalin levels. [23]

Here are some positive affirmations you can try the next time you feel those stress levels rising. Repeat them out loud to yourself several times a day:

  • I’m becoming more focused.
  • I’m continuing to work hard.
  • I’m getting better at taking exams.
  • I’m enjoying the process of learning.
  • I’m motivated to prepare well for this exam .
  • I’m going to perform well on this exam.
  • Learning is meaningful and fun.
  • I’m developing self-discipline.
  • I love the challenge of taking exams.

24. Focus on progress, not perfection

Do you sometimes feel as if you’re not good enough? Do you think that you’ll never be able to achieve the goals you’ve set for yourself?

If so, you may be a perfectionist.

This is another way of saying you’re too hard on yourself, which means that you need to focus on the progress you’re making instead of your perceived failures. [24]

Being a perfectionist may sound ideal, but it often causes undue stress.

These are some ways to deal with it:

  • Set realistic goals instead of trying to achieve the impossible.
  • Celebrate small and big successes.
  • Make sure you take time out from studying to do things you enjoy.
  • Invest in the relationships that matter the most to you.
  • Find ways to contribute at home and at school, because this will shift your focus toward the needs of others.
  • Learn to use words like “acceptable” and “good”, because if you always aim for “perfection”, you may not even make progress.

25. Be kind to yourself

being kind to yourself

Stress weaves its way into your life when you’re too hard on yourself. So ease up and give yourself a break. It’s time to practise self-compassion.

Research indicates that self-compassion reduces your stress levels and improves your sense of well-being. [25]

These are some ways to practise self-compassion:

  • At the end of each day, write down 3 of your achievements. It doesn’t matter how big or small these achievements are, e.g. completing your math assignment, reading a chapter of your history textbook. What matters is that you acknowledge these achievements.
  • Talk to yourself kindly. Speak to yourself as if you’re your own best friend.
  • Do something fun every day. Life doesn’t have to be serious all the time.
  • Set realistic goals . Don’t set yourself up for failure by setting impossible targets.

These are the 25 tips backed by research, which will enable you to beat exam stress.

Now it’s over to you…

Do you use any techniques to overcome exam stress that aren’t listed in this article?

Or maybe you have a question you’d like to ask.

Let me know by leaving a comment below!

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September 12, 2018 at 4:30 pm

Thank you so much!

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September 12, 2018 at 4:31 pm

You’re very welcome.

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September 16, 2019 at 10:15 am

This is really helpful thank you so much respected sir

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September 19, 2019 at 1:02 am

really helpful….thank you so much

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March 2, 2020 at 5:50 pm

Thanks a lot Really helped

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September 28, 2020 at 8:04 pm

That’s great sir, thank you so much. I followed all the rules which you gave and I am less stressed now ☺☺

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September 12, 2018 at 5:10 pm

Thank you so much Daniel. You are a great help to students and parents.

September 12, 2018 at 10:20 pm

You’re welcome.

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September 12, 2018 at 11:27 pm

September 13, 2018 at 9:19 am

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September 12, 2018 at 11:46 pm

Thank you….. How to overcome sleepyness in evenings which waste lot of time please reply 😢😢

September 13, 2018 at 9:20 am

You’re welcome. That’s a topic that I can try to address in future articles – thanks for sharing.

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September 13, 2018 at 12:19 am

This information is very helpful

I’m glad to hear that.

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September 13, 2018 at 3:44 am

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September 13, 2018 at 9:48 am

Very useful tips. Students are extremely stressed during exam times. Am going to share these with mine.

September 13, 2018 at 9:50 am

I hope your students find the tips very useful.

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September 13, 2018 at 7:21 pm

Im Most grateful,this came at the right time.

September 13, 2018 at 9:41 pm

That’s great to know!

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September 18, 2018 at 10:48 pm

Great article. Hope you have these information on video formats to reach large audience most likely on youtube.

September 19, 2018 at 8:42 am

Thank you for the suggestion!

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May 13, 2019 at 5:22 am

thank you so much. I am a fellow student stressing and i’ll 100% use these

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September 21, 2018 at 11:15 am

Thanks for sharing this important topic of every student. I also discuss such things with my students, rather forward these tips to my students. Stay blessed in the loving and caring hands of ALMIGHTY. Prof. G.M. Hashmi

September 21, 2018 at 12:07 pm

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September 27, 2018 at 1:59 pm

Keeping a diary and writing to-do lists each day will keep you super prepared and on track to getting everything done – and on time. Working out a daily routine and sticking to it is also good for the soul, as you’ll feel a lot more in control of how your day pans out.

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October 7, 2018 at 1:12 pm

Sir this a awesome article were students are really refreshing learnt well Thanks for a awesome article Sir can u also tell us about food and body management for students And also can u share an app for this??

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October 14, 2018 at 4:06 am


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October 17, 2018 at 7:26 pm

Hello there and thanks for your information, I have certainly picked up allot new info from right your post. You are also provided information about best tips for exam,Which is very helpful to me and other people also.

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November 1, 2018 at 5:49 am

Thanks very much this has helped to reduce my stress levels.. thanks

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December 17, 2018 at 3:52 pm

thank you for information

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December 29, 2018 at 10:22 pm

Oh well, that’s one great article you have shared on beating exam stress. I sometimes prefer listening to soft music to get rid of it. Thank you

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January 16, 2019 at 1:27 pm

To overcome evening sleepiness,engage some interesting activities like: talk to your younger sister or brother;a friend for a chat ; a sketch a natural scenery that was advertised in newspaper/magazine;cover the book with a a transparency/brownsheet ;change refill of the pen used/replace with a new pen;keep books subject-wise in almirah/bookshelf;

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February 6, 2019 at 3:56 pm

HI i found your website my exam is coming i am in stress so what can i do?

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March 25, 2019 at 9:11 pm

This is really helpful thank you 🙏

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May 1, 2019 at 3:43 am

It is an amazing article about how to deal with exam. Thank you so much for providing a solutions.

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May 29, 2019 at 3:34 pm

Thanks for sharing, This is a very helpful post for every teacher and students, I recommend this blog to my students.

July 18, 2019 at 3:12 pm

thank you for this article this helps me a lot

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July 18, 2019 at 3:15 pm

thank you for giving this amazing information

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October 31, 2019 at 7:21 pm

This really helped me thank you

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February 2, 2020 at 4:19 am

Thank you. Your article helped me a lot in my final board exams. It’s because of you that I have scored really above my expectations. It’s really elaborative and practical. I am your regular reader and really impressed with your work. Please make a youtube video on this article too because there you can impact many other lives too with awesome content Avoiding stressful people and planning my study routine helped me a lot which you can add in your article.

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February 22, 2020 at 10:39 pm

25. Focus on progress, not perfection Do you sometimes feel as u have fallen and csnt get up there is no hope feelings alot hir or

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August 9, 2020 at 2:05 am

This information is really useful and I have no doubt it will surely help me but how should one prepare for and during exams? That is really essential and I would like to request you to help me with that else the article is really gonna help me in longterm. Hope you take my request into consideration!

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September 21, 2020 at 8:41 pm

In order to overcome test anxiety you must be well-prepared which will ultimately help in putting your mind at ease before the test day. Therefore, give yourself ample amount of time and do not rush things, you can start by joining study groups and training institutes that prepares you mentally and physically for complex exams. Along, with that you must never overlook the important of physical health and ensure you get at least 8 hours of sleep and exercise regularly.

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February 17, 2021 at 12:52 am

Thanks a lot. This is very helpful.

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February 4, 2022 at 8:09 pm

Oh well, thanks for sharing that excellent post about overcoming exam anxiety. To get rid of it, I sometimes prefer to listen to soft music. Thank you so much.

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March 1, 2023 at 3:35 pm

your blog is helpful and informative for new readers. Kindly share so ideas on regular basis.

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Examination Stress on Students Essay in English

Read our Examination Stress on Students Essay to enhance your writing skill. This Exam Stress essay in English, helps to improve higher grades in exam. Examinations are an integral part of a student’s academic journey, testing their knowledge and understanding of various subjects.

However, the pressure and anxiety associated with exams can lead to significant stress among students. This essay explores the causes and effects of examination stress on students and provides insights into managing and coping with this common challenge.

So, let’s go through or read the Essay about Exam Stress in English .

Table of Contents

The Impact of Examination Stress

Understanding examination stress.

Examination stress refers to the emotional and psychological pressure experienced by students before, during, and after exams. It stems from the fear of failure, high expectations, time constraints, and the competitiveness of the education system.

Physical Effects of Examination Stress

The stress experienced during exams can manifest physically, leading to symptoms such as headaches, sleep disturbances, loss of appetite, fatigue, and increased susceptibility to illness.

Emotional and Psychological Effects of Examination Stress

Examination stress can also have a significant impact on a student’s emotional and psychological well-being. It may result in feelings of anxiety, depression, irritability, lack of concentration, and low self-esteem.

Causes of Examination Stress

High expectations and performance pressure.

The pressure to perform well and meet societal and parental expectations is a major cause of examination stress. Students often feel the need to achieve top grades to secure future opportunities and meet the standards set by their peers and families.

Lack of Preparation and Time Management

Poor study habits, procrastination, and inadequate time management can contribute to examination stress. Students who feel unprepared and overwhelmed by the volume of material to cover may experience heightened anxiety.

Fear of Failure

The fear of failure and the consequences associated with it, such as disappointing oneself or loved ones, can be a significant source of stress during exams. The pressure to succeed can create a constant state of worry and self-doubt.

Managing Examination Stress

Effective study strategies.

Implementing effective study strategies can help alleviate examination stress. These include creating a study schedule, breaking down the material into manageable chunks, using mnemonic devices, practicing past papers, and seeking clarification from teachers.

Healthy Lifestyle Habits

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle plays a crucial role in managing stress. Engaging in regular physical exercise, getting adequate sleep, practicing relaxation techniques such as deep breathing and meditation, and eating a balanced diet can enhance resilience and reduce anxiety.

Seeking Support

Students should not hesitate to seek support from teachers, mentors, or guidance counselors. Talking about their concerns and seeking guidance can provide reassurance and help students gain perspective.

Examination stress is a prevalent issue among students, affecting their physical and mental health. By understanding the causes and effects of examination stress and implementing effective coping strategies, students can navigate this challenging period more successfully. It is essential for students, parents, and educational institutions to work together to create a supportive environment that promotes holistic well-being and a balanced approach to examinations.

FAQs about Examination Stress on Students

1. can examination stress be beneficial for students.

Answer: While some level of stress can serve as a motivator, excessive stress can be detrimental to a student’s well-being and academic performance.

2. How can parents support their children in managing examination stress?

Answer: Parents can create a supportive environment, encourage open communication, provide study resources, and help their children develop effective study habits.

3.  Are there relaxation techniques that students can practice during exams?

Answer: Yes, deep breathing exercises, progressive muscle relaxation, and visualization techniques can help reduce anxiety and promote a sense of calm during exams.

4.  Is it normal to feel nervous before exams?

Answer: Yes, feeling nervous before exams is common. However, excessive and debilitating anxiety may require additional support and coping strategies.

5.  How can schools contribute to reducing examination stress?

Answer: Schools can implement measures such as counseling services, stress management workshops, and flexible assessment methods to alleviate examination stress among students.

6.  Can examination stress have long-term effects on students?

Answer: Prolonged and unmanaged examination stress can have long-term effects on a student’s mental health, academic performance, and overall well-being.

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10 top tips for coping with exam stress

Exam stress is a common experience, but it doesn't have to hold you back. here are 10 top tips to help you manage your stress, stay focused, and feel ready for your exams..

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The run up to your A levels can be a stressful time. There is a pressure to perform well and a lot of different subjects to revise for. This can often feel overwhelming. However, it's essential to remember that stress is a natural response to challenging situations, and there are strategies you can employ to manage it effectively. Here are our tips to help you cope with exam stress, revision and prepare you to perform at your best:  

1. Plan your revision:  

Break down your revision into manageable chunks and create a study schedule that works for you. Set realistic goals for each study session and prioritise the topics that you find most challenging. Planning can help reduce last-minute cramming and alleviate feelings of being overwhelmed.  

2. Practice mindfulness:  

Incorporate mindfulness techniques into your daily routine to help manage stress and improve focus. Techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, and progressive muscle relaxation can help calm your mind and reduce anxiety levels.  

3. Take time away from revising:  

It's essential to give your brain time to rest and recharge during revision sessions. Take regular breaks every 45-60 minutes to stretch, go for a walk, or do something you enjoy. Stepping away from your study materials can help prevent burnout and improve overall productivity.  

4. Stay active:  

Physical activity is a proven stress reliever and can help improve your mood and concentration levels. Incorporate regular exercise into your routine, whether it's going for a run, practicing yoga, or simply going for a walk. Even short bursts of activity can have a positive impact on your mental well-being.  

5. Eat well and stay hydrated:  

Fuel your body and brain with nutritious foods and plenty of water. Avoid having too much caffeine and sugar, as these can contribute to feelings of anxiety and disrupt sleep patterns. Try to stick to balanced meals and snacks that provide sustained energy and focus.  

6. Get plenty of sleep:  

Getting enough sleep is crucial for your cognitive function and memory. Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night and establish a relaxing bedtime routine to help you unwind and prepare for restful sleep. Avoid screens and stimulating activities before bed and create a comfortable sleep environment free from distractions.  

7. Reach out for support:  

Don't be afraid to ask for help if you're struggling with exam stress. Talk to your teachers, friends, or family members about how you're feeling, and consider seeking support from a counsellor or mental health professional if needed. Remember that you're not alone, and there are people who care about your well-being and want to help you succeed.  

8. Practice self-compassion:  

Be kind to yourself during the exam period and know that it's okay to feel stressed or anxious at times. Avoid negative self-talk and focus on your progress rather than dwelling on mistakes or setbacks. Celebrate your achievements, no matter how small, and remember that your worth is not defined by your exam results.  

9. Keep things in perspective:  

These exams aren’t the end of the world. Think about the future and your goals. Don’t stress about trying to get straight A*s when you can get Bs and get into a perfectly good university and do the course you want to. Spend time on extracurricular activities that you enjoy and manage your mental health and happiness.  

10. Try to have fun:  

Don’t revise without a break because you will become mentally and physically drained. Find time to take a break and do something that you enjoy. Try Kinesthetic revision activities that use practical strategies to make your learning more fun.  

By implementing these coping strategies, you can effectively manage exam stress and approach your A level exams with confidence and resilience. Remember to put self-care and well-being first throughout the exam period, and trust in your abilities to succeed. 

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Essay on Stress Management

500 words essay on stress management.

Stress is a very complex phenomenon that we can define in several ways. However, if you put them together, it is basically the wear and tear of daily life. Stress management refers to a wide spectrum of techniques and psychotherapies for controlling a person’s stress level, especially chronic stress . If there is effective stress management, we can help one another break the hold of stress on our lives. The essay on stress management will throw light on the very same thing.

essay on stress management

Identifying the Source of Stress

The first step of stress management is identifying the source of stress in your life. It is not as easy as that but it is essential. The true source of stress may not always be evident as we tend to overlook our own stress-inducing thoughts and feelings.

For instance, you might constantly worry about meeting your deadline. But, in reality, maybe your procrastination is what leads to this stress than the actual deadline. In order to identify the source of stress, we must look closely within ourselves.

If you explain away stress as temporary, then it may be a problem. Like if you yourself don’t take a breather from time to time, what is the point? On the other hand, is stress an integral part of your work and you acknowledging it like that?

If you make it a part of your personality, like you label things as crazy or nervous energy, you need to look further. Most importantly, do you blame the stress on people around you or the events surrounding you?

It is essential to take responsibility for the role one plays in creating or maintaining stress. Your stress will remain outside your control if you do not do it.

Strategies for Stress Management

It is obvious that we cannot avoid all kinds of stress but there are many stressors in your life which you can definitely eliminate. It is important to learn how to say no and stick to them.  Try to avoid people who stress you out.

Further, if you cannot avoid a stressful situation, try altering it. Express your feelings don’t bottle them up and manage your time better. Moreover, you can also adapt to the stressor if you can’t change it.

Reframe problems and look at the big picture. Similarly, adjust your standards and focus on the positive side. Never try to control the uncontrollable. Most importantly, make time for having fun and relaxing.

Spend some time with nature, go for a walk or call a friend, whatever pleases you.  You can also try working out, listening to music and more. As long as it makes you happy, never give up.

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Conclusion of the Essay on Stress Management

All in all, we can control our stress levels with relaxation techniques that evoke the relaxation response of our body. It is the state of restfulness that is the opposite of the stress response. Thus, when you practice these techniques regularly, you can build your resilience and heal yourself.

FAQ of Essay on Stress Management

Question 1: What is the importance of stress management?

Answer 1: Stress management is very efficient as it helps in breaking the hold which stress has on our lives. Moreover, you can also become happy, healthy and more productive because of it. The ultimate goal should be to live a balanced life and have the resilience to hold up under pressure.

Question 2: Give some stress management techniques.

Answer 2: There are many stress management techniques through which one can reduce stress in their lives. One can change their situation or their reaction to it. We can try by altering the situation. If not, we can change our attitudes towards it. Remember, accept things that you cannot change.

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How to Pass Final Exams Stress-Free?

stress free examination essay

As the semester draws to a close, students find themselves at a crucial juncture: studying for finals. For many, this period is marked by stress, late-night study sessions, and the pressure to perform well. However, effective preparation is not just about cramming information – it requires strategic planning, time management, and a holistic approach to learning. In this article, we offer practical tips, proven strategies, and insights to help students navigate this challenging yet rewarding phase of their academic voyage.

Tips for Fighting Exam Stress

Let’s find out what is exam stress. Nowadays, it refers to the heightened level of anxiety and pressure experienced by individuals as they prepare for and take exams. It encompasses a range of emotional and physiological responses, including feelings of tension, worry, fear of failure, and physical symptoms such as headaches or stomachaches. Exam stress can stem from various sources, including the significance of the exam, perceived expectations from oneself or others, and concerns about academic performance.

It often manifests as difficulty concentrating, sleep disturbances, and changes in appetite, impacting overall well-being and academic performance. In essence, exam stress is a natural response to the demands of academic assessment, but when left unmanaged, it can have detrimental effects on mental health and academic success. Below, you will find four time-tested methods for managing pre-exam stress. Also, you can use online writing services to handle the workload and have more time for preparation.

Plan and Organize

Break down your study material into manageable chunks and create a study schedule. Prioritize the topics based on importance and allocate specific time slots for each subject. Having a structured plan can reduce feelings of overwhelm and help you approach your studies more effectively.

Practice Relaxation Techniques

Incorporate relaxation techniques into your daily routine to manage stress levels. Deep breathing exercises, meditation, yoga, or mindfulness techniques can help calm your mind and alleviate physical tension. If you want to learn how to deal with exam stress, take short breaks during study sessions to recharge and rejuvenate your mind and body.

Seek Support

Don't hesitate to reach out to friends, family, or classmates for support during times of stress. Sharing your concerns and discussing study strategies with others can provide perspective and alleviate feelings of isolation. Additionally, consider seeking guidance from teachers, counselors, or academic support services for personalized advice and assistance before final exams. Remember that you're not alone, and it's okay to ask for help when needed. This guide on writing content under time pressure , which happens often during exams, will also be useful.

Stay Active and Healthy

Fitness is the best solution for those who want to know how to overcome exam stress. Maintain a balanced lifestyle by prioritizing regular exercise, healthy eating, and adequate sleep. Physical activity can help reduce stress hormones and improve mood, while nutritious meals and sufficient rest provide the energy and mental clarity needed for effective studying. Avoid excessive caffeine, sugary snacks, and late-night cramming, as these can exacerbate stress levels.

stress free examination essay

How to Study for Finals?

As final exams approach, students often grapple with the daunting task of preparing for multiple subjects amidst the pressure to perform well. This guide offers six practical tips to help students effectively study for finals.

how to pass final exams

Organize Your Study Material

Begin studying for finals by gathering all your notes, textbooks, and study guides for each subject. Organize them systematically, such as by topic or chapter, to make locating and reviewing specific information easier. You can buy college essays to relieve the workload that must be completed before finals week.

Create a Study Schedule

Develop a study plan that allocates dedicated time for each subject leading up to the finals. Consider your exam dates, the material to cover, and your personal preferences for study times. Break down your study sessions into manageable chunks and incorporate regular breaks to avoid burnout.

Review and Summarize

Learn how to study for final exams by reviewing your class notes, textbooks, and supplementary materials to refresh your understanding of the material. Summarize key concepts, formulas, and definitions in your own words to reinforce learning and aid in retention.

Practice Active Learning Techniques

Engage in active learning strategies such as self-testing, flashcards, concept mapping, and problem-solving exercises. Actively engaging with the material helps reinforce memory and comprehension, making it easier to recall information during exams.

Collaborate and Discuss

Form study groups with classmates to review material, clarify doubts, and discuss challenging concepts. Explaining concepts to others and engaging in group discussions can deepen your understanding of the material and provide new perspectives. Collaboration and discussion can bring some great final exam study tips from your peers.

Prioritize Self-Care

Maintain a healthy lifestyle by prioritizing adequate sleep, regular exercise, and nutritious meals during the finals period. Take breaks to relax, unwind, and engage in activities that help alleviate stress, such as meditation, hobbies, or spending time with loved ones. Remember that self-care is essential for maintaining focus, productivity, and overall well-being during the intense study period leading up to finals.

Study Tips to Ace Your Exams

Many students wonder how to prepare for a test the night before? It requires strategic focus and efficient use of time. Review your notes and study materials, focusing on key concepts, formulas, and definitions. Prioritize areas of weakness or topics with which you're less familiar, allocating more time to review and practice those areas. Use active learning techniques such as flashcards, self-testing, and problem-solving exercises to reinforce your understanding and retention of the material. Avoid cramming and prioritize quality sleep to ensure optimal cognitive function and memory recall during the test. Lastly, stay calm, maintain a positive mindset, and trust in your preparation as you head into the exam. Here are three additional tips that will help you ace exams stress-free:

Active Engagement

Instead of passively reviewing notes, actively engage with the material by practicing retrieval techniques such as self-testing or teaching the material to someone else. Actively engaging with the content is essential to how to pass finals, reinforcing learning and enhancing retention, leading to better exam performance.

Prioritize Understanding

Focus on understanding concepts rather than rote memorization. Seek to grasp the underlying principles and connections between ideas rather than just memorizing facts. Understanding the material allows for a more flexible application of knowledge and enables you to tackle a wider range of final exam questions effectively.

Effective Time Management

Create a study schedule that allocates dedicated time for each subject, prioritizing difficult or high-weighted topics. One of the best final exam study tips is to break down study sessions into manageable chunks and incorporate regular breaks to maintain focus and avoid burnout. Effective time management ensures thorough material coverage and reduces last-minute cramming, leading to better exam performance.

Food for Thought

To pass final exams, students should employ a strategic approach that includes thorough preparation, active engagement with the material, and effective time management. Begin by organizing study materials and creating a study schedule that allocates dedicated time for each subject. To become an expert in how to pass final exams, prioritize understanding over rote memorization, focusing on grasping key concepts and connections between ideas. Utilize active learning techniques such as self-testing and teaching the material to others to reinforce learning and enhance retention.

Frequently asked questions

How to study for a final exam in one day, how can i stay motivated while studying.

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Speech on Exam Stress

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  • Feb 26, 2023

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Do you know which factor helps students in giving their best in exams as well as getting the best result? It is the ability to manage exam stress. A little bit of stress is positive as it pushes the student to give their best in the exam but excessive stress makes the situation worse as the student despite hard work underperforms in the exam. Speech on exam stress is an important ASL topic and given below, are two samples of speech on exam stress.

Tips to deal with exam stress

Sample Speech on Exam Stress [200 – 300 Words]

Good morning everyone! I am ABC and today I stand before you to present an insightful and eye-opening speech on exam stress.  Notes, resources, and study material for cracking an exam are easily available yet the most prevalent issue is the inability to tackle exam stress. Be it board exam students, UPSC aspirants, CAT aspirants, JEE aspirants, all of them do face anxiety and exam stress at a certain point. This speaks volumes louder,  how important it is to inculcate the skill of emotional intelligence and stress management in students as it is the ability to manage the stress that sets us apart from the rest. Various factors lead to an increase in stress among students. Those factors are poor time management skills,  low-self esteem, spending too much time on the phone, bad company, negative comparisons by teachers and parents, and procrastination. The most important factor according to me is procrastination because most of the students wait for some sort of motivation or spark to get them started. But the truth is waiting for motivation is useless because you won’t get motivated unless you start working. The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step and it is just about that one step which the student needs to take and that is start studying daily instead of piling up at the last moment. There are various ways of managing stress which will ensure optimal performance in the exam. Some of the ways are doing exercises and meditation, practising deep breathing techniques, practising affirmations, having a positive company and environment, and proper time management. Always remember that apart from testing knowledge, what exams actually test is the ability to stay calm and handle pressure. Thus, along with mastering your syllabus don’t forget to master the art of stress management. 

Also Read: 10 Stress Management Techniques for Students

Sample on Exam Stress [400 – 500 Words]

Good morning everyone! I am ABC and today I stand before you to present an insightful and eye-opening speech on exam stress. I would like to begin by quoting the lines by Hans Selye which says “Adopting the right attitude can convert a negative stress into a positive one.” Handling stress can either be a make-or-break situation depending upon how one handles it. Schools and colleges do ensure that they have taught concepts mentioned in the textbook with utmost clarity but at times they forget that the most important thing to be taught to students is managing stress. Stress management is that one skill that sets the best standout from the rest and helps in meeting life challenges. A common thing in board exam toppers, apart from their sky-high scores, is the ability to manage exam stress effectively. The never-ending rat race to score the highest in examinations, constant pressure from parents, and unhealthy competition from peers may lead to the development of psychological disorders in students such as depression, anxiety, etc.  As per statistics, one student in every one hour commits suicide in our country. This grave situation speaks volumes louder about the need to instill the skill of emotional intelligence and stress management in students. There are various underlying causes behind the stress which students face at the time of examinations. Some of those causes are having low self-esteem, spending too much time on social media, chronic procrastination, inconsistency, poor time management skills, negative peers, and unhealthy comparisons by parents. The most crucial cause I believe is poor time management skills as the topper as well as underperformer has the same twenty-four hours. The one who can effectively manage time faces less stress as compared to the student who is not able to manage time. Students should have a habit of maintaining daily to-do lists as that reduces the load to remember tasks and helps in the breakdown of a huge chunk of the syllabus to be covered. Important techniques of stress management are proper time management skills, having command over the syllabus, doing yoga and meditation to calm the mind, and having a growth mindset. It is the mindset of an individual along with proper time management skills that help them crack all sorts of exams in a stress-free manner. Always remember, “The bad news is time flies. The good news is you’re the pilot.” Thank you so much! Everyone for being patient listeners.

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This was all about the speech on exam stress. Hope you all found the speech to be riveting and insightful. For more blogs like these and regular abroad education updates, stay tuned to Leverage Edu!

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you just made my day thanks i got 10/10 on my asl exam however i need to make some ammendments.

Very nice article!! its all based on exam stress. I have always taken ashwagandha in capsule form; however, the gummies version is fresh and healthful. for stress free life and for good sleep and to be healthy .without any stress to write an exam .

Thank you so much for your appreciation of the article. We are glad that you have found your way to deal with exam stress. Please also check out our article on stress management tips for students and let us know your thoughts on it.

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Home — Essay Samples — Nursing & Health — Psychiatry & Mental Health — Stress

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Essays About Stress

Hook examples for stress essays, "the modern epidemic: unmasking stress's grip" hook.

"In our fast-paced world, stress has become an epidemic, silently gripping lives. Unmask the hidden turmoil it causes and its far-reaching consequences on mental and physical health."

"Stress: The Silent Health Menace" Hook

"Stress may not always be visible, but its impact on our health is undeniable. Explore the physiological and psychological toll that stress takes on the human body."

"From Chaos to Calm: Strategies for Stress Management" Hook

"Amidst life's chaos, discover effective strategies for managing stress. Delve into mindfulness, relaxation techniques, and ways to regain a sense of calm amidst the storm."

"Workplace Stress: Balancing Ambition and Well-Being" Hook

"Balancing career ambitions with well-being is a constant challenge. Examine the sources of workplace stress and discuss how individuals and organizations can foster a healthier work environment."

"The Domino Effect: Stress's Impact on Relationships" Hook

"Stress doesn't only affect individuals; it ripples through relationships. Analyze how stress can strain personal connections and explore ways to strengthen bonds under pressure."

"A Stress-Free Tomorrow: Shaping a Resilient Future" Hook

"Imagine a future with less stress. Discuss the importance of resilience and mental health awareness in building a society that can withstand the pressures of modern life."

"Beyond Coping: Thriving in the Face of Stress" Hook

"It's not just about coping; it's about thriving. Share stories of individuals who have turned adversity into opportunities for growth and empowerment."

Stress and Self-care

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Effects of Stress on The Body: How It Affects Physical and Psychological Health 

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Coping Up with Stress

How to reduce your stress levels, the problem of anxiety and stress and its treatment, the importance of stress management, sources of stress in youth, a calm mind is a healthy mind, the impact of stress on academic success in college students, stress and its main sources, overview of biological predispositions and risk factors associated with depression, stress and its role in our life, work/life balance and stress management, the influence that arousal, stress, and anxiety can have on sport performance, work stress, health and employees, stress related to job and ways to manage it, comparison of stress rates among children and adults, hypnotherapeutic treatments for stress, anxiety and phobias, stress and anxiety as the distractors of an athlete’s attention, psychological wellbeing and psychology distress, stress in our lives: effective communication in workplace under pressure.

Stress, in psychology and biology, is any environmental or physical pressure that elicits a response from an organism.

Stress may be acute, chronic, or traumatic. Acute stress is characterized by immediate danger that occurs within a short span of time. Chronic stress is characterized by the persistent presence of sources of frustration or anxiety that a person encounters every day. Traumatic stress is characterized by the occurrence of a life-threatening event that evokes fear and helplessness.

In psychology, researchers generally classify the different types of stressors into four categories: 1) crises/catastrophes, 2) major life events, 3) daily hassles/microstressors, and 4) ambient stressors.

Stress causes muscular aches and tightness. Stress can impact mental performance. Women appear more prone to stress than men. Chronic stress can cause substance abuse.

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Speech on Exam Stress

Exam stress can feel like a heavy backpack you’re carrying around. It’s a common experience for many students, from primary school to university.

Remember, it’s okay to feel stressed. It’s your body’s way of saying you care about doing well. Let’s understand this better.

1-minute Speech on Exam Stress

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, let’s talk about a common enemy we all face – exam stress. It’s like a shadow that follows us around when exams are near. We feel it, we fear it, but we can also beat it!

First, let’s understand what exam stress is. It’s that feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease we get when we think about exams. It makes our palms sweaty, our hearts race, and our minds go blank. We’ve all been there, right? But why do we feel this way?

The answer is simple – we fear failure. We fear disappointing our parents, our teachers, and ourselves. We fear not living up to the expectations. But let’s remember one thing – exams are not a measure of our worth. They are just a way to test our knowledge.

Now, let’s talk about how we can fight this stress. One way is to plan and prepare. Make a study schedule, stick to it, and revise regularly. This will make us feel more confident and less stressed.

Another way is to take breaks. Yes, you heard it right. Studying all day can tire our brains, making it hard for us to focus. So, take short breaks, do what you enjoy – maybe dance, draw, or just take a walk.

Lastly, let’s not forget to take care of our health. Eat good food, get enough sleep, and do some exercise. A healthy body leads to a healthy mind, and a healthy mind can conquer any stress.

So, let’s say goodbye to exam stress. Remember, exams are not monsters. They are just stepping stones to our dreams. Let’s face them with courage, not fear. Let’s turn stress into success!

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2-minute Speech on Exam Stress

Good day, everyone. Today, we are going to talk about a topic that affects many of us, especially students: Exam Stress.

Exams can be scary, right? You have to remember so much information, and it feels like the world is watching. It’s like being on a stage with a spotlight on you. You feel your heart racing, your palms sweating, and your mind going blank. This is what we call exam stress. It’s completely normal to feel this way, but it doesn’t have to be this scary.

Let’s look at why we feel stressed during exams. The main reason is fear. Fear of failing, fear of not meeting expectations, and fear of the unknown. We think about the worst things that could happen if we don’t do well. But let me tell you something, exams are not the end of the world. They are just a way to test what you have learned.

Now, let’s talk about how we can deal with this stress. The first step is preparation. Start studying early, make a plan, and stick to it. This will help you feel more in control and less stressed. Also, remember to take breaks. Your brain needs rest to absorb information. Go for a walk, play a game, or just relax. This will help you stay focused and calm.

Another important thing is taking care of your health. Eat healthy food, get enough sleep, and exercise regularly. This will help your brain work better and reduce stress. Also, try to stay positive. Believe in yourself and your abilities. You have worked hard and you can do this!

Lastly, talk about your feelings. If you are feeling stressed, talk to someone you trust. It could be your parents, your teacher, or a friend. They can provide support and help you see things from a different perspective. Remember, it’s okay to ask for help.

In conclusion, exam stress is a common problem, but it can be managed. Remember to prepare well, take care of your health, stay positive, and talk about your feelings. Exams are just a part of life, they are not everything. So, don’t let them scare you. You are more than your grades. You are unique, talented, and capable. Believe in yourself and do your best. That’s all anyone can ask for. Thank you.

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