Übersetzung für ' problem-solving ' von Englisch nach Deutsch

  • problem solving . Popper presents falsifiability as both an ideal and as an important principle in a practical method of effective human problem solving ; as such, the current conclusions of science are stronger than pseudo-sciences or non-sciences, insofar as they have survived this particularly vigorous selection method.  Wikipedia [96770] ';document.getElementById('wpsnip96770').style='cursor:auto; background-color:rgba(0,0,0,0.1); padding:6px 10px; margin:1em 0 1em 0';">Most criticisms of Popper's philosophy are of the falsification, or error elimination, element in his account of problem solving .
  • problem - solving , guidance and help. More African Americans seek assistance when it is called counseling and not psychotherapy because it is more welcoming within the cultural and community. Counselors are encouraged to be aware of such barriers for the well-being of African American clients. Without cultural competency training in health care, many African Americans go unheard and misunderstood.  Wikipedia [9547] ';document.getElementById('wpsnip9547').style='cursor:auto; background-color:rgba(0,0,0,0.1); padding:6px 10px; margin:1em 0 1em 0';"> In one study, psychotherapy is associated with mental illness whereas counseling approaches problem - solving , guidance and help.
  • problem solving , strategical thinking, etc.) with the help of chess. The systematic rules of chess are used to process the knowledge of general subjects as well (math, language, etc.). The program is very successful in Hungary and it is part of the Hungarian National Curriculum. At the 2015 Frankfurt Book Fair the Chess Palace book series received the special prize of the Best European Learning Materials Awards (BELMA).  Wikipedia [93161] ';document.getElementById('wpsnip93161').style='cursor:auto; background-color:rgba(0,0,0,0.1); padding:6px 10px; margin:1em 0 1em 0';"> The aim is to improve various skills ( problem solving , strategical thinking, etc.) with the help of chess.
  • problem solving , and incremental writing. "Incremental learning" is the term Wozniak uses to refer to those concepts as a whole.  Wikipedia [87326] ';document.getElementById('wpsnip87326').style='cursor:auto; background-color:rgba(0,0,0,0.1); padding:6px 10px; margin:1em 0 1em 0';">Incremental reading was the first of a series of related concepts invented by Piotr Woźniak: incremental image learning, incremental video, incremental audio, incremental mail processing, incremental problem solving , and incremental writing.
  • problem solving behavior using production rules. The study of human problem solving required new kinds of human measurements and, with Anders Ericsson, Simon developed the experimental technique of verbal protocol analysis. Simon was interested in the role of knowledge in expertise. He said that to become an expert on a topic required about ten years of experience and he and colleagues estimated that expertise was the result of learning roughly 50,000 chunks of information. A chess expert was said to have learned about 50,000 chunks or chess position patterns.  Wikipedia [83162] ';document.getElementById('wpsnip83162').style='cursor:auto; background-color:rgba(0,0,0,0.1); padding:6px 10px; margin:1em 0 1em 0';">With Allen Newell, Simon developed a theory for the simulation of human problem solving behavior using production rules.
  • problem solving . Many graduate schools require applicants to take the exam and base admission decisions in part on the results.  Wikipedia [73482] ';document.getElementById('wpsnip73482').style='cursor:auto; background-color:rgba(0,0,0,0.1); padding:6px 10px; margin:1em 0 1em 0';"> The test attempts to determine the extent of the examinees' understanding of fundamental principles of physics and their ability to apply them to problem solving .
  • problem - solving ability" with little practical significance. He argued that if IQ gains did reflect intelligence increases, there would have been consequent changes of our society that have not been observed (a presumed non-occurrence of a "cultural renaissance"). By 2012 Flynn no longer endorsed this view of intelligence, having elaborated and refined his view of what rising IQ scores meant.  Wikipedia [67746] ';document.getElementById('wpsnip67746').style='cursor:auto; background-color:rgba(0,0,0,0.1); padding:6px 10px; margin:1em 0 1em 0';">In 1987, Flynn took the position that the very large increase indicates that IQ tests do not measure intelligence but only a minor sort of "abstract problem - solving ability" with little practical significance.
  • problem - solving , algebraic and geometric concepts. It has also been used to teach classical mechanics, as in the book "Structure and Interpretation of Classical Mechanics".  Wikipedia [62770] ';document.getElementById('wpsnip62770').style='cursor:auto; background-color:rgba(0,0,0,0.1); padding:6px 10px; margin:1em 0 1em 0';">Outside of computer science, functional programming is used to teach problem - solving , algebraic and geometric concepts.
  • Problem Solving ", which is now in its sixth edition. The book is commonly referenced in public policy and public administration scholarship.  Wikipedia [57327] ';document.getElementById('wpsnip57327').style='cursor:auto; background-color:rgba(0,0,0,0.1); padding:6px 10px; margin:1em 0 1em 0';"> It is outlined in his book "A Practical Guide for Policy Analysis: The Eightfold Path to More Effective Problem Solving ", which is now in its sixth edition.
  • problem - solving , memory, and language. Major topics in cognitive development are the study of language acquisition and the development of perceptual and motor skills. Piaget was one of the influential early psychologists to study the development of cognitive abilities. His theory suggests that development proceeds through a set of stages from infancy to adulthood and that there is an end point or goal.  Wikipedia [51447] ';document.getElementById('wpsnip51447').style='cursor:auto; background-color:rgba(0,0,0,0.1); padding:6px 10px; margin:1em 0 1em 0';">Cognitive development is primarily concerned with the ways that infants and children acquire, develop, and use internal mental capabilities such as: problem - solving , memory, and language.
  • problem - solving therapy outperformed psychodynamic psychotherapy and behavioral activation in the treatment of depression.  Wikipedia [31124] ';document.getElementById('wpsnip31124').style='cursor:auto; background-color:rgba(0,0,0,0.1); padding:6px 10px; margin:1em 0 1em 0';">In contrast, a 2013 meta-analyses suggested that CBT, interpersonal therapy, and problem - solving therapy outperformed psychodynamic psychotherapy and behavioral activation in the treatment of depression.
  • problem solving and task completion is important to bring about a positive change. Self efficacy is often cemented through standard persuasive techniques.  Wikipedia [25043] ';document.getElementById('wpsnip25043').style='cursor:auto; background-color:rgba(0,0,0,0.1); padding:6px 10px; margin:1em 0 1em 0';"> Challenging the normative beliefs is not enough but to follow through the "intention" with self-efficacy from individual's mastery in problem solving and task completion is important to bring about a positive change.
  • problem solving that may not be fully specified or may not guarantee correct or optimal results, especially in problem domains where there is no well-defined correct or optimal result.  Wikipedia [1591] ';document.getElementById('wpsnip1591').style='cursor:auto; background-color:rgba(0,0,0,0.1); padding:6px 10px; margin:1em 0 1em 0';">In contrast, a heuristic is an approach to problem solving that may not be fully specified or may not guarantee correct or optimal results, especially in problem domains where there is no well-defined correct or optimal result.
  • problem solving with an emphasis on strategic leadership. As of the 2014–2015 academic year, the curriculum was based upon a core standard throughout National Defense University.  Wikipedia [130927] ';document.getElementById('wpsnip130927').style='cursor:auto; background-color:rgba(0,0,0,0.1); padding:6px 10px; margin:1em 0 1em 0';"> The curriculum is based upon critical analysis of strategic problem solving with an emphasis on strategic leadership.
  • problem - solving through simulations and feedback opportunities. The innovation of technology in education through the use of multimedia allows for diversification among classrooms to enhance the overall learning experience for students.  Wikipedia [120448] ';document.getElementById('wpsnip120448').style='cursor:auto; background-color:rgba(0,0,0,0.1); padding:6px 10px; margin:1em 0 1em 0';"> Technology has impacted multimedia as it is largely associated with the use of computers or other electronic devices and digital media due to its capabilities concerning research, communication, problem - solving through simulations and feedback opportunities.
  • problem solving have recently been simulated by Fernand Gobet with the CHREST computer model. De Voogt has studied the psychology of Bao playing.  Wikipedia [118534] ';document.getElementById('wpsnip118534').style='cursor:auto; background-color:rgba(0,0,0,0.1); padding:6px 10px; margin:1em 0 1em 0';"> Some of Restchitzki's results on memory and problem solving have recently been simulated by Fernand Gobet with the CHREST computer model.
  • problem - solving experience. In the United States it is common for mechanical engineering students to complete one or more internships while studying, though this is not typically mandated by the university. Cooperative education is another option. Future work skills research puts demand on study components that feed student\'s creativity and innovation.  Wikipedia [114912] ';document.getElementById('wpsnip114912').style='cursor:auto; background-color:rgba(0,0,0,0.1); padding:6px 10px; margin:1em 0 1em 0';">Most mechanical engineering programs also require varying amounts of research or community projects to gain practical problem - solving experience.

problem solving approach auf deutsch

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Wie lautet die Übersetzung von "problem solving" in Deutsch?

"problem solving" auf deutsch, problem solving {subst.}.

  • volume_up Problemlösen
  • Problemlösung
  • Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe


  • volume_up problemlösend
  • problem solving method
  • volume_up Problemlösungsverfahren


Problem solving {substantiv}.

  • open_in_new Link zur Quelle
  • warning Überarbeitung erbitten


English german kontextuelle beispiele für "problem solving" in deutsch.

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Einsprachige Beispiele

English wie man "problem solving" in einem satz verwendet, english wie man "problem-solving" in einem satz verwendet, english wie man "problem solving method" in einem satz verwendet, english wie man "problemlösung" in einem satz verwendet, english wie man "hilfe zur selbsthilfe" in einem satz verwendet, english wie man "problemlösend" in einem satz verwendet, english wie man "problemlösungsverfahren" in einem satz verwendet, kollokationen, "problem-solving ability" auf deutsch.

  • volume_up Problemlösungsfähigkeit

"problem-solving approach" auf Deutsch

  • volume_up Problemlösungsansatz

"creative problem-solving" auf Deutsch

  • volume_up kreative Problemlösung

Ähnliche Übersetzungen

Ähnliche übersetzungen für "problem solving" auf deutsch.

  • enträtselnd
  • Schwierigkeit
  • Fragestellung
  • Problemstellung
  • Problematik
  • Textaufgabe
  • Gewohnheitstrinkerin
  • Gewohnheitstrinker
  • Problemdefinition
  • problemorientierte Programmiersprache
  • Problemzone
  • problem of pollution
  • problem oriented
  • problem oriented language
  • problem persist
  • problem play
  • problem recur
  • problem report
  • problem solution
  • problem solution technique
  • problem solver
  • problem solving
  • problem solving ability
  • problem stem
  • problem tracking
  • problem worsen
  • problem-based learning
  • problem-free
  • problem-oriented
  • problem-oriented programming language
  • problem-related forecasting

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▾ dictionary (english), problem noun ( plural: problemata , problems ) —, problem nt (often used), schwierigkeit f, problem solving n —, problem statement n —, deal with a problem v —, basic problem n —, another problem n —, problem-solving ability n —, software problem n —, burning problem n —, wider problem n —, topical problem n —, whole problem n —, short-term problem n —, cardinal problem n —, unknown problem n —, ancient problem n —, problem-solving approaches pl —, occurring problem n —, problem-orientated thinking n —, ▸ dictionary (german), problem noun, neuter —, problem n (often used), gesellschaftliches problem nt —, grundlegendes problem nt —, häufiges problem nt —, brennendes problem nt —, auftretendes problem nt —, kurzfristiges problem nt —, altes problem nt —, unbekanntes problem nt —, gegenwärtiges problem nt —, weiteres problem nt —, ▸ wikipedia, ▸ external sources (english), ▾ external sources (german).

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  1. 6 steps of the problem solving process

    problem solving approach auf deutsch

  2. 5 step problem solving method

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  3. 5 step problem solving method

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  4. 3 Tips for Effective Problem Solving

    problem solving approach auf deutsch

  5. what are the three steps in problem solving

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  6. 8 Step Problem Solving PowerPoint Presentation Slides

    problem solving approach auf deutsch


  1. German speaking practice

  2. Daily German Conversations

  3. Lösungsorientierte Beratung

  4. Von Kreta nach Kos mit Sayintentions.AI und dem Fenix A320

  5. Effective tips & tricks for solving B1 Lesen Exam

  6. Live-Aufzeichnung 16.4.2024


  1. problem-solving approach

    Viele übersetzte Beispielsätze mit "problem-solving approach" - Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch und Suchmaschine für Millionen von Deutsch-Übersetzungen.

  2. problem-solving approach

    Learn the translation for 'problem-solving\x20approach' in LEO's ­English ⇔ German­ dictionary. With noun/verb tables for the different cases and tenses links to audio pronunciation and relevant forum discussions free vocabulary trainer

  3. problem-solving approach

    Many translated example sentences containing "problem-solving approach" - German-English dictionary and search engine for German translations.

  4. problem-solving approach

    Lernen Sie die Übersetzung für 'problem-solving\x20approach' in LEOs ­Englisch ⇔ Deutsch­ Wörterbuch. Mit Flexionstabellen der verschiedenen Fälle und Zeiten Aussprache und relevante Diskussionen Kostenloser Vokabeltrainer

  5. dict.cc

    Übersetzung für 'problem solving approach' von Englisch nach Deutsch. problem-solving approach: ... Problemlösungs­ansatz {m} educ. problem-solving approach: Problemlöseansatz {m} [auch: Problem-Löse-Ansatz] 5+ Wörter: approach to solving a problem: Lösungs­ansatz {m} Teiltreffer: problem solving: Problemlösen {n} problem solving ...

  6. problem solving

    ein Problem lösen v. A conversation can help to solve a problem. Ein Gespräch kann helfen, ein Problem zu lösen. We have solved the problem in a very sensible discussion. Wir haben das Problem in einer sehr vernünftigen Diskussion gelöst. less common: eine Aufgabe lösen v. ·. ein Problem beheben v.


    Übersetzung für 'problem-solving approach' im kostenlosen Englisch-Deutsch Wörterbuch und viele weitere Deutsch-Übersetzungen. bab.la - Online dictionaries, vocabulary, conjugation, grammar ... "problem-solving approach" auf Deutsch. volume_up. problem-solving approach. DE. volume_up. Problemlösungsansatz; Weitere Informationen ...

  8. problem solving approach

    dict.cc | Übersetzungen für 'problem solving approach' im Englisch-Deutsch-Wörterbuch, mit echten Sprachaufnahmen, Illustrationen, Beugungsformen, ...

  9. Übersetzung für "problem solving approach" im Deutsch

    Übersetzung im Kontext von „problem solving approach" in Englisch-Deutsch von Reverso Context: Mechatronic integrates the engineering aspects of electronics, mechanics, and microelectronics into an effective problem solving approach for many technological applications and industrial process.

  10. dict.cc

    Übersetzungen für den Begriff 'problem-solving' im Englisch-Deutsch-Wörterbuch. dict.cc. dict.cc. DE/EN ⇄ Übersetzung Deutsch / Englisch ... problem-solving approach: Problemlöseansatz {m} [auch: Problem-Löse-Ansatz] problem-solving attempt: Problemlösungs­versuch {m} psych.

  11. problem solving

    problem solving - Wörterbuch Englisch-Deutsch. 90.000 Stichwörter und Wendungen sowie 120.000 Übersetzungen. ... Deutsch: problem solving n (process of finding solutions) Problemlösung Nf (Tech) Problembehebung Nf : ... superficial, "single-time", "not-problem solving" approach - English Only forum to vary their strategy given the problem ...

  12. approach to problem solving

    Many translated example sentences containing "approach to problem solving" - German-English dictionary and search engine for German translations.


    problem solving {Substantiv} Additionally, it has a profound effect on creative problem - solving and deep information processing. expand_more Zudem hat es einen tiefgreifenden Effekt auf kreatives Problemlösen und die Verarbeitung von Tiefeninformationen. And now English is becoming the language of problem - solving.

  14. Übersetzung für "problem-solving" im Deutsch

    Übersetzung für "problem-solving" im Deutsch. Accessibility, quick reaction times and competent problem-solving are our hallmark. Gute Erreichbarkeit, schnelle Reaktionen und kompetente Problemlösung zeichnen uns aus. Inter-regional fora are often the proper vehicle for such problem-solving. Interregionale Gremien sind häufig der geeignete ...

  15. Problem Solving

    Seite auf Deutsch Advertising - ... approach to solving a problem ... Problem-solving-engine: Last post 14 Feb 07, 21:57: it comes under bottom-up management: 3 Replies: word problem solving: Last post 26 Mar 08, 00:07: Was ist unter "word problem solving" im Kontext von Schule und Lehrern zu verstehen? "The s…

  16. problem solving

    Zur mobilen Version wechseln. Lernen Sie die Übersetzung für 'problem solving' in LEOs ­Englisch ⇔ Deutsch­ Wörterbuch. Mit Flexionstabellen der verschiedenen Fälle und Zeiten Aussprache und relevante Diskussionen Kostenloser Vokabeltrainer .

  17. problem solving approach bedeutet auf Deutsch

    Englisch-Deutsch Wörterbuch » problem solving approach bedeutet auf Deutsch ... Englisch Deutsch; problem solving approach noun: der Aufgabenstellungsansatz Substantiv

  18. problem solving

    ein Problem lösen v. A conversation can help to solve a problem. Ein Gespräch kann helfen, ein Problem zu lösen. We have solved the problem in a very sensible discussion. Wir haben das Problem in einer sehr vernünftigen Diskussion gelöst. seltener: eine Aufgabe lösen v. ein Problem beheben v.

  19. problem solving

    A 2018-08-07: Danke, ich wart schon. Happy App troubleshooting und problem solving! A 2008-08-20: towards topics and problem solving A 2007-10-19: I'd say its just a variant of "problem solving" resp. "problem solution" A 2006-06-19: figure-based problem solving A 2005-08-31: problem solving A 2005-03-30: problem solving oriented » Im Forum nach problem solving suchen

  20. problem-solving

    problem-solving - Wörterbuch Englisch-Deutsch. 90.000 Stichwörter und Wendungen sowie 120.000 Übersetzungen.

  21. solving

    Problemlöseansatz {m} [auch: Problem-Löse-Ansatz] problem-solving approach: Problemlösungsansatz {m} problem-solving attempt: Problemlösungsversuch {m} ... Danke, ich wart schon. Happy App troubleshooting und problem solving! A 2016-06-20: https: ... Dieses Deutsch-Englisch-Wörterbuch basiert auf der Idee der freien Weitergabe von Wissen.

  22. problem

    The problem of amending the common provisions of the general part of the Technical Annexes of RID and ADR by the simplified procedure, i.e., in the case of RID, by decision of the RID Expert Committee as has been the case hitherto and, for the Technical Annexes of ADR, in accordance with its Article 14, is a problem which arises in essentially ...