7 Outstanding Example Presentations Using Prezi

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Prezi is a presentation tool that helps transform lack-luster, static presentations into engaging presentations that tell a story.

Instead of moving slide to slide, like a PowerPoint or Keynote presentation, Prezi presentations capture content in a spatial context. Because of this, your audience may be more engaged with your presentation.

If you’ve been using PowerPoint, you can import an existing PowerPoint presentation and transform it into a Prezi.

Let’s take a look at some example presentations using Prezi that demonstrate how this tool can be used to take your presentations to the next level.

1. Prezi Overview

Prezi overview

This Prezi shows the company’s history, some of the people using Prezi, and how to import a PowerPoint and get started with Prezi.

This is a great example of how to effectively use Prezi and also gives you an idea of the features you will find in the program. It does a great job of illustrating Prezi’s story using images , facts and statistics.

By featuring a how-to on importing a PowerPoint file, Prezi highlights one of it’s main selling points.

To close, showing specific examples of people who use Prezi is a great way to show the value Prezi brings to a market that otherwise hasn’t seen much innovation.

2. Obama vs Romney

prezi obama vs romney/

This Prezi states the simple facts about each candidate in the 2012 election. The presentation flows from one segment to the next rather than jumping from slide to slide.

It presents the facts in an understandable way, and because of the format and segmented design, it’s easy to compare the two candidates.

Most successful presentations end in some sort of call to action . Appropriately, this one calls you to vote!

3. Prezi Book – Mastering Prezi for Business Presentations

prezi book mastering prezi for business presentations/

Russel (The Prezenter) Anderson-Williams wrote the book on using Prezi for business presentations (literally!). This is his presentation to promote his book.

In it, he uses embedded video, audio and hyperlinks to tell his story and walks the listener through how to do all these things within Prezi.

The illustrative style of the presentation puts the watcher in the learning seat which goes hand-in-hand with the educational nature of the presentation. Tying the design to the objective of the presentation helps make this Prezi successful.

To conclude the presentation, there are a couple calls to action including clicking on links to purchase the book and signing up for his online Prezi training course.

4. A Presentation on Presentations

prezi copy of presentation on presentations/

In this Prezi about how to effectively make a Prezi, the presenter walks you through the reasons why Prezi’s format is conducive to creating a memorable experience and triggering action among your audience.

It walks you through important aspects of any presentation, like making you feel emotion and telling a story, while also showcasing the templates and features Prezi has available.

The presentation is sprinkled with facts and examples throughout, which adds interest and lends credibility to the presenter.

5. The Magical Theory of Relativity

prezi the magical theory of relativity/

Can Prezi make learning about the theory of relativity fun? See for yourself in this great Prezi created by Petra Marjai.

The Prezi tells the story of how the theory came about and also uses illustrative examples from everyday life to explain the theory.

Aside from great story telling and examples, this Prezi is also a great example because of the simple color palette that is used consistently throughout the presentation.

Another of its successes is good typographic hierarchy. The main points are in large text, while the smaller points are in smaller text – similar to cascading bullet points in a traditional PowerPoint, but much more differentiated and engaging.

6. Red Bull Stratos

Red Bull Stratos

This Prezi on the Red Bull Stratos free-fall stunt was created to tell the story around the stunt. It gives background on the purpose, facts and goals about the process as well as a link to more information. It also utilizes an embedded video and link.

The last screen of the presentation shows the full context of the story in one large view. With longer presentations, it might not be realistic to zoom out and show the whole story in one view, but for a short story like this, it’s a great method to show how all the points relate back to the larger context of the story.

7. Mathematweets

prezi mathematweets/

This last example of a successful Prezi was created by Maria Andersen to illustrate how Twitter can be used in the education system. It uses well-crafted illustrations to go beyond teaching about what Twitter is and how it can be used, to telling the story of how it was used (both successfully and unsuccessfully) in the cyber classroom.

The illustrator uses cartoon people and branches of a tree to ask and answer questions, seamlessly transitioning from point to point and question to question. The branches and people, and the ability to see the entire frame in view at once, shows the correlation and context of the various questions and answers.

A call to action, story telling, and using spatial context to visualize ideas are all key elements that make these presentations successful.

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Noble Intent Studio

7 Outstanding Example Presentations Using Prezi

October 29, 2012

Author: Angela Noble

Author: Angela Noble

Prezi is a presentation tool that helps transform lack-luster, static presentations into engaging presentations that tell a story.

Instead of moving slide to slide, like a PowerPoint or Keynote presentation, Prezi presentations capture content in a spatial context. Because of this, your audience may be more engaged with your presentation.

If you’ve been using PowerPoint, you can import an existing PowerPoint presentation and transform it into a Prezi.

Let’s take a look at some example presentations using Prezi that demonstrate how this tool can be used to take your presentations to the next level.

1. Prezi Overview


This Prezi shows the company’s history, some of the people using Prezi, and how to import a PowerPoint and get started with Prezi.

This is a great example of how to effectively use Prezi and also gives you an idea of the features you will find in the program. It does a great job of illustrating Prezi’s story  using images , facts and statistics.

By featuring a how-to on importing a PowerPoint file, Prezi highlights one of it’s main selling points.

To close, showing specific examples of people who use Prezi is a great way to show the value Prezi brings to a market that otherwise hasn’t seen much innovation.

2. Obama vs Romney


This Prezi states the simple facts about each candidate in the 2012 election. The presentation flows from one segment to the next rather than jumping from slide to slide.

It presents the facts in an understandable way, and because of the format and segmented design, it’s easy to compare the two candidates.

Most successful presentations end in some sort of  call to action . Appropriately, this one calls you to vote!

3.  Prezi Book – Mastering Prezi for Business Presentations


Russel (The Prezenter) Anderson-Williams  wrote the book on using Prezi for business presentations (literally!). This is his presentation to promote his book.

In it, he uses embedded video, audio and hyperlinks to tell his story and walks the listener through how to do all these things within Prezi.

The illustrative style of the presentation puts the watcher in the learning seat which goes hand-in-hand with the educational nature of the presentation. Tying the design to the objective of the presentation helps make this Prezi successful.

To conclude the presentation, there are a couple calls to action including clicking on links to purchase the book and signing up for his online Prezi training course.

4. A Presentation on Presentations


In this Prezi about how to effectively make a Prezi, the presenter walks you through the reasons why Prezi’s format is conducive to creating a memorable experience and triggering action among your audience.

It walks you through important aspects of any presentation, like making you feel emotion and telling a story, while also showcasing the templates and features Prezi has available.

The presentation is sprinkled with facts and examples throughout, which adds interest and lends credibility to the presenter.

5.  The Magical Theory of Relativity


Can Prezi make learning about the theory of relativity fun? See for yourself in this great Prezi created by Petra Marjai.

The Prezi tells the story of how the theory came about and also uses illustrative examples from everyday life to explain the theory.

Aside from great story telling and examples, this Prezi is also a great example because of the simple color palette that is used consistently throughout the presentation.

Another of its successes is good typographic hierarchy. The main points are in large text, while the smaller points are in smaller text – similar to cascading bullet points in a traditional PowerPoint, but much more differentiated and engaging.

6. Red Bull Stratos


This Prezi on the Red Bull Stratos free-fall stunt was created to tell the story around the stunt. It gives background on the purpose, facts and goals about the process as well as a link to more information. It also utilizes an embedded video and link.

The last screen of the presentation shows the full context of the story in one large view. With longer presentations, it might not be realistic to zoom out and show the whole story in one view, but for a short story like this, it’s a great method to show how all the points relate back to the larger context of the story.

7. Mathematweets


This last example of a successful Prezi was created by  Maria Andersen  to illustrate how Twitter can be used in the education system. It uses well-crafted illustrations to go beyond teaching about what Twitter is and how it can be used, to telling the story of how it was used (both successfully and unsuccessfully) in the cyber classroom.

The illustrator uses cartoon people and branches of a tree to ask and answer questions, seamlessly transitioning from point to point and question to question. The branches and people, and the ability to see the entire frame in view at once, shows the correlation and context of the various questions and answers.

A call to action, story telling, and using spatial context to visualize ideas are all key elements that make these presentations successful.

See original post on Crazy Egg’s Blog “The Daily Egg”.

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Brainstorm using mind map ideas and examples

Get your team on prezi – watch this on demand video.

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Anete Ezera May 22, 2024

When we’re coming up with new ideas for a project, it’s common for our minds to become crowded with information, and this can sometimes get overwhelming and make it hard to get our points across in our finished project. One way to simplify the process of brainstorming is to use a mind map. This allows us to jot down our ideas as and when we get them, so they’re visualized for us to look back on when we’re building projects. Let’s take a closer look at what a mind map is, and what it’s used for, and give some cute, creative mind map ideas from Prezi that might come in handy for your next project. 

What is a mind map, exactly? 

A mind map comes in handy for many things. Whether it’s brainstorming, planning for a project, or revising for a test. The main structure of a mind map is to start with a central idea, with subtopics that branch out from the main idea. As you gather more information, you can add it to the mind map quickly so you don’t lose your train of thought. Let’s look more closely at the elements of a mind map. 

Central idea

At the heart of every mind map is the central idea. This main topic or concept sits at the center of your diagram. From here, all other ideas and themes will branch out. The central mind map idea acts as the anchor, guiding the direction of your thoughts and the overall structure of the mind map.

A close up view of an unrecognizable Caucasian entrepreneur holding a marker and planning some business strategy while sitting at her office desk.

Branches grow outward from the central idea, each representing a main theme or category related to your topic. These lines link the central idea to various subtopics, illustrating how different pieces of information are connected. As more branches are added, the structure begins to look like a tree, which helps to visually organize and categorize the information.

Keywords are placed along the branches and are crucial for keeping your mind map concise. These are typically single words or short phrases that capture the essence of the subtopics. Keywords help you quickly recall detailed information and keep the mind map focused and clear.


Sub-branches stem from the main branches and break down the information into more specific topics. This allows for a deeper exploration of each theme. By dividing complex information into smaller, manageable parts, sub-branches make it easier to study and understand your subject matter.

Colors and images

Using colors and images for your mind map ideas can boost its effectiveness. Colors can differentiate between categories, helping to keep the mind map organized and visually engaging. Images and symbols can represent ideas, acting as visual cues that enhance memory and recall.

Uses of mind maps

Mind maps are a great way to organize your thoughts. Here are some common ways to use them and why they work so well. 


If you’re a student or educator, brainstorming might be something you do regularly. Whether you need to write a big paper, work on a group project, or take part in class discussions, mind maps are a great way to note down your thoughts. 

The best way to brainstorm is to start with your main idea in the center, and then branch out with your thoughts as they come to mind. For example, you might create branches for supporting details or examples that back up your main points. 

For group projects, you could use a mind map to divide tasks and assign responsibilities. Topics could be color-coded for each participant, so it’s clear who is doing which parts of the project. Mind maps are also a great tool for tracking progress, as you can always look back at them and check off sections as they’re completed. 

Prezi AI generated brainstorming mind map

Lastly, mind maps are great for classroom brainstorming. A teacher might give the main idea or topic, which then provokes students to come up with thoughts, opinions, or ideas related to the subject. As each student gives their thoughts, it can be added to the map, showing how each opinion intertwines and connects to the main idea. 


The great thing about choosing a mind map to take notes is that it structures the information in a way that’s easy to read and remember. With traditional note-taking, it can be hard to find key bits of information when looking back through your notes. But, with a mind map, all the information is visible and separated into sections so it’s easier to digest and revise. 

Young woman designer working on a mind map/ business plan at the office.

In a lecture, you could put the main topic in the center, and as the lecture goes on, you could draw branches for each key point the professor talks about. You could then add smaller branches for details and examples. This forms a visual representation of the lecture that you can always refer back to. 

For example, if you’re in a history class, put the main event in the center. Then, branch out with key events, important figures, dates, and outcomes. This helps you see the big picture and understand how everything fits together.

When it’s time to review your notes, a mind map makes it easy to see the main ideas and how they connect. This is really helpful for studying and writing papers. Using colors and images can also make your notes more engaging and easier to remember.

Mind maps also encourage you to interact with the material as you organize it, which can improve your understanding and memory. This method can make your study time more effective and enjoyable.


Mind maps might come in handy for breaking down issues into smaller, more manageable parts. You could start by placing the main problem in the center of your page. From there, you can create branches that explore the possible causes, effects, and solutions.

Dealing with a group project that isn’t going smoothly? Write the main problem in the center. Then, branch out into different areas like communication issues, task distribution, and time management. Each of these branches can be further broken down into more specific details, such as missed deadlines or unclear instructions.

Prezi AI generated image about mind maps

Seeing everything laid out in a mind map helps you understand how different factors are connected. It also makes it easier to think through various scenarios and consider different angles you might have missed with a traditional list.

Mind maps are also great for brainstorming solutions. As you add potential fixes, you can quickly see which ones might work best and how they relate to the causes and effects you’ve identified. This visual and flexible method is a handy tool for tackling tough issues.

Mind maps are great tools for planning projects, events, or daily tasks. Start with your main goal in the center. From there, create branches for each task you need to complete. Add sub-branches for deadlines and the resources you’ll need.

For example, if you’re planning a school project, put the project name in the center. Branch out with tasks like research, writing, and creating a presentation. Under each task, note the deadlines and any materials you need.

Prezi AI generated mind map

Mind maps are great for personal planning too. For example, if you need to plan for an upcoming birthday party, you can branch off with important points like venue, guest list, decorations, food, etc. Under each branch, add sub-branches with specific details. For example, under ‘food’ you include ideas for types of food. Visual mapping like this helps you see all the details at a glance and ensures you don’t forget anything

Mind maps can make the process of studying a lot easier by organizing information in a clear way. Whether you’re in school, college, or just studying to learn something new, mind maps are a great way to condense chapters from a textbook, review your class notes, or even outline key concepts for exams. 

For example, if you’re studying a chapter of a book, you could make the center of your mind map the title of the chapter. You could then branch off with all the key points from the chapter, including characters, events, and timelines. By using mind maps in this way, you can refresh your memory without having to re-read whole chapters. This would come in handy as a last minute review before an exam too. 

Prezi AI generated mind map idea

When you come up with mind map ideas it also helps you to remember what you’ve learned because as you’re arranging the information, your mind will actively process it, which aids in better retention of what you’re studying. 

Sharing ideas and information 

Mind maps are handy for more than just personal use. They can be used to share ideas clearly in many different environments.

Teachers can use mind maps to help students see how different concepts are connected. In the workplace, mind maps can be useful in meetings. They help present ideas in a clear and interactive way. Instead of listing points one after another, a mind map shows the main idea and related points at once. This makes it easier for team members to follow the discussion.

When presenting, mind maps can illustrate your thought process. Tools like Prezi allow you to create presentations that zoom in and out of different parts of the mind map, keeping the audience engaged. For example, if outlining a project plan, start with the project name in the center and branch out to tasks, timelines, and resources.

Using mind maps in presentations helps everyone see the big picture and understand how different ideas connect. This makes information easier to understand and remember.

By incorporating mind maps into teaching or work presentations, you can make your ideas clearer and your sessions more interactive. This method helps students, colleagues, and team members grasp and retain information better, making your presentations and meetings more effective.

Prezi: a platform for turning your mind map ideas into a presentation

Prezi is a platform where you can create presentations that are different from traditional slide shows. With Prezi, you can zoom in and out of a large canvas to show how different points connect to form the bigger picture, perfect for mind mapping. 

A useful feature of Prezi is its large selection of templates . These templates are perfect for formatting mind maps and turning them into presentations. Prezi also has a vast catalog of examples , where you can access other Prezi presentations that have been created by real users. This is a great way to seek inspiration for turning your mind map ideas into an engaging presentation. Also, you can reuse the presentations created by other users so you don’t have to start from a blank page.

Whether you’re a student, teacher, or working professional, Prezi is a place where you can easily organize your mind map ideas and share them in a way that’s visually appealing. 

Mind map ideas for students and professionals

To showcase how useful Prezi can be for your mind map ideas, here are some presentation templates that would serve as great foundations for your mind map.

Science – Cranium (AI Assisted)

Mind map idea from Prezi AI

This template begins with a title slide, which would be a good place to put your main mind map idea. This shows your audience what the main topic is and gives them an idea of what the rest of the presentation might entail. As the template moves from point to point, it gives prompts as to what information you should add. For example, the second frame says “Introduce your first point” and so on. This is an easy way to move your mind map ideas from paper to presentation format. 

Whiteboard (AI Assisted)

Prezi AI generated presentation example about visual storytelling

Similarly to the previous template, this template also gives you prompts throughout so you know where to add each section of information. What’s really useful though, is that it also provides tips for each frame, such as when to keep your words short and punchy to keep the audience engaged. This template would be great for users who lack experience in presentation making, as it essentially gives a step-by-step guide for inputting mind map ideas. 

Sales Plan Presentation Template

Sales plan presentation template example

Ideal for businesses, this template effectively transitions from one point to the next with the aim of explaining how a main goal is going to be met. The main goal would be your main mind map idea, and as the presentation flows from one point to the next, you would input the ideas from each branch of your mind map. 

Constellations (AI Assisted)

Prezi AI generated image example for a mind map idea

This pre-set constellation template in Prezi is a great choice for showcasing mind map ideas. It’s set out in a way where a central idea connects with various subtopics, hence the constellation theme. You can start with your main idea in the center and branch out to related points, just like a mind map. This makes it easy for your audience to follow your thought process and see the connections between different ideas. 

Personal Story (AI Assisted)

Prezi AI generated template for mind map ideas

This Prezi template would be good for both students and businesses. It’s designed in a way that tells a story by moving through a visual journey. For students, you could use this template to talk about yourself personally and your academic journey and ideas. For businesses, you could use this template as a sales pitch, showcasing your business ideas and what you stand for. All you’d have to do is take your mind map ideas and input them into the relevant sections in the template. 

These Prezi templates show just how immersive and interesting your mind map ideas can be when you transform them into a presentation. Not only does having a pre-set template make the process easy for you, but it makes sharing your thoughts and ideas more exciting and engaging for everyone involved. 

Mind map ideas: Inspiration from Prezi

If you’re still unsure about how to turn your mind map ideas into an effective presentation, here are a few Prezi examples to get your creative juices flowing. 

How to be more productive and focus

This Prezi by Nir Eyal shares information and tips on how to be more productive throughout the day. Just like a mind map, the Prezi is split into sections that each offer a main idea. The user has taken full advantage of Prezi canvas by zooming in on each key point and then zooming even further to give the viewer more details. This is similar to mind mapping, where you create branches and sub-branches. 

Understanding the teenage brain

This Prezi is a great example of sharing mind map ideas. The first frame features the title (main idea) along with five subcategories. Making the subcategories visible from the start is a good way to show the audience which topics will be covered. The Prezi then continues in an immersive way by zooming in on each topic and giving more details. Creating a presentation this way can simply take your mind map ideas and input them section by section to create an interconnecting story. 

From mind map to visual story with Prezi

As we’ve seen in the previous examples, using Prezi for sharing mind map ideas turns your thoughts into a reality where everyone can visualize your thought process. Here’s what makes Prezi so dynamic and engaging. 

Open canvas

Prezi open canvas is designed in a way that takes viewers on a journey through your thought process. Unlike traditional slide shows, Prezi lets you move freely across a large canvas, zooming in and out of different sections. This way, you can start with your central idea and gradually reveal the related points, much like a mind map.

As your audience follows along, it’s like they’re looking into how you think, seeing the connections and flow of your mind map ideas. This interactive and visual approach makes complex information easier to understand and more engaging. Prezi’s open canvas turns your presentation into a story, guiding viewers through your concepts in a natural and memorable way.

A seamless creation process with Prezi AI 

Prezi AI can assist you in creating a presentation inspired by your mind map ideas. All you need to do is prompt the AI by describing your topic, and it will offer suggestions on the design, theme, and layout of your presentation. This not only saves time but also ensures that your presentation is designed to a high standard with minimal effort. Prezi AI also has another valuable feature – text editing. Let’s look at how Prezi AI could assist with your mind map ideas.

Color scheme recommendations

Prezi AI helps by suggesting color schemes that make your presentation visually appealing and easy to follow. Good color choices can highlight important points and keep your audience engaged. Prezi AI selects colors that work well together and makes your presentation clear and attractive, helping viewers easily distinguish between main ideas and subtopics.

Design and layout options

Prezi AI gives you plenty of design and layout options to fit your content. Whether you’re presenting a straightforward mind map idea or a detailed project, Prezi AI recommends the best layout to organize your information. These templates help make your presentation clear and engaging, making it easier for your audience to follow and understand your points.

Prezi AI generated presentation example.

Automated assembly

When you describe your topic, Prezi AI helps build your presentation. It arranges your mind map ideas logically, saving you time. This feature ensures your presentation flows smoothly, with each part clearly connected to the main idea, making it easier for your audience to understand the overall concept.

Text-editing features

Prezi AI includes tools to help you edit your text, making it clearer and more effective. You can easily adjust the wording, font size, and style to match your presentation’s tone. Prezi AI also offers suggestions to improve clarity and readability, ensuring your text supports your visuals well. These features help you fine-tune your presentation, making sure it effectively communicates your mind map ideas.

The benefits of using Prezi to create a mind map presentation

Using Prezi to convey your mind map ideas offers several advantages over traditional mind maps. Here are some key benefits:

#1 Dynamic and engaging visuals

Unlike static mind maps, the Prezi canvas allows you to zoom in and out of different areas, highlighting key points and showing how they connect. This keeps your audience interested and helps them follow your thought process.

#2 Easy to follow

With Prezi, your presentation flows smoothly from one point to the next. The clear layout and movement between topics make it easier for your audience to understand and retain information. This is especially helpful for complex subjects where seeing the connections between mind map ideas is crucial.

#3 Professional templates

Using one of Prezi’s pre-designed templates means you’ll get a polished, professional-looking presentation without having to put any work into the design elements. They’re great for showcasing mind map ideas because they often come with prompts telling you where to put main points, sub-topics, and examples. 

A selection of new Prezi presentation templates

#4 Interactive presentations

You can create a more engaging experience for your audience with Prezi interactive features. Adding multimedia elements like videos, images, and links makes your presentation both interactive and informative. This approach can make your mind map more memorable and impactful.

#5 Time saving tools 

Prezi AI can help you quickly assemble your presentation. This means that you can spend more time thinking about your mind map ideas, and less time worrying about colors, layout, and formatting each slide.

#6 Adaptability

Prezi makes it simple to update and adapt your presentation. You can make changes or add new mind map ideas without redoing the whole thing. This flexibility is especially helpful for ongoing projects or topics that change over time.

#7 Easy collaboration

Prezi simplifies collaboration because it allows multiple users to work on the same presentation in real-time. This is perfect for group projects or team meetings. With this feature, everyone can contribute their mind map ideas, ensuring the final presentation reflects the entire team’s effort. If you’d like to access this feature, explore options to upgrade to a Prezi Business plan .

Prezi vs. traditional mind maps

While traditional mind maps are great for structuring your ideas, Prezi does offer several other advantages. Here are some of them:

  • Interactivity: Traditional mind maps are static, while Prezi presentations can include multimedia elements, making them more engaging.
  • Ease of use: Prezi’s templates and AI tools make it easy to create presentations, saving you time and effort.
  • Professional appearance: Prezi ensures that your mind map looks clean and professional, which can be challenging with hand-drawn or simple digital maps.
  • Adaptability: Updating your presentation in Prezi is easy. You can make changes without redoing the entire mind map, providing more flexibility.

Overall, Prezi offers an effective way to organize, present, and share your ideas. Its dynamic features make it a great choice for both educational and professional projects. Prezi’s interactive and visually engaging format ensures your mind maps are not only clear but also more impactful, helping your audience better understand and retain information. By allowing real-time collaboration, easy updates, and a polished appearance, Prezi stands out as a superior tool for creating mind map presentations.

Final thoughts on the best way to create your mind maps

Mind maps simplify brainstorming and organizing ideas. While traditional mind maps work well, Prezi offers extra benefits that can enhance your idea organization. Prezi’s dynamic visuals, clear layouts, and interactive features make sharing mind maps easier.

Prezi lets you update and adapt presentations quickly, collaborate with others in real-time, and use ready-made templates to save time. This makes it a great tool for students , teachers , and professionals .

Whether you’re tackling a group project, planning an event, or preparing a lecture, Prezi helps you present mind map ideas clearly. It turns your thoughts into an interactive story that grabs your audience’s attention and aids understanding. Try it out for yourself!

prezi presentations examples

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Prezi  - What is Prezi?

Prezi  -, what is prezi, prezi what is prezi.

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Prezi: What is Prezi?

Lesson 1: what is prezi.

Prezi is a web-based tool for creating presentations (called prezis for short). It's similar to other presentation software like Microsoft PowerPoint, but it offers some unique features that make it a good alternative. In recent years, it has become popular in schools and businesses. If you're looking to create a presentation that's a bit more eye-catching and engaging, Prezi may be for you.

How does a prezi work?

Most types of presentation software use a slide-based approach, where you move back and forth between individual slides, kind of like pages in a book. Prezi, however, uses a canvas-based approach. Instead of using slides, Prezi has one very large canvas that your presentation moves around on, zooming in and out to view various frames .

This concept is much easier to describe with a visual aid, so we've embedded a sample prezi below. Simply select Start Prezi , then use the arrows at the bottom to navigate through the presentation.

Why use Prezi?

You might be wondering what makes Prezi different from other presentation software, like PowerPoint or Keynote . For one thing, Prezi is completely free to use. There are upgrades you can pay for to unlock additional features, but everything you need to create and share a dynamic prezi is available free of cost.

Another great reason to use Prezi is that it is run entirely through your web browser, meaning there will be fewer compatibility issues than with other programs like PowerPoint. Your prezi will always look the same , no matter what computer you're viewing it on.

Because of its unique presentation style, Prezi can use movement and metaphor to help communicate a point you're trying to make. If you want your audience to really feel a sense of space and distance between locations, you could use a map template , like in the prezi below.

Or maybe you want to illustrate how there's more to a certain topic or viewpoint than there appears to be. In this case, perhaps an iceberg template would be more effective.

In the next lesson, we'll show you how to create and edit prezis of your own!




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I’m Glad You’re Here, We’ve Got Some Free Prezi Presentation Templates for You

Making a Presentation is hard work, so we wanted to make it a bit easier for you! Enjoy our collection of Free Prezi templates that you can use to jump-start your next presentation. Let us handle the design part, so you won’t have to waste your time!

Free prezi presentation template on topic of multimedia

Interactive Media Prezi

A media and technology related template with a multimedia display screen. A great Prezi suitable for any presentation topic.

Free circle diagram colorful prezi next presentation template

Circle Diagram Template

Get creative with colors! A multipurpose Prezi Next template with a colorful circle diagram on a dark world map background.

company overview free prezi presentation template

Prezi Business Overview

Want people to learn about your company? Use this urban themed Prezi template for introducing your business or organization.

BLue technology circle free prezi next presentation template

The Future Template

Use this free Prezi Next template for presenting about new technology solutions or talk about virtual and augmented reality.

Free mind map template for prezi next presentation

Prezi Mind Map

Ready to create a mind map? There’s no better way than using this Free Prezi template with a classic and colorful hive design.

free calendar timeline for prezi next template

Prezi Calendar Timeline

Use this Free Prezi template for introducing your plans and projects. Make a custom timeline Prezi with this calendar template.

Free puzzle themed template for prezi next presentations

Solve the Puzzle

Is something puzzling your mind? A free template for Prezi Next featuring a 3D puzzle wall and a man carrying a large puzzle piece.

Free infographic line chart data prezi presentation template 3D

Prezi Line Chart

Use this free Prezi Next template for building a custom line chart and turn boring numbers into a visually engaging presentation.

data graph infographic free prezi presentation template

Prezi Bar Graph

Use this free Prezi Next template for building a unique bar graph with colorful squares forming columns on a 3D grid background.

world map of continents free prezi next presentation template

World Map Prezi

The world is a small place, so here’s a minimal world map Prezi template for zooming and presenting your ideas on a large scale.

medical technology related free prezi presentation template

Medical Screen Template

Use this free Prezi Next template for talking about healthcare, hospital or any other medical related topic or business.

free prezi next presentation template for resume CV creation

Prezi Next CV

Showcase your skills, talents and impress your future boss with a creative online CV presentation made in Prezi Next.

Free business people silhouettes prezi template

Climb to Success

BEST REUSABLE PREZI DESIGN in the Prezi Awards 2015 competition. A creative 3D business graph free prezi template with business people silhouettes climbing.

Free personal resume self promo prezi template

A Few Things About Me

Prezi Template for a Prezume (CV, Prezi resume) presentation. Present about yourself: education, hobbies, work, things you love or hate

Creative 3D Cubes free prezi template

Creative Cubes Free 3D

A simple yet very powerful free Prezi Template with just 1 design element: A single 3D cube: create endless designs concepts.

Free workflow progress diagram prezi template

Free Workflow Prezi Template

Free Prezi template for creating a workflow related presentation. Describe a process and the necessary steps. Includes various blue shapes that you can combine.

Modular 3D cubes free prezi template

3D Modular Prezi Template

Free prezi template with a modular concept. 3D white cubes on a blue gradient background. Simple, clean and professional-looking template.

Free world map prezi template

Free World Map Prezi Template

Free Prezi Template with a world map. Countries separated with a white line. 100% vector and zoomable graphics. Use markers and lines to add details.

Blue circle simple free prezi template

Blue Circles Prezi Template

Blue Circles is a simple Prezi Template with a blue bokeh effect background. Duplicate, delete or rearrange the circles and create a unique layout. 13 frames already added to speed up your work.

3D magnet free prezi template

3D Magnet Prezi Template

Free Prezi template with a magnet concept. Introduce your topic and list the pros and cons which are drawn by a magnet. Rearrange elements and create your own unique layout.

Free CV resume prezi template on desk

Free CV Resume Template

A free Prezi Resume template for self promotion. Your classical paper CV is presented on a wooden desk with papers, pen and cup of coffee. Move the elements and make a unique layout.

Free angry birds prezi template

Angry Birds Prezi Template

Complete Prezi template with the Angry Birds theme. Add your text or images anywhere. Reveal extra info on the level complete screen that fades in in the end with an animation.

Free 3D Atom Prezi Template

3D Atom Prezi Template

3D remake of the free atom Prezi Template. Includes an atom image and a 3D background Add your content inside the circular blue frames. Duplicate the frames to add more placeholders

Free food healthcare fitness prezi template

Healthy Life Prezi Template

Present all the elements of a healthy life. A white plate is divided into 4 colorful pieces that can be used to visualize different ingredients of a healthy life. Add your own icons or images

Free Halloween Prezi Template

Free Halloween Prezi Template

Free Halloween Prezi Template for sending your greetings or scaring your friends? Includes a witch and other horror elements on orange sky and moon background.

Free Christmas ecard prezi template video animated

Christmas Card Free Prezi

Send a Christmas eCard to your friends. Christmas related icons forming a tree shape. Customize text, add your own images and logo.

Free Valentines day love prezi template

Free Valentines Template

Time to show some love with a very simple and minimalistic free Valentine’s Day Prezi Template with a big heart and wings formed from small red hearts.

Free construction and building ideas prezi template

Build Your Ideas Prezi

A free Prezi template with a “Build Your Ideas” concept. A good presentation template for demonstrating how you formulate your ideas. Includes construction visuals.

Free 3d puzzle diagram prezi template

Piece of the Puzzle

Prezi Template with Puzzle Pieces concept. Zoom in and add your content anywhere. Combine the pieces and create a unique layout.

Free world map earth planet 3D prezi template

Around the World

A 3D earth concept with various elements for your story. Zoom and add your own content or graphics anywhere in the Prezi.

free valentines day animated 3d prezi template

Valentine’s Day Prezi Template

A funny Valentine’s day Prezi Template with a 3D design. Surprise your Valentine and add your own message!

Free 3D frames infographic world map prezi template

3D Frames Prezi Template

A minimalistic 3D Prezi Template colorful 3D frames on a world map background. Customize the layout and add as many frames as needed.

Door to success door opener opportunity prezi template

Prezi Door to Success

A motivational Prezi Template for presenting the way to success. An open door and light shining through. Zoom in and reveal a sky background.

climb a mountain free prezi template hill

Climb The Mountain

How to reach the top? Show your journey and present it on a simple winter mountain background.

creative start launch mountain sky prezi template free

Creative Launch Prezi

Show to to launch a successful project. Free prezi with a mountain and winter theme background.

success elements periodic table of ideas prezi template free creative

Prezi Success Elements

Free Prezi template with a periodic table of ideas. Present all the success elements and zoom in for the details.

free roadmap timeline prezi presentation template

Back in Time

Take your audience back time. A free timeline presentation template with a creative zoom effect.

paper airplace free prezi presentation template

Ideas Fly Prezi Template

Do ideas fly? Show your ideas on a simple airplane style Prezi with a creative effect on zooming in.

hexagon infographic free prezi template world map

Hexagon Infographic

A very simple and free infographic prezi template with hexagon shapes in a circle, on a world map background.

free input output flow chart diagram prezi presentation template

Input Output Diagram

A minimalistic and simple input output diagram. Create a colorful flow chart with your ideas

3d rubik's cube 3d free presentation template for prezi

Topic Puzzle 3D Prezi

Can you solve the cube puzzle? Illustrate your topic with a free Rubik’s cube themed Prezi Template

plant in hand free business grow ideas prezi presentation template

Business Flourish

How do you plan to grow your business? Show your plans and future visions.

free urban style infographic night street city presentation

Urban Infographic

A Free Prezi template with modern infographic template with a night city background and hexagon elements.

graduation school end party free prezi presentation template

Graduation Prezi Template

A simple graduation themed Prezi template with people throwing their hats into the air.

3D infographic elements free diagram prezi presentation template

3D Elements Prezi

Free Prezi template containing various colorful 3D geometric shapes and elements for building creative infographic Prezis.

Didn’t Find What You Need? We Have Over 1000 Prezi Templates!

Browse our shop for some Premium Prezi Templates. With our collection of 1000+ templates you’ll be sure to find a template to fit your needs! If you need a custom-made Prezi Template, do not hesitate to contact us and we can discuss on how to create a perfect Template for you or your company that will fit inside your budget.


This a collection of the best free templates designed by Prezibase.com . To view the full list of all available free templates visit our shop archive page . For presenting with a free template you will need to create an account on Prezi.com (NB! Prezibase is not affiliated with Prezi.com, we are independent designers). All our templates can also be used with the Free and Public Prezi account type which can be created on this page.  With a free account, all Prezi presentation will  be public, and they can be edited and presented online.

With the free license you can also download the 30 free trial version of Prezi Desktop, which means you can edit your presentation offline without internet  and also export your presentation for example onto a USB stick. (all this can also be done with the online editor version). Interested in the old free & reusable Prezi Classic templates that come with Prezi online editor? View a full list of all Free Prezi Templates published by Prezi.com developers.

Check out this blog post for some our best Creative Presentation Templates which includes a list of our best 25 Prezi Next templates. You can also find additional free Prezi Next templates from the collection published by Prezi.com. Many of these templates are also designed by Prezibase.

Will These Work with Prezi Classic or Next?

All of the above Prezi Templates will open in the new Prezi Next presentation software. Originally these were Prezi Classic templates, but have now been converted into Prezi Next. If you specifically need the Prezi Classic version (why would you? all Classic functionality is now also in Prezi next 😊 ) then contact us and we can share the original Classic version to your account. NB: the new Prezi version is not called Next anymore, but simply Prezi Present.

Using Prezibase Classic Templates with Prezi Next?

Prezi launched a new presentation software called Prezi Next on the 25th of April 2017. The old version is now called Prezi Classic and most of our free templates have been designed for the Classic version. If your Prezi account was created before the 25th of April, then you will automatically have access to both versions of Prezi. You can easily use all of our templates. There is currently no date set in the future when and even if, Prezi Classic will be dropped. Obviously it was loved by more than 80 million people, so it cannot be simply dropped. Read our article about Prezi Next here .

Update December 2020: All Prezi users should now have access to a Free Conversion tool, which allows you to convert all Classic presentations into the new Prezi Next format in just 1 click.

How Can Prezibase Templates Help Me?

Every presentation is unique and requires a specific concept. Our large collections of Prezi templates helps you find a perfect theme for your presentation topic so you can visualize your ideas better. Using a strong visual concept makes your content more memorable and easily understable. Don’t just take our word for it:

“You had just the right background for my presentation. The background created the right atmosphere and it was perfect for the topic I was discussing. I loved it was easy to use and worked seamlessly with the information I entered.” Chris, Pennsylvania 5 / 5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

“I am delighted with your Prezibase templates! Also my audience was very positive. I used the brain mind with the turning cogs to ‘preach’ about the overwhelming clutter that bombards people nowadays and that requires a specific approach to communicate with people. The template fortified the message of my presentation.” Jan Jongbloed, Netherlands 5 / 5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

“Prezi is a wonderful replacement for Powerpoint slides when you must have a visual to accompany your talk/training/briefing. With very little training (a few webinars), I was able to complete a template-driven presentation very easily. The templates provide a starting point and helped me work out the mechanics of how Prezi works. “ Eliza, Atlanta 5 / 5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

prezi presentations examples

Make Your Presentations Unforgettable .

Download our 25 eye-catching presentation templates that will Wow your audience every time.


  1. Free Prezi Templates

    prezi presentations examples

  2. Business Prezi Templates

    prezi presentations examples

  3. How to Make a Prezi : 5 Steps

    prezi presentations examples

  4. Free Prezi Templates

    prezi presentations examples

  5. Best Prezi Presentation Services

    prezi presentations examples

  6. 1500+ best Prezi presentation templates collection

    prezi presentations examples


  1. Watch our video on how to give a good #presentation and learn highly effective and practical tips!💡

  2. Best Prezi

  3. Пример презентации prezi

  4. Prezi training on-demand: Building from Templates in Prezi Present

  5. Tutoriel et présentation de Prezi.com

  6. Prezi Tutorial: Prezi Gallery & Top Presentations on Prezi


  1. Prezi examples: The best videos, presentations, and designs

    Explore the best work from the Prezi community and learn how to create engaging content with Prezi products. Find examples of videos, presentations, and graphics for various purposes and topics.

  2. Presentation design guide: tips, examples, and templates

    1. Opt for a motion-based presentation. You can make an outstanding presentation using Prezi Present, a software program that lets you create interactive presentations that capture your viewer's attention. Prezi's zooming feature allows you to add movement to your presentation and create smooth transitions.

  3. How to make a presentation: Tips + resources

    Presentation examples curated by Prezi's editors. Prezi works with keynote speakers, influencers, and content creators to make some of the most memorable presentations out there. View our favorites here to find inspiration, or you can reuse any presentation with a green symbol by adding your own content and making it your own.

  4. Staff Picks

    Find great prezi ideas in our collection of Prezi staff picks. These favorite prezis are also a great place to find prezi templates to reuse. Create Explore Learn & support Pricing. Get started ... Take a look at these great reusable presentation templates created by members of the Prezi community.

  5. 7 Outstanding Example Presentations Using Prezi

    Let's take a look at some example presentations using Prezi that demonstrate how this tool can be used to take your presentations to the next level. 1. Prezi Overview. This Prezi shows the company's history, some of the people using Prezi, and how to import a PowerPoint and get started with Prezi. This is a great example of how to ...

  6. How to use Prezi: Learn Prezi with how-tos, videos, and examples

    Inspiration. Recommended videos See how other users use Prezi Video to engage their audiences. Reusable presentations Browse some of our favorite presentations and copy them to use as templates. Reusable infographics Customize the content in these infographics to create your own works of art. Presentation templates Get a big head start when creating your own videos, presentations, or infographics.

  7. 12 featured Prezi presentations and templates for engaging lessons

    Report. Present your results, analysis, and findings in a more engaging way with this illustrated template. Or, share it with your students to help them structure their reports. It's time to create A+ presentations for your class. Pick a reusable Prezi presentation or template and start exploring, or turn to our Learn page for quick how-tos ...

  8. Online presentation tools: Make a presentation online

    Prezi's online presentation tools help you connect with your audience and create conversational presentations that come with you on-screen to any video call. With professionally-designed templates, branding solutions, immersive views, and more, it's never been easier to create and present online. Try for FREE. Let's talk!

  9. Presentation Inspiration Problems?

    Through Prezi presentation examples, you can discover innovative storytelling techniques, dynamic visuals, and impactful content. Also, explore additional sources like good presentation topics and creative presentation ideas. Combine this inspiration with the unique ideas mentioned in this article to elevate your presentations further.

  10. Video examples curated by Prezi's editors

    Explore the best Prezi videos, curated by Prezi's editors. Use Prezi Video to live stream your content, or record and share later with your students, clients, or colleagues. ... Discover and get inspired by the top Prezi presentations, curated by our editors. Find presentation examples for a wide range of topics, current events, and ...

  11. 7 Outstanding Example Presentations Using Prezi

    Let's take a look at some example presentations using Prezi that demonstrate how this tool can be used to take your presentations to the next level. 1. Prezi Overview. This Prezi shows the company's history, some of the people using Prezi, and how to import a PowerPoint and get started with Prezi. This is a great example of how to ...

  12. Discover different types of presentations

    Pitch presentation examples. The Elevator Pitch Prezi is a good example of a pitch presentation. The presentation starts by stating the problem and then providing a solution, ending with a call to action - which is great for persuading potential investors. Discover more good sales pitch examples in this article.

  13. Presentations and videos with engaging visuals for hybrid teams

    Welcome to Prezi, the presentation software that uses motion, zoom, and spatial relationships to bring your ideas to life and make you a great presenter. Products. Videos. Presentations. ... Prezi is consistently awarded and ranks as the G2 leader across industries based on hundreds of glowing customer reviews. 4.6. 2,010 Reviews ...

  14. 5 simple steps to create great Prezi presentations

    How to create a great Prezi presentation: 5 tips to persuade your audience. Watch on. 1. Give the story some background. Jimmy wants to make a spectacular first impression on his potential investors. Thus, he needs to make sure the overview of his presentation is clear, crisp, and conveys his message.

  15. Prezi Presentation Examples

    Check out our favourite Prezi Samples here.Visit https://presentationgeeks.com/prezi-design/ for more information.

  16. Explore 30+ presentation themes and start creating

    The Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Prezi presentation offers a stunning example of how visual appeal and effective structure can create an engaging and informative experience. This presentation theme is designed to captivate the audience while conveying the importance of CSR in today's business landscape. Through its creative visuals, dynamic transitions, and organized structure, it ...

  17. Presentation templates for professionals

    Presentation templates for Prezi. Prezi's presentation templates offer a rich cinematic appeal that will grab and hold everyone's attention. Built to inspire and engage, these templates allow you to zoom around the canvas and reveal information at key points, so you can take on the role of a storyteller as much as a presenter and draw your viewers into an adaptable format that you can adjust ...

  18. Best Prezi Presentation Examples

    Prezi and Video. Prezi supports video, we all know that! However you can create much more creative presentations if you don't simply insert a video for watching but rather use it as a part of the background. Here is a great example (probably the best) of using a video as a background in Prezi. Create your presentation inside a car with a ...

  19. Creative Storyboard Examples

    Storyboard example #2: coffee time. The "Coffee Time" presentation created using Prezi is a storyboard example of the evolution of coffee. It takes you on a journey from where coffee began to how it has changed over time. It's laid out like a timeline, so it's easy to follow along, just like reading a story.

  20. Thought provoking mind map ideas

    Prezi AI generated presentation example. Automated assembly. When you describe your topic, Prezi AI helps build your presentation. It arranges your mind map ideas logically, saving you time. This feature ensures your presentation flows smoothly, with each part clearly connected to the main idea, making it easier for your audience to understand ...

  21. Prezi: What is Prezi?

    Prezi is a web-based tool for creating presentations (called prezis for short). It's similar to other presentation software like Microsoft PowerPoint, but it offers some unique features that make it a good alternative. In recent years, it has become popular in schools and businesses. If you're looking to create a presentation that's a bit more ...

  22. The best Prezi presentation ever!

    When the CEO's presentation is approaching or a company's event is occurring, and if you think power point is boring...Take a look at our Prezi presentation ...

  23. Free Prezi Templates

    With a free account, all Prezi presentation will be public, and they can be edited and presented online. With the free license you can also download the 30 free trial version of Prezi Desktop, which means you can edit your presentation offline without internet and also export your presentation for example onto a USB stick. (all this can also be ...