My Road to PT

The Ultimate Guide to Writing PT School Application Essays

Here are some pointers for writing essays when you apply to physical therapy school. Please know that there isn’t a single best way to write your essays and everyone will answer each prompt differently, so do what works for you!

Essays are challenging to write, especially without any guidance. I had about 10 revisions of each of the 7 essays I wrote, had several people read them each time, and still had trouble writing some of them.

How to Start Writing Your Essay

1. Organize Your Thoughts

Write down the essay prompt, either on a computer or by hand. Read it a couple times, even out loud, until you have a good idea of what it is asking.

Then write down any thoughts that came to mind. They can be related to the prompt, or you can just write down what you like about the physical therapy profession or any specific experiences that stand out to you.

It doesn’t matter if you’ll actually end up writing about them. Don’t worry about your grammar or if it is written well. Just write down all of your thoughts into bullet points, or just a few words or a sentence for each idea.

If you are having trouble coming up with ideas, there is a section at the end of this post just for you. There are a lot of questions that may help you come up with ideas for your essay, so go check them out!

2. Turn your ideas into paragraphs

Write more about each point that you wrote down. Try to form a paragraph and relate it back to the prompt. If you’re struggling on writing more than a sentence or two about the bullet point, then maybe one of your other ideas will be better to include in your essay.

3. Choose 2-3 things to talk about

Now that you’ve written as much as you can about each bullet point, you should start to see a general direction to keep writing your essay. What are your favorite topics? What ideas can relate to each other to make a cohesive essay? What ideas answer the prompt the best?

4. Form a Complete Essay

Now that you’ve chosen your favorite paragraphs, format them into one essay. Now you can add an introduction paragraph that briefly mentions these paragraphs and your overall topic. Then you can add a conclusion.

5. Edit Your Essay

Now that you have a complete essay, you can read it from beginning to end. If it doesn’t flow well between each paragraph, add some transition sentences. If you don’t answer the prompt very well, rewrite some sentences. Keep editing and rewording until the essay is finished.

How Do You Format Your Essay?

You can format your essay however you like! I recommend that you have an introduction, some body paragraphs, and a conclusion. However, you don’t need your typical “5 paragraph” essay. Some supplemental essays may also have a shorter length, so you might only write two paragraphs.

You can indent each new paragraph, or just put a space between paragraphs instead of indenting, unless the school states that there is a specific way they want you to format your essay.

General Tips for PT School Essays

I know that writing your essays is not as simple as those 5 steps. It can take weeks and be mentally exhausting. However, I’ve included a bunch of tips to help guide you to writing a great essay.

  • Be careful what you write about patients. If you choose to write about a patient, don’t include any specific personal information like their name, ethnicity, or occupation, or you will be violating HIPAA. Describing their general age, condition, gender, what setting you observed in, general occupation if it relates to your story, and what interventions were used is perfectly fine.
  • Don’t use contractions.  I just did, but that’s besides the point! Contractions are too casual, so avoid them if possible.
  • First-person speech.  It’s ok to say “I” and talk in first person. You’re writing about yourself, after all! Just make sure that you vary your sentence structure so that you don’t begin every sentence with “I”. There is never any reason to say “I think” in any sentence. It sounds unprofessional, so just delete it.
  • Focus on the positives.  If you had any negative experiences, setbacks, or mistakes, don’t spend too much time writing about them. Explain yourself in a couple sentences, but focus on what you learned and how you’ve bettered yourself. Don’t dwell on the past, but try to focus on the positive results.
  • Try to avoid clichés.  Almost everyone can write about how they want to be a physical therapist because they love to help people, or because they got injured and need physical therapy. You can briefly write these things, but you need to have other, more personal experiences that you can write about. Be sure to set yourself apart from others.
  • Why have you chosen each school?  For supplemental essays for a specific school, make sure to mention why you want to go to their school, if it fits into the prompt. It’s good to show that you’ve done your research and are excited to attend their program for specific reasons.
  • Answer the question.  It’s self-explanatory, but it’s so easy to get caught up in what you’re writing and go in a direction that doesn’t answer the original prompt. Make sure everything that appears in the essay helps to answer the prompt in some way.
  • Have others read and edit your essay. Family members, friends, classmates, college writing center, or people on the Student Doctor Network Forums can all help your essay. It’s so beneficial to have an outside perspective on essays, especially because the admissions committee reading your essay won’t read it in the same way that you do. Try to have as many people critique your essay as possible.
  • If you ask for help online, don’t post your entire essay for everyone on the internet to read. Make a new thread or comment on a current essay thread, and send an email directly to the person willing to read your essay. There are people that might steal your essay and use it as their own, so be careful who you send it to.
  • Take a break from writing. Constantly thinking about your essay, rewriting, and editing is exhausting. It’s helpful to take a few days from working on your essay, and then come back to it with a fresh start.
  • Try writing in different environments. I wrote mostly at home, but found that I got stuck with my writing. I started to write at coffee shops, which helped me be more productive. Try working at a library, outside, at a friend’s house, or in a different room in your own house.
  • Essays can take weeks to write.  Make sure you start early enough so you aren’t stressed out from trying to meet an upcoming deadline. Start working on your essays as soon as possible.
  • Be careful when writing multiple essays.  The PTCAS essay is sent to every school, so don’t copy and paste the same paragraphs into any supplemental essays. However, if two different schools have an essay prompt that is similar, then feel free to similar paragraphs.
  • Essays are weighed differently by each school.  Some might not even read the PTCAS essay, others care more about their supplemental essays, or some schools do not care much about a well-written essay.
  • Maximum character length.  You don’t have to write 4498 out of 4450 characters for your essay to be great.  Shorter is fine if you can get your point across. Aim for the character maximum, but it’s fine to have several hundred less than that.
  • What if you wrote too much?  Worry about the essay length after you have written your thoughts down. When you are finalizing your essay, remove the repetitive information and anything that does not support the prompt, for starters. Then you can try rewording your sentences so they get straight to your point.

Tips for Specific Essays

If you’re stuck with writing your essays, see if you can answer these questions. You don’t need to answer all of them or any of them to write a great essay. A lot of these questions will overlap and be useful on other prompts, so make sure to read through everything if you need help.

Hopefully these questions will get you out of any writers block you may have.


You can find the essay prompt on the PTCAS Essay page , or on their Facebook page once it is released. When I applied in 2014, the essay prompt was released in early June, and the PTCAS application opened in early July. This gave me an entire month to write my essay before I could even start my PTCAS application.

The essay prompt changes every year or every several years, so I can’t give great advice for this. These are some tips from past essays, so hopefully they help.

  • How have your life experiences shaped who you are?
  • What observation experiences can you talk about?
  • Are there any patients that have influenced you?
  • How has an experience impacted how you want to want to practice physical therapy?
  • Who are the most influential people in your life?
  • When did you know that you wanted to be a physical therapist?
  • When have you been on a team or worked in a group? How was the team approach better than working by yourself?
  • Where do you see the field of physical therapy going, and how do you fit into that picture?
  • What sort of physical therapist to you see yourself being?
  • How would you treat your future patients?
  • What dream goals do you have?
  • What character traits are important to have as a physical therapist
  • What experiences have strengthened those traits for you, or what traits are you currently working on?
  • How has your time spent as a patient affected how you will be a physical therapist?
  • Are there any specific therapists that you wish to be like, or any therapists that you don’t want to become?
  • Why will you be valuable to this profession?
  • Are you interested in teaching, research, owning your own business, traveling, working for a nonprofit, or volunteering in another country?

Autobiography Essay

  • What challenges have you overcome in your life?
  • What are some of your major accomplishments?
  • Why do you want to be a physical therapist?
  • What things have you done that helped you grow as an individual
  • What activities have you participated in?
  • Who are some influential people on your life?
  • How have your family, friends, or peers shaped who you are today?
  • How would other people describe you?
  • What 5 words describe you the best?
  • What character traits are important for a physical therapist to have? Do you have these traits, or how are you improving them?
  • What is important to you?
  • How will your experiences make you a successful physical therapy student/physical therapist?
  • How did your upbringing shape your personality, and how will that make you a better physical therapist?
  • How have your experiences led you to the physical therapy career instead of other health care careers?
  • Is there a central theme about your life experiences?
  • How can you contribute to the field of physical therapy and your future patients?

Diversity Essay

  • Describe your life experience as it is related to your culture.
  • Is it hard to understand others who are from a different culture?
  • Do you have a culturally different perspective than your peers?
  • Does your culture have a different set of health care beliefs, or have you encountered another culture with different beliefs?
  • Have you had an experience in life where you felt like your culture created a barrier for you?
  • Have you volunteered for an economically disadvantaged population?
  • Do you have trouble relating to higher socioeconomic classes?
  • Have your experiences helped you relate better to certain people?
  • Have you witnessed any social, cultural, or economic barriers when observing in a health care setting?
  • How have you learned from any of these experiences?
  • How does recognizing, understanding, or appreciating diversity make you a better physical therapist?
  • Have you worked with individuals with disabilities?
  • How do these experiences support that you will be able to work with diverse patients when you are a physical therapist?

Reapplicant Essay

  • Have you retaken any classes?
  • Did you retake the GRE?
  • Do you have additional observation experiences?
  • Did you observe in any new settings or see a different patient population?
  • Did you have any additional work experience?
  • Where you involved in any groups or team sports?
  • Did you volunteer?
  • How are you more prepared to be a successful student?
  • Have you improved any personal skills?
  • Have you worked with individuals that are different or gave you a unique perspective?
  • What have you learned and how have you improved?
  • How did these new experiences change your perspective, improve your application, change your personality, taught you something new, made you grow, or support your desire to become a physical therapist?

Does Your Academic Record Accurately Reflect Your Capabilities?

Most people say that you should only answer this section if something major happened in your life that was out of your control, like an illness, personal injury, family emergency, death of a loved one, etc.

Don’t use this area to write a list of excuses for why your grades weren’t as good as you wished. Examples of excuses: Explaining that you weren’t mature enough, didn’t study hard enough, partied too much, took too many difficult classes, or went to a challenging university. Those are excuses because you were responsible and they could have been avoided or handled better. If you are eager to explain yourself, you can try to add a sentence or two into your PTCAS essay.

A lot of people had lower grades at the beginning of their college career, so if your grades improved over time and your transcript shows that, you don’t need to write an essay to explain yourself.  It takes a while to learn how to succeed in college, and admissions committees understand that.

Additional Resources

Unfortunately there isn’t much information about physical therapy school essays. I found these resources for general essay writing, grad school essays, and med school essays, but they’re mostly applicable to physical therapy school too!

PTCAS Essay Prompt Essay Workshop 101 Writing the Personal Statement Personal Statement Before You Write Your Personal Statement, Read This Writing Your Medical School Personal Statement: Tips and Myths Writing the Personal Statement for Medical School

Student Doctor Network Forums:

Supplemental Essays character limit   PTCAS Essay question for 2015-2016 application cycle! Essay   This year’s personal statement prompt? Should I or should I not write about this in my essay? Re-applicant essay Does your personal statement have to be 4500 characters? 

Which book do you prefer? Comment below!

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Pingback: PTCAS: Personal Statement/Essays

physical therapy essay conclusion

The link you set for the reapplicant essay doesn’t lead to that blog post. I wanted to ask if you know if reapplicants should submit the same essays if the essay question is the same this year?

physical therapy essay conclusion

Sorry for taking so long to reply! I just saw your comment this morning.

Thank you for letting me know about the link. Occasionally blogs are taken down, so I’ll have to go through and make sure to remove all the links to that site.

That’s a tough question, and I don’t think there is really a correct answer. If you read the Student Doctor Network forums , you can find others who have run into the same situation. Do you know why you were not accepted the first time around? If you didn’t meet the GPA or GRE requirements, your application may have been automatically disqualified and your essays might have never been read. You can choose to use the same exact essay, but hopefully they haven’t been read by the same program already. You can also choose to edit your essays a little bit, and maybe add any new experiences that you’ve had since you last applied.

Best of luck this application cycle! 🙂

physical therapy essay conclusion

Hi Katie! I’ve been reading your blog for a while now and I really appreciate it!!! I’m just wandering if you know any PT personal essay editing service?

Hey Lauren! Sorry for the delay in my response, and I hope it isn’t too late.

When I was applying to schools, I sent my essays to 3-4 of my friends (including an English major), so I got tons of feedback from them. There’s also the Student Doctor Network forums, and there are DPT students and PTs that offer up their spare time to edit essays! Just be cautious when sending your essay to strangers on the forum – make sure that they have a decent number of posts on that site.

I’m not sure if there is an essay editing service online, specific towards PT admissions essays.

If you need any last minute help, feel free to email me your essay and I can give some comments! Best of luck with getting into schools! 🙂

physical therapy essay conclusion

I’m almost finished with my PTCAS application process and I found this. Super helpful, I’m making some edits to my essay now. Thank you!

physical therapy essay conclusion

You’re welcome! I’m glad I could help! Good luck with applying and everything.

physical therapy essay conclusion

Thank you, that was so helpful!

You’re welcome! Thanks for the nice comment 🙂 glad I was able to help!

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How Do I Write My PTCAS Essay (Personal Statement)?

The PT School application process is challenging, to say the least. But, it’s incredibly rewarding, because at the end of this process you’ll be on your way to starting your career and getting your dream job as a physical therapist.

One of the most important parts of the PT School application process is the personal statement , or the essay . Each year, the Physical Therapy Centralized Application Service ( PTCAS ) sets a specific prompt for the personal statement. This personal statement is submitted to every school to which you apply. In short, it’s a chance for you to set yourself apart from the other applicants. So, how do you write your PTCAS essay ? Let’s dive in to learn more about this part of the application process, and learn more about our services to help you with your personal statement here !

What is a Personal Statement?

A Personal Statement is an essay that explains your background and allows you to describe yourself. It’s a common requirement for graduate schools and jobs, so it’s especially important for you to use the personal statement to explain why you want to pursue this opportunity.

A Personal Statement can be a general description of yourself or it can answer a specific prompt . It’s common for graduate schools to ask specific questions for the Personal Statement.¹ In this case, the Personal Statement is a chance for you to show the admissions committee who you are beyond the data in your application . In an essay format, you can expand upon your character, goals, and background, allowing the admissions committee to get to know you.

What Should I Know About a Physical Therapy Personal Statement?

PTCAS Personal Statement prompts can vary in topics, but ultimately they touch on the physical therapy profession. It’s important that you answer the PTCAS question in your essay. But you should also view this as an opportunity to describe yourself to the admissions committees. Keep in mind that these committees are reviewing hundreds, or even thousands, of applications each year. Use this opportunity to set yourself apart .

In your essay, you should explain why you want to become a physical therapist, but try to avoid using a common reason such as “I want to help people.” Show the admissions committee your passion for physical therapy and prove to them why you belong in physical therapy school and why you’re going to become a great physical therapist.

Above all, remember that through the 4,500 characters in your essay, you’re not just telling the admissions committees who you are… you’re showing them.

Contact us today with any questions or for help with your PT school personal statement!

Lab P. The Personal Statement // Purdue Writing Lab. Purdue Writing Lab. Published 2020. Accessed July 26, 2020.

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physical therapy essay conclusion

PTCAS: Personal Statement/Essays

December 23, 2017 Physical Therapy , Pre-PT , PTCAS & Planning

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Welcome to the last #dptwiththecc post (*cue sad music*)


What is a personal statement.

Every year, PTCAS has an “essay” section. This is essentially your personal statement, even though it is not stated outright. The personal statement is your chance to really show your personality, so you want to make it count! If your grades or GRE scores aren’t the best, your essays could really set you apart, + take your application to the next level.

The question/prompt will be the same for everyone, and this is updated every few application cycles. Because the PTCAS application opens at the end of June/early July, PTCAS usually releases the prompt for the upcoming cycle on their Twitter and Facebook pages in the spring. This will give you time to start brainstorming and drafting your essay before the application even opens!

Past PTCAS Prompts :

  • 2016-2017, 2017-2018 : “What is professionalism in the context of being a student in a doctor of physical therapy program?”
  • 2018-2019, 2019-2020 : “Describe a meaningful experience in your life. Reflect on how that experience influenced your personal growth, such as your attitudes or perceptions.”
  • 2020-2021 : “Every person has a story that has led them to a career. Since there are a variety of health professions that “help” others, please go beyond your initial interaction or experiences with physical therapy, and share the deeper story that has confirmed your decision to specifically pursue physical therapy as your career.”

In addition to the PTCAS essay, most programs require you to write supplemental essays . These are additional essays that will let the program know a little bit more about you. These essays could be long or short, depending on the program. When I applied, my program had 2 supplemental essays (1150 characters each). One essay asked about a life failure and how I overcame it, and another asked about my experience with diversity.

What should I write about?

Katie from My Road to PT has a GREAT blog, and in her post about essays, she comprised a list of some example topics + questions. They are listed below:


  • How have your life experiences shaped who you are?
  • What observation experiences can you talk about?
  • Are there any patients that have influenced you?
  • How has an experience impacted how you want to want to practice physical therapy?
  • Who are the most influential people in your life?
  • When did you know that you wanted to be a physical therapist?
  • When have you been on a team or worked in a group? How was the team approach better than working by yourself?
  • Where do you see the field of physical therapy going, and how do you fit into that picture?
  • What sort of physical therapist to you see yourself being?
  • How would you treat your future patients?
  • What dream goals do you have?
  • What character traits are important to have as a physical therapist
  • What experiences have strengthened those traits for you, or what traits are you currently working on?
  • How has your time spent as a patient affected how you will be a physical therapist?
  • Are there any specific therapists that you wish to be like, or any therapists that you don’t want to become?
  • Why will you be valuable to this profession?
  • Are you interested in teaching, research, owning your own business, traveling, working for a nonprofit, or volunteering in another country?

Autobiography Essay

  • What challenges have you overcome in your life?
  • What are some of your major accomplishments?
  • Why do you want to be a physical therapist?
  • What things have you done that helped you grow as an individual
  • What activities have you participated in?
  • Who are some influential people on your life?
  • How have your family, friends, or peers shaped who you are today?
  • How would other people describe you?
  • What 5 words describe you the best?
  • What character traits are important for a physical therapist to have? Do you have these traits, or how are you improving them?
  • What is important to you?
  • How will your experiences make you a successful physical therapy student/physical therapist?
  • How did your upbringing shape your personality, and how will that make you a better physical therapist?
  • How have your experiences led you to the physical therapy career instead of other health care careers?
  • Is there a central theme about your life experiences?
  • How can you contribute to the field of physical therapy and your future patients?

Diversity Essay

  • Describe your life experience as it is related to your culture.
  • Is it hard to understand others who are from a different culture?
  • Do you have a culturally different perspective than your peers?
  • Does your culture have a different set of health care beliefs, or have you encountered another culture with different beliefs?
  • Have you had an experience in life where you felt like your culture created a barrier for you?
  • Have you volunteered for an economically disadvantaged population?
  • Do you have trouble relating to higher socioeconomic classes?
  • Have your experiences helped you relate better to certain people?
  • Have you witnessed any social, cultural, or economic barriers when observing in a health care setting?
  • How have you learned from any of these experiences?
  • How does recognizing, understanding, or appreciating diversity make you a better physical therapist?
  • Have you worked with individuals with disabilities?
  • How do these experiences support that you will be able to work with diverse patients when you are a physical therapist?

Re-applicant Essay

  • Have you retaken any classes?
  • Did you retake the GRE?
  • Do you have additional observation experiences?
  • Did you observe in any new settings or see a different patient population?
  • Did you have any additional work experience?
  • Where you involved in any groups or team sports?
  • Did you volunteer?
  • How are you more prepared to be a successful student?
  • Have you improved any personal skills?
  • Have you worked with individuals that are different or gave you a unique perspective?
  • What have you learned and how have you improved?
  • How did these new experiences change your perspective, improve your application, change your personality, teach you something new, help you grow, or support your desire to become a physical therapist?

While these specific questions may not be asked, they can be used to brainstorm possible responses/give you an idea of the types of questions to expect.

What should I put in my personal statement?

Why you actually want to become a physical therapist is the number one thing that should be in your essay (duh)! You should also try to have a “theme” (as long as you can somehow relate it to the prompt). This will make your essay cohesive, and interesting to read. Almost everyone wants to be a physical therapist because they want to help people, or because they had an awesome physical therapist when they were injured. While this is great, try to focus on another reason why you want to become a physical therapist. This is a personal statement, so make it personal! For my PTCAS essay, I wrote about the lack of representation in the field for black women, and how I want to help increase the presence of underrepresented populations + treat underserved communities! Really think about WHY you want to help people. What are your passions? Pull from your life experiences (healthcare + non-healthcare related) to make your theme come to life.

In addition, you should extensively research the programs you are applying to before you write your supplemental essays! Read their mission statement, and find out what they value. Are they a research program? Do they really value diversity and inclusion? Are they big on global health? Whatever the program’s values are, include how your personal values align. This will make you stand out, and show that you are a serious applicant. If it is applicable to the prompt, you could also discuss why you want to attend the program that you are applying to!

How long does the personal statement have to be?

PTCAS has a limit of 4500 characters (about 1 page) for your essay. I would recommend using most or all of this space (without adding in irrelevant information of course) if possible. If you can get your point across in fewer characters, then that’s fine too! I wouldn’t stress about the character limit until you feel like you’ve completed most of your essay, as it is easier to take things out at the end. I would recommend drafting your essay in a program like Microsoft Word (or a plain text editor like Notepad), so that you can always see how many characters you’re at. Then, you can just paste the essay into PTCAS later.

Does your academic record accurately reflect your capabilities?

This question will be asked in the PTCAS application, but I wouldn’t answer it unless there was an extenuating circumstance that affected your academics. Admissions committees don’t want to hear excuses for why your grades weren’t as good as you wanted your freshman year (it happens!), or how you spent too much time partying or distracted. As long as your grades improved over time (your transcript will reflect this), you are fine!

General Tips

  • ACTUALLY ANSWER THE PROMPT! I know this may seem obvious, but I have edited many essays for pre-PT students, and come across essays that didn’t even answer the prompt. This is a sure-fire way to stop someone from reading your essay, so follow directions, and try not to deviate too far from the prompt.
  • Avoid contractions (i.e. don’t, can’t, won’t, etc.). Your essay should be formal.
  • Show don’t tell!
  • Vary your sentence structure. You want your writing to have style, so don’t make every sentence sound the same.
  • Make sure to have an introduction (with a captivating opener to engage the reader), and a conclusion to bring your essay full circle (remember your theme!). I began my essay with a childhood memory, but you could begin with a quote (kinda cliché, but you could make it work), a question, a general idea, or something else. You want to grab the reader’s attention immediately!
  • Remember HIPAA! If you want to discuss a patient you observed, don’t include any of their personal information!
  • Don’t plagiarize!
  • Keep your audience in mind: you never know who the admissions committee is composed of, and everyone may not agree with your views.
  • When brainstorming, start by making a list of your thoughts/ideas about the prompt. Later, you can turn these ideas into actual paragraphs.
  • Make sure your theme is present in each paragraph.
  • Have at least 3-4 people proofread/edit your essays (for content + grammar). Of course, you’re going to think your essay is good, but you need an outside source’s opinion. You may think you’ve conveyed your point, but you’ll never know for sure unless you have someone proofread it. This could be a family member, a friend, a current DPT student, a physical therapist, a professor, etc. The Student Doctor Network Pre-PT Forum has a thread you can visit if you’re looking for someone to edit your essay. I wouldn’t recommend having another pre-PT student edit your essay (unless you know them personally, or really trust them), as there are some not-so-nice people online that could potentially steal your essay. I had my mentor (who is also a physical therapist), a recent DPT grad, and an accepted pre-PT student edit my essays. Try to avoid having too many people edit your essays, as you may lose your “personal” touch.
  • Provide lots of examples!
  • Don’t rush the process! It takes a while to write a good essay, so allow yourself enough time to do so. You may even have to take a break and come back later with a fresh mind. Regardless, you’ll have that “aha” moment eventually! If you are really stuck, try writing in a different environment (i.e. the library, a coffee shop, or a bookstore). Sometimes a change of scenery is all you need!
  • Try reading your essay out loud. It is much easier to catch mistakes this way, versus if you are only reading it in your head.

Thank you so much for tuning in to this series! If you missed any of the posts, be sure to check them out under the “ Pre-PT ” section of the blog! I covered getting organized, grades/study tips, extracurricular activities, observation hours, letters of recommendation, and the GRE! Once it gets closer to the new application cycle, I will definitely have more tips and advice for y’all!

Remember that I am available for editing (PTCAS essay, supplemental essays, and resumes), so click here if that is something you are interested in!

If you have any requests for posts you’d like to see in the future (or ever need anything), feel free to leave a comment, DM me on Instagram , or shoot me an email ( [email protected] )! Can’t wait to continue creating content for you guys!

physical therapy essay conclusion

Reader Interactions

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February 24, 2020 at 3:59 am

loved this. Really informative and inspiring. Thank you.

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March 3, 2020 at 3:24 pm

You’re so welcome!

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July 9, 2020 at 8:21 am

This was very helpful. I felt like I was constructing my essay on a blank canvas, but this article gave me a structural foundation of where to start. Thank you!

July 9, 2020 at 10:24 pm

Ah yay this makes me so happy Brittany! Good luck with the rest of your application girl!

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September 19, 2020 at 11:31 am

This blog has helped me through every single step of my PTCAS application process! You’re truly a lifesaver because you give answers to all the little things that everyone asks and but no one really addresses. If i get into PT school, it’ll all be thanks to you!

September 24, 2020 at 3:40 pm

Ahhhh Sara that makes me so happy I am so glad that my blog has been a good resource for you! Good luck with the rest of the application process 🙂

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July 24, 2021 at 1:54 pm

Love this! Your blog has been very helpful in my process of submitting apps. I had a question; where did you submit/find any extra supplemental essays?

August 28, 2021 at 12:13 pm

Hi Ashley, I’m so happy to hear this! They would be within the PTCAS application!

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physical therapy essay conclusion


PTCAS Personal Statement Examples

The American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) first launched the Physical Therapist Centralized Application Service (PTCAS) on August 1, 2008, in an attempt to simplify the registration process for prospective physical therapist (PT) students and to make the interview process for professional PT educational programs easier.

PTCAS enables people to apply to numerous PT programs using a single web-based application and one set of materials. The American Physical Therapy Association administers PTCAS is a service of Liaison International, a Watertown, Massachusetts-based education information technology firm.

Best Practices To Communicate Your Determination In PTCAS Essay

1. communication.

This is the first and most crucial element a student must grasp before the beginning of actual writing. It is also the most important for your future education. Examine your manuscripts and ask yourself the following questions:

  • Is my vocabulary large enough to convey all of the information and details I need to the reader?
  • Are both my written and spoken talents near-perfect enough to persuade the reader to support you?
  • Is it possible for me to adequately communicate how good a communicator I am?

Some of these may appear strange at first glance. But, keep in mind that communication is the most crucial factor in establishing patient-therapist relationships and achieving the best results.

It’s Good To Know: Physical Therapy Personal Statement Examples

Only after getting a professional license, a physical therapist can practice. Keep in mind that, to avoid numerous uncomfortable circumstances, every professional should follow business ethics.

You will be able to obey all of the rules and regulations once you have learned everything. The admissions committee will be confident that you will always want to advocate for your patients in the future, no matter what.

3. Maturity

As a therapist, you must demonstrate that you can function well in every stressful setting. This will ensure that you can face the most unexpected and extreme situations with a cool head.

From the standpoint of social, physical, and emotional well-being, you can determine your maturity level. There’s nothing wrong with being vulnerable to others. But, the capacity to control one’s emotions is more important for a future physical therapist. You can familiarise yourself with one of the applicable PTCAS personal statement samples if you’re looking for one.

4. Responsibility

As a student, you should take responsibility for your education; therefore, if you accept the challenge, you must demonstrate that you can not only obtain the incoming material but also locate extra sources. 

The best thing you could do is join a study group. You can create a training timetable, and work with your lecturer to increase your knowledge and learning skills. This demonstrates your commitment to your education and excitement for it. If you don’t hold yourself accountable, your future patients may suffer as a result.

Common Avoidable Mistakes In PTCAS Essay Prompt

If you identified all of the main themes to include in advance, writing the PTCAS essay and supporting physical therapy personal statements should come as no surprise to you. If you answer the query correctly and include various examples to demonstrate all of the positive qualities of your personality, the results will undoubtedly brighten you up. 

There’s nothing like hiring a personal statement writer to acquire an excellent personal statement that puts your story in context and illustrates your strong desire to become a skilled physical therapist.

  • Avoid unnecessary words and tough word constructs, and don’t treat them as fiction.
  • Remember not to capitalize the practice’s title or name, whether it’s a physiotherapist or a physician consultant, from an excellent PTCAS statement example.
  • Ensure there’s no vagueness or space for a double perception of your phrases in your statements, and prevent underestimating and overestimating them.
  • Don’t exaggerate the field in your phrases; pay attention to your syntax, and don’t add facts that the board knows but has nothing to do with you. If you believe that as a Physiotherapist, you will excel at athletics therapy, you may be wrong. They may also allocate you to the burns healing unit, infection control center, stroke rehabilitation, or prosthetics.
  • Generalizations and clichés should be avoided. The following are the most common clichés for personal statements: 
  • “I am very enthusiastic about…
  • “I have always sought to be a PT…
  • “The world we’re living in… ” 
  • “I’ve always been captivated by… 
  • “I enjoy dealing with students… “I’ve always been impressed by…

What should I Write In PTCAS Personal Statement

  • What has shaped who you are as a result of your life experiences?
  • What kind of observational experiences do you have?
  • Are there any patients who have had an impact on you?
  • How has a personal experience influenced your desire to practice physical therapy?
  • Who are the people who have the most influence in your life?
  • When did you realize you wanted to pursue a career as a physical therapist?
  • When was the last time you worked in a group or on a team? How was working in a group better than working alone?
  • What direction do you see physical therapy taking, and how do you see yourself fitting into that picture?
  • What kind of physical therapist do you want to be?
  • What would you do if you were in charge of future patients?
  • What personality attributes are necessary for a physical therapist?
  • What events have helped you enhance those traits, or what traits are you working on now?
  • How has your experience as a patient influenced your decision to become a physical therapist?
  • Why do you think you’ll be useful in this field?
  • Do you want to teach or conduct research?
  • Owning a business, traveling, and working for a non-profit organization are all options. or doing voluntary work in a different country?

PTCAS Essay Examples

When I shattered my arm at the age of 12, I was afraid but also ecstatic. Finally, I’d be able to put on a cast and have all of my friends sign it, as well as relate the stories about breaking my arm while falling from a tree.

The recovery was difficult and unpleasant, as well as painful. But, I eagerly anticipated the day when I could remove the cast and resume my normal daily routines. Whenever the cast came off, it surprised me. I started staring over my left arm in disbelief, unsure why it’s so much shorter than my right because it was that difficult to do things with it. 

And that is when the doctor told me that my ordeal wasn’t finished yet. He told me that I’d have to go through months of physical therapy before I could play basketball or throw a football. I was upset at first, but after a few weeks, I found a new passion in the procedures that I had to practice regularly. 

I was interested in learning more about the muscles and tendons they were working on, as well as why they were so effective. This passion has remained with me for many years. That is why, I’ve decided to get a degree in physical therapy.

At the age of 12, my physical therapist pushed me to pursue a career as a physical therapist. I see a future in which I can collaborate closely with my patients to develop a therapy plan based on their hobbies and interests, and then follow them on their path to complete recovery and beyond. 

With a physical therapy degree, I will be able to use the most up-to-date research and techniques to provide the most effective treatment regimen for my patients, speeding up their recovery and allowing for more complete healing.

As a physical therapy student, I see professionalism as a way to keep learning about rehabilitation, improving my ability to connect with patients and coworkers, and following a set of standards that are both fair and ethical. 

I feel that a commitment to the aforementioned responsibilities will undoubtedly impact what my future holds as a graduate student working as a rehabilitation professional.

Without a doubt, there is no growth without information.

 A person who is unfamiliar with old-fashioned or traditional medical procedures will assist in the treatment of patients. As someone interested in pursuing a profession in this field, I am excited to learn about new ways to treat a patient who is in pain. 

It will always be my belief but there is no such thing as plenty of learning because circumstances and scenarios change daily. As a result, I am a firm believer in customized treatment.

As humans, we are subject to new sets of laws and norms that are put in place to prevent anarchy while also providing protection. Being a Physical Therapy student is nothing out of the ordinary. 

We are even required to adhere to the standards to a greater extent because we are dealing with people who have to deal with chronic pain daily. During my internship, I had the opportunity to deal with patients, counseling them, and clarifying conditions to them that they should be aware of. 

Even though it was difficult, I believe it was an invaluable learning experience for me since I realized the significance of communicating.

physical therapy essay conclusion

Author & Editor Team: : Adila Zakir, Alexa Smith

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Physical Therapy Essays

  • 9 Works Cited

Physical Therapy Physical therapists are members of a health care team, specially trained to improve movement and flinction, relieve pain, and expand movement potential. Through evaluation and individualized treatment programs, physical therapists can both treat existing problems and provide preventive health care for people with a variety of needs (Physical Therapy-Improving 1). Physical therapists are very knowledgeable and skillful concerning the human body . Physical therapy is a complex, but rewarding field to pursue as a career. Specialization , working conditions , job outlook, salaries, and education requirements need to be taken into consideration when contemplating a career as a physical therapist. Physical therapists can …show more content…

Physical therapists develop specific programs for each patient's needs. They may apply therapeutic exercise, ultrasound, massage, and applications of heat and cold to alleviate pain and restore normal function to the body. The physical therapist is able to evaluate a patient's joint motion, muscle strength, endurance, functional abflity, muscle tone, reflexes, and stability of walking. The physical therapist also assesses the need and use of braces and artificial limbs, function of the heart and lungs, integrity of sensation and perception, and performance of activities required in daily living. ("A Future" 18). Another important part of the job of a physical therapist is to maintain careful documentation. The documentation is mainly used to keep a record of rehab used, to reflect back on improvement, and to provide legal records. The working conditions for physical therapists are fairly attractive, mainly because of the wide range of choices. Physical therapists can choose the setting they want to work in. Though a large number of physical therapists work in hospitals, now more than 70 percent of them can be found in private physical therapy offices, community health centers, corporate or industrial health centers, sports facilities, research institutions, rehabilitation centers, nursing homes, home health agencies, schools, pediatric centers, colleges, and universities ("A Future" 9). Most physical

Physical Therapy Career Paper

Ever since I was a kid, it has been my life goal to help as many people I can. I have moved around in many different areas of the medical field, but no career had caught my eye as much as physical therapy. As an athlete, I have been in and out of the physical therapist’s office for a majority of my life. Each time I have went I could not help but be beyond grateful for what these people have done for me; they have given me the ability to play the sport I love despite all the hiccups. Physical therapy is a dynamic field within the field of medicine because as a physical therapist one can make a difference in the lives of his or her patients, enjoy job security, and enjoy a rewarding and personally satisfying career.

My Goals For Becoming A Physical Therapist

A Physical therapist is a highly educated, licensed health care professional that can help patients reduce pain and improve or restore mobility. They can teach patients how to prevent or manage their condition so that they will achieve long-term health benefits. To become a physical therapist one must go through years of school and training. My goal of becoming a physical therapist has been my main goal ever since high school. Being in a swim team and helping others out as a lifeguard has motivated to into helping athletes and people with disabilities. To me, working with people would be a fantastic career field for me to pursue. Reaching this goal is harder than most career goals. I will have to go through a pool of candidates that are has motivated as me. This goal that I am trying to accomplish will need a hundred percent of my effort in school and the field itself. Finding “connections in the field of physical therapy will help you find a job faster. Many people will try to get a spot in the career that I want and for me to accomplish my goal, I must be a better candidate than the others.

Physical Therapy Assistant Essay

  • 5 Works Cited

The medical field is expanding ever so rapidly in today’s society. In the field of Physical Therapy one needs to have the understanding of how the human body works and the injuries one body could sustain. I have chosen a career to help others to battle back from life-changing injuries or surgeries. I will take the first step of joining the medical field by obtaining a physical therapist associates degree. I will become a Physical Therapist Assistant.

A Career in Physical Therapy Essay

Beyond the educational requirements for physical therapists are the many other attributes that are needed to be successful. A career as a physical therapist requires a lot of studied skills, personal characteristics and physical fitness. A physical therapist should enjoy working with people and helping others. An ability to listen to patients and understand is important to success. Patients are often a victim of a traumatic experience, injury or are afflicted by a debilitating disease. The emotional distress can often be as trying as the physical dysfunction. (Kottler 11) Communicating and teaching skills are needed to help patients learn new movements and exercises to practice on their own. Physical therapists help patients set goals, regain and strengthen muscles and flexibility. Helping a patient find confidence in the program helps them to

Personal Statement On Physical Therapy

The physical therapy profession is concerned with treating individuals of all ages. In the future, I plan on being able to comfort individuals undergoing physical therapy by being able to use my compassionate nature, caring, understanding, and the expertise that I will gain, while serving as their physical therapist. In doing the previously mentioned things, I hope to be considered as an important asset to society. I believe that people will be able to increase their viability by seeking my assistance.

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When she sees a patient for the first time she talks to them about the doctor’s report and asks specific questions about their injury or experiences leading up to the need for physical therapy. Megan explained how important it is to make the patient feel comfortable and keep a positive attitude towards the patient’s recovery. These consultations were the most interesting to sit in on because it allowed me to observe the therapist’s ability to take the patient’s information and create a diagnosis and treatment plan for the injury or pain described. Megan may have multiple patients at a time so she stressed the importance of keeping up with each patient and why the physical therapy techs are so helpful. Scheduling is another job of the therapists that is important in keeping the clinic running smoothly. There is also paperwork that has to be filled out for every patient after every visit about their

Physical Therapy Careers

The article that I chose was published by Mayo Clinic School of Health Science, the title of the article is “Physical Therapy”. The article informs the reader on the roles, goals, as well as the overall definition of a physical therapist. According to the article, “Physical therapists (PTs) work with patients who have impairments, limitations, disabilities, or changes in physical function and health status resulting from injury, disease or other causes.” Therefore, a physical therapist works directly with the population that has a form of impairment in their movement, whether it is from an injury or an illness. The roles of a physical therapist are examination, evaluation, diagnosis, prognosis

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With the job outlook of the physical therapy field being expected to grow by 34 percent by 2024, faster than the average occupation, the average annual wage at a whopping $84,020, paid sick and vacation days and the flexible work environment, this seems like the perfect profession to enter. Having a career in physical therapy can be very rewarding because a physical therapist gets to watch as his or her patients improve every appointment through treatment. Unfortunately, this is not always the case in this profession. There are many disadvantages, and knowing these will help anyone interested in this field have a better understanding of how tough pursuing a career in this field can be. Being a physical therapist can be a rewarding experience and have amazing benefits. However, it is important to be aware of the disadvantages: the extreme amount of education, physical demands, emotional demands and the continuation of education requirements.

Physical Therapist Assistant Essay

A physical therapist assistant plays a very important role by providing treatments to patients, under the direction and supervision of a physical therapist. They use physical therapy treatment procedures to help improve the mobility and relieve pain and disability caused by disease or injury. Some examples of the patients that call for a physical therapist to assist them include accident victims and persons with disabling conditions, such as, lower back pain, arthritis, heart disease, fractures, head injuries, spinal cord injuries, and cerebral palsy.

Obtaining A Physical Therapist Assistant's Degree

Physical Therapy is an active, helpful career. It focuses on rehabilitation to reestablish full function and mobility to the patient. Anyone and everyone can qualify for physical therapy. Patients differ in age and race, and of course, by their illness or injury. The job involves possessing and using knowledge to diagnose the patient and establish a management plan deciding what therapy will benefit and improve the patient’s condition and averaging how long it will take to accomplish.

Physical Therapy as a Career Alternative

In the words of Field (2007), "physical therapists develop therapies and exercise modalities to help patients ease pain, recover from injuries or illness, or regain use of body parts." The relevance of physical therapy as a health care profession cannot hence be overstated. This is more so the case given that due to injuries, accidents, old age or disabilities; individuals could at some point need intervention designed to alleviate pain, improve mobility or even restore function.

Physical Therapist Job

Physical Therapists have a very important job,to make sure that you recover faster from an injury/sickness.Being a PT (Physical Therapists) requires many skills in the education/training and important qualities to be successful at their job.When PTs go to college it's not all fun and games.A Physical

Physical Therapy Vs Occupational Therapy Essay

One of the main goals of a physical therapist is to help their patients recover. To do this, they have to pay close attention

Physical Therapy: A Case Study

The human experience is not a vague suggestion of what everyone strives for. This is a very individualized set of preferences and priorities that each person desires in life. We are all unique beings and as a physical therapist, there is a duty to create a specific strategy of care that is centered on the needs of the consumer. Movement is the basis of everything we do. Optimizing movement by improving mobility and motion, managing pain, and regaining original capabilities will guide society to a healthier and more active lifestyle.

The Physics Of Physical Therapy

Physical therapy is the scientific physical procedures used in the treatment of patients with a disability, disease, or injury to achieve and maintain function and to prevent malfunction or deformity. One of the most important tasks that physical therapists perform is the various forms of therapeutic exercise that are used to increase strength and endurance to improve coordination and functional movement for activities of daily living and to increase and maintain range of motion (APTA History).

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  • The Public Health Student

What if people lived healthier lives, practiced preventive medicine, and took precautions against illness and disease? My days in the physical therapy department often made me think about the prevention of injuries as well as the injuries themselves. I was already doubting my future career choice as a physical therapist. Although I loved the science of it and helping people, the lack of variety within the field and its limited options for growth bothered me. I needed a career that helped a large number of people, emphasized prevention and primary care rather than tertiary care, and would continually challenge and motivate me to improve. Knowing that I really did not want to pursue physical therapy as I had originally planned, my thoughts wandered to the area of public health, particularly health management.

My first true introduction to the public health arena came in a class offered through the Big U School of Public Health. As I listened to experts speak about contemporary health issues, I was intrigued. The world of "capitation," "rationing of care," and Medicaid fascinated me as I saw the range of problems that public health professionals were trying to solve in innovative ways. This one semester class provided me with a basic but thorough understanding of the issues faced in health care today. In the last two years I have continued to learn about public health both through coursework and work in the field.

Because field experience is such a valuable learning tool, I searched for a research assistant position that would allow me to view public health at a different level. I worked on a project at a county health clinic in Englewood, a low-income, minority community. The program attempted to increase treatment compliance rates for adolescents diagnosed with tuberculosis who must complete a six-month medical program. Working for the county exposed me to a different side of health care that I had previously seen. Service and organization were not assets of the county and yet its role in the public health "ecosystem" was and is critical. Its job of immunizing thousands and interacting with all members of the community is often forgotten, but is important for keeping an entire community healthy.

My work at the county health clinic as well as my knowledge of some areas of public health led me to accept an internship in Washington D.C. this past summer. The internship provided me with a greater understanding of a federal public health agency’s operations and allowed me to contribute in a variety of ways to the XYZ Department in which I worked. Most importantly I worked on "policy issues" which involved identifying and summarizing problems that were out of the ordinary as well as documenting resolved issues in order to establish protocols to increase the department’s efficiency. In addition I served on a scientific review panel which was responsible for editing a seventy-page proposed regulation before its submission.

Along with my duties at XYZ, I attended seminars and met with public health leaders at different functions and events. All these activities confirmed my growing interest in preventive medicine, outcomes and effectiveness, and quality of care, particularly within the private/managed care sector. These are my strongest interests because I believe they are fundamental to our nation’s health. We must achieve efficiency and access without sacrificing quality.

The University of ____ would help me achieve my goals of furthering my public health education through the specialized coursework offered as part of its health administration program. [The client provides specifics here about the program’s specific appeal and strengths]

Since rejecting physical therapy as a career possibility my interest in public health has only grown. I welcome the challenge of serving a large community and participating in such a dynamic and challenging field. What if an aspirin a day could prevent heart attacks? What if abandoning unnecessary procedures saved thousands of dollars, which then allowed a hospital to treat other patients needing care? What if every person was guaranteed care and that care was good? I would like to find answers for these questions during my career as a public health graduate student and professional.

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physical therapy essay conclusion


Physical Therapy Conclusion

SUMMARY OF FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS This chapter contains the summary of the findings, determined conclusions and also recommended suggestions provided by the researchers. SUMMARY OF THE FINDINGS This qualitative study “The Approach of the Physical Therapist Towards the Recovery of the Patient ,” aims to acquire information about the general problem: “How the approach of Physical Therapist affects the health care , condition and recovery of the patient and why is the approach important?” It includes about how the strategies of the physical therapist affect the patient’s condition, the factors that affect the approach of the physical therapist and the reason it is effective in improving the health condition of the patient. The researchers used purposive sampling to identify and interview four (4) physical therapists who graduated with the degree of Bachelor of Science Major in Physical Therapy and are currently working at the University of the East Ramon Magsaysay Memorial Medical Center (UERMMMC). The researchers used an aide memoire which has thirteen (13) questions and overall interview session lasted for about 1 hour and 30 …show more content…

Through this, the physical therapist will know if their treatment worked or not. This is one of the majoy key factors that keeps the therapy session alive. It boosts the desire of the patient and also the physical therapist, to keep on going all throughout the treatment sessions. (2) The achievements, it refers to the co-researchers’ experience from the moment of feeling the triumph from all the adversity that they’ve encounter. This is the end point of every treatment session. To be able to achieve somethinng from the goals that are set from the very start of the treatment. To achieve a good outcome that benefit both the physical therapists and their

A Career As A Physical Therapy Technician

However, I want to do more I want to be able to follow the process from beginning to end and do the evaluations. I want to be able to do the testing and the measuring. I have set out on this journey of health care because I want to help people go from post-operative to back to fully functioning with realistic goals in place. I want to be able to walk the journey with the patients and let them know that they are not on it alone. Through Physical Therapy I feel that patients get more than just rehabilitation of an injury or surgery but they get a change in mindset from injured to functioning independently again as they did before.

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Physical Therapy Professionalism

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Also They plan and execute rehabilitative programs designed to improve the patient’s mobility, increase his or her strength and relieve or at least lessen his or her pain. But also how they help is Athletic trainers help prevent

Physical Therapist Outlook

Physical Therapists are licensed health care professionals, they help patients with pain and help with mobility. They help people recover from surgery. Teach patients how to manage or prevent pain. They can work in hospitals, private practices, schools, sports, nursing home, and outpatient clinics. Physical therapist take care of people all different ages.

Pre-Physical Therapy Personal Statement

College is often regarded as a time of exploration, a time to discover interests and passions that ignite a desire to seek sagacity in a field that will alleviate the burdens of others and fulfill one’s self wholeheartedly. It is essential to me that my college career allows me to strive for educational excellence and moral enrichment simultaneously. Through the Pre-Physical Therapy track it will be my focus to obtain an education to help others as I have been helped in the past. Restoring movement and functionality to someone’s life is deeply connected to SPU’s vision, for the work that physical therapists do is equally as transformative for the therapist as it is to the patient. To ensure someone receives the treatment they need to carry out the life they want is paramount

Physical Therapy Essay

It is a job that will always be needed, there will always be people that need help regaining their physical health to be able to walk again or maybe just be able to move their thumb again. Physical therapists have to run tests when a patient comes to the office. This is to make sure where and what about the type of injury. After the patients’ assessment, the physical therapist will setup a patient treatment plan in accordance with the written and signed prescription of the referring physician. Create PT treatment plans to improve or restore a patient’s mobility and reduce pain.

Informative Speech On Physical Therapy

We know you need us, and that’s why we’re here! We are a team of certified, highly-skilled and experienced physical therapists who are qualified to evaluate and treat a wide range of physical conditions. Our purpose is to create a warm and healing environment where we can listen to you and understand the factors affecting your health, to provide individualized and comprehensive physical therapy and rehabilitation. Contact us today now see how we can help!

Essay On Sports Therapy

In a world full of athletes a Physical therapist is a very viable asset to any athlete’s road to fame, because they provide support to the player, keep them healthy and in shape, and prepares them to get back on the field. As a Sports therapist you will work with athletes and exercise participants in order to help prevent, recognise, manage injuries and treat them if they should occur, and then rehabilitate the patient back to full fitness. Using the principles of exercise science, they incorporate physiological and pathological processes to make sure patients are training and competing safely and provide an immediate response when athletic related injuries occur. Work can be found in sports injury clinics or directly with a sports club or even as a personal therapist for an athlete, either professional or amateur.

Research Paper On Physical Therapy

Physical Therapy Physical Therapists provide rehabilitation for injuries and help maintain stability. “Some history of Physical Therapist formed their first professional association in 1921 called the American Women’s physical therapeutic association. In the late 1940s, the association had changed its name to the American Physical Therapy Association. Physical Therapy was developed when the association’s membership swelled to 8,000 and the number of physical therapy education programs across the US increased from 16 to 39”(“APTA History”). Although many people may think being a physical therapist is hard because of the qualifications needed, the daily work, salary, and needs of the service have drawn my attention to the field.

Physical Therapist Career Essay

By 2026 physical therapy jobs are said to be increased by 25% (“10 Interesting Physical Therapy Facts & Statistics,” 28 Dec. 2017). Physical therapists are doctors that help people who have pain during movement or have lost some range of motion. They help those patients regain their abilities or manage their pain (Bellamy). This is a great career to go into. There are many aspects that go into being a physical therapist like degrees, advancement opportunities, day to day responsibilities, and much more.

Physical Therapy Scope Of Practice

As a professional, one must adhere to the guiding principles defined by the professional association. Scope of Practice outlines the “notions of professional conduct, accountability and self- governance and expanded practice”. Scope of Practice summarizes “the range of roles and activities an individual registrant or licensee is permitted to undertake in the course of professional practice. These roles and activities are largely determined by professional education and practice competence along with factors in the practice context, such as demands on practitioners’ services and available resources” (Fealy 2005). Scope of Practice is based upon the “profession 's unique body of knowledge, supported by educational preparation, a body of evidence, and existing or emerging practice frameworks” (American Physical Therapy Association, 2015).

Physical Therapy Observation Report

On Friday January 12, 2018 I was privileged to observe with Kathy Schwartz, PT at Warm Springs Outpatient Physical Therapy Center off Sonterra Blvd in San Antonio, TX. I began my visit at 8:30 am where I was introduced to all the staff and oriented to the facility. Following this, I received a brief background on the patients I would be seeing during my visit. Which included: two patients with Parkinson’s disease (PD), one patient with complex regional pain syndrome and one patient with a total hip replacement. The first patient I encountered at 9:15 am was a 65-year-old female presenting with balance and gait disturbances.

The Importance Of Physical Therapy

In Addition, another agreement of physical therapy being useful in pain treatment, is that it avoids surgery and strong medications. People have different perspectives on medical purposes as some may prefer drug medications as it beyond what they except to take while others take surgery offers for quicker results in reducing pain; “Surgery may not always be the best first course of action. A physical therapist, in many cases, can help patients avoid the often unnecessary risks and expenses of surgery”. ( 2013) and medications can be unresponsive to the body movements causing other informalities; “Medications that impact the central nervous system and alter (slow down) they way our nerves think and our reflexes respond can put patients’ at risk during physical therapy and certainly at risk for falls”.

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Providing free resources to educate all physical therapy school applicants regarding the admissions process as well as helpful and practical advice and suggestions to navigate this process efficiently and confidently. These resources are available via my social media outlets as well as my monthly newsletter.

physical therapy essay conclusion

Offering online courses and coaching services to assist applicants in the concluding steps of their application-essay and interview preparation. A wide variety of services are available to find the option that best meets every applicants needs during these crucial concluding steps of the application process.

physical therapy essay conclusion

Sharing practical and prudent financial advice to help all future and current physical therapy students to avoid financial pitfalls that plague our profession and society at large. I am not a financial professional, however, I feel a strong sense of obligation to share what I have learned from research and personal experience.

Shaun Brewer, PT, DPT

10+ years of coaching experience 

Selected by NAU faculty to review application essays and perform interviews for 17 incoming applicants 

  1,515  application essays edited

473  mock interviews performed

Coaching individuals attending universities across the country

Clients accepted to 192 of 300  DPT programs across the country

Accepted into  5/6  highly competitive DPT programs I applied to:

NAU , UW, EWU, UTMB, UNLV  (I chose NAU…go lumberjacks!!)

physical therapy essay conclusion

What PTAPPCO Costumers are saying:

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"Shaun helped me deliver my own story and present it in the best way possible writing my essays and preparing for interviews. He helped me find my deeper meaning, greatest strengths, and meaningful experiences in a way that made the programs want to get to know me."

physical therapy essay conclusion

"Shaun was my saving grace. He gave me the support and the confidence I needed to believe in myself. He helped me with essay editing and interview coaching & the end result was acceptance into 3 DPT programs including my top choice school! He knows exactly what programs are looking for, and I don't know where I'd be without him!"

physical therapy essay conclusion

"After working with Shaun I was able to achieve acceptance at my top choice program and received compliments about my application essay from admissions committees. He helped me convey my passion and story in my essay."

physical therapy essay conclusion

"Shaun gave me a different perspective when it came to my application, essays, and interviews. If you want to be a competitive applicant, use Physical Therapy Application Coach because Shaun is the best!"

physical therapy essay conclusion

"Working with Shaun helped me to write an application essay that I was proud to present to admissions committees as well as my family and friends. Despite a lower GPA, I was able to achieve acceptance to my top choice school. Working with Shaun made that possible!"

~Michelle N.

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"With Shaun’s guidance, I am so happy to share that I was accepted into my DREAM program. Shaun has literally changed my life, and I am forever grateful for this experience. From the bottom of my heart, thank you, thank you, thank you Shaun! You are a rockstar!"

~Christine B.

physical therapy essay conclusion

"Shaun's coaching made the biggest difference for me and my application, and I know he can do the same for you if you are willing to put the work in and let him help you. I left my interview and thought that was way too easy...I would recommend everyone use Shaun's services, even if you think you are a smart kid."

physical therapy essay conclusion

"Utilizing Shaun made my application experience SO much easier. Starting from freshman year, he gave me a specific roadmap. It doesn't hurt to have somebody who's got your back who knows everything there is to know about getting into PT school."

physical therapy essay conclusion

"Being happy with the results I had with Shaun’s essay coaching I decided to utilize his interview coaching services. The mock interview I had with Shaun definitely boosted my confidence and self esteem. I definitely recommend Shaun’s services to you guys! You will invest your time and money, but you want to make sure you do this right the first time and not have to do it again."

physical therapy essay conclusion

"Shaun took my essay from a 2 to a 10 in a matter of 2 coaching sessions. I looked back at my first draft I had sent him and realized how glad I am that I did not submit it to PTCAS. I heard good news from every school I applied to and will be attending my top choice in Fall 2019."

physical therapy essay conclusion

Having access to Shaun's essay and interview services helped not only to reduce my stress level, but gave me the affirmation I needed to complete the process confidently. I valued the mock interviews the most because they helped me develop an answer repertoire that I could apply to any question."

physical therapy essay conclusion

"To any of you who are having second thoughts about your application or your essays, work with Shaun! He will take your essays to the next level, which is what you want to have the first time you apply. If you want to do it right the first time, Shaun is going to help you do that and really help you get into the school of your choice."

physical therapy essay conclusion

"Shaun helped me discover the best things about myself as an applicant. He was the best essay and interview coach I could have asked for. I was accepted to several programs and will be attending my top choice in the fall!"

physical therapy essay conclusion

"I would definitely recommend others to use these services and have passed on Shaun's contact information to my friends so they can get the same help I received. Thanks again Shaun! It feels so great to be accepted into PT school and know that my future is secured!"

86 Physical Therapy Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

🏆 best physical therapy topic ideas & essay examples, ⭐ simple & easy physical therapy essay titles, 👍 good essay topics on physical therapy, ❓ physical therapy research questions.

  • Legal and Ethical Responsibilities of Physical Therapists In the recent past, as a result of the increased autonomy of physical therapists in executing their duties, there has been an increase in the number of ethical and legal responsibilities of individuals in this […]
  • The Career of a Physical Therapist The cost of attaining a degree in Physical therapy at the University of Delaware is estimated to be about 9,486 dollars for the in-state tuition fee and 23,186 for the out-of-state.
  • Physical Therapy Activities The justification for conducting this particular research was premised on the fact that relatively few studies had attempted to evaluate and address the relationship between physical therapy treatments and outcomes by specifically investigating the individual […]
  • Negligence in Physical Therapy Even if the therapist owed a duty to the patient and acted outside the standard of care, the plaintiff still has to prove beyond any reasonable doubt that the action of the therapist caused an […]
  • ACL Surgery Physical Therapy Plan Resistance training can be incorporated into the exercise program to help build strength and improve stability in the knee. Working with a physical therapist with knowledge of ACL rehabilitation is necessary to guarantee the program’s […]
  • The Education of Physical Therapy Students In the era of COVID-19, many students were forced to study online, and this type of learner has become one of the most popular in the medical sphere.
  • Aspects of Geriatric Physical Therapy The authors of the study evaluated secondary data and presented the interconnections of an essential chain of mechanisms reflection on training processes such as enzymes, neurotransmitters, and ion channels positively influencing the cardiovascular system, cardiorespiratory […]
  • Job Opportunities for a Physical Therapist Assistant Since a range of health issues and disorders are addressed in the specified settings, the assistance of a qualified PTA is likely to be quite welcome in a rehabilitation center.
  • Physical Therapy: Orthopedic Chairs Proposal Being aware of the fact that the received orthopedic chairs are out-of-date and out of service for necessary repair, I have to inform healthcare staff about the shortages of new products, and our administrator is […]
  • Funds to Set Up Physical Therapy and Rehabilitative Medicine Department There is a current need to evaluate the provision of physical therapy in society today, taking into consideration the number of people who need therapy, and the people with actual access to the service.
  • Arthritis: The Use of Physical and Occupational Therapy Incorporating credible evidence, the paper expounds on biological factors such as unusual bowel permeability, genetic and microorganism as the causes of arthritis The paper examines the use of physical and occupational therapy, as some of […]
  • Paraplegia: Normative Model for Physical Therapy Education Adjustment to the way of life and the budget is likely to follow in order for the family to cope with the paraplegic condition.
  • Analysis of the Physical Therapy Market For this reason, it is possible to admit the existence of a significant business potential related to the development of the MBE Ltd.
  • Physical Education: Effect of Phototherapy Therefore, it is evident that the intensity of an exercise directly influences one’s heart rate, breathing rate, skin coloration, sweating, and recovery.
  • Careers in the Health Professions: Physical Therapy The organization is the sole accreditation agency in the United States with regard to education in Physical Therapy. He is married with two children and is undergoing computer course in the hope of landing a […]
  • Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy in Parkinson’s Disease Hypotension is an “abnormal condition in which the blood pressure is not adequate for normal perfusion and oxygenation of the tissues”.
  • Medicine Issues: Physical Therapy as a Profession The aim of this essay is to discuss the profession of physical therapist explaining the role of women in this field.”Physical therapy in the United States was originally an occupation composed almost entirely of women; […]
  • The Career of a Physical Therapist Assistant The career of a physical therapist assistant is exciting, flexible, and highly rewarding, but students require necessary qualifications to join the profession.
  • Physical Therapy: Overweight or Obese People With Osteoarthritis The abstract is a comprehensive summary of all the components of an article. Analyzed results are found in the results section of the article.
  • Physical Therapy in Canada and Thai Research indicates that the advancement of technology in medical field has also provided the need for physiotherapy in the field of health.
  • Dealing With Patient Resistance in Physical Therapy
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  • Contraindications and Restrictions for Physical Therapy
  • Robotic Rehabilitation for Physical Therapy
  • The Possibility of Reducing the Dose of the Drug Through Physical Therapy
  • Physical Therapy After Triangular Fibrocartilage Injuries and Ulnar Wrist Pain
  • Pulsed Radio Frequency Energy as Physical Therapy
  • The American Physical Therapy Association
  • The Effectiveness of Physical Therapy
  • Positive and Negative Side Effects of Physical Therapy
  • Advantages of Modern Physical Therapy
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  • Physical Therapy: The Pharmacological Aspect of Musculoskeletal Systems
  • Physical Therapy in Gynecology for the Recovery and Treatment of the Body
  • Physical Therapy for Pain Relief
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  • Viewing the Practice of Physical Therapy From a Professional’s Perspective
  • Patient Satisfaction With Physical Therapy
  • Accelerating the Achievement of Desired Treatment Results With Physical Therapy
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  • Physical Therapy for Neurological Conditions in Geriatric Populations
  • Physical Therapy for Becoming a Licensed Physical Therapist
  • Combination of Physical Therapy With Other Therapies
  • Effective Methods of Treatment Using Technologies Close to Physical Therapy
  • The Downsides and Benefits of an Effective Physical Therapy
  • Physical Therapy for Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • What Does Physical Therapy Mean?
  • What Is the Main Focus of Physical Therapy?
  • What Are the Types of Physical Therapy?
  • What Are Things Physical Therapist Do?
  • What Usually Happens at Physical Therapy?
  • Who Benefits From Physical Therapy?
  • Why Do Patients Go to Physical Therapy?
  • Why Do Doctors Recommend Physical Therapy?
  • Does Physical Therapy Really Help?
  • Can Physical Therapy Harm a Person’s Health?
  • How Long Does Physical Therapy Last?
  • Should a Person Immediately Go to Physical Therapy if There Is Pain?
  • Is Physical Therapy Painful at First?
  • Does a Person Need to Go to Physical Therapy Often?
  • What Happens to a Person When They First Visit a Physiotherapist?
  • How Does Medical Terminology Relate to Physical Therapy?
  • How Physical Therapy Has a Positive Impact on Patient’s Disease, Deformity, or Injury?
  • How Can Clinical Decision Making for a Physical Therapy Assistant Help?
  • What Happens After Physical Therapy Is Done?
  • What Clothing Should People Wear to Physical Therapy Appointments?
  • What Can Not Be Done Before the Medical Examination?
  • Should People Take Painkillers Before Physical Therapy?
  • What Time of Day Is Best for Physical Therapy?
  • Is a Physical Therapist Better Than a Chiropractor?
  • How Does Physiotherapy Work?
  • Wellness Essay Topics
  • Yoga Questions
  • Stroke Questions
  • Orthopedics Essay Topics
  • Occupational Health Paper Topics
  • Metabolic Disorders Questions
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  • Chicago (A-D)
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"86 Physical Therapy Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda , 2 Mar. 2024,

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Physical therapy assistant.

Physical Therapy Assistant Job Description Care/Service provided by the Physical Therapy Assistant Physical therapy assistant, also known as PTA, has the responsibility of working as the integral part of a therapy team for the provision of physical therapy services as an assistant to a physical therapist who directs and supervises him/her accordingly. The job of a PTA is the implementation of specially chosen mechanisms/procedures for the treatment of patient/client according to the prescribed instructions. he/she is also responsible for obtaining the relevant data about the preferred interventions (Dreeben-Irimia, 2011). In addition, the job requires him/her to make amendments/alterations in selected treatment methods for the progression of the patient/client condition as recommended by the physical therapist or for making the patient/client well-being and consolation certain ("ole of a Physical Therapist Assistant (PTA)," 2013). In addition, a physical therapy assistant is responsible for giving assistance to the physical therapist for the treatment of persons related to….

Dreeben-Irimia, O. (2011). Introduction to Physical Therapy for Physical Therapist Assistants. Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Millis, D.L., & Levine, D. (2012). Canine Rehabilitation & Physical Therapy. London: Saunders.

Physical Therapy Assistant Job Description. (2013, January 23).Healthcare Salary World. Retrieved October 14, 2013, from 

Physical Therapy Assistant Job Description. (2013). Hiring, Recruiting and Staffing Solutions. Retrieved October 14, 2013, from

Physical Therapy - Personal Characteristics and Motivating

Physical Therapy - Personal Characteristics and Motivating Factors Pursuing Physical Therapy as a Career: Personal Characteristics and Motivating Factors There are many reasons why people pursue specific career fields. Some individuals engage in a particular career for the money, and others do it because they are interested in helping people or they find some other value in what they are doing. If a career is not rewarding in some way, it can be difficult to continue that career. Instead, people in this situation will often move on to a career that they find much more valuable to them, personally, or to society as a whole. I chose to pursue physical therapy as a career for several reasons, some of which are directly related to my own, personal motivations and some of which are more closely related to the value that my work may bring to others. I do not feel that there….

Physical Therapy According to Kathleen

When working in hospital settings, physical therapists have frequent interactions with nurses. According to an interview done by XXX with XXX, physical therapists communicate with nurses daily as part of secondary patient care. The hospital's original mechanism for consults between nurses and physical therapist was paper medical records; however, that method of communication has since been replaced by face-to-face consults and electronic medical records. A recent article in the Journal of Interprofessional Care found that interactions between different types of health care professionals (including nurses and physical therapists) were "richer and lengthier, and consisted of negotiations which related to both clinical as well as social content" than those between health care professionals and physicians (Reeves, Rice, Conn, Miller, Kenaszchuk, & Zwarenstein, 2009, 633). The study also showed that these types of positive communications and interactions improved the quality of patient care and decreased the risk for negative patient outcomes. Even though….

Vision 2020. Retrieved March 22, 2010, from the American Physical Therapy Association's official website: 


Physical Therapy Involves the Rehabilitation

The therapist must also avoid making any diagnosis that is outside of their professional licensing and specialty. For instance, they should avoid making notes that state that the client is "depressed" or any other similar comments (APTA, 2008). These comments are often unintentional, but they can lead to a serious potential for liability risk. The physical therapist has many sources of information available to them, including the internet and conversations with other therapists. They often exchange information and pass on techniques that work for them. This is the nature of improvement within the profession. However, use of these techniques represents a legal grey area. They may result in improved patient outcomes and may be safe in many regards. However, when one does not use evidence-based practices, they set themselves up for legal malpractice. In a court of law, the opinions of other professionals do not hold as much weight as….

American Physical Therapy Association (APTA). (2008). Guidelines: Occupational

Physical Therapy: Legal and Risk Management Issues Retrieved August 3, 2009 from 


Physical Therapy -- the Professionalism

The prevalence of the doctoral degree amongst professionals will add to the evidence-based research conducted by doctoral and post-doctoral candidates and will convey added legitimacy to physical therapists and enlarge the scope of the field. Postgraduate doctoral study has continued to grow: "More physical therapists are pursuing non-clinical doctoral degrees, such as PhDs, in an effort to obtain the skills necessary to conduct original research and add to the foundation of literature upon which we base our practice. In 2002, the number of American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) members reporting a non-clinical doctorate as their highest earned degree was 30% higher than in 1996." Will the changes in any way be affected by Federal and State activities and events? Of course, decreased funding for extended schooling may impact the ability of many students to pursue such higher learning. But the increasing bureaucracy of the health care system may also drive persons….

However, a positive change of the profession lined to a greater prevalence of a PhDs will certainly be evident, as the field places more emphasis on research and evidence-based practice than ever before. The prevalence of the doctoral degree amongst professionals will add to the evidence-based research conducted by doctoral and post-doctoral candidates and will convey added legitimacy to physical therapists and enlarge the scope of the field. Postgraduate doctoral study has continued to grow: "More physical therapists are pursuing non-clinical doctoral degrees, such as PhDs, in an effort to obtain the skills necessary to conduct original research and add to the foundation of literature upon which we base our practice. In 2002, the number of American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) members reporting a non-clinical doctorate as their highest earned degree was 30% higher than in 1996."

Will the changes in any way be affected by Federal and State activities and events?

Of course, decreased funding for extended schooling may impact the ability of many students to pursue such higher learning. But the increasing bureaucracy of the health care system may also drive persons to seek out more physical therapists, rather than other health care practitioners, for their medical woes. Also, any changes in federal or state policies regarding insurance coverage of physical therapy and a reduction or increase in demand may also have an impact. True, graduates who need to pay off loans quickly and faced with increased demand may be more apt to practice, and thus reduce the number of doctoral fellows and changes created by the added presence of research in the field, while individuals seeking to gain a degree to better their job chances

Physical Therapy and the Taxonomic Structure Human

Physical Therapy and the Taxonomic Structure Human health is based on a highly complex system of interdependent parts. One's mental health, emotional health and physical health are all closely connected. Understanding and appreciation of these interdependent parts is essential for one in the profession of observing, evaluating and working to improve human health. ithin the scope of physical therapy, therefore, there is a great value in achieving a grounded theoretical understanding of how these dimensions of health interact. Bloom's taxonomy provides a particularly valuable way to understand these dimensions by providing three specific domains of knowledge. ithin these cognitive, affective and psychomotor domains lay the key to recognizing and helping patients achieve a positive and harmonious interdependency of mind and body. Essentially, the taxonomic structure is concerned with modeling comprehensive training methodologies which a flexibility available to all manner of discipline. The physical therapy profession in particular can be evaluated as a….

Works Cited:

Clark, D. (1999). Bloom's Taxonomy. Big Dog, Little Dog.

Physical Therapy My Grandmother Told

I look forward to working with the faculty at Texas Woman's University and participating in challenging research and clinical work. As a consultant and expert witness, I will be able to apply my "healing power" in whole new ways: not only by offering quality physical therapy but also by offering the psychological and social support that derives from professional expertise. Moreover, as a consultant in the corporate or governmental sectors, I can help organizations save vast amounts of money. For example, my recommending improvements in workplace environments and health and safety regulations, organizations can avoid lawsuits, and ensure a healthy, productive workforce. Whether I work with labor unions or with corporate staff, my expertise as a highly specialized physical therapist will continue to benefit others. My experience and prior education as a professional therapist provides me with hands-on as well as the theoretical foundations in physiology. However, I have little understanding….

Physical Therapy

physical therapy that can enable a disabled person to walk again. Enabling the Disabled to Walk Again Physical Therapy and ehabilitation aims to evaluate, treat and prevent physical disability, movement dysfunction and pain that is caused by injury, disease, disability or other health related conditions. According to these objectives physical therapy supports the performance and interpretation of tests and measurements to assess pathophysiological, ergonomic and development of bodily systems in order to diagnose the treatment, prevention, and the planning of therapeutic exercises that focus on posture, locomotion, strength, endurance, cardiopulmonary function, balance, co-ordination, joint mobility, flexibility, pain, healing and repair, and functional abilities in our daily lives. One way to restore mobility for a person suffering from multiple sclerosis is by using therapy that uses a special type of treadmill and a measure that suspends body weight. This therapy can be shown to people suffering from similar condition or more so students….

Innovative Physical Therapy Helps Disabled to Walk, available at , accessed on: September 25, 2003

Physical Therapy Measurement Evaluation Physical Education Exercise

physical therapy: measurement evaluation physical education exercise science write a short essay question: (a)Provide examples situations an assessment professional area, (b) an assessment conducted. Needs assessment: Physical therapy Needs assessments in physical therapy are typically conducted during the first session a patient embarks upon with the therapist. Before meeting with the patient, the physical therapist will review the client's existing records to understand why he or she is in physical therapy, and what the client's goals are for the therapy. The physical therapist must have an idea of how long the course of therapy will be, to plan accordingly in terms of what types of exercises will be required. During the first session, the physical therapist will perform a series of diagnostic evaluations, to target areas of critical weakness and strength. The therapist will also interview the client. This will better clarify patient needs and goals for the therapy. "The physical….

DeRosa-Hardy, Donna; Roberts, Pamela L. (1989). The educational needs assessment on physical therapy for special educators: Enhancing in-service programming and physical therapy services in public schools. Physical Therapy. 1:3

Millehan, Jay. (2011). Physical therapy functional assessment. Live Strong. Retrieved: 

What is physical therapy? (2012). Physical Therapy Association. Retrieved:

Physical Therapy Program Past Years Improve Enhance

physical therapy program past years, improve enhance application current admissions cycle? IMPROVEMENT-- I applied doctor physical therapy program April, 2010. Time I missed a dead line college attached pacts (Physical Therapist Centralized Application Service) I reapplying program. If you applied to a physical therapy program within the five past years, what have you done to improve upon or enhance your application during the current admissions cycle? I have not formally applied to a physical therapy program before with a complete application. However, I would like the admissions committee to know that obtaining admission to a PT program has always been my life's goal. I fully intended to apply to a program for admission during my final year of college. However, I missed the scheduled date of April in 2010 to fully submit my credentials to my college's Physical Therapist Centralized Application Service. I would like to make it clear that missing deadlines….

Physical Therapy One of the Greatest Gifts

Physical Therapy One of the greatest gifts given to mankind is that of the power of touch. Touch is a way to communicate, a way to learn, and a way to express emotion. Through touch, even greater goods are possible; touch can be a way to bring health and create wellness. There have been countless studies that have pointed to the healing properties of touch through massage and therapy. Of course, I didn't know about the scientific background behind the connection that exists between touch and healing when I was a child and began to explore these mysterious realms. As I learned more through my studies about therapy methods and healing, I realized that there was a true calling for me to further explore this field. Now, I know that my path in life lies within the field of physical therapy because of my natural calling to this field that….

qualities of a physical therapist assistants and the ability to be part of a multidisciplinary team member. QUALITIES OF A PHYSICAL THERAPIST ASSISTANT is a part of a multidisciplinary team. The PTA must have the ability to relate to people, capacity for being calm in different types of situations, and the willingness to listen to possible problems with the patients. There are several important qualities of someone who wants to be a physical therapist's assistant because there are many different types of people that he/she may be working with. The ability to get along with people is essential in this occupation, because all employees are part of a multidisciplinary team.. The physical therapist may work with all ages of people. Sometimes there will be patients who are mentally challenged. The PTA must be able to bond with the individual to give them the best service possible. The PTA will work with….

Business Plan Any Physical Therapy Center Has

Business Plan Any physical therapy center has one thing in their agenda, to lead a patient towards living a pain free life in the future and enable the patient revert to the previous good status that they were in there before the sickness or before the surgery. This report aims at divulging the finer details on how a post surgery physical rehabilitation center can be opened and run as well as identifying the likely benefits and he profits that can be earned from such a business. It also seeks to put clear the expected expenditure that will be involved in terms of the running costs as well as the human resources that will be required. The report also puts forth the various equipment that will be of great sue in the center and the services that these equipment will be offering alongside those of the therapists. Since the administrative aspect of such a center….

Milpitas Physical Therapy Clinic (2011). Strength and Health for the Journey. Retrieved February 4, 2012 from

Cultural Competence Physical Therapy

Cultural Competence (Physical Therapy) The United States is known as a "melting pot"- a country that harbors citizens of different religions, cultures, ethnicities, traditions, among other things. The importance of cultural competence cannot be emphasized enough to American citizens in general as it is with this competence that people can live in harmony. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, cultural competence is defined as "a set of congruent behaviors, attitudes, and polices that come together in a system, agency, or among professionals that enables effective work in cross cultural situations" (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services). In the context of health care, cultural competence is an important factor in identifying and finding solutions to disparities in the health care system- a way that patients and doctors can communication about health concerns, by taking into account and being respectful of "health beliefs, practices and cultural and linguistic….

Works Cited

"What is Cultural Competency?." U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 19 Oct 2005. Web. 22 May 2011. .

Special Education Physical Therapy Services

Is there a stigma attached to a child who receives therapy? Yes, this is true; but the authors suggest that when therapists work with perhaps two or three children at the same time, those children are less likely to feel like they are being "singled out" as in need of special services. "It is important for parents to realize that it is generally more stigmatizing to appear 'clumsy' than to receive therapy," the chapter points out on page 225. hat are some of the specific skills that are addressed through physical therapy? An example of a need among some children is when they "cannot turn their head without moving their whole body" (p. 229). And when they do turn their head and their body moves along with that movement of the head, "they may need to take steps forward to maintain their balance." There are helpful things a therapist can….

Ward, Suzanne J.; & Seto, Linda G. "Physical Therapy Services." An Introduction to Early

Childhood Special Education, Ed. Linda Dunlap. pp. 216-234. Boston: Allyn and Bacon,

Need help shaping my parkinsons disorder thesis statement into a clear argument. Any suggestions?

Original Thesis Statement: Parkinson's disorder is a complex neurodegenerative condition characterized by motor and non-motor symptoms, which significantly impact the quality of life for individuals and their caregivers. Re-shaped Argumentative Thesis Statement: Parkinson's disorder is a debilitating neurodegenerative disease that warrants comprehensive and holistic care strategies to effectively manage its multi-faceted symptoms and support the well-being of individuals and their caregivers. This approach should encompass both pharmacological interventions and non-pharmacological therapies, recognizing the importance of addressing both the physical and psychosocial aspects of the condition. Key Points of Argument: 1. Multi-faceted Nature of Parkinson's Disorder: Parkinson's disorder is not solely characterized by motor symptoms such as....

Need assistance developing essay topics related to Veteran Rehabilitation. Can you offer any guidance?

1. The importance of specialized rehabilitation programs for veterans returning from combat zones 2. The role of physical therapy in supporting veterans with physical injuries from military service 3. The impact of PTSD on veterans and the need for effective rehabilitation strategies 4. The effectiveness of alternative therapies, such as art or equine therapy, in supporting veterans' mental health and well-being 5. The challenges faced by female veterans in accessing rehabilitation services and the need for gender-specific programs 6. The role of family and community support in the rehabilitation of veterans 7. The impact of substance abuse and addiction on veteran rehabilitation efforts 8. The benefits of....

i need a example of a outline for physical therapist

I. Introduction A. Explanation of the role of a physical therapist B. Importance of physical therapy in healthcare II. Education and Training A. Requirements for becoming a physical therapist (i.e. Bachelor's degree, Doctor of Physical Therapy program) B. Licensing and certification process III. Job Duties A. Assessment and evaluation of patients' physical conditions B. Development of individualized treatment plans C. Implementation of therapeutic exercises and techniques IV. Specializations A. Orthopedic physical therapy B. Pediatric physical therapy C. Neurological physical therapy V. Work Settings A. Hospitals B. Rehabilitation centers C. Private practices VI. Salary and Job Outlook A. Average salary for physical therapists B. Projected job....

I. Introduction A. Definition of physical therapy B. Role of the physical therapist C. Types of physical therapy II. History of Physical Therapy A. Ancient origins B. Development in the 19th and 20th centuries C. Modern advances III. Education and Training A. Educational requirements B. Clinical experiences C. Continuing education IV. Physical Examination A. Subjective examination B. Objective examination C. Special tests V. Treatment Planning A. Goals of treatment B. Development of a treatment plan C. Collaboration with other healthcare professionals VI. Treatment Techniques A. Exercise therapy B. Manual therapy C. Electrophysical agents D. Assistive devices VII. Patient Education A. Importance of patient involvement B. Home....


Research Paper

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physical therapy that can enable a disabled person to walk again. Enabling the Disabled to Walk Again Physical Therapy and ehabilitation aims to evaluate, treat and prevent physical disability, movement…

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Is there a stigma attached to a child who receives therapy? Yes, this is true; but the authors suggest that when therapists work with perhaps two or three…

Gritman logo

Comprehensive Physical and Occupational Therapy

Integrated physical therapy care for the best possible orthopedic outcome.

Our team of highly-skilled physical and occupational therapists brings decades of experience and knowledge to help you heal, restore functionality and get back to living life to the fullest. Whether you are undergoing a procedure for a fracture, ligament damage or are considering a partial or total joint replacement, our therapists are ready to work directly with you and your surgeon to prepare you for your journey and to ensure a quick and successful recovery.

“Not only do our physical and occupational therapists who work with our orthopedic patients have the skill and knowledge base to do what is best for the patient, they are passionate and compassionate about what they do and they want to make sure that those patients are cared for as best as they can,” Director of Therapy Solutions Justin Minden said. “You will not find better care anywhere else in the region. We provide incredible care that will make sure you have the best possible outcome.”

Our Team The overall success of your orthopedic procedure is often dependent on what you do during your post-surgery period and having the right physical and occupational therapist makes a significant difference in your path to recovery. Our therapists have an average of nearly two decades of professional experience and every year our team completes extensive continuing education to ensure they are up to date in the latest technology, procedures and recommendations.

“One of the most rewarding things with orthopedic patients is that we can help them return to their functional activities that they love to do, whether it be getting back with family, recreational activities, sports or even returning to work,” Physical Therapist Shirley Rencken said. Rencken specializes in the care of patients who are preparing for or recovering from orthopedic surgeries at Gritman. “It just makes me feel good when I see a patient who was hobbling with a walker and then a few weeks later they are going up and down stairs, walking on gravel and other uneven surfaces, and they don’t have pain.”

Two of our physical therapists – Cliff Knelsen and Stephen Barbuto – have obtained an Orthopaedic Specialists Certification, through the American Board of Physical Therapy Specialties . This is the highest level of certification for physical therapists.

Education Our Total Joint Replacement classes are designed for people considering or planning a total joint replacement. Taught by experts who can answer all of your questions, we will get you on your way to living a healthier and more vibrant life with less pain.

Attendees have access to our leading therapists who will offer tips and advice to ensure the best possible recovery. The classes touch on pre- and post-surgery exercises and instruction, nutritional counseling, home preparation and a daily breakdown of what to expect during your stay at the hospital.

Facilities Not only do our patients have the top surgeons and therapists in the region guiding them on their path to recovery, when you have surgery at Gritman you will have access to our state-of-the-art facilities.

Dedicated Inpatient Therapy Gym – Our inpatient therapy gym is a space dedicated solely to your recovery from your total joint replacement. We have the equipment and space to focus on you and your recovery in a private secure setting – all located down the hall from your recovery room.

HydroWorx Therapy Pool – Gritman Therapy Solutions has the most advanced therapy pool in the region. The HydroWorx 2000 therapy pool has a variable depth platform that allows patients to step directly onto the platform and be lowered into the pool to avoid the need for stairs or lifts. It also has an 8-by-12 foot underwater treadmill, resistance jets and a camera system to allow patients to see how their body moves under water. At 90 degrees, our therapy pool allows patients with all abilities to perform better.

Physical Therapist Shirley Rencken Discusses Therapy Options

Yoga vs Physical Therapy in Multiple Sclerosis: Results of Randomized Controlled Trial and the Training Protocol


  • 1 April Rehabilitation Center, Moscow, Russia.
  • 2 Yoga Practika LTD, Moscow, Russia.
  • 3 Bujanov Moscow City Clinical Hospital, Moscow, Russia.
  • PMID: 38020405
  • PMCID: PMC10662275
  • DOI: 10.1177/09727531231161994

Background: Yoga originated in the territory of modern India more than 3,000 years ago uses techniques for working with the musculoskeletal system, cardiorespiratory system, and attention. Currently, the effectiveness and safety of yoga in patients with various neurological disorders, including multiple sclerosis (MS), is of interest to many scientists and clinicians.

Purpose: The main aim of this study is to examine the effect of yoga on symptoms and quality of life in patients with MS vs physical therapy (exercise therapy) and no exercise.

Methods: The patients were randomly assigned to three groups (yoga, physical therapy (PT), or waiting list). After 12 weeks of regular exercises (or the absence of them), the effect of yoga and PT on the functional status and quality of life of patients were evaluated. The data were collected during the patients' two visits to the study center - before the start of the study and at the end of the 12-week period. The in-person examination included a doctor's assessment of the Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS), the SF-36 quality of life questionnaire, the fatigue scale, the Berg balance scale, and the 6-min walking test.

Results: A total of 36 patients finished the clinical study: thirty women and six men. There was no statistically significant difference between the groups in terms of improvement in MS symptoms as measured by the balance, walking test, and fatigue scales. However, in the analysis of eight criteria of SF-36 quality-of-life questionnaire by the covariation analysis, statistically significant differences were found in favor of the yoga group in terms of physical functioning (PF) ( p = .003), life activity (VT) ( p < .001), mental health (MH) ( p = 013), and social functioning (SF) ( p = .028).

Conclusion: Thus, regular yoga classes under the guidance of qualified staff are a promising method of non-drug rehabilitation of patients with MS with motor disorders.

Keywords: Exercise therapy; Iyengar method; Multiple sclerosis; Physical therapy; Yoga.

© The Author(s) 2023.

Pivot Physical Therapy, an Athletico company

People. Passion. Purpose.

physical therapy essay conclusion

Physical Therapist, Clinic Director

Megan is the clinic director at Moscow Pivot Physical Therapy. She joined the company in 2009. Certifications include direct access practitioner, manual therapy certification through the Duffy Rath System, and Certified Clinical Instructor through the American Physical Therapy Association. Special interest includes total knee arthroplasty, sacroiliac dysfunction, and post concussion syndrome. Continuing education includes spinal and peripheral manual therapy treatment techniques of Brian Mulligan, Selective Functional Movement Assessment (SFMA) and Functional Movement Screening (FMS), The SI joint and pelvic girdle, amongst other orthopedic and sports medicine related courses.

Megan was a graduate of North Pocono High School and attended The University of the Sciences in Philadelphia. While at USciences, she earned her Bachelors of Science in Health Science and Doctor of Physical Therapy degree.

Interests include spending time with her husband, David and daughters, Paige & Olivia. She enjoys being by the water and in the sun whether the beach or lake. Megan also enjoys photography, interior decorating, and cooking.


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    2. Turn your ideas into paragraphs. Write more about each point that you wrote down. Try to form a paragraph and relate it back to the prompt. If you're struggling on writing more than a sentence or two about the bullet point, then maybe one of your other ideas will be better to include in your essay. 3.

  2. How Do I Write My PTCAS Essay (Personal Statement)?

    Each year, PTCAS sets a prompt for you to answer for the personal statement. You're given about one page, or 4,500 characters, to answer the PTCAS prompt. PTCAS Personal Statement prompts can vary in topics, but ultimately they touch on the physical therapy profession. It's important that you answer the PTCAS question in your essay.

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    The role of physical therapy in supporting veterans with physical injuries from military service. 3. The impact of PTSD on veterans and the need for effective rehabilitation strategies. 4. The effectiveness of alternative therapies, such as art or equine therapy, in supporting veterans' mental health and well-being. 5.

  19. Physical Therapy Essay Sample 2014

    This is just a sample. You can get a custom paper by one of our expert writers. If you are looking for a physical therapy essay sample from 2014, then you have come to the right place. At Free Essay Example, we provide students with high-quality essay examples that they can use for their own academic purposes.

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    The goals are to help your joints move better and to restore or increase your flexibility, strength, endurance, coordination and/or balance. Physical therapists are trained to help patients of all ages regain their strength and mobility after an injury or surgery. Working with your surgeon, they will tailor a customized therapy and recovery ...

  22. Yoga vs Physical Therapy in Multiple Sclerosis: Results of ...

    Methods: The patients were randomly assigned to three groups (yoga, physical therapy (PT), or waiting list). After 12 weeks of regular exercises (or the absence of them), the effect of yoga and PT on the functional status and quality of life of patients were evaluated. The data were collected during the patients' two visits to the study center ...

  23. Jason D.

    Athletico Physical Therapy 2122 York Rd., Ste. 300, Oak Brook, IL 60523 877.ATHLETICO (284.5384) [email protected]

  24. The Development of an Opioid Misuse Training Program for Physical

    John Magel is the research associate professor in the Department of Physical Therapy and Athletic Training at the University of Utah, 520 Wakara Way, Salt Lake City, UT 84108 ([email protected]).Please address all correspondence to John Magel. Elizabeth Siantz is assistant professor in the College of Social Work at the University of Utah.. Priscilla Blosser is study coordinator in the ...

  25. Megan T.

    Megan is the clinic director at Moscow Pivot Physical Therapy. She joined the company in 2009. Certifications include direct access practitioner, manual therapy certification through the Duffy Rath System, and Certified Clinical Instructor through the American Physical Therapy Association. Special interest includes total knee arthroplasty, sacroiliac dysfunction, and post concussion syndrome ...