Mr Salles Teaches English

macbeth kingship essay question

Kingship in Macbeth

(a grade 8 essay, improved to grade 9).

macbeth kingship essay question

Hi again Mr Salles - I hope you are well,

Here is an essay I have written on the theme of kingship, tyranny and natural order.

If you have a spare few minutes, please let me know what mark this would get and how I can improve it to get full marks :)

Shakespeare cleverly crafts the themes of kingship/tyranny/natural order through the devolution of Macbeth. By contrasting morality and corruption within Macbeth and Banquo, Shakespeare cautions against ambition and associates it with the supernatural - a very disturbing idea for the contemporary audience, contributing to Shakespeare’s overall purpose of trying to flatter King James I and warn the nobility against rebellion.

Shakespeare constructs Banquo as a foil to Macbeth by illustrating their contrasting reactions to the same evil force - the supernatural and temptation. Banquo represents the route that Macbeth chose not to take: the path where ambition does not lead to betrayal and murder. Thus, it is Banquo’s ghost, rather than Duncan’s, that haunts Macbeth and conveys to the contemporary audience that restraint will lead to a fruition of power as Banquo’s lineage stays on the throne for the longest.

The witches’ equivocation: “ Lesser than Macbeth, and greater ” paradoxically suggests the drastic difference between Banquo and Macbeth, foreshadowing character development as the witches' prophecies come true. Banquo will never be king, but he does father a line of kings. Macbeth, on the other hand, will become the King of Scotland which is commendable in terms of the Divine Order; Macbeth’s reign of power will be one of selfishness and greed as he fulfils his cruel desire for power, eliminating all obstacles that stand in the way of his kingship.

As a result, Macbeth holds the shorter end of the stick in this paradox, facing paranoia, insomnia, guilt, and a tragic demise, therefore proving its accuracy. Here, Shakespeare is flattering King James I, as he was descendant of Banquo and Fleance, in order to gain his trust and potentially patronage for his theatre. This also helps Shakespeare later in the play when he subtly warns James I not to be repressive and tyrannical in his rule.

Shakespeare ensures Banquo isn’t perfect as he is tempted on some level by the Witches’ prophecy, but his ability to reject evil is what makes him a moral character and an antithesis to Macbeth. He is less able to resist temptation when he sleeps “ I dream’d of the three weird sisters last night ”, but instead of trying to hide this, he confesses to God and asks for help in remaining moral and virtuous.

This references the Bible as Jesus was tempted three times by the devil and resisted: perhaps Shakespeare is attempting to draw parallels between Banquo and Jesus which would have been largely impactful to a Christian contemporary audience, further warning about the devastating consequences of temptation and tyranny by contrasting this with the holy and biblical ideas associated with resistance to temptation and ambition.

Shakespeare demonstrates how the acquisition of power invokes an irreversible change in character, subverting the audience’s expectations as he implies that a person’s poor qualities are amplified by the crown and personal desire - Macbeth becomes paranoid.

In the beginning of the play, Macbeth is conveyed as the epitome of a loyal and quintessential Scottish soldier when the captain recalls Macbeth’s noble actions as he “ carv’d the passage ” of the traitor Macdonwald. Specifically, the emotive verb “ carv’d ” carries strong connotations of combative expertise and nobility. Alternatively, it could allude to him carving his name famously in the beginning of the play and eventually notoriously at the end of the play, foreshadowing his drastic moral decline. The stark contrast between Macbeth murdering an enemy of the king (which would be seen as an enemy to God due to the Divine Right of Kings believed by the contemporary audience) and when he commits regicide - the ultimate sin.

Shakespeare explores the consequences of usurpation - for the nation it is a nightmare; an illegitimate king can only become a tyrant, using ever greater acts of violence to maintain his rule. However, Shakespeare is careful to emphasise how the tyrant himself suffers at his own hands - violence traumatises the violent person as well as the victims. Macbeth ‘ fixed [Macdonwald’s] head upon our battlements ’. The head is symbolic as a motif of Macbeth’s declining heroism. First he is at his moral peak as he beheads the King’s enemy, effectively God’s enemy in the eyes of the contemporary audience, then after having his moral endurance tested in the form of ‘ supernatural soliciting ’ he goes out to commit regicide, losing all virtue. Finally, Shakespeare uses this motif to highlight the negative consequences to his audience as the ‘head’ foreshadows Macbeth’s later disgrace as his own head becomes described as ‘ the usurper’s cursed head’ that is reminiscent of his previous morality before he was corrupted by ambition and the witches’ prophecies.


Shakespeare forces his audience to question whether the unlawful act of treason has a supernatural urge, whether there are malign witches and demonic forces working against the moral bonds of mankind. Macbeth’s growing inclination towards ‘supernatural soliciting’ leaves him in a perplexed self-questioning state " why hath it given me earnestness of success/commencing in a truth ?” Linguistically, the sibilance of ‘ supernatural soliciting’ is deliberately used by Shakespeare to raise his audience’s alarm, given the satanic connotations and reference to devastating sorcery in the form of ‘soliciting’.

Likewise, Macbeth’s rhetorical question is used by Shakespeare to create a self-doubting, unstable and malevolent fallacy created by the engagement with the ‘agents of the dark’.

This repeated motif of the supernatural was especially significant to a contemporary Christian audience as witches were believed to be women who made a pact with the Devil, but it also would have especially attracted the interests of King James I - Macbeth was first performed to him and his courtiers. James I hated witchcraft and wrote Daemonologie - a book about the supernatural. Here, Shakespeare is flattering the king by incorporating his interests into his play and is also warning the nobility who were unhappy with James as king at the time by suggesting their desire to overthrow James I was manipulated into existence by the supernatural and witches.

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This is a very ambitious title – normally you would have just kingship or tyranny set as the question. And then you are going to make it even more ambitious by introducing the supernatural!

This has led to a very convoluted thesis – having at least 3 ideas is excellent, but it has to make sense. You could simplify this:

Shakespeare contrasts the characters of Macbeth and Banquo to caution against ambition. Unchecked ambition is associated with the supernatural, which allows Shakespeare characterise ambition as inherently evil. Macbeth becomes a tyrannical king because he welcomes “supernatural soliciting.” The focus on the supernatural also contributes to Shakespeare’s overall purpose of trying to flatter King James I and warn the nobility against rebellion.

Notice how I have structured this differently in order to make one point at a time.

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by William Shakespeare

Macbeth essay questions.

Macbeth is often cited as a famous example of what the American sociologist Robert Merton called a “self-fulfilling prophecy.” Discuss how the mechanism of the witches’ prophecy works in terms of its self-fulfillment.

Suggested Answer

The question may be approached by examining the psychology behind Macbeth’s character and his relationship with Lady Macbeth (e.g. his easily-tempted character becomes his fate). It may also be fruitful to perform a close reading of the passage around Banquo’s famous lines “If you can look into the seeds of time / And say which grain will grow and which will not, / Speak then to me, who neither beg nor fear / Your favours nor your hate” (1.3.55-59). An ambitious essay might also consider a comparison to Sophocles’ Oedipus Rex or another play containing a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Imagine a staging of Macbeth. Who would play the third murderer who appears unannounced? Who would play the anonymous messenger who warns Lady Macduff about her imminent doom? Why?

Consider current and past productions of Macbeth. There is a certain logic to staging Macbeth as the third murderer, for example, and Ross as the messenger. How would a different staging change the dynamics of the play?

Some critics have considered the porter scene out of place in an otherwise cruel and compact play. Does it really provide comic really relief? How do you imagine the scene to be staged?

Suggest Answer

Compare and contrast a lighter, comic staging to a darker, hellish staging. Here, the issue is simply tone, as the text supports either interpretation. If the porter's comic relief is properly juxtaposed against the violent circumstances, he comes across more as pitiable than a discordant jester.

Macbeth is the one to express doubts over murdering Duncan but it is Lady Macbeth on whom the burden of crime takes its toll. How do the characters of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth develop differently over the course of the play?

Macbeth and Lady Macbeth can be considered to have switched characters, in a broad sense, over the course of the play. Lady Macbeth goes from proclaiming “unsex me here” to “All the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand” (I v 39; V i 42-43), Macbeth becomes more resolute and tyrannical as the play progresses. And yet Lady Macbeth also shows a morsel of humanity early on in the play. After she has intoxicated Duncan’s two guards, she remarks: “I laid their daggers ready; / He could not miss’em. Had he [Duncan] not resembled / My father as he slept, I had done’t” (2.2.11-13). The question lies in the judgment of whether a coherent psychological picture underlies the two characters, or whether they serve to illustrate some more or less formulaic “meaning.”

Perform a close reading of Macbeth’s soliloquy beginning “She should have died hereafter” and ending “It is a tale / Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, / Signifying nothing” (5.5.7-27). Why does Macbeth believe that Lady Macbeth should have died on a future date? What does he think lies in the future? What does this say about his character?

There are many possible interpretations of the passage—in particular of his comment about Lady Macbeth’s death. One answer will draw on Macbeth’s lines immediately preceding the soliloquy in question. In the past, he claims, a sound such as Lady Macbeth’s shriek of death would have shocked him deeply, but at present he has become unmoved and apathetic. Macbeth still seems to believe that the future holds peace for his reign. At the same time, he seems to have already accepted Lady Macbeth’s death as inevitable. What does this calm acceptance say about how his character has changed?

What is the significance of Macbeth’s vision of the dagger and of Banquo’s ghost in the play?

Macbeth’s visions seem to be indicative of his guilty conscience. At the same time, they also seem to interact with the supernatural order that the witches have brought about - the three apparitions and their specific prophecies. It would also be interesting to consider different stagings of such visions.

Discuss the exchange between Malcolm and Macduff in Act V Scene iii. Is Malcolm really testing Macduff—and if so, why does he do it? What is the dramatic significance of the testing?

The scene immediately proceeds the murder of Lady Macduff and Macduff’s son. Given the dramatic irony that Macduff has yet to hear the news, the scene seems to heighten the sense of cruelty that pervades the play. It may also be worthwhile to consider a counterfactual alternative: what would have happened if Macduff had responded differently? Could he have responded differently?

Discuss the dramatic conclusion of Macbeth. The resolution to the problems presented by the later prophecies relies on a play of words. Macduff was not technically “born” of a woman, so to speak, and Birnam Wood only “comes” to Dunsinane Hill in a manner of speaking. For a play as grave as Macbeth , does not such a resolution seem strangely lacking in gravity?

The resolution of the play may attest to the power of words. The plot of the play—in all its terrible events of regicide and murders—are after all driven by nothing but a few words uttered by three weird sisters. These same words, of course, are powerful enough to overthrow a kingdom twice.

Why can Macbeth not bring himself to pronounce one “Amen” when Duncan’s guards say “God bless us” on their deathbeds (2.2.26-27)? Does this paint a coherent psychological picture? If not, what dramatic purpose does the scene serve?

Although Macbeth does not always act rationally, he is by no means an unintelligent character. On the contrary, his famous soliloquy beginning “She should have died hereafter” in Act V Scene v is testament to his perceptive worldview—if not his poetic sensibility. His inability to pronounce “Amen” may attest to the fact that he finds such a pronouncement overwhelmingly hypocritical.

The account of Duncan and Macbeth differs significantly between Macbeth and its primary source, Raphael Holinshed's Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland . Compare the two accounts and discuss the effects of Shakespeare’s changes.

In Holinshed's account, Macbeth is a ruthless and valiant leader who rules competently after killing Duncan, whereas Duncan is portrayed as a young and soft-willed man. Shakespeare draws out certain aspects of the two characters in order to create a stronger sense of polarity. Whereas Duncan is made out to be a venerable and kindly older king, Macbeth is transformed into an indecisive and troubled young man who cannot possibly rule well.

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Macbeth Questions and Answers

The Question and Answer section for Macbeth is a great resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss the novel.

The third which says that Banquo's sons shall be kings, Thou shalt get kings, though thou be none. So all hail, Macbeth and Banquo!

Macbeth Act 1 Scene 3 questions

What is significant about the first words that Macbeth speaks in the play?

A motif or recurring idea in the play is equivocation. There is the balance of the dark and the light, the good and the bad. Macbeth's first line reflects this. It...

What news took the wind out of Macbeth's invincibility?

Macbeth rethinks his invincibility when MacDuff tells him that he was torn from his mother's womb.

Study Guide for Macbeth

Macbeth study guide contains a biography of William Shakespeare, literature essays, a complete e-text, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis.

  • About Macbeth
  • Macbeth Summary
  • Macbeth Video
  • Character List

Essays for Macbeth

Macbeth essays are academic essays for citation. These papers were written primarily by students and provide critical analysis of Macbeth by William Shakespeare.

  • Serpentine Imagery in Shakespeare's Macbeth
  • Macbeth's Evolution
  • Jumping the Life to Come
  • Deceptive Appearances in Macbeth
  • Unity in Shakespeare's Tragedies

Lesson Plan for Macbeth

  • About the Author
  • Study Objectives
  • Common Core Standards
  • Introduction to Macbeth
  • Relationship to Other Books
  • Bringing in Technology
  • Notes to the Teacher
  • Related Links
  • Macbeth Bibliography

E-Text of Macbeth

Macbeth e-text contains the full text of Macbeth by William Shakespeare.

  • Persons Represented
  • Act I, Scene I
  • Act I, Scene II
  • Act I, Scene III
  • Act I, Scene IV

Wikipedia Entries for Macbeth

  • Introduction
  • Sources for the play
  • Date and text

macbeth kingship essay question

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1. Dynamic characters change over the course of a story.

  • How does Lady Macbeth change over the course of the play? ( topic sentence )
  • Discuss 3 scenes that show Lady Macbeth changing from the beginning of the play to the end. Include details and quotes to document the changes, and explain how they reveal her shifts.
  • In your conclusion, explain why the changes in Lady Macbeth are significant to the story as a whole.

2. Though sometimes people think violence is the answer to a problem, it almost always leads to more violence.

  • How does violence cause more violence in Macbeth ? ( topic sentence )
  • Explain 3 scenes that illustrate violence causing violence. Use evidence and reasoning to support your analysis.

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macbeth kingship essay question

Miss Huttlestone's GCSE English

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The theme of kingship in ‘Macbeth’

Firstly visit the following helpful link to refresh your memory of key contextual factors around kingship in Shakespeare’s time:

Kingship may well rear its head in the Macbeth question on Tuesday. If this occurs don’t panic, simply read over these helpful notes before your exam:

It could be good to start your essay with  an introduction including some context as a basis for your essay (and the basis of the whole play) based on the political climate of the time.

This is just a guide as to what you COULD say in your essay – please use these ideas to further your own. Point One: the ideal king: •Act One ‘valiant cousin’ =  premodifying adjective used by Duncan in act 1 scene two to elevate his soldiers, he treats both Macbeth ans Banquo as equals, he does not discriminate between those deserving of his praise.  ‘worthy’ = praises his men/ gratitude – rewards Macbeth’s bravery; he is a benevolent and fair king, the epitome of key virtues associated with a well liked monarch. Duncan also admits his own misplaced judgement in the Thane of Cawdor – he is human. Macbeth is emotionally conflicted in a long soliloquy in act 1 scene 7 as he deliberates whether to complete the act of regicide: ‘We will proceed no further in this business./He hath honored me of late’…’Duncan Hath borne his faculties so meek, hath been So clear in his great office, that his virtues Will plead like angels, trumpet-tongued’. Here he believes his death is against god’s will, against the divide right of kings and the chain of being. If ‘angels’ will ‘plead’ (a verb of desperation for someone deeply invested in that which they seek to save) then Duncan must be highly valuable as a monarch.

In act 1 scene 6 Duncan is a greatful guest and compliments Lady Macbeth’s abilities to host:’our honored hostess!’ And later ‘Give me your hand. Conduct me to mine host. We love him highly’. His language is highly emotive and complimentary. He treats all of his subjects irrespective of gender with care and tenderness. Act Five – another form of favourable kingship at the close of the play as order is restored: Malcom portrays many similar qualities to his father – rewarding and praising friends for loyalty and bravery – he unites the country (see final speech) could also refer to Malcom’s testing of Macduff’s loyalty – interesting for discussion of what being a good king is.

Shakespeare’s intentions in displaying correct kingship? To create a contrast that accentuates the wickedness of The Macbeth’s acts, as well as the horror of a tyrannical king. Praise to King James – draws attention to the more flattering qualities of kingship, while behaviour of Macbeth and subsequent consequences are a warning…

When Macbeth is crowned in act 2 a change in his language reflects his new position as a king- hints of what kind of king he will be: • Use of the royal “we” – superiority. • Strong verse rhythm – confidence and power. • Banquo’s change in language – “your highness”, “my good lord.” • Imperatives and interrogation. • Dramatic irony and deceitful nature – ‘our bloody cousins’ (purposefully lays blame on Duncan’s innocent sons for his own self preservation) • Macbeth’s public confidence is immediately contrasted with his self-doubt and insecurity left alone on stage as he knows the fullness of the crime he has committed. Macbeth’s transformation in to a tyrant and subsequent demise demonstrates the repercussions of a corrupt ruler/ a usurper.

Hiring murders to kill his friend – transformed from great warrior to weak.

Corruption of his mind – “full of scorpions”/haunted by guilt and fear. Scotland is suffering under his rule, “a country afraid to know itself”- loss of identity violent sorrow is common place. A corrupt king makes a country ill. His soldiers have no love for him, “those he commands, move only in revolt.’ Act 5, scene 2. Many desert him near the end of the battle – direct contrast to the battle at the beginning of the play.

In summary:

Macbeth unlawfully seizes the throne by murdering Duncan. He demonstrates the traits that go against the divine right and God, as he takes counsel from the three witches. In this way, kingship in “Macbeth” is shown as something that is divinely appointed by contrasting the way Macbeth takes over the throne and the other kingly figures in the play such as Duncan and Macduff.

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Grade 9 Kingship in Macbeth Essay (Act 4 Scene 3, and whole play)

Grade 9 Kingship in Macbeth Essay (Act 4 Scene 3, and whole play)

Subject: English

Age range: 14-16

Resource type: Assessment and revision

Evaliukine's Shop

Last updated

16 January 2024

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macbeth kingship essay question

A top band, Grade 9 essay on the question of: “Starting with this speech (Act 4 Scene 3), explore how Shakespeare presents the theme of Kingship in Macbeth”.

Full mark model to be used for revision, notes, or lesson examples.

AQA and Edexcel suited, and written specifically for the AQA GCSE English Literature mark scheme. Key quotes, thesis statement, top tier context, and multiple supporting quotes are included.

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Which two factors influence Macbeth's decision to kill King Duncan? Duncan’s decision to name Malcolm as his successor Banquo’s expression of his desire to become king the witches’ prophecy about Macbeth's future Duncan's weakness and lack of ability as a king NextReset



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    Macbeth Kingship essay The overlooked theme of Kingship in Macbeth expresses how characters differences are able to effect a country. We are able to witness this through Shakespeares close connection with James I. Macbeth and Duncan are two kings who the Jacobean audience are able to see how much Scotland changes in their different leaderships.

  21. kinghsip macbeth

    hi can someone please look at my kingship essay and tell me how i could improve. In the play macbeth, shakespeare uses the key theme of kingship continually throughout the play to define the difference between a good king and a bad king. We see this through four kings Duncan Edward Macbeth and Malcolm. At the start of the play the audiences sees duncan a good king however he is a flawed king ...

  22. which two factors influence macbeth's decision to kill king duncan

    Which two factors influence Macbeth's decision to kill King Duncan? Duncan's decision to name Malcolm as his successor Banquo's expression of his desire to become king the witches' prophecy about Macbeth's future Duncan's weakness and lack of ability as a king NextReset