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Lachit Borphukan

Lachit Borphukan was a general of the Ahom Kingdom whose army he led successfully in resisting the imperial expansion of the Mughal Empire in the late 1600s. 

To this day he is remembered for his bravery and leadership in the face insurmountable odds.

This article will give details about Lachit Borphukan within the context of the Civil Services Examination .

Background of Lachit Borphukan

Lachit Borphukan was born on 24 November 1622 to Momai Tamuli Borbarua and Kunti Moran. His father was the commander-in-chief of the Ahom army. The Ahom kingdom was located in the Brahmaputra valley of eastern India. It was first established in 1228. The kingdom was repeatedly assailed upon by Turkic and Afghan rulers of the Delhi Sultanate and later the Mughal Empire

The Mughal-Ahom conflict first began in 1615 and continued afterwards. It was in this backdrop  Lachit grew up in. Upon completing his education in humanities and military strategies, Lachit was given the responsibility of serving as the Soladhara Barua (scarf-bearer) a modern-day equivalent of a private secretary to the Ahom King. He held other important positions such as Superintendent of the Stable of Royal Horses and Superintendent of the Royal Household guards before being appointed as the commander of the Ahom Army.

By the time of Lachit Borphukan’s appointment as commander, the Mughals had occupied Guwahati and had forced the Ahom’s to sign the humiliating peace treaty of  Treaty of Ghilajharighat in 1663 which imposed harsh conditions on the Ahom kingdom. King  Chakradhwaj Singha resolved to rid the entire region from Mughal occupation, a will that would be carried out by Lachit Borphukan.

Battle of Saraighat

Lachit raised the army and preparations were completed by summer of 1667. His army successfully retook Guwahati from the Mughal forces. Emperor Aurangzeb (born on November 3, 1618 ) after being informed of the defeat at Guwahati sent an expeditionary force from Dhaka under Ram Singh. Due to the numerical and technological inferiority of the Ahom forces, Lachit resorted to guerilla tactics which successfully withered away from the Mughal army.

Knowing fully well that Ahom forces would easily be defeated if their commander was removed, Ram Singh resorted to subterfuge. An arrow carrying a letter by Ram Sing was fired into the Ahom Camp. It later reached Chakradhwaj Singha. The letter stated that Lachit had been paid 1 lakh rupees to evacuated Guwahati. Furious that his commander was allegedly in negotiations with the enemy, the king started doubting his sincerity, but his prime minister Atan Buragohain convinced him that this was a trick by the Mughals to make Chakradwaj Singh dismiss the commander who successfully fought the Mughals so far.

Having exhausted all avenues Ram Singh made his way to Guhawati with a naval flotilla sailing upwards of the Brahmaputra river in 1671. He came upon an Ahom flotilla led by Lachit Borphukan himself near Saraighat. Once again outnumbered and outgunned in open space, the Ahom soldiers began to lose their will to fight. Some elements began to retreat and seeing this Lachit boarded a boat himself to rally his troops. Offered to be taken to safety by one of his troops, Lachit furiously threw some of them into the water bodily despite being severely ill, loudly proclaiming that he would “die fulfilling his duty to his king and country, even if it meant he had to do it by himself”. Inspired, Lachit’s soldiers rallied and a desperate battle ensured on the river Brahmaputra.

Read more about the Battle of Saraighat, 1671 in the linked article.

Lachit Borphukan was victorious. The Mughals were forced to retreat from Guwahati. The Mughals were pursued to the Manas river, the Ahom kingdom’s western boundary. The Borphukan instructed his men not to attack the retreating army. 

Lachit Borphukan would die in 1672. His remains lie in rest at the Lachit Maidaam constructed in the same year by King Udayaditya Singha at Hoolungapara 16 km from Jorhat.

This would not be the end of Mughal incursions into Ahom territory as the Mughals would take Guwahati in 1679, retaining it until 1682 when the Ahoms would permanently end the prolonged Ahom-Mughal conflict.

Legacy of Lachit Borphukan

On 24 November each year, Lachit Divas is celebrated statewide in Assam to commemorate the heroism of Lachit Borphukan and the victory of the Assamese army at the Battle of Saraighat.

Lachit Divas is celebrated to promote the ideals of Lachit Borphukan – the legendary general of Assam’s history.

The best cadet from the National Defence Academy is awarded the Lachit Borphukan gold medal. It was first instituted in 1999 following an announcement by General VP Malik saying the medal would inspire defence personnel to emulate Barphukan’s heroism and sacrifices.

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What is lachit borphukan known for, how did lachit borphukan win the battle of saraighat.

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Lachit Borphukan: Assam’s Great General

  • PUBLISHED 23 February 2018

The very name Assam, with its roots in the word Asama or invincible, denotes how this land held its own, though most of India’s medieval history. Ruled by the powerful Ahoms for 600 years from the mid 13th century, the Mughals couldn’t touch Assam. In fact, it was here that they suffered their most embarrassing defeat.

The year was 1671 and the decisive battle of Saraighat was fought on the raging waters of the Brahmaputra. On one side was Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb's army headed by Ram Singh of Amer (Jaipur) and on the other was the Ahom General Lachit Borphukan, who made his way into history books that year. Details of his spectacular victory were meticulously captured in a ‘ Buranji ’ the official chronicles of the Ahom kings, maintained through their reigns. It gives us a vivid picture of what happened over 350 years ago.

Map showing the extent of the Ahom kingdom

The Story of Lachit Borphukan's Triumph: The Background

To understand the story of Lachit Borphukan’s triumph over the Mughals, it is important to get some context of the history, geography and politics of Assam. The kingdom of Assam comprised of a stretch of land 600 miles wide, along the banks of Brahmaputra river. It was surrounded by high hills and thick forests. The capital was at Garhgaon in present-day Eastern Assam, while a viceroy known as Borphukan administered from Guwahati. Thick forests, rivulets and the tough terrain meant that they were hardly any roads. All transport, as well as trade, took place over the river Brahmaputra. It was the lifeline and so the entire length of the Brahmaputra was protected by a series of powerful forts.

The Ahom kingdom was established in 1228 CE, by Chao Lung Siu-Ka-Pha from a Shan tribe from Yunnan, China. In fact, both the dynasty’s name ‘ Ahom ’ as well as the region’s name ‘ Assam ’ comes from the word ‘ Asama ’ or invincible, a local name for this mighty tribe which ruled here for almost 600 years. The Ahoms ruled a rich land. The Brahmaputra valley was rich in timber and elephants and so under constant attack.

Assam was invaded several times by the armies of the Delhi Sultanate in the 16th century with no success. The only invader, who managed to conquer some parts of Assam was the Mughal Governor of Bengal Mir Jumla who had occupied large parts of the Ahom kingdom including Guwahati and the capital, Garhgaon. Yet, within five years, the Ahoms took back control of most of the lost territories.

In August 1667, the Ahom general Lachit Borphukan had recaptured Guwahati. This outraged Mughal emperor Aurangzeb and he sent the Mughal commander Ram Singh of Amer (Jaipur) with a large force in what would be the last Mughal attempt to conquer Assam.

Ram Singh I of Amer

How the Saraighat Battle was Won

The details of the battle that ensued come to us from the Ahom court chronicles, the ‘Buranjis’. In ‘ Ram Singhar Yudhar Katha ’ written by Achutyananda Doloi, the astrologer-in-chief to the reigning Ahom King of the time and later reproduced by historian SK Bhuyan in the book ‘ Lachit Barphukan and his times ’, one gets a vivid picture.

In 1670, the Mughals under Ram Singh’s army comprising of 21 Rajput chiefs, 30,000 infantry and 18,000 Turkish cavalry, marched towards Guwahati through the Brahmaputra river.

Within Guwahati, Lachit was well prepared for the Mughal army and geography helped. The heavily forested and fortified hills surrounding Guwahati provided a ring of defence spanning 25 square miles. Moreover, the fortifications of Guwahati were surrounded by hidden ditches with bamboo pikes, to impale enemy cavalry. The unsuspecting and ill-prepared Mughal army marched into the war zone of Guwahati almost unopposed. They attributed it to Assamese cowardice, without realising the counter plan.

Ahom warriors

Once in, they became a complacent and easy prey to the planned guerrilla attacks of Lachit and his men. The Ahoms would attack only at night and then retreat immediately. There was even an instance when the Ahom army entered the Mughal camp walking out with all the silverware, they found! So harassed was Ram Singh that he sent off a letter to Lachit demanding he stop these attacks at night, To which Lachit is said to have replied ‘It must be remembered that Lions fight at night.’

Guerilla attacks were part of larger psychological warfare that Lachit and his men planned and the Mughal army was flummoxed by what it witnessed. Rumours were spread claiming that the Ahom army fought at night because it had rakshasas or demons. When the Mughal army head Ram Singh refused to believe this and demanded proof, Lachit is also said to have sent men dressed like demons into the Mughal camp to convince him!

– The Ahom army would attack at night and once even entered the Mughal camp, walking out with all the silverware, they found!

Demoralized and ill-prepared, the Mughal army even tried to make peace on ground, only to be thwarted by the Emperor Aurangzeb who was adamant to destroy the Ahoms.

Map illustrating the Battle of Saraighat

The final battle was fought in early 1671 when the Mughals made a desperate attempt to break through the fortifications. Lachit who was ill at that time is said to have heroically gotten out of his sickbed, and rowed his boat straight at the enemy. This the chroniclers say, galvanized the Ahom army to such a frenzy that the Mughal forces were annihilated

The battle, which would become known as the battle of Saraighat, was fought on the Brahmaputra. Ahom boats a built an unpenetrable fortification on water placing their boats in a row, one after the other across the breath of the river. The whole of stretch of Bramhaputra flowing through Guwahati between Kamakhya, Itakhuli and Aswakranta became littered with boats and dead bodies. The Mughal flotilla was completely smashed and the Mughal admiral Munawwar Khan shot dead. It was a complete and decisive victory for the Ahoms.

This battle of Saraighat came to be immortalised in Assamese literature and even today, you will find a small village called ‘Sarai’ on the banks of the Brahmaputra where the battle was fought.

Lachit Borphukan's Statue at Jorhat, Assam | Wikimedia Commons

Lachit Borphukan of an unknown illness died a year later in April 1672 at the age of fifty. As a mark of respect, the Ahom King Udayaditya Singh built a memorial in his honour in Jorhat, 305 km east of Guwahati. Ram Singh returned to Delhi in disgrace.

– This battle of Saraighat is immortalized in Assamese literature

And after the victory at Saraighat, the Ahom kings ruled Assam for over 150 years more, that is till the annexation of the kingdom by the British in 1826.

Today, Lachit Borphukan is revered as the greatest military hero of Assam. In 1999, the then Chief of the Indian Army General VP Malik instituted the annual Lachit Borphukan Gold Medal Award for the best cadet of National Defence Academy (NDA). And in 2016, a 35 ft high status of Lachit and his men was inaugurated in the middle of the Brahmaputra, at the scene of his great victory, still so proudly remembered. Each year on 24th November,

Lachit Divas (Lachit Day) is a regional public holiday in the Indian state of Assam, observed on November 24th each year.

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Lachit borphukan: the valiant warrior of assam.

“Could it be that there is no fit man in Your Majesty’s realm? What are the enemies? They are after all ordinary mortals. Shall we not find similar men in our own country? Your Majesty should only confer the dust of your feet, and the man equal to the occasion will be readily found.”

-Lachit Dolakasharia Barua (Lachit Borphukan) so addressed the King at the court of Ahom Swargadeo Chakradhwaj Singha.

Lachit: A Saga of Victory

Born on 24 November 1622 in Charaideo, Assam, Lachit was the youngest son of Sukuti (popularly called Momai-tamuli), Assam’s General in the Ahom-Mughal wars during the reign of Mughal Emperors Jahangir and Shah Jahan. Ruled by the Swargadeo (King), the Ahom Kingdom (1228 CE-1826 CE) was administered by five highly designated officials called the Patra Mantris or Council of Ministers. The Borphukan was one of them.

Sukuti (Momai-tamuli) faced a lot of hardships and initially served under his nephew for a total of four rupees. The nephew used to address him as Momai (maternal uncle). Swargadeo Pratap Singha (1603 CE-1641 CE), on coming to know about Sukuti’s sincerity and dedication towards his duties, appointed him as Bar-tamuli or Superintendent of the royal gardens. Momai-tamuli steadily rose in position until he was appointed Barbarua , which essentially combined the functions of the Chief Executive Officer and those of the Lord Chief Justice of the land. During the early battles with the Mughals, he was appointed Commander-in-Chief of the Ahom forces. His vigilance and bravery used to be a great asset to Swargadeo Pratap Singha. A Mughal messenger once commented to his master, “O Saheb, what do you say of Assam? The King is a veritable Mahadeva and Momai-tamuli is Mahadeva’s Chief henchman or Nandi. As long as these two wield the affairs of Assam, it is impossible to turn your face to that country.” This remarkable sense of dedication to work, loyalty, and respect for his master made Momai-tamuli rise to power and prominence.

Lachit inherited this supreme sense of responsibility and dedication from his father. From a very young age, Lachit saw and listened to everything that occurred in his father’s official residence. Being a Barbarua, Momai-tamuli had the usual retinue of subordinate officials helping him with the running of the state affairs, taking decisions regarding revenue and judicial complaints, receiving foreign messengers, and dealing with the problems of state diplomacy.

It was normal for the families of Ahom nobles to appoint efficient teachers for the education of their sons. Pandits and intellectuals who imparted knowledge on statesmanship based on the Ahom classics as well as the Hindu Dandanities and Arthasasthras and taught the history of the country and the administrative system, were regularly consulted. Military training was integral to the education of noble families. Every officer, even a judge as well as a priest had to take up arms in times of emergency.

Many British

Ahom Royal Palace (Kareng Ghar), Gargaon. Image Source: Wikimedia Commons

Lachit began his career as the scarf-bearer of the Premier, a position equivalent to that of a private secretary. It was considered the first step in the career of an ambitious diplomat and politician. Being a scarf-bearer, he had to carry a bundle of betel nuts and important documents for his master. He also had access to the royal audience and cabinet meetings. Lachit held various offices throughout his career. Initially, he served as the Ghora Barua or Superintendent of the Royal Horses. Later he was appointed as the Dolakasharia Barua or Superintendent of the Guards. Swargadeo Chakradhwaj Singha (1663 CE-1670 CE), soon after becoming the King, appointed Lachit as the Commander-in-Chief and the Borphukan. The position of Borphukan had both executive and judicial powers, and had jurisdiction over the Ahom Kingdom, west of the Kaliabor river. The Borphukan was also responsible for maintaining diplomatic relations with Bengal and Bhutan.

Lachit Borphukan and the Battle of Saraighat

Swargadeo Chakradhwaj Singha appointed Lachit as the Commander-in-Chief of the Ahom forces at a crucial period amidst the ongoing Ahom-Mughal conflict. Chakradhwaj Singha refused to pay the full instalment to the Mughals agreed upon in the Treaty of Ghilajharighat, signed in 1663 CE by his predecessor Swargadeo Jayadhwaj Singha. He rather instructed Lachit Borphukan to prepare his army to fight the Mughals. Lachit completed his preparations by the summer of 1667 CE, and his army recaptured Guwahati, which was previously occupied by the Mughal forces. In December 1667, the Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb, sent a huge force to Guwahati under the command of Raja Ram Singh of Amber, to re-establish Mughal authority. The news of the departure of Raja Ram Singh and his army from Delhi was promptly communicated to Lachit Borphukan through his spies. Lachit, aware of the numerical and technological strength of the Mughal army, immediately initiated a survey of Guwahati to make it into a war zone. Guwahati, located on the banks of the river Brahmaputra and surrounded by hills from all sides, was strategically crucial for the Ahoms. Lachit realised that the fortifications of Guwahati must be secured to safely accommodate their men and resources. Prime Minister Atan Buagohain was appointed by the King to erect and maintain the necessary fortifications on both banks of the River Brahmaputra. Lachit Borphukan had to ensure that all his forces were equipped with sufficient resources to sustain the attack. He even inspected the passes and defiles in the neighbourhood of Guwahati. The sense of vigilance and courage shown by Lachit Borphukan in his capacity as Commander-in-Chief was incredible.

Many British

View of Guwahati city from the Brahmaputra

The core of Ram Singh’s army consisted of 21 Rajput Chiefs, 4000 troopers, 1500 gentlemen troopers, and 500 artillerymen, and with reinforcements from Bengal, the strength of his army increased to 30,000 infantry, 18000 Turkish cavalry and 15000 archers. Lachit Borphukan received reports of the Mughal army advancing towards Guwahati, and he personally verified the reports by surveying their position. It is said that tears rolled down his cheeks when he said to himself, “It is a tragedy that my country is facing this dire catastrophe during my Phukanship. How will my King be saved? How will my people be saved? And how will my posterity be saved?” However, he did not let this break his spirit. He was determined to defend his motherland to the end. Lachit was aware that the Mughals were inexperienced in naval battles and wanted to take advantage of it. He surveyed and identified a triangular region called Andharubali in Guwahati, (it connects Nilachal hill and Itakhuli hill on the southern bank, and Aswakranta hill on the northern bank of the Brahmaputra) to be the most convenient site to fight a naval battle. In February 1669 CE, Raja Ram Singh’s army reached the frontier garrison of Rangamati. Lachit Borphukan, in order to lure the invaders into the war zone of Guwahati, (the land surrounded by hills on all sides with forts and garrisons at regular intervals), despatched three officers towards the Manaha river to entice the enemy into the neighbourhood of Guwahati.

Many British

Statues depicting the preparations of the Ahom army. Image Source: Wikimedia Commons.

As the fortifications of Guwahati were further strengthened, Lachit Borphukan did not spare anyone who did not execute his orders.

It is said that Lachit assigned his own maternal uncle with the responsibility of constructing a rampart near Amingaon on the north bank of the Brahmaputra. However, his uncle was unable to complete the work within the specified time. An incensed Lachit executed his uncle for such a careless attitude. His words, “My uncle is not greater than my country” showed his priorities.

Many British

Site map of the Battle of Saraighat. Image Source: Wikimedia Commons

In 1670 CE, Swargadeo Udayaditya Singha succeeded to the throne following the death of Chakradhwaj Singha. In 1671 CE, the Mughal army led by Raja Ram Singh made its way to Guwahati with a naval flotilla sailing upstream of the Brahmaputra. The Mughal army unable to use the roadways due to fortifications, took the riverway to enter Guwahati. As soon as they were about to land at Andharubali , the Ahom land and naval forces were ordered to attack the Mughals. Lachit Borphukan was on his sickbed when the Mughals entered Guwahati. He was monitoring the movements of the enemy from the top of his gatehouse on Itakhuli hill. He observed that the Ahom army had started retreating after losing confidence in the face of the massive Mughal force. He immediately boarded his boat which was accompanied by six other war vessels, and headed towards the site of the naval battle. Borphukan exclaimed, “His majesty has given me the supreme command of the army here and placed at my disposal vast stores of provisions so that I may fight with the enemy. Should I now desert the fight and revert to the embraces of my wives and children? How dare these serfs of boatmen venture to row up the boats without my orders!” Seeing their angry chief, the Ahom army decided to fight back and faced the enemy with renewed courage and confidence. With courage and astute warfare tactics they finally defeated the Mughals near Saraighat, an area on the south bank of the river near the Pandu port. The Mughal army was forced to retreat from Guwahati. They were pursued to the river Manas, which was on the western boundary of the Ahom Kingdom.

Many British

Saraighat, Guwahati

Raja Ram Singh, at the end of the battle, hailed the courage and skill of the Ahom army saying, “Every Assamese soldier is an expert in rowing boats, in shooting arrows, in digging trenches, and in wielding guns and cannon. I have not seen such specimens of versatility in any other part of India.” He is further said to have exclaimed with astonishment after experiencing the valour and vigilance of Lachit, “Glory to the King! Glory to the counsellors! Glory to the commanders! Glory to the country! One single individual leads all the forces! Even I, Ram Singh, being personally on the spot, have not been able to find any loophole and opportunity.”

The joy of victory of the Ahom army in the battle of Saraighat diminished with the news of Lachit Borphukan’s death soon after the battle. Though he had a high fever while leading his army in the battle, it was his unsurpassed dedication and patriotism that empowered him to fight the enemies to protect his motherland for future generations. Borphukan died in 1672 at Holongapar in Jorhat. In 1672, Swargadeo Udayaditya Singha, as a mark of respect and remembrance to the legendary Commander-in-Chief, constructed the Lachit Maidam at Hoolungapara.

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Statue depicting the Battle of Saraighat. Image Source: Wikimedia Commons

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Lachit Maidam, Jorhat. Image Source: Wikimedia Commons

A stone pillar found at Guwahati has the following inscription in Sanskrit, “The Borphukan of Namjani [Lower Assam], son of the Barbarua, lived with glory in the Saka year 1589 [1667 A.D.] after having attained victory over the Yavanas [Muslims] who were equipped with various war-weapons, elephants, horses and captains. The person of the Borphukan is adorned with every ornament, and his heart is enlightened with a knowledge of the various branches of learning. He is beautified by attractive qualities which are also free from the evils of the Kali-yuga. The Borphukan shines effulgent in his prowess; and is the commander of elephants, horses and soldiers. He is the ocean or receptacle of the highest form of fortitude, self-respect, valour, and depth of judgement and gravity.

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Sculpture depicting the naval battle of Saraighat. Image Source: Wikimedia Commons


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Explained: Ahom warrior Lachit Borphukan and the battles of Alaboi & Saraighat

In assam, president ram nath kovind inaugurated the year-long celebration of the 400th birth anniversary of lachit borphukan, commander of the ahom forces and an icon of assamese nationalism. who was he.

lachit borphukan essay in bengali language

In Assam on a three-day visit, President Ram Nath Kovind on Friday inaugurated the year-long celebration of the 400th birth anniversary of Lachit Borphukan, commander of the Ahom forces and an icon of Assamese nationalism. He also laid the foundation stone for the Alaboi war memorial, a tribute to soldiers who had fought and suffered a setback against the Mughals at Alaboi, two years before Lachit’s decisive victory at the battle of Saraighat in 1671.

Earlier this week, Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma had announced a number of projects in connection with the anniversary. Along with the Alaboi war memorial at Dadara, a Lachit Samadhi would be built this year over 22 bighas of land.

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Lachit’s era

Ahom kings ruled large parts of what is now Assam, and parts of what are neighbouring states today, for nearly 600 years between the 13th and 19th centuries.

Between 1615 and 1682, the Mughal Empire made a series of attempts, under Jahangir and then Aurangzeb, to annex the Ahom kingdom. In January 1662, Mughal Governor of Bengal Mir Jumla’s forces engaged with the Ahom army and went on to occupy part of the territory under Ahom rule.

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Alaboi and Saraighat

In 1669, Aurangzeb dispatched the Rajput Raja Ram Singh I to recapture territories won back by the Ahoms.

The battle of Alaboi was fought on August 5, 1669 in the Alaboi Hills near Dadara in North Guwahati .

While the Mughals preferred an open battle, Borphukan relied on his knowledge of the territory and engaged in guerrilla warfare, carrying out assaults on the Mughals. After initial setbacks, Ram Singh sent his entire battery of Rajput soldiers and Mughal veterans and turned the tide of the battle. Ten thousand Ahoms died in the battle, according to a paper posted on the website of Assam’s archaeology department.

Unlike in Alaboi, where he was forced to fight on land instead of a naval battle, Lachit in Saraighat enticed the Mughals into a naval battle. According to the historian H K Barpujari (The Comprehensive History of Assam), Ahom forces combined a frontal attack and a surprise attack from behind. They lured the Mughal fleet into moving ahead by feigning an attack with a few ships from the front. The Mughals vacated the waters behind them, from where the main Ahom fleet attacked and achieved a decisive victory.

Historians describe how Ram Singh wrote to Aurangzeb that every Assamese soldier had expertise in rowing boats, shooting arrows, digging trenches and wielding guns and cannons. “I have not seen such specimens of versatility in any other part of India. Glory to the King. Glory to the Commander. One single individual leads all the forces. Even I, Ram Singh, being personally on the spot, have not been able to find any loophole,” historians quote his letter as saying.

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Lachit, then and now

Arup Kumar Dutta, author of The Ahoms, told The Indian Express last year that Lachit Barphukan represented a time when the “Assamese race was united and able to fight an alien, formidable force such as the Mughals”. Years later, the British reduced a brave race to an abject state, he said. “Even in free India, we had to fight for everything.”

Dr Jahnabi Gogoi, a Dibrugarh University professor who specialises in medieval history, told The Indian Express last year: “He [Lachit] was an able commander and his courage is all the more lauded because he was terribly ill during the war.”

Dr Gogoi said Lachit Divas has been celebrated on November 24, his birth anniversary, in Assam since the 1930s. He was “invoked under Congress too”, Dr Gogoi said. In 2017, former Assam Chief Minister Sarbananada Sonowal announced that Lachit Divas would be celebrated across the country.

The BJP, which frequently invokes Lachit’s name to appeal to Assamese sentiments, has of late been describing him as a “Hindu” warrior. A professor from Assam told The Indian Express that this misses the fact that many Muslims fought in the Ahom forces, including navy general Bagh Hazarika (Ismail Siddique) in a decisive role. Moreover, the attack on the Ahoms was led by a Rajput ally of Aurangzeb.

Today, Lachit Barphukan’s victory is honoured with a gold medal given every year to the best cadet graduating from the National Defence Academy (NDA). A bust of Lachit stands at the NDA’s entrance.

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Lachit Borphukan: The Hero of Assam

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  • Updated on  
  • Mar 11, 2024

Lachit Borphukan

Lachit Borphukan was a legendary military commander in the Ahom kingdom of Assam, known for his outstanding leadership and strategic brilliance. He hailed from the powerful Borphukan family. From a young age, Lachit showed great promise in military tactics and leadership skills. He is primarily known for his bravery and valour during the Ahom-Mughal War held in Assam. His name is synonymous with courage and leadership in the history of Assam. Let’s know more about this unsung hero in our history.

Table of Contents

  • 1 Early Life of Lachit Borphukan
  • 2 Career of Lachit Borphukan
  • 3.1 Battle of Saraighat
  • 4 Honours and Recognition

Early Life of Lachit Borphukan

Lachit Borphukan was born on 24th November 1622 in the Charaideo region of Assam. He belonged to a royal family and grew up in the backdrop of the Mughal-Ahom conflict. 

  • Lachit’s father’s name was Momai Tamuli, who was the Commander-in-Chief of the Ahom Army. Tamuli was also the 1st Borbarua (Phu-ke-Lung) of Upper-Assam under the reign of Prataap Singha. He is also attributed to be a founder of Paik practises.
  • Lachit Bophukan’s mother’s name was Kunti Moran. He received his education from his mother and from a domestic tutor appointed by his father.
  • He completed his education in Military strategies and Humanities and was well-versed in subjects like Ahom scriptures, Economics and Hindu culture and its religious components.

Career of Lachit Borphukan

From an early age, he was appointed to the commander’s post of “Hanstidhara Tamuli” by the then minister of the state. 

  • Lachit Borphukan began his political career as a personal assistant as Salashar Barua to the commander of the state of Ahom. 
  • He was later appointed as Ghura Baruah, where he impressed everyone with his talent and bravery in handling horses. 
  • He was then appointed as the chief officer of Shimaluguria games as Shimaluguria Phukan and subsequently as Dulakasharia Baruah. His role as Dulakasharia Baruah was to control the king’s pali-paharia while he was taken to Dula. 
  • When the Swargadeo Chakradhwaj Singha became aware of his skills, he was appointed as the Commander-in-Chief and Borphukan of the state of Ahom. 

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Military Career and Achievements

The bravery of Lachit Borphukan was seen in his military expeditions against the Mughal Empire . As a commander-in-chief, despite his illness, he inspires the army to fight valiantly against the enemies with himself present on the battleground. Some of his military achievements are – 

  • Battle of Saraighat: One of Lachit Borphukan’s most notable achievements was his leadership in the Battle of Saraighat in 1671. This battle is considered a turning point in Indian history as it marked the defeat of the mighty Mughal army by the Ahom forces under Lachit’s command. The whole of Northeast did not ever fall under the Mughals after this Battle. 
  • Strategies and Tactics: Lachit Borphukan was known for his strategic brilliance and innovative military tactics. He utilized the natural terrain of Assam to his advantage and outmanoeuvred the Mughal forces at every turn. He fought in the giant Brahmaputra river and stopped the force at the doors itself.
  • Siege of Guwahati: Another significant feat of Lachit Borphukan was the successful defence of Guwahati against the Mughal forces. Despite being outnumbered, Lachit’s determination and tactical acumen led to the defeat of the Mughals.

Also Read – Complete Mughal Empire List: An Overview

Battle of Saraighat

  • Lachit Borphukan is best known for his leadership in the Battle of Saraighat, a crucial confrontation between the Ahom kingdom and the Mughal forces led by Ram Singh on the orders of Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb .
  • Despite being outnumbered and facing a formidable enemy, Lachit Borphukan and his troops displayed unmatched valour and determination.
  • Under his command, the Ahom army achieved a resounding victory, repelling the Mughal forces and safeguarding the sovereignty of Assam forever until the Britishers took it under their control.

Honours and Recognition

  • Lachit Divas: Every year on November 24th, Assam celebrates Lachit Divas to honour the monumental contributions of Lachit Borphukan. It is a day dedicated to commemorating the son of Assam for his heroism at the Battle of Saraighat.
  • Military Awards: The National Defence Academy awards the best cadet with the Lachit Borphukan Gold Medal Award every year since 1999.

Lachit Borphukan died at the age of 50 due to illness and natural causes in the year 1671. He is widely revered by the people of Assam, who hold him in high regard for his selfless service to the kingdom. In conclusion, Lachit Borphukan’s legacy as a warrior and leader remains etched to inspire generations of Assamese people, symbolizing courage, integrity and patriotism. He is remembered and celebrated through various cultural expressions, including folk songs, poems and statues.

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Essay on Lachit Borphukan

Students are often asked to write an essay on Lachit Borphukan in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Lachit Borphukan


Lachit Borphukan was a heroic figure from Assam, India. Born in 1622, he is remembered as a fearless warrior and a brilliant military strategist.

Military Career

Lachit served as the commander of the Ahom kingdom’s army. His leadership was instrumental in defending Assam during the Mughal invasion in 1671.

Lachit Borphukan’s courage and patriotism are still celebrated today. His birthday, Lachit Divas, is commemorated every year on November 24th in Assam. His life inspires many to value their cultural heritage and defend their homeland.

250 Words Essay on Lachit Borphukan

Lachit Borphukan was a notable commander and a patriot of the 17th century Ahom kingdom in Assam, India. He is celebrated for his leadership in the 1671 Battle of Saraighat that thwarted a drawn-out Mughal invasion.

Early Life and Rise to Power

Born into an aristocratic family, Borphukan was trained in the arts of warfare and statecraft. His acumen led him to be appointed as the ‘Scarlet Umbrella Bearer’, an important position in the Ahom court. His strategic prowess and dedication eventually earned him the title of Borphukan, the commander-in-chief of the Ahom army.

Defiance against the Mughals

The Mughals, in their quest for territorial expansion, posed a significant threat to the Ahom kingdom. Lachit Borphukan’s most notable contribution was his leadership during the Battle of Saraighat. Despite being outnumbered and ill, he led his forces with exceptional strategy and courage.

Borphukan’s victory at Saraighat is a testament to his tactical genius and indomitable spirit. His famous quote, “My uncle, do not grieve for my sickness. I will not die until I drive the Mughals out of Assam”, encapsulates his unwavering dedication to his homeland. His legacy continues to inspire generations and his contributions are celebrated annually on Lachit Divas.

Lachit Borphukan was not just a military genius but a symbol of resistance and patriotism. His life and actions serve as a reminder that courage and strategic intelligence can overcome even the mightiest of challenges. His story is a significant chapter in the history of Assam and India, underscoring the power of determination and leadership.

500 Words Essay on Lachit Borphukan

Introduction to lachit borphukan.

Lachit Borphukan was a formidable military commander hailing from the Ahom kingdom in Assam, India. Born in 1622, he was instrumental in safeguarding the sovereignty of his kingdom against the Mughal Empire. His strategic acumen and unyielding spirit continue to inspire countless generations.

Lachit Borphukan was born into a noble family in Assam. His early education, deeply rooted in humanities, warfare, and administration, prepared him for a life of leadership. His rise to power was marked by his appointment as the “Scarlet Umbrella Bearer,” a prestigious position within the Ahom kingdom.

Role in the Battle of Saraighat

The Battle of Saraighat in 1671 was a turning point in Borphukan’s military career. Despite being outnumbered, Borphukan led the Ahom forces to a decisive victory against the Mughals. The battle was fought on the Brahmaputra river, and Borphukan’s strategic use of the river’s geography played a significant role in the Ahom victory.

Leadership and Strategy

Borphukan’s leadership was marked by his strategic foresight and ability to inspire his troops. His understanding of the terrain, local resources, and guerrilla warfare techniques were pivotal in countering the Mughal forces. Borphukan’s most famous quote, “My uncle, do not grieve for my sickness. One Lachit is enough to fight against the Mughals,” exemplifies his indomitable spirit.

Lachit Borphukan died a year after the Battle of Saraighat, but his legacy continues to resonate in Indian history. His leadership skills, strategic acumen, and dedication to his land and people are remembered and celebrated. The Indian government commemorates his contributions by observing Lachit Divas annually and has instituted the Lachit Borphukan Gold Medal for best cadet at the National Defence Academy.

Lachit Borphukan was not just a military commander, but also a symbol of resistance against foreign invasion. His contribution to preserving the cultural and political integrity of the Ahom kingdom is unparalleled. His life and victories serve as a testament to the power of strategic thinking, courage, and unwavering dedication to one’s homeland. In the face of overwhelming odds, Borphukan’s story reminds us that victory belongs to those who dare to defy and dream.

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Essays on Assam war hero Lachit Borphukan enter Guinness World Records; who was he?

Lachit borphukan was a legendary commander in the ahom kingdom of medieval assam. the essays were uploaded to a portal last year during the celebrations of the 400th birth anniversary of the legendary ahom leader..

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Lachit Barphukan Essay: The Warrior Legend of Assam’s Resilience and Valor

Introduction: lachit barphukan essay.

Throughout history, certain individuals rise to become symbols of courage, leadership, and unwavering patriotism. Among them, Lachit Barphukan’s name stands tall, resonating across time as a heroic figure whose indomitable spirit and strategic brilliance have left an indelible mark on India’s historical landscape. Lachit Barphukan’s name is synonymous with bravery, determination, and resolute leadership that played a pivotal role in safeguarding Assam from foreign invasions during the 17th century.

Early Life and the Making of a Warrior

Born in 1622 in the Ahom kingdom of Assam, Lachit Barphukan exhibited remarkable traits of leadership and dedication from an early age. His profound commitment to Assam’s sovereignty caught the attention of the Ahom rulers, propelling him into the ranks of the military elite. Lachit’s journey from his youth to becoming a warrior was marked by unwavering loyalty, tactical genius, and an unyielding determination to shield his land from external threat.

Table of Contents

Ahom kingdom and its historical context.

Nestled in the northeastern region of India, the Ahom kingdom was a diverse realm of various cultures, ethnicities, and landscapes. The strategic location of Assam made it susceptible to invasions, and during Lachit Barphukan’s time, the region faced the looming threat of Mughal incursions. Amidst these challenges, Lachit rose to prominence as a guardian of Assam’s cultural identity and territorial integrity.

The Battle of Saraighat: A Pivotal Turning Point

One of the defining chapters in Lachit Barphukan’s saga is the Battle of Saraighat. In 1671, the Mughal forces, led by Ram Singh I, set their sights on annexing Assam. Lachit, now the commander of the Ahom army, found himself facing seemingly insurmountable odds. With limited resources and a smaller army, he displayed remarkable strategic acumen and unwavering resolve.

lachit barphukan essay

The Ingenious Strategy of Lachit

Lachit’s leadership during the Battle of Saraighat showcased his tactical brilliance. Recognizing the Mughals’ naval supremacy, he devised an ingenious strategy involving a fleet of small boats, swift maneuvers, and unyielding determination. This unconventional approach caught the Mughals off guard, leading to a resounding victory for the Ahom forces. The Battle of Saraighat stands as a testament to Lachit’s ability to think beyond conventions, adapt to evolving circumstances, and guide his troops to triumph against all odds.

The Eternal Flame of Patriotism

Lachit Barphukan’s actions were driven by an unwavering love for his homeland. His dedication to Assam’s cause epitomized the essence of patriotism. His words and deeds echo through history, reminding us that true leaders prioritize the welfare of their people and the security of their land above personal gains. Lachit’s unwavering patriotism continues to inspire generations, teaching us that authentic heroism lies in the selfless pursuit of the greater good.

Legacy and Commemoration

Lachit Barphukan’s legacy continues to thrive in the hearts and minds of the Assamese people. His undying spirit and commitment to the land have earned him an esteemed place in Assam’s cultural heritage. Monuments, memorials, and celebrations like Lachit Divas uphold his contributions and serve as enduring reminders of his legacy. Lachit Borphukan’s Maidam, a memorial erected in his honor, stands as a symbol of his sacrifice and valor.

Lachit’s Cultural Impact

Lachit Barphukan’s legacy isn’t confined to history books; it resonates throughout Assamese culture and society. His life story has inspired countless songs, folktales, and artistic expressions that celebrate his bravery and patriotism. The values he embodied – courage, resilience, and unwavering dedication to one’s homeland – continue to shape the ethical foundation of Assam.

Timeless Lessons

Lachit Barphukan’s life and legacy offer timeless lessons. In an era where challenges and conflicts persist, his story underscores the significance of unity, leadership, and determination in the face of adversity. The Battle of Saraighat teaches us that innovation, adaptability, and strategic thinking are pivotal in overcoming formidable odds.

Conclusion: Lachit Barphukan’s Enduring Flame

Lachit Barphukan’s life stands as a testament to the power of an individual’s will and determination. His unwavering commitment to Assam’s sovereignty, his strategic brilliance, and his unyielding courage make him a timeless source of inspiration. His legacy continues to shine brightly, reminding us that true heroes are forged in the crucible of challenges and that their stories serve as guiding lights for generations to come. Lachit Barphukan’s name will forever remain synonymous with valor, resilience, and unshakable patriotism in India’s rich historical narrative.

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Lachit Borphukan Essay in English - 100, 200, 500 words

Lachit Borphukan (1622-1672) was a military commander from the Ahom kingdom, which was located in present-day Assam in northeastern India. He is remembered for his leadership during the Battle of Saraighat in 1671, which was fought against the Mughal Empire led by Mir Jumla II. Here are some sample essays on Lachit Borphukan.

100 Words Essay On Lachit Borphukan

200 words essay on lachit borphukan, 500 words essay on lachit borphukan, legacy of lachit borphukan, lachit borphukan gold medal.

Lachit Borphukan Essay in English - 100, 200, 500 words

The monarch Chakradhwaj Singha named Lachit Borphukan as the supreme commander of the Ahom army. Lachit Borphukan oversaw the defence of the Ahom kingdom against the Mughal army headed by Mir Jumla II. He successfully resisted the Mughals' attempts to cross the Brahmaputra River and enter Ahom land.

As it was one of the rare times a regional authority successfully defended against the Mughal Empire, the Battle of Saraighat is regarded as a key event in Indian history. Lachit Borphukan is regarded as a hero in Assam and his leadership and tactics are still revered today. In Assam, his accomplishments are honoured annually as the Lachit Divas.

Lachit Borphukan made several significant contributions to the history of Assam and India, particularly during his leadership as the commander-in-chief of the Ahom army.

Contributions of Lachit Borphukan

Here are some of his notable contributions:

Defence against Mughal invasion | Lachit Borphukan is best known for his successful defence against the Mughal Empire during the Battle of Saraighat in 1671. He led the Ahom army and prevented the Mughals from advancing further into Ahom territory, which is considered a significant event in Indian history.

Military reforms | Lachit Borphukan is also credited with introducing several military reforms in the Ahom army, such as improving the training and equipment of soldiers, increasing the number of cavalry units, and strengthening fortifications.

Naval force | Lachit Borphukan is believed to have played a significant role in the development of the Ahom navy, which proved to be crucial during the Battle of Saraighat.

Infrastructure development | Lachit Borphukan also contributed to the construction of several infrastructure projects in the region, such as the construction of a bridge over the Brahmaputra river and the fortification of various strategic locations.

Cultural contributions | Lachit Borphukan is also remembered for his contributions to Assamese culture, particularly his patronage of the traditional art forms, literature, and music.

Overall, Lachit Borphukan's contributions as a military commander and leader continue to inspire and influence people in Assam and India.

Lachit Borphukan is remembered as a hero and an icon of bravery and patriotism.

In the Ahom kingdom, which is now Assam in northeastern India, Lachit Borphukan was born in 1622. He was the son of Momai Tamuli Borbarua, an Ahom army leader, and came from a distinguished family. Lachit Borphukan got in-depth military instruction as well as practical training in classic disciplines like literature and history.

King Chakradhwaj Singha named Lachit Borphukan the supreme commander of the Ahom army in 1667. He commanded numerous successful battles against various tribal groups who were generating trouble in the area and instituted a number of military reforms. His greatest accomplishment, nevertheless, occurred in 1671 in the Battle of Saraighat, when he triumphantly defended the Brahmaputra river from the Mughal Empire under the command of Mir Jumla II.

During the battle, Lachit Borphukan's leadership and strategic thinking were crucial in defeating the much larger Mughal army. He utilised guerrilla warfare tactics and naval forces to disrupt the Mughal advances and ultimately force them to retreat.

Lachit Borphukan became ill after mounting a strong defence against the Mughals, and he died in 1672. He was given the honorific title "Lachit Divas" after his passing, and Assamese and Indians are still motivated by his reputation as a valiant fighter and military tactician.

Lachit Borphukan is recognised as a hero and an icon of bravery and patriotism, and his life and accomplishments play a significant role in Assamese and Indian history.

Lachit Borphukan's reputation is still honoured throughout Assam and India as a testament to bravery, loyalty, and leadership. His legacy has been honoured and recognised in a number of ways, some of which are included below:

Lachit Divas | In Assam, November 24 is observed as "Lachit Divas," a celebration of Lachit Borphukan's history. The day is observed as a public holiday throughout the state, and a number of cultural activities are planned to honour his efforts.

Monuments and memorials | Several monuments and memorials have been erected in memory of Lachit Borphukan, including a statue at the Brahmaputra river in Guwahati and a memorial in the Lachit Maidam area of Jorhat.

Military inspiration | Lachit Borphukan's leadership and military tactics continue to inspire the Indian armed forces. He is particularly revered by the Indian Army's Assam Regiment, which is known for its bravery and valor in battle.

Cultural impact | Lachit Borphukan's contributions to Assamese culture, particularly his patronage of traditional art forms, literature, and music, continue to inspire and influence artists and musicians in the region.

National recognition | The Indian government said in 2021 that Lachit Borphukan's image will be on view with other national heroes in the main chamber of the Indian Parliament.

Lachit Borphukan's reputation as a valiant warrior, military tactician, and cultural patron continues to inspire and have an impact on people in Assam and India, and his contributions to Indian history are highly recognised and honoured.

The Lachit Borphukan Gold Medal is an award given by the government of Assam to honour exceptional accomplishments in a number of disciplines, including literature, art, science, and athletics. The honour bears the name of Lachit Borphukan, a hero in Assamese history and the head of the Ahom army in the 17th century.

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Lachit Borphukan Essay in English [100, 150, 200 Words]

Lachit Borphukan Essay in English: In this article you are going to learn how to write an essay on Lachit Borphukan in English. We’ve provided the essay on Lachit Borphukan in 100, 150 and 200 words. This essay will be helpful for students of all classes. So, lets begin.

Table of Contents

Lachit Borphukan Essay in English 100 Words

Lachit Borphukan was the greatest commander of the Ahom Kingdom. He was born into a noble Ahom family on 24th November in the year 1622. His father Momai Tamuli Borbarua was the commander-in-chief of the Ahom Kingdom. From an early age, he displayed exceptional skills in military tactics and administration.

He is known for his victory against the mighty Mughals in the battle of Saraighat in 1671. The Ahom victory in the battle was a major turning point in the history of Assam. To commemorate his heroism, November 24 is celebrated as Lachit Divas in the state of Assam. His legacy is an inspiration to the people of Assam and India, even today.

Lachit Borphukan Essay in English 100 Words

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Lachit Borphukan Essay in English 150 Words

Lachit Borphukan was a legendary commander of the Ahom Kingdom in Assam, during the 17th century. He was born to Momai Tamuli Borbarua and Kunti Moran on 24 November 1622.

He showed great promise as a warrior from an early age. In 1667, he was appointed as the supreme commander of the Ahom army. In 1671, he fought the decisive Battle of Saraighat against the Mughals who launched an attack on the Ahom kingdom. His military tactics and leadership skills lead the Ahom army to victory against the much larger Mughal army.

Lachit’s legacy goes beyond just military tactics as he was also known for his honesty, integrity, and loyalty towards his people. He died soon in 1672 after the Battle of Saraighat due to natural causes. Every year Lachit Divas is celebrated on November 24th in honour of this great warrior. He is remembered as a symbol of pride, courage and patriotism.

lachit borphukan essay in english 150 words

Lachit Borphukan Essay in English 200 Words

Lachit Borphukan was a great warrior and hero of the Ahom Empire. He was born on November 24, 1622, at Charaideo in Assam. He was the youngest child of the Momai Tamuli Borbarua, the commander-in-chief of the Ahom forces. His mother’s name was Kunti Mohan.

He was born to a royal family and received military training from an early age. Due to his skills, he was quickly promoted through the ranks of the Ahom army. The Mughal Empire under the leadership of Aurangzeb launched an attack on the Ahom kingdom in 1671. The Ahom king, Chakradhwaj Singha, appointed Lachit Borphukan as the commander-in-chief of the army to defend their homeland.

He led the Ahom army and fought fiercely against the Mughals in the Battle of Saraighat on the Brahmaputra River. He had a small army but he managed to train them very well. Lachit’s strategy and leadership skills were remarkable during this battle. The Battle of Saraighat is considered one of the greatest battles fought on Indian soil.

The great warrior died in 1672 due to illness. Lachit Divas is celebrated every year on 24th November to commemorate his birthday. He is remembered by all Indians for his selflessness and dedication towards his people.

essay on lachit borphukan in english

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FAQs on Lachit Borphukan

Lachit Borphukan was a great general of the Ahom Kingdom in Assam. He is well known for his victory over the forces of Mughal empire in the Battle of Saraighat (1671).

Lachit Borphukan played a major role in the defense of the Ahom kingdom from invasion of the Mughal empire. Under his command, the Ahom army was able to defeat the much larger Mughal army in the battle of Saraighat in 1671.

The Battle of Saraighat was fought in 1671 between the Ahom kingdom led by Lachit Borphukan and the Mughal Empire under Aurangzeb. Lachit’s warfare skills and leadership helped him to inflict a decisive defeat on the Mughals.

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Lachit Borphukan essay in Assamese

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LACHIT BORPHUKAN ESSAY লাচিত বৰফুকন আছিল অসমৰ এজন মহান দেশভক্ত বীৰ পুত্ৰ । তেওঁৰ দৰে অন্য এজন বীৰৰ উদাহৰণ অসমৰ ইতিহাসত পোৱা নাযায় । আহোম-মোগলৰ মাজত সংঘটিত হোৱা শৰাইঘাটৰ যুদ্ধত তেওঁ যিধৰণৰ দক্ষতা,দায়বদ্ধতা আৰু কাৰ্যক্ষমতাৰ পৰিচয় দিছিল সিয়ে তেওঁৰ নাম অসমৰ ইতিহাসত অমৰ কৰি থৈ গৈছে। এইজনা বীৰ সন্তানৰ জন্ম হৈছিল ১৬2২ খ্ৰীঃত গড়গগীৱৰ ওচৰত। তেওঁৰ পিতৃৰ নাম আছিল মোমাই তামুলী বৰা । লাচিত তেওঁৰ পিতৃ-মাতৃৰ চতুৰ্থ তথা কনিষ্ঠ সন্তান আছিল।

LACHIT BORPHUKAN ESSAY লাচিত বৰফুকন সৰুৰে পৰা অতি নিভীক, সৎ আৰু স্পষ্টবাদী আছিল। তেওঁৰ পিতৃ আহোম ৰজাৰ বৰবৰুৱা পদবীত থকা বাবে তেওঁ সৰুৰে পৰাই তেওঁৰ পিতৃৰ কাম-কাজ তথা বিভিন্ন ডা-ডাঙৰীয়াসকলৰ সৈতে হোৱা আলোচনাবোৰ প্রত্যক্ষ কৰাৰ সুবিধা লাভ কৰিছিল আৰু এইবোৰৰ পৰা তেওঁ বহুতো জ্ঞান তথা অভিজ্ঞতা আহৰণ কৰিছিল। যুৱ অৱস্থাত ভৰি দিয়ে তেওঁ নিজৰ দক্ষতাৰে আহোমৰ ৰজাঘৰত “হীচতিধৰা তামুলী” পদত নিযুক্তি লাভ কৰিছিল। এনেদৰে তেওঁ ৰজাঘৰত ক্ৰমে ঘোঁৰা বৰুৱা, দোলীয়া বৰুৱা, শিমলুগুৰীয়া ফুকন আদি পদৱী লাভ কৰিছিল। অৱশেষত, মিৰজুমলাৰ অসম আক্ৰমণৰ সময়ত দিখৌমুখত শত্ৰুপক্ষৰ সন্মুখত যি সমৰ দক্ষতা তথা পাৰদৰ্শিতা প্ৰদৰ্শন কৰিছিল তাৰ পৰা তেওঁৰ পৰাক্ৰমৰ উমান পাই তেওঁক স্বৰ্গদেউ চক্ৰধ্বজ সিংহই আহোমৰ বৰসেনাপতি পাতি বৰফুকন পদতনিযুক্তি দিছিল।

১৬৬৭ চনত আহোম-মোগলৰ যুদ্ধ আৰম্ভ হৈছিল। এইবাৰো লাচিতে তেওঁৰবীৰত্বৰ পৰিচয় দি মোগল সৈন্যক মানাহ নদী পাৰ কৰি খেদি পঠিয়াইছিল। অসমীয়া সৈন্যৰ হাতত হোৱা মোগলৰ এই পৰাজয়ৰ কথা সহ্য কৰিব নোৱাৰি এইবাৰ মোগল সম্ৰাট উৰংজেৱে সেনাপতি ৰামসিংহক অসম আক্ৰমণ কৰিবলৈ প্ৰেৰণ কৰিছিল। মোগলৰ বিশাল সৈন্যবাহিনী দেখিও লাচিত বৰফুকনে অলপো বিচলিত নহৈ শত্ৰুৰ সৈতে পৰাক্ৰমেৰে যুঁজ দিবলৈ অসমীয়া সৈন্যসকলক আহ্বান জনাইছিল আৰু সকলোকে নিজৰ কৰ্তব্যত অৱহেলা নকৰাৰ বাবে সকীয়নি দিছিল। তেওঁ উত্তৰ গুৱাহাটীৰ আমিনগীৱৰ ওচৰত শত্ৰু সৈন্যক ভেটা দিবলৈ এটা গড় নিৰ্মাণৰ কাম আৰম্ভ কৰিছিল আৰু তাৰ চোৱা-চিতাৰ কাম তেওঁৰ এজন মোমায়েকক প্রদান কৰিছিল। কিন্তু গড় নিৰ্মাণৰ কাম পিছ পৰি থকাত গড় নিৰ্মাণস্থলীতে তেওঁ মোমায়েকক শিৰচ্ছেদ কৰি ‘দেশতকৈ মোমাই ডাঙৰ নহয়’ বুলি কৈ নিজ দেশভক্তিৰ পৰিচয় দিছিল। তেওঁৰ এই উগ্ৰমূৰ্তি দেখি সকলো বৰ শংকিত হৈছিল আৰু দুগুণ শক্তিৰে কাম কৰি ৰাতিৰ ভিতৰতে গড়ৰ কাম সম্পূৰ্ণ কৰি মোগল সৈন্যক ভেটা ‘ দিছিল। ইয়াতেই ১৬৭১ চনৰ মাৰ্চত আহোম-মোগলৰ শেষ যুদ্ধ তথা ইতিহাসপ্ৰসিদ্ধ শৰাইঘাটৰ ৰণ সংঘটিত হৈছিল য’ত লাচিত বৰফুকনৰ সমৰ কৌশলতাৰ আগত বিশাল মোগল বাহিনী পৰাস্ত হৈছিল। এই যুদ্ধৰ সময়ত লাচিত বৰফুকন তীব্ৰ: – জ্বৰত ভুগিছিল যদিও তেওঁ নৰিয়া দেহৰ কথা পাহৰি দেশ ৰক্ষা কৰাৰ বাবে কঠোৰ _  স্থিতি গ্ৰহণ কৰিছিল আৰু প্রবল পৰাক্ৰমেৰে যুঁজি দেশ ৰক্ষা কৰিছিল। শৰাইঘাটৰ যুদ্ধৰ কিছুদিনৰ পিছতে গুৱাহাটীত লাচিত বৰফুকনৰ মৃত্যু হৈছিল। এনে এজন তুলনাবিহীন দেশপ্ৰেমিক বীৰৰ বীৰত্বৰ গীথাই প্ৰতিজন অসমীয়াৰে মনত সদায় দেশপ্ৰেমৰ ভাব জাগ্ৰত কৰি থাকিব।


লাচিত বৰফুকন আছিল ভাৰতৰ অসমৰ আহোম ৰাজ্যৰ সপ্তদশ শতিকাৰ এজন সেনাপতি। সম্ৰাট ঔৰংজেবৰ আগ্ৰাসী মোগল সেনাৰ পৰা অসমক ৰক্ষা কৰা এজন মহান দেশপ্ৰেমিক আৰু আদৰ্শ নেতা হিচাপে তেওঁক স্মৰণ কৰা হয়। যুদ্ধত সাহস আৰু বীৰত্ব আৰু সামৰিক বুদ্ধিমত্তাৰ বাবেও তেওঁক স্মৰণ কৰা হয়।

লাচিত বৰফুকনৰ জন্ম হৈছিল ১৬২২ চনত সম্ভ্ৰান্ত বংশৰ পৰিয়ালত। তেতিয়াৰ আহোম ৰজা গদাধৰ সিংহই তেওঁক আহোমৰ ৰাজকুমাৰৰ ৰক্ষক হিচাপে নিযুক্তি দিছিল। সেৱাৰ সময়ছোৱাত তেওঁ কঠোৰ অনুশাসন আৰু ৰজাৰ প্ৰতি আনুগত্যৰ বাবে পৰিচিত আছিল। তেওঁ আছিল এজন মহান সামৰিক কৌশলবিদ আৰু এজন দক্ষ যোদ্ধা।

সম্ৰাট ঔৰংজেবৰ মোগল সৈন্যই যেতিয়া অসম আক্ৰমণ কৰিছিল তেতিয়া লাচিত বৰফুকনক আহোম বাহিনীৰ সেনাপতি হিচাপে নিযুক্তি দিয়া হৈছিল। প্ৰথম অৱস্থাত মোগল সেনাক পৰাস্ত কৰি পিছলৈ খেদি পঠিওৱাত তেওঁ সফল হৈছিল। ইয়াৰ পিছত তেওঁ মোগল শক্তিৰ বিৰুদ্ধে ধাৰাবাহিকভাৱে সফল অভিযানৰ নেতৃত্ব দিয়ে আৰু অৱশেষত তেওঁলোকক অসমৰ পৰা খেদি পঠিওৱাত সফল হয়।

লাচিত বৰফুকনৰ সফলতাৰ কাৰণ আছিল তেওঁৰ মহান সামৰিক বুদ্ধিমত্তা। তেওঁ আছিল এজন বিশেষজ্ঞ কৌশলবিদ আৰু কৌশলবিদ যিয়ে মোগল শক্তিক পৰাস্ত কৰিবলৈ বিভিন্ন উদ্ভাৱনী কৌশল আৰু কৌশল ব্যৱহাৰ কৰিছিল। তেওঁ এজন মহান নেতাও আছিল আৰু তেওঁৰ সাহস আৰু সাহসেৰে তেওঁৰ সৈন্যবাহিনীক অনুপ্ৰাণিত কৰিছিল।

ভাৰতীয় ইতিহাসৰ অন্যতম শ্ৰেষ্ঠ নেতা হিচাপে লাচিত বৰফুকনক স্মৰণ কৰা হয়। দেশপ্ৰেম আৰু সাহসৰ প্ৰতীক আৰু আজিও অসমত তেখেতৰ শ্ৰদ্ধা। তেওঁৰ মহান নেতৃত্ব আৰু মোগলৰ আগ্ৰাসনৰ বিৰুদ্ধে অসমৰ সাৰ্বভৌমত্ব ৰক্ষাৰ সফলতাৰ বাবে তেওঁক স্মৰণ কৰা হয়। এজন নেতাই কেনেকৈ নিজৰ সৈন্যক অনুপ্ৰাণিত আৰু প্ৰেৰণা যোগাব পাৰে আৰু আপ্লুত বিপদৰ সন্মুখীন হৈও সফলতা আনিব পাৰে তাৰ এক উত্তম উদাহৰণ।

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Judima Festival in Assamese


লাচিত বৰফুকন ৰচনা | Lachit Borphukan Essay in Assamese

লাচিত বৰফুকন – অসম বুৰঞ্জীৰ পাত লুটিয়াই চালেই দেখা পোৱা লাচিত বৰফুকন হ’ল এক অপৰাজেয় ব্যক্তিত্ব,সাহস আৰু সংগ্ৰামৰ এক প্ৰতীক তথা সত্বা। এক কথাত লাচিত বৰফুকন হ’ল অসমীয়া জাতিৰ আৱেগ, অসমীয়াৰ স্বাভিমান। আজিও প্ৰতিজন অসমীয়াৰ মনত লাচিত বৰফুকনৰ সাহস, নেতৃত্বৰ দুৰদৰ্শীতাই শিহৰণৰ সৃষ্টি কৰে। লাচিত বৰফুকনক বাদ দি অসমীয়া জাতিটোৰ সাহস আৰু বীৰত্বৰ কথা কল্পনাই কৰিব নোৱাৰি। লাচিত বৰফুকনৰ দৃঢ়, নি:স্বাৰ্থ আৰু দুৰদৰ্শী নেতৃত্বই সোঁৱৰাই থাকে অসমীয়া জাতিৰ প্ৰৱল পৰাক্ৰমৰ কথা।

লাচিত বৰফুকন ৰচনা

জন্মৰ ইতিবৃত্ত: লাচিত বৰফুকন

Table of Contents

ছশ বছৰীয়া ইতিহাস বিজড়িত পৰাক্ৰমী জাতি আহোম সকলৰ এটা বিখ্যাত ফৈদ লুখুৰাখন ফৈদৰ লান-ফিমা বংশৰ ব্যক্তি হ’ল লাচিত বৰফুকন। উল্লেখ্য যে সাত ৰাজ সামৰি এক ৰাজ কৰা চাওলুং চুকাফাৰ লগতে অসমলৈ আহিছিল লাচিত বৰফুকনৰ পূৰ্বপুৰুষ।

লাচিত বৰফুকন হ’ল আহোম ৰাজ্যৰ প্ৰথমজন বৰবৰুৱা তথা পাইক প্ৰথাৰ প্ৰৱৰ্তক মোমাই তামুলী বৰবৰুৱাৰ ঔৰষজাত সন্তান। তেওঁৰ জন্ম সম্পৰ্কে সঠিক তথ্য পোৱা নাযায় যদিও তেওঁৰ জন্ম ১৬২২ চনৰ ২৪ নৱেম্বৰ তাৰিখে আহোম ৰাজধানী গড়গাঁৱৰ ওচৰে-পাজৰে হৈছিল বুলি কোৱা হয়।

প্ৰাৰম্ভিক শিক্ষা: লাচিত বৰফুকন

শিশু অৱস্থাৰ পৰাই সততা, কৰ্তব্যনিষ্ঠা, নিয়মানুৱৰ্তিতা স্পষ্টবাদিতা আদি গুণৰ অধিকাৰী লাচিত বৰফুকনে নিজৰ বাসগৃহতেই আৰম্ভ কৰিছিল প্ৰাৰম্ভিক শিক্ষা। ৰাজপৰিয়ালত জন্ম গ্ৰহণ কৰাৰ সূত্ৰেই সামৰিক আৰু অসামৰিক দুয়োবিধ শিক্ষাই আয়ত্ত কৰিছিল লাচিত বৰফুকনে। উল্লেখ্য যে লাচিত বৰফুকনক উপযুক্ত শিক্ষাৰে দিক্ষিত কৰি তুলিবলৈ তেওঁৰ পিতৃয়ে ঘৰুৱা শিক্ষক নিয়োগ কৰি হিন্দু ধৰ্মনীতি, অৰ্থশাস্ত্ৰ আদিৰ বিষয়ত শিক্ষা প্ৰদান কৰিছিল। ইয়াৰ ওপৰিও তেওঁ পিতৃ মোমাই তামুলী বৰবৰুৱা আহোম ৰাজ্যৰ বৰবৰুৱা পদত অধিষ্ঠিত থকাৰ বাবেই সেই সময়ত আলোচিত হোৱা বিভিন্ন আলোচনা সমূহৰ পৰা লাচিত বৰফুকনে ৰাজনৈতিক, কূটনৈতিক, অৰ্থনৈতিক, সামাজিক আদি বিষয় সন্দৰ্ভত জ্ঞান অৰ্জন কৰিবলৈ সক্ষম হৈছিল।

Read Also: Biography of Lachit Borphukan in English

আহোম ৰাজসভাত প্ৰৱেশৰ ইতিবৃত্ত: লাচিত বৰফুকন

আহোম ৰাজ্যৰ ৰাজনীতিত লাচিত বৰফুকনে প্ৰৱেশ কৰিছিল ৰাজমন্ত্ৰী ডাঙৰীয়াৰ “হাঁচতিধৰা তামুলী”ৰ পদত নিযুক্তি লাভ কৰি। ব্যক্তিগত সহায়কৰ পৰ্যায়ৰ এই পদটোৰ দায়িত্ব গ্ৰহন কৰি পৰৱৰ্তী সময়ত লাচিত বৰফুকনে নিজৰ অধ্যাৱসায়, সাহস তথা কষ্টৰ ফলতহে আহোম ৰাজ্যৰ বৰফুকন তথা প্ৰধান সেনাপতিৰ পদত অধিষ্ঠিত হৈছিল।

“হাঁচতিধৰা তামুলী” হিচাপে দায়িত্ব পালন কৰাৰ পিছত লাচিত বৰফুকন নিযুক্ত পাইছিল ঘোঁৰাবৰুৱাৰ পদত। ঘোঁৰাবৰুৱাৰ পদত কাৰ্যনিৰ্বাহ কৰি থাকোঁতে লাচিত বৰফুকনে ঘোঁৰাসমূহ সঠিক ভাৱে তত্ত্বাৱধান কৰাৰ লগতে বহু কেইটা দুৰ্দান্ত ঘোঁৰা বশ কৰি নিজৰ প্ৰতিভা আৰু সাহসিকতাৰ পৰিচয় দাঙি ধৰিছিল।

ঘোঁৰাবৰুৱাৰ পদত সুকলমে দায়িত্ব সম্পন্ন কৰাৰ বাবে পৰৱৰ্তী সময়ত আহোম ৰজাই লাচিত বৰফুকনক দুলীয়া বৰুৱা পদবীত নিযুক্তি দিছিল। ইয়াৰ পৰৱৰ্তী সময়ত লাচিত বৰফুকনে নিযুক্তি লাভ কৰিছিল শিমলুগুৰিয়া খেলৰ প্ৰধান বিষয়া শিমলুগুৰিয়া ফুকনৰ পদবীত। শিমলুগুৰিয়া ফুকন‌ হিচাপে দায়িত্ব সম্পন্ন কৰা লাচিত বৰফুকনে পৰৱৰ্তী সময়ত নিযুক্তি লাভ কৰিছিল দোলাকাষৰীয়া বৰুৱা‌ হিচাপে। দোলাকাষৰীয়া বৰুৱা হিচাপে নিযুক্তি লাভ কৰা লাচিত বৰফুকনৰ কাম আছিল ৰজা দোলাত যাওঁতে ৰজাৰ পালি-পহৰীয়া (চাওদাং) সকলক নিয়ন্ত্ৰণ কৰা।

আহোম ৰাজ্যৰ প্ৰধান সেনাপতি আৰু বৰফুকন হিচাপে দায়িত্ব গ্ৰহন

লাচিত বৰফুকন দোলাকাষৰীয়া বৰুৱা পদত অধিষ্ঠিত হৈ থাকোঁতে স্বৰ্গদেউ চক্ৰধ্বজ সিংহই লাচিত বৰফুকনৰ দক্ষতাৰ উমান পাইছিল। যাৰ বাবে চক্ৰধ্বজ সিংহই লাচিত বৰফুকনৰ নিৰ্ভীকতা, সাহসীকতা আৰু আত্মমর্যাদাবােধৰ প্রমাণ চাই মর্যাদা অনুসৰি আনুষ্ঠানিকভাৱে আহোম ৰাজ্যৰ প্ৰধান সেনাপতি আৰু বৰফুকন পদত অধিষ্ঠিত হ’ল। গুৰুত্বপূৰ্ণ কথা যে, পিতৃ মোমাই তামুলী বৰবৰুৱা আহোম ৰাজ্যৰ প্ৰথমজন বৰবৰুৱা তথা পাইক প্ৰথাৰ প্ৰৱৰ্তক হিচাপে লাচিত বৰফুকনে আহোম ৰাজসভাত গুৰুত্বপূৰ্ণ পদত অধিষ্ঠিত হোৱাৰ বিপৰীতে “হাঁচতিধৰা তামুলী”ৰ পদত নিযুক্ত হোৱাৰ পৰা আহোম ৰাজ্যৰ প্ৰধান সেনাপতি আৰু বৰফুকন পদত নিযুক্ত হোৱালৈকে এই দীঘলীয়া সময়চোৱাই লাচিত বৰফুকনৰ একাগ্ৰতা, কৰ্মস্পৃহা, কৰ্তব্যনিষ্ঠা, সাহসক প্ৰতিফলিত কৰে।

সেনাপতিৰ দায়িত্ব গ্ৰহন কৰি লাচিত বৰফুকনে দেশৰ সৈন্য সকলক সংগঠিত কৰাৰ ক্ষেত্ৰত গুৰুত্ব আৰোপ কৰিছিল। ইয়াৰ পৰৱৰ্তী সময়ত ১৬৬৭ খ্ৰীষ্টাব্দত লাচিত বৰফুকনে নেতৃত্ব লৈ গুৱাহাটী উদ্ধাৰৰ প্ৰচেষ্টা চলায় মোগল সকলক আক্ৰমণ কৰে। গুৰুত্বপূৰ্ণ কথা যে এই আক্ৰমণত ব্ৰহ্মপুত্ৰৰ উত্তৰপাৰ আৰু দক্ষিণপাৰ দুয়োপাৰেই আহোম সৈন্যই বিজয়ধ্বজা উৰুৱাই আৰু আহোম সৈন্যই ইটাখুলি আৰু গুৱাহাটী দুৰ্গ অধিকাৰ কৰে ১৬৬৭ খ্ৰীষ্টাব্দৰ ২ নৱেম্বৰৰ দিনা মাজনিশা। গুৰুত্বপূৰ্ণ কথা যে এই আক্ৰমণত বহু সংখ্যক মোগল সৈন্যই প্ৰাণ আহুতি দিয়ে অন্যহাতে মিৰজুমলাই ১৬৬২ খ্ৰীষ্টাব্দত বন্দী কৰি নিয়া ভালেমান অসমীয়া সৈন্যক লাচিত বৰফুকনে উদ্ধাৰ কৰিবলৈ সক্ষম হয়।

আলাবৈ ৰণৰ ভুমিকা: লাচিত বৰফুকন

কিন্তু ১৬৬৯ খ্ৰীষ্টাব্দৰ ফেব্ৰুৱাৰীত অসম আক্ৰমণ কৰিবলৈ ৰামসিংহৰ নেতৃত্বত মোগল সৈন্যবাহিনী অসমলৈ আগমন ঘটে। গুৰুত্বপূৰ্ণ কথা যে মোগল সকলৰ লগত ৰণত পাৰিবলৈ সেই সময়ত আহোম সেনাৰ সম্পূৰ্ণ ৰূপে প্ৰস্তুত হোৱা নাছিল যদিও লাচিত বৰফুকনে বুদ্ধিৰে সম্ভাব্য বিপদৰ সন্মুখীন হ’বলৈ প্ৰস্তুত হৈছিল। ১৯৬৯ খ্ৰীষ্টাব্দত সংঘটিত হৈছিল আহোম আৰু মোগল সকলৰ মাজত আলাবৈ ৰণ। উল্লেখ্য যে এই যুদ্ধত একেদিনাই আহোমৰ দহ হাজাৰ সৈন্যই প্ৰাণ আহুতি দিছিল। এই জটিল সময়ত লাচিত বৰফুকন ক্ষণিকৰ বাবে বিচলিত হ’লেও ভাগৰি পৰা নাছিল।

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যুগান্তকাৰী শৰাইঘাট ৰণ

গুৰুত্বপূৰ্ণ কথা যে অসম আক্ৰমণ কৰিবলৈ মোগল সম্ৰাট ঔৰেংগজেৱে সেনাপতি ৰাম সিংহৰ নেতৃত্বত অসম আক্ৰমণ কৰিবলৈ ১৮,০০০ অশ্বাৰোহী, ৩০,০০০ পদাতিক আৰু ১৫,০০০ কাড়ী সৈন্য প্ৰেৰণ কৰিছিল। অন্যহাতে আহোম সেনাপতি লাচিত বৰফুকনে ৰামসিংহক ভেটা দিবলৈ শৰাইঘাটৰ চাৰিওকাষে কোঠ নিৰ্মাণ কৰিছিল। এটা ৰাতিৰ ভিতৰত গড় সম্পূৰ্ন কৰাৰ দায়িত্ব মোমাইয়েকক দিছিল। একাংশ ব্যক্তিৰ কথিত তথ্য অনুসৰি লাচিত বৰফুকনৰ মোমায়েকে নিজৰ কৰ্তব্যত অৱহেলা কৰিছিল যাৰ বাবে মাজনিশালৈ গড় নিৰ্মাণৰ আধা কামো শেষ হোৱা নাছিল। দেশৰ সংকটৰ সময়ত কৰ্তব্যত অৱহেলা কৰাৰ বাবে লাচিত বৰফুকনে দেশতকৈ মোমাই ডাঙৰ নহয় বুলি মোমায়েকক শিৰচ্ছেদ কৰাৰ কথা প্ৰচলিত আছে। অন্যহাতে আন একাংশ ব্যক্তিৰ মতে কৰ্তব্যত অৱহেলা কৰা বাবে লাচিত বৰফুকনে মৌমাই অৰ্থাৎ গড় নিৰ্মাণ কৰা অভিযন্তাকহে হত্যা কৰিছিল বুলি অভিহিত কৰিছে।

গুৰুত্বপূৰ্ণ কথা যে আলাবৈ ৰণত মোগল সেনা জয় লাভ কৰাৰ পিছত পুনৰ আহোম সৈন্যক চূড়ান্ত আক্ৰমণ কৰিবলৈ ঔৰংজেৱৰৰ নিৰ্দেশত ৰামসিংহ সাজু হৈছিল। কিন্তু দুৰ্ভাগ্যবশতঃ আহোম সেনাপতি লাচিত বৰফুকনৰ স্বাস্থ্য সেই সময়ত সুস্থিৰ নাছিল, ৰোগাক্ৰান্ত হৈ আছিল লাচিত বৰফুকন। তথাপিও দেশৰ স্বাৰ্থত ৰোগীয়া শৰীৰেই মোগলৰ মুখা মুখি হ’বলৈ সাজু হৈছিল লাচিত বৰফুকন।১৬৭১খ্ৰী:ৰ ৰ্মাচ মাহত শৰাইঘাটত মোগল আৰু আহোম সেনাৰ সন্মুখ সমৰত লিপ্ত হৈছিল। গুৰুত্বপূৰ্ণ কথা যে এই ইতিহাস প্ৰসিদ্ধ শৰাইঘাটৰ যুদ্ধত আক্ৰমণকাৰী মোগল সেনাই সম্পূণভাৱে পৰাজয় বৰণ কৰে।

লাচিত বৰফুকনৰ নেতৃত্ব বহন কৰা এই শৰাইঘাট যুদ্ধ হ’ল অসমৰ ইতিহাসৰ সোণালী আখৰেৰে জিলিকা যুগান্তকাৰী ঘটনা। মহা পৰাক্ৰমী মোগল শক্তিক পৰাভূত কৰা লাচিত বৰফুকন নেতৃত্বই অসমীবাসীৰ শৌৰ্য-বীৰ্য তথা সন্মান বিশেষভাৱে বৃদ্ধি কৰাত গুৰুত্বপূৰ্ণ ভূমিকা পালন কৰিলে। নৰীয়া শৰীৰে তথচ বুদ্ধিমত্তাৰ উদাহৰণ দাঙি ধৰি লাচিত বৰফুকনে যিদৰে মোগল সৈন্যৰ সৈতে সন্মুখ সমৰত লিপ্ত হ’ল সেইয়া অতি প্ৰশংসনীয়। গুৰুত্বপূৰ্ণ কথা যে ৰণনীতিগত ক্ষেত্ৰত ব্যাপক ইন্ধন যোগাই লাচিত বৰফুকনে প্ৰথম বাৰৰ বাবে গেৰিলা যুদ্ধ পদ্ধতিৰ প্ৰৱৰ্তন কৰিছিল।

অসমীয়াৰ স্বাভিমানৰ প্ৰতীক লাচিত বৰফুকন / লাচিত দিৱস উদযাপনৰ কাৰণ

একেটা ৰাতিতে গড় বান্ধি নৰিয়া গাৰে হেংদাং লৈ মোগলক খেদি পঠিয়াবলৈ সমৰ্থ হোৱা লাচিত বৰফুকন সত্বাটোৱে আজিও প্ৰতিজন অসমীয়াৰ প্ৰাণত শিহৰণ জগাই তোলে। গুৰুত্বপূৰ্ণ কথা যে সমগ্ৰ ভাৰততে মোগলৰ আধিপত্য চলি থকাৰ সময়তে লাচিত বৰফুকনৰ সবল নেতৃত্বই বিশাল আৰু শক্তিশালী মোগল সৈন্যবাহিনীক পৰাভূত কৰিবলৈ সক্ষম হৈছিল। বুদ্ধিমত্তা, সাহস পৰাক্ৰমৰ জৰিয়তে শৰাইঘাট যুদ্ধত জয় লাভ কৰা আহোম সেনাপতি লাচিত বৰফুকনৰ জন্ম দিনটো প্ৰতি বছৰে উদযাপন কৰা হয় লাচিত দিৱস হিচাপে।

ইহলীলা সম্বৰণ: লাচিত বৰফুকন

অসীম বীৰত্ব আৰু সাহস প্ৰদৰ্শন কৰি শৰাইঘাট যুদ্ধত জয়লাভ কৰা লাচিত বৰফুকনে তীৰকঁপে হোৱা জ্বৰৰ প্ৰকোপত মৃত্যুক সাৱটি লয় শৰাইঘাট যুদ্ধৰ কিছুদিনৰ পিছতেই। ১৬৭২ খ্ৰীষ্টাব্দত মৃত্যুক সাৱটি লোৱা বীৰজনক যোৰহাটৰ হোলোঙাপাৰত মৈদাম দিয়া হয়।

সামৰণি – লাচিত বৰফুকন

অসম তথা অসমীয়াৰ বাবে এটা চিৰসেউজ সত্বা হ’ল লাচিত বৰফুকন। লাচিত বৰফুকনৰ দৰে বীৰৰ ইতিহাসেৰে সমৃদ্ধ অসমীয়া জাতি। অসমীয়াৰ আৱেগ, বিবেক সকলো অধিকাৰ কৰি থকা লাচিত বৰফুকনৰ বীৰত্ব হ’ল সমগ্ৰ জাতিৰ বাবে আদৰ্শ তথা অনুপ্ৰেৰণাৰ উৎস। লাচিত বৰফুকনৰ দৃঢ়,নি:স্বাৰ্থ,দুৰদৰ্শী ব্যক্তিৰ নেতৃত্বই অসমীয়া সমাজত যুগান্তকাৰী পৰিৱৰ্তনৰ সূচনা কৰিছিল। অসমীয়া জাতি জীয়াই থকালৈকে লাচিত বৰফুকনৰ জাতীয়তাবোধ, দেশপ্ৰেম সদায় অসমীয়াৰ তেজত প্ৰবাহিত হৈ ৰ’ব।

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  • লাচিত বৰফুকন বিষয়ে অসমীয়া ৰচনা
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  • লাচিত বৰফুকন বিষয়ে ৰচনা assamese
  • lachit borphukan essay


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শৰৎ কাল ৰচনা Autumn Season Essay in Assamese

শৰৎ কাল ৰচনা | Autumn Season…

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  6. Lachit Borphukan essay in Assamese


  1. লাচিত বরফুকন

    লাচিত বরফুকন সম্পূৰ্ণ নাম - চাও লাচিত ফুকনলুং (অসমীয়া: লাচিত ...

  2. Essay on Lachit Borphukan in bengali || লাচিত বরফুকন সম্পর্কে বাংলা

    Essay on Lachit Borphukan | Biography of Lachit Borphukan | লাচিত বরফুকনের জীবনীLachit Borphukan, Essay on Lachit Borphukan, Essay on Lachit Borphukan in ben...

  3. লাচিত বৰফুকন

    লাচিত বৰফুকন বুৰঞ্জীমতে লা-চিত ফু-কন লুং (আহোম: 𑜎𑜡 𑜋𑜢𑜄𑜫 𑜋𑜥𑜀𑜨𑜃𑜫 𑜏𑜤𑜂𑜫, ইংৰাজী: Lachit Borphukan) আছিল আহোম ৰাজ্যৰ নৱমজন বৰফুকন (ফু-কন লুং)। ১৬৭১ চনত তেখেতে ...

  4. Lachit Borphukan

    Lachit Borphukan (24 November 1622 - 25 April 1672) was an Ahom Borphukan, primarily known for commanding the Ahom Army and the victory in the Battle of Saraighat (1671) that thwarted an invasion by the vastly superior Mughal Forces under the command of Ramsingh I. He died about a year later in April 1672. There is keen contemporary interest in Lachit Borphukan today—he has emerged as a ...

  5. Lachit borphukan Essay in Bengali || বাংলা ...

    Lachit borphukan Essay in Bengali || বাংলা প্রবন্ধ লাচিত বরফুকন || Essay on Lachit Borphukan || Lachit Borpukan Essay in Assamese || Essay on Lachit ...

  6. Lachit Borphukan [1622-1672]: The Ahom Kingdom

    Lachit Borphukan was victorious. The Mughals were forced to retreat from Guwahati. The Mughals were pursued to the Manas river, the Ahom kingdom's western boundary. The Borphukan instructed his men not to attack the retreating army. Lachit Borphukan would die in 1672. His remains lie in rest at the Lachit Maidaam constructed in the same year ...

  7. লাচিত বরফুকন প্রবন্ধ| lachit borphukan essay in Bengali| bengali essay

    Lachit borphukan essay in BengaliLachit borphukan essay in AssameseLachit borphukan. biography of Lachit borphukan| essay on Lachit borphukan| lachit borphuk...

  8. Lachit Borphukan: Assam's Great General

    The Story of Lachit Borphukan's Triumph: The Background. To understand the story of Lachit Borphukan's triumph over the Mughals, it is important to get some context of the history, geography and politics of Assam. The kingdom of Assam comprised of a stretch of land 600 miles wide, along the banks of Brahmaputra river.

  9. লাচিত বরফুকন রচনা বাংলা

    লাচিত বরফুকন রচনা বাংলা - Lachit Borphukan Bengali Essay. PDF Name. লাচিত বরফুকন রচনা বাংলা - Lachit Borphukan Bengali Essay PDF. No. of Pages. 4. PDF Size. 1.60 MB. Language. Bengali.

  10. Lachit Borphukan: The Valiant Warrior of Assam

    Born on 24 November 1622 in Charaideo, Assam, Lachit was the youngest son of Sukuti (popularly called Momai-tamuli), Assam's General in the Ahom-Mughal wars during the reign of Mughal Emperors Jahangir and Shah Jahan. Ruled by the Swargadeo (King), the Ahom Kingdom (1228 CE-1826 CE) was administered by five highly designated officials called ...

  11. Who was Lachit Borphukan, an icon of Assamese nationalism?

    In Assam on a three-day visit, President Ram Nath Kovind on Friday inaugurated the year-long celebration of the 400th birth anniversary of Lachit Borphukan, commander of the Ahom forces and an icon of Assamese nationalism. He also laid the foundation stone for the Alaboi war memorial, a tribute to soldiers who had fought and suffered a setback ...

  12. Lachit Borphukan Essay: The Biography & Story In English

    On November 24, 1622, the Supreme leader of the Ahom army, Momai Tamuli Borbarua, and his wife Kunti Moran welcomed their son, Lachit Borphukan. Conflicts between the Mughals and Ahoms began in 1615 and they persisted for decades to come. As a result, the formative years of Lachit Borphukan were majorly spent against a backdrop of battles and ...

  13. Lachit Borphukan: The Hero of Assam

    Military Awards: The National Defence Academy awards the best cadet with the Lachit Borphukan Gold Medal Award every year since 1999. Lachit Borphukan died at the age of 50 due to illness and natural causes in the year 1671. He is widely revered by the people of Assam, who hold him in high regard for his selfless service to the kingdom.

  14. Essay on Lachit Borphukan

    Students are often asked to write an essay on Lachit Borphukan in their schools and colleges. And if you're also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic. Let's take a look… 100 Words Essay on Lachit Borphukan Introduction. Lachit Borphukan was a heroic figure from Assam, India.

  15. Lachit Borphukan essay in bangla

    Lachit Borphukan essay in bangla | Essay on Lachit Borphukan in bangla | লাচিত বৰফুকনর বিষয়ে রচন Mini many students was requesting me to write a essay on ...

  16. Essays on Assam war hero Lachit Borphukan enter Guinness ...

    Lachit Borphukan was a legendary commander in the Ahom Kingdom of medieval Assam. The essays were uploaded to a portal last year during the celebrations of the 400th birth anniversary of the legendary Ahom leader. A compilation of more than 43 lakh essays in 25 languages on the 17th-century Ahom General Lachit Borphukan has been recognised by ...

  17. Lachit Barphukan Essay: The Warrior Legend of Assam's Resilience and

    Introduction: Lachit Barphukan Essay Throughout history, certain individuals rise to become symbols of courage, leadership, and unwavering patriotism. Among them, Lachit Barphukan's name stands tall, resonating across time as a heroic figure whose indomitable spirit and strategic brilliance have left an indelible mark on India's historical ...

  18. Lachit Borphukan Essay in English

    500 Words Essay on Lachit Borphukan. Lachit Borphukan is remembered as a hero and an icon of bravery and patriotism. History. In the Ahom kingdom, which is now Assam in northeastern India, Lachit Borphukan was born in 1622. He was the son of Momai Tamuli Borbarua, an Ahom army leader, and came from a distinguished family.

  19. Lachit Borphukan Essay in English [100, 150, 200 Words]

    Lachit Borphukan Essay in English 150 Words. Lachit Borphukan was a legendary commander of the Ahom Kingdom in Assam, during the 17th century. He was born to Momai Tamuli Borbarua and Kunti Moran on 24 November 1622. He showed great promise as a warrior from an early age. In 1667, he was appointed as the supreme commander of the Ahom army.

  20. লাচিত বৰফুকন

    অসম বুৰঞ্জীৰ পাত লুটিয়াই চালেই দেখা পোৱা অপৰাজেয় ব্যক্তিত্ব, সাহস আৰু সংগ্ৰামৰ এক প্ৰতীক তথা সত্বা হ'ল লাচিত বৰফুকন (Lachit Borphukan Essay in Assamese)। লাচিত বৰফুকনৰ ...

  21. Lachit Borphukan essay in Assamese

    By Assamlearningpoint September 21, 2021. LACHIT BORPHUKAN ESSAY লাচিত বৰফুকন আছিল অসমৰ এজন মহান দেশভক্ত বীৰ পুত্ৰ । তেওঁৰ দৰে অন্য এজন বীৰৰ উদাহৰণ অসমৰ ইতিহাসত পোৱা ...

  22. লাচিত বৰফুকন ৰচনা

    লাচিত বৰফুকন বিষয়ে ৰচনা assamese. lachit borphukan essay. Dev Kirtonia. Hi, I'm Dev Kirtonia, Founder & CEO of Dev Library. A website that provides all SCERT, NCERT 3 to 12, and BA, B.com, B.Sc, and Computer Science with Post Graduate Notes & Suggestions, Novel, eBooks, Biography, Quotes, Study ...

  23. লাচিত বৰফুকন বিষয়ে ৰচনা Assamese PDF

    লাচিত বৰফুকন বিষয়ে ৰচনা Assamese. Lachit Barphukan was a general and Barphukan of the Ahom kingdom. Those who are known for their leadership ability in the battle of Saraighat in 1671. In this battle, the attempt of the Mughal army led by Ram Singh I to regain control of Assam was thwarted. But after 1 ...