Top 18 Kennel Assistant Resume Objective Examples

Photo of Brenna Goyette

Updated July 16, 2023 13 min read

A resume objective is a statement of your career goals and aspirations that you include on your resume. It should be tailored to the job you are applying for, such as a kennel assistant position. When writing an objective, it’s important to keep it concise and focused on what you can offer to the employer. For example, if applying for a kennel assistant position, your objective could state: “To leverage my experience in animal care and customer service to provide excellent care for animals and support for pet owners as a kennel assistant.” Be sure to include any relevant skills or qualifications that make you stand out from other candidates as well. For example, “To use my knowledge of veterinary medicine and strong communication skills to provide quality care for animals as a kennel assistant.” As you write your resume objective, focus on how your skills and experiences will benefit the employer and help them reach their goals.

Kennel Assistant Resume Example

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Top 18 Kennel Assistant Resume Objective Samples

  • To obtain a Kennel Assistant position at a reputable organization, utilizing my experience in animal care and customer service.
  • To secure a Kennel Assistant position where I can utilize my knowledge of animal behavior and medical needs.
  • Seeking a Kennel Assistant role to provide excellent pet care and customer service.
  • To apply for the position of Kennel Assistant with the aim of providing quality pet care services.
  • To work as a Kennel Assistant, utilizing my extensive knowledge of animal behavior and nutrition.
  • Looking for an opportunity to join as a Kennel Assistant and use my expertise in animal care management.
  • To obtain the role of Kennel Assistant to provide exceptional pet care services with compassion and attention to detail.
  • Seeking to join an organization as a Kennel Assistant, offering my skills in customer service and animal handling.
  • Aiming to work as a Kennel Assistant, bringing my knowledge of veterinary practices, kenneling protocols, and pet nutrition.
  • Applying for the position of Kennel Assistant with the goal of providing quality pet care services while ensuring safety standards are met.
  • Eager to join an organization as a Kennel Assistant where I can contribute my passion for animals and customer service experience.
  • To gain employment as a Kennel Assistant where I can use my ability to communicate effectively with customers while providing top-notch pet care services.
  • Pursuing an opportunity as a Kennel Assistant where I can apply my strong interpersonal skills while caring for animals in need.
  • Looking for an entry-level position as a Kennel Assistant that will allow me to develop professionally while providing exceptional customer service and pet care services.
  • Desire to be part of an organization's team as a Kennel Assistant by utilizing my experience in animal health management and client relations skills.
  • Seeking employment at your facility as a Kennel assistant with the goal of providing outstanding customer service along with compassionate pet care services .
  • Searching for an opportunity to work as a kennel assistant that allows me to demonstrate exceptional organizational skills while ensuring the highest level of safety standards are met .
  • Applying for the role of kennel assistant in order to utilize my experience in animal husbandry and customer service .

How to Write a Kennel Assistant Resume Objective

A kennel assistant resume objective is a short statement that should appear at the top of your resume. It should capture the reader’s attention and give them an idea of what you’re capable of doing in the role. Writing an effective kennel assistant resume objective requires you to be specific, demonstrate your qualifications, and highlight your unique abilities.

To start off, you should include a few words about yourself that are relevant to the job. This could include any certifications or qualifications you have obtained, such as animal care certificates or veterinary assistant experience. You should also mention any skills you possess that make you a good fit for the role. Examples might include knowledge of animal health and nutrition, animal handling techniques, or customer service experience.

Next, it’s important to explain why you are well-suited to the role of kennel assistant. Describe how your prior experience has prepared you for this particular job and why working in a kennel setting would be beneficial for both yourself and the organization. For example, if you have worked with animals before, describe how this has given you insight into animal behavior and how it can help manage safety in a kennel environment.

Finally, make sure to emphasize any personal traits or qualities that set you apart from other candidates. These could include excellent communication skills, strong organizational abilities, or dedication to providing quality care for animals in need. By emphasizing these qualities in your resume objective statement, employers will be able to quickly recognize why they should consider hiring you as their next kennel assistant.

By following these steps when crafting your kennel assistant resume objective statement, employers will easily recognize why they should hire you for their next available position. With a strong focus on both your qualifications and unique skillset, employers will be more likely to take notice of your application and give it serious consideration when making their decision on who to hire as their next kennel assistant.

Related : What does a Kennel Assistant do?

Key Skills to Highlight in Your Kennel Assistant Resume Objective

In the competitive field of animal care, having a well-crafted resume is crucial to stand out from the crowd. When applying for a Kennel Assistant position, your resume objective should not only state your career goals but also highlight the key skills you possess that make you an ideal candidate for the job. This section will delve into the essential skills that can give your kennel assistant resume objective an edge over others and increase your chances of landing an interview.

1. Animal handling

A Kennel Assistant is primarily responsible for the care and well-being of animals in a kennel setting. This includes feeding, grooming, exercising, and monitoring the health of animals. Proficiency in animal handling is crucial as it ensures the safety and comfort of the animals. It also demonstrates that the candidate can effectively manage potentially difficult or aggressive behavior from animals, administer basic first aid if necessary, and maintain cleanliness and order within the kennel environment.

2. Grooming techniques

A Kennel Assistant is often responsible for maintaining the cleanliness and physical appearance of animals in a kennel. The ability to effectively use grooming techniques is crucial, as it ensures that animals are clean, comfortable, and presentable. This skill can also contribute to the overall health and well-being of the animals. Including this skill in a resume objective demonstrates an applicant's practical knowledge and experience in animal care, which can make them more attractive to potential employers.

3. Feeding protocols

A kennel assistant's primary responsibilities include taking care of animals boarded in the kennel. This includes feeding them according to specific protocols, which may vary based on the type, age, size, and health condition of each animal. Demonstrating knowledge and experience with various feeding protocols in a resume objective shows potential employers that the candidate is capable of providing proper nutrition and care for the animals. It also indicates that they can follow guidelines and manage different needs simultaneously, which are crucial skills for this role.

4. Medication administration

A kennel assistant's role often involves caring for animals, which may include administering medications. This skill is important to highlight in a resume objective because it demonstrates the candidate's ability to handle this responsibility effectively. It also shows that the candidate has knowledge of different types of medications and their proper usage, as well as the ability to follow specific instructions regarding dosage and timing. This can be especially crucial in a kennel environment where animals may have various health conditions requiring medication.

5. Sanitation procedures

A kennel assistant is responsible for the cleanliness and hygiene of the animal care facility. Knowledge and application of proper sanitation procedures ensure a safe, clean, and healthy environment for the animals. This skill is crucial as it helps prevent the spread of diseases and contributes to the overall well-being of the animals in care. Including this skill in a resume objective demonstrates an understanding of the importance of cleanliness in animal care facilities and shows potential employers that you are capable of maintaining high standards of sanitation.

6. Record keeping

A Kennel Assistant needs the skill of record keeping to efficiently track and document information about the animals under their care. This can include details about feeding schedules, medical history, behavior patterns, and any specific needs or instructions from pet owners. Accurate record keeping is essential for ensuring each animal receives proper care and attention. Including this skill in a resume objective shows potential employers that the candidate is organized, detail-oriented, and capable of managing multiple tasks effectively.

7. Canine behavior knowledge

A Kennel Assistant is often responsible for the daily care and management of dogs in a kennel setting. This includes feeding, cleaning, exercise, and monitoring their behavior. Having knowledge of canine behavior is crucial as it allows the assistant to understand and interpret the dogs' actions, needs, and responses. It can also help in identifying any signs of stress or illness early on. Moreover, this skill can assist in managing interactions between different dogs to prevent fights or injuries. Therefore, including this skill in a resume objective would highlight one's ability to effectively care for and manage dogs in a kennel environment.

8. First aid application

A Kennel Assistant is often responsible for the health and wellbeing of the animals under their care. Having a skill in first aid application is crucial as it enables them to respond effectively to any medical emergencies that may arise, such as injuries or sudden illness. This can help prevent further harm to the animals and ensure their safety, making it an attractive trait for employers in this field.

9. Exercise routines

A Kennel Assistant is responsible for the physical well-being of animals under their care. This includes ensuring that they get adequate exercise to maintain their health and happiness. Having knowledge and experience in creating and implementing exercise routines for different types of animals demonstrates a commitment to animal welfare and shows potential employers that you are capable of effectively managing the physical needs of their animals. This skill could also indicate your ability to be patient, consistent, and gentle with animals, which are all important qualities in this field.

10. Customer service

A kennel assistant often interacts with pet owners, answering their questions and addressing their concerns. Strong customer service skills are needed to ensure that these interactions are positive and that pet owners feel confident in the care their pets will receive. This can lead to repeat business and positive word-of-mouth referrals for the kennel.

Top 10 Kennel Assistant Skills to Add to Your Resume Objective

In conclusion, your Kennel Assistant resume objective should effectively highlight the key skills that make you an ideal candidate for the role. It's crucial to remember that this section of your resume is your first opportunity to impress potential employers. Therefore, it should be concise, compelling, and reflect a clear understanding of the job requirements. By strategically showcasing your most relevant skills in this section, you can significantly increase your chances of landing an interview and ultimately securing the job.

Related : Kennel Assistant Skills: Definition and Examples

Common Mistakes When Writing a Kennel Assistant Resume Objective

Writing a resume objective for a kennel assistant position can be challenging. It requires the right combination of words and phrases that capture the attention of potential employers while also conveying your qualifications and skills. Unfortunately, many job seekers make some common mistakes when crafting their kennel assistant resume objective. These mistakes can cause recruiters to overlook your application or simply discard it without giving it a second look.

One of the most common mistakes made when writing a kennel assistant resume objective is not tailoring it to the specific job opening. A generic objective statement that does not mention any requirements from the job posting will not be effective in convincing an employer that you have what it takes for the role. Your objective should focus on how your knowledge and experience make you an ideal fit for the position, as well as how you can contribute to the organization’s success.

Another mistake many job seekers make is focusing too much on themselves in their resume objective rather than on what they can do for the employer. While it is important to highlight your qualifications and skills, you should also emphasize how these qualities will benefit the company if they hire you. Showing that you understand what the organization needs and are willing to go above and beyond to meet those needs is essential when crafting an effective kennel assistant resume objective.

Finally, another mistake many applicants make is using overly general language or cliches in their objective statement. Employers receive hundreds of resumes every day so yours needs to stand out from all of them if you want to get noticed. Avoid using generic phrases such as “hardworking” or “detail-oriented” as these don’t tell employers anything about why they should hire you over other candidates. Instead, use concrete examples of accomplishments or successes that demonstrate your qualifications and what makes you unique as a candidate for this particular role.

By avoiding these common mistakes when writing a kennel assistant resume objective, job seekers can increase their chances of being noticed by employers and landing their dream jobs!

Related : Kennel Assistant Resume Examples

Kennel Assistant Resume Objective Example

A right resume objective for a kennel assistant should focus on demonstrating an understanding of the job duties and responsibilities, such as caring for animals, cleaning kennels, and providing customer service; whereas a wrong resume objective may focus on the applicant's personal goals, such as career growth or salary increase.

Editorial staff

Photo of Brenna Goyette, Editor

Brenna Goyette

Brenna is a certified professional resume writer, career expert, and the content manager of the ResumeCat team. She has a background in corporate recruiting and human resources and has been writing resumes for over 10 years. Brenna has experience in recruiting for tech, finance, and marketing roles and has a passion for helping people find their dream jobs. She creates expert resources to help job seekers write the best resumes and cover letters, land the job, and succeed in the workplace.

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kennel assistant job resume objective

Dive Into Expert Guides to Enhance your Resume

Kennel Assistant Resume Examples

Create an impressive Kennel Assistant resume using our expert-approved resume examples

RC Team

Kennel Assisting Resume Samples

1. Candidate seeking kennel attendant job

Passionate animal lover with significant experience caring for pets and volunteering at animal shelters, interested in the role of kennel assistant for the chance to engage my skills in animal care to ensure the animals receive all the attention they deserve.

  • Successfully prepared and administered food, water, and medication to pets including dogs, birds, and lizards
  • Efficiently cleaned and sanitized yards and cages for dogs and other pets
  • Recorded and reported observations related to the health and behavior of the animals under my care
  • Learned additional responsibilities as they arose

2. Candidate seeking kennel assistant job

Professional kennel assistant with 3+ years of working experience in animal care facilities, seeking a position in a veterinary facility where I can put my exceptional organization skills and experience caring for sick animals towards availing the best health care to animals.

  • Assisted veterinarians and technicians with monitoring the health and well being of animals.
  • Maintained scheduled feeding plans and nutritional needs for every animal admitted to the healthcare facility.
  • Coordinated the entire admission and referral process.

Kennel Assistant Resume Vocabulary & Writing Tips

Your kennel assistant resume must include the right  resume keywords  and phrases. Each job has its unique vocabulary. Customize each resume for every job application to include as many carefully placed relevant keywords as possible. This will make sure that your document gets past  applicant tracking systems  (ATS). Hiring managers also use keyword density to qualify resumes.

Include all the  buzzwords  used in the job posting then add a few  resume power words  that are relevant to the profession. These include:

Words to Use

  • Vaccination
  • Insemination
  • Abandonment

Action Verbs

Kennel assistant resume tips and ideas.

A successful kennel assistant resume should convey a candidate’s familiarity with the care protocols required for the job. These vary depending on the facility and type of animals it hosts. Kennel assistants work in boarding kennels, veterinary clinics, animal shelters, pet care centers and dog breeding facilities. They work alongside other professionals like veterinarians. Their job is to care for the animals, maintain the kennel and perform some administrative roles.

No education or formal training is required to secure the position. Self-motivation and a love for animals are the keys to being a successful kennel assistant. Your resume should exude dedication, patience, a willingness to learn, and a positive attitude. Special skills and experience relevant to the position are a significant advantage.

Presentation plays a critical role in ensuring the success of your resume. Formatting and adding design features to your resume may be challenging. Fortunately, you can use our  resume builder online  to create an impressive kennel attendant resume in minutes.

  • The functional format is ideal
  • Chronological format and combination format can also be used
  • Use a resume template

Place keen attention on the following design features:

  • Font size and type
  • Content organization
  • Contact information
  • Objective of resume

Work experience

  • Certifications
  • Personal interests
  • Recognition and awards
  • Pet ownership status

Resume Length

1 Letter Page = 8.5” x 11”

To increase the chances of getting the job, make sure that you correctly and thoroughly format your kennel assistant resume. The first step is choosing a  general format  that suits your field, experience, and specific job for which you are applying. The most effective  layout  is that which highlights your best selling points and quickly grabs the attention of the hiring manager.

For students looking for an entry-level position, the  functional resume format  is perfect. It emphasizes your best skills and qualities without drawing attention to your lack of experience. The combination  resume format  is ideal for a career change. It allows you to include the relevant professional skills from jobs that are unrelated to kennel attendance.

Your resume introduces you to hiring managers. They will skim over your resume reviewing the general content, design features, and checking for errors. This will inform their decision of whether to accept or reject your application. Present a resume that stands out for its clarity, organization, and unique  resume design .

Use headers and sub-headers to make crucial information easy to find. Use formal font type and size to maintain a professional aesthetic. Use  bullet points  for lists and descriptions. Use single line spacing and 1-inch margins. Review the finished document to correct any errors.

The inclusion of a photo in your kennel attendant resume is an important consideration. This is sometimes decided for you by some country’s anti-discrimination and labor laws. In some countries, including the US, UK, and Canada, the laws do not encourage it. It is optional in some countries and expected in others.

Having a  photo on your resume  may put you at risk of discrimination, so our experts do not recommend it.

Sections of a Kennel Assistant Resume

Your kennel assistant resume should only have sections that are relevant to the position. Depending on your choice of  resume format , some sections of your resume will be more prominent than others. For example, in a  chronological format , the experience section takes center stage.

The main sections of a kennel assistant resume include:

Including extra sections that reveal your personal life is the most effective way to demonstrate immeasurable positive attributes.

Optional sections include:

Your resume should not exceed one to two pages in length.

Kennel Assistant Resume Section Headings

Section headings  are designed to stand out. They are the first things on your resume that hiring managers will notice and draw conclusions. Make sure that your  resume headings  are clear, attractive and error free.

The main sections that your kennel attendant resume should focus on are objective, experience, and skills.

The heading, which gives a candidate’s contact information, should be followed by a brief introduction. The introduction can be in the form of a  summary statement  or a  resume objective statement.  Use the resume objective to introduce yourself, state the role you are applying for, and emphasize the skills, experience, and character traits that make you the ideal candidate. For example, if you are a student or fresh graduate, you can mention your knowledge, skills, internship experience, and your goals for the position you are applying to.

The position of kennel assistant is often entry-level, and employers do not require extensive experience, if any, from applicants. Prior experience working with animals is, however, a significant advantage. If you have worked as a dog walker, pet sitter, or veterinary assistant, you should include this as a relevant experience. You should also include your history of pet ownership.

Consider the job description to find out what type of facility it is and the variety of animals being handled. Specialized experience that matches the job description will move your resume to the front of the line.

As stated earlier, kennel assistants work in a range of facilities that handle various animals, including dogs, rabbits, cats, and exotic birds. Each responsibility requires a different kind of skill set. Most kennels have experienced staff that trains new employees on the job. Duties are increased gradually depending on mastery of skills.

The job requires both soft and technical skills. Ability to care for animals, compassion, and patience is needed to deal with the animals which may be aggressive, frightened, or sick. Teamwork, organization skills, and attention to detail are necessary to perform the day to day operations. Interaction with pet owners and colleagues necessitates excellent communication skills and customer service.

Use the skills section of your kennel assistant resume to highlight all your skills that are relevant to the job.

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  • ResumeBuilderPro
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  • Kennel Assistant

Kennel Assistant resume examples

A modern resume example for a Kennel Assistant position. Based on the best resume writing practices.

  • No experience
  • Specialized

Average Kennel Assistant Salary

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Save time with our easy 3-step resume builder. No more writer’s block or formatting difficulties in Word. Rapidly make a perfect resume employers love.

Get hired by any venture with a crystal clear and meaningful Kennel Assistant resume.

Get the simplest strategy to get employed with professional guidance on developing a successful Kennel Assistant curriculum vitae. Involve as many pertinent particulars as you can, write job-related keywords and expressions, and clarify your vocational expertise in Veterinary extensively. Explore the reliable samples on our web page to obtain the full story.

Common Key Skills and Action Verbs for Kennel Assistant

One of the fundamental stages in building an inspiring CV in the Veterinary is highlighting your previous employment competencies as a Kennel Assistant, determine the projects and responsibilities you were able to be successful in. For this, we have completed small investigation and gathered the most popular and recommended key phrases for your job position, including: laboratory procedures, operational improvement, medical records documentation.

Key Skills & Proficiencies

Action verbs, choose power words to make kennel assistant resume stand out.

To improve the matching degree of a job seeker's Kennel Assistant resume with the existing job position, we propose taking advantage of widely used keywords and phrases best showing your competencies, experience, and pro expertise. In accordance with our analysis, the most wanted ones for your niche, there are these guidelines: teaching, meal preparation, rehabilitation.

Phrases To Use

Best kennel assistant resume objective examples.

Well drafted and well-placed at the top of your Kennel Assistant CV, an objective statement ought to ideally suit the demands of the vacancy and comprise of the prowess and tasks that coexist with the prospects of the employer. To To bag the opening, pick your Veterinary curriculum vitae customization and include only important information from your career.

How To Use Resume Examples To Create A Job-winning Resume


It is no longer news that you need to submit a professional resume if you want to improve your chances of getting the job you crave. In this article, you will find out how resume examples can help you with this challenging task. Over the years, statistics have shown that many job seekers find the act of resume writing difficult. Creating resumes that can win you the job you desire can be challenging, especially if you are writing your first resume. However, thanks to the emergence of information technology, you can now say goodbye to the struggles that come with crafting a resume from scratch. Now, there are a wide variety of tested and proven job-winning online resume samples on different resume builders available for you to choose from. This makes it much easier for you to write resumes that will convince hiring managers to give you the job. As you keep reading this article, you will find answers to the following questions:

  • What are Resume Examples?

How do I create my own resume with Resume Examples?

How do professional resume examples work, why do we suggest using resume examples, what are the things i should pay attention to when searching for a resume example, can i edit resume examples according to my needs.

Let's get right into the details!

What are Resume Samples?

As the name implies, they are ideal examples of what resumes in different industries look like. For instance, they provide you with suitable resume structures and recommended details to include in your resume. Additionally, they also show you the most effective way to portray your skills and experience to your potential employer. With the aid of these samples, you can create your resume faster and boost your chances of getting the job that you crave. This is why we have gone all out to show you how you can use them to edge out your competition (other job seekers). You will also discover some key details about resumes. Read on!

If you want to prove to your potential employers that you are the perfect fit for a vacant position, you need to create a perfect resume or cover letter. However, there is good news. You don't need to rack your brain to write a job-winning resume. All you have to do is visit a reliable online resume builder, follow a few simple steps, and best. These resume builders give you access to many ideal examples of industry-related resumes you can easily refer to when creating yours. Resume samples provide you with the perfect guide you need to craft a readable and relevant resume. Here is how you can use them to create your own resume:

  • Choose samples with resume formats suitable for a specific job or industry.
  • Observe how the names and contact information are included and follow suit
  • Include your resume objective or summary, following the pattern
  • Take a look at how the skills are highlighted and do the same
  • Get keywords from the sample and use them in your own resume
  • Mention your education using the structure in the example
  • Pay attention to the font style and use the same when creating your resume
  • Make sure you proofread your resume to confirm if it aligns with the sample you used

After doing this, you can rest assured that you have created a professional resume.

Before explaining how these examples work, let's clear air. They should not be mistaken for resume templates that are ready-made document format designed to help job-seekers portray their career achievements, skills, education, and work experience to their potential employers in an organized and attractive way. Now, the purpose of an example is to provide you with sufficient context, general best practices, and insight on what a resume for a specific industry looks like. Once you have an idea about how writing a specific or targeted resume works, you can improve the way you write your resume. This is how they work in helping you achieve your goals of writing a job-winning resume.

Here's why we recommend you use them:

  • Makes writing a top-notch resume Easier

Most of them are written by resume experts

  • Helps you to avoid the mistakes most job seekers make

Saves you time

Makes writing a top-notch resume easier.

Writing a professional resume is easier when you use a resume example. It's no longer a hidden secret that some job seekers know little to nothing about creating a resume or cover letter. If you fall under this category, that's no problem at all. Not everyone is great at putting words on paper. So, don't feel bad because you struggle with this aspect. It isn't all doom and gloom.

Here's what you can do to make things better:

Look for samples of resumes related to the industry or position you are applying for and use them as a guide when writing yours. This will improve your ability to write a job-winning resume quickly.

When you use them, you are simply following a laid-down blueprint on the right way to write a resume suitable for any industry. This is because the options you will find on resume builders are crafted by resume experts. These experts possess vast knowledge about the do's and don'ts when it comes to writing a resume. They understand perfectly well what hiring managers look out for when they screen job resumes. For this reason, they ensure that the examples they make available to you on the resume builders are easy to read and well-formatted. They make it possible for you to draw the attention of any employer to your skills, experiences, and accomplishments. You can be sure that writer's block is a thing of the past when you use them as your guide. And the best part is this — you will be able to create a resume that will leave a lasting impression on your potential employers.

Helps you to avoid the mistakes that most job seekers make

One way to avoid the mistakes that most job seekers make is to use a guide for writing resumes. According to experts' opinions, most job seekers make spelling and grammatical errors. In the eyes of your potential employers, these mistakes are red flags that can prevent you from getting the job you crave. Using examples to create your own resume can help you cut out mistakes because you need to pay attention to every detail. By doing this, you can avoid the errors your competitors will likely make in their resumes. This gives you the upper hand.

Writing a resume from scratch takes a lot of time. But it gets better when you use samples because you get to save yourself a few minutes or hours of brain-racking. All you have to do is find a resume ideal for the industry of your choosing and use it to your advantage. Besides saving you time, you won't need to go through as much stress as you would have if you had to start from scratch.

Making a decision to use examples when crafting your resume is one step in the right direction. But before you settle for an example, here are a few things you should consider during your search:

  • Ensure they are industry-related resume
  • The resume format (Chronological, Functional, or Combination Resume Format). Make sure it is the perfect fit for the position you are applying for.

When it comes to resume writing, you control the situation completely. It is up to you to create a great resume that is well-suited to a particular position or industry. You can use this opportunity to transform your previous job experience into a sensation and catch the eye of your potential employers. If you want to pull this off easily, you can edit samples of resumes. The sole purpose of an example is to provide you with the right context required to craft a resume for a certain industry or job title. Every tip, resume format, or phrase you will find is designed to help you target industries specifically and show your worth. It helps you to prove to your employers that you are a professional who understands the demands of a position and the goal of the company. With the aid of this guide, you can easily draw the attention of the company's management to your skills, dedication, knowledge, and expertise. Regardless of the industry, you plan to begin or continue your career in, there is an example available for you to use. This implies that if you want to impress employers in industries like Information Technology, Real Estate Management, Accounting, and many others, there is one for you to edit according to your needs. No one is left out.

Final Words

So far, we have shared with you all you need to know when using these helpful tools to create your resume. It's now up to you to use all we have shown and explained to you to your advantage. Remember, although writing a great resume can be tasking, you can rest assured that if you use samples on industry-related resumes the writing experience will be much easier. We wish you success in your job hunting.

Targeting other Veterinary? See one of our examples:

  • Kennel Attendant
  • Kennel Worker
  • Veterinarian
  • Veterinarian Assistant
  • Veterinary Nurse

Most popular Resume Examples:

Learn from people who have succeeded in their job hunt

  • HRIS Specialist
  • Human Resources Coordinator
  • iOS Developer
  • Veterinary Technician
  • Dog Groomer
  • Vet Assistant
  • Pet Groomer
  • Animal Keeper
  • Law Enforcement and Security
  • Agriculture and Ranching
  • ResumeBuild
  • Kennel Assistant

5 Amazing kennel assistant Resume Examples (Updated 2023) + Skills & Job Descriptions

Build your resume in 15 minutes, kennel assistant: resume samples & writing guide, quentin adams, professional summary, employment history.

  • Assist with the intake and release of animals
  • Greet customers and answer questions about services, policies, and procedures
  • Monitor kennel areas for safety and security
  • Maintain inventory of supplies and order new items as needed
  • Ensure compliance with local, state, and federal regulations
  • Clean and disinfect kennel areas
  • Assist in the daily care and maintenance of the kennel facility

Do you already have a resume? Use our PDF converter and edit your resume.

Harold Cooper

  • Perform general administrative duties, such as filing and data entry
  • Assist with training and socialization of animals
  • Administer medications and treatments as directed
  • Feed, water, and exercise animals as needed
  • Prepare and maintain records, including medical records

Oscar Foster

  • Provide customer service, including scheduling appointments and taking payments
  • Provide basic grooming services, such as bathing and nail trimming

Norman Griffin

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kennel assistant job resume objective

Table of Content

  • Introduction
  • Resume Samples & Writing Guide
  • Resume Example 1
  • Resume Example 2
  • Resume Example 3
  • Resume Example 4
  • Resume Example 5
  • Jobs Description
  • Jobs Skills
  • Technical Skills
  • Soft Skills
  • How to Improve Your Resume
  • How to Optimize Your Resume
  • Cover Letter Example

kennel assistant Job Descriptions; Explained

If you're applying for an kennel assistant position, it's important to tailor your resume to the specific job requirements in order to differentiate yourself from other candidates. Including accurate and relevant information that directly aligns with the job description can greatly increase your chances of securing an interview with potential employers. When crafting your resume, be sure to use action verbs and a clear, concise format to highlight your relevant skills and experience. Remember, the job description is your first opportunity to make an impression on recruiters, so pay close attention to the details and make sure you're presenting yourself in the best possible light.

kennel assistant

  • Restraining boarders for veterinary services.
  • Performing toe nail trims, expressing anal glands, and bathing cats and dogs.
  • Feeding boarders, walking boarders, and cleaning runs and cages.
  • Watching boarders for any abnormal activity while boarding.
  • Creating a stress-free environment for boarders and keeping them comfortable while boarding.
  • Observe cats and dogs for signs of illness, injury, or unusual behavior; notifying veterinarians if needed
  • Clean kennels and equipment such as walking yard and dishes. 
  • Bathing and clipping of nails on dogs
  • Cleaning such as laundry, sweeping, mopping, and vacuuming
  • Collected body tissue, feces, blood, urine or other body fluids for examination and analysis.
  • Cleaned and maintained laboratory area.
  • Exercised animals residing in the kennel by walking, playing with, and feeding animals. Recorded activity and noted any unusual behavior or medical issues.
  • Administered prescribed medications under the guidance of a licensed veterinarian.
  • Greeted customers in a pleasant manner and escorted them to the examination room.
  • Provided pet owners with excellent customer service and compassionate care for their pets.
  • Bathed and provided other grooming services for domestic pets.
  • Manage bookings and Enter into computer system.
  • Clean and maintain kennels.
  • Feed, walk and bath animals.
  • Good observational skills to notice changes in animals’ behaviour.
  • Work un-supervised
  • Completed course in understanding animal behavior with high assessment scores.
  • Implemented sigma six tactics to drastically improve the process that animals were checked in and out of the resort.
  • Created a formula to expedite the process that condolence cards are sent to families.
  • Provided onsite training to other employees on the proper handling of the animals.

kennel assistant Job Skills

For an kennel assistant position, your job skills are a key factor in demonstrating your value to the company and showing recruiters that you're the ight fit for the role. It's important to be specific when highlighting your skills and ensure that they are directly aligned with the job requirements, as this can greatly improve your chances of being hired. By showcasing your relevant skills and experience, you can make a compelling case for why you're the best candidate for the job.

How to include technical skills in your resume:

Technical skills are a set of specialized abilities and knowledge required to perform a particular job effectively. Some examples of technical skills are data analysis, project management, software proficiency, and programming languages, to name a few. Add the technical skills that will get hired in your career field with our simple-to-use resume builder. Select your desired resume template, once you reach the skills section of the builder, manually write in the skill or simply click on "Add more skills". This will automatically generate the best skills for your career field, choose your skill level, and hit "Save & Next."

  • Microsoft Office
  • Office Administration
  • Data Analysis
  • Records Management
  • Receptionist Duties
  • Cash Handling
  • Inventory Management
  • Bookkeeping
  • Office Equipment Maintenance
  • Multi-tasking
  • Inventory Control
  • Document Preparation
  • Electronic Communication
  • Animal Care
  • Veterinary Software
  • Customer Service

How to include soft skills in your resume:

Soft skills are non-technical skills that relate to how you work and that can be used in any job. Including soft skills such as time management, creative thinking, teamwork, and conflict resolution demonstrate your problem-solving abilities and show that you navigate challenges and changes in the workplace efficiently. Add competitive soft skills to make your resume stand-out to recruiters! Simply select your preferred resume template in the skills section, enter the skills manually or use the "Add more skills" option. Our resume builder will generate the most relevant soft skills for your career path. Choose your proficiency level for each skill, and then click "Save & Next" to proceed to the next section.

  • Communication
  • Interpersonal
  • Time Management
  • Problem Solving
  • Decision Making
  • Critical Thinking
  • Adaptability
  • Organization
  • Public Speaking
  • Negotiation
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Attention to Detail
  • Self-Motivation
  • Stress Management
  • Collaboration
  • Strategic Thinking
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Flexibility
  • Reliability
  • Professionalism
  • Computer Literacy
  • Project Management
  • Presentation
  • Written Communication
  • Social Media
  • Troubleshooting
  • Quality Assurance
  • Supervisory
  • Risk Management
  • Database Management
  • Documentation
  • Financial Management
  • Visualization
  • Business Acumen
  • Process Improvement
  • Relationship Management.

How to Improve Your kennel assistant Resume

Navigating resume pitfalls can mean the difference between landing an interview or not. Missing job descriptions or unexplained work history gaps can cause recruiters to hesitate. Let's not even talk about the impact of bad grammar, and forgetting your contact info could leave your potential employer hanging. Aim to be comprehensive, concise, and accurate.

Provide your Contact Information and Address Year Gaps

Always explain any gaps in your work history to your advantage..

  • Employers want to know what you've accomplished, so make sure to explain any gaps using a professional summary.
  • Adding extra details and context to explain why you have a gap in your work history shows employers you are a good fit for the position.

How to Optimize Your kennel assistant Resume

Keep an eye out for these resume traps. Neglecting to detail your job roles or explain gaps in your career can lead to unnecessary doubts. Grammar blunders can reflect negatively on you, and without contact information, how can employers reach you? Be meticulous and complete.

Karl Taylor

  • to make the sentences easier to read.
  • "I went to the store to buy some groceries"
  • I went too the store too buy some grocerie's.

Include Job Descriptions and Avoid Bad Grammar

Avoid sending a wrong first impression by proofreading your resume..

  • Spelling and typos are the most common mistakes recruiters see in resumes and by simply avoiding them you can move ahead on the hiring process.
  • Before submitting your resume, double check to avoid typos.

kennel assistant Cover Letter Example

A cover letter can be a valuable addition to your job application when applying for an kennel assistant position. Cover letters provide a concise summary of your qualifications, skills, and experience, also it also gives you an opportunity to explain why you're the best fit for the job. Crafting a cover letter that showcases your relevant experience and enthusiasm for the Accounts Payable role can significantly improve your chances of securing an interview.

Greetings Apple Recruitment Team

I am excited to apply for the Chief Kennel Assistant position at Apple. As a highly skilled Kennel Assistant with 13 years of experience in Administrative & Clerical, I am confident that I can contribute significantly to your organization.

Growing up, I always had a fascination with Records Management. As I pursued my education and gained experience in this field, I realized that this was where I could make the most impact. I have had the opportunity to work on things throughout my career like personal projects and voluntary work, which have developed in me a deep understanding of the challenges and opportunities in this field. I am excited to bring my passion and expertise to the role at and help your organization achieve its goals.

Thank you for considering my application for the Chief Kennel Assistant role at your organization. I am dedicated to continuous improvement, and elated about the opportunity to join your team and work towards achieving our shared goals together.

Showcase your most significant accomplishments and qualifications with this cover letter. Personalize this cover letter in just few minutes with our user-friendly tool!

Related Resumes & Cover Letters






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Kennel Assistant resume examples for 2024

Here's your introduction:

A kennel assistant resume needs to highlight a range of skills. These include animal handling, cleanliness, and medical care. For example, they may greet clients, schedule appointments, and administer medications. They may also be responsible for cleaning cages, preparing surgical equipment, and restraining animals during procedures.


Kennel Assistant resume example

How to format your kennel assistant resume:.

  • Use the same job title on your resume as the one in the job posting for the kennel assistant position.
  • Highlight your accomplishments in previous kennel assistant roles, such as improving animal care or streamlining processes, rather than just listing your responsibilities.
  • Aim to fit your resume on one page, focusing on the most relevant and impressive experiences and skills for the kennel assistant role.

Choose from 10+ customizable kennel assistant resume templates

Choose from a variety of easy-to-use kennel assistant resume templates and get expert advice from Zippia’s AI resume writer along the way. Using pre-approved templates, you can rest assured that the structure and format of your kennel assistant resume is top notch. Choose a template with the colors, fonts & text sizes that are appropriate for your industry.

Kennel Assistant Resume

Kennel Assistant resume format and sections

1. add contact information to your kennel assistant resume.

Kennel Assistant Resume Contact Information Example # 1

Dhruv Johnson

[email protected] | 333-111-2222 |

2. Add relevant education to your kennel assistant resume

Your resume's education section should include:

  • The name of your school
  • The date you graduated ( Month, Year or Year are both appropriate)
  • The name of your degree

If you graduated more than 15 years ago, you should consider dropping your graduation date to avoid age discrimination.

Optional subsections for your education section include:

  • Academic awards (Dean's List, Latin honors, etc. )
  • GPA (if you're a recent graduate and your GPA was 3.5+)
  • Extra certifications
  • Academic projects (thesis, dissertation, etc. )

Other tips to consider when writing your education section include:

  • If you're a recent graduate, you might opt to place your education section above your experience section
  • The more work experience you get, the shorter your education section should be
  • List your education in reverse chronological order, with your most recent and high-ranking degrees first
  • If you haven't graduated yet, you can include "Expected graduation date" to the entry for that school

Check More About Kennel Assistant Education

Kennel Assistant Resume Relevant Education Example # 1

High School Diploma 2017 - 2019

Kennel Assistant Resume Relevant Education Example # 2

High School Diploma 2018 - 2020

3. Next, create a kennel assistant skills section on your resume

Your resume's skills section should include the most important keywords from the job description, as long as you actually have those skills. If you haven't started your job search yet, you can look over resumes to get an idea of what skills are the most important.

Here are some tips to keep in mind when writing your resume's skills section:

  • Include 6-12 skills, in bullet point form
  • List mostly hard skills ; soft skills are hard to test
  • Emphasize the skills that are most important for the job

Hard skills are generally more important to hiring managers because they relate to on-the-job knowledge and specific experience with a certain technology or process.

Soft skills are also valuable, as they're highly transferable and make you a great person to work alongside, but they're impossible to prove on a resume.

Example of skills to include on an kennel assistant resume

Laundry facility refers to any structure, or building, used mainly for providing coin-operated or self-service clothes washing and drying service. These facilities can be provided in a common premise or an official premise like a clinic or hospital.

An exam room in a hospital is a place where patients are examined by medical representatives. In several cases, the exam room distinguishes the doctor-patient relationship and is a critical component of the overall care process.

Scheduling appointments is the practice of finding a free slot with the person(s) you want to meet. The process of scheduling appointments involves finding mutually free time, negotiating follow-ups, sending reminders, and creating new appointments. Scheduling appointments is important to ensure that the timings of consecutive meetings do not clash with each other.

Top Skills for a Kennel Assistant

  • PET , 53.1%
  • Patients , 11.8%
  • Animal Hospital , 7.4%
  • Cleanliness , 5.8%
  • Other Skills , 21.9%

4. List your kennel assistant experience

The most important part of any resume for a kennel assistant is the experience section. Recruiters and hiring managers expect to see your experience listed in reverse chronological order, meaning that you should begin with your most recent experience and then work backwards.

Don't just list your job duties below each job entry. Instead, make sure most of your bullet points discuss impressive achievements from your past positions. Whenever you can, use numbers to contextualize your accomplishments for the hiring manager reading your resume.

It's okay if you can't include exact percentages or dollar figures. There's a big difference even between saying "Managed a team of kennel assistants" and "Managed a team of 6 kennel assistants over a 9-month project. "

Most importantly, make sure that the experience you include is relevant to the job you're applying for. Use the job description to ensure that each bullet point on your resume is appropriate and helpful.

  • Tutored current events, mathematics, literature and science.
  • Contributed to a positive overall club environment for youth development and learning
  • Led clear, concise training of CPR, First Aide and Universal Precautions.
  • Learned CPR and First Aid to tend/administer first response services.
  • Facilitated relationships with administrative staff, teaching faculty, students and parents to encourage a successful learning environment.
  • Accepted short-term position helping with food prep/service and cleaning/sanitizing kitchen area.
  • Served meals to the campers daily throughout the summer - Cleaned and organized dishes and kitchen supplies
  • Helped with preparation, set-up, and service for catering events Performed other tasks as assigned by the sous chef or chef
  • Washed dishes for the chefs that taught the cooking classes Prepared serving trays Prepared dining area
  • Repaired malfunctions on buffer machines, meat refrigeration systems, and industrial dishwashers.
  • Managed quality communication, customer support and product representation for each client.
  • Worked with the AVIMARK SYSTEM.
  • Walked through the kennel areas checking each animal individually for any abnormal activity.
  • Implemented a streamlined boarding system that fostered improved communication.
  • Provided pre and post-operative care for small domestic animals by walking and feeding them after surgeries.
  • Operated diagnostic equipment such as cbc/chemistry/electrolyte machines, and digital radiography.
  • Ensured patient safety by careful monitoring of anesthesia and aiding in patient recovery after anesthesia.
  • Assisted in anesthetic procedures by preparing patients for surgery, placing catheters, and monitoring patients under anesthesia/in recovery.
  • Assisted all DVM's, Associates and Clientele in all aspects of a Veterinary Hospital.
  • Assisted in restraining, taking patient vitals, running blood work for CBC, chemistries, urinalysis and taking digital radiographs.

5. Highlight kennel assistant certifications on your resume

Specific kennel assistant certifications can be a powerful tool to show employers you've developed the appropriate skills.

If you have any of these certifications, make sure to put them on your kennel assistant resume:

  • Certified Nurse Assistant (CNA)
  • Medical Assistant
  • OSHA Safety Certificate
  • Certified Billing and Coding Specialist (CBCS)
  • First Aid, CPR and AED Instructor
  • Certified Medical Administrative Assistant (CMAA)
  • Certified Medical Office Manager (CMOM)
  • Dental Assistant (RDA)
  • Nationally Certified Medical Office Assistant (NCMOA)

6. Finally, add an kennel assistant resume summary or objective statement

A resume summary statement consists of 1-3 sentences at the top of your kennel assistant resume that quickly summarizes who you are and what you have to offer. The summary statement should include your job title, years of experience (if it's 3+), and an impressive accomplishment, if you have space for it.

Remember to emphasize skills and experiences that feature in the job description.

Common kennel assistant resume skills

  • Animal Hospital
  • Cleanliness
  • Facility Laundry
  • Animal Handling
  • Scheduling Appointments
  • Medical Care
  • Administer Medications
  • Animal Restraint
  • Clean Cages
  • General Care
  • Medical Procedures
  • Drawing Blood
  • Surgical Equipment
  • Clean Environment
  • Surgical Procedures
  • Healthy Environment
  • Fresh Water
  • Food Intake
  • Litter Boxes
  • Surgical Instruments
  • General Maintenance
  • Clean Kennels
  • Emergency Situations
  • Water Animals
  • Animal Cages
  • Food Supplements
  • Animal Species
  • Animal Safety
  • Veterinary Procedures
  • Observe Animals
  • Fecal Samples
  • Water Bowls

Kennel Assistant Jobs

Links to help optimize your kennel assistant resume.

  • How To Write A Resume
  • List Of Skills For Your Resume
  • How To Write A Resume Summary Statement
  • Action Words For Your Resume
  • How To List References On Your Resume

Updated April 25, 2024

Editorial Staff

The Zippia Research Team has spent countless hours reviewing resumes, job postings, and government data to determine what goes into getting a job in each phase of life. Professional writers and data scientists comprise the Zippia Research Team.

Kennel Assistant Related Resumes

  • Assistant Resume
  • VET Assistant Resume

Kennel Assistant Related Careers

  • Kennel Attendant
  • Kennel Technician
  • Laboratory Animal Caretaker
  • Research Animal Attendant
  • VET Assistant
  • Veterinarian Assistant

Kennel Assistant Related Jobs

What similar roles do.

  • What Does an Assistant Do
  • What Does a Kennel Technician Do
  • What Does a Laboratory Animal Caretaker Do
  • What Does a VET Assistant Do
  • Zippia Careers
  • Healthcare Support Industry
  • Kennel Assistant
  • Kennel Assistant Resume

Browse healthcare support jobs

Kennel Technician Resume Samples

A Kennel Technician takes care of pet animals in veterinary clinics and animal shelters. The common duties listed on the Kennel Technician Resume include – feeding and giving water to animals as per special feeding instructions, cleaning and organizing animal quarters , scheduling appointments, examining and observing animals to check for signs of disease, illness or injuries; providing information about animals like habitat, breeding habits and behavior; providing treatment to sick animals, collecting and recording information such as size, weight, treatments and medications received; and administering vaccinations.

A perfect candidate is the one, who can listen carefully to what people say, has good time management and communication skills, is good at understanding instructions and can make judgments and has tremendous knowledge of grooming and training animals. A combination of education and experience is required for this role and hence job applicants are expected to possess an associate’s degree in veterinary studies and have relevant experience.

Kennel Technician Resume example

  • Resume Samples
  • Kennel Technician

Assistant Manager/Kennel Technician Resume

Headline : An enthusiastic Assistant Manager/Kennel Technician with the proven ability to adapt to many different kinds of work. Excellent customer service, time management and am very much a team player. Loves working with people and animals and have experience working with both. A responsible young adult, self-starter with extreme multi-tasking abilities seeking full-time employment with a reputable company.

Skills : Well Productive, Good Leadership, Strong Interpersonal, Set Goals And Clear Ideas, Good Communicational, Possess Excellent Organizational

Assistant Manager/Kennel Technician Resume Model

Description :

  • Caring for pets while the owner is at work, on vacation, etc.
  • Giving food and water to animals and monitoring animal's record details of their diet, physical condition, and behavior.
  • Responsible for cleaning equipment and the living spaces of animals (clean, disinfect, and repair animal cages).
  • Examining animals for signs of illness or injury, and send out dogs to the park for daily playtime (running dogs out to the park twice a day).
  • Training animals to obey or to behave in a specific manner if needed.
  • Taking dogs out during assigned times and marking on their charts that they went out.
  • Feeding/watering animals that are boarded or currently at appointments.
  • Giving medications to any boarded animals as needed for their stay, or for their appointment.
  • Maintaining a positive and constructive work atmosphere by exhibiting tactfulness, leadership skills, and problem-solving skills.

Kennel Technician Manager Resume

Summary : Patient and animal-loving Kennel Technician Manager with a strong love of animals takes exceptional care of pets that are being boarded. Provides additional services including grooming walking and feeding. Adept at performing basic care for dogs creating detailed reports to monitor dog conditions and making sure the animals have clean and sanitary living spaces and certain pets separated from one another depending on breed and demeanor.

Skills : Friendly And Out Going Personality, Loyal To Company, Responsible, Faithful, Cashier, Customer Service, Organization, Managerial

Kennel Technician Manager Resume Model

  • Providing all clients, staff, and volunteers with courteous, professional, and prompt customer service regardless of circumstances.
  • Assisting with daily animal care and cleaning that includes the removal of animal waste and sanitization of the animal holding area with appropriate chemicals.
  • Performing multiple tasks in a high-stress, emotionally charged environment.
  • Reporting any issues with customers, animals, facility, equipment, or supplies to Kennel Supervisor or Office Manager.
  • Working with staff members to properly restrain and calm animals during procedures.
  • Participating in company team building activities to promote a cohesive work environment.
  • Distributing stock to appropriate areas in facility and keeping a record of supplies needing to be ordered.
  • Adhering to strict regiments of feedings, medication administration, and transfer to, and from exercise yards.

Receptionist/Kennel Technician Resume

Objective : Receptionist/Kennel Technician specializes in long-term kennel work and kennel safety. Ability to juggle multiple tasks and work well under pressure. Responsible Kennel Attendant who remains clearheaded in the face of emotionally demanding jobs. Effectively soothes and manages difficult animals. Great at customer service.

Skills : Daily Caretaking Needs Of Animals, Clean And Disinfect Animal Enclosures, Administer Medication To Patients, Properly Restrain Animals

Receptionist/Kennel Technician Resume Template

  • Improved overall kennel operation by focusing on teamwork, effective time management, and close attention to detail.
  • Administered food and medication as indicated by owners and veterinarian to dogs when needed.
  • Knowledgeably communicated information with guests regarding their pets visit and the quality of their stay.
  • Attended to guests checking in and out of the kennel in a timely, efficient, and helpful manner.
  • Assisted in maintaining the appearance and cleanliness of the kennel daily.
  • Operated cage washing equipment and other types of cleaning and sanitizing equipment.
  • Observed and reported changes in the health status or condition of animals.
  • Assisted in performing technical procedures. Collected blood samples and feces, urine, or other types of specimens from animals.
  • Performed other duties as assigned by the supervisor.
  • Assisted in keeping the facility neat and free of litter.

Kennel Technician / Team Lead Resume

Headline : Meticulous Kennel Technician / Team Lead, excellent at juggling multiple tasks and working under pressure in shelters, veterinary offices. Enjoys building positive, trusting relationships with both owners and pets and providing top-notch care. To assist the customers and my co-workers by performing my duties and assigned tasks to the best of my abilities with a pleasant attitude.

Skills : Customer Service, Money Handling, Pet Care, Cleaning

Kennel Technician / Team Lead Resume Model

  • Exemplified the ability to assist the nurse staff in the administering of vaccinations medications, and treatment.
  • Executed the ability to care for the animals insuring they are fed, medications are taken, and are let out for exercise.
  • Implemented knowledge of housekeeping by keeping the hospital clean and organized.
  • Demonstrated the ability to follow direction and instructions when assigned to tasks assigned to take care of.
  • Restrained animals for humane euthanasia and handler safety.
  • Determined proper dosage of the drug for tranquilization and euthanasia and administers injections.
  • Operated crematorium for disposal of dead animals. Assisted with foster animal placement, including scheduled and/or performed foster animal exams and check-ups, organizing additional medical care when necessary.
  • Assisted with vetting and orienting new foster parents, matching animals with appropriate foster homes, responding to foster home questions and concerns.
  • Worked with Outreach Coordinator to ensure a clear pathway for animals transferring from foster home to an offsite adoption event/venue, etc., maintained electronic foster home and animal records.

Kennel Technician/Bather Resume

Objective : Motivated Kennel Technician/Bather with wide-ranging abilities relating to animal care including pet sitting, dog walking and basic training techniques. Offers loving care to animals of all kinds. skills Self-motivated Resourceful Trustworthy Enthusiastic Organized Patient. Passion for building strong work relationships and improving workplace functionality through teamwork. Remarkable communication skills and the ability to foster positive relationships with a variety of clients.

Skills : Typing, Customer Service, Money Handling, Customer Relations, Quick Learner

Kennel Technician/Bather Resume Example

  • Prepared food for all the animals boarding to meet all the proper dietary needs.
  • Developed long-term relationships with pet parents by understanding their needs, and recommending products and services that will keep their pets happy & healthy.
  • Kept clean and accurate records on animal behavior, food intake and medications.
  • Played with, petted and brushed cats to relieve anxiety while owners were out of town.
  • Maintained accurate and detailed logs and inventories of animals, food, and equipment.
  • Greeted the public, volunteers, and staff, assisted with the intake and release of dogs.
  • Maintained precise records of dogs moving within, into, or out of the kennel, following the procedures to assure that complete and accurate information regarding care, medications, food, etc. is communicated clearly to all related constituents. 
  • Kept precise records relating to medications administered and prescribed, conditions under observation, and care given to the dogs and puppies in the kennel.

Headline : Receptionist/Kennel Technician with strong interpersonal communication skills tailored toward customer service. Quick learner and highly adaptive. Strong time management skills with the ability to prioritize and delegate with little supervision. Self-starter with an outgoing personality. Seeking a part-time or full-time position to utilize customer service skills with the opportunity to advance to management.

Skills : Management, Scheduling, Customer Service, Phone Answering, Cash Handling, Banking, Cleaning, Inventory. Computer.

Receptionist/Kennel Technician Resume Model

  • Bringing animals to and from the kennel during check-in and check-out times.
  • Maintaining the clinic as a whole by performing tasks including, but not limited to, sweeping/mopping floors, wiping counters, taking out the trash, cleaning bathrooms, and checking equipment and supplies.
  • Assisting other staff members on occasion with such tasks as helping restrain an animal, helping clients with their pets, etc.
  • Supervising and interacting with animals both inside the facility and outside in the yards.
  • Feeding and giving water to animals per company procedure and client instruction.
  • Cleaning and disinfecting cages, dog runs, food and water containers.
  • Performing yard work which includes shoveling, raking, water removal and removal of animal waste and debris.
  • Maintaining cleanliness of facility by vacuuming, washing floors, dusting, scrubbing walls and removing trash and animal waste.

Overnight Kennel Technician Resume

Objective : Highly motivated and energetic Overnight Kennel Technician with a variety of life and work experience. Excel at Customer Service and working independently or as part of a team. Routinely described as reliable, hardworking, organized, and a fast learner. Seeking an opportunity to work in an encouraging and positive environment with a commitment to excellence.

Skills : Microsoft Office, Food And Beverage, Pet Care, Cleaning, Customer Service, Money Handling

Overnight Kennel Technician Resume Model

  • Cleaned, sanitized, did laundry, and performed general maintenance in the kennel and on the grounds.
  • Monitored stool conditions, health conditions, wellbeing, and recognized emergent health conditions.
  • Exercised caution, proper behavior, and handling of red tags (dangerous, aggressive animals).
  • Moved animals safely throughout the kennel and grounds, prepped animals for pick up, brought animals up to the office for pick up and brought them back to the kennel after being dropped off, while providing exceptional customer service.
  • Completed morning/evening feeding, with an awareness of and compliance with any special feeding requirements and medications.
  • Completed any observation logs found on cages on a daily basis, place new logs when appropriate, and communicate the use of logs to the appropriate department.
  • Observed animals, report changes in behavior (aggressiveness, listlessness, not eating) and possible health problems (diarrhea, vomiting) to appropriate staff.
  • Used medical concern board and behavior logs and memos on a daily basis.

Kennel Technician/Groomer's Assistant Resume

Headline : Highly dedicated Kennel Technician/Groomer's Assistant committed to the health and well-being of animals and passionate about conservation. Well organized, motivated, able to take initiative, and able to work independently. Looking to become a key member of a team who supports and assists veterinarians and veterinary technicians, ensuring the safety of pets, clients, and other associates, while providing high-quality animal care.

Skills : Microsoft Powerpoint, Excel, Word, And Access, CPR Certified, Dependable, And Responsible Worker.

Kennel Technician/Groomer's Assistant Resume Format

  • Daily cleaning and disinfecting kennels, exercise, training areas, and grounds and other kennel facilities using approved cleaning supplies, tools, and methods.
  • Cleaning and sanitizing toys, beds, feeding bowls, crates, and other equipment.
  • Reporting maintenance problems or repairs to the supervisor.
  • Preparing and dispensing food in appropriate amounts and time intervals, including feeding of special diets to kennel dogs and puppies per feeding instructions and guidelines.
  • Preparing specific diets for individual dogs and oversee the preparation of special diets and amounts.
  • Understanding and able to identify the clinical signs and symptoms in a dog that indicate a change of diet may be required, suggesting and understanding appropriate transition protocol.
  • Ensuring that records of dog feeding are appropriately documented.
  • Providing quality care and a safe environment to kenneled dogs and puppies.
  • Providing immediate response to a dog or puppy in distress.

Summary : Assistant Manager/Kennel Technician with 7 years of working in shelters. Patient and personable Kennel Attendant focused on developing and maintaining trusting relationships with shy, aggressive and withdrawn animals. Meticulous Kennel Attendant, excellent at juggling multiple tasks and working under pressure. Looking to become a part of a team, grow with a company, and further grow me through hard work and dedication.

Skills : Excellent Customer Service, Customer Relations, Daily Caretaking Needs Of Animals, Clean And Disinfect Animal Enclosures, Administering Medication To Patients

Assistant Manager/Kennel Technician Resume Example

  • Oversaw cleaning and maintenance for 150+ kennels, including all facility grounds.
  • Greeted customers, and guided them through in, and out-boarding of pets.
  • Walked through the kennel areas checking each animal individually for any abnormal activity such as vomiting, diarrhea, or blood in the cage or run.
  • Reported all abnormal activity to supervisors, doctors, and technicians and write findings on the treatment board.
  • Recognized emergency situations, enlisting the aid of doctors and technicians.
  • Marked boarders food sheets correctly for eating, drinking, fecal and urine production.
  • Connected with clients to determine their pet's needs during the boarding process.
  • Responsible for picking up dogs from their homes and taking them for hikes in the mountains.
  • Ensured all dog's that are entering their vaccines are up to date and they are spayed/neutered.

Objective : Kennel Technician / Team Lead looking for a challenging position in the veterinary field/customer service industry where I can utilize my persuasive and creative problem-solving skills with a strong aptitude to develop my skills in order to compete and be productive in the workplace. To obtain a position where my skills, abilities, and experiences will be used to the fullest which will allow me to grow within the company.

Skills : Daily Caretaking Needs Of Animals, Clean And Disinfect Animal Enclosures, Administer Medication To Patients, Properly Restrain Animals For Vets & Techs, Maintain Patient Charts That Document Daily Care

Kennel Technician / Team Lead Resume Sample

  • Performed animal grooming duties such as washing, brushing, clipping, and trimming coats, cutting nails, and cleaning ears.
  • Mixed food, liquid formulas, medications, or food supplements according to instructions, prescriptions, and knowledge of animal species.
  • Attended to boarding and grooming animals, keeping kennels clean as well as letting pets outside to play.
  • Sterilized all surgery equipment, did laundry, clean and mop hospital, and assisted nurses and doctors with anything they needed.
  • Monitored animals' recovering from surgery and notified veterinarians of any changes.
  • Advised animal owners regarding sanitary measures, feeding, general care, medical conditions and treatment options.
  • Communicated with all clients about boarding their pets, and explaining all requirements and caretaking procedure.
  • Made sure all animals we properly fed, walked, and medicated 2-3 times daily.

Table of Contents

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Branch Manager

Job Posting for Branch Manager at The Honesdale National Bank

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$63,458 - $81,325

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Banking Products Skill

  • Private Banker I Income Estimation: $60,177 - $106,994
  • Lending Officer II Income Estimation: $68,021 - $94,835

Branch Opening/Closing Procedures Skill

  • Branch Manager, Sr. Income Estimation: $81,465 - $106,771
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Job openings at The Honesdale National Bank

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  1. Kennel Assistant Resume Examples and Tips

    kennel assistant job resume objective

  2. Kennel Worker Resume Samples

    kennel assistant job resume objective

  3. Top 18 Kennel Assistant Resume Objective Examples

    kennel assistant job resume objective

  4. Kennel Assistant Resume Samples

    kennel assistant job resume objective

  5. Kennel Assistant Resume Samples

    kennel assistant job resume objective

  6. Kennel Worker Resume Samples

    kennel assistant job resume objective


  1. Top 18 Kennel Assistant Resume Objective Examples

    A right resume objective for a kennel assistant should focus on demonstrating an understanding of the job duties and responsibilities, such as caring for animals, cleaning kennels, and providing customer service; whereas a wrong resume objective may focus on the applicant's personal goals, such as career growth or salary increase.

  2. Kennel Assistant Resume: How To Write One (Plus Example)

    A well-crafted resume can attract the attention of employers, communicate your experience and goals effectively and increase your chances of moving forward in the hiring process. If you're interested in a position as a kennel assistant (or kennel attendant), having a strong resume can help you in your job search process. By learning about the ...

  3. Professional Kennel Assistant Resume Examples

    Kennel Assistant. 12/1/2010 - 7/1/2014. Company Name. City, State. Helped to clean individual kennel stalls and reported any possible dog issues to management. Carefully analyzed and carried out vet's orders for each individual dog. Responsible for fielding calls from dog families and answering any questions.

  4. Kennel Assistant Resume Samples

    Kennel Assistant Resume. Objective : Efficient and organized surveillance professional with 7 years in security and safety compliance .as well as 2 years Experience as a Line Cook with exceptional knowledge of a wide variety of kitchen equipment and cooking techniques in a fast-paced environment. Skills : Teaching, Microsoft Office, Teamwork, Training, Organizational Skills, Child Management.

  5. Kennel Assistant Resume Samples and Guide

    Kennel Assisting Resume Samples. 1. Candidate seeking kennel attendant job. Kennel attendant. Passionate animal lover with significant experience caring for pets and volunteering at animal shelters, interested in the role of kennel assistant for the chance to engage my skills in animal care to ensure the animals receive all the attention they ...

  6. Kennel Assistant Resume Examples & Samples for 2024

    Kennel Assistant Salary and Outlook. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), animal caretakers (including kennel assistants) earn a median annual salary of $22,950. The lowest-paid 10 percent of workers in this role earn less than $17,880 per year, while the highest-paid 10 percent earn over $36,630 annually.

  7. Kennel Assistant Resume Examples

    To improve the matching degree of a job seeker's Kennel Assistant resume with the existing job position, we propose taking advantage of widely used keywords and phrases best showing your competencies, experience, and pro expertise. ... Include your resume objective or summary, following the pattern Take a look at how the skills are highlighted ...

  8. Kennel Assistant Resume Sample & Tips

    kennel assistant Job Descriptions; Explained. If you're applying for an kennel assistant position, it's important to tailor your resume to the specific job requirements in order to differentiate yourself from other candidates. Including accurate and relevant information that directly aligns with the job description can greatly increase your chances of securing an interview with potential ...

  9. 10 Kennel Assistant Resume Examples For 2024

    Kennel Assistant resume format and sections. 1. 1. Add contact information to your kennel assistant resume. Your nameshould be the biggest text on the page and be at or near the top of the document. Your addressdoesn't need to include your street name or house number - listing your city and state works just fine.

  10. How To Write an Entry-Level Animal Care Resume (Plus Example)

    Entry-level animal caretaker resume example Here is an example of an entry-level animal caretaker resume: Ali Sukarno 123 Poplar Street, Park Forest, IL 60466 333-444-5555 [email protected] Objective Highly motivated animal care assistant with over 3 years of experience working with animal shelters, seeking to use time management skills and attention to detail to run daily operations in an ...

  11. 2 Kennel Assistant Resume Samples

    If you want a kennel assistant job you need a strong resume that focuses on your relevant skills and capabilities. The following kennel assistant resume sample will help you craft your job application. Kennel Assistant Resume Example 1 (Simple Version) Teddy Santos 778 Lewis Drive Nashville, TN 73837

  12. Kennel Assistant Resume Sample

    Check Out one of our best kennel assistant resume samples with education, skills and work history to help you curate your own perfect resume for kennel assistant or similar profession ... Identified plans and resources required to meet project goals and objectives. ... Job Titles Held: Kennel Assistant; Project Manager, Editor, and Director ...

  13. Kennel Assistant Resume Sample

    Kennel Assistant, 04/2019 - 07/2019 Rocky Creek Veterinary Hospital - Greer, SC, . Monitored safety and security of every animal to prevent injuries from other animals or environmental hazards.

  14. Kennel Technician Resume Samples

    Kennel Technician/Bather Resume. Objective : Motivated Kennel Technician/Bather with wide-ranging abilities relating to animal care including pet sitting, dog walking and basic training techniques. Offers loving care to animals of all kinds. skills Self-motivated Resourceful Trustworthy Enthusiastic Organized Patient.

  15. Kennel Attendant Resume Examples & Samples for 2024

    Kennel attendants in the 10th percentile earn close to $17,880 a year, while the highest paid make $36,630. Overall employment for animal care and service workers is expected to grow 11 percent by 2024, which is faster than average for all occupations. Employment of kennel assistants in the pet services industry will continue grow to keep up ...

  16. Animal Care Resume Examples: Templates & Tips

    As our animal care resume examples show, start with a concise summary or objective statement, followed by sections for your work experience, education, skills, certifications and any relevant volunteer or internship experience. Use bullet points to highlight your responsibilities and achievements in each role.

  17. Kennel Assistant Jobs, Employment in Moscow, IA

    15 Kennel Assistant jobs available in Moscow, IA on Apply to Veterinary Assistant, Kennel Assistant, Logistic Coordinator and more!

  18. Kennel Attendant Jobs in Moscow, OH

    Find all Moscow, OH Kennel Attendant jobs at All Kennel Attendant jobs available.

  19. Branch Manager Job Opening in Moscow, PA at The Honesdale National Bank

    Responsible for generating business within your branch office and surrounding market, directly supervising, coaching, and developing all personnel assigned while ensuring world-class customer service and promoting growth and profitability of the institution while achieving the bank's goals and objectives.

  20. kennel assistant $25,000 jobs in Moscow, IA

    13 Kennel Assistant $25,000 jobs available in Moscow, IA on Apply to Veterinary Assistant, Kennel Assistant, Logistic Coordinator and more!

  21. Veterinary Assistant Jobs, Employment in Idaho

    Magic Valley Veterinary Hospital. Twin Falls, ID 83301. $15 - $16 an hour. Full-time. Monday to Friday + 1. Easily apply. Veterinary assistant: 1 year (Preferred). Willing to assist throughout the hospital, as needed (phones, kennels, cleaning, etc.). Bonus package: $500 (BOE).